阅读 - 九羽电子图书


阅读 - 九羽电子图书
NMET 话 题 阅 读 训 练
图书在版编目 ( CIP) 数据
N ME T 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题 / 王红妹 , 侯磊
主编 . 济南 : 山东科学技术出版社 , 2002
ISBN 7 - 5331 - 3254 - 8
Ⅰ. N . . . Ⅱ. ①王 . . .②侯 . . . Ⅲ. 英语 阅读教
学 高中 升学参考资料 Ⅳ. G634. 413 中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字 (2002) 第 057288 号
NMET 话 题阅读训 练
仿 真试题
王红妹 侯 磊 主编
出版者 : 山东科学技术出版社
地 址 : 济 南 市 玉 函 路 16 号
邮 编 : 250002 电 话 : ( 0531 ) 2065109
网 址 : w w w .l k j .c o m .cn
电 子 邮 件 : sd k j @ j n-p u b li c .sd .c ni nfo .n e t
发行者 : 山东科学技术出版社
地 址 : 济 南 市 玉 函 路 16 号
邮 编 : 250002 电 话 : ( 0531 ) 2020432
印刷者 : 山东新华印刷厂
地 址 : 济 南 市 胜 利 大 街 56 号
邮 编 : 250001 电 话 : ( 0531 ) 2059512
开 本 : 7 8 7 m m × 1 0 9 2 m m 1/ 1 6
印张 :23
字数 :490 千
版次 :2002 年 9 月 第 1 版 第 1 次 印 刷
印数 :1 —8000
ISBN 7 - 5331 - 3254 - 8 H・52
定价 :26 .00 元
编 : 王红妹
者 : ( 以 姓氏笔画为 序 )
王 崇好
石 运光
朱晓 东
宫梅 娟
蒋 建丽
高一 英语听力功 能项目训 练 (磁 带 6 盒 )
高二 英语听力功 能项目训 练 (磁 带 8 盒 )
NMET 话题听 力训练 & 仿 真模拟 ( 磁带 8 盒 )
NMET 话题阅 读训练 & 仿 真试题
中考 英语话题听 力训练 & 仿 真试题 ( 磁带 6 盒)
英语 背诵文选 60 篇
英语 欣赏文选 60 篇
即将 出版的新书 :
初一 英语听力功 能项目训 练 (配 磁带 )
初二 英语听力功 能项目训 练 (配 磁带 )
NMET 预测试 卷 & 答案解 析
中考 英语预测试 卷 & 答案解 析
阅读理解 是 高考 英 语中 最 重 要的 题 项 , 所 占 分 值最 多 ( 40 分 ) , 题
量最大 (20 题 ) , 解题 难 度最 高 , 最 具综 合 测 试英 语 水 平 的 功能。 如 果
阅读理解部分得不到基 本分 数 , 其 他 几个 题项 的得 分也 很 难把 分数 提
上来 , 最终总分很难达到及格线。因此 , 必须高度重视平时和高考冲刺
为了给高三的同学提供 一本 按新 颁布 的 课程 标准 编写、适 应高 考
命题趋势的阅读理解训 练材 料 , 应 山 东科 学技 术出 版社 外 语图 书工 作
室之约 , 我们编写 了这 本《NMET 话 题阅 读训 练 & 仿 真 试题》。在 编 写
过程中 , 本书遵循以下四个原则 :
一、严格按照新颁布的英 语课 程 标准 和高 考阅 读理 解 测试 要求 选
编材料、设计题型。这既有助于提高学生的综合语言能力 , 也有利于训
强调本书的实用 性 , 主要 处理 好两 个关 系 : ①常 规 训练 与应 试
训练。本书的前半部分是常规训练 , 采用最新的话题训练方式 , 共安排
了 10 个话题。这 10 个话题都是从近年来高考阅 读理解所 涉及的话 题
中归纳出来的。每个话 题 下设 两套 试题 , 每 套题 按高 考模 式设 5 篇 文
章 ;20 道题 , 共计 100 篇文 章。本书 的后 半部 分是 应试 训 练 , 是 为高 考
冲刺阶段使 用 的。共 设 20 套 试题 , 100 篇 文 章 , 命 题 方 式 与 高 考 完 全
一致。②自主训练与 教师 辅 导。全 书不 论是 话题 训练 还 是仿 真试 题 ,
都配有答案解析 , 话题训练部分还配有难点注释 , 方便学生自学。同时
本书将试题和答案解析部 分分 开 装订 , 便于 教师 上 辅导 课时 使用。 学
生不看答案 , 独立做题 , 最后由教师集中辅导。
适当增加训练 难度。 新颁 布 的课 程标 准总 体上 对 英语 教学 的
难度加大了 , 高考阅读 理解 的 难度 也在 逐年 提高。 为使 考 生更 好地 应
对未来的高考 , 本书适当提高了难度。①加大了生词量 ; ②提高了句子
结构的难度 ; ③选编了一些篇幅较长的文章 ; ④增加了一些高中教材中
少见但高考中曾经出 现过 的 话题。 这样 做的 目的 是提 高 训练 的起 点 ,
四、兼顾各种体裁。新颁 布的 课 程标 准中 要求 高中 毕 业生 要有 识
别英语文章体裁特征的能 力。因 此在 编写 中 , 我们 格外 注 意了 各类 体
裁文章的录用。考生在阅读理解训练时 , 要注意识别和分析。
最后 , 寄语使用本书的高中三年级的老师和同学们 , 希望这本书能
对你们的英语教学和高考 有所 帮 助。由于 时 间仓 促 , 书 中 肯定 有许 多
疏漏 , 发现后 , 切望及时反馈给我们。
第一部分 NMET 阅读理解题型
分析 & 解题指导
第二部分 NMET 话题阅读训练
One Culture & Education
Two History
Three Science & Technology
Four Transportation & Traffic
Five Sports & Entertainment
Unit Six News & Advertisements
Unit Seven Social Problems
Unit Eight Daily life
Unit Nine Natural Disaster
Unit Ten Stories
第三部分 NMET 阅读理解仿真试题
Test Six
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题
NMET 话题阅读训练答案解 析 242
NMET 阅读理解仿真试题答 案解析
附录∶1998 年~2002 年 NMET
阅 读理解试题
阅 读 理 解 能 力 是 高 中 英 语 教 学 听 、说 、读 、写 四 种 技 能 中 重 点 培 养 的 一 种 语 言 技 能 , 尤 其 是
随着国内外英语测试方法的 改革 和发 展, 阅 读理 解已 经成 为 测试 综合 英语 水平 的 重要 题型。
NMET 阅 读 理 解 部 分 共 设 20 道 题 , 分 值 40 分 , 时 间 35 分 钟 。 在 所 有 题 项 中 , 阅 读 理 解 的 分 量
最 重 , 最 具 有 综 合 性 。 下 表 是 对 2002 年 NMET 的 试 卷 分 析 :
表 1
时间( 分钟)
85 + 1
从 表 中 看 出 , 除 阅 读 理 解 外 , 另 外 两 大 题 项 ——— 完 型 填 空 和 短 文 改 错 与 阅 读 理 解 密 切 相
关 , 这 两 个 题 项 的 分 值 分 别 为 30 分 和 10 分 。 这 三 个 题 项 总 分 将 高 达 80 分 , 占 总 分 的 53 % 强 。
一 、N MET 对 阅 读 理 解 的 测 试 要 求
NMET 之 所 以 如 此 重 视 对 阅 读 能 力 的 考 查 , 是 因 为 高 中 英 语 课 程 标 准 中 对 高 中 阶 段 阅 读
1. 能理解阅读材料中不同的观点和态度 ;
2. 能识别不同文体的特征 ;
3. 能通过分析句子结构理解难句和长句 ;
4. 能在教师的帮助下欣赏浅显的文学作品 ;
5. 能根据学习任务的需要从电子读物或网络中获取信息并进行加工处理 ;
6 . 除 教 材 外 , 课 外 阅 读 量 应 累 计 达 到 36 万 词 以 上 。
根据这六项指标。阅读能力 的 测试 可 归纳 为 两个 方 面: 一 是 理解 能 力, 二 是阅 读 速度 。
1. 掌握所读材料的主旨和大意 , 以及用以说明主旨和大意的事实和细节。
2. 既理解具体的事实 , 也理解抽象的概念。
3 . 既 理 解 字 面 意 思 , 也 理 解 深 层 含 义 , 包 括 作 者 的 态 度 、意 图 等 。
4 . 能 理 解 某 句 、某 段 的 意 义 , 并 能 把 握 全 篇 的 文 脉 , 并 据 此 进 行 推 理 、判 断 。
5. 能根据材料所提供的信息 , 结合中学生应有的常识正确判断生词和语句的含义。
上述五点表明,对阅读理解能力的考查是多方面的, 从对文章的总体把握到对事实细节的
NMET 阅读理解题型分析 & 解题指导
辨 别 ; 从 对 文 章 的 表 层 理 解 到 深 层 内 涵 的 挖 掘 ; 从 对 词 、句 的 释 义 到 进 一 步 推 理 判 断 等 等 都 在
NMET 对 阅 读 速 度 的 要 求 也 逐 年 提 高 。 随 着 阅 读 词 汇 量 的 逐 年 增 加 , 提 高 阅 读 速 度 是 高 考
阅 读 理 解 题 最 显 著 的 特 点 之 一 。 下 表 是 对 近 几 年 NMET 阅 读 理 解 的 词 汇 量 和 阅 读 速 度 的 分 析 :
表 2
读 速 ( w/ m )
49 . 23
51 . 86
63 . 17
68 . 66
66 . 71
55 . 4
NMET 阅 读 速 度 由 原 来 的 每 分 钟 50 ~ 60 词 提 高 到 每 分 钟 50 ~ 70 词 , 生 词 率 由 2 % 提 高 到
3 % , 并 删 除“ 理 解 正 确 率 70 % ”这 一 要 求 , 这 意 味 着 阅 读 理 解 正 确 率 要 进 一 步 提 高 。 由 此 可
见 , NMET 阅 读 既 是 对 理 解 水 平 的 考 查 , 也 是 对 阅 读 速 度 的 考 查 。 只 有 阅 读 速 度 快 , 理 解 准 确
率高,才可能在高考中拿高分。二者缺一, 都会影响考试成绩。
二 、N MET 阅 读 理 解 命 题 特 点
1 . 阅 读 能 力 是 考 查 的 重 点 。 这 些 能 力 包 括 总 结 概 括 能 力 、分 析 判 断 能 力 、逻 辑 推 理 能 力
2 . 阅 读 材 料 体 裁 、题 材 多 样 。 包 括 记 叙 文 、议 论 文 、应 用 文 等 多 种 文 体 , 以 及 文 化 、历 史 、
家 庭 、教 育 、人 口 、交 通 、科 普 、经 济 、体 育 等 多 种 题 材 。
3. 阅读材料新颖 , 观点不落俗套。所考文章内 容既与 英语语言 国家人 民的生活 有密切 联
系 , 又 是 当 代 中 学 生 熟 知 或 感 兴 趣 的 话 题 , 如 电 脑 、教 育 、环 境 、旅 游 等 , 文 中 所 持 观 点 往 往 出 人
意料之外,细查全文却又在情理之中。这两点对规 范中学 生的 日常 阅读范 围和 训练思 维起 到
4 . 考 点 分 布 、设 计 合 理 。 所 有 的 阅 读 题 中 没 有 偏 题 、怪 题 , 既 保 证 答 案 的 唯 一 性 , 又 有 效
5. 推理判断与概括大意题有增加的趋势。前几 年 , 细 节理解和 词语释 义题的分 配比例 较
大,目的在于考查捕捉具体信息的能力和对词句的理解。近几年, 推理判断题和概括大意等主
观题有所增加,目的在于考查对全文的理解和把握, 实际上是要求提高深度理解文章的能力。
三 、N MET 命 题 类 型 及 答 题 技 巧
NMET 阅 读 理 解 部 分 包 括 5 篇 短 文 , 每 篇 设 2 ~ 5 个 问 题 , 共 20 题 , 每 题 2 分 , 共 40 分 。 命
题 类 型 主 要 有 以 下 四 种 : 主 旨 大 意 题 、事 实 细 节 题 、推 理 判 断 题 、词/ 句 释 义 题 等 。
1. 主旨大意题
主 旨 大 意 题 通 常 用 key point , main id ea , main poin t , mai n topic , purpose , best title , mainly
abou t , disc uss , explai n 等 词 或 词 组 提 问 。 提 问 的 角 度 一 般 有 以 下 三 类 :
(1) 为 文 章 命 题 。 如 :
Whic h of th e following could b e th e best title for th e text ?
Whic h on e of t hese h ead ings is most suitable to th e text ?
Wh at do you t hink would be a good title for this text ?
N M E T 阅读理解题型分析 & 解题指导
(2) 总 结 全 文 大 意 。 如 :
T he purpose ( main id ea ) of this text is
T he text is m ainly about
T he text m ainly discuss/ explain
T he text m ainly deals with
W hich sentence best su m m arizes the article ?
W ith what topic is the passage m ainly concerned ?
T he article m ainly tells about the story of
T he subject discussed in this text is
(3) 总 结 某 一 段 的 大 意 。 如 :
W hat’s the m ain point the writer is trying to m ake in the last paragraph ?
做主旨大意题可遵循两个步骤:首先, 抓文章( 段落 )的 主题, 即 作者的 观点 或作者 通过 这
篇文章(或这一段) 要告诉读者什么。其次,认真界定选项内涵, 排除干扰,找出正确答案。
总结全文主旨大意的关键是抓主题段。主题段在文中的位置有三种:一是位于篇首, 即文
章的首段。这类文章一般是遵循由概述到分述的程序,先提出观点或要谈论的问题, 然后进行
论 证 或 详 细 的 叙 述 。 二 是 位 于 文 章 中 间 。 这 类 文 章 一 般 包 括 引 题 、主 题 、解 释 等 三 个 层 次 。 三
总结段落主旨大意的关键是抓段落主题句。主题 句的 分布 规律通 常有 以下几 种情 况: 一
是首句,即段落的第一句就开门见山地提出本段 要谈论 的要 点; 二是尾 句, 即通 过本段 前半 部
分 的 叙 述 、议 论 后 , 得 出 结 论 或 提 出 观 点 ; 三 是 段 落 中 间 。 在 这 种 情 况 下 , 段 落 通 常 是 遵 循 这 样
的 程 序 : 引 言 ——— 观 点 ——— 论 证 , 引 出 观 点 后 , 列 举 几 个 支 持 该 观 点 的 证 据 , 然 后 在 下 文 的 几 段
中分别进行详细地论证。四是暗示句。不是直接提 出观点, 而 是把 观点隐 藏在 段落中 的字 里
行 间 。 要 求 根 据 文 中 提 供 的 事 实 、逻 辑 关 系 以 及 作 者 所 使 用 的 某 些 带 有 感 情 色 彩 或 具 个 人 倾
界定各选项内涵,破译干扰项, 是做主旨大意题的重要技巧。有较强干扰性的选项经常有
以下特点:①概括范围过小, 只对文中某一段落或局 部细节 的概 括, 这类选 项相 对于文 章来 说
如 同“ 大 脑 袋 戴 了 一 顶 小 帽 子 ”。 ② 概 括 范 围 过 大 , 超 出 文 章 内 容 阐 述 的 部 分 , 这 类 选 项 相 对 于
文 章 来 说 如 同“ 小 脑 袋 戴 了 一 顶 大 帽 子 ”。 ③ 只 注 重 了 对 文 章 表 层 意 思 的 理 解 , 没 能 抓 住 深 层
内 涵 。 这 类 选 项 多 出 现 在 寓 言 或 故 事 中 。 ④ 以 次 代 主 。 文 中 出 现 几 个 论 点 , 有 主 论 点 、次 论 点
或分论点,干扰项以次论点或分论点代主论点, 干扰性较强。这类选项多见于议论文中。
2. 事实细节题
事 实 细 节 题 通 常 用 what, which , w hen , why , how , who , how m any , because , except 等 提 问 。
( 1 ) 问 时 间 、地 点 、人 物 等 。 如 :
The Ice Age lasted alm ost
.( 上 海 99 )
The people w ho held Santa Fe for the longest period in history were the
The Channel Island have been continuously under British rule since
( 2 ) 问 方 式 、方 法 、手 段 、目 的 等 。 如 :
.( M E T 93 )
.( 2000 年 春 季 )
N M ET 阅读理解题型分析 & 解题指导
M erlin put wheels under his shoes in order to
.( N M E T 98 )
Luetjens tried to sail to France in order to
E d tried to protect his crop by
. ( N M E T 98 )
. ( 上 海 96 )
( 3 ) 问 原 因 、结 果 。 如 :
W hich of the following is the m ain im m ediate cause of… ?
M any people believed that the Bis m arck could not be defeated because she
The reason Father was in a hurry to get ho m e was that he
.( N M E T 99 )
( N M E T 98 )
( 4 ) 问 时 空 顺 序 及 事 件 发 生 、发 展 的 顺 序 等 。 如 :
W hich happens first/ last ?
The first thing that happened was
W hich of the following sho ws the right order of what happened to the diary ? ( N M E T 99 )
In the 19th century people w ho used the bathing m achine usually did the following things . W hich is
the right order for doing them ? ( N M E T 96 )
( 5 ) 问 比 较 、对 比 关 系 。 如 :
According to the article ,
are growing old earlier than people who live in the cities .( 上 海 94)
Australia , unlike the U nited States ,
.( 上 海 97 )
(6) 简 单 计 算 。 如 :
A m an bought himself a ticket of 15 pounds and three tickets for his fa mily with a family railcard .
H ow m uch did he pay ? ( N M E T 99 )
W hich is the best ticket to buy if you live in London and want to go to a sm all to wn 80 miles away for
four days ? ( N M E T 99 )
At a place w here the surface te m perature is 15 ℃ , ho w deep do you have to dig so as to get a
te m perature of 75 ℃ ? ( N M E T 94 )
(7) 判 断 题 。 如 :
W hich of the follo wing is not true/ unusual… . ?
W hich of the follo wing is not m entioned ?
W hat is the evidence given in the text ?
在历 年 考 题 中 事 实 细 节 题 所 占 的 比 重 都 是 最 大 的 , 做 好 这 类 题 是 获 得 阅 读 高 分 的 关 键 。
从难度上来讲,这类题多是低档题和中档题, 着重考查最基本的阅读理解能力。做这类题目要
( 1 ) 带 着 问 题 阅 读 文 章 , 有 助 于 迅 速 、准 确 地 捕 捉 相 关 细 节 。 N M E T 阅 读 理 解 中 的 每 一 篇
短文都是精心挑选,每一篇的信息含量都很大, 这 些信 息对考 生做 题的干 扰性 很强。因 此, 如
果能够先浏览题目和四个选项,对考点先有一个 大概的 了解, 然 后再阅 读短 文, 就容易 分辨 哪
些信息是有价值的,哪些是无价值的, 降低或排除无效信息的干扰,准确捕捉有效信息, 提高答
(2) 注 意 文 中 与 题 干 中 的 关 联 词 , 如 :
因 果 : as a result, result in/ fro m , lead to , because , because of, thus, since , therefore , so that
N M E T 阅读理解题型分析 & 解题指导
先 后 顺 序 : at first, at last, in the end , finally , first of all 等 。
进 一 步 解 释 : that is to say , in other w ords, that m eans 等 。
强 调 : m ainly , especially 等 。
补 充 : also , besides , in addition , too , as w ell 等 。
转 折 : but, though , although , instead , on the contrary , how ever 等 。
举 例 : for exam ple , for instance , such as , like , as 等 。
比 较 、对 比 : as . . .as , less than , m ore than , no m ore than , not m ore than , far , by far , rather
than , prefer . . .to , similarly , like wise , despite , otherwise 等 。
上述关联词往往是考点,也往往隐含着问题的答案。因此, 在阅读和答题过程中要对这些
(3) 原 文 的 句 子 往 往 不 是 答 案 。 事 实 细 节 题 中 的 相 当 一 部 分 题 可 从 原 文 中 直 接 找 到 答 案 ,
但从历年考题来看,文中的原句一般不是正确答案。与原句意思相同, 但以不同的词语或句式
表 达 出 来 的 选 项 往 往 是 正 确 选 项 。 这 类 选 项 干 扰 性 、迷 惑 性 较 强 , 要 注 意 阅 读 题 干 , 联 系 上 下
文,弄清以文中原句为选项的句子的真正含义, 然后再进行分析判断,选出正确答案。
( 4 ) 相 对 的 表 达 往 往 是 正 确 答 案 , 而 绝 对 的 表 达 不 是 正 确 答 案 。 如 句 中 含 everything , all,
never , absolute , entirely , co m pletely , any 等 概 括 性 太 强 的 词 , 通 常 不 是 正 确 选 项 。
(5) 要 细 心 。 这 类 题 难 度 不 大 , 却 不 是 直 来 直 去 , 需 考 生 细 心 分 辨 , 切 忌 粗 心 大 意 , 或 重 视
3 .推 理 判 断 题
推 理 判 断 题 通 常 用 : infer, im ply , suggest, conclude , appear, support, know , learn , draw
conclusion fro m , sho w 等 词 来 提 问 。 提 问 内 容 涉 及 下 述 四 个 方 面 :
( 1 ) 判 断 作 者 的 观 点 、态 度 。 如 :
In the author’s opinion ,
A ccording to the author,
T he author thinks( believes , suggests) that
W hat’s the author’s idea( opinion ) about . . . ?
H ow does the author feels about… ?
T he author gives im pression that
( 2 ) 推 断 作 者 的 写 作 意 图 、文 章 的 寓 意 等 。 如 :
T he passage is intended to
T he passage im plies that
It can be inferred from the passage that
It can be concluded fro m the passage that
T he writer im plies that
T he passage appears to be
(3) 推 断 事 情 的 发 展 趋 势 。 如 :
A ccording to the text, what do you think will happen next ?
A ccording to the text, people in the future will
N M ET 阅读理解题型分析 & 解题指导
It is quite possible (im possible) that
W hat will the author m ost probably discuss after the last paragraph ? ( 上 海 2001 春 季 招 生 )
(4) 识 图 判 断 , 即 根 据 文 中 描 述 进 行 分 析 判 断 , 选 择 正 确 的 图 形 。 如 :
In a certain country , it’s usually dry and rains heavily every third year .
W hich drawing given below shows a tree trunk fro m this country ? ( 上 海 95 )
W hich of the follo wing people is m ost likely to have health proble m ? ( N M E T 95 )
W hich of the follo wing m aps give the right position of the Channel Islands ? ( 2000 春 季 )
W hich of the follo wing four pictures bellows is the closest to the igloo hotel as described in the
text ? ( N M E T 2001 )
(1) 既 可 以 针 对 全 文 也 可 以 针 对 某 一 段 落 或 某 个 句 子 。 如 :
A ccording to the text, we can learn that
.( 针 对 全 文 )
Fro m the last paragraph , we can infer that
.( 针 对 段 落 )
T he underlined sentence in paragraph 3 im plied that
(2) 非 正 确 选 项 的 干 扰 性 强 。
( 3 ) 着 重 考 查 逻 辑 推 理 、分 析 判 断 能 力 。
(1) 把 握 全 文 文 脉 , 摸 清 文 章 思 路 , 掌 握 文 章 结 构 , 明 确 段 落 间 的 逻 辑 关 系 。 依 据 文 章 的 思
(2) 要 特 别 注 意 在 描 述 事 实 或 表 达 观 点 时 所 使 用 的 具 有 感 情 色 彩 或 褒 贬 之 分 的 词 汇 。
这 一 类 词 往 往 能 透 露 出 作 者 的 观 点 、态 度 和 个 人 倾 向 , 有 助 于 进 行 判 断 。 表 达 态 度 、观 点
形 容 词 : fantastic , lovely ,
approval, interesting ,
ad miring ,
char ming ,
awful ,
boring ,
dissatisfied , puzzling , helpful, valuable , pretty 等 。
副 词 : alw ays , never , seldo m , often , hardly 等 。
动 词 : agree , approve , satisfy , encourage , determine , m ake up one’s mind 等 。
(3) 注 意 关 联 词 。 关 联 词 不 仅 能 使 语 篇 或 语 段 保 持 连 贯 , 也 往 往 是 上 下 文 语 气 的 变 化 处
( 语 气 的 加 强 、减 弱 、转 折 、比 较 或 总 结 等 等 ) .
(4) 善 于 分 辨 文 中 出 现 的 观 点 。 并 非 文 中 出 现 的 所 有 观 点 都 是 作 者 的 观 点 。
( 5 ) 常 见 的 、缺 乏 新 意 的 观 点 不 是 正 确 答 案 。 材 料 新 、观 点 新 是 N M E T 阅 读 理 解 的 一 大 特
点。文章所持的观点往往在意料之外,但仔细推敲, 却又在情理之中。
总 之 , 做 推 理 判 断 题 , 要 在 全 面 把 握 文 章 的 基 础 上 , 顺 着 文 章 的 思 路 , 仔 细 分 析 、推 敲 、体
味,由表及里, 去粗取精,去伪存真, 做出正确的选择。
4 .词/ 句 释 义 题
这 类 题 常 用 以 下 词 提 问 : is ,
m ean , refer to , suggest, intend to , can be replaced by , by
saying . . . m ean . . ., im ply 等 等 。 提 问 内 容 涉 及 下 述 五 个 方 面 。
( 1 ) 代 词 (it, this, that, those , these 等 ) 的 指 代 关 系 。
(2) 常 见 词 在 文 中 的 特 定 意 义 。
N M E T 阅读理解题型分析 & 解题指导
(3) 文 中 某 一 句 子 的 意 思 。
( 4 ) 文 中 所 引 用 词/ 句 在 上 下 文 中 的 意 思 。
(5) 文 中 生 词 在 上 下 文 中 的 意 思 。
W hat’s the possible m eaning of the word“ … ”in line . . . ?
The italicized word in line . . . m eans
In line . . .the w ord“ it’( this , that, these , those) stands for
The underlined sentence in paragraph . . . m eans
W hat does the author m eans by saying . . . ?
The word/ phrase is closest to
W hich of the following is closest in m eaning to the word/ sentence … . ?
词/ 句 释 义 是 阅 读 理 解 能 力 的 一 个 重 要 方 面 , 尤 其 是 近 几 年 的 高 考 阅 读 理 解 题 中 词/ 句 释
义题的数量明显增多。因此,此类题目不可忽视。确定词汇在文章中的准确含义, 取决于对其
所 在 的 上 、下 文 的 理 解 , 并 在 理 解 的 基 础 上 推 测 词 义 。 推 断 词 义 的 方 法 主 要 有 :
( 1 ) 对 代 词 和 常 见 词 的 意 义 理 解 要 根 据 上 、下 文 猜 测 词 义 。
(2) 利 用 定 义 或 解 释 。 有 时 作 者 会 直 接 给 某 个 词 下 定 义 , 或 用 简 单 明 了 的 语 言 对 词 语 进 行
解 释 。 这 类 情 况 中 常 出 现 的 词 语 有 : m eans , is , refer to , can be defined as 等 。
(3) 利 用 对 比 或 反 义 词 。 有 时 作 者 会 把 两 种 事 物 进 行 比 较 , 强 调 其 相 同 或 不 同 之 处 , 可 利
( 4 ) 利 用 句 法 结 构 。 词 义 可 以 通 过 句 法 结 构 推 断 出 来 , 如 定 语 或 定 语 从 句 、同 位 语 或 同 位
语 从 句 、并 列 结 构 等 。
( 5 ) 利 用 举 例 。 可 利 用 上 、下 文 所 举 的 例 子 , 归 纳 、总 结 出 词 义 。 表 达 这 类 情 况 常 见 的 词 语
有 : for instance , for exa m ple , take … as an exa m ple , such as , like , as , as… as, such 等 。
( 6 ) 利 用 构 词 法 。 根 据 常 用 词 根 、词 缀 , 推 断 出 生 词 的 含 义 。
( 7 ) 利 用 常 识 。 根 据 自 身 经 验 和 常 识 判 断 出 某 个 生 词 在 上 、下 文 中 的 意 义 。
( 1 ) 引 用 的 谚 语 、俗 语 、格 言 等 。
(2) 故 事 中 人 物 的 某 一 句 话 。
(3) 作 者 的 话 。
( 1 ) 联 系 上 、下 文 。 凡 是 引 用 的 话 往 往 是 为 了 证 明 或 进 一 步 说 明 观 点 等 。 因 此 , 考 生 一 定
要 联 系 上 、下 文 , 仔 细 分 析 作 者 在 介 绍 、说 明 、讲 述 什 么 , 然 后 进 行 判 断 。
( 2 ) 理 解 故 事 中 人 物 的 话 不 妨 采 用 换 位 思 考 法 , 从 故 事 中 人 物 的 角 度 、立 场 进 行 思 考 , 体 会
( 3 ) 对 于 作 者 的 话 则 要 认 真 判 断 作 者 的 观 点 、态 度 、倾 向 , 然 后 进 行 总 结 判 断 。
四 、如 何 提 高 阅 读 能 力
“ 台 上 十 分 钟 , 台 下 十 年 功 ”。 要 想 在 考 场 的 几 十 分 钟 内 把 阅 读 理 解 题 做 好 , 就 需 在 每 日 的
N M ET 阅读理解题型分析 & 解题指导
学习中勤学苦练,通过点滴的积累来提高阅读能力。阅读能力的提高没有捷径可循, 但确有方
(一) 提高阅读速度
1. 积累词汇 , 掌握构词法。生词 是影 响 阅读 速度 的重 要原 因 , 必 须具 备迅 速 而有 效的 排
除生词 障碍 的能 力。因此, 拥 有较 大的词 汇量 和一定 的构 词知 识, 就可以 减少 阅读过 程中 的
“ 拦 路 虎 ”, 从 而 提 高 阅 读 速 度 。
2. 培养良好的阅读习惯。不良 的阅 读习 惯也 是 影响 阅读 速度 的重 要 因素。 在日 常的 阅
(1) 出 声 地 读 。 朗 读 对 英 语 学 习 很 重 要 , 但 高 考 阅 读 是 考 查 速 度 和 效 率 , 出 声 读 会 大 大 降
( 2 ) 心 里 默 读 或 用 手 、笔 点 着 读 。 虽 然 没 有 出 声 读 , 在 心 里 一 个 字 、一 个 字 的 默 读 , 或 用 手 、
(3) 回 视 。 遇 到 生 词 或 难 句 就 容 易 被 卡 住 , 于 是 一 遍 又 一 遍 地 回 视 或 重 读 , 影 响 了 速 度 。
因此,在日常阅读训练中, 要善于跳过生词或难句,尤其是一些不影响理解全文的次要信息, 不
(1) 培 养 视 读 能 力 。 用 眼 睛 扫 视 文 章 内 容 , 以 意 群 或 词 组 为 单 位 进 行 阅 读 而 不 是 逐 词 阅
(2) 一 口 气 读 完 全 文 , 尽 量 不 回 视 。
(3) 边 读 边 标 出 重 要 信 息 。
( 4 ) 每 天 坚 持 阅 读 不 少 于 30 分 钟 。
(二) 掌握基本的阅读方法
“ 磨 刀 不 误 砍 柴 功 ”, 好 的 阅 读 方 法 可 以 起 到 事 半 功 倍 的 效 果 。
1 . 预 测 法 。 根 据 文 章 标 题 或 文 中 表 格 、插 图 等 对 文 章 内 容 进 行 预 测 , 然 后 阅 读 。 如 预 测
与 文 章 内 容 相 符 , 则 会 有 成 就 感 , 如 若 不 符 也 会 有“ 意 外 ”之 获 , 对 阅 读 都 会 产 生 积 极 影 响 。
2. 带题查读法。即先快速浏览全 文 , 然 后阅 读文 后的 题目 , 带着 问题 到文 中 的相 应段 落
3 . 首 尾 略 读 法 。 即 通 过 读 文 章 的 首 段 、尾 段 或 段 落 的 首 句 、尾 句 , 了 解 文 章 的 大 意 。 当
4 . 限 时 细 读 法 。 细 读 , 是 为 了 掌 握 文 章 的 确 切 内 容 , 同 时 对 文 章 有 更 深 入 的 理 解 、推 测 。
限时,是有意识地提高阅读速度。这一方法既要 求速度, 又 要求 效率, 是日 常训 练中常 用的 方
5. 自设问题法。读完文章后根据 文章 内容 自 设问 题 , 问题 的 设计 可分 两个 层次 : 首先 是
浅 层 问 题 , 即 用 五 个 W ( w ho , w hen , w hat, w hy , where ) 和 一 个 H ( how ) 设 问 , 来 了 解 文 章 的 基 本
内 容 , 理 清 思 路 。完 成 这 一 步 后 再 进 行 深 层 问 题 的 设 计 。 题 目 类 型 要 与 高 考 吻 合 ( 即 事 实 细 节
题 , 主 旨 大 意 题 , 推 理 判 断 题 , 词/ 句 释 义 题 ) 。 这 类 题 目 的 设 计 有 难 度 , 但 对 考 生 来 说 却 大 有 裨
益。既可以帮助考生深入挖掘文章内容,又可以使 考生在 设计 题目 的过程 中对 高考题 型有 一
个理性的认识。这样的训练最好在老师的指导下进行,以免走偏了, 适得其反。
N M E T 阅读理解题型分析 & 解题指导
(三) 扩大知识面,广泛阅读。
阅读方法和阅读技巧只是取得高分的手段, 不是 取得高 分的 关键。拿 高分 的关键 是知 识
水平和知识面。没有相当的知识水平和知识面,再好的方法和技巧也无用武之地。因此, 首要
1 . 目 标 语 言 国 家 的 文 化 背 景 知 识 。 材 料 新 、观 点 新 是 N M E T 阅 读 理 解 的 特 点 。 所 选 文 章
有 相 当 一 部 分 是 直 接 从 国 外 的 报 刊 、杂 志 上 摘 下 来 的 , 这 些 文 章 反 映 了 当 地 的 风 俗 习 惯 和 各 种
观念,如果不能全面掌握和了解这些风俗习惯和观念, 缩短文化差距,就会造成理解上的偏差,
2 . 各 种 体 裁 及 特 征 。 N M E T 阅 读 材 料 选 取 的 原 则 之 一 是 , 避 免 体 裁 单 一 化 , 记 叙 文 、说 明
文 、议 论 文 、应 用 文 等 都 在 选 取 之 列 。 因 此 , 必 须 熟 悉 各 种 体 裁 及 其 特 征 , 以 便 于 对 不 同 体 裁 的
3 . 各 种 题 材 。 N M E T 阅 读 理 解 题 材 多 样 , 包 括 科 普 、政 治 、经 济 、教 育 、旅 游 、环 境 等 等 各 个
方 面 。 这 就 要 求 有 目 的 的 阅 读 , 凡 是 N M ET 涉 略 到 的 题 材 , 都 不 能 遗 漏 , 不 能 留 下 盲 点 , 以 做 到
4. 国内外的热门话题。阅读材料的选取越来越 注意时代 气息 , 越来越 关注国内 外的热 门
话 题 。 因 此 , 要 时 刻 注 意 吸 收 新 的 信 息 和 知 识 , 广 泛 涉 猎 报 刊 、杂 志 , 既 要 做 到 阅 读 面 宽 , 又 要
注意精选材料,避免因泛而滥, 事倍功半。
总 之 , 阅 读 能 力 是 阅 读 速 度 、阅 读 习 惯 、阅 读 技 巧 以 及 知 识 储 备 等 多 方 面 的 综 合 体 现 , 这 些
因素从不同的方面对考生的阅读能力产生影响。只 有坚持 不懈 地进行 长期 训练, 才能 切实 提
U nit O n e
C ulture & E d ucatio n
T est O ne
The country’s department of civil affairs is considering to
change one of the current marriage procedures which
requires the to-be- m arried couple’s unit or neighborhood
co m mittees to sign a paper which identifies their status as
being single① . According to the change , the couple will
swear under the supervision of the notary office ( 公 证
处 ) , their relatives or friends prove that they were
single before marriage .
The reform , likely to be carried out this year, is expected to
sim plify the marriage process . However, so me people worry that it
may make it hard to prove the truth , while others say it even brings more
trouble to the marriage process .
The procedure under change is the very first step of the present marriage process in
China . The to-be- m arried couple are supposed to go in person to their com panies or
neighborhood com mittees which keep their hukous ( 户 口 ) , i .e . docu ments which identify
where they reside .
They will ask their co mpanies or com mittees to sign two docu ments : one confirming
their marriage status and the other approving their require ment to marry . The last step is to
go to the local department of civil affairs for marriage registration ( 登记 ) with all the papers .
M any married couples, especially those whose hukous are not kept in their workplace ,
consider the process quite troublesome . They share the contradictory ( 矛盾 ) feeling that they
almost gave up the idea to marry when they learnt that they had to go through all the
formalities ( 手续 )for marriage .
“ M y hukou was in Shenzhen when I decided to marry , ”said Liu Xiao , a Guangzhou
resident who married a year ago ,“I had to ask for two days off to go back there and ask the
neighborhood co m mittee to sign all the papers . The com mittee had its office hour to handle
such affairs, but it was often closed during that time . At last I spent a week waiting to get
the papers signed .”
That is only one of the troubles . So me co mpanies or com mittees even refuse to sign the
papers because they believe that they have the right to approve or not the marriage since
they are given the official right to sign the papers② . W u Changzhen , a professor from China
University of Political Science and Law , says ,“I heard that a com pany’s leaders refused to
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sign the paper for one of their e mployees as they simply didn’
t like him . It goes against the
nation’s policy of free m arriage .”
The new procedure started worries am ong some officials dealing with m arriage
registration , though . Qing Kezhen , a director of the W omen’s Right Department under the
Guangzhou W o men’s Association , worries that young people may treat marriage as a trifling
matter if the paperwork is cancelled ( 取消 ) .
Others wonder whether people willtell the truth in their swear as itis hard to check out
one’s marriage status because of a lack of nationwide data base ( 资料库 ) of this kind .
1 . The present marriage procedure is to be changed because
A . it has to keep up with the pace of modern life
B . more and more units or neighborhood co m mittees refuse to sign the papers
C . it takes too much time for the couple to get the papers signed
D . it is rather com plicated and troublesom e
2 . The to-be- married couple m ust have two docu ments signed by their units or com mittees to
A . confirm their marriage status
B . get the approval of their requirement to marry
C . prove they are single and get the approval of their requirement to marry
D . identify where they reside
3 . W hich of the following troubles is N O T caused by the present marriage process ?
A . Company’s disapproval of their requirement to m arry .
B . W aiting to get the papers signed by the neighborhood .
C . Going to the place where their hukous are kept .
D . Their marriage status is hard to be checked out .
4 . W e can infer from the last two paragraphs that
A . the paperwork keeps young people taking the marriage as an unim portant thing
B . the new marriage procedure may result in new family or social problems
C . a nationwide data base will be set up to check out one’s m arriage status
D . the new procedure doesn’
t sim plify the marriage at all
5 . W hat could be the best title for the text ?
A . The M arriage Procedures Will Be Reformed
B . The Proble ms of the Current Marriage Procedures
C . The New Process of Getting M arriage
D . The Co mplicated M arriage Procedures
Every year, as Spring Festival draws near, most Chinese people will get excited to make
preparation for the most important festival and make plan for the winter break . It is a little like
Christmas in the United States, but there are some differences between the two festivals .
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Superficially speaking , both the major Chinese and the major W estern holidays co me
during the cold season , which in both cases calls for extra eating . In western countries,
cookies and cupcakes begin just after Thanksgiving in Nove mber and show up everywhere
from the boss’s desk to fireplace mantle . Turkey , smashed potatoes and other food that
protects a body fro m cold come later . Similar thing happens in China . Entering lunar( 阴历
的 ) Dece mber, most fa milies will make shopping plans for the coming big day and food is
certainly one of the most im portant things to be considered . At the end of the month , both
parents in each family will be very busy—the father is busy buying food while the mother is
busy cooking .
A deeper similarity is tradition— or the distortion ( 扭曲 ) of it . Christmas , as the letters
“ Christ”suggests, began as a holiday to celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ . M any people
pray on this day , but others have severed or minimized ( 降至最低 ) the religious connection .
In China , people living in cities or towns, though they don’
t plan to sow seeds this month ,
still celebrate on the big day for farmers .
Followers of both holidays also differ fro m each other . W hile Chinese people travel to
the hom es of elder relatives , A mericans usually call or send cards . W esterners prefer
Christm as carols to fireworks . In Christm as , family gifts come by the stack instead of one by
one , since adults may have only one day free to celebrate .
But the most curious difference concerns students . Chinese students headed home for
Spring Festival so metimes report getting bored by the end of vacation , yet A merican students
seldom get bored around Christmas and western New Year .
Not everyone enjoys classic holiday traditions . Students in western countries may get
upset, as too m uch hom ework , travel com plexities or bad family relations may disrupt the
relatively short holiday season . In China , m ore and more college students choose to travel or
work during the winter holiday instead of going ho me to stay with their fa milies . It’s against
the tradition but many people accept it .
6 . According to the passage ,
A . people eat m ore each meal during the holidays than they do on usual days
B . people have an extra meal during the holidays besides breakfast, lunch and supper
C . people usually eat outside during the holidays
D . holiday food is m uch richer than the food on usual days
7 . The passage implies that Christmas
A . is a holiday to celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ
B . is a pure religious day on which people pray
C . is a traditional holiday which everyone enjoys
D . originated from religion , but its religious im portance is nottreated seriously as before
8 . W hat’s the meaning of the underlined word“disrupt”in paragraph 6 ?
A . bring . . .into disorder
B . make . . .angry
C . make . . . short
D . delay
9 . W hich of the followings is N O T the factor that makes the students upset about Christmas ?
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A . Burden from hom ework and the exams after holiday .
B . H oliday travel is not easy .
C . The holiday is too short .
D . The unhappy relations with parents or sisters and brothers .
10 . Usually , people who enjoy classic Christmas traditions may N O T
A . have a get-together with close fa mily me mbers
B . travel to the homes of elder relations
C . be excited about Christmas
D . get in touch with distant family mem bers
The word“okay”is known and used by millions of people all over the world . Still,
language expert do not agree on where it came fro m .
Some say it ca me from the Indian peoples . W hen Europeans first came to A merica they
heard hundreds of different Indian languages m any of which were well developed .
One tribe especially had a well developed language . This was the Chocktaw tribe .
They were farmers and fishermen who lived in Alabam a . W hen proble ms arose , Chocktaw
leaders discussed them with the tribal chief . They sat in a circle and listened to the wisdo m
of the chief . He heard the different proposals, often raising and lowering his head in
agreement, and saying“ Okeh”, meaning“It is so .”
The Indian languages have given many words to English . Twenty four of the A merican
states— almost half— have Indian names— Oklahom a , the Dokotas, Idaho , Wisconsin ,
Ohio and Tennessee , to nam e just a few . And the na mes of many rivers, streams,
mountains, cities and towns are Indian .
Nevertheless, there are many who dispute the idea that“ Okay ” came from the
Indians . So me say that President Andrew Jackson first used the word“okay”. Others claim
the word was invented by John Jaccob Astor, a fur trader ( 皮毛商 ) of the late 1700’s who
beca me one of the world’s richest men . Still others say a poor railroad clerk made up this
word . His name was Obadiah Kelly and he put his initials( 首字母 ) , O .K . in each package
people gave him to ship by train .
So it goes; each story sounds reasonable and official .③
But perhaps the most believable explanation is that the word“okay”was invented by a
political organization in the 1800’s .
M artin Van Buren was running for President . A group of people organized a club to
support him . They called their political organization the“ Okay Club”. The letters“ O”and
“ K”were taken from the name of Van Buren’s home town , the place where he was born ,
Old Kinderhook , New York .
There is one thing about“ O kay”that the experts do agree on that the word is pure
A merican and that it has spread to alm ost every country on earth .
There is something about the word that appeals to peoples of every language . Yet, here
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in A merica it is used mostly in speech , not in serious writing . Serious writers would rather
use“absent”,“approve”,“confirm ”, and so on .
In recent times,“ Okay”has been given an official place in the English Language .
But it will be a long time before A mericans will officially accept two expressions that
co me from“okay”. These are“oke”and“okeydoke”.
11 . According to the writer,
A . many English words ca me from the Indians besides“ Okay”.
B . the word“okay”appeals to people of many languages because it is pure A merican .
C . it is more acceptable that“okay”has something to do with M artin Van Buren .
D .“ okay”is widely used because it has been given an official place in the English
language .
12 . If“okay”were invented by Obadiah Kelly , the word had a history of no more than
years .
A . 100
B . 200
C . 300
D . 400
13 . W hich of the following statements is true ?
A . Half of the A merican States got their na mes from Indian language .
B . Chocktaw tribe usually discuss problems a mong all the tribal mem bers.
C . The word“ok”has been widely accepted by the people on the earth .
D . The word“ok”is mostly used in serious writing .
14 . W hich of the followings could be the best title for the text ?
A . The History of“ Okay”
B . The Stories about“ Okay”
C . The M eaning of“ Okay”
D . W here Did“ Okay”Co me From
Over the last two decades, a new trend ( 潮流 ) in A merican education has developed .
That develop ment is home schooling . H ome schooling is when parents decide to pull their
children out of public or private schools and teach their children at hom e . Some parents
establish their own curriculu m ( 课程 ) ; others will use the sa me books that are used in the
public schools , while others use a mixture of both . There are many different m ethods that
parents use to teach their children at hom e . The overall phenomenon of ho me schooling has
beco me so popular that the National Home Education Institute estimated that in 1999
between 0 .7 to 1 .2 million children are hom e schooled in the United States and a 2001
Time magazine article reported that the nu m ber of students educated at home is growing by
11 % each year④ .
There are many reasons that home schooling has becom e so popular . T wo of most
im portant reasons are quality of education and the ability to teach religious values in the
ho me . It is because of the im proved education that can result fro m increased personal
attention that m any parents decide to home school their children .
In some city , the public school district provides a teacher to help families who are
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ho me schooling . For the first year the teacher comes once a week to the fa milies to see how
the children are doing and in the second year, the teacher co mes every month . Public
schools will so metimes monitor families who choose to teach their children at home . This
varies greatly between school districts . Som e districts monitor those who are ho me schooling
very carefully and others are more relaxed or hands off in their approach .
Hom e schooling is thought very beneficial for the children . Not only have parents
begun to realize the benefits of it, but colleges and universities across A merica are also
recognizing the academic ( 学 业的 ) achievements of many homeschoolers . M any universities
are eager to accept children who have been taught at home and consider those students a
prime target ( 目 标 ) for recruitm ent ( 录 取 ) because of their success on standardized tests .
Time magazine reported that the average S AT ( 学习 能力倾 向测验 ) score of a homeschooled
student is 80% higher than the national average and the National Home Education Institute
mentions that a ho meschooled student has even won the national spelling bee ( 拼字比赛会 ) .
Students that have been educated at home are developing a reputation for academic
excellence .
15 . M any parents decide to hom e school their children because
A . they can use any book they like to teach their children
B . they’re not satisfied with the quality of school education
C . the quality of home school education is better than that of school education , and the
parents can teach their children religious values
D . Hom e school education can save a lot of tim e
16 . W hat’s the meaning of the underlined word“ monitor”paragraph 3 ?
A . watch and check
B . control
C . notice
D . help
17 . According to the passage , which of the following statements is true ?
A . The task of the teacher provided by public school district is to monitor the families
who are home schooling .
B . Each fa mily who is ho me schooling can get a teacher to help them .
C . Ho me schooled children are given m ore personal attention .
D . M ost homeschoolers are children who have difficulty in studying in school .
18 . The best title of the passage is
A . The Develop ment of Home Schooling
B . The Benefits of Hom e Schooling
C . Ho meschoolers
D . Hom e-schooling
Com mon people in England often got their names from the work they did: Baker,
Powdermaker, Cooper (someone who makes barrels) .People also took names from the places
where they lived or from some feature of the landscape nearby—such as W estfield , Shore , Hill .
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For thousands of years, people who followed the Jewish faith had no regular fa mily
na mes . A boy nam ed Isaac might be called Isaac ben Jacob , but that only meant he was the
son of Jacob . Then , about 150 years ago , the Christian govern ments of countries in eastern
Europe m ade laws requiring Jews to choose family names . But in many places, Jews were
not allowed to take any nam es that Christians were already using , and so they had to make
up new ones . Often , they put together words that suggested things of beauty : flower
mountain( Blu mberg) , rose valley( Rosenthal) , gold stone( Goldstein) .
In Austria , govern ment officials began to charge a fee for suggesting a name . The more
attractive it was , the higher the fee .
The most popular of all Jewish fa mily names has a different history . It com es fro m a
word that means priest . The usual way of spelling the name in the English-speaking world is
Cohen . But if the family came from Germany , it may be spelled Kahn or Kohn .
In Spanish-speaking countries , a woman keeps her own name after she marries . H er
son may choose either her na me or father’s, or he may co mbine them , putting the letter
“ Y”( means“and”) between the two .
19 . According to the passage , where may the name“Blacksmith”co me from ?
A . It came from the work the person did .
B . It came from where the person lived .
C . It suggested something of beauty .
D . It was given by govern ment official .
20 . According to the last paragraph , which of the following names may not be that of John ,
whose parents are Mr . Rivera and Ms . Gonzalez ?
A . John Rivera
B . John Gonzalez
C . John Rivera y Gonzalez
D . Rivera y Gonzalez John
Test T w o
People should have good manners . But what is meant by good manners ? This is quite a
difficult question to answer . Because so metimes good manners in one place are bad manners
in another places .
Suppose you are a visitor in the land of M ongolia ( 蒙古 ) . Some friends ask you to eat
with them . W hat kind of manners do they want you to have ? They want you to give a loud
“burp ( 打嗝 ) ”after you finish eating . Burping would show that you liked their food .
In some countries, if you give a loud burp , you are told to say“excuse me , please .”
In many places people like to eattogether . But in som e parts of Polynesia ( 波利尼西亚 ) it is
bad manners to be seen eating at all . People show their good manners by turning their backs
on others while they eat .
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W hat are good manners like in an East African town ? The people try not to see you for
being polite . You may see a friend , but he may not see you at all .If you’
re polite, you’
d better
sit down beside him and wait until he finishes what he is doing . Then he will talk to you .
Suppose you visit a friend in Arabia ( 阿拉伯 ) . You should walk behind the other tents
until you come to his tent . If you pass in front of the other tents , you will be asked into
each one . The people will ask you to eat with them , and it is bad manners if you say no .
M anners are different all over the world . But it is good to know that all manners begin
in the sa me way . People needed ways to show that they wanted to be friends .
1 . In M ongolia , if the guest gives a loud burp , the host will
A . give the guest more food
B . give the guest some water
C . be happy
D . be annoyed
2 . W hat can we infer fro m the text about good manners in Arabia ?
A . It’s a bad manner if you walk in front of other people’s tents .
B . It’s a bad m anner if you don’
t invite the man who walks in front of your tent to eat
with you .
C . It’s a good manner to refuse others’invitation to dinner politely when you pass in
front of their tents .
D . People with good m anners never refuse other people .
3 . W hich of the following is N O T a bad manner in China ?
A . To give a loud burp after eating .
B . Turn your back on others while eating .
C . Keep your friend waiting till you finish what you are doing .
D . Refuse others’invitation to eat with them politely .
Sex education is a serious scientific subject, which is as important as the other science
and arts subjects, even if it is not included in the exams, especially the college entrance
exa mination . It shouldn’t be overlooked or banned in school curriculu m . Instead of being
regarded as a sinful subject, it should be treated with the right attitude . In China , for
thousands of years, people have felt shy and em barrassed ( 窘迫的 ) when talking about sex ,
which becomes a mysterious thing in people’s view . Affected by this cultural tradition and
social customs, people hold a negative attitude towards it . That is why sex education is
never allowed to enter schools in an open and broad manner . As a result, few people have
a correct and scientific knowledge about sex . M any teenagers know very little about sex .
Driven by the forces of instinct or curiosity① , they co m mit many crimes because of
ignorance, eg . illegal teen pregnancy ( 怀 孕 ) , taking drugs , contracting sexual diseases .
They beco me the innocent victims due to lack of sex education . Can’
t this be said to be the
tragedy of our education and nation ?
Sex education is not new in the schools of W estern countries, beginning as early as
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kindergarten and continuing into high school . Com prehensive sex education progra ms
generally cover the biology of reproduction ( 繁 殖 ) , the psychology of relationships, the
sociology of the family . These courses lead to straight talk about a variety of subjects . M any
facts speak loudly and soundly that proper education on this subject have neither produced
many negative im pacts on the mental, physical and psychological develop ment of the
teenagers, nor resulted in many social troubles② .
It is clear that teachers and parents can’
t perpetuate myths that could prevent
children’s healthy sexual developm ent . Under the proper guidance of the teachers and
experts, students will grow into healthy- minded citizens and decrease the chances to see
psychological doctors .
4 . Chinese people hold a negative attitude towards sex education because
A . it’s sinful
B . it is not included in exams
C . they’re afraid that children will com mit crimes
D . they’re affected by the tradition and customs deeply
5 . M any Chinese teenagers com mit sexual crimes because
A . they are curious
B . they are ignorant
C . they’re forced to do so
D . they don’
t have enough sex education .
6 . W hat’s the meaning of the underlined words“ perpetuate myths”in the last paragraph ?
A . keep sex education a mysterious thing .
B . discover the myths of sex .
C . make the sex education a secret thing .
D . make the secret of sex education known to the teenagers .
7 . W hat can we N OT infer from the last paragraph ?
A . Some teenagers go to see psychological doctors because of lack of sex education .
B . Without the proper guidance of the teachers and experts, no teenagers will grow
healthily .
C . Proper sex education is mentally helpful for the teenagers’growth .
D . M ore and more people will regard sex education as a natural thing .
8 . W hich of the following is the m ain topic of the text ?
A . Cultural tradition and social custo ms about sex education in China .
B . The different attitudes towards sex education .
C . Sex education shouldn’
t be overlooked .
D . The advantages of proper sex education .
China’s rich traditional culture and unique language have appealed to ( 吸引 ) more and
more foreign students . They travel thousands of miles, hoping to experience the culture of
the country with 5 , 000 years of civilization .
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Since China launched its reform and opening-up policies, it has witnessed rapid and
great changes . This has beco me another attraction to foreign students who want to have so me
experience in a country with huge develop ment potential( 潜力 ) .
“ You do not know a culture properly unless you live in it, ”said Andrea Parker, an
A merican student at Northern Jiaotong University .
Her thoughts in so me way represent many of the 50 , 000 foreign students who are
currently studying in China’s universities and colleges .
W hile studying in China , some foreign students work and obtain handso me pay . So me
U .S . students earn as much as 20 , 000 yuan a m onth .
They are not just studying such traditional courses as language and culture , but m odern
subjects like law , finance and management science . During their tim e in China , students
participate in various social, cultural and sports activities .
Besides touring scenic spots ( 旅游 景点 ) , they enjoy Chinese films and acrobatics . In
addition , they learn about Chinese painting , calligraphy and folk m usic . Some ofthem have
learned how to perform Peking Opera and martial( 军事的 ) arts . Others have participated in
Chinese singing com petitions .
Since 1950 , China has accepted more than 350 , 000 students from 160 countries and
regions .
Scholarships for bachelor’s degrees ( 学 士学 位 ) are 800 yuan per month . And grants
for master’s and doctoral degrees ( 硕士 和 博士 学位 ) are 1 , 100 yuan and 1 , 400 yuan per
month , respectively .
About 23 per cent of the overseas students enjoy Chinese Governm ent scholarships,
while the rest are self-supported .
9 . M ore and more foreign students come to China because
A . they can earn as much as 20 , 000 yuan a m onth
B . they enjoy Chinese governm ent scholarships
C . they wanted to know more about Chinese culture and have more experience in China
D . China launched its reform and opening-up policy
10 . How many of the students currently studying in China’s university and college have to
pay for their schooling by themselves ?
A . about 38 , 500
B . about 1 , 150
C . about 26 , 950
D . about 80 , 500
11 . W e can infer from the text that
A . Chinese govern ment doesn’
t encourage foreign students to study in China because it
only provides scholarships to a small part of them
B . Chinese govern ment encourages foreign students to study in China , which can be
proved by the fact that som e of the foreign students enjoy scholarships provided by
the govern ment
C . Chinese govern ment encourages foreign students to study in China by offering the m
well-paid jobs
D . It is in 1950 that Chinese govern ment started to accepted foreign students
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12 . The best title of this text can be
A . The Chinese Culture
C . Foreign Students in China
B . Go to China
D . Chinese Culture Draws Foreign students
In A merican phone books have white , blue and yellow pages . The white pages list
people with phones by last name . The blue pages contain num bers of city services,
govern ment services , and public schools . Businesses and professional services are listed in
a special classified directory—the Yellow Pages .
The area covered by one area code may be small or large . For exa mple , New York
City has one area code , but so does the whole state of Oregon . There is an area code map of
the U .S . and Canada in the front of the white pages .
Pay phones have nu mbers in the U .S . . This means you can arrange to call a friend at
a phone booth ( 电话亭 ) . Or if you are making a long distanced call and run out of money ,
give the nu mber on your phone to the person you are talking to . Then hang up the receiver
and they can call you back .
If you m ake a long distanced call and get a wrong num ber, call the operator and
explain what happened . This means that you can make the call again to right num ber
without having to pay more money; or you can have the phone com pany m ail you a credit
coupon ( 票证 )that has the same value as the phone call .
Some companies advertise a service called WATS . You can dial a special number without a
long distanced charge . These are called“toll-free numbers”( 免费长途电话 ) and the area code
for all of them is 800 . WATS means Wide Area Telephone Service (跨区域电话服务 ) .
The U .S . Postal Service has competitors . Courier ( 专 递 ) services send or transmit
messages; parcels and freight are delivered by a nu mber of co mpanies . You m ay check the
Yellow Pages for details .
There are two ways of sending things safely through the post office : registered and
certified mail . Certified is much cheaper .
You can have mail sent to you through General Delivery in any town③ . It will be held
ten days , or up to a month if the sender writes“ please hold 30 days”on the envelope .
Using the zip code will speed up delivery .
Re mem ber , you cannot usually send telegrams or make telephone calls from U .S . post
offices .
13 . You can find the area code of California
A . in the yellow page
B . in the blue page
C . in the white page
D . in the page in front of the white one
14 . If you have no money , you can make a long distance call
A . by telling your num ber to the person you want to talk to on the phone and ask him
to call back
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B . by telling the operator what happened
C . by dialing the toll-free nu mber
D . in post office
15 . According to the text, which of the following state ments is N O T true ?
A . You can find a com pany to deliver a mail for you in the yellow page .
B . Registered mail is m uch more expensive than certified mail, but it’s safer too .
C . You’d better write the zip code on your mail in order to m ake the delivery faster .
D . The mail can be held 30 days at most in the post office .
16 . W here can you make a telegram ?
A . in the post office .
B . in a phone booth .
C . in a com pany .
D . It’s not mentioned in the text .
Chinese students wishing to study in Australia are being put off by the current visa
regulations, which em erged recently .
Under the new visa regulations which were put into force on July 1 , students will be
expected to have a high standard of English and solid financial support( 固定的资金保障 ) .
Li W ei, a senior high school student in Hangzhou who was planning to study at Sydney
University , said :“I a m afraid that the strict rules would prevent me fro m going to Australia
to study .”
The new regulation is different from the old one in that it has replaced the old T O EFL
(Test of English as a Foreign Language ) with IE LTS ( International English Language
Testing System ) as the accepted examination for testing a candidate’s ( 候选人 ) knowledge of
English language .
Students planning to get a university degree or a master’s or doctorate m ust now score
a 6 .0 out of a possible 9 . 0 in the IELTS . Butifthey pass only with a score of 5 .0 they will
have to undergo a 30- week English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students .
The new regulations also state clearly applicants m ust have sufficient funds to cover
tuition fees ( about A U 8 , 000 - 16 , 000 or US 4 , 160 - 8 , 320) , living expenses ( around
A U 12 , 000 or U S 6 , 240) and return airfare .
Overseas students now studying at Australia’s universities m ust also provide financial
status certificates and com plicated savings account docu ments by banks from the countries
that they come fro m within seven days⑤ . If they cannot provide them before the deadline ,
“they might face visa cancellation ( 取 消签 证 ) and repatriation ( 遣 送 回 国 ) , ”according to
vice chancellor ( 大学的副校长 ) of Edith Cowan University , South W estern Australia .
Edith Cowan University now has more than 1 , 600 international students who originate
from more than 60 countries . Som e Australian universities and overseas students ad mission
institutions are said to have“urgent worries”about the new system . The University of New
South W ales, which is the university that ad mits the largest num ber of overseas students in
Australia has com plained that the regulations are unwise and unreasonable .
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The new visa policy lists China , Iran , Nepal, Lebanon , Pakistan and Sri Lanka as the
countries whose students are mostlikely to stay on illegally in Australia after their visas have
expired .
W ith co mplaints and worries rushing in , the Australian govern ment has also shown
great concerns about its“initially carefully-considered policy .”
17 . According to the text,
A . student with IELTS score of 5 .0 still has chance to study in A ustralia
B . a student with an IE LTS score of 5 .0 has no chance to study in Australia
C . IELTS is an exa mination for testing a candidate’s knowledge
D . TO FEL is given up because it is too old
18 . W hat can we infer from the text ?
A . The Australia govern ment will change the policy because of the com plaints fro m
students and universities .
B . The regulation is not reasonable .
C . The govern ment shows great concerns about the new regulation because it is
carefully considered .
D . The new regulation will probably reduce the num ber of the overseas students in
Australia .
19 . W hat’s the meaning of the underlined word“expired”in paragraph 9 ?
A . cancelled
B . com e to an end
C . signed
D . put off
20 . The text mainly discuss
A . the differences between the new and the old regulations
B . the new visa regulation
C . the worries about the new visa regulation
D . the problem of the overseas students
U nit T w o
H istory
T est O ne
Benja min Franklin stands tall a mong a small group
of men we call our Founding Fathers . Ben used his
diplomacy skills to serve his fellow country men . His role
in the A merican Revolution was not played out on the
battlefieldslike George W ashington , butratherinthe halls
and staterooms of governm ents . His clear vision of the
way things should be , and his skill in both writing
and negotiating , helped him to shapethefuture ofthe
United States of A m erica . Ben stands alone as the only person to
have signed all four of the docu ments which helped to create the
United States : the Declaration of Independence (1776) , the Treaty of
Alliance, A mity , and Com m erce with France ( 1778 ) , the Treaty of Peace between
England , France , and the U nited States (1782) , and the Constitution ( 1787 ) . He actually
helped to write parts of the Declaration of independence and the Constitution . No other
individual was more involved in the birth of our nation . Besides helping to mold the United
States of A merica , Ben helped to make everyday life in the city better . He served as
Postmaster, helping to set up the postal system in Philadelphia . In order to make
Philadelphia a safer city , he started the Union Fire Company in 1736 . A few years later, in
1752 , he set up A merica’s first fire insurance com pany . He even organized a Night W atch
and Militia to help keep peace and safety in Philadelphia .
1 .W hat does the underlined word“diplomacy”m ean ?
A .领导
B .外交
C .军事
D .决策
2 . W hich of the following statem ents is N O T right ?
A . Benjamin Franklin signed some important docu ments .
B . His role in the A merican Revolution was also important .
C . He wrote the Declaration of Independence (1776) himself .
D . Benjamin Franklin made everything better in the city .
3 . W hich is the best title for this text ?
A . Ben Franklin
B . The Life of Ben Franklin
C . Ben Franklin’s Contribution
D . Ben Franklin in Philadelphia
N M ET 话题阅读训练
Black A m ericans make up eleven and a half percent of the total population of the
United States . They are the descendants ( 后 裔 ) of Africans who had been brought to
A merica as slaves in the 17th and 18th centuries . During the Civil W ar ( 1861 - 1865 )
between the Northern States of the U .S .and the slave holding Southern States , President
Lincoln issued the E mancipation Proclamation which ended slavery in the U nited States .
For a few years after the war, the freed slaves had the same rights as all white
A mericans—according to the law . Actually , however, many , perhaps most, could not
exercise their rights to the full, as they were uneducated and ignorant( 无知的 ) ; m oreover,
they had no land or other means of production . So they were largely at the mercy of their
former masters . Black A mericans continued to be treated unfairly despite their liberation . It
was not long before the former slave-owners got back political power in the southern states
and began to pass state laws to push the black people into slavery again . Besides effectively
taking away the black people’s right to vote , they passed laws to keep white and black
people separated and to prevent blacks from getting certain jobs .
It was not until alm ost a century later that blacks began to demand their rights as
A merican citizens . They struggled against racism and all of the state discrimination ( 歧 视 )
laws . The Civil Rights Movement was at its height in the early 1960’s and in 1964 , the
Civil Rights Act was passed , m aking discrimination in all public places illegal . Today legal
discrimination is ended but social discrimination is still widespread . Black A mericans and
all other minority peoples in the United States will never be free and equal until they have
econo mic freedo m and cultural equality .
4 . W hat is the main idea about the text ?
A . Black A mericans’life in the United States.
B . The ending of legal discrimination against Black A mericans.
C . The history of slavery and racial discrimination and the black people’s struggles
against them .
D . Black A mericans’eagerness to have their equal rights .
5 . W hich of the following is N O T a reason why most black people could not fully exercise
their rights ?
A . The law did not provide as many rights as possible for them .
B . They received little education and were lack of knowledge .
C . They had no land and could not work .
D . They were economically dependent on others and could make livings on their own .
6 . W hat does the underlined word“illegal”mean in paragraph 3 ?
A . stopped
B . lawless
C . allowed
D . ended
7 . W hich of the following is the m ost im portant for people who want to get real freedo m ?
A . Political power .
B . Power of econom y and culture .
C . W eapons in their hands for struggle .
D . The help of W hite A mericans .
Unit T w o
Bill Clinton was born Willia m Jefferson Blythe IV in Hope , Arkansas on August 19 ,
1946 . He was born three months after his father was killed in an automobile accident . He was
left with his grandparents while his mother went back to school to become a nurse-anesthetist .
In his first years of life Clinton spent a great deal of time in his grandfather’
s grocery store, in
a racially mixed neighborhood . In 1950 Clinton’s mother married Roger Clinton , and the
family moved to Hot Springs . Clinton was officially adopted ( 收 养 ) by his step-father, and
assumed his name . Clinton grew up in comfortable middle class environ ment .
Unfortunately his step-father was an alcoholic ( 酒鬼 ) who was prone to violence .
Clinton was an super-achiever in school, and participated ( 参 加 ) in m any extracurricula activities . In 1963 Clinton was sent as the Arkansas representative to Boy’s Nation
a leadership training program in W ashington . There he visited the W hite House and shook
hands with President Kennedy . Clinton claims from that mo ment on , he decided on a career
in politics . In 1964 , Clinton began college at Georgetown U niversity in W ashington D C .
W hile studying at Georgetown , Clinton worked part-time for Senator Fulbright of Arkansas .
On graduating in 1968 with a degree in International Relations Clinton received a prestigious
Rhodes scholarship to study in Oxford England . Upon his return to the United States Carter
entered Yale University , Law school, where he received a law degree in 1973 . W hile at
Yale , Clinton met his wife Hillary Rodham , who he wed in 1975 . After graduating fro m
Yale, Clinton returned to Arkansas, where he briefly taught law at the University of
Arkansas . In 1974 at the age of 28 Clinton ran for Congressman . He lost but managed to
obtain 48 .5% of the vote . In 1976 Clinton ran successfully for the position of state attorney
general . In 1978 he beat four other contenders, to become the de mocratic candidate for
governor of Arkansas . In 1979 he assum ed the post, thus beco ming the nation’s youngest
governor since 1938 . After two turbulent years in office Clinton was defeated in 1980 when
he ran for reelection . Two years later he succeeded in returning to the governors mansion in
Little Rock . He remained as governor for the secceeding ten years . During his tenure as
governor, Clinton em phasized education reform in Arkansas .
8 . W hat does the underlined word“curricula”mean ?
A .活动
B .课程
C .社团
D .组织
9 . W hich of the following statem ents is N O T true ?
A . Clinton lived in a racially mixed neighborhood .
B . His step-father didn’
t give him a good time when he was young .
C . Although he lost in running for Congressman , he obtained 48 .5% of the vote .
D . In 1979 , Clinton becam e the nation’s youngest governor since 1938 and succeeded
in returning to the governors mansion .
10 . W hat can you infer fro m this text ?
A . He has a very happy life in his childhood .
B . He did not has a good family after he married .
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C . His adolescence career played an im portant role in his political life .
D . He will be the best president in the U .S . .
11 .W hich is the best title for the text ?
A . Young Clinton
B . Clinton
C . Clinton’s Early Years
D . Clinton’s College Life
Taking office ( Apr .30 , 1789 ) in New York City , W ashington acted carefully and
deliberately, aware of the need to build an executive structure that could acco m modate
future presidents . Hoping to prevent sectionalism from dividing the new nation , he toured
the New England states ( 1789 ) and the South ( 1791 ) . An able ad ministrator, he
nevertheless failed to recover the widening breach between factions led by Secretary of State
Thomas Jefferson and Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Ha milton . Because he supported
many of Hamilton’s controversial ( 引 起 争 论 的 ) fiscal ( 财 政 ) policies—the assu mption of
state debts , the Bank of the United States , and the excise tax— W ashington becam e the
target of attacks by Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans .
W ashington was reelected president in 1792 , and the following year the most divisive
crisis ( 转 折 点 ) arising out of the personal and political argu ment within his cabinet
occurred— over the issue of A merican neutrality during the war between England and
France . W ashington , whose policy of neutrality angered the pro-French Jeffersonians, was
very surprised by the excesses of the French Revolution and angered by the tactics of
Ed mond Genet, the French minister in the United States, which amounted to foreign
interference ( 干 涉 ) in A m erican politics . Further, with an eye toward developing closer
co m mercial ties with the British , the president agreed with the Hamiltonians on the need for
peace with Great Britain . His acceptance of the 1794 Jay’s Treaty , which settled
outstanding differences between the United States and Britain but which De mocraticRepublicans viewed as an abject( 不幸的 ) surrender to British de mands , revived vituperation
( 持续谴责 ) against the president, as did his strong upholding of the excise law during the
W HIS K E Y R E BELLIO N in western Pennsylvania .
12 . W hat does the underlined word“sectionalism ”mean ?
A . 地方主义
B .民族主义
C .宗教主义
D .门罗主义
13 . W hich of following sentences is N O T right ?
A . W ashington’s thought to build an executive structure was im portant .
B . W ashington failed to recover the widening breach between faction .
C . W ashington supported the assu m ption of state debts , the Bank of the United States,
and the excise tax— W ashington beca me the target of attacks .
D .Ha milton’s controversial fiscal policies were fro m Jeffersonian and Alexander’s
Democratic- Republicans .
14 . W hat can you infer fro m this text ?
A . W ashington was one of the Founding Fathers of the U .S . .
Unit T w o
B . Factions led by Secretary of State Tho mas Jefferson and Secretary of the Treasury
Alexander Hamilton would be the biggest problem in the U .S . .
C . W ashington does not like Britain .
D . W ashington would make a good relationship between the U nited States and Britain .
15 . W hat is the best title for this text ?
A . Presidency
B . W ashington
C . W ashington’s Political View
D . W ashington’s Life
Ad miral Isoroku Yamam oto , com mander-in-chief of Japan’s Com bined Fleet, had to
be careful of his country’s position in the Pacific . If he concentrated his forces too much in
the Pacific islands, then the m ainland would be more susceptible ( 易 受 影 响 或 损 害 的 ) to
attack from Europe and even the United States . He planned to cripple the U nited States
while he quickly conquered m uch of Southeast Asia and gathered their natural resources . He
hoped that his attack against the Pacific Fleet would de moralize the A merican forces and get
them to sign a peace settlement allowing Japan to re main as the power in the Pacific . A
month after the British attack on Taranto harbor, Ya mamoto decided that if war with the
United States was unavoidable he would launch a carrier attack on Pearl Harbor .
There were peace talks occurring up until about November 27 , 1941 . At that time ,
negotiations had co me to a halt( 暂停 , 终 止 ) . The United States put its arm y on alert . On
Decem ber 6 , 1941 , President Roosevelt made an appeal for peace to the E m peror of Japan .
Not until late that day did the U .S . decode ( 解 码 , 破 译 ) thirteen parts of a fourteen part
message that presented the possibility of a Japanese attack . Approximately 9 a . m .
( W ashington time) on Decem ber 7 , 1941 , the last part of the fourteen part message was
decoded stating a severance of ties with the U nited States . An hour later, a message fro m
Japan was decoded as instructing the Japanese em bassy to deliver the fourteen part message
at 1 p .m . ( W ashington tim e) . The U .S ., upon receiving this message , sent a com mercial
telegraph to Pearl H arbor because radio com m unication had been down .
At 6 a .m .( Hawaiian time) on Dece mber 7 , 1941 , the first Japanese attack fleet ( 舰
队 ) of 183 planes took off from aircraft carriers 230 miles north of Oahu . At 7 : 02 a .m .,
two Army operators at a radar ( 雷 达 ) station on Oahu’s north shore picked up Japanese
fighters coming on radar . They contacted a junior officer who disregarded their sighting ,
thinking that it was B-17 bom bers from the United States to west coast . The first Japanese
bo mb was dropped at 7 : 55 a .m . on W heeler Field , eight miles from Pearl H arbor . The
crews at Pearl Harbor were on the decks of their ships for morning colors and the singing of
The Star-Spangled Banner . Even though the band was interrupted in their song by Japanese
planes gunfire , the crews did not move until the last note was sung . The telegraph fro m
W ashington had been too late . It arrived at headquarters in Oahu around noon ( Hawaiian
tim e) , four long hours after the first bom bs were dropped .
Of the approximately 100 U . S . Navy ships present in the harbor that day , eight
battleships were da maged with five sunk . Eleven smaller ships including cruisers and
N M ET 话题阅读训练
destroyers were also badly da maged . A m ong those killed were 2 , 335 service men and 68
civilians . The wounded included 1 , 178 people . The U .S . Arizona was dealt the worst blow
of the attack . A 1 , 760-pound bom b struck it, and the am m unition on board exploded killing
1 , 177 service men . Today , there is a memorial spanning the sunken remains of the Arizona
dedicated to the memory of all those lost in the bombing .
16 . Yama moto planned out this attack because
A . he wanted to control Japan’s Navy General after this attack
B . he hoped that Japan would remain as the power in the Pacific through this attack
C . the U .S . had already declared war on Japan
D . the E m peror of Japan let him plan it
17 . W hat does the underlined word“negotiations”mean in sentence 2 of Paragraph 2 ?
A . battles
B . celebrations
C . actions
D . discussion
18 . W hich of the following statements is N O T true according to the text ?
A . Arizona is a state of the U .S . .
B . Five U .S . Navy ships were sunk in this attack .
C . 2 , 403 people were killed .
D . Two Arm y operators picked up Japanese fighters approaching on radar 53 minutes
before the first Japanese bomb was dropped .
19 . How many messages were decoded by the U .S . during the two days ?
A . Thirteen parts of one message .
B . Fourteen parts of one m essage .
C . Thirteen messages .
D . Fourteen messages .
20 .W here do you think is the text fro m ?
A . A novel book
B . A history book
C . A docu ment
D . A n essay
Test T w o
Alfred Nobel, the founder of Nobel Prizes, was a man of many contrasts ( 对比、对照 ) .
He came fro m a poor family and later beca me a millionaire . He was rich but lived a sim ple
life and remained single until death . He was a man of contrasting character . He was
realistic and atthe sam e time idealistic . His attitude towards life also supplies an impressive
contrast . He was sincere in his love for mankind and his contributions made him worldwide
famous, but he hated to be praised . H e was an inventor, scientist and industrialist . To
im prove mining and road building , he invented a new explosive . But he was desperately
worried about his invention when he saw it was used to kill his fellow men .
Studying mainly on his own , Nobel was a good che mist at 16 and was fluent in five
languages . Im aginative and inventive , as an industrialist, he was even better than his father
Unit T w o
in the financial area , and his achievements were m uch greater than his father’s . He spent
much time and money to work for the good of mankind and seek peace between nations, but
in contrast to this was his feeling that such good and peace could never be realized .
1 . W hat does the text m ainly talk about ?
A . Alfred Nobel’s strange character .
B . Alfred Nobel’s deep love for hu man beings .
C . Alfred Nobel’s life that was full of contrasts .
D . Alfred Nobel’s scientific achieve ments .
2 . W hat can be inferred about Alfred Nobel’s father from the text ?
A . He was not a famous inventor or scientist .
B . He did not teach Alfred Nobel anything at all when Alfred was a child .
C . His ability to learn languages was not so good as Alfred Nobel’s .
D . He was less successful than Alfred Nobel in financial area because he was not as
imaginative .
3 . W hich of the following is N O T true according to the text ?
A . Alfred Nobel had never married in his life .
B . It was his contrasting character that made Alfred Nobel famous .
C . Alfred Nobel was actually saddened by his invention of the new explosive .
D . He did not devote all his time and money to the struggle for world peace because he
believed that it could not be achieved .
4 . W hat does the underlined word“realistic”mean ?
A . hopeful
B . desperate
C . practical
D . piteful
The 101-year-old Queen Mother died in her sleep last Saturday with Queen Elizabeth ,
her elder and only living daughter, at her bedside .
For a wo man who was one ofthe best-known figures in Britain for more than 80 years—
from the time of tinted portraits on tin biscuit boxes and cigarette cards to the age of the
Internet, the Queen M other re mained an enigmatic figure .
Back in the 1920s, Lady Elizabeth A ngela M arguerite Bowes-Lyon had attracted many
men and only accepted the King George VI when he got down on bended knee for a third
tim e“If
. you are going to keep it up forever, I might as well say yes now , ”she told him with
fond exasperation ( 恼火 ) .
A keen ( 热忠的 ) angler ( 钓 鱼 者 ) until well into her 80s, she once chocked ( 窒息 , 卡
住 ) on a fishbone . After surgeons rem oved the bone , she quipped“
: After all these years of
fishing , the fish are having their revenge .”
W hat is known of the Queen M other’s interests were—in her youth —singing (reports
say she had a good light voice and a repertoire of popular songs from the first thirty years of
the 20th century ) , the theatre and dancing . Prince Charles is said to believe that his
N M ET 话题阅读训练
musical and artistic interests derive from her .
5 . According to the text, what characters of Queen M other can we N O T conclude ?
A . smart
B . hum orous
C . versatile ( 多才多艺的 )
D . serious
6 . W hat does the underlined word“revenge”mean in Paragraph 4 ?
A .result
B . retire ment
C . retaliation
D . reason
7 . W hat does the sentence“If you are going to keep it up forever, I might as well say yes
now”in Paragraph 3 im ply ?
A . She wanted him not to stand up forever .
B . She was moved by him at last .
C . She was very angry at his action .
D . She would accept him next tim e .
By the Louisiana Purchase ( 购买 , 购买物 ) of 1803 the United States boughtfrom France
a vast area of so me 828 , 000 square miles . This was one of the biggest land purchases in
history . The area stretches from the Mississippi River in the east to the Rocky M ountains in
the west and from the G ulf of M exico in the south to the United States-Canadian border in
the north . This territory ( 地 方 , 领 土 ) makes up a third of the United States . It included ,
before territorial adjustment, all or parts of what were to become 15 states .
This huge region was explored in the 16th century by the Spaniard . A French man , in
1682 , named it Louisiana in honor of his king , Louis XIV ( 1638 - 1715) . Early in the 18th
century the French founded settlements along the Mississippi River . The most important
one , New Orleans, was founded in 1718 on the east bank of the river, 90 miles fro m its
mouth . In 1732 the French Governm ent took control of Louisiana .
At the end of the French and Indian W ar( 1754 - 1763)in North A merica , French lost
its lands east of the Mississippi to the Britain . In an agree ment France gave up Louisiana—
the French lands west of the Mississippi, and New Orleans—to Spain .
In the late 18th century Napoleon Bonaparte ( 1769 - 1821 ) rose to beco me the first
e mperor of France . He drea med of creating a new French colonial em pire in North A merica .
In 1800 he persuaded the Spanish rulers to sign ( 签署 ) the secret Treaty of San Ildefonso .
This treaty transferred Louisiana back to France . On October 15 , 1802 , the king of Spain
finally gave the order transferring Louisiana to France .
W hen President Tho mas Jefferson(1743 - 1826)learnt of the secret agreem ent, he was
very worried . He did not welcome the idea of having a strong France as a neighbor in the
west in place of the weak Spain . Jefferson was also afraid that when the French controlled
New Orleans they would close the Mississippi to A merica trade .
Jefferson ordered Robert R . Livingston ( 1746 - 1813 ) , the A merica minister to
France , to explore ( 探究 ) the possibility of purchasing New Orleans and part of W est Florida
near the mouth of the Mississippi . Jefferson used psychology to force Napoleon’s hand . He
Unit T w o
permitted to fall into the hands of the French E m peror som e false secret letters , saying that
the U nited States would join Britain for an attack on Louisiana . In M arch , 1830 , Ja mes
M onroe( 1758 - 1831 ) went to Paris , who was em powered to offer Napoleon up to $10 ,
000 , 000 for New Orleans and a tract of land on the Gulf of M exico .
8 . W hat is the main idea of the text ?
A . The history of Louisiana .
B . The purchase of a piece of land .
C . The wars between different countries for Louisiana .
D . The great wisdom of Thomas Jefferson in winning Louisiana for the United States .
9 . The author is most likely to agree with which of the following statements ?
A . Louisiana was by far the largest state of the United States at that time .
B . The name Louisiana was most com monly seen in Spain .
C . France lostits control of Louisiana to Britain after losing the French and Indian W ar .
D . Tho mas Jefferson wanted to have Louisiana because he felt that with such a vast
region in his hand , France could be a threat to the United States .
10 . W hat is the m ain reason that made Napoleon sell Louisiana to the United States ?
A . Louisiana was too big for France to control .
B . Thomas Jefferson was so clever that Napoleon could not match his wisdom .
C . Napoleon was deceived by the false letters and was afraid of the attack by Britain
and the United States .
D . The native people in Louisiana would not be ruled by foreign rulers .
11 . W hat will the paragraph im mediately following the last paragraph discuss ?
A . How did France sell Louisiana to the United States .
B . W hat happened to Louisiana after it was purchased by the U nited States .
C . H ow Tho mas Jefferson was respected by his people for the im portant purchase he
m ade .
D . W hat was the effects of the purchase on A merican developments .
In 1997 , during his first visiting to the U .S ., Chinese President Jiang Zemin and his
A merican counterpart Bill Clinton have acknowledged their political differences , but they
wrapped up their historic sum mit emphasizing the importance of their com mon interest . The
two leaders ha m mered out agreem ents on a nu m ber ofissues, although hu man rights remains
a sticking point .
The two sides came to agreem ents over plenty of items , which could shake the world
for a long time to come . The m ost im portant is probably the high-level dialogues and
consultations . The Presidents will visit each other regularly , there will be a W ashingtonBeijing com munications link for direct contact, and there will be regular exchanges or visits
by cabinet and other officials on political and security issues . On nuclear cooperation , Mr .
Clinton promises the sale of nuclear technology to China for peaceful use , so mething not
N M ET 话题阅读训练
possible now with an A m erican ban after the 1989 Tianan men crackdown . The two countries
have agreed to strengthen military maritime safety . And Beijing and W ashington are both
working towards China’s entry into the W TO , with China aiming to make substantial tariff
reductions .
There will be more cooperation to clean up the environ ment, to stop nuclear weapons
proliferation , and to cooperate in the field of law . Taiwan is considered the most important
issue , but there’s little breakthrough here . The two sides agreed that there should be only
one China , and that the Chinese should be allowed to resolve the proble m by themselves .
It’s over the matter of hu man rights which the two countries have the most obvious
differences .
In 2002 , Bush , who visits China on February 21 - 22 , said he would discuss the war
against terror ( 恐 怖 事件 ) , trade and other issues with Chinese President Jiang Ze min .“ I
appreciate very m uch for President Jiang’s strong co m mitment to the war against terror, ”
Bush said .“I look forward to talking about our mutual concerns on the war against terror .”
On the issue of Taiwan , Bush said he thinks the best way is to deal with it honestly and
have an open dialogue on the subject, and that he will explain the U .S . One-China policy .
On trade relations between the United States and China , Bush said he was a strong backer of
China’s entry into the W T O , and congratulated President Jiang upon China’s entry into the
W T O in Nove mber last year .“ There are all kinds of opportunities as the Chinese market
develops for U .S . markets, and there’s a lot of opportunities for the Chinese products in
what is a relatively mature consu mer m arket, ” he said .“ So we will work through
opportunities . And we will both try to grow our economies, or put policies in place so our
econo mies can grow in such a way that trade is more likely , ”he added .
During the presidential cam paign , Bush struck a tougher tone by declaring that China
was a “ strategic ( 战 略 性 的 ) com petitor”, not the “ strategic partner” the Clinton
ad ministration ( 政府 ) envisioned ( 预想 ) .
12 . W hat’s the main idea of this text ?
A . This text tells us som ething about the relationship between China and the U .S . .
B . This text shows that what the im portant issues that the two countries is concerned
about are .
C . This text tells us something about the two historic visiting made by the leaders of the
two countries .
D . This text shows the proble ms of the two countries and their cooperation .
13 . During President Jiang’s visiting , what is mentioned to be the m ain political differences
and block to the China- U .S . relationship ?
A . H u man rights
B . The issue of Taiwan
C . Nuclear weapons
D . China’s entry into the W T O
14 . According the text, Bush’s visiting to China paid more attention on
A . the war against terror
B . the issue of Taiwan
Unit T w o
C . China’s success on entry into the W T O
D . economic opportunities and trade
15 . The last paragraph indicates that
A . China and the U .S . won’
t be partners in the future
B . Clinton ad ministration is more friendly than Bush ad ministration
C . China will have the power to com pete with the U .S .
D . Bush is afraid of China’s development
16 . W hat does the underlined word“breakthrough”m ean in Paragraph 2 ?
A .分裂 , 裂痕
B .突破 , 完成
C .成果 , 成绩
D .困难 , 障碍
In the past, A mericans used to think of the United States as a“ melting pot”of
im migrants ( 移民 ) fro m many different cultures to the United States, their old ways melted
away and they became part of a com pletely new culture . The U nited States was likened to a
big pot of soup , which had bits of flavor( 味道 , 滋味 ) from each different culture . All of the
different cultures were so well blended ( 混 合 , 搀 杂 ) together that it formed its own new
flavor .
Today, A m ericans realize that the sim ple“ melting pot”theory is less true . Instead ,
different groups of people keep many of their old custo ms . Often groups of A mericans fro m
the same culture band together . They live together in distinctive co m m unities, such as
“ Chinatowns” or“ Little Italys ”— areas populated almost exclusively ( 唯 一 , 仅 ) by
A mericans of a single ethnic group — which can be found in many large A merican cities .
Living in ethnic neighborhoods gives new A mericans the security of sharing a com mon
language and co m mon traditions with people who understand them .
In time , however, people from different backgrounds mix together . They also mix with
native-born A mericans . Old traditions give way to new customs . The children of im migrants
are often eager to adopt new , A merican ways . They often want to dress in A merican
fashions, to speak English and to follow A m erican social customs . By one estim ate ( 估计 ) ,
about 80 percent of European im migrants marry outside their own ethnic groups by the time
they reach the third generation . Third generation means that their great-grandparents were
im migrants . Yet as successive generations beco me more“ A m ericanized”, they often retain
significant ele ments of their ethnic heritage .
17 . W hat does the text mainly talk about ?
A . The A m erican way of life .
B . Im migrants vs . native-born A mericans .
C . Old traditions vs . new custo ms .
D . The multi-cultural heritage of the United States .
18 . W hy does the author m ention“ Chinatowns”in the 2nd paragraph ?
N M ET 话题阅读训练
A . To give an exam ple that many people keep their old custo ms .
B . To show that Chinese cherish their old traditions .
C . To contrast( 对比 ) the Chinese way of life with that of the Italian’s .
D . To give an exam ple of the A mericanization ( 美国化 ) .
19 . The underlined word“ethnic”in the last sentence most probably means
A . moral
B . national
C . cultural
D . social
20 . The underlined word“ A mericanized”generally means
A . im migrants who still retain their tradition , but behave like A m ericans in so me ways
B . im migrants who still retain their own language , but speak English som etimes
C . im migrants who reject the traditions of their parents, and accept western culture only
D . im migrants , naturalized by native A merican culture in character, way of thinking
etc ,though still retaining so me ethnic heritage
Unit Three
Science & Technology
Test One
Physicists have known for nearly a century that travel
into the future is possible . Einstein’s special theory of
relative ( 相 对 论 ) , published in 1905 , predicted that time
should be elastic ( 弹 性 的 ) , stretching or shrinking as an
observer moves . To get a really big time leap ( 跳 跃 )
it is necessary to travel at near the speed of
light— 30 , 000 km per second .
At 99 percent of the speed , a rocket trip to
the star Alpha Centauri ( 星 名 ) and back would seem to take 1 5
months , but travelers would return home to find that nearly nine
years had elapsed on Earth . In effect , you would have leapt several years
into the Earth’s future .
Gravity offers another way to slow time . On the Earth’s surface , Clock tick a little
slower than on the moon , for example . Near a neutron star or black hole , gravity is so
intense that time is slowed .
These facts are accepted by almost all scientists . Travelling forwards in time has been
demonstrated convincingly in many experiments . However , the possibility of travelling
backwards in time is far more controversial .①
1 . The reason that clocks tick differently in different area is that
A . they are far away from neutron Star
B . they are near black hole
C . they enjoy different gravity
D . none of them
2 . W hich of the following statem ents is true ?
A . A rocket traveling to the Star Alpha Centauri and back see ms to take 15 months at
the speed of 300 , 000 K m per second .
B . The possibility of travelling background in time is far m ore controversial
C . Gravity near black hole is not intense at all .
D . Time travel is a popular topic .
3 . The title of the text is
A . Time Travel B . Black Hole C . Travel into Future D . Travelling Forward
N M ET 话题阅读训练
Research on the hu man brain has been attracting more and m ore scientists in recent
years , just like the boo ming ( 昌盛的 ) hi-tech industry . One of the latest research topics is
how to change the hu man brain or com bine the Co mputer and the hu man brain , i .e , to
transplant a chip into hu man brain .② This innovation ( 改革 ) may m ake everyone’s drea m
co me true . If we co mpare a hu man brain to a hard disc , what the scientists are doing is to
enlarge the applicable capacity of the hard disc . For the time being , there are so me
difficulties in such transplant experiments , but scientists never give up .
Experiments were started on animals . In 1996 , a transplant experiment performed at
the Defense and Military Physiology Research institute in the U .S . turned a bear into a
dolphin .
The dolphin was nam ed Ted , and the bear was na med Tallin . Using the most advanced
technology , deep and detailed studies were made of the swim ming action me mory area in
Ted’s brain by the scientists . They obtained a series of useful information , the signals
transferred by the nerve syste m . Such information was saved into a button-sized chip , which
was then transplanted into the action mem ory area in Tallinn’s brain . The information saved
on the chip was released by means of electric power .
Recently , another co mprehensive memory transplant was performed at the M otor Nerve
Research Institute of the University of California . The com prehensive me mory transplanted
in the experiment included actions , moods , logic , words, images, etc . The experiment
involved an entire transplant of the m emory area . This was the largest such experiment done
so far .
The transplant was performed from a dog nam ed“ Genius ”to a dog nam ed“idiot”.
“ Genius”could understand and follow up to 100 gestures and orders made by its master . It
was a real genius in me morizing .“Idiot”was the younger brother of“ Genius”. it had no
contact with people at all since its birth . It becam e an animal with nothing in its brain ,
without any memory .
The operation was a co mplete success . W hen the two dogs woke up .“Idiot”had
grasped all the abilities“ Genius”possessed ; it was good at mem orizing , sensible . It could
follow every gesture and order given by its master . But“ Genius”gave no response to its
master, and in fact did not recognize him at all .
4 . The purpose of the experiment is
A . to combine the com puter and the hu man brain
B . to make bear swim
C . to make so me stupid dog turn clever
D . to enlarge the applicable capacity of hu man brain
5 . W hich of the following statem ents is true ?
A . The scientists transferred a button-sized chip with useful information in Tallin ’s
brain .
U nit Three
Science & Technology
B . The co mprehensive m emory transplant was perform ed at the M otor Nerve Research
University .
C . The second experiment wasn’t an entire transplant of the mem ory area .
D . The idiot was an animal with memory before brain experiment .
6 . W hat does the underlined word“success”refer to ?
A . The two dogs woke up .
B . They were both good at memorizing .
C . The idiot grasped all the abilities .
D . The Genius grasped all the abilities .
7 . According to the text, we can infer
A . a person can know more after the experim ent
B . a bear can swim after being transferred a chip with relevant useful information
C . a dog can become clever after entire transplant of the m emory area
D . it is really good for animals to have transplant experiment
You can live longer and feel wonderful-by following the top 10 secrets to lonegvity ( 长
寿 ) revealed by Dr . Franklin W illiams, former director of the National Institute on Aging
and professor E m eritus at the University of Rochester, New York— one of A merica ’s
Leading experts .
Studies show that 30 minutes of mild exercise a day willincrease your life
span (周期 ) . This doesn’t mean you have to run three miles or start high
jumping . Simple activities such as walking, gardening or taking exercise
classes will work .
Contact with family and friends help fight depression and stress . Studies
show that people who socialize regularly live longer than loners do .
Interact daily with family members and friends . If you are isolated , make
a points of joining social clubs or church groups so you can laugh and
share life’s joys .
This is very important— use it or lose it ! People who allow their mental
faculties to decline ( 减 少 ) run the risk of shortening their lives through
falls and other injuries, and not being able to take care of themselves .
Read the newspaper, visit the public library , balance your newspaper,
and your checkbook without a calculator, and exercise your brain by doing
crossword puzzles .
The key words are“ high-fiber, low-fat .” Cut back on red meat, salt,
white flour, white sugar, alcohol and coffee . Start eating a balanced diet
including lots of fruit, grains, raw vegetables and nuts .
Pneu monia and flu are among the leading causes of death among older
people . Get vaccinated to protect yourself against these potential
killers③ .
N M ET 话题阅读训练
By approaching life with an upbeat, active outlook you increase your
chances of living longer . Stay optimistic — always search for the silver
lining . Studies show people who see life as an enjoyable challenge , rather
than a constant trial, cope better and prolong ( 延长) their life spans .
As we age , we are more likely to take medicine, which can be disabling
and even deadly . Ask your doctor if the drugs you take are really
7 .M E DIC A TIO N MIX necessary . Make sure there is no danger of a bad drug interaction from
your medications . Used correctly , medicines can help you live longer and
more comfortably .
Helping others increases your self-esteem and makes you feel like a
Join a house of worship , visit an old folk’s home ,
and ask your Cham ber of Com merce for information on agencies that need
volunteer help .
Always wear your car seat belt . And remem ber, falls kill— and are
especially dangerous for the elderly . Do a safety inspection of your home
and put away anything you could trip over⑤ .
10 .RE G U LA R
Get annual screenings for cancer, high blood pressure and other illness .
8 . The best title for this text could be
A . Secrets to a Longer Life
B . Longevity
C . How to Live a Long Life
D . Top 10 Secrets
9 . If you were a lonely person , the most important secret for him should
A . take exercise classes for 30 minutes
B . join in social clubs to socialize regularly
C . stay mentally active and exercises your brain
D . eat a balanced diet
10 . If you want to be healthy , you must eat less
A . red meat, alcohol, fruit
B . white sugar, salt, coffee
C . alcohol, white flour, nuts
D . coffee , grain , nuts
11 . For older people , what are the two leading causes of death ?
a pneu monia
b flu
c cancer
d over- m edication
A .a & b
B .b & c
C .a & c
D .c & d
12 . W hich of the following statements is N O T true ?
A . People who stay optimistic can prolong their lives
B . W e are less likely to get medications when we are old
C . To be a volunteer can make you feel happy
D . It is necessary to have regular checkups
W eather is now more popular than news , more com pelling ( 吸引人的 ) than dra ma . It
U nit Three
Science & Technology
even has its own Oscars to choose the best weather presenters in the world .
How did we beco me so wild for weather ?It all started with a meteorologist( 气象学家 )
na med Percy Saltzm an— one of the first people to appear on Canadian T V when it went on
air back in 1952 . His only gadget was a blackboard , but he became the world ’s first
“ W eather Entertainer”. Saltzman’s trademark was to toss his chalk into the air— a small
closing flourish that was the start of“ W eather Entertain ment”. Within a few years , weather
was becoming show business in m any places . TV weatherm en abandoned the dry style of the
BB C , and developed a breezier look .⑥ Soon there was an upside-down weatherman in
Australia and costu med characters like W illard Scott in A merica— Then ca me weather girls,
and weathermen who knew more about comedy than meteorology .
The W eather Channel’s rating soar during any kind of violent weather . In Britain , a
clim ate-crazed nation , no one is more obsessed ( 着迷的 ) that Pieres Corbyn , the Country’s
strangest weather forecaster, and a m an who makes a living betting on bad weather . Corbyn
is a strange astrophysicist who runs his own weather forecasting business called W eather
Action . His office is a m aze of weather charts and gadgets that supposedly help predict the
weather m onths in advance—even though that is supposed to be im possible . But lots of
people believe in him . His secret method is based on analyzing sun spots over the last 100
years . W hether by skill or by luck , Corbyn has made news several times, including his
prediction for 1998 flooding and for a white Christmas in 1999 which helped a friend win
100 , 000 pounds , while England froze .⑦ W eather had become a hot com modity .
13 . This text is mainly about
A . why people are so wild for weather
B . why do the W eather Channel’s rating soar
C . why Pieres Corbyn is so popular
D . why weather reports are special now
14 . The reason that many people believe Pieres Corbyn is that
A . he is a weather reporter
B . he is an fa mous astrophysicist
C . he had made new correctly several times
D . he is good at making prediction
15 . Fro m this text, we can infer
A . we can get money by selling the information on weather
B . there was a white Christmas in 1999 in England
C . weather Entertain ment will continue to be popular with people
D . pieres Corbyn will go on making news correctly
Recently Dr Cleim an had proved that everyone has a daily energy cycle ( 周期 ) .
During the hours when you labor through your work you m ay say that you are“hot”.
N M ET 话题阅读训练
That is true . The time of day when you feel most energetic is when your cycle of body
tem perature is at its peak ( 高峰 ) , for so me people the peak co mes during the forenoon . For
others it co mes in the afternoon or evening . No one has discovered why this is so .
M uch family quarrelling ends when husbands and wives realize what these energy cycle
means and which cycle each mem ber of the fa mily has .
You cannot change your cycle , but you can learn to m ake your life fit it better . Habit
can help , Dr Cleiman believes, if your energy cycle is low in the m orning . But if you have
an im portantjob early in the day , rise before your usual hour, and then you will work better
at your low point .
Get off to a slow start which saves your energy , get up with leisurely yawn ( 呵欠 ) and
stretch sit on the edge of the bed before putting your feet on the floor . Avoid the troubleso me
search of clean clothes by laying the m out the night before .
16 . Dr . Cleiman did not explain in the text
A . how people can make their life fit their cycle
B . what will happen in the family ifthe couple fail to realize which cycle each member has
C . whether everyone has a daily cycle or not
D . why people have their energy cycle of body at different times
17 . For what reason may husbands and wives quarrel with each other ?
A . Either of them gets up late in the m orning
B . H usbands and wives have different cycles of energy
C . Either of them wants to change the cycle of the other
D . They do not know which cycle the other has
18 . According to the text,
A . one can change his cycle
B . one should get up earlier than usualif he wants to work better at his low point in the
m orning
C . whenever you feel hot, your energy cycle reaches the highest
D . your cycle m ust be in the m orning if you can get up early
19 . W hich of the following can save your energy in the morning ?
A . Getting up late .
B . Looking for clean clothes .
C . Ju m ping out of bed as quickly as possible .
D . Sitting for a while before getting out of bed .
20 . W hich of the following statements is N O T true ?
A . If you know your cycle you can m ake good use of time .
B . H aving a habit of doing something can m ake people affected less by their energy
cycle .
C . If you know your cycle you can change it to fit your life .
D . Father and son do not necessarily have the sam e cycle .
U nit Three
Science & Technology
Test T w o
The average human spends 1/ 3 of his or her lifetime sleeping . Im agine how much
people could accom plish if they spent less time sleeping . For many high school students,
getting enough rest is not a priority ( 优 先 ) . A National Sleep foundation survey shows that
teens are staying up too late at night, usually getting 7 hours of sleep instead of the
recom m ended 9 hours . Although teenagers’internal clocks ( 生 物钟 ) are partially to bla me
for not sleeping earlier, many students lose sleep because of school .①
Schools should allow students enough time for sleep , taking jobs, sports, and other
extracurricular activities into consideration .
Students who are extre mely busy and lose sleep as a result should not have to drop their
activities in order to get more rest . With colleges becoming increasingly competitive , it is
unreasonable for students to be forced to choose between sleeping and excelling .
In addition to interfering with acade mic success , lack of sleep also affects a person’s
safety . Alm ost 1/ 2 of the 100 , 000 annual sleep-related car accidents in the U .S . involve
people between the ages of 15 and 24 .
There are a num ber of solutions that high schools can choose from . One option is
starting school at a later time . A later schedule is m ore appropriate for teenagers’biological
clocks . Although it m ay create more expenses for the school, the change would be well
worth it . Research has shown that students who get more sleep are happier, healthier, more
productive , and earn higher grades than those who suffer from sleep deprivation . Students
who get enough sleep are also more attentive and less likely to fall asleep in class .②
A second option is offering study hall as an elective . Since this gives students tim e to
do ho mework or take a nap , it creates m ore free time after school .
A third alternative is for some teachers to alter their teaching methods a bit by giving
only im portant, necessary ho mework . Quite a few teachers assign busy work , which doesn’
teach students m uch but instead wastes their time . It is also helpful ifteachers com municate
with each other to plan out their test schedules .
High schools should not negatively interfere with the a mount of sleep teenagers get .
Instead , schools should take steps to benefit the lives of students by allowing them enough
tim e to rest . As Fran Lebowitz said ,“life is so mething to do when you can’
t get to sleep .”
1 . According to the expert, the students should get enough sleep , and it is about
A . six hours
B . seven hours
C . eight hours
D . nine hours
2 . W hy the students couldn’
t get enough sleep ?
A . Because they stay up too late .
B . Because of internal clock .
C . Because of too much homework .
D . Because of all above mentioned reasons .
N M ET 话题阅读训练
3 . There are about
sleep-related car accidents .
A . 5 , 000
B . 50 , 000
C . 100 , 000
D . 1 , 000 , 000
4 . In the writer’s opinion , the high school should
A . start school according to the teenager’s biological clocks .
B . interfere with the a mount of sleep that teenagers get
C . change teaching methods completely
D . assign less ho mework now
5 . The best title for this text would be
A . Study and Sleep
B . Teens and Sleep
C . The Im portance of Sleep
D . Students and Sleep
A new study shows that large amounts of vitamins and minerals can slow the loss of
sight linked to aging .③ The condition is called age-related macular degeneration or A- M - D .
The disease is a major cause of blindness among old people . Doctor do not know what
causes it .
The disease destroys the central part of the retia ( 视网膜 ) , the cells at the back of the
eye that gather light . The first sign of A- M - D usually is a loss of visual clearness . People
with the disease have trouble reading , driving and recognizing faces . They cannot see
clearly through the center of their eyes . They m ust look at things from the sides of their
eyes . Over time , A- M - D can cause blindness .
The National Eye Institute carried out the six-year study . Almost 5 , 000 people in 11
areas of the United States took part . They were between the ages of 55 and 80 . So me of the
people had more severe forms of the disease than others .
The researchers tested a combination of large amounts of vitamins and minerals . So me
people in the study were given the mineral zinc . Others took the vita mins C , E . A third
group received both the zinc and vitamins . The remaining people took inactive substances
called placegbos( 安慰剂 ) .
The people in the study were in 3 groups . Based on the severity of their disease , the
researchers com pared the vision abilities and other conditions of the patients after 5 years of
treatment . Their findings were published in the Archives of O phthalmology ( 眼科学 ) .
The scientists say the com bination of vitamins and zinc had no effect on patients with
the least severe form of A- M- D . However, they say the vitamins and zinc helped people
with more serious A- M - D . The treatment cut the risk of developing the most severe form of
A- M - D by about 25 % . The vitamins and zinc also prevented some vision loss for those
patients already suffering severe A- M - D . The patients taking zinc or vitamins separately also
were helped but not as m uch as those taking both . Earlier studies had shown that people
who eat large a mounts of fruit and vegetables containing important vitamins are at lower risk
of developing the eye disease .
U nit Three
Science & Technology
6 . The disease of A- M - D can lead to
A . blindness
B . visual clearness
C . visual loss
D . cataract
7 . If someone suffers from the least severe form of A- M-D , it is impossible for him to
A . lose his sight
B . have trouble in reading
C . see clearly through center of their eyes D . drive with less danger
8 . According to what they take , the scientists carried out study and divided those people
A . two groups
B . three groups
C . four groups
D . five groups
9 . As a healthy person , we should eat more
to prevent the disease , A- M -D .
A . mineral and zinc
B . vitamins
C . vitamin and zinc
D . fresh fruits and vegetables
Today , when a man steps on to the moon , or something new and im portant happens,
the world learns about it im mediately . W hat did the newspapers say about that first flight in
1903 ? Strangely enough , they said hardly anything about it at all . There are only a few
reports about it in the papers . These reports said very little . Some of the things they said
were not even correct .
In 1904 the W rights④ built a second machine . They called it“Flyer No .T wo”. They
invited so me reporters to a field near Dayton to watch them fly . Unfortunately , there was
so me mechanical( 机 械 的 ) trouble with the plane and it did not fly at all that day . The
newspapermen went away . They were disappointed and did not co me back . The W rights
went on with their work . in 1905 , they built an even better machine ,“Flyer No Three”.
They were able to stay upon the air for half an hour and more in the machine . Farmers and
travelers on the road around the Dayton often saw them flying , but when three people told
newspapermen about it, they refused to believe them .
