2010-11 Annual Report - Reynolda House Museum of American Art


2010-11 Annual Report - Reynolda House Museum of American Art
2010–11 Annual Report
Dear Members and Friends,
I am an educator, both in my heart and as a leader.
at’s why my fih year at Reynolda House as executive director was particularly
rewarding for me.
In August, staff welcomed every first-year Wake Forest University student to Reynolda
House as the students saw for the first time Frederic Church’s 1855 masterpiece e Andes
of Ecuador. e students studied the work over the summer with the aid of readings and
professors’ podcasts from an array of arts and humanities perspectives.
As I stood before dozens of student groups, preparing them for the same viewing
experience that fans of Church might have had more than 150 years ago, I relished the
possibilities that this inaugural academic experience might create. It was a pivotal
moment and the start to another incredible year at Reynolda House Museum of
American Art.
Among our accomplishments: creating in-gallery experiences to inspire visitors to hear,
feel, think, and remember as they viewed our major exhibitions; publishing a souvenir
book of beautiful new photography of the historic house; and achieving
recognition and funding from the National Endowment for the Arts in support
of our multi-year electronic cataloging project, the foundation of a digital
initiative to provide universal access to our collections and a meaningful
experience for online visitors.
Just as our programs and collections inspire people to learn, we continue to
challenge ourselves as an institution. I thank you for your support as we employ
new approaches to ensure Reynolda House is a place where all visitors are
inspired to learn, imagine, and find meaning.
Allison C. Perkins
Executive Director
Right: e Wake Forest Magazine featured the collective
first-year academic experience in its fall 2010 issue.
On the cover: New Wake Forest University students
walked in groups along the Reynolda Trail to view
e Andes of Ecuador at the Museum.
M I s sIO N / I M PAC T / V I sIO N
Mission Statement
Reynolda House preserves and interprets
an American country home and a premier
collection of American art. rough
innovative public programs and exhibitions,
the Museum offers a deeper understanding
of American culture to diverse audiences.
Impact Statement
ose who experience Reynolda House
Museum of American Art are inspired to
learn, imagine, and find meaning in the
art collections and historic site.
Vision Statement
Reynolda House Museum of American
Art is respected for its art collections and
historic site, and its exemplary practice in
exhibitions, educational experiences, and
scholarship. e Museum is a welcoming
place for all to discover and celebrate the
arts, culture, and history.
C O N N E C T the H I sT O R IC sI T E and C O L L E C T IO N s to P E O P L E
In what was only the second such university orientation assignment of its kind, incoming
freshmen at Wake Forest University studied a work of art in the Reynolda House
collection as part of an innovative collaboration between Wake Forest and Reynolda
House. roughout the summer of 2010, new students entering Wake Forest focused on
one of the Museum’s most celebrated works, e Andes of Ecuador (1855) by Frederic
Church. President Nathan Hatch and faculty members from disciplines across the
University created podcast lectures and directed students to readings that illuminated the
interdisciplinary nature of the painting. In addition to art history, topics included 19thcentury theology and literature, psychology and debates about evolution, Andean ecology
and climate change, and the economics of art patronage.
e project culminated at the Museum as 1,200 students and their advisors traversed the quarter-mile trail from the Reynolda
Campus to the Reynolda Historic District on a sunny August aernoon to view the painting as Church’s audience might have
done originally: swathed in velvet drapes and elevated on a platform, with opera glasses nearby for closer inspections. e event
concluded with students joining in conversation with their advisors over an Andean dinner on the Reynolda House front lawn.
C O N N E C T the H I sT O R IC sI T E and C O L L E C T IO N s to P E O P L E
“Church’s painting did much more than please my eyes;
it was a crucial supplement to an orientation that eased my
anxieties regarding professors and the curriculum. I guess
one could say Church’s brilliant depiction of an exotic
landscape ironically made me feel right at home.”
—Melvin Washington, first-year student from Ft. Lauderdale, FL
C O N N E C T the H I sT O R IC sI T E and C O L L E C T IO N s to P E O P L E
Reynolda House completed the inaugural year of a three-year electronic cataloging project that will make a significant
portion of its collections available online by 2013. e Museum hired a full-time cataloging assistant to work with the
collection files, which include provenance, exhibition history, loans, and conservation records. e assistant also serves as
liaison to the curatorial and education staff members who are contributing to the project by conducting original research on
selected objects in the collection. Using e Museum system (TMs), the cultural sector’s leading collections management
soware, staff created nearly 75 unique object records containing high-resolution images, detailed artist biographies,
bibliographies, and curatorial descriptions. When the project is complete, scholars and the general public will have
unprecedented access to the Museum’s nationally recognized collections.
e National Endowment for the Arts, the John W. and Anna H. Hanes Foundation, the Cannon Foundation, the Arts
Council of Winston-salem and Forsyth County, Kathy Mountcastle and Mark Koster, and Annemarie Reynolds provided
funding for the first year of this significant project.
Childe Hassam designed the
detailed frame for his painting
Giant Magnolias (1904).
According to a letter from omas
Hart Benton to Museum Founding
President Barbara Babcock Millhouse,
Bootleggers (1927) was the artist’s first
foray into painting history and his first
shi into a muralistic style of painting.
Right: e pair of Chinese vases that
sit on the mantel in the Reception Hall
are not 19th-century replicas as once
thought; they are, in fact, much older.
