- LSU Cold Case Project


- LSU Cold Case Project
AUSA, Shreveport, La., desires no additional
Investigation and feels case has no prosecutive
The following investigation was conducted by
At S hreveport, Louisiana
On August 22, 1962, E. V. BOAGNI, Assistant U. S.
Attorney, advised SA THURMAN P. KELLEY that captioned matter,
in his opinion, does not warrant further investigation and
has no prosecutive merits.
He said he is furnishing his
opinion in writing to the New Orleans FBI Office.
By communication dated August 23, 1963,
from Honorable Edward L. Shaheen, U.S. attorney, Shreveport,
Louisiana, the opinion was set forth that this case is without
prosecutive merit and no further investigation was desired.
The following observations were contained in this communication:
"The complainant, Curtis Lee Harris, together with
Wilbur Lee Henderson and Jack Davis, were convicted of
burglary on their pleas of guilty in the State District
Court, Concordia Parish, on April 6, 1962, Harris and Henderson
having been sentenced to seven years Imprisonment, Davis
to only three years due to the fact he had no prior criminal
record. Of the three defendants, only Harris made a complaint
alleging police brutality while in custody of state authorities,
the said complaint being evidenced by his letter dated July 18,
1962 addressed to "United States Justice Department,
Federal Building, New Orleans, Louisiana . " Whereas Henderson,
when recently Interviewed by Bureau agents, also contended
he was brutally treated while in the custody of state
authorities, he made no such complaint prior to that time.
The third defendant, Jack Davis, states he was in nowise
improperly treated while in custody of the state authorities
and that insofar as he knows neither Harris nor Henderson
were Improperly treated.
Harris further contends that not
only was he severely and brutally beaten while in custody
of state authorities but that he was forced to admit
participation in the burglary under threat of death.
"It should be particularly noted that despite the
fact complainant Harris was sentenced on April 6 , 1962
as aforesaid, complaint was not made by him until July 18 ,
1962 . The facts rather clearly indicate, in our opinion,
that the complaint was nob made by Harris as an afterthought.
Harris has a long criminal record with prior Dyer Act and
burglary convictions and has been brought into different
courts on criminal charges on prior occasions. It is
inconceivable to us that this defendant came into Court
and entered a guilty plea to the
burglary charge without protesting his innocene
or informing the sentencing judge that he had been forced
under pain of death to admit his guilt. It should be noted
that Roy S. Halcomb, Assistant District Attorney, 7th Judicial
Distrcit, when interviewed, stated he had talked privately
with Harris, Henderson, and Davis before they were taken into
court and that neither made any complaint to him about being
beten or showed any visible signs of a beating. He further
stated that each of the defendants told him he desired
to plead guilty to the charge. The court records indicate
no irregularities in the handling of the three defendants
and in the final disposition of the case. Based on the facts
submitted, we are forced to conclude that the statements of both
Harris and Henderson are untrue and that the statements of complainant
Harris are not entitled to credence or belief.
Curtis Lee Harris inmate of Louisiana state penitentiary, sent
letter to USA, Shreveport, La , dated 7/18/62, alleging that he
was beaten by police officers at Vidalia, La., on night 3/30/62 .
Same allegation made by HARRIS In signed statement. WILBUR LEE
Henderson, also Inmate LSP, who was sentenced on same Burglary
charge as HARRIS, alleges In signed statement he was also beaten.
JAKE DAVIS, Ferriday, La., sentenced with HARRIS and HENDERSON on
same chargee, states he was not beaten but was told by HARRIS and
HENDERSON that they were and observed HENDERSON to have swollen
wrist. Cellmates of HARRIS at Concordia Parish Jail observed
spots of blood on his shorts and that his clothes were torn. One
observed HARRIS to have swollen buttocks. ALBERTA HENDERSON, wife
of victim HENDERSON, Ferriday, who visited HENDERSON in Jail at
Vidalia, was not told of beating and saw no signs of mistreatment.
NELLIE HARRIS, Clayton, La., sister of victim HARRIS was told by
HARRIS of beating and advised shorts contained blood spots.
HENDERSON and DAVIS admit participation in burglary for which
sentenced and implicate HARRIS. HARRIS claims innocent. Records,
District Court, Vidalia, reflect HARRIS and HENDERSON, on 4/6/62,
sentenced seven years for Simple Burglary on guilty pleas. DAVIS,
on same date, received sentence of 3 years on guilty plea. Officers
and ISSAAC COWEN, JR., Deputies of Concordia Parish Sheriff’s
Ferriday, La., Police Dept. All officers deny beating or mis­
treatment of victims. AUSA, Shreveport, La., desires submission
of report before suggesting additional investigation or deciding
on merits of case. Descriptions subjects and victims set forth.
"Dear Sir:
"I am wrlti n g this letter to you to consider my
case. I was living In Ferriday, Louisiana In 1962.
had been there six weeks with a clean mine and heart,
mining my own business.
On March the twenty-ninth I was
Invited to a birthday party by a friend; while I was at
the party waiting until the other guest__ arrive - the
police walked in and asked me what is my n a m e . I told
them Curtis Haris and they replied _____ were looking for
They told me to come with them and so I did.
officer searched me but
he did not show me a wa r rant for
my arrest. I was taken
to the car; the officer asked me
questions about a place that was broken In.
"I did not know anything of what they were talking
about. The officer asked me where did
live? I told
him I was residing with grandmother In F erriday, Louis­
iana. They took me to my grandmother's home - they parked
the car Just a little before they got to the house. I
was locked to the cross-bars Inside the car. They entered
the house and came back to the car with my overnight bag.
My grandmother wanted to know where was the warrant to come
into her home searching & discomforting her. THey gave
her no explanation. They carried me over to Concordia
Parish Jail. All of this happened on March 29, 1962. I
was then locked in Jail. The next morning they brought me
down stars and asked was I ready to tell them the truth.
"I did not gat a lawyer, they did not set any bond
for to. Now I am serving a term of seven y e a r s in Angola
Prison for simple b u r g l a r y charge. I was s e n t e n c e
before Judge McGee in Vidalia, Louisiana. On March the
30th the original bandits were apprehended.
"Thanking you In advance for your kind consideration.
"Respectfully Yours,
* *
L. Harris"
NOAH W. CROSS, Sheriff, Concordia Pariah, Louisiana,
and R. W. WARREN, Chief of Police, Ferriday, Louisiana, were ad­
vised at the outset of this investigation that the investigation
was being made.
JACK DAVIS is under the supervision of state parole
officer PERRY O. WILLIAMS, 208 south walnut, Tallulah, Louisiana,
and when paroled, he was to go to work for LEO J. De JONG, 206
Mississippi avenue, Ferriday, Louisiana. His ex-wife, Mary Alice
Davis resides at 505 South 5th street, ferriday, which was also
listed as the house address of jack DAVIS.
"I am thirty six (36) years of age, have had two years
of grade school education and my home is ferriday, louisiana. on
april 6, 1962, in state district court, concordia Parish, Vidalia,
Louisiana, I pleaded guilty to a charge of burglary of the John
Davis store at wildsville, near jonesville, la. which burglary took
place in early march, 1962.
la early
It may
have been
1968, It may have been
about March 9, 1962.
"Regarding the burglary, Curtis Harris, "Jake" Davis,
and I drove out to the store In Davis' a 1960 Ford pick-up truck.
Davis and Harris broke the lock on the back door of the store,
went inside and came out about ten minutesa later while I waited
outside as the lookout. They had stolen one box of undershirts In
the store and this was all they took to the best of my knowledge.
As far as I know Curtis Harris kept the undershirts. After the
burglary, we drove back to Ferriday, La., to our homes.
"On the day after Curtis Harris was arrested for this
burglary I was arrested by Deputies Frank Delaney and Bill August
of the Concordia Parish Sheriff's Office, Vidalia, La. They
came and arrested me at my home at 703 Alabama Ave., Ferriday,
La., and took me to the City Jail in Ferriday, La., where I was
held for about six hours and then taken to the Concordia Parish
Jail at Vidalia, La., by the same two deputies. The deputies
told me I was under arrest for the above-mentioned store burglary.
While at the City Jail In Ferriday, La., these two deputies said
they were going to whip me because I wouldn’t admit the burglary.
They did not whip me or mistreat me then because the City Jailer,
Mr. Clark said the City Mayor would not stand for any mistreat­
ment of prisoners.
"They then made me get on a table and lay on my
stomach with my clothes on. Ike, Jr., Barlow and a fifth
man in the room, Mr. Horts (phonetic), a white man, age about
22, about 6'1", heavy build, c a r r y i n g a revolver in his belt
holster, held me down. Then Frank Delaney started whipping
me with a leather strap about 18" to 24" long, 3" wide and
about 1/4" thick. This strap was fastened to a wooden handle
about 11/2" in diameter and about 9" long. When Delaney got
or whipping me, Ike, Jr. whipped me then Bill August
and then Barlow whipped me In that order. In all, they whipped
me for about one half-hour. They whipped me on my seat, the
backs of my legs and the back of my hands, wrists and lower
arms. The whipping caused me to blood and there was blood on
my undershirt and shorts. There was swelling and I couldn't
set down for two days. I know of no scars or marks left on
my body from this whipping.
"Ike, Jr. and Bill August than took me to an adjoining
room to talk to me some more. They told me to tell the truth
and they would let me off with a suspended sentence. Then jr.
Horts (phonetic) came in
asked the other two men if I had
admitted the burglary. They said "No." Then Jr. Horts told
me If I didn't tell the truth he was going to shoot me and at
the same time had his gun in his hand. I was scared andad­
mitted to them that I was along when the store was burglarized
but didn't break into or go into the store myself. I also
admitted that Curtis Harris and "Jake" Davis, both of Ferriday,
La., broke Into the Davis Store. I didn't tell the officers
about the undershirts that were taken from the store.
"I didn't see Curtis Harris again until
we were
guilty to the burglary. At that
whipped Into a confession by
Frank Delaney, Bill August and Mr. Barlow on the same night
that I was whipped.
taken to c o u rt and pleaded
time H a r r is told me he w as
"About three days after I was whipped, the Jail author­
ities let my wife, Alberta Henderson, 705 Alabama Avenue,
Ferriday, La., come to visit me. She told me that Curtis
Harris' sister, Nellie Harris, Clayton, La., had visited
Curtis and brought him clean clothes. I don't know If Nellie
Curtis picked up Curtis' soiled clothes.
"Since being committed to the Angola State Penitentiary*
Curtis Harris and I have discussed our whippings by The Concordia Parish Sheriff's Officers,
"On the Saturday after I was arrested, "Jake” Davis
was arrested at Memphis, Tennessee, and on the next day,
Sunday, was brought to the Concordia Parish Jail and was
put In the same cell with me. To my knowledge, the officers
never whipped or mistreated him. Davis told me that while
being transported from Memphis, Tenn., to Vidalia, La.,
by S h e r i f f Nola Crors and Deputy Badgett, he, “Jake" Davis
freely and voluntarily admitted to them his participation
In the store burglary for which he was arrested. When
C u r t is Harris, "Jake" Davis and I were taken to court to­
gether, Harris and I both told Davis about having been
whipped by the officers. Davis asked me about the swelling
The following description and background information
was obtained by observation and interview:
Date of birth
H air
Scars and Marks
Marital statue
Military Service
Arrest Record
WILBUR LEE HENDERSON (a k a . W i l bert)
N egro
5 '5”
3, 1926
Scar left forearm and calf of right
Vidalia, Louisiana,
1 9 5 0 , 3 years
at Angola
Alabama Avenue
Ferriday: Louisiana
Rayville, La.
Pittfield Plantation
(Near Ferriday, La.)
s is te r :
S a n t a Ma r i a , C a l i f o r n i a
HENDERSON further furnished the followingdescription
of the five police officers involved:
Deputy Sheriff Brash Delaney - white male , age - in
6'6", 250 lbs., heavy build, dark hair (brown or black), w e a r i n g
gray uniform, white shirt, black or dark brown n e c k t i e , emblem round patch on sleeve.
Deputy Sheriff Bill August - white male, age about 40,
5 '10"-11", 160 lbs., slender build, light color hair, dress
same as Delaney.
Deputy (FNU) Barlow - white male, age In 40's,5
lbs.,heavy build, light hair, light complexion, dress
- same.
Ike* Jr. (LNU) - white male,
dark hair, uniform - same as Delane y .
mid 30's, 5 '6", 190
- 200 l bs .,
Jr., Horts (Phonetic) - white male, age - about 22, 6 '1",
180 lbs., medium to heavy build, brown hair, uniform - same as above.
"I w a s b o rn o n 7 -3 1 -3 2 a t A u n g u ills , M is s. I w a s
r e le a s e d fr o m t h e F e d e r a l C o r r e c t io n a l In s t it u t io n
at T e x a r k a n a , T e s ., o n 2 -7 -6 2 a n d w e n t t o F e r r id a y , L a ., t o
liv e w it h m y g r a n d m o t h e r , M is s ie H a r r is , a n d m y a u n t s , L u c y ,
a n d M r s . A lb e r t a H e n d e r s o n , a n d h e r h u s b a n d , W ilb e r t
H e n d e rs o n , a t 7 0 5 A la b a m a A v e .
"On March 29, 1962, about 7:30 PM, Bill Ogden,
a s s i s t a n t c h i e f , F e r r i d a y P o l i c e Department, and an officer
known to me as Frank, last name unknown, Ferriday police
department, came to a tavern operated by a man named Robert
and asked my name. I told them I was Curtis Harris. They
said I was the one they wanted. They took me to my grand­
mother's house, left me locked to the crossbar In the car,
and they went Into the house and brought out my overnight
bag. They also picked up my uncle, Wilbert Henderson. They
searched Wilbert's 1956 Ford and took a crowbar, a long
screwdriver, a tire tool and a .22 rifle from the trunk.
"They then took Wilbert to the city jail and me
to the Vidalia Parish Jail.
"The next day, 3-30-62, Bill Ogden, Chief Deputy
Sheriff Barlow, Vidalia Parish, and a Ferriday police
officer known to me as Ike, Jr., questioned me and asked
why I had the screwdriver and a small bar in my bag.
These articles had been in the trunk of the car, and I
told them the tools had not been in my bag. They said
Wilberhadsaid they were in the bag. Wilbert had been
m o v e d o v e r t o t h e p a r is h ja i l.
"That same night about 1 1 :30 PM , it was stormy
and raining, t
h e J a i l e r , Mr. C la r k , and Ike, Jr., t o a
policeman named Frank came to the cell b lo c k and took me
do w n sta irs t o a sm a ll ro o m about 10 by 15 f e e t o n t h e f i r s t
floor. I noticed a safe in this room.
"The asked me if I was going to tell them t
h e
truth about Guy's Chevrolet place (this place is about one
mile from Ferriday on Highway #84) before I got my ass
whipped. I told them I didn't know anything about h
te place.
"There were about 6 or 9 officers in the room and
Jailer Clark.
"They told me to take my shoes off and pull down
my pants and get on the table, which I did, stomach down.
"The officers named Frank and Ike, Jr., one on
each side of the table, started hitting me alternately with
large black holster belts. They would hit me and than
ask m eIf I was going to tell the truth. This continued
for about 10 minutes. They were hitting me on the back
side of my body. I yelled and Bill Ogden put his hand over
my mouth. I was hit once on the side of the head and
I fell off the table onto the floor. They told me to get
up, and when I did not, they hit me while I was on the
“Bill Ogden and an officer who I believe is
named Ike Harden, started hitting me. When they started,
another officer asked If they were going to make me do
the twist and Ike Harden said he didn't know, but he was
going to try. They hit me intermittently for a period of
about four minutes. They stopped and Jailer Clark brought
coffee for the officers. I got off the table and sat on a
chair, and I told them they ware wasting their time. Ike, Jr.,
said I would plead guilty or they would kill me. They
said I would go to Angola and if I came back I would leave
in a pin e box n ext tim e. C hief D eputy Sheriff B arlow and
an unknow n officer in civilian clothes then hit m e w ith the
same belts.
"They had been questioning me about two burglaries
on Hwy 84, a store and the Chevrolet place, and about 9
places in Ferriday.
"I told them to put the whole thing on me.
"The next day they picked up Robert Hibler who
admitted the nine burglaries in Ferriday. Hibler told
me he did the burglaries In Ferriday and none on Hwy 64.
Jake Davis was also arrested for burglary of the
store on Hwy 64.
"On April 6, 1962, Wilbert H enderson, Jake Davis
and I w ent before Judge McGee and entered pleas of guilty
to simple burglary of the store on Hwy. 84. I did not
toll the Judge I had been beaten and that I was pleading
guilty because of the beating and threats .
"After I was beaten on the night of 3-30-62 I
showed the following described cellmates where I was
"Willie Conner, resident of Ferriday, in jail for
"Emmett (LNU), In for non-support.
"Dave Milton, former patient, state hospital,
Jackson, La., now In Angola.
"Joe (LNU) in for non-support, known by Willie
"/s/ Curtis L. Harris
HARRIS advised that he is receiving treatment for
compound fracture of a leg, injury received when he fell
off a vehicle at Louisiana State Penitentiary. He expects
to be hospitalized about five months from this date.
The following is a description of CURTIS LEE
The following, each widely acquainted in the area, ad­
vised on August 1, 1962, that THOMAS ALLEN is unknown to them;
N. A. MOULLE, Fire Chief
JUNIOR HARP, Police Department
R. W. WARREN, Chief of Police
WILLIE CONNER, Ferrlday, who was In the cell with ALLEN,
did not know address.
EMMETT MARTIN, Ferriday, who was In the cell with ALLEN,
did not know address.
DAVIS stated that he remained in the cell with HENDERSON
for five days and that he, DAVIS, was never mistreated by any of
the police officers either at the Jail or on the trip back from
Memphis. He advised that he did not see HARRIS at the Jail as he
was kept In a cell several cells away.
He stated that all three men, DAVIS, HENDERSON and HARRIS,
went to court five days after his return from Memphis and that all
three pleaded guilty. HARRIS and HENDERSON each received a seven
year sentence and he received a three year sentence because he had
no previous record.
Two days after the sentencing, Mr. NOAH CROSS and Mr. BAGBY
took HENDERSON and DAVIS to Angola and BILL OGDEN and IKE took HARRIS.
When they all arrived at Angola, HARRIS told DAVIS that he was whipped
and that he, HARRIS, was going to report the m istreatm ent that
h e received . D A V IS stated th at h e saw n o sign s o f in ju ry o n
HARRIS but that he did notice some of his clothes had been mended
in a crude manner.
D AVIS stated that he rem ained at A ngola from April 9,
1962, to June 19, 1962, and that he has had no contact w ith H ARRIS
or HENDERSON since that time.
D A V IS d e c lin e d to fu rn is h a sig n e d sta te m e n t.
WARREN advised that he had no arrest record for
He advised that the arrest of CURTIS HARRIS was made
by FRAN K DeLAUGHTER of his department at the request of the
Concordia Parish Sheriff's Department, and he had no records
of the case or the arrest.
ALBERTA HENDERSON, 703 Alabama Avenue, advised that
she went to the Parish Jail at V idalia, Louisiana, sometime
during the spring of 1962 to see her husband, WILBUR HENDERSON,
also was charged with burglary. She said at that time that
HENDERSON did not mention to her anything about being b eaten
by any officers and that she saw no signs of a beatin g on
HENDERSON. She said she took some dirty clothes of HENDERSON's
to wash, consisting of pants and shirt. She stated th at
neither of thes e garments had any stains on them resembling
blood stains, and that she had no previous Information th at
H E NDERSON or either of the other persons Involved In the
burglary with h i m w a s beaten until she w a s que s t i o n e d about It
on this d a t e .
NELLIE HARRIS stated that she visited at Vidalia
with the wife of WILBUR HENDERSON, who was in another cell,
and did not know if HENDERSON had sent out any c l o t h e s or
what he t o ld h is w i f e .
Two other prisoners In the same cell with HARRIS and
CONNERwere EMMETTMARTIN of Ferriday, Louisiana, and THOMAS
ALLEN, who is not known to reside In or around Concordia Parish
CONNER declined to furnish a signed statement.
He stated that the shove Incident took place
near the end of March, 1962, and that several days later,
he, MARTIN, was moved to another cell and placed in this
MARTIN declined to furnish a signed statement.
"I, Dave Milton, make the following
voluntary statement to Carlyle N. Reed and
Conrad J. Janish who have identified them­
selves to me as Special Agents of the F ederal
Bureau of Investigation.
"I am 50 years of age, have had a third
grade education and my permanent residence is
Vidalia, Louisiana. I am presently serving a
five year sentence In Angola, Louisiana State
Penitentiary, on a charge of manslaughter for
shooting and killing a man in 1931. For 23
years Immediately prior to being sentenced to
the Penitentiary I was a mental patient at the
East Louisiana State Hospital, Jackson, Louisi­
ana, except for about three months that I was
held at the Concordia Parish Jail until being
sentenced on April 6, 1962, to the Penitentiary.
I don't know the exact diagnosis for
condition except to say that I was given electric
shock treatments.
"I was sentenced and was in court at Vidalia,
Louisiana, the same day that Curtis Harris was
sentenced. I remember that Harris was arrested
on a Friday nite, one week beforeh
tenced on April 6, 1962, and we shared the same
cell all the time that Harris was in the Concordia
Parish Jail waiting to appear in court.
"On Saturday night, one day after Harris was
put In my cell, the Jailer, Mr. Clark came and
"That same morning Harris showed us the
scars and marks on the back of the upper portion
of his legs. There were possibly as many as
75 such scars, marks or bruises. There bad been
bleeding which had scabbed over. His n e c k was
swollen and Harris said this was caused from
being choked by the officers . There was blood
on his undershorts and pants and his pants were
torn. Harris still felt sore from the beating
when he was sentenced on April 6 , 1962. To my
knowledge a doctor did not visit h im in the
Concordia Parish Jail.
"Harris said he was beaten to t
r y to get
him to confess to a breaking and entering and
claimed that although he was present at this
particular breaking and entering,d
either and had stayed on the outside.
"This statement in the handwriting of
Agent Reed and consisting of five pages has been
read to me by Agent Reed and it is true and
correct to the best of my k n o w l e d g e . I have
Initialed the first four pages and any corrections.
The criminal docket of the clerk of court's
office dated April 6, 1962, reflected that Curtis Harris,
number 9333, Wilbur Henderson, number 9334, and Jake
Davis, number 9335, entered pleas of guilty to the charge
of simple burglary and that Henderson and Harris received
a sentence of seven years each and that Davis received a
sentence of three years.
Neither HARRIS or Henderson made any complaint
to him about being whipped nor did either man ask for a
doctor or for attention. Neither man showed any signs of
being mistreated during the time that they were downstairs
for questioning nor did he have any knowledge that they
were whipped as alleged.
CLARK declined to furnish a signed statement.
Roy HALCOMB, Assistant District attorney,
advised that he had no Information that either CURTIS
or Wilbur Henderson was be a t e n b y o f f i c e r a t
the Concordia Pariah Jail, Vidalia, Louisiana, p r i o r
to the time they were sentenced for Simple Burglary in
early April, 196 2 . He said that he had ta lked privately
with each of these men before they were taken into court
and that neither made any complaint to him about being
beaton nor showed any visible signs of a beating.
stated that each one told him he desired to plead g u i l t y
to the charges, which they did later on the same day he
had conferred with them, and they were sentenced t o t h e
Louisiana State Penitentiary.
Mr. HALCOMB advised that he had nof
the burglary In his office, and the onlyr
to exist were In the office of the Clerk of Court, Vidalia,
BARLOW advised that he, IKS COWEN , and
BILL OGDEN, other members of his department, had
requested that Jailer ERNEST CLARK bring HENDERSON
down to the Sheriff's Office on the first floor of
the court house. He said he believed that FRANK
DELAUGHTER and JUNIOR H A R M members of the Ferriday,
Louisiana Police Department were also present but
took no part in the interrogation. He advised that
HENDERSON, when confronted with the plaster cast
which had been obtained at Wildsville, admitted
his participation in the Wildsville burglary and
had implicated CURTIS HARRIS and JAKE DAVIS. He
estimated that HENDERSON was questioned for only
about thirty to thirty-five minutes, and was then
taken back upstairs to the jail and HARRIS was brought
He and FRANK DELAUGHTER arrested Curtis
HARRIS and Wilbur HENDERSON one evening in March,
1962 after receiving a tip from an informant that
HARRIS warn bragging that he could show other men how
to got money without working for it. HARRIS was
arrested at a bar and taken to a house w h ere HARRIS
and HENDERSON were living. Henderson gave the
officers permission to search the
which they did. A complete set of burglary tools
were found In the car as was a
HENDERSON stated that the rifle
tools belonged to HARRIS.
and both men were taken to the
where they were
to the Concordia
The two men were put in separate cells. He believed
the next day, HENDERSON
to the Sheriff's Office where
HENDERSON was confronted
the shoe that HENDERSON was still wearing when
arrested. HENDERSON then
participated in the burglary. Henderson was
questioned for about 1/2 an hour. When Henderson was
to his cell,
questioning. HARRIS was
minutes and would
COWEN advised that both HARRIS and
HENDERSON were arrested at F e r r i d a y d u r i n g t h e
latter part of March 1962 and were b r o u g h t t o t h e
Parish Jail at Vidalia, Louisiana. He s a i d t h e
night they were put in jail, h e , a l o n g w i t h o t h e r
interested officers, came to V i d a l i a a n d J a i l e r
ERNEST CLARK brought HENDERSON f r o m t h e j a i l on t h e
fourth floor of the Paris h C o u r t h o u s e t o t h e
Sheriff's Office on the f i r s t f l o o r . H e a d v i s e d
that HENDERSON was questioned b y h i m , D e p u t y S h e r i f f
BILL OGDEN, and Chief Deputy S h e r i f f ROY BARLOW.
He advised that after Henderson's shoes were
compared with a plaster least of a footprint obtained
at the scene of the burglary at Wildsville, Louisiana,
COWEN advised that he d id not s t r ik e
either HARRIS or HENDERSON and th at n o o n e e ls e
struck them, pointed a gun at them, o r oth erw ise
abused them when they were in terv iew e d . He s a id he
felt that a strong case had been built against both
HARRIS and HENDERSON without any type of forced confession, and stated that
open court when
In District Court.
Descript ion of COWEN, obtained during
interview, Is:
Date of birth
10/4/26, Concordia
Parish, Louisiana
NO 4 4 -1 585
Marital status
5'7 1/2"
H eavy
Dark brown
Concordia Parish,
Louisi a n a
115 Cown Street, Cowen
COWEN declined tof
HARP said upon arriving in Vidalia, he
went to the Sheriff's Office on the first floor
of the court house, and found that other officers
were there questioning HENDERSON and HARRIS. He
said he saw these officers, identity not recalled,
showing HARRIS and HENDERSON some plaster casts.
He said that he did act participate in the inter­
rogation of either HENDERSON or HARRIS. He said
that HENDERSON, when confronted with a plaster cast
said taken from the scene of the burglary at Wildsville, Louisiana, confessed that he was implicated
HARP advised that he stayed at the
Sheriff's Office about 30 minutes before both,
Henderson and HARRIS were taken back upstairs to
the Jail. He stated that while he was present
at the Sheriff's Office, no one struck either
HARRIS or HENDER S O N . He said he did not talk
to Harris at a l l , did not point a gun at him and
threaten h i m , and stated that be was not w e aring
a gun at all that night.
HARP's description, obtained during
interview, Is :
Date & Place of
Marital status
Bern 11/13/30, LaSalle
Parish, Louisiana
Medium brown
Above City Fire Station,
Ferriday; Louisiana
Police Patrolman, Ferriday,
Louisiana, Police Department
Married, 1 child
U.S. Navy, 2/12/51 - 1/13/55
HARP declined to furnish a signed statemen
He and BILL OGDEN received a tip about
CURTIS HARRIS making the statement that he could
show others how to get money without working and
that they arrested HARRIS at a bar and then drove
over to Wilbur HENDERSON's house where both HARRIS
and Henderson were living. He did not remember
If they had a warrant for HARRIS and HENDERSON or
not but stated that they both were suspects In the
burglary of a store at Wildsville, Louisiana. A
search of the car found at Henderson's house dis­
closed a complete set of burglary tools in the
trunk, which Henderson stated were HARRIS'. A .22
caliber rifle belonging to Henderson was also found
In the trunk. These tooIs were the type believed
used on the burglary for which the men were arrested.
Henderson stated that the officers could look through
the house and car, which they did. Both men were
arrested in late March, 1962 about 8:00 or 9:00
PM and taken to the Ferriday City Jail. That same
night, the men were taken to the Concordia Parish
Jail at Vidalia, Louisiana where they were placed
In separate cells. Henderson was brought downstairs
and questioned first and admitted his part in the
burglary when confronted with a cast of a shoe
print made at the scene of the burglary which matched
the shoe Henderson was wearing when questioned.
Henderson also stated that CURTIS HARRIS and JAKE
DAVIS were In on the Job. HENDERSON was questioned
about 20 minutes and HARRIS was then brought down
and questioned for 30 - 48 minutes. HARRIS would
DeLaughter declined t o furnish a signed
The following description was o b t a i n e d
by observation and interview:
C. L. H A RRIS - V I C T I M
Attached hereto Is a Photostat of a letter from
C. L. Harris in which he alleged he was beaten by officers
of the Ferriday Police Department, Ferriday, Louisiana.
Source advised that It was no surprise to him
when JONES and the others appeared at his office, conse­
quently, he assumes someone had telephoned him to expect
the group or someone had told him in person that this
group was coming to see him.
Source said he went outside and as he approached
the automobile, which he believes to have been green or
red in color with bucket seats, JONES was getting out of
the rear seat, Jones told the source that he had been
shot and that he had a bullet in the cheek of his face.
JONES said that his throat and jaw were sore and he
feared Infection, Source, stated that JONES at that time
A f t e r t e l e p h o n i n g
t h e
d o c t o r ,
s o u r c e
s t a t e d
h e
w e n t
b a c k
o u t s i d e
a n d
g a v e
t h i s
g r o u p
d i r e c t i o n s t o
t h e
d o c t o r ' s
o f f i c e .
S o u r c e
a d v i s e d
h e
r e c a l l e d
o n e
o f
t h e
i n d i v i d u a l s
i n
t h e
a u t o m o b i l e
w a s
o f
s m a l l
b u i l d
and he picked out
a p h o t o g r a p h
o f
J a m e s
E .
B l a n e y
a s
a p p e a r i n g
t o
h a v e
s i m i l a r
b u i l d
a s
t h i s
s m a l l
i n d i v i d u a l .
Source advised
t h a t
t h e
f o u r t h
i n d i v i d u a l
i n
this vehicle,
h e
b e l i e v e d
w a s
t h e
d r i v e r
a n d
h e
c o u l d
n o t
r e c a l l
t h e
i d e n t i t y
o f
JN 44-2044
Source Is of the opinion that the doctor
treated JONES but the doctor had thought It best not
to remove the pellet.
Source stated he did not discuss this matter
with the doctor, JONES, or anyone else subsequent to
the Incident. He could not recall the reason that he
was of the opinion the pellet had not been removed from
JONES' cheek.
Klan Rally and March,
Baton Rouge, La.
Universal Klans of America
Klan Influence in Miss.
Primary Elections
UKA, Pike County, Miss.
Ladies Auxiliary, McComb
UKA, Carroll County
Source stated he had learned that one ACE CARTER
had made the statement that ROBERT SHELTON, Imperial Wizard
of the UKA, would sell out to either candidate for the
price of $1000. Source was not aware upon what basis CARTER
made this assumption.
Source stated he had learned that GEORGE BALLARD,
Titan, Brookhaven; and FERRELL MC CORMICK of Jackson, Miss.,
had scheduled a meeting with gubernatorial candidate
WILLIAM WINTER in Brookhaven, Miss., on 8/18/67. Source
learned that candidate WINTER failed to show up at this
8/19,20/67: Source stated that ERNEST GILBERT had received a
call from W. J. KIDD and J. C. BORSEY from Baton Rouge, La.,
requesting GILBERT to come to Baton Rouge on Sunday,
8/20/67, and bring with him as many Klansmen from Missis­
sippi as he could muster. Source stated he had subsequently
learned that GILBERT did, in fact, go to Baton Rouge on
Sunday. However, it was his understanding that he would
not take anyone with him until he surveyed the situation
to determine the need of Mississippi Klansmen in Baton
Rouge. GILBERT told source that upon arriving in Baton
Rouge and surveying the situation, GILBERT told W. J. KIDD
and J. C. BORSEY that since the city was so tense, he
encouraged them hot to march or hold a rally as there
Source stated that he believes that gubernatorial
candidate JIMMY SWAN was defeated In his bid for Democratic
candidate for Governor In the recent election held on 8/8/67
due to the public knowledge of his Klan affiliation and asso­
ciation with Klan members.
Source stated he feels that the
voters of Mississippi are "fed u p ” with "niggers" and at
the same time are "fed up" with "kluckers".
He feels that
because of SWAN's association with kluckers, It had a
definite effect on the amount of votes he received.
ALABAMA. 9/2-3/67:
Source stated that ERNEST GILBERT had advised
source that he, GILBERT, would be attending the National
Klonvocation held in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
Source stated that he was not acquainted with
this individual and could furnish no information concerning
his possible whereabouts at this time.
Source advised that approximately six to eight
weeks ago, the Ladies Auxiliary in McComb, Miss., arranged
TOMMY JONES, in company of three other individuals,
two of whom are believed to be J. K. GREER and JIMMY WHITE,
and traveling in what was believed to be JONES' car, came
to Brookhaven, Miss., and JONES was treated for a shotgun
wound in the face and jaw. JONES allegedly stated that
he had been following two lovers in a car when he was shot,
in the face with a shotgun. He wanted the wounds treated
as he feared infection would result therefrom.
The fo llo w in g in d iv id u a ls were a c t iv e ly engaged
in activities and were members o f the WKKKKOM in the McCombNatchez area during that p e rio d o f tim e:
Source s t a t e d BARRETT a tte n d s K la n r a l l i e s and
talks to in d iv id u a ls at th e s e m e e tin g s .
As he in t r o d u c e s
him self and o b ta in s th e names o f p e o p le he i s in c o n v e r s a t io n
w ith , he w r it e s t h e i r names and a d d re s s e s down.
S ou rce
stated this has c r e a t e d a d i s - t r u s t among members o f th e
Klan and they do n o t l i k e BARRETT f o r t h i s r e a s o n .
S o u rce
s ta ted that BARRETT i s n o t a member o f th e UKA and w i l l n o t
become a member o f th e UKA. He d o es n o t b e l i e v e t h a t
BARRETT is a member o f an y o t h e r K la n g ro u p i n M i s s i s s i p p i .
Source made a v a ila b le the fo llo w in g l e t t e r sen t
by ERNEST GILBERT to a l l Klansmen:
Source stated BARRETT attends Klan rallies and
talks to individuals at these meetings. As he introduces
himself and obtains the names of people he is in conversation
with, he writes their names and addresses down.
stated this has created a dis-trust among members of the
Klan and they do not like BARRETT for this reason.
stated that BARRETT is not a member of the UKA and will not
become a member of the UKA.
He does not believe that
BARRETT is a member of any other Klan group in Mississippi.
Source made available the following letter sent
by ERNEST GILBERT to all Klansmen:
Source stated that approximately a week after he
had been contacted by SCAROBOROUGH, T. L. TORGERSEN came to
him and asked If SCAROBOROUGH had asked the source about a
secret, secret organization within the Klan. When source
advised TORGERSEN that he had been contacted by SCAROBOROUGH
in connection with this organization, no further details
were then furnished by T O R G E R S E N .
A short time later, TOMMIE LEE JONES came to the
source and asked if SCAROBOROUGH had contacted him
regarding a secret, secret organization within the Klan.
Source stated that again he advised JONES as he had
TORGERSEN and no further details were furnished by JONES.
