Your Stories. Your Photos. Your Community!
Your Stories. Your Photos. Your Community!
Bannockburn Banner An Exclusive Publication for the Residents of the Bannockburn Estates April 2016 MEET YOUR NEIGHBORS: PHIL & LOTTIE KATZ – BANNOCKBURN ESTATES PIONEERS! Cover Photo by John Shumate Your Stories. Your Photos. Your Community! I M P O RTA N T PH O NE NU M BE R S UTILITIES 877.737.2662 301.670.8741 202.833.7500 301.206.4002 703.750.1400 240.777.6410 800.837.4966 Pepco Electric Pepco Tree Service for Dangerous Limbs Pepco Customer Service Water & Sewer Emergency Gas Emergency Trash & Recycling Verizon 911 301.896.3100 202.537.4000 202.537.4000 800.222.1222 301.279.8000 301-652-1000 301-652-5602 240.777.0970 240.773.9520 240.773.5900 301.365.8673 Emergency Suburban Hospital Sibley Memorial Hospital Poison Control Police-Non-Emergency Bethesda Ambulance & Resue Bethesda Fire Department Non-Emergency Bethesda Public Library Little Falls Library Montgomery Co. Animal Services Adoption U.S. Postal Service West Bethesda Branch © 2016 Neighborhood Networks Publishing, Inc. AREA DIRECTOR Area Director . Sarah Taylor 240-204-4336 . [email protected] PHOTOGRAPHER CREATIVE TEAM Marie Nowell Malinda Smith LOCAL SCHOOLS 301-517-8100 301-320-6555 301-320-6540 301-320-6600 Montgomery Co. Board of Education Bannockburn Elementary School Thomas W. Pyle Middle School Walt Whitman High School 800.325.7245 800.435.9294 703.417.8000 703.572.2700 202.789.7000 301.656.0868 301-229-8754 MARC Train BWI Airport Ronald Reagan Airport Dulles Airport Washington D.C. Convention & Tourism Bethesda Transportation Solutions Bannockburn Civic Association DISCLAIMER: Any articles included in this publication and/or opinions expressed therein do not necessarily reflect the views of N2 Publishing but remain solely those of the author(s). The paid advertisements contained within the Bannockburn Banner magazine are not endorsed or recommended by N2 Publishing or the publisher. Therefore, neither N2 Publishing nor the publisher may be held liable or responsible for business practices of these companies. When community events take place, photographers may be present to take photos for that event and they may be used in this publication. Euro Design Center Closets, Home Offices, Pantries, Mud rooms, Garages, etc. OTHER Tel: 301-770-8660 MHIC 124085 Serving Washington area for 35 years We are the manufacturer. No middle man! Free in-home design consultation Showroom Address: 11530-D Rockville Pike, Rockville MD 20852 2 Bannockburn Estates • April 2016 Showroom hours: M,W,F,S 11 am to 6 pm, T,R by appointment only, Su closed. April 2016 • Bannockburn Estates 3 Contributors | BCA Board Members This section has been created to give you easier access when searching for a trusted neighborhood vendor to use. Take a minute to familiarize yourself with the businesses sponsoring your newsletter magazine. Ted Garrett, President Jane Pettit, Welcoming Committee Chair Bonnie Garrett, Treasurer John Noble, Banner Magazine Committee Chair Edith Miles, Good Neighbors Committee Chair Seth Goldstein, Environmental Committee Chair Ben Schlesinger, Covenants Committee Chair ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN Anthony Wilder Design Build (301) 907-0100 DESIGN BUILD & RENOVATIONS Hanlon Design Build (202) 244-2942 BATHROOM REMODELING Miracle Method (301) 571-4200 ESTATE PLANNING Joseph, Greenwald and Laake, PA (240) 399-7899 CLOSETS / CABINETS European Closets, Inc (301) 770-8660 ESTATE SALES Four Sales LTD (703) 256-8300 COSMETIC SURGERY Diane L. Colgan MD (301) 299-6644 FLOORING Atlas Floors, Inc. (301) 948-9144 www.atlashardwoodfloorsinc. com Rebecca Kahlenburg CONTRIBUTORS AT LARGE John Hannula, Neighborhood Security & Block Captains Committee Chair These local businesses are proud to partner with you and make this magazine possible. Please support these businesses and thank them for supporting your community! The residents of Bannockburn Estates! We are always looking for residents to follow up on leads, find great stories and send us ideas. Let’s celebrate the great things happening in your community! No contribution is too small. Please email [email protected]. DESIGN BUILD Merrick Design & Build Inc. Addie Merrick-Phang (301) 946-2356 We’re Bartlett Tree Experts, a 100+ year old tree and shrub care company with global reach and local roots. We provide expert, attentive service, a safety-first record and a range of services that includes: • Tree & Shrub Pruning • Fertilization & Soil Care • Cabling & Bracing • Insect & Disease Management FURNITURE Calligaris Furniture (202) 244-5544 HVAC Don Hoffacker's Air Conditioning and Heating, Inc. (301) 972-0017 HARDWARE Christophers Glen Echo Hardware (301) 229-3700 HEATING & AIR Parker Pearce Heating & Air (301) 548-9000 HEATING / COOLING & GEOTHERMAL Harvey W. Hottel, Inc. (301) 921-9599 HOME CARE SOLUTIONS Four Seasons Home Care Staffing Solutions, LLC (301) 873-1103 HOME LOANS / MORTGAGES Caliber Home Loans (240) 855-0834 HOME REMODELING Maryland Sunrooms (301) 829-1313 INSURANCE Brotman Insurance Agency / Allstate Elizabeth Carroll / Agent Bethesda Medical Bldg. 8218 Wisconsin Avenue Ste P-16 Bethesda, MD 20814 (301) 424-6900 Fairweather Insurance Agency (301) 232-0400 KITCHEN & BATH DESIGN-BUILD Rinnovation (301) 942-8880 FOR THE LIFE OF YOUR TREES. Call 301.881.8550 or visit BARTLETT.COM 4 Bannockburn Estates • April 2016 April 2016 • Bannockburn Estates 5 LANDSCAPING Martin Lawn & Landscaping, Inc (301) 565-0556 PLUMBING, HEATING & COOLING Cool Breeze Plumbing Heating and Air Conditioning (301) 879-3400 ROOFING CONTRACTORS East Coast Roofing, LLC Joseph Anastasi (301) 874-5380 MAID SERVICES The Maids of Southern Montgomery County (301) 562-8900 REAL ESTATE Long and Foster Co. (301) 229-4000 SOLAR ENERGY Solar City DBA Timothy Beam Energy Consultant Timothy Beam (301) 222-7361 / solarbeam REALTOR Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Pen Fed Realty Patrick Mayo (301) 961-6000 [email protected] OPTICAL / FASHION EYEWEAR Colonial Opticians Inc. (301) 657-3332 TREE SERVICES CERTIFIED ARBORIST Bartlett Tree Experts (301) 881-8550 “ Publisher's Note Dear Residents, I am so excited to be taking over as publisher of the Bannockburn Banner. Tim Beam, a close associate of mine, has done such a fine job over the past year and a half and I know everyone appreciates his efforts, as do I. Thank you, Tim! With the cherry blossoms in bloom and the many festivities to celebrate, April is one of my favorite months in DC. I chuckle when I think back to a Cherry Blossom Festival nearly 30 years ago when I had my first taste of publishing. As a member of The Downtown Jaycees and Chairman of The Cherry Blossom Parade, I was also responsible for the parade program. Much to my horror, there was a typo in the program and the name of one of the Japanese Princesses was misspelled. The error loosely translated to “fat pig.” I hope I never make such a blunder in the Banner! ry a n t Awa Medal of Excellence for 2007 Lastly, thank you to the BCA Board for all they do to help make the neighborhood a safe, welcoming and wonderful community in which to live. Happy spring everyone! With Warm Regards, Sarah Taylor . Publisher Bannockburn Banner [email protected] 240-204-44336 Renovate Remodel Rejuvenate For this issue, it was so much fun to meet longtime residents Philip and Lottie Katz. What a lovely couple and early Bannockburn Estates pioneers. Be sure to read their interesting story in the “Meet Your Neighbors” article. Likewise, don’t miss reading about resident entrepreneur, Dr. Tina West and this month’s young achiever, Paul Marquardt. rd B Hand-in-hand with my editor, Chary Southmayd, a native Washingtonian who grew up with me in the nearby Sumner neighborhood and my dearest friend from age 13 (note we are both Whitman graduates but I won’t divulge the year!), I hope to continue to bring you a monthly publication which is not only error-free, but enjoyable to all of you. Your contributions are so appreciated. Please keep them coming. I welcome pictures, stories, events … anything that is important to you and your community. Just email your information to [email protected]. excellent work, please let me know, as they may want to reach out to you neighbors as well. “We have been top rated by a local, prominent consumer group” Residential Sales & Services • Free estimates • Quality service • Prompt service Family operated since 1977 for 2007 Check out our ratings! 