The W rights offered “ Flyer No . Three ”to the U nited States govern ment . The
govern ment was not interested . They seemed to think the Wrights wanted money in order to
build a place . They did not understand the W rights had already done this, and flown it as
well . Experts were still saying that m echanical flight was im possible . At the end of 1905 ,
the two brothers took their planes to pieces . The parts were put into a huge wooden box . It
see med nobody was interested .
10 . The reporters were disappointed in 1904 because
A . the Wrights did not invite them
B . the plane could not stay long in the air
C . the plane did not fly at all that day
D . they had wanted to see a better m achine
11 . The U .S . government could not understand that
N M ET 话题阅读训练
A . the Wrights had already built a m achine that could fly .
B . experts still thought flights was impossible .
C . the W rights wanted m ore money to build an airplane
D .“ Flyer No . Three”was now in a wooden case
12 . The Wrights took their plane to pieces because
A . they planned to go to Europe
B . nobody was interested
C . the govern ment didn’
t give them any money
D . the newspapermen didn’
t report their flights
13 . W hat does the underlined word“Flyer”mean ?
A . pilot
B . driver
C . plane
D . kite
14 . W hich of the following is N O T true ?
A . Today, people are very interested in new things .
B . People in the past talked little about new things .
C . Reporters are now as interested in new happening as in the past .
D . People in the past even told each other wrong things .
Japanese officials are struggling to prevent the spread of m ad cow disease . Japan’s
first case of m ad cow disease was reported in Septem ber . The Agriculture Ministry⑤
confirmed last month that a second cow was infected .⑥ Japan is the only country in Asia
where mad cow disease is known to have spread . The disease is officially known as Bovine
Spongiform Encephalopahty , Or B-S-E .⑦ It causes holes in the brain . Cows act strangely
before they die . So it is called mad cow disease .
Scientists believe cows get the disease by eating meat and bone m eal from infected
animals . Since Septem ber, Japan had banned im ports and use of feed m ade from animal
remains .Recently, the Agriculture Ministry announced plans to destroy about five- thousand
cows that may have been given the feed ( 饲料 ) .
Sales of Japanese beef products have dropped sharply in the past three months . Since
October, Japanese officials have tested all cows that are killed for their meat . So me
scientists question the testing . They say the disease often cannot be identified in young
animals .
Scientists believe it’s terrible to eat infected meat that may cause a similar brain
disease is very terrible . It cannot be cured .
About one-hundred people in Europe have died fro m the disease in recent years . Most
of the m have been in Britain .
Until recently , some experts have estimated that the total num ber of deaths from eating
infected beef could be as high as one-hundred -thirty thousand . However, two new reports
say there will be fewer deaths than earlier estim ated . Science magazine reported the
findings .
U nit Three
Science & Technology
The reports say the total num ber of deaths from the disease may be as low as two
hundred .
Researchers from France used a co mputer progra m to make their estimate . They say
their study is based partly on a better understanding of disease . They also say evidence
shows that young people are more likely to become infected . In Britain , the average age of
those who died is twenty-eight . Only a few victims were older than fifty .⑧ From this
evidence , the team says the probability of person becoming infected decreases with age .
15 . According to the report, how many cases of mad cow disease were reported in Japan ?
A . one
B . two
C . many
D . didn’
t mention
16 . If a person were infected in Japan , he would likely eat
A . cow eating meat and bone m eal
B . cow eating imported feed made from animal remains
C . young cow eating m eat and bone meal
D . young cow imported feed m ade from animal remains
17 . Fro m the text, we know that
A . a British person of 30 is more likely to be infected
B . a British Person of 40 is more likely to be infected
C . a Japanese person of 30 is more likely to be infected
D . a Japanese person of 40 is more likely to be infected
Sheep like turkeys and ostriches are not considered the most intelligent animals, but
British scientists said hu mans may have underestimated the woolly creatures .⑨ They could
be much smarter than we think .
Researchers at the Babraha m Institute in Cam bridge Southern England , have shown
that the animals have a remarkable m emory system and are extremely good at recognizing
faces— which they suspect is a sign of intelligence .
Behavioral scientist Keith Kendrick and his colleague trained 20 sheep to recognize and
distinguish 25 pairs of sheep faces and used electrodes ( 电 极 ) to m easure their brain
activity , which revealed they could reme mber 50 faces for up to two years .
“if they do that with faces , the implication is that they have to have reasonable
intelligence ; otherwise , what is the point of having a syste m for remem bering faces and not
remem bering anything else”, so hours of see ming mindless grazing m ay not be so mindless
after all .⑩
Kendrick suspects sheep got their reputation as dum b animals because they live in
large groups and do not appear to have much individuality and are scared of just about
everything .
In research reported in the science journal Nature, Kendrick and his team showed that
sheep , like humans have a specialized syste m in the brain which allows the m to distinguish
N M ET 话题阅读训练
between many different faces which look extrem ely similar .
“The most im portant finding of the study is that they are able both fro m a behavioral
point of view and from looking at the way the brain is organized to reme mber a large num ber
of faces of individuals for a long time .”said Kendrick“It
. is a very sophisticated ( 复 杂的 )
system . they are showing similar abilities in m any ways to hu mans .”
18 . The woolly creatures do N O T include
A . sheep
B . goat
C . ostrich
D . snake
19 . People thought sheep were not clever before , because
A . sheep belong to woolly creatures
B . they are not good at recognizing faces before .
C . sheep live in a large groups
D . they don’
t have a specialized system in the brain
20 . The most im portant result of the experiment is
A . sheep are much smarter
B . sheep have ability to distinguish the different faces
C . sheep have a very good memory
D . sheep have a sophisticated syste m in the brain
U nit F o ur
Tra nsp ortatio n & Traffic
T est O ne
Chicago① , thethird largestcity in the U nited States , is
the center ofthe transportation network in the Midwest . The
city ’s diverse population of 3 million citizens challenges
(挑战) traffic plannersin theirsearchfor methodsto address
traffic safety issues . The challenge isintensified ( 加 强 ,
加重 ) by an estimated 2 6 million visitors to the Chicago
area each year . The im m ensity of the traffic
problems arising fro m a traffic hub such as
Chicago is reflected in the fact that , in 1995 , 171 , 751 m otor
vehicle crashes were reported② . Traffic crashes resulting in fatalities
num bered 227 ; 27 , 372 were injured in those crashes .
The Chicago Traffic Safety Task Force was formed in 1990 with a mandate to coordinate
the develop ment and imple mentation of traffic safety programs in Chicago, as well as in
Cook County .
M em bers of the Task Force were recruited ( 招募 ) from public and private organizations
having traffic safety interests and responsibilities, such as the Chicago Police Department
and the Illinois Department of Transportation . The Task Force meets quarterly to provide
reports and updates, to discuss plans and trends in traffic safety efforts and to develop future
plans and activities .
The Task Force has developed a series of prevention efforts designed to meet the goal of
the program to reduce traffic injuries and fatalities in Chicago and Cook County . Statistics
indicate that the Chicago Traffic Safety Task Force and Projects progra m has been
successful .
1 .W hat’s the challenge for traffic planners to solve traffic safety proble ms in Chicago ?
A .Chicago is the center of the transportation network in the Midwest .
B .The num ber of citizens and visitors in Chicago is too great .
C .It is difficult for them to search for plans .
D .There are so many motor vehicle crashes .
2 .W hich of the following state ments is N OT true ?
A .The Task Force makes traffic safety programs both in Chicago and Cook County .
B .M em bers of the Task Force are not appointed by the govern ment .
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C . The Task Force meets quite often to discuss and develop future plans and activities .
D . The efforts made by the Task Force are successful .
3 .W hat does the underlined word“fatalities”mean in Paragraph 1 ?
A .accidents
B .injuries
C .tragedies
D .deaths
China is a“kingdo m of bicycle”. Everyone rides a bike here . People ride it to school,
to work , to the beaches and mountains . They think outdoor cycling will make the m healthy
and strong . Apart from this reason , riding provides protection against so me pollution .
On the contrary , A mericans are a people on the wheel . W herever you go, you’
ll see cars .
There are so many cars that there is a traffic jam here and there . Now , more and more
A mericans would not consider it a healthy way of life . As a matter of fact, it’
s quite disturbing
(令人不安的)to realize that they are being reduced to a group of machine-bound (受机器约束的 )
people . Many A mericans are firmly opposed to the advancement of the crashing motor wheel .
Does it mean we should give up automobiles altogether for bicycles ? No . W e should discourage
the use of cars as much as possible to save our environ ment and the energy .
Everyone wants to reduce pollution . But the pollution problem is very serious . People
operate motor vehicles and the exhaust( 废液废气的排出 ) from them causes a large percentage
of all air pollution . On the other hand , the need for energy increases every day , and some
sources of energy are being used up very quickly . Oil will last for no more than 40 years ,
while coal could last 300 years . The way we’
re heading is towards a world where people are
going to go cold and hungry .Now in China many rich men live away from downtown . On
holidays they go to some big cities and places of historical interest . So most of them choose to
own cars . In a way , it will be more convenient for them . But China is a country with a
population of over 1 .3 billion . So, if you have enough money in the future , what will you do ?
4 .W hat does the underlined word“ people”mean in the first sentence of paragraph 2 ?
A .persons
B .nation , race
C .the citizens of a country
D .subjects or supporters
5 .According to the text, most A mericans
A . dislike owning cars
B . oppose the develop ment of vehicles
C . can’
t live without m otor vehicles
D . want to change their way of life
6 .W hat is the best title for the text ?
A .The Transportation in China and A merica
B .Reduce M otor Vehicles
C .Car or Bicycle
D .Environ ment and Energy Crisis
7 .W hat can be im plied according to the text ?
A .China shouldn’t become a people on the wheel .
B .A m ericans should give up auto mobiles .
C .Bicycle will become main transportation in the world .
D .The energy should be saved .
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Transportation & Traffic
M any strange new m eans of transport have been developed in our country , the strange
of them being perhaps the hovercraft ( 气垫船 ) . In 1953 , a form er electronics engineer in his
fifties, Christopher Cockerell, who had turned to boat-building on the Norfolk broads,
suggested an idea on which he had been working for many years to British govern ment and
industrial circles . It was the idea of supporting a craft on a“ pad”, or cushion , of lowpressure air ringed with curtain of higher pressure air . Ever since , people have had
difficulty in deciding whether the craft should be ranged a mong ships , planes, or land
vehicles—for it is something in between a boat and an aircraft . As a shipbuilder, Cockerell
was trying to find a solution to the problem of the wave resistance which wastes a good deal
of a ship’s surface power and limits its speed . His answer was to lift the vessel out of the
water by making it ride on a cushion of air, which is no more than one or two feet thick .
This is done by a great num ber of ring-shaped air jets on the botto m of the craft . It‘flies’,
therefore , but it cannot fly higher—its action depends on the surface , water or ground , over
which it rides .
The first tests on the Solent in 1959 caused a sensation . The hovercraft travelled first
over the water, then m ounted the beach , clim bed up the dunes, and sat down on a road .
Later it crossed the Channel, riding sm oothly over the waves , which presented no problem .
8 . W hat does the underlined word“resistance”mean ?
A . press
B . stress
C . obstruction
D . push
9 . W hat can be inferred from paragraph1 ?
A . Christopher Cockerell made the ship higher to lift the speed of the ship .
B . Christopher Cockerell solutioned the wave resistance to lift the speed of the ship .
C . Christopher Cockerell made the craft fly to lift the speed of the ship .
D . Christopher Cockerell gave the craft more power to lift the speed of the ship .
10 . W hich of the following statements is N O T true ?
A . Christopher Cockerell is not only a former electronics engineer, but also a
boatbuilder .
B . The idea of hovercraft was suggested in 1953 .
C . The craft can’
t do a real fly in fact .
D . The hovercraft crossed the Channel in the first tests .
11 . W hat could be the best title for this text ?
A . How the Hovercraft Is Born
B . Mr Cockerell
C . The Age of H overcraft
D . The Technical Revolution
For years, residents, businesses , and shoppers have com plained to their city and
regional councillors about traffic travelling through Centretown . The Centretown Traffic
Calming W orking Group will hold open houses this fall to consider how to change traffic
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patterns in the city centre .
Roads in Centretown carry vehicles travelling to and fro m downtown , as well as
passenger passing through to other parts of the city . The speed and flow of traffic has made
getting around their com munity unpleasant and dangerous for Centretown workers and
residents . The working group is determined to change that . W orking group co-chair and
Centretown resident Shelley Pearen co m mented that traffic does not just affect residents . The
nice thing about this group is that people with diverse interests are bonding together on a
co m mon issue . Visitors , people who shop downtown , businesses : traffic is a proble m for
everyone .
Traffic calming changes the design of the street so that drivers will want to slow down .
It encourages drivers to consider other road-users: pedestrians and cyclists . M aking the
streets safer increases the nu mber of people walking and biking , reducing automobile use
and further contributing to better traffic flow in the city centre .
Having more pedestrian and cyclist traffic benefits both residents and businesses .
Pedestrians are more likely to stop and shop than someone travelling through Centretown by car .
A first step in traffic calming is deciding what purpose the street should serve . Living
streets have a maxim um speed limit of 30 km/ hour and give priority to pedestrians,
cyclists, and adjacent residents and businesses over motor vehicles . There is no through
traffic .
Mixed traffic streets share the priority between the people who live and work there and
vehicles passing through .
Traffic purpose streets are intended to be through routes . They have a maximu m speed
of 50 km/ hour . Preliminary studies done for the plan show that most drivers travelling on
Lyon , Kent, O ’Connor, and Metcalfe do not observe the 50k m/ hour speed limit .
As part of the plan , particular attention will be paid to Kent Street . Kent borders on
mostly residential areas yet funnels high-speed traffic off the Queensway to downtown .
Pearen said that traffic calming solutions don’t have to be drastic . Sm all changes, like
adding trees and improving intersections, can slow traffic down and m ake walking more
pleasant . Other traffic calming measures that will be considered are providing side parking
on streets , adding speed hum ps, and raising intersections .
Residents will help the Region and the City design a traffic plan for their streets
through neighbourhood workshops , to be held after the open houses this fall .
12 . W hat does the underlined word“drastic”mean in paragraph 9 ?
A . quick
B . big
C . violent
D . flat
13 . W hich of the following statements is N O T true ?
A . The drivers will want to slow down , because the design of the street is changed .
B . M ost drivers travelling on Lyon , Kent, O ’Connor, and M etcalfe observe the 50
km/ hour speed limit .
C . Living streets have a maxim um speed limit of 30 km/ hour .
D . There is no through traffic in living streets .
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Transportation & Traffic
14 . W hat could be inferred from paragraph 4 ?
A . M aking the streets safer is the final purpose of changing the design of the street .
B . Encouraging drivers to consider other road-users is the final purpose of changing the
design of the street .
C . Increasing the num ber of people walking and biking is the final purpose of changing
the design of the street .
D . Benefiting both residents and businesses is the final purpose of changing the design
of the street .
15 . W hat is the m ain idea of this text ?
A . How to solve traffic problem .
B . Traffic condition can be im proved .
C . Traffic jam is the most serious problem .
D . W hat is the traffic proble m ?
New Y ork City Bus Syste m
The New York City Transit A uthority ( N Y CTA ) operates the world’s largest fleet of
buses— 4 , 373 public buses—serving over 666 million people per year . The bus syste m
services routes did not served by the subway system such as crosstown ( East - W est) routes
and outlying .
In general, buses stop every 2 blocks m aking them agonizingly slow , but for those who
have the time to spend it can also double as a scenic tour of the city③ . M T A buses also
serve as the main mode of transportation for K-12 students travelling to and from school .
Fro m 8-9a m and 2-3p m , expect heavy amounts of school children/ teens in certain areas .
Exact fare ( 车费 ) of $1 .50 is required , payable using either coins or a subway token .
Transfers to connecting buses are free , and are usually tim esta mped to the closest hour .
M ag-stripe M etrocards are also available ( 适用的 ) .
M etrocards can be bought on a pay-per-ride basis or an unlimited ride basis at almost
all subway stations . W ith pay-per-ride , you get 11 rides for the price of ten and you can
add more m oney to your card if need be . With unlimited ride M etrocards , you can get a 7
day card for $17 and a 30 day card for $63 .
Children under 44cm tall ride for free; senior citizens and disabled people ride for a
reduced fare .
N Y C Sub way( 地铁 ) Syste m
The New York City subway system is one of the most efficient people transports in the
entire world . The hot and dingy subway system ofthe 1970’s has been com pletely renovated
into a safe , convenient and comfortable mode of transportation between nearly all areas of
New York City . Over 4 .3 million people ride the subway syste m every day ; over 1 billion
people go through the turnstiles per year ! W hile minor theft and ho melessness still abound
( 丰富 , 充足 ) , the subway is a much better place than was predicted back in the financially
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troubled days of the city .
The primary method of fare pay ment is the Metrocard④ . All subway stations and buses
are now M etrocard capable . Tokens are also available , and cost $1 .50 each .
M etrocards can be bought on a pay-per-ride basis ( $1 .50 per ride) or an unlimited
ride basis . With pay-per-ride , you get 11 rides for the price of ten and you can add more
money to your card if need be . With unlimited ride Metrocards, you can get a 30-day card
for $63 , a 7-day card for $17 , or a 1-day Fun Pass for only $4 .
Children under 44”tall ride for free ; senior citizens and disabled people ride for a
reduced fare .
16 . W hat is the best title for this text ?
A . Transportation of the New York City
B . W hat to Ride in New York
C . W hich Do You Prefer, Bus or Subway ?
D . The T wo M ain Transports in New York
17 . W hat can be confirmed to the N Y C Subway System ?
A . There are about 4 .3 million people taking the subway .
B . People liked to ride the subway system in the 1970’s .
C . It’s a shelter ( 避难所 ) for minor theft and ho melessness .
D . The routes are always long-distance .
18 . W hich of the following statements is N O T true about fares ?
A . The price for a bus ride and for a subway ride is the same .
B . Metrocards can be used for both bus and subway .
C . The types of Metrocards are exactly the same for bus and subway .
D . Children under 44cm tall ride for free when they take buses or subway .
19 . W hen you take a bus at 2 : 30p .m . in certain areas, maybe most of the passengers are
A . school children
B . men
C . women
D . senior citizens and disabled people
20 . W hat does the underlined word“senior citizens”mean ?
A . patients
B . old people
C . women with little babies
D . the pregnants ( 孕妇 )
Test T w o
It’s not that there’s no public transportation in A m erica . Many cities have taxis,
buses and subways to help com m uters get to and fro m work . Some large universities even
have buses to take students to classes across cam pus . But m ost people find it much more
convenient to drive , even if they do have to deal with traffic . Nowadays busy families often
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Transportation & Traffic
have more than one vehicle . M any people view their cars as a status sy mbol . But no m atter
their social status, people without wheels feel tied down .
W hen a foreigner first arrived , he was amazed at how m any young A merican drivers
there were . Young people in A m erica often get their driver’s license around age 16 by
passing a written test and a driving test . In many cases, before they can get their license ,
they have to take a driver education course . This course gives students hands-on practice
with driving . It also helps to reduce the high cost ofinsurance . For teenagers , being able to
drive— and in so me cases, have their own car—is a big deal . It gives them a sense of
power and freedo m . Many young A mericans consider a driver’s license a right, not a
privilege . It’s rare to find an A merican teenager without one .
Driving is to A mericans what flying is to birds . It’s alm ost part of their nature . For
many A mericans, being behind the wheel is like their natural habit . But if they don’
t drive
carefully , they can become an endangered species .
1 . W hat does the underlined word“privilege”mean ?
A . 荣誉
B . 技能
C . 特权
D . 地位
2 . W hich of the following statem ents is N O T true ?
A . Although people in A merica have to deal with traffic , they think drive convenient .
B . Young people in A merica often get their driver’s license around age 16 only by
passing a driving test .
C . It’s different to find an A m erican teenager without a driver’s license .
D . Driving is a natural habitat for A mericans .
3 . W hat is the best title for this text ?
A . Driving in A merica
B . Car Problem in A merica
C . How to Drive in A merica
D . Public Transportation in A merica
The world’s top automakers are reviving their engines not only in new car design but
also in seeing how green they can be at the June 6 - 13 Beijng A uto Show .
These new cars might not be the coolest designs or have the fastest engines ever to hit
the rode , but their developers are convinced they’re the cars of the future .
On one side is Ford’s Fuel Cell Concept car, on the other, Toyota FC H V-4 . The
former, supposed by Ford ’s all-out develop ment, while the latter won the Japanese
Govern ment’s Environ ment A ward last year .
Driven by the new laws on air pollution and the threat of global warming , the big
na mes in the international car business are now pitting against one another in a race to
create affordable ecofriendly cars .
The Europe U nion currently uses its emission standard Euro3 , which is going to be
replaced by Euro 4 in 2004 or even earlier . The European emission system is followed by
most countries in the world .
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China now uses the Euro 1 emission standard countrywide . In Beijing , the would-be
host of the 2008 Sum mer Gam es , the requirem ent is a bit higher at the Euro 2 level . In
Europe , the Euro1 was introduced in 1992 and the Euro 2 , in 1996 .
4 . W hat is the main idea about the text ?
A . Lots of auto makers are trying to make their engines revived .
B . Top auto makers suppose and produce cleaner cars .
C . Com petition of the international car business is intense .
D . European car business is advanced .
5 . W hich of the following statem ents is N O T true ?
A . Cool designs and fast engines are not enough for the cars of the future .
B . The Ford’s Fuel Cell Concept car is the“cleanest car”in history .
C . The threat of global warming is a reason why automakers creat green cars .
D . China uses Euro 2 from 1996 .
6 . W hat can we infer fro m the text ?
A . M aybe in 2003 Europe Union will apply its e mission standard Euro 4 .
B . All the countries follow the European emission system .
C . The green cars m ust be very expensive .
D . In 2008 , China will apply Euro 2 emission standard .
W elcome to the Federal Aviation A dministration & # 25263 ; ( F A A ) travel information
web site . This site is designed to provide you with the most up-to-date information when
preparing to travel by air in the U nited States or overseas .
The world air transport industry is in crisis ( 危 机 ) after the Septe mber 11 terrorist
attacks on New York and W ashington D C .① Airline have been slashed and are facing
increased security and insurance costs . This is the current world aviation situation . Since
the U nited States holds nearly half of the world’s aviation market, its problems will cast a
very negative ( 否 定 的 , 消 极 的 ) im pact on the aviation industry world-wide . H owever, air
travel continues to be the safest, most efficient mode of transportation in the United States .
The FA A , along with the airlines and aircraft manufacturers, is responsible ( 负 责 的 ) for
aviation safety . Yet, you the traveler, have an im portant role in making your journey as safe
and co mfortable as possible .
The Department of Transportation ( D O T ) overseas consum er issues ( 发 表 ) statements
such as denied boarding , lost baggage , overbooking , as well as statistics on on-time
performance . The F A A is responsible for civil aviation safety , including security ,
developing safety regulations, and certifying pilots and aircraft . The F A A operates the
nation’s air traffic control system and though the world wide web provides real-time flight
delay inform ation .
This site includes direct, one-clink links to the D OT and the airlines , as well as a host
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Transportation & Traffic
of other useful sites such as airports, the Department of State ; safety and enforcement
statistics , the Centers for Disease Control and U .S . Customs Service .
I hope this web site answers all of your questions about traveling by air . However, you
can visit the F A A & # 25264 ; find the information you need , at the end of this site you can
pose your questions directly to the FA A via e- mail . I am com mitted to having all of your
questions answered as soon as possible .
Thank you for visiting the F A A & # 25263 ; passenger information web site and have a
plain trip !
7 . W hat is the best title for the passage ?
A . The Air Traffic and Aviation Safety . B . The A merican Air Travel
C . The FA A W eb Site
D . W hat Will You do W hen You Have Problems
8 . W hat can we conclude about the world air transportation industry ?
A . It is developing .
B . It has a great loss .
C . It needs to be im proved .
D . It will have a bright prospect .
9 . W hat does the underlined word“slashed”mean in paragraph 2 ?
A . affected
B . reduced
C . stopped
D . added
10 . W hich of the following is N O T linked to the F A A site ?
A . some passenger information
B . the Departm ent of State
C . U .S . Custo ms Service
D . so me safety and enforce ment statistics
Beginning in the 1770s , many people tried to make cars that would run on stea m .
So me early steam cars worked well, and some did not . Some were fire pu m pers that moved
by themselves , and others were small locom otives ( 机 车 ) with road wheels . Beginning in
the 1880s , inventors tried very hard to make cars that would run well enough to use every
day . These experimental cars ran on stea m , gasoline ( 汽油 ) , or electricity . By the 1890s ,
Europeans were buying and driving cars made by Benz , Daimler, Panhard , and others ,
and A m ericans were buying and driving cars made by Duryea , Haynes , W inton , and
others . By 1905 gasoline cars were more popular than stea m or electric cars because they
were easier to use and could travel further without adding fuel . By 1910 gasoline cars
beca me larger and more powerful, and some had folding tops to keep drivers and
passengers out of the rain .
In 1900 wealthy people bought cars for pleasure , comfort, and status . M any doctors
bought small, affordable cars because they were more dependable than horses and easier to
keep ready . Rural A mericans liked cars because they could cover long distances without
depending on trains . They carried produce to market, went to stores and movies in town ,
and even used their cars to plow fields . Fa milies in towns and cities liked cars because they
were handy for errands , going to the train station , visiting relatives, going to church , and
going on drives in the country . A fa mily’s house with a car in the driveway has been a
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co m mon sight since about 1910 . Young people liked cars because they could go to movies,
restaurants, and other fun places instead of staying at home with their parents .
Cars were fast, comfortable , nice looking , and fun to drive . They could go almost
anywhere, and they were always ready for use . In many ways, driving was easier than
walking, biking , or riding in a train , bus, or airplane . But owning a car was a big
responsibility ( 责任 ) . It took a lot of m oney to buy one and keep it running , and drivers
must be trained , licensed , and always alert to avoid mistakes and accidents . It took a lot of
space to park cars, and too many cars caused congestion on roads and in parking lots . So me
car owners had returned to walking , biking , or riding a train or bus when it was more
practical or convenient . For most A mericans , cars were a favorite way to travel, but there
would always be a need for other types of transportation .
11 . W hat is the best title for this text ?
A . M an’s Best Friend— Car
B . A bout Early Cars
C . The Kinds of Cars
D . The Usage of Cars
12 . In 1908 ,
cars could be seen most in the street .
A . stea m
B . electric
C . gasoline
D . locom otive
13 . W hich kind of car users are N O T mentioned in Paragraph 2 ?
A . M erchants
B . Farmers
C . Doctors
D . City families
14 . W hat can be concluded according to the last paragraph ?
A . Cars were so useful and helpful that they had no disadvantages .
B . Driving cars was the only mean of transportation for A mericans in the early days .
C . O wning a car meant fun and ease .
D . Sometimes people would rather choose other types of transports than drive cars .
15 .In Paragraph 3 , what does the underlined word“congestion”mean ?
A . difficulties
B . accidents
C . crowded condition
D . traffic proble ms
Colu mbus made four voyages to the west between 1492 and 1504 in his vain ( 徒劳的 )
search for a sea route to Asia . The mystery of why he failed to find it haunted ( 萦绕心头的 ,
耿耿于怀的 ) him and filled him with sadness .
W herever he went to Cuba ( 古巴 ) , Puerto Rico ( 波 多黎哥 ) , Jamaica ( 牙 买加 ) , South
A merica, Panama ( 巴 拿 马 ) , down the coast of Central A merica—it was always the sa me
story . Instead of golden palaces , there were grass huts and palm -leaf tents . Instead of silkrobed merchant princes , he found“Indians”who did not have so much as a shirt on their
backs .
W hen Colu mbus explored the W est Indies in 1493 , he heard tales of a fierce Indian
tribe ( 凶狠的印地安部落 ) who literally devoured ( 吞食 ) its defeated ene mies after a battle .
This people was called by many names in the area , including Calina , Canima , Carib , and
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Caniba . Colum bus recorded the na me of the A merican natives as Canibales in Spanish , a
word which came to refer, within a few years, to any eater of hu man flesh ( 食人部 落 , 食 人
族 ) . In the similar fashion , the word Caribbean , a title for the sea as well as for the region ,
ca me into English .
At times Colum bus knew that this new land was not China , not Japan , not the Spice
Islands . He see med to accept it as a part of the earth that the geographers of Europe had
never heard of before . It was another world — and he called it exactly that— but Colu mbus
also insisted until he died that land he had reached was an unknown part of Asia .
16 . W hat is the best title for this text ?
A . Sailing to Asia
B . Colum bus’s voyages
C . W est Indies
D . Spice Islands
17 . In the course of his four voyages, Colu mbus succeeded in
A . finding China and the Spice Islands
B . trading with many merchants
C . visiting several parts of Central and South A merica
D . sailing to Asia
18 . According to this text, Colu mbus
A . sailed to find new lands for the king
B . sailed to find a water route round the world
C . sailed to establish trading ports
D . named the Caribbean which literally means any eater of hu man flesh
19 . Colu mbus thought that
A . others had sailed to Asia before him
B . it was impossible to sail to Asia
C . the land he had found was not China or Japan
D . the geographers knew about the land he had found
20 . The text im plies that
A . Colu m bus never realized the full meaning of his discovery
B . Colum bus was disappointed with his voyages
C . there was no way to reach Asia from Europe at that time
D . Colu m bus found exactly what he had intended to
Unit Five
Sports & Entertainment
Test One
In the 1994 World Cup in the U .S ., Paolo Maldini was made
Fifa Player ( 世界足球先生 ) , the first full back ever to win
such a title . Maldini said “
, This is a special honor , because full back ( 后卫 ) is the least noticed position in a
game .Audiences and reporters care about this position
less than they do about the goal keeper .”
Since January 1985 , Maldini has been playing for AC
Milan for 11 years . While he was on the team , AC
Milan won the League Championship in 1992 , 1993 , 1994
and a number of other titles .
With his tall and strong body , handsome face , and surprising skill in
football , Maldini is often invited to make advertisements for Italian cars , wines and clothes .
Born in 1968 in Milan , Paolo Maldini has turned out an excellent player . Though he earns
$1 .5 million a year , he still shows more respect for other people than self importance . The only
social activity he prefers is a wonderful dinner with his family and his friends .
1 . Maldini was made Fifa Player in 1994 , because
A . he was the least noticed football player
B . he was tall and strong
C . he played for AC Milan for many years
D . he was excellent in playing football
2 . Maldini knows that
A . full back is not an important position
B . people pay much more attention to the goal keeper than to the full back
C . goal keeper is the most important position
D . people are foolish to pay attention to full back position
3 . Maldini prefers a wonderful dinner with his family and his friends because
A . he earns $1 .5 million a year
B . he enjoys delicious food
C . he loves his family and friends
D . he wants to show off his riches
Unit Five
Sports & Entertainment
Bicycle tour and race
A bike tour and race will be held on August 26 and 27 ( Sat & Sun) . At 5 : 30 am ,
the riders will leave Tian’Anmen Square and ride the first 35 kilometers as a training leg .
Then the next 55 kilometers leg , from Yanjiao to Jixian will be the first competitive part of
the tour . The riders and their bikes will then be taken from Jixian to Changli .
The second racing leg of the tour will be from Changli to the seaside of NanDaihe ,
covering a distance of 20 kilometers . Saturday night includes the stay at NanDaihe and
supper . Sunday morning is free for play ( 游玩 , 娱乐 ) at the seaside . At noon all the people
and their bikes will be taken back to Beijing .
Cost : 200 yuan
Phone : 4675027
Brazilian footballers
The Brazilian Football Club will play with Beijing Guo’an Team at the Workers
Stadium ( 工人体育馆 ) on August 26 . The club has four national team players . Also comes
the 1994 U .S . World Cup star Romario who has promised to play for at least 45 minutes .
Ticket prices : 60 , 100 , 150 yuan
Time/ Date : 4 : 30 p .m . August 26 ( Sat)
Phone :
Rock Climbing
The Third National Rock Climbing Competition will be held on August 26 - 27 at the
Huairou Mountain Climbing Training Base . More than 10 teams from Beijing , Wuhan ,
Da1ian , Jilin and other places will take part in it . A Japanese team will give an exhibition
climbing . Free for spectators ( 观 众 ) to take a long-distance bus from Dongzhimen to
Huairou .
Time/ Dates : 9 - 12 a .m . August 26 and 27 (Sat .& Sun .)
Phone :
7143177 / 7144850 Wang Zhenghua
4 . The main purpose of announcing the above events is to give information about
A . visiting teams
B . famous players
C . things to do for the weekend
D . prices to pay for the sports events
5 . If you take part in the first competitive part of the tour , you will ride for
A . 35 kilometers
B . 55 kilometers
C . 75 kilometers
D . 110 kilometers
6 . The underlined word“leg”in paragraph 1 probably means
A . race
B . practice
C . part of the training
D . part of the tour
7 . What is special about the rock climbing competition ?
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A . A foreign team takes part in it .
B . You can watch it without paying .
C . You don’t have to be a sportsman to take part in .
D . The bus trip to the place of the competition is free .
8 . If you want to find something to do for Saturday afternoon , which telephone number will
you call ?
A . 4675927
B . 7143177
C . 5012372
D . 7144850
The story of Diego Maradona, the Argentinian football player, is the story of the rise and
fall of a poor man who became a world star , but paid the price of fame . At 33 years of age, he
is now at the end of a career ( 职业 生涯 ) which saw him , in the 1980s , as the bright star of
World Cup Football . In the l990s , this career has come into a story of poor performance on the
field, drug-taking , speaking ill of football officials , being forbidden and finally facing court
action in which he has had to defend charges of shooting at several reporters .②
Maradona was born in the poor area of Furito in Buenos Aires . Early in his life , he
was able to realize a dream of most poor boys , the dream that the way out of poverty-trap is
through success in sport . Sport in the world around is an activity open to all people , no
matter what their background is .
Diego M aradona is one of eight children . His Father is an Indian and mother an
Italian . The games of football played in the dirty street outside his small white , one-storeyed
ho me in Furito were to provide him with a passport out of the small town . Today , poorly
dressed boys still run and kick balls around the street from which their hero traveled to
beco me one of the world’s great football artists .
Football expert Francis Corneo found Diego’s gift . He says that the young player was
“a natural”and there was nothing he could teach him . He had never seen anyone playing
like him in his thirty years’
football life .
9 . W hat does the underlined word“poverty-trap”m ean in paragraph 2 ?
A . The low position in society .
B . Extre mely poor condition in one’s life .
C . Poor living conditions which are hard to escape fro m .
D . Becoming wealthy in the future .
10 . After rising to the height in his football career, he has been in decline ( 衰 落 ) , for
A . his performance is not as good as before on the field
B . he will be brought in an action against his bad deed
C . he showed no respect for so me football officials
D . all the above
11 . Sport is an activity open to all people , no matter what their background is . This
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sentence tells us
A . everybody enjoys sport and could turn a drea m into reality
B . through sport everybody may be successful and becomes a fa mous star in the world ,
no m atter how poor he used to be
C . if one wants to be a fa mous sport star, he m ust have a special background
D . people from working-class families will never get international success
12 . W e can infer from the text that
A . M aradona will face a possible prison term if found guilty ( 有 罪 ) on the shooting
B . background is very im portant in sport
C . Maradona is a football star, he is as famous as before
D . M aradona is down but he isn’
t knocked out
M ost young people enjoy some forms of physical activities . It may be walking , cycling
or swim ming , or in winter, skating or skiing . It may be a ga me of so me kind , football,
hockey ( 曲棍球 ) , golf, or tennis, it may be mountaineering .
Those who have a passion ( 热 情 , 激 情 ) for clim bing high and difficult m ountains are
often looked upon with astonish ment ( 惊愕 , 惊异 ) . W hy are men and women willing to suffer
cold and hardship , and to take risks on high mountains ? This astonish ment is caused
probably by the difference between mountaineering and other forms of activity to which men
give their leisure .
M ountaineering is a sport and not a game . There are no man- m ade rules, as there are
for such ga mes as golf and football . There are , of course , rules of a different kind , which
would be dangerous to ignore , but it is this freedom from man- made rules that makes
mountaineering attractive to many people . Those who clim b mountains are free to use their
own m ethods .
If we co mpare m ountaineering with other more familiar sports , we might think that
one big difference is that mountaineering is not a“tea m game”. W e should be mistaken in
this . There are , it is true , no“ m atches” between “teams” of climbers, but when
clim bers are on a rock face linked by a rope on which their lives may depend , there is
obviously team work .
The mountain clim ber knows that he may have to fightforces that are stronger and more
powerful than m an . He has to fight the forces of nature . His sport requires high mental and
physical qualities .
A m ountain climber continues to im prove in skill year after year . A skier is probably
past his best by the age of thirty , and most international tennis cha mpions are in their early
twenties . But it is not unusual for a m an of fifty or sixty to climb the highest mountains in
the Alps . They may take more time than younger men , but they probably clim b with more
skill and less waste of effort, and they certainly experience equal enjoy ment .
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13 . M ountaineering is a sport which involves
A . hardship
B . cold
C . physical risk
D . all of the above
14 . The main difference between a sport and a game lies in
A . uniform
B . activity
C . rules
D . skills
15 . M ountaineering is also a team sport because
A . it involves rules
B . it involves m atches between tea ms
C . it requires mental and physical qualities
D . mountaineers depend on each other while climbing
16 . W hich of the following is true ?
A . M ountaineers com pete against each other .
B . Mountaineers com pete against other teams .
C . Mountaineers com pete against nature .
D . M ountaineers com pete against international standard .
17 . W hat is the best title for the text ?
A . M ountaineering
B . Mountain Clim bers
C . Mountaineering is Different fro m Golf and Football
D . M ountaineering is M ore Dangerous Than Other Sports
Michael O wen was born on 14th Dece mber 1979 in Chester . He is a great asset ( 资
产 ) to Liverpool Football Club ( 利物浦足球俱乐部 ) and at the club he plays a forward . He
has recently joined the England Squad ( 英 格 兰 国 家 队 ) and plays nu mber 20 . As this
position he has beco me a great role m odel for all young footballers .
Michael O wen , a product of Liverpool’s youth system burst on the scene towards the
end of the 1996 - 1997 season with a debut ( 初次 ) goal in the away draw with Wimbledon .
He was given his first start later that week when Liverpool met Sheffield W ednesday .
Michael was a constant threat in that match but he couldn’t get the goal his performance
deserved, he was still given the Man of The Match ( 比 赛 最 佳 球 员 ) award for his whole
hearted performance . Unfortunately for Michael he didn’t have another chance to im press
that season , as that was the final match .
At the start of the 1997 - 1998 season , Michael was still in the Liverpool side , as
Robbie Fowler was carrying an injury . Playing alongside the experienced Riedle , Michael
again showed his natural talent, again scoring an equaliser against Wim bledon .
W ith Fowler missing games through injury and suspension Michael was given plenty of
chances in the first team . Michael is one of the most promising players in England and now
has a regular first tea m place and is sure to be an Anfield favorite for years to com e .
Michael was voted the European Footballer ( 欧洲足球先生 ) of the Year 2001 and was
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presented with the prestigious ( 声望很 高的 ) award . One of the highest personal honors in
football, only six other British footballers have won it—the last was Kevin Keegan in 1979
(the year Michael was born) .
Michael was thrilled and modest as ever when he received the award fro m France
Football m agazine :“I couldn’
t believe it when I first heard the news . I knew that I was one
of the five players in question , but it still see med unbelievable to m e .”
“ There was also Francesco Totti, against who we played recently , Raul Gonzalea , and
even David Beckham who came the fourth place . Several French men were also in the race .
W hat fantastic footballers !” He added :“ M arco van Basten won it three tim es . Michael
platini as well . . . add my name to that of Franz Beckenbauer, H ohan Cruyff, Riveldo , etc .
I am extrem ely proud .”
18 . W hy was Michael given plenty of chances in the first tea m in the Liverpool side ?
A . Because he played alongside the experienced Riedle .
B . Because he was given the M an of The M atch award .
C . Because he had a regular first team place .
D . Because Fowler missed games through injury and suspension .
19 . How many British footballers have won the European Footballer ?
A .6 .
B .7 .
C .5 .
D . Not mentioned .
20 . A mong the five players in question for the European Footballer of the Year 2001
Michael O wen mentioned , which of the following players is not included ?
A . Francesco Totti
B . Johan Cruyff
C . Raul Gonzalez
D . David Beckham
Test T w o
“ It was never my dream to be a star . That was my parents’dream . I guess they
prayed real hard .”
“ I was always a co m m unicative ( 爱说话的 ) performer, so I’ve just taken that on to a
bigger stage . I don ’t like being separated from the audience . I really enjoy the
co m m unication I have been going on .”— on performing .
“ To be honest, I’m pretty tired , I soak in a hot bath and then go to bed . I’m not one
of those people who stay up till four in the morning eating pizza and drinking beer .”—
Shania’s life on the road .
“ I started at such a young age that I really feel old . I feel older than I a m because
I’ve lived such a full life already . I keep saying‘ O h , I a m so tired’”— Not superhu man
after all .
“ It’s a kind of fun , but I ’m not sure what the definition of a Diva ( 歌剧中的首席女
主角 ) is anymore . It could be an insult I suppose , but I think it’s a kind of fun .”— On
N M ET 话题阅读训练
being called a Diva .
Fa mily and friends are very important to Shania . She is shy but confident . She loves
her life and her fans . Her career gives her a great deal of pleasure . She said“all I care
about is the fans .”The fans are who she is doing all this for .
The sports I’ve been doing the most during the writing of the new albu m are hiking ,
swim ming , and horseback riding .
Tim ( my dog) is doing well and is also enjoying his break from the road . He is six
years old and full of energy . He loves to go hiking with us .
I’ve cut my hair to just below shoulder length . I’ve been going with very light, low
maintenance( 保养 ) make up . For daywear I’ve just been a little concealer( 隐 藏 ) on any
blotchy ( 有污点的 ) spots . The eye shadows I use most often lately are“ wet / dry shadow”
Sandstorm and Coffee Bean .
I am living in an area of Switzerland where French is the primary language . Living
here, I’ve decided that I want and need to be able to com municate in it . I am in the
process oflearning French and hoping that I’ll be able to hold a conversation in it before the
year is out .
1 . She contributed her being a star to
A . her own hard work
B . her parents’prayer
C . her co m m unication with audience
D . her start at a young age
2 . During the course of writing , she doesn’
t feel like
A . hiking .
B . swim ming .
C . cam ping .
D . horseback riding .
3 . W hat can you learn about Shania from the text ?
A . She is a com m unicative , confident but a little shy performer .
B . She never uses light, low maintenance make up .
C . She likes to stay up eating pizza and drinking beer till the next morning .
D . She has learnt French very well and is able to com municate in it .
Everywhere he went, every time his famous hands caught a basketball, Michael
Jordan left me mories behind .
W ith Jordan expected to retire from the N B A on W ednesday after 13 seasons as the
greatest player in the ga me , opponents, coaches and team mates took time to rem ember what
he meant to the sport and wonder whether they would ever see the likes of him again .
“The N B A , the fans, the players, the coaches , A merican society and history are
losing the greatest influence that sports has ever had , ”said Miami Heat coach Pat Riley ,
whose teams had some epic ( 英勇值得颂扬的 ) battles with Jordan .
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Larry Bird , the Indiana Pacers coach and an old Jordan nemesis ( 复 仇 ) on the Boston
Celtics, said it was“sad for everyone to see the greatest basketball player in the world”retire .
Jordan’s Chicago Bulls team mates rem em ber the incredible com petitiveness that drove
him and how he made them believe he could take them anywhere . He almost always did ,
winning six N B A championships and 10 scoring titles .
Opponents recall standing , slipping or sliding in du m bfounded a mazem ent while his
Airness worked his magic on the court . Craig Ehol, Gerald W ilkins and Bryon Russel—
victims of three of Jordan’s m ost famous shots— will never live them down .
“Jordan says, ‘ You’re going to play me one-on-one , this is what you’re going to
get, ’”said Ehol, who was guarding Jordan when he made“ The Shot”that knocked
Cleveland out of the playoffs in 1989 .
“ He took offense atthe thought that one guy could hold him down , ”said Brad Sellers,
who passed to Jordan for that shot over Ehol .
“This is a man who truly , as far as I’m concerned , is the modern-day Baba Ruth , ”
said Jerry W est, the Lakers vice president and form er N B A great .
Jordan was so good , seeing him once was never enough .
“I played against him , but at night I’d watch his highlights ( 最 精彩部 分 ) to see how
well he did , ”Philadelphia 76ers guard Allen Iverson said .“ His ga me speaks for itself .
With all his off-the-court marketing and everything he did , it m akes me want to do
so mething like that in my life . He set a standard for everybody .”
M ost agree it will never be reached .
“ W e’re going to miss him , but he’s leaving on his terms , ”said Grant Hill of the
Detroit Pistons . “ He’s leaving with cham pionships . He’s leaving with a ton of
accomplish ments . But the N B A will be all right . I think the league will survive without a
do minant( 超群的 ) Michael Jordan—type player .”
Jordan’s influence reached from Pro ( 职业选手 ) basketballto the college ranks to every
basketball court in A merica .
4 . Pat Riley is
A . Jordan’s coach
B . Jordan’s team mate
C . Jordan’s opponent
D . the coach of Jordan’s opponents
5 . How did Larry Bird feel about Jordan’s retirem ent from the basketball court ?
A . They lost the greatest influence that sports has ever had .
B . It was“sad for everyone to see the greatest basketball player in the world”retire .
C . They would see the likes of him again soon .
D . He was so good that seeing him once was never enough .
6 . A mong Jordan’s opponents , who did N O T suffer from three of his most fam ous shots ?
A . Craig Ehol
B . Gerald Wilkins
C . Brad Sells
D . Bryon Russell
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7 . W hich of the following is N O T true about Jordan according to the author ?
A . He is excellent in his basketball career .
B . He sets a standard for everybody .
C . He is the modern day Baba R uth .
D . He doesn’
t have a great effect on the basketball court in A merica .
M agical screen presence , fashion arbiter ( 裁 决 者 ) , shrine ( 圣 地 ) to good taste , and
tireless crusader ( 改革 者 ) for children’s rights , A udrey Hepburn ② has become one of the
most lasting screen icons ( 偶 像 ) of the twentieth century . Best-known for her film roles in
Breakfast at Tiffany’s , My Fair Lady , Roman Holiday and Charade , Hepburn epitomized
( 为 …… 之 缩 影 ) a com bining charm , liveliness , and grace . W hen she died of colon
cancer in 1993 , the actress left an indelible image on the world ’s — both on and off
screen .
It was her love of dance thatfinally led Hepburn to her film career . After the war, her
family moved to A msterdam , where the actress continued to train as a ballet dancer and
modeled for extra m oney . Hepburn’s work led to a 1948 screen test and a later small role in
the 1948 Dutch film Nederlands in Zeven Lessen ( Dutch in seven lessons) . The same year,
she and her mother moved to London , where Hepburn had been given a dance school
scholarship . Continuing to m odel on the side , she decided that because of her height and
lack of training , her future was not in dance . She tried out for and won a part in the chorus
line of the stage show High Button Shoes and was soon working regularly on the stage . An
offer from the British Pictures Corporation led to a few small roles, including one in 1951’s
The Lavender Hill M ob . A major supporting role in the 1952 film The Secret people led to
M onte Carlo , Baby ( 1953 ) , and it was during the filming of that movie that fate struck for
the young actress in the form of a chance encountering with Colette .
The famous novelist and screenwriter decided that Hepburn would be perfect for the
title role in Gigi, and Hepburn was soon off to New York to star in the Broadway show .
It was at this time that the actress won her first major screen role in Willia m W yler’s
1953 Ro man Holiday . After much practice and patience fro m W yler (from whom , Hepburn
said , she“learned everything ”) , H epburn received welcome for her portrayal of an
incognito ( 隐姓埋名的 ) European princess , winning an Academy A ward as the Best Actress
and making what became known as the Audrey Hepburn“look”. More success ca me the
following year with Billy Wilder’s Sabrina .
Hepburn won a Best actress Oscar nomination ( 提名 ) for her performance in the title
role , and continued to be a fashion inspiration , thanks to the first of many cooperation with
the designer Givenchy , who designed the actress’dresses for the film .
8 . W hich of the factors is N O T mentioned for Hepburn becoming one of the most lasting
screen icons of the twentieth century
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A . magical screen presence
B . being fashion arbiter
C . training as a ballet dancer
D . tireless crusader for children’s rights
9 . Hepburn didn’
t act in the film called
A . Breakfast at Tiffany’s
B . W aterloo Bridge
C . Roman Holiday
D . M y Fair Lady
10 . W hat caused Hepburn to become an actress ?
A . Her charm and liveliness .
B . An offer from the British Pictures Corporation .
C . Her love of dance .
D . A dance school scholarship .
11 . Fate struck for Hepburn in the way that
A . she acted a major supporting role in the 1952 film
B . she encountered with Colette , the famous novelist and screenwriter
C . she won a part in the chorus line of the stage show
D . she went to New York to star in the Broadway show
12 . Hepburn won a Best Actress Oscar and continued to be a fashion inspiration , owing to
A . her perform ance in the title role
B . the first of many cooperation with the designer Givenchy
C . an Academy A ward as the best actress
D . more success with Billy Wilder’s sabrina
Mariah is no stranger to winning musicality . Raised in New York by her mother, a
former opera singer and m usic coach , Mariah started singing at age four, and writing songs
by junior high . Not long after she graduated from high school, M ariah’s singing back up for
K .starr at last led to her singing with Colu mbia records . As millions listened and watched ,
she nam ed her recording career with 1990’s self-titled M ariah Carley C D , which finally
produced four Nu m ber One singles(“ Vision Of Love”,“ Love Takes Time”,“ So meday”
and“I Don’
t W anna Cry”) , selling more than 12 million LP’s ( 密纹唱片 ) worldwide in the
end . By the time the decade came to a close , each of M ariah’s nine m ulti-platinu m ( 铂金含
量高的 ) releases had gone Top Five ( four have gone N um ber One) , producing an unrivaled
( 至高无上的 ) string offifteen No . 1 hits . Aside from her chart-topping cover of the Jackson
ll Be there , Mariah co-wrote all her No . 1 smashes ( 轰动一时之事物 ) . As well as
being the only artist to have had a No . 1 record in each year of the 90’s, and have more
singles debut ( 初次登台 ) at No . 1 ( three) than any artist, Mariah has more No . 1 singles
than any fe male artist ever . M ariah also has had more No . 1 singles than any recording
artist belonging to the same tim e today — only the Beatles ( 20) and Elvis Presley (18 ) have
more . In addition to winning m ultiple Gram my , Soul Train and A merican M usic A wards,
she was the first fe male to witness two albums reach the diam ond-certified , 10 million sales
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mark . W ith this large a mount of success collected in her relatively young career, M ariah
Carley was named“ Artist of the Decade”by the Billboard M usic A wards, and the“ Best
Selling Fe male Artist of the Millennium ( 千禧年 ) ”by the W orld M usic A wards .
W ith Glitter, her newly formed association with Virgin Records, and a starting movie
career —she recently wrapped the independently produced“ W ise Girls”, in which she costars opposite Acade my A ward winning actress Mira Sorvino — M ariah’s star continues to
burn bright .
13 . W hich of the following is N O T the reason for M ariah’s success in m usic ?
A . She was born in a m usic fa mily .
B . She started singing at age four .
C . She graduated from a music school .
D . She began writing songs by junior high .
14 . The single
is N O T included in her 1990’s self-titled M ariah Carley C D .
A .“ Vision Of Love”
B .“ Love Takes Time”
C .“I’ll Be there”
D .“ Som eday”
15 . According to the author, which of the following is N OT true about M ariah Carley ?
A . She is the only artist to have had a No .1 record in each year of the 90’s .
B . She has m ore No .1 singles than any female artist ever .
C . She is the first to witness two albums reach the dia mond-certified , 10 million sales
mark .
D . She has had more No .1 singles than any other recording artist belonging to the sa me
time today .
16 . Besides singing songs, she began to take up
A . acting
B . dancing
C . broadcasting
D . drama
George Timothy Clooney was born in 1961 in beautiful Lexington , Kentucky . His
family was very strictly Catholic ( 天 主教徒 的 )“ Curfew ( 宵禁 令 ) was at nine P .M . when I
was a senior in high school .”
He studied for a few years at Northern Kentucky University . He was majoring in
broadcasting , but in his own words was“no good at it ”. So later, he really didn’
t attend
classes .“I would stop by and go , ‘ How’s everybody doing ? ’” He finally left school,
working jobs like selling m en’s suits and working in stockrooms .
By chance , his cousin Miguel Ferret cam e to Lexington to shoot a low-budget ( 预算低
的 ) horse racing film . They gave George a tiny part, and he was attracted .
“It was an awful film that never ca me out, but I was seduced by how attractive it
was .”
So , he moved in for a short tim e with his Aunt Rose mary in California , where he
arrived in 1982 and spent the following year out of work . His only source of income was his
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Aunt, who he provided with odd-jobs, including driving her around . He finally landed a job
in construction , and also an acting class .
His first official job as a Japanese salesman for Panasonic . His first acting job ca me
with“ Riptide”. But his first big break , came on the co medy series“ E R ”in 1984 , not to
be confused with“ E R”, the series that would make him famous .
Before that big start, he tried a great num ber of roles in various stages and the most
im portant one is a recurring ( 重复的 ) role on“ Roseanne .”Finally , he got a success in the
role in“ E R”, which he regards as coming at just the right tim e in his life .“I was older .
There’s always a little more weight to you when you’
re older . M aybe you’re taken a little
more seriously .”
The most logical try from successful television is to take a try at the film world . His
career on film has been one of the most traceable routes an actor can take ; he began slow
with“ One Fine day”, a second-rate film on all accounts . He had the Batman dile m ma ( 困难
的选择 ) , but refers to Batman as a mistake from the start .“ Out of Sight”received m ass
critical acclaim ( 称 赞 ) , but wasn’t a huge box office smash .“ Three Kings”was much
along the sa me lines, as one of critics top 10 , but barely collecting 60 million at the box
office . Finally ,“ The Perfect Storm”established Clooney as a true film star . His acting was
greatly welco med and it also brought in dollars : “ The Perfect Storm ” was one of
Hollywood’s biggest blockbusters ( 一 鸣 惊 人 者 ) of 2000 . And at the beginning of 2001 ,
another big happening : George wins the Golden Globe A ward for best actor in a comedy , for
his leading role in O Brother W here Are Thou ?
In 1989 he married actress Talia , but they soon separated after 3 years . Of the
relationship he says,“ W hen you’
re married to someone fam ous , every tim e you turn around
you have to see your ex ( 前 配偶 ) . So when someone asks me about the m arriage , the fair
thing to do is say that I take responsibility for it .”
17 . W hen George was at Northern Kentucky University his major was
A . acting
B . construction
C . broadcasting
D . com merce
18 . W hen he was in California in 1982 , how did he make a living ?
A . He sold men’s suits .
B . He worked in stockrooms .
C . His aunt provided him with odd-jobs .
D . He worked as a Japanese salem an for Panasonic .
19 . He got his first break in
A .“ Riptide”
B .“ E R”
C .“ One Fine Day”
D .“ The Perfect Storm ”
20 . W hat is N O T true about George Clooney ?
A . He doesn’
t take a traceable routine on his film career .
B . He considered Batman as a success from the start .
C . He brought a huge box office smash in the film“ O ut of Sight”.
D .“ The Perfect Storm ”made him a true film star and brought in dollars .
U nit Six
N e w s & A dvertise m e nts
T est O ne
S H A N G H AI: Slim 21-year-old H uang W enxian is a woman
of many talents . She is not merely beautiful and clever, she
also knows the correct way to eat a banana . First you take
the fruit, cut it open with a knife and then slice it into
small pieces which you eat with a fork “
. You would do
this on a format occasion or in front of somebody that
you respect,”
she says . Huang is one of an elite group
of girls at the Shanghai Normal University W o men’s
College , who have been admitted to study Chinese Literature or
Public Relations at China’s first State-funded finishing school .①
The curriculu m includes ordinary coursework as well as Japanese ,
English , em broidery ( 刺绣 ) , the tea ceremony and Chinese and W estern table manners .
Many of the finer points of femininity ( 妇女气质 ) lapsed when women were urged to strive
for equal rights and forget their feudal traditions , said course director Professor Sun Xun .②
“ After 1949 , govern ment policies em phasized wo men ’s rights so there were no
women’s colleges; they went to ordinary colleges, ”he said .
In the 1990s, the idea of all female colleges resurfaced . However, the new breed of
women’s colleges are not aiming to be centers of academic excellence modelled on Girton at
Cam bridge or Radcliffe on the U .S . east coast .
Rather, these new finishing schools are modeled on the Swiss ideal of turning out
young ladies who know how best to get out of a car, or arrange a bunch of flowers .
“ W e started the women’s college because although there is e mphasis on wom en’s
equality in society, wom en’s special talents are different, ”said Sun .
W ith China entering the W orld Trade Organization and the country’s big cities
beco ming more cosmopolitan ( 世界性的 ) , young people need to grasp international manners
to succeed in business .
Suggestions that these schools will merely turn out“ Flower vases”— Chinese slang for
trophy women who are em pty but beautiful— are denied by the ad ministration and students .
“I can answer that accusation with facts . we are very capable . There is one girl in my
course who already has written her first novel . Perhaps other people are just jealous, ”said
Huang .
One wo man who is sure that finishing schools will gain ground in China is June
U nit Six
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Yamada , a Japanese entrepreneur who aims to set up a“Style Academy”in partnership with
the Jin mao Group that co-owns Shanghai’s Grand Hyatt hotel .
Ya mada hopes to sell training courses to corporations or aspiring career girls who want
to work for international firm but still spit their chicken bones onto the table .③
“People need elegance . They need m anners , and that is not the kind of thing that you
find in university , ”she explains .
Shanghai Normal University , accepts only girls over 1 .62 meters for W omen’s College
courses because many com panies place an em phasis on women being tall and pretty before
considering them for jobs .
But while many Chinese firms do set height standards, the idea is unknown at
multinationals .“I’ve seldo m seen that kind of thing . As I recall, my secretary was quite
short, ”says Shari Olynik , a public relations consultant who formerly worked for a major
U .S . P R firm .
1 . W hen you want to eat banana at hom e, you’d better
A . cut it open
B . eat after peeling off the skin
C . slice into pieces
D . eat with a fork
2 . W e stared wo men’s college because
A . it is necessary to know women’s the correct way to eat a banana
B . woman should know how to get out of a car or arrange a bunch of flowers
C . we wanted to em phasize women’s rights
D . it is necessary to own woman’s special talents
3 . According to the text, we can N OT know
A . the women at the Shanghai Normal University m ust be over one point and sixty two
B . the students in the Normal U niversity m ust be good at em broidery
C . more girls will want to go to this college
D . m any international companies attend to pay more attention to the wo men’s
4 . W hich of the following statem ents is N O T true ?
A . In1976 , most wo man would be possibly accepted by ordinary colleges .
B . In 1993 , maybe fe male colleges aimed to be centers of acade mic centers excellence
centers .
C . As a m ember of the W orld Trade Organization , young people should grasp
international manners .
D . Some co mpanies don’
t set height standards .
5 . The best title would be
A . Female Grace Returns
B . Shanghai Normal University
C . W omen’s Equality in Society
D . W omen Need Elegance
N M ET 话题阅读训练
B EI JIN G : China ’s national team first entering to the soccer W orld Cup finals later
this month will bring the nation prestige ( 优 势 ) , excitem ent and also the launching of a
W orld Cup lottery worth millions of yuan .
The lottery , which kicked off④ yesterday , will continue through June 30 ( the W orld
Cup runs fro m M ay 31 to June 30) . And thousands of people had already booked the lottery
via⑤ Internet or telephone since last month .
The possible result of each of 16 W orld Cup matches (eight of 1/ 8 finals, four of 1/ 4
finals , two semi-finals and two finals) is a win , loss or draw .
But the lottery considers only results of the 90 minutes of each match , regardless of
what happens during extra tim e and penalties ( 惩罚 ) .
Unlike previous football lotteries where people guessed match results before buying
tickets , the new lottery depends on luck .
Predicated results for all 16 matches are printed on the tickets . All lotto holders can do
is pray and watch to see whether the Golden Apple falls on the m .
The new rule is good news for lotto fans unfamiliar with football . However, although
the first prize can be as high as 2 million yuan , the luck-based lottery depresses so me
football fans .⑦
Qian jiangchao , 23 , a third-year university student and footballlover, said this kind of
lottery is less attractive because past lotteries not only offered prize m oney but also
challenged his knowledge of the game .
“Though a newco mer among Chinese lotteries, the football lottery was a breakthrough ,
as your chance to win involved your understanding and foresight about matches and teams , ”
said Zhu Nanjun , director of the watchdog⑥ Shanghai Sports Lottery Ad ministrative Center .
Taking this into consideration , the lottery Center of the National Sports Bureau will
launch another three W orld Cup lotteries, reports Beijing Evening News .
The first type will run for three rounds of 16 matches within a group during group
matches in the W orld Cup finals . People will guess match results before they buy the
tickets .
The second and third types are similar . One is to guess the final eight and another to
guess the final eight and another to guess the final four in the W orld Cup .
Detailed rules for these three lotteries were to be announced after the M ay Day holiday ,
according to the news .
Han Hao , 26 , who works at H ongqiao airport in Shanghai, is happy at the news .
Since he lacks knowledge of the foreign football tea ms , he says , the lottery provides
opportunities to learn from others before making final choices .
“The W orld Cup lottery comes as the highlight of Chinese football lotteries which
debuted last December, ”says National Sports Bureau lottery director Sun Jinfing .
W idely regarded as a move to controlthe spread of soccer ga mbling, the football lottery
has produced a tidy profit .⑧
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It took only two months after the official launch for nationwide sales to exceed 200
million yuan for each round of football lottery .
If all the tickets are sold , the W orld Cup lottery will rake in over 400 million yuan .
Sun hopes that a successful launch will help promote sports develop ment in China .
6 . If you want to got the first prize of the lottery , you will
A . have enough knowledge of football
B . predicate the results for all 16 matches correctly
C . have the tickets with right results of 16 match
D . have foresight about matches and tea ms
7 . The first prize winner will at most get
percent of total incomes of all tickets’
selling .
A . 0 .5 %
B . 1%
C . 1 .5 %
D . 2%
8 . So me people think the new lottery to be less attractive because
A . it’s difficult to get the prize
B . it’s impossible to get the right results of the 90 minutes of each match
C . it’s unfair for lotto fans who are very familiar with football
D . there will be less challenge
9 . New launched W orld Cup lotteries
a . will have three types
b . will be greatly different from one another
c . more rules are needed
d . m ore chances
e . more information will be given after M ay first .
A . a, b & c
B . a, c & d
C .a , d & e
D . all above
10 .The best title would be
A . Football Lottery in China
B . W orld Cup Lottery launched in China
C . Do You W ant to Be a Millionaire
D . A Successful Lottery Lunching in China
Birthdate: April 29 , 1970
1 .80 meters
Birthplace : Las Vegas , Nevada
W eight:
Play :
Right handed
Wins :
52 Career titles
Highest ranking : 1
Agassi wins the Rome tennis tournam ent( 网球锦标赛 ) !
N M ET 话题阅读训练
W ho ? You mean Andre Agassi, the former world N O 1 tennis player ? Can he still play
and win a cup ?
Yes . Precisely
Ignored ( 不 顾 ) for a while due to fitness problems and aging , Agassi, won a Tennis
M aster Series tournam ent in Rome on M ay 12 . His victory comes at a time when young stars
such as Lleyton Hewitt of Australia do minate the tennis world .
Agassi outclasses Tom my Haas of Germany 6 - 3 , 6 - 3 , 6 - 0 in the final .
It was ninth-seeded Agassi’s first victory on the red clay at the Rome court and co mes
13 years after he lost his only previous final in the Eternal City to Alberto M ancini of
Argentina .
Agassi, 32 years old , performing on his least favorite surface, several notice of his
intent( 目的 ) to regain the French Open title he won in 1999 .
“This tourna ment has so m uch history , ”Agassi told the crowd ,“Thirteen years ago I
had a chance . I’ve waited a long time for this and it’s very special .”
An exceptional player, Agassi has won virtually everything— he is one of five men to
win all four Grand Slams and he also won an Oly mpic gold medal in Atlanta in 1996 .
Agassi’s victory in Rome was his 52nd career title and Italy becomes the 11th country
where he had tasted victory .
He has won a tournam ent in every continent except Africa . The Rome game is one of
the oldest on the circuit .
11 . W hy people are so surprised at the news of Agassi’s victory ?
A . Because he is not good at playing tennis
B . Because he is ninth-seeded player
C . Because he is not healthy enough and he is 32 years old now .
D . Because he is not popular with audience .
12 . W hat does the underlined sentence mean ?
A . The tourna ment has a long history .
B . The tourna ment is very im portant com petition
C . This tournament means a lot for me
D . Playing tennis is very important for me
13 . Fro m the news, we can know
A . Agassi doesn’
t get used to playing tennis on red clay
B . the victory was his second victory after 13 years
C . he didn’
t succeed in getting the French Open title back
D . he has gained 52nd career title before this tournam ent
14 . The best title of this text would be
A . A Fam ous Tennis Player— Agassi
B . Agassi Reuturns in Victory
C . Agassi— W ith 52 Career titles
D . Agassi and 2002 Rom e Tournament
U nit Six
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Following two major air crashes which killed 234 people , China’s aviation regulators
(调 整 者 ) on M onday banned late-night do mestic flights and ordered an inspection of all
pilots and aircraft .
The Civil Aviation Ad ministration of China ( C A A C ) told an emergency meeting of airline
executives on Saturday to learn lessons from both crashes .⑨
The cause of the May 7 China Northern Airlines crash near Dalian , the second fatal
accident to hit Chinese airlines in less than a month , rem ains under investigation .
So does an April 15 accident in which an Air China Boeing 767 plunged into a fogshrouded mountain near Pusan , South Korea , killing 129 people .
“ W e ordered an im mediate and thorough safety check to rectify ( 纠正 ) any proble ms . ”
C A A C said .
C A A C enacted nine new air safety measures, including banning“red-eye”flights,
which typically take off after 10 pm in China . It also asked carriers to limit the addition of
new flights to maintain safety standards .
The regulators promised to enforce security checks at all airports and levy ( 征 收 )
ad ministrative or criminal penalties against anyone found responsible for future accidents .
The China Northern Airlines M c Donnell- Douglas M D-82 jet crashed into the sea about
10 km off the Chinese city of Dalian last Tuesday after the pilot reported a fire in the cabin .
All 112 passengers and crew died in the crash , which occurred as the plane was coming in
to land .
The twin disasters have raised alarm bells for the industry , in the middle of a two-year
consolidation ( 巩固 ) aimed at creating internationally com petitive airlines .
is not included in the nine new air safety measures .
A . To ban late-night domestic flights
B . To limit the addition of new flights
C . To ban red-eye flights
D . Levy ad ministration penalty
16 . The aircrash happened in Dalian was
A . caused by a fire in the cabin
B . still under the investigation
C . the first accident of this year
D . the bitterest lesson of year 2003
17 . According to the last paragraph , we can conclude
A . the quality of the planes doesn’
t m eet international standard
B . the management of C A A C is bad
C . the security checks are not well-checked
D . the levels of the pilots are not skillful
15 .
N M ET 话题阅读训练
C A N N ES , FR A N CE : Asian martial arts ( 武 术 ) star Michelle Yeoh ( Yang Ziqiong) ,
heroine of“ Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon , ”kills attackers with kunfu kicks in her
films .
And now , she is judging at the Cannes film festival( 嘎那电影节 ) this year .
As well as sitting on the jury at this year’s Cannes festival, Yeoh recently set up her
own production and starring in“ The Touch , ”anaction adventure set in China .
Yeoh, 39 , started out as a ballet dancer before winning the Miss M alaysia beauty
contest in 1983 .
She then got a start in film , acting in a com mercial with action hero Jackie Chan
( Cheng Long) . After appearing in largely unforgettable kungfu flicks, she doubled up with
Chan again in 1992 to make“ Police Story 3 : Supercop .”It becam e an unexpected hit in
the United States and won her a name .
Performing her own stunts ( 特 技 ) and working in the gym up to nine hours a day to
learn her amazing martial arts m aneuvers ( 演 习 ) , she has become Asia’s highest-paid
actress .
And she has been chosen by People magazine as one of the 50 most beautiful people in
the world .
The role of W ai-lin , the motorbike racing , stunt-performing love interest in“ The
W orld is Not Enough”and more dense acting performance in“ Crouching Tiger, Hidden
Dragon”secured her international reputation .
W ith“ Crouching Tiger”beco ming the winner offour Acade my A wards in 2001 , Asian
films are evidently in vogue . 10 Yeoh turned her hand to other endeavors, setting up Mythical
Film , a production company designed to nurture Chinese film talent .
“ The touch’s has spectacular, incredible locations and English dialogue and so it
should have global appeal, ”Yeoh said . 1
18 . The first film made Yeoh popular in U .S . is
A . Police Story 3 : Supercop
B . The W orld is not enough
C . Crouching Tiger, Hidden dragon
D . The Touch
19 . W hich of the following films that Yeoh gave more kungfu performance ?
A . Police Story 3 : Supercop
B . The W orld Is not Enough
C . Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
D . The Touch
20 . The world“ incredible ”in the last paragraph m eans
A . unbelievable
B . magnificent
C . surprising
D . unbelieving
U nit Six
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Test T w o
W ednesday
jazz Exercise for woman
Ms L Vicki
keep fit and healthy to m usic
18 weeks: $50
Foreign Cookery
Mrs P Rotes
Cook and taste . Dishes
include Spanish, Indonesian ,
M exican Specialties (特色菜 )
Return to learn
Mr T Alpha
a friendly, informal courses
for adults with few or no
qualifications who want to
return to study .we provide
free childcare at the
Center .
18 weeks: free
Rock Guitar Club
Cinema studies
Mr B Pertson
Mrs L Pearson
Do you enjoy playing rock Do you enjoy watching
guitar ? Come to the club to films ? Do you want to
Afternoon play and to listen to other learn about the history of
guitarists . bring your own cinema ? Try this course .
instrument .
The fee includes a trip to
the Museum .
18 weeks: $35
Mr Rogester
Learn to take better photos
and set up darkroom
18 weeks: $50
Ms T Lester
Do you want to improve
your Italian ?
W e set courses for your
special needs .
18 weeks: $90
Mr S Aderson
Learn to write with
accuracy and
confidence .Solve the
problem with writing .
18 weeks: Free
1 . If you want to stay in good shape , you will take part in
A . foreign cookery
B . cinema study
C . jazz exercises
D . photography
2 . W hich of the following statem ents is true ?
A . You can cook Japanese food after learning .
B . If you take part in rock guitar club , it is unnecessary for you taking your guitar .
C . If you want to learn more to get a certificate , but you m ust take care of your son and
you can take part in our course .
D . W e also design the course for Italian beginners .
3 . If you join in two courses, cinema studies and photography , you may be there on
A . monday morning and Tuesday morning
B . monday evening and Tuesday afternoon
N M ET 话题阅读训练
C . Tuesday afternoon and W ednesday morning
D . Tuesday afternoon and W ednesday evening
4 . You will pay
if you join in courses for English writing and taking pictures .
A . $60
B . $55
C . $50
D . $45
After a month of preliminary ( 初 步 的 ) contests, the T V Fashion and M odeling
Com petitions have entered the second round . M ore than a thousand design sketches were
sent into the co mpetition and , after serious appraisal( 评估 ) , experts from the China Fashion
Designers Society and Tsinghua U niversity narrowed the field to 30 designs including 3 fro m
Taiwan , Hong Kong and abroad . All of the designs in the top 30 are based on the them e of
joy , and em body national and artistic characteristics .
The preliminary phrases of the modeling com petition were held in the m ajor cities
including Harbin , Zhengzhou , Hefei, Nanjing , K un ming , Xi’an and Beijing . First,
second and third placed winners fro m each of the seven groups of the preliminary round were
announced on October 30 , and at the sa me time 90 contestants were chosen to take part in
the second and final rounds in Beijing .
Viewers of television modeling contests in the past will notice that this year’s
co mpetitions will not only be evaluated on their stage performance but also on their capacity
to learn , co mprehend and express ideas .① Entrants will face a range of other personal tests
as well . The whole show will be a com bination of live , on-stage performances and taped
sections where the m odels express their personal qualities . no doubt the com petition will be
interesting , instructive and entertaining .
The second round and the finals will be held in early Decem ber and programs will be a
chance for viewers to see the future of modeling in China .
The award ceremony for both com petitions will be held in the middle of the month and
aired on CC TV .
designs have entered the second round .
A . One thousand
B . M ore than one thousand
C . 30
D . M ore than 30
6 . There are changes in this year’s com petition , the most im portant one is
A . all of the designs are based on the theme of joy
B . the preliminary contests were held in different cities at the same time
C . the judging method of the com petition was different
D . the models could express their personal qualities .
7 . W hat does the underlined word“evaluated”m ean ?
A . valued
B . involved
C . based
D . judged
8 . As the last sentence shows, the award cerem ony for both co mpetitions will be held in the
middle of the month . Here,“the month”means
A . this month
B . October
C . Novem ber
D . Dece mber
5 .
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9 .W hat’s the importance of this com petition ?
A . The com petition will be interesting and entertaining .
B . It will be a very useful way to em body artistic characteristic .
C . It will show us the changes and future of m odeling in China .
D . It can really be very instructive .
O n M arch 4 , with verification ( 证 实 ) and approval of the People’s Bank of China
( PB C) , China’
s central bank , Xiamen International Bank becam e the first foreign financial
institution to obtain a license to provide foreign exchange services to mainland residents
following China’s W TO accession . Its business covers personal foreign currency deposits( 存
款) of mainland residents, collateral ( 附 属 的 ) loans with personal certificates of deposit,
and personal foreign currency buying and selling .② In this way , Xiamen International Bank
has expanded its current partial foreign exchange business . M eanwhile , its custom ers have
also expanded to include Chinese and foreign firms , foreign institutions in China ,
representative agencies of Hong Kong, M acao and Taiwan on the mainland residents .
On March 20 , with the verification and approval of the PB C , Citibank Shanghai Branch
formally initiated ( 开 始 ) a full-service foreign exchange business targeting customers that
include do mestic residents and enterprises, while continuing partial Ren minbi business
operations .
On M arch 28 , the central bank approved the Beijing and Shanghai branches of the
Hong Kong-Shanghai Banking Corp .( HSBC ) to provide foreign exchange services to do mestic
residents and enterprises .
Industry insiders say that the opening of mainland residents’foreign exchange business
to foreign banks marks a substantive step forward in the opening of Chinese banking within
the W TO framework .
On Decem ber 11 , 2001 , China beca me an official me mber of the W T O . On that day ,
the PB C announced the lifting of geographical and customer restrictions on foreign banks’
foreign exchange business , and that foreign banks would be allowed to provide foreign
exchange services to Chinese enterprises and residents, and the geographical and time
restrictions on their R M B business would be abolished stepwise within five years .
On February 1 this year, China promulgated the new Regulations on Foreign-Funded
Financial Institutions together with the imple mentation ( 执 行 ) rules . the regulations and
rules provide specific guidelines for foreign-funded financial institutions to expand their
business range and service targets in China .
After that, many foreign banks applied to the PB C for increasing operating capital or
expanding business range . Insiders ofthe financial sector say this indicates general optimism
by foreign banks for the prospects of their business in China .
10 . The business of Xiamen International Bank doesn’
t cover
A . foreign currency deposits of any country
B . collateral loans with personal certificates
N M ET 话题阅读训练
C . personal foreign currency buying
D . personal foreign currency selling
11 . On March 6th Only
can deal with a full service foreign exchange business
A . Citibank Shanghai Brach
B . Xiamen International Bank
C . People’s Bank of China
D . Beijing Branches of Hong Kong-Shanghai Corp .
12 . W hich of the following statements is true ?
A . In 2007 ,there will be no geographical restrictions on R M B business .
B . Many foreign banks have expanded their business range .
C . PB C still doesn’
t allow foreign exchange service to Chinese .
D . Xiamen International Bank will be the most im portant bank in China .
Enjoy one hour and a half trip on a traditional, gaily ( 色彩 艳丽的 ) painted boat along
the Suet’s Canal . A kind of original canal cruise
Our boarding place is opposite 60 lucky Road , less than three minutes walk fro m
W arlock Avenue underground station and bus routes 6 and 46 which stop there .
Arrival and departure at Cam den lock 11∶30 , 1∶30 , 3∶30
R eturn
£3 .25
Child( 14 & under)
Family ticket(2 adults & 2 children)
Children ( 3 and under) are free
Telephone : 06 735 4626
O ne w ay
£3 .50
£2 .50
Fax : 06 526 7710
13 . The return trip will take you
A . one hour
B . one and a half hour
C . two hours
D . three hours
14 . A return journey for an adult and a sixteen-year-old child will cost
A . £8
B . £9
C . £10
D . £11
15 . How m uch a return journey for an adult and two children aged five and two ?
A . £8 .25
B . £15
C . £16 .5
D . £17
16 . W hat does the underlined word“original”m ean ?
A . first
B . not copied
C . imitated
D . inventive
With the announcement of the Beijing Oly mpics Action Plan ( B O AP ) , Beijing is
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News & A dvertise ments
entering an accelerated developm ent period toward 2008 .
Over the past two months, the Beijing M unicipal ( 市 政府 的 ) Government and Beijing
Organizing Com mittee for the 29 th Olym pic Games ( B O CO G ) have extensively collected
opinions and suggestions from various aspects via telephone , fax and e- mail .③ Even before
it take place , the 2008 Olym pics Games have become a grand sports event participated in by
all the Chinese people and the entire world .
The B O C O G recently began to collect tenders from architects throughout the world for
the design plans of Beijing’s Olym pic Park where over 50 percent of Beijing’s Olym pic
facilities are located and the W ukesong Sports and Cultural Center .
Fro m the bidding ( 竞 标 ) docu ments released by the planning department it can be
seen that soaring twin buildings , the two 500- meter towers mentioned in Beijing ’s
Candidate Files to the International Olympic Com mittee ( IO C ) , are not listed in the bid
projects .
“ W hen we first made our plans , we hoped the two buildings could become an
im portant sym bol of the city , ”said Huang Yan , Deputy Director of the Project Planning
Department for B O C O G “
. The purpose of the open bids is to revise , supplement and adjust
the original plans in the Candidate Files . The adjustment of the design of the twin towers
confirms to the overall construction of the Olym pic gym nasiums and stadiu ms .
The focus of the B O C O G is to fully revise the Olympic Action Plan and put it into
effect, to prepare and set up a coordinating com mittee for the construction of the Olym pic
gy mnasiu ms and stadiu ms .④ Beijing has divided its Olym pics action into three strategic
phrases . The preparation phase will be carried out between Decem ber 2001 and June 2003 .
During this period , Olym pic organization and leadership will be established to fully carry out
early preparation for construction of the Olym pic gym nasiums and relative facilities .
Construction on environ mental protection , infrastructure ( 形 成 整 体 之 各 个 部 分 ) and so me
cultural and tourist facilities will be put under way .
The construction phrase will take place between July 2003 and June 2006 . The
Organizing Com mittee will fully co mplete all tasks of the Beijing Olym pic Gam es defined in
the 10th Five- Year plan (2002 - 2005) . Construction on the Oly mpic gy mnasiu ms and other
related facilities will be unfolded and all the preparatory work will be com pleted .
Com pletion and final operations will take place between July 2006 and 2008 , before
the opening of the games , when all the construction work will be com pletely fulfilled , and
the sports gym nasiums and related facilities will m eet Olym pic requirements . The B O C O G
will examine , adjust, test and run a trial operation on all construction projects and
preparatory work to secure normal utilization . All work for the organization and security
will be ready .
17 . The best tittle for the text would be
A . Beijing and Olym pics
B . Three Phrases for 2008
C . Beijing Taking Action for 2008
D . W orldwide Bids for 2008 Olym pic
18 . The two 500- meter towers are not listed in the bid projects is
A . because they are im portant symbol of the city
B . because we m ust pay more attention to the overall construction
N M ET 话题阅读训练
C . because we will revise the designs of these two buildings
D . because no one is interested in this bid project
19 . According to the text, it will take us about
to com plete all the preparatory
work .
A . two years
B . five years
C . seven years
D . nine years
20 . Fro m the text, we know we are in the first phrase now , so
A . we are establishing the organization of B O C O G
B . we are still preparing for construction
C . we are building the gym nasiums
D . we are constructing so me cultural facilities
U nit S eve n
S o cial Pro ble m s
T est O ne
M edical bills in the United States have risen greatly
since 1960’s and steps need to be takento changethistrend or
the average A merican will not be ableto afford medical care .
The major factorin increasing the cost of medical care has
been the dramatic increase in the cost of hospital
services . The rise in the cost of hospital services can be
only partly caused by inflation ( 通货 膨胀 ) since
hospital bills in the last two hundred years have
risen at a m uch higher rate than inflation .
Another factor given by doctors as a major cause for the
increaseinthe costof medicalcareis malpractice ( 治 疗 错 误 ) .Increasingly
large awards ( 赔偿费用 ) for malpractice have caused doctors to increase their rates to cover
the higher malpractice insurance . Because of the large malpractice awards , doctors are also
prescribing more conservative and more extensive— and therefore more costly—treatment for
patients as a defense against m alpractice claims .① W hatever the causes ofthe wild increases
in the cost of medical care are , the govern ment needs to take strong action before it is too
late for A mericans .
1 . The text is m ainly about
A . the increase cost of malpractice insurance
B . factors causing the increase in U .S . medical bills
C . steps for A m ericans to take to get medical care
D . the dramatic m edical profession
2 . The text im plies that a slow inflation would have
effect on medical costs .
A . a great
B . a slight
C . a m axim u m
D . no
3 . W hat does the following paragraph of this passage most likely contain ?
A . A discussion of why average A mericans will soon be unable to afford m edical care .
B . Forecasts of how inflation will affect medical care in the future .
C . The great increases in malpractice insurance .
D . The steps the govern ment could take to control medical costs .
N M ET 话题阅读训练
A merica is growing older . Fifty years ago , only 4 out of every 100 people in the
United States were 65 or older . Today , 10 out of every 100 A mericans are over 65 . The
aging of the population will affect A merican society in many ways— education , medicine ,
and business . Q uietly , the graying of A merica has made us a very different society— one in
which people have a quite different idea of what kind of behavior is suitable at various
ages .②
A person ’s age no longer tells you anything about his/ her position , marriage or
health . There’s no longer a particular year in which one goes to school or goes to work or
gets married or starts a family . The social clock that kept us on time and told us when to go
to school, get a job , or stop working isn’
t as strong as it used to be . It doesn’
t surprise us
to hear of a 29-year-old university president or a 35-year-old grand mother, or a 70-year-old
man who has become a father for the first time . Public ideas are changing .
M any people say ,“I am much younger than my mother or my father was at my age .”
No one says“act your age”any more . W e’ve stopped looking with surprise at older people
who act in youthful ways .
4 . It can be learned fro m the text that the aging of the population in A merica
A . has made people feel younger
B . has changed people’s social position
C . has changed people ’s understanding of age
D . has slowed down the country’s social develop ment
5 . The underlined word“one”in paragraph 1 refers to
A . a society
B . A m erica
C . a place
D . population
6 .“ Act your age”means people should
A . be active when they are old
B . do the right thing at the right age
C . show respect for their parents young or old
D . take more physical exercise suitable to their age
7 . If a 25-year-old man becomes general manager of a big firm , the writer of the text would
most probably consider it
A . normal
B . wonderful
C . unbelievable
D . unreasonable
1970 was W orld Conservation Year③ . The United Nations wanted everyone to know
that the world is in danger . They hoped that govern ments would act quickly in order to
conserve“nature”. H ere is one exam ple of the problem . At one time there were 1 , 300
different plants , trees and flowers in H olland , but now only 866 remain . The others have
been destroyed by modern man and his technology . W e are changing the earth , the air and
U nit Seven
Social Proble ms
water, and everything that grows and lives . W e can’t live without these things . If we
continue like this, we shall destroy ourselves .
W hat will happen in the future ? Perhaps it is more important to ask“ W hat must we do
now ?”The people who will be living in the world of tomorrow are the young of today . A lot
of them know that conservation is necessary . M any are helping to save our world . They
plant trees, build bridges across rivers in forests, and so on . In a small town in the United
States a large group of girls cleaned the banks of 11 kilometers of their river .
Young people may hear about conservation through a record , called“ No one’s going to
change our world”. It was made by the Beatles , Cliff Richard and other singers . The money
from it will help to conserve wild animals .
8 .“ No one’s going to change our world”was
A . an important book published in 1970
B . an idea that nobody would accept
C . a record calling on people to conserve nature
D . a rule worked out by the United Nations
9 . W hat is the most im portant thing for us to do to save our world ?
A . W e should plant more trees and flowers .
B . W e should clean the banks of our rivers .
C . W e should know what will happen in the future .
D . W e should know what we must do and begin to do it now .
10 . W hat’s the main idea of the text ?
A . 1970 was W orld Conservation Year .
B . The United Nations wanted everyone to know that the world is in danger .
C . Conservation is necessary .
D . It is the young people who are helping to save our world .
Theories of crime try to explain two quite different facets of the crime problem : first,
why certain forms of behavior are defined by society as crimes and second , what the causes
of criminal behavior are . Theories about what constitutes ( 组成 , 构成 ) criminal behavior have
varied widely . One traditional belief is that the criminal code stands for God’s law and is
independent of the will of man . In contrast, there is the modern idea that the criminal law is
sim ply the instru ment by which the ruling class maintains its power .④
There is also a wide variety of explanations for the cause of crime . There is the theory
that assu mes that an individual( 个人 ) chooses criminal conduct of his own free will and is
therefore responsible for his actions . Other theories describe the criminal more or less as a
helpless individual in the grasp of biological, psychological, or social forces beyond his
reason or control .⑤ Modern studies of crim e often depend heavily on statistics ( 统计 ) . For
exa mple , burglary and assault( 殴打 ) are most associated with the poor areas of large cities .
N M ET 话题阅读训练
But one thing is clear, it is that criminal behavior is associated with a great nu m ber of
social, psychological, econo mic , political, legal, and m oral factors . To search for the
deciding factor of crim e is a too sim ple action .
11 . The author believes that the causes of criminal behavior are
A . primarily social
B . sim ple and direct
C . widely varied
D . often religious
12 . The first facet of the crime proble m as described in the first sentence of this passage is
directly related to
A . the purpose of laws
B . the causes of crime
C . statistical studies
D . the need for law enforce ment
13 . Laws which em phasize punish ment for criminal behavior are based on the belief that
A . the criminal’s behavior is controlled by social factors .
B . the criminal is responsible for his behavior .
C . crim e is associated with poor urban areas .
D . there are many causes of criminal behavior .
14 . The modern idea that the law is a means for the ruling class to m aintain its power is
essentially a
A . political theory
B . psychological explanation
C . moral theory
D . biological explanation
15 . The underlined word“facets”in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by
A . factors
B . aspects
C . studies
D . ideas
Do you know what kind of people give drugs to their children ? Do you still know where
in the world people take drugs before going to work ? The answers are simple— ordinary
people , just about everywhere . A nd the drug in question is caffeine . Scientists estimate ( 估
计 ) that over 90 percent of the world’s population takes caffeine daily . Adults drink it in
tea and coffee . Children drink it in Coca Cola and similar soft drinks . It is also found in
chocolate . As a result, most people in most places across the world at any one time are
under the influence of the drug .
Not surprisingly there have been many scientific studies into the exact effects of
caffeine . M ost agree that it stimulates ( 刺 激 ) the nervous syste m and helps the body make
efficient use of food energy . This is why many people across Asia drink tea with food and
why W esterners often eattheir meals with a cup of coffee . The general result of caffeine is to
make people more alert and focused⑥ . Unlike alcohol, caffeine does not change your
behavior . But it does increase your ability to do things .
Both tea and coffee were introduced to the W est around 300 years ago . The effect of
these new drinks was felt im mediately . In London , coffee houses were filled with people
U nit Seven
Social Proble ms
making plans, talking business and doing deals . The coffee houses the mselves later
developed into London’s financial center . And the deals done in the coffee houses were
partly responsible for a rapid increase in British trade . History was moving in that direction
anyway . But the arrival of coffee speeded everything up .
S mith and W hite back up their claims with scientific research which shows that
frequent use of caffeine causes people to grow new brain cells . They also point to research
which shows that people with caffeine in their system perform a range of tasks better than
those without it . W ithout caffeine , would the human race co me so far and so fast ?
Caffeine helped the W est make a great leap forward a few hundred years ago . In China
and Japan , it has been around for far longer than that in the form of tea . It could go back
further than people realize . The Japanese tea cerem ony might be an exam ple of what
anthropologists ( 人类学家 ) call“ceremonial che mistry .”⑦ This is a practice amongst ancient
and primitive peoples of taking mind altering drugs as part of religious festivities .⑧
Tea has around 50% less caffeine in it than coffee , and there are real differences
between tea and coffee drinking cultures . In Britain , the only European tea drinking
culture , workers have been known to go on strike to de mand a ten- minute tea break in the
working day . Tea gives people enough caffeine to help put up with a boring job or help the m
recover after a hard day . It is something to share with friends . You build relationships over
a cup oftea . But you get results with coffee . Coffee gives you that extra dose of caffeine . It
is associated with staying up all night to finish a business plan or study for exams .
16 . According to the estim ation of scientists, how m any people take caffeine every day ?
A . Over 50% of the world’s population .
B . All the people in the world .
C . Over 90% of the world’s population .
D . Not mentioned .
17 . W hat effect does caffeine N O T have ?
A . Stimulating the nervous syste m .
B . Helping the body make efficient use of food energy .
C . Changing people’s behavior .
D . Increasing people’s ability to do things .
18 . W hat speeded up the history’s movement in London ?
A . The arrival of coffee .
B . The increase of the nu m ber of coffee houses .
C . The rapid increase in British trade .
D . The developm ent of coffee houses into financial centers .
19 . W hat is a practice of taking mind altering drugs as part of religious festivities a mong
ancient and primitive peoples ?
A . The Japanese tea cerem ony .
B . The long history of coffee in China and Japan .
C . Ceremonial che mistry .
D . Both A and C .
20 . W hat can tea N O T result in when drinking tea ?
N M ET 话题阅读训练
. Putting up with a boring job .
. Recovering after a hard day .
. Building relationships over a cup of tea .
. Staying up all night to finish a business plan .
Test T w o
In every society it is necessary to have a general system of laws to ensure ( 确 保 )
justice . Laws are designed to make certain that people’s rights are protected and that people
respect each other’s rights . Sometim es , however, laws are passed which are specific ( 特定
的 ) to a time or situation . For exam ple , a town in Indiana once passed a law making it
illegal to shoot open a can of food . O bviously , some gun-carrying citizens forgot their can
openers and naturally enough , used their guns to do the job .This disturbed other citizens,
and caused danger to their lives, so a law was passed to prevent it .
Specific laws so metimes remain in existence long after the proble m has disappeared .
The laws then seem strange . For exam ple , the Indiana law was no longer necessary when
citizens stopped carrying guns and using them as can openers . Since the law was no longer
needed , what once made sense now seems like nonsense .
Sometimes laws designed to serve a good purpose were passed but som ehow these
beca me mixed up in their wording ( 措辞 ) .① As a result, the laws don’
t make sense . In one
state there is a law which says that it is“illegal to m ove or to try to move a motor vehicle .”
Obviously , a big traffic jam would occur if everyone suddenly obeyed that law . But no one
does, of course , because the intention of the law was not to prevent owners from moving
their own cars . It was to prevent people fro m moving (stealing) other people’s cars .
It is often harder to repeal ( 废止 ) a law than to pass one, so many of these old laws
remain in existence . Because they no longer fit the way people live or because the proble m
no longer exists, these laws are ignored . Everyone understands that and life goes on . Thus,
laws that once made very good sense , now seem like nonsense .
1 . According to the text, laws are designed for the purpose of
A . protecting people’s rights
B . making people respect each other
C . preventing gun-carrying
D . punishing criminals
2 . The word“job ”underlined in paragraph 1 refers to
A . work
B . opening a can of food
C . preventing gun-carrying
D . disturbing others
3 . The author used the Indiana law as an example to explain
A . how some laws are passed and changed
B . how people in Indiana open cans
U nit Seven
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C . why some laws may seem strange
D . why people in Indiana no longer use their guns
4 . The problem with the law concerning m otor vehicles is that
A . it leads to traffic jams
B . it is not clearly written
C . it is not designed to serve a good purpose
D . it has been out of date
5 . W e can conclude fro m the text that
A . a law system is necessary for every society
B . som e laws that don’
t make sense may also get passed
C . it is more difficult to change the old law than pass a new one
D . some laws may seem strange as time passes
Behind most of the bad things we do to our adults bodies— eat too m uch , exercise too
little and worry a lot—are two ideas we carry with us fro m childhood . On one hand , we
think we are indestructible ( 不可毁灭的 ) ; on the other, we think that any damage we inflict
( 强加于 ) on ourselves can be undone ( 消除 ) when we finally clean up our act .
If the evidence for how wrong the first idea is isn’
t clear when you stand with nothing
on in front of the mirror, just wait .③ But what if you eat right, get into shape and drop all
your bad habits ?Is there still time to repair the damage ?
To a surprising degree , the answer is yes . Over the past five years, scientists have
collected a great deal of data about what happens when lazy fellows decide to turn their lives
around . The encouraging conclusion : the body has an a mazing ability to heal itself, if the
da mage is not too great .
Not sure where to start ? Surprisingly , it doesn’t matter, since one positive change
usually leads to another . Becoming more active physically , for example , encourages many
people to eat a healthier diet . M ake enough changes , and you’
ll find you’ve led a new way
of life . It won’
t make you indestructible or doctors unnecessary , but you’
ll never know how
much damage you can undo if you don’t try . It’s never too late to :
Eat Right . The most im mediate benefit from having a healthy diet is that it can lower
blood pressure . A diet with fruit, vegetables, low-fat dairy and high-fiber grains can reduce
blood pressure .
Get Fit . A mong the surprising findings of the past years is that weight life training can
change some effects of aging . It increases strength , helps keep bone density and makes
knee pain less .
W atch your weight . Being 14 kilos or more overweight increases your risk of heart
disease , diabetes( 糖尿病 ) and other diseases . The m ost effective way for losing weight is to
cut back on kilojoules( 高热量食物 ) and do physical activity .
Take It Easy . Although doctors have studied meditation ( 沉 思 ) , prayer and anger91
N M ET 话题阅读训练
arrangement( 情绪控制疗法 ) programs since 1960s , research into the effects of the mind on
the body still has a way to go . The message is clear: if your want to improve your health ,
you need to m ake changes in your daily life . But if you are ready to turn your life around ,
you will benefit a lot .
6 . According to the author, most of the bad things we do to our adults bodies are mostly
caused by
A . our ignorance of health
B . the lifestyle fro m our childhood
C . the confidence in our ideas
D . the preference for food
7 . The underlined phrase“ drop all your bad habits”could be best replaced by the phrase
A . get your habits to fall down
B . make your habits become weaker
C . give up your habits
D . keep all your habits on
8 . W hat conclusion did the scientists get from their data ?
A . You can’
t repair the damage , even if you drop all your bad habits .
B . You will be indestructible if you eat right and get into shape .
C . Our body is able to heal itself .
D . W e have done too great dam age to ourselves , so we can’t be healed .
9 . From the text, if we want to im prove our health , what should N OT we do ?
A . To have a healthy diet .
B . To exercise a lot .
C . To pay attention to our weight .
D . To worry about the things around us .
10 . W hich of the following statements is true according to the text ?
A . The ideas we carry with us from our childhood are certainly right .
B . If we drop all our bad habits, we still don’
t have time to repair the da mage on our
body .
C . If we have a new way of life , we will be indestructible and doctors will be
unnecessary .
D . It is never too late to have a new way of life .
Smith Inc . made illegal, secret arrange ments with publishers and book wholesalers to
get discounts ( 折扣 ) , a lawyer for independent bookstore owners said M onday , starting their
antitrust( 反垄断 ) trial against the leading U .S book chains .
A merican 26 independent bookstore owners sued ( 起诉 ) in M arch 1998 , saying they’
ve lost sales because their large com petitor is using its market clout ( 市 场 影 响 力 ) in a
wrong way . The chains respond that any discounts they’ve received are available to others
and not just to the book industry .
At the end of the trail in federal court in San Francisco , U .S . District Judge Willia m
will decide whether to stop S mith Inc . from entering such arrangements with publishers and
distributors . The judge has already said that no money will be involved in the case .⑤
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Social Proble ms
The plaintiffs ( 原告 ) are asking William to“ make sure that this is and remains a level
and co mpetitive playing field in this most im portant industry”, said their lawyer, “ This
should not be an industry where only a couple of players are allowed to decide the terms .
The chains incorrectly get special discounts, m ore favorable advertising terms and other
benefits against antitrust and business practices laws, ”the independents say .⑥
In their opening statements , lawyers for Smith Inc . told the judge that the independent
booksellers’list of announcements was“untrue , inaccurate , and outdated”.⑦
W hat’s really going on here is that“people are flocking”to the defendants’ ( 被 告 )
superstores , and“ rather than adaptto change , the plaintiffs have chosen to file this lawsuit
( 诉讼 ) ”, said Daniel, Smith’
s lawyer .
Independent booksellers’ market share has fallen 40% since 1991 , they say .
Independents now control about 18 % of the marketplace , while chains control as much as
28 % .
The plaintiffs accuse S mith Inc . of discussing secret, volu me-based contracts with
wholesaler Michael Book Co . and others . That conduct breaks the California Unfair
Com petition Law and federal law forbidding what is called“ price discrimination ”, the
independent booksellers say in court docu ments .⑧
11 . According to A merican 26 independent bookstore owners, what caused them to lose
sales is that
A . the chains misused the market clout
B . they didn’t get enough discounts
C . they didn’t enter arrangem ents with publishers and distributors
D . they started the antitrust trial against the leading book chains
12 . The word“level”underlined in paragraph 4 could be best replaced by the word
A . horizontal
B . equal
C . steady
D . well-balanced
13 . From Daniel’s point of view , how did the plaintiffs respond when they saw people
flocking to their opponents’superstores ?
A . They adapted to change .
B . They chose to file the lawsuit .
C . They took no m easures .
D . Not mentioned in the passage .
14 .W hich of the following state ments is N O T true according to the passage ?
A . The plaintiffs said that the chains broke antitrust and business practices laws .
B . Independent booksellers said their market share had fallen to 40 % .
C . Now independent booksellers control about 18% of the marketplace .
D . The plaintiffs accused S mith Inc . of discussing secret contracts with wholesalers .
In A merica’s lawsuit ( 诉 讼 ) -happy culture , lawyers are eyeing their next major
target: Big Food . Large food co mpanies, or Big food , are facing a growing num ber of
N M ET 话题阅读训练
lawsuits claiming they mislabel( 误贴标签于 ) products .
Lawsuits have been filed in New York and Florida saying that processed ( 特别加工的 )
foods with nutritional value have misled ( 误导 ) consu mers .
Although lawsuits attacking junk food do not say a particular food is responsible for
fatness, they do say food com panies are responsible for some health risks because of
mislabeling . One lawsuit, filed in New York last month , accused the com pany that makes
popcorn of mislabeling . The popcorn was forbidden after an independent group found that it
had far m ore fat than the label indicated .
M cDonald’s recently settled a lawsuit for U .S .$10 million . The co mpany had not
informed people that its French fries were cooked in oil that contained beef extract( 榨出物 ) .
W ith the U .S . Internal Revenue Service recognizing fatness as an illness, the stage is
set to declare foods that make the proble m a threat, Billy said .
“ You could have statements saying that they have this billion-dollar public health
problem , and food com panies are responsible for a certain percentage of it, ”he said .
The food industry makes fun of such talk .
“ A soft drink or an ice crea m is not dangerous , ”Jogn , a spokesm an for the Center for
Consumer Freedom , said .“ That’s where these trail lawyers are wrong . It’s not the food ,
it’s the lifestyle that is to bla me .”
15 . According to the author, Large food com panies are accused of
A . mislabeling products .
B . producing foods with little nutritional value .
C . cooking French fries in oil .
D . responsibling for people’s fatness .
16 . W hat does the food industry think of the opinion that they should be responsible for a
certain percentage of public health problem ?
A . They laugh at it .
B . They partially agree with it .
C . They don’
t care for it .
D . Not mentioned .
17 . W hich of the following statements is true according to Consumer Freedom ?
A . Soft drinks are dangerous to people’s health .
B . Trial lawyers think that an ice cream is dangerous .
C . Big food itself is a threat to people’s health .
D . W hat is to blame is the lifestyle .
W hen the police caught Miguel, he was carrying one envelope with several grams of
heroin and cocaine .
But he didn’t do another stretch behind bars, because of Portugal’s new battle plan in
the war on drugs: This nation of 10 million has decriminalized ( 使……合法化 ) all drug use .
So Miguel spends time visiting Lisbon’s drug treatment clinic now .
Portugal’s handling of Miguel and thousands like him reflects a shifting ( 推诿 ) attitude
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toward drugs in many W est European countries . Increasingly , drug users are viewed as
victims of a drug culture that tough laws could not control .
Spain , Italy and Luxem bourg have decriminalized use of most drugs , and several other
countries haven’
t insisted on criminal penalties ( 刑罚 ) for addicts who are not found to be
dealing .
George, director of the European Union’s Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug
Addiction , says the more tolerant view applies to users of heroin and cocaine as well as such
“soft”drugs as marijuana ( 大麻 ) .
Europe’s approach has drawn criticism from the International Narcotics Control Board ,
which argues that uniform global prohibitions ( 禁 令 ) are essential to stop the use and
movement of drugs .
To date , there is little clear evidence of the impact of the new policies .
18 . Miguel is a
A . policeman
B . drug addict
C . drug seller
D . criminal
19 . W hich of the following statements is true according to the text ?
A . In Portugal if a drug addict is found , he will be sentenced to penalty .
B . In many W estern European countries, drug addicts are regarded as victims of a drug
culture .
C . In m any western countries , more strict view applies to drug users .
D . M any European countries have been sticking to criminal penalties for drug addicts .
20 . W hat opinion did the International Narcotics Control Board hold towards Europe’s
approach ?
A . They com pletely agreed with it .
B . They criticized them for it .
C . They thought it was essential to stop the use of drugs .
D . Not mentioned .
U nit Eig ht
D aily Life
T est O ne
Ms Huang’s teenage daughter was diagnosed with
leuke mia ( 白血病 ) recently . She called the Air Monitoring
Department and asked them to test the air in her house .
She thought her daughter’s illness might be caused by air
pollution in her house because the family m oved in as
soon as it was decorated three years ago .
Early this year, a study by Mr . Zhang Yan , a doctor
at the Beijing Children’s H ospital, showed that
90 percent of his teenage patients diagnosed with leukemia lived
in a house that had been decorated within six months before their
diagnosis .
Zeng Yanjun , director of the Air M onitoring Department, which offers indoor air
testing services, said that most of the newly decorated houses and apartment buildings they
exa mined had serious indoor air pollution proble ms . In some cases, the level of poisonous
pollutants such as formaldehyde ( 甲 醛 ) was 22 times higher than the national safety
standards allow .
Even though many people think pollutants are reduced over time , the effect of
contaminants ( 污 染 物 ) might actually last longer than people think , Zeng added . For
exa mple , the level of Benzene ( 苯 ) , which could cause leuke mia , in one house that was
decorated one and a half years age , was three times higher than the permitted safety level
due to inadequate ventilation ( 通风 ) .“ Furthermore , because of the high cost of testing , we
only test for six m ajor pollutants, that means the air in som e houses tested as safe could still
pose threats , ”she added .
Zeng noted that these dangerous pollutants could endanger our health , causing
headaches, dizziness , fatigue and nausea as well as discomfort to our nose , eyes and
throat .
According to Zeng , the main sources of pollutants are building materials and
furnishings . However, He W anli, director of China Environ mental Label Certification
Com mittee ( Guangdong Branch ) said that many furnishings in G uangdong are not up to
safety standards . For instance , so far less than 10 out of 3 , 000 brands of paint products
have the label, while none of the furniture and tile products have it .
Zeng strongly recom mends that custom ers buy furnishings with low or none-dangerous
Unit Eight
D aily Life
effects when doing inside decoration . Constantly keep windows open to make sure of good
ventilation ( 空 气 流 通 ) . And keeping som e plants inside could also help to lower the
num bers of pollutants .
1 . According to the text, som e teenage feel ill because of
A . the polluted air in the recently decorated house
B . the polluted air outside
C . the furniture
D . the painting
2 . W hich of the following is pollutant ?
A . formaldehyde
B . leukemia
C . fatigue
D . nausea
3 . To keep healthy , you should do the following except
A . constantly keep windows open to make sure of good ventilation
B . Buy none-dangerous materials to decorate
C . Buy products without a label
D . keep some plants inside
4 . W hich of the following statem ents is true ?
A . There are 6 pollutants in the newly-decorated house .
B . It is absolutely safe to live in a house which was decorated one and a half years .
C . Good ventilation will help to reduce the pollutants .
D . M ost furnishings in Guangdong are up to safety level .
As the co mpetition in China’s compact car market① is growing fiercer, a battle
between various luxury cars② is also going on .
Pan Zushun , general manager of the China Imported Auto mobile Trading Center, said
that in the first half of 2001 , the nu m ber of China’s imported cars doubled that for the sa me
period of last year, with the num ber of luxury cars increasing by a big margin . ③
Foreign auto makers are expecting more Chinese consu mers to buy luxury cars since the
country encourages individuals to own cars , market observers say .
It is estimated that China now has a group of people who can earn over 150 , 000 yuan
( U .S .$18 , 000 ) per year . Pan said in the past three years, people from this group bought
cars priced at more than 400 , 000 yuan( U .S .$48 , 000 ) .
