Tour Brochure (link is external)
Tour Brochure (link is external)
HI7TORI~ KEN\UOO~ r¡VN~flL2IijF~7T ZOO 4~ T2VR 2F H21t\~' ~ATURPAY N9V. 6, L004 N99N T9 5 PM VVelcomeTo ~. HI7TORI~ KEn\UOO~ ~ ¡ ~VNL;flL2WF~~T .r .. ZOO 4 i ~ f T2VR 2F H21t\~' I We hope you enjoy touring our neighborhood as well as our homes. In order to make your day as enjoyable as possible, we have provided you with the following: i A tour map in the center of . this booklet. Airi conditioned trolleys to take your tour with ease an~ comfort, that stop at designated locations. Please see the tour map for those locations. Restrooms located at Historic Kenwood's Park , and restrooms and r~freshments at 80 i 22nd Street. (trol~ey stop i 2) Enjoy the tour! of homes ~ renovations 1990 saw a was 1930's other St. moved to Historic I II II Kenwood has one of concentrations of 1920's Craftsman Style Bungalows in Florida. are two bedrooms size larger three bedrooms scattered to the age of the neighborhood, features brick streets, large trees rear facing garages. Most of our porches, hardwood floors, fireplaces lots of a 95% are to our area our I ~ JÀ~\JI\JflL CONGRATULATION', HI'TORlC KE:N\1JOOD. ON YOUR- 6TH ANNUAL T;UNGALO\1JrE:.JTI .. Statel, old oaka .. Brick lined atneta .. niatory & character .. Rich architectural detaila \itJHf:N YOU'Rf: L OOKING FOR CHARACTf:R HeATHeR GLeNN 72.7-2.35-4986 TRAINE:D IN HI.5TORIC RE:Al E::JTATE: THROUCiH THe NATIONAL TRU:JT FOR HI.~TORIC PRE::JE:RVATION Colonial revival homes have symmetrical facades and classical details such as Colonial multiple light windows, door surrounds and porches. The style also includes one story Cape Cod houses. The Craftsman Bungalow is a home design that became popular at the end of the Victorian Era and reflected the desire to depart from the excesses of that age. The Craftsman Bungalow is an open floor plan with wide, overhanging eaves. Some common characteristics include walls which taper inward from the foundation, ornate decorative beam extensions and flared eaves. [email protected] www.HistoricKenwoodHomes.tom Keller Williams Gulf Coast 6400 4th St. N. 'll St. Petersburg A Minimal Traditional house usually has a gabled roof with overhanging eaves. Detailing in the house is kept to a minimum with little interior millwork or simple casements and interior trim sections. JÀ~\JI\JflL The Mediterranean Revival 801 62nd Ave., N., St. Petersburg 525-3434 was popular throughout Florida during the 1 920' sand 1 930' s. Key stylistic features include barrel tile roofs, stucco walls and arched openings. Similar to many other "romantic revival" styles of this era, Mediterranean Revival homes derive their features from a specific country or region of the world. Here, the many hillside towns of Spain and Southern Italy served as the inspiration for this unique and beautiful architectural style. nials trees The Ranch house in Florida proliferated after World War It is characteristically a one story Indoor & Patio Plants · Fruit Trees Herbs Vegetables. Fertilizers Cactus · Mulches home with a single, low sloping roof. It has simple interior detailing, similar to that of a Minimal TraditionaL. The feature which most distinguishes it from other home styles is the layout of space, which is long to the block face. CHIROPRACTIC CARE 2303 MASSAGE THERAPY ACUPUNCTURE Ins Welcome HMO. Medicaid &: Medicare Sweethearts Graham and Meredith will be married at the Historic Vinoy Hotel in December. They moved into their Mediterranean style home with their African Grey parrot in 2002 because it was a great house If You're Expecting... we're expecting to hear from you. Announce that NEW BABY with an 8ft. StorF¿:News stork perched upon your lawn. He leaves behind a keepsake bundle announcing the new arrival's name, weight and birth date. 727-321-7159 Stork../News of æinel1ßs WIRE-A-STORK 1-800-633-6395 TOURTELOT BROTHERS, INC. Real Estate since 1928 Robert Ewing, Jr. "Sandy" Director of Sales Realtor 727-823-8383 Toll Free 800-231-9049 Fax 727-894-2504 [email protected] 414 4th Avenue North St. Petersburg, FL 33701-2806 they feU in love with and the location was close to everything, including the park. After having been abandoned for 12 years, the previous owners had completely renovated the house. The only project left for Graham and Meredith was painting. Although they do not yet have any historical information on the house, you can see it sports a granite fireplace, coved ceilings, oak floors and picture rails in the kitchen. 