“Discovering the Sacred Within”
“Discovering the Sacred Within”
“Discovering the Sacred Within” 6th Sunday of Easter May 10, 2015 A Year Of The Grace Of Power 415 Robley Drive, Lafayette, Louisiana 70503 Web Site – www.holycrosslafayette.com Office: 337-984-9636 PARISH INFORMATION Welcome to Holy Cross Catholic Church Our Mission Statement Administrative Office 337-984-9636 FAX 337-988-3790 Pastor: Fr. Howard Blessing shepherd@holycrosslafaye e.com Deacon Ken David administrator@holycrosslafaye e.com Deacon Paul Ma e deaconpaul@holycrosslafaye e.com Deacon Rickey Picard deaconrickey@holycrosslafaye e.com Recep onist : Tammy Billeaud recep onist@holycrosslafaye e.com Bulle n Editor: Peggy David secretary@holycrosslafaye e.com Parish Life Office: Teri Broussard familylife@holycrosslafaye e.com Liturgical Coordinator: Elsa Mendoza worship@holycrosslafaye e.com Adult Faith: John Schexnaildre adul aith@holycrosslafaye e.com Ext. 1006 Ext. 1001 Ext. 1004 Ext. 1005 Ext. 1000 Mass on Sundays. Parents must be registered, practicing Catholics and attend a Baptismal Workshop. Godparents must be at least 18 years of age, confirmed and practicing Catholics. RECONCILIATION (CONFESSIONS) Saturday 2:30-3:45 pm Weekdays 30 minutes before Mass Ext. 1003 Ext. 1002 WEDDINGS: Please call the church office Ext. 1202 337-984-9643 Parish Cateche cal Leader, Bonnie Kidder Ext. 1101 pcl@holycrosslafaye e.com Noemi Perillo Ext. 1102 9 to 12 months in advance. RCIA Would you like to become Catholic? If you or someone you know would like to learn more about the Catholic faith and if you would like to enroll in the RCIA program, please call the church office 984-9636, ext 1202 or Adult Faith Formation Office at 654-9671 Ext. 1100 Little Shepherds ELC 337-984-2636 Principal: Sandy Gallo li leshepherds@holycrosslafaye e.com BAPTISMS: Are celebrated after the 11:00 am EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Held the 1st Friday of each month after the 9:00 am Mass— 12 Noon Ext. 1007 Religious Formation Office [email protected] Julie Thibodeaux [email protected] The mission of Holy Cross Catholic Church is to foster the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ in all people in order to empower them to bring change and healing to all. Ext. 1300 WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 4:00 pm Anticipated Mass Sunday 9:00 am, 11:00 am, & 5:00 pm KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Grand Knight-Carroll Bourgeois 337-988-3929 [email protected] WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00 am Tuesday 5:30 pm Volume 33, Number 48 Weekend of May 10, 2015 6th Sunday of Easter A Year Of The Grace Of Power LOVE ONE ANOTHER Monday, 5/11 9:00 AM: Cecile Armand, Agnes Juneau, Pat Reid. Tuesday, 5/12 5:30 PM: Gertie Luke, Luoise W. Aucoin, John & Catherine Furka, Wilda & Preston Broussard, Steve Hughes. Wednesday, 5/13 9:00 AM: Emery Desormeaux, Joyce Meaux. Thursday, 5/14 9:00 AM: Gene Reaux, Charles G. Dionne. Friday, 5/15 9:00 AM: Edward Guidry, Michael Reid. Saturday, 5/16 4:OO PM: Blair Harden, Rene & Miles Arceneaux, Theresa Thibodeaux, Lachaussee-Dupont Familes, Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Kidder, David Scott Artigue, Alvin “Bubs” Button, Mr. & Mrs. Wilton Larriviere, Ann Letteer. Sunday, 5/17 9:00 AM: For all Parishioners 11:00 AM: Nina L. Breaux, Rita B. Keller, John & Catherine Furka, Paul Posseno, Shirley Fisher, Mr. & Mrs. Lefiad Simon, Maria Arceneaux, Ann Letteer, Billeaud-Waguespack Family. 5:00 PM: The Ackerman Family, Gertie Luke. Monday: Readings for the Week Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Jn 15:26 — 16:4a Tuesday: Acts 16:22-34; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8; Jn 16:511 Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22 — 18:1; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14; Jn 16:12-15 Thursday: Acts 1:15-27, 20-26; Ps 113:1-8; Jn 15:917 Friday: Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47:2-7; Jn 16:20-23 Saturday: Acts 18:23-28; Ps 47:2-3, 8-10; Jn 16:23b-28 Sunday: Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17- 23 or Eph 4:1-13 [1-7, 11-13]; Mk 16:15-20 Flowers on the Altar are In Memory