CHECKLIST of the Conspicuous Plants of the Canopy Tower
CHECKLIST of the Conspicuous Plants of the Canopy Tower
CHECKLIST Monkey Comb (Apeiba tibourbou) of the Conspicuous Plants of the Canopy Tower, Canopy Lodge & Environs~ J. & L. Harrison CHECKLIST Conspicuous Plants of the Canopy Tower, Canopy Lodge & Environs Family Sarcoscyphaceae (Cup Fungi) Phallaceae (Stinkhorn) Poaceae (Grass) Common/Scientific names Notes 1. Wine-glass Fungus Cookeina sulcipes 2. Bridal Veil Stinkhorn Phallus indusiatus 3. Carricillo Chusquea simpliciflora 4. Pajita de Ratón Oplismenus burmannii Bridal Veil Stinkhorn 5. Small-spike Paspalum Paspalum microstachyum 6. Cabezona Paspalum virgatum 7. Carricillo Olyra latifolia 8. Elephant Grass Saccharum spontaneum 9. Pittier’s Sea Oats Uniola pittieri Pajita de Ratón Cyperaceae (Sedge) 10. Rush-like Flatsedge Cyperus luzulae 11. Lax Flatsedge Cyperus laxus 12. Simple Flatsedge Cyperus simplex 13. Fragrant Flatsedge Cyperus odoratus 14. White-top Sedge Rhynchospora nervosa 15. Paja Macho de Monte Rhynchospora cephalotes Rush-like Flatsedge 16. Wide-leaf Nutsedge Scleria latifolia beaches / days CT CL 1 2 3 1. 4 5 6 7 8 CHECKLIST Conspicuous Plants of the Canopy Tower, Canopy Lodge & Environs Family Costaceae (Spiral Ginger) Common/Scientific names Notes 17. Rough Ginger Costus scaber 18. Red Spiral Ginger Costus pulverulentus 19. Porcupine Costus Costus villosissimus 20. Cañagria Dimerocostus strobilaceus Porcupine Costus Zingiberaceae (Ginger) Bromeliaceae (Pineapple) 21. Nodding Ginger Renealmia cernua 22. Tillandsia-like Aechmea Aechmea tillandsioides 23. Bristly Aechmea Aechmea setigera 24. West Indian Airplant El Valle Airplant Guzmania monostachya 25. El Valle Airplant Guzmania elvallensis Heliconiaceae (Heliconia) 26. Yellow Panamá Heliconia Heliconia hirsuta 27. Platanillo Heliconia latispatha Araceae (Arum) 28. Belembe Silvestre Xanthosoma helleborifolium 29. Primrose Malanga Xanthosoma mexicanum 30. Shingle Plant Yellow Panamá Heliconia endemic Monstera dubia or sp. days 1 2 3 2. 4 5 6 7 8 CHECKLIST Conspicuous Plants of the Canopy Tower, Canopy Lodge & Environs Family Arecaceae (Palm) Common/Scientific names Notes 31. Black Palm Astrocaryum standleyanum 32. Maquenque Oenocarpus mapora 33. Palma Real Attalea butyracea 34. Palmito Euterpe precatoria 35. Palmilla Palma Real Synechanthus warscewiczianus Marantaceae (Arrowroot) 36. Wheat Calathea Pleiostachya pruinosa 37. Platanillo de Montana Stromanthe jacquinii Orchidaceae (Orchid) 38. Philippine Ground Orchid Spathoglottis plicata 39. Stained Elleanthus Elleanthus discolor 40. Long-bract Elleanthus Elleanthus longibracteatus San José Orchid 41. San José Orchid Oerstedella schumanniana Haemodoraceae (Redroot) Polygalaceae (Milkwort) Commelinaceae (Dayflower) Palma del Norte Cactaceae (Cactus) 42. Palma del Norte Xiphidium caeruleum 43. Panicled Milkwort Polygala paniculata 44. Cadillo Commelina eretca 45. Epiphytic Cactus Epiphyllum phyllanthus exotic days 1 2 3 3. 4 5 6 7 8 CHECKLIST Conspicuous Plants of the Canopy Tower, Canopy Lodge & Environs Family Convolvulaceae (Morning-glory) Common/Scientific names Notes 46. Morning-glory Ipomoea phillomega 47. Railroad Vine Ipomoea pes-caprae beaches 48. Batatilla Macho Odonellia hirtiflora Morning-glory Piperaceae (Pepper) 49. Cowfoot Piper auritum 50. Monkey’s Hand Piper peltatum 51. Canotillo Piper reticulatum Phytolaccaceae (Pokeweed) Monkey’s Hand Rubiaceae (Madder) 52. Pokeweed Phytolacca rivinoides 53. Wild Poinsettia Warszewiczia coccinea 54. Borreria Borreria remota 55. Yerba Guava Geophila repens 56. Café (Coffee) Coffea arabica 57. Huevo de Indio Coccocypselum hirsutum 58. Indian Pink Pentagonia macrophylla Yerba Guava 59. Recaito Palicourea guianensis 60. Bonewood Faramea occidentalis cultivated days 1 2 3 4. 