CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE Clinipath Pathology 310 Selby Street North Osborne Park 6017 Tel: 08 9371 4200 Fax: 08 9371 4444 Web Site: All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or any means without the written permission of Clinipath Pathology This handbook has been compiled by Clinipath Pathology. Every care has been taken to ensure that the information is correct at the time of printing. November 2014 Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 1 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY Introduction SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL This book provides comprehensive listings of tests and activities undertaken by Clinipath Pathology. For ease of use, the entries within this book are in alphabetical order. This includes diseases, drugs, pathogens, test names, specimen types, analytes, procedures or clinical topics. Tests which are commonly known by multiple names are cross-referenced and the detailed test information given under the full test name. Headings used throughout the manual include: Test Name: Test names highlighted in black either have to be collected at the main laboratory only or have special collection requirements. It is advisable to contact the Duty Manager on 08 9371 4440 before collection. Specimen Required: This will list the type of specimen i.e. Swab, Serum (1xSST), Mid Stream Urine (MSU). Department: The department which will perform the test and who to contact if you have any queries about the test. In the case of referred tests you should contact the Duty Manager in Perth or the Laboratory Manager in Bunbury. Reference Range: Reference ranges are provided in this book for common tests and analytes. For other tests, the reference ranges may be provided on the report. From time to time, the reference ranges for a given test may change due to new methods being introduced. Standard S.I. units are used throughout this manual. Interpretation: Tests may have interpretative comments suggesting the reasons for a HIGH/LOW result. These are intended as a guide only and additional queries should be directed to the appropriate pathologist. Note: These will contain any special collection requirements such as “Must be collected at main laboratory for immediate processing.” No Rebate: Test marked "No rebate" are not eligible for a medicare rebate. Patients need to be informed that they will receive a private account. Current costs are available from Duty Manager or Account department. Up Front Fee: Tests marked with "Up front fee" require the patient to pay for the collection and processing costs of the test before collection. As of Nov 2014 this cost is $80.00 but is subject to change Specific Requirment: Tests marked "Specific requirements" mean that the patient must meet certain requirements to be eligible for a medicare rebate Comment: These will include indications and/or limitations of the test and also may indicate additional information that is required to perform the test. ASSAYS NOT LISTED As a result of continued development, new assays and improved methods are constantly being introduced. If you require tests not currently listed, please contact the laboratory. Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 2 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE A Appendix I 1, 25–OH CHOLECALCIFEROL Specimen required: Department: 1 x dedicated small SST Referred test 3 - METHOXY- 4 - HYDROXYMANDELIC ACID See ADRENALINE / NORADRENALINE 5HIAA See HYDROXYINDOLACETIC ACID 17-OH PREGNELONONE SEE PREGNELONONE 17– OH PROGESTERONE Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Gender specific as stated on report. HIGH – Congenital adrenal hyperplasia 21 HYDROLASE ANITBODIES Specimen required: Department: 1 x SST Referred test 25–VIT D See Vitamin D 25 - OH CHOLECALCIFEROL See VITAMIN D α 1AT See ALPHA 1 ANTITRYPSIN α N ACETYLGALACTOSAMINIDASE See ALPHA N Acetylgalactosaminidase Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 3 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE A A A1AT See ALPHA 1 ANTITRYPSIN AA SCREEN See AMINO ACID SCREEN ABSCESS See WOUND ASPIRATE ACANTHAMOEBA Specimen required: Eye swab or Corneal scrapping Department: Referred test Comment: Notify Duty Manager if requested. May be requested by ophthalmologist in patients who wear contact lenses and have eye ulceration. Limited material is usually available for all tests. See also: Eye Swab ACA See ANTI CARDIOLIPIN ANTIBODIES ACE See ANGIOTENSIN CONVERTING ENZYME ACETOMINOPHEN See PARACETAMOL ACETYLCHOLINE RECEPTOR ANTIBODIES ( ACRA ) See ANTI ACETYLCHOLINE RECEPTOR ANTIBODY ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID ( ASPIRIN ) See SALICYLATES ACID FAST BACILLI ( AFB ) See TUBERCULOSIS ACH See ANTI ACETYLCHOLINE RECEPTOR ANTIBODY ACLA See ANTI CARDIOLIPIN ANTIBODIES ACPA See ANTI CYCLIC CITRULLINATED PEPTIDE ACR See ALBUMIN/CREATINE RATIO ACRA See ANTI ACETYLCHOLINE RECEPTOR ANTIBODY Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 4 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY A SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE ACTH ( ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE ) Please refer patient to Main Laboratory ONLY. Specimen required: 1 x PPT - Must be full tube. Tubes must be pre-chilled and collected on ice. Department: Biochemistry Reference range: 0 - 10 pmol/L (Diurnal Variation) Interpretation: LOW - Pituitary insufficiency, extrapituitary Cushing’s disease HIGH - Cushing’s disease of pituitary origin, adrenal insufficiency, ectopic ACTH Note: Ideally collected between 8am & 9am, Mon-Fri. Specimen to be spun and frozen immediately. Afternoon collection (4-5pm) available only when specially requested. (No Add ons) ACTIVE B12 (Holotranscobalamin) Specimen required: Department: 1 x SST Biochemistry M ACTIVATED PROTEIN C RESISTANCE ( APC RESISTANCE ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: 1 x EDTA for molecular study for Factor V Leiden gene mutation 1 x) Haematology Norm ACUTE PHASE REACTANTS See ESR, FERRITIN, C-REACTIVE PROTEIN Comment: If acute phase reactant not specified do an ESR and C-Reactive protein. ADENOVIRUS SEROLOGY Specimen required: Department: Comment: ADENOVIRUS PCR Specimen required: Department: Comment: 1 x SST Referred test May occasionally cause respiratory infection, rash, meningitis Dry swab from eye(s) for PCR or stool sample for gastroenteritis. Dry nasal swab and throat swab if for diagnosis of respiratory infection. Referred test Can cause acute conjunctivitis + strains 40/41 cause gastroenteritis ADRENALINE / NORADRENALINE – Urine ( CATECHOLAMINES ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Note: Adult - 24 hour urine collection. Child(<16yrs) – Random urine is preferred specimen Referred test Adrenaline <120 nmol/day Noradrenaline <600 nmol/day HIGH - Phaeochromocytoma, Neuroblastoma (children), severe stress or exercise. Preservative: 20 mls of 50% Hydrochloric Acid. Patient should be informed of the need for care with the preservative. ADH (ANTI DIURETIC HORMONE OR VASOPRESSIN) See Anti Diuretic Hormone ADIPONECTIN Specimen required: 1 x SST separate and freeze ASAP Demartment: Referred test Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 5 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY A SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE ADRENALINE / NORADRENALINE – Blood Comment: Specimen required: Department: Note: Due to special collection requirements this test can only be performed at the Main Laboratory. See Metanephrines-Plasma Referred test Blood testing will only be performed if Urine Adrenaline/Noradrenaline is elevated and consultation with pathologist has occurred. ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE ( ACTH ) See ACTH AFB CULTURE See TUBERCULOSIS AFB SMEAR See TUBERCULOSIS Department: Referred test Comment: Can be performed at Clinipath Pathology for urgent cases. AH50 See CH50 AHS See Australian Health Survey AIDS See HIV SEROLOGY ALANINE TRANSAMINASE ( ALT OR SGPT ) Specimen required: Serum (1 x SST) Department: Biochemistry Reference range: 0 - 40 U/L Interpretation: HIGH - Liver cell damage. - In viral conditions such as Hepatitis C, the elevation of ALT is typically greater than AST. Comment: This Laboratory routinely performs this test as part of Liver Function Tests. ALBUMIN ( ALB ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Comment: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry 35-50 g/L HIGH - Shock, dehydration LOW - Malnutrition, malabsorption, cirrhosis, heart failure, nephrotic syndrome, acute phase response This Laboratory routinely performs this test as part of Liver Function Tests. ALBUMIN CREATINE RATIO Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Spot urine Biochemistry As stated on report Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 6 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE A ALCOHOL (ETHANOL) – LEGAL (C2H5OH) Specimen: Specimen will have already been collected and will be provided in a legal container Prepayment required $250.00 (June 2012.) Mark specimen “for legal use only” do not disturb the seal refer to Healthscope Functional Pathology. ALCOHOL (ETHANOL) – NON-LEGAL Specimen required: Department: Note: See also: ALDOSTERONE Comment: Specimen required: Department: Note: Clinipath Pathology Serum (1 x SST ) Bunbury Pathology 1 x Lith Hep, no alcohol wipes Spot urine samples may be used. Biochemistry Clinipath Pathology can perform NON-LEGAL ALCOHOLS ONLY. DRUGS of ABUSE If this test is requested with RENIN, please refer the patient to the MAIN LABORATORY . 1 x PPT - Must be full tube (Bunbury Pathology –collect main lab only) Referred test Please note medications on request form, this is a non-fasting test When supine and erect levels are requested, samples should be taken following 20 minutes in each position. (Not available as an Added Test) ALDOSTERONE/RENIN Comment: Specimen required: Department: Note: Please refer the patient to the MAIN LABORATORY 8.00-9.00am. 1 x PPT - Must be full tube (Bunbury Pathology –collect main lab only) Referred test Please note medications on request form, this is a non-fasting test When supine and erect levels are requested, samples should be taken following 20 minutes in each position. (Not available as an Added Test) ALK PHOS ISOENZYMES See below ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE ELECTROPHORESIS ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE ( ALP ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Comment: Serum (1 x SST) (Not available as an Added Test) Biochemistry 30 - 140 U/L Adult 36 - 550 U/L Child May be higher during rapid bone growth phases. HIGH - Bone disease, liver disease (especially obstructive), pregnancy This Laboratory routinely performs this test as part of Liver Function Tests. ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE ISOENZYMES See below ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE ELECTROPHORESIS ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE ELECTROPHORESIS Specimen required: Department: Comment: 1 x Red Tube no gel dedicated tube is required Referred test This test has replaced Alkaline Phosphatase Isoenzymes. A comment is issued indicating the proportions of liver, bone and other (e.g. intestinal) isoforms detected in the serum or plasma. ALPHA – 1 ANTITRYPSIN Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry 0.9-2.0 g/L HIGH - Acute phase response. LOW - Congenital Deficiency (Phenotyping and family studies recommended.) Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 7 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE A ALPHA – 1 ANTITRYPSIN GENOTYPE Specimen required: Department: Note: Clinipath Pathology - 1 x EDTA Bunbury Pathology - 1 x EDTA Referred test Send whole blood ALPHA - FETO PROTEIN ( AFP ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: See also: Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry (For tumour marker AFP only, pregnant AFP must be referred to SCI) Male and Non-Pregnant Female – < 8 kU/L HIGH Non–Pregnant: Hepatic carcinoma, hepatitis, cirrhosis, embryonal carcinoma and yolk sac tumour. Pregnant: Neural tube defects, Twins, Exomphalos, Wrong Dates. SECOND TRIMESTER SCREENING Amniotic Fluid Referred test These are gestation specific, and are provided on the report. Ranges for 15 – 21 weeks gestation are provided. HIGH - Elevated in 85 - 95% of open neural tube defects. ALPHA N ACETYLGALACTOSAMINIDASE (Up front fee + No rebate) Specimen:2 x EDTA collect Monday-Thursday only Department: Refered Test Note: Patient must pay $80.00 upfront collection and shipping fee and will receive a private nonrebatable account of $110.00 (July 2012) ALPHA SUB UNIT Specimen required: Department: ALUMINIUM Specimen required: Department: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test 2 x Trace Element (Royal blue top K2EDTA), can be spot urine Referred test AMH See Anti Mullerian Hormone AMIKACIN See GENTAMICIN / AMINOGLYCOSIDE MONITORING AMINO ACID SCREEN (AA SCREEN) (Partial Medicare rebate) Specimen required: Department: Note: Comment: FASTING Lithium Heparin - Collect at Main Laboratory ONLY. Referred test Specimen must be separated and frozen within the hour. This is a Referred test. Please check for current COST TO PATIENT. Clinipath Pathology requires postage and handling fee. The patient will receive an invoice for the test. After payment a receipt is issued which can be used to claim some Medicare benefit, but ONLY if the request was from a registered Medical Practitioner. AMINOGLYCOSIDE MONITORING See GENTAMICIN / AMINOGLYCOSIDE MONITORING Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 8 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE A AMINOPHYLLINE See THEOPHYLLINE AMIODARONE Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Note: AMITRIPTYLINE Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Comment: AMMONIA Specimen required: Department: 1 x Heparin NO GEL . Collect PRE-DOSE sample (Trough) Referred test Not reported. Levels greater than 3 mg/L (of Amiodarone and metabolite Diethyl Amiodarone) may be associated with an increased incidence of adverse effects. Please record time of last dose and collection. 1 x Heparin NO GEL. Collect PRE-DOSE sample (Trough) Referred test 50 - 200 ug/L (Amitriptyline and metabolite Nortriptyline combined). PEAK LEVEL: 4-8 hours after oral administration. HALF LIFE: 17-40 hours. If dose changes, please wait two weeks before re-assay. Direct patient to main lab as blood must be spun and frozen immediately Clinipath Pathology - Lithium Heparin, spin and freeze immediately Bunbury Pathology – 1 x 4.5 EDTA spin and freeze immediately Referred test AMOEBA see ENTAMOEBA HISTOLYTICA AMPHETAMINES see DRUGS of ABUSE AMYLASE Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry < 100 U/L VERY HIGH - Acute pancreatitis. HIGH - Cholecystitis, perforated peptic ulcer, intestinal obstruction, abdominal trauma, ruptured ectopic pregnancy. ANA See ANTI NUCLEAR ANTIBODY (ANA) ANCA See ANTI NEUTROPHIL CYTOPLASMIC ANTIBODY) ANDROGENS Specimen required: Department: See also: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Clinipath Pathology - Serum (1 x SST) Bunbury Pathology – 2 x Serum (2 x SST) Biochemistry Individual Androgens - TESTOSTERONE, D H E A S, ANDROSTENEDIONE, SEX HORMONE BINDING GLOBULIN Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 9 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY A SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE ANDROSTENEDIONE Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Note: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry Males 2.1-10.8 nmol/L Female 1.0-11.5 nmol/L HIGH - Virilising tumours and congenital adrenal hyperplasia. - Polycystic ovary disease. The specimen should ideally be collected in the 1st half of the menstrual cycle. ANTINUCLEAR FACTOR (ANF) See Anti nuclear antibody ANGIOTENSIN CONVERTING ENZYME ( ACE ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test As stated on report . ANION GAP Specimen required: Serum (1 x SST) Reference range: 10 – 20 mmol/L Comment: This is a calculation performed with routine ELECTROLYTE estimations. ANTENATAL BASIC SCREENING TESTS (REPLACES PREGNANCY PATHOLOGY ASSESSMENT) Specimen required: Department: Comment: Serum (1 x SST), 1 x EDTA, MSU, FVU Serology / Haematology / Microbiology / Biochemistry Includes a selection of Medicare items which must be specified e.g. FBC (Full Blood Count) ABO & Rh GROUP. (Blood Group) ANTIBODY SCREEN (Maternal Antibody Screen) RUBELLA IgG ANTIBODIES (Rubella Immunity) HEPATITIS B SURFACE ANTIGEN RPR, TPHA (Syphilis Serology) HCV, HIV, etc MSU for mc&s FVU for Chlamydia Additional serology needs to be specified e.g. VARICELLA CMV TOXOPLASMOSIS HERPES SIMPLEX I & II HEPATITIS A ANTI ACETYLCHOLINE RECEPTOR ANTIBODIES Specimen required: Department: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test ANTIBODY REGISTRATION & IDENTIFICATION Specimen required: Department: Comment: 2 x Clotted blood (NO GEL SERUM ) and 1 x EDTA Referred test Referred to Red Cross Blood Transfusion Centre. ANTIBODY SCREENING ( MATERNAL ) Specimen required: Department: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 1 x EDTA Haematology Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 10 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY A SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE ANTIBODIES (NON-MATERNAL) See FULL ANTIBODIES LIST AT END OF ‘ A’ SECTION Not to be confused with Blood Group Antibodies ANTICARDIOLIPIN ANTIBODY IGM & IGG (ACA / ACLA) Specimen required: Department: Indications: Reference range: Comment: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Anticardiolipin antibodies are a characteristic finding in the anti-phospholipid syndrome, which is sometimes associated with SLE or another autoimmune disease. Typical clinical features include venous and arterial thromboses, recurrent spontaneous abortion and thrombocytopaenia. As stated on report Was previously called Cardiolipin Antibodies ANTI CCP See ANTI CYCLIC CITRULLINATED PEPTIDE ANTI CENTROMERE Specimen required: 1 x SST ANTI CYCLIC CITRULLINATED PEPTIDE Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Comment: Serum (1 x SST) Immunology <5 U/mL Anti cyclic citrullinated peptide (Anti CCP) antibodies are autoantibodies detected in the serum of some patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). A combination of Anti CCP and rheumatoid factor has a very high diagnostic specificity (>99%) and is of value in the early diagnosis of RA. ANTI DIURETIC HORMONE (ADH OR VASOPRESSIN) (No rebate) Specimen required: Department: 2x EDTA, kept cold. Must be full draw. Label process immediately Referred , Patient to sign consent form agreeing to payment ANTI DNA - ANTI DOUBLE STRANDED DNA ANTIBODIES (DS-DNA) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Negative anti-ds DNA < 6 kIU/L ANTI DNASE B TITRE Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Comment: See also: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test As stated on report. Positive in 85-90% of patients with rheumatic fever, glomerulonephritis and pyoderma. This is complementary to ANTI STREPTOLYSIN TITRE. Not to be confused with double stranded anti DNA. It is advisable to choose 2 anti streptococcal Ab tests to improve specificity e.g. ASOT + Anti Dnase B. Antibodies appear 1-2 months after onset of infection. Response is longer lasting than ASOT. Streptococcal serology ANTI ENDOMYSIAL IGA ANTIBODIES TEST NO LONGER PERFORMED. REPLACED BY TISSUE TRANSGLUTAMINASE ANTIBODIES (TTG) ANTI ENA - AUTO ANTIBODIES TO EXTRACTABLE NUCLEAR ANTIGENS (ENA) Specimen required: Department: Comment: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Serum (1 x SST) Immunology The ENA which are tested are: SS-A/Ro, SS-B/La, RNP,Sm,Jo-1 and Scl-70. For other antigens, testing can be discussed with immunology. Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 11 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY A SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE ANTI FACTOR Xa Specimen required: Department: Reference range: 2 x Sodium Citrate tubes. Referred test As stated on report. ANTI FILAGGRIN ANTIBODIES TEST NO LONGER PERFORMED. REPLACED BY ANTI CYCLIC CITRULLINATED PEPTIDE ANTI GAD (GLUTAMIC ACID DECARBOXYLASE) ANTIBODIES Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test As stated on report. ANTIGEN DETECTION - DIRECT See HSV, FLU, RSV etc ANTI GLIADIN ANTIBODIES TEST NO LONGER PERFORMED - REPLACED BY TISSUE TRANSGLUTAMINASE ANTIBODIES (TTG) ANTI INTRINSIC FACTOR ANTIBODIES See INTRINSIC FACTOR ANTIBODIES ANTI KERATIN ANTIBODIES TEST NO LONGER PERFORMED. REPLACED BY ANTI CYCLIC CITRULLINATED PEPTIDE ANTI LIVER/KIDNEY MICROSOMAL ANTIBODIES Specimen required: Department: See also: Serum (1 x SST) Immunology AUTOANTIBODIES ANTI LYMPHOCYTE ANTIBODIES Specimen required: Department: ANTIMONY Specimen required: 2 x ACD and 1 x SST Referred 2 x EDTA Note: not trace metal tube ANTI MULLERIAN HORMONE (no rebate) Specimen required: Department: Note: 1 x SST dedicated tube is required Referred This is a non-medicare rebatable test. Patients will receive an account. ANTI MITOCHONDRIAL ANTIBODIES Specimen required: Department: See also: Serum (1 x SST) Immunology AUTOANTIBODIES ANTI NEUTROPHIL ANTIBODIES Specimen required: Department: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Serum (1 x SST) and 1xEDTA Referred test Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 12 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE A ANTI NEUTROPHIL CYTOPLASM ANTIBODIES ( ANCA / MPO / PR3 ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Comment: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Positive results are expressed with titres and interpretative comments. Indicated in vasculitis syndromes, especially Wegener's granulomatosis and glomerular nephritis. Also may be positive in some connective tissue disorders, inflammatory bowel disease and autoimmune hepatitis. ANTI NUCLEAR ANTIBODIES ( ANA ) Specimen required: Department: Results: Note: Comment: Serum (1 x SST) Immunology Positive ANA findings are titrated and reported as the pattern of fluorescence and titre strength. If required Anti ENA and Anti DNA must be requested as separate tests. Examination by indirect immunofluorescence (ANA) ANTI PARIETAL CELL ANTIBODIES Specimen required: Department: See also: Serum (1 x SST) Immunology AUTOANTIBODIES ANTI PLATELET ANTIBODIES Note: Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Collect sample at Main Laboratory only, Monday – Friday ONLY before 11.00am. Must arrive at RPH before 1pm. Serum (1 x SST) and 2 x Sodium Citrate - DO NOT refrigerate or centrifuge sample Referred test Negative ANTI SMOOTH MUSCLE ANTIBODIES Specimen required: Department: See also: Serum (1 x SST) Immunology AUTOANTIBODIES ANTI STAPHYLOLYSIN TITRE Test no longer available ANTI STREPTOLYSIN O TITRE ( ASOT ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Comment: Note: See also: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Adults < 200 iu/mL Children up to 12 years < 150 iu/mL Positive in 85-90% of patients with rheumatic fever and 50-60% with glomerulonephritis Antibodies appear rapidly 1-2 weeks after onset of infection To increase specificity, it is recommended to perform both ASOT and Anti DNASE b ANTI DNASE B TITRE ANTI THROMBIN III ( AT3 ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Clinipath Pathology - 1 x Sodium Citrate tube. Bunbury Pathology 3 x Sodium Citrate Haematology As stated on report. APC RESISTANCE See ACTIVATED PROTEIN C RESISTANCE AQP4 (specific requirements for M/C rebate) Specimen required: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 1 x serum (SST) Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 13 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE A APOLIPOPROTEINS A1 & B Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Serum (1 x SST) - Fasting Referred Test As stated on report. APO-E GENOTYPING (no rebate) Specimen required: Department: Note: APTT 1 x EDTA Referred Test This is a non-medicare rebateable test, please contact main laboratory for current cost. See PARTIAL THROMBOPLASTIN TIME ARBOVIRUS SEROLOGY Specimen required: Department: Note: Serum (1 x SST) Clinipath Pathology / Referred test See also Ross River, Barmah Forest etc Includes Ross River Virus, Barmah Forest Virus and Dengue Fever serology (Referred test) Other Arboviruses including should be requested separately - Murray Valley Encephalitis - Japanese Encephalitis ARR (ALDOSTERONE RENIN RATIO) See Aldosterone or Renin ARSENIC Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Note: Spot Urine / 24 hr urine (no preservative) Referred test As stated on report The preferred specimen for toxicity and occupational monitoring is the urine method which measures total arsenic. Patients should avoid seafood 5 days prior to testing to exclude non toxic organo-arsenic compounds. ASCORBIC ACID See VITAMIN C ASCA (ANTIBODY AGAINST SACCHROMYCES CEREVISIAE) Specimen required: Serum (1 x SST) Department: Referred test Comment: May be a marker for inflammatory bowel disease e.g. Crohns Also see: Sacchromyces cerevisiae ASPARTATE AMINOTRANSFERASE (AST or SGOT) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Note: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry Female: < 37 U/L Male: < 45 U/L HIGH – Myocardial infarction, liver disease (especially hepatocellular), myopathy, exercise, haemolytic anaemia. FALSE HIGH – Haemolysis and delayed separation of specimen. Routinely performed by this laboratory as part of LFT’s ASPERGILLIS SEROLOGY Specimen required: Department: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 14 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE ASOT Specimen required: Department: See also: A Serum (1 x SST) Referred test ANTI STREPTOLYSIN O TITRE (ASOT) ATHLETES FOOT See Nail Clippings for Dermatophytes ATYPICAL PNEUMONIA SEROLOGY Specimen required: Department: Note: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test If tests are not specified refer to microbiologist. Tests include: Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Legionella, AUSTRALIAN ENCEPHALITIS SEROLOGY See Arboviruses “Murray Valley” etc regarded as Urgent Test AUSTRALIAN HEALTH SURVEY Specimen required: Department: Note: AUTO ANTIBODIES Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Methodology: Note: Interpretation: Comment: Serum (2 x SST), 1 x EDTA, 1x 1 x Fluoride Oxalate.1 x Urine Referred test (sent to DMH) It is preferable for pt to be fasting but do not turn them away on this basis. Always record fasting status and time of last meal. Ensure patient had answered all questions on request form. This survey will run until mid 2012 Serum (1 x small SST) (haemolysed or lipaemic serum is unsuitable) Immunology Negative Qualitative and Quantitative Testing is carried out by Immunofluorescence for the following: Anti Smooth Muscle Antibodies Anti Parietal Cell Antibodies Anti Mitochondrial Antibodies Anti Nuclear Antibodies Each test may be requested separately Anti Liver/Kidney Microsomal Antibodies (LKM), ENA, double stranded DNA must be requested separately As reported A small percentage of the normal population produce positive results in low titre. Any low positive patients should be retested in approximately one (1) month as some drugs and illnesses can give a positive result. ANTIBODY TESTS Specimen required: Generally, all tests beginning with Auto / or Anti require Serum (1 x SST) with the exception of those listed in bold at the bottom of the next page Anti Acetylcholine Receptor Abs – AchR, ACH Anti Basement Membrane Zone Abs – BMZ – see Skin Anti Beta-2-Glycoprotein I Abs Anti Campylobacter jejuni - Guillain-Barré Anti AntiCardiolipin Abs – ACLA or ACA Anti Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Abs-CCP, ACPA Anti DNA Abs – DNA or DS-DNA Anti Dnase B – see Streptococcal serology Anti Endomysial Abs – EMA (see TTG) Anti Extractable Nuclear Antigens – ENA inc. SSA(Ro), SSB(La), RNP, Sm, Jo-1, Scl-70. Anti Filaggrin Abs – discontinued see CCP Anti Ganglioside Abs – GM1 Anti Gliadin Abs (see TTG) Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 15 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY A SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE Anti Glomerular Basement Membrane - GBM Anti Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase – GAD Anti Gluten Abs - see TTG Anti Intrinsic Factor Abs Anti Islet Cell Abs Anti Keratin Abs – discontinued Anti Microsomal Abs – replaced by TPO Abs Anti Mitochondrial Abs Anti Musk Abs Anti Myeloperoxidase Abs – MPO see ANCA Anti Myocardial Abs Anti Neuronal Nuclear Abs – see Purkinjie Cell Abs Anti Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Abs – ANCA Anti Nerve Abs Anti Nuclear Abs – ANA Anti Nuclear Factor – ANF – see ANA Anti Ovarian Abs Anti Parietal Cell Abs – APC Anti Phospholipid Abs – see Cardiolipin Abs Anti Proteinase 3 – PR3 see ANCA Anti Purkinjie Cell Abs –Hu or Ri or Yo Anti Reticulin Abs Anti Ribosomal Abs Anti Saccaroyces cerevisiae Anti Skin Abs Anti Smooth Muscle Abs - SMA Anti Staphylolysin Abs no longer performed Anti Streptolysin O Abs – ASOT Anti Thyroid Abs – TPO Abs & TG Abs Anti Thyroid Peroxidase Abs – TPO Abs see Thyroid ABs Anti Thyroglobulin Abs – TG Abs see Thyroid Abs Anti Tissue Transglutaminase Abs (TTG) Anti Trypsin – see Alpha 1 Anti Trypsin Anti TSH Receptor Abs EXCEPT FOR THE FOLLOWING ANTIBODIES REQUIRING DIFFERENT SAMPLE TYPES: Anti Factor Xa Activity Anti Lymphocyte Antibodies Anti Platelet Antibodies Anti Sperm Antibodies -ASAB Anti Thrombin III - ATIII Maternal Antibodies Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Sample Required: Sample Required: Sample Required: Sample Required: Sample Required: Sample Required: Specimen Collection Guide Citrate Serum NO GEL (whole sample) + 2xACD Citrate x 2, & Serum NO GEL Can be Serum (1 x SST) OR Semen Citrate EDTA x1 10-Nov-2014 Page 16 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY B SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE B B1, B2, B3, B6 & B12 See VITAMINS BARBITURATES See DRUGS of ABUSE BARMAH FOREST VIRUS ANTIBODY (BFV) IGG + IGM Specimen required: Department: Indications: Results: Serum (1 x SMALL SST ) Serology May include fever, rash, acute arthritis/arthralgia, myalgia and fatigue. Reported as Detected / Not Detected with appropriate interpretative comments. BARTONELLA ANTIBODIES See CAT SCRATCH BARTONELLA PCR Specimen required: 2 x EDTA B-CELLS See IMMUNOPHENOTYPING BCR – ABL Specimen required: Department: Comment: 4 x 4ml EDTA or Bone Marrow Referred test TRANSPORT WITHIN 24 HOURS TO RPH (store at room temperature), and before 3.00pm on Fridays. No weekend specimens accepted. Positive in Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia BENCE JONES PROTEIN ( BJP ) See URINE ELECTROPHORESIS BENZODIAZEPINES See DRUGS of ABUSE BETA CAROTENE See CAROTENE BETA HCG & QUANTITATIVE BETA HCG See Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin BETA-2 GLYCOPROTEIN 1 ANTIBODIES Specimen required: Department: Comment: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Additional test when the ACLA titre is high. BETA-2 MICROGLOBULIN Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Comment: r Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Serum (1 x SST) or spot urine if specifically requested Biochemistry 0.60 - 2.37 mg/L HIGH - Renal failure, liver disease, malignant disease, immune disorders. Can be used to monitor glomerular filtration in renal disease.In lymphoma and myeloma, levels are related to tumour load and disease activity Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 17 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE B BETA THALASSAEMIA See HAEMAGLOBINOPATHY STUDIES BFV SEROLOGY IGG & IGM See BARMAH FOREST VIRUS SEROLOGY BICARBONATE ( HCO 3 ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry 21 – 32 mmol/L HIGH - Respiratory acidosis, LOW - Respiratory alkalosis, Metabolic alkalosis. Metabolic acidosis. BILE ACIDS See BILE SALTS BILE SALTS Specimen required: Department: BILHARZIA Specimen required: Department: Serum (1 x SST) Patient may be fasting or post prandial Referred For egg detection Terminal stream urine between 10.00am-2.00pm at least 4-8 weeks after estimated exposure (S.haematobium) Microbiology Faecal specimen x2 for ova, cysts and parasites at least 3 months after estimated exposure (S. mansoni, S. japonicum) BILHARZIA (SEROLOGY) Specimen required: Department: Comment: See also: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test May need repeat test at least 3 months after estimated exposure. SCHISTOSOMIASIS For ACUTE SCHISTOSOMIASIS see KATAYAMA FEVER BILIRUBIN – DIRECT ( Conjugated ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry Less than 9 umol/L HIGH - Hepatitis, bile duct blockage, toxins, drugs. LOW - (Total Bilirubin HIGH) - Haemolysis, physiological jaundice of the newborn, Crigler-Najjar syndrome, Gilbert’s disease. BILIRUBIN – TOTAL ( BILI ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: In neonates: Interpretation: Comment: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry Less than 20 umol/L. Adults. 