homochirality, seed of terrestrial life - MSU Chemistry
homochirality, seed of terrestrial life - MSU Chemistry
Organic seminar - Michigan State University HOMOCHIRALITY, SEED OF TERRESTRIAL LIFE Hadi Gholami October 23, 2013 H 3N H 3N http://www.desktopcrunch.com/wp-content/uploads/wallpapers/ iPek©!Random/Digital-Universe-Earth-Desktop-Wallpaper.jpg H 3N COO COO H 3N COO COO Chirality 1840s - Louis Pasteur studied the crystalline and solution forms of (±)-tartaric acid 1894 - The introduction of the word “chiral” by Lord Kelvin Chiral comes from the Greek word “Χείρ, Chir” meaning “HAND” (S) “Sinister” LEFT (R) “Rectus” RIGHT Hands are non-superimposable mirror images e Types of Chirality Point chirality H NH 2 H 2N H CO 2H H 3C CO 2H H 3C (S) (R) Types of Chirality Helical chirality Point chirality H NH 2 H 2N H CO 2H H 3C CO 2H H 3C (S) (R) (M) (P) (M) Types of Chirality Helical chirality Point chirality H NH 2 H 2N H CO 2H H 3C CO 2H H 3C (R) (S) (P) (M) Axial chirality O 2N CO 2H NO 2 HO 2C HO 2C O 2N NH 2 H H (M) Me C H H (P) Me H H Me C H (P) H NH 2 H 2N H Me (M) (P) (M) H 2N NO 2 CO 2H (M) H L H H L L L (P) (M) Different Chirality, Different Properties? O O O O * * H H (R) Spearmint oil O H 3N H H N O O O H 3N O H H N H O O O H (S) Caraway oil S,S-isomer of Aspartame Different Smell R,R-isomer of Aspartame Different Taste * * (R) Limonene (S) Limonene http://karolinas.net/en/home/limonene-a-diploma-thesis-topic-c57.htm Pharmaceuticals: Chirality matters! O N O O * O NH O (S)-Thalidomide (S)-isomer had the desired antinausea effects O HN * O N O (R)-Thalidomide (R)-form caused fetal abnormalities http://blogs.smithsonianmag.com/smartnews/2012/09/thalidomide-manufacturer-finally-apologizes-for-birth-defects-survivorssay-its-not-enough/ Pharmaceuticals: Chirality matters! O N O O * O NH O (S)-Thalidomide (S)-isomer had the desired antinausea effects O HN * O N O (R)-Thalidomide (R)-form caused fetal abnormalities http://blogs.smithsonianmag.com/smartnews/2012/09/thalidomide-manufacturer-finally-apologizes-for-birth-defects-survivorssay-its-not-enough/ Homochirality and Life Homochirality: Nature selects almost exclusively one enantiomer over the other as building blocks for living organisms. Homochirality and Life Homochirality: Nature selects almost exclusively one enantiomer over the other as building blocks for living organisms. HO OR O OH D-Sugar Yoon, C. et al. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 1988, 85, 6332. Homochirality and Life Homochirality: Nature selects almost exclusively one enantiomer over the other as building blocks for living organisms. HO OR O OH D-Sugar H 2N H CO2H R L - Amino Acid Wang, W. et al. Science 2012, 338, 1340. Yoon, C. et al. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 1988, 85, 6332. Progression of Homochirality on Earth Inducing Initial Enantio Imbalance Amplification of Initial ee Expansion of Chiral Pool Progression of Homochirality on Earth Inducing Initial Enantio Imbalance Amplification of Initial ee Expansion of Chiral Pool Progression of Homochirality on Earth Inducing Initial Enantio Imbalance Amplification of Initial ee By chance ..... Circularly Polarized Light (Chiral Light) and many more ... Expansion of Chiral Pool It’s all about light? From Prebiotic Soup to Chiral Organisms... Biological world started Prebiotic Life as we know today Biological evolution 3.6-3.8 billion years ago Enantiomeric imbalance was induced by polarized light, either somewhere in the universe (extraterrestrial) or directly on earth (terrestrial) resulting in small excess of one enantiomer of