® EXTRAORDINARY 2012 annual report 2012 at a glance Photo: Kandace York Visitors 913,564 Member households 55,022 Animals 6,776 Species 515 OUR MISSION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Inspiring others to join us in caring for animals and conserving the natural world. Mary Ellen Pisanelli, president Lamont Thurston, vice president George (Chip) Hambro, secretary Pamela Hershberger, treasurer Matt Anderson Susan Allan Block Peter Boyer Elaine Canning Jim Haudan Sandra Hylant Zac Isaac John Jones Timothy Konieczny Kevin McQueen John Meier Jonathan Orser Clarence Smith Barbara Steele Eric J. Stockard Olivia Summons Bob Vasquez CONTENTS 2 Letter from the executive director 3 Animals 13 Conservation 15 Education 17 Gatherings 18 Experiences 19 Causes 20 Generosity 21 Friends 23 Opportunities FOUNDATION BOARD Lawrence J. Burns, chairman Joseph H. Zerbey IV, vice chairman Mary C. Fedderke, president Bonnie Rankin, secretary Richard W. Heck, treasurer Thomas A. Baither Judith Conda Elizabeth Foley Jeannie Hylant Garrick P. Johnson Norma King Megan M. Manahan Marna Ramnath David Risley Bruce F. Rumpf Robert V. Sterling Yvonne E. Thompson Hon. Jack Zouhary ® PO Box 140130 • Toledo, OH 43614-0130 • Phone 419.385.5721 1 Photo: Alex DeBeukelaer Extraordinary ZOO In August, when I became executive director, I was excited about the opportunity to lead such a great zoo. This enthusiasm has only increased as I’ve gotten to know On the pages that follow, you’ll read more about our successes of the year, but I wanted to mention a few achievements in particular. New exhibits Conservation The season started in a big way, when Tembo Trail opened to enthusiastic May crowds of nearly 16,000 visitors in the Whi climate change symposium, our herpetologists were making history on a gorge in Tanzania. They helped reintroduce the critically endangered Kihansi spray toad to its native habitat -- even after it had been declared for elephants at the Toledo Zoo, and it’s considered one of the nation’s best in terms of “high” (vertical) enrichment. Our historic Aquarium closed in October for extensive renovations, marking both an end and a beginning for dent that, once you see the new Aquarium, you’ll agree it was worth the wait. Fortunately, you’ll have Wild Walkabout in 2013, and Penguin Beach in 2014, to keep your Zoo experience exceptional. marked an exciting milestone in a decade-long journey. AZA accreditation Polar bear cubs In September, the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) renewed the Zoo’s accreditation. These are credentials earned by fewer than 10 percent of the animal exhibitors licensed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In November, something else extraordinary happened; twin polar bear cubs were born at the Zoo. These cubs have a critical role as ambassadors for their wild counterparts. That’s because polar bears in the wild face grave The achievement did not stop our year-round work. Because education is an important part of our mission, on these animals’ survival. and open to the public. Attendees connected with Arctic researchers, by videoconference, to understand what is happening in our natural world. 2012 wasn’t complete without the Lights Before Christmas, and we were thrilled with the all-time record turnout: 179,267 people in six short weeks. This phenomenal community response enabled us to surpass our 2012 goals for both revenue and attendance. Now is the time to help them. By decreasing our carbon footprint, we can slow the warming of the atmosphere the wild. I invite you to join me and the rest of the Zoo team in making this happen. 2012 AT A GLAN CE Visitors 913,564 Memberships 55,022 Animals 6,776 Species 515 2 Extraordinary ANIMAL CARE Veterinary care The Zoo’s Veterinary Department ensures that the Zoo’s animals stay healthy. Top-notch nutrition, quarantine of incoming animals and preventive medicine are all big parts of this program. Croc docs Imagine that you’re a doctor, but your patient isn’t exactly thrilled to see you. More accurately, she’ll hurt you if she gets the chance. Her razor-sharp teeth can shred your skin and muscle even when her mouth is closed, and just a “tap” from her thrashing tail can crack your ribs. Like the rest of her species, she’s an expert at tricking you into thinking she’s asleep – until she moves so fast there’s no hope for escape. Meerkats depend on their vision to maneuver in their surroundings and to spot their insect prey, so cataracts (a clouding of the lens in their eyes) can have a big impact on their lives. Photo: Ty Photography My, Wh meerkats was able to move around and eat, something had to be done. A explains, “but they don’t make those small enough Welcome to veterinary care for slender-snouted crocodiles. For everyone’s safety, this exam required calming medientered her enclosure. In less than a half-hour, she was measured (98.25 inches long) and weighed (146 pounds). A blood sample was drawn to check her immune and organ functions and to record her genetics with the Taxon Advisory Group (TAG). A tiny skin biopsy was taken for cell preservation, and X-rays were taken to rule out subclinical disease and foreign bodies. Any time an animal is examined, there’s the chance of dison the exam results, Dr. Chris Hanley, the Zoo’s chief veteriany problems.” In one year, the Zoo’s Veterinary department coordinates: 1,600+ fecal tests 900+ exams and procedures 380+ in-house CBCs (complete blood counts) for birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish 330+ anesthesias 20+ biopsies 3 Follow-up care after the 2-hour surgery included giving the animal eye drops to prevent infection and decrease later. “His vision was vastly improved,” Dr. Hanley says. Sedating an animal is sometimes safer for the animal and the humans. In the case of the slender-snouted crocodile’s exam, the sedative did three things: protect the humans; enable the team to get better data; and lower the risk of injury to that delicate snout. Photo: Kandace York Extraordinary ANIMAL CARE Behavior Ultrasound-training Milenka Your Zoo’s Animal Behavior team focuses on two areas of animal care: training and enrichment. This same slow, positive-reinforcement training helped our female snow leopard, Milenka, learn to allow ultrasounds for her ongoing veterinary care. Helping Kwisha stay heart-healthy One of the tricky things, we learned, is that teaching her to allow an ultrasound probe to touch her was the easy part. The harder part? Getting enough ultrasound gel on that very thick, dense coat to obtain good images. In 2012, training played an important role in the care of our silverback gorilla, Kwisha. Apes – especially males – have a high incidence of heart disease, and the Zoo works hard to be sure that Kwisha is getting the care he needs to stay healthy. This requires ultrasounds of his heart. But convincing a 450+ pound gorilla to lie immobile for a 30- to 40-minute test is expecting too much. After anesthetizing Kwisha for an initial echocardiogram, behaviorist worked together to train the silverback to sit still for brief follow-up ultrasounds. The training was slow and measured, with an emphasis on positive reinforcement. As a result, Kwisha learned to sit up against the enclosure mesh, press his chest up against the mesh, and allow a keeper to touch his chest with an ultrasound probe while the vet monitored the test results. For the birds images of his heart using this technique. Another part of extraordinary animal care is enrichment. A well thought out enrichment program can: • provide animals with choices and control over certain aspects of their environment • increase animal activity and exercise • decrease stereotypical behavior • improve breeding success and conservation efforts • increase visitor appreciation Click here to learn how our bees provide enrichment to our gorillas, orangutans, and sloth bears. Andean cock of the rock Photo: Ellen Gorrell By modifying or adding items to an animal’s environment, we encourage them to make choices, exhibit natural behaviors and stay more active (both physically and mentally). In 2012, new enrichment in the Andean cocks-of-therocks’ exhibit encouraged these dazzling birds to use their natural skills to investigate new situations and manipulate objects to reach their food – much as they would need to do in the wild. Testing, 1, 2, 3 … In 2012, we conducted a behaviorial study for our giraffes so we could learn where they spend their time and how they interact with the enrichment items we provide in their multispecies Africa! exhibit. This resulted in the creation of some new enrichment objects, which we will re-evaluate in 2013. 4 MAMMALS Species Specimens on grounds 2012 41 161 2011 48 164 2010 43 165 VIPs (very important primates) The Zoo’s Primate Forest has a few more residents after a year of successful births. New species In April, three ring-tailed lemurs were born Dingo (Canis lupus dingo) Four-toed hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris) Southern three-banded armadillo (Tolypeutes matacus) Spotted-necked otter (Hydrictis maculicollis) Sugar glider (Petaurus breviceps) Zoo in 2011 from the Duke Lemur Center in North Carolina; the father arrived on loan from Boston’s Zoo New England. Species conservation status African elephant (Loxodonta Africana) T* Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) E* Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) E* Cape hunting dog (Lycaon pictus) E* Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) E * Francois’ langur (Presbytis francoisi francoisi) E Grey wolf (Canis lupus) E Polar bear (Ursus maritimus) T Ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta)* Sloth bear (Melursus ursinus inornatus)* Snow leopard (Panthera uncia) E* Southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum)* Western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) E* White-cheeked gibbon (Hylobates leucogenys) E* E = listed as endangered by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service T = listed as threatened by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service SE = listed as endangered by the state of Ohio ST = listed as threatened by the state of Ohio * = protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora In August, a female Francois’ langur was born. Fewer than 2,500 Francois’ langurs are estimated to survive in the wild, with hunting and habitat loss contributing to their status as endangered animals. The Toledo Zoo is one of fewer than 20 institutions in the United States to exhibit and breed this species. The good news of 2012 wrapped up with the November 27 birth of a white-cheeked gibbon. This critically endangered species faces extinction in the wild. In southeast Asia -- where gibbons spend all their lives in the trees of tropical rainforests -- deforestation, hunting and poaching threaten their survival. The species’ population numbers continue to decline. Camels return A pair of dromedary camels moved into Tembo Trail for the summer, next to the Zoo’s rhinos. Camels have webbed feet (to avoid sinking in sand), a double row of eyelashes to keep sand out of their eyes, and the ability to go up to 17 days without water; their hump is made of fat, which provides water when metabolized. Spo Twin spotted-necked otter pups–one male and one female– were born in October. Spotted-necked otters are a new species for the Zoo; the pups’ parents arrived in late spring for the opening of Tembo Trail. This was one of the only births over the last three to four years at zoos accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA). Baby white-cheeked gibbons are born a cream color; males darken, while females stay light. Photo: Kandace York 5 Ice to meet you On November 21 – the day before Thanksgiving -- twin polar bear cubs Encounter® to 13-year-old mother, Crystal. “This is the fourth litter of polar bears the Zoo has had since 2006,” Dr. Randi Meyerson, curator of mammals, said. “I credit our success to high-quality animal care, good temperaments and an outstanding facility. When the Arctic Encounter® opened in 2000, it was a state-of-the-art facility, and it still is.” This image, captured from the monitoring camera in Crystal’s den, The Zoo’s elephants moved into dynamic new quarters at Tembo