0 - 24 hours : < 85 umol/L. 24 - 48 hours : <150 umol/L. 3 - 5 days : <200 umol/L. > 1 month : < 17 umol/L. HIGH - Hepatitis, bile duct blockage, toxic reactions, Gilbert’s disease, malignancy, cirrhosis. Neonatal bilirubins may be done from a “heel-prick”, collecting the blood into a Minicollect Tube. Keep protected from light and transport to Laboratory immediately. This laboratory routinely performs this test as part of LFT’s Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 18 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE B BIRD FLU See INFLUENZA BK VIRUS Specimen required: Department: Comment: Urine for cytology (see cytology) PCR (urine) Cytology/ Referred test One of the polyoma viruses, can cause ureteric pain and obstruction. May be seen in urine cytology specimens especially from renal transplant patients. BLEEDING TIME TEST NO LONGER PERFORMED. REPLACED BY PLATELET FUNCTION TEST BLOOD CULTURES Specimen required: Department: Note: Comment: BLOOD GROUPING Specimen required: Department: Results: Note: 10 mL of blood inoculated aseptically into each of one aerobic and one anaerobic Bactec blood culture bottle. Note: the level of fluid in the bottle and ensure that no more than 10ml of blood is drawn into the bottle. It is preferable that at least three blood culture sets be collected on separate occasions preferably during the fever spikes. Two at initial presentation taken from different arms, ten minutes apart, and a third at ½ hour to 1 hour later or arrange for domiciliary collection at home. Please indicate on label which arm the blood was collected from. These need to be sent to the Laboratory immediately. Collection is preferable prior to any antibiotic treatment. DO NOT Refrigerate and ALWAYS treat as URGENT Microbiology Blood culture sets are available from the Laboratory on request and must be stored at room temperature. Special blood culture bottles are available for AFB/TB from Microbiology. Positive results are reported immediately growth is detected. Negative reports are issued after 2 days incubation. 1 x EDTA Dedicated Tube Haematology Blood samples are grouped for ABO and Rh(D) antigens routinely. Specimen must be labelled with FULL NAME and Date of Birth and initialled by collector. Declaration on form must be completed and signed by collector, declaration stickers are available from the laboratory if Clinipath Pathology request forms are not used. BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL ( BSL ) See GLUCOSE and/or GLUCOSE TOLERANCE TEST BNP See Brain Natriuretic Peptide BONE MARROW / BONE TREPHINE Specimen Required: By arrangement with Haematologist. Department: Haematology Note: Bone marrow for AFB/TB see Tuberculosis BORDETELLA CULTURE / PCR (WHOOPING COUGH) See POST NASAL ASPIRATE BORDETELLA PERTUSSIS SEROLOGY (WHOOPING COUGH) Specimen required: Department: Comment: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 (1) Serum (1 x SST) IgA (2) PNA IgA, only if enough specimen >1ml Referred test For acute symptomatic Pertussis, culture/PCR via PNA is optimal and nasal IgA via PMH For chronic symptomatic Pertussis, blood serology may be preferred. Also see postnasal aspirate Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 19 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE B BORRELIA BURGDORFERI SEROLOGY (LYME DISEASE SEROLOGY) Specimen required: Department: Indications: Comment: BOTULISM Specimen required: Department: Note: Comment: Serum (1 x SST). Please record any overseas travel history for the past six months. Referred test May include distinctive skin lesions (Erythema chronicum migrans), headache, neck stiffness, myalgia, arthralgia, malaise and fatigue. Consider also RRV, BFV and EBV. There is no evidence that Lyme disease is present in Australia. Lyme disease is endemic in parts of USA and Europe and requests for Lyme serology may suggest recent travel to these areas. Supplementary test is immunoblot; follow up tests may be needed. Stool sample Microbiology PCR and Toxin assays available as referred tests. Please discuss with Clinical Microbiologist before requesting. Toxin from Clostriduim Botulinum causing paralysis (Same toxin used in Botox injections) BOWEL / COLON / RECTUM TUMOUR MARKERS See CA19-9, CARCINO EMBRYONIC ANTIGEN (CEA) BRAIN NATRIURETIC PEPTIDE (no rebate) Specimen required: Department: Reference Range: Serum (1 x SST) Referred As stated on report BRCA 1&2 (BREAST CANCER GENE STUDIES) Referring doctors must discuss this test with a Geneticist at KEMH(ph 9340 1525) before proceeding. Cannot be collected without specific approval from PMH geneticist Specimen required: 1 x EDTA and 1 x Hep No Gel Also see: Genetic Disorders BREAST TUMOUR MARKERS See CA15-3 and CARCINO EMBRYONIC ANTIGEN (CEA) BREATH TEST See HELICOBACTER BREATH TEST BRUCELLA SEROLOGY Specimen required: Department: Symptoms: Note: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Septicaemia and/or localised infections of bone, tissue or organ systems. It is associated with exposure to animals or animal products. Can occur in travellers who may have been exposed to unpasteurised food products. Blood cultures could be considered in acute brucellosis and the Laboratory should be notified of this possible diagnosis to avoid laboratory staff acquiring brucellosis infection. BURKHOLDERIA PSEUDOMALLEI SEROLOGY (MELIOIDOSIS) Specimen required: Department: Note: Comment: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Acute infection requires blood cultures x3 Endemic in Australian top end and in travelers to SE Asia Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 20 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE C C C1 ESTERASE INHIBITOR Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Comment: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry/ Referred test 0.15 - 0.35 g/L Used in the investigation of angioedema. Serum C1 esterase inhibitor levels may be normal in patients with a functional defect of the protein. If this is suspected, a functional C1 esterase inhibitor assay should be requested and serum collected as for a CH50. C1q See Complement C1q CA 15-3 Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Comment: CA 19-9 Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Comment: CA 72-4 Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Comment: CA 125 ANTIGEN Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Comment: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry 0 - 25 kU/L Mammary cancer marker. Rarely elevated in localised disease. Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry 0 - 37 kU/L Pancreatic cancer marker. May also be raised in gastric, hepatocellular and sometimes colonic cancer. Serum (1 x SST) Referred Test as stated on report Gastric cancer marker. Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry 0 - 35 kU/L Ovarian cancer marker. May also be raised in other gynaecological neoplasmic disease. Mild increases may be associated with early and ectopic pregnancy, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, peritonitis and renal failure. CA 549 ANTIGEN TEST NO LONGER PERFORMED - REPLACED BY CA 15-3. See above CADMIUM Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 2 x Trace Element (Royal blue top K2EDTA) / 24 hour Urine (no preservative), or random urine Referred test As stated on report Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 21 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE CAERULOPLASMIN Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Note: C Serum (1 x SST) Referred test 0.20 - 0.45 g/L. LOW - Wilson’s disease, chronic hepatitis. Usually performed in conjunction with Copper assay. CALCITONIN Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Serum (1 x SST). Separate ASAP and send sample frozen Referred test As stated on report. CALCIUM (CORRECTED) See Calcium (Serum) CALCIUM EXCRETION Specimen Required: Department: Tests Performed: Reference range: Spot fasting urine and Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry Urine creatinine and calcium; Serum creatinine Males: 40 – 120 mmol/L GF Females: 30 – 100 mmol/L GF CALCIUM (FREE) See Calcium (Ionised) CALCIUM (IONISED) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: CALCIUM ( SERUM ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: 1 x SST Spin but do not open. Attach a Process Immediately sticker Bunbury Pathology – Dedicated Tube 1 x SST (Not available as an Added Test) Biochemistry 1.12 - 1.32 mmol/L (pH adjusted to 7.40) As for Calcium (corrected) Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry 2.15 - 2.55 mmol/L (Corrected Calcium) HIGH - Carcinoma with osteolytic bone metastases, hyperparathyroidism, hypervitaminosis D, Paget’s disease, LOW - Hypoparathyroidism, Vitamin D deficiency, acute pancreatitis. CALCIUM ( URINARY RANDOM/24 HOURS ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Comment: Random – Spot urine 24 hour - collection bottle with 20 ml 50% HCl. (Warn patient of acid danger) Biochemistry 2.0 - 7.5 mmol/day HIGH - Hyperparathyroidism, high serum calcium, osteoporosis. LOW - Renal failure, nephrotic syndrome. Strongly affected by diet. CALCIUM, SPOT URINE (CALCIUM/CREATININE RATIO) Specimen required: Department: CALCIUM STUDIES Specimen required: Department: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Spot urine no preservative Biochemistry 2 x SST (Serum) Biochemistry Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 22 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE C CALCULUS ANALYSIS See Renal Stones CALPROTECTIN (no rebate) Specimen required: Department: Faeces Referred CAMPYLOBACTER JEJUNI / COLI Specimen required: Department: Notes: Faeces for culture Microbiology Campylobacter may be requested in Guillain-Barre syndrome. Check with Microbiologist. CAMPYLOBACTER SEROLOGY Specimen required: Department: Notes: Comment: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Is available and may be useful in a setting of Guillain-Barre syndrome. Check with Microbiologist. Campylobacter serology may be requested in Guillain-Barre syndrome. Not to be confused with Helicobacter Serology. CANCER ASSOCIATED SERUM ANTIGEN ( CASA ) TEST NO LONGER PERFORMED - REPLACED BY CA19-9 AND CA125 CANDIDA CULTURE See SWABS CANDIDA SEROLOGY Specimen required: Department: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test CANNABINOIDS ( THC ) See DRUGS of ABUSE CARBAMAZEPINE ( TEGRETOL ) Specimen required: Department: Results: Comment: 1 x Serum (1xSST)- Taken immediately prior to next dose. Bunbury Pathology Serum 1 x SST (trough) Biochemistry Therapeutic Range: 4 - 10 mg/L Peak level: 6 - 12 hours after oral administration. Half Life: 10 - 30 hours. 1. This drug induces its own metabolism. 2. Tolerance may develop to the anti-epileptic effect. CARBOHYDRATE DEFICIENT TRANSFERRIN (CDT) (no rebate) Specimen required: Department: Note: Serum (1 x SST). Separate and freeze as soon as possible. Referred Test Not medicare rebatable $90.00 as at July 1 2012 CARBON MONOXIDE SEE CARBOXY HAEMOGLOBIN ( BELOW) Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 23 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE C CARBOXY HAEMOGLOBIN Specimen Required: As Carboxy Haemoglobin is very labile – Perth patients should be referred directly to Mount Hospital laboratory for specimen collection. Bunbury patients should have 1 x lith Heparin collected Department: Referred test Comment: Test performed at Mount Hospital Laboratory. Sample collection should immediately follow any possible CO poisoning. CARCINO-EMBRYONIC ANTIGEN (CEA) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: CARCINOID Tests required: Specimen required: Department: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry < 5.0 ug/L HIGH - Colorectal and other GI carcinomas, thyroid carcinoma, lung carcinoma, heavy smokers Urininary 5 HIAA and Platlet serotonin See instructions for individual tests Referred CARDIAC ENZYMES ( CE ) TEST SUPERSEDED BY TROPONIN T, however if requested collect Serum (1 x SST) Always Urgent CARDIAC MUSCLE ANTIBODY Specimen required: Department: Note: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test History please CARDIOLIPIN ANTIBODY IGM & IGG (ACA / ACLA) See ANTI CARDIOLIPIN ANTIBODY (NEW NAME) CARNITINE Specimen required: Department: Note: CAROTENE Specimen required: Note: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Centrifuge within 4 hours of collection. Test run infrequently at PMH Serum (1 x SST) – Protect from light by wrapping with aluminium foil Attach process immediately sticker Referred test As stated on the report HIGH – Carotenemia. LOW – Malabsorption. CATECHOLAMINES See ADRENALINE/ NORADRENALINE CAT SCRATCH FEVER SEROLOGY (BARTONELLA HENSELAE) Specimen required: Department: Serum (1 x SST). Referred test If Cat Scratch PCR requested 2 x EDTA required. CCP See ANTI CYCLIC CITRULLINATED PEPTIDE CD4 / CD8 RATIO See IMMUNOPHENOTYPING CD4 Count See Immunophenotyping Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 24 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY C SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE CD57 AND/OR CD58 Specimen: Department: Comment: 2 x EDTA Referred Test Samples must reach DHM with 48 hours of collection. Must not be collected after midday Thursday or on Fridays or Saturdays CD MARKERS See IMMUNOPHENOTYPING CDT C CEA See Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin S See Carcino-Embryonic Antigen CELL FLOW CYTOMETRY See IMMUNOPHENOTYPING CERULOPLASMIN See Caeuloplasmin CERVICAL SMEAR See CYTOLOGY SPECIMENS CERVICAL SWAB See GENITAL SPECIMENS CF GENE See GENETIC DISORDERS CH50 Note: Specimen required Department: Collect at Main Laboratory ONLY, sample requires separating and freezing on collection. Serum (1 x SST) Referred test CHAGAS DISEASE See TRYPANOSOMIASIS CHICKEN POX TESTS See VARICELLA CHIKUNGUNYA SEROLOGY Specimen required Department: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 25 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE C CHLAMYDIA DNA DETECTION (BY POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION-PCR) Specimen collection: Men: First void urine (FVU) (preferably the first of the morning) is as sensitive as a swab. Women: Endocervical canal swab (dry) for PCR is the most sensitive test. If not feasible, then first void urine is acceptable. Thin prep testing is also acceptable and is more sensitive than urine. A self collected low vaginal swab (SOLVS) may be more sensitive than a first void urine in women. Department: Microbiology Results: Results are expressed as Detected or Not Detected. Note: Timing of Tests: If recent exposure suspected repeat PCR tests 3-6 weeks after estimated exposure. For individuals who are partners of proven Chlamydia infection initial PCR test may be negative. These individuals will benefit from prophylaxis regardless of the Laboratory result i.e. give Azithromycin 1g stat po Comment: Chlamydia DNA testing can detect both viable and non-viable organisms, hence should be performed at least three weeks after treatment of chlamydia infection for proof of cure testing, if needed. CHLAMYDOPHILA (PREV CHLAMYDIA) PNEUMONIAE SEROLOGY (IGG ANTIBODIES) Specimen required: Department: Comment: Serum (SST) Referred test Adults will often have antibody from past infection. To prove recent infection, 2 sera collected at 10 days apart are required, except for children under 5 years of age. Can be performed as part of atypical respiratory serology but must be specifically requested. CHLAMYDOPHILA (prev CHLAMYDIA) PSITTACI SEROLOGY See PSITTACOSIS SEROLOGY CHLAMYDIA TRACHOMATIS SEROLOGY Test no longer performed. PCR is the test of choice because it is much more sensitive. Contact Laboratory for further information. CHLAMYDIA SEROLOGY ( IGA & IGG ANTIBODIES ) see LYMPHOGRANULOMA VENEREUM TESTS. CHLORIDE ( CL ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry 95 - 108 mmol/L HIGH - Hypernatraemia, metabolic acidosis (normal anion gap), respiratory alkalosis. LOW - Hyponatraemia, metabolic alkalosis, respiratory acidosis, vomiting, diarrhoea. CHOLECALCIFEROL See Vitamin D CHOLESTEROL – TOTAL Specimen required: Department: Health Range: Interpretation: Comment: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Serum (1 x SST) - Fasting preferred. Biochemistry < 5.5 mmol/L HIGH - Primary (familial) - Secondary e.g.: hypothyroidism nephrotic syndrome. Non-fasting cholesterol specimen may increase total cholesterol result by up to 0.5 mmol/L. Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 26 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE C CHOLESTEROL – HDL Serum (1 x SST) - Fasting preferred. Biochemistry 1.1 - 3.5 mmol/L LOW - Increased risk of atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease. HIGH - Lower risk of atherosclerosis. (i) The ratio of total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol (coronary risk ratio or CRR) is the best prognostic marker. (ii) Desirable risk ratio is 3.5. The higher the ratio, the poorer the prognosis. (iii) According to Medicare Australia, a request for LIPID PROFILE should be interpreted as cholesterol and triglycerides ONLY. A specific written request for HDL must be made e.g. Lipids + HDL. (iv) Please ask the patient if they are on lipid lowering drugs, and note down the name of the medication Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Comment: CHOLINESTERASE (PLASMA OR RED CELL OR GENOTYPE) 1 x Heparin NO GEL Note: Collect 2 x Li Hep in Bunbury. Genotype requires 1 x EDTA Referred test As stated on report RED CELL CHOLINESTERASE (TRUE CHOLINESTERASE) Useful in organic phosphorus poisonings. SERUM CHOLINESTERASE (PSEUDOCHOLINESTERASE) LOW Poisoning with organophosphorus compounds. Patients with scoline sensitivity usually have low levels, (% inhibition with fluoride and dibucaine numbers necessary for phenotyping). Liver damage. Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: CHROMATOGRAPHY (AMINO ACID) See AMINO ACID SCREEN CHROMIUM Specimen required: Department: Reference range: 2 x Trace Element (Royal blue top K2EDTA) Referred test As stated on report CHROMOGRANIN A (No Rebate) Specimen required: Department: Serum (1 x SST). Must be Fasting Note: do not spin or refrigerate. Send specimen to laboratory marked process immediately. Laboratory must spin and separate serum and freeze immediately. This test is not Medicare rebatable and incurs a cost of $65.00 (June 2012) Referred test CHROMOSOME STUDIES See CYTOGENETICS CHROMOSOME MICROARRAY ANALYSIS (CMA) Specimen required: Department: 1x EDTA, 1x Lithium Heparin Referred test CHORIONIC GONADOTROPIN See HUMAN CHORIONIC GONADOTROPHIN CITRATE Specimen required: Department: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 24hr urine with 20mL 50% HCL (Warn patients of the acid danger) Referred test Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 27 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE CK C See CREATINE KINASE CKMB ISOENZYMES Specimen required: Department: CLOBAZAM Specimen required: Department: Reference range: CLOMIPRAMINE Specimen required: Department: Therapeutic Range: Interpretation: CLONAZEPAM Specimen required: Department: Therapeutic Range: Interpretation: Serum (1xSST) Treat as Urgent Referred test 1 x Heparin NO GEL Collect PRE-DOSE sample (Trough). Referred test As stated on report 1 x Lithium Heparin Collect PRE-DOSE sample (Trough). Referred. As stated on report Tricyclic antidepressant. 1 x Heparin NO GEL Referred As stated on report Benzodiazepine CLOSTRIDIUM DIFFICILE ( CULTURE & TOXIN ) Specimen required: Department: CLOZAPINE Specimen required: Department: Therapeutic Range: Comment: Faeces sample Please refrigerate sample if delay in transport. Referred test 1 x Heparin NO GEL . Collect PRE-DOSE sample (Trough). Referred As stated on report Often collected in parallel with FBC to check white cell count (WCC). The WCC may be reduced as a side effect of this drug and if requested should be marked as URGENT. Results >1000 µg/L correlate to increased seizures. CMA SEE Chromosome Microarray Analysis CMI SKIN TESTS (CELL MEDIATED IMMUNITY) TEST NO LONGER PERFORMED CMP (CALCIUM MAGNESIUM PHOSPHATE) Specimen required: Department: 1 x SST (Serum) Biochemistry CMV (CYTOMEGALOVIRUS) See CYTOMEGALOVIRUS Coagulation Factors - see Factor Assays Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 28 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY C SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE COAGULATION SCREENING PROFILE (Coagulation Studies) Specimens Required: Clinipath Pathology 1 x Na Citrate tube and 1 x EDTA Bunbury Pathology Collect 3 x Na Citrate and 1 x EDTA Department: Haematology Profile consists of: PROTHROMBIN TIME (PT) PARTIAL THROMBOPLASTIN TIME (APTT) THROMBIN CLOTTING TIME (TCT) PLATELET COUNT (PT) FIBRINOGEN (FIB) NOTE: Medicare Australia does NOT consider Platelet Function as part of the Coagulation Profile so the test must be specifically requested. If Platelet Function is also requested, collect an extra Na Citrate tube, and do not spin. COBALT Specimen required: Department: Reference range: 2 x Trace Element (Royal blue top K2EDTA) Referred test As stated on report COCAINE METABOLITES See DRUGS of ABUSE COELIAC DISEASE SEROLOGY (COELIAC SCREEN) See TISSUE TRANSGLUTAMINASE (TTG IGA) ANTIBODIES CO-ENZYME Q10 (Up front collection and transport fee) Specimen Required: 1 x HNG Spin separate and freeze in foil Department: Referred Comment: This is a non-rebatable test and patients will receive a private account COELIAC DISEASE GENOTYPING See HLA DQ2/8 COLD ANTIBODY TITRE ( COLD AGGLUTININS ) Specimen Required: 2 x EDTA MUST be spun at 37 degrees then refrigerate Department: Haematology & Australian Red Cross Blood Service Interpretation: High titres in cold antibody diseases (e.g. mycoplasma or EBV infection, lymphoma) COLLAGEN BINDING ASSAY See Platlet aggregation studies – referred test COLON / RECTUM / BOWEL TUMOUR MARKERS See CA19-9 CEA CONJUNCTIVAL SWAB Specimen: Department: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Gel swab for bacteria Dry swab for viral PCR e.g. Adenovirus, HSV, Varicella (Referred test) Dry swab for Chlamydia Microbiology Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 29 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE C COMPLEMENT LEVELS ( C3 , C4 ) Serum (1 x SST) Immunology C3: 0.55 - 1.20 g/L C4: 0.15 - 0.40 g/L Serum levels may be low in SLE and some other connective tissue diseases, some types of glomerulonephritis and cryoglobulinaemia.. Useful in following progress of SLE. Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: COMPLEMENT C1q Specimen Required: 1 x SST Department: Referred Note: Separate and freeze ASAP COOMBS TEST ( DIRECT ANTI-HUMAN GLOBULIN OR DAT ) Specimen Required: 1 x EDTA Department: Haematology Interpretation: Positive in isoantibody and autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (HA) and drug induced HA. COOMBS TEST ( INDIRECT ) Specimen Required: 1x EDTA Department: Haematology Interpretation: Not in common usage: Tested as part of a cross match or maternal antibodies. Refer enquiries to Haematology. COPPER ( Cu ) 2 x Trace Element (Royal blue top K2EDTA) Referred 11 - 23 µmol/L. HIGH - Inflammation LOW - Wilson’s disease If urinary copper is requested please provide patient with a 24hr collection bottle – no additive Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Note: COPROPORPHYRIN See PORPHYRINS SCREEN CORONA VIRUS See SARS virus CORTISOL ( BLOOD ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Note: Comment: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry AM (0800 - 0900): 171 - 536nmol/L PM (1500 - 1600): 64 - 327 nmol/L HIGH (Trend) - Cushing’s syndrome, stress, fever, severe pain. LOW (Trend) - Addison’s disease, secondary to pituitary failure. Spot cortisol - a single AM or PM cortisol estimation can be requested. Morning and afternoon blood collection is only required when a doctor specifically asks for both AM and PM cortisol levels. Outside am or pm hours label Random Cortisol Cortisol is a stress hormone - one off high values should be treated with caution. CORTISOL ( SALIVARY ) (Upfront collection and transport fee) Specimen required: Department: Note: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Saliva, preferred volume 2ml in yellow capped centrifuge tube Referred Patient will receive a private account for this test Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 30 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY C SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE CORTISOL ( URINARY FREE ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: COTININE Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: 24 hour urine - collection in a plain bottle (NO preservative). Referred As stated on report HIGH - Cushing’s syndrome, hormone therapy. Serum (1 x SST) - urine can also be tested, but serum is the preferred specimen Biochemistry < 25 µg/L (non-smokers) Cotinine is a very specific marker for tobacco smoke. NORMAL - Non-smokers. HIGH - High in smokers. COXSACKIE VIRUS (ONE OF THE ENTEROVIRUSES) Specimen required: Department: Indications: Note: Throat swabs (dry orange top swab) and faeces samples for PCR Referred test May include lethargy, fatigue, malaise, fever, rash, pharyngitis, pneumonia, meningitis, myopericarditis and conjunctivitis. Consider also other enteroviruses and respiratory viruses including rhinovirus, coronavirus, influenza and para-influenzae virus, adenovirus and RSV. See also Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease, viral myocarditis and encephalitis. Diagnosis is by PCR from clinical specimens. Serum antibody test NOT available in WA and is not generally recommended. Please discuss with the clinical microbiologist if required. COXIELLA BURNETII see Q FEVER C-PEPTIDE Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Comment: Serum (1 x SST) Patient must be Fasting (Not available as and Added test) Biochemistry 0.4 - 1.5 nmol/L. Indirect measurement of insulin secretion. CREATINE KINASE ( CPK , CK ) TOTAL Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: CREATININE Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: CREATININE (URINE) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry Female: Less than 170 U/L Male: Less than 195 U/L HIGH - Myocardial Infarction, myopathy, exercise, Rhabdomyolysis. Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry Male: 62 - 115 umol/L Female: 53 - 97 umol/L HIGH - Acute or chronic renal insufficiency, high meat intake. LOW - Small muscle mass e.g. muscular dystrophy. Spot Urine- unless 24 hour urine requested by Doctor Biochemistry Male: 7.1 - 17.7 mmol/day Female: 5.3 - 15.9 mmol/L Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 31 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE C CREATININE CLEARANCE Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Comment: Serum (1 x SST) plus a 24 hour Urine (No preservative.) The blood specimen needs to be collected as close as possible to the urine collection. Biochemistry 70 - 150 mL/minute LOW - Renal insufficiency. Creatinine clearance performed on children below the age of 15 years must be accompanied by the child’s HEIGHT, AGE and WEIGHT, in order to correct for body surface area. CRR (CORONARY RISK RATIO) See Lipid profile CROSSMATCHING BLOOD FOR TRANSFUSION Specimen required: Department: Note: Refer to APPHLE-075 for Full procedure. Please check with Haematology Department on 93714270 before accepting X match forany site other than Osborne Park. Ask the patient which hospital they are going to and when. Ring heamatology and they will instruct you whether to take the blood or direct the patient to the hospital they are having their operation in. 1 x EDTA. (2 x EDTA for BUNBURY) 1 x Clotted blood (NO GEL SERUM) (2 x Clotted if more than 4 units required). Haematology Blood will NOT be accepted for grouping and crossmatching unless sample and request form are correctly labelled as per ANZBTS requirements – Phlebotomists must sign request form OR a signed X-match sticker MUST be attached to the original request form. Specimen tubes for Xmatch MUST be labelled with patient’s full name and DOB and be signed by the phlebotomist. At least 48 hours notice of crossmatch would be appreciated to ensure that compatible blood is available. CRP, HIGH SENSITIVITY (hsCRP) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Comment: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry As stated on report Should only be measured when clinically well; used to assess risk of coronary artery disease C- REACTIVE PROTEIN ( CRP ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Comment: CRYOGLOBULINS Specimen required: Reference range: Interpretation: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry < 5.0 mg/L HIGH > 100 mg/L : Bacterial infection, vasculitis 20 – 100 mg/L : RA, viral illness, malignancy and other inflammatory processes. < 10 mg/L : Atherosclerosis, degenerative joint disease. Non-specific test, but usually indicates organic disease. ESR may be more useful in monitoring SLE and ulcerative colitis response to treatment. Collection at the MAIN LABORATORY ONLY. Serum (1 x SST) and 1 x Heparin NO GEL. Sample requires special processing, tubes o must be pre-warmed and kept at 37 C Not detected. Cryoglobulins are either monoclonal immunoglobulins (type 1 cryoglobulinaemia) or immune complexes (type 2 and 3 cryoglobulinaemia). Type 2 or 3 cryoglobulins are usually associated with SLE or another connective tissue disease, or with chronic infections, particularly hepatitis C virus infection. Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 32 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE C CRYPTOCOCCAL ANTIGEN Specimen required: Department: CSF EXAMINATION Specimen required: Department: Note: CYANIDE Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Comments: CYCLOSPORIN - A Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Note: Serum (1 x SST) or CSF Referred test Sterile CSF sample. Urgent-Microbiologist to be notified ASAP Should ideally have three bottles Microbiology for cell count and culture (two samples marked #1 #2) Biochemistry for glucose and protein estimation (Fluoride oxalate bottle) Additional tests may be needed e.g. Herpes, entrovirus. Menigococcal PCR 1 x Lithium Heparin or Urine (preferred) Referred test As stated on report. Patient will receive a private account for this test 1 x EDTA Do not spin. Referred test As stated on report. Sample 12 hours post dose, preferably in morning. Do not collect on Fridays or Saturdays CYCLOSPORIN – A, C2 Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Note: 1 x EDTA Referred test As stated on report. Sample must be taken exactly 2hrs post dose. CYSTICERCOSIS See TAENIA SEROLOGY (TAPEWORM) CYSTIC FIBROSIS GENE (No Rebate) See GENETIC DISORDERS CYTOGENETIC AND FISH TESTING (Karyotyping/Chromosomes) Do not collect on day proceeding long weekend Specimen Required: 1. Peripheral blood chromosome study A minimum of 4ml of Lithium heparinized whole blood is required for adults, 2-4ml is sufficient for infants/young children (tubes available from Clinipath Pathology). Transport to the Laboratory as soon as possible at room temperature or cool but NOT FROZEN. NOTE: Due to special processing requirements, cytogenetic samples cannot be collected the day before a long weekend. 2. Amniotic fluid chromosome study Ideally 2 to 3 sterile tubes (10mL size) containing a total of 20-25mL of fluid, but may be collected into any sterile container (available from Clinipath Pathology). Transport to the Laboratory as soon as possible at room temperature or cool but NOT FROZEN. 3. Chorionic villus biopsy chromosome study Ideally 20-30mg of chorionic villus tissue is collected into a sterile container containing (bone marrow and tissue) transport medium or another sterile salt solution (available from Clinipath Pathology). Transport to the Laboratory as soon as possible (same day) at room temperature or cool but NOT FROZEN. 4. Foetal blood chromosome study Ideally 1ml of foetal blood collected into a sterile lithium heparinized tube (green top) is required (tube available from Clinipath Pathology). Transport to the Laboratory as soon as possible at room temperature or cool but NOT FROZEN. Version CM-A-Z 7.0.C Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 33 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. C Foetal tissue / Products of conception chromosome study Collect into a sterile container. Keep specimen wet in a sterile isotonic solution, for example bone marrow transport media, sterile saline, or viral transport media (available from Clinipath Pathology). Transport to the Laboratory as soon as possible at room temperature or cool NOT FROZEN. SPECIMEN MUST NOT BE PUT IN FORMALIN. For intrauterine foetal death and stillbirth specimens, collect placental tissue (preferably chorionic villi), umbilical cord and foetal skin where possible. Bone marrow chromosome study Approximately 1ml of bone marrow aspirate is collected into a bone marrow transport medium tube (available from Clinipath Pathology). Transport to the Laboratory as soon as possible at room temperature or cool but NOT FROZEN. Malignant tissue chromosome study A portion of the tissue of interest is dissected off as aseptically as possible. Ideally, this should be pea sized or larger. The specimen is placed in a bone marrow transport medium tube (available from Clinipath Pathology) which has been completely thawed to room temperature, and it is then to be transported to the Laboratory at room temperature or cool but NOT FROZEN. Please note: The nature of the specimen and suspected diagnosis must be clearly stated on the request form. Skin fibroblast chromosome study A skin biopsy is taken by excision or punch biopsy, and placed into bone marrow and tissue transport medium (available from Clinipath Pathology). It is then transported to the Laboratory at room temperature or cool but NOT FROZEN. Fluorescent in-Situ Hybridization Studies (FISH tests) Prenatal interphase FISH tests – As for the amniotic fluid chromosome study except collect an extra 5ml if possible. As for chorionic villus biopsy chromosome study. Constitutional FISH tests – Depending upon the clinical context, please submit samples as per the cytogenetic specimen protocol. Oncology FISH tests – Samples depend upon the tumour type - peripheral blood, bone marrow or tumour. Please submit samples as per the cytogenetic specimen protocol. Paraffin section studies are also now available. For more information CONTACT CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY 9371 4440 or BUNBURY PATHOLOGY 08 9780 0333 Department: Cytogenetics SNP (Result Enquiries phone 9371 4340) Note: DO NOT PUT ANY SPECIMENS IN FORMALIN or FREEZE Samples Turnaround Times: Prenatal Cord Blood Chorionic Villi Blood/Amniotic Fluid/Bone Marrow Tissue biopsies/POC/Tumour - 48 hours (preliminary), 4 days final report - 10-15 days - 10-15 days - approx 2-3 weeks Not available as an added test Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 34 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY C SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE Cytogenetic and FISH Test List Cytogenetic Tests Oncology FISH tests Amniotic fluid chromosome study Acute lymphocytic leukaemia t(12;21) Chorionic villus biopsy chromosome study Acute non-lymphocytic leukaemia t(8;21) Foetal blood chromosome study Acute non-lymphocytic leukaemia M4- Inv(16) Foetal tissue / Products of conception chromosome study Acute promyelocytic leukaemia – t(15;17) Bone marrow chromosome study C-MYC amplification Peripheral blood chromosome study Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) panel Malignant tissue chromosome study Chronic myeloid leukaemia t(9;22) bcr/abl fusion Skin fibroblast chromosome study Chronic myeloid leukaemia (9q34) bcr/abl fusion with 9q deletion Prenatal FISH tests Deletion 7q IVF single cell preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) Deletion 20q Prenatal interphase FISH EGFR 7p12 Constitutional FISH tests HER-2/neu amplification 1p36 microdeletion Lymphoma panel Deletion 5q Ewings sarcoma t(11,22) Cri Du Chat syndrome Lymphoma (Burkitt, t(8;14)) Di George / Shprintzen / Velocardiofacial syndrome Lymphoma t(14;18) Kallmann syndrome Lymphoma MALT1 18q21 rearrangement Miller-Dieker syndrome Mantle cell lymphoma t(11;14) Prader-Willi syndrome M-FISH Smith-Magenis syndrome Myxoid liposarcoma 12q13 rearrangement SRY locus MLL 11q23 rearrangement Subtelomere FISH Multiple myeloma panel Urgent neonate (eg sex chromosome determination and aneuploidy confirmation) N-MYC amplification Whole chromosome paints Oligodendroglioma – 1p,19q Williams syndrome Oligodendroglioma-PTEN 10q23 deletion Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome Sex Mismatch bone marrow transplant XY sex chromosomes Synovial sarcoma t(X;18) Trisomy 8 Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 35 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE C CYTOLOGY ( Gynaecological & Non-Gynaecological ) Specimens Required: See listings below for Cervical Smears, Sputum, Urine, FNA, Nipple discharge, Other Body Fluids. Department: Cytology See also: THIN PREP, HPV DNA Testing CONVENTIONAL CERVICAL SMEARS Specimens Required: Fix cervical sample smeared on a glass slide. Label the glass slide with the patient’s surname and first name and date of birth with pencil. (ink washes off during processing.) The Pap smear is a screening test to aid in the detection of abnormal cells in the cervix. It is a requirement that the glass slides containing the cervical sample are labeled with the patient’s full name and date of birth. To enable the meaningful reporting of gynaecological cytology, full information including Clinical history such as parity, menstrual dates and hormonal status is desirable as well as previous gynaecological history and results. Patients should be advised not to have smears taken during active menstruation. For more detailed collection procedures please phone the Cytology Department and speak with a cytotechnologist/or Pathologist in the Main Laboratory. Medical Liaison can also be contacted for additional written information. Collection Conventional Pap smear slides should be prepared first, prior to preparing the ThinPrep specimen. When taking the smear, lubricants, other than water should be avoided. Extended tip spatulas, e.g. Aylesbury in conjunction with an endocervical brush (cytobrush), give satisfactory samples. Material obtained using these two devices can be mixed on one slide and submitted to the Laboratory. The broom type devices such as the Cervex brush are also suitable and should preferentially be used for collecting ThinPrep specimens. Pap kits made to the physician’s requirements are available from the Laboratory. Once the sample has been placed on the slide, fix the slide with cytofix immediately. Hold the cytofix 10-15cm away from the glass slide and give 2 short sprays. Close the carrier; ensuring the slide is secured by fastening all the clips on the carrier. Place the slide carrier in a biohazard bag (available from the Laboratory) with the request form. Request Pap, Pap + ThinPrep, Vault, Vault + ThinPrep on the request form. Indicate if the patient does not want her results sent to the W.A. Cervical Cancer Registry. Unless indicated NOT FOR PAP REGISTRY all results from this Laboratory are automatically downloaded to the CCR. This information is protected by PGP encryption. THINPREP SPECIMENS Specimen required: Cervical sample in ThinPrep collection vial (ThinPrep vials available on request from Laboratory). Please ensure expiry dates are checked on these vials before use. Label the glass slide and the ThinPrep vial with the patient’s surname, first name and date of birth Note: Currently the split sampling technique is employed within this Laboratory, which involves the analysis of both the conventional smear and the ThinPrep specimen. The ThinPrep specimen is not routinely processed without a conventional slide. Collection: Collect the sample using a Cervex brush, available from the Laboratory Transfer the sample to the glass slide by smearing down the glass slide with one side of the brush, and then the other. Fix the slide immediately with a spray fixative. Rinse the cervex brush in the ThinPrep vial of preservative fluid and discard. Note: The end of the Cervex brush should not be left in the vial once rinsed. . Send prepared slide and ThinPrep vial to the Laboratory for analysis. Results Negative results are available within 48 hours. Abnormal results are available in 48-72 hours. If the cervical cytology result is required urgently please mark this on the request form along with the date and time the result is required by. Urgent tests will be processed immediately and the results will be available within 4 working hours of the receipt of the specimen in the Laboratory. (Please allow additional time if specimen received after hours or on the weekend) Urgent results can be phoned, faxed or electronically downloaded as required. Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 36 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY C SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE SPUTUM Specimens required: 3 x early morning specimen of sputum in yellow top jar (Preservative free) Lesions within the respiratory tract cause irritation, which can result in excess sputum production and haemoptysis (blood in the sputum). The cells lining the respiratory tract are constantly shed into the sputum. Deep coughing by the patient can expectorate the sputum containing these cells. If there is a lesion within the respiratory tract, analysis of these cells can detect it. The method of collection is most important for meaningful results. Three consecutive early morning deep cough specimens are required, preferably before food. Yellow-topped 50ml plastic containers are available from the Laboratory to collect specimens. A list of instructions for the patient can also be provided. Collection: Before breakfast, the patient should rinse their mouth with water, cough lightly and spit out any saliva. The patient should then take a deep breath and cough as vigorously as possible, spitting the sputum into the container. The container should be labelled with the patient’s full name, date of birth, date and time of collection and placed in a fridge until it is taken to the collection centre. A separate container should be used each day and each container taken to the collection centre each day. As each container arrives at the collection centre it should be labeled with a laboratory ID number. All three specimens should have the same laboratory ID number. Results: Results are available within 24 hours. If the Cytology result is required urgently please mark this on the request form along with the time the results are required. Urgent tests will be processed immediately and the results will be available within 4 hours of the receipt of the specimen in the Laboratory. (Please allow additional time if specimen received after hours or on the weekend) Urgent results can be phoned, faxed or electronically downloaded as required. URINE CYTOLOGY Specimens Required: 3 x early morning urine samples. Special containers are available from the Laboratory. Note: Lesions within the urinary tract cause irritation that can result in frequency of urination and haematuria (blood in the urine). The cells lining the urinary tract are constantly shed into the urine stored in the bladder and voided from the body. If there is a lesion within the urinary tract, analysis of these cells can detect it. Collection: Specimen is required to be collected in a 200ml white screw top wide mouthed jar - labelled Urine for Cytology. It is preferable to collect the specimens on three consecutive mornings. Collect the second specimen of the day. The first specimen of the morning should not be collected because there will be cell autolysis. Collect half the jar or at least 50mL of specimen. After collection the specimen must be refrigerated and sent to the Laboratory as a PRIORITY specimen. Delay may affect the specimen quality. The container should be labelled with the patient’s name, date of birth, referring doctor, the date and the time collected. Specimen 1, 2 or 3 should be selected on the label. This should be performed on three consecutive mornings and the specimen brought to the collection centre each morning. Results: Results are available within 24 hours. If the Cytology result is required urgently please mark this on the request form along with the date and time the result is required. Urgent tests will be processed immediately and the results will be available within 4 hours of the receipt of the specimen in the Laboratory. (Please allow additional time if specimen received after hours or on the weekend) Urgent results can be phoned, faxed or electronically downloaded as required. Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 37 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE C FNA – ASPIRATION CYTOLOGY (BREAST, THYROID, ETC) Specimen required: Prepared slides, any additional material obtained (e.g. needle washings) can be rinsed in saline, placed in a yellow topped jar and sent to the laboratory to be made into extra slides or cell blocks. Specimens that are fluid in nature should be placed in a yellow topped jar and sent to the Laboratory as soon as possible. Collection: Label the slides with the patient’s full name (First and surname) and date of birth in pencil. A full clinical history on the request form will aid in a meaningful diagnosis. A full description of the aspirated lesion, including the site should be written on the request form. Note: If you regularly perform Fine Needle Aspirates, a more detailed protocol is available from the Cytology Department. An aspiration service is conducted on Thursday afternoons and appointments can be made by phoning the MAIN LABORATORY. Same day referral may be available for urgent patients. A report is usually available four (4) hours after the procedure is completed. Results: For submitted FNA’s, results are available within 24 hours. If the Cytology result is required urgently please mark this on the request form along with the date and time the result is required. Urgent tests will be processed immediately and the results will be available within 4 hours of the receipt of the specimen in the Laboratory. (Please allow additional time if specimen received after hours or on the weekend) Urgent results can be phoned, faxed or electronically downloaded as required. NIPPLE DISCHARGE Specimen required: Prepared slides (air dried and/or fixed) Lesions occurring within the breast tissue can sometimes result in a nipple discharge; sampling of this discharge can yield cells diagnostic of the existing condition. Collection: Where possible the discharge should be expressed directly on to a glass slide. An air-dried and fixed slide is appreciated where possible. The fixed slide should be sprayed with cytofix immediately upon collection. Label the slide with the patient’s surname and first name, date of birth and L or R breast. A full clinical history on the request form will aid in a meaningful diagnosis. Results: Results are available within 24 hours. If the Cytology result is required urgently please mark this on the request form along with the date and time the result is required. Urgent tests will be processed immediately and the results will be available within 4 hours of the receipt of the specimen in the Laboratory. (Please allow additional time if specimen received after hours or on the weekend) Urgent results can be phoned, faxed or electronically downloaded as required. BODY FLUIDS Specimen required: Collect any fluid in a yellow top 50ml container (preservative free), or a larger container if necessary. These include Peritoneal, Pleural & Pericardial fluid, Ovarian Cyst fluid, Synovial Fluid, Pouch of Douglas etc. Label the container with the patient’s surname and first name, date of birth and type of fluid collected. A full clinical history on the request form will aid in a meaningful diagnosis. Transport as soon as possible to the Laboratory. If delay occurs, specimen should be REFRIGERATED. Results: Results are available within 24 hours. If the Cytology result is required urgently please mark this on the request form along with the date and time the result is required. Urgent tests will be processed immediately and the results will be available within 4 hours of the receipt of the specimen in the Laboratory. (Please allow additional time if specimen received after hours or on the weekend) Urgent results can be phoned, faxed or electronically downloaded as required. Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 38 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE C Throat Smear Specimen required: Fixed Smear Collection: Collect the sample with a spatula/ tongue depressor and place onto a glass slide. Fix with cytofix immediately. Label the slide with the patient’s surname and first name, date of birth in pencil. Results: Results are available within 24 hours. If the Cytology result is required urgently please mark this on the request form along with the date and time the result is required. Urgent tests will be processed immediately and the results will be available within 4 hours of the receipt of the specimen in the Laboratory. (Please allow additional time if specimen received after hours or on the weekend) Urgent results can be phoned, faxed or electronically downloaded as required. CYTOMEGALOVIRUS (CMV) CMV SEROLOGY ( CYTOMEGALOVIRUS SEROLOGY ) IGG & IGM Specimen required: Department: Results: Symptoms: Serum (1 x SMALL SST DEDICATED TUBE) Serology Reported as Detected/ Not Detected with appropriate interpretative comments. May include fever, lethargy, and atypical lymphocytosis and is an important cause of congenital infection. Can cause severe infection in the immunosuppressed patient. Consider also EBV or Toxoplasmosis. CMV AVIDITY TESTS Specimen: Department: Comment: CMV PCR Specimen: Department: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Specialised test for pregnant women with CMV IgM+ Urine, throat swab or sputum or whole blood 2 x EDTA, dedicated tubes. Referred test CMV VIRAL LOAD Specimen: Department: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 2 x EDTA, dedicated tubes. Referred test Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 39 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY D SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE D DAT SEE COOMBS TEST DAZ Gene Specimen required: 1 x EDTA D - DIMERS Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: 1 x Sodium citrate. Always treat as Urgent (Not available as an Add on test) Attach Urgent sticker Haematology Negative May be positive in DVT, PE and DIC DENGUE FEVER SEROLOGY Specimen required: Department: Results: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Reported as Detected / Not detected with appropriate interpretive comments. See also ARBOVIRUS Screen DEOXYPYRIDINOLINE - Test superceded by N Telopeptide (NTX) TEST SUPERCEDED BY N Telopeptide (NTX) DEXAMETHASONE SUPPRESSION TEST Dose given: Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: 1 mg dexamethasone is given orally at bedtime (11 pm). Contact the Laboratory to arrange for the drug dose. A serum (1 x SST) cortisol sample is taken next morning at 8 - 9 am. Must be taken at this time with patient rested. Please note all medications on the request form. Biochemistry As stated on report Normal suppression response excludes Cushing’s syndrome. DHEA-S ( DEHYDROEPIANDROSTERONE SULPHATE ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry As stated on report. HIGH - Polycystic ovary syndrome, adrenal hyperplasia / tumour. DHT- see Di Hydroxy Testosterone DIELDRIN Specimen required: Department: Reference range: 1 x Heparin NO GEL Referred test As stated on report. DIFFERENTIAL LEUCOCYTE COUNT See FULL BLOOD EXAMINATION (FBC) Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 40 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE DIGOXIN ( DIG ) Specimen required: Department: Results: Comment: D Serum (1 x SST) Specimen should be collected at least eight (8) but preferably more than 12 hours after last dose. Please note down time of last dose and time of collection. Biochemistry Therapeutic Range: 0.5 – 0.8 ug/L Peak Level: Steady state peak 1 - 5 hours after oral administration; however serum levels may spike 60 - 90 minutes after dose. Half Life: 20 - 50 hours. 1. Quinidine potentiates the effects of Digoxin. 2. Digoxin is excreted unchanged via the kidney; hence rate of excretion is related to glomerular filtration rate. 3. Toxicity is exacerbated by low potassium. DI-HYDROXY TESTOSTERONE (DHT) Specimen required: Department: Comment: 1 X SST (SERUM) Referred test Spin and freeze serum ASAP DILANTIN See PHENYTOIN DIRECT ANTIGLOBULIN TEST (DAT) See COOMBS TEST DIURETIC SCREEN Specimen required: Department: Classes tested: Spot Urine Referred test Phenylphalene, Coloxyl, Rheine, Bisacodyl, Danthral. DNA ANTIBODIES (DOUBLE STRANDED DNA ANTIBODIES) See ANTI DNA ANTIBODIES Note: Not to be confused with anti DNAase B, an anti Streptococcal Ab usually tested with ASOT. DNA PATERNITY TESTING Specimen Required: Samples will be collected by appointment only at Clinipath Pathology Laboratory in Osborne Pk or at the Bunbury Laboratory Department: Referred test Note Please phone Clinic Nurse in Charge on 9371 4530 (Osborne Pk) or Bunbury on 9780 0300 for all information and appointments. Pt to ring Sonic 1800 010 447 for case No DNA DOSE (Up front fee) Specimen required: 2 x EDTA referred Test DOTHIEPIN ( PROTHIADIN ) Specimen required: Department: Therapeutic Range: Interpretation: 1 x Heparin no gel. Collect PRE-DOSE sample (Trough). Referred As stated on report Tricyclic Antidepressant. DOWNS SYNDROME See FIRST TRIMESTER SCREENING DOXEPIN Specimen required: Department: Therapeutic Range: Interpretation: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 1 x Heparin no gel Collect PRE-DOSE sample (Trough). Referred As stated on report Tricyclic antidepressant. Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 41 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE D DRUGS OF ABUSE / ADDICTION, DRUG SCREEN Specimen required: Department: Note: Note: Spot Urine. If urgent refer patient to Main Laboratory Biochemistry Please give adequate history as to type of suspected abuse, e.g. routine screen, preemployment, attempted overdose etc, times of overdose if known. We routinely assay urine alcohol, amphetamines, cannabinoids, cocaine metabolite, opiates, Benzodiazepines, and methadone. If other drugs are requested on the form there will be an additional charge, please check with Duty Manager or Toxicology if unsure. Please list ANY prescribed drugs and over-the-counter medications taken in the previous few days. CHAIN OF CUSTODY FORM SHOULD BE FILLED OUT FOR ALL DRUG SCREEN SAMPLES COLLECTED. If Blood required collect 2x Fluoride Oxolate, Up front fee $250.00, referred test ALCOHOL Cutoff Level Detectable for: 40.0 mg/dL 2 - 14 hours post intake AMPHETAMINES Cutoff Level Detectable for: 300 ug/L 48 - 72 hours post intake CANNABINOIDS (THC) Cutoff Level 50 ug/L Detectable for: Moderate smoker (4 times a week) 15 days post intake Heavy smoker (smoking daily) 30 days post intake Chronic smokers - may be up to 2 months post intake COCAINE METABOLITE Cutoff Level 300 ug/L Detectable for: 2 - 4 days post intake OPIATES Cutoff Level Detectable for: 300 ug/L 2 - 3 days post intake BENZODIAZEPINES Cutoff Level 200 ug/L Detectable for: 3 days post intake if therapeutic dose ingested Up to 4 - 6 weeks after extended dosage METHADONE Cutoff Level Detectable for: 100 ug/L as EDDP metabolite 3 days post intake Note: Interpretation of retention time must take into account, variability of urine specimens, drug metabolism and halflife, patient’s physical condition, fluid intake, and method and frequency of ingestion. The above detection times serve as a guideline only. DRVVT See LUPUS ANTICOAGULANT DYSMORPHIC RBC Specimen required: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 MSU Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 42 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE E E EAR SWAB Specimen required: Department: Gel swab for bacteria and fungi Microbiology ECS ( ENDOCERVICAL SWAB ) See GENITAL SPECIMENS EBV SEROLOGY See EPSTEIN BARR VIRUS SEROLOGY ECHOVIRUS (A TYPE OF ENTEROVIRUS) Specimen: Department: EFA Dry Throat swab and Faeces Referred See ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS EFEXOR See Venlafaxine eGFR (ESTIMATED GFR) Specimen required: Department: Reference interval: Note: See Creatinine Biochemistry > 60ml/min/1.73m2 Calculated from serum creatinine, age, sex. Considered to be a more reliable index of renal function than serum Creatinine ELASTASE -see FAECAL ELASTASE ELECTROLYTES Specimen required: Department: Note: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry We routinely perform Na+, K+, HCO 3 -,Cl- and Anion Gap ELECTROPHORESIS See Protein Electrophoresis ENA ( EXTRACTABLE NUCLEAR ANTIGENS ) See ANTI ENA ANTIBODIES ENDOCERVICAL SWAB See GENITAL SPECIMENS ENDOMYSIAL IGA ANTIBODIES (EMA) TEST NO LONGER PERFORMED - REPLACED BY TISSUE TRANSGLUTAMINASE ANTIBODIES (TTG IGA) ENTAMOEBA HISTOLYTICA (AMOEBIC DYSENTERY) Specimen required: Department: Note: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Stool specimen, must be fresh if trophozoites are to be observed. Patient may have to come to Main Laboratory. Special containers are available on request from the Laboratory containing fixative if patient cannot come to Main Laboratory. Microbiology EIA for invasive Eh from stool referred to Pathwest after microbiology. Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 43 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE E ENTAMOEBA HISTOLYTICA (AMOEBIC DYSENTERY) SEROLOGY Specimen required: Department: Note: Serum (1xSST) 1-2ml of serum required for Entamoeba Histolytica serology. Referred test Following invasive E. Histolytica bowel infection, (amoebic dysentery), patients may present with distinct abscesses months to years later e.g. liver abscesses. Serology is highly useful for diagnosis of E. Histolytica abscess. ENTERIC FEVER See SALMONELLA TYPHI ENTEROVIRUS (HAND/FOOT/MOUTH DISEASE) Specimen required: Departme Comments (1) Throat swabs - Dry swab for PCR NO TRANSPORT MEDIUM (2) Faeces- for PCR - NO TRANSPORT MEDIUM (3) Blister lesion fluid/swab- Dry swab for PCR - NO TRANSPORT MEDIUM (4) Serology - 1 x SST Referred test Hand/foot/mouth disease –Other Enterovirus related diseases include rash; meningitis/encephalitis; myocanditis; rarely conjunctivitis EOSINOPHIL CATIONIC PROTEIN (ECP) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Note: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry Children: < 20 µg/L Adults: < 15 µg/L ECP correlates with airway inflammation in asthma patients. Increased levels may indicate increased risk of asthma exacerbation. EPILIM See VALPROIC ACID EPO See ERYTHROPOETIN EPSTEIN BARR VIRUS (EBV) SEROLOGY IGG & IGM Specimen required: Department: Comment: Indications: Comments: Serum (1 x SMALL SST TUBE) For PCR 2 x EDTA referred to Pathwest Serology Reported as Detected / Not Detected with appropriate interpretive comments. Full Blood Count and IM Test are important adjuncts to Laboratory diagnosis. May include fever, pharyngitis, cervical lymphadenopathy and atypical lymphocytosis (is the causative agent of Infectious Mononucleosis). Consider also CMV or Toxoplasmosis. Occasionally referred for specialized EBV serology, e.g. EBNA tests. ERYTHROPOETIN (EPO) Note: Please refer patient to the Main Laboratory for sample collection. Specimen Required: Serum (1 x SST) – FROZEN Department: Referred test ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS ( EFA ) Specimen required: Department: Note: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 1 x Heparin NO GEL Referred test The test is transported to a reference laboratory. Please contact the Laboratory for current COST TO PATIENT. Handling fee payment to Clinipath Pathology is required at collection. The patient will be invoiced directly for the test. Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 44 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE E ESR ( ERYTHROCYTE SEDIMENTATION RATE ) (Not available as an Add on test) Specimen Required: 1 x EDTA Department: Haematology Reference range: Male: Female: 0 - 15 mm/hour. 0 - 20 mm/hour. ESTRADIOL ( E2 ) See OESTRADIOL ETHANOL ( ETOH ) See ALCOHOL ETHOSUXIMIDE Specimen required: Department: Reference range: EVEROLIMUS Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Clinipath Pathology Serum (1 x SST). Bunbury Pathology collect 2 x Lithium Heparin do not spin Collect PRE-DOSE sample (Trough). Referred As stated on report 1 x EDTA Collect PRE-DOSE sample (Trough). Referred As stated on report EXTRACTABLE NUCLEAR ANTIGENS ( ENA ) See ANTI ENA AUTO ANTIBODIES TO EXTRACTABLE NUCLEAR ANTIGENS EYE SWAB See specific listing for required test e.g. SWABS FOR BACTERIAL CULTURE FUNGAL CULTURE VIRAL DETECTION ACANTHAMOEBA NOTE: Corneal scrapes – Please contact the senior scientist in microbiology as plates may need to be delivered to the ophthalmologist. Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 45 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY F SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE F FACTOR ASSAYS / STUDIES Specimen Required: 2 x Sodium citrate tubes. Bunbury to collect 3 x Sodium Citrate Department: Referred test Reference range: As stated on report. FACTOR V LEIDEN Specimen Required: 1 x Sodium citrate tube (Not available as add on test) 1 x EDTA Department: Referred test Note: Patient must have written history of DVT or pulmonary embolism for the gene mutation analysis to be done under Medicare. See also: Thrombophilia Screening FACTOR VIII Specimen Required: 2 x Sodium citrate tubes. Bunbury to collect 3 x Na Citrate Department: Haematology Reference range: As stated on report. FAD (VITAMIN B2) See Vitamin B 2 FAECAL ELASTASE Specimen required: Department: Faeces, specimen should be sent in a brown screw topped faeces container. Referred test. Freeze and send on dry ice FAECAL FATS TEST NO LONGER PERFORMED: SUPERCEDED BY FAECAL ELASTASE FAECES Department: Microbiology (A) FOR CULTURE Specimen required: The specimen should be taken if possible from a portion of the stool showing blood or mucus, if present. The quantity of specimen should be about the size of a walnut and should be sent in a brown screw topped faeces container. The specimen should be as fresh as possible. Comment: The Medicare Benefits Schedule allows for the culture of ONLY ONE FAECES SPECIMEN IN A SEVEN-DAY PERIOD. (See also section B below). Routine culture of faeces includes investigation for Salmonella, Shigella and Campylobacter. If other pathogens are suspected from the history or clinical setting (e.g. Clostridium difficile yersinia, vibrio.), this needs to be requested specifically and clinical details provided, eg. Antibiotic therapy, overseas travel etc. (B) FOR PARASITES AND HELMINTHS Specimen required: As for culture. Comment: The Medicare Benefits Schedule allows for concentration of faeces for ova, cyst and parasite microscopy on ONLY TWO SPECIMENS IN A SEVEN-DAY PERIOD. One of these specimens may also be tested by special techniques for Giardia and Cryptosporidium. One of these specimens may also be cultured, as described in section A above. Note: If pinworm is suspected, the cellotape method should be used for collecting the specimen. A short length of clear cellotape is pressed several times onto the perianal skin and then stuck down onto a glass slide. A specimen collected first thing in the morning is best. If Dientamoeba fragilis is suspected, use special containers with a fixative available from the Microbiology Department. Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 46 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE F (C) VIRAL STUDIES Specimen required: As for culture. Rotovirus and adenovirus 40/41 are tested in the Microbiology Department, Norovirus is performed at Pathwest by PCR. Comment: Faeces testing for enteric viruses is not included in the examinations described above and must be requested specifically, eg. “viral studies”, “rotavirus” ± “adenovirus” and “norovirus”. Rotavirus and adenovirus are common causes of diarrhoea in the paediatric age group and should be suspected in adults parenting infected children. Norovirus is a common cause of diarrhoea in debilitated and elderly patients. Norovirus was previously know as Norwalk, calici and small round virus. In order to help the Laboratory to optimise the detection of gastrointestinal specimens and comply with the Medicare Benefits Schedule, doctors are asked to request faeces examination in the following way: Specimen 1: M,C&S; O,C&P Specimen 2: O,C&P and add viral studies as indicated. (D) FOR OCCULT BLOOD Two type of test are performed for Faecal occult blood detection, a chemical test and an immunological test Specimen required: Ideally, fresh stool samples should be collected on three (3) separate days and submitted to the Laboratory on each day. Please note: To comply with Medicare requirements we can only process multiple specimens (eg FOBx3) if they are written on the request form. If the doctor only writes FOB we can only process one specimen. There are no dietary restrictions, as interference is not caused by Vitamin C, iron tablets etc. Interference can occur with the chemical test but not usually with immunological test. Comment: An immunological test method is used which is more sensitive and specific than chemical methods, however false results may still be obtained, both false positive and false negative. The test detects human haemoglobin and is very sensitive at detecting bleeding from the lower gastro-intestinal tract. Please note that the presence of frank blood may interfere with the test result. (E) REDUCING SUBSTANCES Specimen required: A fresh dedicated faeces sample is required. This sample must be kept refrigerated, see requirements below: If time from collection to testing is <2hr - refrigerate at 4 degrees C transport in esky If time from collection to testing is 2-6 hr - refrigerate at 4 degrees C transport in esky taped to an ice brick. If time from collection to testing is >6hr - sample must be frozen. If MC&S is requested on same request form and sample is to be frozen, two samples will need to be collected with one being frozen and labelled 'RS'. FAI See FREE ANDROGEN INDEX FAMILIAL MEDITERRANEAN FEVER (No Rebate) Specimen required: Department: 1 x EDTA Referred FASTING METABOLIC BONE STUDY See METABOLIC BONE STUDY FBC OR FBP OR FBE See FULL BLOOD COUNT FBS (FASTING BLOOD SUGAR) See GLUCOSE FEMALE HORMONE PROFILE Specimen required: 1 x SST Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 47 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY F SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE FERRITIN Specimen required: Department: Interpretation: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry HIGH - Iron overload, (Haemosiderosis, Haemochromatosis) liver damage, infection, inflammation, neoplasia. LOW - Iron deficiency. FHP- see Female Hormone Profile FI (FASTING INSULIN) See INSULIN FIBRINOGEN Specimen required: Reference range: Department: Interpretation: 1 x Sodium citrate. (not available as add on test) 2.0 - 4.5 g/L Haematology HIGH - Acute phase response. LOW - Liver failure, haemorrhage, dysfibrinogenaemia, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). FIBRIN / FIBRINOGEN DEGRADATION PRODUCTS ( FDP ) See D-DIMERs. FILARIA SEROLOGY / DETECTION Specimen required: Serum (1 x SST) Department: Referred test Note: May detect various worms, including Wucheria and Onchcerea. Some microfilaria worms may also be detected in blood films made in Haematology FINE NEEDLE ASPIRATION CYTOLOGY See CYTOLOGY. FIRST TRIMESTER SCREENING (PAPP-A, FREE BETA HCG) Specimen required: Department: Note: Serum (1 x SMALL SST DEDICATED TUBE) - Blood must be spun and frozen within 6 hours of collection Attach Process Immediately sticker Collect BETWEEN 9 & 13 weeks 6 days gestation. Double check gestation/EDD before blood is collected. PLEASE COMPLETE CHECK LIST PROVIDED FOR THIS TEST AS RESULTS CANNOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT THIS INFORMATION. Biochemistry Always performed in conjunction with an ultrasound. Test can be performed anytime within the required gestation dates of 9 weeks and 13 weeks 6 days. The blood is no longer required to be taken a certain number of days before/after the ultrasound. Results are issued direct to the Ultrasonographer. Ultrasound practitioner will calculate the Risk of Downs using biochemical markers and Nuchal Translucency Measurement from ultrasound. Please ensure patient is give a First Trimester screening card with the collection details on it. Under no circumstances discourage a woman who presents for this test for the sake of a timeframe - the process is flexible – provided the blood is taken between 9 and 14 weeks. FISH Testing - see Cytogenetics and FISH testing FK506 ( TACROMILUS LEVEL ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Note: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 1 x EDTA – refrigerate sample after collection. Referred test As stated on report. Sample preferably in the morning at least 12 hours post dose or just prior to next dose. Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 48 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE FLECAINIDE Specimen required: Department: Reference range: 1 x Lithium Heparin. Collect pre dose (Trough) Referred test As stated on report Specimen required: Department: Also see: 1 x ACD + 1 xEDTA Haematology Immunophenotyping FLOW CYTOMETRY F FLUORESCENT IN SITU HYBRIDIZATION STUDIES (FISH TESTS) See CYTOGENETICS FLUORIDE (No Rebate) Specimen required: Department: Note: FLUOXETINE Specimen required: Department: Reference range: FNA Serum (1 x SST), Spot Urine Referred test If testing for occupational exposure, spot urine is the specimen of choice. Patient will be invoiced directly. Refer to Main Laboratory for current charging. 1 x Heparin NO GEL. Collect PRE-DOSE sample (Trough). Referred test Fluoxetine 50 - 450 ug/L Norfluoxetine 50 - 450 ug/L (at an oral dose of 20 - 60 mg/day.) See CYTOLOGY. FODMAPS See Hydrogen Breath Test FOLATE /FOLIC ACID ( RED CELL FOLATE ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Note: 1 x EDTA Biochemistry 267-1023 ug/L Red cell folate not performed routinely Serum Folate will be assayedLQVWHDGLIIRODWHUHTXHVWHG. Only performed if Red cell folate requested specifically FOL$7()2/,& ACID ( SERUM FOLATE ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Note: Serum (1 x SST Biochemistry NORMAL 4.6 - 20 ug/L DEFICIENT < 2.32 ug/L Serum folate reflects folate absorption in the past week. . FOLLICLE STIMULATING HORMONE ( FSH ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry Female: Follicular phase 1 - 10 U/L Mid-cycle peak 6 - 17 U/L Luteal phase 1 - 9 U/L Post menopausal 19 - 100 U/L Male: 1 - 15 U/L FMBS See METABOLIC BONE STUDIES Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 49 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY F SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE FRAGILE X See GENETIC DISORDERS FREE ANDROGEN INDEX ( FAI ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Request includes: Interpretation Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry Female 0.51 - 6.5 % TESTOSTERONE & SEX HORMONE BINDING GLOBULIN. HIGH - Polycystic Ovary Disease -Virilisation FREE LIGHT CHAINS Specimen required: Serum (1x SST) Department: Referred test Reported as: Kappa Free Light Chains in mg/L (NR <19.4) Lambda Free Light Chains in mg/L (NR <26.3) and Kappa/Lambda ratio (NR 0.3-1.7) FREE PSA See PROSTATE SPECIFIC ANTIGEN – FREE must have PSA result first FREE T4 See THYROXINE FREE T4 –must have TSH result first FREE TESTOSTERONE (CALCULATED FREE TESTOSTERONE) Supercedes FAI, especially in men Specimen required: Serum (1 x SST) Department: Biochemistry Reference range: 0.204 -0.637 in males 0.004 – 0.039 in females Note: Calculated from SHBG and Testosterone Interpretation: Best calculated index of free (active) testosterone FRUCTOSAMINE Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Note: FSH Serum (1 x SST) Referred test As stated on report. The result is indicative of the circulating levels of glucose over the previous 17 days (which is the half-life of Albumin). The report will include an estimation of the mean blood glucose level in the patient over that period. See Follicle Stimulating Hormone FRUCTOSE BREATH TEST See Hydrogen Breath Test. Phone main lab for appointment 08 9371 4530 Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 50 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE FULL BLOOD EXAMINATION ( FBC ) F (No add on test available) Specimen Required: Adult: 1 x EDTA Children: 1 x EDTA Neonates: EDTA heel prick at Main Laboratory. Department: Haematology Reference range: ADULT Haemoglobin: Male: 130 - 180 g/L Female: 115 - 160 g/L (if pregnant 104 - 165 g/L) White Cells (WCC): 4.0 - 11.0 x 109/L Platelets: 150 - 400 x 109/L Haematocrit: Male: 0.40 - 0.54 Female: 0.37 - 0.47 Mean Cell Volume (MCV): 80 - 100 fL Mean Cell Hb (MCH): 28 - 34 pg Mean Cell Hb Conc.(MCHC): 31.0 - 36.0 g/dL Neutrophils: 2.0- 7.5 x 109/L Lymphocytes: 1.2- 3.5 x 109/L Monocytes: < 0.8 x 109/L Eosinophils: < 0.5 x 109/L Basophils: < 0.1 x 109/L Paediatric and Child Reference ranges are available. FUNGAL CULTURE See specific samples including SKIN SCRAPING FUNGAL SEROLOGY Specimen required: Department: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 51 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY G SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE G G6PD See GLUCOSE-6 PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE GABAPENTIN Specimen required: Department: Therapeutic range: GAD 1 x Heparin NO GEL - Sample just prior to next dose. Referred test Therapeutic benefit is evident at plasma levels > 2 mg/L. See ANTI GAD ANTIBODIES GAMMA GLUTAMYL TRANSFERASE (GGT) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Comment: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry Male: < 50 IU/L Female: < 32 IU/L HIGH - Liver disease (especially obstructive), induction by ethanol and various drugs, and pancreatitis. This Laboratory routinely performs this test as part of Liver Function Tests. GBM AUTO See GLOMERULAR BASEMENT MEMBRANE GASTRIN Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Serum (1 x SST) - Fasting. Referred test As stated on report HIGH - Gastrinoma, and peptic ulcer. GENE RE-ARRANGEMENT STUDIES (TCR AND IGH RE-ARRANGEMENT) Specimen required: Department: Note: 2 x EDTA Referred test Tests for clonality. i.e. Band T-Cell lymphomas GENETIC DISORDERS Specimen required: Department: Note: 2 x EDTA – Dedicated tubes, i.e. not to be shared with any other tests. Referred test Genertic Services at DHM performs several tests for genetic disorders including Cystic Fibrosis, Fragile-X. For non-routine genetic testing please contact Duty Manager . Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 52 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE G GENITAL & OTHER SPECIMENS FOR INVESTIGATION OF INFECTION (INCLUDING STD'S) Department: Microbiology Specimen required: Gel swabs (Transport media with blue top) are for culture (MC&S) Dry swabs (orange / white top no transport media) are for PCR Note: testing on Genital samples for MC&S CANNOT be perfomed on dry swabs Comment: The reason for the investigation should be marked on the request form. Organisms such as anaerobes or coliforms are part of the normal vaginal flora, and their isolation in culture from the endocervix or vagina does not reliably predict the cause of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. However, Post Operative specimens have Anaerobic cultures performed. If Ureaplasma / mycoplasma are requested, the specimen (dry swab) is referred for PCR. An additional dry swab should be collected for this test. MYCOPLASMA The Laboratory will supply swabs on request. See also: Note: FEMALE: Endocervical swabs – for Gonorrhoea, and Chlamydia. (i) Direct smear for Gram stain (roll, rather than rub a swab from the endocervix onto a clean glass slide, and allow to air dry). Differentiate clearly from a Pap Smear slide if this is also submitted. (ii) Plain swab into Transport Medium, for N.gonorrhoea culture - swab to be kept at room temperature. (Note that while PCR detection is more sensitive, only culture will provide antibiotic susceptibility information.) (iii) Orange capped wire swab for N.gonorrhoea and Chlamydia PCR. Replace swab in dry sheath for transport. See also Urethral Swabs below and separate entry on URINE FOR MICRO CULTURE AND SENSITIVITY. Endocervical swabs – for investigations other than STD's. (i) Direct smear for microscopy using plain swab. (ii) Plain swab into Transport Medium. High Vaginal Swabs – for Trichomonas, Candida and Bacterial vaginosis (i) Direct smear for microscopy using plain swab. (ii) Plain swab into Transport Medium. High Vaginal swabs – for investigations other than STD's. (i) Direct smear for microscopy using plain swab. (ii) Plain swab into Transport Medium. Female Urethral swabs – for Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia. (i) Direct smear for Gram stain (roll, rather than rub a swab from the urethra onto a clean glass slide, and allow to air dry). (ii) Plain swab into Transport Medium, for N.gonorrhoeae culture - swab to be kept at room temperature. (Note that while PCR detection is more sensitive, only culture will provide antibiotic susceptibility information.) (iii) Orange capped wire swab for N.gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia PCR. Replace swab in dry sheath for transport. See also Endocervical Swabs above and separate entry on URINE FOR MICRO CULTURE AND SENSITIVITY. Female Mouth/Rectal swabs – as indicated by the history. (i) Direct smear for Gram stain (roll, rather than rub a swab from the site onto a clean glass slide, and allow to air dry). (ii) Plain swab into Transport Medium, for N.gonorrhoeae culture. Keep swab at room temperature. (iii) Orange capped wire swab for N.gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia PCR. Replace swab in dry sheath for transport. Vulval lesions/vesicles (i) Herpes simplex virus PCR: Vesicle fluid or firm swabbing of ulcer base using orange capped wire swab. Replace swab in dry sheath for transport. (ii) A rapid screening test for HSV is also available by immunofluorescence. Special kits are available on request from the Laboratory (iii) Syphilis 1. Syphilis/ Treponema pallidum Specimen: Dry swab of ulcer/lesion for PCR 2. Chancroid (Haemophilus ducreyi) Specimen: Swab in gel transport medium for culture and Dry swab for PCR Vulval swabs – for investigations other than STD's. (i) Direct smear for microscopy using plain swab. (ii) Plain swab into Transport Medium. Thinprep vials (i) ThinPrep vials can be used for Chlamydia, gonorrhoea PCR, HPV DNA , UREAPLAMSA / MYCOPLASMA and HSV. PCR can also be performed on brushes including the Cervex Brush. SOLVS Self obtained lower vaginal swab for Strep B Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 53 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE MALE: G Male Urethral swabs – for Gonorrhoea, Chlamydia. (i) Direct smear for Gram stain (roll, rather than rub a swab from the urethra onto a clean glass slide, and allow to air dry). (ii) Plain swab into Transport Medium, for N.gonorrhoeae culture - swab to be kept at room temperature. (Note that while PCR detection is more sensitive, only culture will provide antibiotic susceptibility information.) (iii) Orange capped wire swab for N.gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia PCR. Replace swab in dry sheath for transport. (See also Urethral Swabs and First Void Urine). Penile/Urethral swabs – for investigations other than STD's. (i) Direct smear for microscopy using plain swab. (ii) Plain swab into Transport Medium. Male Mouth/Rectal swabs – as indicated by the history. (i) Direct smear for Gram stain (roll, rather than rub a swab from the site onto a clean glass slide, and allow to air dry). (ii) Plain swab in Transport Medium for N.gonorrhoeae culture. Keep swab at room temperature. (iii) Plain swab into Transport Medium. Male Vesicles or Ulcers. (i) Herpes simplex virus PCR: Vesicle fluid or firm swabbing of ulcer base using orange capped wire swab. Replace swab in dry sheath for transport. (ii) Herpes simplex virus culture is also available. Plain wooden shafted swab into Viral Transport Medium. (iii) A rapid screening test for HSV is also available by immunofluorescence. Special kits are available on request from the Laboratory (iv) Syphilis 1. Syphilis/ Treponema pallidum Specimen: Dry swab of ulcer/lesion for PCR 2. Chancroid (Haemophilus ducreyi) Specimen: Swab in gel transport medium for culture Dry swab for PCR GENTAMICIN ASSAY / AMINOGLYCOSIDE MONITORING Specimen required: Department: Comment: NOTE: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Aminoglycosides (gentamicin, tobramycin) may be administered 8 hourly, or as a once daily intravenous dose. It is now recommended that gentamicin and tobramycin are administered as a once daily intravenous dose, in order to maximise efficacy and minimise toxicity. The patient information required for dosage calculation is: - age - weight (kg) - height (cm) - current serum creatinine - Dose and time of last dose - Time of blood collection if drug has already been started. It is essential that the above information is collected so that valid measurements and/or adjustments can be made. It is important that serum levels of aminoglycoside are monitored closely in order to avoid renal toxicity. This should be done after the FIRST DOSE and perhaps several times a week thereafter. Serum creatinine should also be monitored during a course of aminoglycoside. AMINOGLYCOSIDE MONITORING AFTER ONCE DAILY IV DOSING: For patients with essentially normal renal function on once daily IV administration, serum for aminoglycoside monitoring should be collected BETWEEN 6 AND 14 HOURS after the dose, and the resulting level is compared to levels on the graph indicated. If the patient’s level falls between the upper and lower line, no dosage adjustment is necessary. If outside the lines, recalculate the next dose according to the following formula: Next dose = (target concentration / actual concentration) x initial dose. AMINOGLYCOSIDE MONITORING AFTER 8 HOURLY IMI or IV DOSING: Trough levels should be monitored in order to avoid toxicity. Peak levels reflect adequacy of dose. Trough sample: Collect serum prior to next dose. Acceptable trough level: < 1 mg/L Peak sample IV: Collect serum 30 minutes after end of infusion. IMI: Collect serum 60 minutes after dose. Acceptable peak level: > 10 mg/L Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 54 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY G SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE SERUM AMINOGLYCOSIDE CONCENTRATION (mg/L) 8 7 6 TARGET 5 MAXIMUM 4 3 MINIMUM 2 1 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TIME AFTER END OF INFUSION (Hours) 13 14 GESTATIONAL DIABETES SCREENS See Glucose Challenge under GTT GFR/EGFR See eGFR GHRELIN - collect 1 x SST Referred Test GILBERTS GENOTYPING Specimen required: Department: 1 x ACD & 1 x 4.5ml EDTA Referred test GLIADIN ANTIBODIES ( IGG & IGA ) TEST NO LONGER ROUTINELY PERFORMED replaced by TISSUE TRANSGLUTAMINASE ANTIBODIES (TTG IGA) GLOMERULAR BASEMENT MEMBRANE Specimen required: Department: GLUCAGON Note: Specimen required: Department: 1 x SERUM (SST). Referred test Collect at main laboratory only. Patients must fast overnight. Store tube in refrigerator before collection 2 x EDTA containing 0.2mL Aprotinin Referred GLUCOSE – BLOOD (GLUC OR BSL) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Comment: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 1 x Fluoride Oxalate. Biochemistry Fasting: 3.5 – 5.4 mmol/L Random: 3.5 – 5.4 mmol/L Diabetes Australia recommends that persons aged over 35 years with risk factors, fasting or random levels above 5.4 mmol/L should be investigated further before DM is excluded. Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 55 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY G SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE GLUCOSE – CSF Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: CSF. Biochemistry 2.1 - 4.0 mmol/L LOW - Bacterial Meningitis, Cryptococcal Meningitis, Malignancy involving the meninges. HIGH - Sarcoidosis, Hyperglycaemia. GLUCOSE / INSULIN RATIO Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Patient must be fasting Serum (1 x SST) & Glucose tube (Oxalate) Biochemistry Glucose / Insulin Ratio > 10 GLUCOSE TOLERANCE TEST (GTT) May also be requested as an OGGT COLLECTION STAFF GTT Check Sheet (Form PIBI-002) must be completed before and during collection. Please contact the Duty Manager or Senior Biochemistry staff to discuss correct protocol if unsure. MODIFIED GLUCOSE TOLERANCE TEST (World Health Organisation 2 Hour Protocol) Specimen Required: 1. Collect a fasting glucose sample (1 x Fluoride oxalate). 2. Give the patient 75 g load of glucose (one whole bottle of glucose drink). (If pregnant give 75g glucose, unless the doctor specifies differently. Gestational diabetes has different cutoffs to the ones below.) 3. Begin timing when the drink finished. 4. Collect a one hour and two hour blood sample. 5. Ensure times are written on all samples and ideally mark tubes as F, 1, 2 to help identify tubes correctly Note: Department: Results: Glucose load for children = 1.75 g/Kg. Please contact Laboratory first. Biochemistry (in mmol/L) Fasting 2 Hour Post Glucose Load Normal ≤ 6.0 ≤ 7.7 Impaired Fasting Glycemia 6.1 - 6.9 ≤ 7.7 Impaired Tolerance 7.8 - 11.0 Diabetes Mellitus ≥ 7.0 ≥ 11.1 CONT. OVER PAGE Comment For extended or modified GTT’s the tests are done in accordance with requesting practitioner’s wishes. PREGNANCY GLUCOSE CHALLENGE ( 1 HOUR SCREENING TEST) OR OGC(T) a 50 gram load followed by a 1 hour specimen, unless otherwise stipulated. Patient can be fasting or non-fasting for this 1 hour screening test. Test done at 24 - 28 weeks. GLUCOSE TOLERANCE TEST WITH INSULIN Specimen required: Department: Note: 3 x SST (Serum) and 3 x Fluoride oxalate Biochemistry (1) Same collection procedure as GTT above with the addition of (2) below. (2) Please ensure a serum sample (1 x SST) and 1 x Fluoride oxalate sample is collected at each point of the test (Fasting, 1 hour and 2 hour samples). Insulin cannot be performed using the Fluoride Oxalate tube. GLUCOSE - 6 PHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE ( G6PD ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Comment: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 1 x EDTA or 1 x Heparin NO GEL Haematology As stated on report. Specimen must be at the Laboratory within 24 hours of the bleed. Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 56 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE GLUTAMINE Specimen required: Department: Reference range: G 1 x Heparin No GEL – Separate promptly and transport frozen. Referred test As stated on report. GLUTEN ANTIBODIES ( IGG & IGA ) TEST NO LONGER PERFORMED ROUTINELY - REPLACED BY TISSUE TRANSGLUTAMINASE ANTIBODIES (TTG IGA) PLEASE CONTACT LABORATORY IF TESTING REQUESTED GLYCOPROTIEN B II See BETA GLYCOPROTIEN GLYCOSYLATED HAEMOGLOBIN See HAEMOGLOBIN A1C GNRH Test not available. FSH/LH ratio performed instead GONNORRHOEA See GENITAL & OTHER SPECIMENS FOR INVESTIGATION OF INFECTION (including STD's) GROUP AND HOLD/SAVE SEE Cross Matching GROWTH HORMONE ( GH ) (No add on test available) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Note: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Serum (1 x SST) - Fasting, Resting ~30 min. Biochemistry Men 0-1 ug/L Women 0-10 ug/L LOW - Dwarfism HIGH - Gigantism, acromegaly, stress 24 hour Urinary (No preservative) test for Growth Hormone is available and referred to an external Laboratory with a cost to the patient. Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 57 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY H SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE H H Pylori (Titre) Please see HELICOBACTER SEROLOGY 5HIAA Please see HYDROXYINDOLACETIC ACID (5HIAA) 21 HYDROLASE ANTIBODIES Specimen required: Department: 1 x SST (Serum) Referred HAEMOCHROMATOSIS GENE STUDIES (HLA-H) (Must meet specific requirements for rebate) Specimen required: Note: Department: Reference range: Comment: 1 X EDTA – DO NOT REFRIGERATE A single unshared dedicated EDTA tube is required for this test. If other biochemical tests are required please collect additional tubes. Referred test As stated on report Haemochromatosis gene mutation test identifies the C282Y major and H63D minor mutations. HAEMOGLOBIN A1C ( HbA1c ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Note: 1 x EDTA Haematology Non diabetic level < 6% Target < 7% Poorly controlled range > 8% Levels of HbA1c are indicative of the circulating levels of glucose over the previous 60 days (which is the half-life of haemoglobin). The report will include an estimate of the mean blood glucose level over this period. Medicare Australia will only allow a rebate if the patient is a proven diabetic. HAEMOGLOBINOPATHY STUDIES / HAEMOGLOBIN ELECTROPHORESIS Specimen required: Department: 1 x EDTA and 1 x SST Haematology This request includes: (i) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) HbA2 HbF HbH Haemoglobin Electrophoresis for abnormal Hb bands Hbf (by flow cytometry analysis in Feto-maternal haemorrhage) HAEMOPHILIA GENE STUDIES Specimen required: Department: Note: 1 x EDTA Referred test Molecular test which may be requested for carrier diagnosis. HAEMOPHILUS INFLUENZAE Specimen required: Department: Note: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Sputum, Eye swabs or Ear swab (ruptured drum) Microbiology Rarely isolated from genital sites or urine and can be invasive. Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 58 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE H HAEMOPHILUS DUCREYI Specimen required: Department: Comment: HAEMOSIDERIN Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Gel swabs (Blue) for culture - Microbiology Dry swab (orange/white) for PCR Microbiology Cause of ulcerating genital disease (SEA etc) Spot urine. Histopathology Not detected. HALASCA SCREEN See THROMBOPHILIA SCREEN HAMS TEST TEST NO LONGER PERFORMED - REPLACE WITH FLOW CYTOMETRY FOR CD55, CD59. SEE IMMUNOPHENOTYPING Comment: These neutrophil and red cell antigens (CD55 and CD59) are decreased in Paroxysmal Nocturnal Haemoglobinuria (PNH) HAND/FOOT/MOUTH DISEASE / ENTEROVIRUS Specimen required: Department: Note: Comment: HAPTOGLOBIN Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Throat swab (Dry orange/white) swab for PCR, or Faeces samples, vesicle swab for PCR. Referred test Serology testing is not available for Enteroviruses in WA, PCR is the preferred test. Rash appearing in children. Vesicles/lesions appearing on hands and feet and mouth. Caused by Coxsackie or other enterovirus. Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry 0.3 - 2.0 g/L HIGH - Acute phase response, Oestrogen or Steroid therapy LOW - Intravascular haemolysis, megaloblastic anaemia, massive tissue haemorrhage Hb1AC See Haemaglobin A1C HB ELECTROPHORESIS / HB DNA See HAEMOGLOBINOPATHY STUDIES HCG See HUMAN CHORIONIC GONADOTROPHIN HEAVY METAL SCREEN Specimen required: Department: Reference range Note: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 4x Trace Element (Royal blue top K 2 EDTA) and Spot Urine Referred See individual metals. Please specify heavy metals required e.g. Lead, Mercury, Cadmium and Arsenic. Heavy metal screen routinely includes Aluminium (AL), Arsenic (AS), Cadmium (CD), Cobalt (CO), Lead (BP), and Mercury (HG). Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 59 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE HEINZ BODIES Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: H Please refer patient to Clinipath Pathology Main Laboratory. 1 x EDTA - Sample dispatched immediately after collection. Referred test Negative. Positive in certain drug induced haemolytic anaemias. HELICOBACTER ANTIGEN Specimen required: Faeces Department: Referred Test HELICOBACTER BREATH TEST Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Note: Comment: Breath Sample (Collected into special foil balloon) Please ensure patient is FASTING for minimum 4 hours including water Can brush teeth. but do not swallow water. Follow instructions on the Kit box Can ONLY be performed at Collection Centres Serology < 50 DPM Patient should have avoided the medications below but only after consultation with their doctor i. Antibiotics for 4 weeks before test ii. Sucralfate for at least 2 weeks before test iii. Proton-pump inhibitors such as Losec, Somac or Zoton for at least 1 week before test iv. H2 receptor antagonists and antacids during test and fasting period. All Helicobacter breath tests are now eligible for a Medicare rebate. Results are reported Mon-Fri, all tests performed on Fri/Sat/Sun will be reported by 12.00noon Monday morning. HELICOBACTER SEROLOGY Specimen required: Department: Reference values: Indications: Comment: HEPARIN CONTROL Specimen required: Department: Note: Serum (1 x SMALL SST DEDICATED TUBE) Serology < 6.25 U : Negative 6.25 - 7.00 U: Equivocal > 7.00 U : Positive Helicobacter pylori is accepted as a causative agent of type B gastritis and peptic ulcer disease, and is strongly associated with dyspepsia and several other upper gastrointestinal diseases. The preferred test to assess successful eradication of Helicobacter pylori is Urea (C14) Breath test: 4-6 weeks after treatment is completed, see Helicobacter Breath Testing 1 x Sodium citrate tube. Haematology See PARTIAL THROMBOPLASTIN TIME. HEPASCORE (No rebate) Specimen required: Department: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 1 x dedicated (Serum no gel). Red Top Referred Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 60 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY H SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE HEPATITIS SEROLOGY ( HEP A, B & C ) Specimen required: Department: Tests performed: Serum (1 x SMALL SST DEDICATED TUBE) Serology HEPATITIS A – Total HEPATITIS A – IgM HEPATITIS B – SURFACE ANTIGEN HEPATITIS B – SURFACE ANTIBODY HEPATITIS B – CORE ANTIBODY (Total) HEPATITIS B – CORE IgM ANTIBODY HEPATITIS B – e ANTIGEN HEPATITIS C – ANTIBODY HAV-Total HAV-IgM HBsAg Anti HBs (HbsAb) Anti HBc Anti HBc IgM HB e Ag (only if HBsAg are positive) HCV Recommended screening tests: (a) Initial screen for acute hepatitis with elevated transaminase levels: Hepatitis A IgM Antibody (HAV-IgM) Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) Hepatitis B Core Antibody (Anti HBc) Hepatitis B Core IgM Antibody (Anti HBc IgM) if indicated Hepatitis C Antibody (Hep C) (b) STD screen or post sexual exposure Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) Hepatitis B Core Antibody (Anti HBc) (c) Post-immunisation Screening: Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (Anti HBs) Hepatitis A IgG Antibody (d) Antenatal Screening: Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) Hepatitis C Antibody (Hep C) Other HBV tests can be added if desired (e) Follow-up of known Hepatitis B Positive patients: Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) Hepatitis B Core Antibody (Anti HBc) Hepatitis B e Antigen (HB e Ag) Hepatitis B e Anitbodies (f) Needlestick - PLEASE SPECIFY Donor or Recipient ( if not specified Needle Stick routine tests will be done; HBsAg, anti-HBS, Anti HB core HCV, HIV) Note: These are initial tests only. For follow-up testing please discuss with Clinical Microbiologist RECIPIENT (Urgent Serology Test) Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (Anti HBs) Hepatitis C Antibody HIV Antibody DONOR (Urgent Serology Test) Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) Hepatitis C Antibody HIV Antibody Comment: Reported as Detected or Not Detected for Hepatitis with appropriate interpretive comments. HEPATITIS B DNA (Quant Hep B antibodies, Hep B DNA PCR, Hep B viral Band) Specimen required: 3 x EDTA . DO NOT USE HEPARINISED BLOOD Dedicated tubes are required. Department: Note: Required minimum sample of 200ul. Separate sample within 3 hours of collection. Freeze and transport frozen if the sample is to arrive at testing Laboratory longer than 72 hours after collection. Referred test Patient must be HbsAg positive before this test will be performed. Usually only accepted if request is from a hepatologist specialist, must be discussed with the clinical microbiologist and Pathwest notified. HEPATITIS B VIRAL LOAD Specimen required: 3 x EDTA dedicated tubes. No add on facility available Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 61 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY H SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE HEPATITIS C GENOTYPING Specimen required: Department: Comment: Serum (2x SMALL SST) Dedicated tube is required Referred test Performed in patients on HCV treatment and follow-up but only in discussion with microbiologist or if requested by hepatologist. (No add on test available) HEPATITIS C RNA (PCR) Specimen required: Department: Note: Serum (2 x SMALL SST). Dedicated tube is required. Referred test Can be requested as Hep C PCR (No add on test available) HEPATITIS C RNA (QUANTITATIVE/VIRAL LOAD) Specimen required: Department: Note: Serum (2 x SMALL SST) Dedicated tube is required Referred test Performed on patients on HCV treatment and follow-up but only in discussion with microbiologist or if requested by hepatologist. (No add on test available) HEPATITIS D ANTIBODY Specimen required: Department: Note: Serum (1 x SMALL SST) Referred test Only performed if HBsAg is positive HEPATITIS E ANTIBODY Specimen required: Department: Serum (1 x SMALL SST) Referred test HERBICIDES (No Rebate) Specimen required: Department: Note: Spot urine sample after exposure to herbicides. Referred test Specimens are referred. A private fee will apply for the test. Please specify herbicides if known. HEREDITARY SPHEROCYTOSIS SCREENING TEST Specimen Required: 1 x EDTA Department: Referred Comment: Must arrive at RPH within 48 hours of collection. DO NOT collect on Fridays. HERPES SIMPLEX I AND II Specimen Required: PCR: Dry swab for PCR is the preferred method (Dry orange swab) IMMUNOFLUORESCENCE: Special slides to be submitted using HSV I and HSV II kit, available from Laboratory. Herpes can be detected rapidly (1-2 days turn-around time) by immunofluorescence if lesions are fresh. i.e. not healing yet See also: VIRUS DETECTION HERPES SIMPLEX I AND II IGG ANTIBODY Specimen required: Department: Results: Comment: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Reported as Detected or Not Detected with appropriate interpretative comments. Demonstrates past Herpes Simplex infection. If lesions are present then Viral PCR is the appropriate test. HFE GENE see HAEMOCHROMATOSIS GENE STUDIES Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 62 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE H HISTAMINE or Whole blood Histamine Specimen required: Department: Comment: HISTOPATHOLOGY Comment: 2 X Lithium Heparin. Only collect at Main Laboratory Transport frozen, collect with Ice pack Referred test Diet 24hrs prior to and during test should contain no fish, seafood, cheese or cheese spread. Routine processing of surgical biopsies is undertaken 6 days per week (Monday to Saturday) and most written reports are obtainable by mid morning, (Monday to Friday), for specimens processed the previous working day. Some specimens such as large excision specimens, fatty specimens and excessively bloody specimens may require longer fixation for proper processing and hence the result may be delayed 24hrs. Cases requiring additional stains are usually available by the afternoon, but in some cases may take longer. The Doctor concerned is usually notified of protracted delays in having reports finalised. For urgent biopsies, a verbal report is obtainable early morning, providing they are clearly labelled as “urgent” and are received by 8.00pm the previous day. Urgent reports can also be generated by direct contact with any of the pathologists or scientific staff. All requests should identify the site of the lesion and the type of biopsy specimen eg excisional, incisional, punch, shave curettage etc. Some indication as to the clinical diagnosis, eg ?dysplastic naevus, greatly assists the pathologist in making the final report. Customised skin biopsy request forms are available on request COLLECTION PROCEDURES: 1) Routine biopsies: Should be placed in a specimen jar containing 10% buffered formalin as soon as possible after removal. The amount of formalin necessary for adequate fixation is about ten times the volume of the specimen. Formalin jars are blue topped and labelled as containing 10% buffered formalin. The Laboratory provides formalin jars on request. Specimens accompanying paps should be double bagged to ensure formalin vapour is contained. Pap Smears and Histo specimens should never be placed in the same bag. Please note that it is a NATA requirement that specimen jars are labelled with the full name of the patient and the date of birth. Please also ensure that the site given on the specimen jar and the request form are identical. 2) Special biopsies: e.g. lymph nodes, skin biopsies for immunofluorescence. All biopsies or tissues received fresh without formalin should be couriered to the Main Laboratory within the hour and urgently brought to the attention of a Histopathology staff member. Packing in ice can help prevent degeneration. Skin biopsies for immunofluorescence can also be placed into a specific transport medium which is available on request from the laboratory. (Please provide 24hrs notice for delivery) 3) Frozen section: Frozen section analysis is currently only performed at Bunbury Pathology. HIV P24 ANTIGEN Specimen required: Department: Note: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Serum (1 x SST) Referred test This may also include a non-quantitative test for HIV RNA. Routine HIV testing includes testing for p24 and antibodies to HIV1/2 (Combination test) Not to be confused with viral load testing. Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 63 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE H HIV SEROLOGY ( HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS ANTIGEN AND ANTIBODIES ) Specimen required: Department: Test performed: Note: Comment: Serum (1 x SMALL SST DEDICATED TUBE) Serology Combined Test: HIV 1/2 antibodies + p24 antigen Informed consent for patient HIV testing must be obtained by the requesting practitioner. CODED HIV SPECIMENS Medicare Australia will not pay benefits when requests are coded. If coding patients for HIV and other tests are required (uncoded) then please fill out 2 request forms e.g. for John Citizen DOB 23/09/60: Code one form for the HIV test (this could be JC230960). Please ensure sample supplied matches code (i.e. label specimen JC230960). Another form for any non-coded tests (for billing purposes) must be filled out with correct patient details and extra specimens, labelled with the patients true details. HIV RNA (VIRAL LOAD) Specimen required: 3 x EDTA (Dedicated) Department: Note: Attach process immediately sticker Referred test Sample separated within 6 hours of collection and FROZEN. Transported FROZEN to RPH Immunology. When separated at least 2ml Plasma must be present in the tube. No add on test available. HLA – B27 ( HUMAN LEUCOCYTE ANTIGEN ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: HLA ANTIBODIES Specimen required: Department: Reference range: 1 x ACD / CPDA tubes DO NOT REFRIGERATE Collected Mon-Sat, but not over a long weekend. No add on test available. Haematology Negative. A negative result virtually excludes ankylosing spondylitis. HLA-B27 is present in Reiter’s syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease and uveitis and can be of little diagnostic value. 2 x Serum (SST) Referred test As stated on report. HLA DQ 2/8 (HLA for Coeliac) Specimen required: 1 x ACD / CPDA DO NOT REFRIGERATE Collected Mon-Sat, but NOT over a long weekend. Department: Referred test Reference range: As stated on report. HLA - H See HAEMOCHROMATOSIS STUDIES HLA TYPING ( OTHER ANTIGENS ) Specimen required: 1 x ACD / CPDA DO NOT REFRIGERATE Collected Mon-Sat, but NOT over a long weekend. Can now be collected at ACC’s. No add on test available. Department: Referred test Reference range: As stated on report. Routine testing may have a 3 week turnaround time. Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 64 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE H HMMA ( 3-METHOXY-4-HYDROXYMANDELIC ACID ) Specimen required: Department: Note: HNPP GENE Specimen required: Department: 24 hour urine collection. Referred test Preservative: 20 mls of 50% Hydrochloric Acid. Patient should be informed of the need for care with the preservative. 2x EDTA. Must only be colleted Mon-Thur Referred test HOMOCYSTEINE (HOCY) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Note: 1 x PPT dedicated tube – must be full tube. Can be same tube as PTH Patient MUST be FASTING. Mark sample as Process Immediately. No add on test available. Biochemistry Fasting 5.0 - 15.0 umol/L Elevations are associated with independent risk of cardiovascular disease 1) Sample must be centrifuged at the centre or arrive in the Laboratory within 3 hours of collection and centrifuged immediately on receipt. Sample must be placed on ice until centrifuged 2) If requested in children for "? homocysteinuria" then a spot urine is the sample of choice referred to PMH. HORMONE (OVULATION) TRACKING Specimen required: Department: Comment: Note: HPV See HUMAN PAPILLOMA VIRUS (HPV) DNA TESTING HS CRP Specimen required: Department: hsTnt HSV Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry Recommended hormones- oestradiol, FSH, LH and progesterone. Weekdays To ensure results are available on the same day, it is requested that patients are bled at collection centres by 9 am Monday to Friday. Collection staff should then contact the courier department to organise an URGENT pick-up. Saturdays A number of collection centres are available for sample collection. Please ask patient to phone the centre the day prior to the blood test to ensure Saturday collection for Hormone Tracking is available. Samples must be collected from patients before 9 am to ensure same day results. 1xSST Biochemistry See Troponin-High sensitivity See HERPES SIMPLEX ANTIBODY or HERPES SIMPLEX I AND II (IF FOR PCR) Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 65 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE H HUMAN CHORIONIC GONADOTROPHIN (QUANTITATIVE) RANGES IN PREGNANCY Specimen required: Department: Results: Serum (1 x SST) Process Immediately sticker Biochemistry Weeks after HCG mlU/ml fertilisation Median 5-95th percentile 1 17.5 5.8 - 71.2 2 141 9.5 - 750 3 1398 217 - 7138 4 3339 158 - 31795 5 39759 3697 - 163563 6 90084 32065 - 149571 7 106257 63803 - 151410 8 85172 46509 - 186977 10 66676 27832 - 210612 12 34440 13950 - 62530 13 28962 12039 - 70971 14 23930 9040 - 56541 15 20860 8175 - 55868 16 19817 8099 - 58176 HUMAN CHORIONIC GONADOTROPHIN (HCG) - TOTAL (PREVIOUSLY BETA HCG) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Serum (1 x SST) Process Immediately sticker Urine can also be used but this is not as sensitive in early pregnancy. Biochemistry Female: > 20 U/L - Consistent with pregnancy 5 - 20 U/L - Equivocal < 5 U/L - Negative Male: < 2 U/L - As a tumour marker Premenopausal female < 1 U/L - As a tumour marker Postmenopausal female < 7 U/L - As a tumour marker HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS ( HIV ) See HIV serology HUMAN PAPILLOMA VIRUS (HPV) DNA TESTING Specimen required: Department: Note: Comment: 1) ThinPrep Sample; for Digene-Hybrid Capture II 2) Digene Swab; for Digene-Hybrid Capture II 3) Dry Swab or ThinPrep sample to be sent for PCR testing. Referred A Medicare rebate is available on this test (for 2 tests in 24 months) for those patients who have had treatment for a High Grade Epithelial Lesion or previously had a positive test for high risk HPV. Test results are available within 14 days. Molecular biology tests are used for the specific detection of high risk types of HPV. The most precise way of detecting the virus is by PCR or DNA Hybrid Capture using a sample from a ThinPrep vial or DIGENE SWAB. HUMAN T-CELL LYMPHOTROPIC VIRUS (HTLV) TYPE I & II ANTIBODIES Specimen required: Department: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test HVS ( HIGH VAGINAL SWAB ) See GENITAL SPECIMENS Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 66 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE H HYDATID SEROLOGY Specimen required: Department: Comment: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Disease caused by the tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus. Hydatid cysts may grow in any organ but are most common in the liver and lungs. HYDROXYCHOLECALCIFEROL See Vitamin D HYDROXYINDOLACETIC ACID (5HIAA) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Comment: Note: HYDROXY PROLINE Specimen required: Department: Urine – 24 hour collection in a strong acid preservative. Preservative = 20 mls of 50% HCl. Warn Patient of acid risk Referred test As stated on report Elevated levels found with carcinoid tumours. Falsely elevated levels may be seen after ingestion of certain foodstuffs. If requested with ADRENALINE / NORADRENALINE (Catecholamines), only ONE 24 hour specimen is required. Please see Patient instructions PIBI-008 for special dietary requirements regarding this test Urine – Spot Protect from light: Wrap in alfoil Referred test HYDROGEN BREATH TEST Specimen Required: 6 samples of breath over 3hrs This test can only be collected at the specialised test collection centre at Selby St Osborne Park Patients need to ring 9371 4531 to make a booking This test is not covered by Medicare, out of pocket expences will be discussed at the time of booking. Department: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Referred Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 67 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE I I IA-2 ANTIBODIES Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Specimen required: Department: IEP OR IFE See Immunofixation below IGE Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry As stated on report HIGH - Allergy, atopic eczema. RAST tests done in conjunction can help pinpoint specific allergens. Other causes of an increased serum IgE level include parasite infestations, chronic bronchopulmonary fungal disease and some immunodeficiency syndromes. Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: IGF-1 See INSULIN LIKE GROWTH FACTOR 1 IGF-BP3 -see Insulin like growth factor BP3 IGG SUBCLASSES Serum (1 x SST) Referred test As stated on report Different ranges apply to children. Age must be specified. Specimen required: Department: Reference range: IL-6 See INTERLEUKIN 6 IL-28 – BUNBURY ONLY Specimen: Department: 1 x SST 1 x EDTA Referred Test IMIPRAMINE ( TOFRANIL ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: 1 x Lith Hep Collect PRE-DOSE sample (Trough). Referred As stated on report Toxic levels at greater than 500ug/L. Peak Level: 1 - 2 hours after oral dose Half Life: 9 - 24 hours. IMMUNOFIXATION ( IFE ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Comment: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry Not applicable. If an abnormal band is detected in the QEP, the band(s) should be confirmed and typed using I.F.E. IMMUNOFLUORESCENT SKIN BIOPSY Specimen required: Department: Note: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Contact Laboratory 24 hours before collection to organise solutions Immunology Useful for specific inflammatory skin conditions e.g. Suspected Lupus and Bullous pemphigus Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 68 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE I IMMUNOGLOBULINS (IGA, IGG, IGM) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry IgA 0.7 - 4.0 g/L adults IgG 7.0 - 16.0 g/L adults IgM 0.4 - 2.3 g/L adults Low Levels: Often associated with primary or acquired immunodeficiency syndromes. High Levels: (i) Polyclonal. Infections, liver disease etc (ii) Monoclonal. Myeloma, Lymphoma, Macroglobulinaemia IMMUNOPHENOTYPING ( IPT1 / IPT2 / IPT2A ) Specimen required: Department: Comment: Reference range: Note: 1 x ACD/CPDA blood (Pale yellow top) and 1 x EDTA. No add on test available. Haematology Includes requests for CD4/CD8 RATIO, NK CELLS, LYMPHOCYTE SURFACE MARKERS, T-CELLS & SUBSETS, B CELLS, CD MARKERS and LYMPHOCYTE ACTIVATION MARKERS CD3 * - Circulating T cells CD4 * - T Helper cells CD8 * - T Suppressor cells CD5&/orCD56 - Mature T cells, B cells subset, thymocytes CD16 - NK Cells CD19 - B cells, precursor B cells CD20 - B cells, precursor B cell subset HLA DR+ - B cells, activated T cells Kappa / Lambda light chains * Reported as a percentage of total lymphocytes as well as absolute values where indicated. For immunological assessment CD3, 4, 8, 16, 56 and 19 are performed. A CD 4/8 Ratio is calculated. For investigation of lymphocytic leukaemia, chronic lymphoma or chronic lymphocytosis, the additional markers CD5, 20 and HLA DR+ are performed. Kappa/Lambda studies performed as required. As reported. Haematologist comment where relevant For other immunophenotyping - 5 ml of EDTA blood is required (referred to RPH Immunology Department). For CD57/58 only - collect 2 x EDTA Refer to RPH do not collect after midday Thursday IM SCREEN ( Infectious Mononucleosis Screen, Monospot, Paul Bunnell, Heterophil Abs) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Note: INFLUENZA PCR Specimen required: Department: See also: Comment: 1 x EDTA and 1 x SST Haematology Negative. This test may be negative in children with EBV infection. Specific EBV serology (IgG & IgM) is also available. See EBV SEROLOGY Throat and/or anterior nasal dry swab (no transport media) Referred test VIRUS DETECTION Viral transport media should be used if viral culture is required INDIRECT COOMBS See Blood grouping antibodies Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 69 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE I INFLUENZA (RAPID TEST) Test no longer performed INFLUENZA SEROLOGY Specimen required: Department: Indications: See also: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test May include fever, fatigue, headache, myalgia and pneumonia. Consider also Mycoplasma, Bordetella, and Chlamydia, Legionella, other bacterial pneumonias and respiratory viruses. RESPIRATORY VIRUS DETECTION INFLUENZA VIRUS IMMUNOFLUORESCENCE See RESPIRATORY VIRUS IMMUNOFLUORESCENCE INHIBIN (No Rebate) Specimen required: Department: Note: Serum (1 x SST). Spin and freeze ASAP Referred test. Patient will receive account $90 (July 2014) and must sign informed patient consent form from Syndey Southwest Pathology services I N R ( INTERNATIONAL NORMALISED RATIO) See PROTHROMBIN TIME INSULIN Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Note: Patient must be fasting Serum (1 x SST) – Fluoride Oxalate NOT suitable. No Add on test available. Biochemistry Fasting - < 20 mU/L Performed as a FASTING test together with a Glucose assay. Hyperinsulinaemia is associated with insulin Type 2 Diabetes mellitus, PCOS and metabolic syndrome. INSULIN ANTIBODIES Specimen required: Department: Patient must be fasting Serum (1 x SST). Patient must be fasting. Spin and freeze ASAP Referred test INSULIN LIKE GROWTH FACTOR 1 ( IGF-1 ) Note: Specimen required: Department: No add on test available If collected with Growth hormone, patient needs to be Fasting, and resting for ~30 min. Serum (1 x SST) – Separate and freeze as soon as possible after collection Biochemistry INSULIN LIKE GROWTH FACTOR BP-3 (IGF-BP3) Specimen Required: Patient needs to be fasting, and resting for ~30 min. No add on test available, Serum (1 x SST) – Spin and freeze as soon as possible (urgent courier NOT required). Department: Referred test INSULIN RESISTANCE See Glucose/Insulin Ratio INTERLEUKIN 6 (No Rebate + Up front collection and processing fee) Specimen required: Department: Note: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Serum (1 x SST) - Refrigerate Referred test No medicare rebate is available for this test. Please contact Duty manager for current cost if required. Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 70 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY I SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE INTRINSIC FACTOR ANTIBODIES Specimen required: Department: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test INTRAVENOUS CATHETER TIP CULTURE Specimen required: Department: Cut off tip with sterile scissors and place in sterile yellow topped jar Microbiology IODINE LEVELS (No Rebate) Specimen required: Department: Note: Spot urine or 24 hour urine (no preservative) Referred test Not Medicare rebatable IONISED CALCIUM See CALCIUM (IONISED) IPT1 OR IPT2/IPT2A See IMMUNOPHENOTYPING IR See INSULIN RESISTANCE IRON ( FE ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: IRON STUDIES (IS) Specimen required: Department: Tests include: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry Males: 8.1 – 28.6 umol/L Females: 5.4 – 28.6 umol/L LOW - Iron deficiency anaemia, acute and chronic disease states, diurnal variation HIGH - Iron therapy, haemochromatosis, and liver disease Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry SERUM IRON, TRANSFERRIN, SATURATION (%), FERRITIN. ISLET CELL ANTIBODIES Specimen required: Department: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 71 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY J SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE J JAK2 (JANUS KINASE 2 or V617F MUTATION) Specimen required: Department: 2 x EDTA Referred test JAPANESE B ENCEPHALITIS Specimen required: Department: Note: JC VIRUS Specimen required: Department: Note: See also: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test (Urgent) Japanese B is one of the flaviviruses, flavivirus screen CSF Referred test One of the polyoma viruses; can cause progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy BK virus JOINT FLUID See SYNOVIAL FLUID Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 72 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE K K KATAYAMA FEVER (Acute Schistosomiasis) Specimen required: Department: 1 x EDTA and 1 x SST Haematology for FBE and blood film for eosinophils Serology for Schistosomas Referred test KARYOTYPING See CYTOGENETIC STUDIES KEPPRA See LEVETIRACETAM KETONES Specimen required: 1 x Heparin no Gel KLM OR LKM See Anti Liver/Kidney Microsomal Antibodies KLEIHAUER TEST Specimen required: Department: Note: Comment: 1 x EDTA Referred test Collect Mon-Thurs only, before 1pm as specimen must be at KEMH by 3.00pm Used in the detection and quantification of transplacental haemorrhage so test is marked as Urgent KUNJIN See MURRAY VALLEY ENCEPHALITIS KRYPTOPYROLE LEVEL Patient must contact main laboratory - Osborne Park 08 9371 4530 Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 73 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY L SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE L LACTATE Specimen required: Department: Reference range: 1 x Fluoride Oxalate Routine test: Special processing no longer required Biochemistry 0.5 - 2.2 mmol/L, at rest LACTATE DEHYDROGENASE ( LDH ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry < 240 U/L HIGH - Myocardial infarction (late stage), muscle damage, liver disease (especially hepatocellular) FALSE HIGH - Haemolysed blood specimen. LACTIC ACID See LACTATE LACTOSE TOLERANCE TEST Note: Please contact Main Laboratory prior to testing. A special lactose preparation is required and patient must be fasting prior to the test. During the test please note on the request form whether patient has symptoms (abdominal cramps, diarrhea etc) after taking lactose. Specimens required: 1 x Fluoride oxalate (glucose) tube collected: At fasting, 1/2 hour, 1 hour and 2 hours post Lactose load. Load: Contact Duty Manager for lactose load. (50gms load for adults or 1 gm/kg body weight for children). Department: Biochemistry Reference range: A rise in blood glucose of >1.7 mmol/L above fasting is normal, levels of 1.1-1.7 are equivocal Interpretation: Lactase deficient (lactose intolerance) maybe seen where blood glucose levels do not rise above fasting levels. LAMICTAL See LAMOTRIGINE LAMOTRIGINE ( LAMICTAL ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: 1 x Heparin NO GEL Sample just prior to next dose (TROUGH LEVEL) Referred test 2 – 14 mg/L LANOXIN See DIGOXIN LATS (LONG ACTING THYROID STIMULATION) Specimen required: Department: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 74 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE L LEAD ( Pb ) 2 x Trace element Tube (Royal Blue top with blue stripe) Biochemistry NHMRC Recommended < 0.24 umol/L Lead Workers If level < 1.90 µmol/L, retest in 12 months time. If level 2.0 - 2.9 µmol/L, retest within 3 - 6 months. If level > 2.9 µmol/L, requires immediate action. Note: Whole Blood is the specimen of choice; 24 hr urine (with no preservative) can be used to assess chelation therapy Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: LEGIONELLA URINARY ANTIGEN Specimen required: Department: Note: Urine Referred test Specific for Legionella pneumophila SG 1 LEGIONELLA SEROLOGY (including legionella longbeachae, potting mix legionella most likely in this state) Specimen required: Department: Indications: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test This test forms part of the atypical pneumonia screen. May include fever, fatigue, headache, myalgia and pneumonia. Consider also Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, Bordetella, other bacterial pneumonias and respiratory viruses. LEIDEN FV See FACTOR V LEIDEN LEPTOSPIROSIS SEROLOGY Specimen required: Department: Indications: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Fever, headache, myalgia, conjunctival redness, meningitis, rash, jaundice, renal failure and myocarditis. LEPTIN Specimen required: LEVETIRACETAM Specimen required: Department: 1 x SST, referred test , patient to sign consent form agreeing to pay cost of test. 1 X Lithium Heparin Referred test LIGHT CHAINS See FREE LIGHT CHAINS LIPASE Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Note: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry 13 – 60 U/L More specific than amylase as a pancreatic marker. LIPID STUDIES/PROFILE Note: Specimen required: Department: Tests include: See also: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Lipid Studies or Lipid Profile is not a valid request for HDL and only Chol & Trig will be performed unless HDL is specified; e.g. Chol/Trig/HDL. Serum (1 x SST) - Fasting preferred, non fasting specimens will elevate triglycerides Biochemistry TOTAL CHOLESTEROL. HDL CHOLESTEROL, TRIGLYCERIDES VLDL - calculation olny LDL CHOLESTEROL calculated (only valid if TG < 4.0 mmol/L) APOLIPOPROTEINS Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 75 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE L LIPOGRAM See CHOLESTEROL LIPOPROTEIN (a) (A1) (B1) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Serum (1 x SST) - Fasting. Referred Test As stated on report LISTERIA MONOCYTOGENES Specimen required: Blood Culture x 2-3 NO SEROLOGY AVAILABLE Department: Microbiology Comment: Causes Listeriosis, which is dangerous in pregnancy. Faeces not routinely indicated as it may represent colonisation. LISTERIA SEROLOGY Test not performed, see LISTERIA MONOCYTOGENES LITHIUM Specimen required: Department: Results: Note: Serum (1 x SST) - Taken 12 hrs post dose, or trough sample. MUST be a SERUM SAMPLE Biochemistry Therapeutic Range: 0.6 - 1.2 mmol/L Potentially Toxic: > 1.6 mmol/L (at 12 hrs post dose) Peak Level: 1 - 3 hours after oral administration. Half Life: 14 - 33 hours. Please note time of collection and last dose. LIVER FUNCTION TESTS ( LFT ) Specimen required: Department: Tests include: See also: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry AST. ALT ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE. GAMMA GT. BILIRUBIN. TOTAL PROTEIN. ALBUMIN. Specific individual tests. LUPUS ANTICOAGULANT ( LA ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: 1 x Sodium citrate. Bunbury Pathology to collect 3 x Na Citrate. Add on testing not available. Haematology Negative LUTEINISING HORMONE ( LH ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry Female: Follicular 2 – 7 U/L Mid Cycle 9 – 74 U/L Luteal 1 – 9 U/L Menopausal 19 - 100 U/L Male: 1 - 9 U/L LIVER FIBROSIS (No Rebate) Specimen required: Serum 1 x SST Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 76 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE LYCOPENE Specimen required: Department: Note: L Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Protect from light (wrap sample in Alfoil) LYME DISEASE SEROLOGY See BORRELIA BURGDORFERI SEROLOGY Comment: This disease is not believed to exist in Australia but is prevalent in Europe and North America and is seen in returned travellers. LYMPHOCYTE CELL MARKERS See IMMUNOPHENOTYPING LYMPHOCYTE SURFACE MARKERS See IMMUNOPHENOTYPING LYMPHOGRANULOMA VENEREUM (LGV) Specimen required: Department: Note: Comment: Dry swab for Chlamydia trachomatis PCR Aspirated fluid Chlamydia PCR: Microbiology LGV Serology: Referred test: Currently used Chlamydia PCR detects all strains of Chlamydia trachomatis including L1, L2 and L3 strains which cause LGV. To specify a positive PCR as due to LGV strains, additional molecular sub typing may be needed. An ulcerating genital disease resulting in enlarged lymph nodes and abscesses. Causative agent L1, 2, 3 types of Chlamydia trachomatis. LYMPH NODE CULTURE Discuss with Microbiologist/Histopathologist. Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 77 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE M M MAGNESIUM (Mg) Specimen required: Department: Reference Range: Interpretation: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry 0.65 - 1.10 mmol/L HIGH - Renal failure, hyperalimentation. LOW - Decreased intake, extra renal loss (e.g. diarrhoea), renal loss (e.g. diuretics, .hyperaldosteronism), and cyclosporin therapy. MALARIAL PARASITES (Malarial Film) Specimen required: Department: MALARIA PCR Specimen required: Department: Note: 2 x EDTA blood. Mark as Urgent Thick and thin films recommended over 12-24 hours. Haematology 2 x EDTA dedicated tubes required Referred test May be requested for cryptic cases of malaria MALARIA SEROLOGY Test no longer performed see MALARIAL PCR MANGANESE (Mn ) - SERUM Specimen required: Department: Reference Range: 2 x Trace Element (Royal Blue Top K 2 EDTA) dedicated tube Referred test As stated on report MANGANESE ( Mn ) – WHOLE BLOOD Specimen required: Department: Reference Range: 2 x Trace Element (Royal Blue Top K 2 EDTA) dedicated tube Referred test As stated on report MANNOSE BINDING LECTIN (MBL) Specimen required: Department: 1 x small SST Referred test MANTOUX TESTING (TUBERCULIN SKIN TEST) (Must meet specific requirements for rebate Specimen required: Comment: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Tuberculin skin test : Skin reaction read 48-72 hours after inoculation with Tuberculin antigen. Testing is only performed at the main laboratory. Patients should ring for an appointment and need to be aware that they will be inoculated on the first visit and then have to return to the Main Laboratory 48-72 hrs later to have the test read. Testing is performed according to the following schedule Inocculation on Monday tests read, Wednesday Inocculation on Wednesday tests read Friday Inocculation on Friday tests read Monday . Quantiferon (whole blood Interferon Gamma Assay) available and may be more suitable for some patients. May incur a non-medicare rebatable fee ($75). Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 78 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE M MAST CELL TRYPTASE Specimen required: Department: Note: Serum (1 x SST) attach Process immediately sticker Referred test Specimen must be frozen upon receipt at Laboratory MATERNAL SERUM SCREEN ( MSS ) Replaced by FIRST and SECOND TRIMESTER SCREENING MBA20 (Multiple Biochemical analysis – 20 tests) Specimen required: Department: Note: 1 x Serum (SST) AND 1 x Glucose Tube (Oxalate) Patient should be FASTING unless known Diabetic. Biochemistry This request is NOT available for Medicare requests. This test combination is only available for insurance or employment medicals. (incl Chol, Trig , HDL) MC&S (MICRO CULTURE & SENSITIVITY) See SWABS MEASLES PCR NOTE: Specimen required: Department: Patient should not attend a collection center, refer patient to domicillary service for specimen collection Dry Nasal and Throat swabs +/- Urine for PCR Referred test MEASLES VIRUS SEROLOGY IGG & IGM Specimen required: Department: Results: Indications: Comment: Note: Serum (1 x SMALL SST DEDICATED TUBE) Serology Reported as Detected / Not Detected with appropriate interpretive comment. Characterised by rash and inflammation of the conjunctiva, fever. Treat as urgent if recent suspected.and rickettsiae. Consider also Parvo B19,exposure Rubella, isarboviruses Outbreaks can occur with imported measles. Notify by telephone to Public Health Unit if IgM+. MEDITERRANEAN FEVER (FAMILIAL) PCR Specimen required: Department: MELANIN Specimen required: Department: 1 x EDTA Referred test Spot Urine – Protect sample from light Referred test MELATONIN (No rebate + Up front collection and processing fee) Specimen required: Department: MENINGITIS Specimen required: Department: Note: See also: Saliva 2ml Referred test CSF for bacterial culture and/or viral PCR tests Microbiology Test is Urgent NEISSERIA MENINGITIS MELIOIDOSIS SEROLOGY See BURKHOLDERIA PSEUDOMALLEI SEROLOGY Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 79 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE MERCURY ( Hg ) Specimen required: Department: Reference Range: M Spot Urine - Testing for exposure to inorganic or unspecified Hg 2 x Trace Element (Royal Blue Top K 2 EDTA) dedicated tube - Testing for exposure to organic Hg Referred test As reported MESOMARK (No rebate) Specimen required: Department: Note: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test This is a Mesothelioma test and is non-rebatable test, please contact Laboratory for current cost to patient. METABOLIC BONE STUDY - FASTING Specimen collection: Spot urine plus Fasting 1 x PPT (EDTA Plasma) for PTH spin and place in fridge, transport between 2-8C (PTH is heat labile) 1 x SST for the other biochemistry. Regional Labs 2 x SST and 2 x Urine Please attach a process immediately sticker Note: INSTRUCTIONS TO PATIENT: 1) Patient should fast from 12 midnight on the night prior to the test (water is permitted). 2) On the morning of the test the patient should empty their bladder on rising and drink two glasses of water. 3) DO NOT eat or smoke. Before leaving home the patient should again empty their bladder if required. 4) DO NOT take any CALCIUM medication but take all other normal medications, unless instructed not to by their Medical Practitioner. Comment: Tests Performed: Urine: creatinine, calcium, phosphate and n-Telopeptide Blood: ALP, phosphate, creatinine, albumin, calcium, vitamin D, PTH and ionised calcium. METABOLIC SCREEN ( PAEDIATRIC URINE) Specimen required: Department: Spot Urine – 5 to 10 mls required, No preservative FREEZE SAMPLE as soon as possible after collection. Mainly done on children to screen for inborn metabolic error. Referred test METADRENALINE PLASMA FREE See METANEPHINES below METANEPHRINES - PLASMA Specimen required: Department: Note: This test can only be collected at the main laboratory. No add on testing available 2 x HNG (pre-chilled) collect onto a cup of ice, spin chilled, separate plasma and freeze FREEZE SAMPLE as soon as possible after collection. Referred test Patient should fast overnight and rest for 20min before collection. METHADONE See DRUGS OF ABUSE METHAEMOGLOBIN Specimen required: Department: Reference Range: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 1 x Heparin NO Gel - Please send patient to Clinipath Pathology Main Laboratory for sample collection. Sample must be dispatched immediately after collection, to be tested within the hour. Referred test As reported. Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 80 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY M SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE METHYLENE TETROHYRDOFOLATE REDUCTASE GENE TEST PCR (Patient must meet Specimen Required: 2 x EDTA dedicated tubes specific requirements Department: Referred test for rebate) METHICILLIN RESISTANT STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS (MRSA) SCREEN Specimen required: Department: Comment: Note: All swabs are Blue Gel swabs not Orange dry swabs (i) Nasal swabs from both anterior nares. (ii) Throat swab. (iii) Hand swabs from interdigital spaces and wrists of both hands. (iv) Swab of any lesions, if present (v) Other variations including Axilla and groin to be included if indicated Microbiology At least 48 hours is required before a report can be issued. In house results can make reasonable prediction of the strain, either transmissible variants requiring additional infection controls, and strains with lower transmissibility. (WAMRSA) Molecular sub-typing confirmation takes 7-14 days. METHYL MALONIC ACID ( MMA ) Specimen required: For children See METABOLIC SCREEN (PEDIATRIC URINE) For adults collect 1 x Lith Heparin dedicated tube Department: Referred MICROALBUMIN ( MALB ) Specimen required: Department: Reference Range: Interpretation: Note: Urine. Spot or 24 hour collection (12 hour collection is sometimes requested) Biochemistry Spot Urine : Normalbuminuria < 20 mg/L Microalbuminuria 20 - 200 mg/L Persistent proteinuria > 200 mg/L 24 Hour Urine : Normalbuminuria < 30 mg/day Microalbuminuria 30 - 300 mg/day Persistent proteinuria > 300 mg/day Useful as an indicator of incipient (and potentially reversible) diabetic nephropathy. 12 hour collection is called ‘Timed Overnight Microalbumin’. Collect between 8pm & 8am in a 24 hour container MINIMAL INHIBITORY CONCENTRATION Specimen required: Department: Comment: Contact Laboratory for specific details if testing required Microbiology Specialised antibiotic susceptibility tests performed as per microbiological protocols. MOLECULAR STUDIES See UNDER FOLLOWING HEADINGS COAGULATION: HAEMOCHROMATOSIS: HAEMATOLOGY: GASTROENTEROLOGY: NEUROLOGY: MOLYBDENUM Specimen required: Department: see THROMBOPHILIA SCREENING see HAEMOCHROMATOSIS See Gene Re-arrangement Studies; BCR-ABL PCR and Haemophilia Gene Studies see CYSTIC FIBROSIS GENE STUDIES Consult with pathologist 2 x Trace Element (Royal Blue Top K 2 EDTA) dedicated tube Referred test MONOSPOT See IM TEST Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 81 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY M SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE MPO See ANTI NEUTROPHIL CYTOPLASMIC ANTIBODY MRSA (SWABS) See METHICILLIN RESISTANT STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS (MRSA) SCREEN MTHFR GENE TEST See Methylene Tetrohyrdofolate Reductase Gene Test PCR MULTIPLE BIOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS See MBA20 MUMPS PCR Specimen required: Department: Dry Mouth swab for PCR Referred test MUMPS VIRUS ANTIBODY IGG & IGM Specimen required: Department: Results: Indications: Serum (1 x SMALL SST DEDICATED TUBE) Serology Reported as Detected / Not Detected with appropriate interpretive comment. Bilateral or unilateral parotitis. Extra salivary symptoms may include meningitis, encephalitis, epididymoorchitis, oophoritis, polyarthritis and pancreatitis. MURRAY VALLEY ENCEPHALITIS SEROLOGY ( MVE ) Specimen required: Department: Serum (1 x SST) Urgent Serology Test Murray Valley Encephalitis is caused by an ARBOVIRUS Referred test MYOBACTERIUM See Tuberculosis MYCOPHENOLATE (Mofetil, MMF) Specimen required: Department: MYCOPLASMA PCR Specimen required: Department: Note: 1x Heparin no Gel, Red Top Clot Referred test First void urine or SWAB (Plain Dry Swabs) Referred test This test is Mycoplasma genus specific and also detects Ureaplasma. MYCOPLASMA PCR FOR CHRONIC FATIGUE Specimen Required: Department: Note: See also: Mycoplasma PCR will only be performed on respiratory specimens. Referred test Contact Laboratory for further information regarding specimen requirements. Mycoplasma Pneumoniae below MYCOPLASMA PNEUMONIAE SEROLOGY Specimen required: Symptoms: Department: Results: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Serum (1 x SST) Atypical pneumonia. Referred test Titre with appropriate interpretive comment. Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 82 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE N N N ACETYL GALACTOSAMINIDASE see ALPHA N ACETYL GALACTOSAMINIDASE NAIL CLIPPINGS FOR ONYCHOLYSIS Specimen required: Department: Generous nail clippings AND tissue beneath areas of onycholysis Microbiology NAP SCORE TEST NOT PERFORMED SINCE 2005 REPLACED WITH JAK-2 NEEDLE STICK INJURY BLOOD TESTS Specimen required: Department: Consists of: Note: 1 x SST preferred, can be done from 1 x EDTA Serology Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) Hepatitis B Core Antibody (Anti HBc) Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (Anti HBs) Hepatitis C Antibody HIV Antibody Recommend repeat tests 3 months after original exposure. See also: Hepatitis serology, HIV. NEISSERIA GONORRHOEA See Genital Specimens NEISSERIA MENINGITIDIS Specimen required: Department: Note: CSF; 1 x EDTA for PCR; Blood culture x 3 Microbiology Urgent Microbiology Test Notify Duty Manager immediately. NEONATAL SEROLOGY Specimen required: Department: Comment: Mother: Neonate: Haematology Consists of: 1 x Serum (SST) and 1 x EDTA blood. 10mL clotted cord blood. ROUTINE POST NATAL SEROLOGY (Rh Negative Mothers) MATERNAL ANTIBODY SCREEN NEONATAL BLOOD GROUP & Rh NEONATAL DIRECT COOMBS NEURON SPECIFIC ENOLASE ( NSE ) Specimen required: Department: Reference Range: Note: Serum (1 x SST) ONLY - Plasma not suitable. Specimen must not be haemolysed. Freeze and send frozen. Referred test As stated on report Used as a tumour marker for small cell carcinoma of the lung. NEUTROPHIL ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE ( NAP ) SCORE TEST NO LONGER PERFORMED NEUTROPHIL FUNCTION TEST Patient needs to contact PMH on 9340 8381 Clinipath does not collect this test Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 83 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE N NEUTROPHIL ANTIBODIES Specimen: Department: NICKEL Sample required: Department: 1 x SST and 1 x EDTA Referred Test 2 x Trace Element (Royal blue top K 2 EDTA) Referred test NK-CELLS See IMMUNOPHENOTYPING NON INVASIVE PRENATAL TESTING (NIPT) see Verify NOROCLOMIPRAMINE See CLOMIPRAMINE NORTRYPTYLINE Sample required: Department: 1 x Heparin NO GEL. Collect pre dose sample (trough) Referred test N – TELOPEPTIDE (NTX) Sample required: Department: Note: Reference Interval: NSE 20 mL spot urine (second void of the day preferred). Keep refrigerated. Referred test To be collected after an overnight fast and in the morning. As stated on report See NEURON SPECIFIC ENOLASE Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 84 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE O O OBSTETRIC SCREEN See FIRST TRIMESTER SCREEN and SECOND TRIMESTER SCREEN OCCULT BLOOD See FAECES: OCCULT BLOOD OESTRIOL UNCONJUGATED (UE3) Specimen required: Department: Comment: OESTRADIOL ( E2 ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: See also: OESTRONE (E1) Specimen required: Department: OLANZAPINE Specimen required: Department: Therapeutic Range: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry This test of foetoplacental function is detectable only in the third trimester of pregnancy and has virtually been displaced by ultrasound testing. Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry Female: Follicular 77 - 920 Mid Cycle 139 - 2381 Luteal 77 - 1145 Menopausal < 100 Male: 40 - 160 Salivary Hormones pmol/L pmol/L pmol/L pmol/L pmol/L Serum (1 x SST) Referred 1 x Heparin NO GEL Referred test Trough levels. 10 ug/L OMMA see Ca125 OPIATES See DRUGS of ABUSE ORF VIRUS (PCR) Specimen required: Department: Smear or Dry Swab (no transport media) Referred test ORGANOPHOSPHATES/CHLORIDES See CHOLINESTERASE OSMOLALITY (SERUM ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Comment: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 1 x SST Biochemistry 275 - 295 mOsmol/kg up to 60 years 280 – 301 mOsmol/kg >60 years In water and electrolyte disturbances, osmolality measurements can be helpful if plasma and spot urine samples are taken at the same time. Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 85 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY - BUNBURY PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE O OSMOLALITY ( URINE ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Comment: Spot Urine Referred test 50 - 1200 mOsmol/kg (Depending upon fluid intake) Usually requested together with plasma osmolality. OSMOTIC FRAGILITY Test no longer performed, replaced with Hereditary Spherocytosis Screening Test OSTEOCALCIN (No rebate) Specimen required: Department: Reference Interval: Comment: Interpretation: Serum (1 x SST) – Patient must be bled at Main Laboratory. Specimen must be frozen within 30 minutes of collection. Referred test As stated on report Marker of bone deposition. HIGH - High turnover osteoporosis, Paget's disease, primary hyperparathyroidism and metastatic bone disease. OVA, CYSTS & PARASITES (OCP) See FAECES Ovarian Adrenal Abs Specimen required: Serum (1xSST) OVARIAN TUMOUR MARKERS See CA 125 OVULATION TRACKING see Hormone Tracking OXALATE ( URINE ) Specimen required: Preservative: Department: Urine (24 hour collection). 20 mLs of 50% HCl. Warn patient of the acid risk Referred test Reference range: Interpretation: Note: As stated on report HIGH - Calcium oxalate renal stone formation, congenital. (i) Transient increase follows ingestion of certain fruits and vegetables, e.g. rhubarb, strawberries, spinach, tomatoes, sorrel, etc. (ii) Elevated urinary oxalate occurs in a proportion of normal subjects on high Vitamin C intake. Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 86 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE P P P1NP (BONE FORMATION MARKER) Specimen required: Department: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test P4 See PROGESTERONE PAPP - A See FIRST TRIMESTER SCREEN PAP SMEAR See CYTOLOGY (Gynaecological & Non-Gynaecological) and THIN PREP PANCREATIC ELASTIN TEST See FAECAL ELASTASE PANCREATIC ISLETS AUTO ANTIBODY See ISLETS AUTO ANTIBODY PANCREATIC ENZYMES See Amylase and Lipase PANCREATIC LIPASE See LIPASE PANCREATIC POLYPEPTIDE (No Rebate) Specimen required: Department: Note: 2 x SST (Serum) Referred test This is a non-rebatable test. Patients will receive a private account from the testing laboratory. PARACETAMOL ( ACETOMINOPHEN ) Specimen required: Department: Results: Interpretation: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test (Also performed in Bunbury) Refer to relevant Paracetamol Treatment Nomogram For cases of overdose a time of ingestion is useful in establishing a prognosis. PARAINFLUENZA VIRUS See RESPIRATORY VIRUS DETECTION PARAPROTEIN See PROTEIN ELECTROPHORESIS PARATHYROID HORMONE ( PTH ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 PPT (EDTA plasma)) dedicated tube. Spin and Refrigerate specimen after collection and transport o between 2-8 C. Treat as Process Immediately specimen for special processing. Preferably fasting, but if known renal impairment, non-fasting is OK. Specimen should reach Laboratory within six hours of collection. Added on tesing not available. Biochemistry 1.3 – 7.0 pmol/L HIGH – Hyperparathyroidism – Vitamin D deficiency LOW – Hypoparathyroidism Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 87 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE P PARTIAL THROMBOPLASTIN TIME ( APTT, PTTK ) Specimen required: Department: Results: PARVOVIRUS B19 Specimen required: Department: Results: Symptoms: Note: Comment: 1 x Sodium citrate No adding on testing availabe. Haematology Reference range: Less than 34 seconds. Therapeutic Range: 1.5 - 2.5 times the normal control for heparin therapy monitoring. Serum (1 x SMALL SST). 2 x dedicated EDTA should be collected for PCR if requested Serology Reported as Detected / Not detected with appropriate interpretive comments. May include rash, arthropathy, red cell aplasia, spontaneous abortions, hydrops fetalis Consider also Rubella, Measles, Scarlet Fever, Ross River Virus or Barmah Forest Virus. A PCR confirmatory test for IgM positive sera is also available if needed PAVOVIRUS B19 also known as ERYTHEMA INFECTOSUM - SLAPPED FACE DISEASE, FIFTH DISEASE PATERNITY TESTING See DNA Paternity Testing PAUL BUNNELL See IM SCREEN (Monospot) PCA-3 (No Rebate) Specimen required: Department: Note: Special test kit required – Contact Duty Manager 9371 4440 Referred Special test for prostate cancer not medicare rebatable cost at Nov 2014 $515.00 PCR TESTING (POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION) Specimen required: Note: PERHEXILINE Specimen required: Department: Therapeutic range: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Various sample types e.g. urine, sputum, swabs and blood. 1) SWABS Swabs should be plain dry swabs (orange top handle). DO NOT USE SWABS WITH TRANSPORT MEDIUM (gel for transport interferes with PCR tests) If more than two PCR tests are being requested; two swabs should be sent in to ensure there is enough material to perform all tests. 2) BLOOD NOTE: All PCR blood test must have dedicated tubes. EBV PCR 1 x EDTA whole blood CMV Viral Load 2 x EDTA Parvovirus B19 1 x EDTA whole blood (by special arrangement only) HIV Provirus PCR 2 x EDTA whole blood Hep C PCR 2 x 10mL SST. Hep B PCR 2 x EDTA 3) FIRST VOID URINE Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoea (See also listing for Chlamydia DNA detection) HSV Mycoplasma + Ureaplasma Please see specific infection for further information 1 x Heparin NO GEL Collect blood just prior to next dose. Referred test As stated on report Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 88 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY P SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE PERTUSSIS TESTS (incl serology and PCR) Specimens required: Perinasal Aspirate for culture, PCR and nasal IgA (Note one ml required) Throat swab for PCR and Serum (1 x SST) for IgA if PNA not possible Nasal swabs x2 are acceptable in an outbreak if no PNA. Department: Microbiology Note: Prefer PNA for acute symptoms and Serum IgA for chronic symptoms (2-4 weeks) IgA can also be done on PNA if the volume is >1mL, usually paediatric only See also: Respiratory viruses as tests are often combined PESTICIDE SCREEN ( ORGANOCHLORINES ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Note: 1 x Heparin NO GEL Referred test As stated on report. For ORGANOPHOSPHATE Pesticides please see CHOLINESTERASE. Specimens referred to a reference laboratory. Please list pesticides in contact if known. Medicare rebate available only if applicable. Patient may receive a private account. PHAECHROMOCYTOMA Specimen required: Department: Tests include: PHENOBARBITONE Specimen required: Department: Therapeutic range: Note: PHENYLALANINE Specimen required: Department: 1 x 24hr acid urine, 1 x SST Referred test Urinary catecholamines and Chromogranin A Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry 10 - 30 umol/L Peak level: 6 - 18 hours after oral administration, 1.5 hours after IM injection Half life: 2 - 6 days. (i) Due to phenobarbitone’s long half life sampling time is unimportant. However, when making comparative measurements sampling time should be consistent. Please note down time of last dose and collection. (ii) Valproate may potentiate the effects of phenobarbitone. 