NPP FCC Exhibit No. 125
NPP FCC Exhibit No. 125
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 (FOR CHIEF, AUDIO DIVISION, MEDIA BUREAU) DATE: 11/23/2010 X CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT: FROM: SUN CITY LICENSES, LLC CONSENT TO TRANSFER: TO: ATMOR PROPERTIES INC. Licensee/Permittee: (for transfer only) CALL CLASS SIGN FM KVIB FACILITY FILE# ID BALH-20101007AAU 16770 STATION LOCATION SUN CITY WEST, AZ AUXILIARY STATIONS ALL CURRENTLY AUTHORIZED AUXILIARY STATIONS Under authority of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, the consent of the Federal Communications Commission is hereby granted to the transaction indicated above. The Commission's consent to the above is based on the representations made by the applicants that the statements contained in, or made in connection with, the application are true and that the undertakings of the parties upon which this transaction is authorized will be carried out in good faith. The actual consummation of voluntary transactions shall be completed within 90 days from the date hereof, and notice in letter form thereof shall promptly be furnished to the Commission by the seller or buyer showing the date the acts necessary to effect the transaction were completed. Upon furnishing the Commission with such written notice, this transaction will be considered completed for all purposes related to the above described station(s). FCC Form 323, Ownership Report, must be filed within 30 days after consummation, by the licensee/permittee or assignee. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ASSIGNMENTS ONLY: Upon consummation the assignor must deliver the permit/license, including any modifications thereof to the assignee. It is hereby directed that, upon consummation, a copy of this consent be posted with the station authorization(s) as required by the Commission's Rules and Regulations. The assignee is not authorized to construct nor operate said station(s) unless and until notification of consummation in letter form has been forwarded to the Commission. NPP FCC Exhibit No. 125 Page 1 of 1 FCC FORM 732 August 1992 CDBS Print Page 1 of 9 Approved by OMB FOR FCC USE ONLY 3060-0031 (June 2010) Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. 20554 FCC 314 APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT OF BROADCAST STATION CONSTRUCTION PERMIT OR LICENSE FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY FILE NO. BALH - 20101007AAU Read INSTRUCTIONS Before Filling Out Form Section I - General Information 1. Legal Name of the Licensee/Permittee SUN CITY LICENSES, LLC Mailing Address 4745 NORTH 7TH STREET, SUITE 410 City PHOENIX State or Country (if foreign address) AZ Zip Code 85014 - Telephone Number (include area code) 6026829800 E-Mail Address (if available) [email protected] FCC Registration Number: 0013781786 Facility ID Number 16770 Call Sign KVIB 2. Contact Representative (if other than licensee/permittee) KEVIN C. BOYLE Firm or Company Name LATHAM & WATKINS LLP Mailing Address 555 ELEVENTH STREET, NW, SUITE 1000 City WASHINGTON State or Country (if foreign address) DC Telephone Number (include area code) 2026372200 ZIP Code 20004 - 1304 E-Mail Address (if available) [email protected] 3. Legal Name of the Assignee ATMOR PROPERTIES INC. Mailing Address 17077 SWANSFIELD ROAD City COLUMBIA State or Country (if foreign address) MD Telephone Number (include area code) 2023509658 4. Contact Representative (if other than assignee) A. THOMAS CARROCCIO ZIP Code 21044 E-Mail Address (if available) [email protected] Firm or Company Name Mailing Address 1140 NINETEENTH ST. SUITE 600 City WASHINGTON State or Country (if foreign address) DC Telephone Number (include area code) 2022968870 Zip Code 20036 E-Mail Address (if available) [email protected] 5. 4/7/2011 CDBS Print Page 2 of 9 If this application has been submitted without a fee, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.F.R. Section 1.1114): Governmental Entity Noncommercial Educational Licensee/Permittee Other N/A (Fee Required) 6. Purpose of Application: Assignment of license Assignment of construction permit Amendment to pending application File number of pending application: If an amendment, submit as an Exhibit a listing by Section and Question Number of the portions of the pending application that are being revised. 7. Were any of the authorizations that are the subject of this application obtained through the Commission's competitive bidding procedures (see 47 C.F.R. Sections 1.2111(a) and 73.5001)? If yes, list pertinent authorizations in an Exhibit. [Exhibit 1] Yes No [Exhibit 2] 8. a. Were any of the authorizations that are the subject of this application obtained through the Commission's point system for reserved channel noncommercial educational stations (see 47 C.F.R. Sections 73.7001 and 73.7003)? Yes No b. If yes to 8(a), have all such stations operated for at least 4 years with a minimum operating schedule since grant pursuant to the point system? If no, list pertinent authorizations in an Exhibit and include in the Exhibit a showing that the transaction is consistent with the holding period requirements of 47 C.F.R. Section 73.7005 (a). Yes No c. LPFM Licenses Only: Has the assignor held the station license and operated the station for at least three years? [Exhibit 3] Yes No