Source stated he knows for a fact that he has
never been contacted by RALEIGH JACKSON GLOVER and that
it was possible that when he had previously furnished
information regarding the individuals he believed to be
members of the Silver Dollar Group, that he h a d mentioned
the name of RALEIGH JACKSON GLOVER because at that time he
A short time later, TOMMIE LEE JONES came to the
source and asked if SCAROBOROUGH had contacted him
regarding a secret, secret organization within the Klan.
Source stated that again he advised JONES as he had
TORGERSEN and no further details were furnished by JONES.
Source stated he knows for a fact that he has
never been contacted by RALEIGH JACKSON GLOVER and that
it was possible that when he had previously furnished
Information regarding the individuals he believed to be
members of the Silver Dollar Group, that he had mentioned
the name of RALEIGH JACKSON GLOVER because at that time he
A short time later, TOMMIE LEE JONES cams to the
source and asked if SCAROBOROUGH had contacted him
regarding a secret, secret organization within the Klan.
Source stated that again he advised JONES as he had
TORGERSEN and no further details were furnished by JONES.
Source stated he knows for a fact that he has
never been contacted by RALEIGH JACKSON GLOVER and that
it was possible that when he had previously furnished
information regarding the individuals he believed to be
members of the Silver Dollar Group, that he had mentioned
the name of RALEIGH JACKSON GLOVER because at that time he
Source stated that he has known ''JUNIOR" HARRIS
since they were in elementary and high school together. He
stated that he told BURT that ho Would make an effort to
contact HARRIS to see If he could get HARRIS to drop the
charges. (Source stated he has no Intentions of becoming
involved in the bushhog case and, therefore, will not
contact HARRIS.)
Source advised that he has heard of no Klan
activity in Franklin County and he pointed out that the
Klan strength and Image i n Franklin County is apparently
very low and JAMES SEALE was not able to get sufficient
votes to put him into the second primary.
Source stated that he has heard of no Klan
activity on the part of FLOYD WHITE or J. W. FOSTER. Source
stated that he doubted seriously that either one of these
individuals was now active in any Klan activity.
Apparently because of the above, loss of control
and desiring better security, it was decided that a "Secret
Unit" should be formed. ERNEST FINLEY of Natchez talked to
JACK SEALE about joining the unit. In view of JACK'S interest
FINLEY took him to see RALEIGH JACKSON "RED" GLOVER at 113
Lee Street in Vidalia, Louisiana. FINLEY told GLOVER that
he had another man for their unit and shortly, GLOVER went
into his bedroom, got what appeared to be a leather pouch
of silver dollars and returned. He told FINLEY and SEALE
that he did not have any more with the date of 1886 on
them so he would give them silver dollars with the date of
1899. There were no special marks on these dollars to
source's observation. FINLEY, who apparently was already
an approved member received his silver dollar with SEALE.
No ceremony or swearing-in was performed by GLOVER then or
at any subsequent time. Actually, it was a Klan within a
GLOVER said that he would continue to obtain the
men in Louisiana and that FINLEY and SEALE should obtain
the men they wanted in Mississippi.
During 1964, the White Knights of the K u K l u x
K lan (WKKKK) had grown In Adams County t o considerably more
than a thousand; no selectivity was being used a n y more by
that time and Just about anybody could get I n . There were
too many men to control In one unit so Adams County was split
up Into five groups, the Sligo Klavern having more than 300
men In i t . A f t e r the split Into five Klavern s , the leadership lost control a l s o . T h e S l i g o Unit particularly got out
o f c o n t r o l . We had a re a l n i c e b u i l d i n g out on M o r g a n t o w n
Road on M r . HANEY's p lace in his p a s ture In w h i c h there was
a $4,000 air c o n d i t i o n i n g u n i t .
Apparently because of the above, loss of control
and desiring better security, it was decided that a "Secret
Unit" should be formed. ERNEST FINLEY of Natchez talked to
JACK SEALE about Joining the unit. In view of JACK'S interest,
FINLEY took him to see RALEIGH JACKSON "RED" GLOVER at 113
Lee Street in Vidalia, Louisiana. FINLEY told GLOVER that
he had another man for their unit and shortly, GLOVER went
into his bedroom, got what appeared to be a leather pouch
of silver dollars and returned. He told FINLEY and SEALE
that he did not have any more with the date of 1886 on
them so he would give them silver dollars with the date of
1899. There were no special marks on these dollars to
source's observation. FINLEY, who apparently was already
an approved member received his silver dollar with SEALE.
No ceremony or swearing-in was performed by GLOVER then or
at any subsequent time. Actually, it was a Klan within a
GLOVER said that he would continue to obtain the
men in Louisiana and that FINLEY and SEALE should obtain
the men they wanted in Mississippi.
Source reported that shortly thereafter, L. C.
Com m unity near Roxie, Mississippi, and then CHARLES FALVEY,
RALPH DAY, and the fellow HART who worked with a seismograph
company, all from Brookhaven, Mississippi, were taken In.
Mississippi, were solicited and approved for membership.
HAWKINS and WALDRUP were to get a third man from Jackson
but actually the third men was never obtained, nor were
HAWKINS and WALDRUP ever given their silver dollars as the
source Just never did get the dollars to them. In fact,
HAWKINS and WALDRUP were not approved until about the time
the Silver Dollar Group fizzled out around the time of the
fishfry in June of 1965.
WALTER GENE HALL of Roxie, as well as FALVEY,
HART, and D AY, were taken Into the group approximately two
months after the visit of FINLEY and SEALE with RED GLOVER
In Vidalia, Louisiana.
Source reported that the first meeting of this group
that he attended was held on the sandbar on the Homochitto
River near the bridge beyond Meadville, Mississippi, on the
McComb highway. This was probably about a month after the
visit above with RED GLOVER. Present were:
And possibly ERNEST B. PARKER
The first meeting centered around how they were
t o o p e r a t e , the s e c r e c y o f t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n a n d h o w a
member had to be v o u c h e d for. Source reported tha t no
"jobs" or projects were mentioned. The group did tinker with a
h e a r i n g device t h a t ha d be e n brought b y GLOVER, which he
purchased fro m a c a t a l o g . it looked like an electric heater
even to the element sticking out from the center of the
hearing ear. It did not work very we l l . Source believed
that at this meeting, the group discussed the obtaining of
guns and ammunition as there was a lot of ta lk that the
Federal Government was going to legislate against obtaining
t h o s e items. Source believed tha t each one of the group
g a v e GLOVER ten dollars to obtain these supplies and commented
that GLOVER never delivered any of the supplies, nor did he
return their ten dollars.
It was generally believed that if one of the
group had a Job he wanted to p u l l , he would Just select
the help he felt he needed and go do i t .
JACK SEALE more or less took charge of the
Mississippi men and would notify them of meetings and RED
GLOVER handled the Louisiana men.
Source reported that the second meeting he attended,
upon arrival, he observed that TOMMIE JONES and T . L .
TORGERSEN were already there and he learned they were members.
Present were;
Source could not be sure whether or not ERNEST B .
PARKER was present. Also from Mississippi were CHARLES
FALVEY, RALPH DAY, and LUTHER HART, the latter from Brookhaven, Mississippi.
Some of the Mississippi men decided that it was
not very smart f o r JONES and TORGERSEN to toss the dynamite
around, that It might be dangerous a n d , too, someone might
see them, so the meeting broke up.
Source reported that the third meeting he attended
as best he now recalls, was at Clear Springs Lake between
Roxie and Meadville, Mississippi, which was a month or two
after the last meeting. The group just sat around and held
a short bull session. He believed they had only stayed for
about an hour. Present were:
RED LEE's wife, JIMMY SCAROBOROUGH's wife, and
one or two more wives and children were present.
boy the source did not know made up the group at the fishfry.
During the afternoon, FINLEY, PARKER and MURRAY
went next door to the Forman Grocery and bought some things.
They left on the counter cards which stated "You have been
patronized by the United Klans of America."
The coffee grinder was used to grind saltpeter,
charcoal, and some other ingredient not now recalled to make
gunpowder. The powder was removed from a shotgun shell and
the mixture substituted but the shell would not explode.
They also tried to get it to explode in a bottle, and finally
someone said some fuse was needed. Source believed that it
was RED LEE and someone else who left and returned wit h some
fuse. Source said they then tried to get the Ingredients they
mixed to explode w i t h the fuse but were unsuccessful.
Source pointed out that TOMMIE JONES did not show
up for the fishfry. TORGERSEN left LEE's residence before
the PARKER car but the exact time is unknown. When PARKER's
car left the fishfry, it had gotten about half way between
the railroad track and LEE’s house when they met TORGERSEN
and TOMMIE JONES' wife headed in the direction of LEE's house
and waved them down. This was just about dark. The occupants
of BARKER'S car were notified that TOMMIE JONES was drunk
and in jail at Ferriday, Louisiana, The group drove to the
nearby Pick a nd pay score where they had some cokes and
ta lk e d . They waited f o r E. D. MORACE and Jimmy Scaroborough
to a r r iv e as they were much better acquainted In Ferriday,
L o u isia n a. The group departed for Ferriday where the Mayor
was contacted. ERNEST PARKER put up $150 of the $250 bond
but someone went and obtained the remainder. JONES was
Instructed to stay away from Ferriday but he returned later
and something happened to his bond.
Source reported this was the last meeting he
attended and said that nothing was mentioned about GEORGE
METCALFE nor any other project at any of the above meetings
or get-togethers.
Source reported further that he has learned nothing
concerning the identity of the ones responsible for the
bombing of WHARLEST JACKSON In Natchez, Mississippi.
Source reported that the Louisiana boys had told
and RED GLOVER going out the Horseshoe Lake Road (before you
get to the road to RED L E E 's former address) to see the Negro
man who raises birds. This Negro wore a goatee and allegedly
was head of the Black Muslims. They were going to "take care
o f him."
TOMMIE LEE JONES was carrying a shotgun which he
f a i l e d to load before he got out of the car.
These men
induced this Negro to go to his pens to look at his birds
but the Negro had been "had" before so he left his wife at
the back door with a shotgun. JONES a pp a r e n t l y showed his
gun and the wife shot him, necessitating getting the doctor
in Brookhaven, Mississippi, to remove the shot from JONES'
Source could not think of the doctor's name at this
Source was questioned as to the motives that anyone
would have for the explosion at Oberlin Jewelers, November 19,
1966. He stated it is common knowledge to the general public
that OBERLIN formerly lived with his sister as man and wife,
identifying the sister as the one who had run Rogers Jewelers.
He continued that OBERLIN sleeps with Negro women; Mrs.
OBERLIN has been caught sleeping with Negro men; and that his
daughter likewise fraternizes with Negro boys— in other words,
the whole family is immoral with Negroes.
The white community has been hostile against OBERLIN
since World War II when he allegedly came to Natchez as the
prime suspect in a $100,000 jewel theft. He was suspected of
having a lot of short-wave radio equipment under the Ritz
Theater and of consorting with the Communists,
Source reported that one of the Klan sources, a
telephone company man, had participated in running a number
of wires under the theater. It had come to their attention
that OBERLIN had had a room dug out under the theater building
but they had been unable to determine what he had stored down
there .
Source reported that he feels confident that some
one of the Louisiana Klansmen had told him about this case.
As best he could recall, "they" took the boy to thee
possibly to whip him, and overdid it. It seems they rolled
him down the levee thinking he was dead or had buried him
on the levee.
Source never heard anything about burying anyone
in a refrigerator. He felt this occurred before the Silver
Dollar Group was actually formed.
Source was confident In his own mind that the
above man from the Sligo group were responsible for taking
WINSTON to the swamp where several of the men beat him with
bull whips.
Source explained that the above group would just
load up In a car and drive around until someone could think
of some Negro that "needed it," find him and let him have It.
Source reported that he had heard through Klan
circles that a Mississippi Highway Safety Patrolman assigned
at Natchez had several days prior to February 1, 1964, stopped
ROY BEESON and his Negro girl friend driving drunk and naked
on a local highway. The Sligo group of the W K KK K found out
about it. This group was responsible for taking BEESON to a
remote spot, stripping him to the waist, and beating him.
Source understood that JAKE FRISHMAN, a white
and a Negro man had words over a Negro woman they were both
associating with. The Negro man, as best his Klan group could find out, set fire to FRISHMAN's house. Source indi­
cated that the Klan had gotten their information from the
police at Natchez.
Source learned what he knew of the M O R R I S d e a t h o n ly
from the newspaper accounts and was n ot aware of the D A V I S
J A C K S O N COPIES (Continued)
Source heard a few years ago, possibly 1963,
that TOMMIE L. JONES, for some unrecalled reason, picked
up a Negro painter who lived in the area of JACK MOORE’s
grocery store located on Madison Street in Natchez, and
under the pretext of having him look at a house, drove
him out of town. Afterwards, JONES was joined by other
individuals and they whipped the Negro.
Source advised that E. L. MC DANIEL, who was
the organizer for the OKKKK at that time, heard about
the incident and he, JACK SEALE, DOUBLAS BYRD, and L. C.
MURRAY went to JONES' home in the Cloverdale Section of
Natchez and talked with JONES about the incident. JONES
admitted to this group that he had participated in beating
the Negro but he would not identify the individuals who
participated in the beating with him. JONES advised the
group they could kill him but he would not identify the
other participants.
Source advised that the group told JONES if he
beat anyone else, they would give him a beating.
Source advised he had learned that when
Natchez attorney, talked with RALEIGH JACKSON GLOVER about re­
presenting him in connection with the theft of the bush hog
charge against GLOVER in Jefferson County, Mississippi, he
told GLOVER he must tell him the truth about the bush hog
matter. GLOVER told RILEY the charge is a "frame-up" by
the FBI .
Source also learned that GLOVER told RILEY he had
never been involved in anything personally.
GLOVER did not
explain that comment.
Source al so learned that GLOVER had told RILEY
in the recent past that several individuals had disappeared
in Concordia Parish, Louisiana. GLOVER supposedly did not
tell R I L E Y the identities of the individuals who had dis­
a p p e a r e d nor did he tell RILEY the race of those individuals.
S o u r c e advised he would attempt to obtain additional
regarding the disappearance of these individuals.
Source advised that the Silver Dollar G roup
(SDG) was formed because some of the Klansmen were
dissatisfied with the way the Klan was being operated.
of the Klansmen wanted to form a Klan wit h i n the Klan.
members of the new secret unit had to be trusted and members had
to vouch for each other.
Members w ere not required to h ave
committed acts o f violence In the past In order to b e c o m e
members o f the SDG.
Source advised he heard MYRON WAYNE "JACK" SEALE
and ERNEST FINLEY (deceased), both of Natchez, Mississippi,
a p p r o a c h e d L. C. MURRAY, of Natchez, about becoming a member
of the secret unit.
This first contact with MURRAY was made
from a few m o n t h s to a y e a r prior to the fishfry at the
residence of JAMES FREDERICK LEE, which was in the Summer of
Source advised that the same day that M U R R A Y w as
approached to join this new group, SEALE and F I N L E Y t o o k h i m
to a night meeting. M U R R A Y was told this was a s e l e c t group,
and the group did not meet w i t h the Klan.
Source advised this meeting took place in an oil
field off Liberty Road in Natchez. The following individual
were in attendance at the meeting, in addition to SEALE,
Shortly after the first meeting, a second m e e t i n g
of this group was held near the site of the first m e e t i n g .
At this meeting source learned that Individuals in C o n c o r d i a
P a r i s h , Louisiana, and F r a n k l i n County, M i s s i s s i p p i , al s o
b elonged to this group.
S o u r c e learned that F I N L E Y and
J A C K SEALE a p p a r e n t l y w e r e the leaders of the members of
this group in Mississippi.
At this meeting MURRAY was given a silver dollar
by FINLEY , who took the coin from a paper bag. Most of the
early members of this group were given coins dated 1 8 8 6 .
A f t e r they gave out all of the coins with this date on it,
they gave out silver dollars w i t h other dates.
Source b e l ieved
MURRAY' s silver dollar was dated 1 8 9 8 .
Source a d v i s e d h e
ob served the coin which was g iven to M U R R A Y and he saw no
unusual markings on it.
Source identified the following individuals at
this m e e t i n g :
Shortly after
the first
meeting, a
s e c o n d m e e t i n g of t h i s
held near the site
of the first
At this meeting source
learned that Individuals in Concordia
Parish, Louisiana, and Franklin County,
a l s o be l o n g e d t o t h i s g r o u p . S o u r c e
l e a r n e d t h a t F I N L E Y a n d JA C K S E A L E
apparently were
m e m b e r s o f th i s
At this meeting
s i l v e r
d o l l a r by
t h e
c o i n
f r o m
t h e ea r l y m e m b e r s
r e
g i v e n
c o i n s
group in Mississippi.
w a s
g i v e n
F I N L E Y ,
w h o
t o o k
paper bag. Most of
o f
t h i s
g r o u p
w e
d a t e d 1886. A f t e r t h e y
g a v e o u t a l l o f t h e c o i n s w i t h
t h i s d a t e o n i t , th e y g a v e o u t s i l v e r
d o l l a r s
w i t h
o t h e r
d a t e s .
S o u r c e
b e l i e v e d MU R R A Y ' s
s i l v e r
d o l l a r
w a s
d a t e d
1 8 9 8 .
S o u r c e
a d v i s e d
h e ob s e r v e d
the coin which was given to MURRAY
a n d
h e
s a w
n o un u s u a l
markings on
it. Source identified
t h e
this meeting:
Source advised that these individuals merely
talked at this meeting, and had something to eat.
recalled that GLOVER had a sawed-off shotgun with him, and
he shot it a few times.
m e e t i n g at
short time later this group held another
this same location. 3 Those present were as
Possibly KENNETH NORMAN HEAD (Vidalia , Louisiana)
Source advised that at this meeting the group talked
about segregation, had something to eat, and then went home.
Source advised to his knowledge no act of violence was
ever mentioned at these meetings.
Source advised that he believed someone at one of
the meetings on the Homochitto River had some large sticks
o f dynamite in the trunk of their car.
This dynamite resembled
large sticks of baloney.
Source did not see anyone take the
d y n a m i t e out of the automobile, and he does not recall w hose
automobile contained the dynamite.
Source advised that the next meeting of this
group was the fishfry at the Wildsville, Louisiana, residence
of JAMES FREDERICK LEE on June 26, 1965. Source believed
this meeting occurred on a Saturday afternoon. "MURRAY,
to the meeting in the red Ford of PARKER's.
Present at LEE's residence were three or four
individuals whom source did not know. Others present were
as follows:
Source could not recall If T . L . TORGERSEN was present.
PETE TYRE was not present.
Source pointed out that TYRE 's
wife and the wife of L. C. MURRAY are first cousins.
During the afte rnoon someone got out charcoal,
saltpeter, and some other Ingredient and ground them up In
a coffee grinder in an effort to make an explosive powder.
There had been general talk that the government was going to
restrict the sale of g u n s , ammunition, and powder.
Some of
this mixture was put In some container and JACK SEALE threw
it toward the trees, in the back side of the yard, but it
did not explode.
During the afternoon, several of the men went to
Forman's Grocery, which is next door to LEE's residence, and
when they left, they placed UKA cards on the counter.
Wives of some of the men were there as were some
of their children.
They were inside LEE's residence part
of the time.
The group talked about integration and related
subjects, but GEORGE METCALFE was not mentioned.
s t a t e d he did not believe he even knew who METCALFE was at
that time.
ERNEST PARKER was there in
his red
PARKER's car left late in the afternoon, MURRAY and FINLEY
were in the back seat, and PARKER, JAMES SEALE, and JACK
SEALE were riding in the front seat.
This group met TORGERSEN and t h e w i f e o f TOMMIE
L E E JO N E S in J O N E S ' white C h e v r o l e t b e f o r e t h e y r e a c h e d
H i g h w a y 84.
T h e y explained a b o u t TOMMIE JONES h a v i n g b e e n
Source advised that four or five y e a r s a g o
JACK MOORE, who is employed at Armstrong T i r e an d Rubber
Company, had a small grocery in Natchez which was operated
by his wife. One day a Negro painter s u p p o s e d l y went into
the store and insulted Mrs. MOORE. S o u r c e said that JONES
went to the Negro and on the pretext o f having him look at
a house which JONES wanted him to p a i n t , the group took him
out Liberty Road beyond JIMMY CARTER'S place. There JONES,
TORGERSEN, and someone from a c r o s s the river (across the
Mississippi River) blind-folded a n d beat the Negro badly
and left him.
S o u r c e d i d not know who was responsible for
c a p t i o n e d b u r n i n g , but it had been rumored that N a t c h e z
C h i e f o f P o l i c e , J . T . ROBINSON, knew who did it.
Source advised that he k nows L . C . MURRAY
nothing about captioned b u r n i n g because MURRAY was i n t h e
State of California
from O c to b e r of 1964 u n t i l J a n u a r y ,
Source stated MURRAY and his w i f e had m o ve d t o C a l i f
f o r that short period of tim e .
Source reported that he is sure t h a t L . C . M URRAY
had nothing to do with captioned explosion o r t h e explosion
in the driveway of the residence of W IL L IE WASHINGTON in
Natchez which occurred on the same d a t e . Source did not know
who was responsible for these e x p l o s i o n s . However, it had
come to his attention at that t im e t h a t TOMMIE LEE JONES and
T. L. TORGERSEN were making t e l e p h o n e c a l l s to TROY GUICE,
at his Chevrolet company, and r a i s i n g h e l l with him to fire
his Negro help.
JONES and TORGERSEN were upset with
Mayor NOSSER for hiring N e g r o e s i n h i s business operations.
They called NOSSER a Negro l o v e r a n d the like.
Source continued t h a t a t t h e time of t h e s e e x p l o s i o
there were internal p r o b l e m s i n t h e N a t c h e z C i t y G o v e r n m e n t ,
J . T. ROBINSON and M a y o r N O S S E R w e r e at e a c h o t h e r s t h r o a t s
over operation of the C i v i l S e r v i c e C o m m i s s i o n .
Source advised he had le a r n e d t h a t a f t e r JAM ES
FREDERICK LEE, a shop s te w a rd a t th e A r m s t r o n g f i r m , g o t
off from w o r k a t 8:00 a.m . on 8/15/67, h e w e n t d i r e c t l y
the residence o f L . C. MURRAY.
LE E w a n te d MURRAY t o r i d
e in to
Natchezw ith him .
Cafeteria, they
RILEY as to how
then L E E s a i d ,
are friends". RILEY's
s a id he w a n te d t o see
s to p p in g a t To p s
to R I L E Y ' s o f f i c e .
LE E in q u ire d o f
E D G L O V E R 's c a s e ( b u s h h o g ) w a s g o i n g , a n d
What i n v o l v e s h i m , i n v o l v e s
m e, we
answ er w a s n o t h e a r d b y t h e s o u r c e .
Billy Riley, so after
He further denied a n y act i v i t y In the p a st w i t h
R A L E I G H J A C K S O N GLOVER In regard to a c t s of violence.
did s t a t e , h o w e v e r , he was visited by G L O V E R o n T h u r s d a y
or F r i d a y , J u l y 20 or 21, 1967, a n d w a s a s k e d b y G L O V E R to
a t t e n d G L O V E R 's h e a r i n g In F a y e t t e , M i s s i s s i p p i , in r e g a r d
to the theft of the b u s h hog.
TORGERSEN s t a t e d t h a t he
C o l d G L O V E R he w o u l d be t h e r e b u t he had n o I n t e n t i o n of
m a k i n g a n a p p e a r a n c e at t h i s hea r i n g .
that on the afternoon of July 24,
19671 he visited JAMES LEE SCAROBOROUGH in Ferriday, Louisiana
and learned that SCAROBOROUGH has no activity at the present
time w i t h the e x c e p t i o n of the construction
sc hool in the C i t y of Ferriday, Louisiana.
a private
TORGERSEN c o n t i n u e d t h a t on t h e n i g h t o f J u l y 2 4 ,
1967 , he was v i s i t e d b y TOMMIE LEE JONES o f N a t c h e z , M i s s i s ­
s i p p i , and that JONES a p p e a r e d v e r y u p s e t o v e r h i s r e c e n t
association w i t h GLOVER on t h e n i g h t o f J u l y 1 4 , 1 9 6 7 .
JONES told TORGERSEN t h a t he had b e e n r e q u e s t e d b y GLOVER
t o attend GLOVER's h e a r i n g c o n c e r n i n g t h e b u s h h o g m a t t e r
as GLOVER had t o l d h i m , t he enem y w i l l b e t h e r e , a n d we
need some of our men also." TORGERSEN advised that he
was of the opinion that GLOVER's recent association with
Jones was for the purpose of getting JONES to help him in
regard to some illegal activities or minor acts of violence.
TORGERSEN volunteered that he would again talk, to JONES and
attempt to influence h i m in conducting no such activity with
AJackson Form No. Two has been direct
following file:
1 57-6266
told the s o u r c e t h a t LEE, E. D. MORACE, and
SCAROBOROUGH were some o f t h e f i r s t members i n t h i s g r o u p .
GLOVER s a i d t h a t t h e r e w e r e o n l y t h r e e o r f o u r
m e e t i n g s o f t h e SDG and t h a t t h e f i s h f r y m e e t i n g at. t h e
W i l d s v i l l e , L o u i s i a n a , r e s i d e n c e o f LEE on 6 / 2 6 / 6 5 , w a s the
last m e e t i n g where a number of the members w e r e present.
A f t e r that meeting, if the members got together, it was
just two or three at the time.
Source s t a t e d th e se
i n f o r m a t i o n w h ic h he does n o t
a n d as s o c i a t e s fr o m whom t h e y
if they w ere a p p ro a c h e d , th e y
they were adequately p a id f o r
i n d i v i d u a l s , no d o u b t , h a ve
p o s s e s s , they have f r i e n d s
c a n o b t a i n i n f o r m a t i o n , and
w o u ld a s s i s t t h e B u r e a u i f
t h e ir in fo rm a tio n .
Source a d v is ed th a t E. D. MORACE came t o him a
few days p r io r t o t h is In c id e n t and asked th e source t o
send some men t o F e r r id a y t o g iv e th e v ic t im a b e a tin g
because he had been f l i r t i n g w ith w h ite women who fre q u en te d
h is shoe s hop. MORACE wanted th e b e a tin g t o occu r on a
p a r t i c u l a r n ig h t because th e law would be on th e o th e r s id e
of th e p a r is h . Source t o l d MORACE he would n o t h a n d le h is
r e q u e s t w ith o u t f i r s t c h e c k in g on th e a l l e g a t i o n .
A few
days a f t e r th e I n c id e n t , MORACE t o l d th e s o u rc e t h a t th e y had
t o k i l l th e N e g ro and he s a id som eth in g ab ou t p o u r in g
g a s o l i n e on him .
MORACE t o l d th e s o u rc e t h a t t h e o t h e r s
in v o lv e d in t h i s in c id e n t w e re TOMMI E LEE JONES and
o f F e r r i d a y , L o u is ia n a .
Source advised that he swore HEAD into the OKKKK
a few years ago.
Source advised he had learned from BILL RILEY,
attorney for GLOVER in connection with his bush hog case
in Jefferson County, Mississippi, that GLOVER may be
indicted in that county but he will never be tried there,
source stated that RILEY contemplates changing venue
in that case.
It was evident that this box had been exposed
to several days of heavy rain and was quite dirty and
muddy when retrieved by JONES.
This box was i m mediately e x a m i n e d at the time
it was turned over by J O N E S and it w a s empty.
The box is constructed of rough unpainted lumber,
completely lined on the inside with tar paper, and measures
approximately 54 1/2 by 9 3/4 by 5 1/2inches.
JONES requested this box be returned to h i m upon
completion of examination by this Bureau.
About two weeks before the incident occurred,
where the Negro w a s burned in his shoe shop In Ferriday,
Louisiana, M ORACE saw MC DANIEL at Carnett's Restaurant
in F e rr i d a y and told him that he wanted to talk with him.
Source said that MORACE called MC DANIEL about a weak before
the Incident and MC DANIEL met MORACE at the bowling allay
in Ferriday. At this time MORACE told MC DANIEL that
he had attempted to get some o f the Mississippi boys to
whip "Old Frank" who operated the shoe shop In Ferriday.
MORACE said that the Mississippi men would not handle his
request without the authority o f MC DANIEL.
Source stated
that MORACE told MC DANIEL that he wanted MORRIS given a
beating because he had flirted with and made smart remarks
to white women who frequented his shoe shop.
Source advised
that MORACE wanted the beating to take place on the following
Thursday night.
MORACE told MC DANIEL that he would not
have to worry about the law because they would be on the
other side of the parish.
Source stated that MC DANIEL told MORACE be
would have to check the allegations--not that he did not
trust MORACE — but that was the way his organization
operated. MC D A N IE L told MORACE that his organization did
Source advised that on Wednesday, the day
before the incident, M ORACE telephoned M C DANIEL and told
him, "
T h e rabbit hunt is off-— forget about i t ."
stated that MC DANIEL knew that M ORACE meant for him to
forget about the request that he had made about giving
the Negro a beating.
Source advised that the next morning, a little
after 8:00 a.m., MC DANIEL was driving to Ferriday on
Highway 65 and he saw that MORRIS' shoe shop had been
burned. Source advised that at that time MC DANIEL
was employed by the Red Ball Trucking firm In Natchez
and he made frequent trips to Ferriday.
Source advised that a few days after the
incident and after MORRIS had died, MC DANIEL saw MORACE
in Ferriday and MORACE told MC DANIEL that if JONES,
TORGERSEN, SCAROBOROUGH, and himself were arrested, that
MC DANIEL should get a bondsman and get them out of jail.
MORACE told MC DANIEL that he was not to leave them in
jail. Source stated when MORACE mentioned the three names,
he knew that he was talking about TOMMIE L. JONES. THOR LEE
MC DANIEL asked MORACE the reason they had killed the
Negro and MORACE replied that the smart s-- o- b---- made us
kill him. Source stated that MORACE made some statement
about pouring gasoline on the Negro or that the Negro got
gasoline on him, or something to that effect.
Source advised that to his know l e d g e M O R A C E n ever
again mentioned this matter to MC DANIEL.
On July 14, 1967, at 8:45 PM the Agents conducted
a physical surveillance of a 1962 green pickup truck bearing
1967 Louisiana license 616-013, which Is the property of
RALEIGH JACKSON GLOVER of 143 Lee Avenue, V idalia, Louisiana,
and it was parked In the parking lot In front of the
Jefferson Davis Hospital, S e r g e a n t S. Prentiss Drive In
south Natchez, Mississippi.
At 11:30 PM TOMMIE L. JONES of 75 Cloverdale Drive,
Cloverdale Section, Natchez, Mississippi, was observed to
drive into the hospital parking lot, driving past GLOVER’s
truck and to the rear of the hospital in a 1963 white
Chevrolet bearing 1967 Mississippi license 1-574. The
Agents observed that the individual on the passenger’s side
of the front seat was RALEIGH JACKSON GLOVER. This vehicle
was then driven back to the highway in front of the hospital
and then in a southerly direction on Highway 61 By-pass
which leads to Vidalia, Louisiana, or to the downtown
Natchez area if one were to turn off of this By-pass.
The surveillance was discontinued at 11:33 PM .
It is to be noted that TOMMIE L. JONES has on
various occasions asked the Agent who was Interviewing him
If the FBI had received any of Its Information from a
woman. The possibility exist that JONES might have
confided some Information about the Sliver Dollar Group to
one of his girl friends and now Is concerned she might be
furnishing that Information to the F B I . Consequently
this source will attempt to learn the Identity of JO N E S '
girl friend.
Source told JOE DANIEL HAWKINS that the bombing
of the Blackwell Real Estate Office In Jackson had put
"heat" on the people in Natchez. JOE DANIEL HAWKINS
replied he was sure that it would have taken some "heat"
off the Natchez people. At this point In the conversation
over to the location where he and the source were talking
and told him that the source had stated that the bombing of
the real estate office did not take any "heat" off Natchez.
JOE DANIEL HAWKINS told the source that "they",
without naming a particular law enforcement agency, had
accused him of bombing this real estate agency.
Later during the conversation, a white male,
32 years of age, 5'10", 195 - 200 pounds, who had blond
dishwater hair (crew cut) came up to the source and HAWKINS
made the statement t o him which he had made to his father
regarding the bombing of the real estate office. This
unknown individual made the statement that he had heard of
BENNIE WALDRUP, reportedly a member of the SDG,
was also present at the SWAN Headquarters but source did
not have an opportunity to talk to him at length because
there was a political meeting of some type in progress.
Source stated that RICHARD BARRETT of Jackson,
Miss., was also present at the SWAN Headquarters, BARRETT
had that day returned to Jackson from some place In
South Carolina,
Source stated BARRETT had an album of
newspaper clippings which he tried to show to the source
and some of the other individuals.
Source states these
newspaper clippings were about some of the marches which
BARRETT had been connected with.
Source advised on 7/8/67, he had made further
efforts to contact Glover on the night of 7/7/67, with
n eg a tive resu lts.
Tommie L. Jones
S o u rc e a d v is e d th a t T o m m ie L . J o n e s
form erly h a d a g ir l fr ie n d in t h e N a t c h e z a r e a a n d h e
would attempt to learn her identity.
Source advised he planned to travel to Jackson ,
on the night of 7/6/67, in an effort to contact
JOE DANIEL HAWKINS and learn from him what he can about the
recent acts of violence In Miss., and particularly the
bombing of the Blackwell Realty Office.
Source advised that when he talked with
TOMMIE L. JONES on 7/3/67, JONES mentioned that when he wee
interviewed by the FBI he was questioned about the meetings
of the SDG which were held on the Homochltto River. Source
advised he did not know if JONES was testing him by
making this comment. Source was of the opinion JONES is the
individual who had originally told him about these meetings
and the one meeting of this group at Clear Springs Lake,
near Meadvllle, Miss. It is to be noted source reported on
5/16/67, that T . L. TORGERSEN is the individual wh o furnished
him the information about these meetings.
Source turned over to the Agents the dyn a m i t e f u s e
caps and the fuse and these items will be dis p o s e d of i n t h e
immediate future.
Raleigh Jackson Glover
Source advised that RALEIGH JACKSON GLOVER
telephonically contacted MYRON WAYNE “JACK" SEALE on the
night of 7/3/67, and they agreed to meet at the Chaff
Restaurant, which is attached to the Amoco Service Station
located on Highway 84 In V idalia, Louisiana, a short
distance from the residence of GLOVER. GLOVER told SEALE
he was at the residence of JAMES WATTS w h en he made the
telephone call; however, SEALE telephoned a neighbor off
GLOVER and learned Glover's vehicles were not parked at
his residence.
Source advised after the telephone conversation
SEALE immediately got into his pick-up truck and proceeded
toward Vidalia. After SEALE had gone a short distance from
his residence, a white automobile pulled In behind him and
began following him. After SEALE had driven about a mile
on Highway 61 By-pass, GLOVER (in his white Buick ) pulled
a long side SEALE and blew his horn.
SEALE recognized
GLOVER and they both pulled off the road and stopped.
stated SEALE is of the opinion GLOVER is the individual w h o
pulled in behind him a short distance from his residence
and he believes GLOVER was attempting to determine if anyone
was following SEALE whe n he was en route to m eet him.
After they parked, GLOVER asked SEALE If he still
wanted the "stuff” . Source stated in the recent past
SEALE had asked GLOVER if he had any dynamite fuse caps and
inferred he needed two of these caps.
GLOVER had told
SEALE he did not have these items.
Source stated S E A L E replied
Source stated GLOVER then told SEALE he had looked
Into the chain saw matter and had learned that there is some
"stink" going on about It. GLOVER commented that SONNY TAYLOR,
w ho had something to do with the chain saw, and some other
individuals supposedly were going to come see him about this
G L O V E R said he was not concerned about these
individuals and he did not think they would contact him about
the chain saw.