4 5 6 7 8 CHECKLIST Conspicuous Plants of the Canopy Tower, Canopy Lodge & Environs Family Rubiaceae (continued) Common/Scientific names Notes 61. Taper-leaf Wild Coffee Psychotria acuminata 62. Garricillo Psychotria deflexa 63. Hot-lips Psychotria elata Hot-lips (P. poeppigiana) 64. Hot-lips Psychotria poeppigiana 65. Hairy Wild Coffee Psychotria pubescens 66. Chocolatico Chomelia spinosa 67. Firebush Hamelia patens 68. Lancewood Calycophyllum candidissimum Hot-lips (P. elata: mature fruit) Dilleniaceae (Dillenia) 69. Shiny Davilla Davilla nitida 70. Caskfruit Doliocarpus major Sterculiaceae (Cocoa) 71. Torcidillo Helicteres guazumifolia 72. Cocoa Theobroma cacao Cecropiaceae (Cecropia) Torcidillo 73. Guarumo Blanco Cecropia insignis 74. Trumpet Tree Cecropia peltata 75. Guarumo (Trumpet Tree) Cecropia obtusifolia days 1 2 3 5. 4 5 6 7 8 CHECKLIST Conspicuous Plants of the Canopy Tower, Canopy Lodge & Environs Family Melastomataceae (Melastome) Common/Scientific names Notes 76. Dos Caras Conostegia speciosa 77. Mule’s Ear Miconia Miconia impetiolaris 78. Tibouchina Tibouchina longifolia Dos Caras 79. Luquillo Mountain Snailwood Conostegia rufescens 80. Cuatrecasa’s Snailwood Conostegia cuatrecasii 81. Degueda Blakea foliacea 82. Aciotis Aciotis rubricaulis Combretaceae (Combretum) 83. Orange Flame Vine Combretum fruticosum 84. Button Mangrove Conocarpus erectus Bignoniaceae 85. Yellow Bells (Trumpet-creeper) Tecoma stans 86. Pink Trumpet-tree Tabebuia rosea 87. Guayacán Tabebuia guayacan Cuatro Caras Verbenaceae (Vervain) 88. Queen’s Wreath Petrea volubilis 89. Cuatro Caras Cornutia pyramidata 90. Pasorín (Shrub Verbena) Lantana camara beaches coastal days 1 2 3 6. 4 5 6 7 8 CHECKLIST Conspicuous Plants of the Canopy Tower, Canopy Lodge & Environs Family Asteraceae (Aster) Common/Scientific names Notes 91. Butter Daisy Melampodium divaricatum 92. Guaco Mikania guaco 93. Mile-a-minute Vine Mikania micrantha 94. Snow Squarestem Melanthera nivea 95. Large-leaf Thoroughwort Hebeclinium macrophyllum Butter Daisy 96. Toothleaf Goldeneye Viguiera dentata 97. Billygoat-weed Ageratum conyzoides 98. Lengua de Vaca Elephantopus mollis 99. Contragavilana Neurolaena lobata 100. Miel de Tierra Calea jamaicensis Gesneriaceae (African Violet) 101. Guatatuco Kohleria tubiflora 102. Spiked Kohleria Kohleria spicata 103. Chrysothemis Chrysothemis friedrichstaliana 104. Calabash Vine Drymonia serrulata Guatatuco 105. Distinct Columnea Columnea dissimilis days 1 2 3 7. 4 5 6 7 8 CHECKLIST Conspicuous Plants of the Canopy Tower, Canopy Lodge & Environs Family Malvaceae (Mallow) Common/Scientific names Notes 106. Wercklea Wercklea cocleana endemic 107. Mahoe (Majagua de Playa) Talipariti tiliaceum beaches 108. Pavonia Pavonia dasypetala 109. Monkey Comb Pavonia Apeiba tibourbou 110. Ceibo Barrigón Pseudobombax septenatum 111. Turk’s Cap Malvaviscus penduliflorus 112. Calabash Vine Drymonia serrulata Fabaceae (Pea) 113. Butterfly Pea Centrosema molle 114. Sickle Pigeonwings Clitoria falcata 115. Monkey Ladder Bauhinia guianensis 116. Bauhinia Sickle Pigeonwings Bauhinia reflexa 117. Monkey’s-Comb Pithecoctenium crucigerum 118. Frijolillo Senna hayesiana 119. Machete Erythrina costaricensis 120. Indio (Madroño) Schizolobium parahyba cultivated days 1 2 3 8. 