June 2010 Church Bell
June 2010 Church Bell
St. John’s Lutheran Church June 2010 Church Bell From Pastor Disney I heard about a man who fully define the limitations. met a woman he really Some people think of their wanted to date. When he got spirituality as something they up the courage to ask her out are free to manipulate at will. she politely explained that she Like our bachelor, who thinks only dated men who were he is free to change his spiriChristians. A couple of tual identity to enhance his months later he asked her out dating life, all of us must again, explaining that he had reckon with the fundamental become a Christian. Unfortuquestions of reality in order to nately for the man this retruly grow into a real spiritualpelled the woman beity. It all starts with the cause the man had question of whether or The truest trivialized something not there really is a she held sacred. He God who is infinite, kind of had acted as if she almighty, and allfreedom had said that she only knowing, who created dated men who drive the world. If He is not red cars. real then we get to Freedom is a dangerous make up our spirituality; if He word. It is an essential part of is real then He gets to call the our identity to consider ourshots. Hence, we all come to selves free. We grow up with what is called the leap of faith. that word, taking it for granted. From this point two very differBut it is a word that needs to ent kinds of lives await you. be carefully defined. We love Some people self create the idea that we live in a land their spirituality. They bring where it is possible to shape God in when things are bad our life in fundamental ways. and ignore Him when things But having “freedom” does not are fine. They make bargains mean that we get to control with God, and invoke His the whole of reality. To really name when they want to mahave freedom you must carenipulate things in their favor, (Continued on page 3) 1 St. John’s Lutheran Church 302 NE 2nd Street PO Box 238 Buffalo, MN 55313 Phone: 763-682-1883 Youth Line: 763-684-0460 Fax: 763-682-1936 Noah’s Ark Pre-School: 763-682-1368 [email protected] www.stjohnsbuffalo.org Chairman of the Congregation Staff: Wayne Rebischke Rev. James Disney, Senior Pastor [email protected] Board of Elders Rev. Christian Bode, Assoc. Pastor [email protected] [email protected] Roger Strege, Head Elder Gregg Beckman Nyles Gentz Dan Green Dave Haggerty Dan Husom Troy Lanie Richard Marquette Bruce Rosine Glen Ross Lee Ryan Kelly Ohland, DCE, Youth Director [email protected] Zoe Eckblad, Office Administrator [email protected] Carla Myhre-Vogt, Office Assistant [email protected] Dan & Jackie Korbel, Custodians [email protected] Nicky Haskins, Noah’s Ark Preschool [email protected] Jim Chapa, Treasurer Mary Peterson, Financial Secretary Cheryl Olsen, Board Secretary Mary Marty, Music Director Worship Times: Saturday 7:00 pm Sunday 8:00 & 10:30 am Sunday’s Service Radio Broadcast on KRWC 1360 AM Sundays at 8:00 am Office Hours: M-F 8:30-4:30 Board Chairs Altar Guild: Dorothy Bowman Education: Open Evangelism: Roger Strege Fellowship: Bill Cook Kid’s Club: Ken and Amy Hill Library: Shala Holm Memorial Endowment/Investment: Janice Marschel Project Compassion: Sandi Baert Sanctuary Decorating: Shala Holm Stewardship: Karen Rebischke Trustees: Justin Bonk Women in Mission: Chris Husom Worship: Pastor Disney Youth & Family Ministry: Nate Randt Newsletter Deadline: Deadline for the July newsletter is Monday, June 21st. Join the Newsletter Mailing Crew on Tuesday, June 29th at 9:00 am. Bulletin Deadline: Tuesday at midnight 2 (Continued from page 1) our freedom beyond what we can control and create for ourselves. In Psalm 19 David makes the leap of faith sound like the most natural thing in the world. David goes outside one day and looks up at the great nurturing sun that is making everything grow and he exclaims, “The Heavens declare the glory of God.” From there David easily rolls his mind over to the idea that “the precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart.” David is telling us, let God set the limitations and you will truly be free. leaving Him out of the loop when it is to their convenience. They might consider this a kind of freedom, but ultimately this is like getting