However, GLOVER had mentioned earlier he might
need S E A L E 's assistance because some individuals were
c o m i n g to see him.
SEALE told GLO V E R i f he needed any
a s s i s t a n c e he could count on hi m and GLO V E R commented he
knew he could count on SEALE.
Source stated GLOVER then commented he is going to
need an attorney in connection with the bush hog case, and SEALE
told him if he so desired SEALE would help him get an attorney
for him.
The matter of G L O V E R 's bond in the case came up
and GLOVER said some men followed him down town and signed the
bond for him, indicating he knew nothing about it at first.
Source stated GLOVER told SEALE he would contact
him in a
couple of daysif he needed his help in obtaining
the services of an attorney.
S o u r c e
s t a t e d SEALE had talked to TOMMIE L. JONES
in Natchez, Miss., earlier in the evening of July 3, 1967,
and JONES had told SEALE he had found out about the bush
hog m atter and that he had learned the
identity of the owner
Source advised he had learned that KENNETH NORMAN HEAD
a n d MYRON WAYNE SEALE had talked for approximately 15 minutes
at 4:30 PM on 7/3/67, at the Shamrock Restaurant in Vidalia.
Source advised SEALE asked HEAD what was going on with the
boys (Klansmen) in Louisiana and HEAD replied nothing
that he was aware of.
Source advised SEALE tried to talk to
H E A D about the chain saw which GLOVER supposedly had some
connection with.
HEAD only commented he had heard about the
matter, but he understood it had been misplaced rather than
Source advised HEAD was not talkative and he would
o n l y a n s w e r questions which SEALE asked, so SEALE spent only
a few m i n u t e s w i t h him.
S o u r c e s t a t e d H E A D did comment that the F B I had
i n t e r v i e w e d h i m on a n u m b e r of occasions in the recent
p a s t , a n d S E A L E c o m m e n t e d the F B I had b e e n h a r a s s i n g h i m also.
In response to questions concerning his involve­
ment in the Klan, JONES advised he would not deny the fact
he belonged to the Original Knights of the Ku Klux Klan of
He stated he did not desire to t a l k about this
Klan p a r t i c i p a t i o n but did go on to state that sometime ago,
D O U G L A S BYRD, w h o m he w o r k e d w i t h and was s o c i a l l y a c q u a i n t e d
got h i m to j o i n this K l a n group.
He a d v i s e d that " s o m e ­
time a g o " he le a r n e d that B Y R D had p o c k e t e d K l a n m o n e y and
t h a t he, J O N E S , t h e n g o t out of this K l a n group.
E. D. MORACE - Member
JAMES "RED" LEE - Member
ERNEST AVANTS, Klan member, "hot-head," but unknown
in regard to the Silver Dollar Group
T. L. T O R G E R S E N - Close friend, possible K l a n b a c k ­
groun d and possible member of Silver D o l l a r G roup
Joe Daniel Hawkins - Unknown
R. J . Glover - Member Sliver Dollar Group
Buck Horton - Member
L. C. Murray - Not member
BILL BLANEY - Not member
O. C. POISSOT - Unknown
ELDER GLEN HESTER - Possibly member
RAYMOND SCOTT WRIGHT- Klansman and former officer
but not member Silver Dollar Group
REGGIE CARTER - Active in "some other Klan group”
but not in Silver Dollar Group.
JONES commented without giving further details that
he was of the opinion that there are more Silver Dollar Group
tembers than those mentioned above. He reiterated that he
knows of no information indicating this group was responsible
for the METCALFE or JACKSON bombings.
JONES concluded by stating that he had been on "an
incident or two" involving Negroes which might be called
harassment but that he has never harmed anyone. He emphatically
denied any participation or prior knowledge of either the
JONES advised that he would readily appear before
any Grand Jury at any time and state that he had no knowledge
or information whatever regarding the GEORGE METCALFE bombing
or the WHARLEST JACKSON bombing in Natchez, Mississippi.
He stated he could so testify without fear of anyone
testifying to the contrary.
He stated that if he were
subpoenaed to testify before a Grand Jury concerning his
knowledge of the Silver Dollar Group, he would tell what
he knew of the Silver Dollar Group.
He stated that he
could not go before a Grand Jury and testify that he had no
knowledge of the Silver Dollar G r o u p . He advised that he
would not discuss the Silver Dollar Group with Agents of the
Armstrong Rubber Company in Natchez. Jones expressed a
desire to see the "photo album of Silver Dollar Group
members" that he has heard mentioned by a few of his
associates. Jones declined to identify his associates
who have mentioned to him the "photo album of Silver Dollar
Group members."
JONES Inquired as to the amount of money currently
offered as a reward to any individual furnishing Information
regarding the bombing of WHARLEST JACKSON.
He inquired as
to how much of that money the FBI has paid to date.
A f t e r finishing the Inspection of the grenades, GLOVER
gave E . D . M O R A C E t wo more grenades for safekeeping.
These grenades are white,
gro u n d burst grenades, N u m b e r M 1 1 5 A 2 — 6.
The g r e n a d e s are a p ­
p r o x i m a t e l y six in c h e s long and one and o n e - h a l f
The g r e n a d e s w e r e d a t e d O c t o b e r ,
i n c h e s in d i ­
The following information was printed on each grenade:
"Remove safety clip from i g n i t e r .
off cap until cord is free of container.
Carefully pull
To fire,
grasp the
shell burst simulator in the throwing hand, w ith the other h a n d
j e r k the cord,
then i m mediately t h row the device.
five to t e n s e c o n d d e l a y f r o m the time the c o r d
the d e v i c e e x p l o d e s ."
is a
is p u l l e d until
GLOVER continues to visit various members of the
Silver Dollar Group to assure them that everything is all right
and that GLOVER is standing firm.
During conversation with E. D. MORACE and JAMES
" S O N N Y " T A Y L O R on M ay 8,
1967, G L O V E R stressed the need for
unity In the Silver D o l l a r G r o u p and c a u t i o n e d against A g e n t s
of the F B I t r y i n g t o turn one m e m b e r of the g r o u p aga i n s t
another member,
t h e reby creating dissension among
GLOVER continues to express great concern with the
split between Vidalia, Louisiana, Chief of Police BUD SPINKS
and his Patrolman, JOHN HENRY.
On May 8, 1967, GLOVER once
again discussed this situation with E . D. MORACE.
The question, as to who the F B I 's source was con­
cerning the fish fry held In June of 1965 and which has been a
focal point of current FBI Investi g a t i o n , w as discussed and
GLOVER pointed out that It did not necessarily have to be a n y ­
one from the Sliver Dollar G r oup f u r n ishing this Information.
GLOVER recalled that during the fish fry they ran out of grease
and JAMES and JACK SEALE and ERNEST FINLEY went to the store
next door to the LEE residence and bought grease.
While at
the store two K lan cards were left by these Individuals.
pointed out that this woman's son is a Lou i s i a n a State Game
Warden and she could have told h i m of this,
as w e l l as f u r n i s h e d
the Game W a r d e n with l i c enses of c a r s pre s e n t at the f i s h fry.
On May 8, 1967, GLOVER told MORACE and TAYLOR that the
FBI would never be able to get a conviction of any kind without
exposing their informants.
If and when this was done, then the
group would be able to deal with the informants.
At about noon on May 8, 1967,shortly after GLOVER
had departed from MORACE's place of employment, TOMMY LEE JONES,
Silver Dollar Group member from Natchez, Mississippi, came b y
MORACE's place of employment, stating that he was looking for a
rear end for a trailer that he planned on building.
JONES indi-
cated that he had been interviewed by the FBI concerning the
MARGIE BRITS, who in the past worked as a bartender
at the King Hotel in Ferriday, Louisiana,
of E. D. MORACE and O. C. POISSOT.
is the old girl friend
BRITS, at one time, h ad a
silver dollar but told MORACE that she got it over the bar.
BRITS told MORACE that O. C.
P OISSOT had c o n f i d e d in h e r a b o u t
his Ku Klux Klan affiliation.
BRITS ha s r e c e n t l y m a r r i e d a n d
is living in Wisner, Louisiana.
MORACE identified (FNU) LEE who tried to leave the
trial on 11/2/65, as the husband of a w o man who w o r k s in the
credit bureau in Ferriday, Louisiana.
Mrs. L E E r e p o r t e d l y
passed on to the Klan names of i n d i v i d u a l s c h e c k e d t h r o u g h t h e
credit b u r e a u .
S ource advised h e h a d l earned from TORGERSEN, S D G
member, during the p a s t w e e k t h a t the S D G had, in t h e past, h a d
four meetings in M i s s i s s i p p i t h a t T O R G E R S E N k n e w o f a n d t h r e e
of these meetings were h e l d on a s a n d b a r o n t h e H o m o c h i t t o
River, Just o f f h i g h w a y 98. S o u r c e s t a t e d th i s w o u l d b e a
couple of m i l e s s o u t h o f a p o i n t w h e r e h i g h w a y s 8 4 a n d 9 8
intersect. These h i g h w a y s i n t e r s e c t a t a p o i n t a p p r o x i m a t e l y
t wo miles e a s t o f M e a d v i l l e , M i s s i s s i p p i .
t he s o u r c e t h a t t h e f o u r t h m e e t i n g w a s h e l d a t C l e a r S p r i n g s
L a k e w h i c h is l o c a t e d in H o m o c h i t t o F o r e s t in F r a n k l i n
County, M i s s i s s i p p i .
C l e a r Springs L a k e is l o c a t e d a b o u t
four m i l e s w e s t of M e a d v i l l e , M i s s i s s i p p i , o n h i g h w a y 84.
TORGERSEN did not identify any individuals who attended
these meetings nor did he mention the dates on which
these meetings were held.
Source stated that TORGERSEN mentioned the FBI's
interest in a fish fry, but when source questioned h i m
Source stated he questioned GLOVER regarding
any ceremony that was connected with becoming a member of
the SDG. GLOVER told source there was no ceremony connected
with becoming a member of this group.
Source stated he questioned GLOVER about meetings
of the SDG and GLOVER told him that there had been four or
five meetings of this group in Mississippi in the past and
five or six meetings of this group in Louisiana in the past.
GLOVER indicated there would be no meetings at the present
time due to the fact that things were "hot", but added that
they could meet any day.
GLOVER told source he wanted him to continue to
help him discover the leak in the SDG, but he did not tell
the source how he was to help discover the leak nor did he
tell him to contact any particular members in the group in
his effort to uncover the leak in the organization.
During this discussion GLOVER told the source that
the individuals he identified in the past as SDG members
may or may not be SDG members; however, the source is of
the opinion that all the individuals h e previously mentioned
to the source as SD G members are members o f this group.
GLOVER indicated to the source that he still
suspects KENNETH NORMAN HEAD as being the leak in his
Source advised that during the 45 minutes in Which he
talked with GLOVER he did not mention ELDER GLEN HESTER or
GLOVER told the source that it looked like the
FBI is going to get him, but it is all right because he
has led a full life. Source stated GLOVER did not further
explain this comment.
Source advised he had talked with JAMES FORD
SEALE on May 16, 1967, but he did not learn from SEALE
if he had been in contact with GLOVER in the recent past
and he did not learn if SEALE had been in contact with
any other members of the SDG in the recent past.
She advised that if the FBI did not have a warrant
for her arrest, she had nothing more to say.
M r s . GLOV E R advised that she was aware that the
F B I ha d searched the residence of her son, "PETE" WATTS , In
V idal i a , Louisiana.
She sta t e d that she has n e v e r s e e n the
pai n t i n g that the FBI m e n t i o n e d in c o n n e c t i o n w i t h the s e a r c h
of her so n ' s r e s i d e n c e and is c e r t a i n t h a t it w a s n e v e r there.
She a d v i s e d s h e
is a l s o c e r t a i n t h a t t h e r e has
never been e x p l o s i v e s of a n y t y p e at t h e r e s i d e n c e of h e r son.
She advised she has never seen any explosives of
any type in the possession of her husband.
She advised that
there have never been any guns in her residence at Vi dalia
or Kentwood, Louisiana.
She advised that to her kno w l e d g e
the only gun in their house is a .38 caliber pistol that
sh e keeps for pr o t e c t i o n as her husband works the "gra v e y a r d
s h i f t " a n d is no w s t a y i n g in Vidalia, Louisiana, t h r o u g h the
week, r e t u r n i n g home on S a t u r d a y m o r n i n g a n d r e m a i n i n g u n t i l
late S u n d a y a f t e r n o o n .
Mrs. GLOVER advised that she has no reason to
believe that her husband has ever been associated with any
C o p ies to:
157-2444 (RALEIGH JACKSON G lover)
157-5 12 (ERNEST B. PARKER)
157-7543 (E. D. MORACE)
157-950 (JAMES SEALE)
157-4168 (JAMES F. LEE)
157-405 (T. L. TORGERSEN)
157-815 (MYRON W A Y N E SEALE)
157- 3 3 0 7 (JOE D A N I E L HAWKINS)
157-4662 (BUCK HORTON)
1 57 -613 ( T O M M I E L E E JONES)
1 5 7 - 2 1 7 9 (L. C. MURRAY)
157-7640 (JAMES E. BLANEY)
157-1042 (WALTER GENE H ALL )
157-7589 (JAMES H. TAYLOR, J R . )
157-5151 (JEWEL LEE BURT)
157-486 (E. L. Mc DANIEL)
157-2778 (JOE LEE HARDY)
Mrs. GLOVER advised that she was born and raised
in the Kentwood, Louisiana area. She stated that her mother's
maiden name was BLADES, she married a BURT from the Brookhaven,
Mississippi area, and divorced him when she, Mrs. GLOVER, was
an Infant.
She stated she moved to the Natchez, Mississippi area
when she was a teenager, met her first husband and RALEIGH
JACKSON GLOVER at the same time when both of them were in
a "C.C.C. Camp" in Southwest Mississippi.
She stated her
first husband was killed in World War II and thereafter she
Mrs. GLOVER viewed photographs of the following
individuals and made the following comments concerning each:
(2) E. D. MORACE - a close friend of her husband.
She has known him four or five years, and his family often
visited the GLOVER residence in Vidalia, Louisiana.
(4) JAMES LEE SCAROBOROUGH - Her husband has known
him some three to five years; he is a welder by occupation.
Her h u s b a n d tried to get him to do some work for him in
the past. He has visited the GLOVER residence in Vidalia
several times.
(1 2 ) TOMMIE LEE JONES - a good friend of her
husband. She met him and his family at the Moose Hall in
Natchez, Mississippi. He has visited the GLOVER residence
in Vidalia, Louisiana, on occasions.
(1 3 )
L . C. MURRAY - Unknown
(1 4 )
(1 5 )
O. C . POISSOT - Unknown
(1 6 )
ELDEN GLEN HESTER - a g o o d f r i e n d
o f h er
husband who d id l i v e n e a r B a s k in , L o u is ia n a .
He and h i s
f a m ily have v i s i t e d t h e GLOVER r e s i d e n c e in V i d a l i a , an d
t h e GLOVERs have v i s i t e d a t h i s r e s i d e n c e n e a r B a s k in ,
L o u is ia n a , on s e v e r a l o c c a s i o n s .
(10) JAMES H. TAYLOR, JR. - She advised he lives
"way out In Louisiana," and is a good friend of her husband.
She has known him some four to five years. Her husband
hired him to help them move to the Kentwood, Louisiana area
as he had a commercial driver's license and could drive the
"U-Haul It Truck . "
(20) KENNETH NORMAN HEAD - a friend of the GLOVER
family whom she has known some six to seven years. They
have visited "back and forth" many times in the past.
(22) JEWEL LEE BURT - her uncle who resides near
Fayette, Mississippi.
She and her husband are not close to
JEWEL LEE BURT and his family.
W. G. WILSON - Unknown
E. L. McDANIEL - Unknown
Source stated that W I N D H A M is originally from
Kenner, Louisiana, and he, in the recent past, resided in
Monroe, Louisiana. Source stated he last saw WINDHAM in
the Spring of 1966 at a UKA rally in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Source stated that BOYD, who is a klansman in the
Ridgecrest-Ferriday, Louisiana, area, has been making derogatory
remarks about E. L. MC DANIEL, of Natchez, Mississippi.
BOYD has made the statement that when MC DANIEL was the
Grand Dragon of UKA in Mississippi he stole money from that
BOYD has also made the statement in the recent
past that MC DANIEL was running around with women in the
Natchez-Ferriday area.
Source stated he had heard that sometime in the
past BOYD had been caught dating a young girl who lived
next door to him.
Source stated that h e h a d talked w i t h JONES about
two weeks ago and J O N E S told h i m h e ha d b e e n Interviewed
b y Agents o f the FBI and the Agen t s asked h i m about a
S i l v e r Dol l a r Group.
S o u r c e s t a t e d JONES sai d h e t o l d the
A ge n t s that he had a s i l v e r d o l l a r and it w a s o n a k e y
chain in his automobile.
Source stated JONES told h i m
that after the A g e n t s left his r e s i d e n c e h e d i s c o v e r e d
that the s i l v e r d o l l a r o n h i s k e y c h a i n w a s m i s s i n g .
Source advised that to his knowledge no klansman
is employed at the Feltus Brothers Hardware Store located
in Natchez, Mississippi.
Source stated that DICK BAILEY an<
QUINCY HINSON, employees of this firm, m a y be sympathetic
to the klan.
Source stated that he had never heard that the
firm is a source of weapons and explosives for any klan
Source advised that: QUINCY HINSON is a candidate
for the position of supervisor of District #3 in Adams
County, Mississippi.
Source stated he does not know of any klansmen
in theNatchez area who operated a black Mustang in the Summer
of 1965.
Source stated he had never heard of any klansman in
theNatchez area who was kicked out of any klan group because
he had been furnishing information to some law enforcement
Source stated he told GLOVER he needed four or
five caps and four or five sticks of dynamite and he asked
GLOVER if he could get these items for him. Source stated
that he made this inquiry in the contact with GLOVER on
April 10, 1967. When he recontacted him on about April 15,
1967, he inquired about these items and GLOVER said "we've
done movedit." Source stated GLOVER commented that one
individual moved these items. Source did not know if the
explosives GLOVER supposedly had were merely moved or if
they were moved and destroyed. Source stated he would
contact GLOVER at a later date regarding these items.
Source s ta te d he was merely attempting to determine
i f GLOVER possessed any e x p lo s iv e s .
S o u r c e said that about a y ear o r so ago h e and
E . L. M C D a n i e l the former G r a n d D r a g o n o f t h e U K A in
M i ssissippi, m e t at the Ai r w a y s inn in J a c k s o n w i t h J O E D A N I E L
H A W K I N S , B E N N I E WALDRUP, J O E D E N V E R H A W K I N S and t h e i n d i v i d u a l
m e n t i o n e d a b o v e w h o w e a r s the d i a m o n d ring.
HAWKINS and these individuals w a n t e d to m e e t w i t h MC D A N I E L
a n d ta l k a b o u t k e e p i n g t h e c h a r t e r o f B I L L S U L L I V A N 's U K A
Unit because S U L L I V A N and some members of his unit w e r e
leaving t h e U K A a n d r e t u r n i n g t o t h e W K K K K O M . S o u r c e s t a t e d
th i s w a s t h e o n l y o c c a s i o n h e r e c a l l s s e e i n g t h e i n d i v i d u a l
w i t h t h e d i a m o n d r i n g a n d h e b e l i e v e s h i s n a m e is B I L L Y
Source advised he traveled to Jackson on
April 9, 1967, to see JOE DANIEL HAWKINS and BENNIE WALDRUP,
but learned from Mrs. JOE DENVER HAWKINS, JOE DA N I E L 's
mo ther, that JOE DANIEL and BENNIE WALDRUP had gone fishing.
Source stated Mrs. HAWKINS commented that
every time something happens in Jackson "they" get after
"son" (JOE DANIEL). She stated the law enforcement officials
are after him again in connection with the explosion which
occurred at a Jackson real estate office. Mrs. HAWKINS
did not indicate that her son* her husband or BENNIE WALDRUP
had any connection with this act of violence.
Source was shown photograph of H O R A C E "S O N N Y "
TAYLOR and he did not identify TAYLOR as anyone h e knows.
Source identified a photograph of E . D . MORACE as
being the individual wh o , in the past, had worked as a
mechanic at the B luff Cit y Motors in N atchez .
S o u r c e identified the photographs of E . D . M ORACE
U G H as m e n t i o n e d below:
S o u r c e s t a t e d he had talked with ERNEST B. PARKER
o f N a t c h e z about the a r r e s t of TOMMIE L. JONES in Ferriday
In t h e Summer of 1965.
Source stated that he and PARKER
a g r e e that the first time they learned of JONES' arrest
t h e y were v i s i t i n g James Amoco Service Station located
o n t h e 61 bypass in Natchez.
Source stated it was late
In the afternoon w h e n source and P A R K E R h e a r d about the
S o u r c e an d P A R K E R , in PARKER's red F o r d , drove
to the F e r r i d a y C i t y Jail to see JONES.
S o u r c e s tated they
k n e w J. B . T E M P L E , w h o w a s an o r g a n i z e r for the k l a n in L o u i s i a n a .
s o t h e y t e l e p h o n e d h i m b e c a u s e t h e y w e r e a t t e m p t i n g to loc a t e
s o m e o n e in t hat a r e a w h o might h a v e i n f l u e n c e w i t h t h e m a y o r ,
o r the d i s t r i c t a t t o r n e y , a n d m i g h t a s s i s t t h e m in g e t t i n g
JONES o u t o f jail.
Source stated that TEMPLE referred
t h e m t o E. D. M O R A C E a n d J A M E S S C A R O B O R U G H .
They telephoned
the homes of these
two individuals and received no answer
a n d t h e y d r o v e b a c k t o t h e F e r r i d a y C i t y Jai l .
Source stated when they arrived back at the Ferriday
jail MORACE and SCAROBOROUGH arrived there about the same
time. Source stated that at this time T. L. TORGERSEN
and TO M M IE L. JONES' wife were also present at the
jail. Source did not know if TORGERSEN brought Mrs. JONES
to the jail.
Source advised that about three years ago a White
male Individual from Jackson, Mississippi, brought 12-13
Thompson submachine guns to Natchez for sale, according
to his information. Source stated that about one week
ago this same individual, driving a black Thunderbird,
was in Natchez trying to sell submachine guns Which
supposedly had been deactivated for $150 each. Source
stated he had been told that when the military was disposing
of these weapons someone was supposed to have used a torch
on them and made them inoperative and beyond repair, but this
was not done. Source stated that supposedly these guns
had been repaired.
Source stated that he only saw this individual
sitting in the automobile and described him as a white male;
about 35 years of age; 6 '2 ”, and he weighed about 220 pounds
Source stated he understands this individual follows the car
Source stated he did not see these weapons on
e i t h e r occasion.
Source stated he could identify this
i n d i v i d u a l who was driving the Thunderbird should he
see him a g a i n .
SCOTTIE WRIGHT, Exalted Cyclops
Sherwood's brother, name unknown
DERWOOD gave a r e p o r t , indicating that a Klan
group in Winnfield, Louisiana, had 85 to 90 members and
growing steadily.
He also indicated that a Kleagle was
wor k i n g in and around New Orleans attempting to re-organize
t h e O K K K K g r o u p in that area.
D ERWOOD had propaganda
p a m p h l e t s with him, which were e n t itled "How To Get People
To Think”. He also had some bu m p e r stickers "Help Law
Enforcement" and "Register to Vote".
The meeting was, for the most part, a bull
session concerning politics and some discussion was
The murder trial which, was currently going on
ln Natchez, Mississippi, was briefly discussed and all
Indicated they did not expect any conviction, since there
were two Klan members on the J u r y .
The identity of the
Klan members was unknown.
RALEIGH JACKSON "RED" GLOVER was observed to visit
E.D. MORACE at his place of employment on April 1 0 , 1967.
GLOVER was overheard telling MORACE that the "fat boy”
on the Vidalia, Louisiana, police force had been tailing
him, GLOVER.
GLOVER Indicated that he did not trust SCARBOROUGH,
GLOVER was heard to remark something
to the effect that the above three had been GLOVER pull
the trigger on a "nigger, but I haven ’t seen them."
He was also heard to say something about the sheriff in
E L D O N G L E N Hester
Photograph of HESTER identified as being
identical with the man previously referred to
by him as "Scrapman" or ”Junkman” .
definitely Silver Dollar member who had explosives
and painting of JEFFERSON DAVIS at his house near
Meadville, M i s s i s s i p p i .
Source picked photograph of BOLLARD from group
picture and identified him as being very similar
In appearance to the man who owns the feed mill
in M e a dville.
Source does not know where HOLLAND
l i v e s , as he met h i m only once at time of meeting
at coffee shop.
Source stated that at the time he
Could not identify photograph of WALDRUP, but
stated it looked vaguely familiar.
He has not
heard name associated with Silver Dollar Group,
Could not Identify photograph of HAWKINS;
could not associate name with Silver D o l l a r
Could not Identify photograph of HALL, but
after being furnished name stated HALL is definitely
member of the Silver Dollar Group.
the following information regarding HALL:
HALL worked in a shop that repaired boat motors,
lawnmowers, etc.
GLOVER had indicated a Silver
Definitely member of the Silver Dollar Group.
Former ly closely associated with RED GLOVER,
but has lost interest In the group activity
during the past six or eight months.
Definitely Silver Dollar Group member; closely
associated with SCOTTIE WRIGHT, E x a l t e d Cyclops,
OKKKK Clayton, Louisiana, Unit.
Formerly Investigator for the V idalia Unit of
FREEMAN wanted to get sworn out of the
This Individual previously reported to have
been with BRYAN DB LA BECKWITH in V idalia,
He Is also an associate of GLOVER,
but not known to be a Silver Dollar member.
Not known to be Silver Dollar Group m e m b e r .
Also formerly member of Clayton, Louisiana,
Unit of OK K K K . Has not attended meetings since
about Spring of 1966.
Close associate of RED GLOVER, active member
of Clayton Unit of OKKKK and definitely Silver
Dollar Group member.
Tommie l e e
Member of the Silver Dollar Group.
recent past there has been Indication that
JONES is not trusted by GLOVER.
Silver Dollar Group member.
It has been reported
In the recent past SCARBOROUGH not trusted by
Relative to the experiment with explosives In
which a stump was blown up, this experiment took place
In the hills near the residence of JAMES SONNY TAYLOR .
This experiment was conducted by JAMES Lee and SONNY TAYLOR.
Did not know full details of this experiment, but the
results had been very effective as the stump had been
blown to pieces.
Deputy Sheriff IKE COWAN and BILL OGDEN, Concordia
Parish, found a stolen "Bush Hog" in possession of FRANK
DE LAUGHTER on his place near Clayton, Louisiana.
District Attorney and Sheriff NOAH CROSS have been advised
of the above.
No action has b e e n taken and most likely
no action will be taken.
He stopped this vehicle, arrested the driver and
charged him with DWI. After arresting this person, he
determined that he was JACK SEALE and he immediately recalled
that SEALE was an important klan personality from Natchez,
Mississippi. After the arrest for DWI he also saw that the
automobile of SEALE contained what he thought was a typewriter and
he decided
to obtain a search warrant in order to check this
out as he recalled that some typewriters had been stolen
recently in the area of Ferriday.
MC KNIGHT related that after obtaining the
search warrant h e searched the automobile of SEALE and
found a large cache of ammunition and weapons among them
being an AR-15 automatic rifle. He stated that SEALE was
bonded out the next day and inasmuch as it was determined
that the weapons were not fully automatic no further
however, he was not
charges were pressed against
sure of these details.
H a stated that he recalls the arrest of TOMMY
Jones of Natchez, Mississippi, o n June 26, 1965, as this
was shortly after he started to work for the City of Ferriday
and, further, he knew JONES when he formerly lived in
Natchez* Mississippi. He stated that he merely knew of
JONES and was acquainted with the fad; that JONES worked
at the International Paper Company in Natchez and at one
time lived in the same neighborhood as himself.
D E LAUGHTER stated that he does not know anything
about the arrest of JONES; however, he believes it occurred in the
late afternoon and at the time he was taking care of the city
He further recalls that a large group of people
came b y the jail checking to see about the release of
J O N E S ; however, he did not know any of these persons.
As best he can remember, it was the wife of JONES
who brought the money to the jail in order that JONES
could be bonded out. He further stated that it was his
impression that some of the people who came to check
on JONES were from Mississippi and who worked with JONES
at the International Paper Company.
When DE LAUGHTER was questioned about the identity
o f the person by the name of JOHN who works weekends at the c ity
jail, he stated
this is JOHN BLUNCHI who is the son of
JONES advised that he was arrested at some time
during the summer of 1965 In Ferriday, Louisiana, after an
argument with a Negro who was trying to force him of the
He advised that when the Negro stopped at a red
light In Ferriday, he got out of his car, asked the Negro
why he was tormenting him on the road, the Negro made
some smart remark and reached in the window and slapped
h i m , causing him to Jerk his head away and hit the rear
view mirror with his head.
He advised that he had a
small .25 caliber automatic pistol In his pocket, but did
n ot hit the Negro with It.
JONES advised that he telephoned his wife, told
her he was In Jail, asked her to call someone to get him
out. He advised that his friend JAMES SCAROBOROUGH of
Ferriday, Louisiana, actually raised the bail money and
came to the Jail to post same. He advised that he could
not recall being with his wife and SCAROBOROUGH.
JONES denied any knowledge of the Silver Dollar
G r o u p , He advised that he has known R. J. (RED) GLOVER for
many years, cannot recall how he came to know him, but is
certain that his friend GLOVER could not in any manner be
inv o l v e d in the death of WHARLEST JACKSON and the bombing
of GEORGE M E T C A L F E . JONES advised that he does not know
D O N A L D H O L L A N D or ELDEN HESTER, both of Franklin County,
J O N E S advised that he. had no information regarding
Klan or related activity in Adams County, Concordia Parish,
Louisiana, or any place else in Louisiana or Mississippi.
MC KNIGHT stated he did n o t know the identities
of t h e men w h o came t o the jail checking o n JONES; however,
CHARLES DE LAUGHTER might recall who some o f these
persons were as he was the jailer on the night o f JONES'
MC KNIGHT stated that as best he can recall the
was either on Thursday or Friday night and he did not
know who JONES was prior to the arrest and also felt that
he had initially charged JONES with disturbing the peace Which
he later changed or removed.
He also advised that he did not see any families
in this group and the wife of JONES did not come to the
jail to bail him out or to check on his release,
LOFTIN further advised that JOHN B lunchi, who
works at the jail on weekends, is a student in Memphis
State College in Memphis, Tennessee and a person who frequent
JN 44-2044
comes to Ferriday on the weekends. B LUNCHI is the son
o f a local doctor and appears to be very much interested
in law enforcement and also has a great interest in th e fire
department thus he jumps at every opportunity to be around
the p o l i c e and fire station.
He remembered that they took JONES to the police
station and charged him with carrying a concealed weapon
and also does recall there was some mention of the charge
of assault as JONES did strike the Negro. He stated that
KENNETH MC KNIGHT handled most of the details as at the
time MC KNIGHT had more experience than he and took the lead
in the arrest.
Sewell fu rther stated he was aware of the fact
that the klan in the area feels that he is visiting REED in
order to obtain information about klan activities and then
furnish this information to the FBI; however, he is not
afraid of any of these klansmen.
Mayor DAVIS related that later E. L. MC DANIEL of
Mississippi came to his house along with FRANK DE LAUGHTER,
a deputy sheriff from Concordia Parish, Louisiana. DE LAUGHTER
attempted to have DAVIS release SEALE without bond and DAVIS
told DE LAUGHTER and MC DANIEL that he would not do so and the
bond was $250.
About 30 minutes later MC DANIEL returned with the
$250 and SEALE was released at that time.
er the arrest of SEALE a search of his car was
made due to the fact that the arresting officer felt his
car contained stolen typewriters. A search of the vehicle
revealed that it contained no typewriters; however, an assortment
of other equipment was found in the car.
DAVIS provided a copy of Ferriday Police Department
report which showed the following items as being in the car of
Report reflected above items found in 1965
Chevelle Super Sport, license 1B -2405 of Adams County, Mississippi,
for 1966.
Mayor DAVIS stated that his files contain photographs
of this equipment and after checking it was determined that this
equipment should be returned to SEALE as it appeared that
possession of these items was not against the law due to the fact
he did not have any fully automatic weapons.
two m o n t h s
l a t e r , G L O V E R c o n t a c t e d T A Y L O R , g iving
him a silver dollar a n d told him that he h a d b e e n a c c e p t e d as a
m e m b e r off the group.
G L O V E R s t a t e d th a t h e h a d h a n d pick e d men
f o r members of this group from La. a n d M i s s .
"SONNY" TAYLOR stated that he considers E. D. MORA C E
of Ferriday,
La., as a number two ma n un d e r GLO V E R in this
o r g a n ization and further b e lieves that M O R A C E actually r e c r u i t e d
the B LA N E Y s ,
For a p e r io d
had some
t im e
differences and a t
equipment, s o ld
h i s guns
the S i l v e r D o l l a r G r o u p .
tim e
and s a i d
H ow ever,
. D.
he w a s
tu rn ed
q u ittin g
sh ort
tim e
an d
in h is
k la n
the k la n
la te r
In connection with the fish fry held by the Silver
Dollar Group on 6/26/65, at the home of JAMES FREDERICK LEE,
there were approximately 17 to 20 men present a n d three of these
brought their wives. SONNY TAYLOR brought his wife and another
m a n, name unknown, w h o lives in the W ildsville, La, area.
at that time, d r o v e a M e r c u r y a u t o m o b i l e an d lived across the
road from
the bi g s t o r e at the m a i n b o a t landing o n H o r s e S h o e
in a b ig house.
T h i s m a n b r o u g h t h i s wi f e .
T h e onl y o t h e r
there was L e e ' s w i f e .
Several others present at this fish fry arrived early
on the m o r n i n g of 6/26/65, to prepare the food and began cooking
On viewing phot o g r a p h s on s u s p e c t e d members o f
the f o l l o w i n g is i n f o r m a t i o n c o n c e r n i n g
photographs displayed:
L. C . MURRAY - p o s i t i v e l y
and was
and was
b e lie v e d
R E G G I E P.
id e n tifie d
d riv in g
b la c k
b y GLOVER a s
c o u ld
c o u ld
M u stan g a t
an FBI
and was a t
i n f o r me r .
t h e time
W o o d r o w "BLUE" H O L L O W A Y - identified.
J A M E S S C A R B O R O U G H - Identified.
THOR L. TORGERSEN - could not identify.
O. C. POISSOT - could not identify.
BILL BLANEY - identified.
R A Y H UDNALL - c o u l d not identify.
E. D. M O R A C E - identified.
ERNEST B. P A R K E R - c o u l d n ot identify.
T h e r e is n o Silver Dollar Bar in Ferriday; however,
the B o n a n z a
Club n e a r Ferriday may have been called the Silver
Do l l a r B a r at the t i m e E. D. MORACE operated the Bonanza Club.
n o t known t o b e a member o f
t he Silver
fry .
However, SCARBOROUGH, MORACE, GLOVER and several others
w h o were at the fish try had stated they were going to the
F erriday Jail to release JONES immediately a f ter the fish try
a n d subsequently stated that LEE CALHOUN had put u p the money
for J O N E S ' bail.
A rumor has circulated among several klan associates
of R . J. GLOVER that he has a girl friend and from his wife's
remarks and actions,
it appears obvious that she knows about
this girl friend Inasmuch as she raises "hell" with GLOVER
about his "running around".
is not k n o w n .
The identity of this girl friend
JONES advised that he did not have anything to discuss
with the FBI. He stated "I thought when you first came out
here you might have something on me; it seems though that a l l
the FBI is Interested in Is a fish fry over in Louisiana. If
that is so then you don't know anything."
