Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date
Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date
Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper AAKRE Robert Ole Death Comox AAKRE Wilma Lee M age 47 Comox, St. Peter's ABBOTT (boy) ABBOTT-BROWN (girl) ABEL (boy) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox RCAF RC Chapel Comox Comox ABEL David Charles M ABLET ABLETT ABRAMS (girl) (boy) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Birth Birth M ABRAMS Robert Atkinson Death Cumberland age 81 ACOTT Charles Keith Francis M ACTON ACTON (girl) (girl) Birth Birth ADAIR Wenonah Jean M ADAMS (boy) Birth ADAMS David M ADAMS Jack Death McMullans Point ADAMS Robert M Courtenay, St. George's ADAMSCHEK Dora Mary Elizabeth M Coeur d'Alene, Idaho ADAMSCHEK Sonja Emmy M Courtenay, St. George's ADAMSON (girl) Birth Comox Date Page Letha Whelder FP 26-Feb-1964 14 Ronald John Miller FP 17-Feb-1965 B5 FP 14-Mar-1962 2 FP 24-Jan-1962 2 FP 15-Dec-1965 2 Diana FP Carol Iles FP FP FP RCAF Protestant Chapel Comox Comox Gladys Agrams Comox Campbell River Anglican age 50 29-Jan-1964 2 24-Feb-1965 3 9-Jan-1963 1 FP 17-Mar-1965 11 Jeanette Heather FP Middleton FP FP Robert Lawrence FP Sutter FP Vancouver, St. Jude's 22-Mar-1961 5 Info/Kin Born in Montana, father of Wilma and Wendell, 7 brothers in Montana, service at St. Peter's Comox, cremation Dtr/o Mrs. Letha E. Aakre of Comox and the late Robert O. Aakre Son of M/M Robert Abbott of Campbell River Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. John Abbott-Brown, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. David Abel, RCAF Comox Son of Mrs. Janet Abel of Toronto and late Charles Abel, engagement announced 15 Feb page 15 Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. D.E. Ablett, RCAF Comox Son of Cpl/Mrs. David Ablett, RCAF Comox 50th wedding anniversary celebrated in Cumberland Born in Nanaimo, resident of Cumberland, father of Mrs. W. Uchorchak, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of M/M Charles Acott of Constance, Saskatchewan 25-Oct-1961 2 5-Sep-1962 7-Aug-1963 2 2 Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. C. Acton, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Gerald Acton of RR2 Qualicum Dtr/o M/M Tom Adair of Fanny Bay 13-Jun-1962 2 6-Jan-1965 B2 Shirley Cryer FP 2-Jan-1963 11 single FP 18-Jul-1962 14 Karen Sonja FP 4-Dec-1963 Ludvigson Jack Jacob FP 9-Oct-1963 Krajnc Richard Thomas FP 8-Dec-1965 Lewis FP 14-Apr-1965 Son of Mr./Mrs. Robert Adams of qualicum Son of Mrs. Adams of Port Arthur, Ontario Aka Adamski, drowned near Granite Point, Quadra Island, born in Michel, BC, service and burial in Campbell River Son of M/M C.W. Adams of Campbellton 2 Dtr/o M/M E. Adamschek of Vancouver 3 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Ernest Adamschek of Merville C11 5 Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. L. Adamson, RCAF Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper ADAMSON Daniel Sterling Death Ladysmith ADAMSON Penny Louise M Union Bay United Church Union Bay United Church age 71 Date Page Elizabeth FP 11-Mar-1964 14 Adamson George Vincent Sexton Gordon James FP 20-May-1964 Carmicha el Elizabeth FP 5-Aug-1964 Adamson FP 22-Feb-1961 FP 27-Nov-1963 Gayle Pauline FP 8-May-1963 Slater Robert King FP 7-Jul-1965 Hutton Martha FP 6-Dec-1961 Olson Marion FP 21-Aug-1963 Jackson Dtr/o M/M T.B. Adamson of Union Bay Susan Diane M ADAMSON Waldo Death Sooke, BC ADCOCK ADEY (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox ADEY Charles David M Nanaimo ADEY Lorna Isabelle M Courtenay, St. John's ADOLFSSON Alex Gottfried Death Campbell River AHERN Harold Garrett Death Salmon Arm age 91 AIKEN (boy) Birth AIKEN Catherine Mary Chr AITKEN (boy) Birth Gimli, Manitoba Comox United Church Comox AITKEN (girl) Birth Cumberland M Union Bay United Church Virginia Alvide Smith Nanaimo Mrs. Lorna Jane FP 21-Mar-1962 2 Cope AITKEN Alvin Don AITKEN Colin Campbell M AITKEN John Death Comox age 77 age 3 years B2 5 14 2 5 5a 10 FP 5-Feb-1964 2 FP 6-Jun-1962 3 FP 18-Jul-1962 2 FP 10-May-1961 5 Elizabeth FP 1-Jul-1964 Aitken Born in Estonia, step-father of James Owen, service at Sands FH, bur. Saseenos cemetery Dtr/o LAC and Mrs. John Adcock, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M C. Adey of Merville Son of M/M Frank Adey of Merville 2 FP 29-May-1963 14 age 81 Born in Glasgow, Scotland, formerly of Cumberland, step-father of Elizabeth, Rita and Thomasine, service at Ladysmith FH, bur. Cedar Valley Dtr/o M/M T.B. Adamson of Union Bay FP 21-Aug-1963 5 ADAMSON age 81 Info/Kin 12 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Frank S. Adey, engagement announced 5 May page 9 Born in Sweden, brother and sister in Sweden, service and burial in Campbell River Former resident of Courtenay, wife died 1953, father of Bob, Jack and Mrs. R.W. Shannon, service and burial in Son of Sgt/Mrs. Dan Aiken of Gimli Dtr/o Sgt/Mrs. Dan M. Aiken of Comox, gdtr of M/M Alex Aiken and M/M Seymour Peardon of Prince Edward Island Son of M/M Alvin Aitken of Union Bay Dtr/o M/M Ronald J. Aitken of Cumberland Son of M/M John Aitken of Union Bay, engagement announced 12 Apr page 12 Resident of Courtenay, father of Donald Aitken Born atSt. Ninian, Stirlingshire, Scotland, father of Mamie and Cherry, service at Piercy FH, cremation Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Alvin Donald Aitken AITKEN Virginia Alvide Jordan Death River, BC AITKEN William James Birth Cumberland Cumberland, St. John's age 4 weeks RC age 23 Date Page FP 18-Sep-1963 6 FP 1-Mar-1961 12 AITKEN William James Chr AITKENHEAD Wilfred Death Comox ALEXANDER (boy) Birth Comox ALEXANDER Elizabeth M Comox, St. Peter's Barrie Lyle FP 4-Nov-1964 Clarke 12 ALEXANDER Isabel Mae M Methodist church manse Brian Robert Egan FP 6-Dec-1961 3 ALEXANDER Wendy Lynn Chr Courtenay, age 4 months St. George's FP 4-Jan-1961 2 age 87 Isobel Urquhart FP 29-Mar-1961 10 FP 3-Nov-1965 5 FP 20-Jun-1962 2 Winnifred May FP 13-May-1964 5 Flinton Harry Pratt Death Comox ALLEN (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 8-Aug-1962 ALLEN (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 25-Sep-1963 3 ALLEN (girl) Birth Comox FP 21-Jun-1961 2 ALLEN (girl) Birth Comox Carolyn Barbara M Comox, St. Peter's ALLEN Catherine Louise Chr Holy Trinity Anglican ALLEN David John Death Nanaimo AMBROSE (girl) Birth Comox 2 FP 28-Oct-1964 2 Noel McPhee Strachan Son of M/M Ronald J. Aitken of Cumberland Son of M/M Ronald J. Aitken of Cumberland, grandson of M/M Stephen Jones and Mrs. Nellie Aitken Born in Nanaimo, father of Edwin, Charles and Sheila, service at McColl FH, bur. Royal Oak Son of M/M Samuel Alexander of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M E.M. Alexander of Comox Dtr/o M/M Samuel R. Alexander christened, gdtr of M/M Roy Harrison and M/M Fred Alexander Born in Rudgwick, Kent, England, wife died 1953, father of Helen Booker of Comox Valley Nursery, service at Sandwick Anglican, bur. Anglican cemetery (Sutton FH) Son of M/M Richard Allen of Cumberland Son of M/M Kenneth Allen of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Ken Allen, nee Flora MacDonald, of Cumberland Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Val Allen, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. W.E. Allen of Courtenay FP 22-Dec-1965 3 age 3 weeks FP 19-Jul-1961 age 23 FP 16-May-1962 1 single Nee Smith, borh in New Westminster, married 1961, mother of Kevin, service at Piercy FH. See obituary 25 Sep page 10, funeral info, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M Lorne Alexander of Courtenay ALLBERRY ALLEN age 79 Info/Kin 9 FP 22-Mar-1961 2 Dtr/o M/M K. Allen of Cumberland christened, gdtr of M/M W. Allen and M/M A. MacDonald Born in Vancouver, son of Walter and Wilma Allen, car accident. See obituary page 13, brother of Ken, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Stewart Ambrose, RCAF Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page AMIRAULT (boy) Birth Comox FP 12-Sep-1962 2 AMOS James Lawrence Birth Comox FP 12-May-1965 5 Lawrence James Marshall M Campbell River United Church Louise Margaret Rayer ANDERLINI Robert Alfred M Mennonite Brethren, BlackCreek Elfrieda Sara Wedel ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox ANDERSON Arne M Courtenay, St. George's ANDERSON boy and girl Birth Port Alberni ANDERSON Carl W. M Parksville ANDERSON Charles M Courtenay, St. George's ANDERSON Darlene Gail M Courtenay, St. George's ANDERSON Doris M Sandwick Anglican ANDERSON Edwin M Cumberland ANDERSON Frances Death Courtenay AMOS Info/Kin Son of M/M Wm Amirault of Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. Lawrence Amos of RR1 Campbell River Son of M/M James M. Amos of Saratoga Beach FP 13-Jan-1965 B3 Son of M/M C. Anderlini of Aldergrove Dianne Stacey FP 9-Aug-1961 13 FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP 2 2 2 2 10 16 16 2 B3 11-Oct-1961 31-Jan-1962 9-Oct-1963 11-Oct-1961 3-Oct-1962 14-Nov-1962 22-Jan-1964 28-Oct-1964 23-Dec-1964 FP 2-Oct-1963 3 FP 24-Jan-1962 2 Mrs. Amy Butchers Patricia Jean Fleming Walter Douglas Williams Frederick George Bailey Jane Miller Dr. F. Duffy Anderson FP 11-Aug-1965 B8 FP 5-Feb-1964 Son of Rev/Mrs. Charles Anderson of Courtenay Son of LAC/Mrs. Wesley Anderson, RCAF Comox Son of F/O and Mrs. Ian Anderson, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. David Anderson, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Ian Anderson, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. D. Anderson of Comox Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. S. Anderson, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Arne Anderson of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Arthur J. Anderson of Courtenay Son of M/M Walter Anderson of Merville 3 Son and dtr of M/M John Anderson, nee Thelma Easterbrook, 6 lb 1 oz and 5 lb 12 oz Resident of Courtenay Son of Mrs. M. Anderson of Courtenay and the late Mr. Anderson Dtr/o Mrs. Lorne Paisley and George Anderson FP 13-Oct-1965 11 FP 22-Nov-1961 3 FP 20-Mar-1963 3 FP 8-Jul-1964 1 Dtr/o Mrs. Marjorie Anderson of Courtenay and late Mr. Anderson 50th wedding anniversary celebrated at Union Bay, parents of Tom, Jack and Mrs. A. Cullen Heart attack, service at Sutton FH, cremation. See obituary 15 July page 14 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper ANDERSON John S. Death Victoria ANDERSON Joyce M ANDERSON Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M ANDERSON Mr. and Mrs. J. M Revelstoke, BC ANDERSON Pearl Yvonne M Alberni, All Saints ANDERSON ANDERTON twin girls (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox ANDERTON Johanna Death Vancouver ANDREWS Carole Patricia M age 92 Sandwick Anglican Date Page Lydia Erickson FP 1-Apr-1964 William Dennis Slater FP 15-Feb-1961 2 2 FP 27-Feb-1963 12 FP 6-Feb-1963 3 Karl Albert FP 27-May-1964 2 Petersen FP 29-Mar-1961 10 FP 19-Feb-1964 16 age 70 Courtenay Joseph Edward FP 19-Jun-1963 14 Anderton Andrew David FP 2-Dec-1964 9 Patterson ANDREWS Fanny Death Comox age 91 Thomas Andrews ANDREWS Sophia Louise Death Cumberland age 75 Joseph Andrews ANFIELD ANGELL (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox ANIBALLI Emidio M Can. Martyrs RC church ANIBALLI twin boys Birth Kamloops ANLEY Francis William Death Vancouver age 68 Adaline Braund FP 19-Jul-1961 ANNAND Agnes Margaret Death Comox age 81 Joseph Annand FP 18-Aug-1965 2 FP 9-Dec-1964 FP 24-Mar-1965 11 FP 2-Sep-1964 FP 3-Apr-1963 B7 3 10 Mary Grace FP 29-Aug-1962 5 Casanave FP 27-May-1964 2 12 Info/Kin Born in Sweden, father of Mrs. Sid Williams of Courtenay, service at Hayward FH, cremation (Courtenay News) Dtr/o Mrs. T.L. Anderson and late Mr. Anderson 50th wedding anniversary open house at Union Bay 60th wedding anniversary celebrated in Victoria, parents of Mrs. S.F. Williams and 4 other daughters, both born in Sweden Dtr/o M/M David Anderson of Port Alberni Dtrs of M/M George Anderson of Courtenay Son of M/M H. Anderton of Comox Born in Montana, husband dec'd, mother of Hugh, sis/o Vena, Mary and Elizabeth, service at RC Church Comox, bur. Comox cemetery Dtr/o M/M Edwin C. Andrews of Courtenay Born in Thornhill-Lees, Dewsbery, Yorkshire, England, husband died 1931, sis/o Charles Pickles, aunt of M/M Murray Kennedy, service at McColl FH, Victoria, cremation Born at Yale, BC, mother of Henry, William, Hope, Ruth, Doris, Isobel and Frances, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M Lawrence Anfield of Courtenay Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. F. Angell, RCAF Comox Son of M/M L. Aniballi of Kamloops, engagement announced 25 Jul page 12 Sons of M/M E. Aniballi, nee Mary Grace Casanave Born in Cumberland, son of pioneer residents, bro/o Mrs. J.C. Muir and Mrs. L.O. Bishop, service at Harron Bros. FH, cremation Born at Sandwick, dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Samuel Piercy, husband died 1934, mother of Alex (dec'd), Evelyn, Irene, Hazel, Gordon and Arthur, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper ANNAND Samuel Alexander Death Courtenay ANSHELM (boy) Birth age 43 Iris Annand age 26 Verna Cuthbert Comox Date Page FP 8-Mar-1961 10 FP 1-Nov-1961 2 FP 8-Mar-1961 1 FP FP FP FP FP 2 2 3 3 16 ANTON James Frederick Death Comox ANTONELLI ANTONIAZZI ANTONIAZZI ARBUCKLE ARCHIBALD (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox ARMITAGE Douglas Peregrine Death Comox, The age 85 Fort ARMSTRONG (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 26-Jul-1961 ARMSTRONG (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 18-Dec-1963 2 Campbell River, St. Peter's Ethel Case Freeland 13-Dec-1961 13-Mar-1963 27-Jan-1965 4-Jan-1961 23-Jan-1963 FP 20-Feb-1963 12 2 Clifford Lawrence FP 26-Sep-1962 3 Robert Riddoch ARMSTRONG Bonnie Lynn M ARMSTRONG Henry Albert Death Comox ARMSTRONG Loretta Ann M Cumberland United Church William George Tantrum Campbell River Diane Gail Sanderso FP 22-Apr-1964 16 n ARMSTRONG Philip Wayne M ARMSTRONG Ross S.F. M ARMSTRONG Sandra Lee M ARNEIL (girl) Birth age 62 FP 5-Jun-1963 12 FP 28-Mar-1962 9 Cumberland United Church Cumberland United Church Carol Ann FP 5-Sep-1962 Kelly 10 John Douglas FP 11-Jul-1962 Longland 2 Cumberland FP 8-Jan-1964 Info/Kin Born in district, son of Mrs. M. Annand, grandson of late M/M Sam Piercy, father of Bruce and Linda, bro/o Gordon, Arthur, Mrs. E. Meyers, Mrs. T. Webber and Mrs. H. Holmes, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery. See Floral tributes 15 Mar page 12 Son of M/M Clifford Anshelm of Merville Car accident, born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, passenger survived. See Inquest 15 Mar page 1 Son of M/M Marshall Antonelli of Comox Dtr/o M/M F. Antoniazzi of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Fernando Antoniazzi of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M John M. Arbuckle, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. B. Archibald, RCAF Comox Born in Toronto, formerly of Winnipeg, wife dec'd, father of L.F., D.E. and J.D. Armitage, cremation in Vancouver, graveside service in Toronto, Piercy FH Dtr/o M/M Wm E. Armstrong of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Ross Armstrong of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Donald Stuart Armstrong of Campbell River, engagement announced 25 Jul page 12 Born in Moose Jaw, Sask., lived on Kitty Coleman Road, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Sister of M/M M. Carter of Cumberland, engagement announced 14 Mar page 13 Son of M/M J.W. Armstrong of Merville Son of M/M Lewis A. Armstrong of Saskatoon, Sask., engagement announced 27 Jun page 12 Dtr/o M/M W. Armstrong Dtr/o M/M C.W. Arneil of Cumberland Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper ARNOLD (girl) Birth ARNOLD (girl) Birth ARNOLD Alberta Lynn M ARNOLD twin girls Birth ARONOJA Selma Adelina Death Merville ARROWSMITH ASHDOWN ATKINSON ATKINSON (girl) (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox ATKINSON Martha Jane M Victoria AUCHTERLONIEJohn Douglas AUTERSON (boy) Comox Gordon Jonsson age 88 Cumberland United Church Birth Comox Vananda, M Texada Island Kinloss, Death age 46 Scotland Birth Comox Birth Comox RCAF M Catholic Chapel Birth Comox Birth Comox Birth Comox Birth Comox Birth Comox Birth Comox Birth Comox Birth Comox Birth Comox Birth Victoria M Gregory Allan AVENT John BAAK BAAK (boy) (boy) BABIN Marie Doris BACHMEIER BADER BAEHR BAILEY BAILEY BAILEY BAILEY BAILEY BAILEY BAILEY (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) Charlene Dianne BAILEY Ethel Elizabeth LindsayDeath Comox Page Info/Kin FP 15-Nov-1961 2 St. John's Anglican Comox AVAIZOFF Date age 82 Nikolai Aronoja Ward Lloyd Bishop Roberta Mae Wharton Dtr/o M/M Edward Arnold of Campbell River Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Ted Arnold of Sandwick, gdtr of Mr./Mrs. FP 10-Nov-1965 B11 A. Arnold (Sandwick news) Dtr/o M/M A.E. Arnold of Dove Creek, engagement FP 19-Feb-1964 6 announced 15 Jan page 12 FP 15-Feb-1961 8 Dtrs/o M/M Wayne Arnold of Royston Born in Lappfjard, Finland, husband dec'd, mother of FP 15-Sep-1965 11 Mrs. Fred Erickson, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery FP 6-Oct-1965 B9 Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. B. Arrowsmith, RCAF Comox FP 31-Jul-1963 2 Son of LAC/Mrs. Arlin Ashdown, RCAF Comox FP 14-Jul-1965 3 Son of Cpl/Mrs. Kenneth Atkinson, RCAF Comox FP 29-Sep-1965 9 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. D. Atkinson of Comox Dtr/o Mrs. W. Atkinson of Victoria FP 12-Aug-1964 14 FP 1-Jul-1964 10 FP 15-Nov-1961 2 Roberta Eileen Bennie Mary Avent FP 2-Dec-1964 Son of M/M Leo Auterson of Comox Son of Mrs. Amelia Avaizoff of Powell River 5 FP 22-Mar-1961 1 FP 30-May-1962 2 FP 2-Dec-1964 5 Melvin Michael FP McReavy FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP Thomas Poole FP Bailey Son of M/M Wilbert Auchterlonie of Royston, engagement announced 27 May page 12 Born at Hartney, Manitoba, son of M/M J.H. Avent of Grantham, father of Richard Son of M/M A. Baak of Courtenay Son of M/M Andries Baak of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Ernest Babin of Bathurst, New Brunswick 22-May-1963 3 11-Sep-1963 30-Jun-1965 23-Aug-1961 22-Nov-1961 19-Jun-1963 25-Mar-1964 7-Apr-1965 19-Dec-1962 4-Mar-1964 2-Dec-1964 2 8 16 14 7 3 2 2 5 16-Jun-1965 5 Son of M/M Thomas Bachmeier of BlackCreek Son of Mr./Mrs. K. Bader of Courtenay Son of F/L and Mrs. John A. Baehr, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. James Bailey, RCAF Comox Son of M/M L. Bailey of Comox Son of M/M F. Bailey of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. Frederick Bailey of Courtenay Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. J. Bailey, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. J. Bailey, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M James Bailey of Victoria Born in Scotland, service at Sutton FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Sandwick Anglican BAILEY Frederick George M BAILEY Harry Alfred Death Comox BAILEY James Bernard M Sandwick Anglican BAILIE (girl) Birth Comox BAIRD Annie M Cumberland M Can. Martyrs RC church BAIRD Betty Marguerite Date Page Doris FP 22-Nov-1961 3 Anderson age 16 single FP 24-Jun-1964 12 Kathleen Diane FP 1-Aug-1962 Parkinson 2 FP 2-Jan-1963 2 Charles Frederick FP 17-Feb-1965 3 Smith Donald Robert London BAIRD Flora Isabel Death Cumberland age 81 BAIRD Heather Jean M BAIRD Robert Graham M Comox United Church Penticton United Church John Baird FP 3-Apr-1963 Peter Charles Pearce Muriel Edith Morgan age 58 FP 20-Sep-1961 2 10 Son of M/M Thomas Bailey of Sandwick Born in Fredericton, New Brunswick, twin bro/o David, service at RCAF Protestant Chapel, ashes bur. at Frederickton Son of M/M Thomas Bailey of Headquarters Road, engagement announced 27 Jun page 12 Dtr/o M/M B. Bailie of Comox Dtr/o James and Margaret Baird, 55th anniversary celebrated Dtr/o M/M James W. Baird of Courtenay, engagement announced 23 Aug page 15 Born in Comox, dtr/o M/M George Grant McDonald, husband died 1925, mother of Eileen, Agnes, Jessie, Winona, Mary and Douglas, service at Cumberland United Church, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. William R. Baird of Comox FP 30-Jun-1965 5 FP 16-Sep-1964 8 Mary FP 9-May-1962 O'Connor BAIRD William Death Vancouver BAKER BAKER BAKER BAKER (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth BAKER Edward Howard Death Union Bay age 54 Barbara Brown BAKER Frederick Death Courtenay age 82 Jane Ann FP 16-Dec-1964 B5 Blacklidge Comox Comox Comox Comox Info/Kin FP FP FP FP 20-May-1964 6-Feb-1963 24-Mar-1965 6-Oct-1965 FP 1-May-1963 9 16 2 11 B9 1 Resident of Vancouver, son of M/M William B. Baird of Comox Born in New Mills, Scotland, formerly of Cumberland, father of Margaret and Russell, bro/o Elizabeth, Annie, Ellen, Bella, Alex and Robert, service in Vancouver Son of F/O and Mrs. D. Baker, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. E. Baker, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Bernard Baker of Courtenay Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Duane Baker, RCAF Holberg Car accident, inquest, born in Birmingham, England, resident of Victoria, no further information Born in Blackburn, England, wife died in March, father of Mrs. J. Tweedy, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page BAKER Isabel M. Death Vancouver age 84 Percy George Baker FP 29-May-1963 B6 BAKER Joel Stewart Death Comox age 22 Ella Knowles FP 23-Aug-1961 1 BAKER Linda Beryl M Philip Barber FP 25-Aug-1965 B12 BALDWIN (boy) Birth RCAF Protestant Chapel Comox FP 29-Apr-1964 2 BALDWIN Emily Death Nanaimo BALDWIN John Antler, Death Saskatchew age 80 an BALE Nancy Ruth M Courtenay, St. George's BALL (boy) Birth Comox FP 18-Jul-1962 BALL (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 22-Aug-1962 10 BALL BALL BALL (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox FP 18-Aug-1965 5 FP 20-Jun-1962 2 FP 19-Feb-1964 16 BALL Barbara Grace M Courtenay, St. George's BALL Dianne Kathryn Chr Sandwick Anglican age 10 months FP 24-Apr-1963 2 BALL Lynne Marie Chr Sandwick Anglican age 3 FP 24-Apr-1963 2 BALL Margaret Death Victoria BALL Roger Arthur Michelmore Chr St. Peter's Anglican, Comox age 91 Edward George Baldwin FP 17-Apr-1963 6 FP 12-Sep-1962 12 Donald Gordon FP 20-Feb-1963 5 Hutchings 2 Daniel Ian MacKenzi FP 12-Jun-1963 3 e age 64 infant Henry Ball FP 16-Aug-1961 8 FP 3-Apr-1963 2 Info/Kin Born in Newmarket, Ontario, nee Barry, mother of Donald, Phyllis, Kathleen ad Gwen, service at Simmons & cBride, cremation Born in Cumberland, car accident, father injured, father of one child, inquest to be held. See 13 Sep page 1, Death accidental Dtr/o Sgt/mrs. James H. Baker of RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Leo Baldwin of RCAF Comox Born in South Wales, mother of Jack Vaughan and Mrs. R. Leighton, husband and one son dec'd, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Born in England, resident of Courtenay, died while visiting family, 8 children not named, wife not named, funeral held at Antler Dtr/o M/M Robert Bale Son of M/M Arthur Ball, nee Elizabeth Ross, of Comox Son of M/M D. Ball of Cumberland Son of Mr./Mrs. Thomas W. Ball of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Thomas Ball of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Arthur Ball of Comox Dtr/o M/M Leslie A. Ball of Courtenay, engagement announced 1 May page 14 Dtr/o M/M Thomas W. Ball of Courtenay christened, gdtr of M/M Thomas Ball and M/M Joseph Hamer of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Thomas W. Ball of Courtenay christened, gdtr of M/M Thomas Ball and M/M Joseph Hamer of Cumberland Born in Staffordshire, England, nee Morrell, mother of Arthur and Dorothy, service at Piercy's FH Son of M/M A. Ball christened Surname BALLANTYNE Givens Gladys Georgeson Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Death Sidney, BC age 80 Date John Steele FP 3-Jun-1964 Ballantyne Mora Evangelin FP 3-Jul-1963 e Morrison Page 7 BALLANTYNE Ross Steele M St. Andrew's United BALMER Heather Anne M Comox United Church David BLACkmo FP 17-May-1961 2 re Sivers John Howard Sutton 3 BALMER Penelope Diane M BAMBER (girl) Birth Comox FP 1-Mar-1961 12 BANDET (boy) Birth Comox FP 3-Mar-1965 11 BANKS (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 20-Sep-1961 2 BANKS BANKS (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 21-Mar-1962 2 FP 26-Jun-1963 2 BANKS Bertha May M Cumberland BANKS Eliza Fuge Death Cumberland age 90 BANKS Malcolm Harold Thomas Chr Cumberland age 6 months Anglican BANNERMAN Daniel Cumberland Martha Hunden Martha Hunden M Born in Winnipeg, nee Georgeson, husband dec'd, mother of W.H.M. Ballantyne of Whaletown, BC, service at Sands FH, cremation Son of M/M William Ballantyne of Whaletown, formerly of Courtenay, engagement announced 27 Mar page 14 Dtr/o Mrs. Donald C. Smith of North Surrey, BC, engagement announced 19 Apr page 9 Dtr/o M/M R.G. Balmer of Campbell River and Comox St. Peter's Anglican, Comox FP 21-Aug-1963 2 Hugh FP 10-Apr-1963 2 McKenzie Thomas Edwin Banks Info/Kin FP 19-Apr-1961 14 FP 9-May-1962 2 FP 1-Jul-1964 2 BANNERMAN Daniel A. Death Cumberland age 70 FP 9-Jun-1965 11 BANNON (boy) Birth Comox FP 11-Nov-1964 3 BANNON (boy) Birth Comox FP 24-Nov-1965 11 BAPTISTE (boy) Birth Comox FP 11-Nov-1964 3 Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Vernon Bamber, RCAF Comox Son of Cpl/Mrs. Gerald Bandet, rcaf, Mission Hill, Courtenay Son of M/M Clive Banks of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Robert Banks of Cumberland Dtr/o S/L and Mrs. N. Banks, RCAF Comox Born in Port Angeles, Washington, 50th wedding anniversary celebrated, parents of Doris (dec'd) and Joy (Mrs. R.R. Woodrow) Nee Trahair, Born in St. Just, Cornwall, England, operated Banks FH, husband dec'd, mother of Bertha, Lillian, Harold, Clive and Irvine (dec'd), service at Holy Trinity Anglican, bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of M/M Harold Banks of Victoria, great grandson of Thomas E. Banks who made the font 50th wedding anniversary celebrated at Gartley Beach Born in Nanaimo, father of John and Leland, service at Cumberland United church, Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery. Another obituary 16 June page 5 Son of F/L and Mrs. Michael Bannon, RCAF Comox Son of F/O and Mrs. Michael Bannon, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. B. Baptiste, RCAF Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper RCAF Protestant Chapel BARBER Philip M BARCLAY Lillian Death Comox BARKER BARKER (boy) (boy) Birth Birth BARLOW Bruce Thomson Birth BARLOW Fred Death Comox BARNARD BARNARD BARNARD (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth BARNDEN Gordon Leslie Death Royston BARON Gail Marie M age 95 Linda Beryl Baker Francis Daniel Barclay Comox Comox Oakville, Ontario age 79 Laura Jane Johnston Death Victoria BARR Joan Maureen M Courtenay, St. George's BARRETT (boy) Birth Comox BARROWS James Alfred M Cumberland, St. John's RC BARRY (girl) Birth Comox BARRY James Arthur M Union Bay United Church BARSI BASTIEN BASTIEN BATEMAN BATES (girl) (girl) (girl) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox FP 12-Feb-1964 14 FP 21-Jul-1965 11 FP 11-Oct-1961 2 FP 22-May-1963 16 FP 14-Apr-1965 5 age 73 age 84 Kate Coveney Gilbert Joseph Griffiths FP 14-Oct-1964 8 Nee Phillips, born in Chatham, Ontario, mother of Walter and Mrs. F.M. Armitage, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M James Barker of Courtenay Son of M/M James Barker of BlackCreek Son of M/M G.V. Barlow, nee Joan Thomson, 7 lb 12 oz Born in Havelock, Ontario, wife died 1948, father of Frederick and John, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of LAC/Mrs. Phillip Barnard, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Phillip Barnard, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Phillip Barnard, RCAF Comox Born in Kent, England, bro/o S.W. Barnden of West Vancouver Dr/o M/M Carl G. Baron of Watrous FP 21-Oct-1964 B8 Alice FP 20-Sep-1961 12 Chapman Thomas Darryl Hamilton Info/Kin Son of Sgt/Mrs. Philip Barber of Greenwood, formerly of FP 25-Aug-1965 B12 Comox FP 11-Jan-1961 14 Watrous, Saskatchew an Andrew Page FP 25-Jul-1962 2 FP 29-Jan-1964 2 Comox Comox Comox BARR Date FP 19-Sep-1962 2 FP 13-May-1964 2 Helen FP 1-Aug-1962 Potkonjak 10 FP 20-Feb-1963 14 Karen Elizabeth FP 1-Sep-1965 Bohn FP FP FP FP FP 30-May-1962 27-Jun-1962 11-Dec-1963 21-Nov-1962 7-Feb-1962 B8 2 2 3 2 2 Born in Glasgow, Scotland, Merville settler, father of Jack (dec'd), Andy, Thomas, Janet, Agnes and Alice, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M Johnstone Barr of Comox, engagement announced 15 Aug page 14 Son of Cpl/Mrs. Carl Barrett, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Alfred Barrows of Nanaimo, engagement announced 27 Jun page 13 Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. Lorne Barry, RCAF Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. J.A. Barry of Courtenay, engagement announced 4 August page 8 Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. C. Barsi, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Joseph Bastien, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. P. Bastien, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Charles Bateman, RCAF Comox Son of M/M G.H. Bates of Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page BATES (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 26-Jun-1963 2 BATES BATES (girl) (girl) Birth Birth FP 2-Oct-1963 8 FP 27-Jan-1965 3 BATES Dorothy Elizabeth M Comox Comox Cumberland United Church Malcolm Gary Colling Sandra Nelson FP 1-Nov-1961 FP 11-Mar-1964 7 Info/Kin Son of M/M Ernie Bates of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Fred Bates of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Fred G. Bates of Courtenay Dtr/o Mrs. Thomas J. Bates of Cumberland and the late Mr. Bates Son of M/M Andrew Bates of Cumberland BATES Ernest M Port Alberni, First United BATES Ernest M Cumberland United Church Cynthia Vera Hardy FP 30-May-1962 10 Son of Tom Bates Sr. and late Mrs. Bates of Cumberland BATES Frederick G. M Courtenay, St. George's Barbara Kill FP 20-Feb-1963 2 Son of M/M Andrew Bates of Cumberland, engagement announced 16 Jan page 13 M Cumberland, St. John's RC Leo Robert Hamling BATES Kathleen June 9 Dtr/o M/M Andrew Bates of Cumberland FP 31-Jul-1963 10 BATES Thomas James Death Cumberland age 43 Della Bates FP 5-Feb-1964 BATES Victoria Death Vancouver Hamilton Bates FP 10-Feb-1965 B9 BAUM BAYARD BAZINSKI BEACON (boy) (girl) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth BEAL Albert Edward Ruddle M BEAM Mrs. Arlene M BEAMAN Gail Lynne M Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox, St. Peter's Vancouver, Christ Church age 64 FP FP FP FP 15-Jul-1964 1-Sep-1965 4-Jul-1962 23-Sep-1964 1 2 5 2 B5 Winnifred Joyce FP 22-Jul-1964 16 Agnes Fisher Allan FP 2-Jun-1965 11 Bersey Colin Inglis FP 28-Nov-1962 3 Godwin Mining accident, inquest to be held. See inquest 12 Feb page 1. See obituary 19 Feb pag 14, father of Larry, Tommy, Ernie and Dorothy, other family named, service at Cumberland United Church, bur. Cumberland cemetery Born in Cumberland, nee Bono, husband died 1958, mother of Marolyn Jow, other family named, service at Cumberland United Church (Piercy FH), bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of M/M A. Baum of BlackCreek Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Donald Bayard of Comox Son of Cpl/Mrs. P. Bazinski, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Malcolm Beacon, RCAF Comox Son of Mrs. E. Timmers of Bremmer, Alberta Resident of North Vancouver, engagement announced 7 June page 11 Dtr/o M/M Elmer Beaman of Vancouver Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper BEARMAN BEARMAN BEATON BEATON (girl) (girl) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox BEATON Angus Death Ladysmith BEATON Mr. and Mrs. L. M BEAUCHESNE (boy) Birth Comox BEAUCHESNE (girl) Birth Comox BEAUDON Raymond Eddie M Nanaimo BEAVAN Walter Paul Death Victoria BEBENECK (boy) Birth FP FP FP FP age 71 Date 21-Jun-1961 23-Sep-1964 31-May-1961 25-Jul-1962 Page 2 B5 2 2 Josephine FP 4-Mar-1964 Balagno 12 FP 9-Jan-1963 10 FP 21-Aug-1963 2 FP 14-Aug-1963 16 Rhoda Mae Peters Annie 6 May 1880 Louise Beavan Comox Beverley June Widen FP 1-Mar-1961 10 FP 5-Jun-1963 2 John Edwin M Willow Point BECK BECK (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 21-Mar-1962 2 FP 11-Dec-1963 3 BECK (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 5-Feb-1964 BECK Gloria Catherine M St. John's Anglican BECK Marjorie Katherine M Nanaimo M Hammond, BC FP 22-Aug-1962 6a 2 Theodore Francis FP 2-May-1962 3 Tinga Joseph Maurice FP 7-Aug-1963 2 Dube Mrs. Ida MacCulloc FP 23-Aug-1961 2 h BEDFORD Charles Bernard Michael Birth Saskatoon FP 18-Jan-1961 2 BEDUZ BEECH BEECH BEECH (girl) (boy) (girl) (girl) Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP Birth Birth Birth Birth Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Bertram Bearman, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. H. Bearman, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Malcolm Beaton, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Malcolm Beaton, RCAF Comox Born in Glasgow, Scotland, first policeman in Courtenay, father of Jo-Ann Philpot of El Paso, Texas 25th wedding anniversary, residents of GLACier View Road, guests listed Son of F/O and Mrs. E. Beauchesne, RCAF Comox (incorrectly published as a dtr last week) Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. E. Beauchesne, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Edmond R. Beaudon of Merville FP 25-Sep-1963 8 BEBENEK BECKENSELL A. T. Info/Kin 2-Sep-1964 21-Jul-1965 1-Mar-1961 27-Sep-1961 3 5 12 8 Born in Hertfordshire, England, father of Paul and Rodney, broo Robert, Mrs. A.J. Abbott and Mrs. M. Hichelin, service in West Saanich, St. Michael and All Angels Church, bur. church cemetery Son of M/M J. Bebeneck of Courtenay Son of Mrs. Joe Bebenek and late Mr. Bebenek of Saskatchewan Son of LAC/Mrs. Maxwell Beck, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. M. Beck, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Harold Beck of RR1 Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Gunnar W. Beck of Courtenay, engagement announced 21 Mar page 12 Dtr/o Mrs. John Dawson of Courtenay and the late William Beck Performed by Rev. J.R. Gostelow of United Church Son of M/M B.N. Bedford, nee Sylvia Sacht Dtr/o M/M Louis Beduz of Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. Stanley Beech of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Thomas Beech of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Oscar Beech of Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Donald Larson Date Page BEECH Beverly Florence M Sandwick Anglican BEECH Diane Jean Birth Duncan Kathleen Mary Warriner FP 21-Jun-1961 2 FP 18-Apr-1962 3 FP 21-Oct-1964 B8 FP 20-May-1964 16 BEECH George Robert M BEECH Stanley Arthur M Courtenay, St. George's Donna Jean Walker BEECH William Edward M Sandwick Anglican Linda May FP 14-Jul-1965 Corbett BEECHER Frederick Lyman Death Victoria BEECHER William M Vancouver BEHAN BEHAN (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox BEHAN Joseph Francis M Can. Martyrs RC church BEHEN (girl) Birth Comox BEKETOV Nicholas A. Death Vancouver BELL (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 25-Oct-1961 2 BELL (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 29-Nov-1961 2 FP 6-Dec-1961 B8 14 Katherine FP 22-Apr-1964 14 Beketov BELL (boy) Birth Half Moon Bay, California BELL (boy) Birth Comox FP 23-Jun-1965 5 BELL (boy) Death Comox FP 21-Jun-1961 2 BELL (girl) Birth FP 26-Sep-1962 10 Comox Dtr/o M/M Stan Beech, nee Donna Walker, of Nitinat, gdtr of M/M Peter Sprout of Headquarters, 7 lb 11.5 oz Son of M/M Arthur Stanley Beech of Nitinat, BC, engagement announced 31 Jan page 15 Son of Mr./Mrs. Oscar Beech of Grantham, engagement announced 16 June page 10 Born in Connecticut, former resident, father of Denys Margaret FP 17-Nov-1965 B10 and Prudence, service at Christ Church Cathedral, bur Wilkinson in family plot Peggy Son of M/M H. Beecher of Kamloops D.M. FP 15-Apr-1964 2 Brady FP 21-Mar-1962 2 Son of M/M Thomas Behan of Fanny Bay FP 5-Aug-1964 16 Dtr/o M/M J. Behan of Courtenay Son of M/M Pat Behan Sr. of Powell River, engagement Patricia announced 24 Jan page 14 Catherine FP 7-Mar-1962 10 Schmidt FP 8-Feb-1961 age 73 Dtr/o M/M Oscar Beech of Grantham Son of M/M W.J. Beech of Campbell River Courtenay, Foursquare church age 89 Info/Kin 2 Dtr/o M/M Thomas Behen of Fanny Bay Born in Russia, father of Mrs. Leonard A. Thorpe of Courtenay, Mrs. Stuart Brockett and Paul, service in Victoria, bur. off Race Rocks Son of M/M David Bell Jr. of Cumberland Son of M/M Alan Bell Son of M/M M. Bell, nee Joan Ellis, grandson of M/M George H. Ellis of Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. F. Bell of Courtenay Son of M/M Wm R. Bell of RR1 Cumberland, stillborn Dtr/o M/M D. Bell of Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page BELL (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 8-Jul-1964 13 BELL Danette Doreen Birth Cumberland FP 1-Mar-1961 12 BELL Daniel Bain Death Comox age 85 Eliza Joudrey FP 8-Mar-1961 10 BELL David Wishart Death Cumberland age 79 Helen Clark Ramsay FP 8-Jan-1964 14 BELL Fern Dickie Death Oyster River age 17 BELL Gordon Basil M Cumberland, Holy Trinity BELL Helen Elizabeth M Cumberland United Church Chr St. Peter's Anglican, Comox BELL Neil McKenzie BELL Robert Aaron Death Fanny Bay BELL Robert Bruce Birth FP 28-Nov-1962 1 Kathleen Hannah Tarbell Lyle Orville York age 7 months age 41 FP 26-Jun-1963 12 FP 14-Aug-1963 B4 1 BELL Sharon Lynne M Cumberland, Holy Trinity BENNETT (boy) Birth Campbell River FP 19-Feb-1964 16 BENNETT (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 3-Mar-1965 BENNETT (girl) Birth Comox BENNETT Joanne Alyda M West Vancouver FP 8-Apr-1964 7 11 FP 30-Sep-1964 10 John Malcolm Shanks Dtr/o M/M Dan J. Bell of Courtenay Born in Pictou, Nova Scotia, father of Obby, Gordon and Beryl, wife died 1954, siblings also named, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Born in Dumferline, Scotland, father of James, David and Alex, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Car accident, resident of Courtenay, dtr/o Alexander and Olive Bell, born in St. Johns, Quebec. See obituary on page 2, service at St. John's Anglican Church, Piercy FH. See 13 Feb 1963 page 1, inquest 2 FP 15-Apr-1964 6 Austin Wilfred Littler Dtr/o M/M Wm R. Bell of RR1 Cumberland Son of late M/M Daniel Bain Bell of Courtenay FP 4-Sep-1963 Ennis May FP 28-Jul-1965 Rutherford Comox Info/Kin FP 29-May-1963 5 Dtr/o M/M David Bell Jr. of Cumberland, engagement announced 15 May page 14 Son of M/M M. Bell of San Francisco, grandson of M/M G.K. Ellis Found dead at cabin, inquest, born in Winnipeg, stationed at RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Ken Bell of Comox Dtr/o M/M M.R. Bell of Cumberland, engagement announced 4 Mar page 12 Son of M/M Kenneth Bennett of Campbell River Son of Mr./Mrs. Stanley Bennett of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M H. Bennett of Courtenay Dtr/o Mrs. H. Macro of Powell River and the late William Bennett of Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Nanaimo, Brechin United Comox Joseph Manzini Date Page BENNETT Margaret Roberta M BENNIE (girl) Birth BENNIE Dawn Elaine Chr BENNIE James Whyte Death Cumberland age 65 BENNIE Roberta Eileen M BENOIT (girl) Birth BENOIT Linda Marlene Death Comox BENSON (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 22-Nov-1961 16 BERG BERG (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 14-Jul-1965 3 FP 13-Nov-1963 16 BERGENER Elsie Death Comox BERKELEY (boy) Birth Comox BERKELEY Jack M St. Andrew's church BERNIER (boy) Birth Comox Courtenay, age 3 months St. George's Vananda, Texada Island Comox James W. M BERRY Raymond Barrett Death Vancouver BERSEY Allan M BesMARGIAN Jacques Joseph M BESTON John 2 FP 4-Jan-1961 2 Emily Bennie FP 20-Jan-1965 12 Gregory Allan Avaizoff FP 2-Dec-1964 born 22 Oct 1961 age 75 5 single FP 29-Nov-1961 3a FP 10-Apr-1963 B6 FP 7-Jul-1965 Jean Crockett 12 FP 15-Jan-1964 3 FP 12-Feb-1964 2 age 68 Can. Martyrs RC church Death Courtenay FP 7-Mar-1962 FP 25-Oct-1961 2 Denman Island BERRY FP 10-Jan-1962 3 Anna Marie Grieder Madeline Mayne Arlene Beam FP 6-Oct-1965 B8 FP 27-Jan-1965 6 FP 2-Jun-1965 11 Irene Mary FP 11-Dec-1963 3 Pardiac age 78 Catherine FP 16-May-1962 1 Barrett Info/Kin Dtr/o M/M T.R.G. Bennett of Victoria, formerly of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M William Bennie of Royston Dtr/o M/M William Bennie christened, gdtr of M/M G.W. Brown and M/M W. Bennie Born in Nanaimo, father of Robert and James, bro/o Edna Peters, Robert and William, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Dtr/o M/M Jack Bennie of Vananda, formerly of Cumberland Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Jean Roger Benoit, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Jean Roger Benoit and Phyllis Mary Tidy, service at Piercy's FH, cremation Son of M/M William Benson of Cumberland Son of Mr./Mrs. Dennis Berg of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Dennis Berg of Courtenay Native of Switzerland, resident of Denman Island, sis/o Christian, service and burial on Denman (Piercy FH) Son of Mr./Mrs. R. Berkeley of Courtenay 25th wedding anniversary, son of Lance Berkeley, grandson of John Bekeley, grt grandson of William Harmston Son of Cpl/Mrs. G. Bernier, RCAF Comox Son of Mrs. Smith of Victoria, grandson of Mr./Mrs. W. Richardson of Alberni Born in England, formerly of Seal Bay, resident of Aldergrove, father of Peter and Michael Resident of Courtenay, engagement announced 7 June page 11 Son of M/M Joseph BesMargian of Warwick, Quebec, stationed at Penhold, Alberta Born in Tipperary, Ireland, heart attack. See obituary on page 12, father of John (died 1944), P.J., J.E., J.R. and Mike, service at Can. Martyrs church, bur. Cumberland cemetery (Piercy's FH) Surname BETCHER Givens Gordon Lyle Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page M Nanaimo MargaretAnn FP 19-Aug-1964 B7 Jordan Toppenish, Washington Sandra Joann Henton Robert Elwood M BEVERIDGE John Bell Death Vancouver BIBBS Andrew Chr Cumberland, age 16 months Holy Trinity FP 1-Mar-1961 BICKLE BICKLE (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 10-Mar-1965 12 FP 24-Jan-1962 2 age 90 FP 18-Oct-1961 2 Lillian FP 13-Sep-1961 14 Olga Vick Sarah Ann Piper and FP 8-Feb-1961 Eleanor Gladwin Edward William Death Victoria BICKLE Juli-ann M BICKLE Juli-ann M BICKNELL BIEBERDORF (girl) (girl) Birth Birth BIEBERDORF Julianna Death Comox BILLARD BILLARD BILLIE BILLS BILLWILLER BILLWILLER (boy) (girl) (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth BILLY Ernest Death Read Island age 22 FP 19-May-1965 1 BINGHAM (boy) Birth Comox FP 29-Nov-1961 2 BIRCHALL (boy) Birth North Vancouver FP 12-Aug-1964 2 1 Courtenay, St. John's John Gibson FP 28-Nov-1962 15 St. John's Anglican Comox Comox John Gibson FP 2-Jan-1963 2 FP 3-Jul-1963 FP 15-May-1963 7 Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Anton Theodore FP 4-Jul-1962 Bieberdorf 12 FP FP FP FP FP FP 3 2 5 7 14 2 24-Feb-1965 27-Nov-1963 23-Jun-1965 15-May-1963 16-Aug-1961 31-Jul-1963 Born in Scotland, father of John and James, brother of William, service at Edwards FH Son of Rev. and Mrs. H. Bibbs, officiating minister 12 BICKLE age 66 Son of Mrs. B. Betcher and the late Mr. A.E. Betcher of Courtenay, engagement announced 15 Jul page 14 Son of M/M G.E. Betts of Oyster Bay BETTS age 71 Info/Kin Son of Mr./Mrs. Philip E. Bickle of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Philip Bickle of Courtenay Born in Newcastle, England, owner of 3 theatres, former owner of Comox District Free Press, father of Edith (dec'd), Edward W.T., Eva, Olive and Beatrice, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Sandwick Anglican cemetery Dtr/o M/M E.W.T. Bickle of Courtenay, engagement announced 28 Nov page 15 Dtr/o M/M E.W.T. Bickle of Courtenay, engagement announced 28 Nov page 15 Dtr/o Sgt/Mrs. Ivan Bicknell, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Charles Bieberdorf of Courtenay Born in Russia, nee Tesch, husband dec'd, mother of Theodore, Charles, Mrs. F. McLaughlin and Mrs. Otto Winnig, service at Faith Lutheran church, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of Cpl/Mrs. Lloyd Billard, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. P. Billard, RCAF Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. Emerson Billie of Courtenay Son of M/M Ashley Bills of Courtenay Son of LAC/Mrs. James Billwiller, RCAF Dtr/o M/M J.A. Billwiller, RCAF Comox Missing and believed drowned after fishing trawler found submerged Son of M/M Robert Bingham of Courtenay Son of M/M John Birchall Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper BIRCHALL Arthur Death Comox BIRD BIRNIE (girl) (boy) Birth Birth BIRTWISTLE Margaret Isabel Death Comox BISHOP BISHOP BISHOP (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox BISHOP Floence May Death Comox, The age 78 Fort BISHOP Ward Lloyd M Victoria BISSETT George Melvin M BLACK BLACK (boy) (boy) Birth Birth BLACK Helen Lindsay M Dunbar Heights U.C. BLACKBURN BLACKBURN (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Victoria BLACKBURN Marjorie Eveleen Death Comox BLACKHALL Harry M BLAKE Margaret BLANEY Corena age 51 Mavis Devlin FP 1-Jan-1964 Fergusson Comox Comox Page 5 FP 4-Apr-1962 2 FP 17-Oct-1962 2 29-Jul-15 Walter R. FP 5-Apr-1961 Birtwistle 14 FP 4-Sep-1963 2 FP 31-Jan-1962 2 FP 25-Aug-1965 11 Ladner United Church Comox Comox Cobble Stone Death Creek, Poway, California Campbell Death River Date Robert Wolford Bishop Martha Jane Atkinson Wendy Marie Hagen FP 24-Jan-1962 14 FP 29-Apr-1964 8 FP 29-Aug-1962 8 FP 15-Feb-1961 8 FP 12-Jun-1963 2 age 68 Austin BLACkbur FP 14-Oct-1964 9 n Mabel FP 2-Jan-1963 10 Kerr FP 10-Jul-1963 age 2 Born in England, father of John and Gail, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. George Bird, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Ian Birnie of Courtenay Born in Winnipeg, dtr/o M/M Charles Yockney, mother of Robert and Howard, service at St. Peter's Anglican, Comox, cremation. See list of floral tributes Son of LAC/Mrs. Leonard Bishop, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Sgt/Mrs. Donald Bishop, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Leonard Bishop, RCAF Comox Born at Smith Falls, Ontario, nee Johnston, service and burial in Campbell River. See obituary on page 14, mother of Leta, Marguretta, Keetha and Helen Son of late M/M Arthur A. Bishop FP 12-Aug-1964 14 FP 4-Mar-1964 2 FP 12-Aug-1964 2 William John Moore Info/Kin Son of M/M Melvin G. Bissett of Trossachs, Sask., engagement announced 22 Jan page 12 Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. R. BLACk, RCAF Courtenay Son of LAC/Mrs. G. Blackof Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Albert F. Blackof Vancouver, engagement announced 11 Jul page 12 Son of M/M Gordon BLACkburn of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Fred BLACkburn Born in Calgary, nee Janes, mother of Gordon, Fred, Dorothy, Eveleen and Bernice, other family named, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery 50th wedding anniversary celebrated, parents of Gordon and Mrs. H.L. Chambers, guests listed Born in Comox Valley, dtr/o Mrs. J. Bergsma, service at Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Poway 3 FP 10-Apr-1963 10 Died in house fire, dtr/o Jim and Nora Blaney of No. 10 Indian Reserve near White Rock Pass Surname BLASECKIE Givens Betty Pearl Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper M Victoria, Naden Anglican chapel BLIGHT Fanny Death Comox BLINSTON Edward Alan M Vancouver BLIZZARD (boy) Birth Comox BLOCK Carlotta Emma Death Victoria BLOME Linda May M BLOMQUIST BLOMQUIST (girl) (girl) Birth Birth BLOMQUIST Dorothy Death Courtenay BLOMQUIST Eric John M Cumberland United Church James Edward age 87 age 83 Cumberland United Church Comox Comox BLUE Daniel M Courtenay, St. George's BLUNDY Margaret Ann M St. Peter's Church BLYTH Donald George M Clinton, BC BLYTHE BOAN (boy) (boy) Birth Birth BOARDMAN (girl) Birth Comox Comox North Burnaby Date Page FP 29-Nov-1961 2a Arthur Wesley Blight FP 30-Dec-1964 8 Barbara Eleanor Onysko FP 11-Sep-1963 3 FP 4-Jul-1962 2 Lewis Block FP 26-Jul-1961 14 Beverley John Ward FP 30-Jun-1965 C4 Forta FP 21-Aug-1963 10 Blomquist Janet Isabelle Logan Elizabeth Nancy McCubbin g Colin Archie Watson Victoria Helen Buziak Dtr/o Mrs. Pearl Blaseckie of Oyster Bay and late Nick Blaseckie Born in Yorkshire, England, nee Kerton, sis/o Mrs. E.G. Everett, Mrs. J. Catchpole, John, Albert and Fred Kerton, service at Comox United Church, bur. Courtenay cemetery (Piercy FH) Son of M/M Harold Blinston of Courtenay Son of Cpl/Mrs. A. Blizzard, RCAF Comox Born at Brookville, Nova Scotia, nee Hatfield, mother of Mary Robert Hamill, sis/o Berton Hatfield of Comox and Arthur Seaman Hatfield, service at Emmanuel Baptist Church, bur. Royal Oak Burial Park Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Michael Soganic of Cumberland FP 8-Aug-1962 2 FP 13-May-1964 2 age 29 Info/Kin FP 4-Oct-1961 Dtr/o M/M E. Blomquist of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Carl Blomquist of Courtenay Born in Isley, Alberta, dtr/o M/M William King, husband dec'd, mother of Mark and Jeanette, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M E. Blomquist of Courtenay 2 Son of M/M Malcolm Blue of Abbotsford, engagement announced 22 Jan page 12 FP 4-Mar-1964 5 FP 2-Sep-1964 B3 FP 14-Jul-1965 Son of George and the late Dorothy Blyth of White B10 Rock, engagement announced 9 June page 11 FP 18-Jul-1962 2 FP 25-Nov-1964 7 FP 1-Mar-1961 12 Dtr/o Mrs. Clarence Blundy and the late Mr. Blundy of Sarnia Son of M/M R. Blythe of Royston Son of Cst/Mrs. David Boan of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Kenneth Boardman, nee Margaret Anne Burns Surname BODNER Givens Edward Stephen Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper M Shirley Emily Liesch Courtenay, St. George's Page FP 5-Sep-1962 5 FP 15-Jul-1964 3 BOERWINKEL William Death Qualicum BOFFY Mary G. Death Santa Clara, California BOGART BOGLE BOGLE BOHN (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox BOHN Karen Elizabeth M Union Bay United Church James Arthur Barry Jr. Roland Edward FP 14-Oct-1964 B4 McQuillan BOHN Patricia Lillian M Union Bay United Church BOHN Roy Frederick M Francioli home BOLAND Emma Mary M RCAF RC Chapel BOMBACK (girl) Birth Comox age 63 Date Edward Boffy FP 20-Feb-1963 12 FP FP FP FP Mary Louise Francioli John Joseph White 3-May-1961 11-Jul-1962 4-Sep-1963 29-Sep-1965 FP 1-Sep-1965 FP 1-Apr-1964 14 2 2 9 Victoria, First United BONE Judith Pauline M BONO (girl) Birth BONO Angela Jean Chr BONO Jessie Veronica Death Nanaimo age 49 BOOBYER Iza Hayden Death Vancouver age 74 Comox Cumberland United age 1 year Church Son of M/M Bodner of New Westminster, engagement announced 1 Aug page 14 Born in Holland, resident of Comox, no children, siblings not named, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Former resident, mother of Robert, service at H.F. Suhr FH, bur. Holy Cross cemetery, Santa Clara Son of M/M Howard Bogart of Courtenay Son of F/O and Mrs. Thomas Bogle, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Thomas Bogle, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. William Bohn of Union Bay Dtr/o M/M Paul Bohn of Union Bay B8 2 FP 17-May-1961 3 FP 27-May-1964 2 Victor Ronald Woods Info/Kin Dtr/o M/M Paul Bohn of Union Bay Son of M/M P. Bohn of Union Bay, engagement announced 4 Mar page 12 Dtr/o Mrs. Francis Boland of Cape Broyle, Newfoundland Dtr/o M/M Lawrence Bomback of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M W.R. Bone of Victoria FP 10-Jan-1962 5 FP 24-May-1961 2 FP 30-May-1962 10 Dtr/o M/M Edward Bono of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Edward Bono of Cumberland, grdtr of M/M Angelo Bono and Reginald Windley Victor Bono FP 21-Oct-1964 5 Nee Harvie, born at Bevan, mother of Rodney, service at St. John's RC, bur. Cumberland cemetery (Piercy FH) Walter Boobyer FP 11-Dec-1963 3 Nee Swan, born on Denman Island, mother of Beulah, Bernice, Gwen and Vi, service and burial on Denman Island (Piercy FH) Surname BOOTH Givens Vera Jeanne Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Death Date Page Info/Kin Nee Sharland, first husband Kenneth Osler died in FP 10-Sep-1964 B10 WW2, mother of Heather and Deborah Osler in London Durban, South Africa BOOTHMAN Arthur Edwin Death Cumberland age 77 BORDIAN Jackie Rose Death Campbell River BORGFJORD Ronald Sigurjon M Hope, BC BORLAND (girl) Birth Comox BORTOLETTO (boy) Birth Cumberland age 3 FP 1-Mar-1961 10 FP 15-Jul-1964 B7 Patricia Maralyne FP 4-Apr-1962 Knipe FP 3-Mar-1965 Born at Wesmelton, Yorkshire, England, brother of Gertrude Somerville, Joseph, Sam, Bill and Walter, service at Cumberland United Church, bur. Cumberland cemetery, Sutton's FH Dtr/o M/M Ken Bordian, born in Port Alberni, service and burial in Campbell River Son of M/M J. Borgfjord of Willow Point 13 11 FP 29-Apr-1964 2 BORTOLETTO Louis Death Loughborou age 31 gh Inlet Dorothy FP 29-Jul-1964 Thomson BOS Sharon M Victoria James Smith FP 14-Nov-1962 15 BOSKILL Francis William Death Cumberland age 78 Jessie Boskill FP 21-Jul-1965 1 Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. David Borland, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Louis Bortoletto of Cumberland Logging truck accident, born in Vancouver, father of seven, service at Cumberland United Church, bur. Cumberland cemetery, inquest called. See obituary 5 Aug page 16, father of Sharlene, Patti, Cindy, Trudy, Tammy, Shane and Buddy, step family also named BOSOMWORTH(boy) Birth Comox FP 19-Apr-1961 9 BOSOMWORTH(boy) BOSOMWORTH(girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 2-Sep-1964 3 FP 27-Feb-1963 14 BOSOMWORTHBeverley Kathleen M Red Deer, Alberta Elmer John Loyek FP 22-Aug-1962 Dtr/o M/M P. Bos of Courtenay, engagement announced 14 Nov page 15 Born in Port Hope, Ontario, father of William, Mrs. Leslie Labarge, Mrs. George McKay and muriel, service at Piercy FH, cremation Son of M/M Innes Bosomworth, nee Diane Ellis, of Courtenay Son of M/M Innes Bosomworth Dtr/o M/M Innes Bosomworth of Comox Dtr/o M/M Jack Bosomworth of Red Deer, formerly of Comox BOSOMWORTHSharon Marie Ruth M Red Deer, Alberta Earl Roy Hadley FP 18-Sep-1963 3 Dtr/o M/M John Bosomworth of Red Deer, formerly of Comox BOSSOM M St. John's Anglican Dorothea FP 12-Feb-1964 3 Diane Law M St. John's Anglican Frances Helen FP 17-Jan-1962 2 McRobbie BOSSOM Alec F. Roy Herbert 9 Son of M/M Fred Bossom of Courtenay, engagement announced 15 Jan page 12 Son of M/M F. A. Bossom of Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page BOUCHARD Sylvia Marguerite M Cumberland, St. John's RC BOUCHER Mary Whitton M Victoria BOUDREAU (boy) Birth Comox FP 22-Apr-1964 2 BOULTON (boy) Birth Comox FP 26-Apr-1961 16 BOURASSA (boy) BOURGET BOUTET (girl) (boy) BOUTILIER Arnold BOWBRICK Arthur James BOWDEN Clara Ann BOWDEN William John Halls Campbell River Birth Comox Birth Comox Campbell M River Anglican South Death Burnaby Edward Walters FP 19-Apr-1961 10 John Jeffrey FP 22-Aug-1962 2 Birth FP 11-Jan-1961 14 FP 6-Jan-1965 B2 FP 27-Sep-1961 8 age 85 Death Cumberland age 78 Birth Sharon Joy Fearing Ella Tyndle William J.H. Bowden South Hutton, Durham, England BOWDEN William John Halls Death Cumberland age 85 Clara Grey BOWDEN William John Halls M Nanaimo Clara Grey BOWE (girl) Birth Comox BOWEN Judy M BOWEN William George M BOWIE BOWMAN (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Cumberland United Church Comox Comox FP 2-Jan-1963 FP 29-Mar-1961 14 FP 1-May-1963 13 FP 2-Sep-1964 B11 FP FP FP Harold Chickite Laura Janet Clark 11 FP Info/Kin Dtr/o M/M Wilfred A. Bouchard of Cumberland, engagement announced 12 Apr page 12 Dtr/o M/M Peter Bell of Victoria Son of M/M Leo Boudreau of Courtenay Son of F/O and Mrs. John Graham Boulton, RCAF Comox Son of M/M John Bourassa of Campbell River (Willow Point news) Dtr/o lac/Mrs. Guy Bourget, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Gerry Boutet of Courtenay Son of Mrs. Hazel Boutilier and late Mr. Boutilier of Nova Scotia Born in London, England, father of John, Alfred and Laura, service at Baptist Church, Royal Oak Born in Seghill, Northumberland, England, dtr/o M/M John Gray, mother of Winnie, Louise, Emily, Mildred and Wilfred, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Celebrating 85th birthday in Union Bay Born in South Hutton, Durham, England, resident of Union Bay, father of James, Winnie, Louise, Emily and 13-Jan-1965 B2 Mildred, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Marriage date and spouse mentioned in writeup of 85th 2-Sep-1964 B11 birthday 27-Jun-1962 2 Dtr/o M/M A. Bowe of Courtenay Shower Guest, recently married, dtr/o Mrs. Ron Bowen 8-Feb-1961 2 Son of M/M William Bowen of Ponoka, Alberta FP 7-Oct-1964 5 FP 5-Aug-1964 16 FP 27-Jun-1962 2 Son of M/M Ian Bowie of Courtenay Dtr/o S/L and Mrs. Harold Bowman, RCAF Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Roberta Ann FP 6-Nov-1963 Easterbro ok FP 1-Nov-1961 Page Son of M/M William Boyd of Cumberland BOYD Barry Eugene M Boyd home BRABBINS (boy) Birth Comox BRACCONIDA (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 11-Sep-1963 2 BRACONNIER (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 24-Feb-1965 3 BRADBURY Karen M Courtenay, St. John's BRADFORD Alfred Arthur Death Comox BRADLEY (boy) Birth BRADLEY Boagart B. Death Courtenay age 71 James Leslie Vaton Margit Edin Comox FP 3-Apr-1963 6 2 3 FP 30-Sep-1964 8 FP 22-May-1963 16 age 59 Ilo Jean FP 15-Sep-1965 1 McDonald Alice Bradley BRADLEY Frank Death Cumberland age 56 BRADLEY Jack M BRADLEY Joseph Edmund Death Vancouver BRADY Peggy D.M. M Vancouver BRAES Lawrence James Birth Vancouver FP 22-Apr-1964 2 BRAESICKE (girl) Birth Comox FP 20-Sep-1961 2 BRAHAM (girl) Birth Comox Victoria BRAMMALL William George Death Comox BRANCHI (boy) Birth BRANDBACK Alma Josephine Helena Death Fanny Bay BRASS BRAUN (boy) (boy) Birth Birth age 57 FP 20-Jan-1965 5 age 73 Comox Comox Comox FP 29-Jan-1964 14 Betty FP 2-Aug-1961 2 Reimer Hilda Lyle FP 31-Oct-1962 9 Kennedy William FP 15-Apr-1964 2 Beecher Rose Alice Hodkin FP 11-Dec-1963 3 FP 8-Nov-1961 age 57 Info/Kin 2 Leonard FP 15-Jan-1964 12 Brandback FP 19-Dec-1962 2 FP 21-Feb-1962 10 Son of Cpl/Mrs. Morris Brabbins, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Gilbert Bracconida of Cumberland Son of Mr./Mrs. Hector Braconnier of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Geo. E. Bradbury of Courtenay, engagement announced 6 Mar page 10 Born in Keithley, England, resident of Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Brock Bradley, RCAF Comox Accident on Comox logging road, was with motorcade between Alberni and Courtenay, resident of Alberni Born in Cumberland, father of Darlene and Donna, bro/o Captain Jack Bradley of Buckley Bay, service at Cumberland Anglican church, bur. Cumberland cemetery (Piercy FH) Son of Capt. and Mrs. Jack Bradley of Buckley Bay Born in England, resident of Edmonton, brother of Herb Bradley of Courtenay, funeral in Edmonton Dtr/o M/M E. Ellik of Comox Son of M/M James Braes, 8 lb 5 oz Dtr/o First Lt. and Mrs. Gayle Braesicke, RCAF (USAF) Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Richard D. Graham of Comox Born Montreal, Quebec, wife dec'd, father of George and Alice, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M Constantine Branchi of Fanny Bay Born near Seattle, mother of Richard and Helen, mother and other family in Finland, service at Sutton FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of LAC/Mrs. B. Brass, RCAF Comox Son of M/M H. Braun of Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page BRAY Elizabeth Anne Chr Winnipeg, Manitoba BRAY Garth McLenehan M Winnipeg, Manitoba BRAZIER Robert Thomas Death Gold River BREEZE John Francis Death Richmond, BC BREGG (boy) BREGG (boy) BREITKREUTZ (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox BRENNAN Patricia Elizabeth M Parksville BRETHOUR Carolyn Mae M BRETON BRETON (girl) (girl) Birth Birth BRIDDEN Jesse Death Comox BRIERE BRIGGS BRIGGS (girl) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox FP 25-Oct-1961 2 FP 1-Feb-1961 14 FP 23-Jan-1963 16 BRIGGS (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 20-Mar-1963 2 BRIGGS (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 24-May-1961 2 BRIGGS (girl) Birth FP 1-Apr-1964 BRIGGS Marilynne M BRIGGS Michele Birth Victoria Cumberland United Church Victoria BRINKMANN Carl Albert Death Comox age 6 weeks FP 5-Jun-1963 3 Vega Mary Stubbs FP 4-Jul-1962 3 age 22 single FP 15-Feb-1961 14 age 88 Mary Breeze FP 24-May-1961 12 FP 8-Aug-1962 2 FP 9-Oct-1963 2 FP 30-Aug-1961 2 George Kenneth FP 12-Sep-1962 11 Dunsmore Campbell River, St. Peter's Comox Comox Edward Bernard Visser FP 1-May-1963 10 FP 18-Apr-1962 2 FP 4-Sep-1963 2 age 76 FP 1-Mar-1961 Clifford Toft 14 FP 21-Nov-1962 6 FP 9-May-1962 age 70 10 9 Marta Eliza FP 21-Mar-1962 9 Schneider Info/Kin Dtr/o Dr. and Mrs. Garth M. Bray, gdtr of M/M G.W. Stubbs of Courtenay and M/M Jack Bray of Lenore, Manitoba Son of M/M J. Bray of Lenore, Manitoba, engagement announced 23 May page 14 Son of James and Rosina Brazier, Card of Thanks from M/M Brazier and grandmother Mrs. T.H. Brazier Wife Mary resides White Rock, father of Mrs. W.B. Davidson, bro/o W.G. Breeze, service at Chapel of Chimes, Vancouver, bur. Mountain View cemetery Son of LAC/Mrs. M. Bregg, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Melvin K. Bregg, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Erwin Breitkreutz, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M B. Brennan of Parksville Dtr/o M/M Moran Brethour of Tahsis, engagement announced 10 Apr page 12 Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Bernard Breton, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Paul Breton, RCAF Comox Born in England. Former road foreman at Massett, wife and 3 sons, service at Can. Martyrs RC, Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Claude Briere, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Roy Briggs of Courtenay Son of M/M Roy Briggs of Courtenay Son of M/M Donald Briggs of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Donald Briggs of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Tillman A. Briggs Dtr/o M/M Henry Briggs, engagement announced 24 Oct page 15 Dtr/o M/M T.A. Briggs Born in Vettgein, Germany, father of Gisela Cryderman, service at Sutton's FH, cremation in Vancouver Surname BRISSARD Givens (boy) Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Birth Comox Date FP 2-Jan-1963 Margaret Anne Shark Margaret Anne Shark Page 2 BRITT Bruce Donald M Esquimalt FP 12-Dec-1962 14 BRITT Bruce Donald M Esquimalt, HMCS Naden BROCCONIER (girl) Birth Cumberland BRODRICK Charles Edward Death Bowser BROMLEY (girl) Birth BROUSE Irene Smith Death Comox BROWN (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 19-Jul-1961 BROWN (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 20-May-1964 16 BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP FP BROWN (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 6-Mar-1963 12 BROWN (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 8-May-1963 2 BROWN BROWN (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 9-Oct-1963 2 FP 23-Sep-1964 B5 BROWN Beverley Joan M Courtenay, St. George's BROWN Clarence Douglas Death Campbell River BROWN Colleen Lenora M New Westminster BROWN Egerton Percival Death Comox Mary Brodrick Comox Son of M/M Albert Britt of Winnipeg, Manitoba 2 FP 19-Jun-1963 12 FP 18-Jan-1961 2 age 65 Ivan E. Brouse George Robert Green age 39 FP 28-Mar-1962 2 12-Aug-1964 9-Jun-1965 7-Jul-1965 7-Jun-1961 19-Jul-1961 2 2 12 12 10 2 Jean Mary FP 14-Nov-1962 16 Rich Mabel May Brown Dtr/o M/M Gilbert Brocconier of Cumberland Born in Yorkshire, England, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. Robert Bromley, RCAF Comox Born at Sandwick, dtr/o Richard and Charlotte Smith, divorced, sister of Edith, Charles and Wilfred, service at Sutton's FH, cremation Son of M/M Robert Brown, nee Joyce Hart, of Lac la Hache Son of M/M Robert Brown of Lac La Hache Son of M/M J. Brown of Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. Andrew Brown of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. Glen Brown of Comox Dtr/o M/M Bernard Brown of Courtenay Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. James Brown, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Bert Brown of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Robert Brown, nee Joyce Hart, of Lac la Hache, BC Dtr/o M/M Larry Brown of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Harvey Brown of Royston Dtr/o M/M R.H. Brown of Cumberland FP 12-Dec-1962 5a Norman FP 27-Feb-1963 9 Lewis Hill age 72 Son of M/M Charles Brissard of Courtenay Son of M/M D. Britt of Winnipeg, Manitoba, engagement announced 12 Dec page 14 FP 30-Jan-1963 2 FP 11-Jul-1962 age 72 Info/Kin FP 24-Jan-1962 14 Born in Acme, Alberta, resident of Willow Point, service and burial in Campbell River Dtr/o M/M Stan Brown of Princeton Born in Port Granby, Ontario, father of Edna, Lesseal, Alverda and Egelene, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page Nellie Anne Zondag FP 8-Apr-1964 5 Ellen Brown FP 7-Feb-1962 12 Derrick George Tobacco FP 12-Jul-1961 3 age 74 Egerton Percival Brown FP 13-May-1964 5 Death Nanaimo age 81 John Wesley Brown FP 5-Aug-1964 16 Robert Death Victoria age 74 Anne Brown FP 7-Oct-1964 B1 BROWN Thomas Joseph Death Comox age 56 Ruby Brown FP 17-May-1961 14 BROWN Walter Death Burnaby FP 27-Mar-1963 10 BROWNRIGG (boy) Birth Comox FP 3-Mar-1965 11 BRUINSMA (boy) Birth Vancouver FP 9-Jan-1963 14 BRUINSMA (girl) Birth FP 8-Aug-1962 2 BRUINSMA Abe Earl M FP 1-Aug-1962 10 Goderick, Ontario BROWN James Gordon M BROWN John Death Penticton BROWN Katherine Anne M BROWN Mabel May Death Comox BROWN Mary Agnes BROWN age 77 Can. Martyrs RC church Cowichan Lake South Burnaby, St. Paul's Eileen May Young Hilda Joan FP 22-Jul-1964 Mudge FP 8-Aug-1962 Info/Kin Son of M/M James Brown of Royston, engagement announced 4 Mar page 12 Born in England, father of James, Andrew and Elizabeth, Gertrude and Hilda, service at Roselawn FH, Penticton, bur. soldiers' plot in Penticton Dtr/o Mrs. T.J. Brown and late Thomas Brown of Courtenay Born in Cobourg, Ontario, mother of Egelene, Edna, Lesscal and Alverda, service at Sutton FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Born at Gibraltar, nee Scannell, husband dec'd, mother of Ernest Brown of Comox, 3 sisters named, service at Can. Martyrs RC church, bur. Courtenay cemetery (Piercy FH) Born in Buckhaven, Fifeshire, Scotland, father of James, William, Robert, Bessie, Ann and Dot, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Born at Toronto, father of Tommy, Bert and Katherine, bro/o Morely and Bessie, service at Can. Martyrs church, bur. Courtenay cemetery Wife dec'd, father of Mrs. Margaret Marpole and Mrs. Dorothy Edmunds, service at T. Edwards Chapel, Vancouver, cremation Son of Cpl/Mrs. Murray Brownrigg, RCAF Comox Son of M/M A. Bruinsma of Vancouver Dtr/o M/M Tommy Bruinsma of Cowichan Lake Son of M/M J.M. Williamson of Cumberland, engagement announced 4 Jul page 12 Son of M/M W. Brulotte of Edmonton, Alberta BRULOTTE Guy Phillippe M Can. Martyrs RC church BRUON (girl) Birth Cumberland BRUON Mary Ellen M Cumberland, Holy Trinity John Michel Harrison B2 2 FP 26-Feb-1964 10 Dtr/o M/M Robert Bruon of RR1 Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Frank Bruon of Cumberland, engagement announced 29 Jan page 15 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper BRYAN (boy) Birth Comox BRYAN Robert Wayne M Victoria Page FP 9-Aug-1961 10 Heather Margaret FP 26-Aug-1964 B3 MacDonal d BRYAN Roy Denys Death Comox BRYDEN Laurie Anne M age 67 BRYDON Flora May Death Surrey BRYSON BRYSON (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox BUCHANAN Linda Mary M Cumberland, Holy Trinity BUCK Denis Alvari M BUCKLER BUELL BUFFET BUICK BUJOLD BUKER (boy) twin boys (boy) (girl) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Nanaimo, Brechin United Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox BULATOVICH (girl) Birth Kelowna BULATOVICH Dan M Annaheim, Saskatchew an BULATOVICH Michael Death Cumberland age 77 BULLEN BULLEN (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Cumberland United Church Comox Comox Date Barbara Bryan FP 31-Mar-1965 11 Raymond FP 3-Oct-1962 P. Harpell age 69 Robert Howie Brydon 12 FP 14-Nov-1962 14 FP 27-Sep-1961 8 FP 13-Jan-1965 C2 Conrad William Flebbe Marilyn Fay Pollock FP 21-Jul-1965 Son of M/M Gregory Bryan of Courtenay Son of M/M R.D. Bryan of Courtenay Born in Langdon, Alberta, former resident of Innisfail, father of Elaine, Iris, Millicent, Gregory, Patricia, John, Wayne, Ted and Barbara Ann, service at St. John's Anglican, bur Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M G.R. Bryden of Gartley Beach, Royston, engagement announced 15 Aug page 14 Formerly of Fanny Bay, husband dec'd, service at Cloverdale Anglican church, bur. Mount View cemetery Dtr/o M/M Albert Bryson of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Albert Bryson of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. John H. Buchanan of Cumberland, engagement announced 7 June page 11 Son of M/M Harry Buck of East Wellington FP 18-Jan-1961 2 FP FP FP FP FP FP 18-Nov-1964 7-Apr-1965 6-Oct-1965 5-May-1965 7-Jul-1965 1-Nov-1961 FP 1-Apr-1964 Lucille Margaret Dauk B5 Info/Kin 10 3 9 9 12 2 9 Son of LAC/Mrs. Richard Buckler, RCAF Comox Sons of LAC/Mrs. Robert Buell, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Wilson Buffet, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. R. Buick of Courtenay Son of LAC/Mrs. J. Bujold, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Phillip Buker, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M P. Bulatovich, sis/o Marcia, Laurie and Michael Formerly of Cumberland, parents not named FP 18-Sep-1963 3 Milka FP 21-Jul-1965 Bulatovich 5 FP 28-Feb-1962 16 FP 12-May-1965 5 Born in Yugoslavia, father of Donald and Peter, funeral arrangements pending Son of M/M Albert Bullen of Union Bay Son of Mr./Mrs. A. Bullen of Union Bay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper David D'Arcy Murphy Edward Laurence FP Deptford FP FP Arla Lynn FP Critchley FP Shirley Kathleen FP McFarlan FP Georgina Winnifred FP Scavarda Georgina FP Scavarda FP Judith Margaret M BUNTING Viola Dorothy M BURCHELL BURDEN (boy) (girl) Birth Birth BURDGE Robert Bruce M BURGESS (girl) Birth Campbell River, St. Peter's Comox Comox Edmonton, Alberta Comox BURGESS John Edward M Victoria BURKE (boy) Birth Comox BURKE Francis Kenneth M St. John's RC BURKE Kenneth M no Place BURLOCK (boy) Birth BURMEISTER Jutta Carola M Comox Courtenay, Faith Lutheran BURNETT Malcolm Death Nanaimo BURNETT Patricia Ann M Victoria BURNHAM BURNHAM (boy) (girl) Birth Birth BURNHAM Clinton Bruce Chr Comox Comox RCAF Protestant Chapel BURNHAM Lee Bruce M no Place BURNS (boy) Birth Ocean Falls, BC Page FP 26-Apr-1961 3a Dtr/o M/M Allan G. Bunting 29-Jul-1964 B3 25-Aug-1965 11 2-May-1962 2 18-Nov-1964 B2 31-Oct-1962 2 4-Nov-1964 14-Jun-1961 10 6-Dec-1961 9 31-May-1961 12 14-Jul-1965 Emily Louise FP 16-Dec-1964 Burnett Francis Alphonse FP 15-May-1963 Savoie FP 8-Aug-1962 FP 11-Mar-1964 age 2 months Barbara Ann Learie Son of LAC/Mrs. Melvin Burchell, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. Alex Burden, RCAF Comox Son of M/M F. Burdge of Merville Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. A.W. Burgess, RCAF Comox Son of George Burgess of Victoria B2 3 Donald C. FP 23-Jun-1965 C3 Moon age 85 Info/Kin Dtr/o M/M Matthew Bunten of Willow Point Campbell River United Church BUNTEN Date B2 Son of F/O and Mrs. Robert Burke, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Frank Burke of Charlottetown, PEI, engagement announced 31 May page 12 Son of Mrs. Frank Burke of Prince Edward Island, engagement announced 31 May page 12 Son of LAC/Mrs. W. Burlock, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Alfred Burmeister of Merville Born in Dorking, Surrey, England, father of Mrs. M. Pelto and Mrs. T. Boag, service at Sutton FH, cremation Dtr/o M/M Richard Burnett of Victoria B7 2 8 FP 24-Oct-1962 11 Son of LAC/Mrs. M.B. Burnham, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Morley Burnham, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. M. Burnham christened, grandson of M/M F.H. Burnham and M/M J.W. Leach FP 20-Sep-1961 4a Son of M/M Fred Burnham of Burnaby, engagement announcement 20 Sep page 4a FP 15-Nov-1961 2 Son of M/M Paddy Burns, nee Fay Gibson Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Page BURNS Margaret M RCAF Protestant Chapel BURNS Terrence M Courtenay, St. George's BURROUGHS (girl) Birth Comox BUTCHERS George Bunce Death Comox BUTCHERS Mrs. Amy M Parksville BUTLER BUTLER BUTLER (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox BUTLER Donald Thomas Death Courtenay BUTLER Maureen Karen M BUTTON Sharon Laurane M BUZIAK Victoria Helen M Clinton, BC BYE (boy) Birth Comox BYERS Florence Louise M Courtenay, St. George's BYERS Irene Viola M Courtenay, St. George's CAHILL (girl) Birth Comox Hugh John FP 6-Jun-1962 3 O'Donnell FP 31-Jan-1962 2 CAIL Bernice Ellen M Vancouver, St. Augustine's Charles Cecil Lovell CAIRNS John James Carrol Slater Helen Arlene Walker Date 3 age 81 Amy Butchers Son of Mrs. F.E. Burns of Courtenay FP 2-Jan-1963 Carl W. FP Anderson FP FP FP age 24 13 11-Aug-1965 B8 12-Dec-1962 2 9-Aug-1961 10 9-Jan-1963 14 Ellen Mare FP 31-Jan-1962 1 Karl Fisk FP 19-Jul-1961 9 Richard FP 18-Dec-1963 B2 W. Griffith Donald George Blyth FP 14-Jul-1965 Allen Gilbert FP 19-Sep-1962 3 Waterman age 71 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Alvin Burroughs of Royston Born in Somerset, England, father of Mrs. B.W. Olsen and Mrs. D.E. Davis, farmed on Nob Hill, service at Sutton's FH, cremation Widow of George Butchers, resident of Courtenay Son of F/L and Mrs. W. Butler, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Wilfred Butler, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M R. Butler of Comox From Timmins, Ontario, 3 men charged with manslaughter, brother Robert returned to Ontario with the body Dtr/o M/M Humphrey C. Butler of Mesachie Lake, gdtr of Mrs. Henry Thompson of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Roy Button of RCAF Comox, formerly of Saskatoon, Sask. Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. H.F. Buziak, engagement announced 9 B10 June page 11 FP 23-Jan-1963 16 Lena Cairns Dtr/o Mrs. Evelyn Burns of RR2 Courtenay, engagement announced 8 Jan page 13 FP 16-Dec-1964 B4 FP 24-Feb-1965 3 Mesachie Lake RCAF Protestant Chapel Death Courtenay FP 6-Feb-1963 Info/Kin Son of LAC/Mrs. W. Bye, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M C. Byers of Courtenay, engagement announced 8 Aug page 14 Dtr/o M/M C. Byers of Courtenay, engagement announced 18 Apr page 13 Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Joseph Cahill, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M E.L. Cail of Vancouver, formerly of district FP 13-Jun-1962 3 FP 13-Mar-1963 2 Born in Fifeshire, Scotland, pioneer family, father of James, Stanley, Eileen and Hilda. Son Jackie dec'd. Service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery. Another obituary 27 March page 5 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page CAITHNESS (boy) Birth Comox FP 19-Jul-1961 2 CAITHNESS CALJOUW CALLOWAY (girl) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox FP 2-Jan-1963 FP 8-Nov-1961 FP 8-Dec-1965 2 2 B3 CALNAN Edna Death Cumberland age 77 CALVERT CALVERT CAMERON CAMERON CAMERON (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth CAMERON John Death Victoria CAMERON John Alexander M Courtenay, St. George's CAMERON Lila Marie Birth Comox CAMERON Lola Death Calgary, Alberta age 47 Peter FP 29-Jul-1964 Cameron CAMERON Margaret Olivia Isobel Death Gartley Beach age 64 John FP 31-Jan-1962 1 Cameron CAMERON twin girls Birth Comox FP 4-Jul-1962 CAMILLERI (girl) Birth Comox FP 13-Jun-1962 2 CAMPBELL (boy) Birth Powell River FP 2-Aug-1961 13 CAMPBELL (girl) Birth Comox FP 1-Mar-1961 12 CAMPBELL (girl) Birth Victoria FP 18-Apr-1962 2 CAMPBELL (girl) Birth Vernon, BC FP 26-Sep-1962 10 M Campbell River United Church CAMPBELL Hazel Adele Edward J. FP 28-Mar-1962 2 Calnan Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP FP age 74 Olive Ross 20-Feb-1963 10-May-1961 1-Feb-1961 11-Dec-1963 6-May-1964 14 10 14 3 16 FP 20-Feb-1963 1 Beverley Anne FP 20-Sep-1961 4a Henschke FP 6-Jan-1965 Robert Wayne Ennis FP 26-Jul-1961 1 14 2 2 Info/Kin Son of F/O and Mrs. Robert Caithness, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. R. Caithness, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. William M. Caljouw, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Paul Calloway, RCAF Comox Nee Harrison, born at Wellington, husband died 1954, mother of James, Horace, Harold, William, Winnifred, Mildred and Myrtle, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of M/M Norman Calvert of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Gordon Calvert of Courtenay Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Donald Cameron, RCAF Comox DTr/o LAC/Mrs. D. Cameron, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. M. Cameron, RCAF Comox Resident of Cumberland, born in Wellington, wife dec'd, service at Cumberland United Church, Sutton's FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of M/M J.A. Cameron of Vavenby, BC Comox Valley new year's baby, dtr/o M/M Lloyd C. Cameron of Hornby Island Nee Gomm, resident of Cumberland, mother of Carl, other family named, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Born at Mauchlin, Scotland, nee Ross Dtrs of LAC/Mrs. D. Cameron, nee Dona Cliffe, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/L and Mrs. Victor Camilleri, RCAF Comox Son of M/M David Campbell, nee Joanne Baikie Dtr/o M/M Daniel Campbell of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Terry Campbell, nee Catherine Storr, R.N. Dtr/o M/M Melvin Campbell, nee Doreen Geidt Dtr/o M/M David Campbell of Willow Point, engagement announced 22 Feb page 13 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Margaret McIntyre Page CAMPBELL John Frame Death Comox CAMPBELL Margaret Death Cumberland age 54 Jack FP 24-May-1961 12 Campbell Sadie Margaret FP 17-May-1961 14 Campbell CAMPBELL Robert Death Comox CAMPBELL Sharon Ann M CANDO (boy) Birth age 61 Date age 75 Gordon Neil McKay Union Bay United Church Mary 13 nov 1889 Helen Cook FP 27-Jan-1965 1 Info/Kin Traffic accident in Courtenay, resident of Union Bay, born in Ayr, Scotland. See obituary on page 2, wife died 1961, father of Douglas (died 1958) and Bruce, other family named, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Born at South Prairie, Washington, dtr/o M/M McIntyre of Cumberland, mother of Bruce and Douglas (died in car accident 1958), service at Can Martyrs RC church, bur. Courtenay cemetery, Piercy's FH Born in Langdon, North Dakota, father of Elsie May Castle (died 1957), bro/o Arthur, Henry, Mary and Maggie, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M Tom Campbell of Union Bay FP 26-Aug-1964 B8 FP 4-Dec-1963 2 FP 1-Mar-1961 1 CAPES Geoffrey B. Death Comox CAREW (boy) Birth Cold Lake, Alberta FP 28-Nov-1962 2 CARKNER Robert Michael Birth Vancouver FP 6-Sep-1961 CARLSON (boy) Birth Comox FP 25-Jan-1961 7 CARLSON (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 8-Mar-1961 CARLSON (girl) Birth Kitimat, BC FP 15-Nov-1961 2 CARMICHAEL (boy) Birth Comox FP 11-Apr-1962 2 CARMICHAEL Gordon James M Union Bay United Church CARMICHAEL Lawrence James Death Hardwicke Island Son of LAC/Mrs. J. Cando, RCAF Comox Born in England, wife died 1950, service at Can. Martyrs RC, but. Courtenay cemetery Son of LAC/Mrs. C.J. Carew, nee Pat FLACk 9 12 Susan Diane FP 20-May-1964 B2 Adamson age 20 FP 31-Jan-1962 14 Son of M/M Bob Carkner, nee Nanette Walker, grandson of M/M J.R. Walker and M/M G.T. Carkner Son of M/M Norman Carlson of Port McNeill Dtr/o M/M Melvin Carlson of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Ted Carlson of Kitimat Son of LAC/Mrs. Ronald Carmichael, RCAF Comox Son of Mr. Harry Carmichael of Fanny Bay Logging accident, son of M/M Carmichael of Hardwicke Island, bro/o Dan and Mrs. A. Murray, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Marilyn Jean Davies Date Page Info/Kin Son of M/M Harry Carmichael of Fanny Bay CARMICHAEL William John M Union Bay United Church CARNEY Christie Colleen Birth Squamish FP 25-Dec-1963 14 CARNEY Owen Gordon M Campbell River Helen Anastasia FP 19-Dec-1962 3a McKinnon FP 5-Aug-1964 B2 Dtr/o M/M Owen Carney, nee McKinnon, formerly of Campbell River, 6 lb 13 oz Son of Henry Carney of Campbell River, engagement announced 14 Nov page 15 Photo, married recently Helen Anastasia FP 2-Jan-1963 McKinnon 14 Lawrence Darrell FP 4-Sep-1963 Mitchell 5 Allan Paul FP 3-Jan-1962 Heyman 2 CARNEY Owen Gordon M CARPENTER Diane Mae M CARPENTER Geraldine Diane M CARRIER CARSON (boy) (girl) Birth Birth CARSON Richard Douglas Death Comox CARSTENS John Einar Death Campbell River CARSWELL (boy) Birth Comox FP 19-Jun-1963 14 CARSWELL Cynthia Marie Chr Courtenay, infant St. George's FP 28-Aug-1963 2 Son of LAC/Mrs. Michael Carrier, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. E. Carson, RCAF Comox Aka Nash, Born in Montreal, son of Reginald Nash and Elizabeth Bain, brother of George, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Born in Denmark, father of Mrs. Herbert, Mrs. Carrothers and Betty, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M John Carswell of Comox Dtr/o M/M F. Carswell of Campbell River, gdtr of M/M F. Carswell of Comox CARSWELL Deborah May Chr Courtenay, infant St. George's FP 28-Aug-1963 2 Dtr/o M/M F. Carswell of Campbell River, gdtr of M/M F. Carswell of Comox CARSWELL Richard Dale Chr Courtenay, age 2 months St. George's FP 28-Aug-1963 2 Son of M/M J. Carswell, grandson of M/M F. Carswell of Comox Cumberland United Church Cumberland United Church Comox Comox Dtr/o M/M C. Carpenter of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Charles Carpenter of Cumberland FP 11-Aug-1965 11 FP 7-Mar-1962 2 age 53 Eleanor Berry FP 5-Dec-1962 14 age 62 Ellen Sophia Aberg FP 1-Nov-1961 14 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper CARTER Annie Kingman Death Vancouver age 79 CARTER Barbara Anne M Duncan United Church CARTER Barbara Anne M Duncan CARTER James M Courtenay, St. John's CARTER Margaret Jane Death Cumberland age 78 CARTER Patricia Ann M CARTER Patricia Diane M Date Page Ralph Robincon FP 25-Nov-1964 8 Carter Leslie James FP 1-May-1963 14 Stewart Leslie James FP 12-Jun-1963 2 Stewart Charlene Alice FP 1-Sep-1965 12 Marklund Edgar Carter FP 4-Sep-1963 Nanaimo, Haliburton United Arnold Lewis Clark FP 20-Jun-1962 10 Alberni, St. Andrew's Donald FP 6-May-1964 Wyllychuk 10 Death Cumberland age 69 CARVER (boy) Birth Comox FP 1-Jan-1964 CARVIEL (girl) Birth Ocean Falls FP 29-Apr-1964 2 CARVIEL Gordon Mark Birth Ocean Falls, BC FP 19-Apr-1961 9 Annie McLeod Death Comox CARWITHEN Michael John M Kingdom Hall CASANAVE CASANAVE (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox age 67 Dtr/o M/M WalLACe Carter of Duncan, engagement announced 1 May page 14. See shower for bride 29 May page 5 Dtr/o Mr. and Mrs. WalLACe Carter of Duncan, formerly of Courtenay Son of Mrs. Isabelle Carter of Rose Prairie, BC and James Carter of Prince George, engagement announced 4 August page 8 Born in California, nee Fraser, husband and son Robert dec'd, mother of Fraser and Marmie, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Dtr/o M/M T.A. Carter of Royston, engagement announced 23 May page 14 Dtr/o M/M S.J. Carter of Courtenay CARTWRIGHT Marie Irma CARWITHEN Nee McInerny, born in Manchester, England, formerly of Courtenay, mother of Ralph, Cecil, Sam, Elsie and Marjorie, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery 3 John FP 18-Sep-1963 12 Cartwright Christian FP 9-Aug-1961 Carwithen Info/Kin 5 8 Marie Elizabeth FP 28-Oct-1964 B5 Reid FP 6-Mar-1963 12 FP 18-Nov-1964 10 Nee Schlosser, born in Nova Scotia, mother of Martin and Fred Clue, Mrs. Andrew Murdoch and Mrs. W. J. Cartwright, husband died 1937, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of LAC/Mrs. D. Carver, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M G.R. Carviel, nee Sandra Gray Son of M/M G.R. Carviel, nee Sandra Gray, 9 lb 2.25 oz Born in Glasgow, nee Beaton, mother of R.T., Malcolm, Mrs. F. Kennedy, Mrs. R. Bowie, Mrs. A. Woodrow and Mrs. R. Rourke, service at St. Andrew's Anglican, cremation, Piercy's FH Son of M/M R.T. Carwithen of Headquarters Road Son of M/M James Casanave Jr. of Courtenay Son of M/M James Casanave Jr. of RR2 Courtenay Surname CASANAVE Givens James Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page M Can. Martyrs RC church Bernadett FP 23-Jan-1963 3 e Holst Patricia Elizabeth FP 16-Aug-1961 2 Gavin CASANAVE John Edmund M Can. Martyrs RC church CASANAVE John William Birth Port Alberni M Can. Martyrs RC church Emidio Aniballi Jacques J. Drapeau FP 3-Oct-1962 Gary Edward Prowse FP 14-Apr-1965 3 CASANAVE Mary Grace CASE Juanita Caroline M Can. Martyrs RC church CASE Marion Darlene M Courtenay, St. George's CASH (girl) Birth CASORSO Charles Wade Chr CASSADAY Gloria Helen M CASSELMAN CASTLE CASTLE CASTLE (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth CATCHPOLE Louisa Death Comox FP 15-Jul-1964 Comox Cumberland United age 7 months Church RCAF Robert Protestant Alan Reid Chapel Comox Comox Comox Comox CATHEY Donald Charles M Campbell River United Church CATTON CATTRALL (girl) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox age 87 2 FP 29-Aug-1962 5 2 FP 29-Sep-1965 9 Info/Kin Son of M/M J. Casanave Sr. of Courtenay, engagement announced 2 Jan page 13 Son of M/M James Casanave of Courtenay Son of M/M John Casanave Dtr/o M/M James A. Casanave, engagement announced 25 Jul page 12 Dtr/o M/M Earl Case of RR2 Courtenay, engagement announced 8 Aug page 14 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. E. Case, engagement announced 3 March page 11 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. W. Cash of Courtenay Son of M/M Charles Casorso of Campbell River FP 19-Apr-1961 10 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Robert Cassaday of Flin Flon, Manitoba FP 21-Jul-1965 B4 FP FP FP FP 5 2 2 12 20-Jan-1965 13-May-1964 21-Mar-1962 6-Mar-1963 John William FP 6-Jun-1962 Catchpole 12 Sharon Alexandra FP 3-May-1961 Clarkson 10 FP 5-Sep-1962 FP 9-Jan-1963 2 14 Son of LAC/Mrs. Richard Casselman, RCAF Son of M/M H. Castle of Courtenay Dtr of M/M Robert Castle of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Harry Castle of Courtenay Born in Binfield, Berkshire, England, nee Kerton, mother of Beatrice, Evelyn and Dorothy, sis/o Mrs. A.W. Blight, Fred and Albert Kerton, husband died 1958, service at Comox United Church, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M P. Cathey of Ladysmith, engagement announced 8 Mar page 11 Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. D. Catton, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Dennis Cattrall of Comox Surname CATTRALL CAVIN CAWSTON CEDERWALL Givens (girl) Hugh (boy) Donna Emily Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Birth Comox Death Duncan Birth Comox M Date FP 24-Nov-1965 11 FP 23-Jan-1963 7 FP 23-Oct-1963 2 age 55 Glen Howard FP 11-Dec-1963 B1 McCanna n Courtenay, St. George's CESSFORD Thomas Death Vancouver age 71 Jean Shearer CHADWICK Winnifred Joyce Death Comox age 32 Arnold Newton FP 2-May-1962 Chadwick CHAFER Judith Anne M Union Bay United Church CHAFER Ronald Louis Death Nanaimo CHAHLEY (boy) Birth Clement Francis Death Comox CHALMERS CHALMERS (boy) (girl) Birth Birth CHALMERS Alexander Edward Death Comox age 21 single Birth Birth CHAMBERLIN Denis Earle M CHANDLER Herbert Alexander Death Vancouver CHAPMAN (boy) Birth age 81 FP 16-May-1962 1 Laura May FP 14-Jun-1961 12 Lemieux FP 18-Mar-1964 2 FP 22-Nov-1961 16 age 64 Comox Comox Duncan United Church Nelson 9 FP 25-Nov-1964 7 Comox Comox CHAMBERLAIN (girl) CHAMBERLIN (boy) FP 26-Apr-1961 14 Gilbert FP 19-Jun-1963 2 Larry Dore Comox CHAISSON Page Janet Hayman FP 24-Nov-1965 B8 FP 23-Jun-1965 5 FP 15-Jan-1964 2 Wendy Elizabeth FP 23-Sep-1964 C3 Harris age 85 Edna May FP 14-Jul-1965 Lewis 11 FP 17-Feb-1965 3 Info/Kin Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Dennis Cattrall of Little River, Comox Brother of Mr. Cavin (Fanny Bay news) Son of M/M H. Cawston of Comox Dtr/o Mr. J. Melling of BlackCreek Born in Cumberland, son of Robert Cessford and Isabella Piercy, brother of Lena Grant and Peggy Constable, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Born in London, England, nee Walker, mother of 3 young children, service in Comox Anglican church, Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M William Chafer of Union Bay, engagement announced 22 May page 14 Born in Cumberland, son of William Chafer and Ellen Magnone, car accident. See obituary page 13, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of F/O and Mrs. Richard Chahley, RCAF Comox Born on Prince Edward Island, married in Alberta, father of Thomas, Francis, Adelaide, Charles and John, bro/o Alice and Augustus, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of LAC/Mrs. W. Chalmers, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. William Chalmers, RCAF Comox Born in Denman Island, father of Thomas, bro/o Ray, William, Edith and Margery, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Dennis Chamberlain of June Landing Son of M/M D. Chamberlin of Courtenay Son of M/M Douglas E. Chamberlin of Courtenay Born in England, formerly of Courtenay, bro/o Mrs. E. Jolley and Eric Chandler, bur. Forest Lawn Memorial Park Son of Mr./Mrs. Glenn Chapman, nee Dorothy Heryet, of Nelson Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper CHAPMAN (girl) Birth CHAPMAN Constance Death Comox CHAPMAN David Spencer M CHAPMAN Comox FP 1-Feb-1961 age 69 age 82 Can. Martyrs RC church CHAPMAN Glenn Edwin M CHAPMAN Henry Spencer Death Courtenay CHAPMAN John Henry Spencer M Burns Lake, BC CHAPMAN Karen Elaine M Courtenay, St. George's CHAPMAN Winnifred Anne M St. Andrew's Anglican CHAPPELL (girl) Birth Comox CHARLES Henry Death Campbell River Hornby Island Comox CHARLEWOOD Herbert Reginald Death CHASE (girl) Birth CHEE Wong Death Courtenay CHENIER (girl) Birth Comox Page 14 Frederick FP 22-Mar-1961 14 Chapman Info/Kin Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Donald Chapman, RCAF Comox Born at Greenhythe, Kent, England, nee Roe, mother of Ronald, sis/o Rev. J. Roe, service at St. Andrew's Anglican, bur. Sandwick Anglican cemetery, Piercy's FH Son of Mr./Mrs. Harry S. Chapman of Courtenay, Inga Maria FP 18-Aug-1965 B11 engagement announced 21 July page 8 von Hahn Oliver, BC Frederick Colbourne Death Comox Date Constance FP 14-Aug-1963 1 Roe Dorothy FP 15-Apr-1964 3 Elizabeth age 68 Katherine Mary FP 13-Oct-1965 10 Ovans Jane Darlene FP 14-Jul-1965 B11 Martens Richard Jon FP 6-Oct-1965 11 Williams Wolfgang FP 12-Sep-1962 3a Clar FP 14-Feb-1962 2 age 43 single FP 24-Jan-1962 14 age 76 Florence Lambie FP 17-Jan-1962 14 FP 23-Dec-1964 B3 age 83 FP 24-Jun-1964 1 FP 9-Jun-1965 12 Born in Brighton, England, Anglican minister, father of Ronald, wife dec'd, service at St. John's Courtenay, Piercy FH, bur. Sandwick Anglican cemetery Son of M/M F. Chapman of Courtenay, engagement announced 4 Mar page 12 Born in London, England, father of Barbara, John, David, Michael and Tony, service at Piercy FH, cremation Son of Mr./Mrs. Harry S. Chapman of Courtenay, engagement announced 7 June page 11 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Frederick C. Chapman of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Robert S. Chapman of RR2 Courtenay Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. D. Chappell, RCAF Comox Born in Massett, BC, no living relatives, service at Cape Mudge United Church, bur. Quadra Island cemetery with parents Born in England, resident of Hornby Island, 3 sons not named, Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M Clifford Chase of Courtenay Body found rear of library building, born in China, no known relatives, lived with George Hobson, service at Piercy FH, bur. Chinese cemetery. See 1 Jul page 1, Toppling door (inquest) Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Richard Chenier, RCAF Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper CHERNIWCHANHarry M Vancouver, Renfrew United CHESTER (boy) Birth Comox CHESTER Frederick Goldwin Death Victoria CHESTNEY CHEVALIER (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Ethel Viola Gillies age 39 Mona Williams Charles Samuel Death Comox CHEVERTON Jessie Death Comox CHICKITE Harold M CHICKITE Ralph Death Read Island age 31 CHILD Dianne Rosalie M Vancouver, St. Helen's CHILDS (girl) Birth North Vancouver CHISHOLM Arthur Alexander Death Comox CHRISTENSEN Robert T. M CHRISTIANSEN (boy) CHRISTIANSON(boy) CHRISTIE (boy) CHRISTIE (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Campbell River Courtenay, Faith Lutheran Comox Comox Comox Comox CHRISTIE Margaret Alma M Victoria CHRISTOFF (girl) Birth Comox FP 6-Sep-1961 3 FP 4-Apr-1962 9 FP 26-Jul-1961 FP 1-Jan-1964 2 5 FP 19-May-1965 1 Jack Stanley Hodgins Info/Kin Son of M/M Peter Cherniwchan of Bellis, Alberta Euphemia Munro, Born 1879 FP 13-Mar-1963 B2 Jessie Godbold Charles age 81 Samuel FP 22-Jan-1964 12 Cheverton Judy FP 8-Feb-1961 2 Bowen CHEVERTON Death Page FP 26-Apr-1961 16 Comox Comox CHRISTENSEN Alfred Date FP 4-Jan-1961 10 FP 5-Jul-1961 2 Son of F/O and Mrs. Kenneth Chester, RCAF Coox Born in Mission, BC, father of Fred and Carl, bro/o Gerald, Hamilton, Alva and Beth, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of Sgt/Mrs. William Chestney, RCAF Comox Son of Cpl/Mrs. G. Chevalier, RCAF Comox Born in Rochester, England, resident of BlackCreek, bro/o Jessie and Bert, service in BlackCreek. Born in Ontario, nee Godbold, mother of Gordon Wilhelm and Vernice, service in Can. Martyrs RC church, bur. Courtenay cemetery Shower Guest, recently married bride, dtr/o Mrs. Ron Bowen Missing and believed drowned after fishing trawler found submerged Dtr/o M/M Ralph H. Child of Vancouver Dtr/o M/M Marvin Childs of West Vancouver age 67 Annie FP 17-Jun-1964 9 Chisholm age 63 single FP 28-Nov-1962 2 Janet Ruth Reynen FP 19-May-1965 9 FP FP FP FP Steven Zibin 1-Sep-1965 12-Dec-1962 2-Oct-1963 16-May-1962 5 2 8 2 FP 19-Jun-1963 3 FP 12-Dec-1962 2 Born in Springhill, Nova Scotia, father of Harry and James, siblings also named, service at Courtenay Legion (Piercy FH), bur. Courtenay cemetery Born in Denmark, aka Kristensen or Christsen, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Resident of Prince George, son of Mr./Mrs. V.T. Christensen of Esberg, Denmark Son of Mr./Mrs. Douglas Christiansen of Courtenay Son of LAC/Mrs. L. Christianson, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Lyle Christie of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Lyle Christie of Courtenay Dtr/o Alexander Christie of Union Bay, engagement announced 15 May page 14 Dtr/o M/M R. Christoff of Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page Info/Kin Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. R.T.D. Christoff of Courtenay, CHRISTOFF Barbara Ellen Chr Courtenay, age 5 St. George's FP 20-Oct-1965 C3 CHRISTOFF Terri Marie Chr Courtenay, age 3 St. George's FP 20-Oct-1965 C3 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. R.T.D. Christoff of Courtenay, Edward Harold FP 10-Jul-1963 Woodland Dtr/o Captain and Mrs. R. John Christy of Vancouver CHRISTY Sharron Virginia M Vancouver CHURCH (girl) Birth Comox CHURCHILL Charles Barry M Courtenay, St. George's CLAIR CLAPHAM (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox CLAPHAM Raymond Death Comox Bay age 31 CLAR (boy) Birth Comox CLAR Wolfgang M St. Andrew's Anglican CLARK (girl) Birth Comox CLARK (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 14-Aug-1963 16 CLARK Arnold Lewis M CLARK Elsie Louise M CLARK Gordon Lyle M Nanaimo, Haliburton United Cumberland United Church Cumberland United Church Patricia Ann FP 20-Jun-1962 10 Carter Kenneth Robert FP 26-Jun-1963 12 Ferguson Grace Catherine FP 25-Apr-1962 9 Herd CLARK James S. Death Chemainus age 78 Williamina FP 18-Oct-1961 14 Duncan CLARK Jere Louise M Can. Martyrs RC church Raymond Peter FP 16-Sep-1964 B3 Fogolin FP Faye Etta MacDoug FP all FP FP 3 27-May-1964 2 8-Sep-1965 12 26-Jul-1961 2 20-Mar-1963 2 FP 6-Nov-1963 1 FP 12-Jun-1963 2 Winnifred Anne FP 12-Sep-1962 3a Chapman FP 3-Oct-1962 10 Dtr/o M/M B. Church of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. H. Churchill of RR2 Courtenay, engagement announced 4 August page 8 Son of M/M Hugh Clair of Courtenay Son of Cpl/Mrs. R. Clapham, RCAF Comox Two fishermen missing and presumed drowned. Monty Mandruk also missing Son of M/M Wolf Clar of Comox Son of M/M F.H. Clar of Hoyerberg, Germany Dtr/o M/M Arnold Clark of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Gordon Clark of Cumberland Son of M/M Lewis Clark of Cumberland, engagement announced 23 May page 14 Dtr/o M/M Lewis Clark of Cumberland, engagement announced 15 May page 14 Son of M/M Lewis Clark of Cumberland, engagement announced 14 Mar page 13 Born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, former resident of Courtenay, father of Mrs. Charles Bryer and Mrs. Bertha Drew, service at Hirst FH, Duncan Dtr/o M/M Glenn C. Clark of Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page CLARK Laura Janet M Cumberland United Church William George Bowen CLARKE Barrie Lyle M Comox, St. Peter's Elizabeth FP 4-Nov-1964 Alexander Edwin FP 25-Mar-1964 2 Barry King Dtr/o M/M Lewis Clark of Cumberland FP 7-Oct-1964 5 Employed at Langley Prairie, BC 12 Dtr/o M/M James Clarkson CLARKSON Marilyn Matilda M Campbell River United Church CLARKSON May Edith M Comox United Church Peter Danylysch FP 15-Aug-1962 12 yn M Campbell River United Church Charlotte Mary Hodgins Donald Charles Cathey CLARKSON Robert James CLARKSON Sharon Alexandra M Campbell River United Church CLAYBO (boy) Birth Comox CLAYTON Elmer James Death Campbell River CLAYTON Shirley M CLEMENS (boy) Birth CLEMENT Brian Ellis M CLEMENT Roy Apt Death Comox age 58 Birth Victoria CLEMENTS Susan Lesley M Courtenay, St. George's FP 3-May-1961 5 10 single FP 5-Feb-1964 F. W. Pattison FP 13-Feb-1963 13 FP 7-Feb-1962 Victoria, First Baptist Geoffrey David FP 8-May-1963 FP 11-Jan-1961 14 Distross, Moselle, France Comox CLEMENTS Info/Kin age 75 14 2 Marion Elliott FP 30-Aug-1961 12 Jennie Gilchrist Clement FP 1-Jul-1964 12 FP 27-Feb-1963 3 Murray Wayne Martin FP 28-Apr-1965 B6 Dtr/o M/M George Joslin of Montreal Son of M/M James Clarkson of Campbell River, engagement announced 24 April page 13 Dtr/o M/M James M. Clarkson of Campbell River, engagement announced 8 Mar page 11 Son of Cpl/Mrs. Mervin Claybo, RCAF Comox Born in Wickersham, Washington, bro/o Leslie, Dorsey, Raymond, Clifton, Julia, Rose, Irene, Geneva and Mattie, service at Can. Martyrs RC, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M D.M. Clayton of Cumberland, 2nd wedding to take Place 2 March in RC chapel in Moselle, engagement announced 13 Feb page 13 Son of Cpl/Mrs. Earl Clemens, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Robert Clement of Victoria Born at Farnham, Quebec, father of Addison, service at Cumberland United Church, cremation Son of M/M David Clements, nee Marilyn Ball, grandson of M/M L.A. Ball and M/M Jack Clements, grt grandson of M/M William Morrison, grt grt grandson of M/M Henry Thompson. Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. J. Clements of Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Thomas Cleough Page Born in Saskatchewan, nee Harris, sis/o Norrie Hastings and Mrs. Roy Harrison, 3 children not named, service in Sooke Dtr/o M/M George (Pat) Cliffe of Comox Son of M/M D. Clifford of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Dennis Clifford of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Jack Clifford of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M J. Clifford of Courtenay Born in Wiltshire, England, Merville Settler, father of Mrs. W.B. Harris, Mrs. G. McCulloch, Mrs. Dorothy Gentis, Kathleen Anderson, Mrs. Malcolm Morrison, Thomas and Albert. First wife Mable Standhaft dec'd, son Jack died in 1922 fire, service at Sandwick Anglican church, bur. Anglican cemetery, Sutton's FH Alice Death Victoria CLIFFE CLIFFORD CLIFFORD CLIFFORD CLIFFORD (girl) (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth CLIFFORD Jonathan Death Comox CLIVE Lawrence Death Campbell River CLOUGH (girl) Birth Comox COATES Frank Death Cumberland age 76 COBURN COBURN COCHRAN COCHRANE COCHRANE (girl) (girl) (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP FP COCHRANE (girl) Birth Comox FP 12-Apr-1961 2 COCHRANE Kathleen Marie Chr Can. Martyrs age 12 days RC church FP 5-Apr-1961 2 COCHRANE Kevin Grent Chr Courtenay , age 2 months St. George FP 4-Mar-1964 6 Son of M/M George Cochrane, gson of M/M David Pattison and M/M James Cochrane COCHRANE Shelley Lyn Chr Courtenay , age 3 St. George FP 4-Mar-1964 6 Dtr/o M/M George Cochrane, gdtr of M/M David Pattison and M/M James Cochrane CODY (girl) Birth FP 6-Jan-1965 B2 Caroline Winanne M Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Belmont United Church FP 26-May-1965 9 Info/Kin CLEOUGH COE age 59 Date FP FP FP FP FP 11-Oct-1961 19-Dec-1962 23-Aug-1961 27-Sep-1961 26-Sep-1962 2 2 8 8 10 age 87 Caroline Esdeld FP 14-Nov-1962 1 age 81 Dorothy Power FP 23-Aug-1961 8 FP 18-Dec-1963 2 Mary Jane FP 15-Sep-1965 11 McVei Graham Laverne Hooper 21-Jun-1961 23-May-1962 1-Jan-1964 20-Oct-1965 15-Mar-1961 2 2 5 11 14 FP 15-Sep-1965 B2 Born in Staffordshire, England, resident of Oyster Bay, wounded at Vimy in WW1, service at St. Peter's, bur. Campbell River cemetery Dtr/o M/M F. Clough of Comox Born in Whitehaven, England, father of Frank Jr., Agnes, Rita and Eileen, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Dtr/o M/M Ronald Coburn of Hornby Island Dtr/o M/M R.J. Coburn of Hornby Island Son of M/M George Cochrane of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. George Cochrane of Courtenay Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. James Cochrane, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M George Cochrane, nee Myrna Pattison, of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M James Cochrane of Courtenay christened, gdtr of M/M Thomas Warren and M/M Ralph Wilkes Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Wilfred L. Cody of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Leslie Coe of Union By Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Page COFFIN Arthur George Death Campbell River COFIELD Sharon Patricia M Cumberland United Church Dennis Richard FP 27-Feb-1963 9 Ramshaw COFIELD twin boys Birth Cumberland FP 25-Oct-1961 2 COLBOW William Charles Death Comox COLEMAN COLEMAN COLLARD (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox COLLIER Richard Howard Death South Slocan, BC COLLING (boy) Birth COLLING Malcolm Gary M COLLING Robert Allan M Vancouver COLLINGS (boy) Birth Comox COLOMBO Gary Death Winnipeg, Manitoba COLOMBO Jill M Cumberland, St. John's RC COLVIN COLWELL (boy) Julie May Birth Birth Comox Victoria COLWELL Thomas Collins Death Victoria age 80 age 69 Florence Sillman Date Nina Bailey FP 28-Apr-1965 11 FP 9-Aug-1961 12 FP 4-Apr-1962 2 FP 15-Mar-1961 14 FP 18-Nov-1964 10 age 64 Comox Cumberland United Church single FP 18-Jan-1961 11 FP 12-Apr-1961 Dorothy Elizabeth FP 11-Mar-1964 Bates Donna Lea FP 30-Oct-1963 Orchard FP 9-Jan-1963 age 19 7 14 FP 31-May-1961 1 James Wilfred Tantrum FP 21-Nov-1962 3 Janet McKissoc FP 6-Mar-1963 k Hannah Born in Newfoundland, resident of Duncan Bay Road, service at St. Patrick's RC, bur. Campbell River cemetery, wife died Dec 1963 Dtr/o M/M Donald Cofield of Cumberland, engagement announced 16 Jan page 13 Sons of M/M Don Cofield of Courtenay Road, Cumberland Born at Francisville, Indiana, father of William, Mary and Ann, bro/o Fred, Cecil and Jack in Saskatchewan, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of LAC/Mrs. Lionel Coleman, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Lional Coleman, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC and Mrs. Kenneth Collard, RCAF Comox Born at Austin, Manitoba, friends and relatives here, bro/o Ted, Mrs. R. WalLACe and Mrs. Wm Jones, bur. Austin, Manitoba Son of M/M William Colling of Comox Son of M/M W. Colling of Comox 7 single FP 11-Jul-1962 FP 7-Aug-1963 age 82 2 Info/Kin 2 2 B6 Son of Mrs. R. Colling and the late Mr. Colling of Cumberland Son of Cpl/Mrs. D. Collings, RCAF Comox Died after bailing out of jet trainer, born in Cumberland, son of M/M Hector Colombo, brother of Jill, nephew of Beatrice, Edith and Linda. See 14 Jun page 1, died a hero's death Dtr/o M/M Hector Colombo, engagement announced 17 Oct page 13 Son of M/M C. Colvin of Royston Dtr/o M/M Larry Colwell of Victoria Born in Ontario, United Church minister, father of Mrs. Thomas Bulman, Mrs. Richard Withers, Mrs. Frank Lorintzo and Rev. Bryan Colwell, service in Lake Cowichan, bur. Ocean View, Vancouver Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper COMB Irene Linda M Campbell River United Church COMB Lynne Valerie M Victoria CONARROE Stuart Ellis M Comox, St. Peter's CONDON Kim Audrey Clara Birth CONN (boy) Birth Port Alberni CONN Carol Laraine M Courtenay, St. George's CONN Floyd David Birth Alberni CONN Robert Thomas M Cumberland United Church CONRAD Elsie Death Victoria CONTI COOK Alan P. Riddell John Edward Wormald Vera Gladys Emblem Date Page FP 24-Apr-1963 3 FP 17-Apr-1963 13 5 Earl Willis FP 17-Mar-1965 B7 Kierstead FP 7-Feb-1962 2 Donna Lee Strussi FP 24-May-1961 9 age 58 single FP 28-Oct-1964 3 Thomas Death Cumberland age 64 Mary Bono FP 14-Aug-1963 2 (girl) Birth FP 14-Apr-1965 5 Comox, St. Peter's COOK Burton Leslie M COOK Margaret Lamond Death Comox COOK Phillip Adolph Death Campbell River COOK Warren Charles M Sunset Presbyterian COOKE (girl) Birth Hollywood, California Dtr/o M/M John C. "Bud" Comb of Victoria, engagement announced 17 Apr page 13 Son of Mr./Mrs. Walter Conarroe of Victoria FP 12-Jun-1963 2 Susan Naomi Taaffe Dtr/o Mrs. Irene Comb of Campbell River, engagement announced 27 Mar page 14 FP 17-Mar-1965 12 FP 1-Jan-1964 Comox Info/Kin FP 8-Sep-1965 5 age 84 Archibald FP 28-Apr-1965 11 Cook age 48 Freida Lydia Kreger FP 29-Nov-1961 3a Verlene FP 5-Jul-1961 Woolhiser Chosen dtr/o M/M J. Condon of Comox Son of M/M Robert T. Conn of Alberni, 7 lb 6 oz Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. John Conn of Powerhouse Road, Courtenay Son of M/M Robert Conn Jr., nee Donna Strussi, 7 lb 11 oz Son of M/M Robert Conn Sr. of Cumberland, engagement announced 5 Apr page 15 Former teacher at Tsolum, born in Saskatoon, Sask., sis/o Lucy Conrad of Victoria Born at Wellington, BC, father of Thomas, bro/o Mrs. J. Yost and Mrs. B. Novello, service at St. John's in Cumberland, bur. Cumberland cemetery (Piercy FH) Dtr/o M/Sgt and Mrs. Lincoln Cook of Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. Elmer Cook of Comox, engagement announced 11 August page 8 Born at Woodside, Scotland, nee Lowe, mother of Thomas, David, Jessie, Margaret and Janet, service at Sutton FH, cremation Born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, 7 children not named, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M M.S. Cook of Nanaimo 13 Dtr/o M/M Norman Cooke, grandtr of Mrs. Heber Cooke FP 20-Sep-1961 2 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper COOKE Frances Jean M Victoria COONEY (girl) Birth Comox COONEY Thomas Reginald M Courtenay, Foursquare church COOPER (boy) Birth Cumberland COOPER Aaron M Vancouver COOPER Ellen Death Vancouver COOPER Marilyn Ellen M Burnaby, BC COOPER Sharon Ann M Vancouver Heights COPE (boy) Birth Comox COPE Mrs. Lorna Jane M Nanaimo COPLAND Beth Anne Chr Comox United Church COPLEY Gerald Arthur Death Comox COPP Albert James M Burnaby, St. Stephen's CORBETT Linda May M Sandwick Anglican CORKER Mary Suzanne M West Vancouver CORKUM Ralph Ruskin Death Campbell River Kenneth Steven Kerrone Date FP 23-May-1962 3 FP 1-Dec-1965 Vidonna Maye Moon Page 12 FP 23-Sep-1964 C8 FP 15-Feb-1961 8 Mrs. Eva FP 22-May-1963 2 Langhorn age 63 Aaron Cooper Robert Andrew Dumka Richard Edwin Huber FP 25-Apr-1962 16 FP 17-Apr-1963 3 FP 29-Sep-1965 B4 FP 3-Nov-1965 9 Colin Campbell FP 21-Mar-1962 2 Aitken age 15 months age 60 FP 18-Jul-1962 3 K. Dianne FP 24-May-1961 13 Copley Doris FP 4-Jul-1962 Lillian Cox 5 William Edward FP 14-Jul-1965 B8 Beech David Alexander FP 11-Nov-1964 B12 Bruce Howie age 58 Alice Day FP 24-Jan-1962 14 Info/Kin Dtr/o M/M Stanley H. Cooke of Mesachie Lake, BC, engagement announced 28 Mar page 14, gdtr of M/M J. Bergsma who attended wedding Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. T.R. Cooney, rcaf, Courtenay Son of M/M Walter Cooney of Belleville, Ontario, engagement announced 29 Jul page 12 Son of M/M Daniel Cooper of RR1 Cumberland M/M Thomas Cooper attended. Born in England, nee Lydiate, memorial service at St. George's, mother of Bernard who died 1954, Thomas, Marjorie, Doreen, Madeline, Edith and Larona, cremation in Vancouver Dtr/o Mrs. A. Cooper of Burnaby and the late Albert Cooper, gdtr of G. Cooper of Union Bay and Mrs. William Hayman of Courtenay Dtr/o Mrs. Albert Cooper and the late Mr. Cooper, gdtr of late M/M William Hayman of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. A. Cope of Cumberland Resident of Courtenay, mother of Mrs. Fred (Betty) Barnes Dtr/o M/M Stanley P. Copland christened, gdtr of M/M W. Copland and Mrs. T. Walker Born in Portsmouth, England, father of Mrs. E. Hampton, service at Piercy's FH, cremation Son of M/M Fred Copp of Burnaby, former residents here Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. James Corbett of Headquarters Road, Courtenay, engagement announced 16 June page 10 Dtr/o M/M W. Norman Corker of West Vancouver, formerly of Comox, gdtr of the late Canon A.W. Corker, Anglican clergy, and M/M Cecil Smith of Comox Born in Lahave, Nova Scotia, service and burial in Campbell River Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper CORMIER CORMIER CORMIER CORNER CORNER CORNEY CORRIGALL (boy) (boy) (girl) (boy) (boy) (girl) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox COSBY Margaret Elaine M Prince Rupert COSS COSTA COSTA COSTA COSTA (girl) (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox COSTAIN Jennifer Katherine M Oak Bay United Church COTE COTE COTE (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox COTTINGHAM Mary Anne Death Comox COTTINGHAM William David Raymond M M COUILLARD Ann Marie M Comox, St. John COULING (girl) Birth Comox COULTER (boy) Birth Cumberland George Anderson William G.F. Stubbs Death Duncan 25-Dec-1963 8-Dec-1965 17-Mar-1965 29-Nov-1961 27-Mar-1963 15-Apr-1964 24-Apr-1963 Page 14 B3 11 2 9 6 14 FP 8-Feb-1961 2 FP FP FP FP FP 14 16 2 2 2 16-Jan-1963 22-Nov-1961 7-Mar-1962 23-May-1962 5-Jun-1963 Ralph Norman FP 3-Jun-1964 Plumridge age 72 William Cottingha FP 8-May-1963 m Mary Susanne FP 26-Dec-1962 Mosley Mary Ann FP 2-Aug-1961 Jones Frederick William FP 10-Mar-1965 Luck FP 10-Mar-1965 7 age 78 Son of LAC/Mrs. E. Cormier, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. J. Cormier, RCAF Comox Dtr/o lac/ms. E. Cormier, RCAF Comox Son of F/O and Mrs. James Corner, RCAF Comox Son of F/O and Mrs. J. Corner, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Lloyd Corney, RCAF Comox Son of M/M David Corrigall of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M R. Kenneth Cosby of Campbell River Dtr/o M/M G. Coss of Bowser Son of M/M Bruno Costa of Courtenay Son of M/M E. Costa of Courtenay Son of M/M F. Costa of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Egidio Costa of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M E.J. Costain, formerly of Courtenay Son of Cpl/Mrs. H. Cote, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. P. Cote, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Patrice Cote, CAF Comox Born in Wales, formerly of Comox, mother of William E., Ronald, Glyn, Doreen, Beryl, Phyllis and Cyril (died in WW2), service at St. Peter's Comox, bur. Courtenay cemetery, Sutton's FH Son of M/M William Cottingham of Comox 3 14 Celebrating 50th wedding anniversary at Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. J.B. Couillard of Comox B7 12 FP 23-Oct-1963 2 Hazel Maude Gilson Info/Kin 3 FP 16-Oct-1963 16 FP 15-Jul-1964 2 FP 2-May-1962 2 RCAF Protestant Chapel Borth, Wales COTTINGHAM William Thomas COULTER FP FP FP FP FP FP FP Date FP 20-May-1964 2 Dtr/o Lac/Mrs. Roland Couling, RCAF Comox Son of M/M William Coulter of Cumberland Born in Ontario, wife dec'd, father of Bernice, Gladys, Evelyn, Louise, Lionel, Norman, Melvin and Ronald, other family named, service at Sands FH, Colwood, bur. Hatley Memorial Gardens Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper age 68 Date George A. FP 6-Sep-1961 Coulter Page COULTER Hazel Maude Death Victoria 12 COULTER William Macaulay M COUSENS (girl) Birth Cumberland United Church Comox COVENEY M/M R.V. M Ladysmith FP 13-Mar-1963 5 COVERDALE COWAN COWIE COWIE (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP COWIE Ernest John Death Nanaimo COWIE Gordon Stanley M COWLIN Margarette COX Doris Lillian M Sharlene Ruby FP 24-Apr-1963 7 Stockand FP 18-Aug-1965 5 age 55 Bethany Lutheran Church 3-Apr-1963 2-Aug-1961 21-Jun-1961 25-Apr-1962 10 13 2 15 Eva Taylor FP 27-May-1964 12 Shirley Lorraine Kreeger FP 20-Nov-1963 B7 Death Nelson, BC age 88 Charles Cowlin FP 4-Sep-1963 10 Burnaby, St. Stephen's Albert James Copp FP 4-Jul-1962 5 CRAFTER Robert Ramsey Death Vancouver CRAIG Thomas Vincent ReneDeath Comox age 4 CRAIK Andrew Death Vancouver age 70 CRANE CRAWFORD (boy) (boy) Birth Birth CRAWFORD Sharon May Maureen M Comox Comox Courtenay, St. George's age 64 Barbara Hobson FP 8-Jan-1964 14 FP 4-Aug-1965 9 Annie Patterson FP Millar FP FP John Graham FP Jones 9-Aug-1961 12 19-Sep-1962 2 29-Sep-1965 9 4-Apr-1962 2 Info/Kin Born at Bertland, Nebraska, nee Gilson, mother of Bernice, Gladys, Evelyn, Louise, Lionel, Norman, Melvin and Ronald, service at Sands FH, bur. Hatley memorial Son of M/M Charles Coulter of Cumberland Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Donald Cousens of Courtenay 25th wedding anniversary celebrated, parents of Mrs. R. Wilson, Mrs. W. McPhee and Robert, guests listed Son of M/M L. Coverdale of Comox Son of Cpl/Mrs. Gordon Cowan, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M George Cowie of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M George Cowie of Hornby Island Born in Cumberland, father of Jack and Annabelle, service at Sutton FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M Ernest W. Cowie of Prince Rupert Born in Comox, nee Finley, husband died 1940, mother of Ted, Tom, Charles and Alfred, sis/o Jane Childs, service in Castlegar Dtr/o M/M Bruce Cox of Burnaby Born in Berwick-on-Tweed, Scotland, Father of Adele and Janet, bro/o Alfred, Molly and Madge in England, no service, body donated to UBC medical school Born in Middleton, Nova Scotia, son of Vincent and Nel Craig of RCAF Comox, service at Sutton FH, bur. Summerside, PEI Born in Roslin, Scotland, formerly of Dove Creek, father of Drew and Brian Son of Cpl/Mrs. H. Crane, RCAF Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. D. Crawford of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Alex Crawford of Campbell River, engagement announced 28 Feb page 14 Surname CREAMER Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page Dtr/o M/M Dan Creamer christened Sayward RC infant Church FP 17-Apr-1963 B5 Laurie Marie Chr CREELMAN Mabel Langford, Death BC CREIGHTON (boy) Birth CREIGHTON Josephine Julia Death Victoria CRESSWELL CRISP CRISP (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox CRITCHLEY Arla Lynn M Edmonton, Alberta CROCKER (girl) Birth Comox CROCKETT Barbara May Death Comox CROCKETT Jean M St. Andrew's church CRONK Bent Leslie Tracy Chr Courtenay, age 7 months St. George's FP 12-May-1965 11 CROSS (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 25-Mar-1964 7 CROSS (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 10-Apr-1963 10 CROSS Elbert Philip Death Cumberland age 1 year CROTEAU (boy) Birth Comox CROZIER Margaret Marina M HMCS Naden CRUMMY Sandra Lynn M Courtenay, St. John's Alex born 1880 FP 15-Nov-1961 9 Creelman Comox age 60 age 51 Info/Kin FP John Barton FP Creighton FP FP FP Robrt Bruce FP Burdge FP 18-Jan-1961 2 30-Jan-1963 10 7-Aug-1963 2 26-Sep-1962 10 8-Jan-1964 16 Born in Nottingham, England, husband dec'd, mother of Stan, Kenneth, Ralph, Jack, Arthur, Dick, Winnie, Gladys, Phyllis and June, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M Murray Creighton of Comox Nee Smith, born in Emerson, Manitoba, formerly of Courtenay, mother of Murray, service in Duncan Dtr/o M/M Eric Cresswell of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M H. Crisp of Comox Dtr/o M/M Victor Crisp of Comox Dtr/o M/M T. Critchley of Edmonton 18-Nov-1964 B2 20-Oct-1965 11 single FP 18-Jul-1962 12 Jack Berkeley FP 15-Jan-1964 3 FP 10-Mar-1965 11 FP 4-Sep-1963 2 Edward George FP 10-Jun-1964 7 Thomson William Adair FP 4-Jul-1962 2 Gallaway Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Earl Crocker, RCAF Comox Born at Grantham, dtr/o John and Winnifred Crockett, sister of Jim, John, Fred, Edith, Margaret, Jean, Dolly, Alice and Norah, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery 25th wedding anniversary, dtr/o M/M John Crockett Son of Mr./Mrs. E.L. Cronk christened, grandson of Mr./Mrs. L.N. Taylor of Quill Lake, Sask. Son of M/M Phillip A. Cross of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Philip A. Cross of Cumberland Son of Mr./Mrs. P.A. Cross of Cumberland, service at Piercy FH, cremation Son of LAC/Mrs. J.J. Croteau, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M John Crozier of Comox Dtr/o M/M Norman McLary of Ottawa Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page CRYER Shirley M Campbell River Anglican CUBBAGE (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 21-Feb-1962 10 CUBBAGE (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 3-Jul-1963 Can. Martyrs RC church CUCCIOL Antonio M CUMMING Mr. and Mrs. J. M CUMMINGS CUMMINGS (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox CURRAN Melvin Robert Death Dorothy Lake CURRAN Robert James Death Comox CURRIE (boy) Birth David Adams Dtr/o M/M Jack Cryer of Willow Point FP 2-Jan-1963 11 Resident of Fanny Bay Bruna Francesch FP 8-Aug-1962 ini 10 FP 9-Jan-1963 12 age 39 Joan Hutchinso FP 27-Sep-1961 1 n age 69 Letitia Williams FP 18-Oct-1961 14 FP 9-May-1962 Thomas William Feely 9 CURRIE Roberta M CURTIS Dianne Ruth M Vancouver David Rex FP 16-Oct-1963 3 Woods CURTIS Mary Olive M Arden, Manitoba Laughlin FP 25-Dec-1963 2 McFayden CUTLER (boy) Birth Comox CYR Brian Frederick Death Cumberland age 2 years DAHLBERG Thora Amelia Death Vancouver DAHLE DAHLE (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox Alfred Dahlberg 50th wedding anniversary celebrated at Willow Point, residents of Big Rock Son of LAC/Mrs. Robert Cummings, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. G. Cummings, RCAF Comox Born at Comox, son of M/M Robert Curran, grandson of M/M Charles Williams, brother of Mrs. Nick Chomeakwich and Mrs. Murriel Hollett, service in Vancouver Born in Brownsville, Oregon, father of Melvin who died 22 Sep in plane crash, bro/o Mrs. Grace Martin and Mrs. E. Bilodeau, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Sandwick Anglican cemetery Son of M/M Wm Currie of Comox Dtr/o M/M Hugh Currie of Cloverdale FP 30-Sep-1964 B5 FP 15-Feb-1961 8 age 69 Son of Dr/Mrs. J.S. Cubbage of Cumberland Dtr/o Dr. and Mrs. J.S. Cubbage of Cumberland FP 16-Oct-1963 16 FP 26-Feb-1964 16 Comox Cloverdale United Church Info/Kin FP 14-Nov-1962 2 FP 25-Sep-1963 3 FP 24-Jul-1963 2 FP 31-May-1961 2 Dtr/o Mrs. Nellie Watters of Vancouver 50th wedding anniversary celebrated Son of M/M Hugh Cutler, RCAF Comox Born in Vancouver, son of Gordon and Judith Cyr, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Born in Norway, nee Larsen, resident of Courtenay, mother of Eileen, Dorothy and Betty, service in Vancouver, bur. Ocean View Park Son of M/M John Dahle of RR1 Comox Dtr/o M/M John Dahle of Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper DAHLMAN Earl Death Comox age 73 DAILEY DALEY DALEY (girl) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth DALLAS Harold Young Death Vancouver DALZIEL James M DAMONTE Mellio (Dick) Death Vancouver DAMS (girl) Birth DANDO Christina Cumming Death Cumberland age 69 DANG DANIELS (girl) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox DANN Richard Death Costa Brava, Spain Alice Dahlman Comox Comox Comox age 79 Mrs. Ellen FP 24-Jan-1962 14 Ward age 60 Dorothy Damonte (girl) Birth DARNELL William Curtis Death Port Hardy DAUK Lucille Margaret M DAUNCEY Mr. and Mrs. W.M. M DAUNCEY William M. Death single 5 FP 9-Jun-1965 12 FP 18-Sep-1963 3 FP 18-Jul-1962 1 Edith May FP 15-Aug-1962 12 Clarkson FP 29-Sep-1965 9 age 13 Annaheim, Saskatchew an Inglewood, California Caleb Dando FP 6-Mar-1963 FP 6-Oct-1965 9 FP 31-Jan-1962 2 Comox United Church Comox D'AOUST FP 22-Sep-1965 B8 Elizabeth Ann FP 25-Oct-1961 14 Younger Comox M Page FP 24-Jun-1964 2 FP 11-Dec-1963 3 FP 7-Apr-1965 3 Nanaimo DANYLYSHYN Peter Date FP 28-Jul-1965 2 Info/Kin Born at South Bend, Washington, father of Maurice, bro/o Mrs. Josephine Hillier of Montana, service at Piercy FH, cremation Dtr/o M/M G. Dailey of Courtenay Son of M/M D. Daley of Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. Donald Daley of Comox Born in Scotland, father of Helen Foden and Kenneth, bur. Masonic cemetery in Burnaby Resident of Denman Island, marriage announcement Born in Nanaimo, former resident, father of Elinore, bro/o Mrs. P. Combest, Mrs. J. Hall and Joe, service in Vancouver Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Stanley Dams of Courtenay Nee Mitchell, born at Wellington, mother of Mrs. R.D. Taylor of Victoria, service at Piercy FH, cremation Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Boon Dang of Courtenay Son of LAC/Mrs. Donald Daniels, RCAF Comox Drowned while on leave from RCAF, son of Muriel Dann, brother of Margaret, who attended service in Spain Son of M/M Michael Danylyshyn of Port Arthur, Ontario Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. E.P. D'Aoust of Courtenay Drowned in Quasion Sound, grandson of Mr./Mrs. Hasken Cay of Port Hardy, resident of San Jose, California Resident of Annaheim, parents not named Dan FP 18-Sep-1963 3 Bulatovich age 82 Mrs. Dauncey FP 2-Jan-1963 1 60th Wedding anniversary celebrated in Los Angeles, California, parents of Sid Dauncey of Royston FP 3-Apr-1963 10 Former resident of district, father of Sid of Courtenay, two dtrs in California Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper DAVID (boy) Birth DAVID (boy) Birth DAVID Diana Isabelle M DAVIDSON DAVIDSON (boy) (girl) Birth Birth New Hazelton, BC Comox Miller Memorial Chapel Comox Comox DAVIDSON Roger Reynolds M Courtenay, St. George's DAVIE Mary Catherine M Courtenay, St. George's DAVIES (boy) Birth Comox DAVIES Lynda Louise M Union Bay United Church DAVIES Margaretta Death Comox DAVIES Marilyn Jean M Union Bay United Church DAVIS DAVIS (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox DAVIS Ann Elizabeth Death Comox DAVIS Annie Death Essondale Date Page Info/Kin Dtr/o M/M Lou David, nee Lucille Gunter Walter Olov Neros FP 4-Apr-1962 2 FP 2-Oct-1963 8 FP 8-Nov-1961 5 FP 7-Feb-1962 FP 9-Oct-1963 2 2 Cherie Elizabeth FP 15-Aug-1962 2 MacKenzi e Jonn Gary FP 8-Jul-1964 Lewis age 76 Thomas Davies FP 7-Apr-1965 FP 9-Jun-1965 Dtr/o M/M Stan Davie B10 11 William John FP 5-Aug-1964 B2 Carmicha el FP 14-Nov-1962 16 FP 28-Oct-1964 2 age 85 G.P. Davis FP 2-Dec-1964 age 79 Samuel Davis Son of M/M P. Davidson of Port Neville Dtr/o M/M Philip Davidson of Port Neville Son of Dr. George F. and Mrs. Davidson of Ottawa, engagement announced 25 Jul page 12 7 FP 13-Jun-1962 2 Arthur Charle Polden Son of M/M Louis Davidof Port McNeill Dtr/o M/M Tom David of Hazelton 9 FP 23-Jun-1965 3 Son of M/M R. Davies of Cumberland Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Herbert C. Davies of Fanny Bay, engagement announced 3 March page 11 Born in Ammonford, Wales, nee Evans, husband dec'd, mother of Marguerite, Dorothy, Esther, Evelyn, Stanley, Ralph, David and Harold, service at Sutton FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M Herbert C. Davies of Union Bay Dtr/o M/M F. Davis of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M James Davis of Courtenay Born in Yorkshire, England, husband dec'd, mother of George, Charles, Henry, Beattie, Albert, Norman, Mrs. J. Macartney, Mrs. C. Ingram, Mrs. J. Conti, Mrs. J. Kerpan and Mrs. F. Haslam, sis/o Henry Carter, service at Piercy FH, bur. Sandwick Anglican cemetery Born in Nanticoke, Pennsylvania, nee Hunden, mother of Sam, John, Cyrl, David, Gilbert and Gertie, other family named, service at Hamilton Mortuary, cremation Surname DAVIS DAVIS Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Bertha Ellen Death Cumberland age 79 John D. Davis Ross Graham Monkman Death Pass, BC age 46 Gwendolin e FP 5-May-1965 Whitbread age 61 Mary Davis Page FP 10-Nov-1965 2 1 DAVIS Roy H. Death Comox DAVISON DAVISON DAWSON DAWSON DAY (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth DAY Donald George Death Comox DAYMAN DAYMAN (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox DE PAPE Loretta M North Vancouver DeARMOND (boy) Birth Comox FP 2-May-1962 2 DeARMOND (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 6-Jan-1965 B2 DECHAMPS Lydia M Sandwick Anglican Edward Osipow FP 2-Jan-1963 3 DELAWSKY Stephen Peter Death Courtenay single FP 19-Jun-1963 1 DELUCRY (girl) Birth Nottingham, England FP 19-Apr-1961 9 DENEUVILLE DENEUVILLE (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 13-Nov-1963 16 FP 6-Jan-1965 9 DENNELY Anne Catherine M Can. Martyrs RC church DENNETT (girl) Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox FP 16-Sep-1964 B7 FP FP FP FP FP age 44 May Paquette 6-Dec-1961 10-Apr-1963 12-Sep-1962 20-Jan-1965 14-Nov-1962 2 10 2 5 16 FP 22-Nov-1961 15 FP 26-Apr-1961 16 FP 23-May-1962 2 Reno Vogrig age 19 Robert Arnold Muir FP 20-Feb-1963 11 FP 8-Nov-1961 FP 4-Aug-1965 Info/Kin Born in Denver, Colorado, nee Etchells, husband dec'd, mother of Mary and William, service at Cumberland United Church, bur. Cumberland cemetery Missing on flight from Grand Prairie AB to Prince George, civilian pilot of Cessna 180 Born at Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, resident of Royston, father of Harry, Ronald, Jessie and Norma Jean, service at Sutton FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M Robert A. Davison of Courtenay Son of M/M R.A. Davison of Courtenay Son of M/M R.G. Dawson of Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. George E. Dawson of Comox Dtr/o M/M K. Day of Courtenay Car accident, born at Comox, divorced, father of Linda and George, bro/o Cassie, Jennie, Doris and Daryl, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of Cpl/Mrs. Albert Dayman, RCAF Comox Son of Cpl/Mrs. Albert Dayman, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M George De Pape of Hornby Island, sister of Mrs. Marie Klaver Son of Cst/Mrs. Robert H. DeArmond of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Robt DeArmond of Courtenay Formerly of Alberta, will live in Courtenay Drowned in Puntledge River, son of Peter Delawsky and Annie Danyluk, inquest held Dtr/o M/M D.M. DeLucry, gdtr of M/M Gunnar Johnson of Grantham Son of LAC/Mrs. J. Deneuville, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Jean Deneuville, RCAF Courtenay Dtr/o M/M D.J. Dennely of Christchurch, New Zealand 2 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. John Dunnett of Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date FP 19-Apr-1961 Raymond Russell FP 11-Oct-1961 Fulton Viola Dorothy FP 29-Jul-1964 Bunting FP 14-Feb-1962 Page DENNIS (boy) Birth DENNISON Kathleen Lucinda M DEPTFORD Edward Laurence M DERBY (boy) Birth Comox St. Catherine's church Campbell River, St. Peter's Comox DeRYCKE (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 13-Nov-1963 16 DESJARDINS (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 29-Jul-1964 14 DESPINS Lorraine Yvonne M Duncan FP 15-Jul-1964 B7 DESSUREAULT (boy) Birth Comox DEUTCHER Fred M Victoria DEVOY William Death Salt Spring Island DEWELL William M. Death Comox DeWITT (boy) Birth Comox FP 22-Feb-1961 14 DEWITT John Wayne Chr Courtenay, age 6 months St. George's FP 23-Aug-1961 2 DEWITT Marilyn Edith Death Port Alberni age 24 John Dewitt FP 14-Apr-1965 11 DICK Elizabeth Death Ladysmith John Hoggan Dick FP 18-Apr-1962 9 DICK John Death Read Island age 25 DICK John Hoggan Death Ladysmith Donald Gary Oliver 9 Son of M/M Laurence Deptford B3 2 Son of Cpl/Mrs. J. Derby, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Marcel DeRycke of Cumberland Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Henry Joseph Desjardins of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Prosper Desins of Sayward age 84 Nellie FP 12-Feb-1964 14 WalLACe age 89 Mary Dewell age 71 Son of LAC/Mrs. Leonard Dennis, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M C.O. Dennison of Fanny Bay 2 FP 30-Oct-1963 2 Loretta FP 13-Nov-1963 2 McGregor age 65 Info/Kin FP 21-Jul-1965 9 FP 19-May-1965 1 Elizabeth FP 7-Mar-1962 Gilmour 10 Son of F/O and Mrs. J. Dessureault, RCAF Comox Son of Mrs. A. Deutcher of Regina and late Mr. Deutcher Born in Ireland, divorced, father of Rita, Agnes, Betty, Pam and Bill, son Gordon died WW2, service at Sutton FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Born in Decorah, Iowa, formerly of Astwood, Sask., father of Edna, Irene and Ladona, dtr Margaret died 1961, service at St. John's Comox, bur. Courtenay cemetery (Piercy FH) Son of M/M John DeWitt of Courtenay Son of M/M John G. DeWitt, grandson of M/M D. Easton and M/M C.J. DeWitt Born in Sidney, BC, nee Easton, mother of John, Stephen and Kenneth (10 days old), service at Steven's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Born in Stirlingshire, Scotland, nee Gilmour, mother of George, John, James and Janet, husband died 3 March 1962, service in Ladysmith, bur. Cedar Valley Memorial Gardens Missing and believed drowned after fishing trawler found submerged Born in Bothkennar, Scotland, father of John, George, James and Janet, bro/o Mrs. Nette Johnson, Mrs. Frank Metcalf and Mrs. Christina Hoggan, service at First United in Ladysmith Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page DICK Robert Death Read Island age 17 DICKENS (boy) Birth Comox DICKINS Jill Elizabeth M Vancouver DICKINSON Norma Jean M Metropolitan United DICKINSON Peter Death Cumberland age 83 FP 4-Mar-1964 12 DICKS (boy) Birth FP 6-Oct-1965 9 DIETER Louis not named FP 9-Oct-1963 5 DILL (girl) DILL Donna Darlene DILL Ernest Arthur DINGMAN DINGWALL DINGWALL (girl) (girl) (girl) Comox Denver, Death Colorado Birth Comox Comox Chr United Church Comox Chr United Church Birth Comox Birth Comox Birth Comox DINGWALL Allan M Courtenay, St. George's DINGWALL Lawrence M Sandwick Anglican M RCAF Catholic chapel DINGWALL Linda Elizabeth DINGWALL Robert Bruce M Beauharnois , Quebec DINI DIONNE (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox DOBREE Robert Osmond Death Comox FP 19-May-1965 1 FP 28-Jun-1961 10 Stephen FP 14-Aug-1963 3 Whitmore Darrell Wayne FP 18-Sep-1963 2 Roberts FP 2-Aug-1961 13 age 6 months FP 21-Feb-1962 3 age 15 months FP 5-Jul-1961 8 FP 13-May-1964 2 FP 7-Aug-1963 2 FP 22-Sep-1965 12 Mrs. May FP 15-May-1963 B6 Swanson Marie Irene FP 31-Oct-1962 3 Parkin Joseph Louis FP 29-Apr-1964 2 Alban Turpin Elizabeth Lucy FP 21-Feb-1962 2 MacDonal d FP 30-May-1962 2 FP 1-Jul-1964 2 age 46 Audrey S. FP 3-Feb-1965 Dobree 9 Info/Kin Missing and believed drowned after fishing trawler found submerged Son of M/M Robin Blake Dickens of Royston Dtr/o M/M F.C. Dickins of Vancouver Dtr/o M/M T.D. Dickinson of Victoria Born in Chorley, Lancashire, England, wife died 1952, father of Peter and John, service at Sutton FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of Mr./Mrs. H. Dicks, RCAF Comox Summer visitor, owned gold book-binding business in Denver Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. David Dill, RCAF Comox Dtr/o David and Mrs. Dill christened, gdtr of M/M Harold Sexton of Windsor, Nova Scotia, sis/o Ernest Dill Son of Corporal David and Mrs. Dill of Comox christened, grandson of M/M Joseph Dill of Nova Scotia and M/M Harold Sexton of Nova Scotia Dtr/o Sgt/Mrs. D. Dingman, RCAF Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Lawrence Dingwall of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. L. Dingwall of Kelsey Bay Father of Lawrence and Linda, quiet wedding Son of M/M Alan Dingwall of Fanny Bay, engagement announced 10 Oct page 15 Dtr/o Allan Dingwall of Comox and Mrs. Clara Dingwall of Powell River Son of M/M Allan Dingwall of Fanny Bay Son of M/M Ronald Dini of Courtenay Son of Capt/Mrs. G. Dionne, RCAF Comox Born in North Battleford, Sask., father of Barbara, Dianne and Janie, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Surname DODD DODDS Givens (boy) Bernard John Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Birth Comox Date Page FP 10-Sep-1964 4 M Vancouver Helen Audey Griffith Ottawa, St. Bartholome w Winnifred Jean FP 14-Jun-1961 2 Willis DODDS James Smith M DODGE DODGE DOHERTY DOHERTY DOLEMAN DOLITTLE (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth DOMEY Alberta Louise Death DONAHUE Michael Robert Death Comox DONALDSON Katherine Anne M Courtenay, St. George's DONOVAN (boy) Birth Comox DONOVAN Cecil Edward M Can. Martyrs RC church DOOLITTLE DOOLITTLE (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox DORE Gilbert Larry M Union Bay United Church DOUCET DOUCET (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox DOUCETTE Janet Shirley M Court House, Courtenay DOUCETTE Margaret Fay M DOUGALL (boy) Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP FP FP Comox Qualicum Beach Cumberland United Church Comox FP 15-Jul-1964 age 69 Conrad Ellis Domey age 17 5-Apr-1961 4-Mar-1964 26-Apr-1961 4-Mar-1964 24-Feb-1965 25-Apr-1962 2 2 16 2 3 15 14 FP 21-Jul-1965 1 Robin Lee FP 19-Feb-1964 3 Woodrow FP 13-Jan-1965 C2 13 FP 1-Mar-1961 12 FP 22-Apr-1964 2 Judith Anne Chafer Son of M/M E. Dodd of Courtenay Son of Mrs. John Inglin of Ganges 6 FP 6-Feb-1963 Donna Marie FP 8-Jul-1964 Zaleschuk Info/Kin FP 19-Jun-1963 2 FP 9-Oct-1963 2 FP 24-Feb-1965 3 Son of M/M Jck Dodds of Courtenay Son of M/M Raymond Dodge of Courtenay Son of M/M Raymond Dodge of Courtenay Son of M/M Joseph Doherty of Courtenay Son of M/M J. Doherty of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Alex Doleman of Cumberland Son of LAC/Mrs. Lloyd Dolittle, RCAF Comox Nee Wynne, born in Portland, Maine, mother of Bud, Karl Erik, Marion and Constance, service at Forest Lawn Motorcycle accident near Bowser, born in North Vancouver, son of Robert and Jean Donohue Dtr/o M/M Sidney D. Donaldson of Royston, engagement announced 15 Jan page 12 Son of LAC/Mrs. Cecil Donovan, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Joseph A. Donovan of GLACe Bay, Nova Scotia, engagement announced 8 July page 13 Son of LAC/Mrs. Lloyd L. Doolittle, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Lloyd Doolittle, RCAF Comox Son of M/M A. Dore of Port Alberni, engagement announced 22 May page 14 Dtr/o F/L and Mrs. John Doucet, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/L and Mrs. John H. Doucet, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Ernest Doucette of Courtenay Allen FP 27-Nov-1963 2 Ladouceur Robert Axel Green Dtr/o M/M Ernest Doucette of Courtenay FP 30-Oct-1963 10 FP 16-Oct-1963 16 Son of M/M James Dougall, RCAF Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper RCAF Protestant Chapel Comox Kenneth Joseph Tappay Date Page Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. J. Dougall of RCAF Comox DOUGALL Eileen Dianne M DOUGLAS (boy) Birth DOUGLAS David Bruce M DOUGLAS Steven Robert Birth DOWN (boy) Birth DOWN Douglas Death Toba Inlet age 4 years FP 13-Dec-1961 1 DOWN Sandra Death Toba Inlet age 15 months FP 13-Dec-1961 1 DOWNEY (boy) Birth Comox FP 12-Sep-1962 2 DOWNEY DOWNEY (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 10-Feb-1965 B8 FP 23-Jun-1965 5 DOWNEY Arran M Willow Point Belleville, Ontario Comox DOWNEY Doreen Death Nanaimo DOWNEY Dwaine M DOYLE Marie Pauline M DOYLE Terence John M DRAPEAU DRAPEAU DRAPEAU (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth DRAPEAU Jacques J. M Can. Martyrs RC church DRESEN (boy) Birth Comox RCAF Protestant Chapel RCAF Catholic chapel RCAF Catholic chapel Comox Comox Comox FP 24-Feb-1965 B9 FP 29-Apr-1964 2 Edna Lynne FP 18-Sep-1963 2 Whitmore St. John's Anglican FP 10-Mar-1965 12 FP 27-Sep-1961 8 Karen Gail FP 20-Mar-1963 B5 Muir age 37 Joseph Patrick Downey Sheila Mary Visser Terence John Doyle Marie Pauline Doyle FP 4-Jan-1961 1 FP 14-Jun-1961 3 Son of LAC/Mrs. R. Douglas, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Gordon Douglas of Williams Lake, formerly of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. Robert Douglas, grandson of Mr./Mrs. Gordon Douglas, formerly of Courtenay Son of M/M Murray Down of Courtenay Died in house fire, son of M/M Murray Down, nee Claire Burgess Died in house fire, dtr of M/M Murray Down, nee Claire Burgess Son of LAC/Mrs. Dwaine Downey, nee Sheila Visser, of BlackCreek Son of Mr./Mrs. Dwaine Downey of BlackCreek Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Richard Downey of Courtenay Son of Archie Downey, married at bride's home Fire in apartment, husband and dtr not home, sister-inlaw of M. Downey of Courtenay. See obituary 11 Jan page 10, mother of Colleen, service at St. Peter's Nanaimo, bur. Nanaimo cemetery Son of Mrs. T.A. Downey of Saskatoon, Sask., engagement announced 17 May page 14 Dtr/o Mrs. Simonne Doyle of Montreal FP 22-Jan-1964 3 Son of M/M Patrick Doyle FP 22-Jan-1964 3 FP 20-Mar-1963 2 FP 4-Aug-1965 FP 8-Apr-1964 2 Juanita Caroline Case Info/Kin FP 3-Oct-1962 2 FP 11-Jul-1962 2 Son of :AC/Mrs. J. Drapeau, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Harry Drapeau of Courtenay Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. J. Dapeau, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Ovila Drapeau of St. Lambert, Quebec, engagement announced 8 Aug page 14 Son of M/M Niel Dresen of Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Gail Victoria Minary DRESEN Gary Karl M Courtenay, St. George's DRESEN Ross Karl Chr Courtenay , age 19 months St. George DREW (boy) Birth Comox DRIER Gordon Frederick M Victoria, Metropolitan United DRINKWATER Jeanette Ada M Denman Island DRUMMOND Geraldine Gertrude M Chase Anglican DRYDA (boy) Birth Comox DUBE Joseph Maurice M Nanaimo DUBREUIL Merrilyn M Mulhurst, Alberta DUCHESNE (boy) Birth Comox DUCKITT Harold Warren Death Comox DUECK (girl) Birth Frank M Kelowna DUERDEN (boy) Birth Comox DUERDEN John Derek M University Hill United DUGGAN Michael James Birth Chatham, New Brunswick DUMKA Robert Andrew M Burnaby, BC DUMONT DUNCAN (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox Page age 76 single Grandson of Mr./Mrs. Karl Dresen of Comox, engagement announced 11 August page 8 FP 4-Mar-1964 Son of M/M Niel E. Dresen, grandson of M/M Karl Dresen and M/M K.H. Went 6 FP 28-Mar-1962 2 FP 7-Oct-1964 Gerda Harms Susan Janet Enger 6 FP 27-Sep-1961 2 FP 1-Mar-1961 12 FP 4-Aug-1965 12 FP 1-Mar-1961 Marilyn Ellen Cooper Info/Kin FP 20-Oct-1965 C6 FP 26-Jun-1963 2 Margaret Marilynne FP 18-Apr-1962 2 Montgome ry James FP 23-Sep-1964 C1 Sherlock Howard Gerald FP 19-Aug-1964 8 Lunn FP 9-May-1962 9 Marjorie Katherine FP 7-Aug-1963 2 Beck Roland Henry FP 4-Mar-1964 12 Tobacco FP 7-Oct-1964 6 Comox DUECK Date 2 Son of LAC/Mrs. R. Drew, RCAF Comox Son of M/M G.C. Drier of Tisdale, Saskatchewan Dtr/o Mrs. and the late Joseph Drinkwater of Denman Island Dtr/o M/M G.W. Drummond of Chase Son of F/S and Mrs. Harry Dryda, RCAF Son of M/M Peter Dube of New Brunswick Dtr/o M/M Martin Dubreuil of Mulhurst, Alberta, engagement announced 4 Mar page 12 Son of F/O and Mrs. J. Duchesne, RCAF Comox Born in Durham, England, service at St. Andrew's Anglican, Sandwick, bur. Ross Bay, Victoria Dtr/o M/M David Dueck of Courtenay Son of Mrs. Tina Dueck of Vancouver Son of M/M George V. Duerden of Courtenay Son of Mrs. George Duerden of Courtenay and the late Mr. Duerden, engagement announced 30 June page 10 Son of Cpl. and Mrs. J.F. Duggan, grandson of M/M James Baird, 7 lb 13 oz Son of M/M H. Dumka of Yorkton, Saskatchewan FP 17-Apr-1963 3 FP 24-Jan-1962 2 FP 10-Feb-1965 B8 Son of LAC/Mrs. Lucien Dumont, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. David Duncan, RCAF Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper age 64 Roy Duncan Date Page DUNCAN Jean MacSkimmer Death Sayward DUNN (girl) Birth DUNN Aaron Carter Death Duncan age 82 Martha Brown FP 15-Jul-1964 DUNN Ada Louise Death Comox age 64 Harold Dunn FP 20-Dec-1961 2 DUNN Robert Death Victoria age 48 Susan Dunn FP 31-Jul-1963 DUNNETT (girl) Birth Comox DUNSMORE George Kenneth M Parksville Comox FP 10-Oct-1962 3a FP 24-Jun-1964 2 14 2 FP 4-Jul-1962 2 Patricia Elizabeth FP 12-Sep-1962 11 Brennan DUPRE Cyriel Death Courtenay age 56 single FP 29-Jan-1964 1 DUPRE Joseph Albert Death Comox age 79 single FP 12-Apr-1961 12 DURANT DURANT DUROCHER DUTRISAC DUVAL (girl) (girl) (girl) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox DYER Doreen Katherine M Vancouver DZUBA (boy) Birth Comox EARLY Beverley Jane M Campbell River United Church EASTERBROOKJoseph M Cumberland EASTERBROOKRoberta Ann M Boyd home FP FP FP FP FP Gary Edward Mullins 31-Oct-1962 28-Oct-1964 1-Jan-1964 27-Nov-1963 24-May-1961 2 2 5 2 2 Madeline Warren Barry Eugene Boyd Born in Edinborough, Scotland, mother of Alice, Glen and Kenneth, sis/o Bill, Jack and Bob Struthers, Sutton's FH, bur. Sayward cemetery Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. L. Dunn, RCAF Born in Sheffield, England, wife dec'd, father of Arthur and Margaret, service at Sutton FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Born in Chicago, resideded Little River Road, sister of Mrs. Ella Rice and Elmer Kassang of Chicago, service at Sutton's FH, cremation Former resident of Union Bay, born in Vancouver, 4 children not named Dtr/o M/M J. Dunnett of Courtenay Son of M/M Kenneth Dunsmore of Willow Point Died from accidental gunshot wound while police were executing a warrant for his arrest, born in Belgium, one brother in US, bur. Curtenay cemetery. See obituary 29 Jan page 14, service at Sutton FH, bro/o Kamiel of East Moline, Illinois. See Inquest 5 Feb page 1 Born in Woonsocket, Rhode Island, two sisters in Quebec, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M John Durant of Comox Dtr/o M/M John Durant of Courtenay Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. L. Durocher, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. G. Dutrisac, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Norman Duval, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Richard L. Dyer of Courtenay FP 22-Sep-1965 C6 FP 15-Apr-1964 6 Lenard Tortorelli Info/Kin Son of M/M A. Dzuba of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Lin Early of Willow Point FP 29-Nov-1961 2a FP 20-Mar-1963 10 25th wedding anniversary Dtr/o M/M Joseph Easterbrook of Cumberland FP 6-Nov-1963 6 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page David Dtr/o M/M Douglas H. Easton of Mount Lehman James FP 16-Sep-1964 8 Reynolds Eileen Son of Mr./Mrs. M.R.J. Eaton of Sidney, BC Daphne FP 18-Aug-1965 B11 Jacobsen Born in Aurora, Nebraska, resident of Qualicum Bay, single FP 5-Jul-1961 14 service at Sutton's FH Reginald Dtr/o M/M Casper T. Eberle of Prince George FP 19-Apr-1961 3 Kempster FP 3-Jan-1962 2 Dtr/o M/M Kenneth Eccleston of Union Bay FP 19-Feb-1964 16 Dtr/o M/M K. Eccleston of Union Bay Born at Arnprior, Ontario, resident of Willow Point, father of Hector, Arthur, Jean, Dorothy and Phyllis, Lola Reid FP 1-Apr-1964 14 other family named, service and burial in Campbell River Born in Sweden, brother of Mrs. Otto Holmstrom, single FP 31-Oct-1962 9 service at Sutton's Campbell River, bur. Campbell River cemetery Formerly of Victoria, leaves wife in Courtenay, service FP 27-Mar-1963 10 in McCall Bros. FH FP 16-Aug-1961 14 Son of M/M Norman Edgar of Comox Dtr/o M/M Lloyd G. Edgson of Shawnigan Lake Gregor Robert FP 7-Aug-1963 2 Turner EASTON Carol Anne M Port Coquitlam EATON Gordon Gary M Victoria EATON Roy Death Comox EBERLE Dorothy Magdalena M ECCLESTON ECCLESTON (girl) (girl) Birth Birth ECKFORD Herbert Peter Death Campbell River age 81 ECKLUND Carl Sigfried Death Campbell River age 54 EDDIE Colin John Perrin Death Victoria EDGAR (boy) Birth Comox EDGSON Ruby M Shawnigan Lake United Church EDIN (boy) Birth EDWARD James M EDWARDS (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 22-Mar-1961 2 EDWARDS (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 29-Apr-1964 2 EDWARDS Alice Jessie Death Cumberland age 82 EDWARDS Arthur Joseph Death Cumberland age 83 EDWARDS Curtis Paul Birth age 76 Prince George Comox Comox Comox Victoria, Naden Anglican chapel Vancouver Info/Kin FP 5-Apr-1961 2 Betty Pearl FP 29-Nov-1961 2a Blaseckie Arthur Joseph Edwards Alice Jessie Rodwell FP 15-Dec-1965 B6 FP 21-Jul-1965 11 FP 28-Feb-1962 16 Son of M/M Milton Edin of Courtenay Son of M/M J. Edward of England Son of M/M William Edwards of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M William Edwards of Cumberland Born in Leeston, Suffolk, England, nee Rodwell, husband died 15 July, mother of Joyce, Cyril, Jack and Ralph, service at Piercy FH, cremation Born in Kent, England, father of Laurence (died 1952), Joyce, Cyril, Ralph and Jack, service at Piercy FH, cemation Son of M/M Lionel Edwards, nee Donalline Tilbe Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page EDWARDS Curtis Paul Chr Courtenay, age 5 months St. George's FP 18-Jul-1962 2 EDWARDS Glynis Ann Birth Vancouver FP 14-Jul-1965 3 EDWARDS Jan Louise Birth Burnaby FP 22-Aug-1962 10 EDWARDS Joseph Death Comox EDWARDS Robert Lewis M Cumberland, Holy Trinity EFTODA Nicholas Death Campbell River EGAN EGAN EGAN (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth EGAN Brian Robert EGAN age 95 Agnes Kooli age 34 Comox Comox Comox Beryl Anne FP 20-Sep-1961 Morrish Dora Wasilench FP 18-Jan-1961 uk FP 2-Sep-1964 FP 10-Apr-1963 FP 12-Jun-1963 M Methodist church manse Isabel Mae FP 6-Dec-1961 Alexander Ronald William M Courtenay, St. George's Judith Ann FP 15-Nov-1961 3 Miller EGELAND Martin Death Courtenay EGGEN EGGLESTON (boy) (girl) Birth Birth EGGLETON Maud Victoria M EHLERT Constance Anne M New Westminster EID EIGLER EKDAHL (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox EKDAHL James M Courtenay, St. George's Comox Comox Arkley, Herts, England age 42 Joan Egeland FP 25-Oct-1961 1 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Lionel Edwards, nee Donalene Tilbe, sis for Curtis Dtr/o M/M Robert Edwards Born in Spain (?), father of Madeline Crocker, adoptive father of Mrs. Anne Billie, service at St. John the Baptist, bur. Comox Indian cemetery beside Agnes Son of M/M Jack Edwards of Cumberland, engagement announced 23 Aug page 15 1 Died after 3-vehicle crash on highway, born in Calder, Sask., inquest found due to mechanical failure 3 10 2 Son of M/M Ronald Egan of Courtenay Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. R. Egan, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Brian Egan of Courtenay Son of M/M Cyril Egan of Courtenay 3 FP 23-Jun-1965 3 George FP 23-Jan-1963 2 Henry Ellis FP 11-Aug-1965 8 FP 29-Nov-1961 2 FP 5-Jun-1963 2 FP 12-Apr-1961 2 Rosemary FP 10-Jul-1963 Jean Field Son of M/M Lionel Edwards of North Vancouver, grandson of M/M Arthur Tilbe and M/M Lionel Edwards 9 FP 11-Apr-1962 2 FP 19-Jul-1961 2 Kenneth Norman Windley Info/Kin 2 Son of M/M Cyril Egan of this district Formerly of Sidney, BC, son of Anna Egeland, father of Keren, Susan and Valerie, service at McCall FH, Victoria Son of LAC/Mrs. Ronald Eggen, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Geoffrey Eggleston, RCAF Comox 50th wedding anniversary celebrated in Comox, children Mrs. Maurice Bell, Mrs. A.E. Richmond, Mrs. John Gammon, Owen and R.D. Ellis Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Reed Ehlert of Burnaby, engagement announced 11 August page 8 Son of M/M Donald Reid of Qualicum Beach Son of M/M Alexander Eigler of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M David Ekdahl of Courtenay Son of M/M Gunnar Ekdahl of North Vancouver, engagement announced 19 June page 13 Surname ELDER Givens (boy) Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Birth Comox Date Page FP 24-Nov-1965 11 Michael Gutman Heide Jensen Ruth Elgen Sutton Wayne Thomas Watson FP 25-Sep-1963 2 Info/Kin Son of F/O and Mrs. Neil Elder of Courtenay Dtr/o Mrs. J.D. Elder of New Westminster ELDER Maureen Doris M Victoria ELEK Imre M Comox ELLIOT William Edward Death Powell River age 55 ELLIOTT Brenda Kathleen M Red Deer, Alberta ELLIOTT Marion M Victoria, First Baptist ELLIS ELLIS (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox ELLIS Doris Death Comox, The age 60 Fort Charles Ellis FP 16-Jan-1963 14 ELLIS George H. M Maud Victoria Eggleton FP 23-Jan-1963 2 ELLIS Gordon Henry Chr Arkley, Herts, England St. John's Anglican ELLIS James Arthur M ELLIS Joan Laverne M St. George's United Howard FP 1-Mar-1961 Lee Mont 11 Dtr/o M/M James Ellis of Cumberland, 4 lb 11 oz Dtr/o M/M William Ellis of Union Bay Born in Lancashire, England, mother of Diane Bosomworth, service at United Church, Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery 50th wedding anniversary celebrated in Comox, children Mrs. Maurice Bell, Mrs. A.E. Richmond, Mrs. John Gammon, Owen and R.D. Ellis Son of M/M Gordon Ellis christened, grandson of M/M H.S. Chapman and M/M James Ellis Son of Mr./Mrs. James Ellis of Dove Creek, engagement announced 11 August page 8 Dtr/o M/M James W. Ellis, , engagement announced 1 Mar page 11 ELLIS Joan Laverne M St. George's United Howard FP 5-Apr-1961 Leo Monk 3 Dtr/o M/M James W. Ellis, engagement announced 8 Mar page 11 ELLIS Marilyn Joan M ELLISON ELLISON (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox Lawrence George FP 3-Jan-1962 11 Lundrigan FP 8-Jul-1964 13 FP 22-Aug-1962 10 ELY (boy) Birth Toronto FP 20-Mar-1963 2 Dtr/o M/M Edwin M. Ellis of Campbell River, formerly of Courtenay, engagement announced 3 Jan 1962 page 11 Son of M/M H. Ellison of Royston Dtr/o M/M H. Ellison of Courtenay Son of M/M Peter Ely, nee Trudy Mounce, grandson of Mrs. C.W. Mounce, grt grandson of Mrs. M. Aspesi EMBERLIN (boy) Birth Comox FP 3-Mar-1965 Son of LAC/Mrs. Dennis Emberlin, RCAF Comox FP 10-Jun-1964 2 FP 28-Nov-1962 3 Born in Ontario, formerly of this district, father of Susan and Betty Anne FP 11-Oct-1961 3 Dtr/o M/M Russell Elliott of Red Deer, formerly of Courtenay Brian Ellis FP 30-Aug-1961 12 Clement FP 27-Dec-1961 10 FP 23-May-1962 2 age 2 years Son of M/M Elek FP 18-Jul-1962 3 Linda Lee FP 11-Aug-1965 8 Kenny 11 Dtr/o M/M W.A. Elliott of Victoria Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page Stuart Ellis FP 17-Mar-1965 12 Conarroe Eva FP 24-Jun-1964 