2823 2nd Avenue North ~ @ II II ut CD. . taste' indulge 21 1 central ave 823.2368 9I & frame shop feel experience a 1 centra I ave 2 2 E Bruce and Jeff were drawn to Historic Kenwood 2 years ago because of the area's charming homes and the feeling of the neighborhood. Since living in their 1 926 Craftsman . Bungalow, they've discovered it contains the same fireplace found at the historic Vinoy WISH THE HISTORIC KENWOOD NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION CONGRATULATIONS ON A FANTASTIC JOB IN ORGANIZING BUNGALOWFEST 2004 AND EXTEND MANY THANKS FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT!! Hotel along downtown St. Pete's waterfront. The couple has redone the kitchen, master bedroom and bath, installed new decking and a brick paver patio in the yard. The interior of the house was decorated by Robert Bruce Designs. Aiso open for viewing are the cottage and garage apartment. Be sure to say hi to Echo the bird - the other member of Bruce and Jeff's happy family. 11 1 1 2822 Avenue ~ II II Jamie Hulse attended Historic Kenwood's BungalowFest home tour five years ago and fell in love with the neighborhood so much that she moved here! Jamie's 1 925 bungalow was home to the Mayor of St. Petersburg in 1 925 and still has his original shuffleboard court in the backyard. The home contains the original built-ins in the dining and living room, as well as beautiful coffered ceilings. Although the bathrooms have been completely redone, Jamie kept the original claw foot tub. She's also built a new addition on the back of her beautifully renovated home. 6150 SR. 70 - smte 210 - ßndeiiriitoin, IlL 34203 Office 941-782-5550"'" Fax. 941-782-5566 Cell 727-403....5626 317 29th Street North ~ ( ~ J)e(.'/((! /7õ((ch CAKES By CAROLYNN II II The Best Tasting Cakes For Every Occasion! (727) 327-5725 3153 5th Ave. N., St. Pete, FL 33713 Bonnie Schaefer & Jill Whelan ...and to Bless All The Wórk o/Thine Hand- Deut.28:12 APSCO APPLIANCE CENTERS (727) 5 Service (727) 535-5585 Brad Unroe Built in 1935 Bill SMITH - Sales Manager Brad Unroe cans his home "a work in progress'. It has always been a garage apartment with a carport, but Brad is in the process of transforming the structure into a 2 bedroom, 1 bath 1 000 square foot living space, complete with French doors and a galvanized roof. After looking at an the historic neighborhoods St. Petersburg has to offer, Brad chose Historic Kenwood because he liked the style of homes and the neighborhood best of al1. "I 2850 Avenue ~ Bobbie TaUy-Kenster Craftsman Bungalow Built in i 928 Delivery Extra or Carry Out · PLUS TAX 1IiiII_________ !'Jot val'd w;th other cOJpons E:i:pires jrl 30 clays Bobbie Tally-Kensler's house is the shining example of how a community gives back to its own. Weeks before 2 · Baked Spaghetti · Baked Ziti · Baked Ravioli e 10 Chicken Wings @I Med.1-Topplng Pizza · Oven Baked Sub · Lg. Chef Salad · Cheeze stlx the home tour, Historic Kenwood residents painted and landscaped the exterior of Bobbie's home. Having gone through a divorce and faced with being a single mother to her i 5 year-old daughter, as welt as being diagnosed with an aortic aneurysm, Bobbie returned to Historic Kenwood, where she had lived when the neighborhood's regeneration was in its infancy in the Delivery Extra or Carry Out · PLUS TAX Nol valid with o~lier coupons Expires in 30 days 1lIIaii________________ --------------------- i 990s. During that time, Bobbie served on the Neighborhood Association board for 5 years; 2 as vice-president; was a major fund-raiser; participated in the community anti-drug marches and helped erect the Historic Kenwood marker signs. Her former husband was the architect who designed the pavilion in Historic Kenwood Park. After she moved away from the neighborhood, Bobbie attended the porch parties and stayed in close contact with her friends from the neighborhood. Bobbie's home was a HUD foreclosure property, with boards covering broken windows and 1 weeds overtaking the yard. Since moving in, she's completely gutted the kitchen and rear bath, resurfaced all the walls and ceilings, refinished