Of Wilda & Preston Broussard Weekly Offerings May 10, 2015 $ 21,251.14 Thank you for your generous spirt of giving! Last Sunday we heard the familiar passage from John’s Gospel in which Jesus uses the metaphor of the vine and the branches. In that passage we were told that if we remained in Christ we would bear much fruit. Today’s Gospel tells us just what that fruit is: love. Today’s second reading and Gospel together create a great hymn to love. The chorus of this hymn is simple—God loves us so much that Jesus was sent into the world so that we would have life. The Lord Jesus, who last week told us to remain in him, this week tells us to remain in his love. In a world marked by division and terrorism, the Lord’s final words in today’s Gospel are a great challenge: “This I command you: love one another.” Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Year of Mercy Holy Land Pilgrimage/Tour Dear People, As some of you may know, our Holy Father Francis has announced a Holy Year of Mercy beginning on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 8, 2015 through November 20, 2016. Holy Years are indeed special as they help us to focus on a particular gift for all the Body of Christ to become more conscious of. Pilgrimages can be a way of experiencing this gift to the Church. I have been given information about going to Rome during this sacred time in our Church, and I am wondering if there would be enough interest to form a group to go. The company we would travel with is NAWAS. I have been with them before, and they are excellent and treat travelers very well. What they are offering is an 11-day pilgrimage to Italy leaving from New York, then arriving in Venice. The tour includes not only Venice, but Padua, Florence, Assisi, and finally Rome, with a tour of all the four major Basilicas. They have tours from January through November. The allinclusive fare would be between $2800 to $3300, depending on time of departure. The flight to New York and back would, of course, add to the cost. So, if you just think you might be interested, please CALL THE OFFICE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, so that I might see if there is interest in this amazing opportunity. We’d most likely leave in August or October of 2016. Father Blessing Bonnie Kidder [email protected] Religious Formation Confirmation 2015 Almost eighty students were Confirmed this year during a Mass celebrated by our Vicar for the Diocese of Lafayette, Very Rev. Thomas James, and our Shepherd, Father Howard Blessing. These students completed a service project, attended formation classes and were involved in discussions, participated in a retreat, and chose sponsors and saints to help them in their spiritual journeys. May our Confirmands be open to allowing the Holy Spirit to be their helper and guide. May they be blessed with the Holy Spirit’s gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude (or courage), knowledge, piety, and fear (or reverence) of the Lord. Gabrielle "St. Ignatius" Abraham Madeline "St. Irene" Allemond Rebecca "St. Quitera" Artall Blake "St. Andrew" Bellard Thomas "St. Hubert" Bodin Spencer "St. Luke" Boudreaux Kimberly "St. Ann/Benedict" Brinkhaus Sean "St. Thomas Aquinas" Colligan Ashton "St. Maria Goretti" Bourque Haleigh "St. Joan of Arc" Bourque Madison "St. Therese of Lisieux" Bourque Matthew "St. Joseph" Breaux, II David "St. Maximilian Kolbe" Broussard Emilie "St. Joan of Arc" Broussard Danielle "St. Ann" Calvert Cassidy "St. Cecilia" Carlisle Sean "St. Augustine" Carney Kaeleb "St. Catherine" Carter Hortencia "St. Pius X" Cervantez Ava "St. Cecilia" Chapman Megan "St. Elizabeth" Clark Daniel "St. Michael the Archangel" Cobb Amber "St. Martin des Tours" Dugas Claire "St. Clare" Dugas Brandon "St. Sebastian" Duhon Emma "St. Clare" Falgout Special Thanks Thank you to the hardworking ladies who handled our reception and décor for the church for Confirmation: Beth Halle, Tammy Venable, Shelly Gaspard, Dale Flory, Elsa Mendoza, Teri Broussard, Gaynelle Faulk, & Tammy Billeaud. Andrew "St. Thomas Aquinas" Furka Vanessa "St. Sebastian" Eschete Miller "St. Anthony" Ezell Rebecca "St. Therese" Fisher Landon "St. Jude" Fontenot