Doors and Finishes - Shakespeare Home Improvement Co
Doors and Finishes - Shakespeare Home Improvement Co
ction inish col&leaccents oor and fstyles Dcolors, 2 SELECTION SHOWN ON PAGES 2-9 cherry & rustic cherry This kitchen was created with the Monroe door style in Cherry finished in Harvest with standard slab drawer headers. 3 ACCORD Rattan with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab 7 R/ /5/ /PR Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M AVENDALE Toffee Drawer header is slab 9 R/ /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M BRIDGEPORT Chestnut Drawer header is slab 2 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z Oregano with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab 7 /5/ Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z HARMONY Chestnut with Ebony glaze Drawer header is slab R/ /5/PR Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M 4 Slate Drawer header is slab Optional Edges D/F/H/L/M/Z BARRINGTON Mocha with Ebony glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available 6 10 ALITE Nutmeg with Chocolate glaze Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab R/ /FR/B/ /PS Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z BEDFORD Rattan Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab 6 2 7 BRISBANE Driftwood with Ebony glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available GALLANT Rattan with Ebony glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available HARRISON Toffee with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/L/M/Z 5 9 CALAIS Oregano with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available GEORGETOWN Nutmeg with Ebony glaze Drawer header is slab 8 7 Brittany with Ebony glaze Drawer header is slab R/ /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M BELL GARDENS Cappuccino with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece 9 CARMEN Natural Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available GLENDALE Chestnut Drawer header is five-piece HUDSON Toffee with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/L/M/Z Chestnut with Ebony glaze Drawer header is five-piece 9 10 BETHANY Paprika with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available ASHFORD Butterscotch Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab 2 R/ /FR/B Optional Edges not available Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z 5 BLAKELY 6 Rattan with Ebony glaze and Cottage Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab /FR/B Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 5 9 Optional Edges not available 9 ARLINGTON PR PS Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M HERITAGE Chestnut Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available Optional Edges not available R/ /5/ /PR 7 ALTAMONTE PR /FR/B Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z /5 FULLERTON AERO 6 CORONA Burgundy Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available GRIFFON Butterscotch Drawer header is five-piece Decorator Edge is standard Optional Edges A/F/H/L/M/Z HUNTINGFORD Harvest Drawer header is slab R/ /5/PR Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M 8 ELLINGTON10 Harvest Drawer header is five-piece PR Optional Edges not available 5 HAMPTON Nutmeg with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab 9 /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/L/M/Z 9 JACKSONVILLE Oregano Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available 6 SELECTION SHOWN ON PAGES 2-9 AUBURN 6 Java Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab AUGUSTA 9 Toffee with Ebony glaze and Cottage Drawer header is five-piece PR R/ /FR/B Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z BONITA 7 Paprika Drawer header is slab /5 BRECKENRIDGE Toffee Drawer header is slab 7 cherry & rustic cherry R/ /5/ /PS Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z Bedford door style in Cherry finished in Nutmeg with Ebony glaze EVANSVILLE Mocha Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available 10 FARMINGTON Paprika with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab 6 ustic rcherry /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z Accord door style in Rustic Cherry finished in Rattan with Chocolate glaze tandard scherry Carmen door style in Cherry finished in Natural HANOVER Java Drawer header is slab 7 /5/PS HARBOR Rattan with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab 7 R/ /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/L/M/Z Doors available in Rustic Cherry have this symbol . OPTIONS illustrated on pages 49-51 R Regent Profile B Bevel Pulls FR Finger Routes Furniture Pegs 5 Five-Piece Drawer Header PR Rolled Profiled Drawer Header PS Scooped Profiled Drawer Header Available in Rustic Cherry, illustrated Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M above JUNEAU Butterscotch with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece PR Optional Edges not available 9 LAGUNA Brittany Drawer header is slab /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 9 Rustic Cherry doors have “character” spots (knots, burls, blemishes, etc.) on the center panels as well as on the stiles and rails of the doors and drawer headers, which could impact hardware placement. Knots, if they appear, will be sound and will be closed. At certain angles, light could be visible through the knot. Optional Edges A A Edge D Decorator Edge F F Edge H H Edge L L Edge M M Edge Z Z2 Edge COLORS Cherry and Rustic Cherry doors are available in these colors: Stains and glazes palette shown on page 9 Chateaux illustrated on page 8 Custom colors information on page 41 DISTRESSING Cherry and Rustic Cherry doors can be distressed. Cottage Distressing illustrated on page 37 Custom Distressing information on page 40 Light Chain Distressing illustrated on page 40 Old World Distressing illustrated on pages 38-39 Spattering illustrated on page 40 OVERLAY Unless otherwise noted, Cherry and Rustic Cherry doors have a Full International Overlay. See page 49. your cherry choices 5 LANCASTER Natural Drawer header is slab 6 /5 Nutmeg with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available RIDGEVILLE Slate with Ebony glaze Drawer header is slab Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 10 Burgundy with Ebony glaze Drawer header is five-piece 10 Optional Edges not available 6 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z Natural Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab PEABODY PR R/ /5/PR SENECA 7 Burgundy Drawer header is slab /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z PARKVILLE MANHATTAN 6 RIVERTON Natural Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z SHERIDAN Harvest with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available MEDINA Cappuccino with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab 7 MELBOURNE Nutmeg with Ebony glaze Drawer header is slab R/ /5 R/ /5/PR Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M PIEDMONT6 PORTLAND Nutmeg with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available Toffee with Ebony glaze Decorator Edge is standard Drawer header is slab 7 Rattan with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab 6 R/ /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 10 SONOMA Brittany with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece 9 PS 9 Burgundy Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available STOCKTON Butterscotch with Ebony glaze Drawer header is slab MONROE 6 PRESCOTT Driftwood Drawer header is five-piece 7 PRINCETON 7 5 ROSEVILLE 3 PR Optional Edges not available 10 7 R/ /5 ROMAN Chestnut with Ebony glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available STRATFORD Paprika with Ebony glaze Drawer header is slab Natural Drawer header is slab Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/Z Nutmeg with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available Burgundy Drawer header is slab R/ /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 3 R/ /5 Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z Optional Edges not available R/ /FR/B ROBINSVILLE 6 /5 /5/PS ROANOKE Slate Drawer header is slab Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z Optional Edges A/F/H/L/M/Z 10 MILAN SUNDANCE Harvest Drawer header is five-piece 9 PR Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z Optional Edges not available Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z New! TUDOR Brittany with Chocolate glaze Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab R/ /FR/B/ /PS Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z 6 6 VENICE Toffee Drawer header is five-piece PR Optional Edges not available 10 New! VERONA Slate with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece PS Optional Edges not available 9 VIOLA Toffee with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available 10 WATERFALL Natural Drawer header is slab /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 7 WAYNESVILLE4 Slate with Nickel glaze Drawer header is slab /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z SELECTION SHOWN ON PAGES 2-9 New! OAKLEY Toffee Drawer header is slab 7 /5 Hazelnut Drawer header is five-piece 10 10 REDCLIFF Brittany Drawer header is five-piece R/ /FR/B/PS Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z SALEM 10 2 Java Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab Chestnut with Ebony glaze Drawer header is five-piece 9 Optional Edges not available Optional Edges not available 6 PACIFICA PR PR Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z Paprika Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab Toffee with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z PS ROYALE ORIAN /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z RAPIDS New! R/ /FR/B REGAL Paprika with Ebony glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available 5 cherry & rustic cherry SAN DIMAS 6 TEMPO 6 Natural Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z New! SYRACUSE Harvest with Ebony glaze Drawer header is five-piece 10 PR Optional Edges not available WESTERLY Toffee with Ebony glaze Drawer header is slab /5/PS Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 7 TABOR 6 WOODFIELD 9 Butterscotch Drawer header is slab Optional Edges not available Harvest with Ebony glaze Drawer header is five-piece PR Optional Edges not available Harvest Drawer header is slab Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z This kitchen was created with the Bedford door style in Cherry finished in Mocha with standard slab drawer headers. 