OTTY LAKE - JEBBS CREEK CATCHMENT TAY RIVER SUBWATERSHED REPORT 2011 The RVCA produces individual reports for 14 catchments in the Tay River Subwatershed. Using data collected and analysed by the RVCA through its watershed monitoring and land cover classification programs, surface water quality conditions are reported for Otty and McLaren Lake and Jebbs Creek along with a summary of environmental conditions for the surrounding countryside every six years. This information is used to help better understand the effects of human activity on our water resources, allows us to better track environmental change over time and helps focus watershed management actions where they are needed the most. The following pages of this report are a compilation of that work. For other Tay River Catchments and the Tay River Subwatershed Report, please visit the RVCA website at Inside 1. Surface Water Quality Conditions Otty Lake McLaren Lake Jebbs Creek 2. Riparian Conditions Riparian Zone Shoreline Zone Instream Aquatic Habitat 3. Land Cover 4. Stewardship & Protection 5. Issues 6. Opportunities for Action Catchment Facts Most Otty Lake waterfront development occurred between 1950 and 1980. Waterfront developments doubled between 1960 and 1980 (430 waterfront lots, 62 vacant lots) and stood at 547 dwellings in 2005 (including back-lot subdivision development) Five subdivisions have been developed in the catchment since 1979; two (Burgesswood and Maple Glen) have both waterfront and back lots with common lake access. A third, Otty Woods (McKay Farm) is being developed and will also have common lake access Otty Lake community developed a “Report on the State of Otty Lake and its Watershed” (2007) and “The Otty Lake Management Plan” (2008) with various partners that guide the communities’ priorities for protecting water quality and the natural environment of the lake Floodplain mapping is available for Jebbs Creek downstream of the Rideau Ferry Road to the Tay River Mississippi-Rideau Source Protection Assessment Report indicates that the shallowest upper bedrock aquifer is highly vulnerable to land-use activity due to thin soil cover Situated in part of the Algonquin Highlands, an ancient geologic region of hilly bedrock made up of such Precambrian rocks as marble, conglomerates and dark or colour banded granite-like rocks. A large area of younger sandstone flanks the catchment’s northern boundary and a veneer of glacial drift (glacial till, sand etc.) overlies the bedrock Includes seven smaller lakes, those being Andrew, Doctor, McLaren, Mills, Mud, Rock and Thoms Mud Lakes 64% of the catchment falls within Tay Valley Township, 34% within the Township of Drummond-North Elmsley and 2% within the Town of Perth Drains 52.8 sq. km of land or 6.6% of the Tay River Subwatershed and 1.2% of the Rideau Valley Watershed Dominant land cover is woodland (43%) and wetland (19%), followed by water (14%), crop and pastureland ( 12%), settlement (5%) and grassland (5%) 2 2 5 7 10 10 11 12 17 18 19 20 In 2005, more than 50% of properties on Otty Lake have been classified with greater than 50% ornamental shoreline (using MAPLE protocol) Natural vegetation has been removed from about 50% or 17 km of shoreline. Docks, decks, boat houses, boat ramps and retaining walls occupy 3.5 km of the shoreline Contains a cool/warm water baitfish and recreational fishery with 20 fish species Water quality rating in Otty Lake is poor; very poor in McLaren Lake and from fair to poor along Jebbs Creek downstream towards Perth MOE well records indicate there are 632 private water wells or 14% of all wells in the Tay River Subwatershed Ducks Unlimited Canada holds two Permits to Take Water to store surface waters for wetland habitat 30 stewardship (landowner tree planting/ clean water) projects have been completed along with three Otty Lake Association community shoreline planting projects OTTY LAKE SURFACE WATER QUALITY CONDITIONS OTTY LAKE - JEBBS CREEK CATCHMENT Page 2 TAY RIVER SUBWATERSHED REPORT 2011 Introduction Surface water quality in the Otty Lake-Jebbs Creek Catchment is assessed using water and aquatic insect samples collected in Otty Lake, McLaren Lake and Jebbs Creek through RVCA’s surface water quality monitoring programs. Analyzed results are presented below. RVCA has adopted the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment Water Quality Index (CCME WQI) to provide an overall measure of surface water quality in Tay River catchments using a rating for water quality ranging from “Very Poor, Poor, Fair, Good to Very Good”. WQI scores for lakes and streams are based on how often, how many and by how much sample results for each parameter exceed established water quality guidelines. In applying the CCME WQI, the RVCA has selected five parameters that are available for all lakes in the Tay Subwatershed: total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), total phosphorus (TP), pH (acidity), water clarity (Secchi depth) and dissolved oxygen (for fish habitat). Assessment of streams is based on 21 parameters available for all Tay watercourses including nutrients (total phosphorus, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, nitrates), E. coli, metals (like cadmium and copper) and additional chemical/physical parameters (like alkalinity, chlorides, pH and total suspended solids). 1) a. Otty Lake Water Quality Surface water quality has been monitored in Otty Lake under the RVCA Watershed Watch Program since 2002 (Fig. 1) This report covers the six year period from 2005 through 2010 and 2011 data is also shown where it is available. The Water Quality Index rating for Otty Lake is “Poor” due mainly to three RVCA phosphorus samples exceeding the Provincial Water Quality Objective (PWQO). It is noted that in phosphorous sampling under the Lake Partners Program (discussed further below), samples taken at the same or similar times as RVCA’s three samples had average values and do not exceed the PWQO. Observed exceedances may be partially attributed to the natural aging of a lake, but can be slowed down by lake residents reducing nutrient inputs through the proper maintenance of their septic systems, by keeping shorelines natural and using phosphate free soaps and detergents. The WQI also considers the proportion of the lake that is suitable for fish habitation based on its oxygen