Trail, which has been ranked as one of the nation’s best elephant exhibits in terms of its “vertical” enrichment. Photo: Lynn Lyons Naked mole rats returned to public exhibit in 2012 with the opening of Tembo Trail. Photo: R. Andrew Odum 2012 births Francois’ langur (Presbytis francoisi francoisi) Polar bear (Ursus maritimus) White-cheeked gibbon (Hylobates leucogenys) 6 Extraordinary BIRDS 2012 2011 2010 Species170 179 172 Specimens on grounds 642 590 562 New species Baer’s pochard (Aythya baeri) Chinese merganser (Mergus squamatus) Collared finch-billed bulbul (Spizixos semitorques) Double-wattled cassowary (Casuarius casuarius) Eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis) Fawn-breasted bowerbird (Chlamydera cerviniventris) Kagu (Rhynochetos jubatus) Laughing kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae) Superb bird-of-paradise (Lophorina superba) Species conservation status Baer’s pochard (Aythya baeri )E Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) T ST Bali/Rothschild’s mynah (Leucopsar rothschildi) E * Chinese merganser (Mergus squamatus) E Cuban Amazon parrot (Amazona leucocephala leucocephala) E * Golden conure (Aratinga guarouba) * Kagu (Rhynochetos jubatus) E Mauritius pink pigeon (Columba mayeri) E Ostrich (Struthio camelus) * Palawan peacock pheasant (Polyplectron emphanum) E Swinhoe’s pheasant (Lophura swinhoii) E * Waldrapp ibis (Geronticus eremita) E* White-naped crane (Grus vipio)* E = listed as endangered by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service T = listed as threatened by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service SE = listed as endangered by the state of Ohio ST = listed as threatened by the state of Ohio * = protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora 7 Blue-bellied roller Photo: Kandace York Kenya crested guineafowl chick. Photo: Sara Vorpahl 2012 hatchings Beautiful fruit dove (Ptilinopus pulchellus) Black crake (Amaurornis flavirostra) Bleeding-heart dove (Gallicolumba luzonica) Blue-bellied roller (Coracias cyanogaster) Blue-capped cordon-bleu (Uraeginthus cyanocephala) Blue-faced parrot finch (Erythrura trichroa) Blue-grey tanager (Thraupis episcopus) Bourke’s parrot (Neophema bourkii) Common shama thrush (Copsychus malabaricus) Crested wood partridge (Rollulus rouloul) Cut-throat finch (Amadina fasciata) Double-barred finch (Poephila bichenovii) Double-striped thick-knee (Burhinus bistriatus) Egyptian plover (Pluvianus aegyptius) Elegant crested tinamou (Eudromia elegans) Emerald starling (Lamprotornis iris) Golden white-eye (Cleptornis marchei) Goldie’s lorikeet (Psitteuteles goldiei) Gouldian finch (Chloebia gouldiae) Green singing finch (Serinus mozambicus) Guira cuckoo (Guria guria) Helmeted guineafowl (Numida meleagris) Jambu fruit dove (Ptilinopus jambu) Kenya crested guineafowl (Guttera pucherani) Long-tailed finch (Poephila acuticauda) Madagascar buttonquail (Turnix nigricollis) Masked lapwing (Vanellus miles) Pheasant pigeon (Otidiphaps nobilis) Pintail duck (Anas acuta) Plum-headed finch (Aidemosyne modesta) Red bishop (Euplectes orix) Red siskin (Carduelis cucullata) Red-billed leiothrix (Leiothrix lutea) Red-crested cardinal (Paroaria coronata) Red-crested finch (Coryphospingus cucullatus) Ringed turtle dove (Streptopelia risoria) Ruddy duck (Oxyura jamaicensis) Saipan bridled white-eye (Zosterops conspicillatus saypani) Silver-beaked tanager (Ramphocelus carbo) Smew duck (Mergus albellus) Snowy-headed robin chat (Cossypha niveicapilla) Star finch (Neochmia ruficauda) Turquoise tanager (Tangara mexicana) White-breasted wood swallow (Artamus leucorhynchus amydrus) White-collared kingfisher (Todiramphus chloris) In 2012, the Zoo raised chicks from 35 species – matching the earlier record set in 2007. With a total of 128 chicks to choose from, it’s tough to pick just a few stories, but here are a few highlights. Most of these hatchings were part of Species Survival Plans (SSPs), which are collaborative management programs to maintain healthy, self-sustaining populations that are both genetically diverse and demographically stable. Red-billed leiothrix Marc chicks in 20 years. Emerald starling The Zo May and June. In the wild, this colorful bird lives in the open savanna and woodlands of western Africa, where Masked lapwing In July, three masked lapwing chicks hatched. This was In their native Australia and New Guinea, masked lapwings other species, and it’s led to some interesting behavior. live in the forest underbrush of southeast Asia, from Pakistan to China. Blue-bellied rollers In April, five blue-bellied roller chicks hatched in the African Grasslands walk-through exhibit. Five chicks are considered a big family for this species, ster, curator of birds, says the coordinator of the Species Survival Plan (SSP) for the species can’t recall another time that so many chicks hatched and lived to leave the same nest. The adults are known for dramatic swooping defenses against would-be predators. Robert Webster explains that if this doesn’t work, one parent sometimes runs away from the family, limping or even collapsing onto the ground. “They feign wing injuries to lead perceived predators away from their eggs or chicks.” This behavior is similar to the distantly related killdeer of North America. Kenya crested guinea In July and August, 18 Kenya crested guineafowl hatched; These chicken-sized birds are native to the woodland and savanna habitats of sub-Saharan Africa. They’re known for a piercing, rattling alarm call and, when feeding, a soft chuckling sound. Beautiful fruit dove Photo: Ellen Gorrell Masked lapwing Photo: Sara Vorpahl 8 Reptiles Species Specimens on grounds 2012 97 318 Amphibians 2011 104 317 2010 106 335 2012 2011 68 69 4,114 3,855 2010 62 4,472 New species New species Coastal taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus) Death adder (Acanthophis antarcticus) Woma (Aspidites ramsayi) Giant marine toad (Bufo marinus) Golden poison dart frog (Phyllobates terribilis) African bullfrog (Pyxicephalus adspersus) Species conservation status Species conservation status African slender-snouted crocodile (Crocodylus cataphractus) E * Aruba Island rattlesnake (Crotalus unicolor) T Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis) E * Cuban crocodile (Crocodylus rhombifer) E * Dumeril’s ground boa (Acrantophis dumerili) * Eastern indigo snake (Drymarchon corais couperi) T Eastern massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus) SE Fiji Island banded iguana (Brachylophus fasciatus) E * Madagascar ground boa (Acrantophis madagascariensis) * Madagascar tree boa (Sanzinia madagascariensis) * Mona Island boa (Epicrates monensis monensis) T Spotted turtle (Clemmys guttata) ST Timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus horridus) SE Tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus) E * Virgin Islands boa (Epicrates monensis granti) E * Woma (Aspidites ramsayi) * Yellow-spotted Amazon River turtle (Podocnemis unifilis) E Cave salamander (Eurycea lucifuga) SE Eastern hellbender (Cryptobranchus a. alleganiensis) SE Green salamander (Aneides aeneus) SE Japanese giant salamander (Andrias japonicus) E * Kihansi spray toad (Nectophrynoides asperginis) E * Panamanian golden frog (Atelopus zeteki) E * Puerto Rican crested toad (Peltophryne lemur) T Wyoming toad (Bufo baxteri) E E = listed as endangered by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service T = listed as threatened by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service SE = listed as endangered by the state of Ohio ST = listed as threatened by the state of Ohio * = protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Births/hatchings Allison’s anole (Anolis allisoni) Blue spiny lizard (Sceloporus serrifer cyanogenys) Desert grassland whiptail (Aspidoscelis uniparens) Eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) Green crested basilisk (Basiliscus plumifrons) Henkel’s leaf-tailed gecko (Uroplatus henkeli) Midland painted turtle (Chrysemys picta marginata) 9 Species Specimens E = listed as endangered by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service T = listed as threatened by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service SE = listed as endangered by the state of Ohio ST = listed as threatened by the state of Ohio * = protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Births/hatchings Blue poison dart frog (Dendrobates azureus) Cave salamander (Eurycea lucifuga) Eastern hellbender (Cryptobranchus a. alleganiensis) Four-toed salamander (Hemidactylium scutatum) Green and black poison dart frog (Dendrobates auratus) Green salamander (Aneides aeneus) Kihansi spray toad (Nectophrynoides asperginis) Lemur tree frog (Hylomantis lemur) Mud salamander (Pseudotriton montanus) Northern banana salamander (Bolitoglossa rufescens) Painted frog (Atelopus varius) Palm salamander (Bolitoglossa nympha) Three-lined salamander (Eurycea longicauda) Two-lined salamander (Eurycea bislineata) Wyoming toad (Bufo baxteri) Kihansi spray toads return! In October, Toledo Zoo biologists, working with national and international conservation partners, released more than 2,000 Kihansi spray toads to their native habitat in In Ohio, the green salamander is listed as state-endangered, primarily due to the scarcity of its preferred habitat of sandstone and limestone outcrops sheltered by the cool shade of mature hardwood forests. Photo: Tim Herman in the wild. The autumn reintroduction followed a “soft release” earlier in the summer, when 48 toads were released into four enclosures in the gorge. The enclosures enabled biologists to monitor the animals and determine whether releasing more toads into their native habitat had a realistic chance of success. Although risks certainly exist, the prognosis of the toads’ long-term survival is encouraging. Biologists will continue monitoring the toads to determine the extent of assistance needed in the future. A death adder was one of the Australian species that arrived during 2012. Photo: R. Andrew Odum The Toledo Zoo continues to maintain an assurance population for the toads in its Amazing Amphibians exhibit, where visitors have been able to see the animals and releasing additional numbers of toads into Kihansi Gorge species in the wild. Salamander success continues Salamander populations are under huge pressure from habitat destruction and pollution. This is why your Zoo is working hard to develop husbandry techniques that maintain salamanders in a zoo environment to prevent their extinction. We’re having great success with green salamanders, midland mud salamanders and more – get the details in the Conservation segment on pages 13 and 14. The last few months of 2012 were spent renovating part of the Reptile House into a crocodile solarium for a huge saltwater crocodile, scheduled to arrive in 2013 for the Zoo’s upcoming Australia-themed Wild Walkabout exhibit, presented by Mercy. Renovation of the historic Reptile House’s crocodile solarium started in late 2012 and was scheduled to be completed Photo: R. Andrew Odum The plans called for a spacious 1,250-square-foot, temperature-controlled exhibit featuring a 6-foot-deep, 18,000-gallon pool; a heated “beach” for basking; and rays of the sun to pass through. 