View submission boards - Guggenheim Helsinki Design Competition
View submission boards - Guggenheim Helsinki Design Competition
HIMMELI 1. SUMMARY LINK HIMMELI is a radical new way of linking art and public space, drawing the city into the museum in winter and dispersing the museum throughout the city in summer. This animated icon for art acts as a seasonal beacon and symbol of seasonal activities in the museum. The art a-top the moving plinth is commissioned from a new artist every summer, while the ice-skating rink pavilion in front of the museum is installed by an emerging architecture firm every winter. Himmeli are traditional Scandinavian decorations that denote good luck and act as a seasonal markers for the Harvest and Christmas. The name comes from the German for sky or heaven. The overall geometry down to the facade detail relates to this element, as does the moving plinth that reaches towards the sky. WORLD HELSINKI PARK HARBOUR SOUTH During the snowy Helsinki winter the museum becomes a warm public hub that invites citizens and visitors into a bustling interior city, which, besides art display, includes a lively Finnish café, a gourmet restaurant that spills out into the indoor atrium and a thriving modern theatre scene, threaded through with winter gardens. The interim spaces between the galleries are truly public, green spaces, to be enjoyed by all. In summer the museum literally opens up: an enormous, glittering roof lifting off over the central atrium to transform it into a sheltered but airy courtyard and providing a new look-out tower above for visitors to view the harbour. As the central atrium roof lifts off, it provides a new access to the large roof, which becomes a generous, raised public-square, receiving pop-up restaurants and bars, exhibits and performance spaces. The museum also deploys art and performances along a chain of green spaces, of which Guggenheim Helsinki forms a central link. GH-7752982062 SITE PLAN EMIT Ferry, public square, park and harbour are linked through atrium SUMMER NORTH WEST HIMMELI provides a literal LINK link between land and sea: between the city of Helsinki and the international Guggenheim network; a cultural gateway between the ferry terminal and the city; and a continuous public space between the park and the waterfront. Public circulation threads directly through the heart of the museum. EMIT / ABSORB ANIMATE PACK CITY IN THE MUSEUM THERMAL BUFFER STACK EFFECT WINTER SEASONAL EVENTS & FESTIVALS PACK DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER CURRENT Doc Point Documentary Film Festival Christmas Market Tango Frostbite Lux Helsinki We Jazz New Year’s Eve Penkinpainajaisajot StrEat Helsinki Helsinki Beer Festival Viapor Winter Blues Walpurgis Night IHME Contemporary Art Festival Helsinki Photography Biennial Vappu World Village Festival Naisten Kymppi Animatricks Festival Helsinki Samba Carnival Helsinki Day Helsinki Cup Tuska Festival Helsinki Festival Love & Anarchy Film Festival The Night of the Arts Helsinki Pride Festival Flow Festival Taste of Helsinki Art Goes Kapakka Forces of Light Festival Helsinki Baltic Herring Fair Suomenlinna Christmas Event Helsinki International Horse Show Baltic Circle International Theatre Festival Helsinki Marathon PROPOSED SNOW & ICE FESTIVAL ICE SKATING FESTIVAL WHITE NIGHTS FESTIVAL HIMMELI is also programmatically tied to the city of Helsinki - its program of events tying specfically into the existing festivals that are such a key part of Helsinki life. HELSINKI CARNIVAL SWAN & FLOWER DAY COLOR BUCKET FESTIVAL KIDS PARADE GUGGENHEIM HELSINKI: For example, the Guggenheim Helsinki will participate in Helsinki Design Week, showcasing Finnish architecture and design objects in its public galleries and forming part of the route. During the Helsinki Festival, the Guggenheim Helsinki will spill its contents onto a newly defined GREEN ART CIRCUIT, completing a green cycle and pedestrian route, along which outdoor art exhibits will be displayed. NOVEMBER SNOW & ICE FESTIVAL FINNISH FOCUSSED SHOW SWAN & FLOWER DAY ELECTRO/POWER FESTIVAL SUN FESTIVAL SMALL GLOBAL SHOW KIDS & ART EVENT KIDS & ART EVENT WATER POLO CHAMPIONSHIP LARGE GLOBAL SHOW YOGA DAY INDUSTRIAL DESIGN WEEK FREE CINEMA WEEK CLASSICAL MUSIC FESTIVAL INDUSTRIAL DESIGN WEEK FISH & CHIPS EVENT NORDIC DESIGN SHOW ATMOSPHERE & SEASONAL SHAPE HIMMELI makes a visual link to existing Helsinki