Merrien - Sion - Crumpton Plats
Merrien - Sion - Crumpton Plats
Index Merrien Daniel, person of color, 234, 265 H., person of color, 302 John, free negro, 211 Saint, free negro, 21O Saint, mulatoe, \05 Saint, person of color, 218, 245 Merriweather, 282 Merriwether, 149, 160, 196 C.,160 Thomas, 158 Merry Jonathan , 373 Merryhill, 743 Messer, 284, 298 Methodist Meeting House, 50, 59 Michel, 227 Micldejohn George, 166 Miclejohn George, 159 Middlebrook, 126 Middleton, 189 Daniel, minors, 661 Midville, GA to, 88, 795 , 81 I Milbanks, 480 Miles, 137, 151, 170, 196,214, 239, 240, 269, 270,310, 346,478 John , 752 Mary, 449 William, 256 MilI,462 Ballard's Old, 83 Beasley's, 73 Clarks, 88, 89 Clarks, to, 25 French's, 57 Millaham, 603 Millan Martha, 105, 169, 209 Milledge John, 798 Milledgeville, GA , 423, 725, 795 , 799 Millen Francis, 687 George, 687 George J., MD, 704 Martha, 156 Y. 1. , 723 Miller, 129, 144,228, 256, 281 , 298,363, 407, 450,456, 501, 504, 539, 542, 566,607 Blankenship, 87 Charles, 283, 296, 363, 404, 452, 503,540,578,613, 628, 657,671,714 Churchill, 714 David, 266 Fanny, 540, 581 , 616,628, 657, 671 Francis, 714 G. J., MD, 645, 665, 679 George, 714 Jane, 628, 657 Jane, Estate, 681 Jefferson, 403, 451 , 473, 493 Jefferson , orphans, 616 Miller Patsy, 129 Robert, 103, 133,754 Thomas, 134 Millian James, 113 Millon, 557 Mills, 213, 216, 231, 569 Federick, 195 H. G. 0 ., 369 James, 152, 161, 171 John,536 William, ISS, 172, 196 Milo, 377 Milton, 155,207, 210,271 , 300, 351 , 352,384,385,432,433, 486,520, 521,536,598,599, 772 A. R. S., 524 Eliza, 246, 559, 560 Eliza, widow, 467 Elizabeth, widow, 488, 522 Elizabeth, widow, Grd n , 488 General, 76, 83, 772 H. , 77, 778 H. C., 76 H. V., 353, 453, 454, 772 H. V., Estate, 386,488,522, 523,559,560, 600 Homer V. , 467, 778 J.,134 Jane, 454, 488 Jane E., 523, 560, 600 Jane, orphan, 467 Jeremiah, 14, 15,37,342, 344, 770,804 John , 454 John, Attorney at Law, 535, 536 Martha, 135 Thomas, 211, 778 Miniard, 180 John, 180 Minoss, 677 Minton, 222,223 , 250, 276, 278, 286, 544 Benjamin, 382 David, 673, 707 David, deceased, Estate, 222 David, Estate, 250 Eliza, 600 Jackson,640,663,677,720 Jackson M. , 700 Jackson M., Adm', 700 James, 143, 182, 188, 22 I, 250, 278, 316 Jonathan, 142, 184, 188,240 Joshua, 475, 707 Moses, 394, 439,475 , 491,529 Moses, Estate, 569, 606 Nancy, 632,658, 673,700 Noah, 155,208 S. , deceased , heirs, 410 Stephen, 221 , 252, 286,315 Stephen, Adm', 3 I 6 Mirack Joshua, 282 Mississippi, 799 Mitchel Henry, 444 Mitchell, 283 James, 125 Mitchell William, 8, 729 Mitchell, GA, 8 to, x Mock, 109, 140, 141, 180, 189, 190,223,224,225,253,279, 306, 394,395,398,447,497, 498,532,533,570,573,607, 611,780 A., 445 Andrew, 64, 73, 318, 755 Berry, 154, 169 E., 449 G., 397,445 George, 73,107,140, 180, 189, 280,307,360,397,445,497, 755,760 1.,64, 445 , 781 Jacob, 191, 226 James, 397 John, 73,108,130,140, 180, 190, 224, 549, 755 , 757,760 John , Jr. , 191 John, Sr., 226 L. B., 77, 773 Littleberry, 207 Modoc, GA , 421 Moffatt, 221 Eli, 236 John, 162 Monford,214 Monroe, 353 Neal,282 Peter, 281 Stephen, 780 Monroe County, GA , 423 Monroe, GA , 423 Monson John, 10, 30, 335 Montford, 353, 354, 386, 388, 454, 488 Montgomery, 140, 167, 180, 190, 245 , 253, 271,652 Ann , 351 , 432, 485 , 523, 560 Ann, Exc', 35 I Ann , widow, 383, 466 David, 140, 180, 191 , 224 Hugh, 72,140,180, 191 , 224, 254,280, 307, 532, 778 R. , 432 Robert, 77, 134,153,207, 217, 243,271 , 301 , 759 Samuel, 105, 134, ISS, 168, 216,244, 271 Samuel, Attorney, 244 Samuel, trustee, 2 I6 William, 432 William B., 383 William, Estate, 598 William M., 560 William, Mrs., 351 William W., 484, 485 , 523 Wright, 351 Montgomery County (boundary), 4 Montgomery County, GA , 5, 8, 86, 290,423,684, 766, 803, ii, viii Montgomery County Historical Society, 86 865 Montgomery County Line, 70, 754 Monticello, GA, 423 Montiford, 788 Montpelier Township of, 165 , 176,200 Montreal, 339 Moon, 509,624 Bryant, 509 M. 1. , 508 Samuel,509 Thomas, 481 Moor, 546 ?,681 Dempsey, 5 11 Henry R., 682 J.,512 John, 681 Loran D., 509 Wiley, 510 William, 8, 68 I , 729 William, Grdn , 681 Moore, 59, 60, 109, 119, 129, 142, 157,159, 164, 166, 193, 196, 201 , 204, 219,228, 234, 247, 262, 268,281,284,287,289, 297, 316, 372, 412, 428,434, 443,452, 460,494,516, 529, 531,545 , 585,587, 588, 621, 622, 772 A., Estate, 370, 411 , 460 A., orphans, 41 I Abel, 462, 51 I, 549 Aldridge, 415 Andrew, 47,121 , 123 , 159, 164, 204,234, 262, 289,763, 764 Andrew, agent, 234, 262 Andrew, Grd n , 262, 289 Andrew, trustee, 204 Asa, 265 Benjamin, 587 Bryant, 412, 461 , 545, 589 Caroline, 467 Carswell, 267, 459, 5 I I Cason, 231 Caswell, 314, 372,413, 476 Charles R., 657, 681 Demcy, 412 Dempsey, 461 Demsey, 369 E., orphans, 585 , 622 Edward, 150, 172 Ethel,461 Etheldred, 262, 290, 314, 372, 412 George, 467 H. , 118 H. J., 649, 667, 725 H. R., 667 Henry R., 649, 725 J. L., 645 James, 399, 414, 591 Jane, 315 Jane, Grdn , 315 John, 157, 172, 196, 241 , 265, 268,295,649 John, minors, 667 Laban, 587,591 Laben,649 Index Moore Mathew, 10, 30,335, 745 Matthew, 745, 767 McCleamone, 667 McGhanon, 725 0 . 0 ., MD, 636, 661 Rebecca, 443, 494 Rowland, 564, 565 Samuel, 462, 545, 587, 590, 591,782 Sarah,548, 724, 725 T., 379 Thomas, 133, 204,234,241, 262,268, 289,295,350,379, 430, 467, 516,554, 653 William, 226, 256, 379, 649, 667,780 Willie,410 Witey, 430 Mooreland, 128 John, 22,23 , 129, 130 Moorland, 102 John , 18,48,49,57, 104,337, 338, 753, 757, 758, 760, 767 Moosely Dealpha, 725 Mordack William, 135 Moreland, 144, 145, 177, 191 , 193, 194, 228,255, 256,282, 297, 308, 362,364,450,500, 578,579, 613,617 Daniel,262 Elisha, 194, 232, 260 Howell, 232, 261, 286 Jesse, 146 John, 146, 179, 193 Wilson, 260 Morfit, 267 Morgain Stephen, I 13 Morgan, 44, 146, 147, 174, 175, 199, 200,204, 229, 230,231, 259, 260, 261 , 284,285, 311 , 312,313 , 366,407,455,456, 506, 541,542, 582,583, 618, 620, 636 Doctor, 274 E., 406,456, 752, 753 Elisha, 49, 750 Eliza, 127 Elizabeth, widow, 465 H., 199,407 Hady, 618 Hardy, 114, 127, 147, 175, 199, 230, 260,284,313,367,406, 506,542, 583,776 Hardy, Exc', 506 Hardy, Grd", 542 Hardy, Jr., 580 Harvey, Estate, 636 J. ?, 673 J. H., 661 John, 49, 114, 127, 146, 174, 199,230,260, 285 , 311 , 366, 406,456, 506, 541,582, 618, 636,675 , 718 John,Estate, 661,696 John H., 675 Mitchell, 579 Morgan Needham, 320, 322 Needham, person of color, 348, 377 S.,406 Saint, person of color, 274 Stephen, 59, 114, 126, 127, 147, 175,199,229,260,285, 313, 366, 407,457,541 , 636, 780 Stephen B., 465 Stephen, Estate, 506, 661 Stephen, Jr. , 458, 480 Steven, 580 William, 63, 64, 125,366,760 Morgan County, GA, 423 Morison, 245, 246, 271 , 272, 273, 384,435 Alex, Estate, 435 Alexander, 245, 271 Allen, Estate, 486 Margaret, 435 Morison, orphans of, 520 William, 245 Morkey Leon H., 780 Leonard, 63, 64 Morland,400, 402, 502,539 Morman, 221 Morrel,255 John, 369,412 Stephen, 255 Morrell,257,577,578, 579 Alexander, 256 John, 315,517 Morr~,49, 146, 155,200,215, 288, 364,410,453,507,508, 510,544 Drury, 29 Federick,200 Federick, Adm', 200 Fedrick, 233 Fred,545 Frederic, 511 Frederick, 50, 59, 184,263, 289,314,372,413,462,585, 782, 784 James, 372 Jane, 600 Jeremiah, Estate, 625 John, 113, 127, 148, 175 , 199, 231 , 259,285 Joy, i Mary, 665, 683 Mary Jane, 600 Melinda Lee, i Neely, 59 Mo~n,32, 112, 150, 166, 167, 204,208,216,218,239, 243, 246,284,300,301 A., 352, 772 A., orphans, 561 Adam, 12, 76,340,762 Adams, 32 Alexander, 76,218,301 , 467, 772 Boyd &,83 Daniel, person of color, 370 Eliza, orphan, 467 Isaac, orphan, 467 Morr~n John, 12, 13,32, 135,339,340 Margaret, 352, 384 Nancy, orphan, 467 William, 156, 168,208 William, orphan, 467 Morrow, 154, 155, 167,207,217, 460, 509 David, 15,33,341 Parkinson &, 15 Morrow, GA, 749 Morrow's Parkinson's &. 342 Morse Lewis. 209 Peter. 206 Moseley. 152.210.305 Joseph. 211 Nathaniel, 677 Thomas. 108. 133. 142. 187. 362. 763 Mosely. 108. 253. 279. 307.361, 440.497 Becky. orphan. 475 Benjamin. 652 James, 793 James. orphan. 475 Marian. 303 Mary Ann. 277. 356 Mary Ann, widow. Grd". 475 Maryan. widow, 249 Matthew. 681 Nancy,orphan.475 Thomas, 184, 223, 281 , 304, 475 Moses, 151 Mosley, 224, 225. 358. 391. 392. 459,498.535.563.572 Alexander. 707 Daniel H., 707 Mary A., widow. 793 Mary Ann, 390 Maryan, 80, 781 Mathew M.• 707 Nancy, orphan, 793 Rebeckah, orphan, 793 Thomas. 80. 394. 725 , 750, 762 William, 361 Moss, 127. 172, 199.260,286. 310, 312, 313.346,365 , 366. 378,405,455.505 , 541.542, 581,582.591 , 617.618, 754 D. Dempsey. 128 Daniel 0 ., 147.175, 199.231 . 260.284, 311 George, 327,328, 329. 330. 331.332.333 George. free person of color. 704,723 James C .• 516 John , 137 Lewis. 134, 155. 168 Martha D., widow. 465 Michael, 271 , 302. 387 Peter, 134. 154. 155. 168.213, 239.268.434,485. 521 Peter. Sr.• 134 William. 134, 155, 172,210. 213. 246.274.310.346. 375. 427.479 866 Moss William, orphans of. 597 Mossey M., 581 Motis, 125 Mott, 253 Abraham, 140, 191 , 225,254 Motts Abraham. 280 MouItree B. H., 718 Mounger. 204 Edwin. 159. 184, 204 Edwin, Adm', 159 Henry. deceased, Estate, 159 Henry, Sr., Estate, 204 Mount Pleasant. 800 Mount Vernon, GA. 423 Mountain. 156. 157. 158. 162 ?, 163,,232. 247, 248, 258.274,275.297. 298.299.354, 355.387.388. 437.438.454,484.489.490. 524,525 , 547,563.564,578. 588.602.617.622, 783 Agnes, 19,21.24, 68. 128. 299, 354 Agnes, widow. 247. 274. 471 Agness, 158. 163,202,219, 752. 