Fahua ware, the name given to this type
of ceramic decoration, was an attempt
to imitate the cloisonné in clay. Most
examples of Fahua ware are assigned
to the late 15th or 16th century,
putting them in the period of the
Ming dynasty (1368–1644).
C O N N E C T the H I sT O R IC sI T E and C O L L E C T IO N s to P E O P L E
e Collections Department started a blog to track
progress and share interesting details discovered
during the electronic cataloging project.
C O N N E C T the H I sT O R IC sI T E and C O L L E C T IO N s to P E O P L E
Art © Estate of David smith/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY
Art © Estate of stuart Davis/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY
E X H I B I T IO N s in the H I sT O R IC HOU sE
Looking At/Looking In: Bodies and Faces in Contemporary Prints
May 11–August 8, 2010
omas Cole's Voyage of Life Series: Prints from the Reynolda Collection
september 10, 2010–February 20, 2011
Figuring Abstraction
October 30, 2010–October 30, 2011
omas Hart Benton: America's Master Storyteller
March 3–July 31, 2011
C O N N E C T the H I sT O R IC sI T E and C O L L E C T IO N s to P E O P L E
Virtue, Vice, Wisdom & Folly: e Moralizing
Tradition in American Art (september 18–
December 31, 2010) explored the title themes that
dominated 19th-century American genre art.
e exhibition, which drew parallels between
the cultural, social, and political mores presented
in the works and modern-day self-examination in
the United states, included works from the
Museum’s collection and loans from museums
across the southeast. A complementary exhibition
of 17th-century Dutch prints installed adjacent
to Virtue, Vice, Wisdom & Folly historicized the
tradition of moralizing in art, enabling visitors to
consider the connections between morality and
emerging market economies in 17th-century
Holland and 19th-century America.
e Museum focused on making the gallery
experience an interactive one for visitors through
numerous educational activities: large-scale labels
designed to look like 19th-century newspapers
that visitors could pick up, handle, and spend time
perusing; a journaling activity in which visitors
related their own personal experiences inspired
by the paintings; a sorting activity in which
visitors put reproductions of images from the
exhibition into the category they felt appropriate:
virtue, vice, wisdom, or folly (the images could be
rearranged by the next visitor); a listening station
where visitors could hear music inspired by
particular themes from the exhibition; and
a gallery scavenger hunt activity.
“I’m more empowered to
see things for myself, and
[have learned that] my
observations are just as
valid as another’s.”
—From the exhibition’s
comment book
e Museum also debuted a new gallery experience,
“Looking Aloud,” which encouraged visitors to
share their personal responses to paintings.
Virtue, Vice, Wisdom & Folly received praise
and recognition from scholars of American art
including sarah Cash, the Bechhoefer Curator of
American Art at the Corcoran Gallery of Art.
“What a wonderful and thoughtful show you’ve
organized. . . . I thoroughly enjoyed the works of
art, the interpretation, the inventive laminated
texts for some of the works, and the ‘education’
gallery. It all came together so well.”
staff members donned costumes personifying the exhibition
title for the opening night preview party.
C O N N E C T C O L L E C T IO N s and H I sT O R IC sI T E to P E O P L E
O. Winston Link’s haunting black-and-white
photographs from the 1950s depict the end
of the era of steam railroading in the United
states and the landscapes steam engines
traversed in rural Virginia and North Carolina.
Visitors to the exhibition Trains that Passed in
the Night: e Photographs of O. Winston Link
(February 19–June 19, 2011) connected to the
images in a variety of ways. Nearly 33% of
first-time visitors indicated that their main
interest in visiting was the regional appeal of
the work or their interest in trains. Aer their
experience at the Museum, nearly 60% of
visitors stated that they learned something
about photography as an art form, and
about O. Winston Link as an artist.
Events planned with Trains that Passed in the Night had great
public appeal. e exhibition opening party welcomed 525
guests, and a lecture by exhibition curator and former Link
assistant Tom Garver (above right) drew a capacity crowd.
Included among the guests was Joe Dollar (above le),
who drove from northwest North Carolina to see his old
friend Garver. Dollar is pictured as a young man in one
of Link’s photographs.
C O N N E C T the H I sT O R IC sI T E and C O L L E C T IO N s to P E O P L E
e Trains that Passed in the Night comment book
asked visitors to share memories evoked by Link's
photography. e Museum created a word cloud
illustration (right) of visitor responses.
One of the Museum’s most successful programs attracting new audiences to Reynolda House, Cinema Under the stars,
had its best year yet. e 2010 film series—the Museum’s fih season—featured five classic films by Alfred Hitchcock.
It was the cover story of an August edition of the Winston-Salem Journal weekly entertainment section, Relish, and
first-time Museum sponsors Our State magazine and Black Horse studio added additional buzz and support for the series.
Reynolda House welcomed an average of 380 people each Friday night over the course of five weeks for a total of more
than 1,900 visitors.
Above: Prior to the Hitchcock classic North by Northwest, the Museum presented Reynolda Aer Hours Does Madison Avenue, an event based on the
popular show Mad Men. Many guests participated in a costume contest to win a collectible e Birds Barbie doll, and Tate’s Cra Cocktails provided
demonstrations of classic drinks of the 1950s. Watch the mybridges.net video of the event.
