VIRTue's "rFft*FS't* l|unrut?y ''wfu'ffi Snerf: f f u * * *#;f,f t w * * - * * u *#e fissgffrflvensst ?wnn %ryqf& ntrfflffimffifrb ${.v: b,,',,: #"'l,Wg%" twfu i- FROM THE EDITORS Our themethisissueis sortof a doubletheme, but thenagainit really isn't. IntimacyandResponsibilityarewayswe live out the feminineandmasculinevirtueswe all have, whetherwo area womanor a man. We areattemptingin this issueto rernindyou of the Masculinoffeminineconceptif you'vo been exposedto it before and to introduceyou to this conceptif you've neverheardof it. IntimacyandResponsibilityaretwo wordswe in MarriageEncounterarefar morefamiliar with. On the MarriageEncounterWeekendin the Marriagein God's Planpresentation, we sharehow wearetryingtolive God'splanbybeingintimate and responsiblein our relationshipwith our spouse. My (Gretchen)call to be intimate with Ken alwaysmeansgoing awayfrom theprotectionof my mask.BeingselfconfidsntandactinglikeI've always got my acttogethermayhelpme bemoreresponsible in our relationshipbut it can overlook,if not even sometimesdestroyintimacy. Living God'splan with Ken meansI mustbe intimate (tnrst my feminine side) and responsible (trustmy masculineside)asI movetowardunity in my relationshipwith Ken. As a man I (Ken) am often temptedto try to solveproblemswith action and strength. If I can't think it throughandfind a solutionI tendto backoff, especiallywhenit involvesa relationalchallenge. Being intimatemeansallowing our interactionsasmanandwomanto guideme andto form me in whatto do. Thatmeanssharingthepart of me that makesmemostvulnerable.I musttrustthatGretchen andotherswill treatme with respectandunderstand myneeds.Thereis a lot of responsibility in thatalso, but the real responsibilitycomesin looking at my attitudesthat fuel my behavior. In order to stop runningI must look at the fear andjudgementsdeep within me aboutdeeprelationship.Why don'tI really trustmyselfandGretchen?How canI makedecisions , Matrimonv to staywith a difficult arealike sexualityor finances andnot mentally or physically walk away? Examinationof theseareasandmy behavior often leadsto a betterunderstandingof myself and how I handlethemasculineandfeminine virtuesthat arepart of my being. WhenI (Fr. Bill) becameaparl of the Marriage Encounter I started observing and noticing marriedcouples- thenmypastinterestin themasculine andfernininetraits beganto takesomeform and a renewedwonderment. As the differentgenderjourneysof the husbandsandwiveswereofferedfor themarriedcouples I noddedapprovinglyin my stronglogical, totally objeotiveand decisivemanner. I was happy that throughthesegenderjourneysfor the husbandand wifo thecornmongoodof eachmariage relationship wouldbeserved.I wasstronglycommittedtothisidea of broadeningthe vision for our marriedcouples. Then,Godblessthem,severalmarriedcouples challenged me,calledmeto getreal,toj ointhehuman race.(Theysaidit moretenderlyandlovingly thanmy strongmale interpretationsof their words). They helpedme seeI too was being called to live the journey. AsI beganto softenthisstrongmalesideofme I noticedpeople werenot asquickto getoutofmy way asthey caughtsightof me in the cornerof their eye. I ratherliked that.However,from time to time (too often) this klutzy, dernanding,dominatingmale surfaces. I continually strugglewith the overly logical approachto causesandlife. HereI somuchwantto bemoreflexible,moreresponsiveandopento others thoughtsandfeelings.I somuchwant to be morein touchwith my feelings. Some trialoguesI have with coupleshave especiallyhelpedme. I get a betterglimpseof the fl eshandbloodwaythisis lived in lives. I seeboththe feminineandmasculinetrying to live the vocational call to unity. There are some powerful and challenging articles in this issue. Our staff could sensethe electricityaswe discussed andironedout the theme anddirectionwe would take. Stepinto the Gapwith us! Enjoy! lB SUMMER 1994 VOL. 8, NO.3 FEATURES PAGE Spiritual Journeysof Man & Woman in Marriage by Bob & Ethel Reber A Wonderful Memory by BiIf & Mary Anne Boylan and Fr. Charlie Coulter Editorial Staff: I(en & GretchenLovingood Fr. BiIl Ortmann Dan & Yolanda Hirsch Mike & Kathy Nyby Lloyd & Lonnie'WaIIace Love is a Many Lettered Thing by Erik Lacitis 9 Meet Our Section6 Leadership Team 11 Larry & Sharon Albaugh and Fr. Wayne Wheeler Staff Artist: Rick & SueBoryk How God RevealsHis Love in Our Lives by Jim & Margi Gregory 12 SomeThoughtson Divorce by StephenGrosso L4 Our Journey in Masculine/T'eminine 18 Spirituality by Ken & GretchenLovingood Circulation l)epartment: Bernard & Lisa Ela Ed & Dee Graham (OutsideU.S.A.) Mark Lovingood Ed & BobbieThomas Gifts 22 Ukranians Learn Marriage Encounter 23 by CatherineMc Cabe U. S. SECRDTARTATTEAM Bill & Mary Anne Boylan Fr. Charlie Coulter WorldwldeMerr.legeEncounte 1908East Highland, Suite A DefiningManhood by Fr. Patrick Hill 26 The Visit by Ed & Rhonda Staats 29 A Marriage Encounter Awakening bv John Sullivan 31 SenBernardino, CA 92404 MATRIMONY does not set polioy or determine practices in Worldwide lv{arriage Enoounter. Its purpose is to develop an increased awareness and appreciation of the Sacraments oflvlatrimony and Holy Orders in the Church today. No part ofthispublication may be reproduced ortransmitted in any formwithout the permission SantaRosaPl.,Santa N{atrimonyispublishedquarterlybyWorldwide}vdarriageEnoounter,Inc. OfiiceofPublication:215 ofWorldwideMarriageEnoounter,Inc. Barbara,CA 93109. AnnualSubsoriptionRate$10.00intheU.S.A.,$15.U.S.,inCanada&Mexioo; $20.U.S.,elsewhere.Send addresschaagestolVfatrimony, 19703. Submitallarticlestotheeditorsat2l5SantaRosaPl.,SantaBartara,CA 93109. Storiesshouldbe ASignForTheChurch,P.O.Box4gT,Claymont,DE "lighter" color photos can be considered. typed, double spaced,on 8-l/2 X I I paper. Black and white pictures are preferred, however Matrirnony F'ROM OUR NATIONAL LEADERS ffi ffi$ffiwwffiw$ffis$ Bill & Mary Anne and Fr. Charlie at the World Councilmeetingin BuenosAires, Argentina. DearFamily, Mary Anne has often admittedthat shetook meon ourWeekendbecauseshewantedto "whip me into shape". What that really translated to was that she had a deep longing for tendernessin our marriage,and at thattime, if I toldMary Anne that I loved her on her birthday, I figured that ought to hold her until her next one. I laugh to myselfnow as I recall that every birthday or Christmas card that I gave Mary Anne startedwith..."I know I don't tell you enoughhow much you meanto me....". I think they kept a supplyof thosecardsjust for me. Oneof the manyplusesof our Weekendwas it that startedme on aj ourney. Aj ourneythattookme from the masculinesideof Bill to the feminineside thatrecognizedandunderstoodthevirtuesof gentleness,tenderness andvulnerability. I wasa gteatone for looking for logic and closurein our relationship. My Mary Anne will seldomcomeright to thepoint. It is importantfor her to setthe sceneandgive great detaitson anythingwe arediscussing.Itusedto drive me qazy. Now asI try to be responsibleandreally listen,thereis apartof methatenjoyswatchingherput flesh and warmth aroundwhat I may have seenas a very sterileand straight-forwardsubject. Many of "us guys" canbe reluctantabout journeyingto thefemininesideof ourselves.I know I wasafraidthatl wouldn't comeback. I haveshared with many of you that wheneverMary Anne and I talkedaboutsuchareasof ourrelationshipassexualI quicklyfell backon ity, coupleprayeror tenderness, 4 my old standby"Mare, it may be easyfor someguys to beopenin theseareas,butyouknowhon,I amjust not that kind of guy." Well, I have found out that with a lot of patienceon Mary Anne'spaxtI canbe that "kind of guy". I canbe responsibleandmakemyselfvulnerablein thoseareaswheremy masculinesidesaysbe cool,andbein control. Whata differenceit makesin our relationshipwhenI let the gentleandtenderside ofme guidemybehavior.I amevenlookingfor cards that aren't apologetic! I havetalkedaboutmyj ourneyto thefeminine sideof my selfbut while I wason myjourney, Mary Annetookoneofher own. Shehasbeenexploringher masculineside. Last week shetold me, Bill, stop beatingaroundthe bush andjust tell me what you want! God,I hopeshe travelsbackto herfemininesidesoon. Seriously,thereis alot to begainedfor our relationshipwhenMary Anne exploresthe masculinevirtues that are very much a part of her. I couldn't closewithtelling few out a talesaboutourpal,Fr. Charlie,andhis encounters duringhis journey to his feminineside. Like all goodpriests, Charlie has been well trained to be independent, logicalandvery consciousof time. You havemissed anenjoyablesceneif youhaven'tseenCharliesquirm in his chairif it takestoo long to cometo a decisionat ameeting.And despitehis Irish charm,we know the look that says"I think I will do that personbodily harmif theydon't sit downwhenit's timeto beginthe Eucharist." But despitetheyearsof training,wehave seenCharlie step out and make himself extremely wlnerablo.We watchhim purposefullybetenderand thoughtful. The thankyou notesandthe phonecalls of affirmation are not after-thoughtsfrom him but positivestepsthathetakesto sayit's Fr. Charlie,and I care. Weaskthatallofyoutakethetimetoexplore the masculineand feminine side of yourself. We know that it will be ajourney worth taking. With love andadmiration, Bill, Mary Anne andFr.Charlie Motrimony JOUR}[EYS SPIRTTUALJOUR}IEYS OF'MANAND WOMAN IN MARRIAGE By Bob & Ethel Reber, Aptos,CA It was towardsthe end of 1975, a yearand a half sinceour first MarriageEncounterWeekend.We wereservingasexecutivecoupleof theSanFrancisco - SanJoseencounter.Therewasa senseof adventure anddiscoveryin MarriageEncounterwhichresulted inmanynewandexcitinginsightsinto of our relationshipandthe Sacrament Matrimony.WehadbeenaskedbyFr. ChuckGallagherto assisthim in giving a Deeper(TeamTraining)Weekendandhewascomingto ourhometo reviewour talkswith us. We worked especiallyhard on God's Plan for MarriageandtheSundaytalks- Sacrament, Matrimonial Spirituality and OpenandApostolicCouple.But Chuckonly wanted to seethreeof our talks: Encounterwith Self,Marriage in the Modern World and our sex sharingin AreasFor ReachingOut. He sawthosethreesharings of theWeekend.' 