19703 Waters Road Germantown, MD 20874 | 301-972-0017 | 6 Bannockburn Estates • April 2016 I’d like to include Graduation tributes in the June issue, so please send in yours with a picture of your graduate to sarah.taylor@ If you have any other type of tributes i.e. Father’s Day salutes, birthdays, anniversaries etc., I am always happy to include those as well. I would also like to thank all our business sponsors who make the Bannockburn Banner possible. If you contact any of these sponsors, please be sure to tell them you saw their ad in the Bannockburn Banner and if you currently utilize a business that does Full Service Architectural Design and Build 202.244.2942 “Where Artistry Prevails” April 2016 • Bannockburn Estates 7 B A N N O CKB U R N CI TI ZEN S A SSOC IATION Please pay Calendar Year 2016 dues Now Dues Payment Coupon LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT } $_________, (Contributions above “member” are used for miscellaneous BCA expenditures, such as refreshment for General Meetings and our semi-annual picnics.) Dues can Member $30 be paid through the Website: TED GARRETT Name: __________________________________ Email: __________________________________ House # and Street: _______________________________ Supporting Member $50 Patron $100 Enclosed is my I hope that you fared reasonably well during our rather challenging winter and expect that, like me, you are looking forward to some calm and warmer spring weather. March Meeting. We held another in our series of meetings on Thursday, March 3. As usual, this was an opportunity to visit with neighbors and for our committees to report on their many activities. At this meeting, we heard from Sarah Taylor, the new publisher of the Bannockburn Banner magazine, who discussed her thoughts for future issues and input she would like to receive from the community. If you have questions or ideas, please feel free to contact Sarah Taylor via e-mail at [email protected]. If you have ideas for BCA activities or speakers for future meetings, please contact me or any board member. Register. If you have not registered to receive emails, you may have missed Alice McDermott’s wonderful remarks at our December meeting. Registering will allow you to receive email announcements about activities, meetings, incidents, and other developments. Your email will address will remain confidential. Please go to the BCA website and register: Construction. Our covenants committee, headed by Ben Schlesinger, continues to monitor construction and permit applications in the neighborhood and communicates with owners and builders about compliance with the BCA covenants. If you know of or have questions about a new construction, renovation or sale, contact Ben at [email protected]. Neighborhood Security. The committee acts works with the block captains and is considering other ways to improve neigh- 8 Bannockburn Estates • April 2016 borhood security. If you have suggestions or wish to volunteer to be a block captain, contact committee Chair John Hannula at [email protected]. Remember: if you see something suspicious, call the police nonemergency number 301-279-8000 or 911 for a crime in progress. Welcome Committee. Jane Pettit and Cecily Abrams visit and welcome new BCA neighbors. You will often know about new neighbors before we do. If you know of new arrivals to the neighborhood or would like to help on this committee, please email [email protected] or call: 301-229-5932. Seniors. Edith Miles is Chair of our very active Good Neighbors committee. The committee organizes various activities and works to help BCA seniors who want to continue to live in their homes in their senior years. You can contact Edith for information or suggestions at [email protected]. Environment Committee. Our BCA environment committee is a resource to the neighborhood and to our covenants committee. Contact committee Chair Seth Goldstein sethrgoldstein@ if you have suggestions or wish to volunteer. Bannockburn Banner Magazine. The goal of the magazine is to improve our communications with neighbors. If you have questions or suggestions, please contact BCA board member John Noble at [email protected] or your Banner Publisher, Sarah Taylor, at sarah.taylor@ Best wishes, Ted Garrett BCA President check for SEND TO: Bonnie Garrett, Treasurer, BCA 6604 Broxburn Dr., Bethesda, MD 20817 No Upfront Cost! FREE Installation! You don’t need to buy a complete solar power system. SolarCity will install it for you for no upfront cost and sell you the energy it produces for less than you currently pay your utility. You simply pay for the power every month, just like your utility bill. Let Solar Santa have your roof inspection completed for your own Rooftop Solar and get you up and saving (your budget and the environment) by Spring-Time SolarCity the clean, affordable alternative to your monthly utility bill. Let SolarCity help you reduce your carbon AND save $$$ too! lar So ity C Don’t DELAY! Call Solar Santa TODAY: 301.222.7361 Solar Santa (AKA) your Bannockburn Banner Publisher and Energy Consultant Timothy Beam Get your rooftop evaluated before Spring-Time Sunshine April 2016 • Bannockburn Estates 9 Save the Date A Very Special Thank You to our Sponsors for Making Bannockburn Banner Possible Each Month! And Welcome To Our New Sponsors April 7th Attention Students! Please remember to support these fine businesses. Bartlett Tree Experts | Calligaris Furniture Share Your Story! A Very Special Thank You To all Our Resident Contributors Who Make Bannockburn Banner Possible! We are always looking for residents to share ideas, submit photos and write stories. Let’s celebrate the wonderful people and great things happening in this community. No contribution is too small! Seeking Junior Writers Please email [email protected] with suggestions, photos or interest in being part of Bannockburn team. We want to see what you want to be published in your neighborhood magazine. Looking For Part-time Content Coordinator! Neighbors' Night Out 6:30pm-9pm, at Villain & Saint, a Rock & Roll Music Hall in Downtown Bethesda, owned by renowned DC chef Robert Wiedmaier (Marcel’s). Please email [email protected] if you are interested in attending. Save the Date May 17th Do you enjoy writing and meeting new people? The Bannockburn Banner is seeking kids age 8 to 18 interested in being on our team of Junior Writers for future issues. This is a great experience and wonderful extracurricular activity to add to college applications. It is very easy to participate; whenever your schedule permits, submit stories about people and activities in your neighborhood. We are especially interested in highlighting kids, young achievers and athletes. In addition, book, movie and game reviews are welcome. If interested, have your parents email [email protected] to schedule a meet and greet with parents and you. I promise it will be fun and we pay $20 per story! Attention, All 2016 High School Seniors! Let Us Recognize You … Business Beat Networking Happy Hour Refinishing saves time! Join N2 Publishing as we host our first networking event for Bannockburn Banner, The Kent Connection, Avenel Living, and Chevy Chase Village Life business sponsors, resident business owners, and residents interested in meeting local businesses. This is an opportunity to make connections in and around our communities, so please come with your business cards and a smile. Complimentary lite fare will be provided and there will be a cash bar. Imagine your kitchen and bathrooms beautiful again in just 2-3 days. No messy demolition or long time lines required! Refinishing saves money! In addition to being fast, you will save 50-75% over the cost of replacement. Our customers save thousands of dollars! 4124 Howard Ave, Kensington, MD 20895 (240) 200-0024 10 Bannockburn Estates • April 2016 This is a paid position available for the Bannockburn Banner. Work from home. Set your own schedule. Have fun! You must be a Bannockburn Estates resident. For more information, please email [email protected]. WHEN: Tuesday, May 17 (rain date 5/18) TIME: 6:30pm WHERE: Old Angler's Inn - 10801 MacArthur Boulevard, Northwest Potomac, MD 2085 Please register at We would like to recognize the graduating seniors from the neighborhood in an upcoming issue. Please send us your senior photo, and a brief biography no later than April 20th if you wish to be included. Be sure to include the following information with your photo: • Name: • Parents’ names: • Graduating from: • College attending or other plans for next year: • Special interests/achievements in high school: Please email photo and info to [email protected]. April 2016 • Bannockburn Estates 11 Lottie at her easel meet your neighbors By Sarah Taylor In 1956, a very smart young woman by the name of Lottie Katz recommended to her husband that they purchase a 49,000 square foot lot off of what was then a dirt road called Crail Drive. Lottie’s husband, Philip, was smart enough to simply say “yes dear” and not only was the lot purchased for $3,800, but Lottie used her creative talent to help design and oversee the building of a Frank Lloyd Wright-inspired house, sitting high on a hill with open spaces, lots of windows and magnificent views all the way to Virginia. This unique house became their family home where they raised their children, Peter, Rona and Jonathan. All three children are proud to say that they were very fortunate to have been adopted by Phil and Lottie. At age 96, this loving couple is about to celebrate their 64th wedding anniversary. Lottie and Philip did not always call the Washington area home. Lottie is from Shreveport, Louisiana and Philip from New York City. When asked what brought them to DC, Philip explained that when he got out of the Army in 1944, where he served for the Army Medical Corp in Charleston S.C. as an optometrist, he moved to live with his family who Lottie circa 1960s REFERRED FOR A REASON Philip & Lottie – Peggy & Bill Bannockburn Pioneers! 