content. Oxygen concentrations in all lakes tend to decline through the summer, but Otty Lake has had some particularly low concentrations that have affected the WQI and can stress the resident fish population. At the Deep Point: Nutrients Figures 2 and 4 show that although there is some variability in nutrient concentrations at the deep point, the majority of samples are below established guidelines. Eighty-six percent of samples analysed for TP are less than the PWQO of 0.020 mg/l (Fig. 2), indicating that nutrients may be elevated at times. Figure 2. Otty Lake total phosphorus concentrations at the deep point (from RVCA Watershed Watch Program) Figure 1. Watershed Watch sampling on Otty/McLaren Lake The Otty Lake Association (OLA) also samples TP six times annually from May to October, as part of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment’s Lake Partner Program (LPP). OTTY LAKE SURFACE WATER QUALITY CONDITIONS OTTY LAKE - JEBBS CREEK CATCHMENT Page 3 TAY RIVER SUBWATERSHED REPORT 2011 As shown in Figure 3, 98 percent of these samples are below the PWQO for TP. Differences in reported results from the LPP and Watershed Watch (WW) Program may be observed as they use different sampling protocols. LPP composite samples are taken within the upper water layer or the depth measured using a Secchi disk. Watershed Watch composite samples are taken throughout the zone of sunlight penetration which is considered to be twice the Secchi depth. While individual results do differ, the overall data sets are similar: the average concentrations for WW and LPP are 0.014 mg/l and 0.013 mg/l respectively, with comparable variability about the mean. Both data sets show TP concentrations occasionally exceeding the PWQO at the deep point with the majority of samples being below the provincial objective. Table 1 shows the average concentration of TP and TKN summarized for each year (from the RVCA Watershed Watch Program) There are minimal differences in the concentrations of both nutrients from year to year. Nutrient enrichment is not currently a problem, but given exceedances at the deep point it is important for property owners and lake users to continue to employ best management practices to ensure the continued health of the lake. Table 1. Average nutrient concentrations in Otty Lake at the deep point (from Watershed Watch) Year Average TP (mg/l) Average TKN (mg/l) 2006 .017 .447 2007 .011 .423 2008 .010 .397 2009 .014 .438 2010 .015 .373 2011 .016 .328 Around the Lake: Nutrients The average nutrient concentrations at shoreline sites (Figures 5 and 6) show year to year changes; deep point concentrations are also included to show variability between the near shore and open water locations. Figure 3. Otty Lake total phosphorus concentrations at the deep point (data is courtesy of MOE Lake Partners Program) Ninety-five percent of samples analysed for TKN fall below RVCA’s guideline of 0.5 mg/l (Fig. 4).There is no clear trend showing an increasing/decreasing concentration of nutrients in the lake. Figure 4. Otty Lake total Kjeldahl nitrogen concentrations at the deep point (from RVCA Watershed Watch Program) Total phosphorus concentrations are very similar (Fig. 5) with the exception of Site A, which tends to exceed the PWQO. Shoreline TP concentrations are all greater than the deep point. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen concentrations are also consistent across shoreline and deep point sites (Fig. 6), Figure 5. Otty Lake average total phosphorus concentrations (from RVCA Watershed Watch Program) OTTY LAKE SURFACE WATER QUALITY CONDITIONS OTTY LAKE - JEBBS CREEK CATCHMENT Page 4 TAY RIVER SUBWATERSHED REPORT 2011 as well as from year to year. Site A (at the head of Marl Bay where Jebbs Creek narrows) and site E (in Mud Lake at the outlet from McLaren Lake) are exceptions as they both frequently exceed the TKN guideline. These results provide further evidence that nutrient enrichment may be a problem in some near shore areas and could result in abundant plant or algal growth. Figure 8 shows the depths where suitable conditions exist for warm water fish species (temperature less than 25°C and dissolved oxygen greater than 4 mg/l). The vertical axis represents the total lake depth at the site of 27 metres where the profile is taken. Suitable oxygen temperatures exist to an average depth of 14 metres and has remained fairly consistent through sampling years. Spring and early summer typically have good conditions for fish habitat but as temperatures warm and the deeper waters are depleted of oxygen, there is limited habitat available in late summer and early fall. Care should be taken to avoid nutrient enrichment, as it fuels primary productivity (plant and algal growth), which depletes oxygen levels as this organic matter dies off and begins to decay. Figure 6. Otty Lake average total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) concentrations (from RVCA Watershed Watch Program) Water Clarity Water clarity is measured using a Secchi disk during each deep point sample. Figure 7 shows that all readings have exceeded the minimum PWQO of 2 metres, indicating that waters are usually clear and sufficient sunlight is available to support aquatic life. Figure 8. Depths suitable for warm water fish in Otty Lake Habitat: pH pH is a basic water quality parameter used to assess the acidity of water an important factor for aquatic life; pH concentrations in Otty Lake are shown in Figure 9. Figure 7. Secchi depths at the deep point in Otty Lake Habitat: Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature Two other factors, dissolved oxygen/temperature and pH are also assessed to provide an overall idea of the health of Otty Lake from a fish habitat perspective. Figure 9. pH concentrations at the deep point in Otty Lake MCLAREN LAKE SURFACE WATER QUALITY CONDITIONS OTTY LAKE - JEBBS CREEK CATCHMENT Page 5 TAY RIVER SUBWATERSHED REPORT 2011 Around the Lake: E.coli Summary E. coli is also sampled at shoreline sites at least twice each sampling season. Figure 10 shows that all samples are well below the PWQO guideline of 100 colony forming units (CFU) per 100 ml, suggesting that bacterial contamination is not an issue in Otty Lake (please note that E. coli data is not used in the WQI rating calculation). Otty Lake can be characterized as a lake with clear waters