your drivers license but not having a car. Some think it sounds confining to take the leap and accept that God is real and that He gets to set the agenda. Pretend gods can be changed but they can never be trusted. The real God cannot be changed or manipulated, but He can be trusted. Here we can find the truest kind of freedom. Trusting that there is a real and good God expands Patriotic Prayer Service Sat, July 3rd 7:00pm Join us for this meaningful service as we pay tribute to our country and its leaders. Special recognition will be given to our Veterans and those currently serving in the armed forces. Refreshments will follow the service. If you have not already done so, please call the church office (763-682-1883) with your service information including any special commemorations or recognitions you may have received. The deadline to respond is June 30th. 3 burst forth from their winter slumber. And for us too, summer can be a time of growth as we learn and experience new things. From Pastor Bode Grow While You Rest Summer is a great time for rest. School is out. The schedule changes. People go on vacation. Slowing down is good for us. In our high speed culture too often we don’t take the time we need to relax and be refreshed. So, for those of you who tend to burn the candle at both ends, I hope you take time these next few months to be restored. God’s Word speaks to us about rest and growth. And not surprisingly, it points us to the Lord as the source of them both. In the Old Testament God commanded His people to “remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy” (Exodus 20:8). Every Saturday they were to refrain from work and were to focus on the Lord. And in the New Testament Jesus says, “Come to me you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest…” (Matthew 11:28). Our God wants us to have physical, emotional, and spiritual rest. At the same time we know that summer is also a season of growth. Our growing gardens testify to that: flowers, vegetables, shrubs, trees (and, yes, weeds!) But He also wants us to grow. In his second New Testament letter, Peter’s parting words to the church are “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). Ongoing growth is necessary for believers, because as someone has said if you’re not growing as a follower of Christ, you’re dying. God wants us to grow and rest. And interestingly, the things that help us to find one also tend to help us find the other. (Continued next page.) 4 With that in mind, here are some thoughts on what that might look like this summer… Weekly attending worship. If you’re going to be at the cabin we encourage you to go to a church nearby. Or if you’re taking a trip this summer, plan ahead and locate a church where you can worship on the weekend. Come to a Sunday morning Bible study. Go to a Christian family camp. Spend time daily in God’s Word and in prayer. Check out the church library for a good book. Do a service event as a family. May this summer be for you a season of growth and rest! Book Club On June 1st at 7:00 pm we will be discussing When The Game Is Over It All Goes Back In The Box by John Ortberg. Books are available in the library for $10.00 or contact Sue Schleif or Shala Holm if interested. You can also purchase the book at a bookstore on your own. Bestselling author, pastor, and consummate storyteller John Ortberg tells us we can take pretty much only what we brought to the game. Everything else goes back in the box—the cash atop the corporate ladder, the vacation home at the lake, and the status vehicle in between. All the tokens, game pieces, and prizes are left behind when we walk away from the table. The only real “winnings” we claim and keep are our own souls and the love we have for Christ and each other. If you think you might need a better game plan—one that offers an eternal perspective—this strategy-filled playbook walks you through what it takes to really win big at the game of life. 5 Serving in June Summer Fun Ushers Enjoy some relaxed fun with PEP (People Enjoying People). PEP meets on the first and third Tuesdays of every month in room 110 across from Noah’s Ark Preschool. We begin with a brief Bible study led by Pastor Klemz followed by a variety of activities which may include joke telling, cards and games. In June we meet on the 1st and the 15th from 9:00 am to 11:30. Bring your own beverage; come whenever you can; stay as long as you want. There is no regular commitment. The more the merrier. 