monuments, visible from the museum and if of an appropriate scale to these and other Guggenheims across the world. N CONSERVE Nordic collections and events from the festival are hosted in the museum during HELSINKI DESIGN WEEK. MUSEUM IN THE CITY The Abattoir Guggenheim piggy-backs the HELSINKI FESTIVAL, extending Guggenheim exhibits into the city along the newly defined GREEN ART CURCUIT. GREEN ART CIRCUIT MASSING VIEWS TO LANDMARKS The GREEN ART CIRCUIT redefines an existing necklace of green spaces, Massing of the new Guggenheim Helsinki compared to previous Guggenheim’s and key Helsinki monuments. accessible by a continuous cycle and pedestrian route. The route becomes a new exhibition loop within the city. The new Guggenheim Helsinki functions as a new icon for the city with associated public spaces, as at the Helsinki and Uspenski Cathedrals. 1 Kulttuuritehdas Korjaamo oy Helsinki City Theatre Finnish National Opera 2 Huvila Festival Tent 8 GUGGENHEIM MUSEUMS 3 7 HELSINKI ICONIC ARCHITECURE 1 Viirus Theatre Helsinki Music Centre 4 Festival City - KoeHelsinki, Kansalaistori 1951 PEGGY GUGGENHEIM COLLECTION HEIGHT: 20M 9 2 Finnish National Theatre Taidehalli Museum (Kunsthalle Helsinki) 5 Bio Rex Cinema Lasipalatsi Sqaure Ritarihuone Shopping Centre Kluuvi Old Student House Annantalo Arts Centre Market Square Klockriketeatern, Diana Stage The Cable Factory, Pannuhalli 3 Amos Anderson Art Museum Orion Cinema The Cable Factory, Pannuhalli JUNE CONSERVE Tuomaan Markkinat HIMMELI PROPOSES TO MEET THE BRIEF IN FOUR MOVES: LINK Linked into existing Helsinki festivals PACK ABSORB EAST SEASONAL EVENTS COLLECT 6 6 7 Design Museum Finnish Museum of Photography 8 9 ELEVATION STUDIES 5 4 1959 SOLOMON R. GUGGENHEIM FOUNDATION HEIGHT: 50M 1997 GUGGENHEIM BILBAO HEIGHT: 57M 2011-2013 BMW GUGGNEHEIM LAB HEIGHT: 10M 2017 GUGGENHEIM ABU DHABI HEIGHT: 92M 2018 GUGGENHIEM HELSINKI WINTER HEIGHT: 24.2M SUMMER HEIGHT: 42.9M 1952 HELSINKI CATHEDRAL HEIGHT: 82.3M 1868 UPENSKI CATHEDRAL HEIGHT: 70.5M HIMMELI GH-7752982062 2. ANIMATE EMIT SUMMER AXONOMETRIC ROOF PLAN SECOND FLOOR PLAN THERMAL BUFFER COLLECT FIRST FLOOR PLAN GROUND FLOOR PLAN MULTI-PURPOSE ZONE PACK ABSORB ELEVATED PUBLIC PLATFORM WINTER AN PL T EN RE EN R AN PL R TY T RI U EC TE IL TA TE E GUGGENHEIM HELSINKI COLECTION GALLERIES S E G RA O D N A T AN PL A N A M DIT IUM OR CE N A N TE IN A M FR FR O O O M M M Y RR FE Y RR FE Y RR FE EAST/WEST SECTION AU C W C W C W FR Y RR FE S M 12,100 SM O 12,100 SM FR 12,100 SM DOWN T AR ES IC FF O IUM ES IC FF PA O M O FR W N IUM FR PA OR OR O M DIT DIT FR PA T EN EM AU AU O M RK ES FR PA RK IC FF O M RK O RK UNASSIGNED AREA UM RI G AT ININ D G A N A M COLLECTIONS STORAGE & MANAGEMENT MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS FÉ D N A RETAIL CA E G RA O RETAIL FÉ FÉ RETAIL CA CA RETAIL OFFICES DINING ST ST VISITOR SERVICES PROGRAM AND EVENTS T . EN EDU . AN PL EDU . H TC KI EDU . G EDU N NI DI RETAIL SEASONAL PROGRAM MIGRATION NORTH/SOUTH SECTION CONSERVE SPECIAL EXHIBITIONS GALLERIES FLEXIBLE VS FIXED UP PACK GIVEN BUILDING PROGRAM WINTER: The atrium is closed and functions as an covered courtyard or winter garden. Outdoor activities are offered in the public square in front of the Guggenheim, including a skating rink with a pavilion, at its centre serving gluhwein and issuing skates. This pavilion will be d and act as a showcase for Scandinavia’s vibrant design economy. The atrium will house indoor events and performances - a kind of giant theatre at the heart of the Guggenheim. SPRING: As the days lengthen and the sun rises in the sky, the atrium begins to be opened on sunny days and lowered again on cold and rainy days. It’s movements begin to broadcast the coming warmer weather and new series of events to the city; acting as a new technological town-clock of sorts. SUMMER: The atrium is fully opened create an exterior courtyard at the heart of the museum. Every year a major piece of artwork is commissioned for the large rising plinth. A walkway around the moving plinth acts as a lookout point for the harbour. The moving crown is a plinth to both people and art. AUTUMN: The days begin to shorten the the plinth becomes lowered more often. Autumnal food festivals, featuring berries and mushrooms, are held in the restaurant and food stalls within the atrium. N HIMMELI’s EMIT shimmering façade and seasonally responsive moving art plinth / ABSORB provide a four-dimensional