301.562.8900 CALL NOW FOR A FREE ESTIMATE 240-670-0424 96% of our customers would recommend The Maids to friends and family. And that’s saying something in this business. After all, you don’t want just any maid service in your home. Learn more at Phil & Lottie posing on one of their earlier cruises 12 Bannockburn Estates • April 2016 April 2016 • Bannockburn Estates 13 had relocated here. “Free rent,” quips Phil. As for Lottie, “she moved here to find a husband,” he explains with a wink. While in DC in those early years, Phil and Lottie met at a party and she did meet her future husband, but the romance did not start right away. Lottie left DC for more adventures and ultimately ended up in Manhattan after sailing on a freighter from Louisiana to Boston and then making her way to NYC. In the meantime, Philip was visiting his brother in NYC on a regular basis and as fate had it, the couple was reunited on the streets of Manhattan and their life together began. After marrying in 1952, Philip was successful with his growing optometry practice on F Street, and Lottie expanded her creative abilities by learning how to paint under the tutelage of renowned abstract realist artist Jack Perlmutter. Indeed their house is filled with Lottie’s incredible paintings. Not only did painting and of course raising the children take up her time, but Lottie sewed her own clothes and made dolls with a group of women in the neighborhood that were donated to patients at Children’s Hospital. The couple has also enjoyed traveling over the years and especially taking cruises. Lottie sometimes traveled without Phil and went on Art Tours sponsored by the Cosmos Club in DC. Some of these travels made up the subject matter of many of her paintings. home of the month In 1976, nearly 20 years after their home was built, it burned down in a fire. Fortunately, Phil and Lottie found the original house plans and were able to rebuild an exact duplicate. When asked if she has enjoyed living in Bannockburn Estates, Lottie smiles and says, “Yes, very much so. I love this neighborhood and I love this house.” Oldest son Peter describes how their home while growing up was always open, welcoming and the epitome of his mother’s southern hospitality. There were lots of family gatherings and still are when all three children and three grandchildren and two great grandchildren return to Crail Drive to celebrate special occasions. It was not unusual for a cousin or other distant relative to stay with the Katzes for extended periods of time and enjoy the warmth and love of this wonderful family. It was certainly a pleasure for me to meet them and I so appreciate Phil and Lottie sharing their story. An Amazing Home on Broxburn Court This exceptional 7,432-square-foot, custom home built in 2007 has something for every member of the family. An inviting front porch introduces a center hall floor plan featuring a formal living room with a two-sided gas fireplace and formal dining room with butler’s pantry. From the gourmet kitchen with expansive “theatre kitchen” island/breakfast bar, to the private library with a two-sided gas fireplace and custom built-ins, wonderful family room with coffered ceiling and gas fireplace, no detail has been spared in this home of distinction. NEST AT HOME! Two upper levels boast four plus bedrooms and four baths including a deluxe master bedroom retreat with spa bath, and an upper level teen bedroom/guest suite. The walk out lower level is complete with double recreation/ game room, wet bar, wine cellar, a home movie theater with stadium seating, exercise room and full guest room suite. The private fenced backyard is framed with mature trees and features an outstanding heated swimming pool. What’s not to like?! Live Your Best Life, At Home Home support services provided by Certified Nursing Assistants MERRICK DESIGN AND BUILD INC. An award winning design build firm in Montgomery County, Merrick is known for our customer satisfaction. Specializing in total home renovations and everything in between, Merrick’s customer first team will listen to you to turn your remodeling dreams into reality! Nurse owned boutique agency Local and independently owned Free in-home assessment 301-873-1103 14 Bannockburn Estates • April 2016 Phil with one of Lottie’s handmade, life-sized creations We like to recognize neighbors! If you know of a neighbor/ family you would like to see featured in an upcoming issue of the Bannockburn Banner, please email [email protected]. If you have an interesting home or know of one in the neighborhood you would like to see featured in the Banner, please email [email protected]. April 2016 • Bannockburn Estates 15 business beat youth achiever Portrait of a Young Artist – Paul Marquardt Dr. West administering treatment Meet Resident Dr. Tina West, Board Certified Dermatologist By Residents John L. Marquardt & J. Paul Marquardt Founder & President of The West Institute for Skin, Laser & Body Contouring Paul with sisters, Geneva and Kathryn Paul Marquardt has lived in the Bannockburn neighborhood for more than 11 years. He lives on Heatherhill Court with his sisters, Geneva and Kathryn, and his parents, John and Christina (Tina). Paul attends the Walt Whitman High School as a freshman. At Whitman, he plays trombone in the Concert Band and competes on the Mock Trial team. He enjoys art and music. In fact Paul’s artwork decorates many rooms in the Marquardt home. He enjoys painting, drawing, and sculpting. Paul’s recent artwork “TromPiaTar” Paul Marquardt He got started in art at as a student at Washington Episcopal School. He had lots of great teachers, including Mrs. Dinsmore and Mrs. Yirenkyi. Protecting our Community Confidence Character One of his recent artworks, the “TromPiaTar” a mythical instrument, combines the trombone, piano, and guitar, and illustrates his love for playing music. Paul plays all three. takes the to tackle groundbreaking cases, and the to be a fearless advocate. PAUL RIEKHOF Rockville, MD 240-399-7899 [email protected] A principal in Joseph, Greenwald & Laake’s Estates and Trusts Group, Paul Riekhof has more than 20 years of experience in representing individuals, families, and businesses in matters including estate planning, probate, trust administration, estate tax planning, business planning, guardianships, and estate litigation matters. Maryland | District of Columbia | Virginia 16 Bannockburn Estates • April 2016 Dr. Tina West, Founder & President, The West Institute for Skin, Laser & Body Contouring Paul participates in music practice and theory exams administered by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM). He has advanced to the fifth of eight levels. In addition, Paul recently competed in the Maryland State solo festival. Paul enjoys hearing his music and listening to music in general. Being able to play makes it even better. Paul’s long arms and good ears, for the perfect pitch, make him great at trombone. Alternating between studies, music, and art helps Paul to keep a balance between school and extracurricular activities. Someone special who has motivated Paul is his trombone teacher, Marcel Maican. Dr. Maican is Paul’s second and current trombone teacher who introduced him to ABRSM. He motivates Paul by being someone to look up to and aspire to be. Thank you, John and Paul, for sharing this inspiring story. If you know a young achiever in the neighborhood who you would like to recognize, please email [email protected]. The West Institute for Skin, Laser and Body Contouring employs 9 people, including a physician’s assistant, nurse, medical assistants, and medical estheticians. Dr. Tina West/ The West Institute has been in business since 2000 (16 years) and I (Dr. West) have 20 years of experience in the practice of dermatology, laser surgery and body contouring. surgery or downtime. While I performed liposuction for 18 years, now CoolSculpting has taken over and patients come in for an hour to have unwanted fat “frozen” and permanently removed, again without surgery or downtime. We’re seeing more and more men for CoolSculpting to target diet- and exercise-resistant areas as well. I was fortunate to have been born with an artistic gene and later, during high school at Holton-Arms, I developed a love for science. So even though I grew up showing horses and had always wanted to be a veterinarian, I’m so grateful that I decided on dermatology because it’s the perfect combination of science and art. I’m excited every single day to go to work and help people feel great about their skin and their appearance. I have lived in Bannockburn Estates since 2008 – before that I lived just across Wilson Lane, less than a mile away, for 14 years. My husband, Ed, is a real estate attorney and we have three happy and busy teenagers – Amanda, 18, is a senior at HoltonArms and has a professional photography business; Jake, 15, is a sophomore at the Field School and is an avid skier and tennis player; and Ashley, 14, is an eighth grader at Holton-Arms and is a lacrosse goalie on the competitive Stars lacrosse team. After I had completed 2 full residencies (internal medicine, dermatology) and a 2-year fellowship in dermatology research, I worked at a nationally known dermatology and laser practice in DC where I also completed a laser fellowship, but was frustrated by factors out of my control, like long patient waiting times. I recognize that everyone’s time is valuable and I wanted to use my training and expertise to create a practice with state-of-the art devices in an environment of unparalleled customer service. My practice motto is “Skip the Scalpel.” What’s unique about my practice is that I listen to my patients’ specific concerns, often about wanting to look their best and not look tired, without looking like they’ve had anything “done,” and I come up with a longterm plan to make that happen and to maintain those results over time without surgery or downtime. Many of my patients come in once a year to replace the volume that’s naturally lost over time, preventing sagging, drooping and jowls before they even happen or reversing what’s already there. Patients frequently tell me that I’m an artist in restoring youthful facial contours and balance, and I take that as the utmost compliment. West Institute is the home to over 16 lasers and devices, representing