: i*{a;" YESTERI)AY. TODAYTOTNDRRDIIJ Date: -'r 1 _.-I j-l/ ill Lur) ', s I :/ ,relccme c.ite ancl al1 to Ba.Llina ancl i:o Yesterday, fc-rday, .'r:,morrl\'J cr Y'-i"f as i't is l<nr-'r"",rn" irrti: bhose of you v,lho ha.lentt. been tc-' a Conventicn bef<,re lei: me tell ycu a little abor_rr YTT'" tncluciing Y'f r' is irrc)ouced af ter each rcund cf f ishlng or casting" 'chis i-ssue, ;he::e r'rj l1 be a toLal cf l1 produced" r'hey conLain details Lt-^ t-,, Lrrs vrrcrrvELi ^t--^^^-. vr L\r ir!vgrerrr vf events, general ncticesr results cf evenrs anci small- stories cr anec:-.clotes about Lhe peo:,rle who make all a Convention a succes:i - ycu pecpie vrho parLicil:ate" rje esLleciaily v;ish tc v,relcome our visii:crs from i'Jew Zealand anc'l hcpe thaL ti-re\i cacch heal-,s of fish" -tt turned out thaL this is 'heir SECOIID histci:ic visit as N"Z" also ccrnlreced at aea Gai'dens in J-957 " i.s at glOss r'lf lregis L,raticns on Llee f irst day i,ue had over 550 ^^^.t-I rregistered C-fi.11-,€ci i:ors " It's looking good 'ioc d lilG9 l^.iif, .c-i r JUsl Conven i-lon " iriol f or some ncces abr:ut hov'r 1-he coml-, etition vtill run I,{ake sure you reacl ycur Douvenir ,'rogram ancj especially aboul- 'the lf you Honcur' and ,;eigh-in l: rogr;im, Daily ile!isc.r'ation, of the one have any irc-.i:ries cr doul:ts in this area talk 'iri,th t,ffici:1r rL Ileadguar-ers. I af f icials can be identif ied by their Golci Spray .tackeLs ancl Blue l.r.,A FlaLs" iiic rjne el-s,e has Lhe auLhoriL.y to advrse ycu a1:arc frrm 'these :: ,:' i':-cia1s If you in'Lend tc com,-,ete incjividltally C,f in the casting you musi 1tr,ti: your name on the sheet \-,n the t'ictice Board at Headquarters- rhis ajrlrlies evei'l if you are already :-n the 'r'eams Event" r,ihen fishing ior an event has ended, all f ish must be placed in the frsll bags;orovided ancl't.iecl l.rii-h a Lag which identifies each Ccmpetitcr. r-i:om lhat time onilaros no one other than an Crfficial is alicr,reci io touch tl-re fish" i'he fish trucks rvil1 deltart strictly on time and bags ivil1 be unloaded at lieadquerrters by tfficials ancl sorted into numerical order by State" l',s each compeLiLor s catch is v;eighec1, he (or she) r,rill be cal1ed uil to observe L.he lveighing" iieigh*ins viill si:arl- st::ictIy on time" r'hey will NL,T be held ea::ly" r,l1 sor;ing ancl checking t.hat compeLitors want to do musi: be complebed befcre Lheir fish are bagged and placed on ihe fish truck" if ycu have a doubtful sDec.ies, tel1 yc-,ur State Captain r,vho will ari:ange r,;ith i:he i'ield uff icer for that fish to be checlcecl utroit arriva.l a'c Headquarters" If it is not L,K it vri1l be removed i',rit.hout penalty" i.emember, the ltenalty for undersize fish is 25 r:cints per fish" o ,j, iriotes abou'l hc:rv Lhe cOmpetiLion will be run, continrred" ':' Car and bcat.parking in the Headquarters cc,ffpc.urrcl is resiricteci ;c) a fel''r essential off icials" Holveve.i:, boatt' tirat have been lcorrcr,veci by ..",r," anci 5.Z....Compe'Eitors parked here over-night for secu::r "' L1r lhe eut-cf*ccmpeition event will sLart at 7"00 am on luesday f2th July and run until the finaL weigh-in at 8"00 am on 'Juesclay 26th Ju1y" 'I'fre slrecies for this canrpe.i i f i on vrill be; Brearn, irummer, F ta|head, Luderick , I'iul lcv'ray, :-earL i.-erch, Snapper, Ta-iJor, r,hiting and heavies of c iher ;Dec-ips " j_ I 1r^ Lrl.hl\\JL]-J ^l i-- I IIIIIJJ The si:a.,:tingJ times for,<ound 3 of both Esi:uary and ,iock & have been altes'ed to be" 3"'0i 3" 30 pm i..,aily ,ieEisti-ai_ion ai-:d Check-cut Beacl-r ,.C ;:m r,ines rro\in IL v'ras colrsldered thaL this change tvould overcorne a number c,f prcblems asr;ocia'ced r;i Lh a lai:e evening stari " 1:, ..L. "'i: Despite the heavy seas I'gm reliably informed ';hau some tr€o;€ caLches have been made off Lhe rocks anci beaches and Lhat the ,{ichmorrd i . p!!r\f,\r!,rrr9 irrnr{trci nr: rD lrlen'cy of bream" i'he months of rain might have been a blessing for tire Estuary ,.,nglers" Alri_)arently offshore is fi.shing very lveil if you can ijet out, If you vJan'L ihe late:;i .r-r fishinql conditions listen to raclio station 2LI'i on 90C. at 3"20 eacir morning there r";i11 be a live repcrL from our i'ieLd r,ff icer, .ios: Garven rep;rting from a liqht aircraf i: over the Ballina area" Let,:iossts dulcet tones sooth the lasl mcuLhfulls of vour breakfastr fer,; ihcse of yor-l who celieve in l-uck should Louch Jcan Corriga.n, ou-r. rresident Gene::ale s rvife" She ruon a hamper of fresh meat at ;ioolgoolEa ;'."5"L" on the trip uir from Sydney" iiell done Joan; SUCI;iL ,ay 5, lzji-h Jurl_y LADIES /Ci;t,FT :-temons'trations :tnd, -armial a1-arl wcrks on shcit at i{eadquarrers frcm L2 noon to 3.0C pm Bring or buy 1unch" nl1 laciies vrelcome" l(eeu y,iu:: eyes anci. ears open f oi' nev;s of the John l,,iichol 's crib schcol " I hear it goes til} all irours of bhe niEht" Gor rrouble v,rirrr r;;;";;;;".;; ;";;';;' tr,,c srr^oke car. J ": ") -i con'cact Leader Ci:af t a't 97 I'iarcin sL", ;h 86,,3875" r-hi11ip i auli is of fering e 2-, hcur service on any boa'1" /\cccmmocta'ticn aL Eallina seems to be at a premj-i-rm so if you dont t mind being . cuui. le cf miles uir ihe coas i: , ycu ccul d try i'Sunav.ray, a t ;uffolk "'drl,, Deach near Byron liay" Iem Lold they have seve::al_ self coni:ained familrr units available" L 1,,'f r'T i{L\-)N r-,lrJ ',riiDiriE--rD,1,,Y 13fH JULY YESTERDAY- Z TODAYTOTNDRRD\U Date: 13th July,1983" Ui,JENING CEREMONY The Opening Ceremony was held on Monday nfLernoon in cool bul sunny conditions" Several hundred competitors and friends were rrraqani- nrri-qida hordarr:rl-org tO CbSefVe Lhe f<,fmalities r!!rllur!9JgJ anri grlJvy oninrr qllu the occasion" Honoured guests included the Rt" Hon" J"D" Anthony, the 1ocal State MP" Mr" fi"B" Duncan and the Shire Council President Mr" G"J" Ellis" Harry Horgan did a first rate job as I'i"C" and Murray Corrigan upheld the high standards expected of our President General" He also showed a natural talent for problem solvinq bv coping vrj-th a microphone failure" The Ceremony went like clockv,iork with all National and State flags being unfurled tc, perfection" speeches were short and relevant and the accompaniment of the band was most enjoyable" Thanks to Ballina Primary School" OF'FSHO.1E JiOUND 1 The first event of these championships and werenrt there some outstanding catches" Conditions were good and f5B out of the I74 angrers who checked out caught fish" The provisional results totalled 3351 fish for 2476 Kg" snapper and trevally were the dominant species with many good snapper being presented, . The best was a magnificent red of 8"660 Kg" taken by locar angler Trevor Gardiner " Best individual catch was by I{ichael Hirst of N"S"l,.J" who capl-ured r92 fish for 92"75 Kg" Robert Lund who also fished in +Lr^ same boat was not far behind with 154 fish for 71"10 Kg" Other notable individual catches included a 22"0O Kg" Cobia (or black kingfish) by Ken Bror,vn (NS!'i) and a 14"40 Kg" Bar Tail Cod from Tony Forster also of NSi"'l " It certainly shows up the benef its of Local knolvledge" Best catch by a compeL j-tor f rom another State was 47 fish for 52"2 Kg" by Dave Bateman of Queensland" The detailed resul-ts attached are very provisional and may contain errors" No points loss for undersized fish has been indicated " IIOTICES A11 states are reminded that final nominations for Offshore Teams must be given to itoss Garven or Bruce Schumacher by 5"30 pm Today" Any competitor who did not receive his trlatypus name tag aL registraLion time should contact the people on the Social Tab1e" Extra stocks have norv arrived" It has been decided that the only species that will be accepted for the large-st Cod caught will be Black Cod and Bar Tail /-^,u A n' uvuo vLll\ nlly ^'-h-6r Cod wil l only be el igibl e f or heaviest other species " 2 (A11 desults Provisional) - CPFSHL)RE RUUND i _ T'UESDAY 12Ih BEST INDIVIDUAL ANGLERS - C,FFSHOI(E ROUND ]ST Orreral l yEu 1 .N" 239 2"N"256 3"N"73 4"r{"84 5"Q"tta -)l^ R" VI: s" \" na LI ";\. P " STENT{ER N".i" qq7 R " JENNINGS D " BATEMAhI R" Overal 1 tr, 1 q 1A l\Ozr QLD q. NSl,v LVJaoJ 1!Ig VIC S.A" td"A" N"Z. 11? t oJ( LL i.(EADING L2 B " CTTET.JE I{. 270 E"GARVEN 467 R"MOORE 264 3"N"138 D " FIUNT 187 4"t{"/1 I] " BARSING 176 " 5 5"q"ze B.BONNELL L46 "5 26 B"BONNELL 146.5 274 E " GA11VEN 467 1 I ^^ tz B QLD 1r7 H"HARVEY 247 363 ^"u::l:o s"A" !i "A" 1 N"Z" 25 LISMORE DEEP SE/\ F/C L447"5 - N"S"r'J" 2nd fTALO 3rd 4th q "AiINOLD rt7 " BROVJN 27 " L" SCOTT 116 G OFFSHORE lst I44I '72 ";;;; it!^ NSI"J R.ESULTS H K 264 }17 H"HARVEY 247 N" 363 A"PICKUP 1T7 NZ" 25 L" SCOTT 1 16 VIC TEAMS R"MOORE Q" 2" 3" CLUB " 37 VETERANS Overal I -!- 2"v"37 76s LUND JULY LADlES roga"s }4" HIP"ST 114 D " BATEMAN 239 i{" HIRS'i36 H " MC,ORE 15 B " r,,/ILLISS QLD NSiij li,l DAY RESULT'S A " ROBETTTSON, Lv " suFFoLK, K" BxO!VN, K" IvIOSS AUST " D/S - NoS"i'''1" :ARIiINGBAH AI'JGLERS - N"S"tJ" 1375 )CEANIC 1149"5 aLQ" HEAVIEST FISH BLACI{ KINGFISH IMPORT:\NT ;:':::: ':' C,nce again we l(EN Bito!iN DAY 1 22"40 I{9" must remind ALL competitors that they mustpresent themselves personally during the 30 minute check-out time" Itrs not acceptable to get one of your mates to register for you" Bal tags once issued may be used again in later rounds but you will probably need a new bag tie" Bags may be re-used" a competitor with more than one bag of fish must ensure that a bag tie witlr his Conrrention number is placed on the exLra bag" These can be obtained from the check-in officials. HEAVIEST OF SFECIf,S CI\UGHT Black CUMPETITION TONY FORSTEii itC)l{ALD ii.EDMAN Cod Brearn rr 1 IN athead athead 0"810 l(9" l(9" 070 lig. 5"810 I{9" Kingfish GLOTiIA BA'I'EMAN TEIiRY LANGLEY 1" llorwong iviu I l oway BOB GIBSUI{ CLIVE 3.11 7"60 3"980 B. 66 Kg" Kg" Kg" n o? V'JJ va irl- Fei]rL i,erch lilEvlMAN r;AxR EN SOMivIEP.V ILLE 'IxEVOi? GARDINER snai)per 'f ai l cr: Y,e " Tarrrrhi ne Terag I i n r reval 1 y GAR H MARTIN PETEi]. IVIcGRATH BYRON LITTLEVJOOD JOHN CRANE O"79 2"3 Kg 'f GRAHAM DJiEW 3"33 Kg" 22"4O Kg I4"74 Kg" una Cther species \tJl.acK |\l_ngIr5n/ l(EN BltOVvltj GREATEST VAIIIETY OF'' CATCH IN A SINGLE ROUND 5 STJECiES LvALLY MOORE HEAVIEST CF SPECIES CAUGHT OUT OF COMPETITICN / nr R r rarm ilt -]-1..^-,"1 \ Kg" " " GEORGE COLE L"47O Kg" KEN BISBY 0"680 Kg" f;R()r?Cn aOLE 1" 130 Kg " (-rrae i ac ()l-har / ,t.,>poLreo H].no ) IMPORTANT 14"44 )::::: Unfortunal-ely some competitors vJere a minute or two late for departure o:F the f ish truck and their catch was not eligible for points" Donrt be caught" Allow for that extra fevl minutes in case \/ol J "- l e ro 11 ol arra6j " PROGRAM CH/-NGES Ihe S"A" and VIC" State nights have novl been amalgamated and Lhe combined function will. now be held on Sunday 17th Jul-y at a \/ant stil1 to be trominated" n11 State nights ather than lii"A.,, are iz I a 1-. personal rnvitation O only" Further deLails in next YTT" U'i'-OF-CCMP ETI T ION Thj-s com;-retition is intended tc catei'fcr the person whc is not fishing in a scheduled event but has gone fishing and caught some fish" These fish can be weighed during our regular weigh-ins" This fishing may take place from Tuesday 12th July until 8"0u am on Iuesday 26th July" Fish can only be r,veighed at designal-ed weighin times" Awards will be gi-ven to the heaviest of 10 desiqnated species " No out of compeLition fishing is permitted in the area of an outing in progress between the start, of ttegistration and Lines up. Fishing is permitted outside the boundaries of these outings while they are in progress" P AMBT\ tr SH IOiiJ-PARAng VJill be helci at. 10"00 am on'vvecinesday 20th July at the Catholic Church hal1 , Ivlain Street, Alstonville" The admission charge o.f $1" O0 incl-udes mcrning tea, lucky door pri:e, etc" Tickets will be available at the craft Day <,n Thursday l4th, in the marquee or at the dcor" Children v;elcr.,nie" For fi-rrther details rjno Rarhara {lrrlfi1"je on 28 OOC6" CRAFT MORNJING Please note the changed times" This wil] now star.t aL 10"0(i am vrith the C"ii"A" ladies arriving at the Headquarters marquee to shcv,r their crafts" A lady from Lhe nursery will also be present to shor,v and seil local plants. It{orning tea will be provided and bring the chirdren along t.ogether t"'ith !uur own kni tting , crocheting or other handicraf Ls " You can bring or buy your lunch if you rvish as the laclies expect to be around until the weigh-"in at 3"C0 pm" The breathalyse.t: vJas buslr in Balllna last Mcnday night after Old irriend's Niqht ar the ,i"S"L" If you goi: caught then get your hearing cheekeci as they announceC the lccation cver the p"A" a number of Limes " ';, ::: ;:, ::: :j: ::r ::r r:r :;: ::: :: ::r ::: ::. ::r ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: r:i Downstairs in the Lounge and lJharf area, sports shirt, Dress Shorts and lrr:oL,.';ear" Soiled working clothes permit.ted until 7" 3O pm" but not. on sundays" Ladies in dress shorts admilted" In the Up-stairs Lounge, males may near casual dress before 7 "oo pm and l.adies, dress shorLs" Af ter 7 pff, ma]es musL wear. aL lea:'-;t clres-s shorts vrith long hose and "ca collared shirt" In the Dinnj..n Room? correct dress is necessarv at all times and ladies in shorts are not admitted" A"A"A" ( I(NOCI(OUT DROPS tvi Lh coml:l iment-s f r-,m 1" 2" 3. 4" your Social r'eam ) i:lace 1l(9" c',f natural dried apricots with or vrithcut stones in a suitable bottle" (;tones add a burnt flavour)" Add one bc-,ttle of brandy, gin or vodka" Add fi; cups natural sugar" shal<e rvel-i and botlle securery" start t.o drink it after 6 weei< s . Ihe oi der " Lhe bet.ter " Lvhen aged f or 5 years, l,abel ?rA"A.A" I\iEXT EDrrrc'N oF YTT rS KNOCKOLjT' DRupS,'" DUE o'rrT AT NooN oN'|HURSDAY l4th JULY t DITATI., PEqittIq- nqp.slJnRii _ Rnrrn4 1, _____j2-,7_aa: V GorCon Hair<ic 3 2"2r0 4 aB lq-T:R"lciiLardi: 1 i'i ilei1 Car,-tct-t,; 2C 27 "'i5 O:2 i'i R.-:p Unccr,.'cto4 2? Iti Ceor;e Kann li 15"C5 qZe L Berzerley Bannel 1 WLJ il, ? I"1 Bitl PouIa',n L?_ 1,i"3C t, a39 I'i Alex l(nc..:Ies ril 33"30 Q43 14 iiyle Guy Q45 i"I GeorEe Ratcliff B a\A li Denis Ratcliff 15 7"'\5 Cl5O i"i Gecroe Beatty i2 M Roy floskin 2 1"8i Q75 i'l John Johnstcn 2 qZ;r i'{ John Ingham 14 A"i"i" Ir',.rin :,f 16" 15 35 Q77 /lQ'1 V Le,.: Chri sl-en::e n '16 L4 "75 22 Ql:C,{ i"I John Crone Ql1 2 M Rcbert Schoenknecht 35 2).4a .j113 V Roy Sr.;ain "; Dai'id Bat.:i'nan a\4 4 t;7 l--2"?C Ql15 L Glor-ia Bateinan., 't' M l-4 I'7 2 3 " iri) Q _117 V l-iar"::y Harvey I''I4 L RuLh i3arsing 15 il7 Ii Dzivrci Chapmatn 77 Nl6 i't Jolrn Pel I acrreen 8 iJi3 .,j Aircri,co l{, li*?5 l'l Robc,ri: Donald:;,:;n 21 l< ?5 N45 V rrrthur Dreckmeyer ? a"a N46 11 John A1l en 2:!t i'i6!, ilj .i.: j-ly i''toore J o,-: 16 {'7 i\73 Pi":t'Stl'ttne.r" 1 L7 N-.: i1 lu-:sel Jennin,S'., 5 q 1,'l i'i88 l.i Len Katcn l'l87 Fl Jchn Glover 65 49 ?f ?( lJ9l l'1 J " I'icDermic-l i'J90 i{ I'Jol-m i'iulholland 5b 4, 1 ?r, !,, i{93 i,-l C"i"i" Buckley i!9 2? l"i R " Buck I ey -) I't, i.J95 i'{ John }r.onan ) I\?4 l"i D"fl"Thontas 6 qq lll15 L Ke;:s;tin i"ioring 5 i{95 l"l Feter r,,;.lt:-ion 6 ')r', 1 1I I'1127 14 Ken Pullen 7 N2L2 i4 Ter:rr,r Lengley I'Ji 33 L Del l Hunt IO TO "',7 lJ129 11 Ken Perr'l<er 30 )C !i i'1185 M J:hn Bourl<e 45 N1.3,9 i,l Kej-tn LedgeLr i'1199 i'l Bob Gibson i'J'llBr. V Aian Ha:rt 3 35 .i i'J2C1 IY1 Greg Suf fcl-k N20O 14 Len llar:l<er ^a 1l ,'t t', iJ2C3 it1 i/len i'toss 2C2 l''i Ker-: Bro',,,rn 16 L2 ')a l,!:?.?-7 l{ ilona 1cl P.edraa n N21i lti ile:,; F::ipp 6 /1 ) ) N234 I'i Kr:n Po',.rer i"J229 11 Tony Fcrstcr 7 I-i )5 .i!- A i{236 i4 Alan Rober:,trn 'ti?37 li John Prosser 32 i124.:, I.'1 John Conte i{23t }i }'1ic}rael i-lir:st r92 c) ?\ 25 Ii:51 ;'l Vcn St:ff id249 i"i 'I'revor Gai:di-ner- '.).: )a ? ?'iJ261 M Col Dorey 4. i{256 l"'i Robert Lunci 154 "1a1 ).,1 q ,t, l.j27C L Elain€i G.lrven I'i269 itl Jchn Glrven 7 IJ273 i{ Ncel Davi:.; N27?- 1,1 tsrii:n Parr 2 li ') al N2 75 1.1 Kev f reckel ton N274 14 Brett D.:vis 2t':, )7 €r ?6 ii2B0 i.l Cl-ern Tr-:r1ich In?-76 i"I F{oger Anderson .n ;{284 V Errc }iatson IV2B3 \l i{ec Green 5 2 l: ii291 l'i ti285 It'darr:en Suffoll< 29 .Ti-rn \,.;i..ey 41 .,) ?( i'J292 l'/i Colin Shanncn l'l3Cr: L Juciith lSeirder 5 5 a 4^ I'J3C5 l"{ Rbbert tsenderlJ3.o t'i Prul lilrqins 7 l', ll3i5 l'1 B)rrcn Littl€',,:oocl ) i',r3.14 M Steve Shanngn I I \q a ar i,,'ill-j-,-:iii I'J352 i{ Grant;'iatscit son 3 N3i6 M i,cvii-l ,) i"l-i55 M eer:harci iujarz 4, li353 i.1 Gr,r:tav Garber:; i6 15"65 q .li I,i355 I'i lohr-r IUcGarriill.e L4 7 N35,+ L Elfie Garbers LI 1a 1. fJ-15C Pi Jack Restorr 6 it N358 L Karen Sutton f-r Q( i{362 I'4 Peter Pickup 27 4 i'i361 I'i t;eginalcl De11 '1 I iJ354 i',i Robert I'lartin 16 13 N363 V Arthr:r Pickup .i l'1378 Ivi ,'iarren Som'.::vi 11r 5 .ll'i365 \i Ken :,'ray C4 li380 M Ga::th i'iartin 7 26 l!379 i'1 Trevor Poole a: ,.r i: N382 lvl i'icel l"lartin J'oJJ 1B 23 l'1381 1"1 ;r.rlley i(ratz it? n-i C) .4 2"1.5A 28"65 13.15 2"15 3"99 5"35 3"110 ;16"50 26 " 3C 1,"E0 9"50 At') O n .i_ r"t /:6, -l q/l a &J J 'iV 23"A f" -t- E qq 11 r- lq 4-) ?f i6"Ct i',1 ,2 -1 ?, .t, .