7 CHATEAUX PALETTE 1. rounded corners 3. knife cuts 2. worn edges Tudor door style in Rustic Cherry finished in Chateaux Brittany Alexandria inset door style in Cherry finished in Chateaux Cappuccino Tudor door style in Rustic Cherry finished in Chateaux Nutmeg Harmony door style in Cherry finished in Chateaux Oregano 6. dips 7. light chain distressing 4. worm holes 5. rasping Tudor door style in Rustic Cherry finished in Chateaux Brittany CHATEAUX a specialty color for Cherry Chateaux is created by randomly applying several distressing techniques, softening all edges, padding the edges to create shadowing, and adding speckling to accentuate the distressing. Patina is accomplished 1. rounded corners 2. worn edges 3. knife cuts 4. worm holes 5. rasping 6. dips and 7. light chain distressing that we hand applied to drawers, doors and throughout the cabinetry. A protective topcoat completes the look. The finish is oven cured for durability. The Chateaux palette is shown at right. Chateaux is available on: speckling To speckle the Chateaux finish, a subtle stain in dark brown is randomly applied across the surface of the finish. These spots will be no larger than the diameter of a pencil eraser. Breckenridge door style in Cherry finished in Chateaux Toffee • Cherry & Rustic Cherry doors, pages 4-7 • Cherry Inset doors, pages 44-45 8 Milan door style in Cherry finished in Chateaux Toffee SELECTION SHOWN ON PAGES 2-9 CHERRY & RUSTIC CHERRY STAINS & GLAZES Driftwood Driftwood Natural Natural Rattan Rattan Harvest Harvest Toffee Toffee Oregano Oregano Butterscotch Butterscotch Paprika Paprika New! cherry & rustic cherry Rye Rye Cappuccino Cappuccino Chestnut Chestnut Nutmeg Nutmeg Brittany Brittany Burgundy Burgundy New! Hazelnut Hazelnut Mocha Mocha Java Java Slate Slate Stains Chocolate Glaze Ebony Glaze Nickel Glaze This icon indicates that the finish can receive Old World Distressing, illustrated on page 38. This mudroom was created with the Harbor door style in Cherry finished in Nutmeg with Chocolate glaze. 9 ACCORD 6 Oregano Drawer header is slab R/ /5/ /PR Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M BEDFORD 2 Natural Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab AERO Driftwood Drawer header is slab Optional Edges D/F/H/L/M/Z BELL GARDENS Mocha Drawer header is five-piece 6 FULLERTON 10 /5/ Burgundy with Ebony glaze Drawer header is slab Cappuccino with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab 6 R/ /5/PR LAGUNA Toffee Drawer header is slab 6 HAMPTON Chestnut with Ebony glaze Drawer header is slab 9 LANCASTER Cappuccino Drawer header is slab 9 BONITA 8 Butterscotch Drawer header is slab 7 6 /5/ /PS MANHATTAN BRECKENRIDGE Slate Drawer header is slab Natural Drawer header is slab 6 7 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z MEDINA Rattan with Ebony glaze Drawer header is slab 2 BRIDGEPORT Natural with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab 5 /5/ Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 7 HARMONY Nutmeg Drawer header is slab 6 R/ /5/PR Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M Toffee with Ebony glaze and Cottage Drawer header is slab Brittany Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z R/ /5/ /PS HARBOR ASHFORD R/ /FR/B/ R/ /5/ /5/ Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 9 Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z Optional Edges A/D/F/L/M/Z 6 Oregano with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece /PR Oregano with Ebony glaze and Cottage Drawer header is slab HANOVER ARLINGTON Optional Edges not available /5/ /5/ Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z Brittany with Ebony glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z Optional Edges A/D/F/L/M/Z /5/ Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M Chestnut Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M 9 BLAKELY ALTAMONTE Optional Edges not available Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z R/ /5/ /PR Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z HUNTINGFORD GEORGETOWN 5 /FR/B/ Optional Edges not available 7 Rattan with Ebony glaze Drawer header is slab Butterscotch with Chocolate glaze Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab R/ /FR/B/ /PS Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z /PR /FR/B/ Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z ALITE Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M 6 R/ /5/ MELBOURNE Slate with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab 6 R/ /5/ /PR Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M New! ORIAN Slate with Nickel glaze Drawer header is slab /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 10 10 PARKVILLE Butterscotch Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available 10 PEABODY Chestnut with Ebony glaze Drawer header is five-piece /PR Optional Edges not available 10 PORTLAND Nutmeg with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab Decorator Edge is standard /5/PS Optional Edges A/F/H/L/M/Z 9 RAPIDS Chestnut Drawer header is five-piece /PS Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 10 REDCLIFF Brittany Drawer header is five-piece /PR Optional Edges not available 10 AUBURN Paprika with Ebony glaze Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab 6 9 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z Toffee with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece Brittany with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab R/ /5/ R/ /FR/B/ ELLINGTON AVENDALE 10 /PR Optional Edges not available EVANSVILLE Paprika with Ebony glaze Drawer header is five-piece BARRINGTON Java Drawer header is five-piece 10 Optional Edges not available 10 FARMINGTON 5 Rattan Drawer header is slab /5/ Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z Optional Edges not available SELECTION SHOWN ON PAGES 10-13 alder & rustic alder HARRISON Slate with Ebony glaze Drawer header is slab 7 /5/ HERITAGE Harvest with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab 9 R/ /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/L/M/Z HUDSON 5 Oregano Drawer header is slab /5/ Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M Optional Edges A/D/F/L/M/Z New! MILAN Paprika Drawer header is slab 5 /5/ Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z RIDGEVILLE Java Drawer header is slab R/ /5/ /PR Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 6 MONROE Java Drawer header is slab Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/Z RIVERTON Toffee Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 6 OAKLEY Butterscotch with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab 7 /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 10 ROANOKE Butterscotch with Ebony glaze Drawer header is slab 6 R/ /5/ Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z This kitchen was created with the Orian door style in Alder finished in Rye with Ebony glaze with standard slab drawer headers. 11 ALDER & RUSTIC ALDER STAINS & GLAZES Driftwood Driftwood Natural Natural Rattan Rattan ROBINSVILLE Harvest with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece Harvest Harvest 10 ROSEVILLE Butterscotch with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab 3 R/ /5/ Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z Optional Edges not available ROYALE Nutmeg with Ebony glaze Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab 5 R/ /FR/B/PS Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z SALEM 2 Rattan Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab R/ /FR/B/ Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z Toffee Toffee Oregano Oregano Butterscotch Butterscotch SENECA 6 Cappuccino Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab R/ /FR/B/ Paprika Paprika New! SHERIDAN Butterscotch with Ebony glaze Drawer header is five-piece 10 Burgundy Drawer header is slab 7 R/ /5/ STRATFORD Rattan with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab 3 R/ /5/ Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z Optional Edges not available Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z STOCKTON Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z Rye Rye Cappuccino Cappuccino New! Chestnut Chestnut SYRACUSE Toffee with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece 10 /PR Optional Edges not available TEMPO Toffee Drawer header is slab Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 6 TUDOR Nutmeg Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab 5 Toffee with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece 10 /PR R/ /FR/B/ /PS Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z Nutmeg Nutmeg VENICE Optional Edges not available Brittany Brittany Burgundy Burgundy New! New! Hazelnut Hazelnut VIOLA Toffee Drawer header is five-piece 10 Optional Edges not available Mocha Mocha Java Java Slate Slate Stains 12 Chocolate Glaze Ebony Glaze Nickel Glaze This icon indicates that the finish can receive Old World Distressing, illustrated on page 38. WATERFALL Rattan Drawer header is slab /5/ Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 7 WAYNESVILLE Oregano with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab /5/ Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 4 WESTERLY Butterscotch Drawer header is slab /5/ /PS Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 7 SELECTION SHOWN ON PAGES 10-13 alder & rustic alder New! 1. rounded corners tandard salder 8. chiseling Bedford door style in Alder finished in Natural 7. light chain distressing 5. rasping 4. abundant worm holes ustic ralder 6. dips Hanover door style in Rustic Alder finished in Natural with Chocolate glaze Rustic Alder doors will have “character” spots (knots, burls, blemishes, etc.) on the center panels as well as on the stiles and rails of the doors and drawer headers, which could impact hardware placement. Knots, if they appear, will be sound and will be closed. At certain angles, light could be visible through the knot. Doors available in Rustic Alder have this symbol . 