G' TIIE KTU\O OCIXIAM IMilS[AIIliE CTIIN(IL (Enrolhnent - September) I , RESOTUTION 3 4 NO. the Tohono 0'odham Council has reviewed the reeommendations of t 6 I 96-383 the Enrollment Committee in accordance with Seetion I of Artiele VIII of the Enrollment 0rdinanee, 0rdinance No. 05-81, and has 8 I l0 ll t2 made a final determination that the application of the following applicants membership in the Tohono ARTICI-,E II - MEMBERSHIP sECTr0N 1(b) ALr CHITDREN BORN TO RESTDENT MEMBEN r5 l6 t7 l8 l9 20 2l ,, 23 24 25 26 27 28 O'odham Nation be approved: l3 t4 for 318l-8-96 UGAITAFA,Dominick 3182-8-96 DAVIS. Brilliant L. 3183-8-96 DAVIS, Preston J. 3184-8-96 RODRIGIJIZ, Regina Marie 3185-8-96 OSIFI. Derrick R 3186-8-96 NARCH0, Devan D. 3fB7-B-96 GARCIA, Ancelia L. 1777-GV-% RIJIZ, John David L77B-GV-96 VICTOR, Orenda f780-GV-96 MATTIA, Kevin K 1667-H-94 GARCIA. Mashawna R. 1729-H-% TREIO, Fabian Ramon 1746-H-96 ANT0NE, Alyssa G. 1747-H-96 CHILDS, Ryan A. 1750-H-96 ANTOM, Ashlev A. N0. I 96-383 September) age2oI6 , 3 4 D 6 I 8 I r0 ll t2 l3 t4 II - MEMBERSHIP sEcTr0N r(b) Arr CHIIDRIN ARTICTE l75l-H-96 BORN T0 RESIDENT MEMBEN MANIEIa Daya 1752-H-96 ROMER0, Felizeda Maria 1753-H-96 ANT0NE. Arian R. 1754-H-96 H0[T, Michaela E. 1793-SX-96 1794-SX-96 1805-SX-96 fB06-SX-96 f80B-SX-96 CARLYIJ, Rainey Dae CARLYIE. JoMIN C. BEGAY.Brenton ffiANCISCO, Joseph J. G0NZALES. Guillermo M. f809-SX-96 MAMAKE, Henry N. fBl0-SX-96 ENCINAS, Cecelia M. l5 l6 1996-50-96 MURRDTTA, Angelica t7 212-ND-89 BELTRAN,Guadalupe r8 2B-ND-89 BELTRAN, Rafael M. t9 336-ND-89 404-ND-89 406-ND-89 405-ND-89 232-ND-89 234-ND-89 231-ND-89 230-ND-89 540-ND-90 548-ND-90 547-ND-90 MENDOZA, Angela B. 20 2l ,, 23 24 25 26 27 28 N. 0LM0S. Cruz G. 0tM0S, Juan C. 0tM0S. Hilda I. CORD0VA-VAIJNZUEII\, Alejandro CORDOVA-VALENZUEIA, Manuel CORDOVA-I0PEZ, Yesica L. CORDOVA-IOPFIZ,l{arlaZ. VAIENZUEL,A,Alfonso VATENZUELA,Margarita YAI.,ENZIIEL;I, Hildegardo 54f-ND-90 VATENZUIIA,Apolinar 546-ND-90 VAIENZUELA.Gustavo LUTION NO. 96.383 (Enrollment - September) I age3of6 , 3 ARNCM II - MEMBIRSHIP 4 SECTION (b) AtL CHIIDRIN BORN T0 RESIDENT MEMBERS D 6 a 8 I l0 ll t2 l3 t4 r5 r6 t7 l8 l9 20 2l 544-ND-90 549-ND-90 504-ND-89 502-ND-92 507-ND-92 503-ND-89 505-ND-92 506-ND-92 487-ND-89 557-ND-89 558-ND-89 486-ND-92 542-ND-92 550-ND-92 501-ND-89 500-ND-91 483-ND-88 482-ND-88 485-ND-88 VAIENZUEIA,f,rnesto VAIENZUDLA. Maria I. S0SA, Eva A. S0SA. Alma Rosa S0SA, Ruben S0SA, Ana Maria S0SA, Evangelina SOSA, Lydia Z. SAICID0-VAIINZIJEL;I. Ruben VALENZIIELI-REYES, Lizeth VATENZIJETA-REYFS.RubenJr. SALCIDO-VALENZIJEIA. Aurelio VAIENZUEIA, Aurelio Jr. VAI.,ENZUILA,RogelioF. S0NOQU-GARCIA, Martina S0N0Q[I,Rebecca SAICIDO-SOTO, Lydia SA"tflD0-S0T0,Elsa SAL[XD0-S0TO, Ruperto W, THERAF0RE, BE IT Rf,S0LVED that it hereby determined that the above 22 23 24 named applieants are eligible for enrolhnent Tohono 0'odham Nation under Section (a) as members of the or (b) of futiele II of 25 26 27 28 the Constitution of the Tohono 0'odham Nation. and that their applications are approvedo as herein above indieated. 0N N0. 