JONES advised that to the best of his recollection
when he was arrested in Ferriday, Louisiana, in the Summer of
1965, he telephoned his wife and instructed her to get someone
to get him out of jail. He maintained that he did not recall
who came by the jail and put up the money, whether it was his
wife or someone else. He stated that he feels reasonably
certain his wife did appear at the jail at sometime during
the course of his confinement.
JONES advised that he is to report to his doctor
for a physical examination during the week commencing April 3,
1967, and hopes to be allowed to return to work as a mechanic
at the International Paper Company, Natchez, in the next week
JONES maintains that he has no knowledge whatever of
a so-called "Silver Dollar Group", that RED GLOVER has never
given him a silver dollar, nor has anyone else to his recollection
JN 44-2044
JONES advised that he has been to many fish frys in
the State of Louisiana, but denied any knowledge of a fish fry
at the residence of JAMES LEE in Louisiana during the summer
of 1965, and maintained that he was not en route to the
residence of JAMES LEE when arrested by the Ferriday Police
Department in June, 1965.
JONES exhibited an extremely arrogant and hostile
attitude and insisted that Agents not come back to his residence
or contact him elsewhere again. He did request, however, that
the interviewing Agents bring him a copy of a picture of him.
15 715 7157107-
JN Form #2s have been designated for t h e
Sou r c e stated that shortly be fore the killing of
B E N C H E S T E R WHITE, before June 1966, he was approached by
C L A U D E F U L L E R w h o asked h im if he was interested in joining
a n e w a c t i o n g r o u p . Shortly thereafter the s ource sat with
A v a n t s w h o t o l d him the new group of Fuller's was to be
k n o w n a s t h e C o t t o n m o ut h Moccasin Group a nd Avants created
the name.
S o u r c e s t a t e d he knows the following persons
w e r e a s s o c i a t e d w i t h this group.
C l a d v i s e d t h a t t h e p e r s o n e m p lo y e d b y t h e
t e le p h o n e com pany a t F e r r i d a y ,
L o u is ia n a , who w as p r o b a b ly
In v o lv e d In c h e c k in g o n F B I A g e n t s a t th e P a t r i c i a M o te l
s e v e r a l m o n th s a g o w a s O . C . HOUSE a n d n o t JO E W H EAT.
S o u rce
s t a t e d th a t HOUSE Is s im ila r In
a p p e a r a n c e t o W HEAT a n d I s
k n o w n t o b e s e c r e t l y o n t h e p a y r o l l o f S h e r i f f NOAH C R O SS o f
C o n c o rd ia P a r is h ,
L o u is ia n a .
JO E W HEAT w a s a m em ber o f t h e
F e r r id a y U n it o f th e OKKKK.
H OUSE l i v e s o n t h e D o t y R o a d
In F e r r id a y ,
L o u is ia n a .
Concerning packages taken across the river Into
Mississippi by the source, source related that he could not
recall ever taking a package across Into Mississippi other
than the one he had previously mentioned, this being a bag
of groceries that he and his wife took to Mrs. AVANTS.
Source stated that he had been requested previously by JAMES
SCAROBOROUGH of Ferriday, Louisiana, to take a package to
JACK SEALE in Natchez; however, he did not do so when he
found out the contents of the package was blasting caps.
Source stated that in viewing a picture of a group
of individuals in Natchez , Mississippi, on September 18, 1965,
the person in the photograph with the straw hat and glasses
was known to him as R . B. SHARP of Dear Park, Louisiana.
Source s t a t e d that SHARP is an elderly,well-to-do tanner,
who is not known to have any Klan affiliation.
Source further referred to this same photograph
and indicated that the person standing in the center with
a blue plaid sports shirt was known to his as an individual
who formerly worked in Natchez , Mississippi, for the Aetna
Finance Company and who is now employed at the Arm strong
Tire Plant. Source stated that he does not know the name
of this person but knows he is a member of the Silver Dollar
Group and was one of the unknown persons at the fish fry at
the hone of JAMES LEE in Wild s v ille , Louisiana, in June of
Source further viewed four color photographs And
stated that the three photographs of a light blue CMC
pickup truck with a cattle rack on the bed and bearing Louisiana
license 583-332, was the truck belonging to the Junkman.
Source stated that the Junkman is known to him as ELTON
HESTER fro m Meadvllle, M ississippi. Source stated that the
photograph of the nan walking toward this pickup truck appeared
s imilar in height, weight, and appearance to HESTER; however,
he could not sake a positive identification from this parti­
cular photograph.
Source advised that i t is his personal impression
that the Junkman acquired his name due to t he fact he was a
person in t he Klan who possessed explosives. Source stated
he has heard several persons r efe r to the Junkman as also
being the scrapman. Source stated that R. J. GLOVER told
him that the names were Just nicknames and GLOVER did not
provide any further d e ta ils.
Source also related that he has beard members of
the Silver Dollar Group re fe r to the Junkman, these being
Concerning the f ish fry at the home of JAMS LEE
in Wild s v ille , Louisiana, on June 26, 1965, source stated
that JAMES and JACK SEALE were present at this f ishfry .
When source was questioned further about the f ish fry and
in reference to what ingredients were used to make black
powder, source stated that SONNY TAYLOR and JAMES LEE le ft
the f ishfry at one point in the truck of Taylor and subse quently returned with a large stick of dynamite, two empty
dummy hand grenades, an d tw o rolls of fuse, one r o ll being
dynamite fuse and the other was pink in color and similar
in diameter to a cigarette. Source stated that the stick
of dynamite was large, about two feet in length.
stated that JACK SEALE touched a match
to the dynamite fuse and it slowly burned out, this being
of about one foot cut from the roll. Later SEALE
tried to put a match to the pink colored fuse and immediately
TAYLOR told him that if he lit this fuse "We'd all be blown
Source stated that an attempt to make black powder
was had by cutting up the dynamite, mixing the ingredients
with charcoal, sulphur and borax.
Source stated that this
mixture was then placed in the dummy grenades with a dynamite
fuse stuck in the end.
This fuse was lit and the mixture
did not explode.
The ingredients of the black powder and
the fuse were taken from the fishfry by Glover and source
has not seen these Items since that t i m e .
Characterization of the Original Knights o f the
Ku Klux Klan of Louisiana (OKKKKOL), United Klans of
Klux Klan of Mississippi (WKKKKOM) are included in
the appendix of this report.
I .
h a s been i n t e r v i e w e d t w o
t im e s a t h i s r e s i d e n c e ,
75 C l o v e r d a l e R o a d , N a t c h e z ,
M i s s i s s i p p i , d u r i n g t h e p a s t: tw o w e e k s , b y SA
R E E S I E L . T I M M O N S a n d S A DONALD J. C E S A R E .
JONES has advised that he has been unemployed
since November 1966I due to a back ailment. He advised
he underwent surgery In late February 1967 and expects
to return to his employment at International Paper Company
as a mechanic by mid-April 1967.
JONES advised that he
has been on sick leave since November 1966.
No Information is available Indicating subject
ls a member of any Klan organization. Several sources
have advised that he is a member of the Silver Dollar
Group, described a s a super secret organization formed
during mid-1965.
Subject has three automobiles and two trucks
parked around his house a t a ll times. He advised that two
of the automobiles are his , the 1963 Chevrolet sedan
bearing 1967 plates 1-574, and a white Falcon, plate
number unknown. A blue 1953 Chevrolet that continually
parked in his yard bearing 1967 M ississippi plate
31-717, according to Jones is not H is. He would not d iscuss
the automobile.
The two trucks, a panel truck and
1 1956 Chevrolet pickup, according to JONES are
not licensed for the year 1967.
JN T-1 advised on March 2, 1967 that during
the course of a recent conversation with TOMMIE JONES
and others, they discussed a tentative plan for having
a large meeting of all the Silver Dollar men some place
In Mississippi In the near future.
This source advised that some six or seven months
ago JONES and others often mentioned that "someone" should
"get" the Negro who was helping GEORGE METCALFE,
the Natchez National Association for the Advancement
of Colored People leader, to and from the Armstrong
Plant. They mentioned that someone should shoot him wi t h
a shotgun or "blow him up, to o ."
JN T-2 advised on March 3, 1967 that the
subject Is a member of the Silver Dollar Group in
the Natchez, Mississippi area. Source advised that
be would consider the subject a prime suspect in the
death of Wharlest Jackson.
JN T -1 advised on March 9, 1967 that
the su b ject was visited by other members o f the S ilv e r
Do l l a r Group a t h is residence.
JONES advised that he had
not been interview ed by the FBI concerning the bombing
o f February 27, 1967. JONES w as ad vised should the FB I
qu estion him shout the
he s h o u ld a d v is e th e m th a t
they were lo o b ie s fo r a fu ll-b lo o d e d German Shepherd puppy.
through February 25, 1967, a notation to this
effect would be entered on his hospital record; he said
no such notation was on the record.
A source advised on October 25, 1963, that an
organiz ation known as the Original Knights of the Ku Klux
K lan (OKKKK) had bean organized in the State of Louisiana
at Shreveport, Louisiana, In December of 1960.
A second source advised on August 12, 1966,
that the OKKKK continues to be active within the state
of Louisiana, and that the aims and purposes of this organisa­
tion continue to be to promote Americanism, the supremacy of
the white race, and the furtherance of segregation between
the races.
A source advised that on February 16, 1964, approximately 200 members of the Original Knights of
the Ku Klux Klan (OKKKK)from the state of Mississippi met at Brookhaven, Mississippi.Those present decided
to defect from the OKKKK and to form their own Klan group in Mississippi to be known as the White
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan of Mississippi.
1- 44-2044
Source advised that the fish fry that w as
held at the home of JAMES LEE in W ild s v ille , Louisiana,
about one and one-half years ago was attended by
approximately twenty persons.
Source stated that at
this fish fr y was one in d ividu al from Mississippi who
was reported to be an informant fo r e ith e r the FBI or
other law enforcement a g en c ie s.
Source advised that
this person was unknown to him; however, he was at th e
courthouse in Adams County, M i s s is s ip p i, about two
years ago on th e day that JAMES SEALE was arrested
in Natchez, M i s s i s s i p p i , f o r ta k in g a photograph o f a
JAMES and J A C K SEALE from Mississippi, and
w h o al s o had thre e o t h e r i n d i v i d u a l s w i t h t h e m u n k n o w n
to the source,
o n e b e i n g the p e r s o n previously r e f e r r e d
to as o w n i n g t h e b l a c k M u s t a n g .
JAMES LEE w a s at the fish fry, as was SCOTTIE
WRIGHT of Clayton, Louisiana, and source stated that
there was one other man whose identity is unknown to
him, but who comes from the area of
Horseshoe Lake,
Louisiana, and drives a Mercury automobile and is
k nown as a person w h o has a r a t h e r large farm.
Source stated that the OKKKK Unit at Harrisonburg,
Louisiana, has not been active for over a year and at the
time they were active they met Infrequently on various
hilltops In the vicinity of Harrisonburg.
was the Night Hawk of this unit and GERALD C R A W F O R D was
the Exalted Cyclops,
both from Harrisonburg.
At this
time E. D. M ORACE of F e rriday was the Pro v i n c e K l a n
B u r e a u of Investigation
Lou i s i a n a ,
(KBI) man,
and J. M. B L A N E Y of
w a s the U n i t KBI man.
W A L K E R f r o m S i c i l y Island,
a l s o a N i g h t H a w k of the H a r r i s o n b u r g U n i t
at o n e t i m e
Source stated that he knows of an Individual
who is a close associate of R. J. "RED " GLOVER. This
man is only known to him by the name "SCRAPMAN” and
he did live on a farm between Archibald and Baskin,
Source stated It is his understanding
that the SCRAPMAN obtained his name by the fact that
his first employment at the Armstrong Tire Plant In
Natchez, Mi s s is sip pi, was picking up scraps around
the plant.
Source described this individual as
being in his forties,
5 ' 1 1 " , brown hair and a lean
S ource stat e d that G L O VE R a d v i s e d him th a t the
S C R A P M A N is a member of the S i l v e r D o ll a r Group and
Source s tated that approximately two weeks
prior to the bombing on February 27,1967 , at Natchez,
Mississippi, Red Glover came to his house and asked
him about making a trip.
GLOVER advised that he knew
a man In seismographic work and that this person couId
show GLOVER how to get hold of some selsmographlc
GLOVER wanted the source to go with him
to get these explosives, however, source declined to
take the trip.
Source stated that after he heard
about the explosion in Natchez be began to think about
this visit of Glover and about the statements concerning
explosives; however, GLOVER did not indicate exactly
where these explosives w e r e l o c a t e d .
Source related that sometime in the past
week, that being the week of March 13—17,1967,BILL
BLAN EY advised the source that he had burned the Two
Mile Inn north of Sicily Island about one year ago.
At the time source and BLAN EY were alone in BLAHEY's
automobile and BLANEY was drinking rather heavily.
BLANEY only mentioned that he had burned the inn and
in so doing, was shot at by unknown persons.
further related that the car involved in this Job
had bullet holes in it and hinted that other persons
Source further stated that RED GLOVER is
known to possess an automatic carbine with a banana
Source stated that this carbine has been
modified to fire fully automatic and the fire selector
switch has been cut off by G L O V E R , but he has to use
a knife blade to slip the switch to the automatic
Source stated GLOVER has had this weapon
for approximately four to five months and he keeps
the weapon at times in his home, but frequently keeps
it behind the front seat of his pickup truck.
Source advised he got out of the Klan because
CLAUDE FULLER told his group that a bunch of "niggers" had
shot into FULLER's car; however, source subsequently Learned
tha t FULLER was lying and was just trying to get back, a t a
bunch of "niggers".
Source advised that the following persons were
formerly members of the W KKKKOM, who joined the UKA in
Adams County:
Tommie L. JONES, who works at International Paper
Company, Natchez, Mississippi
Source advised he was approached around February,
1967, by CALVIN CAUSEY, UKA, Ferriday, Louisiana, who
asked him to join a new UKA Unit in Ferriday, Louisiana.
Source stated that CAUSEY overheard him run a "nigger” off
his place of business and was inpressed by his actions.
Source stated that CAUSEY gave him an application for this
new UKA Unit, however, source does not remember returning the
application. Source stated that CAUSEY is a mechanic for
the Natchez Equipment Company, or he works at the International
Paper Company, Natchez, Mississippi.
Source stated that he had
not met anyone else connected with this new UKA Unit in Ferriday,
Source stated that he knew JAMES ROLAND, who was
an old m e mber o f the W K K K K O M and was the Exalted Cyclops
o f the V i d a lia, Louisiana, Unit a t one time.
T h e source
s t a t e d that R O L A N D was a sales m a n a g e r at M c P h a i l Oldsmobile
at Natchez, M ississi p p i .
Source advised he has no information concerning
the Silver Dollar Group.
Source advised he had no information conc erning
the persons responsible for the k i l ling of W H A R L E S T JACKSON,
the Natchez Equipment Company, or he works at the International
Paper Company, Natchez, Mississippi. Source stated that he had
not met anyone else connected with this new UKA Unit in Ferriday,
Source stated that he knew JAMES ROLAND, who was
an old member of the WKKKKOM and was the Exalted Cyclops
o f the V idalia, Louisiana, Unit at one time. The source
stated that ROLAND was a sales manager at McPhail Oldsmoblle
at Natchez, Mississippi.
Source advised he has no information concerning
the Sliver Dollar Group.
Source advised he had no Information concerning
the persons responsible for the killing of WHARLEST JACKSON.
Source knew of no arrest record on the part of
Source had not Heard of the present Whereabouts
of WALTER GENE HALL having last heard months ago that he
was working on boat motors at Rebel Rents in Natchez. HALL
was the individual driving JAMES SEALE's truck in Natchez about
a year ago when JAMES and CHARLES SNODGRASS of
the Mississippi Highway Safety Patrol were photographing each
other resulting in some type of altercation or arrest.
Source could recall no one who had a black Mustang
about the time of the above-mentioned incident.
Source stated he had learned that JACK SEALE, on
March 19, 1967, checked the silver dollar in the possession of
WAYNE FINLEY, son of deceased ERNEST FINELY, and this coin
does not bear the date of 1886. However, this coin may
bed dated 1896. This coin still has a metal ring around the
outside connected to a key-type chain. This silver dollar
is the one that was attached to a floral wreath at the
funeral home which handled the service for Ernest Finley.
Red Lee and Tommie Jones are close associates. or
were in the past. Jones, in the recent past, was known
to have made the comment to JACK SEALE that since he was out
of the State Organization of the OKA he should come in JONES'
group, presumed to mean the Silver Dollar Group. SEALE
did not accept JONES' invitation at that time .
Source was of the opinion that if JOE DANIEL
HAWKINS were involved in the bombing of the Blackwell
Realty Company in Jackson, Mississippi, recently, then
HAWKINS would come nearer tolling JACK SEALE about it than
anyone else.
Source was of the opinion that he could determine
from JAMES S E A L E if he had been in contact w i t h any members of
the S i l v e r Dollar Group in the recent past.
They first drove in Glover's green Ford pick-up truck to
the Temple Auto Parts in Vidalia and spoke to the owner, J . B .
TEMPLE, who is a member of the vidalia Unit of the UKA. TEMPLE
told them that he had told the F.B.I. that GLOVER had not gone
with him to Laurel, Mississippi in the Fall, 1963, but that
JOEL FREEMAN had made this trip With him. TEMPLE also said
that he had shown the records of GLOVER's purchases at Temple
Auto Supply to the F . B . I .
GLOVER told TEMPLE that if the
F.B. I. asked him why he, GLOVER, and MORACE were at Temple Auto
Supply, TEMPLE should say that they were inquiring about getting
some universal Joints and that there was no receipt for universal
Joints because TEMPLE had none in stock to sell them.
GLOVER and MORACE then drove in GLOVER's Ford pick-up to
the home of TOMMY JONES in Natchez, Mississippi. JONES is a
member of the Silver Dollar Group. JONES said he had not been
interviewed by the F.B.I. concerning the bombing of 2/27/67.
GLOVER wanted to know if JONES knew where he could find some
cypress timbers for some work he wanted to do on his, GLOVER's ,
house in Kentwood, Louisiana. All three drove to the end of the
Government Road in Natchez to find some of these timbers for
GLOVER. Before GLOVER and MORACE left, GLOVER told JONES that
if the F.B.I. should ask why he and MORACE visited him, he
should tell the F.B.I. that MORACE was looking for a full-blooded
German Shepard puppy, heard JONES had some, but did not take any
from JONES because the puppies JONES had were not full-blooded,
but were mixed blood.
GLOVER also asked MORACE to join a very secret klan group In
Mississippi but gave no details about this group or who belonged
to It. MORACE said he was interested In joining such a group,
and suggested that the various klansmen be contacted regularly
to check on the progress of the F.B.I. investigation, to check up
on the k la n sm e n themselves, and to encourage the klansmen. GLOVER
said he thought this was a good idea but that he was to busy to
see all the men and suggested that MORACE see as many of the men
as he could, MORACE agreed to do this. G LOVER stated DONALD
HOLLAND is the Meadville, Mississippi klansman and feed store
owner M ORACE met on 2/20/67 a t Ferriday, La.
GLOVER said that Agents of the F.B.I. had been questioning
him a great deal about a wooden box he usually carries in the back
of his Ford pick-up truck, and which was in the back of the pick-up
truck while the conversation was being held. The box is about 4
feet long, its ends being about 5 inches square, and is made of
1 inch lumber which looks like cypress. One end is open, and the
box is lined with tar paper and the holes and cracks in the lumber
are covered with patches of tar paper stapled to the box. GLOVER
said the Agents had inspected and handled the box but had not seen
GLOVER stated the same Agents had been asking him about a
great many klansmen and that he thought i t would be a good idea
to Invite about 15 of these men to his home one night, then phone
the Agents and ask them to v is it him, end when the Agents arrived ,
confront them with the men they had asked him about.
GLOVER told MORACE on 3/7/67 that he was a member of the
Ferriday Unit, UKA, but almost never attends any meetings. He
said he would have to pay his dues soon and attend one or two
meetings "to keep my hand in."
In early 1966 or late 1965, a long, cylinder shaped boob
was thrown at a Negrohouse in Ferriday, Louisiana, but failed
to explode. JAMES "SONNY” TAYLOR, member of the Sliver Dollar
Group, JAMES FREDERICK LEE formerly of Wildsville, Louisiana,and
now of Natchez, Mississippi, and a member of the Silver Dollar
Group, were involved in this attempted bombing, and possibly
GERALD FORD, another klansman, from Sicily Island, Louisiana.
Another person believed involved in this attempted bombing was a
man named FREEMAN, first name not known, who works the evening
shift at Armstrong Tire Plant, Natchez, Miss., drives a red and
white 1964 Pontiac, and who lives just outside the city limits in
Ferriday, His house can be reached by driving toward Jonesville
from Ferriday on the highway for about 1/2 mile, then taking the
first gravel road to the right that joins up eventually with the
Doty Road. His house is on the left of the gravel road as one
drives toward the Doty Road and has a large amount of farm implements in the yard.
In early February 1967, C. D. FREEMAN, who is a painter and
a professional gambler living in Natchez, M ississip p i, had con­
t a c t e d E. D. MORACE a t the Bonanza Lounge In F e rri day, Louisia n a ,
and asked MORACE If he knew anyone who would lik e to earn a lo t
of money by k illin g someone. MORACE stated he did not, and FREEMAN
stated that the person willing to pay the money was a Mr. PARKER,
a rich man from Natchez who had attended the UKA ra lly near the
drive-in theatre. FREEMAN did not identify the intended victim
except to state that he was "th a t damn lawyer in Natchez who
represents a ll them n ig g e rs" FREEMAN gave no further d e ta ils
about the plans for the k illin g nor how much would be paid for the
k illin g,
On 3/8/67, Deputy Sheriff BILL OGDEN, Concordia Parish Sheriff
Department, met E. D. MORACE and told him that the F.B.I. Agents
who were investigating the bombing of 2/27/67 had talked to him
and asked him about "some of the boys", including MORACE. He told
MORACE the Agents had asked about MORACE, R. J. GLOVER, SCOTTIE
the names on a piece of paper, which he gave to MORACE. He said
he had written all the names down on the paper as soon as he had
finished talking to the Agents.
NO 157-2714
In the evening of 3/8/67, PAUL TALBERT or TOLBERT (phonetic),
who lives about 21/2 miles outside of Clayton, Louisiana, drives a
green 1965 Ford pick-up truck which was purchased by him new in
Monroe, Louisiana, and who works days at International Paper Company,
Natchez, visited E. D. MORACE and talked to him about MORACE's
cousin, GEORGE SEWELL, who is a policeman for the Ferriday Police
Department and who had attended two or three meetings of the
Ferriday-Clayton Unit, OKKKK a couple of years ago, TALBERT said
that F.B.I. Agents had visited WALTER WAYNE REED, another member of
the Ferriday-Clayton Unit, OKKKK and next door neighbor of JAMES
In early April 1966, E. M. BOYD, who was Kleagle for the
Ferriday Unit, UKA, at that time, was reported to have rented the
room at the Patricia Motel next to the room being occupied at that
time by two F.B.I. Agents conducting investigations in the Concordia
Parish area. JOE WHEAT was not friendly with BOYD, nor known to
be a member of the UKA, but a telephone company truck was seen
regularly parked at the room BOYD rented at the Patricia Motel.There
is another technician who looks like JOE WHEAT but is heavier and
is employed by Southern Bell Telephone Company in Ferriday. He does
not belong to the OKKKK.
In the late summer 1966, klansmen In Ferriday were discussing that the crosses burned earlier that year at the Marville
Lounge were supposed to have been burned by a group of men from
Br o o k h a v e n , M i s s i s s i p p i . These man were supposed to be friends
of the husband of a blond girl who was working at the M a rville
Lounge as a prostitute. Their chief protest w as supposed to be
that she had one or two children by their friend, and had these
children living with her at the Marville Lounge.
NO 157-7873
DAVE HANEY remains as officer of Province 5, UKA , and
continues to drive a white over blue 1965 Chevrolet Sedan,
and to live in one of the small shacks on Mississippi Avenue
in Ferriday, Louisiana, across the s treet from E .D . MORACE.
HANEY is a farmer, rents out similar shacks, which are located
next to his shack, but he has no other employment.
Sources stated be had heard that JON ES had bean
confined to a hospital in Jackson, Mississippi, until
the recent past when be returned to Natchez. Source
did not know the reason JONES bad been In the hospital.
Raleigh Jackson Glover
Source stated he w ill contact Raleigh Jackson
GLOVER in the immediate future and believes he can
determine through his contact w ith GLOVER If Glover
and his group had anything to do with the murder of
Wharlest Jackson.
Others present from Mississippi were two men from Armstrong
Tire and Rubber C o m p a n y , who said they lived In Natchez.
One of
these men was about 5 ' 8", with black hair, very dark c o m p l e x i o n ,
weighing about 175-180 lbs.
The other was about 22 years o l d ,
about 5 ' 7", 155-160 lbs., with sandy hair.
About 5-6 weeks ago, FRANK DE LAUGHTER, asked E. D. MORACE
to join his UKA Unit and asked MORACE to talk to Chief of Police
BUD SPINKS of Vidalia, Louisiana to find out why SPINKS was
’’closing down all the white folk in town and letting the niggers
run wild." MORACE didn't speak to SPINKS.
On the night of February 23, 1967, MORACE and his wife went
alone to FRANK DE LAUGHTER's cafe in Clayton, Louisiana, called
the Chicken House, and at that time MORACE agreed to join
DE LAUGHTER'SKlan Unit. DE LAUGHTER agreed to notify MORACE
when and where the next Klan meeting would be held so MORACE
could attend .
In February, 1965, ACCA filed Articles of Incorpora
tion with the S e cre ta ry of the State's Office in Baton Rouge,
Source advised that the purpose of the ACCA is to
promote Americanism, white supremacy and to maintain segrega­
A hearing was held in the United States District
Court, Eastern District of Louisiana, New Orleans, during the
week of September 11, 1965, wherein the ACCA and various
individuals were held to answer a Justice Department petition
seeking a temporary injunction against interference with the
activities of civil rights workers in the Bogalusa, Louisiana
Charles H. Christinas of Amite, Louisiana, identified
as the Grand Dragon of this organization, told the court that
the Klan went out of existence four months previously and was
succeeded by the ACCA. In reorganizing, ACCA retained as its
officers the existing Klan officers, bylaws, and basic organiza­
tion, according to Christmas. He further told the court that
the ACCA membership was restricted to the Sixth Congressional
District of Louisiana. Every oath in the ACCA was the same as
that of the Klan, and the meeting places were often the same.
Records of Superior Court of Fulton County,
G eorgia, r e f le c t that th is Klan organization was granted a
corporate ch arter on February 21, 1961, at A tlanta, Georgia
under the name United Klans , Knights o f the Ku Klux Klan of
America, Inc.
A s o u r c e advised on February 27, 1961, that United
Klans was formed as a r e s u lt o f a s p li t In the U. S. Klans,
Knights o f the Ku Klux Klan, Inc. According to the source,
the s p l i t resu lted from a leadership dispute and United Klans
has the same elms and objectives as the parent group. These
a r e t h e promotion of Americanism, white supremacy and
segregation o f the races.
The first source and a second source advised In
July, 1961, that United Klans, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
of American, Inc., merged with Alabama Knights, Knights of
the Ku Klux Klan. The merged organization established
headquarters in Suite 401, the Alston Building, Tuscaloosa,
Alabama. (The organization is directed by Robert Shelton,
Imperial Wizard, and is the dominant Klan group in the
South, with units in several southern states.)
Second source advised that at a meeting at
Prattville, Alabama, on October 22, 1961, the U. S. Klans,
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, merged with the United Klans
of America, Inc., Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.
Third source advised on August 4, 1965, that the
United Klans of America, Inc., Knights of the Ku Klux Klan,
is currently an active organization, with Klaverns in several
southern states. This source said that Robert M. Shelton is
the Imperial Wizard of this organization and was last
elected to this position on September 5, 1964, at a National
Klonvocation in Birmingham, Alabama. Source said that the
activity of the UKA is increasing and that the national
office remains in Suite 401, Alston Building, Tuscaloosa,
The White Christian Protective and
Legal Defense Fund is a fund raising organization
used by the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
of Mississippi (WKKKKOM) according to sources,
who have furnished reliable information in the
Periodic checks with Informants in the N atchez
area disdose that TOMMIE LEE JONES does not hold any
office In a Klan-type organization and that JONES Is
merely a rank and file member of the United Klans of
America, Incorporated (UKA,Inc.) .
On January 18, 1966 Mrs. JUANICE DRUETTA, Chief
Deputy, Adams County Sheriff's Office, Natchez, Mississippi,
advised that her records show no automobiles registered
Mrs. DRUETTA stated she
does have two cars registered to CONNIE JONES, 75 Cloverdale Road, Natchez, Mississippi:
1961 Ford Falcon, bearing 1966 Mississippi
license 1B1642
Present at this fish fry were JIMMY SCARBROUGH,
E. D. M ORACE and WOODROW "Blue" HOLLOWAY, all known to
be K lan members at Ferriday, Louisiana; "BUCK”H O R T O N ,
NORMAN HEAD and R. J . GLOVER of Vidalia, Louisiana; T. L.
JACK and JAMES SEALE of Natchez, Mississippi; and SONNY
TAYLOR from Harrisonburg, Louisiana.
Those in attendance attempted to make black
powder, however, they were not successful.
Informant stated he believed that each member
of the "Silver Dollar” group carries a silver dollar with
an ampersand stamped on the face of Liberty on the front
or heads side of the dollar.
Informant advised that TOMMY
JONES of Natchez
was arrested in Ferriday, Louisiana while on his way
to the fish fry at the home of JAMES LEE.
JN T -3, on August 28, 1965, advised that among
the logical suspects In the bombing of the automobile
belonging to GEORGE METCALFE at N a tchez, Mississippi on
August 27, 1965 is one TOMMY L . JONES who is employed
at International Paper Company, N a t c h e z , Mississippi and
works days on a continuous b a s i s .
JN T-4, on August 30, 1965 advised that he had
heard of no recent activity on the pert of TOMMY JONES,
JN T-5, on October 13, 1965, advised that a
group which was comprised principally of TOMMY JONES,
first meeting of the Klan in Wilkinson County, Mississippi
which meeting was believed to have been held on May 11, 1963.
JN T-5, on December 16, 1965, advised
that he had heard of no Klan activity on the part of
TOMMIE JONES in recent months,
A characterization of the United Klans of America,
Inc,, is Incorporated In the appendix of this report.
JONES denied that he w as presently or had wver
been a member of any Klan or hate type organization. He
advised he knew no members of the Klan.
Concerning the bombing of the ca r of GEORGE
METCALFE in Natchez, Mississippi, JONES said that he did
not believe the Klan had any part in It. It was h is
theory that the bombing was done by the Communist Party
since METCALFE had outlived h is usefulness to the P a r t y .
JONES advised that he could furnish no information
concerning the Klan or b o mbing.
JAMES K. GREER, Fenwick, Mississippi
T . L. TORGENSEN, Natchez, Mississippi
SAM BOWERS, Laurel, Mississippi
BILLY BUCKLES, Natchez, Mississippi
JACK SEALE, Natchez, Mississippi
ERNEST PARKER, Natchez, Mississippi
ERNEST FINLEY, Natchez, Mississippi
ARTHUR (PETE) TYER, Natchez, Mississippi
E. L. (EDDIE) MC DANIEL, Natchez, Mississippi
JEFF LUKE, Natchez, Mississippi
Judge FLYNN WELLS, Justice of the Peace, District 5,
Natchez, Mississippi
Captain J. G. WISNER, Captain, Traffic Squad,
Natchez, Mississippi Police Department
REESE LINDSEY, Patrolman, Natchez, Mississippi
Police Department
ROBERT CROSS, ex-patrolman, Natchez, Mississippi
Police Department
GRADY LEVERETTE, Patrolman, Natchez, Mississippi
Police Department
JOHN ANDREWS, Natchez, Miss.
J. D. CRAWFORD, Constable District 5, Natchez, Mississipp
W. W. CARNELL, Natchez, Mississippi
DAVID CARNELL, Natchez, Mississippi
BILLY L. WOOD, Natchez, Mississippi
M . L. HOUSE, Natchez, Mississippi
SIDNEY HANEY, SR., Natchez, Mississippi
SIDNEY HANEY, JR., Natchez, Mississippi
On February 27, 1964, JN T-2 advised that the
Adams County Units of the WKKKKOM suspected TOMM IE JONES
of being an informant of the FBI.
On March 18, 1964, JN T-2 advised that at a meeting
of the Adams County Klan at the headquarters on the Morgantown
Road, Natchez, Mississippi, on March 15, 1964, among those
present was TOMMIE JONES of Cloverdale.
On October 20, 1964, JN T-5 advised that the following
are members of the OKA, Incorporated:
Tommie JONES
PAUL FOSTER, Exalted Cyclops o£ this group
JN T-5 advised that this group fulled away from
another klan group as a result of the NOSSER brothers Joining
the klan.
On October 22, 1964, ERNEST HENRY AVANTS, Route 1,
Box 75 A, Highway 61 North, Natchez, Mississippi, advised
Officer J. Y. THOMAS of the Mississippi Highway Safety
Patrol and SA TIMOTHY M, CASEY, JR. of the FBI, that TOMMIE
JONES was a former member of the WKKKKOM and that JONES is
now an active member of the UKA, Inc,
Ota February 17, 1965, JN T-4 advised he had not
seen or heard of any recent activity on the part of Tommie
L. JONES during the recent months.
On February 8 , 1965, JN T-4 advised that should
violence occur In Amite County, he feels the following
would probably be Involved:
TOMMIE JONES, of Natchez; TOMMIE JONES' father, who
resides in Amite County; and the uncle of BILLY JACK CASTON,
a member of the Mississippi Highway Safety Patrol, at
Tylertown, Mississippi.
On March 3, 1965, JN T-1 advised that TOMMIE JONES,
Natchez, Mississippi, and at least one other person, went
to Laurel Hill, Louisiana, during early 1964 and shot Into
a Negro Masonic Lodge in that area. JN T-1 stated these
individuals are not known to have attempted to burn this
On April 26, 1965, JN T-2 advised he has not seen
or heard of any recent activity on the part of TOMMIE L .
JONES in connection with klan activity.
Mississippi KKK was broken into three different Klaverns
within Adams County set up basically In the form of districts
as to residence. He advised that in June of 1964 ERNEST
HENRY AVANTS, who was a member of the Mississippi KKK and
an active member of the Americans for the Preservation of
the White Race (APWR), took it upon himself to start a feud
within the various Klaverns of the Mississippi KKK. He
states that at that time AVANTS was d issatisfied inasmuch
as certain members of the organization were falling to pay
dues and were creating an ill feeling among other members
of the K K K , became intoxicated one night and at about 3:00
a.m. in the morning went to the Klavern headquarters located
on Morgantown Road, Natchez, Mississippi, and shot the lock
off the Klavern headquarters door with a .44 pistol and
sprayed numerous bullets throughout the headquarters.
stated that this extremely upset the Klavern and that some
o f the members o f the Mississippi Klan left this K l a ver n and
joined the United KK K which is u n d e r the leadership in Natchez
Ha stated that he believes the United Klan
Klavern in Adams County consists of less than 100 members;
however, the only known active members in the Klavern to
him are those mentioned above. GREER stated that he was
one of the original members of the White Knights of the
Ku K lux Klan of Mississippi which commenced organizing in
about December 1963 in Adams County.
He stated that at
this time possibly numerous members of his organization were
former members of the National KKK of Louisiana, and that a
large group decided to withdraw from the National group and
form their own organization within the state of Mississippi.
He stated that in February of 1964 the KKK of Mississippi
was drawn up and recruiting commenced. He stated that it
was established that there would be three Klaverns within
Adams County and one Exalted Cyclops and nine officers would
be appointed for each Klavern.
