Economic Development Assessment
Economic Development Assessment
NORTH OF DIVIDE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION (NODCA) Economic Development Assessment: A Regional Labour Market Workplan in the North of Divide Kenny Gobeil 12/31/2011 This Economic Development Assessment is a report based on the key deliverables in a Regional Planning and Employer Agreement between the Saskatchewan Ministry of Advanced Education, Employment, and Immigration, and the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No.622 on behalf of the North of Divide Community Association. This assessment report is a collection of the many individual assessments required in the agreement, brought together into one large report, it includes; A Regional Market Work Plan based on the recreational property development in two (2) rural municipalities through surveys that were distributed throughout North of Divide Community Association. The first survey was geared towards recreational property owners and developers, and the second survey was distributed at large to find willing trades people and construction businesses that could help serve the needs of the rapidly growing recreational property subdivisions in the region; Also included is an inventory and assessment of urban campsites, and temporary housing for temporary workers and; and assessment of the short and longer term housing needs of the region and suggested action plans on how to address potential future concerns. These reports are based on development within the Rural Municipality of Beaver River, and throughout the North of Divide Region. Table of Contents Introduction Regional Labour Market Workplan of Recreational Properties Introduction Rural Municipality of Beaver River No. 622 Introduction Survey Implementation Survey Results o Alexander o Christel Beach o Hillcrest o Hingerville o Legacy Estates o Meadowlands o Northern Meadows o Parkplace o Parkside o The Shores Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Observations & Forecasts Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No. 561 Introduction Survey Implementation Survey Results o Christie Developments (Murphy Lake) o Cynthia Brummelhuis (Murphy Lake) o Fowler Lake o Johnson Resort (Ministikwan Lake Subdivisions) o Little Fishing Lake o Living Waters o Makwa Lake Subdivision (Jumbo Lake) o Peck Lake o Pine Cove o Unidentified Property Surveys Observations & Forecasts Recommendations Municipal Recommendations o Rural Municipality of Beaver River No. 622 o Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No. 561 Business Service Recommendations Local Service Provider Database Campsite Inventory and Temporary Worker Housing Housing Needs and Action Plan Conclusion Schedule A: Rural Municipality of Beaver River No. 622 Recreational Property Survey Notice Package; letter and Sample Survey Schedule B: Rural Municipality of Beaver River No. 622 Returned Recreational Property Surveys Schedule C: Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No. 561 Recreational Property Survey Notice Package; letter and Sample Survey Schedule D: Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No. 561 Returned Recreational Property Surveys, and subdivision maps Schedule E: Business Directory Mail out Package; Information Letter and Business Directory Information Form Schedule F: Returned Business Directory Information forms Introduction The Economic Development Assessment Report was produced based on the requirements set out in the Regional Planning and Employer Partnership Agreement, Number 23676 between Her Majesty the Queen, in right of Saskatchewan, represented by the Minister of Advanced Education, Employment and Immigration and the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 on behalf of the North of Divide Community Association (NODCA). This agreement set the conditions for the transfer of funds from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Advanced Education, Employment and Immigration and the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 for the support of developing a functioning regional planning committee, which is set to include the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 the Rural Municipality of Loon lake No 561, The Rural Municipality of Meadow Lake No 588, the City of Meadow Lake, the Village of Dorintosh, the Village of Goodsoil, the Village of Loon Lake, and the Village of Pierceland, this regional planning committee acts under the name of the North of Divide Community Association (NODCA). The support provided to this regional planning committee is intended to increase regional capability in provision of information and access to resources available, as well to assist human resource planning and tracking statistics. Under Schedule A of the Regional Planning and Employer Partnership Agreement, Number 23676 one of the Key Deliverables was to: Develop a regional labour market workplan. Items included: Design a survey instrument geared towards property owners and developers to determine the following: Forecast recreational building activity within the NODCA region together with a proposed time line of completion of building developments. (Example: The RM of Beaver River #622, in the proximity of the Village of Goodsoil, has approximately 600 recreation lots along the south side of Lac des Iles and the Northern Meadows Golf Course. Less than 100 cabins or residences exist on these lots, so it is beneficial to the RM to know when owners intend to build cabins so planning can be done accordingly to capitalize on economic activity) Forecast the types of business services required by the recreation property owners Determine infrastructure required to support building development Develop a data base of local service providers within the NODCA region for recreational development (NODCA area) Develop a database of business opportunities for recreational development (NODCA area) Complete an inventory and feasibility study to determine the viability of developing fully serviced campsites within the urban municipalities to support infrastructure development (example: housing crews working on Highway 55 improvement) Assisting industrial businesses with human resource requirements within the NODCA region by Establishing links with MLTC and other organizations with a potential supply of labour and expertise Explore a variety of labour pool options Determine short term and longer term housing needs and establish action plans related to housing needs including future potential subdivisions. Regional Labour Market Workplan for Recreational Properties Introduction After consultation with all NODCA municipalities it was noted that only the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 and the Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No 561 have recreational property development, so those two (2) municipalities were distributed a survey for property development. The Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 surveys were distributed first, after those surveys were returned, the recreational property surveys were assessed, redesigned, and distributed to the Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No 561. The Regional Planning and Employer Partnership Agreement was made with the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622, and there was specific mention of its need for a labour market workplan to be done within the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No. 622 stated within the agreement itself as noted above, so the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 property development survey was done first. It took large amounts of time to complete to ensure that there was accurate statistics on planned development for the region so that appropriate measures could be taken and to ensure that the key deliverable was done to the standards set forth in the agreement. After information was gathered for the Rural Municipality of Beaver River, adjustments were made to the original survey based on results gathered and restraints limiting the same level of involvement in the survey distribution in the Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No 561. Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 The Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 has roughly 600 recreational lots distributed between 13 subdivisions on the south side of Lac des Iles and at the Northern Meadows Golf Course. Many of these subdivisions involve multiple phases of development and some are still developing additional phases and lots; which means that more lots are expected to be created in the near future. The main subdivisions within the Rural Municipality of Beaver River are: Alexander Subdivision Christel Beach Subdivision Hillcrest Subdivision Hingerville Subdivision Lauman’s Landing Legacy Estates Subdivision Northern Meadows Meadowlands Parkplace Subdivision Parkside Subdivision The Shores o Phase 1 o Phase 2 o Phase 3 These subdivisions account for a nearly all of the recreational properties available in the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622. Below is a map of the area within the Rural Municipality of Beaver River that has these recreational property subdivisions. The survey was created under consultation with the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 Reeve and Administrator. The goal of this survey was to receive public input on how property owners service their lots, their plans for future development, and whether or not public services would be wanted by property owners, what these services would, and if these services being available would entice property owners to develop their property faster. Survey Implementation The survey was first sent to all recreational property owners in a mail out format. This survey was sent out in late winter to ensure that all property owners would have a chance to look at the survey before the building season starts. This also gave ample time for property owners to receive, and return the survey before the 2011 Canada Post mail strike. This survey was not sent to the property owners of the Lauman’s Landing subdivision because at the time of this survey being implemented all lots had not been titled for that subdivision. When the building season began it was noticed that only a small percentage of property owners had returned completed property surveys for their recreational property. This prompted a request by the administration of the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 to have someone visit each of these recreational lots, speak with property owners, and have them complete the survey in person. The first attempt was done in mid-summer, during business hours; there was a low level of attendance in the subdivisions. The next attempt was made during the weekend. During this site visit the subdivisions had many more inhabitants. After the second attempt it was decided to visit all remaining recreational properties during the weekend to ensure that the maximum amount of property owners could be reached. All recreational properties on the south side of Lac des Iles and around the Northern Meadows Golf Course were visited one time between 9:30AM and 4:00PM during a weekend. Not all property owners were met, to do this would have required additional trips and resources that would have been too costly, and may be considered a burden to the various recreational property owners during weekends. Survey Results For every recreational property in the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 that was included in the recreational property survey a total of 104 surveys were filled out by property owners, either through returning the original form, or by being interviewed during a site visit throughout the summer. Each subdivision has its own certain circumstances that has made its residents generate different outcomes and will be discussed in more detail below; outcomes of each survey returned have been categorized per subdivision and summarized into tables listed below. Subdivisions will be analyzed in alphabetical order. Please Note that the comments in each table are copied exactly as they were written, spelling and grammar rules were ignored to ensure that the message was carried through as the property owner intended. Also note that if a comment was made off the specific comment field its closest specific survey question is written in italics before the statement. Copies of the returned surveys will be attached at the end of this document for further inspection. Alexander Subdivision Alexander Subdivision is a single row of 16 recreational properties with no municipal reserve, running in an East West direction, distributed between two blocks. These blocks are divided by Airport Road that is running in a North South direction. The subdivision is located on the north boarder of quarter section of SW 7-63-22-W3, which is directly south of The Shores subdivision as shown in the map above. This subdivision has electricity and no other services. The subdivision is mostly undeveloped; with only three (3) lots with dwelling units (house cabin etc.), one of which appeared to be abandoned. Other lots that are inhabited have a combination of camper trailers, R.V’s and sheds. The Alexander subdivision is zoned LD2 – Lakeshore Development 2 – under bylaw No 57 the Zoning Bylaw for the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622. This land use zone regulates a larger property size, and larger frontage setback for dwelling units than any other zone in the zoning bylaw. This means that yards will be large enough to fit larger dwelling units, and have large yards. This zone also regulates large setbacks to allow for more privacy and seclusion from the street. Current Site Conditions – Alexander Subdivision Results Notes/Observations Power Sewer Well Septic Tank None 3 0 0 1 0 House Shed Camper/RV Pad Business Nothing/Vacant 1 1 2 0 0 Is the Lot Serviced? - What is the site used for? - The property with the house also has a Shed - A property surveyed with a Camper has a build addition to the camper; it is not a shed, but not a cabin. Comments Lot 10 Block 10 o Site has a Garage not a Shed Results Future Plans for Property Notes/Observations Do you have any future plans for developing this property? Yes 1 No 2 If yes when do you plan on doing these developments This Year 0 - The development for this subdivision is planned far in the Within 5 Years 0 future Within 10 Years 0 Longer than 10 Years 1 What would your development plans include? House/Cabin 1 Shop/Garage 0 Business 0 Other 0 If services were available, would you develop your property sooner? Yes 1 -The property with definite development plans would not No 1 develop sooner if services became available N/A - A property with no development plans will develop more if services become available Comments Lot 10 Block 10 o Hook-up to Sewer and Treated Water 16 properties, 3 returned survey forms: return rate of 0.18 Table 1: Summary of completed surveys for the Alexander subdivision The Alexander Subdivision had three (3) completed surveys returned for a survey return rate of 0.18 per property. All completed surveys were from on-site interviews. Of the three surveys completed there was varying levels of development represented; one property had a camper trailer, and multiple sheds, including an addition to the camper trailer; another property had been fully developed with a dwelling unit (house cabin etc.) and garage; and the third property only had a camper trailer on site. The two properties with camper trailers were both interested in the idea of services coming available. One of the properties had no development plans because there are no treated water or sewer services available to connect to. If services were available the property owners stated that they would be interested in property development. The developed property owners were less interested in services because the property owners had planned for ways to service themselves. Christel Beach The Christel Beach subdivision is one of the oldest subdivisions on the south side of Las des Iles. Christel Beach itself has 34 lots within 3 blocks, and two (2) municipal reserves. Five (5) lots that surround the subdivision were included, to help categorize the results of the survey into specific areas. The subdivision is located directly on the south shore of Lac des Iles on quarter section NE 7-63-22-W3. To the west of Christel Beach is The Shores subdivision, to the East is the Legacy Estates subdivision. Christel Beach subdivision has electricity, and phone lines, as well as gas services for its residents. Lots on the lakeshore of Christel Beach are the only recreational properties in the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 that own up to the high water mark. Lakeshore lots in Christel Beach are zoned LD1 and lots that are not lakeshore are zoned LD2 under the Zoning Bylaw No 57 in the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622. Current Site Conditions – Christel Beach Subdivision Results Notes/Observations Power Sewer Well Septic Tank None 10 1 4 9 0 House Shed Camper/RV Pad Business Nothing/Vacant 10 6 0 0 0 Is the Lot Serviced? -Holding Tank: 2 -Gas: 2 -SaskTel: 1 -Properties along the shore in this subdivision use holding tanks opposed to septic tanks, truck water both in and out -Lots in this subdivision are also serviced with Gas -This subdivision is almost completely developed - One property surveyed currently does not have power What is the site used for? - This subdivision is nearly completely developed - Most people surveyed had a house and shed Comments Lot 11 Block 2 Plan 73B12572 o Instead of a Septic Tank the property uses a Holding Tank Lot 4 Block 1 Plan 73B12572 o Water is carried in Lot 7 Block 2 Plan 73B12572 o Construction on a House is going on summer 2011 Lot 6 Block 2 Plan 73B12572 o A holding Tank is used instead of a Septic Tank -This is a permanent year-round residence, and has been so since 1984 Lots 2&3 Block 3 Plan 73B12572 o Lot #3 has the house and power, a well, and a septic tank Lot 2 has no development Lot 8 Block 2 Plan 73B12572 o Lot 3 Block 10 Plan 73B12572 o What is the Site used for? – Shed is checked but its really a garage Lot 12 Block 2 Plan 73B12572 o This is completed for our lot and cottage at Chrystel Beach. It is used for recreational purposes. No other lot is owned. Lot 14 Block 2 Plan 73B12572 o Natural Gas and Sask Tel are also services available at this lot Results Yes Future Plans for Property Notes/Observations Do you have any future plans for developing this property? 6 No 4 This Year Within 5 Years Within 10 Years Longer than 10 Years 1 3 1 1 House/Cabin Shop/Garage Business Other Yes No N/A If yes when do you plan on doing these developments - One property is currently building a new house. - What would your development plans include? - Other development plans include drilling a well, and installing a dock One of the houses is currently being built 2 3 0 2 If services were available, would you develop your property sooner? 