the hardwood floors, replaced the electrical plumbing and central and air conditioning. New lighting fixtures, French doors and roof have totally changed the former house. new home showcases the antiques she acquired over the years as an dealer. ""l Marcia Duley, LMT ina28649/uiinl0655 "Your Kenwood & Grand Central Neighbor" 3253 Avenue North ~ Relaxation & Deep Tissue Massage Therapy Belavi Facelift Massage, On,Site Chair Massage, Pregnancy Massage Gift Certificates & Package Options 727.403-4591 2734 Central Avenue St. Petersburg, FL 33712 Sharron fs:p Tom Brady moved from New York to Florida in 1 995 and looked at many homes in different ~ areas before finding Historic Kenwood and spotting their 'gem'. Tom had spotted the house first, and I Sharron feU in love with the cottage feel when she saw it for the first time that Easter Sunday. They have since learned that their home, as wen as at least one hu\\ (,\\1 '~t~\ Z. '1-'30 \l'O\'I " other on their street, was built by the same New York architect. They also discovered that what is now a den Furniture and Decorative Arts Gallery was original1y a porch. Features of the home include ten foot ceilings, hardwood floors, a large archway Chandeliers Mirrors Statuary Oriental Rugs between living room and dining room, an arched built-in 2535 Central Avenue., St. Petersburg in the living room, an attic fan that was original to house, original tiles in the bathroom, interior French Always Buying -1 Piece to Entire Estate Quality Antique Consignments Accepted 727 -321-6621 Open Daily 1 Dam - 5pm Sunday Noon -5pm doors, original windows and a fireplace. Since moving into the home in 1996, they have added new cabinets fs:p appliances in the kitchen, removed the gas heat from the kitchen closet, created a pantry, added a family room, deck, awning fs:p new privacy fence. Full SCf\'ice FlorÎlJl B¡¡lloone; (,¡ift,;.~ CArd': \Vorlrl V/lrlc' nt'!¡vL~ry 12;r.:32B,.2603 Fa)\: 501Ceritnìl ¡we. St. 33713 \\1\,\,'\"1, v í nt aq eva s en 0 r í s t. c () ni f'lick & Henry Bootsie the cat adopted the Bradys and has made the new deck his home. He is joined by their other cat, Samantha, the indoor princess. Sharron and Tom say they are glad to have found Kenwood and are proud to see how it has flourished. .... 3209 ~ II II I I / Built in1925 In search of a Spanish style home 8 years ago is how Mary and Jere Watkins found Historic Kenwood. Their unique bungalow sports a ben tower and arched fine art fine craft doorways. It is also one of the few homes in the representing local artists community to have a driveway in front of the house. The couple was told that their home was one of the showing various mediums first on the block and was built on-site, unlike many others that were moved to the area from elsewhere. The Watkins' have remodeled a bath, replaced the roof of the home, made plaster repairs from prior roof leaks, replaced windows and doors and painted the interior and exterior of the home. Mary and Jere's family includes their two dogs Kasey and Barnacle. Mary says she loves the neighborhood and can't imagine ever leaving. dawn r. bielawski &.andrea i. pawlisz owners 2444 central avenue st. petersburg, :fl 33712 727.327.3990 [email protected] ~i. ~ ~Cll i. J) i::i i. C'I:l C'I:l ~ ~ ~i. ~i. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :Æ ~ ..... Cll Cll i. cñ i::i ~ 0 = C\I C'I:l :~.. . .... .. . . ~ ~Cll Jl t.: - C'I:l ~Cll "i '" J) ~ 0 ~ Jl cI) ~ 0\ ~ 00 C'I:l ~ "" G2JC\I ......... .!ir. . . . . ......... .~..........:. . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . ~ 1 C\J 7 th A venue North St. Pete High School 5th A venue North ~ ~ "i i. .... cI) Dartmouth Avenue ~ t..... C\I . . . . . . (!J:. ~ :. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . ~ .. . :~ . . . .. .. . . . 8th A venue North ~ C\J ~.. (!J: 9th Avenue North ~ io "1" C\I C\J C\I . .. . . . .. .. . . . .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "i "i i. i. .... .... cI) cI) 1 C\I .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . ..... (!iliJ . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 6th A venue North . . . . . 