oRDTNANcE sdarA C L/ 0 t I 3+
oRDTNANcE sdarA C L/ 0 t I 3+
sdarA C L/ 0 t I 3+ oRDTNANcE AN ORDINANCE CONCERNINGGOLF CARTS TO INCLUDE GATOR TYPE VEHICLES FOR THE CITY OF WENONA LASALLE AND MARSHALL COUNTIES,STATE OF ILLINOIS WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wenonafinds that the City should amendthe Codeof the Wenona to clarify that Golf Carts and Gator type vehiclesbe permittedfor use on the streetsin Wenonaas set forth in this ordinance. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wenona,Marshall and LaSalle Counties,Illinois, hasdeterminedit to be appropriatethat the City's Code of ordinances,be amendedas set forth in this Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINNED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COLINCIL OS THE CITY OF WENONA, MARSHALL AND LASALLE COLINTIES,ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Title 6, Chapter6 of the City Code is amendedby adding the following underlinedwords: 6-6-1 GOLF CARTS: (A) (B) (C) Golf Carts,as definedand qualified hereinshall be allowed on city streetsunderthe conditionsas statedherein. Definitions: l. A "Golf Cart", as defined herein,meansa vehicle specificallydesignedand intendedfor the purposesof transportingone or more personsand their golf clubs or maintenanceequipment while engagedin the playing of golf, supervisingthe play of golf or maintainingthe conditionof the groundson a public or private golf course,to include gator type vehicles. 2. "City Streets"meanany of the streetswithin the boundariesof the City of Wenona,Illinois. All personswishing to operatea golf cart on the city streetsmust ensurecompliancewith the following requirements; 1. Any personwho operatesa Golf Cart on a street,highway, or roadway shall be subjectto show proof of cunent liability insurance. 2. Must obtain City of Wenonapermit as specifiedin paragraphD hereafter. 3. Must carry City of Wenonapermit in golf cart. 4. Must have a current,valid Illinois driver's licenseissuedin his or her nameby the Secretaryof State. Must hold valid driver's licenseand must be at least 16 yearsof age and be ableto operate a Golf Cart upon any street,highway, or roadway. 5. No Golf Cart may be operatedon a roadwayunless,equippedas follows: a brakes and brake lights steeringwheel apparatus b c tires d rearview mirrors approved"slow moving" emblemon the rear of the vehicle (625 ILCS 5ll2'709) e f red reflector warning devicesin the front and rear g headlightsthat emits a white light visible must be illuminated when in operation h tail lamps that emits a red light visible from at least100feet from the rear,brakelights which must be Illuminated when in operation i a Golf Cart shall have its headlightand tail lamps lighted at all times as requiredby Section 12-20I of the Illinois Vehicle Code j windshield or eye protection air horn of 250 feethearingdistance or the to 65 ILCS 511I-1428 whichmaybe amended anyadditionalrequiremerits IllinoisVehicleCode. 6. Mustobeyall traffic lawsof the Stateof Illinoisandthe City of Wenona exceptwhereprohibited only on city streets, 7. Mustbe operated Street), Mustnot operateon StateHighway17(Elm Street)or StateHighway251(Chestnut 8. intersections. at can cross approved however 25 mphandmustobservepostedspeedlimits, Vehiclemustnot be capableof exceeding 9. hereinon a physical controlof a Golf Cartasdescribed person in actual or who is operating 10, A or roadwaywhile underthe influenceof alcohol,otherdrugor drugs,intoxicationcompound thereof its subjectto Section11-500through11-502of the compounds or anycombination (625ILCS5/11-500 through11-502) IllinoisCompliedStatutes on streetsandhighwaysandroadsunderthejurisdictionof the I 1. Golf Cartsmaynot be operated StateHighway17 (Elm Street)or StateHighway251 of Transportation IllinoisDepartment (Chestnut Street),exceptto crossthestreetor highwaysat approvedintersections k I (D) Permits I. No personshalloperatea qualifiedGolf Cartwithoutfirst obtaininga permitfromtheChiefof 2. J. 4. (E) Policeas provided herein. Permitsshall be grantedfor a period of one ( I ) year. The cost of the permit is $25.00.Proof of Liability Insurancecoverageis to be provided to the Golf Cart must be inspectedand approvedby the Chief of Police, Every applicationfor a permit shall be madeon a form suppliedby the City of Wenonaand shall containthe following information: nameand addressof applicant: a name of liability insurancecarrierand policy number: b c serialnumber,make, model and descriptionof golf cart; d signedwaiver of liability by applicantreleasingthe City of Wenonaand its employees, and agreeingto indemnify and hold the City harmlessfrom any and all future claims resultingfrom the operationof their Golf Cart on the City of Wenonastreets.Waiver is to be suppliedby permitteeand his/herinsurancecompanyand must be turnedin beforepermit can be issued. photocopyof applicableli[bility insutancecoveragecard specificallyfor the Golf Cart e to be operatedpursuantto the permit; photocopyof valid driver's license f No permit shall be grantedunlessthe following conditionsare met: a vehicle must be inspectedby the Chief of Police to insurethat the vehicleis safeto operateon city streetsand is in compliancewith this Ordinanceand with the Stateof Illinois Vehicle Code. applicantmust provide evidenceof insurancein compliancewith the provisionsof the b Illinois Statuesregardingminimum liability insurancefor passengermotor vehicleto be operatedon the roadsof the Stateof Illinois The City of Wenona may suspendor revoke a permit granted hereunderupon a finding that the holder thereofhas violated any provision of this Ordinanceor there is evidencethat permittee cannotsafely operatea Qualified Golf Cart on the designatedroadways. Violations: Any personwho violates any provision of this ordinanceshall be guilty of a petty offenseand shallbe punishedby a fine of $150.00. Any secondor subsequentoffenseshall resultin the revocationof the permit for a period of not lessthan one (1) year nor more than three(3) years. To extentthat any violation of this ordinancealso constitutesa violation of a criminal statueof the Stateof Illinois, then the violator shall alsobe subjectto criminal prosecution