the latest technology in the industry and effectively treats everything from brown spots to loose skin, all without In addition to my practice at the West Institute, I do take time to enjoy my family and my hobbies. Regarding hobbies, my daughter took me with her to CorePower Sculpt class and now I’m addicted. She’s training to be a teacher there and I’m looking forward to being her student! I also love to ski. We started our kids skiing out west when they were about 2 years old and we continue to enjoy spending time together in the Rockies every year. Health, be it skin and body care, exercise and a positive mental aspect, is important to me and something that I encourage not only my family to embrace, but my patients as well. For more information contact: Tina B. West, M.D. The West Institute for Skin, Laser & Body Contouring 301-986 –WEST (9378) 5530 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 925 Chevy Chase, MD 20815 Thank you Dr. West for sharing your story, if you are a resident business owner and would like to be featured, please email [email protected]. April 2016 • Bannockburn Estates 17 By Lottie Katz By Lottie Katz Precious Pets Next time you are on Heatherhill Road and see a magnificent Golden Retriever, ask him, “Nasil yakişikli adam misin?” and you just might get a friendly bark in return. If you asked him, “How are you handsome fellow?” you would probably get a blank stare. Meet Walter – Art in Your Community A Rescue Dog from Turkey Please Enjoy Some Of The Paintings By These Talented Resident Artists, Lottie Katz & Paul Marquardt That’s because Walter, the dog’s American name, is no ordinary Golden. You see he was born and raised for the first three or four years of his life in Turkey, as in that exotic land that borders Eastern Europe with Western Asia. And, Walter is a rescue dog, probably set free from his home due to economic, political or social circumstances and living on dangerous streets competing for food with other wild dogs and avoiding abuse and cruelty from street vagrants. Walter came to United States thanks to Kyra’s Legacy Dog Rescue, a small group of D.C. pet lovers who volunteer to save homeless dogs primarily from Turkey. His life has changed. Today Walter lives in comparative splendor with his own bed, plenty to eat and a family of four that loves him. He also is learning English and is beginning to adapt to a life in Bannockburn, which has virtually no resemblance to where he came from. By Lottie Katz By Lottie Katz “Sunflowers” by Paul Marquardt Still Walter is a dog, albeit a handsome one, with animal instincts. At this point he is not allowed to run free for fear he might not return. He would love to chase the deer and squirrels he spies or smells on his walks. But, Walter wags his tail these days – a lot. He seems happy, and hopefully any bad dreams of his earlier life will fade and be replaced by tasty dog bones, friendly neighbors and soothing pats. To learn more about Kyra’s Legacy Dog Rescue, visit Dogs, cats, birds or bunnies – we love all animals and want to feature your family pet. Email [email protected] with your precious pet stories and photos! 18 Bannockburn Estates • April 2016 “Indian Cave” painting by Paul Marquardt Do you know of a resident artist who should have their works featured in Bannockburn Banner? Please contact [email protected]. “Golden Chrysanthemum” by Paul Marquardt April 2016 • Bannockburn Estates 19 The Mid-Atlantic’s Largest Professional Estate Sales, Auctions and Appraisals Company since 1972 • On Premise Estate and Moving Sales • Live Auctions • Personal Property Inventory Services • Consignment Sales • Downsizing/Transition Specialists • Certified Appraisals Visit for photos and descriptions of weekly sales For a FREE Consultation 301.580.9542 l 703.256.8300 Angie's List A- Rated New Roof and Leak Repair Shingles, Slate, Tile, Metal, Cedar, Flat membrane systems Certification & Affiliations Certified Mule Hide Flat roof systems applicator Certified Duradek applicator- Member of the MNCBIA East Coast Roofing strives to exceed our customer's expectations. We take pride in every job performed. "Your Roofing Contractor of Choice” your satisfaction comes first! We have over 50 years (office and field) experience. We have built our business on customer referrals. Get noticed. Contact n2 for ad placement 301.874.5380 making a difference The C&O Canal Trust It is probably safe to say that whether going for a run, walking the dog, taking a hike or even kayaking or canoeing, almost all of us enjoy the nearby C&O Canal and national parks along the Potomac. Founded in 2007, the C&O Canal Trust is the official nonprofit partner of the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park. Their mission is to work in partnership with the National Park Service to protect, restore, and promote the C&O Canal. The Trust engages communities and individuals to realize the Park’s historical, natural and recreational potential. Did you know that The C&O Canal National Historical Park is the ninth most visited unit within the National Park System, welcoming over 5 million visitors a year? (This is more visitors than signature parks like Yellowstone, Yosemite, or the Grand Canyon host a year!) The C&O Canal Trust works in partnership with the C&O Canal National Historical Park to raise funds and resources to support maintenance and the visitor program in the Park. This past November, The C&O Canal Trust hosted a groundbreaking event to officially launch construction on the new Marsden Tract Bridge over the canal. This bridge is funded by donors to the C&O Canal Trust’s Towpath Forever program, with a funding match from the National Park Service Centennial Challenge Program. It was the first project to take place in the Park in honor of the National Park Service’s 100th anniversary. Located minutes from your front door in Bannnockburn Plumbing, Heating & AC Sales Service Installation Factory authorized Carrier, Bryant, Mitsubishi dealer 7 day emergency service • FREE Estimates • Maintenance agreements 301-879-3400 • 20 Bannockburn Estates • April 2016 The Marsden Tract Bridge Replacement is on target to be completed by the end of this month through the help of skilled volunteers and with Eagle Scouts completing a secondary project at the same site. These projects will allow visitors at this busy park site out MacArthur Boulevard to safely cross the canal and have access to the towpath. Thank you to the C&O Canal Trust and volunteers for making a difference and helping preserve the towpath and the Chesapeake Marsden Tract Bridge groundbreaking & Ohio Canal National Historical Park for future generations not only in our community, but for visitors coming from near and far to experience the natural beauty and cultural heritage we are so fortunate to enjoy. Do you volunteer for a 501 c nonprofit organization that you would like Job #: 33145-35 Color(s): 4C to have featured? If so email [email protected]. Final Size: 3.66”x 5” Bleed?: N Branch: 154 Baltimore Pub: N2 Pub TUNE UP YOUR OLD HEATING AND A/C SYSTEM AND UPGRADE YOUR SLUMBER. SLEEP TIP #1 Keep your room temperature comfortable— tune up your heating and A/C system. Visit: for more great tips. SAVE $70 ON A PRECISION TUNE-UP · Save up to 30% on energy bills* · 90-day, money-back guarantee** · Regularly $139, now only $69! OFFER ENDS MAY 31, 2016 $25 OFF Service Call With Any Paid Repair · Emergency Service, 24/7/365 · Written 100% Satisfaction Guarantee OFFER ENDS MAY 31, 2016 240.428.0717 WE SERVICE ALL MAKES AND MODELS, 24/7 © 2016 Service Experts LLC. Service Experts and the Service Experts Heating & Air Conditioning logo and design are registered or common law trademarks of Service Experts LLC. Offers not valid on prior purchases and cannot be combined with any other offers. Some restrictions apply. *Potential savings may vary depending on age and condition of equipment, personal lifestyle, system settings, equipment maintenance, and installation of equipment and duct system. **If your A/C breaks down for any reason in the 90 days following your service, we’ll refund the cost of your tune-up, no questions asked. License #: MD HVAC 01-46599 & VA CLASS A 2705061079A PROMO CODE: 33145-35 April 2016 • Bannockburn Estates 21 In & Around THE ESTATES BANNOCKBURN ELEMENTARY SCHOO L PRESENTS This Community’s Got SPECIA L THANTalent! KS TO: what drives us? By Beverly & Steve Smirnis Our Amazing Production Team: Glenn Makl, Stefanie Rot hschild & Molly Rothschild PLAN FOR THE FUTURE Emcee Coordinator: Carly Rothschild Whitman High School & Pyle Middle School Volunte ers The Walt Whitman High Sch ool Tech Crew Chris Rogers All Parent Volunteers VARIETY SHOW 2016 WALT WHITMAN HIG H SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Friday, February 5, 20 16 6:30 p.m. BMW’s i3 is all about forward-thinking technology with aluminum chassis driven by an electric motor, augmented by a two-cylinder gasoline-fueled “range extender” engine. The passenger cell is skinned in carbon fiber to keep its weight down for improved efficiency and quicker acceleration. It is rated to cover 72 miles on electricity while the 170-hp range extender gas motor keeps it going for approximately 70 more miles. The cabin is surprisingly roomy in BMW’s rather funky-looking intro to the future. With a price tag in the $50K range, it is likely to be purchased as a toy second car by Euro sports car drivers. While truly driverless cars are still a few years away, Tesla Autopilot, available on its new Model S, functions like the systems that airplane pilots use when conditions are