X - Anderson County Chapter of SC Genealogical Society
X - Anderson County Chapter of SC Genealogical Society
AndersonRecord scander2 Anderson County Chapter SC Genealogical Societ,v web site: www.raotsweb.comlP.O.Box74 Anderson.SC 29622-0074 VolumeNo. 16 Issue i Dale September,2043 Family October: HistoryMonth Sornelobbiedlong and hard for the legislation that made October, Family History Month. SenatmOrin Hatchwasespeciallyhelpful in it's passage lastyear.This monthshouldbea time to celebrate'!ho we are" and'\yherewe arefrom" so our family will know aboutour ancsstorsand their accmnplishments. In order for that to happen,sornethinghas to be done to get their attention. On Ancestery.Com, George G. Morgan, who writes a column called "Along thoseLines."," has suggested5 Projectsto do with your family, from which the editor has paraphrased: l. Have a Story{ellingNight *TV's off andall the familygatherand learnwhat it was like back when grandmawas a girl. 2. Look at Pictures-bring urt the family album and talk about the evsnts and places-LABEL thernfcr the future 3. Make a Cookbook- Bring everybody togetherto write down the recipesthat are passed from generation to gereration" 4. Visit a site of Family Interest-Takea big or little trip to s€e old houses, crrneteries,battlefi eldq andhometovrns. 5. Involvethe Children-Havean "l'm my own grandma" parfy. Dressthernup or teach thern & song, or write a play. Servecakeand ice cream.Make it fun. S"r children or grandchildrenare our future and they should learn impu'tant lessonsabout their history. If you don't tell, they may not ask. "Canealogistsand hmily histo'riansofteirwmk alone but here is an oppartunity to share fascinating information and sfries you have gatheredwith other mernbersof your family in a fun and exciting way," said Geoge Morgan. Theymay evcnbecomefamily traditionsaswell. L to R: LamarGambrell,Ed Hillhouse andEd Martin standing in the cerneteryof Barker's Creek Baptist Church in June Meeting Picnic. Dr. Donald Kay was the guest speaker.The hospitality of the churchdocentsand pastorwas greatly appreciated. Indexfor SeptemberIssue Family History Month MinutesMuy, June I 2 Query 2 Sympathy New Member ChurchPicnic Reviewof FTM Liddle/SiddleFamilv 3 3 3 3 4 AndersonRecord Vol. 16 lssue 3 September2003 paqe 2 Minutes-May 5, 2003 The AndersonCountyChapterof the SCGSmet at the Churchof JesusChristof Latter-daySaintswith 36 members wereRalphand LauraBennetl,Ed Jean,Glennand LucyEvans,MaryLinne and guestspresent.Guestsintroduced and RichOtter,RobertE. Lee,BobbieSicklerand GayleEdwards.Theminuteswerereadand approved,with one Two correclion:Jim Harper'slntelligencerbooksarefor salefor $23for chaptermembersand $29for non-members. LindaCushing nevvmemberswereaddedfor a totalof 96 paidmembers.Thebalancein thetreasuryis $13,603.15. for of purposeand list of our publications reportedthatthe brochureshouldincludethetimeof meeting,statement sale. ArchivistJohnAllen Morriscontinuesto work on obituaries.SueBrauerreportedthat the McDougaldbook (1!X1-1951) couldbe put on a CD if the userhasMicrosofiWorks,Booksare$10. Thegenealogy classtaughtby Jim Harperwill beginMay6 andendon May2. Thereis a $10 costfor materials. The coursewill be heldat the libraryconferenceroomA. LocalAttorneyRichOtterthen presenteda mqst interestingprogramon Oral History.He and othersintervievved localcitizenson tape.The interviewsweretheneditedand proofread.Mr. Otterreadseveralselectionsfrom these intervials and told us that ihe storiesgo backas far as the CivilWar. Oneof the mostinterestingepisodeswasfrom the Met NamWar. Nextmeetingis the last untilOctoberandwill be heldat Barkeis CreekBaptistChurchin June. The meetingadjourned.Jean Martin,recordingsecretary Minutes- June 2,2OO3 Societywas held The Junemeetingof the AndersonCountyChapterof the SouthCarolinaGenealogical on June2 at Barke/sCreekBaptistChurchon Highway252with 33 mernbersand guestspresent.A tourof the cemeteryprecededa covereddish mealprovidedby the members,Themeetingwas calledto orderby the president, JuanitaGarrison.Thechaplain,LamarGamble,gavetheinvocalion. Ron Kay,treasurer,reportedthat we now have100membersand a balancein the treasuryof $13, 685.54. to are authorized It was reportedthat,accordingto SouthCarolinalaw,countiesandmunicipalities maintainabandonedcemeteries,to markand fencethem in, etc. Theclassfor beginninggenealogists had 16 attendeeson one of the nights. The presidentannouncedthat therewouldbe a boardmeetingcalledin the nexttwo