2. worn edges Roanoke door style in Rustic Alder finished in Homestead Red OPTIONS illustrated on pages 49-51 R B FR 5 PR Regent Profile Bevel Pulls Finger Routes Furniture Pegs Five-Piece Drawer Header Rolled Profiled Drawer Header PS Scooped Profiled Drawer Header Available in Rustic Alder, illustrated above Optional Edges A A Edge D Decorator Edge F F Edge H H Edge L L Edge M M Edge Z Z2 Edge COLORS Alder and Rustic Alder doors are available in these colors: Stains and glazes palette shown on page 12 Custom colors information on page 41 DISTRESSING Alder and Rustic Alder doors can be distressed. Cottage Distressing illustrated on page 37 Custom Distressing information on page 40 Light Chain Distressing illustrated on page 40 Old World Distressing illustrated on pages 38-39 Spattering illustrated on page 40 3. knife cuts HOMESTEAD RED a specialty color for Alder and Rustic Alder Homestead Red is a deep red tinted varnish applied to Alder and Rustic Alder. Several distressing techniques are applied randomly and heavily. Distressing marks are 1. rounded corners 2. worn edges 3. knife cuts 4. abundant worm holes 5. rasping 6. dips 7. light chain distressing and 8. chiseling. They are applied to drawers, doors and throughout the cabinetry. A protective topcoat completes the look. The finish is oven cured for durability. Homestead Red is available on • Alder and Rustic Alder door styles, pages 9-11 • Alder and Rustic Alder inset door styles, page 30 OVERLAY Unless otherwise noted, Alder and Rustic Alder doors have a Full International Overlay. See page 49. your alder choices This island was created with the Danburg inset door style in Alder finished in Homestead Red. 13 ACCORD Driftwood with Ebony glaze Drawer header is slab 6 R/ /5/ /PR Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M BRIDGEPORT Honey Drawer header is slab 2 /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z HARMONY Oregano Drawer header is slab 6 R/ /5/PR Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M AERO Natural Drawer header is slab Optional Edges D/F/H/L/M/Z BRISBANE Harvest Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available HARRISON Nutmeg with Chocolate glaze and Cottage Drawer header is slab 3 ALITE Champagne with Chocolate glaze Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab 3 6 CALAIS Slate with Ebony glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available HERITAGE Nutmeg with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab 6 8 CARMEN Paprika with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available HUDSON Toffee with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab MILAN Champagne Drawer header is slab 5 /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z REGAL Toffee Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available 14 3 MONROE Cappuccino Drawer header is slab Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/Z RIDGEVILLE Champagne with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab R/ /5/PR Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 3 OAKLEY Toffee Drawer header is slab 6 /5 ROANOKE Natural Drawer header is slab R/ /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 3 CORONA Natural Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available HUNTINGFORD Harvest Drawer header is slab AUGUSTA Chestnut Drawer header is five-piece 7 PR Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M 6 FARMINGTON Nutmeg Drawer header is slab 4 /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 8 JACKSONVILLE 5 8 PIEDMONT 5 2 ROYALE 3 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M Natural Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available New! ORIAN Toffee with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab 9 ROMAN Paprika Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available PACIFICA Cappuccino with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece PR Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 5 3 R/ /5/PR /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 5 3 Optional Edges A/D/F/L/M/Z New! Chestnut Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M AUBURN R/ /FR/B Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z R/ /5 /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/L/M/Z 2 Toffee Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab R/ /FR/B R/ /FR/B/ /PS Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z 3 ASHFORD Optional Edges not available 3 ROSEVILLE Champagne Drawer header is slab R/ /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z Paprika Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available Harvest with Chocolate glaze Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab R/ /FR/B/PS Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z SELECTION SHOWN ON PAGES 14-17 hickory & rustic hickory AVENDALE 7 Toffee with Chocolate glaze and Cottage Drawer header is slab R/ /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M FULLERTON Slate Drawer header is slab 2 /FR/B 6 /5/ Toffee Drawer header is five-piece Natural Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab BETHANY Paprika Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available 3 GEORGETOWN Natural Drawer header is slab 6 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M PR LAGUNA Paprika Drawer header is slab 7 /5 GRIFFON Paprika with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece Decorator Edge is standard Optional Edges A/F/H/L/M/Z LANCASTER Honey Drawer header is slab 3 3 HAMPTON Oregano Drawer header is slab MANHATTAN 7 HANOVER Harvest with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab 6 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z MEDINA Honey with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab Decorator Edge is standard 7 Harvest Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab R/ /FR/B Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z Honey Drawer header is five-piece 6 PR /5/PS Optional Edges not available Optional Edges A/F/H/L/M/Z SALEM PRESCOTT 1 SAN DIMAS Nutmeg with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available 5 PRINCETON Cappuccino with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available SENECA Chestnut Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab R/ /FR/B Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z illustrated on page 17 Optional Edges A A Edge D Decorator Edge F F Edge H H Edge L L Edge M M Edge Z Z2 Edge 3 HARBOR Slate with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab 6 6 R/ /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M R/ /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M R Regent Profile B Bevel Pulls FR Finger Routes Furniture Pegs 5 Five-Piece Drawer Header PR Rolled Profiled Drawer Header PS Scooped Profiled Drawer Header Available in Rustic Hickory 6 6 6 Nutmeg Drawer header is slab OPTIONS illustrated on pages 49-51 PORTLAND Mocha Drawer header is slab Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z /5/PS Honey with Chocolate glaze and Cottage Drawer header is slab BRECKENRIDGE R/ /5/ /PS Optional Edges A/D/F/L/M/Z /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 6 Oregano Drawer header is slab /5 /5 6 BONITA Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z Optional Edges A/D/F/L/M/Z /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z Optional Edges not available Paprika with Chocolate glaze Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z R/ /5/ /PR 8 BLAKELY /FR/B Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z JUNEAU BEDFORD MELBOURNE Toffee Drawer header is slab 6 R/ /5/PR Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M COLORS Hickory and Rustic Hickory doors are available in these colors: Stains and glazes palette shown on page 17 Custom colors information on page 41 DISTRESSING Hickory and Rustic Hickory doors can be distressed. Cottage Distressing illustrated on page 37 Custom Distressing information on page 40 Light Chain Distressing illustrated on page 40 Spattering illustrated on page 40 OVERLAY Unless otherwise noted, Hickory and Rustic Hickory doors have a Full International Overlay. See page 49. your hickory choices Designers, the price column for each door style is listed in this brochure. You’ll find it to the right of each door name. Price columns don’t change often, but they do change, so when you prepare a quote, always check the current Door Column Pricing. This document is available online on the Dealer Only Website. Price columns in this brochure are for quick comparison ONLY. 15 SONOMA Honey Drawer header is five-piece 7 PS Slate with Nickel glaze Drawer header is slab 1 VERONA Honey with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece 3 16 Cappuccino Drawer header is slab /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 8 TUDOR Natural Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab 3 R/ /FR/B/ /PS Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z 7 WATERFALL Natural with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab 6 /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z Optional Edges not available WAYNESVILLE Chestnut Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available PS This wet bar was created with the Fullerton door style in Rustic Hickory finished in Harvest with Chocolate glaze and standard slab drawer headers. SUNDANCE PR Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z Chestnut Drawer header is slab Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 6 Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z R/ /5 TEMPO Paprika Drawer header is slab R/ /5 Optional Edges not available STRATFORD STOCKTON 3 WESTERLY Cappuccino with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab /5/PS Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 6 SELECTION SHOWN ON PAGES 14-17 hickory & rustic hickory HICKORY & RUSTIC HICKORY STAINS & GLAZES Champagne Champagne Driftwood Driftwood Natural Natural Honey Honey Oregano Oregano Harvest Harvest Toffee Toffee Cappuccino Cappuccino This family room was created with the Bedford door style in Hickory finished in Oregano with Chocolate glaze. Nutmeg Nutmeg ndard stahickory Paprika Paprika Hanover door style in Hickory finished in Harvest with Chocolate glaze Chestnut Chestnut Mocha Mocha Slate Slate Stains Chocolate Glaze Ebony Glaze This icon indicates that the finish can receive Old World Distressing, illustrated on page 38. Nickel Glaze ustic rhickory Fullerton door style in Rustic Hickory finished in Harvest with Chocolate glaze Rustic Hickory doors will have “character” spots (knots, burls, blemishes, etc.) on the center panels as well as on the stiles and rails of the doors and drawer headers, which could impact hardware placement. Knots, if they appear, will be sound and will be closed. At certain angles, light could be visible through the knot. Doors available in Rustic Hickory have this symbol . 