C O N N E C T C O L L E C T IO N s and H I sT O R IC sI T E to P E O P L E
For years, visitors to Reynolda have longed to take home documentation of the beautiful interiors of the
Reynolds family home. In November, the Museum made this possible with the publication of Reynolda:
An American Country Home Becomes a Home for American Art. Publication costs were paid for through
gis from a variety of donors, enabling the Museum to benefit from all sales of the book.
More than 500 copies were sold between the book’s debut on November 1, 2010, and June 30, 2011.
In late May, Arcadia published Reynolda: 1906–1924, by Museum Founding President Barbara Babcock
Millhouse. Based on images from the Museum archives, many never before published, the book
celebrates the history of the Reynolda Estate. Reynolda House hosted a booksigning for the publication
on June 7, in conjunction with a conversation between Millhouse and Michele Gillespie, Kahle Family
Associate Professor of History at Wake Forest University and a historian of R.J. and Katharine Reynolds.
C O N N E C T C O L L E C T IO N s and H I sT O R IC sI T E to P E O P L E
several images of works from the Museum’s collection
appeared in books focused on American art. Included
among these were Grant Wood’s Spring Turning (1936),
William M. Harnett’s Job Lot Cheap (1878) pictured above,
Emanuel Leutze’s Worthington Whittredge in his Tenth
Street Studio (1865), and Lyonel Feininger’s Church of
Heiligenhafen (1922).
William M. Harnett, Job Lot Cheap, 1878
Oil on canvas, 18 x 36"
Original purchase fund from the Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation,
Z. smith Reynolds Foundation, ARCA Foundation, and Anne Cannon Forsyth, 1966.2.10
C O N N E C T C O L L E C T IO N s and H I sT O R IC sI T E to P E O P L E
In March, Our State magazine featured
a ten-page story complete with color
photographs on the legacy of women
who have shaped Reynolda.
Connecting with people through social media continued to be a priority, as followers on the Museum’s Facebook page
grew by more than 800, reaching 2,361 by June 30. e Museum also started two Twitter feeds: @SarahatReynolda,
authored by the director of marketing and communications, and @WakeReynolda, targeting information of relevance
and importance to the Wake Forest community. In collaboration with Visit Winston-salem and Visit North Carolina,
Reynolda House produced a 30-second promotional video on the Museum. e video,
placed on visitnc.com, received more than 30,000 views through the end of year.
C O N N E C T C O L L E C T IO N s and H I sT O R IC sI T E to P E O P L E
C OM M U N I T Y O R G A N I Z AT IO N s and L E A D E R s
Education continued as a core element of the Reynolda experience as the Museum sought creative ways
throughout the year to inspire the community to learn, imagine, and find meaning in the Reynolda collections.
In August, the Museum hosted the Lincoln Center Institute International Educators Workshop for two sessions
based on the Reynolda House collections, and in March, art teachers from the Winston-salem/Forsyth County
schools came to the Museum for a professional development opportunity. student visitors in groups from public,
private, and home schools totaled more than 2,500 this year, and another 1,500 college students were inspired by
the historic house and collections. In addition, docents led guided tours of the Museum for nearly 1,040 visitors as
part of private clubs, national organizations, and international group tours.
e local preservation community proudly claims Reynolda House and Reynolda Gardens of Wake Forest
University as exemplars of its mission. In May, the Museum collaborated with the Historic Resources Commission
on two lunch-and-learn sessions during Preservation History Month. e events enhanced the partnership
between the Museum and the members of this group, helping to foster future collaborations.
Trains that Passed in the Night featured Label Talk, a program that invited guest writers from various disciplines
and levels of experience across the community to create labels for nine of the photographs in the exhibition.
Topics included 1950s American culture, the staged aesthetic of Link’s work, the history of African Americans
and the railroad, technical aspects of photography and lighting, and a history of railways in North Carolina.
e North Carolina Railroad and Norfolk southern Corporation were first-time donors to the Museum when they joined to
become Education sponsors for Trains that Passed in the Night. e North Carolina Railroad found great value in their
sponsorship through participation in the Museum’s free Reynolda Junction Community Day. Railroad staff provided train safety
tips, related games for families, and wooden train whistles whose sound filled the Museum on a rainy aernoon in late March.
e southbound Model Railroad Club shared a model train layout, and children used a “passport” to collect stamps throughout
the Museum while creating their own travel posters, luggage tags, postcards, and watercolor and wax relief trains. Museum staff
recruited and trained bilingual community volunteers to work alongside Museum volunteers to offer spanish-speaking visitors
information in their primary language. Despite inclement weather that caused the program to move indoors, approximately
1,500 people attended.
C OM M U N I T Y O R G A N I Z AT IO N s and L E A D E R s
In september, Barbara Babcock Millhouse hosted a private luncheon at the Museum
for National Endowment for the Arts Chairman Rocco Landesman. e event marked
the opening of the Milton Rhodes Center for the Arts, where Landesman was the
keynote speaker. During his visit, Landesman praised the work of Reynolda House
and acknowledged the Museum’s recent NEA grant awarded for its electronic
cataloging project.
Above: NEA Chairman Rocco Landesman visited with Wake Forest President Nathan Hatch, Reynolda
House Executive Director Allison Perkins, Arts Council President Milton Rhodes, and Museum
Founding President Barbara Babcock Millhouse.