{ : vl Vll V19 V29 V35 V44 V5O V59 V66 V69 VB3 V9C iim Gilbee ;'{ Bob Pywell ir{ i"i Pet-er i"l John Mcr"(Jait I\i Har:ry I'lcore 11 i,Ji 1 1i am Hamrner i'l Lindsay Cheers I4 Col in Barnesr I'i Jef f rey Inni s L Janet Crane I\i Bruce Thorn i4 Tlrrtothrr ijose i''lcGr-atir ^)n -) | 1a /A I U . it- q7 ,' tt l(, 1 :, I 2.',2 10"5L1 72 i.t7 B 37 15 18 .lq 56 V.'1 Vii) Viiil VJ-t 34"70 v37 85 v t"9 2:a. " 3"60 20"50 7"30 13"15 r-) .qa 28 " 10 v5 2l v65 v68 v'i 3 VE5 L Llsme Gll-bee M Rr:b'Bright M Keith Fleming lvi Vi c iia I ter L Rhoda l"'ioo::e i'l ,iCdie Fi sher" i''i Gucnter Sehnclle I"l PeLer l,loreau i"I Jin Ci'ane Ii Piervyn col_clsmith i{ John l'lason il)'7 5 52 /, 4r^ 8"850 16"3 32?-5 '2t: 6 " )). 46"0 t] ) 26L75 ,aR ) ar, :10"9 t, /.1 \ ! '1 ? AA tq LT qA "7 lo5 I Q 4r:, 1(\ 1ri 1A ^) 1,4"35C a/\ -. r ro"J'-l -i "tn 26.8] J\i 2. rt7 IO ,2 2o 32 IO 5 Qq tr. ')'' JV .:- -i- o 'al ( ?n 10"8C 1-r z1 i) 2a "6C I Or) ? nq 53 s9 M r.1 S15 tl 'A .,-r S2 7 S55 r,4 l"i ,- 1 v 11 ';11 7 1"1 L ".:?.i) \t),6 lti?_,.) 1r ii_? 3 M Li*?g M -] ' [.:., :r.'.r-.: _.(l_ ^/ navici :,Dreil l1a)-r-= -,. rl J " A lr: ll 't I I -- i o -JJ .),/1]-7F.... +nI r e,-lrr.:rr^ J u j. Sha::on O borne \ I .i1:. a--^, -\ 1 V6 ') a--r I a! o Jrv ?t,^, :J 5 U!r!,' i-rt/t I Qr:n Grr-:qt" '-'l Clive iJs,.;man a '\ -t,t '7 / r'_ 1 Ll iJ J a,-,-. ,'rrA o _-u !/ i;5 V r,'r .i20 L ;,;'t ,i,a Jr: 1"1 ',i23 a -Li 1,1 G"a. ll--'t"'it:;r:n R-',:. l..i lllr.:_-'-iccf f i:tl,.,lrcl :; ;i ob,.,-:: t'f h o;itn so n ilc;': Ri.charrc.son Dual ey Lovc-:qror,rc (.lr-ahain Drer,,, iios.-- i'{a::per Rc..b fi.,:adi nq l;ici ,';hitinc; :r3E l.i ;^J1.0 i"T Des ThomaI Maurie::$ong a n J-i-rn Palmer l1 L) L L L :.i ? :"551 I'Jtl2 " Siii iO 1,1 1, Ta - \': 1 st5 ri j.j s2_? l{ I .-] 'i1 s7 :il I ,; H:r-r-.,-rr L Kathl- e;-'n,,\r-nr:l.d liz25 V i-en Scott I'J:18 17"35C ,.-to lq^ :J,J l) i-\r1r'n Mi ka H.:l tr. ) ,L!I!I'J J:e C:tterr.,re11 Dar"'i-cl I'oster l,i l"fon-rr li5 ',''J 73 J"itJ" !il-n,.,oo0 Jchn FuL,ier i.4 \./ L.UI IE 7 B.2tC0 1::1, LA / 6UU 26 'i,.t 45) !!,i -') :,t- ) .1 /\ " 21"9C0 .'.a a1,^. :) b a )'J I -t a.-l i'J A U ( 1,1 r'r J 6 A J'.J q I 16"05C './ ;,t') r. qilr) 0"55C r7 I 7 J.J " JUU 3"350 (-, -7 r YESTER[)4YTODAY- 3 TDMDRRDIIJ Date: i4th July, T?OCK & BEACH ROUND 1983 1 It was a glorious day for the first round but unfort,unately no one told the tailor to attend" Ihe most popularr.eason is that t.he fresh conditicns have made the close inshore seas ralkrer muddv and the fish are out vride? About 365 anglers checked out in the mcrning and 182 caught fish" Top catch was by Graham BeIl of N"S"W" who took 18 fish for 38"8 Kg" Most of his caLch was rock blackfish" Other good indivldual catches included Dennis Baker" also of N"S "!,J" with 25 fish for 12"05 Kg" Amongst the top hauls was a fine catch of 10 fish for 4.20 Kct" by a lady ccmpet.itcr, trJella Clifton of fr"A" The total catch was 608 fish for 444"55 Kg" Bream, tarwhine and rock blackfish predominated with the biggest cjisappointmenL being the almost compreLe absence of tailcr, which are usually plentif ul at this t.ime of year" Best fish of the day was a rock blackfish of 3"62 KE" caught by Graham Bel1 while other catches included a very nice bream of I"92 Kg" taken by John Morgan of Victoria" TOTAL CATCHES The early figures for the offshore Round 1 were produced under difficult conditions (unofficially by your Publications Editor) and when property processed prociuced a few more fish" A breakdcwn of the catch is given below together with a similar set of figures for Round 1 of the Rock & Beach" OFF'SHO;?E }tOUi{D 1 - L2"7 "83 No" No ir/ai nhf Anrr I orq Fi sh Kg" QLD 23 386 ?Ae an N"S"!V" VIC " 82 1456 " 45 S 1t 1793 672 4L3 Ib TL7 10 105"50 14"10 391 25L3 " 20 "A" r,.i "A" N"Z" Tctal: 25 J 160 3 344 " 00 224 "35 i -2 BEACH&ROCK-ROUND1. 2ND DAY RESULTS BEST INDIVIDUAL ANGLERS Overal I QLD r L> Sel L" 2" 5 4"" 5" N169 N99 r\j-u1 Nl26 N232 ^n^ I \)Y N"S"l//" N1 VIC v29 S " 69 S3 "A" f,J"A" uil3 5 N"Z" NZ26 G" BEACH Overal I 146"0 1AA rzJ.) G" Coles A" Edwards c" BelI J" Morgan l''t " kilinwood A" Price lnq Ao tr q n 1" 2" 3. Qs6 Qlo V75 Q56 N301 QLD " N"S"h/" VIC " v75 5"A t !/18 2"" W20 3" Vl0 4" N257 5" N277 N"Clifton 52" 0 R" Harper 21 " 0 S" Cavill 16"0 M" O'Neil'. 10"0 L"Johnson 9"0 So Guy 4" 5 M"O I Neil 10" 0 S" Cavill 15"0 N" Ciifton 52"0 Q45 N25 7 29 "O vl0 l,tlB l,"i"A" N" Z" L2 "O Juniors Overal I Pts" I$"S"W" VIC " S"A 28"C 24 "5 D" Cullen Ladies QLD 406"0 13TH JULY ROUND 1 ROCK o nrulo Be11 A" Cannon D" Baker B" Laybon & VJEDN]ESDAY Veterans B" Schofiled D" Evans T" Goldsmitlr B" Schofield J" Garven T" Goldsmith Ove:-al1 I " N310 c" Voisey 73"v 22"5 2r"0 14. 2" a 0 zz.5 QLD 7"0 N"S"W" VIC " S "A" r4"0 W"A" t\l 7 N357 K" Kay Q17 R" Ford Q17 Ro Ford N310 "" _:::=.0 Vl26 A" VJ"A" N"Z" Guest 39"0 24"5 24"5 73 " 0 5"5 - BEACH & ROCK ( Fu]1] s l ater in this issue ) CLUB TEA}4S RESUI,TS 1st YAI.4BA F/C K"Grivens, P Kerkenezov 2nd ANGLERS ARMS F /C 3rd BiiUi'iSlrICK HEADS ANGLING & D/S CLUB 4th BALLINA ANGLING CLUB HEAVIESI. N1 69 & ANGLERS NI"S"!J" VIC " s \r''J "A" " 'l'Aii | " DAY 2 3"62 1 - 13"7"83 No" lveight FISH AA RI 111 450 1B 32 13 29 r l1 A" I{"2" 16 BEACH ROUND No" QLD Lightf oot, A"Cannon 335"5 293 "5 287 "5 ROCK BLACKFISH GRAHAM BELL rIOCK FISH Iti" I82 1 J 608 Kg" 40 "70 365 " 20 18"25 4 "70 L4 "24 1" 60 444 "65 Kg" ) J- CLUB -'E,il4i c'nce agairr Lhere r,vas not much :;eparal-ing the f irst f ew Leams in the Club Tearns ComcetiLicl.- - friinners were again a loca1 side, the redoubtable 'l1rrc,a Fi;,,in,r Clun" 'L-he catch v,'as fairly evenly shared arnongsL Lhe 1. team membe:: vrhi:h is usually a sign of a Eood sLrong Club" Lismore Deep Sea anci Italo Australian Deep Sea are probably still ieading ti-.e ,verall Clubs Competiticn" YESTERDAY Failed tr.; ackn,rr"li edge t.he great f ishing by locai club Lismore Deep Sea who i:ock cut the CLub Team Competition for the Offshore" They only made it by gi1 pcints so there is still ptenty of ccmpet.i 1-ion tc f ind the L,verall Champion C1ub" ovr-cF-c0MP ETTTTON Not many fish have been presented so far sc there's still plenty of prizes to be vion. A nice Lailor vJas caught. by Alan WhiLehead and reasonable bream and spcrtted hind have been weighed" But apart from those and a flathead, flo olher species have been presented " HEAVIEST L,F SPECIES CAUGHT Black IN Tony Porster John l{orqan Cod Bream ori a Cil Luderick riober Quinlivan 'l-arrrr I(g " 9BO Kg " 1"920 Kg" 3 "620 l{g " 1"070 Kg" 5"BlC Kg" "880 Kg" 3"110 Kg" 7.60A Kg" Bateman T.:nnl orr Bob Gibson Morlvong Mul loway Clive Newman arren Slommervi 1l e Pearl Perch Hl 3" tr\r T'revcir Gardi ner Snapper Gral-iam Bel hd Tail or 8"660 Kg" L "320 Kg " 1"060 Kg" I " 050 I{g " 2 " 300 Kg " l Max Lightfoot liobbie Anderson T'arwhi ne Terag 1 i n I'reval1y Byron L,ittlewood John Crane lfuna r,,ihiLing Graham Drew Bi 11. Beaccm Of her .,nr:r-'i ec, Ken Browrt \ tJl acK i\rngI ]-sn i / l4 " 400 Graham Be11 D.r'ummer Fl athead King f i str \-nariiAd COMTETITIOi'J hr George Cole l(en Bisby nl an i,Jhi tehead George Cole Fl athead 'Iai l cr har ( qn')f t^r j_ '1_ Qnac i oq .5d H r nrl Kg" 3"330 "260 Kg" Kg" 22"OOO Kg " HEIiVIEST OF SPECIES CAUGHT OUT CF Bream I"750 ::' CUT4PETITICI\J L"470 "680 Kg" Kg" 2"15C Kg" I"130 Kg" ) I,'EIGH'I CHANGED SINCE LAST YT'I" '* 4 SPECIAL Nt,TES tsy cr:urtesy of Jim and Greg t Gotd ccast Bus Tourl'-Lwel1. -what a tripl rtm worn ouL" I The '37 00: rt's good Lo see cur next ri n trip " ci leave at B" 30 am for Lisrncrq and al I point-s west" T'ickets I oL q 11n It per person" 00 i,5" at nov1 selling cluring weigh-irr ti mes next TuesdaY ( 19 Lh ) " Have you Lried the Convention pr-rrt? shiraz grapes at their best " It has been said that the .;lder it get s the better ' however, a small drcp now vrould not be hard Lo take" T Shrrrs - Have you bc-rght that souvenir yet to take home to mum? '1';'t" n"t rrytt neck line makes these ideal f or ladies " Class ( has entered the FC;RTHCCt4I NG A."A"A. El/ EIii f S : Saturday - tsal1ina Jockey Club welcomes Lhe a"A"A" Facil-ities wil-l operate on all races f rom 1 to First race at 1"00 Pm" I C00t\i Ifaiden HandicaP itace 2 - Ncrrna,n .\odgers 1000M Improvers HandicaP liace 3 - Estuary l,ssocj-ation TAB (. L -.1- ^ ^ 5 1 2COM - l,ustral-ian lingling /\ssociation C,pen Hcp" 1600Iq 1900N1 Beach itural Stakes ilace 5 Race b - Lffshore Irlying HandicaP 1000M Rcast- pig orr a spit will be available between 3"0c pm and 4"CC pm and there vrill be clrinl<s at the l\'lembers' Bar for competitors urith LickeLs" see Jim for an early tip" Race /\NO'1'l-lEi? 4 A"i',"A" SP[CIAL not knockout drops again" No Itrs Sundcwner --^.1 clllLl T'his time its rThe I lvet a ,---]-- LD J? F)oL Add I n: r1- c'^raal- .refmOUth glass with bitters" A twis:t of lemon, a cherrY than drink Lhrouqh s t.emmed crushed ice" qin" SEAGULLS CLUB N]GJJT C'UT The cost for a bus plus the shovr is $15"00 per person and if enough perple are interested a coach lrill be booked" See Jim or Greg at the Social rable - Lhe workers! The shov,i runs from B"30 Lo 10"30 and t-he bus tvould depart from headquarLers at 5.:O pm" r'ropcsed date is'ihursday 21st" SEA I'ORLD TOUR Another tour that can be arranged if enough pec'ple are in a mini interested" Ideal for the children and mum" iieturn tripOnce again only available" seats 24 seaL $5"00 bus would be Per (or Jim?) Greg and is that Greg Jim and of team see your social Enquire novJ F'RIDAY (N"8" If Cffshcre Round 2 is cancelfed YTT may be rather thin:l) t: DEI]AILED RESULTS ROCK irJo " Iri sh Q5 Q10 Ql3 QI5 Ql7 Q31 Q37 Q45 Q53 Q55 Q5B Q69 ( Qvr Q93 Q97 QfC4 T" Ludlow D" Evans M" i:c.tter lvl" Cl ark i'i " Ford A" SLrathearn M" Auqustus S. Guy A" Scholfield B" Scholfield R" trjategcr R" Jones i1." Iurville G" Hosken P " Edv:aros P " Tilgals J" Crone N11i i{l8 ii28 N34 N39 ll47 N53 I{57 t\b) N73 NBB N99 N'18 N 3 R" Standley C. \,,Joodley l-'1. Frioi: T. Davison N" VJilliamscn K" Barr J" Pratt E" !,lest ti" uarret L P" Stenner L" Katen A" Cannon K" riobinson S" Kendrick l\Ili r(" Ufane h]119 N124 N1 O N137 -3 J" Farrell J" Melvaine M" Dis sc,n C" Bell lJ " Tye PorLer N144 L" o11ey Nl55 i"" Ross IJ157 G" Edgar i\]162 J" vJitchard Nf69 G" Beil NlBl D" Baker i'J184 L " Duncan N192 G" Rooks i{198 r? " Foster N2CB G" Fayne r'J214 T" Bijl N222 T" Graham N2?-7 R " iledma.n N23] C" Art.hur i{233 K" Tocvey N235 l(" Rcberts N23B K" Aston Ni141. l- 4 5 i(g " 450 " 300 r"950 " 650 "45[) ?qn I I I .300 4 1"85C 1 .700 " 350 1 5 3"550 5 1-l"t_50 I .1iC0 1 " 300 :l " 3.,0 B t 4 " 2A() '1qr) 3 2"850 1"850 0"950 6"90 1"500 3 5" ,1 3 t 3 1 9 750 q "5C0 r-qr', 2 1" 650 r 3 " 500 1. 350 2 7 4 ".1.50 3 1i. I -t . ( a, A o tlJv L"200 4 ") L 5 3 a L 10 I 2 25 L2 2 2 I 3 I 2 3 3 t '), t 13"7"83 " 800 1"000 4"650 -r 't r:n a o IJV t " -150 4" r50 tr,qc 1"100 3B " 800 12"050 5.200 750 300 750 arn L"Z)U trqn , Aqo " 5" " 1 6"4s0 ]"900 2"800 Aqil 6IJJV " Fish l''Jeigh, Kg" No " "\n i"70c 2. 5 RI,UND ^ i -.1^ +,l(ja9llL 1 I & BI/rCH - Q9 Ql1 Ql4Ql5 Qz,L Q34 Q:IA Q46 Q55 Q57 Q62 QB4 Q90 Q92 Q9ul Q99 Ql14 L. Evans N" Carstens C " Potter C" Ciark F" OrNeill D" iieberger S. Guy G" FLatcliffe S " Scholfield A" Veselis ft " L,tatego J" Eurton C " !'rent A." Edlvards K" Tarl-int-on F'" al- lom D" Bateman 3 2 1 1 1 2 't 1"400 "800 ,300 "300 5 i r-"900 "600 N15 N19 N29 N3B N43 N.lB N56 N61 N6'/ l{84 NB9 N103 N109 l{116 Nt18 G" Hooley J. Vidler J" Perkins R. /'inderson G" tJilliams 7 3"300 5 2"850 4 4 "?54 B s"000 1 "450 ? 1 AA('\ 2 r"300 5 3"550 r "750 5 3.800 ]-300 2 " 550 6 3"950 7_ r.050 'r ? Oir zl00 1 " 16 10"750 2 "9AO 3 1"600 4 2"15C 4 1"600 6 2"550 4 10"450 I "450 5 2"000 2 L"300 5 2"800 3 6 " 500 I .700 4 4"404 2 r"200 5 2"100 A. ? Or.r) 4 10"550 6 1 2,,7 CC l1 5"300 7 5 "400 R.. (-'rurtenay l," Hore t1" Quinli-.ran A. Hales fi " Jenni ng s; K" Appel fi" Bush M" Berrel- 1 D" Disson ,i" ",o()l-dridge i'J12C E " Layl-on Nl-26 ts" Layt'on N13,j A" ItlacDonald N14C E" Hughes N142 I'i" 1-lancock Nlri7 J" Pignat Nl56 'tj" McBurney N161 l( " Griuins iJ166 Fr" T" Chapman ii176 " Keevers Nl83 N" Lennard lJlB5 i" Bourke hJ196 B" Battese N207,' D" lular'cin N2IC '.t'" wright N215 D. Vidler N224 F" Moffett N229 T" ForsLer N232 G" CoIes N234 K" Power N237 J " Prosser I'J239 1"1" flirst i<. | I 1 8 /.t 6 I J ! ]"350 "BA0 Aqn ) -\l I "300 "400 t1" 100 1" 850 3"650 ":ioc I i _av\/ o J\,!, 6 DETi]fLED IIESULTS - RCCK & i,,1240 N245 N247 u25 2 N255 N257 l\ 268 N277 N2BB N292 N295 N 301 r! 310 N344 N 346 N 359 N367 N373 N383 V4 v10 vl5 v23 v27 VB5 L" Johnson Do Beil C" Shannon i'{" Sidney J. Garven G" Voisey ALexander L"" Eyles M" Lightfoot J" Snow M" Smith R" Foster 'u't E" G-f1bee S" Cavil1 B" Bright J" Gilmour l'1" Ftidcut " Vlal ter G" Schnelle T" Goldsmith J" Mason lj35 t:t222 Mo Jchnstone t'; l Vv17 ii19 w22 1r\r 31 Ko" L ^ l. 1"300 L ? 'l M" C'Nei11 B "A" Carr J"W" lJlnwood B" !'li11iss B " I(chl er G. Brown M" Harper L" Clifton H" Dyer D" Ihomas A" Price s_l s15 s53 ideight Fi sh A" Astc'n G" Buchanan J" Toovey H" Patch B o [Jeacom V v52 v75 No" " T q,An 1 1 4 'ln 1 ) 4 700 1 " 7(n " 600 6"2C0 2"650 9"300 1"050 2" 300 1"700 'I ?rln 'l f 1 I t l l\z)J N256 N258 N269 r!282 N291 N294 N299 tv3o ?r') n " 800 " 3s0 " 450 V9 vl1 vI7 v24 \t 2q v44 I I 1"300 VB3 5 2"300 1 qnn .400 I nn 1" 750 ?na I I I t 3 v59 v90 -1 7qr'l ?nn i'/6 1B ',J l,V20 W26 !,134 2"150 " 500 N226 No" V'/eighr- F Kq" ish 'l 'l q z a a 'ln IV a I .7 a ^ L 4 -l " Goodwi n R" Cavil1 B" Pywell G " Forv;ard M" Gilmour Jo Morgan " Hammer C" Barnes B" Thorne T" Hcse ?qn 2"600 3"900 1"100 6"700 1"050 5"500 " BOC) 1"250 6"550 "550 2"000 3"3C0 a ri 1"700 2"450 f I L A tr ] 8"150 5"450 2"1sC 2"650 finn 4 1.750 3 2"600 2 2"000 I " G" Drew N" Clifton R" Harper A" Guest D" Schmidt D" Cul1en I I crqrl " I lqn a L 4 t z /i00 " 300 I lC) 600 " 750 'ur R" !,lackett J" Wierds 1 2tr/\ a a 3 3, 318 N345 N357 N362 N 358 N374 iJ r l-fl 1:in 4 I 1 13"7.83 B" Robinson S" CoIes J" O'Brien R" Howard R" Lund H" Tyndall J" Garven B" Tidmarsh J" Voisey A. lVhi tehead A. Dawson P " Kerkenezov Ii" tvatson J" L: I Brien K" Kay P" Pickup " 450 ! ?- N25 " f l- l- 900 800 " 300 " 800 I a N242 l\z{i.o " 300 I z rrn 5"200 iiouNp BEACI.{ 4 " 800 "240 1"700 "450 1"100 1"000 YESTERI)AYTODAYh July, Date: 19t-? PROGi?AM CHAI{GES TDTNDRRDIU OFFSHOITE & CASTING The cffshcre evenl- programmed for yesterday was cancelled for safety reasons" Conciitions were judged to be sufficiently poor to be a hazard to competitors" This event has nolu been re-scheduled Lo next Sunday, lTth July" 'vhich WaS to harre been run on that. day will now be held over until the follcwinq day, Monclay, lBth July" I-iowever", should the re-scheduled Of f shore r<ound 2 event on the Sunciay be again cancell ed, the accuracy casting will be hel.d .that ^: ^^J '-1-" LUtuile:l 1r-Jt uo)/ tL ai: 1" 00 pm" A11 other cast-ing events wouLd still be held on the Monday" Your program for the next few days should now read: Saturday 16th July. Gala Day at Ballina Kacecourse - L2 noon" f shore ]tcund 2 ( re-schedured) !ilG;---11l!:g;il, of Check-e-u:: at Ballina Apex ramp or Evans Head" 5. 30 5 " 00 am negistral.i-'i-r & Check-out Lines D i,':: 7 "0O am i " 00 pm Lines i ,r pm Fish on 'r': uck 2-"O0 r,,Jeigh-in 3 " 00 pm N"B" If this evenL is cancelled, Accuracy Casting will be held commencinE at 1 " 00 pnl" Ygl9gy_*_19!! -:lyly, Casiing at. Kingsford Smith park, corner of Benlinck SL" , & Uwen St., Program of events Tho crql-inn Chrnoad *n ho' Ar-r-rrr.aa\/ (6a "-Y fli cf .in.=6 Teams & Individual Event 1 rt^ ^- ^ a cdlu> Event 2 Artif ical lSait DisLance - Teams Event 3 Indirridual IIZq disLance Event 4 Bait. Distance- Individual Artificial Event 5 N"B" 1'he casting cornmences at 8"00 am sharp" Ful1 details of the order for competitors wil-l be in the Rules of the Day for Lhe casting" It is scheduled to be available at Headquarters by 5"00 pm Saturday" COiTRECTIONS Any significant corrections will be noted in YTT" Two changes you may care to note are " Lez f ish for e3"3s Ks" lulichael Hirst 9II:!gfS_Igyl9_1 A score cf 1100"5pts" af ter 25 pt." loss fc,,r one undersize fish" Richard Cavill of Victoria scored 31" 5pts " f c-'r Rock & Beach ------=3rd overail in Vet,erans and leader in that i(OUnO 1 cateqcrrv for Victoria" 21" Lismore D/S (N) 2" Italo Aust" D/S (N) 3" Caringbah Anglers (N) 4" oceanic (a) 5" Ballina RSL (N) 6o Elizabeth (S) 7 Frankston (V) B"" Brunswick Heads D/S (N) 9 " Bal l ina Blue V,rarer ( N ) 10" Victory (a) 11" Burleigh Heads (a) I2" Gerringong (N) 13" Lower Clarence D/S (N) L4" Tubemakers (N) 15" Ballina Angling (N) ]6" irvoolgoolga (\t) 17 " Penrith R/L (N) 18" Offshore (iJ) 1.9" Frankston (V) 24" Ballina Blue ,iater (N) 2I " i,'iaroochydore (a) 22" Bunbury No"l (V,l 23" Bunbury No"2 (tV 24" Surf Casti-ng (lt 25" Kaipara (NZ) " Wyong Bl ue VJa( Ler ( N ) " L-enrith P,/L trt) 2B" ElalIina Elue trater (N) 29 " Ballina RSL 30" +talq Au:L " D/,5 (Nl 31" Cockburn Povrer Boat (W) 32" Brisbane Metrop" (a) 33" Freemantle (t.;) 26 27 1'.t ::t ,:. 