17 ACCORD Chestnut Drawer header is slab 7 R/ /5/PR Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M BETHANY Paprika Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available 4 AERO White Drawer header is slab Optional Edges D/F/H/L/M/Z BLAKELY 6 ALITE Caramel Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab 6 R/ /FR/B/PS Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z 6 Marshmallow Cream with Nickel glaze and Cottage Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab /FR/B BONITA Amaretto Drawer header is slab 7 ALTAMONTE Amber with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available BRECKENRIDGE Honey with Nickel glaze Drawer header is slab 9 Caramel with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece 9 PR 7 BRIDGEPORT Bordeaux Drawer header is slab Honey with Chocolate glaze Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab 2 Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z 2 BRISBANE 4 4 HAMPTON 8 /5 Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z ASHFORD R/ /FR/B Optional Edges not available R/ /5/PS /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z ARLINGTON Paprika with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z FULLERTON 7 Marshmallow Cream with Chocolate glaze and Cottage Drawer header is slab /5 GALLANT Linen Ivory Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available 8 Macadamia with Bronze glaze and Cottage Drawer header is slab 9 R/ /5/PR JACKSONVILLE Butterscotch Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available Butterscotch with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece PR Optional Edges not available 18 9 PARKVILLE Caramel with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available 7 6 JUNEAU Slate with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece 9 Natural with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece PR Optional Edges not available 8 LAGUNA Oregano Drawer header is slab 9 /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z Optional Edges not available PEABODY Caramel Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available PR 10 GLENDALE PS Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M PACIFICA Chestnut Drawer header is slab R/ /5/PR Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z HUNTINGFORD GEORGETOWN 10 PIEDMONT Villa Pearl Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available GRIFFON Villa Ivory Drawer header is five-piece Decorator Edge is standard Optional Edges A/F/H/L/M/Z LANCASTER /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/L/M/Z 6 Marshmallow Cream with Nickel glaze and Cottage Drawer header is slab /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 6 PORTLAND Chestnut Drawer header is slab Decorator Edge is standard /5/PS Optional Edges A/F/H/L/M/Z Butterscotch with Nickel glaze Drawer header is slab 9 MANHATTAN 7 Pearl with Nickel glaze and Cottage Drawer header is slab /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z PRESCOTT 7 Marshmallow Cream with Latté glaze Drawer header is five-piece PR Optional Edges not available SELECTION SHOWN ON PAGES 18-27 maple AUBURN Black Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab 6 HANOVER Caramel with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab 9 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z Linen Mushroom with Old World Distressing Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available Slate with Ebony glaze Drawer header is five-piece PR R/ /FR/B CALAIS AUGUSTA 7 CARMEN Honey Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available AVENDALE 9 Cappuccino with Chocolate glaze and Cottage Drawer header is slab R/ /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M 4 CORONA Slate with Nickel glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available 7 BARRINGTON 10 Ivory Cream with Chocolate glaze and Cottage Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available ELLINGTON Villa Ivory Drawer header is five-piece 10 PR BEDFORD 2 Eggnog with Latté glaze and Cottage Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab /FR/B Amber with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available 10 HARBOR Licorice Drawer header is slab 7 R/ /5 /5/PS Butterscotch Drawer header is slab 7 R/ /5/PR Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M Optional Edges A/D/F/L/M/Z HARMONY HARRISON Chestnut Drawer header is slab FARMINGTON Peppercorn with Nickel glaze and Cottage Drawer header is slab 7 HERITAGE 9 White with Chocolate glaze and Cottage Drawer header is slab R/ /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/L/M/Z HUDSON White with Latté glaze Drawer header is slab 7 7 6 RAPIDS Villa Pearl Drawer header is five-piece PS Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z MILAN Moss Green Drawer header is slab 5 /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M Champagne with Latté glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available Caramel with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab R/ /5/PR R/ /5 PRINCETON MELBOURNE Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 10 REDCLIFF Linen White Drawer header is five-piece PR Optional Edges not available 10 MONROE Honey Drawer header is slab Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/Z /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/L/M/Z Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M REGAL Butterscotch with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available 6 OAKLEY Butterscotch with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab 6 /5 RIDGEVILLE Champagne Drawer header is slab R/ /5/PR Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z New! ORIAN 9 Marshmallow Cream Drawer header is slab /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 4 5 Amaretto Drawer header is slab New! MEDINA 5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M PR /5 Optional Edges not available 7 10 Butterscotch with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z EVANSVILLE BELL GARDENS Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 5 RIVERTON 10 Peppercorn with Nickel glaze with Cottage Distressing Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 19 ROANOKE Macadamia with Bronze glaze Drawer header is slab 5 R/ /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z SAN DIMAS Linen White Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available 6 ROBINSVILLE Honey Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available SENECA 10 6 Amaretto Drawer header is slab Traditional Overlay R/ /FR/B ROMAN Caramel with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available SHERIDAN Amber with Nickel glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available 4 ROSEVILLE Champagne with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab 2 R/ /5 SONOMA 9 Moss Green with Chocolate glaze and Cottage Drawer header is five-piece PS Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z Butterscotch with Chocolate glaze Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab 6 Optional Edges not available STOCKTON Buttercream with Latté glaze Drawer header is slab SALEM Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z 7 R/ /5 STRATFORD Butterscotch with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab Natural Drawer header is five-piece 9 PR SYRACUSE Honey with Latté glaze Drawer header is five-piece 9 PR Optional Edges not available Optional Edges not available TABOR Cappuccino Drawer header is slab Optional Edges not available 6 2 R/ /5 Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z New! SUNDANCE 2 Pearl Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab R/ /FR/B R/ /FR/B/PS Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 9 ROYALE New! TEMPO Peppercorn with Ebony glaze and Cottage Drawer header is slab Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 6 TUDOR Bordeaux Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab 6 VENICE Marshmallow Cream Drawer header is five-piece 10 PR R/ /FR/B/PS Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z Optional Edges not available New! VERONA Mushroom with Nickel glaze Drawer header is five-piece PS Optional Edges not available 9 VIOLA White with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available OPTIONS illustrated on pages 49-51 R Regent Profile B Bevel Pulls FR Finger Routes Furniture Pegs 5 Five-Piece Drawer Header PR Rolled Profiled Drawer Header PS Scooped Profiled Drawer Header 10 WATERFALL Caramel with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab 7 /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z Optional Edges A A Edge D Decorator Edge F F Edge H H Edge L L Edge M M Edge Z Z2 Edge OVERLAY Unless otherwise noted, Maple doors have a Full International Overlay. See page 49. 20 WAYNESVILLE Pearl Drawer header is slab /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z COLORS 3 WESTERLY Villa Green Drawer header is slab /5/PS Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z Maple doors are available in these colors: Amaretto illustrated on page 24 Bordeaux illustrated on page 24 Custom colors information on page 41 Licorice illustrated on page 24 Linen illustrated on page 27 Oatmeal illustrated on page 24 Stains and glazes palette shown on page 22 Tinted Varnish and glazes palette shown on page 23 Villa illustrated on page 26 your maple choices 7 WOODFIELD Caramel with Latté glaze Drawer header is five-piece PR Optional Edges not available DISTRESSING Maple doors can be distressed. Cottage Distressing illustrated on page 37 Custom Distressing illustrated on page 40 Light Chain Distressing illustrated on page 40 Old World Distressing illustrated on pages 38-39 Spattering illustrated on page 40 8 SELECTION SHOWN ON PAGES 18-27 maple This kitchen was created with the Sonoma door style in Maple finished in Caramel with Chocolate glaze with standard five-piece drawer headers. 