Kenneth Hsu , vice-president of the Ford M otor Co mpany ( China ) , said in this
populous nation , luxury car owners have gradually changed fro m businesses to individuals in
major cities . His com pany will open showrooms around the end of this year to meet the
market demand .
5 . The nu m ber of China’s im ported cars doubled in the first half of 2001 , and
share an im portant part .
A . buses
B . trucks
C . luxury
D . minicars
6 . In the past, most luxury cars are bought by
N M ET 话题阅读训练
A . individual
B . manager of the co mpany
C . ladies
D . men
7 . According to the text, Chinese will buy more cars because all of the following except
A . people are earning more money
B . m ore and more people are interested in cars
C . the country encourages people to buy cars
D . cars will be cheaper and cheaper
It has been four years since the shocking bulletin went on around the world ; Diana ,
Princess of W ales had been killed in a Paris car crash .
After the news, crowds of m ourners flocked to her London home , Kesington Palace ,
leaving a sea of wreaths ( 花圈 ) , flowers and pictures in the surrounding grounds .
Peter Oborne , the political editor of Britain’s Spectator magazine , who covered the
funeral, told A BC K E W S’ Good Morning A merica that people are still moved by the loss
today .
“ You can see those wreaths put against the gates , and little messages and photographs
of the princess, ”Oborne said .“It’s terribly m oving— very sim ple . Of course , it’s not on
the scale of anything like the scale of four years ago , but nevertheless, it’s there .”
M em ories of Diana are still vivid for many people around the world , but Britain is
holding no official cere mony to mark the gloomy anniversary . Oborne said he was surprised
there was not more said about the princess .
“I was reflecting today as I picked up the newspapers how little there was about the
princess on the fourth anniversary of her death , ”Oborne said .
The princess , who would have turned 40 this su m mer, was reme mbered today with a
low-key ( 低调的 ) ceremony in the Leicestershire National Forest in central England . Three
Bosnian pines, sym bols of her land- mine ( 地 雷 ) clearance efforts in that country, were
planted in the forest as a memorial . ④
The royal fa mily will be marking the day in private . Diana’s sons , Prince Willia m and
Prince Harry , are with their father at a royal estate in Scotland .
The princess was killed with Dodi Fayed , the son of Harrods luxury store owner
M ohamed Al Fayed , when their limousine crashed in a Paris tunnel in 1997 .
8 . The ceremony was given by
four years after Diana’s death .
A . the people
B . the royal family
C . the government
D . her husband and her sons .
9 . If you read the newspaper, you can
about Diana .
A . find a lot of articles or news
B . hardly find anything
C . find the story of Diana
D . find nothing about Diana
Unit Eight
D aily Life
10 . Diana died at the age of
A . 44
B . 40
C . 36
D . 32
11 . W hat does the underlined word“Limousine”mean ?
A . plane
B . train
C . car
D . bike
If preparing dinner means peeling back the top of frozen prepackaged meal or opening
a brand-new box of cereal, it’s time for a change . You don’
t have to be a good cook to
create low-fat, healthful dishes that taste great . The best way to cook is to choose nutrientdense ( 高营养的 ) food and avoid excess dietary fat without giving up flavor .⑤
Stea ming
Steaming is, simply , cooking food in an enclosed environment filled with steam .
Steaming keeps the flavor, and there is no need to add fats during preparation . It also keeps
nutrients better than any other cooking method except micro-waving .
Stir-frying ( 炖 )
Cooking at a very high heat for a very short time is the essence of stir-frying . Because
food is cooked so quickly , it should be cut into small, pieces to ensure every ingredient is
cooked thoroughly . The best way to stir-fry is in a wok ( 锅 ) .
Cooking tips :
a . Be prepared : Vegetables should be properly diced ( 切丁 ) or chopped : meats should
be trim m ed ( 除去 ) of fat and sliced .
b . If cooking a meat and vegetable dish , brown meat first, then push it to the sides of
the wok before adding vegetables .
Broiling ( 烧烤 )
One of the sim plest of all cooking methods , broiling cooks by exposing food to direct
heat in an electric or gas stove , usually in the botto m drawer ofthe oven . It brings the sa me
results as grilling , but in grilling ( 烧 烤 ) the heat comes from below , while in broiling it
co mes from above . ⑥
Cooking tips :
a . For an-inch-thick piece of meat, allow 6 minutes of cooking time for rare , 9
minutes for mediu m and 12 minutes for well-done .
b . Turn all foods halfway through cooking time .
M icro- waving
Like steaming, micro-waving lends itself to low-fat or no-fat cooking . The foods that do
well this way are vegetables , which keep their color along with their nutrients , and fish and
chicken , which plu m p up ( 膨胀 ) well com pared to beef and pork .
N M ET 话题阅读训练
Cooking tips :
Cover food to contain the steam and m oisture , which gives food its flavor .
Pressure C ooking
Food cooked in a pressure cooker requires very little water and time , which means that
vita mins and minerals are kept . The cooker seals in steam created by the boiling liquid ,
which im proves the flavors .
Cooking tips :
a . Use a timer when cooking
b . Don’t fill your cooker more than two-third full .
c . Be careful when opening the lid . Never put your face over the pot because of the
heat of the steam .
12 . Steaming is not better than
in keeping the nutrients .
A . boiling
B . frying
C . micro-waving
D . broiling
13 . In stir-frying , it’s unnecessary to
A . cut veggies into pieces
B . put meat first
C . have high heat
D . cook for a long tim e
14 .W hich of the following is N O T true according to the text ?
A . To broil is to expose food to direct heat .
B . There is no difference between grilling and broiling
C . For medium inch-thick meat, we should have 3 more minutes to get it well-done .
D . Broiling cooks are very easy .
15 . It is better to use micro-waving to cook the following except
A . vegetable
B . fish
C . chicken
D . beef
16 . W hich of the following is true according to the text ?
A . Pressure cooking can keep most of the vitamins and mineral
B . when pressure cooking , you’d better use a clock to help you count tim e .
C . The more water you have in the pot, the better .
D . There is a lot of steam in the pot .
Fast food restaurant exerts new strategy to attract more customers from August 13 to
Septem ber 9 , customers at any restaurant of the Kentucky Fried Chicken will find a new
pro motion package . H owever, children , who always get happy surprises at finding various
toys in the food package , might be disappointed this tim e when they find a ten- yuan IP
telephone card instead .
Constantly putting up new toys or cartoon characters with package meal is the most
co m mon pro motion practice of the M cDonald’s and K FC . Not long before , a large scale
dispute broke out on whether fast food restaurants should be allowed to use toys to promote
their products, at a time when children as well as teenagers rushed to M cDonald’s for a
Unit Eight
D aily Life
Snoopy presented with a food package . Som e of the students skipped class for the star dog
and some ate overabundance to get more . Things became worse when some kids tum bled
forward and smashed the glass wall .
The following clap did not, however, stop the restaurants putting forward new cartoon
characters . After all, the com petition in attracting children customers between the two major
fast food co mpanies has a long history and proved quite successful respectively .
Replacing toys with a telephone card is a significant change in the promotion scheme of
K FC . Ms X u , manager of the Public Affair Office of the com pany , said“ KF C has always
been presenting whatever interests our customers .”
Not long before this, K FC set up the Chinese version of their web site . Their frequent
contacts with the IT and co m m unication fields seem to suggest that this famous fast food
restaurant is trying to find a new orientation .
17 . Children used to get
in the food package .
A . toys
B . telephone card
C . money
D . food
18 . W hat does the underlined word“skip”mean ?
A . attend
B . get away from
C . be late for
D . come early to
19 . K FC took the following promotion sche me except
A . replace toys with IP telephone card
B . set up Chinese version of their web site
C . put up new cartoon characters
D . present Snoopy with a food package .
20 . W hy did a dispute break out on whether fast food restaurants should be allowed to use
toys to pro mote their products ? Because
A . this made the food more expensive
B . this caused accidents and affected children’s study
C . toys in food are bad for health
D . this proved to be not successful
Test T w o
Now is the best time for Hong Kong shopping lovers, as most shops and markets are
having their seasonal sales . With the same a mount of m oney , you can find different kinds of
goods in this city . W o men , young and old , rarely resist the attraction of this shopping
paradise at this time of year . Lovers will surely have an exciting Christm as and New Year’s
Eve celebrations at the Time Square or in the western styled bars . Spending your holiday in
Hong Kong will be easy too , as several package tours are available from G ZL Travel
N M ET 话题阅读训练
Service , with four-day tours for less than 15 , 000 yuan .
Tour package 1 (3 , 200 yuan) : a 4-day-tour including three nights’acco m modation ,
scenic helicopter flight, night ferry ( 渡船 ) tour of Victoria Harbor and shuttle bus ( 公共 汽
车 ) to the Peak to view the city at night .
Tour package 2 ( 1 , 880 yuan ) : a 4-day-shopping tour including three nights ’
accom modation , tours to Golden Beach and the Vexwork M useu m , shuttle bus to the Peak
and shopping opportunities .
Tour package 3 ( 1 , 480 yuan ) : a 4-day- DIY-tour including three nights ’
accom modation in a four-star hotel and total freedom to do what you want, when you want .
1 . This advertise ment is given by
A . a shopping center
B . a Travel Service Com pany
C . a hotel
D . Hong Kong govern ment
2 . If you want to decide by yourself you’d better choose Tour package
A .1
B .2
C .3
D . both 2 & 3
3 . According to the text, if you want to visit the Victoria Harbor at night with the tour
guide , you can choose tour Package
A .1
B .2
C .3
D .1 & 2
Now is one of the best times to visit Lijiang . Package tours to Lijiang and other wellknown Yunnan tour sites are available at most local travel agencies .
Clim ates: Situated on a tableland , Lijiang is co mparatively cold and the te mperature
differs greatly fro m day to night, so extra clothes are necessary .
G etting around : Public transportation within the city is very convenient, costing 0 .5
yuan per person to any place . For touring outside the city , taxis are available and prices
are negotiable ,that can save you so me money .
Six-day package tour to Kun ming , Dali, Lijiang with double flights from Guangzhou to
Kun ming : 2 , 880 yuan .
Six-day package tour to Kun ming , Dali, Lijiang with four flights: 3 , 780 yuan .
Eight-day package tour to Kun ming , Dali, Lijiang and the border area between China
and Burm a : 3 , 080 yuan .
( Packages and prices provided by G ZL Travel Service . P H : 81072022)
4 . W hat is the weather like these days in Lijiang according to the text ?
A . warm
B . cold
C . cool
D . hot
5 . The underlined words“negotiable”means
A . set
B . high
C . low
D . can be discussed
6 . W hich is of the following statem ents is true ?
A . If you want to see the outside of the city , you can take a bus .
B . The costs of a six-day package is less than that of an eight-day package .
Unit Eight
D aily Life
C . If you want to know more details, you can phone the Travel Service .
D . You can visit the country of Burma if you take the 8-day package tour .
Behind most of the bad things we do to our bodies as adults: overeat, exercise too
little and worry a lot— are two ideas we carry with us fro m childhood .① One is that we think
we are indestructible ( 不能毁灭的 ) . The other is that we think that any dam age we put on
ourselves can be undone when we finally clean up our act .
If the evidence for how wrong the first idea is isn’
t apparent when you stand naked in
front of the mirror, just wait .② But what will happen if you eat right, get into shape and
drop all your bad habits ?Is there still tim e to repair the damages ?
To everyone’s surprise , the answer is yes . Over the past five years , scientists have
collected a wealth of data about what happens when aging slackers decide to turn their lives
around and they have found the encouraging fact: the body has an amazing ability to heal
itself, provided the da mage is not too great .
The effects of som e bad habits— sm oking , in particular—can be with you for decades .
But the da mage from other habits, especially those that affect the circulatory system ( 循环系
统 ) — can be got rid of . Doctors believe that many diseases—from diabetes and high blood
pressure to heart disease and even some cancers—can be warded off with a few sensible
changes in lifestyle .
Not sure where to start ? Surprisingly , it doesn’t matter, since one positive change
usually leads to another .③ Becoming more active physically , for exam ple , encourages many
people to eat a healthy diet . M ake enough changes, and you’
ll discover you have got a new
way of life . It won’t make you invincible ( 百 病不侵 的 ) or m ake doctors unnecessary , and
you can’
t wait forever . But you never know how much da mage you can undo if you don’t
try . It’s never too late to do .
Eat right: the most im mediate benefit from having a healthy diet is that it can lower
blood pressure .
Get fit: am ong the surprising findings of the last decade is that weight training can
change some effects of aging .
Quit smoking : long-term studies now show that it is harder to undo the da mage to the
lungs ( 肺 ) from smoking than even many doctors realize . Fortunately , the circulatory syste m
is more resilient( 乐观的 ) .
Take it easy : although doctors have studied meditation ( 冥 想 ) , prayer and angermanagement programs since the 1960s , research into the effects ofthe mind on the body still
has a way to go .
The m essage is clear: if you want to improve your health , you need to make changes in
your daily life . But if you’
re ready to go opposite , the payoff( 代价 ) can be huge .
7 .W hy do people do bad things to themselves according to the text, Because they have
N M ET 话题阅读训练
wrong ideas .
A . one
B . two
C . three
D . four
8 . The underlined sentence in paragraph 3 has the same meaning as the following except
A . The body can heal the da mage which is not very serious
B . The body has surprising ability to heal itself
C . the body can heal itself if the dam age is not too great
D . the body can heal the damage which is serious
9 . The underlined phrase“ ward off ”means
A . give
B . heal
C . avoid
D . worsen
10 . As far as we can know , if we want to keep a young body , we’d better
A . eat healthy diet
B . do weight training
C . take some medicine
D . eat m ore fruits
11 . It is clear that all of the following can help us live a healthy life except
A . to eat right
B . get fit
C . quit smoking
D . take it easy
W hen night falls, the snack market on Dongxin Street in the ancient capital of Xi’an
begins to get busy .
Forgetting their fatigue , Chinese and foreign tourists who have visited the worldrenowned terracotta warrior④ archaeological site during the day, go to the Dongxin Street
night m arket to taste the local food they have been told so m uch about .
Visitors can choose from a mong more than 120 varieties of snacks from different parts
of China .
Since its opening in 1985 , the one-kilom etre-long food street has grown to 2 , 000
stalls , half of them selling M uslim snacks .
Open from 7 p . m . to 4 a . m ., the market attracts an average of 10 , 000 hungry
tourists every day . Ma weiyun , who runs a stall selling steamed stuffed buns, said that her
shop feeds as many as 1 , 000 customers a day .
To protect her family-run business which has been going on for five generations , M a
has registered the name of the shop — Fushunzhai— as a trade mark .
Folk artists also come to the market to display their talents and make some m oney .
For from 3 to 5 yuan( round about 50 cents in U .S . currency) , you can get a folk or
a pop singer to burst into songs— maybe even your favourite .“ Most of the artists are
actually from the country-side , ”said W ang Huimin , a Xi’an resident .“their perform ances
are full of local flavour . ”
Since the market is a major tourist attraction , Xi’an authorities give its operation a lot
of attention .
In recent years , money has been spent on paving the road , putting up illu minated
Unit Eight
D aily Life
signboards and setting up a sterilizing ( 消毒 ) center for washing dishes .
Last year, the business volu me of the market reached 16 . 52 million yuan
( U .S .$ 1 .99 million) .
12 . W hich of the following statements is true ?
A . The food is from different places in China .
B . All the food is from Xi’an .
C . Only M uslin snacks are sold .
D . The market is open all day long .
13 . The phrase“burst into songs”m eans
A . to start to perform
B . to agree to sell songs
C . to refuse to sing songs
D . to write a song
14 .The governm ent
to help the market .
A . gave a lot of attention
B . did nothing
C . spent a lot of money
D . Both A and C
15 . W hich will be the best title for the text ?
A . Food in Xi’an
B . Snack Food
C . Food Street in Xi’an
D . Food M arket
16 . The snack market m ust be
at daytime .
A . boring
B . interesting
C . crowded
D . quiet
Eyeglasses are today’s most popular thing , even those who don’
t need the m to correct
sight are wearing stylish spectacles to look“in the know”. Pop culture is also focusing on a
variety of eyeglass wearers and eyeglass im ages these days .
“Focus ”, a recently released m ovie , was drawn from an Arthur Miller novel about a
man whose life goes terribly wrong after he buys a new pair of glasses that make him look
suspicious ( 可疑 的 ) to his prejudiced neighbours . Novem ber 16 brings the eagerly awaited
opening of“ Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”in the U K , starring a bespectacled
( 戴眼镜的 ) Daniel Radcliffe .
“The strong , black rectangle ( 长 方 形 ) is a very good look , ”said Carl Zyskowski of
Central Optica .“ Plastic fram es are a lot m ore attractive , ” Eyeglasses have become an
unbelievable fashion . It’s not just a medical device , it’s moved into the field of fashion . ⑤
Zyskowski, who has branched into the children’s eyewear business, predicts“ Harry
Potter”will attract kids to have glasses .“ The kid business is growing . They have so many
choices now . Today , we have everything form Barbie to Polo . In fact we’ve had kids cry
because they don’
t have to wear glasses .”
has the sam e meaning as eyeglasses .
A . Device
B . Spectacles
C . Frames
D . Accessory
18 . W earing glasses is beco ming a fashion especially for
17 .
N M ET 话题阅读训练
A . kids
B . movie stars
C . ladies
D . old men
19 . W hat do the films“Focus”and“ Harry Potter”have in co m mon ?
A . They’re love stories.
B . They are war films.
C . They’re funny .
D . People in the film wear glasses .
20 . Barbie and Polo are
for children .
A . books
B . films
C . toys
D . eyeglasses
Unit Nine
Natural Disaster
Test One
Rescue teams headed for a southern Turkish city
destroyed by a strong earthquake that killed more than 100
people . ①
Civil defence officers said a 50-strong emergency
group with sniffer dogs② was set to arrive in Adana to
group for survivors in collapsed buildings .
Turkey’s Red Crescent Muslin (红十字会) aid
organization sent 400 tents , 2 , 000 blankets and two
portable ( 可移动的 ) kitchens to Adana , where officials use
television to attract residents to spend the night outdoors for fear of aftershocks .
A British embassy spokesman in Ankara said London had offered aid to the Turkish
Government after Saturday’s quake , which measured 6 .3 on the Richter scale . Electricity
was cut and telephone contact was sporadic ( 时断时续的 ) .
Prime Minister Mesut Yilmaz said hospitals were struggling to treat 800 people injured .
“The top need is providing electricity for urgent treatment in the hospitals , ”said he .
Yilmaz was going later in the day to visit Adana , a region of several million people at
the center of a cotton producing plain near the Mediterranean coast .
“ Many cabinet ministers are travelling to the area now to express their sympathy , ”a
spokesman for a crisis center at Yilmaz’s office told reporters . He said the latest reported
death number was 104 .
Television showed pictures of sad people digging through the collapsed buildings
with their bare hands . A mother ran through the streets holding a child with a head
wound .
Ill-equipped state hospital officials made urgent requests for blood donors .③ The quake
was also felt in Cyprus , Syria and Israel , although the casualties and damage were confined
to④ Turkey . Thousands of people tried to escape Adana . At least 16 aftershocks rocked the
area after the first quake struck around 5 p .m .
1 . Officials use TV to attract people , because they feared
NMET 话题阅读训练
A . the wounded people would feel sad
B . people will feel lonely
C . the quake would continue
D . people love watching TV
. When did the earthquake happen ?
A . Friday .
B . Saturday .
C . Sunday
D . Monday
. According to the text , Adana is a place which is rich in
A . wheat
B . electricity
C . potato
D . cotton .
. Which of the following is NOT the effect of the earthquake ?
A . Many houses collapsed .
B . More than 200 people died .
C . Hospital s are busy treating injured people .
D . A lot of blood is needed .
. Which of the following should be the best title for the text ?
A . A New Trouble in Turkey
B . Help is Needed
C . Turkish Earthquake Kills 104
D . More Earthquake are Coming
Lijiang in Southwest China’s Yunnan Province has recovered from a strong earthquake
on February 2 last year that killed 300 and injured 16 , 000 .
Lijiang’s industrial and agricultural output has reached the pre-quake level ⑤ , local
officials said . In the first half of this year , its industrial output value increased by⑥
12 .7 per cent to reach 384 million yuan ( $ 46 .3 million ) over the same period last
year .
About 64 , 000 families , or 97 percent of the total number affected by the quake , have
had their houses rebuilt or repaired in the past year or so .
Moreover, the local government has given 100 million yuan ($12 .05 ) to rebuild
4 , 000 schools and reinforce another 236 , officials said .
Hospitals, theatres and stadiums have also been renovated . A new street has been
built in downtown Lijiang .
Tourism has also revived . In the first half of this year , some 920 , 000 tourists visited
Lijiang .
The Chinese Government plans to apply for the inclusion ( 注册 , 收录 ) of Lijiang on the
Unesco’s world culture heritage list because of its unique folk culture .
6 . When did the quake happen ?
A . February this year
B . January this year
C . February last year
D . January last year
7 . About
family were affected by the quake
A . 64 , 000
B . 67 , 000
C . 70 , 000
D . 73 , 000
Unit Nine
Natural Disaster
8 . What does the underlined word“renovate”probably mean ?
A . rebuild
B . start
C . know
D . thrive
LA GUAIRSA, ⑦ Venezuela— the paratrooper ( 伞兵) broke into tears as he pulled a thick
wad( 叠) of identification cards from his pocket “
. They’re all dead ,”he said . The widespread
floods and mudslides that have killed thousands of Venezuelans is the country’s worst natural
disaster this century, official estimate of the death toll range from 5 ,000 to 20 ,000 .
The smell of death was everywhere along the northern coast, the area was m ost heavily
hit last week when m ud , stones and water came crashing down a mountain that separates the
capital of Caracas from the Caribbean Sea .
As paratroopers and sailors rushed to pull out survivors in the port city of La Guaira
wandered in search of food and water, both in short supply .
As of M onday , 1 , 500 bodies had been recovered , said Foreign Minister Jose . The
death toll estim ates are m uch higher, based on the nu mber of people reported missing and
the fact that many victims were buried beneath m ud and debris or swept out to sea .
Some 150 , 000 people were left ho meless— sheltered in schools , stadiu ms , and even
the presidential residence .⑧
Officials said elections for a new congress scheduled for early next year might be
postponed because of the disaster . If that happens, president Hugo Chaver would rule
without a congress to check his power .⑨
Officials were too busy rescuing survivors and pulling out bodies to begin assessing the
econo mic da mage to Venezuela , the world’s third largest oil exporter, which is already
caught in a deep recession ( 不景气 ) .
But economists estimate that the da mage could reach U .S .$2 billion — or 2 per cent
of the South A merican country’s gross domestic product .⑩
9 . The disaster was along
coast .
A . eastern
B . southern
C . western
D . northern
10 . W hich of the following cities is the capital of Venezuela ?
A . La G uairsa
B . Caracas
C . Caribbean
D . La G uaira
11 . W hat does the underlined word“toll”probably mean ?
A . nu mber
B . people
C . death
D . survivor
12 . Before the disaster, the election for a new congress had been scheduled for
A . early next year
B . later next year
C . early this year
D . later this year
Turkey— Cold and dam p , Survivors of Turkey’s second devastating
N M ET 话题阅读训练
earthquake in three months wake to a chilly morning hoping that Tuesday will bring them the
shelter and hot food they need . A n Israeli field hospital was set up in the ruined town of
Duzce and Turkish officials say they are hurrying tents and heaters to the northwestern
province of Bolu , 1 shattered by last Friday’s earthquake of 7 .2 on the Richter scale .
They cannot come soon enough for the desperate survivors who spent a fourth night
warmed by fires or under huts they built themselves from plastic sheeting .
“ W hen we get up everything is soaking wet from dew , ”30-year-old M etin Sayar said ,
co mplaining that relief tents and hot meals had not reached his outlying part of the town .
Rain is forecast soon to add to the woes brought by nightly tem peratures that fall well
below the freezing point . Doctors say pneum onia ( 肺炎 ) is a concern .
Official figures say 452 people were killed and thousands made homeless by the
quake . 12 It came less than three m onths after the A ugust tremor that killed 17 , 000 and sent
as many as 600 , 000 people onto the streets .
In the quake-hit province of Duzce , rescuers continued to search for life in the rubble .
But more than 72 hours after the earthquake , hopes are low and the operations appeared to
slow .
A group of around 50 survivors marched from the outskirts to the crisis center to
de mand help at a site where they thought som eone was still alive . A Spanish team returned
with the m to search the rubble again .
W eary survivors under tents in D uzce’s parks co mplained of red tape 13 stopping the m
getting shelter and hot food .
Survivors queued outside the crisis centre for food clothing and heating . But a long
procedure see med to be following official efforts to meet their needs .
Haydar Ka ma , with five children and her mother and father to care for said “
: W e have
lost everything , they are still asking us to fill out these stupid forms .”
13 . How many earthquakes happened in the last 3 months ?
A . one
B . two
C . three
D . four
14 . In the first earthquake within the three months,
people died .
A . 452
B . 17 , 000
C . 600 , 000
D . 50
15 . According to the weather forecast, it is going to
A . rain
B . snow
C . be windy
D . be sunny
16 . If the survivors want to get the shelter and hot food , they have to
A . give some money
B . work for a long tim e
C . fill out so me forms
D . give up everything
17 . The best title for the text is
A . M ore Earthquakes
B . M ore Yictims Need to be Rescued
C . Cold Threatens Quake Victims
D . M ore Tents
Police have identified all but one of 44 victims of a fire in Tokyo’ most popular
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Natural Disaster
entertain ment district, butthey were still unsure Sunday what caused the country’s deadliest
fire in m ore than two decades .
The fire early Saturday raged through a four-story building in the Kabukicho area of
Shinjuku . M ost of the victims died from smoke inhalation ( 烟呛而死 ) .
Eleven bodies were found in a mahjong ( a kind of Chinese gam e ) roo m on the
building’s third floor and those of 28 other victims were located in a restaurant on the fourth
floor, according to the Asahi Shimbun newspaper . Five others were found on lower floors
and the roof . Many of the dead— consisting of both men and women— were in their 20s and
30s . Many Chinese worked in the district, but none of the dead was Chinese .
By late Sunday , bouquets ( 花束 ) , bottles of sake and other tokens of sadness were put
in front of the building’s entrance . Passers-by stopped to bow their heads and clasp their
hands in prayer for the dead . 14
Police believed the fire began on the third floor, but were able to determine little
more . The cause of the blaze was still under investigation .
The fire started at about 1a .m . Saturday , one of the busiest nights in the Kabukicho
district in northwest Tokyo .
Buildings there are often separated by less than one or two meters , and ownership
changes so fast it’s hard for authorities to keep up . The fire was the worst in Japan since
1980 , when 45 people were killed in a burning resort hotel in northeaster Japan .
18 . The fire broke out on
A . early Sunday
B . early Saturday
C . late Saturday
D . late Sunday
19 . W hat does the underlined word“fire”probably mean ?
A . blaze
B . victim
C . rage
D . token
20 . W hich of the following is the best title for the text ?
A . Fire
B . Eleven People Died
C . Deadliest Fire in Tokyo Kills 44 Victims
D . Fire in Entertainm ent District
Test T w o
Family mem bers of victims of the crash of Egypt Air 990 e mbrace at New York’s JF K
international Airport on Novem ber 1 as they prepare to leave on a chartflightto Providence ,
Rhode Island . Egypt Air flight 990 , a plane with 217 people on board , slipped off radar
screens and crashed into the Atlantic less than an hour after takeoff from New York’s
John F . Kennedy airport on October 31 , bound for Cairo . All the people on board the plane
were claimed dead . The FBI① said there was no indication that any criminal act took place .
N M ET 话题阅读训练
1 . The accident happened on
A . November 1
C . October 30
2 . How many people died ?
A . no one
B . a few
C . 217
3 . According to the text, what is the reason
A . Some criminal act took place .
C . The plane was too crowed .
B . October 31
D . November 2
D . half on the people on plane .
of the crash ?
B . The plane lacked gas .
D . The reason is unknown .
E DIB U R G H : Big earthquakes are not striking the Earth m ore often this year than
before, but the world is suffering an unlucky run of deadly tre mors② , scientists said
recently .
The largest U .S . earthquake this year, which was measured a powerful 7 .1 on the
Richter scale , rocked southern California on October 16 .
Late last month , the more powerful earthquake that rocked Taiwan and claimed so me
2 , 000 lives came only a m onth after devastating tremors that killed so me 15 , 000 people in
Turkey and at least another 122 in Greece .
“Earthquakes happen all the time , and this year we are not seeing more than usual .
W e’ve just had a bad year in terms of death , ”Alice W alker, a seismologist at the British
Geological Survey in Edinburgh , told reporters .
British geologists ( 地 震 学 家 ) measured the Taiwan quake at 7 .6 on the open-ended
Richter scale— meaning it can cause m assive damage .
W hile three major quakes in just over one month m ay seem like a lot, the world is hit
by 18 earthquakes measuring 7 .0 or greater every year on average , and four or five above
the very dangerous 7 . 6 level, according to the geological center .
Earthquakes hit as bits of the earth’s crust ( 壳 ) — broke into plates— move as they
floatin different directions on an underlying sea of magma ( 岩 浆 ) ③ , the fluid under the
Earth’s surface . M ost earthquakes strike harmlessly at sea or in re mote unpopulated areas .
But as the world beco mes m ore populated , casualties will increase .
“The main factors in terms of damage are : how deeply the tremor is buried , and the
quality of the construction in the nearby cities , ”④ Chris Browitt, another seismologist at the
center, said .
The three recent large quakes were all probably different in nature , geologists said .
Luckily , the quake near Los Angeles was centered in a re mote desert some 160 kilo meters
east of the city , apparently causing no serious injuries or significant property damage ,
Taiwan’s was a“subduction”quake , where one plate slides under another, while Turkey’s
was an example of two plates grinding along each other, in the case of Greece , it was
probable two plates pulling apart .⑤
Unit Nine
Natural Disaster
But the first three earthquakes struck near heavily populated areas— Turkey’s
northwest, Athens and Taipei— and appear to have been quite shallow . Turkey’s quake ,
measuring 7 .4 on the Richter scale , even broke the surface along a 20 kilom eters line ,
experts said .
Taiwan’s strict building codes and newer building probably prevented the quake fro m
killing many people . The heaviest dam age fro m the 1989 San Francisco tremor was in
reclaimed ( 被 开垦 的 ) land , and Mexico City was hit hard in 1958’s killer quake because
much of the city sits on loose sediment form a lakebed .
4 . W hich of the following statem ents is true ?
A . There are 2 , 000 people injured in Taiwan in the earthquake .
B . 1 , 500 people died in Taiwan in the earthquake .
C . The earthquake in Taiwan was after the one in Greece .
D . The earthquake in Taiwan was not very serious .
5 . The earthquake m easured
Richter Scale is considered a very dangerous one .
A . 7 .1
B . 7 .3
C . 7 .5
D .7 .7
6 . No information about the earthquake is mentioned in
A . Athen
B . Taipei
C . California
D . London
7 . Dam ages caused by the earthquake depend on the following except
A . the type of the ground
B . the hu man beings
C . building codes and newer buildings .
D . Richter Scale .
8 . W hich of the followings was not referred in the nature of earthquake ?
A . One plate slides under another .
B . Two plates grinding along each other
C . Two plates pulling apart .
D . Earthquake happens in a re mote area .
Floods in eastern India have claimed 123 lives and left millions ho meless . Officials
warn that disease and severe food shortages could push up the death toll .
In the worst-hit far-eastern state of Assam , relief workers said half of the 80 dead were
victims of water-borne disease .
Heavy rains caused the mighty Brah maputra river to burst its bands , killing 26 people
in the eastern state of Bihar and 10 in neighbouring W est Bengal . Hundreds of children and
elderly people have developed dysentery ( 痢 疾 ) and other water-borne diseases in similar
ca mps that have sprung up all over the region .
9 . The meaning of the underlined word“claim”is
A . save
B . keep
C . kill
D . give
10 . In which part of the country , the nu m ber of the people died is the m ost ?
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A . far-eastern state of Assa m
B . Brahmaputra river
C . eastern state of Bihar
D . neighbouring west Bengal
11 . W hich of the following is not the reasons why many people died ?
A . disease
B . food shortages
C . flood
D . coldness
Forty-five people were killed when an Afghan airlines Boeing 727 sm ashed into a
mountain in bad weather, an airline official said yesterday。
Reporters at the site said rescuers had brought down 32 body bags and another 15 bags
of body parts from the charred ( 烧焦的 ) mountain。
Searchers found the wreckage ( 残骸 ) of the plane on Sharki Baratayi mountain near the
town of Charasyab , 15 kilometres south of Kabul, but the rescue attem pt is being ham pered
by mines left over fro m the Afghan-Soviet war which ended in 1989 , but workers are trying
their best .
The director-general of Ariana Afghan airlines, Hassan Jan , said the plane crashed at
1030 G M T on Thursday as it hit a bank of cloud , rain and sleet near the capital .“It was
not technical problems , just bad weather, but we have to go down there and find the black
box , ”the official said .
First reports put the nu m ber of dead at 22 .But Ariana officials at the site confirmed 45
people had been on the plane , including the 10 crew and several Ariana staff .
Little remains of the plane , which smashed into the mountain around 100 metres below
the su m mit, leaving a black scorch mark around 200 metres wide and 100 high .
Officials said the search for the black box⑥ flight recorder is continuing .
12 . The cause of the plane crash is
A . technical problem
B . bad weather
C . fog
D . explosion
13 . There were
on the plane .
A . 22
B . 45
C . 55
D . 32
14 . W hat does the underlined word“hamper”mean in paragraph 3 ?
A . prevent
B . stop
C . avoid
D . speed up
15 . W hich of the following is the best title for the news ?
A . Missing Black Box
B . Plane Crash Again
C . Mysterious Plane Crash
D . Crash Kills 45 in Afghanistan
A long drought⑦ affecting large areas of North China’s H ebei Province has been
alleviated because of a welcom e spell of rain⑧ in the past few days .
Information from the Provincial Flood Control Headquarters suggests 95 counties in the
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Natural Disaster
province reported precipitation ( 降 雨 量 ) above 10 millimetres⑨ as a result of continuous
rainfall . The rainfall was concentrated mainly around Baoding and Cangzhou , two major
wheat-producing areas .
The drought, which hit Hebei last April, caused a drop in the output of autum n crops
on 1 .93 million hectares ( 公顷 ) of farmland , and drinking water problems for 1 .15 million
people and 2 .03 million head of livestock .⑩
The province witnessed a decrease of one billion kilogra ms in grain output last year .
An official fro m the headquarters warned that the drought, the province’s worst since
the People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949 , has not been com pletely relieved by
the rainfall over the past few days .
The official said 533 , 333 hectares of wheat fields and the spring sowing on one million
hectares of farmland are in danger which due to 1 low precipitation in the southern parts of
the province .
16 . In the first paragraph , the meaning of the underlined word“alleviate”is
A . worsen
B . cover
C . make less serious
D . stop
17 . W hich of the following is N O T the effect of the drought ?
A . Less wheat.
B . People have less drinking water.
C . Farm animals have drinking water problem .
D . The grain output decreased to one billion kilograms .
18 . W e can infer from the text that
A . there is no drought because of the rain .
B . more rain is welcome
C . there would be a good harvest next year because of the rain
D . this drought will be ended soon
19 . W hat is the best title of the article ?
A . Rainfall Easing Hebei’s Drought
B . Severe Drought
C . Spell of Rain
D . Decrease of Grain
20 . W hich of the following statements is correct ?
A . The drought in Hebei last April is the worst in history .
B . Baoding and Cangzhou received most of the rainfall .
C . The drought was completely released by the rainfall .
D . The rainfall lasted for a few months .
U nit T e n
T est O ne
Once , a wise man was taken to prison for som ething he had
not done . He was kept in a stone tower for many months,
and there see med to be no hope of escape .①
Then one night, as he was looking out of the window , he
saw his wife standing at the foot of the tower . She was
crying sadly .
“ Don’t cry !”the man called to his wife in a low
voice .“ Listen to what I’m going to say . Go and
bring back a scarab (金龟子) , a little butter, some silk thread ,
a strong cord and a rope . If you do that, you can save m e .”
The woman left at once and returned quickly with everything her husband
had asked for .
Then the man said ,“put a little butter on the head of the scarab , tie the silk thread
around its body , and place it on the wall with its head pointing to my window .”②
The woman did what her husband said . The scarab , thinking the butter was so mewhere
in front of him , ③ began to climb up the wall .
It was a quiet night . The moon was slowly piercing ( 刺 透 , 穿 过 ) through the clouds
across the sky . Every now and again the prison tower stood in the shadow of clouds .④
So mewhere a bird was hooting ( 讨厌的叫喊 ) low . The man waited eagerly at his window in
silence . W hen at last the scarab got close to his window , he picked it up and took off the
silk thread from its body . Meanwhile his wife tied the cord to the other end of the silk
thread . W hen the man pulled the cord up , his wife had already tied the thick rope to the
other end .
The man now had only to tie one end of the rope securely to something within the tower
and slide down the rope to the ground . There his wife was watching and waiting to see him .
She was happy and surprised that such a small thing as scarab had made his escape
possible .
1 .The man was sent to prison because
A . he killed a man
C . he set fire to a house
B . he stole som ething fro m others
D . there is no reason at all
Unit Ten
2 . W ho saved the man ?
A . A scarab
B . A thread
C . A night bird
D . A cat
3 . How did the man leave the prison ?
A . The man left the prison because no man saw him .
B . The man thought of a good method to save himself .
C . The man who is in charge of the prison set the man free .
D . The man left the prison under the help of a cat . .
4 . According to the text, which of the following state ments is true ?
A . The man clim bed down the stone tower by the silk thread .
B . The man climbed down the stone tower by cord .
C . His wife is cleverer than his husband .
D . The scarab likes eating butter very much .
Once there was a poor widow who lived alone in her hut with her two little children ,
called Snow- white and Rose-red . Often they ran deep into the forest and gathered wild
berries; but no beast ever harmed them . The hare would eat cauliflowers ( 花 椰 菜 ) out of
their hands , the fawn would graze at their side , the goats would frisk ( 跳跃 ) about them in
play , ⑤ and the birds rem ained perched ( 栖 息 ) on the boughs singing as if nobody was
near .
One evening when they were sitting comfortably together, there ca me a knock at the
door as if somebody wished to come in .“ M ake haste and open the door, perhaps there is
so me traveler outside who needs shelter ( 避难所 ) .”So Rose-red went and drew the bolt ( 门
拴 ) and opened the door, expecting to see som e poor man outside , but instead , a great fat
bear poked his black head in . The bear said“
, Be not afraid , I will do you no harm ; but I
a m half frozen , and wish to come in and warm m yself .”Notfor a long time did the children
beca me fa miliar enough to play tricks with the unwildly anim al .
The bear one morning told Snow-white that he must leave her “
. W here are you going ,
then , dear ?”asked Snow-white .“I am obliged to go into the forest and guard my treasures
from the evil D warfs .”
Sometime afterwards the mother sent the children into the wood to gather sticks; and
while doing so , they heard a terrible cry “
, help me , help m e !”The two girls rushed towards
the crying . They saw a tiger was chasing a dwarf . W hen the dwarf saw the girls, he stopped
and said to the tiger,“look , they are more delicious than m e , eat them .”But the tiger
t do so , he gave the bad-tem pered dwarf a single blow with his paw , and the dwarf
never stirred after .
Several days later, the big bear appeared again in front of the two girls, suddenly his
rough coat fell off, and he stood up as a tall man , dressed entirely in gold .“I am a king’
s son , I was condem ned by the wicked dwarf, who stole all my treasures, to wander about
in this forest, in the form of a bear, till his death released me . Now he received his well
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deserved punishm ent .”
Then they went ho me , and Snow- white was married to the prince , and Rose-red to his
brother, with who m they shared the im mense treasure which the D warf had collected .
5 . One winter evening , while the two children were sitting quietly around the fire , a huge
bear rushed into their cottage because
A . he wanted to eat up the two little girls
B . he wanted to be sheltered from the snow and cold outside
C . he was fond of playing with little girls
D . he was in search of the dwarf who had stolen his treasure
6 . No accident had ever befallen Snow- white and Rose-red as
A . they had never quarreled with each other
B . they were such pious and industrious children
C . they were so obedient and tender to their mother
D . they were guarded by angels from the heaven day and night
7 . W hat is the relationship between the D warf and the bear ?
A . father and son
B . servant and master
C friends
D . enemy
8 .W hat does the underlined word“condem ned”m ean in paragraph 4 ?
A . 诅咒
B . 谴责
C . 祝福
D . 宣告
Long long ago , there was an old merchant who had three sons .“ To which one shall I
leave my fortune ?”he wondered “It
must be to the cleverest son . But which one is the
cleverest ?”
He called his three sons to him .“ Here is so me money, ”he told them ,“ You m ust
each take one coin to buy something that will fill this room .Anyone who can do this shall
have my fortune .”
“It is a big room , ”said the eldest son .
“ One coin will not buy very m uch , ”said the second son .
But the youngest son said nothing . He stood and thought, and then he smiled “
, Come ,
brothers, ”he said ,“let us go to the market .”
The eldest son bought straw with his coin .But one coin bought only a bit of straw .
Even when he had spread it as m uch as he could , the straw covered only a corner of the
room .
The second son bought sand with his coin . But one coin bought only a bit of sand .
Even when he had spread it as m uch as he could , the sand covered only half of the floor .
“ W hat did you buy ?”the eldest son angrily asked the youngest son .“ You don’
t have
any straw .”
“ Yes , what did you buy ?”the second son asked angrily “
. You don’
t have any sand .”
“I bought this, ”said the youngest son .
Unit Ten
“ A candle !”cried his brothers .“ W hat good is a candle ?”
“ W atch”, said the youngest son .
He hitthe candle , and all at once the room was filled from wall to wall, from ceiling to
floor . It was filled with light !
“Although you are the youngest, you are indeed the cleverest of my sons, ”the old
merchant said .
And that is how , the old m erchant left his fortune to his youngest son , the one who
could fill a roo m with light .
9 . W ho would get father’s fortune ?
A . The oldest son B . The richest son C . The cleverest son D . The silliest son
10 . The merchant left his fortune to the son
A . who would fill the room by using something which is worthy of one coin
B . who would take care of him when he became old
C . who wanted to get his fortune
D . who got m arried first
11 . How do you think of the youngest son ?
A . He is very clever .
B . He is very lazy .
C . He is very mean .
D . He is very diligent .
12 . The youngest son used
to fill the room .
A . straw
B . candle
C . sand
D . water
There once lived a m an and his wife , who had long wished for a child , but in
vain ( 徒劳 ) ⑥ . At the back of their house lived a witch of great might⑦ . One day , the wife
saw a bed in the witch’s garden filled with the finest ram pion ( 风 铃草 ) ; and it looked so
fresh and she felt she would be dead if she couldn’t eat so me of them ⑧ . So his husband
clim bed the wall into the witch’s garden , plucked hastily a handful of it but he was found
by the witch ( 女巫 ) .
The witch was very angry and wanted to kill him . He promised to give the witch their
future-born child to the witch . W hen the time cam e when the child was born , the witch
appeared , giving the child the na me of Rapunzel, she took away with her .
Rapunzel was the most beautiful child in the world . W hen she was twelve years old
the witch shut her up in a tower in the midst of a wood , and it had neither steps nor
door , only a small window above . Rapunzel had beautiful long silken hair that shone like
gold . W hen she heard the voice of the witch she would undo the fastening of the upper
window , unbind the plaits of her hair, and let it down twenty ells below ⑨ , and the witch
would climb up by it .
One day the king’s son happened to ride through the wood , he saw the witch co me
up , and listened while she called out,“ O Rapunzel, Rapunzel ! Let down your hair .”Then
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he saw how the witch climbed up by it and went in to her . Another day , the prince used the
sa me way clim bing up the tower and met the beautiful girl and they fell in love with each
other for the first look .
W hen the witch knew that Rapunzel was found by a handsome young man , she beca me
angry . In her anger she cut down Rapunzel’s hair and sent her into a waster and desert
place , where she lived in great woe and misery . The king’s son lost his sight under the
witch’s curse ( 诅咒 ) . Fro m then on , he wandered blind through the wood , eating nothing
but roots and berries, doing nothing butlam ent and weep for the loss of his dearest wife . So
he wandered several years in misery until at last he cam e to the desert place where Rapunzel
lived with her twin-children that she had born , a boy and a girl .
And when Rapunzel’s tear touched his eyes they became clear again , and he could see
with them as well as ever . Then he took her to his kingdom , where they were received with
great joy , and there they lived long and happily .
13 . The woman gave her new-born baby to the witch because
A . his husband wanted to give the witch the new-born baby
B . the wom an preferred to let the witch bring up her baby
C . the witch threatened to kill the couple if they wouldn’
t give her the baby
D . the witch wanted to kill the baby
14 . W hy did the witch want to get the new-born baby ?
A . The witch wanted to train the baby into a famous witch .
B . The witch liked little baby very much .
C . The witch wanted to kill the baby .
D . The writer didn’
t tell us the reason .
15 . W hy did the witch shut the girl in a high tower ?
A . The witch wanted the girl to beco me the most beautiful girl in the world .
B . The witch didn’
t want anyone to find the girl .
C . The girl liked to live alone .
D . The article didn’t mention it .
16 . W hat does the underlined word“ woe”probably mean in paragraph 5 ?
A . 痛苦
B .快乐
C .幸福
D .灾难
17 . The prince’s eyes became clear again because
A . he became very happy when he met his dearest wife
B . the witch stopped his curse to the prince
C . of Rapunzel’s tear
D . of their children
Once upon a time , there was a wise king who had many pretty daughters . A m ong the
princesses , the youngest was the m ost beautiful . She liked to play with a golden ball near a
Unit Ten
well under a linden ( 酸橙树 ) tree in a dark wood not far fro m the palace . One day to her
dismay 10 , the golden ball rolled into the well and ran to the botto m of the water . She cried
and cried for the loss of her ball until a frog cam e to her rescue . He retrieved ( 寻回 , 取回 )
the ball fro m the well around on condition that 1 from then on the princess would take him
back to the palace and regard him as her lover . W hen the princess did not carry in her
pro mise 12 he jum ped all the way to the palace and , with the help of the king , forced the
princess to take him to her room .There the princess was so angry that she threw him against
the wall . To her amazement 13 , the frog changed into a handsome prince and told her that it
was a magician ( 魔法师 ) that had turned him into a frog and no one however the princess
could save him . Later on , the princess and the prince fell in love with each other and got
married , fro m then on they lived happily all their lives .
18 . W ho rolled the golden ball into the bottom of the well ?
A . a frog
B . the king
C . the princess
D . a magician
19 . W hy did the frog agreed to help the princess to retrieve the lost ball ?
A . He was very warm hearted .
B . He loved the beautiful princess very m uch .
C . Nobody but the princess could save him .
D . The frog was a cheater .
20 . W ho was the frog ?
A . The king
B . The prince
C . The magician
D . The princess
Test T w o
Many years ago , in the time of King John , there was an Abbot ( 方 丈 , 住 持 ) of
Canterbury . The A bbot was fam ous for having a large and rich house . People said that was
finer even than the King’s house and when King John heard this, he was very angry . He
sent a m essenger to bring the Abbot to him .
“You are a trainer, ”the King said . The Abbot knew why the King was angry and
replied “
: My lord , I spend no more than I have . Surely there is no law against that ?”But
the King would not listen .
“You will lose your head and all your riches unless you can answer three questions . First,
how much am I worth ?Second , how long will it take me to ride around the world ?Third , what
am I thinking ?”The Abbot replied“
: My Lord , give me three days to find the answer .”
The King agreed and the A bbot left him to return ho me , but he was in despair①
because although he was very clever, he didn’
t know the answers .
On the way back , the Abbot met the shepherd who looked after his sheep .“ Good
morning , m y Lord , W elcome home , ”said the shepherd ,“But why do you look so sad ? Do
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you have bad news ?”
“ Very bad news , ”the Abbot replied ,“I have only three days to live
if I cannot answer these questions set by the King . First, how m uch is the King worth ?
Second , how long will it take him to ride around the world ? A nd third , what does he
think ?”The shepherd laughed ,“ My Lord , have you never heard the thing— A fool can
teach a wise man ? Give m e your horse and clothes and I will go , disguised ② as you , to
answer King John .”
The Abbot agreed and the shepherd ( 羊 官 ) dressed up③ in the A bbot’s clothes and
went to see the King .
“ Good morning , A bbot, ”said King John .“ Now , can you tell me what I am worth ?”
The shepherd replied ,“Jesus was bought and sold for thirty silver pieces , so you are worth
twenty-nine , because I can not value you as m uch as him ”④ ,the King laughed“Is
that all ?
Now , tell me how long it will take me to ride around the world ?”
The shepherd replied ,“If you ride with the sun and ride with him all day , you will
ride around the world in 24 hours .”⑤
“ Very clever, ”the King said “but
one question re mains . Can you tell me what I a m
thinking ? ”
“ Yes , I can , ”said the shepherd “
, You think I a m the Abbot of Canterbury ,
but I am a simple shepherd , and I have com e to ask you to forgive the Abbot and myself,
and pardon us .”
King John was very pleased by the cleverness of the shepherd .“ You are both forgiven
and you may have this bag of gold as a reward for your cleverness .”
1 . W hy did the King send the messenger to bring Abbot to him ?
A . Because Abbot couldn’
t answer the three questions .
B . Because Abbot owned a large and rich house even better than the King’s house .
C . Because Abbot cheated the King .
D . Because Abbot was cleverer than the King .
2 . On the shepherd’s way hom e, he was very sad , because
A . he thought that he couldn’
t answer the three questions
B . he would lose his large house
C . the king would kill him at once
D . the king would kill him
3 . W hat does the underlined word“disguise”mean in the article ?
A . 假装
B .声明
C .负责
D .隐藏
4 . How did the shepherd answer the three difficult questions ?
A . He just answered the questions according to the fact .
B . He refused to answer the questions .
C . He used some ingenious ( 巧妙的 ) ways to answer the questions .
D . He answered the questions according to the A bbot’s words .
5 . How do you think of the king ?
A . He is a very cruel king .
B . He is very clever and kind .
C . He is very stupid .
D . He is very old and lazy .
Unit Ten
A long tim e ago , far, far away , there lived two brothers . One of them was quite rich ;
the other was very poor . The rich brother lived on a little island ; he was a seller of salt . He
had sold salt for many years and had got a great deal of money . The other brother was so
poor that he had not got enough food for his wife and children .
One day he got into his boat and sailed across to the island where his brother lived .
“Please, brother, I have no food in my house , ”said the poor brother .“ Please give
me some money .”
“I will not give you any money .”the rich brother said ,“ but I’ll give you so me
bread .”
The rich brother threw a loaf of bread to him , and he went away .
W hile he was on his way to his house , he met an old man sitting by the side of the
road .
Knowing that the old man had not had anything to eat for two days, he cut a piece of
the loaf and gave it to the old m an .
W hen he had finished , the old man said :“ Now I will do something for you . I will
show you the home of the fairies who live underground . If you show them the bread , they
will want to buy it from you . But not let them give you any money , ask the m for the little
mill that stands behind their door . Do as I say , and you will beco me rich .”
The poor brother got the mill and found the old man waiting for him .
“That is it, ”the old man said “
. Only good people can use it . You m ust never let any
other person use it .”
It was quite late when the poor man reached ho me .
“ W here have you been ?”said his wife .“ There is no fire and no food in the house .
The children are cold and crying for food . W hat is that you are carrying ?It looks like an
old mill .”
“It is a mill, ”he said .“ Now watch . Say what you want, and you will have it .”
He put the mill on the table and began to turn it . Out of the little mill cam e wood for
the fire , oil for lighting and cooking , clothes, corn , and many other good things .
“It is a magic mill, ”said his wife“
, Now we are rich .”
The poor man soon beca me as rich as his brother . He did not keep all the good things
for his own family . H e gave m any things to poor friends .
Learning about this, the brother got in his boat and sailed across the water . He said to
his brother,“ I see that you are now quite rich . You have a little magic mill . Sell it
to me .”
“I cannot sell it, ”said the poor man .“It m ust never leave my hands .”
Then the rich brother sailed away home . Butlater one dark night, he ca me back , went
very quietly into the house , and stole the mill .
But the bad brother wanted very much to make the mill work . he did not wait until he
reached home . W hile he was sailing in the boat, he tried to m ake it work .
N M ET 话题阅读训练
“Salt, ”he said “
. Salt is what I sell, and salt is what I want .”Then he began to turn
the mill .
Soon the boat was full of salt . Then water ca me in and filled the boat . The boat went
down , down to the botto m of the sea , carrying with it the thief and the magic mill .
There , at the botto m of the sea, the mill is still turning , making more and more salt .
That is the reason why the water of the sea is salty .
6 . How did the poor brother get the magic mill ?
A . He got it from his rich brother .
B . An old and poor man gave it to him .
C . The fairies underground gave the mill to him .
D . An unknown man gave it to him .
7 . W hy did the old m an help the poor brother beco me rich ?
A . The old m an liked to help the poor .
B . The old man thought the poor brother was a rather kind man , and he is worthy of
becoming rich .
C . The old man hated the rich brother .
D . He was the father of the poor brother .
8 . W hich sentence about the rich bother’s description is right ?
A . He was good to his poor brother .
B . He was very m ean and bad .
C . He got the magic mill because his brother wanted to share with him .
D . He got a lot of salt by using the magic mill at last .
9 . W hich is the best topic for this story ?
A . M agic mill
B . W hy does the water of the sea salty ?
B . Rich bother and poor brother
D . W arm-hearted poor brother .
Ulysses( [ 希 神 ] 尤里 西 斯 ) was one of the leaders of the Greeks . He and his men
once came to an island . they tried to find water and food on the island .
They came into a great cave . Inside it Ulysses saw m any pots and plenty of food , but
there was no one in the cave . They stayed inside till the sun went down .
Ulysses then saw a giant coming back to his cave . He was as big as six men , and had
only one eye . He was carrying a tree to put on his fire .
The man was called Cyclops( [ 希神 ] 独眼巨人 ) . After sending his goats into the cave ,
he shut the door with a very big stone . Then he made a fire and milked his goats . Then he
looked up and saw Ulysses and his m en .
“ W ho are you ?”he asked ,“ Have you come to steal my things ?”
“ W e are not thieves, ”
said Ulysses ,“ W e are soldiers . W e ask you to give us food and a place to sleep in .”
Cyclops was very cruel . He took two of the men and killed them at once . He ate
them , and then lay down to sleep .
Unit Ten
Ulysses thought,“Shall I kill Cyclops in his sleep ? No , I must not do that, because
the door is shut with a great stone and we cannot open it . But when Cyclops is alive . He
will eat m y men— one by one !”
Then he hit upon a plan .⑥ W hen Cyclops went out of the cave in the morning and shut
the door with the stone . Ulysses took his axe and sharpened a log . Besides, he got so me
strong wine ready .
W hen Cyclops came back to the cave , Ulysses went to him and said“
, Drink the wine .
It is better than your milk .”Cyclops drank it . He asked ,“ W hat is your name , stranger ?”
Ulysses said “
, O Cyclops . my name is No Man .”
Cyclops drank som e more and soon fell asleep . Ulysses burntthe point ofthe log in the
fire , and then put it into the eye of Cyclops .
Cyclops ju mped up , and gave terrible cries , His giant neighbors, who lived in caves
in the hill, too , all came running and stood outside the cave .
“ W hat is it ?”they called “
. W hy are you crying out, Brother ? Has so me thieves taken
away your goats , or is some man hurting you ?”
Cyclops answered “
, No Man is hurting m e !”
Then the other giants said ,“ Do not cry out when no man is hurting you .”And they
went back to their own caves .
Though Cyclops could not see , Ulysses and his men could not escape because the door
was shut with the stone .
W hen day cam e, Cyclops had to let out his goats .
Ulysses said to his m en ,“ Cling to the goats , and try to escape under them !”
Cyclops put his hand on the back of each goat and said .“ That is a goat; that is not
a man .”In this way Ulysses and his men got out of the cave . Then they ran back to
their ship .
10 . W hich of the following is most suitable to describe the character of Ulysses ?
A . He is a very cruel and wild man .
B . He is very kind and warm hearted .
C . He is brave and rather clever.
D . He is very brave and courageous.
11 . How do you think about Cyclops ?
A . He is cruel and warm hearted .
B . He is not as clever as Ulysses .
C . He is kind and brave .
D . He is brave and clever .
12 . How did Ulysses escape from the cave ?
A . Ulysses and his men killed Cyclops .
B . Ulysses made Cyclops blind and followed the goats out of the cave .
C . Cyclops set Ulysses and his men free .
D . Ulysses let Cyclops drink a lot of wine and they were set free then .
N M ET 话题阅读训练
W hen I was a very young kitten ( 小猫 ) , my m other was run over⑦ by a car . I found
myself alone in the world . It was lucky for me that I was smart and able to take care of
myself .
I found a pretty white house with well-kept grounds and lots of trees , I decided to be a
house cat there .
I looked through the back window . A man and his wife were having breakfast inside .
They looked kind . I began to mew . The woman cam e out first .
“ The poor little thing , ”she cried .“It wants to co me in . M aybe it’s hungry . I’
ll give
it so me warm milk .”
“I hate cats !”The man cried ,“I would’
t have one in m y house !If you’ve gotto feed
it, give it some milk in the barn .( 谷仓 ) . ”
“ Don’t make such a fuss , ⑧ dear, ”she said to the man “I’
. ll just give her some milk
and then put her out .”
The wo man opened the door and picked me up .
I had a lovely day with the wo man . Just before evening , she took me in her arms and
kissed me .“I am afraid you must go now , ”she said .“ My husband will be co ming back
soon .”
I stayed out until I saw them eating their supper . Then I began to m ew outside the
door .
At last the man shouted “
, For goodness’sake , ⑨ why don’t you get the cat and feed
it ?I can’
t stand that crying .”So I had another good meal . Later I slept in the barn .
I didn’
t stay there long . The very next night I sat in the wo man’s lap while she was
sewing . After a while I got down and went over to the man . I sat looking up at him , who
was reading his newspaper . At first, he pretended he didn’t notice . But finally he said ,
“ W hat is it you want ?”
Then I began to rub ( 摩擦 ) around his ankles . He could not resist this treatm ent . He
picked me up and began to rub m e under the chin . I gave his hand a few licks .( 舔 ) Just
then there was a flash of lightning and a crash of thunder 10 . It began to pour . the man
carried me in his arms as he went around closing windows “
. Nothing to be frightened of, old
girl, ”he said .“Just a thunderstorm , that’s all .”
After a while the lightning stopped , but the rain continued .“It’s time to get to bed
now , ”the woman said ,“ Will you be pleasant to put out the cat ?”
“Put her out on a night like this ?”the man asked“
, Are you crazy ?”
“ But I thought you didn’
t want a cat in the house .”
“ W ell, I don’t .”answered the man .“ But that doesn’t mean putting her out in a
storm . Look , she’s trem bling . Have you no heart ?”
I was trem bling , all right . But not from fear . I was trying not to laugh .
Of course , from that day on I beca me one of the family . I was allowed not only to sit
in the man and woman’s laps ( 膝部 ) but also to sleep in their bed .
Unit Ten
13 . W hy did I feel alone when I was young ?
A . I felt very exciting outside by m yself .
B . Because my mother died when I was very young .
C . I was very naughty when I was very young .
D . I don’
t like to play with others .
14 . what does underlined word m ew mean in paragraph 3 ?
A . 咪咪叫
B .哭泣
C .挠爪
D .摩擦
15 . How do you think about the lady’s husband ?
A . He is very cruel and unkind .
B . He doesn’
t love his wife .
C . He likes animals very m uch .
D . He is very kind to poor animals even though he doesn’
t like animals very much .
16 . I am
A . lucky and clever
B . cruel and lazy
C . diligent and lucky
D . bad and crazy
Right in the middle of Japan , high in the mountain , an old man lived in his little
house . H e found in one corner of the roo m an old iron kettle ( 水壶 ) . He decided to use it to
boil water . To his surprise , the kettle becam e a strange creature when it was on fire . And
then it changed back into kettle again . The old man decided to sell it . So a merchant ca me
and went away with the kettle .
At night, the merchant was awakened ( 唤 醒 ) by a big noise . The kettle became a
strange creature again and was running about in his room . but early next morning he found
the kettle still quietly lying in the corner . One of his neighbors, after hearing what he had
seen in the night, advised him to travel in the country to display it .
Now the kettle could be asked to change and perform by the merchant . The
performances drew big audiences 1 and the merchant earned a lot of money . But he was an
honest man . Though he was rich now , he thought that he owed some of his wealth to the
man from whom he had bought the kettle . 12
One morning , he put a hundred gold pieces into the kettle and , hanging it on his arm ,
he returned to the old man who had sold it to him . The old man thanked the merchant,
saying that few people would have been so honest .
The kettle brought the m both luck . Everything went well with them till they died .
17 . W hy did the old man want to sell the kettle ?
A . The kettle couldn’
t be used to boil water .
B . The kettle was too old to use .
C . W hen the kettle was used to boil water, it changed into a strange creature .
D . The kettle had m agic power .
N M ET 话题阅读训练
18 . W hich of the following statements is N O T true about the description of the merchant ?
A . He was a mean person .
B . He was lucky .
C . He was very clever .
D . He was kind to the old m an .
19 . W hy did the merchant get a lot of money since he bought the kettle ?
A . The kettle is made of gold .
B . The kettle has some m agic power .
C . The kettle can produce gold .
D . The merchant has so me magic power .
20 . W hich description is N OT suitable to the text ?
A . If you are honest you will get good result .
B . Good luck belongs to honest m an .
C . Everyone should be kind to others .
D .Money can be got by anyway including so me evil ways .
T est O ne
阅读理解 ( 共 20 小题 ; 每小题 2 分 , 满分 40 分 )
阅读下列 短文 , 从每题所 给的四个选 项 A、B、C 和 D 中 , 选出最佳 选项。
China’s traditional culture and unique ( 独特的 ) language
have attracted more and m ore foreign students who travel all
over China to enjoy the culture of this country with 5 , 000
years of civilization ( 文明 ) .
“ You do not know a culture properly unless you live in
it , ”said Andrea Parker , an A merican student at
Northern Jiaotong University .
In som e degree , her thoughts may represent the
50 , 000 foreign students who are now studying in China’s
universities and colleges . W hen studying in China , some foreign
students take part-tim e jobs . Some A merican students can earn about
20 , 000 yuan per month .
They are not only studying some traditional courses but modern subjects such as law ,
finance and manage ment science as well . In addition , they also take part in all kinds of
social, culture and sports activities .
They are interested in everything of China’s culture , and they enjoy Chinese films,
acrobatics ( 杂技 ) , Chinese painting , calligraphy ( 书法 ) and folk music . Some of the m have
learned how to perform Peking O pera and martial arts .
As a rough estimation goes , China has accepted more than 350 , 000 students fro m 160
countries and regions .
Scholarships for bachelor’s degree are 800 yuan per month . Grants for master’s
and doctoral degrees are 1 , 100 yuan and 1 , 400 yuan per m onth . As much as 23
percent of the overseas students enjoy Chinese govern ment scholarships , and the others
are self-supported .
1 . It is
that attracted more and more foreign students to study in China .
A . China’s unique culture and the scholarships provided by Chinese govern ment
B . China’s unique culture and language
C . China’s famous universities and colleges
D . 5 , 000 years of civilization of China
2 . W hat are the foreign students learning in China ?
A . They are studying so me traditional subjects .
B . They are studying modern subjects such as law , finance and management science .
Test One
C . They are studying Chinese Cultrue through different kinds of social activities .
D . All of above .
3 . If a foreign student is studying for master’s degree in Chinese language , how much will
he receive as scholarships from Chinese government in a year ?
A . 1 , 100 yuan
B . 16 , 800 yuan
C . 13 , 200 yuan
D . 9 , 600 yuan
4 . The best title for this text is
A . Chinese Culture Attracts Foreign Students
B . Foreign Students in China
C . More Foreign Students Co me to China
D . China Attracts M ore Foreign Students
“ Privacy”is translated as“yin si”in Chinese . Traditionally , in the Chinese mind ,
“yin si”is associated with that which is closed or unfair . If someone is said to have“yin
si”, meddlers ( 好 事 者 ) will be attracted to pry ( 打 探 ) into his or her affairs . So people
always state that they don’t have“yin si”.
On the contrary , A mericans often declare their intention to protect their privacy . Their
understanding of privacy is that others have no right to pry into things which belong to
themselves alone and have nothing to do with others . One who is too curious and who
spreads rumors is said to violate the right to privacy .
In the evening , Sonia and I went to a bar for dinner . In China , when people mention
bars, som ething bad usually co mes to mind . But here , the bar was a quiet and tastefully
laid out place . People spoke quite softly , afraid of interrupting their neighbors, and sat face
to face as they drank , sometimes three or five persons sitting together .
This sort of atmosphere was totally different from my preconception ( 传统观念 ) , so I wanted
to take a picture . Sonia stopped me:“ Don’
t you see these people are pouring out their hearts ?
Maybe they are colleagues, friends, secret lovers .They came here looking for a peaceful place
free from interruption by others . They wouldn’t want to leave any trace of their having come
here . So taking their pictures would be a serious violation of their right to privacy .”
Is there privacy between husband and wife ? One of Sonia’s friends married a talented
Chinese man , but recently she becam e so angry that she wanted a divorce ( 离 婚 ) . The
reason was that her husband had opened one of her letters and looked through her purse .
The husband didn’t realize that this is not tolerated in the U .S . He thought that being a
couple was like being one person ; why couldn’t he see the letter or the contents of the
purse ? Truly , everyone , even those living as a couple , needs room — not only in threedimensional( 三维的 ) space , but in the heart .
5 . W hat is the main idea of the text ?
A . The understanding of“privacy”is different in China and A merica .
B . There is privacy between husband and wife in A merica .
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
C . Everyone has the right to privacy .
D . Everyone in every country needs room for himself .
. Sonia stopped me when I wanted to take a picture in the bar because
A . taking pictures in a bar was not allowed in A merica
B . taking pictures in a bar would interrupt the neighbors
C . people who came here are colleagues, friends or secret lovers
D . taking pictures in a bar would violate other people’s right to privacy
. One of Sonia’s friends wanted a divorce because
A . she thought her husband was not clever enough
B . her husband always opened her letters
C . her husband always looked through her purse
D . her husband didn’
t respect her right to privacy
. W hich of the following statem ents is N O T the A mericans’understanding of privacy ?
A . Privacy is connected with something that is unfair and bad .
B . Other people have no right to pry into his or her affairs .
C . There is privacy even between couples .
D . The right to privacy shouldn’
t be violated by others .
. According to this text, we can infer that in A merica we can do all the followings except
A . declaring that we have privacy
B . going to a bar with friends
C . asking your friends about their m arriage
D . taking pictures in a national park
On 23 Dece mber 1818 , Father Josef M ohr, the young priest of St . Nicholas’Church in
Oberndorf, Austria , was worried—in 24 hours he was supposed to lead a Christmas Eve
service , but he had no m usic as the organ ( 风琴 ) had rusted and wouldn’
t work .
That evening he attended the town Christmas play but instead of going straight ho me
afterwards he clim bed the small mountain overlooking the town to try to get some inspiration
( 灵感 ) . It was nearly midnight before he reached his roo m and sat down to write a new song
that could be played on a guitar— at least that wasn’
t broken .
“Stille Nacht ! Heilige Nacht !”he wrote—“Silent night, holy night .”The night-time
peacefulness of Oberndorf was fresh in his mind and he could imagine Bethlehem ( 伯利恒 ) ,
bathed in m oonlight:
All is calm , all is bright . Round your Virgin M other and child ! Holy Infant so tender
and mild , Sleep in heavenly peace .
It wasn’
t long before the simple song was finished and he could think of going to sleep .
The next morning he took the song to Franz Gruuber, his organist and asked if he
could com pose some music for the words before that evening’s service . Gruuber set about
Test One
the task quickly and in a couple of hours had finished—just in time to rehearse with the
choir before the service . Mohr sang tenor, Gruuber sang bass and the service went off
beautifully .
The song gradually became known throughout Europe and in 1834 the Strasser fa mily
performed it for the King of Prussia , who ordered it to be sung by his cathedral choir every
Christm as Eve . The Rainer fa mily singers brought it to A merica in 1839 and by the middle
of the eighteenth century it had become popular around the world . H owever, by this tim e no
one could recall its com poser .
It took a long tim e for word of the song’s fame to reach the tiny villages of A ustria . In
1854 Franz Gruuber sent a letter to the leading musical authorities with his claim to have
written the tune . In 1848 Father M ohr had died of pneu monia , but Gruuber still had the
original m anuscript to show and gradually he was recognized as com poser .
10 . This text mainly talks about
A . the story of Father Josef M ohr
B . how the song of Silent Night beco me well-known throughout Europe
C . the story of Silent Night
D . who wrote the song of Silent Night
11 . Father Josef M ohr wrote the song of Silent Night to lead a Christm as Eve service
A . his organ had rusted and wouldn’
t work
B . he had to play the song on a guitar
C . he climbed a small mountain overlooking the town and get so me inspiration
D . he wanted to become famous
12 . According to the text, which of the following state ments is true ?
A . Father Josef M ohr wrote the tune of the song .
B . Father Josef M ohr’s organist, Franz Gruuber, wrote the words of the song before
that evening’s service .
C . The song im mediately becam e fam ous throughout Europe after it was written .
D . By the middle of the 18th century the song had become popular around the world .
Casablanca , Sep . 24
A flash flood swept across the coastal plain about 100 miles southwest of here, killing
hundreds of Moroccans in a market place yesterday m orning .
Reports from the area said 218 bodies had been counted , and many of the people were
missing .
The flood followed heavy rains, which filled the coastal plain and dry river beds and
caused them to overflow . The flood crest, several feet high , hit the village of Khemis Nagua
at mid morning yesterday as farmers from the surrounding area joined town people in an open
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
market place . The roaring waters swept the village’s living places, the market sheds ( 棚
子 ) , shoppers, cattle and farm tools for miles across the plain .
The flood was over almost as soon as it started , the reports said , as the crest swept out
to sea . Rescue workers quickly m oved into the area fro m Safi, about 25 miles further south .
13 .It can be learnt from the text that
A .the news report is fro m Khe mis Nagua
B .the flood didn’
t last long
C .hundreds of M oroccans were saved
D .Casablanca is a city in Africa
14 .The report mainly tells the public about
A .how the flood swept the coastal plain
B .why the terrible flood took place
C .the flash flood in fall
D .a rescue attem pt
15 .The underlined word“crest”means
A .top of a large wave
B .waters
C .flash flood
D .the flow of blood
16 .According to the text, which of the following maps may be correct ?
( K N = khemis Nagua ;
C = Casablanca ;
S = Safi)
For most of history , hu mans believed that the weather was governed by forces outside
their control, buttoday we’
re no longer so sure . Something unusual, it’s claim ed , is going
on with the weather . From storms and hurricanes , to draughts . And the future , so me
argue , could be apocalyptic ( 预 示世 界末 日恐 怖景 象的 ) , as ice caps melt, and sea levels
rise as much as 20 feet .
From the wealth of nations to the future of the planet, are hu mans warming the globe ,
or are we an insignificant influence co mpared with the natural forces which have determined
the climate from millions of years ?
If you sat down and said , I’m going to design a public issue that is the absolute worst
nightmare ( 梦魇 ) of every scientist, of com municator in the world , you couldn’t do better
than the green house effect . You’re dealing with so mething that’s very com plicated , you’re
dealing with som ething where there’s legitimate ( 合理的 , 合法的 ) uncertainty in the science .
You’re dealing with so mething that has enorm ous results for people . And you’re dealing
with so mething whose effects will happen 30 years down the road , you know , when they
happen . And then you say , you get people to listen and say , O K , do something about it .
Test One
Unfortunately, when people talk about global warming , it’s always in terms of, “ Oh ,
Gosh , it was hot last su m mer .”
James Traffle is a physicist and science writer who has followed the global warming
issue closely . He said in order to m ake an undoubted case for global warming , you have had
a long term tem perature record of centuries, that was over a large part of the globe . And so
you have to look over a long term , and see what’s the average been for several hundred
years , and is this a significant change from that ? And that was very difficult to do .
Bad weather in one place at one time does not prove the climate is changing . To prove
that hu mans are warming the globe requires detailed knowledge of the entire earth’s weather
over long stretches of history . And this has turned out to be an enormously com plex
scientific challenge ( 挑战 ) .
W hat’s really rem arkable about the warming over the last century is both its greatness,
in terms of half a degree Celsius ( 摄 氏的 ) , and its fact that it’s been almost world wide .
Almost every site you look at has warm ed unusually since the middle of the last century .
But not everyone’
s persuaded that this is evidence that hu mans are warming the globe .
17 . On the whole , this text is about
A . the green house effect
B . natural disasters caused by clim ate changing
C . the evidence that humans are warming the globe
D . the global warm-up
18 . The text does not say so , but it makes you think that
A . there hasn’
t been undoubted evidence that can make everyone believe that hu mans
are warming the globe
B . today we’re not so sure that the weather is governed only by natural forces
C . today people believe that hu mans are warming the globe
D . it’s easy to prove that the globe is warming up
19 . James Traffle did not explain in the text
A . how to m ake an undoubted case for global warming
B . how the humans are warming the globe
C . whether bad weather in one place at one time prove the climate is changing or not
D . what is really re markable about the warming over the last century
20 . According to the text, which of the following state ments is N O T right ?
A . W e hu mans have a more significantinfluence on the climate than the natural forces .
B . H um ans used to believe that the weather was determined by natural forces .
C . W hen people talk about global warming , they often say ,“ Oh , Gosh , it was hot last
su m mer .”
D . It has turned out to be very difficult to prove humans are warming the globe .
Test T w o
阅读理解 ( 共 20 小题 ; 每小题 2 分 , 满分 40 分 )
阅读下列 短文 , 从每题所 给的四个选 项 A、B、C 和 D 中 , 选出最佳 选项。
University students ’monthly expenses on mobile phone vary
from about 2 0 Yuan to several hundred yuan , according to
students in Fudan University , Jiaotong University .
W hether one has a boyfriend or girlfriend is a critical
( 关键性的 ) factor that determines one’
s paym ent for
mobile phone , said A nn , a student in Shanghai
Finance University , who uses up a 100- yuan card
everysix months .Bycontrast, oneofAnn’sroom mates ,
who studies in the same class with her boyfriend , spends m ore
than 100 yuan every month . They have a habit of making a daily
call to each other every night, according to Ann .
“In my opinion , one’s outlay ( 开 支 ) on mobile phone depends on whether he works
for so me departments of Students’ Union and whether he has some part-tim e jobs which
require frequent contacts , ”said Zhuang Jiadong , a student in Jiaotong University , who is
the m onitor of his class . His average payment on mobile phone is 200 Yuan per
month .
At present, the cost of mobile is 0 .6 Yuan per minute , more expensive than using 201
cards by 0 .2 Yuan . Therefore , some students, especially girls , use mobile phone and
telephone alternatively ( 交替 地 ) .“ But we boys tend to be lazy and will not bother to use
201 cards which require dialing a long series of nu mbers, ”said Zhuang .
1 . All the following factors determine university student’s payment for m obile phones except
A . whether one has a boyfriend or girlfriend
B . whether he or she works for the Students’Union
C . whether one has som e part-time jobs
D . whether one uses mobile phone and telephone alternatively
2 . W e can infer from the text that
A . university student’s monthly expenses on mobile phone are almost the sam e
B . boys tend to use mobile phone more frequently
C . if one has a boyfriend or girlfriend , one will use mobile phone less frequently
D . the cost of mobile is more expensive than using 201 cards
3 . The best title of this text is
Test T w o
Expense Gap on M obile Phone
Mobile Phone Comes into Universities
Mobile Phone is replacing Telephone
Expense on Mobile Phone
W alking along , minding your own business , you see a billfold on the ground . You
pick it up , so me photos inside , a card or two with ID .and a nice wad ( 一卷 ) of bills too . So
what do you do ? The right thing , or . . . ?
W ell, we set out to discover just what people would do . First in big cities and small
towns around the United States , and then in Europe , Asia , Canada , Australia , New
Zealand and Latin A merica , editors of the magazine dropped wallets in the path of people .
W e“lost”more than 1 , 100 wallets to see just how many would be returned . Each contained
up to $50 , but also a name and phone nu mber so that the finder would have no trouble
returning the billfold—if the finder wanted to return it . W e left the wallets on sidewalks and
in phone booths, in front of office buildings, discount stores and churches , in parking lots
and restaurants . Then we sat back and watched .The results were . . . fascinating .
All told , 44 percent of the wallets were taken up , never to be seen again .
From one country to another, though , the results varied widely . The gold stars for
honesty have to go to Norway and Den mark , where every single wallet was returned . ( Do
they even bother to lock doors there ?) Scandinavian countries , on the whole , put the rest of
the world to sha me . As did New Zealand and a couple of places in Asia— South Korea and
Japan . But watch your stuff in Argentina and Italy . And as for M exico— well, tough luck if
you lose your wallet there . In most Mexican cities , barely any billfolds were returned .
How did the U nited States fare ? Not bad : almost seven out of every ten wallets were
returned . That put us on the list of pretty-honest countries, alongside Canada , Australia
and India . For the full results, go to our website .
Of course , cities and towns within the sa me country often varied widely as well . ( One
quick tip : relax in Seattle but keep an eye out in Atlanta .) You can also see the
city-by-city tally at our website .
4 . The purpose of the test is to
A . discover what people would do after they lost their wallets
B . find out why people returned the wallets they found
C . discover what people would do after they found a lost wallet
D . find out why people kept the wallets they found
5 . The underlined word“billfold”in the first paragraph means
A . banknote
B . case
C . paper bag
D . wallet
6 . Each wallet contained a name and phone nu mber because
A . it will be easy for the finder to return the wallet
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
B . they wanted to find out whether the finder was honest or not
C . they wanted to get to know the finder
D . they expected the finder to phone back
7 . W here did they leave the wallets ?
A . On sidewalks, in phone booths and bars .
B . In parking lots and restaurants , in discount stores and churches .
C . In front of office buildings and in hospitals .
D . In phone booths , in front of office building and in airports .
8 . According to the passage , which of the following is true ?
A . The percentages of wallets returned are all the sa me in different countries .
B . People in Norway and Den mark are the most honest .
C . No wallets were returned in most Mexican cities .
D . Cities and towns within the United States got the sam e results .
A m an came ho me from work late , tired and irritated ( 生气的 , 不耐烦的 ) , to find his
5-year-old son waiting for him at the door .
“ Daddy , may I ask you a question ?”
“ Yeah sure , what is it ?”replied the m an .
“ Daddy , how much do you m ake an hour ?”
“That’s none of your business . W hy do you ask such a thing ?”the man said angrily .
“I just want to know . Please tell m e , how m uch do you make an hour ?”pleaded the
little boy .
“If you must know , I make $20 an hour .”
“ Oh , ”the little boy replied , with his head down . Looking up , he said ,“ Daddy , may
I please borrow $10 ?”
The father was furious ( 生 气 的 ) , “If the only reason you asked that is so you can
borrow some money to buy a silly toy or so me other nonsense , then you march yourself
straight to your room and go to bed . Think about why you are being so selfish . I work hard
every day for such childish behavior .”The little boy quietly went to his roo m and shut the
door . The m an sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy’s questions .
How dare he ask such questions only to get so me m oney ? After about an hour or so , the man
had calmed down , and started to think : Maybe there was something he really needed to buy
with that $10 and he really didn’
t ask for money very often . The man went to the door of
the little boy’s room and opened the door“
. Are you asleep , son ?”He asked .
“ No daddy , I’m awake , ”replied the boy .
“I’ve been thinking , m aybe I was too hard on you earlier, ”said the man ,“It’s been
a long day and I took out m y aggravation ( 怒气 ) on you . H ere’s the $10 you asked for .”
The little boy sat straight up , smiling .“ O h , thank you daddy !”He yelled . Then ,
reaching under his pillow he pulled out so me cru m pled ( 皱 皱巴 巴的 ) up bills . The man ,
seeing that the boy already had money, started to get angry again . The little boy slowly
Test T w o
counted out his money , then looked up at his father .
“ W hy do you want more m oney if you already have some ?”the father gru mbled .
“ Because I didn’
t have enough , but now I do , ”the little boy replied .
“ Daddy , I have $20 now . Can I buy an hour of your tim e ? Please com e home early
tomorrow . I would like to have dinner with you .”
9 . W hen the m an came ho me from work late , he
A . was tired but happy
B . was tired and angry at his son’s question
C . was tired but happy to find his son waiting for him at the door
D . was tired and angry to find his son waiting for him at the door
10 . The little boy asked the question
A . because he wanted to have dinner with his father
B . in order to borrow so me money fro m his father to buy something
C . because he wanted to buy a toy
D . because he was just curious to know
11 . After an hour or so , the man went to the little boy’s room and
A . saw if the boy was asleep
B . asked him what he needed to buy with that $10
C . said sorry to his son
D . gave $10 to his son
12 . Fro m this passage , we can infer that
A . the boy would like to have dinner with his father
B . the boy often asked for money to buy so me nonsense
C . the boy loved his father very m uch
D . the m an would get even angrier at last
Sim ple steps to inner peace
If you wake up feeling tired and lazy , these moves can give you a lift . Our yoga warm
ups will help to loosen and stretch your m uscles and joints , and deep breathing also helps
you to focus your thoughts, so you feel refreshed !
U pper-body lift
Slowly lower your body to the floor, look up forward the ceiling and breathe in . Hold
for a minute . Release ( 放松 ) .
Toe touch
Bringing your hands to the floor, breathe out while putting your head between your
knees (if you’re a beginner, keep knees slightly bent) . Holding the position , breathe in as
you stretch your head and chest upward . Hold for one minute . Release .
Spine stretch
Standing straight, feet together, breathe in and raise your arms straight overhead ,
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
hands touching . Look up , stretching your body for one minute . Release . Repeat moves as
often as needed .
13 . The purpose of the above exercises is to
A . help you bring back your strength
B . get rid of pain from your back
C . get you warm enough to do further exercise
D . loosen and stretch your muscles to help you breathe
14 . The underlined phrase“give you a lift”m eans
A . raising your body higher
B . m aking you release
C . making you get energetic
D . getting your body straight
15 .W hich of the following pictures shows the“Spine Stretch”?
Good news for the people who like chocolate . The treat favoured by millions not only
tastes delicious but is healthy for you , A merican researchers said on M onday .
Chocolate contains compounds called flavonoids( 黄酮 ) that can help maintain a healthy
heart and good circulation and reduce blood clotting ( 凝结 ) — which can cause heart attacks
and stroke .
“ M ore and more , we are finding evidence that consum ption of chocolate that is rich in
flavonoids can have positive effects, ” Carl Keen , a nutritionist at the University of
California , Davis, told a science conference .
“ W e not only have observed an increase in antioxidant capacity ( 抗 氧 化 作 用 ) after
chocolate consu mption , but also modulation ( 调节 ) of certain com pounds which affect blood
vessels( 血管 ) .”
Antioxidants such as vitamin C reduce the da mage of cancer-causing charged particles
in the body .
Keen and his colleagues measured the effect of chocolate on platelets ( 血 小板 ) in the
blood . They presented their findings to the British Association for the Advance ment of
Science conference in Glasgow . Platelet activity is thought to be an important risk factor in
blood clotting .
The researchers collected blood sa mples fro m volunteers who ate 25 gra ms
( 0 .9 ounces) of chocolate with a high flavonoid content and other volunteers who ate bread .
They took blood sa mples from both groups two and six hours after they ate the chocolate and
Test T w o
bread to measure their platelet activity . Volunteers who consu med the chocolate had lower
levels of platelet activity , while the scientists found no change in the group that ate the
bread .
Keen said the results of the study support earlier research which showed that cocoa acts
like low-dose aspirin(a m edicine that reduces pain and fever) which helps to reduce blood
clotting .
“These results lead us to believe that chocolate m ay contribute to a healthy , wellbalanced diet, ” Keen added . Up to 300 scientists are presenting research on subjects
ranging from genetics and microbiology to global warming and organic farming during the
five-day conference .
16 . The main idea of this text is
A . the British Association for the Advance ment of Science conference was held in
B . an experiment made by A merican researchers about chocolate
C . platelet activity is an important risk factor in blood clotting
D . A m erican researchers found that chocolate is a healthy and well-balanced diet
17 . A merican researchers stated that the com pounds called flavonoids contained in chocolate
A . can cause heart attacks and stroke
B . have negative effects on blood vessels
C . can reduce the danger of heart attacks and stroke
D . can cause blood clotting
18 . W hat did the researchers think about the results of the experiment ?
A . They thought that the results may be incorrect .
B . They thought that the results support earlier research that showed that cocoa helps to
reduce blood clotting .
C . They thought that the results showed that chocolate has a similar effect as aspirin .
D . They thought that the results showed that eating chocolate can make people fat .
19 . W hat can we learn about platelets fro m the text ?
A . Higher levels of platelet activity may increase the danger of blood clotting .
B . Lower levels of platelet activity m ay increase the danger of blood clotting .
C . Higher levels of platelet activity may reduce the danger of blood clotting .
D . Lower levels of platelet activity may be bad for hu man’s heart .
20 . Fro m the information in this text we know that
A . chocolate lovers will be sad to learn the news
B . the researchers took blood sam ples from the volunteers two hours after they ate the
chocolate and bread
C . the topic of the five-day conference was about healthy food
D . chocolate consum ption may lower the levels of platelet activity
T est T hree
阅读理解 ( 共 20 小题 ; 每小题 2 分 , 满分 40 分 )
阅读下列 短文 , 从每题所 给的四个选 项 A、B、C 和 D 中 , 选出最佳 选项。
Nowadays more and m ore college students like to live off
ca mpus .
Not being able to get used to dormitory life and the
eagerness to escape strict dormitory supervision ( 监督
管理 ) are the main reasons students leave .
“Students are from different parts of the country and
have different ways ofliving . I would rather move out
than have quarrels all days ”said a Shanghai Inter national Studies University sophomore ( 二年级学生 ) .
Besides , the fact of students’various activities is another reason
driving them out .
Li Yi, a sophomore at Shanghai International Studies University , is used to living out
of a university dormitory . D uring her nearly two years of college life , she moved out twice :
once for the graduate record exa mination ( G R E ) and , the second time , for her part-time
jobs , as both of which changed her regular timetable .
Convenience , privacy , co mfort and the feeling of hom e are the reasons most students
move out of a dormitory , but such a life-style is expensive .
In Shanghai, according to Shanghai Heli House Renting Co mpany , it costs 1 , 200
yuan to rent a flat near the University . It is cheaper to live with the landlords, but the
lowest cost is still more than 500 yuan . The m onthly rent in Guangzhou is a little lower .
1 . W hich of the following is N O T the reason students move out of a dormitory ?
A . They are not used to dormitory life .
B . Living out of a university dormitory is more convenient, private and comfortable .
C . Living out of a university dormitory is cheaper than living in cam pus .
D . Living out of a university dormitory , they have the feeling of ho me .
2 . The disadvantage of living out of a university dormitory is that
A . it’s not safe
B . it costs m uch
C . it’s far away from the university
D . the supervision is strict
3 .The best title for this text is
A . College Students Living off Cam pus
B . College Students’Various Activities
Test Three
C . Escape Fro m Cam pus
D . Advantages and Disadvantages of Living off Cam pus
Santa Claus— A legendary figure who supposedly brings presents to children on
Christm as Eve , is an A merican adaptation ( 适应 , 改编本 ) of European traditions concerning
Saint Nichols . These were introduced into A merica by the D utch settlers in New
A msterdam . The nam e Santa Claus is a shortened form of the Dutch Sint Nilolas ( Sinter
Klaas) . In the U nited States, Saint Nicholas beca me connected with Christmas rather than
Decem ber 6 , his traditional feast day , and he developed into a purely secular ( 世 俗 的 )
figure .
Most of the central features of the Santa Claus legend , such as his climb down the
chim ney and the switches he leaves for naughty children , are of Dutch origin . His red suit
trim med ( 装饰 ) with white fur originated in the bishop’s tall pointed hat and cape ( 外 套 )
worn by the Dutch saint . His association with reindeer( a kind of deer) and the North Pole ,
however, clearly cam e from Scandinavia . These and other qualities of Santa Claus were
popularized during the 19th century through the stories of W ashington Irving , the cartoons of
Thomas Nast, and the famous 1 , 822 poem by Clem ent Moore , “ A Visit from Saint
Nicholas .”
M ale and fe male European counterparts of Santa Claus include the English Father
Christm as, the German Kris Kringle , the Italian Befana , and Russia ’s grandm otherly
Babouschka . He is also known as Father Christmas in England , Grandfather Frost in
Russia , Pere Noel in France and Saint Nick in the United States . M any of them have been
influenced by the A merican conception of the figure .
W hen I grew up , I believed in this happy old guy ! I was the oldest in the family so
when it cam e time for m e to know the truth and tell my parents that . . .well, you know ! I
had to pretend because my brothers and sisters still believed . It’s always hard to know the
truth when you are growing up because then you think . . .hu m , if I tell my parents, I won’
get any gifts any more . W ell, that turned out to be false . I still got wonderful gifts that I
knew were special . You see , my father worked 3 jobs to support six children . He worked
hard for all of us to make sure we got what we needed to get a good education . I knew how
hard he worked , so each gift I received meant m ore to me than it would for m ost children .
Like most children , we left cookies and milk for Santa . One year I even left a book . He
actually signed my book ! W e had wonderful Family Traditional Christmases . W e still do ,
even though we are now grown with children and grandchildren of our own .
4 . It was through
that the qualities of Santa Claus were popularized during the 19th
century .
A . W ashington Irving’s stories
B . Tho mas Nast’s cartoons
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
C . Clement M oore’s fa mous 1822 poe m ,“ A Visit from Saint Nicholas .”
D . all of above
. W hich of the following is N O T mentioned in the passage ?
A . Dutch settlers in New A msterdam introduced Saint Nicholas into A merica .
B . In Russia , the counterpart of Saint Claus is Grandfather Frost .
C . Each gift I received was very expensive .
D . The author’s father worked very hard to support six children .
. W hich of the following is N O T the feature of Santa Claus ?
A . A guy wearing a red suit trim med with white fur .
B . A guy who is a happy , kind and mid-aged .
C . A guy who is always in company with a reindeer and co mes from the North Pole .
D . A guy clim bing down the chimney and leaving presents to children on Christmas Eve .
. W hen the author grew up and knew the truth of Santa Claus, he
A . continued to get gifts fro m his parents
B . did not get any gifts any more
C . told his brothers and sisters the truth of Santa Claus
D . did not leave cookies and milk for Santa any longer
. The author wrote this passage to
A . tell a Santa Claus legend
B . tell his story of growing up and believing in Santa Claus
C . introduce the legendary figure— Santa Claus and his own story
D . the origin of Santa Claus
In the year 1812 , Louis Braille was a little boy with bright eyes . He lived in a small
town in France . Louis’father had a sm all shop in which he made things of leather . One day
Louis was playing in his father’s shop . He liked to play with pieces of leather, using his
father’s tools . Suddenly he picked up a small tool with a very sharp point and ran off to
play with it . Then the accident happened . The boy tripped and fell, the point of the tool
went into his eye . In that accident he became blind in one eye . Soon he lost his sight of the
other .
Louis would never see again . But he would bring light to the world of the blind . This
is his story .
At ten , Louis went to school for the blind in Paris . There he learned to read the 26
letters of the alphabet . The letters ofthe alphabet are very much alike . They had to be very
big for Louis to feel the difference in their shapes . The teacher made the letters from small
branches of trees . H e then led the blind boy’s fingers along each shape . Next Louis used
books, but they are not books like the ones we use . The teacher had made them . The
letters were cut out of cloth and fixed on the pages . Each letter was very large . The word
“the”would almost fill a page of the book we are using now . Just think how big one of
Test Three
Louis’books would have to be ! And reading it would take a long time .
As Louis grew older, he was more and more eager to learn . But he knew it would take
him five years to learn what a seeing person could learn in one .
Once he said to his father,“I can tell one bird from another by its sound . I can know
the door to my house by feeling it with my hand . But there are so many things which I
cannot hear and feel . Only books can free the blind . But the books we have aren’t good
enough !”Louis wanted to make books that were good enough . Instead of letters he wanted
to use shapes that were easy to tell one from another by touch . He tried different ways but
none of the m would work .
W hile teaching at the school for the blind in Paris, Braille heard of a kind of“night
writing”. It was a code made up for soldiers to“read”messages at night by touching dots
and dashes on the paper . Braille said to himself, “If a seeing person could read it in
darkness , a blind person could read it too .”
From then on , Braille worked and worked , never rested until five years later when he
finally worked out a code . Braille used dots, just as in night writing . He used from one to
six dots within a small space for each letter of the alphabet . By using six dots, he made 63
different arrangem ents . Besides the letters, he could have punctuation ( 标 点 ) m arks and
even short words like‘the’and‘for’. Soon Louis wrote a book using the“ Braille”code .
Louis Braille died in 1852 . But his na me lives on . It lives on as the name of the code
that he invented , the code that is still used by the blind . There are books printed in
Braille . There are magazines, even playing cards in Braille . Braille is the na me of the man
and the code that gave windows to the blind .
9 .“ Louis would never see again . But he would bring light to the world of the blind .”The
author means that Louis would
A . work out a kind of code called“night writing”
B . invent the Braille code of reading for the blind
C . cure the blind of blindness
D . teach at the school for the blind in Paris
10 . W e can infer from the third paragraph that when Louis studied at the school for the
blind in Paris, he found that
A . there were so many things that the blind can’
t hear and feel
B . the letters of the alphabet were very big
C . it was very interesting to study at this school
D . it was very difficult and would take him a long time to study at this school .
11 . W hat does“night writing”mean in paragraph 6 ?
A . It was a code made up for the blind to read by touching dots and dashes on the paper .
B . It was a code m ade up for soldiers to read at night by touching letters .
C . It was a code m ade up for soldiers to read at night by touching dots and dashes on
the paper .
D . It was a kind of writing system that could be used at night .
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
12 . Fro m the information in this passage we know that
A . Louis beca me com pletely blind in an accident when he was a little boy .
B . Louis thought the books the blind had at that time weren’t good enough , so he
wanted to make books that were good enough .
C . Louis’teacher made the letters from small branches of trees and fixed them on the
pages .
D . There is no punctuation marks in a book printed in Braille .
13 .On the whole , Louis Braille is reme mbered as
A . a excellent teacher for the blind
B . a great blind writer
C . the man who invented“night writing”
D . the man who invented the Braille code
Answer the following questions by using the information taken from a dictionary page .
( You may read the questions first .)
crackpot adj . n . infml ., often humor typical of a person with very strange or mad ideas .
crackup n . infml . a sudden failure or loss of control, esp . of the mind and feelings .
cradle n .① a small bed for a baby , esp . one m ade so that it can be m oved gently
from side to side .② the place where something began ; place of origin .③ the
earliest years of one’s life .④ a fram e for supporting som ething being built or
repaired , of for doing certain jobs . v .⑤ to hold gently as if in a cradle .
craft n .① ( a job or trade needing) skill, esp . with one’s hands .② all the mem bers
of a particular trade or profession as a group . ③ skill in cheating people .④ a
boat or ship . v .⑤ esp . A m E to make using skill, esp . by hand .
crash-dive v . ( of a SU B M A RIN ) to sink quickly to a great depth .
crate n .① a box or frame , esp . made of wood , for storing or carrying fruit, bottles,
etc . ② (of) also crateful — the a mount that a crate contains . ③ old-fashion
infml ., a very old car or plane . v .④ to pack into a crate .
14 . W hich meaning of the word“craft”is used in the sentence below ?
He used a certain amount of craft to make the sale .
A . Definition ①
B . Definition ②
C . Definition ③
D . Definition ④
15 . W hich meaning of the word“cradle”is used in the sentence below ?
Kyoto was known as the cradle of Japanese culture .
A . Definition ①
B . Definition ②
C . Definition ③
D . Definition ④
16 . W hat does the word“ crate”mean in the sentence below ?
W e sold ten crates of oranges in two hours .
Test Three
. a box made of wood
. an old truck
. a frame for supporting something
. crateful
A study in the National Academy of Sciences suggested the fact that being born in the
fall may extend a person’s lifespan ( 寿命 ) by a few m onths .
In Austria , those born in the fall lived about 0 .6 years longer than those people born
in the spring , according to an investigation ( 调查 ) . And another study found that people who
were born in Den mark , October to Decem ber lived about three months longer than those
born between April to June .
Gabriele Doblha m mer and Ja mes W . Vaupel who are the scientists of M ax Planck
Institute in Rostock , Germany , also found A ustralian pattern (link between birth month and
lifespan) was a mirror image of that in Northern He misphere ( 半 球 ) . Since the seasons in
Australia are just opposite to those in Northern He misphere .
“The mean age of death of people born in Australia in the second quarter of the year is
78 , ”the authors said ,“Those born in the fourth quarter die at 77 .65 on average .”
The authors believed that nutrition during pregnancy ( 怀孕 ) may be a reason resulting
in the difference . D uring the sum mer and fall, more fruits and vegetables are available , the
authors said , it means that a wom an pregnant during these two seasons could have a better
food choice and their babies would be m uch healthier .
Doblham m er and Vaupel noted that there are m any studies showing that nutrition of a
woman during pregnancy can affect the health of her baby for its lifetime .
17 . The best title for this text is
A . Secret for a Long Life
B . Babies Born in the Autu mn Live Longer
C . Lifespan and Nutrition
D . A Research about a Person’s Lifespan
18 . The underlined word“ mean”in the fourth paragraph m eans
A . average
B . poor
C . fierce
D . old
19 . W hat did Gabriele Doblha m mer and James W . Vaupel find in their research ?
A . They found that in Northern Hemisphere things were just the opposite to those in
Australia .
B . They found that the seasons in Australia are just opposite to those in Northern
Hemisphere .
C . They found that in Northern H emisphere people born in the fall lived longer than
those born in the spring .
D . They found that in Northern H emisphere people born in the fall lived shorter than
those born in the spring .
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
20 . According to the author the reason for the difference of lifespan is
A . the clim ates in different places of the world
B . that a pregnant woman can eat better food during the su m mer and fall
C . that the baby can have a better food choice during the sum mer and fall
D . the nutrition during pregnancy
Test Fo ur
阅读理解 ( 共 20 小题 ; 每小题 2 分 , 满分 40 分 )
阅读下列 短文 , 从每题所 给的四个选 项 A、B、C 和 D 中 , 选出最佳 选项。
At Beijing University , Tsinghua University and People’s
University , 80 per cent graduate students take part-time
jobs . It is reported that this phenomenon is related to
the low allowance ( 补贴 ) for the graduate students .
A graduate student needs at least 600 yuan per
month to survive . But each graduate only gets an
allowance of 260 yuan on average in these three
universities , according to an investigation ( 调查 ) .
“In 1980s , graduate students pay a little for education , but
now they should pay 1 0 thousand yuan each yearfortheirtuition fee , ”
said Shi Zulin , a professor of Tsinghua Public Management College .
“It means that graduate students lead a relatively poor life com pared with that in 1980s , ”
the Professor added .
Under such pressure , it is no wonder that the students choose to take up part-time
jobs . But to most of them the part-time job is a time-and-energy consu ming burden .
W ang W enda , a graduate student of Tsinghua U niversity , has a part-time job in the
M otorola Com pany . H e can earn 1 , 500 yuan per month fro m his job . He should go to the
co mpany 20 times per month , so he has little tim e for his study . At the end of the semester,
he found that the textbooks were totally brand new .
Some graduate students even can ’t finish their theses ( 论 文 ) since the part-time job
take up all their time .“ At present, few em ployers care what the students’theses are
about or how well they do , ”said Xu Bo , a professor in the school of Journalism and
co m m unication at W uhan U niversity .“ If the theses can be taken into consideration when
accepting job applicants , it will help students to concentrate on study .” he
concluded .
1 . W hich of the following is Professor Shi Zulin’s opinion ?
A . Now graduate students are poorer than those in 1980s .
B . Now graduate students need to pay m uch m ore m oney for their education than those in
1980s .
C . The allowance for the graduate students is low .
D . Part-time jobs take up a lot of time and energy .
2 . W hich of the following statem ents is wrong ?
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
A . W ang W enda found that taking a part-time job did a lot of good to his study .
B . In 1980s, graduate students paid nothing for their education .
C . To most of the graduate students, taking part-time jobs will affect their study .
D . Now few e mployers take the theses into consideration when accepting job applicants .
3 . The best title for this text is
A . Graduate Students Shouldn’
t Take Part-Time Jobs
B . An Investigation in Part-Time Jobs
C . The Part-Time Job— A Time-and-Energy Consu ming Burden
D . Graduate Students Take Part-Time Jobs
4 .W hat attitude does the author hold for graduate students’taking part-time jobs ?
A . Negative
B . Positive
C . Not stated
D . Ridiculous
T wo m en traveling through a forest together pro mised to help each other whatever
danger threatened the m . They had not gone far when a bear rushed at the m from so me
bushes . O ne man was a good clim ber, and quickly clim bed a nearby tree , but the other,
seeing that he had no chance alone against the bear, fell flat on his back , and pretended to
be dead . The bear ca me up to him , sniffed at him . Thinking him dead ,the bear went off
into the wood again without hurting him . when the bear had gone , the other traveler ca me
down from the tree , and smilingly asked his com panion what the bear had said to him .
“For I could see , ”he said ,“ that he put his m outh close to your ear .”
“ H e told me to tell you , ”replied the other,“that you were a great coward , and that
in future I should not trust those who m ake fine promises , but will not stand by their friends
in danger .”
5 .W e call this kind of text
A . novel
B . essay
C . story
D . fable
6 .W hich of the following state ments is N OT true ?
A . The bear told the man that his friend was a great coward .
B . The two men promised to help each other when danger threatened them .
C . The bear didn’t like to eat something dead .
D . The bear couldn’t climb trees .
7 .W hat lesson can we learn from this text ?
A . W hen you meet with a bear, you should pretend to be dead .
B . You should depend on yourself when in danger .
C . Don’t trust fine promises unless you are sure of the person who makes them .
D . You shouldn’
t trust promises made by others .
In the spring of 1999 , I spoke about China to a group of over eighty A merican second
Test Four
grade students in the U .S . The children were curious about so many things : the Great
W all, pandas, martial arts . M ore than any other subject, however, these young people
were interested in the relationship between Chinese children and their parents .
As I described how Chinese parents raise their children , drawing on the experiences of
my friends and their kids , it occurred to me that parents in the United States and China
differ greatly in their approach to parenting .In the United States, parents tend to encourage
their children to develop their potential( 潜能 ) to the fullest degree — in a word , to dream .
Fathers and mothers frequently put in their children both am bition ( 理 想 抱 负 ) and , as
im portantly , the confidence necessary to work toward their goals .A merican parents tend to
be very positive : they concentrate on what their kids can do , not what they can’t . As a
result, millions of A merican boys and girls grow up hoping to becom e actors and athletes,
statesmen and doctors; many even want to become president .
A merican parents often encourage their children to becom e involved ( 参 与 ) in
extracurricular( 课外的 ) activities of all types at school, such as student govern ment, sports
and music . They believe that only through involvement in these activities can their children
beco me healthy young adults .
Schoolwork is important, to be sure . But parents realize that the social skills their
children learn from natural interaction with their peers in non-scholastic settings are more
useful to develop the skills they will need in the“real world”. W hat’s more im portant in
the office place : a sound knowledge of physics or the ability to com m unicate effectively ?
As a rule , Chinese parents do not help their children to develop the sa me kind of
a mbition and confidence A m ericans put in their children , nor do they encourage the sa me
level of involvement in extracurricular activities . Children are typically told to study hard
and pass exams . Too often , time away from schoolbooks is seen as time wasted .
This approach has created so much pressure for Chinese children that leaders in
Chinese educational circles have issued calls for less homework at the lower grade levels .
Only healthy kids can become healthy adults .M ore and more Chinese parents recognize this .
I am very confident about China’s future .
8 . The writer’s purpose in writing this text is
A . to show his confidence about China’s future
B . to tell the different way of parenting in the United States and China
C . to give a speech about China to a group of A merican second grade students
D . to describe how A merican parents raise their children
9 . In A m erica , fathers and m others often put the ideas of
in their children ’s
minds .
A . involvem ent and natural interaction
B . involve ment and effective com m unication
C . involve ment and a mbition
D . am bition and confidence
10 . W hat does“this approach”refer to in the first sentence of the last paragraph refer to ?
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A . Encouraging their children to dream .
B . Encouraging their children to become involved in extracurricular activities .
C . Chinese parents’approach to parenting .
D . A m erican parents’approach to parenting .
11 . The underlined word“peer”
in the text probably means
A . a person of the same age, class, position , etc . as oneself
B . a classmate
C . a friend
D . a person elder than oneself
12 .W hat can we infer about the author fro m the text ?
A . He is a Chinese who once visited A m erica in 1999 .
B . H e is a Chinese who knows a lot about A merica .
C . H e is an A merican who knows a lot about China .
D . He is an A merican who taught in an A merican school in 1999 .
In Britain all children have to go to school between the ages of 5 and 16 . In the U .S .
children m ust go to school from the age of 6 to between the ages of 14 and 16 , depending on
the state they live in .
In England and W ales the subjects taught in schools are laid down by the National
Curriculu m ( 课程 ) , which was introduced in 1988 and sets out in detail the subjects that
children should study and the levels of achieve mentthey should reach by the ages of 7 , 11 ,
14 and 16 , when they are tested . The National Curriculu m does not apply in Scotland ,
where each school decides what subjects it will teach .
In the U . S . the subjects taught are decided by national and local govern ments .
W hereas British schools usually have prayers and religious instruction , A merican schools are
not allowed to include prayers or to teach particular religious beliefs .
At 16 students in England and W ales take G CSE exa minations . These exa minations are
taken by students of alllevels of ability in any of a range of subjects and m ay include a final
exa mination , an assessment( 评价 ) of work done during the two-year course , or both of these
things . At 18 some students take A-level examinations, usually in no m ore than 3 subjects .
It is necessary to have A-levels in order to go to a university or polytechnic ( 综合技术大学 ) .