clear. The driver is still responsible for, and ultimately in control of, the car. Tesla designed Autopilot to give more confidence behind the wheel, increase safety on the road, and make tedious everyday driving a thing of the past. Using cameras, radar and ultrasonic sensors, Autopilot takes the stress of stop-start traffic away by steering, changing lanes and adjusting speed for you. Marketing Your Home For All It's Worth Do not hesitate to contact me when you are ready to engage the services of a real estate professional. I look forward to showing you how Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Pen Fed Realty and I could be your REALTOR for life! Patrick Mayo 10400 Old Georgetown Rd, Suite 3C, Bethesda, MD 20817 Mobile: 301-461-7045 Direct line: 301-961-6000 Office: 301-961-6000 © Copyright 2014, BRER Affiliates Inc. 22 Bannockburn Estates • April 2016 Thomas W. Pyle Middle School presents The Whitman Cluster Concert Rupert Stadler, chairman of the executive board of Audi, says, “The intelligent car can unfold its enormous potential only in an intelligent city.” Audi and the city of Somerville, Massachusetts agreed to develop an urban strategy for Somerville, applying technologies automated parking, and networking cars with traffic lights. In addition to networked infrastructure, Audi is bringing automated parking to the project. Selfparking cars result in three different benefits: 1) Parking garages can be relocated from the city center to less attractive places. 2) The parking area required per car is reduced by approximately two square meters. 3) The cars park closer together and need fewer, much narrower lanes in garages, where pedestrian paths, elevators and stairs are no longer required. A parking garage of the same size can then take up to 60 percent more vehicles – sufficient to end curbside parking. BMW i3 Tesla Autopilot The Audi RS 7 piloted driving prototype “Robby” tested limits of speed and handling at Sonoma Raceway. April 2016 • Bannockburn Estates 23 Ingredients: PA STA PR IMAVERA Pasta primavera is quite a straightforward recipe; spaghetti or fettuccine tossed with an array of fresh spring vegetables. When done right, this is a great seasonal recipe. It looks, smells, and tastes like a cool, sunny spring day. history Salute to Trees Why Do We Celebrate Arbor Day? Article Source: Arbor Day Foundation Arbor Day is a national holiday created to recognize the importance of trees. It is celebrated every year on the last Friday in April. The most common way people celebrate Arbor Day is to get together in groups to plant trees. Directions: Would you like to have your favorite family recipe featured? We are calling all chefs to share your secrets! For more information, please email [email protected]. The day was the brainchild of Julius Sterling Morton, a Nebraskan journalist who later became the U.S. Agriculture Secretary under President Grover Cleveland. Morton, an enthusiastic promoter of tree planting, had long championed the idea of a day dedicated to planting trees. Arbor Day was first celebrated in Nebraska on April 10, 1874, following a proclamation by Gov. Robert W. Furnas. In less than a decade, the idea for the holiday caught on in other states until, by 1882, its observance had become a national event. Nebraska made Arbor Day a legal holiday in 1885, moving it to April 22, Morton’s birthday. An estimated one million trees were planted during the first Arbor Day. Many other countries around the world set aside one day each year to celebrate trees, though not all of them take place on the same day as Arbor Day. One of the oldest is Tu Bishvat, a Jewish holiday that usually falls in late January or early February. In ancient times, the people of Israel used this day to plant trees and celebrate their gifts by eating dried fruit and nuts, including figs, dates, raisins, carob, and almonds. Many American Jews still observe this day. And just why do we celebrate trees? Trees can reduce the erosion of our precious topsoil by wind and water, cut heating and cooling costs, moderate the temperature, clean the air, produce lifegiving oxygen, and provide habitat for wildlife. They are also a renewable resource giving us paper, wood for our homes, fuel for our fires and countless other wood products. Trees beautify our homes and community, increase property values and enhance the economic vitality of business areas. Wherever they are planted, trees are a source of joy and spiritual renewal. Here are some suggestions on how to celebrate the day: Celebrate Arbor Day in a personal way by planting a tree yourself. Plant trees on your own property, or volunteer with a local tree-planting organization. You’ll meet new people while making a difference in your community. Read a book about trees, and learn to identify trees in your yard and neighborhood or attend a class on tree and plant care. Enjoy the outdoors. Visit a nearby park or take a nature hike, taking care to notice the different tree varieties you encounter. The National Arboretum in NE DC is also a wonderful place to visit to experience the beauty of trees, as is a stroll through our beautiful Bannockburn Estates. BERRYLOC • CORK • BAMBOO Highest Quality Hardwood Flooring At The Best Prices – Direct to You! Voted Best Flooring Company in Washingtonian Magazine (2011 & 2013) Atlas floors can install, repair, sand and finish your new and existing floors at competitive prices. 00) . AT L A S FLO ORS , I N C . 7845 G Airpark Road Gaithersburg, MD 20879 301-948-9144 • [email protected] Other Location Custom Gallery / Design Center 8000 Wisconsin Avenue Bethesda, MD The Gallery is By Appointment Only COCHRAN • REAL WOOD • SHAMROCK • STRAND WOVEN • Fill a large pot with lightly salted water and bring to a rolling boil. Hold basil bunch by the stems and dip basil leaves in boiling water until bright green, about 2 seconds. Immediately immerse basil in ice water for several minutes until cold to stop the cooking process. Once the basil is cold, drain well. Remove basil leaves from stems and discard stems. • Blend basil leaves, 1 cup chicken broth, 1/2 cup olive oil, and garlic together in a blender until smooth. • Stir fettuccine into the same pot of boiling water, bring back to a boil, and cook pasta over medium heat until cooked through but still firm to the bite, about 8 minutes. Drain. • Heat remaining 2 tablespoons olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Cook and stir leek and green onion in hot oil until softened, about 5 minutes. Add jalapeno and salt; cook and stir until jalapeno is soft, about 5 minutes. • Increase heat to medium-high. Stir 2 cups chicken broth, zucchini, sugar snap peas, and English peas into jalapeno mixture; bring to a simmer and cook for 5 minutes. Add asparagus and continue cooking until asparagus is soft, about 3 minutes more. • Pour 1/4 cup basil-garlic mixture into zucchini mixture and cook and stir until heated through, about 1 minute. Remove from heat. • Place pasta in a large bowl; pour zucchini mixture over pasta and pour remaining basil-garlic mixture over the zucchini mixture. Spread Parmesan cheese over the top. Toss mixture briefly to combine and tightly wrap bowl with aluminum foil. Let stand until pasta and vegetables soak up most of the juices and oil, about 5 minutes. Toss again. Serves 6 24 Bannockburn Estates • April 2016 a place in • RUSTIC • WALNUT & MUCH MORE! ESTATES 1 bunch fresh basil 3 cups chicken broth, divided 1/2 cup olive oil 2 cloves garlic 1 pound fettuccine pasta 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 large leek, white and light green parts only, chopped 1 bunch green onions, chopped 2 jalapeno peppers, seeded and diced 2 pinches salt 2 zucchinis, diced 1 cup chopped sugar snap peas 1/2 cup shelled English peas 1 bunch asparagus, stalks diced, tips left whole 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese, or as needed RECLAIMED CHEFS in the • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 301-948-9144 • 301-865-1300 MAPLE • HICKORY • AMERICAN CHERRY April 2016 • Bannockburn Estates 25 view of some of Japan’s most magnificent volcanic mountains. Todaiji Temple is home to massive Buddha statues and the largest wooden structure in the world. Himeji is a feudal-era fortress that allows you to feel the history of the Japanese Samurai. And be sure to visit the city of Kyoto; for thousands of years it was the capital and still features all of the culture, gardens and homes of ancient nobility. Sponsor Spotlight Meet Elizabeth Carroll, MT FUJI – Probably the most recognizable Japanese icon is the legendary volcanic Mt Fuji. There are several sightseeing tours that take you onto the sacred mountain, caves, the Sea of Trees and the Five Lakes of Fuji. If you visit in the summer, aim for the summit where you can be dazzled by the sun rising over the sea and then into the clouds that often hang below you. Principal, Brotman Insurance Agency Elizabeth with husband, Trung Trang Although the majority of my life has been spent in the DC area, I have lived in a number of wonderful locations in the US. I was born in Upstate NY, spent my elementary school years in Pittsburgh and attended Langley High School in McLean, VA. I majored in Chinese Studies at The George Washington University and earned a Master of Arts in Religion from Yale Divinity School. I also spent some time in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. After getting married to Trung H. Trang, my husband and I moved to Virginia where we raised two children. Due to Trung’s career opportunities in the insurance industry, we