previous Question papers - Women Supervisor TSP Exam-2015
previous Question papers - Women Supervisor TSP Exam-2015
· 'Sl~ 3Rtt(f)1 / QUESTION BOOKLET =" ;;;;;0 ~ / CODE: 02 ~~/SR.No. 265772 ~ifrrii~~/ Number of Pages in Booklet: ~ if !I~;ff~ ~ / Number of Questions in Booklet: ~ / Time: 3.00 ~ 02m D 32 fctlflI 180 ~ / Hours / Maximum Marks: 300 INSTRUCTIONS 1. Answer all questions. 2. All questions carry equal marks. 3. Only one answer is to be given for each question. 4. If more than one answers are marked. it would be treated as wrong answer. 5. Each question has four alternative responses marked serially as 1. 2. 3, 4. You have to darken only one circle or bubble indicating the correct answer on the Answer Sheet using BLUE BALL POINT PEN. 6. 113 part of the mark(s) of each question will be deducted for each wrong answer. (A wrong answer means an incorrect answer or more than one answers for any question. Leaving all the relevant circles or bubbles of any question blank will not be considered as wrong answer.) 7. After opening the envelope the candidate should ensure that Series Code of the Question Paper and Answer Sheet must be same. In case they are different, a candidate must obtain Envelop of Question paper & O.M.R. Sheet the same series. Candidate himself shall be responsible for ensuring this. 8. Mobile Phone/Bluetooth Devices or any other electronics gadget in the examination hall is strictly dealt as per rules. 9. Please correctly fill your Roll Number in O.M.R. Sheet. 5 Marks will be deducted for filling wrong or incomplete Roll Number. 10. If there is any sort of ambiguity/mistake either of printing or factual nature in Hindi and English Version of the question, the English Version will be treated as standard. Warning : If a candidate is found copying or if any unauthorised material is found in his/her possession, F.I.R. would be lodged against himlher in the Police Station and he/she would liable to be prosecuted under Section 3 of the R.P.E. (Prevention of Unfairmeans) Act, 1992 Board may also debar himlher permanently from all future examination of the Board. 02-D 1 II Ii ~02 Q 02-D 0202020202020202 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK I~ 2 q;Jl11p ~ ~ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ~ B- 1. ~:sr 2. ~ 3. ~~.~ 4. ~m1" c5R "fIT '~' 'm' Cl5Tq~r~c1l1:.l1~ 2. ~~T 3. A:rrr 4. C!fuR '~' q~T~qI1:.l1~ - 1. ~ 3. ffi '~' 1. i3Frcn 2. ~~ 3. ~"1~ 4. ~ 2. 4. ~ ~RKf 2. 4. ~ 2. 4. ~-~ ~ - Cfi1SC Cl5TW1F!Tm ~ - ill~ Cl5T~ 1. ~ 3. ~ '~' ~ - Cl5T~ ~ - ~ ircncIT if B~ ~ ~ - 3. 7JBTU - ~:BTEf R9 ~ Btt ~ ~ if B- c5R "fIT ~ \i>41R14~ ~ - crftM 1. Btt ~ ~ - 1. WK=r - ~ 2. ~-~ 3. ~-~ 4. ~-~ ~ B- 1. mq 2. ~ 3. ffiqr 4. ~~ 10. c5R"fIT 11. - n:AT 7. H9Mfuld ~ 9. ~ - 1. 1. 3. 8. Cl5T1:flIf~~ c5R "fIT ~~ ~~ 'iWt' B- ~ ~ '\31Wr' Cl5TJIci ~ - ~ - 1. ~ 2. ~ 3. ~ 4. '!lB< 2. ~ 4. ~ c5R"fIT 1. ~~ 3. ~ 02-D ~ '~' B- ~ ~ - -clt 3 I H cpr @ ~ 12. iT + ~ 1. €R 3. ~ 2. 4. ~ ~ 1. i3zy1=~+~ 2. i3T\JRl = 3. d,\!"IWli1= 4. ~=~+~ 2. ~ -. + i31A'l 4. ~ + '3Ff'1 1. iJRr - 2. -;q-~T-:w:r;q-~T 3. 4. 1'!l§)Ylgli 2. 4. ~ ~ 2. 4. cpr 14. ~ 1. ~ 3. 1Sf?5 15. ~ 16. m~~ B Bl1TB" ~ 3. Gt§>;I~ 18. ~ mrrr 13~1~{OI '1tT %" I Bl1TB" %" I ~~ ~~ B~ ~ '1ti BIlAC:;1'i ~ %" - 1. ~ 2. ~ 3. B 4. ill 2. ~ 4. ~ 2. 4. {;q" 19. ~"9,ffi ~w::~ - 1. ~-~. . 3. ~-~ - -;q- 3. cfr;q- B 21. 'fg'1)«1I'1' 1. "d"R 3. ~ @ ~ 22. 'TTftBT' ~w::B @ ~ 02-D 1. llft 3. :IQ+ ~ ~ %" - fcR:rm 2. 4. ~ "1 2. 4. llft + ~ TTCf + ~ %" - + 111 4 mrncrr - %ill ~B~%"1. +~ %" - m B~ ~ I cpr "fI11ffi mm ~-m 1. 3. +~ B~ m ~ 'i"loIQlrul 1. ~ + i31A'l + i31A'l -. 17. go;qC:;11 20. ~w::%" I if 23. '~' 24. 25. 1. ~ 3. ;f m~ % - Btt ~ 2. 4. Cf)f TfWf ~ q"{ ~ cnnf ~ 31 ~ % i3B ~ q"{ ~ ~ - 1. 0l'lCfACfl 2. rn:CflI{Cfl 3. ~ 4. ~ '~B- ~ ~ \ilTill I' ~ % - qrcp:f \~~I~~OI 1. CflI{ clll5!Ol 2. Cfl1 ClIl5!Ol 3. ~~TCIT'Clr 4. 'GIClClll5!Ol '~B- 26. ~ 1. 'tOJIClClll5!Ol 3. Cfl1Clll5!Ol 27. 'BTq-~ ~~TT~' ~ 1. ~ 3. ft~Cf\l ~ f1n:fTrc ~ ~ 1. 3. Cf)f ~' ~ ~ 30. '~CRIT <:IT W9 cmr "M ffiD; i3lGJCf) ~ rit"&ffiT ~ -;fi lf1 ffirr ~ -;fi lf1 ffirr ~ ~ Cfil11 4. ~~Cf)f~;@~% -;:or ~ ~ % BlWf ~ mm um ~' q"{ fcR1 312f 02-D ~~B- 3. ~~ <:IT RFHldl B- CfiTi=f <:IT BTfr 01 flJiIil fI if I I ~ m um ~ ~ BT«ff i3%:~~ B- 3fW'lfCf 2. M cmr 4. ~i3TI if ~ mill -;:or ~ -;:or ~ Ii1"AT q"{ Ii1"AT % % I I %R ERRT I B5 W-R -;:or @IT if ~ ~ q"{ % - 2. ll¢ ijWJT ~ 4. ~ rit Cf)f Btt 312f % - 32. In order of merit Cf)f 312f % - 1. ~ ~m 2. ~ ~fur ~ <:IT R~~ ~ 4."GI"n: -"GI"n: ~ ~-ll'1B- ~ ~ Cf)f ~ ~ ~ -;:or cmrrr ~ 3. 