C OM M U N I T Y O R G A N I Z AT IO N s and L E A D E R s
e southeastern Museum Conference (sEMC) awarded former Board of Directors Chair Debbie Rubin with the 2010
Distinguished Contributor Award in October. e award recognizes a non-museum professional who has contributed
leadership expertise, financial support, or collections support over at least 20 years to a museum or the museum field. Rubin,
who was selected from nominees representing the 12-state southeast region, was honored for her 30-year commitment to
volunteerism at Reynolda House, an association that began when she took the Museum’s Docent Discovery course in 1980.
Rubin, pictured above talking with Wake Forest University students, is on the Board of Trustees at Wake Forest University and
completed her fih term on the Museum’s Board of Directors in June.
Creating a model partnership between a university and a museum was exemplified this year through several academic
collaborations, in addition to the successful student orientation project.
e Wake Forest Divinity school turned to Reynolda House as a place of academic reflection, as it held both its Board of
Visitors and faculty retreats at the Museum. e goal of the meetings was to create custom experiences for Divinity school
constituents using Reynolda House collections and exhibitions. staff provided meaningful experiences throughout the
Museum including gallery talks and Looking Aloud exercises.
e Museum’s fall exhibition Virtue, Vice, Wisdom & Folly,
provided the opportunity to co-sponsor an academic
conference in partnership with the Wake Forest
Departments of Religion and History, with support from
the Office of the Provost. “southern silences: Trauma and
African American and American Indian Resilience”
examined the cultural legacy of “willful amnesia” about
historical trauma in the southeast during the 19th century,
specifically the internal slave trade and the Indian
Removal. scholars from the National Museum of the
American Indian, UNC-Chapel Hill, and the University of
Michigan joined a dozen Wake Forest professors from a
variety of disciplines. e exhibition provided an inspiring
correlation to the many aspects of 19th-century American
history explored in the talks.
omas Hovenden, Dem Was Good Ole Times, 1882
Watercolor on paper, 15 1/2 x 11 1/2"
Courtesy of Barbara B. Millhouse
While general admission to the Museum is always free for Wake Forest faculty and staff and a guest, fall marked the first
season when the Museum offered free admission to faculty and staff for programs and events identified as academic in
focus, such as gallery talks and lectures. Attendance from University faculty and staff increased by more than ten
percent from the previous year.
C OM M U N I T Y O R G A N I Z AT IO N s and L E A D E R s
sT R E N G T H E N the M U sE UM’ s I N T E R NA L O P E R AT IO N s
A robust program of annual giving—for unrestricted operating funds and for exhibitions and program support—
is key to the financial strength of the Museum. e Museum is grateful for its many faithful and generous members
who provide important new dollars each year in support of the Museum’s annual budget.
In the year ending June 30, 2011, 1,237 membership/annual fund gis totaled more than $450,000 in unrestricted
operating funds to the Museum, and donors gave more than $176,000 in support of exhibitions, programs, and other
restricted needs. Additionally, the Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation and the Arts Council of Winston-salem and
Forsyth County together provided more than $190,000 for operations, and Wake Forest University provided $450,000
toward the Museum’s $3.3 million budget.
To attract and engage members with the collections and exhibitions at deeper levels, the Museum hosted special
membership events including popular exhibition opening parties attracting an average of 380 guests each evening;
Night at the Museum (below le), an evening of art, dance, and drama for Reynolda society members and their friends;
and a unique behind-the-scenes introduction to collections management (below right) for members at the Benefactor
level and up. “Cleaning, Crating, and Conservation: Behind the scenes with Collections” highlighted several areas
of collections work, including the experience of being an art courier, layout and installation of exhibitions, and
preventative conservation and overall collections care.
Reynolda House and Wake Forest University identified recommendations made in the 2010 Cultural Landscape
Report for implementation. e Museum worked cooperatively with Reynolda Gardens to clear invasive plant
species from historically important vistas across the Estate, including around the perimeter of the historic house.
is year also marked the completion of a three-year project
to conserve several of the Museum’s most important paintings.
Contracted paintings conservator Ruth Cox completed treatment
on George Inness’s e Storm (1885), which was the fourth and
final painting from the collection treated with funds provided
by a grant from the Henry Luce Foundation. Cox treated Grant
Wood’s Spring Turning (1936) in 2010, and presented her work
on the Museum’s painting to conservators and museum
professionals from across the country at the 2011 American
Institute for Conservation conference in Philadelphia.
Above: is orange lustre Ruskin Pottery vase is stamped
1916 and appears in two archival photographs of the east
end of the Reception Hall. It is one of the few accessories
that can be seen in both photographs, attesting to its
importance to the color scheme of the room.
seven decorative art objects that were part of the original collection
of Katharine smith Reynolds were donated by Barbara Babcock
Millhouse and accessioned at the June Board of Directors meeting.
ese included three Ruskin Pottery vases, two majolica crocks,
and two silver-stemmed dishes.
Ten docent-volunteers logged 800 hours throughout the year to
inventory resources in the Josh and Marie Reynolds Library-Reading
Room, pictured above. ey recorded and added information about
approximately 2,500 books to a new digital database that will be
available to Museum staff and others in late 2011.
sT R E N G T H E N the M U sE UM’ s I N T E R NA L O P E R AT IO N s
Nearly 34,000 people visited the Museum, with attendance in August and March
reaching more than 4,500 visitors each month. Annual attendance
increased by almost 5,000 visitors from the previous year.