763 , 765, 768 Agness, widow, 103.476 F., 68, 354. 454. 767 F. B.• 620, 635. 660. 711 F. B., Estate, 726 F. B .• Grd". 711 F. H.• 454 Frances, 583 Francis. 10. 19.24, 30,335.338 Francis B.• 682 Francis B .• agent. 682 J. , 751 Jane. 567 Jane, widow. 531 John, 219,248, 274. 299. 354, 471,585 John. deceased, Estate, 387 John, Estate, 438. 489,547 Robert, 21. 142, 163. 201 , 232. 247, 274,298, 344,354, 388 Robert. Grd", 388 Robert. Jr.. 454 T., Estate, 567 T. H., 388 Thomas, 11,28.29,32.66,67. 76.83.112,121.122, 123. 156, 202.220.247, 275.299, 336.443,475.494. 531.565. 567.610,751.762.765 Thomas. Estate. 531, 610. 636 Thomas. Jr., 356, 392, 494. 793 Thomas. Sr.. 354. 389, 437 Moutain Agness, 56 Mouttnie A. C .• MD,694 Briggs H.• 694 Thomas B.• 694 Moxley. 69. 166, 243, 257.283, 297,530 Alexander. MD, 726 Matthew M.. 725 Index Moxley Nathaniel, 659 William N., 659 Moxley, GA, 437, 739 Moxly Alexander, 725 Moy Sarah,681 Moye,649 B. A., 649, 667 Benjamin, 681 George, Estate, 653 Sarah, 649, 667 Mt. Lebs, 121 Mt. Moriah Church & Camp Grounds, 809 Mt. Pleasant, 795 MucakJey, 166 MuUkey, 105, 135, 155, 167,207 Mullen, 222, 462, 773 Green, 347 Isaac, 226, 257, 473 Isaac P., 459 James A., 694 James M., 128 Jesse T., 696 Jesse T., agent, 696 William A., 687 Mullens, 453 Green, 269, 310 Isaac, 305 Muller, 194 Mullin, 413, 590 Isaac, 284 James A., 621 Jesse, 621 Jesse T., 621 William D., 679 Winceford, 679 Winceford, agent, 679 Winifred, 621 Mulling,508,546,547,563,585, 586,620,646 D. A., 645 Isaac, 364,411 Isaac, Estate, 621 Isaac M., R. T. R. J. C., 586 Isaac N., 510 Isaac W., 545 J. A., Estate, 636 J. T., 636, 665, 722 James, 675 James A., 661, 718 Jesse, 675 William A., 645 Winford, 665 Winiford, 645 Mullings, 645 Mullins J. W., 508 MuIDford,238,269,309 Mungan John D., 691 Muniford, 136 Munro William, 124 Muntford, 523 Murdock William, 154,167,207,216, 246,273,300,353 Murphey, 218, 231, 507,539,548, 725 A. J., 716 David F., 691 J. T., 716 J. W., 632 John, 311, 548 John W., 605, 659, 691, 716 Josiah T., 691 Milledy, 707 Milledy, Adm', 707 Millidge, 681 Millidge, Adm', 681 Monis, 23, 126, 127,230,311 , 406,506,741,767 Monis, trustee, 127 N. W., 725 Sarah,612 Murphy, 113, 134, 142, 148, 154, 159,167,174,181,201,208, 257,260,286,367,408,458, 612,791 Bartholomew, 299,354 Daniel M., 134 Daniel M., agent, 134 David,659 David T., 673 Elizabeth, 459 Hugh, 372, 471 John, 193,228,257,284,365, 369,411 , 459,473 John, agent, 459 John W., 673 Maurice, 285 Milledge, 667 Monis, 50,114, 148, 176,211, 261,367,458,465 Monis, Grdn , 230, 261, 458 Sarah, 543, 585 William L., 682 Murray, 144 John, 144 Murrell Robert, 106 Murrey John, 178 Murry James A., 584 Musgrove, 142,359,394,395, 398, 780 Ishom E., 362 James, 211 James C., 279 John, 21, 80,81, 130, 141,280, 344,360,396,763 John E., 396, 448 John, Jr., 448 John S., 280 John, Sr., 500 Larkin c., 500 Larking C., 404, 449 Lurking C., 364 William, 108, 280, 500 Willis, 362 Music Major, 256, 280 Musick John, 391,475 John S., 793 Major, 226, 305, 355, 391,475 Mnstarors,447 Myniard, 190 John, 190 Myrach Joshua, 236 Myrick Joshua, 297 N Nail,244, 273,301, 760 Elisha, 137 Nails,434 Elijah,61 Elisha, 736, 760, 776, 789 Nale, 216 Nants William, 211 Nasworthy Augburn, 487 F.,718 F., Grdn , 718 Franklin, 693 John F., 718 John H., 693 Ogburn, 435 Neal Elisha, III James, 369 John, 104 William, III Nealy, 75, 221, 225, 783 John, 221 William, 802 Needham, 397 Neel, 242, 267, 274 James T., 299, 357, 475 Neeley, 142, 143, 153, 174,181, 187,188,189,201,203,220 Andrew M., 599 James, 142, 183,201 Jane, 142 John, 140, 142, 183, 187, 188 Thomas, 142, 183 Neeling William, 127 Neely, 49, 55,133,189,190,220, 222,243,251,252,274,275, 276,277,278,302,356,357, 358,372,389,394,411,413, 441,458,486,492,507,508, 510,511,522,540,558,565, 567,584,602,645,760,784 C.,435 Cath., 383 Catherine, 112, 133 H. J., 645 Hugh,543 Hugh I., 466 Hugh 1., 583, 624 J., 133,351,358,435,458,504 James, 50, 58, 112, 133,231, 262,286,368,408,411,458, 507,543,584,618,772,782, 783 James, Exc', 458 James T., 278 Jane, 392,645,665,679, 704 Jane, Estate, 723 Jean, 112 867 Neely John, 112, 133,251,278,304, 356,383 John, Estate, 394, 458 , 507 Thomas, 133 Thomas, Jr., 112 William, 351 Neese, 308 Neil, 170, 196 Neiley, 303 Neley, 303, 304, 305, 314 Nelson, 108, 141, 180, 189, 190, 279,355,359,445,448,498, 532,570 Franklin, 129 John, 108,299, 394 T.,360 Nesbit, 645 Robert,668,683 Nethercliff,49, 113, 125, 149, 160, 235,261,266,286,289,317, 367,368,408,458,750,751,752 Thomas, 23, 338 Netherclift, 166,507,543,769 Thomas, 18 Netherlan James, 365 Netherland James, 403 Netherly, 229 Nettleton Ambrose, 266 New Tommy,i New Inverness, 98 New Orleans Convent, 800 New Orleans, LA, 799 Newcomb William, 512 Newman, 283, 645 John, 69, 106, 141,739 Newnus, 258 Daniel,I29 Newsom, 279, 306, 506, 531, 542, 620 A. C., 727 J. J., MD, 718 Jared A., 326 Jarod A., 325 Joeday,47 John H., 321 John Hardy, 320 Joshua, 47 Madison M., 321 Penny, 321 Silas, 787 Vasti,321 William, 42, 791 Newsome, 359, 502, 583 J.,791 James, 502 Joeday, 791 Joshua, 42, 791 R.,394 Solomon, 46 Newton, 127, 146, 147, 175, 176, 199,200,229,230,232,259, 261,284,285,286,312,313, 366,367,406,407,457,458, 506, 507, 508, 541, 542, 582, Index Newton,583,584, 617, 761 Benjarrrin, 191 , 224,253, 279 Elizabeth, 508, 543 Isaac D., 465 J., 366, 405, 457 Jessee, 131 John H., 407, 458, 465 , 507, 508,543,583, 584, 619 Jonathan, 270 M.,507 Mary E., 407 Mose, 465 Moses, 59, 113, 126, 127, 286, 368,506,764,780 Moses, Adm', 313 Moses, Esquire, 232 Moses, Esquire, trustee, 232 Moses, MD, 261, 313, 407, 456 Moses, MD, Exc', 261 Moses, MD, trustee, 261 , 407, 456 Moses, PP, 147, 176, 199 Moses, trustee, 147 R.,445 Wamble, 675 William, 444, 500 Newton County, GA, 423 Neyland Charlotte, widow, 467 James, orphan of, 467 Rebecca, orphan, 467 Neyley James, 312 Nicholas, 365 James, 118 Nichols, 285, 312 Nicholson, 313, 508 Benjarrrin, 40, 758 J.,317 Nickles James, 566 Nickolds, 405 Night, 309, 311 , 485 Coffield, 477 Cofield, 425 Frederick, 311 John, 479 Juno, 725 Robert, 252, 276 S., 479 Speers, 310 T., 479 Nix Bensaiah, 218 Noble, II Noles, 558, 597 Isra, 467 Zachariah, 436, 467, 488 Norman Isaac, 516 John, 751 Norris Thomas, 725 William, 725 North,544 Charles, lSI , 172, 197 S. , 437, 510 North Carolina, 423 ~orfucutt, 2Sj, SSt Northcutt Captain, 226, 227, 228, 229, 236,255,256,257,258,281 , 282, 283,284,291 Robert, 227, 256, 283, 298 Norton A. J., 720 Nowland Andrew, 20, 32, 341 Nunass D., negroe, 102 Nusbit Robert, 652 Nuscomb William, 463 Nusom James, 454 Nussel,121 Nuten Spencer, 675 Nutt William, 129 0 Oakman R. H., MD, 691 Oats, 247, 274, 298, 354, 651 Andrew, 711, 727 Chaires, 683, 727 Charles, 156, 169,668, 711 Hugh, 727 John, 652, 668,683, 711 , 727 Joseph,602 Robert, 727 Obanon Elizabeth, 693 Ocean Atlantic, 89 Oconee County, GA, 423 Oconee Path, 735, 739 Odom E. W. c., 640, 659, 673 R., 802 O'Donnell, 747, 748 Ofetts William, 122 Office of Probate, 49 Ogden, 207 Ogdon, 155 , 168 Ogeechee Old Town, 795 Ogg George, 125 Robert, 125 Oglethorpe, 98 General, 795 , 799 Oglethorpe County, GA , 423 Okfuskee, 746 Old Burke & Richmond Line, 778 Old Burke-Richmond County Line, 756 Old Jefferson and Montgomery Line, 774 Old Line Path, ix Old Montgomery County Line, 62, 70 Old Richmond-Burke County Line, 760 Old Richmond County Line, 64 Old Town, 16,34, 78,86,104, 105, 106,117,134,154,167, 168, 169,207, 209, 216,217, 272,301,343, 351 , 352, 353, 383,386, 435,436,488,746, 747,748, 749,750,768,786, 795,800 Old Town Plantation, 746, 795 Olin J. W., MD, 720 Oliphant, 303, 496, 498, 499, 531, 532,533,606, 637 James, 448 James H. , 677 Joseph,62, 277, 303,499, 532, 574,607,640, 677, 700,791 William J., 677, 700 Oliver, 574 William, 126 Olliphant J. H., 720 James H., 659 Jasper, 720 Joseph, 659, 720 Noah, 720 Olson Gary D., 748 OneaJ,234, 264,289, 318,510 Fera, 463 OpeitJey Mico, 747 Orr, 144, 159,539 William, 57, 758, 759 Osborn R., 49 Osborne, 143, 180, 189 Robert, 18,23,49,73,338, 755 , 760 Osbourn, 780 R.,769 Ossabaw, 98 Osteen Isaac, 354, 471 Jesse, 368, 406, 473 O'Steine, 456 Osten, 304 Oston Anen , 673 Ouseley John , 184 Overstreet Lake, 421 Owen Robert, 139 Owens, 150, 173 Caleb,536 David,276 Sarah, 700 Owl, 60, 348, 427 Ozborne, 140 P Pace, 105, 109, 137, 171 , 228, 240, 269, 347 , 377, 425 , 592 Thomas, 136,739,790 Pacnuthey, 309 Padget, 214, 240,269, 380, 733, 789 Elijah, 310, 347 John, 269 , 310 William, 240, 310 868 Padgett, 109, 110, 128, 138, lSI, 170, 172, 194, 195 , 197, 214, 234,269, 310,736, 760, 761 , 777,788 Ann, 407, 451 E., 756, 789 EI., 735 Elijah, 60, 61 , 109, 110, III, 150, 173,739, 773 , 789 Elijah, Estate, 239 Elijah, Jr. , 139, 184, 197 Elijah, Sr., 139, 197 Elisha, III John , 109, 135, 195,215, 239 William, 137, 195 , 214, 269, 760 Page, 155, 169, 203, 245,270,306, 309, 310,397, 446, 497, 534, 751 J., 359 Jacob, 135 , 155, 169, 209, 215, 246,266,273,309, 346, 754 Lemuel, III, 153 Philip, 668, 711 Phillip, 683 Samuel, 137, 172 Willey, 155 Paget Ann, 366 Painter, 285, 366, 406 Paker Asa, 240 Pallitts, 176 Pallmon, 638 Pahner, 150, 159, 206, 305,520, 527, 536,560, 566, 572, 605 D. Wuns ?, 720 Edward, deceased, Estate, 206 Elizabeth, 159, 184, 206 Elizabeth, Adm', 206 G. R., 716 George A. , 674 Richard, 384, 436, 467, 485 , 520,560, 601 William R., 716 Palmero Julia M., 716 Panddias William, 705 Panden William J. , 711 Paradise, 367, 371, 406, 407, 410, 456, 459,636 Elizabeth, 723 James, 455 John,466, 506 John D., 555 William, 366, 367, 406, 455 , 617, 636,675 Paramore Hill, 795 Pardise William, 661 Paris N.,119 Prosser, 187 Parish Prosser, 251 , 276, 356, 397, 441,471 , 56S, 793 s.aa. . . 