Evan "St. Homobonus" Garza Olivia "St. Bernadette" Gower Beverly "St. Cecilia" Hagan Paul "St. James" Hammes Laura "St. Agnes" Harris Alexandra "St. Bernadette" Hay Sydni "St. Therese of Lisieux" Haydell Emily "St. Therese" Hebert Rachael "St. Cecilia" Higginbotham Tyler "St. Anaisa Pye" Jones Sean "St. John" Kleinpeter Benjamin "St. Leopold" Laborde Grant "St. Sebastian" Lagrange Dell "St. Michael" Lamartiniere, IV Nicholas "St. Hubertus" Landgrave Bailey "St. Vitus" Lasseigne Nathan "St. Bartholemeu" Lavergne Grant "St. Michael" LeBlanc Sydney "St. Elizabeth Ann Seton" LeBlanc Andrew "St. Joseph" Long Hunter "St. Michael" Markerson Alexander "St. Michael" Mayeux Taylor "St. Cecilia" Mayeux Max-Edward "St. James the Greater" Menard Haley "St. Cecilia" Moss Hallie "St. Catherine" Musso Logan "St. Nicholas" Noel Mason "St. Andrew the Apostle" Orantes Joseph "St. Cecilia" Perillo Katherine "St. Clare" Pitre Allyssa "St. Catherine" Prejean Daniel "St. Michael" Price Austin "St. Paul" Primeaux Jessica "St. Clare" Richard Molly "St. Clare" Rinaudo Nicole "Blessed Mother Teresa" Roy Ryan "St. Elias" Skrnich Matthew "St. Matthew" Smith Alex "St. Phillip" Smith, V Wyatt "St. Nicholas" Usie Jason "St. Francis of Assisi" Vallee Alaina "St. Charity" Varn Claire "St. Mary Magdelyn" Vesper Alaina "St. Marie Amadine" Wetzel Brandon "St. Anthony" White Madison "St. Elizabeth Seton" Wolf Vacation Bible School Registration Now Underway Register your children for VBS by calling the Religious Formation Office at 337.984.9643, or go online www.holycrosslafayette. com/registration. Ms. Kathy’s 1st Graders Enjoy a Story Mr Todd & his 6th Graders! Worship Elsa Mendoza MAY--MONTH OF MARY RENEW PRAYER TO MARY OUR BLESSED MOTHER Mary, you are a woman wrapped in silence and yet the Word born of your yes continues to bring life to all creation. Mary, help us to say yes— to be bearers of good news to a world waiting. Mary, you are a virgin and a mother empowered by the Holy Spirit. Help us to open ourselves to that same life-bringing Spirit. Mary, help us to say our yes. Mary, you are gift of Jesus to us, mother of the church. Look upon our world and our lives. Pray for us to your Son that we might be renewed that we might help renew the face of the earth. Mary, help us to say yes. Amen. A FAMILY PRAYER FOR LIFE’S JOURNEY God of the journey, be our traveling companion. Guide us over terrain both pleasant and perilous. Share our laughter when the sun shines. Lead us to shelter When the storms come. Over hills and through valleys, forests and deserts, bless us with steadfast hope. For with you, the Holy Pilgrim, we are never alone. Never unheld. Never unloved. Christian Foundation for Children and Aging www.hopeforafamily.org 800.875.6564 OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP It is our tradition at Holy Cross to say a devotional novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help on Thursday after mass. In addition to vocal/ word prayer, we may find contemplative gazing of an icon of the Blessed Mother to be just as prayerful. A good piece of Art/painting can awaken our heart and make visible a thread of meaning that the spoken word is unable to communicate. Adapted from newsletter by Ligouri Publications THE BRIDE AND GROOM AS HOSTS The roles of the bride and groom at wedding have become ritualized into an old-fashioned model. The bride and groom are hosts. They have invited the guests to share their joy and witness their commitment to one another. Together they should greet their guests as they arrive. Then when all is ready, the priest will come to the back of the church to greet them, and the entrance song will begin. The ministers process in followed by the priest, then the wedding party, then the parents of the bride and groom with the bride and groom themselves. Since the bride and groom are the actual ministers of the sacrament to one another, they are the last to process in. They can come in together, arm in arm, or each one with their parents. Copyright © 2012 Resource Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. HOLINESS—FAMILY STYLE Languages of Love Speaking the “right” love language can make all the