2 -Many people have developed their properties so this 3 question may not matter 2 -when developing a garage/shop, services are not enticing to speed up development Comments Lot 11 Block 2 Plan 73B12572 o Instead of a Septic Tank the property uses a Holding Tank Lot 4 Block 1 Plan 73B12572 o Water is carried in Lot 6 Block 2 Plan 73B12572 o Future development is just maintenance to property as needed. Lot 4 Bock 3 Plan 73B12572 o Development plans include a Garage, and possibly an addition to the current house Lots 2&3 Block 3 Plan 73B12572 o ATV’s should be allowed on roadways as long as they are driven in a responsible way. Garbage pickup would be nice (summer only) Lot 8 Block 2 Plan 73B12572 o If services were available, would you develop your property sooner? Maybe - services depend on costs, safety concerns with water users too close to shore Lot 3 Block 10 Plan 73B12572 o We plan to spend May-Sept/Oct at this property. We would appreciate facilities such as water access (boat, swim) and safer walking trails in park area and RM property. (such as road allowance + shoreline) Not for Quads just walking. -Last summer there was no beach area within walking distance. Extend beach area to the East on RM property Lot 14 Block 2 Plan 73B12572 o Back-Front + Side yard requirements need attention. Prov. Fire commissioner’s office should be consulted Re: All new construction should require permits. We obtained one in 1990 for our new cabin using existing surface foundation 39 properties, 11 returned forms: Return rate of 0.28 Table 2: Summary of Completed Surveys for Christel Beach Of the thirty-nine lots in the Christel Beach area and surrounding area there are thirty-four (34) property owners. The ratio of returned survey per property is 0.28, while the ratio of returned survey per property owner is 0.32. Of the 34 properties within the Christel Beach subdivision itself, ten (10) surveys were completed, for the five (5) properties outside of the subdivision that were included for classification purposes one (1) survey was returned. Since this subdivision is one of the oldest in the area it is almost fully developed. Many of the lots are developed, although, there are some lots that are still undeveloped. These undeveloped lots are owned by property owners that have more than one lot, and have a dwelling unit on another lot in the subdivision. During the time that site visits were conducted there were 2 dwellings in the process of being built, as well as many completed cabins. In this subdivision there were no camper trailers being lived in. Many of the lots in this subdivision are fully developed have electricity, telephone and gas service, and is one of the oldest subdivisions in the area; people have become come accustomed to the services available, and that is why when asked if services would entice property owners to develop sooner five(5) property owners answered “No,” or Not “Applicable.” Property owners have created ways to service themselves and have done so for many years, if treated water and sewer services were available, there are property owners that would develop their property sooner. Other notable observations from this subdivision and surrounding area is that most people plan on developing their property within five (5) years, and that property owners that plan on doing the “Other” type of developments include drilling a well, installing a dock, and doing maintenance around the developed property. Some of the suggestions from property owners in their subdivision were for there to be more municipal park space, along the shore line of Lac des Iles. The property owner feels that there are not enough public beaches for the area that is full of subdivisions along the lakeshore. Another suggestion was for the Park to provide a larger swimming area close to the shore line so that swimmers have more space in the lake to be safe from boaters. Hillcrest Subdivision The Hillcrest subdivision is nine (9) lots with no municipal reserves in one block designed in a cul-de-sac setting around Whitetail Way. The lots are only serviced by electricity. Hillcrest is located on the North edge near the eastern side of quarter section NW 08-63-22-W3. The entire subdivision is zoned LD1 Current Site Conditions – Hillcrest Subdivision Results Notes/Observations Power Sewer Well Septic Tank None 3 0 0 3 0 House Shed Camper/RV Pad 1 2 1 Is the Lot Serviced? Each lot surveyed had both power and a septic tank installed on their property, and no other services What is the site used for? -The property with that is being used for the Camper/RV has no sheds. -One property has only a garage, and parks a 5th wheel on Business Nothing/Vacant 0 0 the property when staying for weekends. -One property has a cabin and shed Comments Lot 28 o Taxes are not fair for the area, too high for what’s around Lot 31 o There are water and sewer lines throughout the subdivision but are not hooked up because services are not available. Lot 32 o -Currently uses a summer cistern system -Hoping for a pipeline Results Future Plans for Property Notes/Observations Do you have any future plans for developing this property? 3 All three properties surveyed have plans to develop 0 If yes when do you plan on doing these developments This Year 0 -2 of the properties have plans to develop their properties Within 5 Years 2 within 5 years Within 10 Years 0 -1 property does not know when the development will take Longer than 10 Years 0 place, development timeline is dependent on the amount of taxes for their planned development What would your development plans include? House/Cabin 2 -2 properties have plans to build a house or cabin, one of Shop/Garage 1 these properties also plans to build a shed or garage as well Business 0 -One of these properties already has a cabin and plans to Other 0 build a second. -One property has plans to develop, but would not share what those plans include, saying that plans could change depending on what future property taxes would be for their future plans. If services were available, would you develop your property sooner? Yes 2 -All 3 properties are in favour of having services available. No 1 -One property will develop at the same timeline regardless N/A 0 of services being introduced -2 Properties would develop sooner if services were available Comments Lot 28 o – Future development is dependent on property taxes -Yes property development would happen sooner if services are available, but with current taxes a development on the property would make development too expensive. -Taxes on 5th wheel are unfair for weekend use. -Shouldn’t have to pay more than people in Goodsoil. Yes No Lot 32 o -When building; a Garage will be built within 2-3 years, and a House will be built immediately after. -Preference for a pipeline of treated water but will still develop at the same pace -The road isn’t being kept up -Taxes don’t seem to be fair for what’s currently available -Using the boat launch twice a year isn’t fair to make people require a park pass 9 properties, 3 completed surveys: Return Rate of 0.333 Table 3: Summary of completed surveys for the Hillcrest subdivision Of the nine (9) properties within this subdivision only 3 surveys were completed. This could also be due to the fact that one (1) property owner, owns five (5) of the lots. Of the nine (9) lots in Hillcrest there are four (4) property owners. The survey return rate per property is 0.333; the return rate per property owner is 0.75. During the site visit all three (3) surveys were completed for this subdivision. It is also worth noting that all property owners that were surveyed have definite plans for developing their property. The most common land use from the completed surveys is a shed or garage, one property has a dwelling unit and a shed, while another has only a garage. Suggestions from the survey’s comment sections show that property owners would like treated water, and a sewage system for their subdivision. Hingerville Hingerville subdivision, also known as “The Hinger Homestead” by its residents, is made up of ten (10) lots and one municipal reserve. The subdivision located on the north east corner of quarter section SW12-63-23-W3, to the north of is the Meadow Lake Provincial Park. The subdivision is zoned Lakeshore Development 2 (LD2) under the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 Zoning Bylaw, No 57. Hingerville is a fully developed subdivision, with all property owners having a dwelling on one of their lots within the subdivision. Current Site Conditions – Hingerville Subdivision Results Notes/Observations Power Sewer Well Septic Tank None 2 1 1 2 0 House 2 Is the Lot Serviced? - One property owner claims that their lot has a septic tank and sewer service. What is the site used for? - Both surveys have a House on the property Shed Camper/RV Pad Business Nothing/Vacant 0 0 0 0 Comments Lot 10 o Instead of a Septic Tank it is a Septic Field, and there is Gas. Instead of a House it is a Cabin as well Results Future Plans for Property Notes/Observations Do you have any future plans for developing this property? Yes 0 Both surveyed property owners have no future plans to No 2 develop their properties If yes when do you plan on doing these developments This Year 0 Within 5 Years 0 Within 10 Years 0 Longer than 10 Years 0 What would your development plans include? House/Cabin 0 Shop/Garage 0 Business 0 Other 0 If services were available, would you develop your property sooner? Yes 0 No 0 N/A 0 Comments 10 properties, 2 returned surveys: Return Rate of 0.2 Table 4: Summary of completed survey results for the Hingerville subdivision A total of two (2) property owners completed the survey, of the ten (10) lots in this subdivision there are a total of eight (8) property owners at the time of this survey raising the return rate of 0.2 per lot to 0.25 per property owner. It is worth noting that; both of the completed surveys were done through the site visit, and that none of the property owners have any future development plans. This may be because the subdivision is fully developed so that property owners may not have any plans because there are no available lots left to develop in the subdivision. With a fully developed subdivision, property owners may also not feel it is necessary to return surveys if there is no development plans to report on. Legacy Estates Legacy Estates is an eighteen (18) lot subdivision, with lots distributed along Lakeview Drive; a no through road with a cul-de-sac. There are two (2) municipal reserve parcels at the Northern end of Lakeview Drive. Legacy Estates is located on the North edge, close to the Eastern corner of quarter section NE 7-63-22-W3. To the North of this subdivision is Meadow Lake Provincial Park and Lac des Iles, and the southern boundary is William Street, a road that connects this subdivision to others in the area, to the grid road network of the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622. To the West of Legacy Estates is the Christel Beach subdivision, and to the East is the Parkplace subdivision. Legacy Estates is zoned Lakeshore Development 1 (LD1) in the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 Zoning Bylaw No. 57. Current Site Conditions – Legacy Estates Results Notes/Observations Power Sewer Well Septic Tank None 4 0 2 3 2 Is the Lot Serviced? - House Shed Camper/RV Pad Business Nothing/Vacant 3 0 2 0 1 What is the site used for? - The Vacant Lot has no services -1 of the properties with no services is used for a Camper/RV Comments Lot 9 o Wondering when water and sewer will be available? We were sold the lot as “serviced” lines are in the ground but are unable to be used Lot 2 o What is the Site Used for? Camper/RV pad – Occasionally Nothing/Vacant - Mostly Property is in Legacy Estates. All services are up to property line with no Hook-Ups. Not what I was led to believe would be the case!! Lot 11 o Disappointed with no municipal services provided for the amount of property tax we pay o Our neighbour cleared the RM lakefront property in front of their cabin + uses round up each year on this property o Building codes are not being adhered to Results Future Plans for Property Notes/Observations Do you have any future plans for developing this property? 4 2 of the properties with Houses have no future development 2 plans If yes when do you plan on doing these developments This Year 1 -A house is planned to be built on a property this year Within 5 Years 1 -A house is planned to be built on a property starting this Within 10 Years 1 year and ending within 5 years Longer than 10 Years 1 -Within 10 years a property plans to have a house built - A property plans to build a house/cabin and garage/shop in over 10 years What would your development plans include? House/Cabin 4 -All properties that plan on developing have plans for a Shop/Garage 1 House/Cabin Business 0 Other 0 If services were available, would you develop your property sooner? Yes 1 -Only one person would develop sooner if services were No 2 available. N/A 1 -People thought services were already available in this subdivision Comments Yes No Lot 9 o Lot 2 o If services were available would you develop your property sooner? Definitely Yes I would develop it sooner. I’m pissed off that my taxes went from (est.) $600 to $1000/yr. for an empty lot! I am also upset that I was misled by my sellers (KADON) who told me that water + sewer would be available within 1yr. They also said there would be no more development around the lake which turned out to be a complete lie!! This lake will become very crowded if the developments carry forward. Lot 11 o Property is already Developed 18 properties, 6 returned surveys: Return Rate of 0.333 Table 5: Summary of completed survey results for Legacy Estates Legacy Estates is unique from every other subdivision in the fact that each lot in the subdivision has a separate property owner, other subdivisions have multiple lots owned by the same property owner, so the survey return rate per lot is the same as the survey return rate per property owner, which is 0.333. The most common current use for properties within Legacy Estates is a dwelling unit with three (3) of the six (6) completed surveys stating that a dwelling (house, cabin, etc.) is on the property. Of the six (6) surveys returned, half (3) of the properties have dwelling units on the property, and four (4) of the properties have plans to develop a dwelling unit within the future, one of these properties already has a dwelling unit on the property. It is also worth noting that every property owner within the subdivision with development plans is planning on developing a dwelling unit (house, cabin etc.). Meadowlands Meadowlands is a twenty seven (27) lot subdivision spread out over two (2) quarter sections with one parcel of municipal reserve. The Meadowlands subdivision is situated on the half section N½ 9-63-22-W3. Under the Zoning Bylaw No 57 of the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 the area of developed lots within Meadowlands is zoned Lakeshore Development 2 (LD2). The subdivision is still in the development stage, with additional lots being created and new roads being created. To the North of Meadowlands is Lauman`s Landing subdivision and agricultural fields. To the South, East and West of Meadowlands are agricultural fields as well. Current Site Conditions – Meadowlands Subdivision Results Notes/Observations Power Sewer Well Septic Tank None 7 0 1 6 1 House 3 Is the Lot Serviced? - 1 property has power a well and a septic tank - 5 properties have septic tanks and power - 1 property has only power - 1 property is not serviced at all What is the site used for? - The Vacant property is not using any services Shed Camper/RV Pad Business Nothing/Vacant 2 5 0 1 Comments Lot 1 Block 2 Plan 101888084 o Lot 1 Block 6 o Boat Launch with multi-use dock Lot 4 Block 2 o I do not understand why “mobile homes” are not allowed in our “meadow lands” subdivision. It is more important that yards/buildings are maintained properly than what type of structure exists. Lot 2 Block 2 o The Site is used for a Cabin, not a house Results Future Plans for Property Notes/Observations Do you have any future plans for developing this property? 8 1 If yes when do you plan on doing these developments This Year 0 -The Vacant Property has plans to develop longer than 10 Within 5 Years 5 years into the future Within 10 Years 2 Longer than 10 Years 1 What would your development plans include? House/Cabin 7 -Most development plans include a House/Cabin Shop/Garage 3 - 1 development plan only included a garage – this property Business 0 currently is used for Camper/RVs Other 0 If services were available, would you develop your property sooner? Yes 4 -Sewer, Road Signage, and a Boat Launch with multi-use No 3 dock are the municipal services that have been mentioned N/A 1 specifically Yes No Comments Lot 1 Block 2 Plan 101888084 o Cost! High taxes. Another eletive Bill. Building restrictions (minimum square footage). All the costs associated with a recreational property (paying school taxes??) We are out of province. Lot 7 Block 1 o Plan to build a Garage in 2 years and a House within 5 Lot 1&2 Block 1 o Road Signage for emergency services are needed -Sewer service is wanted Lot 2 Block 6 o We are interested in being on the advisory committee Lot 5 Block 2 o Plan to build within 5 years, maybe 10, plans include a garage 27 properties, 9 returned surveys: Return Rate of 0.333 Table 6: Summary of completed survey results for Meadowlands Meadowlands has 27 lots with 22 property owners, some property owners own more than one lot giving the return rate of survey per property being 0.333 and the return rate of survey per property owner being 0.40. Eight (8) of the nine (9) completed surveys have indicated that property owners have some sort of development plan for their property. Seven (7) property owners out of the eight (8) that indicated they have development plans include a dwelling unit in their development plans. Most of the development plans are scheduled to take place within five (5) years. Half, or four (4) of the eight (8) property owners with development plans, would also be willing to develop sooners if municipal were available to them. The most common current primary use for each property is a camper or R.V. pad, with five (5) of the nine (9) completed surveys stating that the property in question is currently used by a camper or R.V. Some of the suggestions for the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 include; road signage for emergency vehicles, treated water, wastewater and sewage services, natural gas, and a municipal dock. Northern Meadows Northern Meadows Subdivision is situated on two (2) quarter sections or one half (1/2) section E-27-62-23-W3 to the South of the golf course is Bosquet Lake, and to all other sides are agricultural fields and acreages. The recreational properties are situated around the eight-teen holes Northern Meadows Golf Course. Besides a golf course and recreational property subdivision, Northern Meadows also has a pro shop, dining hall, restaurant and bar, bed and breakfast, rental cabins, and a fully serviced campsite. Northern Meadows is also a stop on the Trans Canada Snowmobile Trail system so it experiences year round visitors. Northern Meadows has gas lines, its own water treatment facility, well, and septic system to make all lots and campsites completely serviced, and self-reliant. The Northern Meadows subdivision is also currently the third largest recreational property subdivision within the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622, with a current total of eighty-nine (89) lots. There are also seven (7) municipal reserve properties within Northern Meadows. Most of the lots within the Northern Meadows subdivision are not developed. Current Site Conditions – Northern Meadows Subdivision Results Notes/Observations Power Sewer Well Septic Tank None 10 9 2 3 4 House Shed Camper/RV Pad Business Nothing/Vacant 7 2 0 0 7 Is the Lot Serviced? - Water: 5 - Gas: 3 -Lots are serviced with Treated Water, and a community sewer system, as well as natural gas. What is the site used for? - Each shed is also accompanied by a House - one property owner did not answer the question Comments Lots 2&3 Block 5 Plan 101891617 o There is also treated water and Natural Gas Spoke with a renter, not property owner Lot 21 Block 5 Plan 101891617 o There is also Water and Natural Gas provided to this and all properties in Northern Meadows Lot 3 Block 2 Plan 101722092 o Water and Gas are provided to this property Lot 7 Block 1 Plan 101722092 o Northern Meadows has treated water for all residence Lot 1 Block 2 Plan 101722092 o Services to property line, Septic Tank to be provided by original vendor Lot 2 Block 2 Plan 101722092 o Construction of seasonal dwelling to commence June/11 Lot 4 Block 3 l0l891617 o Not sure of the services provided. It is a investment property that is vacant Lot 1 Block 5 Plan 101891617 o Water Lot 8 Block 1 Plan 101891617 o Municipal Water Services (Available at property line not extended onto property) Results Yes No This Year Within 5 Years Within 10 Years Future Plans for Property Notes/Observations Do you have any future plans for developing this property? 9 6 If yes when do you plan on doing these developments 2 5 2 Longer than 10 Years 0 What would your development plans include? 