'We go afterthe asthecornerstones man in Encounterwith Self, the womanin Marriage in thoModernWorld andtheir relationshipin thesex sharing.If they aren't shakenby thesetalks,therest ' It was of theWeekendis simplya nice experience.' true- I (Bob)hadbeenblown awayin Encounterwith Self andI (Ethel)hadbeenzappedby Romanceand Disillusionment.Thiswasamomentof discoveryfor us aswe cameto thorealizationof an obviousfact of life - Men andWomen are different. In the 15+yearsthatMalriage Encorurterwas our majorapostolate, we wereblessedto work in the formation and presentationof workshopson "PersonalityStyles", "Sex and Sexuality", "Values" and "Masculine& Feininine". All (andmore)have of theseexperiences had a profound andlasting effect on us aspersonsand as a Matrimonied Couple.In 1984we wereintroduced to thework thatFr. RichardRohrwas doing on the differencesin men and women.Both heandJohnSanfordin his book "Invisiblo Parfirers"were exploringhow the male andfernale in eachof us affectsour relationships.Much of their material wasbasedon the work of Carl Jung which examinedthe masculinedimensionin a woman and the fsminine dimensionin a man. As wereadandsharedabouttheanimaandthe animusit becameclear that when we were having strongdisagreements(our most difficult confrontations) - it wasEthel's animusandBob's animathat wouldtakeover.Theseconfrontations couldbocomo nasty,hurtful andrarelyweretheyproductive.Ethel would pursueandbecomevery aggressiveandBob Matrimony JOURNEYS would rotreatandwantto avoidit. Knowingthis,we have learnedto disagreein a far more constructive way and to recognizewhen one or both of us are falling into this trap. Richard Rohr taught that a man's and a woman's spiritualjourneyswere different and that they dependedon a processof integrationof the masculineandfemininein eachofus. As dialoguing couplesbegan to explore this area,they came to awarenesses andinsightsoutof theirIivedexperience that broughtboth lasting changeand drew thernto greateronenessin mind, heart and affection. We journey is key to believe this masculine/feminine individualspiritual$owth andto MatrimonialSpirituality. It is ajourneyto wholeness whichis holiness andto unity which is God'sPlanfor us. IIAS A MAN AND A WOMAN WE EACH POS S E S S BOT H MA S C U L IN E AND FEMININE VIRTUES!I' Learninghowto confrontconstructivelywithconcern for theotherperson(s)andtherelationshiphasbeena positivestepfor me. I alsorecognizedthatat times andin certainaroas,especiallywhereI perceivedthat Ethel was in control,I could becomesubjectto the negativefernininebehaviors ofbeingthe"martyr" or "saying of yesbut living no". I (Ethel) haveespeciallyseengowth in our parentingbrought aboutprimarily by my allowing Bob to be father and to exercisetough love when needed. As husband,Bob servesand caresfor his family by providingintelligent,sensitiveleadership. In a similar way, I have learnedto encourageand supportBobin ourleadership roles.In ourearlierdays in MarriageEncounterleadership,Iwasoverlyconcernedaboutpeoples' opinionof us,andespeciallyof mo.I wouldallow Bob to go out on thepoint, let him taketherisks,andthenI would criticizehis approach. NowI ammorewilling to risk, to takea stand,andto confrontwhennecessary in my fsmininestyle. This behaviorchangeallowsBob, who oftentakeson the responsibilityof confrontation, to belessreactiveandto bemore sensitiveto what'sgoingonwith thepeople. In our sexualrelationshipthere have been many life-giving changes.We havecometo recognizethe value of approaching all of life from both a masculine anda feminineperspective- not right or wrong,goodorbad,but simplydifferurt. Bob has developeda greatertendernesswith me and awarenessof my needs,and I can now see our lovernakingfrom his perspectiveas lover and husband,not simplyfrommyownviewandmydesireto be in control. As we have grown in intimacy and responsibility;the result hasbeena love that gives freedom,thatseeksandgrantsforgiveness, thatcherishesandhonors. Scripturetells us that God createdhumankindin His imagemale and female. As man and womanwe eachpossess bothmasculineandfemininevirtues. Jesus is our model,perfectlyintegrating the positive feminine qualitiesof nurturingand compassion(tender love) into the positive masculine qualitiesof righteousness and courage(toughlove). As I (Ethel)haveattemptedto integratethepositive masculinequalitiesinto my femininespirituality,I havebeenableto helpBobbecomemoresensitive, yet still the strongman. Bob is helpingme to becomea deeplyfeminineyet strongwoman. We areworking at complementing oneanotherasopposedto our old styleof competingwith oneanother. WhenI (Bob) comparedmy spiritualitywith Ethel'sI felt really inadequate.Comingto recognize that asmanI havemy own spiritualityhasreally set "....... NOT RrGHT ORWRONG, GOOD mefreeto growandstoptryingto competewith Ethel. I beganto recognizehow the negativemasculine oR BAD, SIMPLY DIFFERENT!" behaviorof "fight or flight" (kill or quit) would As we continue our spiritual journeys asman, controlmybehaviorespeciallyin difficult situations. Matimony THE CHOSEN JOURNEYS AWONDERFUL MEMORY aswoman, asmatrimonied couple,we are growing i our understanding and acceptanceof one another, who we are in God's creation - a son and daughter the Father. In our world today,wheremarriageand by family areunderattack,we shouldnotbesurprised the difficulties we faceor the timesthat we will fail one another. Jesushaspromised the gift of His amidst the trials in our marriage, family life and work in the Church. The challengeis to make J Lord of our lives andLord of our marriage.It is prayerlife andyieldingto thepowerof theHoly Spirit thatmakesthis deeper spiritualj ourneypossible. resultsarea strongfaith, greatertrustin God(and another) and courage to seek and speak the truth. " Finally, wo witnessto the promisesof Jesus;that camesothatwewouldhavelife to thefull andthat joy mightbe complete". Editor'snote: Bob andEthel Reberresidein Aptos, California. They havothreoadultchildren,onewho is married, and three grand children. They are acti' mernbersof HolyEucharistParish.In their 15 of activeministryin MarriageEncounter(from 197 to 1989), Bob andEthel servedasExecutiveTeam the SanFranciscoBay Area andlater for theM Bay Area. Theyworkedwith Fr. ChuckGallagherin theMatrimonyResourcePrograms,onValuesWeekends,TeamTraining andservedasSection12 cootdinatingTeamCouple.From 1989 through1994 $ey EngagedEncounterWeekends.Together presented thoy are involved in Respect Life in their di while Bob is on the National ServiceCouncil Christiansin CommerceandEthel is on the Servi Team of Monterey Bay Area Magnificat. They are currently working to developnow programs for marriage enrichment and leadershiptraining' RecommendedReferences: l\ THE INI/ISIBLE PARTNERS - (PaulistPress)b JohnSanford 2) A MAN'S APPROACH TO GOD - (4tapes/St. AnthonyMessengerPress)by RiohardRohr 3\ I0 WEEKSTOA BETTERMARNAGE- (Servant Pub.)by Cirner 4) THE CHNSTIAN COUPLE - (BethanY Pub.)by Christenson byDr. 5) LOVEFORA LIFETIME-(QuestarPub.) JamesDobson lB Section14 SelectionProcess by Bill & Mary AnneBoylanandFr. CharlieCoulter Whenthethreeofus werecalledforth asyour nationalleaders,we prayedfor waysto be intimate with you, our very preciousandvery large family. This pastweekendwe facilitatedthediscernment processthat called forth new leadershipfor Section 14. We hadthe absoluteprivilegeof loving andbeinglovedby our Section14Spanishfamily. It wasrefreshing,renewingandtouching.Rightnowwe areon a planeflyrng hometo Nebraska(Fr. Charlie) andPennsylvania(Mary Anne andBill) with memoriesof........ Monsignor Carlos, Salvadore,Lupita, Bill, Mary Anne andFr. Charlieenjoyng the spontaneity of apizzafor dinneron the floor in Sal andLupita's hotelroomonFridayevening.MonsignorCarlosand Fr. Charlieareof courseon low fat dietssotheyeach only had 2 or 3 healthy pieces of the pizza with pepperoni. A Friday eveningof prayer filled the room with tnrst and openness.Each of your Section14 spoketheir earnestwishtoallow God representatives to us€ them whereverHe chose.The setting was beautifuland the peacein the room told us that tho morrow's processwould be lifegiving to the entire encounter. The morning found three nervous anglos (Charlie,Mary AnneandBill) worryingif theycould be who our Spanishfamily neededat that momont. After explainingthe flow of the daywe took time to say "Thank you" to Monsignor Carlos, Sal and Lupita for all the energyand love they pouredinto Section14 duringtheir leadership.We thenhad the Section14boardlook at anybaggageor barriersthey mighthavethatwouldpreventthemfrombeingopen duringthe SelectionProcess.After praylng for the gracesthatweall needed,writtennominationsyielded 7 wonderful coupleswho the community saw as having the gifts neededby Section14 at this time. Thesecoupleswerethengiven sometime to discern whetheror not they were ableto sayyesto possible 7 said''YES". Wo wereoverjoyed leadership.1JJ-L Matrimony THE CHOSBN that so many were willing to stepforward and say, "Here we areLord if you wantus, we arewilling". Now when you combinedthesegifted coupleswith the4 exceptionalpriests who hadsaid"yes" earlier, you camc out with 28 possiblo ecclesialteamsthat were eligible for selection. We thought we would need2moreblaclfioardsjust to fit thenames!Each coupleandpriest spokeindividually to tell us all of their dreamsand hopesfor Section14. They were eloquentandinspiring. We forurdourselvesthinking thatanyof thesecouplesandpriestswouldbe agreat choicefor leadership.We alsoweregladthatwewere not oneof the oneswho had to makea choice. As theprocesscontinued,we stoodin aweat thegentleness andgraceof all of thenomineesasthe selectionnarrowedto 2 coupleswhowouldservewith Fr. David who appearedas the priest with both couples.At this point we thoughttheprocessmight lastforeverbecause theballotingwassoolose.But the community,includingthetwo couples,saida simple majority would bo eiroughandtheycouldandwould supportwhomeverwasselected.We can'tremember feelingsomuchjoy andlovo in onoroom. Well one more ballot called forth Arturo, Angelica and Fr. David andwhile the room brokeinto loud applause, no one applaudedlouder or longer than the other nominees,particularly Juanand Sanjuanawho had madethernselvesso vulnerablethroughoutthe process.FatherJuanashewasheadingoutthedoorto go backto hisparish,rerrindedall prese,nt thattheirnew teamwasgoingto needall the supporttheycouldget andthey could dependon it! A picture that will stayin our heartsforeveris all of our Section14family serenadingus to thesong "Amigo" aswe wereleaving for the airport. Thinkingof thatmomentandthediscernment fornewleadershipin Section14,wo canbestdescribe it asa weekendfull of "Holy Ground" experieirces. We journeyedtogetherin faith and in the spirit, we sharedstories,we laughedas Bill, Mary Anne and Charlieput Irish accentson all your wonderfulSpanish names. You and we risked to touch andnot let languageor formality be a barrier to beinggenuine family. We oftentell ourbelovedUnited StatesSecretariat Council that we three do not want to be "they". We wantto "press theflesh" with our dear family andbe connectedas Section,as areasand as National - all working to make ono very special dreamcometrue. Thanks,Sal,Lupita andMsgr. Carlosfor the privilege andpleasureof your company.Thanksalso for the way you make sure we are not ..theys" in Section14. Thanksalsoto Rudy & CteoTamezfor being our specialguardianangelsandtranslatingforus all weekend. Welcometo theU. S.Secretariat familyto our brandnew Section14 leaders:Arturo, Angelica and PadreDavid. FOREWRREMEMBER ASAS LOVINGYOA! YOUHAVE NOT CHOSENME, I HAYE CHOSENYOU! Matrimony LIVING THE LIFB LOVE ISA MANY LETTERED THING by Erik Lacitis (Reprintedwith pennissionfrom the Seattle,WashingtonTimes.) This is the kind of storywomenclip out and put on therefrigeratordoorfor their spouses to rsad. Thisis thekind of storythatguyshopejustkind offalls off the refrigeratordoor and down the garbagedisposal. It's a Valentine'sDay story about loe and HelenHesketh,both 61, who've beenwriting daily love lettersto eachotherfor thepast20 years. Time to talk about... That'sright guys,it's thattime of yearagain, time to talk aboutwhat womenlove to talk about. Your f-f-f-e-e-e-...f-f-f-e-e-e... Let's turn off ESPN andtry again. That's right, guys,it's that time to talk about whatwomenlove to talk about.F-f-f-f-f-:o-e-l... today...." OK, maybethat wasn't exactly dripping in romance,but give foe a chance.He wenton: "being in love with you is a'sfun at times to watchyou work, undress,dross,exercise- just to concentrate onyou...mayI cherishyou always...your love..." And how doesHelerrreactto sucha letter? "Any wife whoreceivesa letter or a notethat you lets know he cares,it givesher a specialfeeling. You don't feel takenfor granted.You feel moreof a desirefor him," shesaid. I think you know what she'sgettingat. The Heskeths,who areCatholics,decidedto startwriting the lettersafter going to a church-sponsored"marriage encounter,"where couplestry to rekindle thoseold flames. By then they had been married19yearsandhad eight children. By then,therehadbeena few occasions when Helenhadwalkedoutofthehousesaying,she'dnever Feelings! comeback.Backthe,n,Joeworkedhardathisj ob,she Now, don't you feelbetter,havingbeenableto sayit, wasat homowith the children. Showantedto talk to andlookingforwardto, say,sittingthere,for anentiro anadultwhe,nJoegot home,he wantedto sit andread paper, and Helen simmered. unintemrpted,unceasing,unendingeveningof talk- tho You know that story. ing aboutyour relationship?Whoo-whee! Sothe coupledecidedto write lettersto each