weeksto planthe fall programs.Sheaskedthat membersmakesuggestionsof subjedstheywouldlike to seecovered. The chaplainreportedthat he has a liturgyfor memberswho havepassedaway. CountyLibrary. RonKayreportedthattheWatsonFamilyReunionwouldbe July12at theGreenville one. Thebrochuredeadlineis July 10. CindyGhandleris preparing Ron Kayintroducedthe speaker,Dr. WilliamDonaldKay,retireddentistfrom Mt. Pleasant,SC. Dr" on Barker'sCreekchurchand its members. Someof Kay presenteda most interestingslidepresentation to Russia,andSquireWright. the morenotablememberswereJamesL. Orr,SCGovernorandAmbassador submifted,JeanMartin,RecordingSecretary The meetingwas adjourned.Respectfully Query: Seekinginformationconcemingthe beginningof the Old SilverbrookCemeteryand the Hebron UnitedMethodistChurchCemetery(yearsof first graves),includinginformationaboutthe "Little" family buriedin Hebroncemetery. Thanksfor your assistance. CharlesHankins 85 RiddleTownRoad GrayCourt,SC 29e$ w 6822797 [email protected] chashaud<i Anderson Record LOSS OF Vol. 16 Issue3 MEMBER 2003 Seotember nase 3 NEW 11.0 FAMILY TREE MAKER Sympathyis extendedto the family ofJamesM. Bryanof Summerville, SC,originallyof Starr/Iva. Jimdied April20, 2003.He wassurvivedby his wife, HelenKellett Bryaq who grew up in Anderson. The most recentupgradefrom 10.0to l1 hasmade a good progftrm even better. The FTM is the world's most popular software but it has lacked somefeaturesthat would make it as flexible and usable as others. Broderbund's Family Tree Maker l1 will have the capablitity of keeping two files open at once, and copy and pastebetween the two. A print preview feature makesall Barker'sCreekPicnic correctionseasier;an export to a PDF file embedsfonts and imagesto rnake it easier for relatives who don't have FTM to see your book. The upgrades ilre about $20 from FTM 10 and about $30 from older versions.It works on Windows 98/above. By Ronald Kay The June meetingat Barker's Creek was enjoyable. The people who were members from the church were very helpful, wann and friendly. The church had a long history that the ladiesof the church presentedin a handout of two pages. They insisted on frirnishing all of the plastic products, utensils and ice. They fixed the tablesfor us, also. Members ofthe Society brought good food. I introduced the speaker,Dr. William Donald Kay, and I found out he presentedhis talk with slides. He told us about the famouspeople in the slidesand to whom they were related. He showed books written by thesepeople And their descendents,nurly of them who were buried in the church cemetery.(seeminutes) WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Mr. CharlesW. Hawkins 85 Riddle Town Rd. Gray Court, SC 29645 McKirney, Kay, Hall, Hawkins,Waters McMahan, McKee Mrs. Bonnie S. Gilmer 134 Valley Rd. Toccoa, GA 30577 Note E-Mait Corrections Ed and JeannieMartin Mr. & Mrs. Gene Schneider [email protected] [email protected] Introduction to the Descendents of Liddle/SiddleFamily of Pendleton,SC Part Two, by LindaG. [email protected] "I havebeenresearchingfamiliesin the PendletonDistrict of AndersonCounfy,SC for over thirty-five yearsandhavecollectedmuchmaterialon differentlines.I feel this materialwould be usefirlto nnny researchers andshouldbe madepublic, saidLinda Cheek.The Liddle/Siddell family linagecould not be includedin one issue.The conclusion will follow this introduction. Thanksto Linda for sendingher informationto us. We encourageothersto submitfamily historiesto keepour newsletterinteresting. of ThomasLIDDELL Descendants +l 14 ll5 tll. 21 Apr2003 HerrietD. DAVISL Srreh DAVIS'2. FIFTHGENERATION 77. EugeniaAnna MILLER wasborn in 1854in AbbevilleDstrict SCShewasmarriedto Col. J. TownesROBINSONon 13 Mar l8T2 n Lowndesville,AbbevilleDistrict SC. CoL J. Townes ROBINSON wasborn in AtrbevilleDistrict SC. AndersonIntellingcer AndersonCo SC Issuq 14 March 1872 Married m Wednesdaywening at the residenceof Alex Oliver Esq, by Rev.EdwardR Miles' Col. J- TovmesRobinsmrof Abbevilleand Miss EugeniaA. Miller of Lowndesville. 80. Belton Oscar MAULDIN'2 wasborn on 14Oct 1839in GreenvilleDishict SC. He diedon 16 Oct 1874in Charleston, sc. BeltonOscarMAULDIN and EmmaJulia SMITH had the followingdtildren: lt6 lt7 i. ThomasMAIJLDIN': wasborn on I I May 1870. ii. Elfa MAULDINT: wasbornon 12U.1872. 8l- Mary CraytonMAt LDINT3wasbornon 28 Aug 1841. Shewasmarriedto JotmAlexanderCTIAMBLISS(sonofA-W. CHAMBLISS)ut 17Oct 1861. 