In Scotland students take the SC E examinations . A year later, they can take
exa minations called HIG H E RS , after which they can either go straight to a university or
spend a further year at school and take the Certificate ( 证 书 ) of Sixth Year Studies . In
Scotland the university system is different to that in England and W ales . Courses usually last
four years rather than three and students study a larger num ber of subjects as part of their
degrees .
In the U .S . school examinations are not as im portant as they are in Britain . Students
in High Schools do have exams at the end of their last two years , but these final exams are
considered along with the work that the students have done during the school years .
Test Four
In A merican high schools there is a form al ceremony ( 仪式 ) for Graduation . Students
wear a special cap and gown and receive a diploma ( 文 凭 ) fro m the head of the school .
Students often buy a class ring to ear, and a yearbook , containing pictures of their friends
and teachers . There are also special social events at A merican schools . Sports events are
popular, and cheer leaders lead the school in supporting the school team and singing the
school song . At the end of their junior year, at age 17 or 18 , students held in the evening .
The girls wear long evening dresses and the boys wear T U X E D OS( a special jacket) .
In Britain , there are no form al dances or social occasions associated with school life .
So me schools have SP EE C H D A Y at the end of the school year when prizes are given to the
best students and speeches are made by the head teacher and sometimes an invited guest .
However, in m any British schools students and teachers organize informal dances for the
older students .
13 . The subject discussed in this text is
A . education in Britain and the U .S .
B . the subjects and examinations in Britain and the U .S .
C . schools and universities in Britain and the U .S .
D . education in Britain
14 . Prayers and religious instruction are
A . allowed in British and A m erican schools
B . allowed in British schools, but not allowed in A m erican schools
C . not allowed in British and A merican schools
D . allowed in A merican schools , but not allowed in British schools
15 . According to the text, G CSE examinations taken by students aged 16 include any of a
range of subjects and
A . a final examination
B . an assessment of work done during the two-year course
C . both a final examination and an assessm ent of work done during the two-year course
D . either a final examination or an assessment of work done during the two-year
course , or both of the two things
16 . In the last two paragraphs the writer mainly discusses
A . social events in A merican and British schools
B . social events and ceremonies in A merican and British schools
C . cere monies in A merican and British schools
D . school life in A merica and Britain
17 . W hat conclusion can you draw fro m the text about the education in Scotland ?
A . The education in Scotland is the sa me as that in England and W ales .
B . The education in Scotland is not so good as that in England and W ales .
C . The education in Scotland is different from that in England and W ales .
D . The education in Scotland is better than that in England and W ales .
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
Officials at the Olym pic Ga mes taking place in Salt Lake City , Utah , say they have
met their environ mental goals . Their environ mental progra m helped Salt Lake City win the
right to hold the Games this year . However, environm ental groups in Utah say efforts by the
Salt Lake Organizing Com mittee have not been successful . They say developers are doing
permanent( 永久性的 ) harm to the area .
The Olympic goal of protecting the environ ment began in 1994 with the Winter Ga mes
in Lilleham mer, Norway . Norway recognized that major sport events like the Olym pics could
have a harmful effect on the surrounding environ ment .
Protection of the environm ent is now officially one of the three goals of the Olym pic
movement . The other goals are sports and culture . Today , m any cities seeking to hold the
Oly mpic Games promise to offer greater protection for the environ ment .
Organizers in Utah say they worked with many organizations for years to develop
environmental programs in preparation for the Games . Some of these projects include a
forestry program . It is expected to result in eighteen million trees being planted around the
world . Organizers also promised other efforts to make the air cleaner and to im prove the
way .
However, an environ mental group called Save Our Canyons says the Salt Lake Olym pic
Com mittee made pro mises that it has not kept . For exam ple , activists criticized ski ju mps
that were built into the sides of mountains . They also criticized officials for permitting trees
to be cut down and new roads built for the Olympic Ga mes . They said better public
transportation is needed to help decrease pollution during the Ga mes . And they said not
enough is being done to reduce energy use . Lawyers for Save Our Canyons say the Olym pics
are being used as an excuse to permit develop ment that normally would be unacceptable
under current environ mental laws .
However, Olympic organizers say the group findings contained many mistakes and
failed to recognize other environ mental programs .
The director of Save Our Canyons says the group is not against the Olym pics . She says
the group wants to pass on what it has learned to other cities considering holding the
Oly mpic Games in the future .
18 . According to this text, the group Save O ur Canyons thinks that
A . cities that consider holding the Oly mpic Ga mes should pay more attention to the
protection for the environ ment
B . current environ mental laws forbid holding the Oly mpic Games in Salt Lake City
C . the Salt Lake Oly mpic Com mittee has kept its promises
D . holding the Olym pic Games will do permanent harm to the environ ment of a city
19 . W hich of the following statements is N O T true ?
A . Major sport events like the Olympics might have a bad effect on the surrounding
environ ment .
Test Four
B . Organizers in Utah promised to plant a lot of trees , to make the air cleaner and to
im prove the way .
C . Enough has been done to reduce energy use .
D . The group called Save Our Canyons wants to pass on what it has learned to other
cities that want to hold the Olym pic Games in the future .
20 . This text mainly discusses
A . three goals of the Olym pic move ment— protection of the environ ment, sports and
B . the Olympic goal of protecting the environ ment is met in the Olym pic Ga mes taking
place in Salt Lake City , Utah
C . the efforts of protecting the environ ment by the Salt Lake Organizing Co m mittee have
not been successful
D . the disagreement between the organizers and environ mental groups on the Olym pic
goal of protecting the environm ent
Test Five
阅读理解 ( 共 20 小题 ; 每小题 2 分 , 满分 40 分 )
阅读下列 短文 , 从每题所 给的四个选 项 A、B、
C 和 D 中 , 选出最佳 选项。
One of the greatest sea tragedy that has ever occurred was
that of the steamship Titanic . It was the first trip of the
giant ship . There were more than two thousand people
aboard on their way to the United States from England .
On the night of April 14 , 1912 , the sea was calm . The
weather was beautiful . People were dancing in the
spacious salon . Music , laughter and singing could be
heard everywhere .The thought of danger was far away .
Suddenly , just before midnight , the sailor on guard cried ,
“An iceberg !”Before the ship could change her course , the iceberg had
torn a huge hole in the bottom of the ship . Nothing could be done . The ship began to sink
and the passengers tried to escape , but there weren’t enough lifeboats . Another ship was
passing nearby . The Titanic fired rockets into the air in order to get the other ships’help .
It could have saved most of the passengers , but it did not even stop . More than two-thirds of
the passengers went down with the Titanic . It was one of the greatest sea disasters of all
time . The new ship went down the sea . More than fifteen hundred people lost their lives .
1 . According to the text , which of the following statements is right ?
A . The sea tragedy occurred in the nineteenth century .
B . All the passengers were killed in the sea accident except the captain .
C . The sea tragedy happened just because the thought of danger was far away .
D . The tragedy happened in such a hurry that the shipmen could do nothing to stop it .
2 . Before the ship sank ,
A . the weather wasn’t fine
B . the people were enjoying the beautiful night
C . the sailors were not on duty D . there had been a big hole in the botto m of the ship
3 . W hich do you believe is the best opinion ?
A . If the ship wasn’
t new , the tragedy would not have happened .
B . In case the other ship gave a hand in time, more passengers would have been rescued .
C . If there had been more lifeboats on the ship , the ship would not have sunk .
D . On condition that there were no icebergs , then there must have been fewer
passengers who lost their lives .
4 . The Titanic fired rockets in the air
A . because another ship which was passing did not give any help
Test Five
B . in order to calm all the frightened passengers on the ship
C . to send signals to ask for help from the land
D . in order to stop another ship for help
5 . The best title of the story should be
A . The M ost Dangerous Voyage
B . A Sea Tragedy
C . The Terrible Iceberg
D . A Regretful Ship
At the beginning of the century there was a big farm near Los Angeles in California
called the Hollywood Ranch . A few years later Hollywood was one of the most fa mous places
in the world . From the 1910s to the 1950s H ollywood was the film center of the world .
Every family knew the names of its film stars— Charles Chaplin , Greta Garbo , Ingrid
Berg man , and hundreds more .
The reason why people went to Hollywood to make films was the sun . At first people
made films in New York on the East Coast of the U nited States . But then they heard about
Los Angeles where there are 350 days of sun every year . As they made all the films by
sunlight, the W est Coast was a m uch better place to work . Also near Hollywood you can
find m ountains and sea and desert . They did not have to travelfar to make any sort of film .
The first films were silent . Today we still watch so me of the silent comedies by Charles
Chaplin . In the late 1920s, came the“talkies”, you could hear the people speaking and
listening to the music . In the 1930s , there were fa mous musicals and gangster films . New
film stars appeared .
After the war at first Hollywood was very successful but then television beca me
popular . People no longer went to the cinema . So H ollywood started making films for
television . Then in the 1970s they discovered that people still went to the cine ma to see big
expensive films such as Jaws or Star W ars . After seventy years they are still making films in
Hollywood and people watch them all over the world .
6 . W hy did people go to the big farm called H ollywood to m ake films ?
A . Because if they go there to make a film , they would become famous in the world .
B . Because all the films could be made on the big farm .
C . Because it has fine weather and good sightsthere and itis suitable for people to make films .
D . Because there is no television there .
7 . According to the text, which of the following statements is true ?
A . People began to make talkies in the early 1920s .
B . Near Hollywood there are mountains, sea and desert so people have difficulty making films .
C . People began to m ake m usical and gangster films in the 1930s .
D . Since television became popular Hollywood have made films only for television .
8 . From the text you can learn that
A . Only in Hollywood fam ous films can be m ade
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B . There are only the film makers living in the film city , Hollywood without any other people
C . Before the late 1920s people had to only see the films made by Charles Chaplin for
am use ment
D . The fam ous Hollywood’s history and develop ment
An 85-year-old couple , having been m arried alm ost 60 years, died in a car crash .
They had been in good health the last ten years mainly due to her interest in health food ,
and exercise . W hen they reached the heaven , St . Peter took them to their m ansion which
was decked out with a beautiful kitchen master bath suite . As they“oohed and aahed”the
old man asked Peter how much all this was going to cost .“It’s free , ”Peter replied ,“this
is heaven .”Next they went out back to survey the cham pionship golf course that the ho me
backed up to . They would have golfing privileges ( 特权 ) every day and each week the course
changed to a new one representing the great golf course on earth . The old man asked ,
“ W hat are the green fees ?”Peter’s reply ,“This is heaven , you pay for free .”
Next they went to the club house and saw the lavish buffet( 自助餐 , 快餐 )lunch with the
cuisine ( 菜肴 , 饭菜 ) of the world laid out .“ How m uch to eat ?”asked the old m an “
. Don’
you understand yet ? This is heaven , it is free !”Peter replied with som e exasperation ( 恼
怒 ) .“ W ell, where are the low fat and low cholesterol( 胆固醇 ) table ?”the old man asked
timidly . Peter lectured ,“That’s the best part you can eat as much as you like of whatever
you like and you never get fat and you never get sick . This is Heaven .” With that the old
man went into a fit of anger, throwing down his hat and stam ping on ( 踩 ) it, and shrieking
wildly . St . Peter and his wife both tried to calm him down , asking him what was wrong .
The old man looked at his wife and said , “ That’s all your fault ! If it weren’t for your
blasted ( 该死的 ) bran m uffins ( 麦麸松饼 ) , I could have been here ten years ago !”
9 . According to the text, which of the following state ments is true ?
A . The old couple went to heaven one by one .
B . Before they went to heaven , the old man had been in good health .
C . W hen they lived in our world , the old man had had a special diet due to his illness .
D . St . Peter followed the old couple to the seventh heaven .
10 .“ W hat are the green fees ?”Here the“green”means
A . the old man referred to the green land
B . golfing privileges
C . the great golf course on earth
D . Lacking sophistication or worldly experience , new hand
11 “
. With that the old man went into a fit of anger, throwing down his hat and sta mping on
( 踩 ) it, and shrieking wildly”. The reason is that
A . before he went to heaven , he had tried to live long
B . he had suffered a lot because of the bad diet
C . he had tried his best to go to heaven but his wife had stopped him
Test Five
D . in heaven he could do everything he likes if his wife would not follow him
12 . In your opinion ,
A . Heaven is the best place and all of people hope to go and live there
B . Heaven might be the ideal place where the people want to go after they die if they
are Christians
C . everyone would continue to live in another world after they die
D . in the western countries all the people would go to heaven after their death
Life was pretty terrible for most people in London 100 years ago . They had to put up
with noise , smoke and dirt . The noise came from the railway , and the sm oke and dirt fro m
the trains and the thousands of chimneys all around them . The smoke often mixed with fog
and hung in the air for days . Disease killed thousands of children . Families were large but
often five out of seven children would die before they were five years old .
Is life really better than it was 100 years ago ?Itis certainly true that people live longer than
they used to, travel faster than they could and own more things than they did . Butthey still have
to put up with noise, overcrowding and bad air . They are still a basic part of modern life .
100 years ago there was a clear difference between town and country . Butthe motor car
has changed all that . One motorway can take up a huge amount of land . Cars are also a
basic part of modern life .
But industry and modern life do not have to be enemies of beauty . W e can have both
beauty and progress . W e need clean river and open countryside just as much as people did
100 years ago . But it’s beco ming more and more difficult to have open land , clear water
and open air .
13 . The underlined phrase
“ put up with”means
A . live with
B . fight against C . remove
D . bear
14 . The difference of the life between now and 100 years ago is
A . that people in the past had a wonderful life in the clean air and could live longer
B . that now life is better than it was 100 years ago except the pollution
C . modernizations are bad to the hu man beings in the world
D . the life long ago was comfortable but now the life is too quick .
15 . The last sentence of the text means
A . industry is the enem y of the modern life if there is no pollution
B . industry and m odern life are not enemies but they are about to be
C . there is a long way to go to get rid of industry pollution
D . we can have both beauty and progress , but we should try our best to deal well with
the relationship between the modern life and industry .
Dolan began swim ming at age 5 , because his older sister Kathleen was a swim mer .
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“ W hatever she did , I wanted to beat her, ”he says . W hile he says he was a“poor rat”as
a child , he didn’t aggressively pursue swim ming until his fresh man year in high school .
Golf was his favorite sport then — he played for his high school team until his junior year .
Dolan grew up in Arlington , Virginia , and his early develop ment as a swim mer was
under the guidance of Rick Curl . At the U niversity of Michigan , he trained under head
coach Jon Urbanchek , who helped M old Dolan into an Olym pic cham pion . During breaks
from school, Dolan would reunite with Rick , and in the lead-up to Sydney , he has returned
ho me full time . In April 2000 , Dolan told the Detroit Free Press“ My whole career I had
gone back and forth , but now I’m spending the whole year with Rick . But where I go and
swim , I’
ll always be linked to and to Jon , just as I will to Rick .”
Dolan was 18 when he entered the 1994 World Championships . He remembers being near to
all the big stars and noticing they were staring at him . He won the 400 IM title in world record
time . He successfully defended his world title four years later Perth , Australia .
Dealing with asth ma and poor air quality , Tom Dolan could barely breathe at the 1996
Atlanta Games . But as the reigning world Champion and world record-holder in the
400- meter individual medley , he was determined to win Olym pic gold , “ M y legs were
burning pretty bad , and I couldn’t get any oxygen . I knew it was between me and Eric ,
and I just gave it everything I had coming into the wall, ”says Dolan . He touched first, just
ahead of fellow-A merican Eric , who got the silver .
Dolan was engaged upon swim ming .
A . At the age of five
B . W hen he was at junior school
C . At the high school
D . In April 2000
. W ho made Dolan ready to become an Oly mpic cha mpion ?
A . Kathleen
B . Rick Curl C . Jon Urbanchek
D . Detroit Free Press
. In 1998 in Perth , Australia ,
A . Dolan was defeated in the 400- meter individual medley
B . he won the 400 IM title in world record time
C . Dolan was 18 years old
D . He touched first, just ahead of fellow-A merican Eric
. According to the text, which of the following statements is correct ?
A . Dolan has kept a close touch with Rick , Michigan , and Jon .
B . At the 1996 Atlanta Games touched first very easily .
C . Dolan was determined to win Olympic gold in Perth but failed .
D . Dolan’s childhood was spent in Michigan .
. The writer wants to tell the readers
A . the growth of an athlete and his achievements
B . the coach of the athletes is very important
C . a world cham pion has many powerful rivals in the world
D . an athlete is a popular person all over a country
16 .
Test Six
阅读理解 ( 共 20 小题 ; 每小题 2 分 , 满分 40 分 )
阅读下列 短文 , 从每题所 给的四个选 项 A、B、C 和 D 中 , 选出最佳 选项。
There are a nu mber of measuresthat we can taketo repair
so me of the da mage we have inflicted on the earth’s
atmosphere and our environment .
Acid-affected lakes and forests can be treated with
powderedlime . Oncethe acidity has been rem oved , fish
can return to the treated waters and young trees will
grow healthily in the soil . But treatm ent with lim e
can do nothing to reserve the dying process that has
already begun , or control the source of the acid pollution .
Re-afforestation program mes ( 再造林计划 ) involving the
large-scale planting oftrees would increasethe carbon“ sink ”, aterm used
to describe the way in which trees rem ove the carbon dioxide ( 二 氧 化 物 ) from the air . To
absorb the total output of man- made C O 2 in the world today , however, an area of tropical
forest, the size of Europe , from the Atlantic to the Urals, would have to be planted .
There has been some success in the fight to protect the ozone layer( 臭氧层 ) , with the
develop ment of“ozone friendly”products manufactured without using C FCS ( 氟氯化 物 ) . In
1992 the phrase-out date for CF CS was brought forward to 1995 .Developing countries were
given to a further ten years from this date , and financial assistance was promised for the
develop ment of CFCS-free chemicals .
1 . If we use powdered lime to remove the pollution ,
A . we can rescue the dying process that has already begun
B . it couldn ’t help to reserve the dying process or control the source of the acid
C . the treatment will have great effect on the acid pollution to the dying process
D . there will be great use to control the source of the acid pollution
2 . The large-scale planting of trees
A . would decrease the carbon in the earth’s atmosphere made by the hu man activities
B . can control the am ount of dioxide in the air
C . has nothing to do with the carbon dioxide in the air
D . is a good method for rem oving the acid pollution
3 . According to the text, how to protect the ozone layer ?
A . W e can m end it with the natural ozone layer step by step .
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B . W e can have it repaired with some other ozone layer .
C . C FCS is a success to protect the ozone layer .
D . Something special made by us can be useful to protect the ozone layer without CFCS .
4 . W hich of the following statem ents is true according to the text ?
A . There are all the m easures to repair the damage we have done to the environ ment .
B . W e have destroyed water, air and ozone layer co mpletely .
C . M an has realized the importance of the living environ ment and has taken so me
effective measures to protect it .
D . W e have no difficulty with Re-afforestation program mes and the protection of the zone
layer .
A visit to a m useu m contributes to our education . The British M useu m is a great
building in London , notfar fro m London U niversity . Thousands of visitors go to it every year
to see the rare , strange and beautiful things it contains . W hat interests many people more
than anything else is the large library , in which there are millions of books . You can find
any English book you want there , and m any books in foreign languages or translated into
English . The library is also a reading room , with tables and chairs for students who wish to
study ; but if you wantto borrow books to read there you mustfirst get a reader’s ticketfro m
the office . One cannot borrow books to take away .
In other parts of the museu m there are rooms and halls containing things which have
been brought from countries all over the world . They help us to understand the history of
foreign lands , and the people who live in them . Som e of the things which have been dug up
in places where old cities once stood , and put in the museum , were being worn or used by
men and wom en many thousands of years ago . These cities now lie buried , covered with
many feet of earth .
On the way out you can buy pictures of the most interesting things that are shown in the
museu m .
5 . W hy do many people like visiting m useu ms ?
A . Because they like sightseeings in the museums .
B . Because people like to go there if they have nothing to do .
C . Because m useu ms give the m relaxation from their work and study
D . Because visits to museu ms can contribute to their education .
6 . W hat interests people more than anything else in the m useu m ?
A . The structure of the building
B . Its large library
C . The sights of London
D . The history of the library
7 .
can not be seen in the British M useum .
A . W orn clothes thousands of years ago B . Books in many foreign languages
C . Modern arts and industrial products
D . Assistants working in it
8 . As a foreigner, if you have a chance to go to the m useu m , you would think
Test Six
A . U K used to be a great country to get so many things showed in the museu m
B . U K shows its long history in the form of the great m useu m
C . U K spent a lot of money to get these things fro m other countries
D . all the books are not allowed to be borrowed away in order not to cause them lost
9 . From the text we can infer that
A . the British M useum is the best museum in the world
B . the M useu m is the greatest cultural center of Britain
C . the author just gave us a general idea about the British M useu m
D . people in Britain may feel proud of the great museum
Hugh Troy was a well-known artist who spent m ost of his perpetrating ( 做错 事 ) frauds
( 欺骗 )for the joy of it . One winter in the 1920s, being a student at Cornel University in
Ithaca, New York , Troy got hold of a hideous ( 十 分 丑 恶 的 ) old wastebasket with a real
rhinoceros ( 犀 牛 ) foot as its base . He filled it with metal weights and tied 30 feet of
clothesline to either side . Late one night he and a friend carried it out onto ca mpus
suspended ( 悬浮的 ) between them . Every few feet they would lower it into the snow , their
own footprints so far away as to raise no suspicious ( 怀 疑 ) . The next morning so meone
noticed the prints and su m m oned learned professors . Excitedly , they followed the rhinoceros
tracks . The trail led out onto the ice covering Beede Lake , which connected to the school’s
source of drinking water . There the tracks ended in a gigantic ( 巨大的 ) hole . It is said that
half the population of Cornell stopped drinking tap water . Those who continued to drink it
swore it tasted like rhinoceros .
10 . Hugh Troy
A . was a fa mous artist and he always did so mething wrong in his work
B . enjoyed fooling others with a real rhinoceros foot
C . did so mething wrong with a real rhinoceros foot to cheat others as a college student
D . used to be a naught boy when he was at Cornel U niversity in Ithaca , New York
11 . Hugh troy carried the wastebasket with a real rhinoceros foot with a clothesline
A . at one end of the line near the basket
B . at both ends of the line away from the basket
C . to pull the basket along
D . to steal it fro m the campus
12 . W hy did they lowered the real rhinoceros foot every few feet ?
A . Because the basket was too heavy to carry .
B . He wanted to make fun of it .
C . He just want to let people believe that there was a real rhinoceros walking there .
D . His friend was afraid to do this and put down the basket every few feet .
13 . W hy did those who continued to drink tap water swore it tasted like rhinoceros ?
A . Because they had seen the rhinoceros walking to the source of drinking water .
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B . Because they hated H ugh so m uch and they made up the taste of the water .
C . Because H ugh had cheated them and put something like rhinoceros into the water .
D . Because they doubted that the rhinoceros had really walked to the source of drinking
water .
London in the 17th century was attractive . There was a beautiful cathedral, and a
magnificent Town Hall . Also , there were many attractive churches and magnificent
buildings . There was a large bridge across the River Tham es . However, the m ajority of the
half a million inhabitants of the city lived in sm all houses in narrow , dirty streets . People
threw their dirty water and rubbish into the street . Because of this , there was a strong smell
and there were many rats and flies .
On Septe mber 2nd , 1666 , at about three o’clock in the morning , a fire suddenly
started in a baker’s shop . There was a strong wind and the fire spread quickly from one
street to the next . The fire lasted three days and destroyed 13 , 200 houses and 88 churches,
and many other im portant buildings . This was the end of the old city of London .
14 . According to the text London
A . used to be a beautiful city with fine buildings and good environ ments of living
B . was attractive but people there did not like it
C . was beautiful and people there lived in good houses
D . had beautiful buildings , but bad living conditions because of som e people’s bad
15 . W hat was the cause of the big fire ?
A . The baker set a fire because he wanted to destroy his old house .
B . Someone found there would be a strong wind and set the fire on purpose .
C . All the British were eager to have a new London city .
D . The author did not tell the readers about it .
16 . Fro m the text we can conclude that
A . thanks to the big fire in 1666 , we can have a new London now
B . london used to be a wonderful city and now it is more attractive
C . in the history of London there was a big fire which destroyed the old city
D . the inhabitants of London were eager to rebuild the city
“ Unless I get a rise , I’
ll have a talk with the boss, Henry M anley , ”George Strong
said to himself . George liked his job and he liked the town he lived in , but his wife kept
telling him that his pay was not enough to meet the needs of the family . That was why he
was thinking of taking a job in Birmingham , a nearby city about 50 miles away . H e had
been offered a job in a factory there , and the pay was better .
Test Six
George lived in W yeford , a middle-sized town . He really liked the place and didn’t
want to move so mewhere else , but if he took the job in Birmingham , he would have to m ove
his fa mily there .
Henry M anley was the manager of a small com pany producing electric motors . The
co mpany was in deep trouble because, among other reasons , the Japanese were selling such
things at very low prices . As a result, Manley had to cut his own prices and profits as well,
otherwise he would not get any orders at all . Even then orders were still not coming in fast
enough , so that there was no money for rises for his workers . Somehow , he had to struggle
along and keep his best workers as well . He sighed . Just then the telephone rang .
His secretary told him that George Strong wanted to see him as soon as possible .
M anley sighed again . H e could guess what it was about . Strong was a very young engineer .
The co mpany had no future unless it could attract and keep men like him . M anley rubbed
his forehead , his problem see med endless .
17 . The reason why George Strong was thinking of going to work in Birmingham was that
A . his wife was already there
B . Henry asked him to go
C . he could earn more money there
D . it was a beautiful place
18 . W hich of the following statements is true according to the text ?
A . The trouble was that George’s family was too large to support .
B . George’s wife requested him to ask for more pay .
C . George’s wife didn’
t like the city they lived in .
D . George had been looking for a new job for a long time .
19 . W hat Manley was worrying about is that
A . he had no orders
B . his prices were too high
C . his best em ployee was leaving him
D . he had to lower his prices
20 . W e can infer from the passage that
A . George worked for a co mpany with good profits
B . the Japanese controlled the markets of electric motors in Britain
C . Henry’s com pany sold their products under cost price
D . Henry’s com pany was managed by George and his wife
Test Seven
阅读理解 ( 共 20 小题 ; 每小题 2 分 , 满分 40 分 )
阅读下列 短文 , 从每题所 给的四个选 项 A、B、C 和 D 中 , 选出最佳 选项。
Some people have very good me mories , and can easily learn
quite long poems by heart . There are other people who can
only re mem ber things when they have said them over and
over .
Charles Dickens , the fa mous English author , said that
he could walk down any long street in London and then
tell you the nam e of every shop he had passed . M any
great men of the world have had wonderful memories .
A good memory is a great help in learning a language .
Everybody learns his own language by remem bering what he hears
when he is a small child . Some children—like boys and girls who live
abroad with their parents—seem to learn two languages almost as easily as one . In school it
is not easy to learn a second language because the pupils have so little time for it, and they
are busy with other subjects as well .
The hu man mind is rather like a camera , but it takes photographs not only of what we
see but of what we feel, hear, smell and taste . W hen we take a real photograph with a
ca mera , there is much to do before the photograph is finished and ready to show to our
friends . In the sa me way there is m uch work to be done before we can make a picture
remain forever in the mind .
1 . How do most people reme mber things according to the text ?
A . Most people rem ember things as soon as they com e across them .
B . M ost people re mem ber things through repeating the m over and over .
C . M ost people re mem ber things by accident .
D . Most people rem ember things with others re minding .
2 . A person , like Charles Dickens,
A . likes rem em bering the na mes of the shops
B . can write novels by m emory
C . can learn languages very quickly
D . can learn things easily by heart
3 . W hat should we do with the photographs we have taken in order to show them to our
friends ?
A . W e should remem ber what we have taken .
Test Seven
B . The film has to be developed first .
C . M ake a picture rem ain forever in our minds .
D . Take a real photograph with our friends .
4 . Good m emory is im portant
A . only in learning a foreign language
B . because it is very helpful in learning languages
C . if we should memorize a long poem
D . to do any job
5 . According to the text which of the following statements is right ?
A . Only great men have good me mory .
B . Me mory is important only in learning foreign languages .
C . Me mory is like a ca mera in some ways.
D . M em ory is a cam era .
W e find ourselves telling each other the deeper details of our lives . . .things we don’
even share with our families . But what is a friend ? A lover ? A shoulder to cry on ? A
confidant( 密友 ) ? An ear to listen ? A heart to feel ? A friend is all of these things and
more . No matter where we met, no m atter how long we’ve been together . . .I call you a
friend . A word so sm all, yet so large in feeling , a word filled with emotion , a word
overflowing ( 溢出 ) with love . Truly great things co me in small packages . O nce the package
of friendship has been opened , it can never be closed . It is a constant book always
waiting . . . waiting to be read . . .and enjoyed . W e may have our disagree ments . . .we may
have our disappointments . . .we may argue . . .we m ay concern one another . . .friendship is
a unique bond ( 独特的联结 ) that lasts through all tribulations . Apart of each of us goes into
our friendship . . . our humor . . . our experiences . . . our tears . Friendships are
foundations . . .necessary for life and love .
6 . W hat is a friend according to the text ?
A . A love .
B . A confident .
C . A heart to feel .
D . All the things above and more .
7 .“ . . .things we don’t even share with our families .”means
A . fa milies are not only friends whom we know , like , and trust but blood relatives
B . we feel lonely in our family and we like to keep something in secret from families
C . there is something special for individual that we can share with friends but families
D . we should keep secrets fro m fa milies .
8 . Friendship
A . is a kind of special motion
B . seems to be a constant book
C . seems like a continuous unique bond
D . all of the above
W earing the wrong type of glasses will do harm to your eyes . This is not true for
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adults, although incorrect glasses m ay be not good for children under 10 . Ready made
glasses, and not wearing glasses when you should , won’t do harm to your eyes , but you
may see better with glasses that are specially made for you .
W atching too m uch television is bad for your eyes . This is not true . People with easily
affected eyes m ay find they get red and aching fro m staring at a fixed distance for long
periods, but there won’t be any lasting effects .
Carrots will help you see in the dark . Carrots are rich in beta carotene ( 胡萝 卜 素 ) ,
which the body can change into vitamin A , too little of which cause night blindness .
However, people in most countries don’
t need to worry about vitamin A deficiency ( 缺乏 ) .
Night blindness is more likely to be connected with another vision ( 视力 ) problem .
9 . According to the text, which of the following state ments is true ?
A . It is harmful for children’s eyes to wear the wrong glasses .
B . Ready- made glasses will do harm to one’s eyes .
C . Children’s body is unable to change beta carotene into vitamin A .
D . W atching too much television may do harm to our eyes .
10 . W atching too m uch television can cause
A . night blindness
B . lasting eyes problem
C . a nu m ber of vision problem
D . eye trouble for a time
11 . Fro m the text we can know that
can help you see better .
A . performing eye exercises
B . cutting back on the television
C . wearing special- made glasses
D . eating more carrots
12 . The author of the article wants to tell us mainly about
A . the im portance of our eyes
B . how to protect our eyes
C . to have more carrots
D . something more about how to protect our eyes
If a plane is standing on the ground , the air pressure on all its different parts is the
sa me . This air pressure is increased or reduced when the plane moves .
There are four forces which act on a plane as it flies through the air . Because of the
earth’s gravitation , a drawing force towards its center always pulls the plane downward .
Drag prevents and delays the forward movem ent of the plane . Drag is caused by the opposite
force the air frame or the body of the plane offers as it moves through the air and by the
whirling ( 旋转 ) or turning move ments of air which form near edges of the lifting surfaces of
the plane . W eight and drag are successfully defeated by thrust, a forceful forward
movement, and lift, an upward air pressure on the wings of the plane . Thrustis provided or
supplied by the engines which drive the plane forward . As the plane moves forward , the air
flowing over the wings produces lift to raise the plane offthe ground , and keep it in the air .
The upper surface of a plane wing is made a rounded line at the leading edge while the
Test Seven
under surface is almost flat to give the highest lift/ drag ratio ( such as 2 : 1 or 3 : 2 ) . A
rounded nose , smoothly rounded top and a sharp tail is known as aerofoil( 翼型 ) shape or the
shape of the wings , the fin or tail plane of a planed . This particular shape makes air flow
faster and farther over the wing than under it . Pressure above the wing is reduced and the
wing is given lift . The a mount of lift increases with the speed of the plane .
13 .W hen the plane moves , the air pressure on its body is
A . the same
B . changing
C . unchanging
D . neither A nor B nor C
14 . In the picture , A , B , C , D stand for
A . the earth’s gravitation , drag , lift, thrust
B . drag , lift, thrust, the earth’s gravitation
C . lift, thrust, the earth’s gravitation , drag
D . thrust, the earth’s gravitation , drag, lift
15 . W hich of the following statements is true ?
A . The faster the plane flies the easier it rises .
B . The upward force is the faster the plane goes up .
C . The drag force is the faster the plane flies .
D . The sharp lending edge of the wing increases the air flowing over it .
16 . The upper surface of a plane wing is made a rounded line because
A . it looks better than it is rough
B . the designers want to show off their skills
C . it may reduce the wind resistance to an aircraft
D . it can reduce the gravity of the earth
There are stock m arkets ( 股票市场 ) in large cities of many countries . Stock markets in
Paris, London , Tokyo , Shanghai and New York are among the largest and most wellknown . The stock , also called stock exchange , is a place where people can buy or sell
shares of a factory or company . And each share means certain ownership of a factory or
co mpany . Different people go to stock markets . Some are rich , who wantto get m ore money
than they have . Others are not very rich , who buy stocks to try to beco me rich . Still others
buy stocks as part of their plan to save money . Of course , investing ( 投 资 ) money in the
stock market is not the safest way to make money . No one can tell exactly whether the
shares will be doing well . The factory or com pany may do badly . Then the stocks will go
down , and the investors will lose money . The stock may go up or down for a num ber of
untold reasons . Everyone wants the stock to go up , but sometim es even if a factory or
co mpany does a good job , the stock m ay still go down .
No wonder going to the stock m arket is often co mpared to ga mbling ( 赌 博 ) . All are
eager to make m oney by“gam bling”in the stock market . Factories and co mpanies that need
money are pleased that so many people are willing to“ga mble”. Indeed , the stock market is
an attractive and com plex part of the business world .
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17 . Even if you are a good investor,
in the stock market .
A . you can always make money
B . you can tell exactly when the stock goes up or down
C . you may sometimes lose money
D . your ga mbling is always safe
18 . The word“com plex”in the last sentence probably means
A . com plete
B . worthy
C . difficult
D . modern
19 . Factories and com panies are pleased that so many people“gam ble”because
A . they can make the m rich
B . they need more people to work for the m
C . they need their money to do business
D . some people win and so me lose
20 . The text wants to tell us m ainly about
A . how to buy or sell shares
B . A B C of stock market
C . the stock m arket is like ga mbling
D . investing money in the stock market is not the safest way
Test Eight
阅读理解 ( 共 20 小题 ; 每小题 2 分 , 满分 40 分 )
阅读下列 短文 , 从每题所 给的四个选 项 A、B、C 和 D 中 , 选出最佳 选项。
British people have a lot of custo ms and habits . Being
English learners , the middle school students should learn
so mething about them . Three“IN G S”are the m ost famous .
The three“ IN G S ”refer to betting , drinking and
tipping . The ending for each of them is IN G . As we
know , the British people are great lovers of betting .
They bet on many things , but they bet mainly on
sports activities , such as horse racing . It is a
ga mbling ( 赌博 ) sport . This means thatthey will risk money on
a race or on some other events of which the result is doubtful . Not
only the am ount ofthe betted money but also the nu mber ofthe people who
take part in it is very large .
Drinking is another habit of the British people . M ost men have the habit of drinking
beer, wine and so on . They also drink tea . Their drinking habits are so normal that they
have it in pubs , inns and restaurants from 11 : 00 a .m . to 3 : 00 p .m . and again from 5 : 00
p .m . to 10 : 30 p .m . But som etimes the hours are different in different places . Every day
they have two twenty- minute tea breaks; one is in the morning , the other in the afternoon ,
during which people stop their work and drink tea . It is reported that the British people use
up a quarter of the world total of the tea goods .
Tipping is the last of the three . It m eans you should give a certain amount of m oney to
the person who has served you . The num ber ofthe money depends on the type and extent( 程
度 ) of the service you have received in the hotel, a service charge ( 收费 ) of 10 to 15 percent
will be added to your bill, and you might give som ething extra to the porter who carries your
bags, and you might give some more money to your taxi-driver besides your fee . ( 车费 )
1 . The British people drink
A . only twice a day fro m 11 : 00 a .m . to 3 : 00 p .m .
B . one-fourth of the tea in the world
C . only tea from 5 : 00 p .m . to 10 : 30 p .m .
D . different in the sam e places
2 . W hen you pay your bill at a restaurant in Britain , if the num ber of the money is £150 ,
including the tip you should pay
A . from £150 to £165
B . from £ 165 to £175
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C . from £160 to £165
D . fro m £10 to £20
3 . According to the habit of betting , we can see that the British people
A . are fond of riding horse
B . are interested in sports activities
C . make a decision by betting
D . can foretell( 预言 ) what will happen by betting
4 . The writer wants to tell the readers
A . that the British people have bad habits in life
B . the British habits are better than the Chinese ones
C . som ething about the British culture background
D . you should reme mber to give tips to the British people
Preliminary ( 初 步 的 ) work on the design of suitable walking and stair-clim bing
mechanisms ( 装置结构 ) has already shown that there are no m ajor proble ms in this field ,
and the design of arms with the necessary degrees of freedo m and of hands for both picking
up objects and for gripping ( 紧握 ) and rotating ( 旋转 ) object indefinitely in either direction is
well advanced . Storage batteries ( 蓄 电池 ) or directly fueled cells ( 燃 料电 池 ) will certainly
be well enough developed to provide 1kw for 1 hour with a weight of 20kg or so .
Basically , applied science ( 应用科学 ) starts with the clear understanding of a hu man
need and then uses all the available ( 有 用 的 ) scientific knowledge to help with the
achievement and satisfaction of this need . Helping the housewife by eliminating the routing
operations is outstanding ( 明显的 ) hu man need in the developed countries . The only proble m
is whether a enough nu m ber of applied scientists will have organized and decided to work for
the achievement of this need and will have the necessary financial backing . W e can expect
to see that the developm ent of a robot will serve a purpose in saving people from burning
houses or planes or putting out oil- well fires .
5 . The text wants to tell the readers
A . com puter design
B . robot develop ment
C . stair-climbing m echanism D . the understanding of hu man needs
6 . The purpose of developing the mechanism as mentioned in the first paragraph is to
A . rotate objects
B . help with hu man achievement and satisfaction
C . help housewives with their routine operations in the ho me
D . help a sufficient nu mber of scientists to organize and decide to work for hu man
7 . In the second paragraph the word“eliminating”m eans
A . paying no consideration to
B . defeating
C . killing
D . getting rid of
8 .
is to m eet hum an needs .
Test Eight
A . A necessary financial backing
B . Gaining money
C . Routine operations at home
D . Applied science
9 . In the writer’s opinion , a robot will probably need
A . freedom as hu man beings do
B . so me achievements
C . directly fueled cells
D . scientific knowledge
Kristy , 28 , a cook in La Gross , often wondered what she’d do in a life-threatening
situation . O n August 29 , 1997 , she got her answer . W hile she was driving on a road a big
truck hit its head on a pickup car . The pickup burst into fla mes . Kristy rushed out and ran
to the pickup . Two farmers , Dean Bernhard , 51 , and his brother Donald , 44 , were inside .
W hen she got close , Kristy could see the unconscious driver . The other m an was under
the passenger seat . Said Kristy :“The smells were sickening . I was afraid the truck would
blow up and kill us all .”
The driver of the big truck was struggling to open the passenger door . Kristy rushed to
the driver’s side . Finally they opened the door . She reached in , seized the driver and , to
her horror, felt her hands sink into his chest . She quickly dragged the man to safety on the
roadside , then hurried back . As Kristy started down the ditch ( 水沟 ) with the passenger, the
pickup blew up . She ju m ped on top of him and they both rolled to safety .
W hen the police arrived a while later, Kristy started crying“I
, want my m um . ”
In fact
she cried for the next three months . Today , the two farmers, each the father of two children ,
are good friends with Kristy . To show their deep appreciation , they bought her a ring with
nine diamonds—one for each member of their im mediate families, and the ninth for her .
10 . According to the text which order did Kristy do in a life-threatening situation ?
a . Carried Dean and Donald to safety
b . Rushed to the pickup
c . Surprised herself
d . Saw the truck hit on the pickup
e . Got out of her car
f . W ondered what she’d do in danger
A . e , d , b , a , c ,f
B . d , e , b , a ,f, c
C . f, d , e , b , a, c
D .f, c , e , d , b , a
11 . The sentence in paragraph 1“ The pickup burst into fla mes .”most likely means
A . The pickup was on fire .
B . The pickup started sm oking badly .
C . A terrifying cry ca me out of the pickup .
D . The pickup was broken into pieces .
12 . W hen coming to save Donald and Dean Bernhard , Kristy never thought that she
A . could have any help from others
B . would be successful in saving both of the m
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C . might be killed
D . would be tested in a dangerous situation
13 . W hich of the following best shows Kristy’s true heroism ?
A . She did not feel terrified at the accident .
B . She protected herself as well as the two brothers from harm .
C . She put her life“on the line”to save others .
D . She was regarded as a me mber of Dean’s and Donald’s families .
14 . Kristy cried because she
A . was badly wounded
B . had never experienced such a situation
C . was too excited at the result
D . regretted not putting out the fire
Do you want to know som ething about the history of weather ? Don’t look at the sky .
t look for old weather reports . Looking at tree rings is more important . Correct weather
reports dates back only one century , but so me trees can provide an exact record of the
weather even further back .
It is natural that a tree would grow best in a climate with plenty of sunlight and
rainfall . It is also expected that little sunlight or rainfall would limit the growth of a tree .
The change from a favorable to unfavorable climate can be determined by recording the
pattern of rings in a tree trunk . To find out the weather 10 years ago , count the rings of a
tree trunk from the out side to the inside . If the tenth ring is far from the other rings, then
it is certain that plenty of sunny and rainy weather occurred . Ifthe rings are close together,
then the climate is bad for the tree .
Studying tree rings is im portant not only for the history of weather , but also for the
history of man . In a region of New Mexico you can find only sand — no trees and no
people . H owever , many centuries ago a large population lived there . They left suddenly .
W hy ?
A scientist studied patterns of dead tree rings which had grown there . He decided that
the people had to leave because they had cut down all the trees . Trees were necessary to
make fires and buildings . So , after the people destroyed the trees, they had to move .
In this instance studying tree rings uncovered an exciting fact aboutthe history of man .
15 . Fro m the text we can infer that in a favorable climate
A . tree rings grow close together
B . tree rings far apart
C . trees in New Mexico will grow big and tall
D . people can cut down most of the trees in New M exico
16 . W hy did the ancient people usually live where there were plenty of trees ?
A . Trees provided the m with shades .
B . Trees indicated plenty of sunlight and rainfall .
Test Eight
C . Trees were materials for burning and building houses .
D . They could live on the trees from rain and sunlight .
17 . The scientists are studying the trees in order to tell us
A . how old the trees are and we should plant the trees as before
B . whether a particular tree can be found
C . whether people took good care of the trees or not
D . study of trees does help study of hu man history ,so we should protect trees
Minutes of the meeting held in M alupit Com m unity School on W ednesday 14 March at
8∶00 p .m .
Mr Pomat, a Malupit shop owner, called the meeting to find the views ofthe co m munity
on local governm ent plans to close the M alupit Co m m unity School at the end of the present
school year .
Mr Po mat acted as chairm an of the meeting .
He introduced Mr L .Karazin , the Planning Office of the Raval Education Department .
Mr Karazin pointed out that there were now only fifty-three children at M alupit Co m munity
School . This was considered to be too high a nu mber for the forming of two classes and the
e mploy ment of two teachers . Mr Luvako, who had taught at the school for the past twentytwo years, would be retiring from the teaching service in July . The Planning Office wished
to take this opportunity to close the school, because it is expensive to run , and to m ove the
children to two bigger schools in Raval, six miles away .
Mr Jarvis, the mother of an eight-year-old boy at M alupit, asked what would happen
about transport to Raval . Mr Karazin replied that the children would travel by bus . This
would be provided by the Raval Transport Department, and it would take M alupit children to
and from school free of charge .
Another parent, Mr W .Riley , expressed the fear of many parents that closing the local
school would mean that the children of M alupit would not grow up with the same sense of
co m m unity as in the past . They would feel lost in the much larger school in Raval .
Mr Karazin replied thatthe Raval school were not very large , and that, in any case the
children would have to go to Raval later on for education at a high-school level .
The chairman voiced the view of the meeting when he said that there was good reason
to believe that there would soon be more young children living in M alupit . It would be
foolish , he said , to close the school, and then to find that there were more than enough
local children to firm two classes and employ two teachers .
A final point was made by Mr Colmar, a retired businessman , that without M alupit
Com munity School, there would be nowhere big enough for local clubs and organizations to
hold their meetings .
Mr Karazin promised that they would bring these points to the attention of the
Education Department .
Mr Po mat brought the meeting to a close shortly after 9 o’clock .
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18 . The reason for the Planning Office decided to close the school is that
A . there were too many children in each class
B . the schools in Raval were bigger and better
C . it had too few children and it was expensive to run
D . the teacher was retiring and they could not find another
19 . In Mr Karazin’s opinion the M alupit children would
A . go to school in Raval by bus without cost to their parents
B . travel to Raval for schooling in their parents’cars
C . go by bus to and from school at a low cost to parents
D . travel to Raval every day by bus of the Raval Transport Departm ent
20 . W hich of the following statements is right according to the passage ?
A . The passage tells us the M alupit School would not be closed .
B . Mr Po mat was elected chairman of the m eeting .
C . Except Mr Karazin all the attendees had the sa me opinion .
D . Mr Luvako was invited to attend the meeting .
Test Nine
阅读理解 ( 共 20 小题 ; 每小题 2 分 , 满分 40 分 )
阅读下列 短文 , 从每题所 给的四个选 项 A、B、C 和 D 中 , 选出最佳 选项。
Cell phones, pagers, laptop com puters , and personal
digital assistants are being used , bringing increased
productivity and efficiency to millions of users . A survey ,
however, suggests that too much inform ation may be
getting out of hand . From palmtop co mputer e- mail
to cell phone voice mail, controlling these ways
of receiving information is becoming a serious
management problem for the people who use them .
People may feel overwhelm ed , leading them to become
stressed and have less time to spend with their fa mily and friends .
Thus , it is necessary to set up an organizing system for people to
handle the electronic information . W hen people master the digital( 数字 ) organization , it will
greatly sim plify and improve both their professional and personal lives . Without an
organizing system , however, people have to spend a large amount of time looking for
misplaced information .
1 . W hat’s the main purpose of the text ?
A . Tell people the advantages of modern devices( 设备 ) .
B . Tell people to set up an organizing system to handle information .
C . Com plain ( 抱怨 ) of the modern devices .
D . Tell people the disadvantages of modern devices .
2 . How can people get information ?
A . Using cell phones, pagers, laptop co mputers and personal digital assistant .
B . Reading books and magazines
C . W riting letters and attend meetings
D . By phone
3 . W hat does the phrase“get out of hand”mean in sentence 2 of paragraph 1 ?
A . get out of control
B . get im possible
C . get too much
D . get useless
4 . W hat are the advantages of such an organizing syste m ?
A . It can help people to spend time looking for misplaced information.
B . It can help people to handle the electronic information .
C . It can simplify and im prove both their professional and personal lives .
D . both B and C
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The cats started dancing in the 1950s crazily , until all were dead . But it wasn’
t until
1968 that the people of Mina mata , a Japanese fishing village , learned the reason : A
che mical com pany , Chisso , had been du mping industrial waste into Mina mata Bay . By
then , people were dying too , but Chisso refused to take responsibility . W hat turned the tide
was the picture of 17-year-old To moko Ue mura— born blind , speechless and deformed as a
result of mercury ( 汞 ) poisoning— being bathed by her mother . Finallly , Chisso was forced to
clean up the bay . By the time the water was declared safe in 1997 , however, Tomoko had
been dead for 20 years .
5 . W hy did the cats keep dancing until all were dead ?
A . They were crazy.
B . They were am used by something .
C . A chemistry com pany had been dum ping industrial waste .
D . unknown
6 . W hat is mainly contained in the industrial waste ?
A . mercy ( 汞 )
B . lead ( 铅 )
C . phosphorus( 磷 )
D . aluminium ( 铝 )
7 . W hat made the co mpany forced to clean up the bay ?
A . People’s anger
B . T V news
C . A picture of a deformed girl
D . The com pany felt wrong
8 . W hen did the deformed girl die ?
A . 1997
B . 1977
C . 1967
D . 1920
IE L T S : international English language testing system
Introduction : The IELTS is jointly managed by the University of Ca mbridge Local
Examination Syndicate ( 剑桥大学考试委员 ) , the British Council ( 英国文 化委员会 ) and ID P
Education Australia .( 澳洲教育国际开发署 ) .
W hy m ore and m ore people are taking the IE L T S test ?
The IELTS test is widely recognized by the colleges, universities and other academic
institutions ( 学术 机构 ) of Australia , New Zealand , Canada and the United Kingdom . More
and more universities and colleges in the U .S . are also accepting an IELTS result as a
language requirement for application ( 申请 ) to degree courses .
IE LTS is accepted by many important organizations, such as the New Zealand
Im migration Bureau ( 移 民 局 ) , the Australian Im migration and Cultural Department, the
Canadian Im migration Bureau , the Australian Medical Council ( 委 员 会 ) and the British
M edical Association ( 总会 ) .
C hoice of two test types
There are two test m odeles: Acade mic ( 学术 ) and General Training . The candidate ( 考
生 ) m ust select the one suitable to his/ her purpose for taking the test .
Test Nine
Acade mic :for candidates who want to apply for undergraduate or postgraduate courses .
G eneral training : for candidates who take IELTS for im migration purpose , training
program mes , or work experience .
If you have any questions about which type to take , consult ( 咨 询 ) the Examinations
Services staff at the British Council offices .
The test is composed of four papers: Listening , Reading , W riting and Speaking . The
first three papers must be taken at one sitting on one day , and the speaking paper may be
taken up to two days later . Usually in China , the Listening paper is taken on a Saturday
morning , followed by the Reading paper, and then W riting paper . The Speaking test is
usually taken on the Saturday afternoon or on the following Saturday . Candidates m ust
co mplete all four papers in order to obtain an overall score .
9 . How many organizations is IELTS managed by ?
A .6
B .5
C .4
D .3
10 . W hy are m ore and more people taking the IELTS test ?
A .It is widely accepted by m any countries .
B . It is widely recognized by many colleges, institutions and many important
organizations .
C .It’s a proof for people’s ability.
D .It’s interesting and acceptable .
11 . W hat kind of candidates should choose Academic test ?
A . Candidates who want for im migration .
B . Candidates who want for training .
C . Candidates who want for work experience .
D . Candidates who want for undergraduate or postgraduate courses .
12 . If you want to im migrate to Australia , you should take the test for
A . academic
B . general training
C . undergraduate courses
D . training program mes
13 . In China , what’s the test order ?
A . Reading , writing , speaking ,listening .
B . Reading , speaking ,listening , writing .
C . Listening ,reading , writing , speaking .
D . Speaking ,reading ,listening , writing .
People who wake early feel more stressed during the day than those who like to lie in ,
researchers in London have found . Results showed levels of cortisol ( 皮 质醇 ) were highest
a mong those who woke early .
Angela Clow and her colleagues at the University of W estminister asked 42 volunteers
to take saliva ( 唾液 ) sam ple ( 样本 ) eighttimes during the day for two days . They took the first
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sa mple as soon as they woke up . W aking times ranged from 5 : 22 to 10 : 37 a m . A nalysis( 分
析 ) of the saliva from the half who woke earlier— before 7 : 21 am —showed they had higher
levels of cortisol and remained high all day .
In a 10-week follow-up study , Clow found that early risers reported more m uscle
aches, cold sym ptoms ( 症状 ) and headaches and worse moods( 情绪 ) .
14 . Fro m the text, we can see
A . Early waking does good to people
B . Late waking does good to people
C . Early waking does harm to people
D . Late waking does harm to people
15 . W hat is the criteria ( 标准 ) used by the researchers ?
A .cortisol
B . saliva
C . waking times
16 . W hich of the following can not be caused by early waking ?
A . m uscle aches
B . cold sy mpto ms C . toothaches
17 . How long did the research last ?
A . 42 days
B . 8 days
C . 2 days
D . m uscle aches
D . headaches
D . 10 weeks
Dear Mr . Expert: M y problem is my flatmate . She always seems to be at ho me . She
calls and e- mails me two or three times a day . She borrows my clothes without asking . She
sleptin my bed when I was away because“her sheets were in the wash .”She often uses my
make-up and hairdryer . I introduce her to my friends and the next day she phones them and
asks to meet up . It’s partly my fault . I’m too open . But she’s a genuinely nice girl and
when we moved out of our last flat, I said she could stay in the new one— but stressed it
would be short-term . It’s been six months now and she shows no sign of leaving , saying
how nice it is to be“settled”. I feel smothered ( 憋气 ) . How can I draw new boundaries( 界
限 ) , without hurting her feelings ?
18 . W hat kind of letter is it ?
A . a letter for making good friends .
B . a letter for advice
C . a letter for com plaining
D . a letter for giving advice
19 . W hat’s the writer’s attitude towards her flatmate ?
A . She likes her flatmate .
B . She felt smothered ( 憋气 ) and disturbed .
C . She hates her flatmate as an enemy .
D . She considers her as a nice girl .
20 . How long is it since the writer moved into the new flat ?
A . 2 months
B . 4 months
C . 6 m onths
D . 8 m onths
Test T en
阅读理解 ( 共 20 小题 ; 每小题 2 分 , 满分 40 分 )
阅读下列 短文 , 从每题所 给的四个选 项 A、B、C 和 D 中 , 选出最佳 选项。
The land of Big Rocks is a well-known place ofinterest .
It is in M onu ment Valley in Arizona . A stretch of red sand
floor meets your eyes . Everywhere tall rocks rise straight
up into the sky . You will be surprised to see that the
rocks seem to move about, because the light of day ,
ever changing , m akes the m seem to m ove .
As you study the great rocks , they seem to turn
into strange shapes . Some look like tall m onu ments
or buildings . Others makeyouthinkofroosters , rabbits , witches ,
mules , babies . One rock looks like a resting lion . Another rock
lookslike a man ’shand .Itisfuntotrytosee animals , people orthingsinthe
rock shapes .
The valley is 40 miles long and 50 miles wide . But most of the m onu ments are in one
small part of it, the Land of Big Rocks .
Once , hundreds of years ago , this land was rich and green . M any Indians lived there .
Later, the place became dry . The Indians living there have trouble finding water, and most
of them are raising sheep . In one place you can find prints of hands left by Indian men ,
women and children . The place is called the House of M any Hands .
There is one rock with a hole through it . This large hole looks like a very big ear . In
the winter, the wind makes strange sounds as it blows through the hole . Indians call the
hole the Ear of the W ind .
At sunset, the sun will turn the great rocks to shining red and gold . They look as if
they were on fire ! The beauty of this place is hard to believe . And you will never get tired
of visiting the Land of Big Rocks .
1 . The rocks seems to move about because
A . the Land of Big Rocks is a well-known place of interest
B . a stretch of red sand floor m eets your eyes
C . tall rocks rise straight up into the sky
D . the ever changing light of day makes them seem to move
2 . W hen you study the great rocks, they look like
A . only roosters or rabbits
B . witches instead of babies
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C . neither resting lion nor man’s hands
D . different kinds of animals, people and things
3 . It is difficult for the Indians to
there hundreds of years ago .
A . raise sheep
B . find water
C . live happily
D . find prints of hands
4 . People will never get tired of visiting the Land of Big Rocks because
A . the place is hardly believed to be beautiful
B . the valley is 40 miles long and 50 miles wide
C . it is a well-known place of interest
D . there is a hole called the Ear of the Wind
The pioneers who built this Com pany could hardly have imagined it . Coca Cola has
achieved a milestone—scales of Coca-cola and other com pany products have exceeded 1
billion servings per day . It took 22 years for them to sell the first billion servings of Cocacola . And now , they’
re selling a billion drinks a day . The Coca-cola Co mpany people are
now continuing building this business, finding more ways to bring Coca-cola and their other
products to more people , recognizing their vast potential ( 潜力 ) , and going after that next
billion .
112 years ago , there ca me the creator ( 创 立 者 ) of Coca-cola , John Pem berton . Later
ca me Asa Candler, the originator ( 开 拓 者 ) of 20th century Coca-cola marketing ; Robert
W oodruff, for 60 years the architect ( 设 计 师 ) of the Com pany’s success and father of
co mpany’s international expansion . A mong those pioneers , none stood taller in creating
value for share-owners than Roberto C . Goizueta , who led the Com pany for 16 years as
chairman of Board of Directors ( 董事会 ) and chief executive officer ( 公司总裁 ) . He regarded
the co mpany’s mission— creating value for the com pany over time— as para mount( 至 高 无
上 ) .The Coca Cola Company’
s mission is to create value for their share owners on a longterm basis by building a business that enhances the com pany’s trademarks . This also is
their ultimate com mitment( 最终的承诺 ) .
5 . W ho set up the Coca-cola com pany ?
A . John Pem berton
B . Asa Candaler
C . Robert woodruff D . Roberto
6 . W ho created most value for share-owners ?
A . John Pem berton
B . Asa Candaler
C . Robert woodruff D . Roberto
7 . Now , how many drinks are they selling everyday ?
A .112 billion
B . 16 billion
C . 1 billion
D . not known
8 . W hat is the Coca-cola co mpany’s mission ?
A . Finding more ways to bring coca-cola and their other products to more people
B . Creating value for their share owners on a long-term basis
C . Building a business that enhances the Coca-cola Co mpany’s trademarks
D . both B and C
Test Ten
W ater is essentialto life . The adult hu man body is about 75 % water, with up to 85 %
of brain cells liquid : even teeth are 10% moister . The body needs a constant supply of
clean water to re main healthy . Around 71 % of the planet is covered in H 2 O , but 97 .5 % of
it is frozen in the polar icecaps . With around 30 % of the re maining fresh water present as
soil moisture or in underground aquifers ( 蓄 水 层 ) , less than 1% is accessible for direct
hum an use . As the world marked International W ater Day, experts m eeting at the W orld
W ater Forum in the H ague estimated that 1 billion people worldwide lack clean drinking
water and around 3 billion do not have adequate sanitation ( 卫生 ) .
9 . W hat’s the main idea of the text ?
A . W ater is im portant .
B . W e should find more water resources .
C . It’s right to mark International W ater Day .
D . W ater is essential to life ; we should protect water resources and save water .
10 . W hat does the word“essential”mean ?
A . little
B . too m uch
C . necessary
D . useful
11 . W hat is the percentage ( 百分比 )in a man’s body ?
A . 71 %
B . 75 %
C . 30%
D . we don’t know
12 . How m uch water on the earth can be used ?
A . around 71%
B . 97 .5%
C . around 30 %
D . less than 1 %
In the days when an ice crea m sundae ( 圣代 ) cost m uch less, a 10 year old boy entered
a hotel coffee shop and sat at a table . A waitress put a glass of water in front of him “
. How
much is an ice cream sundae ?”
“ Fifty cents , ”replied the waitress . The little boy pulled his
hand out of his pocket and studied a nu mber of coins in it “
. How m uch is a dish of plain ice
cream ?”he inquired . Some people were now waiting for a table and the waitress was a bit of
im patient .“ Thirty-five cents, ”she said cruelly . The little boy again countered the coins “
I’ll have the plain ice crea m , ”he said . The waitress broughtthe ice cream , putthe bill on
the table and walked away . The boy finished the ice cream , paid the cashier and departed .
W hen the waitress ca me back , she began wiping down the table , and then swallowed hard
at what she saw . There , placed neatly beside the e mpty dish , were two nickels and five
pennies— her tip .
13 . In the days when the story happened , an ice cream is
A . cheap
B . expensive
C . too expensive
14 . W hy was the waitress a little impatient ?
A . The boy’s words m ade her a little im patient .
B . Some people were waiting for a table .
D . too cheap
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C . She was tired from hard work .
D . not known
15 . How m uch tip did the boy give the waitress ?
A . 35 cents
B . 5 cents
C . 15 cents
D . 10 cents
16 . How do you think the waitress would feel when she saw the tip the boy left ?
A . She would feel glad .
B . She would feel angry .
C . She would feel excited .
D . She would feel regretful .
W hen I was about 11 , I inherited ( 接管 ) my older brother’s paper route . It was a good
job , though it meant waking up at the crack of dawn and hopping on m y bike in Rockford to
deliver papers .
Punctuality ( 准时 ) was important . People expected the paper on their front porch ( 门
廊 ) by 6 a .m . . If I ran late , they would be standing in their doorways and I would definitely
hear about it . On the other hand , doing the job professionally often resulted in m uch tip .
Ever since , I have tried to do as professional a job as possible— whether it be bagging
groceries ( 杂货店 ) , painting houses or tarring ( 涂柏油 ) roofs .
Acting is no different . I believe if you work hard and behave like a professional, it will
pay off, and you will be offered more and better roles .This means giving your all . If a scene
( 场景 ) requires another character to react to my ju mping into the water, I will jum p in as
many times as it takes to help him and the director( 导演 ) get the shot( 镜头 ) . Several years
ago , while filming a m ovie in the mountains of Brazil, m y fellow actors and I all pitched ( 协
力 ) in to help the crew m ove heavy equip ment through rugged jungle ( 丛林 ) .
Acting is a job like any other, and you can’t let it go to your head . The things that
made a difference delivering papers— being punctual, doing your best—also count on the
movie set . And I still have to wake up at the crack of dawn .
17 . W hat does the writer do now ?
A . He is a paper deliverer .
B . He is a painter .
C . He is an actor .
D . H e is a writer .
18 . W hat does the underlined phrase“pay off”m ean in paragraph 3 ?
A . get a good result
B . be get rid off
C . get paid
D . be praised
19 . W hat’s the writer’s attitude towards a job ?
A . He thinks of it as a piece of cake .
B . He doesn’
t care about it .
C . He tries to do a professional job as possible as he can .
D . A job is a way of making one’s living .
20 . How many kinds of jobs have the writer done since his childhood ?
A .4
B . more or less 4
C . exactly 3
D . not less than 5
Test Eleven
阅读理解 ( 共 20 小题 ; 每小题 2 分 , 满分 40 分 )
阅读下列 短文 , 从每题所 给的四个选 项 A、B、C 和 D 中 , 选出最佳 选项。
Thirty-two-year-old David Kirby on his deathbed
with his fa mily was one of 25 , 188 A mericans to die of
AIDS in 1990 . Irrational fear of the victims ( 患者 ) was
widespread : After Kirby was rushed to a hospital near his
family’s ho me in Stafford , O hio , emergency workers
(急救人员) burned the am bulance’
s ( 救护车 ) contents .
Five years after Kirby’s death , the annual death
rate peaked ( 高达) 43 ,115 .Im proved treatments have
reducedthe mortality ( 死亡 ) rate greatly , but as many A mericans
as ever — some 40 , 000 annually — are stillcontracting ( 感 染 ) the
AIDS virus . The years may have loosened the disease’s fatal grip (致命程度)
and softened public attitudes toward those who suffer from it, but the situation is still
remaining serious at present .
1 . W hy did the emergency workers burn the am bulance’s contents ?
A . They thought the contents in it were dirty .
B . They felt frightened of the AIDS .
C . They hated the AIDS patients .
D . They thought they were unnecessary .
2 . How many A mericans contract the AIDS virus a year ?
A . 25 , 188
B . 43 , 115
C . 40 , 000
D . 41 , 000
3 . W hen did the annual death rate peaked at 43 , 115 ?
A . 1995
B . 1990
C . 1985
D .1980
4 . Now what are the public’s attitudes towards AIDS victims ?
A . People are still frightened of them .
B . Their attitudes have been softened .
C . People have no fear of them at all .
D . People keep away from them all the tim e .
Never give out identifying ( 确 定 ) information such as Name , Home Address, School
Name , or Telephone Nu mber in a public m essage such as at a chat room or on bulletin
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
boards .
Never send a person a picture of you without first checking with your parents or
guardian .
Never respond to messages or bulletin board items that are : Suggestive/ Obscene ( 淫
秽 )/ Belligerent( 挑衅 )/ Threatening/ M ake You Feel Unco mfortable
Be careful when someone offers you som ething for nothing , such as gifts and m oney .
Be very careful about any offers that involve ( 涉及 ) your co ming to a meeting or having
so meone visit your house .
Tell your parents or guardian right away if you come across any information that makes
you feel uncomfortable .
Never arrange a face-to-face meeting without telling your parents or guardian . If your
parents or guardian agree to the meeting , make sure that you meet in a public place
and have a parent or guardian with you .
Re mem ber that people online may not be who they seem . Because you can’t see or
even hear the person , it would be easy for so meone to misrepresent him or herself .
Thus, so meone indicating that“she”is a“ 12-year-old-girl”could in reality be an
older man .
Be sure that you are dealing with so meone that you and your parents know and trust
before giving out any personal information about yourself via ( 通过 ) E- m ail .
Get to know your“online”friends just as you get to know all of your other friends .
5 . W hat does the text m ainly talk about ?
A . Safety tips for kids on the internet
B . How to surf on the internet
C . How to make friends on the internet
D . How to chat with others on the internet
6 . W hile on the internet a child need help fro m
A . teachers
B . parents or guardians
C . friends
D . instructions
7 . W hy would it be easy for so meone to misrepresent him or herself ?
A . Because you can not see or even hear the person .
B . Because it is a big world .
C . Because you are easily cheated .
D . Because your parents and guardians are not with you .
8 . W hat may a child do on the Internet ?
A . give out identifying inform ation such as name , ho me address , school name and so on
B . respond to messages or bulletin board items
C . arrange a face-to-face meeting without telling your parents of guardians
D . be careful about any offers that involve your co ming to a m eeting or having so meone
visit your house .
Paris is the capital of France . It is also one of the m ost beautiful and most fa mous
Test Eleven
cities in the world .
Paris is called the City of Light . It is an international dressing center . W hat the
women are wearing in Paris will be worn by women all over the world . Paris is also a fa mous
world center of culture and education . For exam ple , it is the headquarters of U N ESC O , the
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization .
The Seine River, which flows northwest to the English Channel, divides the city into
two parts . Thirty-two bridges cross this beautiful river . The oldest and perhaps most
well-known is the Pont Neuf, which was built in the sixteenth century . The Sorbonne , a
famous university , lies on the Left Bank ofthe river . There are many other famous places in
Paris, such as the world-known m useum the Louvre ( 卢 浮 宫 ) as well as Notre Dame .
However, the most famous building in the city m ust be the Eiffel Tower .
Paris is nam ed after a group of people called the Parisii . They built a sm all village on
an island in the middle of the Seine River about two thousand years ago . This land called
the Ile de la Cite , is where Notre Dame is located . Today around nine million people live in
the Paris area .
Every year millions of visitors fro m all over the world co me to Paris on holidays . They
can drink the best red wine in Paris and have the delicious food as well . There are so many
chic , well-cut, fashioned clothe for the visitors to buy and show . Besides, the weather here
is fine . Visitors can breath fresh air, enjoy the beautiful scenery of the city . Paris, the
center of culture , will be re mem bered by all the visitors .
9 . People call Paris the City of Light, because
A . it is the center of culture and education
B . it is always bright day and night
C . it is an international dressing center
D . both A and C
10 . Paris had a history about
A . two thousand years
B . two centuries
C . more than two thousand years
D . over two hundred years
11 . W hich of the following is not the reason for people to visit Paris on holiday ?
A . Best red wine and delicious food .
B . Fashion clothes .
C . Agreeable weather and beautiful scenery .
D . Good order of the society .
12 . This text mainly gives us
of Paris .
A . a brief history
B . an introduction to some places of interest
C . a description of the develop ment
D . some general information
Drought ( 旱灾 ) occurs when moisture ( 水 分 ) disappears through evaporation ( 蒸 发 )
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
faster than it is replaced by rain . A drought may happen in any climate zone, from tropical
( 热带 ) to tundra ( 冰 原 ) . So me of the worst droughts of this century occurred in the mid
1980s in the Sahel region of W est Africa when the su m mer rains failed .
W ater shortages can also affect the countries of Europe as happened in 1976 when
Britain faced the worst drought in its history , coupled with te mperatures rising up past
30℃ .
One of the greatest droughts of modern times occurred in the Midwestern U nited States
between 1934 and 1941 . The causes of the disaster ( 灾 难 ) were not completely natural as
unwise farming practices also played a part . During the First W orld W ar farmers expanded
their fields to take advantage of( 利用 ) rising wheat prices . After the war, prices fell again ,
however, and large nu mbers of cattle were turned into the ploughed fields . Millions of
hooves ( 蹄 子 ) stepped the soil and the winter winds blew it away . Fro m 1934 drought
conditions made m atters worse . Dust lifted up from the land in 300- meter high clouds that
swept over farms and suffocated ( 窒 息 ) anim als in storms that lasted for days . In the
su m mer, desert heat baked the land in conditions that were too m uch even for rattlesnakes
( 响尾蛇 ) to survive ( 生存 ) . Nineteen states felt the effects of the drought .
13 . How does drought happen ?
A . It happens when there is too much wind .
B . It happens when the sum mer rains failed .
C . It happens when moisture disappears through evaporation faster than it is replaced
by rain .
D . It happens when unwise farming practices plays a part .
14 . W hy did drought happen in the Sahel region ?
A . because moisture ( 水分 ) disappears faster in this area
B . because there is no rain in su m mer there .
C . because large num bers of cattle were turned into the ploughed fields .
D . because dust lifted up from the land .
15 . W hy did drought happen in the Midwestern U .S . ?
A . because of the disaster from nature
B . because of little rain
C . because of unwise farming practices
D . both A and C
16 . W hich area did N O T suffer drought in the text ?
A . Sahel
B . Britain
C . United States
D . Sweden
H urricanes form when the tem perature exceeds ( 超 过 ) 27℃ over the ocean . The
hurricane season in the northern hemisphere ( 北半球 ) is fro m A ugust until October while in
the south , where they are called typhoon , it runs from Decem ber to M ay . Giving na mes to
Test Eleven
individual ( 单个 ) hurricanes is an idea that was introduced by an Australian called Clement
Wragge . Itis said that he gave them the nam es of women he didn’tlike ! Nowadays a list of
male and fe male names is drawn up every year and each hurricane is allocated ( 分配 ) a na me
as it is detected ( 发现 ) .
In 1988 , H urricane Gilbert swept across the Caribbean ( 加勒比 ) with wind speeds of up
to 320 k m/ h . It began its life off the coast of Africa and traveled across the Atlantic
gathering strength as it did so . On 11 Septem ber it reached the southern tip of Haiti( 海地 ) .
Ten people were drowned and the entire banana crop was destroyed . The next morning
Gilbert blasted into Jamaica ( 牙 买 加 ) . Half a million people were left homeless as storm
da mage made four out of five homes uninhabitable ( 无法居住 ) . The hurricane swept on , its
strength unabated ( 不减弱 ) . M exico, Nicaragua , Honduras and Guate mala reported deaths
and destruction of crops and property ( 财 产 ) . Dozens of tornadoes ( 龙 卷 风 ) produced by
Gilbert spread through Texas , ripping off roofs and overturning vehicles . In all, some $10
billion worth of da mage was credited to ( 归咎于 ) H urricane Gilbert . Almost three-quarters of
a million people were made hom eless and 350 lost their lives .
17 . How is hurricane formed ?
A . when wind speed is up to 320k m/ h .
B . when the tem perature passes 27℃ over the land .
C . when the tem perature passes 27℃ over the sea .
D . when wind is formed in August over the sea .
18 . How did Cle ment W ragge give hurricanes names ?
A . He gave them the nam es of wo men he didn’
t like .
B . He gave the m the na mes of wo men he liked .
C . He gave the m the na mes of anim als he liked .
D . He gave them the nam es of animals he didn’
t like .
19 . W hich hurricane is mainly talked about in this text ?
A . W ragge
B . M ay
C . Mary
D . Gilbert
20 . W hat is the dam age caused by Gilbert ?
A . Ten people were drowned .
B . The whole entire banana crop was destroyed.
C . Half a million people were left homeless as storm da mage made four out of five
homes uninhabitable .
D . all the above
T est T w elve
阅读理解 ( 共 20 小题 ; 每小题 2 分 , 满分 40 分 )
阅读下列 短文 , 从每题所 给的四个选 项 A、B、C 和 D 中 , 选出最佳 选项。
In 1966 , Europe suffered extremely bad weather when gales
( 大 风 ) and storms hit France , Switzerland , Germany and
Italy . Strong winds broughtenormous ( 大 量 的 ) am ounts of
rain along the whole length of Italy and in Florence , on
3 rd and 4 th Novem ber , they had more than a third of
theiraverage annual ( 每 年 的 ) rainfallin justtwo days .
The River Arno burst its banks , rising over 5 meters
in the city . W ater began pouring through the city
making 5 , 0 0 0families hom eless and swam ping ( 淹 没 ) many of
the famous buildings . Six hundred paintings were under water for
hours at the Uffizi Gallery ( 乌菲齐美术馆 ) and over six million books were
da maged or destroyed . Thousands of priceless art treasures ( 财 宝 ) were lost or damaged as
hundreds of thousands of tons of mud were deposited ( 沉积 ) within the city .
During the three m onths of August, September and October 1988 severe rains swept
across India and Southeast Asia . Destruction of the forests in the Himalayas had re moved
one of the natural defences against flooding and the waters swept down the mountains . The
Ganges( 恒河 ) , which flows across the plains of Bangladesh ( 孟 加拉 ) ,frequently floods but
this year the damage was greater . Defences that had been built to hold back the water were
overwhelmed ( 淹没 ) as three-quarters of the country disappeared under water . 5 , 000 people
were drowned and more than half the population were left homeless .
In the 1990s a Flood Action Plan was started with the aim of controlling river flooding .
Experts from around the world are lending their help .
1 . W hat does the text m ainly talk about ?
A . Rain
B . Flood
C . W ind
2 . How many times of floods were mentioned in the text ?
A . once
B . twice
C . three times
3 . In 1966 , which country was N O T hit by flood ?
A . France
B . Switzerland
C . Bangladesh
4 . In 1988 , which river burst its banks ?
A . the River Arno
B . the River Ganges
C . the River Indian
D . the Yantze River
D . Snow
D . four tim es
D . Italy
Test T welve
The Roosevelt dime shows the portrait of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President
of the United States .
This dime first appeared a year after the end of W orld W ar II . It was important in 1946
that this new coin carries the sym bols and messages of A merica’s wish for world peace .
Also during that year, the U nited Nations , newly formed , was trying to bring brotherhood to
all the Earth’s people . A merica had become a world power . The eyes of the rest of the
western world looked to the United States for leadership .
President Franklin D . Roosevelt is the only President in our history to be elected to
four terms of office . Born in 1882 , at Hyde Park , New York , he first served in the New
York State Senate . In 1913 , he was made Assistant Secretary of the Navy .
W hile swim ming one day in 1921 , he suffered an attack of a disease which he later
learned was polio . In the prime of his life, with m any outstanding successes, he beca me
paralyzed from the waist down . He fought hard against his illness but never succeeded . He
spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair . In spite of his illness , he continued to work hard
and in 1929 was elected governor of New York .
W hen Roosevelt became President, A merica had just had just suffered a serious
depression and thousands of people were without jobs . He im mediately went to work to solve
the nation’s proble ms by setting up govern ment organizations to offer jobs . He was elected
again in 1936 , in 1940 and once more in 1944 .
Roosevelt is best rem em bered for his strong leadership during W orld W ar II and for his
many inspiring speeches . He was the first President to speak regularly to the A merican
people over the radio . In 1933 he said with determination ,“The only thing we have to fear
is fear itself .”
As war broke out throughout the world and A merica’s sons fought in faraway places,
the nation stood firmly beside Roosevelt as he led the people for freedo m across Africa ,
Europe and Asia . But the President was never to see the final victory . He died in W arm
Springs , Georgia , on April 12 , 1945 , less than a month before the war ended . Roosevelt’s
portrait on the dime is more than a design of a coin . It is an everlasting m emorial to a
courageous leader .
1 . Roosevelt’s portrait on the dime stood for
A . the power of A merica
B . the leading position of A merica
C . A mericans’wish for world peace
D . the power of the president
2 . Roosevelt was first elected as President of A merica
A . in 1921
B . in 1929
C . in 1932
D . in 1933
3 . The first thing Roosevelt did as the President of A merica was
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
A . to develop the economy of the country
B . to work hard to be elected again
C . to offer jobs to all the people
D . to make an inspiring speech to the people
4 . The A mericans made this dime
A . because they wanted to reme mber Roosevelt forever
B . because they wanted to make it worth more
C . because they wanted to make it more beautiful
D . because they wanted to let Roosevelt see the victory of the war
One night, at 11 : 30 p .m ., an old African A merica wo man was standing on the side of
an Alaba ma highway trying to endure ( 忍受 ) a lashing ( 鞭笞 ) rainstorm .
Her car had broken down and she anxiously needed a ride . Soaking wet, she decided
to flag down the next car . A young white man stopped to help her—generally unheard of in
those conflict-filled ( 充 满 种 族 冲 突 ) 1960s . The man took her to safety , helped her get
assistance and put her into a taxicab . She see med to be in a big hurry ! She wrote down his
address , thanked him and drove away . Seven days went by and a knock came on the man’s
door . To his surprise, a big console color T V ( 落地式电视机 ) was delivered to his hom e . A
special note was attached . It read ,“Thank you so much for helping me on the highway the
other night . Then you cam e along . Because of you , I was able to make it to my dying
husband’s bedside just before he passed away . God bless you for helping me and unselfishly
serving others .”
9 . The story happened on a
A . quiet night
B . rainy night
C . com mon night
D . busy night
10 . W hat does the underlined phrase“pass away”mean ?
A . travel to another place
B . go away
C . go past somebody
D . die
11 . W hat do you think of the young man ?
A . He is a m an who often helps others .
B . He is a cold-hearted man .
C . He is a warm-hearted man .
D . He wants to get som ething fro m the old woman .
At least half the time , of course , you will be the one who is being introduced . And
just because you are not the one making the introductions doesn’
t mean you don’
t have an
im portant role to play . In fact, once the person m akes the introduction , the spotlight
Test T welve
changes to you and your perform ance . Follow these five steps for the best presentation : ①
Stand up . M en stand , and , wom en stand too . If you are trapped in a chair or otherwise
unable to stand , indicate that you would if you could or rise as m uch as you can . Failing to
stand up can send a message that you are not of equal status ( 身份 ) with the person to who m
you are being introduced . ② M ove toward the person , build eye contact, look pleasant or
smile . Don’
t be distracted ( 走神 ) by so mething that is going on elsewhere in the roo m or be
dismissive ( 轻 蔑 ) of the person being introduced . Give the person your polite attention .③
Shake hands . This helps the connection and a sign of trust and respect . ④ Greet the other
person and repeat his or her na me . You can say something like :“ Nice to meet you , Mr .
Jones .”
“It’s a pleasure , Mr . Jones .”
“ H ello , Mr . Jones”Or, when appropriate ( 合适 ) ,
“ H ello, Tom .”⑤ W hen the conversation ends , say goodbye . To“ Goodbye , ”you can add
so mething like :“I enjoyed m eeting you .”
ll look forward to seeing you again .”
12 . W hat does the text mainly talk about ?
A . How should you introduce others ?
B . How do you respond ( 反应 ) to an introduction ?
C . W hat are good manners ?
D . W hat are bad manners ?
13 . W hen you are introduced , you’d better
A . stand up first
B . say hello first
C . shake hands first
D . smile at other things
14 . W hen you move towards the person , you should
A . smile and look at other things
B . look pleasant and look at other things
C . smile and look at the person
D . say so mething to himself and look at the person
15 . W hen you are unable to stand , you’d better
A . say sorry
B . try to indicate ( 表明 ) you would stand up if possible
C .express nothing
D . just shrug ( 耸肩 ) and smiled
Is your family interested in buying a dog ? A dog can be a happy addition to your family,
but if you choose the wrong kind of dog, the consequences can cause you a lot of trouble .
Fa milies should sit down and thoroughly discuss the problems involved before buying a
dog . Even if the children in your family are the ones who want the dog , the parents are the
ones who are really responsible for seeing that the animalis properly cared for . If you don’
know m uch about dogs, it’s a good idea to go to the library or the ASP C A for books about
various kinds of dogs , as well as books about how to train a puppy . In reading about the
different breeds , you should know that a dog described as very alert may be too ju mpy and
bouncy . W hen a book describes a dog as an ideal hunting dog , it probably m eans that the
dog won’
t be happy living in a sm all apartment . Dog breeds vary in popularity as the years
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
go by . One of the most popular dogs these days is the Germ an shepherd . This is because it
provides protection as well as companionship . The family should be warned that these dogs
grow up to be very big , and may be too powerful for children to handle . If space is limited ,
a toy dog m ay be a good choice . These dogs are very small and easy to train . They don’
need to be walked daily , since they can exercise in the space available in the ho me .
16 . W hat does the text mainly talk about ?
A . The care and proper selection of dogs for family pets .
B . Different breeds of dogs .
C . Responsibility for seeing that dogs are properly cared for .
D . Different kind of books about dogs .
17 . According to the speaker, who is really responsible for the dog’s welfare ?
A . Children
B . Family
C . Parents
D . The A SPC A
18 . How does the speaker suggest one can get information about the different kinds of dogs ?
A . from the ASP C A
B . fro m the library
C . by buying a dog from a pet store D . reading books about dogs
19 . According to the speaker, why is the German shepherd a popular dog ?
A . Because they are big and aggressive .
B . They provide com panionship as well as protection .
C . Because most people are afraid of them .
D . Because they are easy to train .
20 . The toy dog is a good choice when
A . you have small children
B . you are afraid of large dogs
C . your living space is not large
D . you live in the city
Test Thirteen
阅读理解 ( 共 20 小题 ; 每小题 2 分 , 满分 40 分 )
阅读下列 短文 , 从每题所 给的四个选 项 A、B、
C 和 D 中 , 选出最佳 选项。
The elderly may need more vitamin C to reduce
heart-disease risk . And they may not be getting enough
vitamin D for strong bones , according to the Department
of Agriculture’s Human Nutrition Research Center on
aging at Tufts University , Boston .
A recent survey of 680 men and women over
age 60 showed that vitamin C may increase HDLcholesterol levels . This“good cholesterol”seems to
prevent arteries ( 动脉) from clogging ( 阻塞) , there by lowering
the risk of heart attack . HDL levels began rising in the blood
when vitamin C intake was increased . But the effect became less with age
and stopped age 80 .
Vitamin D deficiency leads to softening of bones and increases the chance of hip and
spine fractures . In a group of patients entering a Boston hospital with hip fractures , there
was a high incidence of vitamin D deficiency . Insufficient milk intake and decreased
exposure to the sunlight were suspected to be the main causes .
1 . W hat’s the main idea of the text ?
A . The elderly have not enough vitamin C and Vita min D .
B . Vita min C can make the bones strong and vitamin D can reduce heart-disease risk .
C . Vita min C and vitamin D play an im portant part in the elderly’s health .
D . A recent survey of 680 m en and wo men over age 60 .
2 . W hy do the elderly have a higher risk of heart-disease ?
A . Because they don’
t exercise very often .
B . Because they can’t get enough vita min D .
C . Because their H DL-cholesterol levels increase .
D . Because they don’
t have enough vita min C .
3 . The underlined word“deficiency”means
A . the state of being short of
B . the state of being full of
C . the state of being enough
D . the state of being good
4 . In order to get enough vitamin D , the elderly should
A . drink enough milk
B . enjoy the sunlight
C . be protected fro m sunlight
D . both A and B
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
Reading is the key to school success and , like any skill, it takes practice . A child
learns to walk by practicing until he no longer has to think about how to put one foot in front
of the other . The great athlete practices until he can play quickly , accurately , without
thinking . Educators call it“autom aticity”.
A child learns to read by sounding out ( 推敲 ) the letters and decoding the words . With
practice , he stum bles less and less , reading by the phrase . W ith auto maticity , he doesn’
have to think about decoding the words , so he can pay m ore attention to the meaning of the
text .
It can begin as early as in the first grade . In a recent study of children in Illinois
schools, Alan Rossman of Northwestern University found automatic readers in the first grade
who were reading alm ost three times as fast as the other children and scoring twice as high
on co mprehension tests . At fifth grade , the automatic readers were reading twice as fast as
the others , and still outscoring the m on accuracy , com prehension and vocabulary .
“It’s not I . Q . but the amount of tim e a child spends reading that is the key to
automaticity .”According to Rossman , any child who spends at least 3 .5 to 4 hours a week
reading books , magazines or newspapers will in all likelihood reach the average child who
spends 25 hours a week watching television . It can happen by just turning off the set just
one night reading books .
You can test your child by giving him a paragraph or two to read aloud —something
unfamiliar but appropriate to his age . If he reads aloud with expression , with a sense of the
meaning of the sentences , he probably is an automatic reader . If he reads haltingly ( 不顺畅 ,
结巴 ) , one word at a tim e, without expression or meaning , he need more practice .
5 . The underlined word“automaticity”probably means
A . being done without thought
B . being done quickly
C . being done accurately
D . being done perfectly
6 . How can the children learn to read ?
A . They just read word by word .
B . They just read the words out .
C . They read by sounding out the letters and decoding the words .
D . They read by practicing m ore .
7 . How many hours should a child spend in reading books every day ?
A . 0 .5 - 0 .6
B . 3 .5 - 4
C . 25
D . 3 .6
8 . W hich of the following is an auto matic reader ?
A . A child reads a book with stops .
B . A child reads one word at a tim e .
C . A child reads without expression or meaning .
D . A child reads with expression and meaning of the sentences .
Test Thirteen
The huge traffic jam on Friday in Beijing, which happened after a light snow , could be
attributed to the low tem perature and poor city preparations , said meteorological ( 气象 的 )
officials yesterday .
The snowfall began about 1 p m on Friday and was only 1 millim etre deep , said an
expert with the Beijing M eteorological Observatory , adding that it was just“a light snow”.
However, the snow caused the city’s entire transportation system to come to a stop
until early Saturday morning .
“Low te mperature is one of the reasons for the rare situation .”said the expert .
Historical records of the observatory showed that the tem perature at this time of year in
Beijing is generally a little above 0℃ . But the average tem perature since Thursday has
remained 3 degrees lower than that in the sa me period of past years .
On Friday , the highest tem perature on the road surface was only minus 1 degree ,
making it easy for the snow to pile up and soon turn to ice after cars rolled over it .
Last Tuesday , a 0 .45 millim etre snow hit the capital but did not stop transportation
because the highest tem perature that day was 0 .9℃ .
Another reason for the recent traffic jam lies in the failure of the observatory to issue a
warning about the expected snowfall, which left the city’s street cleaning department and
traffic policemen unprepared .
Street cleaning vehicles did not begin preparations until 4 p m and began to thaw the
snow at 6 p .m . . 30 vehicles were sentto remove snow but many were stalled in traffic while
on their way to spread a new environ mentally friendly che mical that Beijing has em ployed
this year to thaw snow .
The hotline 122 phone nu mber for reporting traffic accidents broke down due to the
heavy surge in calls , and countless vehicles ca me in and out of the capital on Friday
afternoon .
9 . W hat caused the huge traffic jam in Beijing ?
A . The low te mperature .
B . The poor city preparations .
C . The heavy snow .
D . Both A and B .
10 . W hy was there no traffic ja m on last Tuesday ?
A . Because street cleaning vehicles cleaned the snow in time .
B . Because the tem perature was above 0℃ .
C . Because there was not much traffic that day .
D . Because the traffic policemen prepared it well .
11 . How many hours did the street cleaning vehicles spend making preparations ?
A .1 hour
B . 2 hours
C . 4 hours
D . 5 hours
12 . W hy did the hotline 122 phone num ber broke down ?
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
. Because there were too many calls .
. Because of the cold te mperature .
. Because the snow changed it .
. Because the workers at the hotline didn’t prepare well .
In order to win respect of others, the first step is to recognize and correct the bad
co m m unication habits that passive people share :
D on’t give the other person a ready- m ade excuse Exam ple :“ You’ve been getting
to work late , but I know you’
re not a morning person and it’s hard to get m oving so early .”
W hen you provide an excuse , the other person gets the m essage that what has been done is
O K . This sets the stage for continued abuse .
D on’t apologize for m aking a reasonable de m and Exam ple : Three hours after
telling his son to clean up his room , a father says,“I’m sorry I talked to you that way ,
son . I know you would have cleaned up your room on your own .”W hen an apology is made
after the fact, it is usually the result of guilt or fear that has built up . To undo a forceful
state ment in this way causes a loss of respect .
D on’t overqualify your state m ents Exa mple :“I really need that report Friday , but I
could let it go until next week . I might not even need it then if things go well .”Take out
the“ifs”and“buts”. A flat statement with a clear expectation com pleting the report would
prevent misco m m unication and provide a better chance of getting the report on time .
As you get rid of bad habits of co m m unication , start replacing them with more forceful
ones . H ere are 4 techniques to try .
1 . Be direct State your expectations clearly . Passive individuals often assum e that
others will know what is expected without being told . This leads to needless proble ms .
2 . C onfront proble m s im m ediately By avoiding proble ms you allow the m to beco me
more serious, and more difficult to solve . By confronting even minor ones early , you
indicate your expectations fro m the beginning , and the other person knows exactly where you
stand .
3 . Use nonverbal cues M aintain eye contact while you talk . Instead of continually
restating your case , use silence for reinforcement .
4 . A void e m pty threats Even sm all children know when you’
re bluffing . To establish
your credibility , state reasonable expectations and the consequences that will ensure if these
are not m et . Then follow through . Respect by others is gained only from their sure
knowledge that you mean what you say .
13 . W hat is the result if you give others a ready- made excuse ?
A . They will try to avoid doing it again .
B . They will value your words .
C . They don’t think m uch of it .
D . They will continue the misdoing .
Test Thirteen
14 . If you apologize for making a reasonable dem and , you
A . will win respect of others
B . mean you are really wrong
C . will lose the respect of others
D . are polite and gentle to others
15 . If you take out the“ifs”and“buts”, you
A . can finish your work on time
B . are too confident
C . don’t mean you can do it on time
D . can cause misunderstanding
16 . W hat is the purpose of the text ?
A . How to win respect of others .
B . How to respect others .
C . How to mean what you say .
D . How to confront the proble ms you meet .
JU K K ASJA R VI, S W E D E N : Tourists beating a trailto Sweden’s far north to sleep in a
vast igloo carved each year from the ice are creating jobs in this depressed region .
The flood of visitors to Sweden’s Ice Hotelis reversing a leaving oflocals m oving south
in search of a friendlier climate for em ployment .
In the tiny town of Jukkasjarvi, 200 kilo metres north of the Arctic circle , the Ice Hotel
attracts tourists from all over the world , eager to stay in the planet’s first hotel built entirely
of ice .
The hotel draws 35 , 000 visitors a year and creates hundreds of jobs, even though it
melt each sum mer and has to be rebuilt every autu mn , using 3 , 000 tons of ice and 30 , 000
cubic metres of snow .
“I believe that even more people would leave the Kiruna region if we hadn’t started
our business, ”the hotel’s founder and m ain owner Yngve Bergqvist said .
Kiruna , which includes Jukkasjarvi, is a vast area of northern Sweden , halfthe size of
Switzerland , containing endless moorland , a huge iron mine and very few people .
The population of Kiruna county has fallen by nearly one-third in the past 20 years to
23 ,000 as young people and women flee the cold and dark for the more crowded southern
parts of Sweden .
Few tourists would travel to this part of Sweden 10 years ago , where te mperatures drop
to minus 45℃ and the sun barely rises during the winter months . But at the Ice Hotel,
where guests spend the night in the Arctic standard sleeping bags clad in long johns and fur
hats to cope with the sub-zero degrees in the icy bedroo ms , the frosty clim ate is the
attraction .
Here , where tem peratures stay an even minus five degrees, you sleep on the rocks , on
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a bed carved of ice , but take your alcohol in the rocks— drinks served in the bar co me in a
glass scooped out of a block of ice . You can also order dinner on a plate of ice .
17 . W hy few tourists traveled to Jukkasjarvi 10 years ago ?
A . Because people knew this place .
B . Because it was too cold .
C . Because it had too m uch ice and snow .
D . Because it contained endless moorland .
18 . W hy do so many visitors come here now ?
A . Because it had too much ice and snow .
B . Because it contained endless moorland .
C . Because the igloo carved each year as a hotel .
D . Because it is 200 kilometres north of the Arctic circle .
19 . W hich of the following statements is true ?
A . The Ice H otel is mostly built of ice .
B . Kiruna is part of Kukkasjarvi .
C . The sun in Jukkasjarvi barely rises all year round .
D . The Ice H otel creates hundreds of jobs .
20 . W hat kind of industry can this part develop well ?
A . Skating and skiing .
B . Tourism and mining .
C . Entertainm ent .
D . Riding and racing .
Test F ourteen
阅读理解 ( 共 20 小题 ; 每小题 2 分 , 满分 40 分 )
阅读下列 短文 , 从每题所 给的四个选 项 A、B、C 和 D 中 , 选出最佳 选项。
Going to sleep may see m pretty boring com pared with
all the fun things to do while you’re awake . But there’s
a lot going on in your mind and body while you’
re tucked
under those covers .
Sleep , in fact, is as important to your survival as
eating and drinking . Sleep im proves your m ood , makes
you a better athlete , and helps you reme mber and
understand what you learned during the day .
During sleep yourte mperature drops . Yourheartrateslows .
Down goes the pressure of the blood moving through your veins . A
che mical that controls growth ( called a hormone) surges into your bloodstream .
Scientist think sleep restores energy and boosts your im mune (免疫 ) system . We know what
happens while we’
re asleep because scientists study volunteers who sleep in laboratories . The
sleepers are hooked up to machines that measures brain waves and muscle activity .
Sleep is like a school day : It’s divided into different periods, or stages . W hen you’re
awake , your brain waves rapidly .
As you begin to relax and drift into the first stage of sleep , your brain produces slowermoving waves and you lose awareness of your surroundings .As you slide to deeper sleep ,
your body repairs itself from the normal wear and tear ( 损耗 ) of daily life .
Then , as you begin to drift back to a lighter sleep , your mind becom es more alert, and
your dreams begin . You’re in R E M sleep . R E M was na med for the“rapid eye move ment”
that happens while you’re dreaming . D uring R E M sleep , your eyes move back and forth
behind your closed lid , as though you were watching a movie .
Researchers know that during R E M sleep the part of the brain that handles learning
and thinking is very active .
Getting too little sleep can affect your personality . Experts recom mends that children
get at least nine hours of sleep a night .
1 . W hat does the underlined word“survival”in paragraph 2 mean ?
A . body state
B . state of continuing to live or exist
C . state of sleep
D . state of drea ming
2 . W hen the R E M sleep happens ?
A . During the first stage of sleep .
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B . As one drift into deeper sleep .
C . During a lighter sleep .
D . As the body loses awareness of the surroundings .
3 . W hich stage of sleep is helpful to one’s study ?
A . W hen one loses awareness of the surroundings .
B . W hen the body repairs itself from the norm al wear and tear of daily life .
C . W hen your dreams happen .
D . W hen your are in a deep sleep .
The Peppered M oth ( 蛾 ) , a kind of insect, is found in England . It is light brown in
color and likes to settle on trees which are also light brown . This makes the moth difficult to
be seen and birds are less likely to notice and eat it .But with the developm ent of industry ,
smoke fro m factories began to reach the trees where the moth settled . It m ade the trees
blacker . Then som ething very strange took place : in industrial areas, the Peppered Moth
began to change color . It became darker as well . Though the change took several years,
so me scientists soon notice that newly-born moths were a little darker than usual .
A scientist called Kettlewell decided to make a careful study of this phenomenon ( 现
象 ) . He marked some of the light m oths and some of the darker ones, and set the m free in
the woods near Birmingham , an industrial city . Later, her recaptured ( 重 新 捕 获 ) as many
the marked moths as possible ( The results were given in the chart) . Kettlewell’s research
was done in the early 1950s .
Soon afterwards Britain introduced new laws to reduce smoke and factory pollution .
Can you imagine what would happen to the Peppered M oth as the air became cleaner again ?
4 . The trees where the Peppered M oth settled changed their colors because
A . the Peppered M oth changed its color
B . the Peppered M oth can’
t be easily found on them
C . industry in England developed quickly
D . the smoke from factories polluted the m
5 . The Peppered M oth began to change its color in industrial areas because
A . it itself liked to
B . it could be like the color of its living place
C . it had to keep the laws of nature
D . it was usually dark brown
6 . From the results of Kettlewell’s research , we can see that
M oths set free
Moths recaptured
light moths
34 (16 % )
A . many more of the light moths were killed or eaten
Darker moths
206(34 % )
Test Fourteen
B . more than one-fifth of the light moths escaped being killed
C . three times as many dark moths were kept safe as light ones
D . more dark moths were killed in industrial areas
7 . Kettlewell’s work gives us a good exa mple of
A .“ Life-long Struggle”
B .“ Rule of Color”
C .“ Choice of Nature”
D .“ Self-Protection”
Scientists around the world have been studying the warming of waters in the Pacific
Ocean known as EL Nino . The appearance of EL Nino is known to affect the weather around
the world . Scientists still do not com pletely understand it . Yet they now find they can use it
to tell about the future in different areas of the world .
One exa mple is the work of two scientists at Colum bia University in New York , M ark
Cane and Gordon Eshel . A scientist of Zimbabwe , Roger Buckland worked with them . They
mean corn crops in Zimbabwe are poor . The last E L Nino was in 1991 to 1993 . That was
when southeastern Africa suffered a serious lack of rain .
The scientists wrote about their recent work in the publication Nature . Their com puter
program can tell when an EL Nino will develop up to a year before it does . They suggest
that this could provide an effective early warning syste m for southern Africa , and could
prevent m any people from starving .
8 . EL Nino is known as
A . the changing of the weather in southern Africa
B . the warming of waters in the Pacific Ocean
C . the weather which brings drought to Africa
D . the weather phenomenon that brings heavy rains to Africa
9 . Scientists study EL Nino in order that
A . they can provide a kind of early warning to the place that will suffer from drought
B . they can tell why Zimbabwe has little or no rain
C . they can do some research work in this field
D . they can put all this information into their com puters
10 . W hich of the following statements is true according to the text ?
A . Scientists come to understand how EL Nino appears .
B . Three scientists from the U .S . work on this subject .
C . Southern Africa suffered a serious drought and many people died fro m hunger .
D . EL Nino has something to do with Zim babwe’s crops .
11 . W hich of the following statements is N O T true according to the text ?
A . The com puter is used in this research work .
B . Scientists know when an EL Nino appears by means of co mputer progra m .
C . The scientists published their results of the research work .
D . Nature is the na me of the article written recently by the scientists .
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12 . W hich one could be the best title for this text ?
A . Appearance of EL Nino Predictable ( 可预报的 )
C . Early warning system
B . Drought in Zim babwe
D . W eather in Africa
Every artist knows in his heart that he is saying something to the public . Not only does
he want to say it well, but he wants it to be so mething which has not been said before . He
hopes the public will listen and understand— he wants to teach them , and he wants them to
learn from him . W hat visual artists like painters want to teach is easy to make out but difficult
to explain , because painters translate their experiences into shapes and colors, not words .
They seem to feel that a certain selection of shapes and colors , out of the countless billions
possible , is exceptionally interesting for the m and worth showing to us . Without their work we
should never have noticed these particular shapes and colors, or have felt the delight which
they brought to the artist . Most artists take their shapes and colors from the world of nature
and fro m human bodies in motion and repose ; their choices indicate that these aspects of the
world are worth looking at, that they contain beautiful sights . Contemporary artists might say
that they merely choose subjects that provide an interesting pattern , that there is nothing more
in it . Yet even they do not choose entirely without reference to the character of their subjects .
If one painter chooses to paint a gangrenous ( 生坏疽的 ) leg and another a lake in moonlight,
each of them is directing our attention to a certain aspect of the world . Each painter is telling
us something , showing us so mething, em phasizing so mething … all of which mean that,
consciously or unconsciously , he is trying to teach us .
13 . All artists are com m on in that
A . they use shapes and colors instead of words
B . they are trying to teach the public
C . what they want to teach is difficult to explain
D . they want to learn from the public
14 . A painter chooses certain shapes and colors out of the countless billions possible
because he believes they
A . are beautiful
B . can bring delight to him
C . are worth showing to the public
D . are particular
15 . Contemporary artists choose subjects
A . without reference to the character of their subjects
B . that only provide an interesting pattern
C . that there is no meaning in it
D . partly for the meaning of the subjects
16 . Com paring the painter who paints a gangrenous leg with the one who paints a lake in
moonlight, we can draw the conclusion that
A . both convey the sam e meaning
Test Fourteen
B . both show certain aspects of the world
C . the latter is more meaningful
D . the former is more meaningful
17 . According to the text, which of the following state ments is true ?
A . The public could share the artist’
s feelings through their choice of shapes and colors .
B . The painter should not choose to paint ugly things .
C . Contem porary artists are com pletely different from other artists .
D . All artists are teaching the public consciously .
For the person keeping a journal, whatever he experiences and wants to hold he can
write down . But to get it down on paper begins another adventure . For he has to focus on
what he has experienced , and to be able to say what, in fact, the experience is . W hat of it
is new ? W hat of it is remarkable because of associations in the memory it stirs up ?Is it a
good or bad thing to have happened ? And why , specifically ? The questions m ultiply
themselves quickly . As one tries to find the words that best represent this discovery , the
experience beco mes even more clear in its shape and meaning . Beyond the value of the
journal as record , there is the value of the discipline itteaches . The journalist begins to pay
closer attention to what happens to and around himself . He develops and sharpens his skills
of observation . He learns the usefulness of languages as a means of representing what he
sees, and gains skill and certainty in the expression of his experiences . To have given up
one’s experience to words is to have begun m arking out the limits and potential of its
meaning . In the journal that m eaning is developed and clarified to oneself . W hen the
intention of the develop ment of that m eaning is the consideration of another reader, the
method of the journal redirects itself and it becomes the essay .
18 . By keeping a journal, one can
A . develop the usefulness of language
B . develop his m emory
C . clarify the consideration to everyone
D . have a thorough understanding of his experience
19 . According to the writer, which of the following state ments is N OT correct ?
A . The journalist can express what has happened .
B . A journal can serve as a record of the past happening .
C . The journalist can’
t observe closely .
D . W riting helps develop the consideration of others .
20 . The text is m ainly about
A . how to write a journal
B .the expressions of a journal
C . the values of keeping a journal
D . how to solve the proble ms in a journal
Test Fifteen
阅读理解 ( 共 20 小题 ; 每小题 2 分 , 满分 40 分 )
阅读下列 短文 , 从每题所 给的四个选 项 A、B、C 和 D 中 , 选出最佳 选项。
Dear Editor,
I am fed up with people com plaining about a few old trees
being cut down in order to modernize and beautify Beijing .
Roads have to be widen , construction has to take place .
This goes on in other cities and countries . Those
com plainers ( 抱 怨 者 ) should facereality . Come outof
the“shade”and look into the sunlight .
Step by step , cities in China will become more
beautiful with more trees , flowers and parks . China probably
has more tree-planting programs than any other country .
Those people who com plain allthe tim e should worry more about the trees
that are being stripped out of the British Colum bia forests in Canada by A merican and
Japanese com panies . They should worry m ore about South A merica , Africa and other
countries about entire forests being destroyed .
Yours Sincerely ,
Tom Newlands
1 . From the text we can learn that Tom
A . cares much about the opinions of those people
B . is worried about those who are co mplaining
C . is no longer interested in what people are com plaining about
D . is fed up with too much food
2 . W e may infer that
A . China will plant most trees in the world
B . Tom Newlands appreciates China s city-beautify programs
C . the complainers will see the bright future of Beijing
D . what is past is past
3 . The underlined word“stripped”in the paragraph 4 may mean“
A . planted
B . destroyed
C . cut
D . re moved
4 . W hich of the following statem ents could be a general idea of the 4th paragraph ?
A . There are as many problems in China as in m any other countries in the world .
B . In Africa entire forests are being destroyed .
Test Fifteen
C . Those people have nothing to do but com plain .
D . Those people who co mplain all the time are sim ply wasting their time .
In England recently three foreign gentlemen arrive at a bus stop . They studied the
information on the traffic sign and decided which bus to take . About 5 minutes later the bus
they wanted ca me along , they prepared to board( get on) it . Suddenly there was a clam our
( 混乱 ) behind the m . People rushed onto the bus and tried to push them out of the way .
So meone shouted dirty words about foreigners . The bus conductor ca me rushing down the
stairs to see what all the trouble was about . The three foreigners looked puzzled . No one
had told them about the British custo m of queuing for a bus so that the first person who
arrived at a bus stop is the first one to get on the bus .
Learning the language of a country isn t enough . If you want a pleasant visit, find out
as m uch as possible about the manners and customs of your hosts . You will probably be
surprised just how different they can be from your own . A visitor to India would do well to
remem ber that people there consider it im polite to use the left hand for passing food at table .
The left hand is supposed to be used for washing yourself . Also in India , you might see a
man shaking his head at another and consider that he is disagreeing . But in m any parts of
India a rotating m ovement of the head is a gesture that shows agreement or acceptance .
Nodding your head when offered a drink in Bulgaria is likely to leave you thirsty . In that
country you shake your head to signify ( show )“yes”— a nod indicates“no”. Arabs are
known for their hospitality ( 热情 ) . At a meal in countries on the Arabian Peninsula , you will
find that any drinking vessal( cup or glass used for drinking) is repeatedly refilled as soon as
you drink it . The way to indicate that you ve had enough is to take the cup or glass in your
hand and give it a little shake from side to side or place your hand over the top .