1:: ,:t ::. !:: {r ::r ir DiNNEII 1" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" B" 9 " I{ullumbimby (a) 10" Alstonville (N) 11, Brunswick Hds D/S (N) I2" Bangalow (N) 13" Italo Aust" (N) 14" Byron Bay Services (N) 15" Lismore (N) 16" Ballina Angting (N) L7 " Bunbury ( i'v ) lB" Anglers Arms (N) 1.9 " Surf Casting ( w) 24" Carringbah Anglers L447 "5 I44L " A 1375"0 I149 " 0 r09B "5 ai1!u. 5 x {\ /l vJJ o V 580"5 674"5 601"0 449"5 445 "O 443 "O ?,1 0 n -?38"0 280"0 252"5 24r"0 237 "0 203"0 168"0 1s7"5 l tin 2L" Iirank s ton V) 22" Frank s ton V) Frank s to n V) 24" hlstonville \i\j n atr aJ 142 "5 l_ 31" 0 1?t q, ii 5rl rl :i I i{ LVINNER h/inner of the dinner for tr,vo at Don Valentin I s restaurant v.ras ticket number 31" CongraLulaticns lvhoever you are" Consolation prizes of a 10% Ciscount go 1-o 84, IL4, 2i3, 382 and 485 " M.A rnc rhrrd,r r e i{ rl il L42"4 139"5 129 "s 103"0 8ri"0 77 "C 68"0 64"5 63"0 s8"0 qA il s2. A'7 Li 43"0 ?on (o) (N) (N) " Italo Aust" (a) 28" Muttumbimby 29" Bailina Angling 30 " Ilvron Bay Services ( N ) :1 luictory (a) ..'l " Blue Fin ( a) ri " Bunbury (',i ) .14" Maclean (N) 35" Yamba (N) 36" l/lurwillumbah Services (N) 37" Mt" Gravatt (a) 38. Lismore (N) 39 " Otamatea ( \tZ ) 44" Burleigh Heads (q) 4I" r;uaterside (a) 42 " Li smore ( iv ) 43" Italo Austrat-ian (lrl) 44" rtedcliffe City (a) 45 " Cockburn Pcwer ( ) 46" Fremantle (t',t) 27 71.,0 AAn i: o 25" Alstonville i14.0 r.O itOCK & BEACH CLUB TEAMS RESULTS Yamba (N) 335 " s Anglers Arms (N) 29 -\ "5 Brunswj-ck Heads D/S 287 "5 Ballina Angling (N) 168"5 Murwillumbah Services (N) Port Macquarie (N) 155"5 Ballina Angling (N) 150"0 Byron Bay Services (N) 149"0 V'l i/.L/ ?q r. 32"C ?'1 ( 2E"5 27 "0 25"5 24 "5 24 "5 23 "0 l9 18" 14"0 12.0 L2"O 11"0 8.0 6"5 l.q q, c, 4"1) P'RESENTATICN DINNE}]. Tickets fcr Lhe Presentation Dinner are still available from the Socia1 Table at Fleadquarters" It f s on biednesday ?7tln July at 6" 30 pm at Lhe Ballina R"S"L Cost is $15"00 for adults and $7"50 for juniors" NEXT EDITION OF YTT IS DUE CUT AT 7 "OO PM ON SATURDAY l6th JULY v' YESTERDAYTODAYh Ju1y, Date: 1983" J TDTNDRROIIJ RECORD FLA'IHEAD An Australian reccrd Dusky Flathead was caught at Ballina {-wo rl:rrc rnn krr; allan strathearn of eueensland" IL was a huge fish of )"44 Kg" (2A34 Ib) " {ruhen Ltrey- get that large they call them aligators not 1 izards ! Alan fished from a boat near the trawler wharf and took'the monster on 91b line using an imported worm bait (for Qld of course)" Lra *-hnrrnlrl- ho [66i a big ray at first and waS quite ConvinCed When it decided to rest on the bottom for several mj-nutes at one stage" [,atience must have prevailed however as he netted the fish afLer;. about 20 minutes" He broke his landing net while boating the fish and it looks like costing him ancther $50 to get a good fiberglass ^^-]- L Lc1> ltlG-lE --..t^ o An Australian Record claj.m has already been subr,ritted and his fish receipt was signed by our wej-chmas:er John Prosser and witnc.ssed by Fres.ident General I{urray Corrigan" ESTIJARY iTOUND 1 An average evening's fishinE savJ plenty of niggers caught by the locals while all others went hunting the bream" Plenty of niggers vJere taken and not so many bream" The niggers were lv ctf oood ..iz.a rnrlri l.e most of Lhe bream rntere in the smaller oencral YurrururrJ range" A few flathead and a small mulloway vrere also caught" 'iop haul rdas by Frank Moff att with 44 f ish for 25"65 Kg" followed by Ellis Garrett with 34 for 20"40 Kg" and Richard Courtenay r,vit.h 27 for 15"7 Kg" All were from Ballina Anglers" Total caLch rdas 859 fish for 418 Kg" by 193 anglers" Best fish for the day was a flathead of 2"26 Kg" taken by peLer McGrath of Victoria while Wal1y Moore presented the best -!-uderick of L"24 Kg" In oul.-of-competiticn, A11an Strathearn presented his record flathead and Terry Langley weigheci a snapper of 5"74 Kg" BILL KErR.ii It's sad to hear that our Queensland President, Bill Kerr has fallen foul o-f a virus that has been going around and has been acjmitted to hospital " He is expected out in a day or two and is likely to be told to return to Brisbane for a rest" Irm sureI everyone wishes you a speedy recovery and hopes that you don t miss the resi: of the Convention. NEXT EDITiON CF YTT IS DUE OUT AT NOON ON TUE5DAY 19TH JULY (1,'Ji11 include of f shore riound 2 and Casting 23RD DAY KTSULTS - ESTUARY ROUND 1 . FI{IDAY 15TH BEST INDIVIDUAT, ANGLERS ISTUA|iY l!:. yru Overal 1 'l Lo QLD N.S"W" VIC. S"A" b/"A" N"Z. N224 F" Moffet.t N65 E" Garret-L Ne:E R " Courtenay NI92 G" rlooks N99 l\ " Cannorr Q98 c" Tigals N224 F" l4offett V15 Bo Bright 59 J" Fuller W34 A" Price NZI7 B" Otlne ROUi\JD 1 LADIES Overal 1 ZJ5"U 184"0 I ?,? n 'i ?? n l" v40 F" Bisby 2" N195 M. Riddel" 3" N1B7 M" McMil 1 an 4" Q45 S. Guy \ 46"0 Q45 QLD ?nn ( N"S"td" VIC " 22 "5 23"0 36"5 14"0 \/h9 N195 CA "A" N"Z" W q^ Overal l 5l"v 2" N225 Do Leaney N"S"li'/" VIC " 19"0 15"0 11"0 N52 M" Barsing QB7 T" Merchant N301 J" Garven V75 T" Goidsmith Riddel Bisby F" bJ20 *"_:::0"' JI"U Aq ld"A - 21" 5 14.0 'r't n B"C tt/v ir"o 14. 0 2L"5 820 2" nf,: \{J R" Ford T" QLD. i!.S"1i'/" VIC " vI3 N37 !t"A !u1 U" 2nd YAMBA F'ISHTNG CLUB 21+l 3rd 4th LTSMORE AI{GLING ( " Ql7 T" Charles ." -:-- 80"0 3t 26. B0"c 21"5 r2"0 IJTOWN MACLEAI'J ANGLING Dick Courtenay, Fr. Tom Chapman) Garrett, Frank l{offett ) i tllis 2nd 1" ITALO AUSTRAI,JAN CLUB 3 " LISMORE DEEP SEJ,A 4" OCEANIC 7 " BRUNSWICH HEADS DEEP SEA n'l ? ESTUARY BALLINA ANGL]NG CLUB ' *** I 125 ti"z" 1st M" Ludlow C" Ba.r-rett it Ford F"" Gregory <A CLUB ifEliivlS 1IESULTS Crane S" Guy I] L ^ VETERANS Overall 1. N30I J" Garven QLD" I V4O .]UNIORS ? JULY CLUB 119" 5 CLUii 92"5 .'ERALL +r;r::! [556. Ptbo 2. CARINGBAH"'ANGLERS-N.-,1504. 5 p us " 4" BALLINA ANGLING CLUB 1326"5pts" 1447 "5 pLs" pts " 6" BALLINA R.S"L" II49 N 109B pts" 1015"75 pts" I " FIrANKSTON N cHAMproN .LUB N N \.t N HEAVIEST FISH V]-9 iJETElt MCGRATH DAY 4 FLATHEAD 2"26 I(9" CLUB TEAI{S Ballina Anglers cer:Lainly walked away with the Estuary Comp" for Club leams. VJith a margin of around 600 points cver their nearest rival (Yamba) they certainly showed up Lhe big name comnctifor< from outsicie this district" Calculation of the C,veral1 Champion Club has been completed and the Champion Club is : ITALO AUSTRALIAN ANGLING CLUB /-^^^*-r,,alations vultYrclLur on a well earned win! They were one of the few teams r.rho gained a respectable score in all three events" Ful1 details of the Estuary CIub Teams and the first 25 teams overall are included laier in this issue" 3ES:rLJA,ilY I(OUNJD No" i.nrrl VIC I0 i{"2. 9 3,,50 27 1n 1a /v Ivo l-nnrr Cod 'v.'7 Morwong iqul l oway Cl I"244 ive I'iewman Trevor Gardiner Graham BeiI Iviax Lightf oo t itobbi e And ei-son Byron Liitl e',vocd Spoited Hind i'ai l ur l-arv;hine 'llerag 1in TrevaJ- 1y r " 75C Kg. John Crane !'lhit ing Other Species ( Bl acl< Kingf ish 3"330 K9" " 260 l{9 " 22" 000 Kg. Graham Drew Bi I 1 Fleacom Ken Brci,tn rutlo ) L{E/','v'IfST OF SpECIES CAUGHT OLIT OF COMPETITICN t"470 George Cole Bream Fl at.head it,obb Snapper Allan Strathearn liobbie l\nderi:on 9 l,l an z. L)v 280 'r " r ?n vlhrt i ng Speci-es ('.nr'; HirrrJi \" L' Fa'd uvu wi-. '.i'err1z Langley George Cole . uEIgIi-':!nrg!!-!lIgg-!M-yT3 "440 Kg l(n "Y " 100 5.7 40 l(g t,JLriteheard HeIen tsainbri clqe I C]JJL'I Kg" 3"110 Kg" 7" 600 Kg " 3.980 Kg " 8"660 Kg" 1"320 Kg" 1"060 tig" 1"050 Kg" 2"300 lrg" Vvarren Scnnervill-e Snap.per Other 400 Kg " I "92o Kg " 3-620 Kq" 2"250 Kg" 5"810 Kg" Bob Gibson i,ear1 ['erch ck COIUPET'iTION 14" Kingfislt Luderick Lr:deri IN F-n rq I or John Morgan Graham Bell Pet-er McGraLh 'Ierry Langl eY i'val 1y Ivloore IJrummer tsi athead 418" 00 859 I..IilAVIEST CTF SPEC]ES CAUGHT Brearr hn O LV 1 an aozv 193 O V5 -J - a _J J I- . o 1,r?J O lq J! B5 5 Elack A { 156 575 " -^+.--1 I U LdA Vn r \v Fish arc r07 i\i"S"iJ" :.:/oi vvv+Y"nhi- Y No" 41 QLD 1 - 15"7"8-? Kg Kg ):r * * t(n .'Y " COxTiECTi CN Iiocl< .s Feacir r.nund 1-, Highest Score by N"S"\',i" lady should have been credited Lo Nt13 So Kendrick with 12"5 points" oo660 4 NUlllilEl.l L)F 12.ECI-TR ANTS A.T B.A.LLINA COI'JVENTION 1983 IVIEI.JS QLD N"S"L'" vrc" s"A. ii"A" N"Z" LADIES JUNIORS VETEr<ANS SOCIAL TOTAL L7 123 32 37L 27 96 30 69 t5 46 9 J) 4l 7€, 278 3s 33 21 14 12 24 11 1 4 5 6 19 15 -1 3 12 18 8 5 5 3 A 57 44 51 TAS " Total: t:. '7 ( N) 2" 3 " Lis;more ( i\ ) 4" Maclean (N; 5o ivit Gravatt (a) 6" Carringbah (N) I " Redcliffe City (a) B" Wyong (N) 9" Tweed Heads Aquatic (i{) 10" Frankstcn (V) 11 " Angl ers Arins ( i\ ) I2. Brurrsr,:icll iieads ( N) 13" Blue F'-ii-r (a) 14" Victory (O) 15" Burleigh Heads (e) L5 " Lismcre ( I'j ) 17 " Frankston (V) 1B " Tubemak ers ( iv ) 19" Bunbury (i'J) 20" Itlt Gravatt (a) 2I" Lismore (N) 22" offshore (i''J) 23. Italo AusLraIia (Hi) Yanrba (i{ 24" Bunbury (td) 2-5" Anglers Arms (N) Brunswick Heacis ( i\j ) " 27" Italo Australia (ii) 2B" Alstonville (I'J) 29" l,Vaterside (O) 30" Maroochydore (a) 31" Ballina (N) 32 " Rorarua ( hlZ ) 33" South Suburban (!.i) 34" oLamatea (NZ) 35" Italo Australia (N) 36" Fremantie (W 37., Great Lakes N) *?8" Alstonville Ii) 39" Ballina (N) 40" S"A" Surf & Estuary (s) 740 UVERALL CLUB TEAM RESULTS ESTUAI?Y CLUB TE,rrMS iiESULT.S I. Ballina ,'\nqlinq r 31 1" ltalo Australian (N) 2 " Carringbah Angl ers ( I\t ) 3" Llsmore D/S (N) 4" Ballina (N) >1") 85"0 5" oceanic (q) 77 "0 6" Ballina R"S"L" (N) 7 68"5 Brunswick Heads (N) 62."0 B"" Frankston (V) 58"5 9" Elizabeth (S) s7"0 l- 0 " Bal I ina Bl ue 'vJater ( N ) 53"0 11" Victory (a) 47 "5 r2" i' (t\) tL6 \: 13" i-,-r.i.eigh Heads (e) " 4ttr "5 14" Anglers Arms (t,l) 44 " ,' -, , Gerringong ( I{ ) 42"0 1r: " Lower Cl ar-ence ( N ) !7 " Tubemak ers ( ht ) (N) 41 'l qqA n 820"0 24L"4 119"5 fJ,r\/ov I AA ?on 18"'rrJoolgoolga 19" 0ffshore (Vv 20" Penrith R/L 2L 'l Bunbury 31" 0 29 24 "5 26"5 26 ?l el 2r "0 2-0. 5 20"5 'r p n 1n n LLoJ 11"0 11"0 qn 6"0 qn qn 4 "(\ n] q. r. k/i q U?96J \ 674"5 ) 575" A'7 aJ J q, 5 c J 489"0 445 "0 442 at 390" 0 325.5 295 "5 280"0 ( vl ) 271 "5 262 "O (O) (W) " Itiurwi]lumbah Services 25" Pc,rrt lt'lacquarie (N) /^ 26 " Irt"-- ;13r'- ( NZ ) o J LvLJoJ A '\^ (N) " 22" Maroochydore 23" Surf Casting 34"0 V'1 1326"5 1149"C 1 098. 0 /-. .0q J 1447 "5 /i.i1 \,r / 206"0 rAE IUJ q 6 J I42"5 1Aa ;: Ll La -) DET'AILED 'tESULTS - . r\rrNrf ESTUATTY 1 15"7"83 V'leight trlo " nq " Fish chf iiJo " Fi-qh Q3 C " Barrett Q9 Lo Evans gn665Y7or:d 3 2" 300 350 B 3"200 a16 C" Clark Q20 No ''dil1iams a22 I " Everingliam Q26 B" Bannell Q3I A" StraLhearn Q37 M" AugutsLtts Q39 A" Knowles Q44 S" GuY Q50 G" BeatLY Q55 S " Scholfield Q63 Fo Vlatego Q65 J" Veselis Qii6 P " F'aux 3B L" llerchant -a97 P" Tilgals Q99 F" Allom Q104 J" Crone Ql18 Ii" Farmer 1 ?q(l 5 2"800 2 I"OCO l "45i) Ql2 il" N4 NIi B N29 N38 N44 N52 N57 N62 N64 N57 l'.i 73 NB2 N85 - 'lu ti N90 Nl 00 N103 N1 05 N1 07 Nl 27 N1 37 N 144 NI 5O Ni6.1 N1 70 R" Barsing C" Woodley J" Perkins R " Ande.r'-;cn A " D::ecki::cyer I'1" B;;::s E" !'Jest J" Lollrlrsl VJ " Mor:re ,A D lJJ H:l oq ( " UII}S D" Jennings L" Katen N" Mulholland R" Marshall R" Bush fJ" Lickiss Bo Bevan K. Pullen C" Bell L" olley A" Farlow l(" Griuins K"G" MackneY NlB2 A" Rooks N 185 J" Bourke NIBB K" McMilIan NI9 2 Go Rooks t\rvb B" Battese N 209 Do Johnston N 214 'l-'" Brl I N 218 A.. Garven N224 N227 r!230 N 234 N237 F" Moffett Ro Redman C" Garrett Power K" 'i U 6 Dr.\qqar ! !vuee- I 1 1"400 2 ,\ 600 400 1" 350 ^r a, " l)o 1"90'.) I .8C0 3 1"500 z 7 "qn aqrl Z.a LJw' 3 2"454 1"000 1 " " 1 3 1 5 2qr) I 1 I I " 35C 400 :1. " 700 " 4, .) "650 L 1 r L " 500 -J i,,i\, .;'|1r 2 '7: ) .) " 3 " 80i.j 1 2 .) " 650 " 4CO L I I l " 400 " 300 3 4 A 3 3 1"000 2"100 3"300 1"400 1"400 1 D. Evans M" Cl ark fi. Ford B" iialker F ^ r 4 1.750 'T Q54 a73 Q8 7 a95 D" Macdonal 'r" D-r* UO! T'" Me.r"chanL d J" Twiname 1r"500 3 1" 4i:0 L 1"000 I " 800 " 800 ) 44 25 " 65C 5 2"r00 5 ^ 3 1I -rA l" ulu 1 E!rl zl"ro5i) "900 L ZOIUU J"OUU 1"000 2"000 I'J14 StandleY 1 L N27 WoLherspoon r,r37 Gregory 3 3 39 N48 \,ii 1t iamson G r{ CourtenaY 1"000 'l 'r nn r"850 2"950 15.700 27 5 .i Pratt 4 2"loa I\i6i Quir-rl 5 ^ J6JJV I'J i.J 6 ivan Lodington Garret t _3 ti55 Qhoi nl'rarrrrrf l',169 Al corn Jenni ngs N'7 5 NB4 NB7 2C " 4riC a t- f .' I"OfL LI T I\JB9 Appel L ^ Ni9 9 Cannon 19 e 1U 1 /l a l\IUa Biddl Nl 04 Nr 06 Hayes Shipl ey S teinman N1 25 Hancock Keevers Lenn ard NlB3 i"icFIi i\i187 r{191 Nl9 11 5 ayne N 2OB P N212 N 215 N222 Danqotr t.r^-f L\ LZ) N229 l\z*11 N235 N238 an Barnard ii.iddel u I I 3 3 ors " L9 2 l6 I 1" oc)0 O d r ?r-f) 10 " 100 rLaIJJr (:l 'J6JJV -L RoberLs As i:on " JU'--) ann 4"454 1 ",iC0 1 nf:f', 1o UJU 3 1"600 4"2C4 3 n L 1" 550 ter Arthur Air ot /lvv 1^, 8"450 1 iC 400 1"450 l- 3 F " 300 1 4 nlgy ar 6"000 1"600 ? t3 l-^h rm u! clllolll T 600 r"000 ll"4uu 2 Vid I er ^ o LCCtI n- " 3 Thomp son 250 " a L 2 trr r\r!1 2"0c0 ,1 2A Glover Haywood T" Chapman LZ .) Bat,emat-t " N] 60 l\ t- oo I'i175 Lo'-tJv J , 7 " B0c) 4 13 10 L2 4"30C " 90ii 1"300 5"000 r ,nn L 4 5 D QnO 1" 7iio 4 4 Q98 G" TilEal s Ql02 R" Byrant Q114 ,500 5 ! Bcb!nson 9 300 " 3 h]14 5 I5 6"5C0 I Reberger B" Scci-t L" Guy s" Guy Schof i1 ed UO \4JL ' is Vesel Q57 A. 1"00c 3 15 D" L 5"350 2"350 7 "750 1"20c B" Poul sen .) g 3 1 L't L Z. i'i14 2 5 A t: alJU " 1 Orl{ei11 400 " 3"05C 1 2"600 (-\ 6 r. Ludlovi uf QlO Ql5 QI7 Q21 rt)A Q27 Q34 Q3B Q43 Q45 AT 5 i a\ ^L " /-)\.) 1 ?ii.) JJv L. 6if.'lA-L r.ED,l E!U L'i-S lrrfliL rr F^ No" i'ish N23B K" Astcn N240 A" As ton i\242 B " ttobi nson i\24t s " Laibel N258 H" ryrlLfclJ-J N257 ri " Carr N2IJE D" Bell i\j292 C" Shannon N305 i,,, Bender N3C9 I'i",-Iames i']317 E" fd;.rison iJ35E K" Sutton N-?71 A" East NlB0 c" Martin V3 J" Gilbee V7 R" Turner V 11 B " Pyvre1 V15 B" Briqht V19 f, " McGraih V 27 M" Ridoi.rt V3ri G " Scctt vtio Fo Bisby V49 E. Fisher V52 Go SchnelLe V59 C Ba.rnes V5B Jo" Crane V75 T, C,r,1,ism-i-th ,9i J " i:,obinson S34 J"'vVierda )52 J" Carrnan r^ J 5 s L ESTLJAITY ROUIID 1 vieigirt irio " Ka. Fish I " J)U 2.100 3"60c " 850 Hirsi 239 241 T N246 )o N255 R l{ 26lj n T N 269 a N 291 T N301 M N Dey N Carr 4 2"850 A 1o I'JU 7 9 7 4"800 3"850 3.4C0 j, 1" 350 B 5"000 N314 q Sh an non i,t318 M. i;fa L so n I l dhi UI F,'\^ts i'i359 VV 6 2"900 1,,!37 l rit-a\ 1" N3OB T tt .L lrl r'v.L 'r'/6 WI8 l.i31 1ie35 NZl2 NZ32 i\ZJ) C \. c I\i c " " J n z- ] t. I I 3"800 1"Cil "940 1" 750 !"504) 1"00c 1"C00 " 700 ri r. al " 3sc ",4:,ie: -t ? DreW Clifton D ri .-.. L!ILg B" Oterre D. Cul- l en U. Bai-11ie 3 I 1" 550 " 3(.j0 B " 35u 2" 8s0 I 1.2c0 1 I I " 500 " 6C0 doooot, Vl7 G" Forward V2A K" Fleming \/?a v -J rta/' Vr o l4crg an i1 . i'1c,ore v44 l1'/" l'lammer V5C L" Cheers V54 T" Gilbee V65 P" Moreau V69 J" Crane VB ] B" Thorne .tc) T JJ Uo 5-.1.1 p !Ji; \ii7 D" r-l Brown D" Thomas: A" 5 3 2 li 2 3 1" 750 w20 T,,J-",4 l,'139 ]. NZ33 I\Z-J " i-i" B " R" 4 "900 1"500 -_____!l-_ 2"7OCt tr 2"70A 4 2" 50C 3"50C J L 7"C00 1 nqr) 't ? ?_" 200 nrf 'l t? 1 ]qn (Ja 7nn rvv 5 2 1"60. 1 J 1 5 4 5 ? 3 l "6C " 900 I qqr) 1" r 70 1" 5s0 1 'l (rl " 9s0 " 40Ll 5 1"550 z 4 600 1 " 'r qn Ful I er Andersen 5 1"800 Drew Ki ng 3 d" I-{arper D " Schmid t C" L.-Lfl\,| 3 6 Goodwin 850 i: i{383 r(" i'csLer 2"900 I^a 13 Garven Voi sey Garven ii{ul doon Kq" 5 .) a es Beacom Co1 tieight ..1- " 6C0 1"25(-) 1"050 1 ?L-,(. q i\ewmarr I 2"000 ":tu0 Porter ters I " 4C0 l,riin l_ " 50c) YESTERI)AYTODAY- { TDMDRRD\X lBth Ju1y, Date: qFrsHpRF ROr.