4th A venue North ~ ~ ~ ~ "i "i i. cñ J5 t.: C\J 3rd Avenue North Burlington Avenue 2nd Avenue North 1st Avenue North Central Avenue ~ 0 C\I ~ 32 i 88th Avenue ~ Shelly & Kellogg Boarding · Grooming" Veterinarian Services 3215 46th Ave. N. · Sf. Petersburg, 33714 526-5507 QUICK STOP BRAKE & WE vow TO :a.lEPLACE ONLY WHAT is NEEDED *Muffiers "Convertors "'Brakes "Struts "Springs "Shocks "Ai¡ Conditioning .Front End "Diagnostic & Repairs 5401 34th Street North St. Petersburg, FL 33714 Steve Taksas (727) 525-6333 Built in 1926 Jaynie Voelz &P Reneé Kilroy's home was originally located where the dog-racing track is located on Gandy Blvd. and was eventually moved to Historic Kenwood. The same family had owned the home until the couple purchased it a year ago. Reneé and Jaynie wanted an older home with charm in a historic and friendly neighborhood for their 22 month old son, Zane. Their 1 926 bungalow features an open front porch, original hardwood floors, a side porch. that was enclosed for a third bedroom, and a main bathroom, which has all its original fixtures and plumbing hardware. An addition, which was built on the back of the house, includes a second bathroom &P bonus room. The home also has a 2 car detached garage. Since living in their delightful cottage, Jaynie and Reneé have upgraded the kitchen, restored the floors, and installed new sinks in the bathroom. Energy Wellness Massage (727) 204-5461 + A Quality Mobile Service + Deep Tissue + Therapeutic Relaxation Body Wraps & Scrubs+Chair Massage Angie Yerushalmy,LMT VisaIMastercard Accepted License#MA34706 l 3 i 42 8th Avenue North ~ The Shoppes 2266 Wilton Drive (N.E. 4th Ave.) Ft. lauderdale 33305 (954) 565-2526 3100 3rd Ave. N. St. Petersburg 33713 327-8832 Betty Huck Bungalow Built in i 920-22 3142 3RC AVENUE NORTH ST. FL33713 (727) 327..5728 (727) 327..8832 SECURITIES OFFERED THROUGH CADARET, GRANT & CO.,INC. NASD/SIPC After being in her new Historic Kenwood home only three months, Betty eagerly opens the doors of her cozy 2 bedroom bungalow for this year's BungalowFest. Fascinated by an article about Historic Kenwood she read in the St. Petersburg Times newspaper, Betty Huck conducted her own research and found that the neighborhood reflects the 'old fashioned' spirit of pride in place and represents a kaleidoscope of backgrounds and culture; just what she was looking for in a community. Her home, which still has its original windows, has been landscaped with native Florida plants, and, fortunately, the original floor plan of the bungalow has never been changed. Since she moved in, 3138 3rd Avenue North Saint Petersburg, Fl33113 121...323-1 fax RSA Rehab Specialists of America, Inc. Health, Wellness & Fitness Centers Providing: Massage, Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapies Specialized Services Available upon Request Joseph J. Wadsworth President 3136 3rd Ave. N. St. Petersburg, FL 33713 Phone 727.323.7555 Fax 727.323.7574 Betty has added a front awning and a fresh coat of paint to her delightful cottage. ""'\ I 29 I I Avenue ~ iliii iliii INTER.IC)R.S CONSIGNED FINE HOME FURNISHINGS cost Tue-Fri 10am-5:30pm Sat & Sun 11 am-5pm Debbie Cunningham Spanish Mediterranean Built in 1924 Just over 5000 square feet, Debbie Cunningham's i 920's massive Spanish Mediterranean style home boasts two very distinct architectural details: its arched ceilings and the huge fireplace located in the living room - or 'ballroom', as it is sometimes caned. Although the home has five bedrooms, one is used as an office, and another, which contains a second fireplace, is utilized as a family game room. Debbie and her son, Jason, daughter, Jessica, and their three cats, moved to We flX Everything Thousands of Satisfied Custoniers Historic Kenwood in 1 988 for the price and style of the homes found here. After moving in, Debbie researched the home's history and learned that a woman named Grace Sickles was the first person to live in the house. A painting signed by Grace hangs in the living room, but it is not known if it is a self-portrait. Another previous occupant of the house was the man who built Bay Pines VA Hospital and the St. Petersburg Times newspaper building downtown. Although she has heard it from numerous sources, . neii, I:\: Ho\ö . Tire: Ba"iiici~. Rep,iir & Rlll;lIiiiii . Hr;ikc Sy,ii:m, . HaiierI' ServilT . L )il Cliaii~i' & ¡,iihe . C()()liJ~~ Snreim . :\ir Co~di'rioniiig . l~ ,\10./ J .~,()()O \li. . h;n:Îgn &' DüliiötiC . Imi:!;ir Credir i\\'aibbk . AS!'