6.Q(;. , l;Tl Parish of Saint Matthews, 746 l Index Parker, 41, 130, 150, 167, 194, 198,208,218,230,252,269, 270,273,276,278,300,303, 305,309,348,353,383,385, 386,388,434,438,453,485, 520,522,527,528,530,558, 569,597,604,605,630,632,633 A. M., 632 A. W., 659, 671, 707 Asa, 170, 194,214,269,308, 346 Cain, 224 Elizabeth, 711 Elizabeth J., 716 Felix, 464,480 Frances, 716 Frances, trustee, 716 Gabriel, 150, 173, 196 Hardey, 464 Hardy, 375, 428, 479 J. A., Estate, 641 J. T., 633, 659, 725 J. T., trustee, 725 James, 192,572 James A., 604, 659, 673, 712, 723 James A., Grd", 712, 723 Jesse, 422 John, 121, 155,649 Jonathan, 134 Joseph T., 604, 673, 712 Joseph T., Grd", 673 Kinchen, 308, 362,404,492, 793 Lewis, 386 M.,439 Mason, 464 Nancy, 683, 712, 727 Needham, 172, 262 R., 134, 135 Red, 343 Richard, 106, 134, 154, 166, 207,246,786 S., 357, 390 Simeon, 793 Simon, 187,223,276,303,356, 390,475,775 Simon, agent, 390 Stephen, 232, 295,349,381 Theophilus, 469 Thomas, 633 Thomas D., 659, 673, 707 William, 276, 303, 356, 390, 440,475,492,527,565,603, 632,683,712,727 William F., 659, 677 William, Jr., 570 William, minor, deceased, 535 William, Sr., 659 Parkerr,638 Parkerson, 77, 157 John, 77 Parkes Stephen, 267 Parkinson John, 10, 14, 15,33,341,344, 745 Parkinson's , 342 Parmer Elizabeth, 126,413 Parnior Betsy, widow, 117 Parrish ?,677 Micajah,715 Prosser, 222, 492, 529, 608 Silas, 569, 632, 659, 700 West, 606 Wyatt, 640 Parson, 440 Parsons, 117, 118, 121, 157, 163, 182,189,202,203,218,287, 304,315,316,357,392,393, 491,525,551,569,591,605,622 Ann, 462 Ann, Adm', 462 Ann, Exc', 370 Ann, widow, 411, 486 Asa, 172 Edward, orphans of, 533 I., Estate, 370 James, 117, 121,204,792 James, deceased, 793 James, Estate, 166 James, heirs, 219 John, 10 JOhn, 30 John, 68, 117, 120, 121, 122, 157,163,202,218,247,287, 315,335,341,525,612,745, 759, 768, 770 John A., 605 John, deceased, Estate, 157 John, Estate, 462 John J., 530 Martha, 157 Patsey,orphan, 792, 793 Patsy, 393 Robert, 382,431,484,519,595 Samuel, 590 Thomas, 13,20,31,75,105, 134,143, 182, 188,223,251, 277,304,340,341,357,393, 442, 770, 776 Thomas, Estate, 502, 531,569, 605 Thomas, Grd", 277, 304 Thomas, trustee, 393 William, 68,117,121,157, 162,201,219,249,275,486, 766, 768 William, Exc', 157 Partidge John, 278 Partridge, 424 Henry, 250, 278, 346, 376,424 John, 251, 304, 358, 393, 793 John, Estate, 440 Pasheeti, 164 Pate, 376 Cloe, widow, 411 John, 316 R. W., 510 Robert W. , 411,509,546 Robert W., agent, 411 PateUo James, heirs, 258 Paterson, 221, 222,223,224,225 Robert, 225 Samuel, 221 Paterson William, 225 Patillo Henry, 274 PaUidge, 310,531,774 Henry, 309,464,478, 515 John, 475 Simon, 515 Simon G., 464 Patt William, Grd", 383 Patte, 123 Patterson, 73, 74,107,129,133, 140,141,143,174,179,180, 182,188,189,200,221,248, 251,252,253,254,257,259, 277,278,279,283,284,287, 297,304,305,306,307,308, 348,353,355,358,364,377, 383,388,390,393,395,397, 398,399,406,434,437,440, 441,442,445,448,449,456, 458,491,494,495,499,505, 508,528,529,534,535,536, 567,569,571,572,574,575, 584,586,608,609,610,611, 621,639,640,644,761,773,776 A., 361 Alford, 701 J., 356, 362, 392, 398 James, 448, 487, 499, 535, 575, 612,640,663,677,700,720 John, 12, 13,20,31,32,36,73, 75,80,82,112,131,134, 140,253,279,305,339,340, 362,398,766,781 John, Jr., 12,32,336,339 Josiah, 351, 434 Josiah S., 386 L.,442 M. S.,495 Mary, 352, 435, 486, 524, 668, 682, 709 Mary, widow, 386, 467 May, 652 Mrs., 359 R.,73,281,359,360,395,396, 446,447,498,764,780 Rob, 73 Robert, 73,107, 131, 140, 179, 189,253,279,306,359,398, 445,535,574, 610,640,663, 677,700,720,757,774,777, 781 Samuel,211 Samuel W., minor, 535 T. M., 708 Thomas M., 367,408,458,507, 528,586,621 William, 13, 15,30,36,68,72, 73, 77,80,253,281,306, 339,342,351,359,362,383, 395,433,446,498,534,732, 777,778,779,780,783,788 Pattillo, 148, 174,201 James, 148, 175 James, deceased, orphans, 228 James, Estate, 203 Pattison, 753 869 Pattison John, 82,334, 756, 757, 759 R.,755 Robert, 757, 761 Patton Elizabeth, 358, 495 Pau,195 Pau1et,532 Paulett, 144, 145, 146, 149, 158, 163,177,193,209,315 Blassingame, 166,205 David, 103, 146, 161, 178, 194, 227,316,763, 771 David, agent, 146, 178, 194 Harvey, 158,209,314 J.,359 Jesse, 22,124,146,178,194, 754, 760 Jessee, 769 John, 8,124,128,158,163, 209,220,314,549,760 John, Adm', 158,209,220 John, Exc', 158, 163,209,220 John, trustee, 158,209, 314 Richard, 128 Thomas, 288 William, 125 Paulette, 49, 282, 288, 359, 397, 398 D., deceased, Estate, 404 D., Estate, 365 David, 18,48,49,257,284, 337,338,776 Harvey, 249, 289 Jesse, 18, 23, 338 Jessie, 48, 126 John, 64, 73,249 John, Exc', 249, 288 John, trustee, 249,289 Paulk, 140, 141, 179,224,277, 279,306,307,361,395 J.,359 Jacob, 359 Jonathan, deceased, heirs, 180 Jonathan, deceased, orphans, 224 M., 56, 65, 765 Micajah, 129, 130, 140 Micajah, Jr., 141 Micajah, Rev., 21, 344 Samuel, 279, 306, 395 Paulks John, 137 William, 137 PauUet,I02 PauUett Jesse, 104 John, 103 William, 104 Pavatt Isaac, 163 Pavrish Silas, 721 Peacock, 174, 198 Abraham, 150 Arthur, 150 Eli,150 Geen,707 J.,353 John,386 Index Peacock Michael, orphans, 386 Rebecca, Mrs., 353 Peal,109 John, 103 Mary, 109 William, 109 Pearce,286,516,555,593,597 Abraham, 597 Abram, 556 Grover A., 432 Obadiah, 555, 595 Seth, 348, 378, 555, 595 Thomas, 378, 384, 436, 521, 561,598 William, 520 Pearcey, 362 Patience, 464 Pearcy, 573 Pearrie N.,125 Pearries, 160 Pearson Charles, 74, 75, 753 Pebbles, 115 Ephraim, I 18 Thomas, 116 Peddy Brantly, 718 Peebles, 68, 116, 141, 142,201, 253,254,279,397,445,455, 496,499,511,532,533,548, 561,571,572,573,576,590, 599,607,608,609,610,611,639 Archibald, 242, 267 Charlotte, Miss, 375 E. c., 663 Ephraim, 64, 131,223,255, 281,609,641,766 F.,445 G. S., 720 H., 360, 445, 499 H. J., 663, 721 Henry, 255,281,360,397,445, 496,532,570,608,640,700, 720 Henry, Jr., 663 Henry, Sr., 663 Howel,677 Howel J., 700 Howell, 609, 641 Isaac, 362 J.,5oo James, 720 John, 536,702 Joseph,608,640,663,715 Joseph M., 677, 700 Martha, 700 S.,447 T., 396, 448, 496 Thomas, 59,121,122,156, 255,281,360,395.445.499. 532,572,608,640,663,700, 720,766,779 Thomas, Exc', 255, 281 Thomas J., 721 Peel, 56, 57,129,131,140,141, 144,145,177,178,180,188, 189,190,191,221,224,226, 228,229,252,254,255,256, Peel, 277, 279, 283, 298, 307, 308, 357,359,361,363,391,395, 399,400,439,440,449,483, 496,499,500,503,504,533, 534,540,554,571,573,575, 578,579,609,617,766 A.,444 Bailey, 130 Christian, 628 E. Fort, 500 Elisa F., 540 Eliz, 616 1.,360,361,362,365,391,447, 453,504 James G., 540, 616 John, 19,21,24,27,56,60,65, 130,131,132,140,141,189, 281,283,307,308,336,338, 345,360,399,449,499,500, 539,540,628,657,756,757, 765, 768, 782 John, Estate, 709 John G., 579 John, Jr., 140, 180, 190,226, 252 John M. W., 613 John, Sr., 189,226,252,360, 616 John, trustee, 500 John W. M., 579 M.,74, 140,760 Mary, 130, 133, 140 R., 364,400,402 R., Estate, 539 Richard, 19,24,140,141,180, 189,228,257,283,298,345, 400,453,504,727 Richard, Estate, 579, 614 Richard L., 711 Thomas, 540, 616,628,656 Thomas, Jr., 671 William, 19,21,24,27,56,65, 130,140,180,190,338,345, 756, 765 William R., 727 Pell John, 671 Rutte, 671 Pelott, 578 Pemberton, 430, 431 Pendleton, 115, 136, 151, 152, 153,417,740,755,766,802 Elisha, 161 Henry, 118, 161 Lewis, 788 M. G. E., property of, 124 S.,788 Solomon, 422, 736, 740, 788, 789 Solomon, AS, 730 William, 147 Pendrey. 264, 3 I7 John,219,247,275,297,471, 489 Robert, 687 Robert T., 671 Sarah,266 Pendry,354,372,387,414,462, 511,525,544,585,602,621,633 Elizabeth, 668 Pendry John, 354,387,437,525,563, 603 R. 1., 657, 715 Richard F., 525, 564 Robert J., 628 Pengrave, 203 Pengray, 288 Pengrove, 159, 165,233 Penington Augustus, 671 John; 677 Sion Heres, 680 Thomas, 671 William, 671 Pennelton, 132 Pennington, 72, 73,108,302,410, 764 Augustus, 687 Elizabeth, 460, 510, 547, 585, 586,625,649 Elizabeth, Adm', 510 John, 578,628,661,700 John A., 469 Leon, 68 Mary, orphan, 473 Nancy, 365,404,473 Nancy, widow, 473 S.,771 S., Estate, 51O S., orphans, 585, 586, 624 S., orphans of, 547 Sion, 10,247,287,314,335, 369,410,771 Sion, Grd", 410 Sion, heirs, 649, 667 Thomas, 223, 451, 540, 581, 613,628,657,681,687,691 Thomas H., 687 Thomas, orphan, 473 William, 108, 133, 179, 191, 228,258,282,298,657,687, 715 William, orphans of, 473 Penroe, 437 Penrow John, 211 Pentecost Freeman L., 298 Penticost Freeman, 284 Freeman L., 406, 477 Peobles, 224 Ephraim, 141, 180, 189 Henry, 780 Thomas, 63, 64, 73,180,190, 224, 775, 780 Thomas, Exc', 224 Peoples, 72, 225, 307, 308 Ephraim, 296 Henry,64,307, 781, 782 Isaac, 63, 64, 782 Thomas, 64, 307,759,781,782 Perdew, 253 Artimissa, 677 Benjamin, 254, 671 Hiley, 671 Jackson,677 James, 254 James F., 677 870 Perdew James M., 677 John, 677 John G., 681 Mary, 677 Narcissa, 677 Newton, 671 Robert,677 William, 254, 677 Perdue, 81, 141, 180, 190,279, 307,356,384,396,561,570, 609,610,612,627,640,641, 642,647,771 B. M. R.,663 B. R., 640, 663, 715 Benjamin, 236, 279, 307, 360, 396,609 Benjamin N., 687 Elizabeth, 609 G., 396 H. B., 609 Hancisa H., 701 Hillary, 663 Hillery, 641 Hillory, 610, 687 Hillrey, Estate, 715 J. F. M., 663 J. M.,640 Jackson, 700, 721 James, 21, 27, 65,180,190, 280,307,360,397,445,608, 609,641,777,779 James, Estate, 663 James F., 399, 612, 687 James, Grd", 609 James M., 663, 691,716 James T., 630 John, 73,360,399,571,610, 640,663,700,781 John G., 609, 649, 667, 707, 725 Maig?,721 Mary, 663, 700 Newton, 609, 628, 657, 687, 715 Permillia C. J., 609 R. W. B., 641, 700 Robert, 721 W.,445 William, 21, 27, 65, 73,108, 131,141,180,190,225,279, 280,307,308,344,360,396, 397,663,700,755,757,777, 778,779,781 William, Estate, 608, 609 William, Sr., 225 Perduo John, 721 Perirco Obediah, 669 Perkins, 109,543 B., 65 Benjamin, 21, 56, 108, 130, 765 Benjamin, agent, 130 Daniel, 161, 164 Philip, 628, 667. 