In Europe it is quite usual to cross your legs when sitting talking to someone even at an
im portant meeting . Doing this when meeting an important person in Thailand , however,
could cause offence ( 冒犯 ) . It is considered too informal an attitude for such an occasion .
Also when in Thailand avoid touching the head of an adult—it is just not done .
5 . W here did the three foreigners in the above story co me from ?
A . Thailand .
B . India .
C . England .
D . Not mentioned in the story .
6 . W hy did someone shout dirty words about the foreigners when they tried to board the bus ?
A . The foreigners tried to push that person out of the way .
B . They were rude and im polite to that person .
C . They had not waited in a line to get on a bus .
D . They didn t know the language well enough .
7 . W hich of the following statem ents is true according to the text ?
A . In Bulgaria , you are likely to be left thirsty if you nod when offered a drink .
B . Your Arabic host won t refill your drinking vessel if you don t insist .
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
C . In India , nodding one s head is a sign of agreement or acceptance .
D . In countries on the Arabian peninsula you m ust shake your head to signify“yes”.
8 . The underlined sentence“it s just not done”m eans that no one in Thailand
A . can do it nowadays
B . can go away after having done it
C . has ever done it
D . consider it proper to do so
In recent years advances in medical technology have m ade it possible for people to live
longer than in the past . New medicines and machines are being developed every day to
extend life . However, so me people , including so me doctors , are not in favor of these life
extending measures, and they argue that people should have the right to die when they
want . They say thatthe quality oflife is as important as life itself and that people should not
be forced to go on living when conditions of life have become unbearable . They think that
people should be allowed to die with dignity ( 尊 严 ) and to decide when they want to die .
Others argue thatlife under any conditions is better than death and thatthe duty of doctors is
always to extend life as long as possible . A nd so the battle goes on and on without a definite
answer .
9 . The best title for this text is
A . Life Is Better Than Death
B . The Right to Die
C . The Doctor s Duty
D . The Right to Live
10 . In recent years, people can live longer than in the past . It s because of
A . the develop ment of medical technology
B . good doctors
C . big hospitals
D . both B and C
11 . W hich of the following statements is true according to the text ?
A . M ost of the medical workers join in the argu ment .
B . The argument has ended in favor of the patient .
C . The argument hasn t ended yet .
D . The quality of life is not as im portant as life itself, so it is generally thought that
people should not be allowed to die under any conditions .
Singapore s parliament passed a bill yesterday giving the govern ment power to
interrupt rail, sea and air transportation if the United Nations asks to do . The new law also
makes collecting or providing money for terrorist acts a criminal offense . The bill gives
Foreign Minister Shan mugam Jayaku mar power to interrupt transportation systems in
accordance with the U N Charter s Article 42 , which deals with threats to peace and acts of
aggression . Singapore introduced the bill in the wake ofthe Septem ber 11 terrorist attacks in
the United States .
The 11th International Chaozhou Fellowship Conference ( 同乡会 ) is to be held in the
Test Fifteen
Great Hall of the People in Beijing October 18 - 20 . M ore than 3 , 500 representatives of
Chaozhou origin from some 30 countries and regions will attend the conference . Chaozhou , a
city in South China s Guangdong Province , boasts its m ultitude ( 大 量 的 ) of successful
businessmen around the world , especially in Southeast Asia . Chaozhou fellowship
conferences have been held in different cities across the world every two years since 1980 .
China s goal is to achieve an annual growth rate of 15 percent in the export of
machinery ( 机械 )and electronic products in the next five years , according to trade officials .
By 2005 , the country is expected to export U .S .$180 billion worth of machinery and
electronic products , accounting for ( 占 ) about half of total exports, W ei Jianguo , assistant
minister ( 副 部 长 ) of Foreign Trade and Econo mic Co-operation , said here over the
weekend . In the first seven months of the year, China s machinery and electronic exports
totalled ( 总计达到 ) U .S .$64 .6 billion , up 15 per cent from the sa me period last year and
accounting for 43 .8 per cent of the country s total exports .
12 . Singapore s parlia ment passed a bill
A . for the safety of their own country
B . because the United Nations asked them to do so
C . before the Septem ber 11 terrorist attacks in the United States
D . in accordance with the U N Charter s Article 42
13 . The International Chaozhou Fellowship Conference might be held in the following years
A . 1982
B . 1994
C . 2005
D . 1988
14 . The country s total exports in the first seven months of the year can be
according to the third passage .
A . U .S .$180 billion
B . U .S .$148 billion
C . U .S .$64 .6 million
D . U .S .$360 million
15 . W hich of the following statesm en ts is N OT true according to the text ?
A . It is the parliament that gives the govern ment power to decide things
B . M ore than 3 , 200 representatives of Chaozhou origin will attend the conference in
Beijing October 18 - 20 .
C . The total exports of China will be U .S .$360 billion by 2005 according to the
plan .
D . Both Singapore and the United States were attacked by the terrorists on September 11 .
16 . These three passages might be
A . news items from the newspaper
B . articles from our textbooks
C . announcements over the radio
D . notices at the school gate
Some English words are made up of the same part and have different beginnings and
different endings, such as import, export, report and transport .All these words , you can
see , have the same“ port”, which com es from the Latin word , meaning“to carry”or“to
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
move”from one place to another .And according to the bit at the beginning , which we call
the prefix , the meaning changes“Import”
means“to carry in”or
“to bring into a country”;
“export ”,“ex”means
“out of”, so this word means
“to carry out of the country”“re”
“back”, so the“report”means“to tell so mebody , to bring back information to somebody”;
“transport, ”
“across”and it means
“to carry across one place to another”.
Let’s look at the following words : supporter, reporter, importer and exporter .You can
see that in this case these words are nouns which are m ade up of the verbs plus a suffix ,
thus meaning a person who co mpletes the verb .So supporter means som ebody who supports .
A reporter is somebody who reports .Im porter is som ebody who im ports and exporter is
so mebody who exports , and so on .
17 . In the first sentence the underlined word“ part”means
A . different beginnings and different endings
B . the same root that has different meanings
C . the root of the word
D . the sa me part that has several meanings
18 . By adding a prefix or a suffix to a root, we can get a word which has
A . the m eaning of a Latin word
B .a different meaning
C . the meaning of
“out of”
D .a lot of meanings
19 . W e can get a noun
A . just by adding“er”
to verbs
B . by changing a prefix
C . only by adding“er”
to a root
D . by adding a suffix to a verb
20 . According to the text, if we talk about a man of refinement, you may guess that he m ust
A . a man having good manners and education
B . a person punished by somebody else
C . somebody having bad manners
D . a person who should be educated
Test Sixteen
阅读理解 ( 共 20 小题 ; 每小题 2 分 , 满分 40 分 )
阅读下列 短文 , 从每题所 给的四个选 项 A、B、C 和 D 中 , 选出最佳 选项。
China s capital Beijing plans to become as clean as
Paris in its bid to host the 2008 Oly mpics , the nation s top
environmental official said last week “
. Right now , the air
in Beijing isn t as good as that in Paris , “ Xie told a
press conference on Decem ber 22 .“ H owever , by the
year 2008 our air quality will match that in Paris .”
The goal could be less am bitious than it sounds ,
since pollution in the French capital is so metimes
so bad that drivers are asked to leave their cars behind and
introduce lower speed limits .
In late Novem ber , China Daily reported that up to 165 billion yuan
would be spent cleaning up Beijing for the Olym pics . The figure includes money spent to
reduce other kinds of pollution . Xie said the Beijing govern ment has already started dozens
of project to im prove the city s environment . Before 2008 , air quality in Beijing will meet
national environ mental standards , which are almost exactly like international standards .
Air pollution in Beijing is caused mainly by household burning of coal for heat, gases
from its huge car traffic and filthy waste of the city s industry . Hundreds of millions of
dollars will be spent to pipe natural gas to the city s homes, taking the place of coal
burning . The money will also be used to relocate polluting factories and build green belts .
Polluting factories are going to be closed or relocated , and by 2008 about 90% of Beijing s
waste will treated compared to only 40 % at present . Xie also told the press conference that
China would spend 1% of its G DP on pollution control during the next five-year plan , fro m
2001 to 2005 .
1 . China Daily reported that 165 billion yuan would be spent
. W hich of the
following is N OT true according to the text ?
A . improving air conditions
B . cleaning up Beijing
C . reducing air pollution
D . building more car factories
2 . The underlined word“relocate”probably refers to
in the text .
A . protect
B . move
C . rebuild
D . pull down
3 . After reading the text, we know that
A . Beijing s air quality is better than any other hosting city
B . the air condition in Paris is the best of all the hosting cities
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
C . the pollution in Paris is no better than that in Beijing
D . Beijing plans to spend over 100 billion yuan cleaning up its air
One day in 1925 John Baird pulled an office boy into his workroom and sat him down
in front of his equip ment . The boy s face could be seen on the simple screen a few feet
away . That office boy was the first person ever to appear on television ! Baird was the son of
a clergy man ( 牧师 ) . He went to a technical college and then to Glasgow University . It was
there that he first had the idea of transmitting pictures .
He was not a healthy m an . That s why he was rejected for army service at the time of
the first world war and had to work in a power station . After the war he tried to set up in
business several times without real success . Returning to London , he started again on his
idea of television .
He was so poor that he accepted an offer to show his experiments in a big London
store . M oney from his parents allowed him to continue his work . W hen he gained more
success and transmitted a reasonably clear picture over long distances , he was offered help .
Businessmen who before had refused to help now eagerly offered to share in the development
of this invention . Big co mpanies in A merica spent a lot of money in im proving his
equip ment . W hen the B BC made the first ever television broadcast in 1936 , A merican
equip ment was used .
John Baird died in 1946 and did not live to see television enter the majority of homes in
Britain .
4 . The best title for this text would be
A . A Pioneer : John Baird
B . An Office Boy— First Person on TV
C . 1925 : A Year to Reme mber
D . W ho Invented TV — The British or The A mericans
5 . During W orld W ar I, Baird
A . tried to set up his T V business
B . went back to London fro m Glasgow
C . tried to join the army
D . started his experiment in T V
6 . The idea of inventing T V came to Baird when he was
A . at university
B . trying to start his own business
C . working in the power station
D . in his workroom in 1925
7 . W hen he needed it most, Baird got money for his experiment from
A . some businessm en
B . his co mpany
C . A merican com panies
D . his parents
Benin is one of the smallest African states . It lies in W est Africa on the G ulf( 海湾 ) of
Test Sixteen
Guinea , to the south of Burkina Faso and Niger, between Togo on the west and Nigeria on
the east .
Benin used to be called Dahomey and was controlled and ruled by France from 1893 to
1960 , when it beca me independent . In 1963 the army general Soglo overthrew ( 推 翻 ) the
first president M aga .Soglo , set up an army govern ment and called himself head of state in
1965 , but was overthrown and replaced by a civilian ( 非 军 人 ) govern ment in 1967 . In
Decem ber 1969 , Benin had another change of power with the army again taking over( 接管 ) .
In May , 1970 , M aga and two other men set up a new governm ent, with each of them acting
as president in turn for two years . However, half a year after Maga turned over power to the
second man Ahomadegbe , the three- man government was overthrown by the army once more
and General Kerekou became president . In November 1975 , Kerekou changed the na me of
the nation fro m Dahomey to Benin , Benin being the nam e of a 17th century kingdo m
covering the sa me place . Kerekou also announced that Benin would be a People s Republic
based on M arxism -Leninism .
8 . W hich of the following maps shows rightly the positions of Benin and its neighbouring
countries ?
( Bn = Benin ; Tg = Togo ; Nr = Niger ; BF = Burkina Faso ; Na = Nigeria ; G G = G ulf of Guinea)
9 . Benin was under the control of France
A . for roughly a century
B . for over a century
C . for over half a century
D . less than half a century
10 . For how long was Benin an independent state before it became a People s Republic ?
A . 15 years .
B . 25 years .
C . 20 years .
D . 30 years .
11 . Choose the right order in which the following people ruled in Benin .
( Ah = Ahomadegbe ; Ke = Kerekou ; M a = Maga ; So = Soglo)
A . So , M a , A h , M a , Ke
B . So , Ma , Ke , M a , Ah
C . Ma , So , M a , Ke , Ah
D . M a , So , Ma , Ah , Ke
12 . W hen and how did Benin get its two nam es— Benin and Dahom ey ?
A . Daho mey was its oldest na me , but it has been replaced by Benin .
B . Benin was its oldest name . The name Dahomey was used later, but has been
replaced by Benin again .
C . Dahom ey was its oldest name . The name Benin was used later, but has been
replaced by Daho mey again .
D . Benin was its oldest nam e , but it has been replaced by Dahomey .
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
The Fourth 21st Century Cup National English Speaking Com petition to be held in
Shanghai .
O rganizers: China Daily and Shanghai Broadcasting Network ; China University
English Speaking Association ( 协会 ) ( C U ESA )
C o-sponsors (联合主办单位 ) : English Speaking Union ( ESU ) ; Lotus Software( China) Co .
Ltd ; Times Publishing Group of Singapore ; Hilton Shanghai; Pearson
Education ; Foreign Language teaching & Researching Press
D ate :
M arch 26( Friday) , 1999
Place :
Hilton Shanghai
C o m petition For m at ( 形式 ) : Each student will present a prepared speech on the given
topic, followed by a three- minute offhand speech and a three- minute
question and answer period with the judges . Prepared speech period : six
minutes; offhand speech period : three minutes; Q & A period : three
Speech Topic : People and Nature : In search of harmony ( 和 谐 ) in a new age— your
personal opinion
( Topics for the offhand speech will be given on the day of co mpetition .)
Prizes: Besides books and certificates ( 证 书 ) , the top two winners will be offered
scholarship to travel to the annual international English-speaking com petition ,
which will be held by the English speaking U nion in London in May, 1999 .
The third and fourth winners will be offered a study trip to Singapore ,
sponsored by the Times Publishing group . The fifth through the 10th place
winners will be offered cash prizes . All the com petitors will receive certificates
from the English speaking Union and book prizes provided by Pearson
Education and the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press . The
teachers of the top two winners will also receive a one-year me mbership to the
International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language
13 . W hat s the m ain purpose of this text ?
A . To draw attention of the readers to the important news .
B . To tell the readers some information about the co mpetition .
C . To give you some advice on how to win the contest .
D . To send you som e information on how to improve your spoken English .
14 . Suppose you were the 6th place winners, you would
A . get some books and a certificate
B . become a one-year mem ber of IAT EFL
C . get a chance to go abroad
D . travel to London for free
Test Sixteen
15 . W hat does the underlined word“offhand”
in this text probably mean ?
A . A speech not longer than three minutes .
B . A speech with it well prepared before .
C . A speech without preparation .
D . A speech with a piece of paper in hand .
16 . W hich of the following sentences is N OT right according to the text ?
A . The time-limit for each student is 12 minutes .
B . The com petitors won t know what they will speak about until March 26 , 1999 .
C . Each student m ust speak on two topics at least .
D . Top students can have the chance for the international com petition .
N E W Y O R K : W hen the first jet struck one W orld Trade Center at 8 : 48 a . m . on
Septem ber11 , 2001 , the people in the other W orld Trade center with a view of the instant
(coming and happening at once) damage across the divide had the clearest sense of what
they , too , m ust do : get out fast .
Katherine Ilachinski, who had been knocked off her chair by the blast of heat
exploding from the neighbouring tower, was one of those . Despite her 70 years of age , Ms
Ilachinski, an architect working on the 91st floor of 2 W orld Trade center, the south tower,
went for the stairs . Twelve floors above her, Judy W ein , an executive( manager) , screa med
and set off too .
But others up and down the 110 floors, many without clear views of the damage across
the way and thus unclear about what was happening , were not so sure . And the 18 minutes
before the next plane would hit were ticking off .
A mid ( a mong ) the uncertainty about what was the best thing to do , formal
announce ments inside the south tower instructed people to stay put, assuring ( 使 ……确 信 )
then that the building was sound and the threat was limited to the other tower .So me left;
others stayed . So me began the climb down and when m et with more announcements and
cautions to stop or return , went back up . The decisions made in those instants prove to be
of great im portance , because many who chose to stay were doo med ( 注 定 死 亡 ) when the
second jet crashed into the south tower, killing many and stranding ( 使……留住 ) many more
in the floors above where the jet hit .
One of these caught in indecision ( 犹 豫 不 决 ) was the executive at Fiji Bank U .S . .
Richard Jacobs of Fuji Bank left the 79th floor with the other office workers , but on the 48th
floor they heard the announcem ent that the situation was under control . Several got in the
lifts and went back up , two minutes or so before the plane crashed into their floor .
“I just don t know what happened to them , ”Mr . Jacobs said .
17 . According this text, this might be
A . part of a diary
C . a story for boy students
B . a piece of news
D . an announce ment on T V
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
18 . Fro m the text we know that the south tower was hit at
on the
A . 8 : 30 a .m .; 91st
B . 8 : 48 a .m .; 103rd
C . 9 : 30 a .m .; 60th
D . 9 : 06 a .m . or so ; 79th
19 . W hat do the underlined words“stay put”probably m ean in the text ?
A . Stay up .
B . Return and then leave .
C . Stay behind
D . Hold one s breath .
20 . Few people in the W orld Trade Center would have died if
A . people hadn t used the lifts
B . the incident had happened on a weekend
C . more announcements had been made
D . the people had obeyed the office rule
floor .
Test S eventeen
阅读理解 ( 共 20 小题 ; 每小题 2 分 , 满分 40 分 )
阅读下列 短文 , 从每题所 给的四个选 项 A、B、C 和 D 中 , 选出最佳 选项。
M y husband and I got married in 1 9 6 5 and forthe first
ten years of our marriage , I was very happy to stay home
and raise our three children . Then four years ago, our
youngest child went to school and I thought I might go
back to work .
M y husband was supportive and helped m e
to make my decision . He em phasized all of the
things I can do around the house , and said he
thought I could be a great success in business .
After several weeks ofjob-hunting , Ifound my presentjob in a
small public relationsfirm . Atfirst, my husband was very proud of me and
told his friends,“ M y clever little wife can run that com pany she s working for .”
But as his joking remark approached reality , my husband stopped talking about m y job .
I have received several promotions and pay increases . Now I am making more m oney than
he is .I can buy m y own clothes and a new car .Because of our com bined inco mes, my
husband and I would do m any things that we had always drea med of, but we do not,for he is
unhappy .
W e fight about little things and my husband is very critical in front of out friends . For
the first time in our marriage ,I think there will be a possibility that our marriage may co me
to an end .
I love my husband and I don t want him to feel inferior, but I don t know how to settle
this problem .Can you give me some advice ? How can I keep my husband on one hand and
my new career on the other ?
Please help .
1 . W hat will be the best title for this text ?
A . A working woman s trouble
B . A wife s thanks for her husbands
C . A wife s com plaints about her husband
D . A working woman s love for her husband
2 . The letter was m ost probably written
A . in 1975
B . around 1980
C . four years ago
D . in 1965
3 . According to the text, which of the following shows her husband was supportive ?
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
A . He took up all the work she used to do .
B . He made all the decisions for her .
C . He gave her encouragement .
D . All of the above .
4 . As her incom e increased ,
A . she found a gap emerged between her and her husband
B . she bought more clothes and a new house
C . she did many things she had dreamed of
D . she felt very proud of herself
5 . W hat does the underlined word“critical”mean ?
A . decisive
B . angry
C . making iudgm ent
D . looking for faults
Today s teenagers, at least in the eyes of the older generation , have no reason to be
unhappy . However, a recent survey targeting teenagers in 22 provinces indicates that 12 .97
per cent of the people questioned have some sort of mental problems . This originates fro m
falling out( 争 吵 ) with people or from pressure with studies, causing depression , constant
worry and fear, the survey says .
Experts caution that mental problems are becoming an increasingly bigger threat to
teenagers , and have resulted in higher rates of smoking , drug taking and excessive drinking
a mong youth .
Today s teenagers are confronted with (面临) tougher challenges in study and employment .
As an only child in a family , young people bear higher expectations from their parents .
Living under such great pressure makes teenagers susceptible to m ental problems . On
the other hand , teachers and parents tend to focus their attentions on academic
performances, but neglect their feelings .
M ental proble ms , if not addressed properly , will greatly influence the quality of the
country s talent . It is estimated that by the year 2 , 020 , mental illness will increase to one
fourth of the total cases of illness from the current one fifth .
The survey should ring alarm bells to schools and parents , and efficient measures m ust
be taken to ensure the health of our teenagers— both physically and mentally .
Schools should build up a contingent ( 可 能 的 事 件 ) of professional personnel to give
students regular checkups and consultations ( 咨询 ) on their mental health .
Parents are encouraged to m ake friends with their children so that they are willing to
and dare to share their problems with parents .
6 . The author s purpose in writing the text is
A . to settle the teenagers mental problem
B . to blame the teachers and parents for the teenagers mental problem
Test Seventeen
C . to tell us the reasons for the problem
D . to analyze the problem which is crucial to the teenagers
7 . The survey says the teenagers have mental problem because
A . their quarrels with others or pressure with studies cause depression , constant worry
and fear
B . their parents give too high expectations to them
C . their teachers and parents don t pay much attention to their feelings
D . they are not given regular checkups and consultations on their mental health
8 . It can be inferred that
A . mental illness is one fifth of the total cases of illnesses now
B . all parents are not friends of their children who d like to share problems with the m
C . mental problems are beco ming more and more dangerous to young people
D . parents think there is no reason for the teenagers not to be happy
9 . The author s attitude towards the problem can be described as
A . concerning
B . critical
C . com plaining
D . indifferent
10 .“Susceptible”in the paragraph 4 is close in meaning to
A . likely to feel a strong effect from
B . doubtful
C . afraid of something to happen
D . against
R ussian“ S wan Lake”
The State Acada mic Bolshoi Theater ballet troupe from Russia will stage“Swan Lake”
in Beijing .
It will perform a version created by choreographer Yuri Grigorovich .
Established in 1776 , the Theater has grown into a world leader .
It has fostered a large nu m ber of world-renowned artists, such as Ananiashvili Nina
and Galina Ulanova .The theater made its first visit to China in 1956 .
Time : 7 : 30p .m ., Nove mber 15 - 18
Place : Beizhan Theater, 135 , Xiwai Dajie , Xicheng District
Phone : 6835-1383
British m usic
The“Swingle Singers”from Britain promise an eclectic mix with their trademark versatility .
Eight voices are respectively transformed into a symphony orchestra , a big band , a
cathedral organ and a rock group .
They play a wide selection of m usic in a variety of styles , including M ozart s“ Overture
to‘ The M agic Flute , ”Beethoven s“ M oonlight Sonata , ”the Beetles “ Ticket to Ride , ”
and“ A mazing Grace .”
Time : 7 : 30 p .m ., Novem ber 5
Place : Beijing Concert Hall, 1 , Beixinhua Jie , Xicheng District
Phone : 6559-8285
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
Oly m pic night
The China Philharmonic Orchestra will give a concert of Oly mpic and sports music .
It will include Shostakovich s“Festival Overture , Op96 , ”which was the theme of the
1980 M oscow Olym pics , George Gershwin s“ R hapsody in Blue , ”which was perform ed at
the opening of the 1984 Los Angeles Oly mpics, and John Williams “The Oly mpic Spirit .”
Time :
7 : 30 p m , Novem ber 5
Place : Poly Theatre , on northeast corner of the Dongsi Shitiao ViaductTel: 65001188 ext 5176
W ildlife photo
Xi Zhinong s personal photo exhibition of wild animals is on at the Popular Photo
Gallery . Xi, a fam ous photographer and an environ mental activist, has just been honored as
the Big Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2001 . A slide show will be given on Novem ber 6 ,
at 2 p .m ., at the Popular Photo Gallery .
Time : 9 a .m . - 5 p .m . until Novem ber 14
Place : inside the Xiang Shenghang Photography Equip ment Shop , behind the S D X
Bookstore , east of the China National Art M useum
Phone : 6527-9098 or 6675-7067
11 . This is a section of a newspaper which m ay be called
A . W hat s on
B . W hat s up
C . Theatres
D . Performances
12 .“ Established in 1776 , the theater has grown into a world leader”in the first passage ,
here“the Theatre”refers to
A . Beizhan Theatre
B . the State Academic Bolshoi Theatre
C .“ Swan Lake”Theatre
D . Poly Theatre
13 . W hich of the following statements is right ?
A . Li Ming is free on Nov .5 night, he can only go to listen to British m usic .
B . If you want to watch“Swan Lake”, you can dial the nu mber 6527-9098 .
C . You can watch so me Olym pic m usic performed by foreign singers .
D . It can be inferred that paying great attention to the wildlife and environ mentis doing
a good deed .
Air France
Tel: (010) 6588 1388
(021) 6360 6688
(852) 2524 8154
Fro m
Fax : (010) 6588 1389
(021) 6360 6655
(852) 2521 0542
10 : 45
14 : 40
Test Seventeen
2 ,4,7
1 ,3,5 ,6
1 ,3,6
2 ,4,5 ,7
+ 1 * = The
Hong Kong
Following day
Turkish Airlines
Tel: ( 010 ) 64651867
( 021 ) 32220022
Fro m
3 ,4,7
2 ,3,6
3 ,4,7
2 ,3,6
* = next day , local time
Hong Kong
15 : 55
11 : 55
23 : 55
16 : 00
14 : 00
23 : 35
23 : 15
08 : 35 + 1
17 : 35
05 : 30 + 1
10 : 10 + 1
08 : 35 + 1
06 : 00 + 1
18 : 00 + 1
Fax : (010) 64651865
Fax : (021) 32220021
23 : 50
22 : 15
20 : 30
22 : 15
04 : 30 *
13 : 15 *
04 : 30 *
16 : 25 *
14 . Li Haifeng is a native of Shanghai, and he is now on business in Paris . He telephones
his friend that he will take off on Tuesday . Then when shall his friend meet him at the
airport ?
A . At 17 : 35 on Tuesday .
B . At 08 : 35 on Tuesday .
C . At 08 : 35 on W ednesday .
D . AT 10 : 10 on W ednesday , M arch 06 , 2002 .
15 . If you are expected to find out the time of T K20 from Istanbul to Beijing , you can dial
A . either(010) 6588 1388 or (010) 64651867
B . either(852) 2524 8154 or (021) 32220022
C . either(010) 64651867 or (021) 32220022
D . either(010) 64651867 or (010) 64651865
16 . This is
A . a schedule
B . an advertise ment
C . an announcement D . a form
Michael Jordan is still Michael Jordan , even though he is 38 years old .
The basketball legend sentlast week to allthe people who doubt his superpower on the
court since his second comeback at the beginning of this season .
The five-tim e A merican National Basketball Association ( NB A ) M ost Valuable Player
( M VP ) scored 51 points in his season— high score in 38 minutes, leading the W ashington
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
Wizards to beat the Charlotte Hornets 107-90 on Saturday night .
“I think after tonight they are going to say less , ”Jordan said after the m atch , referring
to those who criticized his second return from retirement .
Jordan s performance made a very good slam at the very right time .
Just two days before , Jordan had his worst game in his nearly 16-year career . He was
limited to only six points in an N B A game that the Wizards lost 81-108 to the Indiana
Pacers . H e had scored at least 10 points in 866 consecutive ( continuous) gam es since his
previous low of eight points against Cleveland in 1986 .
W hen Jordan made the announce ment of his second comeback from retire ment last
Septem ber, only a few people were optimistic that he could regain his old glory .
Even Jordan had doubts .“I m doing it for the love of the game , ”he said a week
before his announcement on Septe mber 25 “
, Nothing else . For the love of the gam e .”
And Jordan s performance— until last Saturday—in the 2001-02 season almost proved
that .
People had seen a good— but not super— basketball player struggle to fight a mong
much younger talents .
He could not save the W izards . He would miss the final shot—something he always
nailed in Chicago . In som e games, he was not even his team s top scorer; 22-year-old
team mate Richard Hamilton said proudly that“ not only have we learned how to play with
Jordan, but he learned how to play with me”after scoring more than Jordan in several
ga mes .
Yet Jordan managed to fight back ,“I go into tomorrow s ga me knowing that I ve found
my shot, I ve found my rhyth m , and hopefully when asked , I can perform , ”Jordan said .
“I don t think I can do( 50 points) every night, but I think I can be a threat and a
force out there for 38 minutes .”
17 . Fro m the text we can know Jordan s lowest points in a game is
A . six
B . eight
C . sixteen
D . ten
18 . W hat Richard Hamilton said suggests that
A . Jordan s tea m mates are proud of him
B . Richard s wouldn t like to learn fro m Jordan as before
C . Jordan isn t the super star as he used to be
D . Richard has beco me a super star instead of Jordan
19 . The underlined word“optimistic”may have the close meaning to“
A . full of hope
B . full of joy
C . believable
D . doubtful
20 . The author writes this text in order to
A . tell us the career of Jordan
B . inform us that Jordan gets form back
C . make all the skeptics have faith of Jordan
D . prove that Jordan is sure to be as powerful as before
Test Eighteen
阅读理解 ( 共 20 小题 ; 每小题 2 分 , 满分 40 分 )
阅读下列 短文 , 从每题所 给的四个选 项 A、B、C 和 D 中 , 选出最佳 选项。
W hen one of my students com mented to m ethat we hadn t
seen each other for Donkey s Years, I was, to say the
least, a little surprised . Without giving it too much
thought I went on and praised him on his English .
Being able to use the idioms of a second language
is quite an achievem ent: it requires knowledge not
only of the real meaning but also of the correct
context .
Despite the difficulty , there seems to be a dem and for
this type of learning . Take a look in the local foreign language
bookstore and you will find at least half a dozen books of the sort 101 Practical English
Idioms in Context . In reality English idioms are a bit like Shanghai s traffic regulations .
Everybody knows about the m but nobody uses the m . True , I could use idio ms until the cows
co me home or until I am blue in the face butin my day-to-day speaking , and most certainly
in my writing , I would never do that .
W hatever you may think about its artistic qualities , the English of the modern world is
direct and to the point .The change may be a generational one . M y grandmother uses such
phrases regularly , my m other on a few occasions but rarely do I hear m y peers ( 同 辈 人 )
using them . Though technically correct, using these rather obscure ( 晦涩 难 懂 ) metaphors
can make you sound very old fashioned .
The other big problem with idioms is that they are often specific to just one country of
even region .
Is there any use at all in learning English idioms ? Perhaps . Although their usefulness
in day-to-day usage is doubtful .It might be an attractive way to learn about the history of a
language . W hy do we say it s raining cats and dogs when quite clearly it isn t ?
So there is nothing wrong with knowing idioms , I just wouldn t reco m mend you use
them . Looking at these suggestions it might sound like I m trying to make English a boring
and sterile ( 贫瘠的 ) language .
M ost of the books on idioms suggest they are a good way to m ake your English more
interesting . I wouldn t say this is wrong, just that there are better ways to achieve the sa me
thing . Expanding your vocabulary is just as interesting and more useful .
Going back to my first example , how many different ways are there of expressing the
concept of“a long time“ ?There are atleast five obvious ones and probably a lot more if you
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
think carefully . Do that and your English will be head and shoulders above the rest .
1 . According to the author,
A . there is no need to memorize English idioms in order to make your English more
B . you d better to learn more idio ms because of their artistic qualities
C . if you grasp some idio ms , your English will be head and shoulders above the rest
D . if you use the idioms correctly , you re expected to be fashioned
2 . It can be inferred
A . you can expand your vocabulary to make your English study more interesting
B . English changes from generation to generation and now is direct and to the point
C . Idioms have lost flavor
D . Idio ms m ay be hard to learn
3 . W hen the student com mented to the teacher thatthey hadn t seen each other for Donkey s
Years ,
A . the teacher was a little surprised because the student used the funny word“ Donkey”
B . the teacher was surprised to see that his student could use the idiom properly
C . the teacher was surprised because nobody could use the idiom correctly except him
D . the teacher was surprised because the student should not use such an obscure
4 . According to paragraph 3 , which one is not correct ?
A . Idio ms are used no more than Shanghai s traffic regulations .
B . The author will use the idio ms in his oral English .
C . The author will use the idio ms neither in spoken nor in writing .
D . Idio ms should be used in proper situations .
New Year s Eve in the United Kingdom usually consists of trying to decide which
parties to attend and how m uch alcohol to drink before— and after—the countdown to
midnight . But in a country that won t celebrate its lunar New Year for six more weeks , I
wondered what to expect as the 2001 calendar year cam e to a close earlier this week .
To my surprise , it wasn t m uch different fro m home . Many young Chinese appear just
as determined to usher in the New Year with music and dancing .
Because I wanted a New Year with Chinese characteristics , I feasted on snake with a
group of W esterners at a neighborhood restaurant in Beijing .
Although I wasn t so keen on the slimy snake skin dish we accidentally ordered , I
actually quite liked the rest ofthe snake . Perhaps my New Year s resolution should be to try
new things m ore often .
At a W estern pub near Sanlitun afterwards, I was surprised to see many Chinese faces
in the crowd . As the countdown to 2002 began , the cham pagne flowed , joining W esterners
Test Eighteen
and Chinese together in celebration .
The many cultural differences between Britain and China no longer mattered at that
moment . Revelers wished both friends and strangers all the best for 2002 .
Just as the Chinese rang in the W estern New Year with us , I hope we can partake ( 参
与 , 分享 ) in their festivities next month to welco me the year of the horse .
5 . The writer is
A . a Chinese
B . a British
C . You can not guess from the lines
D . an A merican
6 . The writer says“it wasn t m uch different from home”, he refers to
A . Chinese young people would like to sing and dance to welcome the New Year like
W esterners
B . Chinese young people are prepared to drink alcohol like W esterners
C . Chinese young people will have six m ore weeks to celebrate the New Year like
W esterners
D . Chinese young people would like to try new things like W esterners
7 . The writer
A . had his dinner with his friends in a restaurant near Beijing
B . liked the whole snake dish very m uch
C . had a good time only with his friends in a pub
D . would like to experience new things later
China s economy grew 8 .2 per cent year-on-year to 6 , 212 .4 billion yuan ( U .S .
$748 .5 billion) during the first three quarters of 2000 , said Ye Zhen , spokesman for the
State Statistics Bureau .
The growth rate in the third quarter was 8 .2 per cent, 0 .1 percentage point lower than
the second quarter but 0 .1 percentage point higher than the first quarter, said Ye yesterday .
The growth rate for the entire year is expected to exceed last year s rate of 7 .1 per
cent, he said .
China continued to see a strong growth in exports during the first three quarters of the
year, Ye said .
Customs statistics indicate that China s exports reached U .S . $182 .3 billion during
the first three quarters of this year, an increase of 33 .1 per cent fro m last year .
Im ports reached U .S .$163 .1 billion , a rise of 38 .7 per cent, leaving China with a
trade surplus of U .S .$19 .2 billion .
Industrial output was up 11 .6 per cent in the first three quarters, 2 .3 per cent higher
than the same period of last year, as China s State-owned co mpany continued to show signs
of increasing efficiency .
Investment in fixed assets( 资产 ) was up 12 .9 per cent in the first three quarters, 4 .8
per cent higher than the sa me period last year .
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
Due to oil price in the first three quarters , the consum er price index was up 0 .2 per
cent, while the index was down 1 .6 per cent at the end of last year s third quarter .
However, China s retail price index remains in negative territory ( 范 围 , 领 地 ) so far
this year with a fall of 1 .7 per cent .
“ Despite negative factors such as insufficient ( 不足的 ) demand and an irrational( 不合
理的 ) econo mic structure , we believe China s econo my will keep moderate growth throughout
the fourth quarter and into next year, ”Ye said .
China will continue to carry out an active fiscal( 财政 ) policy to stim ulate ( 增加 , 刺激 )
do mestic demand in the fourth quarter and next year, he said .
“The policies to expand domestic demand in the past three years have already greatly
im proved the country s overall strength , ”he added .
8 . W hich of the following statem ents is right according to the text ?
A . The growth rate in the second quarter was lower than the first quarter .
B . According to Ye , negative factors such as insufficient demand and an irrational
econo mic structure will have such great effect on the growth of the fourth quarter that
the growth will be unsmooth .
C . Ye thought it was China s policies to expand domestic demand that had m ade the
whole economic situation better .
D . Customs statistics indicates that China s exports reached 1 , 749 .5 billion yuan .
9 . This text is written in the view of
A . politics
B . econo mic
C . statistics
D . mathematics
10 . Im ports of last year reached about
A . U .S .$117 .6 billion
B . U .S .$182 .3 billion
C . U .S .$163 .1 billion
D . U .S .$266 .1 billion
11 . The best title of the text is
A . China s Econo my Structure
B . The Factors Affecting China s econo my
C . China s Economy up 8 .2 Percent
D . China s Econo my Policies
12 .“ Negative”in the text may mean
A . to be good for something
B . to becom e side effects
C . not included
D . not right
In this sm all town there was not a single man of importance who would dare to have a
housekeeper younger than sixty , for fear of what people might say about them . I was an
exceptional, however . W hen I needed a housekeeper I chose a girl called Birdie Casey , a
lovely little girl of seventeen from a village up the coast . But I made my choice carefully . I
drove out there one day when she was at ho me , and I had a look at the cottage and a talk
with her mother and a cup of tea , and after that I did not need anyone to say that she was
Test Eighteen
fit . I knew if there was anything Birdie did not do normally her mother would not take long
to correct her . After that, there was only one question to raise .
“ Have you a boy-friend ?”said I .
“ No , doctor, I have not, ”said she with a simple expression that did not cheat me a
bit . As a doctor you soon get used to innocent looks .
“ W ell, you d better hurry up and get one .”said I,“or I m not going to take you .”
At this she laughed .
The next day she started working at my house . She proved to be very able and
efficient . Of course , she was so good-looking that people who came to my house used to
pass a re mark about us . But that didn t matter . They did not dare to hire a pretty girl
themselves for fear of what people would say . But I knew as long as a girl had a man of her
own to look after she would give me no trouble .
13 . I chose Birdie as my housekeeper because
A . she was able and efficient
B . she was younger and more beautiful than any other girl
C . I thought a beautiful lovely girl would be better than an old wo man of sixty as long
as she would not bring me trouble
D . I wanted to be an exception
14 . It can be inferred from the text that
A .people don t like young girls in this small town
B .Birdie s mother is a decent mother
C .the doctor falls in love with the young girl in actually fact
D .the girl pretended to be innocent when the doctor asked her questions
15 . The doctor s purpose by asking the girl whether she had a boy friend is
A . to make sure whether she had a boy friend to look after her for he didn t want to do so
B . to make sure whether the girl could give him trouble
C . to play a joke with her
D . for the reason that he was a single man
16 . According to the writer,
A . if you are an im portant man , you d better hire a young girl as a housekeeper
B . people shouldn t pass bad remarks on others
C . it s better to learn about the environ ment in which a housekeeper is living
D . it doesn t matter if you hire a young girl as long as you are bold enough
Greece today is a small country in southeast Europe . The population is about nine
million , and its capital is Athens .
High mountains with rich land between them cover northern Greece . The hilly southern
part is peninsula called the Peopennesus of islands surround the main land . The largest
island is Crete .
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
No part ofthe nation is far from water, to its east and west, lie the Aegean Sea and the
Ionian Sea , which cut deep bays and gulf into the long coastline . And to the south of the
country is the fa mous M editerranean Sea . Greece has been a sea faring nation for centuries,
and is well known for its shipping industry .
M ore than three thousand years ago , the Greek people developed a civilized society .
Greek architecture thinking and art influence other civilizations . Even the Greek
language influenced other languages , including English . For exa mple , the Englishwords
“alphabet”,“democracy”, and“arith metic”co me from Greek .
Today Greek is one of the most popular nations . Every year thousands of people ca me
to the country because of its beautiful scenery , its famous ancient buildings , and its
excellent sum mer weather .
17 . W hich of the following maps shows the right position of Greece and its neighboring sea ?
( P = Peloponnesus
C = Crete
A = Aegean
Sea I = Ionian Sea
M = M editerranean Sea)
18 . Fro m the text, we can draw the conclusion that
A . Greece s shipping industry is more advanced than any other country
B . the Greek language is the most colorful one among the European languages
C . the Greek nation , with its early civilization , once played an im portant part in the
develop ment of hu man history
D . the first Olym pic Games were held in Greece
19 . M any people visit Greece every year mainly because they want to
A . see the beautiful scenery and enjoy the excellent su m mer weather there
B . know the famous shipping industry and see its long coastline
C . learn the Greek language and study its civilization
D . see the ancient buildings and study its architecture
20 . W hich of the following will be the best title for the text ?
A . The Earliest Civilization
B . The Influence of the Sea on Greece
C . The S mall but Im portant Nation of Greece
D . Greek Architecture and Greek Art
Test Nineteen
阅读理解 ( 共 20 小题 ; 每小题 2 分 , 满分 40 分 )
阅读下列 短文 , 从每题所 给的四个选 项 A、B、C 和 D 中 , 选出最佳 选项。
Port Douglas ( 澳大利亚港口 ) , which doesn t haveits own
co m mercial ( 商 业 的 ) airport , isaboutaone - hourdrive north
along a scenic coastal road fro m the airport in Cairns .
There are no direct international flights from Cairns,
so visitors must fly from Brisbane or Sydney . Driving
from those two citiesis notrecom mended ( 推 荐 ) . Port
Douglas is about 1 , 700 miles from Sydney and 1 , 200
milesfrom Brisbane, mostly on two-laneroads . Driving
tim e from Brisbane is about a day and a half . The flightfro m Los
Angeles to Sydney is about 14 hours .
The best time is during the dry season , fro m June to Septem ber .
The climate ranges from 30℃ to 20℃ . During the sum mer months , cyclones are a threat
and the tropical( 热带的 ) climate can be unbearable , with highs around 34℃ , high humidity
( 湿度 ) and nearly 20 inches of rainfall a month . Another good reason to avoid the su m m er
months, fro m October through M ay , is the presence of large box jellyfishes , called marine
stingers locally , whose sting is painful and can be fatal . Swim mers on Four Mile Beach and
all along the eastern coastline are urged to swim inside stinger nets during those months .
1 . W hat is the main idea of this text ?
A . The climate about Port Douglas
B . The travel to Port Douglas
C . The travel to Brisbane
D . Both A and B
2 . M aybe the route for an A m erican to visit Port Douglas is
A . flying from Los A ngeles to Port Douglas
B . flying fro m the airport in Cairns to Port Douglas
C . flying fro m Los Angeles to Cairns, then driving to Port Douglas
D . flying fro m Los Angeles to Brisbane then to Cairns, and then driving to Port Douglas
3 . The su m mer months in Port Douglas are
A . from June to Septe mber
B . from October through May
C . from January through M arch
D . from October through November
4 . For a traveler the reasons to avoid su m mer months are
A . Cyclones is a threat
B . the tropical climate can be unbearable
C . the presence of large box jellyfish
D . all of above
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
Like m any engineers , I rely on textbooks to stay inform ed ( 见多识广的 ) . Unlike formal
classes, textbooks enable me to pursue ( 追 求 ) the topics that I am interested in at my own
pace . M ost publishers recognize the value of the professional market and use terms like
“perfect for self-study”in their promotional materials .
Unfortunately , the people who create this advertising do not understand how people
study co mplex technical material . In self-study , the way to measure your progress is to solve
problems using the information you have learned . To know that what you are doing is
correct, it is important to have an answer key . Without an answer key , it is difficult to
objectively judge your progress .
Instead of answer keys, m any textbooks have co mpanion solution booklets , usually
published for the convenience ofthe classroom teacher . Unless you are a university teacher,
these booklets are unobtainable . Even if you write to the publisher explaining why you want
the answer booklet, they treat you as a student looking to cheat in the course . So what if I
was ? Students should have access to the correct answers, too .
Nothing instructs better than doing the problems and understanding the solutions . Is
not education about learning and understanding ? If the reason against the answers is for
instructors to use the problems in exams , it is a foolish reason . Any instructor who is
incapable of creating his own test problems should enter a different line of work .
5 . W hat is the best title of this text ?
A . Textbooks as Teachers
B . The Professional M arket
C . Com panion Solution Booklet
D . The Reason against the Answer Keys
6 . From the author s view many engineers get inform ation
A . from textbooks
B . from advertising
C . from teachers
D . fro m publishers
7 . An answer key is im portant
A . in exa ms
B . in teaching
C . in judging your progress in study D . in selling textbooks
8 . W hich of the following statem ents does the author support ?
A . Students should not have access to the correct answers .
B . Students should have access to the companion solution booklets .
C . The teachers should use the problems in textbooks as test problems .
D . The publishers should not provide the companion solution booklets to students .
Frank s com pany will m ove into a new office in a posh skyscraper( 豪华的摩天大楼 ) in
the heart of the down-town area of the city , with convenienttransportation . But he prefers to
stay in the old office because he is worried about serious air pollution inside the newly
decorated building .“ For the sake ( 原 因 ) of health , we have to be far away from our new
Test Nineteen
ho me because poisonous che micals and unpleasant smells are very bad for the health , ”
co mplained Frank .
Interior air pollution caused by the com pounds used in construction materials and
interior decorations ( 装 饰 ) is beco ming seriously . According to statistics ( 统 计 ) fro m the
W orld Health Organization , about 30 per cent of newly built or rebuilt structures in the
world contain harmful gases . To clean the polluted air, people have tried various means .
M ethods include air-purifying machines that can produce ozone ( 臭氧 ) ; spraying che micals
to control poisons in the air; boiling vinegar in the room ; keeping windows open 24 hours to
let the air flow smoothly .
Planting flowers and green plants is a simpler way for getting rid of pollutants ( 污染物 )
and cleaning the air, according to environ mental experts . Scientists have found that green
plants may absorb a lot of carbon monoxide ( 一 氧 化碳 ) , carbon dioxide , formaldehyde ( 甲
醛 ) , benzene ( 苯 ) and other poisonous gases plus the grains in the air . And som e plants
may change the poisonous chemicals to their food . Usually , the plants absorb harmful
materials and gases through the leaves . Roots and even earth and bacteria play a role in
cleaning the air . Orange plants and rosem ary not only release pleasant smells, but wipe out
harmful bacteria . Lucid asparagus can get rid of heavy m etal atoms . The addition of green
plants and flowers in offices and rooms not only adds lively decoration , but offers significant
benefits to health .
9 . W hy does Frank not want to move into a skyscraper ?
A . Because the new building is not in the heart of the down-town .
B . Because the transportation is not convenient .
C . Because he is worried about serious air pollution inside the newly decorated building .
D . Because it is far away fro m his new ho me .
10 . According to statistics from the W orld H ealth Organization ,
A . about 50 per cent of newly built or rebuilt structures in the world contain harmful
B . all of newly built or rebuilt structures in the world contain harmful gases
C . about one-third of newly built or rebuilt structures in the world contain harmful
D . about 10 per cent of newly built or rebuilt structures in the world contain harmful
11 . According to the text, which of the following ways we can t use to clean the polluted air .
A . Spraying chemicals to control poisons in the air .
B . Boiling vinegar in the room .
C . Keeping windows open 24 hours to let the air flow sm oothly .
D . Cleaning rooms with water .
12 . W hich of the following statements is N O T correct ?
A . Planting flowers and green plants is a sim pler solution for getting rid of pollutants .
B . Leaves, roots and bacteria play the same role in purifying the air .
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
C . Some plants may transfer the poisonous che micals to their food .
D . The addition of green plants and flowers in offices and rooms not only adds lively
decoration , but offers significant benefits to health .
The need for a new round of nuclear power plants seems very clear . I see no reason
why nuclear power cannot be done in such a way that the danger is minimal and acceptable .
It is conceivable that a standardized plant could be designed and replicated . This
would enhance safety by permitting cross training and rapid exchange of proble m
identification and resolution . It is conceivable that more beneficial ways of exploiting waste
heat can be developed .
I live on Lake Norm an , N .C ., U .S ., which is heated by a nuclear plant . It allows
boats to stay in the water all year round by preventing freezing , but better uses of waste heat
could be found . For exam ple , what if the heat was used to warm the soil of several sections
of land around a plant . Might an extra harvest be possible ?
Already , fossil fuels are very dangerous in terms of deaths . The engineering co m munity
needs to help the public find perspective ( 前 景、看 法 ) on danger . The foreign sources of
fossil fuels in many nations , including the United States, make the reliance on this solution
politically dangerous . Future large-scale wars may be fought over energy . Self-reliance is
politically stabilizing .
13 . W hy should a standardized plant be designed and replicated ?
A . This would enhance safety by permitting cross training and rapid exchange of
problem identification and resolution .
B . More beneficial ways of exploiting waste heat can be developed .
C . This will produce more energy .
D . A nuclear power plant can be built easily .
14 . The reason that Lake Norman is not frozen all year round is that
A . there are so me hotsprings( 温泉 ) in Lake Norman
B . the climate around Lake Norman is high
C . Lake Norman is heated by a nuclear plant
D . None of A , B and C is correct
15 . The underlined phrase“perspective on danger”im plies that
A . fossil fuels are very dangerous in terms of deaths
B . the foreign sources of fossil fuels in many nations make the reliance on this solution
politically dangerous
C . future large-scale wars may be fought over energy and self-reliance is politically
D . A , B and C
16 . According to this text, which of the following statements is N OT right ?
A . M ore nuclear power plants will be built .
Test Nineteen
B . The nuclear power plants are safe enough now .
C . More means should be adopted to use nuclear energy .
D . Fossil fuels are very dangerous in terms of deaths .
Long before the white man cam e to A m erica, the land belonged to the A merican Indian
nations . The nation of the Cherokees ( 柴罗基族 ) lived in what is now the southeastern part
of the United States .
After the white man cam e, the Cherokees copied m any of their ways . One Cherokee
na med Sequoyah saw how important reading and writing were to the white man . H e decided
to invent a way to write down the spoken Cherokee language . He began by making word
pictures . For each word he drew a picture . But that proved im possible—there were just too
many words . Then he took the 85 sounds that made up the language . Using his own
imagination and an English spelling book , Sequoyah invented a sign for each sound . His
alphabet proved amazingly easy to learn . Before long , m any Cherokees knew how to read
and write in their own language . By 1828 , they were even printing their own newspaper .
In 1830 , the U .S . Congress passed a law . It allowed the govern ment to rem ove
Indians from their lands . The Cherokees refused to go . They had lived on their land for
centuries . It belonged to them . W hy should they go to a strange land far beyond the
Mississippi River ?
The army was sent to drive the Cherokees out . Soldiers surrounded their villages and
marched the m at gunpoint ( 枪口 ) into the western territory ( 领土 , 领 地 ) . The sick , the old
and the small children went in carts ( 大 车 ) , along with their belongings . The rest of the
people marched on foot or rode on horseback . It was November, yet many of them still wore
their su m m er clothes . Cold and hungry , the Cherokees were quickly exhausted by the
hardships of the journey . Many dropped dead and were buried by the roadside . W hen the
last group arrived in their new home in M arch 1839 , more than 4 , 000 had died . It was
indeed a march of death .
17 . According to the text, which of the following state ments is N O T correct ?
A . At first, the Cherokees lived in the southeastern part of the United States .
B . The Cherokees learned many of the while man s ways .
C . At beginning the Cherokees had their writing language .
D . Sequoyah is a Cherokees .
18 . Sequoyah invented the written language by
A . drawing a picture for each word
B . drawing a sign for each sound
C . using an English spelling book
D . writing down the spoken Cherokee language
19 . In 1830 , the U .S . Congress passed a law , which asked that
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
A . the Indians should be removed fro m their lands
B . the Cherokees should live on their original land
C . the original land should belong to the Cherokees
D . the Cherokees should go to a strange land near the Mississippi River
20 . W hich of the following statements is correct ?
A . All Cherokees went to the western territory in carts , along with their belongings .
B . The Cherokees went to the western territory in su m mer season .
C . The last group of Cherokees arrived in their new hom e in June 1839 .
D . The journey was indeed a m arch of death .
Test T w enty
阅读理解 ( 共 20 小题 ; 每小题 2 分 , 满分 40 分 )
阅读下列 短文 , 从每题所 给的四个选 项 A、B、C 和 D 中 , 选出最佳 选项。
Ladies and gentlemen , welcome to the Joshua H aines
House .long tim e ho me of the fa mous congtessman and later
judge . Although Haines and his family lived here from
1880 until his death in 1915 , he was not the original
owner of the structure . It was built m uch earlier for
a banker who later becam e an e mbassador ( 大使 ) .
Following the H aines family occupancy , the house
was owned by an industrialist . It was purchased in
1925 by the state and opened to the public shortly after . The
Haines fa mily returned some possession and furniture to the house
for visitors enjoyment .I would liketo direct your attention to the library on
your left . Through the open door, you can see the desk where the congressman wrote many of
his famous speeches . The drawing-room to your right was used , of course , when guests
visited .But the congressman often sat with his close friends in the kitchen at the back of the
house .It was there they discussed bills that later becam e law .The Haines liked to spend
so me time each day in the sun room just off this hall .It was here that Haines liked to write
letters and so metimes play the violin while his wife , M artha , sewed or took care of her
plants . W e will now visit the rooms I have just described , beginning with the library .
1 . W ho first owned the building that has been described in the text ?
A . A banker
B . An industrialist
C . A manufacturer
D . A congressman
2 . W here did Congressman H aines like to talk with his close friends ?
A . In the drawing roo m
B . In the sun room
C . In the Kitchen
D . In the library
3 . In addition to being a congressm an , what else was Haines ?
A . A professor
B . A judge
C . A governor
D . An am bassador
4 . Mrs .H aines felt like
A . writing letters
B . playing the violin
C . growing plants
D . cooking and baking
Nowadays , city people are beco ming more and more indifferent ( 漠 不 关 心 的 ) to each
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
other even though they are neighbors .M any prefer to be onlookers and not to lend a hand to
those in need ; many care more about m oney than other things; W hat is happening ?
W hen thinking of the bad side of life , I can t help feeling disappointed and puzzled .
Recently , som ething happened in my com pany that gave me a new view on life .
One day last month , an em ployee had a serious motorbike accident . His wife died
instantly ( 即 刻 地 ) and his father-in-lsaw was hospitalized due to the shock of losing his
daughter .The em ployee s two-year-old child lost his mother forever . A happy and sound
family had suddenly been broken into pieces . W hen informed , many staff, including
supervisors and managers went to comfort him and donated ( 捐赠 ) m oney to help him out .
The accident was horrific , but the man s colleagues have been warm-hearted ; helping
him in his tim e of need and trying to comfort him as m uch as possible .How m uch money
they donated is beside the point, what matters are their loving spirit and dedication .
The slogan of our company is factory, fa mily and school . Now I have a deep
understanding of our slogan and I love our com pany more deeply .In fact, our country is one
big fa mily , as is the whole world .As long as every mem ber of the family shows a little love ,
the fa mily will becom e more and more beautiful .
5 . In the first paragraph , which of the following is N O T the author s point of view ?
A . People like to be onlookers .
B . People don t want to help those in need .
C . People care more about money than other things
D . If someone is in difficulties , he will certainly get help from other persons .
6 . The e mployee s father-in-law was hospitaized because
A . he was injured in the motorbike accident
B . his daughter was killed in the motorbike accident
C . the two-year-old child lost his mother forever
D . he had a fever
7 . About the motorbike accident, which one is not correct ?
A . The accident was terrible .
B . The employee s colleagues have been warm-hearted , helping hime in his time of need .
C . They donated a great deal of money to help him out .
D . The author thought what im portant is their loving spirit, not money .
8 . The reason that the author loves his com pany more deeply is that
A . the co mpany is managed by a family
B . the company has a beautiful slogan
C . the company is like one big family and the me mbers of the com pany help each other
D . the co mpany runs smoothly
There re not many things to do , Jessie , but you d better take this map so that you don t
get lost, and you can mark on it where you have to go .Now our home is in the position of E .
Test T wenty
W hen you come out of the house ,turn left and go down to the junction .Turn right, go past
the swim ming-pool and you ll come to the main street .There you turn left and go along the
street, over the bridge .On the other side of the bridge there s a crossroads ;if you go straight
across it, you will find the shopping center on your left .Go there and buy the things on my
list .W hen you come out again ,look for Turton Road , and go along it to the end .You ll see a
football ground ahead of you .Go there and buy two tickets for the match this afternoon .Fro m
the football ground ,turn left towards the river and go on unil you come to Riverside Road .
There you turn left and then im mediately right again over the bridge .On the other side of the
bridge you ll find a park on your right and then a little further along ,there s a cine ma on a
corner to your left .Please go there and get their progra m me of forthco ming films .Then you
can come home along School Road— go all the way along it until you get to Main Street
again , cross it, and you ll find a little path behind the swim ming-pool;it is short cut ho me .
The map attached to Text C
9 . M aybe the text is told by
A . a guest to a servant in a hotel
B . a master to a servant at ho me
C . a traveler to a servant in an airport
D . a guest to a servant in a bank
10 . Fro m the shopping center to the football ground ,the straight road is
A . School Road
B . Turton Road
C . M ain Street
D . Bridge Road
11 . W hen the servant bought the football match tickets,the route he had passed was in the
order of
A . , , , ,
B .
, , ,
C . , , ,
D .
, , ,
12 . After he bought the football match tickets ,the route he would pass was in the order of
A . Riverside Road , Bridge Road , School Road , Park , Ho me
B . Turton Road , Main Street, Swim ming Pool, Ho me
C . Turton Road , Riverside Road , M ain Street, Ho me
D . School Road , Riverside Road , Hom e
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
Even though“friend”
is a term of endearment( 爱称 , 钟爱 ) used to describe many people
in our lives, we often have a hard time knowing what the term means .Psychologists identify
friends as those who accept each other, confide ( 倾诉 )in each other and feel responsible for
each other .
In our transient( 短暂的 ) culture , we depend m ore on friends for things we once gotfro m
families, emotional support and even financial help . With so m any people living away fro m
their fa milies, and so many people single into their thirties , friends provide essential
co mpanionship .Friendship can occur anyplace , even in a marriage .This was the case with
me .I met and fell in love with Milton Brothers at university .He became my husband soon
after, and we were together 39 years until he died at the age of 62 .
He was my best friend , and I still miss him desperately .Since he died , my sister, with
whom I fought fiercely when we were younger, has beco me one of my best friends .And I a m
also very close to my only daughter; Lisa .
Friendship ranks with marriage and kinship ( 血 源 关 系 ) as one of the most important
relationships in our lives, yet it can be the most neglected .Friendship outside fa milial ties or
marriage plays such an important role in life because with a friend , we can be the persons we
want to be . W e make no vows ( 发 誓 ) to a best friend , yet we have unstated expectations;
understanding , caring , concern .W e expect a friendship to last .
M ost of us have been making friends from childhood . W e find that the heart of
friendship-how to m ake the relation blosso m ( 开花 ) , grow and survive-requires more attention
and skill than we thought .To Ralph W aldo E merson “
, the only way to have a friend is to be
one .”
Becoming friends involves a process of sharing , a gradual relaxation of vigilance ( 警惕 )
over what partners reveal to each other about the mselves .Friends m ust learn to balance the
inclination ( 倾向 , 爱 好 ) to be open with the need to be protective of each other s feelings .
Abest-friendship gets out of balance when the intensiy ( 强度 ) becom es too one-sided .
13 . Friends is referred to as those
by Psychologists .
A . that accept each other
B . that confide in each other
C . that feel responsible for each other .
D . A , B and C
14 . According to the author s point of view , which of the following state ments is not correct ?
A . W e depend more on friends for things we once got from fa milies, emotional support
and even financial help .
B . With so many people living away from their families , friends provide essential
co mpanionship .
C . Friendship can occur anyplace , even in a marriage .
D . Friendship is m ore important than the m arriage and kinship in our lives .
Test T wenty
15 . Milton Brothers is
A . the friend of the author in middle school
B . the husband of the author
C . the daughter of the author
D . the author s sister
16 . W hich of the following statements is N O T correct ?
A . Friends should share what they have .
B . Friends should have confidence in each other .
C . Friends should take care of each other .
D . A best-friendship can not get out of balance even thought the intensity becomes too
one-sided .
Pursuing ( 追求 ) my license ( 证书 ) has forced me to broaden my knowledge beyond my
specialty .I am grateful because it allows me to move easily between the mechanical and
electrical aspects of my job .I am what they call “
a hybrid , ”( 混合 物 ) and my flexibility ( 适
应性 ) has extended my career by at least a decade .
All professions and trades require continuing education to so me degree .In engineeing ,
this is a necessity , whether licensed or not .Science , accelerated by co mputers , tests new
theories and brings them to market faster . W e have new tools, hybrid materials , faster
methods and better ideas .But all these advances will stay in the lab unless they are brought
to practice by the technologists who apply the m .
W hen the laser was first developed ,it was called a solution in search of a proble m .But
after engineers got their hands on this technology , lasers appeared in dozens of consumers
and medical products .
Let s think about where the medical profession would be if doctors never knew about
anesthesia or antiseptic ( 麻 醉 和 消 毒 的 ) procedures .Just like doctors, engineers use new
science to cure the incurable and bring more successful operations to the public .
It is not easy to stay in touch with new developm ents in engineering .It keeps us up at
night and som etimes away from our families .It is time consu ming .and we re not young
students any more .But I do not think it can be more difficult than sitting in an introductory
calculus class( 微积分课 ) .
17 . W hat has forced the author to broaden his knowledge beyond his specialty ?
A . To get license
B . To learn new knowledge
C . To do something better in the mechanical aspects .
D . To do something better in the electrical aspects .
18 . In this text which word is not mentioned to require continuing education .
A . all professions
B . trade
C . engineeing
D . construction
N M ET 阅读理解仿真试题
19 . W hich of the following statements is N O T correct ?
A . Science tests new theories .
B . Science brings new theories to market faster .
C . Science is accelerated by com puters .
D . W hen the laser was first developed , the engineers can use it to solve many
proble ms .
20 . The author thinks that
A . it is not hard to stay in touch with new develop ments in engineering
B . it keeps us up at night and always away from our families
C . it is not time consu ming
D . it cannot be more difficult than sitting in an introductory calculus class
NMET 话 题 阅 读 训 练 答 案 解 析
Unit One
Culture & Education
Test One
1 . Th e country s d ep artmen t of civil affairs is consid ering to cha nge one of th e curr ent marriage procedures
whic h requi res th e to-b e- ma rrie d couple s unit or neighborhood c ommittees to sign a pap er wh ich
id en tifies t heir status as b eing single .国 家 民 政 部 正 在 考 虑 改 变 现 行 结 婚 程 序 中 的 一 道 程 序 , 即
2 . Some compa nies or committees eve n refu se to sign t he p ap ers b ecause the y believe th at th ey h ave the
r ight to a pprove or not th e marriage sin ce the y are give n th e official right to sign the pa pers .一 些 公 司
或居委会甚至拒绝签署文件, 因为他 们认 为既然 他们 被赋 予了签 署文 件的官 方 权利, 他 们
3 . So it goes ; each story sounds r easonab le and official .事 情 就 是 这 样 , 每 个 故 事 听 起 来 都 合 乎 情
4 . Th e ove rall ph enomenon of home sc hooling . . .is growing by 11 % ea ch year .总 的 来 看 , 家 庭 就 学 非
常 普 遍 。 据 全 国 家 庭 就 学 学 院 统 计 , 1999 年 美 国 有 70 万 到 120 万 孩 子 在 家 里 接 受 教 育 。
2001 年《时 代》杂 志 的 一 篇 文 章 报 道 说 , 美 国 家 庭 就 学 的 学 生 人 数 每 年 的 增 长 率 是 11 % 。
1 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 从 第 二 段 第 一 句 话 可 知 改 革 现 行 结 婚 程 序 的 目 的 是 简 化
结 婚 程 序 。 文 章 第 3~7 段 详 细 介 绍 了 结 婚 手 续 的 复 杂 过 程 和 办 手 续 过 程 中 的 种 种 麻 烦 ,
如 : 结 婚 双 方 要 到 各 自 单 位 开 证 明 、签 文 件 、户 口 在 异 地 的 要 来 回 奔 波 , 办 事 机 构 效 率 低 下
等 等 。 选 项 B、C 只 是 结 婚 程 序 复 杂 麻 烦 的 原 因 之 一 。 选 项 A 认 为 改 革 现 行 结 婚 程 序 目 的
是为了跟上现代生活的步伐的观点在文中 没有 提及。 选项 D 概 括指出 了改 革现行 结婚 程
序的目的。因此,D 为正确选项。
2 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 四 段 第 一 句 话 可 知 : 结 婚 申 请 人 必 须 让 单 位 或 居 委
会签署两份文件, 一份证明他们的婚姻状况,另 一份是同 意他们 结婚的证 明。因此, C 为 正
3 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 最 后 一 段 可 知“ 难 以 验 证 结 婚 申 请 人 的 婚 姻 状 况 ”是 有
NMET 话题阅读训练答案解析
关人士对新的结婚程序的疑虑, 而不是旧有程序产生的麻烦。因此 D 为正确选项。
4 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 从 最 后 两 段 可 以 看 出 , 新 的 程 序 存 在 不 足 之 处 , 易 带 来“ 会
使 部 分 年 轻 人 视 婚 姻 为 儿 戏 ”( tre at marriage as a trifling matter ) 或“ 难 以 验 证 结 婚 申 请 人 的 婚
姻 状 况 ”( it s hard to c hec k out on e s marriage status ) 等 问 题 , 而 这 些 问 题 极 可 能 产 生 一 系 列 的
家庭问题或社会问题。因此 B 为正确选项。
5 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 该 题 可 用 排 除 法 。 文 章 第 一 段 指 出 国 家 民 政 部 门 在 考 虑
改革现行结婚程序。后文详细介绍了现行结婚程序及其种种问题, 又 介绍了改 革后的结 婚
程 序 , 通 过 两 者 的 对 比 来 突 出 改 革 的 必 要 性 , 而 选 项 B、C、D 都 只 是 对 一 种 程 序 或 某 一 方 面
的概括, 三个题目都以偏概全,故排除。因此,A 为正确选项。
6 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 主 要 考 察 对 第 二 段 中 出 现 的“ extr a eati ng”的 理 解 。 从 第 二
段来 看 , 当 节 日 临 近 时 , 无 论 是 在 西 方 还 是 在 中 国 , 人 们 都 会 准 备 丰 盛 的 食 物 。 A 项 意 为 :
人们在节日期间的饭量要大于平常 ;B 项意为人们在假期 里除一 日三餐外 还要另 外加餐 ; C
项 意 为 人 们 在 节 日 里 常 在 外 面 吃 饭 。 这 三 项 都 与 原 文 不 符 。 只 有 D 项“ 节 日 里 的 食 物 更 丰
盛 ”符 合 原 文 。 因 此 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
7 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 从 第 三 段 可 知 , 圣 诞 节 虽 来 源 于 宗 教 , 但 现 在 它 的 宗 教 色
彩 已 大 不 如 从 前 。 因 此 , A 、B 两 项 错 误 。 从 第 六 段 第 一 句 说 :“ Not everyon e follows or e njoys
classic holiday tra ditions”可 知 , C 项 错 误 。 因 此 , 该 题 选 D 。
8 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。“ d isrupt”意 为“ 扰 乱 , 弄 乱 ”, 只 有 选 项 A 符 合 此 意 。 因 此 , A
9 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 六 段 可 知 , 使 学 生 假 期 不 开 心 的 三 个 因 素 有“ 太 多 的
家 庭 作 业 ”“
, 旅 行 的 不 便 ”“
, 不 和 睦 的 家 庭 关 系 ”, 假 期 只 是 一 个 客 观 情 况 , 并 非 是 使 学 生 不
开心的原因。因此,D 为正确选项。
10 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 文 中 第 四 段 可 知 “
, 拜 访 上 年 纪 的 亲 属 ”是 中 国 人 过 春 节
的习俗。因此,B 为正确选项。
11 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 从 文 中“ But p erha ps th e m ost believa ble exp lanation is t hat the
word‘ ok ay was inven ted by a political organ ization in t he 1800 s”可 知 , 作 者 更 倾 向 于“ ok ay”与
Martin Va n Bure n 有 关 一 说 , 因 此 选 C 。 而 文 中 虽 提 到 许 多 英 文 词 来 自 印 第 安 语 , 但 对
“ ok ay”一 词 是 否 确 与 印 第 安 语 有 关 , 作 者 不 置 可 否 , 故 不 选 A 。 因 此 , C 为 正 确 选 项 。
12 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 解 答 此 题 需 要 掌 握 历 史 知 识 。 文 中 说 Oba diah Kelly 是“ 铁
路 职 员 ”, 世 界 上 最 早 的 火 车 产 生 于 十 九 世 纪 初 期 , 由 此 可 推 知 该 题 答 案 为 B 。
13 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 美 国 共 有 50 个 州 从 第 四 段 可 知 , 有 24 个 州 名 来 自 印 第 安
语 , 显 然 不 足 半 数 。 故 选 项 A 错 误 。 从 第 三 段 可 知 , 当 有 问 题 时 , Chocktaw 的 首 领 们 跟 酋
长 们 一 起 讨 论 , 而 不 用 于 所 有 的 部 落 成 员 , 故 选 项 B 错 误 。 从 第 十 段 可 知 , OK 一 词 多 用 于
口语而不用于书面语,故选项 D 错误。因此,C 为正确选项。
14 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 第 一 段 说 : 全 世 界 千 百 万 人 都 知 道 和 使 用“ ok ay”这 个
词。然而,语言专家对这个词的由来还没有统一的意见。 这是文 章的主题 段, 下文则通 过
几 个 传 说 故 事 来 探 讨“ ok ay”一 词 的 来 历 。 因 此 D 为 正 确 选 项 。
15 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 选 项 A 、
B 、D 所 说 都 是 父 母 决 定 让 孩 子 在 家 受 教 育 的 原 因
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
之一,但都不是最根本的原因。根据第二段第一句话可知, 父 母决定 让孩子在 家受教育 的
最重要的两个原因:一是 教育 质量, 二 是 父母 可以 教给 孩子 一 定的 宗教 观念。 因此, C 为
16 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。 monitor 的 常 用 义 为“ 班 长 , 监 视 器 ”之 意 , 此 处 做 动 词 意 为
“ 督 察 , 监 控 ”之 意 。 只 有 选 项 A 合 乎 题 意 。 因 此 , A 为 正 确 选 项 。
17 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 三 段 第 一 句 话 可 知 , 一 、学 校 派 老 师 的 目 的 是 帮 助 那
些 进 行 家 庭 就 学 教 育 的 家 庭 ; 二 、一 个 社 区 的 家 庭 只 能 有 一 个 老 师 , 而 不 是 每 个 家 庭 各 有
一 个 。 因 此 , 选 项 A 、B 错 误 。 从 最 后 一 段《时 代》杂 志 的 报 道 来 看 在 家 庭 就 学 接 受 教 育 的
孩 子 并 不 存 在 学 习 困 难 的 问 题 。 因 此 选 项 D 错 。 从 第 二 段 中“ It is be cause of the improved
edu cation t hat can r esu lt from in cr ease d pe rsonal atten tion that . . .”可 知 , 该 题 答 案 为 C。
18 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 章 开 头 句“ Ove r t he last two d ecad es , a n ew tr end in
Amer ican edu cation h as develope d . That de velopme nt is home sc hooling .”是 全 文 的 主 旨 。 后 文 分
别 介 绍 了 家 庭 就 学 兴 起 的 原 因 、优 势 、效 果 、发 展 趋 势 等 等 。 选 项 A、B、C 都 只 概 括 了 文 章
的 一 个 方 面 。 因 此 , 该 题 选 D。
19 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 从 第 二 段 可 知 , 英 国 人 的 姓 氏 的 来 历 有 : 来 自 他 们 所 从 事
的 工 作 ; 来 自 他 们 生 活 的 地 方 或 附 近 风 景 的 某 些 特 征 。 Blac ksmith 原 意 为“ 铁 匠 ”因 此 可 推
知 Blacksmit h 这 一 姓 氏 来 自 人 们 所 从 事 的 职 业 。 因 此 , A 为 正 确 选 项 。
20 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 文 中 最 后 一 段 可 知 , John 既 可 以 选 用 父 姓 Riv era , 也 可
以 选 用 母 姓 Gonzalez, 还 可 以 二 者 都 用 即 : R ivera y Gonzalez 。 但 根 据 西 方 习 惯 , 通 常 名 在 前 ,
姓在后。因此,D 为正确选项。
Test Two
1 . Driven by t he forces of instinct or curiosity 受 本 能 和 好 奇 心 的 驱 使 。
2 . Many facts sp eak loud ly a nd soundly th at proper edu cation on t his subject h ave neith er produ ced m any
negative imp acts on the mental , physical and psyc hological d evelop ment of the teen agers , nor resulted
in many social troub les 大 量 的 事 实 有 力 地 说 明 正 确 的 性 教 育 既 不 会 对 青 少 年 的 智 力 、身 体 、
心理的发展产生消极的影响, 也不会导致社会问题。
3 . You can h ave mail sent to you through Ge ne ral Delivery in any town 你 在 任 何 城 市 都 可 以 通 过“ 存
局 候 领 ”收 到 邮 件 。
4 . The new r egulation . . .and return airfare 新 规 定 还 明 确 说 明 申 请 人 必 须 有 足 够 的 资 金 以 交 纳 学 费 ( 约
8 000~16 000 澳 元 , 或 4 160~8 320 美 元 ) , 生 活 费 ( 约 12 000 澳 元 或 6 240 美 元 ) 和 返 程 机 票 。
5 . Overseas stude nts now studying at Austr alia s universities . . .wit hin seven d ays 现 在 正 在 澳 洲 留 学 的
1 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 二 段 内 容 可 知“ 在 蒙 古 , 客 人 饭 后 打 嗝 表 示 对 饭 菜
NMET 话题阅读训练答案解析
满 意 ”, 主 人 对 此 当 然 会 感 到 高 兴 。 因 此 , C 为 正 确 选 项 。
2 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 最 后 一 段 第 一 、二 句“ Suppose you visit a fr iend in Ara bia .
You should wal k be hind th e oth er tents until you come to his tent .”可 知 , 在 被 访 问 者 的 帐 篷 前 走
不 是 不 礼 貌 的 行 为 , 而 A 选 项 中 的“ ot her people s te nts”显 然 包 含 了 被 访 问 者 在 内 , 因 此 A 选
项 错 误 。 根 据 最 后 两 句“ If you p ass in fron t of th e oth er te nts , you will be ask ed into each on e”可
推知, 邀请每一个从自家帐篷前走过的人是当地习俗,因此,B 为正确选项。
3 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 并 未 谈 及 中 国 的 礼 仪 , 但 根 据 常 识 可 判 断 , D 为 正 确 选
4 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 一 段 第 四 、五 句 可 知 ,“ 在 中 国 , 几 千 年 来 由 于 人 们
羞于谈性,使性在人们眼里成 为一 件神秘 的事 情。受这 一文 化传 统和社 会习 俗 的影 响, 人
们 对 性 的 态 度 是 消 极 的 。”D 选 项 正 符 合 原 文 这 一 意 思 , 因 此 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
5 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 一 段 内 容 可 知 , 由 于 缺 乏 性 教 育 导 致 青 少 年 无 知 、
好 奇 , 从 而 引 起 犯 罪 。 A , B 选 项 中 所 说 的 青 少 年“ 好 奇 ”
“ 无 知 ”都 是 由“ 缺 乏 性 教 育 ”产 生
的,可见缺乏性教育是引起青少年性犯罪的根本原因。因此, D 为正确选项。
6 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。 最 后 一 段 第 一 句 话 的 意 思 是 :“ 显 然 老 师 和 家 长 不 能 继 续
把 性 教 育 看 成 一 件 神 秘 的 事 情 , 这 会 妨 碍 孩 子 的 健 康 成 长 。”B 选 项 意 为“ 发 现 性 的 神 秘 ”, C
选 项 意 为“ 使 性 教 育 成 为 一 件 秘 密 的 事 情 ”, D 选 项 意 为“ 让 青 少 年 了 解 性 教 育 的 秘 密 ”, B、D
两 项 都 不 能 使 句 子 意 思 通 顺 , C 项 虽 能 使 句 意 通 顺 , 但“ se cret ”和“ myth s”意 思 大 不 相 同 , 只
有 A 项“ 继 续 把 性 教 育 看 作 一 件 神 秘 的 事 情 ”符 合 句 意 , 因 此 , C 为 正 确 选 项 。
7 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 最 后 一 段 的 意 思 是 “
: 显 然老 师和 家长 不能 继 续把 性教 育
看成一件神秘的事情,这会影 响孩子 的健 康成长。 在老 师和专 家的 正确 指导 下, 学 生们 会
成 长 为 心 智 健 康 的 公 民 , 并 会 减 少 咨 询 心 理 医 生 的 次 数 。”从 这 一 段 可 以 很 容 易 地 推 出 A 和
C 选项均正确。正确的性教育有利于孩子的身 心健康, 那么性 教育也 必然会 被越来 越多 的
人接受。D 项观点也正确。只有 B 项观点过于绝对 , 不符合事实 , 因此 , B 为正确选项。
8 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 在 文 章 开 头 作 者 指 出 文 章 的 主 旨 : 虽 然 在 考 试 中 没 有 性 教
育这一科目,但性教育不能被忽视或禁止, 然后作者通过两个方面 来证明 性教育的 必要性:
一方面,中国传统的性观念对青少年产生了很多不良的影响; 另一 方面, 在西方 国家性教 育
已被列入学校课程,并且证明 这既 不影响 青少 年的 身心健 康, 也不 会导 致社 会问 题。最 后
作 者 呼 吁 老 师 和 家 长 要 给 孩 子 正 确 的 性 教 育 , 以 促 进 孩 子 的 身 心 健 康 。 因 此 , C 项“ 性 教 育
不 容 忽 视 ”是 该 题 最 佳 答 案 。
9 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 本 文 第 一 段 点 明“ 中 国 丰 富 的 文 化 传 统 和 独 一 无 二 的 语 言
文字吸引了越来越多的外国学 生。他们 远道 而来正 是希 望能够 体验 这个 有着 五千 年文 明
的 国 家 的 文 化 。”因 此 , C 为 正 确 选 项 。
10 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 四 段 可 知 , 目 前 在 中 国 的 外 国 留 学 生 有 50 000 人 ,
根 据 最 后 一 段 可 知 , 77 % 的 留 学 生 需 自 费 , 50 000× 77 % = 38 500 。 因 此 , A 为 正 确 选 项 。
11 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 文 中 提 到“ 自 1950 年 至 今 中 国 已 经 接 纳 了 35 万 来 自 160
个 国 家 和 地 区 的 外 国 留 学 生 ”, 这 说 明 中 国 政 府 是 欢 迎 外 国 留 学 生 的 。 因 此 A 项 错 误 。 另
外 , 这 句 话 只 说 明 自 1950 年 以 来 到 中 国 留 学 的 学 生 人 数 , 不 能 说 明 中 国 是 自 这 一 年 开 始 接
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
纳留 学 生 , 因 此 D 项 错 误 。 文 中 提 到 有 些 外 国 留 学 生 能 够 在 中 国 找 到 收 入 不 菲 的 工 作 , 但
并 未 说 明 或 暗 示 工 作 是 否 由 政 府 提 供 , 可 排 除 C。 只 有 B 可 根 据 文 章 内 容 推 断 出 , 因 此 B
12 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 章 第 一 段 是 全 文 的 主 旨 段 , 主 要 讲“ 中 国 文 化 吸 引 了 越
来 越 多 的 外 国 留 学 生 ”, 下 文 通 过 介 绍 外 国 留 学 生 在 中 国 的 工 作 、学 习 、娱 乐 等 各 个 方 面 情
况 说 明 了 中 国 文 化 对 外 国 留 学 生 的 巨 大 吸 引 力 。 A 项 只 谈“ 中 国 文 化 ”而 忽 视 留 学 生 , B、C
两项只侧重留学生而忽视了中 国文化, 只 有 D 项两者 并重, 切 合 文章 主题。 因此, D 为 正
13 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 二 段 最 后 一 句 : 在 白 页 的 前 部 有 美 国 和 加 拿 大 的 区
号图。因此,C 为正确选项。
14 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 五 段 “
: 有 些 公 司 推 荐 人 们 使 用 一 种 叫 做 WATS 的
服 务 项 目 , 你 可 以 拨 一 个 特 定 的 电 话 号 码 而 不 用 付 长 途 话 费 。 这 种 电 话 叫“ 免 费 长 途 电
话 ”, 其 地 区 号 都 为 800 。”因 此 , C 为 正 确 答 案 。
15 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 一 段 最 后 一 句 : 黄 页 是 商 业 和 专 业 机 构 的 分 类 电 话
号码; 第八段最后一句:使用邮政编码能加快投递; 第八段 第二句: 如 果发信人 在信封上 写
上“ 请 保 留 十 天 ”, 邮 局 将 最 多 保 留 一 个 月 。 因 此 , A 、C 、D 三 项 都 与 原 文 相 符 。 根 据 第 七
: 通 过 邮 局 安 全 发 送 物 品 有 两 种 方 式 : 挂 号 邮 件 和 担 保 邮 件 。 担 保 邮 件 要 便 宜 的 多 。”
可 知 , 挂 号 邮 件 虽 然 比 担 保 邮 件 贵 , 但 二 者 安 全 性 是 一 样 的 。B 项 所 述 与 原 文 不 符 , 因 此 ,
B 为正确选项。
16 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 全 文 介 绍 了 在 美 国 打 电 话 和 邮 寄 东 西 的 一 些 情 况 , 并 未
介 绍 发 电 报 的 情 况 ( 只 在 文 末 指 出“ 通 常 你 不 能 在 邮 局 发 电 报 或 打 电 话 ”) , 我 们 无 从 得 知
可在何处发电报。因此,D 为正确选项。
17 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 五 段 第 二 句“ Bu t if they pass only with a scor e of 5 .0
th ey will ha ve to und ergo a 30- week E nglish La nguage In tensive Course for Oversea Stude nts .”可 知 ,
考 试 成 绩 为 5 . 0 分 的 学 生 必 须 首 先 进 行 为 期 30 周 的 英 语 学 习 , 由 此 可 知 成 绩 为 5 .0 的 学
生仍有机会在澳洲留学。因此,A 为正确选项。
18 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 文 中 提 到 新 政 策 对 英 语 水 平 和 资 金 保 障 的 要 求 大 大 提
高, 这势必会减少去澳洲留学的人 数。并 且, 从文 中可 知, 即 使是 已在 澳洲 的 留学 生如 果
不能提供资金证明, 也将被取消签证。因此,D 为正确选项。
19 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。“ can celle d”意 为“ 取 消 ”,“ come to a n end ”意 为“ 结 束 , 到
期 ”“
, signe d”意 为“ 签 署 ”“
, put off ”意 为“ 推 迟 ”。“ exp ire d”所 在 段 的 大 意 是 : 根 据 新 的 规 定 ,
来 自 中 国 、伊 朗 等 国 家 的 留 学 生 在 签 证 到 期 后 , 他 们 极 有 可 能 成 为 非 法 逗 留 者 。 B 项 内 容
符合句意。因此 ,B 为正确选项。
20 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。本 文 第 二 段 指 出 , 根 据 新 的 签 证 政 策 , 去 澳 洲 留 学 的 学 生 必
须 有 高 水 平 的 英 语 和 一 定 的 资 金 保 障 , 这 是 全 文 的 主 旨 。 第 四 、五 段 介 绍 了 对 英 语 水 平 要 求
的变化 ; 第 六段 介绍 了 对资 金 保 障 的 新 要 求 。 后 面 几 段 则 介 绍 了 留 学 生 必 须 面 对 的 由 新 政
策 所 带 来 的 问 题 及 各 个 大 学 对 新 政 策 的 反 应 。 全 文 围 绕“ 新 的 签 证 政 策 ”这 一 主 题 展 开 叙
述 , C、D 两 项 都 是 由 新 政 策 派 生 出 来 的 问 题 , 难 以 概 括 全 文 。 因 此 , B 项 为 正 确 选 项 。
Unit Two
Test One
1 . Ema nci pation Proclamation 黑 奴 解 放 宣 言 , 美 国 总 统 林 肯 于 1861 年 南 北 战 争 爆 发 后 颁 布 的 关
2 . Yama noto 山 本 五 十 六 , 二 战 时 期 日 本 联 合 舰 队 总 司 令 。
3 . Pearl Harbor 珍 珠 港 。 第 二 次 世 界 大 战 期 间 , 日 本 于 1941 年 12 月 8 日 偷 袭 了 美 国 在 太 平 洋
的重要海军基地珍珠港, 造成其重大损失。次日美国对日宣战, 太平洋战争由此爆发。
4 . The cr ews at Pe arl Ha rbor we re on t he d eck s of their shi ps for morn ing c olors a nd th e singi ng of The
Star- Spa ngled B anne r . 这 句 话 的 意 思 是 : 珍 珠 港 的 船 员 们 正 在 甲 板 上 升 旗 , 唱“ 星 条 旗 永 不
落 ”之 歌 。“ colors”用 作 复 数 时 , 有“ 旗 帜 ”的 意 思 。The Sta r- Sp angled Ba nner 是 美 国 的 国 歌 。
1 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。 文 中 第 三 句 指 出 本 杰 明・富 兰 克 林 所 起 的 作 用 不 是 在 战 场
上,而是在政府中。文中 第 五句 说, 富兰 克 林在 外 交 方面 为 美国 的 创建 做 出了 重 大 贡献。
由 此 , 可 判 断 出“ d iplomacy”意 为“ 外 交 ”。
2 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 选 项 A 、B、D 在 文 中 有 明 确 的 表 述 , 而 选 项 C 说《独 立 宣 言》
由 富 兰 克 林 独 自 完 成 , 这 一 结 论 不 符 合 文 中 第 六 句 所 述 , 富 兰 克 林 帮 助 编 写 了《独 立 宣 言》
的一部分,而不是他自己写的。因此,C 为正确选项。
3 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 章 主 要 讲 述 了 本 杰 明・富 兰 克 林 的 贡 献 , 包 括 他 对 美 国
独立战争的贡献,和对费城发 展规 划的贡 献。并 不是介 绍他 的一 生,也 不是 介 绍他 个人 的
某些事迹或特质。因此,C 为正确选项。
4 . 答 案 C。该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 讲 述 了 美 国 黑 人 从 南 北 战 争 后 为 获 得 平 等 权 利 同 种 族
歧 视 斗 争 的 一 段 历 史 。 只 有 选 项 C 符 合 本 文 大 意 , 而 A 、B、D 只 是 文 章 的 部 分 意 义 。
5 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 黑 人 不 能 履 行 权 利 的 原 因 在 第 一 段 中 已 列 出 , 即 选 项 B、
C 、D , 而 A 项“ 法 律 没 有 赋 予 黑 人 相 同 的 权 利 ”与 文 中 意 思 相 悖 , 故 选 A 为 正 确 选 项 。
6 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。“ ille gal ”的 核 心 词 意 为“ 不 合 法 的 , 非 法 的 ”, 选 项 B 与 此 意
7 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 文 中 内 容 , 即 使 通 过 武 装 斗 争 在 法 律 上 取 得 了 平 等 和
自由, 也不能使黑人在现实 生 活中 获得 相同 的权 利。文 章最 后 一句 指出, 只 有 经济 独立,
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
文 化 平 等 才 能 使 黑 人 获 得 自 由 , 由 此 可 推 断 出 经 济 与 文 化 的 力 量 是 最 重 要 的 , 故 选 B。
8 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。 根 据 第 三 段 第 一 句 , 由 于 克 林 顿 对 知 识 的 接 受 很 快 , 所 以
他 参 加 了 extra - curricula activities . 通 过 对 e xt ra ( 额 外 的 ) 这 个 词 的 理 解 , 最 终 判 断 出 curricula
准 确 意 思 是“ 课 程 ”, 因 此 , B 为 正 确 选 项 。
9 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 , 选 项 A 、B、C 分 别 在 第 一 段 、第 二 段 以 及 第 五 段 中 有 明 确 的
表 述 , 选 项 D 所 说 克 林 顿 于 1979 年 连 任 政 府 官 员 , 与 文 中 第 六 段 第 二 句 中 所 述 并 不 相 符 。
因此,D 为正确选项。
10 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 , 从 第 二 段 断 定 选 项 A 是 错 误 的 , B、D 两 项 从 文 章 中 无 从 推
断,选项 C 从第三段第三句可推断出, 他青年时代的生活对他以后的 政治生涯 起了很大 的
作用。因此,C 为正确选项。
11 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 主 要 介 绍 了 克 林 顿 的 早 期 生 活 。 选 项 C 符 合 本 文 主
旨 大 意 , 选 项 A、
B 、D 则 是 说 年 轻 的 克 林 顿 、克 林 顿 和 克 林 顿 的 大 学 生 活 , 均 无 法 概 括 整 篇
文章。因此,C 为正确选项。
12 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。 从 第 一 段 第 二 句 看 出 “
, section alism”与 分 裂 新 国 家 有 关 , 而
且 与 一 个 国 家 的 地 理 概 念 相 关 , 从 上 下 文 可 看 出 其 意 思 为“ 地 方 主 义 ”。 因 此 , A 为 正 确 选
13 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 选 项 A、B 、
C 在文中 有明确 表述, 选项 D 从 文中第 一段 第
三 四 句 可 看 出“ Hamilton”与“ Jefferson ”是 对 立 的 两 方 , 不 可 能 提 出 共 同 的 政 策 。 因 此 , D 为
14 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 选 项 A 属 客 观 事 实 , 无 需 从 文 中 推 断 。 选 项 B 、C 文 中 虽
曾提及,但是无法根据文中所涉及的内容推断出, 只有选项 D 可以从文中第二 段第三句 得
知,总统为发展经济要与英国达成和平协议, 从而推断选项 D 为正确答案。
15 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 主 要 讲 述 华 盛 顿 的 政 治 观 点 , 而 不 是 讲 他 的 总 统 职
位 , 华 盛 顿 个 人 或 华 盛 顿 的 一 生 , 选 项 A、B、D 或 是 太 笼 统 , 或 是 与 本 文 无 关 , 都 不 是 合 理
的答案。因此,C 为正确选项。
16 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。文 中 第 一 段 第 四 句 提 到 : He hop ed th at his attack ag ai nst the
Pacific Fleet woul d demoralize th e Ame rican forces and get th em to sign a peac e settleme nt allowing
Ja pa n to remai n as th e power in the Pacific . 显 然 , 他 的 意 图 是 想 保 存 日 本 在 太 平 洋 的 军 事 实
力。故 B 为正确选项, 其余三项为干扰项。
17 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。 文 中 第 二 段 第 一 句 提 到 : The re were pe ace talks occurring up
until a bout Novemb er 27 , 1941 . 然 后 “ n egotiation ” 中 止 , 美 国 军 队 立 刻 进 入 警 备 状 态 。
n egotiation 与 peac e talk 意 义 相 近 , 意 为“ 协 商 、谈 判 ”。 因 此 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
18 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 在 第 四 段 第 四 句 中 , Th e U .S .Arizon a was d ealt th e worst blow
of the attac k .A 1 , 760-pound bomb struc k it , a nd the amm un ition on board e xplode d k illing 1 , 177
se rvicemen 。 从“ on board”及 下 文 的“ the sunk en r em ai ns of th e Arizon a”可 看 出 , Arizona 是 一 艘
战 舰 的 名 字 。B、
C 、D 在 文 中 均 能 找 到 相 关 信 息 。 因 此 , A 为 正 确 选 项 。
19 . 答 案 C。 此 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 二 段 第 四 句 看 出 , 美 国 分 两 次 破 译 了 一 个 信 息 的 14
个 部 分 , 而 不 是 13 或 14 个 信 息 。 因 此 , C 为 正 确 选 项 。
NMET 话题阅读训练答案解析
20 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 本 文 是 对 历 史 事 件 的 记 录 , 真 实 、详 尽 。 其 来 源 最 有 可 能
是 历 史 书 籍 , 而 不 太 可 能 是 小 说 、公 文 或 散 文 。 因 此 , B 正 确 选 项 。
Test Two
1 . It’s over th e matter of human rights whic h t he two countr ies ha ve th e most obvious differe nc es . 在 这 句
话 中 , over 为 介 词 , 意 思 相 当 于 b eca use of , 联 系 上 文 , 整 个 句 子 的 意 思 是 : 双 方 存 在 的 最 明 显
2 . melting pot 熔 炉 。此 处 指 美 国 社 会 的 多 元 性 。
1 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 章 首 句 指 明 诺 贝 尔 是 一 个 对 比 强 烈 、矛 盾 的 人 。 紧 接 着 叙
述了 他 矛盾 的性 格 及成 就。 而他 的 成就 及追 求 也充 满了 矛盾 。 因此 , 选项 C 为 正确 答 案。
2 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 文 中 第 二 段 提 到 诺 贝 尔 的 父 亲“ h e was even b ette r th an his
fath er in the fin an cial ar ea , a nd his ac hievemen ts wer e m uc h gr eater th an h is fat her’s .”由 此 , 可 推 断
出 D 为正确选项。
3 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 章 没 有 提 及 诺 贝 尔 的 矛 盾 个 性 是 他 成 功 的 原 因 , 因 此 应
选 项 B 为 正 确 答 案 。 A 、C、D 项 均 可 在 文 中 找 到 相 应 信 息 。
4 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。 由“ realistic ”的 词 根“ r eal ( 真 实 的 , 真 正 的 ) ”可 推 断 出
“ r ealistic ”意 与“ 真 实 、实 际 ”有 关 , 选 项 C
“ proctical ( 实 际 的 ) ”意 与“ realistic ”吻 合 。 因 此 , C 为
5 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 关 于 王 后 的 性 格 品 质 , 文 章 第 三 、四 、五 段 都 各 有 体 现 。 文
中三四段中,王后以委婉的言语 答应 求婚和 对卡 鱼刺 这件事 诙谐 的自嘲, 充 分 体现 出她 的
聪慧 与 幽 默 。 第 五 段 介 绍 了 她 的 爱 好 , 可 看 出 她 多 才 多 艺 。 而 文 章 对 她 是 否 严 肃 没 有 涉
及 , 故 选 D。
6 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。 文 中 第 四 段 提 到 , 王 后 热 爱 钓 鱼 , 而 却 出 了 被 鱼 刺 卡 住 的
小 事 故 , 所 以 她 说“ After all these ye ars of fish ing , th e fish a re havi ng t heir rev eng e”. 根 据 语 境 可
猜出, 她笑指自己钓鱼多年后, 鱼也终于可复仇了。因此,C 为正确选项。
7 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 第 三 段“ If you ar e goi ng to kee p it up for ever , I might as well say
yes now , ”这 句 话 中 , “ k eep up” 是“ 保 持 , 继 续 ”的 意 思 , “ it”指 的 是 求 婚 这 件 事 .整 句 的 意 思
: 如 果 你 要 永 远 继 续 不 停 的 求 婚 的 话 , 我 或 许 还 是 现 在 答 应 你 为 好 .” 而 后 面 的“ fond
exasp er ation”, 尽 管“ exassp eration”是“ 恼 火 ”的 意 思 , 但 是 加 上“ fond ( 喜 爱 的 , 深 情 的 ) ”, 实 际
上 是 嗔 怒 , 表 达 了 对 George VI 一 而 再 , 再 而 三 不 懈 求 婚 的 一 种 无 奈 的 感 动 , 所 以 B 为 正 确
8 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 章 讲 了 路 易 斯 安 那 州 被 各 殖 民 者 所 购 买 的 一 段 历 史 。
因此,选项 B 为正确答案。
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
9 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 一 段 虽 指 出 了 路 易 斯 安 那 占 地 广 , 但 并 没 有 说 它 是 最 大
的州,选项 A 排除。由第二段第二句可 知, 路易 斯安那 州是 为赞 颂法国 国王 路易十 六而 以
他 的 名 字 命 名 的 , 故 排 除 B。 由 第 三 段 第 二 句 可 知 , 法 国 在 战 后 将 路 易 斯 安 那 转 让 给 西 班
牙 , 排 除 C。 因 此 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
10 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 由 文 中 最 后 一 段 可 知 , 拿 破 仑 因 收 到 一 封 伪 造 信 怕 英 美 联
手才出售路易斯安那。由此, 可推断选项 C 为正确答案。
11 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 文 章 结 尾 提 到 在 美 国 的 策 划 下 , 拿 破 仑 欲 出 售 路 易 斯 安
那,从而可推断, 紧接文章最后一段即将讲述法国如何将路易斯安那卖给美国。
12 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 章 主 要 介 绍 了 中 美 两 国 领 导 人 极 具 重 大 的 两 次 历 史 性
13 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 第 一 段 最 后 一 句 指 出 , 两 国 领 导 人 就 许 多 重 大 问 题
达成 一 致 , 但 是 人 权 问 题 仍 很 棘 手 ; 第 二 段 最 后 一 句 也 指 出 , 双 方 最 大 的 分 歧 仍 是 人 权 问
题。因此选项 A 为正确答案。
14 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 第 三 段 中 , 布 什 就 反 对 恐 怖 主 义 、中 国 的 入 世 、台 湾 问 题
及经济贸易交流问题都发表了看 法。从 文中第 三段 最后一 句 话可 看出, 布 什 有意 采取 适
当政策,为中美经济发展和贸易 往来 提供 更大的 可能 性。因 此, 在 上述 四个 问题 中, 他 更
为关心的是经济发展机遇与贸易合作的问题。因此,D 为正确选项。
15 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。布 什 认 为 中 国 应 是 美 国 的“ 战 略 竞 争 对 手 ”, 而 不 是 当 时 克
林 顿 政 府 所 预 想 的“ 战 略 伙 伴 ”, 旨 在 暗 示 中 国 将 发 展 成 为 与 美 国 有 竞 争 力 的 强 国 。
16 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。 从 字 面 上 看 “
, br eak”有“ 打 破 ”的 意 思 , 而“ through ”有“ 穿
过 , 通 过 障 碍 ”的 意 思 , 因 此 , 这 个 合 成 词 即 译 为“ 突 破 ”。
17 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 章 主 要 讲 述 了 移 民 使 美 国 社 会 呈 现 出 多 元 化 。 美 国 社
会成为多元性,美国社会成为多种文化的综合体, 因此 D 为正确答案。
18 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 本 文 第 二 段 前 两 句 话 , 可 知 作 者 以“ 唐 人 街 ”为 例 , 旨
在 说 明 : 即 使 在 象 美 国 这 样 的“ 大 熔 炉 ”的 社 会 中 , 具 有 相 同 文 化 的 人 们 仍 保 持 着 一 定 本 民
19 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。“ et hnic”的 核 心 意 思 为“ 民 族 的 ; 种 族 的 ”, 根 据 本 文 最 后 一
句 话 的 意 思“ 尽 管 一 代 一 代 的 移 民 变 得 更 加 美 国 化 , 但 是 他 们 还 是 继 承 了 自 己 民 族 的 很 多
特 点 ”。 可 知“ et hn ic ”在 此 句 中 的 意 思 为“ 民 族 的 ”。 因 此 B 为 正 确 选 项 。
20 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 文 章 主 要 讲 述 了 移 民 使 美 国 社 会 呈 现 多 元 化 。 移 民 一 方
面被美国社会和文化所同化,另 一方 面, 移民又 都或 多或 少地 保留 了自 己的 传 统, 这些 都
Unit Three
Science & Technology
Test One
1 . However , th e possibility of tr avelli ng ba ckwards in time is far mor e cont roversial . 可 是 , 回 到 过 去 进
行旅行的可能性仍然很有争议 .
2 . One of th e latest r esea rch topic is . . . in to human brain . 最 近 的 一 项 研 究 是 研 究 如 何 改 变 人 脑 并
且将人脑和计算机合并起来, 比如说将芯片植入人脑中 .
3 . Get Vaccin ated to protect yourself against th ese poten tial kille rs . 应 该 接 种 疫 苗 来 预 防 肺 炎 和 流 感
这两大危害老年人健康的潜在杀手 .
4 . Helpi ng ot he rs i noreases . . . a val uab le contri bu tor 要 通 过 帮 助 他 人 的 方 式 来 增 强 个 人 的 自 信 ,
使自己有奉献者的感觉 .
5 . tri p over 踢 翻 .
6 . TV weath erme n . . . d evelop ed a br eezier look . 天 气 预 报 员 放 弃 了 BBC 原 有 的 枯 燥 的 风 格 , 发 展
了自身更轻松的主持风格 .
7 . Corbyn has mad e news se veral times . . . win 100 , 000 pounds . Corbyn 已 经 好 几 次 成 为 了 新 闻 人
物 , 他 正 确 预 测 了 1998 年 的 洪 水 和 1999 年 圣 诞 节 的 大 雪 , 而 这 一 切 曾 帮 助 他 的 一 个 朋 友 赢
1 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 三 段 提 到 时 钟 在 地 球 上 和 月 球 上 走 的 速 度 不 一 样 , 是 由
于 他 们 在 不 同 地 点 的 重 力 不 同 。 因 此 , 正 确 答 案 为 C。
2 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 选 项 A 中 的 速 度 错 误 , 应 该 是 300 , 000 km 的 99 % 。 选 项 C
与事实相反, 实际上黑洞周围的重力加速度应该是很强的。选项 D 与 B 相矛盾, 而且文 中
的最后一句指出了时空旅行这个问题正在争论中。因此,B 为正确答案。
3 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 中 内 容 与 时 空 旅 行 及 其 相 关 试 验 有 关 , 选 项 A 最 能 反 映
文章的大意。因此,A 为正确选项。
4 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 第 一 段 说 科 学 家 并 没 有 放 弃 移 植 试 验 , 第 二 段 第 一 句 又 说
实验是先从动物开始的, 由此可见,试验的目的最终还是针对人。
5 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 选 项 B 中 地 点 应 是 Motor Nerve R esear ch Institute of University
of California ; 文 中 明 确 指 出 这 次 实 验 是 一 次 对 记 忆 区 域 的 完 全 移 植 , 故 选 项 C 错 误 ; 选 项 D
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
中 的“ i diot”指 的 是 狗“ Ge nius” .
6 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。 由 最 后 一 段 可 知 , 第 二 个 试 验 的 目 的 是 要 让 小 狗“ idiot ”被
植入芯片或变聪明。故正确答案是 C .
7 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 由 文 中 的 试 验 得 知 , 当 有 用 的 信 息 芯 片 被 完 全 移 植 到 某 一
动物脑中时 , 可使动物具备与相关信息有用的功能。因此 ,B 为正确答案。
8 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 这 篇 短 文 主 要 论 述 了 长 寿 的 秘 诀 。 选 项 A 与 此 主 旨 吻 合 。
9 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 文 中 的 秘 诀 二 指 出 : 经 常 参 加 社 会 活 动 有 利 于 长 寿 , 因 此
对于孤独者来说,多参加社会团体才是解决方法。因此,B 为正确答案。
10 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 秘 诀 四 中 说 明 了 健 康 饮 食 的 关 键 是 高 纤 维 , 低 脂 肪 , 所 以
减少对糖,酒精和咖啡的摄入, 才能有利于长寿。
11 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 秘 诀 五 已 指 出 肺 炎 和 流 感 是 引 起 老 年 人 死 亡 的 两 大 主
因。因此, A 为正确答案。
12 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 秘 诀 七 指 出 人 年 纪 越 大 越 有 可 能 吃 药 , 选 项 A 、C、D 均 符
合文中所述。因此选项 B 为正确答案。
13 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 章 主 要 论 述 了 天 气 预 报 节 目 如 何 转 变 为 天 气 娱 乐 节
目, 从而引起人们更大的兴趣。天气信息也随成为了一种商品。因此,A 为正确答案。
14 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 人 们 之 所 以 相 信 Pier ces Corbyn , 是 因 为 他 的 两 次 预 测 很 准
确并赢得奖金。因此,C 为正确答案。
15 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 由 文 中 最 后 一 句 可 推 断 , 天 气 信 息 可 带 来 经 济 效 益 。 由
此可推断 A 为正确答案。
16 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 A 、B、C 选 项 的 内 容 在 文 中 都 涉 及 。 故 选 D 。
17 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 短 文 中 提 到 夫 妻 在 吵 架 后 才 能 知 道 彼 此 的 周 期 , 这 说 明
夫妻之间吵架的最根本原因是对彼此周期的不了解。因此,D 为正确答案。
18 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 说 人 是 不 可 能 改 变 周 期 的 。 当 人 的 周 期 达 到 高 峰 期
时,人的体温会达到高温, 但高温 并不表 示人 此时一 定 处于 周期 高峰。 因此, 正确 答案 应
该 是 B。
19 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 最 后 一 段 提 到 如 何 节 省 能 量 的 方 式 , 主 要 有 : 打 着 呵 欠 起
床;在双脚着地前伸展着坐在床边; 避免清晨找衣服。因此,选项 D 为正确答案。
20 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 第 二 段 已 指 出 人 的 周 期 是 无 法 改 变 的 。 人 们 只 能 在 知 道
自己的周期后,根据周期来调整生活。因此,C 为正确答案。
Test Two
1 . Although teen agers’ in ternal clocks . . .beca use of sc hool . 尽 管 青 少 年 的 生 物 钟 受 到 影 响 的 一 部
分原因是由于睡的较晚, 但很多学生还是因为学校的原因而损失了睡眠的时间。
NMET 话题阅读训练答案解析
2 . Stude nts who get enough sleep a re . . .fall asleep in class . 得 到 充 足 睡 眠 的 学 生 , 精 力 更 集 中 , 更
3 . A n ew st udy shows that . . .linke d to aging . 一 项 新 的 研 究 表 明 : 大 量 的 维 生 素 和 矿 物 质 能 够 减
4 . th e Weights 怀 特 兄 弟 怀 特 兄 弟 是 美 国 人 , 他 们 是 飞 机 的 发 明 者 。
5 . Th e Agricultur e Ministry 农 业 部
6 . Th e Agricultur e Ministry . . .was infecte d 农 业 部 已 经 确 定 上 月 又 有 第 二 头 牛 感 染 了 疯 牛 病 。
7 . B .S .E 牛 绵 状 脑 病
8 . Only a few victims wer e ololer th an fifty . 仅 有 个 别 几 个 五 十 岁 以 上 的 人 死 于 这 种 病 。
9 . Sh eep lik e turk eys . . .th e woolly cr eatures . 像 鸵 鸟 和 火 鸡 一 样 , 羊 并 不 被 认 为 是 最 聪 明 的 动 物 ,
10 . So hours of se emi ng mi ndles s gazi ng may not b e so mindless after all . 因 此 几 个 小 时 看 似 无 意 识 的
1 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 一 段 第 三 句 指 出 学 生 通 常 只 睡 7 小 时 , 而 专 家 通 常 建 议
的科学睡眠时间应是 9 小时。因此, D 为正确选项。
2 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 文 中 第 一 段 指 出 学 生 熬 夜 太 晚 以 致 无 法 得 到 充 足 的 睡 眠 。
另 一 原 因 是 因 为 生 物 钟 的 原 因 而 无 法 早 睡 .但 是 还 有 很 多 学 生 睡 眠 不 足 是 学 校 的 原 因 。 下
文指出为了让学生睡眠充足, 学校 应采取 措施, 其 中一条 为不 要布置 过 多的 家庭 作业。 由
此可知,选项 D 为正确答案。
3 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 四 段 第 二 句 指 出 睡 眠 不 足 会 影 响 人 身 安 全 , 每 年 几 乎 有
十 万 起 车 祸 与 睡 眠 不 足 有 关 , 其 中 一 半 车 祸 涉 及 15 至 24 岁 的 青 少 年 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 D .