Butthink aboutitthisway,guys.JoeHesketh hasmanagedto do this for two decades.And ashe other overy day. No long letters,just somenotes take 10minutesadayto write, on a topiclike, pointsout, "There area lot ofbenefits.It might eveir that'8 "What quality of yours am I most thankful for improveyou sexlife." today?" Let's do tho math. Threehundredsixty-five times20 equals7,300lettersthatJoeandHelenhave Scrupulous about writin g eachwritten. Here's the kind of stuff that Joe Hesketh In their Bellevuehome, the Heskethsnow writes. He's a salesmanagerfor an office supply company,sodon't expecthighliterarystyle.'' It' sthe have boxesand boxesof notebooksfilled with 20 years'worth of letters.Exceptfor amonthin thefirst thoughtthat counts," Joesaid. yearofwriting letters,andonetimo whenthey stayed out too late,they'vebeenscrupulousaboutthe love This wasin May 1978: notes. Not evenwhenJoehad open-heartsurgeryin "My Dearestlove, your specialness is your 1985did they stopwriting. At 6 in the morning, before going into the hardwork cleaningboth at the office (whereHelen operating room,JoereadwhatHelenhadwritten: "I helpsout) and at home. Thankfor your cleanliness Matrimonv LIVING THE LIFE really do love you andI'm sorryif I don't showyou thislove anddevotionmoreoften...howgoodyou are andspecialyouare...I feelproudandtrustedtobeyorr wife..." Wakingup from theoperation,hemanagedto scribble, "My dearestlover. Your specialness is beinghereat my side...Ilove you." Theykeepwriting theirnotes,aboutthegood times,andthe bad times. Helen has told Joe, "I think we've gotten awayfrom beingintimate.Weusedto becarefreeand happy. Now I seeus burdenedandtroubled." Joehastold Helen,"Except for a fewpassing thoughts,I havonot solicitedyour lovely'seasyto rationalize...we're busy, etc...I'mwilling to try if you axe..." Somehowit's all worked out for them,becausethentherewill be the lettersin which Joetells Helen, "Thanks for you tendercaresses, the tender ' look in yourbeautifulblueeyes,' andHelentellsJoe, "Your specialness todayis your relaxedmannerand takingtime for us - thanks- I love you." Ready for Valentine's Day guys? Please, don't botherphoningin your thanksfor plantingthis ideawith your spouses. (@1994 SeattleTimes, Erik Lacitis, Times staff columnist) t! 1995MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER National Convention Place: ConventionCenter- Denver,Colorado Date: June30 - July 2,1995 Theme: CONTINUING OUR JOURNEy: COME TO TI{E MOUNTAIN Prayer: Loving FATIIER-AND-MOTHER of us all, We praiseand thank you for gracingus with the majesty of the mountains,the simple beautyof theplains,andthewide expanseof the oceans.We thankyou for thegifts of forestsand sunsets,for lakesand all living croatures. But mostof all, we thankyoufor Jesusandfor others who love! You are constantlycalling us to journey back to you. You havegiven us eachother as signsalongour way. Let your Spirit guideus in our imaginations and our fantasies - let our dreamssoar as we for the coming togetherof our MarriageEncounterfamily. Let all ourinhibitions andfearsdisappearaswe striveto make our hopescome into being. Give us the strength,courage,andinsightwe will need,aswe work to bring our vision to reality. Help us to make the beautyand wonder of your kingdom knownto all humankind.Let usbeyour compassionateheartandloving hands,aswe reachout to our family. Guardour stepsand strengthenolr heartswhen they falter. Guide our convention preparation,so that when we cometogetheron themorurtainwemay truly fi nd you in eachother and showyour love to the world. This we ask in the namo of Jesus,our Brother. Amen. MARKYOUR CALENDAR! Helen and JoeHesketh Matrimony MEET OUR SBCTION 6 LEADERSHIPTEAM We are Larry and Sharon Albaugh and Fr. Wayne Wheeler. Wohave theprivilege and opportunity to represent Section VI at the Secretariat. We, Latry and Sharon,have three wonderful sons: Jason 13, Matthew 9, and Geoffrey 3. In our family we experience teenage,pre-teen and toddler problems and joys all at the same time. This added with Marriage Encounter leadershipmakesour household very busy but very happy. Our backgrounds are very different. I (Larry) am an only child and although my parents have a great faith, I did not grow up in a church-going background. I converted to Catholicism shortly after wo met. I (Sharon)am one of seven children brought up in a Catholic family. Not only was I gifted with a close family but I had a very large and close extendedfamily nearby. As with all couples our journey to Marriage Encounterwas unique. We actually becameexposed to Marriage Encounter before we were married. We made an Engaged Encounter. It was a wonderful weekend and it was there we learned to share our feelingsin letters. Our conversationswere intimate as we sharedour hopes and dreams. It was during this weekendthat the seedwasplantedto make a Marriage Encounter Weekend. After we were married and beganto have a family, the responsibility setin. This seemed heavy and businessJike compared to our carefreeandintimate conversations.About sevenand ll2 years after we were married, we made our Marriage EncounterWeekend. It was at that weekendthat we rediscoveredour intimate relationship.We learned thatresponsibilitydid not haveto be heavyif it was cornbinedwith intimacy. At our first community night, guesswho greetedus at the door - the couple whopresented ourEngagedEncounterweekend.We (Incidentally, feltathomo. thewife grewupnextdoor to Fr. Wayne) Our daily dialogueis a key part of our intimate/responsiblerolationship. If oneofus sharesthat we feel overburdened,it is a sign that we must reevaluateourresponsibilityto eachother. Maybeone of us is not carryingour weightor maybeoneof us is beingovercriticalandnot sharingtheburden.If one ofus shares we arelonolyor sharesa longingfor days gonepast,we know we must work on our intimacy. We arejust not spendingenoughtime on us. I(Fr. Wayne)am the oldestof five boysborn to WayneandElizabethWheeler(bothof my parents convertedto Catholicismjust before I was born! Thanksbe to God!). Responsibilityis somethingto which I havegrown very accustomed.From baby sittingmy brothers,to leadershipin theclassroom and Boy Scouts,to trainingAltar Servers,to leadership rolesin theSerninaryandCollege,to parish,diocesan andMarriageEncounterroles,I havobeenresponsible.But,with ordination,cameanew " responsibility". Intimacy. Responsibilitycamefrom my head whereI operatedmostcomfortably,but intimacyhas to comefrom the heart. While I caredfor ideals, principlesand peoplepassionately,it was still not intimacy.Like a mighty warrior,I couldcarefor the peopleandthingsfor whichl wasresponsible, butthe Matrimony l1 SECTION 6 LEADERSHIP AN{{IAZINGGRACE tenderness,the compassion,the nurturing of relationship that arepart andparcel of intimacy were not gifts that came to me naturally. Marriage Encounter has helpedto openmy eyesto the possibility of a passionate "love affair" with the people for whom I am responsibleand, becauseof the coupleswith whoml work and especially becauseof my Ecclesial Team relationships, I have learned to tap into the innate powors of intimacy that are so wonderfully lived out in the relationships around me by the wives and mothers. They called me to softenthe warrior within that I might be truly responsible as a father to my people and a loving spouseto my parish. As an ecclesial team our telephonecalls and get-togethersare a key part of our intimate relationship. We often begin our conversationsnot with businessbut a sharing of where we aro in our world. Our world revolves aroundour boys andwhat they are doing. Fr. Wayne's world involves his parish and parishioners. We pray for each other and those we eachlove. Our responsibility comesfrom nevermaking a major decision without calling Fr. Wayne. His responsibility is to always call us back to the principles of the weekend whenever we have to make a decision, calling us back to communicating deeply with one another, calling us to risk and to make a decisionto love. As leaders, we must be intimate with the couples in our section, by sharing with them. Our phone conversationsaro often long, aswe try to share with them who they are, who we are, and who they lead. Not just the facts, but rather areal concernfor them and the people they serve. This intimacy is important as we call them to responsibilities to the values and mission of Worldwide Marriage Encounter. Fortunately, we have great couples who more often than not call us to responsibility and intimacy. They arnazeus with their love and dedication to Changing the World. They are among the most generous,spirit filled coupleswe have evermet. We are blessedto have the opportunity to serve Section VI. IB t2 HOW GOD REVEALS HIS LOVE IN OUR LIVES by Jim & Margi Gregory, Sewickley,pA ThephonerangearlyonFridaymorning.The Marriage Encounter prayer chain was asking for prayersfor the elderly father of ono of our team couples.MaryLo cante'sfatherhadbeenrushedto the hospital. Mary andLou werethe "admin', teamon the weekendthat wasto begin that evening. Jim and I prayedfor thewholefamily. In thebackof ourminds we eachrealizedthatanotherteammight haveto take their place. We did not want to be that couplo!We were too worried and distractedto be presentto anyoneon the weekend.The businessandfinancial concernsthat have plaguedus for four yearswere drainingus. The eveningbeforewe hadexperienced anothermajor setback.Webothfelt numbandbruised atthesametime. It wasasif wehadbeenin anintense Rocky-typeboxingmatchwherewo werebeatenand bloodied,on the ropes,t:ring to pull ourselvestogether,andthenwe werejumped from behind! Mary's fatherwastoo ill for therntoleavehis side. No other team couple was able to replacethem the weekend. We decided that we had to say "yes". At the moment of our "yes", a small quiet thoughtcameto my mind. "You take careof My kingdomand I will take careof you." A senseof peacecameover both of us. Our weekendwas in God's hands. We focusedour energy on the 27 couplescomingto the weekend. Therewere many phonecallsaswe tried to rearrangewho wasto pick up the teampriestat the airportandall the otherlast minutedetailsthathad to be reconsidered. We receiveda call from Fr. GregAltermatt, our teampriest,who wasflying in from Connecticut. His Connecticutto Pittsburghflight hadbeendelayed because ofamajorsnowstorm.Hewasanxioustoget to theweekendandtook a flight to Bostonbelieving thathe couldconnectwith a flight to pittsburgh. To his dismay,theBostonairportwasthenclosed.The first flight out would be early on Saturdaymorning. He wasstranded in theBostonairportwith noplaceto spendthe night. We gavehim Bill andMary Anne Matrimony AMIAZING GRACE Boylan's nurnber in Philadelphia. They knew all of thecontactcouplesin theBo stonarea.By God' sgrace Bill and Mary Anne were home. With a few phone calls they were able to find a couple who could get to Fr. Greg and bring him to their home. What are the chancesof all thathappeningon avery snowyFriday evening? We tried to reachthe couplewho was going to the airport to meet Fr. Greg but theyhad already left. We also put calls out to seeif a priest from a nearby areacould drive in for the Friday night presentations. Two of our team priests were due in from far away placeson Saturdayevening-no help there! We drove to the weekendwith the belief that we were clearlyin God's hands and all would be well. Ruth and Rick came from the airport where they had spentthe past three hours. The flight arrived from Connecticutand Fr. Greg was not on board. 