681, 707, 725 Robert, 707 S. S., 704 S. S., Estate, 723 Stephen, 667 Index Perkins Stephen S., 620 Stephen T ., 681 Stephens, 649 Susannah, 236,289,318,369 Perorec Nancy, 677 Perrey Joel H., 468 Perrie, 166, 235,266,289,317 Perry, 124,370,413,439,489, 526,563, 601 Isaac, 896, x Joel, 429 P. V., 669, 683, 727 R. V., 712 Perry, GA, 423 Person George, 278 Persons, 770 Per~,27,65, 140, 141, 158, 179, 180,190,191,255,395,396, 765 Alfred,396 Edward, 180, 190, 253 Edward, orphans, 398 Jesse, 141, 179, 180, 190, 191, 280,306,360,398 Jesse, Jr., 254 Jesse, Sr., 255 Mrs., 359 Nancy, widow, 398 Needham, 141, 179, 189, 279, 306,360,398 Prossy, 303 William, 140, 179, 190, 254, 280,307, 360,396 Petegrue, 106 Peter Ray, person of color, 264 Peterson Jacob, 123, 161, 164 Jacob, agent, 165 William, I31 Philip Micajah, 677 Scott, 284 Solomon, 350 Philips,432,436,484,503, 520, 523, 557, 598, 771,784 Ashley, 467 , 488,522,599 Ashley, Admr , 599 D. G., 720 David G., 687 H., 486 Hardy, 436 John C., 488 Micajah, 640, 721 Michael, 663 S.,784 Solomon, 382,434,485, 559, 599 William, 640, 663, 677, 721 Phillips, 177, 192, 203,309, 560, 623,639 Ashley, 77, 559 Ashley, Adm', 559 D., 207 Hamrick, 269 Himbrick, 249 Hymrick,3\O Phillips Micajah, 700 Solomon, 207, 216, 244, 273, 301 William, 700 Willis, 721 Philman, 271 Phineze John, 675 Robert M., 675 Robert M., agent & trustee, 675 Phinizy L. H., 697 R. M., 696 R. M., trustee, 697 Phinny D. H.,719 R. M., Sr., 719 R. M., Sr., trustee, 719 Phippin Philip, 133 Pickering Benjamin, 184 Gabriel, 152, 171 Pickeron G ., 137 Pickerson Gabriel, 136 Piddy James H. , 719 Pience William, 687 Pierce, 130, 150, 173,239,241, 242, 295,308, 311,482, 516, 558, 785 A., 762 Abraham, 149,172 Abraham, agent, 172 Abraham, trustee, 149 Abram, 481, 519, 762 Alan, agent, 138 Elizabeth, 197 Elizabeth, trustee, 197 Elizabeth, widow, 241 John, 431,468,483 Milley, 712 Milly,681 Obadiah, 467, 653 Obediah, 525, 681, 712 Sarah, 288 Seth, 59, 60,150,170,197, 241 , 268, 295, 430,467 , 481, 525, 772 Thomas, 428, 429, 467, 468 , 482,488 Thomas, Estate, 683 William, 149 William A. , 671 Pierce County, GA, 423 Piercey, 109 Piercy, 406,499, 533 Pierson, 122 Piland Cristian, 686 James, 227, 258, 473 Robert, 227, 257 Pilland James, 298 Pilott Christian, 671 Pine Hill, 69 Pinkston, 41, 72 Pinson, 158 Pior, 530, 531,535,565, 612, 632 A., 723 Allen T. B., 673 E., 445 H., Estate, 526 Hezekiah, 441, 493 Hezekiah, orphan, 793 ireene, orphan, 793 John,445,475,491,526,566 Mary, 633, 659 N.,450 Nancy, widow, 793 Narcessa, 493 , 529 Narcissa, orphan, 793 Narsessa, 441 Robert, 475, 758 Robert, deceased, 793 Vilanta, orphan, 793 Piors Robert, children, 652 Pipkin, 630, 633 Dicy, 716 H. B., 75, 441 H. B., Admr , 442, 659 Harry B., 492 Harvey, 783 Harvey B., 357, 391, 475, 530, 567 Harvey B., Estate, 691 Harvy B., 791 Heava 8., 673 Mary, widow, 475 , 793 N. B., 633 Philip J., 718 Pipkins Harvey B., 605 Pitman, 44, 49, 450 PItman, 502 Pitman, 539, 628,750 George P., 753 James, 537, 628, 657, 671 , 687, 715 Jesse, 200, 236, 257, 282, 298, 537,671,687 Philip, 114, 128 Phillip, 174 Robert, 282,298, 362,451, 473 , 502,537, 628, 671 Robert P., 657 Stephen, 628,657,671 Pitt Anthony V., 236 Pittman, 43,363,40I,579,613, 614,615,616, 777 George, 49 James, 577, 615 Jesse, 577 Robert, 257,40l , 578, 613 Platt, 157 Plyand, 628 Poe R. F., 712 Pointer, 124 Poke Abner, 617 Poland Amelia C., 718 871 Poland Amelia F., 693 M. C., 718 T . N.,718 Thomas N., Atty at Law, 693 Willis c., 693 Poler, 105, 152 Polhill F. M., heirs, 704 F. U., 665 Frances M., 646 Francis M., 679 Gross, 723 Jane M ., 704 Margaritte, 635 Nathaniel, 601 , 635, 660, 674 R. M., 665 , 674, 704 Rebecca, 601, 646 T. H., 723 T . H. & A J., 645 T . H. & A. J., 646, 696 T . H., Admr , 723 T . H., AT, 704 T. H., AT, Adm', 704 T . H., AT, agent, 704 T. H., AT, Grd", 704 T. H. , AT, trustee, 704 T. H., Grd", 723 Thomas H., 602, 665, 679 Thomas H., trustee, 675 Polk,73, 180, 189,223,254,447, 496 , 532,533,570,780 C.,446 John, 63, 73, 751 Jonathan, 189,254 Jonathan, Grd" , 189 Micajah, 180, 189, 224, 254, 760 Micajah, Grd", 180, 224,254 Micajah, heirs, 189 Samuel,445 Pollard, 427 Anne E., orphan, 792 E. H., orphan, 792 James M., orphan, 792 Phebe B., orphan, 792 Richard, orphan, 792 Robert, 427 Thomas H., orphan, 792 William, 124 Pollet, 496 David, Estate, 508 Pollett David, 128,453 Polly Franky, 124 Polts, 120 Pomfery free person of color, 719 Pond Arrington , 63 Badrick, 131 Bowdens,63 Bowden's, 88 Brushy, 19, 764 Butler's, 89 Clark's Mill, 26 Clarks MiII, 807 Cypress, II, 17 Hickory, 353 Index Pond Hood's , 65 John Way's, 74 John Way's Mill, 783 Kelly's, 810 Leitner, 90 Mill,17 Union Mill, 90 William Allen, 102 Ponder, 602, 606 Dawson, 529 Elendon, 711 Elenor, 673 Elinor, 633, 659 Ellinor.727 Ephraim, 599 J. J., MD. 727 John , 711 John J., 633, 659 MiIl, 783 Stapleton Mill, 24, 806 William J.. 633, 659, 727 Ponshees John, 118 Pool, 135, 140, 179,180,190,252, 255, 281 , 360,397,442, 532, 570, 573 , 609,610,638, 639,641 A., 503 Aaron, 141 , 308, 362, 400, 446, 572, 758 Aaron , Estate, 223, 249 Aron, 132,499, 536 0. , 499 Dicey, 448 Dicy, 499 Eleander, 181 Elizabeth, 570, 608, 663, 702 Elizabeth, Estate, 678 Hardy, 252,281 , 306, 362, 400, 537, 641,663, 677 Isaac, 640, 663, 677 Isaac B., 700, 721 J. , 499 J. H., 663 James , 306, 359, 396, 447, 499, 532.571,608, 640,663,677, 700, 720, 782 James, agent, 677 James H.. 570, 608 John. 227. 258 Joseph. 130, 143. 180. 190, 224.226.252. 279. 306,359. 396 Josiah, 641, 663, 677 Michael, 721 Michael W., 700 R.,448 Richard. 362 S., 395. 445. 500 Samuel, 281. 306, 394,445, 496 Samuel. Estate. 641 T. W., 723 William. 495 Poolar Joseph,765 Pooler, 154, 169,207,214, 217, 238, 244, 251 . 269, 271.273, 302, 346,384, 488.515 Quinton. 15.34, 78, 342,753 Pope, 125 Abner, 251, 298, 365, 399, 449, 473, 499,531 , 575 Elijah, 355, 408, 457 Jonathan, 715 Robert, 687, 715 W. P. CS, 718 William, 657 William P., 671 Porch William, 150 Porcher Francis, 318 Pordue, I07 Pornky free of color, 693 Port Aemon, 412 Raiford,415 Porter, 312, 433 Posner J. G., deceased, Estate. 371, 413 Joseph G., 116, 123, 160, 164, 205,233 , 265,289, 316 Joseph G. , Grd n, 316 Selvy, 590 Silva, 678 Silvy, 665 Silvy, Estate, 645 Silvy S., 462, 508 Sylva S., person of color, 370 Sylvia, 548 Sylvia S., 320, 321, 322, 414 Post A., 545 Acmon, minor, 484 Poston Henry, 124 Thomas, 727 Pothers Thomas, 124 Potilla Henry, 316 Potter, 447, 448 Edward, 711, 727 Potts, 125 John , 125 , 160 Poulk, 107, 108 John , 108 Jonathan, 107 Micajah. 107. 109 Pound Stephens. 788 Powel, 275, 296, 297, 308, 309, 310, 311,314, 430,431 , 477, 479,481,482,487,502,506, 509, 510,772 Aden. Estate, 509 Coleman, 309, 429 Elbert, orphan, 468 Elizabeth, 683 Elizabeth, Adm', 712 Elizabeth, Exc'. 712 Francis H., 677 Francis H., agent. 677 J., 482 Jason, 430, 481,712 John , 116, 309.427.479.510 John, agent, 427 John w., 677 Powel Owen, 677 Polly, 468 R.,456 Reuben, 468 Richmond, orphan, 468 Ruth,787 Sarah,502 Sarah, orphan, 468 Stephen, 105 Theoph, Estate. 430 Theophilus, orphans of, 468 William, 779 William c., 495 Powe1e Sion,678 Powell, 59, 77, 109,110, Ill, 129, 134, 135,137.138,150, 151, 153,154,155,169,170,171, 172, 173, 192, 193, 194, 196, 197,198, 207,215,217,218, 227,239, 240, 241,243,245, 256,257, 267,268,269,271, 272.283, 286,287, 301,314, 346,347, 348,349,364,377, 378,380,381 , 383,384,385, 400, 402, 411,436,451 , 459, 460, 478, 514, 515,518,519, 544, 550,555,556,586,587, 592,595,624, 774,790 A., 369 Aden, Estate, 460 Adin, 369, 412, 712 Adin, trustee, 412 Ann , widow, 544 Benjamin, 120 Coleman, 240, 267, 368, 375 0 ., 347, 350,351,382, 383, 412 Doctor, 370 Dr., 759 Frances, 640 Francis, 663 1.,208 J. , 427, 430. 773 J. R., MD, 723 Jason , 349, 380, 518,555, 595 Jason, Estate, 653, 669 Jason, Grdn • 555 John, 47, 60, 61 , 68,69, 70, 77, 136,138, 139, 150, 160,166, 171 , 194, 206, 215 , 240, 268, 281 , 289, 347, 376, 640,735, 751 , 771,774,776,777,779 John, agent. 376 John , deceased, Estate, 218 John, Doc .. 77 John, Dr., 14, 415,773 John. Estate. 547 John, Exc', 171,215 John M., 536, 576 John. MD, 234, 264, 289, 318, 463 John N. , 663 John, PP. 206 John, Sr., 199 John W., 536, 612, 700 Joseph, 365 Jrohn, Dr. , 344 Micajah H.. OM, 234 872 Powell Nathan, Captain, 130 Orion, minors, 663 Polly,519 Reuben, 138,150, 173, 198, 349,380 Reuben K., 349 Reubien, 768 Rheuben, 241 , 267 Ruben, 116 Ruth. 54 S., 137, 172 Sarah, 282, 451 Sarah, agent. 401 Sarah, widow, 469 Sion, 536,576,612,640, 663 Stephen, 110, 137, 153,740, 788, 789 Stephen, deed, Estate, 171 , 215 Stephen, heirs, 194 T., 59, 772 Theophilus, 349, 380, 518 Theopoles, 241 Theopolis, 268,295 W.,457 widow, 54 William, 62, 227, 257, 281 , 297, 345, 362, 364, 402, 453, 468, 473 William, Adm', 402 William, Grdn, 453 Prator Daniel, 54, 787 Presbytery of Monaghan, 20. 