Total: $3,305,162
stewards of Reynolda House is a group
of individuals who have included a
bequest to the Museum in their wills
or in some other way planned for
future support of the Museum.
Ms. Anne Babcock
Mr. Bruce M. Babcock
Mr. John W. Davis, III
Mr. J. Gordon Donald
Mr. stephan Dragisic*
Mr. Frank E. Driscoll
Ms. Constance Fraser Gray
Mr. Frank Borden Hanes, sr.
Ms. sue Henderson
Mr. Douglas M. Henderson
Mrs. Barbara Babcock Millhouse
Mr. McLean Mitchell
Total: $3,305,162
Mrs. Deborah K. Rubin
Ms. M. Louise omas
Mrs. susan B. Wall
*New stewards of Reynolda House
Member in 2010–2011
Board of Directors
National Advisory Council
Docent Board
Full-time Staff Members
Dianne N. Blixt
Malcolm M. Brown
Joseph R. Budd
Mary Louise Burress
Lee A. Chaden
susan K. Conger
John W. Davis, III
Noel L. Dunn
W. Randy Eaddy
McDara P. Folan, III
sue L. Henderson
omas W. Lambeth, Chair
Cathleen McKinney
Barbara B. Millhouse
Ramelle Pulitzer
Elizabeth L. Quick
Deborah K. Rubin
E. Gray smith, III
Belinda Tate
Gwynne s. Taylor
Mary C. Tribble
H. Vernon Winters
Lynn Young
Mr. Welborn Alexander, Jr.
Ms. Harriet Allen
Ms. Jamē Anderson
Mr. Bruce Babcock
Ms. Grace Broughton
Ms. Dianne Caesar
Ms. sarah Cash
Mr. Christopher Cavanaugh
Ms. Elizabeth Chew
Ms. susan Longwood Countner
Mr. Patrick Diamond
Ms. Karyn Dingledine
Ms. Lee Eisenacher
Ms. Lisbeth Evans
Mr. Joseph Ferlise
Ms. Nella Fulton
Dr. Robert Hobbs
Ms. Jaqueline Humphrey
Ms. Beverly Jennings
Ms. Joia Johnson
Mr. Henry Jordan, II
Ms. Joy Kasson
Dr. David Lubin
Ms. Katharine Mountcastle
Ms. Alice Pearce
Ms. Nancy Pleasants
Ms. Deborah Reaves
Ms. Brook Reynolds
Dr. Margaret supplee smith
Ms. Nenetta Carter Tatum
Ms. Mary Craig Tennille
Ms. Cristin Tierney
Mr. Dolph von Arx
Dr. Lawrence J. Wheeler
Ms. Mona Wu
Jane Williams, Chair
Louise Bazemore, Assistant Chair
Judy Watson, Advisor
Pat McKay, Membership secretary
Phil Archer, Director of Public Programs
Timothy Bonow, Director of Security
Cindy Byrd, Visitor Services Coordinator
Todd Crumley, Director of Archives and Library
stephan Dragisic, Director of Event and
Program Management
Rebecca Eddins, Director of Collections
Management, Internal Operations
Division Head
Marty Edwards, Director of Development,
External Affairs Division Head
Trina Erickson Membership Manager
David Fouche, Security Coordinator
Kim Hampton, Business Manager
sherman Hart, Director of Facilities
Virginia Holbrook, Assistant to the
Executive Director
sherold Hollingsworth, Research Associate,
Assistant to the Founding President
Beth Hoover-DeBerry, Assistant Director
of Education
Kathleen Hutton, Director of Education
suzanne Inge, Assistant Collections Manager
Courtney Klemens, Education Assistant
Che Machado, Preparator
Allison Perkins, Executive Director
Wendy Rhodes, Financial
Accounting Assistant
Dan Rossow, Coordinator of Event
and Program Management
Kim sissons, Cataloging Intern
Joan skokan, Development Assistant
Allison slaby, Managing Curator
sarah smith, Director of
Marketing and Communications
Emily Wilder, Assistant Director
for Creative Services
Elizabeth Williams-Clymer,
Assistant Director of Collections Management
Jane Williams,
Docent Chair, Ex-officio
Annemarie s. Reynolds,
Honorary Director
Edwin G. Wilson,
Honorary Director
J. Tylee Wilson,
Honorary Director
Helen Barnhardt
Wilba Brady
Barbara Byrd
Vince Cimmino
Randy Cox
Don Eppert
Allene Evans
Joe Frisina
susan Golden
Anne Herndon
Kathleen Jamison
Betsy Messick
Mac Mitchell
Andi Ostberg
Albert Reeves
Jeremy Reiskind
Ann Rudkin
Barbara smith
susan Warren
Ken White
anks also to the Museum’s many part-time staff
members who make the meaningful work of
Reynolda House possible.
The Reynolda Society
Memberships at Reynolda House provide critical unrestricted operating funds for the Museum. Reynolda Society donors represent
the highest levels of membership and the foundation of support for each year's annual operating budget.