12 Embleton EMBLEM Vera Gladys M Comox, St. Peter's EMBLETON Charles Victor Death Campbell River EMBLIN Henry Walter Death Comox EMBREE EMBREE (girl) Kenton Matheson Birth Birth EMDE Clara Death Cumberland age 82 E. C. Emde FP 13-Mar-1963 6 EMERTON Percival Stewart Death Victoria Mary Rebecca Wallis FP 20-May-1964 12 EMMETT (girl) Birth ENG Wong Death Cumberland age 84 ENGER Susan Janet M University Hill United ENGLISH James William M Campbellton , St. Patrick's John Derek Duerden Lenore Joan Watkins Hazel Adele FP 26-Jul-1961 Campbell Victor Edward Parker age 92 age 82 single Comox Comox FP 20-Jun-1962 2 FP 17-Feb-1965 3 age 79 Vancouver ENNIS Robert Wayne M Campbell River United Church ENNIS Shirley Kathleen M Courtenay, St. George's ENNS ENNS (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox ENNS Darlene Jane M United Mennonite, BlackCreek FP 28-Mar-1962 2 FP 10-Feb-1965 B8 FP 20-May-1964 1 FP 4-Aug-1965 12 FP 2-Aug-1961 2 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Richard B. Emblem of Comox Formerly of Courtenay, father of Anthony and Mrs. Jean Ward, service in Victoria Born in London, England, service at St. Peter's Anglican, Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery. See obituary 4 Apr page 14 with more info Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. Hector Enbree, RCAF Comox Son of Cpl/Mrs. H.M. Embree, RCAF Comox Born in Santa Clara, California, nee Walker, mother of Margaret, Edith, Edna and Gordon, other family named, service in Port Alberni, bur. Greenwood cemetery, Alberni Born in Gloucestershire, England, father of two sons and Mrs. G. Mason of Campbell River Dtr/o Edith and Jack Emmett of Vancouver Chinese resident found dead, born in Wantung, China, wife and 4 children in China Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Einar Enger, engagement announced 30 June page 10 Son of M/M Robert English of Campbell River 2 Son of M/M Robert L. Ennis of Comox, engagement announced 22 Feb page 13 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Robert L. Ennis FP 13-Oct-1965 B3 FP 8-May-1963 2 FP 15-Sep-1965 11 Vern Kroeker Info/Kin FP 14-Apr-1965 B7 Son of M/M Isaac Enns of BlackCreek Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Isaac Enns of BlackCreek Dtr/o M/M Peter Enns of BlackCreek Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page Info/Kin Son of M/M Bernhard Enns ENNS Isaac John M BlackCreek, United Mennonite Ernie Kroeker FP 10-Sep-1964 B12 William Herbert Thomas FP 2-Sep-1964 Ruth Peters FP 11-Jul-1962 3 Dtr/o M/M Peter Enns of BlackCreek ENNS Marie Elizabeth M United Mennonite, BlackCreek ENS Bonnie Patricia M Murrayville ENVICK ENVIK EPP (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox FP 22-Sep-1965 12 FP 27-Mar-1963 9 FP 27-Sep-1961 8 EPPS Barry James Birth Winnipeg FP 4-Aug-1965 EPPS James M ERICKSON ERICKSON ERICKSON ERICKSON ERICKSON ERICKSON (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Mary Anna FP Valentine FP FP FP FP FP FP ERICKSON Roy M University Hill United Loraine FP 21-Jul-1965 Haughton B10 ERICKSON Russell M Denman Island Hetty Edna Sanders FP 6-Feb-1963 11 ERICKSON William Death single FP 30-May-1962 12 ERIKSON ERIKSON ERIKSON (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth ERLANDSON Jessie M ESTLIN (boy) Birth Campbell River Comox Comox Comox age 79 9 Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. G. Envick of Comox Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Gilbert Envik, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Arnold Epp of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. James Epps, nee Mary Anna Valentine Stationed at Clinton, Ontario 4-Mar-1964 3 8-Mar-1961 2-Oct-1963 9-Dec-1964 20-Jan-1965 23-May-1962 22-May-1963 12 8 4 5 2 16 Son of LAC/Mrs. Dan Erickson, RCAF Comox Son of M/M R. Erickson of Merville Son of M/M Gunnar Erickson of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. Roy Erickson of Merville Dtr/o M/M F. Erickson of Merville Dtr/o M/M Roy Erickson of Courtnay Son of Mrs. Erickson and the late Axel Erickson Brother of D. Erickson, resident of Hornby Island FP FP FP Barney French Comox Dtr/o M/M Bernhard J. Ens of Langley B1 FP FP Born in Sweden, resident of Willow Point, service in Campbell River. See writeup 6 Jun page 10 24-Jan-1962 2 Son of M/M Roy Erikson of Merville 24-Jul-1963 2 Son of M/M Roy Erikson of Merville 18-Oct-1961 10 Dtr/o M/M Donald Erikson of Courtenay Granddaughter of John Ford, original settler on Hornby 28-Oct-1964 B10 Island (Hornby Island news) 14-Feb-1962 2 Son of Cpl/Mrs. H. Estlin, CAF Comox Surname ESTLIN Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Harold James AnthonyChr St. Peter's Anglican age 3 months Page FP 30-May-1962 2 ETHERINGTON Lord John Death Cumberland age 49 ETHIER EVANS (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 7-Jun-1961 FP 9-Dec-1964 EVANS (boy) Birth Comox FP 11-Aug-1965 11 EVANS Benjamin M South Wales EVANS Benjamin Hubert Squamish, Death BC EVANS James Benjamin M Courtenay, Can. Martyrs Evelyn Maria FP 4-Aug-1965 Jacobson Garry Harold FP 30-Sep-1964 B2 Waterfield Hero Ulrichs FP 10-Sep-1964 B8 Betty Evans FP 17-Mar-1965 11 EVANS Janet Marion M Cumberland, Holy Trinity EVANS Judy Ruth M Chilliwack EVANS Thomas Bertram Death Comox EVERETT (boy) Birth single Date Sophia Morris age 45 age 39 Leah Miller Comox FP 18-Apr-1962 9 FP 8-Jan-1964 5 FP 17-Jan-1962 1 FP 4-Mar-1964 Bruce David Frame Neil Kenneth Frame 10 4 12 2 Info/Kin Son of Cpl/Mrs. H.J. Estlin christened, grandson of Mrs. F.A. Estlin and M/M A.W. Wouters Born in Yorkshire, England, son of John Etherington, bro/o Norman, William and Harry, service at Piercy's FH, cremation Son of M/M Edmund Ethier of Courtenay Son of M/M N Evans of Courtenay Son of Mrs. Betty Evans and the late Thomas Bertram Evans of Courtenay 50th wedding anniversary celebrated Logging accident, son of M/M Ben Evans of Courtenay, Born in Wales, father of Judy, Beverley, Gary, David and ? (unreadable), service at Chilliwack Son of Mr./Mrs. James W. Evans of Cumberland, engagement announced 14 July page 7 Dtr/o M/M J.W. Evans of Cumberland Dtr/o Mrs. Lea Evans of Chilliwack and the late Bert Evans, formerly of Courtenay, gdtr of M/M Ben Evans of Courtenay New resident of Union Bay, 5 children all under seven, service at Sutton FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M Richard Everett of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Frank Everett of Courtenay EVERETT Arlene Frances M Courtenay, St. George's EVERETT Elaine Rosita M Powell River EVERS (boy) Birth Comox FP 30-Sep-1964 10 EVERSON (boy) Birth Cold Lake, Alberta FP 4-Nov-1964 12 Son of LAC/Mrs. Vern Evers, RCAF Comox Son of M/M R.W. Everson, RCAF Cold Lake, grandson of Chief and Mrs. Andy Frank of Comox EVERSON (boy) Birth Comox FP 2-Dec-1964 5 Son of LAC/Mrs. R. Everson, RCAF Comox FP 28-Aug-1963 3 Dtr/o M/M Everett FP 24-Jun-1964 2 Surname EVERSON Givens Richard Wayne Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper M Date Helen Mary FP 6-Nov-1963 Roweena Frank Foursquare Gospel, Courtenay Page Son of M/M E.A. Everson of Houston BC 2 age 78 George William EveryClayton FP 31-May-1961 12 age 59 single FP 11-Dec-1963 B1 EVERY-CLAYTON Evaline Death Comox EVERY-CLAYTON Reginald Whitaker Death FAIR FALK FALK FALK (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth FALK Adolf M Courtenay, St. George's FALK twin boys Birth Comox FANNING Diane Gail M Sandwick Anglican FEARING Sharon Joy M FEDICHIN Caroline Ann M FEELY Thomas William M FELTHAM boy and girl Birth Comox FP 21-Apr-1965 5 FENN FENTON FERGUSON FERGUSON (girl) (boy) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP FERGUSON John M FERGUSON Kenneth Robert M Campbell River Comox Comox Comox Comox Campbell River Anglican Cumberland United Church Cloverdale United Church Cumberland United Church FP FP FP FP 8-Dec-1965 17-Jul-1963 28-Feb-1962 14-Mar-1962 Elizabeth FP 31-Jul-1963 Landers B3 2 16 2 Born at Dorset, England, nee Yeates, step-mother of Edward, Harry, John, Edgar, Arthur, Reginald, Edith, Beatrice and Maud, service at Sandwick Anglican church, bur. Courtenay cemetery Born at New Westminster, BC, servic at Sandwick Anglican church (Oyster Bay news) Son of LAC/Mrs. John Fair, RCAF Comox Son of M/M John Falk of BlackCreek Dtr/o M/M Herman Falk of BlackCreek Dtr/o M/M John Falk of BlackCreek Of Vancouver, son of Mrs. M. Falk of Chilliwack 2 FP 15-May-1963 7 Roy Arthur FP 4-Mar-1964 Leakey 3 Arnold Boutilier FP 2-Jan-1963 11 James McBride FP 25-Mar-1964 3 Roberta Currie FP 30-Sep-1964 B5 Kathleen Louise Pearce Elsie Louise Clark Info/Kin Sons of M/M Herman Falk of RR1 BlackCreek Dtr/o F/L and Mrs. Paul Fanning, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M A. Fearing of Willow Point Dtr/o M/M S. Fedichin of Royston 11-Sep-1963 7-Jun-1961 7-Jun-1961 21-Feb-1962 2 10 10 10 Son of M/M Thomas Herbert Feely of Royston, grandson of late M/M W. Baikie of Denman Island Son and dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. Owen Feltham of Cumberland FP 27-May-1964 12 Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. William Fenn, RCAF Comox Son of Cpl/Mrs. Stanley Fenton, RCAF Comox Son of Sgt/Mrs. Harry Ferguson, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. W. Ferguson, RCAF Comox Resident of Vancouver, formerly of Courtenay and Ladysmith, engagement announced 27 May page 12 FP 26-Jun-1963 12 Son of M/M A. Ferguson of Fairholme, Sask., engagement announced 15 May page 14 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Vancouver Date Brian Lehti FP 4-Nov-1964 Page FERGUSON Marlene M FERGUSON William Parker Death Comox FERRABY (boy) Birth Comox FP 2-Jan-1963 2 FERRABY FERRARO FERRARO FERREIRA FERREIRA (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP FP 5 2 2 2 9 FERRYMAN Henry Death Nanaimo FIELD (boy) Birth Comox FP 20-Sep-1961 2 FIELD (girl) Birth Comox FP 19-Dec-1962 2 FIELD Clarence Rupert Death Nanaimo FIELD Grant McMillan M Courtenay, St. George's Marie Karen Medd FP 28-Oct-1964 2 FIELD Rosemary Jean M Courtenay, St. George's James Akdahl FP 10-Jul-1963 FIELDER William James Death Comox single FP 16-May-1962 9 FILIPOWICH FILLION FINLAY FINLAY (girl) (boy) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox FINLAY Sharon Marilyn M Can. Martyrs RC church FIRMAN FISHER (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox age 82 age 70 age 86 age 90 Isabella Russell Marie Newman 12 FP 24-Jun-1964 12 2-Dec-1964 15-Dec-1965 10-Jan-1962 24-Oct-1962 30-Jun-1965 FP 4-Oct-1961 Flora and FP 8-Jul-1964 Margaret FP FP FP FP 4-Nov-1964 6-Jan-1965 8-Mar-1961 8-Jul-1964 14 7 2 12 9 12 13 Info/Kin Dtr/o M/M Patrick Ferguson of Vancouver Born in United States, wife dec'd, father of Jessie Squire of Royston, service at Westwood FH, bur. Nanaimo cemetery Son of F/O and Mrs. George Ferraby of RCAF Comox Son of f/o and Mrs. George Ferraby, RCAF Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. D. Ferraro of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M D. Ferraro of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Joseph Ferreira of Royston Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. J. Ferreira of Courtenay Born at Kells Whitehaven, England, father of Tom, bro/o Jack, Ellen, Lena and 3 other sisters in England, service at Westwood FH, bur. Cedar Valley Son of M/M Keith Field, nee Gail Woodrow, of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Harvey Field of Courtenay Born in Apple River, Nova Scotia, both wives dec'd, father of Roy, Ron, Arthur, Mary, Evelyn, Louise and Naomi (dec'd), service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M Ronald Field of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Rex Field of Courtenay, engagement announced 19 Jun page 13 Born in Sussex, England, former Courtenay alderman, service at Sandwick Anglican church, Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay civic Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. W. Filipowich, RCAF Comox Son of F/L and Mrs. Dennis Fillion, RCAF Comox Son of Cpl./Mrs. Paul Finlay, RCAF Comox Son of Cpl/Mrs. P. Finlay, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M A.L. Harrison of Courtenay James W. FP 11-Dec-1963 3 Noble FP 6-Dec-1961 2 FP 27-Sep-1961 8 Son of LAC/Mrs. J. Firman, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Sgt/Mrs. Wilfred Fisher, RCAF Comox Surname FISHER FISHER Givens (girl) Alexander Wilson Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Birth Cumberland Death Victoria FISHER Winnifred Joyce AgnesM Comox, St. Peter's FISK Karl M Mesachie Lake FITZGERALD FITZGERALD FITZGERALD FITZGERALD (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Birth FITZGERALD Sandra Lee FLACK Veronica Lynn Date FP 7-Nov-1962 age 66 Winifred Fisher Albert Edward Ruddle Beal Maureen Karen Butler Page 2 FP 17-Jun-1964 9 Dtr/o M/M Wilford Fisher of Cumberland Born in Maybole, Scotland, father of Joyce, Alexander, Leonard and Lawrence, other family named, service at Sutton FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o Mrs. A.W. Fisher and late Mr. Fisher of Comox FP 22-Jul-1964 16 FP 19-Jul-1961 9 Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP 2 2 2 2 Birth Vancouver FP 21-Jun-1961 2 M Can. Martyrs, Courtenay Remo Strussi Cumberland, Holy Trinity Linda Mary FP 21-Jul-1965 Buchanan B5 James Fleming FP 6-Mar-1963 B6 FP 31-Oct-1962 3 Son of M/M Axel Fish of Lake Cowichan 21-Mar-1962 24-Oct-1962 12-Jun-1963 29-Apr-1964 Son of M/M Gerald Fitzgerald of Courtenay Son of M/M D. Fitzgerald of Courtenay Son of Cpl/Mrs. John Fitzgerald, RCAF Comox Son of Cpl/Mrs. J. Fitzgerald, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M John Fitzgerald, nee Selma Wedel, of Courtenay, 7 lb 4 oz Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Leonard George Flack of Courtenay FP 22-Sep-1965 B8 FLEBBE Conrad William M FLEMING Doris Sophia Death Comox FLEMING Myrtle Althea M Vancouver, Elim Pentecostal Bentley Ernest Medd FLEMING Patricia Jean M Courtenay, St. George's Chaarles FP 5-Feb-1964 Anderson FLESH Delwin Charles M St. Phillip's Anglican Claudia Lynne Mitchell FLETCHER FLETCHER FLETCHER (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox age 75 Info/Kin 3 Son of Mr./Mrs. Glenn Flebbe of Quesnel, BC, engagement announced 7 June page 11 Mother of William of Little River, Thomas of Salmon Arm and Evelyn Nichols of Oregon, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o Rev. and Mrs. Frederick Roy Fleming of North Vancouver, engagement announced 20 Jun page 13 Dtr/o M/M William Fleming of King Coho Resort, Little River Son of M/M Delwin Flesh FP 31-May-1961 11 FP 21-Mar-1962 2 FP 24-Apr-1963 14 FP 14-Apr-1965 5 Son of M/M John Fletcher of Hornby Island Dtr/o M/M John Fletcher of Hornby Island Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Herbert Fletcher, RCAF Comox Surname FLETCHER Givens Christian Harold Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Birth Nanaimo Date FP 2-Oct-1963 age 62 Ruby Della Ward Page 8 FLETCHER John Ellis Death Vancouver FP 20-Feb-1963 12 FLETT Irene Frances M Nanaimo, Haliburton United FLINT (boy) Birth Cumberland Peter Hildebran FP 3-Jun-1964 d B3 Marian Lois Halme FP 29-Jul-1964 2 FP 4-Sep-1963 2 Aldo John FP 16-Aug-1961 8 Ninatti FP 20-Mar-1963 2 Info/Kin Son of M/M Alan Fletcher of Nanaimo, 6 lb 13 oz Born in Moose Jaw, Sask., owned Tsable River Logging Co., Dtr/o Mrs. Mary Nevin and late Harry Flett Son of M/M Allan Flint of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M H. Flint of BlackCreek FLINT Patricia Olive M BlackCreek, Mennonite Brethren FLINTON Norman Ault M Duncan FLOWER (boy) Birth Comox FLOWER Douglas David Death Vancouver FLYNN Joseph M FLYNN Nellie Grace age 2 Mrs. Sophia King United Church manse Death Royston FP 18-Oct-1961 10 age 75 FOGOLIN Raymond Peter M FOLEY FOLKARD FOLLACK (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox FOLLETT John Norman M Chilliwack Colleen FP 28-Apr-1965 B3 McDermid David Dale Siebert FP 20-Sep-1961 3a Mary Forbes FP 25-Apr-1962 16 FORBERG Myrtle Ray M FORBES Gordon Death Inverarie, Scotland FP 16-Sep-1964 B3 FP 1-Sep-1965 5 FP 24-Oct-1962 2 FP 17-Jan-1962 2 age 63 Born in Centralia, Washington, nee Kelsey, first husband died 1938, mother of Chester and Donald Haas, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M Vito Fogolin of Woodfibre Can. Martyrs RC church Campbell River United Church Son of M/M Thomas Flower of RR1 Cumberland Son of M/M Joe Flower of Cumberland, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Stepfather of Donald Haas of Royston FP 14-Feb-1962 2 Raymond Haas and FP 11-Jan-1961 10 J.E. Flynn Jere Louise Clark Son of M/M J. Eric Flinton of Ladysmith, formerly of Courtenay, grandson of M/M Ault and Rev/Mrs. Flinton Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Garth Foley, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Brian Folkard, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. W.G. FolLACk, RCAF Comox Son of Mrs. Florence and late John Follett of Courtenay, engagement announced 17 March page 11 Dtr/o M/M E.R. Forberg of Willow Point Brother of Mrs. Elmer Loggie of Courtenay, two of 6 dtrs live in eastern Canada Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper FORDE Hugh Dundonald Death Comox FORDE Campbell Hugh Dundonald William Death "Larry" River FORDE Jacqueline Murray M FORSE Roy LaVerne Death Vancouver FORSLIN (boy) Birth Page age 81 Norah Hall FP 28-Jun-1961 10 age 58 Inez Forde FP 20-Mar-1963 1 San Francisco age 81 Kenneth Griffiths McLeod FP 1-Apr-1964 Alice Deeley FP 31-Oct-1962 6 Comox William John M Blaine, Washington FORSYTH FORTIN FORTIN FORTKAMP FORWARD (boy) (boy) (girl) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox FOSKETT Henry Death Comox age 89 FOSKETT Mary Adelle Death Comox age 74 FOSTER FOSTER (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox FOSTER Gaylene Ardith M Comox United Church FOSTER Mabel May Death Comox FOURNEAU Jean Frederick FOWLER Debbie FP 29-Aug-1962 2 FP FP FP FP FP Hattie Ransom Mellor George Henry Foskett 3-Jul-1963 7-Jun-1961 1-Jul-1964 14-Jul-1965 7-Mar-1962 10 2 3 2 FP 13-Nov-1963 7 FP 11-Apr-1962 14 FP 5-Feb-1964 FP 9-Jun-1965 2 12 Douglas Robert FP 29-May-1963 3 McDonald age 82 Cumberland United Church Campbell Death age 7 River John Foster FP 20-Feb-1963 12 Jacquelin e Mary FP 21-Jul-1965 Patterson Info/Kin Born in County Derry, Ireland, wife dec'd, father of Mrs. N. Macdonald, Larry, Ken and Richard, bro/o Kathleen Eberhardt, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Car accident, publisher of North Island News, born in Cowichan district, father of Mrs. S. Millan and Mrs. J. Jackson, bro/o Nora, Ken and Richard. See Coroner's Inquest 3 Apr page 1 Dtr/o M/M Kenneth O.B. Forde of Willow Point B7 FP 26-Apr-1961 16 Margaret Ann McKie FORSMAN M Date B8 FP 22-Jan-1964 1 Born in Ontario, formerly of Courtenay, father of Mrs. E.G. Oldham and Harry, service at T. Edward FH, bur. Forest Lawn Son of F/O and Mrs. Carl Forslin, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Emil Forsman of Vancouver, engagement announced 1 Aug page 14 Son of Cpl/Mrs. A. Forsyth, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Jean Fortin, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M J. Fortin of Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. Helmut Fortkamp of BlackCreek Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Lloyd Forward, RCAF Comox Born in Whitechapel, Middlesex, England, wife dec'd, father of Jane, service at Hayward FH, Victoria, cremation Born in Peterborough, Ontario, nee Fontaine, husband dec'd, estate notice Son of M/M W. Foster of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. Walter Foster of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M G.A. Foster of Comox, engagement announced 24 April page 13 Nee Snyder, born in Brockville, Ontario, mother of Russell, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of Mr./Mrs. Jean Fourneau of Cumberland, engagement announced 23 June page 10 Drowned when car drove off ferry slip, dtr of M/M Ron Fowler Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Campbell River Campbell Death River Death Date Page FOWLER Gordon FOWLER Kenneth FOX Patricia Sylvia M Centreville, Bahamas Wilford Bentley Moon FOYE Jane Mary M Comox, St. Peter's William FP 2-Dec-1964 Alan Hilts FOYE Stanley Herbert Death Comox FRAME (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 19-May-1965 4 FRAME (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 24-Apr-1963 14 FRAME (girl) Birth Comox FRAME Bruce David M Courtenay, St. George's FRAME Neil Kenneth M Powell River Birth Cumberland FRANCESCHINIBruna M Can. Martyrs RC church FRANCIOLI Mary Louise M Francioli home FRANK FRANK FRANK FRANK FRANK (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox FRANK Christine-Vera M Comox, St. Peter's FRANCESCHINI(girl) age 4 FP 22-Jan-1964 1 age 9 FP 22-Jan-1964 1 age 50 FP 6-Dec-1961 FP 21-Jul-1965 Drowned when car drove off ferry slip, son of M/M Ron Fowler Drowned when car drove off ferry slip, son of M/M Ron Fowler Dtr/o M/M Cecil H. Fox of Nassau 2 Parents not named, sister of Kathryn Inglis B3 Mary Fryer FP 25-Oct-1961 1 Burton Arlene Frances Everett Elaine Rosita Everett Info/Kin 5 Born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, commissioner of Comox, 3 children not named, service at St. Peter's Comox, cremation Son of Mr./Mrs. James Frame Jr. of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M James Frame of Cumberland Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Bruce Frame of Courtenay Son of M/M Harry Frame of Courtenay FP 28-Aug-1963 3 Son of M/M H. Frame FP 24-Jun-1964 2 FP 4-Mar-1964 2 Dtr/o M/M Joseph Franceschini of Cumberland Just arrived from Venice, Italy Antonio Cucciol FP 8-Aug-1962 Roy Frederick FP Bohn FP FP FP FP FP Ronald Morris FP Garlick 10 1-Apr-1964 2 2-Aug-1961 22-Aug-1962 16-Oct-1963 16-Jan-1963 11-Nov-1964 13 10 16 14 3 8-Nov-1961 2 Dtr/o M/M J. Francioli of Cumberland, engagement announced 4 Mar page 12 Son of M/M Wade George Frank of Courtenay Son of Cpl/Mrs. W. Frank, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Clifford Frank of Curtenay Dtr/o M/M Wade Frank of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Clifford Frank of Comox Dtr/o Cpl. W.T. and Mrs. Frank, RCAF Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page Info/Kin Dtr/o Chief Andrew Frank and Mrs. Frank FRANK Helen Mary Roweena M Foursquare Gospel, Courtenay Richard Wayne Everson FP 6-Nov-1963 2 FRANK Isaac Henry Death Vancouver age 71 Louisa Wilson FP 3-May-1961 FRANK Mary Sibbald Death Victoria age 79 John Hayston Frank FP 23-May-1962 14 FRANKLIN FRANKLIN FRANKLIN (boy) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox FRANKLIN Christine Louise M Can. Martyrs RC church FRANZEN Elfin John Death Comox FRASER FRASER FRASER FRASER (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox FRASER Bruce Frederick M Victoria FRASER Sherry Lynne Chr Cumberland, age 10 weeks Holy Trinity FRASER Tessa Marie Death Comox FRAZER Gerald Thomas M Chilliwack 1 FP 24-May-1961 2 FP 21-Nov-1962 2 FP 6-Jan-1965 9 age 73 Joseph Robert Toutant FP 26-Jul-1961 Olga Franzen FP 17-Nov-1965 9 FP FP FP FP Caroline Gail Morrison age 57 29-May-1963 29-Jan-1964 1-Mar-1961 22-Mar-1961 FP 1-Aug-1962 2 14 2 12 2 3 Born at Comox, son of William Frank and Mary Harry, brother of Chief Andy Frank, Mary Clifton and Margaret Dick, father of Jacob, Norman, Vincent, Stanley, Irene, Bessie, Mabel and Emma, bur. Comox Indian cemetery Born in West Kilbride, Ayrshire, Scotland, mother of Margaret and Aileen, sis/o Andrew Mackenzie, service in Victoria, bur. Royal Oak Son of M/M Kenneth Franklin of Courtenay Son of M/M Kenneth Franklin of Courtenay Son of M/M Kenneth Franklin of Royston Dtr/o M/M William K. Franklin of RR2 Courtenay, engagement announced 5 Jul page 14 Born in Forsheda, Sweden, no children, siblings in Sweden, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of F/L and Mrs. John Fraser, RCAF Comox Son of M/M William Fraser of Cumberland Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Edward Fraser, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Kenneth Fraser, RCAF Comox Son of Judge and Mrs. G.W. Bruce Fraser of Vancouver Dtr/o M/M K.G. Fraser of Royston, christened FP 31-May-1961 9 Alexander Gerrard FP 28-Apr-1965 11 Fraser Lorraine Marion FP 28-Jul-1965 Gregerson B5 Born in Snoqualmie Falls, Washington, dtr/o Mr./Mrs. William Berray, resident of Qualicum Beach, mother of Nora Lidberg and Nina Saarikko, service and burial at Qualicum Son of Mr./Mrs. Charles W. Frazer of Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page FRAZER Harvey Lawrence M Riverside Tabernacle Gladys Jean Hilchey FRAZER Robert Charles M Comox United Church Alice Faye FP 13-Sep-1961 2 Kirk FREDERICKSON(girl) Birth Cumberland FREEK Edward Charles M Cumberland United Church FRELONE (girl) Birth Cumberland FRELONE Faye Lillian (Penny) M Cumberland, Holy Trinity FRELONE John Douglas M FREMONT Wendy Joan M FRENCH Barney M FRENETT FULLERTON (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox FULLERTON Jean M Keene, Ontario FULTON (girl) Birth FULTON Raymond Russell M FUNK (boy) Birth FURSTENAU Peter Jurgen M Victoria, St. Mathias FZABON GABLE GAGE (girl) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Cumberland United Church Campbell River, St. Peter's Son of M/M Lawrence Frazer of Montreal FP 6-Dec-1961 5a FP 15-Aug-1962 15 Adrienne Elaine Reid Son of M/M Charles William Frazer of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M F. Frederickson of Cumberland Son of M/M Marshall Edward Freek of Cumberland FP 24-Apr-1963 7 FP 26-Sep-1962 10 Douglas Allan FP 21-Jul-1965 3 Kennedy Jacquelin e Irene FP 13-Sep-1961 9 Graham George William FP 29-May-1963 B5 Stuart Jessie FP 28-Oct-1964 B10 Erlandson Comox St. Catherine's church Comox Info/Kin FP 4-Apr-1962 2 FP 17-Oct-1962 2 Francis James FP Shepherd FP Kathleen Lucinda FP Dennison FP Jan Frances FP Richardso n FP FP FP Dtr/o M/M John Frelone of Cumberland Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Joe Frelone of Cumbeerland, engagement announced 7 July page 9 Son of M/M Joe Frelone of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M John Fremont of Shelter Point Resident of Hornby Island (Hornby Island news) Son of Cpl/Mrs. Henry Frenett, RCAF Comox Son of Cpl/Mrs. Robert Fullerton, RCMP Courtenay Dtr/o Rev. John Fullerton, who officiated 14-Aug-1963 3 12-Feb-1964 2 Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. A. Fulton, RCAF Comox Son of M/M R.C. Fulton of Fanny Bay 11-Oct-1961 2 15-Jan-1964 2 3-Oct-1962 3 4-Nov-1964 12 21-Nov-1962 2 15-May-1963 7 Son of LAC/Mrs. C. Funk of Courtenay Son of Mrs. A. Furstenau and late Mr. Furstenau of GErmany, engagement announced 22 Aug page 12 Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. F. Fzabon, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Richard Gable of Courtenay Son of M/M Michael Gage of RR! Campbell River Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper GAGE Michael Berkley M Comox, St. Peter's GAGNE GAHLE GAILLOUX (girl) (girl) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox GALBRAITH Hugh Stewart BeecherDeath Vancouver age 57 GALBRAITH Mary Frances Death Vancouver age 59 GALE Clarice Ena M Victoria GALEAZZI (girl) Birth Cumberland GALEAZZI Cherolynne M GALEAZZI David Dorino M GALEAZZI Pietro Death Cumberland age 80 GALLACHER (girl) Birth GALLAFRIO Secondo Death Cumberland age 82 GALLAGHER GALLANT GALLAWAY (girl) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth GALLAWAY Stanley Adair Death Comox GALLAWAY William Adair M Elizabeth Anne FP Philipp FP FP FP Mary Frances FP Hickling Hugh Galbraith Page Son of M/M Harold Gage of Studley, Wiltshire, England 5-Aug-1964 16 22-Mar-1961 2 24-Nov-1965 11 22-Aug-1962 1 FP 18-Jul-1962 12 FP 18-Oct-1961 10 Ronald Parke Norrie Diane Mortimer Caterina del Tricdec Comox FP 27-May-1964 3 FP 15-Nov-1961 9 Francesca FP 11-Jul-1962 Mussatto Nancy May Johnson Sandra Lynn Crummy Born in Nottingham, England, nee Hickling, mother of Bertram, sister of Pearl and John, service at Harron Bros. Vancouver, cremation Dtr/o Mrs. E. Gale of Victoria and late Mr. Gale Dtr/o M/M Ray Galeazzi of Cumberland 12 10 1 FP 13-May-1964 2 FP 24-Feb-1965 3 FP 24-Mar-1965 11 age 67 Dtr/o M/M Francis Gagne of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Richard Gahle of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. Raymond Gailloux of Courtenay Born in Winnipeg, suicide after wife's death, former Courtenay resident Dtr/o Mrs. Emily Galeazzi and late Dorino Galeazzi FP 8-Apr-1964 FP 3-Oct-1962 Comox Comox Comox Info/Kin 23-Jan-1963 6 William Terence FP 28-Aug-1963 3 Somerville Cumberland United Church Cumberland United Church Courtenay, St. John's Date FP 21-Mar-1962 14 Son of Mrs. D. Galeazzi and late Dorino Galeazzi of Cumberland Born in Coarezzo, Italy, father of Dorino, Mario, Thomas, Lena, Josephine and Evelyn, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. David GalLACher, RCAF Comox Born in Italy, father of Mary Favero and Rose Dickenson, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. Rodney J. Gallagher, RCAF Comox Son of Sgt/Mrs. G. Gallant, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. William Gallaway of Courtenay Born in Glenora, Manitoba, father of William and Mona, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of Mrs. Stan Gallaway and late Mr. Gallaway FP 4-Jul-1962 2 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page Emily Pratt FP 11-Jul-1962 Barry John Morrison FP 29-Nov-1961 10 GALLEAZZI Dorino Death Cumberland age 50 GALLEY Gloria Jean M GALLIVAN Theresa Agnes Chatham, Death New Brunswick GAME George William Death Salmon Arm age 84 GANDERTON GANDERTON GANSNER (boy) (girl) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox FP 1-Apr-1964 FP 9-Jan-1963 FP 3-Jan-1962 GARDINER (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 15-Jan-1964 10 GARDINER GARDINER GARDINER (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox FP 2-Sep-1964 3 FP 7-Jul-1965 12 FP 17-May-1961 2 GARDINER Stephen Walter Chr St. George's age 6 months United FP 15-Jul-1964 GARDNER (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 30-Jan-1963 2 GARDNER (girl) Birth Comox FP 10-Apr-1963 10 GARDNER Doris Margaret Death Cumberland age 46 Clifford Gardner FP 25-Mar-1964 16 GARDNER Ernest W. Death Toronto Minnie Gardner FP 16-May-1962 12 GARLAND GARLICK (girl) (boy) Birth Birth Victoria Comox GARLICK Ronald Morris M Comox, St. Peter's GARLICK William Death Vancouver Cumberland United Church age 73 age 81 age 82 1 single FP 3-Jan-1962 2 Flora Andrews FP 19-Feb-1964 14 14 14 2 2 FP 2-May-1962 FP 9-Dec-1964 2 4 ChristineVera FP 8-Nov-1961 Frank 2 Mary Boyd FP 31-Oct-1962 9 Info/Kin Born in Cumberland, father of David, Ray, Lorraine, Sharalyn and Janet, bro/o Thomas, Mario, Evelyn, Josie and Lena. See obituary 18 July page 12, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Dtr/o Mrs. K. Galley of Cumberland and Mr. Galley of Alert Bay, engagement announced 18 Oct page 10 Former teacher in Comox Valley, sister of Gertrude Gallivan and Mrs. M. Murray of Chatham Born in London, England, wife dec'd, farmed here before 1920, well known resident of Armstrong Son of F/O and Mrs. J. Ganderton, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. J. Ganderton, RCAF Comox Son Dr/Mrs. John W. Gansner of Courtenay First New Year baby in Cumberland, son of M/M E. Leslie Gardiner of Point Holmes Son of M/M E. Gardiner of Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. Elvern Gardiner of Comox Dtr/o M/M Elvern Gardiner of Comox Son of M/M E.L. Gardiner of Saratoga Beach, grandson of M/M A. Mainse of Calgary Son of M/M E.L. Gardner of RR1 Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Leo G. Gardner, RCAF Comox Born in Vancouver, nee Baker, resident of Cumberland, mother of Melville and Robert, service at Cumberland United Church, bur. Mountain View cemetery, Vancouver. See Two Services 1 April page 14 Father of Clifford of Cumberland, Lloyd, Muriel and Marjorie, service in Toronto Dtr/o Petty Officer/Mrs. Kenneth G. Garland Son of M/M Ronald Garlick of Comox Son of M/M W.R. Garlick of Seal Bay, Comox Born in Liverpool, England, formerly of Courtenay, 4 children not named, service conducted by Major Roy Dunford, cremation Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page GARLINGE (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 29-Apr-1964 2 GARNIER GARRITY GARSETH (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox FP 19-Sep-1962 2 FP 21-Jun-1961 2 FP 23-May-1962 2 GATES Michael Death Courtenay GAUTHIER GAUTHIER (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox Josephine FP 15-May-1963 14 Pielle FP 19-Feb-1964 16 FP 21-Apr-1965 5 GAVIN John Fraser M Van Anda, Texada Island Edna Georgina FP 19-Jul-1961 Thoburn John Edmund FP 16-Aug-1961 2 Casanave GAVIN Patricia Elizabeth M Can. Martyrs RC church GAY GAZELEY GEDDES GEDDES GEE GEE GEE GEE (girl) (girl) (boy) (girl) (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox GEE Allen Luxton M St. John's Anglican GEISLER GENDREAU GENEAU GENEAU (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox GENGE Linda Lou M Cumberland GEORGE Frances Ann M Cumberland, Holy Trinity GEORGE Frnces Ann M no Place GERLACH (girl) Birth Comox age 64 FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP 15-Dec-1965 12-May-1965 4-Jan-1961 14-Feb-1962 6-Jun-1962 27-Oct-1965 29-Nov-1961 8-Apr-1964 10 2 5 3 2 2 12 2 2 Mary Irene FP 15-Mar-1961 2 Smith FP FP FP FP 25-Sep-1963 30-May-1962 9-Oct-1963 21-Apr-1965 3 2 2 5 Richard Eric FP 24-Mar-1965 B8 Hargreave s WalLACe Edward FP 11-Sep-1963 10 Hunt WalLACe Edward FP 17-Oct-1962 13 Hunt FP 21-Mar-1962 2 Info/Kin Son of M/M Alfred Gordon Garlinge of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M G. Garnier of Courtenay Dtr/o F/L and Mrs. James Garrity, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Lodar Garseth of Courtenay Born in Poland, service at Can. Martyrs RC Church, bur. Comox Indian cemetery, Sutton's FH Son of F/O and Mrs. D. Gauthier, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Dennis Gauthier, RCAF Comox Son of M/M J. Gavin of Westview, BC, engagement announced 5 Jul page 14 Dtr/o M/M Andrew H. Gavin of Cumberland Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. Elmer Gay, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Gordon Gazeley, rcaf, Courtenay Son of LAC/Mrs. Clifford Geddes, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. E. Geddes, RCAF Comox Son of M/M A. Gee of Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. A. Gee of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Alan Gee of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M A. Gee of Courtenay Son of Mrs. Ray of Nanaimo, engagement announced 1 Mar page 11 Son of Sgt/Mrs. W. Geisler, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. C. Gendreau, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Yvon Geneau, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Yvon Geneau, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. J. LeRoy Genge of Minto Dtr/o M/M W. George of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Walter George of Cumberland, engagement announced 17 Oct page 13 Dtr/o M/M Arnold GerLACh of Courtenay Surname GERLACH Givens (girl) Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Birth Comox 3-Apr-1963 Page 10 GERMUNSTAD Paul Bernard Death Royston GIBBONS GIBBS (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox GIBSON (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 26-Sep-1962 10 GIBSON (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 22-Jan-1964 16 GIBSON Edith Caroline Death Cumberland age 62 GIBSON James M Cumberland United Church Judy Ann FP 11-Oct-1961 7 Robertson GIBSON John M Courtenay, St. John's Juliann Bickle FP 28-Nov-1962 15 GIBSON John M St. John's Anglican Juliann Bickle FP 2-Jan-1963 GIDDINGS Alfred Death Victoria age 68 Josephine FP 23-Jan-1963 7 Giddings GILBERT Fred Harvey Death Nanaimo age 78 Emma Gilbert GILL Elizabeth Leslie Death Courtenay GILLESPIE GILLESPIE (girl) (girl) Birth Birth GILLESPIE Alexander Cowan Death Nanaimo GILLESPIE Helen Elizabeth Chr GILLETT (boy) Birth age 46 FP Isobel Germunst FP ad FP FP Date Alfred Herbert Gibson age 10 10-Oct-1962 16 6-Mar-1963 12 FP 11-Apr-1962 10 2 FP 24-May-1961 12 FP 7-Aug-1963 Comox Comox Comox United Church Comox 26-Sep-1962 1 1 FP 2-Jan-1963 2 FP 10-Jun-1964 2 age 40 Patricia Collins FP 16-May-1962 1 Info/Kin Dtr/o M/M Arnold GerLACh of Courtenay Born in Norway, car accident, inquest to be held. See 23 Jan 1963, page 1 Son of Cpl/Mrs. Harold Gibbons, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Donald Gibbs of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M James Gibson of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M James Gibson of Cumberland Nee Stonehouse, born in Springhill, Nova Scotia, mother of Ralph and Beverley, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of Mrs. Agnes Gibson of Cumberland and Kenneth Gibson of Blairmore, Alberta Son of Mrs. G. Gray of Miracle Beach, engagement announced 28 Nov page 15 Son of Mrs. Gordon Gray of Miracle Beach Born in Lavington, Wiltshire, England, father of Freida Gassman, uncle of Mrs. William Longland, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Born at Milford, Nova Scotia, father of Richard, Wilfred, Harold, Hugh, Fred, Walter, David (dec'd) and Mabel, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Highway accident, dtr/o M/M William Francis Gill, sis/o Judy, Patricia, David and Anne (Mrs. Longland), service at Can. Martyrs church, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. R. Gillespie, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. R. Gillespie, RCAF Comox Born in Duncan, car accident Dtr/o M/M Richard L. Gillespie, christened infant FP 10-Apr-1963 3 FP 15-Jul-1964 2 Son of M/M D. Gillett, RCAF Comox Surname GILLETT Givens David Bruce Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date M Comox, St. Peter's Grace Peta FP 8-Jan-1964 Hamersley Vancouver, Renfrew United Harry Cherniwch FP 6-Sep-1961 an Page 3 GILLIES Ethel Viola M GIRRARD GLOWASKY GLOWASKY GOBEL GODON (boy) (boy) (girl) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth GODWIN (boy) Birth GODWIN Colin Inglis M GOFF GOLICZ (girl) (girl) Birth Birth GOLICZ Kelly Anne Chr Courtenay, age 1 year St. George's Thomas Patrick Jones Sarah Elle FP 5-Sep-1962 Shaw 10 FP 9-Aug-1961 10 Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Whitehorse, YT Vancouver, Christ Church Comox Comox FP FP FP FP FP 13-Nov-1963 11-Nov-1964 25-Apr-1962 24-Jan-1962 19-Jul-1961 3 16 3 15 2 2 FP 29-Jan-1964 2 Gail Lynne FP 28-Nov-1962 3 Beaman GOMERICH Rose M Nanaimo, St. Peter's RC GOMM Richard Death Comox, The age 91 Fort GONYER (boy) Birth Comox GOOD Leonard Percival Death Courtenay GOODING GOODWIN (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox GOODWIN Gordon John M Sayward, St. Phillip's Anglican GOOSEN Edith Constance Death Comox age 59 Marie Good FP 2-Aug-1961 FP 7-Jun-1961 13 10 FP 18-Jul-1962 2 Info/Kin Son of Mrs. C. Gillett and late Mr. Gillett of Woodstock, Ontario, engagement announced 4 Dec 1963 page 14 Dtr/o M/M A.W. Gillies of Tees, Alberta and North Vancouver Son of F/O and Mrs. J. Girrard, RCAF Comox Son of M/M John Glowasky of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M John Glowasky of Courtenay Son of LAC/Mrs. William Gobel, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Ernest Godon, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Colin Godwin of Whitehorse Son of M/M Sidney Godwin of Grantham Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. Raymond Goff, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Michael Golicz of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M M. Golicz of Curtenay, gdtr of M/M Arthur Tilbe and M/M M. Golicz Sr. Dtr/o late M/M Steve Gomerich FP 4-Jan-1961 2 FP 26-Feb-1964 14 FP 20-Jan-1965 5 FP 16-May-1962 2 Born in Lancashire, England, wife dec'd, father of Lois and Doris, William and Edward, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Nanaimo cemetery Son of M/M Samuel Gonyer of Courtenay Born in Nanaimo, father of Arthur, Irene and Mrs. Carl Carlson, service at St. John's Anglican, bur. Courtenay cemetery (Piercy FH) Son of Cpl/Mrs. G.R. Gooding, RCAF Comox Son of M/M D.E. Goodwin of Comox Son of M/M Percy Goodwin of Sayward Carol Ann FP 17-May-1961 3a Scott age 36 Jacob William Goosen FP 25-Aug-1965 11 Born in Vancouver, nee Keddy, two children not named, body shipped to Vancouver for service and cremation Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper 27-May-1964 24-Feb-1965 15-May-1963 20-Jan-1965 Page GORDON GORDON GORDON GORDON (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox GORDON Anita Louise M Can. Martyrs, Courtenay Andre Gabriel Shurban FP 15-Sep-1965 B8 GORDON Bertha Death Sydney, Nova Scotia James Gordon FP 17-Jun-1964 9 GORDON Christina Marie Chr GORDON Edwin Bruce Chr GORDON Margaret Death GORDON Robert Joseph ForbesM Campbell River Campbell River FP FP FP FP Date 2 3 7 5 infant FP 23-Jun-1965 C9 infant FP 23-Jun-1965 C9 Toronto, Ontario Adam Gordon FP 28-Oct-1964 B8 Courtenay, St. George's Judy Fay Mathers FP 14-Nov-1962 3 Victoria George Clifford FP 18-Jul-1962 Madill Patricia FP 8-Aug-1962 Grismore FP 5-Jul-1961 FP 22-Sep-1965 M GOROVENKO Walter Death GORRIE GOUBREAU Christopher Paul (boy) Birth Birth GOUGH Mabel Kate Death Comox GOUING GOWING (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 24-Jun-1964 2 FP 1-Jul-1964 2 GRABOWSKI (boy) Birth Comox FP 10-May-1961 10 GRABOWSKI (boy) Birth Comox FP 10-Mar-1965 12 GRACE (girl) Birth Comox FP 5-Dec-1962 age 26 age 80 Thomas Gough Son of M/M J. Gordon of Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Edward Gordon, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Joseph Gordon of Comox Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Ian Gordon, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Daniel Leslie of Courtenay Born in Vancuver, nee Holloway, mother of 4 children in Nova Scotia, parents reside Courtenay Dtr/o Dr/Mrs. Robert Gordon, grandtr of Mr./Mrs. Harry Glover, (Union Bay news) Son of Dr/Mrs. Robert Gordon, grandson of Mr./Mrs. Harry Glover (Union Bay news) Mother of Edward W. Gordon, formerly of Courtenay, Dorothy, Vera, Terry and Henry, service in Toronto, bur. Resthaven Memorial Gardens, Toronto Son of M/M R.S. Gordon of Toronto, engagement announced 24 Oct page 15 Dtr/o M/M Monty Gore-Langton of Courtenay GORE-LANGTON Gillian Dixie Chicago, Illinois Toronto Comox Info/Kin 3 10 2 12 FP 24-Feb-1965 3 2 Former resident of Cumberland, heart attack Son of M/M T. George Gorrie, nee Marie Briggs Son of LAC/Mrs. R. Goubreau, RCAF Comox Born at Sandwick, nee Harmston, sis/o Mrs. E. Berkeley, Oswald and Toynbee Harmston, Mrs. E. Wilson, Mrs. V. Wain, Mrs. F. Bruggy and Mrs. H. Holt, service at McCall FH, bur. Royal Oak cemetery Dtr/o M/M Christopher Gouing of Comox Dtr/o M/M Christopher Gowing of Comox Son of Cpl/Mrs. Raymond Grabowski of RCAF Comox Son of Cpl/Mrs. Raymond Grabowski, rcaf, Courtenay Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. G. Brace, RCAF Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper GRADY Ada Elizabeth Death Comox GRAHAM GRAHAM (boy) (boy) Birth Birth GRAHAM Derek John Lucas Death Oyster Bay GRAHAM Edward M GRAHAM Edward Alexander Death Nanaimo GRAHAM George Burton M age 76 Charles Grady Comox Comox Date Page FP 18-Sep-1963 12 FP 19-Jun-1963 14 FP 7-Oct-1964 6 age 29 Victoria age 89 Annette FP 12-Jun-1963 1 LabLAC Elizabeth FP 18-Dec-1963 1 Levitt Elizabeth FP 26-May-1965 9 Levitt Wendy Roberta Jenks Comox, St. Peter's age 85 FP 8-Jul-1964 6 Frank Graham FP 14-Feb-1962 8 John Douglas Frelone FP 13-Sep-1961 9 GRAHAM Henrietta Jackson Death Comox GRAHAM Jacqueline Irene M GRANGER GRANT GRANT GRANT GRANT GRANT (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth GRANT Albert F. Death Comox GRANT Gordon MacKay M Fruitvale, BC Margaret Ann FP 31-Oct-1962 3 Shrubsole GRANT Harris Smith M RCAF Protestant Chapel Sharon Lea Kitchen FP 18-Sep-1963 3 GRANT Hugh M. Death Thoburn, age 96 Nova Scotia Carrie Grant FP 11-Oct-1961 7 Cumberland United Church Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP FP FP age 75 Gertrude Grant 12-Apr-1961 8-Apr-1964 7-Apr-1965 11-Jan-1961 29-Mar-1961 4-Mar-1964 2 2 3 14 10 2 FP 10-Feb-1965 B9 Info/Kin Nee Maidment, born in London, England, one son working on DEW line not named, service at Sandwick Anglican, bur. Courtenay cemetery (Piercy FH) Son of M/M Daniel Graham, RCAF Comox Son of F/O and Mrs. D. Graham, RCAF Comox Car Accident, born in Toronto, friend Russell Logan also killed 60th wedding anniversary, first diamond wedding on Denman Island Born in New Brunswick, son of Denman Island pioneers, father of Mrs. w. Bowen, Mrs. L. Piket, Clarence, Albert and Ernest, service and burial on Denman Island, Piercy FH Son of Mrs. M.H. Graham and the late Mr. Graham of Campbell River Nee Francis, born in Yorkshire, England, mother of Mrs. F. Barrass, Harold and Albert Dixon, 3 other children in England, husband dec'd, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M Jack Graham of Cumbeerland Son of M/M John Granger of Courtenay Son of LAC/Mrs. H. Grant, RCAF Comox Son of F/O and Mrs. Robert A. Grant, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Douglas Robert Grant of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Gerald Grant of Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. M. Grant, RCAF Comox Born in Victoria, father of Gerald, bro/o Charles, Louis, Stanley, Lil and Edna, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M A.M. Grant of Comox, engagement announced 8 Aug page 14 Son of M/M Hedley Grant of Canterbury, New Brunswick Formerly of Cumberland, father of Dougald, Mary and Isabelle, step-father of James and Nellie Fraser, service at Thoburn Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page GRANT Isabel M Tofino GRANT Karen Joan M Comox United Church Roy E. FP 26-Sep-1962 3 Olsen Leo Desmond FP 3-Jun-1964 3 Pike GRANT Mrs. Hugh Death Halifax, age 89 Nova Scotia Hugh Grant GRANT Robert Henry Death Comox age 74 GRANT William Leslie Death Nanaimo age 62 GRAUMAN GRAUMAN GRAUMAN (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox GRAVES Judith Ann M Omaha, Nebraska GRAY (girl) Birth Comox GRAY Leslie Louis M GREEN (boy) Birth Comox GREEN (girl) Birth Cumberland GREEN Dennis John M Victoria GREEN George Robert M Courtenay, St. George's GREEN Robert Axel M Cumberland United Church GREENAWAY Richard Bruce Death Vancouver GREENE Birth (boy) Comox FP 22-Apr-1964 14 Joan Gray FP 14-Jun-1961 12 Catherine Zagrabeln FP ai FP FP FP Pete Camden FP Pineo FP Gladys Barbara FP Jensen FP 23-Aug-1961 15 20-May-1964 16 9-Dec-1964 4 25-Jan-1961 7 ####### single Attended by Mrs. Borden Grant Dtr/o M/M A.M. Grant of Comox Mother of Douglas Grant of Cumberland, 4 other children in Halifax Born at Wellington, BC, father of Mrs. J.D. Macdonald, Mrs. R.M. Stokes, Mrs. George Fawcett, bro/o Albert, Charles, Stanley, Laurence, Lillian Hooper and Mrs. Clement Sears, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Born in Scotland, service at Westwood FH, Nanaimo, grandfather of Judy Smith Son of M/M D. Grauman of Courtenay Son of M/M Ward Grauman of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Dennis Garuman of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M W.G. Graves of Omaha 18-Jan-1961 3 23-May-1962 2 10-Oct-1962 15 29-Mar-1961 10 FP 24-Jun-1964 2 Linda Anne Piercy Beverley Joan Brown Margaret Fay Doucette Info/Kin FP 11-Aug-1965 B8 Dtr/o M/M L. Gray of Courtenay Son of M/M Matt Gray of Willow Point, engagement announced 10 Oct page 15 Son of LAC/Mrs. Gerald Green, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M George Green of Cumberland Son of Mr./Mrs. R.E. Craigie of Victoria, engagement announced 16 June page 10 Son of M/M J. Green FP 12-Dec-1962 5a Son of M/M Robert Oscar Green of Horne Lake FP 30-Oct-1963 10 FP 25-Jan-1961 7 FP 18-Apr-1962 2 Born at Two Creeks, Manitoba, son of Mrs. C.N. Greenaway and late Mr. Greenaway, grandson of late M/M W.N. Levins, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M Douglas Greene of Comox Surname GREENE Givens (girl) Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Birth Comox Date Page FP 18-Sep-1963 2 Marian Arline Maki GREENE Frederick M Maki residence GREENHILL GREENHILL (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 20-Sep-1961 2 FP 16-Jan-1963 14 GREENHILL (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 10-Apr-1963 10 GREENSILL (girl) Birth Comox GREGERSON Lorraine Marion M Chilliwack GREIG Geoffrey Gordon Birth Georgetown, Ontario FP 28-Jul-1965 GREIG Gordon Charles M RCAF Protestant Chapel GREY GREY (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox GREY Clara M Nanaimo GRIEDER Anna Marie M GRIEVE (boy) Birth GRIEVE (girl) Birth GRIEVE Arnold Roy Death Comox age 68 Zaida Francis FP 16-Sep-1964 7 GRIEVE Harry Death Comox age 69 Edith Farmer FP 30-Aug-1961 14 GRIEVE Philip Loggie M Lorna Irvine FP 30-Jan-1963 2 GRIFFIN GRIFFIS (girl) (boy) Birth Birth 2 FP 21-Nov-1962 2 FP 4-Mar-1964 2 Denman Island Campbell River Comox Edmonton, Alberta Comox Comox FP 25-Jul-1962 Son of M/M Kenneth Greenhill of Courtenay Son of M/M K. Greenhill of Merville Son of M/M George Green of Cumberland Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Harold Greensill of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. J.D. Gregerson of Port Coquitlam B5 FP 11-Dec-1963 3 Paulette Marie Doreen Iles Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Frederick Greene, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Eric Greene of Willow Point FP 10-Oct-1962 3a FP 15-Dec-1965 2 Gerald Thomas Frazer Info/Kin William John Halls FP 2-Sep-1964 Bowden B11 James W. FP 6-Oct-1965 Berry B8 FP 21-Mar-1962 11 FP 11-Jan-1961 14 FP 30-Jan-1963 2 FP 24-Nov-1965 11 Son of M/M Gordon C. Greig, nee Paulette Iles, 8 lb 4 oz Son of M/M Charles Greig of Georgetown, Ontario, engagement announced 4 Jul page 12 Son of M/M L. Grey of Kelsey Bay Son of M/M G.O. Grey of Courtenay Mentioned in husband's 85th birthday writeup Sister of Mrs. J. Monks of Winnipeg, Norman, George and Arthur Grieder Son of M/M Lorne Grieve (Willow Point news) Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Ross Grieve, RCAF Comox Born in Nanaimo, first wife Belle Berkeley dec'd, Zaida died 1959, father of William Donald, bro/o Mrs. T.A. Menzies and Mrs. V. Shopland, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Born in Comox, son of Joseph Grieve and Adeline Cessford, father of George, John and Averil, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of Mrs. Kenneth Grive and late Mr. Grieve Dtr/o Lt/Mrs. G. Griffin, RCN, at RCAF Comox Son of F/O and Mrs. Arthur Griffis of Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Vancouver Heights United GRIFFITH Delores Beverley M GRIFFITH Frederick Death Comox GRIFFITH Helen Audrey M GRIFFITH Mary Alvina Death Comox GRIFFITH Mary Lynne Chr GRIFFITH Richard W. M age 78 Vancouver Comox United Church RCAF Protestant Chapel GRIFFITH-COCHRANE Ida Mary Death Comox GRIFFITHS (boy) Birth GRIFFITHS Gilbert Joseph M GRIFFITHS Scott Hamilton Chr age 67 George Thomas High Mary Alvina Anderson Bernard John Dodds Frederick Griffith age 7 months age 73 Date Page FP 19-Sep-1962 10 FP 13-Jan-1965 C3 FP 15-Jul-1964 6 FP 4-Nov-1964 5 FP 24-May-1961 5 Sharon Laurane FP 18-Dec-1963 B2 Button Everett GriffithFP 19-Feb-1964 14 Cochrane FP 22-Nov-1961 16 Comox Watrous, Gail Marie Saskatchew Baron an Comox United age 9 months Church Comox Comox Alice Death Cumberland age 88 Thomas Grundy FP 30-Oct-1963 12 GRUNDY Gladys Death Union Bay Paul Grundy FP 9-Aug-1961 GRUNDY Paul M GRUNDY Thomas Death Union Bay GSCHWENDER (girl) GUEDES (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox age 89 Born in Sweden, no children, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M R.A. Griffith, gdtr of M/M R.H. Griffith of London, England and M/M A. MacVicar of Sydney, Nova Scotia Son of Mrs. G. Devine of Creston, BC and Mr. Byng Griffith of Jamaica Born at Deloraine, Manitoba, nee Shaw, husband dec'd, mother of Richard, Norman and Donald, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of LAC/Mrs. Robert Griffiths, RCAF Comox Son of M/M G.J. Griffiths of Fanny Bay Grandson of M/M A. MacVicar of Sydney, Nova Scotia GRUNDY Mrs. Edythe Hicks Alice Martin Born in Ireland, wife died recently, bro/o Mrs. M. Finlay of White Rock, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M Lloyd Griffith of Franklin River FP 12-Sep-1962 3 Birth Birth Nanaimo Dtr/o M/M A.C. Griffith of Vancouver, engagement announced 8 Aug page 14 FP 21-Oct-1964 B8 GRITTER (boy) GROENENDYK (boy) age 60 Info/Kin FP 11-Oct-1961 2 FP 26-Feb-1964 16 8 Son of F/O and Mrs. Hendrik Gritter, RCAF Comox Son of M/M C. Groenendyk Born in Tyldefly, Lancashire, England, mother of Paul of Union Bay, service at Piercy's FH, cremation Born in Lancashire, England, nee Thompson, mother of Martin, sister of Cyril of Coquitlam, service at Piercy's FH, cremation Partner in Comox Mining Company FP 26-Sep-1962 14 FP 16-Sep-1964 B7 FP 11-Sep-1963 2 FP 10-Jul-1963 2 Born in Lancashire, England, resident of Union Bay, father of Paul, service at Piercy FH, cremation Dtr/o M/M Frank Gschwender of Cumberland Son of LAC/Mrs. Richard Guedes, RCAF Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper GUENTHER Mary Kathleen M Campbell River GULLASON GUNN (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox GUNNARSON Eyolfur Langenburg, Death Saskatchew age 87 an GUNTER GUNTER GUNTER (girl) Dennis Harry Edward Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox FP 9-Dec-1964 4 FP 24-Jul-1963 2 FP 23-May-1962 2 GUNTER John Raymond Birth Comox FP 2-Jan-1963 GUNTER John Raymond M Courtenay, St. John's GURNEY (boy) Birth Comox FP 22-Mar-1961 2 GURNEY (girl) Birth New Westminster FP 21-Mar-1962 2 GURNEY (girl) Birth Comox FP 12-Sep-1962 2 GUTENSOHN Irwin Paul Death Comox GUTHRIE Lorna Margaret M GUTHRIE Patrick Hugh Death Victoria GUTMAN Michael M Victoria GWILT (boy) Birth Comox FP 25-Jan-1961 7 GWOZD Dale Gerard Birth Vancouver FP 6-Feb-1963 GWOZD Gerard M Tacoma, Washington GWYNNE (boy) Birth Comox John Robert Higgin Date Page FP 14-Apr-1965 2 FP 6-Dec-1961 2 FP 22-Mar-1961 2 Sigridur Lopston Louise Marilyn Winnig age 48 age 89 2 FP 10-Jan-1962 2 Marjorie Gutensoh FP 10-Jun-1964 5 n Thorold Irvine Mulligan Nanaimo FP 17-Jan-1962 14 FP 2-Jun-1965 Dtr/o Mrs. Gerry Gavel and the late Fred Guenther of Campbell River, engagement announced 31 March page 11 Son of Cpl/Mrs. L. Gullason, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Donald Gunn of Comox Born in Iceland, married 1908, wife died 1 Jun 1960, father of Svein, Gunnar and Eyolfur, service and birual in Campbell River Dtr/o M/M John Gunter of Courtenay Son of M/M Robert Gunter of RR2 Courtenay Son of Bev and Bob Gunter of Courtenay Son of M/M John Gunter of Courtenay. See Dove Creek News on page 12, first grandchild of M/M W. Winnig Son of M/M Harry Gunter of Grantham, engagement announced 29 Nov 1961 page 13 Son of M/M William Gurney of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Ted Gurney of New Westminster Dtr/o M/M Wm Gurney of Courtenay Born in Bruderhelm, Alberta, son of Rev/Mrs. C.A. Gutensohn, father of Paul and Lynne, siblings also named, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cedar Memorial Gardens, Nanaimo Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. David A. Guthrie of Comox 3 Ella Slater FP 28-Oct-1964 3 Maureen Doris Elder Info/Kin Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, wife and son Patrick dec'd, father of David, Effie, Nancy and Jean, service at Sutton FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M H. Gutman of Courtenay FP 25-Sep-1963 2 Marie Eva FP 3-Oct-1962 Higgin 2 14 FP 26-Apr-1961 16 Son of M/M Thomas Gwilt of Bowser Son of M/M Jerry Gwozd, nee Marie Higgin of Cumberland, 8 lb Son of Mrs. John Gwozd and late Mr. Gwozd of Burnaby Son of F/O and Mrs. John Gwynne, RCAF Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper HAAS (girl) Birth Cumberland HAAS Barry Raymond M Courtenay, St. John's HACK Karen Ann M HADADA (boy) Birth HADADA Darren Death Comox M HADLEY William Dawson M HAENNI (boy) Birth HAGEN Erik Sigurd Death Vancouver HAGEN Wendy Marie M HAGMAN (girl) Birth HAIGH Barbara Ann M HALL (boy) Birth HALLIDAY Joan Myrna Worthing Robert Hugh Martin age 7 months age 48 Ladner United Church Comox Haigh residence Gary Hamilton Cumberland John Fector Tollemache Death Victoria HALLSTROM William David M Campbell River United Church HALME Marian Lois M Duncan Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Erwin E. Hack of Comox FP 15-Dec-1965 11 FP 16-Jun-1965 5 Iowa FP 31-Oct-1962 10 McCulloch George Melvin Bissett FP 29-Apr-1964 8 FP 3-Nov-1965 9 FP 3-Oct-1962 11 FP 21-Mar-1962 2 age 84 Dtr/o M/M Barry Haas of Royston 5 Sharon Marie FP 18-Sep-1963 3 Ruth Bosomwor th Muriel Ruth FP 13-Dec-1961 13 Hansen FP 18-Jan-1961 2 Campbell River, St. Peter's Comox Info/Kin Son of M/M Donald R. Haas of Courtenay FP 1-Apr-1964 FP 11-Nov-1964 3 Red Deer, Alberta Earl Roy Page FP 10-Sep-1964 4 Faith Lutheran Church Comox HADLEY Date Lizzie Bell Marion FP 29-Jan-1964 14 Cox Gloria Jean Williams FP 20-Jun-1962 5 Norman Ault Flinton FP 29-Jul-1964 Son of M/M Joseph Hadada of Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. Joseph Hadada of Comox, bro/o Lorraine, Pamela, Wayne and Steven, service at Sutton FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M Lloyd Hadley of Red Deer Son of M/M Merrill Hadley of Minstrel Island Son of F/O and Mrs. Leonard Haenni, RCAF Comox Born in Norway, son of Olaf Hagebratten, father of Wayne, Lyall and Wendy, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Dtr/o Mrs. Erik Sigurd Hagen and late Mr. Hagen of Cumberland, engagement announced 22 Jan page 12 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. R. Hagman of Comox Dtr/o M/M Ralph G. Haigh of Campbell River, engagement announced 12 Sep page 12 Son of M/M Richard Hall of Union Bay Born in England, wife dec'd, former resident of Courtenay, son Jack died in WW2, service at Thomson and Irving FH, Victoria, bur. Veterans' cemetery Son of M/M William Hallstrom of Shelter Point, engagement announced 23 May page 14 Dtr/o M/M Jack Halme of Seaview Road, Courtenay 2 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page HALSTEAD (boy) Birth Comox FP 18-Jan-1961 2 HAMER (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 4-Sep-1963 2 HAMERSLEY Grace Peta M Comox, St. Peter's FP 8-Jan-1964 3 HAMERSLEY Michael Robert Jr. Birth Three Hills, Alberta HAMES Betty-Lou M Courtenay, St. George's HAMES Eleanor Jeanette M Courtenay, St. George's HAMES Gwynnette Katherine M Courtenay, St. George's HAMILTON (boy) Birth HAMILTON HAMILTON (girl) (girl) Birth Birth HAMILTON Betty-Ann M HAMILTON David Johnstone HAMILTON Gary M HAMILTON Gladys Evelyn Death Cumberland age 73 HAMILTON Nellie May Death HAMILTON Stylie Brown Death Cumberland age 77 HAMILTON Thomas Darryl M Courtenay, St. George's M Nanaimo HAMILTON-HORNE Lyle David Bruce Gillett Son of M/M Donald Halstead of Courtenay Son of M/M Ray Hamer of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M W.H. Hamersley of Comox, engagement announced 4 Dec 1963 page 14 Son of M/M Michael R. Hamersley of Three Hills FP 16-Oct-1963 16 David H. Jones Stanley Walter Hofseth Bernard Michael Parrish Dtr/o M/M H. Hames FP 6-Nov-1963 3 Dtr/o M/M Jack Hames of Courtenay FP 18-Nov-1964 2 Dtr/o M/M Jack Hames of Courtenay FP 9-Jun-1965 2 Port Arthur FP 28-Jul-1965 3 Comox Comox Cumberland United Church Victoria FP 17-Jun-1964 2 FP 24-Jun-1964 2 Charles Richard Kuhn Haigh residence Campbell River Info/Kin FP 5-Jul-1961 9 FP 4-Dec-1963 2 Barbara FP 3-Oct-1962 Ann Haigh age 69 John William Hamilton 11 FP 28-Nov-1962 2 Frederick William FP 26-Jun-1963 B5 Hamilton Edna Hamilton Joan Maureen Barr Margaret Phillips FP 18-Nov-1964 B8 FP 19-Sep-1962 2 FP 12-Jun-1963 2 Son of Mr./Mrs. Darryl Hamilton, nee Joan Barr Dtr/o M/M Wm Hamilton of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Robert Hamilton of Comox Dtr/o M/M David Hamilton, engagement announced 31 May page 12 Son of M/M Darryl Hamilton, nee Joan Barr Son of M/M D.H. Hamilton of Cumberland, engagement announced 12 Sep page 12 Nee Johnston, born in Nappa, California, mother of Evelyn, Dorothy, John and William, service in Victoria, bur. Royal Oak Born in Neepawa, Manitoba, nee Everall, mother of Web, Ross, Renner, Audrey, Joy and Madge, resident of Willow Point, service at Campbell River United Church Born in Nanaimo, father of Ronald and William, service at Sands FH, Victoria, cremation Son of M/M T.W. Hamilton of Stettler, Alberta, engagement announced 15 Aug page 14 Son of M/M Gordon Hamilton-Horne of Union Bay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page HAMLING (boy) Birth Comox FP 12-May-1965 5 HAMLING (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 23-Jun-1965 5 HAMLING (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 7-Oct-1964 HAMLING Leo Robert M HAMLING Marlene Grace M Courtenay, St. George's HAMMELL Raymond Herbert M Livermore, California HAMMONS (girl) Birth HAMMONS Bernice Lillian Chr HAMMONS Gwen Catherine Chr HAMMONS Lauren Gina Chr HAMOR (boy) Birth HAMPSON Elizabeth Alice Campbell Death River age 83 William FP 12-Feb-1964 5 Hampson HAND Walter George Death Comox age 75 Ann Hand FP 9-Jan-1963 HANEY (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 25-Mar-1964 7 HANKINS (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 9-Oct-1963 HANKINS HANLEY (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 9-Jun-1965 12 FP 31-Oct-1962 2 HANLEY Kathleen Chr RCAF Base infant FP 6-Mar-1963 Gerald Wayne Ward Nicki Louise Stone FP 31-Jul-1963 Dtr/o M/M Hamling of Courtenay 10 FP 23-May-1962 3 Dtr/o M/M Joe Hamling of Courtenay, engagement announced 9 May page 14 Son of M/M James Hammell of RR1 Cumberland FP 30-Sep-1964 8 FP 6-Jun-1962 2 age 4 years FP 22-Feb-1961 8 age 1 year FP 22-Feb-1961 8 age 3 years FP 22-Feb-1961 8 Cumberland Son of Mr./Mrs. J. Hamling of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. Robert Hamling of Cumberland Son of M/M Leo Hamling of Courtenay Cumberland, St. John's RC Comox Comox United Church Comox United Church Comox United Church Kathleen June Bates 6 Info/Kin FP 9-Aug-1961 10 14 2 9 Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Keith Hammons, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC and Mrs. K.S. Hammons christened, gdtr of M/M J.E. Harris and Mrs. O. Hammons of Liverpool, England Dtr/o LAC and Mrs. K.S. Hammons christened, gdtr of M/M J.E. Harris and Mrs. O. Hammons of Liverpool, England Dtr/o LAC and Mrs. K.S. Hammons christened, gdtr of M/M J.E. Harris and Mrs. O. Hammons of Liverpool, England Son of M/M Raymond Hamor of Cumberland Born in Leigh, England, resident of Shelter Point, nee Crooks, mother of Jim, Tom, Bill, Victor and Edna, service at Sutton FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Born at Croydon, Surrey, England, formerly of Winnipeg, father of Eric, Gordon, Kenneth and Vera, service at St. Peter's Comox Dtr/o M/M Norman Haney of RR1 Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Sherman Hankins of Cumberland Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. John Hankins of Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Peter Hanley, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC and Mrs. Peter Hanley of Cumberland, christened, grandtr of Mrs. Robert Kelly of Cumberland Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page HANNA HANNA (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 29-Jul-1964 14 FP 27-Oct-1965 12 HANSEN (boy) Birth Airplane FP 4-Sep-1963 1 HANSEN HANSEN (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 5-Sep-1962 FP 7-Apr-1965 2 3 HANSEN Bernice Mary Death Victoria HANSEN Dennis Kenneth M Courtenay, St. George's HANSEN Gunhild M Port Alberni HANSEN Harold Death Comox HANSEN James Walter M Campbell River United Church HANSEN Muriel Ruth M Campbell River, St. Peter's HANSEN Ruth Eileen Death Vancouver HAQQ (boy) Birth HARDER HARDER (boy) (boy) Birth Birth HARDIE Helen Dick Death Comox HARDING (girl) Birth HARDING Leonard Ulman Death Courtenay HARDY HARDY HARDY (boy) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth age 85 Albert E. Hansen Eleanor Annie Lokke Petersen Roger Barry McKay age 67 age 58 Dtr/o M/M Magnus Hansen of Port Alberni 2 single FP 6-Dec-1961 1 Julie Rouden FP 8-Mar-1961 5 William Dawson Hadley John William Hansen Dtr/o M/M A.V. Hansen of Willow Point FP 13-Jan-1965 C1 2 FP 27-Jun-1962 2 FP 27-Jan-1965 3 Thomas Hardie Comox FP 4-Sep-1963 10 FP 11-Apr-1962 2 age 71 Letta Harding Shot himself, born in Wisconsin, lived behind brother's house, serviced in WW1, service at Sutton's FH, cremation Son of M/M J. Hansen of Tofino FP 13-Dec-1961 13 FP 1-Aug-1962 age 87 Dtr/o M/M Lewis Hanna of BlackCreek Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. L. Hanna of Quatam River Son of Mrs. Margaret Hansen, born enroute from Cortes Island to Campbell River Dtr/o M/M Lief Hansen of Courtenay Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. D. Hansen, RCAF Comox Born at Hampton, Iowa, resident of Courtenay, mother of Mrs. James Siddall and D.R. Hansen, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M Harold Hansen of Manson's Landing FP 27-Nov-1963 2 FP 4-Apr-1962 Richmond, BC Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox FP 12-Aug-1964 B8 Info/Kin FP 28-Aug-1963 8 FP 26-Jul-1961 2 FP 9-May-1962 9 FP 19-Dec-1962 2 Former teacher, resident of Ashcroft, mother of Harold, dtr/o Mrs. Eva Ina Young, service and burial at Powell River Son of M/M Sam Haqq, nee Nerys Preece, brother of Trevor Son of M/M Ben Harder of Courtenay Son of Sgt/Mrs. Edmund Harder, RCAF Comox Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, nee Smith, mother of Mrs. J. Donkersley, service at Mountain View Cemetery, Vancouver Dtr/o M/M Richard Harding of Kelsey Bay Born at The Dalles, Oregon, owned Salmon River Hotel, father of Richard, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M Ernest Hardy of Courtenay Son of LAC/Mrs. H. Hardy, RCAF Son of M/M E. Hardy of Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper HARDY HARDY HARDY (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth HARDY Cynthia Vera M Comox Comox Comox Cumberland United Church Date Page FP 15-Dec-1965 2 FP 15-Aug-1962 15 FP 27-May-1964 2 Errnest Bates Paul James Wilson Can. Martyrs RC church Dtr/o M/M Robert Hargood-Ash of Courtenay M HARGOOD-ASHWinifred Lois Death Comox HARGREAVES (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 18-Aug-1965 5 HARGREAVES (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 17-Jan-1962 1 HARGREAVES James Death Cumberland age 80 Lily Earlam HARGREAVES Lilly Death Cumberland age 74 James Hargreave FP 31-Jan-1962 14 s HARGREAVES Richard Eric M Cumberland HARMER Stanley George M Richmond, BC HARMS HARMS (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox HARMS Gerda M Kelowna HARNDEN Frank Elwood Death Comox HARNISH HARPELL HARPELL HARPELL (girl) (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox FP 11-Sep-1963 2 Robert Hargood- FP 19-Aug-1964 B6 Ash FP 22-Jan-1964 12 Linda Lou FP 24-Mar-1965 Genge Alma Grace FP 22-Nov-1961 Eyre Kidd FP 5-Apr-1961 FP 17-Oct-1962 Frank FP 27-Sep-1961 Dueck age 59 Pearl Braun Son of Mr./Mrs. Stewart Hardy of Comox Dtr/o M/M Fred Hardy of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M E. Hardy of Courtenay Dtr/o John Megilley and late Mrs. Megilley of Victoria FP 30-May-1962 10 HARGOOD-ASHGlenda Beryl age 60 Info/Kin B8 16-Oct-1963 10-Apr-1963 17-Feb-1965 18-Mar-1964 Dtr/o M/M Norman Hargreaves of Royston, first New Year's baby in Cumberland Born in Lancashire, England, wife dec'd, father of Norman, James, Clarence, Mrs. V. Briltz and Mrs. M. Parrent, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Born at Runcorn, England, nee Earlam, mother of James, Clarence, Norman, Mrs. M. Parrent and Mrs. V. Briltz, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of Mr./Mrs. Norman Hargreaves of Cumberland Road of Erindale, Ontario 15 2 2 2 FP 13-Sep-1961 14 FP FP FP FP Born in Nottingham, dtr/o M/M A.B. Ball, mother of Robert and Glenda, other family named, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of Mr./Mrs. Richard Hargreaves of Cumberland 16 10 3 2 Son of M/M Herman Harms of BlackCreek Son of M/M Herman Harms of BlackCreek Dtr/o M/M J. Harms of Kelowna, formerly of BlackCreek Born at Grafton, Ontario, father of Mary, Ella, Fred, James and Albert, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. R. Harnish, RCAF Comox Son of F/O and Mrs. R. Harpell, RCAF Comox Son of F/O and Mrs. R. Harpell, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. R. Harpell, RCAF Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Laurie Anne Bryden Date Page HARPELL Raymond P. M Cumberland United Church HARPER (girl) Birth North Surrey HARPER John Ross M Holy Trinity, Cumberland HARRIS (girl) Birth Comox HARRIS Amelia Emma Death Comox age 68 Stanley Harris FP 19-Jun-1963 12 HARRIS Clifford Clarence Death Cumberland age 61 Eleanor Grace Grant FP 23-Jun-1965 3 HARRIS Elizabeth Death Liverpool, England age 75 HARRIS Frederick Cleo Death Qualicum age 55 Doris Sterriker HARRIS Stanley Albert Death Vancouver age 65 Amelia Orr FP 15-Apr-1964 B8 FP 3-Oct-1962 12 FP 24-Feb-1965 3 Edith Diane FP 6-Nov-1963 Johnstone 6 FP 30-Jan-1963 2 FP 15-Mar-1961 12 FP 30-Jan-1963 12 Denis Earle FP Chamberli n FP FP FP HARRIS Wendy Elizabeth M Duncan United Church HARRISON HARRISON HARRISON (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox HARRISON (girl) Birth Vancouver FP 7-Nov-1962 HARRISON (girl) Birth Comox FP 30-Sep-1964 10 HARRISON Earl Martindale Death Vancouver HARRISON Jacqueline Chr St. Peter's Anglican, Comox HARRISON John Michel M Cumberland, Holy Trinity Hazel Harrison infant 23-Sep-1964 C3 14-Jun-1961 10 9-Dec-1964 4 24-Jan-1962 2 2 FP 27-Feb-1963 7 FP 3-Apr-1963 10 Mary Ellen FP 26-Feb-1964 10 Bruon Info/Kin Son of M/M R.W. Harpell of Halifax, Nova Scotia, engagement announced 15 Aug page 14 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Ross Harper, nee Edith Johnstone of Cumberland Son of M/M Robert Clarence Harper of Courtenay, engagement announced 2 Oct page 12 Dtr/o M/M C. Harris of Campbell River Born at Gore Bay, Ontario, nee ORR, mother of Cecil Harper, siblings also named, service at Sutton's FH, cremation Born in Bristol, England, drowned in Comox Lake, bro/o Mrs. H. Williams and Olive Harris, service at Piercy FH, cremation Born in Co. Antrim, Ireland, sister of Mrs. Wm Eastman here, Wm Clarke in Ontario and Mrs. Tillie Boyd of Ireland Born in Melfort, Saskatchewan, father of Fred and Robert, service at Qualicum cemetery Born in Vancouver, "Smokey" was a well-known baseball player, bur. Mountain View cemetery Dtr/o D.A. Harris of Vancouver and Mrs. Joan Hansen of Koksilah Son of M/M George Harrison Son of M/M George Harrison Jr. of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M David Harrison of BlackCreek Dtr/o Inspector and Mrs. Jack Harrison, nee Marilyn Graham, gdtr of M/M Morton Graham of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M David Harrison of Gibson's Landing Born in London, Ontario, son of Rev./Mrs. Thomas Harrison, father of Gordon and Edward, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M J. Harrison, nee Marilynne Graham, gdtr of M/M M. Graham, christened Son of M/M Jack Harrison of Royston, engagement announced 29 Jan page 15 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page HART (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 14-Nov-1962 16 HART (girl) Birth Comox FP 20-Sep-1961 2 HART (girl) Birth Vancouver FP 1-Sep-1965 HART Donald M HARTMAN Stuart M HARVEY Arthur Fraser HARVIE Jessie Cumberland United Church Comox United Church 5 Frances May Kerton FP 15-Feb-1961 9 Claudia MacIvor FP 2-Jun-1965 12 Death Kye Bay Helen Harvey FP 4-Mar-1964 12 Death Cumberland age 70 George Harvie FP 15-Jul-1964 3 HARWOOD Bruce de Lothiniere M HASELTINE Ronald F. Death BlackCreek age 37 HASIUK (girl) Birth FP 13-Jun-1962 2 Marlene Hofmann HASKINS Mr. A. M HASTINGS (boy) Birth Comox FP 15-Mar-1961 14 HASTINGS (boy) Birth Comox FP 3-Oct-1962 Chr Union Bay United Church HASTINGS William Cary HATCH Ronald Barry M St. Peter's Anglican, Comox HATCHER (girl) Birth Comox HATFIELD Burton Leander RupertDeath Comox Dtr/o M/M Donald Hart of Cumberland Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. E.C. Hart, nee Frieda Wilcock Son of Mr./Mrs. Lawrence Hartman of Courtenay Josephine FP 23-Sep-1964 1 Samarin Comox Son of M/M Donald Hart of Cumberland Son of M/M Roger Hart of Powell River Marie Marguerite FP 13-Jan-1965 12 Andree Leduc RCAF RC chapel Info/Kin FP 2-Oct-1963 10 10 Born in Dublin, Ireland, father of Ian, Brian and Michael, service at Piercy FH, cremation Born in Scotland, nee Meikle, mother of Jessie Bono, Mrs. M. Watkins, Mrs. F. Snider, Andrew and John, dtr Elizabeth dec'd, service at Cumberland RC church, bur. Cumberland cemetery (Piercy FH) Station at Comox RCAF Car accident, resident of Lantzville, born in Winnipeg, Manitoba Dtr/o M/M N. Hasiuk, RCAF Comox Shower for new bride in Cumberland Son of M/M Donald Hastings of Union Bay Son of F/L and Mrs. Frederick Hastings, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Donald Hastings christened infant FP 27-Sep-1961 9 Veronica Jane Lonsdale Son of Mrs. E. Hatch of Fort William, Ontario FP 24-Jul-1963 3 FP 23-May-1962 2 age 90 Constance FP 17-Feb-1965 3 Hatfield Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Donald Hatcher, RCAF Comox Born in Brookville, Nova Scotia, father of John, Mrs. M. Weller, Mrs. M. Graham, Mrs. B. Westerborg and Ruth, service at St. Peter's Comox, cremation Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Roy Erickson Date Page Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. J. Haughton of Kamloops HAUGHTON Loraine M University Hill United HAWKINS (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 31-May-1961 2 HAWKINS (girl) Birth Comox FP 30-May-1962 2 HAWKINS George Henry Death Comox Ellen 5 sep 1882 Parkin FP 17-Jan-1962 10 HAWKINS Michael Death Vancouver age 3 FP 14-Nov-1962 16 HAWLEY (girl) Birth Comox Courtenay, St. John's HAWLEY Lorraine Gail M HAWLEY Susan Lila Chr HAWRYLUK (boy) Birth HAWRYLUK Allan Roland M Cumberland, Holy Trinity HAWTHORNE (girl) HAY (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox HAY Annie Death Comox HAYES HAYES (girl) (girl) Birth Birth HAYES Harold Hubert Death Saanich age 86 HAYMAN Bertha Lucinda Death Comox age 74 HAYTON HAYTON (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox HAYWARD Annie McLeod Death Martinez, California Comox United Church Comox FP 21-Jul-1965 B10 FP 28-Jun-1961 10 Ronald Vern Webber age 10 months FP 11-Nov-1964 B4 FP 2-May-1962 FP Joy Maxine FP Pederson FP FP age 79 David Walker Hay Comox Comox 10 27-Nov-1963 2 Son of M/M Herbert R. Hawkins of Union Bay Dtr/o M/M John Hawkins of Comox Born at Comox to pioneer family, father of John, Robert, Isobel, Mildred and Kathleen, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of John and Sarah Hawkins of Comox, service at St. Peter's Anglican, bur. Courtenay cemetery, Sutton's FH Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Ivan Hawley of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Loyd Hawley, gdtr of E.A. "Dad" Hawley of Comox. See 18 Nov page B8, wedding guests Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. I. Hawley christened, gdtr of J/M J.A. Hawley of Roland, Man. and M/M H. Burns of Brandon, Man. Son of M/M A. Hawryluk of Courtenay Son of H. Hawryluk of Thorhild, Alberta 31-May-1961 9 4-Mar-1964 2 21-Feb-1962 10 FP 21-Mar-1962 13 FP 8-Nov-1961 FP 7-Aug-1963 2 2 Maude Hayes FP 15-Jul-1964 3 William Hayman FP 14-Apr-1965 