Morbid Catalog - NACR Agencies
Morbid Catalog - NACR Agencies
tm 2014 product catalog “It’s as much fun to scare... to be scared” -VINCENT PRICE THE EXORCIST LENTICULAR 28” x 21” vacu-form frame M36845 The Exorcist Light-Up Bow 24”X 20” light up eyes M37757 THE exorcist light-up poRTRAIT 15” x 20”. Laser-printed on stretched canvas with hidden lights, ON/OFF switch and Try Me button. M36849 Subject to licensor approval. THE EXORCIST and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and ©Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s14) 4 THE EXORCIST DOORWAY DRAPE 7’ x 3’ M3 6 8 4 6 THE exorcist regan costume Includes nightgown and wig. M 3 6 8 4 4 - a d u l t st a n d a r d M 3 6 8 4 7 - a d u l t sma l l The exorcist regan mask Overhead latex with hair. M36843 Subject to licensor approval. THE EXORCIST and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and ©Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s14) call to order: 508.310.5317 5 The exorcist head platter Head rotates 360 degrees, eyes light up, realistic jaw motion, plays 6 audio tracks and theme from the movie. 12” tall. Motion and Sound sensor. M 36841 The Exorcist life-sized regan Standing 5’ tall with fully poseable arms, Regan’s head rotates 360 degrees, body shakes, eyes light up, realistic jaw motion, plays 6 audio tracks and theme from the movie. Motion and sound sensor. M 368 4 2 THE exorcist RISING REGAN PROP Sits up 90-degrees and lays back down. Head spins, eyes light up, plays 6 audio tracks and theme from the movie. Motion and sound sensor. M36848 Subject to licensor approval. THE EXORCIST and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and ©Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s14) 6 Pennywise Light-Up Bow 27”X 20” light up eyes watch battery M37760 Pennywise Mini Hanger 24”X 24” foam head & hands with fabric body. M 37694 Pennywise Inflatable 7’ Static M37708 IT Light-up Portrait LED lights behind stretched canvas. 15’’ x 20’’ M37255 Subject to licensor approval. IT:THE MOVIE and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and ©Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s14) call to order: 508.310.5317 7 Pumpkin Bust jason 11”x 8”x 9” M 37619 JASON LightUp Bow 27”X 20” light up eyes watch battery M37758 Creepy Cutout Jason 2D wall decor hanger, felt material, 12”x 15” M37683 Subject to licensor approval. FRIDAY THE 13th: TM & © New Line Productions, Inc. (s14) 8 big head jason mask Foam-board material, 22” x 15.5”. Secured by elastic head band. M37279 JASON SACK MASK Latex over the head mask. M 37325 Subject to licensor approval. FRIDAY THE 13th: TM & © New Line Productions, Inc. (s14) call to order: 508.310.5317 9 FRIDAY THE 13 TH PICK AXE 16” M37510 Friday the 13th Light-Up PORTRAIT LED lights behind stretched canvas. Lights illuminate the eyes and moonlight. ON/OFF switch and Try Me button. 15” x 20. M 37253 Camp crystal lake sign 16” x 14” Vacu-form sign. M37329 Subject to licensor approval. FRIDAY THE 13th: TM & © New Line Productions, Inc. (s14) 10 Pumpkin Bust FREDDY 11”x 8”x 9” M3 7 6 9 6 Freddy Light-Up Bow 27”X 20” light up eyes watch battery M37759 Creepy Cutout FREDDY 2D wall decor hanger, felt material, 12”x 15” M37684 Subject to licensor approval. A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET: TM & © New Line Productions, Inc. (s14) call to order: 508.310.5317 11 big head freddy mask Foam-board material, 22” x 15.5” Secured by elastic head band. M37280 animated chest of souls Realistic audio with moving soul animation. Powered by secured battery pack. M37296 LIGHT UP NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET PORTRAIT LED lights behind stretched canvas. Orange lights illuminate behind Freddy. ON/OFF switch and Try Me button. 