difference In his Apostalic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium (the Joy of the Gospel), Our Holy Father Francis encourages the Christian faithful to share our faith with the joy and love that an encounter with our Lord awakens in our hearts. How can we express love to one another in a way that the other encounters the love of our Lord? In a contemporary language, here at Holy Cross, we offer the insight that Dr. Gary Chapman compiled into a book titled, The 5 Love Languages. He says everyone has a love language and that there are five key categories that have proved to be universal and comprehensive. Knowing each other’s love language is a breakthrough to help strengthen family relationships and will bear fruit in all our relationships and the communities we engage with. Visit www.fivelovelanguages.com and take a short profile of your love language. May the insight of these 5 love languages help us to heed our Holy Father’s exhortation to share our faith with joy and love, beginning with ourselves and our families. • • • • • Words of Affirmation Quality Time Receiving Gifts-thoughtfulness Acts of Service Physical Touch Worship Elsa Mendoza [email protected] NEW ALTAR SERVER TRAINING Altar Servers’ and Children’s Choir End of Year Party The Altar Server ministry is open to young people entering 4th -12th grades. Training is scheduled for Saturday, June 13th, June 20th and August 22nd, 9:00 – 11:00AM in Church. Only one session needs to be attended. A parent needs to remain present during training. To register, please contact Elsa Mendoza 337.984.2301,[email protected] at Planning is underway! Join us as we celebrate our endof- year with a pool party! We will provide pizza and drinks. Please bring a dessert, or a bag of chips, or your best sweet or salty finger food. Father Glenn Meaux – 4th Annual “Village of Hope Gala” KOBONAL HAITI MISSION Wednesday, May 27 DoubleTree Cocktails and Auction begin at 6 pm Four Course Dinner at 7 pm prepared by Chef John Folse Father Glenn Meaux and Cross Catholic Outreach invite you to attend the 4th Annual “Village of Hope Gala” to support the Kobonal Haiti Mission. This event will help provide sturdy concrete houses for Haitians currently living in small, makeshift shanties. Please join us as we make a difference in the lives of poor families living in Haiti! For ticket information or details on the “Village of Hope Gala”, or to make a donation to Father Glenn’s Mission, please contact Veria Samaroo (800-914-2420 ext. 235; [email protected]) or visit www.CrossCatholic.org/VillageofHope. Father Glenn will celebrate mass with us at the Saturday 4 pm mass May 16 and Sunday 9 am May 17. Catholic Relief Service-NEPAL Second Offering May 15/16 Our diocese will be taking up an offering next weekend to assist the efforts of CRS (our official international humanitarian agency representing the Catholic Church in the United States). CRS has already begun to embark on a major emergency response to this severe disaster. CRS is providing 10,000 families (50,000 people) with emergency shelter materials, blankets, water treatment and hygiene kits. CRS is working with Caritas Nepal to identify the most pressing needs in the hardest hit districts between Kathmandu and Pokhara, and will scale operations accordingly. The 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal on April 25 near the capital, Kathmandu, toppling buildings and homes, causing widespread panic, and claiming more than 3,900 lives. The Kathmandu Valley is densely populated with nearly 2.5 million people. Tens of thousands of families require shelter and protection from the cold and relentless rain. Please know your generosity is greatly appreciated. Worship Elsa Mendoza [email protected] THE AMAZING GIFT OF YOUR MARRIAGE A “snapshot “of how your marriage is a benefit to you and your spouse Twelve of the most outstanding benefits of great marriages are below. They can shed some light and offer a "snapshot" of how marriage is a gift in your life. Visit www.workonyourmarriage.org. Teamwork: Successful couples approach their life together as a team. Self-discovery: Successful couples discover their separate gifts and develop