96-383 ent - September) I age4oI6 , 3 IT IIJRTHER RESOwED that the Chairman and other appropriate officers 4 of the Tohono 0'odham Nation reduce this final determination in D writing regarding each of the foregoing applications for enrollment 6 a in 8 I the names of each applicant upon the membership roll of the 12 r3 Tohono 0'odham Nation l4 l5 l8 r9 20 2l ,, 23 III of the Enrollment with Section 4 of Artiele III of the Enrollment 0rdinanee; and place ll 17 with Section 3(c) of Article Ordinance; give notice of this Council's determination in accordance l0 r6 aceordance in aecordance with Article V of the Enrollment 0rdinance. foregoing Resolution was passed by the Tohono 0'Odham Council on the day of SEPITMBE& 1996 at a meeting at which a quorum was present a vote of 1.771.0 F0R; -0- AGAINST; 105.0 NOT V0TING; and [02] , pursuant to the powers vested in the Council by Section of Artiele and Section fft) of Article VI of the Constitution of the Tohono O'Odham tion, adopted by the Tohono O'0dham Nation on January lB, 1986; and roved by the Aeting Deputy Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs (0perations) Mareh 6, 1986, pursuant to Section 16 of the Aet of June lB, 1934 (48 Stat. I ). TOHONO O'ODHAM I,,FSISIIITTVE COTJNflt 24 25 26 27 28 n /\t./ 2+ t\ / /'7 ,/ I-/ Dennis Ramon, Legislative Chairman - A! u^, oI J-/6.'L-' .u % 0N N0. 96-383 ent - September) I age5of6 , 3 4 Antone, ./rLuy 8 9 l0 ll t2 l3 l4 <- oI ->?A./.- ,ls2(2. rid Resolution was submitted for approval to the office of the Chairman of the day of ohono O'0dham Nation on the ,lg3E o'cloek, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 of Artiele -(-.Nl^, of the Constitution and will become effective upon his approval or upon his to either approve or disapprove it within 48 hours of submittal. f: tz J+rfl*' /6& TOHONO O'ODHAM I,,EGISI,]TTIVE COTJNflt l5 r6 I I I Dennis Ramono Legislative Chairman 20 2r 22 23 APPROYED I DTSAPPROVEI) w% ' tt " f(4a^y ot ^t {,'12 o'clock, f 24 25 26 EDWARD D. MANUII, Chairman TOHONO O'ODHA]II NATION 27 28 .n. N0. 96-383 - September) I , 3 to the Legislative secrerary onthe 4 t U-Z------ 6 7 8 I t0 ll 12 l3 l4 l5 l6 t7 l8 l9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Antone, legislative ,/(/4 ,,{.oz ^t 7^, o1 o'clock, Z-.W. xmsdrm0{r\o. qG383 ACIIC'{: APFROVII{G ENROIIMENT MEXr/tBERSlm APTCAiIIONS - 1\,fr8) COIIIWLWOIvIANFERNSAICXD DATE SPIEMBERg, 19% DSIrcT Sm'CIDAtr( IETSIAIIVE runESElf,{INES 1. N{ARYANNANTOI{E 10.0 ,. m'"^ffimL (lvhxirE l\onis) SFTIS ? 4 O 1 SCII[JKTOAK 't't1 0 1. JSEPIIT. JOAQUIN (A 2. €n r,tr'. Garcia, Jr.) LTJCILLE ENCINAS (qdtia Chico) 1. KENNEIII ( 2. JGEPII ruAN 1. ) n TNNNE\1tr| |?S O EDWARDKISTO 2. ( IdeUa Sranley) FRANCES MIGUEL (K€nEih Chioo, Sr.) G-ouis J. RAI!{ChI (lGxian JdtrxcD x 58.5 x 58.5 x x 93.5 1. JOIINSONJGE Gmeleen 61.5 AfiE) BARBARA SALVICIO 67.5 ) 1. GI0RIA lv0l.ItAl.IA AGAII\67 VOIII\G ABSINT x HI(I([WA}{ l. LI0YDFRAIWS@ .() x x x 52.5 x 71.0 ( ra)n 2. ALP( ) JGE x x x 67.O Nlrfiam) x x 52.5 67.O lAI ,.;BNsArd (I-ilry **PASSEDVOIES 157.0 98.5 Jdrset 2- ALE( 7t.o x x x 91.5 x x (l\{arvin llroms ) 91.5 X TOXAL 1,tr/6.0 1. KENNEIH wll-I-lAlvls z. x t28.5 (lvtaly Hofrmn) 183'0 157.0 r28.5 SAI\IIIJCY 1. (ALBEKI N{ANI'EI+ JR to50 2. JOIIN RENO ) CIilXUTXIIK x 71.0 ) ( Gf,M 80.0 ( I. 2. x 7r.0 GTJACIil I. WLIARDANITA 1r, 80.0 DENNTSRA}ViOir ( 1a)n 2. TONY ) BL'RRELL B|ro]IVARX - ,<1 i hIOT FICR ) ( sAt{xAvlm. J. ANICNIE #G' volf,s SCflON O), SEPIEh/tsER SEffi.iD: OOUTULT\4ANTONYBIIRRELL lnvncancre ) \rn0 + 10s.0 vzl
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