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télécharger l`article en pdf - Sonia Wieder
BBC 12 October 2009 1/2 Sonia Wieder-Atherton Chants D'Est Review Album. Released 7 Septemœr 1009. It's impossible ta a'Void an aura ofprofoundmournfulness, once Sonia Wieder-Athertan embarks on her mission af music-gathering from Central and Eastern Europe. The Sinfonia Varsovîa, from 'Warsaw, provides a highly sensitive surround Mere, forwhat is essentially a cello showcase The album is sullJtîtled Sangs from Siavic lands, but!ts arientationisn't as f()lkloric as inttialimpressionsmight suggest Traditional sound:s are filtered through the stud:ied composîtional process, with the repertoîre including worl<s by Rachmaninov, Dohnanyi, Prokofiev, Mamnu an cl Mahler. A living composer, 1 Franck Krawczyk, provides the longest work, Vespers, Op. 37, V. Nunc Dimittis '2 is also a pair oftracfitional Jewish SO)lgs to further broaden the palette. Ruralia hungarica for Cella and Piano, Op. 32d, LAndante :> The separate pieces are invariably episodic, eut graciually make up a woyen whole as they progress, building up a pseudü-suite of compatible atmospheres. Wieâer-Atherton"s sonorous tone always lies at the heart, her Ruralia hungarica far CeUo and Piano, Op. 32d, L Presto romantic flourlshes tarning an imagine.à gypsy wildness, slowing Hs expression clown to anintraverted 110ver. Thesesongs might noHeature aoy actual \locals, but the cella takes on a suitably singing role throug.houL Jewish Traditional Songe ln Remembrance of Schubert 4 5 Alexander Tcherepnin's. Tatar Danceis frustratingly brief, tailing to hit three minutes, but it aets as a bridge into Franck Krawczyl<'s seVBn-part Jeux D'Infants. The composer might be barely 40 years old, but thîs work îs Songs and Dances, Op. 84: No,. 2, Tatar Dance completely in keeping: with the older places that surround it, turning into a harrumphing waddle fi for üboe andclaTine~introducil1gtheatrical percussion that suggests a tumb.lingclown.ln a suclclen schizophrenie switch, it clevelops Jeuxcfenf8nts, After Janacel<s Moravian a sin cere sadness which marches on into Prokofiev's Field ofthe Dead.. FaJJ<s angs, 1. ALBION M E DIA as a midvvay centrepiece. There 1 ~o ~TRATFORD PLACE. LONDON. Wl C 1 BA T 020 7495 4455 F 020 7495 4459 2/2 1 Jeux d'enfants, After Janacek's Moravian Folksongs, H. 8 Jem d'enfants., Afte:r Janacek's Moravian Folksongs, III 9 Martinû's Variations on a S'iovak f olkscyng provide the album's second extended section, once aga!n passing fhrough a variely of humours. Mahler fo:llows, still morose, butwith hopeforthenewdawning. TheR, there's a short deTvish romp to conclu de, wïth anoiher JeW'ish tra:d'ïtionaJ dance tune Hngers are I.eftilching for the next tu.rntab'le selectIon, WhiCh l1as ta be a double sess'ion with TarafDe Hafdouk:s and the Terem Quartet. Jeux d'enfants, After JanaceKs Mnravi·an Folksongs, IV. This wOirk is liœnsed under a Creati'o'e Co.mmo.11iS Licence. If youchoose tOUlS<e tnis re'lÎe\"" on your $1te :plea,se fink !>:acl> 10 this page. 10 Jeux denfants., Afte,r Janacel(s Moravian Folksongs, V. 11 Jeux d'enfants, Afteer JanaceKs llihyravian Folksongs, VI. 12 Jeuxdenfants, After Janacel<s Mnravian Folksongs., VIL 13 Alexander Nevsky: The FieldofTtle IJead 14 Variations on a Slova1< folksong for Cello and Piano: Theme, Rubato 15 Valiations on a S'lovaI< eno and Piano: tauon 1, Moderato 16 Variations on 13: SJova:k folksong ,for Cello and PIano: Variation 2, Poco Allegro 17 Variatl'O:ns on a S'iovak folksong for Cell'O and Piano Va.riation 3Mnderato 18 Va.riaifnfls 00 a Slovak folk for Cello and Pian laITon 4, SCherzo, Allegretto 19 VariatIons on a Sloval< fol kson 9 for Gello an d Piano: Va.riation 5, Allegro lD RuckertUeder (5): no 3, ICh nin der Welt abhanden gekommen l'l Jewish Trad.iti'Onat Dance ALBION M E DIA 1 ~o ~TRATFORD PLACE. LONDON. WIC 1 BA T 020 7495 44551' 020 7495 4459