27 couplesarrivedfor the weekend. The hotel was overbooked. For some strangereasonthey did not have a room for our priest but assuredus that one would be available on Saturday. We gave the introduction and explained Fr. Greg's delay. Saturdaymorning brought us the news that he was still in Boston. We still had a peaceful sense. The coupleswere getting into the weekend. Margi and I were immersed in every aspect of the weekend; keeping time and looking ahead to talks where the priest had some specificpoint to teach. It was Ruth & Rick' s first weekendasapresentingteam. They reminded us that their workshop couple had given them confidenceby telling them not to worry "the priestwould coverthatpart of the talk" because and here they were sitting up at the table alone. Dan andCindi had moved in from anotherareaandhadnot done a weekendfor a while. No team couple could replace a priest but we tried to cover the gap. The couples on the weekend were working and did not know what was missing. We sat in the front row and when a teachingpart cameup that Father would have covered w€ stood up and spoke. It was a unique experience. Fr. Greg arrived after dinner on Saturday. Thank you God! He slipped comfortably into the weekend and gracedus all with his sensitivity and dedication. It was a wonderful Marriage Encounter weekend. God was working in mysterious ways. Our entire team received a lessonin trust that God is intimately involved with the details of our lives. When Fr. Greg learnedthat his flight had made it to Pittsburgh he wondered about his trust in God's providence. Personally,Jim andl felthuggedby God. We were gifted by a weekendthat we did not expect. We were li fted out of our personalconcerns. After Fr. Greg arrived we could relax. Our Sunday90 & 90 was another grace. We were able to refocus on what is important in our lives. What a gift in the midst of our turmoil! We also realized that this weekend was the twenty-third anniversary of the first weekend we presentedin Philadelphia!Do you believe in "coincidences"? We felt doubly huggedby Our Father. Just as the weekend was ending, one of the couples,Sue and Joe, received a phone call telling them that the husband of the couple that recruited them had beenhospitalized. Would they cometo visit him? That husbandwas Tony Strasizarof Tony and Sue. Tony had heard about the Marriage Encounter weekendat a pulpit talk at our Worl d Marriage D ay in 1990. He was in remissionfrom a bout with cancer. Tony and Sue wanted to do something special for themselves. They went on the March '90 weekend and became involved in giving weekends. Sue and Tony had an intensedesireto recruit a whole band of their friends aswell astherest of the world. They also organized our World Marriage Day celebrations. Last year Tony's cancerrecurred. Tony and Suenevergaveup. They continuedtogive weekends and recruit up until that weekend. That Sunday evening,whi ch wasWorl d Marriage D ay, SueandJoe were able to visit with Tony and Sue at the hospital. Tony was unable to talk but he was able to listen as they related how the weekend had deeply touched them. Tony went back to our Father on Monday, Feb. 14, 1994. Mary's dad returnedto God on Tuesday,Feb. 15th. 27 couplesbegantheir first week of Dialogue with renewedhope for their relationships. It is amazinghow God revealsHis love for His people! Matrimony E l3 WORLD'S PLAIIVS GOD'SPLAI{ reaching deep into the relationship. Some couples endure a problem without solution rather than do SOME THOUGHTS ON DIVORCE anything about it, which is a mistake. Some couples are hopeful that the problem will go away of itself if by StephenGrosso Walton, New York oneis patientenough.Well yes,but mostly not. Yes, if theproblernis a superficialone. No, if theproblem Divorce has to do with people who, having is deep and potentially divisive. The couple has to entereda relationship of mutual consentand public decide whether it is worth fighting or negotiating commitment,now decideto endthatrelationship.To over. end a relationshipof such close intimacy, for whatWe come at last to couples who see their ever reason, means pulling apart some very finely problem asinsurmountable. They arc persuadedthat woven threads which hold together the relationship, there is no reasonto hope that their marriage can ever however imperfectly, just asbonesandligamentsand maderight. To suchpeople the marriageis over, flesh hold together a body. That is why there is so be they had best get out of it. The question I am and much pain in divorce. The pain incurred is due not bound to ask is, have they done enough to savetheir only to pulling apart from the physical presencebut marriage? Statistics say that one out of every three also from the psychological and spiritual connection married couplesis headedfor divorce. Why should thatjoins two people. For that matter,as I seeit, all suchathingbe? I thinkbecausethemajority ofpeople relationships,including friendships,arenot onlypsyare wedded to the spirit of our times. This spirit chological and spiritual in nature but also physical requirespragmatic gratification on everything we lay even when innocently platonic. hands,on from sex,to food or career.Everything must Why do couplesdivorce? But first let me try culminatein somesortofultimate gratification. As a to say why I think couplesstay together. Jesussays consequencewhen difficulties arise, as they inevitathat the man and woman in marriage are to become bly do,thespongeis thrown in. one. This doesnot meanthe man andwoman should But what happenswhen children areinvolved? be clonesof each other. It meansthey are to live in If the man and woman suing for divorce are sensitive harmony with eachother. Harmony in music is when in any degree,their divorce will and compassionate musical instruments come together fittingly each greater pain entail far andhurt if their flesh andblood contributing and enhancing the music. But before involved. For then the physical and are children harmony existsbetweentwo peopletheremustbe the psychological and spiritual tearing and pulling apart will to work together. The will to work together includesnot only the man and the woman involved in ffanslatesinto the will to love eachother. This will the dispute, it also includes children, innocent chilmust exist if thereis to be harmony,andultimately,if dren, who know nothing about marital incompatibilthereis to be enduringlove. ity or mental cruelty or adultery. On the other hand, the argument favoring I'THE COUPLB HAS TO DECIDE divorce, eventhough children are involved, goeslike FIGHTING IS WORTH IT WHETHER this: coupleswho hate eachotherbut staytogetherfor the sakeof the children often do more harm by forcing OR NEGOTIATING OVER'' childrento live in a climate of dissension,hatred,and animosity. It is asif this climate were an impersonal Why then do couples divorce? Simply beplague the to live or contagion visited on the couples against point relinquish will couples causeat some which they are helpless. But is it tnre that forcing in harmony with eachother. Or, to put it anotherway, childrento live in sucha climatemakesdivorcea good they havenot negotiatedthep artsthey areto play with choice? Yes, it would be true if the couplessimply each other in order to achieve this harmony. The couple's theaterof disagreementand dissensionhas gaveup on eachother! On the otherhand,it seemsto grown. Any number ofproblemsmay havedeveloped me that for the sakeof the children, the couple should t4 Matrimony WORLD'S PLANVS GOD'S PLAII work to come together in hard negotiation to resolve their differences, no matter how difficult or painful. Yes, but many psychotherapistssaythat there are couples of such radical incompatibility that there is no hope their relationship canpossibly be saved.Is this truo? I suspectthero are suchrelationships. But where doesone draw the line? And have couplestruly done all they can to resolve their differences,at least to a point that enablesthem to go on with their life? Finally, is there a way to avoid the dreadful alternative of divorce especially when children are involved? I think there is. Indeed I am convinced there is, although no doubtregardedas out offashion by the society of our times. It is the way of radical prayer. Let me say, I have absolute faith in prayer, b ecauseI have seenit work for married p eople,indeed I have seenit work in my own marriage. ''NOW PRAYER SIMPLY MEANS YOUR IN GOD INVOLVING RELATIONSHIP''. marriage is a sacrament. Now if marriage is a it involvesGod,andif it involvesGod,God sacrament plays a part in the marriage. The marriage then, accordingto theChurch,is opento the graceof God. Whatis grace?Graceis simplyGod'sspirit actingin usandguidingus. God's spirittheninforms,sustains, and guidesa couple'srelationship. If so, then the marriagebecomesa collaborationbetweenGod and the couple. In sucha relationshipthe couple'sdifficulties as they arise are continually temperedand arbitratedin thelight of God'sspirit. HeretheChurch insiststhatif thecouple'srelationshipincludesGodit will do well, it will bearfruit, andit will last. What divorcesaysis that the couplehaving met with difficulties in their marriage they cannot resolvehasno rocoursebut to quit it. If believersaro involvedandthistakesplace,whatit confesses is that God'sspirit,or if you will, God'sgtace,is powerless to act in them. But is it? RepeatedlyI have seen marriageson the point of shipwreckrestored,repaired, brought back from tho dead, so to speak. Indeed,unlesstherelationshiphasreachedapoint of -- if thereis sucha thing! -- the irrevocabledeadness relationshipcanbe, andindeedit is, revivedby God. In fact, let me say, all marriagesare continually renewedand revived becausethey are always in dangerof disrepair. The spirit of God brings us back to what attractedus in thefirst placo.We tendto forget,after we havebeenmarrieda period of time, all the good we thingswe sawduringour courtshipdays,because havebecomefocussedon the bad things,and anger and hurt and resentmenthave magnifiedthesebad things out of all proportion. But go back to what attractedus at thebeginning,andwe will seethat all the goodthingswe sawin him or her are still there, albeit submergedby the angorandhurt and discouragement. the In a word,God'sspiritopensandreopens heartto all the possibilitiesthat we first sawin our spouselong ago,in the greenof our relationship. Now prayer is no sissy thing. "Prayer," accordingto Gandhi, "is not an old woman'sidle andapplied,it is the Properlyunderstood amusernent. most potent instrumentof action." The power of prayeris withoutlimit. Christianprayerandconcreto actsof love, incidentally,overcamethe Romanempire. And if suchprayercornbinedwith actionhad power to topple ernpiresand dynasties,suchprayer has power to restore and redirect and renew the damagedmarital relationship. Now prayersimply meansinvolving God in your relationship. Doesthis exhaustwhathasto be saidon the subjectof divorce? By no means!Does it diminish the importanceof books written on the subject?Of coursenot. Doesit put downpsychotherapyto which hurting couplesgo to for direction andhelp andhealing? Absolutelynot! Justthe fact is that couplesmay decideto go to a psychotherapist indicativethat the couplois persevering.And thatis ''GO BACK TO WHAT ATTRACTED good.Or that couplesdecideto reada book which itself YOU AT THE BEGINNING AND YOU torepairamarriageis waysandmeans discusses WILL SEE THAT ALL THE GOOD a signof hope. To go backto God. The churchteachesthat THINGS YOU SA\il IN HIM OR HER ARE STILL THEREII' Matrimony IB 15 MARRIED COUPLE AT{D TTIE LESSOT BE AND ZACHARTAS ELIZABETH THAT EVERYTHING TS POSSTBLE (L UST AND STR Y AND ,TOSEP LtrKE 7 & 2) PE GRE (ACTS - 11) AQUTLA AND PRISCILLA GROWTNG TOGETHER (ACTS 78 ) Matrimony THE VING GOD t trROM THE BIBLE ,STHEY TEACH TIS ADATT AND EVE (GENESTS 2 & 3) RAHALI AND S ,ATTH AND SU. (GENESTS 17 ) THE REALTTY A COMBTNAT SS THE PROBI' BE (7 HOSEA AND GOMER - FORGTVENESS (THE BOOK oF HOSEA) WHOLENESS HMMM! OUR JOUR}IEY IN MASCULINE/ F'EMININE SPIRITUALITY by Ken & Gretchen Lovingood Hmmm!! That's the reaction or responsethe three of us had as we left a one and a half hour presentation by Fr. Richard