Cessna 177 Parts Catalog 68-76 - The Mount Point
Cessna 177 Parts Catalog 68-76 - The Mount Point
CESSNA 177 PARTS CATALOG - 1968 thru 1976 Click on a link below LIST OF PARTS FIGURES INTRODUCTION UPHOLSTERY & INTERIOR TRIM ALPHABETICAL INDEX PARTS LISTING NUMERICAL INDEX TOOLBAR HELP Open/Close Bookmarks REVISION INFO Copyright 2002 McCurtain Technology Group. All Rights Reserved. CESSNA is a trademark of The Cessna Aircraft Company. TOOLBAR HELP The Print button allows you to print any specific page(s). The Show/Hide Navigation Pane button opens or closes the lefthand column of bookmarks or thumbnails. Click on this button and the Actual Size or Fit Width button to enlarge text for reading. The Hand tool enables you to move a single document page on the screen when the page does not fit within the main window. Drag the hand tool in the direction you want to move the page. A pointing hand indicates a hyperlink is present at that location. The Zoom tool magnifies and reduces the page display. The “+” zooms in. To view the “-“ and zoom out, choose the Zoom tool and hold down the Ctrl key. Click on the hand tool and the Actual Size button to exit and resize the page. The First Page button moves the document to the first page. Previous Page – moves you back one page in the document. Next Page – moves you forward one page in the document. The Last Page button moves the document to the last page. The Go Back and Go Forward buttons retrace your steps through a document, moving to each view in the order visited. The Actual Size button displays the page at 100%. The Fit Page button scales the page to fit within the window. The Fit Width button scales the page to fill the width of the window. The lower toolbar (shown below) provides some of the same functions but provides some additional information. The page number matches the page number printed on the current document page (12-1). The zoom level is also shown (100%). The down arrow button to the right of the zoom level allows for zoom adjustment. The double arrow button on the far left will open/close the navigation pane. The buttons on both sides of the page number provide the same paging functions as the upper toolbar paging buttons. For additional help, click on the Help command on the right side of the top command line. Click on the Go Back button to return to the manual. CESSNA 177 PARTS FIGURES (1968-1976) This 5-page list of part figures is text searchable; use the find command (Binoculars). Click on any figure name to view the figure. 1. Miscellaneous Bulk items 2. (Sheet 1 of 4) Placards, Nameplates & Exterior Markings 2. (Sheet 2 of 4) Placards, Nameplates & Exterior Markings 2. (Sheet 3 of 4) Placards, Nameplates & Exterior Markings (serial 17700001 – 17702123) 2. (Sheet 4 of 4) Placards, Nameplates & Exterior Markings (serial 17700001 – 17702123) 2A. (Sheet 1 of 2) Placards, Nameplates & Exterior Markings (serial 17702124 & on) 2A. (Sheet 2 of 2) Placards, Nameplates & Exterior Markings (serial 17702124 & on) 3. Wing Assembly Complete 4. Wing Structure Assembly 5. Wing Leading Edge Assembly (serial 17700001 thru 17701370) 5A. Wing Leading Edge Assembly & Components – Standard (serial 17701371 & on) 5B. Wing Leading Edge Assembly & Components – Long Range (serial 17701774 & on) 5C. Fuel Tank Drain Valve Installation 6. Wing Main Spar Assembly 7. Aileron Installation 8. Flap Installation 9. Vertical Fin & Dorsal Installation 10. Rudder Installation 11. Stabilator Installation 12. Fuselage Assembly 13. Front & Center Cabin Section Assembly 14. Forward Fuselage Structure Assembly (serial 17700001 thru 17702313) 14A. Forward Fuselage Structure Assembly (serial 17702314 & on) 15. Front Doorpost Bulkhead Assembly 16. Lower Forward Fuselage Section 16A. Pedestal Support Assembly (serial 17701371 & on) 16B. Firewall Grommets lnstallation 17. Center Cabin Section - Lower 18. Fuselage Center Belly Section 19. Landing Gear Bulkhead Assembly 20. Aft Cabin Windows Installation 21. Windshield Installation 22. Tailcone Assembly 23. Stinger Installation 24. Battery Box Installation 25. Nose Gear Installation 26. Nose Gear Installation – Heavy Duty 27. Nose Gear Steering Rod Installation 28. Nose Gear Shock Strut Assembly 29. Nose Gear Shock Strut Assembly – Heavy Duty 30. Nose Gear Wheel Assembly 31. Nose Gear Wheel Assembly – Heavy Duty 31A. Nose Gear Wheel & Tire Assembly – McCauley (Alternate) (serial 17701774 & on) 32. Shimmy Dampener Assembly 33. Main Landing Gear Installation 34. Main Landing Gear Wheel & Brake Assembly 34A. Main Landing Gear Wheel & Brake Assembly (Alternate) (serial 17702314 & on) 35. Cabin Door Assembly (serial 17700001 thru 17701773) 35A. Cabin Door Assembly (serial 17701774 & on) 36. Cabin Door Latch Assembly 37. Baggage Door lnstallation 38. Cabin