8:00 Jerry Uhde Al Buskey Tim Rajewsky Fred Bonk 10:30 Bruce Rosine Trent Hulett Nursery Volunteers 6/6 9:00 10:15 Andrea Klatt Tracy Madsen 6/13 9:00 10:15 Amy Hill Amy Hill 6/20 9:00 10:15 Morynn Marx Andrea Klatt 6/27 9:00 10:15 Tracy Madsen Raina Strenge Coffee Servers 6/6 6/13 6/20 6/27 Youth Library Group Youth Wish List Life Center Handicap Accessibility Doors: Cost Received Needed $6,000.00 3,641.00 2,359.00 6 LCEF’s CFS Have you ever forgotten your Contribution Envelope? “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” - Heb. 11:1 By grace, through faith, God makes His vision for each Christian a reality. Building this same foundation, LCEF Capital Funding Services (CFS) brings your LCMS congregation or school scripture-based, fundraising services that raise up Christian stewards to be examples of faith. Since 1992, CFS has helped over 700 congregations and agencies raise funds for building renovation, new construction, debt retirement, program expansion, mission starts or relocation—the things they hoped for. By grace, we are His. And unlike other fundraising firms, we are uniquely yours: called and equipped to make your vision a reality...by grace, through faith. Learn more at lcef.org or call 1-800843-5233. Have you ever found yourself writing out your check at Church, just in time to catch the Collection Plate? And, what about the cost of those checks from your bank? We may have the answer to your problem: “Electronic Contribution Submission” (also known as ACH). You can have your monthly contributions automatically & systematically sent from your account to St. John’s each month. No more forgetting envelops, writing checks, or needing to catch up on contributions while on vacation. Forms for this time-saving opportunity are available from the Church Office or may be downloaded from our website www.stjohnsbuffalo.org. 7 St. John’s Softball Schedule for June All games at Mills Bent Fields. See the full schedule at www.stjohnsbuffalo.org. Come on out and root for our teams! Friday, June 04 - Field 2 7:00 pm St Johns Team 3 vs St Johns Team 2 9:00 pm St Johns Team 1 vs Zion Lutheran Friday, June 11 - Field 1 7:00 pm Zion Lutheran vs St Johns Team 3 8:00 pm St Johns Team 2 vs St Pauls Friday, June 11 - Field 2 8:00 pm Salem Lutheran vs St Johns Team 1 Friday, June 18 - Field 1 9:00 pm Zion Lutheran vs St Johns Team 2 Friday, June 18 - Field 2 8:00 pm St Johns Team 1 vs Buffalo Covenant 2 9:00 pm St Johns Team 3 vs Salem Lutheran Friday, June 25 - Field 1 9:00 pm Delano Catholic Community vs St Johns Team 1 Friday, June 25 - Field 2 7:00 pm Buffalo Covenant 2 vs St Johns Team 3 8:00 pm St Johns Team 2 vs St Francis Mayer Lutheran High School Benefit Sale E-News If you would like to receive this newsletter by email rather than snail mail, send an email to [email protected]. You’ll save the church some postage and printing. June 15th & 16th from 9am to 8pm June 17th Half Price from 9am to 4pm & Clearance from 4-7pm Bring donations of clothing, flea market items, furniture, baked goods & produce on June 12th or 14th from 1-7 pm. 8 St John's Job Network To add or change a listing, contact Dic Danielson at 763-682-5123 or [email protected] . Name Contact Info Scott Kaufman 612-532-5871 Dic Danielson 763-682-5123 Desired Job Metal Fabrication-CNC & Welding, Electrical Panel Wiring, Maintenance Tech & Truck Driving Sales Manager, Sales or Marketing David Breckenridge Die Casting Business; Machine operation and 763-565-1612 engineering design Laurie Blauert 612-210-7515 HR Manager/HR Generalist or Office Management or Administrative Work Jeff Bruhn 763-682-3190 Project Manager/Sales Application Engineer Jill Marketon 763-439-0793 Nursing, LPN Gary Marketon 612-986-8537 Manufacturing, Assembly, Warehouse Julie Beaudry 763-295-2528 Computer Programming, programming logic and design or databasing Nicole Elsen 763-439-5799 Human Resources Position Tony Sabraski 651-248-4718 Flooring Installation Teresa Frykholm 763-682-4607 Production Work, Data Entry, Administrative Lori Schimmele 763-355-4348 