He stated that due to the
action of AVANTS in shooting up the Klavern headquarters, he
stated that he believes that at the present time there are
only two active Klaverns remaining in Adams County and that
the membership is less than 100 persons, and that their
meetings are no longer held in any one location but at the
homes of various individual members.
He stated that at the
time AVANTS shot up the Klavern headquarters the group was
meeting at a block house on Morgantown Road in N a t c h e z .
H o w e v e r , to his knowledge, the Klavern has not m e t at this
J. W. BIRCHFIELD, former member, but left Klan when he obtained
position as Constable
JOHN BOSTICK, active member
(First Names Unknown) BRITT, two brothers who were active
members at one time but both believed inactive at present
DOUGLAS BYRD, active member
"PEANUT" CARNELL, former active member who now may be member
of United Klan
REGINALD CARTER, former member; no longer affiliated with
CALVIN CLARK, former member; no longer affiliated with
J . D . CRAWFORD, former member who left organization shortly
after joining to take Constable position
active member
former member who severed his affiliation
with the organization
active member
ALLEN MC CALLISTER, former member, not known to be active at
present time
MARVIN MC KINNEY, former member, known to be out of Klan at
present time
JAMES L. MC KINNEY, active member
CHARLES MARSHAL, former member, not known to be active at
present time.
HENRY L . MOORE, active member; however, due to his employment
has never been able to attend any of the KKK meetings.
ATLEY MOORE, former member who has left the Natchez area
(FNU) MURRAY, former m e m b e r who is no longer member due to
his employment as a member of the Natchez Police Department
R . L . PARKER III, former member, n o longer active and only
appeared at two meetings of the Klavern
ERNEST B . PARKER, fo r m e r member and no l o n g e r a c t i v e ; however
may possibly be a member o f the U n i t e d K l a n a s he i s a c l o s e
a s s o c i a t e o f MYRON WAYNE SEALE.
J. R . RANKIN, former member; no longer affiliated, who is a
Deputy Sheriff, Adams County
GENE SEALE, former member and may still be member; however,
possibly associated with a Klavern in Meadville, Mississippi.
WILLIE STROUD, former member who left membership due to his
position on the Natchez Police Department
T. L. TORGERSEN, former member who may have associated himself
with the United Klan
JIMMY WHITE, former member
J. G . WISNER, former member
BILLY L. WOOD, may presently be an active member
GREER stated that both the sons of Mayor JOHN NOSSER
were former members of the Mississippi KKK; however he has no
knowledge of Mayor NOSSER ever associating with this Klan.
opposed to YOUN G 's leadership.
Her remarks indicated that
MURRAY MARTIN and GRADY WILDER were at that meeting but that
they ware unable to produce evidence to support charges
against ROYAL YOUNG's leadership.
Remarks by Mrs. YOUNG
Indicated that DOUGLAS BYRD and CLIFTON BARTON, formerly
Chief of the Klan Bureau of Investigation, were not at the
meeting at Columbia on December15, 1963.
Mrs. ROYAL YOUNG made the statement that she was
bookkeeper tor ROYAL YOUNG and had records on Klan finances
including payments from each Klan unit, and that she had
issued receipts for these payments to Klan unit secretaries.
Mrs. YOUNG made remarks on the split in the Klan and indicated
December 15, 1963, which meeting had been called by those
Klansmen who were opposed to YOUNG's le ad e rs h ip .
She elated,
from information furnished to her by ROYAL YOUN G , that YOUN G
felt that he had been successful In keeping most of the klan
units with hi m .
He reportedly said that he felt that the
Klan units at Oils, W innsboro and Jena, might not remain
with him but he felt that t h e Klan units at Columbia and
Wisner would follow his leadership.
It was determined that Klan records are maintained
in ROYAL YOUNG's home in a filing cabinet and a diagram of
the floor p lan of YOUNG's residence was made.
In making remarks regarding this split develops
in the Klan organization,
Mrs. Y O U N G made the statement
the statement th a t About $ 8 ,5 00 had b e e n r e c e i v e d b y t h e
k l a n f r o m t h e different units during t h e y e a r 1 9 6 3 . S h e
d id
not make It clear whether t h e
$8,500 w as the money
t h a t w a s sent to Klan headquarters after the K I a n o r g a n i z e r s
had taken their part or whether it Included the money which
went to the Klan organisers.
She made the remark that the
Klan staff members had voted a salary of $240 to be paid
to J. D. Swenson and that Swenson had received that amount
each month.
She gave the Impression that this $240 a month
paid to SWENSON was above the money which he collected and
kept as his part from his organization work.
In talking about the finances of the Klan, made the s t ate-
ment that J. D . SWENSON had received about $3,200 of the
$8,500 referred to above as having been received by the
Klan; she commented also that MURRAY MARTIN had received
about $700 from that $8,500; she stated that ROYAL YOUNG
had got about $1,000 from this fund.
She did not make any
comment as to the amount of money which might have been
Mrs. YOUNG made the
remark that there was approximately $1,700 in the national
purchase paper, envelopes, stamps, books, literature, and
other necessary materials;
she stated that YOUNG keeps a
record on all these expenditures.
Mrs. YOUNG remarked that
ROYAL YOUNG makes about $1,000 a month from his job with
Illinois Central Railroad and she stated that he did not
need funds from the Klan except to pay his e x p e n s e s .
YOUNG made remarks that she was making new
robes for J A C K YOUNG as Grand Chaplain, ROBERT FULLER as
Chief of the Klan Bureau of Investigation, CHARLIE PIERSON
as Assistant Chief of the Klan Bureau of Investigation, and
J . D . SWENSON as National Kleagle.
She commented that these
robes were to cost $35.00 each with the exception of SWENS O N ’s
ROYAL YOUNG made the statement on December 26,
19 6 3 ,
that he felt that the trouble over the split develop-
ing in the Klan was pretty well settled at that time.
remarked that he felt that he might lose all of the Klan
units in Mississippi to D O U G L A S BYRD.
He also commented
that he was hopeful that a few of the Mississippi Klan
units night stay with him.
YOUNG had a letter from TOMMY
L. JONES from Mississippi, who appeared to be an organizer
possibly in the Natchez area, and this letter advised YOUNG
that JONES regretted the split that had developed in the
Klan, that he felt that he should go. with DOUGLAS BYRD,
and JONES sent In his membership card, which appeared to
show that he was number six in Klavern unit 1001 in Mississippi.
going to each of those Klan meetings and he had submitted a
b ill
le t t e r
th e am o u n t
$ 4 0 .0 0 .
YOUNG made the statement that he would pay that $40.00 but
that he would advise ROBERT F U L L E R to discontinue sendi ng
PRICE to those various Klan meetings.
He stated that he
had not authorized F U L L E R to send P R I C E to those meetings.
YOUNG commented that he was going t o have a long talk with
FULLER, and he said he did not believe FULLER has the courage
that he had thought that FULLER had because FULLER is afraid
to go to Mississippi with Y O U N G during the time of the trouble
with the Klan units in Mississippi.
ROYAL YOUNG made certain remarks about an escort
or body guard to go with him on his various trips, and he
A staff meeting of the officers of the Klan
was called for December 26, 1963, at the home of Royal
ln talking about the officers of the Klan, Royal
YOUNG stated that the officers beginning January 1, 1964,
would be as follows:
ROYAL V . YOUNG - Imperial Dragon
J. D. SWENSON - National Kleagle
CHARLIE PIERSON - Assistant Chief K B I
HOUSTON MORRIS - Grand Kleagle
JACK YOUNG - Grand Chaplain
YOUNG stated that he was undecided as to who he
would made Grand Giant.
YOUNG stated that the above named
st a f f officers would be at the staff meeting at his home
on December 26,
YOUNG made the statement that a young man by the
name of DON DOBBS, or DON DODD, who owns the Consolidated
TV Service,
East Texas Avenue, Bossier City, Louisiana
had been doing some pictures and tapes for him.
commented also this man passed a lot o f Information on
to him from the newspapers and from police.
of Shreveport, Louisiana, had a small unit going, but he
said he did not wan t anything to do with them.
He commented
that he thought they might possibly be tied In with the
T e x a r k a n a Klan unit and (F NU) EDWARDS of Arkansas.
Serial 147: On 11/20/67
a d v i s e d
at SDG
meeting on 11/19/67 he brought up subject of the FRANK MORRIS
murder case on 32/10/64, Ferriday, La. L. C. MURRAY commented
that he was living in California at the time of the incident
and read in a magazine that a flame throwing had been used in
connection with this incident.
MORACE commented that something
like that had been used. MORACE also commented that gasoline
and diesel fuel had been thrown on the Individual.
Source said
he had heard at the time this happened that TOMMIE L E E JONES,
along with JAMES SCARO BOR O U G H , TH O R LEE T ORGER SON and E. D .
O RACE, were responsible for this k i l l i n g .
Serial 153: On 12/13/67
advised that TOMMY
LEE JONES and RALEIGH JACKSON GLOVER were seen conversing
12/7/67 at TINY LEWIS' barbecue pit, Highway 61 North, Natchez,
Miss. Source was unable to determine contents o f conversation.
Serial 154: On 1/9/68
advised JAMES LEE
visited with SONNY TAYLOR on 1/6/68. LEE spoke of the time
GLOVER and LEE had talked to TAYLOR about TOMMIE LEE JONES
being an FBI informant.
The following day or two JONES had
received a call from a woman to the effect that LEE and GLOVER
intended to kill him.
TAYLOR told LEE it is possible that
G L O V E R had backed out on wanting to kill JONES and that GLOVER
had a woman call JONES to get out of taking any action.
LEE seemed impressed with this thought and said he had not
considered this angle before and had thought the FBI had a "bug"
and had overheard the conversation among LEE, GLOVER and TAYLOR.
He seemed to accept the suggestion of TAYLOR and stated he was
no longer sure of GLOVER since GLOVER had brought TOMMIE JONES
to an SDG meeting after knowing JONES was an informant.
stated JONES knows something on him but would never get anything
else on him as he would not attend further meetings or do anything
with J O N E S .
advised that she has given much thoughts
during the past several days to her past association with both
JONES and TORGERSEN and could not recall ever hearing them
discuss any acts of violence committed, or to be committed,
by them. She stated again that she recalled they were generally
kn o wn to be kla n s m e n in the Natchez - Vidalia, Louisiana, area
but she never knew the extent of this klan affiliation.
She volunteered that she was not denying the fact
that they might have discussed certain things in her presence,
but advised instead that she felt if this w e r e the case, she
has now forgotten it.
stated that a fte r she had served them
coffee, Jones ca lled her in to the other room and asked her
i f she had been contacted by a representative o f the FBI,
She stated that a fte r she told JONES she had, JONES quizzed he
intensively concerning what questions were asked at the FBI
t old TOMMIE LEE JONES that she had told
the FBI a ll sh e knew concerning him but had told them nothing
concerning any klan a ffa ir s . She stated further that she asked
JONES why he f e lt she was contacted by the FBI and he stated,
"They're talking to everybody, e sp e cia lly our g i r l frie n d s".
tated that JONES and JESTER remained approximately
one and one-half hours at her residence. She stated further
that i t was her opinion that JONES and JESTER drove to Jackson
for the sole purpose o f finding out what she had told the FBI.
For the information of Tampa , TOMMIE LE E
JONES is a prime suspect In the W H ARBOM investigation,
as well as numerous Klan sponsored civil rights
matters and bombings In the J a c k s o n Division.
has cooperated w i t h the B u r e a u to some deg r e e to date,
and It is believed that he w i l l aid the B u r e a u In the
future around the Natchez, M i s s . , a r e a i n r e g a r d to
bombing matters, civil r i g h t s a c t i v i t i e s , a n d r a c i a l
matters in general.
One copy of this report is being afforded the New
Orleans Division in view of their interest in the subject
who has participated in numerous acts of violence in Concordia
Parish, Louisiana.
f urnished the following information
a strictly confidential basis, fearing that any publicity
regarding same w o uld result in the loss of her children.
She stated that during June, 1963, she went to
asa waitress at the Shamrock M otel Restaurant,
Vidalia, Louisiana, shortly thereafter met TOMMIE Lee JONES,
a nd bega
LEE JONES several times per week. Shortly after meeting
J O N E S , he introduced her to THOR LEE TORGERSEN of Natchez,
M i s s ., and she also began dating him several times per we e k .
she generally knew both TOMMIE
She recalled hearing
both of them talk of the Silver Dollar Group (SDG) and that
during the Spring or early Summer of 1964. TORGERSEN gave
her his silver dollar dated 1923. She stated at that time,
TOMMIE JONES showed her that he, too, had a silver dollar.
She advised she kept Torgersen's silver dollar until approxi­
mately July, 1967; at which time she lost i t .
L E E JONES and TORGERSEN were klansmen.
a dvised that while dating both TORGERSEN
the Shamrock Motel. She could furnish no information re
that she had n o knowledg
soever of TOMMIE LEE JONES or TORGERSEN dating any other
person during the time she was dating them or thereafter.
THOR L e e T o r g e r s e n , 1405 W estw ood S t r e e t ,
acknowledged the Identity of the interviewing Agent and
immediately advised that he was c o mpletely aware of h is
rights a nd had n o objections whatsoever to talking with
the interviewing A g e n t .
TORGERSEN advised that he has been unable to learn
a n y i n f o r m a t i o n indicating those responsible for the bombings
He continued to
d e n y any prior knowledge or participation In either of
ma t t e r s .
He further denied any activity in the past with
RALEIGH JACKS ON GLOVER, in regard to acts of violence . He
did state, however, he was visited by GLOVER on Thursday
or Friday, July 20 or 21, 1967, and was asked by GLOVER to
attend GLOVER's hearing in Fayette, Mississippi, in regard
to the theft of the bush hog. TORGERSEN stated that he
told GLOVER he would be there but he had no intention of
making an appearance at this hearing.
TORGERSEN advised that on the afternoon of J u l y 24,
1967, he visited JAMES LEE SCAROBOR OUGH in Ferriday, Louisiana,
and learned that Scaroborough has no activity at the present
time w i t h the exception of the construction of a private
school in the City of Ferriday, Louisiana.
TORGERSEN c o n tin u e d th a t on the n ig h t o f J u l y 24,
1 9 6 7 , he was v i s i t e d b y TOMMIE LEE JONES o f N a tc h e z, M is s is s i p p i , and th a t JONES a p p ea re d v e r y u p s e t o v e r h is re c e n t
a s s o c i a t i o n w it h GLOVER on th e n ig h t o f J u l y 14, 1967.
JONES t o l d TORGERSEN t h a t he had been re q u e s t e d b y GLOVER
t o a t t e n d GLOVER' s h e a r in g c o n c e r n in g th e b u s h h o g m a tte r
a s GLOVER had t o l d h im , "T h e enem y w i l l be t h e r e , and we
JN T-4 on August 15, 1967, advised that during
1964, when the WKKKKOMi in Adams County had more than a
thousand members, a few members decided the klan was too
large and desired that a "secret unit" should be formed.
Following the above trip sometime in m i d - 1964, the informant
attended a meeting of the SDG held on a sand bar off the
H o m o c h i tto R iver near Meadville, Mississippi.
Ac c o r d i n g to
the informant, T OMMIE LEE JONES of N a t c h e z was present at the
JN T-6 on September 20, 1967, identified TOMMIE LEE
JONES of Natchez as a member of the SDG.
JN T-3 on October 3, 1967, advised
of several individuals present at a
meeting of
the SDG in Concordia Parish, Louisiana, on October 1, 1967.
JONES was one
JN T-5 on October 4, 1967, identified T O M M I E L EE
J O NES as being at the O c t ober 1, 1967, m e e t i n g of the SDG.
A t this meeting, G L O V E R was h e a r d a d v i s i n g an u n k n o w n i n d i v i d u a l
that JONES was not an F B I informant.
JN T - 4 on O c t o b e r 3 , 1 9 6 7 , i d e n t i f i e d t h e s u b j e c t a s
b e i n g p r e s e n t at t h e O c t o b e r 1, 1 9 6 7 , m e e t i n g o f t h e SDG h e l d
at a h u n t i n g lodge on t h e M i s s i s s i p p i R i v e r l e v e e b e t w e e n
Vidalia and Ferriday, L o u i s i a n a .
JN T-2 on October 14, 1967, advised that the subject
a meeting of the SDG on October 1, 1967, at a hunting
the Mississippi River levee near Ferriday, Louisiana.
JN T-2 on August 15, 1967, advised that some
to five years ago, a Negro pointer supposedly went into the
store of a JACK MOORE in the Natchez area and insulted the wife
of JACK MOORE, Informant advised that JONES went to the residence
of the Negro on the pretext of hiring him to do some painting
for him, took the Negro out the Liberty
Road, where he, T .L.
TORGERSEN, and unknown individuals from Louisiana blindfolded
and beat the Negro badly.
This source also advised that some two or three years
ago, he heard that TOMMIE LEE JONES and four other individuals
whipped a Negro who lived a short distance down Horseshoe Lake
Road off Highway 84, a few miles west of Ferriday, Louisiana.
He advised the Negro raised quail and pheasants. The source
advised that on this occasion, the Negro's wife shot TOMMIE LEE
JONES with a shotgun and TOMMIE JONES had to go to a doctor to
get the shots removed.
JN T -6 on August 17, 1967, a d v ise d th a t a few y e a r s
ago, p o s s ib ly 1963, TOMMIE LEE JONES, f o r some u n r e c a lle d rea son ,
picked up a Negro p a in te r who liv e d in the area o f JACK MOORE’s
g ro c e ry s t o r e on Madison S tre e t in Natchez, drove him out o f town
and whipped him.
Source a ls o advised that a few yea rs ago, JONES and
oth er in d iv id u a ls went to the resid en ce o f
WHITE, a Negro
who re sid e s on Horseshoe Lake Road, to g iv e him a bea tin g. Source
advised that someone in WHITE'S house saw one o f the individuals
take a p i s t o l from his pocket and begin sh ootin g . JONES was h it
-1 3 -
with pellets from a shotgun and had to be taken to
Brookhaven, Mississippi, to a doctor.
JN T-4 on August 15, 1967, furnished substantially
the same information regarding JAMES WHITE as that set forth
This source advised that TOMMIE JONES told him
GLOVER had burned a large night club down on Horseshoe Lake
Road. JONES advised they warned the owner to quit selling to
teen-agers but he did not. He stated they tried to burn it
one night, failed, went back the next night and burned it to
the ground.
JN T-8 on August 24, 1967, advised that to the best
of his recollection, sometimes in 1964, TOMMIE JONES was in
Brookhaven, Mississippi, to see a doctor,as he had been shot.
According to the source, TOMMIE JONES was treated by Doctor
JAMES E. SAFLEY of Brookhaven, who was a member of the WKKKKOM
at one time.
JN T-3 on August 15, 1967, identified the subject
as one of six individuals who attempted to take some action
against a Negro who lives near Horseshoe Lake in Concordia
Parish and raises pheasants.
JN T-3 on September 5, 1967, advised that during a
recent conversation with RALEIGH JACKSON GLOVER, GLOVER stated
that TOMMIE LEE JONES almost got "BUCK" HORTON’s head shot
off at the house of the Negro who raises pheasants near Ferriday,
Louisiana. GLOVER stated that JONES went to the house with an
unloaded gun and when the Negro woman started shooting from
the doorway, HORTON had to start shooting with his .45 caliber
pistol to keep from being killed.
JN T-9 on September 6, 1967, advised that he heard of
an incident several years ago wherein TOMMIE LEE JONES had been
shot with birdshot and had to go to Brookhaven to be treated.
JN T-4 on September 5, 1967, advised that JONES
recently related to him events regarding the Negro who
"raises pheasants”. JONES advised they stopped their automobile
In front of the Negro's house and T. L. TORGERSEN went to the
front door. TORGERSEN told the Negro he wanted to look at
his pheasants and the Negro and TORGERSEN walked to the pen.
JONES stated he was in the background and pulled both triggers
on his shotgun but both snapped. He stated he had forgotten
to load his gun. JONES stated that he then "ran like hell"
but about that time, one of the Negroes in the house started
shooting and he was hit In the cheek of his face and possibly
in one of his arms.
Source advised that they planned to kill this Negro
because he recently was the head of the Black Muslims in that
T-3 on September 12, 1967, advised that on September
night club near Horseshoe Lake. He stated JONES "pitched the
s t u f f on the night club and TORGERSEN lit i t " .
The i n f o r m a n t a d v i s e d t h a t TOMMIE L . JONES a l s o
p a r t i c i p a t e d i n t h e b e a t i n g o f N e g r o e s ROBERT WATKINS an d
R I C H A R D J A M E S a p p r o x i m a t e l y tw o y e a r s a g o i n C o n c o r d i a P a r i s h ,
JN T-2 on September 13, 1967, advised that on
1967, JAMES FREDERICK LEE, a member of the SDG,
TOMMIE LEE JONES was the Individual talking to
September 8,
remarked that
the FBI.
JN T-5 on September 20, 1967, advised that at a
September 9, 1967, meeting of the SDG, the major topic of
conversation was TOMMIE LEE JONES, who all present suspected of
being an FBI Informant. After lengthy discussion, LEE suggested
they take a vote on whether to dispose of JONES or not. LEE
immediately stated he would vote to dispose of JONES, but
GLOVER stated they should have definite proof before taking any
JN T - 1 on S ep te m b er 22, 1967, a d v i s e d t h a t JAMES
SC A R OB OR O UGH s t a t e d he d i d n o t know t h a t JONES was a t r a i t o r
was goin g to f i n d o u t .
JN T - 3 on S e p t e m b e r 12, 1 9 6 7 , a d v i s e d t h a t on S e p t e m b e r
12, 1967, J O N E S was h e a r d t e l l i n g GLOVER t h a t h e h e a r d GLOVER
a n d J A M E S F . LEE w e r e g o i n g t o k i l l h im .
d id not sa y a n y th in g at th a t tim e to make JONES
s u s p ic io u s o f him . GLOVER la t e r s ta te d he c o u ld d r iv e up to
JONES' house and sh o o t him but th a t w ould be the end o f him
(GLOVER) a l s o .
JN T-4 on September 15, 1967, advised that GLOVER
on September 14, 1967, stated he had heard JONES had been
seen talking with an FBI Agent In the bar of the Eola Hotel
in Natchez, and GLOVER stated "one of these days, he will be
looking down both barrels of my shotgun".
JONES commented further that his wife had
recently received a telephone call from an individual who
reported to her that JAMES LEE and RALEIGH JACKSON GLOVER
Intended to kill him. JONES stated that he was very much
upset over learning this, and was of the opinion that
LEE and GLOVER decided to take this action in view of the
fact that they feel he, JONES, drinks too much and talks
too much. He stated that he believes that they feel he has
talked about them sometime in the past and that this
information has directly or indirectly fallen in the hands
of the FBI. JONES advised that he would not deny the
fact* that either of these individuals were capable of
killing him if they thought he was cooperating with the
FBI and telling them some of the things that they have
done in the past. JONES stated that he could tell plenty
on these individuals, but indicated that in so doing, he
w o u l d i nvolve himself.
JONES declined to give any details
concerning what he knew about GLOVER and LE E and advised
that at the p r e s e n t t i m e he did not d e s i r e to d i s c u s s
their activities
n o r his
fu rth e r.
Alleged Girl Friend of JONES
JN T-4 on July 8, 1967, advised that TOMMIE LEE
JONES formerly had a girl friend In the Natchez area but he
unable to furnish her identity at that time.
JN T-1 on September 13, 1967, advised that TOMMIE
LEE JONES a few years ago dated a girl who worked in some
capacity at the Shamrock Motel in Vidalia, Louisiana. This
source advised that during 1962 or 1963, there was some talk
within the klan of w h i p p i n g JONES and TORGERSEN because they were
running around on their wives.
JN T - 3 a d v i s e d t h a t a c c o r d i n g t o GLOVER, a p p r o x im a t e ly
tw o y e a r s a g o , TOMMIE LEE JONES had a g i r l f r i e n d who worked a t
t h e S h am ro ck M o t e l i n V i d a l i a .
GLOVER s t a t e d he hoped JONES was
n o t " s h o o t i n g o f f h i s mouth t o t h a t l i t t l e w h o r e " .
The s o u r c e
s t a t e d he b e l i e v e d t h e g i r l f r i e n d o f JONES t o b e t h e same g i r l
who h a d t h e t i r e s on h e r c a r s l a s h e d a t t h e Sham rock M o t e l a t sometime
th e
Mrs. CALVITT stated that approximately two and a
years ago she and her husband became active in the
Moose Lodge in Natchez, Mississippi. She stated that at
first she and her husband both attended all of the Moose
Lodge affairs, but during the past two years her husband
has not attended these affairs because of conflict with
his work. She stated that she continued to attend these
affairs alone and met other members during her attendance
at these affairs.
She stated that about two years ago she met
T O M M I E LEE JONES at a M o o s e Lodge dance, and has seen h im
on a p p r o x i m a t e l y a w e e k l y basis since that time. She stated
she has n e v e r dated JONES,
but has met h i m
at the M o o s e Lodge
on v a r i o us occasions.
She stated that she
has heard that
J O N E S has h a d a gir l friend in the past, but she does not
k n o w h er identity.
She a d v i s e d
t h a t JONES
d rin k s
alo t
a f f a i r s , p la y s around
w i t h o t h e r l o d g e members
b u t s h e h a d no i n f o r m a t i o n i n d i c a t i n g J O N E S w as
w iv e s,
actual l y
d a t in g any o f t h e s e .
She d i d s t a t e t h a t s h e r e c a lle d
JONES a d v i s i n g h e r t h a t h e u s e d t o g o t o t h e S h a m ro c k Motel
a n d t h e B o n a n z a C l u b l o c a t e d on H ig h w a y 8 4 , V i d a l i a , L o u i s i n
She s t a t e d ,
a s s o c ia te s
h ow ever,
d u rin g
h is
s h e k new
a c tiv ity
c lu b s .
townRoad, Na tchez, M is s is s ip p i, advised that she was the
agerof the c o ffe e shop at the Shamrock Motel in Vida l i a,
Louisiana , fo r approximately seven and one-half years,
ending on Mother's Day, 1964.
Mrs. HALL advised that as o f approximately six
weeks p r io r , Mrs. JOYCE WINDHAM JONES was resid in g in Bude,
M is s is s ip p i, with the parents o f her husband, Mr. B. C.
JONES, who was k i l l e d in an automobile accident approxi­
mately s ix weeks ago.
Mrs. HALL advised that during la te 1963 or e a rly
c o ffe e shop fre q u e n tly and g e n e ra lly every Sunday morning.
She stated TOMMIE LEE JONES and the husband o f JOYCE
WINDHAM JONES were cousins. She stated JOYCE and her
husband were separated fo r approximately a year beginning
in e a r ly 1964 and ending in e a r ly 1965. She stated th is
separation was due to the fa c t that JOYCE was "running
around on her husband and he knew i t . "
Mrs. HALL stated she could not b e lie v e that
JOYCE ever dated T. L. TORGERSEN. She stated she did
suspect her o f datin g TOMMIE LEE JONES even though he and
her husband were cousins.
She advised that fo r the f i r s t two or th ree
months of the separation o f JOYCE and her husband, JOYCE
placed her ch ildren w ith the Masonic Temple in M erid ia n ,
M is s is s ip p i, and moved in w ith TOMMIE LEE JONES and w i f e .
This resu lted in a f ig h t between JOYCE and TOMMIE JONES'
w ife a ft e r which JOYCE l e f t and spent some e ig h t or ten
months in the State o f F lo r id a .
HERNANDEZ s t a t e d t h a t he was a c q u a i n t e d w i t h
MAMIE MARTIN, nee THAMES, who had b e e n e m p lo y ed a t the
S h a mro ck M o t e l a s a r e g i s t r a t i o n C l e r k .
H er husband,
M A R S H A L L MARTIN, d u r i n g l a t e 1963 and e a r l y 1964, w a s
serving a burglary s e n t e n c e in j a i l a t P archm an, M i s s i s ­
s ip p i.
M r s . MARTIN h a s moved t o P i n e v i l l e , L o u i s i a n a ,
a n d h e r e x a c t a d d r e s s c a n b e o b t a i n e d t h r o u g h M r s . BOBBIE
M U L V IH IL L , 615 S o u t h C a m e l i a S t r e e t , V i d a l i a , L o u i s i a n a .
D u r i n g h i s a s s o c i a t i o n w i t h MAMIE M A R T IN , he
ROBERTA WALKER, a n o t h e r r e g i s t r a t i o n c l e r k a t
He heard from TOMMIE JONES, who is known to him
as a member o f a Klan-type group, that the Klan was aware
o f WALKER's employment, her race, and her a c t iv it ie s and
that the Klan was going to take appropriate a c tio n ."
HERNANDEZ stated that In order to prevent a beating or
murder, he told MIKE MC DONOUGH, the owner o f the motel,
that WALKER's employment represented a p o te n tia lly explo­
sive situ a tion . WALKER's employment was terminated and no
violen ce occurred.
HERNANDEZ stated that S h e r iff ANDERS, a fte r
taking o f f i c e in January, 1964, leased three white Oldsmobiles from McPhail Oldsmobile in Natchez, M ississippi.
HERNANDEZ stated that he was furnished a white Oldsmobile,
four-door Jet Star, that had a p o lice two-way radio with
a whip antenna on the l e f t rear and an AM radio, a standard
radio re c e iv e r , which had the usual AM radio antenna on
the rig h t fr o n t.
In addition to the bullet-shaped combination red
lig h t and siren on the top o f the v e h ic le , he was of the
opinion that i t had a gold star on each side o f the car.
The other s im ila r ly equipped Oldsmobiles were
used by Deputy S h e r iff DAVID BLOUGH and S h e riff JAMES O.
ANDERS. A fte r HERNANDEZ q u it on A p r il 1, 1964, his car
was repaired and used by Deputy S h e r iff BOBBY ANDERS and
Deputy S h e r iff PETE HALEY.
HERNANDEZ advised that the only law enforcement
vehicle in use in this area at that time having two radio
antenna on the rear was the Oldsmobile used by the Vidalia
Police Department.
HERNANDEZ further advised that there
is a mutual dislike between him and Vidalia Police Chief
Source stated he had heard that on 11/3/67, JAMES
FREDERICK LEE and his wife visited in the home of L. C. MURRAY.
While they were there, JAMES SEALE also came to visit MURRAY.
Source stated that while these individuals were in MURRAY’S
home, the subject came up about the FBI’s investigation in the
Natchez area and these individuals wondered who might be
furnishing information to the FBI.
S o u rc e s t a t e d t h a t LEE and h i s w i f e w e r e o f t h e
o p i n i o n t h a t TOMM IE LEE JONES was f u r n i s h i n g i n f o r m a t i o n t o t h e
FBI. Mrs. LEE commented t h a t JONES h a d v i s i t e d h e r h u s b a n d a
month ago and asked him so many questions he sounded as
if he were an Agent of the FBI.
Source stated that LEE and his wife were also of
the opinion that E. D. MORACE was furnishing information
to the FBI but they gave no reasons as to why they thought
he might be furnishing information to the FBI.
Source s ta te d that JAMES SEALE commented that he
d id not th in k MORACE is fu rn ish in g inform ation to the FBI
because "he had been down that ro a d ".
Source sta te d he
thought t h is comment meant th at SEALE knew th a t MORACE had
committed some type o f a c t o f v io le n c e in the p ast a n d t h is i s
the re a so n he d id not th in k MORACE was t a lk in g t o th e F B I .
JAMBS HORACE "SONNY" TAYLOR, v isited Silver Dollar
G roup (SDG) member JAMES "RED" LEE In Natchez , Mississippi,
on September 25 end 26, 1967, LEE told TAYLOR that six hardeore SDG members had met on September 24, 1967, and had
discussed the future plans of the SDG.
LEE did not go Into
detail concerning these discussions except to say that the
TOMMIE JONES case was once again discussed.
E. D. M O R A C E , JACK SEALE, L. C. MURRAY, and himself were
the Individuals w ho attended this meeting.
LEE Invited TAYLOR to attend a SDG meeting to be
held during the afternoon of October 1, 1967, in the vicinity
of a hunting camp owned by SDG member E. D. MORACE.
did not go into detail concerning the meeting, but indicated
they were trying to get all of the trusted SDG members
together to plan for the future.
LEE either would not or could not furnish TAYLOR
directions to the exact location of this meeting, but told
TAYLOR that he would pick him up and transport him to the
T A Y L O R l e a r n e d fr o m LEE t h a t t h e i n d i v i d u a l
unknown t o him who a t t e n d e d t h e SDG m e e t i n g on S e p t e m b e r 9 ,
1967, in N a t c h e z , M i s s i s s i p p i , w as m o s t l i k e l y i d e n t i c a l
JAMES HORACE "SONNY" TAYLOR has always been a
suspect in the METCALFE bombing. TAYLOR was recently
overheard to say something to the effect that a week or two
prior to the bombing of METCALFE, TAYLOR had heard a group
of ten or twelve Klansmen discussing the bombing of METCALFE.
TAYLOR would not furnish any details as to the
identities of these individuals participating in this
discussion, nor did he indicate where the discussion was held.
Source telephonically advised on the morning of
October 2, 1967, that eight Individuals met at the scheduled
SDG meeting on October 1, 1967, at a hunting lodge on the
levee between Vidalia and Ferriday, Louisiana. The meeting
was nothing but a "bull session", and lasted from 2:00 to
4:30 p.m. SDG members present were:
Source advised that CHARLES SMITH and JACK JACKSON, both
Klansmen of Natchez, were in attendance at the meeting.
Source does not know who invited these individuals and he
does not know if they are members of the SDG. The source
will discuss their SDG membership with GLOVER.
Source a d v is e d t h a t JACK JACKSON i s one o f the
JACKSON b r o t h e r s , JAMES HOWARD o r A . C . The b r o t h e r who
wears g l a s s e s i s the i n d i v i d u a l who a t t e n d e d t h e m e e t in g .
RALEIGH JACKSON GLOVER atated meeting was merely
a general get together of SDG members. During meeting
GLOVER said his attorney, BILL RILEY, Is charging him $750
to represent him in connection with the Fayette, M ississippi,
bushhog matter.
After the "bull session", some of the members took
target practice on tin cans. SONNY TAYLOR shot a six shot
.22 caliber pistol, E. D. MORACE shot a .45 caliber nickel
plated pistol with a thumb rest, and GLOVER shot his . 10
gauge double barrel shotgun. Source stated the barrels of
GLOVER's shotgun have been cut o ff only a couple of inches.
Another meeting of this group is scheduled fo r
2:00 p.m. October 15, 1967, at the same location. SDG
members w ill ask individuals who would like to jo in the group
to attend the next meeting. Source is o f the opinion GLOVER
would like to enlarge the membership o f the SDG.
Source w ill contact SDG members in Brookhaven and
Jackson, Mississippi, and apprise them o f the next meeting.
Source advised that the lodge which the above
meeting was held in is . located on a levee near Ferriday. He
stated he could not furnish a description as to how one
would get to this lodge building because i t is quite complicated.
He stated this lodge is a wooden frame building s it t in g on a
concrete form and it has a tin top and black sides.
Source advised that on the morning o f October 1
1967, RALEIGHT JACKSON GLOVER came to his residence and told
him that he had been unable to contact THOR LEE TORGERSEN and
invite him to the October 1, 1967, meeting. Source advised
that GLOVER did not mention to him at the meeting if he
had been able to contact TORGERSEN after he saw the source on
the morning of October 1, 1967.
Source advised that he did not believe he knew
anyone named MICHAEL ROGERS and R. O . DAY who might live or
work in Adams County.
Source advised he would attempt to
obtain some information regarding these individuals.