15” x 20” M3 7256 12 Subject to licensor approval. A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET: TM & © New Line Productions, Inc. (s14) NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET SOUL PIZZA Diameter is 16. Realistic audio with moving soul animation. M37516 FREDDY SYRINGE GLOVE Articulated fingers and light-up syringes. One size fits most. M37291 door knocker freddy Animated prop secures on door. Moves at elbow. 3 movie dialogue tracks. 17’’ M37300 Subject to licensor approval. A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET: TM & © New Line Productions, Inc. (s14) call to order: 508.310.5317 13 hanging captain spaulding Eyes light up, mouth moves, movie sound clips, poseable arms. 72” M 36835 captain spaulding costume Includes shirt, pants, & hat. *mask not included M 3 6 8 3 3 - a d u l t st a n d a r d M36834 - adult plus rob zombie mask Overhead latex mask with hair. M 36831 captain spaulding mask Overhead latex mask with hair. M36832 14 Subject to licensor approval. Spook Show Deluxe, Ltd., under license to Bravado International Group. All rights reserved. trick ‘r treat sam lenticular 19”x 23” M37 218 animated table top sam Walks, plays music and sound from the film. 8” M37217 trick’r treat light-up PORTRAIT LED lights behind stretch canvas. ON/OFF switch and Try Me button. 15’’ x 20’’ M37215 Subject to licensor approval. TRICK R’ TREAT: © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s14) call to order: 508.310.5317 15 Ghostbusters stay puft inflatable 8’ tall. Includes fan, strings, & stakes. Plugs in M3 6 9 6 0 ghostbusters slimer inflatable 6’ tall. Includes fan, strings, & stakes. Plugs in M36961 ghostbusters FLOATING SLIMER Eyes light up, glows in the dark, floats back and forth on cord. Plays movie music. M 36962 16 Subject to licensor approval. ™ & © Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved. (s14) LIKE US ON FACEBOOK swamp freak Jesse Over the head Latex mask with hat and hair. M 37275 swamp freak LUKE Over the head latex mask with hair. M37276 18 deadneck axe hat deadneck gator bite hat deadneck bullseye hat deadneck knife hat Includes hat with axe accessory and attached hair. M37252 Includes hat with arrow accessory and attached hair. M3725 1 Includes hat with gator accessory and attached hair. M37250 Includes hat with knife accessory and attached hair. M37326 call to order: 508.310.5317 19 ANIMATED life-size nosferatu Plays creepy music & screams, arms raise, body shakes. Almost 6’ tall M 37172 animated banner reaper Animated prop opens banner. Light up eyes, jaw movement, three audio tracks. 5.5’. M 37333 20 face ripper man 30”. Animated neck, eyes & mouth. Lights and audio. Motion and sound sensor. M36596 insane inmate Head spins 360 degrees. Eyes light up, mouth moves, audio. Motion and sound sensor. M36717 kneeling geist girl 30”. Head spins 180 degrees. Eyes light up, mouth moves, talks. Motion and sound sensor. M36702 call to order: 508.310.5317 21 CLOWN DOOR KNOCKER Animated prop secures on door. Moves at elbow. 3 audio tracks. 17’’ M 37298 WALKING CLOWN TEETH Multi directional movement. Jaw moves and has 4 sound clips. Stands 5’ tall M 369 1 6 walking tongue clown Multi Directional Movement. Mouth & tongue move, with 4 sound clips. Stands 5’ tall. M 36915 22 ZOMBIE DOOR KNOCKER Animated prop secures on door. Moves at elbow. 3 audio tracks. 17’’ M 3729 9 Giant standing witch Almost 6 ft. with light up eyes, latex foam filled head and hands. Assembly required. M37491 chopping brock Sways at hips,right arm animation creates knife slashing motion. with light-up eyes, realistic audio, 6’. Plugs in. M 3746 9 call to order: 508.310.5317 23 LAYING BUZZSAW Animated prop with realistic audio. Buzzsaw spins and torso contorts. 