2. 4. Cf)f Btt 312f % - ~ Ii1"R i3lGJCf) Cf)f ~' 3. 2. '3WJ1T -'*flT ~ <:IT ~~~ ~ 1. ~~TCIT'Clr Cf)f Btt 312f % - ~ '-;:or -;:or ~ ~ 1. 31. ~ <:IT R~~ ~fur ~ 3. ''WR if ~ "M ~' ~ 4. Cf)f Btt 312f % - <:IT ~ 1. 29. ~ <:IT 'GTfr3i fI Ji iii fI 'f1n:fTrc ~ ~ 28. qrcp:f fcR1 cnur Cf)f \3~I~~OI % I 2. CflI{Clll5!Ol 'llm <r:JT'~ ~ i3lGJCf) ~ Cf)9: ~ ~ cnTffi I mm I -3-l~ % 33. Necessary steps should be taken GfiT ~ 1. ~~~ CbIBcm;1 cBt ;srr ~ % I 2. ~~~ CbIBcllf§) "1 cBt ~ I 3. ~~~ CbIBcUf§) cBt ~ I ~~~ 4. ~~~ Cbl4cllf§) cBt ~~~ ~ 34. Supervision GfiT ~~ 1. ~w.l? 3. ~ % ~ ~ 1. \31W~ 3. ~ 00 ~~-ire:: GfiT - Gfug ~ ~ '~ 3. ~ \jU.f 39. 'f3mGfiT0~Qj'1 ~ 3. ~ 40. '~~ 41. 4. ~~ 4. ~ GfiT 00 ~~ "C:fWIT ~ cnct~T - ~ cfucrr - ~ ~ 2. 4. ~ - WIClHi?iE. w-;ft - ¥f if ~31f ~ - ~ ~ cnWR ~' ~ ~ Cb1?Mldl GfiT ~' 1. ~rcfft 3. R~TT 00 qfr.R:f ~ 1. 3. @cr it - 'l11 @cr it - 'l11 ~ ~ 00 ~~ % - ~ ~~ 2. -q;:fi 4. '2r'lfCf~mrIT 2. 4. ~:~ 2. 4. it - 'l11 ~ @cr it ~ @cr 'l11 %0iQ'1ltw-r %- - ~ 42. Q{lOfl(lOfl ~ ~El""IlOs GfiT ~ % ~@iFchi1 ~~ if m cBt ~ 1. <~£li11 2. (qf{jd I 3. <ij'1:lIi11 4. <f~£li11 02-D '1llll'1"1 %- ~~ 1. ~a:rur - ~TTRl 38. f3mGfiT ~ 1. Bo 3. 2. - ~' 2. - ~ 'WT - ~Tl1' ~~ 1. ~TTRl- ~ I %- 36. ~~ - Cf~ ~~ ~ GfiT oo31~ - ire:: ~ 1. 0i1$1ICblfl - 'lflTCfR ~ 3. FchCbctCll ~ - 'lflTCfR qr@-;:n-~ 37. ~ I ~ 35. ~~ - 6 cBt ~ B 00 ~ %- 43. 44. ~ it ~ 1. 4I1Rl;qCfl<OI 2. 41'""lRlCflCfl<ol 3. 4 l'""lcnCfl(01 4. 41'1Rlc61Cfl(ol r=q;:rr 1. B~ *qrn~~%1 3. ~ 2. 4. ~ Cf)f ~ r;c lf4f I ~llOO111~~ 45. ~ Cf)f 41'""lq"I;qCfl<OI fi:wRrr ctr ~ m ~ *~m B~ m ~ 0{~ % '{@ifchct 1. !I~~~%I 3. Wi ~ -ncruT c€t "4nJ I BtT ~ %- %- GA" rp.:rr I ~ Cf)f Cf)f jQIi${OI I %- 46. One - word substitute for 'A lover of books' is :1. Bibliography 2. 3. Bibliophile 4. Book - liker Pyromaniac 47. One - word substitute for "a person who has an irresistible desire to steal" is 1. dipsomaniac 2. kleptomaniac 3. theomaniac 4. megalomaniac 48. In which one of the following words the 'prefix' used is NOT CORRECT :1. supernatural 2. supersonic 3. superman 4. supertell 49. In which one of he following words the 'suffix' used in NOT CORRECT :1. slavist 2. anarchist 3. humanist 4. psychologist 50. Identify the tense in the sentence given below:"By next July we shall have been living here for four years." 1. Future continuous tense 2. Simple future tense 3. Future perfect continuous tense 4. Future perfect tense 51. Select the sentence which is the correct Passive Voice version of the following sentence:"Some one has broken two of my dinner plates." 1. Two of my dinner plates are broken. 2. Two of my dinner plates are being broken by someone. 3. Two of my dinner plates had been broken. 4. Two of my dinner plates have been broken. ~D 7 52. Choose the sentence with the correct Indirect form of Narration:Direct Speech: I said to her "All your faults will be pardoned if you confess them." 1. I told her that all her faults would be pardoned if she confessed them. 2. I told her that all your faults will be pardoned if you confess. 3. I said to her that all your faults will be pardoned if you confessed. 4. I told her that all her faults will be pardoned if she confesses. 53. The following Assertive sentence is changed into Interrogative:Assertive: There is nothing nobler than love. Choose the correct Interrogative sentence. 1. Is there nothing nobler than love? 2. Is there anything nobler than love? 3. What is nobler - love or something else? 4. Is love nobler than nothing? 54. Fill in the blank using the correct Article or Determiner:'My sister is university professor.' 1. a 2. an 3. the 4. this 55. Fill in the blank using the correct Preposition:I congratulate you your success 1. with 3. on 2. 4. for ill 56. Select the correct English translator of the following sentence:- ~ B~ tift m? CR:IT ilt ~ 1. 2. 3. 4. Did the bell rung before I reached school? Had the bell rung before I reached the school? Was the bell rung before my reaching the school? Did the bell ring before I entered my school? q;Jf ~ 57. Fill in the blank in the following sentence with a Verb which is in agreement with its Subject:Each of the boys given a prize. 1. were 2. had 3. was 4. are 58. Fill in the blank with the Adjective, given in the bracket, using the correct Degree of Comparison:No other flower in the world is as as the rose (fragrant.) 1. more fragrant 2. most fragrant 3. fragrant 4. fragranter 59. Fill in the blank in the following sentence with appropriate Conjunction:'Either he is mad, he feigns madness' . 