icon, animated by the seasons both formally and in terms of its events program: STACK EFFECT T AR HIMMELI 3. PACK SMALL MEDIUM LARGE EXTRA LARGE GLOBAL GUGGENHEIM GALLERY TYPES CIRCULATION THERMAL BUFFER COLLECT INDOOR PACK OUTDOOR ROTUNDA STACK EFFECT SCULPTURE GARDEN DEPLOYABLE CLASSICAL ENFILADE L S M M XL L PACK HIMMELI is a decorated shed, packed with programs gathered from the city of Helsinki (shops, restaurants, cafes, performance spaces) and with gallery types, collected from across the Guggenheim constellation. CONSERVE M SPIRAL M M By inserting a wide range of existing Guggenheim gallery types, Guggenheim Helsinki can accommodate almost any Guggenheim travelling exhibition within it’s compact, yet widely varying spaces. M PEGGY GUGGENHEIM, VENICE The Guggenheim Helsinki functions as a major showcase for Finnish art and architecture. These exhibits are first shown here before being sent out across the world into the other Guggenheim museums. XL XL PEGGY GUGGENHEIM, VENICE GUGGENHEIM BILBAO GUGGENHEIM BILBAO SMALL GUGGENHEIM ABU DHABI MEDIUM HELSINKI GUGGENHEIM GALLERY TYPES PEGGY GUGGENHIEM GALLERIES LARGE CLASSICAL GALLERIES CURVED GALLERIES GUGGENHEIM NEW YORK EXTRA LARGE TALL GALLERIES FISH GALLERY PEGGY GUGGENHEIM, VENICE GUGGENHEIM BMW LABS CONES Public routes and the central public atrium, brings Helsinkians from the city and tourists from the ferry through and affording glimpses into, the galleries and other programs. The Guggenheim Helsinki becomes a hub of programs, a mini slice of city. ORGANIC NETWORK T S M M XL XL XL M M M HELSINKI PACKED INTO A BOX M S M L XL M XL XL M show masing of box at 12000sm and sourounding circulation show rampled landscape, paths, stairs and atrium linking from exising circulation show program piled in with all different colores of stuff GUGGENHEIM HELSINKI: SEASONAL MIGRATION STUDY OF GLOBAL ARTWORKS AND VIEWERS HIMMELI FORM 12,000 square meter box show masing of box at 12000sm and sourounding circulation GUGGENHEIM CONSTELLATION Add public routes show rampled landscape, paths, stairs and atrium linking from exising circulation Pack with Guggenheim gallery types and programs show in with all gatheredprogram from the citypiled of Helsinki different colores of stuff Sculpt roof show carved out roof, foute, glass at base and overhang Add animated art plinth shine light out of glass and show pattern on glass with popped up gem WINTER: FINNISH ARTWORKS LOANED OUT TO GLOBAL CONSTELLATION AND MUSEUM PROVIDES PUBLIC SOCIAL AND ORGANIZATION SPACE FOR HELSINKI COMMUNITY. SUMMER: GUGGENHEIM HELSINKI TAKES IN SPECIAL EXHITIONS FROM THE GLOBAL CONSTELLATION AND FILLS MUSEUM AND THE CITY OF HELSINKI WITH THE WORLDS GREATEST ART AND ART VIEWERS. sh ba NO NATURAL LIGHT HIMMELI 4. CONSERVE THERMAL BUFFER BUDGET: OPERATIONS AND ACCESS: ART AND LIGHT: Lorries carrying the artworks can back into the side entrance here and so that the loads can be transferred directly to the main art lift. From here the lift accesses every floor for the installation and deinstallation of art. The Himmeli inspired skin uses a timber curtain-wall structure to filter light and reduce glare, especially during the low winter sun conditions, while retaining tranparency and framed views towards Helsinki’s harbour skyline. The size of the himmeli frame structure varies with each facade to respond to views and climatic conditions, being densest on the southern facade and most open towards the north. Areas of the structure are made solid where program behind requires this and is then filled with insulation to mitigate energy loss through the facade skin. Trucks will enter the museum using the trunk road that runs alongside the main road to the ferry terminal. A bank of storage, maintenance and operations rooms, and offices above are located in this area of the building. Galleries are clustered within the building with access from the central atrium so that when erecting and dismantling shows these spaces may be cordoned off from the rest of the building. €8,000/m2 CONSERVE HIMMELI is also conservative with its budget - using simple, tried and tested components to maximum effect. It is efficient with its operations and access routes: its primary public route is an accessible ramp. The design is future-proofed in terms of its legacy. Essentially a large shed, filled with program, the insides of HIMMELI can be altered very simply without affecting