24” M37324 ANIMATED SPAZM 26’’ Animated prop. Fabric body, shaking motion and realistic audio. Motion and sound sensor. M36067 ANIMATED HEX 28”. Light up eyes, fabric body, 360 degree rotating head, moving mouth, audio. Motion and sound sensor. M36285 24 Cruisin’ Candice Animated baby walker with realistic audio. Multi directional movement. 2’ M37337 Animated Shoulder Baby Girl Animated prop has light up eyes. 360 degree head turning motion, moving mouth, realistic neck cracking audio with 3 voice tracks. M 372 2 4 call to order: 508.310.5317 25 animated baby mummy Light up eyes, arms move, 3 audio tracks. 25’ long. Arms move back and forth and create a swaying motion when Mummy sits. M37523 animated WOlfboy Light up eyes, arms move, 3 audio tracks. 25’ long. Arms move back and forth and create a swaying motion when Wolfboy sits. M 37 1 7 5 animated Ouchy Light up eyes, arms move, 3 audio tracks. 25’ long. Arms move back and forth and create a swaying motion when Ouchy sits. M37174 26 baby harness spinner girl Head spins 180 degrees, mouth moves, neck cracks, eyes light up, & talks. M36810 baby harness spinner satan Head spins 180 degrees, mouth moves, neck cracks, eyes light up, & talks. M36811 baby harness spinner boy Head spins 180 degrees, mouth moves, neck cracks, eyes light up, & talks. M36812 call to order: 508.310.5317 27 BAGGED Realistic hanging prop. 6ft. includes rope and bag. M37306 Wheelchair Psycho Animated prop has easy to assemble wheel chair, motion and sound censored, item lunges, has light up eyes, realistic audio and wheelchair movement. 52’’ x 35’’ x 24’’ M 37524 28 swinger skeleton Rotates 180 degrees, 3 different tracks, & eyes light up. Drapes 5’ long. M36805 swinger zombie Rotates 180 degrees, 3 different tracks, & eyes light up. Drapes 5’ long. M36807 HANGING BUZZSAW Animated prop. Moving saw and torso, realistic sound effects , ropes create swinging effect . 30” M37222 call to order: 508.310.5317 29 COBWEB SKULL Skull shakes, eyes light up, 2 sound effects. 40” long M3 6 8 8 5 SPIDER’s nest Hanging animated prop shakes. Spider has light up LED eyes. Realistic audio tracks. 19’’ M3 7 3 2 0 talking raven Motion activated, eyes light up, caws and says: “nevermore.” Stands 10” tall M 37189 FERAL CAT PROP Animated prop with realistic audio, moving mouth, and light up eye. 14” x 9” M37297 30 Groundbreaker Skeleton Light Up Eyes Watch Battery 22”x 30” M37701 Animated Groundbreaker Beating Heart Zombie Motion and sound sensored. Has light up eyes, right arm moves. 29”x 30” requires 3 AA batteries. M37704 Groundbreaker No-no the Clown Light up eyes, posable arms, 24”x 30” M37703 Animated Groundbreaker Headless Horseman Animated prop has light up eyes, right arm moves, requires AA battories. 25”x 24” M37712 call to order: 508.310.5317 31 hanger girl Hangs 12’ long. Vacuform head and hands. M36725 hanger clown Hangs 12’ long. Vacuform head and hands. M 36723 hanger goat Hangs 12’ long. Vacuform head and hands. M3 6 7 24 hanger skull Hangs 12’ long. Vacuform head and hands. M36726 32 hanging glo boy Glowing prop. 32” long. Blue Lights. M36931 up & down ghost Rises and falls, head moves, plays creepy organ music, with eerie blue lights. M36928 hanging glo reaper Glowing prop. 6’ long. With eerie Black Lights. M36932 hanging patient 00 hanging ghoul with lantern Poseable arms, light up eyes. Hangs 40” long M37177 Poseable arms, light up eyes and lantern. 40’’ M37178 call to order: 508.310.5317 33 hanging pumpkin whiteface LED light illuminates jack-olantern. 6’ M36922 hanging pumpkin ropes LED light illuminates jacko-lantern. 6’ M 36 9 2 0 34 hanging pumpkin Flannel LED light illuminates jack-olantern. 6’ M36921 shackle lantern LED light illuminates jack-olantern. 