82. Elizsbeth SloanMAULDINI'2 wasborn on 20 Jul 1843. Shedied on 3l Aug 1874. Shewasmarriedto DavidTownsendSMITH (sonof T.P SMITTT)on 16 Dec 1869. 31. lfillirmLowrenceMAtLDlNt2wasbornon 13Jun1845.Hediedin l9l2inGreenvilleCoSC. WilliamLawrence Mauldin Mauldin:William[:r*rence born 13Jun 1845, GreenvilleCounty,SC, ooopatian Druggist, marricd 2l lvrt l&70,Eli'zaT Kern Kcrn:Eliza T, born LaurensCounty,SC,(daughterof JohnF Kern Kern:JohnF and Eliza Earle). William died 1912,GreenvilleCounty,SC,buriedSpringwoodCernetery,Greenville,SC- Hon. William L. Mauldin, ex-LieutenantGovemc of SouthCaroling and an honoredanddistinguishedcitizenof that state,wasborn at Greenville, wherehe still resides,on the l3th of June,1845. He wasthe ssr of SarnuelandCaroline,4*(Mcllardy) Mauldin,the frther having b€€nbfin in Pictcns county,S. C., Jrme 10, lEl0, the son of Jeb and Jane(Liddell) Mauldin, the hther being a native of Andcrssr comty, and the modrerof Abbcville county, S-C. William L. lv{auldin'smdhcr rras born ncar St. Augustine,Fla.,June5, 1820,beinga daughterof Robertand Caroline(Williams) McHardy,the formerof whomwasa native of Scotlan4 and the latter of Flmida. William L. Mauldin's mother wasa sister of Admiral John F. B. McFlardyof the English navy. Both of his paternalgrandsiresservedin the colqrial army throrghout the revolutionarywar. His father and motherweremarried in 1E35,at Newberry,S. C., and had a frmily of eigbt chil&en, of wtrom he was the fourth. Three of the hmily w€resflrs, two of rryhomand two dauglttersstill srvive. The 6ther, who rras engagedin the mercarrtile hrsinessin Greenvillc di€d in dtat city in 1t56. Hc locatodthcre as hr backas 1t30, and fs many)rcan rms thc lcading merchantin the place.He wassuccessfulin his business,and accu-mulateda handsomeproperty. He was quiet and unctentatious in his manner,and had no dispositiut to mingle in public aftirs, but he was an attentiveand discriminating observerof whateverwastranspiring aroundhim, and his judgment was soundand cqrect. tfis widow still survivesat s€ventyyearsof age,the objectof mucir veneratiqr. The immediatesubjectof this *etch has all his life thus frr beena residentofGrcenville. His ducatiqr wasacquirodchiefly at Col. StephenLee'sAcaderny,at Ashwille, N- C-, and at Furmanunivcrsity in Grcenvillc. Whenhe wassixtcenyearsof age' in Novernbcr,1861,he left sdrool for the purposcof e,nteringthe scrviceof his country,anlistingasa s€rgeantin CompanyA, of the Sbceenthregimentof the SouthCarolina infantry. On the l9th ofNovember,of the abovenamedyear,he left Greenvillewith his regimentfor Charleston.He served in that rcgiment fq twelvemonths,after which he returnedhune, but in July, 1863,he enteredthe Secsrd cavalryof South Carolinq with which he serveduntil the clce of the uar. He wasengagedin all the batles in which his regimant ptrticipat€( and disdrargedhis dutics in a braveand soldierly miurn€ras becamea lqral citizrlrrof his native state. At thc of ThomasLIDDELL Descendants 21 AD(2003 gug*d in the capacity of a drug clerk. He then partner in the business. Since retiring from that Marshall as a embarked in the drug business fu himsel{, with Dr. S. Shrming intere*s and to dre political a&irs of the day, and to of business his attention has b€€n devoted to the management president until it was cqrsolidated- He is the orrner of was of whidr he the building of the Greenville & laurens railrm4 in Laurens county. In 1874 he was choaen and the county, other two good farms, ure of which is situated in Greenville was and re'elected member of the board of aldermen of the city of Greenville, to that body in 1875- In 1877 he was elected Mayor of the city, serving in that capacity for one term. From 1878 until 1886 he was chairman of the democratic county central committee- He was elected to the lower branch ofthe $ate legislature in 1882, and in lS84 he becamea mernber of tbe state s€nate. This office he resiped to acceptthat of lieutenant-governcr, to which he was elected in l8E6- He was re-€lectedin t888, his term closing in D€c€mb€r. lE9O. Ffis politics are democratic, throughly endorsing the Jeffersonianprinciples as interpreted and practiced by that party. In other words he is a democrat of the olden type. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, having attained to the degreeof Knight Templar. He is past master, as well as past district grand mast€r. He is also a mernber of the Ifuights of $thias, and is past chancellor commander in that order- Mr. Mauldin is a man of superior judgm*t, and possessesthe courage of his convictims to an eninent degee- [[s demeanor is that of a quiet, ya dignified person, and he is withal a bland and genial gentlernanwhose acquaintanceis a plrcant and desirableacquisition. On the 2lst of June, 1870, he was married to Miss ElizaT- Kern, a native of laurens county, S.C., and daughter of John F. and Eliza (Earle) Kern. The fruit of this marriage was six children, as follows: Caroline L-,Eliza Oscar K-, William L., John McK and Mary C-, all of whom are living except ElizaM- who died in childhmd He was married toEliza T. KERN (daughter of John F. KERN and Eliza W. EARLE) on 2l Jun 1870 in Greenville Co SC. Eliza T. KERN|: was born in Laurens Co, SC. William Lawrence MAULDIN andEliza T. KERN had the following children: l l8 lt9 t20 t2l 122 Eliza Mary MAULDIN''j was born on 16 Jun 1873 in GreenvilleCo SC. She died on 19 Jul 1874 in Greenville Co SCii- Orcar Kcrn MAIILDIN'2 was born qr l0 May 1875 in Greenville Co SCiii. William Lawrence MAIJLDINT2 was bom on l8 Apr 1877 in Greenville Co SC. He died in 1922iv. John McHardy MAIILDINT2 was born on 16 Dec 1878 in Greenville Co SC. v. Mary Chambliss MAULDINT2 was born on 4 Mar l88l in Greenville Co SC. i. 84. Helen O'Neall MAt LDINI: wasbornon 5 Mar 1847. Shewasmarriedto TilmarrWATSON(sonof Elijah WATSONand ElizabcthBRIGCS)on 19 Apr 1866. 89. Major Willirm Harrison MAULDIN': wasborn on 15Jan 1839in AndersonDistrict SC. He died on 26 Dec 1900in HamptonCo SC. 745.William HanisonMauldin Mauldin:WilliamHarrisonborn l5 Jan 1839,Pickens Cormty,SC,occupationOvmedLumberCo, married15Nov 1860,LeonoraCqtnqs Cqrnrs:Lesrora. William died26 Dec 1900,Hamptut Cormty,SC. William ttarrisonMauldin,sonof BenjaminFranklin Mauldin and Adaline Tynel tlamiltm, was btrn 15Januarylt39 in PickensDistrict. Educatedat CalhormAcademyand FurmanUniversity, hc scttled in Andersm and wasassociatodwith his frthcr in the mercantilcfirm of B. F Mauldin and Son (1857-lE6l). At the outbrreak of the Civil War, he enteredmilitary serviceasa secondlizutenantin CompanyD of the forcesin 1862,he wasappointedassistant of the Confederate FhmptonLegion(12 June186l). Uponthe reorganization (20 July 1864)with the rank of major in the FlamptonLegion. (13 September1862)and quartermaster quartermaster (1864),he wasassignedto Marin WitherspourGarl/s (1831-1881)Brigadeand served homded to brigadequBrt€rma$€r g.rrendcr of the ConfederateArmy at Apponattox (9 April 1865). Stationedprimarily in Virginie he was present until the at the battlesof First Bull Run (21 July 186l), ScvenPincs(31 lvlay lE62),SevcnDays (25 June-l July 1862),SocondBull Run (29-30August 1862),and Fredericksbwg(13 December1862). Followingthe war, he returnedto SouthCarolinaand settledin FlamptonCormtywherehe operateda sawmill. He receivedthe, contractto furnishtiesand bridgelumberfor the built a thriving lumberbusinessand suppliedcompaniesin Georgiaas Columbiaand GreenvilleRailroadand subsoquently approximatelytworty-fivemilq of railroadtrack in Flampton, well asin SouthCarolina. By 1891,Mauldin o\ryxed Orangehrg and Cofletm counties. F[s ssr Washingtm C. Mauldin bocamea partncr 6ra 18V2,and the firm's narnewaschangedfrom the of ThomasLIDDELL Descendants 21 Aor2O03 a LumUer Company to W. IL Mauldin and Son. Hampton County chosehim for the General Assembly (189-1893). He was appointed to House committees on accounts for Sixtieth the ttrouse Carolina South (lSq2-1g93) and incrporatiurs (189-1893). Elected to the state S€nat€,he served Flamptur in the Sixty-firs (1894-1896), Sixty-second(1g97-1898), and Sixty-third (lS9-1900) General Assernblies. While in dre Senate,he was a member ofthe (1894-1896); committeeson contingenta€ounts (189a-1896);county officesand officers (1894-1896);mines and mining education (l S9a-1900); the military (chairman, 1897-1898); railroads and internal improvernents ( 1897-1900); and roads, bridges, and ferries (1899-1900). Other offices and membsrships he held included quartermasterwith the rank of major of the First Cavalry Brigade of South Carolina militia (1877-1878), commissioner of elections for Flampton (1884, 1886), mernber of the Flarrpton Cognty board ofheahh (l8Es), incmpo'ator (1891)and director (1894) ofthe Bank of Flampton, defegateto the S,qrthernrailroad congress(1891), delegatefm flampton to the state Democratic conventitrr (18y2, 1894, lggg), incorporator of the Hampton Cotton Mill (1893), tnrstee for Clernson College (1894-1900), president of the Hampton and Branchville Railroad ( I 895- I 896), and