them in a complementary way. Maturity: Successful couples hold one another accountable; each becomes a better person. Wealth-building: Successful couples take positive steps to create wealth but do not allow wealth to become the center of their relationship. Healthy Lifestyles: Successful couples live healthy lifestyles. Workplace Success: Successful couples bring the gifts and talents from their marriage to help them succeed in the workplace and managing the home for those who are homemakers. Good Neighbors: Successful couples bring the gifts and talents from their marriage to help them be a good neighbor and involved citizen. The Best Caregivers: Successful couples take care of one another during illness and personal crisis. Friends: Successful couples have fun together as life-long friends and companions. Children: Successful couples welcome children into their lives if they can have children, and when they cannot, they find ways to unselfishly give themselves to others. Mental and Emotional Health: Successful couples manage stress, learn to work out conflicts before they get out of hand, and keep a positive, hopeful view of life. Prayer for Preparation to Study Lord, I know you are with me and love me. Give me peace of mind as I prepare for this time of study. Help me to focus on my books and notes, so that I will make the best use of this time that is available to me. Give me insight that I might understand what I am studying, and help me to remember it when the time comes. Above all, I thank you for the ability to be able to study and for the many gifts and talents you have given me. Help me always to use them in such a way that they honor you and do justice to myself. Amen Prayer Before an Examination Dear Lord, as I take this exam, I thank you that my value is not based on my performance, but on your great love for me. Awaken my heart so that we can walk through this time together. Help me, not only with this test, but the many challenges of life. As I take this exam, bring back to my mind everything I studied and be gracious with what I have overlooked. Help me to remain focused and calm, confident in the facts and in my ability, and firm in the knowledge that no matter what happens today you are there with me. Amen Join us on Monday, May 18th 6pm-7pm at St. Pius X to pray for all of those in Syria and Iraq who have been mercilessly persecuted by ISIS for years. Millions of our brothers and sisters have been forced to flee their homes and lives due to violence. Many end up in refugee camps, but even more seek shelter in abandoned and dilapidated buildings. Children are unable to go to school and families are often without basic living essentials. However, with God there is hope. Let us lift those who are suffering in prayer, where we know they will not be forgotten, and pray that God will change the hearts of those in ISIS. We will also learn from the Southeastern director of Catholic Relief Services, Cullen Larson, how our Church is changing lives in these regions in our name, and the action we can take to ensure that this work continues. Peace in Christ, Amélie Desormeaux CRS Program Intern Roman Catholic Diocese of Lafayette, Louisiana 337.261.5511 Office Seven-year-old Raghed, a Syrian refugee, stands on a trash pile at an informal refugee seƩlement in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley. Photo by Sam Tarling for CRS Parish Life Teri Broussard [email protected] SENIOR CITIZENS’ BINGO & LUNCHEON Wednesday, May 13th Games begin @ 10:30AM Luncheon to follow games Cards $1 each Hope to see you there! After taking the summer months off, we will resume the games again on September 9th. Many thanks to all who helped throughout the year from cooking, chopping and serving. And a Big Thanks to our faithful cook, Ralph Bender, who has cooked for us for many years! Thanks to all of you, we have been able to continue this wonderful ministry serving over 125 senior citizens every month with some months as many as 150! What a wonderful blessing!! Baby & Me Boutique At The Baby & Me Boutique you will find all your maternity and baby needs at giveaway prices. The Baby & Me Boutique, a thrift store in downtown Lafayette