LEE told TAYLOR that Glover is solid and that
everyone should stand behind him. LEE also s a i d that
w ith in a week or two, he would bring GLOVER to Harrisonburg,
Louisiana, to see TAYLOR so they could straighten out their
At about 8:30 p.m., on August 30, 1967, LEE
appeared at the TAYLOR residence in Harrisonburg, Louisiana ,
accompanied by RALEIGH JACKSON GLOVER. Shortly after their
arrival, GLOVER, LEE, and TAYLOR stood in the middle of
TAYLOR's front yard and had a lengthy conversation.
e x p la in e d h isa position about the saw to TAYLOR and TAYLOR
said that although he did not appreciate how GLOVER had
treated him over the saw, he would stick by GLOVER since he
was In trouble. TAYLOR offered to help GLOVER in any way
possible .
have only coma from TOMMIE LEE JONES. GLOVER explained
that some of the SDG members who had bean interviewed by
the FBI had been requested to write down in as much d e t a il
as possible immediately after the Interview the questions
asked by the FBI Agents so that this information could by
studied and an attempt made to identify the source of
information upon which FBI questions were based,
GLOVER also told LEE and TAYLOR that they had
tested SDG members in the past several months by giving a
particular individual certain information. This information
was then noted in d etail as to what information was furnished
and to whom this information was furnished so that i f the
information ever came back, they would know p ositiv ely that
it could have only come from one particular source,
LEE took over the discussion at this time and
told TAYLOR and GLOVER that JONES had come by his Natchez
home on August 29, 1967, and had questioned him in d e ta il
about the bushhog incident and the SDG business. LEE said
that he had the distin ct impression that JONES was trying
to turn LEE against GLOVER, LEE said that JONES was so
obvious with his questions that the conversation between
JONES and LEE sounded like an FBI interview. LEE also
pointed out to GLOVER and TAYLOR that JONES' wife had
told the source that JONES had extra money every month.
LEE told TAYLOR that he and GLOVER had come to
see him for two reasons: F irst, to warn him about JONES
and, second, to obtain his thinking as to what should be
done about JONES, LEE said that he was convinced that
JONES was an FBI informant and thought that he should be
killed immediately, GLOVER said that he wanted to do some
more checking before any action was taken.
GLOVER indicated to TAYLOR and LEE that he had
already been in touch with SDG member JAMES SCAROBOROUGH
and that SCAROBOROUGH was 100% behind GLOVER.
Sometime in the past, JAMES "RED" LEE told JAMES
"SONNY" TAYLOR that he and other Klansmen from the Horse­
shoe Lake area had given a white man a good beating with
LEE's wide leather belt because this white man. had been
messing with a Negro woman in a motel located on Horseshoe
Lake. LEE did not furnish TAYLOR any further details
concerning this beating.
There was a discussion of TOMMIE LEE JONES. JACK
SEALE said JONES came to him two days after SEALE had observed
JONES with an FBI Agent at the Eola Hotel Lounge in Natchez,
Mississippi. JONES said the FBI Agent approached him in the
bar and pressured him into talking to him. GLOVER said he
did not believe this story as it was like JONES being seen
in a car with an FBI Agent and he doubted that JONES was
forced into the car.
GLOVER reminded JAMES LEE that JONES had made a
trip to Laurel, Mississippi, with them, at which time they
were accompanied by JOEL FREEMAN and THOR LEE TORGERSEN.
hater, FBI Agents questioned them about a bombing or burning
in Laurel and GLOVER wondered if JONES was not responsible.
LEE remembered the incident but indicated he had not made
he trip.
JAMES LEE stated that sometime a g o , he saw O. C .
POISSOT parked in front of his house with someone who
looked like an FBI Agent.
LEE stated two days later, FBI
Agents came to his house and questioned him about a Levee
Job he was supposed to hove been involved in.
It was announced by RED GLOVER that another
meeting will be held on Sunday, October 1, 1967, at 2:00
p.m. at the hunting club of E. D. MORACE and PAUL, TOLBERT.
GLOVER said more people will be invited to this meeting.
Source stated GLOVER may be calling meetings to
get support to help him raise the $1,000 attorney fee he
needs in the bushhog trial.
22, 1967.
GLOVER e x h i b i t e d a n e w s p a p e r a r t i c l e
Septem ber
ab o u t a r e w a r d o f f e r e d i n t h e b o m b in g o f t h e s y n a g o g u e a t
Jackson, M i s s i s s i p p i .
GLOVER commented t h i s r e w a r d , a l o n g
w i t h r e w a r d s o f f e r e d i n t h e tw o b o m b in g s a t N a t c h e z , M i s s i s ­
s i p p i , t o t a l e d $ 7 5 ,0 0 0 .
GLOVER s a i d t h i s m i g h t m ate som eone
t a lk but d id
ta lk .
in d ic a te
th e
id e n tity
anyone who m igh t
GLOVER said he moved a week ago from Vidalia,
Louisiana, into a garage apartment at Washington, Mississippi.
Source recalls having furnished information in the
past on the long, cylinder- shaped bomb thrown at a Negro
house in Ferriday, Louisiana, which failed to explode.
Source was told that FREEMAN was Involved in this bombing
by JAMES FREDERICK LEE under the following circumstances:
Source saw the long bomb which failed to explode
and recognised the dynamite from which it was made as
appearing to be the same dynamite he had seen at the SDG
Source asked LEE about this and was told by LEE
It was the fault of JAMES "SONNY" TAYLOR that the bomb did
not go off, LEE told source the whole story of the attempted
bombing and stated MARION FREEMAN was Involved and was
driving the car used in the bombing.
S o u rc e r e c a l l s h a v i n g i n t h e p a s t f u r n i s h e d i n f o r ­
m atio n c o n c e r n i n g MARION FREEMAN o f F e r r i d a y , L o u i s i a n a ,
h a v in g p o s s i b l y been in v o lv e d in a c h u rc h b u r n i n g a t S i c i l y
Is la n d , L o u is ia n a ,
a lo n g wi t h
Source surmised MARION FREEMAN might be the
un-named man because he had been involved in the attempted
bombing of the house at Ferriday, Louisiana, along with
some of the same people.
FREEMAN was a member of the Ferriday - Clayton
Unit of the Klan from about 1965 until the Klan broke up.
He has not been active in the Klan in the past year or two
and never attended meetings regularly. FREEMAN said that
he could not attend meetings but was willing and available
for any type of assignment at any time.
Source heard JOHN HART was a member o f th e F e r r i d a y C la yton U nit o f the OKKKK. He n e v e r met HART and w o u ld n o t
know him i f he met him . JOE WHEAT, who w o rk s f o r th e t e le p h o n e
company in Ferriday, used to mention HART and for that
reason, source thinks HART may have also worked for the
telephone company. He can furnish no further information
about J OHN HART.
Since source does not know JOHN HART and would
not recognize him if he saw him, photographs of ROBERT
EDWARD DONAHUE and JOHN VAUGHN HART were not exhibited to
JACK SEALE told E . D. MORACE the Klan in Natchez,
Mississippi, would reorganize In the near future, SEALE
stated he would let MORACE know so he could attempt to
get other men to attend,
S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 1967, o f a p la n n e d m e e t in g a t HEAD's house
on C o n c o r d i a Lake n e a r F e r r i d a y , L o u i s i a n a , a t 7 :0 0 p .m .,
September 2 4 , 1967,
E x-K la n members in the area w i l l be
in v it e d and w i l l d isc u ss what the FB I has been q u e stion in g
them a b o u t. The main purpose o f the m eeting is to discuss
r e o r g a n iz in g the K la n , HEAD sta te d th a t a f t e r the Klan
re o rg a n iz e d , a permanent m eeting place was needed. He
s a id he w ould ask E . D . MORACE and PAUL TOLBERT about
u s in g t h e i r d e e r camp as a m eetin g p la c e .
GLOVER said BUCK HORTON was subpoenaed as a state
witness against GLOVER. GLOVER stated he had talked to
HORTON and HORTON said he would not say anything to the
Grand Jury.
GLOVER was going to Kentwood, Louisiana, the
night of September 16, 1967, and requested MORACE go with
him so if something happened, he would have a witness that
he was not involved.
BUCK HORTON advised E. D. MORACE on September 15,
1967, he had been subpoenaed as a witness against GLOVER
in state court. HORTON said he had been suspected of
working for the FBI and wondered if he could carry a tape
recorder to record the questions asked him by the Grand
Jury and his answers. HORTON said he would take paper
along and write down the answers and questions.
Source stated according to R A L E I G H JACKSON G L O V E R
it was JAMES FOUNT MC NEELY and not JAMES FOU N T w h o was
involved in the beating of RICHARD JAMES and R O B E R T W A T K I N S .
MC NEELY is about 45 years old and wa s the a c t i n g E x a l t e d
Cyclops of the B l a c k River - M o n t e r e y U n i t of the K l a n w h e n
this unit broke up.
Source did not hear anything about a man other
than GLOVER having been without a mask during the beating.
Source has no additional information about the
identity of the girl friend of TOMMIE LEE JONES at the
Shamrock Motel. RALEIGH JACKSON GLOVER mentioned that
the girl friend of JONES had a car on which the tires
were cut but did not say anything else or mention whether
one or more of the tires were cut.
was quite put out with E .
D. MORACE, who he said
d id n ' t have very much sense, that he would back up from nothing,
and has indicated that he d o e s n 't g i v e much i f
any thought
a cting (o n any type p r o j e c t ), LEE sa id th a t MORACE
with brute f o r c e he
thinks that
do most anything and g e t away w ith
Source rep orted th a t LEE d id n ot i d e n t i f y any
jo b
o r what he s p e c i f i c a l l y had r e f e r e n c e t o.
Source reported that the name R . O. D A Y had meant
nothing to him but when furnished the full name, s o u r c e
s a i d he
heardofODELL DAY, bu t c o u ld n 't re m e m b e r a t th is
The name of Mike Rogers still meant nothing.
tim e
The other two men present were from Natchez,
Mississippi, and were unknown to the source. One was a
short, curly haired man about 35
overheard to ask LEE if this man was worthyof a s ilv e r
dollar and would he accept a s ilv e r d ollar i f o f f e r e d one.
LEE replied the man was worthy and would accept a s ilv e r
d o lla r. The other man was an old er man.
the meeting, there was a d iscu ssion o f the
fin ancial problems o f RED GLOVER. A donation was taken up
for GLOVER and $5 to $50 was receiv ed . The money was to
be added to donations furnished by others so GLOVER could
pay his attorney,
GLOVER said the main purpose o f the meeting was
to reorgan ize the SDG and to make plans to combat the
indictments which the FBI was trying to get on SDG members.
It was decided that each man should save some money, as
much as $100 each, so that i f one member is indicted, other
members can make his bond without going through a bondsman.
Everyone seemed surprised to see TOMMIE LEE
JONES at the meeting and JONES was brought to the meeting
by RED GLOVER, JAMES LEE was overheard to remark that
the only thing he did not like about the meeting was JONES'
being there. LEE wondered aloud what he would have to do
to prove to GLOVER that JONES is an FBI informant.
After the meeting broke up, GLOVER, JONES, LEE,
and TAYLOR drove to the home of LEE at Natchez, Mississippi.
JONES soon left to go home and the other three men counted
the money received for GLOVER. GLOVER stated his attorney,
Mr. RILEY, of Natchez, Mississippi, needed $500. The three
men took the donations received on October 1, 1967, to the
home of the man who made GLOVER's $1,000 bond In Jackson,
Mississippi. This man was in possession of donations
received previously for GLOVER. The man reported he now
had $400.40 including the donations received that day.
GLOVER wanted to take the money to his attorney
that afternoon but RILEY did not answer his home telephone.
Before JONES left the other three men, he inquired
from GLOVER the identity of the short, curly haired man who
was at the meeting. GLOVER refused to reveal the identity
of the man to JONES. After JONES left, GLOVER stated JONES
was not an FBI informant. GLOVER said he could get JONES
any night and include him in a criminal act which would
prove JONES was not an informant.
It was decided that another meeting of SDG members
would be held the same place on Sunday, October 15, 1967.
It was expected many people who could not attend the meeting
of October 1, 1967, would be able to attend the next meeting.
SONNY TAYLOR saw BILL BLANEY at Jonesville, Louisiana
on October 2, 1967, BLANEY has been hanging around Jonesville
quite a bit lately because he has a girl friend there.
BLANEY asked TAYLOR to help him steal some gasoline and oil
but TAYLOR declined to get involved in stealing.
have been discussing re-organization of the Klan in the
Harrisonburg area. They indicated that they wanted the Klan
to start meeting again so that they will have a more active
role in the forthcoming elections.
Source has no suspects in this matter and has
no knowledge of the type of dynamite used.
Source knows J. B. TEMPLE, the owner of Temple
Auto Parts, Vidalia, Louisiana, to have been a Klan organizer
in the past. TEMPLE has not been active in the Klan in the
past year or two.
Source does not know WARREN GEORGE WILSON, JEFF
BILL BLANEY advised source he accompanied
RALEIGH JACKSON GLOVER on a trip from Vidalia, Louisiana,
to Kentwood, Louisiana, on 9/16/67. According to BLANEY,
GLOVER wanted him to go along to be a witness for GLOVER if
anything happened in the Kentwood area while GLO VER was there.
BLANEY stated he and GLOVER went to the home of GLOVER's
mother in Kentwood and GLOVER did not engage in any other
activity while BLANEY was with him.
BLANEY advised GLOVER came by his residence on
9/29/67, and requested that BLANEY accompany him. BLANEY
said GLOVER did not say where he was going and BLANEY refused
to accompany him.
see JAMES SCAROBOROUGH on 9/29/67, and invited SCAROBOROUGH
to attend the meeting of SDG members at 2:00 p.m. on 10/1/67.
SCAROBOROUGH said he could not attend the meeting as he was
going to the rifle range to practice.
On 9/29/67, RALEIGH JACKSON GLOVER requested
E . D . MORACE to take him to talk to Sheriff NOAH CROSS of
Concordia Parish as GLOVER had evidently never been
introduced to CROSS, GLOVER and MORACE went to the residence
of CROSS where GLOVER was introduced to CROSS. GLOVER
thanked CROSS for his moral support In the bushhog matter.
CLOVER told CROSS that FRED SCHIELE, wh o was running against
CROSS, had done G LOVER dirty about getting an attorney.
GLOVER said he had dropped the attorney SCHIELE got for him
as he discovered SCHIELE was not really helping him.
GLOVER promised CROSS the Klan would back him and
CROSS expressed his appreciation for GLOVER's help.
GLOVER and MORACE discussed the SDG meeting planned
for Sunday , 10/1/67, and GLOVER said that persons other than
SDG members could be invited. GLOVER stated no important
business should be discussed in an open meeting anyway.
T h ere was a m e e t in g o f SDG members on 10/1/67,
at th e h u n t in g lo d g e owned by E . D. MORACE and PAUL TOLBERT,
which lodge is l o c a t e d on th e e a s t s i d e o f t h e L e v e e n e a r
F e rrid a y , L o u is ia n a .
T h e r e w e r e e i g h t men p r e s e n t .
T he
meeting started a t 2 :4 5 p.m . and l a s t e d u n t i l a b o u t 4 : 0 0 p .m ..
E. D. MORACE a r r i v e d a t t h e m e e t i n g a l o n e as d i d JACK S E A L E ,
F N U JACKSON, who i s n o t a SDG m em ber, a r r i v e d w i t h an
unknown man a b o u t 28 y e a r s o l d , who w o r k s a t A r m s t r o n g T i r e
and R u b b e r Company i n t h e C u r i n g D e p a r t m e n t . JACKSON w a s
h is home i n
N atchez. JACKSON s ta te d you t u r n down Lin d a Lee D r iv e b y
the C h e v ro le t garage and a f t e r g e t t in g on L in d a L e e , take th e
f i r s t s t r e e t to the r ig h t and h is house is th e second o r
t h i r d house. RALEIGH JACKSON GLOVER a r r i v e d in h is p ic k u p
tru c k accompanied b y TOMMIE LEE JO N ES, JAMES LE E and
SONNY TAYLOR a r r iv e d in TA Y L O R ’ s p ic k u p t r u c k .
te ll
GLOVER t h e
d ire c tio n s
GLOVER stated that every man should carry at
le ast $100 on him at al l times. One man sa id It was hard
to get $100, and GLOVER told that person he would help
him get his $100. LEE was displeased at GLOVER's statement
and said that he thought there was an understanding there
would be no more stealin g. GLOVER said he did not mention
stealing and might take the money o f f of a dead Negro.
TOMMIE LEE JONES l e f t the meeting momentarily to
get a drink o f water and SEALE asked GLOVER what the deal was
on JONES. GLOVER replied that he knew what he was doing
concerning JONES and he would take care of i t .
There was a discussion o f helping S h e riff NOAH CROSS
to be re-elected. GLOVER talked o f his bushhog t r i a l .
GLOVER said they were not a fte r him fo r the bushhog, but
trying to put pressure on him to make him ta lk about
other things. GLOVER stated he could not have stolen the
bushhog as one man could not l i f t i t . TOMMIE JONES told
GLOVER i t would take three men to l i f t the bushhog, so
GLOVER must have used a winch truck.
GLOVER told JONES that i f he shot o f f his mouth,
he would take him down to where the chlorine barges were
sunk. JONES replied, " I know you son o f a bitches want to
k i l l me but you would not do th a t". Some persons in attendance
thought JONES and GLOVER were speaking o f a particular piece
in the riv er where a vio len t crime might have been committed
by them in the past.
JACK SEALE suggested that men from outside the
Natchez--Ferriday area should be in vited to meetings and
in turn they should attend meetings elsewhere in M ississippi.
16 gauge
practice during the meeting
LEE and E. D. MORACE fired MORACE's .45 caliber
pistol at a beer car. GLOVER then shot his
double barrel shotgun at the can. After the
GLOVER gave the shotgun to SONNY TAYLOR and
TAYLOR keep it for him for a while.
JACKSON stated they needed a boat In the Mississippi
River so if there was trouble In Louisiana and the bridge
wasblocked, the men could goover from Natchez by boat.
There was a discussion as to why so few men attended
the meeting and it was determined that several members
were working the evening shift and could not attend.
It was decided the next meeting would be at
the same place at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, 10/15/67.
A t a m e e t in g o f SDG members o n 1 0 / 1 / 6 7 , R A LEIGH
JACKSON GLOVER s t a t e d t h e F B I h a d b e e n down a t t h e r i v e r
q u e s t i o n i n g some f i s h e r m e n .
GLOVER s a i d B L A C K IE DRANE a n d
ED FULLER w a n te d t o know w h a t t h e F B I w a s d o i n g a n d t h e y
w a it e d a t the r i v e r b a n k
t o t a l k t o t h e f i s h e r m e n who w e r e
b e in g q u e s t io n e d .
GLOVER s a i d t h e F B I t o o k t h e f i s h e r m e n
o u t on t h e o t h e r s i d e
w h a t w as g o i n g o n .
a n d DRANE a n d F U L L E R d i d
d e te rm in e
RALEIGH JACKSON CLOVER advised source two years
or more ago he knew where they could order parts Cor automatic
G L OVER said one man could order one part and
other men other parts until they had enough parts to build
a c o m p l e t e automatic weapon.
PETE TYER (phonetic) a member of the UKA In
Natchez, Mississippi, who use to work at the Ford garage in
Natchez, told source several years ago that BOB DIXON had
a machine gun for sale.
PETE TYER had this machine gun and
sold it to DIXON who would sell it for $250.
Source has no information as to suspects in this
matter and no information about who might have possession
of the type of dynamite used.
Source advised that captioned rally began at
approximately 8:00 p.m. and was terminated at approximately
9:30 p.m. Rev. MARVIN STONE, Pastor, Riverside Baptist
Church, Natchez, Mississippi, gave the opening prayer and
talked for about ten minutes on morality and Christianity.
Source stated that JACK HELM, Grand Dragon of the
Universal Klans of America in Louisiana, was the second
speaker and he spoke for approximately twenty minutes. The
theme of HELM's speech was that the Klan had to work to
build a political structure and he spoke out against acts
of violence. HELM talked about some government officials
without naming any names. He criticized the U. S. Govern­
ment for permitting THURGOOD MARSHALL to become a member
of the U. S. Supreme Court.
Source advised that E. L. MC DANIEL, Grand
Dragon of the Universal Klans of America in Mississippi
was the third and final speaker.
The theme of MC D A N I E L ’s
sp e e c h was that the white people must unite and work together
to fight the Communist conspiracy.
The white people must
not permit their minds to be warped into believing that the
N e g r o race of people is the S o u t h ’s main problem.
stated that the Negroes were b eing used as tools in the
Communist conspiracy.
He stated that the people must go to
the roots of their problems w h i c h is the p olitical problem.
The p e o p l e must elect honest, G o d - f e a r i n g men to the p o l i t i c a l
MC DANIEL stated that the people who had committed
acts of violence in the past had brought shame and disgrace
on the Klan and the State of Mississippi and the nation as
a whole.
they believe in law and order. He stated there would be
no room In his organization for idiots who would commit
violence. He stated if any member of his organlza tion commits an act of violence, other members will help
prosecute that individual. He stated that an oath will
be given to all new members of his organization and this
oath will bind the members to helping prosecute any member
or non-member who commits an act of violence.
MC DANIEL told those individuals in attendance
at the rally that he was not soliciting membership at this
rally because everyone would be screened before he was
permitted to Join this organization.
Source stated that he estimated that there were
about 150 men, women, and children in attendance at the
rally. He stated that a collection was made in the amount
of $39. Source stated that MC DANIEL went in the hole $32
on this particular rally.
Source advised that the following Klansmen and
former Klansmen were in attendance at this rally;
FERRELL MC CORMICK, Grand Dragon, OKA, Jackson,
Mississippi. Attending the rally with MC CORMICK
were his wife, daughter, and son, and about eight
other men from his organization in Jackson.
r a l l y . W/M, 28 - 30, small b u ild , 140 pounds.
r a l l y . W/M, 45 years o ld , 170 pounds, dark complexio
(Source advised th a t there were a c tu a lly two
individuals named CHARLES WHITEREAD who accompanied
MC CORMICK to th is r a l l y . )
KENDALL BUCHANAN, Exalted Cyclops, UKA, Vicksburg,
Mississippi. Source advised that BUCHANAN told
him at the rally that he and his group were dis­
satisfied with ERNEST GILBERT and the UKA and they
wanted to go with M C DANIEL If he organized a new
group. Source stated that KENDALL BUCHANAN had
three or four men from Vicksburg with him.
(FNU) ELLIS, Lexington, Mississippi.
stated ELLIS had with him his wife and another
couple. ELLIS was a former UKA officer in the
Lexington, Mississippi, area.
(FNU) MACKEY, age 76, from Bay St. Louis, Missis
sippi. MACKEY not active in the Klan at this
time. Is a former member of the UKA.
Adams County, Mississippi:
DAVIDSON, Exalted Cyclops, UKA Unit 800
CHARLES SMITH, Employed Armstrong Tire and Rubber
Company; approximately 38 years of age. Source
was told by SMITH on 9/30/67 that he had gotten
out of UKA Unit 800. Source was not positive
that SMITH was tellin g him the truth about this
Source advised that at the present time, no
additional Universal Klans of America Rallies are scheduled.
OR EARLY 1 9 6 4 ; __________________________________________
Source advised that on September 30, 1967, he
discussed again with JOHN DAWSON of Natchez, Mississippi,
the subject of DAWSON, R. P. CARTER, and others meeting
with RALEIGH JACKSON GLOVER for the purpose of discussing
some project or projects and DAWSON furnished the source
the following information:
Source advised DAWSON told him that when he and
CARTER and the others met GLOVER in Vidalia, Louisiana, as
mentioned below, it was during late 1963 or early 1964
while E. L. MC DANIEL was the Province Investigator for
When they met these individuals, CARTER got out
o f DAWSON's car and got into the automobile with GLOVER
and the other individuals. A fter a few minutes, CARTER
returned to DAWSON's automobile and stated that he had
to return to M ississippi and get approval from E. L.
MC DANIEL to handle some p roject. DAWSON told the source
that when they returned to Natchez, CARTER told DAWSON
he would get In touch with him at a la te r date and they
thereafter departed company.
DAWSON told the source that a couple o f days
la te r, CARTER contacted him and stated that everything
was o ff, re fe rrin g to the proposed p ro jec t, because
E. L. MC DANIEL would not approve the projects DAWSON
stated at this time he did not know anything about the
projects which CARTER had been re fe rrin g to .
DAWSON told the source that about two weeks
la ter, CARTER contacted him and as they were rid in g around,
CARTER told him that the two projects that GLOVER and the
Louisiana boys wanted done when he and DAWSON had met w ith
him a few weeks before were ( 1) Burn the C arrio D rive-In
which is located on Highway 84 between V id a lia and Ferriday
Louisiana, and (2) Burn a Negro jo in t located on the levee
side of Highway 84 about one and one-half miles east o f
Ferriday, Louisiana,
DAWSON told the source that a ft e r this contact
with CARTER, these projects were never mentioned to him
again. Source stated that DAWSON told him that both o f
the above mentioned places were burned a few months a ft e r
CARTER told DAWSON about the proposed p ro je c ts . Source
stated that DAWSON told him he did not know who had burned
these two places.
VIRGIL WRIGHT fired a .22 Winchester automatic
rifle and WILLIAM GUTHRIE fired a .22 caliber Marlin rifle.
Source continued that on 9 / 2 8 / 6 7 , he attended
meeting of the new NRA Chapter which was held at the
Louisiana Highway Patrol office of VIRGIL WRIGHT in Ferriday,
Louisiana, City Hall. The persons in attendance were
VIRGIL WRIGHT. Source was informed by WRIGHT that "we
might want you to head our outfit in Natchez, Mississippi."
Source stated that this was undoubtedly meant to mean that
a branch of the Minutemen was going to be organized in the
Natchez, Mississippi, area.
SCAROBOROUGH t o l d th e g r o u p t h a t th e men who
w i l l be in c o n t r o l o f th e M inutem en o r g a n i z a t i o n i n F e r r i d a y , L o u i s i a n a , w i l l be V IR G IL WRIGHT, W ILL IA M GUTHRIE,
J . C . HARRIS, h i m s e l f , and s o u r c e .
Source advised that several weeks ago, JACK
SEALE, PETE TYRE, PEANUTS CARNELL, and himself, all of
whom are or have been in the past associated with the Klan,
met with an unidentified white male from Jackson, Missis­
sippi, who was attempting to sell Thompson submachine guns.
The meeting was held at a welding shop on
Highway 61 North which is owned by CARNELL and when source
arrived there, he observed five old Thompson Submachine gun
receivers which belonged to CARNELL spread out on a work
The p r i c e w h ic h t h i s u n i d e n t i f i e d w h it e male
was asking was t o o h ig h f o r th e g ro u p p r e s e n t , and so u rc e
recalls CARNELL t a k i n g a b a r r e l o u t o f one o f th e r e c e i v e r s
and t e l l i n g th e man he c o u ld make h i s own Thompsons w h ic h
w o u ld be b e t t e r th a n a n y o f t h o s e th e man c o u ld s e l l them.
Several weeks after this meeting, source recall
that he met with CARNELL at MIKE's place on Highway 61
No r t h , Natchez , Mississippi, where he was informed that
CARNELL had made an M-2 Carbine and that JACK SEALE, JAMES
BOWERS had also obtained kits to convert
their M-l's to M -2 Carbines. CARNELL also informed
source that JACK SEALE and himself had Thompson sub­
machine guns.
Sometime after this meeting with CARNELL,
informant obtained an order form from the Eastern Firearms
Company in New Brunswick, New Jersey, where he could
obtain sufficient parts to build either a Thompson submachine
gun or convert an M — 1 to an M-2 automatic rifle.
Source continued that he recalls PEANUTS
CARNELL telling him that he had a Thompson submachine gun
hidden in his welding shop. He informed source he had
taken out a piece of one of the hollow metal beams, had
put the weapon inside, and then had welded the piece back
on the beam.
Subsequently, when informant went to the
w e l ding shop, CARNELL pointed to the last beam on the
left when you wal k in the front d o o r . Source advised
that he feels certain CARNELL was indicating where the
T h o m p s o n submachine gun w as hidden.
She advised that JONES drinks a lo t at these
a f f a i r s , plays around w ith other lodge members' w ives,
but she had no inform ation in d ic a tin g JONES was a c tu a lly
dating any o f these.
She did s t a te that she r e c a lle d
JONES a d v isin g her that he used to go to the Shamrock H o te l
and the Bonanza Club lo ca te d on Highway 84, V i d a l i a , Louisian a,
She s t a te d , however, th a t she knew o f none o f JONES'
a s s o c ia te s durin g h is a c t i v i t y a t th e se c lu b s .
Source stated that he talked with JOE DANIEL
HAWKINS at his Jackson, Mississippi, residence from
approximately 8:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. on 9/22/67. HAWKINS'
wife was present In the house when he talked to JOE DANIEL
and she was In and out of the room during the conversation.
HAWKINS told him that he and J . L. HARPER were
at the residence of his father, JOE DENVER H A W K I N S , during
the early morning hours of 9/19/67.
They were there because
they knew that as soon as the Agents learned about t h e
bombing, they would come to his house and to the house of
his father. They had planned to have a c hase w i t h the Agents
a n d harass them in order to keep t h e m in that area of town.
HAWKINS started to f urther e x p l a i n this comment, b u t stopped.
S ource stated it is his o p i n i o n t h a t HAWKINS w a s g o i n g to t e l l
h i m that
they w e r e g o i n g to t r y to k e e p t h e A g e n t s in t h a t
ar e a o f the t o w n so s o m e of th e o t h e r i n d i v i d u a l s c o u l d ge t
t o
their h o m e s .
i n
t h e
h o u s e
t h e y
o f his f a t h e r 's
was j u s t a b o u t t
t h e
b l o c k .
H e
t o l d
s a w
h o u s e
t h e
t h e
l e a v e
t a t e d
s o u r c e
A g e n t s
f e w
w h e n
t h a t
t h a t
c i r c l e
t h e
t i m e s .
H e
t h e
A g e n t s
d i d
h i l e
s t a t e d
t h e y
b l o c k
t h a t
s t a r t e d
l e a v e
w e r e
a n d
i n
f r o n t
J .
c i r c l i n
w h e n
t h e
HAWKINS t o l d t h e s o u r c e h e s t a y e d a t t h i s l o c a t i o n
f o r a fe w minutes and th e n r e t u r n e d t o t h e r e s i d e n c e o f h i s
f a t h e r . A b o u t t h e t im e h e a r r i v e d t h e r e , h e h e a r d HARPER' s
c a r c o m in g dow n t h e b l o c k .
He s t a t e d h e knew i t w as HARPER' s
a u t o m o b i l e b e c a u s e H A R PE R 's c a r h a d a m u f f l e r d r a g g i n g o n t h e
stre e t.
HAWKINS s t a t e d h e w e n t o u t i n t o t h e f r o n t o f h i s
f a t h e r ' s r e s i d e n c e s o t h a t h e c o u l d t e l l HARPER t o d r i v e
i n t o h is f a t h e r ' s d r iv e w a y , b u t a b o u t t h a t t im e t h e A g e n ts
p u l l e d up a n d s t o p p e d H A R P E R . HAWKINS t o l d t h e s o u r c e t h a t
b o t h he a n d h i s f a t h e r w a l k e d t o w h e r e t h e A g e n t s a n d HARPER
had s to p p e d .
H e s t a t e d t h e A g e n t s t o l d H ARPE R h e w a s
u n d e r a r r e s t a n d w h e n H ARPER i n q u i r e d a s t o t h e r e a s o n t h a t
h e w a s u n d e r a r r e s t , t h e A g e n t s t o l d h im f o r a s s a u l t i n g a n
HAWKINS told the source that when he arrived at
the scene, one of the Agents told him if he had continued to
follow them, he would have gotten six bullets in his brain.
HAWKINS said he told the Agents that they too would have
gotten bullets in their brains.
Source stated that he asked HAWKINS how much damage
was done to the church, and HAWKINS commented about $10,000
In damages.
HAWKINS stated they just laid "It down"
by the office.
HAWKINS stated it would have made much more
damage had t h e y put It on the inside of the church.
HAWKINS comme n t e d that they h a d gotten all
of the Agents out of Jones C o u n t y and one other county.
T h e y k n e w t h a t t h e y h a d g o t t e n a l l the h e a t off L a u r e l just
like t h e y h a d planned.
told source that we need "ya’ll" to get
the heat off of us. Source asked HAWKINS if he meant
Natchez, and HAWKINS stated that there had been too much
heat there already and it would be better if something
happened some other place.
HAWKINS did not mention any other names than those
mentioned above.
HAWKINS told the source he would be in Natchez
on the night of 9/30/67, in order to attend the Universal
Klans rally which was to be held there on that night.
Source stated that he told HAWKINS that someone
had stolen his .45 caliber pistol and he would like to get
Source stated it was his opinion from his contact
J. L. HARPER, and DANNY HAWKINS' mother certainly knew that
the bombing of the synagogue was going to occur, but he
could not state that they actually participated In the bombing.
Source stated he will contact HAWKINS and any
other members of his family or associates who travel to
Natchez with him on 9/30/67, and attempt to solicit more
information about this bombing.
Source advised that he saw TOMMIE LEE JONES
driving away from the Moose Lodge in Natchez, Mississippi,
on the night of 9/23/67. JONES saw the source and waved
him down so they could talk. Source stated that JONES told
him about being in the Riverroad Lounge in the Eola Hotel in
Natchez in the recent past and an Agent of the FBI came into
the lounge and talked to him. JONES stated that the Agent
was standing up next to him as he was talking and he told
the Agent to either sit down or leave. Re stated he told
the Agent that in the recent past his wife had received a
telephone call from a woman who stated that she had overheard
two men talking, and these men planned to kill him. Source
stated about this time L . C . MURRAY drove up and from this
point on they merely had a "bull session" .
Source advised that JACK SEALE to his knowledge
has ne ver p o s s es se d a machine gun and had never ordered
parts w h i c h c o u l d be used to convert weapons to fully
Source advised that the residence of NORMAN HEAD
was reached by turning right at the old Negro club called
"The Silver Dollar" on the Natchez - Ferriday L e v e e .
source advised that whan the above four individuals arrived
at the HEAD r e s i d e n c e , NORMAN HEAD and M ORACE were there.
HORACE seemed to be the one responsible for c alling
the meeting e n d announced that It was a good deal to get part
of the Silver Dollar Group (SDG) together again.
He stated
t h e y should m eet more often to show the "Feds” that they
can continue to operate and continue to trust eac h other.
GLOVER announced that no “j o b s " were to be discussed,
t h a t t h e y w e re getting together for a b i g "bull session."
Someone asked GLOVER i f he took R. P. CARTER Into
GLOVER advised that he did not give CARTER a
s i l v e r d o l l a r a t a n y time.
MORACE then stated that CARTER
"was w i t h us when we traded a p is t o l fo r a c a rb in e ." G L O V E R
then s t a t e d , " Y e s , I know t h a t ."
the group.
MORACE, in discussing TOMMIE JONES and his talking
with FBI Agents, stated "they (the FBI) have told me all
about the burning of the night club down on Horseshoe Lake
and JONES was in on it and knew all about it."
HORACE announced that JAMES SCAROBOROUGH could
not be present as planned due to his wife undergoing
Someone inquired as to why there were only six
members present at this function and GLOVER stated, ’’That
Is all we can trust."
Source could not recall just how it came up but
In some manner during the discussion of JONES, LEE mentioned
the great coincidence of Agent FRANK WATTS and himself
sitting next to each other at the football game in Baton
Rouge on Saturday night. He stated, "If someone had seen
me there, they might have thought something of it. It was
just a coincidence."
MORACE stated during the discussion of JONES,
"that every time the FBI comes to see me, just as he leaves,
he turns and asks, 'Where do you get your shoes shined now?'"
SEALE told HEAD that he should borrow the bushhog
that BUZZARD (GLOVER) stole and clean his place up. SEALE
s tated ,
"I just don't know about a man who would stea l
bushhog when he didn't have a tractor to pull i t ."