alternate delegateto the national Dernocratic convention ( I 896). On I 5 November I860, he married Leonora Connors of Anderson District. They were the parents of six children: Wilder H., Joab (b. 1864?),Lillie (m. J. C. Lights€y), Washington C., Lemora (m. Lewis Murphree Roper), and Helen (m. JamesHoover). Survived by his wife and five children, William rlarrison Mauldin did 26 Dec€mb€r 1900 in Flampton. [Biographical Direclory of the South Carolina Senate] He was married to Leonora CONNORS on l5 Nov 1860. Major William Harrison MAULDIN and Leonora CONNORS had the following children : t23 124 +125 126 +127 +128 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Wilder IL MAULDIN':. Jmb MAULDINTTwasborn in 1864. Lillie MAUIJ)IN. WashingtonC. MAULDIN''r. Ilelen MAIiLDIN. Leonora MALJLDIN. 91. Andrew Hamittoo MAULDIN'2 wasbornon 26 Jan 1846in AndersonDistrict SC. He died on 7 Jun 1858in AndcrsonDigrict SC. He wasbnrriedin Andersqr First Presby,AndersonCo SC. Emily L NALLEYT: (daughterof RichardIII NALLEY and LucindaROWLAND) wasborn on 16Apr 1852in Pickens District SC. Shediedon 17 Feb 1887in PickensCo SC. Shewasburiedin Antioch UM, PickensCo SC. 92. J61bLawrenceMAULDIN': wasbornon I SeplU7 n AndersonDistrict SC. He diedm 13 May 1900in Anderson Co SC- He washri€d in Evergreor,Old Siverbrook And€rsoriCo SC. And€rsonlntellingcer Anderssr Co SC lssue:27 Nov 1873 Mrs GenaEvansMauldin departedthis life in Atlanta CA on the l8 June1873in the22yar of her age.Shewasthe dtr of Mrs SarahE. and the late Dr. JohnE.B. Evansof ColumbiaSC.Shejoined the Baptistchurchin 1863in Columbiaandwas baptizedby her belovedpastor,Rev.J-tv{-C.Breaker.Shemarriedon the 12 Jan l87l to Jmb L. Mauldin who has experancedlifes keenestanguishin her untimely death.Shehad an only child, son Guy. Shebegangetting sick in the frll of l87l and by Aug of the following ycar shehad a s€v€reattac* of fwer. Shesuffered long Shc is boriod besidcher frther in Madisnt GA He wasmarriedto GenaEVANS (daughterof Dr- JohnE.B. EVANS and SarahE. UNKNOWN) on 12Jan l87l in Columbia,SC. Gena EVANS wasborn in l85l in Columbia"SC. Shedied on 18Jun 1873in Atlantq Forsyh Co GA. Shewasburiedin MadisonCo GA. JoablawreirceMAULDIN and GenaEVANS had the followingchildren: 129 i. Gny MAT LDIN wasbcn in Nov l872in Atlant4 ForsythCo GA. Rocr STOREYT2wasborn on 18Jul lt54 in And€rsonDisrict SC. Shedied on I I oct l9l7 in AndersonCo SC. Shewas brniedin Evergreen,Old Siverb'rookAndersonCo SC. 93. Benjamin Frenklin MAIJLDIN Jr.r, wasborn on 24 Mar 1850in AndersonDistrict SC. He died on 3 May l92l in Old SiverbrookAndersm Co SC. AndersonIntellingcerAndersonCo SC AndersonCo SC. He wasburiedin Evergreen, Issuc:30May 1872 I\,fanid at the rcsidenccof the bridesEther on We&rcsdayevcring 22 tvlay | 872 bu R€v J.S-Murran Mr B. Frank lvlauldin of ThomasLIDDELL Descendants of CohrmUiaand Miss MamieE. Ree4 dtr of Hon J-P.Reedof Andersm SC. He wasmarried to Mary E. "Mamie'REED (daughterof Hon. Capt-JacobP. REED and TeresaCatherineHAMMOND) on 'M.lmie' REEDU wasbqn m 15Apr 1850in Andfrsm Disrict SC- She 22May l8T2 nAnderson Co SC. M".y E" died or I F& 1932in And€rsonCo SC. Shewas hried in Evergreen,Old Siverbrmk And€rsm Co SC. Benjamin FranklinMAULDIN Jr. and Mary E. "Mamie"REEDhad the followingchildren: +130 l3l +132 i. Eileen MAIJLDIN. ii- Eileen MAIILDINi:. iii. Mary Elbc MAIJLDIN. 97. Mairnee MAULDIN': wasbornon 29 Aug 1859in AndersonDistrict SC. Shedied on 7 Jul 1885in AndersonCo SC. Shewasburiedin AndersonFir$ Presby,AndersonCo SC. I 04. Alerender S BRIGGS'2 wasbornin I 8 19 in PendletonDisrid @ickens)SC. A.L uhIKNOYYNwasborn in 1826in SouthCarolina AlexanderS- BRIGGSand A.L. UNIC\IOWNhadthe following children: 133 134 135 i. Myra BRIGGS wasborn in 1846in PickensDistrict SC. ii. Robcrt BRIGGS rvasborn in 1848in PickensDi$rict SC. iii. Willien BRIGGS wasbqn in 1850in Pic*ensDistrict SC. 105. DlizabcthBRIGGS. ElizabethBRIGGSand Elijah WATSONhadthe followingchildren: +136 i. Tilmqn WATSON. 