4 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 第 五 段 指 出 , 要 解 决 睡 眠 不 足 问 题 以 提 高 效 率 , 只 需 在 教
学方法上做一点改变。但最根本的措施应按学 生的生物 钟来设 置课程。因 此,A 为正确 答
5 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 中 主 要 讲 述 睡 眠 对 青 少 年 的 重 要 性 。 因 此 , B 为 正 确 答
6 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 二 段 最 后 一 句 说 眼 病 A-M-D 是 老 年 人 失 明 的 重 要 起 因 。
因此,A 为正确答案。
7 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 第 一 段 虽 指 出 眼 病 A-M-D 是 老 年 人 失 明 的 主 要 原 因 , 但 下
文点明这种眼病的最初症状只是视力衰退。因此,A 为正确答案。
8 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 四 段 说 明 研 究 者 为 测 试 维 他 命 和 矿 物 质 的 作 用 , 将 人 分
成四组进行实验,一组吃矿物 质锌; 一组 吃维 他命; 第三 组两 种物 质都摄 入; 最 后一 组只 摄
入一种安慰剂。因此,C 为正确答案。
9 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 题 干 中 指 出 是 针 对 健 康 人 。 文 中 最 后 一 段 指 出 矿 物 质 锌
对于患眼病较轻的病人没有效果。 早期 的研究 表明 食用含 有重 要维 生素的 蔬 菜和 水果 能
使患眼病的几率变小。因此,健康的人应多吃维生素。选项 B 为正确答案。
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
10 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 章 中 的 第 二 段 指 出 怀 特 兄 弟 邀 请 记 者 来 观 看 飞 机 试 飞 ,
但当天却没能试飞成功, 记者们很失望。因此,C 为正确选项。
11 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 政 府 不 能 接 受 飞 机 这 一 新 事 物 的 根 本 原 因 是 他 们 不 相 信
12 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 由 文 中 最 后 一 句 话 可 推 断 怀 特 兄 弟 之 所 以 带 走 飞 机 部 件
是因为没有人对飞机这一新事物感兴趣。因此,B 为正确答案。
13 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。 上 下 文 的 信 息 表 明 FLYE R 是 一 种 可 飞 行 的 飞 行 器 。 故 正
确 答 案 为 C。
14 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 第 一 段 提 到 当 今 人 们 对 新 事 物 很 感 兴 趣 。 但 通 篇 文
章表明,人们对新事物的反应在过去却并非如此, 因此,C 为正确选项。
15 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 一 段 指 出 第 一 例 疯 牛 病 在 九 月 份 报 道 。 农 业 部 又 确 定
了 上 月 又 有 一 头 牛 被 感 染 患 上 疯 牛 病 , 故 选 B。
16 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 虽 然 日 本 官 员 已 测 试 了 所 有 牛 肉 , 但 一 些 科 学 家 仍 质 疑
这种 检 测 。 因 为 小 牛 无 法 被 检 测 , 所 以 吃 小 牛 肉 更 危 险 。 第 三 段 也 已 指 出 进 口 饲 料 很 危
险,因此,A 为正确选项。
17 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 最 后 一 段 指 出 人 的 年 龄 越 小 感 染 疯 牛 病 的 可 能 性 越 大 ,
而 且 所 有 国 家 中 英 国 是 疯 牛 病 高 发 区 , 30 岁 的 英 国 人 更 可 能 被 感 染 。 因 此 , A 为 正 确 选
18 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 文 章 开 头 提 出 像 鸵 鸟 、火 鸡 一 样 , 羊 并 不 被 认 为 是 最 聪 明
的 动 物 。 但 英 国 科 学 家 指 出 人 类 可 能 低 估 了 覆 毛 类 动 物 的 智 商 .这 暗 示 了 火 鸡 、鸵 鸟 都 是
覆毛类动物。因此,D 为正确选项。
19 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 五 段 中 指 出 羊 被 人 们 认 为 是 不 聪 明 的 动 物 是 因 为 羊 过
20 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 最 后 一 段 指 出 研 究 中 的 最 重 要 的 发 现 是 羊 在 很 多 方 面 与
人都相似,它们也有一个复杂的大脑系统。因此, D 为正确答案。
Unit Four
Transportation & Traffic
Test One
1 . Chicago 芝 加 哥 , 美 国 第 三 大 城 市 , 有“ 汽 车 城 ”之 称 。
2 . Th e immensity of th e tr affic problems ar ising from a tr affic hub suc h as Ch icagois r eflecte d in th e fact
th at , in 1995 , 171 , 751 motor vehicle c rashes were reporte d . 在 此 句 中 , is 之 前 的 部 分 为 主 语 , 其
中 arising from a tr affic hub su ch as Chic ago 作 后 置 定 语 修 饰 tr affic problems 。 全 句 的 意 思 是 :
1995 年 被 报 道 的 交 通 机 动 车 事 故 有 171 751 起 , 这 一 事 实 反 映 出 像 芝 加 哥 这 样 的 交 通 中 心
3 . In gen er al , buses stop ev ery 2 b locks maki ng them agonizingly slow, bu t for t hose who have th e time to
sp end it ca n also double as a scen ic tour of t he city . 本 句 的 意 思 是 : 总 体 说 来 , 尽 管 公 共 汽 车 每
两条街停一次, 慢的让人 厌烦, 但 对于 那些 有 时间 消磨 的人 来说 可 以再 一次 欣 赏城 市 美
4 . Met roca rd : 在 纽 约 , 乘 坐 公 共 汽 车 和 地 铁 有 两 种 付 费 方 式 : 用 现 金 和 Met roca rd ( 一 种 乘 车
卡 ) 。Met roca rd 分 为 p ay- per-r ide 和 unlimited rid e 两 种 , 其 中 un limited r ide 又 分 为 7-d ay c ard( 星
期 卡 ) 和 30- d ay ca rd ( 月 卡 ) , 地 铁 还 有 一 种 1- day Fun Pas s 。
1 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 第 一 段 提 到 , 三 百 万 城 市 人 口 对 交 通 规 划 人 员 来 说 是
一个很大的挑战,下一句又进一步说, 这个挑战又因芝加哥每年两 千六百 万的游客 而加剧。
所以, 挑战来源于选项 B 所表述的两个原因。
2 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 二 段 第 一 句 话 中 的“ as well as”说 明 了 交 通 安 全 项 目 也 在
Cook County 实 施 , 故 选 项 A 正 确 ; 第 二 句 话“ Memb ers of th e Task For ce wer e … … and
r espon sib ilites, ”表 明 其 成 员 从 社 会 及 私 人 机 构 中 招 取 , 而 并 非 政 府 任 命 , 故 选 项 B 正 确 ; 最
后 一 段 的 最 后 一 句 指 出 , Task Force 的 努 力 是 成 功 的 , 故 选 项 D 正 确 ; 选 项 C 的 错 误 较 为 隐
蔽 , 关 键 词 是“ qu arte rly”, 意 为“ 季 度 的 , 三 个 月 一 次 的 ”, 所 以 不 是“ quite often”。 选 项 A 、B、
D 较易判断, 用排除法可判断选项 C 正确。
3 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。 Fatalities 是 fatality 的 复 数 形 式 。“ Traffic crashes r esulting in
fatalities nu m bered 227 ; 27 , 372 w ere injured in those crashes .”这 句 话 前 半 句 中 的“ resulting in”是
“ 导 致 ”的 意 思 , 而“ nu m bered”在 此 用 作 动 词 ; 后 半 句 译 为 : 在 这 些 事 故 中 有 27372 人 受 伤 。
N M E T 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
根 据 生 活 常 识 不 难 判 断 出 , 227 应 是 死 亡 人 数 。 故 选 项 D 正 确 。
4 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。 文 中 多 次 出 现 people , 但 意 思 并 不 相 同 。 people 为 集 合 名
词 , 常 用 意 即 选 项 A 、C , 但 此 题 people 出 现 在“ O n the contrary , A m ericans are a people on the
w heel”中 “
, a people”, 所 以 选 项 A 、C 应 排 除 。 由 上 下 文 可 知 , 在 美 国 无 论 在 哪 都 会 有 车 , 可
知 美 国 是 一 个 依 赖 于 车 的 , 车 轮 上 的 民 族 。 因 此 正 确 答 案 为 B。
5 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 由 第 二 段 可 知 , 美 国 是 一 个 车 轮 上 的 民 族 , 汽 车 是 重 要 的
交通工具,故可排除选项 A。由于汽车 造 成的 交通 阻塞 及依 赖 车的 现象, 很 多 人开 始反 对
汽 车 的 发 展 , 要 求 改 变 生 活 方 式 , 但 这 并 不 是 绝 大 多 数 人 的 要 求 , 故 选 项 B 、D 排 除 。 因 此 选
项 C 正确。
6 . 答案 C。该题属于主旨大意题。前两段分别介绍了中 美两国日 常交通 工具, 尤其指 出汽 车
作 为 主 要 工 具 所 带 来 的 诸 如 塞 车 、环 境 污 染 、能 源 浪 费 等 负 面 影 响 。 文 中 最 后 指 出 目 前 中
国富人购车的趋势, 并向读者发问选择汽车还是传统的交通工具。选项 A 只概括了前两 段
意 思 , 选 项 D 只 局 限 于 第 三 段 , 排 除 。 通 过 car 和 bicycle 的 比 较 说 明 汽 车 对 于 能 源 危 机 、环
境污染的危害, 选项 B 只是作者暗含的意思,排除。故选项 C 正确。
7 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 判 断 推 理 题 。 由 第 二 段“ Does it m ean we should give up auto m obiles altogether
for bicycles ? N o .”可 知 选 项 B 、C 太 片 面 , 作 者 并 不 要 用 自 行 车 完 全 取 代 汽 车 , 而 只 要 尽 力 减
少汽车的使用以节省能源和保护环境。 选项 D 是 事实, 不 是推理, 排 除。最 后一段 指出 中
国人口多,能源有限, 据此,中国不可能像美国一样普及汽车。因此, 选项 A 正确。
8 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。 从 第 一 段 resistance 后 的 定 语 从 句“ which wastes a good deal of
a ship’s surface power and limits its speed” . 对 先 行 词 的 解 释 可 看 出 该 词 有 浪 费 船 的 能 量 , 限 制
船 的 速 度 之 意 , 只 有 选 项 C obstruction 合 乎 这 一 解 释 。 本 题 还 要 注 意 区 别 阻 力 obstruction、压
力 press、stress 以 及 推 力 push 。
9 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 文 章 第 一 段 后 半 部 分“ C ockerell w as trying to find a solution to
the proble m of the wave resistance , ”可 看 出 他 提 高 气 垫 船 速 度 的 方 法 就 是 解 决 阻 力 的 问 题 , 题
中 其 他 选 项 C hristopher C ockerell m ade the ship higher, m ade the craft fly , gave the craft m ore po wer
只是从表面上对提高速度这一问题的理解, 而不是最终的解决方法。故选项 B 正确。
10 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 选 项 A 、B 、C 在 第 一 段 中 均 有 明 确 的 阐 述 , 而 选 项 D 所 提
到 的 横 跨 海 峡 不 是 在 第 一 次 测 试 中 , 由 第 二 段 第 二 、三 句 可 知 第 一 次 测 试 成 功 后 才 进 行 了
横跨海峡的测试。故 D 为正确选项。
11 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 的 重 点 应 是 气 垫 船 的 诞 生 即 选 项 A 。 文 中 对 气 垫 船
进行大篇幅的描述都是为了讲气垫船如何产生而不是为了 说明发 明者和气 垫船时代。 而
选项 D 只是笼统地在说技术革命。因此,选项 A 正确。
12 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。 第 八 段 中 drastic 词 后“ S m all changes , like adding trees and
im proving intersections , can slow traffic do wn and m ake walking m ore pleasant” .以 及 上 文“ traffic
calming solutions don’t have to be drastic , ”S m all changes 就 是 drastic 的 否 定 , 所 以 drastic 一 词
可 推 断 的 准 确 意 思 为“ 剧 烈 的 、猛 烈 的 ”。 综 合 各 选 项 只 有 C 项 符 合 这 一 意 思 。 因 此 选 项
C 正确。
13 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 选 项 A 、C 、D 在 文 中 第 四 段 、第 六 段 均 有 对 应 的 句 子 可 得
N M E T 话题阅读训练答案解析
到 准 确 信 息 。 选 项 D 在 第 六 段“ They have a m axim u m speed of 50 k m/ hour . Preliminary studies
done for the plan show that m ost drivers travelling on Lyon , K ent , O ’Connor , and M etcalfe do not
observe the 50 k m/ hour speed limit .”中 明 确 指 出 了 要 求 最 快 速 度 是 每 小 时 50 公 里 , 但 是 大 多
数司机并不注意限速指示。因此, 选项 B 正确。
14 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 在 文 章 第 四 段 中“ encourages drivers to consider other roadusers : pedestrians and cyclists . M aking the streets safer increases the nu m ber of people walking and
biking”。 都 是 改 变 路 面 设 计 的 目 的 , 但 这 些 都 不 是 最 终 目 的 , 通 过 对 第 三 段 以 及 第 四 段 的
理解其最终目的应是使居民与商业人员都受益。因此, 选项 D 正确。
15 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 不 是 单 纯 地 说 交 通 堵 塞 或 交 通 状 况 , 而 是 对 解 决 交
通 问 题 所 提 出 的 方 法 , 选 项 B 、C 、D 没 有 概 括 出 文 章 的 重 点 和 大 意 。 因 此 , 选 项 A 符 合 题
16 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 介 绍 了 纽 约 两 种 主 要 的 交 通 工 具 : 公 共 汽 车 和 地 铁
的概况,对其作者并无进行选择对比之意。因此, 选项 D 最合适。
17 . 答 案 C 。 谈 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。第 六 段 中 , 430 万 人 次 是 每 天 乘 地 铁 的 人 数 , 而 不 能 说 有
430 万 人 乘 坐 地 铁 , 故 选 项 A 表 述 不 准 确 ; 70 年 代 地 铁 的 状 况 是 又 热 又 脏 , 人 们 不 会 喜 欢
又 闷 又 脏 的 地 铁 , 因 此 选 项 B 错 误 ; 选 项 D 在 文 中 没 有 涉 及 ; 根 据“ W hile minor theft and
ho m elessness still abound , ”可 看 出 , 有 大 量 的 小 偷 和 流 浪 汉 充 斥 于 地 铁 里 。 所 以 选 项 C 正
18 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 通 过 对 乘 公 共 汽 车 和 乘 地 铁 两 者 付 费 方 式 的 比 较 可 得 知 ,
用 M etrocard 乘 坐 地 铁 除 了 有 和 乘 公 共 汽 车 相 同 的 付 费 方 式 外 , 还 有 一 种 1 day Fun Pass , 因
而 C 为正确选项。
19 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 文 中 第 二 段 的“ From 8-9 a . m . and 2-3p . m ., expect heavy
am ounts of school children/ teens in certain areas .”表 明 , 这 两 个 时 间 段 内 , 是 小 学 生 乘 车 的 高 峰
期 , 而 2 : 30p .m .属 于 2-3 p .m .这 个 时 间 段 , 由 此 推 出 车 上 的 主 要 乘 客 应 是 学 生 。
20 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。 根 据 生 活 常 识 , 享 受 车 票 优 惠 的 一 般 是 老 人 和 残 疾 人 , 而
病 人 、带 小 孩 的 妇 女 和 孕 妇 不 能 减 免 车 费 。 senior citizens 是 一 种 委 婉 语 , 就 是 old people。
因此,选项 B 正确。
Test T w o
1 . the Septe m ber 11 terrorist attacks on N ew Y ork and W ashington D .C .
2001 年 9 月 11 日 恐 怖 组 织 策 划 袭 击 了 驻 美 国 纽 约 市 的 世 贸 大 厦 及 位 于 华 盛 顿 特 区 的 美 国
五角大楼, 造成重大人员财务损失,对美国及世界社会和经济造成多方面重大影响 .
1 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。“ privilege”的 核 心 意 思 为“ 特 有 的 权 利 、利 益 或 好 处 ”, 从 第
N M E T 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
二 段 倒 数 第 二 句“ M any young A m ericans consider a driver’s license a right, not a privilege”中 可
知 , 该 词 与“right”一 词 相 对 , 在 此 句 中 的 意 思 应 为“ 特 权 ”。 因 此 , C 为 正 确 选 项 。
2 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 选 项 A 、C 、D 分 别 可 以 在 第 一 段 第 四 句 , 第 二 段 最 后 一 句 ,
第 三 段 第 二 句 找 到 答 案 , 选 项 B 在 第 二 段 第 二 句“ Y oung people in A m erica often get their
driver’s license around age 16 by passing a written test and a driving test”中 有 明 确 表 述 , 美 国 的 年
轻人不仅要通过路考, 而且要通过笔试才能取得驾照。因此,B 为正确选项。
3 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 主 要 说 明 了 在 美 国 开 车 的 重 要 性 及 普 遍 性 。 因 此 , A
4 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 通 读 全 文 可 知 , 在 北 京 汽 车 展 中 , 很 多 世 界 顶 尖 的 汽 车 制
造商展示了 它们的绿 色环保 汽车, 文章围 绕绿色环 保展开 内容。选项 B 符 合文章 大意, 选
项 A 片面理解了文章第一句,未指明主旨。选项 C 只 概括了三 四段的 大意, 选项 D 只概 括
了第五段大意。因此, B 为正确选项。
5 . 答案 D。该题属于事实细节 题。本文 第二段 说明 未来 的 环保 车可 能没 有最 酷 的设 计或 最
快 的 速 度 , 由 此 选 项 A 正 确 。 由 第 三 段“ The form er, supposed by Ford’s all- out develop m ent, ”
可知选项 B 正确。由第四段由于受空气污染法的制约和全球变暖的威胁, 大的 汽车制造 商
竟相制造生态环保车,可知选项 C 正确。因此, D 为正确选项。
6 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 第 五 段“ E uro3 , which is going to be replaced by Euro 4 in
2004 or even earlier .”可 知 , 在 2004 年 甚 至 更 早 时 间 , Euro 4 将 会 取 代 E uro 3 。 选 项 A 的 推 理
较 合 理 。 由“ T he European e mission syste m is followed by m ost countries in the world .”可 知 大 多 数
国 家 紧 随 欧 洲 的 发 散 系 统 , 但 并 不 是 所 有 国 家 都 在 这 么 做 。 选 项 B 错 误 。 由 第 四 段“ create
affordable ecofriendly cars .”可 知 , 人 们 支 付 得 起 环 保 车 , 选 项 C 错 误 。 由 最 后 一 段“ In Beijing ,
the would-be host of the 2008 Su m m er G am es , the require m ent is a bit higher at the Euro 2 level .”可
知 , 北 京 对 发 散 系 统 的 需 求 比 Euro 2 高 , 选 项 D 错 误 。 因 此 , A 应 为 正 确 选 项 。
7 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 第 一 段 指 出 FA A 网 站 , 即 联 邦 航 空 机 构 网 站 。 接 着 介 绍 了
目 前 美 国 航 空 业 现 状 及 F A A 所 提 供 的 服 务 项 目 , 在 最 后 一 段 再 次 提 到 F A A 。 选 项 A 、B 、D
都不能准确概括文章大意, 答案 C 作为题目最准确。因此, C 为正确选项。
8 . 答案 B。该题属于推理判断题。第二段谈及美国航空 业现状, 认为 目前的航 空业处 境很 不
乐 观 , 故 选 项 A 、D 应 排 除 .选 项 B 、C 相 比 较 , B 能 直 接 从 文 中 推 断 得 出 , 而 C 则 不 能 , 因
此, B 为正确选项。
9 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。 9・11 恐 怖 事 件 发 生 后 , 航 空 业 面 临 危 机 , 所 以 不 会 增 加 航
线 , 可 排 除 D 。 第 二 段 后 半 部 分 指 出 , 航 运 仍 是 最 安 全 、最 经 济 的 运 输 方 式 , 所 以 , 航 运 业
不 会 被 完 全 取 消 , 故 排 除 C 。“ slash”的 核 心 意 思 是“ 砍 ( 某 物 ) ; 大 幅 度 裁 减 或 削 减 ( 某 物 ) ”
在 此 句 中 与“increased”构 成 反 意 , 意 为“ 削 减 , 减 少 ”。 因 此 , B 为 正 确 选 项 。
10 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 本 文 第 四 段 列 举 了 F A A 链 接 的 许 多 有 用 网 站 。 对 照 列 举
项 , B 、C 、D 三 项 都 在 文 中 出 现 , 只 有 A 项 未 被 提 到 , 因 此 , A 为 正 确 选 项 。
11 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 章 分 三 部 分 分 别 介 绍 了 早 期 汽 车 的 发 展 、应 用 及 对 人 们
生活的影响。 C 选项和 D 选项只是文章内容的一 部分, 不能概 括全 篇大意; A 选项 干扰 性
较大, 但本文是关于早期汽车的,因此, B 为正确选项。
N M E T 话题阅读训练答案解析
12 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 一 段 倒 数 第 一 、二 句 话“ By 1905 gasoline cars were
m ore popular than stea m or electric cars because they were easier to use and could travel further
without adding fuel . By 1910 gasoline cars beca m e larger and m ore powerful, and so m e had folding
tops to keep drivers and passengers out of the rain .”可 知 , 1908 年 最 为 广 泛 应 用 的 汽 车 应 是
“ gasoline cars”。 因 此 , C 为 正 确 选 项 。
13 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 二 段 分 别 列 举 了 医 生 、农 民 和 城 市 家 庭 买 车 的 原 因 。
(rural A m ericans 即 为 A m erican farm ers .) 只 有“ m erchants”未 被 提 到 , 因 此 , A 为 正 确 选 项 。
14 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 最 后 一 段 内 容 可 知 , 虽 然 汽 车 方 便 舒 适 , 优 于 其 它 交
通工具。但拥有汽车需要承担很大的责任,对司机要求较 高, 不是一 件想象中 那么轻松 的
事 。 A 、B 、C 项 的 表 述 是 错 误 的 。 根 据 倒 数 第 二 句 话“ So m e car owners had returned to walking ,
biking , or riding a train or bus when it was m ore practical or convenient .”可 知 , 由 于 车 辆 增 加 造
成拥挤,给人们带来不便, 有时也会放弃开车而选择其它出行方式。因此, D 为正确选项。
15 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。 该 句 的 意 思 是 汽 车 需 要 空 间 来 停 放 , 因 此 太 多 的 车 辆 使 公
路 和 停 车 位 拥 挤 。 根 据 此 句 的 前 半 句“It took a lot of space to park cars”可 推 断 出 , 缺 少 空 间
导 致 的 不 是 交 通 事 故 和 困 难 , 而 是 拥 挤 的 状 况 。“ congestion”的 核 心 意 思 为“ 拥 挤 ; 充 塞 ”在
此 句 中 意 思 应 为“ 拥 挤 ”。 因 此 , C 为 正 确 选 项 。
16 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 主 要 讲 哥 伦 布 的 航 海 经 历 , B 项 内 容 与 主 题 相 符 , 因
此,B 为正确选项。
17 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 文 章 的 前 两 段 可 知 , 哥 伦 布 虽 然 在 主 观 上 认 为 他 所 发
现的新大陆是亚洲某地, 但实际上他所发现的是美洲大陆。因此, C 为正确选项。
18 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 三 段 第 三 句 话“ C olu m bus recorded the na m e of the
A m erican natives as Canibales in Spanish , a word which ca m e to refer, within a few years , to any
eater of hu m an flesh .”可 知 , 哥 伦 布 用“ Caribbean”这 一 源 自 西 班 牙 语 的 词 汇 , 来 表 示 当 时 发 现
的“ 食 人 族 ”。 因 此 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
19 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 最 后 一 段 前 两 句 话 可 知 , 哥 伦 布 认 为 自 己 发 现 的 陆 地
是欧洲的地理学家并未听说的新大陆。因此 C 为正确选项。
20 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 哥 伦 布 本 人 期 待 发 现 的 是 亚 洲 大 陆 , 他 一 直 认 为 自 己 所
到之处就是亚洲某地,而实际上, 他是发现美洲大陆的第一人。因此, A 为正确选项。
U nit Five
S p orts & E ntertain m e nt
Test O ne
1 .足 球 比 赛 术 语 :
field , pitch 足 球 场
midfield 中 场
half- way line 中 线
( full) back 后 卫
center half back 中 卫
outside right forward 右 边 锋
half back 前 卫
forward 前 锋
center forw ard 中 锋
inside left forward 左 内 锋
inside right forward 右 内 锋
outside left forw ard 左 边 锋
kick-off 开 球
corner ball/ corner 角 球
header 头 球
penalty kick 点 球
spot kick 罚 点 球
free kick 罚 任 意 球
ball handling 控 制 球
block tackle 正 面 抢 截
body check 身 体 阻 挡
goalkeeper , goaltender, goalie 守 门 员
2 . 第 一 段 最 后 一 句“ In the 1990’s . . .shooting at several reporters .”是 一 个 复 合 句 , 该 句 的 主 干 为
“In the l990s , this career has co m e into a story ”, 后 面 五 个 名 词 或 名 词 性 短 语 均 作 介 词“ of ”的
宾 语 , 其 中 最 后 一 个 宾 语“facing court action”被 一 个 定 语 从 句 修 饰 。 该 句 译 为 : 20 世 纪 90 年
代 , 他 的 职 业 生 涯 开 始 走 下 坡 路 , 球 场 上 表 现 拙 劣 、吸 毒 、诽 谤 足 协 官 员 , 被 禁 踢 足 球 , 最 终
3 . 2001 年 欧 洲 足 球 先 生 投 票 结 果 :
No .1 Michael O w en 欧 文 ( 英 格 兰 ) 176 points
No .2 Raul 劳 尔 ( 西 班 牙 ) 140 points
No .3 Oliver Kahn 卡 恩 ( 德 国 ) 114 points
No .4 David Beckha m 贝 克 汉 姆 ( 英 格 兰 ) 102 points
No .5 Francesco Totti 托 蒂 ( 意 大 利 ) 57 points
No .6 Luis Figo 菲 戈 ( 葡 萄 牙 ) 56 points
No .7 Rivaldo 里 瓦 尔 多 ( 巴 西 ) 20 points
No .8 A ndrei Shevchenko 舍 普 琴 科 ( 乌 克 兰 ) 18 points
No .9 Thierry H enry 亨 利 ( 法 国 ) 14 points
No .10 Zinedine Zidane 齐 达 内 ( 法 国 ) 14 points
1 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 作 为 足 球 运 动 员 , 被 选 为“ 世 界 足 球 先 生 ”的 根 本 原 因 应 该
N M E T 话题阅读训练答案解析
是 在 足 球 比 赛 中 表 现 突 出 , 根 据 本 文 可 知 , M aldini 为 俱 乐 部 和 国 家 队 做 出 了 巨 大 贡 献 , 是 一
位 出 色 的 足 球 运 动 员 , 从 而 被 评 为“ 世 界 足 球 先 生 ”。 因 此 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
2 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 一 段 最 后 一 句“ Audiences and reporters care about this
position less than they do about goal keeper .”可 知 , 与 后 卫 相 比 , 观 众 更 关 注 守 门 员 这 一 位 置 。
因此, B 为正确选项。
3 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 三 段 最 后 一 句“ The only social activity he prefers is a
wonderful dinner with his family and his friends .”可 知 , 他 深 爱 着 他 的 家 人 和 朋 友 。因 此 , 正 确
答 案 为 C。
4 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 根 据 文 中 多 次 出 现 的 时 间 注 释“ A ugust 26 and 27 ( Sat &
Sun ) ”“
, August 26 ( Sat ) ”, “ A ugust 26 and 27 ( Sat .& Sun .) ”可 知 , 该 文 章 主 要 是 介 绍 一 些 周
末 的 娱 乐 活 动 。 因 此 , 正 确 答 案 为 C。
5 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 一 段 第 三 句“ Then the next 55 kilo m eters leg , fro m
Y anjiao to Jixian will be the first co m petitive part of the tour .”可 知 , 这 一 段 路 线 的 距 离 是 55 公 里 。
因 此 , 正 确 答 案 为 B。
6 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。“ leg”的 核 心 意 思 为“ 腿 ; 一 段 行 程 ”, 在 此 处 的 意 思 为“ 旅 行
的 一 段 路 程 ”。 因 此 , 正 确 答 案 为 D 。
7 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 三 段 最 后 一 句“ Free for spectators ( 观 众 ) to take a
long-distance bus… ”可 知 , 此 次 爬 山 活 动 的 特 别 之 处 在 于 , 对 观 众 而 言 , 从 东 直 门 到 怀 柔 这
段路程, 观众可免费乘坐公共汽车。因此, 正确答案为 D。
8 . 答案 C。该题属于事实细节题。本文第二段明确 指出该项 活动定 于周六下 午“
: Tim e/ D ate :
4 : 30 p . m . A ugust26 ( Sat ) ”, 因 此 , 正 确 答 案 为 C 。
9 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。“ poverty-trap”的 原 意 为“ 贫 困 陷 阱 ”, 在 此 处 的 正 确 释 义 应
为“ 低 微 的 社 会 地 位 。 因 此 , 正 确 答 案 为 A 。
10 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 一 段 最 后 一 句“ In the 1990’s
. . .shooting at several
reporters .”可 知 , A 、B 、C 三 个 选 项 均 是 M aradona 职 业 生 涯 末 落 的 原 因 。 因 此 , 正 确 答 案 为 D 。
11 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 第 二 段 最 后 一 句“ Sport is an activity open to all people ,
no m atter what their background is .”可 知 , 不 管 人 们 的 社 会 背 景 如 何 , 运 动 是 一 项 对 所 有 人 公
开 的 活 动 。 正 确 答 案 为 B。
12 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 第 一 段 最 后 一 句“ In the 1990 ’s . . . shooting at several
reporters .”可 知 , M aradona 不 得 不 在 法 庭 上 为 自 己 辩 护 。 因 为 , 如 果 查 证 他 的 确 向 记 者 们
射击的话, 他可能会被叛入狱。因此, 正确答案是 A。
13 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 二 段 第 二 句“ . . .to suffer cold and hardship , and to
take risks on high m ountains”可 知 , 爬 山 者 要 遭 受 寒 冷 、艰 辛 , 还 要 冒 各 种 风 险 。 因 此 , 正 确
答案为 D。
14 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 三 段 第 二 、三 句“ There are no m an- m ade rules , as
there are for such ga m es as golf and football .There are , of course , rules of a different kind . . .”可
知 , 运 动 与 游 戏 的 主 要 不 同 在 于 规 则 。 因 此 , 正 确 答 案 为 C。
15 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 四 段 第 三 句“ . . . when clim bers are on a rock face
N M E T 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
linked by a rope on w hich their lives m ay depend , there is obviously tea m work .”可 知 , 登 山 运 动 员
在登山过程中必须互相依靠。所以登山运动是一项集体运动, 因此,正确答案为 D。
16 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 第 四 段 第 三 句“ There are , it is true , no ’m atches’
between ’tea m s’of clim bers , ”以 及 第 五 段 第 二 句“ H e has to fight the forces of nature .”可 知 , 登
山 运 动 员 是 在 同 自 然 比 赛 。 因 此 , 正 确 答 案 为 C。
17 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 主 要 在 讨 论 登 山 运 动 并 将 它 与 其 它 运 动 相 比 较 。 因
此, 正确答案为 A。
18 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 四 段 第 一 句“ W ith Fowler missing ga m es through injury
and suspension Michael was given plenty of chances in the first tea m .”可 知 , 由 于 Fowler 受 伤 不 能
参 加 比 赛 , Michael 获 得 了 多 次 参 赛 机 会 。 因 此 , 正 确 答 案 为 D 。
19 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 五 段 第 二 句“ . . .only six other British footballers have
won it”可 知 , 包 括 Michael O wen 共 有 7 位 球 员 获 此 殊 荣 。 因 此 , 正 确 答 案 为 B 。
20 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 六 段 第 三 句“ There was also Francesco Totti, against w ho
we played recently , Raul Gonzalea , and even David B eckha m who ca m e the fourth place .” 可 知 ,
Johan Cruyff 不 包 括 在 2001 年 欧 洲 足 球 先 生 的 备 选 人 行 列 中 。 因 此 , 正 确 答 案 为 B 。
Test T w o
1 . 乔丹个人资料:
6 .6 英 尺
216 磅
February 17 , 1963
所在球队: 芝加哥公牛队
毕业大学: 北卡罗纳大学
1982 年 3 月 29 日 , 年 轻 的 乔 丹 在 N C A A 决 赛 中 在 距 比 赛 还 有 16 秒 时 , 投 中 了 他 一 生 至 关
重要的一球。北卡罗纳大学 借此 以一 分的 优 势击 败 老牌 劲 旅乔 治 敦大 学, 取 得 NCAA 冠军。
1984 年 乔 丹 首 轮 第 三 位 被 芝 加 哥 公 牛 队 选 中 。 成 绩 如 下 :
6 次 N BA 冠 军 , 5 次 NB A 最 有 价 值 球 员 , 3 次 NB A 全 明 星 赛 最 有 价 值 球 员 , 6 次 NB A 总 决 赛
最 有 价 值 球 员 , 10 次 N B A“ 得 分 王 ”称 号 , 2 次 获 N B A 扣 篮 比 赛 冠 军 , 10 次 被 选 入 N B A 第 一
阵 容 , 9 次 被 选 入 N B A 最 佳 防 守 阵 容 , 参 加 11 次 N B A 全 明 星 赛 , 1985 年 参 加 N B A 新 人 赛 , 获
N B A 最 佳 新 人 , 1988 年 获 N B A 最 佳 防 守 队 员 , 1984 , 1992 年 两 次 获 奥 运 会 篮 球 金 牌 , 1996 年
N B A 50 周 年 被 选 入 N B A 最 伟 大 的 50 名 球 员 之 一 , 1997 年 全 明 星 赛 以 得 分 阶 14 分 , 11 个 篮
板 , 11 个 助 攻 , 创 造 N B A 全 明 星 赛 中 唯 一 的 一 个 三 双 。
2 . 奥 黛 丽・赫 本 个 人 资 料 : 1929 年 5 月 4 日 生 于 比 利 时 的 首 都 布 鲁 塞 尔 , 她 是 一 个 荷 兰 女 男 爵
N M E T 话题阅读训练答案解析
和一个富有的英国银行家的女 儿。奥黛 丽的 童年 很不幸, 年 幼时 父母离 异, 她 跟随 母亲 居
住在荷兰。在她十六岁那年,随同母亲回到伦敦, 在那里获得芭蕾 舞奖学 金,并 开始在一 些
时 事 讽 刺 剧 中 跳 舞 、做 模 特 , 以 及 在 电 影 里 担 任 一 些 不 起 眼 的 小 角 色 。 当 法 国 小 说 家 科 利
特在人群中发现她,并坚持让 她在 百老汇 戏剧 中担 任琪琪 一角 时, 奥黛 丽时 来运 转了。 接
下 来 威 廉 ˙ 怀 勒 选 定 她 出 演《罗 马 假 日》的 女 主 角 安 妮 公 主 , 赫 本 因 此 赢 得 奥 斯 卡 最 佳 女 主
角 奖 , 随 后 演 出 了 一 系 列 票 房 收 入 可 观 的 风 行 一 时 的 电 影 , 如《莎 冰》( 1954 ) 、
《午 后 之 爱》
( 1957 ) 、
《修 女 传》( 1959 ) 、
《第 凡 内 早 餐》( 1961 ) 。 在 第 五 次 , 也 是 最 后 一 次 以 反 映 平 平 的《等
待 黄 昏》( 1967 ) 获 得 奥 斯 卡 奖 提 名 后 , 赫 本 渐 渐 退 出 荧 幕 , 将 更 多 时 间 花 在 家 庭 和 几 个 慈 善
事 业 上 。 她 与 演 员 梅 尔・费 勒 的 婚 姻 维 持 了 相 当 长 的 一 段 时 间 , 一 直 到 1968 年 以 离 婚 告
终 。 在 与 意 大 利 精 神 病 学 家 有 了 一 段 短 暂 的 婚 姻 后 , 她 最 终 与 一 名 荷 兰 演 员 罗 伯 特・沃 尔
德 斯 走 到 了 一 起 。 1986 年 , 奥 黛 丽・赫 本 担 任 联 合 国 儿 童 基 金 会 的 亲 善 大 使 和 发 言 人 , 并 因
此 赢 得 了 总 统 自 由 奖 章 以 及 种 族 平 等 大 会 的 人 道 主 义 奖 。 1993 年 , 奥 黛 丽・赫 本 去 世 , 享 年
63 岁 。 在 她 去 世 后 还 获 得 了 1993 年 电 影 艺 术 科 学 琼・赫 什 德 人 道 主 义 奖 。
1 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 一 段 第 二 、三 句“ That w as m y parents’drea m .I guess they
prayed real hard .”可 知 , 她 将 自 己 最 终 成 为 明 星 这 一 成 功 归 功 于 父 母 的 祈 祷 。 因 此 , 正 确 答
案 为 B。
2 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 七 段“ The sports . . .doing the m ost during the writing of the
new albu m are hiking , swim ming , and horseback riding .” 可 知 “
, Shania”在 写 作 期 间 不 去 露 营 。
因此,正确答案为 C。
3 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 二 段 第 一 句“ I was always a co m m unicative perform er,
… … ”和 第 六 段 第 二 句“ she is shy but confident”可 知 , 答 案 A 符 合 文 章 内 容 。 而 其 它 三 个 答
案均与文中陈述相反。因此,正确答案为 A。
4 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 从 第 三 段 最 后 一 句“
. . . Mia mi H eat coach Pat Riley , w hose
tea m s had so m e epic battles with Jordan .”可 知 , 由 Pat Riley 担 任 教 练 的 迈 阿 密 热 队 曾 与 Jordan
打过比赛。因此,正确答案为 D。
5 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 四 段 第 一 句“ Larry Bird . . .said it was ”sad for everyone
to see the greatest basketball player in the w orld“ retire .”可 知 , 每 个 人 都 对 Jordan 的 退 役 感 到 很
遗 憾 。 因 此 , 正 确 答 案 为 B。
6 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 六 段 第 二 句“ Craig Ehol, G erald W ilkins and Bryon R ussel
— victim s of three of Jordan’s m ost fa m ous shots”可 知 , 答 案 A 、B 、D 中 所 提 到 的 三 位 球 员 均 遭 遇
到 了 Jordan 三 次 最 有 名 的 投 篮 。 因 此 , 正 确 答 案 为 B 。
7 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 从 最 后 一 段“ Jordan’s im pact reached fro m Pro basketball to the
college ranks to every basketball court in A merica .”可 知 , Jordan 的 影 响 遍 及 了 从 职 业 篮 球 选 手 到 大
学 业余篮球运动 员的每一个篮 球场地。答案 D 显然与 本文内容不符 。因此, 正确答案为 D。
8 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 一 段 第 一 句“ M agical screen presence , fashion arbiter,
shrine to good taste , and tireless crusader for children’s rights , A udrey H epburn has beco m e one of
N M E T 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
the m ost lasting screen icons of the twentieth century”可 知 , 答 案 A 、B 、D 均 是 H epburn 成 为 20 世
纪荧屏上最持久偶像之一的原因,答案 C 并非其中的因素。因此,正确答案为 C。
9 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 从 第 一 段 第 二 句“ Best-known for her film roles in Breakfast at
Tiffany’s, M y Fair Lady , R o m an H oliday . . .”可 知 , H epburn 在 答 案 A《第 凡 内 早 餐》、答 案 C《窈
窕 淑 女》、答 案 D《罗 马 假 日》三 部 电 影 中 扮 演 角 色 。 答 案 B 《魂 断 蓝 桥》的 女 主 人 公 是 费 雯
丽扮演的。因此,正确答案为 B。
10 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 二 段 第 一 句“ It was her love of dance that finally led
H epburn to her film career .”可 知 , H epburn 对 舞 蹈 的 热 爱 最 终 使 她 走 上 了 电 影 生 涯 。 因 此 ,
正 确 答 案 为 C。
11 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 二 段 最 后 一 句“it was during the filming of that m ovie that
fate struck for the young actress in the form of a chance encountering with C olette .”可 知 , H epburn 与
Colette 的 邂 逅 给 了 她 一 个 机 会 , 改 变 了 她 的 命 运 。 因 此 , 正 确 答 案 为 B 。
12 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 五 段 最 后 一 句“ . . .thanks to the first of m any cooperation
with the designer Givenchy”可 知 , H epburn 获 得 奥 斯 卡 最 佳 女 主 角 提 名 并 继 续 成 为 时 尚 潮 流
的 带 动 者 , 均 得 益 于 她 与 时 装 设 计 者 的 第 一 次 合 作 。 因 此 , 正 确 答 案 为 B。
13 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 一 段 第 二 句“ . . .her m other , a form er opera singer and
vocal coach , M ariah started singing at age four, and writing songs by junior high .”可 知 , 答 案 A 、
B 、D 均 在 此 句 中 提 及 , 文 中 并 未 提 到 她 从 一 个 音 乐 学 校 毕 业 。 因 此 , 正 确 答 案 为 C 。
14 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 一 段 第 四 句“ 1990’s self-titled M ariah Carley C D . . .
produced four N u m ber O ne singles “
( Vision Of Love”,“ Love Takes Tim e”, “ So m eday”and“ I Don’
t W anna Cry”) 可 知 , 单 曲“I’ll Be there”并 不 包 括 在 她 以 同 名 命 名 的 四 个 头 号 单 曲 中 。 因
此 , 正 确 答 案 为 C。
15 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 一 段 第 九 句“ . . .she was the first fem ale to witness two
albu m s . . .”可 知 , M ariah 是 第 一 位 有 两 张 唱 片 的 销 量 均 达 到 一 千 万 张 的 女 歌 星 , 而 并 非 第
一位歌星。因此, 正确答案为 C。
16 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 从 第 二 段 第 一 句“ . . .a starting m ovie career . . .”可 知 , 除 了
演 唱 , M ariah 开 始 在 电 影 方 面 崭 露 头 脚 。 因 此 , 答 案 A 正 确 。
17 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 二 段 第 二 句“ H e w as m ajoring in broadcasting”可 知 , 在
大 学 期 间 G eorge 的 专 业 是 广 播 。 因 此 , 正 确 答 案 为 C 。
18 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 四 段 第 二 句“ His only source of inco m e was his A unt, w ho
he provided with odd-jobs . . .” 可 知 , George 唯 一 的 生 活 来 源 是 帮 他 的 阿 姨 干 一 些 杂 活 。 因
此 , 正 确 答 案 为 C。
19 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 五 段 第 二 句“ . . .his first big break . . .the co m edy series
‘ E R ’in 1984”可 知 , George 的 第 一 次 成 功 表 演 是 在 连 续 剧“ E R ”中 。 因 此 , 正 确 答 案 为 B 。
20 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 从 第 七 段 第 二 句“ His career on film has been one of the m ost
traceable routes an actor can take”可 知 , G eorge 的 电 影 之 路 是 一 位 电 影 演 员 可 走 的 最 有 迹 可
寻 的 道 路 。 答 案 A 与 文 中 的 陈 述 不 符 , 而 答 案 B 、C 、D 均 在 文 中 有 所 提 及 。 因 此 , 正 确 答
案为 A。
Unit Six
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Test One
1 . finishing school 女 子 精 修 学 校
2 . Ma ny of th e fine r points of femintity . . .d irector Profes sor Sun Xun 该 校 的 孙 训 教 授 说 , 当 妇 女 迫 切
的要求争取平等的权利, 忘记封建传统时,妇女气质中的许多优秀的品质却被遗忘了 .
3 . Yama da hopes to see tr aining courses . . .on th e tab le Yama da 希 望 将 课 程 卖 给 一 些 公 司 或 是 职 业
女性,她们有雄心壮志到外企工作, 但是不注重餐桌礼仪,如仍然将鸡骨头吐到桌子上 .
4 . kick off 足 球 开 赛
5 . via 经 由
6 . watc hdog n . 警 犬 ( 喻 ) 保 护 的 人
7 . However , although th e first prize can b e as high as 2 billion yu an , . . .fans .可 是 , 尽 管 一 等 奖 的 奖
金有两百万之多, 但是这次这种以运气为基础的足球彩票还是使球迷很失望。
8 . Wid ely r egarde d as a move to control . . .has produ ced a tidy profit .人 们 认 为 足 球 彩 票 的 发 行 是 对
9 . The Civil Aviation Administr ation . . . learn les sons from bot h crash es 中 国 民 航 管 理 局 在 周 六 召 集
10 . Wit h“ Crou ch ing tige r . . .A sian films are evide ntly in wgu e .”随 着 卧 虎 藏 龙 获 得 2001 年 四 项 奥 斯
11 .“ Th e touch’s has . . .shoul d h ave glob al appe al .”这 一 节 目 中 拍 摄 了 许 多 景 色 壮 丽 , 神 奇 的 地
方,再加上英文讲解, 这一节目一定可以吸引全世界的注意。
1 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 第 二 段 提 到 在 正 式 场 合 和 尊 敬 的 人 面 前 , 应 该 用 刀 将 香 蕉
划 开 皮 、切 成 块 , 然 后 用 叉 子 吃 。 题 干 中 是 说 在 家 中 吃 香 蕉 , 因 此 , 正 确 答 案 应 是 B 。
2 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 该 学 院 的 孙 逊 教 授 在 说 到 女 子 学 院 的 发 展 历 史 时 提 到 他 们
创建女子大 学是因为尽管 现在人们强调 女性在社 会中 的平 等地 位, 但 是女 性的 特 殊才 能是 与 众
不 同 的 。女 子 学 院 的 存 在 是 为 了 使 妇 女 再 次 掌 握 这 些 技 能 。 因 此 , D 为 正 确 答 案 。
3 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 文 中 提 到 该 校 只 收 身 高 在 1 .62 米 之 上 的 女 学 生 , 并 非 所
有 的 该 校 女 性 都 要 在 此 身 高 之 上 。 由 此 , 排 除 选 项 A, 文 中 也 只 提 到 了 有 刺 绣 课 程 , 是 否 擅
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
长 该 课 程 也 并 未 说 定 , 故 选 项 B 排 除 .选 项 D 错 误 在 于 中 国 的 一 些 公 司 存 在 限 制 身 高 的 现
象,而许多外国公司并无同类现象发生。因此,C 为正确答案。
4 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 在 女 子 学 院 发 展 过 程 中 , 1949 年 后 , 由 于 政 府 强 调 女 性 的
平 等 权 利 , 没 有 女 子 学 院 , 大 部 分 女 性 进 入 了 普 通 大 学 。 随 着 经 济 的 发 展 , 作 为 WTO 成 员
之 一 , 要 求 青 年 人 能 够 掌 握 特 殊 的 国 际 性 礼 节 , 故 选 项 A、C 正 确 。 选 项 D 与 文 中 中 国 一 些
公 司 对 女 性 员 工 有 身 高 要 求 这 一 事 实 相 反 。 因 此 , 正 确 答 案 应 是 B。
5 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 主 要 论 述 了 女 子 精 修 学 校 使 妇 女 重 新 具 备 了 妇 女 气
6 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 文 中 五 六 段 已 指 出 这 次 彩 票 不 同 于 以 前 的 足 球 彩 票 , 这 次
彩 票 是 将 16 场 比 赛 的 预 测 结 果 全 都 印 在 门 票 上 。 只 有 有 正 确 结 果 的 门 票 持 有 者 才 可 能 得
到 奖 金 。 因 此 , 正 确 答 案 应 是 C。
7 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。我 们 知 道 这 次 彩 票 的 最 高 奖 金 额 为 两 百 万 , 而 卖 完 所 有 彩
票 所 获 得 的 收 入 为 四 亿 , 也 就 是 奖 金 只 占 收 益 的 2/ 400 = 1/ 200 。 所 以 , 应 选 A 。
8 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 大 三 学 生 的 观 点 是 这 次 彩 票 吸 引 力 小 的 原 因 在 于 以
往的彩票即有巨额奖金,也挑战了个人的足球知识, 而现在仅凭运气。所以 D 为正确答案。
9 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 由 上 下 文 可 知 : a 是 正 确 的 。 但 是 其 中 的 两 种 很 相 似 , 并 非
有很大的差别,所以 b 不对。文中 指出 了关于 此次 彩票 的具体 规定 在五 一节 后 将会 宣布,
所 以 c 、e 中 , e 为 错 误 。 而 由 红 桥 机 场 工 作 人 员 的 谈 话 可 知 新 彩 票 的 发 行 有 利 于 人 们 学 习
更 多 的 足 球 知 识 , 故 正 确 答 案 为 B。
10 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 章 主 要 谈 论 世 界 杯 足 球 彩 票 在 中 国 的 发 行 。 选 项 B 为
11 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 在 文 中 的 开 头 提 到 阿 加 西 由 于 健 康 和 年 龄 问 题 被 人 忽 视
了很久,现在的网坛一直被新的选手所统治, 从这一点可看出 人们对 阿加西获 胜表示惊 奇
的 原 因 应 是 选 项 C。
12 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。从 上 下 文 可 知 , 13 年 前 , 阿 加 西 失 去 了 在 红 土 场 地 获 胜 的
机 会 。 他 说“ 为 了 这 次 机 会 的 来 临 , 他 已 等 了 很 久 , 这 次 机 会 是 与 众 不 同 的 。”这 次 锦 标 赛
对 于 阿 加 西 是 意 义 重 大 的 。 所 以 , 正 确 答 案 为 C。
13 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 说 阿 加 西 最 不 喜 欢 红 土 场 地 , 13 年 前 他 在 红 土 场 地
输 了 比 赛 。 此 次 锦 标 赛 的 获 胜 为 他 重 新 赢 得 了 在 1999 年 法 国 公 开 赛 上 获 得 的 冠 军 称 号 ,
这 是 他 事 业 生 涯 中 的 第 52 次 荣 誉 。 因 此 , 选 项 A 为 正 确 答 案 。
14 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 章 开 头 是 对 阿 加 西 获 胜 的 惊 奇 。 第 四 段 提 到 阿 加 西 夺
回由新手们所统治的网球世界。选项 B 最能点明这篇报道的主旨, 故 B 为正确答案。
15 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 第 六 段 已 经 提 到 的 两 项 内 容 , 一 是 取 消 红 眼 航 班 , 二
是限制新飞机的增加,选项 D 不包括在内, 因此为正确答案。
16 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 第 三 段 指 出 该 年 最 惨 痛 的 第 二 次 空 难 事 件 仍 在 调 查
中,因此,B 为正确选项。
17 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 最 后 一 段 指 出 事 故 的 发 生 为 我 们 敲 响 了 警 钟 。 暗 示 了 飞
机本身可能没有达到国际标准,因此, A 为正确答案。
NMET 话题阅读训练答案解析
18 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。在 第 六 段 中 , 作 者 指 出 杨 紫 琼 与 成 龙 合 作 的“ 警 察 的 故 事
— — 超 级 警 察 ”, 在 美 国 引 起 了 未 曾 料 到 的 成 功 , 所 以 正 确 答 案 应 是 A 。
19 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 在 文 中 作 者 指 出 杨 紫 琼 在 电 影“ The world is not enough”和
另一部武打表演更多的电影——卧虎藏龙中的表演,获得了成功, 保证她的国际声誉。
20 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。“ in cre dib le”有 两 种 词 义 包 括 A 和 C , 根 据 上 下 文 选 项 C 为
Test Two
1 . Viewers of television mod eling contests in th e past will notice . . . and expr es s id eas .观 看 模 特 展 示 的
观众将会注意到今年的比赛将 不仅 仅靠 舞台表 演来 评估, 而且 他们 的学 习, 理 解和 表达 能
2 . I t’s busin es s c overs p erson al foreign c urre nc y d eposit . . . a nd selling 它 的 业 务 包 括 大 陆 地 区 居 民
的个人外汇存款, 有个人存款证明的附属贷款业务和个人外汇买卖。
3 . Ov er t he p ast two mout h , th e Beijing . . . and e- mail .在 过 去 的 两 个 月 里 , 北 京 市 政 府 和 北 京 奥
委会已经通过电话, 传真和电子邮件等方式广泛的收集了观点和建议。
4 . Th e focus of the BOCOG is to fu lly re vise . . . stadi um .北 京 组 委 会 的 焦 点 是 完 全 修 改 运 作 计 划
并付诸于实 行, 并准备设立与建造奥林匹克运动馆和运动场相协调的委员会。
1 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。题 干 中 已 经 指 出 该 课 程 必 须 要 有 保 持 好 的 形 体 的 功 能 , 爵
士练习课程恰好可使人保持好的体形,故选项 C 为正确答案。
2 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 广 告 中 的 课 程 并 不 包 括 日 本 菜 的 制 作 , 因 此 , 选 项 A 错 误 。
课程中意大利语只为中级者设置。故选项 D 错误。去吉他俱乐部必须携带自己的 乐器, 故
选项 B 错误。周三的课程提供免费幼托 , 选项 C 包含此项内容 , 因此 ,C 为正确答案。
3 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 摄 影 课 是 周 一 晚 上 , 电 影 研 究 课 是 周 二 下 午 , 因 此 , 正 确 答
案 为 B。
4 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。摄 影 课 需 花 费
50 ; 写 作 课 是 免 费 的 , 两 者 加 起 来 是
50 。
所 以 , 正 确 答 案 应 是 C。
5 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 一 段 提 到 共 有 一 千 多 幅 设 计 作 品 参 加 比 赛 , 但 仅 30 个 设
计进入复赛。因此,C 为正确选项。
6 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 第 三 段 指 出 , 这 次 大 赛 的 特 点 是 在 形 式 和 评 判 方 式 上 有 一
些改变, 选项 C 切题,为正确答案。
7 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。 根 据 上 下 文 可 推 断“ evaluate d”在 此 处 是“ 判 断 , 评 价”的 意 思 。
8 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 最 后 一 段 指 出 , 复 赛 和 决 赛 将 在 12 月 初 举 行 。 题 干 中 所 说 的 两
次 比 赛 就 是 复 赛 和 决 赛 。 所 以 , 颁 奖 典 礼 应 在 12 月 中 旬 举 行 。 因 此 “
, the month”指 12 月 。
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
9 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 文 中 重 点 论 述 了 这 次 比 赛 与 其 他 比 赛 的 不 同 , 最 后 一 段 中
指出,这次复赛和决赛使观众有机会展望中国模特表演的前景。因此, 选项 C 为正确答案。
10 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 一 段 指 出 , 厦 门 国 际 银 行 的 业 务 包 括 大 陆 地 区 居 民 的
个人 外 汇 存 款 , 有 个 人 存 款 证 明 的 附 属 贷 款 业 务 和 个 人 外 汇 买 卖 。 所 以 , 它 仅 受 理 大 陆 地
区 的 外 币 存 储 业 务 , 选 项 A 中 的“ 任 何 国 家 ”范 围 过 大 。 因 此 , A 为 正 确 答 案 。
11 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。Citib ank 在 三 月 二 十 日 才 可 提 供 与 厦 门 银 行 相 同 的 业 务 ,
在三月六日仅有厦门银行可提供这一服务。因此,A 为正确选项。
12 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 从 文 中 获 悉 , 许 多 外 资 银 行 已 向 人 民 银 行 申 请 扩 展 业 务 ,
同时,人民银行已经允许外资银行对中国企业和居民提供 外币兑 换业务, 故外 资银行并 未
扩 展 业 务 。 因 此 , 选 项 B、
C 错误。中国人民银行才是最重要的银行而不是厦门国 际银行,
故选项 D 错误。因此,A 为正确答案。
13 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 前 往 目 的 地 只 需 花 一 个 半 小 时 的 时 间 , 往 返 的 时 间 应 是 3
小时。故 D 为正确答案。
14 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 文 中 表 明 一 个 成 年 人 的 往 返 票 是 5 英 镑 , 一 个 超 过 十 四 岁
的 孩 子 往 返 票 也 是 5 英 镑 , 加 起 来 是 10 英 镑 。 因 此 , C 为 正 确 答 案 。
15 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 五 岁 孩 子 的 票 价 是 3 .25 英 镑 , 两 岁 孩 子 免 票 , 一 个 成 人 的
往 返 票 价 也 是 5 英 镑 , 共 8 .25 英 镑 。 因 此 , A 为 正 确 答 案 。
16 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。“ or igi nal ”一 词 的 词 意 有“ 最 先 的 , 非 抄 袭 的 , 非 模 仿 的 , 有
独 创 性 的 ”等 。 根 据 文 章 的 上 下 文 , “ 独 创 性 的 ”这 一 词 义 最 符 合 题 意 。
17 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 中 主 要 论 述 了 北 京 为 2008 年 奥 运 会 所 做 的 一 些 具 体 的
准 备 工 作 。 选 项 B、D 只 包 括 部 分 内 容 , 选 项 A 的 范 围 过 大 , 不 切 合 本 文 的 实 际 内 容 。
18 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 五 段 提 到 设 计 调 整 要 与 整 个 奥 林 匹 克 运 动 馆 的 建 立 相
协 调 、符 合 。 由 此 可 知 , 最 根 本 的 原 因 应 是 选 项 B。
19 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 由 上 下 文 的 意 思 可 知 , 所 有 准 备 工 作 在 第 三 个 阶 段 就 应 全
部 完 成 , 这 三 个 阶 段 是 准 备 阶 段 、建 设 阶 段 和 完 成 运 行 阶 段 。 从 2001 年 12 月 到 2006 年 6
月, 全部时间应为五年。因此,B 为正确答案。
20 .答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 指 出 , 三 个 阶 段 中 的 第 一 阶 段 是 准 备 阶 段 , 主 要 是 建
立相关组织和领导机制,进行奥林匹克 运动 馆建造 的早 期准 备工作, 而 并非 真正的 建造 阶
段。因此,B 为正确答案。
Unit Seven
Social Problems
Test One
1 . Because of th e la rge malpraltice awards , do ctors ar e also pr escr ibing m ore con se rvative and more
e xpe nsiv e— and the refor e mor e costy — tr eatment for p atie nts as a d efense against malpractice claims .
由于治疗错误的赔偿费用增加, 为 防止病 人投 诉, 医生就 采取 稳妥 办法, 扩大 治 疗范 围, 费
2 . Quietly , the graying of America has made us a very different sociery — one i n which people have a quite
different idea of what ki nd of behavior is suitable at various ages .美 国 的 老 龄 化 在 平 静 中 为 我 们 造 就 了
一个极其不同 的社会, 在这个社会 中人们对于举 止适于年龄问 题持有完全不 同的观点。
3 . World Conservation Ye ar ( n .) 世 界 自 然 保 护 年
4 . In contrast , t her e is the mode rn ide a t hat th e crimin al law is sim ply th e inst ru ment by whic h th e ruling
class main tains its prower . 相 比 较 而 言 , 现 代 观 点 认 为 法 律 只 是 统 治 阶 级 维 护 其 统 治 的 工 具 。
5 . Oth er t heories descri be t he criminal more or les s as a h elpless individu al in th e gr asp of biological ,
psychological , or social factors be yond h is reason or con trol .其 它 理 论 则 或 多 或 少 地 将 罪 犯 描 写 为
一 个 无 助 的 个 体 , 在 超 出 其 理 智 与 克 制 的 生 理 、心 理 、和 社 会 力 量 的 掌 握 之 中 。
6 . Th e ge ne ral result of caffei ne is to mak e people m ore alert and focuse d .咖 啡 因 的 基 本 作 用 是 使 人 行
动更加机敏, 注意力更集中。
7 . The Jap an ese te a ce remony migh t b e a n example of wh at a nthropologists ( 人 类 学 家 ) call
“ ce remon ial
ch emistry”.日 本 的 茶 道 可 能 就 是 人 类 学 家 称 之 为“ 礼 仪 化 学 ”的 一 个 例 子 。
8 . This is a practice amongst a ncien t a nd primitive p eoples of taki ng mi nd alerting drugs as pa rt of
r eligious festiv al . 这 是 古 人 和 土 著 人 想 到 把 药 物 当 作 宗 教 庆 典 一 部 分 的 一 个 实 践 。
1 . 答 案 B。该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 章 开 头 即 点 出 主 题 : 医 疗 费 用 急 剧 增 加 , 原 因 之 一 为 通 货
膨胀;第二段谈了更主要原因是治疗错误。选项 B 是说美国医疗费用增加的原因。因此,B
2 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 一 段 最 后 一 句“ ca n b e only p artly cau se d by i nflation”和 第
二 段 第 一 句“ . . .a major ca use . . .is malpractice”, 可 知 作 者 认 为 : 通 货 膨 胀 情 况 的 缓 解 对 医 疗
费用影响不会太大。选项 B
“ a slight ”意 为“ 轻 微 的 ”。 因 此 , B 为 正 确 答 案 。
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
3 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 文 章 第 一 句“ Me dical bills i n th e United State . . . afford
medic al car e .”和 最 后 一 句“ Wh atever th e causes . . .for America ns .”可 知 下 一 段 要 谈 的 就 是 政 府
要 采 取 什 么 措 施 来 解 决 这 一 问 题 , 即 选 项 D: 政 府 采 取 措 施 控 制 医 疗 费 用 。 因 此 , D 为 正 确
4 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 从 第 二 段 最 后 一 句“ 大 众 观 点 正 在 改 变 ”及 前 面 的 例 子 可
知 , 由于人口老龄化, 人们对年龄的理解已经改变了。因此,C 为正确答案。
5 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。“ on e ”在 此 处 做“ a ve ry differ ent society”的 同 位 语 。 因 此 , A
6 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 对 上 下 文 的 理 解 , 不 难 得 出 它 的 意 思 为 : 举 止 适 于 年
龄。因此,B 为正确答案。
7 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 从 第 二 段 最 后 一 句“ It doesn’t surprise us . . .for th e first time”
可 知 , 25 岁 的 年 轻 人 成 为 公 司 总 经 理 是 很 正 常 的 。因 此 , A 为 正 确 答 案 。
8 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 二 段 第 八 句“ Young p eop le . . . through a re cord , called
‘ No one ’s goi ng to c ha nge our worl d’”可 知 , 这 是 号 召 人 们 保 护 自 然 的 一 张 唱 片 。 因 此 , C 是 正
9 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 从 第 二 段 第 二 句“ Perhap s it is mor e importan t to ask‘ Wh at
must we do now ?’”及 下 文 所 举 事 例 得 出 结 论 : 对 于 我 们 来 说 , 要 拯 救 地 球 最 重 要 的 就 是 要
知道我们必须做什么, 并立即行动起来。因此, D 为正确答案。
10 . 答 案 C。 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 从 自 然 保 护 年 谈 起 , 然 后 谈 到 保 护 自 然 的 必 要 性 , 并
列举了一些保护自然的事例。因此,C 为正确答案。
11 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 二 段 第 一 句“ Th ere is also a wid e variety of explan ations
for t he cause of crime .”可 知 , 对 犯 罪 行 为 形 成 的 原 因 有 着 各 种 不 同 的 解 释 , 因 此 , C 为 正 确
12 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 从 第 一 段 第 一 句“ . . . why ce rtain forms of b eh avior are
define d by so ciety as crimes”可 知 , 它 与 法 律 实 施 的 必 要 性 相 关 。 因 此 , D 为 正 确 答 案 。
13 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 第 二 段 主 要 阐 述 了 导 致 犯 罪 行 为 的 三 种 解 释 : 第 一 是 说
罪犯按自己的主观意志行事, 因而要 为自 己的行 为负 责; 第二 是说罪 犯的 行为受 多种 因
素的影响; 第三则是讲更多的犯罪行为研究 是建立在 大量统 计数 据的基 础之 上。而强 调
对 犯 罪 行 为 的 惩 罚 与 第 一 种 理 论 相 符 。因 此 , B 为 正 确 答 案 。
14 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 法 律 是 统 治 阶 级 维 护 其 统 治 的 工 具 , 这 显 然 是 一 种 政 治
理 论 。因 此 , A 为 正 确 答 案 。
15 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。“ facet”意 为 : ( 问 题 ) 的 一 面 , 与“ aspect ”意 思 相 同 。 因
此 , 答 案 为 B。
16 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 一 段 第 五 句“ Scientists estimate that ove r 90 p er cent of the
world’s population tak es caffei ne d aily .”可 知 , 全 球 超 过 90 % 的 人 每 天 都 在 服 用 咖 啡 因 。因 此 ,
答 案 为 C。
17 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 二 段 第 五 句“ Unlike alcohol , caffeine does not cha nge
your b eh avior”可 知 , 咖 啡 因 不 会 改 变 人 的 行 为 举 止 。 因 此 , 答 案 为 C。
NMET 话题阅读训练答案解析
18 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 从 第 三 段 最 后 一 句“ But the arr ival of coffee sp eed ed
eve ryth ing up .”可 知 , 咖 啡 的 到 来 使 一 切 都 加 快 了 进 程 。 因 此 , 答 案 为 A 。
19 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 五 段 第 四 、五 句“ The Japa nese tea ce remony . . . Th is is a
pr actice amongst a ncie nt and primitiv e peoples of taki ng mind altering drugs as par t of r eligious
festivities .”可 知 , 日 本 的 茶 道 是 古 人 和 土 著 人 想 到 把 药 物 当 作 宗 教 庆 典 一 部 分 的 一 个 实
践 。 因 此 , 答 案 为 A。
20 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 六 段 第 六 、七 、八 句“ Bu t you get r esu lts wit h coffee . . .I t
is as sociated with staying up all night to finish a bu sin ess plan or st udy for exams .”可 知 , 你 用 咖 啡
可 以 得 到 结 果 . . .它 与 你 熬 夜 撰 写 商 业 计 划 有 密 切 关 系 , 而 非 直 接 结 果 。 因 此 , 答 案 为 D 。
Test Two
1 . 第 三 段 第 一 句 话 前 一 分 句 的 主 语 为 :“ . . . laws d esign ed to se rve a good purpose”其 中 过 去 分 词
“ d esign ed to se rve a good purpose ”作 定 语 , 修 饰 名 词“ laws”。 该 句 译 为 : 有 时 为 服 务 某 一 特 定
目的而制定的法律被通过了, 但在某种程度上,其措辞比较含糊。
2 . On on e h and , we th ink we are ind estructible ( 不 可 毁 灭 的 ) ; on th e othe r h and , We th ink th at any
damage we i nflict ( 强 加 于 ) on ourselves can b e undon e ( 消 除 ) wh en we fin ally clea n up our act .一
方面,我们自认是金刚不坏之身, 百毒不侵;另一方面, 我们又天真 地认为, 一旦 我们彻底 改
变那些对自身健康有害的行为, 所有的损害就会彻底消除。
3 . If the evi den ce for how wrong th e first idea is isn’t clear whe n you stand wit h nothi ng on in front of the
mirror , just wait .如 果 当 你 完 全 暴 露 于 镜 子 之 前 , 还 没 有 从 自 己 赤 裸 的 身 体 上 发 现 第 一 种 观
点是多么可笑的话, 那么,走着瞧。
4 . It won’t ma ke you indest ru cti ble or doctors unne ces sa ry , but you’ll n ever know how m uc h damage you
c an undo if you don’t t ry .当 然 , 这 不 能 使 你 百 毒 不 侵 , 或 是 使 医 生 失 业 , 但 如 果 你 不 尝 试 , 就
5 . The judge h as alr eady said th at no mon ey will be i nvolve d in th e case .法 官 已 经 透 露 说 , 在 这 个 案
6 .“ This should not be an industry where only a couple of players are allowed to decide t he terms . The chains
in correctly get special discounts , more favora ble advertising terms and other benefits against antitrust and
business practices laws , ”the independ ents say . 个 体 书 店 的 经 营 者 们 说 , 连 锁 店 违 反 反 垄 断 和 商 业
经 营 法 , 以 不 正 当 手 段 得 到 了 特 别 的 折 扣 价 、更 有 力 的 广 告 条 件 及 其 他 好 处 。
7 . In their ope ning statements , lawyers for Smith Inc . told t he judge th at th e i ndep end ent book sellers’list
of announceme nts was“ un true , in accurate , a nd outd ated .”被 告 方 律 师 在 公 开 声 明 中 告 诉 法 官 ,
原 告 所 列 的 指 控“ 与 事 实 不 符 、夸 大 其 词 并 且 已 经 过 时 ”。
8 . Th at condu ct br eaks the California Unfai r Comp etition law and fed er al law forbidd ing what is called
“ price discrimination”, the ind ep ende nt booksellers say in cour t doc ume nts .个 体 书 商 们 在 提 交 给 法
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
庭 的 诉 讼 中 指 出 : 这 一 做 法 违 反 了 《加 利 福 尼 亚 不 公 平 竞 争 法》和 禁 止 所 谓“ 价 格 歧 视 ”的
1 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 一 段 第 二 句“ Laws are d esign ed to ma ke certain th at
p eop le ’s rights are protecte d and th at p eop le respect each ot her’s righ ts .”可 知 , 法 律 是 用 来 保 障 公
民 的 权 利 的 。 因 此 , 答 案 为 A。
2 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 此 处 的“ job ” 就 是 指 代 前 面 出 现 的“ to shoot ope n a ca n of
food”。 因 此 , 答 案 为 B。
3 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 二 段 第 一 、二 句“ Sp ecific laws
. . .Th e laws the n se em
str ange .”可 知 , 有 时 某 些 特 定 的 法 律 在 特 定 问 题 消 失 后 的 很 长 一 段 时 间 继 续 存 在 , 于 是 这 些
法律就显得很奇怪。因此,答案 C 正确。
4 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 章 第 三 段 的 开 头 阐 明 : 某 些 法 律 由 于 措 辞 含 糊 , 在 实 践
中并非真正奏效;接着列举了一个与机动车辆有关的例子, 做进 一步解 释说明。因 此,答 案
为 B。
5 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 选 项 A : 法 律 体 系 在 任 何 社 会 形 态 中 都 非 常 必 要 ; 选 项 C:
改 变 旧 法 比 通 过 新 法 更 难 , 在 文 中 均 已 有 所 表 述 。 而 选 项 B: 某 些 没 有 意 义 的 法 律 可 能 也
会 得 以 通 过 , 这 一 表 述 本 身 错 误 。 因 此 , 答 案 为 D。
6 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 文 章 开 头 即 阐 明 : 所 有 对 成 年 人 身 体 健 康 不 利 的 生 活 习
惯, 都根源于我们在孩提时代就根深 蒂固的 两种 观念。而 无论 是第 一种, 还是 第二 种, 都
缘 于 我 们 对 自 己 信 念 的 自 信 。 因 此 , 答 案 为 C。
7 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。“ drop”在 此 处 译 为 : 放 弃 , 改 掉 。 因 此 , 答 案 为 C。
8 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 三 段 第 三 句“ … t he body h as a n amazing a bility to h eal
itself… ”可 知 , 科 学 家 得 出 的 结 论 是 : 我 们 的 身 体 的 确 拥 有 惊 人 的 自 愈 力 。 因 此 , 答 案 为 C。
9 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 从 文 章 内 容 可 知 , 如 果 想 拥 有 健 康 的 体 魄 , 我 们 就 应 该 合
理 饮 食 , 积 极 健 身 , 注 意 体 重 , 心 态 轻 松 。 因 此 , 答 案 为 D。
10 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 讲 : 如 果 我 们 想 改 善 自 己 的 健 康 状 况 , 就 要 改 掉 那 些 不 良
的 生 活 习 惯 , 只 要 我 们 愿 意 去 开 始 一 种 全 新 的 生 活 , 必 将 受 益 匪 浅 。 因 此 , 答 案 为 D。
11 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 二 段 第 一 句“ Americ an 26 ind ep ende nt bookstore own ers
. . . saying t hey’ve lost sales b ecau se th ei r large com petitor ar e using its mark et clout i n a wrong
way”可 知 , 26 家 个 体 书 店 的 老 板 们 认 为 是 连 锁 书 店 滥 用 其 对 市 场 的 影 响 力 , 导 致 他 们 的
销 售 额 下 降 。 因 此 , 答 案 为 A。
12 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。“ level”原 意 为“ 水 平 , 标 准 ”在 此 处 的 意 思 为“ 同 等 的 、平 等
的 ”, 与“ e qual” 的 意 思 相 同 。 因 此 , 答 案 为 B 。
13 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 七 段 第 一 句“ . . . r ath er tha n ad ap t to ch ange , the
plai ntiffs h ave c hosen to file this lawsuit ”可 知 , 原 告 面 对 情 况 的 变 化 , 不 思 改 进 , 反 而 选 择 了
打 官 司 。 因 此 , 答 案 为 B。
14 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 从 第 八 段 第 一 句“ Inde pe nd en t booksellers’ market sha re has
NMET 话题阅读训练答案解析
falle n 40 % si nce 1991”可 知 , 自 1991 年 起 , 个 体 书 商 的 市 场 份 额 已 下 降 了 40 % , 而 并 非 下
降 到 40 % 。 显 然 选 项 B 的 表 述 与 原 文 不 符 。 因 此 , 答 案 为 B。
15 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 一 段 第 二 句“ Large food comp anies … a re facing a growing
nu mb er of lawsuits claiming th ey mislab el products .”可 知 , 大 的 食 品 公 司 被 指 控 在 商 品 上 误 贴
标签。因此, 答案 A 正确。
16 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 六 、七 段“ You coul d h ave statements saying th at t hey h ave
this b illion - dollar public healt h prob lem … are r esponsible for a certain p ercentage of it …””The food
industry mak es fun of su ch tal k .”可 知 , 食 品 商 对 这 一 言 论 持 嘲 弄 的 态 度 。因 此 , 答 案 为 A 。
17 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 从 最 后 一 段 最 后 一 句“ It ’s not th e food , it ’s t he lifestyle th at
is to blame .” 可 知 , 根 据 Jogn 所 说 , 该 受 谴 责 的 不 是 食 品 , 而 是 生 活 方 式 本 身 。 因 此 , 答 案
为 D。
18 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 一 段“ . . .Miguel , h e was ca rryi ng one envelop e with
sever al gr ams of h eroin a nd cocain e”及 第 二 段“ . . . he di dn’t do a not her str etch b ehi nd b ars”
“ . ..
Miguel spe nds time visiting Lisbon’s drug tr eatme nt clin ic now”可 知 , Miguel 是 一 个 有 毒 瘾 者 。
因 此 , 答 案 为 B。
19 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 三 段 第 二 句“ . . .drug use rs ar e viewed as victims of a
drug c ulture th at tough laws coul d not con trol”可 知 , 在 许 多 西 欧 国 家 吸 毒 者 被 看 作 法 律 无 法 控
制的毒品文化的牺牲品。选项 A 错误之 处在 于葡 萄牙已 经使 所有的 吸毒 行为 合法 化, 因
此不可能在对吸毒者判刑;而选项 C 的错 误之 处在于 许多 西欧 国家对 吸毒 者采取 了更 宽
容的态度, 而非更严格的态度;选项 D 的错误之处在于许多西欧国家已经放弃 了对吸毒 者
的 处 罚 。 因 此 , 答 案 为 B。
20 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 从 第 六 段 第 一 句“ E urop e ’s a pproach has dr awn criticism from
th e Internation al Na rcotics Con trol Board”可 知 , 欧 洲 的 这 一 举 措 招 来 了 国 际 麻 醉 药 控 制 委 员
会 对 其 的 批 判 。 因 此 , 答 案 为 B。
Unit Eight
Daily Life
Test One
1 . com pact car market 微 型 轿 车 市 场
2 . luxury car 豪 华 车
3 . in th e first h alf of 2001 , th e nu mbe r . . .by a big ma rgin 2001 年 上 半 年 进 口 轿 车 的 数 量 与 去 年 同
期相比增长了一倍, 其中豪华车占了一大部分。
4 . Three Bosnian pin es . . .as a memor ial 三 棵 波 斯 尼 亚 松 树 被 种 在 了 森 林 里 以 纪 念 戴 安 娜 王 妃 曾
5 . Th e best way to cook . . .wit hout giving up fla vor 最 好 的 烹 饪 方 法 就 是 选 择 高 营 养 食 物 , 在 不 改 变
其味道的前提下, 除去其多余的脂肪。
6 . 在 这 里 介 绍 了 两 种 烧 烤 方 式 , 其 一 是 broiling , 在 broili ng 中 , 热 气 来 自 上 部 , 其 二 是 grilling ,
1 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 由 文 中 第 二 段 中 可 知 , 由 于 入 住 刚 装 修 不 超 过 六 个 月 的 房
子 , 一 些 青 少 年 患 白 血 病 。 故 正 确 答 案 应 为 A。
2 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 由 第 三 段 最 后 一 句 话 可 知“ formald ehyde ” 为 poll utan t ( 污 染
物 质 ) , 故 正 确 答 案 应 为 A。
3 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 中 最 后 一 段 提 出 合 理 建 议 。 为 了 身 体 健 康 人 们 应 该 保
持房间空气的流通,不购买危险性 较大材 料, 室 内种 植植 物以 减 少污 染物 质, 而 不是 C 项
中 陈 述 的 购 买 没 有 商 标 的 产 品 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 C。
4 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 文 章 第 四 段 可 得 出 选 项 A 、B 不 正 确 。 从 文 章 第 六 段 可
看出,D 选项也是错误的。故正确答案应为 C 。
5 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 通 篇 文 章 讲 了 豪 华 车 的 状 况 。 从 文 章 第 二 段 主 要 讲 了 豪
华 车 的 增 长 。 故 正 确 答 案 应 为 C。
6 . 答 案 B。该 题属 于事 实 细节 题。 文 章第 五段 第一 句 话主 要讲 豪 华车 主逐 渐地 由 原来 的工 商 业
主 变 为 个 人 所 有 , 也 就 是 说 , 原 来 能 买 豪 华 车 的 人 大 部 分 是 工 商 业 主 , 故 正 确 答 案 应 为 B。
7 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 中 国 人 越 来 越 热 衷 于 买 车 , 一 是 因 为 一 部 分 人 先 富 了 起
来, 与选项 A 符合, 文章最后提到为适应市场需求, 福特公 司将进 行车展, 可见 民众对汽 车
NMET 话题阅读训练答案解析
相当感兴趣, 故与选项 B 符合。同时, 国内也采取了一定的扶持政策, 与选项 C 符合, 鼓励
私 人 购 车 , 而 全 文 没 有 提 到 车 价 的 问 题 。 故 正 确 答 案 应 为 D。
8 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 章 前 五 段 说 的 是 所 有 的 这 些 纪 念 活 动 都 是 人 们 自 发 的
行 动 , 而 不 是 政 府 或 其 它 人 士 组 织 的 , 故 正 确 答 案 应 为 A。
9 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 六 段 讲 述 报 纸 上 几 乎 没 有 关 于 戴 安 娜 的 报 道 。 故 正 确
答 案 应 为 B。
10 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 从 文 章 第 一 段 和 第 七 段 第 一 句 话 : 可 知 戴 安 娜 去 世 时 只 有
36 岁 , 故 正 确 答 案 应 为 C 。
11 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。 文 章 前 面 提 到 戴 安 娜 死 于“ car crash ” 而 最 后 一 段 又 说
“ Wh en th eir limou sin e c rashe d i n a Paris t unn el” , 联 系 起 来 可 知“ limousin e ”跟 车 有 关 。 故 正 确
答 案 应 为 C。
12 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 章 第 一 部 分 最 后 一 句 话 提 到 : I t ( steami ng ) also kee ps
nutr ients b ette r th an a ny othe r cooki ng met hod excep t micro-waving .故 正 确 答 案 为 C。
13 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 章 第 二 部 分 提 到 : 在 炖 东 西 的 过 程 中 , 需 将 蔬 菜 切 丁 ,
先 放 肉 , 高 温 , A 、B、C 项 文 中 均 涉 及 , 选 项 D 与 文 中 第 二 部 分 第 一 句 话 不 相 符 , 故 正 确 答
案 应 为 D。
14 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 A 、B、C 选 项 在 第 三 部 分 涉 及 。 文 中 第 三 部 分 指 明
“ broiling”同“ grilling”产 生 同 等 效 果 , 但“ broiling”这 种 方 式 是 热 气 来 自 上 部 “
, grilli ng”与 其 恰
相 反 。 故 正 确 答 案 应 为 B。
15 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 选 项 A、B 、
C 在第四部分涉及,牛肉相对膨胀, 不如鱼鸡 做
出 来 那 样 好 , 故 正 确 答 案 应 为 D。
16 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 五 部 分 提 到 , 用 高 压 锅 来 做 饭 , 只 需 放 少 量 水 , 在 很 短
时 间 内 就 能 做 成 , 因 为 容 器 是 密 闭 的 , 所 以 产 生 大 量 的 蒸 汽 。 故 正 确 答 案 应 为 D。
17 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 由 文 章 第 一 段 第 二 句 可 知 , 孩 子 们 总 是 为 在 套 餐 中 发 现
各 式 各 样 的 玩 具 而 惊 喜 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 A。
18 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 意 题 。“ skip”核 心 意 为“ 跳 , 逃 离 ”。 选 项 B 与 其 核 心 意 接 近 。 故
正 确 答 案 应 为 B。
19 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 二 段 第 二 句 明 确 提 到 在 食 物 中 带 有“ Snoopy”玩 具 是 麦
当 劳 采 取 的 一 个 措 施 。选 项 A 、
B 、C 在 文 章 均 可 找 到 相 关 信 息 。 故 正 确 答 案 应 为 D 。
20 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。第 二 段 中 谈 到 孩 子 们 为 了 得 到 更 多 的 玩 具 , 拼 命 的 吃 东
西 , 疯 抢 而 上 撞 坏 了 玻 璃 墙 , 所 以 才 引 起 争 议 。 故 正 确 答 案 应 为 B。
Test Two
1 . B ehi nd most of th e b ad th ings . . .from ch il dhood 主 干 为“ Beh ind most of the ba d thi ngs a re two id eas”
意思为:作为成年人, 我们超重,很少参加锻炼, 操心过多,在这 背后所 隐藏的是 我们从小 就
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
2 . If th e evid en ce for how wrong t he first id ea . . .just wait : 如 果 当 赤 身 站 在 镜 子 前 , 还 没 有 认 识 到 第
3 . Not sure wh er e to start . . .lead s to a noth er .还 不 知 道 如 何 开 始 吗 ? 这 并 不 要 紧 , 因 为 一 个 积 极 的
4 . terrac otta warrior 西 安 名 胜 : 兵 马 俑
5 . It ’s not just a medic al device , it ’s moved i nto th e field of fashion 它 不 再 是 一 种 治 疗 器 械 , 而 是 已
1 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。这 篇 文 章 是 旅 行 社 在 宣 传 自 己 的 各 种 旅 行 项 目 , 由 此 可 判
断 这 篇 文 章 为 旅 行 社 的 宣 传 广 告 。 故 正 确 答 案 应 为 B。
2 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 由 文 中 最 后 一 段 可 得 到 相 关 信 息 。 故 正 确 答 案 应 为 C。
3 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 由 第 二 段 可 得 到 相 关 信 息 。 故 正 确 答 案 应 为 A 。
4 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 二 段 已 给 出 相 关 信 息 。 故 正 确 答 案 应 为 B。
5 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。第 三 段 讲 漓 江 交 通 便 利 , 公 交 便 宜 , 可 乘 出 租 出 城 , 这 样 可
以 为 游 客 节 约 很 多 钱 。 根 据 此 信 息 可 以 判 断“ ne gotia ble”一 词 的 意 思 与 选 项 D 相 符 。
6 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 选 项 A 可 由 第 三 段 第 二 句 排 除 。 选 项 B、D 可 由 第 五 、六 段
7 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 文 章 第 一 段 可 知 。B 为 正 确 答 案 。
8 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。 本 句 话 中“ provi de d”相 当 于“ if”, 即“ 如 果 对 身 体 的 损 害 不 是
太 严 重 的 话 , 身 体 可 以 对 自 身 进 行 修 复 。”故 正 确 答 案 应 为 D 。
9 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。 Ward off 一 词 出 现 在 第 四 段 最 后 一 句 , 去 掉 中 间 插 入 语 部
分 , D 句 子 的 主 干 就 是 : Doctors b eliev e th at many d iseases ca n b e wa rd ed off with a few sensible
c hages in lifestyle 。联 系 上 文 , 一 些 坏 习 惯 的 影 响 , 如 吸 烟 带 来 的 影 响 会 陪 伴 你 几 十 年 , 可 以
确定此句的意思应为: 医生们相信如果对一些不良生活方式进行一些改变, 一些疾病是 可
以 避 免 的 。 故 正 确 答 案 应 为 C。
10 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 文 章 第 七 段 讲 述 注 意 保 持 体 重 可 以 改 变 一 些 衰 老 的 迹 象 。
故 正 确 答 案 应 为 B。
11 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 章 对 选 项 A、B、C 都 予 以 肯 定 , 根 据 文 中 倒 数 第 二 段 可
看 出“
, 不 紧 张 ”是 否 有 效 果 尚 待 证 明 , 并 不 是 显 而 易 见 。 故 正 确 答 案 应 为 D 。
12 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 由 文 章 第 三 段“ sna cks from differe nt p arts of Chin a ”可 知 选
项 B 不 正 确 。 由 第 四 段“ h alf of t hem selling Muslim snac ks”可 知 , 只 有 一 半 的 摊 位 卖 穆 斯 林
食 品 , 故 选 项 C 不 正 确 。第 二 段 , “ go to the Dongxi n Street n ight market ” 可 知 这 是 一 夜 市 。
所 以 选 项 D 不 正 确 , 只 有 选 项 A , 小 吃 来 自 全 国 各 地 是 正 确 的 。 故 正 确 答 案 应 为 A。
13 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。第 七 段 介 绍 街 头 艺 人 在 夜 市 上 进 行 表 演 , 游 客 只 要 花 上 三
五 元 钱 , 就 可 以 听 到 有 地 方 特 色 的 曲 子 , 所 以 , “ burst in to songs ”的 意 思 应 为“ to sta rt to
p erform”故 正 确 答 案 应 为 A 。
NMET 话题阅读训练答案解析
14 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 最 后 三 段 , 提 到 政 府 对 夜 市 的 扶 持 , 对 它 的 运 行 给 予 了 关
注 , 花 钱 对 街 道 进 行 了 修 整 , 故 选 项 A 、C 正 确 。 因 此 , 正 确 答 案 应 为 D 。
15 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 章 介 绍 了 西 安 东 兴 街 小 吃 一 条 街 。四 个 选 项 中 只 有 选
项 C 比 较 适 合 做 文 章 的 题 目 。 故 正 确 答 案 应 为 C。
16 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 因 为 是 夜 市 , 所 以 在 白 天 应 该 是 比 较 安 静 的 。 故 正 确 答
案 应 为 D。
17 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。 根 据 第 一 段“ we aring spe ctacles”这 一 动 宾 搭 配 , 及 前 面 提 到
的“ eyeglas ses”可 断 定“ spectacles”的 意 思 是 眼 镜 。 故 正 确 答 案 应 为 B 。
18 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 文 章 中 多 次 出 现“ c hildren ’s eyewe ar business , kid busi ness”
等 关 键 词 句 , 由 此 可 判 断 , 正 确 答 案 为 A .。
19 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 由 第 二 段 可 知 Focu s 这 部 电 影 是 关 于 一 个 男 人 , 自 从 他 买
了 一 幅 新 眼 镜 后 , 生 活 发 生 了 骇 人 的 变 化 。 而“ Harry Potter ”则 是 戴 着 眼 镜 的 丹 尼 , 可 见 ,
两部电影的共同之处是主人公都戴眼镜, 正 因为两部 电影的 影响 眼镜才 成为 时尚。故 正
确 答 案 应 为 D。
20 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 常 识 可 知 Bab ie , Polo 均 为 孩 子 们 喜 爱 的 玩 具 。 故 正
确 答 案 应 为 C。
Unit Nine
Natural Disaster
Test One
1 . 本 句 为 双 重 定 语 从 句 , 其 中 ,“ d estroy ed by a strong ear thqu ak e”修 饰“ a south ern Turkish city” ,
“ that killed mor e th an 100 people ”修 饰“ a strong ear thquak e ”
2 . Sn iffer dogs 警 犬
3 . Blood donors 义 务 献 血 者
4 . Confi ne . . . to 限 制 , 限 于 … … 范 围 内 ; 例 如 : Please confi ne your rema rk s to th e subject we ’re
tal king . 请 你 发 言 时 不 要 离 开 我 们 讨 论 的 话 题 。
5 . Pre - eart hqu ak e 地 震 前 ; pre 前 缀 , 在 … … 之 前
6 . In crease by 增 长 了 ; in cre ase to 增 长 到
7 . La Guairsa : 拉 古 纳
8 . 大 约 150 , 000 人 无 家 可 归 , 暂 住 在 学 校 , 体 育 场 , 甚 至 是 总 统 府 。
9 . 官方人员说, 因为灾难的发生,原 定于 明年 初举行 的议 会选举 将不 得不 推迟, 那 样的 话, 总
统 Hugo Cha rve r 将 在 没 有 议 会 监 督 的 情 况 下 , 行 使 管 理 国 家 的 权 利 。
10 . Gross domestic product 国 内 生 产 总 值
11 . Turkish officials say th ey ar e hurryi ng ten ts and h eaters to th e nort hern provin ce of Bolu 土 耳 其 官 方
人 员 说 , 他 们 正 在 向 西 北 地 区 的 Bolu 省 紧 急 输 送 营 帐 和 取 暖 设 施
12 . Official figur es say 452 p eople wer e kille d and thousands mad e homeless by t he qua ke . 其 中
“ thousands mad e homeless buy th e qua ke ”为 一 省 略 句 , 完 整 的 句 子 应 为 “ thousands of p eople
were mad e homeless by th e qu ak e”。
13 . Re d ta pe ( 喻 ) 繁 文 缛 节 , 官 样 文 章 , 官 僚 习 气 。
14 . 在 日 本 , 人 们 用 鞠 躬 , 拍 手 来 对 死 去 的 人 进 行 哀 悼 。
1 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 文 章 第 二 段 可 知 , 因 为 可 能 有 余 震 发 生 , 官 方 试 图 用
电 视 来 吸 引 民 众 的 注 意 力 , 使 他 们 在 户 外 过 夜 , 以 避 免 伤 亡 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 C。
2 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 第 四 段 最 后 一 句“ A Br itish em bassy spok esma n in Ank ara
sai d London h ad offere d aid to th e Turkish Governme nt after Sat urda y’s qu ak e .”可 知 , 地 震 发 生 在
周 六 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 B。
NMET 话题阅读训练答案解析
3 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 文 章 第 七 段“ Ada na , a region of sever al million p eop le at
th e cen ter of a cotton produ cing plai n n ear the Me diterran ea n coast” 可 知 Ad ana 这 一 地 区 盛 产 棉
花 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 B。
4 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 文 章 第 三 段 可 知 , 地 震 使 许 多 房 屋 倒 塌 ; 根 据 第 六 段
第一 句 话 可 知 , 医 院 的 工 作 人 员 正 忙 于 治 疗 伤 员 ; 根 据 第 十 段 可 知 , 伤 亡 人 员 需 大 量 的 献
血 ; 地 震 中 的 伤 亡 人 数 多 于 100 人 , 但 没 有 超 过 200 人 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 B 。
5 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。新 闻 报 道 的 特 点 是 在 开 头 要 简 要 概 括 文 章 的 主 题 。本 文 正
符 合 这 一 特 点 。 一 开 头 作 者 便 指 出 了 本 文 的 主 旨 : 土 耳 其 发 生 地 震 , 伤 亡 100 多 人 。 A、B 、
D 三选项都和文章的内容有关 , 但都不足以概括文 章的主 要内容, 只有 选项 C 符合 本文 主
旨 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 C。
6 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 本 题 考 察 学 生 对 事 件 发 生 时 间 的 掌 握 。 根 据 文 章 第 一 段
“ Lijia ng i n South east Chi na ’s Yunna n Provin ce has r ecover ed from a strong earthqu ake on Fe bru ary 2
last yea r”可 知 , 地 震 发 生 的 时 间 是 去 年 的 二 月 二 日 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 C
7 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 文 章 第 二 段“ About 64 , 000 families or 97 p erce nt of the
total nu mbe r”可 知 受 地 震 影 响 的 家 庭 总 数 应 为 64 000 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 A 。
8 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。 本 题 考 察 学 生 在 文 章 中 根 据 上 下 文 猜 测 词 义 的 能 力 。 文
章 的 第 四 、五 、六 段 谈 到 国 家 投 资 对 一 些 建 筑 进 行 了 重 建 。“ renovate ”的 核 心 意 思 是“ 修 复 ;
整 修 ”, 在 此 句 中 的 意 思 为“ 重 建 ”。 故 正 确 答 案 为 A。
9 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 文 章 第 三 段“ The smell of d eath was eve rywhe re along the
nort hern coast ”可 知 , 灾 难 发 生 在 北 部 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 D 。
10 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 文 章 第 二 段“
. . .whe n mud , stones a nd water came
c rashing down a mountain that sep ar ates th e capital of Car acas from t he Car ibbea n Sea ”可 知
Venezu ela 的 首 都 为 Ca racas 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 B。
11 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。“ toll ”这 个 词 出 现 在 文 章 第 二 段“ th e death toll r ange from
5 , 000 to 20 , 000 ”和 第 五 段“ Th e de at h toll estimates a re mu ch higher , base d on th e num ber of
p eop le . . .”。“ toll”的 核 心 意 思 为“ 通 行 费 ; 损 失 ”在 本 文 中 的 意 思 可 推 断 为 “ 数 量 ” 即
“ numb er”。故 正 确 答 案 为 A 。
12 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 文 章 第 六 段“ Officials said elections for a new congr ess
sc he du led for ear ly n ext ye ar migh t b e postpon ed be cause of th e disaster”可 知 , 选 举 的 原 定 日 期 为
明 年 初 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 A。
13 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 文 中 第 一 段“ Survivors of Turk ey’s second d evastating
eart hqu ak e in three mont hs”可 知 , 到 目 前 为 止 , 土 耳 其 发 生 了 两 次 地 震 , 这 一 次 为 第 二 次 。
故 正 确 答 案 为 B。
14 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 六 段 第 二 句“ It came less th an three months after the
August e arthqua ke th at killed 17 , 000 and sen t as many as 600 , 000 onto th e streets”, 可 知 , 第 一 次
地 震 造 成 17 000 人 死 亡 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 B 。
15 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 文 章 第 五 段 “ Rai n is forcast soon to add to th e woes
brought by n ightly temp er ature .”可 知 , 根 据 预 报 这 里 将 下 雨 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 A 。
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
16 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 章 最 后 三 段 提 到 , 在 领 取 救 援 物 资 时 遇 到 的 繁 文 缛 节 ,
引起了受灾地区群众的不满。在四个选项中,只有选项 C 和上文提到的内容有关, 故正 确
答 案 为 C。
17 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 是 一 篇 新 闻 报 道 , 在 开 头 即 表 明 了 文 章 的 主 题 。 第 一
段提到土耳其地震的幸存者在早晨被冻醒, 他们希望在 星期二可 以得到 帐篷和热 的食物。
另 外 , 在 文 章 中 也 多 次 提 到 人 们 受 到 寒 冷 、饥 饿 的 威 胁 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 C 。
18 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 本 文 第 二 段 第 一 句 , “ The fir e ear ly Saturd ay rage d . . .”和
第 六 段“ The fire star ted at abou t 1 a .m . Saturday ”明 确 指 出 了 火 灾 发 生 的 时 间 。 故 正 确 答
案 为 B。
19 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。 本 题 旨 在 考 察 学 生 在 上 下 文 中 理 解 词 义 的 能 力 。“ victim”
一 词 出 现 在 文 章 第 一 句“ Police h ave ide ntify es all but one of the 44 victims of a te rri ble fir e ”中 ,
意 为“ 伤 亡 人 员 ”“
; ra ge”一 词 出 现 在 第 二 段 第 一 句“ The fi re early Sat urd ay r aged t hrough . . .”
, fire ”则 作 为 名 词 来 用 “
; Tok en”出 现 在 第 四 段 , bouqu ets , bottles of sak e 以
及 其 它 可 以 表 达 人 们 悲 痛 的 东 西 被 放 在 了 建 筑 物 的 入 口 , 那 么 , toke n 也 不 是 fire 的 同 义
词 。“ b laze ”作 为 名 词 的 核 心 意 词 是“ 火 焰 ; 火 光 ; 大 火 ; 火 灾 ”。 根 据 第 五 段 第 二 句 话“ The
cau se of t he b laze was still und er investigation .”可 知 , 警 察 正 在 对 火 灾 的 起 因 进 行 调 查 。
“ blaze ”在 此 句 中 的 意 思 为“ 火 灾 ”。 故 正 确 答 案 为 A
20 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 第 一 段 是 文 章 的 主 旨 段 , 提 到 东 京 发 生 一 场 20 多 年
来伤亡最惨重的火灾。其他 段落 是对 这 场火 灾细 节的 介绍。C 项 符合 文章 主旨, 故为 正
Test Two
1 . FBI
Fed eral Burea u of Investigation 联 邦 调 查 局
2 . Tremor
在 这 里 是 ea rthqua ke 。
3 . 地壳下面有一层岩浆, 被撞成碎片的地壳浮在岩浆上朝着各方向运动时,就会发生地震。
4 . 地震破坏程度的因素主要有: 地震的深度和附近城市的建筑的质量。
5 . 本 段 介 绍 了 地 震 的 成 因 : 在 Los Angeles 的 地 震 发 生 在 距 城 市 东 160 公 里 外 的 一 个 沙 漠 里 , 台
湾的地震是一个板块滑到另一板 块下 面, 土耳 其的 地震 是两 个 板块 相互 摩擦, 而发 生在 希
6 . black box 飞 机 飞 行 过 程 中 能 自 动 纪 录 飞 机 状 况 的 检 测 系 统 。
7 . drought 干 旱
8 . a sp ell of 意 为 a period of
9 . pr ecipitation above 10 millimeters 降 雨 量 超 过 10 毫 米
10 . 句 子 的 主 干 应 为 : Th e drought cause d a drop and drinki ng prob lem .