Childcare;Administrative/Data Entry; Retail 9 Stewardship Corner “June—what a crazy month!” June used to be the most popular month for weddings so much so that “June brides” became a part of our vocabulary. Now there may be months when more weddings take place, but June is still a hectic, busy month. Not only are there weddings, but there are also graduations, vacations, plans for vacations and other summer activities. So much happens that it can get overwhelming and take the joy out of such a special month. The same thing can be true of our lives as God’s stewards. When we starting thinking about stewardship as the managing of all of life and life’s resources for God’s purposes, we can also get overwhelmed. Stewardship is not just about time, talents and treasure [the well-known three T’s] but also about our stewardship of sharing the good news of Jesus, the building and maintaining of relationships, the care of our bodies, the care of God’s creation, and so much more. The challenge of being a good steward of all that God has entrusted to us can be so big that we might be tempted to simply give up! But, to do so would rob us of some of life’s greatest joys! Stewardship is not meant to be an overwhelming thing but rather the best way to live in this world. People seek purpose and meaning in their lives. They want to make a difference! They want their lives to be bigger than themselves. Being God’s redeemed stewards is one of the best ways for bringing that real meaning and purpose to our lives. It helps us to identify who and whose we are. We are God’s redeemed stewards who have been chosen and equipped to manage all of life and life’s resources for God’s purposes. Can anything be better than that??? Not for people who appreciate the great sacrifice that Jesus made to set us free from our sinful and selfish condition and help us to be the children of God in thoughts, words and actions. St. Paul, by inspiration of the Holy Spirit wrote these words to Titus and us: “For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say ‘no’ to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live selfcontrolled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope—the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for Himself a people that are His very own, eager to do what is good.” How wonderful it is that by God’s grace we are called, gathered and enlightened to live in a way that gives due glory to God and blessings to our fellow stewards! As God’s children we are in this together so we can encourage others and, in return, be encouraged by others! “God’s redeemed stewards, in cooperation with and encouragement from fellow redeemed stewards, freely and joyfully manage all of life and life’s resources for God’s purposes!” What a blessed life that is! 10 St. John’s Lutheran Business Directory 11 Women In Mission We are working on a project for the Pregnancy Resource Center in St. Cloud through Father’s Day, called Baby Bottle Boomerang. PRC is a Christian organization that helps women and men faced with crisis pregnancies and other critical life issues. Thanks to everyone who picked up a baby bottle and please remember to return your bottles on Father’s Day, June 20th. The biennial Minnesota South Convention is at the Mankato Verizon Center June 25-27. The theme is “God’s GPS--Turn Right at the Light.” Dr. Lane Seitz, MN South District President will be the opening worship proclaimer. The Saturday Bible Study Leader is Rev. Nabil Nour, and will address the topic of Islam. The Erin Bode Group, a classical jazz quartet, will be the Saturday evening banquet entertainment. Rev. Tim Kinne will be the Sunday worship proclaimer. There are many events planned over the weekend, and it will be a spiritually uplifting experience. We are looking for donations of fleece material to make blankets for children as one of the projects. Requested length for each piece is 1 and 2/3 yards. If you make a donation, please call Chris at 6823997 by June 20th. Thank you! There is a mission opportunity at Concordia University in St. Paul July 18-22, helping with a Vacation Bible School. Children will again be bussed to the university from various Twin Cities churches. Mission trip workers will stay in the dorm at CSP beginning Sunday, July 