340 Prescoat George M. , 721 J. R., 632, 633 J. T., 640 Joseph, 721 Talbot, 721 Prescott, 640 James T., 700 John , 119, 571 John A., 700 Lucy M., 571 Preston, 124 Price, 109, 113, 114, 137, 148, 150,155,167,174,196,198, 207, 216,229,230.259, 260, 285, 312,313,346, 365 , 367, 374, 377 , 405,407,415, 455, 456, 457, 460,505, 506, 541, 542, 581.582.617.618. 620. 623,635 , 636, 637,653, 752, 761 Abram, 459 Absolom, 142 Benjamin, 625 E. , 366. 406 Edmond. 113, 126, 128 Edmond. Jr. , 126 Edward, 59, 760 J., 366. 405, 406, 457 John, 105. 135. 138. 155. 167, 207, 216, 240, 259,269, 284, 542 Joseph,43, 126, 174, 198, 230. 259,285,312,367, 405, 455, 505,541 , 582.617, 636, 661, 675,696.785 Joshua, 636, 661 Index Price Lott,347 Milly, 653, 723 Nancy, 269 Obadiah, 723 Patrick, 623 Pledge, 505 Robert, 712, 723 S.,366 Virginia Polhill, ii W.,425 William, 7,135,137,197 Young, 697 Young, Grd", 697 Prichard W. A., 667 William A., 681 Prichett Cairo, 649 Roland,270 Prico Joseph,719 Prince, 174,232,313,368,456, 508,510 C.,407 Captain, 146, 147, 148, 149, 161 George, 59,114,127,147,764 John, 147,754 Joseph, 113 Mary, 128, 147 S.,461 Sarah, 232, 315 Sarah, widow, 262 Prince George (ship), II, 13, 14, 15,20,335,336,339,340,341, 342,344 Prior, 81,107,132,142,143,181, 182,187,188,222,242,277, 278,279,304,305,306,307, 308,357,361,390,391,392, 393,394,399,569,604,607, 636, 755 A.,359 Abraham, 392 Absolam, 132, 276, 357 Absolem, 303 Absolom, 183, 187 E., 359, 389 Estate, 396 John,356 Mary, 608 Mary, Mrs., 673 R., 80, 360 R., deceased, 390 R., deceased, Estate, 389 R., Estate, 781 Robert, 107, 132, 182, 187, 251,279,305,358,359,606, 775 Priscoat James T., 663 Pritchet Rodan, 239 Pritchett Roden, 236 Rodom, 348, 593 Rowland, 70, 784 William A., 593 Proctor, 533 William,211 Province, 335 Pry,303 Pryon Mary, 712 Pryor, 221,222, 223,225,250, 251,278,478,493,495,527,565 A., 441 Absolom, 249 Absolom, Esquire, 223 Mary, 441, 565, 605 Mary, widow, 492, 528 R.,775 Robert, 221, 492 PubsleY,642 Pugesley John, 188 Pugh, 117, 149 Francis, 421, 422, 790 PughJey, 355 Pughsley Joe John, 80 John, 223,779 John Dr., 126 Puglsey Elenor, 531 John, M. 0.,278 John, MD, 252 Pugsley, 279, 529, 566, 608, 641 A. S., 721 Eleanor, 492 J. A., 721 J. A., Estate, 663 Joe John, 81 John, 164,303,444,606,781 John, Esstate, 569 John, Estate, 492, 531, 641, 663 John J., 721 John, M. D., 394 John, MD, 358 John, Physician, 116 John, Practitioner Physick, 159 R. 1., 606, 641,663 Robert, 569 Robert J., 687 Robert, minor, 531 S. A., 641 S. A., MD, 701 Sidney, 565, 604 Pugsly, 632 Robert, 677 Sidney A., 677 Sidney A., trustee, 677 Puico W. A., 715 Pulaski County, GA, 423 Pullen, 303 Pulliam William, 103 Purcell Jeff, i PurceY,448 Purco Milly, 669 Purdue, 497,498,532,534,535, 536,572,574 Benjamin, 447,498 Benjamin R., 572 Elizabeth, 572 Purdue H. B., 572 Hillory, 536, 576 James, 225, 397, 446, 447, 499, 536,571,572 James F., 449, 572 James, Grd", 572 John,447,498,535 John G., 572 Newton, 447, 497, 534, 537, 574 Newton, Exc', 497 Pemilla D. J., 572 W.,447 William, 80,447,572 William, Estate, 497, 536 Purer Thomas, Estate, 668 Purico Thomas, 652 Purolble? William, deceased, 131 Pur~s, 131, 191,224,225,385, 446,498,533,535,572,573, 608,612,614 Alfred, 447, 499 Ballinger, 573 David B., 572, 607 Ed, heirs of, 497 Edward,226 Edward, heirs, 448, 609 Edward, orphans, 575 Godfrey, 495 Jesse, 64, 65, 224, 448, 499, 571,607,758,780 Jessee, 641 Jessie, 131 John, 535 Mary, heirs of, 532, 572 Nancy, 448,571,608,640, 663, 700 Nancy, Estate, 721 Needham, 21, 24, 225, 344, 447,492,532,565,604 William, 224,445,447,463, 499,532,775,780 William B., 532 William, Jr., 573, 612 William Y., 575, 609 Pusco William A., 657 Putnam County, GA, 423 Pyland Christian, 469, 502, 537, 578, 613,628,657 Christiana, widow, 402 James, 193,284,364,402,469, 502 Pyat, orphan, 469 Robert, orphan of, 469 Pytate Christian, 473 Prety, 473 Prety, orphan, 473 Robert, 473 <! <!uaker settlement, 798 Quaterrnan Grayland, i 873 Quatla? Thomas, 57 Quebec, 339 Queensborough,8,29 Queensborough, 743, 744 <!ueensborough, 746 Queensborough or the Irish Town and Its Citizens, ii <!ueensborough Society, 20, 340 <!ueensborough Township, 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 15, 17, 19,20,28,29, 31,32,335,336,339,341,342, 743,744,745,804 <!ueensborough Townsite, 30, 33, 68,335,340 <!uincey, 648 John,275 Martin, 274 Sarah,647 Quincy, 287 Hinson, 467 Quinery Hinson, 708 Quiney Hinson, 667, 725 Mahail,725 Martin, 248 Quinn Ken, i <!uinney Elizabeth,583 Hinson, 523,680 John, 316, 355,471 Martin, 299,471,770 Mary, Estate, 459 Nancy, widow, 471 Sarah, orphans, 597 <!uinny Hinon, 681 Hinson, 562, 599, 649 Jabak, agent, 665 Mahaly, 601 Sarah,679 <!uiny Mahaly,724 Mary, 717 Sarah,723 R Rabb,211 Hezekiah, 431 Rabey Richard, 244 Rabun County, GA, 423 Racheals Dixon, 725 Joseph,725 Rachel Miles, 789 Rachels Jeremy, i Joan Brewer, i T. Larry, i Rae John, 17,337,743 Raford, III Ragland Hudson, 314 Raglen Hudson, 223, 263, 287 Index Raglen Hudson, Grd", 263 Raglir Robinson, 581 Raiford,68, 109, 137, lSI, 153, 155,169,170,171,172,185, 195,196,209,213,215,238, 239,240,246,268,269,270, 273,274,289,300,301,308, 309,310,315,346,347,348, 370,372,374,375,376,377, 414,424,425,426,427,428, 434,460,461,462,477,478, 479,484,488,509,511,514, 515,516,520,526,532,550, 552,553,591,593,774,777, 784,785 A., 477 A. G., 315, 371,411,460,794 A. G., agent, 371 A. G., Grd", 414 A. H., 725 Alexander, 267 Augustus B., 552, 598 B., 78, 377, 516, 770 Baldwin, 215, 240, 270, 308, 377,425,480,515,553,593 Baldwin, agent, 425, 480, SIS Baldwin, Exc', 270, 308, 377, 480,515,553 Baldwin, Grd", 308, 377, 425, 480 Bennet, 70, 270 Bennett, 185, 775 Borden, 465 Campbell, 465 Capel, 464, 477, 683 Captain, 87, 109, 110, III, 12O, 136,137,138 Cassel,669 E. M., 653 E. W.,669 Elijah H., 425 Elisa, 348 Elisa H., 516 Eliza H., 377, 480, 553 Hamilton, 553, 591, 649, 667, 708, 725 Isaac, 70, 71,185,309,774 Isaac M., 269 Isaac M., R. T. R. J. c., 373 Isaac W., 238, 371, 415, 460, 484 Isaac W., agent, 484 Isaac W., R. T. R., 415 J., 16,78,79,85,768 J. W., 67, 76, 463, 783 James R., 553, 593 John, 8, 16, 135, ISS, 169,209, 215,245.270.308,553.593. 757.768 John, deceased, Estate, 377 John, Estate, 348, 425. 480. 515.776 John 1., 352 John S., 274, 300. 385. 595 John S., Adm', 300 Kenneth, 465 Lee R., 480 Lucy, 308,348 Raiford Lucy R., 377, 425 M., 290, 371, 415, 754, 776 M., Estate, 514 M., Sr., 346 Mary E., 725 Mathew, 70, 71,185,236,269, 309, 774 Matt, 376 Matthew, 238, 346 Matthew, Jr., agent, 426 Maurice, 238,270,761 Maurice, agent, 270 Maurice, Jr., 346, 376 Maurice, Jr., agent, 376 Maurice, Jr., Grd", 377 Maurice, Sr., 346, 375 Morice, 110 Morrice, 514 Morrice, Exc', 514 Morris, 71,136,138,153,172, 196,213,309,774,775 Morris, Estate, 477 Morris, Jr., 309, 426, 477 Morris, Jr., agent, 477 Morris, Jr., Exc', 477 Morris, orphans of, 465 Morris, Sr., 426 Moses, 70 Nathan, 477 P., 347, 371 P. H., 460 Philip, 245, 315 Philip, Grd", 245 Sarah,308 William, 545 Railroad Old S & A, 56 Raimon, 229 Rainey, 647, 755 E. A., 708 E. A., 708, 725 Elisha A., 725 F. J., 649, 707 Fedrick J., 591 Frederick, 575 John, 122 John W., 708 J. W., 708, 725 Nancy, 708 Rains Hamilton, 727 William, 712, 727 Rainy John, 138 Nancy, 725 Raley Isaac,Sr., 315 Richard, 271 Ralis.316 Ramey Randal. 130 Ramon Clark, free person of color, 682 Ramsey, 140, 180, 189.649 Ramsy M. A .. Estate, 557 Randalson Andrew, 135 William, 135 Randley,790 Randolph,158 B., 122 Raney, 591 Rankins, 143, 182,222,250,303 Rann William, 204 Raod Carswell, 810 Louisville, 77 Ratcliff, 144 Rauch Steven J., i Rawles Isaac, 148 Isaac, Jr., 288 Isaac, Sr., 263, 287 Shedrack, 287 Rawls, 312, 554, 596, 762 Isaac, 118,176,198,233,371 Isaac, Jr., 263, 315 Shadrack,233,262,314 Ray, 202,218,315,462 Abram, 324, 330, 331, 332, 333 Ann, 369, 412 John, 763 John Eli, 324 Mary Ann, 324 Nancy, 324 Peter, 320, 321, 322, 324,679 Peter Brinson, 324 Peter, free negro, 156, 209 Peter, person of color, 271, 300, 370,413 Read Rowland, 350 William, 12, 13,32,339 Reas John, 791 Reason Luiza, 650 Reaves, 108 Red,203 Reece, 227,457,458,501,506, 543 Sara, 457 Reed,IIO Augustus H., 468, 548 J. B., 548 John B., 409, 430, 519 Robert, 116 Roland,483 Sarah,681 Reedy Hiram, 595 John B., 371, 480, 649 Rolin, 468 Sarah,725 Reedy Bluff, 311 Reeling. 182 Rees, 102, 103. 104. 113. 128,227, 228.282,283.284,312,315. 367,408 John, 128.228.312,751.752, 771 John B .. 71 Joseph, 118 Sarah, Mrs., 367 Sarah, widow. 408 William, 364 874 Rees Bluff, 409 Reese, 145, 146, 177, 178, 193, 194,257,585 J.,I46 John, 49, 102, 126, 145, 177, 193,260,282 John B., 62 Mrs., 401 Sarah, widow, 469 Reeses Children, 681 Reesey minors, 708 Reeves, 480, 481 Reid, 124, 138, 149, 150, 172, 173 Augustus H., 594 Captain, 149, 150, 151, 161, 172,173,184,185 Isabella, 173 Issabella, 160, 211 John B., 551, 593 Robert, 149, 173 Robert, agent, 138, 173 William, deceased, 759 Ren Francis, 306 Renfro, 109 Renn, 225 Frances, 225 Renwick John, 305,442 Resolution of General Assembly, 787 Revis John,641 Revolutionary War, 9, II, 13, 14, 15,17,18,19,744,795,796, 797,800 Rex John, 136 Reynolds, 526, 529 Charles, liS, 127 G.C.,715 Harriet, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327,328,329,330,331,332, 333 Harriet, free of color, 717 William, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327,328,329,330,331,332, 333 William, free of color, 717 Rhaney E. A.,681 John W., 681 Nancy, 681 Rhany F. T., 681 Rhauy Estate, 680 Rheinsy F. J .. Estate. 