1 9 9 8 Public Opinion Barometer SOCIAL AND HUMAN RESOURCES FOR REFORM IN ROMANIA CURS Center for Urban and Regional Sociology Information presented by Daniel Chindea Public Opinion Barometer - 1998 PUBLIC OPINION BAROMETER Social and Human Resources for Reform in Romania Open Society Foundation has launched in 1998 a new formula for Public Opinion Barometer under the title: Social and Human Resources for Reform in Romania. Data collection is planned during one year on two waves. The first wave will be ended by June, 30, 1998. The new Barometer contains three different researches for each wave that will be finally integrated by aggregation and comparison: a research at the level of ordinary individual on a 1200 sample in 80 localities, a research at the level of institutional leaders in the same localities on an approximately 1000 subjects sample and a research at the level of communities (120) by collecting information from different fields relevant for community life. The main themes of the new Barometer include: political options and confidence in political parties and personalities, life quality and life standard, social and economic policy of the government, social capital and sociability resources, human and physical capital, life styles. Data collection instruments have been built by a group of Ph.D. students in Sociology, selected by contest, from three universities: Bucharest University: Ionica Berevoescu, Bogdan Juncu, Andra Lazaroiu, Sebastian Lazaroiu, Manuela Stanculescu; Cluj University: Dan Chiribuca, Mircea Comsa; Brasov University: Roxana Florescu , Narcisa Grigorescu. Sample design was conceived by Prof. Dumitru Sandu in Esantionare si analiza regionala. Barometrul 1998: resurse socio-umane ale reformei. The members of the supervising committee are: prof.univ.dr. Dumitru Sandu, prof.univ. dr. Lazar Vlasceanu, prof.univ.dr. Traian Rotariu, Calin Anastasiu, lector Gheorghe Onut, lector Aurora Dumitrescu, conf. Dumitru Stan. CURS-Center for Urban and Regional Sociology was elected by open bid to carry on the first wave of the Barometer from 7 different research agencies. Selection criteria: the quality of interviewers’ network; experience in data collection on probabilistic samples; professionalism and confidence of the research staff; public prestige (previous successes and failures); abiding by the terms of reference and availability to work on June. The results of the Barometer will be published as written reports (charts, tables, text) through press conferences organized by each research agency. For research results and data bases see Internet address: Program Coordinator: Ionel David Tel (401) 659 74 27;650 63 25;2110753, Fax: (401)312 27 45 E-mail: [email protected] Do you think things go in a right or wrong direction in Romania? Direction is right 25% DK/NA 23% Direction is wrong 52% CURS Center for Urban and Regional Sociology How satisfied are you with the way you live... ? Not satisfied at all 17% Very satisfied 2% Not so satisfied 46% CURS Center for Urban and Regional Sociology Quite satisfied 34% How is your life now as compared with last year ? 38% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 38% 11% 11% 1% Much Better now better now Quite the same CURS Quite worse Much worse Center for Urban and Regional Sociology How do you think you'll live one year now ? 28% 30% 23% 24% 25% 20% 14% 15% 10% 10% 5% 0% 1% Much better Quite better Quite the same Quite worse CURS Much worse DK/NA Center for Urban and Regional Sociology What would you say about your family income ? We manage to get the basics 43% We can't even satisfy the basics 31% We have enough for a decent living, but nothing more 18% We manage to buy expensive goods by saving money You manage to have all we need with no restraints 0% 7% 1% 10% 20% CURS 30% Center for Urban and Regional Sociology 40% 50% How much confidence do you have in the following political personalities…? Little/Very little 41% Radu Vasile 39% 44% Teodor Melescanu 36% 51% Emil Constantinescu 39% 40% Varujan Vosganian 16% 53% C.Vadim Tudor 26% 50% M.I.Quintus Petre Roman 60% Ion Iliescu 60% 16% 25% 28% 54% Valeriu Tabara 14% 60% Adrian Nastase 21% 50% Tudor Mohora 6% 56% Nicolae Cerveni 7% 64% Gheorghe Funar Victor Ciorbea 67% Regele Mihai 66% 16% 17% 11% 63% Ilie Verdet Ion Diaconescu 68% Marko Bella 67% -80% Much / Very much -60% -40% 5% 11% 6% -20% CURS 0% Center for Urban and Regional Sociology 20% 40% Suppose next Sunday elections for Parliament will take place. What political party or alliance would you vote for? Percentages computed from those who opt for a party CDR 34% PDSR 22% USD 14% PRM 13% APR 48% undecided or not-voting 7% UDMR 6% Other 4% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% CURS 25% 30% Center for Urban and Regional Sociology 35% 40% Suppose next Sunday presidential elections will take place. What candidate would you vote for? Percentages computed from those who opt for a candidate E.Constantinescu 40% I.Iliescu 23% C.V.Tudor 14% T.Melescanu 9% P.Roman 9% Other candidates 51% undecided or not-voting 5% 0% 10% 20% CURS 30% Center for Urban and Regional Sociology 40% 50% Do you believe that the economic policy of Government will have positive or negative consequences in the next year? Negative consequences 41% Positive consequences 31% DK 28% CURS Center for Urban and Regional Sociology How fast or slow should privatization process go? Don't know/No answer 24% slower than today 7% NEW! as it goes today 10% faster than today 59% CURS Center for Urban and Regional Sociology Do you think that privatization process will finally lead to people welfare? Don't know/No answer 23% NEW! yes 57% no 20% CURS Center for Urban and Regional Sociology To what extent do you believe that government fairly uses the taxes you and other people pay? Don't know/No answer 16% To a very great extent 1% To a great extent 11% NEW! To a little extent 38% To a very little extent 34% CURS Center for Urban and Regional Sociology According to your opinion, who is the one who most benefits from privatization of large enterprises… differences to 100% represent people with no opinion 30% 25% 20% 26% 24% 19% 15% 10% 9% 7% 5% 2% 1% 0% s le le ians ople rises c e i p t peop i p r peop rprise l e e o n s t s t p a s n s n i e e e e n a in in m of the n bus n bus rs for ll Rom s g a r i i e a e e n k r r g a o o f w Rom mana CURS Center for Urban and Regional Sociology other Do you think that privatization process goes.. fairly, often times 10% Don't know/No answer 24% unfairly, often times 66% CURS Center for Urban and Regional Sociology NEW! How do you think people who made a fortune succeeded to do that, after 1989? By… Differences to 100% represent those with no opinion 60% NEW! 54% 50% 40% 30% 22% 20% 10% 0% 7% breaking the relations hard law working and competence CURS 7% luck 2% other way Center for Urban and Regional Sociology Research methodology at the level of ordinary individual • Sample size: 1215 • Probabilistic, stratified, three-stage sample • Stratification criteria: 18 geographic areas on historical regions, residence (urbanrural), urban localities size (4 types), degree of development of rural localities (3 categories) • Sampling: probabilistic selection of localities (80), sampling points (voting districts, 140) and individuals. Individuals were randomly selected from the last voting lists. • National representativeness for 18 years and above Romanian population which is not institutionalized , with a maximum sampling error of +/-2,8% • Interviews taken by door-to-door technique • It must be mentioned that public opinion polls do not necessary represents electoral predictions. Those who are interested in this kind of prediction should not ignore the large category of people who failed to opt for a party or candidate and also low confidence in political parties. • Fieldwork: 3-10 June 1998. Statistical analysis and editing: Vladimir Cretoiu Andra Lazaroiu Sebastian Lazaroiu National sampling points