Charles Barton Keen Circle
$10,000 or more
Director’s Circle
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Millhouse
Dr. Annemarie s. Reynolds
Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. Rubin
Mr. and Mrs. Welborn E. Alexander
Dr. and Mrs. Elms L. Allen
Mrs. Jame L. Anderson and Mr. s. Neel Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Babcock
Dr. and Mrs. C.W. Bazemore, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. F. James Becher, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Bell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James W.C. Broughton
Mr. and Mrs. Royall Brown, Jr.
Mr. Joseph M. Bryan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Hudnall Christopher, Jr.
Dr. Paige Clark and Dr. Hollins Clark
Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark Conger
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Copenhaver
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Countner
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Crichlow, Jr.
Mrs. Doris P. Deal
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Dingledine
Mrs. Elaine D. Dowdell
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Driscoll
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Dunn
Mrs. Phyllis H. Dunning
Ms. Lisbeth C. Evans and Mr. James T. Lambie
Dr. and Mrs. Roland M. Friedman
Mr. Paul Fulton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gray, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray C. Greason, Jr.
Dr. Caryl J. Guth
Mr. and Mrs. F. Borden Hanes, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Nathan O. Hatch
Ms. Jacqueline Humphrey
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Irvin
Ms. Joia M. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Jordan, II
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Kelly, Jr.
Mrs. Mary R. Kerr
Dr. and Mrs. Keith R. Kooken
Ms. Gail A. Lake
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Lambeth
Mrs. Garnette H. LeRoy
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Marcotullio
Mr. and Mrs. John B. McKinnon
Thomas Sears Circle
Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm M. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burress, III
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ray McKinney
Ms. Katharine R. Mountcastle and
Mr. Mark Koster
Mr. and Mrs. E. Gray smith, III
Mr. and Mrs. Dolph W. von Arx
Mr. and Mrs. C. Jeffrey Young
Hudson River School Circle
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Arcuri
Mr. Frank L. Benedetti and
Mr. Thomas G. Trowbridge
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Blixt
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Budd
Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Chaden
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Davis, III
Ms. Mia Celano and Mr. skip Dunn
Mr. W. Randy Eaddy
Mr. and Mrs. Craig E. Eisenacher
Mr. and Mrs. McDara P. Folan, III
Ms. Nella P. Fulton
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Henderson
Dr. and Mrs. Jerome E. Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Mountcastle, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Pulitzer, Jr.
Mr. Dalton D. Ruffin
Mr. W. David shannon
Ms. Cristin Tierney and Mr. Jim shapiro
Dr. and Mrs. Wallace C. Wu
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Ziglar
Mrs. Marianne C. Mebane
Mr. and Mrs. McLean Mitchell
Dr. and Mrs. William G. Montgomery
Ms. Mary B. Mountcastle and
Mr. Jim Overton
Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Lucian H. Neal
Mrs. Josephine W. Patton
Ms. Allison C. Perkins and Mr. Clifford L. Dossel
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Pfefferkorn
The Honorable and Mrs. s. Davis Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Pleasants, Jr.
Mrs. Ruth M. Pleasants
Mr. and Mrs. stephen D. Poe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Quick
Ms. Brook E. Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. schindler
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. seidle
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome H. silber
Mrs. Richard E. shore
Mrs. Margaret R. sosnik
Dr. and Mrs. Charles V. Taft
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd P. Tate
Mr. and Mrs. stephen L. Tatum, sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Andre C. Tenille
Dr. and Mrs. James F. Toole
Ms. Penny Vance and
Mr. Michael A. Cheney
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Walker
Mrs. susan B. Wall
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Whittington
Mr. and Mrs. Ben s. Willis, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson D. Wilson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Vernon Winters
Dr. and Mrs. James D. Yopp, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Allen
Mrs. Louise Z. Austell
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Booke
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Brenner
Ms. Eugenie W. Carr
Mr. and Mrs. scott E. Cawood
Mrs. Patricia s. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Cotterill
Dr. Nancy J. Cotton and Dr. Robert N. shorter
Mr. and Mrs. J. scott Cramer
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Daniels, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Eisenberg
Mrs. Aurelia G. Eller
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bradley Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Victor I. Flow, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles George, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivar R. Gram, II
Mrs. Jane R. Gray
Ms. Barbara L. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Horton, III
Mr. Robert J. Jolly
Dr. and Mrs. Frederic R. Kahl
Ms. Lucy Kaplan and Mr. John Cavello
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Medlin, Jr.
Ms. Beverly C. Moore and Mr. Alan L. Moore
Ms. Marjorie J. Northup
Mrs. Josephine O. Phillips
Dr. and Mrs. Gary G. Poehling
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Ragland
Dr. Deborah Reaves and Dr. Donald J. Reaves
Mr. and Mrs. steven s Reinemund, sr.
Mr. David Rice
Dr. and Mrs. Howard W. shields
Mrs. Cynthia A. strickland-Graham and
Judge William T. Graham, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. strickland
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Taylor, Jr.
Mrs. Frances H. Thomas-Dillender and
Mr. samuel C. Dillender
Dr. Michelle Welborn and
Mr. Timothy D. Welborn
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Wilson, III
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Womble, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Yates, III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Alphin
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Apple, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Archer
Mr. Phil Archer and Mr. Tim DeLisle
Dr. James P. Barefield
Mrs. Helen P. Barnhardt
Dr. Ann L. Bogard and Dr. Terrence D. Bogard
Mr. samuel L. Booke, Jr.