{Np 1983" 2 The postponed 2nd round of the offshore was held yesterday in less than ideal conditions" The south westerly winds were stitt - -^,,^l crlL/qrru force 4 making for a very lumpy sea with wind \4/aves to '!, 2 metres on occasions" Most anglers stayed near the inshore reefs south east of Evans Head and again took hauls of trevally" Most fish were between'6"4 and0"7 kg" and a number of catches"of over 100 fish were recorded" The anglers who went out from Ballina and some from Evans Head brought back nice bags of snapper" Heavles fish for the day was a snapper of 6"510 Kg" taken by Sharon Osborne of Western Australie" The sandgropers have been f,ishing very well for such a small contingent and its pleasing to see this catCtr by one of their I adies Best catch of the day was by Peter Stenner with 219 fish for 99"I Kg. He was followed closely by Russe1 Jennings with Ig4 fish for 91"05 Kg" and then came first round leader, Michael Hirst with I48 for 64"55 Kg" Harry Moore of Victoria came fourth with 140 fish for 60"50 Kg" which shows thatsome of the interstat,e anqlers are fast learners" Some other notable catches included 118 for 56"90 by RuLh Barsing of N"s"w. and 83 for 36.35 by De11 Hunt also of N"s"vJ" The flrst round of the interstate teams event is now complete and to many peoplets surprise, N"s"liv" is Nor leading in any category" Vicb:ria is in the lead in the Mens by 227 potnts with SnA" only about 500 points further back" It,s stitl anyone's championship " Victoria also leads in the ladies by about 130 points over N"S"W" while in Lhe veterans, W.A" have a comfortable 100 point lead over N"S.V,l" All events still are close but therers nothing like points on the board, especially in Offshore where canceltation of a round is aLways possible. The overall points score for the individual champions after two rounds is also close after two rcunds" In the Mens, Michael Hirst leads further back" The Ladies competition is also cl-ose with Ruth Barsing of N"S"V'/" only 59 points ahead of Rhoda Moore of Victoria" There's plenty of potehtial winners left in the Veterans carfinn although Harry Harvey of Queensland sti1l has a comfortable lead despite scoring poaly 1n yesterdayfs round" A special thanks is also due to Ted Hayman of W"A" who donated one of hls snapper to your hardworking Editor - Thanks Ted" (nny offers of Pearl Perch?) " NEXT EDITION OF YTT IS DUE OUT AT NOON ON TUESDAY 18fH JO-LY 2(A11 Results Frovisional 4TH DAY R,ESULTS RESULTS OFFSHORE ROUND 2 - SUNDAY 17TH JULY OF lST ROUND OF OFFSHORE INTERSTATE TEAMS EVENT N"Z" IL------- t; 20"0 Fc--, \ ll i,, BEST INDIVIDUAL ANGLERS - Ol i' .li ili:' I ', I Overall t!e" YgI 1" N73 P" SLenner T^^-; ^^2. NB4 R" uE:rlrlallYJ - N239 M" Fii-rst 4" V36 H" l'Ico:e QLD N. S "w" VIC " s l,'J "A" "4" N"Z" 527 Q5O N73 v36 527 W35 NZz D" G" F Lr" Beatty Stenner 1-{" Moore D" A" t',i " 2 .o IJ13B 745"C 710 n oster -6 r QLD " ,q o i,,i t\t lJ vv o -u '74\ | =J o n V \,'T- n C]A poalo I LY.V Z3L"J Price McFetridge \ITT V IU qA W"A QBT N67 E. G:; ibee J" Crane B" Bonnell R" Barsing H" Moore NZB l(" l,,rnold N"Z" Pts" Go Brown W" \'i26 N67 D" Hunt 1,VrB N" Clifton 'lv"A" f LJJOJ VETERANS Overall 1. 2" 3" QLD" N"S"!,J" V4 V69 Q26 N4 V37 A 305.5 1210"0 FosLer I IIPIEI overall i" N4 i{ " Barsing V37 R" IVIccjj'e 1210"0 1079"s 893"0 J6 q ) 165"0 t?.9 "5 117"5 A" Gur.:st A" Hal,es L" Ch,r:i;tensen A" Hales Ra q, 117"5 o \,i',Jl G" Brown NZ25 L" Scott " N" Z" HEAVIEST FISH SHATiON OSBORNE (\i'l) 165"0 10"0 - DAY SNAPPER 3 6"510 Kg" CORRECTIONS Estuary Round l Estuary Club Teams Qld" Mens Leader is Q57 A" S"A" Mens Leader is 566 H" 2nd Maclean (N) Veselis 63" 00 Teasdale 23" 00 431 " 00 lls" 687"0 544 "5 A.AC. q 327 "O 294 "A qan 687"0 tr.AA tr 153"0 29 "A 3OFFSHOR.E IROUND- L7 "7 "83 2 No, Fi sh QLD " L> 374 N"S"W" 4I IB29 VIC " 2T 1379 S"A" 10 7L9 riJ"A" 1,7 135 . Z" 6 AC. I'J l,veight No" Annl ar< 114 Kg" 213"80 1033" 25 642"55 ?A'7t o 0q JJ += 155"50 22"05 2411,"!O 4-tO I 126 Anqlers Checked-Out HEAVIEST OF SPECiES CAUGHT Black IN COMPETITIOI{ Trrnrr F-nrql.or Cod John Iviorgan Bream Drummer Graham Bel1 Peter McGrath athead Kingr i sh F1 qr^F-., rsrry T.rrdari clr T -^^1^,, rJdll\jjfcy !ila11y Itloore Bob Gibson Morwong Mul ]oway Clive Pearl- Perch Newman Snapper lidarren Sommervil1e Trevor Gardiner Spotted Hind Tail or Arthur Graham Be1l Hales Robbie Anderson Tarwhine Terag1 in it ing Other species (Black Kingfrsh) h ) La,-::., John Crane Tuna l,'i 3 " 9rl B.,i;Li Y:.9 " lr.,.t lo 1.0r,i- r.g " 1" 060 l(g " 2.580 Kg " 1"750 Kg" 4"290 Kg" Noel MarLin Treval 1 y 14"400 Kg" L "920 Kg " 3"620 Kg" 2"260 Kq" 5 " 810 Kc; I"24O Kg" 3"110 Kg" 7.500 K.q . Noel Martin rJl-1J Lie acom Ken Brown 0" 260 Kg" 22"000 I{9" IN A SINGLE ;IOUN|) Garth Martin 19"000 GI?EATEST VAR]ET'Y OF CATCH 7 Species Kg" oooooooooo HEAVIEST OF SPECTES CAUG}1T OUT OF COMPETITION Bream FI athead Luderick Snapper Tai lor l,'lh George Cole Allan Strathearn Robbie Anderson Terry Langley i{obb Alan lVhitehead it ing Other Species /^ ( Spo t. Led Hind + Helen Bainbridge George Cole L"47O Kg" 9" "700 Kg" 5"740 Kg" 2"L50 Kg" " 280 Kg" 1"130 Kg" ) i/VEIGHT CHANGED SINCE LAST 44O I(9. YTT " n PROGRESSfVE CVERALL INDIVIDUAL OFFSHC)RE POINTS D!^ tr Lb MEN QLD N"S"Vil" VIC" S"A" t"'i"A" ld Z" " Ql14 1,"/" Bateman 609 qq N239 I"i" Hirst 1993 V36 H" i'{oore 1154 515 B" !'li1liss 1223 qr iJ35 Ao Price 23I NZZ ','l " McFetridqe I99 "f,r VETERANS QLD" QltT H" Harvey N"S"i,i" N283 H" Green VIC "A. ii'J " Z" "A I !^ 'r .7( n F Lb QLD N, S.W. VIC " S"A" iJ"A" N"Z" LADfES Pts Q26 B" Bonnell N4 R" Barsing V37 R" Moore W29 So Csborne NZ8 K" Arnold 204"5 863"5 804" 5 " I77 "0 55.5 o " S lJ " o - (After 2 Rounds) " 1,{1 Go Brown NZ25 L" Scott L92"5 i a tlo"v n RACE DAY The great hospitality of Ballina was well to the front at the Gala Day at Ballina Racecourse. It is a pleasant track in a rural setting with good facilities for both serious and social punters" All sor'cs of rumours preceded each race including one to 'follow Alf Astonr ds he's picked the f irst three winiers"r I assure yoLl he didn't get the fourth and the rumour was a scurrilous falsehood" Samantha Corrigan has the best system - a big chestnut horse" Se came ouL ahead on the daY" A keg in the Committee iiocrn savJ many AAA guests well catered for and the bar:becued pork vias as tasty a morsel as ycu could find anyrvhere" I admired the chap r'.,r)-r- ',lecialised in eaLing the bone sandwiches " '1'hink his odtrt"-: r.',il1:; ;-.'.)-,'er Norman Rodgers and Jac:l': : .'c,'y both attended as t-here were races in their name and lvlu-r': : ' ,- :-:- j-qan presented Lhe trophy to the winner of the main rdC€:, hc;:i",\"A" Handicap" A special thanks tc.' ,--,;-.Ll-:-na Jockey Club for a very enjoyable a.fuernoon" o FASHION PARADE again a reminder of the Pamba Fashion Parade to be held AL IU" UU am tomorrow (lVednesday) at the Catholic Church, Main St", A1 stonvil 1e" Itrs just a short. trip from Ballina and the $1"00 admi s s ion fee includes morning tea and a chance of the door prize" Once SECIiETARY IS NIGHT The innaugural Secretary's night was held on the same night as President's Night" It was held at Harry Horgants unit and was a festive occasion with delectahle tit bit." <na_irtrrr prepared by Harry and enjoyed by those invrt:-ed" High spot of the night was a birthday cake for Terry Langley which Harry bravely faced" Irm 'cold the party ended much later than President's night and Lhat a precedent has been set for the future lvhich will be hard to rival" 5DETAILED RESULTS " Fish hlo Ql1 N. CarsLens Q25 L:" Karin Q27 B" Foulsen n,.t a VatJ l !o \)/ / A"t"t" !J " R.arq i nrr Moore P" Stenner R" Jennings K" Moring K" Pu1 len N].38 D" l"tunt Fa ra |..^* I{329 T" rV!JLgI i\i2",6 A" Rcbertson I! 239 M" I-li rs t N3O5 R" Bender i't358 I(" Sutton N372 V" Danel uz l\JUi !'J" Kratz F i 6m: v52 \/Aq '68 ,t70 \/qn hrl Schnel I e Moreau ,l " Crane K" Snowden .r Hose G" D S3 J"'i'/" Viinwood S9 J" Ful1er S15 B" V,iilliss J " C at terlvel 1 S 2l 527 D" Foster Wl G" Brown l^/5 D " Drew W17 Mo Harper lii20 R" Harper \t125 R " Reading tti29 S. Osborne W33 lt" GuesL VJ3B M" Morqan lr40 J" Paimer NZl N" Turner NZB K" Arno]d NZ23 Ko McKay iR Q?_6 B" 56"9C0 l\ / 16 "7 50 oc r na\ J J o !VV 91 " 050 l\C' 'l Qzl ZV 12"450 3 a n r:n 4 o U..)W B3 36 " 350 24 148 5 I1+ 7 12 V3 J" Gilbee Vll B" Pywel i V2O K" V31 V" idal ter v37 Ro Moore v49 Eo Fisher Q]2 118 36 219 Q81 L" Christensen -"'*'"J :.LJII 6"150 r_rldl_l-l ol 62 TT2 29 101 51 67 JI 9B 52 7B 8B h 114 tt_o 9I L2L I2 t 10 3 g a B I J 8 I 5 3 2 - t7 "7 "83 ,". '-. -l- 7 L7 25 ROUND - ;, 2T 7 \.\-ly ^.,,, R" r' OFFSHORE 14"850 8"400 13"500 11"700 22 "950 a qnn 33 Q,:S D" Ratcl.iffe N4 N64 ri73 N84 N]l5 Nl27 tVe - - 39"950 r.2"950 54.550 o 1nn o o J(,'u r2"000 13"700 9"500 38" 350 27 "55C 52"50C r3"000 AA ?:i'] 26 "t.5i', 29 "i:-,') 24 " 7 {)() 44 " 3CA 26 " 204 a39 a ( ^,1 " A" 'J" N76 N87 ,:'i!ood Knr.,r';.1. A" R" g5 fe /-h--.-*^^ vi rqyIilc:t LJ-t ^- I Guthrie J" Glover r\121 T" Lang 1e1z K" P ark er T ,a,-i^ ^+ JN139 K" lsuYguL i{234 K" Power N237 Jo Prosser N3C4 J" Bender N352 G" Wats.:n I\JbI K. DeL l hr380 G" Mart in N3B2 N" ivlar t i n \tv=,/1 tr Uo \I1O Gilbee D v29 V36 IvlcGrath J" I\4,- n^ ^ ^ r-lur I ol l ,i:0 L" Cheers Bar-nes J" Enni s H" Moore \,' -','.. ti " Hammer V66 V69 J" Crane ? tr I Ar. 52 27 InEham N]29 \/.Q 34 B u o i).aucL if G" Be,,.t Ly Q50 Q79 J" / Un.-1:,t. uC,:r,tEtI Thorne B7 IB 1a t-J Q.A 19 A 131 76 16 46 6 1^ !L 1B 55 101 10 140 47 35 62 IY 53 47 36.600 43.000 2"7 50 56"85C Aa oqn 59 " B0C ''xJoJJv 1s"300 " 500 11" 700 5"450 r0" 9c0 I n qan 16"850 1"900 7"850 " 400 2"404 1,500 S7 511 S16 523 555 \il4 \116 c" E" HewiLson R" Rcberts G " Edvra:rds R " Thoinpson H. Laskowski " Lovegrove G" Drew D i,JltJ L. Lll_Iton Vl22 H. Dyer t3 7?- 103 109 56 10 10 T2 I !,v26 A " Guest t''J3I D" Thomas V/35 A " Pri-ce t4 N'ZZ l{ " ivlctretridge 35 !v39 C " NZLZ NZ25 liewman B" Otene L" ScoLt 11 L7 3 I I 1(1.'t:;C 5.0ur0 "900 23 " ?",CC 25 " 450 17"650 37 " 350 o oq.n J O J Jv 14" 050 3B " 200 8"550 2"1s0 58"150 r2 " 2i\,0 3r"100 050 " 450 3" 350 26 23 " 25"740 18" 250 27 47"240 \\ L2 " ZCA 50,500 23 " 600 16"8s0 30"550 1/ l rn 24 "L]O l-*o.LJ\J ryn,1 ^r zr" tQv { 7qn 34"850 49"150 51"850 30"800 8"400 5 " 250 14 " 100 3"r00 11"850 E"350 2r " 450 2"050 16"45C " 400 "900 YESTERD4YTODAY19th July,1983" Date: TDTNDRRD\U 4I \-f\J -mTnr^ 1 T I\U Jhe rain started to fa1l in the early hours of the morning and continued to come down in bucketfulls throughout the day" A moderate wind helped to make condj-tons even more uncomfortable and it was pleasing to see the tolerance that existed betr,veen Of ficials and Compet.itors despite the conditions" tv"A" took out the Mens and Ladies teams events and showed the benef its of regular practj-ce" T'hey skipped away to an earry lead in the Accr.rracy event then cast steadily in both distance events with few break-of f s and casts out of court" Both N"S"l,,/" and eld" tried hard in the distance events but a lead of 65 points was too much to peg back " In the Juniors and Veterans team events, N"S"Vv" recorded fairlv comfortable wins from Queensland and v'i"A, respecti-ve1y. The }lens individual competition was exciting all day" Garry Gildersleeve of vJ"A" got off to a lead of 10 points over hi-s main rivals after the Accuracy event and it was then a matter of who could peg him back" The big guns f rom N"s"r.,',/" thought they would catch him Jater in the day and only one did Tony Forster" Tony won by nearly 5 points to record his second successive A.A"A" Mens Casting Championship" A truely fine effort" Hard luck story of the day went to Harry lrulrer" Harry had caught up with Garry by the end of the second event and had the whole fi-eld well covered coming kr his last cast for the day" About 70 metres would do. But as he cast, his rig snagged a piece of grass and went sideways never to be seen again with Harry looking at about 7 feet of line hanging from his rod tip with only a brais ring where his rig should have been! He'll be back again" In the Ladies competition, Rose Harper of W"A" led all the way, increasing her lead with each event for a comfortable win over her team mate HeLen Dyer" The Junior everrt was a neck to neck contest between Johnathon and Andrew Garven with Johnathon clinchinq victory with his last cast" T'heir scores of 298"03 and 290"02 give some idea of how close they were" The standard of casting by the veterans was quite good with nrrnl 1a,.^n-. suvrsJ !vvEyrJV€ of ld"A" recording a comfortable win over Bill Bbacom ^.r of N" S"W" 1983 vJas W"A"rs year for casting" I.he two major teams events and two firsts and two seconds in the individual" Congratulationsti Last but not least a wo.d of thanks to Lhose field Clfficials vrho stood in the rain and slush all day and into the night" rt was a great job and you all musl have been frozen and exhausted by the time we finished" Thank you from everyone and thanks to all competitors" Ifm told itts the firsL A"A"A" to ccnduct an event by floodlight. Let's hope that doesn't become a tradition" 25TH DAY RESULTS '**'r E Accuracy 339 - 42 AaQ. 'l o 4BL "97 A/B Dist" 569 Dist" TOTAi, A Df 392:19- I I I A/B Dist. 569 Dist" }8TH JULY 2r4 ;;;;-;:--r t---------r LJ4(J"+t 294.88 383"52 432 "83 . J=VoJV | | 17 *** ) " 2.Aa "60 OQ | I 254 "99 1111" 23 I 424;BT, 524 435 250 .32 323.86 " 09 " 78 363 " 19 937 "37 !391:99-1A'7 OJJ?? 243 "79 280 " 0B L-I | | I TOTAL I I J Acerrr:-\/ II Nl o A,,zB Dist" \hfl *"Y ltt R TOTAL I I-r -;;;-;;--T | qr | I ---------r I J t o =L Aecttra-\/ ??9"72 tto tr A/B Dist. Tl 569 Rl N 3se"12 541"50 44s"80 I 2"53 tJ l"Y I ??7"!2 tLU"/z 111" 33 -r ---------T 650"40 !!922t- ---------r 1Aa A') 273"6e 11 a nn 278 "83 IIO"UU 244 "89 tb4"ro r02 " 29 Ar-cttra-\/ E. q VIC N"S"!\/" QLD S L MONDAY Scores f or each event are percentage points -i- EVENT N - OVERA.LL TiESULTS O.F CASTING INTERSTATE T[,trPIS EVENT ( M CASTING I " 2r8"74 Dist" I 9B | 1 I T -::- -::--r | ,;/| 19 t3 L4 17 J- !'t-t-229!--r1 ,{l .{--------.1 --l i I -J o?? 2'7 _- ":"::-J * LONGEST CASTS IN DISTANCE EVEI\TS '.t * {: q, A^ DISTANCE JVY ARTIFICIAL BAIT DIST" MENS VB9 D" Pettie 142"08 M MENS N269 J" Garven M LADIES W?-9 S" Osborne 103"1C Duncan M" V93 LADIES 'l t o 7q M JUNIORS N301 Jon"Garven Garven Jon" JUNEORS - N3O1 M VETERAN N255 B" Beacom 48 L22 A" Jones V2I VETERANS " .i JUNiORS 269 V93 N N3O1 VETNRAN V21 t {* lLJo IVIENS LADIES ,/l ,/i /1 /l '-r-----1 ,l .'7 | I TOTAL M+L 29 ; r+1 7 o L ; ;; ; ;- :l: ---------t- TOTAL /l 47 J" Garven M" Duncan Jon Garven A" Jones IJ 177.L5 M L ZZ" Z) M 135"15 M L42"BA M 156"24M 113"4OPI 112"80M L2^ 15M CORRECTIONS The heaviest fish caught du::ing the second round of the offshore Kg" taken was not Sharon Csborne's snapper, but a kingfish of 6"540 has s(rme sharon N"s"1.^J" of tsender .-.\mnFf i for, Judith l^,v qllvLrru! py anof hep f-*uJ3rtrr uvr"vv -haci Northern yesLerdayrs photo in a spectacular clnsolation as-she Star " ta TAXI tr fF t:,i ;:: tk ;jr t. t:. * r;,( * r" + *,:' r?'i + DISCOUNq Discount vouchers are available from the R"S"L" for a $1"00 discount on any taxi fare in Ballina" I'm told these vouchers can be used by AAA competitors anywhere in Ballina - but ring the taxi company if you want more details" A group of 3results were omitted from 11 L22 for s4 " 000 Kq", N269 .j" N27 3 r{. 22 rr 17"800 ta a/1 16 rr LLo Lvv hr275 K" ffifl 10 fr 10"700 N2B3 H" 15 '? 7"800 I\ 285 I/t " ' 68n 32 " 204 Kg. N256 Ro Lund N270 E" Garven N274 B" Davis N276 Ro Anderson N2B4 E" Watson N291 J" Voisey No"6" A11 N"S"i,V" Garven 38 for 32"50K9. Davis 13 'r 11"35K9. Irreckleton B tt 6"50K9. Green LZ " 5"B0Kg. Suffolk B " B"40Kg" YTT ar FI .BEST INpTVIqUAL ACCURACY. CASTERS (A11 Scores are Points out of a maximum YET Overal I 1" w42 c" Gildersleeve t" r\b/ K" Rhei nhpropr N177 H" Fuller N229 T" Porster 3" 4" f Jo QLD. Nra? LlLl \Jo Q]05 I(" bJof liJ"A" NZ35 N"Z" D" OveraLl t " N21B A" Garven 2" N301 Jon" Garven Ql10 P" Barton QLD " Ql10 P " Bar{-on a Jd N21B A" Garven V25 D" Gilmour VJ3 O " L24 L23 119 I1] 98 ft)!^L) JUNIORS N"S"i'il" VIC " S"A" IJ"A. N"Z" 137 Freeman rRheinberger I24 87 Pettie BB AtLerton Gildersleeve L37 Bail lie 96 N67 R" VB9 D" 57O B" w42 G" N"S"V/. VIC " s "A" horqnoon Pts H'':::!^" of 200) !tPIs! overal I 1" !/20 ti" I-{ Pts r ef r rn ar 2" N257 M" OrNeill 3" \il22 H" Dyer 4 " Nl95 I"1" R.iddel 5 " r!74 D" Wi 1k ie Q109 E" Hertrick N257 M" OrNeill v37 R" Moore QLD " N"S"iii" VIC " qA W2O W"A" RO I-l:r " 107 rwo J5 92 B4 107 7B rnar 131 N"Z" VETERANS o ;;; L49 119 119 L52 B5 105 Overal 1 'l ut4 t. N37 v2I ? QLD N37 VzI 564 ti4 N"S"!t" VIC qA " vi "A. N"Z" BEST INDIVIDUAL 112q DISTANCE Lovegrove 130 Gregory I 21 A Jones 116 F'" Gregory LzL A" Jones 116 Ko Kain 48 D" Lovegrove 130 DO E' CASTERS (Distance given is aggregate of two casts) Overal 1 I" 2" 3" 4" YET N259 N294 N229 N]77 5 0 Ql05 VIC" Ql 05 N 259 v89 ln/"4" 'W45 QLD " N"S"!,J" s70 N"Z" NZ31 LADTES J" Garven VlllJ-Lelr(;OU T" Forster H" Ful1er K" Freeman I(" Freeman J" Garven D" PeCt]-e B" Atterton E" Farker B" Porter no 352"20M Overall 346 " 00M 1" 2" .\Tn N"S"irtJ" \/ Tr. <,i !i"A" N"Z" Ql10 P" Barton N30l Jon. Garven LI lld N " Osborne C1 ifton QLD 35 2 " 20t1 N"S"lii" \,1J 322"59M 314"53M VIC. 296 "rgM 267 "54M r,V 223 "60M 21 5.05M 210" 95M 208 " 70M 200 " 40M Q109 E" Hertrick 198,08M N271 L" Johnson 2OB " 7OM v37 R" Moore 154" 20M S"A" A. " N"Z" N29 S" Osborne 223"60M VETERANS 1. N301 Jon" Garven ^/-a N21B A" Garven 1 Q110 P" Barton l,\/30 s" 20 i1" l.l r rnar 4" N27t L" Johnson \ N4 R" Barsing 338"65M 327 "02M 326"r1M 326"11M JUNIORS Overall vt29 V'/18 f\ -.'l-.n VDlU!llE rn a 268 " 9Orq 260,50!t Beacom 247"451'1 i;t4 D" Lovegrove240"90M V21 A" Jones 224"7OM N255 B" Beacom 247 "4514 V2l A" Jones 224"7Ott 564 K" Kain I72"72M W4 D" Lovegrove24O"90M Overal I 1" N255 B" 2" ? 233"73M 233 "7 3M 268 " 90i\i QLD 232" 55M S"A" W" A. N. Z" N "S"!il" VIC " 4 BEST I}JDIVIDUAL ARTIF'ICIAL BAII- DISTANCE CASTEP,S \ ( Distance given is agqregate of two ^-^J--, OveraI I :i:IIE! vg\ Q95 R.Reisenwebber259"78M 'l Ui46 H.Y" Flew 259"67Y! N294 A. Whitehead 252"87M 2" Cvera] I q, QI,D " N"S"!V" VIC " V89 D" fjetLie 237 "4514 568 ,J " Nlcho11 s 227 "L4l'1 \,'146 H"Y" Hew 259"67M liz30 G" Maunder IA6"22M S"A" i,J" A " N"Z" tLO ? N269 J" Garven 249,43M N229 T" Forster 23B"OBM Q96 R"ileisenwebl:er259.78M QLD " N294 A. ldhitehead 252"87M N"S"!t" A 1" VIC qA /1 tr Jo " N"Z" A. Garven 19 9 " 00F] 185 " 35IVI 155. 