Lesson plan Laura, Sandra, Noelia, Nuria, Jose, Elena
Lesson plan Laura, Sandra, Noelia, Nuria, Jose, Elena
LESSON PLAN Introduction Our lesson plan is based on the topic of Halloween in UK and USA. Through it, children will learn content of this festivity in an active and dynamic way. It is planned to last 2 hours, with a group of 24 children in the second course of the second cycle of Infant Education (4-5 years). This lesson plan is designed to review and revise the content they already know about this topic, so a gymkhana or treasure hunt will take place, this is a game in which participants must go through many trials and obstacles before reaching the goal. To do this, first a little introduction will be made to present the game, the characters (since all teachers will be dressed up with a Halloween costume) and the class will be divided into groups. Each group should find using clues, the characters to pass the test and get the next clue (in each test it will be revised a topic related with the topic). Once all groups have gone through all the characters, a final activity took place, in which children with all the clues that have been given by each character, must done a puzzle and knowing the name of what appears to achieve the prize (can be any candy or gomets). The first and last activities are planned to be done by the whole class, but the other six are planned to be done in four small groups (6 children in each). The groups will pass through each activity (15 min in each activity). There will be a different teacher in each activity guiding children through them. 1 Resources - Costumes: witch, Corpse bride, pirate, bat and vampire. - Flashcards with vocabulary. - Laptop. - Whiteboard. - Cauldron. - Bicarbonate. - Vinegar. - Food colouring. - Craft materials: pencil, colours, scissors, white glue, tub roller paper, bath paper as bandages, sheets of paper, white, blue and green cardboard. - Video from YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkJglpEueHo - Candies. Vocabulary to be taught - Bat. - Haunted house. - Black cat. - Mummy. - Witch. - Vampire. - Spider web. - Pumpkin. - Ghost. - Full moon. - Cauldron. General objectives - To develop the oral use of a foreign language with a communicative intention in everyday situations related to classroom activities and show interest and enjoyment in participating in these exchanges. o To acquire Halloween vocabulary though English o To identify the main characteristics of Halloween festivity o To develop linguistic skills of expression and communication o To recognize the main characters and their features 2 - To develop curiosity and creativity by interacting with artistic works, audiovisuals and technologies, theatre, musical productions, or dances, by using various techniques. o To develop musical skills through songs o To be able to dance through visual repetition o To develop creativity through Halloween crafts - To acquire habits and attitudes related to welfare, developing increasingly autonomy to cover their basic food needs, expressing satisfaction with their achievements. o To familiarize by themselves with the digital resources o To be able to follow instructions in English language o To be able to express their own ideas Competences The competences children work with this microteaching are: o Linguistic communication competence: this is one of the most important because children are learning a second language through this topic and they use it as a means of oral and written communication. This help to children to approach and make sense of other culture, in this case the English one. o Digital competence: there are different skills involved in this competence. Children start learning how to use technological resources to resolve some problems or activities, in this case the whiteboard, so it is as a mean of communication too. o Social and citizenship competence: children realize they are part of the society that they live in. o Cultural and artistic competence: this competence refer to the knowledge, appreciation, understanding, respect and critical evaluation of different cultural and artistic manifestation, as can be 3 their partners, in order to learn and enrich their selves, and understanding other cultures. With this microteaching, children realize they are part of the culture which is around them, in the country. In this topic for example, they learn the cultural festivity of Halloween, when is celebrated, its main symbols, and so on. o Learning to learn: this competence implies to learn and continue learning and realize that there can be more options and answer form your own idea, accepting the variety and organizing the own learning. o Autonomy and personal competence: children give their own ideas and opinions in each activity and they do it by their own criteria, working the choice and decision as well as the responsibility. Assessment Any assessment needs to check if the aims proposed have been achieved, we will evaluate our lesson through observation and taking notes in a register when necessary (relevant comments), depending on the activity which the child is doing. It will be continuous during the lesson and done by the six different teachers. Besides, the activities will be assessed through a checklist to children, according to the aims which they ought to achieve. (Annex 4) Finally, there is another checklist to project. In this way, we can analyse if it will do again, what things should improve and what things must keep. (Annex 4) 4 Name: The witch and her potion Aims: Resources: Witch costume witch, potion, cauldron Cauldron To know the chemical reaction Bicarbonate between bicarbonate and vinegar Vinegar To learn new words related with Food colouring To review some vocabulary: the topic: Dragon scale, beetles, worm, eggs, unicorn horn and cat hair Activity: In this part of the gymkhana, children are going to meet the character of