10 FISHES Species Specimens on grounds INVERTEBRATES 2012 25 463 2011 194 1,919 2010 227 2,175 Species Specimens on grounds 2012 114 1,076 2011 144 1,328 New fish species New invertebrate species Leopard danio (Danio frankei) Swordtail (Xiphophorus hellerii) Xiphophorus maculatus) Blue tilapia (Oreochromis aureus) Macropodus opercularis) Peppermint shrimp (Lysmata wurdemani) Camel shrimp (Rhynochocinetes durbanensis) Leaf coral (Montipora aequituberculata)* Foliate lettuce coral (Montipora foliosa)* Orange Montipora coral (Montipora setosa)* Plate coral (Montipora stellatus)* Green cactus coral (Pavona maldivensis)* Cup coral (Turbinaria peltata)* Gold cup coral (Turbinaria reniformis)* Species conservation status Lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) SE Shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) SE Asian arowana (Scleropages formosus) E * E = listed as endangered by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service T = listed as threatened by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service SE = listed as endangered by the state of Ohio ST = listed as threatened by the state of Ohio * = protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Births/hatchings Spotte Xiphophorus maculatus) Lake Victoria cichlids (Haplochromis piceatus) 2010 159 1,346 Species conservation status Mitchell’s satyr (Neonympha mitchellii) E SE Lycaeides melissa samuelis) E SE E = listed as endangered by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service T = listed as threatened by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service SE = listed as endangered by the state of Ohio ST = listed as threatened by the state of Ohio * = protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Births/hatchings Wü ) Leaf insect (Phyllium giganteus) Flower beetle (Eudicella sp.) Giant spiny insect (Extatosoma tiaratum) Jungle nymph (Heteropteryx dilatata) Rose anemone (Entacmeaea quadricolor) Moon jelly (Aurelia aurita) Lycaeides melissa samuelis) Aquarium closes for renovations On October 1, 2012, the Aquarium closed for extensive of 2015. In August, a Bon Voyage event gave visitors an opportunity to enjoy this historic space one last time. A shark feed, presentations about the new Aquarium and family activities rounded out the day. 11 Laurie Dixon, one of the Zoo’s aquarists, administers a sedative to a tarpon in preparation for its move to a new home. Photo: Kandace York Renovations will preserve the building’s historic exterior and focus on visitors’ experiences inside. Many materials from the current Aquarium will be used in the new Aquarium, from the heavy oak doors to selected holding tanks. Materials which could not be used in the new Aquarium have been reused as much as possible, Jay Hemdal, cuing equipment that is surplus for us, but valued for them.” Rehoming 1,000 fish One of the big questions about the renovation was what the Zoo would do with its aquatic animals. site and then move them over to the new Aquarium. “It would have cost an estimated $1.2 million to house all our animals until the new Aquarium opened,” Jay says, “versus $350,000 to acquire new animals.” Temporary quarters for some animals rehomed to other aquariums. The remaining animals moved to Photo: Kandace York This area provides extra space for incoming animals as well as for the few that are staying. Although the new quarters during the last half of 2014. Starting the move-in this early enables proper quarantining, Jay says, to be sure the animals are healthy and comfortable in their new space when the Aquarium reopens to the public. Work continues In 2012, 42 Victorian piceatus cichlids hatched at the are native to Africa’s Lake Victoria, and the Zoo participates in a Species Survival Plan (SSP) for the species. The Zoo’s coral propagation system moved to the temporary holding quarters, too, so no time is lost in this important process. Blueline angel Photo: Jay Hemdal 12 Extraordinary CONSERVATION Your Zoo helps the species of many of the animal ambassadors who live here at the Zoo, and 2012 was a year of ing of two of Ohio’s rarest amphibians, the green salamanmonitor Lake Erie water snakes also continue. Africa W reintroduce more than 2,000 Kihansi spray toads to Tanzania’s Kihansi Gorge. This marks a huge milestone in a decade-long project to help this tiny amphibian, which was declared extinct in the wild and had not been seen in the wild since 2004. Through support of the South African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds (SANCCOB), we’ve helped rear and release to the wild 2,000+ African penguin chicks. other threats to cheetahs, African elephants and western lowland gorillas. In the Dominican Republic , we helped endangered tree frogs by constructing a breeding facility at the national zoo in Santo Domingo , and in Guatemala, we helped rediscover several species of Guatemalan salamanders not seen in decades. We continue to work with the U.S. Navy at Naval Station Guantánamo Bay, Cuba to conserve Cuban boa and Cuban rock iguanas. Elsewhere in the Caribbean, we continue to work with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to conserve the endangered boas of Isla Mona, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Oceania Asia The endemic birds of the Northern Mariana Islands in the In Thailand, our support of the Hornbill Research Foundation is reducing poaching of nesting rhinoceros hornbills, while in the Primorsky Krai region of eastern Russia, we’re working to decrease poaching of Amur tigers. dove, golden white-eye, bridled white-eye and Mariana fruit dove. human threats and increase critical rainforest habitat for orangutans. In India, we’re helping sloth bears by empowering indigenous people to choose livelihoods that do not rely on poaching bear cubs to become performing bears. Our critical involvement with the Marianas Avifauna Conservation program helps save these beautiful birds from the brown tree snakes that were introduced to the Northern Marianas Islands some time in the 1940s and 1950s. Conservation Today is a donor-funded program. Learn more at toledozoo.org/conservation. Asia, Europe and North America We polar bears, who face profound challenges as climate The Americas Locally, we’re raising Karner blue and Mitchell’s satyr butreleasing them in carefully chosen habitats in western Lucas County and southern Michigan. In 2012 we also helped Michigan populations of Great Lakes piping plover birds by hand-rearing chicks from abandoned nests and releasing them to the wild. 13 Photo: Candee Ellsworth Conservation Today Conservation Today provides funding for the Zoo’s conservation-focused projects. The Zoo welcomes Conservation Today gifts of every denomination and acknowledges individuals and organizations for their gifts of $100 or more in 2012. The colorful midland mud salamander is native to Ohio, and in 2012 it reproduced off-exhibit in the Zoo’s Amazing Amphibians exhibit. Photo: Tim Herman $1,000 and above Drs. Anne Baker and Robert Lacy Steven and Caren Lefevre Dr. George Rabb $500 to $999 Ms. Mary F. Gerken Mr. and Mrs. Allan Libbe Mr. and Mrs. Don Mewhort III Ms. Patricia L. Neuhart Toft Dairy, Inc. Mr. Charles E. Williams $250 to $499 Ms. Helen M. Bewick Mr. Erich J. Hunker Thomas and Margaret Sheehan $100 to $249 Drs. John and Sallie Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bonner Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Brockman John and Donna Efroymson Rick and Martha Fansler James and Linda Funk Philip and Anne Gaines Ms. Suzanne M. Gartz Robert Girard and Larisa Traill John and Faye Jaeger John Jakubik and Betsy Bouton Drs. Mary Z. and Kent J. Johnson Barry Johnson and Dana Wilcox Mrs. Jacqueline D. Keim Mr. and Mrs. David J. Kowalski Lee and Bette Kreuz Ms. Mary Ann Mueller Ralph and Dawn Mullinger Ms. Sally J. Pirolli Ms. Robin L. Prettyman Kenneth and Anne Rice Sharon Simmons and Ron Coffman Randall and Linda Wangler Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Webb R. Andrew Odum prepares to reintroduce Kihansi spray toads to their native habitat. Photo: R. Andrew Odum Kihansi spray toad Photo: R. Andrew Odum 14 Extraordinary EDUCATION 2012 Education programs 2,822 Head Start children and their families – exceeding expectations. Our Education programs reached 229,084 people in 2012. Programs included: Interpretive talks & feeds People 179,054 (behind-the-scenes tours, Nature’s Neighborhood shows/demos) School programs 21,221 Community programs 16,487 Public programs 5,724 (Zoo Snoozes, camps and classes) Preschool on-site at the Zoo 3,628 PNC Grow Up Great program 2,822 Teacher professional development Steve Oswanski, manager of Nature’s Neighborhood, says it’s about more than numbers, though. “We have found awesome changes in behavior through extensive evaluation. In the end of the second year, we have found teachers changing their practices in the classroom to best include natural science, and students have shown increased interest in engaging nature.” 189 Science Days continue Sci demand, gave young Zoo visitors a chance to connect with the fun side of science. Four Science Days covered everything from forest exploring and paper airplane physics to food Zoo admission, through the generosity of BP-Husky Learn more at toledozoo.org/education. The Zoo provided 28,264 Lucas County participants with 800+ free programs in 2012. Climate change symposium In October, the Zoo hosted a climate change symposium, free and open to the public. It drew more than 300 people, including 150+ middle and high school teachers and students. Preschool moves to Museum of Science The 2011-2012 school year was the last year the Zoo’s preschool program was located in the historic Aquarium. The Aquarium’s closure for renovations required the preschool to relocate to a newly refurbished classroom in the Museum of while continuing the dynamic nature-based curriculum that blends traditional readiness learning with all the early learning content standards for the state of Ohio. and presenters, from professors and curators to researchers and educators. A highlight of the symposium was an interactive video-conference with Arctic scientists, direct from their tundra buggy in polar bear habitat. Growing up great Three great organizations – the Zoo, Head Start and the PNC Foundation – joined forces in 2010 to launch a new program, Learn through Play, that promotes school readiness through nature play and animal appreciation. 15 Photo: Kandace York COMPANIES for KIDS The support of these generous companies in 2012 enabled more than 4,000 children to experience the Zoo in a way that they would not otherwise be able. Companies for Kids is one of the many ways the Toledo Zoo helps forge a connection between people and nature. This corporate membership program supports the Zoo’s educational programs, including outreach, ongrounds classes, animal demos and Discovery Boxes. It also supports the Zoo’s Disadvantaged Children’s Fund, enabling underprivileged and disabled youth to experience a Zoo visit. By working together, we’re creating an appetite for all through their lives. Learn more at toledozoo.org/donate. We thank our corporate sponsors for generous gifts to the Companies for Kids program in 2012. Herd of Elephants O-I YellowBook School of Hippos Dana Corporation Foundation Heidtman Steel Products, Inc. YP.com Family of Gorillas The Andersons Buckeye CableSystem La-Z-Boy Foundation Pride of Lions The Art Iron Foundation Marshall & Melhorn, LLC Norfolk Southern Foundation Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP Taylor Automotive Family Pack of Wolves Betco Corporation Brooks Insurance Agency, Inc./ Dennis & Sheila Johnson Eastman & Smith Ltd. Ernst & Young Findley Davies, Inc. Home Builders Association of Greater Toledo I.B.E.W. Local Union No. 8 Impact Products LLC Jerl Machine, Inc. Mail It Corporation Phoenix Technologies International, LLC Savage and Associates/Phil Johnson Tri-State Expedited Services UAW Local 2021 Flock of Penguins Binkelman Corporation Carpenters Local Union 351 Connelly, Jackson & Collier LLP Cooper & Kowalski dimech services, inc. Fifth Third Bank A young visitor interacts with one of the Zoo’s biofacts. Photo: Kandace York Franklin Park Lincoln, Inc. Genoa Bank Hylant Group JDRM Engineering, Inc. Jones & Henry Engineers, Ltd. Kuhlman Corporation L.A.W.S. Local 2320 Lee Terry Holdings, LLC Lunch Ladies Mary Ellen Pisanelli Meyer Hill Lynch Corp. OmniSource Corporation Ralphie’s Sports Eatery Sam Okun Produce Company Sperling Heating & Ventilating Company, Inc. Structural Design Systems Sylvania Pediatric Dental Care, Inc. Toledo Fence & Supply Co. TTI Maumee Equipment, Inc. Tru To Form Turner & Turner Family Dentistry Inc. UAW Local 12 - Johnson Controls UAW Local 2075 UAW Regional CAP Council Waterford Bank, N.A. Wilkinson FundRaising Imprinted Sportswear 16 Extraordinary GATHERINGS Whether it’s a couple getting away for a Vineyard Adventure date night or grandparents dressing up the little ones for Pumpkin Path, the Toledo Zoo is the place to be. Support from our members, visitors, Lucas County one of the world’s most complete zoos, plus intriguing events all year long. Weddings, wine and more Forty-three couples held wedding ceremonies at the Zoo in 2012, choosing venues that ranged from the beautiful Formal Gardens to the historic