N/A 9. a. Were any of the authorizations that are the subject of this application obtained after award of a dispositive Section 307(b) preference using the Tribal Priority, or through the Tribal Priority as applied before the NCE fair distribution analysis set forth in 47 C.F.R. § 73.7002 (b)? Yes No b. If yes to 9(a), have all such stations operated for at least 4 years with a minimum operating schedule since grant? Yes No c. If no to 9(b), are both the assignor/transferor and assignee/transferee either (1) a federally recognized Native American tribe or Alaska Native village (a "Tribe") or consortium of Tribes, (2) an enrolled member of a Tribe, or (3) an entity 70 percent or more owned or controlled by a Tribe or Tribes, or enrolled member(s) of a Tribe or Tribes, and are the qualifying Tribe or Tribes in factors (1), (2), or (3) occupying tribal lands, portions of which are covered by at least 50 percent of the stations' principal community contours? Yes No [Exhibit 4] If no, list pertinent authorizations in an Exhibit and include in the Exhibit a showing that the transaction is consistent with the established Tribal Priority holding period restrictions, or that the policy should be waived. Section II - Assignor 1. Certification. Licensee/permittee certifies that it has answered each question in this application based on its review of the application instructions and worksheets. Licensee further Yes No 4/7/2011 CDBS Print Page 3 of 9 certifies that where it has made an affirmative certification below, this certification constitutes its representation that the application satisfies each of the pertinent standards and criteria set forth in the application instructions and worksheets. 2. Authorizations to be Assigned. List the authorized stations and construction permits to be assigned. Provide the Facility Identification Number and the Call Sign, or the Facility Identification Number and the File Number of the Construction Permit, and the location, for each station to be assigned. Include main stations, FM and/or TV translator stations, LPTV stations, FM and/or TV booster stations. [Enter Station Information] List the authorized stations and construction permits to be assigned. Provide the Facility Identification Number and the Call Sign, or the Facility Identification Number and the File Number of the Construction Permit, and the location, for each station to be assigned. Include main stations, FM and/or TV translator stations, LPTV stations, FM and/or TV booster stations. Facility ID Number 16770 Call Sign or Construction Permit File Number KVIB - City SUN CITY WEST State AZ 3. Agreements for Sale of Station. Licensee/permittee certifies that: a. it has placed in its public inspection file(s) and submitted as an exhibit to this item copies of all agreements for the sale of the station(s); b. these documents embody the complete and final understanding between licensee/permittee and assignee; and c. these agreements comply fully with the Commission's rules and policies. Exhibit Required 4. Other Authorizations. List call signs, locations and facility identifiers of all other broadcast stations in which licensee/permittee or any party to the application has an attributable interest. 5. Character Issues. Licensee/permittee certifies that neither licensee/permittee nor any party to the application has or has had any interest in, or connection with: a. any broadcast application in any proceeding where character issues were left unresolved or were resolved adversely against the applicant or any party to the application; or b. any pending broadcast application in which character issues have been raised. 6. Adverse Findings. Licensee/permittee certifies that, with respect to the licensee/permittee and each party to the application, no adverse finding has been made, nor has an adverse final action been taken by any court or administrative body in a civil or criminal proceeding brought under the provisions of any law related to any of the following: any felony; mass media-related antitrust or unfair competition; fraudulent statements to another governmental unit; or discrimination. 7. Local Public Notice. Licensee/permittee certifies that it has or will comply with the public notice requirements of 47 C.F.R. Section 73.3580. 8. Auction Authorization. Licensee/permittee certifies that more than five years have passed since the issuance of the construction permit for the station being assigned, where that permit was acquired in an auction through the use of a bidding credit or other special measure. Yes No [Exhibit 5] N/A [Exhibit 6] Yes No See Explanation in [Exhibit 7] Yes No See Explanation in [Exhibit 8] Yes No Yes No N/A See Explanation in [Exhibit 9] 9. Anti-Drug Abuse Act Certification. Licensee/permittee certifies that neither licensee/permittee nor any party to the application is subject to denial of federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. Section 862. Yes No 4/7/2011 CDBS Print Page 4 of 9 10. Anti-Discrimination Certification. Licensee/permittee certifies that neither licensee/permittee nor any party to the application have violated the Commission's prohibition against discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or sex in the sale of commercially operated AM, FM, TV, Class A TV or international broadcast stations. Yes