the biological building blocks over the other (chiral excess). Stanley Miller’s Experiment Light Storm Energy from the spark drives the reaction between molecules Water vapor was provided into the artificial atmosphere Organic molecules including some amino acids were detected after a few days http://www.studyblue.com/notes/note/n/exam-3-flashcards/deck/2577056 Revised Stanley Miller’s Experiment UV photolysis of the mixture on ice H2O:CH3OH:NH3:HCN 20:2:1:1 HPLC Trace Relative Emission Serine Glycine Ethanolamine Alanine No light source w/o mixture ice Retention Time (min) Bernstein,M. P.; Dworkin, J. P.; Sandford, S. A.; Cooper, G.W.; Allamandola, L. J., Nature, 2002 416, 401 Revised Stanley Miller’s Experiment Relative Emission Serine UV photolysis of the mixture on ice H2O:CH3OH:NH3:HCN - Light can induce biological 20:2:1:1 building block formation. HPLC Trace - Non-chiral light cannot induce enantio excess (Homochirality) Glycine Ethanolamine Alanine No light source w/o mixture ice Retention Time (min) Bernstein,M. P.; Dworkin, J. P.; Sandford, S. A.; Cooper, G.W.; Allamandola, L. J., Nature, 2002 416, 401 What is Chiral Light? Polarizing Filter Linear Polarized Light Light http://www.photophysics.com/tutorials/circular-dichroism-cd-spectroscopy/1-understanding-circular-dichroism What is Chiral Light? Polarizing Filter Linear Polarized Light Light Linear Polarized Light z-axis y-axis x-axis http://www.photophysics.com/tutorials/circular-dichroism-cd-spectroscopy/1-understanding-circular-dichroism What is Chiral Light? Polarizing Filter Linear Polarized Light Light Linear Polarized Light z-axis y-axis x-axis Circularly Polarized Light (Chiral Light) http://www.photophysics.com/tutorials/circular-dichroism-cd-spectroscopy/1-understanding-circular-dichroism Induction of Chirality on Molecules by Circularly Polarized Light hν 6π - Con. I2 O2 H D+L D+L D + L Conformations Reaction 1 2 3 4 H Wavelength Irridiated (nm) 410 390 370 290 Circularity of Light, % 75 (RCP) 75 (RCP) 75 (RCP) 75 (LCP) Optical yield, % 2.00 1.96 1.77 - 0.42 RCP, Right Handed Circular Polarized Light / LCP, Linear Polarized Light Bernstein, W. J.; Calvin, M.; Buchardt, O. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1971, 94, 494. But is There Any Circularly Polarized Light in the Universe? Total IR intensity Percentage of circular polarization Bailey, J. et al. Science 1998, 281, 672. Creation of Chiral Excess by Circularly Polarized Light Marcellus, P. et. al. Astrophys. J. Lett., 2011, L27, 727 Measured Enantiomeric Excesses for 13C-Alanine Linearly polarized light (LPL) ee L-Ala (%) -0.04 Left-handed circularly polarized light (L-CPL) Right-handed circularly polarized light (R-CPL) ee L-Ala (%) +0.71 Marcellus, P. et. al. Astrophys. J. Lett. 2011, L27, 727. ee L-Ala (%) -1.34 Can you Induce Chiral Excess in a Racemic Solution Using Circularly Polarized Light? O O O NH 2 HO L-CPL HO NH 2 L-Leu 1 R-CPL NH 2 HO 6.8 eV 182 nm 6.8 eV 182 nm Reaction Irradiation with L-CP (red line) and RCPSR (blue line) D-Leu D-Leu D,L-Leu Irradiation - L-Leu ee (D-Leucine) [%] 0.00 2 L-CPL -0.88 3 R-CPL 2.60 Enantiomeric excesses obtained after irradiation of racemic leucine with circularly polarized light. 15.0 15.2 15.4 15.6 time (min) Meierhenrich, U. J. et al. Angew Chem Int. Ed. 2005, 44, 5630. 15.8 16.0 Why Enantiomers Interact Differently with Circularly Polarized Light d-Ala (red), l-Ala (blue) g : anisotropy factor ε : extinction coefficient d-Val (orange) and l-Val (black) Thick lines: Anisotropy spectra Thin lines : corresponding eeL H 2N * CO2H Valine Meinert, C. et. al. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 44.. Transfer of Chiral Molecules α-methyl L-amino acids were found on meteorites H 2N CO2H Me Me H 2N CO2H Me Me Me Et ee : 2.8% ee : 7% H 2N Me CO2H Pr ee : 2.8% H 2N Me CO2H Et ee : 15.2% Cronin, J. R.; Pizzarello, S. Science 1997, 275, 951. Breslow, R.; Cheng, Z-L. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 2009, 106, 9144. H 2N H CO2H R L - Amino acid How The Small Enantiomeric Excess Can Get Amplified? Inducing Initial Enantio Imbalance Amplification of Initial ee Expansion of Chiral Pool 2 proposed pathways: Autocatalysis: Increase of ee via autocatalytic reactions Crystallization: i. Enrichment of enantiomeric purity by conglomerate crystallization in solid phase ii. Racemic crystallization driven enantio-enrichment of the liquid phase Demonstration of Autocatalysis Autocatalysis: The chiral substrate acts as a catalyst for its self-production while suppressing synthesis of its enantiomer. N OH N N N (S)-1 with low enantiomeric enrichment N O Zn 2 asymmetric autocatalyst OH N (S)-1 with High enantiomeric enrichment N O N 3 Proposed reaction scheme of asymmetric autocatalyst of (S)-1 Frank, F. C. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1953, 11, 459–463. Soai, K.; Shibata,T.; Morioka, H.; Choji,K. Nature 1995, 378, 767. + Zn 2 Demonstration of Autocatalysis (S)-1 (R)-1 (S)-1 and (R)-1 isomers N OH N (S)-1 Initial A1 A2 A3 condition (39% ee) (76% ee) (89% ee) (5% ee, S) Asymmetric autocatalysis of chiral alkanol (1). Soai, K.; Shibata,T.; Morioka, H.; Choji, K. Nature 1995, 378, 767. Demonstration of Autocatalysis (S)-1 and (R)-1 isomers N OH N (S)-1 Initial A1 A2 A3 condition (39% ee) (76% ee) (89% ee) (5% ee, S) Asymmetric autocatalysis of chiral alkanol (1). ee. of newly formed product (S)-1 (%) (S)-1 (R)-1 Positive non-linear effect (amplyfing asymetric autocatalysis) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 ee. of catalyst (S)-1 (%) Relation between the ee of catalyst (S)-1 and ee of the newly formed product (S)-1 in asymmetric autocatalytic reaction of (S)-1 Soai, K.; Shibata,T.; Morioka, H.; Choji, K. Nature 1995, 378, 767. Conglomerate Crystallization in Solid Phase Racemic crystalization: crystals contain a 1 : 1 ratio of D : L enantiomers. Conglomerate crystallization: A compound can be crystallized in purely one form of its enantiomer from its racemic mixture in liquid phase. Molecules in the crystal have a greater affinity for the same enantiomer than for the opposite enantiomer. Huang, J.; Yu, L. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 1873. Conglomerate Crystallization in Solid Phase Racemic crystalization: crystals contain a 1 : 1 ratio of D : L enantiomers. Conglomerate crystallization: A compound can be crystallized in purely one form of its enantiomer from its racemic mixture in liquid phase. Molecules in the crystal have a greater affinity for the same enantiomer than for the opposite enantiomer. Liquid Phase 1:1 enantio ratio Pure D-enantiomer crystal Conglomerat crystalization Racemic crystalization + Pure L-enantiomer crystal D/L Mix crystal D-enantiomer L-enantiomer Huang, J.; Yu, L. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 1873. Conglomerate Crystallization in Solid Phase Racemic crystalization: crystals contain a 1 : 1 ratio of D : L enantiomers. Conglomerate crystallization: A compound can be crystallized in purely one form of its enantiomer from its racemic mixture in liquid phase. Molecules in the crystal have a greater affinity for the same enantiomer than for the opposite enantiomer. Liquid Phase 1:1 enantio ratio Pure D-enantiomer crystal Conglomerat crystalization Racemic crystalization + Pure L-enantiomer crystal D/L Mix crystal D-enantiomer L-enantiomer Racemic crystals:conglomerates 10:1 on Earth Huang, J.; Yu, L. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 1873. Conglomerate Crystallization in Solid Phase Racemic crystalization: crystals contain a 1 : 1 ratio of D : L enantiomers. Conglomerate crystallization: A compound can be crystallized in purely one form of its enantiomer from its racemic mixture in liquid phase. Molecules in the crystal have a greater affinity for the same enantiomer than for the opposite enantiomer. Liquid Phase 1:1 enantio ratio Pure D-enantiomer crystal Conglomerat crystalization Racemic crystalization + Pure L-enantiomer crystal D/L Mix crystal D-enantiomer L-enantiomer Racemic crystals:conglomerates 10:1 on Earth Pasteur: crystals of (+) and (-) sodium ammonium tartrate. Huang, J.; Yu, L. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 1873. Random Chiral Symmetry Breaking During Conglomerate Crystallization solution solid Solid-Solution Equilibrium for an Intrinsically Achiral Molecule Chiral crystals, L or D in the sample (%) sodium chlorate (NaClO3), Racemic solution. Sodium chlorate crystal Random D or L homochirality from initial symmetric mixtures of D and L crystals. Viedma, C. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2005, 94, 065504. Controlled Chiral Symmetry Breaking During Conglomerate Crystallization Enantiomeric crystals, L or D in the sample (%) sodium chlorate (NaClO3) Levorotatory, (-) CEE. Dextrorotatory, (-) CEE Solutions with initial 5% L-CEE show 100% L-CEE, and solutions with initial 5% DCEE show 100% D-CEE enantiomeric in 8 h (600 rpm) small initial crystal excess (CEE) eventually Any gives rise to total crystal purity disappearing the less abundant enantiomer (100% CEE) Viedma, C. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2005, 94, 065504. Conglomerate Crystallization for Molecules with Intrinsic Chirality solution solid Solid-Solution Equilibrium for an Intrinsically Achiral Molecule chemical equilibrium solution solid Viedma, C. Astrobiology 2007, 7, 312–319. Conglomerate Crystallization for Molecules with Intrinsic Chirality solution solid Solid-Solution Equilibrium for an Intrinsically Achiral Molecule Solid-Solution Equilibrium for a Chiral Molecule Undergoing Solution-Phase Racemization chemical equilibrium Viedma, C. Astrobiology 2007, 7, 312–319. solution solid Single Solid Chiral State from a Nearly Racemic Amino Acid Derivative Solid-Solution Equilibrium for a Chiral Molecule Undergoing Solution-Phase Racemization chemical equilibrium Noorduin,W. L. et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 1158. solution solid Single Solid Chiral State from a Nearly Racemic Amino Acid Derivative chemical equilibrium Solid-Solution Equilibrium for a Chiral Molecule Undergoing Solution-Phase Racemization solution solid DBU N Chemical and Physical Equilibria in the Racemization and Crystallization / Dissolution Processes for 1. O NH 2 MeOH or MeCN 25 °C N H 2N O (S)-1 (R)-1 (S)-1 (solid) (R)-1 (solid) Noorduin,W. L. et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 1158. Single Solid Chiral State from a Nearly Racemic Amino Acid Derivative chemical equilibrium Solid-Solution Equilibrium for a Chiral Molecule Undergoing Solution-Phase Racemization solution solid DBU N Chemical and Physical Equilibria in the Racemization and Crystallization / Dissolution Processes for 1. O N MeOH or MeCN 25 °C NH 2 H 2N O (S)-1 (R)-1 (S)-1 (solid) (R)-1 (solid) N N N H Noorduin,W. L. et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 1158. H 2N O Single Solid Chiral State from a Nearly Racemic Amino Acid Derivative DBU N NH 2 N H 2N O (S)-1 (R)-1 (S)-1 (solid) (R)-1 (solid) solid phase ee (%) solid phase ee (%) O MeOH or MeCN 25 °C time (days) time (days) Noorduin,W. L. et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 1158. Single Solid Chiral State from a Nearly Racemic Amino Acid Derivative DBU N NH 2 N H 2N O (S)-1 (R)-1 (S)-1 (solid) (R)-1 (solid) solid phase ee (%) solid phase ee (%) O MeOH or MeCN 25 °C time (days) time (days) Attrition-enhanced evolution of solid-phase ee for 1 in MeCN: starting from initial ee values of 1 as shown Noorduin,W. L. et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 1158. Evolution of Solid Phase Homochirality for a Natural Amino Acid O H L L O HO L L solid phase OH O NH 2 O OH O OH heat or heat/glass beads OH HO NH 2 O D D D D solid phase Viedma, C.; Ortiz, J. E.; de Torres, T.; Izumi, T.; Blackmond, D. G. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 15274. Evolution of Solid Phase Homochirality for a Natural Amino Acid O H L L O HO L L solid phase OH O NH 2 O OH O OH heat or heat/glass beads OH HO NH 2 O D D D D solid phase gradient heatingtoto160 160˚C°C gradient heating isothermal 90 isothermal at ˚C 90 °C Viedma, C.; Ortiz, J. E.; de Torres, T.; Izumi, T.; Blackmond, D. G. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 15274. Racemic Crystallization Driven Liquid Phase ee Amplification - Many compounds, including amino acids, their racemates are less soluble than the pure enantiomers. slow evaporation solid removal water solution water solution NH 2 Ph CO2H L-phenylalanine 1% ee, ≅500 mg Racemic crystals (≅ 400 mg) solution with 40% ee L-phenylalanine Breslow, R.; Levine, M. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 2006, 103, 12 979. Racemic Crystallization Driven Liquid Phase ee Amplification - Many compounds, including amino acids, their racemates are less soluble than the pure enantiomers. slow evaporation solid removal water solution water solution NH 2 Ph Racemic crystals (≅ 400 mg) CO2H L-phenylalanine 1% ee, ≅500 mg slow evaporation water solution solution with 40% ee L-phenylalanine solid removal water solution NH 2 Ph CO2H L-phenylalanine 40 % ee, ≅500 Racemic crystals solution with 90% ee L-phenylalanine (≅100 mg) Breslow, R.; Levine, M. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 2006, 103, 12 979. Racemic Crystallization Driven Liquid Phase ee Amplification A solution with a small ee of an amino acid component were allowed to evaporate, there would be selective precipitation of the racemate crystals, leading to amplification of the ee concentration in solution. Component NH 2 Initial ee, % 10 Final ee, % 90.0 5 91.7 1 87.2 NH 2 10 88.3 * CO2H 5 88.6 1 90.9 * CO2H D-Phenylalanine L-Phenylalanine Enantiomeric concentration amplification of phenylalanine after two crystallizations from water Breslow, R.; Levine, M. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 2006, 103, 12 979. Transfer of Chirality Inducing Initial Enantio Imbalance Amplification of Initial ee Expansion of Chiral Pool Application of chiral amino acid to catalyze the prebiotic synthesis of other biological building blocks. Chirality Transfer From α-Methyl Amino Acids O CO2 H 3N + CH 3 R O O α-keto carboxylates α-methyl L-valine Cu2+ CO2 CH 3 N O R O NH 3 - CO2 H + transfer from α-methyl valine + O R CO2 Natural L-amino acids Levine, M.; Kenesky, C. S.; Mazori, D.; Breslow, R. Org. Lett. 2008, 10, 2433. Sugars Synthesis