moved to Fairfield, Connecticut for five years, to Tampa, Florida for another five and then happily resettled in Washington, DC. After returning to DC, I began working with Ron Brotman and eventually took over his insurance agency when he retired in 2012. I am the sixth of seven children born to wonderful parents of Irish and Polish descent. My studies and marriage to a Vietnamese refugee have combined to make an interesting and colorful family history. Trung and I have two accomplished grown children, John-Paul and Anne-Marie, of whom I’m most proud. As a family we have traveled the U.S. and Europe extensively and are preparing to travel to Vietnam this summer. Trung and I are enjoying this stage in life more than any other – having adult children to enjoy fully as interesting, independent people in their own right and having the time as empty nesters to enjoy friends and family in this great city. Trung and I have spent the last 30 years in the insurance industry. Although Trung isn’t involved in my agency, he is a great resource to me for bouncing ideas back and forth. After leaving Saigon in 1975, Trung went to Belgium and earned his B.A. in Economics of Developing Nations at the Catholic University of Louvain. He eventually came to Washington where I met him in the language lab at GW. His specialty is financial planning while I specialize in auto/home/life as well as commercial liability insurance. I am licensed in Maryland, Virginia, DC, and Delaware. How I ended up selling insurance with a background in Chinese Studies and Theology is a long story but the lessons I learned from both disciplines contribute in surprising ways to my success. I purchased my insurance agency from Ron Brotman, who retired after more than 40 years with Allstate. I was fortunate to work with him and to gain the confidence of his customers, who have brought their children and grandchildren to the business 26 Bannockburn Estates • April 2016 Children Anne-Marie and John-Paul over the years. Like Ron, I run my business like an old-fashioned, customer service agency. I consider it a privilege to provide insurance coverage to my customers and treat their information with discretion and care. With a ninety percent retention rate from year to year, I can happily say that my customers are well protected and looked after. As far as what sets my agency apart from others, I would say, that as an agent I am completely hands on. I write every policy that comes through the agency and have a wonderful, trustworthy staff to handle changes, payments, and transactions. I believe firmly in explaining coverage and options in order to provide the most robust coverage at the most competitive price possible. I would say that my involvement with the day-to-day operations of the business and constant contact with clients provides top-notch customer service and prudent protection. Given my experience, the best advice I would give anyone purchasing insurance is to spend an hour asking your agent for explanations of each policy. It has amazed me that most people have an extremely limited understanding of their coverage and available options. The next point I would stress is that it is to your benefit to bundle your auto, home and life insurance policies in order to reap the best discounts. Finally, I would suggest inquiring about policy upgrades to find out whether or not you have accident or claim “forgiveness” (no surcharge) or the opportunity to earn “rewards” toward your collision deductible. These benefits are almost always worth the additional premium and customers have saved hundreds of dollars each year, especially if they have a claim. If you’re curious to compare Allstate to your current carrier, please email or call me and I would be happy to help you. It is very likely that if you spend a little time reviewing your protection, you will end up with more peace of mind, more sensible coverage and possibly lower premiums. Elizabeth Carroll, Agent Brotman Insurance Agency 8218 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite P16 Bethesda, MD 20814 (301) 424-6900 [email protected] Elizabeth Carroll tour & travel Experience JAPAN The Exotic Trip Of A Lifetime HIROSHIMA – The West is forever linked in history with Japan through Hiroshima, which is now recognized by the great Genbaku Dome that serves as a symbol of world peace. The city and memorials are situated on the beautiful coastline and feature several attractions that yearly draw thousands of visitors. While small in size, Japan is enormous in offerings. If possible, two weeks is the minimum suggested time to soak in the sights and culture. Booking through an experienced agency is also suggested to get the most out of your trip. And remember, bring the camera, for this will be one exotic trip you will want relive for years to come! By N2 Staff Writer, Tracy LaFon Cruises, resorts and theme parks always make for enjoyable vacations, but everyone deserves that once-in-a-lifetime exotic destination; and nothing is more uniquely exotic than a land filled with Imperial Palaces, volcanos, breathing-taking gardens, metropolitan cities, kimono-clad geishas, karaoke nightlife, sushi, sake and thousands of years of history. Anyone can leave home, but travelers to Japan experience a completely different world. With the yen falling against the dollar and the cherry trees prime to blossom, it is time to take a vacation to the Land of the Rising Sun. For such a small county, Japan offers an infinite supply of experiences for its Western visitors. When considering a trip to Japan, contemplate some of the following destinations and activities: TOKYO – Japan’s largest city and home to its primary airport, the city is a blend of neon, high tech skyscrapers, theater and Zen Gardens. Easily connected by several mass transit options, this city can also be effortlessly explored on foot. Companies offer cultural tours that feature everything from traditional cuisines, tranquility gardens, historical expeditions, artistic exhibits to even one featuring a sumo wrestling museum and tournament. TEMPLES, CASTLES AND PALACES – With a visible history predating the 14th century, Japan offers a peek inside its unique culture by visits to some of its breathtaking architectural and geographical outlooks. The ancient Buddhist temple of Klyomizu-der rises over the trees to give its visitors a platform CALIBER CLIENTS WITH COUPON RECEIVE $500 TOWARDS CLOSING COSTS. Offer expires July 31, 2016. Discount applies to direct originations made by Caliber Home Loans, Inc. and is not available on loans obtained through external mortgage brokers. Discount applies to first mortgage purchase or refinance transactions. Not available on home equity loans or lines of credit. Information is accurate as of the date of printing and the discount offer is subject to change without notice. One discount per loan transaction. Discount cannot be combined with any other offer. When you’re ready to buy a home, the experienced, friendly staff at Caliber Home Loans, Inc. is ready to help. From the beginning of the loan process until closing, your Loan Consultant will work closely with you, helping you make informed decisions that can make the home financing process smooth, simple, and stress free. Call me today to get started. Kasey Martin Loan Consultant | NMLS 192739 6720-B Rockledge Drive, Suite 500 Bethesda, MD 20817 Direct: 240-855-0834 | Cell: 301-452-5217 [email protected] Caliber Home Loans, Inc., 3701 Regent Boulevard, Irving, TX 75063 NMLS ID #15622 (www. 1-800-401-6587. Copyright © 2015. All Rights Reserved. This is not an offer to enter into an agreement. Not all customers will qualify. Information, rates, and programs are subject to change without prior notice. All products are subject to credit and property approval. Not all products are available in all states or for all dollar amounts. Other restrictions and limitations apply. (0539_MD) April 2016 • Bannockburn Estates 27 home matters healthy living SPRING 2016 By N2 Staff Writer, Megan Weatherly Lynn Written by N2 Staff Writer, Elizabeth McCabe Staying Healthy Through Better Sl eep Spring is the perfect season to refresh and update the style of your home. 2016 brings with it many exciting ideas and creative liberties. Designer Jonathan Adler sums it up perfectly, saying “We live in an anything-goes world where it’s okay to mix high with low, mid-century with minimalist modern, colors, patterns and everything in between. The best trend I’m seeing is people forgetting about the ‘rules’ and loving what they love unapologetically.” Color of the Year Each year, Pantone releases a Color of the Year, which influences fashion and design trends in a major way. Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director of the Pantone Color Institute, best describes the color pair of 2016, saying “joined together, Rose Quartz and Seren- Let Us Provide the Peace of Mind You Deserve Brotman Insurance Agency Serving the community for over 40 years. Call Today for a No Obligation Insurance Review. You’ll Be Surprised By What You Don’t Know! Elizabeth Carroll, Agent Theresa Berg, LSP Bethesda Medical Building 8218 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite P-16, Bethesda, MD 20814 (301) 424-6900 [email protected] 28 Bannockburn Estates • April 2016 ity demonstrate an inherent balance between a warmer embracing rose tone and the cooler tranquil blue, reflecting connection and wellness, as well as a soothing sense of order and peace.” Eclectic Kitchens The kitchen, often referred to as the heart of the home, has become a blank canvas for showcasing personal style. Black stainless steel appliances are an increasingly popular alternative to the more traditional stainless options. Mismatched upper and lower cabinets are a wonderful way to incorporate various paints, stains and finishes. Countertops made of concrete, recycled glass or wood add texture and individuality. Formal Spaces In an intentional effort to be more present, many are opting to turn off the television in favor of tech-less living rooms. Creating spaces for conversation and relaxation is becoming increasingly more important. For the same reason, formal dining rooms are making a comeback. Fireplaces (both traditional wood-burning and more sleek, electric versions) will be focal points for many of these formal spaces. Bathroom Retreats To many, the bathroom is becoming just as much about luxury as it is function. Heated flooring, steam showers and towel warmers create a relaxing environment. The bidet, a sanitation staple in many other countries, is gaining popularity in the United States. Adding a lounge seating area to your bathroom can make the space feel more spa-like. Bathroom mirrors that make a statement and metallic wallpapers add elegant touches. Design Accents Adding some unique accents to your spaces will truly make your house a home. Whether you collect pieces while traveling or create your own artwork, here are some trending ideas for 2016: • Geometric patterns in tile, fabrics, and artwork • Graphic, colorful throw pillows • Black and white mixed with wood tones • Mixing various shades of gray • Typography art, including signage or marquee lights • Artisan wares, such as woven baskets and tapestries • Framed photography as art, purchased or DIY Sleep. Everybody needs it but no one seems to get quite enough of it. Blame it on the demands of a digital age, the stressors of family life, or simply being overscheduled. Sleep is one of those precious commodities that our bodies need to function at their optimum level. Did you know that sleep helps repair your blood vessels and heart? That night of sleep even helps your brain remember information, as well as work properly. A lack of sleep can create a multitude of problems, such as making bad decisions, depression, and can even control one’s emotions. An increased risk of obesity and high blood pressure can also be caused from an ongoing sleep deficiency. Not to mention making one more susceptible to accidents. The Three Mile Island nuclear incident and the Exxon Valdez oil spill were both linked to sleep-deprived workers. Getting enough sleep can even foster creativity, increase athleticism, and help you maintain a healthy weight. According to a study at the University of Chicago, dieters who were well rested lost more fat than those who were sleep deprived (who lost more valuable muscle instead). Sleeping sufficiently will even curb your appetite since the same sectors of the brain control sleep and metabolism. Never underestimate a good night of rest! How Can You Sleep Better? According to the National Sleep Council, a bedtime routine is important for establishing a healthy sleep pattern. A routine helps to cue the body that it’s time to settle down and prepare for sleep. Whether that involves meditation, prayer, reading or yoga, getting your body ready for bed is important. Stick to the same bedtime every day for the best results. Create a conducive environment for sleep by banishing cell phones, television, and all electronic devices from your bedroom. Make your room quiet, dark and cool. Don’t overlook a supportive mattress and foundation for a good night of sleep either. Still tossing and turning? Consider a supplement like magnesium and calcium, 5-HTP, valerian root or melatonin. Or sip some hops tea. Hops binds to the melatonin receptors in the brain. In random studies, the effect of hops is equivalent to sleeping medications without the side effects. Results Of Sleeping Better Sleep can be overlooked in the hustle and bustle of life, but don’t neglect getting your precious ZZZs. Improve your memory through sleep, especially when learning new skills. Reduce inflammation through sleep. According to research, those who sleep less than six hours a night have higher blood levels of inflammatory proteins. Cut your risk of heart disease, arthritis, stroke, diabetes and stroke, as well as premature aging through sleep. 10411 Motor City Drive, Suite 615 Bethesda, MD 20817 April 2016 • Bannockburn Estates 29 lawn & garden GET OUT THE SALAD FORKS SPRING VEGGIES ARE HERE! april | Local Events By N2 Staff Writer, Amy Lynne Howlett VEGGIE LOVERS, REJOICE! Spring is finally here and it’s time to get back in the garden. Although things are warming up, spring weather can still be erratic, so set your garden up for success by planting cool-season spring crops that won’t back down from Mother Nature! PICK YOUR STARTING LINEUP If you’re antsy to start planting during early spring, start with vegetables that are most likely to thrive in cooler weather. In general, greens and root vegetables have the best chance of rooting Fine gardens inspired by art and nature Landscape Design • Customized Maintenance Plans Stone Work • Drainage Systems • Edible and Native Landscaping Organic Landscape Practices •Snow and Ice Removal Martins Landscaping Inc is an ecologically inspired landscape design, installation, and maintenance company for both residential and commercial projects. We integrate sustainable practices with artistry by blending a wealth of plant knowledge to thoughtfully design unforgettable outdoor spaces. We also provide a full spectrum of maintenance services, including lawn care, pruning, mulching and weed control using organic methods which are safe for children, pets and the environment. •••• Give us a call or send an email to discover more about our landscaping options and how we can add natural beauty and value to your land. Design • Installation • Maintenance 30 Bannockburn Estates • April 2016 301.565.0556 [email protected] in cool soil. On the hardiest end are spinach and lettuce, which can sprout with soil between only 35 and 40 degrees. Spinach is also more frost-resistant than other veggies. When the soil is slightly warmer plant greens such as kale, cabbage, Swiss chard and collards; root vegetables including radishes, beets, carrots and turnips; and other cool season favorites like broccoli and peas. Some gardening pros swear that the hardiest cool season vegetables taste best when planted in colder weather! READY, SET … Most gardeners watch the thermometer to determine the start of gardening season, and it is true that late frosts threaten vegetables with foliage above ground. However, a common misconception in gardening is to focus on the temperature of the air rather than the soil. It is actually the soil temperature that most affects a seed, and occasional periods of warm spring weather may not sufficiently warm the soil to begin spring gardening. Pick up a soil thermometer at your local garden center to ensure the soil is at least 35 – better yet 40 – degrees before planting. Don’t have a soil thermometer? Improvise by using a kitchen meat thermometer plunged 2 inches into the soil; just be sure to wash it before checking your Easter ham! NATIONAL CHERRY BLOSSOM FESTIVAL *4/2 - Blossom Kite Festival, 10 am - 4:30 pm - National Mall, Constitution Avenue & 17th St. *4/9 - Fireworks Show, 8:30pm – Southwest Waterfront-600 Water St. SW *4/16 - Parade, 10am-12pm –Constitutions Ave. from 7th to 17th St. *4/16 - Sakura Matsuri – Japanese Street Festival, 10:30a-6p, 12th and Pennsylvania Ave. SMITHSONIAN JAZZ APPRECIATION MONTH Throughout April - various locations. The Smithsonian celebrates the month with special talks, workshops, concerts and more. http:// GO! It’s the day you’ve dreamt of all winter long – time to dig in the soil! Before planting it’s a good idea to prep the soil since it might be wet from rain or melting snow. Lighten and fortify the soil by adding compost or another organic matter. Then aerate the soil by gently lifting it with a garden fork. Aerating encourages healthy soil by incorporating the compost and adding oxygen to the soil before planting. If cold, compacted soil prohibits planting in your area, you can circumvent the issue by using raised beds or containers, which generally warm up sooner than the ground. Row covers are another option, but keep in mind that the air underneath the heavy plastic can get very (possibly too) warm on sunny days, so be sure to cut slits to ventilate. With thoughtful selection and extra care, you can enjoy the harvest of early spring! FILMFEST DC 4/14-4/24 - Multiple venues around Washington DC. The city's oldest film festival returns this year featuring a wide range of films from around the globe including features, documentaries, comedies, shorts and award winners. BETHESDA LITERARY FESTIVAL 4/15-4/17 - Dozens of authors and writers conduct readings, talks and other activities at galleries, bookstores and other sites in downtown Bethesda. SUGARLOAF CRAFT FESTIVAL 4/15-4/17 - Montgomery County Fairgrounds, Gaithersburg. Enjoy a wide selection of contemporary crafts and fine art at this popular festival. BAY BRIDGE BOAT SHOW 4/15-4/17- Kent Island, Maryland. The show kicks off the boating season each spring with a display of hundreds of new and late model brokerage boats and boat equipment displays. ANNAPOLIS SPRING SAILBOAT SHOW 4/15-4/17- Annapolis. The show includes new and brokerage catamarans, monohulls, racing boats, inflatables, and day sailors. Cruisers University features hands-on training by cruising