1 x Heparin NO GEL Referred test PHENYTOIN (DILANTIN) Serum (1 x SST). Trough levels, just prior to next dose. (Peak levels are only used if toxicity is suspected) Department: Biochemistry Results: Therapeutic range: 10 - 20 mg/L Peak level: 3 - 8 hours after oral administration. See Prostate Health Index Specimen required: PHI PHOSPHATE ( INORGANIC ) – SERUM Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry 0.70 - 1.50 mmol/L LOW – Hyperparathyroidism, osteomalacia, Fanconi’s syndrome HIGH – Vitamin D excess, hypoparathyroidism, renal insufficiency FALSE HIGH – Haemolysed specimen Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 89 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE P PHOSPHATE ( INORGANIC ) – URINARY Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Urine - 24 hour collection with NO PRESERVATIVE. Biochemistry 10 - 45 mmol/day HIGH – Hyperparathyroidism, renal tubular damage LOW – Hypoparathyroidism, parathyroidectomy PHOSPHOLIPID ANTIBODIES See ANTI CARDIOLIPIN ANTIBODIES PITUITARY HORMONE TESTING Specimen required: Department: Tests include: Serum (1 x SST) 1 x PPT Collect Main Lab only Biochemistry ACTH, Growth Hormone, FSH, LH, TSH and Prolactin PLASMA VISCOSITY See WHOLE BLOOD VISCOSITY PLASMA FREE METADRENALINES See METANEPHRINES - PLASMA PLATELET AGGREGATION STUDIES Specimen required: Department: Reference range: 4 x Sodium Citrate tubes - Please send patient to Clinipath Pathology Main Laboratory. Must arrive at RPH within 2 hours of collection AND before 2:00pm Monday-Thursday, Note: On Fridays sample must arrive before 12:00 noon. Referred test As stated on report. PLATELET ANTIBODIES See ANTI PLATELET ANTIBODIES PLATELET FUNCTION TEST Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Note: Clinipath Pathology collect - 1 x Sodium Citrate Bunbury Pathology collect - 3 x Sodium citrate Do not spin. Do not refrigerate. Process immediately sticker. Must be at Main Laboratory within 4 hours of collection. Add on testing not available. Haematology As stated on report. NOT part of a Coagulation Profile and MUST be specifically requested PLATELET SEROTONIN See SEROTONIN PNA See POST NASAL ASPIRATE PNEUMOCOCCAL ANTIBODIES Specimen required: Department: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Serum (1 x SST) Test is used in the investigation of immune response to Pneumovax vaccination. Pre and 2 - 4 week post vaccination samples are taken. NOT to be used as a diagnostic test in pneumonia infections. Referred test Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 90 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY P SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE PNEUMOCYSTIS Specimen required: Department: Comment: Bronchial lavage, sputum. Referred test Cause of pneumonia in immunocompromised patients, particularly in HIV patients. POLIO SEROLOGY Test not available POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN SYNDROME Specimen required: Serun (1xSST) PORPHYRINS SCREEN Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: 1 x Heparin NO GEL and a Spot Urine. Specimens must be protected from the light at all times (wrap in aluminium foil). Referred test Qualitative tests are initially performed. Laboratory will assist, if required. POST NASAL ASPIRATE ( PNA ) FOR BORDETELLA CULTURE (also other pathogens such as influenza, RSV and Human Metapneumovirus) Note: Collection of PNA is only available at selected collection centres. Please contact Main Laboratory for advice. Specimen collection: A post nasal aspirate (PNA) is the preferred specimen for diagnosis of pertussis, although a posterior nasal swab can also be used, although special flexible wire swabs will be needed optimally for this to be performed, (available from the Laboratory if required.) Department: Serology / Microbiology Comment: Tests performed include: (i) Bordetella culture - requires at least 7 days for final result. Posterior nasal SWABS for culture should be placed in Amies transport medium. (ii) Bordetella PCR on aspirate. If a posterior nasal SWAB is collected for PCR, an orange capped wire transported dry in the sheath is the nearest available sampling swab, if flexible wire not available. (Flexible wire swabs available from the Laboratory on request.) Note: Collection of PNA is only available at selected collection centres. Please contact Main Laboratory for advice. See also: BORDETELLA SEROLOGY. POST PRANDIAL 2 HR GLUCOSE Sample Required: Department: Reference Interval: POTASSIUM ( K+ ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Note: 1 x Fluoride Oxalate. Collected 2hrs after patient has consumed food Biochemistry As stated on report Serum (1 x SST) - DO NOT refrigerate specimen. The specimen MUST NOT be haemolysed. If Whole Blood or Red Cell Potassium requested - Heparin NO GEL. Biochemistry 3.5 - 5.4 mmol/L HIGH - Increased intake, renal failure, Addison’s disease, uncontrolled diabetes Low - Insulin therapy, renal loss (especially diuretics), gastrointestinal loss FALSE HIGH - Haemolysed specimen or overnight, unseparated specimen. Refrigeration speeds up the release of potassium from red cells. Store at room temperature. POX VIRUS See OFR virus PCR PPD (PURIFIED PROTEIN DERIVITIVE) See Mantoux test Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 91 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE P PREGNANCY PATHOLOGY ASSESSMENT ( PPA ) See Antenatal Basic Screening Test PREGNELONONE Test no longer performed PR – 3 See ANTI NEUTROPHIL CYTOPLASM ANTIBODY PRIMIDONE See PHENOBARBITONE. Specimen required: Serum (1 x SST). Trough specimen. Department: Biochemistry Peak level: 3 hours after oral dose. Half life: 8 hours. Comment: Primodone is measured via its main metabolite, Phenobarbitone, which accumulates in the body (Half Life 2-6 days). PRO - BNP See BRAIN NATRIURETIC PEPTIDE PROCALCITONIN Specimen required: Department: Hep no Gel, frozen Referred test PROGESTERONE ( P4 ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Also see: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry Female: Follicular < 1.0 nmol/L Luteal 3.8 - 50.0 nmol/L Menopausal < 0.6 nmol/L Pregnancy (1st trimester) > 40.0 nmol/L consistent with viability. Male: < 0.6 nmol/L SALIVARY HORMONES 17-OH PREGNELONONE SEE PREGNELONONE 17– OH PROGESTERONE Test no longer performed Prostate Cancer Test PCA3 Test no longer performed Prostate Health Index (PHI) (No rebate) Specimen required: Serum (1 x SST) Add ontersting not availabe Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 92 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY P SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE PROLACTIN ( PROL ) Specimen required: Department: Note: Reference range: Interpretation: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry A Resting prolactin may be requested to rule out stress elevation. Patient must rest for 30 minutes prior to taking the sample. Female: 25 - 628 mIU/L Male: 54 - 380 mIU/L High in pituitary tumours, hypothalamic disorders, hypothyroidism, stress, some drugs (e.g.phenothiazines), macroprolactin PROSTATIC MASSAGE Specimen required: Department: Note: Urine for differential culture before and after massage +/- MSU Microbiology Deliver to Laboratory within 2 hours or refrigerate PROSTATE SPECIFIC ANTIGEN - FREE (FPSA) Specimen required: Department: Note: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry Only recommended when the total PSA falls between 2.0 and 10.0 µg/L. The test is useful in discriminating between benign prostatic hyperplasia and cancer of the prostate. Due to the stability of free PSA, this test cannot be added on more than 24hrs after collection. PROSTATE SPECIFIC ANTIGEN – TOTAL (PSA) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Note: Serum (1 x SST) No Add on testing available Biochemistry Age Related 40 - 49 years < 2.5 ug/L 50 - 59 years < 3.5 ug/L 60 - 69 years < 4.5 ug/L ≥ 70 years < 6.5 ug/L HIGH - Prostatic cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia. Medicare rebatable for 1 episode in a 12 month period in the absence of prostatic disease PROTEIN C Specimen Required: 1 x Sodium Citrate. Bunbury Pathology to collect 3 x Na Citrate. No add on testing available Department: Haematology Reference range: 70 – 150% PROTEIN ELECTROPHORESIS ( QEP, EPP, EPG ) Specimen required: Department: Interpretation: Serum (1 x SST) Plasma NOT suitable. Biochemistry Quantitative assessment of serum proteins. Screen for paraproteinaemia/myeloma. PROTEIN S Specimen Required: Clinipath Pathology - 1 x Sodium Citrate. No add on testing available Bunbury Pathology – 3 x Citrate Department: Haematology Reference range: 50 – 150% PROTEIN – TOTAL Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry 63 - 83 g/L LOW - Over hydration, nephrotic syndrome, malabsorption HIGH - Dehydration, chronic diseases, paraproteinaemias Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 93 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY P SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE PROTEIN – URINE Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Comment: Urine – 24 hour collection – NO PRESERVATIVE OR Spot urine sample Biochemistry 24 hour collection Less than 0.15 g/day Spot sample 0.5 – 11.5 mg/mmol creatinine HIGH - Renal disease, UTI, pre-eclampsia, etc. Normal persons may show trace proteinuria with dipstick testing. See also Microalbumin. PROTHIADIN See DOTHIEPIN PROTHROMBIN GENE 20210 (Patient must meet specific requirements for rebate) Specimen Required: 1 x EDTA No add on testing available Department: Referred test PROTHROMBIN TIME ( PT/INR ) Specimen required: Department: Note: Comment: Reference range: 1 x Sodium citrate tube. No add on testing available Haematology Specimen must be “Full Draw” to the required level. Finger prick specimens are not suitable. All results are routinely FAXED to the requesting practitioner. 9 - 13 seconds for non-warfarinised patients. Therapeutic Range: INR 1.5 - 2.5 2.0 - 3.0 2.0 - 3.0 2.0 - 3.0 2.0 - 3.0 2.5 - 3.5 Condition Atrial fibrillation Bioprosthetic valve Acute MI Cardioembolic CVA, Rec.DVT/PE and dilated cardiomyopathy Venous thrombosis & PE Mechanical heart valve PROTHROMBOTIC SCREEN PSA Length of Treatment Long term. 3 months 3 months (> if AF) Long term 3 - 6 months Long term see Thrombophillia screen See PROSTATE SPECIFIC ANTIGEN PSEUDOCHOLINESTERASE See CHOLINESTERASE PSITTACOSIS SEROLOGY Specimen required: Department: Symptoms: See also: PTH Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Infection of the lower respiratory tract caused by the organism Chlamydophila psittaci. Chlamydia pneumoniae Serology see Parathyroid Hormone PTTK See PARTIAL THROMBOPLASTIN TIME PYRIDOXAL See VITAMIN B6 Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 94 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE P PYROLLE URINARY (Upfront collection and processing charge) Specimen required: Department: Note: Special Collection is required - Please refer patient directly to Main Laboratory or contact the Duty Manager at Clinipath Pathology. Referred test Patient is required to pay $80.00 up front collection /shippingcost and will receive a private account from testing laboratory. PYRUVATE Test no longer perfomed at Clinipath Pathology, refer patient to Pathwest Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 95 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY Q SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE Q QEP See PROTEIN ELECTROPHORESIS Q FEVER VIRUS SEROLOGY (IGM & IGG) (COXIELLA BURNETII INFECTION) Specimen required: Department: Symptoms: Note: Serum (1 x SST) (Done in house for pre-vaccination testing only) Referred test May include fever, headache, rash, myalgia, arthralgia, malaise, pneumonia, hepatomegaly and hepatitis. Consider also mycoplasma, EBV, CMV and Toxoplasmosis. Patient must also have pre-vaccination skin test for Q Fever. QUANTIFERON TEST (No rebate) Specimen required: Department: Results: QUINIDINE Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Peak Level: Half Life: Note: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Due to special collection and processing requirements, this test can only be performed at the main laboratory. (Before 3:00pm on Fridays) or by special arrangement with the Duty Manager (9371 4440). No add on testing available Bunbury Pathology Collect Mon-Thur before 11.30 See Bunbury Pathology Instructions Referred test This assay detects T-lymphocytes that react with antigens from Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Mycobacterium avium. Medicare item available if immuno-suppressed. 1 x Lith Hep Referred test As stated on report Rapid release, 1 - 3 hours. Slow or sustained release > 3 hours. 6 - 7 hours. Sample should be taken just prior to the next dose. Please note time of last dose and collection. Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 96 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE R R RABIES Specimen required: Department: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Specimen required: Department: Interpretation: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry Allergy testing for specific allergens or combinations of allergens, which elicit an IgE-mediated response. Includes a panel for airborne allergens (grasses, house dusts mites, animal dander and mould). Testing should be restricted to foods where there is a clinical suggestion of allergy. Penicillin, Amoxycillin, Cefaclor are available. Other Allergens available on request (eg bee, wasp venom, latex) Contact dermatology is not an indication for RAST testing. RAST Inhalant Screen: Food Testing: Antibiotics: Note: REARRANGEMENT STUDIES See GENE REARRANGEMENT STUDIES RECTUM / BOWEL / COLON TUMOUR MARKERS See CA19-9 CEA and Faeces- Occult Blood RED CELL COPPER RED CELL FOLATE Specimen required: 1 x Heparin no gel See FOLIC ACID (RED CELL) RED CELL MAGNESIUM Specimen required: Department: Reference range: 2 x Trace Element (Royal blue top K 2 EDTA) Referred Test 1.7 – 2.8 mmol/L RED CELL POTASSIUM Specimen required: Reference range: 1 x Heparin NO GEL 80 - 140 mmol/L RED CELL THIAMINE See Vitamin B1 RED CELL ZINC Specimen required: Department: Reference range: 2 x Trace Element (Royal blue top K 2 EDTA) Referred test As stated on report RENAL FUNCTION TESTS Specimen required: Department: Note: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry We routinely perform Na+, K+, Cl- and HCO3-, urea and creatinine. Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 97 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE RENAL STONES Specimen required: Department: Interpretation: RENIN Note: Specimen required: Department: R Renal stone. Referred test To test for the presence of calcium, oxalate, cystine, uric acid, phosphate, ammonium, carbonate, magnesium, xanthine or other constituents. The exact crystalline structure is determined geochemically; this information is of assistance to the physician in the resolution of the causes for the formation of the calculus. COLLECTED AT MAIN LABORATORY ONLY. Please note medications on request form 1 x PPT (at least 1 mL PLASMA required) collect between 8.00am-9.00am Ensure sample is collected while patient is erect or supine (as indicated by requesting doctor). Sample should be taken following 20 minutes in each position. Label accordingly and freeze immediately. Preferred but not essential to be non-fasting Referred test. If requested ffor RPH - 2 x EDTA are required RESPIRATORY SYNCYTIAL VIRUS (RSV) SEROLOGY Specimen required: Department: Indications: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Infection of the respiratory tract. Consider also other respiratory viruses. RESPIRATORY SYNCYTIAL VIRUS (RSV) See RESPIRATORY VIRUS DETECTION RESPIRATORY VIRUS DETECTION RESPIRATORY VIRUS - SEROLOGY Specimen: Department: Note: Serum (1 x SST) antibody testing Choice between respiratory secretions or serology will be determined by the request form. If in doubt ring the Duty Manager for advice. Referred test Serology for respiratory viruses including: Influenza Types A & B Parainfluenza Types 1, 2 & 3 Adenovirus RSV (infants and the elderly) Consider also serology for bacteria including: Bordetella pertussis, Chlamydophylla pneumoniae Chlamydia psittaci and Legionella pneumoniae and longbeachae. S AF E T Y N O T E : I t i s n o w r e q u i r e d t h a t f o r yo u r o w n p e r s o n a l p r o t e c t i o n w h i l e c o l l e c t i n g a n y r o u t i n e respiratory samples (e.g. throat and nasal swabs including those for viral studies) a s u r g i c a l f a c e m a s k , e ye p r o t e c t i o n ( e ye s h i e l d s ) , g l o v e s a n d d i s p o s a b l e p l a s t i c a p r o n must be worn. RESPIRATORY VIRUS - IMMUNOFLUORESCENCE (RAPID) TEST Specimen required: Department: Note: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Post Nasal Aspirate Referred test Panel includes Influenza A, B; Adenovirus; Parainfluenza 1, 2, 3; RSV plus culture if Immunofluorescence is negative. Culture for Metapneumovirus, Rhinovirus, Enteroviruses, Corona viruses etc is processed routinely and then referred for PCR Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 98 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE R RESPIRATORY VIRUS – PCR Note: See also: RETICULOCYTES Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Respiratory secretions: posterior nasal swab, post nasal aspirate, (only available at certain collection centres) throat swab. If unspecified, do a posterior nasal swab. Orange topped wire swab returned to lab in dry sheath for PCR testing. PCR for respiratory viruses may include: Influenza Types A & B Parainfluenza Types 1, 2 & 3 Human Metapneumovirus RSV (infants and the elderly) Less common - Rhinovirus - Coronavirus must be separately requested - Adenovirus Pertussis detection 1 x EDTA blood (Must be fresh blood - processed same day as collection). Haematology Adult 0.2 - 2.0% RETINOL BINDING PROTEIN (No rebate) Specimen required: Department: Serum (1 x SST), wrap specimen in foil Referred test REVERSE T3 (No rebate) Specimen required: Department: Note: 1 x SST (Serum). Freeze ASAP Referred Test This is a non Medicare rebatable test. The patient will receive an account form the testing laboratory. RH ANTIBODIES See BLOOD GROUP ANTIBODIES RHEUMATOID FACTOR Specimen required: Department: Reference range: See also: RHIT Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry 0 - 14 IU/L. Anti CCP (ANTI CYCLIC CITRULLINATED PEPTIDE) See RUBELLA RISTOCETIN CO-FACTOR See VON WILLEBRANDS SCREEN RICKETTSIA SEROLOGY (TYPHUS) Specimen required: Department: Indications: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test May include fever, headache, rash, myalgia, arthralgia, malaise, pneumonia, hepatomegaly and hepatitis. Consider also measles and arboviruses. RIVAROXABAN (Anti Coagulation Medication) Specimen required: Department: 2 x Citrate Referred test ROSS RIVER VIRUS SEROLOGY ( RRV ) IGG & IGM Specimen required: Department: Results: Indications: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Serum (1 x SMALL SST DEDICATED TUBE) Serology IgG and IgM reported as Positive or Negative. May include fever, rash, polyarthritis, myalgia and fatigue. Concider also Barmah Forest Virus or Parvo B19, rubella and Collection rickettsiae. Specimen Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 99 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE R RPR ( VDRL ) See SYPHILIS (SEROLOGY) RUBELLA VIRUS ANTIBODY ( IGG & IGM ) Specimen required: Note: Department: Comment: Reference range: Indications: Serum (1 x SMALL SST DEDICATED TUBE) Specimens collected less than 8 or more than 21 days after the onset of symptoms may not contain enough IgM to record a positive result. Serology For routine screening an enzyme immunoassay test for Rubella IgG is performed. If the history suggests recent exposure or if specifically requested, a Rubella IgM is performed by enzyme immunoassay. As reported May include low-grade fever, maculopapular rash, arthralgia and arthritis. Consider also Measles Virus, Parvo B19 or meningococcaemia, RRV, BFV Rubella PCR Specimen required: Dry Nasal and Throat swab +/- Urine Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 100 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY S SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE S SALICYLATES ( ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID – ASPIRIN ) Specimen required: Department: Results: Note: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test As stated on report Half life: Dose dependent, approx 3-6 hours. Collect 1-3 hours post-dose or immediately for overdose. Note times of dose and collection. SALIVARY CORTISOL (Up front collection and processing fee) See CORTISOL, SALIVARY SALIVARY HORMONES - PROGESTERONE / TESTOSTERONE / OESTRADIOL Specimen required: Department: Collection: Note: 0.5 - 1.0mL Saliva - See below (NO REBATE) Biochemistry Must obtain saliva from mouth NOT sputum from lungs. Generally taken after 1 hour fast and the mouth has been rinsed out first. Make a note of any hormone therapy. This is NOT a Medicare rebatable item. Contact the Laboratory for current cost to patient. SALMONELLA SEROLOGY Specimen required: Department: 1 x SST (Serum). Diagnosis of salmonella is best done on culture – see below Referred test. SALMONELLA TYPHI, PARATYPHI A,B (ENTERIC FEVER) Specimen required: Department: Blood cultures x 3 +/- Stool sample for MCS +/- Urine for MCS Microbiology/Referred test. SARS VIRUS Specimen required: NOTIFY MICROBIOLOGIST ASAP PRIOR TO ANY SAMPLING. SEE ALSO INFLUENZA SCHILLINGS TEST TEST DISCONTINUED Comment: The European manufacturer of the Schillings test kits has withdrawn the product from service due to strict controls to combat BSE (Mad Cow Disease). It is unlikely that the test kits will become available in the future. Recommended tests are B12, Parietal cell antibodies (see auto antibodies), Intrinsic Factor antibodies, and serum Gastrin (see GASTRIN). Suggest consultation with a Haematologist to discuss other options. SCHISTOSOMIASIS ( BILHARZIA ) SEROLOGY Specimen required: Department: Note: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Testing at least 3-4 months after exposure is optimum SCHISTOSOMIASIS (BILHARZIA ) URINE Specimen required: Department: Note: See also: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Collect the terminal stream of urine, after exercising if possible. Between 10.00am-2.00pm Microbiology Testing should be performed at least 4-8 weeks post exposure and repeated up to at least 3 months after exposure. SCHISTOSOMIASIS (BILHARZIA) SEROLOGY for additional testing. Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 101 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY S SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE SCOLINE APNOEA See CHOLINESTERASE SCSA see Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay SECOND TRIMESTER SCREENING ( TRIPLE TEST ) Specimen required: Department: Note: Comment: Serum (1 x SST) Collect sample between 14 weeks and 17 weeks gestation. NOTE: NO ULTRASOUND is performed with this test Referred test Please fill out checklist supplied for this test. Information Required: - Last Menstrual Period (LMP), - Estimated Date Delivery (EDD) by ultrasound result - Weight of mother - History of previous Downs, NTD or diabetes Samples collected with gestation 14 -15 weeks will be tested; however a risk of NTD will NOT be reported. SECRETOR STATUS Test no longer performed SELENIUM Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: 2 x Trace Element (Royal blue top K 2 EDTA) Referred Test 0.6 - 1.8 µmol/L. LOW – Dialysis, cirrhosis, malignancy, alcoholics, Crohn’s disease, coeliac disease. SEMEN Department: Microbiology (A) FOR FERTILITY INVESTIGATIONS Specimen Required: 1. Seminal fluid is best collected by masturbation. The entire sample is required to accurately calculate sperm concentration. Coitus interruptus is not acceptable. Condoms should NOT be used as these contain substances which are spermicidal. 2. Three (3) days must elapse between the day of collection and the previous ejaculation. 3. The specimen should not be cooled. 4. The following information is required with the sample: a) Method and time of collection. b) Date of previous ejaculation. c) Complete or incomplete sample. Note: The specimen should be delivered to the Main Laboratory as soon as possible after collection (maximum 1 hour). Specimens delivered to other collection centres may provide misleading results. Specimens to be collected at the main laboratory can only be performed between 07.30am to 09.30am and 1500hrs to 1750hrs Reference range: Count > 20 x 106/mL Motility > 50 % actively motile or ≥ 25 % with rapid progression. Volume > 2 mL Morphology ≥ 15 % normal forms (B) POST VASECTOMY Specimen Required: 1. Seminal fluid is best collected by masturbation. The entire sample is required to accurately calculate sperm concentration. Coitus interruptus is not acceptable. Condoms should NOT be used as these contain substances which are spermicidal. 2. Three (3) days must elapse between the day of collection and the previous ejaculation. 3. The specimen should not be cooled. 4. The following information is required with the sample: a) Method and time of collection. b) Date of previous ejaculation. c) Complete or incomplete sample. Note: The specimens for post vasectomy checks can be delivered to any collection centre and forwarded to the laboratory with the next courier. Please mark process immediately. For post vasectomy specimens, the specimen should reach the laboratory within four (4) hours of colection. Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 102 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE S SEMEN (CONT.) (C) FOR CULTURE Specimen required: Spot sample collected into a sterile container. There is no urgency for delivery to the Laboratory. The specimen will routinely be cultured for bacterial pathogens. (D) FOR PCR Semen for Chlamydia PCR. Mycoplasma/Ureaplasma PCR may be possible with consultation with microbiologist (E) SCSA Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay. SEROTONIN Specimen Required: 4 x EDTA whole blood Do not centrifuge or refrigerate, sample stable for 24hrs at room temperature. Send sample same day of collection at room temperature, samples to reach RPH within 22 hours of collection. DO NOT collect Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Department: Referred test SEROLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS: Specimen Required: (i) For some viruses, detection of IgM antibodies in a single sample is diagnostic of recent infection. (ii) For other viruses, two specimens of clotted blood taken two (2) weeks apart are required. The first specimen should be collected as early as possible after the onset of symptoms, and the second during the convalescent period. A four fold rise in titre or significant elevation in OD, is regarded as diagnostic. See also: Entries for individual viruses for more information. SERTRALINE Specimen Required: 1 x Heparin NO GEL - Collect sample just prior to next dose. Department: Referred test Therapeutic Range: As stated on report SERUM FREE LIGHT CHAINS See FREE LIGHT CHAINS SERUM FOLATE See FOLIC ACID SEX HORMONE BINDING GLOBULIN ( SHBG ) Specimen Required: Serum (1 x SST) Department: Biochemistry Reference range: Male (17-40yr): 15 - 45 nmol/L (14-65yr): 14 - 50 nmol/L Female: (17-50): 26 -110 nmol/L (>50): 14 - 69 nmol/L Comment: Transport protein. Aids in interpretation of Androgen Studies; included in Free Androgen Index. Interpretation LOW – Hirsutism, polycystic ovary disease and virilisation. HIGH – Hormone replacement therapy, hyperthyroidism, pregnancy. SGOT SG See LIVER FUNCTION TESTS See OSMOLALITY SIFE IMMUNOFIXATION See IMMUNOELECTRPHORESIS Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 103 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE S SIROLIMUS Specimen Required: 1 x EDTA Department: Referred SKIN SCRAPINGS FOR FUNGI OR SCABIES Specimen required: Plucked hairs, skin scales, particularly from the active edge of the lesion, crusts, vesicle tops, nail clippings as appropriate. Ask the patient where the most recent outbreak area is and sample from here. Department: Microbiology Specimen collection: Before taking the specimen the affected part should be thoroughly cleaned, using 70% alcohol if possible, treatment should NOT be applied 3 days prior to scraping. As much specimen as possible should be collected. In the case of infected nails, pare well into the diseased area and collect any soft material beneath the nail. Skin and nail specimens should be scraped directly onto black transport cards provided by the laboratory and then tipped into a sterile MSU jar. After collecting the sample, discard the blade in the sharps container and the black card into the rubbish bin. Do not send the blade to the laboratory. Comment: A report will be issued following direct microscopy indicating the findings. The specimen will then be cultured for up to four (4) weeks and progress reports will be issued as appropriate. Note: PBS access to restrictive oral medications can proceed if microscopy is positive for fungal elements. SLE See ANTI NUCLEAR ANTIBODIES SMA 20 See MBA 20 SODIUM ( Na + ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry 134 - 146 mmol/L Interpretation: HIGH – Dehydration, excessive intake. LOW - Renal failure, oedematous states (cirrhosis, CCF, nephrotic syndrome), Addison’s disease, over hydration, diuretics, vomiting, sweating, syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion, pseudohyponatraemia (hyperlipidaemia, hyperproteinaemia) SOLUBLE LIVER ANTIGEN Specimen required: Department: Serum 1 x red top no gel Referred test SOLUBLE TRANSFERRIN RECEPTOR ( STFR ) (No rebate) Specimen required: Department: Indication: SOLVS Specimen required: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Soluble transferrin receptor concentration increases in response to iron deficiency but does not change in the anaemia of chronic disease where iron deficiency is not a feature. Self obtained lower vaginal swab (collected by patient) SOMATOMEDIN C See Insulin like growth factor 1 Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 104 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE SPERM ANTIBODIES Specimen required: Department: S DIRECT assay Semen Sample (DIRECT) INDIRECT assay - Serum (1 x SST) (INDIRECT) Referred test SPERM CHROMATIN STRUCTURE ASSAY - Specimen required: Semen SPERM COUNT See SEMEN – FOR FERTILITY INVESTIGATIONS or POST VASECTOMY SPUTUM (A) FOR EXAMINATION FOR TUBERCULOSIS - SEE TUBERCULOSIS. Department: Microbiology (B) FOR ROUTINE EXAMINATION Specimen required: Department: Comment: Purulent lower respiratory tract secretions with minimal contamination by saliva. The Patient should be asked to take a deep breath and cough as vigorously as possible, spitting the sputum into the container. If possible an early morning specimen should be collected. Patient instruction sheets are available on request. Microbiology All specimens must be refrigerated after collection. This is essential to prevent overgrowth by contaminants. SPUTUM (FOR MALIGNANT CELLS) See CYTOLOGY STAPHYLOLYSIN SEROLOGY Test no longer performed STREPTOCOCCAL SEROLOGY Specimen required: Department: Note: Comment: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Tests available are ANTI-DNAse B and ASOT Group A streptococci produce many exoenzymes to which antibodies are raised in the convalescent phase of an infection, both upper respiratory tract infection and pyoderma. Several tests are available which measure different antibodies and some are more relevant for poststreptococcal complications e.g. Glomerulonephritis we recommend ASOT and anti DNAase B. STRONGYLOIDES SEROLOGY Specimen required: Department: Comment: See also: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Parasite of the intestinal tract (Strongyloides stercoralis). Faeces for parasites SWABS - FOR MICRO CULTURE & SENSITIVITY- MC&S Specimen Required: Nose or Throat swabs: (i) Plain cotton tipped swab in transport medium. (gel swab) (ii) PCR testing from throat swabs requires plain dry swab (No transport medium) Ear Swabs: (i) Plain cotton tipped swab in transport medium. (gel swab) (ii) Smear of discharge on a clean glass slide - air dried. Eye Swabs: (i) Plain cotton tipped swab in transport medium (gel swab). If no obvious discharge then swab may be moistened in sterile saline. (ii) Plain dry swab (NO transport medium) for viral PCR or swab in virus transport medium if viral culture required (Referred test.) (iii) PCR Chlamydia Swab (see Chlamydia PCR Detection). Plain dry swab Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 105 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE S Pus or Wound swabs: (i) Plain cotton tipped swab in transport medium (gel swab) . If a sinus is present, a wire swab should be inserted as deeply as possible into the sinus, avoiding skin contamination, and then placed in transport medium. (ii) If possible, prepare a direct smear on a clean glass slide and allow to air dry. (iii) Please indicate site and supply relevant history e.g. "dog bite" etc. Nasopharyngeal Swabs for Pertussis Culture: (i) If it is not possible to send the patient to the Main Laboratory for a post nasal aspirate (see PNA) then a dry throat swab for PCR can be collected. PNA is the preferred specimen. Fluids: (i) Department: Note: Collect with a sterile syringe and transfer to a sterile yellow top container. Please note site of fluid collection. For joint aspirates see SYNOVIAL FLUID. Urethral and Vaginal Swabs: See GENITAL SWABS Microbiology 1. Paediatric patients: If gel swab is too large for patient e.g. young child, collect sample using dry (PCR) swab and place the swab into gel medium. 2. If more than two PCR tests are requested i.e. more that Chlamydia and Gonorrhoeae, two swabs should be sent in to ensure there is enough material to perform all tests. It is essential that all specimens are accompanied by a Request Form outlining relevant clinical details such as recent and present antibiotic therapy, the physical nature of discharges, the clinical appearance and site of rashes, wounds, etc. This is to ensure that suitable media are set up to isolate all likely pathogens and to get the maximum information from each specimen. Plain cotton tipped wooden swabs with transport medium (gel swab) are available from the Laboratory and are suitable for the majority of aerobic and anaerobic organisms. Wire cotton tipped swabs are also available for nasopharyngeal, ear, sinus and chlamydial swabs. SYNACTHEN STIMULATION TEST Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: SYNOVIAL FLUID Specimen required: Department: Comment: See collection procedure below (By appointment at the Main Laboratory after consultation with the Chemical Pathologist) COLLECTION PROCEDURE: 1. The patient should be resting. 