Rohr at the Religious Education Congressin Anaheim, CA at leasttenyears ago. Gretchen, Jerri, our oldest daughter,and I had listenedto and been deeply affectedby what Fr. Rohr had said. The title of his workshopwas "Toward a greatermasculinespirituality." It was focused on MasculineSpiritualitybut thereality is thatyou cannotreallylook at onespiritualitywithoutincluding theother.FeminineSpirituality is the obviouspartnerto the masculine. I remernberin my college chemistryclassthattheprofessor saidtherearetwo kindsof experiments:the"GeeWhiz" kindand the "Hmmm" kind. The "Gee Whiz" astounds you and surprises you but tho "Hmmm" kind makes you think. The concept of Masculine and Feminine Spirituality has certainly madeus think and examine our behavior and interacti on with eachother ashusbandandwifo and all others with whom wo come in contact. This is not a "man and woman" thing. It's "battle not a of the sexes" thing that almost always leadsto polarization and competitionbetweenwomen and men. This canbe illustrated by what happenedright after our first experiencewith this through Fr. Rohr's talk. We bought the audio tapeof his talk andthe very first community night in our areawe played the tape and had a group discussion. A natural but surprising thing happenedalmost immediately. The husbands becamea block of their own and begantalking about 18 "men" things and the women formed a block and begantalking about "women" things. This is not to blame thepeople in ourgroup. They simplyfell into the trap that is alwayswaiting there to distractus from seeingthe real benefit of experiencing and living the masculine and feminine qualities and virtues that are presentin both women and men. It is apparent,if not widely known, that the Marriage Encounter Weekend and the experience after the weekend, for the most part, is the man's journey into the realm of feminine virtues. Looking at, recognizing and sharing feelings is a prime example of it. Men are askedto enter into a dimension that, for the most part, most men have ignored and glossedover. Gentleness,compassion,active listening, humility, are all consideredthe more feminine virtues and while all men are capable of displaying them becausethey are a part of our being, most men sublimate them in favor of strength,directness, closure, confrontation and virtues that we have been made to believe are what men should display. In fact, women have greaterlicenseto display anduse themasculinevirtuesin their lives than men have the license to use feminine virtues in theirs. I, Ken,hadanawfultimelettingpeopleseemy sensitiveside.For yearsI avoidedtearsbecause I was convincedthey mademe look weak and lesslike a man. My feelingswere kept insicleand considered almostdangerous thingsto let othersseeandexperience. But on the Marriage EncounterWeekend peoplegaveme permissionto do thosethingsI had misjudgedsomuchup to then. The team,by sharing feelingsandallowing their emotionsto show(especiallythemen),andGretchen,whowastremendously patient,andencouraged measI beganto explorea side of methatI didn't know or trustverymuch. Thatwas my beginningjourney into feminino virtues. Fr. RichardRohr saysthat thejourney of the man into femininevirtuesis essential if heis to everexperience andbeableto displayadeeperMasculineSpirituality. He also said that the sameappliesto women. A womanmust make the journey into the masculine Matrimony WHOLBNESS virtues in order to fully experienceand shareher deeperfeminine spirituality. This is definitely a Hrnmm situation! Sincewe heardFr. RichardRohr'spresentation we havefurtherexploredthe conceptsandtried to usethemaswe continueourj ourneyashusbandand wi fe. Wehavereadmorebooksaboutthesubjectsuch asIron JohnbyRobertBly, TTteInvisiblePartnerby Runwith IheWolves JohnSanfordandWomenWho by ClarissaPinkolaEstos. impactofFr. RichI, Gretchen,remernberthe ard Rohr's workshopvery well. I knew it wasa lot more thanjust a good workshop. Even thoughthe conceptwas new, it was clear that this was very important. EventhoughFr. Rohr'stitle wasaboutDeeper MasculineSpirituality,I knew for me therewas an invitationto beginaj ourneyto seekinganunderstand- our children. But everywhereelse,fr om my relationship with Ken and others, and just my personality in general, I was only really developing my masculine side. So my firstjourney was learning to appreciate my feminine side so I could try to balancemy masculine andferninine virtues. By balanceI meanlearning to trust themboth so I canuse either according to the appropriatesituation. Fr. Rohr says once you have made the first j ourney andappreciateand ernbraceboth your masculine and feminine virtues then there will be occasions and opportunities for a man to make his second journey into the Deeper Masculine Spirituality and a woman will sometimesbe able to make her second journey, which is into the DeeperFeminine Spirituality. You cannot make the secondjourneyunless you have made the first journey of ernbracingboth your masculineandfemininevirtues. For manywomen,but not so for me, they reach adulthoodonlytrustingtheir femininesideandthey easily displayqualitieslike patience,tenderness andcompassion. For thesewomen their first journey is to trust ing of aDeeperFeminine Spirituality. Fr. Rohr spoke of the 2 journeys each individual must make. The first journey is into yourself to begin to appreciate and embracetho sido of you that you least accept. It helped me to understand one set of qualities as more active than the others, These andself-confidence. virtueslike assertiveness virtuescouldalsobe calledmoremasculineandhelp to developyour toughside.Virtueslikepatienceand andcouldbecalledmore tenderness aremorepassive feminineandhelp to developyour tenderside. If becauseof your personalityand family backgroundyou reachadulthoodonly trustingyour activeor toughersidethenthe first journey for you will be learningto ernbraceyour softerside. Becauseof mypersonalityandbackground,I had developedmy tough sidemuch more than my tenderside. I am self confident,assertiveand deciand sive. Somy firstjourneywaslearningto ernbraco andtrust. displayqualitieslike patience,tenderness waseventhoughI am My first big awarenoss my life ignoringmy lot a of have spent I a woman, Theonlyarealfoundinmylifethat femininevirtues. seemedcontraryto that wasin my relationshipwith their assertive,self-confident side. Then they will be in a position to make their secondjourney. For somemen, they reach adulthood trusting their assertive,self-confident sidebut have to learn to appreciatetheir patient, tender side. For other men becauseof their personalitiesand family background theyhave only developedtheir softer side andhaveto ernbracetheir tougher side. So exactly what do we meanby the SECOND JOURNEY? Thejourney into the DeeperFeminine Spiritualityif you area woman,andthejourney into the DeeperMasculineSpiritualityif you area man, meansonceyou trustboth sidesanduseboth sidesin all aspects'ofyour life, you will be able to be very strongonyourmasculinesideifyouaroamanbecause thatbehaviorwillbebackedupandsupportedbyyou feminineside. For examplea man who is trying to makehisjourneyinto theDeeperMasculineSpiritu- Matrimony 19 WHOLENBSS ality may find himself in a situationwhere strong decisiveness is neededand he will use it, but that no matter how strong it is, will be decisiveness, temperedby his compassion.It will not be decisivenessthatwalksoverothers,butdecisiveness thatcares aboutothers. The sameis true for a woman. Whenwe try to makeourjourney into a DeeperFeminineSpirituality we give a lot of energyto beingcompassionate and patient, but wo do so with strength and So no matterhow compassionate pssertiveness. and concernedabout otherswe are, it is ternperedwith not with over-nurself-confidence andassertiveness, turing or smothering. The two termsthat still needto be explained are the NegativeMasculineand the NegativeFeminine. TheNegativeMasculinehappenswhsna man or woman does not ernbracetheir ferninine side, instead they put so much energy into masculine virtues that they begin to exaggeratethern and it becomesnegative. Negative masculinebehavior wouldbetoo aggressive, or overlyhardanddemanding. NegativeFernininehappenswhenawomanor mandoesnot ernbracetheirmasculinesideandbegin to exaggeratetheir feminine virtues so much that it becomes negative.Negativefemininebehaviorwould betoo softor overlynurturing,andyouloseyour own personhood. TIIE FOLLOWING IS FROMA CONVENTION ruLK ON MASCALINE AND FEMININE: A CALL TO WIIOLENESS a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a XASCULINI AND FEHIIIN8I TBHINIilT YTITUES NUl|ILI?I o I B DL E l t c B OPENilBSS XECEPTIVITI TIUST FOTGMIESI rA?It||cE LONC-SUETETIilC TENDEIXEs6 IUI lbr llr3rll,vr ller cu I lne llrar r lrAscuLItfEvrntotS SELr-P088888IOf, N,ESPOISIIILIIT cLoSurt ls sBlrrvEr|!58 T R U t nA I D r r S f cotrlortAtloll DECI ttVEl|!3S GAtnt t[toucE loucf, Lo.vE DOUsLI JOUTIIEI IO SPIN,ITUAL tf,rEGRA?ION JourD.ta fhr Co'rion Hrr cul lne thr Gorroa l.rlntn. llr3rc lvc a a I D ln.vltrblr dt rc3tlon lf flrrt lourrry lr nol t.lcns OY.rltl D..t I trttonrl, recbo, lltrecullnc I INTGN'IGlYG IAG ShillMscnhofiler ?br I. lrclv. llerculinr toralrr Jouraeyt lle Gorron Xaacrllrc r.rul C I locvtteblt I 1f Joutnry It not lndrprldrnt. a contlnuadt a controlllt|g, t33rrrrlrl, r oplnlolatcd. a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 20 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a A CALL TO 9UOLE$E8S Matrimony a a a !ct.t lrc o a ! dlrcct a ll ftrrt l r a Journcy lot trh.n: orcrly o drprndent end hrlpa lrrr a o a a a Ilc Stro4Fenblnc Womrn a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o o a a a a a a a a a a Strrt WHOLENESS Finally, in closing,thereis onemorepointwe eachneedto sharowith youandthatis theimportance of giving eachotherpermissionto makethesejourneys. For a long time in our marriageI, Gretchen, wasafraidto showmy soft sideto Ken. I wasafraid hemightuseit againstmeor wouldnotlike measwell if I appearedsofter or let myself cry or showed speak tooeasily.Thenweheardsomeone compassion giving each otherpermission the importance of about to rnakethesespiritualjourneys. Ken did not say, "Go for it Gretchen",he simply did not reactwhen I startedtrustingsomeof themoretenderbehaviors. He simplygaveme the freedomto learnmoreabout myselfanddidnot tell mehow or whento doit. I also had to give Ken freedom,particularlyin the areaof trustinghim whenhe was discipliningour children. Ken neededmy permissionto be a fatherand once againl didn't exactlysaythewords,but my behavior of showingmysupportwhenhewasbeingvery firm, much firmer than I would havebeen,gavehim tho freedomto be himsell andhe knewI waswith him. Oftenbeforethen,my non-verbalswould showhow uncomfortableI was,or I wouldwalk awayandhefelt aloneandour childrenwere confused. It almostgoeswithout sayingthatI (Ken)have to shareand permission, even encouragement, had experiencethe more femininesideof me in termsof andnurturing. Our compassion feelings,tenderness, wehavehadprove dialogueandthemanydiscussions that. Thatpermissioncomesnot only from Gretchen andthewomenin Mariage Encounter,but evenmore profoundlyfrom the men. It happenedon theMarriage EncounterWeekendand in countlesssharing groupssincethen. The masculineside is as challengingas the otherwasin thebeginning.I haveto trustthatit won't betooharshandit won't betoo analyticalandit won't turn othersoff. It is arealjourney. ButI think there is permissionto exploreit, evenif the feelingsand attitudesdogetin theway attimes.Do youremember the last time a real confrontationhappenedin a MarriageEncountergroupwhenfinally truth andrisk prevailed?It wasn'teasybutI'll bettherewasgrowth in intimacyandresponsibility. 