106. Hrrrictt T- BRIGGS. Shewasmarriedto JohnO. GRISHAM(sonof Rev.Col. JosephGRISI{AM andNancyAnn WATT) on 14Nov 1837in Issue:24 Nov 1837 PickensDistrict SC. John O. GRISIIAM wasbo'rnin PickensDistrict SC. PendletmMessenger Married on Tuesdayeveningthe l4th by Rev.M.M. Wallace,Mr JohnO. Grishamto Miss Harriet T. BrigSs,both of PickensDistrict. l0E. Hcnry C. BRIGGST2rrzs trmnm 30.hm lE24 in PickensDisrict SC- Hc died on 27 Fet.l8tS in Easley,PickensCo SC. He wasburiedin GeugesCreekBaptis EasleyPickensCo SC. PickensSentinel(PickensSC) Issue:I March l8E8 f,Xedm the27th ult Mr Hanry Briggs in Easley. Mary Caroline IVYCLIFT|3 wasbcn o,a24Apr 1828in Pic*ensDstrict SC. Shedied qr 26 P'prl9l4 in PickensCo SC. Shewasburi€d in Geugcs CreekBaptis Fa*leyPickensCo SC. Pic{censSentinel(PickeosSC) Issue 30 April l9l4 lvlrs t\4aryBrigp diod at thc hme of hrc sm in law, Mr AR tlamiltm in Easl€yan Sunday26 April at thc ageof t6 ycars last Friday being her birthday.Buried at Gecge's Creekgraveyard.Her husbandMr Henry Briggs died a little morethan 26 yearsago.Sheleavesthreedtrs all of Easley,Mrs W.A. Hamilton, Mrs A.R tlamiltsr and Mrs ThomasJ. Bowen.Another dtr Mrs Williarn Holcombediedmanyyearsago. HenryC. BRIGGSand Mary CarolineWYCLIFF had the following children: +137 +1 3 8 +139 +140 iii. iii. iv. BRIGGS Mrry Hrrric{t'Hrtdc" Jsne ElizabethBRIGGS. Emme C. BRIGGS Llda Eliz.abethBRIGGS. 109. John A- REEVESp wasban sr 13Feb1834in AndersanDistrict SC. He diedm 18 Feb1885in AndcrsonCo SC. He washrid in Li&ll FamCem,Ocme Co SC. Hc was burid in Andersmvillc Bapt And€rsm Co SC. An&sfit IntellingcerAndersonCo SC Issue:8 Ang 1872 Married on tbe wening of t Aug at the residencef the brides hther, by the Rcrr-W-A llodgeq Mr JohnA Reevesand Miss FannieM. dtr of J.B.and M-I. Clark all of this placeHe wasmarriedto FrancesB. "Fannie"CLARK (daughterof JohnBaylisCLARK Jr. andMarthaJanesNEVITT) on I Aug j |BTZin AndersonCo SC. FrancesB. "Fannie" CLARKT wasbom in 1847in AndersonDistrict SC. Shewasburiedin Liddel Family Cem,OconeeCo SC. Shewasburiedin AndersonvilleBapt,AndersonCo SC. JohnA. REEVESand FrancesB. "Fannie"CLARK hadthe followingchildren: l4l i. Baylis F. REEVEST2wasbrn on 19Jan t857 in And€rsm District SC. He diedcn 3 Jan 1863in AndersonDistrict SC. He wasburiedin Liddel FamilyCem,OconeeCo SC. He wasburiedin AndersonvilleBapt,AndersonCo SC. Martha SMITE (daughterof JesseRhodesSMITH and ElizabethA- CLARK) wasborn in 1839in AndersonDistrict SC. Shedied on 19Aug l87l in AndersurCo SC. Shewasburiedin Andersm BaptCh, AndersmCo SC. Andersqt IntellingcerAndersorCo SC Issue:24 Aug l87l Mrs MarthaReeveswife of Mr JohnA. Reevesdepartedthis life on Sahrdaymoming lastaftera lingeringillnessof many months.Shewasthe eldestchild of Mr JesseR Smith of this village.A consistertmemberof the Methodistchurch.Her remainswereburicdat the Baptistgraveyardon Sundaymorning. t I l. Mrrion R REEVESi2wasbmn m 6 S€p1843in AndersonDisrict SC- He died m 26 Jan1863in Anderson District SC. He wasburied in Liddet Family Cern,Ocutee Co SC- He washrried in AndersonvilleBap( AndersonCo SC. Etiza J. WEBB'2 (daughterof Ann WEBB) diedin 1860in AndersonDistrict SC. Shewasburiedin Liddel FamilyCern, OconeeCo SC- Shewasburiedin AndersonvilleBapt AndersonCo SC. I14. Herriet D. DAVIST:wasbmn crn24Od 1826in AbrbcvilleDistrict SC. Shedied on 26 lun 1887in AbbevilleCo, SC. Shewasburiedin Duc WestARP Churdu Dre WestAtrbo'ille Co SC.. Shewasmarriedto JamesY. SITTONon 25 Feb1847in AndersonDisrict SC. JamesY. SffTONr: wasborn on 3 Nov 1822. He diedon 4 Jan 1897in AbbevilleCo, SC- He rvasburiedin Due WestARP Church,DueWestAbbevilleCo SC.. Issue:5 March 1847 PendletonMessenger Married on the 25th Febby the Rcv. Mr Dicksorr,Mr JamesY- Sitton of this place,to Miss Harria D. Davis of Abbsville. SIXTHGENERATION I25. Lillie MAt LDINT:. 127. flcbnMA[TLDINE. 128. I-eonoraMAITLDINI'was born in Feb 1872. Shedied in FlamptonCo SC. 130. Eileen MAITLDINI'. Shewasmarried to Raymmd Caper,sMATTISON (son of William RobertMATTISON and Ella AngetineBROCK) on l5 Jun l9l I in CA. Rrymond CapersMATTISIONT2wasborn on 3 Jul 1875. EileenMAULDIN and RaymondCapers MATTISON had the followingchildren: +142 i. Mrry Frrnca MATTISON of ThomasLIDDELL Descendants 2_t4pf?0o3 132. lvlzry Eltoe MAIILDIN':. 136. Tilman WATSON':. He wasmarriedto HelenONeall MAULDIN (daughterof SamuelEasleyMAULDIN and CarolineAnn MCIIARDY) on l9 Apr 1866. Helen O'Neall MAIILDINT2 wasbornon 5 Mar 1847. 