. (:enitìed 'j cc1iiiíci:i11 . Clll1veiiil"l1t Customer Shuttle 'bril1l1wiiie \\':lIl:iiiiy Debbie has not been able to confirm the rumor that a doctor murdered his wife in the upstairs bedroom near the balcony. The home has just about every amenity anyone could want, including a two-car garage, hot tub in the lanai and a pool out back. Since moving into the a new kitchen has been added, the back deck has been redone and the home recently received a new coat of The one bedroom loft apartment in back will "2002 Chamber of Coiiin1P.rce Outstanrling Busines.e;; of the Year" also be open for viewing. --------..q II 2550 5th Avenue North LNt, ~ WORK II &PLAYT at these fine shops that support The Historic K.enwood Neighborhood AntiguesDead peoples Junk VFW Mi 1 i tary Museum of Art Arts shops & GalleriesCraftsman House NancyFangl es si 1 k Road Needl e Arts SoHo Gallery vi sual poetry Di ni ng & Cafes- Bob's shave Ice and More Central Thyme Extra Inni ng Ball park Café Gri nders Coffee & Art Bar Home Decorati na- Grand Ki tchen & Bath J & M services/Appliances Met ropo 1 i tan Déco r ROCO Traders Twice Is Nice interiors Ni ghtcl ubsGrand Central station personal Servi ces- Amsouth Bank BB&T Built in 1926 Garden Laundromat Gei ~er' s Pest servi ces POSl ti ve Life force Tours for the High School are between 1 and 3pm ONLY. Guided tours will be given every fifteen St. petersburg Free clinic St. petersburg YMCA minutes. We are pleased to have this historic building Se 1 ecti ve Beauty Hai r salon The Hospi ce of the Fl a. Suncoast on our home tour this year. Built in 1 926, this impressive structure is listed on the Beyond pri nti ng & Graphi cs National Registry of Historic Places. When creative Media Design Bantamba! Tax & Accountants Brenda Dri ggers, CPA Dream Strokes completed, the population of St. Petersburg was less The Face oasi s professional services- than 15,000, yet the cafeteria could seat 1200. There were private water works, electricity Full Bore Graphi cs Gruskin & LaBerge, P.A. Hennessey constructi on Insurance & Claims Mgmt. Group generating equipment, tennis courts, a baseball diamond, and a football field. its Mediterranean spi ri t Graphi c Revival architecture, St. Petersburg High is a Historic St. petersburg Times The Maddux Report Kenwood landmark. It now serves as the South Real Estate- central Di stri ct Dev. Grand Central Lofts R. E. Dunn Investment Tourtelot Brothers Realty You r Nei gh bo rhood Real ty speci a 1 t* Retai 1- C ina Fi nders Furniture Brokers Has 1 am's Book Sto re MC Film Festival Spruce The vi ntage Vase Pinellas Baccalaureate (IB) Program. St. Petersburg High School is the second largest public school IB program in the world. I 801 2 Street ~ We invite you to experience a new way to give memories this holiday season. Call to receive our In search of a neighborhood with character and diversity, Molly &P Jonathan Davis moved to Historic Kenwood from St. Louis 2 years ago. Their 4 bedroom, 3 bath modified ranch home sits on a double corner lot, nestled under two stately live oak trees. :Fíne Art Custom :Frames restored the shuffleboard court, which had been built 3 years before the house. They also added a brick side patio off the master bedroom and finished the deck. As they were renovating the sunroom, they discovered the original wood slat ceiling with exposed beams when they removed the drop 2435 CENTRAL AVENUE ST. PETERSBURG WWW.FIORINIGALLERY.COM 327.9000 ceiling which had been covering it. Original Cuban tile covers the sunroom floor, and a herringbone pattern wood floor adds to the living room's charm. While doing additional historical research on their home, Jonathan and Molly learned that the swimming pool was added in the 1 9 7 Os, and that the garage was enclosed sometime during the 1980s to make the 4th bedroom. In addition to their three cats, Jonathan and Molly welcomed Stella into their loving home this summer, new joy and energy to their lives. Serge Fauvet 1400 4th Street North Si Petersburg, FL í727i 821 COl D I 2267 6th Avenue North . ~ :NewandVsed(ßook,j Since 1933 2025 CENTRAL AVENUE ST. PETERSBURG, fl 33713 727-822-8616 WWW.HASLAMS.COM 2823 Central Ave St. Petersburg, Arnold liP Sheila Bertoncini FL 33713 Craftsman Bungalow (800)900-2557 (727)328-0557 Built in i 926 Tues-Sat