and moderate nutrient levels with an increasing chance of limited oxygen in the deep waters that may limit fish populations. Abundant aquatic vegetation (macrophytes) can also occur but the lake generally has good aesthetics for recreational use. However, the water quality rating suggests that the health of the aquatic ecosystem may be at risk as there is a potential for it to be impacted by increased nutrient loads and poor oxygen levels. Residents should inform themselves about the cumulative effect of their activities on the lake and what can be done about it. 1) b. McLaren Lake Water Quality Surface water quality conditions in McLaren Lake have been monitored under the RVCA Watershed Watch Program since 2006 (Fig. 1). This report covers the five years from 2006 through 2010 and 2011 data is also shown where it is available. Figure 10. Average E. coli concentrations for Otty Lake shoreline sites (from RVCA Watershed Watch Program) The Otty Lake Association also conducts regular E. coli testing at 10 sites distributed throughout the lake, with at least 30 samples taken each year. Figure 11 shows that all samples taken between 2006 and 2011 are below the PWQO of 100 CFU/100ml, which provides further evidence that bacterial contamination is not currently a problem that would affect recreational uses of Otty Lake. Figure 11. Average E. coli concentration for Otty Lake shoreline sites (data is courtesy of Otty Lake Association) The WQI index rating for McLaren Lake is “Very Poor” (for an explanation of the WQI, please refer to the “Introduction” section on Pg.2 of this report). This is largely because of nutrient concentrations exceeding their provincial and RVCA guidelines (with total Kjeldahl nitrogen concentrations being particularly high) and oxygen concentrations being consistently low throughout much of the water column, which can negatively impact the resident fish population. At the Deep Point: Nutrients Nutrient concentrations in McLaren Lake have remained relatively consistent at the deep point for both total phosphorus and total Kjeldahl nitrogen. Seventy-six percent of samples analysed for TP are below the PWQO of 0.02 mg/l (Fig. 12). One result in June 2009 Figure 12. Total phosphorus concentrations at the deep point in McLaren Lake MCLAREN LAKE SURFACE WATER QUALITY CONDITIONS OTTY LAKE - JEBBS CREEK CATCHMENT Page 6 TAY RIVER SUBWATERSHED REPORT 2011 was outside the typical range of other samples and appears to be an anomaly in the dataset because subsequent samples are comparable to the average results. metres, indicating that waters are usually clear and sufficient sunlight is able to penetrate the water column to support aquatic life. Only three percent of samples analysed for TKN fall below RVCA’s guideline of 0.5 mg/l (Fig. 13). Elevated nitrogen levels have been consistently observed in McLaren Lake and can be attributed to the nitrogen rich waters of the wetland area it drains. Figure 14. Secchi depth measurements at the deep point in McLaren Lake Habitat: Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature Figure 13. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen concentrations at the deep point in McLaren Lake Dissolved oxygen and temperature are used to show the health of McLaren Lake from a fish habitat perspective. Results of the dissolved oxygen/ temperature profile are shown in Figure 15. Table 2 shows the average concentration of each nutrient summarized by year. There is no clear trend showing an increase or decrease in either TP or TKN nutrient concentrations. While there is evidence of nutrient loading at the deep point, it is probably due to the natural influence of the wetland. Regardless, it is important for property owners and lake users to continue to employ best management practices to minimize human impacts on the lake’s water quality. Table 2. Average nutrient concentrations in McLaren Lake at the deep point Average TP Average TKN Year 2006 2007 .019 .013 .600 .560 2008 2009 2010 .018 .034 .016 .627 .745 .593 2011 .021 .508 Figure 15. Suitable depths for fish habitat of warm water species in McLaren Lake Water Clarity The grey bars on the graph show the depths to which suitable conditions exist for warm water fish species (temperature less than 25°C and dissolved oxygen greater than 4 mg/l). The vertical axis represents the total depth at the deep point (18 metres) where the profile is taken. Water clarity is measured using a Secchi disk during each deep point sample. Figure 14 shows that all readings have exceeded the minimum PWQO of 2 Suitable oxygen and temperature levels exist, on average, to a depth of 5 metres and has remained fairly consistent through the sampling period. The deeper JEBBS CREEK SURFACE WATER QUALITY CONDITIONS OTTY LAKE - JEBBS CREEK CATCHMENT Page 7 TAY RIVER SUBWATERSHED REPORT 2011 waters are frequently depleted of oxygen and typically provide very limited fish habitat. Care should be taken to avoid further nutrient enrichment as it fuels primary productivity (aquatic plant and algal growth), which depletes oxygen levels as this organic matter dies off and begins to decay. 1) c. Jebbs Creek Water Quality Surface water quality conditions in Jebbs Creek are monitored through the RVCA’s Surface Water Quality Program (at the Rideau Ferry road crossing) and Benthic Invertebrate Monitoring Program (at the Perth Wildlife Reserve) (see Fig. 17 for their location). Habitat: pH pH is a basic water quality parameter used to assess the acidity of water, an important factor for aquatic life. pH concentrations in McLaren Lake are shown in Figure 16. With the exception of one result from May 2011, all samples are within PWQO guidelines which state that pH should be between 6.5 and 8.5 to protect aquatic life and prevent irritation for anyone using the water for recreational purposes. In some areas of the Tay River Subwatershed, surface waters do tend to be a bit more alkaline (higher pH), which can generally be attributed to geology rather than anthropogenic activities. That being said, care should be taken to ensure that no additional pollutants enter the lake that may alter pH conditions. Figure 17. Jebbs Creek water quality rating The water quality rating for Jebbs Creek is “Fair” using the Water Quality Index and is based on data for nutrients, E. coli, metals and additional chemical/ physical