Source advised that he could not recall GLOVER
or anyone making comments at an SDG meeting in Mississippi
about the burning of the GEORGE METCALFE home at Nine
St. Catherine Street, Natchez, Mississippi, but did recall
it being discussed at a meeting of the OKKKKOL many years
ago when the NAACP first came to the attention of the Klan
in Natchez about 1963.
Source advised that JOE DANIEL HAWKINS and all
his family will be at the Klan rally in Natchez on
Saturday night and he intends to invite JOE DANIEL to
the Sunday afternoon SDG meeting at "the levee" and feels
if he can get him there, JOE DANIEL cannot resist the
opportunity to brag about the Jackson synagogue bombing during
the past few days.
I n f o r m a n t a d v i s e d t hat J A M E S LEE a n d R. J. G L O V E R
picked up L. C . MU R R A Y a n d J A C K S E A L E in th e M o r g a n t o w n are a
Natchez, M i s s i s s i p p i , a t a b o u t 7 : 3 0 p . m . o n S e p t e m b e r 24,
1967, and th e f our of them w e n t to th e home of N O R M A N H E A D ,
Concordia L a k e , Louisiana, w h e r e N O R M A N H E A D and M O R A C E
r a i t i n g for t h e m .
The Informant advised that en route to HEAD's
residence, GLOVER put his double barrel shotgun together
and when they arrived at the HEAD residence, he noticed
that MORACE had a .45 Magnum pistol tucked Into the waist
of his pants and HEAD went to his old station wagon and got
a P-38 and stuck It In his pants.
MORACE apparently got the group of six together
and advised them they have an old hunting camp the group can
use for future meetings. He stated that they should have
meetings to keep In touch and find out what is going on
within the group.
The informant advised that most of the discussion
concerned the conversations TOMMIE JONES has been having
with FBI Agents and the possibility that he is a "fink” for
the FBI.
MORACE stated that the FBI always questions him
about the old Negro "that burned up" in Ferriday, Louisiana.
The informant advised that MORACE either knows about this
incident or is trying to leave the impression that he knows
about it. MORACE, according to the informant, also stated
'w hoever bombed METCALFE and JACKSON did it on their own.
It will never come out because he will not tell on himself.
The Informant advised that on the past Saturday,
September 23, 1967, according to JACK SEALE, TOMMIE JONES
stopped him on the Natchez Bypass and told him that he had
been trying to ge t in touch with him to te ll h i m about h is
drinking with an FBI Agent at the Eola Hotel the past
Monday night.
According to SEALE, JONES also advised h i m that h e
had learned from the FBI Agent that some of the b o y s w e r e
going to kill him.
SEALE also told the Informant that J O N E S
questioned him about the "two" Negroes w h o d i s a p p e a r e d f r o m
the Shamrock Motel during the time J O N E S w a s h a n g i n g arou n d
over t h e r e .
Source advised that he would attend the Klan rally
sponsored by MC DANIEL at Natchez, Mississippi, on Saturday
night, September 30, 1967.
advised that during the course of the September 24 ,
1967, SDG meeting, L. C. MURRAY and JACK SEALE told those
present that they did not believe MC DANIEL would be able
to get another Klan group started in the State of Mississippi
Source stated M ORACE told him that about three
weeks ago, he was an route to Jordan Auto Company In Natchez
and he happened to get behind an Agent's automobile and
JONES was riding in the car with the Agent.
MORACE said he told GLOVER he was tired of running
him down in order to talk to him and he felt that GLOVER
should come to see him on occasions so that he might confer
with him.
MORACE stated that GLOVER told him that he had
someone watching JONES' home and also watching him at the
International Paper Company. He told source that GLOVER
had told him that sometime in the past, someone in a Plymouth
automobile had picked up JONES at his residence and JONES
was gone for approximately two hours before this individual
returned him to his residence.
Source stated that MORACE commented that maybe
MORACE, JAMES FREDERICK LEE, and the source should pay
JONES a visit. Source stated MORACE did not explain what
he meant by the term "Visit." Source stated he asked
talking to Agents of the FBI and MORACE said he did not
Source stated he told MORACE that the FBI had
tried to blame him for the burning of FRANK MORRIS' shoe
shop and he asked MORACE If TOMMY LEE JONES knew anything
about this murder, MORACE stated he did not know if JONES
knew anything about the murder and further stated, "I don't
know anything about it either," MORACE further stated that
he had been home on the night that MORRIS' shoe shop had
been burned. Source stated that these were the only
comments that MORACE made regarding the MORRIS incident.
Source stated that on the night of 9/18/67, he
and E. L. MC DANIEL talked to JOHN DAWSON, who is a former
UKA state official in the State of Mississippi. Source
stated that in past years, CARTER and DAWSON were very
close associates . He stated that they formerly were as
Source stated that DAWSON commented that he
recalled In the past that either JACK SEALE or L. C.
told him about a fishfry being cancelled and sup­
posedly R . P. CARTER had been the individual who brought
the word from GLOVER thatthe fishfry had been cancelled.
Source stated he did not recall this incident but he
thought that DAWSON might have been in the company of
JACK SEALE, L. C. MURRAY, and others when someone had
commented about a fishfry being cancelled. Source stated
he had been to a number of fishfries in the past and he
does not believe that the fishfry which took place at the
residence of JAMES FREDERICK LEE in the Summer of 1965
had been cancelled.
Source a d v is e d th a t when he and E . L . MC DANIEL
were t a lk in g to JOHN DAWSON on 9/18/67, DAWSON mentioned
th a t a few y e a rs a g o , RALEIGH JACKSON GLOVER had ask ed
REGGIE P. CARTER o r TOMMIE LEE JONES t o get i n touch with
some M i s s i s s i p p i p e o p le and have them meet him on the l e v e e
o v e r in L o u is ia n a ,
DAWSON stated that either JONES contacted
CARTER o r CARTER c o n t a c t e d JONES and thereafter CARTER
c o n ta c te d JIM WHITE and JOHN DAWSON.
He stated these
on the levee in Louisiana with GLOVER a nd
He stated that they discussed three
projects; however, DAWSON did not mention the nature o f
in d iv id u a ls
Source stated that since DAWSON brought up this
subject about CARTER supposedly obtaining authority from
MC DANIEL, he recalled that he had heard something about
it in the past but he could not recall any details regarding
the matter. He stated that the three of them tried to
reconstruct as to the time that this incident supposedly
occurred. DAWSON stated he thought the incident occurred
at the time when MC DANIEL was a Province Investigator in
the WKKKKOM. Source stated that he thought the incident
occurred while MC DANIEL was still employed by the Red Boll
motor freight firm in Natchez and he believed MC DANIEL
had been the Grand Dragon of the U K A , Inc., for approxi­
mately four months. Source pointed out that the UKA was
organized in Mississippi In August, 1964.
Source stated that either the name FRANK MORRIS
or M O R R I S ' shoe shop was mentioned and MC DANIEL commented
that he drove by the place the next morning.
Source stated
that MC DANIEL did not say specifically that he drove by
M O R R I S ' shoe shop the next morning but he assumes that was
what he was talking about.
Source advised that he will attempt to engage
DAWSON in conversation at a later date and attempt to
elicit from him the three projects that these three
individuals had discussed on the Louisiana levee.
Source stated that he told GLOVER he had seen
TOMMIE LEE JONES talking with an FBI Agent In the bar
of the Eola Hotel in Natchez, Mississippi, on the night of
September 11, 1967. GLOVER told the source he had already
received this information on two or three occasions,
GLOVER commented that the Agents can be gone for
two or three weeks during which period they see nothing
of JONES and then when the Agents return, it seems that
JONES Is again going around asking questions, GLOVER
stated that JONES had visited JAMES FREDERICK LEE and
questioned him as If he, JONES, was an Agent, GLOVER
said, "One of these days, he will be looking down both
barrels of my shotgun."
GLOVER told the source that sometime In the past,
he had been traveling from Natchez to Meadvllle, Mississippi,
and he met JONES who was hauling a motor in the back of his
truck. GLOVER stated he turned around and attempted to get
JONES to stop his truck on two or three occasions but JONES
merely gave him a number of hand signals and continued to
drive. He stated JONES finally stopped at a service station
where other people were present. GLOVER commented that it
appeared to him that JONES was afraid to stop and talk to
him where others were not present.
GLOVER stated that JONES later told him that he
threw the box out behind the Moose Lodge In Natchez and
supposed the Agents had accidentally found It and had
questioned JONES about It.
GLOVER told the sourc .that once in the past, he
had met JONES at the C & G Store In Vidalia, Louisiana,a nd
JONES got into his, GLOVER's, vehicle where they talked for
a while. He stated that JONES asked him what he would do
if he found out who was pimping to the "Feds." GLOVER told
the source that he looked JONES straight in the face end
said if he ever found out who it was talking to the "Feds,"
"I would blow his brains out and if it were you, you'd get
GLOVER t o l d t h e s o u r c e t h a t s o m e tim e s i t a p p e a r e d
t o h im t h a t JONES is e i t h e r s t u p i d o r i s t r y i n g t o th r o w
s u s p i c i o n upon h i m s e l f .
GLOVER com m en ted t h a t JONES h ad
a l s o t a l k e d t o E . D . MORACE and JAMES SCAROBOROUGH , b u t h e
d id n o t fu r n is h any in fo r m a t io n a s t o th e t o p i c s o f t h e i r
d is c u s s io n .
GLOVER told the source JONES told him the FBI had
questioned him about shooting the Negro who raised pheasants
and they told him about his getting shot and later going to
a doctor in Brookhaven, Mississippi. Source stated GLOVER
did not infer that he knew anything about this incident.
Source stated GLOVER did not mention anything
about the FRANK MORRIS murder, JOE EDWARDS, or the Negro
who supposedly Insulted the wife of JACK MOORE.
Source advised the only thing he had ever heard
about the EARL HODGE murder was that women and gambling
supposedly had been connected with the murder. He could
not recall from whom he had received this information.
Source advised he asked RALEIGH JACKSON GLOVER
what had happened to his bushhog case in Fayette, Missis­
sippi, and GLOVER commented that the case was coming up
on September 18, 1967. GLOVER commented that he was not
the least bit worried about this case.
GLOVER stated he did not say anything to make
JONES suspicious of him, GLOVER said he could drive up
to JONES' house and shoot him but that would be the end
of him, GLOVER. GLOVER stated there was plenty of time
to kill JONES as he was not going anywhere, GLOVER said,
"We'll get that son of a bitch yet," GLOVER stated JONES
was not in a position to talk as he knows enough on JONES
to hang him.
September 12, 1967, the persons who burned REEF FREEMAN'S
drove the car while GLOVER and LEE rode shotgun,
JONES pitched the stuff on the night club and
TORGERSEN lit it. GLOVER stated this is just one thing
RALEIGH JACKSON GLOVERadvised source about two
years ago how the beating ofROBERT WATKINS and RICHARD JAMES
came about. WESLEY WARREN, the acting Exalted Cyclops of
the Black River - Monterey, Louisiana, Unit contacted the
Those involved besides GLOVER were TOM M Y L E E
GLOVER stated he was for killing the Negroes
And he was not going to Just beat any more Negroes a nd
have It reported.
September 12, 1967, it appears his case at Kentwood,
Louisiana, is coming up for trial.
GLOVER said FRED L. SCHIELE told him that the
attorney in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, whom SCHIELE secured
for GLOVE R, could get the charge o n GLOVER dropped for $2,000.
SCHIELE said he would put up $1,000 of this if GLOVER could
raise the rest. GLOVER said that if "We must raise $1,000
we cannot do it legally."
GLOVER stated the boys in Kentwood had the Assistant
District Attorney under their thumb and can tell him what to
do. The Assistant District Attorney can get this case put
off. GLOVER said he was going to Kentwood on September 13,
1967, and talk to his friends there to try to decide whether
to keep prolonging the case or to use the Baton Rouge attorney
and have the whole thing handled immediately.
JAMES F . LEE advised E. D. MORACE that the person
the Horseshoe Courts who called YANK WILLSON about the
unknown white male and Negro was the owner and Manager of
courts whose name is HARPER.
WAYNE REED of Ferriday, Louisiana, is presently
working for the Off-Shore Drilling Company, and was, in the
past, a close neighbor of JAMES SCAROBOROUGH. REED advised
source on September 9, 1967, that he had a falling-out with
SCAROBOROUGH. The misunderstanding between REED and
SCAROBOROUGH was about some ammunition. REED said he is
through with SCAROBOROUGH and has no use for him.
LEE KING, whose wife runs the Credit Bureau at
Ferriday, Louisiana, advised source on September 9, 1967,
that KING had obtained, through his wife, a list of names
on which the FBI had inquired at the Credit Bureau. KING
said the FBI later questioned him about this and KING
suspects SCAROBOROUGH of furnishing information to the FBI.
At a recent meeting of the officers of the private
school, EARL SMITH, the owner of the land on which the school
is located, suggested the school should be operated as just
a nursery this year. WILLIAM GUTHRIE rejected this idea
and said he would burn the school before he would see it.
turned into a nursery. SMITH became angry and during the
argument, GUTHRIE submitted his resignation as P r e s i d e n t
GUTHRIE entered his children In a private school
at Winnsboro, Louisiana. Mrs . SCAROBOROUGH enrolled her
children In the Integrated public school at F e r r i d a y .
A year or more ago, at the time the Negroes In
Ferriday were boycotting and causing trouble, JIMMY HARP,
a police officer in Ferriday, told E. D. MORACE the Klan
should burn the Chinaman's store In Ferriday, Louisiana,
which was a sort of headquarters for the Negroes.
Source does not know BRANCHE personally but has
told BRANCHE w as formerly a member of the Black River Monte r e y Unit of the Klan in Louisiana.
Source knows MAGOUN as an active member of the
Monterey - Black River Unit of the Klan in the past. MAGOUN
was a $50-per-month auxiliary deputy sheriff and had the
use of the state police radio. He acted as a Klan dispatcher
and could send radio messages to summon Klan members from
other areas if they were needed.
On 9/22/67 source advised that he met with
residence In Ferriday, Louisiana , on 9/21/67, and was give n
two books to read In connection with the M inutemen organization.
One o f the books was entitled Guerrilla by CHARLES W. THAYER,
and the other book was entitled The Craft of Intelligence by
ALLEN DULLES. SCAROBOROUGH advised source that there would
a g a in be no meeting of the new Concordia Pistol and Rifle
Club (NRA) at the office of VIRGIL WRIGHT In Ferriday City
Hall as, "WILLIAM GUTHRIE, the Vice-President, is working and
V I R G I L WRIGHT is . . . " .
Source stated that at this point
SCAROBOROUGH dropped the entire subject.
it appeared evident
to source that SCAROBOROUGH is concerned about VIRGIL WRIGHT
as there has been no NRA meeting for the past three week s ,
SCAROBOROUGH then informed source that each member
of the Minutemen will never know more than three other
members in the organization. SCAROBOROUGH advised that this
was being done for maximum security reasons.
SCAROBOROUGH. th e n t o l d s o u r c e t h a t he now w an ts
him t o p u t a M inutem en w a r n in g s t i c k e r i n t h e c a r o f
TOMMIE LEE JONES, b u t t o make s u r e n o t t o g e t c a u g h t as
this w o u ld e x p o s e t h e e n t i r e o r g a n i z a t i o n .
S ou rce in q u ir e d
i f SCAROBOROUGH t h o u g h t JONES w as a t r a i t o r , and SCAROBOROUGH
said, "I d o n 't k n o w , b u t I 'm g o i n g t o f i n d o u t " .
S o u rc e
On 9/22/67, source produced a mimeographed copy
of an order form of the Eastern Firearms Company, 34 - 36
Lee Avenue, New Brunswick, New Jersey. He advised that
members of the Klan have been ordering parts from this
c o m p a n y s i n c e 1962 to build their own Thompson sub-machine
guns, Springfield rifles, .45 caliber automatic pistols,
and parts to convert M - 1 rifles to M-2 automatic rifles.
He s t a t e d
t h a t PEANUTS CARNELL, who owns a w e l d i n g sh op on
H i g h w a y 61 N o r t h , N a t c h e z , M i s s i s s i p p i , h a s a Thom pson
s u b - m a c h in e gun w h ic h h e made fr o m p a r t s o r d e r e d fr o m t h i s
company. CARNELL o r d e r e d a l l parts but the r e c e i v e r , and
he made th is him self, as he is an excellent gunsmith. In
a d d itio n , s o u r c e advised that JACK S E A LE , a known SDG member,
a ls o ordered a l l parts fo r his Thompson except the receiver,
and that CARNELL a ls o made him one. Source stated that
"wit h in reason " he b e lie v e s that the f u l ly automatic carbine
which CLAUDE FULLER used to k i l l BEN CHESTER WRITE was made
from p a rts ordered from th is company. Source advised that
he was f i r s t informed about th is company by BOBBY PACE of
D e lh i, L o u isia n a .
PAGE is a c lo s e a s s o c ia te o f JOHN MC CLERKIN
o f F e r r id a y , L o u is ia n a . MC CLERKI N i s a c lo s e a s s o c ia te o f
On 9/9/67, a meeting of SDG members was held In
Natchez, Mississippi. The members met at the home of
JAMES F . LEE and then proceeded to a riverfront park In
Natchez where the meeting was held. The following were
one other man believed from Vidalia, name unknown.
JAMES LEE presided and did most of the talking.
The primary purpose o f the m eetin g was t o d is c u s s TOMMIE
J ONES , SDG member, who i s s u s p e c te d by th e group o f b e in g
an FBI in fo rm a n t.
In d i s c u s s i n g s u s p i c i o u s c irc u m sta n c e s
i n d i c a t i n g th a t JONES was an in fo r m a n t , LEE s a i d t h a t r e c e n t ly
JONES had come to h is home and w h i le t h e r e LEE’s t e l e v i s i o n
s e t was u p s e t e v e r y tim e JONES w a lk e d c l o s e t o i t , i n d i c a t i n g
that JONES had a r e c o r d e r o r some r e c o r d i n g d e v i c e on h i s
person. Others commented t h a t t h e y had t e s t e d JONES in
various ways and th e y believed him to be an informant. One
On 9/12/67, BILL BLANEY, SDG member, stated that he
was now working in an oil field in the vicinity of
Horseshoe Lake, and had quit his job with the welding firm
in Vidalia, Louisiana. BLANEY commented that h e was getting
along better with his father-in-law, E. D. M ORACE. BLANEY
also stated that he had seen R. J. GLO V E R and h a d requested
On 9/16/67, HENRY HAVARD, candidate for Senator
in the Catahoula Parish area, contacted SONNY TAYLOR at
Harrisonburg. HAVARD, who is a former Klansman and member
of the old Harrisonburg, Louisiana unit of the OKKKK, stated
that he would like to re-organize Klansmen in the area and
get all of the Klansmen to support him in his political race.
TAYLOR told HAVARD that he would contact some of the Klan
leaders In the area and attempt to have them re-organize.
JONES asked the source if he had seen RALEIGH
JACKSON GLOVER lately and when the source replied in the
negative, JONES did not further discuss this matter.
JONES commented that he had been wondering how
the FBI had learned about the incident involving the Negro
in Louisiana who raised pheasants.
Source stated he asked
JONES how many individuals had been Involved In the inci­
dent and JONES commented there were three.
Source stated
that since he, JONES, did not tell anyone about the incident,
one of the other two individuals must have been talking to
some law enforcement agency.
JONES then commented he knew t h a t THOR LEE
TORGERSEN had not been t a l k i n g .
S o u rc e commented t h a t th e
o t h e r individual must have b e e n t a l k i n g and he a sk e d JONES
for the identity o f th e t h i r d i n d i v i d u a l . JONES s a i d th e
other individual was (F N U ) JENKINS ( p h o n e t i c ) o r JU S T IN
(phonetic). JONES d i d n o t f u r t h e r i d e n t i f y t h i s t h i r d
in d iv id u a l.
The individuals stopped their automobile In
front of the Negro's residence and source believes THOR LEE
TORGERSEN went to the front door of the Negro's home. The
Negro man, his wife, and son came to the door. TORGERSEN
told the Negro he wanted to Look at his pheasants and the
Negro and TORGERSEN walked toward the bird pens.
Source stated that JONES was in the background
and he pulled both triggers on his shotgun but both snapped.
He had forgotten to load his gun. JONES then asked the
source what he would have done had this happened to him and
the source replied, "Run like hell," JONES commented that
is exactly what he did; but about that time, one of the
Negroes in the house started shooting and JONES was hit in
the cheek of his face and possibly in one of his arms.
Source assumes JONES was hit with birdshot pellets
because if he had been hit with buckshot p e l l e t s , more
damage would have been done to his body.
Source advised that sometime in 1963, he recalled
JONES and some other Klansmen discuss at a Klan meeting about
plans to beat a Negro because he had insulted Mrs. JACK
MOORE who operated a grocery store in Natchez, Mississippi.
After this matter was discussed at a Klan meeting, TOMMIE
LEE JONES got the Negro to take a ride with him under the
pretext of having the Negro look at a house or barn in
Liberty, Mississippi, which needed painting.
Once JONES got the Negro out of town, he was
joined by some other K lansmen and they gave the Negro a
beating and then made him drink some castor oil.
Source advised that at that time, JACK SEALE was
the Grand Kleagle of the OKKKK, DOUGLAS BYRD was the Grand
Dragon of this organization, and E. L. MD DANIEL was a
Kleagle under SEALE. These three individuals, plus L. C.
MURRAY, heard about the beating and went to discuss the
matter with JONES. The reason they wanted, to discuss this
matter with JONES was because he and the other K lansmen had
taken action against the Negro without having first obtained
permission from the Klan leaders. Source stated that JONES
admitted to these individuals that he participated in the
beating of the Negroes but he would not implicate anyone else
Source advised that TOMMIE LEE JONES did not
mention the FRANK MORRIS Incident in the contact on 9/2/07;
however, source recalled that in the past, JONES had
mentioned to him that the FB I thinks he participated in
the murder of MORRIS but he denied any participation in this
Source a d v i s e d t h a t T O M M I E L E E J O N E S s t o p p e d h i m
on a Natchez street on the m o r n i n g of 9/3/67,an d t o l d h i m
aga i n that the F B I is a f t e r h i m a n d "they" (the F B I ) are
goi n g to get h i m i n t o t r o u b l e b y t a l k i n g t o h i s f r i e n d s
a n d turn i n g his f r i e n d s a g a i n s t h im.
JONES mode th e comment t o th e s o u r c e t h a t i f
someone is t a l k i n g , i t i s n o t t o o l a t e f o r t h a t p e r s o n t o
sto p .
and TORGERSEN were very close associates
until about one and one-half years ago. Prior to that
time, when one of these individuals was seen, the other
individual was always with him.
Source advised that he did not recall the Silver
Dollar Group ever having any meetings in the oil field
located off Liberty Road in Natchez, Mississippi.
that JAMES SEALE returned to work
Moran Tank Company In Natchez after he lost his b id
to become Sheriff of Franklin County In the election on
8/8/67. Source stated that JAMES SEALE team a shoulder
Reparation and was to have an operation at the Natchez
General Hospital on the following day.
Source advised that eight to ten years ago, when
JAMES SEALE was working in the oil fields, he became over­
heated In the extremely hot weather and injured "heat glands1
in his brain and since that time, heat makes him extremely
uncomfortable. Source stated that he cannot work in any
place where
is very
Source advised that there was one other meeting
of the Silver Dollar Group on the sandbar on the Homochltto
River off Highway 98 a few miles from Bude and Meadville,
Mississippi. He stated that was a scheduled meeting and
no one showed up so there was a note left on a tree for
the Brookhaven group if they appeared for the meeting.
Source stated he could not recall specifically who went
with him to this meeting. He assumed that possibly L. C.
this scheduled meeting.
HOLLAND SCOTT, who i s the former head of the
Americans for the Preservation of the White Race (APWR)
in Adams County, Mississippi, has a financial interest in the
Natchez General Hospital. He is also the Administrator
In th is hospital.
Source advised that on the night of 9/8/67, he
attended the Natchez--Murrah High School football game which
was held in Natchez. During the game, JAMES FREDERICK LEE
sat beside him. During the game, LEE told the source that
be had heard about 12 of the "Dollar Boys" (SDG) would be
called before a Federal Grand Jury in Shreveport, Louisiana,
in October, 1967.
Source stated LEE told him that TOMMIE LEE JONES
is the individual who is talking to the FBI. Source
stated he asked LEE how he knew this, and LEE did not
answer the inquiry, but merely stated, "I would bet my life
on i t . "
LEE also told the source there is more than one
i n d i v i d u a l t a l k i n g t o t h e FBI, but he d i d n o t furnish any
in fo rm a tio n
re g a r d in g
th is
sta tem en t.
Source stated he had In the recent past heard
statement that "they" (FBI) are barking up the wrong tree
about the bushhog. He then would not explain this comment,
but merely stated, "Take my word for it." Source stated
he is of the opinion that something else happened at the
time of the theft of the bushhog in Jefferson County,
Mississippi, and the bushhog matter is merely related to what
actually happened.
both of them, a few years ago dated girls at the Shamrock
Motel in Vidalia, Louisiana.
S o u rc e s t a t e d t h a t som etim e j u s t p r i o r t o O c t o b e r ,
he o b s e r v e d . TORGERSEN a t t h e b a r a t t h e S h am rock M o t e l
JAMES FREDERICK LEE was never known to have a
girl Friend, however, when he sees new waitresses In places
like Bob's Eats Restaurant In N atchez , he always has some
comment to make about them; consequently, the source assumes
if LEE had an opportunity to go with girls, he would certainly
do so.
Source advised that a few years ago JACK SEALE
and L. C . MURRAY let TOMMIE LEE JONES out of their automobile
at the corner of Madison Street and Commerce Street In
Source did not know which house In that area JONES
might have entered, however, on later occasions, SEALE
pointed out the home of RUDOLPH CASE, 510 Madison Street,
as that being the house which JONES had visited.
Source stated he had never heard that CASE's wife
ran around, and he had never heard that JONES had dated her.
He doubted that JONES had dated Mrs. CASE because she seemed
much older than JONES.
Source pointed out, however, that there was no
doubt that JONES had a girl friend at that time who
resided in that area.
UKA UNIT 8 0 0
Source, advised that some of the members of U KA
Unit Number 800 in Natchez have been watching RANDELL FERGUSON.
Source advised that B. G. NEWMAN, Mississippi
Gama Warden, is the uncle o f JACK SEALE.
NEWMAN's wife
and SEALE a mother are sisters. Source has never known or
heard that NEWMAN was a member of any Klan group.
BRYANT operates the Enco Service Station located
next to the Plantation Apartments, Highway 61 South, Natchez.
BRYANT is a former member of the UKA.
BRYANT's father operates the Shell Service Station
in Fayette, Mississippi. His father’s station is located
on the righthand side of Highway 61 as one enters Fayette
from the south.
JONES w as r e l e a s e d fro m t h e Adams C o u n t y J a i l
on 9 / 1 2 / 6 7 , u n d e r $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 b a i l .
S o u r c e s t a t e d h e w as
a t t h e o f f i c e o f A t t o r n e y B I L L R IL E Y i n N a t c h e z on 9/12/67
when JAMES JO N E S ' s o n came i n t o t h e o f f i c e an d s a i d t h a t
he had to
in to
th e w oods
lo c a t e
S h e r i f f WAYNE
Source stated that Jack's Grocery, which is owned
by JACK MOORE and operated by MOORE's wife, was formerly
located on Madison Street at the corner of Wall Street in
Natchez. Source stated that a Negro had insulted MOORE's
wife in the store and he insulted a woman who worked in the
store for Mrs. MOORE.
Source stated he had received no additional
information regarding this incident. He stated that
Father MORRISEY, a Catholic priest in Natchez, might recall
this incident because as source r e c a l l e d ,
sometime in the
past Father MORRISEY supposedly kept an account of acts of
violence which occurred in the Adams' County area.
Source stated that MARJORIE BARONI, a white female
who is connected with the Headstart Program in Natchez, and
a friend of Father MORRISEY might also recall this incident,
and she might be able to identify the Negro who was beaten.
Source advised to his knowledge WHITE Is no
longer a member of any Klan Unit.
Source stated W H I TE
is a c l o s e associate of I. J. RUDISILL, the former Exalted
Cyclops of UKA Unit Number 800.
Source stated he had heard
that RUDISILL Is supposedly helping the FBI.
Source could
not recall specifics regarding this statement, and he
could not recall who had furnished him this Information.
S o u r c e a d v i s e d t h a t t h e WKKKKOM v o t e d f o r ODEL L
ANDERS i n h i s 1 9 6 3 r a c e f o r t h e p o s i t i o n o f Adam s C o u n t y
S h e r iff.
He s t a t e d i n f a c t t h a t t h e WKKKKOM e l e c t e d ANDERS
t o h is p r e s e n t p o s i t i o n .
ANDERS a n d T I N Y L E W IS , w h o o p e r a t e s t h e B a r b e c u e
P i t R e s ta u ra n t in N a tc h e z , a r e c l o s e a s s o c i a t e s and t h e y a r e
b o t h c l o s e t o BEN CHASE C A L L O N , a v e r y i n f l u e n t i a l man i n
N a tc h e z.
MURRAY continues to be off from work at the
Armstrong Rubber Company due to a back ailment. Source
advised that MURRAY'S doctors want him to lay off from work
for three or four more weeks in order to determine if his
back will be all right or if they will have to operate.
S E A L E is in th e N a tc h e z G e n e r a l H o s p it a l r e c u p e r a t in g
fr o m a n o p e r a t io n o n o n e o f h is s h o u ld e r s . S o u r c e
s ta te d S E A L E h a d a s h o u ld e r s e p a r a tio n w h ic h
n e c e s s it a te d th e o p e r a tio n . S o u r c e is o f th e o p in io n
th a t a s a r e s u l t o f t h e o p e r a t i o n , S E A L E w i l l r e m a i n i n
th e h o s p i t a l f o r a c o n s i d e r a b l e p e r i o d o f t i m e , a n d
it w ill b e m o n t h s b e f o r e h e w i l l b e a b l e t o r e t u r n t o w o r k .
Source advised that TO M M IE LEE JO N E S has a friend
named NEAL CALVITT whom he sees frequently at the Moose
Lodge in Natchez. CALVITT is the manager or Assistant
Manager of the A & P Grocery Store on Franklin St reet I n
CALVITT's wife, who is called "Little B i t " , is
a grocery checker at N o s s e r ’s Grocery in Natchez.
and his wife reside in V i d a l i a , L o u i s i a n a .
Source stated that CALVITT' s w i f e did no doubt
know the women whom TOMMIE JONES dated and w o u l d be w i l l i n g
to furnish that information to some law enforcement agency.
Source advised that E . L. MC DANIEL has withdrawn
from the Adams County S h e r i f f ' s race because he cannot
beat BILLY FERRELL i n t h i s r a c e f o r t h i s p o s i t i o n .
Source advised that he had heard no information regarding this case.
Source made available a list of Kleagles who were
active in the U K A when i t was f i r s t organ ized in the State
or M is s is s ip p i:
ERNEST GILBERT, Box 5872, Jackson, M i s s i s s i p p i ,
310 Sm ithy-- S t r e e t , Brookhaven,
M i s s i s s i p p i , residence telephone in Brookhaven,
M i s s i s s i p p i - 833-4032;
ED TAYLOR, 115 - 60th Avenue, M eridian,
M i s s i s s i p p i , phone 483-1356;
C . J . SEAL, Route 1, Box 278, P o p l a r v i l l e ,
M i s s i s s i p p i , phone 772-4193;
L . W. BRACKEN, R u r a l Free D e l i v e r y Route 3,
Box 5 3 - C , I u k a , M i s s i s s i p p i ;
DONALD L , HENSHAW, High way 84 E a s t ,
L a u r e l , M i s s i s s i p p i c / o H & H F a r m s,
phone 4 2 5 - 2 4 3 8 ;
VERNON HOLLOWAY, Box 2 0 2 , M a t h i s t o n ,
M i s s i s s i p p i , phon e 2 6 3 - 4 3 7 2 ;
RAYMOND L . ROBERTS, 2916 S tate B o u l e v a r d ,
Meridian, M is s is s ip p i, phone 485-4451
WAYNE ROBERTS, 5904 2nd S tr e e t, M eridian ,
M is s is s ip p i, phone 482-1115 (P . 0. Box 1711)
DON NEVIN, Route 1, Box5,Colum
M i s s i s s i p p i , phone 328-3623;
B ILLY A M B R O S E , 60 2 S . M id d le S t r e e t ,
Ripley, M i s s i s s i p p i , phone 8 3 7 -8 9 3 1 ;
HOUSTON EVANS, Box 303, 334 Ther a s S t r e e t ,
G r e e n v i l l e , M i s s i s s i p p i , 3 3 3 -3 2 8 1
D AN CHISOLM, 3708 W. C a p itol Street,
Jackson, M is s is s ip p i,
ph on e FL4 - 3 9 6 8 ;
MAURICE JONES, 1700 Jackson Avenue,
G ren a d a , M i s s i s s i p p i ,
p h on e 2 2 6 - 4 1 2 3 .
S o u r c e made a v a i l a b l e a l i s t o f l a d y K l e a g l e s
w h o w e r e a c t i v e i n t h e UKA w h en i t w a s f i r s t o r g a n i z e d
in M is s is s ip p i:
Mrs. WOODROW SPERIS, McNeil, Mississippi;
P ic a y u n e ,
Route 4, Box 306,
M is s is s ip p i;
Mrs. AGNES MARTIN, Route A, Poplarville,
Mrs. JOHNNIE HAWKINS, Jackson, Mississippi;
Glen Allan, Mississippi.
Source advised that a few years ago the UKA
in Mississippi, had its counties canvass the attorneys
in theirareas to determine which of them might be willing
to assist
Klansmen if their services became necessary.
Source stated that the following attorneys at that time
indicated they would be willing to assist Klansmen:
B ILL STAM ES , Mathiston, Mississippi;
PAUL ALLEN, Belmont , Mississippi
(not practicing) ;
FOUNTAIN DAWSON, Greenville, Mississippi;
WILLIAM S. LAWSON, Tupelo, Mississippi;
SAM H. LONG, Tupelo, Mississippi;
COLEMAN CLEMONS, Rolling Fork, Mississippi;
B IL L Y H ARRIS, Q u itm a n , M i s s i s s i p p i ;
O ’ H ARE, C le v e la n d , M is s is s ip p i;
GEORGE W. FLOYD, Ripley, Mississippi,
phone 837-7215;
V RNADO, 429 S. Broadway Street,
McComb, Mississippi, phone 684-5799;
LULLIUS BRADY, Natchez Avenue, Brookhaven,
Mississippi, phone 833-1629;
DOUGLAS C . STONE, 11th Avenue, N. Columbus,
Mississippi, phone 328-5021
Source advised that he had no information regarding the
Silver Dollar Group (SDG) meeting in any fields. He stated
that he himself has attended meetings with Louisiana
Klansmen back when he was a member of the old Original
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and when, as a member of the
WKKKKOM, he was working with members of the Louisiana
K lans in the C oncordia Parish, Louisiana, area. H e stated
that to his knowledge, the meetings he attended had nothing
to do with the SDG.
Source stated that he had not transported TOMMIE
LEE JONES to Brookhaven, Mis s . , a fte r JONES had been shot
but that he had heard of an Incident in which JONES night
possibly have gone to Brookhaven. The source explained
that when a group of Klansmen was sittin g around talking
among themselves, the question had come up as to whether
or not one could be hurt with birdshot. TOMMIE LBS JONES
then made the statement that he knew that birdshot could
hurt one and JONES stated that he and THOR LEE TORGERSEN
bad been watching a white man and woman and
they were
doing so, either the man or the woman (the source could not
recall which) began shooting and he, JONES, was h it with
Source stated that he has known TOMMIE LEE JONES
ever since the Klan f ir s t started and that he has never
believed anything that TOMMIE LEE JONES told him. Source
stated that i t is quite possible that JONES had been shot
by a Negro and bad changed the story, saying he was shot
by white people.
