MR Imaging of the Fetal Cerebellar Vermis in Utero: Description of
MR Imaging of the Fetal Cerebellar Vermis in Utero: Description of
MR Imaging of the Fetal Cerebellar Vermis in Utero: Description of some Useful Anatomical Criteria for Normal Development A Robinson, S Blaser, A Toi, D Chitayat, M Gundogan, S Laughlin, S Pantazi, G Ryan The Hospital for Sick Children Departments of Diagnostic Imaging, Clinical & Metabolic Genetics and Neuropathology Mount Sinai Hospital Departments of Medical Imaging, Prenatal Diagnosis & Medical Genetics and Obstetrics & Gynaecology The University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada Purpose Atlas of sagittal views of fetal cerebellar vermis: normal To define easily identifiable and reproducible measurements and markers of normal anatomic development of the fetal cerebellar vermis in vivo. 17.5 weeks 19.3 weeks 19.7 weeks 20.4 weeks Embryology (what is already known) Actual appearances of ex-utero fetal specimens on MRI (adapted from Hansen 1993, Babcock 1996, Chong 1997) developing cerebellum IV ventricle (roof not yet visible) 11-12 weeks IV ventricle (roof only just visible) 13-14 weeks IV ventricle roof thickens 16 weeks inferior vermis smaller 4th ventricle covered 1° fissure & fastigial point visible inferior vermis still smaller 21.0 weeks 21.7 weeks pre-pyramidal fissure appears pre-culmenate fissure appears 24.2 weeks 26.7 weeks vermis complete inferior vermis fully formed 2° fissure appears 22.4 weeks 23.9 weeks 27.0 weeks 27.8 weeks 18 weeks Materials & Methods Retrospective analysis of midline sagittal view of 189 consecutive fetal MRI examinations was performed for CNS and non-CNS indications. Analysis included identification of the fastigium and vermian fissures , degree of coverage (closure) of the 4th ventricle, cranio-caudal diameter, measurement & ratio of cerebellar tissue above and below the fastigium-declive line - a line drawn from the fastigium to the dorsal most point of the vermis (the declive ), and the tegmento-vermian angle. Fetuses imaged for assessment of abnormalities affecting the posterior fossa structures (n=42) were evaluated separately. Anatomy and measurements (image adapted from Duvernoy 1995) culmen pre-culmenate fissure primary fissure central lobule other lobules becoming visible lobules fully formed 30.8 weeks declive 32.9 weeks 34.6 weeks 37.0 weeks lingula folium iter tuber fastigium pre-pyramidal fissure obex pyramid nodule uvula cranio-caudal diameter secondary or post-pyramidal fissure fastigium-declive line tegmento-vermian angle Results Gestational age ranged from 14.0 to 38.6 weeks with a mean of 26.7 weeks. Useful midline sagittal views were obtained in 152 studies for a total of 230 measurements. Craniocaudal diameter of the cerebellar vermis follows a first order polynomial equation with an R2 value of 0.89: diameter (mm) = 0.74 x gestational age (weeks) – 6.11 Average height above and below the fastigial point also increased linearly, with percentages above and below between 39.8% and 59.3% (average 47.9% & 52.1% respectively), and no significant change in this ratio with gestational age. The tegmento-vermian angle was almost always 0° in normal fetuses, only one normal fetus had an angle of between 6-9°. There was linear growth of the cerebellar vermis throughout gestation Conclusions There was linear growth of the vermis both above and below the fastigium The fastigium should be clearly visualized at any gestational age in the normal fetuses. 2. The vermis should cover the 4th ventricle by 17-18 weeks gestation, but initially may be slightly smaller inferiorly. 3. There should be linear and symmetrical growth of the vermis throughout gestation. 4. The ratio of vermian tissue above and below the fastigium-declive line should be slightly below unity and not change significantly. 5. A slightly increased tegmento-vermian angle may be a normal variant and does not necessarily predict an adverse outcome. 6. The declive and primary fissure should always visible in normal fetuses from 17.5 weeks. The other lobules (besides declive) become visible from 24 weeks and most were visible by 27 weeks. 7. The other fissures should be visible as follows: the secondary (postpyramidal) from 20 weeks, the pre-pyramidal from 21 weeks, and pre-culmenate from 22 weeks. There is therefore a delay of between 3-5 weeks between identification of these features in live fetuses versus fetal specimens (Chong 1997, Nakayama 1999). 14.0 30 12.0 25 2 20 .74 y=0 15 .11 R 6 x 9 = 0.8 Height (mm) Diameter (mm) 1. 10 0.84 = .32 R 3 .39x 0 = y 10.0 2 8.0 6.0 0.81 = .79 R 2 x 5 = 0.3 2 4.0 y 2.0 5 0.0 15 0 15 20 25 30 35 Abnormals 25 30 35 40 Gestational age (weeks) 40 Gestational age (weeks) Normals 20 Height above fastigium Trendline (Height above fastigium) Trendline (Normals only) Height below fastigium Trendline (Height below fastigium) A slightly increased tegmento-vermian angle may be a normal variant The ratio of vermian tissue above:below the fastigium was, on average, slightly below unity and did not change with gestational age 60 1.6 50 Angle(degrees) 1.4 1.2 Ratio 1.0 0.8 0.6 References 40 30 20 0.4 10 0.2 0 0.0 15 20 25 30 Gestational age (weeks) Normals Trendline (Normals only) 35 40 15 20 25 30 Gestational age (weeks) Normals Abnormals 35 40 •Babcook CJ. Chong BW. Salamat MS. Ellis WG. Goldstein RB. Sonographic anatomy of the developing cerebellum: normal embryology can resemble pathology. American Journal of Roentgenology. 166(2):427-33, 1996 Feb. •Chong BW. Babcook CJ. Pang D. Ellis WG. A magnetic resonance template for normal cerebellar development in the human fetus. Neurosurgery. 41(4):924-8; discussion 9289, 1997 Oct. •Duvernoy H. The Human Brainstem and Cerebellum. Springer Verlag 1995. •Hansen PE. Ballesteros MC. Soila K. Garcia L. Howard JM. MR imaging of the developing human brain. Part 1. Prenatal development. Radiographics. 13(1):21-36, 1993 Jan.
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