1995 MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER NATIONAL COI{VENTION Place:Conve,ntion Center- Denver,Colorado Date: June30 - July 2,1995 Theme: CONTINUING OUR JOURNEY: COME TO THE MOUNTAIN Prayer: LovingFATHER-AND-MOTHERofusall, We praiseand thankyou for gracing us with the majestyof the mountains,the simplebeautyof the plains, and the wide expanse of theoceans.We thankyou for the gifts of forestsandsunsets, for lakesandall living creatures.But most of all, we thank you for Jesusandfor otherswho love! You areconstantlycallingus to journey back to you. You havegiven us each otherassignsalongonrway. Let your Spirit gurdeus in our imaginationsand our fantasies- let our dreamssoaraswe preparefor the coming together of our Marriage Encounterfamily. Let all our inhibitionsand fears disappearas we strive to make our hopescomeintobeing.Giveusthestrength, courage,and insight we will need, as we work to bring our visionto reality. Help us to make the beauty and wonder of your kingdomknownto all humankind.Let usbo your compassionate heartandloving hands, as we reach out to our family. Guard our stepsand strengthenour heartswhen they so falter. Guideourconventionpreparation, thatwhenwe cometogetheronthemountain wemaytrulyfind youin eachotherandshow your love to the world. This we askin thenameof Jesus.our Brother. Amen. MARI(YOUR CALENDAR! t; Matrimony 27 GIFTS Onceupon a time God gavethe gift of life to atinybabygirl.AndHe said,"I'mgoingto givethis babygirl much. I'm goingto givehera big smileand lotsof enthusiasm andtheability to dream.I'm going to give thisbabygirl thegift of insight,andthegift of writing, so she can sharethis gift of insight with others." And He gavethis babygirl's parentsmuch gracein theirSacramental Ma:riage,andtheybecame wonderfulrole modelsfor her. And aftera while,He gavothis baby girl tho gift of youngerbrothersand sistersto teachherto share,andevena specialbrother tohelpherdeveloppatienceandtolerance.And asthis baby girl grow, He gaveher many opportunitiesto developleadershipskills, as shehelpedcarefor the otherswhen it was necessaryfor her mom to work outsidethe home. God gavethis growing girl the peopleskills shewould needto makenew friendsas shemovedfrom city to city. And asthegirl grew,she wonderedwhat shewouldbe whenshegrewup, afld for a purposeto her existence. searched And asthechildbecameayoungwoman,God gaveher challengesalongthe way. He threwstones in her path, and gave her a winding, sometimes difficult roadto follow. And this windingroadtook her into unknown lands, and exposedher to many lifestylesandenabledher to incorporateinto herself all thosewith whom shecameinto contact.And this youngwomangrewinto a womanwho encompassed somanyof thetraitsof thosepeopleshemetalongthe way,thatnewpeoplewereoftenattractedto her. God gaveto her the gift of empathy,andshelearnedhow to relateto people; andtheybeganto relateto her as theysawalittle of themselves in her. But thewinding, tortuousroaddidn't seemto beleadinganywhere,and the young woma"nwonderedto what end shewas travelling.Yet everytimetheyoungwomanstumbled or tookawrongturnoGodwasalwaysthereto pickher up andsetherontheright course,wheneversheasked for His help. And thenoneday,Godgaveheravery special gift. He gaveheramanwhowouldlovehermorethan 22 anyoneoneartheverhad. He gaveher amanwho was sensitiveand caring and intelligent. A man who sharedthe samevalues.A man who had beengiven many of the samegifts shehad. A man who would sharewith her the vocationto which shewascalled. And the woman acceptedGod's gift, hesitantlyat first, but thenwith joy andwonderthatGod soloved herasto giveherthefinestgift of all! And insidethis very specialgift were many little hidden challengegifts that,thoughtheyweren'trecognizedasgifts at first, boremuchfruit asshebecamestrongandwiser from the challenge-giftssheaccepted. Butstill thewomansearched. Still thewoman felt restlessandincomplete.Shereallybelievedthere wassomethingshewassupposed to do ; apuq)oseto her life that shejust couldn'tput her finger on. But Godwasnot yet finishedpreparingherfor His work. And He movedher again,andHo put her in aparish whoneededthespecialgifts shehadto offer. But still He wasnot readyto call in His cards.He gaveherthe gift oftreasure,sothatshecouldmeetandrelatoto the moreaffluentpeoplein her area. He senther out into that communityandexposedher to a morematerialistic world thantheonesheknew,sothatsomedayshe could deliver a messageto thern, and they would believeherbecauseshewasoneof thern.Andjust as shewasfinding herselfbeginningto drown,drifting in a seaof worldlypossessions, Goddecidedshewas ready. And He gaveher the gift that would change, notonlyherlife, butthelivesofeveryonewith whom she came in contact. He gave her the gift of the weekend. And God spoketo her andsaid,"'Woman,I have given you many gifts during your lifetime. I havegivenyou abright smileanda friendlymanner andespeciallythegift of empathy.Thosegifts have broughtyou many relationshipsand nourishedyour needto love andbe loved. I havegivor you enthusiasmandenergythat hasoporedmany doorsfor you andnourishedyourneedto belong. I havegivenyou Matrimonv the ability to dream and your perseverancein pursuit of those dreams has nourished your need for selfworth. I have given you the gift of insight and communication to shareyourself openly with others, and that hashelped nourish your needto be loved for who you are. All of these gifts I have given you becauseI love you. And I have but one requestofyou in return, woman. Love one another as I havo loved you. Keep not thesegifts to yourself, but sharethem with all the world. Then I will know that my gifts have beenutilized to their fullest potential." AND THEWOMAN KNEWWHAT SHE HAD TO DO! UKRAINIANS LEARN MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER by CatherineMcCabe (Reprintedwithpermissionfrom TheDaily Chronicle, DeKalb/Sycamore, Illinois) Editor's note: This is the first in a two-part series aboutSophiaandIvanLiskevych,aUkrainiancouple who wereinvolvedin theundergroundchurchin their hometownof Lviw in Ukraine. PARTONE- TI{EYKEPT THEIRCHURCHALIVE Anonymous Author Myron and Lesia Kuropas of DeKalb are hosting a Ukrainian couplewho are in the United BEF'OREWE CAN SHARE OUR GIF'TS Stateslearningto leadMarriageEncounterWeekends programtoUkraine. WITHTHEWORLD ,WE MUST KNO\il sotheycanbringthisinternational Thelivesoflvan andSophiaLiskevych sound WHAT OUR GIFTSARE! like aRussianhistorylesson.Their historyincludes, personallyor within their families,exile to Siberia, DialogueQuestions: governmentarrestandthe outlawingof theirreligion 1. What specificallyare the specialgifts God has by the Russiangovernment. UkrainianCatholics,Ivan andSophiaparticiblessedme with? patedin the 'underground'churchin Ukraine, openHow doosmy answermake me feel? ing theirhometo 2 a.m.visitsfrompriestsandhosting illegal liturgies. 2. Is GodsmilingasHe watchesmeenjoyingthegifts In 1946,the UkrainianCatholicChurchwas He gaveme, or is He waiting for me to takethemout outlawed by the Soviet government,accordingto of the box in the closet and really use them? Kuropaswho translatedfor theLiskevychs. HDMAMMF? ''The Archbishops,bishopsandmanypriests 3. Do I havegiftsthatI protectandkeeptomyself,like were exiledto Siberiaand the governmentforcibly a child who doesn't want to share his toy? brought togethersome LJkrainianCatholic priests who wereterrorizedinto makingthe declarationthat HDMAMMF? the llkrainian CatholicChurchis dissolvedandwill join the RomanOrthodoxChurchwhich wasunder 4. Am I usingthe gifts I wasgivenin a way that is the control of the Soviet government," explained pleasingto God,the giver of my gifts? Kuropas. HDMAMMF? 5. Am I makingtheworld a little bit betterby sharing my gifts, first with my spouse,thonwith my family, thenwith the world? HDMAMMF? ENJOY! lB THE PRIEST IN PARTICULAR WAS T GREAT RISK.'I Onebishopanda nurnberofpriestswereable to gounderground wheretheydevelopedanetworkof clergy and laity who maintainedthe Church. The Matrimonv 23 REACHOUT priestsworkodaslaborersduringthe dayandministeredat night, saidKuropas. SophiaandIvan saidword would go around priest thata wouldbe on thenumbersix busTuesday night. Theprieststoodin thebackof thebus,holding the handstrapand hearingconfessions from Ukrainian Catholics. Sophiaand Ivan and other mernbersof the undergroundchurch knew each other only by first name. "The priest in particularwas at greatrisk," saidthe couple, "At that point in Ukrainianhistory, anyone suspected of participatingin anti-government activitieswasimprisoned,beatenor exiled," explainedtho Liskevychs. SophiaandIvan wereinvolvedwith onepriest who wascaughtministering.He wasbeatenandtied to thebackof a pickup truck by his feet anddragged throughthe streetsof the village asan example. The less the mernbersof the underground churchknew abouteachother,thelessrisk was involved. During their stay in DeKalb, the Liskevychs the Kuropas' and visitedtheUkrainianCatholicChurch in Chicagowhere a priest from Ukraine was also visiting. Whenannounced by theirpropername,the priestsaidhe did not know the couple.Upon seeing them,however,thepriestgreetedthem,apologizing for not recognizingthem. Thepriest,Fr. Sebastian, hadbeenthecouple's spiritual advisor toward the end of the outlawed periodbut had neverknown their lastname. Ivan andSophiamarried inl977 intheRoman CatholicChurchwhich functionedat that time under the surveillanceof the Russiangovernment. The Ukrainian National Church, which differs from the Roman Catholic sect, was still outlawedwith the intent of suppressingUkrainian nationalfeeling, accordingto Kuropas. After their marriage,the Liskevychsopured their home to the undergroundUkrainian Catholic Church. Liturgies moved from houseto houseand village to village. Informationaboutactivitieswas keptunderwrapsto protecttheparticipants.Involvementin theundergroundchurchwasnot asdangerous for the laity asfor the clergy. SophiaandIvan explainedthat thopriestsfelt they carrieda sacredresponsibilityto minister,regardlessof the risks. "They (thepriests)believedthe Lord would protectthe'mandthey would not sayno (whenasked to performcleric functions)," explainedthe couple. The KGB (the Sovietsecretpolice andintelligence agenc, tried to infiltrate the underground church,posing asworshippers.Tho me,lrrbersof the secretchurch developedtheir own methodsof concealme,nt. The Liskevychsknow an 80-year-oldpriest " who took greatpleasure" in bakingtheunleavened breadusedfor communion.Accordingto Sophia,this priestbelievedthe KGB were "human beingsalso. Tho Lord madethem." Sophiasharedthisstoryaboutthebakerpriest: '' Hi shomewasin themiddleof town andpriestscame from all over to pick up the communionbread. To avoid suspicionthe visitors camein variousguises, suchasbuilding or waterinspectors." PART TWO LI\IED CHURCH SPIRIT STRENGTH Editorsnote: This is the secondin a two-partseries aboutSophiaandIvan Liskevych who kept alivo the UlcrainianCatholic Church. They aro in DeKalb to learnto teachMarriageEncounterWeekurds. They will taketheir knowledgehometo Ukraine. SophiaandIvan Liskevych were involved in tho undergroundUkrainian Catholic Church.For 14 years,clergyandmembersofthe undergroundchurch had litwgies in the Liskevychs' home. They aro stayng with Myron and Lesia Kuropasof DeKalb. Kuropas translateda recent interview with The Daily Chronicle. The spirit of the IJkrainian Catholic Church remainedshong and many young people joined the undergroundchurch during the outlawedperiod.For thein,affiliation with the church carriedwith it thedangerofruining academiccareers. If a studeirtwasthoughtto be a believer, they would be deniedentranceinto the university. Marty believerssufferedat the handsof the KGB for their faith and other "crimes againsttho Matrimony REACHOUT government." Sophia'sgrandfatherwastwicetried, imprisonedandsentencedto2lyearsexilein Siberia. His crimo: owningland. The Sovietgovernmentbelieved thatowning "exploitation land was of the masses,"explained