Catalyzed with α-Methyl Amino Acids O HO + H 2N Me glycoaldehyde CO2H Et S-isovaline Asymmetric aldol O O OH HO O OH HO OH L-thereose O OH HO OH D-thereose OH HO OH L-erythrose OH D-erythrose Pizzarello, S.; Weber, A. L. Science 2004, 303, 1151. Sugars Synthesis Catalyzed with α-Methyl Amino Acids O HO + H 2N Me glycoaldehyde CO2H Et S-isovaline Asymmetric aldol O O OH HO O OH HO OH OH HO OH D-thereose OH HO OH L-erythrose OH D-erythrose Enantiomeric excess (%) L-thereose O Amino acid catalyst (ee) Pizzarello, S.; Weber, A. L. Science 2004, 303, 1151. Sugars Synthesis Catalyzed with α-Methyl Amino Acids O HO + H 2N Me glycoaldehyde CO2H Et S-isovaline Asymmetric aldol O O OH HO Me Et L (s)-Isovaline O OH HO OH D-thereose OH HO OH L-erythrose OH D-erythrose Enantiomeric excess (%) L-thereose CO2H OH HO OH H 2N O Amino acid catalyst (ee) Pizzarello, S.; Weber, A. L. Science 2004, 303, 1151. Sugars Synthesis Catalyzed with α-Methyl Amino Acids O HO + H 2N Me glycoaldehyde CO2H Et S-isovaline Asymmetric aldol O O OH HO Me Et L (s)-Isovaline O OH HO OH D-thereose OH HO OH L-erythrose OH D-erythrose Enantiomeric excess (%) L-thereose CO2H OH HO OH H 2N O H 2N CO2H H L (s)-Valine Amino acid catalyst (ee) Pizzarello, S.; Weber, A. L. Science 2004, 303, 1151. Sugars Synthesis Catalyzed with Amino Acids HO O O + H Glycoaldehyde O Catalyst H H OH D-Glyceraldehyde L-Glyceraldehyde CO 2H R Amino acid -CH2OH L-erine 50.3/49.7 -CH3 L-alanine 50.8/49.2 -CH(CH3) 2 L-valine 52.2/47.8 -CH2-C6H 5 L-phenylalanine 52.2/47.8 -CH2-CH(CH3) 2 L-leucine 54.4/45.6 -CH2CH 2CO 2H L-glutamic acid 60.7/39.3 L-proline 28.9/71.1 CO 2H OH OH H H 2N N H H OH formaldehyde R O Glyceraldehyde ratio D/L Breslow, R.; Cheng, Z-L. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 2010, 107, 5723. pH Dependent Proline Catalyzed Amination of Aldehydes R1 O + R 2O 2C N N CO2R 2 O 1) Catalyst 2) NaBH 4 2 NHCO R 2 N O * 3) NaOH R2 Catalyst N H N H N H ee, % Configuration 85% (R) 48% (S) 60% (S) CO2H CO2H , DBU CO2 Bu N 4 Blackmond, D. G.; Moran, A.; Hughes, M.; Armstrong, A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 7598. Hein, J. E. et al. Org. Lett. 2011, 13, 5644. Enantiomeric Excess of Glyceraldehyde in the Presence of Proline and Prolinate Catalysts O L-proline H HO O O + H Glycoaldehyde N H CO2H OH OH L-Glyceraldehyde (8% ee) H formaldehyde CO2 Bu N 4 N H O H OH OH L-prolinate D-Glyceraldehyde (13% ee) O D-proline H HO O Glycoaldehyde N H O + H OH OH CO2H D-Glyceraldehyde (9% ee) H formaldehyde N H O CO2 Bu 4N H D-prolinate OH OH L-Glyceraldehyde (17% ee) Hein, J. E.; Blackmond, D. G. Acc. Chem. Res. 2012, 45, 2045. Conclusion - We are all surrounded by chiral objects. - Circularly polarized light can be a chiral template to induce chirality biologically building blocks. into - L-Amino acids (natural and/or unnatural (α-methyl) amino acids) can be one of the primary chiral product formed in small ee under influence of chiral light. - Small ee can be amplified via chemical and physical processes. - L-Amino acids can act as chiral templates to induce chirality into other biological building blocks (D-sugars). - It has been proposed that the observed homochirality on earth (L-amino acids and D-sugars) was selected to match with the overall chirality of this part of the universe. Acknowledgements Professor Babak Borhan Professor Xuefei Huang Dr. Chryssoula Vassiliou Group members: Arvind, Kumar, Carmin, Calvin Tanya,, Ipek, Maisam, Nastaran, Bardia, Yi, Eddie, Elizabeth, Jun,, Wei, Ding. Mina and All of you for your attention.
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