here - Coddington Design
here - Coddington Design
Life,etc. 1ffiffiffi&ffi&Wffiruffi Change the hardware lf you're tir"ed cf an ald desk the knobs or hanCles, says hlelanie Coddington cf Ccddingtnn Design, in San Francisco, "lt gives fur-niture a custom look without the elevated pr"ice tag. l'm always on the lookout for" gor-geous vintage hardware" l'll even byy a big flea mqrket piece just for" its knobsl" or- dr-essefi r"eplace A I l. F..:.-ii' i:: ::rr -,t --1.1 l I .: i-,': {l *l *! fi t1 1i ft trr ll t. l Le* the ffimon do the tmHkfing lnrroduce an oversize graphic to a monochromatic space with a bold rug, says Los Angeles designer Mary McDonald. Want to make your own pattern? Paint Octopus pull, Bauerware, $39; bauerware H .com. Green glass pull, Restoration ardware, $r5; restoratio n an eye-catching geometric shape on a wood floor or sisal rug as McDonald did in the navy room above. Read more smarttips in her just-published book, Mary McDonald lnteriors: The Allure of Style ($SS; Blue porcelain vases, M idd le Kingdom, $r B-$6o; Boo-56o -2t46. Fashion a esfrorful stifl Iife Build a visually stunning vignette using an assortment of objects in one color. 'A group of items in different shapes and heights adds a pop of color in a neutral space," says Atlanta designer Suzanne Kasler (see her own vintage-glass arrangement, far left). Your collection can be made up of fleamarket finds or modern choices-it's the single color that makes the cohesive statement.