1. nor 2. or 3. still 4. but 02-D 8 60. The correct meaning of the word 'industrious' 1. pertaining to some industry 3. industrial visit 61. The English translation '~~, 1. 3. 62. 2. 4. indoor study hard working 2. 4. Adjacent Ad bloc 2. 4. callousness beneficial 2. frugal or thrifty of the words is :- cw:f rcr!?'rsr ~ Wm;' Ad hoc Temporary The Synonym of the word "benevolence" 1. compassion 3. :- is :- head hearted 63. The Antonym of the word 'extravagant' 1. expensive is :- 3. snob 4. greedy 1. 14 2. 16 3. 18 4. 21 Some money becomes double with in 7 years at the rate of fixed simple interest in how many years it will be four times of it 65. 1. 14 2. 16 3. 18 4. 21 M ~~2 "CflSf ~ ~ 0fu- BWf ~ it ~ 75 fflit % I ~ 1. 25,000 fflit 2. 30,000 fflit 3. 20,000 fflit 4. 35,000 fflit The difference between compound ~ m ~ % --- 5% ~ ? and simple interest of some money is Rs 75/-, If the rate is 5% per annum then money is ... 66. 1. Rs 25,000 2. Rs 30,000 3. Rs 20,000 4. Rs 35,000 20 ~ 0fu- ~ M cw:f ~ 16 ~ it ~ W~. 0fui3fmf c€r cw:f Bllill Cfi1 ~ % ----- 16 ~;:rffi 1. 3:2 2. 5: 4 3. 4: 3 4. 6: 5 02-D 9 cw:f ~ 15 ~ it ~ Cfffit % I~ ~ 20 women finish a work with in 16 days and 16 men finish the same work with in 15 days, the ratio of work efficiency of a man and woman is 1. 3:2 2. 5: 4 3. 4: 3 4. 6: 5 67. 220 ~ 72 fct. +fT. t:;CI? trr 'llir ~ I tier rt'r 'Cl'Wf if 'i'.Wf m% I~ w& ~ ~ 520 ~ CfIT w WTI -------- ~. ~ if ~ 1. 30~. 2. 37~. 3. 24~. 4. 36~. A Train of 220 meter in lenth is running at the speed of 72 Km/hrs. If will cross a plat form of 520 meters in length in .... seconds 1. 30 see 2. 37 see 3. 4. 36 see 24 see 68. t:;CI? ~ ~ 33 -3Wf ~ 11 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ % I ill m~ COT >I'ftt~1\f % ------ ? 1. 33 ~ % 2. 30% 3. 40% 4. 50% By selling 33 mangoes a fruit vendor earns the profit equal to sale price of 11 mangoes. Then percentage of profit is .... 1. 33 ~ % 2. 30% 3. 40% 4. 50% mt t:;CI? ~ ill B1-fr -&ffi" 1:R ~ 69. ~ ~ - 1. 70,000 () C 2. 80,000 () C 3. 64,000 () C 4. 72,000 () C &m ~ 1:R "@"'ci rt'r ~ U~n CfIT ~~lfcrr% I ma: ~ 1:R 8000 () C "@"'ci ~ £-3TI ----- This pi-chart shows the expenditure done by a school on different games. If expenditure on foot-ball is Rs 8,0001- Then total expenditure done on all game is ..... 1. Rs 70,0001- 2. Rs 80,0001- 3. Rs 64,0001- 4. Rs 72,0001- O~D 10 215+415-315 Cf?T1lR 70. GffiGI{ %- 1. 615 2. 315 3. 215 4. 15 215+415-315 is equal to 1. 615 2. 315 3. 215 4. 15 a"" 71. 'lR ~ - 1. 3-J8 2. 3+2J2 3. 3+2J8 4. 1. 8 3-J8 3. 3+2J8 is equal to 2. 3+2J2 4. it ~ ~ 72. ffi ~ 1. 44 3. 3 3 B&:rr % I 10,20,31, ----, 56, 70 :2. 4. 45 43 42 In following series missing number is 10,20,31, ----, 56, 70 :1. 44 2. 43 3. 45 73. ffi ~ 1. 480 3. 440 4. ~ it 0WTTlfr B&:rr ~ 42 - I 4, 8, 24, 96, ----, 2. 4. 384 288 In following series next number will be 4, 8, 24, 96, ---- 74. I. 480 2. 384 3. 440 4. 288 err ~ ~ 'qR ~ ctt ~ 160001- fflir %~ ~ BliT ~ %I~~ctt~~- 02-D 1. 12,000/- fflir 2. 24,0001- fflir 3. 48,0001- fflir 4. ~ 11 it B- Cf5T{ ~ 5" ~ ctt ~ ~ ~ B11R -The cost of two saries and four shirts is Rs 16000/- while cost of one sari and six shirt is same. The cost of Twelve shirts is 1. Rs 12,000/- 2. Rs 24,000/- 3. 4. None of these Rs 48,000/- r.m ~ 10 r.m ~ ~ % I q-ff if ~ 10 r.m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ B&:rr if ~ ill q-ff it ~ 8.25 (it[ir 1. 30 3. 45 40 60 75. ~ q-ff if 25 2. 4. ctr TI~Tr % I ~ ctr B&:rr mTft - ~ 25 r.m ~ ~ A purse contains 25 paise and 10 paise coins total amount in the purse is Rs 8.25/-. If the number of 25 paise coin is one third of the 10 paise coin, then total number of coins in the purse are 1. 30 2. 40 3. 45 4. 60 if ~ rom ~ ;:rrr;fr ~" 3CRf ~ ~ 1:T~ if mfifco rom ~ mfCcr if ~ ~ % I mfifco flam ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fcrcnrn if ~ mfifco ~wrr B fcmTm ~~ >l'R1 ~ ~ % I ~ if B ~ ~ I 76. "RltllWii 1. 2. 3. 4. etA ffi if ~ % ~ B ~ WI\r % I I "Religious Education should be given in the schools" which of following statement supports logically the above statement. 1. Religious Education helps in getting the heaven. 2. 3. 4. Religious Education is helpful in development of moral values of the students. Religious Education helps in attaining liberation. None of these. 77. "~~ 1. 3. ~ ~ if BCf~ mn~ ~ ~ mn~ ~ % I ffiTT BCf~ mn~ #AT ~ %" ~ ~ 2. 