70i4 153"80r'4 N72 i.l.,.heinberger' Ql10 P" Barton N301 Jon 199"00M ::::". ? N"S"!J" ViC " qA f'J30 H" Osborne t/"A " N"Z" 72"50M (A11 scores are aggregate (the three Casting Events" Cveral l Jo QLD " N"S"rrt" VIC" qA A" rorster 265"92. \il42 G" Gi1dersleeve26l " 19 N269 J" 258 " 05 Q105 K" Freeman 254"37 VB9 D" L.ettie 2/i5"49 L"reeman K" 254"37 Q105 N229 A" Forster ?-65"92 V89 Do ltrettie 246"49 S52 Jo Carman 244.57 Ui42 c"cilders1eeve26l " 19 itz37 P" Crothers I35"I2 N229 N3O1 J " Gar:ven N21B A" Garven QI10 P" B arLon Q]10 [)" Bar'l-on i\301 J" (;arven v25 D" Gi 1 mcur vi29 t't"A" N"Z" BILL H " OfNeill R" Moore 137"00M 160"95 N255 B" Beacom 178"20M 1 2" ? QLD " \,i4 N37 nAr-6nf Maximum r\-1^^-^^ 298"03 294 242 2tt2 "::::'o Beacom 1,,4 vv= ::< n T,*r^a-)ve vgY!\ uotv N195 v37 " N"Z" Overalt 1" a LO 3" I$"S"\/t" VIC " r91"99 ti "A" N" Z" :i"A" 11B"B0M 174"4AM ) t'.iddel R" Moore lJ: rnar VETERANS n r a.,^^ \ii4 uouvVgV!vVg NraF r I\ZJ-J N37 29L 253 248 "L7 " 25 "86 2r 2117 " Hertrick 194"2L M" 'u,jzo ii " 1,,J"A" QLD" 20M ES a\'i nO F Yrv/ S.A" " 5C 178" acro nni nf q nrrar) vvL!/ score is 300" N"S"ti" 298"03 55 "92 13e"6s .ssYv QLD " VIC 1A /1o' 40M }::.:. Overall 1" yv20 R" Hnrnar 2" W22 H" Dyer 3" N195 M" Riddel 4" N257 rq" (rrNeil1 " C2 "50 tr" r.,,,^^^^.,^1 !VVgVIvVgf, 564 K" Kain cn I,J"A" rtf D" N255 B" N"S"i,J" VIC " JUN IORS Overal l M" N257 LADI vgN '1 151"15M 150"101.{ bb tiulvj 'l qq " Q?r\4 tr UO N"Z" ::':I:::: INDIVIDUAL CASTING CHAMPIONS Overall ]. 2" 3. 4" 5" QLD" N.S"Vi" VIC" S "A. W"A" N"Z" l_)l"5zPt Hertrick n l nQ VIVU l,tilB N" Cli-fton L'"A" 160 " 9 5rq 15 5 " B5r"{ a r f_ n^ VETERANS Overal I 1" I'J301 .Jon Garven QLD " N C1 if ton l/i20 i{"" Harnor r{257 M" L, 'l\etI1 \J|22 H" Dyer N195 M" Riddel 1 v37 ggIi9I! 2" N21B t'rl8 B" Beacom F" Gregory 248 "B 2r3"629L "L7 .95"22 L- 269 "23 250. 86 B" Beaccm V2I C" Jones S64 K" I(ain N255 \,i4J, 269"23 180" 03 173"29 D"Lovegrove 295 "22 l'..Eritt Bill was due out of hospital yesterday and ha r^ri i l nroha]-rl rr l^lo staying in Ballina until the Convention is over" IL will be good to see you back on your feet aqain" NEXT EDITIOT'J OF YTT DUE L]UT AT NOON ON I,JEDNESDAY 19TH JULY YESTERDAYTODAYT[MDRRTIIIJ Date: 2lst July, 1983" ESTUARY IiOUi\jD 2 The for the second round of the Estuary Competitj-on was amongst Lhe mcst exciting held so far, ciespite a cold blustery wind rf rr-,^ mi r-llc dL lilI\lrta9l ^hi ^hL vreigh-in" Amcngst the f ish weighed ( in-comp and outnf-r-nmn) rnrore a 31Kg" Mullovlay, a 22"3K9" Black Kingfish, a 10"15K9" *"..,y Mulloway and a Pearl Perch of 4"08K9" A total of 853 fish were caught for 402"55K9" LJndoubtedly the fish of the day was Lhe 31K9" Mulloway taken in anmnnf i *y Silver Laibl of Brunsvrj-ck Angling Deep Sea Club" The fish was hooked in the Clarence River near Collls Vilall on a live bait" The hook-up occured fairly cl-ose to lines up time so Silver nulIari rr^ hic anchOr and drifted downsLream past Other Competitors, with his fish and the Lide" A shorL battle lasting about 10 minutes uvltllJgL!Lr\rlr ! with Silver being the victor" The fish was only 7r'oKg" under the State recc-'rd " Bream dominated the catch weighed in with far fess Luderick beinq nrasanlod l-h,rn in Lhe f irst round" The ma'i ori t-rr of anol ers onted for the Richmond tiiver but ca'Lcnes from the Clarence improved to the point where they probably edged ouL the riichmond" Best bags of the rrrrr ( rnrrf f rom Silver Laibl ) rvere by A1lan Cannon with 37 f ish for ensued "*j\qyu! 22"7K9" and lan Biddle with 35 for 18"20K9" Further back were i\lan h-arlcw with 22 for B"7Kg" and Bill xobinson with 2l for B"20Kg" Top q.--ra amonr:q.{. the ladies Was by Margaret. McMillan of N"S"fu" who took 9 fish for 4,"25K9" Best catch by an interstate competitor was by Alan Veselis of Queensland who took 17 fish fcr 7"BOKg. The anglers who cleaned up in the firsL round found it much slower this t.ime" Individual Leader after two rounG is Hllan Cannon of N"S"tl,J" with several ot.her anglers stil1 having a good'chance of Nlargaret McMillan of N"S"vrt" leads the ladies while the title" Johnathon Garven has a clear lead in the Juniors" l'erhaps the most comfortabl-e lead is in the veterans where Kay Ford with 85 point.s is 50 points cfear of his nearest rival" ESTUARY TEAMS N"S"W" got off to a good start in the Leams event and lead A"^^^-'1 r'-t' 30C points" However, the scores are still quite lovr vueEll-rolru -^'r vy :nrl : ?OKn f':^L ^^"rr ''t^: I{"S"\lJ" alSo lead in OUL this deficit" I IJll L-UL,lJ-\l WIUC o Clll\l Cl Jvl\LJ the Ladies and Juniors sections while Queensland are in front in the Veterans" None of these leads are very greaL and a good haul of fish bV one Leam could give them the championship" I.{EXT EDITIOI\ OF YTT IS DUE OUT AT NOU]N CN FRIDAY 22ND JULY a L ( /\'l I F?6qrr'i !Li) Provi-sional 7TH DAY ITESULTS ES?UARY RCIJND 2 IiESULTS oF lst oF - ) VVEDNESDAY 2OTH JULY INTERSTATE TEAMS EVENT -i- -;;;;;;----i il---T ----l--;::-:-------T-ROU.ND ESI'UATRY - 9! I | 400" 5 Hts " -:-------- T I eO" S Pts" _ . I "---[-;;";;;----r ---rT ;-;;; ----r ;-;;; i -- -r;;";-;;;"--T---::----------r I '.'*--r-----F------F Pt.s" zor"s r-r,s" t9.s I -I u; ----.----- ---l----:-----------t N: YI "-' - -r[-il;" -;;r ;-;;" q. " " " " I l\" : --. - ---l--- :1-3-lll - ---L -- - ::----- --- --L tsEsT INDIVIDUAL ANGLERS EST 0veral QLD " (l \l VIC S 1 S" Laibl 2" A" Cannon 3" N102 I" Biddle 4" N]50 Ao Farlow 5. Nlg 2 G" Rooks I" N24B N99 ^ruf,/ N24B r..r " V5 V52 s57 "A" v'i"A" t,v 34 NZ2B N"Z" LADIES t-L50 YEN Veselis S" Laibl c" Schnelle D" Foster D" SchmidL T" Savonije .A\" 2l q n 264 "A lL/"v rno n a7q Qr. n ?r q n 82"0 tA n 60"0 'rn q JUNIORS Overall I " N21B A" Garven ^ a J. QLD " N"S"tx" VIC " S"A" t'l "A J" Garven VB3 L" Gilbee N66 S" Schumacher Q10 D" Evans i{2lB A" Garven V53 L" Gilbee N301 22"5 2" Q45 S" Guy 36"5 3" N35B K" Sutton 28"5 4" V4 E" Gilbee Zl "O 5" Q53 A" Scholfield rr':) a66 I{. Hoskin QLD 36"5 Q45 S" Guy N"S"ru. N1BT M" McMillan 51"5 VIC" v4 E" Gilbee 21"0 S"A" Vv"A" vv2O R" Harper I3"0 N"Z" NZ23 K" McKay 4"5 VETERANS i) ts " ?" 1/1 q u rl QLD L N"S"f.'/" VIC " " S"A" tr;"A" I\i" Z" " N"Z" HEAVItrST SILVER LAIBL FI5H MULLOI'AY T" V21 C" N31O G" N44 A" al l 1" Q5 1'7 n t /t o Overal-1 I" NIB7 M" McMiIlan 5l"5 C,Vef lt") itl-^ r Lb Voisey Deckmeyer 34"0 tt "u 26.O Q5 T" Ludlow N3t0 c" Voisey V2I C" Jones 34"0 I,'14 D" Lovegrove r3"0 DAY 31" Ludlow Jones 0 Kg" tt.v 34"0 HEAVIEST Black OF Cod Bream Drummer :JLJ ECIES CAUGHT l'anru fv'rJ ll-r rq a--l^^ uulllr T\/larn-n r"rur vcrr J- IN I"920 3"620 3"010 Graham Bel1 I(ingf i sh Gary Payne 'r'erry Langley Luderick lial ly 5"8I0 Morwong loway Pearl Pearch Snapper \/\larren sommervil-1e T'revor Gardiner (nn # l- arl Graham Bel1 t-.1 Silver Laibl i nrl Tailor xobbie rlnderson Noel Martin John Crane Treval 1y Noel tutlq Bill l',rhiting (,noci r Beacom T^1^h uvlltr aq HEAVIIST "-'.Y a an S t.rathearn Tony ter Harry trul1er Mul lovtay Terry Langley ( nrnnar Terry Langley fail or p Pearl Perch itd! Dorey aul- Johnstone Helen Bainbridge r{obert Lund r.rl-r'i vvrr!L!rry# i nn ,f lrar I H I ii-k OF f iistcn A11 1 qn Luderick ( CAT'CH George Cole Al athead K 1 nnf fv!v.llg rnn OF SPECIES CAUGHT OUT OF Bream Drummer F1 G,nar- i aq. '(1 ha'I1- I <n '} Kg" Kg" Kg \ GIlEATtrST VAIiI[TY (nani 4"290 0"260 22"000 Plartin Ken Brown aq (tJlacK t\rnqtasn/ / ^1 ? 1"320 ](9. 1"080 Kg" I " 060 Kg" 2" 580 Kg" 1"750 I(9" Arthur Hales Tarvrhine Terag 1 in Kg" Kg" Kg" Kg" L"244 Kg" 3.110 Kg" 31 " 000 Kg. 3"980 Kg" 8"600 Kg" lvioore Bob Gibson Mu1 ETITION 14 " 400 Lig " ar Fl athead ( rJ_har CUM! " IN ROU\ID 2"390 Kg" COMF ETITION L"470 Kg" 3"640 Kg" 9 "440 Kg. 6"830 Kg" 1"020 10"150 Kg" Kg" 4" CBO Kg" 5"744 Kg" ^nn Kg " lQV 280 " 22 "3AA I{g ^ z- l V,JEIGHT CHANGED SINCE LAST YTT" - NAT]ONAL NIGHI' 'i'he N"Z" Naticnal i\lEht will be held at Ballina Bowling Club on next fuesday 26Lh July" ihere will be c1 dinner with refreshments f rom B"0O pm" Admissic-''n will be by invitacion with all guests being issued viilh a ticket" The l(ivris would also like to have a session with one or more of Lhe top cas'Lers to learn about our techniques, inspect gear and maybe a few casLs" If someone wants to show some good old Aussie hosl:itality, contacL Noel .L'urner and arrange a time" I\EW ZtrALAi\iD 4 F'ROGRES QLD" Q57 lrJ"S"irr" i!99 V52 VIC" :i"A" 521 !i"A" ',t34 N"Z" NZ12 SIV E OV I iJDIVI DUIIL ESTUAi:iY ( Hf ter 2 ttound s ) EitALL M[N rt:L- LD A" Veslis h" Cannon G" ,:chnel1e D. lloster D" Scl'rmidt B" Otene 158" ggNIgI! QLD" Q10 D" Evans I\"S"\lJ" I'1301 J" Garven VIC" V53 L" Gilbee S CI NTS LADI o QLD" Q45 N.S"Lv" I!187 VIC. V40 5 "A" 'ur20 v/"A. N " Z" i\223 0 397"0 95.0 44"Q 85"0 14"0 !!s" s" lr!^ I' L> ES 14.5 S "A" !i"4" W"A" N"Z" hJ"Z" Guy i\1" McMillan 65.0 25"5 t{" Harper K" IvicKay L7 "5 VET'EIiANS Pts lr" Bisby G" Brown i-l I'his is no'vr schedu}ed for Priday OITFSHLi:tE i(-LJI{D 3 -IfthfficheckatHeaciquartersOnThursdaynighiat 6"30 pm" t-,Lherr,vise check at /i"30 am at HeadquarLers" 22nd This is also on this irriday at Headquarters" PICi{IC DAY It vraT-6?Tffi6Tf y scheduled f orTintenbar but Lhe rveather has forced their the change cf venue" iiosl, ct:npeti';ors have alreaCy boughL (Steak get meal sands take away a i:Lrey for which $l"OO Lickets for l-eer" of cans f ree ti",io etc" ) and The day gets away at 2_"00 pm" I is interupted by the of f shore r,veigh.-in at 3"00 pm then ccntinues into the night" A band will be there from 6"00 pm and the afternoon activities are expected Lc include Lhe infamcus Lug-O-war" Just a reminder that the starting time for rtOCI( ii BEACH from 3"00 pm Lo 3.30 pm and Lines registraLicn rtounO-fr.ffiffi ,:"00 down at ilm [sTUr\p,y r].oui\D 3 -- has also been changed to t.he above times" No" Anglers QLD " N"S"ti" VIC " qA \,i "A " N"Z" 'l.r'fAl 2 " Fish I{o /.i L:! -1 74 34 1.3 t5 6 5r3 L22 47 51 I it'83 " 2I"5 CHAI'JGES; ESTITARY ROUND o 85"0 QLD" Q17 R" Ford N"S"li" N44 A" Deckmeyer 32"0 VIC" V9 ti" Cavill 34"5 14" 5 49"0 "A" Fl'uGriAM ir Ir_'1 2 853 20 "7 "83 lreight Kg " A) Oq 'rJaJJ 25C"30 53"90 21 " 15 2-0"44 2"85 4A2"55 DETAILED TIESULIS No,, r asn r)? r YJ !o QI1 Q]3 N" Carq{-an< I'{" Potter uo u!q!^ YJ a ^1 \lto Barre t t Uo Svans Q31 A. Strathea::n Q34 D" (n^faha rn an lQ33 B" L" Guy Q43 (\A tr ,'? Jo (j o VTJ ^rn tiJU Guy Beatty Q56 Q5B ;1 ii " To lli r {-usYv oon v, u Day QB6 i, noo I Q97 YJ J Bari' ro " FO o Faux r J a:J oJ > Al1om Qr03 J" Byrant Q114 D" Bateman Q11B R" Farmer N4 N38 N40 N4.5 ;) R: r< i nrr l-, Anderson p, Hal l D roclz morra r Cnrrrfan:\/ t N4B t N53 T Prat NIqT E. i.i/a c, F tr (la rra{- N67 N75 A Hal es i{84 N102 Nl 05 N113 i) I A1 T I^I q p 1- corn T^^^ .i ^^ ucllttf,ttvJ Ri ddl a Lickiss Kendrick Hancock p, Dere Duncan i'JI BB K" IrlcMi 11an N]9 2 ilook s N 2OB P ayne N212 Dansey N215 D" V id1 er \r222 T" Graharn N 225 n Leaney rJ142 N15 2 N 184 T Cn I a.: !'tzJz L\IZJ / .'i prosser N239 M" Hirst N 241 T Dey q N 246 Col es a a^ o 2 6 No i;Jeight Fish" Kg" Kg" 1"700 2" 500 1" 750 1"900 1"100 1"400 1"600 ,/l qA J 2 7 4 I o B 6 3 2 11 12 35 6 I 10 2 2 9 16 1 6 3 2 I 15 7 20 "7 "83 L ^Lvte 9rlL o=JV 4"200 3.050 "300 "6CA 3"800 a- ^ .163 F" l,'Jatego Q65 J" Vesel i s Q57 .l.D" Hoski-n r1?? Y/,' 4 6 4 6 3 4 4 'l 9 6 5 2 10 Z 7 t4 3 7 4 I s I 10 s ESTLTAiiY i'it,UND "O)U 2" 5C0 5.600 "950 3"200 1"300 "350 1" 900 "400 4" 250 1"850 , "700 3"450 2"r0c "300 ar^ z"ofu 4"4A0 ^ r"200 1"400 " 5s0 4"740 4"450 rB " 200 2" 550 "300 3"750 2" 8s0 "600 3"500 8"150 3"000 3"35r) I "250 "704 "400 7 "450 I "800 l"u)u "BOO 3"000 n( JO YJ QlO Q12 Q14 Q17 I l< Lr^erarl-rdla{ < Q37 Q39 Q44 Q46 ^-^ U)Z Q57 nqQ ^a ^ QAZ Q64 Q65 Q5B na V/U Ludlow D" Lvans iio Undervuood C" Potter R" Ford M" Augus tus A" Knowl es S" Guy G" I\CI LLI IT I C rJ" Scl-ro1f iel d A" VeseI i s p i,lal sh iio Ltlatego D" Macdonald " I-iosk i n R" Hoskin N" vo Johnston Q95 J" Twiname Q98 c" Tilgals Q102 R" Bryant QlC4 J" Crnna QI17 H" Harvey Q]19 R" McMil 1 an r$37 F " i'i39 N " i{44 A " N47 K" N5O BO N56 ir " N62 J" r a ^t l\orJ ). Gregory iamson Dreckmeyer V'J11l Barr HeckeI HCre Collins Schumacher I'J73 P " S t. enner i'J7 7 M" Lcv,te N99 A" Cannon N103 R" Bush I{106 N " Thr^lmrr <r,n |Jl28 14" S t einmann Nl50 A" Ir arl ou; t\1bz J" lJi tchard N 18 7 I'1" Mcl,li 1 1 an Nl91 it " Barnard N19 3 N. .Tanni nn< N210 T" tJr igh t N214 T" Bij I N218 A" Gairven t\1224 F " Mof f ett' N229 T" Forster N234 r(" Power N23B K" As ton N240 A" As ton N242 B" iiobinson N24B S " Laibl B 2 n J 2 I 2 1 1 6 rA 6 17 9 3 7 3 2 1 6 4 2 5 I 2 1 2 6 o 3 B 3 2 7 r 37 3 10 2 22 6 9 15 I 11 3 5 5 12 2 9 9 2r 2 a^ 2" 600 "700 ^ ^nn 3"JUU "800 "400 "7AA "300 "350 2"800 1 o ?trn L I JW 2" 05t) 7"800 2"75A 1"100 2" 50C 1"250 "950 " 250 2"550 1"900 L"000 2"950 r qqn " 550 " 250 "950 2" 000 l" 3vv 1"300 3"250 1" 250 L"254 2"220 .250 22"700 1"100 3"450 "750 B" 700 3"150 4"250 8.150 .250 1"200 1"300 1"750 2" 600 4"900 "850 3"600 3"300 B" 200 3L"300 6 DETAILED RESULTS ESTUARY RCUND 2 20"7"83 No i,veight Fish Kg" N254 A" l\zo+ u" N269 J" i{290 R" I{301 J" nr 1a^ lJilson uarr Garven Hov,res Garven r\JJZZ 0" LOl.l-lns li35B K. Sutton tI374 R" Goc;dwin V3 V5 \/a vt1 vl5 v19 v2L v31 v40 v49 v53 v59 voy v73 v75 v83 J" Gilbee D" Senior R" Carrill B" Pywel1 B" Bright IilcGrath Jones \,i al ter A"" V" F " Bisby A" Fisher L" Gilbee C" Barnes J" Crane P M" Goldsmith To Goldsmith ! r rv! I tg VB6 G" Sl 57 S11 516 523 S34 566 U1 i'J4 tJ6 vl20 J" Robinson c"E" Hewitson ':'t 16 Mason R" Roberts G" Edv"rards " Thompson J" flierda i:i H" Teasdale G" Brown Lovegrove " G Drevr " ii. " Harper )" D YinfEJ-nJ- W31 D" Thomas 'r,'i35 A" Pri-ce !i39 C " Newman I{ZZ tJ" ItlcFetridge I{ZZB T" Savoni j e NZ33 R. l,Jinters 4 9 17 4 4 2 5 I r^ o 9 5 I 2 5 6 3 I I J 2 7 2 r t" 2 2 6 2 3 3 6 2 2" 300 " 500 N255 B" Beacom 2 N267 R" Carr 9 N287 i,/" lJarren (v.lyong)13 N291 J" Voisey I? N310 c" Voisey 5 N 340 G o Brov;n 3 N359 M" Lightfoot 5 N3B3 rL" Irosler 5 t. luu 3"3s0 V7 1"200 4" 550 6"00 2" 30C 1"300 "65A 2" 1s0 .IUU "900 1"800 2"800 1"600 "300 "800 I-.I)U 1"2s0 2"500 I"GOC " 350 1" 750 L"200 "900 3"2C0 "650 r"250 1"450 2" 650 qqn 1 rrnr\ I 6 \-/\JLI 3 I 2 5 1 t"y)u 1"000 "800 "704 1"550 1"700 I a z_ 1 v + ul_ Ibee Turner " 5" Cavill T" Charles t! I'i " 4 3 2 I 6 6 5 'l VIU V13 V17 v zu V29 V36 V 4/t V52 V54 V5B V70 V74 V76 VB5 V90 A" Goldsrnith J" Mason T" Hose 3 ry s13 S21 >z/ S41 i//. itin\^/ood J" fuller " lJackett J" Catterwell D" l"oster P, Andersen L4 r 7 I 2 1 2 3 I t 7 5 B I \'12 i,,r5 t,tl7 VX26 ut29 Vi34 I'i3B T" Hayman D" Drew M" Harper A" Guest S " L,sborne D" Schmidt It" it{organ 2 2 I 2 1 13 4 rrl n S Go Fonvard N" I leml_ng J" Morgan H" Moore !i " Hammer G" Schnelle 'I" Gilbee J" Crane K. Snorvden Ho Goldsmith J" 1? r 2 "900 ? ? J 'J No " illeight Fish l(g. 300 " pqn "450 I'1223 i(" l"ici(ay NZ30 G" I4ar:nder NZ37 l. " Crothers " 650 3"900 5"400 4"000 2" 200 LoIVV 2"550 2"60A 1"700 1"200 "900 ?qn 2"800 2.500 1.950 r qnV o -:J t"r00 6"800 "800 2" 950 " 350 "800 "450 "900 1"000 8"350 " 500 3. C00 2" 200 3" 60e " 50r "650 L"350 "350 "650 qqn 4"700 1"500 1 I l1 qqn YESTERDAYTODAYTDTNORRDIIJ 22nd Ju1y, 1993" Date: iiOCK & BEACH - LiOUND 2 li'he cold arrd blustery conditions that arri-ved during t.he previc r:s r-1:ry I s Els Luary Competiti-on continued even more s trongly for yest-erday's rock & beach competition" The seas had risen to moderaLe 'uo rough and the wind was gus ting to 4A knots when competitors checked out at 2"AA pm" 3.I2 competi.t.ors checked out and despite the condiLions managed to catch 356 fish for 243"75K9" 115 Anglers weighed-in" The catch was a mixed bag with quite a few bream, a number of reasonable drummer, a fevu nice caLches of luderick and a show of tailor intluding at least one good catch" Top ca'Lch of the day was by Graham Bell of N"S"!/" who weighedin a bag of 53 fish for 36"05 Kg" Almost all were tailor with a few drummer being included" Other good catches under the conditions were L7 for I2"45K9" by John Garven (mainly niggers)" 9 for 9"B5Kg" by Paul Kerkenozov and 3 for B"15kg" by Allan Cannon" Graham BelI now has a r/r-r.r,/ sizabLe lead in this section and will be dif ficult to overtar<e r';-,1ess there is a marked change in the fishing patLern" Alan Canr:oi-; is fishing quiLe well overall as he is leading the Estuary, hiaC a good score in the casting and is faring well in the Rock & Beach" ivitl-r conciiticns being so poor, not many ladies or juniors scored wel1" Best were Johnathon Garven in the Juniors w-i-th 5 for 3"60 i(9" and Karen Sutton in the Ladies with 2 for 3"0 Kg" Veteran Arthur Hales fished very well- in the veterans section with a good catch of 11 fish for 4"95k9" Best fish for the day was a mulloway of 5"760 Kg" taken by Queenslander Neville Barry. New heaviesl- of species fish were i^re'icrhed-in f or both tarwhine and whiting while I have at last remembered tc amend the species list to show Judy Benderrs 6"640 Kg" kingfish" In the teams competit.ion, N"S"rril" has a commanding lead in the mens section although a few schools of tailor on the beaches could soon change al.1 that" The ladies compeLition is sti11 wide open with scores being so low t.hat a few fish in the last round could totalty change the results" N"S"l,''1" also leads in the Juniors and Veterans with the Juniors seemingly sov'rn up but stil1 pf enty of room for others in the Veterans" NEXT EDITION OF YTT IS DUE OUT AT 5"OO PM" SUNDAY 24TH JULY 2(A11 Resul BTH DAY RESULTS - BEACH & ts Provi-sional ) R.OCI( ROUND RESULTS OF'1ST IIOUND OF BEACH +- & 2- TI{URSDAY 21ST JULY I1OCK IN'IERSTATE ?EAMS EVENT -r r- JUNIORS! -r ;I IJ I I I r'i + 11"0 rPts" D I I r'I I 41 " 0 F- Pts" I :) I P I 45"5 Pts" I -LI I -L ---99:.!