2. Collect Serum (SST) for basal Cortisol level. 3. Intramuscular injection of synacthen 0.25 mg should be given. 4. Collect Serum (SST) at 30 minutes post injection. 5. Collect Serum (SST) at 60 minutes post injection. Biochemistry 30 and 60 minutes post injection: Should exceed basal level by 200 nmol/L and be above 550 nmol/L. Failure to respond indicates adrenal insufficiency. The joint should be aspirated aseptically and fluid placed in a sterile container. A small portion of the aspirate should be placed in an EDTA tube for a cell count. Microbiology All joint aspirates are examined for uric acid and calcium pyrophosphate crystals. Positive culture results are reported immediately. SYNTHETIC CANNABINOIDS Specimen required: Department: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 1 x Urine supervised collection as per routine drug screening. Can be performed in conjunction with routine drug screening but attracts an additional fee of $132 (Nov 2014) Toxicology Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 106 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE S SYPHILIS SEROLOGY Specimen required: Department: Tests Performed: SYPHILIS PCR TEST Specimen required: Department: See also: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Serum (1 x SMALL SST DEDICATED TUBE) Serology (i) RPR (VDRL) (ii) Syphilis IgG (iii) If either RPR or Syphilis IgG are reactive the specimen is referred for confirmation tests. Dry swab of chancre Referred test ULCER PCR Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 107 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE T T T4 / T8 RATIO See IMMUNOPHENOTYPING TACROLIMUS Specimen Required: 1 x EDTA Department: Referred TAENIA SEROLOGY Specimen required: Department: See also: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test TAPEWORM IDENTIFICATION TAPEWORM IDENTIFICATION Specimen required: Department: Comment: Note: Faeces sample. Tapeworm proglottids are mobile when fresh. Capture 3-4 Tapeworm proglottids and preserve in sterile water in yellow topped urine jar. Microbiology Microbiology will confirm the presence of Taenia and perform speciation. i.e. T. sagimata v’s T. solium as there are some extra precautions with T solium management. Taemia serology is available i.e. cysticercosis serology. Tapeworm proglottids disintegrate in faeces specimens. TB See TUBERCULOSIS T-CELLS See IMMUNOPHENOTYPING TACROMILUS See FK 506 TAURINE Specimen required: Department: 1 x Heparin NO GEL Attach process immediately sticker Sample must be promptly separated and frozen. Transport sample frozen. Referred test T- CELL SUBSETS See IMMUNOPHENOTYPING TEGRETOL See CARBAMAZEPINE Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 108 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE T TESTOSTERONE – TOTAL Specimen required: Department: Reference Range: Comment: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry Male: 9.9 - 27.8 nmol/L Female: 0.2 – 2.9 nmol/L A better assessment of androgen status in females is to perform a Free Androgen Index, in which Testosterone and Sex Hormone Binding Globulin are measured and FAI is calculated. In males, calculated free testosterone is preferred (calculated from SHBG, albumin and testosterone) TFT See THYROID FUNCTION TESTS THALASSAEMIA See HAEMOGLOBINOPATHY STUDIES THC ( CANNABINOIDS ) See DRUGS of ABUSE THEOPHYLLINE Specimen required: Department: Results: Note: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry Therapeutic range: 10 - 20 mg/L Peak level: 1 - 3 hours after oral administration. Half life: 3 - 8 hours. (i) Dose requirements should be based on ideal body weight. (ii) Elimination of theophylline is decreased in chronic obstructive airways disease, congestive . cardiac failure, acute pulmonary oedema and reduced hepatocellular function. (iii) Please note time of collection and last dose. THIAMINE See Vitamin B1 THIOPURINE METHYL TRANSFERASE Specimen required: Department: 2 x EDTA dedicated tubes required. If genotyping requested collect 1 x EDTA Referred Test THIN PREP – PAP (No rebate) Specimen required: Cervical sample in ThinPrep collection vial (ThinPrep vials available on request from Laboratory). Please ensure the expiry date on these vials is checked before use Specimen Collection: (i) (ii) Department: Note: See also: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Collect the sample as normal, using a Cervex™ brush, available from the Laboratory Prepare the conventional smear by wiping, first one side of the brush on the glass slide and then the other. Apply fixative immediately. (iii) Rinse the Cervix™ brush in a vial of preservative fluid and discard. Note: The end of the Cervex™ brush should not be left in the vial once rinsed. (iv) Label glass slide and vial with the patient’s surname, first name and date of birth. (v) Send prepared slide and ThinPrep vial to Laboratory for analysis. Cytology Currently the split sampling technique is employed within this Laboratory, which involves the analysis of both the conventional smear and the ThinPrep sample. The ThinPrep sample is not routinely processed without a conventional slide. CYTOLOGY, CHLAMYDIA AND HUMAN PAPILLOMA VIRUS. Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 109 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE THROMBIN TIME Specimen required: Department: Reference Range: T 1 x Sodium citrate tube. No add on testing available Haematology 12.5 - 17.5 seconds THROMBOPHILIA SCREEN (HALASCA SCREEN) Specimen Required: Patient must be fasting, however if referred by a fertility group patient does not have to fast. No add on testing available 2 x Sodium citrate tubes. Bunbury Pathology to collect 3 x Na Citrate 1 x EDTA 1 x SST 1 x PPT (for HOMOCYSTEINE) Department: Haematology Comment: Screen consists of: Homocysteine APC Resistance Lupus Anticoagulant Antithrombin III Protein S Protein C Anticardiolipin Antibodies Prothrombin 20210 gene referred if indicated Note: To qualify for Medicare benefits for this screen, a history of venous thromboembolism or a firstdegree relative of a person who has a proven defect of any of ATIII, Prot C, S, or APC resistance, must be given in writing. Any queries can be directed to Haematology. THYROGLOBULIN - specimen required 1 x SST THYROID ANTIBODIES ( THYROID PEROXIDASE & THYROGLOBULIN ANTIBODIES ) Specimen required: Methodology: Department: Reference Range: Note: Serum (1 x SST) Immunoassay. Biochemistry Thyroperoxidase antibodies ≤ 5.6 lU/ml Thyroglobulin antibodies ≤ 4.1 lU/ml Elevation of one or both is associated with autoimmune thyroid disease. THYROID RECEPTOR ANTIBODIES ( TRAB ) Specimen required: Department: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test THYROID FUNCTION TEST ( TFT ) Specimen required: Department: Interpretation: Note: Comment: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry Comments are made on all results by this Laboratory. Please indicate if patient is being treated for thyroid illness. Clinipath Pathology routinely performs THYROID STIMULATING HORMONE (TSH) only. If HIC approved clinical criteria are satisfied, (e.g. previous thyroid disease), then TSH and FT4/FT3 can be performed. THYROXINE – FREE T4 Specimen required: Department: Reference Range: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry As stated on report THYROTROPIN – TSH Specimen required: Department: Reference Range: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry As stated on report Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 110 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY T SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE TISSUE TRANSGLUTAMINASE ANTIBODIES (TTG IGA) Specimen required: Department: Reference Range: Note: Serum (1 x SMALL SST DEDICATED TUBE) Serology < 7 U/mL This test is useful in the diagnosis and monitoring of Coeliac disease. When the significance of a positive tTG autoantibody test is unclear, HLA DQ2/8 typing is a very sensitive exclusion test. TMPI (RENAL THRESHOLD PHOSPHATE) Specimen required: Department: Comment: Reference Interval: Notes: TOBRAMYCIN Specimen required: Department: Therapeutic Range: See also: Spot urine sample (plain bottle) Serum (1 x SST) 1 x Heparin (NO GEL) Biochemistry Includes Urine calcium, phosphate, Serum calcium, plasma phosphate, creatinine 0.75 – 1.35 mmol/L GF Requested by Dr Paul Glendenning Serum (1 x SST) Usually collected as a pair of PEAK and TROUGH samples. PEAK sample - 1 hour post IM dose or ½ hour post infusion. TROUGH - just prior to next dose. Referred test TROUGH should be less than 2.0 mg/L PEAK levels between 5.0 – 10.0 mg/L GENTAMICIN ASSAY/AMINOGLYCOSIDE MONITORING for once daily dosing. TORCH SCREEN See individual listings for TOXOPLASMOSIS, RUBELLA SEROLOGY, CMV, HEPATITIS B, AND HERPES TOXOPLASMOSIS SEROLOGY (IGG & IGM) Specimen required: Department: Results: Symptoms: Comment: Serum (1 x SMALL SST DEDICATED TUBE) Serology Reported as Detected / Not Detected with appropriate interpretive comments. May include headache, sore throat, lymphadenopathy and is an important cause of congenital infections. Can cause severe infections in the immunosuppressed. Consider also EBV or CMV. Additional Testing can include, Avidity test - High avidity IgG antibody suggests infection >3mths before. Usually requested in pregnant females with IgM + and after discussion with microbiologist TPHA/TPPA TREPONEMA PALLIDUM HAEM-AGGLUTINATION TREPONEMA PALLIDUM PARTICLE AGGLUTINATION See SYPHILIS SEROLOGY TPMT See THIOPURINE METHYL TRANSFERASE TRANSFERRIN Specimen required: Department: Reference Range: Comment: Interpretation: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry 25 - 45 µmol/L Used in the calculation of Iron Saturation. LOW - Chronic diseases, malnutrition, malabsorption. HIGH - Oestrogen therapy, liver disease. SATURATION LOW - Iron deficiency anaemia. SATURATION HIGH - Haemochromatosis, iron therapy Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 111 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY T SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE TRBA See THYROID RECEPTOR ANTIBODIES TREPONEMA PALLIDUM ANTIBODIES See SYPHILIS SEROLOGY TREPONEMA PALLIDUM (SYPHILIS) Specimen required: Department: See also: Dry swab of ulcer/chancre for PCR Referred test ULCER PCR TRIGLYCERIDES ( TRIGS ) Specimen required: Department: Reference Range: Interpretation: Serum (1 x SST) Patient fasting preferably. Biochemistry < 1.8 mmol/L High levels seen in primary (familial) and secondary (eg diabetes, obesity, alcoholism, pancreatitis) hyperlipidaemias. TRICYCLIC ANTIDEPRESSANTS ( TOTAL ) Specimen required: Department: Therapeutic Range: See also: 1 x Lithium Heparin Referred test As stated on report. Specific Tricyclic Antidepressants AMITRIPTYLINE CLOMIPRAMINE DOTHIEPIN DOXEPIN IMIPRAMINE TRI-IODOTHYRONINE – FREE T3 Specimen required: Department: Reference Range: Interpretation: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry 2.6 – 5.7 pmol/L Thyroid results are generally interpreted when reported. TRIPLE TEST / MATERNAL SERUM SCREEN (MSS) TEST REPLACED BY FIRST (9 – 13 weeks 6 days) & SECOND (14 – 17 weeks) TRIMESTER SCREENING Comment: Screening test for Down's Syndrome and Neural Tube Defect TROPHERYMA WHIPPLEI PCR Specimen required: Departmetn: 1 x EDTA Referred Test TROPONIN T – HIGH SENSITIVITY Specimen required: Department: Reference Range: Interpretation: Serum (1 x SST) ALWAYS TREAT AS URGENT. No Add on testing available. Biochemistry < 15ng/L Normal Troponin T is the preferred bio-marker in the diagnosis of myocardial infarction. Troponin T will usually be detected within 6 hours following myocardial infarction and may remain elevated for up to 2 weeks. TRYPTASE - specimen required: 1 x SST TRYPANOSOMIASIS (CHAGAS DISEASE) Specimen required: Department: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 112 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE TRYPTOPHAN Specimen required: Department: T 1 x Heparin NO GEL. Special pick up required as specimen is promptly separated on arrival at the Main Laboratory Referred test TSH RECEPTOR ABS See THYROID RECEPTOR ANTIBODIES TUBERCULOSIS / ACID FAST BACILLI Specimen required: Department: Comment: (a) Sputum: Three (3) consecutive early morning specimens which should be delivered to the Laboratory daily. (b) Urine: Three (3) early morning specimens are required. This should be the full specimen, not a midstream specimen. Special sterile jars are available from the Laboratory. (c) Skin and other tissue: The specimen should be sent dry, in a sterile container. (d) Early morning gastric aspirates: These may be used if sputum cannot be obtained. The gastric acid must be neutralised if the specimen cannot be processed within 1/2 hour, and suitable containers with buffer are available from the Laboratory as required. (e) Blood cultures- should be collected in a special Bacterial Blood Culture bottle available from the microbiology Laboratory. (f) Sterile aliquot of bone marrow aspirate.- Contact Clinical Microbiologist Referred test The results of direct microscopy are reported. Culture may take up to 12 weeks to complete. For positive microscopy specimens an interim rapid molecular test is usually performed and available 2-3 days after microscopy. This test detects mycobacterium TB complex. TUMOUR MARKERS See Individual Markers Tumour Marker ADH (Antidiuretic Hormone) AFP (Alpha-feto protein) CA 15-3 (carbohydrate antigen 15-3) CA 19-9 CA 125 Calcitonin CEA (Carcinoembryonic antigen) HCG (Human chorionic gonadotrophin) LDH (Lactic dehydrogenase) NSE (Neuron-specific enolase) PSA (Prostate specific antigen) Primary Cancer Site Small cell lung cancer, adenocarcinoma Liver, germ cell tumour of ovaries or testes Breast Pancreas, colorectal Ovarian Thyroid medullary carcinoma Colon, lung Trophoblastic disease Lymphoma, seminoma, acute leukaemia, metastatic carcinoma. Neuroblastoma, small cell lung cancer Prostate TYPHOID SEROLOGY See WIDAL AGGLUTININS, Salmonella Typhi TYPHUS SEROLOGY See Rickettsia TYROSINE Specimen required: Department: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 1 x Heparin (no Gel) Referred test Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 113 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE U U UEBG Collect for UREA, ELECTROLYTES, BLOOD GLUCOSE ULCER PCR Specimen required: Department: Note: Dry swab for PCR Referred test There are several PCR tests now available for Ulcers depending on the site of infection. Non-genital e.g. eye Herpes I/II PCR Adenovirus Genital may include Herpes I/II Treponema pallidum Haemophilus ducreyi Lymphogranuloma venereum Granuloma inguinale UNSTABLE HAEMOGLOBIN See HAEMOGLOBINOPATHY STUDIES URATE See URIC ACID UREA BREATH TEST See HELICOBACTER BREATH TEST UREA Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry 2.5 - 9.0 mmol/L > 60 years 2.5 - 8.0 mmol/L < 60 years HIGH – Renal insufficiency (e.g. CCF, intrinsic renal disease, urinary tract obstruction), gut bleeds. LOW – Liver disease, overhydration. UREAPLASMA See PCR COLLECTION FIRST VOID URINE URIC ACID ( UA ) – SERUM Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: URIC ACID – URINE Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry Male: 0.20 - 0.42 mmol/L Female: 0.15 - 0.36 mmol/L HIGH - “Hyperuricaemia” – not necessarily gout. Renal insufficiency. LOW - Uricosuric drug, renal tubule defect. Urine – Spot. Biochemistry < 4.0 mmol/day HIGH - Urate overproduction. LOW - Urate underexcretion. Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 114 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE U URINE - ALDOSTERONE Specimen required: Department: Urine – 24 hour collection with NO PRESERVATIVE. Referred test URINE COPPER See COPPER URINE PROTEIN ELECTROPHORESIS (BENCE JONES PROTEINS) Specimen required: Department: Interpretation: Early morning spot urine for screening unless a 24 hour urine is specifically requested. Biochemistry In multiple myeloma and light chain disease, abnormal proteins may be detected. URINE FOR CYTOLOGY See CYTOLOGY URINE FOR AFB / TB / MYCOBACTERIOLOGY See TUBERCULOSIS URINE FOR MICRO CULTURE & SENSITIVITY ( MC&S ) Department: Microbiology Specimen collection: 1. Midstream urine: mid stream clean catch specimens are required. Female: The labia are separated with one hand. If needed a sterile water wipe can be used to prepare labia. Keeping the labia apart, the midstream of the urine is collected into a sterile container. Male: If needed, retract the foreskin, clean the area with a sterile water wipe as required. The midstream of the urine is then collected into a sterile container. 2. Paediatric urine: mid stream clean catch specimens are optimal if feasible. With cooperative toddlers, a 'clean catch' urine specimen is preferred. For babies and smaller children, a collecting bag might have to be used over the child’s genitalia and a nappy put on and the child given a drink. The bag should be checked frequently so that it can be removed immediately it is seen to contain urine. The urine is then transferred into a sterile yellow capped container for analysis. 3. Catheter specimens: Specimens must be collected from the catheter itself using a sterile syringe, not the collecting bag. If a catheter is being changed, the specimen is taken after insertion of the new catheter, not from the old one. Once a catheter is permanently removed, urine is checked for infection by collecting an M.S.U. 24-48 hours after removal. Indwelling urinary catheters universally become colonised with coliform and other bacteria. Bacteria cultured from IDC urine generally represent colonisers rather than pathogens and results should be interpreted with caution. 4. Ileal conduits: Comment: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Ileal conduit urine specimens are likely to be contaminated by colonising bacteria. Bacteria cultured from these specimens generally represent colonisers rather than pathogens and results should be interpreted with caution. Bag specimens are not acceptable as they are contaminated by stomal organisms. A catheter introduced aseptically into the stroma will result in a more reliable specimen. (1) All urines are examined using the Iris automated urine microscopy analyzer. Leucocytes and red cells are reported as the number per litre. Any significant findings on microscopy are reported. When red cell morphology is required, a fresh specimen of urine should be delivered to the Laboratory as soon as possible. Culture results are expressed as number of bacteria per litre of urine. Cut-off values differentiate between bacteria that are likely to represent pathogens and those that are likely to represent contaminants. Contamination of urines may also be indicated by the presence of squarmous epithelial cells. (2) Significant bacteriuria occurs when a culture result is >108 /L. In older asymptomatic patients, treatment may not be warranted initially. Occasionally, smaller numbers may be relevant in symptomatic ambulatory patients. In pregnant women, any quantity of Group B Streptococcus may be associated with a likely carrier status at delivery. Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 115 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE U (3) Where microscopy indicates no evidence of infection, a report will be issued on the same day. Where subsequent significant bacterial growth occurs, an amended report will be issued. Note: Urines should be refrigerated after collection as bacteria can multiply exponentially and quantitative results will be potentially inaccurate. UROBILINOGEN See PORPHYRIN SCREEN Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 116 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE V V VALPROIC ACID ( EPILIM ) Specimen required: Department: Results: Note: VANCOMYCIN Specimen required: Department: Results: Interpretation: VANADIUM Specimen required: Department: Serum (1 x SST) - Sample prior to next dose. Biochemistry Therapeutic range: 350 – 700 umol/L Peak level: 1 - 4 hours after oral administration. Half life: 6 - 15 hours. (i) Valproate may potentiate the effect of ethosuximide and phenobarbitone. (ii) Valproate prolongs skin bleeding time. (iii) Valproate in high doses may cause ketonuria which may interfere with urine testing. (iv) Valproate competes with phenytoin for protein binding sites. (v) Please note time of collection and last dose. Serum (1 x SST) - Trough and peak levels. Trough - collect immediately prior to next dose. Peak - collect 30 minutes post IV infusion or 60 minutes post IM injection. Referred test Therapeutic Range: Trough < 10 mg/L Peak 20 - 50 mg/L Half life: Adult 4 - 10 hours. Children 2 - 3 hours. High trough levels may result in nephrotoxicity. 1 x Spot urine Referred test VARICELLA DIRECT DETECTION (PCR) See VIRUS DETECTION VARICELLA SEROLOGY ( IGG & IGM ANTIBODIES ) Specimen required: Note: Department: Indications: Results: Note: Serum (1 x SMALL SST DEDICATED TUBE) A swab of an active lesion for PCR is the preferred method of diagnosis for acute Chicken Pox and Shingles Serology Can be helpful for retrospective diagnosis Chickenpox - Fever and vesicular rash, common in children. Shingles - Painful circumscribed eruptions of vesicular lesions, mainly in adults. May be a severe or fatal disease in the immunosuppressed. Consider also Herpes simplex virus (viral culture or PCR of vesicular lesions). Reported as Positive or Negative with appropriate interpretive comments. (i) Please telephone the Laboratory (Serology Dept) if URGENT immune status testing is required, e.g. pregnant and exposed. (ii) Definitive testing when rash is present is a dry swab for PCR from vesicles/lesions. VASOACTIVE INTESTINAL PEPTIDE (VIP) Specimen required: Note: Department: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Patient needs to be fasting Can only be collected at main laboratory due to special collection requirements. Consult with Duty manager. 2 x EDTA tubes containing 0.2ml Aprotinin are required Collect blood and ensure blood in mixed well with Aprotinin. Place tubes in an ice bath and deliver immediately to SRA for centrifugation in chilled centrifuge or chilled centrifuge buckets. Separate and freeze ASAP after centrifugation. Referred test Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 117 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE V VASOPRESSIN (ANTI DIURETIC HORMONE OR ADH) See Anti Diuretic Hormone VDRL See SYPHILIS SEROLOGY (See Chemistry lab scientist before collecting) Specimen required: 1 x Heparin No Gel Venous Gases VENLAFAXINE Specimen required: Department: 1 x Hep No Gel Referred Test VERIFY TEST (NIPT) (No rebate) This test is by appointment only at the main laboratory and specific regional collection centres. Patient should phone 9371 4531 to arrange an appointment. As of Nov 2014 this test had a fee of $595. VIRAL CULTURE See VIRUS DETECTION VIRAL LOAD FOR HIV See HIV RNA VIRAL STUDIES Note: Specimens requesting “Viral Studies” CANNOT be processed. The Request Form must either indicate the viruses suspected, or must give good clinical details, so that the Microbiologist can advise on the appropriate investigations. Clinical details should include time of onset of illness, any travel, major manifestations, e.g. rash, myocarditis, encephalitis, paralysis, diarrhoea, pneumonia, pharyngitis. VIRUS DETECTION ( PCR AND CULTURE ) Specimen Required: Skin swabs: If there are any blisters then the best results are obtained by de-roofing the blister and collecting the serous exudate as well as swabbing the base of the lesion (where the majority of virus laden cells reside). Viral skin infections may be diagnosed by PCR for HSV 1 & 2, Varicella, Orf and Molluscum contagiosum virus, hand, foot and mouth (enterovirus) etc. Scabby Wounds: Remove the scab and swab the base of the lesion. Throat swabs: Collect as a normal throat swab for viral PCR with a plain dry swab, no transport medium. Upper Respiratory Tract Infection: Nasopharyngeal swab or aspirate or throat swab for PCR Intestinal Infection: Faeces. Meningitis, Encephalitis, Paralysis: CSF, nose and throat swab and faeces. Vesicular Rash: Vesicle fluid or scrapings from the base of the lesion or onto dry swab. Myocarditis, Pericarditis: Faeces, and throat swabs. Department: Comment: See also: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Referred test (except HSV Immunofluoresence which is performed at Clinipath Pathology) We refer all our viral culture samples. Turn around time is now improved with the advent of routine rapid PCR techniques, at about 4-5 days - URGENT cultures e.g. in pregnancy can be processed in 24-48 hours. PCR techniques have largely replaced Virus Culture. The correct sample for viral PCR of skin lesions, is a plain dry swab of the infected area. DO NOT PLACE SWAB INTO AMIES TRANSPORT MEDIUM. Replace swab into empty receptacle and transport as is. For respiratory viruses, a nasal swab or respiratory secretions eg Post Nasal Aspiration, in a sterile container is required. Herpes simplex type I / II rapid Direct Immunofluorescence. Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 118 of 122 I CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE V VISCOSITY See WHOLE BLOOD VISCOSITY VITAMIN A Specimen required: Note: Department: Reference range: Serum (1 x SST) - Protect sample from light, wrap in alfoil. No add on testing available Attach process immediately sticker Referred test As stated on report VITAMIN B1 ( THIAMINE ) Specimen required: 1 x EDTA dedicated tube. Patient must be fasting. After collection wrap specimen in alfoil and refrigerate. No add ontesting available. Department: Reference range: Note: Referred test As stated on report. Antibiotics interfere with this assay. Collect 2 weeks after cessation of antibiotic therapy. VITAMIN B2 ( RIBOFLAVIN ) Specimen required: Note: Patient must be fasting. After collection wrap specimen in alfoil and refrigerate 1 x EDTA dedicated tube. No add on testing available. Department: Referred test B2 is a precursor of FAD or FMN VITAMIN B3 (NIACIN) Sample required: Department: 24 hour urine with acid preservative (20ml 50% HCL), warn patient of the acid risk Referred test, no add on testing available. VITAMIN B6 ( PYRIDOXAL ) Patient must be fasting. After collection wrap specimen in alfoil and refrigerate 1 x EDTA dedicated tube Department: Referred test Reference range: As stated on report. Varying with age and sex. These factors should be included with request. Specimen required: VITAMIN B12 ( CYANOCOBALAMIN ) +/- FOLATE Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Note: Serum (1 x SST) Biochemistry NORMAL 139 – 651 pmol/L INDETERMINATE 74 – 138 pmol/L DEFICIENT < 74 pmol/L Specimens with B12 results below 260 pmol/L will be automatically tested for Active B12 (Holotranscobalamin). VITAMIN C ( ASCORBIC ACID ) Specimen required: Note: Department: Reference range: Note: Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 1 x Lithium Heparin Protect sample from light, wrap in alfoil Attach process immediately sticker, must be processed within 1 hour of collection Referred test As stated on report. Specimen can only be collected at Main Laboratory and Bicton ACC due to the labile nature of Vitamin C. The specimen is then frozen and wrapped in alfoil to protect it from light. No add on testing available Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 119 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE V VITAMIN D ( 25–OH CHOLECALCIFEROL OR 25 VIT D) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Comment: 1 x SST, must be full draw Referred test 40 - 150 LOW – Osteoporosis Levels between 40 – 60 may be associated with deficiency and compensating increased PTH. VITAMIN D3 See Vitamin D VITAMIN E ( TOCOPHEROL ) Specimen required: Note: Department: Reference range: Serum (1 x SST) - Protect sample from light, wrap in alfoil. No add on testing available Attach process immediately sticker Referred test As stated on report. VITAMIN K Not performed see Prothrombin Time VMA ( VANILLYLMANDELIC ACID ) Specimen required: Department: Note: 24 hour urine collection. Referred test Preservative: 20 mls of 50% Hydrochloric Acid. Patient should be informed of the need for care with the preservative. VON WILLEBRAND’S FACTOR TESTING Specimen required: Department: Co 2 x Sodium citrate tubes. Bunbury Pathology to collect 3 x Sodium Citrate tubes. No add on testing available Haematology Consists of: (i) APTT (ii) Factor VIII (F8) (iii) Von Willebrand’s Factor (VWF) (iv) Ristocetin Cofactor (Ricof V2V - see Varicella serology V617F Mutation see JAK-2 Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 120 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE W W WHIPPLES DISEASE See Tropheryma Whipplei PCR WHOLE BLOOD INTERFERON-GAMMA ASSAY (QUANTIFERON GOLD) See Quantiferon WHOLE BLOOD LEAD (PB) See Lead WHOLE BLOOD MAGNESIUM (MG) See both MAGNESIUM (Serum) and RED CELL MAGNESIUM WHOLE BLOOD MERCURY (HG) See MERCURY WHOLE BLOOD POTASSIUM (K+) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: 1 x Heparin NO GEL Biochemistry 30 - 50 mmol/L WHOLE BLOOD SELENIUM Whole blood test not available. See SELENIUM (Serum) WHOLE BLOOD VISCOSITY Specimen required: Department: Reference range: 4 x EDTA tubes. Please send patient to Clinipath Pathology Main Laboratory. Samples dispatched immediately after collection (must arrive at the testing Laboratory within 1 hour of collection and before 2pm). No add on testing available. Referred test As reported. WHOLE BLOOD ZINC (ZN) See both ZINC (Serum) and RED CELL ZINC WHOOPING COUGH See BORDETELLA PERTUSSIS SEROLOGY, CULTURE, PCR WIDAL AGGLUTININS (TYPHOID SEROLOGY) Specimen required: Department: Note: Serum (1 x SST) Referred test Test for Typhoid and Paratyphoid, which has poor sensitivity and specificity. Culture remains the definitive test for these salmonella infections. See blood culture x3 and faecal culture. WOUND SWAB / ASPIRATE Specimen required: 1) Swab in gel tube for superficial wounds. 2) Prefer aspirated volume of pus for abscess culture including anaerobes. Place in sterile jar e.g. urine jar. Send to Laboratory as Urgent/Priority specimen Department: Microbiology Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 121 of 122 CLINIPATH PATHOLOGY SPECIMEN COLLECTION GUIDE XYZ X XYLOSE ABSORPTION TEST TEST NO LONGER PERFORMED - REPLACED BY ENDOSCOPY. Y YERSINIA ENTEROCOLITICA See FAECES CULTURE YERSINIA SEROLOGY Specimen: Department: Serum (1 x SST) Referred Test Z ZINC ( Zn ) Specimen required: Department: Reference range: Interpretation: 2 x Trace Element (Royal blue top K 2 EDTA) Biochemistry 9 - 19 umol/L. LOW – Cirrhosis, diarrhoea, malabsorption, alcoholism, drugs (e.g. steroids, diuretics). HIGH – May be due to zinc therapy. ZOLOFT See SERTRALINE ZOSTER PCR See virus detection Version: CLI-QU-MAN-0026.00 Specimen Collection Guide 10-Nov-2014 Page 122 of 122