21 MAPLE STAINS & GLAZES Champagne Champagne Natural Natural Amber Amber Oregano Oregano Honey Honey Butterscotch Butterscotch Paprika Paprika Caramel Caramel CappucCappuccino Chestnut Chestnut Mocha Mocha Slate Slate Stains Latté Glaze Nickel Glaze Chocolate Glaze Ebony Glaze This icon indicates that the finish can receive Old World Distressing, illustrated on page 38. 22 This bar was created with the Venice door style in Maple finished in Saddle with Ebony glaze with standard five-piece drawer headers. SELECTION SHOWN ON PAGES 18-27 maple MAPLE TINTED VARNISH, TINTED VARNISH WITH GLAZE AND COTTAGE PALETTE WhiteWhite Marshmallow Marshmallow Cream Cream Macadamia Macadamia Buttercream Buttercream Ivory Cream Ivory Cream Mushroom Mushroom New! StoneStone Pearl Pearl New! ShaleShale Eggnog Eggnog Moss Green Moss Green New! SaddleSaddle Peppercorn Peppercorn New! Graphite Graphite Black Black Tinted Varnish This icon indicates that the finish can receive Old World Distressing, illustrated on page 38. Latté Glaze Bronze Glaze Nickel Glaze Chocolate Glaze Ebony Glaze 23 This icon indicates that the finish can receive Old World Distressing, illustrated on page 38. Arlington door style in Maple finished in Oatmeal OATMEAL Oatmeal is a warm, distressed color achieved by hand-applying Champagne stain and antiquing it with Chocolate glaze. Spattering is not applied. It’s accented with worn edges, rounded corners and light chain distressing. Available on the Maple doors shown on pages 18-20 and Maple Inset doors shown on pages 44-45. 24 Harbor door style in Maple finished in Amaretto AMARETTO Amaretto is a Black finish with rounded and worn corners. Additional worn areas on center panels and door frames expose golden butterscotch tones. Available on the Maple doors shown on pages 18-20 and Maple Inset doors shown on pages 44-45. Amaretto can receive Old World Distressing, illustrated on page 38. This kitchen was created with the Portland door style in Maple finished in Oatmeal with standard slab drawer headers. Portland door style in Maple finished in Bordeaux BORDEAUX Bordeaux is a Black finish with rounded and worn corners. Additional worn areas on center panels and door frames expose beautiful burgundy tones. Available on the Maple doors shown on pages 18-20 and Maple Inset doors shown on pages 44-45. Bordeaux can receive Old World Distressing, illustrated on page 38. Hanover door style in Maple finished in Licorice LICORICE Licorice is a Black finish with worn edges, rounded corners and light chain distressing. Nickel glaze is applied to accent the door profiles. Available on the Maple doors shown on pages 18-20 and Maple Inset doors shown on pages 44-45. This bath was created with the Hanover door style in Maple finished in Licorice with standard slab drawer headers. SELECTION SHOWN ON PAGES 18-27 specialty colors for maple This butler’s pantry was created with the Corona door style in Maple finished in Bordeaux and in Cherry finished in Nutmeg with Ebony glaze with standard five-piece drawer headers. 25 VILLA The Villa finish results in a look that suggests brush strokes along the face of the doors and drawers, and any other finished part of the cabinetry. The color and brush stroke artisan effect will vary from door to door and will blend throughout the cabinetry. Available on the Maple doors shown on pages 18-20 and Maple Inset doors shown on pages 44-45. New! Accord door style in Maple finished in Villa Black Carmen door style in Maple finished in Villa Green Glendale door style in Maple finished in Villa Ivory Hanover door style in Maple finished in Villa Mushroom Syracuse door style in Maple finished in Villa Pearl The brush stroke artisan effect is illustrated here. New! Accord door style in Maple finished in Villa Marshmallow 26 This kitchen was created with the Brisbane door style in Maple finished in Marshmallow Cream and in Villa Green with standard five-piece drawer headers. This kitchen was designed by Linda Petock of Integrity Kitchens & Baths in Richboro, PA. SELECTION SHOWN ON PAGES 18-27 specialty colors for maple LINEN Linen finishes feature Latté glazing and speckling for a softer tone, and rounded corners for an heirloom feel. Available on the Maple doors shown on pages 18-20 and Maple Inset doors shown on pages 44-45. Linen can receive Old World Distressing, illustrated on page 38. SPECKLING To speckle the Linen finish, a subtle stain is randomly applied to the surface of the Linen finish. These spots will be the size of a pencil eraser diameter or smaller. Speckling complements the Latté glaze. Gallant door style in Maple finished in Linen Ivory Melbourne door style in Maple finished in Linen Mushroom Augusta door style in Maple finished in Linen White This icon indicates that the finish can receive Old World Distressing, illustrated on page 38. This kitchen was created with the Arlington door style in Cherry finished in Chateaux Cappuccino and in Maple finished in custom Linen Macadamia with Old World Distressing with standard five-piece drawer headers. This kitchen was designed by Brooke Langdon of Today’s StarMark Custom Cabinetry & Furniture in Sioux Falls, SD. 27 QUARTER SAWN RED OAK STAINS & GLAZES Champagne Champagne FARMINGTON Java Drawer header is slab /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 7 TEMPO Slate with Ebony glaze Drawer header is slab Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 7 This icon indicates that the finish can receive Old World Distressing, illustrated on page 38. Driftwood Driftwood Natural Natural Honey Honey Oregano Oregano Harvest Harvest Toffee Toffee Cappuccino Cappuccino Nutmeg Nutmeg Paprika Paprika Chestnut Chestnut Mocha Mocha Java Java Slate Slate Stains This kitchen was created with the Tempo door style in Quarter Sawn Red Oak finished in Chestnut with standard slab drawer headers. OPTIONS illustrated on pages 49-51 DISTRESSING FRFurniture Pegs 5 Five-Piece Drawer Header Optional Edges A A Edge H H Edge Z Z2 Edge COLORS 28 D Decorator Edge L L Edge F F Edge M M Edge Quarter Sawn Red Oak are available in these colors: Custom colors information on page 41 Licorice illustrated on page 33 Stains and glazes palette shown on this page Tinted Varnish and glazes palette shown on page 32 Quarter Sawn Red Oak doors can be distressed. Cottage Distressing illustrated on page 37 Custom Distressing illustrated on page 40 Light Chain Distressing illustrated on page 40 Old World Distressing illustrated on pages 38-39 Spattering illustrated on page 40 Chocolate Glaze Ebony Glaze OVERLAY Nickel Glaze All Quarter Sawn Red Oak doors have a Full International Overlay. See page 49. your quarter sawn red oak choices SELECTION SHOWN ON PAGES 28-29 quarter sawn red oak This kitchen was created with the Tempo door style in Quarter Sawn Red Oak finished in Chestnut with standard slab drawer headers. 29 ACCORD Peppercorn with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab 4 R/ /5/PR Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M BRIDGEPORT Ivory Cream with Latté glaze Drawer header is slab 1 /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z HERITAGE Nutmeg with Chocolate glaze and Cottage Drawer header is slab 7 AERO Java Drawer header is slab Optional Edges D/F/H/L/M/Z BRISBANE Champagne Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available HUDSON New! 4 /5 SAN DIMAS Moss Green with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available 30 CARMEN Paprika Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available HUNTINGFORD Driftwood with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab ASHFORD Cappuccino Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab 1 R/ /FR/B FARMINGTON Ivory Cream with Bronze glaze Drawer header is slab 3 /5 JACKSONVILLE White with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available 2 FULLERTON Moss Green with Bronze glaze Drawer header is slab 5 /5 JUNEAU Peppercorn with Ebony glaze Drawer header is five-piece 6 Mushroom with Latté glaze and Cottage Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 5 AUGUSTA PR Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 7 White with Nickel glaze Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab R/ /FR/B Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z 3 AUBURN GEORGETOWN Ivory Cream with Nickel glaze and Cottage Drawer header is slab 4 R/ /5/PR Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M 8 PR LAGUNA Eggnog with Bronze glaze Drawer header is slab 6 /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z Optional Edges not available New! ORIAN Marshmallow Cream Drawer header is slab 8 SENECA Cappuccino with Chocolate glaze Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab R/ /FR/B Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z PACIFICA Slate with Nickel glaze Drawer header is five-piece 8 PR Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 5 2 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z Buttercream Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab R/ /5/PR Optional Edges A/D/F/L/M/Z Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M Mocha with Ebony glaze Drawer header is slab 3 2 Slate Drawer header is slab ALITE R/ /FR/B/PS Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z /5 R/ /5 OAKLEY 2 Optional Edges not available 2 STOCKTON Java Drawer header is slab R/ /5 Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z PIEDMONT Oregano with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available 5 PORTLAND Chestnut Drawer header is slab Decorator Edge is standard 6 REGAL 3 8 TEMPO 2 /5/PS Slate with Ebony glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available Optional Edges A/F/H/L/M/Z 4 STRATFORD Honey with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab R/ /5 Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z 1 SUNDANCE White with Bronze glaze Drawer header is five-piece PR Optional Edges not available Natural Drawer header is slab Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z SELECTION SHOWN ON PAGES 30-35 red oak AVENDALE 6 Honey with Chocolate glaze and Cottage Drawer header is slab R/ /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M GRIFFON Peppercorn with Ebony glaze Drawer header is five-piece Decorator Edge is standard Optional Edges A/F/H/L/M/Z LANCASTER Honey Drawer header is slab 3 R/ /FR/B/PS Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z HAMPTON White with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab 5 /5 5 Mocha with Ebony glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available 3 MANHATTAN Natural Drawer header is slab ROANOKE Toffee with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab 5 Mocha Drawer header is slab /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z Natural Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab 2 MEDINA Harvest Drawer header is slab 5 6 ROMAN Paprika with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is five-piece Optional Edges not available WAYNESVILLE Natural Drawer header is slab /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z HARBOR Honey with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab 5 Macadamia with Latté glaze Drawer header is slab 5 Peppercorn with Nickel glaze Drawer header is slab 5 White with Latté glaze Drawer header is slab MILAN Graphite with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab 2 ROYALE Toffee with Chocolate glaze Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab R/ /FR/B/PS Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z BRECKENRIDGE Buttercream with Bronze glaze Drawer header is slab 4 R/ /5/PS Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z HARRISON White with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab 4 /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/L/M/Z 4 MONROE 2 2 SALEM 1 /5 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z WESTERLY 4 Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z R/ /5 3 Honey Drawer header is slab Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M ROSEVILLE HARMONY R/ /5/PR R/ /PR/5 3 4 Champagne with Chocolate glaze and Cottage Drawer header is slab /5 R/ /5 MELBOURNE BONITA Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/M Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z WATERFALL 4 White with Chocolate glaze and Cottage Drawer header is slab R/ /5 R/ /5 2 HANOVER /5/PS /5 5 BLAKELY /FR/B Optional Edges A/D/F/L/M/Z Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z Chestnut Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab BETHANY Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z Optional Edges A/D/F/L/M/Z R/ /5/PR TUDOR 1 /FR/B /5 Eggnog with Latté glaze Drawer header is slab Moss Green with Nickel glaze Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z RIDGEVILLE BEDFORD Harvest with Chocolate glaze Drawer header is slab Optional Edges A/D/F/H/L/Z Marshmallow Cream with Chocolate glaze Traditional Overlay Drawer header is slab R/ /FR/B Optional Edges A/D/H/L/M/Z 6 /5/PS Optional Edges A/D/F/H/M/Z 31 RED OAK & QUARTER SAWN RED OAK TINTED VARNISH, TINTED VARNISH WITH GLAZE AND COTTAGE PALETTE WhiteWhite Marshmallow Marshmallow Cream Cream Macadamia Macadamia Buttercream Buttercream Ivory Cream Ivory Cream Mushroom Mushroom New! StoneStone PearlPearl New! ShaleShale Eggnog Eggnog Moss Green Moss Green New! Saddle Saddle Peppercorn Peppercorn New! Graphite Graphite BlackBlack Tinted Varnish Latté Glaze Bronze Glaze This icon indicates that the finish can receive Old World Distressing, illustrated on page 38. 32 Nickel Glaze Chocolate Glaze Ebony Glaze SELECTION SHOWN ON PAGES 30-35 red oak LICORICE Licorice is Black Tinted Varnish finish rubbed to expose 1. rounded corners and 2. worn edges. Licorice includes 3. light chain distressing. Nickel glaze is applied to accent the door profiles. A protective topcoat completes the look. Licorice is available on • Red Oak doors, pages 30-31 • Quarter Sawn Red Oak Inset doors, pages 44-45 • Quarter Sawn Red Oak doors, page 28 1. rounded corners 2. worn edges 3. light chain distressing Accord door style in Red Oak finished in Licorice Shown with optional Decorator Edge OPTIONS illustrated on pages 49-51 R B FR 5 PS Regent Profile Bevel Pulls Finger Routes Furniture Pegs Five-Piece Drawer Header Rolled Profiled Drawer Header PSScooped Profiled Drawer Header Optional Edges A A Edge D Decorator Edge F F Edge H H Edge L L Edge M M Edge Z Z2 Edge COLORS Red Oak doors are available in these colors: Custom colors information on page 41 Licorice illustrated above Stains and glazes palette shown on page 34 Tinted Varnish and glazes palette shown on page 32 DISTRESSING Red Oak doors can be distressed. Cottage Distressing illustrated on page 37 Custom Distressing illustrated on page 40 Light Chain Distressing illustrated on page 40 Old World Distressing illustrated on pages 38-39 Spattering illustrated on page 40 OVERLAY Unless otherwise noted, Red Oak doors have a Full International Overlay See page 49 This kitchen was created with the Bridgeport door style in Red Oak finished in Peppercorn with Nickel glaze. your red oak choices 33 RED OAK STAINS & GLAZES Champagne Champagne Driftwood Driftwood Natural Natural Honey Honey Oregano Oregano Harvest Harvest Toffee Toffee This icon indicates that the finish can receive Old World Distressing, illustrated on page 38. Cappuccino Cappuccino Nutmeg Nutmeg Paprika Paprika Chestnut Chestnut Mocha Mocha Java Java Slate Slate Stains 34 Chocolate Glaze Ebony Glaze Nickel Glaze SELECTION SHOWN ON PAGES 30-35 red oak selection shown on pages 28-29 This kitchen was created with the Milan door style in Red Oak finished in Java and standard slab drawer headers. 35 36 This island was created with the Harbor door style in Maple finished in Mushroom with Chocolate glaze and Cottage Distressing with optional fivepiece drawer headers. cottage distressing 1. rounded corners optional 3. light chain distressing This kitchen was created with the Harbor door style in Maple finished in Mushroom with Chocolate glaze and Cottage, and in Cherry finished in Nutmeg with Ebony glaze and optional five-piece drawer headers. Cottage is a created by sanding through the finish to expose 1. rounded corners and 2. worn edges. Adding glaze brings out the wood’s unique texture. 3. Light chain distressing is optional. A protective topcoat completes the look. Cottage Distressing is available on these wood types and colors: •Any Stain with Glaze combination on Alder and Rustic Alder doors •Any Stain with Glaze combination on Cherry and Rustic Cherry doors •Any Stain with Glaze combination on Hickory and Rustic Hickory doors •Any Stain with Glaze combination on Maple doors •Any Tinted Varnish with Glaze combination on Maple doors •Any Stain with Glaze combination on Red Oak doors 2. worn edges •Any Tinted Varnish with Glaze combination on Red Oak doors Parkville door style in Maple finished in Peppercorn with Nickel glaze and Cottage Distressing 1. rounded corners •Any Stain with Glaze combination on Quarter Sawn Red Oak doors •Any Tinted Varnish with Glaze combination on Quarter Sawn Red Oak doors 1. rounded corners 2. worn edges 2. worn edges optional 3. light chain distressing Augusta door style in Red Oak finished in Mushroom with Latté glaze and Cottage Distressing optional 3. light chain distressing Breckenridge door style in Hickory finished in Honey with Chocolate glaze and Cottage Distressing 37 Old World Distressing blends your new cabinetry with today’s popular distressed furniture pieces. Distressing techniques are randomly applied to the face of your cabinetry throughout the design. These techniques are: 1. rounded corners 2. light chain distressing 3. worm holes 4. dips 5. rasping 6. knife cuts 7. worn edges. Old World Distressing is available on these wood types and colors: 1. rounded corners 3. worm holes 2. light chain distressing 4. dips •Select Stain with Glaze combinations on Alder and Rustic Alder doors •Select Stain with Glaze combinations on Cherry and Rustic Cherry doors •Select Stain with Glaze combinations on Hickory and Rustic Hickory doors •Select Stain with Glaze combinations on Maple doors •Select Tinted Varnish with Glaze combination on Maple doors •Select Stain with Glaze combinations on Red Oak doors Breckenridge door style in Maple finished in Butterscotch with Chocolate glaze and Old World Distressing Arlington door style in Cherry finished in Cappuccino with Chocolate glaze and Old World Distressing •Select Tinted Varnish with Glaze combination on Red Oak doors •Select Stain with Glaze combinations on Quarter Sawn Red Oak doors 5. rasping •Select Tinted Varnish with Glaze combination on Red Oak doors 7. worn edges 6. knife cuts This icon indicates that the finish can receive Old World Distressing. 38 Rapids door style in Maple finished in Peppercorn with Chocolate glaze and Old World Distressing Orian door style in Red Oak finished in Saddle with Ebony glaze and Old World Distressing old world distressing BOTH PAGES This kitchen was created with the Arlington door style in Cherry finished in Paprika with Chocolate glaze and Old World Distressing. The island is Maple finished in Macadamia with Chocolate glaze and Old World Distressing. Standard five-piece drawer headers were used. 39 distressing options LIGHT CHAIN DISTRESSING Light chain distressing is available at an upcharge on: • all stains on any specie • all stain with glaze combinations on any specie. SPATTERING Spattering is a dark stain, hand applied randomly to the cabinetry. • All stain with glaze combinations include spattering. •Y ou can also request that spattering not be used on your stain with glaze cabinetry. •S pattering on an unglazed stain is available on all species at an upcharge. g n i ss e r t s i d m o t s u C We can custom distress your cabinetry! Select the characteristics that you like and we will artfully apply them. The following distressing techniques are available a la carte: • Chiseling (as seen in Homestead Red) • Dips • Knife cuts • Light chain distressing • Padding (as seen in Chateaux) • Rasping • Rounded corners • Rub through on flat surfaces • Spattering • Speckling (dark brown, as seen in Chateaux) • Speckling (light brown, as seen in Linen) • Worm holes 40 Custom door style in Maple finished in custom Mushroom Linen with custom distressing package • Worn edges on center panel Custom colors We can create cabinetry that matches any paint swatch. Bring the swatch to your StarMark Cabinetry Specialist— that’s all it takes to start your custom Tinted Varnish project. If your heart’s desire is a color you spied in a magazine or in a fabric, or you have furniture you want to match or complement, talk to your StarMark Cabinetry Specialist about preparing a sample of wood that will guide us in creating a stain for your cabinetry. A custom stain takes more legwork (from both you and us) than a custom paint, but we’ll put our heart into it. With good direction from you and our experience creating custom stains, the legwork will result in a beautiful finish you’ll be proud to have in your home. 41 42 SELECTION SHOWN ON PAGES 42-45 inset cabinetry This kitchen was created with the Alexandria inset door style in Cherry finished in Brittany and in Maple finished in Macadamia. 