18. There will be a planning meeting at 6:00 that evening. One hundred “But whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.” Proverbs 29:25b 12 rooms have been reserved in the new Residence Life Center. Breakfast and lunch will be included in the cost of $240 for the four days of this wonderful event. Senior High Youth and men are welcome to help, also. For more information, check out the website: www.mnslwml.org. They are making blankets again this year for the children. If you would like to make one, check with Chris Husom for a pattern. The Women in Mission pay half the camperships for any children who attend Camp Omega in Waterville, MN. There are camps for children ages 6 though 18, as well as adult and family camps. Take a look at the camps available. It is a wonderful experience! There are reimbursement forms in the church office. Our 42nd Annual Country Fair for Missions is coming on Saturday, November 13th. As you plan your garden, perhaps you can plant an extra hill of cucumbers for pickles, or tomatoes and peppers for salsa, or any garden produce. We also welcome hand-crafted items, baked items, and attic treasures. Think of what you may want to make for the fair. Each Tuesday afternoon you have the opportunity to work on quilts and other projects in the Sewing Room, off the Fellowship Hall. We welcome you to come whenever you can. If you know of a specific mission need, please tell us. There are mite boxes in the narthex. Feel free to take one and fill it to help support our mission projects. Please join us for our business meeting, monthly Bible study or for any of our projects as we “Serve the Lord With Gladness!” Upcoming Events: June 3rd : Board Meeting at 5:30, Bible Study at 6:15. We meet in the upper level board room in the Family Life Center. All women are welcome. June 25-27th : MN South LWML Convention in Mankato. July 18-22nd: Vacation Bible School Mission opportunity at Concordia University in St. Paul. November 14th: 41st Annual Country Fair for Missions 13 Youth & Family Ministry Help VBS Set Sail Over 100 children can’t take the VBS adventure without your help! From donations, to registration, to teaching and crew leaders there are many places for you to be apart of this adventure. Here are some ideas of what your role could be: Be a…Crew Leader: Through out the week kids travel in small groups to stations with their crews and leader. Crew leaders are not Teachers! They’re simply part of the Crew family. They participate in all the activities and encourage kids to talk about and apply what they are learning. Love kids, but hate to teach! This is the place for you. Be a…Station Leader: Instead of leading independent, isolated classes, Station Leaders see all the kids each day. There are seven different stations and kids will visit each one everyday. Each station features a different Bible learning activity to meet the needs of different kids of learners. Some of the stations are: crafts and missions, sail away cinema, goodies from the galley, ship rec games, and bible voyage. Teachers will be in pairs for each station. Donate Items: Throughout the months of June and July you can pick up tags in the Narthex for snacks and supplies needed for VBS. You can also help support this year’s mission project by donating School Supplies for children in need. Contact Kelly at 763-684-0460. No matter your age, or interest there is a place for you at the High Seas! National Youth Gathering Student/Parent Meeting June 6th between services in the Youth Room 14 Youth & Family Ministry Vacation Bible School at St. John’s this summer will be a High Seas Expedition! Monday through Friday, August 9th through the 13th from 8:30 to 11:30 am Kids from age 3 through 5th grade will experience the fun and excitement of summer camp right here in Buffalo! Children will have a great time singing, watching skits, creating crafts and playing games. High Seas Expedition is filled with incredible Bible learning experiences that kids see, hear, touch and even taste! Throughout the week kids will follow Jesus’ disciples as they tell other about God’s great love and His son Jesus. Plus kids will discover how to see evidence of God everyday with something called God Sightings. So save the dates for High Seas Expedition! A registration form is on back. Additional forms are available online at www.stjohnsbuffalo.org or from the church office. 