4. ~ I Rl$1lfClCj &~iTif ~ ~ 11m ~ M$1IQ'"l ~ 3CRf ~ % l1RT\IT ~ % ~ I I B'lft "We give the best training in the field of computer." what is the presumption hidden in this advertised message. 1. Computer Training is compulsory. 2. Advertiser has so-many computers. 3. People want the best training. 4. All above 78. ~ 0W1 ~ ~ I ~' ~ 0W1 % I ~ 1. ~ l:\Ttr ~ ~ ~ I 3. O~D B'lft ~ iwt 0fTli ~ ~ ~ I 3CRf ~ 2. ~ ~ ~ I 4. 12 ~ 0fTli 1:11 ~ ~ ~ ~ Btt ~ ~ I 0fTli ~ iwt % ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I % I Some mangoes are sweet. "Doloo" is a mango. Some "Doloos" are sweet, Based on above statements which inference is not correct. 1. 3. 79. "qr;:[TB ~ ~~T 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. 4. Some sweet things are "Doloos" All sweet "Doloos" are mangoes. % cmfr <SI~p:lIR'QT31H<:i'bld I "IJFr ~0TI i3l'n: ~ CfiT qr;:[T11\f ~ q+q CfiT qr;:[T1fr;:rr ~ I ~tqr;:[Tc€r~B~~~~~ \3"CR1 B'4T m ~ I qr;:[T~ mB~ Nm Some sweet "Doloos" are not mangoes. Some mangoes are "Doloos" but not sweet. CR cftii I" \3"CR1 Cfi~ il ~ I I "Water born diseases are spreading" beyond control, Drink boiled water." what is the message in above statement. 1. 2. Don't drink water from open wells and talab Drink hand - pump water 3. By boiling drinking water germs in it are killed 4. all above 80. R9 ,~ 1. 7 il ~ ctr B"&:rr -?rTI 2. 4. 12 18 The number of triangles in following figure are 1. 7 2. 12 3. 18 3. 16 16 81. ~,~ 4. ~ I ! I ~ -?rTI ? I 1 ! I~Wfil 1. 1 2. H 3. J 4. f--l 2. H 4. f--l What will be next figure ? t 1. 3. 02-D 1 J 13 ---- f.r:;:r ~ if ~ ~~ % ... 1. ~ m 2. cfr. cfr. fTrfr 3. sr. ~ 1. st. ~ ~ 3. ~ m 82. ~ llTm 5. st. ~ 4. ~ m=rra: <ifw 2. ~ 4. cfr. cfr. fTrfr Which word is odd in following set (1) Zail Singh (2) v.v. Giri (3) Dr. Zakir Hussain (4) Rajeev Gandhi (5) Dr. Rajendra Prasad. 1. Dr. Zakir Hussain 2. Rajeev Gandhi 3. Zail Singh 4. v.v. Giri 83. ~ ~ \JlRCR % ------ ~R,~,~,~,~ 1. ~ 3. ~T~ 2. 4. ~ ~ Odd animal in these is .... Lion, Tiger, Fox, Dear, Jackal 1. Fox 2. Jackal 3. Lion 4. Dear 84. "RED" Cf)T ~ 1. FHXI 3. HEXI "VIH" % I "CAT" Cf)T ~ "GEX" % I ill "DATE" Cf)T ~ 2. HFXI 4. HEY I ~ ? The code of "RED" is "VIH", code of "CAT" is "GEX", them code of "DATE" is 1. FHXI 2. HFXI 3. HEXI 4. HEYI 85. "EAGLE" c8 1. 711235 3. 711237 iWif ctr BitbRiCl? 'lfI1SIT if 517125 Wmrr ;sm:rr % ill "GAME" c8 Wmrr ;:;nirrrr --- ? 2. 4. 71136 71135 In numbering code language "EAGLE" is written 517125 then "GAME" will be written 1. 711235 2. 71136 3. 711237 4. 71135 86. ma: A : B = 5 : 7 ~ 1. 3. B :C 25: 36 : 49 25: 35 : 49 If A : B = 5 : 7 and B : C 1. 25: 36 : 49 3. 25: 35 : 49 02-D = 5 : 7 ill A : B : C ~ 2. 4. 5: 7: 9 15: 21 : 27 = 5 : 7 then A : B : C will be 2. 4. 14 5: 7 : 9 15: 21 : 27 O~ 0'0202020202020202 87. ~ Cfim if ~i5fch;::11~ ~ m \JfTill 1. 3. ~ % I "ffi W?fch~l· em B&:rr CfiT ~ em Cfim if B&:rr 3 :2% I ~ % Cfim if 20 ~ ~ ~ "ffi ~ . 20 24 2. 4. 28 36 In a class ratio the number of Girls and Boys is 3 : 2. If 20 Boys add to the class then ratio become reverse. Then number of Girls in the Class is ... 1. 20 2. 28 3. 24 4. 36 if 20% 01Qn,qRlct ~ I 88. ~ 1. 3. ~ ~ em ~ m ;smfr % I ~ ~ ~ 16 X % 16% 2. 4. if ~ fcm:R ma~m Cfi1frcn=t ~ ~ ~ 20% 25% If price of Banana increases by 20%. How much percentage of consumption of Banana is reduced by a person so that his expense remains same. 1. 16 X % 2. 20% 3. 16% 4. 25% 8 % I3Bif ~ 89. 7 B"&:rr'* CfiT ~ I. 9 3. 12 B"&:rr ~ ~ ~ ~ 2. 4. 9 m \JfTill % "ffi zffig)ll41 B"&:rr % -- 16 18 The Average of 7 numbers is 8, If one digit is added to them the avrage becomes 9. The value of digit is ... 1. 9 2. 16 3. 12 4. 18 90. ~ 1. 3. crtr B- crtr B&:rr ~ 343, 682 q 908 if 'mTT~ ~ 112 2. 4. 114 4~ WIT I 116 113 The highest number by which 343, 682 and 908 are divided then remainder is always 4. 1. 112 2. 116 3. 114 4. 113 91. ~ 'qfISff CfiT (:qOT<i11 fch"B CfiWf c€r ~ \JfTill % ? 1. 1850~. 1925 t 2. 3. 1250~. 1450~. 4. 1650~. 1850~. 1450~. 1610 t Which period is known as the golden period of rajasthan language? 02-D 1. 1850 AD 1925 AD 2. 1650 AD 1850AD 3. 1250 AD 1450 AD 4. 1450 AD 1610 AD 15 -92. ~ 1. 3. il "~" ~ ~~~~TI ;sm:rr ~ - 1=f"ITm $r~~ The 'Ghurla' festival is celebrated in rajathan on 1. Kartic shukla XI (ekadashi) 2. Bhadra pad shukla III 3. 4. Sharwn shukla III Chaitra shukla III 93. ~~ ~ 1. ~ 3. ~ - il "~" cp:rr ~ ? ffl'3TI c5T fi:rfr c5T ~ B- 'l1U ~~ GfiT ~ What is 'Khapta' in rajasthan culture? 1. The mud idols of gods and goddess. 2. The safa (Headgear) of sahariya manfolk. 3. Plam in print in heena. 