specializes in maternity and baby items. A variety of gently used high-quality donated items. From shoes, toys, books, strollers and bedding to kid’s clothes (up to size 18-20) and an assortment of public school uniforms, you will find what you’re looking for and much more! Stop by and see how much money you can save by purchasing gently used items and some never-been-used items. All items in the boutique have been donated by individuals, school clubs, groups, churches and supporters that host baby showers. All donations are tax deductible and support the DesOrmeaux Foundation and its home for homeless, pregnant mothers and our pregnancy resource center. The Desormeaux Foundation needs list: car seats, bassinets, strollers, baby beds, & walkers, liquid clothes detergent, anti-bacterial wipes, and Lysol spray. If you are able to donate any of these items, please bring to the address above. Hours of Operation: Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM to 5:00 Pm Friday 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM 1st Saturday only: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM 1335 Jefferson Street (corner of Jefferson & Lamar) Near ULL, Lafayette, LA 70501 PHONE:337-232-4091 “Gently Worn” School Uniforms Needed School Uniform Outreach will continue to collect and process gently worn public school uniforms. The need is great! Various agencies will make these uniforms available to children who are in need in our Lafayette Parish Schools. Soon, the volunteers will begin processing your donations for the 2015-16 school year. We request your help in this Ecumenical Effort. Please bring your children’s outgrown uniforms to church ASAP and place them in the School Uniform Outreach containers provided in church and in Building C. You may also bring them to Building A. Youth Sizes 4 -20 and All Adult Sizes are needed: Shirts: Red, white, and navy blue, black and green Pants/Shorts: Navy blue, black and khaki - traditional style St Vincent de Paul Volunteer Opportunity Our Holy Cross St Vincent de Paul office needs a volunteer to help answer the phone and interview those individuals who are calling for financial assistance with their bills, such as utilities, rent, etc. This is a part -time volunteer position, and will require 2-3 hours of your time each week, and basic computer skills. Call the church office at 337.984.9636, and leave a message. Desormeaux Foundation Fundraiser The UL “Ragin Cajun” baseball team and the Desormeaux Foundation team up to save babies and help their moms too! Attend UL “Ragin Cajun” baseball home games and pledge any amount for all home runs and/or strikeouts at all games, and/or for the entire season!! There will be a table at the entrance of the ballpark for you to fill out a pledge card or you can find one at the tables by the doors in church. For more information call Michela Camel at 337289-9366 or visit www.desormeauxfoundation.com. Parish Life Teri Broussard [email protected] HOLY CROSS NURSERY Toddlers: Ages 12 months (walking) to Pre-K. The nursery affords parents an opportunity to participate more fully at the celebration of the Eucharist knowing their children are in a safe and nurturing environment. The Nursery is open for Sunday morning mass: 9:00 am opens at 8:45 am 11:00 am opens at 10:45am Please pick up your child soon after mass No reservations are required Service is Free The nursery is located in Building S by the playground, Room 9 TWITTER@PONTIFEX Every Christian community must be a welcoming home for those searching for God, for those searching for a brother or sister to listen to them. In the Sacraments, we discover the strength to think and act according to the Gospel. Invitation to Grow Do not grieve over the temptations you suffer. When the Lord intends to bestow a particular virtue on us, He often permits us first to be tempted by the opposite vice. Therefore, look upon every temptation as an invitation to grow in a particular virtue and a promise by God that you will be successful, if only you stand fast. ~St. Philip Neri Spiritual Battle There is a spiritual battle going on all around us. The best way to fight it is on our knees in prayer. As you