Noon-5pm [email protected] Service for China, Crystal &. Collectibles The Bertoncini household is similar to the Brady bunch; between Arnold and Sheila, there are B children' As Sheila says, 'fortunately', only one lives at home, 19-year-old Roderick, who is a college student. The family pet is an adopted orange tabby named 'The Great Catsby', simply called 'Cat' by family members. Sheila is a transplanted New Englander who found that the architecture in Historic Kenwood is similar to that of the South Shore of Boston, where she resided for many years. After years of admiring the house on 6th Avenue North, a "For Sale" sign appeared in the front yard and "the rest is history." The Bertoncini home contains many original details such as built-ins, moldELECTRIC & ACCESSORIES ings, and hardwood floors. A cozy breakfast nook and since 1956 large front porch provide plenty of entertaining space We carry realistic VENT FREE Gas Logs. when all the kids come home. The family has been told You can enjoy the ambiance of a wood that their home was originally located in Shore Acres burning fireplace without the mess and problems of real wood! Vent Free logs can and was moved in 1926 to its present location. It's also possible that the sunroom on the west side of the house be used with the damper open or closed. We also have an extensive selection of was originally an open porch and served as an wood burning and electric logs and years ago, they installed central air conditioning, electric fireplaces. Come see our Craftsman Fireplace. Operating models are on display. additional entryway to the home. Since moving in i 3 completely renovated the master bedroom bath, replaced the jalousie windows in the utility room with colonial grid picture windows, and, just this past summer, opened up the front porch. They have also WWVI/. fireplacecentralinc .com 1167 34th street S. St. Petersburg,FL 33713 Tel: 727-327-9028 Fax: 727-323-2032 converted their range and hot water from electric to gas, and added a gas fireplace hookup. 23 21 ~ 6P One look at Pete Sabine's yard immediately tells you of his passion for gardening. When he bought his house in 1983, it had just 1 pecan and 5 citrus trees in the yard. Longtime Historic Kenwood residents Phil and Gina Santmyer live in a compound of four properties that remain. His work on the backyard began in 1 997 and have been combined to provide retirement income and a place to call home since 1988. Gina's parents, who lived in the neighborhood more than 20 years before today the only plant remaining from the old garden is them, provided an opportunity for Phil and Gillà to buy the aloe. Pete created a private area around the hot tub, where he installed lattice and covered it with vines. He loves gardening so much that he. removed his garage in 2003 so he could view his yard's beauty from the house! Pete gained his horticultural knowledge from their property when they wanted to move. The Today, only the original tangerine and grapefruit trees Florida Friendly Garden classes given by the Largo Extension and has built his garden from plants purchased over the years at plant sales and from trading cuttings with other gardeners. Pete had retirement in mind when he purchased his home. In addition to providing him shelter at a price he could afford, the home has allowed him to hone his carpentry skills. A small list of some of the plants include: 1 0 types of palm trees, 2 types of banana trees, 1 3 different bromeliads, 38 assorted tropical hibiscus, assorted corylines, ginger, heliconias, 6 types of vine, pineapples, papaya, 6 colors of angel trumpet trees, candlebrush, peregrine, and mahoe trees, oyster plants, chenille, firecracker, crotons, daylilies, hens and chicks, caladium, iris, canna lily, elephant ears and kalanchoe. Santmyers have worked for over twenty years collecting plants and perfecting their landscape presentations for continuous enjoyment and relaxation. I 2450 Central Avenue ~ 698- 06 Fax 323-7S~4 YOW'"Pe¥~ PY~'Reaitor Historic Kenwood 1920's Craftsman Bungalow 3rd Äve. N. Remodel in process $1 80,000/2 units Historic Kenwood Huge 1920's Bungalow 3 bed/2 bath & extra lot 7th Ave. N. Contract pending in 3 days II . The Galleria at Grand Central Condos Central District Development James W. Longstreth Jr. Realtor