137. Mzry Ihrrieat "Ifrttie' BRIGGS wasbqn m 12May 1852in PickensDistrict SC- Shedied on 17Nov l9l5 in PickensCo SC. Shewasburiedin EasleyCity CemeteryEasleyPickensCo SC. PickensSentinel(PickensSC)Issue:2 Dec 1915 Mrs flattie BriggsHarniltonwife of mr AndrewR Hamiltondiedat their homeon SouthMain Street,Easleyon l7 Nov. Besidesher husbandsheis survivedby six sonsandonedtr: GeorgeB., ErnestL., Marshall,VincentA- andCharles Flamiltonand Mrs J.R Martin of Easleyand R Briggs ltamiltm of Roc* Hill. Also two sistersmrs T-J. Bowenand Mrs W.A- t{amilton of Easley.Buried WestViEw Cemetery. Andrew RobinsonHAMILTON (sonof LemuelGreenleeHAMILTON andCimeliaAbigail ARIAIL) wasbornon 16Nov 1854in PickensDistrict SC. He diedon 3 Im 1940in Easley,PickensCo SC. He wasburiedin EasleyCity Cemetery EasleyPickensCo SC. Mary Harriett"Flattie"BRIGGSandAndrewRobinsonHAMILTON had the followingchildren: 143 lM 145 146 147 +148 149 i. iiiii. iv. v. vi. vii. George B. IIAIYIILTON wasbmn in PickensCo SC. Ernest L HAMILTON wasborn in PickensCo SCMershall IHMILTON wasbon in Pic*ensCo SC. Vincent.d HAIUILTON wasborn in PickensCo SC. CharlesHAMILTON wasborn in PickensCo SC. IlaughterIIAMIL'TON. Robert Briggt HAMILTON wasbom in PickensCo SC. He died in RockHill SC. l3E- Jrne Etizrbcth BRIG{GS'' wasborn m I I Apr 1846in PickensCo SC. Shedied on 30 Oct l/22 in Easley,Pickens Co SC. Shewasburiedin EasleyCity CemeteryEasleyPickensCo SC. Whitten Nfred HAMILTONT: (son of LernuelGreenleeIIAMILTON and Cimelia Abigail ARIAIL) wasborn on 24 Apr l85l in PickensDisrict SC. He diedon 7 S€pl9l5 in Easley,PickensCo SC. He wast'uriedin EasleyCity Cemetery EasleyPic*ensCo SC. Pic*ensSentinel(PickensSC) Issr: 16SEpt l9l5 Whitten A tlamiltqr a prominentcitizcn of Easleydiod 7fi S€ptat his home.Survivedby a widov and four children: two sonsHenryand Normanandtwo dtrs Jessieand Bessieall of Easley.He wasa b'rotherof A.R Flamiltonof Easley.Jane ElizabethBRIGGSand WhittenAIfrd HAMILTON hadthe followingchildren: +150 +l5l +152 +153 iii. iii. iv. Eenry lVhitten EAI}IILTON. Normrn Lcmrel HAMILT0N. Jcrric IIAMIL'T0N. BessieHAMILTON. 139. Emna C. BRIGGST2wasbmn ur 2 Aug 1847in PickensDistrict SC. Shedied on 2l Nov lV26 in PickensCo SC. Shewasburied in GemgesCreekBaptist EasleyPickensCo SC. Shewasmarried to ThornasJeffersonBOWEN (sanofJohn T. BOWEN and Elvira H[/l.fD on 20 Doc lt66 in Pickens Disrict SC. ThomesJefrcrsonBOWENT: wasbornon 20 Jun I 844 in PickensDisrict SC. He died on 22 Sq 1919in PickensCo SC. He wasburiedin GecgesCreekBaptistEasleyPickensCo SC. T.J. BOWEN-servedthe Conlederate Statesin Co E 2nd SC Riflesunder CaptainG.A. HendricksSg:T.J. BowenDated19 Jme l9l5 Wil by Allen Mauldin and J.M. Janneary?. EmmaC. BRIGGSand Thanas JeffersonBOWEN had the folloying drildren: 154 i. Wslter W. BOWENT2wasbornon E Jul 1869in PickensDisric SC. He diedm 22 U,l90l in of ThomasLIDDELL Descendants 21 2003 Pickens Co SC. He rms btried in Geuges Creeft Baptist Easley Pickens Co SC. Easley First Baptist Church Recrds DEDICATED TO Tlm MEMORY OF: Walter W- Bowendied at the homeof his father near Easley,SC m 22 oct l90l after a long illness of consumptionand hrid at Gerges CreekCbuclt the dayfollowing.Walterwasborn 8 July 1869andjoined the Baptistchurchat Easley 14Oct 1890wasbaptizedby Rev.D.C. Freeman.He was a broughtyoung man of fine business qualificationsand his friendsexpectedmuchof him becauseof his markedability. Walterwasagent for the Blue RidgeRailroadat Senecafor severalyears,and by his devotionto duty won the confidenceof both officials and patronsof the rmd It is th@ght that the closecsrfinement to wmk brougbton the frtal dis€asefrqn which he died Walter told dre writer morethan onceduringhis lastsicknessthat his tnrst wasin Christ.What a blessedthing whenonesoyoungis calledto die that theycansaywithout hesitationthat I an trustingin Christas my Saviour.His fiureral washeld at the grave.After a brief scrvice by the writer, "The Woodmanofthe Worl4" tmk chargeof the bodyof our young brotherand with a shor! pointedand impressiveceremonylaid him awayto rest-ry D.W. tfiott. ADDITIONAL: CerneterySwvelcWalterBowenb. 8 July 1869d. 22 Sept l9l9 (shouldbeft l90l) r55 r56 157 158 159 +160 +l6l Cerrie E. BOWENT2wasbornon 5 Feb l87l in PickensDistrict SC. Shediedur 28 Jan 1872in PickensCo SC. PickensDsrict SC- Shewasburiedin GeagesCreekBaptistEaslery It l. Ilenry B. BOWEN diedon 26lvlay l9l4 in Easley,PickensCo SC. Hc washried in Gerges CreekBaptistEasleyPickensCo SC. PickensSentinel(PickensSC)Issue:4 Junel914 HenryB. Bowena prominentlumberdealerof Norris diedat the homeof Died on la* Wednesday his fatherCaptT.J. BowennearEasley-BuriedGeorgesCreekcemetery.Lcft a fatherand mother, threeb'rothersand two sisters-SamFL of Easley,Ed of Liberty and John of WashingtonDC. Mrs F.E. Pic*ers of Eesleyand Mrs Tate of Nonis. lv. SemoelE BOWEN died in E"sley, PickensCo SC. v. Edward BOWEN died in Lib€rty,PickensCo SC. vi. John BOWEN did in Washington,DC. vii. Drughter BOWEN. viii. Deughter BOWEN. ll. 140. Lidr f,Dzr[3tft BRIGGST2wasborn on 16Nov 1849in PickcnsDisfict