11 FP 1-Feb-1961 14 FP 10-Jan-1962 2 single Info/Kin FP 23-Aug-1961 9 Dtr/o M/M B. Hawthorne of Courtenay Son of LAC/Mrs. Stanley Hay, RCAF Comox Born at Barrie, Ontario, nee Paton, husband died 1947, mother of Thomas, William and Mrs. Wm Fleming of Little River, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. James D. Hayes, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. David Hayes, RCAF Comox Born in Somerset, England, father of Hubert, Harold, Dorothy, Hilda, Arthur, Alfred, Vera, Ernest and Isabel, service at Sands FH, cremation Born in Hamiota, Manitoba, nee Stephens, husband died 1956, mother of Marie, Marjorie and Florence, stepmother of Dorothy and Norma, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M Thomas Hayton of Union Bay Dtr/o M/M T.W. Hayton of Union Bay Born in Pennsylvania, came to Cumberland in 1897, frequent visitor to relatives and friends here, service in Martinez, cremation Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Page Matilda Hayward FP 22-Mar-1961 12 Allen David Larson FP 27-Oct-1965 11 HAYWARD George Death Comox HAYWARD Linda Mary M HEADLEY (girl) Birth HEADLEY Susan Janice Chr HEARLE Robert Michael Bellingham, Death age 20 Washington single FP 26-Jun-1963 1 HEARN Edna Marianne M Kamloops Arthur Leonard Sauder FP 14-Jul-1965 HEENAN Gerald Death Campbell River age 33 single FP 23-Jan-1963 1 HEGG Halvor Death Comox age 90 Karen Hegg FP 1-Dec-1965 10 HEIER (girl) Birth FP 10-Jul-1963 2 HEIN Louis M HEINEMAN Shirley M HEINRICHS (girl) Birth HELLAN Paul Monrad Death Victoria Comox United Church Comox RCAF Protestant Chapel age 89 Date Comox Nanaimo, Brechin United Ocean Falls, BC Comox HELLAN Suzanne Sheridan M Courtenay, St. George's HELLICAR Catherine Birth Comox HELME Lorraine Faith M Can. Martyrs RC church HEMINGWAY (boy) Birth Comox Dtr/o F/L and Mrs. R. Headley, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Richard Headley christened FP 24-Mar-1965 2 Mrs. Lilly Piper Robert Mawer age 76 Born in England, wife died 1959, father of Fred, Edward, Daisy, Gladys and Minnie, service at St. Marks Anglican, Qualicum, bur. Qualicum Beach cemetery Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. George E. Hayward of Courtenay FP 10-Sep-1964 4 infant Info/Kin Pearl Hellan Loren John Preston Scarff Joseph Edward Rene Simard Car accident, son of Jessie Hearle of Royston, father died 1956, brother of Barbara, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Edwin Harold Hearn of Kamloops B12 Died in fire at Willow Hotel Born in Norway, father of Henry, service at Sutton FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Milton Heier, RCAF Attended by M/M Freethy of Cedar FP 18-Jan-1961 2 Wedding attended by Mrs. C.W. Mawer, mother of groom (Comox news) FP 24-Jul-1963 2 Dtr/o M/M Edward Heinrichs of RR1 BlackCreek Born in Norway, father of Paul, Peggy and Loren, bro/o FP 28-Oct-1964 B12 Olga Lee, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M Paul Hellan FP 8-Feb-1961 8 FP 20-May-1964 3 FP 2-Jan-1963 1 FP 24-Jul-1963 2 FP 29-Jul-1964 14 First New Year's Baby in Comox Valley, dtr/o M/M Barry Hellicar, 3:42 am Dtr/o M/M G.L. Helme of Courtenay Son of M/M D. Hemingway of Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page HEMINGWAY (girl) Birth Comox FP 14-Jun-1961 10 HEMM Joseph A. Death West Vancouver HENDERSON (boy) Birth Comox FP 22-Jan-1964 16 HENDERSON (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 11-Jan-1961 14 HENDERSON (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 26-Apr-1961 16 HENDERSON (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 2-Jan-1963 age 75 Margaret Hemm FP 9-Jan-1963 HENDERSON Alexander Death Comox age 65 Helen Finley Mitchell HENDERSON Arthur Scott Death Comox age 76 Ethel Mary FP 3-Oct-1962 Rodwell HENDERSON Christopher Brian M St. John the Baptist HENDERSON Jeanie M Cumberland HENDERSON Penelope Margaret Louise M 14 2 FP 24-Oct-1962 15 6 Brenda Rose FP 14-Feb-1962 2 Osman Leonard FP 20-Mar-1963 3 Day Piket Frederick Murray FP 12-Feb-1964 2 Patterson Comox, St. John's Chr Courtenay, age 10 months St. George's FP 28-Aug-1963 2 HENDRY (boy) Birth Comox FP 3-Jan-1962 HENRY Margaret Death Vancouver HENSCHKE Beverley Anne M HENSON HENSON (boy) (boy) Birth Birth HENTON Jeather June Birth Courtenay, St. George's Comox Comox North Burnaby John Henry Dtr/o M/M Brian Hemingway of Courtenay Former Courtenay garage operator and car dealer, father of Harold, private service at Ocean View Burial Park, cremation Son of M/M G. Henderson of Courtenay Dtr/o Rev. and Mrs. Murray Henderson of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M James Henderson, nee Betty ?, of Kelsey Bay Dtr/o M/M James Henderson of Sayward Born in Motherwell, Scotland, father of Mildred, bro/o William, Sam, George, Elizabeth and Jean, service at Cumberland United Church, bur. Cumberland cemetery, Piercy's FH Born at Thames Ditton, Surrey, England, father of James, Geoffrey and Michael, service at Piercy's FH, cremation Son of M/M Frank Henderson of Comox, engagement announced 24 Jan page 14 50th wedding anniversary, parents of Bill, Day, Lucy and Lillian Dtr/o M/M F.S. Henderson of Comox, engagement announced 22 Jan page 12 Son of M/M B. Hendrickson of Vancouver HENDRICKSON William Basil age 47 Info/Kin 2 FP 14-Nov-1962 16 John Alexander FP 20-Sep-1961 4a Cameron FP 22-Feb-1961 14 FP 1-Mar-1961 12 FP 21-Jun-1961 2 Son of M/M James Hendry of Comox, first New Year's baby Nee Wilson, born at Kingcome Inlet, died in car accident, bur. Cape Mudge cemetery, Sutton's FH Dtr/o M/M W.R. Henschke of Dove Creek Son of M/M Robert Henson of Comox Son of M/M Rockford Henson of Comox (correction) Dtr/o M/M Albert Henton Jr., nee LaVonne Minion, 8 lb 5 oz Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Robert Elwood Betts HENTON Sandra Joann M Toppenish, Washington HEPWORTH (boy) Birth Comox HEPWORTH Daren Kenneth Death Victoria age 7 months HERD Catherine Chalmers Death Vancouver age 79 HERD Georgina Agnes M HERD Grace Catherine M HERGOTT HERMAN (girl) (girl) Birth Birth HERMAN Laurie Christine Chr Courtenay, age 1 year St. George's HERMON Jock M Vancouver HERSEY (boy) Birth Comox HERVEY Philip Henry Charles Death Campbell River HERYET HERYET (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox HERYET Dorothy Elizabeth M Can. Martyrs RC church HERZOG HESLA Lucy Thomas Date Page Info/Kin Dtr/o Mrs. Evlyne Henton of Toppenish FP 18-Oct-1961 2 FP 18-Mar-1964 2 Cumberland United Church Cumberland United Church Comox Comox Robert Peden Herd Son of F/O and Mrs. B. Hepworth, RCAF Comox Son of Bryan and Darlene Hepworth, born at Comox, FP 28-Oct-1964 B10 service at McCall's FH, bur. Oaks Memorial Gardens FP 13-Feb-1963 B2 Lyle Clive FP 22-Apr-1964 3 Sadler Gordon FP 25-Apr-1962 9 Lyle Clark FP 21-Feb-1962 10 FP 22-Aug-1962 10 Evans Smith FP 4-Jan-1961 2 FP 26-Sep-1962 2 FP 27-Jan-1965 3 age 80 single FP 7-Aug-1963 16 FP 6-Mar-1963 FP 9-Dec-1964 12 4 Glenn Edwin FP 15-Apr-1964 3 Chapman Death Cumberland age 76 John Herzog Death Victoria Hazel Marie FP 20-Feb-1963 12 Cantalope age 68 FP 16-Jan-1963 14 Nee BLACkie, born in Scotland, husband dec'd, mother of George, Robert and Christine, service at Bell's FH Dtr/o M/M George Herd of Cumberland, engagement announced 11 Mar page 14 Dtr/o M/M George Herd of Cumberland, engagement announced 14 Mar page 13, grdtr M/M Harry Marshall of Cumberland Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Virgil Hergott, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Wm W. Herman of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M William W. Herman, gdtr of M/M Walter Herman and M/M Aaron Cooper Resident of Vancouver, engagement announced 26 Sep page 12 Son of LAC/Mrs. Gerald M/ Hersey, RCAF Comox Born in England, resident of Willow Point, no relatives in Canada, service and burial in Campbell River Son of M/M Ronald Heryet of Courtenay Son of M/M Ronald Heryet of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M R. Heryet of Courtenay, engagement announced 4 Mar page 12 Born in Russia, husband died 1951, mother of David Holing and Erma Armstrong, service at Cumberland United Church, bur. Cumberland cemetery, Piercy's FH Born in Iowa, bro/o Rose, Clara, Ilivia, Ida and Olga, service at St. John's Anglican, bur. Courtenay cemetery, Piercy FH Surname HESLETON Givens Theresa Ann Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper M Victoria Alberni, St. Andrew's HESS Robert Albert M HESSE (boy) Birth HESSE M Michael John Pozin Donna Lenore Alice Smith Comox RCAF Protestant Chapel Date Page Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Robert Hesleton of Calgary, Alberta FP 10-Mar-1965 B6 FP 5-Dec-1962 3 FP 12-Feb-1964 2 Joyce Justason Comox (boy) Birth FP 20-Oct-1965 11 HEWITSON Robert Death Vancouver HEYMAN (boy) Birth HEYMAN Allan Paul M HEYMAN Paul Death Picton Point age 56 Thora M. Heyman FP 19-Aug-1964 B6 HICKS Mrs. Edythe M Nanaimo Paul Grundy FP 26-Sep-1962 14 HICKSON HIDGINS HIEBERT (boy) (girl) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox HIGGIN John Robert M Campbell River Mary Kathleen FP 14-Apr-1965 2 Guenther HIGGIN Leslie Anne Birth Campbell River FP 18-Aug-1965 5 HIGGIN Marie Eva M Tacoma, Washington HIGGINS Maria Henrietta Death Willow Point born 1875 HIGH (boy) Birth Vancouver FP 30-Sep-1964 10 HIGH (girl) Birth Vancouver FP 12-May-1965 5 Comox Cumberland United Church single Son of M/M Albert Hess of Alberni, engagement announced 3 Oct page 14 Son of LAC/Mrs. L. Hesse, RCAF Comox Son of Mrs. A. Hesse of Saskatchewan FP 15-May-1963 3 HESTERMAN age 94 Info/Kin FP 15-Feb-1961 14 FP 27-Jun-1962 2 Geraldine Diane FP 3-Jan-1962 2 Carpenter FP 25-Jan-1961 7 FP 10-Jul-1963 2 FP 17-Jun-1964 2 Son of Capt/Mrs. John Hesterman, USAF, RCAF Comox Born in Scotland, prairie pioneer, once farmed at Courtenay with brother, two newphews and two nieces survive Son of M/M A. Heyman of Courtenay Son of M/M Paul Heyman of Merville Born in Estonia, died in logging accident, father of Alan and Marilyn, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Postmistress at Union Bay Son of LAC/Mrs. Gerald Hickson of RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Grent Hodgins of Courtenay Son of M/M Norman Hiebert of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. J. Higgin of Cumberland, engagement announced 31 March page 11 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Jack Higgin Jr., 5 lb 9.75 oz Dtr/o M/M Jack Higgin of Cumberland Gerard Gwozd FP 3-Oct-1962 Henry Higgins FP 10-Apr-1963 B5 14 Born at Tracy, New Brunswick, formerly of Ochre River, Manitoba, mother of William, Olive and Ruth, service in Campbell River, bur. Ochre River Son of M/M George T. High of Vancouver, 10 lb 6 oz Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. James High of Vancouver, 6 lb 5 oz Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Vancouver Heights United Delores Beverley Griffith HIGH George Thomas M HIGH Karen Helen Death Cumberland age 14 months HILCHEY (boy) Birth Comox HILCHEY Gladys Jean M Riverside Tabernacle HILCHEY Herman Death Pugwash, Nova Scotia BlackCreek, Mennonite Brethren Date Page FP 19-Sep-1962 10 FP 14-Apr-1965 11 FP 1-Mar-1961 Harvey Lawrence FP 6-Dec-1961 Frazer 12 Info/Kin Son of M/M W. High of Cumberland, engagement announced 8 Aug page 14 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Andrew High of Cumberland, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of M/M Harold Hilchey of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M R. Hilchey of Willow Point 5a Father of Roy Hilchey (Willow Point news) FP 15-Feb-1961 13 Son of M/M B. Hildebrand of Vancouver HILDEBRAND Peter M HILDEN Lena Death Vancouver HILDER David William Birth Campbell River Patricia FP 3-Jun-1964 Olive Flint age 80 Frans Hilden B3 FP 22-May-1963 3 FP 15-Dec-1965 2 Arnold Paul Scheck Born in Finland, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of Mr./Mrs. David Hilder, 8 lb 6 oz Dtr/o M/M Guy Hilder of Courtenay HILDER Nancy May M Can. Martyrs RC church HILL (boy) Birth Zweibrucken , Germany FP 14-Jul-1965 HILL HILL HILL (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Nanaimo Comox FP 8-Sep-1965 3 FP 11-Nov-1964 3 FP 19-May-1965 4 HILL Brenda Jane Chr Four Square age 4 months Gospel Hall FP 8-Mar-1961 3 HILL Dori Le-Ann Birth Nanaimo FP 5-Dec-1962 2 HILL Norman Lewis M New Westminster HILTON HILTON (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 30-Aug-1961 2 Son of LAC/Mrs. Hill, nee Dorothy Moody Colleen Lenora Brown 3 Son of Mr./Mrs. Charles Hill of RR1 BlackCreek Dtr/o Cst/Mrs. Eldon Hill Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Hugh Hill of BlackCreek Dtr/o M/M G.A. Hill christened Dtr/o Cst/Mrs. Eldon Hill, nee Diann Williams, 7 lb 13.5 oz Son of M/M Jack Hill of Cumberland FP 27-Feb-1963 9 FP 8-Feb-1961 FP 19-Jul-1961 14 2 Son of M/M Robert John Hilton of Cumberland Son of M/M Richard Hilton of Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Birth Cumberland Date HILTON (girl) HILTON Elizabeth Evelyn Young Death HILTON Margaret Death Comox HILTS William Alan M Comox, St. Peter's HIND HINKELMAN (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox HIRD Dennis M Victoria HIRSCH Barbara Elisabith M Faith Lutheran Church HISLOP Mervyn Warren M North Vancouver HLECK HODGES HODGINS (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Denise FP 26-Jun-1963 Ohlmes Brent Alexander FP 8-Dec-1965 Tolmie Marilyn Gail FP 11-Aug-1965 Johnson FP 4-Jan-1961 FP 29-Apr-1964 FP 16-Jun-1965 HODGINS Charlotte Mary M Campbell River United Church Robert James Clarkson North Vancouver HODGINS Gareon Douglas Death Comox HODGINS Gavin Matthew Birth HODGINS Grace Anne Death Comox HODGINS Jack Stanley M Vancouver, St. Helen's HODGINS Linda Lorraine M Courtenay, St. John's Page FP 21-Nov-1962 2 age 79 Arthur Mansfield FP 15-Sep-1965 11 Hilton age 92 John Hilton FP 7-Jul-1965 Jane Mary FP 2-Dec-1964 Foye 11 age 27 Sylvia Tediuk Nanaimo Joseph Hodgins Dianne Rosalie Child Harold Edward Pearse 12 Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. Duncan Hind, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Donovan Hinkelman of Courtenay Grandson of James Sturgeon, pioneer of Fanny Bay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Fritz Hirsch of Ansbach, Germany C10 12 3 2 5 FP 22-May-1963 1 FP 14-Oct-1964 11 FP 4-Jan-1961 Born in Ireland, nee McClintock, formerly of Royston, mother of Thomas, Lynn and Jack (dec'd), service in North Vancouver, cremation Born in Ireland, husband dec'd, mother of Mrs. L.A. Leonard of Courtenay, service at Piercy FH, cremation Petty officer stationed at Esquimalt FP 16-Jun-1965 age 84 Dtr/o M/M John R. Hilton of Cumberland B3 FP 18-Sep-1963 2 FP 13-Jan-1965 C2 FP 8-May-1963 Info/Kin Son of Mr./Mrs. George Hislop of Vancouver, engagement announced 30 June page 10 Son of M/M Nicholas Hleck of Comox Son of Cpl/Mrs. James Hodges, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Brent Hodgins of Merville Dtr/o M/M Charles J. Hodgins of Campbell River, engagement announced 24 April page 13 Car accident, near Radford's swamp, F/o with RCAF, inquest to be held. See obituary page 11, service at RCAF Protestant chapel, Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery. Inquest 29 May page 1 Son of Mr./Mrs. Jack Hodgins of Wellington Born in Nebraska, nee Davis, Merville settler, mother of John, Stanley, Walter, Ernest, Wellington, Lester, Charles, Isabella and Margaret, service at Piercy FH, bur. Sandwick Anglican cemetery Son of M/M Stanley H. Hodgins of Merville 10 FP 25-Aug-1965 12 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Walter Hodgins of Courtenay, engagement announced 4 August page 8 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper HODGINS HODKINSON Shannon Reena (boy) Birth Birth Nanaimo Comox HOEPPNER Lenora Ann M BlackCreek, United Mennonite M United Mennonite, BlackCreek David Donald Pankratz Date Page FP 9-Jan-1963 FP 7-Feb-1962 14 2 FP 11-Jul-1962 11 Info/Kin Dtr/o M/M Jack Hodgins of Wellington, 7 lb 10 oz Son of M/M G. Hodkinson of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M John J. Hoeppner of BlackCreek Dtr/o J/M John J. Hoeppner of BlackCreek HOEPPNER Leona Mary HOEPPNER Robert Donald Chr Union Bay United Church HOFFMAN (boy) Birth Comox Jack Toews Son of M/M Don Hoeppner christened infant Marlene M HOFSETH Stanley Walter M HOGAN Alice Death Burnaby, BC age 44 HOGARTH (girl) Birth Lorna Marie M HOLLOWAY (girl) Birth FP 2-Jan-1963 Courtenay, St. George's A. Haskins Eleanor Jeanette Hames Dennis Hogan Comox Cumberland United Church Comox Ray William Silvey Mrs. Anona Tweedie FP 2-Oct-1963 10 Son of Mr./Mrs. F. Hoffman of Comox Shower for new bride in Cumberland Son of M/M Arvid Hofseth of Coquitlam FP 18-Nov-1964 2 FP 11-Nov-1964 FP 27-Jun-1962 2 FP 3-Nov-1965 J.H. "Jack" M Nanaimo HOLMES HOLMES (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox HOLMES James Bubb Death Vancouver age 73 Alice Skinner HOLMES Lily Death Comox age 96 John Llewellyn FP 1-Jan-1964 Holmes HOLMES twin girls Birth Born in Courtenay, nee Isenor, mother of Eleanor, Margaret and Shirley, other family named, Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Gilbert Hogarth, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. A. Hoggan of Cumberland B4 FP 27-May-1964 2 HOLMAN Comox 14 FP 15-Sep-1965 11 HOFMANN HOGGAN FP 16-Oct-1963 B7 Dtr/o M/M D. Holloway of Courtenay Resident of Nanaimo (Fanny Bay news) FP 28-Aug-1963 8 FP 10-Jun-1964 2 FP 14-Feb-1962 2 FP 23-Jun-1965 3 9 FP 18-Aug-1965 5 Son of F/O and Mrs. M. Holmes, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. S. Holmes, RCAF Comox Born in Comox, son of Joseph B. Holmes and Ellen Bubb, Comox pioneers, father of Muriel, bro/o Mrs. R.M. Stewart of Comox, service at Edwards FH, cremation, ashes scattered in Comox Harbour Nee Chrishop, born at Newcastle-on-Tyne, England, husband dec'd, mother of Cedric, Mabel and Kathleen, service at Sutton FH Dtrs of F/O and Mrs. Peter Martin Holmes, RCAF Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page HOLOSNEY (boy) Birth Comox HOLROYD Dulcie Marie M RCAF RC Chapel HOLSCOMBE (girl) Birth Comox FP 25-Sep-1963 3 Douglas Trimball FP 7-Mar-1962 2 McPherso n FP 2-Dec-1964 5 HOLST Bernadette M Can. Martyrs RC church James FP 23-Jan-1963 3 Casanave HOLST Brenda Lynn May Chr Cumberland, age 6 months Holy Trinity HOLST Minnie Death Courtenay age 69 HOLST Raymond Rudolph Death Comox Lake age 38 HOLST Rosemarie Darlene M Lutheran Church HOLT HOLT (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox HOLT Robert Martin M St. Andrew's Anglican HOOD (boy) Birth HOOPER Graham Laverne M Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Douglas Holscombe, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Mrs. Hilda Holst, engagement announced 2 Jan page 13 12 John Holst FP 28-Apr-1965 11 single FP 17-Oct-1962 11 Clifford Ralph Stacey FP 10-Oct-1962 3 Maureen Ann FP 22-Feb-1961 2 Lehtonen FP 11-Mar-1964 8 Caroline Winanne FP 15-Sep-1965 B2 Coe HOPKINS Norton Clarence Death Comox age 66 Edith Mary EveryFP 25-Oct-1961 14 Clayton HOPKINS Samuel Herbert Death Trail, BC age 80 Mary Hopkins HOPKINSON (girl) Birth Comox Son of M/M J. Holosney of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M W. Holroyd of Vancouver (photo and caption) Dtr/o M/M A. Holst of Grant Road FP 1-Mar-1961 FP 17-Oct-1962 2 FP 5-Jul-1961 2 Comox Belmont United Church Info/Kin FP 15-Apr-1964 6 FP 18-Jan-1961 2 Born in Russia, nee Schuetz, mother of Mrs. S. McQuillan, Mrs. A. Pohsen, Mrs. A. McClure, Mrs. J. Becker, J. Holst, Martin, Albert, John Jr., Clifford and Harold, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Logging accident. Born in Shamrock, Sask., bro/o Martin, John, Harold, Jack, Albert, Clifford, Mrs. S. McQuillan, Mrs. A. Becker, Mrs. A. Posehn and Mrs. A. McClure, brother Clarence drowned in 1956, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o Mrs. Hilda Holst, engagement announced 5 Sep page 15 Son of M/M Robert Holt of Merville Dtr/o M/M Robert Holt of Merville Son of M/M Martin Holt of Dove Creek Son of M/M Bruce Hood of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. Graham Hooper of Cobble Hill Born in Cloverdale, BC, father of George and Norton Jr., service at St. Catherine's church, Fanny Bay, cremation in Vancouver (Sutton's FH) Born in Bury, Lancashire, England, formerly of Courtenay, father of Muriel Adams and a son dec'd, service held in Trail Dtr/o M/M Harold Hopkinson, RCAF Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page HOPKINSON HOPKINSON HOPSNER (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox FP 11-Apr-1962 2 FP 9-Oct-1963 2 FP 8-Jul-1964 13 HOPTON Fred Allen M Campbell River, St. Patrick's RC HORN (girl) Birth Comox FP 25-Apr-1962 15 HOROSHKO (girl) Birth Comox FP 2-Oct-1963 HORROBIN William Death Vancouver HORTON (boy) Birth Powell River HORTON Louisa M Burnaby, BC HOTCHKISS HOTCHKISS (boy) (girl) Birth Birth HOTSENPILLER(boy) HOTSENPILLERWilliam Brian Margaret Ann Sellers age 60 FP 4-Jul-1962 11 8 Hazel Elizabeth FP 25-Jan-1961 7 Boyd FP 17-Jan-1962 2 George Thomas FP 4-Sep-1963 5 Comox Comox FP 7-Oct-1964 FP 9-Jan-1963 6 14 Birth Halifax FP 18-Nov-1964 10 M Victoria Louise Helen FP 1-Jan-1964 Thomson Douglas John FP 9-Jun-1965 Hutchison E. C. Yerex 2 HOULT Frances Edith M HOWARD Norma Marie M RCAF Protestant Chapel HOWARTH (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 10-Oct-1962 16 HOWAT HOWELL (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 26-Apr-1961 16 FP 26-Feb-1964 16 HOWES John Briant Death Comox HOWG (boy) Birth HOWIE David Alexander BruceM Florence Mould Comox West Vancouver Dtr/o M/M Wm Horn of Courtenay Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Andrew Horoshko, RCAF Comox Born in England, son of Mrs. R. Tacey, bro/o Mrs. O. Olsen and Mrs. Youden, service in Vancouver (Fanny Bay news) Son of M/M Oswald T. Horton, 9 lb 2 oz 50th wedding anniversary celebrated in Royston Son of LAC/Mrs. F. Hotchkiss, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. G. Hotchkiss, RCAF Comox Son of Lt.Codr and Mrs. W.B. Hotsenpiller, nee Louise Thomson, grandson of M/M J.R. Thomson of Kitty Coleman Road Son of W.M. Hotsenpiller of Calgary and late Mrs. Hotsenpiller C8 Dtr/o M/M Edward Howard of Innisfail, Alberta FP 13-Dec-1961 2 FP 16-Dec-1964 9 FP 29-Mar-1961 10 Mary Suzanne Corker Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Harold Hopkinson, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Harold Hopkinson of Comox Dtr/o M/M D. Hopsner of Courtenay Son of M/M Fred A. Hopton of Vancouver, formerly of Campbell River Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. John Hoult of Comox RCAF Protestant Chapel age 89 Info/Kin FP 11-Nov-1964 B12 Son of M/M J. Howarth, Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Samuel Howat of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M James Howell of Comox Born in Berkshire, England, wife died 1961, father of Ivan and Irene, service at St. Peter's Anglican, bur. Anglican cemetery Son of LAC/Mrs. Leonard Howg, RCAF Comox Son of M/M J. Bruce Howie of Vancouver Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Comox Nanaimo, United Church Date Page HOWSON (girl) Birth FP 24-Jan-1962 2 HOYLE Richard M HRYKO (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 25-Jan-1961 7 HRYKO (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 15-Jul-1964 HRYKO (boy) Birth Comox FP 12-May-1965 5 HRYKO (girl) Birth Comox FP 8-May-1963 HUBER Richard Edwin M Vancouver Heights HUBERT (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 6-Jan-1965 1 HUBERT Erin Anne HUDDLESTON (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 6-Nov-1963 FP 1-Sep-1965 2 5 HUDSON Gloria Alberta M Union Bay United Church HUGGINS HUGHES (girl) (boy) Birth Birth HUGHES Caulene Lenena M HUGHES Edward Death Comox HUNCHUK (boy) Birth Hope, BC HUNDEN Martha M Cumberland HUNDEN Norma Jean M Courtenay, St. George's HUNT HUNT (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox Barbara Piper Sharon Ann Cooper Kenneth Robert Rawlins Comox Comox Grande Prairie, Alberta FP 8-Aug-1962 14 2 2 Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. John Howson, RCAF Comox Son of M/M O.N. Hoyle of Carnduff, Sask., engagement announced 8 Aug page 14 Son of M/M William Hryko of Cumberland Son of M/M Wm Hryko Son of Mr./Mrs. Peter Hryko, nee Rosine Shattuck, of Curtenay Dtr/o M/M Peter Hryko, nee Rosine Shattuck, of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. R. Huber of Vancouver FP 29-Sep-1965 B4 FP 26-Dec-1962 14 FP 5-May-1965 9 FP 30-Oct-1963 2 George Griando FP 19-Aug-1964 12 Patterson age 85 Info/Kin Ida Maria FP 20-Jan-1965 B2 Ellyett FP 17-Apr-1963 2 Daniel Bannerma FP 1-Jul-1964 n Paul Michael FP 29-Jul-1964 Papso FP 25-Jan-1961 FP 13-Nov-1963 Cumberland new year's baby, son of M/M Jacques Hubert, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. J. Hubert, RCAF Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. William Huddleston of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Reginald Hudson of Union Bay, engagement announced 7 Nov page 12 Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Melvin Huggins, RCAF Comox Son of M/M E. Hughes of Comox Dtr/o Mrs. Dorothy Hughes of Courtenay and Harry Hughes of Vancouver Born in Montreal, Quebec, wife dec'd, father of Edward, Walter, Harry, Margaret, Edith and Muriel, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of M/M Fred Hunchuk Jr., nee Gay Roe, 8 lb 12 oz 50th wedding anniversary celebrated at Gartley Beach 2 Dtr/o M/M Ed Hunden of Cumberland 3 7 16 Son of Cpl/Mrs. Stanley Hunt, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/L and Mrs. P. Hunt, RCAF Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Frances Ann George Frances Ann George Date Page HUNT WalLACe Edward M no Place FP 17-Oct-1962 13 HUNT WalLACe Edward M Cumberland, Holy Trinity HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP FP FP FP HUNTER (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 17-Mar-1965 11 Lesley Elaine Shilton FP 16-Oct-1963 2 Son of M/M W. Hunt of Cumberland 31-Oct-1962 22-Jan-1964 25-Mar-1964 18-Jan-1961 18-Oct-1961 25-Oct-1961 2-Oct-1963 2 16 7 2 10 2 8 Gerald Richard M HUNTER Joseph Niall M Courtenay, St. John's Beryl Anne Meeres FP 13-Oct-1965 C5 HUNTER Mabel Death Bournemout age 81 h, England Hugh D. Hunter FP 18-Sep-1963 16 HUNTINGFORD (boy) HUNTINGFORD (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox HUNTLEY Gail Christine Death Comox HUOT HUOT (boy) (girl) Birth Birth HURN Horace Sidney M Victoria HUTCHINGS (boy) Birth Comox HUTCHINSON (boy) Birth Comox Son of M/M Roy Hunter of Cumberland Son of M/M Roy Hunter of Courtenay Son of LAC/Mrs. D. Hunt, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M John Hunter of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Ralph Hunter of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Roy Hunter of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M R. Hunter of Cumberland Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Gerald Hunter of Cumberland Son of M/M R.G. Hunter of Minto HUNTER Comox Comox Son of M/M Walter Hunt of Cumberland, engagement announced 17 Oct page 13 FP 11-Sep-1963 10 Holy Trinity, Cumberland Son of Mr./Mrs. J.T. Hunter of Willowdale, Ontario FP 26-Sep-1962 10 FP 6-May-1964 16 age 14 Info/Kin FP 24-Jan-1962 14 FP 22-Aug-1962 10 FP 12-Feb-1964 2 Mrs. Dorothy Vernon FP 30-Dec-1964 2 Woodwar d FP 26-Jun-1963 2 FP 11-Aug-1965 11 Nee Lisle, formerly of Nob Hill, Comox, sis/o Mrs. C.D. Seabourne Son of LAC/Mrs. L. Huntingford of Comox Son of Cpl/Mrs. L. Huntingford, RCAF Comox Born in Penticton, dtr of M/M Donald Huntley, gdtr of Rev. R.J. Walker, sister of Irene, Ann, Nancy and Gay, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of LAC/Mrs. R. Huot, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. R. Huot, RCAF Comox Father of David and Kenneth Hurn Son of M/M Don Hutchings of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. Charles Wayne Hutchinson of Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page HUTCHISON Douglas John M RCAF Protestant Chapel Frances Edith Hoult HUTCHNGS Donald Gordon M Courtenay, St. George's Nancy FP 20-Feb-1963 5 Ruth Bale HUTTON David Death Cumberland age 52 HUTTON Donna Gail M Cumberland United Church Gladys Elsie Miller Ronald Dawson Ross HUTTON Robert King M Courtenay, St. John's HUTTON Thomas M Cumberland United Church HUTTON William Death Comox HUXHAM HUXHAN (girl) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox ILES Diana Carol M RCAF RC Chapel ILES Paulette Marie DoreenM RCAF Protestant Chapel INGRAHAM Victor Death Vancouver INKSTER (girl) Birth INKSTER Margaret Jane Death Victoria INKSTER Murray Lynn M Comox, St. Peter's INMAN (girl) Birth Comox INNES John Douglas M Campbell River age 83 Son of Mr./Mrs. Al Hutchison of Balmoral Park, Comox FP 9-Jun-1965 C8 FP 25-Apr-1962 16 Born at Minto, son of William and Agnes Hutton, father of Bill, Bob, Joan, Lolly and Cathie, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Dtr/o M/M John Hutton of Cumberland 7 Lorna Isabelle FP 7-Jul-1965 5 Parents not named, engagement announced 5 May page 9 Marie Jennie Karlsen FP 28-Jun-1961 9 Son of M/M S. Hutton of Cumberland, engagement announced 24 May page 12 Agnes Ramsay David Charles Abel Gordon Charles Greig Florence Wylie Comox FP 22-Mar-1961 5 Born in Fifeshire, Scotland, father of Jim, Jock, Stewart, Dave, Agnes, Belle, Effie, Mary, Ann, Dot, William Jr. (died 1929) and Allan (died 1944), service at Piercy's FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Dtr/o M/M William Huxham of BlackCreek Son of M/M William Huxhan of BlackCreek Dtr/o M/M E.H. Iles of RCAF Station Comox, engagement announced 15 Feb page 15 FP 25-Jul-1962 Dtr/o M/M E.H. Iles of Comox, engagement announced 4 Jul page 12 FP 6-Dec-1961 9 2 FP 15-Nov-1961 1 FP 31-Jul-1963 age 88 Son of M/M R.L. Hutchings FP 6-Nov-1963 FP 1-Jul-1964 2 FP 19-Dec-1962 2 age 65 Info/Kin 2 Gilbert Inkster FP 21-Jun-1961 12 Susan Margaret Lane FP 2-Jan-1963 13 FP 5-Jul-1961 2 Jacquelin e Ruth FP 25-Apr-1962 13 Nelson Owner of Arbutus Hotel, born in USA. See Interesting biography 22 Nov page 1a Dr/o M/M Murray Inkster of Comox Born in Wales, nee Meredith, husband died 1960, mother of Samuel, Ernest, Russel, Joseph, Douglas of Courtenay, and Gilbert, service in Nanaimo Son of M/M Douglas Inkster of Courtenay, engagement announced 2 Jan page 13 Dtr/o M/M Harold Inman of Courtenay Son of M/M A.J. Innes of Vancouver Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Martin Ferdinand FP Wagner FP FP Philip Loggie FP Grieve Date Page Dtr/o M/M E.J. Intrieri of Vancouver INTRIERI Linda M Vancouver IRELAND IRELAND (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox IRVINE Lorna M Edmonton, Alberta IRVINE Olive Ethel Death Cumberland age 41 IRVING IRWIN IRWIN (boy) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth ISAAKSON Florence Agatha Death Comox ISBISTER Muriel Anne M ISENOR ISENOR ISENOR (boy) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth ISENOR Mary Ervin Death Comox IVERSON IVERSON IVERSON (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth IZATT Mrs. R. JACKLIN Benjamin Roy Death South Burnaby JACKSON (girl) Birth Comox FP 21-Nov-1962 2 JACKSON (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 29-Sep-1965 9 JACKSON Amelia Death Comox age 84 William Jackson FP 9-Dec-1964 B5 JACKSON Harry Death Victoria age 70 Kate Jackson FP 2-Oct-1963 1 William Irvine Comox Comox Comox 13 5-Jul-1961 1-Apr-1964 2 14 FP 12-Aug-1964 14 2 2 C2 age 91 R. Izatt FP 6-Feb-1963 3 age 46 single FP 30-Aug-1961 14 age 70 Son of M/M Andrew Ireland of Courtenay Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Mervyn Ireland, RCAF Comox Dtr/o late M/M Robert Irvine 30-Jan-1963 2 George Oliver FP 25-Aug-1965 Isaakson Norman Lawrence FP 8-Apr-1964 McGee FP 10-May-1961 FP 5-Sep-1962 FP 15-Jan-1964 Dickey Miles FP 25-Jan-1961 Isenor FP 18-Mar-1964 FP 18-Jul-1962 FP 13-Jan-1965 Cumberland United Church Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox United Death Kingdom 26-Jul-1961 FP 5-Jul-1961 2 FP 4-Sep-1963 2 FP 30-Sep-1964 10 age 82 Info/Kin 11 3 10 2 2 7 Born in London, England, war bride, mother of Terry, service at Holy Trinity, Cumberland, bur. Cumberland cemetery (Piercy FH) Son of M/M Kenneth Irving of Willow Point Son of M/M Lorne Irwin of Royston Son of M/M Lorne Irwin of Royston Born at Wood Harbour, Nova Scotia, nee Goreham, husband dec'd, mother of Mrs. Gordon Vilven, service at Sutton FH, cremation Dtr/o M/M Thomas Isbister of Denman Island, engagement announced 11 Mar page 14 Son of M/M Dickey E. Isenor of Courtenay Son of M/M D.E. Isenor of Courtenay Son of M/M D. Isenor of RR2 Courtenay Nee Guild, born at Boston, Massachusetts, mother of Emma, Mary, Alice, Janet, John and Dickey, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M S. Iverson of Courtenay Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. E. Iverson, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Edward Iverson, rcaf, Courtenay Early resident of Royston Formerly of Courtenay, son of Benjamin, brother of Velma Petch, service at Simmons & McBride, Vancouver Dtr/o M/M E. Jackson of Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. D. Jackson, nee Molly Harrison, of Royston Born in Derby, England, mother of John, Mrs. L. Finlayson and Mrs. Ernie Pedersen, service at St. Peter's Comox, Piercy FH, cremation Born in Wigan, Lancashire, England, father of Mary, Alice, Kitt and James, bro/o William in Cumberland, service in Victoria, bur. Colwood Burial Park Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page JACKSON Maria Death Cumberland age 77 William Jackson FP 11-Mar-1964 14 JACKSON Richard F. Death Victoria age 73 Theresa Jackson FP 17-May-1961 14 JACKSON Theresa Death Comox age 70 Richard Francis Jackson FP 13-Feb-1963 14 JACOBS Francis Albert Death Comox age 90 single JACOBSEN Eileen Daphne M Victoria JACOBSEN twin boys Birth Comox JACOBSON Evelyn Maria M Courtenay, Can. Martyrs JACQUES Karen Louise M Chilliwack JAKEL John Death Campbell River JAMES George Herbert M Union Bay United Church Irene Stella FP 7-Oct-1964 Robertson 9 JAMES Linda Isabelle M Ladysmith Alwyn Bruce Williams 11 JANES JANES (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Montreal JANES Margaret Isabel M Courtenay, St. George's JANZEN Eric H. M New Westminster JARDINE (girl) Birth Comox Norma Elizabeth FP 26-Jul-1961 3 Woods FP 18-Dec-1963 2 JASBEC (girl) Birth Comox FP 12-Apr-1961 2 Gordon Gary Eaton age 51 Info/Kin Born in Lancashire, England, mother of Stephen, Ellen, Irene and Marie, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Born in St. Helens, Lancs., England, father of 8 (not named), service at St. Patrick's Church, Victoria, bur. Veterans cemetery Nee Curran, born in England, husband died 4 May 1961, mother of Joe, Eddie, John, Kathleen, Theresa, Mary, Veronica and Maureen, service at St. John the Baptist, bur. Courtenay cemetery, Sutton's FH Born in Ohio, former resident of Fanny Bay, service at Piercy's FH Dtr/o Mrs. Harold Brant Jacobsen, formerly of FP 18-Aug-1965 B11 Cumberland FP 27-Sep-1961 12 FP 19-May-1965 4 James Benjamin FP 4-Aug-1965 12 Evans John Hamilton FP 10-Jun-1964 3 Ross Ethel FP 1-Mar-1961 10 Jakel FP 4-Sep-1963 FP 1-Dec-1965 12 FP 18-Jan-1961 2 Ryamond FP 9-Oct-1963 C. Smith Sons of F/O and Mrs. D. Jacobsen, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Edwin Jacobson of Courtenay, engagement announced 14 July page 7 Dtr/o M/M Neville A. Jacques of Chilliwack, engagement announced 22 Apr page 14 Campbell River's Good Citizen, father of Allan, son of Marie Jakel, service at Sutton's Campbell River Son of M/M George James of Toronto, formerly of Union Bay Dtr/o M/M J. Edwin James of Oyster River, gdtr of M/M R.S. Baker, formerly of Courtenay Son of LAC/Mrs. Art Janes, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Wilfred Janes Dtr/o M/M Norman Janes or RR2 Courtenay 9 Son of M/M Hermann Janzen of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M D. Jardine of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Melvin Jasbec, nee Sheila Russell, of Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper JASBEC JASBEC JAWANDA (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth JEFFERSON twin girls Birth Comox Comox Comox North Burnaby JEFFERY Annie McLeod Death Comox JEFFREY JEFFREY (boy) (girl) Birth Birth JEFFREY Allan Victor JEFFREY John Comox Comox Campbell Death River M Norman Victor Death Alert Bay JEFFRIES JENKINS JENKINS (girl) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth JENKINSON Gordon Joseph M JENKINSON Greig Allan Birth Nanaimo JENKS (girl) Birth Montreal Comox Comox Comox Qualicum, St. Stephen's JENKS Wendy Roberta M Comox, St. Peter's JENSEN (boy) Birth Comox JENSEN Gladys Barbara M JENSEN Heide M Comox JENSEN Heimke M at home JEROME JEROME (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox JESPERSON (boy) Birth Cumberland Page FP 22-Jan-1964 16 FP 23-Jun-1965 5 FP 15-Apr-1964 6 FP 24-Jul-1963 age 68 2 Thomas FP 30-Aug-1961 16 W. Jeffery FP 28-Aug-1963 8 FP 7-Jul-1965 12 age 6 FP 20-Jun-1962 5b Mary Whitton Boucher Victoria JEFFREY Date age 51 Bernice Alice Wilson FP 20-Jun-1962 5b FP 9-Aug-1961 Born in Belfast, Ireland, nee Gunning, mother of W. Gordon, Margaret, ethel and Mrs. Bernie McArthur, sister of Charlotte Gunning of Winnipeg, service at Piercy's FH, cremation Son of F/O and Mrs. Gordon Jeffrey, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Gordon Jeffrey, RCAF Comox Strangled while playing on a swing, son of Norman and Bernice Jeffrey Son of M/M J. Jeffrey, formerly of Comox FP 21-Mar-1962 2 FP 8-Jul-1964 Boating accident, born in Feversham, Ontario, father of Larry, Frank, Duane, Alan (died recently), Karen and Mrs. Gene Willis, service at Campbell River United Church, bur. Campbell River cemetery Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Philip Jeffries, RCAF Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. Hayward Jenkins of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Jenkins of Courtenay Son of M/M Herbert Jenkinson of Nanaimo 2 FP 14-Nov-1962 16 George Burton Graham Dtr/o M/M M. Jasbec of Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Melville Jasbec of Courtenay Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. J. Jawanda, RCAF Comox Dtrs of M/M A. Jefferson FP 22-Aug-1962 FP 2-May-1962 2 FP 8-Dec-1965 B3 FP 19-Sep-1962 2 Jean Walker Info/Kin Son of M/M Gordon Jenkinson of Courtenay, 7 lb 2 oz Dtr/o F/L and Mrs. G. Jenks, nee Jane Darnbrough Dtr/o M/M Robert Jenks of Gartley Beach 6 FP 26-Apr-1961 16 Leslie Louis FP 10-Oct-1962 15 Gray Imre Elek FP 10-Jun-1964 2 Richard FP 26-Aug-1964 B5 Webb FP 29-Mar-1961 10 FP 20-Mar-1963 2 FP 13-Dec-1961 2 Son of M/M Lloyd Jensen of Comox Dtr/o M/M J.C. Jensen, engagement announced 10 Oct page 15 Dtr/o M/M Ernst Jensen of RR1 Comox Dtr/o M/M Ernst Jensen of RR1 Comox Son of M/M Raymond Jerome of Courtenay Son of M/M Raymond Jerome of Union Bay Son of M/M Ole Jesperson of Cumberland Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Page JESSE JEWITT JOHANNES (girl) (girl) (boy) Birth Birth Birth JOHNS Henrietta Death Vancouver JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP JOHNSON Barbara Anne Birth Victoria FP 15-Mar-1961 14 M Cumberland, Holy Trinity Gary Dale FP 26-Aug-1964 5 Somerville M Germany Irene Lillian FP 14-Jul-1965 Leathwoo d Robert James Parker FP 19-Sep-1962 3 Mervyn Warren Hislop FP 11-Aug-1965 12 JOHNSON JOHNSON Beverly Sharron Delan Henry Comox Comox Comox Date FP 3-Nov-1965 9 FP 1-Apr-1964 14 FP 17-Feb-1965 3 William 31 oct 1885 Johns FP 16-Jan-1963 14 27-Sep-1961 25-Oct-1961 3-Jan-1962 29-Aug-1962 17-Apr-1963 6-Jan-1965 5-Jun-1963 11-Sep-1963 13-May-1964 8 2 2 12 2 9 2 2 2 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. William Jesse of Comox Dtr/o M/M William Jewitt of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. Ross Johannes of Courtenay Nee Henderson, born in Ontario, former resident of district, mother of Rae, Hazel, Ollie, Edith, Bessie and Harry, service at Harold Edwards FH, cremation Son of M/M Barry Johnson of Courtenay Son of Cpl/Mrs. Alexander Johnson, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Edmond D. Johnson of Royston Son of M/M Anselm P. Johnson of Courtenay Son of Cpl/Mrs. C. Johnson, RCAF Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. William Johnson of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Barry Johnson of Curtenay Dtr/o M/M Edmund D. Johnson of Royston Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. C. Johnson, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Bertil Johnson, nee Joyce Brown, 6 lb 6 oz Dtr/o M/M Frank Johnson of North Vancouver, formerly of Cumberland, married on anniversary of their wedding day (but what day was it?) Son of Mr./Mrs. Henry Johnson of Gifford, Illinois 12 JOHNSON Kay Jan M Campbell River United Church JOHNSON Marilyn Gail M North Vancouver JOHNSTON JOHNSTON JOHNSTON (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox FP 1-Feb-1961 14 FP 27-Jun-1962 2 FP 13-Jun-1962 2 JOHNSTON twin boys Birth Victoria FP 15-Aug-1962 2 JOHNSTONE Edith Diane M Holy Trinity, Cumberland John Ross FP 6-Nov-1963 Harper Info/Kin 6 Dtr/o M/M A. Johnson of Oyster River, engagement announced 15 Aug page 14 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Frank Johnson of North Vancouver, engagement announced 30 June page 10 Son of M/M Warner Johnston of Courtenay Son of M/M Warner Johnston of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M D. Johnston of Courtenay Sons of M/M John Johnston, nee Donna Stewart, of Victoria, great grandsons of M/M A.W. Smith Dtr/o M/M William Wear Johnstone of Cumberland, engagement announced 2 Oct page 12 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Robert Brock FP 24-Oct-1962 10 McQuillan Cumberland, Holy Trinity JOHNSTONE Ruth Anne M JOLLEY (boy) Birth JOLLY Thomas Gordon JONASSON JONES JONES JONES JONES JONES (girl) (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) Comox Hensall, Death Exeter, Ontario Birth Comox Birth Comox Birth Comox Birth Comox Birth Comox Birth Comox JONES Alan Francis M JONES Alfred George Death Cumberland age 68 JONES Arthur Clarke Death Comox JONES David H. M Courtenay, St. George's Betty-Lou FP 6-Nov-1963 Hames M Can. Martyrs RC church Donald Russell Thorne Courtenay, St. George's JONES Gwyneth Euphemia FP 27-Jun-1962 2 age 81 John Graham M JONES Joseph Edward Death Comox JONES Mary Ann M Borth, Wales Mrs. Jolly FP 6-Oct-1965 FP FP FP FP FP FP RCAF RC Chapel JONES Page age 86 age 95 25-Jul-1962 20-Sep-1961 10-Jan-1962 5-Sep-1962 6-Jan-1965 5-Feb-1964 9 2 2 2 2 9 2 Marie Elizabeth FP 25-Apr-1962 5 Loveridge Gertrude Maude FP 19-Sep-1962 10 Rees Margaret May FP 14-Nov-1962 16 Childs FP 7-Mar-1962 Info/Kin Dtr/o M/M William Wear Johnstone of Cumberland, engagement announced 19 Sep page 12 Son of F/L and Mrs. R. Jolley, RCAF Comox Native of Saskatchewan, formerly of Comox district, father of Jennie, Norman, Harold and Donald, service and burial at Exeter Dtr/o Sgt/Mrs. Arthur Jonasson, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Edward Jones, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. R. Jones, RCAF Comox Son of M/M J. Jones of Comox Son of M/M J. Jones of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M David Jones of Courtenay Son of M/M Les Jones of England, engagement announced 7 Mar page 15 Born in Newport, Wales, father of Trevor and Glendys, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Born in Humbolt, Ohio, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M David T. Jones of Headquarters Road 3 8 Sharon May FP 4-Apr-1962 2 Maureen Crawford Alice Mabel FP 23-Jun-1965 3 Dalton William Thomas FP 2-Aug-1961 14 Cottingha m Dtr/o M/M Stephen M. Jones of Courtenay, engagement announced 7 Feb page 13 Son of M/M David T. Jones of Courtenay, engagement announced 28 Feb page 14 Born in Staffordshire, England, father of Harold, Clayton and Lloyd, service at Sutton FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Celebrating 50th wedding anniversary at Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page JONES Samuel Death Cumberland age 79 Mable Ann FP 12-Feb-1964 14 Jones JONES Thomas Death Courtenay Mary Alice FP 11-Nov-1964 5 Jones JONES Thomas Patrick M JONES William Death Winnipeg JONES William Carlin Death Manitoba JONSSON Aaron Gary Birth Ocean Falls JONSSON Gordon M St. John's Anglican JORDAN Margaret-Ann M Nanaimo JORDT Frederick Herman Death Comox JORGENSEN (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 19-Sep-1962 2 JORGENSON JOSLIN (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 30-Sep-1964 10 FP 5-Jun-1963 2 JOSS Jean Olga Death New age 39 Westminster JOUAN (boy) Birth Comox JUBENVILLE Alma Eliza Ethel Death Cumberland age 79 JUSTASON Joyce M KANNEGIESSER(girl) KANNEGISSER (girl) Birth Birth age 72 Nanaimo, St. Peter's RC RCAF Protestant Chapel Comox Comox Rose FP 4-Jan-1961 Gomerich 2 age 76 Bertha Jones B2 age 86 not named FP 9-Oct-1963 5 FP 2-Dec-1964 5 Alberta Lynn Arnold Gordon Lyle Betcher age 62 single Leslie Joss FP 2-Dec-1964 Born at Wheatley Hill, England, wife dec'd, dtr Mabel dec'd, father of Harold, service at Holy Trinity, Cumberland, bur. Cumberland cemetery Born in Rhos, Wales, father of Roy and Patricia, bro/o Stanley in Manchester, England, service at Piercy FH, cremation Son of M/M Stephen M. Jones of Courtenay Born at Austin, Manitoba, son of M/M Owen Jones, once lived in Courtenay, father of Vernon, Vincent, Lloyd, Norah and Muriel, service and burial at Austin Uncle of W.J. Jones, resident of West Vancouver, father of Brian and Desmond, service in Hollyburn FH FP 19-Feb-1964 6 Son of M/M A. Gordon Jonsson, nee Lynn Arnold, 7 lb oz Son of M/M Gunnar Jonsson of Grantham, engagement announced 15 Jan page 12 FP 19-Aug-1964 B7 Dtr/o M/M A. Jordan of Nanaimo, formerly of Courtenay, engagement announced 15 July page 14 FP 13-Feb-1963 12 FP 5-Sep-1962 10 FP 11-Dec-1963 3 C. E. FP 24-Jul-1963 Jubenville HESSE Info/Kin 10 Born in Germany, brother of Peter of Kelsey Bay, service at Piercy FH, Son of M/M Hemut Jorgensen of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Hans Jorgnson of Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Wayne Joslin, RCAF Comox Born in Saskatchewan, nee Elander, divorced, formerlly of Hornby Island, mother of Richard and Joanne, service in New Westminster, cremation Son of M/M L. Jouan of BlackCreek Born in Beaton, Ontario, nee Hill, one son at Cowichan Lake, service at McCall Brothers in Victoria (Sutton's FH) Resident of New Brunswick FP 15-May-1963 3 FP 10-Oct-1962 16 FP 26-Apr-1961 16 Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. James Kannegiesser, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. James Kannegisser, RCAF Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Cumberland United Church Comox Comox Comox Thomas Hutton Date Page KARLSEN Marie Jennie M KAULBACK KAZIMER KEATING (girl) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth KEECH Edward Death Victoria KEIZER (boy) Birth Comox FP 9-Dec-1964 4 KELLY (boy) Birth Port Alberni FP 18-Jul-1962 2 KELLY (boy) Birth Comox FP 4-Mar-1964 2 KELLY (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 13-May-1964 2 KELLY (girl) Birth Comox FP 13-Sep-1961 2 KELLY KELLY (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 23-Dec-1964 B3 FP 7-Jul-1965 12 KELLY Carol Ann M Cumberland United Church KELLY Eva Mae Death Campbell River KELLY James Edward M KELLY Mitchell John Chr FP 10-Jun-1964 2 FP 6-Feb-1963 2 FP 14-Jun-1961 10 age 75 age 78 Cumberland United Church Denman Island infant United Church KELLY Mitchell John Death Nanaimo KELSEY William Arthur Death Denman Island KEMPS KEMPSTER (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 28-Jun-1961 9 Phyllis Keech Ross S.F. FP 5-Sep-1962 Armstrong 10 William FP 15-Jul-1964 John Kelly 14 Joanne Elizabeth FP 3-Jan-1962 Ramshaw 7 FP 1-Jul-1964 age 13 months age 54 FP 13-Mar-1963 2 Mildred Hillis Info/Kin Dtr/o M/M K.W. Karlsen of Royston, engagement announced 24 May page 12 Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. J. Kaulback, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. A. Kazimer, RCAF Comox Son of Sgt/Mrs. Harold G. Keating, RCAF Comox Two brothers, 2 sisters in England, no children, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of LAC/Mrs. Evan Keizer, RCAF Comox Son of M/M James Kelly, nee Joanne Ramshaw, Son of M/M George Kelly of Royston Son of M/M James Kelly of Cumberland Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. John Douglas Kelly, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/L and Mrs. R. Kelly, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. John Kelly of Mission Hill Dtr/o M/M George Kelly of Cumberland, engagement announced 27 Jun page 12 Nee Wright, born in Wisconsin, resident of Quadra Island, service and burial in Campbell River Son of M/M George Kelly Sr. of Cumberland B2 FP 21-Apr-1965 B1 FP 31-Oct-1962 1 FP 23-May-1962 2 FP 2-May-1962 2 Son of M/M G. Kelly of Royston, grandson of M/M T. Isbister and M/M G. Kelly Son of Mr./Mrs. George Kelly of Royston, grandson of Mr./Mrs. Thomas Isbister of Denman Island and Mr./Mrs. George Kelly Sr. of Cumberland, service at Cumberland United Church, bur. Cumberland cemetery (Piercy FH) Hunting accident, born in Big Horn, Montana, father of Neil, no inquest. See obituary 7 Nov page 5a, bur. Denman Island cemetery, Piercy's FH Son of M/M Earl Kemps of Courtenay Son of M/M Reginald Kempster of Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper KEMPSTER Reginald M Prince George KENNEDY KENNEDY KENNEDY (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox KENNEDY Douglas Allan M Cumberland, Holy Trinity KENNELLY (girl) Birth Comox KENNY Linda Lee M Courtenay, St. George's KENNY Margaret Florence Death Comox KENT (boy) Birth Comox KERFOOT May Mary Death White Rock, age 40 BC KERR KERR KERR (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox KERR Colin McKay Death Comox KERR Sandra Birth Comox KERRONE Kenneth Steven M Victoria KERTON Dorothy Pearl M KERTON Frances May M KERTON Frederick William Death Comox KERTON Gwendolyn Lewella M Union Bay KIDD Alma Grace Eyre M Richmond, BC age 38 age 84 Dorothy Magdalen FP a Eberle FP FP FP Faye Lillian FP Frelone FP James Arthur FP Ellis Ralph Michael FP Kenny FP William Dennis FP Kerfoot FP FP FP Elizabeth FP Cargill Date age 83 Info/Kin Son of M/M J. Kempster of Sandwick 19-Apr-1961 3 24-May-1961 2 27-Jun-1962 2 3-Apr-1963 10 21-Jul-1965 3 5-Jul-1961 2 11-Aug-1965 8 Dtr/o M/M Allan Kennedy of Union Bay Dtr/o M/M Harold Kennedy of Union Bay Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. Robert Kennedy, RCAF Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. D. Kennedy of Trenton, Ontario, engagement announced 7 July page 9 Dtr/o M/M Patrick Kennelly of Comox Dtr/o Ralph Kenny, engagement announced 11 August page 8 Frances Jean Cooke FP 23-May-1962 3 Born in Vancouver, nee Shannon, mother of Linda and Alan, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery. See obituary 28 Mar page 2 Son of LAC/Mrs. Walter Kent, RCAF Comox Born in Cote Bridge, Scotland, nee Christie, formerly of Cumberland, mother of John, David, Patricia, Penny and Debbie, service in White Rock Son of M/M Wayne Kerr of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Lorne Kerr Jr. of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M L. Kerr of Courtenay Born in Aberdeen, Scotland, father of Margaret Smyth of Montreal, Piercy FH, cremation Dtr/o M/M Wayne C. Kerr, nee Dolryn Bulloch, of Courtenay Son of M/M James Kerrone of Duncan, engagement announced 28 Mar page 14 Ewald Vogt FP 24-Jan-1962 2 Dtr/o M/M Victor Kerton of Clearbrook, formerly of Courtenay Donald Hart FP 15-Feb-1961 9 21-Mar-1962 14 17-Mar-1965 11 5-Sep-1962 10 18-Mar-1964 2 27-Sep-1961 8 6-Nov-1963 2 16-Sep-1964 B7 FP 26-Jul-1961 Abbotsford United Church Cumberland United Church Page 2 Dtr/o M/M Gordon F. Kerton of Cumberland Ethel FP 3-Feb-1965 5 Everett Neil Earl FP 18-Nov-1964 C2 Surgenor Stanley George FP 22-Nov-1961 15 Harmer Born in Yorkshire, England, father of Daisy, Harry and Gordon, service at Piercy FH, cremation Dtr/o M/M Victor Kerton of Abbotsford Dtr/o M/M O. Kidd, to reside in Erindale, Ontario (Announcement) Surname KIERSTEAD Givens (boy) Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Birth Comox Date Page FP 18-Aug-1965 5 Carol Laraine Conn KIERSTEAD Earl Willis M Courtenay, St. George's KILBURN (girl) Birth Comox KILL Barbara M Courtenay, St. George's KILPATRICK (girl) Birth Comox KILPATRICK Robert Death Vancouver KINCADE Constance Judith M Vancouver KING KING KING (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Walter Arthur FP Rennison FP FP FP KING Edwin Barry M Campbell River United Church Marilyn Matilda Clarkson FP 25-Mar-1964 2 KING Elizabeth Ann Death Campbell River age 62 James Charles King FP 10-Jul-1963 2 KING Horace Sidney Death Vancouver age 70 Catherine FP 7-Mar-1962 King 8 KING Mrs. Sophia M United Church manse KINGDON (boy) Birth Comox KINGERY Lucious Edgar Death Buckley Bay age 80 KINNEY (girl) Birth KIRBY Arthur Death Comox KIRBY James William GordonM Frederick FP 20-Feb-1963 2 G. Bates FP 12-Aug-1964 2 11-Dec-1963 3 8-Jul-1964 1-Dec-1965 8-Apr-1964 13 12 2 FP 14-Feb-1962 2 FP 28-Mar-1962 2 Comox Vancouver Thelma FP 17-May-1961 14 Waterfield Joseph Flynn Annie Kingery FP 22-Apr-1964 7 FP 24-Jun-1964 2 age 85 Son of Mr./Mrs. Earl Kierstead of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. W. Kierstead of Fanny Bay FP 17-Mar-1965 B7 FP 12-Aug-1964 2 age 59 Info/Kin Mary Kirby FP 12-May-1965 11 Jill Chadwick FP 17-Jun-1964 B8 Kirwen Dtr/o M/M Arthur Kilburn of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M E.G. John Kill of Courtenay, engagement announced 16 Jan page 13 Dtr/o M/M Dan Kilpatrick of Cumberland Born in Cumberland, son of Daniel Kilpatrick, father of Danny and Anne, service at Harron FH, Vancouver, bur. Forest Lawn Memorial Park Dtr/o Dr. Gordon Ferguson Kincade and Mrs. Kincade of Vancouver Son of LAC/Mrs. W. King, RCAF Comox Son of Cpl/Mrs. R. King, rcaf, Courtenay Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. W. King, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Elven O. King Born at Puntledge, dtr/o Edward NimNim, mother of Lawrence Victor King, service at St. Peter's Anglican, bur. Indian Cemetery, Campbell River Born in England, former caretaker of Native Sons Hall, five children not named, bro/o A.J. King of Merville Mother of Mrs. J. Lefcoe of Comox, Mrs. L. Lewis and Gordon King Son of F/O and Mrs. George Kingdon, RCAF Comox Born at Ytan, Nebraska, father of Clara Lyster, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o F/L and Mrs. Kinney, RCAF Born in England, father of Dale, Roy, Donald and Maurice, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of Mrs. A. Davidson of Courtenay and the late Sgt. Gordon L. Kirby Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper KIRBY Leighton M KIRBY Margaret Hamilton Death Comox KIRK KIRK KIRK (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth KIRK Alice Faye M KIRK Doreen Mavis Death Courtenay KIRK Margaret Mary M KIRWEN Jill Chadwick M Victoria age 81 Comox Comox Comox Comox United Church Dannie William McQuitty William Kirby Date Page Dtr/o Mrs. Lloyd Kirby, gdtr of M/M James McGarvey FP 17-Jul-1963 3 FP 2-May-1962 16 FP 22-Nov-1961 16 FP 4-Aug-1965 FP 1-May-1963 7 age 40 RCAF Protestant Chapel Vancouver age 65 Robert Charles Frazer John Frederick Kirk James Stuart Moffat James William Gordon Kirby Teresa Katovcic FP 15-Jul-1964 3 Nee Fagam, born in Regina, Sask., no children, service in West Vancouver FP 9-Aug-1961 2 Dtr/o M/M Geoffrey A. Kirk, engagement announced 14 Jun page 12 Dtr/o M/M James Kirwen of Vancouver FP 17-Jun-1964 B8 George Death Victoria KITCHEN Sharon Lea M KITCHENER Blaine Jeffrey M KITT KLASSEN KLASSEN KLEIN (girl) (boy) (girl) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Birth RCAF Protestant Chapel Cumberland United Church Comox Comox Comox Comox FP 15-Jul-1964 1 KLEIN (girl) Birth Comox FP 26-Apr-1961 16 KLEIN (girl) Birth Comox FP 29-Jul-1964 14 KLEIN Albena Death Buckley Bay age 55 FP 8-Dec-1965 1 Highway accident near Miracle Beach, born in Yugoslavia, inquest held. See obituary on page 3, service at RC church, Cumbeerland, bur. Cumberland cemetery Dtr/o F/L and Mrs. John Kitchen FP 18-Sep-1963 5 Son of Mr./Mrs. S.F. Kitchener of Courtenay FP 22-Dec-1965 10 FP FP FP FP Aloysius Klein Nee Steel, born in Scotland, service at Piercy's FH, cremation (see Obituary 9 May page 9) Son of F/Lt. and Mrs. Alan Kirk, RCAF Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. Robert Kirk of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Robert E. Kirk of Comox Dtr/o M/M James Olaf Kirk of Comox FP 13-Sep-1961 2 KISIC Harris Smith Grant Shirley Elaine Ross Info/Kin 29-Sep-1965 10-Mar-1965 2-Sep-1964 15-Feb-1961 9 12 3 8 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. G. Kitt of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. D. Klassen of BlackCreek Dtr/o Rev/Mrs. John Klassen of BlackCreek Son of M/M Meinhard Klein of Fanny Bay Dtr/o Mrs. Arvend Klein of Fanny Bay and the late Arvend Klein Dtr/o F/L and Mrs. H. Klein, RCAF Comox Highway accident, born in Salvador, Sask., mother of Harold, Meinhard, Verner and Arvin (dec'd), service at Can. Martyrs RC, bur. Courtenay cemetery Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page Margaret ####### FP 19-Apr-1961 14 Wilkinson KLEIN Arvend Death Fanny Bay KLEINER KLEINER (boy) (boy) Birth Birth KLEINER Heinz M Courtenay, Can. Martyrs Theresa Wukowits FP 11-Jul-1962 ch KLYNE Edward M RCAF Protestant Chapel Caryll Mae FP 14-Feb-1962 15 McLeod FP 30-Dec-1964 2 FP 6-Jan-1965 B2 Comox KNADLE Jeffrey William Chr St. Catherine's Church, Fanny Bay KNAPPETT (boy) Birth Windsor, Ontario KNIPE Patricia Maralyne M Hope, BC KNODEL KNOPP KNUDSEN KNUDSON KNUDSON KNUDSON (boy) (girl) (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth KNUDSON Charles Henry KOHSE KOHUT KOLESNIK KONSCHAK KONSCHAK KONSCHAK KOOP KOROSEC KOSCHACK (boy) (girl) (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) (boy) (boy) (girl) KOSCHACK Werner KOSCHAK (boy) Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Campbell Death River Birth Comox Birth Comox Birth Comox Birth Comox Birth Comox Birth Comox Birth Comox Birth Comox Birth Comox Faith M Lutheran Church Birth Comox Info/Kin Born in Prince George, son of M/M Aloysius Klein, father of Arvend Jr., bro/o Meinhard and Verner, service at Can. Martyrs RC church, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M Heinz Kleiner ((BlackCreek news) Son of M/M Heinz Kleiner of BlackCreek from Germany 2 Son of M/M Robert Klyne of Big River, Sask., engagement announced 14 Feb page 15 Son of M/M William Knadle of Langford, grandson of Mrs. B. Keenan age 19 months FP 27-Jun-1962 10 FP 23-Jan-1963 16 Ronald Sigurjon Borgfjord age 47 Norma Staffen Son of M/M Herbert Knappett Jr. Dtr/o M/M Stanley Knipe of Hope FP 4-Apr-1962 13 FP FP FP FP FP FP 3 2 2 13 16 2 4-Jan-1961 14-Feb-1962 2-Jan-1963 2-Aug-1961 19-Feb-1964 19-Sep-1962 FP 23-Jan-1963 1 FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP 14-Mar-1962 20-May-1964 1-Nov-1961 1-Feb-1961 2-Jan-1963 24-Mar-1965 24-Jun-1964 23-Sep-1964 11-Mar-1964 2 16 2 14 2 11 2 B5 8 Son of M/M Emil Knodel of Comox Dtr/o M/M J. Knopp of Courtenay Son of M/M Alfred Knudsen of Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Hugh Knudson, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. H. Knudson, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. H. Knudson, RCAF Comox Died in fire at Willow Hotel Son of M/M Gerald Kohse of Kelsey Bay Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. M. Kohut, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Daniel Kolesnik, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Richard Konschak of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Richad Konschak of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Richard Konschak of Courtenay Son of M/M Jacob Koop of BlackCreek Son of M/M V. Korosec of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Werner Koschack of BlackCreek Son of M/M W. Koschack of Germany Inge Lede FP 26-Sep-1962 5 FP 15-Dec-1965 2 Son of Mr./Mrs. W. Koschak of BlackCreek Surname KOSICK Givens (girl) Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Birth KOSKI Miriam Vivian M KOSTAL KOSTAL (girl) (girl) Birth Birth KOSTER James Milton Comox Faith Lutheran Church Comox Comox Date Page FP 26-Jun-1963 2 Saul Veikko Piikkila FP 15-Aug-1962 3 FP 18-Jul-1962 2 FP 15-Sep-1965 11 M Nanaimo Sharon Merle FP 23-Sep-1964 C9 MacKenzi e Gail Nancy FP 16-Jan-1963 2 Robinson KOSTIUK Peter M St. Peter's Anglican, Campbell River KOZELETSKI (boy) Birth Comox KRAJNC Jack Jacob M Coeur d'Alene, Idaho KRAUKAU KRAYDEN (girl) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox KREBS Emily Death Comox KREEGER Shirley Lorraine M KROEKER Aganeta Peter Death Nanaimo KROEKER Ernie M FP 27-Sep-1961 8 Dora Mary Elizabeth FP 9-Oct-1963 Adamsche k Bethany Lutheran Church United Mennonite, BlackCreek age 73 Dtr/o M/M Dick Kosick of Gold River Dtr/o M/M Toivo Koski of Merville, engagement announced 11 Jul page 12 Dtr/o M/M Bendelin Kostal of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. V. Kostal of Courtenay Son of M/M Eugene Koster of Nanaimo Son of Mrs. D. Kostiuk of Vancouver and late N. Kostiuk of Saskatchewan Son of M/M Eugene Kozeletski of Courtenay Resident of Vancouver, son of M/M M. Krajnc of Yugoslavia 3 FP 7-Nov-1962 2 FP 23-Jun-1965 5 age 87 Info/Kin Henry Krebs FP 28-Feb-1962 16 Gordon Stanley Cowie FP 20-Nov-1963 B7 single FP 13-Nov-1963 7 Dtr/o M/M A. Kraukau of Royston Son of Mr./Mrs. Thos Krayden of Comox Born in Worcester, England, nee Ballard, mother of John, Gordon and Vernon Smith, Evelyn Brousson, stepmother of Glen and Douglas Krebs, service at St. John's Anglican, bur. Courtenay cemetery (Piercy's FH) Dtr/o M/M Emil Kreeger of BlackCreek Marie Elizabeth FP 10-Sep-1964 B12 Enns Born in Russia, dtr/o Peter Kroeker and Maria Penner, service at United Mennonite Church, bur. BlackCreek cemetery (Sutton FH) Son of George Kroeker and late Mrs. Kroeker of Yarrow, BC Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page Info/Kin Son of Mr./Mrs. Kroeker of Yarrow, BC KROEKER Vern M United Mennonite, BlackCreek KRONBAUER (girl) Birth Comox FP 8-Mar-1961 12 KROOK (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 9-Oct-1963 2 KRUKS (boy) Birth Comox FP 10-Feb-1965 B8 KUCHTA (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 1-Jan-1964 KUCHTA (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 11-Nov-1964 3 KUCHTA Ehor Dmytro M Cumberland United Church KUHN (boy) Birth Comox KUHN Charles Richard M KURULOK Jacqueline M KUSZNER LABBE (girl) (boy) Birth Birth LaBELLE Francis Joseph Death Vancouver LABOSSIERE (boy) Birth Darlene FP 14-Apr-1965 B7 Jane Enns 5 Sally Allen FP 15-May-1963 14 Mortimer FP 13-Nov-1963 16 Cumberland United Church home of Arthur Leighton Comox Comox Betty-Ann FP 5-Jul-1961 Hamilton Gordon Leighton 9 Louise LaBelle Comox LACON Charles Death Comox age 76 LACON Hilda Death England age 83 LACOURSE (boy) Birth LACOURSE (girl) LACOURSE FP 28-Aug-1963 1 FP 29-Jul-1964 12 FP 5-May-1965 9 Cumberland FP 3-Jan-1962 2 Birth Cumberland FP 30-Oct-1963 2 Henry Lewis M Cumberland United Church LADOUCEUR (boy) Birth Cumberland Janette Evelyn Seigler Dtr/o Cst/Mrs. T.D. Kuchta, nee Sally Mortimer, of North Vancouver, 6 lb 7 oz Son of M/M George Kuchta of Yellow Creek, Sask., engagement announced 15 May page 14 Son of F/O and Mrs. N. Kuhn, RCAF Comox, 8 lb 3 oz Son of M/M F. Kuhn of Vernon, BC, engagement announced 31 May page 12 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. J. Kurulok of Terrace, BC FP 26-Apr-1961 16 Heather Lacon H.R. Lacon Son of Mr./Mrs. G. Kruks of Fanny Bay Dtr/o M/M Thor Kuchta of North Vancouver FP 10-Mar-1965 B6 FP 28-Jun-1961 10 FP 23-Oct-1963 2 age 46 Dtr/o M/M Joseph Kronbauer, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Krook of Union Bay FP 12-Jul-1961 9 FP 27-May-1964 2 Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Henry Kuszner, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Yvon Labbe, RCAF Comox Death caused by injuries received in fight with Daniel Barrieau, who is charged with manslaughter Son of LAC/Mrs. Eugene Labossiere, RCAF Comox Born in Toronto, resident of Denman Island, service and burial on Denman Island Former resident of Denman Island, mother of R.B. Lacon of Isle of Wight and Denman Island Son of M/M Henry Lacourse Dtr/o M/M Henry Lacourse of Cumberland Son of Mrs. Irene Lacourse and late Peter Lacourse of Millairdville Son of M/M Allan Ladouceur of RR1 Qualicum Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Janet Shirley Doucette Date Page Son of M/M Leo Ladouceur of Little Qualicum LADOUCEUR Allen M Court House, Courtenay LADRET (boy) Birth Vancouver LADYSH John Death Cumberland age 71 Mary Franczyk FP 25-Apr-1962 16 LAFOND John Gilbert Death Comox Bertha Bacon FP 2-Jun-1965 FP 27-Nov-1963 2 FP 22-Nov-1961 16 age 77 11 Catherine Helen FP 11-Sep-1963 3 McFetridg e FP 15-May-1963 7 FP 16-Oct-1963 16 LAFOND John Wiley M Courtenay, St. George's LAHEY LAINE (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox LAINE Johanna Death Comox LAING Christina M Methil, Fifeshire, Scotland Samuel L. FP 18-Sep-1963 16 Robertson LAIRD Gloria Jean M Cumberland United Church Victor Leo FP 29-May-1963 5 Miller LAKE Bessie E. Death Victoria LAMBERT Albert Dennis M Burnaby, BC LAMBERTON LAMBERTON LAMBERTON LAMBRICK (boy) (boy) (girl) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox LAMMING William Leonard Death Comox LAMOUREUX LAMOUREUX (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox age 79 age 85 age 62 Gust Laine William Lake Info/Kin FP 28-Aug-1963 8 FP 1-Feb-1961 Laura Lorraine FP Petrie Robinson FP FP FP FP Elva May FP Stone FP FP 14 24-Apr-1963 5 17-Oct-1962 16-Oct-1963 6-Mar-1963 19-Sep-1962 2 16 12 2 4-Apr-1962 2 18-Mar-1964 2 20-Jun-1962 2 Son of M/M A.A. Ladret of Smith's Inlet, formerly of Union Bay, 9 lb 13 oz Born in Ukraine, father of Helen, service at Sutton's FH, cremation Born in Warren, Minnesota, divorced, father of John, Emily and Alma (died 1941), service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M John Lafond of Merville Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Lahey, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M E. Laine of Courtenay Born in Finland, mother of Edwin, Toivo and Mrs. Joe Corrigall, 2 dtrs dec'd, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery 60th wedding anniversary celebrated in Cumberland, parents of James, David, Nettie, Chris, Katie and Tommy (died 1935 in mining accident) Dtr/o M/M D. Laird of Cumberland, engagement announced 1 May page 15 Born in Bristol, England, nee Brownsey, formerly of Courtenay, mother of Violet Lake, sis/o Rosina Brown, service in Victoria, bur. Hatley memorial Gardens Son of Mrs. A. Lambert and the late Mr. Lambert, stationed at Oak Harbor, USA Son of LAC/Mrs. David Lamberton RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. C. Lamberton, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. D. Lambert, RCAF Comox Son of F/O and Mrs. T. Lambrick, RCAF Comox Born at Sault Ste Marie, Ontario, Qualicum logger, service at Qualicum Anglican church, Piercy's FH Son of LAC/Mrs. G. Lamoureux, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Guy Lamoureux, RCAF Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page LANDERS LANDERS (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 29-Sep-1965 9 FP 13-Nov-1963 16 LANDERS David Duane M Comox, St. Peter's Laraine Michelle Lutz FP 5-Dec-1962 3 LANDERS Elizabeth M Courtenay, St. George's Adolf Falk FP 31-Jul-1963 2 LANDERS Kathaleen Joanne M Vancouver Barry Charles Lawley LANDON LANDRIAULT (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox LANE Susan Margaret M Comox, St. Peter's LANG (boy) Birth Summerside , PEI LANG Robert Campbell Death Victoria LANGE (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 25-Aug-1965 11 LANGE (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 4-Apr-1962 LANGE Leonhard M Qualicum Beach LANGHORN (girl) Birth Comox Info/Kin Son of Mr./Mrs. David Landers of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M David C. Landers of Courtenay Son of Mr. Duane Landers and Mrs. Elizabeth Landers of Courtenay, engagement announced 31 Oct page 14 Dtr/o Mrs. E. Landers of Courtenay FP 18-Aug-1965 5 FP 5-Dec-1962 2 FP 30-May-1962 2 Murray Lynn Inkster FP 6-Feb-1963 2 FP 26-Apr-1961 16 age 70 single Karen Virginia Webb FP 17-Nov-1965 2 2 FP 30-May-1962 3 FP 17-Jan-1962 2 Aaron Cooper LANGHORN Mrs. Eva M Vancouver FP 22-May-1963 2 LANGLOIS LANGSTAFF LANSBURG (boy) (girl) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox FP 10-Mar-1965 12 FP 24-Jun-1964 2 FP 26-Feb-1964 16 LANTHIER (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 26-Apr-1961 16 LANYON (boy) Birth Comox FP 8-Aug-1962 LaPOINTE (boy) Birth Comox FP 30-Aug-1961 2 LAPOINTE (boy) Birth Comox FP 22-May-1963 16 LAPOINTE (girl) Birth Comox FP 28-Oct-1964 2 2 Dtr/o Duane and Elizabeth Landers of Courtenay, engagement announced 21 July page 8 Son of M/M David Landon of Cumberland Son of M/M Robert Landriault of Comox Dtr/o M/M C. Lane of RR1 Comox, engagement announced 2 Jan page 13 Son of F/L and Mrs. H.J.W. Lang, nee Jean Butler, great grandson of Mrs. E. ? of Comox Born in Victoria, former resident, alderman, druggist, bro/o John, Leo, William and Mrs. G.V. Nicholson, service and burial in Victoria. See 24 Nov page B1, graveside service at Courtenay cemetery Son of Mr./Mrs. Harry Lange of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Harry Lange of Cumberland Son of M/M August Lange of Courtenay, engagement announced 11 Apr page 14 Dtr/o M/M A.H. Langhorn of Courtenay Mother of Fred Langhorn of Vancouver Son of F/O and Mrs. R. Langlois, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Ralph Langstaff of Courtenay Son of Cpl/Mrs. J. Lansburg, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Ubald J. Lanthier of Courtenay Son of M/M D. Lanyon of Courtenay Son of F/O and Mrs. Gerald LaPointe, RCAF Comox Son of F/O and Mrs. Gerald LaPointe, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Gustave Lapointe, RCAF Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date LAPP (boy) Birth Comox LAPP Alice Susan M Cumberland Victor Sramek Clifford Paul FP 7-Jun-1961 Tarnowski LARGE Patricia Alice M Courtenay, St. John's LARKIN John Death Edmonton, Alberta LARSEN (boy) Birth Comox LARSEN Caroline Death Courtenay LARSON (boy) Birth Page FP 15-Aug-1962 15 age 87 Hulda Hanson FP 20-Mar-1963 10 Comox Comox United Church 2 FP 10-Mar-1965 11 Johannes FP 21-Apr-1965 5 Larsen FP 21-Apr-1965 5 Linda Mary Hayward Beverly Florence Beech LARSON Allen David M LARSON Donald M LARSON Irving John K. Death Nanaimo age 63 Estella Berkeley FP 11-Jan-1961 10 LAURIDSEN Hans Death Nanaimo age 70 single FP 11-Mar-1964 14 LAURIE (boy) Birth Comox FP 30-Jun-1965 LAVIOLETTE (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 25-Nov-1964 7 Sandwick Anglican LAVIS John Marshall Death age 79 LAW (girl) Birth LAW Dorothea Diane M LAWLEY Barry Charles M Vancouver LAWRENCE (boy) Birth Comox Comox St. John's Anglican Grace Lavis Son of M/M D. Lapp of Courtenay Resident of Victoria, mother of Mrs. Ben Nadeau, Mrs. Ted Mangles, Mrs. Don Lanyon and David Lapp Dtr/o Mrs. R.J. Large of Comox FP 24-Jun-1964 2 age 58 Info/Kin Born in Ireland, formerly of Merville, wife died 1950, father of Helen and Mildred, service at Park Memorial FH, Edmonton, cremation Son of M/M O. Larsen of Courtenay Born in Italy, nee Gozzano, 1st husband Ab Stewart drowned, mother of Frederick and Johnny Stewart and Mrs. Ronald Sprout, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of Mr./Mrs. Donald Larson of Merville Son of Mrs. Daisy Larson of Merville FP 27-Oct-1965 11 Son of Mrs. Daisy Larson of Merville FP 21-Oct-1964 B8 5 Born in Churchill, England, formerly of Comox and Flin Flon, father of Margaret, Jack, Jim, Walter, Elmer, Robert, Arthur, Don and Alvin, service at St. Peter's Anglican, bur. Hillside cemetery Dtr/o M/M George Law of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Harold Law of Courtenay, engagement announced 15 Jan page 12 Son of Mr./Mrs. Ryan Lawley of Summerland, BC, engagement announced 21 July page 8 6 Son of Cpl/Mrs. Wm Lawrence of Comox FP 18-Aug-1965 B5 FP 27-May-1964 Alec F. FP 12-Feb-1964 Bossom Kathaleen Joanne FP 18-Aug-1965 Landers FP 15-Apr-1964 Born in Bellingham, Washington, bro/o Minerva Foster and Paloma Megurd, service at Westwood FH, bur. Cedar Valley Memorial Gardens Born in Denmark, former resident, bro/o Anna, Christina, Dusine, Kathrine, Niels and Fred, 5 others, service at Westwood FH, cremation Son of Mr./Mrs. S. Laurie, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Joseph Laviolette of Cumberland 2 3 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper LAWRENCE Sarah Stewart Death Cumberland age 72 LAWRENCE Stanley M LAWRENTIEFF Vera M LAWTEY Birth (boy) Cumberland United Church Campbell River Comox Date Page Stanley FP 24-Nov-1965 11 Lawrence Sarah Whyte FP 31-Jan-1962 9 David Peacey FP 8-Jul-1964 3 FP 7-Nov-1962 2 George Clinton and T.D. Layland LAYLAND Amy Beatrice Death Cumberland age 86 LAZARUCK LE GROS LEAKEY (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox LEAKEY Roy Arthur M Sandwick Anglican Diane Gail FP 4-Mar-1964 Fanning LEARIE Barbara Ann M no Place Lee Bruce FP 20-Sep-1961 4a Burnham LEATHER (girl) Birth Cumberland LEATHER Dawna Marie Chr St. Peter's Comox infant FP 22-Apr-1964 3 LEATHER Diana Louise Chr St. Peter's Comox infant FP 22-Apr-1964 3 LEATHWOOD Irene Lillian M Germany LeBLANC LEBRUN LEBRUN (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox LEBRUN Mary Anna Death Comox LECKIE (boy) Birth Comox FP 22-May-1963 1 FP 18-Jan-1961 2 FP 15-May-1963 7 FP 7-Oct-1964 6 FP 6-Mar-1963 Info/Kin Nee Whyte, born in Cumberland, husband and dtr Sarah dec'd, mother of Jenny and Helen and Stanley, sis/o Bill Whyte and Mrs. J. Carthew, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery 50th wedding anniversary celebrated Dtr/o Mr. Paul Lawrentieff of Campbell River Son of LAC/Mrs. D. Lawtey, RCAF Comox Born in London, England, both husbands dec'd, stepmother of Mrs. Russell of Portland, Oregon, nephew and niece also named, service and burial in Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Alexander Lazaruck of Courtenay Dtr/o Lac/Mrs. F. LeGros, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M R.A. Leakey of Comox Son of M/M A. Leakey of Courtenay 3 12 Dtr/o M/M J.W. Learie of Comox, engagement announcement 20 Sep page 4a Dtr/o M/M Gordon Leather of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M G. Leather christened Dtr/o M/M G. Leather christened Delan Henry Johnson FP 14-Jul-1965 12 FP 24-Mar-1965 11 FP 2-Dec-1964 5 FP 29-Jan-1964 2 age 61 Joseph Lebrun FP 12-Feb-1964 14 FP 18-Jan-1961 2 Dtr/o late Mr./Mrs. Charles S. Leathwood of Winnipeg, sis/o Mrs. Norman Edgar of Courtenay Son of LAC/Mrs. R. LeBlanc, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Marcel Lebrun of Courtenay Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. M. Lebrun, RCAF Comox Resident of Point Holmes, born in South Dakota, nee Reynen, mother of Bernard, Arthur, Philip, Marcel, Richard, James and Jeannine, other family named, service at Sutton FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of Sgt/Mrs. Leckie, RCAF Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Calgary Date LeCLAIR (girl) Birth LEDE Inge M LeDUC Beverley Ruth M LEDUC Marie Marguerite Andree M LEE LEE LEE (boy) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth LEE (girl) Birth LEE Ronald Owen M Castlegar LEESON (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 9-Jan-1963 14 LEESON LEGER LEGERE LEGROS (girl) (girl) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP B5 11 B9 12 LEHMAN (girl) Birth Comox FP 13-Dec-1961 2 LEHRUN (boy) Birth Comox LEHTI Brian M Vancouver LEHTI Sonja Doreen M Courtenay, St. George's LEHTONEN Maureen Ann M St. Andrew's Anglican LEIGH Frank Death Comox, The born 1889 single Fort LEIGHTON (girl) Birth LEIGHTON Gordon M Faith Lutheran Church Qualicum Beach RCAF RC chapel Comox Comox Comox Fort St. John, BC Comox home of Arthur Leighton FP 3-May-1961 Page 14 Werner FP 26-Sep-1962 5 Koschack John Ian FP 29-Mar-1961 Mennie Bruce de Lothiniere FP 13-Jan-1965 Harwood FP 24-Jul-1963 FP 4-Sep-1963 FP 29-Apr-1964 FP 9-May-1962 13 12 2 2 2 9 Catherine FP 30-Aug-1961 3 Pellegrin 23-Sep-1964 25-Aug-1965 6-Oct-1965 4-Nov-1964 FP 15-Feb-1961 8 Marlene FP 4-Nov-1964 12 Ferguson Bertram Lawrence FP 22-Nov-1961 2 Petersen Robert Martin FP 22-Feb-1961 2 Holt FP 20-Feb-1963 12 FP 25-Jan-1961 7 Jacquelin FP 10-Mar-1965 B6 e Kurulok Info/Kin Dtr/o M/M J. V. LeClair, nee Yvonne White, of Calgary Dtr/o M/M E. Lede of BlackCreek Dtr/o Mrs. Alice LeDuc and late Mr. LeDuc of Qualicum Beach Teacher at Cumberland Jr. High School, niece of Maurice Leger of Montreal Son of M/M Ronald Lee of Courtenay Son of F/O and Mrs. R. Lee, RCAF Comox Son of M/M D. Lee of Royston Dtr/o M/M Ron Lee Son of Mrs. Viola Lee of Courtenay and late Donald K. Lee Son of M/M Ronald Leeson of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M G. Leeson of Courtenay Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. J. Leger, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. James Legere, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. F. LeGros, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Byron Lehman, nee Alma Furnell, of Courtenay Son of M/M Marcel Lehrun of Cumberland Son of Mrs. Peggy Lehti of Courtenay and Reino Lehti of Gibsons Dtr/o M/M A.R. Lehti of Sandwick Dtr/o M/M Olave Lehtonen of Merville Born in Chorley, England, raised in Australia, no known relatives, resident of Vananda, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M Arthur Leighton of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. William Leighton of Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page LEIGHTON William Myles Death Comox age 65 Alice McFetridg FP 14-Jun-1961 12 e LeMARE Percy Lamartine Death Comox age 83 Sarah Cowan LEMBERG LEMBERG (boy) (boy) Birth Birth LENNER Brian Robert LEONG LEONG LEONG LEONG LEONG LEONG FP 7-Feb-1962 12 Comox Comox FP 3-Jan-1962 FP 6-Mar-1963 2 12 Birth Victoria FP 12-Jun-1963 2 (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP FP FP LEPKE Reimer M Can. Martyrs, Courtenay LEROUX (boy) Birth LESLIE (boy) LESLIE Gariela Mary Stamme 7-Jun-1961 15-Nov-1961 6-Nov-1963 19-Dec-1962 13-Mar-1963 15-May-1963 10 2 2 2 2 7 FP 8-Sep-1965 3 Comox FP 3-Nov-1965 9 Birth Vancouver FP 20-May-1964 16 Martin Anthony Chr St. John's Anglican LETSOS Alexander Death Cumberland age 74 LEUNG (boy) Birth Comox LEUNG Joyce M Cumberland, Holy Trinity LEVETT (girl) Birth Comox LEVETT Charles Death Bonn, Germany LEVIA LEVIRS (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox LEVITT Elizabeth M Victoria LEVY (girl) Birth Comox age 2 months Pauline Adamski FP 15-Jul-1964 3 FP 31-Oct-1962 9 FP 25-Jan-1961 7 Gordon Lowe ####### Dorothy Roberts FP 4-Jul-1962 10 FP 6-Oct-1965 B9 FP 22-Nov-1961 1 FP 7-Jun-1961 10 FP 22-Feb-1961 14 Edward Graham FP 18-Dec-1963 1 FP 10-Sep-1964 4 Info/Kin Born in Courtenay, died as result of an accident, father of Arthur and Gordon, bro/o Hazel Spencer, George, Myles, Harold, Molly and Muriel, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay Cemetery Born in Belgaum, India, divorced, father of Philip, son John died WW2, bro/o Harold, Noel and Elizabeth, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M Lennart Lemberg of Courtenay Son of M/M L. Lemberg of Courtenay Son of M/M Leo Lenner, nee Shirley Treloar, 7 lb 11 oz Son of M/M Fred Leong of Courtenay Son of M/M Sim Leong of Courtenay Son of M/M George Leong of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M George Leong of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M F. Leong of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Fred Leong of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. Robert Lepke of Germany Son of Cpl/Mrs. L. Leroux, RCAF Comox Son of M/M R.A. Leslie of Minto Son of M/M Anthony Leslie of Minto Born in Chipiana Mantinias, Greece, father of James, Robert and Kathleen, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of M/M Cyril Leung of Courtenay Dtr/o Mrs. Gang Leung of Cumberland Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Robert Levett of Courtenay Born in England, employee of Canadian Embassy in Bonn, formerly of Courtenay, one son not named, service at Piercy's FH Son of F/O and Mrs. Robert Levia, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Arthur Levirs of Cumberland 60th wedding anniversary, first diamond wedding on Denman Island Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. C. Levy, RCAF Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper LEWCHUK LEWIS LEWIS (girl) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox LEWIS Jonn Bary M Courtenay, St. George's Courtenay, St. George's Date Page FP 15-Aug-1962 15 FP 30-Jan-1963 2 FP 24-Jun-1964 2 Mary Catherine FP 8-Jul-1964 Davie Sonja Emmy FP 8-Dec-1965 Adamsche k Maggie Campbell FP 3-Oct-1962 Walker Info/Kin Dtr/o M/M Antony Lewchuk of Port Hardy Son of M/M R.J. Lewis of Hornby Island Son of Cpl/Mrs. Richard Lewis, RCAF Son of M/M Clyde Lewis 7 Son of Mr./Mrs. Clyde Lewis of Courtenay LEWIS Richard Thomas M LEWIS Sidney Davis Death Comox age 71 LEWIS William Douglas Death Victoria age 82 LEY LEY LICHTI (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth LIDBERG Martha Britta Death Comox LIESCH LIESCH LIESCH (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox FP 19-Apr-1961 9 FP 13-Mar-1963 2 FP 16-Jun-1965 8 LIESCH Leslie Ellen Chr Cumberland, age 6 months Holy Trinity FP 1-Mar-1961 12 Born in Capre Breton, Nova Scotia, retired logger, bro/o Lyall Lewis, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of LAC/Mrs. William Ley, RCAF Comox DTr/o LAC/Mrs. Wm Ley, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M H. Lichti of Courtenay Born in Sweden, mother of Karl and Clarence, service at Sutton FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M Paul Liesch of Merville Son of M/M P. Liesch of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Glen Liesch of Sayward Dtr/o M/M B. Liesch of Campbell River, gdtr of M/M G.E. Apps and M/M Davis Liesch LIESCH Shirley Emily M Courtenay, St. George's FP 5-Sep-1962 5 Dtr/o M/M David Liesch of Merville, engagement announced 1 Aug page 14 LIESCH Timothy Allan Death Comox LILJA Emily Catherine Death LIMBER LIMBER LIND LIND (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth LINDER ElmerElmer Cassimer Death Courtenay single Comox Comox Comox Campbell River Comox Comox Comox Comox C11 15 FP 19-May-1965 11 FP 11-Oct-1961 2 FP 10-Apr-1963 10 FP 7-Aug-1963 2 age 59 Carl Lidberg Edward Stephen Bodner age 2 age 71 FP 3-Feb-1965 FP 24-Feb-1965 3 Milton Lilja FP 19-Jun-1963 B3 FP FP FP FP age 49 B8 Eileen Linder 23-Jun-1965 26-Feb-1964 7-Mar-1962 16-May-1962 5 16 2 2 FP 23-May-1962 14 Born in London, England, father of Bill, Fred and Jean, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courenay cemetery Son of M/M Paul Liesch, nee Sue Mortimer, grandson of M/M D. Liesch and Mrs. A. Mortimer, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Born in London, England, sis/o Thomas Corbett of Errington, service and burial in Campbell River Son of Mr./Mrs. Allan Limber of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Allan Limber of Courtenay Dtr/o Dr/Mrs. F. Lind of Courtenay Dtr/o F/L and Mrs. J. Lind, RCAF Born in Eckville, Alberta, father of Larry, Ross and Mrs. Verlie Rein, bro/o Ruth, Myrtle, Edith, Edwin and Irving, service at Piercy's FH, cremation Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Campbell River United Church Date Page Son of M/M Cecil Lindgren Shirley May Mailman FP 29-Jul-1964 single FP 23-Jan-1963 1 LINDGREN Ronald Dale M LINDGREN Sven Death LINDMAN (girl) Birth LINDMAN Robert William Death Comox age 22 single FP 11-Sep-1963 14 LINDSTROM David Death Deep Bay age 76 single FP 6-Dec-1961 LINES LINES (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox LINTICK Zelma Leona M Nanaimo Campbell River Comox age 54 age 80 Jean Black Death Courtenay LISSELL LITOSKI LITOSKI (girl) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox LITTLER Austin Wilfred M Cumberland, Holy Trinity Sharon FP 8-Apr-1964 Lynne Bell Ellen FP 9-May-1962 Challoner Robert Death Cumberland age 84 LIVINGSTON (boy) Birth Comox LLOYD (girl) Birth Comox LLOYD LLOYD Owen Edward Sandra Jane Birth Birth Calgary Calgary FP 3-Nov-1965 1 FP 12-Feb-1964 2 FP 11-Jan-1961 14 FP 3-Oct-1962 10 LITTLER 7 9 FP 21-Apr-1965 5 age 84 Captain Edward Lloyd Died in fire at Willow Hotel Dtr/o M/M D. Lindman of BlackCreek Born at Smeaton, Sask., son of M/M Ivar Lindman, bro/o Betty, Mrs. A. Knight, Don and Clarence, grandson of M/M F. Petersen, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Found dead, born in Halsingland, Sweden, some distant relatives in Canada, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of Cpl/Mrs. William Ronald Lins of Courtenay Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. R. Lines, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Leslie L. Lintick of Nanaimo FP 19-Jun-1963 B3 William Rae Alexandra RubensteinDeath Comox 1 FP 21-Jul-1965 5 FP 27-Nov-1963 2 LINTON LLOYD B3 FP 12-Feb-1964 2 David Gerald Lund Info/Kin Died while riding bicycle, wife dec'd, born in Selkirk, Scotland, father of Alex Linton of Big Rock, uncle of Mrs. N. McNie. See 10 Nov page 11, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. R.G. Lissell, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Walter Litoski of Courtenay Son of M/M W. Litoski of Courtenay Son of M/M Wilfred Littler of Cumberland and late Mrs. Margaret Littler, engagement announced 4 Mar page 12 Born in Lancashire, England, wife dec'd, father of Robert, Wilfred, Mrs. J.R. Andrews and Mrs. W. Bennie, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of LAC/Mrs. Lawrence Livingston, RCAF Comox FP 5-May-1965 9 FP 2-Dec-1964 2 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Bruce Lloyd of Courtenay Born in Scotland, husband dec'd, mother of Nora, Nina and Iorwerth, service at Sandwick Anglican, cremation FP 8-Nov-1961 FP 8-Nov-1961 2 2 Son of M/M Griffin Lloyd of Calgary (twin) Dtr/o M/M Griffin Lloyd of Calgary (twin) Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page LOCHNER Mary Bennie Death Cumberland age 80 John E. Lochner LOFTA Oscar Carl Death White Rock age 85 Juliette FP 8-Jul-1964 Digneault LOGAN (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 11-Sep-1963 2 LOGAN (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 8-Sep-1965 LOGAN LOGAN LOGAN (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox FP 14-Jun-1961 10 FP 23-May-1962 2 FP 29-Jul-1964 14 LOGAN Alison Elaine Chr Courtenay, age 6 months St. George's FP 4-Jan-1961 2 LOGAN James Kerr M FP 11-Jul-1962 14 LOGAN Janet Isabelle M LOGAN Robert M LOGAN Russell Death Oyster Bay LOGIE (boy) Birth Comox LONDON Donald Robert M Can. Martyrs RC church LONG LONG LONG (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox LONG Patricia Carole M Courtenay, St. George's LONGLAND LONGLAND LONGLAND (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Shirley Louise Olsen Cumberland United Church Cumberland United Church Oak Bay United Church FP 10-Nov-1965 2 3 Born in Pollock-Shaw, Scotland, husband died 1942, mother of John and Mildred, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Born in Sweden, stepfather of Mrs. Irene McNicol and Gerald Wilson, service at Chapel Hill FH, White Rock Son of M/M Robert J. Logan of Royston Son of Mr./Mrs. Robert J. Logan of Royston Dtr/o M/M Kenneth Logan of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Ronald Logan of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M K. Logan of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M D. W. Logan christened, gdtr of M/M H.M. Brown and M/M D. Logan Son of M/M W. Logan Sr. of Cumberland Eric John FP 4-Oct-1961 Blomquist age 58 10 Info/Kin Dtr/o M/M William Logan of Cumberland 2 Son of M/M Andrew Logan of Campbell River Fay Rathwell FP 28-Oct-1964 B2 single FP 12-Jun-1963 1 FP 10-Jun-1964 2 Betty Margurite FP 20-Sep-1961 2 Baird FP 25-Apr-1962 15 FP 18-Dec-1963 2 FP 14-Mar-1962 2 David Roy FP 22-Jul-1964 Molland Car accident, born in Ontario, son of Mark Logan and Mary Crumb, friend Derek Graham also killed Son of M/M R. Logie of Courtenay Son of M/M Frank London of Vancouver, engagement announced 23 Aug page 15 Son of M/M J. Long of Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. James Long, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Kenneth Long of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Percy Long of Courtenay 5 FP 26-Jun-1963 2 FP 7-Aug-1963 2 FP 8-Jul-1964 13 Son of M/M C. Longland of Courtenay Son of M/M Donald A. Long of RR1 Campbell River Dtr/o M/M L. Longland of Comox Surname LONGLAND Givens Edith Turville Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Death Comox age 83 Date Edward FP 16-Jun-1965 5 Longland 2 FP 3-Jan-1962 2 FP 24-Jul-1963 3 LONGLAND John Douglas M LONGMUIR (boy) Birth Comox LONSDALE Veronica Jane M St. Peter's Anglican, Comox Ronald Barry Hatch Sayward RC Church John Norman FP 2-Jan-1963 Wheeldon LOPUCH Margaretha Christina M LOPUCK Peter Peace River, age 70 Death Alberta Anna Kovalich LOSITO Giacinto Death Courtenay Matilde FP 10-Mar-1965 1 Ragonese LOTHIAN LOTHIAN (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox LOUCKS Elizabeth Anne M LOUGHEED Roy G. Charles Cecil Son of Cpl/Mrs. David Longmuir, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Rev. and Mrs. C.E. Lonsdale 12 Death Comox age 59 single Born in Northampton, England, husband dec'd, mother of Reg, Arthur, Frank, Bill, George, Bert and Annie, service at Piercy FH, bur. Sandwick Anglican cemetery Dtr/o M/M Mike Loos of Ladysmith Michael LOVELL age 28 Info/Kin Son of M/M R.E. Longland of Comox Sandra Lee FP 11-Jul-1962 Armstrong Cumberland United Church LOOS Page FP 30-Sep-1964 1 FP 16-Jun-1965 5 FP 3-Jan-1962 FP 1-Jan-1964 2 5 Nanaimo Eric David FP 6-Mar-1963 Martin 5 M St. Andrew's Anglican Mary Margaret Poole M Vancouver, St. Augustine's Bernice FP 13-Jun-1962 3 Ellen Cail FP 28-Mar-1962 14 Born in North Star, Alberta, accident while working on new runway at airport. See obituary 14 Oct page 8, bro/o Steve, Jean, Nell, Eva, Mary and Olga, service at Can. Martyrs RC church, bur. Courtenay cemetery Born in Ukraine, father of Nell Choquette and Eva Pridy, son Michael died in an accident at Comox airport Sep 1964, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Died in barn on Headquarters Road, born in Italy Son of Cpl/Mrs. William Lothian, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. William Lothian, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Mrs. Muriel Van Wyk and late W.J. Loucks of Nanaimo, engagement announced 20 Feb page 7 Son of Mrs. A. Trellenburg of Yale, BC, and Mr. R. Lougheed of Alberta Son of Mrs. C. Lovell of Cumberland Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Marie Elizabeth M LOW Robert Cuthill Death Comox LOWE LOWE (boy) (girl) Birth Birth LOWE David Johnson LOWE Gordon M Cumberland, Holy Trinity LOYEK (girl) Birth Lacombe, Alberta Comox Comox Campbell Death River LOYEK Elmer John M Red Deer, Alberta LUCK LUCK (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox LUCK Edward Wilfred M Sandwick Anglican LUCK Frederick William M Comox, St. John LUDVIGSON (girl) Birth Comox LUDVIGSON Karen Sonja M Courtenay, St. George's LUDWICH (girl) Birth LUDWICK Julia Christina Chr LUMMERDING (girl) Birth Alan Francis Jones RCAF RC Chapel LOVERIDGE Comox Comox United Church Comox age 80 Date Page FP 25-Apr-1962 5 Helen Low FP 29-Apr-1964 2 FP 22-Feb-1961 14 FP 6-Oct-1965 B9 age 41 Helena Weber FP 23-Jan-1963 1 Joyce Leung FP 4-Jul-1962 22-Aug-1962 28-Nov-1962 2 2-Sep-1964 3 M Nanaimo LUND Frederick Arthur Death Cumberland age 74 Dtr/o M/M Edward W. Luck of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Edward Luck of Courtenay Son of M/M Wilfred Luck of Courtenay 25-Apr-1962 15 FP 16-Jan-1963 14 David Gerald Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Elmer Loyek, nee Beverley Bosomworth Son of Mrs. Florence Loyek of Rimbey, Alberta and late John Loyek Ann Marie FP 10-Mar-1965 B7 Couillard LUND Born in Forfarshire, Scotland, formerly of Manitoba and Saskatchewan, father of Margaret and Arthur, service at Piercy FH, cremation Son of M/M Clifford Lowe of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Gordon Lowe of RR1 Comox Died in fire at Willow Hotel Son of Mrs. Lum See Lowe of Vancouver Beverley Kathleen FP Bosomwor th FP FP Beverley Elaine FP Sorensen infant Dtr/o M/M Allan T. Loveridge of Cumberland, engagement announced 7 Mar page 15 10 FP 10-Feb-1965 B8 Robert Adams Info/Kin FP 4-Dec-1963 2 FP 11-Jul-1962 2 Son of Mr./Mrs. F.A. Luck of Comox Dtr/o M/M G. Ludvigson of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M G. Ludvigson of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M A. Ludwick of Comox Dtr/o M/M A. Ludwick of Comox FP 10-Apr-1963 3 FP 24-Jan-1962 2 Zelma Leona Lintick Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Ron Lummerding, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Gerald A Lund of Quadra Island FP 19-Jun-1963 B3 Lilly Marie FP 11-Oct-1961 12 BLACk Born at Eburne, BC, father of Fred, Leslie, Gerald and Lil, bro/o Albert Lund and Ada Hopkins, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay Cemetery Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper LUND Lillie Ellen Death Cumberland age 75 LUND Ronald William M LUNDGREN Hilda Karolina Death Comox LUNDQUIST (girl) Birth Alberni, St. Andrew's age 70 Roy Earling M RCAF Protestant Chapel LUNDRIGAN (girl) Birth Comox LUNDRIGAN Lawrence George M LUNDRIGAN Michael Bernard Birth Comox LUNN Howard Gerald M Chase Anglican LUNNY LUPUL LUSSIER LUSSIER (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox LUTZ Laraine Michelle M Comox, St. Peter's LYONS (girl) Birth Comox LYSTER May Death Cumberland age 62 LYTHGOE Isabel Ann M Campbell River MABLEY MACAULAY MACAULAY MACAULAY (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Page Frederick Arthur FP 22-Dec-1965 2 Lund Sharon Roberta FP 3-Oct-1962 5 Milligan William FP 15-May-1963 14 Lundgren Comox LUNDQUIST Date FP 22-Jan-1964 16 Marie Therese Pauline Royer Info/Kin Born in Vancouver, nee Black, mother of Robert, Fred, Gerald and Lilly, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M Frederick Lund of Fanny Bay Born in Sweden, husband died 1951, mother of Paul, Ann and Viola, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. R. Lundquist, RCAF Comox Son of Mrs. N. Riddell, Entwistle, Alberta FP 28-Feb-1962 2 FP 3-Oct-1962 10 Marilyn FP 3-Jan-1962 Joan Ellis 11 FP 4-Jan-1961 Geraldine Gertrude FP Drummon d FP FP FP FP David Duane FP Landers FP 1 Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. B. Lundrigan, RCAF Comox Son of Mr. Lawrence G. Lundrigan of Montreal and late Mrs. Thresa Lundrigan, engagement announced 3 Jan 1962 page 11 First New Year's baby, son of M/M Bernard Lundrigan Son of M/M D. Lunn of Comox, stationed at Halifax 19-Aug-1964 8 13-Nov-1963 17-Mar-1965 20-Sep-1961 27-Dec-1961 16 11 2 10 5-Dec-1962 3 13-Jan-1965 C2 Thomas Lyster FP 15-Jan-1964 12 Kenneth Joseph Smith FP 12-Sep-1962 11 Son of Rev. and Mrs. W.J. Lunny of Courtenay Son of Cpl/Mrs. William Lupul, RCAF Comox Son of F/L and Mrs. Paul Lussier, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. N. Lussier, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Mrs. Elsie Hadada of Comox, engagement announced 31 Oct page 14 Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Thomas Lyons, caf Comox Born at Wigham, Lancashire, England, nee Hayes, mother of Mrs. H. Calnan, Mrs. J. Dobeson and Thomas Jr., service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Dtr/o M/M Wm Lythgoe of Willow Point FP FP FP FP 22-Apr-1964 21-Mar-1962 2-Oct-1963 8-Mar-1961 2 2 8 12 Son of M/M Gerald Mabley of Courtenay Son of M/M John Macaulay of BlackCreek Son of M/M John Macaulay of BlackCreek Dtr/o M/M John Macaulay of BlackCreek Surname MACAULAY Givens Date Comox MacCULLOCH Mrs. Ida M Hammond, BC MacDERMID George Allen M Kilsyth, Grey Co., Ontario MACDONALD (boy) Birth Comox MacDONALD (girl) Birth Comox FP 15-Nov-1961 2 MacDONALD MacDONALD MacDONALD (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox FP 31-Oct-1962 2 FP 5-Jun-1963 2 FP 25-Dec-1963 14 MacDONALD Elizabeth Lucy M Beauharnois , Quebec Elspeth Campbell Death River MacDONALD Evelyn Dianne M Courtenay, St. John's MacDONALD Heather Margaret M Victoria MacDONALD John Donald Grant Death Comox FP 23-Dec-1964 A. T. Beckensel FP 23-Aug-1961 l Barbara Annie FP 10-Jan-1962 Taylor FP 11-Apr-1962 Page Birth MacDONALD (girl) Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper age 67 B3 Celebrating 60th wedding anniversary 3 2 Warren Henry FP 15-Dec-1965 C5 McGeorge Robert Wayne Bryan FP 21-Jul-1965 1 M FP 10-Oct-1962 2 MacDOUGALL Faye Etta M Courtenay, St. George's Charles Barry Churchill FP 8-Sep-1965 12 MACELDUFF Death Cumberland age 56 Eleanor Bufton FP 11-Jul-1962 14 Hugh Francis Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. John MacDonald, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Kenneth MacDonald of Campbell River Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. R. MacDonald, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Mrs. MacDonald of Nitro, Quebec and late Angus MacDonald Born in Scotland, nee Thomson, service and burial in Campbell River Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. William E. MacDonald of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M G.J.G. Macdonald of Victoria James Gratian Mueller Judith May Son of Dr./Mrs. Grant Macdonald of Courtenay Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. Kenneth V. MacDonald, RCAF Comox FP 26-Aug-1964 B3 Union Bay United Church MacDONALD Dtr/o M/M J. Macaulay of BlackCreek Performed by Rev. J.R. Gostelow of United Church 2 Robert Bruce FP 21-Feb-1962 2 Dingwall John Angus FP 15-Jul-1964 14 MacDonal d age 18 Info/Kin Highway accident north of Courtenay, born in Comox, son of John Donald MacDonald and Marjorie Agnes Grant. See obituary on page 9, grandson of Mr./Mrs. R.H. Grant, bro/o Joan Fairbairn, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M W.J. MacDonald of Union Bay, engagement announced 12 Sep page 12 Dtr/o Mr. H. MacDougass of Courtenay and Mrs. V. Parkinson of Enderby, engagement announced 4 August page 8 Born in Tyrone, Ireland, service at Cumberland Catholic church (Piercy's FH), bur. Cumberland cemetery Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page Penelope Gail FP 21-Oct-1964 12 Petrowitz FP 28-Jul-1965 3 Courtenay, St. George's MACEY Roy Ernest M MacFARLANE (girl) Birth MacGREGOR John Milton M MACHIN MACHIN MacINTOSH (boy) (girl) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Comox RCAF Protestant Chapel Comox Comox Comox MacISAAC (boy) Birth Nanaimo MacISAAC Colin Roderick Death Nanaimo MacISAAC Ian Bruce Michael Birth MacIVOR Claudia M MACK (boy) Birth MacKAY John Death Campbell River MacKENZIE (boy) Birth Revelstoke MacKENZIE (girl) Birth Comox MacKENZIE Cherie Elizabeth M Courtenay, St. George's MacKENZIE Daniel Ian M Courtenay, St. George's MacKENZIE David Randall Birth Fort St. John FP 16-Oct-1963 16 MacKENZIE Donna Heather M Cumberland United Church Raymond Everett FP 19-Sep-1962 10 Northrup John Edward Wilson Gail Diane FP 21-Feb-1962 2 Mitchell FP 13-Jun-1962 2 FP 21-Feb-1962 10 FP 24-Mar-1965 11 FP 21-Mar-1962 2 age 3 Nanaimo Comox United Church Comox MacKENZIE Joan Alice M Can. Martyrs, Courtenay MacKENZIE Leslie Ann Birth Regina FP 15-Feb-1961 1 Stuart Hartman age 90 FP 15-Jul-1964 2 FP 2-Jun-1965 12 FP 2-Aug-1961 13 Info/Kin Son of M/M Ernest Macey of Fanny Bay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. William MacFarlane of Courtenay Son of M/M Donald MacGregor of Holden, Alberta Son of M/M Dennis Machin of RR2 Courtenay Dtr/o M/M H.L. Machin of RR2 Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. Colin MacIntosh of Courtenay Son of M/M R.F.. MacIsaac of Nanaimo, grandson of M/M Sidney Godwin Fell off bridge while crossing Millstone River, son of M/M Ron MacIsaac, grandson of M/M S. Godwin of Sandwick Son of M/M R.F.T. MacIsaac of Nanaimo Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Harold MacIvor of Comox Son of M/M Jack Mack of Courtenay Born in Raey County, Scotland, formerly of Courtenay, Marjorie FP 11-Nov-1964 B11 father of Neil and W. MacKay, service at Piercy FH, bur. Stratton Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. David MacKenzie, nee Marie von FP 22-Sep-1965 12 Schilling FP 30-Jan-1963 2 Dtr/o M/M D. MacKenzie of Toronto Roger Dtr/o M/M Thomas W. MacKenzie of Royston, Reynolds FP 15-Aug-1962 2 engagement announced 25 Jul page 12 Davidson Son of Mrs. Lena MacKenzie of Cumberland, Barbara FP 12-Jun-1963 3 engagement announced 1 May page 14 Grace Ball Son of M/M David MacKenzie, nee Marie Von Schilling Dtr/o Mrs. Lena B. MacKenzie of Cumberland, engagement announced 8 Aug page 14 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Norman MacKenzie of Cumberland FP 15-Sep-1965 C1 FP 27-May-1964 2 Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. D.I. MacKenzie, nee Barbara Ball Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper James Milton Koster John Clifford McClure Date Page MacKENZIE Sharon Merle M Nanaimo MACKIE Shirley Jean M Cumberland United Church MACKIN William Albert Death Union Bay MacKINNON (girl) Birth Comox FP 22-Feb-1961 14 MacKINNON Michael Angus Chr Courtenay, age 1 year St. George's FP 20-Oct-1965 C3 MacLEAN MacLEAN MACLEAN MacLEAN MacLEAN (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Mission Comox Comox FP FP FP FP FP MacLEAN John Allan Death Courtenay MacLELLAN (girl) Birth MacLENNAN Arthur Glen-Urquhart Death New age 51 Westminster MacMILLAN (boy) Birth Comox FP 21-Aug-1963 2 MacMILLAN boy and girl Birth Ottawa FP 12-Dec-1962 2 MacMILLAN Judith Leilani M Victoria, Centennial United MacNAUGHTONDavid Stuart Birth Vancouver FP 24-Jan-1962 2 MacNEIL (girl) Birth Comox FP 13-Jan-1965 C2 MacNEIL Malcolm Martin M Can. Martyrs RC church Theresa Marie Lofts Victoria Gillian Dixie Gore-FP 18-Jul-1962 Langton MADILL George Clifford M age 20 age 79 Comox single FP 23-Sep-1964 C9 Dtr/o M/M T.W. MacKenzie of Duncan, formerly of Royston Dtr/o M/M Alex Mackie of Cumberland FP 12-Aug-1964 B8 FP 2-Dec-1964 14-Mar-1962 24-May-1961 15-Nov-1961 1-Aug-1962 18-Mar-1964 1 2 2 2 2 2 Ellen Madelaine FP 10-Oct-1962 16 Stanyer FP 12-May-1965 5 single Info/Kin FP 3-Oct-1962 Gerald FP 12-Jul-1961 Westwood FP 5-Dec-1962 6 10 3 Born in Renfrew, Ontario, highway accident, friend Laurie George Peach also killed Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Alexander MacKinnon, RCAF Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. Alex MacKinnon of Courtenay Son of M/M Garth MacLean of Courtenay Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. Paul MacLean, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M J.M. Maclean of Harrison Mills Dtr/o M/M Gavin MacLean of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Gavin MacLean of Courtenay Born in Charlottetown, PEI, father of May, Bernice, Ina, Lorna, Gordon, Stanley and Garth, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Reginald MacLellan, RCAF Comox Born at Field, BC, father died in WW1, mother died 1944, bro/o Marguerite Defty and Jessie Cliffe, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of LAC/Mrs. Bruce MacMillan, RCAF Comox Twins born to M/M Al MacMillan, nee Olive Smith, grandchildren of F. Enos Smith of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M C. MacMillan of Victoria, gdtr of Mrs. R. Younger and C. MacMillan Son of M/M Jos MacNaughton, nee Maureen Mellis, of North Vancouver, formerly of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Malcolm MacNeil of Comox Of Comox, son of Mrs. Peter MacNeil and late Mr. MacNeil of Sidney, Nova Scotia Son of M/M C.L. Madill 3 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper MADU Gloria M Victoria MAGEAU (girl) Birth Comox MAGEE David Arthur Gordon Death Comox MAGEE Norman M Victoria MAGGIONCALDA (girl) Birth Comox MAGOWAN Charleen Ann M Vancouver MAGUIRE MAH (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox MAH Leong Death Comox MAILMAN Shirley May M Campbell River United Church MAJOR (girl) Birth MAJOR (girl) Birth MAJOROF MAKARENKO (boy) (girl) Birth Birth MAKI Marian Arline MAKSYMETZ Shirley MALBOEUF MALBOEUF (girl) (girl) Comox Comox Maki M residence Campbell Death River Birth Comox Birth Comox MALCOLM Owen Chad Chr Union Bay United Church MALCZEWOSKI John Bruce M Victoria MANDERVILLE (boy) MANDIN (boy) MANDRUK (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Norman Magee Date FP 10-Mar-1965 5 FP 9-May-1962 age 15 9 single FP 30-Sep-1964 B1 Gloria Madu FP 10-Mar-1965 5 FP 8-Dec-1965 age 62 Page John Frederick FP Reynolds FP FP Geng FP Wong Ronald Dale Lindgren B3 24-Oct-1962 5 25-Jan-1961 7 12-Dec-1962 2 22-Mar-1961 1 FP 29-Jul-1964 B3 Cumberland FP 9-Aug-1961 10 Cumberland FP 30-Jan-1963 2 FP 10-Jan-1962 2 FP 18-Apr-1962 2 Frederick FP 10-Oct-1962 3a Greene age 16 FP 18-Dec-1963 1 FP 24-May-1961 2 FP 29-Sep-1965 9 infant Info/Kin Dtr/o M/M E. Madu of Leduc, Alberta Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. Guy Mageau, RCAF Highway accident, son of James Magee and Gwynneth Brooks, born in Liverpool, England Formerly of Courtenay, bro/o Robert Magee Dtr/o Master Sgt/Mrs. Joseph Maggioncalda, USAF, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M R.B. Magowan of Courtenay, engagement announced 26 Sep page 12 Son of F/O and Mrs. Gerald Maguire, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M W. Mah of Sayward Born in China, patient at the Fort Hospital, found dead in his bath, inquest Dtr/o M/M Ed Mailman Dtr/o M/M Donald Major, RCAF Dtr/o M/M Donald Major of Courtenay Son of M/M V. Majorof of Courtenay Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Robert Makarenko, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Arvo Maki of Duncan Bay Road, Willow Point Car accident 7 miles south of Campbell River, dtr/o Ernest Maksymetz and Rita Price Dtr/o M/M George Malboeuf of Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. G. Malboeuf of Comox Son of M/M K. Malcolm FP 27-Sep-1961 9 Carole Lynn Rosenau Son of Ms. E. Malczewoski of Victoria FP 12-Sep-1962 10 FP 22-Aug-1962 10 FP 31-Jul-1963 2 FP 22-Jan-1964 16 Son of Sgt/Mrs. M. Manderville, RCAF Comox Son of Sgt/Mrs. J. Mandin, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Wayne Mandruk of Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page MANDRUK Monty Death Comox Bay age 49 FP 6-Nov-1963 MANGLES (boy) Birth FP 21-Aug-1963 2 MANGLES Grace Death Comox MANN (girl) Birth Comox 1 age 77 Robert N. FP 27-Feb-1963 14 Mangles Comox FP 6-Dec-1961 2 MANN George Anderson Death Comox age 64 Martha Lavada MANN Martha Lavada Death Victoria age 68 George A. FP 1-Dec-1965 Mann C1 MANSBERG Lorna May M Can. Martyrs RC church Earl Robert Setter B3 MANSELL MANSFIEOD MANSON (girl) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox MANSON Frederick Dietrich Death Salt Spring Island MANZINI Joseph M MARC (boy) Birth MAREAN Frederick Albert Death Comox MARINUS (boy) Birth Comox FP 4-Sep-1963 MARINUS (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 12-Feb-1964 2 MARINUS (boy) Birth Comox FP 9-Dec-1964 MARINUS (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 25-Oct-1961 2 MARINUS MARINUS (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 11-Apr-1962 2 FP 22-May-1963 16 FP 20-Oct-1965 11 FP 1-May-1963 FP 14-Aug-1963 16 FP 8-Mar-1961 12 FP 29-Jan-1964 2 age 83 Nanaimo, Brechin United Comox FP 27-Mar-1963 10 Margaret Roberta Bennett Dorcas Marean Two fishermen missing and presumed drowned. Raymond Clapham also missing. See 11 Dec page 1, body found off Denman Island, partner still missing Son of M/M Edward Mangles of Royston Born in Peterborough, Ontario, husband and dtr Eileen dec'd, mother of Arthur, Ted and Gerry, service at Sandwick Anglican, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. D. Mann, RCAF Comox Born in Wolsely, Sask., bro/o Mrs. H Burden and Ted Anderson, service in Victoria, bur. Royal Oak Born in Lindsay, Ontario. husband died in October, sis/o W.A. and J.W. Johnston of Alberta, service in Chaplin's FH, bur. Royal Oak Dtr/o M/M Fred Mansberg of BlackCreek, engagement announced 3 Apr page 14 Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. L. Mansell, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Alfred Mansfield, RCAF Comox Son of M/M J. Manson of Courtenay Old time logger, father of Fred, Mrs. R. Muir and Mrs. R. Bailey, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M Giovanni of Pufero, Italy FP 10-Jan-1962 3 FP 20-Feb-1963 14 age 82 Info/Kin FP 14-Aug-1963 B4 2 4 Son of M/M J. Marc of Kelsey Bay Born at Adair, Iowa, farmed on prairies, father of Mrs. M.S. Witzel, Mrs. E.M. Betcher, Mrs. E. Fisher and Clyde, service at St. George's Courtenay, Piercy FH Son of M/M C. Marinus of Cumberland Son of M/M John Marinus of RR2 Courtenay Son of M/M Joseph Marinus of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M J. Marinus of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Cornelius Marinus of BlackCreek Dtr/o M/M J. Marinus of Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper MARINUS Darlene Ruth Chr MARINUS Francine Elizabeth Chr Free Methodist Church Free Methodist Church MARINUS Joseph M Can. Martyrs RC church MARION (girl) Birth Comox Date Page Info/Kin infant FP 2-May-1962 5 Dtr/o M/M J. Marinus christened, gdtr of M/M H.J. Marinus of Holland and M/M G. Logan of Cumberland infant FP 2-May-1962 5 Dtr/o M/M J. Marinus christened, gdtr of M/M H.J. Marinus of Holland and M/M G. Logan of Cumberland Mildred Genevieve FP 9-Jan-1963 Witham 2 FP 4-Dec-1963 2 FP 9-Jun-1965 C8 Elaine Dorothy Tapp MARKIEWICZ Antoni M Victoria MARKLUND (boy) Birth Comox MARKLUND Charlene Alice M Courtenay, St. John's MARKLUND Mr. and Mrs. O. M MAROCCHI (girl) Birth MAROCCHI Santina Death Cumberland age 67 MARRIOTT (girl) Birth Langley FP 8-Nov-1961 MARRIOTT (girl) Birth Langley FP 11-Sep-1963 2 MARRIOTT Sharon Louise Chr Langley, St. Andrew's infant Anglican FP 6-Jun-1962 MARRIOTT Sharon Louise Death Langley, BC age 2 FP 15-Jan-1964 12 MARSH MARSH (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 6-Oct-1965 FP 6-Oct-1965 MARSH L. Allen Jr. M Seattle, Washington MARSHALL (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 4-Jan-1961 3 MARSHALL (boy) Birth Comox FP 8-Feb-1961 14 FP 25-Oct-1961 2 James Carter FP 1-Sep-1965 12 FP 20-Feb-1963 B5 Cumberland FP 31-Oct-1962 2 Primo Marocchi Jane L. Ritchie FP 13-Jan-1965 C3 2 5 9 9 FP 22-Jan-1964 3 Son of M/M Marinus of Embleton Road, south of Courtenay Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. R. Marion of Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. W. Markiewicz Son of M/M Eugene Marklund, nee Jackie Dingwall, grandson of M/M Jack Dingwall Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Olov Marklund of Courtenay, engagement announced 4 August page 8 25th wedding anniversary in Merville, guests listed Dtr/o M/M Nerino Marocchi of Cumberland Born at Ville del Monte, Italy, mother of Joseph, Bruno and Mario, service at Cumberland RC church, bur. Cumberland cemetery Dtr/o M/M John A. Marriott, nee Trudean Toman Dtr/o M/M John A. Marriott, nee Trudean Toman, gdtr of M/M J.E. Marriott and M.M R.L. Toman Dtr/o M/M John A. Marriott, nee Trudean Toman, gdtr of M/M J.E. Marriott and M.M R.L. Toman Dtr/o M/M J.A. Marriott, gdtr of M/M J.E. Marriott and M/M R.L. Toman, bur. Murrayville cemetery Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. F. Marsh of Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. J. Marsh of Courtenay Pastor of Free Methodist Church, Courtenay, son of M/M L.A. Marsh Sr. of Medford, Oregon Son of M/M Robert Marshall of Cumberland Son of Cpl. and Mrs. Brian Marshall, RCAF Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page MARSHALL (boy) Birth Victoria FP 28-Mar-1962 2 MARSHALL (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 10-Sep-1964 4 MARSHALL (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 22-Aug-1962 10 MARSHALL Calvin McKay Chr MARSHALL Cynthia Joan Chr MARSHALL Jean Death Cumberland age 62 George Marshall MARSHALL William Ernest Death Comox Norah Lee FP 28-Apr-1965 11 Marshall MARTEL (girl) Birth Comox MARTENS Jane Darlene M Burns Lake, BC MARTIN (boy) Birth Comox MARTIN Bruce Arnold M Holy Trinity, Cumberland MARTIN David Glenn M Camp Borden, Ontario MARTIN Eric David M Nanaimo MARTIN June Louise M Victoria MARTIN Mungo Death Victoria MARTIN Murray Wayne M Comox United Church Comox United Church Courtenay, St. George's Info/Kin Son of M/M Melvin Marshall, nee Anne Grant, of Langford, grandson of M/M A.M. Grant of Comox Son of M/M Robert Marshall Jr. of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Robert Marshall of Cumberland age 2 FP 3-Jun-1964 3 Son of M/M M. Marshall of Langford, grandson of M/M A.M. Grant of Comox age 7 months FP 3-Jun-1964 3 Dtr/o M/M M. Marshall of Langford, gdtr of M/M A.M. Grant of Comox FP 21-Jul-1965 11 age 85 Born in Montrose, Scotland, mother of George Jr., sis/o Grace Dakers of Scotland, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Born in Ontario, resident of Campbell River, two dtrs not named, service at Sutton's FH, cremation FP 26-Jun-1963 2 Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. G. Martel, RCAF Comox John Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. John Martens of Decca Lake, BC, Henry engagement announced 7 June page 11 FP 14-Jul-1965 B11 Spencer Chapman FP 7-Apr-1965 3 Son of LAC/Mrs. Joseph P. Martin, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Fred Martin of Fanny Bay Kathleen Anne FP 10-Jul-1963 9 Poole age 85 Juanita Lorraine FP Spencer Elizabeth Anne FP Loucks Niel Courtenay FP McLeod Sarah Constance FP Smith Susan Lesley FP Clements Son of M/M Charles L. Martin of Courtenay 2-Jan-1963 3 6-Mar-1963 5 Son of M/M Fred Martin of Fanny Bay, engagement announced 20 Feb page 7 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. N.G. Martin of Victoria 12-May-1965 10 22-Aug-1962 1 Born in Fort Rupert, BC, totem pole carver, father of David (drowned 1959), service in Victoria Son of Mr./Mrs. A. Martin of Winnipeg, Manitoba 28-Apr-1965 B6 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper George Henry Polden Fanny Bay Anglican Date Page Dtr/o M/M Fred Martin of Fanny Bay MARTIN Patricia Ellen M MARTIN Robert Hugh M MARTINEAU MASKELL (boy) (girl) Birth Birth MASKELL Michael Eric Chr Cumberland, age 3 months Holy Trinity FP 31-May-1961 9 MASON MASON (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 7-Jun-1961 10 FP 20-Jan-1965 5 MASON Daniel Norman Chr St. Andrew's infant Anglican FP 5-Jul-1961 MASON Robert Clark Faith Lutheran Church Comox Comox Death Comox FP 14-Oct-1964 3 Karen Ann FP 15-Dec-1965 11 Hack FP 8-Jul-1964 FP 1-Mar-1961 age 83 13 12 Janet Mason FP 24-May-1961 12 Robert Joseph Forbes Gordon FP 14-Nov-1962 3 MATHERS Judy Fay M MATHIEU MATHIEU (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 22-Feb-1961 14 FP 26-Jun-1963 2 MAWER (boy) Birth Ocean Falls FP 16-May-1962 2 MAWER Robert M Ocean Falls, BC MAWHINNEY (girl) Birth Comox MAWHINNEY Arthur Brignell Death Cumberland age 74 Jeannie Flinn MAXWELL Alexander Death Ganges Mary Ellen FP 31-Oct-1962 13 Walker MAYBERRY James Wilson M St. Andrew's Anglican MAZEY (boy) Birth Toronto Shirley FP 8-Feb-1961 Heineman 8 FP 17-Feb-1965 3 Patricia Ann Walker FP 7-Oct-1964 Son of Mr./Mrs. Hugh Martin of Courtenay Son of M/M M. Martineau, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Kenneth Maskell of Cumberland Son of M/M Kenneth Maskell of Cumberland, christened Son of M/M David Mason of Courtenay Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Glen Mason, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Donald Mason christened 8 Courtenay, St. George's age 81 Info/Kin 6 FP 5-May-1965 10 FP 9-Jan-1963 14 Born in Detroit, Michigan, father of Bob, Bill, Ellen, Hazel and Rose, brother of Melvin, Clarence, Nelson, Mrs. N. Dobney and Mrs. P. Purvis, service at Piercy's FH, cremation Dtr/o M/M James Mathers Jr. of Courtenay, engagement announced 24 Oct page 15 Son of Cpl and Mrs. Emil Mathieu, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. H. Mathieu, RCAF Comox Son of M/M R.W. Mawer Wedding attended by Mrs. C.W. Mawer, mother of groom (Comox news) Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Lock Mawhinney of Courtenay Born in Brotton, Yorkshire, England, father of Arthur, June and Margaret, other family named, service at Piercy FH, bur. Nanaimo cemetery Born in Larkhall, Scotland, wife dc'd, Card of thanks by Maxwell Family Son Mrs. J. and late Jonah Mayberry of Grayson, North Carolina, stationed at Comox Son of F/L and Mrs. W. Mazey of Toronto, grandson of M/M A. Maxwell of Cumberland, 6 lb 2 oz Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth 24-May-1961 11-Dec-1963 8-May-1963 27-Jan-1965 2 3 2 3 McALLISTER Allister Death Comox age 52 Eva FP 23-Jan-1963 7 McAllister McALLISTER Janet Death Cumberland age 91 Robert FP 13-May-1964 5 McAllister McANENA (girl) Birth Info/Kin McARDLE John H. McARTHUR Deborah Ann Birth Chilliwack FP 25-Oct-1961 2 McARTHUR Deborah Ann Chr Courtenay, age 12 weeks St. George's FP 17-Jan-1962 2 Son of LAC/Mrs. Donald McAdam, RCAF Comox Son of M/M R. McAllister of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M R. McAllister of Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Richard McAllister of Courtenay Born in Cumberland, resident of Powell River, bro/o Bob, Alex, Jim and Mary, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Born in Scotland, nee Robertson, husband dec'd, mother of Robert, Alex, James, Roderick and Mary, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Dtr/o M/M James McAnena of Comox Born at Comox, brother of Frank, Maurice, Mrs. Virgil Baker and Mrs. Kenneth Daveport Dtr/o M/M Donald C. McArthur, nee Janet Donaldson, gdtr of M/M S.D. Donaldson of Royston Dtr/o M/M D. McArthur of Chilliwack, gdtr of M/M Sid Donaldson and M/M Donald McArthur McARTHUR Donald Jeffrey Birth North Vancouver FP 23-Oct-1963 2 Son of M/M D.C. McArthur, nee Janet Donaldson, grt grandson of M/M A.G. Donaldson of Courtenay McBRIDE James M Cumberland United Church McBRIDE Sharon Sara M Union Bay McCABE McCABE (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox McCABE Ellen Devine Death Comox McCANNAN Glen Howard M Courtenay, St. George's McCARTANAY Ellen Birth Island Magee, Antrim, Ireland McCARTHY Death Kelsey Bay Comox Hemet, Death California FP FP FP FP Page McADAM McALLISTER McALLISTER McALLISTER Terrence Comox Comox Comox Comox Date FP 28-Jun-1961 10 age 61 Elsie McArdle Caroline Ann Fedichin Charles Edward Shillito FP 29-Mar-1961 14 Son of M/M C. McBride of New Westminster FP 25-Mar-1964 3 Dtr/o M/M M.P. McBride of Union Bay FP 20-Dec-1961 2 FP 19-Dec-1962 2 FP 29-Sep-1965 9 age 82 Henry McCabe FP 2-Dec-1964 2 Donna Emily FP 11-Dec-1963 B1 Cederwall FP 10-Sep-1964 B1 age 38 Diane FP 13-May-1964 1 McCarthy Dtr/o M/M J. McCabe of Cumberland Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. John McCabe of Cumberland Born in Scotland, mother of George, Felix, Mary and Alice, sis/o Felix, two sons dec'd, John and Henry, service at Can. Martyrs RC, bur. Comox Catholic cemetery (Piercy FH) Son of Mrs. Harold McCannan of Dryden, Ontario Wive of Andrew Tweed McKay, celebrating 95th birthday at Union Bay Drowned after car plunged into water, 2 men survived. See obituary on page 6, born at Chemainus, service in Campbell River Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper McCLELLAN McCLURE McCLURE McCLURE McCLURE (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth McCLURE John Clifford M McCOLL (girl) Birth McCOMBE (girl) Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Cumberland United Church Comox Prince Rupert FP FP FP FP FP Shirley Jean Mackie Date 11-Dec-1963 22-Feb-1961 10-May-1961 15-Apr-1964 10-Feb-1965 Page 3 14 10 6 B8 FP 29-Mar-1961 10 FP 11-Aug-1965 11 FP 14-Oct-1964 5 Comox United Church Comox Comox Comox Comox Mary Frances Walford FP 12-Feb-1964 15 McCOMBE Hugh Barry M McCOMBER Gary Douglas M McCONNELL McCOOEY McCOOEY McCREADY (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth McCREARY Barbara Death Costa Mesa, age 78 California Joseph C. FP 30-Sep-1964 8 McCreary McCREARY Joseph Campbell Death Costa Mesa, age 84 California Barbara FP 17-Mar-1965 11 McCreary McCREIGHT John Allen M Keremeos, BC Edna Jean FP 5-May-1965 Rainbow 2 McCUBBING Elizabeth Nancy M Courtenay, St. George's Daniel Blue FP 4-Mar-1964 5 McCULLOCH (boy) Birth Comox FP 4-Jan-1961 3 Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. George McColl of Comox Dtr/o Cst/Mrs. H.B. McCombe, nee Barbara Sundin Son of Mrs. D.J. McCombe of Willowdale, Ontario and the late Inspector David James McCombe, RCMP. See 21 Oct page 2, friends and relatives who attended Resident of Vancouver, marriage announcement FP FP FP FP John Norman Follett Son of LAC/Mrs. R. McClellan, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Douglas McClure of Courtenay Son of M/M Melvin McClure of Cumberland Son of M/M Douglas McClure of Courtenay Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Ronald McClure, rcaf, Courtenay Son of M/M John McClure of Sandwick FP 12-Aug-1964 B8 Barbara Ann Sundin Courtenay, St. George's Info/Kin 23-Aug-1961 8 16-Jun-1965 11-Sep-1963 2 2-Jan-1963 2 Cpl/Mrs. Edward McConnell, RCAF Comox Son of Cpl/Mrs. Leighton McCooey, rcaf, Royston Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. Leighton McCooey, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Murray McCready, RCAF Comox Born near Carlton Place, Ontario, formerly of Comox, mother of Mrs. G. Parke and Jean, service at Brown's Mortuary in Santa Ana, cremation Born in Perth County, Ontario, son of W.J. McCreary and Alicia Code, wife died Sept 1964, father of Jean Parke, service in Santa Ana, cremation Son of Mr./Mrs. John McCreight of Campbell River McDERMID Colleen Maudie M Chilliwack FP 28-Apr-1965 B3 McDONALD (boy) Birth Comox FP 25-Oct-1961 2 McDONALD (boy) Birth Campbell River FP 24-Feb-1965 3 Dtr/o M/M Alex McCubbing, engagement announced 22 Jan page 12 Son of M/M Wilfred McCulloch, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. George McDermid of Sardis, engagement announced 17 March page 11 Son of M/M Norman McDonald of Fanny Bay Son of Mr./Mrs. Jack McDonald of Willow Point, grandson of Mr./Mrs. D.R. McDonald and Mr./Mrs. H. Morris Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper McDONALD McDONALD McDONALD (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth McDONALD Alexander Arthur Death Vancouver McDONALD Christina Dorothy Birth McDONALD Christina Dorothy Chr McDONALD Douglas Robert M McDONALD Jack Alexander M Comox Comox Comox Campbell River Comox United Church Comox United Church Date Page FP 29-Apr-1964 2 FP 8-Jul-1964 13 FP 6-Oct-1965 B9 age 76 single FP 30-May-1962 12 FP 2-Dec-1964 infant FP 30-Dec-1964 10 Gaylene Ardith Foster Campbell River United Church 5 FP 29-May-1963 3 Geraldine Lynn FP 7-Nov-1962 Morris 5a McDONALD John Donald Death Courtenay age 53 Marjorie Agnes Grant McDONALD Murdock Death Fanny Bay age 69 Charlotte Razor McDONNELL McDOUGALL McDOUGALL (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox FP 8-Aug-1962 2 FP 24-May-1961 2 FP 30-Sep-1964 10 McDOUGALL Gary Donald Birth Edmonton FP 2-Aug-1961 McEWAN (boy) Birth Vancouver FP 13-Jun-1962 2 McEWEN (girl) Birth Comox FP 3-Jan-1962 McFARLAN Caroline Jane Death Vancouver McFARLAN Shirley Kathleen M Victoria age 87 FP 11-Jul-1962 1 FP 6-Dec-1961 1 13 2 Charles FP 12-Aug-1964 3 McFarlan John Edward Burgess FP 4-Nov-1964 B2 Info/Kin Dtr/o M/M R. McDonald of Union Bay Dtr/o M/M D. McDonald of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. N. McDonald of Union Bay Born at Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, formerly of Courtenay, service at Harron FH, bur. Veterans Memorial Park, Surrey Dtr/o M/M Douglas R. McDonald, nee Foster, gdtr of M/M G.A. Foster and M/M D.R. McDonald Dtr/o M/M Doug R. McDonald of Campbell River, gggdtr of Mrs. J. Gilman, gdtr of M/M D.R. McDonald of Courtenay Son of M/M D.R. McDonald of Courtenay, engagement announced 24 April page 13 Son of M/M Donald R. McDonald of Courtenay, engagement announced 26 Sep page 14 Born in Victoria, father of Joan and John Jr., brother of Ernie and Maud, uncle of Dr. G. Macdonald and Mrs. William McNaughton, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Accidentally shot, born at Fort Pelly, Sask., father of Warren, Norman, Campbell, Clara, Chrisina and Leonora, service at Piercy's FH. See inquest 20 Dec page 1, Father's fault Son of M/M P. McDonnell of Courtenay Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. John McDougall, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. D. McDougall, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Donald McDougall, nee Ellen Dresen, 7 ob 10 oz Son of M/M Jas Gordon McEwan, nee Gail Birchall Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Robert McEwen, RCAF Comox Born in Yorkshire, England, formerly of Denman Island, mother of Frederick, James, Edward, May, Elsie and Florence, service and burial on Denman Island (Piercy FH) Dtr/o James W. McFarlan of Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Page Edward FP 22-Apr-1964 14 McFarlene McFARLANE Josephine Crockett Death Victoria McFAUL McFAUL McFAYDEN (girl) (girl) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox McFAYDEN Laughlin M Arden, Manitoba Mary Olive FP 25-Dec-1963 2 Curtis McFAYDEN Sylvia Ann M Comox United Church McFETRIDGE Catherine Helen M Courtenay, St. George's Laurence Ross FP 6-Oct-1965 9 Radford John Wiley FP 11-Sep-1963 3 Lafond McFETRIDGE Ronald Gordon Death Comox McGEE McGEE (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox McGEE James M Courtenay, St. George's McGEE Norman Lawrence M Cumberland United Church age 54 Date FP 13-Nov-1963 16 FP 27-Oct-1965 12 FP 12-Apr-1961 2 age 55 Irene McFetridg FP 15-Jan-1964 10 e FP 18-Mar-1964 2 FP 6-Mar-1963 12 McGEORGE Warren Henry M Courtenay, St. John's McGIFFORD McGILLIVRAY (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox Mrs. Joyce FP 14-Jun-1961 Soles Muriel FP 8-Apr-1964 Anne Isbister Evelyn Dianne FP 15-Dec-1965 MacDonal d FP 19-Jul-1961 FP 10-Jul-1963 McGINNIS Rosina M Hamilton, Scotland Henry FP 1-Apr-1964 Thompson McGREGOR Keith Alexander Death Courtenay McGREGOR Loretta M Victoria age 48 Annie Stewart Fred Deutcher FP 4-Jan-1961 Info/Kin Born in Nova Scotia, nee Fulton, resident of Denman Island, mother of Wayne, William and Charles, service and burial on Denman Island Dtr/o M/M N. McFaul of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. N. McFaul of Courtenay Son of M/M Rodney McFayden of Cumberland 50th wedding anniversary celebrated Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. L.N. McFayden of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Ronald McFetridge of Courtenay Born in Lacombe, Alberta, father of Harold, Heather and Mrs. J. Lafond, bro/o Norman, Mrs. Frank Sanderson, Mrs. M.H. Gladwin and Mrs. Wm Leighton, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M James McGee of Denman Island Dtr/o M/M James McGee of Courtenay Son of M/M Jack McGee of Denman Island 3 3 Son of M/M Jack McGee of Denman Island, engagement announced 11 Mar page 14 Son of Cpl/Mrs. Warren McGeorge of Courtenay C5 2 2 Son of M/M Edwin Robert McGifford of Comox Dtr/o M/M Donald McGillivray Celebrating 65th wedding anniversary 1 1 FP 13-Nov-1963 2 Murder-Suicide of RCAF personnel, born in Renfrew, Ontario Dtr/o Mrs. Grace Stefanek of Comox and the late William McGregor Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper 10 age 81 Hugh McInnis C8 age 80 William McIntomin FP 18-Apr-1962 9 ey George Stedwell BraggDeath Cumberland age 84 McINNIS Elizabeth Fruitvale, BC McINTOMINEY Jessie Death Vancouver McINTOSH (girl) Birth Comox McINTOSH Sandra Diane Chr Courtenay, St. John's McINTYRE Jenny Winnipeg, Death Manitoba McIRVINE Barbara Lee M McKAY McKAY McKAY McKAY McKAY McKAY McKAY (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth McKAY Charles Kenneth Death Courtenay McKAY Gordon Neil Page Alexandra Jane FP 2-Oct-1963 Morrison McGRUTHER Death Date FP 8-Dec-1965 FP 8-Jan-1964 age 1 year age 70 RCAF Protestant Chapel Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox age 49 Neil McIntyre FP 10-Apr-1963 11 Robert Frederick FP Thatcher FP FP FP FP FP FP FP Helen Grace FP Child Dtr/o M/M Charles A. McIrvine of Delhi, Ontario 22-Feb-1961 21-Feb-1962 8-Jul-1964 4-Apr-1962 16-May-1962 6-Jun-1962 29-Jan-1964 14 10 13 2 2 2 2 16-Sep-1964 1 Joan Marie Telosky FP 7-Apr-1965 B4 Gunhild Hansen FP 4-Apr-1962 2 M McKAY Roger Barry M Port Alberni Born in Glasgow, Scotland, former resident of Cumberland, mother of Jessie Litwen of Cumberland and Neil of Lynn Lake, MB, bur. Brookside cemetery 21-Mar-1962 3 M Jack Albert Born in Bruce Co., Ontario, nee Campbell, resident of Courtenay, mother of Mrs. W. Lamb, Mabel Anderson, 3 others not named, service at Edwards FH, cremation FP 13-Dec-1961 16 Sharon Ann FP 26-Aug-1964 B8 Campbell McKAY Born in Markdale, Ontario, father of Mrs. E. Hunchuk, Olga Court and Morris, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Born in Scotland, mother of Nelson, Hugh, Agnes, Mrs. R.R. Anderson, Mrs. F. Ranahan, Mrs. K. Haynes and Mrs. D. Livings, service and burial at Fruitvale Dtr/o F/L and Mrs. G. McIntosh, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M J.R. McIntosh christened Union Bay United Church Campbell River United Church Info/Kin Son of M/M Robert McKay of Union Bay Son of M/M Sidney McKay of Union Bay Son of LAC/Mrs. R. McKay, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M David McKay of Union Bay Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. B. Hatfield, RCAF Dtr/o M/M W. McKay of Union Bay Dtr/o M/M Joseph McKay of Union Bay Shot himself, born in Regina, Sask., survived by wife and 8 children Son of M/M Neil McKay of Denman Island Son of Mr./Mrs. Tom McKay of Fanny Bay Son of M/M Eldon F. McKay of Port Alberni, grandson of late Dr. Josiah McKee of Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page McKAY Sadie Elizabeth Death Comox age 36 Stanley McKay McKELLAR Russell Death Courtenay age 62 Williamine FP 17-Jun-1964 9 McKellar McKENZIE (girl) Birth McKENZIE Dorothy Edith M McKENZIE Hugh M Cumberland McKIE (boy) Birth Comox McKIE (girl) Birth Comox McKIE Margaret Ann M Blaine, Washington McKIE Robert James M Cumberland United Church McKIERAHAN Michael George Alexander Death North Cowichan McKIM McKINLEY (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox McKINLEY Susan Shirley Death Comox McKINNON Alexander Death Cumberland age 86 McKINNON Helen Anastasia M McKINNON Helen Anastasia M McKINTY McLAREN McLAREN (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox United Church Campbell River Comox Comox Comox FP 12-Feb-1964 14 FP 22-Sep-1965 Alistair Frederick FP 13-Jun-1962 Ross Bertha May FP 10-Apr-1963 Banks FP 17-Feb-1965 12 age 16 2 3 50th wedding anniversary celebrated, parents of Doris (dec'd) and Joy (Mrs. R.R. Woodrow) FP 29-Aug-1962 2 FP 20-Sep-1961 3 Son of M/M James McKie of Courtenay, engagement announced 23 Aug page 15 FP 27-Jun-1962 2 FP 18-Apr-1962 2 FP 18-Jul-1962 14 not named FP 1-Mar-1961 10 Owen Gordon Carney Owen Gordon Carney Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. J.A. McKenzie, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M C. Hedden of Port Alberni Son of Mr./Mrs. Robert McKie of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Robert McKie, nee Gweynneth Williams, of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M James McKie of Courtenay, engagement announced 1 Aug page 14 FP 10-Nov-1965 C4 age 3 months Born on Salt Spring Island, dtr/o M/M William Hele, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery, mother of Brian, Gordon and Joan, Born at Hamiota, Manitoba, father of Terry, Dawna and Shirley, service at Piercy FH, cremation 2 FP 10-Oct-1962 16 William John Forsman Gwyneth Joyce Williams Info/Kin FP 19-Dec-1962 3a Formerly of Courtenay, son of Mr./Mrs. E. McKierahan of Duncan, private service at Royal Oak crematorium in Saanich Son of M/M Ronald McKim of Courtenay Dtr/o Sgt/Mrs. Reginald McKinley, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Ernest McKinley, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Former resident, of Cumberland, service at Cumberland United Church, father of Findlay and Alastair, bur. Cumberland cemetery Dtr/o M/M James Wilson McKinnon of BlackCreek, engagement announced 14 Nov page 15 Photo, married recently FP 2-Jan-1963 14 FP 6-Jun-1962 2 FP 10-Feb-1965 B8 FP 21-Apr-1965 5 Son of F/O and Mrs. Clare McKinty, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. James McLaren, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. J. McLaren, RCAF Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page Abraham McLaughli FP 11-Jul-1962 n Muriel McLaughli FP 5-Apr-1961 n FP 8-Mar-1961 FP 25-Sep-1963 FP 8-Dec-1965 14 Edna Ellen FP 1-Jan-1964 Steinmiller 5 McLAUGHLIN Annie Death Nanaimo age 83 McLAUGHLIN Kenneth R. Death Campbell River age 46 McLEAN McLEAN McLEAN (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox McLEAN Philip A. Death Comox McLELLAN McLELLAN McLELLAN (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox FP 17-Oct-1962 2 FP 29-May-1963 14 FP 15-Apr-1964 6 McLELLAND (boy) Birth Comox FP 15-Nov-1961 2 McLELLAND McLENAHAN McLENNAN McLEOD (boy) (girl) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth FP FP FP FP McLEOD Caryll Mae M Comox Comox Comox Comox RCAF Protestant Chapel McLEOD Donald Roy North Death age 44 Saanich, BC McLEOD Frances Dean M Victoria McLEOD Kenneth Griffiths M San Francisco McLEOD Niel Courtenay M McLEOD Raymond Death Comox age 66 Edward Klyne Clara Jean Barker 17-Jul-1963 1-Aug-1962 24-Apr-1963 30-Jan-1963 14 12 3 B3 2 2 14 2 FP 14-Feb-1962 15 FP 30-May-1962 1 William James FP 13-Nov-1963 2 Tulloch Jacquelin e Murray FP 1-Apr-1964 B7 Forde Victoria age 48 June Louise Martin FP 12-May-1965 10 Bessie Scott FP 5-Aug-1964 16 Info/Kin Born in Nottingham, England, husband dec'd, service at Piercy's FH, cremation, mother of Donald and Wade, both dec'd Born in Seattle, son of Mrs. M. Hicks, co-owner of Gone Fishin' Resort, father of Gordon and Larry, service at St. Peter's Anglican, Campbell River Son of M/M Grant McLean of Courtenay Son of M/M William McLean of Tsolum Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Neil McLean of Courtenay Born in New Brunswick, built McLean Mill at Alberni, father of Robert and Raymond, bro/o Walter, Arnold and Ruby, service at Piercy FH, cremation Son of LAC/Mrs. Ross McLellan, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Peter Joseph McLellan of Fanny Bay Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. R. McLellan of Courtenay Son of 2nd Lt. Larry McLelland, RCASC, and Mrs. McLelland of Comox Son of L/T and Mrs. Larry McLelland of Royston Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Wm McClenahan, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Donald J. McLennan of Courtenay Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. G.E. McLeod, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Ray McLeod of Comox, engagement announced 14 Feb page 15 Plane Crash, born in Selkirk, Manitoba, formerly of Courtenay, father of Danny, Mark, Eve and Jillian, bro/o Mrs. R.W. Clarke and Mrs. J.O. Shannon, service at St. Mary's Anglica, Victoria, cremation Dtr/o M/M Hibbert McLeod of Victoria Son of M/M Archibald McLeod of Vancouver Son of Mrs. H. Bennett of Los Angeles and N. McLeod of Vancouver, grandson of Mrs. A.R. McLeod, grt grandson of Mr./Mrs. Tom Woods, Comox Valley pioneers Born in Cumberland, son of Samuel McLeod and Elizabeth Hunden, father of Sine and Caryll, bro/o Hibbard and Annie, service at Sutton FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Page Elizabeth FP 14-Oct-1964 6 Hunden McLEOD Samuel Dan Death Comox McLOUGHLIN McLOUGHLIN (boy) (girl) Birth Birth McLOUGHLIN John Malicia Death Comox McLOUGHLIN Thomas Death San Pablo, California McMANN (boy) Birth Campbell River FP 19-Dec-1962 2 McMILLAN (boy) Birth Victoria FP 13-May-1964 2 McMILLAN Clifford Ellsworth Death Comox McMLLEN (girl) Birth McMONNIES David Beeton age 81 Date Comox Comox FP 4-Sep-1963 FP 5-Jul-1961 age 64 age 62 Margaret Lillian FP 19-Jun-1963 Parkin Ann McLoughli FP 5-Feb-1964 14 n age 87 Anna Gertrude Grant age 76 Mabel Amy Savage Comox Death Comox 2 2 FP 25-Sep-1963 13 FP 7-Oct-1964 6 FP 1-Mar-1961 1 Sylvia Ann FP 26-Apr-1961 3a Widen McMULDROCK William Charles M Widen home McMULLEN (boy) Birth Comox FP 9-Oct-1963 McMULLEN (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 31-May-1961 2 McMULLEN Robert Wilson M St. John's Anglican McMURDO McMURTRIE McNAUGHTON McNEIL twin boys (boy) (girl) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Birth McNEIL Margaret Rose McNEILL John Guthrie Comox Comox Comox Comox Victoria, M Grace Lutheran Campbell Death River Thelma Doreen Parkin FP 22-Feb-1961 10 FP FP FP FP age 32 2 20-Feb-1963 10-Jun-1964 12-Jul-1961 22-May-1963 14 2 2 16 Anton Nasar FP 23-Aug-1961 9 Mrs. McNeill FP 2-Jun-1965 1 Info/Kin Born in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, wife died 1952, father of Ray (died 4 Aug), Annie and Hibbert, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of M/M Paul McLoughlin of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Peter McLoughlin of Courtenay Born in Bacup, England, son of Peter McLoughlin and Jane Durkin, bur. Courtenay cemetery Born in England, son M/M Peter McLoughlin, bro/o Martin, Peter and John, service held in San Pablo Son of M/M Glen McMann Son of L/S and Mrs. Brian McMillan, RCN, grandson of M/M H. McMillan of Cumberland Born in Pictou, Nova Scotia, father of Charles, Alex, Clifford, Kenneth and Ida (Burns), service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. R. McMullen, RCAF Comox Born in Scotland, wife died 1938, father of Graeme, Angus, David and a dtr in England, service at Sutton's FH, cremation Son of M/M W. McMuldrock of West Vancouver Son of M/M Robert McMullen of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Robert McMullen of Courtenay Son of Mrs. R. Strussi of Cumberland and late Mr. McMullen Sons of M/M Malcolm McMurdo Son of M/M J. McMurtrie of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M John McNaughton of Courtenay Son of M/M Malcolm McNeil of Comox Dtr/o M/M J.D. McNeil of Victoria, formerly of Cumberland Plane crashed in Discovery Passage, resident of Campbell River Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Malcolm Martin MacNeil Date Page Dtr/o M/M H.A.E. McNicol of Courtenay McNICOL Theresa Marie Lofts M Can. Martyrs RC church McORMOND Sharon Elizabeth Birth Downsview, Ontario FP 13-Dec-1961 2 McPHAIL McPHEE McPHEE McPHEE McPHEE (girl) (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP FP McPHEE William Everett M Sandwick Anglican McPHERSON Alexander Smith Death Campbell River McPHERSON Douglas Trimball M RCAF RC Chapel McQUARRIE (boy) Birth Nanaimo age 76 FP 5-Dec-1962 12-Sep-1962 9-Dec-1964 21-Nov-1962 12-Dec-1962 5-Aug-1964 3 2 4 2 2 16 Sally Christine Roberts FP 6-May-1964 3 single FP 15-Jul-1964 14 Dulcie Marie Holroyd FP 7-Mar-1962 2 FP 21-Aug-1963 2 Dorothy Jean Stubbs McQUARRIE Lachlan James M North Vancouver McQUILLAN (boy) Birth Comox FP 21-Jul-1965 5 McQUILLAN (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 17-Jul-1963 2 McQUILLAN (girl) Birth McQUILLAN Isabella Death Comox McQUILLAN Judy Anne M Sandwick Anglican McQUILLAN Linda Lou M Sandwick Anglican M Cumberland, Holy Trinity McQUILLAN Robert Brock FP 23-Jan-1963 2 FP 24-Feb-1965 3 age 89 William John FP 25-Apr-1962 1 McQuillan William James Perrie Douglas Harold Ross Info/Kin Dtr/o M/M Leonard McOrmond, nee Beth Waters, gdtr of M/M Albert M/ Waters of Comox Dtr/o Sgt/Mrs. R. McPhail, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Everett McPhee of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Robert McPhee of Courtenay Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. M. McPhee, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M W. McPhee of Courtenay Son of M/M Jack McPhee of Courtenay Born in Scotland, resident of Quadra Island, bur. Campbell River cemetery Son of M/M G. McPherson of Vancouver (photo and caption) Son of M/M Lachlan J. McQuarrie Son of Mrs. S. King and late James Leishman McQuarrie of Nanaimo Son of Mr./Mrs. Roland McQuillan of Union Bay Dtr/o M/M Robert McQuillan Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Robert McQuillan of Cumberland Born Londonderry Co., Ireland, nee Jennings, husband dec'd, sister of Mrs. T.H. Young of Toronto, service at Sandwick Anglican, bur. Anglican cemetery FP 12-Aug-1964 2 Dtr/o M/M H.C. McQuillan, engagement announced 29 Jul page 12 FP 20-Mar-1963 2 Dtr/o M/M H.C. McQuillan of RR2 Courtenay, engagement announced 27 Feb page 12 Ruth Anne FP 24-Oct-1962 10 Johnstone Son of M/M Henry Carwithen McQuillan of Sandwick, engagement announced 19 Sep page 12 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Union Bay United Church Patricia Lillian Bohn McQUILLAN Roland Edward M McQUILLAN Thomas George Death age 63 McQUILLAN Thomas George Death Comox age 63 McQUINN John Grover Death Comox McQUITTY Dannie William M age 71 Victoria McRAE Isabella Death Victoria McREADY McREAVY (girl) (boy) Birth Birth McREAVY Melvin Michael M McROBBIE Frances Helen M age 72 Comox Comox RCAF Catholic Chapel Ida Josephine Death Comox MEADOWS (boy) Birth MEARNS Alice May Death Nanaimo MEDD Bentley Ernest M FP 14-Oct-1964 B4 1 Katherine FP 10-Apr-1963 B6 Bartoldi Goldie Nina FP 9-Oct-1963 Fredenbur g Leighton FP 17-Jul-1963 Kirby Duncan McRae Marie Doris Babin Roy Herbert Bossom age 92 9 3 FP 22-Aug-1962 11 Funeral Today at Piercy FH Born at Sandwick, son of Henry Cooke McQuillan and Mary Stewart, father of Wayne, Keith, Ronald, Lois and Sandra, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Born in Fossil, Oregon, father of Howard, John, Robert, Richard, Sybil, Pearl, Dorothy, Ila, Gladys, Isabel and Rose, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M W. McQuitty of Clover Bar, Alberta Born in Stellarton, Nova Scotia, nee Murdoch, husband died 1959, formerly of Cumberland, mother of Donna and Herb, Sutton's FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. M. McReady, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Mel McReavy, RCAF Comox Son of the late M/M McReavy of Owen Sound, Ontario FP 22-May-1963 3 FP 17-Jan-1962 2 Frank Harry Mobley FP 18-Aug-1965 B8 and Arthur Meachem FP 15-Sep-1965 11 age 62 Info/Kin Son of M/M S.H. McQuillan of Courtenay FP 3-Apr-1963 Comox Vancouver, Elim Pentecostal Page FP 29-Sep-1965 9 FP 5-Feb-1964 2 St. John's Anglican MEACHEM Date Gordon Hector Mearns FP 12-Feb-1964 14 Myrtle Althea Fleming FP 31-Oct-1962 3 Dtr/o Mrs. J.W. McRobbie of Edmonton and late Mr. McRobbie Born at Topeka, Kansas, both husbands dec'd, mother of Frank Mobley, service at Piercy FH, cremation Son of Mr./Mrs. F. Meadows of Courtenay Born at Cheshire, England, nee Williamson, sis/o ted, Frank, Bob, Harry, Sam, Mrs. Harold Shaw and Mrs. Mary Randall. See 26 Feb page 14, mother of Barnet and Joe, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Resident of Courtenay, engagement announced 20 Jun page 13 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Courtenay, St. George's MEDD Marie Karen M MEDO Louis Death Courtenay MEERES Beryl Anne M Courtenay, St. John's MEERES Margaret Louise M Courtenay, St. John's MEIER Johann Jacob Death Gold River MELLER Nels Gustav Death MELLING MELOCHE MELVILLE MELVILLE (girl) (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth MELVILLE Bruce Leigh Chr Campbell River Comox Comox Comox Comox age 59 Date Page Grant McMillan Field FP 28-Oct-1964 2 single FP 5-Jul-1961 Joseph Niall Hunter Arthur Melvin Pratt Dtr/o Mrs. Linton Machin of Grantham 14 FP 15-May-1963 2 age 55 age 84 Mary Jones FP 31-May-1961 12 FP FP FP FP 17-Apr-1963 9-Jan-1963 14-Aug-1963 30-Sep-1964 FP 4-Mar-1964 2 14 16 10 6 Sabina Anne Storie FP 4-Apr-1962 Beverley Ruth LeDuc FP 29-Mar-1961 13 MENNIE John Duncan Death Comox MENNIE John Ian M Qualicum Beach MENZIES MERANGER (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 1-Sep-1965 FP 9-Jan-1963 5 14 MERCER (boy) Birth Vernon, BC FP 2-Jan-1963 2 MERCER (girl) Birth FP 25-Jul-1962 2 MERCIER Terrence Alexander MERNER Lilian Death Union Bay MERONYK (boy) Birth Comox Quadra Death Island Comox age 81 Born in Czechoslovakia, service at Can. Martyrs church, Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. D.G. Meeres of Courtenay FP 13-Oct-1965 C5 Frances Catherine FP 16-Jun-1965 5 McFayden Courtenay , age 6 months St. George Info/Kin 2 age 19 single FP 31-Mar-1965 1 age 53 Albert Merner FP 19-Aug-1964 B7 FP 14-Jun-1961 10 Dtr/o M/M D.B. Meeres of Courtenay, engagement announced 17 Apr page 13 Native of Switzerland, resident of Courtenay, service at Sutton FH, cremation Born in Sweden, father of May Fadat, step-father of Helen Anstrom, service at Sutton's Dtr/o M/M Joseph Melling of BlackCreek Son of F/L and Mrs. R.E. Meloche, RCAF Comox Son of M/M John Melville of Courtenay Dtr/o Dr/Mrs. Gordon Melville of Comox Son of M/M John A. Melville, gson of M/M L.M. Edge, John Melville and Mrs. H. Wesley Born in Aberdeen, Scotland, son of William Mennie and Anne Duncan, wife died 1952, son Arthur died 1961, 5 dtrs not named, service at Qualicum United church, Piercy's FH Resident of Qualicum Beach Son of Mr./Mrs. Robert H. Menzies of Courtenay Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. R. Meranger, RCAF Comox Son of M/M T.G.W. Mercer, grandson of Mrs. Jean Braes Mercer of Vancouver, 8 lb 6 oz Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Lewis Mercer, RCAF Comox Car accident, son of Mr./Mrs. A. Mercier of Quathiaski Cove, Quadra Island, inquest called Nee Bradley, born in Cumbeerland, sister of Jack and Frank Bradley, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of F/O and Mrs. Walter Meronyk, RCAF Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper MERRIFIELD Leslie George Death Vancouver MERRILL Catherine Ann Birth age 59 Isabel FP 15-Jul-1964 Merrifield age 86 James Norris Merrill Victoria MERRILL Viola Lucinda Death Victoria METHAM METZLER MEYER (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox MEYER Juergin M Campbell River United Church MEYERS MICHALCAK (girl) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox Date FP 4-Apr-1962 Page 14 2 FP 31-May-1961 12 FP 6-Feb-1963 2 FP 10-Apr-1963 10 FP 12-Jul-1961 2 Agnes Moncrief 2 2 MIDDLETON Jeanette Heather M RCAF Protestant Chapel MIHYCHUK (boy) Birth Comox FP 29-Mar-1961 10 MILBURN (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 3-Apr-1963 MILES (girl) Birth Comox FP 18-Mar-1964 2 MILES twin boys Birth Vancouver FP 21-Apr-1965 5 MILETICH Georgina Wilton M MILLARD MILLARD (boy) (boy) Birth Birth MILLARD Donna May M MILLARD Doreen Death Comox MILLER (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 22-Nov-1961 16 MILLER (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 6-May-1964 16 MILLER MILLER (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 6-Feb-1963 FP 7-Jul-1965 2 12 Cumberland United Church Comox Comox Denman United Church Jack Younger Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Ronald Meyers, RCAF Son of M/M J. Michalcak of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M A.J. Middleton of Richmond, BC FP 25-Oct-1961 2 10 Son of Cpl/Mrs. Dennis Mihychuk, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M John Milburn of Cumberland Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. John Miles, RCAF Comox Sons of Mr./Mrs. William Miles of Royston Dtr/o M/M Matthew Brown of Royston FP 12-Jul-1961 9 FP 18-Apr-1962 2 FP 6-Oct-1965 9 age 39 Born in Cumberland, father of Janie, bro/o William, service at Cumberland Anglican church, bur. Cumberland cemetery (Piercy FH) Dtr/o M/M Dick Merrill Born in USA, nee Wells, former Courtenay resident, mother of Gerald, Kathleen and Marjorie, service at Sands FH, bur. Royal Oak Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Laurence Metham, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/L and Mrs. Ralph Metzler, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Peter Meyer of BlackCreek Son of M/M R. Meyer of Germany FP 28-Feb-1962 13 FP 10-Jul-1963 FP 11-Jul-1962 Charles Keith Francis Acott Info/Kin James Lawrence FP 8-Jan-1964 Pepper David FP 9-Aug-1961 Millard 5 8 Son of M/M Morley Millard of Denman Island Son of LAC/Mrs. D. Millard, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Ed Millard of Denman Island, engagement announced 4 Dec 1963 page 14 Born in Rutherglen, Scotland, nee Anderson, mother of Sharon, Debra and Elsie Son of M/M Thomas Miller of Cumberland Son of M/M Harold Miller Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. W. Miller, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. George Miller, RCAF Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Campbell River age 69 John Miller Date Page MILLER Cecelia Death MILLER Frances Amelia Death MILLER Jane M Cumberland MILLER John M River St. John, Nova Scotia MILLER Judith Ann M Courtenay, St. George's MILLER Marlene Alice M Cumberland MILLER Robert Lindsay Death Comox MILLER Ronald John M Comox, St. Peter's Wilma Lee FP 17-Feb-1965 B5 Aakre MILLER Victor M Cumberland United Church Gloria FP 29-May-1963 5 Jean Laird MILLER William Death Comox MILLIGAN MILLIGAN (boy) (girl) Birth Birth MILLIGAN John Henry MILLIGAN Sharon Roberta M Alberni, St. Andrew's MILNE MILNE MILNER MILYNEUX MINAKER (boy) (girl) (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox age 75 Comox Comox Los Death Angeles, California FP 11-Sep-1963 14 Robert Lindsay FP 17-Jun-1964 9 Miller Edwin FP 20-Mar-1963 3 Anderson Info/Kin Born at Nanaimo, nee Aitken, mother of Stanley who died 1943, sis/o Colin and Dave, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Born in Moncton, New Brunswick, formerly of Lloydminster, Alberta, mother of Robert, Donald and Elizabeth, service at Piercy FH, cremation 50th wedding anniversary celebrated at Union Bay, parents of Tom, Jack and Mrs. A. Cullen Son of Mrs. William Miller of Union Bay Annie Mae FP 11-Aug-1965 10 Reid Ronald William Egan Roderick Harold Simms age 75 age 67 Frances Mallory Grace O'Neill Dtr/o M/M Harry Miller of this district FP 15-Nov-1961 3 Dtr/o M/M H. Miller of Cumberland FP 10-Jun-1964 B3 FP 12-Feb-1964 14 Lillian Cornelia Wood Ronald William Lund Son of Mrs. Margaret Healy of Comox and the late James Miller Resident of Edmonton, Alberta, engagement announced 1 May page 15 FP 6-Jun-1962 9 FP 3-Oct-1962 5 Born in Cumberland, son of John Miller and Ellen Marshall, father of John, Mrs. G.E. Ashcroft and Mrs. J. Sullivan, service at Piercy's FH, cremation Son of LAC/Mrs. Charles Milligan, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Charles Milligan, RCAF Comox Born at Sandwick, died while visiting sister, father of Archie and Eunice, service at St. Andrew's Anglican, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M Robert Milligan of Alberni, gdtr of Mrs. Mary Walker of Fanny Bay FP FP FP FP FP 2 2 2 2 2 Son of LAC/Mrs. James Milne, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Sgt/Mrs. F. Milne, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. James