Mrs. Lucia C. Bright
Ms. Nicole Brockmueller
Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Brown, Jr.
Mrs. Martha B. Carlisle
Ms. Deborah B. Carson and
Dr. Christopher W. Groner
Ms. Jennfier M. Collins and Mr. Adam H. Charnes
Ms. Katherine Condon
Dr. Brian s. Cope
Dr. Courtland H. Davis, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Davis, II
Dr. James A. Dervin
Mrs. Beth R. DeWoody
Mr. David L. Dodson
Mr. J. Gordon Donald
Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Duckett
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Dudley
Ms. Martha s. Edwards and Dr. Palmer Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. W. Buford Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Eppert
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Felts
Mrs. Emma B. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Gunter
Mr. and Mrs. stephen W. Harper
Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison
Mr. Weston P. Hatfield
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hauser
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Hedgpeth, II
Mrs. sarah W. Heist
Mrs. Leslie A. Hollan
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Huffman
Dr. and Mrs. David D. Hurd
Ms. Kathleen F.G. Hutton and Dr. John W. Hutton
Dr. and Mrs. David s. Jackson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor G. Jamison, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Jung
Mrs. Jane W. Kelly
Dr. sandria N. Kerr and Dr. William C. Kerr
Mr. and Mrs. Alan T. Kirby
Mr. and Mrs. Haddon s. Kirk, III
Dr. and Mrs. L. Andrew Koman
Dr. and Mrs. Dan s. Locklair
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Loftis, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Lubin
Ms. Gail E. Lybrook and
Mr. W. David Hobbs, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Mayville
Dr. William McCall, Jr.
Mrs. June A Michalove
Dr. Henry s. Miller, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold s. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Neal
Dr. Anne F. Nelson and
Dr. William H.M. Nelson, III
Mr. and Mrs. sam C. Ogburn, sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Penney
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew T. Phillips
Ms. Michelle A. Portman and
Dr. James M. Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Rich, III
Ms. Catherine Rodgers and
Mr. Massimo Giussani
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ruffin
Mr. and Mrs. Joel C. schanker
Mrs. selma C. scott
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. scronce
Mr. David P. shouvlin
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne C. shugart
Mr. and Mrs. Milton J. sills
Mr. and Mrs. G. Dee smith
Ms. Belinda A. Tate
Colonel and Mrs. Charles H. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. F. Nelson Tomlinson, Jr.
Mrs. Nancy R. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Randall s. Tuttle
Mr. W. Howard Upchurch, Jr. and
Mr. John Hoemann
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Wall
Mrs. Henry M. Wellman
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Wells
Dr. and Mrs. Kyle A. Young
Mrs. Mary W. Allen
Dr. and Mrs. Roy L. Alson
Rev. and Mrs. Douglass M. Bailey, III
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Barg
Dr. Bernadine A. Barnes and
Mr. steven Barnes
Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Barnett
Ms. sarah B. Barnhardt
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Blount
Dr. and Mrs. Gray T. Boyette
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony H. Brett
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Brewer
Mr. Billy O. Brown
Ms. Rebecca F. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney C. Brown
Mr. William C. Brown
Dr. and Mrs. shasta M. Bryant
Dr. and Mrs. Vardaman M. Buckalew, Jr.
Mr. James A. Bunn, III
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Burress
Ms. Jane J. Burton
Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Butler, III
Mrs. stewart T. Butler
Mrs. sylvia G. Cardwell
Mr. Coy C. Carpenter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George Carson, II
Mrs. Martha W. Coleman
Dr. Harriet Y. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Leon H. Corbett, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Craft
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur R. Cross
Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Cumming
Mr. Larrie W. Dawkins
Mr. and Mrs. Linwood L. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Davis
Ms. Carol A. DeVries
Mr. and Mrs. Alan T. Dickson
Mr. and Mrs. Morrison W. Divine, III
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Dolge
Dr. George J. Ellis, Jr.
Mr. Richard E. Faw
Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Goodson
Dr. Louis N. Gottlieb
Ms. Julie L. Groves
Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Gulley
Mrs. sharon Harned
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Harper, Jr.
The Honorable and
Mrs. James A. Harrill, Jr.
Dr. Annette T. Hastie and
Dr. Alexander Robin Hastie
Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Heilig, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry O. Jernigan
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Johnson
Mrs. Catherine M. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kasson
Mr. and Mrs. C. David Kepple
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Keshian
Ms. Earline H. King
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald C. Koontz
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Kopchik
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Lancaster
Mrs. Cynthia N. Leonard
and Dr. Ralph B. Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. MacCullough
Mrs. Martha H. Maddox
Mr. James H. Mashburn
Dr. and Mrs. Charles F. Massler, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. C. Douglas Maynard
Dr. and Mrs. Jesse F. McCartney
Ms. Carolyn J. McCrory
Dr. and Mrs. David L. McCullough
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. McDowell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKim
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Merritt
Mr. and Mrs. F. Bradford Myers, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Nicholaides, III
Mr. Richard D. Pardue
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Pearce
Dr. and Mrs. Francis D. Pepper, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Gordon Pfefferkorn, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolfo Pfeiffer
Ms. sue V. Poovey
Dr. and Mrs. Walter F. Pryzgocki, Jr.