6’ M37301 hanging pumpkin noose LED light illuminates jacko-lantern. 6’ M 36924 MINI ALIEN HANGER 18” Hanging prop with plastic head and hands. M 3 7311 MINI PUMPKIN HANGER 18” Hanging prop with plastic head and hands. M37310 call to order: 508.310.5317 35 4 Armed Wraith Hanger 60”X 36” light up eyes M37705 shrouded corpse hanger 70”X 15” light up eyes M 377 0 6 Hanging zombie doctor 72”X 33” light up eyes M 37713 36 DEMBONES WHITE Hanging prop with hard plastic face and light up LED eyes. 5‘ M 373 3 8 DEMBONES BLACK Hanging prop with hard plastic face and light up LED eyes. 5’ M37339 call to order: 508.310.5317 37 Big Easy Hanging Clown Foam-filled latex head and hands. Posable arms. 6’ Eyes light up. M37308 DEMENTIA Hanging Clown Foam-filled latex head and hands. Posable arms. 6’ Eyes light up. M3 7303 HANGING EVIL JESTER 5 ft hanging prop. Hard plastic head and hands, light up eye, posible arms and cackling laugh track. M 37315 38 TABLETOP BUCKTOOTHED CLOWN Foam filled latex head. Static. 10’’ M 37462 severed clown foot Latex foam filled prop 17” M37319 SEVERED CLOWN ARM Latex foam filled prop 17” M37318 SEVERED WITCH ARM Latex foam filled prop 19” M37316 SEVERED WITCH FOOT Latex foam filled prop 12” M37317 call to order: 508.310.5317 39 HOOKED: zombie 10” latex foam-filled head. Includes hook and rope. M3 7 3 14 HOOKED: CLOWN 10” latex foam-filled head. Includes hook and rope. M37292 HOOKED: SKINNED ALIVE 10” latex foam-filled head. Includes hook and rope. M37312 HOOKED: WITCH 10” latex foam-filled head. Includes hook and rope. M37293 HOOKED: TONGUE 10” latex foam-filled head. Includes hook and rope. M37313 40 CLOWN HEAD Latex foam-filled head. Eyes light up, fade in and out. Sits 9” tall. M3 7 2 9 4 WIZARD HEAD Latex foam-filled head. Eyes light up, fade in and out. Sits 9” tall. M37295 ZOMBIE HEAD Eyes light up, fade in and out. Sits 7” tall M36719 PUMPKIN BUST Static décor item, 11”x 8”x 9” M37618 call to order: 508.310.5317 41 Standing Winged Reaper w/ Candle Candle and eyes light up. M3 7 7 5 6 Standing Candle Ghoul w/ Noose Light up eyes light up candle 6’ M 37 7 0 2 42 Fancy Gentleman white Static table topper measures 14” M 37780 Fancy Gentleman Black Static table topper measures 14” M37779 GIANT ALIEN LEADER Foam-filled latex head and hands, eyes light up. 6 ft. tall. M37468 call to order: 508.310.5317 43 Zombie Rabbit 14” long, 11” tall M37728 Dead Crow 15”x 9” M37624 ROADKILL CAT 26” M37715 44 hemoglobin zombaby 24” Foam filled latex M3 6 4 3 6 ouchy zombaby 24” Foam filled latex M 3 6 153 stitchenstein zombaby 24” Foam filled latex M 36157 call to order: 508.310.5317 wolfboy zombaby 24” Foam filled latex M36272 45 Catitude Mask One size fits most latex. M 372 3 4 witch Mask One size fits most latex. M37783 Plague Dr. Mask M37770 Plague Dr. Gloves M37771 Plague Dr. Mask and Gloves Set M37772 46 CARNAGE CLOWN light-up mask Over the head latex mask with LED eyes. M37330 big eater light-up mask Over the head latex mask with LED eyes. M37332 wizard lightup mask Over the head latex mask with LED eyes. M37331 VAMPIRE LIGHT-UP MASK Over the head latex mask with LED eyes. M37465 call to order: 508.310.5317 47 horse head mask Oversized latex mask. M 37231 gills alien mask Over the head latex mask. M37514 G.I.D. top hat ghost mask Over the head latex mask with attached hat and hair. Glows in the dark. M37513 cow head mask Oversized latex mask. M 372 3 2 Unicorn Head Mask Oversized latex mask. M 37 2 3 3 g.i.d. Bowler Hat Ghost Mask Over the head latex mask with attached hat and hair. Glows in the dark. M37512 48 NO-LIP GHOUL MASK Over the head latex mask with attached hair. M37113 SCAREcROW Mask Over the head latex mask with attached hat and hair. M37111 BLOODY SKULL MASK Over the head