the witch and she tells them she has a problem because she wants to prepare a potion but she has not have all the necessary ingredients and ask help to find them. To do this, she gives a list of the ingredients children need to find (the children have to be creative and look for things that are similar in the school environment, e.g. a stick like unicorn horn): INGREDIENTS FOR THE POTION: 2 Dragon scale A bit of crushed beetles 1horn worm ingredients they mix all the elements, 2 doxy eggs at the end the mix the bicarbonate, the 1 unicorn horn dye and the last, vinegar, because it is Some cat hair Once, children have gotten the the one that produces the chemical reaction. Finally, when all children have seen the reaction that occurs it is explained that this happens because vinegar is an acid and bicarbonate is a base and when both enter into reaction producing bubbles as they have seen and some gases, although are not seen (this explanation may vary, depending on the age). Finally, the witch gives to each group its piece of the puzzle for the final activity and the clue to the next character (Annex I). 5 Name: The spider and her friends Aims: Resources: vocabulary: Whiteboard spider, bat, monster, ghost, witch, Flashcards To review some vampire, pumpkin and black cat. To know how to use the whiteboard. To practice the counting until number 6. To review the vocabulary and associate the image with the name. To be able to continue the series. Activity: In this part of the gymkhana, children are going to meet the character of the spider or spider web. This activity is in the digital board. She need the help of the children because their friends are not very good at maths and then they do not know how many chocolates, sweets and apples they have to introduce in their bag of Trick or Treat. For that, they need to touch a dice and count how many elements they have to introduce in the bag according to the number that appear. In this activity, we are going to revise some vocabulary related to different character of Halloween (spider, bat, monster and ghost). 6 The next activity is also useful for the vocabulary. It is the memory game. But they are not two equal pictures, they are the picture of a character (witch, pumpkin, black cat or vampire) and its correspondent written name. We will play two or three times, for everybody can play and to practice the vocabulary. There will be flashcard on the wall as a support if they need help. And the last activity consist on continuing two series that are not finished intercalating different figures as we can see in the picture. Finally, when all children have participated, the spider gives to each group its piece of the puzzle for the final activity and the clue to the next character (Annex I). 7 Name: Mummies craft Aims: Resources: vocabulary: Corpse bride costume mummy, bandages, eyes, hands, Tube roller paper glue and scissors Bath paper a bandages To learn typical symbols of White glue Halloween. Scissors To develop creativity thorough Some flashcards for the key To review some the creations and manipulation of words different materials. White, blue and green cardboard Activity: In this part of the gymkhana, children are going to meet the character of the corpse bride, which they are looking for around the campus. In this activity children are going to participate in the Halloween craft room. The corpse bride will proposed children create their own little mummy as a symbol of Halloween festivity. For carry out this, the corpse bride will give children some easy materials for the creation. The base of the mummy body is a roller paper, and for the bandages they will use bath paper cut in little pieces for adding with glue to the body. For adding more details children will use cardboard and markers for hands and eyes to the mummy. Finally they can put a base and their personalized little scary mummy are ready! This activity as we can see develops the fine graphomotricity while foster their creativity and imagination and also are enjoying. At the end, the corpse bride give to each group a piece of the puzzle they need to complete for the final activity and the clue for discover the next character to look for around the campus (Annex I). 8 Name: The trick or treat of Donald’s nephews Aims: Resources: To review some vocabulary: black cat, Pirate costume ghost, bat, witch, pumpkin, full moon. Some To identify some characters and flashcards for the vocabulary elements of Halloween. Laptop To develop the imagination from a Video from youtube: story. https://www.youtube.com/wat To be able to express an idea through a ch?v=QkJglpEueHo drawing. Papers Pencil and colours Activity: In this part of the gymkhana, children are going to meet the character of a pirate, which they are looking for around the campus. The activity consisted on showing to the pupils a cartoon’s video about once of the most popular traditions in Halloween: trick or treat. At the beginning, the pirate starts asking them if they know the festivity; then, they watch the first part of the video. After showing it, the pirate is going to make a set of questions, such as “What happened in that part of the story?”, “What do you think it is going to happen now?”. Following the last question, the pirate asks them for drawing the end of the story. During the development of the painting, there are questioning too for reasoning about the story and what it is possible to take place and justify it. At the end, the pirate shows the end of the story for checking if pupils are more or less right with their pictures. This activity develops the predicting, thinking and reasoning, creating and evaluating skills through a dynamic task. At the end, the pirate give to each group a piece of the puzzle they need to complete for the final activity and the clue for discover the next character to look for around the campus (Annex I). 