pray the Our Father, take some time with the last line of the prayer, “Deliver us from evil.” Thank God that He has already won the victory over the devil. Homebound Eucharistic Ministers Needed If you are interested in bringing the Eucharist to our parishioners that are homebound, please call Betty Herring at 984-2286. Lifetouch Pictorial Directory Have you scheduled your portrait? LAST OPPORTUNITY! When was the last time your family took a professional portrait? As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words! And your family is deserving of it! Holy Cross Parish has partnered with Lifetouch for a pictorial directory. It has been 12 years since Holy Cross has had a pictorial directory. Please be part of this memorable project. Lifetouch is providing the directory at no cost to our Church Parish. Every family who schedules and takes their picture will receive a free 8 x 10 inch portrait plus a free directory. You can sign up online at our church website (events calendar), or by calling the church office, 984-9636, ext. 1003. If you sign up online, you will receive a $10 coupon towards the purchase of any extra pictures. If you bring canned goods, you will also receive an additional $5 off the purchase of any additional pictures. Senior Citizens (over 60) and Military personnel will receive a 20% discount. For your convenience, all photography and portrait viewing will take place at Holy Cross, BUILDING C, Rm 15 & 16. In addition to your complimentary 8x10, you will have the opportunity to purchase additional portraits on the day of your portrait session. Lifetouch’s portrait price lists are available in the church office for those who would like them prior to being photographed. Photography Dates Building C (new) Playground Entrance (Last opportunity) Thursday – Saturday, May 14 – 16 Mon, May 11 Tues, May 12 Wed, May 13 Thur, May 14 Friday, May 15 Sat, May 16 Sunday, May 19 Rev. Aaron Melancon Rev. Bill Melancon Msgr. Louis Melancon Rev. Mark Melancon Rev. Jerry Mesley Rev. Andre Metrejean Msgr. Paul Metrejean Pray for a priest each day Eternal Father, we lift up to You these and all the priest of the world. Sanctify them. Heal and guide them. Mold them into the likeness of Your Son, Jesus, the Eternal Priest. May their lives be pleasing to You. In Jesus’ name we pray. AMEN Bingo & Luncheon 10:30am (Last one for the Summer) Become a CASA Volunteer! Make a difference in the life of a foster child. Fight for the abused or neglected children, so their best interests are served, and they are not forgotten by the overburdened system. For more information, call 337.268.5111, or www.casaofsola.org. New England Cruise September 30-October 10, 2015 Join Father Blessing and some of our Holy Cross Family members on a New England Cruise. On September 30th, we will board the Oceania Regatta in Montreal and cruise from Canada along the New England Coast and end in New York City on October 10th. Brochures and flyers are available in Church and the Holy Cross office or you can email Carita Pearce for more information at [email protected]. for 415 Robley Dr Memorial Day Service On Monday, May 25th at 9am Fountain Memorial Funeral Home & Cemetery in Lafayette, located at 1010 Pandora Street, Lafayette, will host our annual Memorial Day Fountain Memorial Program as follows: Funeral Home & Cemetary Outdoor Memorial Day Service in the Veteran’s Section of Fountain Memorial Cemetery, 1010 Pandora Street, featuring Color Guard Assemblies in full regalia and TAPS performance by Acadiana Veterans Honor Guard, as well as, patriotic musical selections by Jillian Hebert. Reception in the funeral home lounge following the service. Lawn chairs are welcomed. Service will last approximately one hour. For more information, call 337-9817098. Lafayette LA 70503 337.984.9636 Simply fill out the form below and mail it to the church office or drop it in the collection. Your Name _______________________________ In Honor, Memory, or Thanksgiving of __________________________________ Amount Enclosed $ 100.00 Phone # and/or email address ________________________________________ Date: 1st Preference _____________________ 2nd Preference ____________________