-l!e:- I I 1tr -r rI I I n I J o \J I t n!-Lb r 6 I F* ___-:____*_ -tI I I I I I ___:-_*____ *f-. I I :-BEST INDIVIDUAL ANGLERS ygI Overal I 1 A QLD" N.S"VJ" VIC. qA tr l,f "A. 2 c" Bel1 J" Garven N233 K" Toovey N303 Po Kerkenzov I\99 A" Cannon a19 N" Berry l\Loy u; tJetl V17 G" Irorward 566 H" Teasdale ui23 R " Thorpe N169 2" N269 NZ32 D" Cullen JUNIORS Ove4ralll. -N3OLrl.J" Garven 2" Q56 B" scholfield 3 " Ql- 0 D. Evans (.-2I,U c156 B" Scholfield N301 J" Garven N" S"W" VIC tttI- Lb - -L BEACH \QO 413"5 18"0 lloV 18"0 q,q LADIES Overall QLD N"S"!J" VIC " S"A v,i "A N"Z " A1 n Aq A-l n irL- tr- I!358 K" Sutton z. VlO S" Cavi 1 I a v't20 R " Harper /l a16 c" Cl ark 1" a tr nJ-^ rL>o s.A. TiOCK ROLJND 2 o 413"5 141"5 114"0 107"5 84"5 " & Q45 L" VlO S" i\i358 K" ark Sutton uavllI rn q 6"0 C1 1[ 11 L'i20 R" Harper 1. i VETERANS PLs" Overall 1" N67 A" Hales 2" Q5 T" Ludlow 3" Ql7 R" Forci Q5 ?" Ludlow QLD N"S"td" N67 A" t{ales VIC " V9 R" Cavil1 l/,J"A" N"Z" IIEAYjI{-E - .j':.1 Iviulloway Neville Be.rry o JZ"V S" Guy a a \1ro L;i 5"76 Kg" ooooo 1.,]"A" STATE I{IGHT The !J"A. State Night wilt be held on Sunday Night at the Ballina R"S"L" People v,'ishing to attend shoulrl pl ace Lheir names il-clLcJLo -'-^^t ^r rL,^ Lrtt: on the list on the nolice board bv todav qL 60-5 LJ o J 20"0 25"s 1q n 3IlrArr-h- Nl]frV JT!) I Black a) F1 Cod Bream Drummer F1 .lr lr'11/ [,arc]-, Snappei: Spobted Hind Graham Bel1 Hales iian tingrlnac (,.|- har i a< (Black Kingfish) t"750 Kg" Kg" 0" 280 Kg" 22"004 Kg" iiOUND Darel Vidler 4 Species HEAVIEST OF Bream Drummer 2"650 SPECIES CAUGHT OUT George Cole Kingf ish Luderick 'i'nnrr -v.rJ I"47Q 3.640 9 Snapper Tai I or HeIen Bainbridge ng Other Species (Black Kingfish) xobert Lund 22"3O0 Kg" " uglgu_gIrNg_Ep_:1ryg9_lit1':yIg riOCK & BEACH IiUUND 2 No" Anglers QLD " AA .,+ N"S"'v'J" 63 lt. No Fi sh 45 " / "oJ \.,ir.i crhl"'-r J" I.n a,l a+oLvan I Ol lo/ A(\ 9 I9 Q 1n UOIV 10 16 '1 a\ ail L\J o LV fr"A" 7 72 6"00 hI"Z" I ) qq 115 356 243"75 VIC " qA TCTAL: "44A Kg" Kg" Kg" Kg" 6"830 1"020 Kg" 10"150 Kg" 4" 080 Kg" 5"740 Kg" 2"244 Kg" " 280 Kg" lnrqfar Harry F':11er Terry Langley r<ay Dorey Terry Langley Paul Johnstone Ivlul 1olday p, oa r'l P a rch Kg" COivii-ETITION OF Alf .'rston A1lan StraLhearn r foLrlccl\l ti Kg" " 4"290 VARIlj,I.Y CF CATCH IN GREATEST l,'lhi arr John Crone l{oe_L tvtar t].n Richard Cavi1l Ken Brown Turra I'lhi Q{-anril Bernie Heckel Noel Martin Treval 1 y I"240 Kg 3"110 Kg" 31"000 Kg" 3"980 Kg" 8"600 Kg" 1 " 320 Kg" 1.080 Kg" 1 " 250 Kg" 2" 580 Kg. Arlhur Tai 1 or i erag 1 in Kg" R6nda}^ Silver Laibl ,iarren Sommerville irevor Gardiner loway 14"400 I "92A 3"620 Kg" 3"01.0 Kg" 6"640 Kg" l,rtal1y Moore Bob Gibson Ivlorwong Mu1 COMi'ETITIUi\ Gary l'ayne sh Luderick ilanrl IN Graham tsel1 athead Kingfi sPECIES CAUGHT Tony irors Ler John lvlorgan 4PiLOGiiESSIVE '.TVIRALL Ii,ij4vIDUAL. B|j+CH & ;iOCK pOINTS (Rfter 2 nounds) Y-ET QLD" QI27 D" Bircj N"S"\,V" N]69 G" Bel1 VIC" VI7 G" r'orward S"A. ur"A" l{"2" S15 B" iiilliss !/35 A" F,rice I'1226 D" Cullen JUNICIiS QLD Q56 B" Scholfield N"S"l,i" N3O1 J" Garven VIC" V75 'r'o Goldsmith ':a IJ"A" N"Z" I L^ r U) LADIES o 64"0 819"5 39"5 32"A I2"A ,l-^ 29 "A 48.0 14"0 " " "!i " VIC" S "A" 'ri.A" QLD N S N.Z Qf6 C" Clark N358 K" Sutton V10 S" Cavill 11 " 5 1,,J18 N, Clifton 52"0 VETERANS QLD " Q17 rt " Rord N"S.i,,t" N310 G" Voisey VIC" V9 R" CavilL S"A" \',26 A. Guest l'v"A" I!"2" DIhlNEll r'IINNER l,Jinner of the ciinner for tvro at Don Valentinos itesiaurant was Helen Dyer of Vr"A" She held lucky ticket number 31" This continues the run of successes by Vil"A" competitcrrs at. this convention " Dc'n Valentinos is a top class restaurant. and one of the best in Ballina" This prLze is a real treat to win and I know Helen will enjoy her dinner" PltOGi(AM Clti\NGilS The Cffshore for today has been cancell-ed and a Team Captainrs meeLing schedul-ed for early today will decide a any furi:her changes to the program" Amc.ngst the possibilities being consi-dered are to change Lhe third r.ound of riock.Q Beacir to a morning start on Tuesday to allow the offshore to be held on Monday" Several other are being considered so keep in t.ouch with possibilities hc;lrlqr;arlers over the next f ew days" Any clecisirns made about r-Y ,.r-q, i-o Fhe nrooram rti I I tre nl acecl oh t:;e f irsL ncLice bcard near the results display area. Dontt rely on YTr' Lo f-ell you r,uhatts happening as YTT is only produced af ter each ror.rnd of f ishing. .L'he next one af ter this vrill be out late on Sunday everr-';ng, followinE the 9"C0 am weigh-in thaL day" ur, :1 {r- ,u,J r-ts" 32"0 31"0 Pts " 44"5 79.\ 46 qq 5coRRECJl9i\! 'r'he fcllowing caLches were omitted f rom the list of f ish taken in the second round of the Es tuary competitic-rn " N151 i(" iularcon 7 fish for 2"4A Kg" rf i{l65 irr" T'" Chapman 4 ri 2"65 I(g " e' N1B2 A" Rooks 3L r' 14"30 Kg" ie N133 A" Lennard t5 ?; 9 "4A Kg" rt rr |J185 i" Bourke B 3" 20 1(g" Alan lioolcs is fourL.h overaLl in the mens vrith I74 points i/Jhile Anita Dreckmeyer is also 4th overall in the Ladies Competition wi Lh 26 1:oin Ls " You might. also be inLerested uo know that Allan Cannonrs catch of 37 fish \{as mainly flathead" It was reported to me that he caught lhem in i:he shallower water behind Lhe walls in tl're Clarence" DET.T,ILED ,iESULTS No" F-i /1q, \IJ Qll Q15 Q19 a37 Q43 \-{JJ Q56 f\QO/ \-{9 I O i! " C" I{ " M" BEACH r,,toi nh sh i(g " nq 5 L 2" 240 cqn Qlf VIOIN 5"800 ll/-4 s tus Schol f iel B" Schol frel l\r) Turvi I I e no cl d o I I I I I I F" Al1om D. Bateman ) ^.1 _to H" llo sk en I qn ?in A "450 Q63 Q90 R" F" B" K" Ford O'trteil l 4 1"600 3 1" 550 " 250 400 " " Bs0 " 400 " 900 Scott V,tatego " " V'len t l( " Tarl inton J" Crone R" Graham C Q94, r-^t,6.|v\ru! Lelloy torey 4 2"250 S tandl ey 4 2" 500 3 3"450 I I 1 3 I 3 3 1 3 l 3 I I 900 tr l^Jes 5 2"650 1\O / Hal es V Pratt t N47 N50 i\i55 A1 corn 2 Cannon 3 3 NB4 N1O2 .Tanni A " Q I r-n Bi.cld.l. e hli Li r-l<iss Nr09 Nl I9 I lua.L 1 NIl 24 iviel ril_37 Bel1 l',i5-r )r,a ^ 1\! J D ii, .I t? Cnr r ri- an :r\/ L ":i, ll " 650 zl (fl 1 N" Trh,.mn<.rn 2 1"200 1 i'J123 N1 26 i'l " Drane Es sex " 400 ri00 " Ni41 I,I Nl81 /1r-n " 300 I " 550 " 70c S p F] \/ Layton 'I-ye Por ber' 8 \ 4 1"351 rq!u 1 Fr" T" r\ Chapman Baker Bijl 214 N277 N231 N 234 N237 .T l\i2 39 M r,J241 T N ai I Redman Arthur Power i: ro s ser Hirst Dey zl " lrl -;1., t. 2 2 1"650 a L 1.150 4"744 s"850 L2 2 1 I 3 ) Qr.n l" /3v qnn 4 " 60,J 3"700 Lr Heckel Hammond 5 i'iL ir li "j :') F r-r^ I 11 nnc gf r arrel 215 N229 i\t233 N 235 v IuIc! N242 l- I ! Duncan N23B N240 I I (l;^,i-uins ':^l lrr.,.I 1 3 vai ne Nldli N Kg" 1 F Ql 04 Q] 26 l- Evans Flatcl if f e So Scholfield Q49 nqq Nt05 Nl17 N1 66 Q3B r,,lai al'r L. M" Clark Ql7 .4Lr'J qqrl a L Q91 Q99 ^1. 14 Nl 58 No" Fi sh 2"150 Rarrrr 2r "7 "83 I-iL.UND l- 4 G" N48 N53 N57 N75 N99 N103 & Ludlow Cars tens Auqu L" Guy Nl4 RUCK trorster i1^^,,^., f \/u v gy Roberts As ton as ton Robinson I Iq ) "2OO 1"550 ?qn I " lv\) " 250 4"100 1" 850 /r o(a "900 3"800 Ar:n o tJ\/ " " 2"500 " ii00 C-r 1 53 5 3 19 I 1 4 I 450 400 {1 6 -/VJ 35 " /l 050 2"704 3"500 1 6 onn t vv' ! o qnn 3. C00 2"904 6"200 1"000 61;,a'i erY'' nh1-'l. t < fr I\I IJ Z N. r'l ZOY .J . 295 M" ?n? a N309 M" N333 F" N35B i(" i{362 P" N373 i{" i.j r',r Patch Garven Sidney Kerkenezov James Peters I L7 a 1 I l(g " 450 12"1i,50 4"150 9"850 " 550 6JJV 2 5 3 3"000 2"500 1"300 V9 V17 R" Cavi 1 I G" Irorvtarrd 3 1"200 3 \raa v -JU 1" 5C0 llo J .300 I " V49 C" Barnes SI S13 516 527 .\r^ J" r<obinson it" iiacket'L ir' G" D" Edr,vard s er Kohler Fc-, s t. Drew 5 t,i23 King Thorpe li3B Morgan \:tJ7 N232 D" CuL l en a I a L I I i 3 l Fi sh " Sut i-on P i ck r-r1r Goodwin I\toore No" '" 800 1"200 1"000 r"250 nrl qnn q 1" 050 r qn 1"500 N255 N 294 N 301 N3OB N31 7 N334 r{359 N 368 N 374 vl0 v19 v44 v90 sl1 s15 J Z.) c* ?zl s65 B" A" J" Jo E" G " J" K" ,i " Vvatson Jo Beacom lihitehead Garven Muldoon ?qn Goodlvi n a VqVIII 4 1"100 1 "^^tJ 1"- o McGrath !/i " Hammer T" Hose t) " i?oberi- s B" fiilliss R" Thompson J" l,Jierda H" Teasdale R NZ3 3 R " 3"600 1 1"900 1"000 Kingdom " 600 .450 t: 1" 050 1" 550 2"740 1"350 29 ],t31 \rf z- Kg" 2 r,eters iteston G" Drew R" Harper D" Thomas rJ6 a J lleight r,Vin ters f I a L Z 2" 000 " q ri 1 ,) L 1 I 4 a L L I 900 r') 1"250 " 500 1"150 2"300 1"050 " 8s0 "500 " 400 YESTERI)AY- /o TODAYTDTNDRRDIIJ Date: 24th Ju1y, 1983 ESTUARY r(OUND 3 The final round of EsLuary fishing was held under difficult weather conditions which seem to have plagued Ballina during this A"A"A" A cold southerly wind with rain at tlmes proved too much for many anglers who Look a few hours off in the middle of the night to sleep and warm up" Despite the longer hours not many more fish were caught than in the pr"evicus two rounds" Total catch was 1211 fish for 516k9" Most of the fish taken were bream with a sma1l number of flathead and very fevr niggers" One Estuary lrerch of 0"45k9" trdas also caught " Largest individual catch of Lhe day was taken by Alan Veselis of Queensland who weighed*in 49 fish for 18"75 kg" Next came Phillip !'ia1sh also of Qld" with 33 for B" 30k9" then Tony ForsLer (N"S"l,i" ) with 29 for I2"IOkg" Several other anglers took over 20 f ish including Allan Cannon of N"'l" who bagged 23 for 10" 75k9" to take out the Individual Estuary title for Men. Consratulations Allanl i Largest f ish of the i:ound was a f lathead of 2"240 Kg" taken by Queensl and I s expert on big f l at.ties , Al an St,rathearn " Some of the bream taken were up over Ikg" but still a lot smaller than the currenl heaviest of I"92kg" A new largest whiting was also weighed in today, tipping the scales at 0"300k9" It was landed by Paul Anderson of South .trustralia" In other Sections some very good catches were recorded" Veteran coml:etitor Tom Ludlow of Qld took 26 fish for 10"45k9" to record a clear victory in the Veterans category" Johnathon Garven romped home in the Juniors where he added 18 fish for 7"50k9" to his previous score" The Ladies result was far closer with Karen Sutt.on (N"S"W" ) coming f rom behind wii-h a good catch in the f inal roun.l i-o nar.Lcwly beat Collene Clarlreof Queensland and Iviargaret McMillan of N"S"v/" Karen took 18 f ish fo r 9"05k9" in todayrs round while Collene took 16 for 7"5k9" and Margaret 6 for 3"10k9" Individuat _Egtuary Champions for I,'IEN,5 1983 A11an Cannon (N"S"VJ" LtTDIES (N"s"t,t" VETERANS Tom Ludl-ow (aLD" Karen Sutton JUNIORS Johnathon Garven ,t.SEE PAGE FOrt DETAILS OF ) ) (N"s"w") ) trI{OGRAM CHANGES *' *NEXT trDITION OF YTT IS DUE OUT AT NOON ON TUE:DAY 26TH JULY- 2ESTUAP,Y TEAMS N"S"ii" were victorious in the interstate teams events takinq vqs L,tE r.rE:rr,>, Ladies and Juniors competitions" eueensland scored a comfortable victory in the Veterans category" Detairs of the Leam scores are on this page" In Lhe competition for the lvarrnambool Trophy for interstate teamsr N"S"ii" leads with 192"62 percent.age points from eueensland with 747 "46 after completion of the casting and estuary events" This trophy is aviarded for the highest percentage points scored qae]-innq nrrf +-l.\^ T\/f^^^ over all T ^ -J.: Li ^Li four l-rrr each StaLets ^-- - MenS and LadieS TeamS" ::: ::, ::: ;:, ::: 1:t .:t :.i ,:t ::t :;: r:: ::: l:: ::: ::: ;:: ;:: ::: ir ( 9TH pAY A11 rlesul- ts Provi sional ESTUARY }TOUND RESIjTLTS_ 3 ) SAT" & SUN" 23RD" 24TH JULY 4jrsuLTS oF 2ND ROUNp OF ESTUARY INTERSTATE TEAMS EVENT t-----------i t---- ---- "--L ____yEN9__ *r l^,^l t- lvrul ' t---;; I t-----------t- -*-991:.I-- -L I w"s"rv" -l --!!91-: I [;; l*- _F I I -t ---l??:9-- -r ---l9l:9-- -r f-----:--T I \/'j"A" I I I IAAIl -:-----it-L--l\ :z I = ,:::i::r. -L I ---.]- I OVERALL iiESULTS OF ESTUAitY INTERSTATE TEAMS EVENT I::;::::: (Aggregate points for Rounds Z & 3) --il;--l I ---lI QLD" -----_---r I l\"b"l/v" I \/Tn v ru o I I qa ,l viloAo N"Z" ---t---tI I ---F I ;;;;;--T -T l9l:l-- -99:99-!99:99-- ;;;;; -T ?97.:2-.;;"; r n ^a JJ"-LU -99:9-- ;;;";-[ *-::-*.-:-:-:--t- Jb/"5 --t- ---;;l-- | I I ---t= "t -.?9:2*-- AAq -?9:19-* l- I an LoLw -_J- HEAVIEST FISH Q31 ;;___l !19I8!* ALAN STiTATHEARN DAY FLATHEAD 2"24 Kg" 3BEST INDIVIDUAL iJ T4E}J I Overal Q57 A" Veselis N229 A" Forster N102 r" Biddl e NlB2 A" Rook s N99 A" Cannon Q57 A" Vesel i s 'l z. ? q QLD " N229 N"S"!.'/" VIC " S V19 r' 4 a J13 "A" t',i38 VJ"A" N"Z" rveral A" r o f\" Ir{" rr-a- 1 I N 2" r{ 301 218 QB7 QLD " N"S"t!" Q87 N301 VTC " v55 !/"4" i,v S"A Forster McGrath l-hompson Morgan Crothers ggu93! J" Garven A" Garven T" I'lerchant t'" Merchant J" Garven I. Gilbee Ho Osborne 30 N" Z" ?::::: INDIVIDUAL Overal I 1o r!9 9 Nl02 NlB NLD 2 A .\tr? r. N224 Llf, / " s"id" N99 v52 S "A" )1J !j"A" I/'/34 N"Z" N237 l- (l A" Cannon I" Biddle A " I?ook s A" Veselis ir" Moffett A" Veselis A" Cannon c" Schnelle ,? " Thompson D" Schmidt l- " CroLhers LADIES Overall 236"0 150"0 137"0 136"0 130"5 236 "0 5 QLD " I" Z-o ? ri301 N2IB QE7 QLD" N"S"i^J" a\ c) '7 VIC. v54 N 301 S"A L'J"A" l\l 2 i,/30 J. A" T" T" Jo T" H Garven Garven MerchanlIvierchant Garven Gilbee " L)sborne " N"S"l,V" \/t-la s"A 36"5 9"5 'rV"A" N" Z" J .l v1B7 M Ql6 { N35B K v69 rir l,vl B N" N223 K" gr!" VETETiANS q? n ht \ Overal I 32"0 32"0 93"0 10"0 QLD " Q5 T" Ludlow VIC " S"A V9 R" 24 "O liJ"A " l G" N"S"IJ" Q117 'va N"Z ?or n ?ol n 527 "5 q. 16"0 0veral 1 I " N35B K" 2" Q16 C" 3 " i{187 M" 4" Q53 A" q 1/AO v VJ N"S VIC S"A I+Z"U ^1 L" UIO N35B K" "l/,,l" VOY " N"Z" )rro rr'l L42 "A 'i O (-) 1 a Zo 61"5 43.0 43"0 'l a JO QLD " 1q n Brown 2.4 "5 J" PTS. Sutton 143 " 5 CIark 109 5 McMiIlan 102"" 0 Scholfield 62"5 Crane 60" 5 Clark 109 " 5 Sutton 143" 5 Crane 60" 5 1t 'tA "vq, VETERANS Driac Q5 Ql7 196"5 121"0 T" Ludlow r{310 ilo Ford - ^., c" \/^; v v-L >cy nq VJ .ii I o N310 Go \lni qorr Ludlow V9 it" Cavil I Li i/'Jl G" "A" N"Z 37"0 VqVJII I\i"S"\/i" VIC " qA -t q tr vtzo ii " Harper NZ23 K" "McKay ri"A" ( 'r U o a QLD " ?n ar\ LADIES Aat n A^,..4 6 Jtr tV 130"5 ::: I:g:: " ILI"V Harvey I\JIU U" Voisey ESTUARY CFIAMPIONS 114 H" ril cl D 1" Q5 'Tr Ludlow 2" N310 G" Voisey ? PTS " Sutton 108" 5 Clark 91 "0 Scholfield 47 "O Crane 45" 5 Mcltlil l an 37 " i Clark 91 0 Sutl-on 108 "" 5 Crane 45 " 5 Cl ifton 14 " 0 McKay 1 2" 0 N35B 2" Qr5 ? r\(? 4" v69 JUNIORS Overal l " 1 \.(J 150" 0 PTS FiEN 'l ESTUAITY ROUND 3 ANGLEITS Brown Q'7 q, 196"5 97 "5 49"5 46"0 4HE/\V I EST Black Cod Bream Drummer F1 N] 69 N IN COMPETITICN Tony ForsLer 1'ony Morgan Graham Bel1 N229 v29 athead Kingfi SPtrCIES C.,TUGHT UF 14"400 Kg. I "924 Kg " 3"624 Kg" 3"010 Kg" 6 "640 Kg " Gary Payne Judy Bender l'Jal1y ivicore 2OB sh N3O4 Luderick N64 N1 99 N 248 N3 7B N 249 1,/arren Sommerville frevor Gardlner Nl 69 N57 Graham Bell ArLhur Hales Morwong It{u11ovuay Pear1 Perbh Sn apper \nnrf6n Hl h^ 'lai l or Tarwhine Terag I i n Treval 1 y 'l'una rjhi t ing (noc .i Fhar Bernie Heckel Noel- Martin i oq 2"580 John Crcne Kg" 1..750 Kg" Noel- Martin aul ttmderson i$3E2 sl. 1 N202 (tslack Kingfish) t"r:o lln" Ren Standley Nl4 Kg" 3"110 Kg" 31" 000 l(g " 3"980 Kg" B" 600 Kg" 1"320 Kg" 1"080 Kg" Silver Laibl N50 N38 2 Ql 04 t? I"240 Bob Gibson 4"290 Kg " 0 " 300 I(E " 22"a04 Kg" p l(en Brown / -i GP,EATEST Vr'\I?I ETY r)E CATCH THIS ROUNU N35B Karen Sutton HEAVIiisT OF Bream Drummer i{ 278 N]. 89 ting a< (81ack KinEfish) N25 6 'i' ,rilIGHT CHAiicf,t SINCE LAST ESTUAIIY irOUND i.Jo i\i ( VIC it No" I I-II 40 i.i " A N"Z" ]-OTAL: 5B qo? 29 lno Kg" ET'ITION I"474 Kg" Kg" Kg" Kg" 3"640 "440 6"830 I .020 Kg " 10"150 Kg" 4 " 080 Kg. 5"74A I(9" 2,2O4 Kg" "280 Kg" ?2"300 Kg" 9 YTT" 23 & 24"7 "83 " Anrrl orc QLD " COMP Kay Dorey '1'erry Langley Paul Johnstone Helen Bainbridge llobert Lund r{262 Nl 21 Tail or (-,tr George Coles l\r177 N] 2t Snapper OUT A1f aston Al1an StraLhearn '-L'ony Fcrster Harry Irul l er Terry Langley N229 Mul 1 oway Pearl Perckr (nac'i CAUGH'r n?'l vJa Kingf ish Luderick r)f hor ECI ES N232 i\i240 trl athead 1,/hi SP 2"250 l,tai nhf Ka o ^'Y I47 "85 262 " 45 45"45 ?a ra\ L2 B7 16 zlO L a a a 20 "75 1 0q r57 1211 516" 50 J9 A LV f DETiiILEIT rrriSLii,ilS irJo " FI v-) \ly Ql1 r)t 1 ntA I C" BarreLt L" Evans l\i " Cars tens M" potter: U., UI :l Gi N trathearn " S" Guy \)i I .i" Scholf rel" d A" \,/eselis Qs7 P " l;al sh 59 *^Al D. l'{acdcnald D" Hoskin Q67 T" Barr Q73 L" Christensen Lto ! r\tl A " F aux L" Merchant QBB nqo F" A11om Ql14 lJ " Bateman Ql1B r{ " Farmer l{4 R" Barsinq N39 ii" iiilliamscn N1=": h " D::eckmeyer i{54 Iq" Lclve N55 E" Garrett N57 A" Hales N75 K" Alcorn ',i84 R " Jennings 39 K" Appel Ni.02 I" Biddle N:1-05 V,r" Lickiss N166 Fr" T" Chalrman NlB5 J" Bcurke I\il 88 I(. IvicMi I I an N20B G" Paypls N215 D" Vidler N224 F'" Mcf f ett N234 K" rjov"'er N23U K" Asi-cn N240 A" Aston lJ 248 S " L-,aib I i'j256 ri " Lund N26.1 D" Carr i{269 J" Garven N291 J" Voisey N30B J " l.'luidoon N35B K,, Sutton N352 P " Pickup lJ3B0 G" i{artin Q:l A M" l\ugustus { i4a L'- 1 q ( J nf) " 300 rlAf o VV- "650 7"500 7 Qa\n 2 3 ta 33 /i 5 " 500 " 800 2.7 0A 1B " 70C 8"30C " 900 " 600 3 I i1 7 5"000 I"2CC 8"0c0 1"500 1"200 9"44O 2"000 6 1" /UV 7 2"800 3 2A 4 4 ?