Milner, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. George Molyneux, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. James Minaker, RCAF Comox FP 3-Jan-1962 2 FP 8-Dec-1965 B3 FP 11-Sep-1963 2 age 77 Born in Wigton, England, father of Robert Jr., Dr. D.M. and Mrs. Wm Maxwell, service at Piercy FH, cremation 21-Nov-1962 4-Mar-1964 12-Feb-1964 5-Dec-1962 12-Aug-1964 Surname MINAKER Givens James Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper M Comox, St. Peter's Comox, St. Peter's Jane Preece MINAKER William James M MINARY Cecil Andrew Death Cumberland age 41 MINARY Gail Victoria M MINDLIN Arthur Death Comox MITCHELL MITCHELL MITCHELL MITCHELL MITCHELL MITCHELL (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox MITCHELL Claudia Lynne M St. Phillip's Anglican M RCAF Protestant Chapel MITCHELL Gail Diane Courtenay, St. George's Date Page FP 11-Dec-1963 3 Carol Margarett FP 8-Jan-1964 2 a Jane Preece Elizabeth Helen FP 15-Dec-1965 B6 Minary Gary Karl FP 20-Oct-1965 C6 Dresen age 68 Lena Mindlin FP 13-Oct-1965 10 FP FP FP FP FP FP 25-Dec-1963 6-May-1964 11-Nov-1964 7-Feb-1962 8-Apr-1964 19-May-1965 14 16 3 2 2 4 Delwin Charles FP 31-May-1961 11 Flesh John Milton FP 21-Feb-1962 2 MacGrego r Barbara Gilchrist FP 27-Sep-1961 12 Robertson Info/Kin Son of M/M R.J. Minaker of Picton, Ontario, engagement announced 11 Dec 1963 page 15 Son of M/M R.J. Minaker of Picton, Ontario, engagement announced 11 Dec 1963 page 15 Born in Brandon, Manitoba, father of Gail, Mona and Nadine, bro/o Vicki Woods, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Cecil Minary of Cumberland, engagement announced 11 August page 8 Born in Sweet Springs, Missouri, father of Arthur and Virginia, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M Lawrence Mitchell of Courtenay Son of F/O and Mrs. A. Mitchell, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. W. Mitchell, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. A. Mitchell, RCAF Comox Dr/o M/M R. Mitchell of Courtenay Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Anthony Mitchell, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Joe Mitchell Dtr/o M/M A. W. Mitchell Born at Larkhall, Scotland, wife dec'd, father of Mrs. W. Haslam (dec'd), Mrs. Grace McNeil, Christine Dando and Margaret Mitchell, service at Piercy's FH, cremation MITCHELL Hugh Cumming Death Cumberland age 95 MITCHELL Lawrence Darrell M MITCHELL Margaret Death Cumberland age 67 single FP 24-Feb-1965 3 MITCHELL Roland Ewart Death Vancouver Vera Eaton FP 18-Sep-1963 12 Born a Wellington, dtr/o M/M Hugh Mitchell, sis/o Mrs. R.McNeil, service at Piercy FH Born in England, father of Roland A., Lillian, Anna and Eileen, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery MOCKFORD MOCKFORD (boy) (boy) Birth Birth FP 1-Jan-1964 5 FP 18-Aug-1965 5 Son of LAC/Mrs. O. Mockford, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Oliver Mockford, RCAF Comox Cumberland United Church Comox Comox Diane Mae FP 4-Sep-1963 Carpenter age 77 Son of M/M J.N. Mitchell of Cumberland 5 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Eugene Moden Date Page MODEN Evelyn Death Cumberland age 70 MOFFAT Dawn Edith M Portage la Prairie, MB Nelson Frederick FP 1-Sep-1965 Pearce B4 MOFFAT James Stuart M RCAF Protestant Chapel Margaret FP 9-Aug-1961 Mary Kirk 2 MOFFAT Janet Louise Birth Nanaimo FP 15-May-1963 7 MOISTER-HITCHEN (girl) Birth Comox FP 26-Jun-1963 2 MOLLAND Birth Comox (boy) MOLLAND David Roy M Courtenay, St. George's MOLLAND Glen John Birth Powell River MONCRIEF Agnes M Campbell River United Church MONEY David Peter Birth Edmonton, Alberta MONEY Peter Lawrence M Vancouver, Unitarian MONK (girl) Birth Comox FP 14-Nov-1962 16 FP 22-Jul-1964 FP 26-Sep-1962 2a FP 23-Jun-1965 5 Joan Laverne Ellis MONK Howard Leo M St. George's United MONKS (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 20-Jun-1962 2 MONKS (boy) Birth Comox FP 29-Aug-1962 12 MONKS (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 20-Oct-1965 11 MONKS (girl) Birth Comox MONT Howard Lee M St. George's United FP 5-Apr-1961 3 FP 11-Apr-1962 2 Joan Laverne Ellis Dtr/o M/M James Moffat, nee Margaret Kirk, of Nanaimo, gdtr of M/M Geoff Kirk Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. James Moister-Hitchen, RCAF Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. David Roy Molland of Nitinat Son of M/M Howard Molland of Minto Son of M/M J. Molland, nee Edith Johnson (Sandwick News) Dtr/o Mrs. Louise Moncrief of Willow Point FP 28-Feb-1962 13 FP 25-Nov-1964 7 Frances Margaret Munro Son of M/M A.S. Moffat of Nanaimo, engagement announced 14 Jun page 12 5 FP 29-May-1963 12 Juergin Meyer Former light keeper at Yellow Rock, nee Spohn, born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, service at Qualicum RC church Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Earl Moffat of Rossburn, Manitoba FP 11-Aug-1965 11 Patricia Carole Long Info/Kin FP 1-Mar-1961 11 Son of M/M P. Money, nee Frances Munro Son of M/M Lawrence C. Money of Valoise, Quebec, engagement announced 22 Aug page 12 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. H. Monk of Queen Charlotte City Son of M/M I. Monk of Courtenay. Engagement announced 8 Mar page 11 Son of M/M J. Monks of Royston Son of M/M H. Monk of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. John Monks of Royston Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. John Monks, RCAF Comox engagement announced 1 Mar page 11 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper MONTGOMERY Gordon Death MONTGOMERY Margaret Marilynne M MOODY MOODY (boy) (girl) Birth Birth MOON (boy) Birth Princess age 18 Louisa Inlet Victoria, Metropolitan United Comox Comox Nassau, Bahamas Date FP 21-Jul-1965 Page 1 Gordon Frederick FP 18-Apr-1962 2 Drier FP 2-Dec-1964 5 FP 31-Oct-1962 2 FP 27-Jan-1965 3 Jutta Carola FP 23-Jun-1965 C3 Burmeiste r MOON Donald C. M Courtenay, Faith Lutheran MOON Mr. and Mrs. D. M Edmonton, Alberta MOON Vidonna Maye M Courtenay, Foursquare church Thomas Reginald Cooney MOON Wilford Bentley M Centreville, Bahamas Patricia FP 6-Dec-1961 Sylvia Fox MOONEY MOORE MOORE MOORE MOORE MOORE MOORE (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP FP FP FP MOORE (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 29-May-1963 14 MOORE (girl) Birth Comox MOORE Ellen Lorraine M FP 20-Feb-1963 2 Jessie C. Death Vancouver MOORE Sandra Lynn Birth Comox 29-Jul-1964 19-Apr-1961 3-Jul-1963 28-Aug-1963 8-Apr-1964 7-Mar-1962 17-Apr-1963 FP 6-Oct-1965 Edward Ernest Nutting Quadra Island MOORE FP 23-Sep-1964 C8 age 86 Herbert Moore Info/Kin Resident of Abbotsford, fell at waterfall, body flown to Powell River, born in Vancouver, son of Martin and Lilian Montgomery Dtr/o M/M E.B. Montgomery of Courtenay Son of Dr/Mrs. A. Moody, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M George Moody of RR1 Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. Wilfred Moon of Nassau Son of Mr./Mrs. R.C. Moon of Merville 25th wedding anniversary celebrated on Campbell River Road Dtr/o M/M R.C. Moon of Campbell River Road, Courtenay, engagement announced 29 Jul page 12 Son of M/M Randle C. Moon of Courtenay 2 14 9 8 2 2 2 B9 Son of M/M Nelson Mooney, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Stanley Moore of Courtenay Son of Cpl/Mrs. C. Moore, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Gordon W. Moore of Courtenay Son of S/L and Mrs. E. Moore, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Hazen Moore, RCAF Holberg Dtr/o M/M S.E. Moore of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Robert C. Moore of Cumberland Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. S. Moore, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Percy Moore of Sayward FP 25-Oct-1961 3a FP 1-Nov-1961 14 FP 20-Jun-1962 2 Born in Stellarton, Nova Scotia, dtr/o M/M Thomas Turnbull, mother of Winnifred McKinnon and W.T. "Dinty" Moore, service at Mount Pleasant chapel, bur. Ocean View Dtr/o M/M Harry J. Moore of Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page age 58 Harriet Moore age 82 Elizabeth FP 19-Jun-1963 12 Moore MOORE Thomas Henry Death Victoria MOORE Thomas Horace Death Campbell River MOORE William John "Jack" M Dunbar Heights U.C. MORDY Thomas Death Pasadena, California MORGAN (boy) Birth Comox FP 28-Feb-1962 16 MORGAN (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 18-Aug-1965 5 MORGAN MORGAN (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Victoria FP 27-Oct-1965 12 FP 8-Aug-1962 2 MORGAN David Death Cumberland age 84 MORGAN Keith Alexander M MORGAN Kelly Lynn Birth MORGAN Muriel Edith M MORIN Paul Henri Birth MORISON Theodora Miriam Death Victoria MORRICK MORRICK MORRIS (boy) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox MORRIS Geraldine Lynn M Campbell River United Church Helen Lindsay BLACk age 91 Cumberland United Church Victoria Penticton United Church Comox age 54 FP 6-Mar-1963 B1 FP 29-Aug-1962 8 not named FP 2-Oct-1963 12 Info/Kin Tugboat captain, son of M/M Joseph Moore, born in Comox, father of T. Allen and Mrs. W.S. Robbins, siblings also named Born in West Bromwich, England, father of Mrs. Doug Robinson, Mrs. Ted Carnegie and Mrs. Norton, service at St. Peter's Anglican, Campbell River, bur. Campbell River cemetery Son of M/M John Moore of Union Bay, engagement announced 11 Jul page 12 Formerly of Vancouver, father of William, George, C.H. and Mrs. Ernest Lee, service in Burnaby, Forest Lawn FH Son of LAC/Mrs. Robert Morgan, RCAF Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. Keith Morgan of Cumberland Son of Mr./Mrs. L. Morgan of Kokish Dtr/o Pvt/Mrs. Keith Morgan Born in North Wales, father of Mrs. English, Mrs. Elizabeth Sewell, Mrs. Roskamp, Mrs. Thomson, Irving, Scot and FP 10-Sep-1964 B10 Morgan Dave, service at Cumberland United Church, bur. Cumberland cemetery (Piercy FH) Valerie Son of M/M D.J. Morgan of Cumberland Mae FP 28-Feb-1962 8 Whittaker FP 28-Aug-1963 8 Dtr/o M/M Keith Morgan of Victoria Robert Dtr/o M/M Duncan T. Morgan of Penticton Graham FP 16-Sep-1964 8 Baird First New Year's baby in Comox Valley, son of Sgt/Mrs. FP 8-Jan-1964 1 G.A.N. Morin of Courtenay, 7 lb 8 oz, 19.5 inches Robert B. FP 7-Feb-1962 Morison 12 FP 10-Apr-1963 10 FP 8-Jul-1964 13 FP 15-Feb-1961 8 Jack Alexander FP 7-Nov-1962 McDonald 5a Resident of Campbell River, mother of Heather and Douglas, stepmother of Robert and Ian Morison, service at McCall Bros., cremation Son of LAC/Mrs. Robert Morrick, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. R. Morrick, RCAF Comox Son of F/O and Mrs. Kenneth Morris, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Henry Morris of Campbell River, engagement announced 26 Sep page 14 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper South Wales Date Page Benjamin FP 8-Jan-1964 Evans 5 Louise Morris FP 21-Jul-1965 9 Robert Lewis Edwards FP 20-Sep-1961 9 MORRIS Sophia M MORRIS William Hobart Death Nanaimo MORRISH Beryl Anne M Cumberland, Holy Trinity MORRISON (boy) Birth Comox FP 13-Sep-1961 2 MORRISON (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 11-Apr-1962 2 MORRISON (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 1-Jan-1964 age 48 MORRISON Barry John Death Victoria MORRISON Barry John M Cumberland United Church MORRISON Caroline Gail M Victoria MORRISON Donald McLeod Death Little River MORRISON Edward Grey Death Cumberland age 71 MORRISON Mora Evangeline M MORRISSEY (boy) Birth MORTIMER Norrie Diane M MORTIMER Sally Allen M MOSHER (boy) Birth age 24 age 61 Gloria Galley 5 FP 27-Oct-1965 10 Gloria Jean FP 29-Nov-1961 10 Galley Bruce Frederick FP 1-Aug-1962 3 Fraser Alice Louise FP 2-Dec-1964 2 Morrison Evelyn Morrison FP 29-Jan-1964 15 St. Andrew's United Ross Steele FP 3-Jul-1963 Ballantyne Comox Cumberland United Church Cumberland United Church Comox David Dorino Galeazzi Ehor Dmytro Kuchta 3 FP 22-Apr-1964 2 FP 27-May-1964 3 FP 15-May-1963 14 FP 5-Jul-1961 2 Info/Kin 50th wedding anniversary celebrated Born in Edmonton, Alberta, manager of Eaton store, father of Gary and Jon, siblings also named, service at Westwood FH, cremation Dtr/o M/M J.F. Morrish of Leeds, England, engagement announced 23 Aug page 15 Son of M/M Norman Morrison of Courtenay Son of M/M Barry Morrison of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Barry Morrison of Cumbeerland Result of car accident on October 9, born in Cumberland, father of John and Terri-Ann, son of Mrs. H. Stoltzenberg, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of Mrs. Violet Stolzenberg of Cumberland and late Jack Morrison, engagement announced 18 Oct page 10 Dtr/o Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Mackenzie Morrison, formerly of Courtenay Born in Inverness, Scotland, father of Edie and Donald, service at Sutton FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Born in Edmonton, Alberta, resident of Royston, father of Carolyn, Gordon, Edwaard and Frank, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M Donald J. Morrison of Sydney, Nova Scotia, engagement announced 27 Mar page 14 Son of LAC/Mrs. Donald Morrissey, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Mrs. A.N.B. Mortimer and the late Major Mortimer of Cumberland Dtr/o Mrs. A.N.B. Mortimer of Cumberland and late Major Mortimer, engagement announced 15 May page 14 Son of M/M Charles Mosher of Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper MOSHER Amanda Jane New Death age 75 Westminster MOSHER Clifford Everett Death Victoria age 39 John Clifford Mosher Date Page FP 21-Mar-1962 14 Louise Helen FP 29-Aug-1962 Barrows William David Raymond FP 26-Dec-1962 Cottingha m FP 5-Feb-1964 FP 7-Apr-1965 10 MOSLEY Mary Susanne M MOSNIER MOSS (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox MOSS Ernest Death Victoria age 82 Iris Higgins FP 15-Aug-1962 11 MOSS Frances Mary Death Vancouver age 43 Fern Argyle Moss FP 28-Apr-1965 1 MOSSEY Margaret Joan M MOSTOWY MOTOKADO MOTOKADO MOTOKADO (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Cumberland United Church Comox Comox Comox Comox MOUAT (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 8-Aug-1962 MOUNCE (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 29-Sep-1965 9 MOUNCE (girl) Birth Cumberland MOUNCE Clifton E. Death Victoria MOUNCE Lydia Bertha Death Edmonton, Alberta MOUNTAIN (boy) Birth Comox MOVITZ Frank Death Comox 2 3 2 10 16 2 2 Vivian Aspesi Harry E. Mounce age 80 single Son of F/S and Mrs. H. Mosnier, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Harry Moss of Courtenay Born in Hawk Green, Marpole, England, former resident of Comox, first wife dec'd, father of Thomas and Mrs. Johnston Barr, brother of Charles, Wilfred, Thomas and William, service at Haywood's FH Died after mercy flight from Comox, born in Saskatchewan, nee Bunnah, mother of Lynn Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Peter Mossey of Cumberland, engagement announced 21 July page 8 Son of Cpl/Mrs. N. Mostowy, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. R. Motokado, RCAF Comox Son of Cpl/Mrs. R. Motokado, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Robert Motokado, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Ivan Mouat, nee Sue Greig, of Baker Lake, NWT Son of Mr./Mrs. Stanley Mounce Jr. of Royston Dtr/o M/M S. Mounce Jr., nee Lorraine Feely, of Royston Born in Cumberland, father of Trudy and Ron, bro/o FP 26-Dec-1962 1 Hazel Strachan, Stanley and Gordon (died 1923), Formerly of Cumberland, nee Davis, husband died FP 10-Sep-1964 B10 1944, mother of Gordon and Clifton, both dec'd, bur. in Edmonton FP 19-Feb-1964 16 Son of M/M R. Mountain of Courtenay Born in Elgin, Illinois, brother of Cora, Elizabeth and William in Illinois, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay FP 28-Mar-1962 2 cemetery FP 20-Jun-1962 2 age 55 Born in North Vancouver, victim of murder-suicide, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery 3 Roy David FP 18-Aug-1965 5 Taylor 2-Jan-1963 3-Apr-1963 20-May-1964 11-Apr-1962 Born in Nova Scotia, nee Henderson, mother of Raymond, Clifford, Rose, Claribel and Adella, service in Burrard Chapel, bur. North Vancouver cemetery Dtr/o M/M Stanley J. Mosley RCAF Protestant Chapel FP FP FP FP Info/Kin Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper St. George's age 9 months United Date Page Dtr/o M/M Arthur Movold of Campbell River MOVOLD Sheri Lee Chr MOW Chin Death Cumberland age 79 FP 21-Oct-1964 1 MOWATT MUCKLE (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 4-Jul-1962 2 FP 30-Aug-1961 2 MUDGE Hilda Joan M Can. Martyrs RC church Guy Phillippe Brulotte FP 15-Jul-1964 Judith May FP 10-Oct-1962 2 MacDonal d FP 22-Jul-1964 MUELLER James Gratian M Union Bay United Church MUIR girl and boy Birth Chemainus MUIR Karen Gail M Willow Point Arran Dowley Anne Catherine FP 8-Nov-1961 Dennely 2 FP 20-Mar-1963 B5 MUIR Robert Arnold M MULLIGAN Thorold Irvine M Nanaimo MULLINS Gary Edward M Vancouver MUNRO MUNRO (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox MUNRO Frances Margaret M Vancouver, Unitarian MURDOCH (boy) Birth Comox MURLAK Michael Death Cumberland age 62 MURPHY MURPHY (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 11-Jan-1961 14 FP 17-Apr-1963 2 MURPHY (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 9-Oct-1963 FP 3-Feb-1965 Son of M/M H.B. Mowatt of Courtenay Son of M/M James Muckle of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Wilfred T. Mudge of Royston Son of M/M Meuller of Prince George, engagement announced 12 Sep page 12 Twins of M/M R. Muir, nee Cathy Dennehy, of Ladysmith, grandchildren of M/M Ronald Muir of Comox Dtr/o M/M F.J. Muir of Willow Point, married at home Son of M/M Ronald Muir of Comox Can. Martyrs RC church Lorna Margaret FP 2-Jun-1965 Guthrie Doreen Katherine FP 22-Sep-1965 Dyer FP 17-Jun-1964 FP 23-Sep-1964 Peter Lawrence FP 26-Sep-1962 Money FP 18-Sep-1963 Found dead in his cabin, inquest called B2 FP 13-Jun-1962 2 Tena Murlak Info/Kin 2 3 Stationed at Comox, son of Mr./Mrs. Irvine Mulligan of Aylmer, Quebec Son of Mr./Mrs. Edward A. Mullins of New Westminster C6 2 B5 2a 2 B8 2 Son of M/M A.G. Munro of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Donald Munro of Fanny Bay Dtr/o M/M Edward A. Munro of Courtenay, engagement announced 22 Aug page 12 Son of M/M Victor Murdoch of Courtenay Born in Poland, father of Michael, Christine, Loreen and Mrs. M. Ellis, service at Can. Martyrs RC church, bur. Courtenay cemetery (Piercy FH) Son of M/M Patrick Murphy of Courtenay Son of LAC/Mrs. Gerald Murphy, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Gerald Murphyof Cumberland Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper MURPHY MURPHY (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox MURPHY David D'Arcy M Campbell River United Church MURRAY (girl) Birth Winnipeg, Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba Date Page FP 8-Feb-1961 14 FP 30-Jan-1963 2 Judith Margaret Bunten 2 Gemma Marguerite FP 14-Jun-1961 12 Robitaille Charles Victor M MURRAY Harold Evoy Death Vancouver MURRAY Jacqueline M Cumberland, Holy Trinity MURRAY Michele Sandra Birth Winnipeg, Manitoba MUTRIE George Ranson Death Victoria MYERS MYHRES NAARTNAN (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth NADASDI Paul Death Cumberland age 59 NAIRN NAIRN (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox NAIRN Phyllis Leita M St. Andrew's Anglican age 71 Jeannette FP 3-Mar-1965 Redding Dennis Edward Rye 12 Alphonsin FP 15-Apr-1964 5 a Prevost Comox Comox Comox FP 16-May-1962 2 FP 5-Sep-1962 2 FP 3-May-1961 14 Barbara Ann Kiuppi Dtr/o M/M C.V. Murray of Winnipeg, gdtr of M/M W.F. Murray of Courtenay, 8 lb 4 oz Son of M/M W.F. Murray of Courtenay, engagement announced 14 Jun page 12 Born at Armstrong, BC, taught school here, father of Donald of North Vancouver, service at North Lonsdale United Church Dtr/o M/M James Murray of Cumberland FP 28-Aug-1963 2 FP 23-May-1962 2 age 80 Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Gerald Murphy, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M D. Murphy of Courtenay Son of M/M D. Murphy of Royston FP 26-Apr-1961 3a FP 8-May-1963 MURRAY Info/Kin FP 17-May-1961 14 FP 17-Jun-1964 2 FP 24-Nov-1965 11 Raymond Elvin FP 2-May-1962 Watkins 2 NAIRN William Alexander Death Vancouver age 76 Williecinni FP 4-Jul-1962 a Renwick NAPIER Edna Mary Ellen Death Victoria age 63 Rob Ross FP 17-Apr-1963 B5 Napier 12 Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. C.V. Murray, gdtr of M/M W. Murray of Courtenay Born in Ontario, former optometrist and jeweller in Courtenay, father of Beth Butler, service in Victoria, cremation Son of LAC/Mrs. Myers Dtr/o M/M M. Myhres of Qualicum Beach Dtr/o M/M Bernard Naartnan of Denman Island Born in Hungary, father of Ernie and Marg, bro/o Bill, service at Cumberland United Church, bur. Cumberland cemetery, floral tributes listed Son of M/M Jack Nairn of Youbou Son of Mr./Mrs. Jack Nairn of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M William Alexander Nairn of Merville, engagement announced 28 Mar page 16 Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, father of William Jr. and John, Janet, Mrs. E. Murtsell and Mrs. M. McHale, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Born in Victoria, nee Marwick, taught school on Denman Island in 1921 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Victoria, Grace Lutheran Date Page Margaret Rose McNeil FP 23-Aug-1961 9 Eleanor Berry FP 5-Dec-1962 Info/Kin From Vancouver, brother of Nick Nasar NASAR Anton M NASH Richard Douglas Death Comox NEAL (girl) Birth Comox FP 24-Apr-1963 14 NEDZELSKI (boy) Birth Comox FP 12-Jul-1961 2 NEDZELSKI Cynthia Lee Birth New Westminster FP 25-Jul-1962 2 Aka Carson Born in Montreal, son of Reginald Nash and Elizabeth Bain, brother of George, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Edward Andrew Neal, RCAF Comox Son of Const/Mrs. Edwin Nezelski, nee Barbara MacNaughten Twin dtr/o Const/Mrs. Edwin Nedzelski, nee Barbara McNaughten NEDZELSKI Katherine Marie Birth New Westminster FP 25-Jul-1962 2 Twin dtr/o Const/Mrs. Edwin Nedzelski, nee Barbara McNaughten NEELY (boy) Birth FP 9-Jun-1965 12 FP 6-Nov-1963 3 FP FP FP FP FP FP 16 13 2 10 4 3 age 53 Comox Chemainus United Church Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Donald Alan Nckull NEFF Brita Louvain M NEIFER NEIL NEIL NEILL NEILL NELSON (girl) (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth NELSON Jacqueline Ruth M Campbell River John Douglas Innes Ernest Bates 19-Feb-1964 2-Aug-1961 4-Sep-1963 7-Jun-1961 19-May-1965 7-Apr-1965 14 Son of LAC/Mrs. Michael Neely of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M J.R. Neff of Chemainus Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. L. Neifer, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Thomas Neil, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Thomas Neil, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Harry Neill, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/L and Mrs. T. Neill, RCAF Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. Leslie Nelson of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M W.E. Nelson, formerly of Courtenay FP 25-Apr-1962 13 Dtr/o Mrs. Janet Nelson of Port Alberni NELSON Sandra M Port Alberni, First United NELSON Thomas Death Richmond, BC NEROS Walter Olov M NESBITT NESBITT NESBITT NEWELL NEWELL (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Miller Memorial Chapel Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox age 65 FP 1-Nov-1961 9 FP 14-Oct-1964 B1 Diana Isabelle David FP 8-Nov-1961 5 FP FP FP FP FP 16 3 2 2 10 26-Feb-1964 27-Jan-1965 11-Sep-1963 5-Jul-1961 3-Apr-1963 Born in Cumberland, bro/o Jessie Lindsay, Margaret McCoy, Andrew and Ernest, service at Richmond FH, cremation Son of M/M O. Neros of Royston Son of LAC/Mrs. R. Nesbitt, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. R. Nesbitt, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Frederick Nesbitt, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. Jesse Newell, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Raynor Newell of Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper NEWLOVE NEWMAN NEWMAN NEWMAN NEWMAN (girl) (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox NEWMAN Brian Lee Death Minstrel Island NEWMAN Dennis Oliver M Courtenay, St. George's NEWMAN John Christian Death Comox NEWSON (boy) Birth Comox NEWSON Peter Walter M St. John the Baptist NICHOLS NICHOLS (boy) (boy) Birth Birth NICKEL Walter Edward NICKLAS (girl) Comox Comox Campbell Death River Birth Comox NICKOLSON Shannon Scott Death Comox NICKS Michael James M NICKULL Donald Alan M Ladysmith Chemainus United Church Comox Comox Comox United Church NIEUWEJAAR (girl) NIKLAS (girl) Birth Birth NIKLAS Gerald F. M NIKLAS Katherine Yvonne Death Comox FP FP FP FP FP age 7 months age 65 Date 11-Jan-1961 12-Apr-1961 27-Jun-1962 21-Aug-1963 2-Sep-1964 FP 8-Apr-1964 Page 14 2 2 2 3 5 FP 20-Nov-1963 3 Ada Emma Stahl FP 18-Jul-1962 14 FP 19-Jul-1961 2 FP 12-Sep-1962 3 FP 4-Apr-1962 2 FP 30-Oct-1963 2 age 54 Hilda FP 6-Jun-1962 Heywood FP 10-Jul-1963 age 10 months 12 2 FP 14-Apr-1965 11 Edith Janette FP 22-Apr-1964 2 Robertson Brita Louvain Neff Juanita Doris Pringle age 2 months Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. Donald Newlove, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Jack Newman, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Jack Newman of Courtenay Son of M/M Jack S. Newman of Courtenay Son of M/M J.S. Newman of Royston Son of M/M J.S. Newman, nee Coburn, of Courtenay, service at St. Peter's Comox, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M Cyril Newman of Royston Lois Wilkie Kathleen O'Brien Info/Kin FP 6-Nov-1963 3 FP 2-Dec-1964 FP 2-Sep-1964 5 3 Born in Jutland, Denmark, father of Robert, Jack, Frank, Thor, Alan, David and Chester, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M Douglas Newson Jr. of Comox Son of Mrs. G. Schreiber of Newmarket, England and late Mr. T. Newson Son of LAC/Mrs. John Nichols, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. John Nichols, RCAF Comox Born in Laird, Saskatchewan, service in Sutton's, Campbell River, bur. Campbell River cemetery Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. C. Nicklas, RCAF Son of Karen L. Nickolson, grandson of Mr./Mrs. David Janes of Grantham, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of Mr. Michael Nicks of Ladysmith Son of M/M J.A. Nickull of Nanaimo, formerly of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M E. Nieuwejaar of Royston Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Gerald Niklas, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Fred Niklas of Southey, Saskatchewan FP 27-Feb-1963 3 FP 25-Sep-1963 13 Dtr/o Gerald Niklas and Juanita Pringle of Comox, service at Faith Lutheran Church, bur. Courtenay cemetery Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper NIKOLAISEN Jean Wilhelmina M Courtenay, St. George's NINATTI (boy) Birth Port Alberni NINATTI (girl) Birth NINATTI Aldo John M NINATTI Janice Louise Chr NIXON NIXON NOBLE (boy) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth NOBLE James W. M Can. Martyrs RC church NORDBYE NORQUAY NORQUAY (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox NORRIS Rone Alma Lavona M Nanaimo Ladysmith, BC Nanaimo, Haliburton United Haliburton United Church Comox Comox Comox NORTHRUP Raymond Everett M Cumberland United Church NOVITS Darlene Ann M Humboldt, Sask. NOVOCEL Frank M Nanaimo NUCICH NUCICH (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox NURMI Eli Death Vancouver NUTTING Edward Ernest M Quadra Island OAKES (girl) Birth Comox Richard James Phye Date Page Dtr/o Edgar Scarff of Cumberland FP 1-May-1963 2 FP 17-Oct-1962 2 age 5 months FP 16-Aug-1961 8 FP 27-Sep-1961 9 Dtr/o M/M Norman Ninatti of Cassidy, formerly of Cumberland FP 12-Dec-1962 2 FP 11-Mar-1964 8 FP 4-Apr-1962 2 Sharon Marilyn Finlay Bernard James FP 17-Jul-1963 3 Sinclair Donna Heather FP 19-Sep-1962 10 MacKenzi e Edward FP 23-Dec-1964 9 Yakichuk Danica FP 14-Oct-1964 12 Potosetich FP 20-Jun-1962 2 FP 25-Sep-1963 3 Aili Lesell FP 5-Jul-1961 Ellen Lorraine Moore Son of M/M S.B. Nixon of Courtenay Son of M/M M/ Nixon of Courtenay Son of F/Sgt and Mrs. John Noble, RCAF Comox Son of Mrs. Joseph Ahlgren of Vermillion, Alberta FP 11-Dec-1963 3 FP 28-Aug-1963 8 FP 6-Dec-1961 2 FP 11-Sep-1963 2 age 58 Son of M/M Aldo Ninatti Dtr/o M/M Norman Ninatti of Cassidy, formerly of Cumberland Son of Mrs. Joe Bernardson and late John Ninatti of Cumberland FP 19-Apr-1961 9 Irene Frances Flett Info/Kin 14 Son of LAC/Mrs. Alan Nordbye, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/Lt. and Mrs. H. Norquay, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/L and Mrs. Howard Norquay, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Ronald Norris of Nanaimo, engagement announced 5 June page 13 Son of M/M Everett Nurthrup of St. John, New Brunswick, engagement announced 8 Aug page 14 Dtr/o M/M Louis Novits of Humboldt, formerly of Courtenay Resident of Cumberland Son of Cpl/Mrs. Robert Nucich, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Robert Nuich, RCAF Comox Born in Finland, father of Bill, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of Mrs. M. Nutting of Quadra Island FP 25-Oct-1961 3a FP 27-Jun-1962 2 Dtr/o M/M George Oakes of RR1 Campbell River Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page OBERMULLER Max Albert Death Comox Johanna 7 jul 1891 Obermulle FP 5-Jun-1963 r 12 OBESTER Joseph Death age 20 12 O'BRIEN Kathleen M O'BRIEN Mabel Marie Death Comox O'CONNELL Larry M Can. Martyrs RC church O'CONNOR O'CONNOR ODDY (boy) (girl) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox O'DONNELL Hugh John M Courtenay, St. George's OELRICH OFFERSEN (girl) (girl) Birth Birth OFFERSEN Sharon Ivy Chr OHLMES Denise M Victoria OLAFSON (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 6-Jan-1965 OLAFSON (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 14-Nov-1962 16 OLAFSON Arvid Lawrence M Ladysmith, St. John's OLDALE Mary Death Powell River age 87 Jeannette Agnes Joseph Death Cumberland ####### Napoleon FP 12-Apr-1961 12 Oligny OLIGNY St. John the Baptist Comox Comox St. John's Anglican age 35 single FP 8-Nov-1961 Peter Walter Newson FP 12-Sep-1962 3 George O'Brien FP 25-Aug-1965 11 Joan Marie Savoie FP 29-Jul-1964 3 FP 8-Feb-1961 14 FP 15-Apr-1964 6 age 3 months Dennis Hird Anne Cordelia Sugdon Thomas Oldale FP 15-Jul-1964 Born at Hoffleven, Germany, father of Otto, Mrs. E. Beattie and Mrs. R. Armstrong, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Logging accident, son of M/M John Obester, service at St. Patrick's church, Campbellton, bur. Campbell River cemetery, grandson of M/M Dobos of Mission Dtr/o M/M John O'Brien of Dundee, Scotland Born in Comox, dtr/o Isaac Frank and Louisa Wilson, 4 children, service at St. John RC, bur. Comox Indian cemetery (Sutton FH) Son of M/M M. O'Connell of Penticton 5 FP 1-Dec-1965 12 FP 22-Jan-1964 16 FP 28-Mar-1962 2 Irene Viola FP 6-Jun-1962 Byers Info/Kin 3 FP 26-Jun-1963 12 B2 Son of Dr/Mrs. Douglas O'Connor of Courtenay Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. J. O'Connor, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Delbert Oddy of Comox Son of Mrs. H. O'Donnell and late Mr. O'Donnell of Winnipeg, engagement announced 18 Apr page 13 Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Richard Oelrich, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M H. Offersen of BlackCreek Dtr/o M/M H. Offersen of BlackCreek, grdtr of M/M R. Sturgess of BlackCreek Dtr/o M/M Ohlmes of Victoria Son of Mr./Mrs. Lawrence Olafson of Cumberland Dtr/o Constable and Mrs. Larry Olafson of Cumberland Son of M/M Axel Olafson of Lac Du Bonet, Manitoba FP 28-Jun-1961 9 Former resident, mother of Mrs. Roy Simpson, Charles FP 10-Sep-1964 B10 and Thomas, service and burial in Powell River Born in Golden, BC, nee Nattrass, resident of Fanny Bay, mother of Reginald, sis/o Mrs. E. Vaughan and Howard, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper OLIVER Donald Gary M Duncan OLKOVICK OLKOVICK (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox OLKOVICK Lafe M Courtenay, St. George's Lorraine Yvonne Despins Date FP 15-Jul-1964 Page B7 FP 8-Nov-1961 2 FP 30-Sep-1964 10 Donna Priscilla White OLKOVICK Mamie Gertrude Death Courtenay OLSCAMP OLSCAMP OLSEN (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox OLSEN Joanne Elizabeth M Comox, St. Peter's OLSEN Roy E. M Tofino Eleanor Mavis FP 22-Feb-1961 13 Somerville James Kerr FP 11-Jul-1962 14 Logan Pearl FP 31-Oct-1962 9 Homenke OLSEN Russell M Calgary, St. Mark's Anglican OLSEN Shirley Louise M Cumberland United Church O'MALLEY Charles Death Heriot Bay O'NEIL (boy) Birth O'NEILL O'NEILL (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Prince Edward Island Comox Comox ONYSKO Barbara Eleanor M Vancouver OPPEL (boy) Birth Comox OPPEL Wilfred Edward M Elim Gospel Hall, Courtenay age 70 Fred Olkovick FP 26-Apr-1961 3a FP 22-Sep-1965 12 FP 1-Feb-1961 14 FP 20-Jun-1962 2 FP 27-Mar-1963 9 Douglas Stuart Orchard Isabel Grant age 67 Info/Kin Son of Mrs. Charles and the late Charles Oliver of Yarrow, BC Son of M/M Lafe Olkovick of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M L. Olkovick of Courtenay Son of M/M Fred Olkovick of BlackCreek, engagement announced 12 Apr page 12 Born in Piqua, Kansas, nee Conover, mother of Mrs. E. Tenny, Fred, Arnest and Lafe, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery. See Funeral 29 Sep page 3 Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Joseph Olscamp, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. R. Olscamp of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Albert Olsen of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M B.W. Olsen FP 25-Sep-1963 3 FP 26-Sep-1962 3 Supported by Fred Olsen Son of M/M R. Olsen of Edmonton, marriage announcement Dtr/o M/M Albert Olsen of Cumberland Born in Quebec, found dead, wife dec'd, one ste-dtr in Vancouver, Sutton's FH Son of M/M Robert O'Neil FP 15-May-1963 7 FP 21-Aug-1963 2 FP 10-Jun-1964 2 Edward Alan Blinston Dtr/o M/M Pat O'Neill of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M J. O'Neill of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M A. Robinson of Fairmont Hot Springs, BC FP 11-Sep-1963 3 FP 11-Dec-1963 3 Audrey Elizabeth FP 27-Mar-1963 2 Young Son of M/M F. Oppel of Courtenay Son of M/M Magnus Oppel of Courtenay, engagement announced 20 Feb page 13 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page ORCHARD (boy) Birth Comox ORCHARD Donna Lea M Vancouver ORCHARD Douglas Stuart M Comox, St. Peter's ORPANA (girl) Birth Port Alberni FP 11-Apr-1962 3 ORR (girl) Birth Comox FP 7-Aug-1963 ORR John Robert Death Comox age 55 ORR Joseph Elmer Death Comox age 56 OSBORNE O'SHEA (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox Bernadee n FP 5-May-1965 9 Shannon FP 12-Dec-1962 2 FP 18-Oct-1961 10 OSIPOW Edward M Sandwick Anglican Lydia FP 2-Jan-1963 Dechamps St. John the Baptist OSMAN Brenda Rose M OSMAN Rose Death Victoria OSTACHEK OSTASHEK (boy) (girl) Birth Birth OUELLETTE W. M OUTHOUSE (boy) Birth OVERTON Jesse Henry Death Courtenay OVINGTON (girl) Birth OWEN Emma Death Essondale FP 18-Mar-1964 2 Robert Allan FP 30-Oct-1963 7 Colling Joanne Elizabeth FP 25-Sep-1963 3 Olsen age 88 Comox Comox Comox age 76 single FP 19-Sep-1962 14 Christoph er Brian FP 14-Feb-1962 Henderso n Henry Robert FP 11-Jan-1961 Osman FP 30-Jun-1965 FP 3-Oct-1962 Mrs. Davind FP 8-Aug-1962 Shillito FP 12-Dec-1962 Edith Bamber Comox Thomas Owen Son of M/M Donald Orchard of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M John Orchard Son of M/M John Orchard of Courtenay Dtr/o Pastor and Mrs. O. Orpana, 7 lb 15 oz Dtr/o M/M Fred Orr of Courtenay Born in Stavely, Alberta, son of James Orr and Elle Ward, predeceased by 3 siblings, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Born at High River, Alberta, wife dec'd, father of Fred, bro/o Ellen, Annie, Margaret and George, service at Sutton FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. F. Osborne, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. Ronald O'Shea, RCAF Comox Formerly of Alberta, will live in Courtenay 3 2 10 10 Dtr/o M/M James J. Osman of Comox, engagement announced 24 Jan page 14 Born in Berkshire, England, nee Sharp, mother of Archibald, James, Edith and Doris, service in Victoria Son of LAC/Mrs. T. Ostacheck, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Thomas Ostashek, RCAF Comox Shower for bride at Union Bay 10 2 FP 23-Sep-1964 C1 FP 1-May-1963 age 80 2 Info/Kin 7 FP 17-Oct-1962 9 Son of Sgt/Mrs.W. Outhouse, RCAF Comox Born in Lincolnshire, England, father of Doris and Edna, wife died 1960, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M Francis Ovington of RR1 Cumberland Nee Lockett, Born in Henley, Staffordshire, England, mother of John, Kenneth and Thomas, sis/o Mrs. Selina Ball of Cumberland, service at McCall FH, Victoria, cremation Surname OWEN Givens Marilyn Gwen Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper M Date James Walter FP 25-Jul-1962 Surgenor Lloydminster , Alberta OWEN William Arthur Death Cumberland age 79 PAGDIN PAINTER (boy) (boy) Birth Birth PAISLEY Wayne M Comox Comox Cumberland United Church Edith Blanche Horne Page 14 FP 21-Jun-1961 12 FP 24-Mar-1965 11 FP 6-Jan-1965 B2 Marilyn Parkin Flora Irene Stauffer Paul Edwin M PALMER Alice Death Campbell River PALMER Ernest O. Death Vancouver PANKRATZ PANKRATZ PANKRATZ (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Durham FP 13-Dec-1961 Palmer Roxy Eileen FP 3-Apr-1963 Simmons FP 2-Aug-1961 FP 21-Nov-1962 FP 5-Jun-1963 PANKRATZ David Donald M BlackCreek, United Mennonite Lenora Ann FP 11-Jul-1962 Hoeppner 11 PAPSO Paul Michael M Courtenay, St. George's Norma Jean Hunden FP 29-Jul-1964 3 PAQUETTE Ellen Edith Death Comox Fred Paquette FP 14-Apr-1965 11 PARDIAC (girl) Birth PARDIAC Adam Joseph Death Comox PARDIAC Irene Mary M age 79 Comox Can. Martyrs RC church Jessie Pardiac Son of Mr./Mrs. Thomas Pagdin of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. S. Painter of Courtenay Grandson of Mrs. Ben Ployart FP 13-Sep-1961 13 FP 1-Nov-1961 age 72 Born in Swansea, Wales, engineer and architect, father of Arthur (died 1931) and Olga, wife died 1955, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of Mrs. E. Palm and late Mr. Palm of Kaleden PALM age 55 Dtr/o M/M Paul Owen of Lloydminster, engagement announced 25 Jul page 14 FP 18-Aug-1965 3 Alert Bay, Christ Church age 71 Info/Kin 13 10 13 2 2 2 FP 24-Jun-1964 12 Jacques Joseph FP 11-Dec-1963 3 Besmargia n Nee Cundall, born in England, formerly of Winnipeg, mother of Richard and Ray, service in Vancouver Born in Cumberland, brother of Mrs. Dave Aitken, father of 2 dtrs Son of M/M Henry Pankratz of BlackCreek Dtr/o M/M David Pankratz of BlackCreek Dtr/o M/M H. Pankratz of BlackCreek Formerly of Yarrow Son of late M/M Mike Papso, grandson of M/M James Whyte Sr. Born in England, nee Medhurst, Merville settler, mother of Joyce, Mrs. Stan Betts and Doris, service at Sutton FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M Roy Pardiac of Courtenay Born in New Richmond, Quebec, father of Bert, Gus, Don, Roy, Mrs. L. Hearn and Irene, service at Can. Martyrs RC, bur. Cumberland cemetery Dtr/o M/M Adam Pardiac Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Robin Douglas Seaman St. George's United Date Page PARK Judith Eleanor M PARKE (girl) Birth PARKE Ronald M PARKER PARKER PARKER PARKER PARKER PARKER PARKER PARKER (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Cumberland United Church Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox PARKER Edith Emily M Victoria PARKER Richard G. L. Death Burnaby PARKER Robert James M Campbell River United Church Kay Joan FP 19-Sep-1962 3 Johnson PARKER Victor Edward M Courtenay, St. George's Shirley Kathleen Ennis PARKIN (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 25-Jan-1961 7 PARKIN (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 28-Nov-1962 2 PARKIN PARKIN PARKIN (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox FP 20-Jun-1962 2 FP 5-Feb-1964 2 FP 6-Oct-1965 9 PARKIN Cheryl Ann Death Courtenay age 3 months FP 7-Mar-1962 PARKIN Leslie Harold Death Vancouver age 3 months FP 13-Mar-1963 6 PARKIN Marie Irene M Sandwick Anglican FP 19-Apr-1961 2 FP 23-Sep-1964 B5 Cherolynn FP 8-Apr-1964 e Galeazzi FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP age 62 George Yates Helen Crease 27-Sep-1961 2-May-1962 14-Nov-1962 12-Jun-1963 7-Apr-1965 9-Aug-1961 6-Nov-1963 6-Oct-1965 Info/Kin Dtr/o M/M Andrew B. Park, , engagement announced 1 Mar page 11 Dtr/o M/M Ronald Parke of Courtenay Son of M/M F. Parke of California 12 8 2 16 2 3 10 2 B9 FP 22-Jan-1964 3 FP 15-Feb-1961 14 Son of LAC and Mrs. Daniel Parker, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Walter Parker of Courtenay Son of M/M C. Parker of Courtenay Son of LAC/Mrs. V. Parker, RCAF Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. R.J. Parker of Royston Dtr/o M/M Jake Parker of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Robert Parker of Courtenay Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Vernon Parker of Courtenay 50th wedding anniversary celebrated Born in England, brother of Jack and Philip Nichol, Doreen Richter and Mary Tron, service in Vancouver Son of M/M Edward C. Parker of Comox, engagement announced 15 Aug page 14 Son of Mr./Mrs. F.C. Parker FP 13-Oct-1965 B3 1 Lawrence FP 31-Oct-1962 3 Dingwall Son of M/M Robert Parkin of Cumberland Son of M/M Harold Parkin of Union Bay Dtr/o M/M R. Parkin of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Harold Parkin of Union Bay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Lee Parkin of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M George Parkin, one of triplets born 8 Dec 1961. See 14 Mar page 12, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Curtenay cemetery Died at Children's Hospital, son of M/M Harold Parkin of Union Bay, grandson of M/M Wm Parkin and M/M A. Cullen, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M Roy Parkin of Courtenay, engagement announced 10 Oct page 15 Surname PARKIN Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Cumberland United Church Marilyn M PARKIN Matthew Campbell Death River PARKIN Thelma Doreen (Penny) M St. John's Anglican PARKIN triplet girls Birth Comox PARKIN twin girls Birth Comox Wayne Paisley age 73 single Date Page Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. V.A. Parkin of Power House Road, FP 18-Aug-1965 3 FP 21-Aug-1963 14 Robert Wilson FP 22-Feb-1961 10 McMullen FP 13-Dec-1961 1 FP 10-Jun-1964 2 James Bernard Bailey PARKINSON Kathleen Diane M Sandwick Anglican PARLBY (girl) Birth Victoria FP 28-Mar-1962 2 PARLBY Diane Elizabeth Chr First United, infant Victoria FP 16-May-1962 5 PARLBY William Marshall Death Victoria PARNELL (boy) Birth PARNHAM Bertha Isabel Death Cumberland age 79 Charles J. FP 8-Feb-1961 Parnham 1 PARRISH Bernard Michael M Courtenay, St. George's Gwynnette Katherine FP 9-Jun-1965 Hames 2 PARRY PARRY PARSLEY (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox FP 22-May-1963 16 FP 1-Jul-1964 2 FP 23-May-1962 2 PARSONS (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 7-Oct-1964 6 PASCOE PASTA PATE PATTERSON (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP 12 16 B3 10 age 74 Comox Hazel Beatrice Laxton Info/Kin FP 1-Aug-1962 2 FP 13-Jun-1962 14 FP 12-May-1965 5 9-Jun-1965 20-May-1964 8-Dec-1965 30-Sep-1964 One of 16 children who came by sailing ship to Nanaimo in 1854, bro/o Ed Parkin, uncle of Alvin Parkin, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M W.E. Parkin of Lower Road Dtrs of M/M George Parkin, sisters for Dale, Joan and Sandra. See 14 Feb page 1, photo with names: Patricia Elaine, Mary Ellen and Cheryl Ann. Dtrs of M/M L. Parkin of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M W. Parkinson of Victoria, engagement announced 27 Jun page 12 Dtr/o M/M R. Parlby, nee Paddy Treen, gdtr of M/M H. Treen of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M R.B. Parlby christened, gdtr of M/M H.J. Treen and M/M R.C. Parlby Born in Hanley, Staffordshire, England, father of Marshall and Douglas, brother of Reginald, service at McCall Bros. FH, Victoria Son of Cpl/mrs. Wallace Parnell, RCAF Comox Nee Cameron, born in Eureka, Nevada, resident of Cumberland, Mother of Mrs. E.W.T. Bickle, Mrs. Harry Simpson and Bryson, service at Cumberland United Church, bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of Mr./Mrs. Bernard Parrish of Courtenay Son of M/M Raymond Parry of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M R. Parry of Courtenay Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Ronald Parsley, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M William A. Parsons of Cumberand Son of Cpl/Mrs. William Pascoe of Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. F. Pasta, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Peter Pate, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M H. Patterson of Beaver Cove Surname PATTERSON Givens (girl) Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Birth Comox PATTERSON Andrew David M Courtenay PATTERSON Frederick Murray M Comox, St. John's PATTERSON George Griando M PATTERSON Jacqueline Mary M PATTINSON Helen Edson, Death Alberta PATTISON F. W. M PAULHUS PAULS PAULS (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Distross, Moselle, France Comox Comox Comox PEACEY (boy) Birth Cumberland PEACEY David M Campbell River PEACH Laurie George Death Union Bay PEACOCK Dorothy Death Comox PEARCE (boy) Birth PEARCE Kate Agnes Death Courtenay PEARCE Kathleen Louise M PEARCE Nelson Frederick M Carole Patricia Andrews Penelope Margaret Louise Cauleene Lenena Hughes Jean Frederick Fourneau Grande Prairie, Alberta Cumberland United Church Page FP 7-Jul-1965 12 FP 2-Dec-1964 9 Shirley Clayton Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. A. Patterson of Courtenay Son of M/M A.W. Patterson of RR2 Courtenay Son of M/M Robert Patterson of Royston, engagement announced 22 Jan page 12 FP 19-Aug-1964 12 Son of Mrs. J.A. and the late Bentley Patterson of Grande Prairie FP 21-Jul-1965 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Henry Patterson of Cumberland, engagement announced 23 June page 10 B8 FP 13-Feb-1963 13 FP 5-Jun-1963 2 FP 11-Jul-1962 2 FP 12-Feb-1964 2 FP 16-Jun-1965 Vera Lawrentief FP 8-Jul-1964 f 3 age 23 single FP 2-Dec-1964 1 age 83 Frank Peacock FP 4-Sep-1963 10 age 85 Info/Kin FP 12-Feb-1964 2 FP 22-Mar-1961 12 Comox Portage la Prairie, MB Date Nee Shearer, former resident of Cumberland, sister of Mrs. T. Cessford, Mrs. J. Bond, Mrs. R. Thomson and Wm Shearer, mother of Jack and Mrs. George Graff Son of M/M F.J. Pattison of Victoria, BC, 2nd wedding to take Place 2 March in RC chapel in Moselle, engagement announced 13 Feb page 13 Son of M/M Norman Paulhus of Courtenay Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Kenneth Pauls, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. K. Pauls, RCAF Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. David Leacey of Courtenay Son of M/M E.W. Peacey of Royston FP 11-Dec-1963 3 Frederick Charles FP 17-Jan-1962 15 Pearce John FP 27-May-1964 12 Ferguson Dawn Edith FP 1-Sep-1965 B4 Moffat Born in Nova Scotia, highway accident, friend William Albert Mackin also killed Formerly of Vancouver, mother of Lewis James Keil, sis/o Polly Atalo and William Currell, aunt of Charlotte Marklund, husband died 1953, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of F/L and Mrs. R. Pearce, RCAF Comox Born in Chestsey, England, nee Miller, husband dec'd, mother of Kathleen and Bert, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o late M/M F.C. Pearce of Courtenay, engagement announced 27 May page 12 Son of Mr./Mrs. H.C. Pearce of Carmanah Point Light, Clo-oose, BC, formerly of Courtenay Surname PEARCE Givens Peter Charles Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date M Comox United Church Heather Baird Valentina Anastazja FP 8-Jul-1964 Stacewicz William Russell Slaughter Linda Lorraine Hodgins Agnes Proctor Ethel Christine Wilson Dorothy May Wood Page Info/Kin Son of Mr./Mrs. Charles W. Pearce of Courtenay FP 30-Jun-1965 5 Son of M/M Richard Pearce of Windsor, Ontario PEARCE Ronald Robert M RCAF Protestant Chapel PEARSE Doris Mae M Cumberland United Church PEARSE Harold Edward M Courtenay, St. John's PEARSE Thomas William Death Haney, BC PEARSON Frederick A. M St. George's United PEARSON Ronald Clifford M Sidney, BC PECK Margaret Death Cumberland age 58 PEDERSEN Andrew Philipp Birth Cumberland PEDERSEN Niels Stockholm Death Comox, The age 75 Fort PEDERSEN Robert Allen Birth Cumberland PEDERSEN Syverine Olava Death Comox PEDERSON (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 17-May-1961 2 PEDERSON (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 19-Feb-1964 16 PEDERSON Joy Maxine M Cumberland, Holy Trinity age 67 7 Dtr/o M/M W. Pearse of Minto FP 29-May-1963 7 FP 25-Aug-1965 12 FP 8-Jul-1964 7 FP 9-May-1962 3 Son of M/M G.R. Wood of Courtenay FP 13-Dec-1961 1 FP 6-Jun-1962 12 FP 13-Dec-1961 1 age 83 Born in Cumberland, bro/o John, Walter, Harold, Mary and Rachel, service in Vancouver, cremation Son of Mrs. A.G. Pearson of Penticton and late Mr. Pearson FP 16-May-1962 2 Mike Peck FP 13-Nov-1963 7 single Son of Mr./Mrs. Harold Pearse of Cumberland, engagement announced 4 August page 8 Severin FP 29-Jan-1964 14 Pedersen Allan Roland FP 31-May-1961 9 Mawryluk Nee Keuschnig, born in Austria, mother of Mike Jr. and a dtr in California, service in RC church, bur. Cumberland cemetery Twin son of M/M David A. Pedersen of Curtenay Born in Denmark, lived on fishing boat at Courtenay, relatives in Denmark, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Twin son of M/M David A. Pedersen of Curtenay Born in Norway, mother of Della, Marie, Signe, Edith, Pete, Alfred, Joe, Ollie and Bob, service at Sutton FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M Gerald Pederson, nee Judy Kerton, of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Gerald Pederson of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Alfred Pederson of Cumberland Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper PELLEGRIN Catherine M Castlegar PELTON (girl) Birth Comox PELTON Gilbert Albert Death Vancouver FP 17-May-1961 2 age 47 age 79 PENFOLD age 61 PENNIMPEDE (boy) PEPPER PERREAULT James Lawrence Pierrette Michelle Death Victoria Birth M Page Ronald FP 30-Aug-1961 3 Owen Lee PENDLEBURY Willoughby Montgomery Death Fane Comox John Henry Date Comox Denman United Church Lorna Mary Wood Hazel Margaret Page single FP 25-Apr-1962 16 FP 9-Jun-1965 11 Born in Deccan, India, resident of Comox, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery FP 7-Nov-1962 14 FP 8-Jan-1964 5 M Can. Martyrs RC church Harry Jarvis Van FP 26-Apr-1961 3 Sickle Judy Anne FP 12-Aug-1964 2 McQuillan PERRIE William James M Sandwick Anglican PERRIER PERRIN PERRIN PERRON PETERS (girl) (girl) (girl) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox PETERS Rhoda Mae M Nanaimo M BlackCreek, United Mennonite Dtr/o M/M Pietro Pellegrin of Castlegar Dtr/o M/M Norman Pelton of Courtenay Born in Proctor, BC, father of Karen, brother of Robert of Cranbrook, service at Hamilton FH, cremation FP 31-Jan-1962 2 Donna May Millard Info/Kin FP FP FP FP FP 14-Aug-1963 2-Aug-1961 10-Jun-1964 22-Aug-1962 25-Apr-1962 16 13 2 10 15 Raymond Eddie FP 25-Sep-1963 8 Beaudon Roman Catholic priest, born in Montreal, brother of Msgr Geoff Penfold Son of Cpl/Mrs. Frank Pennimpede, RCAF Comox Son of M/M L.E. Pepper of Bowser, engagement announced 4 Dec 1963 page 14 Dtr/o M/M Conrad Perreault of Victoriaville, Quebec Resident of Penticton, BC, son of Mrs. J. Perrie of Lantzville, engagement announced 29 Jul page 12 Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Robert D. Perrier, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Gerald Perrin of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Gerald Perrin of Courtenay Son of LAC/Mrs. B. Perron, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Carroll Peters, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Reuben H. Peters of Nanaimo Dtr/o M/M H. Peters PETERS Ruth PETERS Wesley Charles Death Comox PETERSEN PETERSEN (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox Isaac FP 11-Jul-1962 John Enns age 60 3 Ina Peters FP 19-Aug-1964 12 FP 28-Aug-1963 8 FP 12-May-1965 5 Born in Vancouver, resident of Union Bay, father of Fred, Marjorie and Betty-Jane, other family named, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery. Another obituary 26 Aug page B7 Son of LAC/Mrs. John V. Petersen, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. John Petersen, rcaf, Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper PETERSEN Bertram Lawrence M Courtenay, St. George's PETERSEN Eleanor Annie Lokke M Courtenay, St. George's Sonja Doreen Lehti Dennis Kenneth Hansen Page FP 22-Nov-1961 2 Death Victoria PETERSEN Karl Albert M Alberni, All Saints FP 8-Feb-1961 12 PETERSON (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 5-Dec-1962 PETERSON (girl) Birth Comox FP 18-Oct-1961 10 PETERSON (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 25-Sep-1963 3 PETROWITZ Penelope Gail M Courtenay, St. George's PEYTON Donald Milsom Death Campbell River PEZEL (boy) Birth Comox FP 24-Oct-1962 2 PEZEL (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 14-Apr-1965 5 PEZEL Ljuba Death Vancouver PHILIPP Elizabeth Anne M Comox, St. Peter's PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox PHILLIPS Douglas Death Comox PHILLIPS Margaret M Pearl Yvonne FP 27-May-1964 2 Anderson age 82 age 54 2 Born in Seattle, Washington, nee Sturgeon, resident of Milnes Landing, mother of Dennis Hird, other family named, service at Chaplin FH, bur. Hatley Memorial Park Son of Mrs. Anna Petersen of Comox Son of M/M Elwood Peterson of Cumberland Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Edward Peterson, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M E.V. Peterson of Royston Dtr/o M/M Fred Petrowitz of Courtenay FP 21-Oct-1964 12 FP 16-Aug-1961 11 Peter Pezel FP 16-Oct-1963 16 Michael Berkley Gage FP 23-Jan-1963 6 Born in Gloucestershire, England, father of R.J., Mrs. E. Conway and Mrs. M.E.McDowall, service at Sutton's Campbell River Son of M/M Paul Pezel of Qualicum Beach Son of Mr./Mrs. Paul Pezel of Qualicum Beach Nee Svetich, born in Yugoslavia, formerly of Union Bay, mother of Walter and Thomas, service in Vancouver Dtr/o M/M Albert E. Philipp of RR2 Courtenay FP FP FP FP age 84 Son of Corporal W.A.S. Petersen, RCMP, and Mrs. Petersen, of North Vancouver, formerly of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Hans Christian Petersen of Courtenay Elizabeth Roy Ernest Macey Edith Emily Smith Info/Kin FP 27-Nov-1963 2 PETERSEN Nanaimo age 42 Fred Petersen Date 22-Mar-1961 4-Mar-1964 12-Dec-1962 27-Mar-1963 2 2 2 9 Sarah Louise FP 13-Nov-1963 7 May Lyle Hamilton- FP 12-Jun-1963 2 Horne Son of M/M James R. Phillips of Courtenay Son of M/M S. Phillips of Qualicum Dtr/o M/M S. Phillips of Qualicum Dtr/o M/M Raymond Phillips of Royston Born in Wales, wife and son Jack dec'd, former resident of Denman Island, service and burial on the island Dtr/o M/M J.C. Phillips of Youbou Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page PHILLIPS Peter Death Cumberland age 73 Mary Harrison FP 20-Jun-1962 12 PHILLIPS Rosina Emma Death Comox John Phillips FP 16-Dec-1964 B5 PHYE (boy) Birth Duncan FP 22-May-1963 16 PHYE (girl) Birth Duncan FP 7-Oct-1964 PHYE Richard Brent Birth Duncan FP 29-Mar-1961 10 Jean Wilhelmin FP 1-May-1963 a Nikolaisen Doreen Marilyn York age 88 PHYE Richard James M Courtenay, St. George's PHYE Wilfred Denis M Courtenay, St. George's PICKARD (girl) Birth Comox PICKERING Florence Louise Death White Rock age 72 PICKERING John Death PICKERING Mary Teresa Death Comox PICKETTI PICKLES John Roy Arthur Charles M FP 13-Oct-1965 B6 age 44 John FP 16-Aug-1961 8 Pickering Florence Louise FP 1-Dec-1965 Pickering Haney, BC age 50 12 Allan FP 10-Nov-1965 3 Pickering Joan Marie FP 1-May-1963 Yaremchu k single FP 2-Jan-1963 Born in England, father of Walter, Ivy and Doris, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Born in Teignmouth, Devonshire, England, husband dec'd, mother of Mrs. Sturgess, sis/o F. Trout of Delia, Alberta, service at Sandwick Anglican, bur. Anglican cemetery Son of M/M Douglas Phye, nee Lynn Gray, of Youbou Dtr/o of M/M Richard J. Phye of Lake Cowichan, 8 lb 7.75 oz Son of M/M Douglas Phye, nee Lynn Gray, great grandson of Mrs. C. Richardson of Cumberland, 7 lb 7.5 oz Son of M/M Albert Phye of Merville 2 FP 18-Nov-1964 10 White Rock, age 81 BC Death Deep Bay 6 Info/Kin 7 13 Son of Mr./Mrs. Albert Phye of RR2 Curtenay, grandson of Mr./Mrs. James Yates, Merville settler Dtr/o M/M N. Pickard of Comox Formerly of Comox, born in Manchester, England, nee Dockery, mother of John, Trevor, Lillian, Florence and Kathleen, sis/o Bernard Dockery of Winnipeg, service at Chapel Hill FH, cremation Formerly of Comox, wife died 1961, son Leonard KIA 1944, father of John, Trevor, Lillian, Florence and Kathleen, service in White Rock Nee Savoie, resident of Hornby Island, mother of Allan and Janice, sis/o Albert, Leo, George, Francis, Mrs. A. Franchuk, Mrs. George Cowie and Josephine Strachan, service and burial on Hornby (Piercy FH) Son of M/M John Picketti of Cumberland, engagement announced 27 Mar page 14 Born at Lea Park, Alberta, son of M/M C.H. Pickles of Union Bay, bro/o Mrs. Murray Kennedy, Harold and Lisle, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper FP 4-Jan-1961 5 age 83 Thomas Henry Pidcock FP 4-Aug-1965 B9 age 77 Wesley Piercy FP 10-Jan-1962 15 New Westminster James William Young FP 28-Mar-1962 14 Courtenay, St. George's Barbara Rusch FP 22-May-1963 5 Son of Thomas Piercy of Deep Cove, BC, engagement announced 24 April page 13 Death Comox PICKWICK Katherine Death PIDCOCK Mary Harvey Death Comox PIERCY Annie Louise Death Comox PIERCY Deana Jean M PIERCY Harvey Leighton M PIERCY Jean Death Comox PIERCY Linda Anne M PIERCY Phyllis Mary Death Comox PIIKKILA PIIKKILA (boy) (girl) Birth Birth PIIKKILA Saul Veikko M PIKE (girl) Birth M PIKET PIKET (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Info/Kin Comox, The Eugene born 1882 Fort Pickwick Emeline Elizabeth Leo Desmond Page Born in Jersey, Channel Islands, mother of Mrs. Murray Kennedy, Harold and Lisle, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Nee Semaka, born in Poland, mother of Rudolph, Princeton, Ferdinand, Elizabeth, Edna and Victoria, son Eugene died 1959, husband died 1927, service at Piercy's FH, cremation Born in England, nee Holmes, mother of Mrs. M. Beatty, Bob, Reg, Richard, Herbert and Tom, service at St. John's Anglican, bur. Sandwick Anglican cemetery (Piercy FH) Nee Keenan, born at Woodstock, New Brunswick, mother of Mrs. Frank Street, sis/o Mrs. Laura Dickson and Mrs. flora Tweedie, service and burial on Denman Island Dtr/o M/M Melvin Piercy of New Westminster, engagement announced 28 Mar page 14 PICKLES PIKE Date age 88 age 67 Victoria Comox Comox Faith Lutheran Church Comox Comox United Church Comox Comox age 52 Charles H. FP 6-Jan-1965 Pickles James Leslie Piercy Dennis John Green Roy Piercy 2 FP 24-Nov-1965 2 FP 11-Aug-1965 B8 FP 21-Feb-1962 12 FP 11-Dec-1963 3 FP 14-Apr-1965 5 Miriam Vivian Koski Karen Joan Grant FP 15-Aug-1962 3 FP 1-Jan-1964 5 FP 3-Jun-1964 3 FP 20-Feb-1963 14 FP 12-May-1965 5 Born in Kirkbean, Scotland, nee Oliver, mother of John and Molly, Piercy FH, cremation (Relatives attend Sandwick funeral) Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Reginald C. Piercy of Courtenay, engagement announced 16 June page 10 Nee Street, born at Union Bay, mother of Carol and Alan, sis/o Frank Street and Olive Burgess, service and burial on Denman Island (Piercy's FH) Son of M/M F. Piikkila of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Sauli Piikkila of Courtenay Son of Samuel and late Mrs. Piikkila of Finland, engagement announced 11 Jul page 12 Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. George Pike, RCAF Comox Son of M/M C. Pike of Metchosin Dtr/o M/M Harold Piket of Denman Island Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. H. Piket of Denman Island Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page PIKET Leonard Day M Cumberland PILKINGTON PIMLOTT PIMLOTT (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Jeanie Henderso FP n FP FP FP PINEO Pete Camden M Omaha, Nebraska Judith Ann FP 18-Jan-1961 3 Graves PINNELL (boy) Birth FP 18-Jan-1961 2 PIPER Barbara M PIPER Mrs. Killy M Comox Nanaimo, United Church Nanaimo, Brechin United PIROZZINI (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 22-Mar-1961 2 PIROZZINI (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 22-Jan-1964 16 PISTO (boy) Birth Comox Grand Forks, BC Richard Hoyle 20-Mar-1963 3 20-Feb-1963 14 21-Feb-1962 10 19-Apr-1961 9 FP 8-Aug-1962 14 50th wedding anniversary, parents of Bill, Day, Lucy and Lillian Son of M/M Barry Pilkington of Campbell River Son of M/M Charles Pimlott of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M George Pimlott of Courtenay Son of Mrs. D.M. Pineo, nee Clary Piercy, and late Dr. Pineo Son of Sgt/Mrs. John Pinnell, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Mrs. Lewis Hein of Union Bay, engagement announced 8 Aug page 14 Resident of Union Bay Louis Hein FP 18-Jan-1961 2 FP 21-Mar-1962 2 age 80 George Henry Pitman PITMAN Katherine Death PITT (girl) Birth PITTZ PLATZ (girl) (girl) Birth Birth PLAYDEN Harry Thomas Death Cumberland age 65 Mavis Dane PLETZ Adelaine Edmunda Death Comox Benjamin FP 11-Dec-1963 3 Pletz PLEWES (boy) Birth PLOYART Virginia May Death Comox PLUMRIDGE Ralph Norman M Newark, Ohio Comox Comox FP 25-Aug-1965 11 FP 4-Apr-1962 2 FP 18-Apr-1962 2 FP 7-Oct-1964 6 age 55 Comox Oak Bay United Church Info/Kin FP 8-Mar-1961 10 FP 23-Jan-1963 16 age 64 Vyvian Merle Ployart FP 24-Jul-1963 1 Jennifer Katherine FP 3-Jun-1964 Costain 3 Son of M/M Joseph Pirozzini of Cumberland Son of M/M J. Pirozzini of Cumberland Son of M/M Ernest Pisto of Comox Born in Alberta, nee Hodgson, mother of Ruby Gillis of Courtenay, service at Rock Creek Dtr/o M/M R.F. Pitt, nee Anne Winnig Dtr/o F/L and Mrs. Eric Pittz, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Gerald Platz of Denman Island Born in London, England, father of Ben, Betty, Mavis, Kathleen and Miriam, service at St. John's Anglican, bur. Courtenay cemetery, Piercy's FH Born in Lang, Saskatchewan, nee Rudlick, sons and dtrs in Saskatchewan, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of Cpl/Ms. P. Plewes, RCAF Comox Found dead in home, suicide, born in Kansas, nee Sharp, mother of Mrs. W. Webber of Campbell River, service at Sutton FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M L.J. Plumridge of Vancouver Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper POLAHNUK William Death Bloedel POLDEN (girl) Birth Comox POLDEN Arthur Charles M Union Bay United Church POLDEN George Henry M Fanny Bay Anglican age 53 single Date FP 4-Oct-1961 Page 14 FP 18-Aug-1965 5 Lynda Louise Davies FP 7-Apr-1965 B10 Patricia Ellen FP 14-Oct-1964 3 Martin Arnold Polkinghor FP 30-Dec-1964 8 ne POLKINGHORNEJean Death Vancouver age 40 POLLOCK Donald George Death Vancouver age 31 POLLOCK Marilyn Fay M POLVI PONTO (boy) (boy) Birth Birth POOLE Kathleen Anne M Holy Trinity, Cumberland Bruce Arnold Martin POOLE Mary Margaret M St. Andrew's Anglican Roy G. FP 28-Mar-1962 14 Lougheed PORKOLAK (girl) Birth Comox Nanaimo, Brechin United Comox Comox single FP 19-Feb-1964 B1 Denis Alvari Buck FP 18-Jan-1961 2 FP 10-Jul-1963 FP 6-Jun-1962 2 2 FP 10-Jul-1963 9 FP 24-May-1961 2 age 70 Richard Porritt PORRITT Dorothy Death Comox FP 4-Aug-1965 3 PORTER PORTER (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 2-May-1962 FP 2-Dec-1964 2 5 POTKONJAK Helen M Cumberland, St. John's RC James Alfred Barrows FP 1-Aug-1962 10 POTKONJAK Milan M Cumberland United Church Barbara Judith FP 22-Aug-1962 11 Westfield Info/Kin Service at Campbell River RC church, bur. Campbell River cemetery, mother living in USSR, a niece at Calman, Alberta Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. George Polden of Fanny Bay Resident of Fanny Bay, engagement announced 3 March page 11 Son of M/M Carl Polden of Fanny Bay Born in Scotland, nee Sloan, mother of Arlene, Gordon and Roy, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Hospitalized since car accident in 1956, former resident of Sayward, son of Mrs. Jean Pollock, bro/o Lois, Dorothy, Marlene and Lana, service at Surrey FH, cremation Dtr/o M/M Lorne R. Pollock of Nanaimo, formerly of Courtenay Son of LAC/Mrs. Donald Polvi, RCAF Son of Cpl/Mrs. Raymond Ponto, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M C.H. Poole of Minto Dtr/o M/M C.H. Poole of RR1 Cumberland Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Joseph Porkolak, RCAF Comox Born in Stamford, England, dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Charles Simms, service in Port Alberni Son of F/O and Mrs. David Porter, RCAF Comox Son of f/l and Mrs. David Porter, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M R. Potkonjak, engagement announced 27 Jun page 13 Son of M/M R. Potkonjak of Cumberland, engagement announced 18 Jul page 14 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Frank Novocel Date Page Came from Yugoslavia two years ago, sister of John Tonzetich, Nanaimo hotel owner Son of M/M Roy Pouss of Courtenay Son of M/M R.W. Pouss of Courtenay Son of lac/Mrs. Thomas Powell, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. James Power, RCAF Comox Born on Prince Edward Island, wife dec'd, father of Mary, Anne, Margaret, Jack, Charlie, Pat and Oliver, service at Can. Martyrs RC, Sutton's FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Drowned, body not recovered, resident of Courtenay POTOSETICH Danica M Nanaimo POUSS POUSS POWELL POWER (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox POWERS Patrick Augustine Death Comox POWLING Norman George Death Comox Lake age 35 POZIN Michael John M Victoria PRAESTEGAARD (boy) PRATT (boy) PRATT (girl) PRATT (girl) PRATT (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP FP PRATT (girl) Birth Duncan FP 25-Nov-1964 7 PRATT Arthur B. M Asquith, Saskatchew an May Rushton FP 14-Mar-1962 10 Son of M/M Harold Praestegaard, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Ronald Pratt, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Gordon Pratt of Comox Dtr/o M/M G.. Pratt of RR1 Comox Dtr/o M/M A. Pratt of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Arthur M. Pratt, nee Margaret Meeres, of Lake Cowichan Formerly of Manchester, England, 50th wedding anniversary PRATT Arthur Melvin M Courtenay, St. John's Margaret Louise Meeres FP 15-May-1963 2 Son of M/M Arthur Pratt of Union Bay, engagement announced 17 Apr page 13 PRATT George William Death Kye Bay PRATT Leslie Anne Chr PRATT Tressa Mae PREECE Carol Margaretta JaneM Union Bay United Church FP FP FP FP age 79 Olive Hodgson Mrs. Powling Theresa Ann Hesleton 7-Mar-1962 5-Feb-1964 6-Jan-1965 10-Feb-1965 2 2 9 B8 FP 15-Feb-1961 14 FP 26-May-1965 1 Son of Peter Pozin of Campbell River FP 10-Mar-1965 B6 1-Mar-1961 15-May-1963 15-Nov-1961 20-Feb-1963 8-Jan-1964 12 7 2 14 Mildred 29 sep 1887 FP 22-Nov-1961 15 Richmond infant Death Cumberland age 70 Comox, St. Peter's FP 14-Oct-1964 12 Info/Kin FP 30-Dec-1964 12 Arthur Belton Pratt FP 10-Mar-1965 11 William James Minaker FP 8-Jan-1964 2 Born at New Barnet, London, England, father of Ronald, Norman, Gordon and Nellie, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M Art Pratt of Lake Cowichan, gdtr of M/M A.B. Pratt Born in Pugwash, Nova Scotia, nee Rushton, mother of Myra, Emily, Myrtle, Elizabeth, George and Arthur, sis/o Myrtle Smith of Nova Scotia, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Dtr/o M/M W.H.J. Preece of Comox, engagement announced 11 Dec 1963 page 15 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper PREECE Ethel May Death Courtenay PREECE Jane M age 69 Comox, St. Peter's Date Page James C. FP 21-Apr-1965 5 Preece James Minaker FP 11-Dec-1963 3 Robert Bernard FP 21-Feb-1962 Prenderga st William Henry FP 15-Nov-1961 Preston FP 23-Aug-1961 FP 17-Jan-1962 PRENDERGASTLucile Death Comox age 79 12 PRESTON Emmeline Mary Death Victoria age 95 PRICE PRICE (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox PRICE (boy) Birth Cumberland PRICE George Death Read Island age 21 PRINCE (girl) Birth PRING Clara Louise Death Comox PRINGLE Juanita Doris M PRITCHARD (boy) Birth PROWSE Gary Edward M PUETT Effie Caroline Death Comox PULLEN PULLEN (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox PULLEN Linda Jane Chr Courtenay , age 6 months St. George FP 4-Mar-1964 PURCELL PURNELL (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 18-Oct-1961 10 FP 1-May-1963 7 QUIN James Death Comox 9 8 2 FP 19-May-1965 4 Comox age 73 Comox United Church Comox Courtenay, St. George's age 81 age 68 Info/Kin Born in Swansea, Wales, mother of a dtr in Penticton, one in Alberta, a son in Scotland, service at Piercy FH, cremation Dtr/o M/M W.H.J. Preece of Comox, engagement announced 11 Dec 1963 page 15 Nee Halliday, born in Victoria, mother of Helen Simpson, Dorothy Ashby, Muriel Hart and James, sis/o Ida Moss and T.V. Halliday, service in Victoria, bur. Royal Oak Born in England, mother of Mrs. John Corrigall of Denman Island, Mrs. C.A. Strabble and Mrs. D. Marston (died 1960), service in Victoria Son of Sgt/Mrs. Hugh Price, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Duncan Price of Cumberland Son of Mr./Mrs. William Price of Cumberland Missing and believed drowned after fishing trawler found submerged FP 12-Sep-1962 2 Dtr/o M/M R. Prince of Courtenay Ernest Born at South Molton, England, nee Russell, mother of Charles FP 10-Sep-1964 B10 Muriel Hunter and Ronald, service at Sutton FH, Pring cremation Dtr/o M/M Robert Donald Irish of Kelowna Gerald F. FP 27-Feb-1963 3 Niklas FP 19-May-1965 1 FP 5-Aug-1964 Marion Darlene FP 14-Apr-1965 Case Frederick Wells FP 13-May-1964 Puett FP 23-May-1962 FP 18-Sep-1963 Janetta Quin FP 3-Jul-1963 16 3 5 2 2 6 Son of M/M D. Pritchard of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. A.W. Woods of Vancouver, BC, engagement announced 3 March page 11 Nee Darrock, born at Fort Wayne, Indiana, mother of Caroline Reimer of Courtenay, service at Sutton FH, cremation Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. L. Pullen, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M John Pullen of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M J.D. Pullen, gdtr of Mrs. M. Cobel and Mrs. I. Pullen Son of LAC/Mrs. Kenneth Purcell, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. Cliffod Purnell, RCAF Comox Born in Cumbernauld, Scotland, father of James W. Quin of Vancouver, service at Piercy FH Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper QUINN Karen Ann M Seattle, Washington RACE RADCLIFFE (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox RADFORD Carl Andrew Death Comox Douglas Allan Valley Laurence Ross M RAGA (girl) Birth RAGA (girl) Birth RAINBOW Edna Jean M RAKESTROW RAKESTROW RAMSDALE RAMSHAW (boy) (girl) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth RAMSHAW Dennis Richard M RAMSHAW Joanne Elizabeth M RANDALL James George Death Comox Page age 71 single Dtr/o M/M A. Quinn of Courtenay FP 14-Jul-1965 Sylvia Ann FP 6-Oct-1965 McFayden Campbell River Comox 11 9 FP 17-Jan-1962 2 FP 7-Oct-1964 John Allen FP 5-May-1965 McCreight Keremeos, BC Comox Comox Comox Comox Cumberland United Church Cumberland United Church FP FP FP FP age 74 Sharon Patricia Cofield James Edward Kelly Mary Lydia Randall Info/Kin FP 26-Jun-1963 3 FP 13-Mar-1963 2 FP 25-Jan-1961 7 Comox United Church RADFORD Date 21-Jul-1965 12-Aug-1964 5-Sep-1962 30-Oct-1963 6 Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. F. Race, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Eric Radcliffe, RCAF Comox Born in Comox, son of late Mr./Mrs. Artur L. Radford, grandson of late Mr./Mrs. Samuel Cliffe, bro/o Walter, Harry, Bertram and Edward, uncle of Mrs. W. Currie, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of Mr./Mrs. B.G. Radford of Comox, grandson of Mr./Mrs. John Catchpole and Mr./Mrs. Arthur Radford, grt grandson of Mr./Mrs. Sam Cliffe Dtr/o M/M Geo Raga, nee Sonya Kozeletski, 7 lb Dtr/o M/M Norman Raga of Cumberland Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. John A. Rainbow of Keremeos 2 5 2 2 2 FP 27-Feb-1963 9 Son of LAC/Mrs. Charles Rakestrow, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Chas Rakestrow, RCAF Comox Son of F/O and Mrs. R. Ramsdale, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M D. Ramshaw of Courtenay Son of M/M D.L. Ramshaw of Cumberland, engagement announced 16 Jan page 13 Dtr/o M/M Dennis Ramshaw of Cumberland FP 3-Jan-1962 7 FP 15-Mar-1961 12 RANDERSON Mary Jane Death Colwood age 80 William Randerso FP 8-Jan-1964 n RASMUSSEN Jens George Henry Death Comox age 71 Dorothy Roberts FP 4-Jan-1961 14 5 Born in Hampshire, England, brother of Alfred, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Nee Turton, born at Uxbridge, England. Formerly of Fanny Bay, husband died 1961, two sons died in Halifax explosion, mother of Mrs. Wm Girffin of Honeymoon Bay, service at Hirst FH, Duncan, bur. Mount View Cemetery, Duncan Born in Jutland, Denmark, resident of Pt Holmes, father of Bette and George (died in 1939), service at St. Peter's Anglican, Piercy's FH, cremation Surname RATHWELL Givens Fay Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page M Oak Bay United Church Robert Logan Gloria Alberta Hudson FP 26-Dec-1962 14 Stanley Lionel Seaby FP 20-May-1964 5 Dtr/o M/M Fred McNish of RR2 Courtenay FP 28-Oct-1964 B2 RAWLINS Kenneth Robert M Union Bay United Church RAWLINS Margaret June M Courtenay, St. George's RAWSON (boy) Birth Comox RAYER Louise Margaret M Campbell River United Church RAYNER Emily Death Victoria READER (boy) Birth Comox FP 30-Jan-1963 2 READING (boy) Birth Comox FP 11-Sep-1963 2 READING RECALMA REDEKOP REDFERN REDFORD (girl) (girl) (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP FP REDFORD Charles Death Courtenay REDMOND Raymond Frank Death Oyster River age 19 FP 28-Nov-1962 1 REED REED (boy) (girl) Birth Birth FP 25-Jan-1961 7 FP 8-Nov-1961 2 REED Robert George Death Comox REICH REICH REID REID (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Birth Horace T. FP 20-Mar-1963 14 Rayner Emily Redford Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Maud 24 Sep 1889 Price Son of M/M Robert Rawlins of Fanny Bay, engagement announced 7 Nov page 12 Dtr/o M/M Jack Rawlins of Courtenay FP 7-Apr-1965 3 Lawrence James FP 13-Jan-1965 B3 Marshall Amos age 79 Info/Kin 28-Oct-1964 21-Feb-1962 8-Nov-1961 7-Mar-1962 14-Jul-1965 2 10 2 2 3 FP 22-Apr-1964 16 FP 1-Mar-1961 10 FP FP FP FP 10 2 2 12 7-Jun-1961 17-Jul-1963 18-Dec-1963 22-Sep-1965 Son of F/L and Mrs. George Rawson, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Leonard W. Rayer of Saratoga Beach Formerly of Little River and Parksville, husband died abt 3 years ago, service in Victoria, ashes bur. St. Anne's Parksville Son of LAC/Mrs. R. Reader, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Terrance T. Reading, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. T. Reading, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Raymond Recalma of Qualicum Beach Son of M/M Edwin Redekop of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Ray Redfern of Denman Island Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Percy Redford of Courtenay Born in Lancashire, England, father of Harold and Walter, service at St. John's Anglican, Courtenay, bur. Courtenay cemetery (Piercy FH) Car accident, residient of Campbell River, son of Henry and Mary Redmond, born in Prince Albert, Sask. See obituaries on page 2, service and