Art Deco Built in the 1950s Originally a ground level lighting store with an office and storage upstairs, this mid-century building has been beautifully transformed into a charming and colorful art deco splendor. It is rumored that in the 70's the rooms upstairs were used for the Ladies of the NightH! This year, the building's entire interior was gutted down to FHA Ready Back on Market 1632 39th St. S. $79,900 the bare walls. Three commercial retail spaces were created downstairs, and four brand new I-bedroom residential 10ft units with extra work / artist space were built upstairs. Each unit has marble countertops 2 bed/1 bath in the kitchen and bath, and a balcony overlooking Great Tenant Central Avenne in the up-and-coming Grand Central District. These living spaces would be perfect for those individuals who favor a live / work type of living Doll House $40,000 25th St. S. Sold in Days arrangement, where they could work just steps from their home! Who would not want to live, work, and play in the Urban Village? 2 ~ Jeff and Stephanie Schorr had been looking for several to move Stephanie's pottery studio years for a location and open a gallery and café. It was one of the first models built by Charles R. Halt in the Halls Central Subdivision and was purchased by banker Charles Dulin and his wife, Ester, who remained in th~ home Thanks for taking the tour. If you are a resident, please join us at our monthly neighborhood meetings the 2nd Thursday of each month at Albright United Methodist Church at 2750 5th Avenue North. You can join the Historic Kenwood Neighborhood Association. until 1944, after Charles passed. In 1994, the property received Historic Designation as the Rose Garden House. The house is dominated by a highly decorative front porch of massive square columns supporting decorative ornamental canoe" brackets - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. Dues for membership are l 10.00 donations per calendar (beams cut with round ends to imitate the appearance of a canoe) enhancing the open gable end of the porch. Great pains have been taken to restore period year, per household (Jan-Dec). This smaH investment will hardware, lighting and color scheme. Even broken windows have been replaced with salvaged windows from a Tampa bungalow of the same time period. All keep you informed about the activities of the Association. Your involvement is necessary to improve the quality of our neighborhood. Even if you cannot always make it to our monthly meetings please take this opportunity to join. How long have you lived in the Neighborhood? _ entrances have had to be reworked to meet ADA compliance, and the kitchen to meet licensing standards. New Member_ Renewal Yes, I'd like to know more about volunteering_ Fill out the form. clip it and mail it with your l 10.00 check payable to: Historic Kenwood Neighborhood Association. The Schorrs added a kiln building that mimics the main PO Box 15134 St. Petersburg. FL 33733-5134 most time consuming renovation, since the building was leaning and needed to be propped and secured. house. Gallery lighting was added, French doors were installed to lead out to a new deck in the courtyard. Converting the garage into a pottery studio was the Name(s) Address Phone completed, this magnificent labor of love will be a real for the up and coming Grand Central Business District. Email I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~ I ~ 31 North A special thanks to a11 of our neighbors who put so much effort into this 1 1st Avenue North -3035 years tour. Co-Chairs: Bill and Sue Heyen Home Tour Committee: Chair: Sue Heyen Cheri Caudle, Molly Davis, Jodi Fiori, CF Hawkins &P Jamie Marshall Advertising Committee: Chair: Kathy Young Mark Antonelli, Marcia Duley, Bobbie Kensler &P Darren McCoy Marketing Committee: Chair: Jamie Marshall Dawn Bielawski, Alex Hudman, Bobbi Kensler &P 1ìm Swanson Day of Committee: Chair: Jay Tarry Jeff Richard Ellman, Carol 3163 5th Avenue North 81. Petersburg 727-323-4803 1239 1 st Avenue North St. Petersburg 727-821-3035 No cash value. Not redeemable for cash. art CUNNINGHAM & ASSOCIATES INC. DEBBIE CUNNINGHAM 727-327-8009 office 727-460-5418 cell E When it's time to buy or sell Call Debbie Cunningham 727-327-8009
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