Door Upholstery Installation 39. Cabin Top & Firewall Upholstery Installation (serial 17700001 thru 17702313) 39A. Cabin Top & Firewall Upholstery Installation (serial 17702314 & on) 40. Cabin Side & Floorboard Upholstery Installation 40A. Soundproofing Installation 41. Front Seats Installation (serial 17700001 thru 17702123) 41A. Front Seats Installation (serial 17702124 & on) 42. Vertically Adjustable Seats Installation (serial 17700001 thru 17701370) 42A. Infinitely Adjustable Front Seat Installation (serial 17701371 thru 17701773) 42B. Infinitely Adjustable Front Seat Installation (serial 17701774 thru 17702123) 42C. Infinitely Adjustable Front Seat Installation (serial 17702124 & on) 43. Rear Seat Installation (serial 17700001 thru 17702123) 43A. Rear Seat Installation (serial 17702124 & on) 43B. Rear Seat Installation – Individually Reclining Back (serial 17700339 – 17702123) 43C. Rear Seat Installation – Individually Reclining Back (serial 17702124 & on) 44. Auxiliary Seat Installation (serial 17700001 thru 17701370) 44A. Auxiliary Seat Installation (serial 17701371 & on) 45. Instrument Panel Equipment Installation (serial 17700001 thru 17701164) 45A. Instrument Panel Equipment Installation (serial 17701165 thru 17701370) 45B. Instrument Panel Equipment Installation (serial 17701371 thru 17701530) 45C. Instrument Panel Equipment Installation (serial 17701531 thru 17701973) 45D. Instrument Panel Equipment Installation (serial 17702124 thru 17702313) 45E. Instrument Panel Equipment Installation (serial 17702124 thru 17702313) 45F. Instrument Panel Equipment Installation (serial 17702314 & on) 45G. Post Lighted Instrument Panel Covers (serial 17702124 thru 17702313) 45H. Post Lighted Instrument Panel Covers (serial 17702314 & on) 46. Fuselage Equipment Installation 46A. Seat Belt & Shoulder Harness Installation 47. Stretcher Installation 47A. Compass & Outside Air Temperature Installation 47B. Static Discharger Installation (serial 17702314 & on) 48. Propeller & Spinner Installation (serial 17700001 thru 17701370) 48A. Propeller Installation (serial 17701371 & on) 48B. McCauley Propeller Installation (177 Serial See Code A) 49. Engine Cowl Assembly (serial 17700001 thru 17701164) 49A. Engine Cowl Assembly (serial 17701165 thru 17701370) 49B. Engine Cowl Assembly (serial 17701371 thru 17701773) 49C. Engine Cowl Assembly (serial 17701774 & on) 50. Winterization Equipment Installation 50A. Cowl Flaps Controls Installation (serial 17701371 & on) 51. Engine Installation (Sheet 1 of 2) (serial 17700001 thru 17701164) 51. Engine Installation (Sheet 2 of 2) (serial 17700001 thru 17701164) 51A. Engine Installation (Sheet 1 of 2) (serial 17701165 & on) 51A. Engine Installation (Sheet 2 of 2) (serial 17701165 & on) 52. Engine Components & Associated Accessories O-320-E2D Engine (not illustrated) 52A. Governor Assembly (serial 17701371 & on) 52B. Propeller Governor Assembly (serial 17701371 thru 17701773) 53. Exhaust System Assembly 54. Engine Baffles Installation (serial 17700001 thru 17701164) 54A. Engine Baffles Installation (serial 17701165 thru 17702123) 54B. Engine Baffles Installation (serial 17702124 & on) 55. Oil Filter Installation 56. Cabin Air Ventilation System Installation (serial 17700001 thru 17701164) 56A. Cabin Air Ventilation System Installation (serial 17701165 & on) 57. Heating & Defrosting System (serial 17700001 thru 17701164) 57A. Heating & Defrosting System (serial 17701165 & on) 58. Brake System Installation 59. Brake & Rudder Pedals Installation 60. Master Brake Cylinder Assembly 61. Control Column Installation 62. Aileron Control System 62A. Aileron Rudder Interconnect System (serial 17701165 & on) 63. Stabilator Control Installation 64. Stabilator Trim Tab Control System 64A. Stabilator Trim Tab Actuator Assembly 65. Electric Flap System Installation 66. Rudder Control System Installation 66A. Rudder Trim System Installation (serial 17701371 & on) 67. Pitot System Installation (serial 17700001 thru 17702313) 67A. Pitot System Installation (serial 17702314 & on) 67B. Alternate Static Source Installation (serial 17701531 & on) 67C. Encoding Altimeter Installation (serial 17702124 & on) 68. Stall Warning Horn Installation 69. Fuel System Installation 69A. Fuel Vent System 70. Fuel Strainer Assembly 71. Fuel Valve Assemblies 72. Auxiliary Fuel Pump Assembly 73. Fuel Primer Installation 74. Vacuum System Installation 75. Wing Leveler Installation (serial 17700001 thru 17701973) 76. Electrical Equipment Installation 77. Instrument Panel Lights Installation 78. Landing Lights Installation 79. Courtesy Lights Installation 80. Flashing Beacon Installation 81. Control Wheel Map Light Installation (serial 17700001 thru 17701530) 82. Control Wheel Map Light & Mike Switch Installation (serial 17705531 & on)