15 Youth & Family Ministry Youth Cookout! June 16th @ 6:30pm Come and kick off the summer with a cookout and games at Emily & Ashley Hill’s Home in Montrose, Bring a snack to share and invite your friends! For Directions or if you have questions please contact Kelly @ 763-684-0460. St. John’s 2010 High School Graduates Congratulations! Ashley Danielson Andrew Hatling Benjamin Henson Avery Holm Trent Hulett Kira Jimenez Jacob Letsinger Blake Miller Janessa Piersiak Sirena Powell Kayla Stender Jaqueline Thaemert Dylan Triplett Tucker Vogt (Brandon Lanie would also have graduated this year) 16 Youth & Family Ministry Lutheran Youth Fellowship Day at Valleyfair Monday June 28nd Leave church at 8:00 am – Return to church at 3:00 pm Cost: $24.00 Unlimited fun and thrills on the rides and water park! A new LYF bracelet to wear and to help you meet over 1000 other LYF people from the upper Midwest region! Reduced admission price! Regular entrance fee is $37.99 We will provide the transportation. 6 grade and younger will need to have a chaperone. th Name _________________________________________ Parent’s signature ________________________________ To sign up, place this form in the offering plate or give to Kelly NO later than June 13th. 17 Birthdays Jordan Andrews Tammy Hulett Jacob Lambrecht Troy Lanie Mark Ordorff Breia Zumbusch Teresa Berg Ashley Elsen Beth Fenhaus Brady Hopkins Dan Husom Carla Vogt Kaia Bode Crosby Bruhn Ben Clifton Luke Korbel Daniel Lambert Larry Letsinger Faye Stenglein Alexander Zaffke Gordon Jans Andrew Hicks Pam Mensinger Brady Miller Ottomar Buttenhoff Kendra Klima Caroline Laugtug Anna Runke Lila Spike Daniel Wessels Oliver Elletson Ana Henning Michelle Kennedy Holly Stelton Christine Weber Kristine Wren Laynie Mills Jolianna Popelka Jessica Hanson Adam Jeske Diana Brecht Jaxson Brown Todd Hanson Jade McKenzie Patrick Ordorff Carolee Fieldseth Nicole Jorgenson 6/1 6/1 6/1 6/1 6/1 6/1 6/2 6/2 6/2 6/2 6/2 6/2 6/3 6/3 6/3 6/3 6/3 6/4 6/4 6/4 6/5 6/6 6/6 6/6 6/7 6/7 6/7 6/7 6/7 6/7 6/8 6/8 6/8 6/8 6/8 6/8 6/9 6/9 6/10 6/10 6/11 6/11 6/11 6/11 6/11 6/12 6/12 Scott Spadgenske Spencer Anderson Chad Huikko Megan Mahan Marjorie Niesen Drew Nowak Judy Dykhuizen Madison Hulett Samuel Klatt Erica Seidenkranz Diane Stenglein Cyndi Bonk Scott Brecht Mason Lachermeier Dan Vergin Brad Arntson Jackson Coss Susan Crawford Kathryn Elsen Ty Klatt Peter Churness Roland Halsten Michael Luoma Connie Boonstra June Endreson Betty Lambert Caitlin Ruckle Kaiden Warne Jennifer Wren Julie Beaudry Jerald Bonstrom Nicole Elsen Elizabeth Giese Marin Johnson Shane Pierce Brandon Thibodeau Jordan Bruhn Payton Erickson Brianna Gaughan Walden Kohls Eileen Bodin Dorothy Ladda Cole Madsen Mike Mueller Kari Peter Alyce Gervais Amy Popelka 18 6/12 6/13 6/13 6/13 6/13 6/13 6/14 6/14 6/14 6/14 6/14 6/15 6/15 6/15 6/15 6/16 6/16 6/16 6/16 6/16 6/17 6/17 6/17 6/18 6/18 6/18 6/18 6/18 6/18 6/19 6/19 6/19 6/19 6/19 6/19 6/19 6/20 6/20 6/20 6/20 6/21 6/21 6/21 6/21 6/21 6/22 6/22 Becky Randt Terry Runke Melanie Dokkebakken Karen Haas Brenda Hicks Ben Mueller Arnold Neutz Nicholas Ordorff Leah Otto Lori Schimmele Gary Anderson Elizabeth Bjork Sophie Ellis Darlene Lohse Nolan Rumsch Olivia Haggerty Ruth Jans Barb Miller Joan Sandstede 6/22 6/22 6/23 6/23 6/23 6/23 6/23 6/23 6/23 6/23 6/24 6/24 6/24 6/24 6/24 6/25 6/25 6/25 6/25 Daniel Witry Skylar Bode Dylan Korbel Jeffery Workman Joseph Cummings Jada Vieths Michael Bonk Lance Moy Stephanie Novacek Barbara Stelton Richard Wald Andrew Charlson Gary Marquette Cassie Stech Arlys Bauer Jonathan Danielson Brian Jans Nicholas Johnson Adele Tonsager 6/25 6/26 6/26 6/26 6/27 6/27 6/28 6/28 6/28 6/28 6/28 6/29 6/29 6/29 6/30 6/30 6/30 6/30 6/30 Anniversaries Gordon & Ruth Jans Tracy & Sammy Madsen Heath & Kathrine Schwanke Linda & Daniel DeWitte Bill & Shirley Elletson Larry & Shirley Holland Janet & Ralph Arnold Jed & Del Larson Connie & Peter Rodosovich Aaron & Lois Dixon Willis & Barb Miller Kurt & Rosie Bergemann Carrie & Chad Coss Howard & Mary Bremmer Earl & Sharon Dierks James & Deb Chapa Terry & Sue Napper Ron & Joyce Uecker Gary & Sandra Vergin Bill & Carol