burial in Campbell River. See 13 Feb 1963 page 1, inquest Son of Cpl/Mrs. Maurice Reed, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Wm Reed, RCAF Comox Born in London, England, father of Mrs. Eileen Embleton and Ralph (died 1945), bro/o Arthur and Mrs. W. Ward, Sutton's FH, cremation in Vancouver Son of M/M Douglas Reich, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. D. Reich, RCAF Son of M/M Paul Reid of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. P. Reid of Courtenay Surname REID REID Givens (girl) Adrienne Elaine Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Birth M Comox Cumberland United Church Date Page FP 18-Apr-1962 2 Edward Charles Freek Dtr/o Lawson Reid REID Annie Mae M REID Margaret Christine Birth Vancouver REID Marie Elizabeth M Kingdom Hall Michael John FP 28-Oct-1964 B5 Carwithen Gloria Helen FP 21-Jul-1965 Cassaday REID Robert Alan M REIGE (boy) Birth Comox John Miller FP 11-Aug-1965 10 FP 11-Oct-1961 2 REIMER Betty M Victoria REIMER Caroline Acenith Death Nanaimo age 55 REIMER Lorene Mamie Death Comox age 67 REMPEL REMPEL REMPEL RENNIE (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth RENNIE Caren Edith Chr RENNIE Kathleen Maude Chr RENNISON Ronald Charles M Sandwick Anglican RENNISON Walter Arthur M Vancouver REYNEN (boy) Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox United Church Comox United Church Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Gerald Reid, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M E.L. Reid of Courtenay FP 24-Apr-1963 7 River St. John, Nova Scotia RCAF Protestant Chapel Info/Kin Jack Bradley Isaac Penner Reimer Henry Horace Reimer B4 FP 1-Sep-1965 5 FP 2-Aug-1961 2 Dtr/o M/M Peter Reid Dtr/o M/M John Gideon Reid Son of Mr./Mrs. Ronald A. Reid of Milford Station, Nova Scotia Son of LAC/Mrs. Raymond Reige of Royston Dtr/o Mrs. M. Dirks of Abbotsford infant FP 1-May-1963 2 Born at Swift Current, Sask., nee Puett, mother of Hamilton, service at St. Peter's Comox, cremation (Sutton FH) Nee Jordan, born in Culver, Indiana, mother of Mrs. Orton MacLean and G.H. Reimer, service Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M H. Rempel of BlackCreek Dtr/o M/M Henry Rempel of BlackCreek Dtr/o M/M H. Rempel of Union Bay Dtr/o M/M James P. Rennie of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M J. Rennie, gdtr of Mrs. Edith Widen and Mrs. T.M. Rennie infant FP 1-May-1963 2 Dtr/o M/M J. Rennie, gdtr of Mrs. Edith Widen and Mrs. T.M. Rennie FP 10-Nov-1965 10 FP 27-Nov-1963 3 FP FP FP FP 12-Feb-1964 8-Mar-1961 23-May-1962 30-May-1962 2 12 2 2 Gloria Jean FP 25-Nov-1964 B3 Willis Consance Judith FP 11-Dec-1963 3 Kincade FP 29-Mar-1961 10 Son of M/M Charles Rennison of Sandwick Son of M/M W.A. Rennison of Smithers, grandson of late M/M W. Rennison of Sandwick Son of M/M Maurice Reynen of Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Courtenay, Faith Lutheran Comox Date Robert T. Christense FP 19-May-1965 9 n FP 5-Jul-1961 2 Carol Anne FP 16-Sep-1964 8 Easton REYNEN Janet Ruth M REYNO (girl) Birth REYNOLDS David James M Port Coquitlam REYNOLDS Irene Muriel Death New age 24 Westminster REYNOLDS John Frederick M Vancouver RHODES James Edward Birth Comox RHODES Jean Menzies Death Toronto RICE RICHARDS (boy) (boy) Birth Birth RICHARDS Brian M RICHARDS Elizabeth Death Comox age 90 RICHARDS Norman Death Victoria age 56 single FP 29-Nov-1961 13 Charleen Ann FP 26-Sep-1962 12 Magowan FP 12-Feb-1964 2 James T. FP 19-Sep-1962 14 Rhodes Comox Comox Lacombe, Alberta FP 3-Mar-1965 FP 3-Jan-1962 Violet Woods William John Richards 11 2 FP 22-Mar-1961 2 FP 16-Aug-1961 8 single FP 16-Jun-1965 5 FP 2-Sep-1964 M Vancouver Patricia Margaret Studds RICHARDSON Jan Frances M Victoria, St. Mathias Peter Jurgen FP 3-Oct-1962 Furstenau RICKERT RICKMAN RICKSON (girl) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox RICKSON Thomas Death Vancouver RICHARDSON David George Page Isabella Churchill Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. M.D. Reynen of Courtenay Dtr/o AC1 and Mrs. Franis Reyno, RCAF Comox Son of M/M David R. Reynolds of RR2 Courtenay Born in Vancouver, dtr/o Stanley and Bertha Reynolds, taught at Central School in Courtenay Son of M/M David Reynolds of Courtenay, engagement announced 26 Sep page 12 Son of F/L and Mrs. M.A. Rhodes, RCAF Comox Born at Sandwick, dtr/o Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Menzies, mother of David and Barbara, sis/o Carol, Wilson and Tom Son of Cpl/Mrs. Stanley Rice, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Brian Richards of Courtenay Son of M/M Ken Richards of Courtenay, engagement announced 8 Feb page 13 Born at Snowroad, Ontario, nee McKinnon, mother of Claence, Wilfred, Ada, Pat and Rita, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Born at Beaver Dole, Pennsylvania, formerly of Cumberland, bro/o Walter, Raymond and Margaret Polkinghorne, service at Westwood FH, Nanaimo, bur. Nanaimo cemetery Son of M/M John G. Richardson of Royston 7 3 FP 24-Jul-1963 2 FP 5-Apr-1961 2 FP 29-Mar-1961 10 age 87 Info/Kin FP 25-Apr-1962 1 Dtr/o Mrs. E.R.G. Richardson of Victoria, engagement announced 22 Aug page 12 Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Gordon Rickert, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Henry Rickman of Courtenay Son of M/M Russell Rickson of Courtenay Born in Braidwood, Illinois, brother of Bill Rickson of Courtenay, died in car accident. See obituary 2 May page 9 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper RIDDELL Alan P. M Campbell River United Church RIDDOCH (boy) Birth Cumberland Irene Linda Comb Date FP 24-Apr-1963 3 FP 5-Dec-1962 RIDDOCH Clifford Lawrence Robert M Campbell River, St. Peter's RIEGE RIGGS RILLIE RIORDAN (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox RITCHIE Jane L. M Seattle, Washington RIVERIN RIVERS (girl) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox RIVERS Charles Death Victoria ROACH (boy) Birth ROACH Ed Death Toronto age 70+ ROBARGE Vivian Emily Death Victoria age 61 ROBBINS ROBERT (girl) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox ROBERTS (boy) Birth Hollywood, California ROBERTS Christopher David Chr Hollywood, California ROBERTS Darrell Wayne M Metropolitan United Page 2 Bonnie Lynn FP 26-Sep-1962 3 Armstrong FP FP FP FP 7-Oct-1964 19-Sep-1962 31-May-1961 6-Oct-1965 6 2 2 B9 L. Allen FP 22-Jan-1964 3 Marsh Jr. FP 11-Aug-1965 11 FP 19-Jul-1961 2 age 67 Marion Rivers Comox FP 23-Jun-1965 3 FP 7-Feb-1962 2 FP 3-Jul-1963 Joseph Alexander FP 22-Feb-1961 12 Robarge FP 17-Jun-1964 2 FP 13-Mar-1963 2 FP 24-Apr-1963 14 age 8 months FP 25-Jul-1962 5 Norma Jean FP 18-Sep-1963 2 Dickinson Info/Kin Son of M/M Allan Riddell of Nanaimo, engagement announced 27 Mar page 14 Son of M/M William Riddoch of Fanny Bay Son of M/M William Lawrence Riddoch of Comox, engagement announced 25 Jul page 12 Son of M/M R. Riege of Royston Son of F/L and Mrs. R. Riggs, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Emerson Rillie of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. M. Riordan of Courtenay Dtr/o of M/M Roland C. Ritchie of Glenside, Pennsylvania, resident of Seattle Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Reginald Riverin, RCAF Comox Son of Sgt/Mrs. Robert Rivers, RCAF Comox Born in Shawnigan Lake, father of Teresa Schellinck and Austin Rivers, funeral mass, bur. Ross Bay cemetery Son of Sgt/Mrs. F. Roach, RCAF Comox Born in Hamilton, father of Winnie Leuszler of RCAF Station (first Canadian to successfully swim the English Channel) and 11 other children Born at Boisevain, Manitoba, formerly of Blind Channel, husband dec'd, service and burial in Victoria Dtr/o M/M Raymond Robbins of Royston Son of F/O and Mrs. G. Robert, RCAF Comox Son of M/M David Roberts, grandson of M/M Chris Roberts and Mrs. H. Eiriksson Son of M/M David Roberts christened at First Methodist Church, grandson of M/M Chris Roberts and Mrs. H. Eiriksson Son of M/M C.E. Roberts of Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page ROBERTS Leah Death Sacramento, age 60 California Len Roberts FP 2-Jan-1963 13 ROBERTS Sally Christine M Sandwick Anglican William Everett McPhee FP 6-May-1964 3 ROBERTSON (boy) Birth Comox FP 11-Jan-1961 14 ROBERTSON (boy) Birth Hollywood, California FP 15-Nov-1961 2 ROBERTSON (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 28-Nov-1962 2 ROBERTSON (boy) Birth Comox FP 28-Aug-1963 8 ROBERTSON (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 25-Jan-1961 7 ROBERTSON ROBERTSON ROBERTSON (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Nanaimo Comox FP 20-Jun-1962 2 FP 17-Feb-1965 3 FP 23-Jun-1965 5 ROBERTSON Edith Janette M Ladysmith Michael James Nicks ROBERTSON Frances Sara Death Victoria age 86 ROBERTSON George James Death Ladysmith age 60 Edith Louisa Bates FP 29-May-1963 10 ROBERTSON Irene Stella M Union Bay United Church George Herbert James FP 7-Oct-1964 ROBERTSON Judy Ann M Cumberland United Church James Gibson FP 11-Oct-1961 7 Martha Alice Death Cumberland age 70 Dtr/o M/M Chas Shannon, mother of Ted, Dorothy, sis/o Mrs. A. Lovie, Mrs. E. Coleman, Mrs. I. Bird and Mrs. R. Minnes of Vancouver, Mrs. M. Douglas of Victoria, Norman Shannon of Vancouver, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M C.D. Roberts of Sandwick Son of M/M Donald Robertson of Courtenay Son of M/M David Roberts, grandson of Mrs. C.A. Roberts and Mrs. H. Eiriksson Son of M/M John H. Robertson of Cumberland Son of M/M James Robertson of Merville Dtr/o M/M John M. Robertson of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M G. Robertson of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. George Robertson, nee Myrna Holt Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Don Robertson of Courtenay Dtr/o Mrs. Edith Robertson and late George Robertson FP 22-Apr-1964 2 William Alexander FP 15-May-1963 14 Robertson ROBERTSON Info/Kin Nee Plowright, born in Minnising, Ontario, mother of Mrs. D.L. Morris and Mrs. W.J. Turnan, Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Born in Cumberland, father of George, Wendy and Judy, bro/o Janet and Jessie, service at Ladysmith, cremation Dtr/o Mrs. Doris Harris of Qualicum Beach 9 Dtr/o M/M John Robertson of Cumberland Thomas Dunsire FP 22-May-1963 13 Robertson Born in England, dtr/o late M/M Marsden, husband died 1960, mother of James, Thomas, John, Walter, Ina, Phyllis, Chris, Doreen and June, service at Cumberland United Church, bur. Cumberland cemetery (Sutton's FH) Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page ROBERTSON Mrs. William J. Death Winnipeg, Manitoba William J. FP 10-Apr-1963 11 Robertson ROBERTSON Samuel L. M Methil, Fifeshire, Scotland Christina Laing ROBERTSON Wilfred Alexander Death Merville ROBERTSON William J. Death Winnipeg, Manitoba FP 11-Apr-1962 16 ROBINSON ROBINSON (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 2-Oct-1963 FP 8-Sep-1965 M St. Peter's Anglican, Campbell River Peter Kostiuk FP 16-Jan-1963 2 Burnaby, BC Albert Dennis Lambert FP 24-Apr-1963 5 ROBINSON Gail Nancy ROBINSON Laura Lorraine Petrie M age 42 FP 18-Sep-1963 16 Georgina FP 3-Nov-1965 Ades age 16 FP 21-Jul-1965 1 8 3 ROBINSON Linda June Death Comox 1 ROBINSON Ted M ROBITAILLE Gemma Marguerite M Winnipeg, Manitoba ROBOTHAM ROBSON ROBSON ROBSON (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP ROBSON Lenora Cecelia Birth Powell River FP 7-Oct-1964 RODEN RODEN (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 16-Jan-1963 14 FP 30-Sep-1964 10 RODONETS (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 1-Nov-1961 Janis Claire FP 30-Sep-1964 10 Thompson Charles Victor Murray FP 14-Jun-1961 12 6-Jun-1962 1-Jul-1964 4-Apr-1962 17-Feb-1965 2 2 2 3 6 2 Info/Kin Formerly of Comox, husband dec'd 60th wedding anniversary celebrated in Cumberland, parents of James, David, Nettie, Chris, Katie and Tommy (died 1935 in mining accident) Highway accident, born in Scotland, resident of Richmond, inquest called Born near Edinburgh, Scotland, former resident of district Son of LAC/Mrs. James Robinson, RCAF Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. Edward G. Robinson of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M D. Robinson, twin sis/o Roberta Nelson Dtr/o Mrs. C.P. Robinson, gdtr M/M A.A. Bradford of Comox Highway accident north of Courtenay, born in Comox, dtr/o Clarence and Elsie Robinson, See 11 Aug page C1, gdtr of Mrs. Wm Graham and Mrs. M.A. Brown, service at St. John's Courtenay, bur. Cumberland cemetery (Sutton FH) Son of Mrs. A.R. McQuillan of Courtenay, engagement announced 30 Sep page 10 Dtr/o M/M Rosaire Robitaille of St. Vital, Manitoba, engagement announced 14 Jun page 12 Son of M/M Robert Robotham of Courtenay Son of M/M Robert Robson of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Stuart Robson of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Ronald Robson of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Estevan W. Robson of Powell River Son of F/O and Mrs. G. Roden, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. G. Roden, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Michael Rodonets of Cumberland Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page ROESCH (girl) Birth Comox FP 4-Apr-1962 2 ROGERS (boy) Birth Comox FP 13-Sep-1961 2 ROGERS (girl) Birth Comox ROGERS Andrew Lionel Death Vancouver age 37 ROGERS Charles John Death Puntledge age 54 FP 25-Oct-1961 2 Kathleen Mary FP 11-Jul-1962 10 Callaghan Agnes Frazer FP 22-Mar-1961 12 Birth Birth Birth Birth Campbell River Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP Fred John Birth Germany FP 9-Oct-1963 ROSE Ellen Martha Death Comox ROSENAU Carole Lynn M ROSENGREN John Hilmer Death Cumberland age 65 ROSES (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 9-Jan-1963 14 ROSS (boy) Birth Comox FP 1-Jan-1964 5 ROSS ROSS (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 5-May-1965 9 FP 12-May-1965 5 ROSS Alistair Frederick M Comox United Church Dorothy Edith FP 13-Jun-1962 2 McKenzie ROSS Christine Jean M Vancouver William T. FP 7-Aug-1963 Straith ROSS Douglas Harold M Sandwick Anglican Linda Lou FP 20-Mar-1963 2 McQuillan ROHNMOSER (girl) Birth ROLER ROOPE RORISON ROSADIUK (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) ROSADIUK FP 18-Jan-1961 11 age 92 Victoria 8-May-1963 19-Sep-1962 20-May-1964 15-Feb-1961 2 2 16 8 2 Ravenor Edward FP 13-Nov-1963 7 Rose John Bruce FP 12-Sep-1962 10 Malczewo ski divorced FP 16-Aug-1961 8 2 Info/Kin Dtr/o M/M Herbert Roesch of Comox Son of F/L and Mrs. James L. Rogers, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Norman Rogers of Sayward Born at Port Angeles, Washington, father of Barry, Blair and Andrew, bro/o Margaret and Elaine, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Born at Aberdare, Wales, father of Arthur and Robert, service at Piery's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M H. Rohnmoser (Willow Point news) Son of M/M Leonard Roler of Courtenay Son of M/M Roy Roope of Courtenay Son of Sgt/Mrs. C. Rorison, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Fred Risadiuk, RCAF Comox Son of Cpl/Mrs. F.J. Rosadiuk, 4 Wing RCAF Germany Nee Lloyd, born at Peckham, Surrey, England, mother of Marjorie English, service at St. Peter's Comox, cremation (Piercy FH) Dtr/o Mrs. Helen Rosenau of Willow Point Born in Sweden, father of Leonard and Helen, service at Piercy' FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M William Roses of Cumberland, Cumberland's New Year baby Son of M/M Douglas Ross, nee Linda McQuillan, of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. Douglas Ross of Courtenay Son of Cpl/Mrs. James Ross, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Fred S. Ross of Comox Formerly of Courtenay and Regina, Son of M/M J.H. Ross of Olds, Alberta, engagement announced 27 Feb page 12 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper ROSS Joanna M Victoria ROSS John Hamilton M Chilliwack ROSS Ronald Dawson M ROSS Shirley Elaine M ROSSETTI ROSSETTI (boy) (girl) Birth Birth ROSSITER Barbara Gay M ROSSITER Harry Thomas FletcherDeath Victoria Thomas Smith Karen Louise Jacques Donna Gail Hutton Blaine Jeffrey Kitchener Cumberland United Church Cumberland United Church Comox Comox ROUDEN Julie M ROUSE (boy) Birth Comox age 87 Page FP 18-Jan-1961 2 FP 10-Jun-1964 3 FP 6-Nov-1963 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. J.C. Ross of Royston 9 9 FP 18-Jan-1961 3 Grace Rossiter FP 10-Jan-1962 16 Son of Mr./Mrs. Frank Rossetti of Courtenay Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. J. Rossetti, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Alan H. Rossiter of Vancouver Born in Toronto, father of Leonard, Alan, Lance and Edna, service at McCall Bros., bur. Veterans cemetery Dtr/o M/M R. Rouden of Willow Point FP 8-Mar-1961 5 FP 21-Aug-1963 2 ROWED Donna M Nanaimo Dennis Wynne ROWSELL Karin Dianne M Beaverbrook , Nova Scotia Gerald Duncan FP 7-Mar-1962 Waterman ROYER Marie Therese PaulineM ROZON ROZON RUFFELL (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth RCAF Protestant Chapel Comox Comox Comox Roy Earling FP Lundquist FP FP FP RUNACRES William Arthur Echo Lake, Death Campbell River age 17 Dtr/o late Mrs. C.K. Davis and late C.F.W. Ross of Salcombe, South Devon, England Son of late Mrs. C.K. Davis of Courtenay and late Mr. C.F.W. Ross of South Devon, England, engagement announced 22 Apr page 14 Son of M/M Jesse Ross of Royston 7 John William Sheehan James Walter Hansen Info/Kin FP 22-Dec-1965 10 FP 3-Nov-1965 FP 3-Nov-1965 Vancouver, St. Francis RC Campbell River United Church Date FP 17-Mar-1965 11 12 Son of Cpl/Mrs. Ronald Rouse, RCAF Comox Wedding announcement, married in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Parents no named, resident of Cornerbrook, Newfoundland. See Shower on same page Dtr/o M/M Albert Royer of Courtenay 28-Feb-1962 2 29-Nov-1961 2 14-Aug-1963 16 17-May-1961 2 FP 21-Jun-1961 1 Son of F/O and Mrs. John Rozon, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/L and Mrs. John Rozon, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Douglas Ruffell, RCAF Comox Born in Nanaimo, son of Philip and Norma Runacres, drowned in Echo Lake Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper RUNCHEY Charlotte Death Comox RUSCH Barbara Bessie M RUSHTON (girl) Birth RUSHTON May M RUSHTON Richard Edward Death Courtenay RUSSELL (girl) Birth age 85 Courtenay, St. George's Comox Asquith, Saskatchew an Date Page Robert Runchey FP 18-Jul-1962 Harvey Leighton Piercy FP 22-May-1963 5 FP 7-Nov-1962 12 2 Arthur B. Pratt FP 14-Mar-1962 10 age 77 Annie McNeil FP 21-Nov-1962 2 age 70 Dorothy Daisy Gepp Comox FP 13-Jun-1962 2 RYALL Sidney George Death Denman Island RYAN (boy) Birth North Vancouver FP 11-Oct-1961 2 RYAN RYAN RYAN RYAN RYAN RYAN (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP FP FP RYAN William Henry M Vancouver, St. John's RYE (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 4-Jan-1961 RYE (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 8-Jan-1964 RYE (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 8-Apr-1964 RYE Dennis Edward M Cumberland, Holy Trinity SAARISTO Arvo Anshelm Death Comox Margaret Rose Smith FP 1-Aug-1962 31-Jan-1962 23-May-1962 22-May-1963 4-Nov-1964 15-Jan-1964 7-Oct-1964 13 2 2 16 12 2 6 Sylvia Saaristo Born in Ottawa, nee Saunders, mother of Mona (Mrs. Harvey Glinz) and Mrs. Harry Watson, husband died 1957, service in Crandall, Manitoba Dtr/o M/M Arthur Rusch of Courtenay, engagement announced 24 April page 13 Dtr/o S/L and Mrs. C.E. Rushton, RCAF Comox From Amherst, Nova Scotia. 50th wedding anniversary Born in Liverpool, England, father of Annie, Eileen, James and Stanley, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. D. Russell, RCAF Comox Born in London, England, wife dec'd, father of Olive and John, Piercy's FH, bur. Denman Island cemetery (Denman Island news) Son of M/M William Ryan, grandson of M/M Lloyd Ryan of Campbell River, formerly of Comox Son of M/M Thomas Ryan of Campbell River Son of M/M K. Ryan of Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. J. Ryan, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. James Ryan, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. K. Ryan of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M T. Ryan of Courtenay Son of M/M H. Ryan of Campbell River FP 11-Jan-1961 2 3 FP 4-Mar-1964 Son of M/M Glen Rye of Cumberland Son of M/M Dennis Rye of Cumberland 2 Jacquelin FP 28-Aug-1963 2 e Murray age 70 Info/Kin 12 Son of M/M Glenn Rye of Cumberland Son of M/M Joseph Rye of Cumberland Born at Tampere, Finland, father of Cherry Pugh of Vancouver, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Donald Wesley Turnbull Rudi Seifert Date Page SACHT Beverley Ann Marie M South Burnaby SACHT Marilyn Louise M St. John's Anglican SACKVILLE Edmund Nicol Death Comox SADLER (girl) Birth SADLER Lyle Clive M SAGNESS SALISBURY SALMINEN (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth SALMOND Lavina Gertrude Death Victoria age 66 SALMOND Natalie Death Victoria age 71 SAMMS (boy) Birth SANDALL Ethel Forster Death Comox age 71 Leroi H. Sandall FP 17-Oct-1962 14 SANDALL Leroi Holden Death Comox age 77 Ethel F. Crawford FP 20-Oct-1965 11 SANDERS Hetty Edna M Russell Erickson FP 6-Feb-1963 SANDERSON (girl) Birth SANDERSON Diane Gail M Campbell River SANDRI (boy) Birth Cumberland age 83 single Cumberland FP 24-Jan-1962 2 FP 29-Sep-1965 3 FP 19-May-1965 4 Cumberland United Church Comox Comox Georgina Agnes FP Herd FP FP FP Comox Denman Island Comox FP 15-May-1963 5 22-Apr-1964 3 10-Feb-1965 B8 5-Sep-1962 2 27-Oct-1965 12 Alexander WilliamSal FP 17-Jun-1964 9 mond Alexander William FP 15-Jan-1964 12 Salmond FP 24-Jul-1963 2 11 FP 22-Mar-1961 2 Philip Wayne FP 22-Apr-1964 16 Armstrong FP 18-Dec-1963 2 Info/Kin Dtr/o Mrs. D. McCormick and late Charles Sacht, gdtr of Charles Colwell, engagement announced 3 Apr page 14 Dtr/o Mrs. D. McCormick of Royston and late Charles F. Sacht of Sayward Born in Enland, bro/o Mrs. Mary Mitchell, Mrs. Anne Revie, Mrs. Stella Bayley and Gladys, all of Courtenay, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Lyall Sadler of Cumberland Son of Mr. Max Sadler of Vancouver, grandson of M/M Alex Somerville of Cumberland, engagement announced 11 Mar page 14 Dtr/o M/M R.E. Sagness of RR1 Comox Dtr/o M/M C. Salisbury of Cumberland Chosen dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Leo Salminen of Comox Born in Advocate, Nova Scotia, nee Dewis, former resident, husband dec'd, mother of Janet BLACkie, other family named, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Born in Liverpool, England, nee Scafe, former resident of Courtenay, mother of Mary, Clifford, Hugh, Ivor and Colin, bur. Royal Oak Son of LAC/Mrs. Thomas E. Samms, RCAF Comox Born at Melrose Highlands, Massachusetts, nee Crawford, mother of Mrs. E.C. Stewart (Betty) of Comox, service at Piercy's FH, cremation. See also 24 Oct page 8a Born at St. Johns, New Brunswick, service at Piercy FH, cremation. See Funeral rites 27 Oct page 10, father of Mrs. E.C. Stewart, wife died 1962, interment in Saint John, N.B. Step-dtrs of Capt. Roy Johnson, resident of Denman Island Dtr/o M/M William Sanderson of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M J.D. Sanderson of Campbell River Son of M/M Vittorio Sandri of Cumberland Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page SANDRI (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 25-Aug-1965 11 SANDULAK SANDULAK SANFORD SANFORD (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP SARVIS Andrew William Death Campbell River SATTERFIELD (boy) Birth Comox SAUDER Arthur Leonard m Kamloops SAUER SAUNDERS SAVAGE (boy) Brian Robert (boy) Birth Birth Birth Comox Nanaimo Comox FP Edna Marianne FP Hearn FP FP FP SAVIN Gail Eileen M Courtenay, St. George's Robert Shillito SAVOIE SAVOIE SAVOIE SAVOIE (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox SAVOIE Francis Alphonse M Victoria Patricia Ann Burnett Larry FP 29-Jul-1964 O'Connell age 85 Margaret Ann Lyle 26-Sep-1962 17-Mar-1965 5-Jul-1961 27-Mar-1963 10 11 2 9 FP 22-Feb-1961 12 25-Apr-1962 15 14-Jul-1965 Son of Mr./Mrs. Victor Sandri of Cumberland Son of M/M M. Sandulak of Merville Son of Mr./Mrs. Mervin Sandulak of Merville Son of M/M Peter Sanford of Comox Dtr/o M/M P. Sanford of Comox Formerly of Winnipeg, father of Bruce, Leslie and Mrs. Stanley Dalzell, service at Sutton's Campbell River Son of M/M Cecil Satterfield of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. John Henry Macklin of Courtenay B12 3-Jul-1963 9 21-Mar-1962 2 7-Apr-1965 3 FP 3-Oct-1962 3 FP FP FP FP 2 2 2 2 8-May-1963 1-Jul-1964 4-Apr-1962 22-Apr-1964 Info/Kin FP 15-May-1963 B7 Son of LAC/Mrs. Vernon Sauer, RCAF Comox Son of M/M R. Saunders, nee Kathleen Wood Son of Sgt/Mrs. Alexander Savage, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M A.W. Savin of Courtenay, engagement announced 12 Sep page 12 Son of LAC/Mrs. Yvon Savoie, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Leo Savoie of Hornby Island Dtr/o M/M Leo Savoie of Hornby Island Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Yvon Savoie, RCAF Comox Son of Mrs. Savoie Sr. of Hornby Island and the late Leo Savoie Dtr/o M/M Albert Savoie of Hornby Island SAVOIE Joan Marie M Can. Martyrs RC church SAVOIE Joseph Yvon M St. John the Baptist SAVOIE Lorraine Ann M SAVORY SAYERS SCARFF SCARFF (boy) (girl) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth HMCS Naden, Victoria Comox Comox Comox Comox SCARFF Bernice Anne M Royston Constance Yvonne FP Wilson James Van FP Somer FP FP FP FP Herbert Grant FP Steele 5 13-Sep-1961 3 Son of M/M Ernest Savoie of St. Laurent, New Brunswick Dtr/o M/M Albert Savoie of Hornby Island 16-Oct-1963 3 3-May-1961 15-Feb-1961 10-Jan-1962 11-Nov-1964 14 8 2 3 22-May-1963 10 Son of LAC/Mrs. David Savory, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Sgt/Mrs. Peter Sayers, RCAF Comox Son of M/M John Scarff of Royston Dtr/o M/M Lorne Scarff of Courtenay Wedding photo Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Suzanne Sheridan Hellan Kenneth Burke Francis Kenneth Burke SCARFF Loren John Preston M Courtenay, St. George's SCAVARDA Georgina M no Place SCAVARDA Georgina Winnifred M St. John's RC SCAVARDA John Batista Death Cumberland age 71 SCAVARDA Laureen M Cumberland, St. John's RC SCHECK SCHECK (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox SCHECK Arnold Paul M Can. Martyrs RC church Date Son of M/M John Scarff of Royston FP 31-May-1961 12 FP 6-Dec-1961 9 12 FP 17-Jul-1963 FP 2-Sep-1964 2 3 age 78 Ann Scheideck FP 26-Jun-1963 16 er SCHEIDEL Gerald Death Vancouver age 56 Nida Butler SCHILLING SCHILLING (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 27-May-1964 2 FP 28-Mar-1962 2 SCHJELDERUP (boy) Birth San Marino, California FP 8-Mar-1961 M Can. Martyrs RC church Terry Scott Thexton M Can. Martyrs RC church Joseph Francis Behan Birth Comox SCHMIDT Patricia Catherine SCHOENFELDER (boy) Born in Cumberland, father of Charlie, Violet, Laureen and Hilda, service at St. John's Cumberland, bur. Cumberland cemetery Dtr/o M/M John Scavarda of Cumberland Son of M/M A. Scheck of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Arnold Scheck of Courtenay Son of M/M George Scheck of BlackCreek Nancy FP 30-Aug-1961 2 May Hilder Death Comox Shirley Mary Dtr/o M/M Charles Scavarda of Cumberland, engagement announced 31 May page 12 Dtr/o M/M Charles Scavarda of Cumberland, engagement announced 31 May page 12 FP 23-Aug-1961 9 SCHEIDECKER John Baptiste SCHLEPPE Info/Kin FP 20-May-1964 3 Margherite FP 1-Apr-1964 Antonette Edward Williams Page FP 6-Sep-1961 12 Formerly of Vancouver, father of Rosetta, Regina, Dolly and Marie, service in Kearney's Chapel, Vancouver, bur. Ocean View, Sutton's FH Born in Poland, part owner of Courtenay Hotel, father of Mrs. I. Wilson and Mrs. V.R. Steele,2 step-dtrs, 2 brothers and 4 sisters also named, service at Simmons & McBride, bur. Ocean View Son of M/M H. Schilling of Merville Dtr/o M/M Heini Schilling of Merville Son of M/M H. Schjelderup of San Marino, 9 lbs 12 Dtr/o M/M Joseph Schleppe of RR2 Courtenay FP 9-Aug-1961 2 FP 7-Mar-1962 10 FP 7-Apr-1965 3 Dtr/o M/M W.L. Schmidt of Happy Valley, engagement announced 24 Jan page 14 Son of Mr./Mrs. Vern Schoenfelder of Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Page Jacob FP 11-Oct-1961 12 Schoenke SCHOENKE Tina Death Comox SCHULTZ (boy) Birth SCHULZ Elizabeth Death Comox age 74 Henry Schulz SCHUMAN Jean Death Comox age 81 Frank H. FP 20-May-1964 12 Schuman SCHUSTER SCHWARTZ (boy) (girl) Birth Birth SCHWARTZ Randy George Death Courtenay SCOLES SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth SCOTT Arthur Charles Death Cumberland age 73 single FP 22-Mar-1961 1 SCOTT Caesar Silas Death Comox Marjorie Scott FP 25-Nov-1964 B3 Comox SCOTT-WADE (boy) Birth Comox SCOWCROFT Margaret Ann M Whitehaven, Cumberland, England SEABY Stanley Lionel M Courtenay, St. George's SEAMAN Robin Douglas M St. George's United B3 FP 21-Oct-1964 2 FP 15-Aug-1962 15 FP 27-Nov-1963 2 age 6 FP 10-Mar-1965 1 Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox M Carol Ann FP 8-Dec-1965 Comox Comox Sayward, St. Phillip's Anglican SCOTT age 69 Date FP FP FP FP FP FP age 77 Gordon John Goodwin 18-Mar-1964 24-May-1961 17-Jul-1963 29-Jan-1964 4-Mar-1964 8-Nov-1961 2 2 2 2 2 2 Info/Kin Nee Peters, born in Russia, mother of Martha Pauls and John, sis/o Mrs. A. Hamm, Mrs. George Friesen, Mrs. Geo. Wiebe, John and Henry Peters, service at Mennonite Brethren church Son of LAC/Mrs. William Schultz, RCAF Comox Nee Warkentin, born in Sagradowka, South Russia, mother of Henry, Peter, Elsie and Annie, service at United Mennonite Church, BlackCreek Born at Alloa, Scotland, husband died 1942, mother of Frank, Roy, Cora and Berta, service at Piercy FH, cremation Son of M/M K. Schuster of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M G. Schwartz of Courtenay Traffic accident, struck by car driven by Eardley LestockKay, son of M/M G. Schwartz of Courtenay Son of F/O and Mrs. J. Scoles, RCAF, Courtenay Son of M/M Howard Scott of Union Bay Son of LAC/Mrs. Gordon Scott, CAF Son of F/O and Mrs. L. Scott, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Glenn Scott of Comox Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. Norman Scott, RCAF Comox Born in Cornwall, England, lived with Mrs. Courts and family, died in car accident Born in Washington, USA, resident of Hornby Island and Courtenay, father of Othoa Dunnett, Sidney and Cecil, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M Albert Scott of Rock Bay FP 17-May-1961 3a FP 12-Dec-1962 2 Son of M/M R. Scott-Wade of Courtenay 50th wedding anniversary celebrated in Cumberland Thomas Patterson FP 14-Apr-1965 B1 Shilton Margaret June Rawlins Judith Eleanor Park Son of M/M S.G. Seaby of Richmond, BC FP 20-May-1964 5 Son of M/M R.S. Seaman of 100 Mile House, BC FP 19-Apr-1961 2 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper SECORD SECORD SEE SEGUIN (boy) (boy) (girl) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox SEHL Elizabeth Kezia Death Victoria SEIFERT Rudi M St. John's Anglican SEIFFERT (girl) Birth Vancouver SEIGLER (girl) Birth Comox SEIGLER George Albert M Courtenay, St. George's SEIGLER Janette Evelyn M Cumberland United Church SEIP Martha Dorothy Death Vancouver SELBY (boy) Birth Comox SELBY Georgina Pearl M Can. Martyrs RC church SELLARS (boy) Birth Comox SELLERS Margaret Ann M Campbell River, St. Patrick's RC SENIOR Geoffrey Death Comox SERHAN SERVANT (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox SETTER Earl Robert M Can. Martyrs RC church SEXTON (boy) Birth Comox FP FP FP FP age 90 Francis Joseph Sehl Marilyn Louise Sacht Date 26-Jul-1961 1-Aug-1962 24-Apr-1963 29-Nov-1961 Page 2 2 14 2 FP 13-Nov-1963 16 Son of M/M V.G. Seifert of Mannheim, Germany FP 15-Sep-1965 AnneMarie FP 2-Jun-1965 Elizabeth Winnig Henry Lewis FP 12-Jul-1961 Lacourse William George FP 9-Dec-1964 Arthur Seip FP 19-Jun-1963 Mathias Adam Spies FP 29-Jul-1964 11 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. George Seigler of Royston Son of Mrs. F. Holloway of Cumberland Dtr/o Mrs. Holloway 9 B3 14 12 Fred Allen FP 4-Jul-1962 Hopton 11 Gladys Senior FP 12-Jul-1961 9 FP 3-Jul-1963 FP 7-Apr-1965 3 Lorna May FP 1-May-1963 Mansberg Dtr/o M/M R. Seiffert, nee Marilyn Sacht B11 FP 23-Oct-1963 2 age 61 Son of LAC/Mrs. Lloyd Secord, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Lloyd Secord, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Walter Rae See of Qualicum Beach Son of LAC/Mrs. James Seguin, RCAF Comox Nee Styles, born in Victoria, BC, mother of Mrs. Florence Simms of Courtenay FP 24-Jan-1962 2 FP 23-May-1962 2 age 64 Info/Kin B3 FP 23-Jun-1965 5 Born on Denman Island, nee Pickles, mother of Wilma, step-mother of Theresa, siblings and other family named, bur. Denman Island cemetery Son of M/M Edward Selby of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M George I. Selby of Courtenay, engagement announced 29 Jul page 12 Son of M/M R. Sellers of RR1 Courtenay Dtr/o M/M John F. Eden of Camp 5 Born in England, resident of Comox, service at St. Peter's Comox, Sutton's FH Son of M/M John Serhan of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Gary Servant of Courtenay Son of M/M E.L. Setter of Toronto, engagement announced 3 Apr page 14 Son of Mr./Mrs. George V. Sexton of Union Bay Surname SEXTON Givens George Vincent Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page M Union Bay United Church Penny Louise FP 21-Aug-1963 5 Adamson Richard William Ward SEXTON Joyce Carolyn M Union Bay United Church SHACKEL (girl) Birth Comox FP 14-Jun-1961 5 FP 23-Sep-1964 B5 Joanne Alyda Bennett Bruce Donald Britt Bruce Donald Britt SHANKS John Malcolm M West Vancouver SHARK Margaret Anne M Esquimalt SHARK Margaret Anne M SHARP (girl) Birth SHARP Catherine Ann Birth SHARP William H. M Quebec City SHAVER (boy) Birth SHAW Agnes Margaret M Comox Cumberland United Church Catherine Ruth FP 31-Jan-1962 2 Townend FP 18-Nov-1964 10 Steven Jacob FP 21-Feb-1962 10 Ulrich Anne May FP 14-Aug-1963 3 Townsend Esquimalt, HMCS Naden Comox Queen Charlotte City SHAW George Joseph M Oak Bay, BC SHEAVES (girl) Birth Comox SHEEHAN John William M Vancouver, St. Francis RC SHEEPWASH William John Death Comox SHEPHERD Francis James M Keene, Ontario FP 12-Dec-1962 14 Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. M.G. Shackel of Comox Son of M/M H.J. Shanks of Victoria Dtr/o M/M J. Shark of RR2 Courtenay, engagement announced 12 Dec page 14 Dtr/o M/M Jack Shark of Merville FP 13-Nov-1963 16 Gertrude Louise Arkell Jean Fullerton Dtr/o M/M Arthur Sexton of Union Bay, engagement announced 10 May page 12 FP 30-Jan-1963 2 FP 24-Feb-1965 3 age 71 Son of M/M Arthur V. Sexton of Union Bay FP 29-May-1963 5 FP 23-Aug-1961 8 Barbara Gay Rossiter Info/Kin Dtr/o M/M Lawrence Sharp of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. William Sharp of Sandspit, gdtr of Mr./Mrs. Herb Sharp of Courtenay Son of M/M H. Sharp of Courtenay Son of LAC/Mrs. Donald Shaver, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M John Shaw of Cumberland Son of M/M Thomas Shaw of RR2 Courtenay, grandson of M/M Joseph Thomson of Horne Lake, grt grandson of late M/M Sam Cliffe Dtr/o M/M I. Sheaves of BlackCreek Son of M/M N.A. Sheehan FP 18-Jan-1961 3 FP 2-May-1962 9 FP 14-Aug-1963 3 Born in Minesing, Ontario, resident of Union Bay, father of Beverley, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M William M. Shepherd of Kye Bay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page SHEPHERD twin boys Birth Belleville, Ontario SHEPHERD Wynne M St. Andrew's United SHERBURN Robert Death Maude Island SHERLOCK James M Denman Island SHERRATT (boy) Birth Beloeil, Quebec FP 12-Feb-1964 2 SHERWOOD (girl) Birth Comox FP 7-Feb-1962 SHERWOOD Karren Tryhens M SHIELDS (girl) Birth SHIELDS John Thomas Death Cumberland age 79 SHIGEHIRO SHIGEHIRO SHIGEOKA SHIGEOKA (boy) (girl) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth SHILLITO Charles Death Victoria SHILLITO Charles Edward M SHILLITO Gladys Campbell Death River SHILLITO Mrs. Davina M SHILLITO Robert M Courtenay, St. George's SHILTON (boy) Birth Comox FP 12-Aug-1964 2 James Doby FP 10-Jul-1963 Sumerville Jeanette Ada FP 23-Sep-1964 C1 Drinkwater 2 Jarl Dale FP 14-Feb-1962 2 Sundquist Comox Comox Comox Comox age 70 Union Bay age 44 FP Elsie Hutchinso FP n FP FP FP FP Davina FP Shillito Sharon Sara FP McBride Sam Shillito W. Ouellette Gail Eileen Savin 22-Nov-1961 16 26-May-1965 9 7-Mar-1962 4-Jan-1961 31-Jul-1963 7-Jun-1961 Sons of M/M Frank Shepherd, grandsons of M/M Morgan Shepherd of RR1 Comox Dtr/o M/M H. Shepherd of North Vancouver 3 FP 13-Dec-1961 1 Renfrew United Church Comox Info/Kin 2 3 2 10 29-Nov-1961 3a 20-Dec-1961 2 Missing and believed drowned from fishing boat, resident of Union Bay Son of M/M W. Sherlock of Sorrento Son of F/L and Mrs. Robert Sherratt, formerly of RCAF Comox, 8 lb 2 oz Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. George Sherwood, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Lewis Sherwood of Vancouver, gdtr of M/M Orton Sherwood of Courtenay Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. William Shields, RCAF Comox Born in Springhill, Nova Scotia, father of Dennis and Nina, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of LAC/Mrs. Stanley Shigehiro, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Stanley A. Shigehiro, RCAF Comox Son of M/M James Shigeoka of RR2 Courtenay Dtr/o M/M James Shigeoka of Courtenay Born at Wellington, BC, formerly of Cumberland, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of Mrs. Chas Shillito of Shelter Point and late Mr. Shillito FP 8-Aug-1962 10 FP 3-Oct-1962 3 Born in Manchester, England, dtr/o M/M George Cooper, mother of John and Wain Hayton, Mrs. B. Adams and Patricia, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Formerly of Union Bay, mother of Mrs. Ethel Holmstrom of Campbell River Son of Mrs. W. Ouelette of Fanny Bay, engagement announced 12 Sep page 12 FP 6-Mar-1963 12 Son of M/M Robert Shilton of Cumberland FP 25-Oct-1961 14 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page Dtr/o M/M Jack Shilton of Cumberland M Holy Trinity, Cumberland Gerald Richard Hunter M Whitehaven, Cumberland, England Margaret Ann FP 14-Apr-1965 B1 Scowcroft SHINDELL (girl) SHIPPERBOTTOM (girl) SHOOK (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox SHRUBSOLE Margaret Ann M Fruitvale, BC SHULTZ SHULTZ (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox SHURBAN Andre Gabriel M Can. Martyrs, Courtenay Anita Louise Gordon FP 15-Sep-1965 B8 SHUTES Stanford Woodruff M Honolulu Sharon Welsh FP 7-Jul-1965 SIBA (girl) Birth Cumberland SHILTON Lesley Elaine Info/Kin FP 16-Oct-1963 2 50th wedding anniversary celebrated in Cumberland SHILTON Thomas Patterson SICK Rose Ann Death Vancouver SIDEN SIDEN (girl) (girl) Birth Birth SIDGWICK Harriet Maria Death Courtenay SIDGWICK James Richard FP 27-Sep-1961 8 FP 18-Dec-1963 2 FP 23-May-1962 2 Gordon MacKay Grant FP 23-May-1962 2 FP 23-Sep-1964 B5 B2 FP 28-Jun-1961 10 age 59 Frederick FP 18-Jan-1961 9 Sick Comox Comox Death Courtenay FP 31-Oct-1962 3 FP 8-Jan-1964 FP 20-Oct-1965 11 age 85 James Richard Sidgwick FP 2-Dec-1964 1 age 81 Harriet Maria FP 2-Dec-1964 Feathersto n 1 Dtr/o Sgt/Mrs. Clifford Shindell, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M K. Shipperbottom of Comox Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Gerald Shook, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Albert Shrubsole of Montrose, BC, engagement announced 8 Aug page 14 Son of M/M James Schultz Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. W. Shultz, RCAF Comox Son of Frank Shurban of Vancouver, formerly of Christchurch, England Son of Mr./Mrs. Stanford Woodruff Shutes Sr. of San Mateo, California Dtr/o M/M Frank Siba of Union Bay Nee Buchanan, born in Kingston, Ontario, husband dec'd, former owner of Riverside Hotel, mother of Fred, Gordon and Marney, service at Simmons & McBride FH, bur. Ocean View Burial Park Dtr/o M/M Leon Siden of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Leon Siden of Cumberland Husband and wife died in house fire. Born in England, nee Featherston, obituary on page 2, mother of James, John, Minnie, Edith, Irene and Jean, service at Sandwick Anglican, bur. Courtenay cemetery (Piercy FH) Born in England, husband wife died in house fire, obituary on page 2, father of James, John, Minnie, Edith, Irene and Jean, service at Sandwick Anglican, bur. Courtenay cemetery (Piercy FH) Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper David Dale M SIEFFERT SIGOUIN SIGOUIN (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth SILVER Norman SILVESTER Annie Death SILVESTER George Death Vancouver SILVEY (girl) Birth Comox Comox Comox Campbell Death River Ray William SIMARD (boy) SIMARD Jean Paul SIMARD Joseph Edward Rene M SIMMONS Alan Info/Kin Myrtle Ray FP 20-Sep-1961 3a Forberg FP 17-Jul-1963 2 FP 18-Sep-1963 2 FP 26-Jun-1963 2 age 36 New age 48 Westminster age 82 Comox Cumberland M United Church Birth Comox Sault Ste Death Marie, infant Ontario SILVEY Page Son of M/M D. Siebert of Port Alberni Campbell River United Church SIEBERT Date single FP 2-Jun-1965 William Leslie Silvester FP 25-Mar-1964 7 Mary Silvester FP 8-Dec-1965 C1 FP 6-Nov-1963 2 FP 3-Nov-1965 B4 FP 2-Oct-1963 8 FP 2-Jun-1965 11 FP 24-Jul-1963 2 Lorna Marie Hoggan Lorraine Faith Helme Can. Martyrs RC church 1 Elizabeth Jean FP 15-Mar-1961 13 Turner M age 38 Olive Stone FP 4-Jan-1961 Marlene Alice Miller FP 10-Jun-1964 B3 SIMMS Bertram Bayliss Death Courtenay 1 SIMMS Roderick Harold M Cumberland SIMMS Thomas Edward Birth Vancouver FP 12-Jul-1961 2 SIMMS Thomas Edward Chr St. Andrew's infant Anglican FP 3-Jan-1962 2 Son of M/M Norman Sieffert of RR1 Comox Son of M/M Louis Segouin of Port Neville Dtr/o M/M Albert Sigouin of Courtenay Plane crashed in Discovery Passage, resident of Wetaskawin, Alberta Born in Vancouver, nee McCartney, first husband Joe Hastings drowned 1958, mother of Frank and Robert, 4 step-children, service at Simmons McBride FH, cremation Merville settler, born in England, wife dec'd, several children not named Dtr/o M/M R. Silvey of Qualicum Son of Mr./Mrs. F. Silvey of Deep Bay Son of LAC/Mrs. Joseph Simard, RCAF Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. J.E.R. Simard, grandson of Mr./Mrs. Godfrey Helme, grt grandson of Mrs. J. Dewing of Courtenay Son of Mrs. Rene Simar of Sault Ste. Marie and late Mr. Simard Son of M/M H. Simmons of Nanaimo, marriage announcement Murder-Suicide of RCAF personnel, born in Victoria. See obituary 11 Jan page 10, father of 2 sons, bro/o Jean, Georgina, Nancy, Selina, William, Vernon, Lloyd, Ralph and John (died in WW2), service held in Victoria Son of M/M R. K. Simms of Hubbards, Nova Scotia Son of M/M Thomas B. Simms, nee Marilyn Jones Son of M/M T. Simms of Sandwick christened, grandson of Mrs. H. Simms of Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper SIMMS Thomas Edward Death Courtenay SIMON SIMON SIMPSON (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth SIMPSON (girl) Birth SIMPSON Alan Jeffrey Birth SIMPSON Darlene Gay SIMPSON age 58 Florence Sehl Date Page FP 28-Jun-1961 1 Comox Comox Comox Regina, Sask. Calgary, Alberta FP 20-Feb-1963 14 FP 18-Oct-1961 10 FP 13-Dec-1961 2 Birth Calgary FP 12-Apr-1961 2 Karen Eve Birth Duncan FP 5-Apr-1961 2 SINAL Martin Death Powell River age 63 not named FP 3-Jan-1962 2 SINCLAIR (boy) Birth FP 20-Oct-1965 11 FP 31-Oct-1962 2 Comox SINCLAIR Bernard James M Nanaimo SINCLAIR Thomas John M Courtenay, St. George's SIVERS (boy) Birth Comox SIVERS (girl) Birth FP 21-Jun-1961 2 Rone Alma Lavona Norris Pamela Rose Watkins FP 17-Jul-1963 3 FP 2-Aug-1961 2 SIVERS David BLACkmore SJUBERG (girl) SKINNER Ann Lyla SLADE SLADE (girl) (girl) SLADE Stephen Wayne Death Hornby Island SLATER SLATER (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox age 14 FP 12-Dec-1962 2 Heather Anne Balmer FP 17-May-1961 2 FP 22-Aug-1962 10 James Skinner Born in Stamford, England, son of Charles Simms, brother of Harry and Dorothy, former alderman, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of Cpl/Mrs. O. Simon, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. Orville Simon, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. John Simpson, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Maurice Simpson of Regina, gdtr of Mrs. Teresa Smith of Courtenay, 6.5 lb Son of Cpl/Mrs. Alan Simpson, 9 lb Dtr/o M/M Allan Simpson, gdtr of Mrs. Teresa Smith of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Maurice Simpson of Duncan, gdtr of Mrs. Teresa Smith of Courtenay Born in Czechoslovakia, wife dec'd, brother of Mrs. Tom Motel, Cousin of Mrs. W. Keywen, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of M/M Homer Sinclair of Gold River Son of M/M John Sinclair of Cumberland Son of M/M John Sinclair of Cumberland FP 22-Nov-1961 16 Comox Comox M United Church Birth Comox Regina, Death Saskatchew age 81 an Birth Comox Birth Comox Info/Kin FP 6-Jun-1962 12 FP 26-Apr-1961 16 FP 25-Sep-1963 3 FP 21-Aug-1963 1 FP 31-Jul-1963 2 FP 29-Apr-1964 2 Son of M/M David Sivers, nee Heather Balmer, of Comox Dtr/o M/M David Sivers of Comox Son of M/M R.C. Sivers of Comox, engagement announced 19 Apr page 9 Dtr/o M/M E. Sjuberg of Courtenay Formerly of Royston, mother of Gladys, George, James, Arthur and Duncan, service and burial in Regina Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Frederick Slade, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M S.J. Slade of Hornby Island Accident with tractor, son of M/M S. Slade, grandson of M/M Sid Slade of Courtenay. See obituary 4 Sep page 10, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of F/O and Mrs. James Slater, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Wm D. Slater of Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper SLATER SLATER SLATER (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox SLATER Gayle Pauline M Nanaimo SLATER George H. Death Sidney, BC SLATER James Carrol M SLATER William Dennis M SLAUGHTER (girl) Birth SLAUGHTER Frank Bernard Death Victoria age 72 SLAUGHTER George Alfred Death Nanaimo age 73 SLAUGHTER Marion Russell Death Cumberland age 67 SLAUGHTER William Russell M SLIMING SLIMING SLOAN (boy) (girl) (boy) Birth Birth Birth SLUPSKY Caroline Elizabeth Death Cumberland age 61 SMALLWOOD (girl) Birth SMERDON Earl Charles Tait SMITH (boy) SMITH SMITH SMITH (boy) (boy) (boy) Page FP 11-Apr-1962 2 FP 17-Mar-1965 11 FP 9-Jun-1965 12 Charles David Adey age 84 RCAF Protestant Chapel Sandwick Anglican Comox FP 8-May-1963 FP 6-Feb-1963 3 Joyce FP 15-Feb-1961 2 Anderson FP 27-Nov-1963 2 Marion Russell FP 4-Aug-1965 9 Walker Hannah FP 6-Sep-1961 Slaughter 9 Frank FP 14-Mar-1962 2 Slaughter Doris Mae FP 29-May-1963 7 Pearse FP 19-Dec-1962 2 FP 13-Dec-1961 2 FP 6-Jun-1962 2 age 37 Harry Slupsky Audrey Smerdon FP 7-Nov-1962 10 FP 7-Apr-1965 3 FP 16-Jan-1963 14 FP 5-Apr-1961 Info/Kin Dtr/o M/M William Slater of Union Bay Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. J. Slater, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Wm Slater of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M E. Slater of Grantham 2 Catherine FP 10-May-1961 12 Wickham Margaret Burns Cumberland United Church Comox Comox Comox Comox RCAF Death Station Comox Los Birth Angeles, California Birth Comox Birth Comox Birth Comox Date Born at Wells, Somerset, England, father of George, Edward and David, bro/o Cuthbert, Wilfred and Sarah, bur. Royal Oak cemetery Son of M/M J. Slater of Kingston, Nova Scotia, engagement announced 9 Jan page 13 Son of M/M E. Slater Dtr/o M/M W. Slaughter of Cumberland Born in Birmingham, England, wife dec'd, father of William of Cumberland, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Born in Birmingham, England, father of Robert George, bro/o Frank and Mrs. Jack Downey, service at Westwood FH, Nanaimo, bur. Nanaimo cemetery Born in Cumberland, dtr/o David and Mary Walker, mother of Bill, service at Cumberland United Church, bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of M/M W. Slaughter Son of LAC/Mrs. T. Sliming, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Thomas Sliming, RCAF Comox Son of M/M A.W. Sloan of Courtenay Born in Ukraine, nee Lupuch, mother of John, Rose, Stephanie and Helen, service at Sutton's FH, cremation Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Robert Smallwood, RCAF Comox RCAF pilot, son of Mrs. A. Smerdon of Toronto, father of Scott and Brent, service in Protestant chapel, bur. Courtenay cemetery, Sutton's FH Son of Dr and Mrs. R.A. Smith, nee Adele Marriott 2 FP 7-Jun-1961 10 FP 2-Aug-1961 13 FP 29-Nov-1961 2 Son of MM Kenneth Smith of Campbell River Son of Const/Mrs. John Smith of Comox Son of M/M Richard Smith of Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Birth SMITH (boy) Birth SMITH SMITH (boy) (girl) SMITH FP FP FP FP Date 1-Aug-1962 8-Aug-1962 8-Apr-1964 20-May-1964 Page Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Princeton, BC Comox Comox FP 3-Nov-1965 9 FP 22-Feb-1961 14 (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 1-Nov-1961 SMITH (girl) Birth Comox FP 17-Jan-1962 2 SMITH (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 4-Jul-1962 2 SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH (girl) (girl) (girl) (girl) (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP FP FP FP 2 2 2 2 16 6 11 SMITH Alexander Death Comox age 80 Elizabeth FP 22-Mar-1961 12 McKay SMITH Bertha Louisita Death Victoria age 87 Herbert Smith SMITH boy and girl Birth SMITH Calvin Death Vancouver SMITH Charles Frederick M Cumberland SMITH David Lea Birth Vancouver SMITH Diane Clareen M Victoria, First United SMITH Donna Lenore Alice M Alberni, St. Andrew's FP 21-Jul-1965 2-Jan-1963 20-Mar-1963 9-Oct-1963 27-May-1964 5-Aug-1964 7-Oct-1964 25-Aug-1965 5 2 FP 13-Jun-1962 14 FP 4-Dec-1963 age 57 2 2 2 16 2 Marie Smith FP 10-Apr-1963 11 Annie Baird FP 17-Feb-1965 3 FP 20-May-1964 16 Robert Bruce Strank Robert Albert Hess FP 11-Jul-1962 10 FP 5-Dec-1962 3 Info/Kin Son of M/M Robert G. Smith of Courtenay Son of M/M R.G. Smith of Courtenay Son of LAC/Mrs. J. Smith, RCAF Comox Son of M/M R.G. Smith of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. Leslie Smith, nee Leona Feely, 7 lb 6 oz Son of LAC/Mrs. R. Smith, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Cpl and Mrs. Sidney Smith, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M J.W. Thomas Smith, nee Joanna Ross, of RR2 Courtenay Dtr/o M/M B. Smith of Merville Dtr/o M/M J. Smith of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Thomas Smith of Courtenay Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. C. Smith, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Art Smith, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M R. Smith of Minstrel Island Dtr/o M/M D. Smith of Merville Dtr/o M/M T.A. Smith of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Leonard Smith of Courtenay Born in Scotland, formerly of Merville, brother of Mrs. Jean McBride of Glasgow, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Born in Kent, England, nee Bridal, mother of Graeme, Irene and Stewart (died 1957), husband died 1959, memorial service at St. George's, cremation in Victoria Son and Dtr/o M/M I. Smith of Courtenay Resident of Miracle Beach, born in Scotland, father of Marie McFayden, Nels and Conrad Gustavson, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of George and Iva Smith, celebrating 55th anniversary Son of M/M Richard L. Smith of West Vancouver, grandson of M/M R. Lea Smith of Hornby Island, grt grandson of Mrs. T.A.L. Smith, formerly of Hornby Dtr/o C.E. Smith and Mrs. D.H. Davis of Victoria Dtr/o Mrs. Lew Smith (Gilkin), engagement announced 3 Oct page 14 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper SMITH Doreen Elizabeth Chr St. Peter's Anglican, Comox SMITH Duane Edmond Death Gilford Island SMITH Elizabeth Anne Birth Campbell River SMITH Emilie Death Victoria SMITH Eustace Death West Vancouver SMITH Evans M Vancouver SMITH Frederick Gordon Death Comox SMITH Frederick Stephen Death Victoria SMITH James Death Glasgow, Scotland SMITH James M Victoria SMITH James Broughton Death Comox SMITH Joanna Mary Chr St. Peter's Anglican, Comox infant age 39 Date FP 3-Apr-1963 Page 2 Barbara FP 28-Feb-1962 13 May Smith FP 11-Oct-1961 2 age 91 Elvery Marshall Smith FP 25-Sep-1963 13 age 88 Letitia Mathers FP 22-Jan-1964 12 Jock Hermon FP 26-Sep-1962 12 age 56 Gertie Smith FP 26-May-1965 9 age 83 single FP 6-Jun-1962 age 76 FP 16-May-1962 12 Sharon Bos age 89 FP 14-Nov-1962 15 Katharine FP 9-Dec-1964 Redding 8 FP 3-Apr-1963 2 infant SMITH John Cecil Death Campbell River SMITH Katherine Anne Chr Courtenay, age 10 months St. George's age 84 12 Margaret Swain FP 16-Aug-1961 11 FP 30-Dec-1964 8 Info/Kin Dtr/o M/M T. Smith of Courtenay, great gdtr of Mrs. Redding of Port Alberni Born in Quebec, son of F. Enos Smith, father of Blaine and Hughie, 8 siblings named, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M Leslie Smith Jr., nee Leona Feely Born in Rype, Sussex, England, nee Deacon, husband died 1955, mother of Gladys, Eva and Minnie, service in Victoria Born in Derbyshire, England, bro/o Percy, Cecil "Cougar" and Mrs. Herbert Pidcock, father of Mrs. M.R. Dann, Mrs. T.M. McIntyre, Norman and Raymond, service in West Vancouver dtr/o M/M F. Smith, engagement announced 26 Sep page 12 Born in Calgary, Alberta, father of Muriel, Irene and Vera,bro/o John and Vernon of Courtenay, service at St. John's, Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Born in Kent, England, brother of Noel Smith of Dove Creek, service in Victoria, cremation Father of Mrs. Jack Dodds, other children not named, bur. Maryhill Crematorium in Glasgow, wife dec'd Son of M/M Smith of Lloydminster, Sask., engagement announced 14 Nov page 15 Born in Harriston, Ontario, wife dec'd, father of Thomas, Jo and Betty, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M T. Smith of Courtenay, great gdtr of Mrs. Redding of Port Alberni "Cougar" Smith, born at Ashbourne, England, father of Mrs. Harry Sparks, Mrs. Josias Dunn, Mrs. Norman Corker, Mrs. Norman Hale and Heber, bro/o Percy, Eustace, Ida and Mrs. Herbert Pidcock, service at St. Peter's, Campbell River, cremation Twin dtr/o M/M J. Franklin Smith, gdtr M/M C.F. Smith and M/M Thomas F. Campbell Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper SMITH Kenneth Joseph M Campbell River SMITH Margaret Rose M Vancouver, St. John's SMITH Mary Irene M St. John's Anglican SMITH Oscar Ivy Death Victoria Date Page Isabel Ann FP 12-Sep-1962 11 Lythgoe William Henry Ryan Allen Luxton Gee Dtr/o M/M Albert H. Smith of Nelson FP 15-Mar-1961 2 age 73 age 90 Margaret MacDonal FP 25-Dec-1963 2 d FP 28-Feb-1962 8 Born in Wiltshire, England, formerly of Prince Rupert, father of Margaret Henderson of Cumberland, Edith and Norma, bro/o P.E. Smith in Wiltshire, bur. Ross Bay 9 3 Dtr/o M/M Lloyd Smith of Back Road, engagement announced 4 Mar page 12 Percy Death Comox SMITH Raymond C. M Courtenay, St. George's SMITH Sharon Anne M Courtenay, St. John's SMITH Sharon Patricia Chr Courtenay, age 10 months St. George's SMITH Thomas M Victoria SMITH twin girls Birth Comox SMITH Virginia Alvide M Union Bay United Church SOLES Albert Joseph Death Victoria SOLES Mrs. Joyce M Courtenay, St. George's SOMERVILLE (boy) Birth Comox FP 3-Jul-1963 SOMERVILLE (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 30-Oct-1963 2 SOMERVILLE (girl) Birth Comox FP 21-Apr-1965 5 Margaret Isabel FP 9-Oct-1963 Janes Alan FP 1-Apr-1964 Daniel Woodrow Dtr/o M/M F. Gordon Smith of Courtenay, engagement announced 1 Mar page 11 Born in Derbyshire, England, wife died 1947, father of G.P. and J.N. Smith, Mrs. Grace Horburg and Mrs. Claire Ross, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of Mr. J.L. Smith of Sydney, Nova Scotia and late Mrs. Smith SMITH FP 30-Dec-1964 8 FP 18-Jan-1961 2 FP 19-Feb-1964 16 Alvin Don FP 10-May-1961 5 Aitken age 72 Son of M/M K.W. Smith of Willow Point FP 11-Jan-1961 2 Lilian Curtis Joanna Ross Info/Kin Florence Adair FP 10-May-1961 12 James McGee FP 14-Jun-1961 3 Twin dtr/o M/M J. Franklin Smith, gdtr M/M C.F. Smith and M/M Thomas F. Campbell Son of M.B. Smith of Grantham and late Mrs. Smith Dtrs of M/M J. Franklin Smith of Courtenay Dtr/o Mrs. Hjordis Smith of Vancouver, engagement announced 12 Apr page 12 Born in Callander, Ontario, son of Colin, Douglas, David, Walter, Arthur, Martin and Shirley, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M S. Schofield of Guelph, Ontario Dtr/o M/M Varnon Somerville of Courtenay Son of M/M Arthur Somerville of Cumberland Dtr/o lac/ms. Michael Somerville, RCAF Comox Surname SOMERVILLE SOMERVILLE Givens (girl) Arthur E. Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date FP 9-Jun-1965 Page Birth Cumberland 12 M Cumberland, St. John's RC Gertrude Webber Russell Olsen FP 22-Feb-1961 13 FP 26-Aug-1964 5 FP 26-Sep-1962 10 SOMERVILLE Eleanor Mavis M Calgary, St. Mark's Anglican SOMERVILLE Gary Dale M Cumberland, Holy Trinity Beverly Sharron Johnson SOMERVILLE James Doby M St. Andrew's United Wynne FP 10-Jul-1963 Shepherd SOMERVILLE William Terence M Victoria SORENSEN Beverley Elaine M Sandwick Anglican SORENSON Laura Kristine Death Comox SORENSON Soren Jensen Death SORLEY Clifton Adrian Death Tahsis, BC SOUTHER SOUTHER SOWDEN (boy) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth SPARKS Elizabeth Emily Death Vancouver SPEED SPENCE (girl) (girl) Birth Birth SPENCER Annie Death Vancouver age 87 George Spencer FP 28-Oct-1964 SPENCER John Herbert Death Vancouver age 57 Mary Lehman FP 19-Sep-1962 14 Denman Island age 72 age 81 age 48 Clarice Ena Gale Edward Wilfred Luck Soren Jensen Sorenson Laura Jacobson Teresa Degorzio Comox Comox Comox Frank Sparks Comox Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Vernon W. Somerville of Cumberland Son of Mrs. J.D. Somerville and late Mr. Somerville of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M W. Somerville of Port Alberni, marriage announcement Son of M/M Alex Somerville of Cumberland 3 FP 28-Aug-1963 3 Son of Mrs. G. Somerville and late J.D. Somerville of Cumberland Son of Mrs. D.J. Somerville of Cumberland and the late Mr. Somerville Dtr/o M/M I.E. Tremblay of RR1 Cumberland FP 25-Apr-1962 15 FP 22-Jan-1964 12 Born in Denmark, husband died recently, mother of Elsie Crockett, service and burial on Denman Island Born in Denmark, father of Elsie Crockett, service and burial on Denman Island (Piercy FH) Born in Alberta, electrocuted while pile-driving, inquest, 12 body forwarded to Golden for burial 2 Son of M/M Lenard Souther of Courtenay 2 Son of M/M Leonard Souther of Cumberland 2 Son of M/M W.. Sowden of Comox Born in England, nee Harper, husband dec'd, former resident of Courtenay and Willow Point, one sister Mrs. 11 A. McElren in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, service at Roselawn FH, bur. Forest Lawn 14 Dtr/o M/M H. Speed of Royston 4 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Stanley Spence of Courtenay Born in England, nee Bell, mother of Victor, operated B10 Courtenay and Waverly Hotels, husband died 1944 FP 18-Dec-1963 15 FP 7-Feb-1962 FP 12-Apr-1961 FP 17-Jul-1963 FP 24-Jul-1963 age 76 Info/Kin FP 2-Aug-1961 FP 16-Jan-1963 FP 19-May-1965 Born in Minnesota, formerly of Fanny Bay, bur. Veterans Memorial Park in Surrey Surname SPENCER Givens Juanita Lorraine Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper M Camp Borden, Ontario SPENCER Mr. and Mrs. Henry M Wainright, Alberta SPICER (boy) Birth Comox SPICER-SIMPSON Amy Elizabeth Death Comox SPIERS Margo Fay Birth Ocean Falls SPIES Mathias Adam M Can. Martyrs RC church SPINKS Nugent Watson Death Comox SPRATT SPRATT (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox SPROAT James Campbell M North Vancouver SPROUT (girl) Birth Comox SPROUT Henry Death Comox SPROUT Mr. and Mrs. Pete M SPROUT Victor Charles AnthonyDeath Calgary, Alberta SRAMEK Victor Cumberland M David Glenn Martin Date Page Dtr/o M/M Clarence J. Spencer of Camp Borden FP 2-Jan-1963 3 FP 13-Mar-1963 3 FP 18-Dec-1963 2 age 88 Geoffrey Basil SpicerSimpson FP 10-Mar-1965 12 FP 11-Dec-1963 3 Georgina Pearl FP 29-Jul-1964 Selby age 60 Susan Bertha Spinks 12 FP 16-Dec-1964 9 FP 14-Jul-1965 3 FP 15-Apr-1964 6 Margaret Isabel Webber age 52 FP 7-Apr-1965 3 Hilda Mary FP 29-Jul-1964 Rodwell 1 Madelyn Sprout 50th wedding anniversary open house in Comox, parents of Dr. E.Y., Mrs. L. Osburg and Hope. Mr. Spencer was a federal Member of Parliament. Mrs. Spencer was Vice-President of Alberta United Farm Women. Son of Cpl/Mrs. Hugh Spicer, RCAF Comox Born in London, Ontario, nee Baynes-Reed, husband and two sons dec'd, service at St. John's Anglican, bur. Sandwick Anglican cemetery Dtr/o M/M Lee Spiers, gdtr of M/M Allan Foster of Comox and M/M Carl Spiers of Campbell River Son of Paul Spies and late Mrs. Spies of Rockglen, Saskatchewan, engagement announced 29 Jul page 12 Born in Ontario, father of Kathleen, Joan, Susan and Nancy, service at St. John's Anglican, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of Mr./Mrs. Thomas Spratt of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Thomas Spratt of Courtenay Son of M/M T.D. Sproat of North Vancouver FP 24-Oct-1962 5 FP 27-Mar-1963 B3 age 73 Info/Kin FP 22-Aug-1962 1a Mrs. Alice Susan FP 20-Mar-1963 10 Lapp Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. R. Sprout of Kelsey Bay Accident on Comox Hill, born in Lethbridge, Alberta, father of David, inquest called. See obituary 5 Aug page 5, 3 sisters named, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery 45th wedding anniversary celebrated in Merville, guests listed Formerly of Courtenay, born in Nanaimo, father of Lillian, Susan, Eileen and Henry, bro/o Peter, David and June, service and burial at Rimbey, Alberta Resident of Cumberland Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper STACEWICZ Valentina Anastazja M RCAF Protestant Chapel STACEY Clifford Ralph M Lutheran Church STACEY Dianne M Courtenay, St. George's STACKHOUSE (boy) Birth Comox STACKHOUSE Sandy Jane Chr St. Peter's Comox Date Page Ronald Robert FP 8-Jul-1964 7 Pearce Rosemari e Darlene FP 10-Oct-1962 3 Holst Arne FP 2-Oct-1963 Anderson David Gibb Stafford FP 6-Sep-1961 12 Reimer Lepke FP 8-Sep-1965 3 Death Vancouver STAMME Gariela Mary M Can. Martyrs, Courtenay STANDING (boy) Birth Comox FP 30-Jan-1963 2 STANLEY Mark Chr Campbell River United infant Church FP 17-Apr-1963 B5 STANTON (boy) Birth Comox FP 18-Jan-1961 2 Alert Bay, Christ Church M STEEL Mary Death Comox STEELE (boy) Birth Vancouver STEELE Herbert Grant M Royston STEEMERS STEFANSON STEFANSON (boy) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox age 75 Son of LAC/Mrs. Eric Stackhouse, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M E. Stackhuse christened FP 22-Apr-1964 3 Janet Scott Flora Irene Son of M/M H. Stacey of Sidney, engagement announced 5 Sep page 15 Dtr/o M/M Joseph Stacey of Courtenay STAFFORD STAUFFER age 82 Dtr/o M/M Joseph Stacewicz of Courtenay 3 FP 26-Feb-1964 16 infant Info/Kin Son of Cpl/Mrs. R.M. Standing, RCAF Comox Son of M/M M. Stanley of Willow Point christened, grandson of M/M N. Williamson Son of M/M John Edward Stanton of Qualicum Beach Dtr/o M/M H. Stauffer of Alert Bay Paul Edwin Palm FP 13-Sep-1961 13 David T. Steel FP 4-Jan-1961 5 FP 3-May-1961 14 Bernice Anne Scarff Nee Dunlop, born at Westville, Nova Scotia, mother of Harold, Cecil and Earl, sister of Rupert, Ethel and Jessie, service at Simmons & McBride, bur. Masonic cemetery, Burnaby Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Henry Stamme of Merville Born in Glasgow, Scotland, husband died 1957, mother of James, Margaret Owen and Mrs. C..W. Nicholls, service at Piercy's FH, cremation Son of M/M C.T. Steele, nee Janet Marie Burns, 8 lb 4 oz Wedding photo FP 22-May-1963 10 FP 27-Feb-1963 14 FP 1-Feb-1961 14 FP 31-Jan-1962 2 Son of M/M T. Steemers of Courtenay Son of M/M Kenneth Stefanson of Comox Son of M/M Kenneth Stefanson of Comox Surname STEFANSON Givens Eric David STEFANSSON Ragnar Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Chr Comox United Church Death Vancouver infant Date Page FP 10-Apr-1963 3 age 67 single FP 7-Mar-1962 14 age 55 Edwin Degmar FP 14-Oct-1964 8 Stefansso n STEFANSSON Sarah Elizabeth Death Victoria STEINKAMP (boy) Birth Comox FP 25-Jan-1961 7 STEPHAN STEPHAN STEPHENS (boy) boy and girl (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox FP 6-Oct-1965 9 FP 7-Jun-1961 10 FP 21-Feb-1962 10 STEPHENS Reginald C.B. M Courtenay, St. George's STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENS STEVENSON (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox STEVENSON Mabel Death Alberni STEVORICH Frank Death Cumberland age 76 STEWARD STEWART STEWART (girl) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox FP 31-May-1961 2 FP 29-Mar-1961 10 FP 10-May-1961 10 STEWART (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 24-May-1961 2 STEWART STEWART STEWART (boy) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth FP 28-Jun-1961 10 FP 2-Aug-1961 13 FP 3-Oct-1962 10 STEWART Audrey Margaret M STEWART Leslie James M Comox Comox Comox Cumberland United Church Duncan United Church Olive Jean FP 10-May-1961 2 York FP FP FP FP FP age 77 5-Sep-1962 1-Feb-1961 24-Jun-1964 28-Oct-1964 1-Sep-1965 2 14 2 2 5 Rev. Glenn FP 18-Jan-1961 12 Stevenson Katie Barduk George Norman Tait Barbara Anne Carter FP 28-Nov-1962 2 FP 20-Sep-1961 2a FP 1-May-1963 14 Info/Kin Son of M/M Ken Stefanson, grandson of Mrs. Henry Stefanson Born in Manitoba, formerly of Comox, bro/o Henry, Edwin and Dora, service at Hamilton Mortuary Formerly of Comox and Bevan, mother of William, Connie, Joyce and Gaye, sis/o Elmer, George and Leslie Cook, Mrs. T. Bryant and Mrs. E. Smith, service at McCall's FH in Victoria. Son of Rev. and Mrs. George Steinkamp of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. Walter Stephan of Merville Son and Dtr of M/M Walter Stephan of Courtenay Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. Leslie Stephens, RCAF Holberg Son of M/M L. Stephens of France, engagement announced 5 Apr page 15 Son of LAC/Mrs. Philip Stevens, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Phillip Stevens, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. S. Stevens, RCAF Dtr/o M/M Jack Stevens of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. A. Stevenson, RCAF Comox Born in Surrey, England, nee Knight, pioneer family of Knight Road, mother of Nellie Fisk, service at All Saints church, Alberni, cremation Born in Croatia, 2 dtrs not named, service in Cumberland RC, bur. Cumberland cemetery Dtr/o F/L and Mrs. John Steward, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. James Stewart, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Edison C. Stewart of Comox Son of M/M Desmond Stewart of Union Bay Son of M/M Donald Stewart of Courtenay Son of M/M Gerald Stewart of Union Bay Son of F/O and Mrs. Ian Stewart, RCAF Comox Engagement announced on Audrey's 19th birthday, dtr/o M/M Joe Stewart Son of M/M Joseph Stewart of Union Bay, engagement announced 1 May page 14. See shower for bride 29 May page 5 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper STEWART Leslie James M Duncan STEWART Mary Death Comox STEWART Robert Clifford Chr STEWART-BURTON (boy) Birth Comox United Church Comox STICK (boy) Birth STICK STICK STILLAR (girl) (girl) (boy) STOCKAND (girl) age 81 infant Barbara Anne Carter William Wallace Stewart Date Page Son of Mrs. Joseph Stewart of Union Bay FP 12-Jun-1963 2 FP 21-Jul-1965 9 FP 27-Sep-1961 4a FP 9-Oct-1963 2 Comox FP 8-Aug-1962 2 Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox FP 1-Aug-1962 FP 9-Oct-1963 FP 7-Mar-1962 2 2 2 Birth Cumberland FP 25-Sep-1963 3 STOCKAND Ruby Patricia "Mary" Death Victoria STOCKAND Sharlene Ruby M STOKES (girl) Birth STONE Nicki Louise M STOREY Ethel Gertrude Death Victoria STORR Sheila Elizabeth M Merritt, BC STOTTS STOTZER (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox STOWE Alice Mary Death Comox STRACHAN STRACHAN (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox STRACHAN Noel McPhee M Comox, St. Peter's Edward 13-Jul-14 Wesley FP 5-Jun-1963 Stockand Cumberland United Church Comox Livermore, California age 79 age 55 Info/Kin William Macaulay FP Coulter FP Raymond Herbert FP Hammell Thomas FP Storey Ronald Eric FP Sullivan FP FP George Norman FP Stowe FP FP Carolyn Barbara FP Allen 5 24-Apr-1963 7 28-Jul-1965 3 Born in Mill Hill, England, husband died 1954, mother of William, Alex, Don, Mary, Ivy and Evelyn, service at Piercy FH, cremation Son of M/M E.C. Stewart christened, grandson of Mrs. A.C. Stewart and M/M L.H. Sandall Son of Cpl/Mrs. P. Stewart-Burton, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Norman Stick, RCAF Comox (correction) Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Norman Stick, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Norman Stick, RCAF Comox Son of F/L and Mrs. G.R. Stillar, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Clarence Stockand of Cumberland Born in Vancouver, dtr/o Reginald Hassell, mother of Sharlene and Robert (died 1956), service at Cumberland United Church, bur. Cumberland cemetery Dtr/o M/M Edward Stockand of Victoria, formerly of Cumberland Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. James Arthur Stokes, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Bernard Stone of Livermore, California 30-Sep-1964 8 24-Jul-1963 12 21-Apr-1965 B5 23-Oct-1963 2 23-Sep-1964 B5 21-Aug-1963 2 22-Aug-1962 10 30-Jan-1963 2 22-Dec-1965 3 Former resident, owned mink farm on Muir Road, service in Victoria, husband dec'd Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. O. Storr of Vancouver, gdtr of Mrs. G. Sutherland and Mr./Mrs. Alex Storr, descendant of Grieve family Son of M/M F. Stotts of Courtenay Son of M/M H. Stotzer of Courtenay Resident of Courtenay, mother of Mrs. R. Anderson, sis/o Larry, Leo, Roy and Danny Holden, service at Can. Martyrs RC church, Sutton's FH Dtr/o M/M M. Strachan of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Angus Strachan of Courtenay Son of Mrs. Hugh Strachan and the late Mr. Strachan of Campbell River Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page STRAITH William T. M Vancouver Christine FP 7-Aug-1963 Jean Ross 2 STRANK Robert Bruce M Victoria, First United Diane Clareen Smith 10 STRATFORD STRAUB STRIDE (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth STRUSSI Donna Lee M FP 14-Aug-1963 16 FP 28-Mar-1962 2 FP 11-Dec-1963 3 Robert Thomas Conn Can. Martyrs, Courtenay Veronica Lynn Flack FP 22-Sep-1965 B8 FP 24-May-1961 9 STRUSSI Remo M STRUTHERS James Death Comox age 83 Florence Buckley FP 14-Oct-1964 12 STRUTHERS Robert Death Comox age 76 Mrs. Ada Cooke FP 13-May-1964 5 STUART Donald Charles Alfred M STUART George William M STUBBS (girl) Birth STUBBS Dorothy Jean M North Vancouver STUBBS Jill Louise Chr Courtenay, infant St. George's STUBBS Vega Mary M Winnipeg, Manitoba Campbell River, St. Peter's Comox Resident of Victoria, Queen's Council, father of Mrs. R.A. Stuart Son of M/M D. Strank of Courtenay FP 11-Jul-1962 Comox Comox Comox Cumberland United Church RCAF Protestant Chapel Info/Kin Helen Dorothy FP 8-Mar-1961 2 Wonnenb erg Wendy Joan FP 29-May-1963 B5 Fremont FP 25-Oct-1961 2 Lachlan James FP 23-Jan-1963 2 McQuarrie FP 16-Aug-1961 2 Garth McLeneha FP 4-Jul-1962 n Bray 3 Son of LAC/Mrs. B. Stratford, RCAF Comox Son of F/O and Mrs. Tracy J. Straub, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. L. Stride, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Robert Strussi of Cumberland, engagement announced 5 Apr page 15 Son of Mrs. David Strussi and the late Mr. Strussi of Cumberland Born in Thessalon, Ontario, wife dec'd, father of Douglas, Colin, Doreen and Roma, service at Sutton FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Born in Glasgow, Scotland, first wife dec'd, father of Reta Bulloch, bro/o Mary, Agnes, Jean, Jessie, Lil and May, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of M/M George M. Stuart of Norquay, Saskatchewan Son of M/M Douglas Stuart of Victoria Dtr/o M/M James Stubbs of Comox Dtr/o M/M G. William Stubbs Dtr/o M/M William G.F. Stubbs of Prince Rupert, gdtr of M/M G.W. Stubbs and M/M Kenneth Cosby Dtr/o M/M G.W. Stubbs, engagement announced 23 May page 14 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper STUBBS William G.F. M Prince Rupert STUBBS William Mark Birth Vancouver Margaret Elaine Cosby Vancouver Date Page Son of M/M G. William Stubbs of Courtenay FP 8-Feb-1961 2 FP 2-Jan-1963 2 David George FP 2-Sep-1964 Richardso n Lois Evelyn FP 21-Nov-1962 Food FP 23-Jan-1963 FP 30-Aug-1961 FP 10-Oct-1962 Arvid Lawrence FP 28-Jun-1961 Olafson FP 19-Feb-1964 Sheila Elizabeth FP 21-Apr-1965 Storr FP 8-Feb-1961 FP 12-Apr-1961 STUDDS Patricia Margaret M STUSEK Edward Henry Death Victoria STYGEL STYKEL SUDGEN (girl) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox SUGDON Anne Cordelia M Ladysmith, St. John's SULLIVAN (girl) Birth Comox SULLIVAN Ronald Eric M Merritt, BC SULSBURY SUN (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox SUNDIN Barbara Ann M Courtenay, St. George's Hugh Barry FP 14-Oct-1964 5 McCombe Karrne Tryhens FP 14-Feb-1962 2 Ethel Sherwood SUNDQUIST Jarl Dale M Renfrew United Church SURGENOR (girl) Birth Ottawa SURGENOR James Walter M Lloydminster , Alberta SURGENOR Neil Earl M Union Bay age 31 Info/Kin Son of M/M William G.F. Stubbs of Vancouver. See Christening 23 Jan 1963 page 2 Dtr/o Mrs. Wm J.N. Studds of Vancouver 7 1 16 2 16 Resident of Courtenay, born in Saskatchewan, father of Glen and Barbara, service in Victoria Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. W. Stygel, RCAF Comox Son of M/M William Stykel of Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Donald Sudgen, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M C. Walker of Ladysmith 9 16 Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. F. Sullivan, RCAF Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. E.B. Sullivan of Atikokan, Ontario B5 14 2 FP 19-Feb-1964 16 Marilyn Gwen FP 25-Jul-1962 14 Owen Gwendoly n Lewella FP 18-Nov-1964 C2 Kerton Son of M/M Jack W. Sulsbury of Campbell River Dtr/o M/M Mah Wing Sun of Campbell River Dtr/o M/M Carl Sundin of Courtenay, See 21 Oct page 2, friends and relatives who attended Parents not named, married in Vancouver Dtr/o Cst. and Mrs. James W. Surgenor, grt gdtr of M/M R. Surgenor of Grantham, 9 lb. Son of Mrs. M. Piggott and late John E. Surgenor, engagement announced 25 Jul page 14 Son of M/M Earl Surgenor of Fanny Bay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper SURGENOR Robert James Death Comox age 88 SUTCLIFFE John Death Riondel, BC age 74 Date Caroline FP 1-Jul-1964 Surgenor Margaret McBride Page 12 FP 11-Jan-1961 10 SUTHERLAND (boy) SUTHERLAND (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 29-Aug-1962 12 FP 10-Jun-1964 2 SUTTER Robert Lawrence M Vancouver, St. Jude's SUTTON Charles E. Death Nanaimo age 77 Gertrude FP 22-Jan-1964 12 May Dunn SUTTON Jennie Amelia Death Comox age 86 John Raffalee Sutton Wenonah FP 13-Jun-1962 2 Jean Adair Born at Portglenone, Antrim, Oreland, father of John and George (both dec'd) and Lilly, service at Sandwick Anglican, bur. Anglican cemetery (Piercy FH) Born in Sydney, Australia, father of Donald at Comox, Robert, Margaret, Betty, Molly and John (died 1938), service at Nelson, BC Son of LAC/Mrs. R. Sutherland, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. R. Sutherland of Courtenay Son of M/M Mike Sutter of Burnaby Born in Cardiff, Wales, wife dec'd, formerly of Cumberland, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Born at Fishing Creek, Pennsylvania, nee Belles, FP 31-Jan-1962 1 Penelope Diane FP 21-Aug-1963 2 Balmer SUTTON John Howard M St. Peter's Anglican, Comox SWALES SWAN (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox SWAN Catherine Anne BaikieDeath Courtenay age 80 Alexander Hartford FP 24-Jun-1964 2 Swan SWAN George Mark Death Victoria age 85 Alice Evelyn Dalby FP 19-Dec-1962 16 SWAN Lloyd Death Grantham age 55 single FP 2-Jan-1963 SWAN Robert A. Paradise Death Valley, California Mamie 11 oct 1890 Swan SWANN John Death Comox age 90 FP 7-Aug-1963 2 FP 31-May-1961 2 Agnes Edwards Info/Kin 1 FP 12-Dec-1962 5a FP 24-Jul-1963 10 Son of M/M Charles Sutton of Courtenay Son of LAC/Mrs. V. Swales, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Cecil Swan of Parksville Born in Orkney Islands, dtr/o James Corrigall and Ann Baikie, resident of Denman Island, service at Piercy FH, bur. Denman Island cemetery. See obituary 1 July page 12, mother of Lottie, Edna, Stella, Muriel and Raymond Born in Elora, Ontario, farmed at Fanny Bay, brother of Mrs. Margaret B. Lewis, service in Victoria Born in district, son of pioneer Swan and Berkeley families, brother of Mrs. Madeleine Vanstone, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of pioneers M/M Robert T. Swan of Denman Island, employed by Jack Dempsey, father of Warren and Clarke, bro/o J. and W. Swan, Mrs. Boobyer and Mrs. Wade Born at Drayton, Ontario, formerly of Alberta and Saskatchewan, father of Kenneth, William and Evelyn, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Courtenay, St. George's Allan Dingwall Date Page From New Westminster, quiet wedding SWANSON Mrs. May M SWAYZE SWAYZE SWEET SWERHUN SWERHUN (girl) (girl) (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth SWINAMER Christian Emery Chr SWIRSKI SYMCHYCH SYMINGTON SZABON Kenneth James (boy) (girl) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Birth SZASZIK Madelin M Prince George, BC Philip Ulrich FP 14-Jul-1965 B10 TAAFFE Susan Naomi M Comox, St. Peter's Burton Leslie Cook FP 8-Sep-1965 5 TAGGART TAILLEFER (girl) (girl) Birth Birth TAIT George Norman M TAIT Tricia Marie Ann Chr TALSON (girl) Birth Comox Comox Cumberland United Church Hardwicke infant Island Comox TANTRUM (boy) Birth Comox FP 19-Jun-1963 14 TANTRUM (girl) Birth Comox FP 5-Feb-1964 TANTRUM Ethel Clare Death Cumberland age 74 George William Tantrum Cumberland, St. John's RC Jill Colombo TANTRUM James Wilfred M Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox United Church Comox Comox Comox Comox FP 15-May-1963 B6 FP FP FP FP FP age 6 months 21-Jun-1961 19-Dec-1962 1-Aug-1962 11-Nov-1964 31-May-1961 2 2 2 3 2 FP 5-Jul-1961 8 FP FP FP FP 2 10 2 8 20-Sep-1961 3-Apr-1963 8-Aug-1962 2-Oct-1963 FP 15-Nov-1961 2 FP 30-Jun-1965 Audrey Margaret Stewart Info/Kin FP 20-Sep-1961 2a FP 9-May-1962 13 FP 1-May-1963 7 2 FP 11-Apr-1962 10 FP 21-Nov-1962 3 Dtr/o M/M Douglas Swayze of Dove Creek Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. D. Swayze, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Reginald Sweet, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Peter Swerhun of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Peter Swerhun of Courtenay Son of Corporal E.F. and Mrs. Swinamer of Courtenay, grandson of M/M Peter Swinamer of Nova Scotia and Mr. R. Jacques of Kelowna Son of M/M Thomas E. Swirski of Comox Son of Sgt/Mrs. J. Symchych, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/L and Mrs. D. Symington, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Frank Szabon, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. David Rommel of Prince George Dtr/o Mrs. Ruth E. Taaffe of Courtenay, engagement announced 11 August page 8 Dtr/o M/M Leslie Taggart of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. G. Taillefer of Merville Engagement announced on Audrey's 19th birthday, son of M/M George Tait of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Carl Tait of Willow Point christened Dtr/o Sgt/Mrs. Elmer Talson, RCAF Comox Son of M/M James Tantrum, nee Jill Colombo, of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Wm Tantrum of Cumberland Born in London, England, nee Cornwall, husband dec'd, mother of George, James, Jack, Alvin and Myrtle, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of M/M James Arthur Tantrum, engagement announced 17 Oct page 13 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date TANTRUM William George M Cumberland United Church TAPP Elaine Dorothy M Victoria TAPP Ross Stewart Death Victoria TAPPAY Kenneth Joseph M RCAF Protestant Chapel Eileen Dianne Dougall TARBELL Kathleen Hannah M Cumberland, Holy Trinity Gordon FP 4-Sep-1963 Basil Bell TARNOWSKI (girl) Birth Comox age 62 Page Loretta Ann FP 28-Mar-1962 9 Armstrong Courtenay FP 9-Jun-1965 C8 Isobel Blythe FP 9-May-1962 16 FP 24-Feb-1965 B9 Clifford Paul M Courtenay, St. John's TARVES (girl) Birth White Rock FP 10-Apr-1963 10 TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP TAYLOR (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 17-May-1961 2 TAYLOR (girl) Birth Comox FP 11-Aug-1965 11 TAYLOR Abraham John Death Comox age 73 Gertrude Taylor FP 27-Sep-1961 12 TAYLOR Anna Gawl Death Comox age 83 single FP 11-Nov-1964 3 TAYLOR Barbara Annie M Kilsyth, Grey Co., Ontario TAYLOR Caroline Ellen Death Comox, The age 90 Fort 19-Jul-1961 27-Dec-1961 28-Mar-1962 3-Oct-1962 Dtr/o Mrs. Ross Stewart Tapp and late Mr. Tapp, formerly of Courtenay Born in Corning, California, formerly of Courtenay, father of Elaine, bro/o Roy, Frank and Jennie, service at Victoria Son of Mr./Mrs. Joseph Tappay of Natal, BC, stationed in Solingen, Germany Dtr/o late M/M Edward Winram of Winnipeg TARNOWSKI FP 7-Jun-1961 Son of M/M James Tantrum of Cumberland, engagement announced 14 Mar page 13 2 FP 11-Nov-1964 3 Patricia Alice Large Info/Kin Dtr/o M/M Clifford Tarnowski of Courtenay Son of M/M W. Tarnowski of Courtenay 2 2 10 2 10 George Allen FP 10-Jan-1962 3 MacDermi d Charles Edward FP 14-Jun-1961 12 Taylor Dtr/o M/M Lloyd Tarves, nee Claire Downey Son of M/M Kenneth Taylor of Royston Son of LAC and Mrs. Wm Taylor, RCAF Comox Son of F/L and Mrs. Richard Taylor, RCAF Comox Son of F/Sgt and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Herbert J. Taylor of Cumberland Dtr/o Sgt/Mrs. Lloyd Taylor of Comox Born in England, father of Mrs. Edith Boyko and Muriel Taylor, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery, floral tributes listed Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, sis/o R.T. Taylor, service at Sutton FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Celebrating 60th wedding anniversary Born in England, nee Marchant, mother of Dorothy Sundin, William, Reginald and Norman, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper TAYLOR Catherine Lucille TAYLOR Douglas Andrew KeithChr Foursquare infant Gospel TAYLOR Roy David M Cumberland United Church Andrew Campbell Death River TELOSKY Death Comox Margaret Joan Mossey age 45 Campbell River United Church TELOSKY Joan Marie M TERRIS THATCHER THATCHER (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth THATCHER Robert Frederick M Tabitha Port Madison, Death Bainbridge Island, ISA THATCHER age 25 Charles William Taylor Gwyneth Mary Janes Jack Albert McKay Comox Comox Comox RCAF Protestant Chapel Date FP 9-Aug-1961 Page 8 age 71 Born in Campbell River, nee Callow, mother of Norma and Chucky, sister of Ida, Tina, Evelyn, Elsie, Mary, Ed, Chuck, Johnny, George, Fred and Clint, service at Qualicum United Church, bur. Qualicum cemetery FP 23-Aug-1961 2 Son of M/M Kenneth Taylor of Courtenay christened, grandson of Capt/Mrs. J.D. Inverarity of Port Alberni FP 18-Aug-1965 5 Son of Mr./Mrs. Roy Taylor of Royston, engagement announced 21 July page 8 FP 14-Aug-1963 1 Born in Haney, well known sportsman. See obituary 21 Aug page B1, father of Joan and Howard, siblings named, service and burial in Campbell River Dtr/o Mrs. Gwen and the late Andy Telosky FP 7-Apr-1965 B4 FP 12-Jun-1963 2 FP 18-Jan-1961 2 FP 20-Jun-1962 2 Barbara Lee McIrvine Info/Kin Son of Cpl/Mrs. James Terris, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M William Thatcher of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Richard Thatcher of Courtenay Son of Frederick James Thatcher of Northwood, Ontario FP 21-Mar-1962 3 Thomas L. FP 15-Mar-1961 12 Thatcher Nee Lewis, former Cumberland resident, sister of Jack Lewis, Mrs. Clifford Cox, Mrs. Deborah Gray and Mrs. Orpha Bond, service at Bainbridge Island FH Son of M/M Roy Thexton of Cumberland THEXTON Terry Scott M Can. Martyrs RC church THIBAULT THIBAULT THIBEAU THIBEAULT THIBODEAU THIESSEN (boy) (girl) (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Shirley Mary FP 9-Aug-1961 2 FP FP FP FP FP FP 16 7 2 2 3 26-Apr-1961 15-May-1963 13-Sep-1961 11-Apr-1962 11-Dec-1963 3-Jul-1963 Son of Sgt/Mrs. Charles Thibault, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Gilbert Thibault of Courtenay Son of Cpl/Mrs. Gordon Thibeau, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Thibeault, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. C. Thibodeau, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Dick Thiessen of BlackCreek Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper THOBURN Edna Georgina M Van Anda, Texada Island THOMAS THOMAS THOMAS THOMAS (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox THOMAS Douglas Charles Death Bowser THOMAS George M John Fraser Gavin age 44 Burnaby, BC Page FP 19-Jul-1961 10 FP FP FP FP 10 2 2 3 22-Aug-1962 20-Sep-1961 11-Apr-1962 7-Apr-1965 Winnifred FP 8-Mar-1961 Conroy 10 Louisa Horton 5 FP 4-Sep-1963 H. Basil Thomas FP 1-Aug-1962 8 Bonnie Patricia Ens FP 2-Sep-1964 B1 12 THOMAS Gwendolen Eva Death Comox THOMAS William Herbert M Murrayville THOMPSON (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 8-Mar-1961 THOMPSON (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 12-Apr-1961 2 THOMPSON (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 31-Oct-1962 2 THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP THOMPSON Florence Death Courtenay THOMPSON Henry M THOMPSON Janis Claire M THOMPSON Linda M Hamilton, Scotland Can. Martyrs RC church age 79 Date age 45 24-Jul-1963 14-Jun-1961 11-Apr-1962 3-Oct-1962 Spencer FP 2-Jun-1965 Thompson 2 10 2 10 1 Rosina FP 1-Apr-1964 1 McGinnis Ted FP 30-Sep-1964 10 Robinson John FP 3-Jan-1962 Thomson 3 Info/Kin Dtr/o M/M R. Thoburn of Van Anda, Texada Island, engagement announced 5 Jul page 14 Son of M/M Alan Thomas of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Martin Thomas of Fanny Bay Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. A. Thomas, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Dennis Thomas, RCAF Comox Born at Marshfield, Oregon, son of Felix and Dorothy Thomas, father of Terry, Peggy and Patrick (dec'd), service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery 50th wedding anniversary celebrated in Royston Born at Twyford, Berkshire, England, formerly of Battleford, Sask., husband died 1958, mother of Olive and Hugheen (dec'd), Margaret and Lawrence, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of Mrs. E.V. Petersen of Royston and the late Felix C. "Jim" Thomas Son of M/M John G. Thompson of Cumberland Son of M/M Edward Thompson of Cumberland Son of M/M John G. Thompson of Cumberland Son of M/M Arthur Thompson of Brem River Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. Jack Thopson, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Herbert Thompson of Royston Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. M. Thompson of Comox Drowned in Courtenay river, born in Aaron, Sask., nee Bioff, see Obituary on page 11, 3 children not named, service at Sandwick Anglican, Sutton FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Celebrating 65th wedding anniversary Dtr/o F/S and Mrs. I.H. Thompson, engagement announced 30 Sep page 10 Dtr/o M/M H.K. Thompson of Royston Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page THOMPSON THOMSON twin girls (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 28-Nov-1962 2 FP 9-May-1962 9 THOMSON (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 14-Aug-1963 16 THOMSON Edward George M HMCS Naden Margaet Marina Crozier M Can. Martyrs RC church Linda FP 3-Jan-1962 Thompson Victoria William Brian FP 1-Jan-1964 Hotsenpill er FP 10-Jun-1964 7 Info/Kin Dtrs of F/O and Mrs. John Thompson, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Wm Thomson, RCAF Son of M/M Gary Thomson of Cumberland Son of Mrs. E.R. Thomson of Hanley, Stoke on Trent, England and the late Dr. E.R. Thomson Son of M/M A. Thomson of Victoria THOMSON John THOMSON Louise Helen M THOMSON Robert Steele Death Cumberland age 73 3 Dtr/o M/M J.R. Thomson of Courtenay 2 Alexandrin FP 16-Sep-1964 5 a Shearer THORNBYCROFT (boy) Birth Comox FP 5-Sep-1962 THORNE Birth Middleton, Nova Scotia FP 22-Sep-1965 12 (boy) THORNE Donald Russell M Can. Martyrs RC church THORNLEY Marcus Campbell Birth Vancouver THORNTON (boy) Birth Comox 2 Son of Cpl/Mrs. D.R. Thorne, nee Gwenith Jones Gwyneth Euphemia FP 7-Mar-1962 Jones 8 FP 23-Aug-1961 2 FP 2-Sep-1964 Ada Thornton Arleene Ann Yendall 3 THORNTON Thomas Death Cumberland age 81 THORPE James Ernest M Comox, St. Peter's THORPE Paul Andrew Birth Victoria FP 21-Aug-1963 2 THRAN (boy) Birth Comox FP 11-Sep-1963 2 THRAN Horst Werner Death Comox THUMMERER (boy) Birth Comox Born in Franklin, Washington, resident of Cumberland, father of Jack and Doreen, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of LAC/Mrs. Sidney Thornbycroft, RCAF Comox age 63 Anna Thran FP 23-Sep-1964 B5 Son of M/M Albert Edward Thorne of Orillia, Ontario, engagement announced 7 Feb page 13 Son of M/M G. Thornley, nee Marilyn Walker, grandson of M/M Andy Walker, great grandson of Mrs. J. Lupton, 6 lb 15 oz Son of LAC/Mrs. Richard Thornton, RCAF Comox Resident of Cumberland, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M John Thorpe of Port Kells, BC FP 22-May-1963 2 FP 25-Sep-1963 3 FP 23-Dec-1964 B3 Son of Rev/ and Mrs. L.A. Thorpe of Courtenay, 10 lb 1 oz Son of M/M Dick Thran of RR2 Courtenay Born in East Prussia, father of Dick, Daniel, Erika, Dorothy and Else, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M F. Thummerer of BlackCreek Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper THWAITES Edgar Dundas Death Victoria age 83 TILLEY TIMCKE TIMCKE (girl) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth TIMMONS Wilfred Burns Death Buttle Lake TIMOTHY Alex Arthur Death Powell River age 54 TINGA TINGA (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox TINGA Theodore Francis M St. John's Anglican TINKLER Ester Lynne Chr Burnaby TINKLER Joyce M Langley, BC TINNION John Alfred Birth Halifax, Nova Scotia TINNION Joseph C. Death Nanaimo TJART (boy) Birth TJART Anna Death Comox TOAL Robert Barry Birth TOAL Sheila Dawn TOBACCO TOBACCO TOBACCO Kathleen A. Willemar Comox Comox Comox Date Page FP 25-Aug-1965 B1 FP 29-Nov-1961 2 FP 18-Sep-1963 2 FP 21-Apr-1965 5 age 28 single FP 21-Jul-1965 3 Sarah Blaney FP 9-Jun-1965 1 FP 16-May-1962 2 FP 24-Mar-1965 11 Gloria Catherine FP 2-May-1962 Beck 3 FP 6-Sep-1961 6 infant William Van Scheik FP 22-Aug-1962 5a FP 1-Nov-1961 age 81 Comox age 69 2 Mary Elizabeth FP 10-Mar-1965 11 Taylor FP 15-Nov-1961 2 Abram Tjart FP 6-Jun-1962 8 Vancouver FP 2-Dec-1964 5 Birth Vancouver FP 3-Apr-1963 10 (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 29-Sep-1965 9 FP 30-Oct-1963 2 Charles Death Victoria age 74 Della Tapella FP 21-Apr-1965 5 Info/Kin Born in Salisbury, England, resident of Qualicum Beach, father of Audrie, Pat, Ronald and Pamela (dec'd) Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. James Tilley, RCAF Holberg Son of M/M Albert Timcke of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Albert Timcke of Comox Inboard motor exploded, born in Nova Scotia, inquest ordered. See obituary on page 9, service at Sutton FH, bur. in Sidney, Nova Scotia Divorced, died from eating clams from Theodosia Arm Son of M/M Norman Tinga of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Ted Tinga of Kelsey Bay Son of M/M Ted Tinga of Courtenay, engagement announced 21 Mar page 12 Dtr/o M/M Arthur Tinkler christened, gdtr of Mrs. Leo Rogers and Mrs. Ester Tinkler Dtr/o Rev. and Mrs. Desmond E. Tinkler of St. John's, Newfoundland Son of M/M Jack Tinnion, nee Joan Winter, great grandson of Mrs. Fred Stephenson of Cumberland, 6 lb 10 oz Born in Wigton, England, wife dec'd, father of R., J.E., and Mrs. R. Guildolin, bro/o Dave Martin, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of M/M Nick Tjart of BlackCreek Born in Russia, nee De Veer, service at United Mennonite church, BlackCreek, Sutton's FH. See obituary 13 Jun page 14, mother of Frieda and Nick, 6 sisters and a brother named Son of M/M T.R. Toal, nee Frieda Winnig, 6 lb 9 oz Dtr/o M/M T.R. Toal, nee Frieda Winnig, 6 lb 2 oz Son of Mr./Mrs. D. Tobacco of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M D. Tobacco of Courtenay Born in Cumberland, wife died 1960, father of Charles Jr., Ray, George, William, Lily, Doris and Mary, service at United Church, bur. Cumberland cemetery (Piercy FH) Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page Info/Kin Son of M/M Second Tobacco of Cumberland TOBACCO Derrick George M Can. Martyrs RC church TOBACCO Roland Henry M Mulhurst, Alberta TOBACCO Thomas Death Port Alberni age 49 Merrilyn Dubreuil FP 12-Jul-1961 3 FP 4-Mar-1964 12 Wardna FP 19-Dec-1962 1 Thompson Son of M/M Charles Tobacco Jr. of Cumberland, engagement announced 4 Mar page 12 Car accident, born in Cumberland, father of Margaret and Robert, brother of Charles Tobacco of Cumberland Resident of Yarrow, BC TOEWS Jack M United Mennonite, BlackCreek Leona Mary FP 16-Oct-1963 B7 Hoeppner TOFT (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 7-Oct-1964 TOFT (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 24-Apr-1963 14 TOFT Clifford M TOLMIE Brent Alexander M Cumberland United Church Faith Lutheran Church TOMASI Marianna Death Alberni TOMLINSON TOMLINSON TORRIE TORRIE (boy) (girl) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth TORRY Dorothy Louisa TORTORELLI Lenard M Campbell River United Church TOUTANT TOUTANT (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Denman Death Island 6 Marilynne FP 21-Nov-1962 6 Briggs age 82 Barbara Elisabith FP Hirsch Joseph Bardesson o and FP Joseph Tomasi FP FP FP FP age 3 years Son of M/M Clifford Toft of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Clifford Toft of Cumberland Son of Mrs. A. Armella of Ucluelet and Mr. T. Toft of Sayward, engagement announced 24 Oct page 15 Son of Mr./Mrs. Andrew Tolmie of Comox 8-Dec-1965 C10 10-May-1961 12 13-Nov-1963 14-Feb-1962 15-Aug-1962 13-Jan-1965 16 2 15 C2 FP 30-May-1962 12 Born in Italy, mother of Peter Bardessono, Katy and Mary, service at Cumberland RC church, bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of M/M D. Tomlinson of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M C. Tomlinson of Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. J. Torrie, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. James Torrie, RCAF Comox Born in Langley, BC, dtr/o James and Theresa Torry, service and burial on Denman Island Son of Mrs. Naknakin of Quadra Island Beverley FP 29-Nov-1961 2a Jane Early FP 2-Jan-1963 FP 5-Aug-1964 2 16 Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Robert Toutant of RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. R. Toutant of Royston Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Christine Louise Franklin Date Page TOUTANT Joseph Robert M Can. Martyrs RC church TOWNEND Catherine Ruth M Quebec City TOWNSEND Anne May M Oak Bay, BC TRAINOR (boy) Birth Comox TREMBLAY Ronald Death Hull, Quebec TRIBE TRIBE TRINDER TROTTER (boy) (girl) (girl) Albert and Norah Birth Birth Birth M TROTTER Arthur Death Comox TROY (girl) Birth Comox TRUEMAN (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 17-Jun-1964 2 TUBBS TUCKER TUCKER (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth FP 3-Nov-1965 9 FP 13-Jun-1962 2 FP 13-Mar-1963 2 TUCKER Arthur Death TUCKER David Death TUCKER Doreen Death TUCKER Norman Death TUFTS TUFTS TUININGA (girl) (girl) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Edmonton, Alberta Edmonton, Alberta Edmonton, Alberta Edmonton, Alberta Comox Comox Comox TUININGA Gary Eelke Chr 2 William H. FP 31-Jan-1962 2 Sharp George Joseph FP 14-Aug-1963 3 Shaw FP 3-Apr-1963 10 age 21 Comox Comox Comox Comox, St. Peter's FP 26-Jul-1961 single FP 10-Feb-1965 1 FP FP FP FP age 83 8-Feb-1961 11-Sep-1963 19-Jun-1963 30-Jan-1963 Elizabeth Gibson FP 4-Apr-1962 Lint FP 7-Nov-1962 14 2 14 3 9 2 FP 16-Jan-1963 1 age 16 FP 16-Jan-1963 1 age 18 FP 16-Jan-1963 1 age 14 FP 16-Jan-1963 1 FP 14-Jun-1961 10 FP 19-Dec-1962 2 FP 22-Jan-1964 16 infant FP 18-Nov-1964 B1 Info/Kin Son of late M/M C. Toutant of Cap Madeliene, Quebec, engagement announced 5 Jul page 14 Dtr/o M/M John A.S. Townsend of Quebec City Dtr/o M/M P.M. Townsend of Victoria Son of F/L and Mrs. Bruce Trainor, RCAF Comox Found dead in car, seaman at HMCS Gloucester, resident of Courtenay. See obituary 17 Feb page 3, born at Pierceland, Sask., son of M/M Luke Tremblay, bro/o Larry, Luella, Lois, Elaine and Pat, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M Walter Tribe of Comox Dtr/o Lt/Mrs. Walter Tribe, RCN Comox Dtr/o M/M John Trinder, RCAF Comox 25th wedding anniversary celebrated at Sandwick Born in Brandon, Manitoba, father of Violet, Gladys, Albert, George and Harry, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay civic Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. D. Troy, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Glenn Edward Trueman of Brown's River, Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. A. Tubbs of Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. F.D. Tucker, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Joseph Tucker of Comox Brother-in-law of Mr. G.L. Helme of Courtenay, died in car accident along with 3 children Died in car accident near Edmonton Died in car accident near Edmonton Died in car accident near Edmonton Dtr/o F/O and Ms. Harold Tufts, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. H. Tufts, RCAF Comox Son of M/M A. Tuininga of Comox Son of M/M A. Tuininga of Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Frances Dean McLeod Date Page TULLOCH William James M Victoria TURCOTTE TURGEON (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 3-Jan-1962 FP 17-Jul-1963 2 2 TURNBULL (boy) Birth Vancouver FP 4-Mar-1964 2 TURNBULL Donald Wesley M South Burnaby TURNER (boy) Birth Comox TURNER Elizabeth Jean M TURNER Gregor Robert M TURPIN (girl) Birth TURPIN Joseph Louis Alban M TWEEDHOPE (boy) Birth TWEEDHOPE James Lees Death Nanaimo TWEEDIE Anona (Mrs.) M Beverley Ann Marie FP 15-May-1963 5 Sacht FP 18-Sep-1963 2 Alan FP 15-Mar-1961 13 Simmons Shawnigan Lake United Church Ruby Edgson Comox RCAF Catholic chapel Victoria Nanaimo FP 13-Nov-1963 2 age 75 FP 7-Aug-1963 FP Linda Elizabeth FP Dingwall FP Clara Pearl FP Thomas Jack FP Holman Charles James 20 nov 1879 Tweedie 2 22-Sep-1965 12 Info/Kin Stationed at RCAF Comox, son of Mrs. Pauline Tulloch of Belleville, Ontario Son of LAC/Mrs. George Turcotte, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Yvon Turgeon, RCAF Son of M/M D. Turnbull, nee Beverly Sacht Son of M/M R.J. Turnbull of South Burnaby, engagement announced 3 Apr page 14 Son of M/M Leonard Turner of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M R.A. Turner of Ladysmith, marriage announcement Son of M/M R.A. Turner of Ladysmith, formerly of Comox, grandson of Mrs. H.A. Turner of Courtenay Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. A. Turpin, RCAF Comox Son of M/M E. Turpin of Bathurst, New Brunswick 29-Apr-1964 2 11-Nov-1964 3 22-Aug-1962 11 28-Aug-1963 8 TWEEDIE Flora Elizabeth Death Comox TWEEDY John Frederick M Mennonite Brethren, BlackCreek TYLER UDDENBERG (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 29-Apr-1964 2 FP 28-Aug-1963 8 ULRICH (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 18-Mar-1964 2 ULRICH (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 21-Jul-1965 FP 10-Apr-1963 B6 Ellenor Irene Van FP 9-Oct-1963 Bergen Son of M/M Norman Tweedhope, 7 lb Resident of Qualicum, brother of Dave Tweedhope of Cumberland, bur. Westwood cemetery, Nanaimo Resident of Fanny Bay (Fanny Bay news) Nee Keenan, born at Fredrickton, New Brunswick, mother of Charles, Marguerite and Violet, sis/o Laura Lindsay-Dickson of Denman Island, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M John Tweedy of Millard Creek, Courtenay 7 5 Son of F/O and Mrs. K.D. Tyler, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Brian Uddenberg, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Stephen Ulrich of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. Stephen J. Ulrich of Cumberland Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Comox Cumberland United Church Date FP 5-Dec-1962 Llewellyn Charles FP 8-Apr-1964 Williams Madelin Carol FP 14-Jul-1965 Szaszik Agnes Margaret FP 21-Feb-1962 Shaw Page ULRICH (girl) Birth 2 ULRICH Agnes Carolina M ULRICH Philip M Prince George, BC ULRICH Steven Jacob M Cumberland United Church ULRICHS Hero M Chilliwack UNDERHILL (girl) Birth Comox FP 18-Nov-1964 10 UNGER Cindy Leanne Chr Cumberland, age 2 years Holy Trinity FP 31-May-1961 9 UNRUH UNRUH UNRUH URQUHART URQUHART URQUHART (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP FP FP URQUHART Martha Death Comox URQUHART William Ian Peter M Courtenay, St. George's UTZ Debora Rosina Chr Courtenay, age 4 months St. George's VALENTINE Mary Anna M VALLEE (girl) Birth Comox VALLEY Douglas Allan M Seattle, Washington Karen Ann FP 26-Jun-1963 3 Quinn M Mennonite Brethren, BlackCreek John Frederick FP 9-Oct-1963 Tweedy age 85 Son of Mrs. Elizabeth Ulrich of Courtenay and late Mr. B10 Ulrich Son of Betty Ulrich of Courtenay and late J. Ulrich 10 2 3 2 8 2 16 John Urquhart FP 16-Jun-1965 5 Rosilynn Mary Walsh FP 25-Oct-1961 14 James Epps Dtr/o M/M Stephen Ulrich of Cumberland Dtr/o Mrs. E. Ulrich of Courtenay and the late Mr. Ulrich 2 Judy Ruth FP 10-Sep-1964 B8 Evans 31-Jul-1963 25-Sep-1963 17-Jan-1962 15-Feb-1961 24-Oct-1962 19-Feb-1964 Info/Kin Son of M/M F. Ulrichs of Kitimat Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Arthur Underhill, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Mrs. Edna Unger christened, gdtr of M/M Ivor Lindman and M/M Henry Unger Son of M/M D. Unruh of BlackCreek Son of M/M A. Unruh of BlackCreek Dtr/o M/M A. Unruh of BlackCreek Dtr/o M/M Alexander D. Urquhart of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Wm Uquhart of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M William Urquhart of RR2 Courtenay Born in Scotland, husband died in June, two step-sons not named, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M Ivan Urquhart of Courtenay, performed by Rev. Raymond Fenn. See writeup 1 Nov page 2 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Alfred Utz of Campbell River Road FP 20-Oct-1965 C3 FP 4-Mar-1964 3 FP 30-May-1962 2 Dtr/o M/M E.C. Valentine of Comox Dtr/o M/M Ernest Vallee of Courtenay Son of M/M L. Valley of Duncan Dtr/o M/M H. Van Bergen VAN BERGEN Ellenor Irene 7 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page VAN CAESEELE(girl) VAN DER PUTTEN (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 1-Nov-1961 2 FP 12-Sep-1962 2 VAN DYK (girl) Birth Port Alberni FP 7-Oct-1964 VAN SCHEIK William M Langley, BC Joyce Tinkler Can. Martyrs RC church Pierrette Michelle Perreault FP 26-Apr-1961 3 Lorraine Ann Savoie FP 16-Oct-1963 3 VAN SICKLE Harry Jarvis M VAN SOMER James M HMCS Naden, Victoria Victoria Comox Comox Comox 6 FP 22-Aug-1962 5a VANDER PUTTEN Mary Ann Rose Chr Courtenay, age 6 weeks St. George's VANSTONE Eliza Death Campbell River age 83 David FP 30-Dec-1964 2 Vanstone VANSTONE Madeline Viola Death Alert Bay age 58 James FP 26-Jun-1963 16 Vanstone VAPON VASS (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox VATON David Wayne Chr St. Mary's Church VATON James Leslie M VEITCH Heather Dawn Chr VEITCH Ronald Blair VEITCH Stephen Douglas FP FP FP FP 19-Feb-1964 10-Jan-1962 24-Mar-1965 12-Jul-1961 16 2 11 2 Sons of M/M Van Somer, nee Lorraine Savoie Dtr/o M/M L. Vander Maaten of BlackCreek Son of Mr./Mrs. J. Vander Maaten of Royston Dtr/o M/M Abraham Vander Putten of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Bram Vander Putten, gdtr of M/M C.J. DeWitt FP 23-Aug-1961 2 FP 21-Jul-1965 FP 7-Jul-1965 5 12 FP 24-Nov-1965 2 Karen Frances Mary Bradbury Son of M/M William van Scheik of Comox Son of M/M J. Van Somer of Prince George Birth Birth Birth Birth Courtenay, St. John's Dtr/o Cst/Mrs. Albert Van Caeseele of Courtenay Son of M/M A. Van der Putten of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Andy Van Dyk, 7 lb 2 oz Son of M/M Eric Van Sickle of St. Catherine's, Ontario VAN SOMER twin boys VANDER MAATEN (girl) VANDER MAATEN (girl) VANDER PUTTEN (girl) infant Info/Kin FP 3-Apr-1963 3 Courtenay , age 2 St. George FP 5-Apr-1961 8 Chr Courtenay , age 6 St. George FP 5-Apr-1961 8 Chr Courtenay , age 4 St. George FP 5-Apr-1961 8 Born in Devonshire, England, husband dec'd, service and burial in Campbell River Born in Courtenay, dtr/o M/M Fred Swan of Grantham, divorced, mother of Lee Vanstone, service and burial in Nanaimo Son of Mr./Mrs. James Vapon of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Wm G. Vass of Fanny Bay Son of Mr./Mrs. J.L. Vaton of Courtenay, grandson of Mr./Mrs. G. Bradbury Resident of Courtenay, son of Mrs. L. Vaton, engagement announced 6 Mar page 10 Dtr of M/M E. Veitch Son of M/M E. Veitch Son of M/M E. Veitch Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page Info/Kin VELOSO VELOSO (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 24-May-1961 2 FP 11-Apr-1962 2 VENESS (boy) Birth Comox FP 4-Aug-1965 9 VERBOON (girl) Birth Comox FP 1-Jul-1964 2 VERMETTE (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 24-Jan-1962 2 VERWOLF VERWOLF (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 15-Mar-1961 14 FP 1-Aug-1962 2 VESTER (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 25-Mar-1964 7 VIENI VIENT VINCENT (boy) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox FP 18-Sep-1963 2 FP 4-Apr-1962 2 FP 17-Feb-1965 3 VINCENT John Death Comox VINEK VINER (boy) (girl) Birth Birth VISSER Edward Bernard M VISSER Sheila Mary M VOGEL (girl) Birth VOGRIG Reno M North Vancouver Loretta De FP 20-Feb-1963 11 Pape VOGT Ewald M Abbotsford United Church VON HAHN Inga Maria M Oliver, BC Dorothy Resident of Abbotsford Pearl FP 24-Jan-1962 2 Kerton David Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Helmut von Hahn, engagement Spencer FP 18-Aug-1965 B11 announced 21 July page 8 Chapman Baroness, Nee von Maydell, born in Estonia, husband Hermann died 1946, mother of Fritz, Juergen and Elisabeth, von FP 9-Jun-1965 11 service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Schilling age 81 Comox Comox Campbell River, St. Peter's RCAF Protestant Chapel Comox VON SCHILLINGMargarete Death Cumberland age 86 VRANJS Birth (girl) Cumberland Lillian Bloomer FP 17-Apr-1963 6 FP 29-Jan-1964 2 FP 11-Jul-1962 2 Carolyn Mae Brethour FP 1-May-1963 Dwaine Downey FP 14-Jun-1961 3 10 FP 25-Nov-1964 7 FP 18-Jan-1961 2 Son of M/M Jose Veloso of Courtenay Son of M/M Jose Veloso of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. Patrick Stephen Veness of Denman Island Dtr/o M/M Edward Verboon of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Victor J. Vermette of Cumberland Son of M/M Johannes Verwolf of Denman Island Son of M/M J. Verwolf of Denman Island Son of M/M Martin Vester of Royston Son of F/O and Mrs. Frank Vieni, RCAF Comox Son of F/O and Mrs. Frank Vient, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Peter Vincent, RCAF Comox Born in USA, Service by Jehovah's Witnesses, Piercy FH Son of LAC/Mrs. R. Vinek, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. George Viner, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Bernard Visser of BlackCreed, engagement announced 10 Apr page 12 Dtr/o M/M B.E. Visser, engagement announced 17 May page 14 Dtr/o M/M Peter Vogel of Courtenay Resident of Vancouver Dtr/o M/M Duro Vranjs of Cumberland. Cumberland's first New Year's baby Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper WADDEN Donald Crawford Death Kelsey Bay WAGNER Martin Ferdinand M Vancouver WAITE (girl) Birth Comox WALFORD Mary Frances M Comox United Church WALKER WALKER WALKER WALKER (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth WALKER (girl) Birth WALKER (girl) Birth age 45 FP 26-Jul-1961 FP Gary Douglas FP McCombe r FP FP FP FP 11-Jan-1961 12-Apr-1961 9-Aug-1961 11-Oct-1961 FP 24-Mar-1965 11 Courtenay, St. George's M WALKER George Spence Death Cumberland age 56 WALKER Helen Arlene M Courtenay, St. George's Terrence Burns Gordon Joseph FP 9-Aug-1961 Jenkinson Jean M WALKER Patricia Ann M St. Andrew's Anglican WALKER Vicki Dianne M Vancouver, St. Andrew's WALKEY (girl) Birth Comox WALLACE Harvey Francis Death Ladysmith WALLIS (boy) Birth Comox 14 2 10 2 FP 21-Mar-1962 11 Stanley Arthur Beech Dorothy Gladys Walker FP 18-Apr-1962 3 FP 5-Aug-1964 5 Florence Olsen Drowned after car plunged into water, 2 men survived. See obituary 13 May page 6, born on Cape Breton Island, one son not named, service at Comox Legion Son of M/M C.J. Wagner of Willow Point Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. M. Waite of Comox Dtr/o M/M J.N. Walford Son of LAC/Mrs. Eric Walker, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. B. Walker, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Raymond Walker, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Harold Walker of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Lowell Walker (Willow Point news) Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. George Walker of Merville Dtr/o M/M Frederick James Walker of Courtenay, engagement announced 31 Jan page 15 Born in Victoria, father of Arlene and Barrie, bro/o David, Mary and Mrs. Percy Renwick, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Dtr/o M/M F.J. Walker of Courtenay FP 16-Dec-1964 B4 2 James Wilson FP 5-May-1965 10 Mayberry Robert Darrel FP 26-Sep-1962 10 Warren FP 7-Aug-1963 2 age 62 Info/Kin 12-Feb-1964 15 Donna Jean WALKER 13 15-Apr-1964 6 WALKER Qualicum, St. Stephen's Page Ada Elizabeth FP 13-May-1964 1 Harper Linda Intrieri Comox Comox Comox Comox Campbell River Comox Date Dtr/o Harry Mayor of Gladstone, Manitoba and late Mrs. Mayor Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. S.A. Walker of Nottingham, England Dtr/o M/M J.R. Walker of Vancouver, formerly of Cumberland, engagement announced 15 Aug page 14 FP 19-Jun-1963 12 Dtr/o F/L and Mrs. Donald Walkey, RCAF Comox Born in Fernie, BC, married 1935, father of Carolin and Stephen, service in Ladysmith, cremation at Royal Oak FP 19-Sep-1962 2 Son of LAC/Mrs. Steven Wallis, RCAF Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Page WALRATH Ellen Frances Death Vancouver WALSH (girl) Birth Comox FP 1-Aug-1962 2 WALSH (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 7-Oct-1964 6 Birth Salmon River, Nova Scotia WALSH Darlene Yvonne age 79 Elmer Elsworth Walrath Date FP 17-Nov-1965 10 age 89 John Henry Walsh FP 2-May-1962 FP 25-Oct-1961 14 Death Comox WALSH Rosilynn Mary M Courtenay, St. George's William Ivan Urquhart 6 Sylvia Marguerite FP 19-Apr-1961 10 Bouchard Janice Patrice Zaleski WALTERS Edward M Cumberland, St. John's RC WANGLER Dennis Giles M RCAF Protestant Chapel WARD (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 6-Nov-1963 WARD (girl) Birth FP 13-Sep-1961 2 WARD Beverly John M Comox Cumberland United Church WARD Gerald Wayne M Courtenay, St. George's WARD Mrs. Ellen M Nanaimo Richard William M WARDROBE (boy) Birth Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. W. Walsh, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M David Walsh of Courtenay FP 22-Feb-1961 14 Margaret WARD Born in Nanaimo, nee Ead, mother of Mrs. E. Whitmore, William and Gerald Hallstrom, Byron Walrath and Mrs. M. McCormick, service in Vancouver, cremation Dtr/o M/M J. Raymond Walsh, gdtr of M/M C.L. Fletcher WALSH Union Bay United Church Info/Kin FP 20-Oct-1965 C8 2 Linda May FP 30-Jun-1965 C4 Blome Marlene Grace Hamling James Dalziel Joyce Carolyn Sexton FP 23-May-1962 3 FP 24-Jan-1962 14 FP 14-Jun-1961 5 FP 22-Aug-1962 10 Born in Norwich, Connecticut, husband died 1944, mother of Mrs. Leslie Bond of Hornby Island and Dorothy Walsh of Massachusetts, service at Piercy's FH, cremation Dtr/o M/M Ross Walsh, performed by Rev. Raymond Fenn. See writeup 1 Nov page 2 Son of M/M Vincent Walters of Victoria, engagement announced 12 Apr page 12 Son of Mr./Mrs. Peter Wangler of Courtenay, engagement announced 7 July page 9 Son of M/M Harold Ward of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Walter Ward of Cumberland Son of Mr./Mrs. Bev Ward of Courtenay Son of Mrs. S. Ward of Moncton, New Brunswick and late Mr. Ward, engagement announced 9 May page 14 Resident of Union Bay, marriage announcement Son of Mrs. Nell Ward of Union Bay and late Harold Ward, engagement announced 10 May page 12 Son of LAC/Mrs. D. Wardrobe, RCAF Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper WARE John Death Victoria WARREN Madeline M Cumberland WARREN Robert Darrel M Vancouver, St. Andrew's WARRINER Kathleen Mary M Courtenay, Foursquare church WARRINGTON Alfred Death Comox WATERFIELD (boy) Birth Cumberland WATERFIELD Garry Harold M Cumberland, Holy Trinity WATERMAN Allen Gilbert M Courtenay, St. George's WATERMAN Gerald Duncan M Beaverbrook , Nova Scotia Chr Union Bay United Church WATERMAN William Stanley WATERS Martha Louise Death Comox WATKINS (girl) Birth Cranbrook WATKINS Lenore Joan M Campbellton , St. Patrick's age 85 Lilly Mantle Date FP 8-Mar-1961 Page 10 Joseph Easterbro FP 20-Mar-1963 10 ok Vicki Dianne FP 26-Sep-1962 10 Walker George Robert Beech age 75 FP 20-Jan-1965 5 age 6 weeks age 47 Albert M. Waters Son of Mrs. Winnifred Warren of Vancouver and late Mr. R. Warren, engagement announced 15 Aug page 14 Dtr/o M/M H.L. Warriner of Campbell River Born in Leeds, Yorkshire, England, father of Elsie, Ruth, Lillian and Alfred Jr., service at St. Peter's Comox, Sutton FH, cremation Son of Mr./Mrs. G. Waterfield of Cumberland Son of M/M Harry Waterfield of Cumberland FP 30-Sep-1964 B2 FP 19-Sep-1962 3 Son of M/M Gilbert Waterman of Fanny Bay, engagement announced 8 Aug page 14 Son of M/M W. Waterman FP 7-Mar-1962 12 FP 25-Sep-1963 10 FP 11-Jul-1962 13 FP 29-Sep-1965 9 James William English Born in Devonshire, England, father of Jack, Dennis, Keith, Gwen, Trixie, Inez, Anne and Alinda, service at Sandwick Anglican, Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery 25th wedding anniversary FP 21-Jun-1961 2 Ruth Warringto FP 10-Mar-1965 11 n Janet Marion Evans Florence Louise Byers Karin Dianne Rowsell Info/Kin FP 2-Aug-1961 2 Son of M/M Gerald Waterman of Port Alberni, grt grandson of M/M Art Chafer Sr. Born in Mildred, Saskatchewan, nee Beeds, mother of Arnold, Bob, Eddie, Grace, Mrs. E. McCormack and Barbara, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Raymond Watkins, nee Phyllis Nairn Dtr/o M/M Raymond Watkins of Campbell River, formerly of Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper WATKINS Millicent Beatrice Death Comox, The age 77 Fort WATKINS Pamela Rose M Courtenay, St. George's WATKINS Raymond Elvin M St. Andrew's Anglican WATKINSON (boy) Birth WATSON (girl) WATSON WATSON John W. Watkins Thomas John Sinclair Phyllis Leita Nairn Date Page FP 22-Feb-1961 12 FP 2-Aug-1961 2 FP 2-May-1962 2 Comox FP 3-Apr-1963 10 Birth Comox FP 28-Jun-1961 10 Colin Archie M St. Peter's Church Colleen Joanne Chr Cumberland United age 10 years Church WATSON Kate Death Courtenay WATSON Raymond Patrick Chr WATSON Reginald Vernon Richmond, Death BC WATSON Wayne Thomas M WATT Edmund Chorley Death Grantham WATT Mary Hunter Death Comox WAUGH (boy) Birth Margaret Ann Blundy age 78 Charles Allan Watson Cumberland United age 5 years Church Son of M/M Raymond Watkins of Campbell River, engagement announced 28 Mar page 14 Son of M/M Wilbert Watkinson of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Marvin Watson, nee Donna Landers, of Courtenay Son of M/M Archie Watson of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Jack Watson FP 19-Apr-1961 10 FP 4-Dec-1963 14 Born in Montreal, Quebec, nee Harvie, husband and one dtr dec'd, mother of James, Alan, George, Mel, Doug, Mrs. John F. Hutchison and Mrs. J.D. Taylor, service at St. John's Anglican, cremation Son M/M Jack Watson FP 19-Apr-1961 10 Traffic accident, born in Cumberland, father of Bill, Kathy and Sharon, bro/o Marvin Watson of Courtenay, B11 service at Veterans' Plot of Surrey cemetery FP 2-Sep-1964 Brenda Kathleen Elliott FP 11-Oct-1961 3 age 75 single FP 5-Aug-1964 age 78 John Watt FP 26-Jun-1963 16 age 42 Born at Gloucester, England, husband decid, formerly of Port Alberni and Victoria, mother of Ross, service at Piercy's FH, cremation Dtr/o M/M Leslie C. Watkins of Victoria B3 Anne Watson Red Deer, Alberta Kansas City, Kansas FP 2-Sep-1964 Info/Kin Son of M/M T.W. Watson of Delburne, Alberta FP 18-Jul-1962 16 2 Born in England, no relatives named, service at Can. Martyrs RC church, bur. Cumberland cemetery (Sutton FH) Born in Dumfermline, Scotland, formerly of Bevan and Cumberland, husband died 1955, mother of Jack, Robert, Andrew, Bessie, Margaret, Isobel and Iris, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of M/M David Waugh, grandson of Mrs. Barbara Nadasdi of Cumberland Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page WEBB Karen Virginia M Qualicum Beach Leonhard FP 30-May-1962 3 Lange Heimke FP 26-Aug-1964 B5 Jensen FP 14-Mar-1962 2 WEBB Richard M at home WEBBER (girl) Birth Comox WEBBER Gertrude M Cumberland, St. John's RC WEBBER Margaret Isabel M North Vancouver WEBBER Ronald Vern M Courtenay, St. John's WEDEL (boy) Birth Comox James Campbell FP 24-Oct-1962 5 Sproat Lorraine Gail FP 11-Nov-1964 B4 Hawley FP 27-Feb-1963 14 WEDEL Elfrieda Sara M Mennonite Brethren, BlackCreek Robert Alfred Anderlini FP 9-Aug-1961 WEDEL Henry Death Comox Sarah Neufeldt FP 25-Aug-1965 11 WEDEL Laura Lee Birth Info/Kin Dtr/o Mrs. John Cushing of Deep Bay and late A.R. Webb, engagement announced 11 Apr page 14 Son of M/M A.V. Webb Dtr/o M/M Reginald Webber of Courtenay Dtr/o late M/M Webber of Vienna, Austria Arthur E. FP 26-Sep-1962 10 Somerville age 82 Vancouver WEDEL Mary Death Vancouver age 47 WEEKS William D. Death Royston age 2 years WEIDENMAN (girl) Birth Comox FP 12-Apr-1961 2 WEIKUM WEINRAUGH twin girls (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 8-Jul-1964 13 FP 24-Oct-1962 2 WEIR (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 18-Nov-1964 10 WEISMILLER (girl) Birth Comox FP 19-Sep-1962 2 WELLER Florence Death Comox age 77 FP 14-Mar-1962 12 FP 1-Aug-1962 Son of M/M Leslie Webber, grandson of W.T. Cottingham of Comox. See 18 Nov page B8, wedding guests Son of M/M A. Wedel of BlackCreek Dtr/o M/M Henry M. Wedel of BlackCreek 13 FP 30-Dec-1964 2 single Dtr/o M/M Hugh H. Webber of Camp 5 Bloedel, gdtr of Mrs. Joseph Annand of Sandwick 1 Frederick FP 15-Sep-1965 11 Weller Born in Russia, wife dec'd, resident of BlackCreek, family not named, service and burial at BlackCreek Adopted dtr/o M/M Abe Wedel (BlackCeek news) Born in Russia, dtr/o Henry Wedel of BlackCreek, sis/o Elizabeth, Susie, Sarah, Margaret, Helen, David, Henry, Peter, John and Jack, service in Mennonite Brethren church Son of William and Patricia Weeks of Victoria, died after attending a family reunion, autopsy ordered (surname is Meeks in paper) Dtr/o M/M Dale Weidenman, nee Malinda Christof, of Royston Dtrs of LAC/Mrs. L. Weikum, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M M. Weinraugh of Campbell River Son of M/M Robert Weir of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M K. Weismiller of Courtenay Born in England, formerly of Sask., husband dec'd, stepmother of Charles Bush and Madelyn Murray, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper age 78 Mary Wells Date Page WELLS Alfred Joseph Death Victoria FP 12-Feb-1964 14 WELSH (girl) Birth Comox WELSH Sharon M Honolulu WENSLEY (boy) Birth Comox WEST Emma Death at home age 83 William West FP 16-Jan-1963 14 WEST William Death Victoria age 85 Emma Gale FP 5-Sep-1962 10 WESTDORF WESTDORP WESTDORP WESTFALL (boy) (boy) (girl) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP 2 2 10 2 WESTFELDT Margaret Wilson Death New age 69 Westminster John Robert FP 20-Dec-1961 11 Westfeldt WESTFIELD Barbara Judith M Cumberland United Church Milan FP 22-Aug-1962 11 Potkonjak WESTLEY Edward Everet Death Comox WESTREP (boy) Birth Comox WESTWOOD Gerald M Victoria, Centennial United WESTWOOD Gerald L. Death Rapid City, Manitoba WETMAN (girl) Birth Comox FP 3-Jul-1963 WHARTON Laura Lynne Birth Revelstoke FP 13-Jan-1965 C2 WHARTON Laura Lynne Chr Revelstoke FP 27-Dec-1961 10 Stanford Woodruff FP 7-Jul-1965 B2 Shutes FP 30-Jan-1963 2 age 53 Margaret Westley 22-Mar-1961 17-Jul-1963 26-Sep-1962 19-Jul-1961 FP 13-Nov-1963 7 FP 25-Nov-1964 7 Judith Leilani FP 12-Jul-1961 MacMillan age 21 Judy McMillan age 4 months 10 Info/Kin Born in Norfolk, England, formerly of this district, father of Lewis, Gilbert, Alex and Bertha, bur. Hatley Memorial Gardens Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. E. Welsh, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Archibald M. Welsh of Courtenay Son of M?M D. Wensley of Courtenay Born in Cornwall, England, nee Gale, mother of Mrs. A.M. Grant, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Born in Glasgow, Scotland, father of Joan Grant of Comox, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M Gerritt Westdorf of BlackCreek Son of M/M W. Westdorp of BlackCreek Dtr/o M/M G. Westdorp of BlackCreek Son of Cpl/Mrs. Norman Westfall, RCAF Comox Born in Scotland, nee Keenan, formerly of Cumberland, mother of William, Harry and Mrs. R.R. Howay, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Dtr/o M/M Harry Westfield of Cumberland, engagement announced 18 Jul page 14 Resident of Deep Bay, dtr in Vancouver, half-bro/o Russ Walsh of Comox, service at Sutton FH, cremation Son of LAC/Mrs. N. Westrep, RCAF Comox Son of Mrs. Borley of New Westminster and C. Westwood of Churchill, Manitoba Car accident, married 5 months, buried in Manitoba FP 29-Nov-1961 13 FP 2-Jun-1965 3 Dtr/o W/O and Mrs. Harry Wetman, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Cst/Mrs. J.B. Wharton, nee Dyer Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. J.B. Wharton of Revelstoke christened, gdtr of Mr./Mrs. Richard Dyer of Courtenay Surname WHARTON Givens Mabel Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Death Cumberland age 51 Leonard Wharton WHARTON Roberta Mae M WHEELDON John Michael Chr St. Bernadette's age 4 months RC M Sayward RC Church John Norman Death Sidney WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE (boy) (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) Christopher Robert Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Duncan WHITE Donna Priscilla M Courtenay, St. George's Lafe Olkovick FP 26-Apr-1961 3a WHITE John Joseph M RCAF RC Chapel Emma Mary Boland FP 17-May-1961 3 WHITE Margaret Andrea Birth Notinat Phyllis Death Comox age 63 WHITEHOUSE John William Death Courtenay age 60 WHITMORE Edna Lynne M St. John's Anglican WHITMORE Lisa May Chr Courtenay, St. John's William Gregory White Violet Lupton David Bruce Douglas age 3 months Born in Nanaimo, nee Crellin, mother of Roberta, sis/o Frank, Harry and William, service at Westwood FH, Nanaimo Dtr/o Leonard Wharton of Cumberland and the late Mrs. Wharton, engagement announced 27 May page 12 Son of Mr./Mrs. John Wheeldon of Sayward, grandson of Mrs. M. Loos (Sayward Valley news) 12 Edward Thomas FP 17-Jul-1963 10 FP FP FP FP FP FP FP 2 15 6 13 16 B9 2 17-Jan-1962 15-Aug-1962 15-Apr-1964 2-Aug-1961 19-Feb-1964 6-Oct-1965 5-Jul-1961 Info/Kin Son of Mrs. B.M. Wheeldon of Bowser WHELAN WHITE age 75 10 FP 10-Nov-1965 C4 Margareth a Christina FP 2-Jan-1963 Loos Jennie Blakely Page FP 12-Apr-1961 12 John Douglas FP 1-Jul-1964 Auchterlon ie Cumberland United Church WHEELDON Date Born in Marne, Michigan, son of M/M Pat Whelan, father of son Pat, dtrs Margaret and Rita, bro/o Rose Anderton, service at St. John RC church, bur. Courtenay civic cemetery Son of LAC/Mrs. Vernon White, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. M. White, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. V. White, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Ralph White of Courtenay Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. J. White, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. John White, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Robert White, nee Patricia Glover Dtr/o Mr. A.E. White of Dove Creek, engagement announced 12 Apr page 12 Son of Mrs. Marie White of Witless Bay, Newfoundland FP 5-Jun-1963 2 FP 7-Jul-1965 11 FP 19-May-1965 11 Dtr/o M/M Robert White, nee Patricia Glover Born at Moose Lake, Minnesota, nee Rydeen, husband dec'd, only son enroute to Halifax, service at Sutton FH, bur. Royal Oak burial park Born in Derbyshire, England, father of Billy, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M Edward Whitmore of Courtenay FP 18-Sep-1963 2 FP 27-Jan-1965 5 Dtr/o M/M Stephen Whitmore christened, gdtr of Mrs. Francis Dickins of Vancouver Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper WHITMORE Stephen M Vancouver WHITSON (boy) Birth Comox WHITTAKER Valerie Mae M Cumberland United Church WHITTON John Harold Death Royston Date Jill Elizabeth FP 14-Aug-1963 3 Dickins FP 25-Dec-1963 14 age 48 Keith Alexander FP 28-Feb-1962 8 Morgan Janice Elizabeth FP 8-May-1963 1 Patterson WHITWORTH Rachel Mary Death Cumberland age 82 James Edward FP 1-Dec-1965 Whitworth WHYLEY Isabella Death Ladysmith Harry Whyley WHYTE (girl) Birth age 73 WHYTE Hannah Margaret WHYTE Sarah WHYTE Thomas WICKS WICKS WICKS (boy) (boy) (girl) Comox Murrieta, Death age 84 Califonia Cumberland M United Church Oakland, Death age 87 California Birth Comox Birth Comox Birth Comox WICKSTROM Matilda Caroline Death Comox WIDEN Beverley June M Willow Point WIDEN Sylvia Ann M Widen home WIEBE WIEBE (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox Page age 83 11 FP 23-Aug-1961 14 FP 23-May-1962 2 Robert Whyte FP 8-Apr-1964 5 Stanley FP 31-Jan-1962 9 Lawrence Lizzie McNiven FP 16-Jun-1965 5 FP 2-May-1962 2 FP 4-Sep-1963 2 FP 28-Oct-1964 2 Gustav FP 1-May-1963 Wickstrom John Edwin FP 22-Aug-1962 Bebenek William Charles FP 26-Apr-1961 McMuldro ck FP 30-May-1962 FP 3-Apr-1963 16 Info/Kin Son of M/M E. Whitmore of Comox Valley Son of F/O and Mrs. Gordon Whitson, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Lance H. Whittaker of Victoria Suicide, born in Nova Scotia, no children mentioned Born in Lancashire, England, husband died 1956, mother of James, foster mother of Jack, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Born in Glasgow, Scotland, mother of Joseph, husband died 1917 in WW1, service at Ladysmith, cremation Dtr/o M/M B. Whyte of Courtenay Born in Wales, nee Anthony, mother of Edith and Dorothy 50th wedding anniversary celebrated Formerly of Cumberland, wife dec'd, service in Berkley, California Son of M/M Roy Wicks of Courtenay Son of M/M Roy Wicks of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Roy Wicks of Courtenay Born in Sweden, nee Nord, husband died 1948, mother of Evelyn, Signe, Elsie, Arnold, Trevor, Gus (died 1962) and Ruth (died 1947), service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M Walter Widen of Willow Point 5a Dtr/o M/M Walter Widen of Willow Point 3a 2 10 Son of M/M Walter Wiebe of BlackCreek Dtr/o M/M Henry Wiebe of RR1 BlackCreek Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Campbell River Comox WIEBE Julie Ann Birth WIEDENMAN (boy) Birth WIGGINS WalLACe John Death Parksville Date FP 2-Oct-1963 Page 8 FP 22-May-1963 16 age 35 Marion Roveda age 79 George Thomas Wilding FP 28-Jun-1961 1 WILDING Daisy Lillian Death Victoria FP 30-Aug-1961 14 WILE WILKIE (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox WILKIE Lois M Courtenay, St. George's WILKINS WILKINS WILKINSON (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox WILKINSON Ellen Margaret Death Cumberland age 80 Henry Chadwick FP 25-Dec-1963 13 Wilkinson WILKINSON Marguerite Death Victoria age 64 John C. FP 21-Oct-1964 2 Wilkinson WILKS Mary Elizabeth Death Comox age 83 Thomas Henry Wilks WILLEMAR Douglas Ross Death Nanaimo age 80 WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS (boy) (boy) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Birth WILLIAMS (boy) WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS (boy) (boy) (girl) (girl) (girl) (girl) FP 18-Jul-1962 FP 10-Jul-1963 Dennis Oliver Newman 2 2 Info/Kin Dtr/o M/M Jake Wiebe of BlackCreek Son of M/M Dale Wiedenman of Courtenay Killed in plane crash, son of M/M A. Wiggins of Willow Point, father of Kevin, Jeff, Sandra and Cheryl of Sproat Lake, bro/o Mervin, Don, Corlie, Doris and Heather Born in London, England, nee Chedd, mother of Mrs. G. Barne, Mrs. T. Magnall and Rose, sister of Albert, Harry and Stanley Chedd and Rose Farmer, service at McCall Bros., bur Roya Oak Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. Cecil Wile, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Leonard Wilkie, RCAF Dtr/o M/M J. Clifford Wilkie of Courtenay FP 20-Nov-1963 3 FP 28-Feb-1962 16 FP 10-Jun-1964 2 FP 21-Aug-1963 2 FP 20-Oct-1965 11 FP 8-Jan-1964 2 Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP 14 12 2 3 Birth Cumberland FP 27-Jan-1965 3 Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox Comox FP FP FP FP FP FP 8-Feb-1961 29-Aug-1962 11-Sep-1963 25-Sep-1963 10-Feb-1965 10-Mar-1965 10-May-1961 4-Jul-1962 12-Jun-1963 31-Jul-1963 B8 12 10 2 2 2 Son of LAC/Mrs. Donald Wilkins, RCAF Comox Son of Cpl/Mrs. C. Wilkins, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. John Wilkinson, RCAF Comox Nee Boden, born in Staffordshire, England, husband and son Harold dec'd, mother of Fred, Doris and Betty, service at Piercy FH, cremation Nee Tweedie, born on Denman Island, mother of Phyllis and Lyle, sis/o Mrs. Violet Rutherford of Fanny Bay, service at McCall's FH in Victoria Born at Stockton-on-Tees, England, mother of Alice, Doris, James and Wilfred, husband died 1939, son Harry died 1962, service at Sutton FH, cremation Son of Rev. and Mrs. J.X. Willemar, bro/o Mrs. E.D. Thwaites of Qualicum Beach, remains donated to Faculty of Medicine, UBC Son of LAC/Mrs. Frank Williams, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. Frank Williams, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Thomas Williams of Royston Son of M/M Robert Williams of Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. Lionel Williams of Cumberland Son of Mr./Mrs. Llewelyn Williams of Royston Son of Mr./Mrs. D. Williams of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Thomas Williams of Royston Dtr/o M/M Roy Williams of Courtenay Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. E. Williams, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. R. Williams of Comox Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS (girl) (girl) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox Comox WILLIAMS Alwyn Bruce M Ladysmith FP FP FP FP Linda Isablle James Date 9-Oct-1963 15-Jan-1964 8-Jul-1964 6-Jan-1965 FP 4-Sep-1963 Page 2 2 13 9 11 WILLIAMS Arthur David Death Comox age 64 M. Kathleen Williams WILLIAMS Charles Edmund Death Courtenay age 71 Frances Walton WILLIAMS Edward M Cumberland, St. John's RC Laureen FP 23-Aug-1961 9 Scavarda WILLIAMS Edwin Death Cumberland age 72 Catherine FP 17-Apr-1963 6 Kelly WILLIAMS Gloria Jean M Campbell River United Church William David FP 20-Jun-1962 5 Hallstrom WILLIAMS Gwyneth Joyce M Cumberland United Church Robert James McKie WILLIAMS Hannah Death Langford WILLIAMS Juanita Margaret Birth WILLIAMS Llewellyn Charles M WILLIAMS Richard Jon M Courtenay, St. George's WILLIAMS Walter Douglas M Courtenay, St. George's Comox Cumberland United Church age 86 Watkins Williams FP 9-Dec-1964 4 FP 29-Sep-1965 12 FP 20-Sep-1961 3 FP 22-Jan-1964 12 FP 12-Aug-1964 Agnes Carolina FP 8-Apr-1964 Ulrich Karen Elaine FP 6-Oct-1965 Chapman Darlene Gail FP 13-Oct-1965 Anderson 2 Info/Kin Dtr/o M/M Dave Williams of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M R. Williams of Courtenay Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. F. Williams, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Arthur Williams of Courtenay Son of Mrs. William Williams and the late Mr. Williams of Victoria Born in Pontypridd, Wales, resident of Royston, father of Irene, Joyce and Llewelyn, nephew of Margaret Williams of Cadaxton, Wales, service at Cumberland United Church, bur. Cumberland cemetery Born at Burton-on-Trent, England, formerly of Saskatoon, service at Sutton FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M Cymryd Williams of Kamloops Born in Wales, wife dec'd, father of Edith, Edna and Margaret, bro/o Mrs. Simms in Wales, service at Piercy FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Dtr/o James Williams of Willow Point, engagement announced 23 May page 14 Dtr/o M/M Evan Williams of Puntledge, engagement announced 23 Aug page 15 Born in South Wales, husband dec'd, mother of Harold, Arthur, Mrs. B. Beaudrault and Mrs. J. Wilcock, service down island. See obituary 29 Jan page 14, service at Chaplin's FH, cremation Dtr/o M/M G.B. Williams of Courtenay Son of M/M Arthur D. Williams of Royston 2 Son of Mr./Mrs. F.S. Williams of Courtenay 11 Son of Mrs. Stan D. Williams 11 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper WILLIAMS Watkin Death Victoria WILLIS (girl) Birth Comox WILLIS Gloria Jean M Sandwick Anglican M Ottawa, St. Bartholome w WILLIS Winnifred Jean age 85 Hannah Davies Date Page FP 14-Nov-1962 16 FP 28-Jul-1965 3 Ronald Charles FP 25-Nov-1964 B3 Rennison James Smith Dodds age 89 FP 14-Jun-1961 2 Elizabeth FP 25-Jan-1961 7 Nelson Death Victoria WILLSON (girl) Birth WILMHURST Ralph Death California WILSON WILSON (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 24-Apr-1963 14 FP 15-Nov-1961 2 WILSON (girl) Birth Winnipeg, Manitoba FP 16-May-1962 2 WILSON WILSON (girl) Anita Lee Birth Birth Comox Germany FP 13-Nov-1963 16 FP 14-Aug-1963 16 WILSON Cecelia Death Cumbeerlan age 60 d WILSON Charles William Death Comox WILSON Constance Yvonne M FP 19-Feb-1964 16 age 63 age 63 Edward Allen Death Comox WILSON Ethel Christine M St. George's United age 55 FP 7-Mar-1962 B1 14 Sarah Bob and Ethel FP 10-May-1961 12 Johnson Joseph Yvon Savoie St. John the Baptist WILSON Louise FP 3-Jul-1963 Wilmhurst Walter Wilson Doreen Wilson Born in Resolven, South Wales, resident of Cumberland, father of Mrs. B.M. Wilcock, Mrs. D. Boudreault, Harold and Arthur, service at Chaplin's FH, cremation Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. David Willis, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Harry Willis of Merville Dtr/o Dr. and Mrs. J.S. Willis of Ottawa WILLOUGHBY John Jefferson Comox Info/Kin Born in Kentucky, father of Mrs. Edna Pauline Maclean, service at McCall Bros. FH, bur. Royal Oak Burial Park Dtr/o M/M D. Willson of Comox Born in Greenwood, BC, son of Joseph Wilmhurst, former resident of Courtenay, father of Richard, bro/o Harold and Ernest Son of LAC/Mrs. Robert Wilson, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/Sgt and Mrs. Robert Wilson, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. D.E. Wilson Dtr/o F/L and Mrs. W. Wilson, RCAF Comox Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. Joe Wilson, gdtr of M/M George Tait Born in Thoruton, Scotland, nee Wimpson, husband died 1960, mother of William, service at Piercy's FH, cremation Born at Cape Mudge, father of 15 children, service at St. Peter's Anglican, Comox, bur. Comox Indian cemetery Dtr/o M/M James Wilfred Wilson of Comox FP 13-Sep-1961 3 FP 15-Dec-1965 B6 Frederick A. FP 9-May-1962 Pearson 3 Born in Handsworth, Sask., father of William and Dale, son of Mrs. Margaret Trousdell, other family named, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o Mrs. Mary Johnson of Gilford Island and late Amos Johnson Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page WILSON Gordon Kennedy Death Union Bay age 37 single FP 23-Dec-1964 1 WILSON Ivan Virgil Death Comox age 80 Pearl Geddis FP 9-Aug-1961 WILSON John Edward M Can. Martyrs, Courtenay 12 Joan Alice MacKenzi FP 15-Sep-1965 C1 e Glenda Beryl FP 11-Sep-1963 2 HargoodAsh FP 21-Jun-1961 2 WILSON Paul James M Can. Martyrs RC church WINDLEY (boy) Birth Comox WINDLEY (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 11-Sep-1963 2 WINDLEY Kenneth Norman M New Westminster Constance FP 11-Aug-1965 8 Ann Ehlert WINNIG (girl) Birth Comox George Albert Seigler Courtenay, St. George's WINNIG Anne-Marie Elizabeth M WINNIG Fritz Death Courtenay WINNIG Louise Marilyn M WINNIG Warren Wesley Birth WINTER WIRSZ (girl) (boy) Birth Birth WIRTA Frank Death Comox WITHAM Mildred Genevieve M age 67 13 FP 2-Jun-1965 B11 Freida FP 18-Mar-1964 2 Ritzmann John Raymond FP 10-Jan-1962 2 Gunter Courtenay, St. John's Prince George Comox Comox Can. Martyrs RC church FP 8-Jul-1964 FP 10-Apr-1963 10 FP 9-Jun-1965 12 FP 22-Sep-1965 12 age 69 Anna Sofia Ahtinen FP 8-May-1963 16 Joseph Marinus FP 9-Jan-1963 2 Info/Kin Highway accident, born in Regina, Saskatchewan, inquest called. See obituary 30 Dec page 5, son of M/M George Young Wilson of Courtenay, service at Sutton FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Born at Halsey, Oregon, father of Alfred of King Coho Camp, burial at Ellensburg, Washington, Sutton's FH Son of Mr./Mrs. James Wilson of Cumberland Son of M/M James E. Wilson of Cumberland Son of M/M Norval Windley of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Norval Windley of Cumberland Son of Mr./Mrs. R.K. Windley of Cumberland, engagement announced 11 August page 8 Dtr/o M/M B. Winnig of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. W. Winnig of RR2 Courtenay Born in Germany, died at home on Plateau Road, 3 sons not named, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M Willi Winnig of Dove Creek, engagement announced 29 Nov 1961 page 13 Son of M/M R.A. Winnig, nee Mildred Howlett, of Giscome, BC Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Terence Winter of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. L. Wirsz of Comox A.k.a. WIRTANEN, Born in Finland, father of Elmer, bur. Courtenay cemetery. See 15 May page 14, service at Piercy FH, brothers named Dtr/o M/M Kent Witham of England Avenue, Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page WITHERS (girl) Birth Comox FP 5-Jul-1961 WOLFE WONG WONG (girl) (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox FP 7-Apr-1965 3 FP 8-Sep-1965 3 FP 15-Dec-1965 2 WONNENBERG Helen Dorothy M RCAF Protestant Chapel WOOD Alec Gardner Death Campbell River WOOD Annabella Death Comox WOOD Dorothy May M WOOD Mary Louise age 93 Death Victoria Donald Charles Alfred Stuart FP 8-Mar-1961 single FP 31-Oct-1962 9 John 19 Apr 1889 Wood Ronald Clifford Pearson Sidney, BC age 78 WOODBURNE Cecile-May Death Campbell River WOODLAND Edward Harold M Vancouver WOODLAND Elizabeth Comox, The Death age 87 Fort WOODROW Alan Daniel M age 80 2 George Lewellyn Wood FP 4-Jan-1961 5 FP 26-Apr-1961 14 George Woodburn FP 19-Dec-1962 7a e Sharron Virginia FP 10-Jul-1963 3 Christy Sharon Anne Smith 3 Katherine Anne FP 19-Feb-1964 3 Donaldson M WOODRUFF (boy) Birth Comox Born in Sheffield, England, resident of Shelter Point, brother of L. Wood, was in NWMP, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Born in Orkney Islands, husband died in logging accident 1924, mother of George, J. Douglas, Millie, Cassie, Doris and James (dec'd), sis/o John and Joe Corrigall, Catherine Swan and Mrs. F.S. Graham, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Denman Island cemetery Dtr/o M/M G.R. Wood of Courtenay Courtenay, St. John's Robin Lee Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. P. Wolfe, RCAF Comox Son of Mr./Mrs. Tom Wong of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. John Wong of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Albert Wonnenberg of Medicine Hat, Alberta FP 16-May-1962 2 12 WOODROW Dtr/o F/Sgt and Mrs. Stanley Withers, RCAF Comox 2 Harold Elton FP 4-Jul-1962 Woodland Courtenay, St. George's Info/Kin FP 1-Apr-1964 FP 28-Aug-1963 8 Born in Worthing, England, nee de la Plate, mother of James, George, Winnifred, Agnes, Mary Grace and Marion (son John dec'd), service in Victoria, bur. Ross Bay cemetery Born in Chelsea, Quebec, nee Scollan, mother of Herbert, Mary and Mrs. C. Martin, husband dec'd, service and burial in Campbell River Son of M/M Harold E. Woodland of Courtenay Born in Guelph, Ontario, nee Bower, mother of Harold Woodland of Courtenay, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Masonic cemetery, Burnaby Son of M/M Alan Woodrow of Grantham, engagement announced 4 Mar page 12 Son of M/M Alan J. Woodrow of Grantham, engagement announced 15 Jan page 12 Son of M/M Albert Woodruff of Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Date Page WOODRUFF WOODS (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 12-Aug-1964 2 FP 16-May-1962 2 WOODS (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 16-May-1962 2 WOODS (girl) Birth Comox FP 6-Mar-1963 WOODS (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 22-Jan-1964 16 WOODS (girl) Birth Victoria FP 22-Jan-1964 16 WOODS David Rex M Vancouver WOODS Dorothy Death Comox age 55 WOODS Evelyn "Bunt" Death Comox age 70 WOODS Norma Elizabeth M New Westminster WOODS Thomas Anthony Birth Victoria WOODS Victor Ronald M Victoria, First United WOODS Violet M Lacombe, Alberta WOODWARD Dorothy Vernon (Mrs.)M Victoria WOOLHISER Verlene M Sunset Presbyterian WORLEY (boy) Birth Comox WORMALD John Edward M WORTHING Anne Irene Death Vancouver WORTHING Joan Myrna M Dianne Ruth Curtis Evelyn "Bunt" Woods FP 16-Oct-1963 3 FP 28-Jun-1961 15 Dorothy Dawson FP 7-Oct-1964 B1 Eric H. Janzen FP 26-Jul-1961 3 FP 14-Nov-1962 16 Judith Pauline Bone Brian Richards Horace Sidney Hurn Warren Charles Cook Victoria Courtenay, St. John's 12 ####### FP 10-Jan-1962 5 FP 22-Mar-1961 2 Info/Kin Dtr/o M/M Edward Woodruff of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M S. Woods of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M J. Woods of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Victor Woods of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Calvin J. Woods of Curtenay Dtr/o M/M Earl Woods of Victoria Son of Mrs. M.E. Woods of Courtenay and Mr. H.A. Woods of Lacombe, Alberta Born at Edison, Washington, nee Dawson, mother of Earl and Marion, sis/o Mrs. Randlesome, service at Piercy's FH Born at Sandwick, wife dec'd, father of Earl and Marianne, other family named, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Dtr/o M/M John E. V. Woods of Kimberley, BC Son of M/M Earl Woods Son of Mrs. Agnes Woods of Victoria and late Mr. Woods Dtr/o Mrs. M.K. Woods of Comox, engagement announced 8 Feb page 13 Mother of Jack Woodward, aunt of Jacquelin Nichols FP 30-Dec-1964 2 Dtr/o M/M L.A. Woolhiser of Beaverton FP 5-Jul-1961 13 FP 4-Nov-1964 12 Lynne Valerie Comb FP 17-Apr-1963 13 Ken Worthing FP 10-Apr-1963 B5 Barry Raymond FP 1-Apr-1964 Haas 5 Son of M/M Raymond Worley of Comox Parents not named, engagement announced 17 Apr page 13 Born in Medicine Hat, Alberta, nee Korolyk, resident of Sayward, mother of Rosemary, Joan, Gloria, Glen and Dick, service in Richmond, crematiion Dtr/o Kenneth Worthing of Sayward and the late Mrs. Worthing Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper age 58 William Wothe Date WOTHE Gladys Laura Death Comox WRIGHT (boy) Birth Comox FP 12-Sep-1962 2 WRIGHT (boy) Birth Zweibruchen , Germany FP 6-Mar-1963 WRIGHT (girl) WRIGHT (girl) WUCOWIPSCH (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox FP 25-Oct-1961 2 FP 20-Feb-1963 14 FP 7-Feb-1962 2 WUKOWITSCH Theresa M Courtenay, Can. Martyrs WYDENES WYDENES WYDENES (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox FP 10-Oct-1962 16 FP 7-Apr-1965 3 FP 20-Jun-1962 2 WYDENES (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 25-Sep-1963 3 WYDENES WYDENNES WYLIE twin girls (boy) (boy) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox FP 11-Sep-1963 2 FP 22-Aug-1962 10 FP 1-Nov-1961 2 WYLLYCHUK Donald M Alberni, St. Andrew's WYNN WYNNE (girl) (boy) Birth Birth Comox Comox WYNNE Dennis M Nanaimo WYNNE John Henry Death Comox YAKICHUK (boy) Birth Comox YAKICHUK Edward M Humboldt, Sask. YANUSH (girl) Birth Comox FP 23-Oct-1963 2 YAREMCHUK (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 12-Apr-1961 2 YAREMCHUK Joan Marie M Haney, BC Heinz Kleiner Patricia Diane Carter FP 3-Jan-1962 Page FP 11-Jul-1962 FP 6-May-1964 2 Dtr/o F/L and Mrs. Aubrey Wright, RCAF Comox Dtr/o F/L and Mrs. M.J. Wright, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M H. Wucowipsch of BlackCreek Formerly of Austria 2 Son of M/M John Wydenes of Courtenay Son of Mr./Mrs. Peter Wydenes of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Casey Wydenes of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Simon Wydenes of Cumberland Dtrs of Mrs. Diane Wydenes of RR1 Comox Son of M/M Peter Wydennes of Courtenay Son of LAC/Mrs. Brian Wylie, RCAF Comox Son of M/M N.W. Wyllychuk of Courtenay 3 Donna Rowed FP 17-Mar-1965 11 single FP 4-Jul-1962 12 FP 15-Dec-1965 2 Darlene Ann Novits Born at Belle Plaine, Saskatchewan, mother of Mrs. Harold Sinden, Clarence, Alvin, Glenn and Cecil Peterson, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of LAC/Mrs. K. Wright, RCAF Comox Son of LAC/Mrs. R.D. Wright, nee May Joan Appleyard 12 FP 26-Sep-1962 10 FP 28-Jun-1961 10 age 79 Info/Kin Dtr/o M/M D. Wynn of Courtenay Son of M/M Daryl Wynne of Courtenay Wedding announcement, married in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Born in Richland, Indiana, friend of Honore Deprez, brother of Arlie, Ora and Bertha in Indiana, service at Can. Martyrs church, Piercy's FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of Mr./Mrs. Edward Yakichuk, nee Darlene Novits, of Courtenay Son of M/M William Yakichuk of Canora, Saskatchewan FP 23-Dec-1964 9 John Roy FP 1-May-1963 Picketti 7 Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. M. Yanush, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Peter Yaremchuk of Cumberland Dtr/o M/M Pete Yaremchuk of Cumberland, engagement announced 27 Mar page 14 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Edith Emily Parker YATES George M Victoria YATES Tami-Kay Birth Blaine, Washington YENDALL Arleene Ann M Comox, St. Peter's James Ernest Thorpe YEREK (boy) Birth Norma Marie Howard Date Page Info/Kin 50th wedding anniversary celebrated FP 22-Jan-1964 3 Dtr/o M/M Fred Yates of Blaine FP 15-Apr-1964 6 Dtr/o M/M O.G. Yendal of RCAF Station, Comox FP 22-May-1963 2 YEREX E. C. M YOLE (girl) Birth Comox RCAF Protestant Chapel Comox FP 3-May-1961 YORK (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 23-Jan-1963 16 YORK (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 11-Dec-1963 3 YORK (girl) Birth Cumberland FP 30-Jun-1965 YORK Doreen Marilyn M Courtenay, St. George's YORK Lyle Orville M Cumberland United Church Wilfred Denis FP 13-Oct-1965 B6 Phye Helen Elizabeth FP 26-Jun-1963 12 Bell YORK Olive Jean M Courtenay, St. George's Reginald FP 10-May-1961 2 Stephens YORK Travis Lee Death Courtenay YOUNG YOUNG (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox YOUNG Audrey Elizabeth M Elim Gospel Hall, Courtenay Wilfred Edward Oppel YOUNG Eileen May M South Burnaby, St. Paul's Abe Earl FP 1-Aug-1962 Bruinsma Son of LAC/Mrs. N. Yerek, RCAF Comox Son of M/M Edward C. Yerex of Port Albernie FP 13-Dec-1961 2 FP 5-Jul-1961 age 20 months 14 2 Dtr/o F/O and Mrs. Richad Yole, RCAF Comox Son of M/M James York of Courtenay Son of M/M Lyall York of RR1 Campbell River Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Lyle York of Campbell River FP 25-Sep-1963 13 FP 20-Jun-1962 2 FP 22-Sep-1965 12 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. J. York of Mission Hill Son of M/M Virgil York of Oyster Bay, engagement announced 15 May page 14 Dtr/o M/M J.M. York of Courtenay, engagement announced 5 Apr page 15 Son of James York and Lois Sorensen, born in Cumberland, service at Piercy FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of M/M Gerald Young of Courtenay Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. D. Young of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M Crawford Young of Courtenay, engagement announced 20 Feb page 13 FP 27-Mar-1963 2 10 Dtr/o M/M Nickolas Young of Vancouver, engagement announced 4 Jul page 12 Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper Campbell River YOUNG Esther Death YOUNG J.W. Death Ontario YOUNG James William M YOUNG William Benjamin Death Comox YOUNGER Jack M age 64 age 78 New Westminster age 81 Cumberland United Church age 73 Edward Young Date FP 17-May-1961 14 FP 22-Jan-1964 Deana Jean FP 28-Mar-1962 Piercy Lydia Janet FP 25-Jul-1962 Morrow Georgina Wilton FP 12-Jul-1961 Miletich Robert William Younger Page 11 14 10 9 YOUNGER Maria Jamieson Death Vancouver FP 16-Oct-1963 16 ZACHARIAS ZACHER ZACHER (boy) (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox ZALESCHUK Donna Marie M Can. Martyrs RC church Cecil Edward Donovan FP 8-Jul-1964 ZALESKI Janice Patrice M RCAF Protestant Chapel Dennis Giles Wangler FP 20-Oct-1965 C8 ZAPLOTYNSKY (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 19-Jul-1961 ZAPP ZARECKI ZARECKI (boy) (girl) (girl) Birth Birth Birth Comox Comox Comox FP 11-Aug-1965 11 FP 30-Aug-1961 2 FP 19-Jun-1963 14 ZELMER Edward Death Vancouver ZIBIN Steven M Victoria ZILKIE ZIMMER (boy) (girl) Birth Birth Comox Comox FP 11-Mar-1964 8 FP 23-Oct-1963 2 FP 28-Jun-1961 10 age 70 Emily Summerfi FP 28-Nov-1962 eld Margaret Alma FP 19-Jun-1963 Christie FP 25-Jan-1961 FP 22-Jan-1964 13 2 Info/Kin Born in Cumberland, nee Struthers, husband dec'd, sister of Mrs. M. Lockner, Mrs. J. Boyd, Ms. L. Shillito, Mrs. J. Comb, Mrs. A. Herman, Mrs. M. Cram and Robert Struthers, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Cumberland cemetery Former teacher in Courtenay, funeral Christmas Eve Son of M/M James Young of New Westminster, engagement announced 28 Mar page 14 Born at Wood Island, PEI, resident of Courtenay, father of Jennet Andrews, service at Sutton's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery Son of Mrs. M.J. Younger of Cumberland and late Mr. Younger Born at Boldon Collier, Durham, England, nee Minto, husband died 1938, mother of Jack, Edith and Audrey, service at Cumberland United Church, bur. Cumberland cemetery Son of M/M John Zacharias of Courtenay Son of Cpl/Mrs. E. Zacher, RCAF Comox Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. Edward Zacher, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Jerry W. Zaleschuk of Courtenay, engagement announced 8 July page 13 Dtr/o Mr./Mrs. Joseph E. Zaleski, RCAF Comox, engagement announced 7 July page 9 Son of M/M Anton Zaplotynsky of Royston 2 Son of Mr./Mrs. Anton Zapp of Courtenay Dtr/o Cpl/Mrs. Paul Zarecki, RCAF Comox Dtr/o M/M Paul Zarecki, RCAF Comox Born in Poland, brother of R.J. and Harry, service at Piercy's FH, bur. Courtenay cemetery 3 Son of M/M John Zibin of Penticton, engagement announced 15 May page 14 7 16 Son of M/M Charles Zilkie of Courtenay Dtr/o M/M R. Zimmer of Courtenay Surname Givens Event PlaceEvent Age/Born Spouse Paper James Gordon Brown Date Page ZONDAG Nellie Anne M Goderich, Ontario ZSIROS (boy) Birth Comox FP 10-Jun-1964 2 ZURCH (boy) Birth Cumberland FP 19-Jul-1961 ZWICKER (girl) Birth Comox FP 30-Oct-1963 2 FP 8-Apr-1964 5 2 Info/Kin Dtr/o M/M Gerrit Zondag of Bayfield, Ontario, engagement announced 4 Mar page 12 Son of M/M Horace Zsiros of Curtenay Son of M/M John Zurch of Fanny Bay Dtr/o LAC/Mrs. L. Zwicker, RCAF Comox
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