latex mask. M37116 SNAKE TONGUE EVIL CLOWN MASK Over the head latex mask with attached hair. M 37 1 1 4 CIRCUS CLOWN MASK Vaccuform face mask. M37223 call to order: 508.310.5317 49 Gold Skull jaw-mask Hard plastic half mask secures around back of the head by thick elastic band. M 37773 Black Skull jaw-mask Hard plastic half mask secures around back of the head by thick elastic band. M37775 Silver Skull jaw-mask Hard plastic half mask secures around back of the head by thick elastic band. M 37774 50 venetian plague mask venetian half mask M37190 M37191 TONGUE OUT SKULL MASK TONGUE OUT CLOWN MASK M37117 M37118 venetian full mask M37192 TONGUE OUT DOLL MASK M37119 green ghoul face mask CRACKED GHOST FACE MASK PALE MOON FACE MASK M37193 M37194 M37195 call to order: 508.310.5317 51 KILLER CLOWN mask M3 7 211 52 GASHES mask WARTz mask M36949 M36948 BALD VAMPIRE mask ALBERT ZOMBIE mask ABE ZOMBIE mask M3 6 947 M 36941 M36940 RONNIE ZOMBIE mask JACK ZOMBIE mask RICHARD ZOMBIE mask M 3 6 942 M 3694 4 M36943 6 EYED SIREN MASK M37106 HORNED DEVIL mask M37209 ANIME GIRL MASK M36951 5 EYED CYCLOPS MASK M37115 SKIN GRAFT Includes hook with rope and mask/chest piece. Use as prop or costume. M37185 2 Headed Guru mask M36945 call to order: 508.310.5317 53 BIG HEAD MASK baby cute Foam-board material, 22” x 15.5” M 37101 BIG HEAD MASK BABY TOUNGE OUT Foam-board material, 22” x 15.5” M 37100 BIG HEAD MASK alien Foam-board material, 22” x 15.5” M37102 54 BIG HEAD MASK EINSTEIN Foam-board material, 23” x 17” M3 7 2 8 4 BIG HEAD MASK obama Foam-board material, 22” x 15.5” M37103 BIG HEAD MASK rage face Foam-board material, 22” x 18” M37286 call to order: 508.310.5317 55 CIRCLE SAW HOODIE Hooded sweatshirt with attached weapon. M 36 8 6 1 - L M 36 8 6 5 - X L M 36 9 3 6 - X XL MACHETE HOODIE Hooded sweatshirt with attached weapon. M36862 - L M36866 - XL M36937 - XXL NINJA STAR ATTACK HOODIE Hooded sweatshirt with attached weapon. M37346 - L M37347 - XL ARROW SHOT HOODIE Hooded sweatshirt with attached weapon. M 3 73 4 4 - L M 3 73 4 5 - XL 56 AXe HOODIE Hooded sweatshirt with attached weapon. M 36860 - L M 36864 - XL SAW HOODIE Hooded sweatshirt with attached weapon. M 3 6 8 6 3 S a w - L M 3 6 8 6 7 - XL SURPISE FLIP T M36954 - L M36955 - XL INNER ZOMBIE FLIP T M 3 6 957 - L M 3 6 958 - XL call to order: 508.310.5317 57 animated chest jester costume One size fits most M 37749 animated chest DOCTOr costume One size fits most M37750 animated chest reaper costume One size fits most M 37751 58 KILLER CLOWN COSTUME Standard size. Includes jumpsuit, mask & knife. M 37210 UPSIDE DOWN CRAZY LADY COSTUME adult Standard Size. Includes dress, hand slippers, pole and harness. Assembly required. M37272 BELLY BUSTER ANIMATED COSTUME One size fits most. Includes tshirt, animated belly with baby, and waist strap. Eyes light up. Chilling screams. M36713 DEAR LEADER COSTUME Includes jacket and mask. M 36890 - L M 36891 - XL call to order: 508.310.5317 59 DR. MORSUS COSTUME Costume includes vacu-form mask, gloves, tool belt, tools and armbands. M37214 NURSE TERMINAL COSTUME Costume includes vacu-form mask, hat, gloves and knife. One standard size. M37213 60 VENETIAN HAT AND CLOAK COSTUME Includes hat, cloak and mask. M37205 DR. DECESSUS COSTUME Costume includes vacu-form mask and shirt. One standard size. M37212 call to order: 508.310.5317 61 APRON SET GRAVEDIGGER Includes mask, gloves and apron. M 36971 APRON SET DOCTOR Includes mask, gloves and apron. M36973 APRON SET CHEF Includes mask, gloves and apron. M 36974 APRON SET BUTCHER Includes mask, gloves and apron. M36975 62 3-ARM BABY ROMPER PATTERN Fits up to 12 Months. M36801 3-ARM BABY ROMPER PURPLE Fits up to 12 Months. M 36803 3-ARM BABY ROMPER STRIPES Fits up to 12 Months. M 36802 