4. A mud pot 94. >lfifR Cfi"l(if il ~ GfiT ~ ~ ;sIT "~-~" ctli?«tIdim - 1. if5~ihl'LIqlc'i 2. cnlMI'LId 3. ~ 4. ~ In ancient time in rajasthan the followirl'g area was called 'Jambukh-ran' 1. Keshorai patan 2. Kolayat 3. Kumher 4. Menal 95. <fun W 1. {ll1Hcll'8 3. ~WI Hq 1'8 GJ\iff\Jf lfl{@"F c5T - Cfll ~ ~ 2. 4. The Geeta press was established in Gorakhpur by 1. Ramniwas poddar 2. Jaidayal Goyanka 3. Laxmi Niwas Bajaj 4. Mangniram Bagar 2. ;sIT~ 4. ~ 96. "3"1$ '8~ C!" cp:rr ~ ? 1. 3. ~ ®'IT GfiT W ®'IT if5 BT~ -q?f~ ~~GfiT~~m~ I ~ if5 0lWiJl@"'j c5T l1i?~'iuf ~ if5 ~ ~ ll&r -q?f~ What are the 'Arsattas'? 1. Correspondence between two ruler's 2. Important chain of inscriptions of Jodhpur state. 3. Revenue record of Jaipur State 4. Exchange ofletter's between officer's of a state. 02-D 16 I 97. "~" CI?T~~ 1. 1885 ~. 3. 1906 ~. 2. 1899 ~. 4. 1903 ~. When was the first convention of Samh Sabha? 1. 1885 AD 2. 1899 AD 3. 1903 AD 1906AD 98. ~ 99. cnq ~0TT ? ~~R 4. WWlR ~ ~ 1. ~ < I('II('I ~Tfffi 3. I1lfUlCfLl~ ~ ~ - Cfl1f Who has been the primeninister of united rajasthan? 1. Hiralal Shastri 2. Shobha ram 3. Gokulla1 Asawa Manikya lal verma R9" ~ ~~~ 4. ciT ~ ~l1lQlj~l( ~ ~ - 1. <olCf)9;<~~1Tffif (i) 1460~. 2. 3. 1. ~ ~~nft1 (iii) 1439~. l(iii), 2(i) 3(iv) 4(ii) 4. ~~nft1 (ii) 1594 ~. q"ICf)I~( ~~nft1 (iv) 1676~. 2. 1(ii), 2(i) 3(iv) 4(iii) 3. l(i), 2(ii) 3(iii) 4(iv) 4. l(ii), 2(iv) 3(i) 4(iii) ~ 7lS Cronologically match the following inscriptions 1. Ranakpur inscription 2. Kumbha1garh inscription 3. Bikanen inscription 1. Raj inscription 1(iii), 2(i) 3(iv) 4(ii) 4. 2. 3. l(i), 2(ii) 3(iii) 4(iv) 4. l(ii), 2(i) 3(iv) 4(iii) 1(ii), 2(iv) 3(i) 4(iii) 3. i31IO 100. Cf)1~rNlll ~ 1. it ~ ~ 01fi1~~Cf)IQ' ~ 2. ~ % ? BTIf 4. ~ 4. Nine 4. 11~~ql('l 4. Mahendra pal How many five pits (Agni-vedikaye) are found in kalibanga area? 1. Five 10 1.~ I. ~~ ~ 2. if '~' ~ 2. Seven 0Wf it 3. \JlFIT \IfTffi" Eight m ---- ~ 3. m~~ Among the pratihar ruler the following was known as 'Rohilidhi" 1. 02-D Rajjil 2. Mihirbhoj 3. 17 Harish Chandra ~ "C';MC';4Ol'1"c€r 102. TWf mrrc ~ 1. ~ W 2. ~ m W "SfGJ'i" c€r 3. ~ m ? ~ To whom was the title of 'Dal Damman' given by mugal emperor jahangir? 1. 103. Gaj Singh "m® c€r 1. BWf" 2. Soor Singh 3. Malik Amber 4. Manoher das $"IIM<IQlc'1 3. ;n~ 4. ~ 3. Nathdwara 4. Mandor 4. 799~. W-m % - ~ 2. The 'Dewtao ki soal" is located in 1. Pushkar 104. ~ 1. 2. CfiT BGffi ~ ~ 689~. lhalra Patan ~fuWr~CIT~ ~ 2. c€r fuf~% - ~ 699~. 3. 789 t The date of the oldest known temple 'Sheetleshwar Mahadev' temple is 1. 689 AD 2. 699 AD 3. 789 AD 4. 105.~ 1. CfiT "3W Cbi?Mldl - ~" ~ 2. % - ~ 3. ~ Which of the following is called the 'Utter-Totadri' of rajasthan? 1. Mandor 2. Bhinmal 3. Galta 106. 'J1lj'1IC';IB, fliWIlI<lli ~ ~ ~?lCbI< ~..:rT'1" c€r fcnB ~ "fr ~~ 1. ~~ 2. ¥r~ 3. ClICbI~< ~ 4. ~ 799 AD 4. ~m 4. Arbud mount ~ ~ ? ~ With which rajput style of painting are lamunadas, Saligram and Nandram associated with? 1. Alwer style of painting 2. Bundi style of painting 3. Bikaner style of painting "~® 107. CfiT <8£li?IW:j" 4. Kota style of painting W~ % - 1. Cl"ICbI~{ 2. ~ 3. ;sIT~ 4. ~ The dolls museum is located in 1. Bikaner 2. Bharatpur 3. 4. Jaipur 02-D Jhodhpur 18 %- 108. '3"lIRcllm(O;j'jctt ~ 1. ~UUTT"l1Tffi 2. ~"l1Tffi 3. cRiBft BTill 4. <lctltlOI"l1Tffi The goddess of the tribals is 1. Surana mata 2. Barbari mata 3. 4. Rathasan mata Kantheseri "it ~ 109. ~ mata ~, ~ Gm ~ "l"l1l;~ % I" it CI?~ FcbqWjll &m fctB ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ if Cfim Tf[ff 1t. ? ; 1. 3. ~~ ~ cflCf)I~< 2. ~~ 4. v[)t\IJIt? ~ About which fort palace did Rudyard kipling say that "This palace was not constructed by demons"? 1. Taragarh Ajmer 2. Bundi durg 3. Junagarh Bikaner 4. Lohagarh 1. 1869 2. 1865 3. 1879 4. 1889 t t Bharatpur t t. In which year did the british sing the salt agreement with regard to sambhar salt lake? 1. 1869 AD 2. 1865 AD 3. 1879 AD 111. ~ ctt &:ffil 4. if ~ ctt fcRRt ~TT~Ti3TICI?T ~ 1889 AD ~ ~ 1. ~ 2. ffifrB 3. q~I\'I"lti 4. ~ How many branches of the guhilas are mentioned ? in Nensi Ki Khayat? 1. Twenty Four 2. Thirty Six 3. Forty Two 4. Twenty 112. ~ if ~ tfrcfr f.:rqfo-r ctt ![Q'~ Cfll ~ fcIffi % ? l. lit\I<I\i11 ~ 2. TTYt\""ITT"UJl=1 t~qff 3. 11t\1<1\i11 ~ 4. Yt\I<I\i11 m YI'1rnt\ To whom does the credit of starting the use of blue pottery in jaipur goes to? 02-D 1. Maharaja Ram Singh 2. Maharaja Ishwari Singh 3. Maharaja Jaisingh 4. Maharaja Man Singh 19 by humans but -- - - -- (r:.HIChI<I· c€r 113.R9" ~ 1. ~ __ 3. \JfR 1. 