667 Rhodes, 172,267.287,455,505, 571 A., 499 Captain, liS. 116. 12O Charles, 138, 149 Rice J.,356 John, 236. 347 Index Ricey Childress, 652 Rich Shaderick, 469 Shadrack, 504 Richard John, 338,766 Richardson, 190 Daniel, 141, 190 Daniel, Jr., 190 Philip, 124 Timothy, 8, 730 Walker, 46 Richman Samuel,127 Richmond, 221 Allen, 656 B., 566 Samuel,184 Richmond County, GA, 5, 8, 39, 42,47, 72,80,318,373, 423, 549,787,805,809, ix, v, vi, vii Ricks,270,409,460, 774 J., 426 John, 8,61,62,110, 152,172, 196,268,766,776 Richard, 15,34, 78, 110,342, 753 Wilson, 352, 382, 433, 489 Ricky James L., 454 Riddle, 192 Riddleville, GA, 89, 90, 795 Riedsville, GA, 423 Rigdon Hutchins, 443 Rimes, 627 Rine John, 766 Ringland Thomas, Physician, 116 Rinklin Ann M., 706 Edward G., 706 S. C., 704 Rinny, 640 Rinwick John,493 Rishaw John, 126 Ristivson Jesse G., 693 River Alahambra, 128 Altamaha, 98,114,118,119, 123,135,137,148,151,153, 170,195, 213,215,232,238, 239, 260, 270,286,309,311, 314,346,347,367,375,376, 408,409, 423,427,479,599, 800 Big Ohoopee, 109, 110, 111, 122,137,219,249, 288,289, 372,412 Branch of Ogeechee, 789 Broad, 102, 103,119,125,126, 129,160,206,264,290,317, 318,370,413,415,439, 463, 489,547 Broad, middle fork, 289 River Broad, south fork, 125 Canoochee, 213,218,239,247, 269,287,309,316,349,381, 383,423,431,434,481 , 485, 520,551,558,596,597 Chattahoochee, 528,576,795, 799 Crooked, 123, 159 Dead, 8, 730 Great PattIe, 124 Great Satilla, 3 I I, 3 I 2 John, 225 Little, 129, 141 , 195,243,263, 305,311,483, 494,511 , 517, 554, ix Little Ocmulgee, 366 Little Ogeechee, 8,41,45, 88, 89,102,119,122, 124,224, 244,284,366, 411,448, 460 Little Ohoopee, 109, 110, I I I, 116,145,377,404,425,452, 504,512,593 Little Sattilla, 125,266,289, 317, 409 Midway, 98 Oakmulgee, 566, 605 Ocmulgee, 86, 290, 297, 304, 305,307,309,311,314,315, 347,348,357,358,423,439, 493 Oconee, 54, 86, 104, 107, I 16, 117,119,120, 122,123,124, 125,126,127,132,138,147, 149, 155, 157, 158, 159,160, 164,165,198,200,201,202, 215,218,229,242,246,247, 267,273,274,284,289,290, 291,298, 300,302,317,352, 353,354, 379,382,384, 423, 430, 435,444,482,487,519, 521 , 557,558,597, 653 , 749, 795,799,803 Oconee, falls of, 5 I, 732 Oconee,Laground,122 Oconee, midd1eground, 125 Oconee, north fork, 125, 129 Oconee, south fork, 125 Oconee, west fork, 125 Ogeechee, 4, 8, 9,10,15,16, 18,23,30,34,35,40,41,44, 45,50,53,59,68,69,78,79, 86,87,88,89,90,91,104, 105,106, 109,110, Ill, 113, 114,115,116,117,118,119, 120,123,124,125,126,127, 128,129,131,132,133,134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 142, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152,153,154,155,157,158, 159,160,162,163,164,165, 166,167,168,169, 170,171 , 173,174,175,176,177,178, 183,194,195,196,197,198, 199,200,201,202,204,205, 208,209,210,213,214,215, 216,217,219,228,229,230, 231,232,233,234,238,239, 240,241,242,244,245,246, 247,248,255,259,260,261, River Ogeechee, 262,263, 265,266, 267,268,269,270,271,272, 273,274,283,284,285,286, 287,288,289, 290,295,296, 299,300,301,302,308, 309, 310,311,312,313,314, 315, 316, 317, 318,319, 338,346, 347,349,350,351,352,353, 354,364,365,366,367,368, 369,370,371,372,374, 375, 376,377,378,379,380,381, 382,383,384,388,402,405, 406, 407,408, 409,410, 411, 412,413,414,416,418,422, 423,424,425,426,428,429, 430,431,432, 433, 434, 436, 438,453,455, 456, 457, 458, 459,461,462,477,478,479, 480,481,482,483,484, 485, 486,488,489,490,504,505, 506,507,508,509,510,511, 514,515,516,517,518,519, 520,521,524,540,541,542, 543,544,545,546,547,550, 551,552,553,554,555,556, 557,558,559,561,581,582, 583, 584,585,586,587,588, 589,591,592,593,594,595, 596, 597,598,600,601 , 602, 616,617,618,619,620, 621, 622, 623,624,635,636, 637, 643,644,645,646,647,648, 649,651,652,653,654, 655, 730,731,734,738,741,742, 743, 744, 745, 746, 748, 749, 750,751,752,753,754,757, 758,759,765,767,768,770, 772, 773, 776, 779, 780, 782, 783, 785, 786, 788, 790, 799, 800,805,807,810, iv, ix, v, vi, vii, viii, x Ogeechee, branch of, 91 Ogeechee, head of, 116 Ogeechee, Shoals of, 127 Ogeechee, south fork, 122 Ohoopee, 105,107,114,119, 124,127,131,136,137, 138, 139,150,151,153,162,167, 170,171,172,177, 196, 197, 204,209,218,233,239, 262, 267, 269, 287,288, 307, 310, 311,314,315,346,347,349, 353,369,371,386,410,413, 461,462, 527, 596,616,779 Rocky Comfort, 654, 771 Sandy, 527 Satilla, 119,146,160,165,166, 202,205,234,235,264,289, 296,317,318,353,365 , 370, 386,413,415,439,454, 457, 463, 488,489, 510,523,526, 547 Savannah,87,90, 119, 124, 131 132,146,155, 242,267, 399, 423,593,795,800,896,x St. Mary's, 159,165,203,233, 264,288,350,359,372, 414, 462,511 , 544,585,621 , 646, 800 875 River Thomas, 8 Yazoo, 799 Rivers, 573, 608 Francis M., 293 J. F. M., 663 John, 255 John F., 677, 701, 721 Nancy, 721 Robert, 255 T. J., Estate, 701 Thes J., Estate, 721 Thomas, 293, 773 Rix,213,222,310,S44 John,213,310 Roach David K., 387 James, 152, 172, 211 Road Adams, 806 Alex Stephens, 810 Alexander, 810 Alford,808 Allen, 806 Allen Dupree, 806 Alonzo Davis, 807 Anderson Oliphant, 809 Andrew Jones, 810 Andy McNeely, 810 Arrington-Gay, 809 Atkinson, 806 Atwell Station, 809 Augusta, 8, I I, 16,29,44,51, 75,76,343,771,774,781, 783 Avera, 737, 806 Baldee, 808 Barford,42 Barrow, 809 Bartow, 81 I Bath, 57, 783 Beasley, 806 Beaverdam, 54, 55 Beck Chamlee, 808 Belmont, 23, 741 , 807 Benefield, 810 Bethel Church, 46, 806, 808 Blackjack,810 Blankenship Mill, 46 Blue Springs, 806 Bob Arrington, 809 Bostic Mill, 807 Bothwell, 807 Braddy, 808 Branch, 81 I Brett, 811 Bridges, 8 I Brittany, 806 Brooks, 806 Brown Terrace, 807 Bruce Ivey, 806 Brushy Creek, 809 Bunion Philips, 806 Burke, 809 C. B. Lamb, 807 Campground, 809 Caraway, 808 Carson, 809 Cato, 806 Cedar, 809 ° Index Road Cedar Grove, 806 Charles Smith, SIO Charlie Williams, S07 Clark, S06 Clarks Branch, S06 Clarks Mill, 737, S06 Claxton, SII Clotyde, S06 Cobb, S07 Coleman Chapel, 684, SOS Coons, SOS Cooper, SOS Cox, SOS Creek End, 806 Crouch,807 Cunningham Comer, 811 D. M. Goodson, 811 D. Ponder, 807 Davisboro, 89 Donald Cobb, 319, 807 Dry Creek, S10 Duhart Church, 807 Dukes, 737, 808 Durham, 55, 88 E. A. Goodson, 80S Eddie Beasley, S06 Eden Church, 810 Edgehill, 806 Eleon Newsome, S07 Ellis Cemetery, 809 Faglier, S06 Farm Lane, 809 Farmers Bridge, 90 Farrer, 810 Fenn's Bridge, 49 Fenns Bridge, 741 Fenn's Bridge, 7S3 Firetower, S06 Flournoy, S07 Forstman, S07 Fort Creek, 54 Fred Evans, 811 Friendship Church, 90, S07 G. W. New, S07 Gamble Mill, 806 Gamble School, S06 Gaynesboro, 8 Gene Howard, 806 Gene Purvis, S07 George Davis, 783 Georgetown, 49 Ghant, 807 Gibbs, S06 Gibson-Hadden, 88,89 Greens Old Mill, 91,184 Green's Old Mill, 80S Grough,810 Gus Perdue, 809 Hadden Pond, 806 Hancock, 811 Hannah Branch, 810 Happy Valley, 54 Hardeman, 807 Harper Patterson, 54 Hart, 807 Hatcher Mill, S06, S09 Hedgerow,81Q Hobbs,46,&lO Holley, &06 Road Holt, SOS Horseshoe, S07 Howard Mill, S09 Hoyt Braswell, S09 Huber, 54 Hudson, SOS Irby,S06 Iron Hill, SS Ivey Branch, S06 Ivy Branch, S07 Jackson,59, 771,811 Jamestown , 809 Jasper Davis, S07 Jesse James Pond, 809 Jim & Joe Usry, 89 Joe McKenzie, S7, 90, 807 John Hattaway, 807 John Perdue, 809 John Pervis, 807 John Sheppard, 806 John Stanley, SS, S10 Jordan, 807 Josey, S08 Kelly, 54 Kelly Quarter, 806 Kelly's Pond, 810 Kennedy, 811 Kindon, 808 Kings Mill, S09 Lakes Williams, 806 Lambert's Wagon, 343 Leaptrott, 811 Lewis, SIO Lincoln Park, S11 Little Creek, 806 Lockheart, 810 Lone Star, 810 Long Branch, S06 Lonnie Purvis, 807 Lonny Purvis, 87, S9 Louiseville, 57 Louisville, 12, IS, 19,20,23, 25,49,59,67,76, 7S, 734, 735,765,768,770,771,772, 782, 784 Louisville-Grange, 741 Louisville, to, 69 Mae Lamb, 810 Malloy, 811 Marion, 807 Marshell, S06 Martin, 806 Mathis, S06 Mayfield, ix Mays Grove, 810 McCroan's Bridge, 810 McGruder Rosier, S9 McNair, S09 McNeil,23 McNeil's, 18 McNeils, 769 Meadows, 811 Memorial, 809, 811 Mennonite Church, S7 , SS, S07 Menonite Church, 25 Middle Ground, S09 Midd\egt\)\U\d,lM, '&\0 Mill Creek, x Miller Place, 809 Road Minor, SOS Mole, SIO Moore, 806 Mosley Chapel, S09 Moxley, S7 , S07 Moxley-Bartow, SOS Mt. Horeb Church, S09 Mt. Moriah, S09 Nelson, SIO New Fleming, S07 Newman Smith, 294, SOS Nikkel,807 Nimrod,810 Noah Station, 809 Norton Mill, S09 Oak Brove, 807 Ocala, 809 Ohoopee, 62, 71, 779, 791 Ok ley, 806 Old, S10 Old Bethel, 807 Old Dublin, 51 Old Luckey Bridge, 809 Old Quaker, 74, 81, 783, 809 Old Savannah, 799 Old School, 806 Old Stapleton, 806 Old Thomson, 806 Old Trading, 46, 7S7 Old Warrenton , 809 Omaha, S06 Omieha Spring, S06 Owens Mill, S09 Ozier Russell, 806, 809 Pagent, S09 Paradise, 809 Parrish Place, S09 Patterson Cemetery, S09 Pendry, S06 Perdue, S09 Pervis Grove Church, S07 Pete Smith, SII Philli ps, 55 Pierce, 59 Pinetucky, 808 Plumrnersville, 80S Pollett, SOS Pughsley, S06 Pundt, 808 Punk Tarver, S07 Purvis School, 54 Quaker, 8,27,65, 74, 760, 798 Recan Place, 809 Reese Jones, 808 Rheney, S11 Rhodes Place, 806 River, 34, 810, 811 Ri vers, 55, S7 Robert Lamb, 805 Rocky Comfort, 807 Rosier, 810 Roy Gay, 809 Salter, 808 Sand Valley, 806, S07 Savannah, 15,38,54,85,754, 769,770,795 , 804 Scarboro, 46 Scootch Davis, 807 Screws, 808 876 Road Seale, S05 Short, S06 Smith, S11 Spann, SOS Spurgon, 809 St. Clair, 810 St. Johns Church, S11 Stapleton Mill Pond, S06 Stapleton-Warrenton, 345 Stapleton-Wrens, 345 