9 Name: Our own Halloween story Aims: Resources: To review some vocabulary: black cat, Bat costume ghost, bat, witch, pumpkin, full moon, Flashcards with the vocabulary vampire, Flashcards with drawings Flashcards with adjectives cauldron, haunted house, skeleton and spider web. To review adjectives: friendly, dark, mysterious, strange, big, shiny and white; and to learn others: spooky, creepy, sticky and steaming. To develop speaking competence and imagination. To follow a story and be able to express an idea connected to others. Activity: In this part of the gymkhana, children are going to create their our Halloween story using some vocabulary they already know about Halloween as characters and things that should appear in the story and some adjectives given that fix with these nouns. The activity should start will an introduction of the vocabulary to check that children remember the words. The teacher will show them all the images and the labels with the written word of each, and children will have to join them and read them aloud (Annex II). bat Once they review the nouns given, the teacher will show them the adjectives chosen for the activity (Annex III). Some of them will be new for the children, but mostly they will recognise the words. 10 After checking the vocabulary, the teacher will start a story with a short introduction that can be: Once upon a time, there was a young boy called Max that lived in a cold village near Transylvania. One day, he went out for a walk, and then he saw… Then, each child will continue the story with a sentence as long as possible, using one or two nouns and one or two adjectives. They will pick them from the table once they use them. The story should be coherent and the sentences should be connected. 11 Name: Vampire’s castle Aims: Resources: vocabulary: Candies witch, ghost, vampire, pirate, Black garbage bags werewolf, Whiteboard or computer mummies. Bed sheet To identify the main sound of Cardboard, which represent the hats To review some skeleton and each character. of the witch, pirate and monster To participate actively To imitate the characters, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu_ Tpf_yGuo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgFx o-IkCNQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veZlI X6d63Y according to the movements who are doing Three videos: To move through coordination and balance in order to dance how the song says. Activity: This activity is focused on the psychomotricity and music, although the teacher and children don’t play instruments. For it, the active methodology is based on the teacher’s actions and three videos (songs) which are used. So, children can feel motivation and have the opportunity of enjoying. Before starting, the class has to be decorated to create a scary atmosphere, putting on the windows garbage’s bags and moving the tables on order to have a clear space in the place where we want the children move. This place has to be wide space to they cannot bump into the tables. So, it is divided in three sections: 1. The first song is to children remember the main sounds which make the mummies, skeletons, witches, vampires, werewolves and ghosts. It is used for improving the motor control of the mouth, because children ought to move their mouths, lips, tongues... to make each kind of sound. 12 2. The second song is to children can dance and move their bodies. Teacher mentions parts of the body as arms, legs, head... however, he/she should not take into account if children turn to the left or right (depending on the children’s development, they can learn the name of the sides between 7 or 8 years old more or less), although the teacher has to be as model and turn to the correct side. 3. Finally, the teacher is going to give candies to the children, but the trick or treat bag is empty. Then, the teacher use a video in order to find who took the candies, in that video are shown a monster, a pirate, a ghost, a witch and a vampire. Children will wear a cardboard caps, which are typical of a witch, a monster, a pirate and a ghost, the teacher is the vampire. In the video, the person, who took the candies, is the vampire (the teacher). In the end, he/she shares them with children. 13 This activity is to make in the children feelings of belonging to Halloween, because they feel as characters in this event and given candies. This is trick or treat! Children can make typical sound of Halloween, dance, sing and dress, and they are given candies by it, they can enjoy and be participating of this festival. 14 Annexes Anex I Below, you can see the different clues for going from one activity to the next one: 15 16 17 The pieces of puzzles children are going to join are the next ones: 18 Annex II Vocabulary nouns 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Annex III Vocabulary adjectives spooky dark creepy 30 mysters strange big shiny 31 sticky friendy steaming white 32 Annex IV Name: Checklist of ‘Halloween’ to children Date: Items Yes No Observations The child knows some words of the vocabulary which is used in the language related to Halloween. The child is able to identify the main characteristics of Halloween festivity. The child can recognise the main characters and their features. The child is able to speak some simple sentences in English Language. The child makes the basic sound of some characters. The child can imitate through visual image. The child works through the art. The child is capable of using the white board on his/ her own. The child is able to follow instructions in English language The child expresses his/ her own ideas. Checklist to the project Items Yes No Observations Children have enjoyed the activities. The average knowledge of the children in the class has improved. The time of each activity was sufficient. The materials were appropriate to the activity. The school has shown a receptive attitude toward the project. 33