call to order: 508.310.5317 63 Inflatable Weapon Knife Inflatable Weapon Axe 23”x 12” M3767 1 24”x 6” M37672 Inflatable Weapon Sickle 24”x 12” M 37674 Inflatable Weapon Chainsaw 24”x 9” M37673 Bloody Razor 14” M 37661 Bloody Scissors 64 10.5” M 37660 BONESAW 21” M37203 PIPE 24” M37204 BLOODY knife 16” M37230 BLOODY AXE 20” M37200 BIRDBEAK PICK 18” M 37202 call to order: 508.310.5317 65 Fiberoptic Bone Handle Broom 44” M37659 Fiberoptic Glitter Handle Broom 33” M37658 BAG IN A BAG: WITCH M 37486 BAG IN A BAG: MUMMY M 37 4 8 5 SAW BLADE THROWING DISC 10” M37225 66 Maggots Choke r - M 37650 Bite Me Choke r - M 37654 Blood and Glas s c hok er - M 37649 Slas h ed Choke r - M 37652 Bloody Zippe r Chok er - M 37653 Cre epy Pe eper Chok er - M 37651 horror chokers One size fits most; 20” Severed Finger Necklace One size fits most; 20” M 37655 Severed ear Necklace One size fits most; 20” M37656 call to order: 508.310.5317 67 GREEN GOO NECKLACE One size fits most. Velcro fastener. M36746 BLOOD DRIP NECKLACE One size fits most. Velcro fastener. M3 6 7 4 5 BLACK BOW HAIR PIN Hair clip and shirt pin. M37450 BLACK STITCHES NECKLACE One size fits most. Velcro fastener. M3 6 7 4 7 ORANGE BOW HAIR PIN Hair clip and shirt pin. M37452 BLACK FLOWER HAIR PIN Hair clip and shirt pin. M37451 PURPLE BOW HAIR PIN Hair clip and shirt pin. M37453 68 Speechbubble Headbands Includes 3 bubble headbands One Size Fits most 10”x 6” M37627 LED necklace clown Pendant is 2” M37611 LED Necklace Skull Pendant is 2” M37612 call to order: 508.310.5317 69 Nursery Sign Vacu-form. 19”x 16” M37741 Organ Donations sign Vacu-form. 19”x 16” M 37 7 3 8 Caution Open Grave Vacu-form. 19”x 16” M37743 Your Pain Sign Vacu-form. 19”x16” M 37 7 4 2 Come in we’re dead sign Vacu-form. 19”x 16” M3 7 7 4 0 Blood Bank sign Sleepy Hollow CemetEry sign Vacu-form. 19”x 11” M 3 7 737 70 Vacu-form. 19”x 16” M37739 caution undead sign caution extreme sign zombie shelter sign sale body parts sign Devil’s Highway sign quarantine sign Vacu-form. 19”x16” M36875 Vacu-form. 19”x16” M36880 Vacu-form. 19”x16” M37244 Vacu-form. 19”x16” M 36876 Vacu-form. 19”x16” M 36882 Vacu-form. 19”x16” M 37242 help us sign Vacu-form. 19”x16” M36877 hospital directory sign Vacu-form. 19”x16” M37183 scary clown sign Vacu-form. 19”x16” M37243 zombies next 200 km sign Vacu-form. 19”x16” M 3 6 8 81 zombie hunters sign Vacu-form. 19”x16” M37241 don’t feed the zombies sign Vacu-form. 19”x16” M37245 zombie research sign Vacu-form. 19”x16” M37240 call to order: 508.310.5317 71 cemetery sign Vacu-form. 24”x7” M36089 enter sign Vacu-form. 12”x6” M36248 village cemetery sign Vacu-form. 19”x11” M36638 mortuary sign Vacu-form. 24”x 9” M 36549 72 happy halloween banner 5’ M36814 free candy banner 5’ M 36818 trick or treat banner 5’ M36826 enter at your own risk banner 3’ M36815 suite 824 / 666 Lenticular sign. 14” M36525 enter / death awaits Lenticular sign. 14” M 3652 6 enter / if you dare Lenticular sign. 15” x 7” M36524 call to order: 508.310.5317 73 Scare Stare Mom Scare Stare DAD vacu-form frame with sunken, eye-following artwork. 14.5”x 21” M 37744 vacu-form frame with sunken, eye-following artwork. 14.5”x 21” M37745 Scare Stare KIDS vacu-form frame with sunken, eye-following artwork. 14.5”x 21” M 37 7 4 6 Scare Stare CAT vacu-form frame with sunken, eye-following artwork. 14.5”x 21” M 37747 74 Scare Stare electric chair vacu-form frame with sunken, eye-following artwork. 14.5”x 21” M37748 Light-Up Vintage Photo reflection 9.5””x7 Try me, kickstand, LEDs, Watch Battery M37621 Light-Up Vintage Photo ghosts 9.5””x7 Try me, kickstand, LEDs, Watch Battery M37622 Light-Up Vintage Photo Friends 9.5”x 7” Try me, kickstand, LEDs, Watch Battery M3 7620 Light-Up Portrait Demona 20”x 15” Try Me 2 AA Batteries M37699 call to order: 508.310.5317 75 18” Jointed cardboard figures WANTED POSTER ASST. Set of Three. 