8 -One of the 2 development plans for this year include 4 Landscaping (the other category) 0 -Each garage is accompanied by a House in the peoples 1 development plans If services were available, would you develop your property sooner? Yes 1 No 3 N/A 3 Comments Lots 2&3 Block 5 Plan 101891617 o Landscaping is the development planned for this year Lot 5 Block 1 Plan 101722092 o Property Owner also owns lot 2 Block 4 Plan 101891617, however there are no plans to develop this lot Lot 1 Block 2 Plan 101722092 o WE WANT To Build A garage on the site first. The reason for this is so we will have storage for tools & materials during construction of a home. This sequence is a Sticking Point with the R.M. Presently we are NOT ABLE TO build a Home before the garage. As A result Nothing is being built. Lot 4 Block 3 l0l891617 o I am recently widowed and a senior person. The property is currently FOR SALE. Lot 1 Block 5 Plan 101891617 o I have a serious concern regarding the closure of the Landfill site + subsequent conversion to a “transfer site” at Goodsoil. Building a home on our property @ Northern Meadows with no place for work disposal is a “big problem”. Driving waste to Rapid View is ridiculous! With the number of building starts in the Goodsoil area something needs to be done to create a landfill site in that area. Waste is being dumped all over the place in the ML Park forested areas. Lot 8 Block 1 Plan 101891617 o The Garage planned to be built will be attached to the house If any additional questions, feel free to call Ken Olan @ Northern Meadows 1-306-238-7747 I authorize him to disclose any additional information he sees fit on my behalf MLee 89 properties, 15 returned surveys: Return ratio of 0.16 House/Cabin Shop/Garage Business Other Table 7: Summary of completed survey results for Northern Meadows Northern Meadows has 89 lots, and 79 property owners which will give a different return rate; the survey return rate per lot of 0.16 and a survey return rate for property owners is 0.18. Northern Meadows has the lowest survey return rate for all of the subdivisions surveyed in the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 this may be because they are a fully serviced community that has its services controlled through the Northern Meadows Golf Course that property owners felt this survey may not apply to their subdivision. One property owner even gave contact information for management of the Northern Meadows Golf Course to speak on their behalf. Of the fifteen (15) returned surveys; seven (7) lots are developed, and seven (7) lots are vacant, and one (1) property owner refused to give information on the current status of their property. Nine (9) property owners have plans to develop their properties eight of the development plans include a dwelling unit, and the remaining development plan is landscaping around an existing dwelling unit (house cabin etc.). Seven (7) of these developments plans are to be completed within five (5) years. Since this subdivision is fully serviced the last question of the survey is not applicable to these property owners. It is also worth noting that there were no properties with a primary use of RV and Camper Trailers or sheds and garages. All sheds, garages, RV’s and camper trailers are all accompanied by a dwelling unit on the property. The most common current primary use for properties in Northern Meadows is a tie between a dwelling, or vacant, with seven (7) completed surveys stating each. The remaining survey had no response for this question so it could not be put into any category. The infrastructure upgrades suggested by property owners of Northern Meadows include increased capacity at the local transfer site for the regional landfill, or having a full dump in the area, to help ensure that people do not dump garbage in the provincial park, or other places within the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622. Parkplace Subdivision Parkplace subdivision is an eighteen (18) lot subdivision, with lots and two (2) municipal reserve parcels on the Northern edge of the subdivision distributed evenly around Deerland Road; a no through road with a cul-de-sac at the northern end. To the North of this subdivision is Meadow Lake Provincial Park, and Lac des Iles, the Southern boundary of the subdivision is William Street. To the West of Parkplace is the Legacy Estates subdivision, and to the East is the Parkside subdivision. Parkplace is located on the North Eastern corner of quarter section NE 763-22-W3. Electricity is the only service available to residents of this subdivision. Current Site Conditions – Parkplace Subdivision Results Notes/Observations Power Sewer Well Septic Tank None 5 1 4 5 1 House 3 Is the Lot Serviced? -One Survey returned said that it had sewer service – the surveyed person was mistaken since this site is not serviced -One lot has no power, well, or septic tank What is the site used for? - 2 Surveyed properties are used only for a house Shed Camper/RV Pad Business Nothing/Vacant 1 4 0 0 - 3 Surveyed properties are used only for RV’s/Campers - 1 Surveyed property is used for both RV/Campers and House Lot 12 o Owns 2 Lots Lot 3 o Share a well with my brother (neighbour), also power. We intend to put in a Septic tank in ASAP Lots 15 and 16 o One lot is used for parking etc. as an extra beside the cabin Results Future Plans for Property Notes/Observations Do you have any future plans for developing this property? Yes 4 The 2 properties with their sole use as a house/cabin have No 2 no plans for future development. They are fully developed If yes when do you plan on doing these developments This Year 0 -the development plan within 5 years is a garage/shop Within 5 Years 1 - The development plan within 10 years is a House and Within 10 Years 2 Garage/Shop Longer than 10 Years 1 -The development planned in over 10 years is a House only What would your development plans include? House/Cabin 3 -2 properties plan to have both a house and a garage Shop/Garage 3 -1 property plans on just a garage Business 0 -1 property plans on just a house Other 0 If services were available, would you develop your property sooner? Yes 0 All people will develop regardless of services being made No 4 available, N/A 0 Lot 12 o Property taxes needed to be lowered. Sask. Gov. needs to give a break on education taxes on recreation property Lots 15 and 16 o The other lot is developed as much as it is going to be 18 properties, 6 returned surveys: Return Rate of 0.333 Table 8: Summary of completed survey results for the Parkplace Subdivision Of the eighteen (18) lots within Parkplace subdivision, six (6) surveys were completed. The rate of completed survey per property is 0.333. Of the eighteen (18) lots within Parkplace there are fourteen (14) property owners. The rate of returned survey per property owner is 0.42. Four (4) of the six (6) property owners surveyed stated that they do have plans for future property development. Three (3) property owners plan to build a dwelling unit (house, cabin etc.) two (2) of those property owners plan to build both a dwelling unit and an accessary building (garage, shed ect.) the fourth (4th) property owner plans to build only a garage. The timelines for development in this subdivision are divided between building within five (5) years, within ten (10) years and over ten (10) years, with half (2) of the property owners planning to have their properties developed within ten (10) years. It is worth noting that within this subdivision no property owner would be willing to develop sooner if services became available, development plans are completely unrelated. The most common current use of properties in completed surveys is for camper and R.V.`s four (4) of the six (6) completed surveys stating that primary use of the property is a place to park their camper or R.V., followed by a dwelling unit with three (3). Property owners with multiple lots in this subdivision have noted that one lot is used for a dwelling and the other would be used for parking or R.V’s and campers. Parkside Subdivision Parkside subdivision is a thirty-one (31) lot subdivision with one (1) municipal reserve on the North side of quarter section NW 8-63-22-W3. To the North is Meadow Lake Provincial Park; to the South is Bay Street. To the West of Parkside is Parkplace subdivision, and to the East is the Hillcrest Subdivision. Parkside subdivision is mostly undeveloped with very little built structures and lots of R.V’s and camper trailers within the subdivision. Electricity is the only service available to properties within Parkside subdivision. Current Site Conditions – Parkside Subdivision Results Notes/Observations Power Sewer Well Septic Tank None House Shed 5 0 3 3 2 0 2 Is the Lot Serviced? -Only one property has both a well and a septic tank. 2 properties have only a septic tank and 2 other properties only have a well What is the site used for? -2 properties have only a Camper/RV Pad -2 properties have only both a Camper/RV Pad, and a Shed Camper/RV Pad Business Nothing/Vacant 4 0 3 or Garage. -3 properties are vacant, and currently not being used. One of these has power. Comments Block 20 Lot 17 o We plan to build the house this year and add the garage next year. We will live there for about 6 months of the year. Block 21 Lot 1 o I believe there is power and water/sewer to lot, however water & sewer is not connected to grid – we are waiting for this to happen Results Future Plans for Property Notes/Observations Do you have any future plans for developing this property? Yes 6 -A property with no services on their property, and is used No 1 for Nothing/Vacant is the one with no future development plans If yes when do you plan on doing these developments This Year 1 - One property has plans to be developed this year. Within 5 Years 4 -4 properties have plans to be developed within 5 years Within 10 Years 1 -1 property has plans to be developed within 10 year Longer than 10 Years 0 What would your development plans include? House/Cabin 6 -5 properties have plans to build both a House/Cabin and a Shop/Garage 5 Shop/Garage when they develop their property. Business 0 Other 0 If services were available, would you develop your property sooner? Yes 6 -6 properties would build sooner if services were available; No 1 they include treated water, gravelled roads, and gas. N/A 0 -1 property would not develop sooner if services were available. Their building schedule is based on personal finances Comments Block 20 Lots 10&11 o Concerned at how high property taxes may be when we do have a Cabin/Garage on property Block 20 Lot 15 o Water Treatment Plant would be nice Block 20 Lot 23 o Sewer and Gas are the services that if available, would develop property sooner, Need Gravel Block 20 Lot 17 o When the lot was purchased in 2007 we understood that we would have services at the lot and have been disappointed that there was no water or sewer or natural gas. Block 20 Lot 18&19 o Property will be developed when services are available Block 21 Lot 1 o I believe there is power and water/sewer to lot, however water & sewer is not connected to grid – we are waiting for this to happen 31 properties, 7 returned surveys: Return Rate of 0.22 Table 9: Summary of completed survey results for the Parkside Subdivision Of the thirty one (31) lots within Parkplace; there are nineteen (19) property owners, and seven (7) surveys were completed. The rate of returned surveys per property within the subdivision is 0.22; the rate of returned survey per property owner is 0.36. Of the property owners within Parkside subdivision that completed the property survey, six (6) of the seven (7) stated that they have development plans. All development plans include building a dwelling unit and five (5) of those six (6) would also have plans for a garage or shed. Five (5) of the six (6) property owners also plan on having their developments completed within five (5) years. All property owners with development plans also stated that development would happen sooner if municipal services were available to properties within the subdivision. The most common current use of properties in this subdivision is a station for campers and R.V`s with four (4) of the returned surveys stating that the property is currently used to park a camper or R.V. with sheds and decks or other structures on the property. The Shores The Shores subdivision is the second largest subdivision in the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622, with 129 lots created through three (3) phases of development with three (3) municipal reserves and one (1) public reserve. The subdivision itself is distributed throughout the entire quarter section of NW 7-63-22-W3 To the North of the Shores is Meadow Lake Provincial Park, and Lac des Iles, South of the Shores sits the Alexander subdivision. West of the Shores is Meadow Lake Provincial Park, and to the East is farm land, and the Christel Beach subdivision. There is one (1) lot outside of NW 7-63-22-W3 on NE 7-63-22-W3 and 4 lots within the Northeast corner of NW 7-63-22-W3 that were present before the Shores subdivision was developed, these lots were added to Phase One of The Shores to help categorize the results. The Shores: Phase 1 The first phase of the Shores is fully serviced, each lot has electricity, treated water, and sewage is pumped to the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 lagoon. Phase 1 is also the only phase that has these services phases 2 and 3 have electricity. The gas, treated water, and sewer services are not included in the Shores development after Phase 1. These services were implemented through the Shores Cabin Owners Association which is only Phase 1 residents, the combined efforts of residents to cost share the implementation and the communal support and maintenance of these services is how Phase 1 residents are able to sustain the services to their members. Phase one has fifty one lots in total. Phase one is also where almost all of the municipal, environmental and public reserve space is for the subdivision. Phase one of the Shores is zoned Lakeshore Development 1 (LD1) under the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 Zoning Bylaw No 57. One property within Phase one is not part of the Cabin Owners Association and does not have the same services as the members of the association. Current Site Conditions – The Shores Subdivision: Phase 1 Results Notes/Observations Power Sewer Well Septic Tank None 16 15 1 1 0 House Shed Camper/RV Pad Business Nothing/Vacant 16 5 1 0 0 Is the Lot Serviced? -All of the Shores Phase 1 is fully serviced, with treated water, and sewer for all residents -One property is not with the Shores Phase 1 Association so it does not have treated water or sewer services What is the site used for? -Phase 1 of the Shores is almost completely developed. Comments Plan 79B02314 Block 2 Lots 29&30 o Lot 30 is developed and fully serviced, lot 29 is currently not hooked up to anything. There is also treated water as well. Plan 79B02314 Block 2 Lots 27&28 o Lot 28 is developed, lot 27 is a garden. This lot has Gas and Treated Water Plan 79B02314 Block 2 Lots 25&26 o Treated Water as well Plan 79B02314 Block 2 Lot 6 o Treated Water Plan 101960388 Lot 21 o Treated Water Plan 101960388 Lot 20 o Treated Water Plan 79B02314 Block 2 Lots 1&2 o Treated Water -Lot 1 is a bare lot Plan 79B02314 Block 2 Lot 20 o Water System This is a Summer Residence which we do use in the winter as well Plan 79B02314 Block 1 Lot 2 o We have a water treatment system as well that the Shores Can Owners Association installed Results Yes No This Year Future Plans for Property Notes/Observations Do you have any future plans for developing this property? 1 The property that is not part of the Shores Association is 15 the property with future development plans If yes when do you plan on doing these developments 0 This planned development might not take place within 10, Within 5 Years Within 10 Years Longer than 10 Years 0 1 0 it might be longer What would your development plans include? 0 1 0 0 If services were available, would you develop your property sooner? Yes 0 Since this area is fully developed this question is not No 0 applicable to all the residents N/A 1 Comments Plan 79B02314 Block 2 Lots 25&26 o Property Owner would like to see more street lights Plan 79B02314 Block 2 Lots 1&2 o Lots should have addresses labled (number plates for each property) – The same system as used in Greg Lake – should be pursured ASAP for Emergency Response -Quads are not following the rules. Plan 79B02314 Block 2 Lot 20 o 20 Whitefish Cres. -Address 19 Woodstock Drive Sherwood Park AB T8A 4C4 -780-464-3746 Plan 79B02314 Block 2 Lot 36 o You Owe Me a Stamp! 51 properties, 16 surveys returned: Return Rate of 0.31 House/Cabin Shop/Garage Business Other Table 10: Summary of completed survey results for Phase 1 of the Shores Out of the fifty-one (51) properties within The Shores Phase 1 there are thirty-one (31) property owners. The survey return rate per property is 0.3; the survey return rate per property owner is 0.51. This high rate of return was generated during site visits. Since Phase 1 is fully serviced and almost fully developed, there is a large proportion of property owner enjoying their recreational property throughout the summer. They may not have returned the survey through the mail because since Phase 1 is a fully serviced subdivision that is nearly fully developed, residents may have felt that this survey does not apply to them as much as it does to other property owners. Of the sixteen properties surveyed, only one (1) had future development plans, this property is not part of The Shores cabin owners association. The remaining fifteen (15) properties surveyed are a part of The Shores cabin owners association, these properties are also fully developed with no future plans for development. Street lights and an address system for properties were suggested as infrastructure upgrades that the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 should pursue for the safety of recreational property owners who are not full time residents of the region and may not be able to easily recite a legal land location to emergency responders, or people visiting the recreational property. The Shores: Phase 2 Phase 2 of The Shores is the largest phase of the Shores subdivision with fifty-eight (58) lots. Phase 2 is also only serviced by electricity. Phase 2 is also zoned Lakeshore Development 1 (LD1) and Lakeshore Acreage (LR) under the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 Zoning Bylaw No 57. Lots on Phase 2 are all larger than those in phase 1. Many of the lots within phase two are undeveloped. Current Site Conditions – The Shores: Phase 2 Results Notes/Observations Power Sewer Well Septic Tank None House Shed 22 0 6 18 2 12 7 Is the Lot Serviced? - Many people checked a Septic Tank, and wrote on the form that it is a Holding Tank, and is pumped out regularly -Many people truck water in. What is the site used for? - Camper/RV Pad Business Nothing/Vacant 9 0 2 Comments Lot 14 Block 3 Plan 1294513 o Being that taxes continue to increase, as does development – services should def. be provided. We are upset with no garbage pick-up (or bin) no marina, no services what-so-ever. We are charged $10.00 to use the lagoon with which our taxes built. Too much development is being allowed in the area, causing overcrowded beaches, etc. We were told no more development would take place 8 yrs ago when we purchased our property. Lots 16&17 Block 5 Plan 101294513 o The Cabin on the lot is not finished Lot 6 Block 6 Plan 101294513 o – The name on the map is out dated, it should read BLD Oil Services Limited - There is a Sewage Holding Tank on the property instead of a septic tank - It is a house, not a cabin Lot 14 Block 6 Plan 101751263 o It is a cabin not a house on the property Lot 2 Block 4 Plan O1B15624 o - Lots were surveyed inaccurately - Instead of a Septic Tank, a Poly Tank is used on this property Parcel F Plan 00B07064 o There is a Cistern as well as Gas to service this property Lot 15 Block 5 Plan 101294513 o Fully Developed Property with cabin and garage Lot 17 Block 3 Plan 101751263 o There is an insured Camper on the Property Lot 12 Block 5 Plan 101294513 o – There is a holding tank for sewage, not a septic tank - Water is hauled from town - A central well and treatment facility for those hauling water may be something to look at. 600-800 properties at $9000 per well – 5-6 million. With a increased chance of aquifer contamination from all the holes into it. Maybe cheaper and more cost effective to provide water Lot 12 Block 3 Plan 101294513 o There is a Holding Tank, not a septic tank There is a Cottage and not a House Lot 4 Block 6 Plan 101751263 o Would really appreciate water and sewer to be placed into the development Lot 7 Block 6 Plan 101294513 o Haul water in. Haul water out Lot 15 Block 3 Plan 101294513 o I bought my lot as a get away from the city + us this for camping with family + friends Lots 1,3 Block C Plan 101871356 o Lot with House has Natural Gas Results Future Plans for Property Notes/Observations Do you have any future plans for developing this property? Yes 14 -1 Person wrote maybe on the form for this question No 7 If yes when do you plan on doing these developments This Year 0 - Most of the people surveyed have plans to develop their Within 5 Years 5 property within 10 years, and most of these people plan to Within 10 Years 3 develop within 5. Longer than 10 Years 3 What would your development plans include? House/Cabin 8 -Some properties that already have a house plan to develop Shop/Garage 7 + 1 maybe a Garage, or storage shed in the future. Business 0 - The other development is landscaping Other 1 If services were available, would you develop your property sooner? Yes 3 - Many people were interested in the idea of having No 8 services available, but were not going to change their N/A 3 development plans for them. - People were also concerned about possible hook-up costs - Some of the services suggested were garbage service, treated water, sewer, and a marina Comments Lot 14 Block 3 Plan 1294513 o Already developed property Development already done Lots 16&17 Block 5 Plan 101294513 o Future