3. ~ 00- BT~ ~ ~ ~ 4. ,~ 1(ii), 2(iv) 3(i) 4(iii) 2. l(i), 2(ii) 3(iii) 4(iv) l(ii), 2(iii) 3(iv) 4(i) 4. 1(iii), 2(iv) 3(ii) 4(i) (iii) ~ rn ~ - 2. cnfcr __ (i) ~ ~0TI ~ '8I\%~Ch --- -----------------------===;::1- __ __ (ii) 'lTcRl l1T(if (iv) ~T$r ~ Match the name of writer's with their literary work1. Nabha'das __ (i) Kayam Raso 2. Jada charan __ 3. Jaan kavi __ 1. 3. (iii) Dhyan manjari 4. Agra das __ l(ii), 2(iv) 3(i) 4(iii) 2. l(i), 2(ii) 3(iii) 4(iv) l(ii), 2(iii) 3(iv) 4(i) 4. l(iii), 2(iv) 3(ii) 4(i) 114. "~" ~ q:)]Clf ctt ~ ~ (ii) Bhakt mal (iv) Shardul Parmar ctt ? 1. Cho%'LII«II«I~ 2. :i{IF~e;1'i 3. ~~~ 4. ~~::sfrTr Who composed the ballod title 'Galalangh'? 1. Kanhaiya lal sethiya 2. Murari dan 3. Keshav das 4. Amemath jogi 1. ~,YOSlcH, 2. iYfTCIT, 3. c€rcr, 4. ~,~W~ cb)c'{dMI Skllqll<?, $"lI«lIClI~ ifcfJ . fcfl~~ In which part of rajasthan is the 'Aheerwati' language spoken? 1. Bahror, Mandwar, Kotputli 2. Lava, Tonk, Kishangarh 3. Kota, Pratapgarh, Jhalawar 4. Dousa, Choumu, Sambhar if "~ 116. ~ 1. 26 ~ 3. 12 ¥ '8i:'QI!l~" ~ ~ ~ "l"fm 1942 1942 ? 2. 11 iWffi1 1942 4. 23 ~ 1942 On which date was the 'Marwar Satyagrah' celebrated in rajasthan? 1. 26 July 1942 2. 11 August 1942 3. 12 June 1942 4. 23 November 1942 02-D 20 117.'1T~ if ~ $I\J1Il"lOs<'l0i1~lW1 1. ~ 3. ~~ ~ ~ m ~ Fcb<OI~~1 2. ~ 4. ~~ ? <1\J1i51l<'lI Who among the following played a active role in The Nathdwara Prajamandal Movement? 1. Smt. Kiran devi 2. Smt. Rajbala 3. Smt. Durga devi 118. ~ if "~" <fu:r % 1.~~<fu:r 3. qq ~ <fu:r 4. Smt. Ganga Bai 2. ~ 4. ~ <fu:r \J141~q ~ ~ w:Pl TTTm \J1Ff CffiiTI <fu:r 4. ~ 4. Ramgarh The 'Jhorawa' song in rajasthan is 1. a song of separation 2. 3. 4. a song sung at the birth of a child a song sung when the bride departs from her home. a song sung at the time of puting seeds in the soil 119. "~ ~" ~ ~ 1. TTCrtT ~ 3. cnw ~ B- %- \J1F1T \J1Tffi 2. 4. ~~ ~{H_~ Which of the following is known as the 'Rai dance'? 1. Gawari dance 2. 3. Valer dance 4. if "~" ft:;r{ ~ 3. 1lB if 120.~ 1. Ql$'1I\J1ldl % ~ Ghumer dance Chari dance - On which part of the body is the ornament 'bangri' worn in rajasthan? 1. On the head 2. In the hands 3. Around the neck 4. 121.~~~~wmt% 1. ~ <TC? I 2. ~ Centre camel breading centre is situated at 1. Suratgarh 2. Jorbeer 02-D On the feet 3. 21 Kolayat ---, I t1; 020202020202020202 C it Tfm 122. ~-TR 1. % ? CfiT i[(lTI ~ ~ The donkey fair in Rajasthan is held at 1. Jaipur 2. Bharatpur 123. ~ 1. 3. CfiTCT 4. m 3. Kota 4. Tonk 3. CfiTCT 4. ~ 3. Kota 4. Udaipur -, 2. ~ CfiT ~~T ~ rlTfT % ? fuiit ~ ~ ;pn: 2. , ~ Which is called entrance gate of Rajasthan 1. Shri Ganganagar 2. Bharatpur 124. \JWf ~ 1. trr ~ -;:pTfr Cf?CT \Jffiff City of lake palaces is 1. Deeg 125. (fjklllq> Tf cnci 1. Cf5lcT W--m-% % I 2. CflI11T 3. lWTffi 4. JWfCR 2. Kamma 3. Galta 4. Alwar 2. ~ 3. ~ 4. JWfCR 3. Bharatpur 4. Alwar 4. ffWr~ 4. Talchnapar 4. ~ ? Where is Lohagarh durg Situated? 1. Kota 2. Bundi 126.~-TR CfiT 1. Bitm ere·~;siT it ~ 2. ~ ~~ ~ ~ % 3. I ("Uf ~ Which wild life sanchury is famous for green pigeons. 1. Sariska 2. Kewala deo 3. Ranthambhore it ;:fiir 127. ~ 1. ~ m cnrrrr cfll{@'il ~--TTtt ~ 2. ~"q:cI?9T %- 3. ~ The factory that manufacture ink for currency in rajasthan is situated at 1. Bhiwadi 2. Tapukada 3. Tijara 4. 128. ~ 1. A Cf5lcT ~ 1=]dfr Almer cnir W--m- % ? 2. ~ 3. ~IVllcm 4. ~IMlqlc'i 3. Jhalawar 4. Jhalapatan Where is the dome with 84 pillors is situated? 1. 02-D Kota 2. Bundi 22 129. ~ 1. Cb4"P:.flf(1 ;JtirT Cf)[t~I~IJ1< ~ cNcr 2. % ? ~ 4. ~ 4. Gadepan cNcr 4. ~"fIT1R Kota 4. Bhopal Sagar 3. Oilfield in Rajasthan 4. Hon are mines 3. Wffi11lCT ~nCl~IB'i< Chambal fertilizers and Chamicals industry is established 1. Kota 2. Rawatbhata 3. Shivdaspur 130.~ 1. if ~~ ~ cR -GWr ~ *n ~ ~ ~~~ -* 2. cR ~3. The first sugar mill in Rajasthan was established at 1. 131. ~ 1. Keshopatan ~ 2. Shri Ganganagar 3. 'mlm, Tfcr it~crm~ meR &A- "@'1'1 2. Mangola - Bhagya and Aishwariya 1. Rockphasphatemines 2. Diamand mimes 132.rnm ~ ~ 1. ~ ~ % ? 3. ~ 4. "CflWAT 3. Bharatpur 4. Falna 3. 1950 4. 1991 When Finance corporation was established in Rajasthan? 1. 1995 2. 1955 3. 1950 4. 1991 4. ~ 4. Bharatpur 4. ~ 4. Chokla 2. ~ Which famous for umbarc1e? 1. Pali 2. Jaipur 133.~ 1. 134.~ 1. if fcrn f.:rrP1 cR ~ 1995 if ~ ~ ? 2. i31W{i ~ ~ '4)~Cllsl 1955 wm=r % ? 2. GiIBCllsl The mica bricks industry is established at 1. Bhilwara 2. Banswara 135.