Cook Kathleen & Matt Schlink Lorrie & Mike Lepinski Tom & Ann Rassat Justin & Joy Bonk Matthew & Myriah Elletson Roger & Helen Klemz Dan & Kelly Erdmann 6/1 6/1 6/1 6/3 6/4 6/4 6/5 6/5 6/7 6/8 6/8 6/9 6/9 6/10 6/10 6/11 6/11 6/11 6/11 6/13 6/13 6/14 6/14 6/15 6/15 6/15 6/17 Richard & Karen Haas Greg & Jennie Buttenhoff Gene & Mary Jo Lambert Michael & Marie Lambrecht Arnold & Lila Spike Gary & Jane Anderson John & Carol Berg Lee & Rhonda Charlson Robert & Kathy Forcier Bill & Annette Pulvermacher Eric & Jill Ebeling Darryl & Pat Stoppelman Peter & Sandy Churness Mark & Debra Ordorff Bob & Jill Furneisen John & Nancy Lambrecht Ralph & Diane Faue Betsy & Jeremy Risk Jessica & John Giles John & Sarah Hoppe Dan & Mary Marty Scott & Christine Niesen Allen & Barbara Stelton Amy & Lee Vidmar Bob & Gloria Fieldseth Debbie & Steve Reineccius 19 6/17 6/18 6/18 6/19 6/19 6/20 6/20 6/20 6/20 6/20 6/21 6/21 6/22 6/22 6/25 6/25 6/26 6/27 6/28 6/28 6/28 6/28 6/28 6/28 6/29 6/30 Board Meeting Minutes—5/10/2010 Call to Order: Wayne Rebischke Opening Prayer: Pastor Disney Sara Kubu was introduced as a new member of the Stewardship Board Agenda was reviewed Secretary’s Report: Read and approved. Motion to accept was made by Justin Bonk seconded by Nate Randt. New Business: Nyles Gentz gave the Board a presentation of a program called One Call Message Program. This program is used by many churches and schools. Coming through the computer it is a valuable way to get information out. The program has the capability of letting up to ninety nine groups being able to send messages. The program has unlimited e-mail, text messaging which would be valuable to Kelly in keeping in touch with the youth, etc. The cost is about $94.90 a month with unlimited use. There is no contract so after a trial period if it doesn’t work it can be canceled. The features would also allow who ever would choose to get things out like important meetings, deaths, updates, changes in schedules, prayers, etc. There was much discussion and questions. Pastors Reports: Pastor Disney talked about the Contemporary Saturday night services. He has many concerns and cares and knows that it hasn’t developed into what we had envisioned. He asked for some support and ideas as how to keep going what he feels is a good idea. Expressing thoughts on maybe getting some new types of music and giving examples of things that seem to work he asked that maybe we could find something in our budget to work with this. Again there was much discussion knowing that the summer is a crucial time as the Saturday night service attendance spikes. Janice Marschel made a motion to use $400 a month for the summer months until Sept 1st and then reevaluate if this is helping the service. Bill Cook seconded the motion, motion carried. Pastor Disney also brought up that there is 20 a need to start a divorce group in our church. There is a program called DivorceCare.Com which can be bought into for around $400. After checking he found there are a lot of people out there who need care and thinks it would be a great evangelism tool and help. The Youth and Family Board has offered to put this under their budget. Janice Marschel made a motion to go ahead with the program with the money from the Youth and Family Ministry. Motion seconded by Nate Randt, motion carried. Pastor was formally contacted by Love Inc. and is excited that this network of churches would be of great help to the needy. Each church finds its own little area in which to help like one giving out money for groceries, one having furniture, one having clothing, so we too could have our own area in which to help and be a part of this program. We have been asked to host a Waffle Breakfast this summer to help support this program. Pastor Disney handed out reports on his and Pastor Klemz calls for April. They all continue to work together to cover all areas of visitations. Pastor Bode was attending a pastoral meeting so Wayne reported on his statistics. It was mentioned that these statistics from the Pastors should be put in the bulletin. Youth and Family Ministry: Kelly Ohland highlighted her written report mentioning the upcoming Plant Sale on May 15th. May 16th is Confirmation and the last day of Sunday school. Family Movie Night in the