development plans are to finish construction on the cabin -Natural Gas is a service that this property owner would like Lot 6 Block 6 Plan 101294513 o Future development plans are landscaping -If services were available hooking up would be considered depending on cost Lot 12 Block 6 Plan 101751263 o Gas and Sewer are services that these property owners are interested in Lot 2 Block 4 Plan O1B15624 o – No chance to build any time soon, because of high taxes and building regulations - Want to build a Garage soon -If hook ups to services costs are too high services will not be wanted. Lot 13 Block 6 Plan 10175263 & Lot 8 Block 6 Plan 101294513 o If water lines were available we would definitely have water brought into lot #13 on the air strip Lot 17 Block 3 Plan 101751263 o We had every intention of building but my husband was killed at work so I’m not sure when I will be building but have no intention of selling the property TX. Denise Lot 12 Block 5 Plan 101294513 o -The Sask Dept. of health requested us to install a holding tank for sewer, in the event of sewage hookup all tanks should be septic tank split style and the tank can still be sucked out be truck and when sewage lines are installed, hookup would be made easier - The local subdivisions need some sort of fire fighting equip. Weather it be a pumper trailer locally stationed or a small truck and garage similar to greig lake subdivision. Full time residents and additional cabin owners could be trained on the use. Thanks, Steve Lot 4 Block 6 Plan 101751263 o We’re not sure. The rules for our area say we much build on 800 sq. ft. structure. We wanted to start by building a garage to which we could add to later. But we were told “no” we couldn’t do that. We are not willing to take on a big debt to build so are stuck with parking our 5th wheel – Not really what we want Lot 7 Block 6 Plan 101294513 o Would love to have services i.e. sewer and water. We developed out lot, hoping services would come in. Parcel G Plan 00B07064 o There are plans to maybe develop, a shop or garage, not sure on a timeline. Lot 10 Block 6 Plan 101294513 o Do you have any future plans for developing this property? If taxes do not continue to rise… They are prohibitive at this time - If services were available, would you develop your property sooner? Again, dependant on taxes - We are uncertain as to why the recreational properties are paying education taxes and are wondering what the taxes go toward, since water, sewer + garbage are not currently available. Also, the letter pertaining to the new dock states that spots are only available to cabin-owners not land owners. With the increased traffic on our roads by the public to the dock, what benefit do we receive? Lot 15 Block 3 Plan 101294513 o Might build much later when retire 58 Properties, 22 surveys returned: Return Ratio of 0.37 Table 11: Summary of completed survey results for Phase 2 of the Shores Of the fifty eight (58) properties in Phase 2 of The Shores, there are fifty one (51) property owners. The completed survey return rate per property within Phase 2 is 0.37; the completed survey return rate per property owner is 0.43. Of the 22 surveys returned, 14 people have definite plans to develop their property, with five (5) of those properties have plans to develop within five (5) years, and eight (8) property owners planning on building a dwelling unit, and seven (7) property owners of the fourteen (14) that have development plans also plan on developing a shed or garage; One (1) property owner plans on developing both a dwelling unit and a shed or garage. Property owners in Phase 2 of The Shores have shown an interest in a communal central fire station that could provide assistance in emergency situations for property owners; a dock or marina for property owners, garbage collection services, natural gas, treated water, and a sewage system were all suggested services that residents of Phase 2 had suggested in their comments. Property owners also have a desire to build a garage before a dwelling unit, but cannot because of current bylaws. The Shores: Phase 3 Phase Three of The Shores is the last phase of development for the subdivision; it consists of twenty (20) lots that are directly west of Phase One. Phase Three has electricity, no natural gas, treated water or a sewage line. Phase Three has some of the largest lots in The Shores subdivision, with these large lots on the shore of Lac des Iles or with a lake view. Phase Three of The Shores is zoned Lakeshore Development 1 (LD1) under the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 Zoning Bylaw No 57. Current Site Conditions – The Shores: Phase 3 Results Notes/Observations Power Sewer Well Septic Tank None House Shed 1 0 0 0 3 0 1 Is the Lot Serviced? - At this time only one property has a service, power - 3 properties have no services What is the site used for? - The most common use is Camper/RV - The Shed is currently in Phase 1 Camper/RV Pad Business Nothing/Vacant 2 0 1 Comments Lots 54,47,42 o Lot #1 is used to hold a Camper Lot 49&50 o (We own two ½-acre lake area properties on Lac Des Isles near The Shores development) this land was originally intended to be a gift to us from our father but it has proved to be a real financial difficulty because of the increase in taxes and the possible bylaw stipulation stating we cannot simply camp there but must build. This was never our intention and we feel it to be unfair and virtually almost unattainable to hold onto this property Lot 58 Shores Phase 3 Lot 37 Shores Phase 1 o Lot 37 has a cabin built in 2005 it has a well and a septic tank incl. power and gas. Results Future Plans for Property Notes/Observations Do you have any future plans for developing this property? Yes 4 All properties surveyed have future development plans No 0 If yes when do you plan on doing these developments This Year 1 Within 5 Years 1 Within 10 Years 1 Longer than 10 Years 1 What would your development plans include? House/Cabin 4 -All development plans are for a House/Cabin Shop/Garage 0 Business 0 Other 0 If services were available, would you develop your property sooner? Yes 1 No 2 N/A 1 Comments Lots 54,47,42 o -Lot #1 has plans to be developed into a House/Cabin in 10 years. -Lots 2&3 have no development plans -Large Lot #1 used recreationally only during summer months Lot 56 o Were Paying $5500.00 in property taxes with no services or buildings. Whats Going On!! Lot 58 Shores Phase 3 Lot 37 Shores Phase 1 o Lot 37 has a cabin built in 2005 it has a well and a septic tank incl. power and gas. 20 Properties, 4 returned surveys: Return Ratio of 0.20 Table 12: Summary of completed survey results for Phase 3 of the Shores Of the twenty (20) properties in Phase 3 of The Shores, there are ten (10) property owners. The survey return rate per property is 0.2; the survey return rate per property owner is 0.4. All four (4) completed and returned surveys indicate that property owners plan to develop their property in the future, all four (4) property owners that plan on developing their property also plan on building a dwelling unit. A timeline for development in Phase 3 is evenly divided with one property owner developing their property this year, another developing within five (5) years, a property owner planning to develop their property within ten (10) years and a property owner with development plans that are over ten (10) years into the future. A large concern for property owners in Phase 3 is property taxes, half (2) of the completed surveys returned argue that property taxes are too high to make long term possession and development affordable. Lots in this subdivision are quite large, and are either abutting Lac des Iles, or very close to the water, putting a high assessed value onto the undeveloped properties. Observations & Forecasts The following table displays the total amount of responses for each survey question by subdivision: Rural Municipality of Beaver River No. 622 Totals Current Site Conditions Power Sewer Well Septic Tank None House Shed Camper/RV Pad Business Nothing/Vacant 3 0 0 1 0 1 1 2 0 0 10 1 4 9 0 10 6 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 1 2 1 0 0 Is the Lot Serviced? Total by Subdivision 2 4 7 10 5 5 16 1 0 0 9 1 0 15 1 2 1 2 4 3 1 2 3 6 3 5 3 1 0 2 1 4 1 2 0 What is the site used for? Total by Subdivision 2 3 3 7 3 0 16 0 0 2 2 1 2 5 0 2 5 0 4 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 7 0 3 0 22 0 6 18 2 12 7 9 0 2 1 0 0 0 3 Total 88 27 24 54 15 0 1 2 0 1 Total 58 29 30 0 15 Future Plans for Property Do you have any future plans for developing this property? Total by Subdivision Total Yes 1 6 3 0 4 8 9 4 6 1 14 4 60 No 2 4 0 2 2 1 6 2 1 15 7 0 42 If yes when do you plan on doing these developments Total by Subdivision Total This Year 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 6 Within 5 Years 0 3 2 0 1 5 5 1 4 0 5 1 27 Within 10 Years 0 1 0 0 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 14 Longer than 10 Years 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 3 1 9 What would your development plans include? Total by Subdivision Total House/Cabin 1 2 2 0 4 7 8 3 6 0 8 4 45 Shop/Garage 0 3 1 0 1 3 4 3 5 1 7 0 28 Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 4 If services were available, would you develop your property sooner? Total by Subdivision Total Yes 1 2 2 0 1 4 1 0 6 0 3 1 21 No 1 3 1 0 2 3 3 4 1 0 8 2 28 N/A 0 2 0 0 1 1 3 0 0 1 3 1 12 Total by Subdivision Total Surveys Returned 3 11 3 2 6 9 15 6 7 16 22 4 104 Table 13: Summary of Survey Information by subdivision for the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No. 622 The following are some generalizations between subdivisions for the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 as a whole: The overall average percentage of completed surveys per recreational lot is 27% o This number is slightly less accurate than the amount of property owners that returned a survey because some own more than one parcel of property. By property owner the statistic of returned surveys is 35% Of the completed and returned surveys 57% (60) of those do have definite development plans. Of those 60: o 60% of property owners (36) that are planning to develop their property plan to do so within five (5) years o 23% of property owners (14) plan to develop their property within ten (10) years o 10% of property owners (6) plan to develop after ten (10) years o 7% of property owners (4) did not wish to share timelines for their development plans If these results are expanded to account for all recreational properties within the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 (rounded to 600 recreational properties): o 342 property owners have definite development plans o 205 of those developments will happen within five (5) years o An additional 138 will be done within ten (10) years o 32 properties will be developed within fifteen (15) years Of the 60 property owners that are planning to develop their property: o 45 properties have plans to build a dwelling unit (house/cabin), of those: 18 properties have plans to build both a house/cabin and a garage 27 properties have plans to build a house/cabin only o 10 properties have plans to build a shed or garage only o 5 property owners have plans to do other developments, which include landscaping, property maintenance, a new well, and installing a dock. If these results are expanded to account for all recreational properties within the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 (rounded to 600 recreational properties): o 75% or 256 property owners have plans to build a dwelling unit (house cabin etc.) 30% or 102 property owners with development plans are planning to construct both a dwelling unit and a garage 45% or 154 property owners with development plans are planning to construct only a dwelling unit. When considering that Lauman’s Landing lots have recently been titled, it is very reasonable to assume that this number of property owners will develop their properties within ten (10) years. When asked if a property owner would develop sooner if services were available, there was an even split between the answer options of Yes, No and Not Applicable. o Property owners when interviewed had the following opinions on services in the area: They would be wanted as long as the hooking up to these services would not be too expensive to the property owner Personal finances are the deciding factor to people’s building plans Some subdivisions are already fully serviced (Shores Phase 1, Northern Meadows) and those property owners do not require these services Developed properties have found ways to service themselves, and now do not require these services While reviewing comments from completed surveys it was noted that many property owners have been misinformed on the services available in each subdivision and of the future developments of the area. o Property owners in multiple subdivisions were under the impression that treated water, and sewer services would be available to them through serviced lines, by the subdivision developers or property owners. o Property owners in multiple subdivisions were also under the impression that development within the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 around Lac des Iles stating that when properties were bought developers told them there would be no more development along the lake. Many of the completed surveys stated dissatisfaction with the amount of property taxes that are charged on recreational properties. o Property owners feel taxes are too high for the amount of services that are received o Property owners feel that high tax rates make developing their property unaffordable. Some property owners claim that with a vacant lot property taxes are extremely high and that after development property taxes could be unaffordable. With the exception of Northern Meadows, there are no businesses operating within the immediate vicinity of these recreational properties. The closest place for business services is within the village of Goodsoil. Zero (0) completed surveys showed a business operating on any property in any subdivision, or plan to operate a business within or near these subdivisions in the future. The most common current use of recreational properties found from completed surveys was a dwelling unit (house, cabin, cottage etc.) with fifty-eight (58) followed by Camper/R.V. Pad with thirty (30) Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No. 561 The Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No. 561 is another rural municipality within the North of Divide region that was identified as having large amounts of recreational properties. Recreational properties within the Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No. 561 are more spread out geographically within the municipality than in the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No. 622. Within nine (9) subdivisions there are approximately four hundred and eighty (480) recreational properties. These subdivisions and developments include: Christie Developments Cynthia Brummelhuis Fowler Lake Development Johnson Resort (Ministikwan Lake) Organized Hamlet of Little Fishing Lake Living Waters Makwa Lake (Jumbo Beach) Peck Lake Pine Cove VP Holdings Subdivisions within the Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No. 561 are located around the many lakes that are within the municipality, these include Fowler Lake, Jumbo Lake, Little Fishing Lake, Makwa Lake, Ministikwan Lake, Murphy Lake, and Peck Lake. Within the Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No. 561 at the time of this survey, there are applications for other subdivisions underway, so the number of recreational properties is expected to grow in the future. The goal of this survey was to receive public input on how property owners service their lots, their plans for future development, and whether or not public services would be wanted by property owners, what these services would be, and if these services being available would entice property owners to develop their property faster. Survey Implementation The recreational property survey for the Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No. 561 was created and distributed through a mail-out after the recreational property survey for the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No. 622. This was done for the following reasons; 1) to learn from the experiences gained from the first municipality and have a more efficient survey that will generate the specific results the survey is intended for, and 2) To make sure that returned completed surveys would not cause any confusion between what municipalities that they are from. To ensure that results could be properly categorized between municipalities. Once all the data was collected for the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No. 622. Assessments were made on the entire project and it was determined that time and budget restrictions, made it impossible to put in the same amount of time and travel into implementing surveys within the Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No. 561 the same way. Changes were made to the original survey to help make the survey easier for the recreational property owner to complete by property on their own. An extra question was added; as well comment space was dramatically expanded to ensure that property owners would be able to relay any messages that otherwise would have been recorded through site visits. A copy of the property survey distributed in the Rural Municipality of Loon Lake is attached at the end of this report. The survey was distributed at the end of the summer vacation season – early September – to ensure that there would be ample time for property owners to complete and return the survey with time for the results to be analyzed before the end of the project timeline. Survey Results In total one hundred and one (101) surveys were returned. For 481 recreational properties surveyed that is a return rate of 0.2 per property. Surveys were returned through a combination of email, fax, and mail. It was discovered that two separate fax numbers were given; one number on the letter explaining the survey and a different number on the survey itself, which may have limited the amount of returned surveys. All of the recreational properties will be categorized by their subdivision name and analyzed as a group. General observations and predictions of the results will be discussed later in this report. Of the Surveys that were returned twenty (20%) percent of them could not be accurately identified to any specific subdivision. Property owners would not share information on the location of their property; the results of these surveys are categorized as a group to be analyzed in a separate category. Not all recreational property subdivisions have confirmed returned survey results to be analyzed, however, their results may be in one of the many completed forms that have no way of categorizing them to a specific subdivision. Subdivisions will be analyzed in alphabetical order. Please Note that the comments in each table are copied exactly as they were written, spelling and grammar rules were ignored to ensure that the message was carried through as the property owner intended. Also note that if a comment was made off the specific comment field its closest specific survey question is written in italics before the statement. Copies of the returned surveys will be attached at the end of this document for further inspection. Christie Developments Christie Developments is a subdivision of twenty eight (28) recreational properties within five (5) blocks and with a public reserve. Christie Developments is located on the southern shores of Murphy Lake on the quarter section SE¼ 13-58-24-W3. The results of the returned surveys are listed in the table below. Four (4) surveys were returned of the twenty eight (28) lots within the subdivision giving a return rate of completed survey per property of 0.14. Christie Developments Results Power Phone Sewer Septic Tank Septic Field Holding Tank Treated Water Well Cistern Gas Other None House/Cabin Garage with Loft Garage/Shed Camper/RV Pad Business Other Nothing/Vacant 4 3 0 0 1 3 0 3 1 0 1 0 3 0 2 1 0 0 0 Current Site Conditions Notes/Observations Is the Lot Serviced? - Other is not identified What is the site used for? - The Property with no dwelling unit (house, cabin etc.) is used for a Camper or RV pad. Comments Results Future Plans for Property Notes/Observations Do you have any future plans for developing this property? Yes 1 -The property with developing plans is the property that No 3 currently is used by a Camper or RV. If yes when do you plan on doing these developments This Year 0 Within 5 Years 1 Within 10 Years 0 Longer than 10 Years 0 What would your development plans include? House/Cabin Garage/Shed Business Other Yes No N/A 1 0 0 0 If services were available, would you develop your property sooner? 