parameters (for an explanation of the WQI, please see the “Introduction” on page 2 of this report). Nutrients Total phosphorus (TP) is used as a primary indicator of excessive nutrient loading and may contribute to abundant aquatic vegetation growth and depleted dissolved oxygen levels. Figure 16. pH concentrations sampled at the deep point in McLaren Lake Ninety-three percent of TP samples analyzed are below the PWQO of 0.03 mg/l (Fig. 18). Summary The average concentration of TP in Jebbs Creek is 0.02 mg/l (75th percentile of 0.024 mg/l). This data shows that although TP concentrations may exceed the provincial guideline, it is not presently a significant problem. The “Very Poor” water quality rating attained for McLaren Lake using the CCME WQI is largely driven by elevated nitrogen concentrations and low oxygen levels in the lake. The nitrogen concentration is naturally high due to the impact of the nearby wetland that flows into the lake, while the very low oxygen levels and anoxic deep waters may limit the success of some fish populations, reducing overall habitat quality. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) is used as a secondary indicator of excessive nutrient loading. The majority of samples (71 percent) analyzed for TKN exceed RVCA's guideline of 0.5 mg/l and average 0.6 mg/l (Fig. 19). JEBBS CREEK SURFACE WATER QUALITY CONDITIONS OTTY LAKE - JEBBS CREEK CATCHMENT Page 8 TAY RIVER SUBWATERSHED REPORT 2011 Figure 18. Jebbs Creek total phosphorus concentrations Figure 20. E. coli concentrations in Jebbs Creek. This data shows that bacterial contamination does occur in Jebbs Creek, although it is not a persistent problem. Efforts should be made to reduce runoff that may be contributing to excessive E. coli levels to improve the overall health of the creek. Metals Of the metals routinely monitored in Jebbs Creek, copper (Cu) is the only parameter that reported concentrations above the PWQO Guideline of 0.005 mg/l. In elevated concentrations, Copper can have toxic effects on aquatic species and be harmful to human health. Figure 19. Jebbs Creek total Kjeldahl nitrogen concentrations The combination of available phosphorus and abundant nitrogen increases the potential for excessive aquatic vegetation growth and algal blooms. This may deplete in-stream oxygen levels that can result in harmful impacts to aquatic life in the creek. The majority of copper samples are well below the guideline, with an average concentration of 0.003 mg/l (75th percentile 0.003mg/l); only two samples exceed the PWQO (Fig. 21). This would suggest that metal pollution is not a significant problem in Jebbs Creek, although caution Given the potential for high TKN concentrations, it is important that best management practices be applied to reduce overall contributions to Jebbs Creek. E. coli E. coli is used as an indicator of bacterial pollution from human or animal waste, in elevated concentrations it can pose a risk to human health. Eighty-one percent of samples (Fig. 20) analyzed are below the PWQO of 100 colony forming units/100 milliliters (CFU/100ml). The average count is well below the guideline of 35 CFU/100ml (geomean 64 CFU/100ml). Figure 21. Copper concentration in Jebbs Creek JEBBS CREEK SURFACE WATER QUALITY CONDITIONS OTTY LAKE - JEBBS CREEK CATCHMENT TAY RIVER SUBWATERSHED REPORT 2011 Page 9 should be taken to ensure that contaminated runoff to the creek is minimized. number of benthic invertebrate families found within a sample. Benthic Invertebrates Using Family Richness as an indicator, Jebbs Creek is reported to have “Fair” water quality (Fig. 23). Freshwater benthic invertebrates are animals without backbones that live on the stream bottom and include crustaceans such as crayfish, molluscs and immature forms of aquatic insects. Benthos represent an extremely diverse group of aquatic animals and exhibit wide ranges of responses to stressors such as organic pollutants, sediments and toxicants, which allows scientists to use them as bioindicators. As part of the Ontario Benthic Biomonitoring Network (OBBN), the RVCA has been collecting benthic invertebrates at one location on Jebbs Creek since 2003 and three locations in Otty Lake since 2004. Monitoring data is analyzed and the results are presented using the Family Biotic Index, Family Richness and percent Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera. The Hilsenhoff Family Biotic Index (FBI) is an indicator of organic and nutrient pollution and provides an estimate of water quality for each site using established pollution tolerance values for benthic invertebrates. FBI results for Jebbs Creek show that it has “Poor” to “Fair” water quality for the period from 2005 to 2010 (Fig. 22) and scores an overall “Poor” surface water quality rating using a grading scheme developed by Conservation Authorities in Ontario for benthic invertebrates. Figure 22. Surface water quality conditions in Jebbs Creek based on the Family Biotic Index Family Richness measures the health of the community through its diversity and increases with increasing habitat diversity suitability and healthy water quality conditions . Family Richness is equivalent to the total Figure 23. Surface water quality conditions in Jebbs Creek based on Family Richness Ephemeroptera (Mayflies), Plecoptera (Stoneflies), and Trichoptera (Caddisflies) are species considered to be very sensitive to poor water quality conditions. Their presence is an indicator of good water quality with higher populations of these organisms in a sample typically indicating improved conditions at the site. With the EPT indicator, Jebbs Creek is reported to have water quality ranging from “Poor” to “Good” (Fig. 24) from 2005 to 2010. Figure 24. Surface water quality conditions in Jebbs Creek using the EPT Index Overall Jebbs Creek has a water quality rating of “Poor” from 2005 to 2010. JEBBS CREEK RIPARIAN ZONE CONDITIONS OTTY LAKE - JEBBS CREEK CATCHMENT TAY RIVER SUBWATERSHED REPORT 2011 2) a. Overbank Zone Riparian Buffer along Jebbs Creek, Otty Lake and other Catchment Lakes and Tributaries minimum 30 metre wide vegetated buffer along at least 75 percent of the length of both sides of rivers, creeks and streams. Results from the RVCA’s Macrostream Survey Program are used to show (Fig. 26) that over 100 percent of the left bank and 97 percent of the right