-4 2 " 800 6 1"200 2"?,,4 3 ! 1 1L) 5 1a IO z.+ 6 I4 5 5 1+ 13 3 15 2T I l ) J o -J ?qn 3"10C B"B5O 11 " 300 2"754 3"250 7"550 2"240 1"60C 2" 350 .4, ILo "9OrJ r nnJ Lv 6"050 8"200 3 1 I.-n I o I JV 4 1"600 L4 5 " 5OC 10" 200 IJ 7 No. FISH l(G " 15 13 ?tt "7 "83- 3_ i,rEIGHil SH l I 'r2 TiOUND E5i'UAP.Y 3,.1i50 10 4"2\o 1B 10 9"05t1 ri t aa 3 1"700 Q5 Ludlcw Q]0 Q]2 Qls Q]7 Evan s .\ ?.4 rd Sco Q49 Q53 .]qQ vJv nA ), Q65 Q6B Q76 QB2 QB7 Q9B Ql 04 i'tr-ltifa i\64 atego Vesel is Hosk irr rr vl" N106 N1B2 Nlti7 I{191 \i21 2 N21B rJ229 l\D o N" A" M" ri" tt " A" T" Nr237 J" N239 vj" l',!242 B " N255 B" iJ259 V" I'i257 R " i! 2ti 7 i,t r\301 J"" N310 c" N359 iui" i!3 71i " N383 R " 11 3 13 16 i"lercl-ranL 3 5 !_Lr9dr> 1 Crone Harvey I,icMil l an J" L4 7 4 Anclerson 7 Fial l 5 Prabt 3 iricore 5 Schumacher I Stenner 7 Eliis I Glover L2 Cannon 23 I3u sh 4 Thcmp srn l- 5 Hook s 27 Ivlcl\']i 11 an 6 Barrrard 16 Dansey 9 Garven 5 Porster 29 Frosser L4 liirst 24 i{ob-Lnson 18 Beacom I Ray I Carr 5 arren (rryonq)7 Ga:.'ie:r 18 Voi:,cv 12 Ligh tt'crc L 15 Goodwin 9 Foster 24 !,1 r0.,450 " 800 1"000 7.450 2 " 90.j 2"100 4"000 "00 2 10 1 3 s Chris ten sen B" 6 Lon John ri" T7 E i,vatego i{56 S " N73 P " NB3 M" i"J87 J" i\99 A " r\l'l n? rt ! v J t Schol field Ql1 7 Q]19 iv40 i!53 1, 3 7 n oho r(1 ar 038 l{3E a KG" L Underwood CI ark F'o zo \,.IEIGI.IT 3. 700 "900 6.0c0 6"10C " 400 1"200 1"00c 2"7 0C 1i00 " 5 " 9C0 3.0i10 1"90c 2"800 1" 750 1"550 2"750 ,qn 3"400 " 300 6"500 10" 750 2"150 6"24C t0 " 900 3"100 7 "7aO 3"500 2"300 12"1C0 5 " 650 O /r qn J a--JV -/ ri " r-r O 500 ?r.t) 6 J-V 2- A5A 2"4t0 7"50C 5"l,ir0 7"05C ? qqa o ?na t6IVJ 6 DET/\ILED RESUL'IS ESTUARY ROUND 3 No" I..ISH v7 vl1 \r 1 ',1 v20 v36 Jo Gilbee " B Pyrvel l G" For',vard Ko Fleming H" 'i'" v44 W" Hammer v59 V6B v70 v90 51 59 S13 .t1f JIO S23 S34 A" Jones 3"900 o Crane G Snowden Hose L a J" fiobinson J" Ful 1 er RO tttackett \.r. Edwards B R" Thompson J" i'lierd a 19 13 7"800 5"350 Brown Drew q H.a rnor 'l...v!t/9 n^ rha 1"?50 1"000 1"100 2 ^ b " N" R" il " so D " NZ23 K" McKay J 7qn " 350 qqn l I Price L" 3"550 1"000 .L Osborne Schmidt i/JJd lo+vv 1 I Clifton No" FISH v4u v+Y v52 V55 37s " 3"300 V65 2"450 V69 VB6 " 900 'l I D --^^^ !CtlllE:J lirJb 1,'134 rn /vo J" K" T" 2qn 'l I 'l G" 'iv23 v't29 -{ 1'" Gilbee LVl irtS !u20 .7 Moore Moore V38 v2I 2 2"6s0 3"050 6 -a "OJ KG" V5 V9 4"250 V15 "900 V19 3"100 V29 1"300 V37 J. ? | i^TEIGHT 1" 550 qqn 4 R" Turner .L+o ^A 1"100 37 511 S15 S21 527 S41 V'15 I'il7 t;'J19 ii22 w28 f'i30 vr35 l,'v39 D" Senior r:i Cavi I I B"" Bright P" McGrath J" Morgan R" I{oore f'" s].Sby t!o f l_sner c" Schnelle I" Gilbee P Ivloreau J"" Crane c" Ilason c"E" Hewitson R" RoberLs B" Williss J" CatLerwel1 Do Foster " Andersen ir D" Drew M" Harper L" Cli.fton H" Dyer 5" Whiting H " Osborne A " r.rice C " Newrnan NZ37 P" Crothers ;:: :.t .:: ::r i: ::. ::. ::i ::: ::! ,;: :.t :: r:: ,:: 1:: ::: ;:: ':: '.: J tt'IEIGHT KG" 1"300 1"200 1 l_ 11 a t " " 300 H\tl Z ( 'l I 2 q A X A I ) f A r J .) L A 800 4"244 1.850 " 32s "950 " 800 2" 500 3.650 1"'-0 4"400 1"450 .350 3"100 3"600 1" 350 " 600 2"100 1"200 1"0c0 'r (qn 4 2"000 I " 300 I I " 600 I ::: PROGRAT.{ CHANGES Times for the last round of Rock & Beach competition have been changed Lo allow the postponed L,ffshore round 3 t.o be held on i'tonday" The program for the last tno cays is now as follows: l,tith the present iueat,her conditions it is quite possible that the third round of the offshore will be cancelled" Check at t.he W"A" night this evening or at headquart,ers tcniqht (or in the morning) 1'or fr:.i:thei' inf<_irmation. [onqLey 25-th _July 5":1 -4"00 am '/ "(|t) am L 1"00 pm 2"00 pm 3"00 pm Tuesday 26th July 2"00-2" 30 am 3" 00 am l- 2 noon 1"00 pm -qgsbqrs_-8eqng Che:l< out Lines Down Lines Up Flsh Truck departs i,jeigh-in Check out Lines Down Lines Up i'leigh-in : YESTERI)AY- ;1 TODAYTOMDHRDIIJ . 5Lh Jr:1v" 1983 Date: OFFSHO}IE IiOUND 3 The lasL attempt to hold this evenL was finally abandoned this morni-ng vrhen seas and wind had not abated sufficiently for safe fishing" The weather condit.ions have been a big disappointment fnr rl I evvlrve nmnatil66s and to t.he Local organlsers" r'hOse of you who attended the !i.A" presentation last night would have clearly understood Lhe message about. t.he weather in Ballina compared with that of Bunbury" (r an st.ill not sure why the tourism chap wanted to present ti"A" as a hole! ) " Final results for the Offshore individual titles are not the same as published in YTT No"6 with 6ome corrections" Peter Stenner of N"S"!"J" is Lhe Mens Champion, having taken the title from Mike Hirs't by a mere 7 points" Thatrs about one trevally" T'he Ladies and Veterans Championships were also quite close with Rnf h Rarci nrr (N"S"'r,j" ) taking the ladies title and Harry Harvey of Qld " , Lhe Veterans " CongraLul ations Feter, duth and Harry ! INp{vrpuAl- oTFSHORE gHAr:i!loN!__ FOE-19B3 I'{ENS Peter Stenner LADIES Plrfh Hirqr nn Harry Harvey VETEJ.iANS (N"S"1,,i" (N"S"W. (etp") ) ) RECOllD I-TISH CLAIM Another possible Australian record fish has been taken at these Championships" It is a Basset Hullrs Trevally of 1"400K9" which was taken by Gloria Bateman from Queensland" Our weighmaster John irrosser posit.ively identif ied the f ish which dif f ers from a normal trevally by having a noticably smaller Lail" As far as I know it was taken amongst Gloria's catch in the second Offshore Round AVOCADO SALE Avocados at never-to-be-missed prices will be available today and tomorrow at Headquarters" Get in early for your f avourite f r-uit. " Y'ITI{UMBtrR4&5 of these issues of YTT will be printed today or tomorrow and wiil be available at Headquarters at the Social Some mcre Tabl e " NEXT EDITION OF YTT IS DUE OUT AT 11"00 AM ON hJEDNESDAY 27TH JULY 2:':::: ::; INIDIVIDUAL CFFSHOI{[ CHAIVIPIONS PTS MEN Overal I 1" H" l\/J 2" l\239 M" 3 " N84 i1" L!" l\llo i(o r ^16- ^ .0 r901 -l .Tanni IbJ/"U QO,l L427 "O tll3") Ano q Lund tJilliss li"A" i{"2" !'125 i1" Reading NZ i,J " McFetridge VVJ6J 1901" 1164 Llz5.) iiilliss 1a ? QLD " Iti"S"V't" VIC; S "A. i/i.A i'J " " HarveY L"Christensen a8l rJI G" Brown Q117 H" l-larvey N2B3 H" Green 258"5 232"4 L92"5 258"5 175"0 Wl LY/_") L26 "A G" Brown llz25 L" Scott z" LADIES Dl.q 2" V37 tl" 863.5 804"5 A Nt38 Bars ing Moore F' Garven D" Hunt J" Crane B" Bonnel I 633"5 Osborne 177 "O tr Jo QLD " N"S"t/I" VIC " S"A" W.A" N"Z" R." V69 Q26 N4 fi. Barsing V37 R" Moore V\tlY NZB D6 K" Arnold TTE" Q117 H" 'l 0 "0 r 295.5 199"s VETERANS Overal I Overall I " N4 f Ql14 l,'J" Bateman N73 p" Stenner V36 H" Mcore qA n v Ivl-lo N"S"Vi" VIC " QLD" " Stenner HirslL nnq ;:I ;::::: oF FSiro:?E TnAMS to the '/ictoria was victorious in the Mens Offshore, muchthe baq in this event had Ll-rey thought vuho annoyance of N"S"iJ" N " S "i'l " and second lvere S started ber'ore the competil-ion " "A" thircll Victoria also tooll r-,i;c :;he Ladies category whils !d"A" vJere victorious in the Veterans" i:::I I:: OVERALL RESULTS OF OFI-SHC'{E INTEiISTATE TEAMS EVENT (Aggregate points for iiounds 2 & 3) --i----------rti t-----t-----I qi-o I r--_l\">I *---r I vrc r----I S"A r----li"n J r:-; r----I 1,i l\ o a i iqnNs ! LADrE --r---------r-----l^_^^l 58" 9_ i 843"0 | --r---------r-----l^^^^-l I :033"s | 1031. 1_" --r---------r-----I :geo"o I rros" :_ --r---------r-*---l^^^^-l --r-.--------r-----I s64"0 | z+2" -- [---------r------ :_ 0 |I _: {<4< JJ 5 | I -.-L---aq:9--L---?2: q VETERANS M +L% L24 "A 19"91 a9 "82 100"00 aa / J " Ou L7 "82 1 o nQ VU f ::I,;: I:. 667 "A 443 "5 204 "5 863"5 804.5 ]s"5 3PICNIC DAY The Picnic Day was held at Headquarlers lasL F riday" People sLarLecl gathering frcm aocut 2.OO pm onwards rviLh attendance rising t.o over 400 f aLer in i-he evening" Races for both children and adults vJere lielc dur-i-ng'the afternoon on t.he grassy area opposite the marque r,riLh Lhe highlight being the Interstate Teams Tug-O-\'Jar. A bush band played from 6"00 pm till after 10"00 pm while people consumed vast amounts cf food" All- this for ijl00: Iror many people it vras a chance to renew old friendships and Lo estabtish or strenqthen fl€*-€r ones " The sLrong winds had abated and it \,{as a pleasanL sunny afternoon and calm evening" 'iintenbar clid a find job of catering ably assisted by our Social duc of Jim Divyer and Greg Fenn " TUG-g-!t4R by Queensl and, i{ " S "!i " South Australia and New Zea1and" A11 rounds were keenly conLesi*ed with the heavyweights from Queensland overcoming the N"S"u,l" working Leam in the final 2 - 1" S"A" Beat l'J"Z" for 3rd place" Teams were enLered In the eairly rounds it seemed like the 'downhill' team had an advantage" Unce the score in the final reached 1 all, it was N"5"iJ" won the decided to have the tirird cug across the field" Loss for choice of ends bui: stilL lost" It was an exciting event irith lcts r:f grunting and grooninq and support-ing yells " One Queenslander even cast a Platei The victorious al.d " team was; Des CLrristensen, John Johnston t John Crone, Denis il. tclif f e, Bob 1''jatego, Frank \Jatego, irleil Carstens and iion Under',vood" 'Llhe successful coach was Lyle Guy" RACES /\ s1:rint race was held for Tug*O-tiar competiLcrs only" Geoff lJo'[herspcon and iioberL Lund of i\i"S"l/" rvon both heats but Bryan Atterl-on of S "A" came i:hrc;ugh to Lake out the f i-nal f rom Robert Lund and P aLil Cro'Lhers of lJ " Z " 1'69 L)pen Sr:r'int Handicap saw over 20 competitors lined up S"Vri" showed a good i-urn but young Damien Collins (Age 11) of N"(Age 1.3 ) of Q}d" with of speed 1-o clearly beat Darr:en Evans Johnat.hon Garven of N"S"VJ" l-hird" Highlight-:; of this evei."lt was a sF)ectacular f all by Ross Garven a few lengl-hs short of the finj-s;h" Try for tri"A" i-n tB5 irrc-rss" T'he l"iens Open llandicap was clearly i'lon by Fiarry Horgan of l'1"C" again) " Harry gained a very N"S"lil" (our illustrious reprofessional" fly at the starL giving Dave Chapman a lesson bath" mud and a cont over/ t 4 In the Ladies open, Itileen AugusLus of e1d convincing 1 y defeated her oppc:;ition with Dianne Lund of N"S"" !i o coming second and Sue ::rrosser also of N"S"ii" a close third" of the childrents age events were: 3 & 4 Y"o" 1. Andrerv Hopgood (N) 2" chris chapman (N) 6 & 7 Y"o" 2" roanna Hopsood (v) i?esul.'i:s l" ::ii; tilSliix',*?' B & e Y'o" l" l;i;x"X"5:l?r""'T,l) j;o'i:i'nliili" iCI & Tt: Y"a," l" Damien Collins (N) 2" Jock Garven ( NZ ) 3 " Tyson 'i'urner V N (i\) Q67. 2I Hovrts i:hat for a cr:yptic heading" e67 is David Hoskin who turns 2I tomorrow" Happy birthday fr"om all of us and besL wishes for your fuLure, especially frcm the other Hoskins at this Conveni:ion " COi?RtrCTIONS Rock & Beach round z? detailed resul-ts for competitor should have had Lhe name l(" Bari-" N47 Dcnrt believe .v,ru read in yrr" Many minor erj:ol:'s r-)ccur in the results 1:uliiished in YTT because it is cjone in a rush to get result,s cut Lo you as soon as possible" rt is rare f or these mistakes to a"1-so .Jccur in the ofticial results. All off icial scores are gir.'en on the display boards in the Headquari:ers marque" Therc j-s e sheei: of paper on a notice bolrd nearby for people to te l-1 l-he itecorder about errors. Use this sheel ii'you believe there is a mistake in a score. CASTI NG COiIP.EC'TICNS A complete re-check of {:he rain sodclen score sheeLs for the casting has revealed a few mj-nor errors. The only ones of any real l;ignif icance are; Accuracy Dcug .ettie (VIC) scored 97 (not 87) Art" Bait Dist" Geof f t,ctherspoon '( N ":; " tJ " ) total 2lB " 56 metres Total 1:oints i'eam Points Fettie 253"79 f lJotherspoon 255 "06 Victoria ltlens 825"87 Doug Ger:f YESTERDAYTODAY27th Ju1y, 1983" Date: t? TOMDRROIIJ INTERSTATE TEAiVIS CHAMPIONSHIT,S N"S"W" took out the major teams prize at the I9B3 Conventj-on by a cLear margin from Victoria with Queensland third" This prrze is the City of ldarrnambool Trophy which is for Lhe highest score by mens and ladies in all four competition sections" Congratulations to the home state who fished consistently in all events. . Much credlL must go to N"s"ti" captain, Alf Aston for the way he managed to bring together a very diverse group of fishermen. LADIES TEAMS The champion Ladies team, and winner of the td" l,,tohling Trophy vias N"S"VJ" who scraped home by a very small margin over the strong team from Victoria" The Ladies competition was dominated by the offshore catches and i{"S"iiv"rs win was made possible by some fine scores in the Estuary comp" o"J" coi,I,rqGE TjIOPHY This trophy is awarded to the State with the highest points in Beach & Estuary for Mens, Ladies and Juniors" Again, N"s"!v" were victorious by a large margin over Queensland" Iit FLJLL DETAILS OF ALL T'EAM SCCRES AJiE ON , I)AGE ! INDIVIDUAL AIdARDS I::::; I' 'X ';. The tussle for 1983 Convention Champion came down to a two man contest between Michael Hirst and Alan Cannon, both of N"S"ii/" afLer calcul6ljon (and recalculation) of the scores, A1lan was declared the champion by a margin of 0"08 percentage points" This is about one fish or so" Michael is probably kicking himself as the one undersized fish he presented in the first offshore round ended up ^^^L.:*^.1--a^ r,',,, r-. *.,oth the Offshore title and the Convention Championship. \-u>Lrrrv Congratula'cions Allan: i See also Page 6 Hovuever, the National Angling Champion is Michael Hirst. This award is determined over the three fishing events only" i"e" The casting is not counLed" Again, Mi-kers margin over Allan was very smal1 -- See also Page 6 The \lational Ladies Champion i-s Karen Sutton of I\i"S"u" who had a close tussle with many competitors before edging out Ruth Barsing, also of N"S"lJ" The National Junior Champion is Johnathon Garven who won this title by a very clear margin over his rivals" The National Veleran Champion is George Voisey of N"S"W" who recorded a close win over Harry Harvey of Queensland" R?c,K &.BEACH ROuNp 3 Poor fishing ccndi-tio's conrinued for this the l*st *vent *f, the 1983 Conv6ntion. T'he strong wincrs ancr shov,rers *f the previous f*l*, days hacl abated to provide a nice sunny morning but the seas were well up making *oLt areas unfishabtel Most Sngfgrs ff*ll $n the beach near the meat works at Byron-Bay i."tnu'rrspe ssncentrated rhat some might show up" However, this ivasn't to be" Be.Ffi cat,ches $*$l'ort*le*n by Lhose who concentreted upon lhe few good hole$.i,* amcngst,,vere t** rocks for caLches of luderick and rock blackfish" Some nice bags of bream weighed-in and a surpr1*inq number 'sf long toms and mullet were were aLso taken"' 246 anglers checked*out ar 3"ff0 am with weighing-in 566 fish for a total of 36?.90 Kg* Not q parLicularly13? impressive catch but good under the condit,ionsl rt is unfortunate tha'L all rounds of the rrock & Beach were held under bad cclnditions as the fishing was noL at all typical of BallLna in Jul"v" Best calch of the day was taken by a jun-i-or, Johnathon Garver of Yamba vrho weighed in 2B fish for 25"05 Ng" ri v'ras a very nice catch of mainly luderick lvith sorne rock bf aitfish. John Garven who fished r,rith his son had the next best bag for the day with 23 fish fcr- 1q"10 Kg" , again mainly niggers and drunrmer, crther ce.tches incl-uded Denis eaker (N"s"tv" ) ,itrt n for Lz"7a Kg,, mainly bream, Gecff snow v;ith ?-a luderick for L2.60 ltg" and Allan Cannon viith 1g fish for r?-"75 Kg- one unusual catch was by Keith roovey who lancle<j 3 nice mul]oway and a bream for 10" 25 I(g" Amongst the Ladies, Juniors and veterans, Johnathon Garvenrs catch was outstanding" I-iowever, veteran Geofi Voisey also weighed-in a very good catch with 2I fish for 5"70 Kg. Best the ]adies was irlella clif ton of l,!"A. She tooli 5 f ish for ".or"3" amongst 05 Kg" which was qui#6 creditable in the conditions. The competition to find the individual champions in the Rock & - . category Beach was almost n,r contest in the Mens and Juniors secticns" Graham Bell of N-s"ul-, with fine calches in the first two rounds established an unassailable margin which saw him victorlous. Need.l -ss to gdY, Johnathon Garven easily wcn the Juniors secti-on amassi_ng scol:e that would have pleased most men compeLiLors" Nella Clif tona iff::';$ :"::a;:,I$i:'il.lli.'*f;, i:":"3:;: ;:i" :;,:,"xi, :n: !i*l;i,.n a good score in the third round to easily win tfre veterans section. INDfVIDUAL ROCK & MENS LADfilS JUNIOi?S VE.l.EitANS ROCK & BEACI.