0 1 0 Comments Services Results Notes/Observations Would you be interested if any new business or municipal services became available? Yes 2 No 1 Comments Lot 6 Block 2 Plan 83B07984 I have concern about the gravel on road. (Christie Development) why is it that when the road is gravelled That the gravel stops before lot 3+4 of block 2 on the bottom of the hill and does not start again until over the crest of the hill. This part of the road is fairly narrow and extremely slippery and soft on the edges. Last spring it was very dangerous. Only one set of ruts and God help you if you meet another vehicle which has happened. For the ones of us who live here it is very unpleasant at time also at the west end of the big hill water has been causing a problem of washouts in the spring. Also an extra garbage bin would be nice placed at the dividing line T between Christies + the east development could a “no exit” sign be put out on the grid road at the Christie sign as people are always using our yards + driveways for turning Murphy Lake Lot 3 Blk 3 *Better improvements to existing highways and municipal roads I.E. highway 21 Paradise hill to Ministikwan Highway from Loon Lake to Murphy Lake *Natural Gas services *Lakefront Beach improvements (sand) *Limit time line for building cabins at lake as opposed to trailers at Murphy Lake, looks like a trailer park at times. *Proper boat launching facility’s on Murphy and Fowler lakes Plan 83B07984 Block 1 Lots 4&5 Not sure how you define “recreational” property I live here year round, so I look upon my property as being “residential” 4 Surveys returned Table 14: Summary of completed survey results for Christies Developments Cynthia Brummelhuis Cynthia Brummelhuis is a subdivision of recreational properties on the south side of Murphy Lake located immediately east of the recreational subdivision of Christie Developments. Cynthia Brummelhuis is a ten (10) lot subdivision with one (1) municipal reserve. Cynthia Brunnelhuis is located on the quarter section of SW¼ 18-58-23-W3. Three (3) completed surveys were returned for the ten (10) lots within this subdivision, giving it a completed returned ratio of 0.3 for this subdivision. The results of the recreational property survey for this subdivision are listed in the table below. Cynthia Brummelhuis Results Power Phone Sewer Septic Tank Septic Field Holding Tank Treated Water Well Cistern Gas Other None House/Cabin Garage with Loft Garage/Shed Camper/RV Pad Business Other Nothing/Vacant 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 Current Site Conditions Notes/Observations Is the Lot Serviced? - What is the site used for? - Comments 05 04 101895352 Lake lot on Murphy Lake Results Yes No This Year Within 5 Years Future Plans for Property Notes/Observations Do you have any future plans for developing this property? 2 1 Vacant property has no development plans 1 If yes when do you plan on doing these developments 0 0 Within 10 Years Longer than 10 Years House/Cabin Garage/Shed Business Other Yes No N/A 2 0 What would your development plans include? -Vacant property has plans for both a dwelling unit and accessary building (garage, shed etc.) 1 2 0 0 If services were available, would you develop your property sooner? 0 1 1 Comments 05 04 101895352 Do you have any future plans for developing this property? Possibly Services Results Notes/Observations Would you be interested if any new business or municipal services became available? Yes 0 No 0 Comments Murphy Lake SK I would Like to see no charge for garbage pick-up Roads graded on a frequent basis as opposed to washboard Plowing of boat launch during winter Plowing of lakeshore drive during winter With any new services available we feel that taxes for property should not increase. Our taxes for our weekend home are higher per year than our taxes in the city of Lloydminster which offers water/sewer garbage pick up and street maintenance I would ask that you take a look at revisiting how you assess taxes for properties on the other side of the road at lakeshore drive as I do not understand how one side of the same road is not classed as recreational property. It would seem rather unjust that I should pay 4-5 times the taxes for having property on lakefront We would also ask that tax assessment be revisited with more taxes going to the RM than to Education. We pay education tax in the city of Lloydminster – we feel that too much tax is going to education and more should go to the RM so we can have services we deserve at no extra cost 3 Returned Surveys Table 15: Summary of completed survey results for Cynthia Brummelhuis Fowler Lake Developments The Fowler Lake Developments subdivision is a twenty eight (28) lot subdivision divided between three (3) blocks with one (1) public reserve Located on the North Shore of Fowler Lake on the quarter section SE¼ 19-58-23-W3. Of the twenty eight lots, only two (2) completed surveys were returned, making a survey return rate of 0.07. The results of the completed recreational property survey for this subdivision are listed in the table below. Fowler Lake Results Power Phone Sewer Septic Tank Septic Field Holding Tank Treated Water Well Cistern Gas Other None House/Cabin Garage with Loft Garage/Shed Camper/RV Pad Business Other Nothing/Vacant Current Site Conditions Notes/Observations Is the Lot Serviced? -Other is a Water Tank 2 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 What is the site used for? - Comments Plan 82B05162 1200 Gallon Water Tank in Garage Lot 4 Block 1 Plan 82B05163 FLW3 Is the Lot Serviced? Other (water tank) Results Yes No This Year Future Plans for Property Notes/Observations Do you have any future plans for developing this property? 1 1 If yes when do you plan on doing these developments 0 - Within 5 Years Within 10 Years Longer than 10 Years House/Cabin Garage/Shed Business Other Yes No N/A 1 0 0 What would your development plans include? 0 1 0 0 If services were available, would you develop your property sooner? 0 0 1 Comments Services Results Notes/Observations Would you be interested if any new business or municipal services became available? Yes 0 No 0 Comments 2 Surveys returned Table 16: Summary of completed survey results for Fowler Lake Johnson Resort (Ministikwan Lake Subdivision) Johnson Resort is also known as Ministikwan Lake subdivision. It is located on the shores of Ministikwan Lake within the Bronson Forest Recreation Site. The recreational property subdivision is located on the quarter section SW¼ 24-58-25-W. This recreational property subdivision has roughly fifty (50) properties and four (4) public reserves. Six (6) completed property surveys were returned for this subdivision, making the completed return rate 0.12 the results of the completed recreational property survey for this subdivision are listed in the table below. Johnson Resort; Ministikwan Lake Results Power Phone Sewer Septic Tank Septic Field Holding Tank Treated Water Well Cistern Gas Other None House/Cabin Garage with Loft Garage/Shed Camper/RV Pad Business Other Nothing/Vacant 6 6 0 5 0 1 3 1 1 4 0 0 6 0 2 0 0 0 0 Current Site Conditions Notes/Observations Is the Lot Serviced? - What is the site used for? - Comments Results Yes No This Year Within 5 Years Within 10 Years Future Plans for Property Notes/Observations Do you have any future plans for developing this property? 0 6 If yes when do you plan on doing these developments 0 0 0 Longer than 10 Years 0 What would your development plans include? 0 0 0 0 If services were available, would you develop your property sooner? Yes 0 No 0 N/A 0 Comments 3104-000-03-02-80B09959 C100 Badly needed public boat ramp. 08/BKF/93B08700/MI/W3 For the taxes paid by homeowners in this sub-division, it would be appreciated if a light gravelling could be done every year or 2nd year; with regular maintaining (grading) in summer (at least once monthly) and snow clearing in winter following heaviest snow cover (monthly) Paying more in taxes for small recreational lot, with very limited municipal services, than for a much larger, completely serviced lot in the city, with pavement, and sidewalks, garbage pickup, street and ally maintenance; etc. -The disparity is too great! House/Cabin Garage/Shed Business Other Services Results Notes/Observations Would you be interested if any new business or municipal services became available? Yes 1 No 1 Comments 3104-000-03-02-80B09959 C100 Oct. 4/11 *It is imperative that we have a public *Boat Ramp for the cabin owners + others. @ Ministikwan Lake – for the good of all 08/BKF/93B08700/MI/W3 - Too bad we can’t expect more from our First Nation’s borthers! - There’s too much inequality in this region – Too few are providing compensation and services for the entire population of the region! 13/01/80B09959/Mi W3 We purchased out cabin 4 years ago and since have recognized many bylaw violations in the subdivision we reported these violations repeatedly but nothing has been done to rectify the situation. The local commercial operator Larry Romano is the biggest offender and basically operates and develops as he wants. The RM does nothing to make him conform to bylaws. To put it bluntly we are sick of his operation you will not get other land owners to conform if the RM does not make him follow the rules. We would like the RM to develop a public boat launch. Since Sept. 12 we have not been able to launch our boat at Ministikwan Lake. This is not acceptable. The garbage pick up is another issue. We have always tagged our garbage and recently pay more. The people who didn’t tag before certainly won’t now. The honest folks are penalized. $10 annually should be added to every tax payer and the tag system dropped. We get very little for our taxes. We requested for dust control on our roads in the subdivision but was given a lame excuse why it didn’t occur. *It would be beneficial for RM officials to visit our subdivision and talk to cottage owners and then do something to rectify shortcomings. Oct 7, 2011 05/BKF/93B08700/MI W3 We might be interested if Any services became available! I can’t think of any value we get for our taxes at all. Sask Energy provides Power+Gas (we don’t use gas) Sasktel provides telephone. First Nation provides water which we also pay a yearly fee for. We look after our own Holding Tank. Sask Dept. of Highways provides the road to the lake (Road quality poor) The road to Loon Lake town which we use maybe a dozen times a year is about half provided by porv/federal government. We have to pay for garbage pick-up. I invite you to tell me what services you do provide/ We feel that we are being severly “ripped off” at a tax bill of $1,378.91 per year. We also expect that taxes to the property will rise in the future. No surprise there. If municipal taxes were about half what they are I would probably be a lot less grumpy. P.S. An SASE. would have been nice 6 returned surveys Table 17: Summary of completed survey results for Johnson Resort; Ministikwan Lake The Organized Hamlet of Little Fishing Lake Little Fishing Lake is an organized hamlet; it consists of one hundred and five (105) lots throughout nine (9) blocks with two reserves. The Hamlet is located within the Bronson Forest Recreation Site, on quarter section NE¼ 19-24-56-W3. From the one hundred and five (105) lots nineteen completed recreational property surveys were returned, giving a completed survey return rate per property of 0.18. The results of the completed recreational property survey for this subdivision are listed in the table below. Little Fishing Lake Results Power Phone Sewer Septic Tank Septic Field Holding Tank Treated Water Well Cistern Gas Other None House/Cabin Garage with Loft Garage/Shed Camper/RV Pad Business Other Nothing/Vacant 19 14 1 9 0 10 0 16 0 1 1 0 19 1 11 1 0 0 0 Current Site Conditions Notes/Observations Is the Lot Serviced? - all lots have power -The Other is an electric and wood burning fireplace What is the site used for? - all lots have a dwelling unit (hose or cabin) Comments Lot 3 Block 10 Plan 81B15639 Sup 60 Is the lot Serviced? Yes What is the Property Used for? Camper/RV Pad Sometimes 3080 000 07/02/60B09302 Electric + wood burning fireplace. Results Yes No Future Plans for Property Notes/Observations Do you have any future plans for developing this property? 4 -One survey had indicated development plans but did not 15 answer the related questions, only left a comment If yes when do you plan on doing these developments This Year 0 Within 5 Years 2 Within 10 Years 2 Longer than 10 Years 0 What would your development plans include? House/Cabin 3 -Other is an addition Garage/Shed 1 -One property has plans for both a dwelling unit and Business 0 accessary building Other 1 If services were available, would you develop your property sooner? Yes 1 No 2 N/A 4 Comments Lot 3 Block 10 Plan 881B15639 Sup 60 Hope to do windows and siding next year 10/08/67B11050 Replacing Shingles Little Fishing Lake Do you have any future plans for developing this property? Yes, if funds allow If services were available, would you develop your property sooner? what services do you mean? Lot 1 Block 6 Little Fishing Lake What would your development plans include? Addition 3118 000 14/02/60B09302/LFW3 We are elderly people, 74 years of age so improvements or changes will have to be made by our siblings. In the future. L3-B4 Little Fishing We would like - Cellular Telephone service - good water available restriction on size of water craft allowed on the lake Services Results Notes/Observations Would you be interested if any new business or municipal services became available? Yes 6 No 6 Comments L3-BF Little Fishing We find the taxes to be very high for the services we receive. Little Fishing Lake Lot 14 Blk 3 Cell phone coverage road improvements + maintenance Lot 4 Block 9 Hamlet of Little Fishing Lake We would like the RM to apply pressure to Sasktel mobility to provide cell service in our area. Little Fishing Lake Lot 14 Block 6 High speed internet would be nice L3 –B3 Little Fishing Natural Gas Lot Little Fishing Lake Cell phone service and high speed internet completion of paving Highway 21 north Little Fishing Lake What services are you referring too More info would be nice 10/08/67B11050/LF W3 New road access to the store, that would bypass cabins. Lot 3 Block 10 Plan 81B15639 Sup 60 Cell phone service would be great 19 reserved surveys Table 18: Summary of completed survey results for Little Fishing Lake Living Waters Living Waters is a twenty (20) lot recreational property subdivision on the north shore of Fowler Lake. Living Waters is located directly east of the Fowler Lake Developments subdivision. Living Waters is located on the quarter section SE¼ 19-58-23-W3. For this twenty (20) lot subdivision zero (0) completed property surveys were returned. There are many returned property surveys that did not disclose their subdivision, it is possible that a number of those could account for this subdivision, however, there is no way to be certain. Makwa Lake Subdivision (Jumbo Beach) The Makwa Lake subdivision is also known as Jumbo Beach by many of its inhabitants. The subdivision is between both Makwa Lake and Jumbo Lake. The recreational property subdivision is located in the Makwa Lake Provincial Park on quarter section NE¼ 22-58-22-W3. Within this subdivision there are one hundred and sixty two (162) lots distributed between ten (10) blocks and four (4) public reserves. Of the one hundred and sixty two properties (162), twenty six (26) completed recreational property surveys were returned, giving a returned completed property survey of 0.16 per property. The results of the completed recreational property survey for this subdivision are listed in the table below. Makwa Lake Results Power Phone Sewer Septic Tank Septic Field Holding Tank Treated Water Well Cistern Gas Other None House/Cabin Garage with Loft Garage/Shed Camper/RV Pad Business Other Nothing/Vacant 26 15 0 22 0 12 0 12 2 13 4 0 26 0 7 0 0 0 1 Current Site Conditions Notes/Observations Is the Lot Serviced? - every lot has power What is the site used for? - every lot has a dwelling unit (house or cabin) - the Nothing/Vacant property has a dwelling unit on it Comments #118 Jumbo This is a cabin, summer holidays on the beach L 17 B 2 Jumbo Beach 5 children + families use cabin in summer 03/04/BQ4721/MAW3 Pump water from lake and bottled water Lot 2A Blk/Par3 Plan # 89B13869 Water Holding Tank under cabin in crawl space 339 000 07 07 60B07794 C100 Recreation Property used only in summer Lot 2, Block 8, Makwa Subdivision, Loon Lake Security Alarm L5B9 Makwa Cabin- Seasonal Use L8B3 Makwa Cabin- Seasonal Use L11B3 Cabin- Seasonal Use BQ4721 Please Call Results Future Plans for Property Notes/Observations Do you have any future plans for developing this property? Yes 4 No 20 If yes when do you plan on doing these developments This Year 0 Within 5 Years 5 Within 10 Years 0 Longer than 10 Years 0 What would your development plans include? House/Cabin 2 -Other is the addition of a bathroom Garage/Shed 2 Business 0 Other 1 If services were available, would you develop your property sooner? Yes 0 No 5 N/A 5 Comments 808-6th Ave. Jumbo Beach Loon Lake SK Do you have any future plans for developing this property? No, but my children may L19B1 Jumbo Beach No future plans at this time 25;5;BQ4721;0 This is a summer cottage Jumbo Beach 120 What would your development plans include? Would like to develop a bed & breakfast I would develop a bed + breakfast which would require a larger home Jumbo Beach Loon Lake Build on a bathroom at back of cabin Services Results Notes/Observations Would you be interested if any new business or municipal services became available? Yes 7 No 10 Comments Jumbo Beach Loon Lake Would like to see architectural controls presently we have trailers + old old cabins that should be torn down. We need town water piped to our cabin We need a lot more for our tax dollar Lot 22 Block 1 Jumbo Beach, Loon Lake We would like to see sanitary sewer service Upgrade roads and alleys Loon Lake, SK Jumbo Beach 120 I would also like to be able to see better security of the beach front expecially where the boat are people are selling the cabin because of theft and property damage. The police last year didn’t even return our phone calls for two days. The theft deters people from purchasing property and gives Loon Lake a bad name. Personally I have been going to Loon Lake since a small child and it is a very special place for my family and friends. I am exceptional excited the boat launch service that is provide throughout the lake All the beached are wonderful and very well kept. I would like to see Jumbo beach have playground equipment with all the new and existing family could benefit and bring people back to Jumbo beach and all the kids could enjoy great memories and lots of laughter. BQ4721 We are paying commercial tax for 1.28 times assessed value of this property plus our other two neighbours are also paying. Our neighbours plus our selves are retiring on this land where we do not believe we should be paying this extra tax We are having no success with the RM with unsatisfactory reasons Please call 780-875-1149 780-871-1261 17 05 BQ4721 A decent water supply Or at least a place to haul from Lot 2 Block 8 Makwa Subdivision, Loon Lake For cottages to retain their purpose and appeal it is critical that the environment and wilderness aspects be preserved and not threatened or destroyed by over development Lot 1A, Bll/Par 3, Plan 89B13869 Makwa Lake Possibly 707 6th Ave Jumbo Beach 3391 000 07 07 60B07794 C100 We would like to have a potable water line along our street (6th Ave), which we did have approximately 10 years ago. Also improve the channel under the bridge from Little Jumbo to Makwa Lake 525 1st Street Jumbo Beach 25;5;BQ4721;0 Garbage dump access 7 days a week May through October. Right now only 3 days a week during summer mos. L19B1 Jumbo Beach I would like to see snow plowing on Jumbo Beach by the RM as I have a cabin on the top road and the highway debt. Snow plow this portion. As they go out to the SERM office they plow all the snow into our driveways facing the road. I am sure the RM plow could shove the snow across the road as there is no cabins on that side. #118 Jumbo We are completely self sufficient at this location we do not require sewer or water. Everything we require is there or close enough for our comfort. th 808-6 Ave Jumbo Beach Loon Lake SK A municipal water supply would be desirable 206 Kildaw Ave Jumbo Beach Fire protection garbage pick up maintain road past property 26 returned surveys Table 19: Summary of completed survey results for Makwa Lake (Jumbo Beach) Peck Lake Peck Lake is a recreational subdivision located on the south eastern shore of Peck Lake, inside the Bronson Forest Recreation Site on quarter section SW¼ 36-56-25-W3. Peck Lake has forty nine (49) lots distributed between six (6) blocks and four (4) municipal reserves. From these lots there were thirteen (13) completed recreational property surveys returned, making the ratio of completed returned recreational property survey per lot 0.26. The results of the completed recreational property survey for this subdivision are listed in the table below. Peck Lake Results Power Phone Sewer Septic Tank Septic Field Holding Tank Treated Water Well Cistern Gas Other None 13 9 0 5 0 9 0 9 0 0 3 0 House/Cabin Garage with Loft Garage/Shed Camper/RV Pad Business Other Nothing/Vacant 13 2 5 0 1 0 0 Current Site Conditions Notes/Observations Is the Lot Serviced? - The Other is the use of propane gas, and a water holding tank -Every property has power services What is the site used for? - The Business is a Seasonal Bed and Breakfast -Every property has a dwelling unit Comments Cabin A Peck Lake Sask Is the lot Serviced? Holding Tank Privately Owned The cabin is used as a summer dwelling only for a few months in the summer Lot 10 Block 2 Peck Lake SE 36-56-25-W3 Plan 60B09304 Is the Lot Serviced? Other Propane Peck Lake Subdivision Home is our permanent residence – we operate a seasonal Bed + Breakfast business using the upstairs bedrooms. Future Plans for Property Results Notes/Observations Do you have any future plans for developing this property? 