bank of Jebbs Creek (excluding its tributaries) has a buffer width greater than 30 metres. Jebbs Creek Buffer Evaluation 100 Percentage (%) Figure 25 shows the extent of the naturally vegetated riparian zone in the catchment, 30 metres either side of all waterbodies and watercourses. Results from the RVCA’s Land Cover Classification Program show that 80 percent of streams, creeks and lakes are buffered with woodland, wetland and grassland; the remaining 20 percent of the riparian buffer is occupied by settlements and crop and pastureland. Page 10 80 60 Left Bank 40 Right Bank 20 0 0‐5m 5‐15m 15‐30m >30m Buffer Width (m) Figure 26. Vegetated buffer width along Jebbs Creek Land Use beside Jebbs Creek The RVCA’s Macrostream Survey Program identifies five different land uses beside Jebbs Creek (Fig. 27). Surrounding land use is assessed from the beginning to the end of each 100 metre long survey section and up to 100 metres either side of the creek. Figure 25. Catchment land cover in the riparian zone Data from the RVCA’s Macrostream Survey Program (Stream Characterization) is used in this section of the report and is generated from an assessment of 38 (100 metre long) sections along Jebbs Creek. Natural areas make up 96 percent of the lands beside the creek and are comprised of wetland, forest, meadow and scrubland. Residential land use at four percent is the other main land use along Jebbs Creek. Riparian Buffer along Jebbs Creek The riparian or shoreline zone is that special area where the land meets the water. Well-vegetated shorelines are critically important in protecting water quality and creating healthy aquatic habitats, lakes and rivers. Natural shorelines intercept sediments and contaminants that could impact water quality conditions and harm fish habitat in streams. Well established buffers protect the banks against erosion, improve habitat for fish by shading and cooling the water and provide protection for birds and other wildlife that feed and rear young near water. A recommended target (from Environment Canada’s Guideline: How Much Habitat is Enough?) is to maintain a Figure 27. Land use alongside Jebbs Creek JEBBS CREEK RIPARIAN ZONE CONDITIONS OTTY LAKE - JEBBS CREEK CATCHMENT TAY RIVER SUBWATERSHED REPORT 2011 Page 11 2) b. Shoreline Zone Erosion Erosion is a normal, important stream process and may not affect actual bank stability; however, excessive erosion and deposition of sediment within a stream can have a detrimental effect on important fish and wildlife habitat. Bank stability indicates how much soil has eroded from the bank into the stream. Poor bank stability can greatly contribute to the amount of sediment carried in a waterbody as well as loss of bank vegetation due to bank failure, resulting in trees falling into the stream and the potential to impact instream migration. Figure 28 shows the bank stability of the left and right banks along Jebbs Creek. Figure 29. Undercut streambank along Jebbs Creek Figure 28. Erosion along Jebbs Creek Streambank Undercutting Undercut banks are a normal and natural part of stream function and can provide excellent refuge areas for fish. Figure 29 shows that Jebbs Creek has only a few areas of extensive bank undercuts at the outlet from Otty Lake. Stream Shading Grasses, shrubs and trees all contribute towards shading a stream. Shade is important in moderating stream temperature, contributing to food supply and helping with nutrient reduction within a stream. Figure 30 shows stream shading along Jebbs Creek. Human Alterations Figure 31 shows 81 percent of Jebbs Creek remains “unaltered.” Sections considered “natural” with some Figure 30. Stream shading along Jebbs Creek human changes account for 16 percent of sections, with the remaining three percent of sections sampled being considered “altered” (e.g., road crossings and areas with little or no buffer). Overhanging Trees and Branches Figure 32 shows that the majority of Jebbs Creek has little to no instream woody debris and few overhanging trees and branches. Overhanging trees and branches JEBBS CREEK RIPARIAN ZONE CONDITIONS OTTY LAKE - JEBBS CREEK CATCHMENT TAY RIVER SUBWATERSHED REPORT 2011 Page 12 Figure 31. Alterations to Jebbs Creek Figure 33. Instream woody debris for Jebbs Creek Figure 32. Overhanging woody debris along Jebbs Creek provide a food source, nutrients and shade. This is due largely to riverine wetland habitat along the system. Instream Woody Debris Figure 33 shows that the majority of Jebbs Creek has low to moderate levels of instream woody debris in the form of branches and trees. Instream woody debris is important for fish and benthic habitat, by providing refuge and feeding areas. 2) c. Instream Aquatic Habitat Habitat Complexity Streams are naturally meandering systems and move over time, there are varying degrees of habitat Figure 34. Instream habitat complexity in Jebbs Creek complexity, depending on the creek. A high percentage of habitat complexity (heterogeneity) typically increases biodiversity of aquatic organisms within a system. Ninety-seven percent of Jebbs Creek is considered heterogeneous, as shown in Figure 34. Instream Substrate Diverse substrate is important for fish and benthic invertebrates habitat because some species have specific substrate requirements and for example will only reproduce on certain types of substrate. Figure 35 indicates that a wide variety of substrate is found in Jebbs Creek. JEBBS CREEK RIPARIAN ZONE CONDITIONS OTTY LAKE - JEBBS CREEK CATCHMENT Page 13 TAY RIVER SUBWATERSHED REPORT 2011 in the creek increases. Pools also provide important over wintering areas for fish. Runs are usually moderately shallow, with unagitated surfaces of water and areas where the thalweg (deepest part of the channel) is in the center of the channel. Figure 35. Instream substrate in Jebbs Creek Figure 36. Instream cobble and boulder habitat along Jebbs Creek Figure 37 shows that Jebbs Creek is fairly uniform, consisting mainly of runs at 99 percent and riffles at one percent. Macrostream survey of Jebbs Creek in the 100 metre section extending upstream from its outlet to the Tay River through the Perth Wildlife Reserve Boulders create instream cover and back eddies for large fish to hide and/or rest out of the current. Cobble provides important over wintering and/or spawning habitat for small or juvenile