No N/A See Explanation in [Exhibit 10] I certify that the statements in this application are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and are made in good faith. I acknowledge that all certifications and attached Exhibits are considered material representations. Typed or Printed Name of Person Signing STEPHEN F. GORMLEY Signature Typed or Printed Title of Person Signing MANAGER OF SOLE MEMBER OF SOLE MEMBER Date 10/06/2010 WILLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS FORM ARE PUNISHABLE BY FINE AND/OR IMPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION LICENSE OR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT (U.S. CODE, TITLE 47, SECTION 312(a)(1)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. CODE, TITLE 47, SECTION 503). Section III - Assignee 1. Certification. Assignee certifies that it has answered each question in this application based on its review of the application instructions and worksheets. Assignee further certifies that where it has made an affirmative certification below, this certification constitutes its representation that the application satisfies each of the pertinent standards and criteria set forth in the application instructions and worksheets. 2. Assignee is: an individual a limited partnership a general partnership a not-for-profit corporation Yes No a for-profit corporation a limited liability company (LLC/LC) other a. If "other", describe nature of applicant in an Exhibit. 3. Agreements for Sale of Station. Assignee certifies that: a. the written agreements in the licensee/permittee's public inspection file and submitted to the Commission embody the complete and final agreement for the sale of the station(s) which are to be assigned; and b. these agreements comply fully with the Commission's rules and policies. [Exhibit 11] Yes No See Explanation in [Exhibit 12] 4. Parties to the Application. a. List the assignee, and, if other than a natural person, its officers, directors, stockholders with attributable interests, non-insulated partners and/or members. If a corporation or partnership holds an attributable interest in the assignee, list separately its officers, directors, stockholders with attributable interests, non-insulated partners and/or members. Create a separate row for each individual or entity. Attach additional pages if necessary. (1) Name and address of the assignee and each (2) Citizenship. party to the application holding an attributable (3) Positional Interest: Officer, director, general partner, limited intrerest (if other than individual also show partner, LLC member, investor/creditor attributable under the name, address and citizenship of natural Commission's equity/debt plus standard., etc. person authorized to vote the stock or holding the attributable interest). List the assignee (4) Percentage of votes. first, officers next, then directors and, thereafter, remaining stockholders and other (5) Percentage of total assets (debt plus equity). entities with attributable interests, and 4/7/2011 CDBS Print Page 5 of 9 partners. [Enter Parties/Owners Information] 4a. Parties to the Application List the assignee, and, if other than a natural person, its officers, directors, stockholders with attributable interests, non-insulated partners and/or members. If a corporation or partnership holds an attributable interest in the assignee, list separately its officers, directors, stockholders with attributable interests, non-insulated partners and/or members. Create a separate row for each individual or entity. (1) Name and address of the assignee and each party to the application holding an attributable intrerest (if other than individual also show name, address and citizenship of natural person authorized to vote the stock or holding the attributable interest). List the assignee first, officers next, then directors and, thereafter, remaining stockholders and other entities with attributable interests, and partners. (2) Citizenship. (3) Positional Interest: Officer, director, general partner, limited partner, LLC member, investor/creditor attributable under the Commission's equity/debt plus standard., etc. (4) Percentage of votes. (5) Percentage of total assets(debt plus equity). (1) Name and Address SHUBERT-ATMOR VALUE ENTERPRISE, LLC, 11077 SWANSFIELD ROAD, COLUMBIA, MD 21044 (1) Name and Address LEE W. SHUBERT, 11077 SWANSFIELD ROAD, COLUMBIA, MD 21044 (2) Citizenship US (2) Citizenship US (3) Positional Interest TRUSTEE (3) Positional Interest SOLE MEMBER OF TRUSTEE (4) Percentage (5) Percentage of Votes of total assets (debt plus equity) 100 100 (4) Percentage (5) Percentage of Votes of total assets (debt plus equity) 100 100 or [Exhibit 13] b. Assignee certifies that equity interests not set forth above are non-attributable. Yes No N/A See Explanation in [Exhibit 14] 5. Other Authorizations. List call signs, locations and facility identifiers of all other broadcast stations in which licensee/permittee or any party to the application has an attributable interest. N/A [Exhibit 15] 6. Multiple Ownership. a. Is the assignee or any party to the application the holder of an attributable radio joint sales agreement or an attributable radio or television time brokerage agreement with the station(s) subject to this application or with any other station in the same market as the