SC- Shedied on 25 Aug 1889in PickcnsCo SC. Shewasburiedin GeorgesCreekBaptistEasleyPickensCo SC. PickensCo SC Box I 17Pk 13 hobate Estateadm.22 Nov 1889by RobertW. Holcombe,EliasDay, T.J. Bowenarebound.Died Aug 1889.Rlt Holcombeher hother in law Heirs:RtL Holcombe,ClarenceHolcmte,EmmaHolcombe,Lillie Holcombe,EsterHolcwre, Nora Alexander. Wittirm Ilendrlcks HOLCOMBBT: (sur of Col. RobertEllidt HOLCOMBE and ElizabethCaroline ARNOLD) nas brn Hediedon19NovISSTinPickensCoSC. HewasburidinGeorgesCreekBaptist m9oct lS4TinPickensDstrictSC. EasleyPickensCo SC. PickensCo SC hobate Box Pk 124 19Dec 1894A.R llamiltcr, Alfred Sherifi,W.A. Hamiltonarebound.A.R Flamiltonguardianof EstherE. and Emma Holcqnbe minas udcr 2l )€ars. maternalar.nt lvfusAR Fhmiftm- tvlatcrnalgrandmother,mrs lvlary C. Briggg Parents W.tL and L-E. ttolcombedeCd-AW. tlamiltan husbandof JaneE. Hamiltdr her maternalaunt. PickensCo SC ProbateBqx22 {1265 Estateadm. 16 Dec IEETby RE. Holcmtbe,E.T. Holcombe,ExodusSheriff,P.L. Johsonare bound.Died 13Nov I E87. RE. Holcontbe,E.T. Holcunbefatherand bnother. He servedas Capt in lst SC Orrs R€g.in Cmf War PickensSentinel(PickensSC) Issue:24Nov 1887 Died lsst SabbothMr W.Ft Holcombeof qphoid fwer. Lida ElizabethBRIGGSand William HendricksHOLCOIv{BEhad Descendantsof Thomas LIDDELL 162 163 164 165 166 +167 i. ii. iiiiv. v. Yi. 21Apr2o0 RobertH. EOLCOMBE. CbrenceHOICOMBE. EnnaHOI,COMBE. LiIIieHOLCOMBE. Lsther E HOLCOMBE. Nora HOLCOMBE" SEVENTHGENERATION 142- Mzty Frances MATTISONI2. Shewasmarriedto Marvin WalkerSPEARMANon 14 Dec 193E. 148. Drughtcr HAMIL'TON wasborn in PickensCo SC. J.R MARTIN wasborn in PickensCo SC. He died in Easley,PickensCo SC. 150. Henry Whitten HAMIL'TON *as born cr I I Sep 1877in PickcnsCo SC- He died ol,27 b SC. 1945in Pic*ensCo He wasmarriedto Olive LcnhardtMLLIAMS in Jun 19l8 in PickensCo SC. 15l. Nornen kmrcl HAMILTON wasborn m 25 Aug 1880in PickensCo SC. FIcdiedon 14Apr 1960in PickensCo sc. MOSLEY(daughterof JohnJ. MOSLEY)on 30 Jun 1907in PickensCo SC. Mary He wasmarriedto Mary Rebecca was 9 Sep1888in AndersonCo SC. Shediedon I Oct 1970in PickensCo SC. Shcwas born on MO,SLEY Rebecca buriedin EasleyCity CemeteryEasleyPickensCo SC. 152. Jcsric HAIIIII,'TON wasborn on 24 Feb 1889in PickansCo SC. Shedied orr 25 Sep 1975in PickensCo SC. Shewasmarried to JamesJottnsm SIMS Sr. (scr ofJamcs Hunter SIMS and FrancesW. JOHNSON)m 14Jun 1916in PickensCo SC. JemesJohnronSIMS Sr. wasborn on 29 Nov 1882in Union Co SC. He diedon 9 Apr 1966in Pickens EasleyPickensCo SC. Co SC. He wasburiedin EasleyCity Ce,metery 153. BcscicHAMILTON rvasbrn an I I Apr 1883in PickensCo SC. Shedied cr I I Aug 1974n PidrensCo SC. She rvasburicd in EasleyCity CerneteryEaslcyPickcnsCo SC. Rev. rillllic Curcton ruCHEY wasburied in EasleyCity CemeteryEasleyPickensCo SC. 160. Drughter BOWEN did in Easley,PickcnsCo SC. Linda G. Ctteek 247 CrossHill Road Easley,SC 29640 PleaserenremberI do not do penonel reseerchaodwill submit,over a periodof time, materialon frmilics of Old PendletonDistrict, to Anderson Chapterfor usein their newsletter.I welcomeadditions andcorrectionsto anymaterialthat I submit.By e-mailor snailrnail. E-Mait LGCheek@a,olcom Ttranks Linda G. Cheek October Meeting of the ACCSCGS The next meeting of the Anderson County Chapter of the SCGSwill be Monday, October 6, 2003, at 7:00 PM at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, located on the corner of Millgateand Hardin Roads.This month's meetingwill be about Veteran's Records.The speaker'sname is CommanderKen Lewallen of Simpsonville,SC. He is the service officer for the SouthCarolinaDisabled Veterans in this area and comes to Anderson a couple of times a week. He has some forms that we can use to request information. Other meetings will be held November3, and the Christmassupper on December1, 2003. Anderson Record is the official quarterlypublicationof The AndersonCountyChapter, SouthCarolinaGenealogical Society.Contributionsof historicalarticles,family histories,Bible records,notificationsof reunions,& queriesare welcomed.Editor reservesthe right to edit articlesprior to publication.Articlesor e.mailsshouldbeclearlywritten with nan contributorfurnished. Permissionto usematerialpublishedin this newsletteris grantedif the sourceand authorarenoted.I articlesto P.O.Box 74 Anderson,SC 29622-0074 NoteACCSCGS.NEWSLETTERin subjectline. Editor'se-mail:lcushins(4)statecom.net Andercon GountSr Chapter Genealogicaf Society {iouthG.roltn P,O. Bor 74 .l\nderroq 8C zq62*aoZ e