fish. Cobble can also provide habitat conditions for benthic invertebrates that are a key food source for many fish and wildlife species. Figure 36 shows where cobble and boulder substrate is found in Jebbs Creek. Instream Morphology Pools and riffles are important features for fish habitat. Riffles are areas of agitated water and they contribute higher dissolved oxygen to the stream and act as spawning substrate for some species of fish, such as walleye. Pools provide shelter for fish and can be refuge pools in the summer if water levels drop and water temperature Figure 37. Instream morphology in Jebbs Creek Types of Instream Vegetation The majority of Jebbs Creek has a healthy diversity of instream vegetation as seen in Figure 38. JEBBS CREEK RIPARIAN ZONE CONDITIONS OTTY LAKE - JEBBS CREEK CATCHMENT TAY RIVER SUBWATERSHED REPORT 2011 Page 14 Riparian Restoration Figure 40 depicts the locations where various riparian restoration activities can be implemented as a result of observations made during the stream survey assessments. Figure 38. Instream vegetation types in Jebbs Creek Twenty-four percent of the sections have algae in the channel. Free-floating (at nine percent) and floating vegetation account for 22 percent of sections. Another twenty-one percent of sections surveyed consist of submergent vegetation. Broad-leaved emergents make up ten percent, narrow-leaved emergents seven percent and robust emergents make up the remaining seven percent. Amount of Instream Vegetation Instream vegetation is an important factor for a healthy stream ecosystem. Vegetation helps to remove contaminants from the water, contributes oxygen to the stream, and provides habitat for fish and wildlife. Too much vegetation can also be detrimental. Figure 39 demonstrates that Jebbs Creek has a healthy level of instream vegetation for most of its length. One hundred percent of the stream is considered to have common and normal levels of instream vegetation. Figure 40. Riparian restoration opportunities for Jebbs Creek Invasive Species Invasive species can have major implications on streams and species diversity. Invasive species are one of the largest threats to ecosystems throughout Ontario and can outcompete native species, having negative effects on local wildlife, fish and plant populations. One hundred percent of the sections surveyed along Jebbs Creek have invasive species (Fig. 41). The species observed include European frogbit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae), purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) and banded mystery snail (Viviparus georgianus). Thermal Classification Temperature is an important parameter in streams as it influences many aspects of physical, chemical and biological health. Many factors can influence fluctuations in stream temperature, including springs, tributaries, precipitation runoff, discharge pipes and stream shading from riparian vegetation. Three temperature dataloggers were deployed in Jebbs Creek from April to late September 2010 (Fig. 42) to give a representative sample of how water temperature fluctuates. Water temperature is used along with the Figure 39. Vegetation abundance in Jebbs Creek JEBBS CREEK RIPARIAN ZONE CONDITIONS OTTY LAKE - JEBBS CREEK CATCHMENT Page 15 TAY RIVER SUBWATERSHED REPORT 2011 maximum air temperature (using the Stoneman and Jones method) to classify a watercourse as either warmwater, coolwater or cold water. Analysis of the data collected indicates that Jebbs Creek is a warmwater system with cool water reaches. Figure 43. Fish species observed along Jebbs Creek Otty Lake spawning and nursery sites along with sampling locations shown in Figure 44. Figure 41. Invasive species along Jebbs Creek Figure 44. Identified spawning and nursery locations in Otty lake as reported in the Tay River Fish Habitat and Opportunities for enhancement report Figure 42. Temperature dataloggers along Jebbs Creek Fish Sampling Fish sampling sites located along Jebbs Creek between Otty Lake and the Tay Marsh are shown in Figure 43. Corresponding provincial fish codes shown on the two preceding maps are listed (in Table 3) beside the common name of those fish species identified in Jebbs Creek and Otty Lake. JEBBS CREEK RIPARIAN ZONE CONDITIONS OTTY LAKE - JEBBS CREEK CATCHMENT Page 16 TAY RIVER SUBWATERSHED REPORT 2011 Table 3. Fish species observed in Jebbs Creek and Otty Lake BaKil banded killifish Blueg bluegill BnMin bluntnose minnow BrSti brook stickleback BrBul brown bullhead Burbo burbot CeMud central mud minnow CoShi common shiner CrChu creek chub Fallf fallfish GoShi golden shiner EthSp darter spp. LmBas largemouth bass NoPik northern pike Pumpk pumpkin seed RoBas rock bass SmBas smallmouth bass WhSuc white sucker YeBul yellow bullhead Fyke net used to collect fish on Jebbs Creek pH is a measure of relative acidity or alkalinity, ranging from 1 (most acidic) to 14 (most alkaline/ basic), with 7 occupying a neutral point. Table 4. 2010 Water chemistry collected along Jebbs Creek Month Range DO DO May 10 low high low high low high low high 2.6 10.6 - 33 126 - June 10 July 10 August 10 Conductivity (µs/cm) 211 234 - A YSI probe is used to collect water chemistry and 2010 data is summarized in Table 4for the following three parameters: Dissolved Oxygen is a measure of the amount of oxygen dissolved in water. The lowest acceptable concentration of dissolved oxygen is 6.0 mg/L for early stages of warmwater fish and 9.5 mg/L for cold water fish (CCME, 1999). A saturation value (concentration of oxygen in water) of 90% or above is considered healthy Conductivity is the ability of a substance to transfer electricity. This measure is influenced by the presence of dissolved salts and other ions in the stream 7.1 8.5 - Remnant's of an old foot bridge in the Perth Wildlife Reserve along Jebbs Creek Water Chemistry pH An active beaver lodge along Jebbs Creek in 2010 LAND COVER OTTY LAKE - JEBBS CREEK CATCHMENT TAY RIVER SUBWATERSHED REPORT 2011 3) Land Cover Woodland is the dominant land cover type in the catchment as shown in Table 5 and as displayed in the land cover map on the report cover. Page 17 that is considered to be the minimum threshold for supporting edge intolerant bird species and other forest dwelling species in the landscape. Table 5. Catchment land cover types Cover Type Area (ha) Area (% of