~ 1. if ~ cR ere ~ l={lffi ~ 2. cR 3. ~ 1fS" 3. Hanumangarh -?rill % ? W1 ~ -.:mrIT 3. lOj19 ClIsl Which sheep breed of rajasthan give a superiar wool? 1. Magra 2. Nali 3. Marwadi 02-D 23 136. ~ 1. CfiT 1:fiJ: ~ B ~~iTif ctt ~ >r~ 2. B:IR ~ ? ~ 3. ~ The position rank of rajasthan in terms livestoke in India 1. First 2. Second 3. Third wBT ~~ 137.~ 1. ~ ~ ~ 2. if BP1 Ben: Cflcf;{J>S!I Cf5T~ GTIT W 2. m Cffiifr What is Tharparkar 1. Buffalo 140.~ 1. 3. 4. Four 4. ~ 4. Nadbai 4. crtir 4. Bandi -;:rctt ~ ? ~ 3. l1® ~ Which river of Rajasthan crosses the tropic of cancer twice? 1. Som 2. Mahi 3. Jakham 139. ~mql{Cfl{ CFm ~ ? 1. 'i'fu' ~~ W-Wr ~ ? Where is mustard rap seed research centre situated? 1. Kamam 2. Sewar 3. Bahrod 13 8. ~ 1. 4. 2. TIm 3. 'if:g 4. m 2. Cow 3. Sheep 4. Goat 2. 4. ~ ~ 4. ;sjT~ 4. Jodhpur 4. BIcf 4. Seven if ~ ~l~ ctt ~ Tffq if ~ ~ Tffq if q~If%'I:l1 ~ ? ~ Tffq if Tffq if Where is available Horse shoetype of Mountain in Rajasthan? 1. Ramgarh Village 2. Aklera Village 3. Manohar thana village 4. Tapukara Village 141.~T4T~if~~~~~ 1. ~ ? 2. ~ Where is situated Playa lake in westen Rajathan 1. Barmer 2. Jalore 3. 142. ~ 1. m. m. m P=r-3TT Cf5T ~ 2. ~ ~ ~filnW1Cfl ~~Tr if r:m: 3. Jaisalmer GfTCT ~ qfq ? How many Geo graphical division divided B.V.C Misra in rajasthan 1. Two 2. Four 3. Five 02-D 24 m if ~ ctr fcRUr ~ 143. fcfffi 1. ~ ~ ~ HCfwldr\1 % ? 3. rircr 3. Kota 4. Jhiliwar 3. ~Iijjlqls 4. ¥r 3. Jharawar 4. Bundi 3. Budivalls 4. Alwar hills 3. Bundi Hills 4. Alwar Hills rircr 3. ~Iijjlqls 4. m Chhapi dam is in which district 1. Baran 2. Kota 3. Jhalawar 4. Tonk 3. dll'8ql'$l 4. cm:T Banswara 4. Baran 2. Which district is known us land of Rising Sun? 1. Bharatpur 2. Dholpur 144.~ 'l1lCT ~ 1. ~TFC.fn ~ rircr % ? ~ 2. fuffiuT 115 Rawatbhata atomic power plant is situated in 1. Kota 2. Chittorgarh 145. illu CJTiT ctr qclrn'1:llfcfffi ~ 1. ~I@qltl 2. if ~ % ? 1lU ~ The Torawati hills are spread in which region? 1. Shekhawati 2. Centre Aravali 146.~ 1. Cf)f >fl1& ~ lj;Cf)~{1 % ? ~ 2. ~ The main water devider of Rajasthan is 1. Mukandara 2. Aravali 147. ~ GlT'a - fcfffi 1. cffiT 148. Br=r CfllWfT ~ 1. ~ m if ? 2. qR;ql\l1 '1 fcfffi 2. m if % ? ~T" Som Kamala Amba Project are in which district? 1. Udaipur 2. Durgarpur 3. 149. <iTT ~ Cf)f >TWB COGf ~i31T ? 1. 1917 2. 1927 3. 1937 4. 1947 When did the Gang Canal Started? 1. 1917 2. 1927 3. 1937 4. 1947 02·D 25 -1. ~ 2. iti'i'l11 4. ?JCTI Jhelam 4. Ravi 4. Burning of Wood 4. mu~ Galvanometer 4. Rheostat 3. cffirc 4. BTl1 3. Volt 4. 3. ~ Which river is the source of Indragandhi Canal? 1. Beas 2. Sutlej 3. 151. R9 1. ~ it B ~ GTt- CflT RhO!~ "II "fIT ~~ 2. c:~TIJT% WI£lHCf) qRClcl'i 9=J R01 qr;fr 3. "CfR"UT I CflT ~ Which of the following activities represents chemical change 1. Melting of ice % 152.~ 2. Crystallization 3. Boiling of water 2. 4. ~~ I 1. ~ ~ RJ3lUT 3. ~ ~'4t RJ3lUT ~it B ~;@ Suspension is a 153. 1. Homogeneous Mixture 2. Compound 3. Heterogeneous Mixture 4. Name of the above ttm ~ ~ ~ 1. ~ ~~ c€r l1iBrcn iFiff it f)qidRd 2. ~~' rn % Cf)~~lctl % 3. ~~ A device which converts electric energy into mechanical energy is called 1. Electric motor ~-rffil CflT 154. ~ 1. SI 1f["3I"Cf) CJTC 2. Electric Generator 3. %2. ~ The SI unit of electric power is 1. 155. ~ 1. Walt 2. !>1R1R1~~ ~ fcs ~ !>1R1R1~ Ampere 1:11 Wrm ;srr BCf)ffi" 2. ~ % Cf)~~ldl !>1R1R1~ Ohm %- 3. ClI«'1NCf)!>1R1N~ 4. "&TI'1" !>1R1R1~ Real Image Bad Image An image that can be obtained on a screen is called a 1. 02-D Virtual image 2. Good image 3. 26 4. 156. R9 1. Wrfum if B fclffi ~m m rtr ~ 2. ~ scwrm ~ m ~ffl '1~:q~ ~m if fc8:n ;smrr % ? 4. ~ifB~m Plane mirror 4. Any of the above 3. Iris 4. Vitreous humour 2. >rctiT~T~ ~c€IOI'1 ~ CflRUT 4. ~ifB~~ 3. Which of the following mirror is used as rear view mirror in vehicles 1. Concave mirror 157.lfI'lCf :q~ 1. ~ M~ en- 2. Convex mirror ctiT ~RtRlR;j ~ 2. nt=ITen- 3. %- In human eye the image of the object is formed at l. cornea 2. ctiT 'M 158. ~3lTctiT~T l. 3. Retina -;furrr cp.:IT inn % ? >rctiT~T~ q ~Iq J'1 ~ CflRUT ~ ~-, >rctiT~T$3 q q '1 $ CflRUT The clear sky appears blue due to 1. Reflection of light 2. Scattering of light 3. Refraction of light 4. None of the above A method of protecting steel and iron from rusting by coating with a thin layer of zinc is called l. Anodizing 160.~~ 1. Galvanization ~ 2. 3. Soldering 4. Amalgamation 3. Acetic acid 4. Ethanol 4. %fr 4. Mercury %- Cf?r ~1l1I"Qctl ~ ~ ~ 2. CflI..nACfl ~ Ethanoic acid is commonly called 1. 