Steep Hollow, S06 Steephollow, 46 Stone Springfield, 806 Straight, 88 Sunbury,8,52,98,99,I00 Swan, S09 Sylvan Grove, 806 Tarver Grove Church, 808 Terrell,806 Terrytown, 806 Thiele, 54 Thompson, 809 Tookes, 737 Trading, 54, 7S7 Twin Oaks, S09 Usry, S06 Verdree, S10 Walden, 805 Walden Church, S06 Walden Pond, S09 Waldo Smith, 807 Warrenton,4S, 56,345,77S Waynesboro, 51, 76 Weeks, 811 Wells, SIO Wheeler, S09 Whitaker, SS Wilcher, 807 Woodrow Smith, SOS Young, 808 Zebina, 744, S09, S10 Zoar Church, 55 Roasier David,776 Roasure David,232 Robberson George M., 723 Robbins, 543, 5S5, 588, 599 Chancy M., 665 Chancy W., 646 Chaney W., 679 Estate T . W., 679 R. C., 723 S. A., 646 S. A., Estate, 646 Samuel W., Estate, 665 Samuel W., MD, 414, 510, 545, 588,622,623 Samuel W., MD, Grd n , 588 Samuel W., MD, trustee, 588 Susan A. D., 665 Susanah, 679 Robbinson, 63S, 652 Elizabeth, 723 Jane, 646 Jesse, 646 Mrs. A., 668 W. L. B., 646 Index Robbison Gunn, 665 Roberson, 121,216,283,284,289, 563,587 Elizabeth, 679 Jonathan, 587,622 Mrs., 681 Robert, 167 Jonathan, agent, 537 Patrick, 266 Roberts, 108, 131, 138, 143, 166, 181,206,250,276 A., 81,763 Abraham, 133, 143 Arrington, 276 Harriet, 721 James, 190 John,349,382 Mary,133 N.,751 Robertson, 47, 52, 67, 70, 76, 107, 110,121,352,356,362,364, 372,400,402,453,572,575, 577,578,599,600,612,613, 614,617,773,785 A., 80 Heard,748 J.,454 James, 339 Jonathan,61,62,364, 785, 786 Matthew, 370, 409 Matthew, Adm', 370, 410 Matthew, Grd n, 410 R.,358 Rhesa B., 701 W.,767 William,488 Robesson Jane, 679 Robins, 425 R. C., 704 Samuel W., MD, 462 Susan A., 704 Robinson, 49, 123, 129, 130, 136, 145,146,160,165,178,179, 180,182,187,192,193,194, 205,207,219,225,226,228, 229,231,247,248,250,253, 258,260,263,274,275,279, 282,283,296,297,298,299, 365,404,405,413,425,437, 452,455,494,495,500,503, 505,507,508,527,528,538, 541,543,547,776 Abraham, 166,211,236 Abram, 264, 288 David, 54, 787 E., 392, 443 Edmond,81,251,766 Elizabeth, 665, 704 G., 539 George, 704 Isaac, 12, 14, 146, 164,210, 218,246,284,298,340 Isaac, trustee, 246 J., 369, 508, 782 Jacob,51,76, 160, 164,205, 264, 771, 772 Jacob, agent, 264 Jacob, Atty., 264 Robinson Jacob, Exc', 264 James, 20, 31, 75,109,137, 164,199,234,341,397 James B., 218, 246, 273, 280 James B., trustee, 246, 273, 275 James, Estate, 508 Jane, 264,290 Jane, deceased, Estate, 404 Jane, Estate, 315, 365, 453, 546,586 Jesse, 257, 287, 315, 365, 404, 453,473,508,546,586,779 Jesse, Adm', 315, 365,404, 508,586 Jesse, agent, 454 Jesse, Captain, 50, 783 Jesse, Exc', 365, 404, 453, 454, 508 Jesse, Grd n, 546, 586 Jonathan; 296, 402, 451, 473, 500,537 Nathan, 768 P.,492 Patrick, 236 Phillip, 701 W. L. B., 586 Waller, 766 Walter, 17,26,58,104,123, 126,160,164,205,206,756 Walter, Esquire, 234, 337 Walter, Estate, 264 Wi1ilam, Attorney, 290 William, 263, 290, 537 William, Exc', 290 William H., 164, 194,228,318 Robison, 117, 140,305 Isaac, 130 Robson, 307, 607 C1otworthy, 10, 14,33,335, 745 Nosworthy, 745 Rock Landing, GA, 795, 799 Rockdale County, GA, 423 Rodger John, 776 Rodgers, 194,247,252,254,256, 298,592,603,607,611,641 A. G., 667 Allen, 604, 633, 659, 673 Augustus D., 673 Cullen, 254, 283 Elcanah, 663 Elcaneh, 641 Eleana,677 Eleanor, 573 Elkanah, 609 G. M., 604, 661 G. W.,641 George W., 677 Green, 683 Henry,576,609,64I,663,677 James, 11,20,336,445,571, 641,663,677 James, agent, 677 James, Jr., 609 James, Sr., 573, 609 Jethro, 238, 552, 592 John, 247,261,298 John, agent, 298 Rodgers Julianne, 673 Mary, 649,667,683 Morgan, 467 Nancy, 247, 298 Stephen, 565 W. R.,667 William, 653 William R., 681 Ynero, 652 Roe, 295 A., 348 John, 295 Roger Lawson House, 800 Rogers, 102,106,129,144,156, 157,162,163,177,178,179, 188,192,201,202,219,220, 228,274,275,298,299,303, 350,354,358,379,387,388, 389,395,489,490,491,493, 495,496,508,521,523,528, 530,534,550,558,560,569, 593,751 Abel, deceased, Estate, 170 Abel, deceased, heirs, 214 Abel, Estate, 195,238,269 Agnes, 201, 355 Agness, 157, 162 A1en, 360, 396 Allen, 442, 475, 499, 531, 575, 793 Allis F. M., 719 Ann, 119 Benjamin, 192 C., 774 Charlotte, i Cullen, 226 Cullin, 769 David, orphans, 597 Elcanah, 716 E1kanah, 572 Enoch,530 George A., 719 George W., 701, 721 Henry, 698 J., 355, 388, 436, 445 J. W., 708 James, 19,25,32,57,102,128, 130,144,177,192,307,338, 350,395,475,497,560,754, 757,759 James, agent, 307 James, Jr., 536 James, Sr., 531 Jamse, 359 Jeremiah H., 719 Jethrew, 216 Jethro, 269, 310, 377, 427, 477, 515,718 John, 29, 32,67, 76 JOhn, 76 John, 114, 119, 121, 128, 145, 157,162,176,184,199,201, 219,275,285,313,341,354, 355,387,437,476,757,764, 783 John, Exc', 201 John L., 227 John S., 721 John, trustee, 157,219 877 Rogers Joseph, big, 350 Joseph, little, 350 Lemon, 396,475,793 Leona, 294, 319, i Many, 708 Mary, 725 Morgan, 270,432,486,522, 558,560 Morgan, agent, 522 Nancy, 11,20,28,67,76, 219, 275,336,387,437 Needham, 307 R., 354, 355, 437 Rhonie, 294, 319 Rhonie P., i Riet, 262 Robert, 11,20,28,29,32,66, 67,121,336,754,756,757, 768 S.,439 Sarah J. , 719 Stephen, 307, 360, 396, 441, 475,494,527,781,793 Theophilus, 492 Thomas, 57, 103, 130, 144, 177, 192,759 William, 716 William R., 711, 725 Roland,554 Benjamin, 261 Meriot, Grd n , 261 William, 261 Rolen, 596 Rollen, 308 Rolley Isaac, 402 Rollins, 301, 586, 611 John, 598 Robert, estate, 726 William, 687, 715 Rollison Robert, 135 Rolls Isaac, 128 John, 69, 755 Ronaldson, 104, 105, 106, 155, 164,353,386,453,488,759 Andrew, 105,464 Elizabeth, 12, 14, 106, 155, 166,205 Elizabeth, Sr., 340 Frances, 377 James, 464 Robert, 57, 106, 155, 169,759 Ronald,266 William, 155, 166,204,232, 769 William, deceased, Estate, 375 William, Estate, 348, 426, 478 William J., 464, 516 Willie, 464 Winford, 273 Ronelson, 316 Rooks, 188, 540 Abel, 537, 573, 607 Cardimon, 135 Frederick, 396 Jesse, 400 John A., 574 Index Rooks John L., 533 Serene, 408 William, 537 Zech,534 Zechariah,574 Roots Serena, 368 Rosar Theophilus, 529 Rosemary Hutson, 546 Rosier, 374, 477 Celia, widow, 465 David, 262, 287, 316 David, orphans of, 465 J.,449 John , 465 Percy, 465 Rebecca,465 Sarah,465 Stephens, 716 Rosier, GA, 84 Rosley , 234 Ross, 123, 136, 151, 152, 166,213, 239,269,289,303,309,317, 392,494,755,782,802 Captain, 490, 491, 492, 493, 494,495 Catharine, 528 Catharine, widow, 495 Catherine, 439 Catherine, widow, 390, 475 Cathrine, 356 Caty,277 David,165 District of, 794 Fanny, orphan, 475 Frances, orphan, 793 Harmon, 136 Hormon, III Hugh, 17,26,29, 160, 337 Isham, 136, 151 J.,495 James, 591 Jona, 528 Jonathan, 390, 439, 475 , 495, 793 Jonathan, agent, 390 Katy, widow, 250 Mrs. , 74, 782 N., 70, 750 Nathan, 110, 116, 136, 137, 138 Nathan, Jr., 138 Reuben, 136 Robert, 177 Thomas, 109 William, 356, 393, 467, 475, 783 William, deceased, 793 Rosser John, 108 Roundtree, 218, 247, 287, 349 Arthur, 198,247,275,355,437 William, 465 Rountree, 316 Arthur, 298,389,519 William, 459, 509 Routon, 350 Row, 430 Rowe, 239, 241, 268 David,258 John,242 Judy, widow, 473 Rowel Vincent, 104 Rowell, 349, 568 Richard, 136, 151, 170,208 Vernon, 139 Rowland James, 787 John, 114, 128, 144 Robert, 130 Roy, 546 Royal Council, 336 Royd Robert, 558 Rozar David, orphans of, 555 Rozier, 181 John, 141, 181 , 190 Stephen W., 693 Ruddle George, 576 Ruff Claton, 687 Limou, 687 Simeon, 586 Simon, 718 W. c., 718 Rufrel,265 Ruks Jonathan, 136 Runnels Harriet, free person of color, 703 William, free of color, 703 Rusher John, 132 Rushin,267 Russel, 235, 248, 275, 504, 639 Abel, 360,445,498,532,663 John, 663 Thomas, 131 Russell, 149, 158, 162,200,201, 202,220,299,314,570,574, 607,638 Abel, 395, 570, 641, 677, 701, 721 Abie, 607 Charles, 701, 721 Charles, Grd n , 721 David, 10,30,335,743 John,641,677,701,721 Moses, 701, 721 Russen?, 146 Rusten John B., Dr., 118 Rutherford, 143,736,737,789 Rutledge, 179, 190,572,608 , 755, 758 Rutledge, GA, 64, 65 Ryan, 222 Edward, 147, 173 Ryland Christian, 450 James, 450 S Sadiler John, 390 Sadley William Allen, 103 Saffold, 124, 158, 165,202,218 Saidler, 443 John,358,493 Saint Matthews Parish, 746 Saller Samuel G., 620 Salles William G., 727 Sally,229 Salmons, 505, 541, 635, 637 Benjamin, 636 Lewis, 505, 542 Lewis, Estate, 636 Nancy, 505, 542 Seaborn, 636 Sebom, 542 Sals, 442, 496 Salter,242,262,268,296,309, 554 Captain, 295, 296 Charles, 268, 669 Edward T., 290 James, 242, 268, 295 John G., 669 Martha, 669 Nancy, 669 William G., 654, 669, 683 Zodiac, 267 Samans Benjamin, 697 Sebourn, 697 Samford Samuel, 8, 290 Samm Nanny, 466 Sammon Jess, Estate, 680 Sammons, 174, 199,582,618 A. S., 719 Benjamin, 127, 147, 175, 199, 582,617,661,675,719 Benjamin, orphans, 466 L.,455 Lewis, 405, 455, 466, 581, 617, 784,785 Moses, Estate, 719 N. G., Estate, 661 Nancy, 405,455,582,618 Nancy, widow, 466 Samuel, 43, 785 Seaborn, 466, 582 Seabourn, 618 Seabourn L., 661 Seborn, 675 W. G., 675 Wiley, 466 Wylie,618 Wylie G., 582 Samons Benjamin, 366 Lewis, 43, 366 Samore Henry, 680 Sample, 102, 103, 104, 144, 145, 177,192,228,312,406,452, 503,578 D., Estate, 504 878 Sample David, 50, 364, 401, 451, 473, 783 H., 501, 775 1., 780 James, 42, 43, 48, 226, 257, 281,366,406,452,501,537, 776 Jane, 452, 501 John, 364,400,452,473, 502 N. , 48, 755 N., Jr., 757 Nat, 48 Nathan, 47 Nathaniel, 18, 103, 128, 129, 144,177,192,229, 255,283, 297,470,757,760,765,779 Nathaniel C., Jr., 363 Nathaniel, Jr., 103, 129,337, 364,402,473,503,758 Nathaniel, Sr., 401, 473 Samuel, 47, 103, 128,757 William, decd, Estate, 366, 406 Samples, 129,282,296,538,546, 