43 FINIAL HINGES Concealed hinges are also available. ALEXANDRIA ALLENTOWN AMSDAHL DANBURG Oil Rubbed Bronze New! Alexandria door style in Rustic Alder finished in Toffee with Chocolate glaze Shown in Flush Inset Allentown door style in Alder finished in Toffee Shown in Flush Inset Optional Edges not available A12/C12/M11/RA12/Q12 /5 A12/C12/M11/RA12/Q12 Satin Nickel /5 Optional Edges not available New! Amsdahl door style in Maple finished in Graphite with Nickel glaze Shown in Flush Inset /5 Optional Edges not available Danburg door style in Quarter Sawn Red Oak finished in Marshmallow Cream with Chocolate glaze Shown in Flush Inset /5 A12/C12/M11/RA12/Q12 Optional Edges not available KNOTTINGHAM LAFAYETTE LAFONTAINE LAFOREST Knottingham door style in Maple finished in Peppercorn with Chocolate glaze Shown in Flush Inset Lafayette door style in Cherry finished in Chateaux Brittany Shown in Flush Inset Lafontaine door style in Maple finished in Amaretto Shown in Flush Inset Optional Edges not available Optional Edges not available Optional Edges not available Laforest door style in Cherry finished in Butterscotch with Chocolate glaze and Old World Distressing Shown in Flush Inset A11/C11/M11/RA11/Q11 Wrought Iron FACE FRAME OPTIONS /5 A11/C11/M11/RA11/Q11 ROCK ELM /5 /5 A11/C11/M11/RA11/Q11 A11/C11/M11/RA11/Q11 WINTERHAVEN WOODLAWN P/ /5 Optional Edges not available A11/C11/M11/RA11/Q11 FOR MORE INFORMATION Ask your dealer for StarMark Cabinetry’s Inset Cabinetry brochure. BEADED INSET FACE FRAME Openings of face frame feature a bead OPTIONS New! FLUSH INSET FACE FRAME Openings of face frame are square New! Rock Elm door style in Quarter Sawn Red Oak finished in White with Chocolate glaze Shown in Flush Inset Winterhaven door style in Cherry finished in Toffee with Chocolate glaze Shown in Flush Inset Woodlawn door style in Maple finished in Butterscotch with Chocolate glaze Shown in Flush Inset Optional Edges not available Optional Edges not available Optional Edges not available P/ /5 A11/C11/M11/RA11/Q11 44 New! /5 A11/C11/M11/RA11/Q11 P/ /5 A11/C11/M11/RA11/Q11 P Profiled Drawer Header illustrated at right 5 Five-Piece Drawer Header illustrated at right Furniture Pegs illustrated on page 49 SELECTION SHOWN ON PAGES 42-45 inset cabinetry DEWITT FAIRHAVEN GILLETTE KINGSBERRY New! Fairhaven door style in Quarter Sawn Red Oak finished in Natural Shown in Flush Inset Gillette door style in Cherry finished in Toffee Shown in Flush Inset A11/C11/M11/RA11/Q11 Optional Edges not available A11/C11/M11/RA11/Q11 MACKAY MERRIMAC DeWitt door style in Cherry finished in Chestnut Shown in Flush Inset /5 Optional Edges not available /5 A11/C11/M11/RA11/Q11 /5 Optional Edges not available MONTICO New! Kingsberry door style in Cherry finished in Nutmeg Shown in Flush Inset P/ /5 Optional Edges not available A11/C11/M11/RA11/Q11 ROCHEPORT New! New! Mackay door style in Quarter Sawn Red Oak finished in Paprika with Chocolate glaze Shown in Flush Inset Merrimac door style in Maple finished in Butterscotch Shown in Flush Inset Montico door style in Maple finished in Saddle with Ebony glaze Shown in Beaded Inset Rocheport door style in Alder finished in Toffee with Chocolate glaze Shown in Flush Inset Optional Edges not available Optional Edges not available Optional Edges not available Optional Edges not available /5 A11/C11/M11/RA11/Q11 P/ /5 A11/C11/M11/RA11/Q11 WOOD TYPES & COLORS Alder & Rustic Alder Stains and glazes palette shown on page 12 Cherry Chateaux shown on page 8 Stains and glazes palette shown on page 9 Maple Amaretto shown on page 24 Bordeaux shown on page 24 Licorice shown on page 24 Oatmeal shown on page 24 Villa shown on page 26 Linen shown on page 27 Stains and glazes palette shown on page 22 Tinted Varnish and glazes palette shown on page 23 Quarter Sawn Red Oak Licorice shown on page 33 Stains and glazes palette shown on page 28 Tinted Varnish and glazes palette shown on page 32 P/ /5 A11/C11/M11/RA11/Q11 /5 A11/C11/M11/RA11/Q11 DISTRESSING Inset doors can be distressed. Cottage Distressing illustrated on pages 37 Custom Distressing illustrated on page 41 Light Chain Distressing illustrated on page 40 Old World Distressing illustrated on pages 38-39 Spattering illustrated on page 40 FIVE-PIECE DRAWER HEADER Available on all inset door styles. PROFILED DRAWER HEADER Available on the Kingsberry, Laforest, Merrimac, Montico, Rock Elm and Woodlawn inset door styles. This kitchen was created with the Alexandria inset door style in Cherry finished in Brittany. 45 46 This office was created with Bamboo Exotic Veneer and standard slab drawer headers. SELECTION SHOWN ON PAGES 46-47 exotic veneers Rosewood Bamboo t, n e r e iff d g in th e m o s r If you’re lookinittglefowild, ask about something a l exotic veneers from StarMark Cabinetry. Wenge This kitchen was created with Rosewood Exotic Veneer and standard slab drawer headers. 47 r u o y m o r f t pec & wood type selection. what to excolor ARTISAN EFFECTS 48 Villa Oatmeal Linen Specialty Colors have characteristics that cannot be captured on a color chip, so color chips are not available in Amaretto, Bordeaux, Chateaux, Homestead Red, Licorice, Linen, Oatmeal and Villa. Request a door sample to view these unique, beautiful colors. Custom Tinted Varnish with Glaze Custom Tinted Varnish Use this chart to review the characteristics you can add to your custom color. Custom Stain with Glaze CUSTOM COLORS ype wood tcharacteristics ALDER is a softer wood with a fine straight grain and even texture. Color is light brown with yellow or reddish tinge, with little difference between heartwood and sapwood. Alder does not evolve in color or darken when exposed to light or heat as other woods do, and takes stains and finishes well. More than some of the other woods, care must be taken to avoid damage due to its softer nature. Some small tight knots can be found with standard Alder. CHERRY displays a distinctive grain pattern and warm color, ranging from nearly white to dark reddish brown. Dark pockets, pin knots, and random streaks are common. More than most woods, Cherry will darken when exposed to light, especially in light stains. The more sun Cherry receives, the faster it will darken. This will be most evident in new wood and will slow as it ages. MAPLE is a versatile hardwood with a fine, smooth grain, varying in color from nearly white to a slightly reddish brown. Mineral or sugar streaks occur naturally in Maple and can vary from piece to piece. Variations will be more noticeable in lighter stains. HICKORY is a heavy, strong wood known for flowing, vibrant grain patterns and dramatic color variations. Hickory can also exhibit random pecks, burls, and mineral streaks. Hickory’s color ranges across a wide spectrum, from nearly white to dark brown. RED OAK is a strong wood with a long linear grain, often displaying tiny rays. You may notice small pinholes and tight knots. Color will range from golden blonde to deeper reddish tones. This cut of Red Oak is known as flat sawn. QUARTER SAWN RED OAK is milled at an angle of 60 to 90 degrees from the grain, allowing rays and flecks to become visible, giving the wood a unique, often vintage, character and dimension. RUSTIC ALDER, RUSTIC CHERRY and RUSTIC HICKORY refers to the Rustic versions of these species, and is characterized by knots, burls and mineral streaks found on center panels, stiles and rails of the door, and on the drawer headers, which could impact hardware placement. Knots will be sound and will be closed, but certain angles could show light through the knots. Glazing rustic species will enhance these unique characteristics. The grain of StarMark Cabinetry’s exotic veneers—BAMBOO, ROSEWOOD, WENGE—runs horizontally, not vertically. Licorice Homestead Red Chateaux Bordeaux Brush stroke Chiseling Dips Knife cuts Light chain distressing Padding Rasping Rounded corners Rub through on flat surfaces Spattering Speckling Worm holes Worn edges on center panel Custom Stain Brush stroke (as seen in Villa) Chiseling (as seen in Homestead Red) Dips Knife cuts Light chain distressing Padding (as seen in Chateaux) Rasping Rounded corners Rub through on flat surfaces Spattering Speckling (with Latté glaze, as seen in Linen) Speckling (with dark brown, as seen in Chateaux) Worm holes Worn edges on center panel Amaretto Use this chart to review the characteristics that are included with the color you selected. Old World Distressing Cottage without light chain distressing Cottage with light chain distressing Use this chart to review the characteristics that are included in the distressing package that you selected. SPECIALTY COLORS Artisan Effects Cottage with light chain distressing Cottage without light chain distressing Old World Distressing Á la carte distressing Brush stroke (as seen in Villa) Chiseling (as seen in Homestead Red) Dips Knife cuts Light chain distressing Padding (as seen in Chateaux) Rasping Rounded corners Rub through on flat surfaces Spattering Speckling (with Latté glaze, as seen in Linen) Speckling (with dark brown, as seen in Chateaux) Worm holes Worn edges on center panel ith Invest wconfidence. StarMark Cabinetry’s construction, materials and all finishes are covered by a Limited Lifetime Warranty. FURNITURE PEGS This option gives rustic character to doors and drawers. A 5/16” square wooden peg is driven into a 3/8” diameter drill hole. The gaps between the peg and the hole are visible and are not filled. Single and double pegs (illustrated above) are available. Look for this symbol under doors pictured on pages 4-45. AERO EDGE DECORATOR EDGE F EDGE Look for this symbol A Look for this symbol D Look for this symbol F H EDGE L EDGE M EDGE Look for this symbol H Look for this symbol L Look for this symbol M DOOR EDGE ▼ DRAWER EDGE ▼ drawer & door options TRADITIONAL FULL INTERNATIONAL This door has a Decorator Edge. ABOUT OVERLAYS Overlay doors will have one of two styles: • Full International • Traditional A Full International door style will show less of the cabinet’s face frame than a Traditional door style. A Traditional door style shows the most of the cabinet’s face frame. Z2 EDGE Look for this symbol Z s e l i f o r p e g d e Many door styles can receive a variety of edges. Maybe you’ve found a door that you love, and you want to tweak it a bit. One place to start is the outside edges of a door. Above we’ve illustrated what is meant by the outside edges of a door, and how each edge looks. Look for a listing of optional edges under doors pictured on pages 4-31. . d e d e e n e r a w d r a no h BEVEL PULLS When hardware pulls and handles are not wanted, the top or bottom edges of drawer headers and doors may be beveled all along the edge to provide a spot for fingers to grab and pull open. Look for this symbol B under doors pictured on pages 4-31. FINGER ROUTES Finger routes are small indentations added to door and drawer header edges. Look for this symbol FR under doors pictured on pages 4-31. The styling options shown pages 49-55 are available on select doors. Please consult with your StarMark Cabinetry Specialist to determine the options available for the door you chose. 