Cover) Woodland 2250 43 Wetland 1024 19 Water 748 14 Crop & Pasture 644 12 Settlement 291 6 Grassland 254 5 Roads 63 1 Woodland Cover The Otty Lake-Jebbs Creek catchment contains 2250 hectares of woodland (Fig.45) that occupies 43 percent of the drainage area. When combined with treed wetlands (treed swamps), wooded areas cover 2285 hectares. This figure is greater than the 30 percent of woodland area required to sustain forest birds, according to Environment Canada’s Guideline: “How much habitat is enough?” When forest cover declines below 30 percent, forest birds tend to disappear as breeders across the landscape. One hundred and five (49%) of the 213 woodland patches in the catchment are very small, being less than one hectare in size. Another 95 (45%) of the wooded patches ranging from one to less than 20 hectares in size tend to be dominated by edge-tolerant bird species. The remaining 13 (6%) of woodland patches range between 21 and 1154 hectares. Eleven of these patches contain woodland between 20 and 100 hectares and may support a few area-sensitive species and some edge intolerant species, but will be dominated by edge tolerant species. Figure 45. Catchment woodland cover and forest interior Most patches (81) have less than 10 hectares of interior forest, 51 of which have small areas of interior forest habitat less than one hectare in size. Conversely, three patches have greater than 30 hectares of interior forest (at 31, 33 and 36 hectares respectively). Conversely, two (1%) of the 213 woodland patches in the drainage area exceed the 100 plus hectare size needed to support most forest dependent, area sensitive birds. One of these woodlands (from 100 to 200 ha.) is large enough to support approximately 60 percent of edge-intolerant species. The other patch tops 200 hectares, which according to the Environment Canada Guideline will support 80 percent of edgeintolerant forest bird species (including most area sensitive species) that prefer interior forest habitat. Forest Interior The same 213 woodlands contain 86 forest interior patches (Fig.45) that occupy five percent (244 ha.) of the catchment land area. This is below the ten percent figure referred to in the Environment Canada Guideline Figure 46. Pre-settlement and current wetland cover STEWARDSHIP AND PROTECTION OTTY LAKE - JEBBS CREEK CATCHMENT TAY RIVER SUBWATERSHED REPORT 2011 4) Stewardship and Protection The RVCA and its partners are working to protect and enhance environmental conditions in the Tay River Subwatershed. Rural Clean Water Projects Figure 47 shows the location of all Rural Clean Water Projects in the Otty Lake-Jebbs Creek drainage area. From 2005 to 2010, landowners completed 17 projects including 8 septic system repairs/replacements, 4 well upgrades, 3 education initiatives, 1 well upgrade and 1 well decommissioning. The total project cost is $116,179 with $22,355 of that amount funded by grant dollars received from the RVCA. Figure 47. RVCA stewardship program project locations Prior to 2005, the RVCA completed 7 projects in the area consisting of 4 well upgrades, 1 livestock fencing project, 1 manure storage project and 1 milkhouse waste water treatment facility. Total project cost is $72,593 with RVCA grant dollars contributing $24,858 towards that amount. Tree Planting & Shoreline Naturalization Projects The location of all tree planting and shoreline projects is also shown in Figure 47. From 2005 to 2010, 300 trees were planted at 1 project site through the RVCA Tree Planting Program. Total project value is $538 with fundraised dollars contributing $112 of that amount. Before that, from 1984 to 2004, landowners helped to plant 12,110 trees at 5 project sites on 6 hectares of Page 18 private land valued at $22,793; fundraising dollars account for $10,106 of that amount. The Otty Lake Association partnered with the RVCA’s Shoreline Naturalization Program in 2009 and 2010 to provide 1020 native tree and shrub seedlings at no cost to shoreline residents around the lake. Total project value of this partnered effort is $1968. Valley, Stream, Wetland and Hazard Lands within the Regulation Limit Three square kilometres or 5 percent of the catchment drainage area is within the regulation limit of Ontario Regulation 174/06 (Fig. 48), giving protection to wetland areas and river or stream valleys that are affected by flooding and erosion hazards. Figure 48. RVCA regulation limits Natural features within the regulation limit include 1.6 sq. km. of wetlands (representing 16 percent of all wetlands in the catchment) and 1.9 kilometers of streams (representing 2 percent of all streams in the catchment). A few of these regulated watercourses (1.0 km or 1 percent of streams) flow through regulated wetlands. Regulation limits mapping has been plotted along 0.9 km (or 1 percent) of the streams that are outside of wetlands. Plotting of the regulation limit on the remaining 85.2 km (or 98 percent) of streams requires identification of flood and erosion hazards and valley systems. Within the regulation limit, “development” and “site alteration” require RVCA permission. The “alteration to waterways” provision of Ontario Regulation 174/06 applies to all watercourses. ISSUES OTTY LAKE - JEBBS CREEK CATCHMENT TAY RIVER SUBWATERSHED REPORT 2011 Page 19 Developed by the Otty Lake community and its partners, the Report on the State of Otty Lake and its Watershed (2007) and the Otty Lake Management Plan (2008) outline issues and concerns identified by the lake community and their community partners. The following list includes many of those identified issues that have implications for the water and land resources of the lake ecosystem. Refer to these documents as well as the Tay River Watershed Management Plan (2002) for a more extensive list of Otty Lake catchment issues and actions. 