11 . Due to 意 为 beca use of
NMET 话题阅读训练答案解析
1 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 由 文 中“ . . .crash into the Atla ntic less t ha n a n hour afte r tak eoff
from New York’s John F Ke nn edy airport on Octobe r 31”可 知 , 飞 机 失 事 发 生 在 Octobe r 31 。 故 正
确 答 案 为 B。
2 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 由 文 中“ . . . a p lane with 217 on board ”和 后 面“ … all the
people on board wer e claimed d ead”可 知 , 217 人 全 部 遇 难 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 C 。
3 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 由 文 章 中“ The FBI said t her e was no indication t hat any crimin al
act took pla ce”可 知 没 有 犯 罪 分 子 的 活 动 , 但 选 项 B 、C 在 文 中 没 有 提 到 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 D 。
4 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 由 文 章 第 三 段“ The more powerful earthquaek that rocked Taiwan and
claime d some 2 , 000 lives”可 知 在 台 湾 的 地 震 中 有 2 000 人 死 亡 , 而 不 是 简 单 的 受 伤 。所 以 选 项 A、B
不 正 确 。这 样 的 地 震 应 被 认 为 是 比 较 严 重 的 , 故 选 项 D 也 不 正 确 。 正 确 答 案 为 C。
5 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 由 第 五 段“ a nd four or five a bove the very dangerous 7 .6 level ”
可 知 , 被 称 为 非 常 危 险 的 地 震 应 该 是 在 7 .6 级 以 上 的 。 第 六 段 所 提 供 的 信 息 可 知 在 7 .6 级
以 上 的 才 是 比 较 严 重 的 地 震 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 D。
6 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 章 第 二 段 提 到 了 发 生 在 加 利 福 尼 亚 的 地 震 , 第 九 段 提 到
了 发 生 在 雅 典 和 台 北 的 地 震 。 全 文 没 有 涉 及 发 生 在 伦 敦 的 地 震 , 故 正 确 答 案 为 D。
7 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 章 第 七 、八 段 谈 到 了 地 震 危 害 程 度 的 决 定 因 素 , 即 A 、C
选 项 。 选 项 D 也 是 一 个 因 素 , 地 震 的 级 别 越 高 , 其 危 害 程 度 也 就 越 大 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 B。
8 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 章 第 八 段 提 到 了 地 震 的 成 因 , 本 题 所 列 的 4 个 选 项 中 只
有 选 项 D 在 文 中 没 有 提 到 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 D。
9 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。 由 文 章 第 一 句 可 知 , 洪 水 夺 走 了 123 人 的 生 命 , 使 上 百 万 人
无 家 可 归 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 C。
10 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 章 第 二 段 , 受 灾 最 严 重 的 地 方 印 度 最 东 部 的 阿 萨 姆 有
80 人 死 亡 , 东 部 的 比 哈 尔 省 有 16 人 死 亡 , 周 遭 地 区 有 10 人 死 亡 。 而 没 有 提 到 布 拉 玛 普 得
拉 河 的 情 况 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 A。
11 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 洪 水 夺 走 了 许 多 人 的 生 命 , 因 洪 水 而 引 起 的 疾 病 , 食 物 的
短 缺 ( 文 章 第 一 段 ) 也 引 发 了 死 亡 , 没 有 提 到 选 项 D 中 的 原 因 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 D。
12 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 文 章 第 一 段 “ W he n an Afghan ai rline r Boeing 727
sm ash ed into a mountain in b ad weathe r” 和 第 五 段 中“ It was not tec hn ical prob lems , just b ad
weath er”可 知 飞 机 失 事 是 因 为 恶 劣 的 天 气 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 B。
13 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 一 段 明 确 指 出 45 人 遇 难 , 而 且 在 第 七 段 中“ But Ar iana
officials at th e site confirmed 45 people ha d b een on the p lan e”也 指 出 飞 机 上 有 45 人 。 故 正 确 答
案 为 B。
14 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。 在 文 章 第 三 段 指 出 , 救 援 工 作 正 在 展 开 , 但 由 于 阿 富 汗 苏
联战争中留下的地雷坑的 阻碍,进展缓慢, 四个选项中, 只有选项 A 阻碍意思相近。故正
确 答 案 为 A。
15 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 由 全 文 可 知 , 由 于 恶 劣 天 气 的 原 因 , 阿 富 汗 发 生 飞 机 失
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
事 , 有 45 人 遇 难 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 D 。
16 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。 alleviate 一 词 出 现 在 第 一 段 , 第 五 段 中“ the drough t — has
not b ee n completely relieved by th e rainfall over th e past few da ys .”可 知 , 雨 并 没 有 从 根 本 上 解 决
干 旱 问 题 , 只 是 有 所 缓 解 。所 以 这 一 词 的 意 思 应 为“ 减 轻 , 缓 和 ”。 故 正 确 答 案 为 C 。
17 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 干 旱 引 起 了 小 麦 产 量 的 降 低 , 任 何 牲 畜 都 遇 到 了 饮 水 问
题 , 在 第 三 段“ Th e provin ce witn essed a d ecrease of one b illion kilogr ams i n gr ain output last year”
可 知 小 麦 产 量 降 低 了 十 亿 公 斤 , 而 不 是 降 到 了 十 亿 公 斤 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 D。
18 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 文 章 可 知 , 最 近 几 天 的 降 雨 并 没 有 从 根 本 上 解 决 问
题,只是有所缓解, 故选项 A 不正确,选项 C 也不正确, 因为是否能丰收是未知因素。而选
项 D 认为干旱将会很快结束,文 中没 有提 到。降雨 只是 缓解旱 情, 但旱 情并 未完全 解除。
故 选 项 D 也 不 正 确 。 由 最 后 一 段 的“ low pr ecipitation”( 低 降 雨 量 ) 可 知 , 期 望 能 有 更 多 的 降
雨 。 因 此 正 确 答 案 为 B。
19 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 只 有 选 项 A 概 括 了 文 章 的 主 旨 大 意 , 选 项 B 、C、D 只 介 绍
了 文 章 的 一 个 方 面 , 故 正 确 答 案 为 A。
20 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 二 段 “ The rainfall was conce ntr ated mai nly a round
Baod ing and Ca ngzhou”可 知 选 项 B 正 确 。 由 第 四 段 可 知 , 这 场 旱 灾 是 该 省 建 国 以 来 最 严 重
的一次, 而非有 史以来, 故选 项 A 错误; 此段后 半句则指 出, 降雨并没 有完全 缓解灾 情, 故
选项 C 错误;据第一段末可知降雨只持续了几天而非几个月, 故选项 D 也是错误的。因 此
正 确 答 案 为 B。
Unit Ten
Test One
1 . th er e seeme d to b e no hope of escap e . 那 儿 似 乎 没 有 任 何 逃 脱 的 希 望 。
2 . with its hea d poi nting to my window 是 一 个 独 立 主 格 结 构 , its h ead 是 现 在 分 词 pointing 的 逻 辑
3 . thi nking th e bu tte r was somewher e in fron t of him , 现 在 分 词 thi nking 引 导 的 句 子 在 句 中 作 伴 随
4 . Th e moon was slowly pier ci ng ( 刺 透 , 穿 过 ) through t he clouds across the sky . E very now a nd again
th e prison tower stood in t he sh adow of clouds .月 亮 缓 缓 地 穿 过 漫 天 的 云 彩 , 囚 塔 随 着 云 影 时 隐
时现, 夜莺在什么地方低声婉唱。
5 . For th e ha re would eat ca uliflowers out of th eir ha nds , th e fawn would graze at th eir side , th e goats
wold frisk about t hem i n play .因 为 野 兔 会 从 他 们 手 中 吃 花 椰 菜 , 小 鹿 会 在 她 们 身 边 吃 草 , 山 羊
6 . bu t in vain 徒 劳 无 工 , 不 能 如 愿
7 . a witch of great migh t 一 个 法 力 无 边 的 巫 婆
8 . sh e felt she would b e dea d if sh e coul dn’t eat some of th em 如 果 他 吃 不 到 的 话 , 她 会 死 的 。 ( 本 句
为 第 二 条 件 句 , 表 示 与 事 实 相 反 。)
9 . W he n sh e h eard t he voice of th e witch sh e would undo th e fasteni ng of th e uppe r window ., unbi nd the
plaits of he r hair , a nd let it down twe nty ells b elow 当 她 一 听 到 女 巫 的 喊 声 , 就 会 把 窗 子 打 开 , 松
开 辫 子 , 把 它 垂 下 20 厄 尔 ( 厄 尔 , 英 国 古 代 的 长 度 单 位 , 相 当 于 现 在 的 45 寸 )
10 . to one ’s d ismay 令 人 恐 惧 的 eg : To his dismay , his mot her is a r athe r cruel woman 。
11 . on c ondition th at 假 如 , 只 要 I will go to th e pa rty on cond ition t hat he is i nvited , too .eg . I will come
on condition t hat John is invited , too 。
12 . carry in on e’s promise 执 行 … … 诺 言 eg : Everyon e should ca rry in his promise 。
13 . to one ’s amazeme nt 使 … … 惊 奇 的 是 e g : To everyon e’s amazement , h e passed th e fin al exam 。
1 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 一 段 第 一 句“ On e a wise man was tak en to prison for
something he h ad not done .”可 知 , 文 中 主 人 公 并 没 有 犯 罪 而 被 关 进 监 狱 。 因 此 , D 为 正 确 答 案 。
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
2 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 最 后 二 段 可 知 , 文 中 金 龟 子 把 丝 线 沿 塔 送 上 塔 , 妻 子 在 丝 线
的另一端 拴上细绳, 丈夫拉了 上去, 妻子又拴上了 粗绳, 丈夫又拉了上 去,将 粗绳拴在 塔中 的某 一
地方, 沿着绳锁 滑了下去。主 人公被救的功 绩主要在于金 龟子, 因此,A 为 正确答案。
3 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 文 中 没 有 提 到 在 丈 夫 逃 离 的 时 候 是 否 有 人 看 见 , 因 此 答 案
C 都不符合题意。是主人公自己想 出了 一个 绝妙的 主意 并在妻 子和 金龟 子 的帮 助下 逃
离。因此,B 为正确答案。
4 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 六 段 第 二 句“ The scar ab , thi nking the butter was
somewh er e in front of him , b egan to clim b up the wall .”可 知 , 金 龟 子 是 为 了 吃 黄 油 才 不 断 向 上 爬
的。因此,D 为正确答案。
5 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 本 文 第 二 段 倒 数 第 二 句“ Be not afr ai d , I will do you no
har m ; but I am h alf froze n , a nd wish to come i n a nd warm myself .”可 知 , 这 只 大 熊 只 是 想 找 一 个
地方御寒。因此 B 为正确答案。
6 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 第 一 自 然 段 后 半 部 分“ the har e wou ld eat . . .as if nobody
were n ear .”可 以 得 出 结 论 。 因 此 , B 为 正 确 答 案 。
7 .答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 五 段 第 二 句“ I am a k ing’s son , I was condemn ed by the
wick ed dwarf , who stole all my t reasur es, to wa nd er about i n th is forest , in the form of a bea r , till his
d eat h released me .”可 知 , 熊 ( 王 子 ) 与 小 矮 人 是 敌 人 。 因 此 , D 为 正 确 答 案 。
8 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 文 章 内 容 可 知 , 王 子 在 小 矮 人 的 诅 咒 下 变 成 了 大 熊 ,
答 案 B、C 、D 都 不 符 合 题 意 。 因 此 , A 为 正 确 答 案 。
9 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 判 断 推 理 题 。 根 据 第 一 段 中“ It m ust b e to t he clever est son .”可 知 , 父 亲 要
将财产留给最聪明的儿子。因此,C 为正确答案。
10 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 二 段 中“ You must each tak e on e coin to buy someth ing
th at will fill th is room .”可 知 , 正 确 答 案 为 A 。
11 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 通 过 文 章 可 知 , 小 儿 子 是 最 聪 明 的 。 他 只 用 一 根 蜡 烛 就
将 一 个 屋 子 填 满 。 其 它 几 个 选 项 都 没 有 概 括 小 儿 子 的 特 点 。因 此 , A 为 正 确 答 案 。
12 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。根 据 文 中“ He hit the ca ndle , a nd all at onc e th e room was filled
from wall to wall , from ceiling to floor . It was filled with light !”可 知 , 岁 数 最 小 的 儿 子 用 一 根 蜡
烛 照 亮 了 屋 子 。 因 此 , 正 确 答 案 为 B。
13 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 本 文 第 二 段 可 知 丈 夫 为 了 给 妻 子 摘 花 椰 菜 , 被 女 巫 捉
住, 摄于她的威力,不得不答应把刚出生的孩子送给女巫。因此,C 为正确答案。
14 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 章 并 未 女 巫 要 Ra punze 的 原 因 。 因 此 , D 为 正 确 答 案 。
15 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 判 断 推 理 题 。 从 女 巫 每 次 要 通 过 R apunzel 的 辫 子 变 成 的 梯 子 才 能 上 下
关 R apunzel 的 塔 可 以 推 断 出 , 女 巫 不 愿 让 其 他 人 看 见 R a punzel 。 因 此 , 正 确 答 案 为 B。
16 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。“ woe ”的 核 心 意 思 为“ 悲 哀 ; 悲 痛 ”在 此 句 中 与“ misery”同
义 , 意 为“ 痛 苦 ”。 因 此 , A 为 正 确 答 案 。
17 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 最 后 一 段 第 一 句“ And whe n Ra punzel ’s tear touc he d his
eyes the y b ecame cle ar again , ”可 知 王 子 的 眼 睛 由 于 Ra pun zel 的 眼 泪 的 滋 润 而 重 新 复 明 。 因
此,C 为正确答案。
NMET 话题阅读训练答案解析
18 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 文 中 第 二 、三 、四 句“ Among th e princ es ses , th e youngest
was the most be autiful . Sh e lik ed to pla y with a gold en ball nea r a well unde r a linde n ( 酸 橙 树 ) tree
in a da rk wood not far from the palace . On e day to h er dismay , t he gold en ball rolle d into th e well
and r an to th e bottom of t he water .” 可 知 , 是 小 公 主 把 球 滚 进 了 井 里 。 因 此 , C 为 正 确 答 案 。
19 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 文 中 倒 数 第 二 句“ th e frog changed i nto a handsome prince and
told her that it was a magician that had turn ed him into a frog and no one however the princess could save
him .”可 知 , 只 有 公 主 可 以 打 破 魔 法 师 的 咒 语 , 使 王 子 得 救 。 因 此 , C 为 正 确 答 案 。
20 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 文 章 内 容 可 知 , 王 子 是 因 为 受 到 巫 师 的 诅 咒 而 变 成 青
蛙的。因此,B 为正确答案。
Test Two
1 . be i n desp ai r 处 于 失 望
E g . H e was in d espair b ecau se h e faile d the examin ation t he t hird time 。
2 . disguise 假 装
3 . dr es s up 打 扮
4 . Jesus was bought and sold for thi rty silver p ieces , so you a re wort h twenty-ni ne , beca use I ca n not
valu e you as mu ch as h im . 耶 酥 被 卖 了 三 十 个 银 币 , 所 以 你 值 二 十 九 个 银 币 , 因 为 我 不 能 把 你
5 “
. If you rise with th e sun and rid e with him all day , you will rid e around th e worl d in 24 hours .”如 果
你同太阳一同起来, 一整天随着它走,你将花二十四小时绕地球一周。
6 . hit upon a plan 想 到 了 一 个 主 意 , 有 了 一 个 计 划
7 . run ove r : ( of a v ehicle or its driver ) to knoc k down and p ass ov er th e top of ( esp .a cr eature ) 撵 过 ,
压 过 。 如 : H e was run over by a bus 。
8 . Don’t ma ke su ch a fuss 不 要 小 题 大 作
9 . for God’s / Christ’s/ goodn ess/ pity( ’s ) sak e 看 在 上 帝 面 上/ 请 看 在 基 督 面 上/ 请 看 在 老 天 爷 面
上/ 请 可 怜 可 怜
10 . Just t he n t her e was a flash of ligh tning and a cr ash of thund er .就 在 那 时 , 一 道 闪 电 划 过 天 空 , 接
11 . The p erfor man ces drew big audie nces .那 些 表 演 吸 引 了 大 量 的 观 众 。
12 . Though he was ric h now, h e thought t hat he owe d some of his we alth to th e ma n from whom h e h ad
bought the k ettle .虽 然 现 在 他 很 富 有 , 他 认 为 他 的 财 富 归 功 于 那 个 老 人 , 那 个 卖 给 他 铁 壶 的
老 人 。 此 句 中 的 owe to 意 为 归 功 于 , 由 于 。 如 : Sh e owes he r we alth to h ard work and good
lu cky . One of my classmates owe d his failure to his carelessn es s .
1 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 该 句 The Abbot was famous for h aving a large and rich house .
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
Peop le said th at was fin er tha n e ven t he Ki ng’s house and wh en King John hea rd this , he was very
a ngry . He sent a messenger to bring the Abbot to him .可 以 得 出 结 论 。 选 项 A 不 正 确 , 因 为 住 持
根本没有回答国王提出的问题,相 反牧 羊人机 智地 回答 了问题。 选项 C 也不正 确, 住持 欺
骗国王发生在进宫以后。因此, 选项 B 为正确答案。
2 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 从“ although h e was very clever , h e didn’t know t he an swers .”可
以得知,住持因回答不出问题而感到难过。因此, 选项 A 为正确答案。
3 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。根 据 文 章 的 线 索 读 者 可 以 推 理 出 是 牧 羊 人 假 扮 成 主 持 去 见
皇 帝 。 因 此 , 该 题 答 案 为 A。
4 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 判 断 推 理 题 。 牧 羊 人 通 过 自 己 的 聪 慧 回 答 了 问 题 , 而 非 借 助 住 持 的 帮
助。他回答问题的方式非常特 别, 因为国 王提 出的问 题根 本无 法用 正常 思维 去 思考, 或 用
既 定 事 实 去 回 答 , 所 以 牧 羊 人 运 用 巧 妙 的 比 喻 和 推 理 回 答 了 问 题 。 因 此 , 答 案 为 C。
5 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 国 王 非 常 聪 明 , 通 过 他 提 出 的 问 题 可 以 看 出 。 他 知 道 牧 羊
人 骗 他 , 但 并 没 有 责 怪 他 , 因 此 他 很 善 良 。 选 项 D 的“ 老 ”和“ 懒 ”在 文 章 中 并 没 有 提 及 。 因
此 答 案 为 B。
6 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 句 子“ I will show you th e home of th e fairies who live
unde rground . If you show t hem th e br ead , th ey will want to buy it from you . But not let th em giv e you
any money , ask them for t he little mill t hat sta nds b ehi nd th eir door .”可 以 看 出 , 老 人 指 引 穷 兄 弟
去 找 地 下 的 仙 人 , 用 面 包 换 取 磨 盘 。 因 此 答 案 为 C。
7 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 老 人 因 穷 兄 弟 的 帮 助 而 感 到 他 非 常 好 心 值 得 得 到 好 报 。
因 此 答 案 为 B。
8 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 句 子“ I will not give you any money .” th e rich broth er sai d ,
“ but I’ll give you some bread .”Th e ric h broth er t hr ew a loaf of bre ad to him , and h e went away . 可
以看出,他对兄弟非常不好。所以选项 A 不正确。 他兄 弟拒 绝与他 分享 磨, 所以他 便偷 了
它。故选项 C 不正确。他对于盐的欲望太强烈, 以至葬身大海。故选项 D 也不正确。因此
答 案 为 B。
9 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 主 要 讲 了 发 生 在 兄 弟 之 间 的 一 段 童 话 故 事 。 选 项 C
的 范 围 太 广 , 选 项 A 也 较 牵 强 , 选 项 D 只 提 了 兄 弟 中 的 一 个 , 不 全 面 。 因 此 , 答 案 为 B。
10 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 通 过 本 文 对 尤 里 西 斯 的 描 述 得 知 , 他 非 常 勇 敢 , 不 畏 强 悍 ,
与 比 他 厉 害 的 恶 神 作 斗 争 , 并 开 动 脑 筋 , 弄 瞎 恶 神 的 眼 睛 , 与 同 伴 逃 离 。 因 此 , 答 案 为 C。
11 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 通 读 全 文 后 可 以 得 知 , 独 眼 巨 人 是 一 个 既 残 暴 又 不 太 聪 明
的神, 他虽在力量上占绝对优势,但却被聪明的尤里西斯施计得以逃脱。
12 . 题 选 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 尤 里 西 斯 首 先 将 独 眼 巨 人 灌 醉 , 然 后 弄 瞎 他 的 眼 睛 , 又 施
13 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 句 子“ Wh en I was a v ery young kitten , my moth er was run
over by a car . I found myself alone i n t he wor ld .”可 知 , 因 为 母 亲 在 我 小 时 候 死 去 , 因 此 孤 独 。
因 此 , 答 案 为 B。
14 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 为 推 理 判 断 题 。 猫 叫 的 声 音 应 为 咪 咪 声 。 通 过 文 章 的 情 景 可 以 得 知 , 此 时
小猫用叫声来引起我的注意。因此,选项 A 为正确答案。
NMET 话题阅读训练答案解析
15 .答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 兼 主 旨 大 意 题 。 丈 夫 不 是 很 喜 欢 动 物 , 从 句 子“ I hate cats !”Th e
man c ried , “ I would ’t hav e on e in my house ! . . .”得 知 选 项 C 不 正 确 。 虽 然 他 不 太 喜 欢 动 物 ,
但当他发现一只小猫正在雨中瑟瑟发 抖时, 他让 妻子 救那 只小猫。 所以, 尽 管他不 喜欢 动
物 , 但 对 于 可 怜 的 动 物 仍 是 很 好 的 。 因 此 , 答 案 为 D。
16 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 小 猫 非 常 幸 运 找 到 了 一 家 好 人 家 , 并 通 过 自 己 的 聪 明 赢
得了主人的好感,有了一个温暖的归宿。因此, 选项 A 为正确答案。
17 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 句 子“ To h is surprise , t he kettle bec am e a stra nge c reature
whe n it was on fire . And th en it ch ang ed ba ck i nto k ettle again . The old ma n decid ed to sell it .”可
以 看 出 , 这 把 壶 有 神 奇 的 力 量 , 老 人 想 要 卖 掉 它 。 因 此 , 该 题 选 C。
18 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。商 人 因 用 神 奇 的 壶 向 人 们 表 演 赚 了 很 多 钱 , 所 以 他 是 聪 明
且幸运的。他赚钱之后并没有忘记 老人, 给了 他许 多金 币, 所 以他 对待 老人 很好, 不是 一
个 吝 啬 的 人 。 因 此 正 确 答 案 为 A。
19 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 商 人 用 壶 挣 了 许 多 钱 , 因 为 壶 有 神 奇 的 力 量 。 因 此 答 案 为 B。
20 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 的 大 意 是 诚 实 善 良 的 人 将 会 得 到 好 的 报 答 。 选 项 D
NMET 阅 读 理 解 仿 真 试 题 答 案 解 析
Test One
1 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 一 段 第 一 句“ Ch ina ’s t rad itional culture a nd unique
la nguag e have attracted more and m ore foreign stud ents .”可 得 出 答 案 , 要 注 意 避 免 下 文 如 5 , 000
years of civilization , t he scholarshi ps 等 干 扰 项 的 影 响 。
2 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 选 项 A、
B 、C 的 内 容 均 在 第 四 、五 段 中 提 到 , 完 全 属 实 。 因
此 D 为正确选项。
3 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 最 后 一 段“ Gra nts for master ’s and doctoral d egr ees are
1 , 100 yuan and 1 , 400 yuan p er mon th .”一 句 , 计 算 可 得 12 × 1 100 = 13 200 。 因 此 , C 为 正 确 选
4 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 章 的 第 一 段 就 说 明 了 中 国 文 化 和 独 特 的 语 言 吸 引 了 越
来越多的外国留学生来华留学,第一段即是文章的主题。因此, A 为正确选项。
5 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 主 要 讲 中 国 人 和 美 国 人 对 隐 私 的 理 解 有 很 大 的 差 别 :
在中国人的习惯观念中,隐私似乎与不光明正大联系在一起, 如果 说谁有 了隐私, 便会招 来
好 事 者 去 打 探 , 于 是 人 们 常 常 表 白 : 我 没 有 隐 私 ; 美 国 人 则 公 然 宣 扬 要 保 护 自 己 的 ( privacy ) ,
他们对隐私的理解是:凡是属于我自己的与他人无关的事, 别人就 无权过 问,如 果谁蓄意 打
听并传播,便是侵犯了隐私权。因此 A 为正确选项。
6 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 四 段 中 , 当 我 准 备 拍 一 张 照 片 时 , 却 遭 到 索 妮 亚 阻 拦 , 她
解 释 说 : 你 看 人 们 边 叙 边 饮 , 一 倾 衷 肠 , 他 们 可 能 是 同 事 、朋 友 、恋 人 , 说 不 定 也 有 婚 外 恋 , 他
们 来 到 这 里 就 是 想 找 一 个 不 受 他 人 干 扰 的“ 静 土 ”共 度 一 段 时 光 , 但 决 不 希 望 留 下 什 么 。 如
果对着他们拍照, 那就是对隐私的极大冒犯。因此,D 项为正确选项。
7 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 倒 数 第 二 段 中 , 索 妮 亚 的 朋 友 之 所 以 想 要 离 婚 是 因 为 她 丈
夫拆看她的信件,翻找她的提包, 不尊重她的隐私权。因此 D 为正确选项。
8 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 题 干 问 哪 一 项 不 是 美 国 人 对 隐 私 的 理 解 。 读 全 文 可 知 B、
C 、D 项 都 是 美 国 人 对 隐 私 的 理 解 , 应 排 除 。 A 项 说 隐 私 与 不 光 明 正 大 联 系 在 一 起 , 这 是 中
国人的习惯观念。因此 A 为正确选项。
9 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 婚 姻 属 于 个 人 隐 私 , 不 能 随 便 询 问 别 人 的 婚 姻 状 况 , 因 此 C
为正确选项。这道题需要根据文章 内容 进行 推理判 断, 无法 从文中 直接 找到 答 案, 这一 点
10 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 讲 述 了 Silent Night 这 首 歌 诞 生 过 程 , 其 他 的 人 物 事 件
NMET 阅读理解仿真试题答案解析
均围绕这一主题展开。因此,C 项为正确选项。
11 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 一 段 谈 到 Josef Mohr 神 父 是 因 为 风 琴 坏 了 才 不 得 不 写 一
首可以用吉他演奏的歌曲。因此, A 项为正确选项。
12 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 五 、六 段 所 提 供 的 信 息 , Fath er Josef Mohr 是 词 作 者 ,
Fr anz Gruub er 是 曲 作 者 , 故 A 、B 项 错 误 , C 项 immediately 应 为 gr adually。 根 据 倒 数 第 二 段
“ Th e R ain er family singers brought it to America i n 1839 a nd by th e middle of th e eigh teent h ce ntury
it h ad b ecome popu lar around th e worl d .”可 知 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
13 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 这 篇 新 闻 报 道 来 自 Casablan ca , 故 A 项 错 误 ; 根 据 第 一 段“ Th e
flood kille d hundr eds of Moroccans .”, 故 C 项 错 误 ; D 项 内 容 文 中 没 有 提 到 , 故 不 符 合 题 意 。 第
四 段 第 一 句 话“ Th e flood was over almost as soon as it started , th e reports sai d , as t he crest swept ou t
to sea .”可 知 B 为 正 确 选 项 。
14 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 A 项 比 较 片 面 , 不 够 全 面 , B 项 、D 项 文 中 均 未 提 及 。 本 文
大意讲述洪水袭击了海岸平原,因此 C 为正确选项。
15 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。“ crest”的 核 心 意 思 为“ 冠 , 顶 饰 , 山 顶 ”, 此 处 意 为 洪 水 的 浪 头 。
因此,A 项 为正确选项。
16 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 首 先 , 由 文 章 第 一 段 sou thwest 一 词 可 知 洪 水 是 由 东 北 朝 西
南 方 向 而 来 , 淹 没 了 沿 岸 平 原 , 故 应 从 A、B 项 中 选 择 答 案 ; 由 第 三 、四 段 可 知 Khemis Na gua
在 Casab lanc a 的 西 南 方 , Safi 又 在 Kh emis Nagua 的 南 方 25 英 里 远 , 因 此 A 为 正 确 选 项 。
17 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 大 意 是 讲 全 球 变 暖 问 题 , B、C 两 项 不 够 确 切 、全 面 。
A 项在文中没有提到。所以 D 为正确选项。
18 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 要 求 根 据 课 文 提 供 的 已 知 信 息 , 推 断 出 一 个 合 情 合 理 的
观点 。 根 据 最 后 一 段 的 观 点 , 即 并 不 是 所 有 的 人 都 相 信 这 就 是 人 类 正 在 使 地 球 变 暖 的 确
切 证 据 。A 项 内 容 符 合 这 一 观 点 。B 项 在 文 中 第 一 段 已 经 明 确 给 出 , 故 不 符 题 意 。
19 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 要 求 选 择 James Tr affle 在 文 中 没 有 做 出 解 释 的 问 题 , 人 是
如何使地球变暖这一问题没有做出 解释。 因此, B 项为 正确 选 项。倒数 第 四段 是对 A 项
所列问题的解释;倒数第三段是对 C 项所列问题的解释; 倒数第二段是对 D 项所列问题 的
20 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 要 求 根 据 文 章 所 提 供 的 信 息 判 断 哪 一 项 是 不 正 确 的 。 A 项
说人 类 对气 候的 影 响大 于自 然因 素 , 据文 章 判 断 这 一 观 点 是 不 对 的, 至 少 是 不 确 切 的 。B 项
可由 第 一段 看出 ,C 项 在 第三 段中 , D 项 结论 可由 倒 数第 三段 得出 , 因 此 A 为 正确 选项 。
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
Test Two
1 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 题 干 中 ex cept 一 词 很 关 键 , 文 中 提 到 大 学 生 每 月 花 在 手 机
上的钱多少不一, 主要取决于是否有男(女 )朋 友, 是否 担任 学生干 部, 是否 打工, 因 此 D 为
2 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 A 、C 两 项 观 点 错 误 。 D 项 文 中 已 明 确 给 出 , 不 用 推 断 。 由
最 后 一 段 推 断 出 , 男 孩 子 更 倾 向 于 用 手 机 , 因 为 201 卡 等 电 话 卡 虽 然 便 宜 , 但 需 要 拨 很 长 的
号,男孩子嫌麻烦, 所以不大用电话卡。因此 B 为正确选项。
3 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 大 意 是 讲 大 学 生 每 月 的 手 机 话 费 多 少 不 一 , 并 分 析 了
原 因 , 因 此 A 为 正 确 选 项 。 D 项 意 为“ 手 机 的 费 用 ”, 意 思 含 糊 , 故 不 是 最 佳 选 项 。
4 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 中 所 提 到 的 测 验 目 的 是 要 验 证 人 们 在 拣 到 别 人 丢 失 的
钱 包 后 会 如 何 处 理 , 以 检 验 不 同 国 家 、不 同 地 区 人 们 的 诚 实 度 。 因 此 , C 项 为 正 确 选 项 。
5 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。 从 构 词 上 来 看 “
, bill”意 为“ 钞 票 ”“
, fol d”意 为“ 折 页 ”, 组 合
成 一 个 词 , 意 为“ 钱 夹 子 ”。 从 文 中 提 供 的 信 息 来 分 析 , 也 能 判 断 出 billfol d 的 词 义 为“ 钱 包 ”。
因此 D 为正确选项。
6 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 二 段“ Ea ch contain ed up to $ 50 , bu t also a n ame and
phon e num be r so th at th e finde r woul d ha ve no trouble returning th e b illfold — if t he find er wan ted to
r et urn it .”可 知 , 留 下 姓 名 和 电 话 号 码 的 原 因 是 为 了 让 捡 到 钱 包 的 人 很 容 易 地 找 到 失 主 。 因
此 A 为正确选项。
7 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 二 段 最 后 部 分“ We left t he wallets on sidewalks a nd in phon e
booths , in fron t of office build ings , discount stores and church es , in p arking lots a nd resta ur ants .”一
8 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 四 段“ The gold stars for hon esty have to go to Norway a nd
Den ma rk , wh ere every single wallet was returned .”一 句 可 知 , B 项 正 确 , C 项 是 绝 对 否 定 , 因 此 不
对 , A 和 D 项 都 错 在“ the same ”上 。
9 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 由 文 章 开 头 可 知 , 经 过 一 整 天 的 辛 苦 工 作 之 后 , 这 位 父 亲
十分劳累,脾气不大好, 对儿子提出的这样一个问题感到恼火,因此 B 为正确选项。
10 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 读 全 文 可 知 小 男 孩 之 所 以 问 这 样 一 个 问 题 , 是 因 为 他 想
用 钱 来“ 买 ”父 亲 一 个 小 时 的 时 间 , 以 求 得 同 父 亲 共 进 晚 餐 , 因 此 A 为 正 确 选 项 。
11 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 父 亲 经 过 一 段 时 间 的 考 虑 , 觉 得 自 己 这 样 对 待 儿 子 不 妥 ,
所以他决定给儿子十块钱。根据这一情节,D 为正确选项。
12 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 通 读 全 文 可 以 看 出 儿 子 十 分 爱 父 亲 , 但 父 亲 工 作 很 忙 , 所
以儿子才想出这样一个办法同父亲共进晚餐 , C 为正确 选项。A 项 是文 中给出 的 , 不是 推
NMET 阅读理解仿真试题答案解析
13 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 一 段 可 知 , 这 一 热 身 运 动 的 目 的 是 恢 复 充 沛 的 体
力 , 所 以 选 择 A 项 , B、C 、项 均 不 合 题 意 。
14 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。 要 准 确 理 解 这 个 短 语 , 关 键 在 于 lift 一 词 的 理 解 , 这 个 词 有“ 振
奋 精 神 ”的 意 思 。 同 时 根 据 第 一 段 的 内 容 , 也 可 以 推 断 出 这 个 短 语 的 意 思 。 这 里“ give you a lift”
意 为“ 使 体 力 、精 力 充 沛”, 因 此 , C 项 为 最 佳 答 案 , B 项 意 为“ 使 你 放 松”, 不 够 准 确 。
15 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 这 是 一 个 看 图 理 解 题 , 要 求 找 到 与“ Spin e Stretc h”相 配 的 图
示 。 读 文 中“ Spin e Stretc h”一 段 可 知 , 这 一 动 作 指 的 是 身 体 站 直 , 双 脚 并 在 一 起 、吸 气 、伸 直
手臂,高举过头, 双手接触,仰视, 伸展身体一分钟,然后放松。这一 系列动 作与图 C 吻合。
因此 C 项为正确选项。
16 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 这 是 一 篇 科 技 说 明 文 , 其 大 意 是 说 美 国 的 研 究 人 员 发 现
食用巧克力益处多,给喜爱巧克力的人们带来了福音。因此 D 为正确选项。
17 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 该 题 答 案 可 在 第 二 段 中 找 到 。 研 究 表 明 , 巧 克 力 中 含 有 一
种 黄 酮 混 合 物 , 具 有 维 持 心 脏 健 康 、促 进 血 液 循 环 、减 少 血 液 凝 结 物 等 功 能 。 长 期 食 用 巧
克力还能降低心脏病的发病率。因此 C 为正确选项。
18 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 该 题 答 案 可 在 倒 数 第 三 段 中 找 到 。 研 究 人 员 认 为 这 一 试
验结果给早先的研究成果提供了支持,早先的研究表明, 可可 可以像 小剂量的 阿司匹林 一
样,能起到降低血液凝固的作用。因此 B 为正确选项。
19 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 六 段 和 第 八 段 可 以 做 出 正 确 选 择 。 第 六 段 讲 到 血
小板的活动程度被认为是发生血 液凝 固的重 要风 险因素, 第 八段 讲到 食用 巧 克力 志愿 者
的血小板活动减慢,因而减少了发生血液凝固的危险。因此 A 为正确选项。
20 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 通 读 全 文 并 结 合 第 19 题 可 知 D 项 正 确 。 B 项 错 在“ two
hours ”, 文 中 是“ two and six hours”。 最 后 一 段 讲 到 这 次 为 期 五 天 的 会 议 涉 及 到 的 不 仅 仅 是
健 康 食 品 的 问 题 , 还 有 基 因 、微 生 物 、全 球 变 暖 和 器 官 培 养 等 , 因 此 C 项 错 误 。
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
Test Three
1 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 题 干 问 哪 一 项 不 是 大 学 生 搬 出 校 园 的 原 因 。 通 读 全 文 后
可以 找 到 许 多 原 因 , A、
B 、D 均 包 括 在 内 , 文 章 最 后 一 段 说 在 校 外 住 的 花 费 比 较 高 , 因 此 C 项
2 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 文 章 最 后 两 段 , 住 在 校 外 , 虽 然 方 便 、舒 适 , 但 费 用 很
高。因此 B 为正确选项。
3 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 大 意 是 讲 大 学 生 搬 到 校 外 居 住 的 原 因 和 状 况 , 因 此 A
4 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 二 段 最 后 一 部 分 , 圣 诞 老 人 这 一 人 物 在 美 国 被 普 遍
接 受 是 由 于 A、B 、
C 项三个人的作品,因此 D 为正确选项。
5 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 题 干 要 求 选 择 文 章 未 提 及 的 一 项 , C 项 说 我 所 接 受 的 每 一 件 圣
诞礼物都 极为昂贵, 这与最后 一段文意不符 ,文 中说 与 大多 数孩 子相 比, 我 所接 受 的每 一件 圣 诞
礼物对我 来讲都意味着 更多, 因为它们是通 过父亲辛勤工 作换来的, 来之不易 ,所 以我 就更珍 惜。
A 项可在第一 段中找到,B 项可在第 三段中找到, D 项可在最 后一段中找到 。
6 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 题 干 要 求 选 择 不 是 圣 诞 老 人 特 点 的 一 项 , B 项 说 他 是 个 中
年 人 , 显 然 错 误 。 A 、C、D 项 均 可 在 文 中 找 到 。
7 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 最 后 一 段 说 , 尽 管 作 者 长 大 后 已 经 知 道 圣 诞 老 人 不 是 真
的, 但他仍继续收到来自父母的圣诞礼物。因此,A 为正确选项。
8 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 这 篇 文 章 的 目 的 主 要 是 介 绍 圣 诞 老 人 这 一 传 奇 故 事 中 的
人 物 , 同 时 讲 了 自 己 的 亲 身 经 历 , 所 以 C 项 最 准 确 、全 面 。
9 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 这 句 话 字 面 意 思 是 说 尽 管 Louis 眼 睛 看 不 见 了 , 但 他 却 给 全
世界的盲人带去光明, 实际是指他发明布莱叶盲文,因此 B 为正确选项。
10 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 第 三 段 描 述 推 断 那 时 盲 人 学 习 文 化 知 识 是 一 件 十 分
困 难 和 费 时 的 事 情 , 因 为 那 时 还 没 有 一 种 供 盲 人 使 用 的 、比 较 方 便 的 书 面 语 言 , 因 此 D 为
11 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 倒 数 第 三 段 可 知 “
, night writing”指 的 是 一 种 便 于 士 兵 在 黑
暗中以触 觉进行阅读的 符号, 起初它并不是 为盲人设计的 ,也不 是字母, 所以选择 C 项。
12 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 这 是 一 道 综 合 细 节 题 , 根 据 第 五 段 可 知 B 项 答 案 正 确 。
Louis 在 小 时 侯 的 那 次 事 故 中 刺 瞎 了 一 只 眼 , 当 时 并 未 全 部 失 明 , 因 此 不 选 A 项 ; 根 据 第 三
段可知,那时盲人读的书 是用 布剪 出字 母 固定 在纸 上。因 此,C 项 不正 确; 根 据倒 数第 二
段 可 知 , 布 莱 叶 盲 文 的 63 种 不 同 的 排 列 组 合 中 可 以 表 示 出 标 点 符 号 , 故 D 项 错 误 。
13 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 全 文 讲 述 了 Louis Braille 失 明 , 在 盲 人 学 校 学 习 , 后 来 发 明
NMET 阅读理解仿真试题答案解析
布 莱 叶 盲 文 的 经 过 。 中 心 意 思 是 Louis Br aille 发 明 了 布 莱 叶 盲 文 。 因 此 D 为 正 确 选 项 。
14 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。 根 据 第 四 个 词 的 释 义 , 推 断 本 句 意 为“ 他 耍 了 个 花 招 , 做 成
了 这 笔 买 卖 。”释 义 3 最 贴 切 , 因 此 C 为 正 确 选 项 。
15 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。 根 据 第 三 个 词 的 释 义 推 断 , 本 句 意 为“ 京 都 因 为 是 日 本 文
化 的 发 祥 地 而 著 名 。” 释 义 2 最 贴 切 , 因 此 B 为 正 确 选 项 。
16 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。 根 据 最 后 一 个 词 的 释 义 , 推 断 本 句 意 为“ 我 们 两 小 时 内 卖
掉 了 10 箱 橘 子 。”指 的 是 卖 掉 的 橘 子 的 量 , 而 不 是 仅 指 箱 子 , 所 以 选 择 D 项 。
17 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 大 意 是 说 一 项 研 究 成 果 表 明 在 秋 天 出 生 可 以 使 人 的
寿命延长几个月,因此 B 为正确选项。
18 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。“ mean ”一 词 在 此 处 为 形 容 词 , 意 为“ 平 均 的 ”, 与 短 语“ on
aver age ”同 义 , 因 此 A 为 正 确 选 项 。
19 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 读 第 三 段 指 出 Gabriele Doblh ammer 和 James W . Vaupel 两
位德国科学家发现,北半球与澳 大利 亚的 季节正 好相 反, 北半 球的 情况 与澳 大 利亚 相同,
因此 C 为正确选项。
20 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 读 第 五 、六 段 可 知 造 成 寿 命 长 短 不 同 的 原 因 是 妇 女 怀 孕
期间营养水平的不同,故 D 为正确选项。
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
Test Four
1 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 章 第 三 段 是 Professor Sh i 的 评 论 , 他 认 为 80 年 代 是 免 费
提 供 教 育 , 现 在 研 究 生 要 每 年 付 一 万 元 学 费 , 他 们 的 学 费 及 生 活 开 支 都 远 远 高 于 80 年 代 ,
因 此 过 着 比 80 年 代 的 研 究 生 相 对 贫 困 的 生 活 , 所 以 B 项 为 最 佳 答 案 。 A 项 说 现 在 研 究 生
比 80 年 代 的 研 究 生 贫 困 , 这 比 较 片 面 ; C 、D 两 项 在 Profes sor Sh i 的 评 论 中 均 未 涉 及 。
2 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 题 干 问 哪 一 项 观 点 错 误 , A 项 说 Wang Wend a 发 现 打 工 对 他
的 学 业 十 分 有 好 处 , 显 然 与 文 意 相 背 。 通 读 全 文 , B 、C、D 项 均 正 确 。 因 此 , A 为 正 确 选 项 。
3 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 这 是 一 则 新 闻 , 仅 说 明 了 研 究 生 打 工 这 一 现 象 , 所 以 D 项
为 最 佳 选 项 , A 项 不 够 客 观 , B、C 项 概 括 的 不 全 面 。
4 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 本 题 问 作 者 对 研 究 生 打 工 现 象 持 何 态 度 , 通 读 全 文 后 可 知
文章仅对这一现象做了客观报 道 , 作者持 何态 度并 不清楚 , 所 以选 择 C 项。A 项说 持否 定
态度,B 项说持肯定态度,D 项说是滑稽可笑的,因此均不符题意。
5 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 要 求 判 断 文 体 。 通 读 全 文 后 很 容 易 看 出 这 是 一 则 寓 言 , 特
点是通过叙述简单的故事, 阐明一个深刻的道理。因此 D 为正确选项。
6 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 熊 并 没 有 真 的 给 这 个 人 讲 话 , 所 以 A 项 错 误 。 C 、D 两 项 均
可根据文中内容推断得出,B 项内容在文中明确提到。因此,A 为正确选项。
7 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 要 求 归 纳 寓 言 所 阐 明 的 道 理 : 不 要 轻 易 地 相 信 别 人 好 听 的
诺言, 除非你能确信他。因此 C 为正确选项。
8 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 第 一 段 最 后 一 句 提 出 中 国 孩 子 与 他 们 父 母 的 关 系 问 题 , 以
此 引 出 中 美 两 国 对 孩 子 的 不 同 教 育 方 式 。B 项 内 容 恰 好 吻 合 文 章 的 主 题 。 因 此 B 为 正 确
9 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 该 题 答 案 在 第 三 段 , 在 美 国 , 爸 爸 妈 妈 们 时 常 向 孩 子 灌 输
既要有雄心, 又要有信心。因此,D 为正确选项。
10 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。 该 题 考 指 代 关 系 , 要 明 确 指 代 关 系 , 肯 定 要 知 道“ a pproach”
词 的 含 意 , 根 据 上 下 文 , 并 联 系 第 二 段 中 a pproach 一 词 的 使 用 可 以 猜 出 该 词 意 为“ 方 式 方
法 ”“
, th is a pproach”即 指 中 国 的 父 母 教 育 孩 子 的 方 式 方 法 。 因 此 , C 为 正 确 选 项 。
11 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。 根 据 上 下 文 猜 出 p eer 一 词 指 年 纪 或 地 位 与 自 己 相 仿 的
人。因此,A 为正确选项。
12 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 要 求 判 断 文 章 作 者 的 身 份 。 根 据 第 二 段 和 最 后 一 段 的 语
言内容和语气,不难推断此作者 是一 位在 中国呆 过一 段时 间, 对中 国比 较了 解 的美 国人,
可 以 排 除 掉 A 、B 项 , D 项 说 1999 年 他 在 美 国 一 所 学 校 任 教 , 这 一 点 无 法 根 据 本 文 推 断 出
来。因此,C 为正确选项。
NMET 阅读理解仿真试题答案解析
13 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 章 对 英 美 两 国 教 学 情 况 进 行 了 多 方 面 比 较 , 包 括 学 生
的 入 学 年 龄 、课 程 安 排 , 教 学 内 容 , 教 学 评 估 及 毕 业 典 礼 等 , 实 际 上 , 全 文 主 旨 是 介 绍 两 国
的教育状况。所以 A 项为正确选项。
14 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 章 第 三 段 中 说 , 在 英 国 , 学 校 通 常 进 行 祈 祷 和 宗 教 教 育 ,
而在美国这是不允许的, 所以应当选择 B 项。美国是一个政教分 离的国 家,宪 法规定所 有
公立学 校都 不 允许 传教, 也不 允许 进行 宗教 仪 式, 而英 国 则不 同, 她 有自 己的 国 教, 称 为
Anglica n , 也 就 是 Churc h of E ngland , 因 此 英 国 的 学 校 可 以 进 行 祈 祷 等 宗 教 仪 式 。
15 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 读 文 章 第 四 段 可 知 GCSE 考 试 包 含 一 系 列 的 科 目 , 还 有 可 能 包
括一次统 考,或 者是两年里所 学课程的作业 评价, 或者两者都包 括。因此 D 为正确选项 。
16 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 段 落 主 旨 大 意 题 。 最 后 两 段 主 要 是 讲 英 美 教 育 除 了 科 目 、考 试 以 外 的 第
三个方面, 即社交活动和仪式,因此 B 为正确选项。
17 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 四 、五 段 的 内 容 , 苏 格 兰 无 论 是 在 科 目 设 置 、考 试 种 类 , 还
是大学体制都 与英格兰和威 尔士不同, 他们之间 并无优劣之分 。因此 C 为正确选 项。
18 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 题 干 问 Save Our Ca nyons 这 一 环 保 组 织 的 观 点 是 什 么 , 通
读全 文 可 知 , 它 认 为 今 后 承 办 奥 运 会 的 城 市 应 当 更 加 注 重 环 境 保 护 , 所 以 A 项 为 最 佳 答
案 。D 项 说 举 办 奥 运 会 将 会 给 一 个 城 市 的 环 境 造 成 永 久 性 的 破 坏 , 而 文 章 中 只 讲 到 它 认
为盐湖城奥运会的组织者给这一地区的环境造成了永久性的破坏,所以不能选择 D 项。
19 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 倒 数 第 三 段“ And t hey sai d not enough is b eing done to
r educe en ergy u se . ”一 句 可 以 判 断 应 当 选 择 C 项 , A 、B、D 项 均 可 在 原 文 中 找 到 。
20 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 通 读 全 文 可 知 本 文 主 要 讲 述 奥 运 会 组 委 会 与 环 保 组 织 在
奥运会的环境保护目标是否实现 这一 问题上 的分 歧, 他们 各自 提出 了 自己 的说 法。因 此
D 为正确选项。
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
Test Five
1 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 实 事 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 二 、三 段 提 供 的 情 节 , 海 难 发 生 前 , 一 切 都 那 么 平
静,美好。人们对 海 难 的到 来 没 有 丝 毫 思 想 准 备。而 冰 山 的 出 现 是 如 此 的 突 然, 以 至 于
Tita nic 无 法 躲 避 , 船 底 被 撕 开 一 个 巨 大 的 洞 , 客 轮 渐 渐 地 沉 没 。 对 此 , 任 何 人 都 无 能 为 力 。
因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 D。
2 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 客 轮 沉 没 之 前 , 天 气 很 好 , 人 们 在 夜 色 中 玩 得 很 愉 快 ; 这 一
情 节 与 文 中 内 容 吻 合 。 其 它 三 个 选 项 均 与 文 中 内 容 不 符 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 B。
3 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 灾 难 发 生 的 原 因 , 不 是 船 新 的 缘 故 ; 也 不 是 救 生 船 太 少 , 救
生船再多,也不能阻止轮船的 沉没; 乘客 丧命 人数 的多少 不是 因为是 否 有冰 山。关 键在 于
如 果 另 一 只 船 能 及 时 援 助 , 死 亡 人 数 就 能 减 少 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 B。
4 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 泰 坦 尼 克 号 发 出 火 箭 , 是 为 了 向 从 附 近 经 过 的 船 发 出 求 救 信 号 ,
希 望 该 船 能 够 停 下 来 给 予 援 助 , 而 不 是 A、
C 三个选项的 内容。因此 , 正确选 项为 D。
5 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 记 叙 了 一 次 海 难 事 件 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 B。
6 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 人 们 到 好 莱 坞 拍 摄 电 影 的 原 因 在 第 二 段 第 一 句 就 有 明 确
交 待 , 即 那 里 光 线 充 足 , 景 致 好 , 适 合 拍 摄 电 影 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 C。
7 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 三 段 说 , 二 十 年 代 末 才 开 始 制 作 有 声 电 影 , 三 十 年 代 有
了著名的音乐片和警匪片。因此 C 是正确选项。
8 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 本 文 从 好 莱 坞 成 为 著 名 电 影 城 的 原 因 到 不 同 时 期 所 产 生
的电影,以至到二战以后的生产情况, 简要介绍了好莱坞的历史 及发展。 因此, 正确选项 为
D 。其 他 三 个 选 项 均 与 文 中 内 容 不 符 。
9 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 文 中 信 息 , 两 位 老 人 同 时 在 车 祸 中 丧 生 , 因 此 A 项 不
正确 ; 在 他 们 丧 生 之 前 , 男 老 人 身 体 一 直 不 好 , 因 此 B 项 不 正 确 ; 圣 彼 得 ( 耶 稣 十 二 门 徒 之
一)早在天堂, 而不是随两位老人来到极乐世界,因此 D 项不合题 意; 男老人生 前身体一 直
不好,其夫人一直在给他做麦麸松饼吃以利于健康长寿, 但是那 是难以 下咽的东 西。因此,
正 确 选 项 为 C。
10 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。 两 位 老 人 来 到 天 堂 后 , 他 们 每 天 每 周 可 以 打 高 尔 夫 球 , 而
他 们 进 行 的 赛 程 又 是 新 的 。 所 以 这 儿 的“ gree n”应 是“ 新 手 ”的 意 思 , 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 D。
11 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 老 人 生 气 的 原 因 是 , 看 到 天 堂 的 食 物 如 此 之 好 , 他 可 以 尽
情享 用 而 不 用 担 心 会 影 响 他 的 健 康 ; 文 章 最 后 , 老 人 的 话 表 明 了 他 生 气 的 真 正 原 因 , 那 就
是 : 他 生 前 不 喜 欢 吃 麦 麸 松 饼 , 吃 那 东 西 就 是 受 苦 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 B。
12 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 按 照 一 般 人 的 想 法 在 西 方 国 家 , 信 基 督 教 的 人 们 希 望 死 后
能 进 入 理 想 的 天 国 , 但 也 并 不 是 所 有 的 人 死 后 都 能 进 入 天 堂 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 B。
NMET 阅读理解仿真试题答案解析
13 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。“ Pu t up wit h”在 本 文 中 的 意 思 是“ 忍 受 ”, 与 b ear 同 义 。因
此 , 正 确 选 项 为 D。
14 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 二 段 明 确 提 出 , 现 在 的 生 活 与 100 年 前 相 比 , 确 实 是 好
多 了 , 但 空 气 污 染 等 诸 多 不 利 因 素 也 是 现 代 生 活 的 一 部 分 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 B。
15 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 文 章 的 最 后 一 句 表 明 , 我 们 既 需 要 美 景 和 进 步 , 美 好 的 环
境和社会的进步都是人类的需要,但要治理并摆脱现代工 业所带 来的有害 污染, 却是困 难
重 重 。 这 预 示 着 要 处 理 好 两 者 的 关 系 , 必 须 付 出 巨 大 的 努 力 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 D。
16 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 一 段 明 确 提 到“ he didn’t aggressiv ely pursu e swimming until
his freshma n year in h igh sc hool . ”因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 C。
17 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 二 段 第 二 句 指 出 ,“ he trai ne d unde r h ead co ach Jon
Urban ch ek , who h elpe d Mold Dolan into an Olympic c ham pion , Dolan”是 由 Jon Urb a n ch ek 塑 造 成
世 界 冠 军 的 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 C。
18 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 三 段 明 确 交 待 , He won the 400 IM title i n world record time . He
successfully defended Hid world title four years later Perth , Australia . 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 B。
19 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 第 二 段 最 后 两 句 引 用 了 Dol n 对 底 特 律 自 由 报 说 的 原 话
“ My whole caree r I h ad gon e b ack and for th , but now I’m sp endi ng th e whole y ear wit h Ric k . Bu t
wh er e I go and swim , I’ll alwa ys be link ed to a nd to Jon , j ust as I will to R ick . ”这 两 句 话 说 明
dola n 与 Rick , Jon、Mic higa n 保 持 着 密 切 的 联 系 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 A 。
20 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 本 文 叙 述 了 一 个 运 动 员 的 成 长 及 其 所 取 得 的 成 就 。 而 不
是注重强调教练的重要,也不是世界冠军在世界上有敌 人,更 不是着 重说明运 动员是公 众
人 物 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 A。
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
Test Six
1 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 章 第 二 段 最 后 说 明 , 用 石 灰 处 理 污 染 的 办 法 来 保 留 濒 于
死亡的动植物生存状态,已经于事无补了, 对于控制酸性污染源 也没有 什么作用。 因此, 正
确 选 项 为 B。
2 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 章 第 三 段 指 出 , R e- affor estation programmes i nvolving the
large- scale p lanting of trees would in crease th e carbon“ sink”, 大 面 积 的 再 造 林 计 划 能 降 低 大 气 中
碳 的 含 量 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 A。
3 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 四 段 第 一 句 “
, Th er e has bee n some success i n the figh t
to protect th e ozon e layer , with th e d evelopme nt of“ ozon e fr iendly” produ cts manufacture d withou t
using CFCS。”可 知 , 保 护 臭 氧 层 的 成 效 在 于 使 用 有 利 于 臭 氧 形 成 的 产 品 , 而 不 是 使 用 CFCS。
因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 D。
4 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 本 文 大 意 为 针 对 环 境 污 染 和 大 气 层 的 被 损 害 所 采 取 的 各
种 保 护 措 施 。 这 说 明 人 类 已 经 意 识 到 居 住 环 境 的 重 要 性 并 采 取 保 护 措 施 。 通 过“ to re pair
some of th e damag e we ha ve inflicte d”可 以 排 除 A、B ; 通 过“ . . .from th e Atla ntic to th e Urals , wou ld
h ave to b e plan ted .”以 及“ . . .fin ancial as sistan ce was promised for th e developmen t of CFC-free
ch emicals .”排 除 D, 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 C。
5 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 章 第 一 句 说 , 人 们 喜 欢 参 观 博 物 馆 是 因 为 参 观 博 物 馆 可
以 接 受 教 育 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 D。
6 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 一 段 第 四 句 说 ,“ Wh at inte rests many p eop le mor e th an
a nyth ing else is th e large library , in wh ich th ere ar e millions of books .”比 其 他 东 西 使 许 多 人 更 感
兴 趣 的 是 一 座 巨 大 的 图 书 馆 , 里 边 有 数 以 百 万 的 藏 书 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 B。
7 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 在 那 里 能 够 看 到 古 人 穿 过 、用 过 的 东 西 , 也 能 看 到 各 国 的
书 籍 以 及 在 那 里 的 工 作 人 员 ; 但 不 能 看 到 现 代 艺 术 品 和 工 业 产 品 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 C。
8 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 原 文 所 提 供 的 信 息 进 行 推 断 : 博 物 馆 中 的 东 西 是 进 行
展 览 而 不 会 让 人 借 出 的 , 其 原 因 应 该 是 防 止 丢 失 。 A 、B 、C 文 中 没 有 提 供 信 息 依 据 。 因 此 ,
正 确 选 项 为 D。
9 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 A 、B 所 提 供 的 内 容 文 中 没 有 任 何 暗 示 , 无 从 , 推 断 ; D 所 提
供 的 内 容 在 文 中 找 不 到 推 理 的 依 据 ; C 是 对 文 章 的 概 括 归 纳 。因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 C。
10 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 交 待“ H ugh Troy was a well- known a rtist who spen t most of
h is p erp et rating fra ud s for t he joy of it .”由 此 可 知 A 、B 、D 不 正 确 。 文 中 从 第 二 句 开 始 叙 述 了
Troy 所 做 的 错 事 , 以 致 于 使 校 内 一 半 的 人 都 无 法 饮 水 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 C 。
11 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 由“ . . .tie d 30 fe et of clot heslin e to eith er sid e 和 he and a
NMET 阅读理解仿真试题答案解析
frie nd ca rrie d it out onto campus susp ende d”可 知 , 正 确 选 项 为 B 。
12 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 判 断 题 。 H ugh Troy 之 所 以 每 隔 几 英 尺 放 下 装 犀 牛 脚 的 篮 子 , 就 是
想 做 出 犀 牛 真 正 走 过 的 样 子 来 , 以 便 使 人 们 相 信 犀 牛 真 正 从 此 走 过 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 C。
13 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 判 断 题 。 Hugh Troy 恶 作 剧 的 目 的 就 是 让 人 相 信 他 的 诡 计 就 是 事
实 , 因 而 仍 然 喝 自 来 水 的 人 们 自 然 怀 疑 有 真 的 犀 牛 走 过 其 水 源 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 D。
14 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 一 、二 段 可 知 , 伦 敦 原 来 拥 有 漂 亮 的 建 筑 , 但 由 于
有 些 人 的 生 活 习 惯 和 不 好 的 生 活 环 境 而 脏 乱 不 堪 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 D。
15 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 作 者 只 说 明 了 大 火 爆 发 的 时 间 和 地 点 , 没 有 告 诉 读 者 起
火 的 原 因 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 D。
16 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 从 全 文 内 容 来 分 析 , 作 者 只 是 对 伦 敦 历 史 的 变 迁 进 行 了 客
观 的 叙 述 , 特 别 提 到 了 一 场 大 火 烧 毁 了 旧 伦 敦 城 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 C。 其 他 三 个 选 项 是
主观评论, 文中没有提及。
17 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 一 段 第 二 句 “
, George li ke d his job and h e lik ed the
town h e lived in , but his wife k ep t telling him th at his p ay was not enough to meet the nee ds of the
family . Th at was why he was thi nk ing of ta king a job i n Bir mi ngham . . .”可 知 , 乔 治 考 虑 到 伯 明 翰
去 工 作 的 原 因 是 为 了 多 挣 钱 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 C。
18 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 第 一 段 说 , 乔 治 的 妻 子 说 起 家 庭 的 状 况 入 不 敷 出 , 想 让 乔
治多 挣 钱 , 而 没 有 说 明 不 愿 居 住 在 该 城 , 也 不 是 家 庭 太 大 , 更 不 是 乔 治 一 直 想 更 换 工 作 。
因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 B。
19 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 三 段 第 三 句 “
, As a result , Ma nley h ad to c ut his own
prices and profits as well , . . .He sighed”可 知 , Man ley 担 心 的 是 给 自 己 的 产 品 降 价 。 因 此 , 正
确 选 项 为 D。
20 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 乔 治 的 妻 子 抱 怨 他 的 工 资 不 能 养 家 , 公 司 的 处 境 又 如 此 艰
难 , 故 排 除 A ; 通 过“ Man ley had to c ut his own prices a nd profits as well” 一 句 提 供 的 信 息 可 排
除 C ; 乔 治 不 是 老 板 , 可 排 除 D 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 B。
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
Test Seven
1 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 一 段 提 到 少 数 人 有 非 凡 的 记 忆 力 , 其 他 人 ( 多 数 人 ) 靠 机
械 地 重 复 进 行 记 忆 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 B。 C 、D 两 项 文 中 没 有 提 到 。
2 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 著 名 作 家 狄 更 斯 能 记 住 一 条 街 道 中 的 所 有 商 店 名 , 像 他 这
样 的 人 必 然 有 很 好 的 记 忆 力 , 能 很 容 易 记 住 事 物 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 D。
3 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 提 到 要 想 把 照 片 给 朋 友 看 , 有 大 量 的 工 作 要 干 , 首 先 要
干 的 工 作 就 是 冲 洗 胶 卷 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 B。
4 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 第 三 段 明 确 指 出 , 好 的 记 忆 力 对 语 言 学 习 有 很 大 帮
助。文中列举了在双语环境下, 小孩学习语言的事例。强调了 好的记 忆力对学 习语言的 重
要 性 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 B。
5 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 文 中 最 后 一 段 的 说 明 中 , 将 人 的 记 忆 功 能 与 照 相 机 的 功 能
比 较 , 两 者 确 实 有 些 相 似 的 地 方 。 但 不 能 说 人 的 记 忆 就 是 照 相 机 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 C。
6 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 文 中“ A friend is all of th ese th ings and mor e .”的 论 述 可
知 , 友 谊 包 括 A 、B、C 等 内 容 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 D 。
7 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 词 语 理 解 题 。 根 据 文 中 对 友 谊 内 涵 的 概 述 , 及 此 句 话 的 字 面 意 思 , 可 以
理 解 为 : 有 些 特 别 的 事 情 只 能 与 朋 友 交 流 、分 享 , 却 不 能 与 家 人 分 享 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 C。
8 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 章 前 半 部 分 说 , 友 谊 是 一 种 特 殊 的 情 感 ; 从“ It is a
consta nt book always waiti ng . . .”和“ . . . friendshi p is a uniqu e bond th at lasts through all
tri bu lations .”得 出 结 论 , A 、
B 、C 都 是 文 中 对 友 谊 分 别 进 行 的 一 方 面 的 描 述 , 不 是 对 友 谊 的 总
体概述。因此,正确选项为 D
9 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从“ Rea dy- mad e glasses , and not wearing glasses whe n you
shoul d, won’t do h arm to your eyes, ”一 句 得 知 , B 项 错 误 , C 项 在 原 文 中 没 有 陈 述 。 从 ?
Watchi ng too mu ch television is ba d for you eyes . This is not t ru e .”一 句 得 知 , D 项 错 误 。 从 文 章
的 开 始 两 句 得 知 , A 为 正 确 说 法 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 A。
10 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 二 段 说 , 长 时 间 看 电 视 对 眼 睛 易 受 影 响 的 人 来 说 会 造
成 眼 睛 红 肿 , 疼 痛 , 但 这 都 是 暂 时 的 , 不 是 长 期 的 损 伤 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 D。
11 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。从“ but you may see better with glas ses th at a re specially ma de for
you . ”一 句 断 定 , 正 确 选 项 为 C 。
12 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 文 章 的 叙 述 , 戴 特 制 眼 镜 不 伤 眼 睛 ; 长 时 间 看 电 视 对
眼睛的伤害是暂时的;胡罗卜素对减少夜盲有好处。从这 些信息 分析, 文章告 诉读者更 多
关 于 保 护 视 力 的 事 情 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 D。
13 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 文 中“ T his air pressur e is in cre ased or r educe d wh en the
NMET 阅读理解仿真试题答案解析
pla ne m oves , ”可 知 正 确 选 项 为 B 。
14 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 文 中 第 二 段“ Th ere ar e four forces . . . th e e arth ’s
gravitation . . .Dr ag pr even ts a nd d elays th e forwa rd movemen t of th e p lan e . . . . and lift , an upward
air pr essur e . . .Thrust is provide d or supplied by t he engines”可 知 , 正 确 选 项 为 D 。
15 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 最 后 一 句“ Th e amount of lift in cr eases with th e sp eed of
the pla ne .”是 答 题 的 依 据 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 A。
16 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 文 中 第 三 段 的 叙 述 和 常 识 , 推 断 飞 机 的 机 翼 设 计 成 流
线 型 是 为 了 减 少 空 气 对 飞 机 的 阻 力 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 C。
17 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 文 中 第 十 句 开 始 ,“ No one ca n tell . . . The factory or
comp any may do bad ly . Th en t he stoc ks will go down , and t he investors will lose mon ey . . .the stock
may still go down .”可 知 , 即 使 你 是 很 好 的 投 资 者 , 有 时 候 也 会 失 去 一 些 投 资 。 因 此 , 正 确 选
项 为 C。
18 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 意 题 。“ complex”的 基 本 意 思 为“ 复 杂 的 ”“
, 综 合 的 ”。 此 处 该 词 可
理 解 为“ 困 难 的 ”。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 C。
19 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 文 章 的 叙 述 可 以 得 出 结 论 : 上 市 的 工 厂 、公 司 乐 意 人
们 进 行 赌 博 性 的 投 资 , 目 的 是 要 利 用 人 们 的 资 金 进 行 商 业 活 动 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 C。 其
20 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 本 文 对 股 票 市 场 进 行 了 系 统 概 括 的 陈 述 , 从 股 票 的 内 容 说
明 到 投 资 股 票 的 安 全 性 , 从 公 司 、工 厂 的 融 资 目 的 到 对 股 民 的 期 望 都 进 行 了 说 明 , 介 绍 了
股 票 市 场 的 基 本 知 识 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 B。
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
Test Eight
1 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 文 中 第 三 段 最 后 一 句 ,“ I t is re porte d th at t he British
p eop le use up a quarte r of the world total of th e tea goods . ”可 知 正 确 选 项 为 B 。
2 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 第 四 段 说 “
, In th e hotel , a service ch arge ( 收 费 ) of 10 to
15 p erc ent will be add ed to your bill , . . . .”因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 B 。
3 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 文 章 第 二 段 的 叙 述 , 英 国 人 最 爱 用 体 育 比 赛 打 赌 , 人
们打 赌 的 东 西 往 往 是 人 们 很 感 兴 趣 的 东 西 。 由 此 判 断 , 英 国 人 对 体 育 运 动 很 感 兴 趣 。 因
此 , 正 确 选 项 为 B。
4 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 文 中 第 一 句 说 : 英 国 人 有 许 多 风 俗 和 习 惯 。 接 下 来 介 绍 了
三个英国人的习惯。接下来介 绍了三 个英 国人 的习惯。 这些属 于英 语 文化 背景 知识。 因
此 , 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 C。
5 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 中 最 后 一 句 “
, . . .We can expect to see that the developmen t
of a robot will . . .”是 本 文 的 主 题 句 , 指 出 文 章 的 主 旨 大 意 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 B。
6 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 文 中 第 二 段 ,“ Basic ally , a pplied scie nce star ts wit h the
clear understandi ng of a human nee d and th en uses all t he availab le scientific knowledg e to help with
t he ach ievement and satisfaction of th is nee d”。 可 知 , 正 确 选 项 为 B 。
7 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 意 题 。“ elimin ate ”的 基 本 意 思 为“ 消 除 、淘 汰 ”。 在 此 处 的 意 思 可 理
解 为“ 摆 脱 ”。“ get ri d of”是“ elimin ate”的 同 义 短 语 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 D 。
8 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 第 二 段 第 一 句 指 出 “
, Basically , a pp lie d scie nce sta rts with
t he clear unde rstand ing of a huma n nee d . . ., ”因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 D 。
9 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 文 中 第 一 段 描 述 了 机 器 人 的 结 构 和 功 能 。 最 后 一 句 指 出 ,
“ Stor age batter ies or dir ectly fuele d cells will cer tai nly b e well enough develope d to provid e 1kw for 1
hour with a weight of 20kg or so”. 这 一 句 虽 然 没 有 肯 定 地 说 机 器 人 要 用 燃 料 电 池 但 暗 示 了 这
个 意 思 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 C。
10 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 综 合 细 节 题 。 第 一 段 描 写 了 事 故 最 初 的 发 生 过 程 及 卷 入 事 故 的 人 物 , 从
中 不 难 看 出 Kristy 在 故 事 发 生 中 的 行 为 次 序 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 C 。
11 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 意 题 。“ burst i nto flames”意 为 b e on fir e 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 A 。
12 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 第 一 段 第 一 句 说 kristy 经 常 问 自 己 如 果 遇 到 威 协 到
生命 的 紧 急 情 况 , 自 己 会 怎 样 处 理 。 因 此 , 她 在 抢 救 两 兄 弟 时 , 并 没 有 想 到 危 险 的 处 境 要
考 验 她 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 D。
13 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 通 过 文 中 对 Kr isty 看 到 车 祸 发 生 并 主 动 停 车 去 救 人 的 叙
述 , 特 别 是“ Sh e j ump ed on top of him and t hey both rolled to safety .”她 是 将 自 己 的 生 命 置 之 度
NMET 阅读理解仿真试题答案解析
外 去 救 人 的 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 C。
14 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 文 中 的 叙 述 , Kristy 之 所 以 crie d , 是 因 为 她 从 来 没 有 经
历 过 in a life- t hr eateni ng sit uation 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 B。
15 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 为 推 理 判 断 题 。 第 二 段 最 后 一 句 指 出“ If th e te nth ring is far from t he oth er
ri ngs , t he n it is ce rtain that ple nty of sunny a nd rainy weathe r occurred . If t he rings ar e close
togeth er , th en th e climate is ba d for t he tr ee .”可 见 , 树 木 年 轮 的 间 距 越 大 , 说 明 当 年 的 气 候 越
好 ; 年 轮 间 距 越 小 , 当 年 的 气 候 越 差 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 B。
16 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 实 事 细 节 题 。 第 四 段 最 后 一 句 指 出 “
, Trees we re n ecessa ry to ma ke fir es and
bu il dings . So , afte r t he pe ople d estroy ed the trees , t hey h ad to move .”由 此 得 知 , 树 木 在 当 时 对
于取火和建房是必不可少的。所以有森林的地方,也有人群居住。因此,C 为正确选项。
17 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 为 推 理 判 断 题 。 文 章 最 后“ In th is in stan ce studying tr ee rings uncov ere d an
exciting fact about th e history of ma n .”是 对 全 文 的 一 个 总 结 , 点 出 了 研 究 树 木 年 轮 的 意 义 和 目
的 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 D。
18 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 实 事 细 节 题 。 从 原 文“ T his was conside re d to be too high a numb er for the
forming of two classes a nd th e employme nt of two teach ers .”和“ Th e Pla nning Office wish ed to take
t his opportunity to close th e school , bec ause it is exp ensive to run , . . .”可 知 , 正 确 选 项 为 C。
19 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 原 文“ Mr Kar azin re plied th at th e childre n would tr avel by
bus . T his wou ld b e provi de d by the Raval Tr ansport Dep artmen t , and it wou ld tak e Malupit c hildren
to a nd from sc hool free of ch arge . ”因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 A 。
20 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 原 文 , Mr Pomat 自 发 组 织 的 这 次 会 议 对 学 校 是 否 关 停
没 有 做 出 结 论 ; 由 此 可 以 排 除 选 项 A、B。 文 章 没 有 提 到 Mr Luvako 是 否 与 会 ; 由 此 排 除 选
项 D 。 在 会 议 中 , 代 表 政 府 的 Mr Kar azin 持 有 政 府 的 观 点 : 在 Malup it 停 办 学 校 , 而 其 他 的 与
会 者 都 想 继 续 开 办 学 校 。 因 此 , 正 确 选 项 为 C。
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
Test Nine
1 . 答 案 B。该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 中 首 先 提 到 现 在 人 们 通 讯 手 段 之 多 , 然 后 又 提 到 人 们 接
到的过多的信息成为一种负担,从而建议人们设立系统, 来管理 数据。因 此,文 章主要是 让
人 们 建 立 管 理 数 据 的 系 统 。B 为 正 确 选 项 。
2 . 答 案 A。该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 一 段 第 一 句 提 到 : Cell phon es, page rs , la ptop com puters , and
p erson al d igital assistan ts ar e b eing used , bringing i nc rease d produ ctivity a nd efficien cy to million of
u se rs . ( 手 机 , 寻 呼 机 , 手 提 式 电 脑 和 个 人 数 码 助 理 的 使 用 提 高 了 成 百 万 用 户 的 生 产 力 和 效
率 。) A 项 内 容 与 此 句 吻 合 。 因 此 , A 为 正 确 选 项 。
3 . 答 案 A 。该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。“ get out of h and”在 此 意 为“ 失 去 控 制 ”, 与 A 项“ get out of
con trol”是 同 义 短 语 。 因 此 , A 为 正 确 选 项 。
4 . 答 案 D 。该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 A 选 项 根 据 文 中 可 看 出 此 文 没 有 阐 述 这 种 管 理 系 统 的 坏
处 。 而 B、C 选 项 均 阐 述 利 处 , 因 此 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
5 . 答 案 C。该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 二 句 话 提 到 : A ch emical compa ny , Chis so , h ad b een dump ing
indust rial waste i nto Min amata Ba y . ( 科 索 化 工 公 司 一 直 把 工 业 废 物 排 进 米 哈 马 塔 海 湾 ) 。 因
此,C 为正确选项。
6 . 答 案 A 。该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 四 句 提 到 由 于 汞 的 毒 害 , Tomoko 一 出 生 就 双 目 失 明 , 不 会
说话,畸形。根据这一信息,A 为正确选项。
7 . 答 案 C 。该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 提 到 What turne d th e ti de was th e picture of 17-yea r-ol d . . .
( 使事情发生转机的是一幅照片……), 因此 C 为正确选项。
8 . 答 案 B 。该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 最 后 提 到 直 到 1997 年 , 在 Tomoko 死 去 20 年 后 , 人 们 才
宣 布 水 可 以 安 全 地 饮 用 。 据 此 得 知 , Tomoko 是 在 1977 年 死 去 的 。 因 此 , B 为 正 确 选 项 。
9 . 答 案 D。该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 一 段 提 到 , Th e IELTS is jointly ma naged by t he University of
Cambridge Local Examination Syndicate ( 剑 桥 大 学 考 试 委 员 ) , the British Council ( 英 国 文 化 委 员 会 )
and IDP Education Austr alia . ( 澳 洲 教 育 国 际 开 发 署 ) 。 共 有 三 个 机 构 , 因 此 D 为 正 确 选 项 。
10 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 第 二 部 分 指 出 , 为 什 么 越 来 越 多 的 人 报 考 雅 思 考
试 ? ——— 雅 思 考 试 得 到 澳 大 利 亚 、新 西 兰 、英 国 、加 拿 大 等 大 专 院 校 及 学 术 机 构 的 广 泛 认
可。B 项内容重复了文中信息。因此,B 为正确选项。
11 . 答 案 D 。该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 第 四 部 分 提 到 : Aca demic : for candi dates who wa nt to apply
for unde rgr aduate or postgr aduate courses . 学 术 类 : 适 合 计 划 申 请 国 外 高 校 本 科 或 研 究 生 课 程
考生。因此,D 为正确选项。
12 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 第 三 段 提 到 : Gen eral trai ning : for ca ndid ates who take
I ELTS for immigration purpose , tr aining progr amm es , or work exper ien ce ( 培 训 类 : 适 合 计 划 移 民 ,
NMET 阅读理解仿真试题答案解析
申 请 国 外 培 训 或 出 国 工 作 的 考 生 。) 所 以 一 个 人 想 移 民 , 须 参 加 培 训 类 考 试 。
13 . 答 案 C。该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 最 后 一 段 明 确 提 到 , 雅 思 测 试 有 4 种 试 卷 : 听 力 、阅 读 、写
作 、口 语 。 因 此 , C 为 正 确 选 项 。
14 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 文 中 开 头 提 到 Peop le who wake ea rly feel m ore str es se d dur ing
th e day tha n t hose who li ke to lie in , resea rc hers i n London h ave found . ( 伦 敦 的 研 究 人 员 发 现 ,
早醒者一整天比晚醒者更容易精神紧张) 。因此 ,C 为正确选项。
15 . 答 案 A 。该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 研 究 人 员 采 集 唾 液 样 品 , 分 析 出 其 中 皮 质 醇 的 含 量 。 文
中提到,皮质醇的含量在那些早开始工作的人中含量最高。因此, A 为正确选项。
16 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 In a 10-we ek follow- up st udy , Clow found that early risers
re por ted more muscle ac hes , cold sym ptoms ( 症 状 ) a nd h ead ach es and worse moods ( 情 绪 ) . ( 在 一
次 为 期 10 周 的 跟 踪 调 查 中 , Clow 发 现 早 起 者 声 称 肌 肉 疼 痛 , 伤 风 感 冒 和 头 疼 的 人 要 多 一
些 。) 而 选 项 C 的 内 容 没 有 被 提 及 到 。 因 此 , 正 确 答 案 为 C。
17 . 答 案 D 。该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 A 、B 选 项 为 干 扰 项 。 选 项 C , 实 验 进 行 的 时 间 是 两 天 , 并
不 是 整 个 研 究 进 行 的 时 间 。 文 中 提 到“ in a 10-wee k follow- up study”, 意 思 是 在 10 个 星 期 的
跟 踪 调 查 中 。“ follow- up study”意 为“ 跟 踪 调 查 ”, 由 此 得 知 D 为 正 确 选 项 。
18 . 答 案 B。该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 这 是 一 封 向 专 家 寻 求 帮 助 的 信 , 写 信 人 咨 询 如 何 处 理 好 与
室友的关系 , 也就是请专家帮助 解决 一些 疑难 问题。 因此 B 为正 确 选项。A 项内 容为 交
朋友信,C 项内容为投诉信 D 项为给别人建议信,均不合文中内容。
19 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 末 尾 有 这 样 一 句 话 。 I feel smothe red ( 憋 气 ) , 选 项 B
与此句话吻合。因此 ,B 为正确选项。
20 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 第 二 段 提 到 It’s bee n six mont hs now a nd . . .因 此 C 为
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
Test Ten
1 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 一 段 最 后 一 句 话 讲 , 白 天 光 线 的 不 断 变 幻 使 得 岩 石 看 起
来 好 像 在 移 动 一 样 。 而 其 它 几 个 选 项 是 景 物 介 绍 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 D。
2 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 归 纳 总 结 题 。 第 二 段 列 举 出 很 多 岩 石 的 形 状 , 如 果 你 仔 细 研 究 的 话 , 它
们 既 像 动 物 , 又 像 人 , 还 像 事 物 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 D。
3 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 四 段 讲 述 了 这 块 土 地 曾 经 是 肥 沃 繁 荣 的 , 可 是 后 来 天 气
变 旱 , 取 水 困 难 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 B。
4 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 人 们 来 此 地 游 览 , 从 不 会 厌 烦 其 原 因 是 此 地 景 色 宜 人 , 美
不 胜 收 , 而 不 是 单 从 哪 一 方 面 出 发 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 C。
5 . 答 案 A 。该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 二 段 第 一 句 提 到 112 年 前 , John Pemb erton 创 建 了 可 口 可
乐 公 司 。因 此 , A 为 正 确 选 项 。
6 . 答 案 D 。该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 第 二 段 提 到 Among t hose pion eers , non e stood taller in
cre ating valu e for sh are owne rs th an Rober to C . Goizu eta . ( 在 这 些 开 拓 者 中 , 在 为 公 司 的 股 东 创 造
价 值 方 面 , 谁 也 比 不 上 Rober to C . Goizueta 。) 因 此 , D 为 正 确 答 案 。
7 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 第 一 段 提 到 And now, t hey’re selling a billion drinks a
day . ( 现 在 他 们 每 天 销 售 10 亿 份 。) 因 此 C 为 正 确 选 项 。
8 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 章 倒 数 第 二 句 提 到 Th e Coca Cola Compa ny’s mis sion is to
cr eate valu e for th eir sh ar e owne rs on a long- term b asis by build ing a busi ness th at e nh an ces the
com pany’s t rad emarks . 可 口 可 乐 公 司 使 命 是 通 过 长 期 提 高 公 司 商 标 的 信 誉 来 为 其 股 票 执 有
者创造价值。因此,D 为正确选项。
9 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 中 第 一 句 强 调 水 对 生 命 至 关 重 要 。 下 文 开 始 阐 述 只 有
不 到 1 % 的 淡 水 可 供 人 类 直 接 取 用 , 并 有 全 球 淡 水 日 及“ 全 球 水 论 坛 ”, 以 此 呼 吁 人 们 要 保 护
水资源。可见, 保护水资源是该文的主旨。因此,D 为正确选项。
10 . 答 案 C。该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。“ esse ntial ”的 核 心 词 意 为“ 基 本 的 , 必 要 的 ”在 此 意 为“ 至 关
重 要 的 ”。
11 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 章 提 到 The a dult human body is a bout 75 % water ( 一 个 成
年 人 体 内 约 75 % 是 水 。) 因 此 , B 为 正 确 选 项 。
12 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 章 提 到 less tha n 1 % is accessible for d irect huma n use . ( 可
供 人 们 直 接 饮 用 的 水 不 到 1 % 。) 因 此 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
13 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 In t he days wh en a n ice cr eam sundae ( 圣 代 ) cost muc h less .
( 在 冰 淇 淋 圣 代 比 较 便 宜 的 日 子 里 。) 因 此 , A 为 正 确 选 项 。
14 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。第 五 句 提 到 Some people wer e now waiting for a ta ble a nd the
NMET 阅读理解仿真试题答案解析
waitress was a bit of im patien t . ( 这 时 一 些 人 在 等 候 餐 桌 , 这 位 女 招 待 便 有 点 不 耐 烦 了 。) 因
此,B 为正确选项。
15 . 答 案 D 。该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 最 后 一 句 话 提 到 Th ere , plac ed neatly b esid e th e empty dish ,
we re two nick els a nd five pe nnies — he r tip . ( 在 桌 上 的 空 盒 旁 , 整 齐 地 放 着 两 个 5 分 硬 币 和 5
个 1 分 硬 币 。) 共 计 15 分 钱 。 因 此 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
16 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 常 理 , 女 招 待 想 到 刚 才 自 己 对 小 男 孩 不 耐 烦 的 表 现 ,
17 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 作 者 现 在 是 一 名 演 员 。 文 中 第 三 段 提 到 Acti ng is no
differe nt . ( 表 演 也 一 样 。) 文 章 第 三 四 段 也 都 是 关 于 演 戏 的 事 情 。 因 此 , C 为 正 确 选 项 。
18 . 答 案 A 。该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。“ pay off”的 核 心 意 为“ 回 报 ”根 据 文 中 第 三 段 最 后 一 句 话 可
猜 测 出“ pa y off”意 与 选 项 A 吻 合 , 因 此 , A 为 正 确 选 项 。
19 . 答 案 C。该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 第 三 段 提 到 E ver sin ce , I h ave tried to do as profes sion al a
job as pos sib le . ( 从 那 时 起 , 我 总 是 尽 可 能 专 业 的 去 做 每 件 工 作 。) A 选 项 He th inks of it as a
p iece of cak e . ( 他 把 工 作 看 成 一 件 很 轻 松 的 事 情 。) B 选 项 He doesn’t car e about it . ( 他 不 在
乎 。) D 选 项 A job is a way of maki ng on e’s living( 工 作 是 一 种 谋 生 的 途 径 。) A 、B、D 都 不 符 合 。
因此,C 为正确选项。
20 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 一 段 提 到 d eliver p ap ers ( 送 报 纸 ) , 第 三 段 提 到 b agging
groce ries ( 杂 货 店 ) , p ainting houses or tarring( 涂 柏 油 ) roofs . Acting is no d iffer ent . ( 在 杂 货 店 包
装 东 西 , 刷 房 子 , 涂 屋 顶 , 表 演 也 不 例 外 。) 由 此 可 见 , 文 中 提 到 5 项 工 作 。 因 此 , 文 中 的
“ 我 ”干 的 工 作 应 不 少 于 5 件 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
Test Eleven
1 . 答 案 B。该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 二 句 提 到 Irration al fe ar of the victims ( 患 者 ) was wi desprea d :
Afte r Kirby was rush ed to a hosp ital nea r h is family’s home i n Stafford , Ohio , emergen cy workers ( 急
救 人 员 ) burn ed th e ambu lanc e’s conten ts . ( 救 护 车 ) . ( 人 们 对 爱 滋 病 患 者 普 遍 存 在 无 端 的 恐
惧 : 当 Kirby 被 火 速 送 往 俄 亥 俄 州 斯 塔 福 德 他 家 附 近 的 医 院 后 , 急 救 人 员 就 焚 烧 了 救 护 车 中
所 有 的 东 西 。) 因 此 , B 为 正 确 选 项 。
2 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 四 句 提 到 美 国 人 每 年 感 染 爱 滋 病 病 毒 的 人 有 40 000 人 。
因此,C 为正确选项。
3 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 柯 比 于 1990 年 死 亡 , 第 三 句 提 到 Five years after Kirby ’s
death , th e a nnu al d eath toll p eak ed ( 高 达 ) 43 , 115 .他 死 后 5 年 , 年 死 亡 人 数 达 43 115 , 即 1995
年。因此,A 为正确选项。
4 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 最 后 一 句 提 到 Th e years ma y hav e loosen ed th e disease ’s fatal
gr ip( 死 亡 率 ) and soften ed public attit ud es toward t hose who suffer from it , but th e situ ation is still
r emaining se rious at prese nt . ( 这 些 年 因 患 爱 滋 病 而 死 的 死 亡 率 已 降 低 并 且 人 们 对 艾 滋 病 患 者
的态度有所缓和,但这样的情况在目前仍还很严重。由此得知,B 为正确选项。
5 . 答 案 A 。该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 章 主 要 是 对 孩 子 上 网 的 问 题 给 出 一 些 安 全 建 议 。 因 此 , A
6 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 多 次 提 到 家 长 和 监 护 人 , 因 此 B 为 正 确 选 项 。
7 . 答 案 A。该 题 属 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 章 第 六 条 提 到“ Beca use you ca n’t see or even h ear th e person ,
it wou ld b e easy for someone to misre pr ese nt h im or h erself . ( 因 为 你 不 能 看 到 人 或 听 到 人 的 声
音 , 误 传 某 人 是 容 易 的 。) 因 此 A 为 正 确 选 项 。
8 . 答 案 D 。该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 提 到 Ne ver give out id entifying ( 确 定 ) i nformation suc h as
Name , Home Address , School Name , or Telephone Numb er in a public message su ch as at a ch at
room or on bulleti n boa rds . ( 千 万 不 要 把 姓 名 , 家 庭 住 址 , 学 校 名 称 或 电 话 号 码 等 与 自 己 身 份
有 关 的 信 息 作 为 公 开 信 息 提 供 给 闲 聊 屋 和 公 告 栏 等 。) Never arra nge a face - to-face meeting
without telling your p ar ents or guardia n . ( 切 勿 在 父 母 或 监 护 人 不 知 道 的 情 况 下 安 排 同 别 人 面
对 面 的 约 会 。) 选 项 D 与 上 述 建 议 吻 合 , 为 正 确 选 项 。
9 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 要 求 归 纳 第 二 段 的 主 旨 大 意 。 根 据 第 二 段 内 容 可 知 , 选 项
D 是 巴 黎 被 称 为“ th e City of Ligh t”的 原 因 。 因 此 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
10 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 四 段 第 二 句“ They bu ilt a small villa ge . . . ye ars ago .”
可 知 , 巴 黎 历 史 可 追 溯 到 约 2 000 年 前 。 因 此 , A 为 正 确 选 项 。
11 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 最 后 一 段 内 容 可 知 , 选 项 A 、B 、C 均 是 吸 引 人 们 去 巴
NMET 阅读理解仿真试题答案解析
黎参观的原因,选项 D 在文中未被提及。因此, D 为正确选项。
12 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 章 首 先 提 到 巴 黎 是 世 界 时 装 之 都 , 文 化 和 教 育 中 心 , 然
后简要介绍了几个巴黎的著名景 点和巴 黎城 的起源 及历 史, 最后 指出 每年 巴 黎都 会接 待
数 百 万 游 客 , 是 一 个 著 名 的 旅 游 城 市 。 选 项 A 、B 、C 都 只 是 本 文 部 分 内 容 的 概 括 , 选 项 D
则比较全面的概括了本文大意。因此,D 为正确选项。
13 . 答 案 C。该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 一 段 开 头 提 到 Drought ( 旱 灾 ) occ urs whe n moist ur e ( 水
分 ) disa pp ears t hrough eva por ation ( 蒸 发 ) faster th an it is rep laced by rain . 当 水 分 蒸 发 的 快 , 而
雨 水 又 来 不 及 补 充 时 就 会 发 生 旱 灾 。) 因 此 , C 为 正 确 选 项 。
14 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 一 段 最 后 一 句 提 到 Some of th e worst droughts of this
ce ntury occurred in th e mid 1980 s in th e Sah el r egion of W est Africa whe n th e summer rains faile d .
( 80 年 代 中 期 , 在 西 非 洲 的 撒 和 勒 地 区 , 由 于 夏 天 没 有 下 雨 而 发 生 了 本 世 纪 最 严 重 的 几 次
旱 灾 。) 因 此 , B 为 正 确 选 项 。
15 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 三 段 提 到 The causes of the d isaster ( 灾 难 ) were not
comp letely n atur al as unwise fa rming practices also playe d a p art . ( 那 次 灾 害 的 原 因 并 非 完 全 出
乎 自 然 , 不 明 智 的 耕 作 也 起 了 作 用 。) 因 此 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
16 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 瑞 典 在 文 中 没 提 到 , 因 此 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
17 . 答 案 C。该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 一 句 提 到 Hurr icans form wh en the temp erat ur e passes 27 ℃
over th e land . ( 飓 风 是 在 海 上 温 度 超 过 27 ℃ 时 形 成 的 。) 因 此 , C 为 正 确 选 项 。
18 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 一 段 第 四 句 提 到 It is said t hat h e gave them th e n ames of
wome n he d idn’t lik e . ( 据 说 , 他 以 起 一 些 他 不 喜 欢 的 女 人 的 名 字 来 命 名 飓 风 。) 因 此 , A 为 正
19 . 答 案 D。该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 二 段 主 要 是 关 于 Gilbert 飓 风 的 介 绍 。 因 此 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
20 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 二 段 提 到 淹 死 的 人 及 毁 坏 的 庄 稼 。 因 此 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
Test Twelve
1 . 答 案 B。该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 章 主 要 介 绍 了 欧 洲 及 亚 洲 一 些 地 区 的 洪 涝 灾 害 。 因 此 , B
2 . 答 案 B。该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。文 中 两 次 提 到 洪 水 , 一 次 是 1966 年 欧 洲 遭 遇 的 洪 水 , 文 中 第
一 段 第 一 句 提 到 In 1966 , Europe suffe re d e xt remely ba d weath er wh en gales ( 大 风 ) a nd storms hit
Fr anc e , Switze rland , Germa ny and Italy . ( 1966 年 欧 洲 遭 遇 了 极 坏 的 天 气 , 大 风 和 暴 雨 袭 击 了
法 国 , 瑞 士 和 意 大 利 。) 第 二 次 是 1988 年 印 度 和 东 南 亚 地 区 遭 受 的 洪 水 。 文 中 第 二 段 开 头
提 到 Duri ng the three months of August , Septemb er and Octob er 1988 sever e rai ns swep t acros s India
a nd Sout heast Asia . ( 在 1988 年 的 8 、9 、10 三 个 月 中 , 猛 烈 的 季 风 雨 横 扫 了 印 度 和 东 南 亚 地
区 。) 因 此 , B 为 正 确 选 项 。
3 . 答 案 C 。该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。第 一 段 第 一 句 提 到 , 1966 年 , 欧 洲 遭 遇 极 坏 的 天 气 , 大 风 和
暴 雨 袭 击 了 法 国 、瑞 士 、德 国 和 意 大 利 。 因 此 , C 为 正 确 选 项 。
4 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 事 实 细 节 题 。第 二 段 第 三 句 提 到 , 流 经 孟 加 拉 平 原 的 恒 河 频 繁 泛 滥 , 该 年 的
损害更大。因此,B 为正确选项。
5 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 二 段 讲 述 了 这 一 角 硬 币 的 来 历 。 二 战 刚 刚 结 束 , 世 界 人
民渴望和平, 而罗斯福总统在反法西 斯二 战中的 功绩 是不 可磨灭 的, 故他 的头 像在 设计 硬
币 图 案 时 被 采 用 。 因 此 , 正 确 答 案 为 C。
6 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 判 断 推 理 题 。 美 国 的 总 统 选 举 每 四 年 举 行 一 次 , 第 五 段 最 后 一 句 介 绍 罗 斯
福 后 三 次 当 选 总 统 的 时 间 , 由 此 可 以 推 出 罗 斯 福 第 一 次 在 1932 年 当 选 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 C。
7 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 五 段 第 一 、二 句 话 讲 述 了 罗 斯 福 上 任 之 后 所 做 的 第 一 件
事 就 是 解 决 美 国 国 民 的 严 重 失 业 问 题 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 C。
8 . 答 案 是 A。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 最 后 一 段 总 结 了 美 国 人 民 为 什 么 将 罗 斯 福 总 统 的 头 像
印制到硬币上,原因就是为了纪 念罗 斯福总 统, 它的 意义已 经远 远超过 了硬 币 本身 的设 计
制 作 。 故 正 确 答 案 为 A。
9 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 , 文 中 提 到 一 位 非 洲 藉 美 国 妇 女 在 高 速 公 路 上 忍 受 着 疾 风 暴
雨,从而可知这个故事发生在一个雨天。因此,B 为正确选项。
10 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 “
, pass away”是“ die”的 委 婉 语 。 因 此 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
11 . 答 案 C 。该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 文 中 第 二 段 第 三 句 有 一 个 细 节 描 写 , A young white man
stoppe d to h el p her — ge ner ally unh eard of i n those conflict-filled 1960s .( 一 位 白 人 青 年 停 下 车 , 帮
了 她 的 忙 ——— 在 那 充 满 种 族 冲 突 的 60 年 代 , 这 实 属 前 所 未 闻 。) 从 而 可 以 看 出 这 位 年 轻 人
很热心。其他三个选项的内容文中没有提到因此,C 为正确选项。
12 . 答 案 B。该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 这 是 一 篇 关 于 商 务 礼 仪 的 文 章 , 介 绍 如 何 回 应 他 人 的 介
NMET 阅读理解仿真试题答案解析
绍,并提出了 5 个遵循的步骤。因此,B 为正确选项。
13 . 答 案 A 。该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 文 章 讲 述 的 5 个 步 骤 Stand up ( 起 立 ) , Move toward the
p erson , build eye conta ct , look pleasant or smile ( 向 与 你 见 面 的 人 靠 拢 , 双 眼 看 着 对 方 , 面 色 和
善 或 微 笑 ) , Sh ak e hands ( 握 手 ) , Gr eet t he ot her p erson a nd r ep eat his or h er name ( 相 对 方 问 好 ,
并 重 复 对 方 的 名 字 ) , Wh en th e c onv ersation e nds , say goodbye . ( 谈 话 结 束 后 要 道 别 ) 。 因 此 ,
A 为正确选项。
14 . 答 案 C。该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 可 参 考 第 13 题 答 案 解 释 。
15 . 答 案 B。该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 步 骤 1 中 提 到 If you are tr app ed i n a c hair or othe rwise
un able to stand , ind icate th at you would if you cou ld or rise as m uc h as you ca n . ( 如 果 你 坐 在 椅 子
上或什么位置上令你不方便站起,这时你要做出一种姿 势,表 示如果 你能站起 来就一定 会
站 起 来 , 或 尽 可 能 起 身 。) 因 此 , B 为 正 确 选 项 。
16 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 章 主 要 是 就 家 庭 养 狗 问 题 提 出 一 些 建 议 。 因 此 , A 为
17 . 答 案 C。该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 一 段 提 到 th e pa re nts are th e on es who are r eally r esponsible
for seeing th at th e a nimal is prop erly ca red for . ( 父 母 是 真 正 对 是 否 养 宠 物 负 责 的 人 。) 因 此 C
18 . 答 案 D。该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 提 到 it ’s a good id ea to go to t he libra ry or th e AS PCA for
books a bout va rious k inds of dogs , as well as books abou t how to trai n a puppy . ( 最 好 是 去 图 书 馆
或 AS PCA 找 有 关 各 种 狗 及 怎 样 养 狗 的 书 。) 因 此 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
19 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 二 段 第 四 句 提 到 One of t he most popular dogs t hese d ays is
th e Ger man she ph erd . This is bec ause it provides protection as well as compa nion ship . ( 现 在 最 受
欢 迎 的 狗 之 一 是 德 国 牧 羊 犬 , 这 是 因 为 它 不 仅 可 以 做 伴 , 还 可 以 保 护 你 。) 选 项 B 包 含 了 这
20 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 二 段 倒 数 第 三 句 提 到 If space is limite d , a toy dog may b e
a good c hoice . ( 如 果 空 间 不 大 , 玩 具 狗 是 很 好 的 选 择 。) 因 此 , C 为 正 确 选 项 。
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
Test Thirteen
1 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 选 项 B 与 原 题 事 实 相 反“ Th e el derly may nee d mor e vitamin C
to re du ce hea rt- disease risk . Vitamin D deficien cy le ads to softe ning of bones a nd in creases th e cha nce
of hip a nd spi ne fractures .”选 项 A 和 D 都 是 文 中 的 事 实 。 因 此 , C 为 正 确 选 项 。
2 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 第 一 句“ The eld erly may n eed mor e vitamin C to r educe
h eart -disease risk ”说 明 老 年 人 患 心 脏 病 几 率 高 可 能 是 因 为 维 生 素 C 摄 入 量 不 足 。 因 此 , D 为
3 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。 文 中 第 一 段 指 出“ And t hey may not b e getting enough vitamin D
for strong bones , ”。 因 此 , A 为 正 确 选 项 。
4 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 选 项 A 与 B 只 是 其 中 一 个 方 面 , 根 据 最 后 一 句 话
“ Insufficient milk i ntak e a nd d ecreased exposure to th e sunligh t were su spected to b e t he mai n causes”.
老年人应摄入足够量的牛奶和接受足够的日晒。因此,D 为正确选项。
5 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。 第 一 段 第 三 句 从 教 育 家 对 伟 大 运 动 员 的“ au tomaticity”的 界
定 标 准“ T he great athlete pr actices until h e ca n play quic kly , accur ately , withou t thi nk ing , ”可 知 , A
6 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 第 二 段 第 一 句“ A ch ild learns to re ad by sound ing out the
letters and d ecod ing th e word s”已 给 出 答 案 。 因 此 , C 为 正 确 选 项 。
7 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 文 中 第 四 段 第 二 句“ . . .any ch il d who spe nds at least 3 .5
to 4 hours a week r ead ing books , m agazin es or n ewsp ape rs will in all likelihood reac h th e av erag e c hild
spe nds 25 hours a wee k watch ing television , ”可 算 出 A 为 正 确 选 项 。
8 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 文 中 最 后 一 段 可 以 看 出 “
, If he rea ds aloud with expr es sion ,
with a sen se of the mea ning of t he se nten ces , h e prob ab ly is a n a utomatic rea der .”。 因 此 , D 为 正 确
9 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 第 一 段“ . . .cou ld be attribute d to the low temp er atur e and
poor city pr ep aration s, . . .”给 出 了 交 通 阻 塞 的 两 个 原 因 。 因 此 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
10 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 第 七 段“ . . .beca use t he high est tempe rature th at d ay was
0 .9 ℃ .”可 以 看 出 , 由 于 温 度 0 . 9 ℃ 未 结 冰 , 没 造 成 交 通 问 题 。 因 此 , B 为 正 确 选 项 。
11 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 下 午 四 点 到 六 点 正 好 是 二 个 小 时 。 因 此 , B 为 正 确 选
12 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 选 项 B、C、D 文 中 没 有 提 到 。 选 项 A 可 从“ . . .due to the
h eavy surge in calls , and countless ve hicles came i n and out of the ca pital on Frid ay afternoon .”得
出。因此,A 为正确选项。
NMET 阅读理解仿真试题答案解析
13 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 文 中“ … Wh en you provid e a n exc use , th e ot he r p erson gets
th e message th at what h as bee n done is OK . Th is sets th e stage for con ti nu ed a bu se .”可 看 出 , A 、B
两项和文中事实相反,选项 C 文中没有提及。因此,D 为正确选项。
14 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 选 项 C 可 从 第 三 段“ . . .W he n an apology is mad e after the
fact , it is usu ally th e r esu lt of guilt or fear t hat h as bu ilt up . To undo a for ceful stateme nt in th is way
cau ses a loss of respe ct .”看 出 , 选 项 A 与 原 文 正 相 反 。 因 此 , C 为 正 确 选 项 。
15 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 文 中 第 四 段“ . . .A flat stateme nt wit h a clear expectation
c om pleting th e r eport woul d preve nt misc omm un ication and provi de a better ch an ce of getti ng the
report on time .”可 以 看 出 。 因 此 , A 为 正 确 选 项 。
16 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 因 为 全 文 从 正 反 两 方 面 讲 的 是 如 何 赢 得 别 人 的 尊 敬 。 而
且本文第一段就点明了为赢得他人尊敬要做的第一步骤。因此,A 为正确选项。
17 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 文 中 第 八 段“ . . .whe re temp eratur es drop to minus 45 ℃ and
th e sun bar ely r ises dur ing the win ter mont hs .”得 知 , 温 度 零 下 45℃ , 且 冬 日 很 少 见 到 太 阳 。 因
此,B 为正确选项。
18 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 第 八 段“ But at th e Ice Hotel , whe re gu ests spe nd the nigh t
in th e Arctic sta nd ard sleep ing b ags cla d in long johns and fur h ats to cope with th e sub- zero degrees
in the ic y b edrooms , th e frosty climate is th e attra ction .”提 到 由 于 冰 制 宾 馆 的 开 设 使 游 客 涌 来 。
因此,C 为正确选项。
19 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 第 四 段“ The hotel draws 35 , 000 visitors a yea r and creates
hundr eds of jobs , . . .”明 确 指 出 , 该 旅 馆 创 造 了 数 以 百 计 的 就 业 机 会 。 选 项 A 、B、C 与 文 中
细节正相反。因此,D 为正确选项。
20 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 型 。 由 于 游 人 多 , 铁 矿 多 , 可 以 发 展 旅 游 业 和 采 矿 业 。 因 此 , B
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
Test Fourteen
1 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。 从 第 二 段“ survival”的 上 下 文 可 以 看 出 其 生 存 之 意 , B 为 正
2 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 文 中 第 八 段“ The n , as you be gi n to drift bac k to a lighter
sleep , your mind bec om es mor e ale rt , a nd your dr eams begin . You ’re in R EM slee p .”可 以 看 出 。
因此,C 为正确选项。
3 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 文 中 第 九 段“ … Researc he rs know th at duri ng REM slee p the
par t of t he brain t hat h andles learni ng and th inking is v ery active .”指 出 , 这 一 阶 段 是 大 脑 处 理 知 识
与思考 , 显然有助于学习。因此 ,C 为正确选项。
4 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。“ But with th e dev elopme nt of industry , smok e from factor ies be gan
to rea ch th e tr ees whe re the moth settled . I t mad e the tr ees blac ke r .”工 厂 排 放 黑 烟 , 使 树 的 颜 色 变
黑。因此, D 为正确选项。
5 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 从 第 一 段 可 以 看 出 , 起 初 蛾 的 颜 色 为 浅 棕 色 , 但 随 着 工 厂
排放黑烟,使树的颜色变黑, 而蛾的颜色亦改变。这 是大自 然规律 作用的 结果。因 此,C 为
6 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 图 表 中 可 以 看 出 , 浅 棕 色 的 蛾 减 少 幅 度 要 大 于 深 棕 色 的
蛾, 这是由于它们的颜色与树的不一致,易受侵害。因此,A 为正确选项。
7 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 全 文 讲 述 了 蛾 随 环 境 的 变 化 而 改 变 自 身 的 环 境 适 应 性 , 属
自然选择。因此,C 为正确选项。
8 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 一 段“ Scientists around t he wor ld h ave be en studyi ng the
warmi ng of waters in th e Pacific Ocea n known as EL Nino .”可 以 看 出 。 因 此 , B 为 正 确 选 项 。
9 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 一 段 谈 到“ 虽 然 科 学 家 们 并 不 完 全 了 解 厄 尔 尼 诺 , 然 而
他 们 可 以 利 用 它 预 测 世 界 不 同 地 区 的 将 来 天 气 变 化 ”。 因 此 , A 为 正 确 选 项 。
10 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 选 项 D 可 以 从 第 二 段“ Th ey mean s c orn c rop s i n Zim ba bwe
ar e poor . The last EL Nino was i n 1991 to 1993 . Th at was wh en south eastern Africa suffere d a serious
lack of r ain .”推 断 出 来 。 选 项 C 应 该 是 South eastern Afr ica suffer ed a seriou s lack of r ai n . 因 此 ,
D 为正确选项。
11 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 三 段 第 一 句“ Th e scie ntists wrote about th eir r ecen t work
in the publication Nature .”可 知 , Nat ur e 是 一 刊 物 , 科 学 家 在 上 面 发 表 一 些 科 学 发 现 。 因 此 ,
D 为正确选项。
12 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 全 文 讲 述 了 厄 尔 尼 诺 的 可 预 测 性 。 因 此 , A 为 正 确 选 项 。
13 . 答 案 为 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 第 三 句 末“ . . .he wa nts to teac h t hem , he wan ts t hem to
NMET 阅读理解仿真试题答案解析
le arn somethi ng from him . . .”选 项 A 与 C 只 是 文 中 交 代 的 一 个 侧 面 , 选 项 D 则 与 之 相 反 。 因
此,B 为正确选项。
14 . 答 案 为 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中“ . . .Th ey seem to feel that a ce rtain selection of sha pes
a nd colors, out of th e c ountles s billions possi ble , is excep tionally i nteresti ng for t hem and worth
showing to u s . . . .”选 项 A 、B、D 均 包 含 在 选 项 C 中 。 因 此 , C 为 正 确 选 项 。
15 . 答 案 为 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 八 句“ . . . Contempora ry artists might sa y th at they
mer ely choose sub jects th at provide an inte resting pattern , th at th ere is not hing more in it . Yet e ven
th ey do not choose entir ely withou t r efe ren ce to the ch ar acter of th ei r subjects .”可 以 看 出 选 项 A 、B
均为断章取义, 选项 C 则与交代事实相反。因此,D 为正确选项。
16 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。“ . . .eac h of th em is d irecting our atte ntion to a cer tai n asp ect of
the world . ”可 知 , 选 项 A 与 交 代 事 实 相 反 , 选 项 C、D 显 然 与 文 章 不 相 干 。 因 此 , B 为 正 确 选
17 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 此 题 可 通 过 排 除 法 , 选 项 B、C、D 均 不 能 从 文 中 找 到 证 据
支 持 。 选 项 A 由“ He hop es th e public will listen and unde rsta nd — he wants to teac h th em , and he
wa nts them to learn from h im . … ”,“ all of whic h mean t hat , consciously or un consciously , he is
trying to teach us .”可 以 推 断 出 来 。 因 此 , A 为 正 确 选 项 。
18 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 由 第 十 三 、十 四 句“ He le arns th e usefuln ess of langu ages as a
means of r epresenting wh at h e sees , and gains skill a nd certain ty in t he expression of his exper ien ces .
To h ave given up one ’s expe rien ce to words is to h ave begun m arking out t he limits and pote ntial of its
mean ing .”得 知 , 写 日 记 对 充 分 发 挥 语 言 应 用 非 常 重 要 , 选 项 B 、C、D 均 不 能 从 文 中 找 到 足
够支持。因此,A 为正确选项。
19 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 选 项 A 、B、D 均 与 文 中 事 实 相 符 , 选 项 C 与“ Th e journ alist
be gi ns to p ay closer attention to what h appe ns to and around himself . He develops a nd sharp ens his
sk ills of observation .”意 义 相 反 。 因 此 , C 为 正 确 选 项 。
20 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 章 从 不 同 的 角 度 说 明 记 日 记 的 意 义 。 因 此 , C 为 正 确 选 项 。
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
Test Fifteen
1 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 从 全 文 可 知 , 作 者 对 美 化 北 京 的 政 策 方 针 持 赞 成 态 度 , 对
因为实施这些政策而引起某些人的喋喋不休表示厌烦。因此,C 为正确选项。
2 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 该 题 要 求 推 断 作 者 的 态 度 。 根 据 第 二 、三 段 可 知 作 者 对 美
化北京的政策表示赞同。因此,B 为正确选项。
3 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。“ strip”的 核 心 意 思 为“ 脱 去 , 剥 去 ”, 在 此 句 中 意 为“ 确 伐 ”。
因此,D 为正确选项。
4 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 该 题 要 求 总 结 第 四 段 主 旨 大 意 , 本 段 主 要 讲 了 作 者 认 为 那
些抱怨没有必要, 更不切合实际。因此,D 为正确选项。
5 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 并 为 涉 及 三 个 外 国 人 的 国 籍 情 况 。 因 此 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
6 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 二 段 最 后 一 句 可 知 , 引 起 人 们 蜂 拥 上 车 和 把 他 们 挤 到 一
边的主要 原因是三个人 不了解上车要 事先排队的风 俗习惯而致。 因此,C 为正确选项。
7 . 答 案 A。 该 题 于 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 二 自 然 段 后 半 部 分 所 讲 的 关 于 保 加 利 亚 、印 度 和
阿拉伯国家的风俗习惯的有关内容, 可知 A 为正确选项。
8 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 从 文 中 最 后 一 句 中 “ . . . avoid touch ing t he h ead of an
adu lt . . .”看 出 , 这 是 一 种 罕 见 或 禁 止 的 行 为 。 问 句 的 结 构 为 否 定 式 , 因 此 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
9 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 讨 论 的 焦 点 是 人 是 否 有 决 定 死 亡 的 权 力 , 文 章 认 为 ,
在难以忍受病痛的情况下,人有选择死的权力。因此,B 为正确选项。
10 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 文 中 第 一 句 话“ 医 疗 技 术 的 发 展 使 人 的 寿 命 比 以 前
延 长 了 ”。 因 此 , A 为 正 确 选 项 。
11 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 章 列 举 了 两 种 观 点 , 即 人 有 选 择 死 的 权 力 , 和 死 不 如 生 。
但文章的末尾提到, 这场争论没有确切的答案。因此,C 为正确选项。
12 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 第 一 段 主 要 讲 新 加 坡 在 美 国 发 生 9・11 事 件 后 , 出 于
对国 家 安 全 的 考 虑 而 通 过 一 项 议 案 , 这 一 议 案 允 许 政 府 采 取 必 要 行 动 对 付 恐 怖 活 动 。 因
此,A 为正确选项。
13 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 本 段 最 后 一 句 话 可 判 定 , 举 行 同 乡 会 在 双 年 份 , 因 此 , C
14 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 中 的 计 算 题 。 本 段 最 后 一 句 谈 到 前 7 个 月 的 出 口 额 为 U .S .