Kuropas. Thegrandfatherwastried in a secrettrial, and Sophiaandotherrelativesdid notknowwherehewas imprisonedandwerenot allowedto attendthe trial. Ivan andhis family werealsosentto Siberia. Their crime: beingUkrainian. They weregiven 12 hoursto pack,weretakento thetrain stationandwere on routeto their exile for onemonth. Ivan returnedto Ulrrainein 1969andthenbroughthis motherback. Although often frightened,SophiaandIvan saidtheyneverdoubtedtheirfatherandneverconsideredrenouncingUkrainianCatholicism.Whentheir churchwasdeclaredillegal, someUkrainianCatholicswentinto theunderground, othersjoinedthelegal RussianOrthodoxChurchbecause"they lovedGod and wanted to worship him," explainedSophia. Thesefaithful did not renounceUkrainianCatholicism. A small percortageof peopledid renounce UkrainianCatholicismandadheredto thetenetsofthe Russianchurch. The physical churcheswere either dernolished,usedas stablesor warehouses or convertedto museumsof atheism, social clubs, or palacesof culture. In 1991,theUkrainianCatholicChurchmoved out of theundergroundbut still is not legallyrecognizedor protected. In their hometownof Lviw, the Liskevych's churchhadbeentakEnoverby theRussianOrthodox Church.The UkrainianCatholicsweregrantedback their churchby order of the city council after what Sophiadescribedas a ''difficult, verypainfultime," which includeddemonstrations and"unfortunateincidents." Throughtears,Sophiadescribed thefirst open UkrainianCatholicservicesheattended."I felt great joy and realized that JesusChrist made only one churchfor all people," saidSophia. Today,theUkrainianCatholicChurchis fl ourishing in Ukraine. According to the Liskevychs, seminaries,filled to capacity,have waiting lists. Plansarebeingdevelopedfor more seminaries. ''Peoplearecomingtomore ofanunderstanding of the secretchurch," Sophiasaid. In July, Myron and Lesia Kuropaswill join SophiaandIvan Liskevych in Ukraine to imple,rnent the first phaseof the MarriageEncounterprogrilm. SophiaandIvan saidevenonemonthagothey could not have imaginedthey would be sitting in a diningroom in DeKalb translatingMariage Enconnter documentsto bring the programto their country. SophianeverdoubtedtheUlrainian Catholic Churchwould resurroct. "I alwayshad the dream. I thoughtit might be 300 or 100or 50 yearsbut not in my lifetime," Sophiasaid. IB MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Renew! Rejoice! Reachout! 1994 PHILADELPHIA COI{\IENTION Location: Father JudgeHigh School 3310Solly Road Philadelphia,PA. 19136 Date: Saturday- November5,1994 Doorsopenat 8 a.m. Registration: $15/ couple. $10/ coupleEarly Registration Receivedprior to Sept.1,1994 Details: Bring a brown bag lunch. Contact: Jim and Michele Renaud 2259Berks road Lansdale,Pl^.19446 Matrimonv (21s)6ee-0687 SPIRITUAL JOURNEYS DEFINING MANHOOD MynameisPatrickJ.Hill. Ihavebeenapriest of the Archdioceseof Los Angelesfor moro than26 years. I presurtly servein the Office of Family Life andwidowed. ministeringto the separated,divorced (my BarbaraRegnier co-worker for years) and I envisionedthis aspart of a supportministry for the Sacramentof Matrimony. Even when the dreamis broken,the hopeandideallives on. While sharingon a Marriagepreparationday with Mike andKathy Nyby wobeganto talk with each otheraboutthespiritualj ourneyof amanandhowthat is differentfrom a woman's. I hadjust finishedmy thesisfor a Mastersat RegisUniversity in Denver dealingwith just this issue.Mike andKathy askedif I wouldbe willing to sharesomeof my thoughtsand discoveries.I saidthat I would be delighted. My ownspiritualj ourneyincludessevenyears in a monastery. When I finishedTheologyin the DiocesanseminaryIaskedaboutthespecificspiritual j ourneyof aparishpriestasdistinctfr omamonk. The questionwasnot well received.I wasimplying that most of what I was experiencingwaswatereddown monasticism.This almostput my ordinationin danger. Todayl thinkl perceivea similarconundrum. Is theroa specificspiritualjourney for a manthat is distinctfr om awomans?My thoughts,reflectionsand judgmentson this subjectmay againnot be immediatelywell received.Pleasebearwith me. I believe youwill find thefinal answerwell worththestruggle. First of all I very much like the approachto spirituallife thatThomasMoreusesin hisbooks Care of theSoul, andSoulMates. Soulnessis quiteoften doubt, bestandmostfully discoveredin brokenness, uncertainty,anxietyand fear. Sometimesthereare neglectedareas ofthe soulcryingoutfor atte,ntionand the solutionis not found in gettingrid of the,rnbut in embracingthem. Theseare the areasof the spiritual journey that are commonto all, men andwomen. But the way that we deal with thesebroken areasdiffers greatly. John Grey in his magnificent work Men arefrom Mars, Womenarefrom Tenus, points out that when men axeconfusedand troubled they''retreatto their caves"until theycansortthings out. Womenlikewisetroubledtend to get together with otherwomsn and sharehow they are feeling so that they can sort them out. Without realizing the " differentj ourneymenwill givetheirwomen'' space to sortthingsout, andthey will feel abandoned.On theotherhandwomenwill seetheir mentroubledand try to getthemto talk abouthow theyfeel, andthemen will feel smothered. Myers/BriggsTernperamentSorter gives us anotherinsightinto the differing spiritualjourneysof men andwomen. Womengenerallylook within to their feelings,solveproblernsintuitively, careabout how others are feeling and take many factors into considerationbefore comingto conclusions.Men,on the otherhand,generallylookoutsideof themselves, gatheringall the facts and figures that humansense follow thernthroughto alogicalconclucanperceive, sion,andthenreachajudgmentasto whatneedsto be donoandsetaboutdoingit. An importantrealityto noteis thatno oneis all masculineorall feminine.We areall auniqueblend, with a dominanttendencyto one or the other. Aman's spiritualjourneytendsto bemorelike abull' seye,whileawoman'sj ourneytendstobemore like aneverwideningspiraltakingin moreandmore. Men tendto takethingsapartto understandthen,they analyze. Women tend to put things together, to Matrimonv SPIRITUAL JOURNEYS synthesize. DeborahTannenin her bookYouJustDon't thatmenandwomenevenspeakand Understand,says uselanguagedifferently, andthis affectsthe spiritual journey. Men uselanguageto convince,convictand persuade.Womenuselanguageto createrapportand to connectwith others. The woundsthat men deal with are specificallymasculine.TheFather Wound is theonemost oftenmentioned.Until aboutahundredyearsago,the world we live in wasan agtariansociety.Thewhole familylivedandworkedontheland,andmenmentored mon on what it was to be man through being in constanttouchwith eachother.Thenthemenleft the landto work in thefactories.Surrogates havetriedto filI in thegapsbut it seemsthattherearethingsaman canlearnonly fromhis father.In today'sworldmany men do not evenbecomeawareof this until they are in their50's. The Fisher King Wound refersto wounded malesexuality.Thereis a maleneedto be in control of his world. This recalcitrantpowerneverseerns to comefullyunder a man's control. It is oftenpresent when least wanted,absentwhen needed,and altogethera troublesomepower to possess. Thereis a Wound of NeverEnough. Aman sometimesthinks that he is neverenoughsonto his father,father to his son,husbandto his wife, hard worker for his boss,or man of Faith for his God. The InadequateMale Conceptoftenbegins in a High Schoollocker room anddevelopsinto the malechauvinistpig. It is the machomanwho never cried. Thereis the DomesticatedMale who thinks, feels,talks, actslike a woman,andis usuallyabandonedby a womanwho wantsher wildmanback. The Latin word Puer speaksof a little boy whono longerwantsto carryanyresponsibilities. He wantsto go backto the carefreedayof his youth,to play ball again,andto drink into the weehourswith theboys. Finally, Carl Jung said that men often fear intimacyin the sameway that womenfearabandonment. Sam Keen in Fire in the Belly gives us a samplerlist of male virtues. Thesearethe specific strengths thatamanworkson inhis spiritualjourney: Wonder is the ability to takein andbe at aweof the world around;Empathy is anunselfconscious freedomto exploreaworldthati sotherthanself; Heartful Mind is the ability to think passionately, clearlyand deeplyaboutthe humancondition; Moral Outrage is the willingnessto wrestlewith themysteryof evil asit toucheshim andhis; Right Livelihood is effective andefficientj ob accomplishmentwhile developingbothselfandothers;Enj oyment is agratitudethat impels to the caring of others; Friendship is the ability to be open,trustingand vulnerablewith anotherman; Communion is the ability to bondwith othermenin anall maleenvironmentlHusbandingis theprovidingof stewardship for persons,placesand things entrustedto his responsibility;\Mildnessis beingin touchwith the fundamentalforcesof nature from which he came. RobertMoore andDouglasGillettein King, Warrior, Magician, Lover give us four powerful imagesfor mento strivefor in their spiritualjourney. TheKing is thecenterof thepersonwhichis responsiblefor life and actions,building a morejust, calm andcreativeworld.TheWarrior fightsthegoodfight andrestores theboundaries thatbringfocusto all. The Magician is a wise wizardwhois ableto bring clear sightedness to the world aroundus. The Lover is unabashedly in touch with and connectedwith self andothersandthe world. I oweit to you asapriestto sharewith youmy spiritualjourney andmy prayerlife! What am I if I don't doatleastthis?But I couldnot honestlytell you whatit is all aboutwithoutidentifyingall ofthe above. It revealsmuchaboutmy spiritualjourney asa man. Themostprofoundconclusions I havecometo areyet to be shared. As I grewupin the40'sand50'sI accepted my religionlike everyoneelse,asaprivateaffairbetween me andmy God. I wasa lonerin High School. As a Sophomore in CollegeI wentto a monastery.It was aGodandmerelationship.After VaticanII, I returned to the diocesansuninary in Los Angelesand was ordainedaparishpriestin 1968. Againit wasme and Godin theivory towerof a parishrectory. Mine was a professional relationshipwith God'speople(You). It wasimportantthatyoubeableto experience andsee Matrimony |,1 SPIRITUAL JOURNBYS yourpriestatprayer.But pleasedon't intemrptmeand God. One day as I held up the host and said the I realizedthatl wasconsecratwordsof Consecration, ing both thebreadandthepeoplein front of me to be theBody of Christ,to be brokenfor today'sworld. I was raising up a cup of the Blood of Christ to be pouredinto yourveinsandfr omthereto bepouredout uponour world todaythrougheachof you. I discoveredthat would neverfind a God "up there" until I could comeface to face with Him in front of me. I realizedthatyouaren't anintemrption of my conversationwith God,but thatyou areGodcomingto call upon me in flesh and blood, that you are a Divine intemrption! I foundoutthatI couldnot takea single stepon my spiritualjourney to andwith Godwithout taking thosestepswith eachone of you. Even my celibatePriesthoodis a relationshiplifestyle that needsappropriaterelationshipwith significantothers of the oppositegenderto fully becomewhat God of the intendsit to be. Like Jesus,I needthepresence holy womenin my life! JohnGreyidentifiedI2pnmary needsthatall humanbeing have in common. Six are critical for men,andsix for women. Theseneedscanbemetby eithergender,but the six critical take on a special significanceandhavethe deepestmeaningwhenmet by theoppositegender.Usuallythe oppositegender isn't awareof theseneedsinstinctively.Theyneedto be identifiedandaskedfor. A manmusttell his womanthathe needsher to be opento him andtrustwhatheis doing. He must askher to takehim asheis andnot try to changehim. Shemusthearfrom him thatheneedsto be acknowledgedas valuableand helpful. He wantsher to be amazedat what is unique in him. Her attitudeof satisfactionand approvalis critical to his ability to in function. He needsto