station(s) subject to this application? Yes No [Exhibit 16] If "Yes," radio applicants must submit as an Exhibit a copy of each such agreement for radio stations. b. Assignee certifies that the proposed assignment complies with the Commission's multiple ownership rules and cross-ownership rules. AM and/or FM Radio applicants only: If "Yes," submit an Exhibit providing information Yes No [Exhibit 17] 4/7/2011 CDBS Print Page 6 of 9 regarding the market, broadcast station(s), and other information necessary to demonstrate compliance with 47 C.F.R. § 73.3555(a). All applicants: If "No," submit as an Exhibit a detailed explanation in support of an exemption from, or waiver of, 47 C.F.R. § 73.3555. c. Assignee certifies that the proposed assignment: 1. does not present an issue under the Commission's policies relating to media interests of immediate family members; 2. complies with the Commission's policies relating to future ownership interests; and 3. complies with the Commission's restrictions relating to the insulation and nonparticipation of non-party investors and creditors. d. Does the Assignee claim status as an "eligible entity," that is, an entity that qualifies as a small business under the Small Business Administration's size standards for its industry grouping (as set forth in 13 C.F.R. § 121-201), and holds (1) 30 percent or more of the stock or partnership interests and more than 50 percent of the voting power of the corporation or partnership that will own the media outlet; or (2) 15 percent or more of the stock or partnership interests and more than 50 percent of the voting power of the corporation or partnership that will own the media outlet, provided that no other person or entity owns or controls more than 25 percent of the outstanding stock or partnership interests; or (3) more than 50 percent of the voting power of the corporation that will own the media outlet (if such corporation is a publicly traded company)? Yes No See Explanation in [Exhibit 18] Yes No See Explanation in [Exhibit 19] All applicants: If "Yes," submit as an Exhibit a detailed showing demonstrating proof of status as an eligible entity. e. Does this assignment include a grand-fathered cluster of stations? All applicants: If "Yes", applicant certifies that it will come in compliance by divesting the necessary station(s) within 12 months of the consummation of this transaction to: Yes No A. An Eligible Entity (as defined in Item 6d, above). Yes No B. An Irrevocable Trust that will assign the station(s) to an Eligible Entity. Yes No All applicants: If "Yes" to Item 6e A or B: Submit as an Exhibit a copy of the form of irrevocable trust agreement providing for the assignment of the station(s) to an Eligible Entity. 7. Character Issues. Assignee certifies that neither assignee nor any party to the application has or has had any interest in, or connection with: a. any broadcast application in any proceeding where character issues were left unresolved or were resolved adversely against the applicant or any party to the application; or b. any pending broadcast application in which character issues have been raised. 8. Adverse Findings. Assignee certifies that, with respect to the assignee and each party to the application, no adverse finding has been made, nor has an adverse final action been taken by any court or administrative body in a civil or criminal proceeding brought under the provisions of any law related to any of the following: any felony; mass media-related antitrust or unfair competition; fraudulent statements to another governmental unit; or discrimination. 9. Alien Ownership and Control. Assignee certifies that it complies with the provisions of Section 310 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, relating to interests of aliens and foreign governments. 10. Financial Qualifications. Assignee certifies that sufficient net liquid assets are on hand or are available from committed sources to consummate the transaction and operate the station(s) for three months. 11. Program Service Certification. Assignee certifies that it is cognizant of and will comply with its See Explanation in [Exhibit 20] Yes No See Explanation in [Exhibit 21] Yes No See Explanation in [Exhibit 22] Yes No See Explanation in [Exhibit 23] Yes No See Explanation in [Exhibit 24] Yes No 4/7/2011 CDBS Print Page 7 of 9 obligations as a Commission licensee to present a program service responsive to the issues of public concern facing the station's community of license and service area. 12. Auction Authorization. Assignee certifies that where less than five years have passed since the issuance of the construction permit and the permit had been acquired in an auction through the use of a bidding credit or other special measure, it would qualify for such credit or other special measure. Yes No N/A See Explanation in [Exhibit 25] 13. Anti-Drug Abuse Act Certification. Assignee certifies that neither assignee nor any party to the application is subject to denial of federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. Section 862. 14. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO). If the applicant proposes to employ five or more fulltime employees, applicant certifies that it is filing simultaneously with this application a Model EEO Program Report on FCC Form 396-A. Yes No Yes No N/A I certify that the statements in this application are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and are made in good faith. I acknowledge that all certifications and attached Exhibits are considered material representations. I hereby waive any claim to the use of any particular frequency as against the regulatory power of the United States because of the previous use of the same, whether by license or otherwise, and request an authorization in accordance with this application. (See Section 304 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended.) Typed or Printed Name of Person Signing LEE W. SHUBERT Signature Typed or Printed Title of Person Signing PRESIDENT Date 10/06/2010 WILLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS FORM ARE PUNISHABLE BY FINE AND/OR IMPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION LICENSE OR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT (U.S. CODE, TITLE 47, SECTION 312(a)(1)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. CODE, TITLE 47, SECTION 503). Exhibits Attachment 5 Description Asset Purchase Agreement Omitted Schedules List Exhibit 6 Description: EXHIBIT 5 - OTHER BROADCAST INTERESTS SUN CITY LICENSES, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, IS THE LICENSEE OF KVIB(FM) (FACILITY ID #16770), SUN CITY WEST, AZ. ITS SOLE MEMBER IS SUN CITY COMMUNICATIONS, LLC. THE SOLE MEMBER OF SUN CITY COMMUNICATIONS, LLC IS SUN CITY HOLDING, LLC. MEMBERS OF SUN CITY HOLDING, LLC ARE MICHAEL A. CUTCHALL (MANAGER/MEMBER), GREAT HILL EQUITY PARTNERS II LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, GREAT HILL INVESTORS, LLC, GREAT HILL AFFILIATE PARTNERS II LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, STEPHEN F. GORMLEY (MANAGER). GREAT HILL INVESTORS, LLCS MANAGING MEMBERS ARE STEPHEN F. GORMLEY, CHRISTOPHER S. GAFFNEY AND JOHN G. HAYES. OTHER MEMBERS ARE MARK E. EVANS, MATTHEW T. VETTEL, A. JOHN AHMAD, AARON T. MILLER,C. THOMAS ALLGOOD, CHARLES A. PAPAZIAN, CHRISTOPHER E. CAVANAGH, CHRISTOPHER M. BUSBY, DANIEL M. MADDEN, GEORGE A. COUTO, JESSICA N. PHILLIPS,LAURIE GERBER, MARK D. TABER, MELISSA D. PRITCHARD, MICHAEL A. KUMIN, NICHOLAS R. CAYER, PETER B. FREELAND, 4/7/2011 CDBS Print Page 8 of 9 PETER L. GARRAN, PHILIP G. YATES, UBMB, LLC, ALVIN KWAN, ANDREW J. MCELANEY, BRUCE E. ROGOFF, BRYCE D. YOUNGREN, CHRIS D. SUH, CHRISTOPHER J. LOMBARDI, CHRISTOPHER M. BODNAR, DEVIN R. MATHEWS, GENE YOON, KATHLEEN O. RAMIREZ, JACLYN M. GRIMSHAW, JOHN P. KENNY, JONATHAN M. MASTERS, LINDSAY E. DUNCAN, MARK E. EVANS, MARK J. MIDLE, MATTHEW M. MURPHY, MICHAEL F. DALE, MICHAEL S. MANCINI, NIMESH N. PATEL, OHIKHUOVBO AKHIGBE, PAUL A. LIPSON, RYAN S. HEDRICK, SAMANTHA V. SHIELLS, SHAMIT M. MEHTA, STEPHEN O. MEREDITH AND VIKRAM MANSHARAMANI. GREAT HILL EQUITY PARTNERS II LIMITED PARTNERSHIP'S GENERAL PARTNER (WHICH IS ALSO A LIMITED PARTNER) IS GREAT HILL PARTNERS GP II, LLC (0.2%) AND INSULATED LIMITED PARTNERS (99.8%). THE GENERAL PARTNERS AND LIMITED PARTNERS OF GREAT HILL AFFILIATE PARTNERS II LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ARE GREAT HILL PARTNERS GP II, LLC (GENERAL PARTNER/LIMITED PARTNER 0%) AND INSULATED LIMITED PARTNERS (100%). GREAT HILL AFFILIATES PARTNERS II LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS GENERAL PARTNER (WHICH IS ALSO A LIMITED PARTNER) IS GREAT HILL PARTNERS GP II, LLC (0.0%). ALL OTHER LIMITED PARTNERS ARE INSULATED (100%). SEE EXHIBIT 5 ATTACHMENT 1 FOR ORGANIZATIONAL DIAGRAM. GREAT HILL INVESTORS, LLC HAS OTHER ATTRIBUTABLE INTERESTS IN THE FOLLOWING: PBB LICENSES, LLC IS THE LICENSEE OF THE FOLLOWING STATION: WRMF(FM), PALM BEACH, FL (ID #20436) IN ADDITION TO THE STATION LISTED ABOVE, STEPHEN F. GORMLEY HAS OTHER ATTRIBUTABLE INTERESTS IN THE FOLLOWING: EQUITY COMMUNICATIONS, L.P. THE LICENSEE OF THE FOLLOWING STATIONS: WAYV(FM), ATLANTIC CITY, NJ, ID #3125 WZXL(FM), WILDWOOD, NJ. ID #70260 WCMC(AM), WILDWOOD, NJ, ID #70259 WTTH(FM), MARGATE CITY, NJ, ID #40030 WZBZ(FM), PLEASANTVILLE, NJ, ID #1306 WAIV(FM), CAPE MAY, NJ, ID #37475 WEZW(FM), WILDWOOD CREST, NJ, ID #32201 WSNQ(FM), CAPE MAY COURTHOUSE, NJ, ID #40031 WMID(AM), ATLANTIC CITY, NJ, ID #1307 Attachment 6 Attachment 12 Description Description of Proposed Transaction Attachment 15 Description Other Media Interests Attachment 16 Description Local Marketing Agreement 4/7/2011 CDBS Print Page 9 of 9 Attachment 17 Description Multiple Ownership 4/7/2011 KVIB(FM), Sun City West, AZ Application for Assignment of License (FCC Form 314) Omitted Schedules to Asset Purchase Agreement Set forth below is a list of the schedules to the Asset Purchase Agreement filed with this application. Pursuant to the Commission’s policy as stated in its Public Notice, 17 FCC Rcd 16166 (Media Bureau 2002), these schedules and exhibits have not been included with this application. The Communications Act of 1934, as amended, provides that the Commission must determine with respect to an application filed with it whether the public interest, convenience and necessity will be served by the grant of that application. 