$ 64 .6 billion , 占 总 额 的 43 . 8 % , 因 此 , B 为 正 确 选 项 。
15 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 文 章 内 容 可 知 , A 、B、C 三 个 选 项 均 正 确 , 只 有 D 项 错
误。因此,D 为正确选项。
16 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 根 据 文 中 的 信 息 及 相 关 的 内 容 , 结 合 提 供 选 项 的 答 案 , 可
NMET 阅读理解仿真试题答案解析
知 A 为正确选项。
17 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 考 查“ p art ”在 上 下 文 中 的 指 代 关 系 。 根 据 第 一 段 一 、二 句
可 知“
, p art ”指 文 中 所 列 举 单 词 中 包 含 的 共 同 词 根“ port”, 因 此 , p art 在 此 处 表 达 了“ 词 根 ”之
意。故 C 为正确选项。
18 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 一 段 第 三 句 话 可 知 , B 应 为 正 确 选 项 。
19 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 二 自 然 段 第 二 句 话 “ You ca n see that in this case
th ese words a re nouns wh ich are ma de up of t he ve rbs p lus a suffix , t hus mean ing a pe rson who
comp letes th e v erb .So supporte r me ans some body who suppor ts .”可 知 D 为 正 确 选 项 。
20 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。 词 根 加 前 、后 缀 可 引 起 词 义 变 化 , 该 词 根 为“ fi ne ”, 意 为“ 良
好 的 , 精 华 的 ”, 前 缀“ re ”意 为“ 再 次 ”, 后 缀“ me nt ”是 名 词 的 构 词 标 志 。 refin ement 意 为“ 精
制 , 文 雅 ”。 因 此 , A 为 正 确 选 项 。
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
Test Sixteen
1 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 本 文 主 要 讲 述 了 为 迎 合 北 京 申 奥 , 北 京 市 政 府 部 门 在 美 化
环 境 方 面 要 做 的 努 力 , A 、B、C 三 项 正 是 主 要 需 解 决 的 问 题 , 在 文 中 均 可 找 到 , D 项 与 文 章 内
容不符。因此 D 为正确选项。
2 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。“ relocate ”的 核 心 意 思 为“ 设 置 于 新 的 地 方 , 建 造 于 新 的 地
方 ; 迁 徙 ”, 在 此 句 中 意 为“ 迁 徙 , 迁 出 ”。 因 此 , B 为 正 确 选 项 。
3 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 一 自 然 段 可 知 , 巴 黎 是 所 有 东 道 主 城 市 中 空 气 质 量
最好的城市。因此 D 为正确选项。
4 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 篇 是 人 物 传 记 性 文 章 , 介 绍 了 第 一 台 电 视 机 的 发 明 者 约
翰・贝 尔 德 的 生 平 以 及 他 如 何 发 明 电 视 机 。 B 、C 、D 三 选 项 都 不 能 概 括 本 文 内 容 。 因 此 , A
5 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 。 根 据 第 二 段 第 一 、二 句“ He was not a healthy man . That ’s why
he was rejecte d for a rmy service at th e time of th e first worl d war and h ad to work in a power station .
可知, 贝尔德想参军打仗,但因身体不好被拒绝。因此,C 为正确选项。
6 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 一 段 最 后 两 句 话 , 在 一 战 中“ It was th er e th at h e first
had th e i dea of tra nsmitti ng pictur es .”可 知 , 贝 尔 德 是 在 大 学 期 间 开 始 有 发 明 电 视 这 一 想 法 的 。
因此,A 为正确选项。
7 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 三 段 第 一 、二 句“ He was so poor t hat he a ccepte d an
offe r to show h is exp erimen ts in a big London store . Mon ey from his p are nts allowed him to con ti nue his
work .”可 知 , 主 要 是 因 为 父 母 提 供 的 资 助 , 贝 尔 德 的 实 验 才 得 以 继 续 进 行 。 因 此 , D 为 正 确
8 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 一 自 然 段 的 相 关 描 述 , Ben in 应 位 于 西 非 , 近 几 内 亚
湾 , 在 BF 和 Nr 的 南 面 , 西 邻 Tg , 东 邻 Na 。 因 此 , C 为 正 确 选 项 。
9 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 二 自 然 段 第 一 句 话“ Be nin used to b e called Da homey
a nd was controlle d and ruled by Fr an ce from 1893 to 1960 , whe n it b ecame inde pe nd en t .”可 知 , C 为
10 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 Be nin 于 1960 年 独 立 , 1975 年 11 月 成 立 为 共 和 国 , 共 15
年。因此 ,C 为正确选项。
11 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 文 章 可 知 , 在 不 同 时 期 B enin 的 统 治 者 分 别 为 1963
年 , Ma ; 1965 年 , So ; 1970 年 , Ma ; 1971 年 , Ah ; 1975 年 , Ke 。 因 此 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
12 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 倒 数 第 二 句 话“ In Novembe r 1975 Ke rekou ch anged the
n ame of t he n ation from Da homey to Ben in , Ben in being t he n ame of a 17t h cen tury ki ngdom cover ing
NMET 阅读理解仿真试题答案解析
th e same p lace .”可 知 , 这 个 国 家 最 古 老 的 名 字 是 Beni n , 后 曾 用 过 Dahomey 为 国 名 , 但 最 后
又 被 改 为 Be nin 。 因 此 , B 为 正 确 选 项 。
13 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 是 一 篇 关 于“ 21 世 纪 杯 ”全 国 英 语 口 语 竞 赛 信 息 的 通
知。因此,B 为正确选项。
14 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据“ Th e fifth through th e 10 t h place winners will b e offer ed
cash prizes . All t he comp etitors will receive certificates from th e English spea king Union a nd book
prizes provi ded by Pearson E du cation and t he For eign Langu age Teach ing and R esear ch Press .” 可
知,在本次竞赛中, 前五名选手可获 得不 同的奖 励, 所有 参赛 选手 都会 获得 证 书和 书籍 作
为奖励。因此,A 为正确选项。
15 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。“ offh and”的 核 心 意 思 为“ 事 先 未 加 思 索 或 未 作 准 备 的 ; 临
时 的 ”在 本 文 中 与“ pre pa red”意 义 相 反 , 意 为“ 即 席 的 ; 无 准 备 的 ”。 因 此 , C 为 正 确 选 项 。
16 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据“ Th e top two winne rs will b e offe re d sc holarsh ip to tr avel to
th e annual in ternation al E nglish- sp eaki ng com petition , wh ich will b e h eld by th e English sp eak ing
Un ion in London i n May .”可 知 , 并 非 所 有 优 秀 者 都 享 受 此 殊 荣 , 因 此 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
17 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 文 章 是 关 于 美 国 9・11 事 件 的 一 则 新 闻 , B 项 最 符 合 文 章
的特点。因此 ,B 为正确选项。
18 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 三 节 最 后 一 句 话“ And t he 18 minutes b efore th e n ext
pla ne wou ld hit wer e ticki ng off .”和 最 后 一 段 第 一 句 话“ R ich ard Jacobs of F uji B ank left th e 79 th
floor . . .b efore the p lane cr ash ed in to th ei r floor .”可 知 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
19 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 第 四 段 内 容“ the buildi ng was sound and the t hr eat was
limited to th e oth er tower .”可 知 , 通 知 告 诉 人 们 本 楼 完 好 无 损 , 只 是 另 外 一 幢 楼 受 到 威 胁 。
所 以 , 可 推 断“ stay put”表 示“ 呆 在 原 地 不 动 ”。 因 此 , C 为 正 确 选 项 。
20 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 文 章 的 描 述 可 知 , 事 件 发 生 在 一 工 作 日 , 此 时 正 是 世
贸中心工作人员办公时间,因而造成大量人员伤亡。如果 是在星 期天, 伤亡人 数则一定 会
减少。因此,B 为正确选项。
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
Test Seventeen
1 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 讲 述 了 一 个 职 业 妇 女 随 着 经 济 地 位 的 提 高 与 丈 夫 之
间产生的矛盾,所遇到的困惑。因此, A 为正确选项。
2 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 文 中 的 妇 女 在 1965 年 结 婚 , 度 过 了 十 年 幸 福 的 生 活 。 四
年 前 孩 子 上 了 学 , 因 此 , 本 文 应 写 于 1980 年 左 右 。 因 此 , B 为 正 确 选 项 。
3 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 二 段 可 看 出 , 她 的 丈 夫 非 常 支 持 她 , 帮 助 她 做 决 定 。
因此,C 为正确选项。
4 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 四 五 段 可 看 出 , 尽 管 她 的 工 资 长 了 , 可 以 买 新 衣 服 , 新
车,做他们以前梦想做的事, 但他们并没有做,这是因为她的 丈夫不 快乐。而且 他们现在 常
因小事吵架。因此,A 为正确选项。
5 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。
“ c ritic al ” 可 解 释 为“ 挑 剔 的 ; 至 关 重 要 的 ”。 联 系 上 下 文 可
看出,她的丈夫经常挑她的毛病。因此, 选项 D 为正确答案。
6 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 , 需 要 对 整 篇 文 章 有 整 体 理 解 , 主 要 考 查 综 合 概 括 能 力 。 A,
B,C 三个选项都只是文中谈到 问题 的某一 方面 , 都 过于 片面 , 本文 分析 了对 中 学生 来说 很
重要的一个问题即心理问题。因此,D 为正确选项。
7 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 一 段 的 最 后 一 句 可 以 找 到 正 确 答 案 。“ This or iginates
from falling out with p eop le or from pr es sur e with studies , c ausi ng de pr ession , con stan t worry and
fear .”在 此 句 中 ,“ origi nates from”是 源 于 的 意 思 , “ fall ou t with”means“ qua rr el with”。 选 项 B、
C 、D 都 是 间 接 原 因 。 因 此 , A 为 正 确 选 项 。
8 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 答 案 一 定 是 通 过 文 中 一 些 语 句 做 出 的 推 论 , 而 不 能 是 文 中
的 原 句 。 选 项 A 、C、D 都 是 正 确 的 说 法 , 但 都 是 原 句 , 非 推 断 所 得 , 故 不 能 选 。 通 过 最 后 一
段可以推断,并不是所有的父 母都 是孩子 的朋 友, 否则孩 子就 有可 能向 他们 倾诉 烦恼。 因
此,B 为正确选项。
9 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 要 求 对 整 篇 文 章 的 结 构 与 思 路 整 体 把 握 , 体 会 作 者 的 写 作
态度。作者在本文既提出了问题又分析了问题,还解决了问 题,所 以, 他是很关 心这个现 象
的 。 Critic al 是 批 判 的 , Com plaini ng 是 抱 怨 的 , 这 两 个 词 都 不 足 以 概 括 作 者 的 写 作 态 度 。 而
indiffer ent 是 漠 不 关 心 的 , 显 然 不 对 。 因 此 , A 为 正 确 选 项 。
10 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 词 句 释 义 题 。 此 题 可 用 排 除 法 。 做 出 正 确 判 断 。“ Living und er su ch great
pressur e ma kes tee nag ers suscep ti ble to mental problems .”Again st 是“ 反 对 ”的 意 思 , 显 然 不 可 以 。
“ 害 怕 发 生 ”不 符 合 句 意 。“ 怀 疑 ”也 不 切 题 。 故 应 是“ 极 易 受 影 响 的 ”意 思 。 因 此 , A 为 正
11 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 本 文 是 广 告 题 材 , 篇 幅 较 长 , 题 目 多 是 信 息 题 。 应 先 阅 读
NMET 阅读理解仿真试题答案解析
题 目 , 带 着 问 题 找 答 案 。 选 项 A“ b e on”的 意 为“ 上 演 , 正 上 映 ”, 所 以 选 此 答 案 。“ b e up”意
为“ 出 事 , 发 生 ”。“ th eat res”意 为“ 剧 院 ”“
, performa nces”意 为“ 演 出 , 表 演 ”。 因 此 , 选 项 B 、C、
D 均不符合题意。
12 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 一 部 分 可 以 很 容 易 地 找 到 答 案 。 因 此 , B 为 正 确 选 项 。
13 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 需 要 对 每 一 句 话 进 行 验 证 。 选 项 A 中 On Nov .5 nigh t , 有
两 场 演 出 , 即 Br itish m usic 和 Olymp ic mu sic 。 选 项 B 中 应 拨 打 6835-1383 这 个 号 码 。 选 项 C
中 演 出 者 应 是 中 国 乐 团 。 从 最 后 一 篇 文 章 里“ he has bee n honored as … ”可 看 出 , 选 项 D 是
正确的。因此,D 为正确选项。
14 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 本 文 是 非 常 实 用 的 旅 航 表 。 只 要 能 够 按 照 时 间 , 航 班 及 地
点等各要素对应题目的要求, 就能 准确 迅速 的捕 捉到 有用 信息。 做题 方法 一 般是 先去 浏
览题目再看文章。该题要求先 把题干 弄明 白。李 要在 当地 时 间星 期二 从巴 黎动 身, 问 什
么时间到达上海。从第一个时间表可容易地找到正确答案。因此,C 为正确选项。
15 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 只 要 认 真 寻 找 , 分 清 电 话 号 码 及 传 真 号 码 就 可 以 找 到 这 两
个 号 码 , 即 : ( 010 ) 64651867 和 ( 021 ) 32220022 。 因 此 , C 为 正 确 选 项 。
16 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 判 断 题 , 考 查 文 章 题 材 。 这 是 一 个 时 间 表 , 并 非 广 告 , 通 知 或 表 格 。 因
此, A 为正确选项。
17 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 可 从 第 六 段 找 出 答 案 。 乔 丹 以 往 的 最 差 记 录 是 1986 年 的
8 分, 而两天前他在比赛中仅得了 6 分。因此,A 为正确选项。
18 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 理 解 判 断 题 。 通 过 句 子“ not only h ave we learne d how to play wit h Jorda n ,
but he le arn ed how to play wit h me ”
“ 不仅我们要学会怎样配合乔丹打比赛,他也要学着跟 我
配 合 。”说 明 乔 丹 的 时 代 已 经 过 去 。 因 此 , C 为 正 确 选 项 。
19 . 答 案 A 。该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。“ optimistic ”意 思 是“ 乐 观 的 ”。 判 断 词 义 是 阅 读 中 常 出 现 的
题 , 应 掌 握 通 过 语 境 判 断 词 义 的 技 能 。“ on ly a few p eop le wer e optimistic th at h e could r egain
h is old glory . Eve n Jord an ha d doubts. ”对 乔 丹 能 不 能 恢 复 往 日 的 辉 煌 连 他 自 己 都 存 有 怀 疑 。
所以应是很少有人持乐观态度。选项 B 是高兴的意思,选了这个 语意, 就好象 乔丹已经 能
够 恢 复 而 人 们 感 到 高 兴 一 样 , 实 则 不 然 。 选 项 C“ believab le ”是“ 可 信 的 , 值 得 信 任 的 ”, 放
在 此 句 中 成 了“ 一 些 人 是 可 信 的 ”了 , 显 然 不 对 。 因 此 , A 为 正 确 选 项 。
20 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 这 类 题 还 包 括 选 题 目 和 说 出 文 章 的 大 意 等 。 可 用 逆 向 思
维 做 此 类 型 题 。 比 如 先 假 设 选 A, 整 篇 文 章 就 要 围 绕 这 个 主 题 去 写 , 即 乔 丹 的 履 历 , 实 际
上 这 篇 文 章 不 是 这 样 写 的 。 所 以 不 能 选 A 。 通 过 最 后 一 段“ I don’t th ink I ca n do ( 50 poi nts )
eve ry nigh t 大 家 不 难 看 出 乔 丹 只 是 暂 时 恢 复 了 状 态 , 不 可 能 回 到 以 前 的 辉 煌 。 故 选 项 D 不
对。而选项 C
“ 为 了 使 怀 疑 者 相 信 乔 丹 ”也 不 是 文 章 的 主 旨 。 因 此 , B 为 正 确 选 项 。
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
Test Eighteen
1 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 通 过 倒 数 第 二 段 可 以 找 到 答 案 。 通 过“ Wh ate ver you may
th ink about its artistic qualities , t he English of the mode rn world is di rect a nd to th e point”这 一 句 话
可 以 否 定 选 项 B。 通 过 最 后 一 段 可 以 看 出 , 选 项 C 的 说 法 不 对 。 通 过 第 五 段 可 以 看 出 用 习
语不是使你显得时髦而是老派, 选项 D 不对。因此,A 为正确选项。
2 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 要 求 答 案 不 能 是 文 中 的 原 句 , 而 是 通 过 某 些 语 句 推 断 出 的
结 论 。 选 项 A、B 、D 都 是 文 中 的 原 句 , 虽 然 正 确 , 但 不 能 选 。 因 此 C 为 正 确 选 项 。
3 . 答 案 D。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 通 过 全 文 可 看 出 作 者 对 i dioms 是 持 否 定 态 度 的 。 所 以 当 他 听 到
学 生 用 for Donk ey’s years 感 到 吃 惊 , 认 为 这 种 比 喻 太 曲 折 、晦 涩 。 因 此 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
4 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 三 段 可 以 看 出 , 选 项 A 和 C 是 正 确 的 。 从 第 二 段 可 看
出,选项 D 是正确的。因此,B 为正确选项。
5 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 可 以 从 第 一 句 话“ New Year ’s Eve in th e Unite d Kingdom
usually . . .”看 出 。 因 此 B 为 正 确 选 项 。
6 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 二 段“ Many young Chin ese a pp ear j ust as d etermin ed to
usher in th e New Year with music and d an cing 可 以 看 出 答 案 。 因 此 , A 为 正 确 选 项 。
7 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 文 中 有 这 样 一 句 话“ I feaste d on t he sna ke with a group of
Westerne rs at a neighborhood r estaura nt in B eijing .在 此 , 虽 然 有 个 n eighborhood , 但 它 是 指 在 作 者
居住的附近, 而非北京附近,故选项 A 不对。作者不喜欢蛇皮, 所以选项 B 说法欠完整。作
者在酒吧里不仅和他的 朋 友而 且和 好 多中 国 朋友 一 起 迎接 新 年的 到 来。故 选 项 C 不对。
选项 D 可以从第四段找到。因此 D 为正确选项。
8 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 通 过 第 二 段 简 单 的 运 算 可 以 判 断 选 项 A 弄 反 了 。 倒 数 第
三 段 中“ we believe Chin a’s e conom y will kee p mode rate growth throughou t t he fourt h qu arte r a nd into
next yea r , ”句 中 Mode rate 含 义 是“ 适 度 的 , 温 和 的 ”, 故 选 项 B 说 法 不 正 确 。 选 项 D 需 要 简 单
的 运 算 , 通 过 第 一 段 给 出 的 美 元 和 人 民 币 的 兑 换 比 率 , 能 算 出 中 国 出 口 额 应 是 1549 .5 billion
Yuan 而 非 1749 .5 。 通 过 最 后 一 段 话 可 以 看 出 C 为 正 确 选 项 。
9 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 题 干 问 文 章 是 从 什 么 角 度 写 的 , 文 章 是 从 统 计 学 的 角 度 写
的。因为文章利用了大量的数据统计, 对中 国的 经济进 行了 分析。 选项 A 是 政治的 角度,
选 项 B 是 经 济 的 角 度 , 选 项 D 是 数 学 的 角 度 。 选 项 B、D 干 扰 性 比 较 强 , 但 选 项 C 更 恰 当 。
因此,C 为正确选项。
10 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 通 过 文 中 第 六 段“ I mports r each ed US $ 163 .1 billion , a rise
of 38 .7 p er ce nt . ”今 年 是 163 .1 , 比 去 年 增 长 了 38 .7 个 百 分 点 。 不 难 算 出 去 年 应 是 117 .6 。
因此,A 为正确选项。
NMET 阅读理解仿真试题答案解析
11 . 答 案 C。 该 题 是 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 选 项 A
“ 中 国 的 经 济 结 构 ”显 然 不 符 合 文 章 的 主 题 。 选
项 B
“ 影 响 中 国 经 济 的 因 素 ”也 不 切 题 。 而 选 项 D
“ 中 国 的 经 济 政 策 ”也 不 能 概 括 本 篇 文 章 。
选项 C 是一种比较常见的新闻报道的题目,简捷明了地概括了文 章的主 题,一 看就知道 文
章要说中国经济增长的有关问题。因此,C 为正确选项。
12 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 词 语 释 义 题 。 Negative 是“ 否 定 的 , 负 面 的 ”, 故 应 选 B。 而 选 项 A 意 为
“ 有 好 处 的 ”, 选 项 C 意 为“ 不 包 括 的 ”, 选 项 D 意 为“ 不 正 确 的 ”。 都 不 符 合 这 里 的 语 义 。 因
此,B 为正确选项。
13 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 选 项 A
“ 能 干 ”和“ 有 效 率 ”是 后 来 证 实 的 。 刚 开 始 时 , 作 者
应 是 由 于 选 项 C 中 所 描 述 的 原 因 。 他 不 可 能 仅 仅 因 为 想 搞 特 殊 或 由 于 Birdie 漂 亮 。 因 此 ,
C 为正确选项。
14 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 通 过 文 中“ I knew if t her e was a nythi ng Birdie d id not do
nor mally he r mot her would not ta ke long to corr ect h er .”这 句 话 : 我 知 道 要 是 Bi rdie 有 哪 些 地 方
做 不 好 的 话 , 她 的 母 亲 接 着 就 会 去 纠 正 她 的 。 由 此 可 见 , Birdie 的 母 亲 是 非 常 正 直 的 。 因
此,B 为正确选项。
15 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 作 者 问 Birdie 这 个 问 题 旨 在 弄 清 楚 她 有 没 有 男 朋 友 , 这 个
问 题 可 以 通 过 这 一 句 话 证 实 : But I knew as long as a gi rl h ad a man of her own to look after she
would give m e no trouble . 因 此 , B 为 正 确 选 项 。
16 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 通 过 第 一 段 , 可 看 出 作 者 对 Birdie 的 选 择 是 非 常 慎 重 的 ,
他去 了 她 生 活 的 环 境 进 行 了 认 真 的 实 地 考 察 , 从 而 断 定 她 的 家 教 是 非 常 好 的 , 才 选 择 了
她。文中作者并没表达选项 A 这样 的观 点。评论 别人 的事 情固然 不应 该, 就此作 者在 文
中也没发表看法,故选项 B 也不妥当。选项 D 说只要你够大胆, 选一个年轻女孩当保姆 没
什么大不了,显然也不符合作者最初进行 的慎 重的 考察选 择。故 D 项 也不 正确。 因此,C
17 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 辨 图 识 方 位 题 。 根 据 第 二 段 、第 三 段 可 以 看 出 , 地 中 海 在 南 边 , 所 以 排
除 C、D 选 项 。 再 根 据 Aeg ean Sea 及 th e Ionia n Se a 和 希 腊 的 位 置 判 断 , 因 此 A 为 正 确 选 项 。
18 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 从 第 四 段 的“ . . . th e Gre ek people d evelop ed a civilized
society . Gr eek a rch itect ur e t hinking and ar t infl ue nce oth er civilization s . Even t he Gr eek la nguage
influ en ced oth er langu ages . . .”可 以 清 楚 地 看 出 , 本 文 是 讲 希 腊 早 期 文 明 在 人 类 历 史 发 展 中
产生的重要影响。因此,C 为正确选项。
19 . 答 案 A 。该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 最 后 一 段 可 以 找 到 答 案 。 因 此 , A 为 正 确 选 项 。
20 . 答 案 C。该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。要 通 过 对 整 篇 文 章 的 理 解 进 行 概 括 。 选 项 A 、B、D 都 只 是
文中提及的部分内容 , 不足以概括整篇文章。选项 C 就比较全面。因此 ,C 为正确选项。
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
Test Nineteen
1 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 第 一 段 主 要 介 绍 如 何 到 达 Port Douglas , 第 二 段 主 要 介 绍
Port Douglas 的 气 候 。 选 项 A 、B 都 不 能 完 整 地 表 达 文 章 的 内 容 , 因 此 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
2 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 由 于 美 国 人 只 能 从 美 国 城 市 Los Angeles 开 始 旅 行 , 因 此 可
排 除 选 项 B。 Por t Douglas 无 飞 机 场 , 可 排 除 选 项 A。 从“ The re ar e no dir ect in ternation al flights
from Cairns”知 , Cai rns 不 是 国 际 机 场 , 不 能 从 美 国 直 接 到 达 Port Douglas , 可 排 除 选 项 C。 因
此,D 为正确选项。
3 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 二 段 第 四 句“ Anoth er good re ason to avoid t he summer
months, from October t hrough May , is t he presen ce of large box jellyfish es , c alle d marin e sting ers
locally , whose sting is p ainful and can be fatal .”中 可 以 直 接 找 到 答 案 B。 注 意 , 在 一 个 句 子 中 间
插入一个短语, 用来说明或解释前面 的内 容是常 见的 语言 现象, 应该 逐渐 学会 使用 这种 表
4 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。从 句 子“ During t he summer months , c yclones are a thre at a nd the
tropical climate c an b e unb eara ble , with h ighs around 34 ℃ , high humid ity and n early 20 in ch es of
r ainfall a mont h .”可 知 , 在 夏 季 , 旋 风 和 热 带 气 候 是 无 法 忍 受 的 。 在 第 三 题 中 , 我 们 已 知 道
large box jellyfish 也 是 避 免 夏 季 到 Por t Douglas 旅 游 的 一 个 原 因 。 因 此 , 选 项 A、B 、C 都 是 夏 季
到 Port Douglas 旅 游 的 不 利 因 素 , 故 D 为 正 确 选 项 。
5 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 主 旨 大 意 题 。 第 一 段 的 句 子“ Li ke ma ny enginee rs , I r ely on textbooks to stay
informe d .”和“ Un li ke formal classes , textbooks e na ble me to pursue the topics th at I am in tereste d in
at my own p ace .”点 明 主 题 。 选 项 B、C 、D 都 是 与“ Textbooks”相 关 的 细 节 问 题 , 因 此 , A 为 正 确
6 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 本 文 首 句“ Like many engine ers , I r ely on textbooks to stay
informed .”中 可 以 直 接 找 到 答 案 A 。 注 意 , 词 组 to r ely on st h to do st h( 依 靠 … 做 某 事 ) 是 一 个
有用的短语。因此,A 为正确选项。
7 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 从 第 二 段 最 后 一 句“ Withou t an a nswer k ey , it is d ifficu lt to
ob jectively judge your progress .”中 可 以 直 接 找 到 答 案 。 因 此 , C 为 正 确 选 项 。
8 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 通 读 全 文 , 作 者 支 持 选 项 B , 而 不 支 持 另 外 三 种 观 点 , 这 可
以 从 下 面 的 句 子 中 体 现 出 来 。 据 第 二 段 的 三 四 句“ To know th at wh at you a re doing is corr ect , it
is importan t to have an a nswer key . Without an a nswer k ey , it is difficult to ob jectively judge your
progress .”可 排 除 选 项 A。 根 据 本 文 最 后 一 句“ Any i nstru ctor who is i nca pa ble of cre ating his own
test problems should ente r a differ ent line of work .”可 排 除 选 项 C。 根 据 第 三 段 最 后 两 句“ So wh at
if I was ? St ud en ts shou ld ha ve access to th e correct a nswers , too .”可 排 除 选 项 D 。 因 此 , B 为 正 确
NMET 阅读理解仿真试题答案解析
选 项 。 注 意 , 最 后 一 个 句 子 使 用 虚 拟 语 气 ,“ So wh at if I was ?”等 同 于“ So wh at I woul d do if I
was th e publishe r”。
9 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 由 第 一 段 第 二 句“ Bu t he pr efers to stay in t he old office beca use
he is worr ied about serious air pollu tion in sid e the newly dec orate d build ing .”可 以 直 接 找 到 答 案 。
因此,C 为正确选项。
10 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 判 断 题 。 由 第 二 段 第 二 句“ According to statistics from th e Worl d Health
Organ ization , a bout 30 per ce nt of n ewly built or r ebuilt st ru ctures in th e worl d con tai n h armfu l
gases .”可 知 , 30 % 的 建 筑 含 有 害 气 体 , 而 只 有 选 项 C ( on e- thi rd ) 最 接 近 于 30 % 。 因 此 , C 为
11 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 由 第 二 段 第 四 句“ Methods incl ud e air-purifyi ng mac hin es th at
can produ ce ozon e ; spr aying c hemicals to con trol poisons i n th e ai r ; boili ng vin egar i n the room ;
k eep ing windows ope n 24 hours to let t he air flow smooth ly .”知 , 选 项 A 、B、C 都 是 文 章 中 介 绍 的
方法,可以排除。因此,D 为正确选项。
12 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 A 、C、D 三 个 选 项 都 是 文 中 支 持 的 观 点 , 选 项 B 不 够 准 确 。
由 第 三 段 第 四 句“ Usu ally , th e plan ts a bsorb ha rmful mate rials a nd g ases t hrough th e leaves . Roots
and eve n earth a nd bacter ia p lay a role in cleani ng the air .”知 , leaves 起 更 重 要 的 作 用 。 因 此 , B
13 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 由 第 二 段 第 二 句“ This woul d enha nce safety by per mitting cross
tr aining a nd rap id exc hange of problem i de ntification and r esolu tion .”中 可 以 直 接 找 到 答 案 , 要 区
别选项 B, 它仅仅是涉及废热利用的一个侧面 , 是问题的一个细节。因此 ,A 为正确选项。
14 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 第 三 段 第 二 句“ It allows bo ats to stay i n t he water y ear round by
preve nting fr eezing , but b etter uses of waste h eat c oul d be found .”中 可 以 直 接 找 到 正 确 答 案 C , 其
15 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 从 作 者 的 语 气 中 可 知 , 选 项 A、B、C 都 是 潜 在 危 险 的 一 个
方面。因此,D 为正确选项。
16 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 本 文 首 句“ Th e nee d for a new round of nu clear power p lants
seems very clear .”隐 含 作 者 支 持 选 项 A ; 第 二 段 首 句“ It is con ceivab le t hat a sta nd ardize d plan t
cou ld b e d esign ed and re plicated .”隐 含 作 者 支 持 选 项 C ; 第 三 段 首 句“ Alr eady , fossil fuels are
very d ang erous in terms of d eaths .”隐 含 作 者 支 持 选 项 D。 至 于 选 项 B 认 为 目 前 的 核 电 站 已 经
是够安全了的观点在文中找不到。因此 ,B 为正确选项。
17 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 从 文 章 中 可 知 , 选 项 A 、B、D 都 是 正 确 的 事 实 , 由 第 二 段 第
二 句“ One Cherok ee name d Se quoya h saw how importa nt r ead ing and writi ng wer e to th e white man .
He de ci de d to inven t a way to write down the spoke n Che rok ee langu age .”可 以 推 断 出 , Ch erok ee 早
期无书面语言。因此,C 是正确选项。
18 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 事 实 细 节 题 。 由 第 二 段 第 八 句“ Using his own im agination and an English
spelli ng book , Se quoya h i nve nted a sign for eac h sound .”可 知 , B 为 正 确 选 项 。
19 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 从 文 章 中 很 容 易 排 除 选 项 B 、C , 正 确 答 案 只 能 是 A 、D 二
者 之 一 。 但 是 , 由 第 三 段 最 后 一 句“ Why shou ld t hey go to a str ange land fa r b eyond the
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
Missis sipp i R iver ?”中 知 道 , India n 人 被 移 民 到 离 Mississippi 河 很 远 的 地 方 。 因 此 , 选 项 D 可
以排除,A 为正确选项。
20 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 本 文 第 四 段“ The sick , t he old a nd th e small ch il dr en
we nt i n ca rts , along with their b elongings . T he r est of t he p eop le marc he d on foot or rod e on
horseb ack . I t was Nov embe r , yet ma ny of th em still wor e t heir summer clot hes .”中 可 以 排 除 选 项
A 、B ; 根 据 最 后 两 句“ Whe n the last group a rr ived in th eir new home in Marc h 1839 , more th an
4 , 000 ha d d ied . It was ind eed a mar ch of d eath .”可 以 排 除 选 项 C , 最 后 一 句 可 确 定 选 项 D 。 因
此,D 为正确选项。
NMET 阅读理解仿真试题答案解析
Test Twenty
1 . 答 案 A。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 三 句 话“ It was built m uc h ear lie r for a b ank er who later
became an emb assador .”可 知 , 那 所 房 子 最 早 属 于 一 位 银 行 家 。 因 此 , A 为 正 确 选 项 。
2 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 本 文 内 容“ Bu t th e congr es sma n ofte n sat with his close
friends i n t he kitch en at th e bac k of th e house .”可 知 , C 为 正 确 选 项 。
3 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 句 子“ Ladies and gen tleme n , welcome to th e Joshu a H ai nes
House , long time home of th e famous c ongressman and later judge .”可 知 , Haines 后 来 成 为 一 个 法
官。因此,B 为正确选项。
4 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 倒 数 第 二 句 话 中 的“ . . .while his wife , Marth a sewed or
took ca re of h er pla nts .”可 知 , C 为 正 确 选 项 。
5 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 一 段 第 二 句 话“ Ma ny prefe r to b e onlooke rs a nd not to
lend a h and to those in nee d ; ma ny ca re mor e about mon ey th an oth er t hings ; ”可 知 , 选 项 A、B 、C 都
是作者的观点,而选项 D 不是作者的观点。因此, D 为正确选项。
6 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 三 段 第 二 句 话“ His wife d ied insta ntly a nd his fat her- inlaw was hosp italize d du e to th e shoc k of losing his d aughte r .”可 知 , 这 位 雇 员 的 岳 父 是 因 为 女 儿 的
突然死亡才住院的。因此,B 为正确选项。
7 . 答 案 C 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 四 段 内 容 可 知 选 项 A 、B、D 都 是 正 确 的 。 ( terrible 与
horrific 同 义 ) 根 据 第 三 段 最 后 一 句 话“ W he n i nform ed , ma ny staff , in cludi ng sup ervisors and
ma nage rs we nt to comfor t him and donate d ( 捐 赠 ) mon ey to h elp him ou t .”可 知 , 发 生 事 故 后 , 他 的
同事捐了钱 , 但并没有说明捐了多少。因此 ,C 为正确选项。
8 . 答 案 C。 该 题 属 于 推 理 判 断 题 。 根 据 最 后 一 段 可 以 判 断 出 , 作 者 热 爱 他 的 公 司 是 因 为“ The
company is like one big family a nd the memb ers of the comp any help each other .”因 此 , C 是 正 确 选 项 。
9 . 答 案 B 。 该 题 属 推 理 判 断 题 。 首 先 根 据 第 二 句 话“ Now our home is i n the position of E ”可 知 ,
谈话应发生在一个家庭中;其次, 提供此路线者一定对这一地区很 熟悉, 而要按 此路线行 走
者肯定还不熟悉这一地区。只有选项 B 与推断相符。因此,B 为正确选项。
10 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 所 提 供 的 路 线 图 可 知 , B 为 正 确 选 项 。
11 . 答 案 B。 同 第 10 题 答 案 。
12 . 答 案 A 。 同 第 10 题 答 案 。
13 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 一 段 最 后 一 句 话“ Psychologists i de ntify frie nds as t hose
who acce pt e ach oth er , confid e in eac h othe r a nd feel responsi ble for eac h othe r .”可 知 “
, friend”概
念 包 括 了 选 项 A、
B 、C 三 个 方 面 的 内 容 , 因 此 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
14 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 四 段 第 一 句 话“ Friendshi p ra nks with marriage and
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
kinsh ip ( 血 源 关 系 ) as one of th e most importa nt relationsh ips in our lives , yet it c an be t he most
neglecte d .”可 知 , 作 者 认 为 , 朋 友 、婚 姻 和 血 缘 关 系 同 等 重 要 。 因 此 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
15 . 答 案 B。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 二 段 最 后 一 句 话“ He b ecame my husb and soon afte r ,
and we we re togethe r 39 ye ars un til he d ied at t he age of 62 .”可 知 , Milton Brothe rs 是 作 者 的 丈 夫 ,
因此,B 为正确选项。
16 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 最 后 一 句 话“ A b est-frie ndship gets ou t of bala nce wh en
the inte nsity b ecomes too one -sid ed .”可 知 , 当 朋 友 之 间 的 感 情 变 得 过 分 依 赖 某 一 方 时 , 这 种 朋
友关系就失去了平衡。因此,D 为正确选项。
17 . 答 案 A 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 一 段 第 一 句 话“ Pursu ing my lice nse h as forc ed me to
broa de n my knowledge beyond my sp ecialty .”可 知 , 作 者 是 为 了 获 取 证 书 才 强 迫 自 己 在 本 身 的
特长之外进一步拓展知识面。因此,A 为正确选项。
18 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 二 段 可 知 all profes sion s、t rad e 和 e ngin eer ing 均 被 提
到 , 只 有 const ru ction 未 被 提 到 。 因 此 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
19 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 第 三 段 第 一 句“ Wh en t he lase r was first develope d , it was
calle d a sol ution in sea rch of a problem .”可 知 , 当 激 光 最 初 被 研 究 出 来 时 , 仅 仅 作 为 解 决 某 一
问题的一种方案, 没有大规模应用。因此,D 为正确选项。
20 . 答 案 D 。 该 题 属 于 事 实 细 节 题 。 根 据 最 后 一 段 第 一 、二 两 句 话“ It is not easy to stay i n tou ch
with new developmen ts in e ngin eeri ng . It k eeps us up at n ight and sometimes away from our families .
It is tim e consuming .”可 知 , A 、B、C 三 选 项 均 不 正 确 。 “
( ke ep us up at nigh t”表 示 熬 夜 ) 。 根 据
最 后 一 句 话“ Bu t I do not thi nk it can b e mor e difficult th an sitti ng in a n in trodu ctory calcul us
class .”可 知 , D 为 正 确 选 项 。
1998 年~2002 年高考英语阅读理解试题
1998 年
阅读理解 : 阅读 下列短文 , 从每 题所给的 四个选项中 , 选出 一个最佳 答案。
Toda y , roller skating is easy a nd fun .But a long time a go , it wasn’t e asy at all .Before 1750 , th e idea
of skating d idn’t e xist .Th at c ha nge d b ecau se of a man name d Joseph Merlin .Merlin ’s work was mak ing
musical i nstrume nts .In h is spa re time h e lik ed to pla y the violin .Jose ph Merlin was a man of i deas and
dreams .People c alle d him a dreame r .
On e d ay Me rlin rec eiv ed a n invitation to atte nd a fan cy dress b all ( 化 装舞 会 ) .H e was very pleased
and a little excited .A s th e day of the p arty came n ear , Me rlin b ega n to th ink how to ma ke a gr and e ntra nce
at th e par ty .He h ad a n i dea .He t hough t th e would g et a lot of atte ntion if h e could skate i nto t he room .
Merlin t ried differ ent ways to mak e h imself roll .Finally , h e d ecide d to put two wh eelsund er e ach
shoe .Th ese were th e first roller sk ates .Merlin was v ery proud of his inv ention and dr eamed of arriving at
th e p arty on wheels while p laying th e violin .
On th e nigh t of party Me rli n rolle d in to t he room p laying his violin .Eve ryone was astonished to see
h im .Th er e was just one prob lem .Me rlin h ad no way to stop his roller skates .He rolled on and on .
Sudde nly , h e r an into a huge mirror th at was hanging on th e wall .Down fell th e mi rror , br eaki ng to pie ces .
Nobody forgot Merli n’s gra nd e ntr an ce for a long time !
1 . Th e text is mai nly about
A . a str ang e man
B . an unusual pa rty
C . how rolle r sk ating beg an
D . how p eop le e njoyed th emselves in the 18t h cent ury
2 . Peop le thought Me rlin was a dr eamer b ecau se h e
A . often ga ve oth ers surprises
B . was a gifte d musicia n
C . i nve nted th e rolle r sk ates
D . was fu ll of imagination
3 . Merlin pu t wheels unde r his shoes in orde r to
A . impress th e pa rty guests
B . a rrive at th e par ty soone r
C . test his invention
D . show h is skill in wal king on wh eels
附录 : 1998 年~2002 年 NMET 阅读理解试题
4 . W hat is the main point t he writer is t rying to ma ke i n t he last p ar agra ph ?
A . Th e rolle r sk ates nee ded furt her improveme nt .
B . Th e par ty guests took Merlin for a fool .
C . Me rli n su cceed ed beyond e xp ectation .
D . Mer li n got himself i nto trouble .
“ As stood in front of t he gr ave ( 墓 ) of presi de nt R icha rd Nixon , I was th inking about the time 25 ye ars
ago wh en th is pr esid ent hel ped bri ng th e United States and Chi na closer toget her .Young p eople of our two
coun tries shoul d hel p t his relationshi p grow .”
This remark was mak e by a Sh angh ai stud ent wh en sp eak ing of his fellow stude nts at t he Nixon
Li br ary in Californ ia , U .S .A . .He was on e of 80 middle school stude nts from Chin a attend ing a mont h long“ You th Summit”.The Summit was to ma rk th e 25 th anniv ersa ry( 周年 ) of Presid en t Nixon’s Journey
to Chin a , which was th e turning poin t in Chin a- U .S .r elations .
The You th Summit was aime d at in cr easing understandi ng a nd frie ndship b etween young stud ents of
th e two coun tries through visits a nd disc ussions .Seven ty-five Ameirca n stude nts we re selected to visit
Chin a .Th ey also visited th e Nixon Libra ry on Ju ly 21 b efore leaving for Beijing the n ext d ay .The h ead of
th e Li br ary sai d h e was please to see the Amer ican a nd Chi nese st ud en ts talk ing and la ugh ing togeth er .One
Chin ese st ud en t sai d ,“ I d idn ’t find it p articu larly d ifficu lt to talk with America ns . We h ave our
d iffer en ces , but we h ave a lot in common .Dialogue is good for us .”
5 . Th e work“
s Youth Su mmit”r efe r to
A . visits to th e Nixon Library
B . t he Ch inese st ud en ts’visit to th e U .S .
C . a meeting d iscus sing relations b etwee n Chi na and the U .S .
D . activities to stre ngth en th e ties betwe en the Chin ese and America n stude nts
6 . Th e stud ent from Sha ngh ai thought about the time 25 y ears ago b ecause it was wh en Nixon
A . died
B . visite d Chi na
C . bec am e U .S .presi de nt
D . sta rted bu il ding th e library in his name
7 . Th e text is mai nly about
A . th e Chi na- U .S . relations
B . t he Nixon Libr ary
C . Pr esid ent Nixon
D . th e Yout h Summit
At 9 : 00 Dick Sp ivak’s b ank tele phone d a nd sai d his pa ym ent was late “
. Th e c hec k is in t he post , ”
Dick r eplie d quick ly .At 11 : 45 Dick left for a 12 : 00 meeti ng acros s town .Arr ivi ng late , he exp lai ne d t hat
traffic (交通 ) h ad b een ha d .That eveni ng , Dic k’s girlfrie nd wor e a new dress .He h ated it “
. It looks just
gr eat on you , ”h e sai d .
附录 : 1998 年~2002 年 NMET 阅读理解试题
Thr ee lies in one d ay ! Yet Dick Spiva k is just an ord ina ry man . Each time , he told himself th at
sometimes t he t rut h causes too many prob lems .Most of us tell mu ch t he sam e wh ite lies, h ar mless unt rut hs
th at help to save t roub le .How often do we tell white lies ? It de pe nds in p art on our age , edu cation , and
eve n wher e we live . According to one U . S . study , wome n are more tru thful th an men , and honesty
in creasses as we g et old er .
Wh ile most p eople use little white lies to ma ke life easie r , the majority of America ns car e abou t
hon esty i n bot h public a nd p ersonal life .Th ey say th at people today ar e less honest th an th ey were ten ye ars
ago .Although it is b elieved t hat things a re getti ng worse , lying seems to b e an age-ol d huma n problem .The
Fren ch philosophe r ( 哲学家 ) Vauven arges , writing in the eightee nth cent ury , touch ed on the t ru th wh en he
wrote “
, All me n are born trut hfu l and d ie liars (说谎者 ) .”
8 . W he n t he writer sa ys
“ Dick Spiv ak is just a n ordin ary man”, h e mea ns
A . it is common th at p eople tell wh ite lies
B . Dic k cou ld do nothi ng about ba d traffic
C . it is common th at p eop le d elay th eir p ayment
D . Dic k found it hard to deal wit h e veryday problems
9 . Ac cording to t he text , most America ns
A . hate white lies
B . believe white lies
C . value hon esty
D . consid er oth ers d ishon est
10 . Va uve narges’r emark suggests that
A . lying is an age- old huma n prob lem
B . dishon esty i ncr eases as p eop le get ol der
C . people were d ishon est in th e 18 th cen tury
D . it is social cond itions that ma ke p eople tell lies
The re por t came to the British on May 21 , 1941 .The Ge rman battlesh ip Bisma rc k , th e most powerfu l
wa rship i n t he worl d , was moving out in to th e Atlan tic Ocea n . Her task : to destroy the ships c arrying
supplies from t he Un ite d States to wa r- torn E ngla nd .
The British ha d fea re d su ch a task .No warsh ip the y h ad could match th e Bisma rc k i n sp eed or in
fi repowe r .The Bismar ck h ad eigh t 15- i nc h guns and 81 smaller guns .Sh e cou ld move at 30 n au tical mile
(海里 ) an hour .Sh e was believed to be unsinka ble .
Howev er , th e British h ad to si nk her .T hey sent out a task force hea de d by th eir best battlesh ip H ood
to hunt down th e Bismarc h .On May 24 , th e Hood found th e Bisma rck .
It was a meeting that th e Ber man commande r Luetjens d id not want to see .His ord ers wer e to d estroy
th e British sh ips th at we re c arrying supplies , but to stay away from a figh t with British wa rsh ips .
The b attle didn’t last long .Th e Bisma rck’s first torp edo(鱼雷 ) hit th e Hood , which we nt down tak ing
all but three of h er 1 , 419 me n with h er .
附录 : 1998 年~2002 年 NMET 阅读理解试题
But in t he figh t , th e Bisma rck was slightly d amaged (损坏 ) .He r command er decid ed to run for rep airs
to Fran ce , which h ad at t hat time b ee n ta ken by t he Germa ns .Th e British forc e followed her .Howeve r ,
b ecau se of th e Bisma rck’s sp eed and th e heavy fog , the y lost sight of h er .
For two d ays, eve ry British ship i n Atlantic trie d to find t he Bisma rck , bu t wit h no su ccess .Finally ,
she was sighte d by a pla ne from Ir ela nd .Trying to slow th e Bismarc k down so t hat th eir shi ps cou ld catch
up with h er .t he British fire d at h er from t he air .The Bismar ck was hit .
On th e morni ng of May 27 , th e last b attle was fought .Four British shi ps fir ed on t he Bismarc k , and
she was fi nally sunk .
11 . Th e Bisma rc k saile d i nto t he Atla ntic Oc ean
A . to sink the Hood
B . to gain con trol of Fran ce
C . to cu t off Amer ican supplies to Britain
D . to stop Br itish warshi ps r eachi ng Germa ny
12 . Many people believed th at th e Bisma rc k c oul d not be b efeated b ecause sh e
A . was fast and powerful
B . ha d more m en on board
C . was und er Luetjens ’command
D . had bigger guns t ha n ot he r shi ps
13 . We le arn from th e text th at on 24 May
A . th e Brithsh won t he b attle a gainst the Bismar ck
B . th e Bismarc k won th e battle again st th e British
C . th e British gunfir e damage d the Bismar ck se riously
D . th e Bisma rc k su cceed ed in k eep ing away from the Br itish
14 . Luetjen s t ried to sail to Fran ce i n ord er to
A . h ave t he sh ip re pair ed
B . join th e oth er Ge rmans
C . get h el p from th e Fr enc h
D . get away from th e British
15 . Wh ich of th e following is the imme diate ca use of t he sinking of t he Bismar ck ?
A . The British air strik es .
B . Th e d amage done by th e Hood .
C . Gunfire from th e British warships .
D . Luetien’s decision to run for Fr anc e .
As pr ices and build ing costs kee p rising , the“ do- it -yourself”( DIY ) t rend (趋势 ) i n the U .S . continues
to grow .
“ We n eed ed furniture ( 家具) for our livi ng room , ”says John Ross “
, and we j ust di dn’t h ave enough
mon ey to buy it .So we decid ed to t ry ma king a few ta bles and c hairs .”John got married six months ago ,
and lik e many young p eople these days , th ey are struggling to m ake a home at a tim e whe n t he cost of
livi ng is v ery high .The Rosses too , a 2-wee k course for
280 at a nigh t school .Now th ey build all t heir
furn it ur e a nd ma ke re pairs a round th e house .
Jim Hatfield h as three boys and his wife die d .He h as a full- time job at home as well as in a shoe
mak ing fa ctory .Last m onth , h e receive d a ca r re pair bill for
420 “
. I was dee ply upset about it .Now I’ve
fi nishe d a car r ep air course , I shoul d be able to fix th e ca r by myself .”
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John a nd Jim are not unusu al p eople .Most families in th e count ry a re doing everythi ng th ey c an to
save mon ey so th ey can figh t th e high cost of living .If you wan t to b ecome a“ do- it-yourselfer”, you can go
to DIY classes .And for those who don’t ha ve time to tak e a course , th er e ar e books th at tell you how you
can do things yourself .
16 . We can learn from t he te xt that many n ewly ma rrie d p eople
A . find it ha rd to pa y for what th ey nee d
B . have to learn to mak e t heir own furniture
C . tak e DIY courses run by t he governme nt
D . sel dom go to a d ep artmen t stor e to buy t hings
17 . John and his wife went to eve ning classes to learn how to
A . run a DIY shop
B . ma ke or re pair thi ngs
C . save time a nd money
D . improvet he quality of life
18 . Wh en th e writer says th at Jim has a fu ll - time job at home , h e mea ns Jim
A . mak es shoes in his home
B . does extr a work at night
C . does h is own car a nd home re pairs
D . k eep s house a nd looks afte r his childr en
19 . Jim Hatfiel d d eci de d to b ecome a do- it-yourselfer wh en
A . h is c ar re pairs cost too mu ch
B . th e c ar re pair class was not h elpful
C . he coul d not pos sib ly do two jobs
D . h e ha d to r aise th e c hildren all by himself
20 . Wh at woul d be the b est title for t he te xt ?
A . th e Joy of DIY
B . You Can Do It Too !
C . Welcome to Our DIY Course !
D . Ross a nd Hatfiel d : Believe rs i n DIY .
附录 : 1998 年~2002 年 N M E T 阅读理解试题
1999 年
阅读理解 : 阅读 下列短文 , 从每 题所给的 四个选项中 , 选出 一个最佳 答案。
Tom Br enn an was work ing in a Philad el phia office building wh en he notice d a black bag .Th e bag
con taine d a book .
This ch an ce d iscove ry ende d a 12- day sear ch by the Libra ry Compa ny of Ph ila delphia for a histor ical
treasure a 120-p age dia ry k ept 190 years age by Debora h Logan ,“ a wom an who kn ew eve rbody i n h er
d ay , ”James Gree n , th e librar ian told the magazin e American Libraries .
Most of t he diary is a re cord of big even ts in Philad elphia , It also i nclud es a d escri ption of British
sold iers burning W ashi ngton . D . C in t he war of 1812 . She d esc rib es Pr esid ent James Mad ison on
horseb ack as“ p erfe ctly shak ing with fe ar”during the troubled da ys .George Wash ington , she writes , mistook
h er for the wife of a Fren ch ma n and praise d he r e xcelle nt English .
The a dve nture of th e lost book beg an Septem be r 4 wh en Cory Luxmoore arrived from E ngla nd to d elive
th e diary of his a ncestor (祖 先 ) to th e Li br ary Comp any , whic h he a nd his wife consid ere d to be t he best
home for th e diary .
Gr een told American Libraries h e ha d the d iary in h is possession“ a bou t five minutes”wh en Luxmoore
took it b ack b eca use h e ha d promise d to show it to on e ot her pe rson .On returning to h is hotel after showing
th e pre cious book to Gree n , Luxm oore was shoc ke d to realise that he h ad left it in the taxi .
Without a ny d elay , Gre en b egan calling eve ry taxi comp any in th e city , wit h no l uc k “
, I’ve felt sick
sin ce th en , ”Luxmoore told re porters .
Accord ing to Gr een , no one h as yet le arn ed how t he dia ry came to th e office build ing .Tom Brenn an
r eceived a reward ( 奖励 ) of 1 , 000 , Philad el ph ia gaine d anoth er treasure for its history , and Luxmoore told
r eporters “
. I t’s wonde rful n ews .I’m on high .”
1 . This article m ainly tells about the story of
A . a lost diary
B . Deborah Logan
C . Cory Lux m oore
D . the Library Co m pany
2 . Fro m the text, we learn that the diary is now ow ned by
A . To m Brennan
B . an unknow n person
C . a Philadelphia m agazine
D . the Library Co m pany of Philadelphia
3 . Philadelphia is thought to be the best ho m e for the diary because
A . it w as written in Philadelphia
B . it tells stories about P hiladelphia
C . people in the city are interested in old things
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D . the British and the A m ericans once fought in Philadelphia
4 . W hich of the following shows the right order of w hat happened to the diary ?
A . To m Brennan found the book in an office building .
B . The book was show n to Ja m es Green .
C . Cory Lux m oore arrived from E ngland .
D . The book was left behind in a taxi .
A . a .b .c .d
B . c .b .d .a
C . a .c .d .b
D . c .a .b .d
5 . W hat did C ory L ux m ooe m ean w hen he said“ I’m on high”?
A . I’m rich .
B . I’m fa m ous .
C . I’m excited .
D . I’m lucky .
Co m puter people talk a lot about the need for other people to beco m e“ co m puter-literate .”But not all
experts(专家 ) agree that this is a good idea .
One pioneer , in particular , who disagrees is D avid Tebbutt, the founder of Co m putertow n U K .Although
m any people see this as a successful atte m pt to bring people closer to the co m puter .D avid does not see it
that way . H e says that Co m putertown U K w as form ed for just the opposite reason , to bring co m puters to
people and m ake the m“ people-literate” .
David Tebbutt thinks Co m putertow ns are m ost successful w hen tied to a com puter club but he insists
there is an im portant difference between the tw o . The clubs are for people w ho have so m e com puter
knowledge already .This frightens away non- experts , w ho are happier going to Co m putertowns w here there
are co m puters for the m to experim ent on , with experts to encourage the m and answer any questions they
have .They are not told w hat to do , they find out .The co m puter experts have to learn not to tell people
about co m puters , but have to be able to answer all questions people ask . People don ’t have to learn
co m puter term s ( 术 语 ) , but the experts have to explain in plain language . The co m puters are beco ming
“ people-literate .”
6 . W hich of the following is D avid Tebbutt’s ides on the relationship between people and co m puters ?
A .C o m puter learning should be m ade easier .
B .There should be m ore com puter clubs for experts .
C .People should w ork harder to m aster co m puter use .
D .C o m puters should be m ade cheaper so that people can afford the m .
7 . W e can infer fro m the text that“ co m puter-lilerate”m eans
A .being able to afford a co m puter
B .being able to write co m puter progra ms
C .working with the co m puter and finding out its value
D .understanding the com puter and knowing how to use it
8 .The underlined word“ it”in the second pragraph refers to the idea that C o m puterto wns
A .help to set up m ore co m puter clubs
B .bring people to learn to use co m puters
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C .bring m ore experts to work together
D .help to sell co m puters to the public
9 .David Tebbutt started Co m putertown U K with the purpose of
A .m aking better use of co m puter experts
B .i m proving co m puter progra ms
C .increasing co m puter sales
D .popularising co m puters
W ant to save m oney when travelling by train ? H ere are so m e ways .
D ay R eturns
This ticket can save you up to 45 % on the standard fare (车费 ) . You have to travel after the rush hour
period M on- Fri .but can travel at any tim e on Sat .or Sun .
Big city S avers
These are special low -priced tickets on certain trains . Y on have to book in advance-at the latest by
16 : 00 the day before you travel .It’s first co m e , first served .
W eeken d R eturns
W eekend R eturns are available ( 有售) for m ost journeys over 60 miles .G o on Fri ., Sat .or Sun ., and
return the sa m e weekend on Sat .or Sun ., and save up to 35 % the standard fare .
M onthly R eturns
These are available for m ost journeys over 65 miles . G o any day and return within a m onth . M onthly
Returns save you up to 25 % on the standard fare .
F a mily R ailcard
For £ 20 this railcard allows you to take a second adult(成人) and up to 4 children for only £ 3 each
when you buy single or return tickets .Y ou can travel as often as you like until the card becom es out of date .
10 . W hich is the best ticket to buy if you live in London and want to go to a s m all tow n 80 miles away for
four days ?
A .Big City Savers
B . M onthly R eturns
C . W eekend Returns
D . Day R eturns
11 . A m an bought him self a ticket of £ 15 and three tickets for his fa mily with a fa mily railcard . H ow m uch
did he pay ?
A .£ 44
B .£ 29
C .£ 24
D .£ 15
M aybe ten-year-old Elizabeth put it best when she said to her father “
. B ut, D ad , you can’t be healthy
if you’re dead .”
Dad , in a hurry to get ho m e before dark so he could go for a run , had forgotten to wear his safety
belt— a mistake 75 % of the U S population m ake every day .The big question is w hy .
There have been m any m yths about safety belts ever since their first appearance in cars so m e forty
years ago .The following are three of the m ost co m m on .
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M yth N u m ber O ne : It’s best to be“ throw n clear”of a serious accident .
Truth : Sorry , but any accident serious enough to“ throw you clear”is also going to be serious enough
to give you a very bad landing .A nd chances are you’ll have traveled through a windshield ( 挡风玻 璃 ) or
door to do it .Studies show that chances of dying after a car accident are tw enty-five tim es greater in cases
w here people are“thro wn clear”.
M yth N u m ber T wo : Safety belts“ trap”people in cars that are burning or sinking in water .
Truth : Sorry again , but studies show that people knocked unconscious( 昏迷 ) due to not wearing safety
belts have a greater chance of dying in these accidents . People w earing safety belts are usually protected to
the point of having a clear head to free the m selves fro m such dangerous situations , not to be trapped in
them .
M yth N u m ber Three : Safety belts aren’t needed at speeds of less than 30 miles per hour( m ph) .
Truth: W hen two cars traveling at 30 m ph hit each other , an unbelted driver would m eet the
windshield with a force equal to diving headfirst into the ground from a height of 10 m eters .
12 . W hy did Elizabeth say to her father “
, B ut, D ad .you can’t be healthy if you’re dead”?
A . H e was driving at great speed .
B . H e was running across the street .
C . H e didn’t have his safety belt on .
D . H e didn’t take his m edicine on tim e .
13 . The reason Father was in a hurry to get ho m e was that he
A . w asn’t feeling very well
B . hated to drive in the dark
C . w anted to take so m e exercise
D . didn’t want to be caught by the police
14 . A ccording to the tex , to be“ throw n clear”of a serious accident is very dangerous because you
A . m ay be knocked do wn by other cars
B . m ay get seriously hurt being thro wn out of the car
C . m ay find it im possible to get a way fro m the seat
D . m ay get caught in the car door
15 . So m e people prefer to drive without wearing a safety belt because they believe
A . the belt prevents the m fro m escaping in an accident
B . they will be unable to think clearly in an accident
C . they will be caught w hen help co m es
D . cars catch fire easily
16 . W hat is the advice given in the text ?
A . Never drive faster than 30 mile an hour .
B . Try your best to save yourself in a car accident .
C . N ever forget to wear the safety belt w hile driving .
D . Drive slo wly w hile you’re not w earing a safety belt .
W hen a group of children politely stop a conversation with you , saying :“ W e have to go to work
now , ”you’re left feeling surprised and certainly uneasy .After all , this is the 1990s and the idea of children
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working is just unthinkable .That is , until you are told that they are all pupils of stage schools , and that the
“ work”they go off to is to go on the stage in a theatre .
Stage schools often act as agencies (代理机构 ) to supply children for stage and television work . M ore
worthy of the na m e“ stage school”are those few places where children attend full tim e , with a training for
the theatre and a general education .
A visit to such schools will leave you in no doubt that the children enjoy the m selves . After all, what
lively children wouldn ’t settle for spending only half the day doing ordinary school work , and acting ,
singing or dancing their way through the other half of the day ?
Then of course there are tim e for the children to m ake a na m e and m ake a little m oney in so m e big
shows .Som e stage schools give their children too m uch professional work at such a young age .But the law
is very tight on the a m ount they can do .T hose under 13 are limited to 40 days in the year ; those over 13 do
80 days .
The schools the m selves ad mit that not all children will be successful in the profession for w hich they
are being trained .So w hat happens to those who don ’t m ake it ? W hile all the leading schools say they
place great im portance on children getting good study results, the facts see m to suggest this in not always
the case .
17 . People would stop feeling uneasy w hen realising that the children they’re talking to
A . attend a stage school
B . are going ot the theatre
C . have got som e work to do
D . love singing and dancing
18 . In the writer’s opinion a good stage school should
A . produce star perform ers
B . help pupils im prove their study skills
C . train pupils in language and performing arts
19 .“ Professional work”as used in the next m eans
D . provide a general education and stage training
A . ordinary school work
B . m oney- m aking perfor m ances
C . stage training at school
D . acting , singing or dancing after class
20 . W hich of the following best describes how the wrier feels about stage schools ?
A . H e thinks highly of w hat they have to offer .
B . H e favours an early start in the training of performing arts .
C . H e feels unco mfortable about children putting on night shows .
D . H e doubts the standand of ordinary education they have reached .
附录 : 1998 年~2002 年 N M ET 阅读理解试题
2000 年
阅读理解 : 阅读 下列短文 , 从每 题所给的 四个选项中 , 选出 一个最佳 答案。
New York , 10 Nov embe r 5 : 27 pm , yeste rd ay .Biggest power fail ur e in th e city’s history .
Thousa nds of p eop le got stu ck in lifts .Martin Saltzman spen t three hours between th e 21 st and 22nd
floors of th e Em pire State Buildi ng “
. Ther e we re twelve of us .But no on e p an icke d .We passed th e time
telling stories and playi ng word games .One ma n wa nte d to smok e but we di dn ’t let h im .Fir emen fin ally
got us ou t .”
“ It was th e best night we’ve e ver h ad , ”said Angela Carra ro , who run s an Italian r estaura nt on 42nd
Street “
. W e h ad lots candles on th e ta bles and t he waiters we re carrying candles on their tr ays .Th e place
was full and all night , in fact , for after we h ad closed , we let th e pe ople stay on and spe nd t he n ight h ere .”
The zoos ha d their prob lems lik e everyon e eles .Keep ers worke d through t he n ight .The y used b lankets
to kee p flying squ irrels a nd small monkeys warm .Wh ile zoos h ad problems k eepi ng war m , supe rmarkets
h ad problems k eepi ng cool “
. All of our ice cr eam a nd froze n foods melted , ”said th e mang er of a store in
downtown Ma nh atta n “
. They wer e worth
500 , 000 .”
The big ele ct ric clock in the lobby( 大厅) of th e Waldorf- Astoria Hotel in down town Manh atta n star ted
(滴答 ) again at 5 : 25 this morning .It was almost on time .
1 . Throughou t th e p eriod of d arkness , Ma rtin Saltzma n and the eleven ot hers were
A .nervous
B .excited
C .calm
D .frightened
2 . In w hat way was the night of N ove m ber 9 the best night for A ngela Carraro ?
A . She had a taste of adventure .
B . Burning candles brightened the place .
C . Business was better than usual .
D . M any people stayed the night in her restaurant .
3 . H ow long did the power failure last ?
A . N early 12 hours .
B . M ore than 12 hours .
C . N early 24 hours .
D . M ore than 24 hours .
The easy w ay out isn’t always easiest .I learned that lesson w hen I decided to treat D oug , m y husband
of one m onth , to a special m eal .I glanced through m y cockbook and chose a m enu which included
ho m e m ade bread .K no wing the bread would take tim e , I started on it as soon as D oug left for work . As I
was not experienced in cooking , I thought if a dozen w as good , tw o dozen would be better, so I doubled
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everything .As D ong loved oranges , I also opened a can of orange and poured it all into the bowl .Soon there
was a sticky dough ( 面团 ) covered with ugly yellowish m arks .R ealizing I had been defeated , I put the dough
in the rubbish bin outside so I wouldn’t have to face D oug laughing at m y work .I went not preparing the
rest of the m eal, and , w hen Doug got ho m e , we sat dow n to Cornish chicken with rice . H e tried to enjoy the
m eal but see m ed disturbed . T wice he got up and went outside , saying he thought he heard a noise . The
third tim e he left, I went to the windows to see w hat he w as doing .Looking out, I saw Doug standing about
three feet from the rubbish bin , holding the lid up with a stick and looking into the container . W hen I ca m e
out of the house , he dropped the stick and explained that there was so m ething alive in out rubbish bin .
Picking up the stick again , he held the lid up enough for m e to see .I felt cold .But I stepped closer and
looked harder . W ithout doubt it w as m y work .The hot sun had caused the dough to double in size and the
ferm enting yeast( 酵母 ) m ade the surface shake and sigh as though it w ere breathing .It looked like so m e
unknow n thing fro m outer space .I could see w hy D ouy was so shaken .I had to ad mit w hat the“ living
thing”w as and why it was there .I don’t kno w who was m ore e m barrassed ( 尴尬 ) by the whole thing — D oug
or m e .
4 . The writer’s purpose in writing this story is
A . to tell an interesting experience
B . to show the easiest way out of a difficulty
C . to describe the trouble facing a newly m arried wo m an
D . to explain the difficulty of learning to cook fro m books
5 . W hy did the wo m an’s atte m pt at m aking the bread turn out to be unsuccessful ?
A . The canned orange had gone bad .
B . She didn’t use the right kind of flour .
C . The cookbook was hard to understand .
D . She did not follow the directions closely .
6 . W hy did the wo m an put the dough in the rubbish bin ?
A . She didn’t see the use of keeping it
B . She m eant to joke with her husband .
C . She didn’t want her husband to see it .
D . She hoped it would soon dry in the sun .
7 . W hat m ade the dough in the rubbish bin look frightening ?
A . The rising and falling m ovem ent .
B . The strange-looking m arks .
C . Its shape .
D . Its size .
8 . W hen D oug went out the third tim e , the w o m an looked out of the window because she was
A . surprised at his being interested in the bin
B . afraid that he w ould discover her secret
C . unhappy that he didn’t enjoy the m eal
D . curious to know w hat disturbed him
附录 : 1998 年~2002 年 N M ET 阅读理解试题
Decision-thinking is not unlike poker — it often m atters not only what you think , but also w hat others
think you think and w hat you think they think you think .The m ental process( 过程)is similar .N aturally , this
card ga m e has often been of considerable interest to people who are , by any standards , good thinkers .
The great m athe m atician John von Neu m ann was one of the founders of ga m e theory .In particular , he
show ed that all ga m es fall into two classes : there are what he called ga m es of“ perfect inform ation”, ga m es
like chess w here the players can’t hide anything or play tricks : they don’t win by chance , but by m eans of
logic and skills .Then there are ga m es of“im perfect inform ation ”, like poker, in w hich it is im possible to
know in advance that one course of action is better than another .
One mistaken idea about business is that it can be treated as a ga m e of perfect inform ation .Q uite the
reverse . B usiness , politics , life itself are ga m es w hich we
m ust norm ally play with very im perfect
inform ation .Business decisions are often m ade with m any unkno wn and unknowable factors ( 因素 ) , which
would even puzzle (困惑 ) best poker players .But few business people find it co mfortable to ad mit that they
are taking a chance , and m any still prefer to believe that they are playing chess , not poker .
9 . The subject discussed in this text is
A . the process of reaching decisions
B . the difference between poker and chess .
C . the secret of m aking good business plans
D . the value of inform ation in winning ga m es
10 . A n im portant factor in a ga m e of im perfect infor m ation is
A .rules
B .luck
C .tim e
D .ideas
11 . W hich of the following can be used in place of“ Q uite the reverse”?
A . Q uite right .
B . True enough .
C . M ost unlikely .
D . Just the opposite .
12 . In the writer’s opinion , when m aking business decisions one should
A . put perfect inform ation before im perfect inform ation
B . accept the existence of unknow n factors
C . regard business as a ga m e of chess
D . mix know n and unknow n factors
Olaf Stapledon wrote a book called First and Last M en , in which he looked millions of years ahead .
H e told of different m en and of strange civilisations( 文明 ) , broken up by long“ dark ages”in between .In
his view , w hat is called the present tim e is no m ore than a m o m ent in hu m an history and we are just the
First M en .In 2 , 000 million years fro m now there will be the Eighteenth or Last M en .
H owever, m ost of our ideas about the future are really very short-sighted . Perhaps we can see so m e
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possibilities for the next fifty years .B ut the next hundred ? The next thousand ? The next million ? That’s
m uch m ore difficult .
W hen m en and wo m en lived by hunting 50 , 000 years ago , how could they even begin to picture
m odern life ? Yet to m en of 50 , 000 years fro m now , we m ay see m as primitive(原始的 )in our ideas as the
Stone- Age hunters do to us . Perhaps they will spend their days gollocking to m ake ne w spundels , or
struggling with their ballalators through the cribe , These words , w hich I have just m ade up , have to stand
for things and ideas that w e sim ply can’t think of .
So why bother even to try im agining life far in the future ? H ere are two reasons . First, unless we
rem em ber how short our own lives are com pared with the whole hu m an history , we are likely to think our
ow n interests are m uch m ore im portant than they really are .If w e m ake the earth a poor place to live on
because we are careless or greedy ( 贪 婪 ) or quarrelso m e , our grand-children will not bother to think of
excuses for us .
Second , by trying to escape fro m present interests and im agine life far in the future , we m ay arrive at
quite fresh ideas that we can use ourselves .For exam ple , if we im agine that in the future m en m ay give up
farming , we can think of trying it now .So set you im agination free w hen you think about the future .
13 . A particular m ention m ade of Stapledon’s book in the opening paragraph
A . serves as a description of hu m an history
B . serves as an introduction to the discussion
C . sho ws a disagree m ent of views
D . Shows the popularity of the book
14 . The text discusses m en and w om en 50 , 000 years ago and 50 , 000 years fro m now in order to show that
A . hu m an history is extre m ely long
B . life has changed a great deal
C . it is useless to plan for the next 50 years
D . it is difficult to tell w hat will happen in the future
15 . Spundels and ballalators are used in the text to refer to
A . tools used in farming
B . ideas about m odern life
C . unknown things in the future
D . hunting skills in the Stone A ge
16 . According to the writer of the text, im agining the future will
A . serve the interests of the present and future generations
B . enable us to better understand hu m an history
C . help us to im prove farming
D . m ake life w orth living
Excused fro m recycling (回收利用 ) because you live in a high rise with a rubbish chute (垃圾道 ) ? Y ou
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won’t be for long . Mia mi’s M ark Shantzis has m ade it sim ple for those living in tall buildings to use the
chute and recycle too .
In Shantzis’ Hi- Rise R ecycling Syste m , a chute leads to a pie-shaped container with six boxes that
can turn around when operated .The syste m , w hich fits in the sa m e space as the chute and container now in
use , enables glass , plastic , paper , m etal, and other rubbish to go into separate boxes .
The syste m is controlled fro m a board next to the chute door .The board has a button for each class of
recycling m aterials( as well as for unrecyclables) . At the press of a button , a microco m puter locks all other
floors’chute door and sets the recycling container turning until the right box co m es under the chute .The
co m puter also counts the loads and gives a signal by phone when the box is full . And a particular piece of
equip m ent breaks up the nonrecyclables .
Sorting( 分 类 ) recyclables before they are collected saves the use of expensive m aterials recovery
equip m ent w hich otherwise has to do the sorting . Such equip m ent often m akes recycled m aterials very
expensive , so expensive that tons of recyclables rem ain w asted . Shantzis believes his syste m could help
recycled m aterials beco m e m ore cost-effective .
17 . The purpose in writing this text is
A . to encourage people to recycle their rubbish
B . to introduce a recycling syste m for high rises
C . to describe the use of co m puter technology in recycling
D . to explain the need for rubbish collection in high rises
18 . W hen he says“ Y ou won’t be for long”the writer m eans that
A . you’ll soon be living in a cleaner building
B . rubbish chutes will beco m e out of date before long
C . you won’t wait long for your turn to recycle rubbish
D . it won’t be long before you’ll have to recycle your rubbish
19 . Before dropping rubbish into the chute you have to
A . lock the other floors’chute doors
B . check if the container is full
C . press the correct button
D . break up the rubbish
20 . The biggest advantage of this new syste m is that
A . it reduces the cost of recycling
B . it saves tim e and space
C . it saves m oney for people living in high rises
D . it m akes better use of the existing recovery equip m ent
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2001 年
阅读理解 : 阅读 下列短文 , 从每 题所给的 四个选项中 , 选出 一个最佳 答案。
S H A N G H AI : Car rentals( 出租 )are beco ming m ore and m ore popular as an inexpensive way of taking
to the roads .B usiness people , foreigners and fa milies alike are m aking good use of the growing industry .
The first car rental firm opened in Shanghai in 1992 and no w 12 car rental players are in the ga m e ,
with m ore than 11 , 500 cars in their books .
The largest player — Shanghai B ashi Tourism C ar Rental Center offers a wide variety of choices —
deluxe sedans , minivans station w agons , coaches .Santana sedans are the big favorite .
Fir ms can attract enough custo m ers for 70 percent of their cars every m onth .This figure shoots up
during holiday seasons like N ational D ay , Labor D ay and N ew Y ear’s D ay , with so m e recording 100
percent rental .
The m ajor m arket force rests in the gro wing population of w hite-collar e m ployees(白领雇员 ) , w ho can
afford the ne w service , said Zhuang Y u , m arketing m anager of Shanghai A ngel Car Rental C o .
1 . The words“ deluxe sedans”“
, minivans”and“ station wagons”used in the text refer to
A . cars in the m aking
B . car rental fir ms
C . cars for rent
D . car m akers
2 . W hich of the following state m ents is true according to the text ?
A . 70 % of the cars can be rented out on holiday .
B . 70 % of the custo m ers are w hile-collar e m ployees .
C . M ore firm s are open for service during holiday seasons .
D . So m e fir ms rent out all their cars during holiday seasons .
3 . Shanghai’s car rental industry is gro wing so fast m ainly due to
A . better cars supplied by producers
B . fast service offered by car rental firm s
C . the increasing nu m ber of w hite-collar e m ployees
D . people’s gro wing interest in traveling during holidays
H oliday m akers who are bored with baking beaches and overheated hotel roo ms head for a big igloo .
S wedish businessm an Nile Bergqvist is delighted with his new hotel, the w orld’s first igloo hotel .Built in a
sm all tow n in Lapland , it has been attracting lots of visitors , but soon the fun will be over .
In two week’s tim e Bergqvist’s ice creation ( 作品 ) will be nothing m ore than a pool of water “
. We
don’t see it as a big proble m , ”he says “
. W e just look forw ard to replacing it .”
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Bergqvist built his first igloo in 1991 for an art exhibition .It was so successful that he designed the
present one , w hich m easures roughly 200 square m eters . Six work m en spent m ore than eight weeks pling
1 , 000 tons of sno w onto a wooden base ; w hen the sno w froze , the base was re m oved “
. The only w ooden
thing we have left in the igloo is the front door , ”he says .
After their stay , all visitors receive a survival certificate recording their success . W ith no windo ws ,
now here to hang clothes and te m perature below 0℃ , it m ay see m m ore like a survival test than a relaxing
(轻松的 ) hotel break “It’
s great fun , ”Bergqvist explains “
, as w ell as a good start in survival training .”
The popularity of the igloo is beyond doubt: it is no w attracting tourists fro m all over the w orld . At
least 800 people have stayed at the igloo this season even though there are only 10 roo m s“
. Y ou can get a
lot of people in , ”explains Bergqvist“
. The beds are three m eters wide by two m eters long , and can fit at
least four at one tim e .”
4 . B ergqvist designed and built the w orld’s first igloo hotel because
A . he believed people would enjoy trying so m ething new
B . he wanted to m ake a na m e for the s m all to wn
C . an art exhibition was about to open
D . m ore hotel roo m s were needed
5 . W hen the writer says“ the fun will be over, ”he refer to the fact that
A . hotel guests will be frightened at the thought of the hard test
B . Bergqvist’s hotel will soon beco m e a pool of w ater
C . H oliday m akers will soon get tired of the big igloo
D . A bigger igloo will replace the present one
6 . According to the text , the first thing to do in building an igloo is
A . to gather a pool of water
B . to prepare a wooden base
C . to cover the ground with ice
D . to pile a large a m ount of snow
7 . W hen guests leave the igloo hotel they will receive a paper stating that
A . they have visited Lapland
B . they have had an ice-snow holiday
C . they have had great fun sleeping on ice
D . they have had a taste of adventure
8 . W hich of the four pictures below is the closest to the igloo hotel as described in the text ?
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M any cities around the world today are heavily polluted . Careless m ethods of production and lack of
consu m er de m and for environ m ent( 环 境 )friendly products have contributed to the pollution proble m . O ne
result is that millions of tons of glass, paper, plastic , and m etal containers are produced , and these are
difficult to get rid of .
H owever, today , m ore and m ore consu m ers are choosing“ green” and de m anding that the products
they buy should be safe for the environ m ent .Before they buy a product , they ask questions like these “
: W ill
this sha m poo da m age the environ m ent ?”
“ Can this m etal container be reused or can it only be used once ?”
A recent study showed that two out of five adults now consider the environ m ental safety of a product
before they buy it .This m eans that co m panies m ust now change the way they m ake and sell their products
to m ake sure that they are“ green , ”that is , friendly to the environ m ent .
Only a few years ago , it was im possible to find green products in superm arkets , but now there are
hundreds . So m e superm arkets products carry labels ( 标 签 ) to show that the product is green . So m e
co m panies have m ade the m anufacturing ( 生 产 ) of clean and safe products their m ain selling point and
e m phasize it in their advertising .
The concern for a safer and cleaner environ m ent is m aking co m panies rethink how they do business .
No longer will the public accept the old attitude of
“ Buy it, use it thro w it aw ay , and forget it .”The public
pressure is on , and gradually business is cleaning up its act .
9 . It beco m es clear fro m the text that the driving force(动力 ) behind green products is
A . public caring for the environ m ent
B . co m panies’s desire for bigger sales
C . ne w w ays of doing business
D . rapid growth of superm arkets
10 . W hat w ould be the best title for the text ?
A . B usiness and People
B . Business G oes Green
C . Shopping H abits Are C hanging
D . Superm arkets and Green Products
11 . The underlined word“ it”in the fourth paragraph refers to
A . a selling point
B . the co m pany na m e
C . a great de m and for health foods
D . the m anufacturing of green products
If you ask people to na m e the one person who had the greatest effect on the E nglish language , you will
get answers like“ Shakespeare , ”
“ Sa m uel Johnson , ”and“ W ebster”, but none of these m en had any effect at
all co m pared to a m an w ho didn’t even speak E nglish- W illia m the Conqueror .
Before 1066 , in the land w e no w call Great Britain lived peoples belonging to tw o m ajor language
groups .In the west- central region lived the W elsh , w ho spoke a Celtic language , and in the north lived the
Scots , w hose language , though not the sa m e as W elsh , w as also Celtic .In the rest of the country lived the
Saxons, actually a mixture of A nglos , Saxons , and other G erm anic and N ordic peoples , w ho spoke w hat we
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now call A nglo-Saxon ( or Old English ) , a G erm anic language .If this state of affairs had lasted , English
today w ould be close to G er m an .
But this state of affairs did not last .In 1066 the Normans led by William defeated the Saxons and began
their rule over English .For about a century .French becam e the official language of England while Old English
beca me the language of peasants .As a result, English words of politics and the law co me fro m French rather than
German .In so me cases, modern English even shows a distinction (区别) between upper-class French and lowerclass Anglo-Saxon in its words . W e even have different words for so me foods , m eat in particular, depending on
whether it is still out in the fields or at hom e ready to be cooked , which shows the fact that the Saxon peasants
were doing the farming , while the upper- class Normans were doing most of the eating .
W hen A m ericans visit E urope for the first tim e , they usually find Germ any m ore“ foreign”than France
because the G erm an they see on signs and advertise m ents see ms m uch m ore different from English than
French does . Fe w realize that the English language is actually G erm anic in its beginning and that the
French influences are all the result of one m an’s a m bition .
12 . The two m ajor languages spoken in w hat is now called Great Britain before 1066 were
A . W elsh and Scottish
B . N ordic and G er m anic
C . C eltic and Old English
D . A nglo-Saxon and G erm anic
13 . W hich of the following groups of words are , by inference , rooted in French ?
A . president, Lawyer , beef
B . president, bread , water
C . bread , field , sheep
D . folk , field , cow
14 . W hy does France appear less foreign than Germ any to A m ericans on their first visit to Europe ?
A . M ost advertise m ents in France appear in English .
B . They know little of the history of the English language .
C . M any French words are similar to E nglish ones .
D . They know French better than G erm an .
15 . W hat is the subject discussed in the text ?
A . The history of Great Britain .
B . The similarity between English and French .
C . The rule of E ngland by Willia m the Conqueror .
D . The French influences on the English language .
Betty and H arold have been m arried for years .But one thing still puzzles ( 困扰) H arold .H ow is it that
he can leave Betty and her friend Joan sitting on the sofa , talking , go out to a ballga m e , co m e back three
and a half hours later , and they’re still sittng on the sofa ? Talking ?
W hat in the w orld , H arold w onders , do they have to talk about ?
Betty shrugs .Talk ? W e’re friends .
Researching this m atter called friendship , psychologish Lillian R ubin spent two years intervie wing
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m ore than two hundred wo m en and m en . N o m atter what their age , their job , their sex , the results were
co m pletely clear : wo m en have m ore friendships than m en , and the difference in the content and the quality
of those friendships is
“ m arked and un mistakable .”
M ore than two-thirds of the single m en R ubin interview ed could not na m e a best friend .
Those who could were likely to na me a wo man . Yet three- quarters of the single wom en had noproble m
na ming a best friend , and almost always it was a wom an . M ore married m en than wom en na m ed their wife/
husband as a best friend , most trusted person , or the one they would turn to in tim e of em otional distress(感情危
fied (认定) at least one , usually more , trusted friends to who m they could
机) 。“ M ost wo m en , ”says Rubin“identi
turn in a troubled m om ent, and they spoke openly about the im portance of these relationships in their lives .”
“In general, ”writes R ubin in her new book ,“ wo m en ’s friendships with each other rest on shared
e m otions and support, but m en’s relationships are m arked by shared activities .”For the m ost part, R ubin
says , interactions(交往 ) betw een m en are e m otionally controlled — a good fit with the social requirem ents of
“ m anly behavior .”
“ E ven w hen a m an is said to be a best friend , ”R ubin writes ,“ the tw o share little about their
innerm ost feelings . W hereas a w o m an’s closest fe m ale friend might be the first to tell her to leave a failing
m arriage , it w asn’t unusual to hear a m an say he didn’t know his friend’s m arriage was in serious trouble
until he appeared one night asking if he could sleep on the sofa .”
16 . W hat old H arold cannot understand or explain is the fact that
A . he is treated as an outsider rather than a husband
B . w o m en have so m uch to share
C . w o m en show little interest in ballga m es
D . he finds his wife difficult to talk to
17 . R ubin’s study sho ws that for e m otional support a m arried w om an is m ore likely to turn to
A . a m ale friend
B . a fe m ale friend
C . her parents
D . her husband
18 . According to the text, w hich type of behavior is N O T expected of a m an by society ?
A . E nding his m arriage without good reason .
B . Spending too m uch tim e with his friends .
C . C o m plaining about his m arriage trouble .
D . Going out to ballga m es too often .
19 . W hich of the following state m ents is best supported by the last paragraph ?
A . M en keep their innerm ost feelings to the m selves .
B . W o m en are m ore serious than m en about m arriage .
C . M en often take sudden action to end their m arriage .
D . W o m en depend on others in m aking decisions .
20 . The research done by psychologist Rubin centers around
A . happy and successful m arriages
B . friendships of m en and wo m en
C . e m otional proble m s in m arriage
D . interactions between m en and w om en
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2002 年
阅读理解 : 阅读 下列短文 , 从每 题所给的 四个选项中 , 选出 一个最佳 答案。
In 1901 , H . G . W ells , an E nglish writer, wrote a book describing a trip to the m oon . W hen the
explorers( 探 险 者 ) landed on the m oon , they discovered that the m oon w as full of underground cities .
They expressed their surprise “
. W hy , ”they asked “
, are you travling to outer space w hen you don’t even
use your inner space ?”
H .G . W ells could only imagine travel to the moon . In 1969 , hu man beings really did land on the moon .
People today know that there are no underground cities on the moon . H owever , the question that the“ m oon
people”asked is still an interesting one .A growing nu mber of scientists are seriously thinking about it .
Underground system s are already in place . M any cities have underground car parks . In so m e cities ,
such as Tokyo , Seoul and M ontreal, there are large underground shopping areas .The“ C hunnel ”, a tunnel
( 隧 道 ) connecting England and France , is now com plete .
B ut w hat about underground cities ? Japan’s Taisei Corportion is designing a network of underground
syste m s,
called “ Alice Cities .” The designers im agine using surface for public parks and using
underground space for flats , offices , shopping , and so on . A solar done ( 太 阳 能 穹 顶 ) would cover the
w hole city .
Supporters of underground develop m ent say that building do wn rather than building up is a good way
to use the earth’s space .T he surface , they say , can be used for farm s , parks , gardens , and wildness . H .
G . W ells’“ m oon people”w ould agree . W ould you ?
1 . The explorers in H .G . W ells’story were surprised to find that the“ m oon people”
A . knew so m uch about the earth
B . understood their language
C . lived in so m any underground cities
D . w ere ahead of the m in space technology
2 . W hat does the underlined word“ it”( paragraph 2 ) refer to ?
A . Discovering the m oon’s inner space .
B . Using the earth’s inner space .
C . M eeting the“ m oon people”again .
D . Traveling to outer space .
3 . W hat sort of underground syste m s are already here with us ?
A . Offices, shopping areas, power stations .
B . Tunnels , car parks, shopping areas .
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C . G ardens , car parks , power stations .
D . Tunnels , gardens , offices .
4 . W hat would be the best title for the text ?
A . Alice Cities — cities of the future
B . Space travel with H .G . W ells .
C . Enjoy living underground
D . B uilding down , not up
L O N D O N ( R euters ) — Organic fruit, delivered right to the doorstep . That is w hat G abriel G old
prefers, and he is willing to pay for it . If this is not possible , the 26-year- old co m puter technician will
spend the extra m oney at the super m arket to buy organic food .
“ Organic produce is always better , ”G old said .“ The food is free of pesticides ( 农 药 ) , and you are
generally supporting fa mily farm s instead of large farm s . A nd m ore often than not it is locally ( 本 地 )
grown and seasonal, so it is m ore tasty .”G old is one of a growing nu m ber of shoppers buying into the
organic trend , and superm arkets across Britain are counting on m ore like him as they gro w their organic
food business .B ut ho w m any shoppers really know w hat they are getting , and w hy are they willing to pay a
higher price for organic produce ? M arket research shows that Gold and others w ho buy organic food can
generally give clear reasons for their preferences— but their knowledge of organic food is far fro m
co m plete .For exa m ple , sm all a m ounts of pesticides can be used on organic products . A nd about three
quarters of organic food in Britain is not local but im ported ( 进 口 ) to m eet growing dem and “
. The de m and
for organic food is increasing by about one third every year , so it is very fast-growing m arket, ”said Sue
Flock , a specialist in this line of business .
5 . M ore and m ore people in Britain are buying organic food because
A . they are getting richer
B . they can get the food anywhere
C . they consider the food free of pollution
D . they like ho m e- gro wn fruit
6 . W hich of the following state m ents is true to the facts about m ost organic produce sold in Britain ?
A . It grows indoors all year round
B . It is produced outside Britain .
C . It is gro wn on fa mily farm s .
D . It is produced on large farm s .
7 . W hat is the m eaning of“the organic trend ”as the words are used in the text ?
A . growing interest in organic food
B . better quality of organic food
C . rising m arket for organic food
D . higher prices of organic food
8 . W hat is the best title for this news story ?
A . Organic food — healthy , or just for the wealthy ?
B . The m aking of organic food in Britain
C . Organic food — to im port or not
D . G ood qualities of organic food
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City V arieties
The H eadro w , leeds .Tel .430808
Oct 10 - 11 only A Night at the V arieties . All the fun of an lod m usic hall with B arry Cryer , D uggle
Brow n, 6 dancers,
M ystina , Jon Baker , A nne D uval and the Tony harrison Trio .Laugh again at the old
jokes and listen to your favourite songs .
Perform ances : 8 p .m . nightly .
Ad mission : £ 5 ; under 16 or over 60 : £ 4
Y ork T heater R oyal
St Leonard ’s Place , Y ork . Tel . 223568 Sept 23 -
O ct 17 G ro ping For W ords — a co m edy by Sue
To wnsend .Best known for her Adrian M ole Diaries, Townsend no w writes about an evening class which two
m en and a wo m en attend . A gentle co m edy .
Ad mission : Fist night, M on : £ 2 ; Tues - Fri: £ 3 .25 - £ 5 .50 ; Sat: £ 3 .50 - £ 5 .75
H alifax Playhouse
King’s Cross Street, H alifax . Tel .365998 Oct 10 - 17 O n G olden Pon d by Ernest Tho m pson .This is a
m agical co m edy about real people .A beautiful produced , well-acted play for everyone . D on’t miss it .
Perform ances : 7 : 30 p .m .
Ad mission : £ 2 . M on : 2 seats for the price of one
G ran d T heatre
Oxford street, Leeds Tel . 502116
Restaurant and cafe
Oct 1 - 17 T he Secret Diary of A drian , M ole , aged 13 . Sue tow nsend’s m usical play , based on her
best-selling book .
Perform ances : Evenings 7 : 45 . O ctober 10 - 17 , at 2 : 30p .m . N o M onday perform ance .
Ad mission : Tues - Thurs : £ 2 - £ 5 ; Fri & Sat: £ 2 - £ 6 .
9 . W hich theatre offers the cheapest seat ?
A . H alifax Playhouse .
B . City V arieties .
C . Grand Theatre .
D . Y ork theatre R oyal
10 . If you want to see a play with old jokes and songs , which phone nu m ber will you ringto book a seat ?
A . 502116
B . 223568
C .365998
D .430808
11 . W e m ay learn fro m the text that Sue To wnsend is
A . a writer
B . an actress
C . a m usician
D . a director
Treasure hunts ( 寻 宝 ) have excited people ’s im agination for hundreds of years both in real life
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and in books such as R obert Louis Stevenson ’s Treasure Island . Kit W illia m s , a m odern writer , had
the idea of co m bining the real excite m ent of a treasure hunt with clues ( 线 索 ) found in a book when he
wrote a children’s story , M asquerade , in 1 97 9 . The book was about a hare , and a m onth before it
ca m e out W illia m s buried a gold hare in a park in Bedfordshire .The book contained a large nu m ber of
clues to help readers find the hare , but Willia ms put in a lot of“ red herrings , ” or false clues , to
mislead the m .
Ken R oberts , the m an w ho found the hare , had been looking for it for nearly two years . Although he
had been searching in the wrong area m ost of the tim e , he found it by logic ( 逻 辑 ) , not by luck . His
success ca m e fro m the fact that he had gained an im portant clue at the start . H e had realized that the
words “
: O ne of Six to Eight”under the first picture in the book connected the hare in som e w ay to
Katherine of Aragon , the first of H erry VIII’s six wives . Even here , ho wever , W illia m s had succeeded in
misleading him . Ken knew that K atherine of Aragon had died at Kim bolton in Ca m bridgeshire in 1536 and
thought that W illia m s had buried the hare there . H e had been digging there for over a year before a new
idea occurred to him . H e found out that Kit W illia m s had spent his childhood near A m pthill , in
Bedfordshire , and thought that he m ust have buried the hare in a place he kne w well, but he still could
not see the connection with K atherine of Aragon , until one day he ca m e across two stone crosses in
A m pthill Park and learnt that they had been built in her honor in 1773 .
Even then his search had not com e to an end . It was only after he had spent several nights digging
around the cross that he decided to write to Kit W illiam s to find out if he was w asting his tim e there .
W illia m s encoughed him to continue , and on February 24th 1982 , he found the treasure .It was worth
£ 3000 in the beginning , but the excite m ent it had caused since its burial m ade it m uch m ore valuable .
12 . The underlined word“the m ” ( paragraph 1 ) refer to
A . red herrings
B . treasure hunts
C . H erry VIII’s six wives
D . readers of M asquerade
13 . W hat is the m ost im portant clue in the story to help K en Roberts find the hare ?
A . T wo stone crosses in A m pthill .
B . Stevenson’s Treasure Island .
C . K atherine of Aragon .
D . W illia ms’ho m etown .
14 . The stone crosses in A m pthill were built
A . to tell about w hat happened in 1773
B . to show respect for H erry VIII’s first wife
C . to serve as a roadsign in A m pthill park
D . to inform people where the gold hare was
15 . W hich of the following descirbes R oberts’logic in searching for the hare ?
a . H erry VIII’s six wives
b . K atherine’s burial place at Kim bolton
c . W illia m s’childhood in A m pthill
d . K atherine of Aragon
e . stone crosses in A m pthill Park
A .a b c e d
B .d b c e a
C .a d b c e
D .b a e c d
附录 : 1998 年~2002 年 N M ET 阅读理解试题
16 . W hat is the subject discussed in the text ?
A . A n exciting historical event .
B . A m odern treasure hunt .
C . The attraction of M asquerade .
D . T he im portance of logic thinking .
A child’s birthday party doesn’t have to be a hassle ; it can be a basket of fun , according to Beth
Anaclerio , an Evaston m other of tw o , ages 4 and 18 m onths .
“ H aving a party at ho m e usually requires a lot of running around on the part of the parents , and often
the birthday boy or girl gets lots in wild excite m ent . B ut it really doesn’t have to be that w ay , ”said
Anaclerio . Last su m m er , A naclerio and her friend Jill Carlisle , a N orthbook m other of a 2-year-old ,
founded a ho m e party-planning business called“ A Party in a B asket .”Their goal is to help parents and
children share in the fun part of party planning , like choosing the subject or m aking a cake , w hile they
take care of everything .
Drawing on their experiences as m others , they have created ( 制 作 ) 10 ready-to-use , ho m e party
packages . Everything a fa mily needs to plan , except the cake and ice crea m , is delivered to the ho m e in
a large basket .
“ O ur parties are aim ed for children 2 to 10 , ” A naclerio said , “ and they’re very interactive( 互 动 )
and creative in that they build a sense of dra m a based on a subject . For exa m ple , at the Soda Shoppe
party the guests beco m e waiters and waitresses and build wonderful ice-crea m creations .”
The standard $ 200 package for eight children includes a basket filled with invitations , gifts, ga m es
and prizes , paper goods , a party planner and the like . For m ore inform ation , call A naclerio at 708-8646584 or C arlisle at 708-205-9141 .
17 . The m ain purpose of writing this text is
A . to share infor m ation about party planning
B . to introduce the joys of a birthday party
C . to announce a business plan
D . to sell a service
18 . The m ost im portant idea behind the kind of party planning described here is that
A . it brings parents and children closer together
B . guests play a part in the preparation of a party
C . parents are spared the trouble of sending invitations
D . it provides a subject of conversation
19 . W hat does the underlined word“ hassle” ( paragraph 1 ) probably m ean ?
A . a party designed by specialists
B . a plan requiring careful thought
C . a situation causing difficulty or trouble
D . a dem and m ade by guests
附录 : 1998 年~2002 年 N M E T 阅读理解试题
20 . W hich of the following is m ost likely to be a party planner ?
附录 : 1998 年~2002 年 N M ET 阅读理解试题
1998 年~2002 年 N M ET 阅读理解题参考答案
1998 年
1. C
15 . C
2. D
3. A
16 . A
17 . B
4. C
18 . D
5. D
19 . A
6. B
7. D
8. A
9. C
10 . D
11 . C
12 . A
13 . B
14 . A
7. D
8. B
9. D
10 . B
11 . C
12 . C
13 . C
14 . B
7. A
8. D
9. A
10 . B
11 . D
12 . B
13 . B
14 . D
7. D
8. A
9. A
10 . B
11 . D
12 . C
13 . A
14 . C
7. A
8. A
9. A
10 . D
11 . A
12 . D
13 . C
14 . B
20 . B
1999 年
1. A
15 . A
2. D
16 . C
3. B
17 . A
4. B
18 . D
5. C
19 . C
6. A
20 . D
2000 年
1. C
15 . C
2. C
16 . A
3. A
17 . B
4. A
18 . D
5. D
6. C
19 . C
20 . A
2001 年
1. C
15 . D
2. D
16 . B
3. C
17 . B
4. A
5. B
18 . C
19 . A
6. B
20 . B
2002 年
1. C
15 . C
2. B
16 . B
3. B
17 . D
4. D
18 . A
5. C
19 . C
6. B
20 . A
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
In 1901 , H .G .Wells , an English writer , wrote a book describing a trip to the moon .
When the explorers ( 探险者 ) landed on the moon , they discovered that the moon was full of
underground cities .They expressed their surprise .”Why , ”they asked , ”are you travling to
outer space when you don’t even use your inner space ?”
H .G .Wells could only imagine travel to the moon . In 1969 , human beings really did
land on the moon . People today know that there are no underground cities on the moon .
However , the question that the ”moon people”asked is still an interesting one .A growing
number of scientists are seriously thinking about it .
Underground systerms are already in place .Many cities have underground car parks . In
some cities , such as Tokyo , Seoul and Montreal , there are large underground shopping
areas .The ”Chunnel ”, a tunnel( 隧道 ) connecting England and France , is now complete .
But what about underground cities ?Japan’s Taisei Corportion is designing a network of
underground systerms , called ”Alice Cities .”The designers imagine using surface for public
parks and using underground space for flats , offices , shopping, and so on .A solar done ( 太
阳能穹顶 ) would cover the whole city .
Supporters of underground development say that building down rather than building up
is a good way to use the earth’s space .The surface , they say , can be used for farms , parks ,
gardens , and wildness .H .G .Wells’”moon people”would agree . Would you ?
56 .The explorers in H .G .Wells’story were surprised to find that the ”moon people”
_____ .
A . knew so much about the earth
B . understood their language
C .lived in so many underground cities
D .were ahead of them in space technology
57 .What does the underlined word ”it”( paragraph 2) refer to ?
A . discovering the moon’s inner space .
B .Using the earth’s inner space .
C .Meeting the ”
moon people”again .
D .Traveling to outer space .
58 .What sort of underground systerms are already here with us ?
A . offices , shopping areas , power stations .
B .Tunnels , car parks , shopping areas .
C .Gardens , car parks , power stations .
D .Tunnels , gardens , offices .
59 .What would be the best title for the test ?
A . Alice Cities_ cities of the future
B . Space travel with H .G .Wells .
C . Enjoy living underground
D .Building down , not up
London ( Reuters ) - Organic fruit , delivered right to the doorstep . That id what
Gabriel Gold prefers , and he is willing to pay for it . If this is not possible , the 26 - year old computer technician will spend the extra money at the supermarket to buy organic food .
”Organic produce is always better , ”Gold said . ”The food is free of pesticides ( 农
药 ) , and you are generally supporting family farms instead of large farms .And more often
than not it is locally ( 本 地 ) grown and seasonal , so it is more tasty .”Gold is one of a
growing number of shoppers buying into the organic trend , and supermarkets across Britain
are counting on more like him as they grow their organic food business .But how many
shoppers really know what they are getting , and why are they willing to pay a higher price
for organic produce ?Market research shows that the Gold and others who buy organic food is
far from complete .For example , small amounts of pesticides can be used on organic
products .And about three quarters of organic food in Britain is not local but imported ( 进口 )
to meet growing demand .”
The demand for organic food is increaing by about one third every year , so it is very
fast - growing market , ”said Sue Flock , a specialist in this line of business .
60 .More and more people in Britain are buying organic food because____
A .they are getting richer
B .hey can get the food because
C .they consider the food free of pollution
D .they like home - growns fruit
61 .Which of the following statements is true to the facts about most organic produce sold in
Britain ?
A . It grows indoors all year round
B .It is produced outside Britain .
C .It is grown on family farms .
D .It is produced on large farms .
62 .What is the meaning of ”the organic trend ”as the words are used in the rest ?
A .growing interest in o9rganic food
B .better quality of organic food
C .rising market for organic food
D .higher prices of organic food
63 .What is the best title for this news story ?
A .Organic food healthy , or just for the wealthy
B .The making of organic food in Britain
C .Organic food to import or not
D .God qualities of organic food
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
City Varieties
The Headrow , leeds .Tel .430808
Oct 10 11 only A Night at the Varieties .All the fun of an lod music hall with Barry Cryer ,
Duggle Brown , 6dancers , Mystina , JonBaker , Anne Duval and the Tony harrisontrio .Laugh
again at the old jokes and listen to your favourite songs .Performances : 8 p .m . nightly .
Admission : £ 5 ; under 16 o rovre 60 : £ 4York Theater Royal St Leonard’s Place ,
York . Tel . 223568Sept 23–Oct 17 Groping For Words–a comedy by Sue Townsend .Best
known for her Adrian Mole Diaries , Townsend now writes about an evening class which two
men and a women attend . A gentle comedy .
Admission : Fist night , Mon : £ 2 ; Tues–
Fri : £ 3 .25–5 .50 ; £3 .50–5 .75Halifax
Playhouse King’s Cross Street , Halifax . Tel .365998Oct 10 17 On Golden Pond by Ernest
Thompson .This is a magical comedy about real people .A beautiful produced , well - acted
play for everyone . Don’t miss it .
Performances : 7 : 30 p .m .
Admission : £ 2 .Mon : 2seats for the price of one
Grand Theatre
Oxford street , Leeds Tel . 502116
Restaurant and cafe
Oct 1 17 The Secret Diary of Adrian , Mole , aged 13 . Sue townsend’s musical play , based
on her best - selling book .
Performances ; Evenings 7 : 45 . October 10 17 , at 2 : 30pm . No Monday performance .
Admission : Tues Thurs : £2–5 ; Fri &Sat: £ 2–6 .
64 .Which theatre offers the cheapest seat ?
A . Halifax Playhouse .
B .City Varieties .
C .Grand Theatre .
D .York theatre Royal
65 .If you want to see a play with old jokes and songs , which phone number will you ringto
book a seat ?
A . 502116
B . 223568
C .365998
D .430808
66 .We may learn from the text that Sue Townsend is ________ .
A . a writer
B . an actress
C . a musician
D . a director
Treasure hunts ( 寻宝 ) have excited people’s imagination for hundreds of years both in
real life and in books such as Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island .Kit Williams , a
modern writer , had the idea of combining the real excitement of a treasure hunt with clues
( 线索 ) found in a book when he wrote a children’s story , Masquerade, in 1979 . The book
was about a hare , and a month before it came out Williams buried a gold hare in a park in
Bedfordshire .The book contained a large number o clues to help readers find the hare , but
Williams put in a lot of red herrings”, or false clues , to mislead them .
Ken Roberts , the man who found the hare , had been looking for it for nearly two
years . Although he had been searching in the wrong area most if the time , he found it by
logic ( 逻辑 ) , nit by luck . His success came from the fact that he had gained an important
clue at the start . He had realized that the words : ”One of Six to Eight”under the first
picture in the book connected the hare in some way to Katherine of Aragon , the first of
Herry VIII’s six wives . Even here , however , Williams had succeeded in misleading him .
Ken knew that Katherine of Aragon had died at Kimbolton in Cambridgeshire in 1536 and
thought that Williams had buried the hare there . He had been digging there for over a year
before a new idea occurred to him .He found out that Kit Williams had spent his childhood
near Ampthill , in Bedfordshire , and thought that he must have buried tha hare in a place he
knew well , but he still could not see the connection with Katherine of Aragon , until one day
he came across two stone crosses in Ampthill Park and learnt that they had built in her hono
rin 1773 .
Even then his search had not come to an end . It was only after he had spent several
nights digging around the cross that he decided to write to Kit Williams to find out if he was
wasting his time there .Williams encoughed him to continue , and on February 24th 1982 , he
found the treasure .It was worth * 3000 in the beginning , but the excitement it had caused
since its burial made it much more valuable .
67 .The underlined word ”them”( paragraph 1) refer to ________ .
A .red herrings
B .treasure hunts
C .Herry VIII’s six wives
D .readers of Masquerade
68 . What is the most important clue in the story to help Ken roberts find the hare ?
A . Two stone crosses in Ampthill .
B .Stevenson’s Treasure Island .
C .To serve as a roadsign in Ampthill Park .
D .Williams’hometown .
69 .The stone crosses in Ampthill were built _________ .
A . to tell about what happened in 1773
B .to show respect for Herry VIII’s first wife
C .to serve as a roadsign in Ampthill park
D .to inform people where the gold hare was
70 . Which of the following descirbes roberts’logic in searching for the hare ?
a .Herry VIII’s six wives
b .Katherine’s burial place at Kimbolton
c .willians’childhood in Ampthill
d .Katherine of Aragon
e . stone crosses in Ampthill Park
A .a b c - e d
B.dbce a
C .a d b c e
D .b a e c d
71 .What is the subject discussed in the text ?
A .An exciting historical event .
B . A modern treasure hunt .
C .The attraction of Masquerade .
D . The importance of logic thinking .
NMET 话题阅读训练 & 仿真试题答案解析
A child’s birthday party doesn’t have to be a hassle ; it can be a basket of fun ,
according to Beth Anaclerio , an Evaston mother of two , age 4 and 18 months .
”Having a party at home usually requires a lot of running around on the part of the
parents , and often the birthday boy or girl gets lots in wild excitement . But it really doesn’
t have to be that way , ’said Anaclerio . Last summer , Anaclerio and her friend Jill Carlisle ,
a Northbook mother of a 2 - year - old , founded a home party - planning business called ”
A Party in a Basket .”Their goal is to help parents and children share in the fun part of
party planning , like choosing the subject or making a cake , while they take care of
everything .
Drawing on their experiences as mothers , they have created ( 制作 ) 10 ready - to - use ,
home party packages . Everything a family needs to plan , except the cake and ice cream , is
delivered to the home in a large basket .”Our parties are aimed for children 2 to 10 , ”
Anaclerio said , ”and they’re very interactive ( 互动 ) and creative in that they build a sense
of drama based on a subject . For example , at the Soda Shoppe party the guests become
waiters and waitresses and build wonderful ice - cream creations .”The standard $200
package for eight children includes a basket filled with invitation , gifts , games and prizes ,
paper goods , a party planner and the like . For more information , call Anaclerio at 708 864 - 6584 or Carlisle at 708 - 205 - 9141 .
72 .The main purpose of writing this text is ________ .
A . to share information about party planning
B . to introduce the joys of a birthday party
C . to announce a business plan
D . to sell a service
73 . The most important idea behind the kind of party planning described here is that
__________ .
A . it brings parents and children closer together
B . guests play a part in the preparation of a party
C . parents are spared the trouble of sending invitations
D . it provides a subject of conversation
74 . What does the underlined word ”hassle”( paragraph 1 ) probably mean ?
A . a party designed by specialists
B . a plan requiring careful thought
C . a situation causing difficulty or trouble
D . a demand made by guests
75 . Which of the following is most likely to be a party planner ?

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