4 9 If yes when do you plan on doing these developments This Year 0 Within 5 Years 1 Within 10 Years 3 Longer than 10 Years 0 What would your development plans include? House/Cabin 1 -Other is an addition Garage/Shed 3 Business 0 Other 1 If services were available, would you develop your property sooner? Yes 0 No 3 N/A 3 Comments Peck Lake Lot 4 Block 6 Leave everything as is except a few street lights would be nice Block 1 Lot 2 Peck Lake Our family has enjoyed our cottage and summer holidays and vacations at Peck Lake. The property we have has been in our family for over 50 years Lot 1 Block 5 Peck Lake Currently we have a two-bedroom cabin, but would like to add a two room addition to one end of my cabin. I have recently retires and find that I live full-time at my cabin and find that I could definitely use more room. Cabin A Peck Lake Sask NOTE: The improvement each year is upkeep maintenance Yes No Services Results Notes/Observations Would you be interested if any new business or municipal services became available? Yes 6 No 6 Comments Cabin A Peck Lake Sask 1. We feel that the few services such as the occasional grading or snow ploughing that the Peck Lakesub-division receives from the Loon Lake Municipality, does not warrant the high taxes that we pay. 2. We would like to have cell phone accessibility in the area. 3. We would like to have fire fighting equipment available, and someone who lives in the sub-division trained to operate the equipment. 4. The garbage disposal is near Loon Lake which we feel is too far from Peck Lake 5. The gravel highway from the hard top at Peck Lake to at least the junction that goes to Loon Lake needs to be improved. Lot 1 Block 5 Peck Lake The most important new service that should be developed here is high-speed internet and a cell phone tower. There are 130 cabins between Peck Lake and Little Fishing Lake, with several people at both subdivisions making this their permanent full-time residence. Many cabin owners have friends and relatives parking large cabin trailers on their lots for the whole summer. This means there are approx. 600-800 people here all summer. Many cabin owners also come up for weekends during the winter to icefish and skidooing. Almost all of these cabins are owned by people from St. Walburg or Paradise Hill which are only a ½ hr. drive, or from Lloydminster which is only 65 miles or 1hr+5mins. Also there are approx. 100 camping sites which stay full virtually all summer. This adds at least another 500-600 people to the area. I have heard many, many complaints from cabin owners and campers about the lack of cell phone reception in this area. Many of the cabin owners and campers would use a computer if there was high speed internet, either thru the phone lines or with a mobile internet stick which works on the cell phone towers. Almost everyone has a cell phone (most have smart phones which allow internet access) Two different Sasktel service men have told me Sasktel has only a handful of people, strictly due to political pressure, while ignoring areas such as Peck Lake and Little Fishing Lake, which would have hundreds of people using this service. Block 1 Lot 2 Peck Lake The only service I would like is to provide better garbage disposal with no new service charge to cottage owners. My property tax in Calgary is $3000/year and I get garbage removal, street lighting, fire protection, medical assistance, paved streets, snow removal etc. – At Peck Lake, we get our main road into the community graded a couple of times in summer and nothing else for our property tax of $1,500/year Our neighbour to the south of our cottage is involved in a commercial trailer park operation They have not been good neighbours and have caused much unrest with their closest neighbouring cottages. Their property is a mess! We suspect that they will try to gain authorization to subdivide the property into lots for expansion of cabins on our lake. I would prefer the Government of Saskatchewan to gain from expanding the number of cottages on our lake rather than the current owners of the Peck Lake Marine property. Lot 4 Block 5 Peck Lake Subd. No fire dept. service, poor roads and gravel. The public want more campsites and/or rental cabins The sewage lagoon in this area is going to be closed (rumor?) The RM has said they wont become involved in a new one. If services are out will taxes for down. L.O.L Lot 1 - Loon Street Peck Lake Subdivision If natural gas became available we would be interested If telephone cell service was available we would be interested. Lot 6 Block 3 Peck Lake SK Natural gas Peck Lake Natural gas Peck Lake Subdivision No additional development in the Peck Lake sub-division! Lake is experiencing maximum utilization already. Improve access road from high #21 into sub division Ken: if tourism is a factor in your task possibly I can be of assistance. I’m deeply involved in tourism promotion – work with Tourism Sask, Trails of 1885 Project + other promotion organizations. Also assist both Parks Canada + Sask Prov. Parks in developing 1885 Heritage Sites. I’m also a freelance writer for magazines + author of books “Steele’s Scouts” Give me a phone call if you like Mornings 10-11 are best – usually around. 13 Surveys Returned Table 20: Summary of completed survey results for Peck Lake Pine Cove Pine Cove is a recreational property subdivision on the north shore of Makwa Lake within the Makwa Lake Provincial Park on quarter section SW¼ 15-59-22-W3. Pine Cove has forty two (42) lots distributed through four (4) blocks. Of the forty two (42) properties eight (8) completed recreational property surveys were returned with a return rate for completed recreational property survey per lot of 0.19 in this subdivision. The results of the completed recreational property survey for this subdivision are listed in the table below. Pine Cove Results Power Phone Sewer Septic Tank Septic Field Holding Tank Treated Water Well Cistern Gas Other None 8 3 1 6 0 3 0 7 0 5 0 0 House/Cabin Garage with Loft Garage/Shed Camper/RV Pad Business Other Nothing/Vacant 6 0 2 0 0 3 0 Current Site Conditions Notes/Observations Is the Lot Serviced? - 3What is the site used for? - Other Includes: Mobile Home, Overflow building Guest Shed Park Model Trailer Comments Lot 1 & Lot 2 Block 1 Pine Cove Lot 2 Block 1 has no services at present 3035 000 05 01 61B02007 C100 What is the property used for? Recreation Mobile Home 16 x 72 Over Flow Building 20 x 24 15/01/61B02007/W3 This is our residence for a portion of the year Pine Cove Lot 5 Block 2 12’ x 16’ Guest Shed Results Future Plans for Property Notes/Observations Do you have any future plans for developing this property? 3 - One property owner has development plans even though 5 they answered No for this question. If yes when do you plan on doing these developments This Year 0 Within 5 Years 3 Within 10 Years 1 Longer than 10 Years 0 What would your development plans include? House/Cabin 1 -Other is a Deck Garage/Shed 4 Business 0 Other 1 If services were available, would you develop your property sooner? Yes 0 No 3 N/A 2 Comments 15/01/61B02007/W3 I have no desire for additional services other than next page. I have a desire to have the tax levy more in line with services provided Lot 1 & 2 Block 2 Pine Cove Do you have any future plans for developing this property? Lot 2 Block 1 Yes No Services Results Notes/Observations Would you be interested if any new business or municipal services became available? Yes 5 No 2 Comments 15/01/61B02007/W3 If gravelling and blading of the street and street lighting became available, I would be interested. 3035 000 05 01 61B02007 C100 Garbage pick-up + Better road maintenance Lot 4 Block 4 Pine Cove Street Light @ Pine Cove Lot 1 Block 4 101898142 Pine Cove, Shamus Road, Loon Lake, Saskatchewan S0M 1L0 Clamp down on property owners who do not obtain permit prior to property development projects 3117 000 04 020 61-B-0200 C100 Pine Cove Subdivision We need a play ground Lot 1 & 2 Block 2 Pine Cove Municipal services only 8 surveys returned Table 21: Summary of completed survey results for Pine Cove VP Holdings VP Holdings is a single property with multiple cabins situated between Fowler and Murphy Lake on quarter section NE¼ 18-58-23-W3. No surveys were returned from this recreational property. It is possible that a survey was returned representing this recreational property, however, no address information was given to property identify what development it represents. Unidentified Property Surveys When property owners returned their surveys, twenty (20%) percent, of property owners did not indicate where their recreational property is. These completed surveys have been grouped together, to help categorize results. Unidentifiable Results Power Phone Sewer Septic Tank Septic Field Holding Tank Treated Water Well Cistern Gas Other None House/Cabin Garage with Loft Garage/Shed Camper/RV Pad Business Other Nothing/Vacant 19 12 2 13 1 8 2 13 3 11 0 0 18 2 4 2 0 0 0 Current Site Conditions Notes/Observations Is the Lot Serviced? -One property owner indicated the Natural Gas service is available, however, they are not connected to it What is the site used for? - Comments No name or property information given Is the lot serviced? Gas Propane Don’t need anything. Don’t need to change my propane furnace to natural gas. Block 1 Lot 2 No development this is a new home Lot 5 Block 10 Is the lot serviced? Gas Not hooked up SW 14-58-20-W3 This is for the subdivided acreage, 1km east of Makwa. Lot 4 Block 3 When will you pressure SK Tel for cell phone service here? When do we get the gravel we were promised this summer? Results Future Plans for Property Notes/Observations Do you have any future plans for developing this property? 5 15 If yes when do you plan on doing these developments This Year 0 Within 5 Years 4 Within 10 Years 1 Longer than 10 Years 0 What would your development plans include? House/Cabin 1 Garage/Shed 2 Business 0 Other 2 If services were available, would you develop your property sooner? Yes 1 No 4 N/A 1 Comments Lot 4 Block 3 I bet this survey will uppp everybody’s taxes!!! No property information given Mostly landscaping yard would like to build a dock for boat is more spots become available (high priority) 314 Makwa Drive Loon Lake Sask Do you have any future plans for developing this property? No already developed Modifications would probably be made to our existing property if better services were available No property information given Add on to the existing cabin – probably leave as summer use only Yes No Services Results Notes/Observations Would you be interested if any new business or municipal services became available? Yes 5 No 10 Comments No name or property information given Services bring costs + were all paying the same property tax as in the city now. You plow in these other services + people won’t be able to retire here. They will have to work until they die as these cost continue to climb. 314 Makwa Drive Loon Lake Sask I would like to see a better water and waste management/ services in the area of Loon Lake/Makwa Beach Lot 10 Block 5 Water Lot 9 Block 2 Cell phone services High speed internet services No property information given ATV use should not be allowed in the cabin areas driven by people of all ages. Walking trails get tore up + roads become a dust bowl in the summer time. Most drivers do not respect private or public property and they come to lake + turn their children loose on ATV’s as well “rein in the quads” There should be a limit on the development on each lake. The fish can not possibly “keep up” to the fishing – In the winter there are up to 70 ice fishing shacks – very hard on the fish population We often wonder what kind of taxes are paid by the lots people with several trailers on them as compared to the taxes we pay on our old cabin + deck 20 surveys returned Table 22: Summary of completed survey results for Unidentified Properties Observations and Forecasts The following are some generalizations made from all the returned survey results for the Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No. 561, the totals for each response are also listed in the table below. Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No. 561 Current Site Conditions Power Phone Sewer Septic Tank Septic Field Holding Tank Treated Water Well Cistern Gas Other None House/Cabin Garage with Loft Garage/Shed Camper/RV Pad Business Other Nothing/Vacant 4 3 0 0 1 3 0 3 1 0 1 0 3 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 Is the Lot Serviced? Subdivision Total 2 6 19 26 13 8 19 1 6 14 15 9 3 12 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 1 5 9 22 5 6 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 10 12 9 3 8 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 16 12 9 7 13 0 1 0 2 0 0 3 0 4 1 13 0 5 11 1 0 1 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 What is the site used for? Subdivision Total 2 6 19 26 13 6 18 0 0 1 0 3 0 2 1 2 11 7 4 2 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Total 98 63 4 61 2 48 5 61 7 34 10 2 Total 94 5 34 4 1 3 3 Future Plans for Property Do you have any future plans for developing this property? Subdivision Total Total Yes 1 2 1 0 4 4 4 3 5 24 No 3 1 1 6 15 20 9 5 15 75 If yes when do you plan on doing these developments Subdivision Total Total This Year 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Within 5 Years 1 0 1 0 2 5 1 3 4 17 Within 10 Years 0 2 0 0 2 0 3 1 1 9 Longer than 10 Years 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 What would your development plans include? Subdivision Total Total House/Cabin 1 1 0 0 3 2 1 1 1 10 Garage/Shed 0 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 2 15 Business 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 6 If services were available, would you develop your property sooner? Subdivision Total Total Yes 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 No 1 1 0 0 2 5 3 3 4 19 N/A 0 1 1 0 4 5 3 2 1 17 Services Would you be interested if any new business or municipal services became available? Subdivision Total Total Yes 2 0 0 1 6 7 6 5 5 32 No 1 0 0 1 6 10 6 2 10 36 Subdivision Total Total Surveys Returned 4 3 2 6 19 26 13 8 20 101 Table 23: Summary of survey results by subdivision for the Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No. 561 The following are some generalizations between subdivisions for the Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No 561 as a whole: 93% of properties surveyed have a dwelling unit (house, cabin, etc.) 75% of property owners have no future plans for developing their property 23% of property owners have future development plans for their property The most common development plan is to construct an accessory building (garage, shed etc.) with 60% of property owners with development plans, are planning to build an accessary building 73% of property owners that have development plans, are planning to develop within five (5) years When asked if having services available would help convince property owners to build sooner, only 2% said yes 31% of property owners were interested in the idea of in new business or municipal services being available to the area If you were to expand these statistics for all recreational properties within the municipality (approximately 500): 465 properties have a dwelling unit (house, cabin, etc.) 375 property owners have no future plans for developing their property 115 property owners do have future development plans for their property 69 accessary buildings are expected to be constructed within 10 years 80 property owners with development plans, plan to develop within five (5) years Recommendations After reviewing the completed returned surveys for recreational property and development within the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 and the Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No 561. A number of recommendations have been made. These include municipal services, and business opportunities in the area to accommodate and support development trends and to expand on economic development within the area between Lac des Iles and the Northern Meadows Golf Course in the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622, the recreational property developments around the many lakes within the Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No. 561. Municipal Recommendations After receiving feedback from property owners on services they would like as well as concerns they have had with their property a list of recommendations has been made. It is council’s decision to take action on any of these recommendations. Rural Municipality of Beaver River No. 622 The Rural Municipality of Beaver River No. 622 is predicted to see large amounts of property development in the region, and with that many economic opportunities will present themselves; the following municipal recommendations are to support the current development trends and encourage growth in the future. Infrastructure required supporting building development With such a large amount of development predicted to happen there will be an increased strain on existing infrastructure, and new infrastructure may be required, the following are recommendations made through assessing surveys, and comments while conducting the survey. It is council’s decision whether or not to act on these recommendations or not. Roads: With construction comes large trucks and equipment travelling on municipal roads. Many of these large vehicles are over the weight restrictions that the road was originally designed and built to manage on a regular basis. It is projected that increased maintenance will be required as a result. Road use agreements with construction companies using large machines, and increased road maintenance schedules are both recommended. Garbage and Landfill services: With large amounts of construction there is waste created as well, this waste belongs in the regional landfill that is located near Rapid View. It is recommended that building and construction waste be accommodated in the Goodsoil Transfer Station and that during the construction season the transfer station be open seven (7) days per week to ensure that waste is making its way to the regional landfill and not being illegally dumped or burnt. Treated Water, Waste Water & Natural Gas: Natural gas, treated water, and sewage are services that some recreational property owners have and others do not. Recreational property owners have noted that these services are ones that they would be most interested in having or hooking up to, and would be promote development of previously undeveloped lots. It is recommended that a thorough assessment of providing these services be conducted before council makes any decision on supplying services. Having accurate information on costs and associated with installing infrastructure and what costs would be to property owners to afford this infrastructure can be very helpful for future developers and current property owners when planning how to develop their property. Commercial property: Economic development between the South side of Lad des Iles and the Northern Meadows Golf Course is very limited because there is no land that is set aside for commercial activity. If there is light commercial land was made available, through re-zoning it could help promote more development in the municipality. Promotion of Community Associations It is recommended that the Rural Municipality of Beaver River promote the creation and relations with community associations. These associations will be able to ease tensions with property owners and help council and administration with decision making by having one unified voice being represented. These community associations may also in time be able to coordinate implementation of new services and run them, such as treated water, sewage, and gas lines, and facilities if that is a service they wish to receive. Address system With roughly 600 recreational properties in such a close vicinity to one another, it would be highly recommended that an address system be imposed on the recreational properties onto all recreational property lots that are to be displayed, and enforced through a bylaw. The address system will help people visiting the area find the property they are looking for, it will also help in emergency situations when paramedics, fire fighters, police officers or anyone else needs to find a specific property in a hurry. Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No. 561 The Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No. 561 is predicted to see limited growth in the immediate future since most recreational property subdivisions and developments are fairly mature and nearly fully developed. The same level of infrastructure maintenance and upgrades is not needed for the Rural Municipality of Loon Lake since most development has already occurred. Most growth is additions to existing developments, including accessary buildings (garage, shed etc.) and housing additions. It is recommended that the Rural Municipality Loon Lake promote the creation and good relations with community associations. These associations will be able to ease tensions with property owners and help council and administration with decision making by having one unified voice being represented. These community associations may also in time be able to coordinate implementation of new services and run them, such as treated water, sewage, and gas lines, and facilities if that is something that they wish to have. These groups will work out tensions amongst their residents and help limit contradicting requests from rate payers on administration staff. Many recreational property owners had stated that they would be interested in additional business and municipal services being made available, the most common suggestions included garbage pickup, street lighting, increased cell phone towers, treated water, and sewer. It is recommended that a thorough assessment of providing these services be conducted before council makes any decision on supplying services. Having accurate information on costs associated with installing infrastructure and what costs would be to property owners to afford this infrastructure can be very helpful for future developers and current property owners when planning how to develop their property. Address system With roughly 500 recreational properties in such a relatively vicinity to one another, it would be highly recommended that an address system be imposed onto all recreational property lots that are to be displayed, and enforced through a bylaw. The address system will help people visiting the area find the property they are looking for, it will also help in emergency situations when paramedics, fire fighters, police officers or anyone else needs to find a specific property in a hurry. Business Service Recommendations The following is a list of business opportunities to cater to recreational property owners, and tourists in the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622, and the Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No 561. Under the current zoning bylaws a zoning bylaw amendment is recommended to allow for business operations within the area to serve year-round residents tourists and recreational property owners. This is not a list of every possible business opportunity specific to recreational property owners and tourists that visit the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 and the Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No 561 for vacation purposes. This list is meant to showcase different types of businesses that could operate within the two rural municipalities, and help inspire potential entrepreneurs in the area. Please note that minimal research has gone into each possible business, further investigation and consultations with residents, property owners, and the administration and council of the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622, Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No 561, Village of Goodsoil, Village of Loon Lake, Meadow Lake Provincial Park, and Makwa Lake Provincial Park is highly recommended when pursuing any economic development opportunity. Accommodations Northern Meadows operates a bed and breakfast with rental cabins, as well as have a restaurant on site. Lac des Iles is an attraction in itself, if people want to visit the lake, currently they have to own a recreational property or stay in a Provincial Park, offering a variety of different types of temporary accommodations could be a beneficial business venture to the local area businesses and the Provincial Parks in the region. On the south side of Lac des Iles there are many undeveloped large lots that would be suitable for seasonal commercial accommodation type business; such as rental cabins, bed and breakfast, a small vacation resort, or a seasonal hotel. This type of business venture would be able to sell vacation packages to a variety of tourists, and could continually bring new tourists and money into the region. Accommodations could be viable for a year round venture as well, with fishing tours, travelling hunters, or nature enthusiasts who visit the region throughout the year, although primarily most business would come during the summer months. Rental accommodations along the lake with a dock would be a highly desired location for people vacationing. Within the Rural Municipality of Loon Lake, , there is only one Bed and Breakfast known to operate; there is a possibility to expand upon this in both rural municipalities. Using larger lots to operate rental cabins, or other forms of accommodations would be a good way to generate income in the municipality. Restaurants Within the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No. 622 only the Northern Meadows Golf Course has its own restaurant. For property owners around Lac des Iles the closest place for a meal is the village of Goodsoil or the Northern Meadows Golf Course. Northern Meadows has much fewer lots, however, many of their patrons visit the Northern Meadows restaurant because of the golf course. Many people also visit Lac des for the boat launches, Provincial Park, and beach. People visiting these attractions may also be interested in buying food. A small café, restaurant, pub, or even a small stand that serves a few simple items would be a very popular business venture in summer months. Within the Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No. 561 there is an ice cream stand within one recreational property subdivision. Subdivisions and recreational properties are more spread out in this municipality; as a result, a seasonal restaurant may be harder to sustain itself, although as proven by the existing ice cream stand, it is still possible. Convenience Store and Rentals Simple goods that vacationing people may require, such as gasoline, propane, fishing licences, liquor, tobacco, simple food, and camping accessories can be found in Goodsoil, or Loon Lake. Equipment rental such as boats, campers, and various water toys (inner tubes, water skis etc.) are not available for rent in the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622. Dorintosh offers rentals of similar items for visitors to the Meadow Lake Provincial Park. A convenience store located around the recreational properties around Lac des Iles that offered basic goods and rental services would not be viable all year, however, this venture would have the potential to be very busy during the summer months. Within the Rural Municipality of Loon Lake a small store currently exists in the Little Fishing Lake subdivision within the Bronson Forest Recreation Site. This venture may be more difficult to prosper because recreation property subdivisions are distributed throughout the many lakes in the municipality, with some of these subdivisions being extremely close to the Village of Loon Lake itself. However, it is not impossible to succeed since a similar venture does exist. Outdoor Recreation businesses and services The Rural Municipalities of Beaver River No 622 and Loon Lake No 561 are well known for its attractions, including the Provincial Parks and the Northern Meadows golf courses, lakes, forests, and wild game. Year round residents of the municipality and surrounding area, recreational property owners, and tourists take advantage of these destinations every year. Adding new services and businesses to cater to people who wish to enjoy the outdoors would be a welcome addition to the regional economy, these include: Nature tours: a hiking, biking, or paddling through a tour showcasing local vegetation and wildlife would be an easy business that offers local education about the region. Outdoor education and survival training: Many people who visit the area camp at Provincial Parks in the area, today do so with a camper trailer and rarely rely on the outdoors; education on surviving self-sufficiently would be an educational outdoor activity that outdoor enthusiasts and the environmentally conscious. Off Road Courses: Many people that visit the area for recreation also bring recreational vehicles such as dirt bikes and quads, these vehicles are not legally allowed on roads. A trail system, track or course that allows off-road enthusiasts to safely and legally use their recreational vehicles would be a business venture that could see steady use throughout the year, with quads and dirt bikes in the summer, and snowmobiles in the winter. A trail system or course that could fit full size 4x4 vehicles would extend the clientele possibilities for this business as well. Adventure Parks: Adventure parks would be a destination for tourists and residents, not only in the municipality and Provincial Park, but the whole region as a whole. Adventure parks include many rare outdoor activities that are fun for both children and adults. Some of these activities include; zip-lines, climbing walls, bungee jumping, rope bridges, obstacle courses, and mazes. This type of business would require many built structures, and could only be operated seasonally. Paintball fields: A paintball field as well as equipment rental is also a seasonal business that would be a regional draw for year round residents, recreational property owners and tourists. Horse Tours and Riding Lessons: The Rural Municipalities of Beaver River and Loon Lake has many farmers and ranchers operating in the area as well as an annual rodeo and other equestrian related events. Offering tourists a chance to learn to ride, or offering tours of the local area, of either a farm, or the Provincial Parks would be an activity for people who may never have the chance otherwise. Shooting Range: With hunting, guiding, game farms, and outfitter businesses all over the region, It would be a good idea for a Fish and Game Club, or a partnership of multiple Fish and Game Clubs and a rural municipality to set up a specific area for a gun range for the safe target practice for the many enthusiast that visit the area. A site could also include other functions like a biathlon track, or paintball field. A location near Lac des Iles is a central location that could draw users from both Cold Lake AB and Meadow Lake SK. A location within the Rural Municipality of Loon Lake can also attract residents from the Rural Municipalities of Beaver River No. 622, and Meadow Lake No. 588, and surrounding southern municipalities. Agro-tourism: Many tourists and recreational property owners live in urban areas, and come out to rural areas for recreation. With so many agricultural operations in the area, agriculturally themed tourism services would be a good way for local farmers to make additional income. This could be done through simple farm tours that may take less than a few hours, or operating a petting zoo of animals, offering horse tours and riding lessons, and promoting locally grown food, and locally made products. Parking and Storage: For many people using the Lac des Iles boat launches or visiting the area, nearby, safe storage of their personal belongings is a serious concern; whether it is parking for their boat trailer, storage of their camper trailer and RV when using a recreational property, or safe secure winter storage of vehicles and equipment, people are always concerned about the current location and security of possessions. Parking service for boat trailers, when people are using the lake, or have their boat on a dock or lift; trailers can get in the way of recreational properties that have a small lot or people who are trying to optimize their space. By offering a parking service people can be assured that their possessions are safe, and out of the way until they need it. Storage services for year round parking of camper trailers, boats and R.V.’s would be a regional service that residents throughout the region would take advantage of, depending on the location many Albertans may also use the service to park their own recreational vehicles, in a safe secure compound. This could be done in multiple locations as well depending on costs and demand. Private Dock and Marina Many recreational property owners, as well as property owners within the Village of Goodsoil and elsewhere in the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 have expressed an interest in having a space for them to park a boat on water when not in use. There large un-developed lots available on the south side of Lac Des Iles that are privately owned. If a partnership could be made with the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622, and the Meadow Lake Provincial Park a profitable business could be ran that will service the needs of property owners in the region and meet environmental standards of the Provincial Park and other levels of government with water quality concerns. Within the Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No. 561 there are multiple lakes in the area, as well as multiple parks and heritage sites. A privately ran dock and marina system may not be a profitable venture since property owners use multiple lakes instead of one. Property Services Recreational property owners often visit their recreational property for short amounts of time and leave their property unattended between visits, the following service suggestions are to help recreational property owners. Security services: Property owners often have valuable possessions at recreational properties, a security service, even if it is just a weekly visit, or community watch, or community patrol could go a long way to ensure that possessions are not being stolen. This service could be done by community members through volunteering by concerned property owners or a paid service. Landscaping: keeping up with landscaping and yard maintenance is something that recreational property owners are only able to do when they are at the property. A business opportunity would be to offer mowing services to maintain the appearance of the property and to give an appearance of a regularly visited and inhabited cabin to deter thieves. A subdivision with all properties having regular maintenance will also help create a larger scale aesthetic appeal for a subdivision and area as a whole. Residential construction and Trades With all the development occurring within the next ten (10) years for recreational properties, there will be a strong demand for skilled people to build homes, and garages. This includes but is not limited to plumbers, electricians, framers and carpenters. With building codes development regulations and building inspections it is important that structures are built properly. While gathering information on local service providers, it was apparent that there is a shortage in local trades, constructions companies and service providers. Current companies and services are exceptionally busy and unwilling to share company information to promote services as current work scheduled well into the future. With all the construction opportunities predicted for recreational property development alone, this shortage of skilled people will be increasingly felt throughout the region. There is a current and continuing demand for tradespeople in the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622, and throughout the North of Divide region, as well properly certified people will also be able to find work in Alberta. Local Service Provider Database The Local Service Provider Database was gathered through a variety of ways. Invitations were made and sent through property taxes to all property owners within the NODCA region in an attempt to reach all trades people and business owners. A second attempt was made with individual letters sent to known trades people and construction companies that operate in the area. A third attempt to gather information was an ad published in local newspapers, specifically the Meadow Lake Progress and the Beaver River Banner newspapers. The following are returned surveys categorized in order of the service they perform. Please note that some spelling and formatting changes were made for the original information provided to fit the appropriate tables. The original filled out forms, and invitations to take part in this database are attached to the end of this document. Drywall Barry’s Drywall Contact Name Phone Website address Barry Dallyn 306-236-3884 306-240-8732 506 1 St E Meadow Lake SK S9X 1E9 Info & Services Boarding, Taping & Texture New & Renovations Fax Email Anywhere Area of Coverage Electrician Weber Electric LTD Contact Name Phone Website address Info & Services Ed Weber 306-236-7434 306-236-5747 #8 Evergreen Estates Meadow Lake SK S9X 1G3 Fax 306-236-5747 [email protected] Email Approximately 250 kilometres Area of Coverage around the Loon Lake area; includes Meadow Lake, Loon Lake, Dorintosh, Goodsoil, Pierceland, RM of Meadow Lake, RM of Loon Lake, and RM of Beaver River Electrical o Residential o Commercial o Industrial o Maintenance o Underground Trenching o Electrical o Gas o Telephone Equipment o 100 HP + 80HP Trenchers o Mini Excavator o Skid Steer o Boring Unit Baer Electric Inc. Contact Name Phone Website address Blair Baer 306-238-7655 Fax Email Area of Coverage Box 428 Cold Lake, AB T9M 1P1 Info & Services Electrical Contracting Electrical Maintenance Residential + Commercial Trenching 306-238-4681-4783 [email protected] Goodsoil, Pierceland and Surrounding area Plumbing D&T Septic Contact Name Phone Dale Lay 306-238-4424 – Home 306-238-7808 – Cell Fax [email protected] Email Goodsoil, Pierceland and Area of Coverage surrounding areas Website address Box 336 Goodsoil, SK S0M 1A0 Info & Services We do septic removal from Septic and Holding Tanks, RV’s and Campers on site. Mike’s Waterwell Drilling Ltd. Contact Name Phone Mike Lange 306-238-2176 306-238-7756 Fax Website address PO Box 162 Goodsoil, SK S0M 1A0 Info & Services Water Well Drilling 16” Test Hole 24” Cribbing in 36” Hole 36” Cribbing in 40” Hole 306-238-4702 Email Saskatchewan Area of Coverage Big Foot Septic Contact Name Phone Website address Ken Lange 306-238-7673 PO Box 183 Goodsoil, SK S0M 1A0 Info & Services Septic and vacuum truck services Fax [email protected] Email Pierceland, Goodsoil, and Meadow Area of Coverage Lake Provincial Park Construction Northwest Homes Ltd Contact Name Wayne & Donna Weinkauf 306-238-4529 Phone Fax Website Email 201-Main St address Area of Goodsoil SK Coverage S0M 1A0 Info & Services Design & Construction of: Custom Homes & Cottages CSA Ready To Move Homes (RTM’s) Farm & Commercial Buildings Eversharp Homes Contact Name Phone Website address 780-214-5720 780-874-1001 Fax [email protected] Email Bay #4 Saskatchewan and Alberta Area of st 5914-51 Ave Coverage Lloydminster AB T9V 3K5 Info & Services Commercial and Residential Builders Meadow Lake Properties Contact Name Phone Website address Al Macfarlane 306-236-8072 Contact Name Phone Eldon Derocher 306-236-2698 306-240-9651 Box 938 Meadow Lake SK S9X 1X7 Info & Services General Contractors 306-236-4288 Fax [email protected] Email North West Saskatchewan Area of Coverage Flatstone Construction Website address Fax 1-306-236-8632 [email protected] Email unlimited Area of Coverage Box 8055 Flying Dust Meadow Lake, SK S0M 1A0 Info & Services Industrial and Commercial Concrete Concrete Slabs Footings ICF walls Grade Beams North Country Contracting LTD. Contact Name Dwayne Degenhardt 1-780-812-8701 306-238-4427 Phone Fax 1-306-238-4427 [email protected] Website Email Box 6 RR1 Site 