16l. R9 l. Formic acid Wrfum if B ~-g 2. ciA BT ~ 2. Carbonic acid % ctiT ,31fuco ':WJ3T ~ ~ 3. I ~ Which among the following is a better conductor of heat l. 02-D Lead 2. Iron 3. 27 Silver ! msr 162. ~ 1. Cf)T H11;qHCb~ Kh C03 ~ - 2. Nah C03 The Chemical formula for baking soda is 1. Kh C03 2. Nah C03 if B" etA 163. A-9 ~ 1. ~ m mg lP:f \JWfin 2. ftwcn: BT~ SlRiRh;q1cn«fr ~ 3. ~n:p:f ~ ~ 4. MghCo3 4. Mgh C03 w{cq 4. q){ if B" etA 1. m m:rrg ~ 0"11 ~:fls"I'i 2. 1. cn1 ~ (ff{ ~ in ~ if ~ ~ 2. iJff.f in lJUT 3. ~ 4. ~ 3. Bromine 4. Sulphur 4. ~cllHCbd1 4. Sonorosity cn1 ~ SlI~ldq~ ~ 3. ~ I ~lijlCbdl The property of metal by which it can be drawn into wires is called 1. Ductility 2. Malleability 3. Conductivity 166.A-9 ~ if 1. ftwcn: B" etA m mg ~ 2. ~ GRT ~ ~ \JTT ~ ~ I 3. ~n:p:f 4. #Is Which of the following metals can be cut with a knife 1. Silver 2. Gold 3. Potanium 167. ~ ~ ~ 1. 1% B" ~ ~ ~ 2. Aluminium ~ Which of the following non metals is a liquid 1. Iodine 2. Chlorine 165. mg0it ? Q~1J1:jH;q 4 Which of the following metals reacts with hot water and Starts Heating 1. Copper 2. Silver 3. Magnesium 4. 164. A-9 ~ a:m ~ dCfi ~ "0l\iff Cf)T ~l'iid<ol ~ 0.1 % 3. 5% 4. ~ ~ 4. Lead ? 10 % On an average how much energy is transferred from one trophic level to the next trophic level. 1. 1% 2. 0.1% 3. 5% 4. 10% I 2. ~ 3. ~ 3. Large intestine The longest part of alimentary canal is 1. 02-D Stomach 2. Small intestine 28 4. Oesophagus - if 169.1=fRCf 1. BfI1P:l 120 ~ GJGr ~ (wr) % ~ 2. (wr) 80 3. 60 (wr) (wr) 4. 140 4. 140 mm of Hg The normal systolic pressure in human beings about 1. 120mmofHg 2.80mmofHg 1. ~ 2. 3.60mmofHg :srg 3. tffiT 3. Leaf 4. Immature Which part of the plant yield opium 1. stem 2. 171. s:jfu1 i54) CfiT ~ 1. ~ Root Cffii'IT 'lWT 2. .3ffif s:jfu1 i54) capsule % ir:si'iff Main thinking part of the brain is 1. Fore brain 2. Medulla 3. Cerebellum 4. Midbrain 1. 46 + xy 2. 44 + xy 3. 42 + xx 4. 44 + xx A normal human male would have a chromosomal 1. 46 + xy 1. 'AB' WI? CfiT 2. 44 + xy 3. 42 + xx 4. 44 + xx 2. 'A' WI? CfiT 3. 'B' WI? CfiT 4. '0' WI? CfiT During blood transfusion 1. persons with which blood group are 'universal 2. 'A'group 1. mm, q.:rr !>1R1G1~ ~ >rMffir ~ ~ ~ ~ 2. \3(i'Cf, ql«1~Cb ~ 174. ~ 3. 4. 02-D 'AB'group ~ make up of &RT ~ ~ ~ ~ 3. % ~ ~ ~ ~ mm, ql«1~Cb ~ ~ ~ ~ B rilcr mm, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ B rilcr 29 'B'group donors' 4. 'O'group 1- An image formed by the plane mirror is always 1. Erect, virtual and of the same size as the object. 2. Inverted, real, and of he same size as the object. 3. Erect, real of smaller size as the object 4. Erect, virtual and of smaller size as the object. 175. ~ ~ 1. ~ 3. a:rncn ~ 'qCf ~m ~ ~ ~ cfr:q ctT ~ ~ CfJ$(i1Idl %f~v""-il 2. ~ 4. ~.~ The distance between the pole and other princepal focus of a spherical mirror is called 1. Centre of Curvature 2. Radius of curvature 3. Aperture 4. Focal length 176.;JfGf 1. m- c€r ~ ~ ,~ Btm, mmm =n-::::rtl=:*"" Rcn--c ~ Q,CI1l ~ = ~ ~ -, 2. ~,qlliir~CfJ 3. BTm, qlliiRlCfJ ~ ~ ~ ~ Btm, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4. ~ ~ Cf) ~ \J'!Till % ~ ffi ~ ~ m-u ~ >1fdfCi ~ m I ~ -, Cf) ~ B t9Tcr B mer When the object is kept very close to the lans the image formed by a convex lens is 177. 1. Virtual, erect and of smaller size than the object 2. Real, erect and of smaller size than the object 3. virtual, erect and magnified 4. Virtual, inverted and magnified ffi ~ if B ~ BT B~1Tf i3Wr~ Awr q) $I c1R~ ~ -;:@ CRill % I ffi ~ V=~ I=~mn R=~ 02-D l. V I::: R 2. Ii 3. V=IR 4. R=- 30 =~(R) I V fl41CfJ{oIi if ~ Which of the following equation does not represent ohm's law correctly (In the following equations V = Potential difference I R 178. = Current = Constant) 1. 2. j{ 3. 4. I R=- 3. GIG: it it fcR:r f.:r9 ~ 1. crr:m1 ~ ~ 2. cl'!:lLf)I~s ~ = constant (R) V % ~ 4. ~~ 4. Dengue fever 4. ~ 4. Nucleus In which of the following Disease carrying organism is a virus 1. 179. ~Icf)f 1. Typhoid 2. it ~ ~ fcR:r '4TTT ~Icf)f ~ it Cholera cfwll(\'k1I{"c Ringworm 3. ~ 3. Mitochondria % 'qCf) ~ 'CIIWI\i ~ 2. 3. it cblf.i;;'!:ll it it Krebs cycle operation in which part of the cell 1. Cytoplasm 2. Chloroplast Which of the following is a renewable source of energy 1. Hydro power 2. Coal 3. Petroleum products 4. Nuclear energy 02-D 31 fC";'\ "t.p f "'I ~"rlt..., 02-D ~( - )1.. tr ~020202020202020202 Q ( SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK / ~ 32 q;rq ~ ~ ~ J ~."_