49 FIVE-PIECE DRAWER HEADER A five-piece drawer header is standard on select door styles. A door’s standard drawer header is listed under each door on pages 4-45. Look for the words “Drawer header is five-piece.” A five-piece drawer header is also an option on many door styles. Those door styles are shown here. Look for this symbol “5” under doors pictured on pages 4-45. ACCORD AVENDALE optional five-piece drawer header FULLERTON GEORGETOWN HAMPTON HANOVER HARBOR HUNTINGFORD LAGUNA LANCASTER MANHATTAN MEDINA PORTLAND RIDGEVILLE ROANOKE ROSEVILLE STOCKTON optional five-piece drawer header optional five-piece drawer header optional five-piece drawer header 50 This island was created with the Harbor door style in Maple finished in Mushroom with Chocolate glaze and Cottage with optional five-piece drawer headers. optional five-piece drawer header optional five-piece drawer header optional five-piece drawer header optional five-piece drawer header optional five-piece drawer header optional five-piece drawer header optional five-piece drawer header optional five-piece drawer header optional five-piece drawer header optional five-piece drawer header optional five-piece drawer header optional five-piece drawer header optional five-piece drawer header drawer options REGENT PROFILE The Regent Profile has three graduated steps ascending to the center of the drawer header front, adding dimension and detailing for minimal cost. Look for this symbol R under doors pictured on pages 4-31. BONITA optional five-piece drawer header HARMONY optional five-piece drawer header BRECKENRIDGE optional five-piece drawer header HARRISON optional five-piece drawer header BRIDGEPORT optional five-piece drawer header HERITAGE optional five-piece drawer header FARMINGTON optional five-piece drawer header HUDSON optional five-piece drawer header d e p o o c s New! rolled PROFILED DRAWER HEADER Select doors can receive a Profiled drawer header. Compared to a standard slab drawer header, a drawer header with a Scooped Profiled edge or a Rolled Profiled edge has a more distinct and decorative look. Depending on which profile best complements the door style, the profile we add will be “Scooped” or “Rolled”. MELBOURNE MILAN OAKLEY ORIAN STRATFORD WATERFALL WAYNESVILLE WESTERLY optional five-piece drawer header optional five-piece drawer header optional five-piece drawer header optional five-piece drawer header optional five-piece drawer header optional five-piece drawer header optional five-piece drawer header optional five-piece drawer header Look for the symbol PS or PR under doors pictured on pages 4-31. DECORATIVE STORAGE FOR DRAWERS Shown above with clear glass. Insert options are shown on pages 54-55. 51 door options THORNTON ACCENT 52 s r o o d n mullio This hutch features mullion insert doors in the Heirloom pattern with Baroque inserts. The kitchen was created with the Alexandria inset door style in Cherry finished in Brittany. door options ENLIGHTEN PLAINS MISSION II FOUR LITE MULLION PORTAL RADIUS PRAIRIE MULLION MISSION III SIX LITE MULLION VENNICIA HEIRLOOM BUNGALOW DIAMOND MANOR CROSSING The Thornton accent door at left and doors with mullions can receive inserts. Inserts are shown on pages 54-55. insert for SINGLE PANEL DOOR insert for TWIN PANEL DOORS Laguna, Lancaster, Portland 53 drawer & door inserts Resin insert Bear Grass Resin insert Fossil Leaves Resin insert Linea Ivory Resin insert Quattro Carbon Resin insert Thatch Resin insert Wisp Silver Faux look insert Carbon Faux look insert Leather Faux look insert Brushed Pewter Faux look insert Brushed Bronze Faux look insert Ragged Copper Faux look insert Planked Faux look insert Copper Stratos Faux look insert Metallic Perforated Insert Brass Grille Insert Woven Wire ALUMINUM FRAME DOOR WITH SATIN GLASS INSERT Tempo door style in Maple finished in Honey Insert doors with faux look insert in Brushed Pewter 54 The styling options shown on these two pages are available on select doors. Please consult with your StarMark Cabinetry dealer to determine the options available for the door you choose. drawer & door inserts LEADED GLASS INSERTS Radius* Lattice* Arts & Crafts* Mullion* Craftsman* ETCHED GLASS INSERTS Lace* Classic* Heirloom* Unity* Mission* Diamonds* Garden* Grapevine Prairie* * Leaded glass is available only as shown. Patterns are shown with lead caming. Brass caming is available on some patterns. PATTERNED GLASS INSERTS Artique Baroque Koko Seedy TINTED GLASS INSERTS Green Light Amber Dark Amber 1/8 Reeded Ivy BASIC 1/2 Reeded Water Glue Chip Cotswold Clear Bevel Clear TEMPERED GLASS INSERTS Austral Clear Listral D Master Carre Satin 55 This living room was created with the Venice door style in Maple finished in Saddle with Ebony glaze and standard five-piece drawer headers. 56 StarMark Cabinetry is CARB compliant and ESP certified. Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Association Environmental Stewardship Program All products impact the environment. For ESP program criteria, visit StarMark Cabinetry is ESP certified. In 2006, the Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Association ( began certifying cabinet manufacturers who prove they are using sustainable practices and products. Certification must be earned yearly. StarMark Cabinetry was one of the first companies to earn ESP certification, and we have earned the certification each year. ESP certification is awarded to manufacturers who use materials with low formaldehyde emissions, use recycled materials, and use hardwoods certified through a recognized sustainable forestry program. ESP requires manufacturers to have a written environmental policy and to work with their suppliers to protect the environment. Why should I trust ESP? Unlike other certification programs, ESP takes into account the complete life cycle of a product. ESP requires recycling and energy conservation. Unlike many other certification programs, ESP encourages local community involvement. Find out more about ESP at www. KCMA has proven their ability to set and enforce rigorous standards as verified by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). StarMark Cabinetry is CARB compliant. In technical terms, this means 100% of StarMark Cabinetry’s products are compliant with the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Airborne Toxic Control Measure (ATCM) to reduce formaldehyde emissions from composite wood products including hardwood plywood (HWPW), medium density fiberboard (MDF), and particleboard (PB) (Title 17, California Code of Regulations §93120-93120.12). In laymen’s terms, it means that StarMark Cabinetry complies with the nation’s strictest regulations regarding formaldehyde. StarMark Cabinetry’s CARB compliance coupled with its ESP certification assures that your cabinetry is manufactured by an environmentally responsible company with environmentally friendly manufacturing materials and processes. 57 58 The kitchen was created with the Bridgeport door style in Red Oak finished in Peppercorn with Nickel glaze with standard slab drawer headers. 59 600 East 48th Street North • Sioux Falls, SD 57104 1-800-594-9444 • This brochure is item #1335 and is called the “Doors and Finishes” brochure. © 2015 StarMark Cabinetry Twitter @CabinetStarMark Send questions to [email protected] Newsletter sign up on StarMark Cabinetry is made in America by craftsmen in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. StarMark Cabinetry is CARB compliant and ESP certified. Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Association Environmental Stewardship Program All products impact the environment. For ESP program criteria, visit Dealers, this brochure includes these recent product introductions: Hazelnut, Homestead Red, Rye, Saddle, Shale, Stone, Villa Black and Villa Marshmallow finishes, nine inset door styles, Oakley, Orian, Venice, Viola and Tabor door styles. This brochure was printed in March 2015. Accuracy of all reprinted color is subject to printing limitations. Please bear in mind that variation is inherent in wood, and actual finishes may differ substantially from what you see here. As we continually seek to improve materials and production methods, StarMark Cabinetry reserves the right to change specifications, offerings or designs without notice. Designers, the price column for each door style is listed in this brochure. You’ll find it to the right of each door name. Price columns don’t change often, but they do change, so when you prepare a quote, always check the current Door Column Pricing. This document is available online on the Dealer Only Website. Price columns in this brochure are for quick comparison ONLY. SHOWN ABOVE AND ON THE FRONT COVER This kitchen was created with the Farmington door style in Maple finished in White and in Maple finished in Mocha with optional five-piece drawer headers. This kitchen was designed by Sandy Blackman, designer for Jennings Builders Supply, a StarMark Cabinetry dealer with three locations in North Carolina.