3 unlimited address Area of Goodsoil SK S0M 1A0 Coverage Info & Services All Commercial and Residential Construction o New homes + development + Reno’s 3D Construction Contact Name Phone Website address Del Demuth 306-839-2248 Contact Name Phone Harvey Gonie 306-839-2245 780-812-0277 Box 551 Pierceland SK S0M 2K0 Info & Services Custom New Homes Reno’s 306-839-2118 Fax Email Area of Coverage Hardcore Construction Website address Fax Email Area of Coverage Box 453 Pierceland SK S0M 2K0 Info & Services Carpenter – Building, Finishing and Renovations Landscaping & Excavating Haymar Service Contact Name Phone Website address Cliff Carlson 306-236-9359 Contact Name Phone Website address Pat Urlacher 306-238-4714 Fax [email protected] Email Box 501 100KM radius of Meadow Lake Area of Meadow Lake Coverage Info & Services Home and Yard maintenance and repair All types of home renovation and Yard Repair and Landscaping R & A Construction 306-238-4585 Fax [email protected] Email Area of Coverage Box 203 Goodsoil S0M 1A0 Info & Services R & A Construction o Sand and Gravel Road Construction o Oilfield Maintenance o Water & Sewer Installation Mulcher DH6 Cat Tandems Bellydump Excavators Skidsteers Owner: o Pat Urlacher o 306-238-7641 Jerm’s Tree Service Contact Name Phone Website address Jeremy Laird 306-240-0144 Box 262 Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1Y2 Info & Services Tree Removal Consulting Pruning Hazardous Removal Stump Grinding Chipping Fax [email protected] Email Area of Coverage Lot Clearing Driveway Widening 55’ Bucket Truck Power Line Clearing Fire Wood Mulch Skid Steer Forks, Bucket, Auger 16’ Dump Trailer Backwater Creek Development Co. Inc. Mr. Paul Szpakowski 306-236-8100 306-236-6676 Fax [email protected] Email 2 KM’s South on HWY 4 North West Saskatchewan and Area of PO Box 2014 Coverage Meadow Lake Area Meadow Lake SK S9X 1Z4 Info & Services We Have: Dump Trucks, Backhoes Skid Steers Sand, Gravel & Rock Good and Clean Topsoil Tree Spade Landscaping Rocks & Materials Contact Name Phone Website address Northern Meadows Construction Contact Name Joseph Sopracolle 306-238-7650 306-238-2043 Phone Fax [email protected] Website Email PO Box 127 Dorintosh, Goodsoil, Pierceland, address Area of Goodsoil, SK Coverage Loon Lake S0M 1A0 Info & Services Concrete Bath Plant and three concrete delivery trucks supply and Install Septic Tanks Excavate For Basements Build Roads, Clear Lots, Set Grade Supply Clay, Rock, and Sand Accurate Concrete Contact Name Phone Website address Arlie Frolick 780-639-6682 Box 8340 Cold Lake, AB T9M 1N2 780-639-4504 Fax [email protected] Email Area of Coverage Info & Services For All Your Concrete Requirements As-Tek Contracting Contact Name Phone Website address Arlie Frolick 780-812-5389 Box 428 Cold Lake, AB T9M 1P1 Info & Services Concrete Foundations 306-839-4783 Fax [email protected] Email Area of Coverage BMTR Ventures Ltd. Harvey Herriott / Ron Bannister 306-236-1859 Fax Email Box 2737 Area of nd 201-2 Street West Coverage Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1Z6 Info & Services Road Construction/Oilfield R.O.W. Clearing & Seeding Agriculture o Clear, Burn, Break, Landscape Sewer, Water & Lagoon Construction Large Diameter Culvert Installations Subdivisions/Landfill/Site Prep General Earthworks Winter Roads & Ice Bridges Low Bedding GPD Survey/Design Capabilities Industrial Spraying Blasting Bridge Building Contact Name Phone Website address 306-236-2846 [email protected] Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Manitoba Other Goodsoil Lumber & Building Supplies Ltd Contact Name Wayne & Donna Weinkauf 306-238-4529 Phone Fax Website Email 201- Main St address Area of Goodsoil SK Coverage S0M 1A0 Info & Services Retail Lumber and Hardware Sales Lumber & Trusses Windows & Doors Siding & Roofing House & Garage packages Drywall Cupboards Flooring R&R Masonry Contact Name Phone Website address 306-825-5006 Box 996 Lloydminster SK S9V 0Y9 Info & Services Masonry Contractors 306-825-5012 Fax [email protected] Email Saskatchewan & Alberta Area of Coverage Winmar Contact Name Phone Website address 780-874-1000 780-874-1001 Fax [email protected] Email st 5914-51 Ave Saskatchewan & Alberta Area of Bay #4 Coverage Lloydminster AB T9V 3K5 Info & Services Property Restoration Specialists Sew Content Contact Name Phone Website address Donna Winkler 306-236-3943 917-3rd St E Meadow Lake SK Info & Services Custom Window Treatments 306-236-3943 Fax [email protected] Email Area of Coverage Decorator Fabric Hardware Blinds Wall Coverings Wedding and Special Décor Rentals Colour Consultation Décor Consultation Sewing Wall Papering Double D Contracting & Eavestroughing Contact Name Phone Website address Darin Cote 306-240-8278 306-240-5365 Fax 306-236-1656 [email protected] Email North West Saskatchewan Area of Coverage Box 401 Meadow Lake SK S9X 1Y3 Info & Services Facia, Soffit, 5” Seamless Eavestroughing Repair, Replace, or clean existing eavestrough Removal or damaged & old eavestrough Commercial & Residential Pierceland Agencies Ltd. Jackie 306-839-2266 306-839-2274 Fax [email protected] Email 156 Main Street Area of Pierceland SK Coverage Info & Services Home, Farm, Auto, Business, Health and Travel Insurance Motor Licence Issuer Contact Name Phone Website address Campsite Inventory and Temporary Worker Housing This Inventory and Feasibility Study was produced based on the requirements set out in the Regional Planning and Employer Partnership Agreement, Number 23676 between Her Majesty the Queen, in right of Saskatchewan, represented by the Minister of Advanced Education, Employment and Immigration and the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622. This agreement set the conditions for the transfer of funds from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Advanced Education, Employment and Immigration the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 for the support of developing a functioning regional planning committee, which includes the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 the Rural Municipality of Loon lake No 561, The Rural Municipality of Meadow Lake No 588, the City of Meadow Lake, the Village of Dorintosh, the Village of Goodsoil, the Village of Loon Lake, and the Village of Pierceland, this regional planning committee acts under the name of the North of Divide Community Association (NODCA). The support provided to this regional planning committee is intended to increase regional capability in provision of information and access to resources available, as well to assist human resource planning and tracking statistics. Under Schedule A of the Regional Planning and Employer Partnership Agreement, Number 23676 one of the Key Deliverables was to “Complete an inventory and feasibility study to determine the viability of developing fully serviced campsites within the urban municipalities to support infrastructure development.” The information for this report was gathered through consultation with council and administrative staff from each municipality within the North of Divide District Planning Commission, most notably the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622, and the Villages of Goodsoil and Pierceland, where the most infrastructure development is currently taking place to warrant such a report. The information was collected after the construction season had ended to determine how seasonal workers were being accommodated, and determine the best way to accommodate workers in the future. Infrastructure Development Within the North of Divide Community Association there is currently only one major infrastructure development occurring that is the Highway 55 upgrade within the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622. Within the Rural Municipality of Beaver River the company working on Highway 55 is not local to the area and as a result the employees move to the area temporarily. The company has had to find temporary accommodations for their workers while they construct upgrades to the highway. Workers are expected to return home after the construction season, and leave the area for good after highway construction is complete. In this case workers also operate in shifts and will work for two weeks then return home for two. Campsite and Temporary Housing Options Within the Boundaries of The Rural Municipality of Beaver River there are two villages, Goodsoil, and Pierceland. Within these three municipalities there is a variety of different options available for temporary accommodation services. Within the Village of Goodsoil there is a hotel/motel as well as a municipal run campsite. The campsite offers free parking for R.V.’s and camper trailers that is in close vicinity to stores and businesses. The campsite also offers a public washroom with running water, and park space for recreation. Within the Village of Pierceland there is hotel/motel a privately owned and operated campsite, and a municipally owned site for the dumping of effluent from R.V’s and camper trailers. The campsite is owned by a local resident and business owner, it offers a place for temporary workers to park RV’s or Camper trailers while employed in the region at a fee. The Village of Pierceland also has a dumping station located on the same property as their visitor services booth. Within the Rural municipality of Beaver River the Northern Meadows Golf Course offers a variety of temporary accommodation options, they offer a Bed and Breakfast, rental cabins, and a fully serviced campsite. The Northern Meadows Lake Golf Course is centrally located close to Goodsoil and Highway 55, so employees have access to goods and services provided through that municipality as well as the benefit of being close to work. North of the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 is the Meadow Lake Provincial Park. This park offers many different camping options, including serviced and un-serviced lots. Meadow Lake Provincial Park is the located the furthest from Highway 55 from when compared to Northern Meadows, Goodsoil, and Pierceland. It is recommended that temporary employees use the already existing campsites, and area temporary rental accommodations. Creating fully serviced campsites in the urban municipalities would be a large expense, when this is already available within the Rural Municipality of Beaver River in ideal locations for the work being done. One of the problems noted by these workers was the availability of food. When their workday begins and ends all the restaurants and stores are closed in both Goodsoil and Pierceland. With all the current options for temporary accommodations within the Rural Municipality of Beaver River, the Village of Goodsoil and the Village of Pierceland there is no need to create more campsites. Within Goodsoil a free campsite is available; within Pierceland a campsite is available for a fee, with dumping options available. If a fully serviced campsite is something that a company or its employees are adamant on, the Northern Meadows Golf Course can offer this service. Recommendations for availability of food and prepared meals are: Devote the time of one employee to go shopping for the staff, or to do meal preparation. Create a contract with a restaurant or person in the area to prepare meals Create a contract with a local restaurant owner to have meals prepared, or to open early/late to accommodate the employees. If enough guaranteed sales are available through these temporary workers, speaking with a business owner may be all that is needed to extend business hours. Create a contract with local store owners to stay open late for employees to buy groceries and other goods, if there is enough people needing goods, the guaranteed sales should be enough encouragement for a store owner to accommodate these workers schedules at least one day a week. Housing Needs and Action Plan Within the North of Divide Community Association, municipalities are all experiencing different levels of growth and development. Urban Municipalities such as the City of Meadow Lake and the Village of Goodsoil are looking to expand their boundaries, while within the Village of Pierceland existing lands are being subdivided and developed to increase the amount of residents in the community. In Rural Municipalities such as Beaver River No. 622 and Loon Lake No. 561 new recreational property developments are creating new lots and have brought in many more property owners to the area. Within the NODCA region people within the City of Meadow Lake, and the Villages of Goodsoil and Pierceland have noted that there is a shortage of rental, and affordable housing. Young professionals, who move to communities within NODCA to work, have noted they have an extremely difficult time finding adequate housing. New Teachers, Police officers with the RCMP and trained professionals that are not from the region and move to the region to work have no housing available or an extremely limited selection. These people are vital to help the area develop and do not have the capital to invest in buying, or building a house of their own. People are forced to take housing arrangements that are outside of the region, or in un-favorable conditions. People who move to an area for work will not be encouraged to stay very long if they are unable to find a place to live that suits their budget, needs and lifestyle. Young people in the region may not be enticed to stay in the region if rental and affordable housing is not available to them as well. Possible solutions to this need would be to promote the development of rental housing throughout the NODCA region. Apartments or multiplex style housing is recommended to house young professionals and new employees and young people to the region. Multiple units in a single building will provide multiple rent payments per month to help pay for a building. In existing houses, creating or retro-fitting basement suites and renting of rooms is also an opportunity for local home owners to supplement their mortgage with rental payments. Renting space in existing housing is also an added security benefit for home owners who are away from their home throughout the year, such as people employed in the oil and gas industry, or residents who spend winters in warmer climates. Within urban municipalities such as the City of Meadow Lake, and the Villages of Goodsoil and Pierceland, re-zoning parcels of land to be developed with dense residential can promote construction of apartments, multiplexes, and rental suites within houses. Another possible action to create more rental housing would be for urban municipalities to offer a tax incentive for developers to promote construction of rental accommodations and rental suites within new housing developments. Creating new properties within the urban municipalities with smaller lots will promote the construction of smaller houses, or the use of trailers which will create less expensive housing options in the area. Conclusions The information and statistics gathered for the recreational properties within the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 indicates that property owners are planning on developing their recreational property, and almost all of that development is set to happen within ten (10) years. Many of these property owners also have requested services to be available to them. The most common include treated water, and sewer services, as well as natural gas. Other popular services requested include street lights, road maintenance, housing addresses, and garbage services. Many of the recreational property owners stated a level of dissatisfaction with the level of property taxes being paid for the services that they receive. A street or house address system is highly recommended for recreational properties. There is only one business operating in the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 that services recreational property owners and tourists, the Northern Meadows Golf Course, which offers not only a golf course, but many other services as well. On the south side of Lac des Iles there are currently no business available to serve tourists or recreational property owners. Within the Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No. 561 development is mostly completed for all of its existing recreational property developments and subdivisions. Property owners have developed their property, and future development plans include adding accessary buildings. Property owners in this area have also requested services to be available to them. The most common include treated water, and sewer services, as well as natural gas. Other popular services requested include street lights, road maintenance, and garbage service. Only one property owner within the Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No. 561 had stated they operate a business on their property, a seasonal Bed and Breakfast, with another property owner claiming interest in starting a Bed and Breakfast in the future. Business development within the Rural Municipality of Beaver River No. 622 and the Rural Municipality of Loon Lake can be done within the Rural Municipality itself, or, through a partnership, or consultation with the local Villages of Goodsoil, Loon Lake and Provincial Parks to ensure that no unwanted business competition occurs, and cooperation between organizations can be encouraged. With the current and projected rates of property development there are many opportunities in the area, within the Rural Municipalities of Beaver River No 622 and Loon Lake No 561, there will be demands from property owners and tourists to have more services available to them as time goes on. Decisions from council on infrastructure services, and towards potential business development should be done soon to help administration and maintenance staff plan for the future development of recreational properties within the municipality that will be happening in the near future. Nearly all of the business opportunities for recreational property owners and tourists are seasonal opportunities. The opportunities with the most potential for success include a privately ran marina or dock system done through a partnership with Provincial Parks and the local Rural Municipality, as well as a convenience store, or a restaurant, and storage for recreational vehicles trailers, boats etc. Information gathered from local construction and trades professionals also shows that there is a lack of professionals that would be willing to service the construction demands of recreational property owners. Consultation needs to be made with existing construction and trades professionals to determine why. Are they finding work in other areas (Cold Lake Alberta, Oilfield service etc.), or have other reasons for not wanting to participate in free advertising to potential clients. If a lack of professional services still exists, consultation with economic development agencies will be needed to determine an appropriate plan of action. People temporarily employed in the area for infrastructure development and other project based work plans have a variety of housing options available to them, temporary housing is not a concern, however, these temporary workers have noted experiencing difficulty trying to obtain food and other local services as when their work day is over many of the local businesses are closed, agreements would need to be made with local business or the temporary workers would need to re-schedule their work to be able to buy food and other necessities. The biggest housing issue within the NODCA region is an availability of rental housing and the accommodation of new people moving to the area. To combat this issue it is recommended that urban municipalities promote the development of apartments or multiplex style housing through zoning or tax incentives, as well as the creating of basement suites or rental suites in existing houses. The North of Divide Community Association is experiencing growth, in the urban and rural municipalities. The Key Deliverables in the Regional Planning and Employer Partnership Agreement No 23676 that have been discussed in this document provides information on some of the growth expected in the region and some of the constraints limiting growth. Schedule A: Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 Recreational Property Survey Notice Package; letter and Sample Survey Schedule B: Rural Municipality of Beaver River No 622 Returned Recreational Property Surveys Schedule C: Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No. 561 Recreational Property Survey Notice Package; letter and Sample Survey Schedule D: Rural Municipality of Loon Lake No. 561 Returned Recreational Property Surveys, and subdivision maps Schedule E: Business Directory Mail out Package; Information Letter and Business Directory Information Form Schedule F: Returned Business Directory Information forms