Mrs. Mary B. Pullen
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Reed
Mr. Jeremy Reiskind and
Mr. sherwood shaffer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard s. Reynolds, III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Rickert
Ms. Mary Lou Riggs
Dr. and Mrs. John G. Roach, III
Mrs. Daphne C. Robinson
Mr. E. Norwood Robinson, sr.
Mrs. Betsy I. sawyer
Ms. Margaret scales and
Mr. Graydon O. Pleasants, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. shore, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William A. simpson
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. slaughter
Dr. Margaret s. smith and
Mr. R. Jackson smith
Mrs. Molly R. smith
Ms. Laura J. smith-Martin and
Mr. Charles A. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. southard
Mr. and Mrs. James Y. spencer
Mr. and Mrs. steen R. spove
Mrs. Denise E. sprinkle
Mr. and Mrs. Terry G. stewart
Mr. C. Barbour strickland, III
Mrs. Lois H. stuart
Mr. and Mrs. John R. surratt
Mr. and Mrs. T. Tyson swain, Jr.
Ms. M. Louise Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Timmons
Mr. and Mrs. Erling s. Tronnes
Ms. Mary M. Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. George K. Walker
Mrs. Evelyn M. Ward
Mr. and Mrs. P. Everett Wells, III
Dr. Lawrence Wheeler
Mrs. Patricia N. Whisnant
Ms. Margaret Williams-DeCelles and
Mr. Joseph F. DeCelles
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Williard
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Wise
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Womble, Jr.
Mrs. Marion B. Woods
Exhibitions, Events & Programs
Tribute Gis
$10,000 and above
Reynolds American
$15,000 and above
John W. & Anna H. Hanes Foundation
Hawthorn PNC Family Wealth
Wells Fargo
saybrook Capital
Tribble Creative Group, Inc.
salem Kitchen
Matching Companies
Boeing Company
Carlson’s Personal Legacy Gift Program
Eaton Corporation
Exxon-Mobil Corporation
Reynolds American
Wells Fargo
Dickson Foundation
Ecology/Wildlife Foundation
Glenn Family Foundation
Kulynych Family Foundation
Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation
The Arts Council of
Winston-salem & Forsyth County
summit school
Westwood Garden Club
In-Kind Gifts
Mrs. Helen P. Barnhardt
Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm M. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Chaden
Our state Magazine
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Millhouse
RayLen Vineyards, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Taylor, Jr.
Ms. Cristin Tierney
Village Tavern
Reynolda House Museum of American Art
makes every attempt to ensure the accuracy
of its list of supporters. If you discover an
error, please let us know by contacting our
development office at 336.758.5889
or [email protected].
Please accept our sincerest apologies
for any inaccuracies or omissions.
The Arts Council of
Winston-salem & Forsyth County
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Babcock
Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm M. Brown
Ms. Mia Celano and Mr. skip Dunn
Kilpatrick Townsend & stockton LLP
Mr. Joseph M. Bryan, Jr.
Norfolk southern Corporation
North Carolina Railroad Company
Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. Rubin
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Allison, IV
Dr. and Mrs. Elms L. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. F. James Becher, Jr.
James A. and Evelyn s. Belleman
Fund of the Community Foundation of
Collier County
Black Horse studio
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Blixt
Broyhill Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Chaden
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Driscoll
Mr. and Mrs. McDara P. Folan, III
Dr. and Mrs. Jerome E. Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Jordan, II
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Marcotullio
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ray McKinney
Dr. Deborah Reaves and Dr. Donald J. Reaves
Mrs. Cynthia J. skaar and
Mr. Ernest J. Fackelman
Mr. and Mrs. H. Vernon Winters
Mr. Ruskin G. Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. Harlan B. Daubert
Mrs. Naila Gazale-Lowe and Dr. stephan B. Lowe
Mr. John E. Gehring
Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas P. Iannuzzi, III
Dr. and Mrs. A. stanley Link, Jr.
Piedmont Distillers, Inc.
Ms. Janet S. Corpening
Ms. Kathleen F. G. Hutton and
Dr. John W. Hutton
Matthews United Methodist Church
Ms. Marjorie J. Northup
Mr. and Mrs. David A. scott
Dr. and Mrs. David H. Tate
Ms. Elaine R. Crudele
Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. schlesinger
Ms. Allison C. Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Blixt
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Budd
Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Chaden
Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark Conger
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Davis, III
Mr. W. Randy Eaddy
Mr. and Mrs. McDara P. Folan, III
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ray McKinney
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Lambeth
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Millhouse
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Pulitzer, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. Rubin
Mr. and Mrs. E. Gray smith, III
Ms. Belinda A. Tate
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Taylor, Jr.
Ms. Mary C. Tribble
Ms. Jane Williams
Mr. and Mrs. H. Vernon Winters
Mr. and Mrs. C. Jeffrey Young
Ms. Susanne Blanco
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Chaden
Ms. Rochelle Rudnick and Mr. Mark Gold
Mr. John W. Davis, III
Mr. H. Michael Britt
Mr. E. Gray Smith, III
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Taylor, Jr.
Ms. Lynn Young
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Erick Driscoll
2250 Reynolda Road, Winston-salem NC 27106 | 336.758.5150 | reynoldahouse.org
Affiliated with Wake Forest University