{ CHA}IPIONS FOrt 1983 GRAHAM BELL (N"5"yt) (w"A" ) NELLA CLIFT'UN JOHNATH(-IN GAIIVtrN (trt"s"L,,l" ) GEORGE VLISEY (N"S"ri" ) BEACH TEAM{ N"s"li" took out the teams titles for Men, Juni.or and veteran teams while lruestern AustraLia were successful in the Ladi-es competitiolr" 'rhe unusual f isl'ring conditicns h,ere Oirricutt for a1i teams but must have been espicially difficult for interstate and overseas visitors" 3(A11 iiesul-ts Irrovisional IO H DAY RESULT.S BIACH & iiOCK RUUI{D - ) 3- TUESDAY 26TH JULY RESULTS Oi- 2Nd,{OUI{D OI- BEACH &.IOCK INTERS1'AT']I TEAMS EVENT li tl [===;;;== VlU il H tl r o r ;;; ;-- .-- --I:l:!1-:*-- t;;;; r---- ---\/-f/. -*!.:4-".- *-. r Nt7 -3:!*-*-- rQ r- n [---u.r-| :o"o [;;; 278"5 --?9:9----- - | 1;;"; --:^ [=;;;;;==R --- -------n JUNIORS 9"0 | 121"0 [;;;. qA LADIES ( 1A _?!::__ :-- t--tl L----[__ u ========::= l====l_1=l== ::I::: ::: OVEIiALL RESULTS OF BEACH I .--1---qro" I t-------I N"S"v,i" 1-------vrc" & !! - =:- ====== === = gi!tS _ vgilt_ =i I -fI I R -- l-??-:l-- --L I I n --1-?29:9-- *L I I -t-I q t(-L\ tUOJ\O I I _F I a. " r I I t-------- --l?-!:9*.-!9?:-s-il---"---n ^^n 1Z'J ll vr"A" ll----_--lt i\"2" ROCK INTEI?STATE TEAMS EVENT (\nvv! nvv g T"^ ^ ^- \J r NiivILLd BE,ir'iY I:I =;;;;;;===il ---------l VETE M+L% I '-::-.------il v E Ig T --**--*--1 t'-::()/-":) I Io/." ?z : ----il il -?l'..e2-- -] T--"-100"5 ll 100" 00 | l100" I 9: : ---------l t--- ^:a za" 9 il I ----------t rt-:: --;;-^------ll --------l t--:;__L:",:_-_ t: : ------*--l_l r----- ;;;------il I | R I I 1L o t--===]]==== =: =[' HEAVIEST FISH I::::: ---LJ -a r===== t oJ ---- l] g_ 3 ) >L(X | "5 = ===== ==== Ll ll --|lll t--------l- -==-------H Ii A1 H DAY MLJLLO!'AY 11 =- =S z" L) I I 10 rl QO I^'a YABBY iTUI"li-ING DAY Iror quite a while it seemed like this evenL lvould be However cancelled as no officials were available to organise it" a lasb minute rescue bid by Dianne Lund and Gloria Aston saved the i,l-rarll-^ok rr:rr c-harcle of t-he situatiOn and ran the event" allsy urru!Ye uqyo Lvvr\ Unfortunat.ely I done t irave a copy of the results but Irm that everyone had fun and enjoyed themselves despite the yabbies not beincr as plentiful as had been hoped" 4BEST ]N]DIVIDUAL Overall 1" 2o J6 A q QLD " N"S"ilJ" \/ T5 "A" "A" N"Z" YEI Dr. c N269 J" Garven Baker 184.0 150"0 145"0 NlBl D" N367 J" N99 A" Snow Cannon N294 r',. l,/hi tehead noT !o YJ Evans N269 J" Garven \t^a v t5 J " Gi 1 mour S23 ii " Thompson \t'12 'r'" Hayman NZ37 P" CroLhers i,l a Lo ? QLD " '1-o q, 184"0 4B"C 1 , ? UveraL 850"5 442"5 N99 !/"A" T 305"0 274"5 't 23 il" WZ '.r-" io n aqn (, ?qq NZ37 P" Crothers 1 a Lo N301 J" GsfV€11 326 "s D" B. D" N3C1 J" V75 T" Evans Schol field Evans Garven Gol d smi th W30 H" Osborne PRilSIDENTS LADY VETERAN DAY I l\o VJl G. 1" 2" 3 4"" s" i;il8 V10 1i,i20 1 vr Jgy \-clvl_l_l_ v i{" S" lt " S" '>. N35B K" VlO S" W"A" i,'J1B N 'l ? QLD " N"S"!'J" 326 "5 lv"v VIC. s"A " N310 r{67 V9 rf't 7 vr / G" " 13"00 aq ,QN ttt \ ":::: Clifton Cavil I Harper Sutton Guy Guy Sutton Cavill Cl ifton \/n i q arr A" Hal es R" ;) 1\o N3t0 Go V9 ii" \J"A" N"Z" G q D't q N35B i(" Q45 ../rqla]) Lo r\ (- 1"t R" \l"S"1l,/" VIC " Overal'1 9"0 N"Z" Cavil '14 "7t VETERANS 38.0 34"5 2a IT" \/v u J N"Z" PT'S " 16" 5 I 5. 5 16"0 ,J S"A LLow JUNIOiTS QlO Q56 QlO 1 QLD " 54"0 58"0 Thnmn <r-rn Harrman 15"5 9"5 ROCK CHAMPIONS Cveral J/O.U s "A" ti"A" N"Z. g 5 16 " 0 VET'ERAN5 LADI ES A" Cannon S QLD " VIC " S"A t'J"A" VIC. 35 " 5 16" 35.5 N310 c" N.S"r,il" qn Clifton Guy Cavi1l Carr Tait Guy Carr Cavill 1,,i18 N" Clifton V9 Ql7 qA Nl69 c" Bel I N269 J" Garven rIs" ilr a l n \/A1 C6\/ \JO 1" I\JIU 2" N259 V" Kay ? 278 "5 a qn LTq N"S"liu" VIC " q N"S"tt" l QLD " J yE! N181 D" Baker N234 K" Power aro uo Evans YJ Nl69 G" Bel 1 V17 G" Forward QLD " N"Z" N"2., A Overal l "A" <- TNDTVIDUAL IIIAC_H Cveral l S 58"0 22"0 L La li30 H" Osborne N"Z" aA 12 "5 Moore IiOCK FIOUND 3 l 1" !u18 N" 2" Q45 S" 3" Vl0 S" 4" N26B B" 5" r\J158 V" QLD " Q45 S " N"S"!v" N268 B" VIC" VlO S" I22"0 278"5 D" Evans D. Evans & Overal q N301 J" Garven N322 D" Col 1 ins v3B irri"A " 1.4tr p'l- QlO Ql0 BEACH LADIES JUNICJTS N301 J" Garven N. S. LJ" VIC " ANGLERS BROVJN ANITA DRECKIqEYER N"S"!.J" Ford 87 47 37 32 2: "5 "0 "5 "0 27 ",.t 32" 0 49 "0 87. 5 PTS " 157"5 73"0 59. 5 q? n \/n i c arr \-dvtLJ_ 59"s 14" 5 f CVEJ?ALL CHAI.IF'IOi\SHI,- ITESUL'IS (scores r-'or each event are aggregate poinLs in lvlens and Ledie sl (Divisions converi:ed i:o a percentiqe" lvlaximum total is 400 po ints : - - = =l== === 1 ==,r = = == : === ) EVENT I o"o I -",";,"i ;;." i ;";"- r- --.------l \-:3:;;;;; [-_iil;__:_f - l:99 -"__;il;;;;__ ,i;;;_[_:_;;;;i_[:;;;;;_1_ | t-------""1-------------r o'-" 1 *----E:!vgtv---__i| _ur.Il_f__!ee.ee_l____3t,!t_ "22,z:_f-_ _,u.2r-_- _f = = == = = = = ==- =F == = === = =F = = -===== === = f -t 1'l |_ _ _ _Esest_s_reell_ ?l: e?_i"__!!e,9e _t1:e?_l_ _- _?L:_?7 i____iz:ez__i__ t -- eeelron---- 91:19-l- - -!?:9?-l --er:11--i---:r.-t+ rw.99-__ li-_._ " __r9I4! _. __ .-l_i:"9":2._l_ -"_392: !!_l___?L?_r?? __L,l9z:?9._i___i:g.g_ t l_ ___L !Z:97 -_.-.-|.9!iII9I_-_--,__--]---_-'--_-l_ l:'!::j::: F =' C. CHrit\liI'!! LADIES TEAI,{ _ rJ. i,'JQIjLING TROpHy (Scores are aqgregate points for the thr - = =;; = = = = = = =;;;= = = =[ = =; =[ = =;;; = = =f ;*;= [ : "; "; " =i===:=======[. ======= I tlr"A" ---r -\:3:--i------242"s lt "\) | -;" -[^---i __::_*_ -T---'---------r tl 31"\J | -r----- --t __::__-_ |;;;;; I I | I '-t I I | 344"4 -3?.:-Q--i--------.''t I i =ral I I | " i ,**+ ng events onl rr) ___;;;;;;;::__1.;;:;_ f ;;;;; r --r --- ---r---------r---------r ____E!!H9Iy____lrer"s I zat"s I ao"o ---f -------1------ -r-------g"o | :s"o r ____geeg!_*_:9911-_!r"_o I t -l _ I r:08.0 | rzso"o "__Tgglrj __l_236"s -t----- --1---------1------ -r I -. ____te!_rTrer____l____1__ J ___!___L ___ __?_ -_L -L--*--l----L 5 ';":":'cHArupIoN BEACH & ESTULRY TEAM - O"J" CCLLIDGE'tl4Q!Hy':.':',:, \c ^.- r^E I JUU! \ thes tvto even !- \ ^.1rC g s are aggregate point. s in ( tror ivlens, La dies and J uniors ) ============-== ==-== =i==;;;====l==; = =[ l========== l========: 1.. rr'/ qA tr\/ tri\l'n I l\n' o 4o "; .; " I I "A " -l -l --YI9:--T--------- t---*----g ;;;; -;;; ; l- ;;;; ; -t --19?:9--. t7\ Beach & iloc ;l l- ;;;; ; -[;;,;";; -[;;;;; !DLUqry 9- Jna r^ T --294:!-- TOTAL Dr\c T.l1Tr)r\t ON _t_ _;___t__. ::::::;:: tJvov _:___t HEAVIEST SILVER LAIBL I irISH ttt't o I O,/AiiALL ,::;:,::: 31"00 r^ t--------I t- L___--_?,___ MULLOIjJAY t^" n tr / ri I z+") --99!:l-- IT--------t--------t^-^ t/t"v I | 27 "s --.192:I- ?oa n t---------689"0 Kg" _l JL6V n ---;--- b COI.JVENTIOiV CHAIUP ION 1st l{99 Allan Cannon Znd t{239 Michael Hirst 3rd N269 John Garven NATTONAL 228"60 228 "52 2I7 "79 ANGLTNG_ _QFiAl4PIONS MENS M" Hirst L/\DIES K " Sutton JUNIOTRS Jon " Garven VE'IdrtANS G" Voisey ALLAI{ SCORES N"S"1i'/" N"S"!V" N.S"!'/" N"S"li\i" CONVENTION CHAMPTON 1983 CANNON Allan is a member of Lhe Yamba Club and lives at Yamba where he runs the family's cane farm and conducts a successful plumbing busine He has been a strong supporter of the Yamba Club and is currenLly their treasurer" He has been fishing since he was a kid and has really developed as a fisherman over the last year or two" He has been involved in almost all championships in N"S"!i" in recent years and is a capable fisherman in all categories of fishing" He also casts competitively :nrl l'rrc 'o^'osented his Club and Association on a number occasions" I uy! L, This is his first A"A"A" Convention" Allants victory at Lhis Ccnvent j-on is narticul arl v meri f ori nr:. as he chose not to compete in the Offshore events even t.hough he owns a suitable boat and is a good Offshore fisherman" He 1s reported to have decided not to fish offshore because he didntt have anvone to rttu! ! uvt go Jv fish with in the first roundt rlllan fished very consisteni:1y throughout this Convention with j a^'-^A^^ guuu sdr:cfles in every round of Elstuary and iiock & Beach. He is nnnA deserving Australian Champion" MICHAEL Hfi{ST a NATIONAL ANGLING CHAMPIOI{ 1983 Mlchaelts fishing career started as a junior in Yamba under the guidance of top fisherman such as John Garven" His first A"A"A. Convention was at Noosa where he competed as a junior" He left the Yamba area Lo gain qualifications as a High School teacher and is now teaching at Henry Kendall High in Gosford" He is a member of Gcsford Angling Club" Apart from his angling and casting j-nteresLs he has also held various executive positions in Ctubs and Associatlons from Publicity to President" He has represented his Club, association, and N"S"LJ" in r.i ^^ at all ^^*^^J_.i compecrrr-on levels and in all categories of fishing and n:c+.ina rra is a true all round fisherman, a good team fisherman and a fine person. Previous individual wins by Michael include two N"S"1,,1. Deep Sea Championships, 3rd in the Offshore at Pt" Lincoln, 2nd Offshore here in Ballina and a N.S"W" CasLinq tit1e" --7 -DE'IAILID iiESUI,TS " FISH No r\o VJ Evan s T QI1 N" Cars Len s QT3 M" Po t Ler Ql9 N" Berry Q31 A" Q3ri D " l?okraraar Q3B B" Scctt S Guy Q1l5 " r- ( qf--.LL.^.-*^ JIIOLIIEAIIi n VJJ Jo Q5B it Schol c' " field V'/atego Barr n?? v/J ,14 Q91 Q94 G. Hosken K" Tarl inton oL27 Do F 15 L7 2 1 4 r 3 2 2 i 3 2 5 rosL I r.J57 ti !- : i^-! 3 7 3 8"150 5. 300 "75O 4"750 1"250 "300 1"900 1"450 "sco "600 n f_n dJJV 1"C0C "300 l(rl 2"750 10"9C0 1"150 2"7C4 9 ann on 18 5 2.s50 irlQC A C N105 ii. Lickiss Nt 07 B" Bev an N113 S " i(endri cl< I{123 'rlJ" Es sex i\135 ri" Van iriispen I'J150 A" Nl69 ar 1o'uv G" Bel 1 )]tr FA.TJ R Ir r1- l-oqa n Vidl er U. N227 1( " Redman r{233 r(" Toov6y N235 K" P.obert s N239 M" lli rs t\247 J" Toovey N255 B" Beacom N254 D" vo! ! N269 J" Garven i{294 }r," V'lhi tehead i"i299 A " Darwson N301 J. Garven b. i\t 3 09 ivj. Jame*e N317 E" !,Jatson N362 P" P i ckup N374 R. Goodwln V3 v9q J" Gi lbee i{" Cavill F< v?0 Brigh t K" H" r-l eming Moore r,;" Hammer \/t V36 V44 I t ()(n oUJU r-, i. f-r ?nn 1 . J!rV 1 o UJV A(n 7qn F i\J185 J " Bourke .qA 1 2 1A 2"90C 4 7"000 1"700 4"0c0 4"000 ly 10" 25C 6 3"000 3 9 I I 2 3 23 T7 3 2ca " 500 4"150 " 650 1"450 16 " 100 10"500 1"900 25"050 2 r 5 1"050 2"400 B L I ) o J./V ? Aqn 500 1" 100 600 , " r qn " Lo 4 3 ^a ZQ" ry -a /.()-') No. FISH QlO QIz D" 11" Evans Underwood Ql7 ii" Ford Q24 F" OrNeill o?? P as terfield Q37 M" Augus tr-rs VJJ T Q53 A" ...C: C. VJV Q62 Q9O Q92 .\QQ YJJ D Do Scholfield Schol field C" lien I I I t: 5 A" Edvuard s F 4 Allom I LJv 2"454 1"100 lrj17 R " ivlclnerney N28 1"1" r rior N50 B" Heckel N55 J" Hammcnd N55 [" Garrecc i'J 75 K " Al corn N84 ii " Jennings i\i89 K " Appel IvJ-.;Z 5 1 1 " Tait NlB1 D" Baker Ni195 t4" riiddel i\2I4 'r" Bi j I I\222 T" Graham i'J158 Nr a 4 ^ L\IJI N234 N237 N240 trzJl N259 N25B N291 V U" LOlCS K" Power J" Prosser A" Aston 1 2" 4s0 " 500 I,,4U\J aqa 1 lqn 2"050 -1 qn a 1"050 5"100 7"500 4 L IJ " 7 6 16 16 I 3 \/ rt F' VlO Vi9 S" Cavi I 2 3 3 7 I I 3 I 750 " BOO 3"750 2"744 9"750 9 "740 " 300 ^ ZQV ^n r\ I" " 800 1"450 1" 25t) 3"000 .50c " 300 11"050 s"700 1"600 12"600 " 300 3 1"300 t! 2 I I 1 1 12"704 1 2A IvicGrath " J" Gilmour T " Moore T" Go 1d smi th " 300 5 D. Coll-ins J" Snow P " 2s0 1.85C 2"100 I f I tt J O JVL' N367 v23 V:]B v75 .450 LoL.t\-r 10 )1 Gilbee I ?trn ? 3 3 ll 4"400 3"150 4 n" yatcn V" 11ay B"A" Carr .j". Voisey I{295 M" Sidney N300 A" Dawson N303 P" Kerkenezov Nl310 c" Voisey hI322 ?qn s"200 3"750 1.850 3 I " IJIOO1e N106 I{ " Thompson N109 i\i" Berrel l_ i\ili7 Ii" Drane i'i126 B" Layton i'i141 'v,r" Tye PorLer 7q.n I JV 5"8s0 1 4 ? llatego o -JV o Guy R" "950 Aq^ 'l 11 1' I(G " J L, A/1 2 v-J iJEIGH I 2" 300 ?nn 550 r," qqn 12.7 50 I BET,CH i-iOIJi{D KG" bi67 A" Hal es 2 ,,i. E1lis N87 J" Gl over NB & iJEIGHT ^ L TIzl R " Bars ing N15 J. Pol I rr-r raan N48 R. Cnrrrl-on;rrr N53 J" ir ,^- | E" J1OCK 700 "9O0 ?qn 500 " " --B-DETtTILED itESULTS ROCK & BEACH rtCUI\iD 3 Lvo " i'EIGHT l(G " f 'ISH s21 s27 \a^1 !,J1 l,v4 1'7 trlB 'ti2O r,t26 ii30 \,i34 i,r38 B" t:ri.11iss Jo CatLerr,vel l D. Foster P " Andersen G " D " l I " 450 1 " 400 3 Brown 1"500 2 l T.nrran r-1t6 JJvwv) H" I(i nn N" Cl ifton 2 5 t -/qn t^nn " 9C0 3"050 ht" Csborne 1 D" Schmid M" lVTn rn r n 2 a 500 400 ann " 900 ann Crothers 3 1"900 i(" i\ " l\1237 P. !Jrrnar^ 1 t iiOCi( " " & Bii,,\CH irlo " 516 S23 S34 S53 G" Edwards hi" Thompson J" Uierda B" Kohler '\,;2 t/6 T" G" utLT l;i19 I'{" L \'r23 li." V o qnrl ,l o L nll l-{arrman Y ure\,,1 H;: rrr a r 4 4.900 1"800 1 3 1"850 ClifLon Thorna -,,--r- Newman ^a h!.r 1"300 3"200 \.;t29 S " e,sborne ti33 fi" Gues i r"35 A" Pri-ce rlA rl J J 3 KG" I - a\a ir,;oi nhl- Fi sh Kg" QLD " 27 97 s0"60 i'J. s "ti " 67 3E5 265 "95 VIC " T2 lLi B 15 rx"A" IU 42 N"Z" 1 3 133 s65 14"45 13"00 22"44 1"90 367"90 -| IJEIGHT FISH iIOUND Ann l arq ovJ INO. 1NO sl5 I a L l a L a L 1 " 254 " 850 0 " vU0 1"800 " r+54 9 STATE ANGLINIG CHAI',]L,IONS N"$nlJ l{" I-lirst QLD " N" CarsLens vIc" I(" FIaminn S"A" l? r'hcmpson 14, A" Pri ce i{.2" P. Crothers "A " SPECIES PiiIZES ihe arvard fcr Lhe largest fish caught in competition goes to Silver Laibl" for hjs magnificent Mullovray cf 31"00 Kg" while the prLze for the mosL number of species caught in a single round vias won by Garth lliartin of N"S"v'r" with 7 fish for 19"0 Kg" HEAVIEST OF SPECIES CAUGHT IN COMPETITION 14"400 Black Cod i\229 Tony i"ors ter Tony iviorE an I "92O Bream V 29 N169 Graham Bell Bob Koh] er S53 NI304 Judy Bender NJ64 al ly Moore N199 Bob Givson l!248 Silver Laibl N378 V,/arren Sommervil le N249 Trevor Gardiner Nl69 Graham Bell NB7 John Glover N41 ilen Standley N50 Bernie Heckel i{382 Noel lviarcin Ql04 John Crone Noel Martin N 382 t\z)) i3i11 Beacom Drummer F1 athead Kingflsh Luder'ick IViorwong I 1 oway Pearl Perch Snapper '.nn I l- orl I-l'i nrl rrl - ; I ^ IGIIV! 'larvuhi ne ll T'erag I i n Tre.ralfy Tuna Vjhiting Crther Species / ^(Black KinEfish) GiiEATIS T EST CF' Bream Drummer I(ingfish Luderick Ivlul l oway l-earl Perch Snapper IdJIU! l,Jhi 1-ing .tinaci zv I 3"110 Kg. 000 Kg " 3"980 Kg" B " 500 Kg " 1"320 Kg" 1"800 lig. 1"250 Kg" CF aq (elack Kingfish) Kg" Kg" 4"294 0"340 Kg Kg Kg 22 "A00 CATCH THIS SPECIJJS CAUGH OUT N232 Georqe Coles 2"580 I"750 Ken Brown VAI(IETY iIOUI{l) 3"190 CF COl!ii-] Kg" ETITION L"474 I(9" 3 "640 r(g " 9 "440 Kg" 6"830 Kg" 1"020 Kg" 10"r50 Kg" 4"080 Kg" 5"740 Kg" Nt21 Terry Langley N 278 t- aul Johns NI89 Helen Bainbridge N256 xobert Lund :. I.JEIGHT CHAI\IGED SINCE LAST Kg" 31" N240 Alf I'ston Q31 Allan Strathearn N229 lony Forster ; N177 Harry Fu1ler N121 Terry Langley iiay Dorey N 26 2 irl athead ()l-hor I"240 N215 Darel Vidler 7 Snor-'i aq HEAVI !,t " 3'640 Kg. 3"180 Kg" 6"644 Kg" t',i Mu Kg 1{g " 2"2Oo lig" 0"280 22"344 YTT " Kg" Kg" r$ F-.r€, -10t\ L i r\offof\o 1^^F IA63 Frr$gqBt,_lt" A " Now is the time bc r:ake tho;e first bookings to aLtend the next Convention" 'r'hi s tirne j- t's sunny Bunbury, a f ine city of over 20,OCC people and situated about 180 Km souLh of rerlh. 'llre Cor,vention is being held from March 19th, 1985 to Aprir 4, 198::. ,he - e wj-r1 be Lhree rounds of f ishing f or c,f f shore, EsLuary anrj Beach, '.i th two days being allocated Lc, the casting" The lastdoy cr tlre .--nvention is the lvednesday befcre Good Friday" A pr :.iminary informa'cion booklet has already been prepared by the host l:aie and copies may be obtained by writing to The Carnival Co-or,rirrator, L:x I(832, G"P"O", Perth i,v"A" 6001" Cver 600 reclis trants Frr: axnor-l-r.d ";;";and some f orms of aiccommodati.on ;;;-r"in.r"ii*itIj'I; eartv" Host Clubs for the Convenr ion are: r% CONVEN'f ION Bunbury Angling Club & Bunbury Pov;er BoaL Club FoR i'HE ilIqOi.tD A special i:hanks to the rtecorders" Competitors may have noticed thai: certain people looked af ter each State from registration right throucrh .Lo the last weigh-in" Not one missed a weigh-in ancl o11 showed r,:^eat paLience in putLing up with a cranky iiecorder when tags wenL lrr, sing, f ish went missing, and compe'ui-tors went missing " r\ ,., " lrj " June trinch , Harry Horg an Dave Chapman Q.D" S"A" Brain Collins VIC" Joan Corrigan iJ "A " & N, Z" Bob Barsing las: but not leasb Kay Garven who pencilled in the display , nl lu boards " Bruce Schumacher ,{ecorder. THANK YOU ir-here are many people vlho help i:o make convenLion such as this a sJccess. I would like particularly to Shank those oeople rvh' gave of their time to help print, collate and F,':.r.le YT'j' each issue" rrst t-here is Margareb :.a',/age our printer in Ballina who meL many unusual requesLs yet m;::raged to meeL our very unreasonable deacili.ries" uf the people who collat.ed and sLapled Yr'f, Jil1 rrri- t{aCkefefl Asno fhanm:,r around v,rhen needec." :L'o these r^r Cl - >lJe\-IcrJ. ^reCial nllLt Ballina D to LU uclllJllo tha,'s Lll(:; CnlIi;rs_ ;o be /Uuo :xcept fc;.i 'he vreather" :lr^i:rrq eaamo6j ur J vv9J JgErll! people and many others, t.hank cljd svs!J e\/Frr\/fl-rinn Wlllerr Which v4v -'in1-'r- Lllf l19 IJ-gtlL and JOhn NiChOllS David Sc,,r-rthi1 Public.rtions Edit.or NEXT EDITIOi'J OF Y'.: iS DUE O:,T ON ::'JESDaY 2OTH MARCH, 1985"