Indoor Theatre. Other events drew adults to the Zoo as well, starting with Vineyard Adventures outings of exotic wines and live entertainment among historic buildings and incredible animals. In the fall, Zoo Brew Africa! exhibit. Photo: Ty Photography 17 Oriental lily Photo: Alan Donges Extraordinary EXPERIENCES An event-full year Continuing a strong second year, the Watch It Grow Garden Tour Series drew more than 200 gardeners to “insiders’ tours” of the Zoo’s beautiful gardens, starting in the spring and running all season long. Of course, the May 18 opening of Tembo Trail was huge, drawing nearly 16,000 visitors during Opening Weekend. This exhibit blends extraordinary animal care with extraordinary visitor experiences! Summer More than 28,000 people attended performances at the Zoo’s historic Amphitheatre as part of its Summer Concert Series. From multi-platinum singer/songwriter Sarah McLachlan to Nickelodeon’s Fresh Beat Band, the adults alike. Classical music enthusiasts cheered when, after a one-year hiatus, the Toledo Symphony’s Music under the Stars returned with six Sunday evening performances. Toledo-area music lovers have cherished these free concerts since they began at the Zoo more than 50 years ago. Lights Before Christmas Photo: Casey Cook Winter Wi ing, great indoor entertainment and Cabin Fever Feeds. Remarkably warm weather drove us to open the African Animal Carousel and Safari Railway weeks earlier than usual, and visitors enjoyed the taste of summer. Our Teddy Bear Care Fair continued to be popular with We partnered with the Toledo Area Humane Society to visitors lined up early to watch Zoo animals discover Easter-themed enrichment items (hand-crafted by Spring Louie’s birthday, marking the ninth birthday of our African bull elephant, was a big event, as always, with a 40-pound cake and presents of ponderous proportions. Soon after, Cinco de Mayo celebrated the diverse heritage of Mexico, and Around the World celebrated the diversity of animals and human cultures. Moth ties for families to participate in brunches, barbecues and more. Fall Gran grandparents (when accompanied by at least one adorable grandchild), and our Day of Honor recognized the soldiers, In September, visitors celebrated when the Amur tiger cubs, Viktor and Talya, turned one year old. The day includwith tasty treats. Senior Discovery Days throughout September and October drew the 60+ age group for personalized tours and activities. But we weren’t forgetting the younger crowd; Fall Fur All, Little Boo, Pumpkin Path and Jumping Pumpkins rounded out our fall events. A total of 179,267 visitors came to the Zoo for the Lights Before Christmas – an all-time record since it started in 1986. Dynamic new Winter Playland attractions, including a giant rocking horse and a walk-in snow globe, combined with over a million lights to draw people from surrounding states to this “electrical spectacle.” Noon Year’s Eve wrapped up the year with all the fun of midnight, 12 hours early. This is primarily a children’s event, but many adults tell us it’s how they like to spend the last day of the year, too. We couldn’t agree more, and we thank you for making it all possible. Learn more at toledozoo.org/events. 18 18 Extraordinary CAUSES Fundraising events raised $360,000 in 2012: Dart Frog Dash (May) ZOOtoDO (June) Rock N Roar (August) Feast with the Beasts (August) MaskZOOrade (October) All year long, the Toledo Zoo brings people together to help ensure the success of the Zoo’s mission – inspiring others to join us in caring for animals and conserving the natural world. Proceeds from our Our Dart Frog Dash in May was a fast start. This 5K race/walk attracted a record 2,000 participants (beating last year’s record of 1,900 participants) and is considered one of the area’s top runs. Dart Frog Dash raised $27,000 for Zoo operations. ZOOtoDO, attracted 1,600 guests. This sophisticated of live music on multiple stages. ZOOtoDO raised $200,000 for community outreach, educational opportunities and state-of-the-art exhibits. It truly is a Party with a Purpose. Event and program sponsors Thank you for bringing extraordinary ideas to life. Lead sponsors Corner Dental Fisher-Price KeyBank Kroger Meijer Mercy Pepsico PNC Taylor Automotive Family The Andersons Yark Automotive Group Major sponsors ProMedica Health System YP.com Zoro Tools Supporting sponsors Buckeye CableSystem Giant Eagle Health Care REIT Mass Mutual Financial Group McDonald’s Owens Corning Rudolph/Libbe Rock N Roar, in early August, created a wild night for party people. At the Africa! Overlook, two bands and one DJ on three stages belted out everything from 70s and 80s music to Top 40 hits and classics from the 90s. This sold-out party drew 1,600 guests and raised $61,000 for Zoo operations. A few weeks later, a record 140 guests came to Feast with the Beasts to enjoy a gourmet dinner at the Beastro, stroll through Tembo Trail and see exclusive animal demonstrations at an after-hours Zoo. This event raised $57,000 and supported the continued development of Zoo programs and exhibits. 19 Wrapping up the season in October, adults unmasked their wild side at MaskZOOrade, back after an 8-year hiatus. This event raised $15,000 by delivering a hauntingly good time for 400 guests with monstrous costumes, spirited dance music and spooky décor. Doug and Tiger Andrews enjoy the festivities at ZOOtoDO, which in 2012 honored the elephants of Tembo Trail. Photo: Andi Norman Extraordinary GENEROSITY Just as the bold silverback gorilla defends and provides for his family, the Zoo’s Silverback Society members help preserve and protect one of the community’s most important family institutions. These individuals generously provide for the future of the Toledo Zoo life insurance policy, trust or annuity. Learn more toledozoo.org/silverback. Anonymous (2) Ms. Carol Ann Allen Barbara Apanaitis, Ph.D Mrs. Helen I. Apanaitis* Ms. Fran Bachar* Ms. Margaret C. Berkhousen Jamie and Ellen Black Ms. Rae Ann Boerger* James* and Barbara* Boggs Mr. James A. Boldt Mr. Terry L. Bossert William Bradish and Christine McMahon-Bradish Mr. Doug Brehm Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brown Ms. Joan Uhl Browne Mr. Samuel G. Carson* Joseph and Judith Conda Ms. Susan Conda Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Conrad Dr. Marjorie E. Conrad, M.D. Mrs. Audrey Covington Mr. and Mrs. Martin Davidson Mr. and Mrs. William V. A. Dennler Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dew Mr. Leonard Drake* Mr. and Mrs. George Eistetter Ms. Lesley Eistetter Dr. and Mrs. Gregor Emmert Mr. Charles B. Fangboner Mr. and Mrs. John Fedderke Mr. Daniel P. Finkel Ms. Elizabeth Foley James and Mary Foote Patricia A. Fravel Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gartz Dwight and Esther* Gartz Ms. Suzanne M. Gartz Ms. Barbara Gill Ms. Judith B. Gottlieb Dr. Sandra D. Gottwald Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hadley Mr. Gene Hagedorn Mr. Fredrick Hakius Ms. Linda Hardenbrook Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Hartman Kae and Gary Heil Ms. Shelby Huston Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Imo Thomas and Elaine Kaiser Edward and Kathy Kitchen Arthur* and Mary Frances* Klein Mr. and Mrs. James Kline John* and Ruth Kolvas Ms. Darlene Kosar Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kreuz Mrs. Marilyn Krueger Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kunze Ms. Dawn M. Lucas Ms. Lynn E. Lyons Mrs. Paula J. Massey Mike and Sandi McCown John and Donna McLean Mrs. Elizabeth L. Kridler Meloy* Rev. John Meloy Michael Meyers Lorraine Meyers Betty Miller* and Lee Bynum* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morse Garrett and Rae Neice Richard and Cheryl O’Connor Mr. Jonathan F. Orser Mrs. Isabel Perry Mrs. Helen J. Petee Ms. Mary Ellen Pisanelli Mr. Stan Polak Mrs. Dorothy MacKenzie Price Ms. Janet L. Putney-Ludwig Dr. and Mrs. Suresh Ramnath Mr. David J. Rasik Mrs. Edith Rathbun Bill* and Jean* Rhodes Photo: Katie Kimble Ms. Donna M. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rueter Fred* and Marjory Schick A. Jackson and Sally Smith Mr. Olan D. Snavely Mr. Alvin Stoll* Miss Arlyne Stoll* Norman* and Marion* Strunk Louis* and Rose Thomson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Venda Joe and Cheryl Walker Dr. and Mrs. F. Michael Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Donald Warner Mrs. Jane Watson* Ms. Laurie C. Weiss Ms. Amy F. Wexler Dr. Robert F.Wood Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wordelman Mr. and Mrs. Matt Yarder Mr. and Mrs. Tom S. Ziems Mrs. Dorothy Zurheide* * deceased As of December 31, 2012 20 Extraordinary FRIENDS Zoo PALs Zoo PALs are Proud Animal Lovers who help support their favorite Zoo animals. More than 1,200 donors – including individuals, families and organizations – supported the Zoo PAL program in 2012, generating more than $100,000 for the care and feeding of Zoo animals. The annual Zoo PAL Night, when donors visit the Zoo after hours to learn more about their sive attendance of more than 2,000 people. The Tembo Trail promotion, featuring Lucas the elephant and the other animals of Tembo Trail, was very successful and generated nearly 400 donors. Our 2013 promotion will feature the Zoo’s twin polar bear cubs and the animals of Wild Walkabout; we’re looking forward to another great program year! Learn more at toledozoo.org/zoopal. 21 21 Photo: Lynn Lyons Zoo PAL donors contributing $200 or more in 2012 Addison Elementary School - 2nd Grade Anonymous Apple Tree Nursery School Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ard Drs. Amir and Augusta Askari Mr. and Mrs. William Baden Ms. Sheree L. Bargabos Mrs. Julie A. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Beisser Ms. Helen M. Bewick Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bitter Mr. Richard H. Bitter Ms. July L. Blattert Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery L. Bodeman Mrs. G. Edward Bodette Ms. Shirley M. Bodi The Employees of BP Husky – Toledo Refining LLC Ms. Carole A. Bradford Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Brady, Jr. Ms. Mable A. Bridgman Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Brockman Mr. and Mrs. William N. Bundy Mr. and Mrs. James R. Burke Benjamin Cadigan Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Carr Clark Street United Methodist Church Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Colturi Columbia Middle School Transitions Class 2012 Dr. Ramona Cormier Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Deeds Ms. Andrea M. DeIorio Mr. Bruce Denman and Ms. Barbe Fisher Dr. and Mrs. David Doris Drs. Sean and Juli Drake Ms. Terrill Dunlap Ms. Barbara D. Eddy Ms. Rose E. Edson Drs. Milo and Cynthia Engoren Mr. and Mrs. John J. Feldmeier First St. John Dayschool Mr. Darrell Fox Mr. and Mrs. Chris Gibbons Dr. Mary Gombash and Mr. Bud Crosby Dr. Sandra D. Gottwald Mr. and Mrs. Chad Grant Mr. and Mrs. Jason C. Gribble Mr. William J. Grover Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Haas Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Hacker Mr. John Hadley and Ms. Susan Metzger Mr. Gene F. Hagedorn Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Hammond Mrs. Robert N. Hanna Harbor (Formerly Harbor Behavioral Healthcare) Mr. Gary L. Harder Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Harper Mr. and Mrs. David O. Hart Mr. and Mrs. C.P. Hauck Mrs. Sandi Hawk Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Hlavaty Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hofman Miss Joyce C. Hojnicki Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Huber Mr. William R. Hylan Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Imo Drs. Mary Z. and Kent J. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones Ms. Tina Jones and Mr. David Haslam Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kaiser Ms. Linda Kaplin Mrs. Jacqueline D. Keim Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. King Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Kirian Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Kitchen Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E. Knitz Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Koevenig Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kreuz Mr. and Mrs. Joe S. Krueger Mr. and Mrs. David M. Kudla Mrs. Darlene Kujawa Ms. Jo Ann Kunich The Woodrow Kurtz Family Mr. and Mrs. Tom Land Mr. and Mrs. James W. Lapp Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Lawniczak Mr. and Mrs. Harold Leupp Mrs. James A. Lower Ms. Lynn E. Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Maloney Mr. and Mrs. Mike McCown Dr. and Mrs. Roger J. McNichols Mr. and Mrs. Don Mewhort III Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Mockensturm Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Moline Mr. and Mrs. Bill Moore Morenci Middle School – Jr. Volunteer Club Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morse Mr. and Mrs. William J. Morstadt Ms. Dawn Mullinger Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nagy, Sr. Kenneth and Diane Naus Ms. Nancy A. Neeper Ms. Patricia L. Neuhart Mr. and Mrs. Brian O’Neill Dr. Joan M. Ockuly Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Olsen Mr. Jonathan F. Orser Ottawa River Elementary School PTO Ms. A. Jean Palmisano Ms. Linda Pesonen Pilot Club of Greater Toledo Ms. Mary Ellen Pisanelli Mr. and Mrs. James H. Plonka Mr. and Mrs. Michael Poetzinger Ms. Robin L. Prettyman Mrs. Ann Ray Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Reavis Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Remy Reynolds Corners Rotary Club Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Rice Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Robinson Mr. Zach Roggenkamp and Ms. Chrissy Roche Mr. and Mrs. G. Robert Rose Mr. and Mrs. Jay Ryno Mr. Robert A. Schaefer Mr. Dennis Schmedlen Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Schoonover Mr. and Mrs. Perry Schwemmin Ms. Christine M. Seferian Mr. and Mrs. John C. Seifert Seitz Middle School – ECO HOPE Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smigelski Mr. and Mrs. A. Jackson Smith Ms. Patricia Smolinski Mr. and Mrs. Larry Smyrski Ms. Eleanor Sonntag Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Sorg Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Strauss Mr. Steve Strauss and Ms. Jeanette Clute Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Swigart Ms. Betty Tecco Thomson Reuters Mr. and Mrs. Mike Tippenhauer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Torok III Mr. and Mrs. David W. Trautlein Mr. and Mrs. Nick Tussing Dr. and Mrs. Rick Vandemark Ms. Terry G. VanKoughnet Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Verb Mr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Wadsworth Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wakeman Mr. and Mrs. Larry Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Whitcomb III Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Witzburg Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Wolfe Mrs. Donna Wollenslegel Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Woodmancy Mr. and Mrs. Cyril C. Yonov Mr. Michael Zwiezynski 22 Extraordinary OPPORTUNITIES President’s Circle Along with our 55,000 members who generously support the Zoo each year, we thank the members of our President’s Circle for their leadership support. Circle members enjoy guest privileges, unlimited Lights Before Christmas admission, special invitations to group events, donor tour opportunities (for Gold Circle members and above), and on-grounds recognition of their generosity. Learn more about this rewarding program at toledozoo.org/memberships. Conservator’s Circle Mr. and Mrs. George L. Chapman III Mr. and Mrs. George Jones III Mrs. Dorothy MacKenzie Price Mr. and Mrs. Herbert R. Metzger Mr. Jonathan F. Orser Ms. Mary Ellen Pisanelli Platinum Circle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Baither Mr. John Bearss and Mrs. Julia Tobias-Bearss Dr. and Mrs. G. Mark Burton Ms. Dianne Cooper and Ms. Heather Cooper Dave and Mary Glowacki Ms. Sandra M. Hylant Ms. Lynn E. Lyons Ms. Holly E. Metzger Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Spetka Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Sutton Diamond Circle Mr. and Mrs. Darryl F. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Anderson Mrs. Thomas H. Anderson Drs. Anne Baker and Robert Lacy Mr. and Mrs. Joel S. Beren Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Brady, Jr. Mr. and Dr. Christopher M. Brown Mr. and Mrs. James F. Bucher Mr. Dennis Burzynski Dr. Candilee Butler Dr. and Mrs. Paul V. Daverio Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. DeBoer Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dilley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Dreps 23 July’s Zoo donor tour featured the Zoo’s big cats: cheetahs, lions, snow leopards and Siegfried & Roy’s White Lions (pictured here). Photo: Kandace York Dr. and Mrs. A. Willard Emch Dr. and Mrs. Robert I. Finkel Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Flasck Mr. and Mrs. James B. Foote Jim and Sally Friend Dr. Mary Gombash and Mr. Bud Crosby Mr. and Mrs. George Hambro Mr. and Mrs. Gene M. Hardy Ms. Pamela S. Hershberger Ms. Jeannie Y. Hylant Mr. and Mrs. Zac Isaac Mr. and Mrs. Justice G. Johnson, Jr. Mr. Brent Karchner Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Kearns Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Klimek Mr. and Mrs. James E. Kline Gary Whitacre and Bonnie Rankin Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Reed Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rosenberg Mr. Robert A. Schaefer Mr. and Mrs. Russell Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Strauss Drs. Gerald and Karen Striph Mr. and Mrs. John Szuch Mr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Tasker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tiettmeyer Mrs. Christine Turnbull Mr. and Mrs. Gary Waugh Mrs. David K. Welles Ms. Catherine S. Witker Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Zerby IV Mr. and Mrs. Tom Scott Ziems Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Kortier Mr. Daniel Kory and Ms. Elaine Canning Mr. Alan Kruser and Mr. Michael Bohland Mr. and Mrs. Allan Libbe Mr. and Mrs. John Maher Megan Manahan and Russ Hurford Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Maxwell Mr. Glenn McGinley and Ms. Kelley Kulevich Mr. and Mrs. John F. Meier Mr. and Mrs. Phillip S. Mintun Ms. Patricia L. Neuhart Mr. and Mrs. George V. Oravecz Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Ormond Patricia and Cathy Packo Mr. and Mrs. Larry C. Peterson Dr. and Mrs. Garth Phibbs Mrs. Linda A. Phillips Mrs. Marna and Dr. Suresh Ramnath Mr. and Mrs. Bradley R. Apple Mr. and Mrs. James M. Appold Gold Circle Mr. and Mrs. Dennis D. Bennett Ms. Helen M. Bewick Sally and Emily Binard Mr. and Mrs. Mike Black Mr. and Mrs. James W. Blumer Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bollin Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bonner Mrs. Konni Bostleman Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Boyer Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bradish Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Brasie Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Brockman Steve and Cyndy Brookover Mr. and Mrs. James Buerk Mr. and Mrs. David Bugoci Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Brubaker Mr. and Mrs. James R. Burke Drs. Earl and Thurid Campbell Mr. and Mrs. William J. Carroll Mr. William Chapman Dr. and Mrs. Riaz N. Chaudhary Ms. Patricia A. Church Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Clegg Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Cline Dr. and Mrs. Chris Cooper Mr. Eric S. Coppock Mr. and Mrs. C C. Covrett Mr. Frank W. Cubbon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Darmofal Dr. and Mrs. Paul Davis Dr. and Mrs. Jon B. Dove Mr. Edwin F. Durivage Ms. Suzanne R. Ehrmin Mr. Mark Elsea and Ms. Niki Elsea Dr. and Mrs. Gregor Emmert, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ron England Mr. and Mrs. Joel Epstein Mr. William M. Fairhurst Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Farber Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fenton Ms. Patricia A. Fravel Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Frick Ms. Linda S. Garrison Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Geiger, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jason Glowacki Mr. and Mrs. William H. Gosline Dr. Robert A. Haaf Mr. John Hadley and Ms. Susan Metzger Mr. and Mrs. Greg Hammer Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hanley Ms. Jean C. Harler Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hauck Kent and Susan Herrick President’s Circle, continued Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hoff Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Holewinski Catherine Hoolahan and Gordon Capshaw Mr. and Mrs. John E. Horns Mr. and Mrs. David V. Horvath Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Howell Dr. and Mrs. David W. Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Jeffrey Drs. Mary Z. and Kent J. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Johnson Ms. Marjorie Z. Kaplin Mrs. Rita B. Kern Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Kemp Mr. and Mrs. Willis E. Kieninger Dr. and Mrs. Allan B. Kirsner Mr. and Mrs. David P. Koenig Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Kunze Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lang Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Lange Mr. and Mrs. Emory F. Lasseter Mr. and Mrs. Kyle R. Latham Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. LaValley, Jr. Harold and Carol Leupp Mr. and Mrs. Joel A. Levine Mr. Glenn Lipscomb and Ms. Jan Hartley Mr. and Mrs. Les Lipski Mr. and Mrs. William Locke, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Logan Kaydee Longnecker and Darren Reebel Mr. Bernard Lopinski Mrs. James A. Lower Mr. and Mrs. John H. Luscombe Mr. Anthony J. Lyons Ms. Christine Mabrey Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Maher Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Mattison Dr. and Mrs. John McBride Dr. Patrick and Kelly McCabe Mr. and Mrs. George F. McKisson, Jr. Dr. Mark and Ms. Maureen McQuillan Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Mechling Mr. and Mrs. Don Mewhort III Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Montgomery, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Moor Mr. and Mrs. Bill Moore Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morse Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mulvaney Mr. and Mrs. Richard Munk Mr. and Mrs. Kris Murphy Mr. Alan Newell and Ms. Heidi Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Ronan Ott Curt and Pat Pulcini Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Remy Ms. Lois E. Rickert Ms. Glenda E. Ried Mr. and Mrs. Richard Riegsecker G. Robert and Patricia Rose Mr. and Mrs. Roger Rupp Mr. and Mrs. Joel J. Rupp Dr. Elizabeth S. Ruppert Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ruvolo Mr. and Mrs. Jay Ryno Dr. and Mrs. James E. Sander Kay Saxby Mrs. Rubena Schaffer Ms. Connie and Ms. Helen Schepflin Mrs. Barbara Schlatter Mr. Dennis Schmedlen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Schmidt Dr. and Mrs. John L. Schwartz Mr. Pete Scully and Dr. Sue Parkins Sharon Simmons and Ron Coffman Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R. Smith, Jr. Ms. Eleanor Sonntag Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Soviar Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Staelin Mr. and Mrs. Carey Stansbury Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Starr Drs. Jeffrey Stephens and Jackie Vannuyen Dr. and Mrs. R. Jeffery Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Sterling Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Stojak Mr. and Mrs. David P. Strup Mr. and Mrs. Eric Summons Ms. Elizabeth A. Sutherland Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Sydlowski Dr. and Mrs. Lance A. Talmage Mr. and Mrs. Erik R. Thayer Dr. and Mrs. Warren S. Tipton Ms. Karen L. Trombley Mr. and Mrs. Philip Trumbull Ms. Joan Uhl Browne and Dr. Robert E. Kose Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Vargo, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walen Dr. Heath Wallace and Ms. Amanda Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Wambo Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Warner Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Warren Ms. Beverly Weidendorf Mr. and Mrs. David K. Welles, Jr. Mr. Charlie Wendt Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Werner Mrs. Carl Werner Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Westmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Randy E. Wireman Dr. Sarah S. Puckett & Mr. Jeffrey T. Wisniewski Mr. and Mrs. Frederic D. Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Woods Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Yocum Mr. and Mrs. Scott Young Mr. David Zamichow and Ms. Carolyn Jabs Dr. and Mrs. Joel Zrull Silver Circle Mr. and Mrs. Giuseppe Abbulone Dr. and Mrs. Nasir Ali Mr. and Mrs. James B. Allen Mrs. Jean Allen-Hiss Dr. Ruth E. Alteneder Ms. Patricia Anthony Mr. Paul Arnott Ms. Kay L. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Bamford Ms. Sheree L. Bargabos Mrs. Julie A. Barnes Mr. Gregory P. Bartholomy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bartz Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Batanian Mr. and Mrs. Scott Baughman Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Bauman Dr. and Mrs. Armando B. Bautista Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bazeley Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Behr, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Beitzel Dr. and Mrs. David W. Bell Ms. Carolyn Benitez and Ms. Beth Reese Mrs. Milton W. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Bennett Mr. C. Robert Bennett and Ms. Holly Jensen Dr. and Mrs. Paul Berlacher Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bernardo Mr. and Mrs. Steven Biela Monsignor Michael R. Billian Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Billig Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Binkley Mr. and Mrs. David Bir Mrs. Linda C. Bischoff Mr. Richard H. Bitter Mr. and Mrs. Jon E. Bjorkman Mr. and Mrs. James Blaine Mrs. G. Edward Bodette Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bohmer Mrs. Annette L. Boice Mr. and Mrs. James Boldt Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Bouts Mr. and Mrs. David E. Bowland Mrs. Shirley D. Boyer Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bradley Dr. and Mrs. Ernest G. Brookfield Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brown Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Bryant Mr. and Mrs. George A. Brymer, Jr. Mr. Thomas R. Burch Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Keith Burwell Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Burzynski Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Buskey Mr. and Mrs. John R. Byerly Mr. and Mrs. Bernard W. Byrum, Jr. Ms. Bonnie Carle Mr. and Mrs. Paul Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Ford B. Cauffiel Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Chesko, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Christensen Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chrzanowski Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cobb-Boes Mr. and Mrs. Jim Coe Joseph and Judith Conda Marjorie E. Conrad M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conroy Mr. and Mrs. Charles Contrada Dr. Ramona Cormier Dr. Tina Corns and Ms. Carol Vaughn Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cousino Mr. and Mrs. Brent L. Cousino Mr. Thomas H. Criqui Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Cronkright Mr. Chris Crumbaugh and Mr. Rick Prokup Mr. and Mrs. Dennis D’Amico Mr. Marvin Dabish and Ms. Lisa Gillies Mr. Joseph Danko and Ms. Anne Broughton Mr. and Mrs. Alfred S. Dannhauser Mr. and Mrs. Martin Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Willis F. Day IV Mr. and Mrs. Kevin DeCatur Roger and Carol DeGood Ms. Andrea M. DeIorio 24 President’s Circle, continued Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. DeLong Mr. Bruce Denman and Ms. Barbe Fisher Dan Dessner and Jonna McRury Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Dittman Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Dolder Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Duckett Mr. and Mrs. Harrell L. Duff Mr. and Mrs. David A. Dunaway Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Dunlap Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Durham Mr. and Mrs. Ben Eicher Mr. and Mrs. John Esbin Ruth M. and Ronald L. Euton Mr. and Mrs. Richard Faist Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Feaganes Mr. and Mrs. Chad Fenbert Mr. and Mrs. William Feniger Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah M. Ferguson Robert Ford and Mary Holmes Mr. Darrell Fox Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Frank Dr. Robert C. Friess Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frisch Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Fulweber Mr. and Mrs. John A. Galbraith Ms. Shirley Gale Dr. Nina Garritano Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Gaudiello Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Gaustad Mr. and Mrs. Ian Gazard Dr. and Mrs. Terry M. Gibbs Mrs. Eleanor L. Gibbs Mr. and Mrs. Riccardo Giovannone Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gorun Mr. and Mrs. Chad Grant Mr. and Mrs. William M. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Vijay K. Gupta Mr. and Mrs. George Gusses Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Gyurke Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hahn Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Hall Mr. David Hamilton and Ms. Nancy Gable Mr. Bruce Hammond and Ms. Cherie Williams Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Hanley Mr. and Mrs. Dannie J. Harden Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Everett W. Harris Susan Hartman Muska and Nicholas Muska Mr. and Mrs. Neil Haseley Dr. and Mrs. David L. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hays Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hayward Ms. Marilynn Hazard Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Heck Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Hedlund, Jr. Kae and Gary Heil 25 Ms. Lucile D. Heindricks Mr. and Mrs. Charles Helburn Mr. and Mrs. Gary Helmick Mr. William L. Henning, Jr. Ms. Nadine Hershey and Ms. Natasha Daughanbaugh Mrs. Margaret J. Hiett Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hill Mr. Shaun T. Hill Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hills Ms. Linda Hillstrom Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hinkle Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hirzel Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Hofmann Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Homer Drs. William and Lois Hoover Mr. and Mrs. Brad Hoppe Mr. and Mrs. Neil L. Horn Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Horne Mr. and Mrs. James M. Horner Dr. and Mrs. William L. Horvath Mr. Paul A. Hotmer Mr. and Mrs. William R. Houghton Mrs. Robert L. Huebner Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Huebner Dr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Husted Mr. Joel Hutchins and Ms. Jean Souder Ms. Marjorie Hutton and Ms. Eleanor Hutton Ms. Cheryl Hymore and Ms. Heather Freeman Ms. Linda Irons Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Reginald S. Jackson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Jacquemotte Dr. and Mrs. David B. James Mr. Jamille G. Jamra Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Jaskela Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Jaworski Dr. and Mrs. Claudel Jean-Pierre Dr. and Mrs. Jagadish S. Jhunjhunwala Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Jones Ms. Valerie M. Jones Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Julius Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Kabat Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kaiser Dr. and Mrs. Robert Kalb Mr. and Mrs. James A. Kalmbach Dr. Heather J. Kantola Dr. Tim Kasunic and Mr. Paul Jednak Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kemley Ms. Jessica Kemp Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kennedy John Kiely and Pamela Oatis Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kincade Scott Kincaid and April Avila Dr. Donald H. Klotz, Jr. The Honorable and Mrs. Richard Knepper Mr. and Mrs. Leo Knox Mr. Paul R. Koester Mr. Wesley Konesky and Mr. Patrick Konesky Mr. and Mrs. David J. Kowalski Mr. and Mrs. John P. Kraus Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kruse Mr. Thomas Kucera and Dr. Jennifer Zoll Mrs. Betty Kurtz Mr. and Mrs. Tom L. Land Mrs. Karen Landes Mr. Thomas A. Lane Mr. and Mrs. James W. Lapp Mr. Gerald Layher and Dr. Shaneli Fernando Mr. Alexander Learmonth Mr. Donald Leary and Ms. Rebecca Fuhrman Dr. William Lee and Dr. Wendy Wahl Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Lee-Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Leininger Mr. Gerald J. Lemieux Reuben and Esther Lengacher Mr. and Mrs. W. Michael Ligibel Mr. and Mrs. John Longmore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael Lowrey Ms. Jennifer Ludwig Mr. and Mrs. Mark Luetke Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mabrey Dr. and Mrs. Leland E. MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Maley Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Mancini Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Joel P. Martin Mr. and Mrs. A. Stephen Martindale Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mattevi Mr. and Mrs. Clint M. McBee Mr. and Mrs. Marshall McClurg Mrs. Judy McCracken Mr. and Mrs. William McCreary Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. McEwen Dr. and Mrs. Kevin A. McEwen-Martin Mr. Michael McGraw and Ms. Lisa Wells Mr. Michael McGuire Ms. Mary L. McKenny Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen McNally Philip and Johnna McWeeny Mr. and Mrs. James P. Meads II Rev. John Meloy Mrs. Florence L. Metzger Mr. and Mrs. Don Mewhort, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Meyers Dr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Milbrodt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miles Ms. Barbara A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Eldin H. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Miller, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Russell R. Miller Dr. David A. Miramontes Dr. and Mrs. James C. Moeller Mr. and Mrs. Vedagiri K. Mohan Mr. and Mrs. Harry Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Moulin Mr. Roger Muenger Mr. and Mrs. William Myers Andrew Newby and Kristin Kiser-Newby Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon Nicholson Mr. Norman A. Niedermeier Ms. Nancy K. Nielsen Dr. and Mrs. Neiman T. Odeh Mr. Peter Orser Mr. and Mrs. Patrick P. Pacella Mr. and Mrs. Robert Palmer Ms. A. Jean Palmisano Mr. and Mrs. Steve Park Ms. Leslie Parsels and Mr. James Park Mr. Chris Parsons and Ms. Jacquelynne Eccles Mr. and Mrs. John R. Patterson, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Perkins Dr. and Mrs. Salvador E. Peron Mr. and Mrs. John A. Petrlich Robert and Cathryn Phipps Mr. Dana Pienta Ms. Sally J. Pirolli Mr. and Mrs. James H. Plonka Ms. Susan Pohlod Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Pollock Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Pontius Mr. and Mrs. Tom Porter The Honorable John W. Potter Mr. and Mrs. Mario N. Procaccini Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Raczkowski Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Raglow Mrs. Edith B. Rathbun Mr. and Mrs. Jon M. Raymond Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Rayner Mr. and Mrs. Frazier Reams, Jr. Cindy and Fred Redmann Mr. Ron D. Reeder, Sr. Ms. Margot M. Reichert Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Reinhart President’s Circle, continued Mr. Ed Reising and Mr. Ned Reising Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Reiter Mr. Roger Rex and Mr. Jerry Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Richards Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Ridenour Dr. and Mrs. Donald W. Rinehart Mr. and Mrs. David Risley Mr. and Mrs. Randall J. Roberts Dr. and Mrs. Howard Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Norman Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Robon Mrs. Newton C. Rochte Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Roe Dr. Tyson Roethlisberger and Ms. Junita Bahroos Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rollins Mr. and Mrs. James B. Rorick Daniel Roshon and Trisha Goforth Mr. and Mrs. Rheo Rouillard Dr. and Mrs. Allan Rubin Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Rueter Mr. M. George Rumman Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rusk Mr. Richard W. Salhany Mr. and Mrs. William Sanford Mr. and Mrs. John Satkowski Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Savage Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sawicki Mrs. Maureen Schaefer Mr. Carl Schaffer and Ms. Victoria Krauss Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schlatter Mr. James B. Schmakel Dr. and Mrs. Gary M. Schniegenberg Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Scott Dr. Patsy F. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Scott Mr. and Mrs. William D. Searles Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Sebastian Mr. and Mrs. Todd Seeley Mrs. Kathleen Sell Mr. Stephen Serchuk and Ms. Nancy Delikat Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shankie Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Shawhan Mr. and Mrs. Craig Sheets Mr. and Mrs. B. Thomas Shirk Mr. and Mrs. James Shull Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Shumaker Dr. Susan and Mr. Paul Sieben Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Simon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sink Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Sipp Mr. Dean Skillman and Ms. Karen Mulholland Mr. and Mrs. James Skinner Mr. and Mrs. David W. Skiver Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Smith Mr. Arthur P. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Duane A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Leon M. Smith Mr. Peter Smythe and Ms. Eileen Quinn Dr. Edwin C. Snoke Mr. and Ms. Robert Spino Mr. and Mrs. John Sponsler Mr. and Mrs. Quinton A. St John Lawrence Starkey and Mary Radcliff Ms. Barbara Steele and Mr. Alan Kimple Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Stephens Andrew and Cynthia Stevens Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stockdale Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Stolzenburg Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Storer Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Stotlar Mr. and Mrs. James T. Strasser Mr. and Mrs. Steve Straub Mr. Robert Stump and Ms. Sharon Quattlebaum Mr. David Sturtz and Ms. Angela Carr Ms. Patricia L. Sutherland Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Swigart Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Synowiec, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David M. Szczesniak Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Tafelski Mr. and Mrs. John E. Taylor Mr. and Ms. John Temple Mr. Mike Thaman and Ms. Lisa Gathard Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Mr. and Mrs. James J. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Thomas Mrs. Rose Thomson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Timbrook Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Timmers Mr. and Mrs. Matt Tracy Dr. Elliot Tramer and Dr. Christine Manzey Mr. Oscar Trevino and Mr. Ramon Trevino Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Turner Mr. Thomas Unger and Ms. Candy Kline Mr. Leonard D. VanDyke Dr. and Mrs. Pierre A. Vauthy Mr. and Mrs. Baldemar C. Velasquez Richard & Patricia McCutchan Vernier Mrs. Joanne Vick Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Vollmer Mrs. Sharon M. Wackley Mr. Barton L. Wagenman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wakeman Mr. and Mrs. Tim Walsh Mr. and Mrs. James E. Walter Mr. Harry M. Ward III Mr. and Mrs. M. Ben Ward Mr. and Mrs. Tom J. Watkins, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Webb Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Webb Mr. and Mrs. John Weglian Mr. and Mrs. Craig T. Weigand Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weisfelder Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Weith, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Welch Mr. Henry C. Wente Mr. and Mrs. Stewart L. Werner Mr. and Mrs. Ken H. Wetmore Ms. Amy F. Wexler Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wiegand Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Wiley Mr. and Mrs. David Willett Ms. Sara Williams and Ms. Alexandra Williams Mrs. Nancy Wills and Mr. Douglas Wills Mr. and Mrs. Duane Rodriguez-Winter Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Witherspoon Mr. and Mrs. Ron Witt Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Wittenberg Ms. Judith A. Woelfel Mrs. Donna Wollenslegel Mr. and Mrs. Robin L. Wood Mr. and Mrs. David R. Woolford Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wordelman Mr. and Mrs. Lee D. Wunschel Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Yobbagy Ms. Tina Zeiter Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Zellers Mr. and Mrs. John Zepp Mr. and Mrs. William Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zoeller Mr. Robert L. Zollweg The Honorable and Mrs. Jack Zouhary Mr. and Mrs. John Zureich 26 Extraordinary GIFTS Grants Grants provide the Toledo Zoo with the additional funding needed to develop or expand educational programming, support important conservation initiatives and enhance community outreach. The Zoo gratefully acknowledges the education-related grants received in 2012 through the generosity of these organizations. PNC Bank Children and animals are a natural fit -- and the younger a child encounters the natural world, the better he or she will understand it and care for it later. Learn through Play, a three-year program, focuses on school readiness through nature and animal appreciation. The PNC Foundation funded the program through its Grow Up Great initiative to improve access to quality early childhood education for disadvantaged preschoolers. This program connects Lucas County’s Head Start students with PNC volunteers, Toledo Zoo educators and all the resources the Zoo has to offer. With a focus on play, the students develop math and reading readiness, plus cognitive and social skills. All these skills are critical to early success in the classroom – which leads to long-term educational (and lifetime) success. Research shows that children who are ready for kindergarten are far more likely to experience greater educational achievements, strive toward higher vocational aspirations and contribute to society later in life. Ohio Division of Wildlife Aquatic Invasive Species Program This grant, received in late 2012, will help the Zoo integrate educational messaging into the new Aquarium’s Ohio Lakes and Streams exhibit. Interpretive graphics and a video will explain how invasive species – like round gobies, goldfish and zebra mussels – damage our local aquatic environment. Interactive, hands-on learning is a theme that continues throughout the Aquarium, including multi-sensory saltwater touch tanks, a 90,000-gallon Pacific reef exhibit with diver-visitor interaction, and a pop-up dome within one tank. The Aquarium’s renovations are scheduled to be complete by mid-year 2015. 27 Photo: Alex DeBeukelaer Foundation gifts Memorial gifts to the Foundation The Toledo Zoological Society Foundation acquires, invests and distributes endowment funds to secure the long-term future of the Zoo, including its animal collections, education and conservation programs, Works Progress Administration-era buildings. The Toledo Zoo wishes to acknowledge the individuals who were honored through a tribute gift in 2012. Some of the major projects funded by the Foundation in 2012 included: • architectural/engineering fees for Penguin Beach, the Zoo’s new penguin exhibit scheduled to open in the • upgrading electrical safety Zoo-wide to meet OSHA standards • a new animal ambulance for the veterinary department • an on-site industrial waste disposal system For more information about the Toledo Zoological Society Foundation or ways that you can contribute to the endowment, please visit toledozoo.org/foundation. Foundation gifts The Toledo Zoo gratefully acknowledges those individuals whose generous gifts to the Foundation in 2012 will help ensure that the Toledo Zoo continues to provide high-quality animal care and conservation while delighting and educating our visitors for generations to come. Gifts in tribute are not only a source of support for the future of the Toledo Zoo, but are also a wonderful way to honor the memory of a friend or relative or to pay tribute In loving memory of Donald Applegate Carol Badas Debra Barnhiser David Barrow Darlene and Duane Boerst Richard L. Bozek Frasier Burt Sam and Alice Carson Donald Cox Peter Cranker Mary Patricia DeYonker Ethan William Freck David Gartz John E. Gates Lee Marsh Doris Martin Dr. Leo Miedler Randy Plant Raymond Pockmire Phyllis Potter John (Jack) Schade Trudy Schade Mary Susan Scott Allyn Sewald In honor of Health Care REIT Lynn Lyons Tony Lyons Tuesday ZooEd Volunteers Tom Ziems Happy Anniversary Mary & Paul Dusseau Happy Birthday Thomas Baither - 70th Judie Burns John Fedderke Mary Fedderke Henry Herschel Mary Ellen Pisanelli Cam Smith Happy Holidays Betco Customers - Holiday Tribute - Christmas 2012 Sanford Stein - Father’s Day Dorothy Strouss Lyla Vancil Ronald Windom Joann Zakrzewski 2012 gifts Estate of David Arnos Terry L. Bossert Robert Brooke Brown Marjorie E. Conrad, MD Waldo C. Donaho Trust John B. Hadley Donald L. Harbaugh KeyBank Foundation Kiemle-Hankins Company Thomas Klein Edna Miller Trust Rhodes Foundation The Searles Family Foundation Christine Turnbull Wal-mart Foundation Tom Scott Ziems Photo: Nick Edens Photo: Linda Milks 28 Extraordinary PARTNERSHIPS The majority of the funding for creating the Zoo’s new exhibits and renovations comes from the passage of Lucas County’s Capital Levy. We thank the voters for loyal Zoo support. Adding to this levy funding are private donations that enhance our capital projects, allowing us to incorporate more interactive components and green technology. Tembo Trail and the award-winning Nature’s Neighborhood show the extraordinary results accomplished through the partnership of public and private funding. Two new opportunities are now available: Penguin Beach and the new Aquarium. Join the excitement! Donations and sponsorship opportunities are available for both these projects. To learn more, contact Mary Fedderke at [email protected], or call her at 419.385.5721, ext. 2074. The Zoo is grateful to the following generous donors, who help us bring extraordinary ideas to life. $1,000,000 and up Fisher-Price, Inc. $500,000 to $999,999 Mr. Samuel G. Carson, Sr. The Carson Family Charitable Trust Kresge Foundation Mr. Jonathan F. Orser In Memory of Grace Ford Orser $250,000 to $499,999 The George Hambro Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John F. Meier $100,000 to $249,999 Joseph and Judith Conda Eaton Corporation Fifth Third Bank France Stone Foundation Estate of Richard O. Hostetter KeyBank Landman Goldman Foundation Trust The LaValley Foundation Mercy Clement O. Miniger Memorial Foundation Mrs. Dorothy MacKenzie Price Stranahan Foundation Mrs. David K. Welles 29 $50,000 to $99,000 Anderson Foundation Anderson Fund Supporting Organization Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Anderson through Toledo Community Foundation John & Virginia Hankison Foundation Mrs. Isabel H. Perry Ms. Mary Ellen Pisanelli Waite-Brand Foundation Walnut Foundation $25,000 to $49,999 Drs. Anne Baker and Robert Lacy Elsie & Harry Baumker Foundation Mr. C. Robert Bennett and Ms. Holly Jensen Brooks Insurance Agency, Inc./Dennis & Sheila Johnson Tobias and Susan Cardone Mr. and Mrs. John Fedderke Mr. and Mrs. James B. Foote through Toledo Community Foundation Health Care REIT, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Tom L. Land Lott-Conlon Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Herbert R. Metzger Ohio Department of Natural Resources Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Staelin Mr. and Mrs. John Szuch Terhune Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Warner Yark Automotive Group $10,000 to $24,999 Anonymous Tom and Karen Baither James and Ellen Black Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Brady, Jr. Jane E Burson & John H Burson Foundation Marjorie E. Conrad M.D. William V. A. and Jeannie Dennler Findley Davies, Inc. Ms. Sandra