5) Issues Water quality is ranked as the number one concern of Otty Lake Management Planning process survey, workshop and community meeting participants The potential impact of both surface water runoff and leachate migration from the Town of Perth’s landfill site may also be a water quality issue. Nutrient loading, bacterial contamination and water clarity are identified as specific concerns along with an increase in aquatic vegetation growth that was felt to interfere with recreation activities and impair the aesthetics of Otty Lake An effective septic re-inspection program for all Otty Lake shoreline properties was identified as an important tool in identifying poorly functioning septic systems and protecting lake water quality There are recognized threats to fish and wildlife including the loss of habitat through development and redevelopment, the removal of natural shoreline vegetation, decreased water quality, as well as over-harvesting and poaching but there was little recently collected scientific data about the conditions of fish and wildlife in the watershed Water levels in Otty Lake fluctuate from season to season. More information is needed to understand the factors involved i.e. precipitation, air temperatures and obstruction to water outflow There is a lack of historical stream/flow records There is little groundwater information available. Most properties in the area have thin soil cover and the groundwater is more susceptible to contamination from activities on the surface There is a need to understand the implications of invasive species on the ecosystem of the lake. Zebra mussels were first identified in the lake in 2002 and Eurasian Water Milfoil is also a concern Re-development is occurring on small lots through cottage conversions to larger permanent residences. The Conservation Authority and other approval authorities often encountered resistance when they attempt to bring redevelopment into closer conformity with current standards for development setbacks and protection of vegetated shorelines Monitoring and enforcement of implementation of conditions of development approval to achieve net environmental gains (particularly with respect to shoreline protection, its rehabilitation and vegetation enhancement) is challenging due to lack of resources Effective shoreline development regulations are needed in Tay Valley Township and Drummond/North Elmsley Township to help maintain natural shorelines Although the cumulative impact of human activities around the lake can cause deterioration in the quality of the water, a reduction in the fish and wildlife and a decline in the overall quality of life in the watershed, many people are not aware that their individual activities have the potential to harm the lake The Otty Lake Association and Otty Lake property owners desire a constructive and participatory relationship with all government and non-government groups and organizations in planning for the future of the Otty Lake watershed OPPORTUNITIES OTTY LAKE - JEBBS CREEK CATCHMENT TAY RIVER SUBWATERSHED REPORT 2011 Page 20 Since the March 2008 release of the Otty Lake Management Plan, work has been ongoing by the Otty Lake Association, members of the Otty Lake community and community partners such as the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority and Tay Valley and Drummond North Elmsley Townships to address the issues listed above (and others) through the following actions to protect the water quality and natural environment of Otty Lake. 6) Opportunities for Action Tay Valley and Drummond/North Elmsley Townships are implementing mandatory septic inspections for all Otty Lake shoreline properties Tay Valley and Drummond/North Elmsley Townships, the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) and Otty Lake residents continue to work together to achieve a 30 metre setback for septic systems Regular monitoring and reporting on surface water quality conditions in Otty Lake, McLaren Lake and Jebbs Creek is ongoing by the Otty Lake Association and the RVCA The Otty Lake Association and the RVCA continue to educate landowners about causes of excessive algae and aquatic vegetation growth and the need to reduce total phosphorus inputs to Otty Lake through good stewardship practices The Otty Lake Association continues to promote an understanding of natural lake water level fluctuations The Otty Lake Association is maintaining outlet stream flow records to begin to accumulate a historical record. Awareness of threats to water quality (lake/surface water and groundwater) are promoted through education and good stewardship practices Education about making good stewardship decisions and opportunities for targeted shoreline restoration projects continues using resources available from programs like the RVCA’s Shoreline Naturalization Program. The Otty Lake Association participated in the RVCA Shoreline Naturalization Program in 2009 and 2010 and in 2012 undertook their own program to make it possible to offer 1 gallon rooted stock to all interested property owners. In 2013 the Otty Lake Association plans to again participate in the RVCA program The Otty Lake Association has begun to plan for a repeat shoreline survey in 2013 which will provide each Otty Lake property owner with information about their shoreline and recommendations for improvement as well as providing an opportunity to assess the current state of the overall Otty Lake shoreline and its rate of change over time The 1:100 year flood elevation information is now available for Otty Lake and can be utilized as an additional factor to be considered when assessing development setbacks RVCA continues to manage beaver activity along Jebbs Creek flowing through its property at the Perth Wildlife Reserve Otty Lake Association research into which factors are contributing most to the growth of aquatic vegetation continues by working with the universities, RVCA, and others Two shoreline enhancement projects along Jebbs Creek and a fish habitat embayment at the Perth Wildlife Reserve are planned by the RVCA using information gathered during Macro Stream Assessment work on Jebbs Creek (as shown in Figure 40) In 2013 the OLA will produce a 5 year review of the recommendations of the Otty Lake Management Plan to a) recognize what has been accomplished; b) identify what still needs to be addressed and c) incorporate new issues that now need to be included. This document will be circulated to members of the Otty Lake community and to its community partners Work with local groups to identify, rehabilitate, monitor and maintain fish spawning and nursery areas. Explore opportunities to implement fish habitat improvement and other projects identified in the report titled "Fish Habitat of the Tay River Watershed: Existing Conditions and Opportunities for Enhancement" (2002) prepared by MNR, RVCA, Parks Canada, and DFO