the structure, the primary circulation or the envelope. PAINTING & SMALL SCULPTURE INDIRECT CONTROLLED LIGHT LARGE SCULPTURE & INSTALLATION INDIRECT NATURAL LIGHT ARCHITECTU NATURAL LIG FRACTURED LIGHT €10,000/m2 The louvred skin reduces solar gain and winter sun glare. The planted roof reduces rain water run-off and encourages biodiversity. The structure is made from 100% Finnish timber, made into monolithic glulam beams in a local factory. NATURAL LIGHT HIMMELI FACADE DETAIL The budget provided for the Helsinki Guggenheim can be bench-marked against a number of other iconic art museums, worldwide, where Helsinki sits right in the middle: HIMMELI is an ecologically sustainable proposal, designed to conserve energy via maximum energy efficiency, using the opening atrium as a valve that reduces the need for air conditioning via the stack effect and acting as a thermal buffer in the winter that helps to keep heat inside the building. INDIRECT NATURAL LIGHT GH-7752982062 ART + LIGHT NEW MEDIA NO NATURAL LIGHT The construction costs for the museum are given at €100million, excl. soft costs and VAT for a building of 12,100 sqm, or €8,264 per square meter STACK EFFECT INDIRECT CONTROLLED LIGHT €6,000/m2 There are two sets of lifts to either side of the atrium. The ramp within the atrium is 1:12.5 and appropriate for wheelchair users. All three entrances are via level thresholds. €4,000/m2 €2,000/m2 HIMMELI proposes a range of gallery lighting conditions, from completely closed boxes, to indirect daylight via tubes to the roof and filtered natural lighting via the glazed facade. NEW MEDIA NO NATURAL LIGHT PAINTING & SMALL SCULPTURE INDIRECT CONTROLLED LIGHT LARGE SCULPTURE & INSTALLATION INDIRECT NATURAL LIGHT ARCHITECTURE NATURAL LIGHT HIMMELI FACADE DETAIL HIMMELI FRACTURED LIGHT FACADE DETAIL FRACTURED LIGHT The structure is composed of repeating timber and glass modules that can be replaced if necessary and where there is an economy of scale in production. Himmeli references the traditional Scandinavian good-luck charm, made of straws and string, that were hung in the house to bring a bountiful harvest. Tate Modern Figge Art Centre Whitney Downtown Guggenheim Hepworth Wakefield Helsinki Art Institute of Chicago Y RR FE Qatar National Museum The structure is a simple box, comprised of standard components, the majority of which pre-fabricated in local timber factories. The moving platform achieves a spectacular effect with a very simple and standard lift mechanism, commonly used in stage design. The glass and timber facade would be fabricated off-site in panels. All its components are simply repeated and do not require individual fabrication. The interior partitions would be simple, lightweight rendered boxes. It seems reasonable to suggest that the proposal would sit between the Barbara Hepworth Gallery, Wakefield by David Chipperfield and the Whitney Downtown in terms of the proposed specifications and would therefore meet the budgetry requirements. Should cost savings be required these may be achieved by scaling down the weight or distance of by which the structure moves by and by simplifiying the external skin in areas where the exterior of the museum is less visible, such as alongside the ferry terminal. HAR BOU R TE FILTERED LIGHT BACKING HIMMELI FACADE DETAIL RY RRA CE R FE IN FRACTURED LIGHT AD RO ANCHOR HIMMELI GLASS MA ART HIMMELI STUCTURE + HELSINKI PAR K KS UC C I BL S E AR QU RY TR VE I EL D PU HIMMELI FILTERED LIGHT FILTERED LIGHT ANCHOR BACKING BACKING ANCHOR HIMMELI HIMMELI GLASS GLASS HIMMELI STUCTURE + HELSINKI HIMMELI STUCTURE + HELSINKI FILTERED LIGHT BACKING ANCHOR HIMMELI GLASS Lightweight timber diamond structure with platform Operable louvres Internal timber-framed volumes (gallery space) - possibly suspended from roof Hydraulic pistons support at corners & retract into column below, containing hydraulic rams Highly insulated timber roof HIMMELI STUCTURE + HELSINKI Skylight Glazed facade to atrium Extract Heavy auditorium loads supported on concrete frames (all elements precast) Further insulation of gallery boxes Fully fire protected timber trusses (clad & insulated) support roof and double-skin curtain wall facade EXTERNAL CONDITIONS: Atrium SEMI-CONTROLLED CONDITIONS: Circulation Spaces CONTROLLED CONDITIONS: Gallery Timber framed gallery box Main columns supporting roof are large precast concrete sections (Good for quality finish & allows year-round construction) Main roof column Double skin facade Natural ventiliation through low level openable grilles Suspended slab Underfloor plenum for all-air displacement ventilation Piled foundations below main columns, with main vertical loads supported on ground beams Pad foundations below secondary columns Main concrete frame External ramp circulation structure - reinforced concrete, supported on ground beams/piles STRUCTURAL: The structural frame aims to use as many components constructed off-site as possible, to increase quality control, speed up construction and allows works to take place through the winter season. Additionally, the structure aims to use as much timber as is appropriate for the primary structure, given that it is one of Finland’s most valuable resources. The long-spanning roof is formed of deep timber trusses which span between large diameter precast concrete columns. The trusses cantilever at the building perimeter and into the atrium, with columns located along the fold-lines of the roof geometry. The timber is fully protected from fire and moisture to comply with all requirements of the Finnish building code. Main roof columns are supported on piled foundations, with secondary columns landing on pad foundations and ground beams. A suspended precast concrete slab, capable of supporting high art gallery loads, spans between the foundations. Gallery floors are similarly formed with precast concrete columns, beams and planks. The ceilings and upper galleries are timber framed, again fully encapsulated. The perimeter façade to the building is supported by lightweight trusses and tension cables to maximise transparency and views out. The central atrium is capped by a lightweight tubular steel structure which supports the observation walkway and artwork plinth. The supports for this structure sit on hydraulic pistons, which are housed within columns in the atrium. During warmer periods of the year or for special events, the hydraulic pistons elevate the structure above the roof plane. The equipment used for the movement is well established for hydraulic elevators and moving stage equipment. LIFECYCLE AND LEGACY: The large shed-like structure of Himmelli is constructed with renewable, locally grown and fabricated timber elements, clad to meet Finnish fire regulations and to protect the timber from the harsh marine environment. These elements are all replaceable and recyclable. Interior partitions and walls are lightweight plasterboard elements that can be easily dismantled and erected, while services are carried through the building via the central atrium core. The overall enclosed space is not packed full and further galleries and spaces could easily be added in the future if required. Equally galleries could be enlarged or removed if necessary within the confines of the external envelope. This flexibility future-proofs the museum against likely changes to program and functions in the long term. ENVIRONMENTAL: The gallery spaces within the Guggenheim will have an ‘all air’ air conditioning system which will provide the required stable temperature and humidity conditions for the artworks. Direct solar loads have been excluded through deep shaded double facades on elevation and tactical skylights through the roof plane to maximise natural lighting where appropriate. The entire building is extremely well insulated to minimise energy consumption and temper the large diurnal temperature range in Helsinki. The gallery air systems will be low velocity to minimise noise and will incorporate heat recovery to reduce energy use. The district heating system will be used for space heating in non-gallery spaces and to provide a substantial proportion of the building’s hot water demands. During the summer months, the building will open up and allow large areas of the internal display spaces to be naturally ventilated through low level vents through the façade. The open atrium space will act as an intermediate buffer zone between the widely varying external climate and the very constant environmental conditions within the galleries. PARK PARK PARK BACK STRUCTRAL FACADE BACK STRUCTRAL FACADE BACK STRUCTRAL FACADE VISITOR INSTALLATION VISITOR VISITOR INSTALLATION FRONT STRUCTURE FRONT STRUCTURE INSTALLATION CURTAIN WALL + CITY FRONT STRUCTURE CURTAIN WALL + CITY PUBLIC CURTAIN WALL + CIT
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