Family Life Center May 21st with the movie Pistachio playing. May 23rd she will be meeting with the Youth board to plan the next year and continues to put out a call for help. It was also mentioned that they will continue with their Trunk and Treat program even if a Fall Festival is planned. Financial Report/Treasurers Report: Wayne Rebischke gave an overview of Jim’s written report in Jim’s absence. Janice Marschel will talk with Jim to clear up the Wish List as several items have been covered. The Stage Fund will move to Fellowship Board and the coffee proceeds go to the KRWC expenses. General Fund Totals for April Contributions $32,528 Expenses 31,832 Increase 696 Action Items: There was discussion on the Blood Drive which will be held here in June. The costs and reasons for expenses were covered by Justin Bonk. A recommendation to check on this particular situation was suggested for Justin Bonk to take this to his board. Board and Committee Reports: Elders: Roger Strege reported that the flowers for Mothers Day Sunday were from the Elders Board and were again successful. It was brought up that the offering plates need a system to make sure they are picked up and properly taken care of. A procedure that is in place will be followed and Nate Randt will be responsible to check on this each Sunday. Pastor’s salaries are being reviewed. Trustees: Justin Bonk reported the roof will be fixed this week. Bowman’s is working on the air conditioning. The AED training will be held Sat. everyone is welcome. Worship: Covered under Pastor Disney’s report. Evangelism: Roger Strege reported on the parade updates and that they will use themes from VBS in the future. Susie Meier is helping with the Web site. The board is looking at a new calendar program. The Elvis concert which was held here was sponsored by ARC. Our youth sold cookies to help with their fundraising. Roger is looking into having this return in the fall as an all gospel program. Softball has 28 guys so a third team was created. He will make sure the game schedules get in the bulletin and extended an invitation for everyone to attend on Friday nights. Stewardship: Karen Rebischke gave some highlights off of the printed report. Stewardship is changing their focus from the money angle to what projects can we do. Sara Kubu is heading up this project and will in essence create a list of things that need to be addressed and how to get the people involved. The board would like to get the Children’s envelopes going. Budget request forms are still being worked on. Envelopes that people have not picked up yet are still in the office and ways to handle this were again discussed. Fellowship: Swing Band Concert will be on the 15th of May. August 11th the Kingery Family will be playing in the park. Education: One hundred birthday bags were sent out to the Food Shelf. Lutheran Women in Mission: Written report. Minnesota South Convention June 25-27. Library: Board went to furniture stores to check out items for the area just outside of the library. Book Club continues with out June (1st) book being “When the Game is Over it All Goes Back in the Box”. Health Cabinet/Project Compassion: Continue their good works. Missions: No report at this time. Noah’s Ark: A representative will be joining us. Old Business: The Audit will soon be completed by the Elders with a written report. The Debenture program is still being looked into. Envelopes were discussed under Stewardship. Job Description for Office Assistant is being worked on by Zoe and Carla. New Business: Budget Requests have not been completed yet. There was discussion on NA meetings rotating between churches. It was discussed that new and old Confirmation pictures could possibly be put up in areas where people could view them. The Vice President position is opening up as Stan Meyer is stepping down. A motion to accept the program presented by Nyles Gentz One Call Message was made by Janice Marschel and seconded by Cheryl Olsen, motion approved. Closing Prayer: Pastor Disney Adjourn: Wayne Rebischke Respectfully Submitted, Cheryl Olsen Board Secretary 21 22 p.5 8 e c i p. erv dule S c e oti Sch 5 i r t all -1 7 a P ftb 14 p. 1 . o S S p air VB lleyF Va Return Service Requested Non-Profit US Postage Paid Buffalo, MN Permit #33