47 U.S.C. 309(a). The Commission’s statutory authority is to assess an applicant’s qualifications based upon the character, financial qualifications, alien involvement, other media interests, and legal compliance of the applicant and parties holding an attributable interest in the applicant. The applicant believes that information contained in the exhibits and schedules listed below is either duplicative of information provided in the application itself or is not material to the Commission’s determination as to whether to grant the application, dealing as they do with physical assets, employees, liens, and other similar matters. In the event the Commission or its staff makes a request for any of these schedules they will be provided at that time, subject to redaction, or request for confidential treatment, of certain confidential or proprietary information contained therein. Schedule Description Schedule 1.1.1(a) Government Licenses Schedule 1.1.1(b) Tangible Personal Property Schedule 1.1.1(c) Real Estate Leases Schedule 1.1.1(d) Contracts Schedule 1.1.2(l) Miscellaneous Items Schedule 2.6 Intangible Property Schedule 2.7 Noncompliance Schedule 2.8 Station Employees Schedule 2.10 Litigation Schedule 2.12 Insolvency Proceedings Schedule 2.14 Financial Statements Schedule 2.15 Company Liabilities 1 DC\1135047.1 Schedule 2.17 Insurance Policies Schedule 2.19 Affiliate Transactions 2 DC\1135047.1 Exhibit No. 11 FCC Form 314 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED TRANSACTION This application seeks the consent of the Federal Communications Commission (“Commission” or “FCC”) to the assignment of the license for FM Broadcast Station KVIB, Sun City West, AZ (Facility ID No. 16770) (the “Station”) from Sun City Licenses, LLC (“Assignor”) to Atmor Properties Inc. (“Atmor” or “Assignee”). Proposed Transaction Assignee proposes to acquire the subject radio broadcast station pursuant to the terms of an asset purchase agreement (“APA”) by and among Assignor and two of its affiliates, as “Sellers,” and Atmor, as the buyer. A copy of the APA is being submitted as an exhibit to the instant application. As consideration for the Sellers’ assignment of the subject license and other assets used in the operation of the Station, Assignee will assume Sellers’ loan obligations to CIT Lending Services Corporation, the sole beneficiary under the irrevocable trust agreement governing the legal ownership and control of Assignee. These proposed transactions have been designed to restore the financial viability of the Station and, thereby, allow it continue to provide viable program service to its community and surrounding service area. The proposed assignment of license is a critical element of the agreed-upon loan restructuring arrangements, the objectives of which are to: (1) obviate any present need for the Station to seek protection through bankruptcy proceedings; (2) allow the Station to continue its broadcast operations; (3) maintain the value of the Station’s assets as collateral for outstanding loans; and (4) provide temporary arrangements for maintaining the Station as a viable, marketable broadcast property until such time as market conditions recover to the point where the Station can be transferred to a qualified third-party buyer on commercially reasonable terms. Accordingly, a grant of the instant application will serve the public interest. A facet of this transaction is that Atmor’s subsidiary, Riviera Broadcast Group, LLC, has undertaken a Local Marketing Agreement (“LMA”), as the broker, with Sellers to facilitate the continuing operation the Station. It is contemplated that upon consummation of the transaction under the APA (following FCC consent), Sellers will assign their interests under the LMA to Atmor, so that Atmor will become the subrogee to Sellers’ rights and obligations under the LMA. Exhibit No. 14 FCC Form 314 Section III, Item 5 OTHER MEDIA INTERESTS Lee W. Shubert is the sole owner and Managing Member of Shubert-Atmor Value Enterprise, LLC (“SAVE”). SAVE, as Trustee of the Atmor Trust, holds legal title to, and exercises voting control over, all of the issued and outstanding shares of Atmor Properties Inc. (“Atmor” or “Assignee”), the assignee proposed by the instant application. Atmor also holds and votes seventy percent (70%) of the equity and voting interests in Riviera Broadcast Group, LLC (“RBG”), which in turn holds and votes one hundred percent (100%) of the equity of RBG Phoenix Licenses, LLC (“RBG Phoenix”), the licensee of FM Broadcast Stations KEXX, Gilbert, Arizona (Facility ID No, 54944) and KKFR, Mayer, Arizona (Facility ID No. 41462). Both of these stations are in the Phoenix market. Mr. Shubert also is the sole owner and Managing Member of Lee W. Shubert, LC (“Shubert LC”). Shubert LC is the trustee of Multicultural Capital Trust, which is the sole member and equity holder of the following entities: MTB San Francisco Operating LLC, which, in turn, is the sole member and equity holder of MTB San Francisco Licensee LLC, licensee of Television Station KCNS, San Francisco, California (Facility Id. No. 71586); and MTB Boston Operating LLC, which, in turn, is the sole member and equity holder of MTB Boston License LLC, licensee of Television Station WMFP, Lawrence, Massachusetts (Facility Id. No. 41436). In addition, Shubert LC, as trustee, holds legal title to all of the membership interests in Vicksburg Broadcasting LLC, which is the licensee of Television Stations WUFX (Channel 35), Vicksburg, Mississippi (FCC Facility ID No. 84253) and WBMS-CA (Channel 10), Jackson, Mississippi (FCC Facility ID No. 23473). Except as noted in the second paragraph above, none of Mr. Shubert, Atmor, the Atmor Trust, SAVE or Shubert LC, holds any cognizable or attributable interest in any other media property in the Phoenix market. Exhibit No. 15 FCC Form 314 Section III, Item 6a LOCAL MARKETING AGREEMENT Assignor, Sun City Licenses, LLC, has entered into a Local Marketing Agreement (“LMA”) with Riviera Broadcast Group, LLC, which is an affiliate of Assignee, Atmor Properties Inc. A copy of the LMA is attached. Proprietary Data - Redacted Proprietary Data Proprietary Data - Redacted Prorietary Proprietary Data - Redacted Proprietary Data Redacted Proprietary Data Redacted Proprietary Data Redacted Proprietary Data Redacted Proprietary Data Redacted Proprietary Data Redacted Proprietary Data Proprietary Data - Redacted Exhibit No. 16 FCC Form 314 Section III, Item 6b COMPLIANCE WITH MULTIPLE OWNERSHIP RULES The instant application proposes the assignment of the license for FM Broadcast Station KVIB, Sun City West, AZ (Facility ID No. 16770) to Atmor Properties Inc. (“Atmor or “Assignee”). The subject Station is part of the Phoenix, AZ radio market. See, attached BIA “FCC Geographic Market Definition for Phoenix, AZ” (“BIA Report”). Atmor also controls, and holds and votes seventy percent (70%) of the equity and voting interests in Riviera Broadcast Group, LLC (“RBG”), which in turn holds and votes one hundred percent (100%) of the equity in RBG Phoenix Licenses, LLC (“RBG Phoenix”), the licensee of FM Broadcast Stations KEXX, Gilbert, Arizona (Facility ID No, 54944) and KKFR, Mayer, Arizona (Facility ID No. 41462). Both of these stations are in the Phoenix market. See, BIA Report. Neither Atmor nor any of its principals or affiliates has any attributable interest in any other broadcast station or daily newspaper in the Phoenix, AZ media market. Assignee’s proposed acquisition of the subject Station is consistent with the Commission’s multiple ownership rules, because the proposed acquisition will result in Assignee having attributable interests in only three (3) of the fifty-seven (57) broadcast radio stations in the applicable market. See, BIA Report. Legal Notices Copyright Notice Copyright © 2010 by BIA Advisory Services, LLC (d/b/a BIA/Kelsey). The contents of this report are the property of BIA/Kelsey and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording in an information storage and retrieval system, unless there is written permission from BIA/Kelsey or a license agreement with them for such use. All rights reserved. Information in this report is solely for the internal use of clients of BIA/Kelsey and may not be distributed to third parties. The information is not for use as the basis for private offering, in a prospectus, in a valuation or appraisal report, or for developing derivative works distributed to third parties without written permission from BIA/Kelsey. Permission is considered upon request and the submittal of an indemnification and release form. Licensing agreements are available for limited use and distribution. For further information, please call 703-818-2425 or email [email protected]. BIA ADVISORY SERVICES, BIA FINANCIAL NETWORK, BIAfn, INVESTING IN RADIO, INVESTING IN TELEVISION, INVESTING IN NEWSPAPER, RADIO YEARBOOK, TELEVISION YEARBOOK, and MEDIA ACCESS PRO are trademarks of BIA Financial Network, Inc. Warning: COPYRIGHT VIOLATIONS WILL BE PROSECUTED. BIA shares 10% of the net proceeds of settlements and jury awards with individuals who provide essential evidence of illegal copying or electronic distribution. To report violations, please contact 703-818-2425 or email [email protected]. Disclaimer Notice Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this report. Any errors detected or called to our attention, which in our opinion are material, will be corrected in future releases. BIA/Kelsey assumes no liability for any errors or omissions in the information, and shall not be liable for any injuries or damages (including consequential) which might result from its use. For information on BIA/Kelsey’s full Portfolio of Services Call 800-331-5086 or Visit Or email: [email protected] BIA Advisory Services, LLC 15120 Enterprise Court, Chantilly, VA 20151 Copyright © 2010 by BIA Advisory Services FM AM AM KBAQ KBMB KBSZ C C 1100 550 910 105.9 AM FM FM FM FM AM AM AM AM KDVA KESZ KEXX KFLR KFNN KFNX KFYI KGME 1060 1310 91.5 AM AM KIDR KIHP 1580 FM FM KNIX KNRJ 101.1 102.5 88.3 96.9 860 97.5 107.9 103.5 960 C Phoenix, AZ Modern AC Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Spanish AC Phoenix, AZ Sports Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Religion Mexican Phoenix, AZ Nws/Tlk/Inf Phoenix, AZ Rhymc/CHR Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Span/Relgn Phoenix, AZ Mexican Mexican Sprts/Talk C C Phoenix, AZ Hot AC Hip Hop Country Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Black Gospl Phoenix, AZ Hot AC Phoenix, AZ Family Hits Phoenix, AZ Country NC Mexican C C C C C NC ChrsContem Phoenix, AZ C C C Phoenix, AZ Nws/Tlk/Inf Phoenix, AZ News/Talk BusNw/Talk Phoenix, AZ NC NPR/Jazz C C C C C C NC Inspr/Chrst Phoenix, AZ C C C AOR Clsc Rock Talk Span/Sprts Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Printed: 09/30/2010 Data: 09/30/2010 Clear Channel Communications