experts. ANACOSTIA RIVER FESTIVAL 4/17, 1-5 pm, Anacostia Park, SE Washington DC. The festival concludes the National Cherry Blossom Festival with a wide variety of activities including outdoor recreation, musical performances, a photography exhibition, a bike parade and more. SMITHSONIAN CRAFT SHOW 4/21-4/24 -This is your chance to buy unique crafts from the most prestigious exhibition of contemporary American arts in the nation. PASSOVER IN WASHINGTON, DC 4/22-4/30 - Find resources for planning and celebrating the Jewish holiday in the Washington DC area including kosher markets, restaurants, synagogues and more. April 2016 • Bannockburn Estates 31 SHENANDOAH APPLE BLOSSOM FESTIVAL 4/22-5/1 - Winchester, Virginia. The annual celebration of spring showcases the blooming apple trees in the Shenandoah Valley with more than 45 events including the Coronation of Queen Shenandoah, the Grand Feature Parade, band competitions, dances, a carnival, a 10K run, Firefighters events and more. NATIONAL HARBOR FOOD & WINE FESTIVAL 4/23-4/24 - Enjoy food and wine pairing, artisanal and organic products, lectures on culinary and wine trends and more. DC YOGA WEEK 4/25-4/30 - Try a free or discounted yoga class this week at one of DC's yoga studios. Practice with other yoga enthusiast on the National Mall on APRIL 30. GEORGETOWN FRENCH MARKET 4/29-4/30 -The spring shopping extravaganza features fashion, French fare, quaint home and antique shops, galleries and live music. PERFORMING ARTS ARENA STAGE ALL THE WAY, 4/1-5/8 - Fichandler Stage - It’s not personal, it’s politics in this 2014 Tony Award-winning drama. Go all the way with LBJ, MAYHEM is EVERYWHERE Martin Luther King, J. Edgar Hoover and more in this “beautifully built dramatic piece” (Variety) where the line between compromise and compromising your principles is as sharp as a knife. FORD’S THEATRE 110 IN THE SHADE - 4/1-5/14. In the sweltering 1950s Southwest, headstrong and eternally single Lizzie Curry dreams of a life beyond her small town. When a charming stranger named Starbuck swaggers into town, he vows to end the region’s drought and awakens Lizzie to the promise she holds within. A classic American musical about cowboys, confidence and courtship, based on The Rainmaker and featuring a lively score from the creators of The Fantasticks. THE NATIONAL THEATRE JERSEY BOYS - 4/6-4/24. Tony Award-winning Jersey Boys is the story of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons: Frankie Valli, Bob Gaudio, Tommy DeVito and Nick Massi. This is the true story of how a group of blue-collar boys from the wrong side of the tracks became one of the biggest American pop music sensations of all time. They wrote their own songs, invented their own sounds and sold 175 million records worldwide – all before they were 30. SPORTS Bannockburn Banner resident business guide ARTIST Rima Schulkind Art Rima Schulkind (301) 222-0279 [email protected] ORTHODONTICS Orthodontics for Children and Adults Donald V. Liang, D.D.S., P.A. (202) 966-7711 [email protected] ATHLETIC CLUB Chevy Chase Athletic Club Connie Barnes, Director of Squash (301) 656-8834 [email protected] www.chevychaseathleticclub. com REALTOR WC & AN Miller Realtors, a Long and Foster Company Rita Liptz, Residential Realtor (240) 305-6496 [email protected] REMODELING Vision Design Build Jacqueline Barlow (301) 263-0220 [email protected] Attention Bannockburn Estates Residents: Do you own or run a business? To have your business featured FREE in the Resident Business Guide in an upcoming issue of the Bannockburn Banner please contact Timothy Beam @ 301.222.7361 or e-mail [email protected]. WASHINGTON NATIONALS First game of the season – 4/4, Opening Day – 4/7 WASHINGTON CAPITALS Home Games –4/5, 7, 10 WASHINGTON WIZARDS Home Games – 4/6, 10, 13 FUNDRAISING EVENTS STUDIO THEATRE ANNUAL GALA - 4/1, Studio Theatre 14th Street FORTUNATELY, SO ARE Allstate AGENTS Your in Good Hands with your local FAIRWEATHER INSURANCE AGENCY Ron Ziegel [email protected] 3720 Farragut Avenue # 100 Kensington, MD 20895-1220 o) 301.232.0400 c) 561.350.8165 32 Bannockburn Estates • April 2016 KENNEDY CENTER SPRING GALA - 4/10, Concert Hall. Provides critical funding to support the Center’s performances, education programs and outreach initiatives. THE CHILDREN’S BALL - 4/15, Ritz-Carlton. Signature event benefiting Children’s National Health System MEDSTAR NATIONAL REHABILITATION NETWORK 30TH ANNIVERSARY GALA - 4/20, National Portrait Gallery. Victor Award honorees including celebrities and former patients who have disabilities and inspire the community with the face of adversity. NATIONAL MUSEUM OF WOMEN IN THE ARTS’ SPRING GALA 4/29 at the museum CATHOLIC CHARITIES GALA - 4/30, Marriott Wardman Park. Proceeds benefit Catholic Charities’ efforts to foster a spirit of community through service. April 2016 • Bannockburn Estates 33 COLONIAL OPTICIANS TOP BRANDS. ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY. SUPERIOR SERVICE. • 5 Convenient Locations • 50 Years Making Things Clear • Trend-Setting Luxury Eyewear • Experienced & Caring Staff • Eye Exams Bethesda, Kentlands & Potomac only • Latest Lens Technology Featured properties may not be listed by the office/agent presenting this brochure. Source Multiple Listing Service. All information herein has not been verified and is not guaranteed. Supplied by Vicki Porter, SRES, W.C. & A.N. Miller Realtors, A Long and Foster Company Address 8003 Whittier Blvd Neighborhood Woodhaven List Price $1,399,000 DOM 293 Beds 6 Baths 4 Half Baths 8311 Whittier Blvd Woodhaven $1,629,000 210 5 4 1 6529 Elgin Ln Merrimack Park $1,699,000 70 5 3 1 8912 Burdette Rd Kafauver Tract $1,599,000 3 4 4 1 7016 Bradley Blvd Kafauver Tract $2,250,000 359 6 4 2 7020 Armat Dr Kafauver Tract $4,750,000 344 7 7 2 7701 Beech Tree Rd Burning Tree Valley $980,000 126 4 3 7801 Beech Tree Rd Burning Tree Valley $1,395,000 42 4 3 1 550 N Frederick Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20877 (Kentlands Mkt Sq) 718 Center Point Way, Gaithersburg, MD 20878 7812 Old Chester Rd Bradley Woods $2,175,000 178 6 4 1 301.926.2464 301.990.0398 7612 Dwight Dr Burning Tree Estates $1,139,000 157 6 4 1 5504 Pembroke Ter Bradley Hills $2 178 7 7 1 7125 Arrowood Rd Burning Tree $3,995,000 161 5 5 3 6207 Bannockburn Dr Bannockburn $1,899,000 23 5 4 1 7306 Broxburn Ct Bannockburn Estates $2,445,000 354 6 5 1 6507 Pyle Rd Merrimack Park $1,999,000 119 5 5 1 7205 Loch Lomond Dr Bannockburn Estates $1,295,000 14 6 4 6720 Honesty Way Foggy Pasture $1,650,000 327 5 4 Bethesda What is the one thing that your clients should know about you? I am able to find my buyers hidden gems and surprisingly great areas since I’ve lived in Bethesda all my life. Being licensed in Maryland, D.C. and Virginia allows (Federal Plaza) 1776 E Jefferson St, Rockville, MD 20852 301.657.3332 301.881.7422 Gaithersburg Kentlands Potomac 301.299.5222 MAKITA | WEBER | FESTOOL. PASLODE | SIKKENS BENJAMIN MOORE | FEIN FINE PAINTS OF EUROPE 7303 MACARTHUR BLVD (JUST AROUND THE CORNER) BETHESDA, MD 20816 301.229.3700 WWW.GLENECHOHARDWARE.COM TO VIEW BARGAINS OF THE MONTH 10-Time National Sunroom Association Award Winners DOWNLOA D YOUR FR EE SUNROOM S GUIDE T ODAY AT GUIDE.MA RYLANDSU NROOMS.C OM me to show my clients all the possibilities. This knowledge benefits those who may not know what city they would like to live in yet or those who may be moving for a new job. How would your clients describe you? My clients have described me as trustworthy, efficient and responsive. Here is part of a recent note that I appreciated: “Working with Vicki was like working with a trusted friend who had only our best interests at heart. Not only did she sell our condo quickly, she helped us with every aspect of the move and preparation. Since I was trying to manage the sale long distance, she took my place in handling all of the many on-site activities. She was always available and responsive to my many questions, and went well beyond our highest expectations.” Vicki L. Porter, SRES (Seniors Real Estate Specialist) W.C. and A.N. Miller Realtors "A Long and Foster Co." 4701 Sangamore Rd Bethesda, MD 20816 Cell-- 301-325-2965 powering your project Rockville 4942 St. Elmo Ave, Bethesda, MD 20814 (Potomac Pl Shopping Ctr) 10130 River Rd, Unit A, Potomac, MD 20854 1 What makes you different than others in your profession? I’m a certified Senior Real Estate Specialist (SRES), which means I have taken courses necessary to qualify to help people downsize from that big house where they raised a family and move onto a new phase of life. Through my network of resources, I help with organizing, fix ups, staging and donating. Sometimes adult children are involved, and I like forming a team of sorts with the sellers and their adult children. It can be a challenging process, but one I enjoy and that brings great emotional rewards. “Being licensed in Maryland, D.C. and Virginia allows me to show my clients all the possibilities.” COLONIAL OPTICIANS.COM CHRISTOPHERS GLEN ECHO HARDWARE Call, click, or visit • 301.637.3191 • MARYLANDSUNROOMS.COM Office-- 301.229.4400 Web-- 34 Bannockburn Estates • April 2016 April 2016 • Bannockburn Estates 35 Family Owned and Operated Since 1945 Residential & Commercial Heating • Air Conditioning • Plumbing • Geothermal Spray Foam Insulation • Boilers Harvey W. Hottel, Inc. 18900 Woodfield Rd., Gaithersburg, MD 20879, Phone: (301) 921-9599 MD_Silver Spring Bannockburn Banner PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID WILMINGTON NC PERMIT NO. 40
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