4 5 6 7 8 CHECKLIST Conspicuous Plants of the Canopy Tower, Canopy Lodge & Environs Family Fabaceae (Continued) Common/Scientific names Notes 121. Naranjita Swartzia simplex 122. Wild Hops Flemingia strobilifera invasive exotic 123. Beggarlice Desmodium axillare 124. Sensitive Plant Wild Hops Mimosa pudica 125. Beach Bean Canavalia rosea beaches 126. Jarina Enterolobium schomburgkii 127. Espino Carbon Pithecellobium unguis-cati 128. American Diphysa Diphysa americana cultivated 129. Ojo de Venado Sensitive Plant Mucuna mutisiana 130. Haba de Monte Dioclea guianensis Cucurbitaceae (Gourd) 131. Jungle Cucumber Gurania tubulosa 132. Ya te vi Gurania makoyana 133. Balsam Pear Momordica charantia Ya te vi Apocynaceae (Dogbane) 134. Blood Flower Asclepias curassavica 135. Huevos de Gato Thevetia ahouai 136. Frangipani Plumeria rubra coastal days 1 2 3 9. 4 5 6 7 8 CHECKLIST Conspicuous Plants of the Canopy Tower, Canopy Lodge & Environs Family Campanulaceae (Bellflower) Common/Scientific names Notes 137. Scarlet Centropogon Centropogon coccineus 138. Star-of-Bethlehem Hippobroma longiflora Star-of-Bethlehem Burseraceae (Torchwood) Polygonaceae (Buckwheat) 139. Carate Blanco Bursera tomentosa 140. Coral Vine Antigonon leptopus Loganiaceae (Logania) 141. West Indian Pinkroot Lythraceae (Loosestrife) 142. Columbian Waxweed invasive exotic Spigelia anthelmia Cuphea carthagenensis 143. Queen’s Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia speciosa Coral Vine Bixaceae (Achiote) 144. Achiote Salicaceae (Willow) 145. Corta Lengua Passifloraceae (Passionflower) cultivated Bixa orellana Banara guianensis 146. Bat Leaf Passion Flower Passiflora coriacea 147. Dotted Passionvine Passiflora punctata Corta Lengua Ericaceae (Heath) 148. Large-bract Cavendishia Clusiaceae (Clusia) 149. Flower-bud Plant Annonaceae (Custard Apple) Dioscoreaceae (Yam ) Cavendishia megabracteata Clusia minor 150. Guatteria Guatteria amplifolia 151. Racemed Yam Dioscorea racemosa endemic days 1 2 3 10. 4 5 6 7 8 CHECKLIST Conspicuous Plants of the Canopy Tower, Canopy Lodge & Environs Family Common/Scientific names Notes Onagraceae 152. Primrose Willow (Evening-primrose) Ludwigia octovalvis Solanaceae (Nightshade) 153. Angel’s Trumpet Brugmansia suaveolens cultivated 154. Dwyer’s Brunfelsia Brunfelsia dwyeri Primrose Willow Euphorbiaceae (Spurge) endemic 155. Dalechampia Dalechampia tiliifolia 156. Hairy Croton Croton hirtus Moraceae (Fig) 157. Rubber Tree Castilla elastica Cochlospermaceae 158. Poro-poro (Silk Cottontree) Cochlospermum vitifolium Poro-poro Vochysiaceae (Vochysia) 159. Flor de Mayo Acanthaceae (Acanthus) 160. Camaroncillo Aizoaceae (Ice Plant) Musaceae (Banana) 161. Sea Purslane Vochysia ferruginea Aphelandra sinclairiana Sesuvium portulacastrum beaches 162. Pink Velvet Banana Musa velutina cultivated 163. Guineo Chino (Platano) Musa x paradisiaca Camaroncillo cultivated 164. Banana Musa acuminata Gleicheniaceae (Forkfern) 165. Comb Forkfern Metaxyaceae (Metaxya Fern) 166. Metaxya Fern Dicranopteris pectinata Metaxya rostrata cultivated days 1 2 3 11. 4 5 6 7 8 CHECKLIST Conspicuous Plants of the Canopy Tower, Canopy Lodge & Environs Family Schizaeaceae (Lygodium) Muntingiaceae (Muntingia) Capulin Selaginellaceae (Spike-moss) Rutaceae (Citrus) Common/Scientific names Notes 167. Climbing Fern Lygodium venustum 168. Capulin Muntingia calabura 169. Spike-moss Selaginella horizontalis 170. Prickly Yellow Zanthoxylum panamense Aquifoliaceae (Holly) 171. Garlic Wood Lecythidaceae (Brazil Nut) 172. Membrillo Boraginaceae (Forget-me-not) Ilex guianensis Gustavia superba 173. Muñeco Cordia panamensis 174. Indian Heliotrope Heliotropium indicum 175. Chiggery Grapes Tournefortia hirsutissima Nodding Clubmoss Polypodiaceae (Polypodium) 176. Creeping Polypod Lycopodiaceae (Clubmoss) 177. Nodding Clubmoss Cyclanthaceae (Cyclanthus) 178. Panama Hat Plant Loranthaceae (Mistletoe) 179. Mistletoe Serpocaulon ptilorhizon Lycopodiella cernua Carludovica palmata Psittacanthus ramiflora days 1 2 3 12. 4 5 6 7 8