Inc Entravision Communications Corp Sandusky Radio Sandusky Radio Desert West Air Ranchers Corp 1TV.Com Inc Entravision Communications Corp Maricopa Community College Sandusky Radio KASA Radio Hogar Inc Maricopa Community College IHR Educational Broadcasting Gore-Overgaard Broadcasting Inc Univision Univision Clear Channel Communications Inc Clear Channel Communications Inc Premier Radio Stations LLC CRC Broadcasting Company Inc Family Life Communications Inc CBS Radio ABC/Disney Educational Media Foundation Entravision Communications Corp Salem Communications Corporation 15 15 15 15 Sierra H Broadcasting Inc Clear Channel Communications Inc National Farm Workers Service Center Clear Channel Communications Inc 15 p AIM Broadcasting LLC 15 p Trumper Communications III License LLC 15 15 15 15 15 15 p Riviera Broadcast Group LLC 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 p Riviera Broadcast Group LLC 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Owner Sierra H Broadcasting Inc "p" indicates pending sale to owner listed 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 12/06/2005 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 10/22/2007 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 08/01/2005 03/19/2008 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 Market Home Designtn Mkt Date Rank 07/02/2003 15 Payson, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Dewey-Humboldt, AZ Chandler, AZ Tempe, AZ Fountain Hills, AZ Glendale, AZ Phoenix, AZ Mayer, AZ Phoenix, AZ Mesa, AZ Phoenix, AZ Wickenburg, AZ Paradise Valley, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Cave Creek, AZ Mesa, AZ Phoenix, AZ Gilbert, AZ Phoenix, AZ Buckeye, AZ Tempe, AZ Mesa, AZ Florence, AZ Apache Junction, AZ Black Canyon City, AZ Phoenix, AZ Scottsdale, AZ Phoenix, AZ City & State of License Camp Verde, AZ Copyright © 2010 BIA Advisory Services, LLC. Unauthorized distribution prohibited. (703) 818-2425 "C" - Commercial Station; "NC" - Non Commercial Station FM FM KMXP KNAI FM AM KMVA KMVP AM FM KMIK FM FM KLNZ KLVK KMLE 89.1 AM KKNT 98.3 FM FM KJZZ KKFR 740 105.3 FM FM KHOT KHOV 1510 90.3 103.9 99.9 106.9 C C KDUS 93.3 FM FM C C KCDX 103.1 Oldies NC Classical C KDKB 1260 710 89.5 1440 Spn/CCt/Var Phoenix, AZ AM KAZG C AM KASA 1540 AM/ Type FM Freq Station Format Home Market FM 104.3 C R&B Oldies Phoenix, AZ Call Letters KAJM FCC Geographic Market Definition for Phoenix, AZ Gila Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Yavapai Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Yavapai Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Pinal Maricopa Yavapai Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa County of License Yavapai Page 1 94.1 100.7 AM FM AM FM AM FM FM KOY KPHF KPHX KPKX KPXQ KQMR KRDE C C C C C C C C C Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Rhymc/CHR Phoenix, AZ Rhythmic Smooth Religion Religion Spanish AC Phoenix, AZ Spanish AC Phoenix, AZ AOR Sprts/Talk News/Talk Country Mexican Clsc Rock Country Spanish AC Phoenix, AZ Chrst/Talk Adult Hits Nws/Tlk/Pgv Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Number of Stations in Geographic Market 104.7 101.5 95.5 620 92.3 96.3 Nostalgia Clsc Hits AM 600 C Nws/Tlk/Spt Flagstaff-Prescott, AZ Printed: 09/30/2010 Data: 09/30/2010 57 144 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Hafley, W. Grant Clear Channel Communications Inc CBS Radio Clear Channel Communications Inc Communicom Communicom Entravision Communications Corp Sun City Communications LLC Sandusky Radio Bonneville International Corp Bonneville International Corp Circle S Broadcasting Co Inc Fiesta Radio Inc Sandusky Radio Corso, Linda Univision Salem Communications Corporation Bonneville International Corp Continental Broadcasting Family Stations Inc Clear Channel Communications Inc CBS Radio Univision Owner New Radio Venture Inc "p" indicates pending sale to owner listed 08/03/2005 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 02/04/2004 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 06/01/2009 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 07/02/2003 Market Home Designtn Mkt Date Rank 07/02/2003 15 Flagstaff, AZ Mesa, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Tolleson, AZ Phoenix, AZ Apache Junction, AZ Sun City West, AZ Tempe, AZ Phoenix, AZ Glendale, AZ Wickenburg, AZ Phoenix, AZ Scottsdale, AZ Globe, AZ Globe, AZ Glendale, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Phoenix, AZ Sun City, AZ City & State of License Tolleson, AZ Copyright © 2010 BIA Advisory Services, LLC. Unauthorized distribution prohibited. (703) 818-2425 "C" - Commercial Station; "NC" - Non Commercial Station KVNA Previous Stations in Geographic Market FM FM KZON FM AM KVVA KXEG KZZP 1010 FM KVIB AM 1280 FM KUPD FM 107.1 AM KTAR KXXT C FM KYOT C 97.9 95.1 FM KTAR C C KSWG 1400 FM AM KSLX C C C C C Home Market Phoenix, AZ Span/AdHts Phoenix, AZ NC Religion C C C KSUN 100.3 1360 98.7 1480 88.3 1230 94.5 106.3 FM FM KOMR KOOL AM/ Type FM Freq Station Format AM 1190 C DARK Call Letters KNUV FCC Geographic Market Definition for Phoenix, AZ Coconino Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Pinal Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Gila Gila Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa Maricopa County of License Maricopa Page 2