M. Hylant George Isaac Foundation George Isaac Properties, Ltd. Isaac Industrial Properties, Inc. Zac and Dee Isaac Mr. Peter Orser Mrs. Marna and Dr. Suresh Ramnath Robert C & Susan Savage Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Smith Ms. Eleanor Sonntag The Lamont Thurston Family Gary Whitacre and Bonnie Rankin $5,000 to $9,999 Ms. Barbara E. Apanaitis Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Appold Robert Bedacht Foundation Ms. Joan Uhl Browne and Dr. Robert E. Kose First Energy Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William H. Gosline Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hadley Mr. John Hadley and Ms. Susan Metzger Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Haggett Heidtman Steel Products, Inc. Ms. Pamela S. Hershberger Jamison Well Drilling Inc Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kincade Mr. Daniel Kory and Ms. Elaine Canning Edward Lamb Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. George V. Oravecz Mrs. Edith B. Rathbun Hugh and Melissa Richberg Mr. and Mrs. David Risley Sharon Simmons and Ron Coffman Mr. and Mrs. David P. Strup Mr. and Mrs. Eric Summons Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Zerbey IV up to $4,999 Anonymous (10) Dr. Cecelia M. Adams Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Allen American Flooring Installers, LLC Matthew and Kate Anderson Area Office on Aging In Honor of Billie Johnson Harvard and Jean Armus John and Elaine Bachey Jim and Sue Bagdonas Ms. Emily Bailey Thomas and Jean Bamburowski Barton and Marian Bay Tana and Stu Benford The Blade William and Carol Block Mr. and Mrs. James Boldt Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Boyer Ms. Grace Brady Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Burns Dr. and Mrs. G. Mark Burton Ms. Judith A. Carroll Mr. Samuel G. Carson, Jr. In Memory of Sam and Alice Carson The Tim Coleman Family William and Carol Connelly John and Martha Corcoran Coy, Konieczny, Peppel, LLC George and Mary Pat Eistetter Robert and Carol Esplin Robert and Viola Everett Mr. and Mrs. Richard Faist Mr. Steven R. Federman Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Fenwick D.D.S. Elizabeth Foley Ms. Diane E. Folsom Mr. Darrell Fox Philip and Anne Gaines Jack and Kathryn Gallon Ms. Ruth E. Garner Ms. Suzanne M. Gartz Ms. Christina Green Mr. Gene F. Hagedorn Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hanley Mr. Henry W. Hauenstein Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Heck Mr. and Mrs. Charles Helburn Warren and Leann Henry James and Carol Herman Earl & Geraldine Heuer Foundation Carl and Anne Hirsch Donald and Bertha Honner Catherine Hoolahan and Gordon Capshaw Mr. and Mrs. John E. Horns James and Jeanine Huttner Ms. Sandy Isenberg R. Eric and Bonnie Johanssen Mr. and Mrs. John C. Jones The Honorable and Mrs. David A. Katz Timothy and Patricia Kearney Jim and Joan Keeler Mrs. Rita Barbour Kern Mr. Nasr Khan Kiemle-Hankins Company Norma and Floyd King KLAMAR LTD. Dr. Donald H. Klotz, Jr. Peter and Laura Kneip The Honorable and Mrs. Richard Knepper Tim and Joyce Konieczny Harley and Stacey Kripke Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Kunze Howard and Mary Lang Mr. and Mrs. David J. Ledrick Lewandowski Engineers Erwin and Linda Lorenz Mrs. J. Carson Lumbattis Mr. Anthony J. Lyons Ms. Lynn E. Lyons Leonard and Karen Madoff Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mahaffey Daniel and Pamela Malcom Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Maxwell Barry and Cathy McEwen Mark and Debra McLaren Brian and Charlene McMullen Kevin and Becky McQueen Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Mockensturm Terry and Sandra Murray Susan Hartman Muska and Nicholas Muska Mr. Joseph S. Nagy Andi Norman & Christopher Dudek John and Charlotte O’Neil Ms. Dorothy Otis Paul and Jeanette Pacholski Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Palmer Mr. Pete Scully and Dr. Sue Parkins Arun and Ashalata Patel Ms. Helen J. Petee Joseph and Mary Pierce Mr. John E. Polcyn The Honorable John W. Potter Thomas and Kay Pounds Mr. David J. Rasik James and Nancy Ravin John and Ann Ray Cindy and Fred Redmann Robert Reichert Todd and Victoria Riley Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Robon Root Learning, Inc. The Bruce Rumpf Family Dr. Elizabeth S. Ruppert Jean Schaefer Mr. Dennis Schmedlen The Searles Family Foundation Ms. Lucy Seay John and Karen Shoup A. Jackson and Sally Smith Mr. Carter Smith Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R. Smith, Jr. Roger and Barbara Smith Joseph and Juanita Spallina Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Sterling Dr. Benjamin and Mrs. Alma Tancinco Mr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Tasker Terry and Joan Thill Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Thompson Ms. Yvonne E. Thompson Mrs. Rose Thomson Dr. and Mrs. Warren S. Tipton TKBW Private Foundation Mr. Louis E. Tosi Mrs. Christine Turnbull Mr. and Mrs. Baldemar C. Velasquez Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Vollmer Lewis and Alicia Wagner Steve and Janet Weber Robert and Patricia Wilkins Lawrence and Jane Williams Miss Marjorie Winterhalder Ms. Catherine S. Witker John and Clara Lou Woellner through Toledo Community Foundation Phillip and Christine Wolf Woman’s Educational Club, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Yocum Roger and Jan Zimmerman 30 Extraordinary PEOPLE Employees In 2012, the Zoo relied on a dedicated crew of employees who regularly went above and beyond to make the Zoo phenomenal -- whether it meant going that extra step to help visitors or staying late with a sick animal. Our employees hold an unwavering dedication to the Zoo’s mission and to new ideas that continue to create even better experiences for our animals and our visitors. This devotion sometimes takes them to locations far from the Zoo as they work to create a bright future not just for the animals here, but for our animal ambassadors’ wild counterparts. We thank each of our employees who have helped make the Toledo Zoo a world-class destination. One of the remarkable aspects of our employees is their often-lifelong commitment to the Zoo. With this in mind, we recognize employees who reached milestone service anniversaries in 2012. 40 years Nancy Foley 30 years Rick Hornyak Val Hornyak Dino Michalski Dave Ross Kent Seagert 20 years Teri Waller 10 years Michelle Doyle Lorine Koepke Hannah Kinney, ZOOTeen, shares an impala skull biofact with visitors. Photo: Kandace York Volunteers The Toledo Zoo has the best volunteers! Our dedicated team works year-round in virtually every department grounds conservation work and all-around on-grounds “magic,” volunteers are a huge component of the Zoo’s world-class status. In 2012, we recognized these volunteers in particular who are an inspiration to all of us. Department Volunteer: Nick Orlowski Ni and then in Lion Holding, where he helps care for the sloth bears, lions, snow leopards and his favorite animals, the tigers. Zoo Educator (Zoo Ed): Dave Lockert Dave jumps into every possible program available, from school outreach and biofacts to handling live animals and driving summer camp vans. ZOOTeen: Greg Forrey Greg joined the ZOOTeen Program in 2008 and supports conservation and community service projects in the community. 160 full-time employees 610 part-time/seasonal employees 31 695 volunteers 63,407 hours We thank our exceptional volunteers for 2012. Dean Adams Sue Allard Carol Ann Allen Sandy Allen John Amos December Anderson Corey Baker Sarah Barkey Lynne Baranowski Allison Batey Tyler Berry Tim Birthisel Caleb Boraby Ken Borowicz Lynn Brough Ernie Brown Jim Bucher Aaron Burfeind Morgan Burke Austin Burris Abigail Casey Rachel Casey Patrick Cisek Brandi Clair Megan Coan John Ross Comes Melissa Condon Taylor Cornell Alli Coy Michael Day Erma Dee Nathan Dick Louise Dishong Shannon Dolley Chuck Dombrowski Shelly Donahue Art Dorf Lindsay Douglas Gwen Duvendack Katie Dzyak Diana Eby Gina Eller Zach Elliott Brandon Eppard Amelia Farley Caitlin Feehan Thomas Fisher Katie Fong Kevin Fong Greg Forrey* Gracie Foster Allison Franklin Jeramey Frelin Sarah Gesick Rebecca Giannetti Shane Goins Jen Goodrich Cassidy Gordon Nick Gordon Allison Grim Adam Grine Haley Haase Dick Hanson Adam Haynes Alexei Helton Katie Herzog Isaac Holley Rick Hrebic Cassie Hug Hannah Hug Joe Hug Tori Hug Gary Hune Emma Jechura Becky Johnson Danielle Jones Skylar Jones Joanne Joys Zion Kania Jess Keller Noah Kibert Tayler Kibert Jim Kinnear Hannah Kinney Megan Kirtos Dave Koenig Annahita Koogan Adri Kopp Maddie Kramer Stephanie LaPare Andrew Lardinais Max Lay Devon Layman Joan LeGros JR LeGros Kayla Liedel Haleigh Lindner Dave Lockert* Frank Longeway Dawn Lucas Rachel Lutz Lynn Lyons Lavina Manion Aaron Mariasy Austin Mariasy Devin May Kira McCallister Breanna McConnell Morgan McConnell Tina McCord Photo: Kandace York Brian McDonald Kelly McNutt Jourdyn McQueary Taylor Messinger Jonelle Meyer Katie Michalak Brendan Miller Chelsey Miller Ronald Miller Carrie Miller Stephanie Miner Sam Montri Chris Moore Christina Moore Marissa Moore Connor Moriarty Grace O’Hare Monica Olnhausen Nick Orlowski* Audrey Palumbo Cassandra Passalacqua Sarah Phlipot Debbie Quinlan Ryleigh Ramsey Wave Reaume Jacob Rettenberger Max Rioux Jeffery Ritter Brittany Rolfes Paul Rouda Olivia Ruiz Andrew Russell Dave Sansing Gary Schroeder Sydney Scribner Kristi Skinkiss Olivia Smith Judy Snyder Violet Spencer Emma St. Marie Robert Stanton Andrea Stoddard Barbara Streby Karen Striph Will Stuber Natalie Thomsen Alexandria Tong Chris Toy Trina Tran Phillip Trautlein Joanne Vick Chloe Vogel Emily Waldvogel Laura Walsh Karl Wandersee Connie Warner Vanessa Warton Sylvia Washburn Madison Welling Kelsey Welling Lisa Wells Kaitlyn Wiktor Glenn Williams Rob Winkle Katie Yarder Spencer Young Nicholas Youngblood Jeremy Zeisloft Judy Zinober *Recognized as top 2012 volunteers 32 Extraordinary MEMBERS and VISITORS Amur tiger Photo: Greenware Systems, Inc. Member households, 2008 - 2012 55,022 54,355 53,126 52,587 51,970 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Visitors, 2008 - 2012 962,094 913,564 888,863 864,386 839,413 2008 33 2009 2010 2011 2012 FINANCIALS 2012 Revenue Park Operations* 11,352,705 48.5% Lucas County Tax Levy 6,018,619 25.7% Memberships & Development 3,895,644 16.7% Contributions, Education & special events** 1,792,884 7.7% 332,736 1.4% $23,392,588 100.0% Miscellaneous *** Total Revenue *Park operations include Admissions, Concessions, Gifts, Catering, Parking and Rides Revenue **Contributions, Education & special events include Zoo PAL, Companies for Kids, the Annual Fund, ZOOtoDO, Corporate Sponsorship, Educational Programs, special gifts and funds from the Zoo Foundation. Some of the funds included in this line are reported differently on our audited financial statements due to being either board-designated, temporarily restricted or permanently restricted receipts. ***Miscellaneous Revenue includes investment income, grants, and other revenues. 25.7 % Lucas County Tax Levy 16.7% Memberships & Development 48.5% Park Operations 7.7% Contributations, Education & special events 1.4% Miscellaneous 2012 Expenditures Animal Care, Education, Conservation & Facilities 10,178,818 46.9% Visitor Services & Amenities 6,643,816 30.6% Administration, Membership, Marketing & Development 3,195,404 14.7% Utilities, Insurance & Taxes 1,679,937 7.8% Total Expenditures $21,697,975 Net Excess (Deficit) $1,694,613 100.0% Note: Consistent with prior years, depreciation expense is not included in the above figures, but capital expenses of $300,709 that were paid from operations are included. Cost of goods sold is included in Visitor Services expenditures. 30.6% Visitor Services & Amenities 14.7% Administration, Membership, Marketing & Development 7.8% Utilities, Insurance & Taxes 46.9 % Animal Care, Education, Conservation & Facilities 34 If you contributed to or supported the Toledo Zoo in any way in 2012 and your name was omi ed or misspelled, please let us know. Thank you. Editor Kandace York [email protected] Assistant editors Je Sailer Mary Fedderke Andi Norman Designer Teri Reed PO Box 140130 Toledo, OH 43614-0130 Phone 419.385.5721 toledozoo.org Photo: Andi Norman