18’’ x 15’’ M37551 76 M 3 7 6 3 2 - Sl e n d e r ma n M 3 7 6 3 3 - N o sf e r a t u M 3 7 6 3 4 - G h o st l y G e n t l e ma n M 3 7 6 3 5 - Z o mb i e M 3 7 6 3 6 - Sk e l e t o n M 3 7 6 3 7 - Sh i r t l e ss Z o mb i e LIGHT-UP PORTRAIT VAMPIRE M 371 2 5 - 2 2 ”x 3 0 ” M 371 2 6 - 1 5 ”x 2 0 ” M 371 2 7 - 8 . 5 ”x 1 2 ” LIGHT-UP PORTRAIT BUTLER M 3 7 1 3 4 - 2 2 ”x 3 0 ” M 3 7 1 3 5 - 1 5 ”x 2 0 ” M 3 7 1 3 6 - 8 . 5 ”x 1 2 ” LIGHT-UP PORTRAIT CLOWN M 37 1 2 8 - 2 2 ”x 3 0 ” M 37 1 2 9 - 1 5 ”x 2 0 ” M 37 1 3 0 - 8 . 5 ”x 1 2 ” LIGHT-UP PORTRAIT HORSEMAN M 3 7 1 4 0 - 2 2 ”x 3 0 ” M 3 7 1 4 1 - 1 5 ”x 2 0 ” M 3 7 1 4 2 - 8 . 5 ”x 1 2 ” LIGHT-UP PORTRAIT PIRATE M 37 1 3 1 - 2 2 ”x 3 0 ” M 37 1 3 2 - 1 5 ”x 2 0 ” M 37 1 3 3 - 8 . 5 ”x 1 2 ” call to order: 508.310.5317 77 Zombie Apocalypse Scrapbook M 37 6 8 0 CreEpy Cutout Bat felt material, 8”x 19” M3 7665 Creepy Cutout Toothless Pumpkin felt material, 12”x 15” M37663 Creepy Cutout Skull felt material, 12”x 15” M3 7 6 6 4 78 Creepy Cutout Angry Pumpkin felt material, 12”x 15” M37662 ALBERT TOMBSTONE bloody skull TOMBSTONE 36”x 16” M37686 36”x 12” M37687 Compass TOMBSTONE 36”x 16” M 37688 call to order: 508.310.5317 VICTOR F TOMBSTONE 36”x 17” M37689 79 SCALES TOMBSTONE 22” x 14” M36901 skulls & angel tombstone 36” x 19” M36913 80 RIP TOMBSTONE 36” M37196 weeping woman tombstone 36” x 19” M36911 skull & crossbones tombstone 22” x 14” M36903 cross pentacle tombstone 36” M37198 ribbon tombstone Jekyll & hyde tombstone 22” x 14” M 36904 reaper tombstone 36” x 19” M36907 36” x 17” M37522 fog cover tombstone Fits any standard fog machine. Fabric & zipper back. M36541 fog cover gargoyle Fits any standard fog machine. Fabric & zipper back. M36540 call to order: 508.310.5317 81 scary silhouette: witch scary silhouette: reaper Thin plastic, 3’ x 5’. Fits standard window. M36753 Thin plastic, 3’ x 5’. Fits standard window. M36743 scary silhouette: hung Thin plastic, 3’ x 5’. Fits standard window. M36741 scary silhouette: gargoyle scary silhouette: goblin Thin plastic, 3’ x 5’. Fits standard window. M36744 Thin plastic, 3’ x 5’. Fits standard window. M36740 scary silhouette: bat Thin plastic, 3’ x 5’. Fits standard window. M3 6 7 4 2 82 bunting halloween friends 6’ M37151 bunting halloween Rainbow 6’ M37150 shadow caster cat 5” M37496 haunting sounds cd Includes one hour of creepy audio ambiance. M36548 zombies ahead cone 9” M37503 candy ahead cone 9” M 37504 haunted house cone 9” M37505 call to order: 508.310.5317 83 Haunted House Clock 13” M36532 Witch Clock 13” M36531 Skull Disco Ball 10” Eyes light Includes spinner. M 36298 up red. Bag of Heads Includes 4 Dollheads M 37 7 1 4 Unlucky Cat 8”x 6” Waving Motion 2 AA batteries M37630 84 Skull Tealight Set Includes two skulls and two tealights, skulls are 3.5”x 4” M37644 Cracked Doll head Tealight Set Includes two doll heads and two tealights, doll heads are 3.5”x 4” M37645 HALLoween nesting dolls Wooden, assorted sizes M 3762 6 call to order: 508.310.5317 85 GLOW Doll head Tealight Set Includes two doll head and two tealights, doll heads are 3.5”x 4” M37777 Glow Skull Stack 13”x 10” M37609 GLOW Skull Tealight Set Includes two skulls and two tealights, skulls are 3.5”x 4” M37778 Glow spine GID Skull with spine has LED lights inside. M37776 Glow Skull & Chain 6”x7” Skull hangs from 1’ of chain. M37647 Glow Skull with Candles M37608 86 Glow Wrist Shackles w/ Hooks Costume acessory One size fits most M37782 Glow Wrist Shackles Costume acessory One size fits most M37781 Glow dollface magnet set Includes 3 Pieces, dollfaces measure 3.5”x 3” M 3 7 600 Glow mini skull pack 4 per piece skulls measure 4”x 3” M37648 5’ Glow Chain Set 6’ Glow Chain 6’ Glow paint M3 7 606 2 Pieces of 5’ glow chain M37607 call to order: 508.310.5317 87 scarefresheners Various scents, hang 4.5” long. M 3 7 6 0 1 - Z o mb i e M 3 7 6 0 2 - G h o st M37603 - Hung M 3 7 6 0 4 - P u mp k i n M 3 7 6 0 5 - Sk e l e t o n Skull Apples Set of 3, 3’’ M37613 Skull Pears Set of 3, 3’’ M376 46 Skull Oranges Set of 3, 3’’ M37657 88 Tiny Terror Hex Item features running motion and Try Me button. 