578,613,616,627,652 Arthur, Sr., 539 David, Estate, 540 Estate, 50, 59, 784 James, 43, 298, 539, 777 James, Estate, 579 James, minors, 615 John, 539, 579,613, 628,657, 671,687,715 Nathaniel, 453, 539, 578, 579 Nathaniel, Estate, 657 Nathaniel, Jr., 615, 629 Nathaniel, Sr., 450, 579, 615, 629 R. A. L., 715 R.M ., 671 Robert, 629, 657 Robert M., 688 Sarah,629,656,670 William, 297, 629 William D., 657 Sampson, 135, 155, 156, 169, 199, 218,227,243,273 Robert, 12, 14,32,340,344 William, 12, 14,33, 135,340 William, heirs, 169,207 Samuel Nathaniel, Sr., 501 Sand,425 Sandeford,267,268,430 John, 267 John S., 268 Sandefur James, 468 John S., 295 Pricilla, widOW, 468 Thomas, 468 Sanderford,213,428,460,481 J.,428 John, 138 John S., 428, 480 Judith, 428, 480 Thomas, 428, 480 William, 59, 772 Sanders, 113, 120, 157,298,314, 460, 510, 625 Index Sanders B.,116 Bush ?, 43 Joseph, 10,30,335,767,769 Sandersville, GA to, 50 to, 53, 319, 423 to, 731, 732, 733 to, 734, 735, 736, 737, 738, 739,740,741,795,796, ii Sandersville, Georgia to, 805 TO,808 Sandford, 109, 110, 137,195 B., 776 Benjamin, 775 John, 116 Priscilla, 621 Sandforth Pricilla, 654 Sandifer, 196 Judy, widow, 196 Sandiford,I73,409 John, 171, 197 Priscilla, 556 Robert, 172 Sandifur, 349, 350, 369 John,295,300 John S., 349, 379 John, Sr., 349 Judith,349 Judith, widow, 379 Priscilla, 519 Sandin,393 Sandyford John, 150 Sanford, 153, 170, 172, 196,284, 426,509,761,766 Benjamin, 71, III, 138, 153, 171,196,271,311,378,480, 516,766 Carswell, 196 Caswell, 153, 171 I. G., 683 James, 137 John, 153 P.,669 Prissila, 679 S.,70 Samuel,70, III, 138, 153, 171, 196,290,754,760,765 Thomas,II1,I38,I52,I96 Saniford, 480 Sapp John, 123 Recey,725 Rhely, 681 Rhesa, 708 Ricey, 649 S.,450 Sardis, GA, x Sasser, 274 William, 178 William 0., 146 Sassers, 177 Satten William G., 712, 713 Sattion Louis, 476 Saturday Eliza, 324 Frank,324 William, 324 Saucer, 300,413 Saul,306 Sauls, 307, 396 A., 445 Abraham, 253, 280, 359, 395 Abram, 307 Saunders, 162,202 John , 211 Joseph,745 Savage J. P. K., 635 Mary, 797 N.M.,721 William, 797 Savannah, GA, 16, 119,337,343, 409,423,457,728,741,746, 798,799,800 Sawyer, 199,201,205 Jonathan, 159, 184,211 Saxon Henry, 711 Sayer John , 289 Scarborough,I14,215,238,240, 269,271,311,379,383,434, 558,597 David,135 Jesse, 430 Joshua, 381 Turner, 302 Scarbough,349 Scarbrough,350, 352,485,520 Joshua, 350 Turner, 353 Schaffer Henry, 118 Schely, 532 Schislm Silvy, 667 Schley,232,261,288,437,460, 525,533,563,570,571,573, 602,608,641,651 Captain, 158, 159, 160, 161, 164,165,166,184,185 George, 652, 668 Grang H., 701 1. H., 509 J. 1.,463 John,205,414,463 John, Attorney, 264, 288, 373, 414,463,511 John, Attorney at Law, 548, 590 John, Attorney at Law, trustee, 590 John, Attorney, Grdn, 288, 414, 511 John, Exc', 373 John, Grd n, 463 John I., 263 John,III,316 John, III, Exc', 316 John, III, Grd n, 316 John J., 124, 161, 184,211, 233,288,317 John J., agent, 317 John Jacob, 372 Schley John, Jr., 236, 264, 288 Michael, 118, 159, 165,204, 262,288,314,369,411,459, 533 Michal,508 P. T., 414 Thomas, agent, 158 Thomas, Practitioner Physick, 158 W.,774 William, Exc', 371 William, 229, 262, 316, 372, 373,511 William, Atty, 289, 371, 413, 460 William, Atty, Exc', 413, 461 William, Atty, Grd n , 413, 461 William, Exc', 511 William, Grd n, 511 School Summertown, 421 Schruggs M. S.,633 Schwabe Ed, Jr., 86 F. E., 86 Scinner Richard, 135 Scott, lOS, 106, 136, 153, 156, 169,170,209,210,218,232, 246,284,310,352,353,508 Andrew, 606, 673 Asa, 674 Benjamin, 8,294, 732, 788 David,660 Francis, 310 James, 123,227 John,23,49,I19,123,124, 135,444,493,659,692,717, 741,767 Joseph, 102, 129 KeithV.,i Mary,460,544,588,624 Mary, Exc', 460 Mary, Mrs., 368 Mary, widow, 409 P., deceased, Estate, 368 Philip, 135,263,314,460,508 Philip, deceased, Estate, 409 Philip, Estate, 544 Phillip, 159, 165,205,234,797 William, 114,127,761 Screen, 431 Screven County, GA, 28, 423 Screws, 460, 507 Benjamin, 348, 378, 427, 479, 515,595,654,708,725 E. N., 725 Jabez, 667 Jabz, 725 James, 650, 667 Jesse, 367,407,458,506 Jessey, 466 Jobes, 708 Scrine B., 774 Scruggs, 530,632 Edmond, Estate, 717 Edmond,orphan,475 879 Scruggs Gross, 475 James, 717 James E., 691 John, 717 M. G., 75, 793 M. G. E., property of, 659 Mathew, 718 Mathew M., 691 Matthew M., 673 Mund G., 529, 566, 60S, 783 Scrugs, 387 Sherrod G., 673 William, 716 William G., 611, 691 William, orphan, 475 Scrugs M.G.,442 William,442 Scrutchens, 154,208,487,523, 561,599 Josiah, 85, 167 Mary, 167,208 Samuel, deceased, Estate, 154 William, 167,208 Scrutchings J., 134, 135 Samuel,134 Scrutchins, 352, 353 Josiah,783 SeaIt? Frances, 270 Seay Aquila, 470 R. F., MD, 701 Second British Occupation of Augusta, 1780-1781,748 Segate William,152 Seley, 298 Sell Reubin, 421 Sellars, 245 Major H., 446 Seller M.H.,721 Sellers, 135, 168,207,301,359, 532,533,574,608,638,639 Alfred, 360, 446 H., 446, 496 M.,446 M. H., 641, 663, 701 Major H., 496, 570, 607, 677 Reuben, 790 Thomas, 135 U. H., 532 William, 64, 72, 73, 778, 780, 781 William C., 360, 447 Sennida Judith,676 Senterfit Henry, 136 Senterfitt Henr~ 153, 171, 196 Samuel, 211 . Sephens Mary, 588 Sereen, 483 Index Seruse James. 681 Javice.681 Session R. J.• 721 Sevearingame Frederick. 269 Severley Thomas. 184 Seyre John. 211 Shaffer Jacob. 372 Shaplet? 269 Sharp. 430.482.519.556 Sharpe. 361. 378 Shavers. 557 Shaw. 229. 252. 357. 441. 492 Neal. 240 Shearly William S .• 429 William S .• agent. 429 Sheel Thomas. 764 Sheeley William S.• 551 Sheftall John McKay. 747 Shehe.313 Shelby. 369. 530 Shelley. 156. 163.264 Shellman. 149. 150.739 John. 17.26.337.770 M .• 149.772 Michael. 740 Shelman. 137. 138. ISO. 151. 152. 156. 163. 170. 173. 176. 194. 195. 309.310.314.315.317.346. 347.349.350.361.369.370. 371,373,374.376.378.379. 380.381.408.412.413.414. 424.425.427.428.429.430. 431.438.439.452.459.462. 477.478.480.481.482.489. 510.511.514.516.517.519. 539.547.550.552.554.556. 557.591 . 592.595 . 597.621. 738. 788. 789. 790 A. G .• MD. 625 Augustus G .. MD. 545. 588 C .. 511 Catherine. 372, 414. 463 John. 125. 160. 164.750 John. Esquire. 120.752.753 John. Esquire. trustee. 120 John M .• 461 M .• 171.173,195.348,350.371. 547.587.752.767.775.788 M .• Esquire. 755 Michael. 161.163. 164.203.234. 235. 266.288.318.337.372.414. Shelman Michael. 463. 511. 734. 742. 754. 759. 788. 789 Michael. agent. 463 Michael. DS, 91 Michael. Grd n, 203 Michael. trustee. 116 Michel. 739 Robert B.• 414 Robert P .• 462 T. P. c.. 622 Wilber. 122 Shelton. 67. 232. 726 Sheltonton Michael. 61. 67 Shepard Wiley. 198 William. 253 Sheperd Jacob. 578 William. 190 Shepherd. 225. 246. 279. 307.405. 410.498.505.576.583 . 618. 648. 783 Benjantin.467. 484. 542 Elijah. 387.458.505.592 Henry. 136. 155. 169. 209 J .• 366 Jacob. 368. 505.541. 593 Jacob. Jr.. 408 Jacob. Sr.. 408 James. 590. 628 John. 366.407.455. 506.541. 582.617.636 Jonas. Sr .• 462 Joseph. 456 Joshua. 366.405.457. 505 W.,447 Willey. 182 William. 225. 279. 307. 359. 446.780.781 William. agent, 307 Sheppard Andrew 1.. 697 Charles. 674 Charles c.. 697 Green. 697 J. W.• 675 James. 671. 697 John. 675.697.719 Kenny M .. 697 William. 73 Shepperd Asa.723 Elijah. 466 Elizabeth. orphan. 466 H. M.• 719 J. W .• 661 Jacob. Sr.. 466 James. 657 James c.. 466 John. 661 William. 778 Sherely. 272 William. 243. 272 Sherley. 301 WilliamS .• 351 William T.. 301 Sherly.622 Sherman's March to the Sea. 795 Sherod. 550. 647 Benjantin. 481. 553 Elizabeth. 725 James. 430. 481. 519. 550. 650. 725 William. 468. 516, 550. 650. 725 Sherred James, 708 John H.. 708 William. 708 William. Adm', 708 Sherrod Allen. 656 Benjantin. 381 James. 348. 381.591.667.681 Joseph L.. 708 William. 591. 667 Sherwood, 784 Shevele Charles. 124 Shield. 123 Shields Ingrid. i Thomas. Esquire. 115 Thomas. Sr.. 138 Ship John. 139 Shires. 299 Shirley. 216 Moses. 704 Thomas. 595 William. 216 William S .• 516. 595 Shirly William. 382.414 WilliamS .• 379 William S .• trustee. 379 Shiveler. 298 Shivers. 303 Shly George. 683 Shoals, GA. ix Shoars.537 David. 451. 504 Isaac. 227 R .. 451 Shohl Sintion. 666 Shoires. 192 Shorer.622 Shores. 256. 282. 296. 364.500 Alla. widow. 256 Allen. 281 David. 47.102. 193.362.414. 470.473.759 Ella. 297 Hiram. 184 Isaac. 363.401.470.473 R .. 56. 57. 752 Richard. 338. 753. 755, 758. 759 Tichard, 338 Showers. 145 David. 128. 144. 178 Isaac. 177 Shrew John, 125 Shuler. 557 880 Shurley. 77. 759. 760. 770 E .• 201 Eliz.84 Elizabeth, 14,33.77. 344. 751 Reuben, 201 W.• 77 William. 774 Shurly.773 Sidwell. 55. 787 David. 55 Sikes. 124. 140. 152. 153. 171. 425,426 C. A.. 723 D .. 346 Elijah. 665 Elijah A.. 693 Eliza. 683 Nancy. 665 NancyW .• 646 Silben H. & Camp. 704 Silver Bluff. 747.748.800 Simkins. 158 Simmon Benjantin. 114 Simmons. 301 C. c.. 673 Claborne, 641 Claybourne. 663 Lewis. 313 Simms. 81. 286. 763. 764. 771 Isaac. 155. 168.209 Simon. 102 Simons. III F.. 461 Simpkins Charles. 420. 421. 788 Simpson. 300 Daniel. 199 Hardy. 394. 444 John. 211 Nathan. 661 Surrell. 229 W. W .• 795 Sims. 265.297.316 Isaac. 134 Jonathan T.. 313 William. 64. 759. 761. 896. x Sinkfield. 451 Asa. 452. 471. 503 James. 506 P. G .• 503 William. 439. 489 Sinkler William. 274. 302 Sinquefield. 117.539. 542.543. 584.616.619.621 Asa. 296. 349. 543 Captain. 581.582. 583.584 J. M .. 618.636.661 . 688. 715 James M .• 541. 583. 671 P. G .• 784 Perrey G .. 466 Perry G .• 528. 584. 618 William. 579. 614. 629. 657. 671.688.715 Sion.735 E .• Estate. 665