haveconfidenceexpressed his abilitiesand character. On the other hand a marrNEEDS to ask a womanto tell him abouther feelings. He needsto reflectthosefeelingsbackandmakesurehehadheard andunderstoodtherncorrectly.He needsto acknowledgeher right to thoseneedsandfeelingsandnot try to solvethemfor her. Sheneedsto hearhim saythat hei sproudto standwith herandis fi lledwithj oy when 28 sheis fulfilled. Aman needsto validatehis womanin what shehearsand sees,feelsandunderstands; that her opinions.are valid. A man needsto give this reassurance morethanonceeachday. The bottomline is that all lifestylesarerelationship.OurbasicneedscanonlybemetandfuIfi lled in relationshipwith the oppositegender. What I perceiveasthemostdevastating blow to this coming true is the lack of definition of whatmanhoodis all about. . Men needto definemanhoodfrom theinside out. Theyneedto do this in a bondingsituationwith othermenwith whomtheycanlet their defensesdown andbe vulnerable.Today'ssocietyhastakenthese placesawayfrom men. In somecircles, appropriate any all-male environmentis sexist and to be destroyed.In othercirclesif two men developa close friendship,a homophobicsocietylooks upon thern with disdain. Oneofthemostpainfirlexperieirces thatwomerl endurein today'sworld ilremenwho arenot in touch with theirmanhood.We all needto allow andaffirm men mentoringmur in an all-male environmentand thusbegintheprocessof definingtheir manhoodin appropriateways.Theycanthen comeback to their women with a gift of manhoodfully defined and possessed andreadyto be shared. SamKeenin Fire in theB elly identifiesspirituality asanencounterwith love. "Authentic loveis a dancewith threemovernents:solo, counterpoint, comingtogether;it embraces solitude,conflict,intimacy." Perhapsoneof thegreatesttoolsin developing coupleness in Matrimonyis gift of encouraging a journey man to go on his own in his manhoodand bring it backasa gift to share. lB Matrimony THE VISIT by Ed & Rhonda Staats, TroY, New York' It was about 7 o'clock in the evening and tho sun was beginning to set. It had been a long hot day' A group of ilose friends were sitting aroundin a circle on th. floot ofthe housothey were visiting' They were dusty and tired from anotherfull day of varied activities. As theY discussedwhat they had done that daY, the conversation seemed to changefrom focusing on the positive and what theY had accomplishedto amorenegative and comPlaining mode. "Iwonderhowmany miles I walked todaY?", said one of them. "You got that right, my feet ache. I bet mY blisters are bigger than Yours", said another. "Whenarewegoing to get abreakfrom all this? It seemsas if I am askedto do more and more every time I turn around," another one chimed in. "I'mstarving. I can't remernber when I sat down to a good meal without having it intemrPted" , said that one. theywereexperiencingin their lives' werepressures By now the sun was almostsitting atop the hills to thewest;readyto dropout of sigbt. The final rays were beamingthroughthe large window, still providingplentyof light for theirdiscussion'Justthen thrt. *ut arustleof the wind at the door. The latch slowly moved and the door swungpartially open' Theycouldnotseewhowasstandingthere,butthesun casta familiar shadowon the oppositewall of the room. It wasthe shadowof the onewho hadbrought them all together in the beginning. Embarrassmentand nervousnessswePtover them b ecauseof what theYhadbeen talking about. He had left several months before and they didnot expectto be seeingHim again. What should have been their joY in seeing Him, seomedto bo maskedbY the topic of their discussion andtheir wondering i f He had heard their complaints. The tall figure took several steps into the room and closed the door behind him. Not a word was sPoken for several minutes as His eyesmoved aroundthe room focusing on eachmernber of the gtoup, one at a time. To eachHelookedsternlY.Then, after He had made eye contactwith all of them, He gave thernabig smile. One oftheir Him. He said to Peter, greet to groupr Peter, stood "'What's going on?" "Ah, ahrwewerejust "I don't seeanyoneelsegoingthroughall that Peter'smouthdroPPed. we are. It just doesn'tseemworthit' sittingaroundtalking,Master." Who arewe kidding?", saidstill another' "What were you talking about?"askedthe "Do you really think we aremakinga differknowingfull well everydetailof theirconverence?Thisis anuphill battle.I'm tiredof this,I can't visitor, sation. takeit an)rmore." into His eyesandsaid, Peterstarednervously And so this line of conversationcontinued' "Master, wewerecomplainingandgrurnblingto one Eachmemberof the group outdoingthe otherswith We havebeenstruggling." their own problemsand difficulties' Someof their another. The entire group of companions wanted to stnrggleswere physical,somewere attitudes,some Matrimony 29 THE VISIT ju-p up and greet Him, but hesitated. Their ernbarrassmentheld thern back becausethey knew by now that all they had beencomplaining aboutwasheardby Jesus. Jesus sighed, and then glanced beyond the seatedgroup at the shadowon the far wall madeby the sun's rays passing through the window. It was an image of the cross. At the sight of this, a tear rolled down His cheek. All of His friends turned their heads to seewhat Jesuswas looking at. It becameclear why Jesuswas upset and many of them began to cry also, ashamedof what they had been doing. Jesusthen raised His arm and extendedHis hand over them and said ' 'I forgive you. ' ' At that very instant they felt renewed and full of life once again. They all jumped up and crowded around Jesus,hugging Him and now cryrng with joy in their hearts becauseHe was there with them. They encouragedHim to sit down and stay awhile, and so He did. They gatheredagain in their circle and provided a small stool for Jesusto sit on. "I want to rernind you of one of my teachings,' ' saidJesus. ' 'It's a teachingthat you must live by andmustpasson to all generationsto come." He oncemore glanced at the wall where the image of the cross still lingered, and the disciples did the same. Whenever Jesus spoke in the past, their eyes wore transfixed on Him and all His movements,and they always listened intently. This time would be no different. "What Jesusasked them, do you remember most about my final days with you?" "Master, youknowitwas thepain andsuffering you endured carrying your cross and then being crucified on it," they all said. "OK", said Jesus. "Peter, you said that you have all been struggling. Did I not tell you that none of you would be free of strugglesand challenges,and that in being my followers you would face difficulties?'' "Yes," saidPeter,t'but..." ' 'There is no room for ', buts,my friends' said " Jesus.''Thatl madevery clear. And with that,Jesus recalled for them some of the comments and lessons He had given to thern in the past. "Remember when I told you", He said, "if someonowishesto comeafter me, they must deny theirvery self,takeup theircross,andbeginto follow in my footsteps.I really moantthat." "We remernberMaster," they said. Jesusexplainedto themthat crossescomein manyforms. Sometimes theyaresmall,or sometimes largeandheavyandlastingfor yearsandthattheyare to be expectedamongHis followers. "Each daywill bring its own sharoof crossos,"He said. "To carry themjoyfully you'l1needhelpandthathelpwill come from the thoughtof me in your heart. Every oneof your crosseshasbeenselectedpreciselyfor you and sentto you at the right time. Throughyour crossesI wantyou to becomecloseto me." "My cross'',Jesussaid,"a lirnb of a tree,is whatmy Fatherchosefor me. The crossesyou bear arolargelypartsof your dailylife. Theywerechosen just for you, soreceivethemfrom my Father'shands. But alwaysremember, I will notletyourburdensgrow onebit too heavyfor your strength." "My friends,if you love the cross,you area true follower of mine. If you refuseit with anger, impatience,fault-finding,criticismof othersandunyoucannotbeoneofmyfollowers.Solook kindness, to recognizemy crosswhen people and situations botheranddisturbyou. Think aboutthesituationyou fi ndyourself in, try to work it out,but at all timesstrive to confrontit vrith self control, as if you were mo. Each moment of the day I want you to feel my nearnessto you. When trials come to you, try to handlethemasI did. Makeyourlife a daily actoflove for me." WhenJesuswasfinishedspeakingwiththem, Heprayedoverthem,askingHis Fatherto makethern strongfor all that wasto come. He went aroundthe roomandquietlygaveeachoneof themahug.By now therewasabeautifulmoodofpeacefulnesspresent in the room. Jesusmovedslowly towardthe door. He wavedgood bye,andreachedfor thelatch.ThenPeter spokeonemoretime. "Master, will you be coming back?" Jesusgavehimandall His friendsabig smile, thenturnedanddeparted. DialogueQuestion:How am I carryingmy crosses right now? How doesmy answermakeme feel? Matrimony IB A MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER AWAKENING I I CAME HERE NOT KNOWING WHAT I WOULD FIND, SAW ONLY ONE PERSON WITH SKIN OF IVIYKIND MORE OFTEN rr'S DEBBTE WHO'S THE FrSH OUT OF WATER, BUT LOOKING DIFFERENT DIDN'T MAKE },IE RUN FOR THE BORDER I IvIET A PRIEST NAMED FATHER JOE, NOW I I',IUST LOVE HIM HE TOLD IVIE SO I I SPENT TIME WITH l"IY PASTOR AS WE ATE, RETURNED TO THE CHURCH LAST YEAR IT WAS NOT TOO LATE TOTAL STRANGERS WHO ARE STRANGERS NO MORE, SPENT THE WEEKEND SHARING AND OPENING LOCKED DOORS WE HAVE LOOKED AT THEIR LIVES TOGETHER AND SEEN OUR OWN, WE HAVE GAINED NEW KNOWLEDGEAND BOY HAVE WE GROWN THANKS TO GRETCHENAND KEN FOR THEIR SELFLESS DEDICATION, IN HELPING OTHER COUPLES TO BETTER THEIR RELATIONS TO BONNIE AND DICK FOR THEIR ENDLESS ENERGY, YOUILL ALWAYS AND FOREVER BE A PART OF OUR MEMORY TO HERI,IIE AND LARRY A NEW CAUSE YOU FOUND, THAT HELPED OTHER COUPLES GET THETR LOVE OFF THE GROUND TO FATHER JOE FROIvITHE LAND OF THE EARTHQUAKE, YOU TAUGHT US HOW TO LOVE AND LOVE FOR GODS' SAKE, IF WE TAKE ANYTHING AWAY ON THIS DAY, IT WILL BE YOUR MESSAGE TO LET LOVE REIGN WE SAW GROWN MEN CRY AND EMBRACE THEIR WIVES, IT GAVE US IMMENSE JOY TO SEE LOVE IN THETR EYES TO QUOTE THE WORDS OF I'lY LOVING WIFE, G O D I S N O W R I D I N G S H O T G U N O N O U R S T A G E C O A C HO F ' L I F E WE ARE HEADING HOIiIE TO START ANEW, T O S H A R E , L O V E , A N D G R O WO U R W H O L E L I V E S THROUGH. JOHN SULLIVAN JAN. 16, 1994 written on The African American perspective Weekend Norfolk, Virginia $}Kffiff#VKffiKffiS P#fl#e# 93WRSWe#itrfl{g$PJtrStrffitrtrffid ffiffii}e$-€tr#trtrd,'eg/dffi $sKuff#i?#tr#trffi# tr# trtr s&ryffi&dtrffi-,4###iffiiru?d# trw3#g#trtu$ffi gffi p#try#tr##p ffitrfl.dtrH#trsffiftr $$ffitrtr#gp*rytr tr# fl{trd*&. gtr $Sffi "{$.ryS d##trffi ffitr"d$Str#tr#$ryffi iffi.SffiffigtriKg,egflf#tr i%d$& gtrr%sFflg$K#-efl ffiKtr sdtr trKflr$Ktrffi trKflffi#Sffi &€ffi PHflffi Pg/#s€trtr g'tr"*tr g xf,"4pw str g"dsgtrtr trtr ffi $fl4s#g-.$d &xpK##-egtrstrpKgtrs'tr#tr. gx$"irF?iffiK#itrs xK&spgjp# tr#tr flffirds #tr9trtr#sgs'gg#tr9x3_ ffi.dfftrdf&trS*ffi#tr"4 tritrtrtrKitrr*$ffid*fl.$*flffi ff",StrStr trffiffi#€p#d#d#.ry {F#dpgp. gtrg #.&Nffi&e-4tr#tr."$AeSffiflffi ffitr#S ffie4tr ##g$#fl{g$#fffitr-egtr} pffiffi& tr#fltrFr-.€as #K wN #trtr#Fiaff.drflffiFpK*K&#estrtr #Kff# trw#tr_ g$ffir&KffiNKW$trd3r3dtrffs$flgpffiS ffidtr #glF{}tr trKgffi#g*qtrs.pffi*{sd#K.ea#trgffiersffi -dtr# K.ffffiK"ffi YWffiW&K*$iilffi #Str #tr Kffiflfle"## ffiK dPJ%K3{ #"4trKtriffi#3gfSK g# #strd ffiffiffiWffiffi W#rffitrg$ trH}#3Ktrtr#PffiSfl#&& $WflrKdpfflffffi" Xtr# ffiWrffi N "&ff Y#W##tr#Wtri{?#trSffiAffiY#tr #g'Fffi## Pffitr*{M {f #W. trffitr M ys KffiKy KXgffi &dpffi#tr"ds ##trtr flffid sffigs",4sffi &f ffff "4#fftrtrtrtr M-*K,K&tr# trtrffi$etr gStrffitr dptr.yffidtr ffi #d# #gF/iff_ s# gKflrstrg-&a #trtr dtr#trpd#&dff# trKp&#trtr trffi #rsitrtr 3sffg"d#ffi" g#€f'g& P"gtr#"d&r#trtrtrtrS-#mryffiSgtrStrXflffi ggtrtr 3tr"dtr#g&ffiS3trpff#ff"dffff. ffilf#Sd"&wwef&#. &*x*dmg:*md