8’’, requires 3 AAA battories. M37752 Tiny Terror Slenderman Item features running motion and Try Me button. 8’’, requires 3 AAA battories. M 37753 Piñata Ghost 15”x 11’’ M 377 6 2 Piñata Clown 11”x 10’’ M37761 call to order: 508.310.5317 89 BOTTLE COVER RAT Velcro closure along bottom. Fits most bottles. M 37181 BOTTLE COVER SNAKE Velcro closure along bottom. Fits most bottles. M37180 light-up Wine Stoppers M37666 M37675 M37676 M37678 M37679 90 - P u mp k i n Bats Eyeball Sk u l l Sp i d e r halloween 1 slapsticker bulk 48 piece minimum order. 8 stickers per pc. M36512 HALLOWEEN 1 SLAPSTICKER CLIP STRIP 36 pieces plus clip strip. M36513 halloween 2 slapsticker bulk 48 piece minimum order. 8 stickers per pc. M 36514 HALLOWEEN 2 SLAPSTICKER CLIP STRIP 36 pieces plus clip strip. M 36515 halloween slapsticker soda 48 piece minimum order. 4 stickers per pc. M36602 halloween slapsticker soda clip strip 36 pieces plus clip strip. M36666 halloween slapsticker beer 48 piece minimum order. 12 stickers per pc. M 36661 halloween Slapsticker beer CLIP STRIP 36 pieces plus clip strip. M 36667 call to order: 508.310.5317 91 glow slapsticker beer bulk 48 piece minimum order. 12 stickers per pc. M 37228 glow slapsticker wine bulk 48 piece minimum order. 8 stickers per pc. M 37227 glow slapsticker soda bulk 48 piece minimum order. 4 stickers per pc. M 37229 92 GREEN ALIEN INFLATABLE alien robot inflatable ALIEN CHAMBER INFLATABLE crashed ufo inflatable 5’. Plugs in. Includes fan, ropes and stakes. M37155 6’. Plugs in. Includes fan, ropes and stakes. M37156 5’ x 8’. Plugs in. Includes fan, ropes and stakes. M37160 6’ x 10’. Plugs in. Includes fan, ropes and stakes. M37157 call to order: 508.310.5317 93 zombie gnome icepick inflatable 5 ft, plugs in. Includes fan, ropes and stakes.ropes and stakes. M 37460 zombie gnome cannibal inflatable 5 ft, plugs in. Includes fan, ropes and stakes.ropes and stakes. M37461 CLOWN IN A BOX INFLATABLE 6.5’. Plugs in. Includes fan, ropes and stakes. M37159 94 FREE CANDY CLOWN INFLATABLE 7’. Plugs in. Includes fan, ropes and stakes. M37158 Dark pumpkin nflatable 6ft tall. plugs in, includes fan, ropes and stakes. M37493 slender man inflatable 7 ft, plugs in, includes fan, ropes and stakes. M 37459 call to order: 508.310.5317 95 CREEPMAS RED BOW CREEPMAS BLACK BOW 20” x 28” M37480 20” x 28” M 3 7 479 CREEPMAS WITCH BOW 20” x 28”. Green Light up LED eyes. M 37476 CREEPMAS HARLEQUIN BOW 20” x 28”. Orange light up LED eyes. M37477 CREEPMAS RED/ BLACK JESTER BOW 20” x 28”. Blue Light up LED eyes. M37478 96 CREEPMAS BAT ORNAMENT 3”. 12 pc minimum order. M37483 CREEPMAS SKULL ORNAMENT 3”. 12 pc minimum order. M37482 CREEPMAS X-BONES ORNAMENT 3”. 12 pc minimum order. M37484 o’ creepmas tree 6’ tall. Reversible. M37481 call to order: 508.310.5317 97 LOOKING FOR SOMETHING NO ONE ELSE HAS? Let the Morbid design lab create something special for you and your business! CALL US TODAY! . P• 508.310.5317 | F• 508.796.2673 E• [email protected] MORBIDENTERPRISES.COM | /MORBIDENTERPRISES *Minimum quantities required to qualify for this service tm 2014 P• 508.310.5317 | F• 508.796.2673 E• [email protected] MORBIDENTERPRISES.COM | /MORBIDENTERPRISES 1 RUBIE PLAZA • RICHMOND HILL, NY 11418
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