Source stated that he did know for a fact that
Dr. SAFLEY of Brookhaven, Miss . , was a Klansman as he had
personally seen Dr. SAFLEY at several Klan meetings in the
Brookhaven area. He stated that i t was generally known
throughout the Klan that should anyone be shot or otherwise
in ju r e d a s a r e s u lt o f K la n a c t iv it y , a s in d iv id u a l w a s
to g o to D r . S A F L E Y fo r a n y m e d ic a l a tte n tio n in o r d e r
th a t th e r e w o u ld b e n o r e c o r d a t a n y h o s p ita l o f a K la n s m a n
b e in g in ju r e d . S o u r c e s ta te d th a t fo r th is r e a s o n , it
s o u n d e d r e a s o n a b le t h a t if T O M M IE L E E J O N E S w a s s h o t ,
that he had gone to Dr. SAFLEY.
Source was asked if he knew the identity of a
Negro who had been beaten as a result of allegedly insulting,
Mrs. MOORE. Source stated he recalled that at a Klan meet­
ing, it was brought out that a Negro whom he recalled being
described as a painter, carpenter, or contractor, had
insulted Mrs. MOORE who operated a grocery store and It
was decided that some action should be taken against
this Negro by the Klan; however, no definite plan was
made and no individuals were specified to take any action
against the Negro. Source stated he recalled that TOMMIE
LEE JONES jumped the gun" and went to Amite County where
he got several Klansmen to accompany him and that JONES
went to the Negro;s house and, under the pretext of h a v i n g
the Negro look at some work, the Klansmen grabbed the Negro
and later whipped him.
Source stated he was unable to further Identify
the unknown Negro but that he did recall that at a later
Klan meeting, it was decided that some Klan action should
be taken against TOMMIE LEE JONES for whipping the Negro
since JONES had not been designated or authorized by the
Klan to whip the Negro and he had done this on his own.
Source stated that he had never heard that the Klan actually
took any action against JONES
has a l w a y s been the type to claim he has the
biggest, best and finest o f whatever one m ight bring up. Too
be liked to be tough and has been In a number of fights in bars
according to him i n the past.
H e has not discussed the civil
rights issue or indicated interest therein, to the source.
d id n o t know i f
TRAXL E R i s a c q u a i n t e d w i t h TOMMIE
LEE JONES o r THOR LE E TORGERSEN, a s s o u r c e d o e s n o t kn ow t h e s e
in d iv id u a ls .
HARDY was questioned as to whether he had a carbine
able and he said no, but that i f source needed i t , he had available
a 30. 06 and shotguns.
Whether or not i t was boasting or not, HARDY
indicated that i f the gun was to be used fo r a good purpose, and
was not going to be carried around, that he had a truck load a v a il­
able f o r use,
( indicating on Negroes) .
He indicated that he had a
deal com ing up and that he would be able to supply plenty of
and shotgun shells.
Source believed HARDY plans to burglarize some
Source v is ite d CASTER th is date at his Amoco Station on
Pine S treet.
JAMES LLOYD JONES is s t i l l in custody.
His s is te r
KATE and her husband were at CARTERS f o r assistance in g e ttin g
JONES out on bond.
They need an "ok" from, a judge w hich they feel
they can obtainm but ODELL ANDERS is the real stumbling block.
I t is feared that i f JONES is not g o tte n out, he w ill "go to t a lk in g "
CARTER called f o r RILEY a t his office but RILEY was in court this
mo rning.
CARTER has s o m e mon e y f o r RILEY for help of JONES.
d id not know the s o u r c e o f the f u n d s or how long R I L E Y has had the
s o u r c e that h e was quite upset over
t h e w ord g e t t i n g a ro u n d t h a t h e was ou t o f th e k l a n .
th a t I . J .
He related
h a s l e t i t o u t t h a t CARTER is out o f th e klan,
and a s e c o n d p e r s o n in th e
kla v e r n , w h ic h CARTER thinks i s CHARLES
DAVIDSON, h a s n o t o n l y l e t
i t o u t t h a t h e is "out" but t h a t h e
reason i s
t h a t CARTER t r i e d
m e m b e r s h ip .
t o d o m i n a t e as w e l l a s a g i t a t e t h e
MORACE on September 2 , 1 9 67, and questioned MORACE as to
whether he knew about her husband having an a f f a i r w ith
Mrs. GLOVER sa id she had caught her
husband a t
house tw ic e .
On one occasion ,
she blocked the d rivew ay w ith her v e h ic le but the law.
came and made her move.
September 4, 1967, and discussed TOMMIE LEE JONES. HEAD
said he did not trust JONES and something should be done
about JONES. HEAD stated he had his house in Vidalia,
Louisiana, for sale and planned to move to a house on
C oncordia Lake near Ferriday, Louisiana, in two or three
w eeks.
S e p t e m b e r 5 , 1 9 6 7 , t h a t TOMMIE LEE JONES a lm o s t g o t BUCK
HORTON's h ea d s h o t o f f a t t h e h o u s e o f t h e N e g r o w ho
r a i s e s p h e a s a n ts n e a r F e r r i d a y , L o u is ia n a .
GLOVER s a i d
JONES w e n t t o t h e h o u s e w i t h a n u n lo a d e d gu n an d w h en
t h e N e g r o woman s t a r t e d s h o o t i n g f r o m t h e d o o r w a y ,
HORTON had to p u l i h is l o n g . . 45 c a l i b e r p i s t o l and shoot
to keep from b e in g k i l l e d .
The private school which was to have been operate
success. The building for the school is almost completed
TRAXLER was a member o f the Ferriday - Clayton
Unit of the Klan u n til he quit in about the early F all o f
1964, TRAXLER has not been active In the Klan since that
time but In late 1964 or early 1965, he told JAMES LEE
SCAROBOROUGH he could not attend Klan meetings but wished
to remain on the Inactive l i s t .
Source knows MARION WILLIAM FREEMAN who lives on
Dody Road in Ferriday, Louisiana. FREEMAN was a member o f
the Ferriday - Clayton Unit o f the Klan but worked nights
and could not attend meetings. He has not been active in
the Klan in the past year or two but once said he was w illin g
to help in any way.
Source knows JAMES FOUNT MC NEELY, a farmer who
lives on Horseshoe Lake near Ferriday, Louisiana. MC NEELY
was the Exalted Cyclops o f the Monterey, Louisiana, Unit
of the Klan but has not been active since that unit quit
meeting many months ago.
Source has heard at least a dozen times from
various persons that PETE WADDELL has dated Negro women.
This was never proved on WADDELL and source has never heard
the identity of the woman WADDELL reportedly dated. Source
does not know MARTHA BOYD and does not know i f WADDELL has
dated her.
Source recalls that In about 1965, BILL O G D E N ,
Deputy Sheriff, Concordia Parish, talked to the Klan at
Ferriday, Louisiana, about WADDELL.
CROSS had a newspaper clipping from Vicksburg, Mississippi,
to the effect that PETE WAD D E L L and another white man, wh o
was staying at the W O O D I E DAVIS house in Ferriday, had been
arrested in V i c k s b u r g in a Negro house of prostitution.
JAMES SCAROBOROUGH c h e c k e d t h i s
s t o r y o u t th ro u g h
t h e M a s o n ic L o d g e s i n c e WADDELL w as a M a s o n .
T h e M a s o n ic
L o d g e i n V i c k s b u r g a d v i s e d SCAROBOROUGH t h a t WADDELL h a d
been a r r e s t e d f o r d r iv in g w h ile in t o x ic a t e d .
Source advised that he met w i t h BILLY BUCKLES a t
T I N Y L E W I S ' barbecue pit in Natchez, Mississippi, on
8 /24/67. B U C K L E S told him that the White Knights are
preparing to re-organize in A d a m s County, M i s s i s s i p p i , and that
they are o n l y g oing to ad m i t a s e l e c t g r o u p of m e n .
Source advised that he became the 37th member of the
OKKKK in the State of Mississippi during the Summer of 1963.
He continued that they held their regular meetings in the
old Union Hall, East Franklin Street, Natchez, Mississippi,
and had a total membership of approximately 250 men.
Source named the following individuals whom he
recalls as being in this Klan unit:
Source also a d v i s e d that at one t i me TOMMIE LEE JONES
was suspected by the members a s being an FBI Informant. He
recalls that JONES always carried a .12 gauge sawed-off
shotgun and made sure that everyone knew he had this weapon.
On 9/5/67, source advised that he met TOMMIE LEE
JONES on 8/30/67, at TINY LEWIS' barbecue pit, Natchez,
JONES appeared to be visibly shaken as he told
him that the FBI had been to see him on several recent
He advised source that the FBI called him out to
their car and discussed a series of charges against him.
JONES said that many of these charges "hit real close to home".
On 8/31/67, source advised that he traveled to
Louisiana, to attend the National Rifle Association
(NRA) meeting. He called JAMES LEE SCAROBOROUGH, a known
Silver Dollar Group (SDG) member, and was advised by his son
that he was working at the private school in Ferriday, Louisiana.
F e r r i d a y ,
S ou rce
th e n w en t t o th e s c h o o l w h e re h e m et
T h e y r e t u r n e d t o SCAROBOROUGH' s h o u s e w h e r e
s o u r c e a s k e d h im w h y h e w a s s p e n d i n g s o m uch t i m e a t t h e
p r i v a t e s c h o o l.
SCAROBOROUGH t o l d h im t h a t t h e F B I h a d b e e n
c a l l i n g h im c o n s t a n t l y and t h a t h e n o lo n g e r w a n te d t o t a l k
w i t h th e m .
SCAROBOROUGH b e l i e v e d that they w o u l d not attempt
t o c o n t a c t him at the private school as there are always other
i n d i v i d u a l s present there.
WRIGHT advised that he knew a man w h o h ad a trailer
for sale and they should purchase it as a meeting p l a c e .
He stated they could put the trailer behind his h o m e w h i c h is
situated on a lake in Loui s i a n a . T h e n when they h a d p a r t i c u l a r l y
secret items to discuss, they could go to the m i d d l e o f t h e
lake in his boat for m a x i m u m s e c u r i t y .
WRIGHT continued that the NRA Chapter, officially
known as the Concordia Pistol and Rifle Club, had approximately
20 members and had collected $150 in membership fees to date.
Source advised that it is becoming increasingly apparent that
VIRGIL WRIGHT is the leader of the NRA Chapter as well as the
Minutemen organization. WRIGHT seems to be in complete
command over SCAROBOROUGH.
The rally started at about 8:25 p.m. on
August 26, 1967, with MC DANIEL as Master of Ceremonies.
M r s . FERRALL MC CORMACK, the first speaker, was Introduced
as being from Jackson, Mississippi, and as the Grand
Dragonness. Some woman, supposedly related to Mrs.
MC CORMACK, who obviously did not want her name mentioned,
was given the floor by MC C O R M A C K .
T h e G rand T i t a n o f t h e O K A , E . H . SANDERS, fr o m
P r e n t i s s , M i s s . , s p o k e , f o l l o w e d b y t h e G rand D ra g o n o f
t h e U n i v e r s a l K la n s o f A m e r ic a fr o m T e x a s , JACK CANNON.
MC DANIEL s p o k e n e x t , f o l l o w e d b y I m p e r i a l W
iz a r d o f th e
U n i v e r s a l K la n s o f A m e r i c a JA C K HELM.
Th e r a l l y en ded
a t 1 0 :5 0 p .m .
BOB MC COY from the Gulf Coast, who is head of
the Knights of the Cross, was busy passing out circulars
concerning his organization during the rally. Source
stated he has heard something to the effect that MC COY had
been u n d e r a 99-year sentence for the poisoning of water
which resulted in the death of nine people. MC COY is a
good friend of LOUIS DI SALVO of Waverly, Mississippi.
Mrs. MC C 0 R M A C K spoke on K l a n c r a f t , how she
loves it, that every woman should be in the K l a n , and
generally was critical of the N e g r o e s . She indicated
that her Klan has sources in T o u g a l o o C o l l e ge at Jac k s o n ,
the Jackson Police Department, e t c . She c l a i m e d her K l a n
had successfully closed an i n t e g r a t e d " jo i n t " i n J a c k s o n ,
Mississippi, permanently.
She a d v o c a t e d th a t m o t h e r s
should go to school w i t h t h e i r c h i l d r e n , line u p at the
school doors, and r e f u s e t o let t h e N e g r o s t u d e n t s e n t e r
and fight anyone it is n e c e s s a r y t o f i g h t .
JACK HELM toId the crowd that they should not
purchase Falstaff beer or F o r d automobiles because these
firms contribute to the NAACP. He criticized the FBI for
following his men everywhere they went--making reference
to the Bogalusa March.
JACK CANNON'S theme was criticism of LYNDON B .
JOHNSON and how "they" are going to send him back to Texas
in the next election.
E. L. MC DANIEL talked on law and order, that
people must respect the law and the badge of law enforce­
ment officers and not stoop to the same level as the N e g r o e s .
Source reported that there were n o incidents at
the rally.
There were only about 26 Klans men in robes
and approximately 5 0 0 men, women, and chi l d r e n w e r e present.
Source was of the opinion that mo s t of the people in a t t e n ­
dance were onlookers.
Source heard J O H N D A W S O N , P A U L F O S T E R , and E R N E S T
PARKER, former UKA state o f f i c e r s , a g r e e th a t t h e y w e r e
not interested in J o i n i n g t h i s K l a n gr o u p , i n d i c a t i n g
they were t h r o u g h w i t h the K l a n .
REG G IE P . C A R T E R , A s s i s t a n t E x a l t e d C y c l o p s o f
U n i t e d K la n s o f A m e r i c a K l a v e r n 8 0 0 , a t t e n d e d t h e r a l l y
b y h i m s e l f and he s t a y e d t o h i m s e l f .
IR L A N J . R U D I S I L L ,
fo r m e r E x a lte d C y c lo p s o f t h e a b o v e k l a v e r n , w a s t h e o n l y
o t h e r m em ber o f t h i s k l a v e r n
s o u rc e r e c a lle d s e e in g a t
th e
r a lly .
L. C. MURRAY, former secretary of the UKA, was
present as well as ODIS L. GOOD, W. W. "PETE" CARNELL,
and HOLLIS WHITE of the Natchez area.
DAVE HANEY and a barber, (FNU) RAWLS (phonetic),
both of Ferriday, Louisiana, were present.
It was learned that FERRALL MC CORMACK of Jackson
Mississippi, who claims to be Grand Dragon of one of the
OKA factions in Jackson, was on his job on an off-shore
drilling operation out of Morgan City, Louisiana. Mrs.
MC CORMACK said something to MC DANIEL about the MC CORMACK.
opposition, namely BEN PULLEN and B . C. CUPSTID, would w r eck
any organizat ion.
F E B R U A R Y 2 7 , 1967
Source reported that he was aware o£ conversations
between TOMMIE LEE JONES and E. L. MC DANIEL sometime during
the past week.
All that he caught was that JONES was telling
M C D A N I E L that "we are in real trouble" and then something
along the line that "they" had been in the organization a
long time and they will get us on a conspiracy.
said that since he knows MC D A N I E L w a s not a member of the
S i l v e r Dollar Group, J O N E S must have b e e n r e f e rring to
K l a n o r g a n i z a t i o n s in w h i c h b o t h of t h e m had b e e n members.
S ou rce
a d v is e d
that$130 was
c o lle c t e d
at the
Source advised that the Universal Klans of
America would not become organized in Mississippi because
the only individuals who want to join the organization
are those individuals, who had been kicked out of the other
Klan groups.
Source advised that E. L. MC DANIEL is planning
to write a letter to JACK HELM which will advise him that
MC DANIEL will have nothing to do with the organization.
S DG m e m b e r K E N N E T H N O RMAN H E A D v i s i t e d E. D.
M O R A C E on Sunday, A u g u s t 13,
o f a b r i e f conversation,
and duri n g th e c o u r se
a s k e d w h y the FBI w a s h o l d i n g
o ff on the prosecution In the automatic w e a p o n s case.
MORACE Indicated to H E A D that
the FBI w a s pro b a b l y going to
hit him with e v e r y t h i n g at one time.
the subject o f
H E A D a g ain b r o u g h t up
the m i s s i n g S H A M R O C K N e g r o a n d o n c e a g a i n
I n d i c a t e d that he h o p e d the F B I d i d n o t c o n t i n u e t o d i g
into this m a t t e r .
On August 9, 1967, E . D . MORACE visited with
JAMES SCAROBOROUGH in Ferriday, Louisiana.
stated that he had heard rumors that three Negro teachers
were being placed in the white elementary school in Ferriday
and three white teachers were scheduled to go to the Negro
During the summer or early fall of 1964, SDG
m e m b e r s T O M M I E JONES,
and JAMES SCAROBOROUGH and Klansma n
B I L L LATHAM and an Individual wh o works
for Armstrong Tire
C om pany, N a t c h e z , M i s s i s s i p p i , w a lk s w i t h a lim p on an
a r tific ia l
w ho l i v e s
on S t a c e y
t h i s N eg ro l i v e s
m a te ly
a tte m p te d
H o r s e s h o e Lake.
door to door.
ta k e
som e a c t i o n
Road n e a r H o rs e s h o e
on t h e
o n e - h a lf m ile
o ff
le ft
th e
s id e
S ta c e y
J o n e s v ille
on a N e g r o
S p e c ific a lly ,
Road a p p r o x i­
H ig h w a y
a cross
He raises pheasants and sells clothes
The reason for the Klan action against
this Negro was that he was reported to be a member of
the Black Muslims.
Sometime during late 1964, JAME S SCAROBOROUGH
an d K l a n s man PETE WARDELL poured gasoline on a late model
Pontlac belonging to a Negro who lives on Dody Road near
Ferriday, Louisiana, and burned this car.
The Negro's
insurance company settled the claim for this fire and the
N e g ro th e n bought a new Buick.
new c a r ,
Shortly after he got the
WARDELL and SCAROBOROUGH shot tw o s l u g s from a
s h o tg u n i n t o th e a u to m o b ile .
The m o tiv e
fo r
t h e b u r n in g
o f t h e N e g r o ' s c a r w as r e p o r t e d t o b e a p e r s o n a l f i g h t
b e t w e e n WARDELL a n d t h e N e g r o b e c a u s e o f WARDELL h u n t i n g
on t h e N e g r o ' s p r o p e r t y w ith o u t p e r m is s io n .
____________ D U RIN G DECEMBER, 1 9 6 4 :
E. D. MORACE had known FRANK MORRIS all of his
life and there Is no concrete reason why anyone would have
wanted to kill MORRIS.
At the t ime of the murder of M O R R I S , E . D. MORACE
was the Assistant KBI man for the Fifth Louisiana P r o v ince
of the Original Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (O K K K K ) .
the M O R R I S murd e r was K l a n Inspired and K l a n instituted,
it would have h a d to hav e b e e n c l e a r e d by MORACE.
P r i o r to the m u r d e r o f M O R R I S ,
concerning MORRIS'
behavior were brought
of the F e r r i d a y - C l a y t o n U n i t
F e r r id a y
w as
m ent
w as
L o u is ia n a ,
C la y to n
a m em ber o f
o f
C o lo r e d
fo u n d
th e
of t h e O K K K K .
t h a t t i m e a m e m b e r of the
t h e OKKKK,
s a id
N a tio n a l A s s o c ia t io n
P e o p le
h im .
(N A A C P )
T h is
u n tru e .
to the a t t e n t i o n
e m p l o y e e of the g as co m p a n y
and a t
U n it
several complaints
a lle g a tio n
th a t
w as
t h a t M O R R IS
fo r
th e
A dvan ce­
s o m e th in g
lo o k e d
s h o u ld
in to
An allegation was made that MORRIS mas
becoming too familiar with white people while broadcasting
on a radio show he put on advertising his shoe shop.
S e v e r a l in d iv id u a ls
s ix
d iffe r e n t
t h in g
th a t
tim e s
c o u ld
lis te n e d
and a t
th is
no t im e
be c o n s id e r e d
r a d io
d id
fiv e
anyone h e a r an y­
o ffe n s iv e .
There was a rumor circulated in the
Ferriday area that MORRIS had in some way insulted the
wife of Concordia Parish Deputy Sheriff FRANK DE LAUGHTER.
This was found to be untrue; however, FRANK DE LAUGHTER
HOBBY CALDIRON is not known as a member of the
- Clayton Unit of the OK K K K .
He most likely was
a member prior to the fall of 1964.
JAMES FOUNT MC NEELY is the former Exalted Cyclops
of the Black River, Louisiana, Unit of the OKKKK.
Is not active at the present time.
This unit
The unit still holds Its
M C NE E L Y is not k nown to be a member of the S D G .
M A R I O N W I L L I A M S F REEMAN never attended meetings
of the F e r r i d a y - Clayton,
H ow ever,
he is
w ho w o r k s
k n o w n to h a v e b e e n a member of t h i s
d e s c r ib e d
Louisiana, U n i t of t h e OKKKK,
a s a d a r k - c o m p l e x i o n e d , w h i t e m a le ,
th e m ix in g
d e p a rtm e n t a t
th e
A r m s t r o n g R u b b er
C om p an y.
JAMES ’ ’ RED" LEE a n d JAMES "S O N N Y " TAYLOR h a v e
b o th
th a t
s a id
b o m b in g o f
FREEMAN p a r t i c i p a t e d
a N egro’ s
h ou se
F e r r id a y ,
th e
a tte m p te d
L o u is ia n a .
W . M. BARFIELD is presently running the gambling
at the Bonanza Club in Ferriday, Louisiana.
AUSA, Shreveport, La., desires no additional
investigation and feels case has no prosecutive
m erits.
The following investigation was conducted by
At Shreveport, Louisiana
On August 22, 1962 , E. V. BOAGNI, Assistant U. S.
Attorney, advised SA THURMAN P. KELLEY that captioned matter,
in his opinion, does not warrant further investigation and
has no prosecutive merits. He said he is furnishing his
opinion in writing to the New Orleans FBI Office.
"The complainant, Curtis Lee Harris, together with
Wilbur Lee Henderson and Jack Davis, were convicted of
b u r g l a r y on their pleas of guilty in the State District
Court, Concordia Parish, on April 6, 1962, Harris and Henderson
having been sentenced to seven years Imprisonment, Davis
to only t h r e e y e a r s due to the fact he had no prior criminal
record. Of the three defendants, only Harris made a complaint
alleging police brutality while In custody of state authorities,
the said complaint being evidenced by his letter dated July 18,
1962 addressed to "United States Justice Department,
Whereas Henderson,
when recently Interviewed by Bureau agents, also contended
he was brutally treated while In the custody of state
authorities, he made no such complaint prior to that time.
The third defendant, Jack Davis, states he was In nowise
improperly treated while in custody of the state authorities
and that Insofar as he knows neither Harris nor Henderson
were Improperly treated.
Harris further contends that not
o n l y was he severely and brutally beaten while in custody
of state authorities but that he was forced to admit
participation in the burglary under threat of death.
Federal Building, New Orleans, Louisiana."
"It should be particularly noted that despite the
fact complainant Harris was sentenced on April 6, 1962
as aforesaid, complaint was not made by him until July 18,
1962. T h e facts rather clearly indicate, in our opinion,
that the complaint was n o t made by Harris as an afterthought.
Harris has a long criminal record with prior Dyer Act and
burglary convictions and has been brought into different
courts on criminal charges on prior occasions. It is
Inconceivable to us that this defendant came into Court
NO 44-1585/jao
and entered a guilty plea to the bu r g l a r y charge without
protesting his Innocence or Informing the sentencing Judge
that he had been forced under pain of death to admit his
g u i l t . It should be noted that R o y S. Halcomb, Assistant
District Attorney, 7th Judicial District, when Interviewed,
stated he had talked privately with Harris, Henderson and
Da v i s b e f o r e t h e y w e r e taken Into court and that neither
made any complaint to him about being beaten or showed. Any
visible signs of a beating. He further stated that e a c h
of the defendants told him h e desired to plead g u i l t y to
the charge. The court records indicate no Irregularities
In the handling of the three defendants and In the final
disposition of the case. Based on the facts submitted, we
are forced to conclude that the statements of both Harris
and Henderson are untrue and that the statements of complainant
Harris are not entitled to credence or belief.
Photographs of victims not taken due to length of time
which has lapsed since alleged beating.
All persons interviewed were advised this Investigation
was being made at the specific request of the Attorney General of
the United States.
Synopsis: CURTIS LEE HARRIS, Inmate of Louisiana State Penitentiary, sent
letter to USA, Shreveport, La., dated 7/18/62, alleging that he
was beaten by police officers at Vidalia, La., on night 3/30/62.
Same allegation made by HARRIS in signed statement.
HENDERSON, also Inmate LSP, who was sentenced on same Burglary
charge as HARRIS, alleges In signed statement he was a l so beaten.
JAKE DAVIS, Ferriday, La., sentenced with HARRIS and HENDERSON on
same charges, states he was not beaten but was told by HARRIS and
HENDERSON that they were and observed HENDERSON to have swollen
wrist. Cellmates of HARRIS at Concordia Parish Jail observed
spots of blood on his shorts and that his clothes were torn. One
observed HARRIS to have swollen buttocks. ALBERTA HENDERSON, w i f e
of v ic t im HENDERSON, Ferriday, who visited HENDERSON in Jail at
Vidalia, was not told of beating and saw no signs of mistreatment.
NELLIE HARRIS, Clayton, La., sister of victim HARRIS was told by
HARRIS of beating and advised shorts contained blood spots.
HENDERSON and DAVIS admit participation in burglary for which
s en ten ce d and Implicate HARRIS.
HARRIS claims innocent. Records,
D i s t r i c t C o u rt , Vidalia, reflect HARRIS and HENDERSON, on 4 / 6 / 6 2 ,
s e n te n ce d seven years for Simple Burglary on guilty pleas. DAVIS,
on same date, received sentence of 3 years on guilty plea.
I n v o lv e d identified as ROY GEORGE BARLOW, WILLIAM HOWARD OGDEN,
and ISSAAC COWEN, JR., Deputies of Concordia Parish Sheriff's
Ferriday, La., Police Dept. All officers deny beating or mis­
treatment of victims.
AUSA, Shreveport, La., desires submission
of report before suggesting additional investigation or deciding
on merits of case. Descriptions subjects and victims set forth
On 3 / 2 4 / 6 9 R . J .
contacted E . D . MORACE a t the Ford G a r a g e ,
F e r r id a y ,
They s t a ted they were making the rounds visiting SDG members.
GLOVER mentioned he had been
G LOVER a s k e d
to see J A MES SCAROB R O U G H.
to see the box MORACE was building to store
explosives and MORACE showed him the box, w h i c h w a s completed.
GLOVER was very impressed and said they needed another box
Just like It.
GLOVER said he has a friend w h o runs a store at
K e n t w o o d , Louisiana,
and an FBI Agent had b e e n to the store
a s k i n g questions abo u t him,
his friend ran
accompany him
the A g e n t off.
to K e n t w o o d ,
o f GLOVER' s f r i e n d s
b y h im
A c c o r d i n g to GLOVER,
to v i s i t s o m e
ther e .
GLOVER g a v e
w h ic h h e s a id
M in u t e m e n
tw o
N e tw o rk
p ie c e s
o f
C om m ander
M in u t e m e n
lite r a tu r e ,
On the night of 5/29/69, E. D. MORACE met SDG
member TOMMIE LEE J O NES at the Moose Club at Natchez ,
JONES said that GLOVER had visited his earlier
that day and MORACE told JONES that GLOVER w as v isiting
several SDG members.
JONES asked MORACE what was between
G L O V E R and JAMES F. LEE as G L O V E R does not
trust LEE.
G LOV E R feels that LEE takes off from w o r k too much and always
has m o n e y .
M O R A C E told JONES that the last time GLOVER
mentioned L E E to him he trusted LEE.
B L U E H O L L O W A Y of N a t c h e z ,
a severe
J e ffe r s o n
b e ab l e
h e a rt a tta c k
D a v is H o s p it a l in
to w ork a g a in .
te n
N a tc h e z.
now a t
HOLLOWAY may n e v e r
During the early evening of April 1 2 , 1969, R . J .
G L O V E R drove up to the MORACE house in Vidalia, L o u i s i a n a . GLOVER
asked for his M-2 Carbine which he had left with MORACE about two
week s previously.
the carbine,
MORACE went into his house and returned with
GLOVER and MORACE went to G L O V E R 's old F ord pick­
up truck and obtained a c a r d b o a r d box from the front seat of the
GLOVER said t h e r e w a s lots of d y n a m i t e in the box and
that M O R A C E w a s to k e e p It s a f e a n d not to d r o p or jar it.
The c a r d b o a r d
o r ig in a lly
ta g
M e m p h is ,
h e ld
G en era l
t h e box sh ow ed i t
had p r i n t i n g
E le c tr ic
Tennessee, to Genuine
for Fayette, Mississippi.
the box w a s
S e a le d
P a rts
t im e
i t , s h o w in g
Beam L a m p s .
A s h ip p in g
by N APA,
Service, Vicksburg,
MORACE later
c o n fid e d
M is s .,
to a friend that
no doubt, the property of JEWEL BURT, as he though
BURT was from Fayette, and BURT has recently promised GLOVER some
d y namite.
GLOVER told MORACE he might go to Kentwood, Louisiana,
to spend the weekend but his wife could not get off from her Job
at a drug store on Franklin Street in Na t c h e z , Mississippi. G LOVER
said he could be reached in Natchez at the home of his relatives
with whom h e is living, JAM E S WATTS,
telephone 442-3078, and SMITH ,
telephone 442— 3154.
On Monday, April 14, 1969, GLOVER drove up to MO R A C E 's
house about 6:00 P M and asked M O R A C E to accompany him on Silver
D o l l a r G r o u p business.
to N a t c h e z ,
th e
and he needed
s h o o tin g .
tw o
w ho w as p r e v i o u s l y
in tr o d u c e d
they t u r n e d e a s t w a r d a b o u t 15 m i l e s
the w a y GLOVER t o l d
SDG m e m b e r s h a d b e e n s h o t a n d w a s
th e
C e n tr e v ille
a n d s o u t h w a r d 35 m i l e s to Woodville,
At Woodville,
to C e n t r e v i l l e ,
one o f
The two m e n e n t e r e d G L O V E R 's car and drove
b ro th e r
d e p u ty
m en
o f
in to
it t o
e n te re d
th e
s h e r iff
th e
MORACE t h a t
th e
h o s p ita l
th e y
h o s p ita l
w o u n d e d m an a n d
W o o d v ille .
s h o u ld
ta ll
The former deputy is a white male, Age 36 or 37; 6 ' 1",
2 9 3 Ibs , a n d w ith brown hair.
a whi t e male,
5' 8 or 5 '9 "; 2 3 0 lbs, s tocky build, w i t h brown hair
and a d a r k complexion.
liv e s
E i t h e r the f o r m e r d e p u t y or the brother
in a h o u s e ,w h i c h is the t h i r d h o u s e o n the right f rom a
s er v i c e station on the right,
road in Woodville.
The brother of the wounded man Is
turning east on the Centerville
T u r n i n g o f f of H i g h w a y #61 in W oo d v i l l e
the a b o v e - m e n t i o n e d s e r v i c e s t a t i o n
is im m e d i a t e l y
th e r ig h t s id e .
While at the hospital, GLOVER asked about the finances
t h e m an w h o w a s shot.
said that both this man and his
b r o t h e r worked with him at the Armstrong Tire Co. in Natchez.
CLOVER asked MORACE if he had twenty dollars and MORACE gave
GLOVER a twenty-dollar bill.
GLOVER took a one-hundred dollar
bill from his own billfold and gave the wife of the wounded man
the one-hundred and twenty dollars.
GLOVER said he would not
h a v e h a d the money except he obtained a loan from the credit union
to pay o f f h i s debts.
GLOVER w a n ted to know ho w MORACE knew of this , but
M ORACE would not say.
G L O V E R then said the attempted burning was
m e s s e d up by TOMMIE JON E S and T O R G ENSON, b o t h of w h o m were Masons.
These two m en went Inside the N e g r o M a s o n i c hall w i t h five gallons
g a s o l i n e a nd s p r e a d it a l l around.
a n d J A M E S F . LEE s t o o d s h o t g u n g u a r d out s i d e .
J O N E S a n d TO R G E N S O N
w e r e f r i g h t e n e d w h e n so m e lights w e n t o n in a n e a r b y h o u s e a n d ran
out without
the fire.
w h i t e M a s o n s c o u l d be d e p e n d e d o n
to b u r n
made him
down a Negro Masonic
GLOVER told MORACE not to mention this matter, as
something else happened that same night and if authorities knew
of this incident, it would give them a lead on the other thing.
in the B O W E R S c a s e .
that he w o u l d be w a t c h i n g f or the verdict
is n o t e d t h a t B O W E R S w a s not c o n v i c t e d .
MORACE a s k e d G L O V E R if D ON W I L K E N S O N h a d actually
the M i n u t e m e n a n d G L O V E R s a i d he w a s g o i n g
W ILKENSON that n i g h t .
to r e m a i n
said WILKENSON had
to see
evidently decided
E. D. MORACE and TOMMIE JONES met at the Moose Lodge
N a tc h e z ,
was i n a c t i v e
h im
Mississippi, on January 24, 1969.
JONES said he
in the SDS, but was available if they ever needed
to barbeque a "nigger".
a n d inquired about
19 6 9 ,
to ld
h im
h e still
he a d q u a r te r s .
MORACE on January
his Minutemen application.
had not heard anything from Minutemen
TAYLOR asked M O R A C E to be his alibi in the
event he decided to burn his home to get out from under the
he was
very busy right
then a nd T A Y L O R
c o u l d be his alibi.
K E N N E T H N O R M A N H E A D continues to reside at the same
a d d r e s s on La k e Concordia,
He sold or was
s e l l i n g his 1 9 5 9 white F o r d s t a t i o n w a g o n and now owns about a
1 9 6 5 d a r k blue car,
p r o b a b l y an O l d s m o b i l e .
HEAD n o l o n g e r w o r k s f o r
a n d w o r k s H u g h e s a n d N ew O i l
HEAD i s
in a c tiv e
M in u te m e n
U n it
o r g a n iz a tio n .
1733 ,
th e
k la n
th e
D and
D D r illin g
C om pany,
N a tc h e z,
In te n d s
SD G ,
becom e
Com pany
M is s is s ip p i.
a m em ber
a c tiv e
th e
th a t
Se r ial 1 5 8 .
On 2/8/68,
came to his house on 2/7/68.
LEE commented that he knows T O M M Y LEE
JONES is furnishing Information to the FBI.
He told the source that
once JONES went to see ERNEST FINLEY's wife and asked her if he could
look at the Silver Dollar which had been given to her deceased, husband.
LEE t o l d s o u r c e some few months ago w hen word was spread around Natchez
that he and RALEIGH JACK S O N GLO V E R contemplated tak i n g some action
against JONES and a t that particular time they had contemplated taking
action a g a i n s t him.
L EE stated that he, GLOVER, and on e other Individual
whom h e d i d n o t name, had m e t in LEE's h ome o n one o c c a s i o n and a l s o m e t
in h i s c a r on o n e o c c a s i o n w h e r e t hey t a l k e d a b o u t t a k i n g some a c t i o n
a g a i n s t JONES.
LEE s t ated w h e n he h e a r d the i n f o r m a t i o n t h a t h e and
GLOVER w e r e t h inking a b o u t t a k i n g a c t i o n a g a i n s t J O N E S , h e a t t h a t
t ime t h o u g h t that e i t h e r his c a r or h i s h o u s e h a d a m i c r o p h o n e i n it
b e c a u s e t h e i n f o r m a t i o n t h a t ha d b e e n s p r e a d a r o u n d N a t c h e z , w a s
a c t u a l l y true.
a d v i s e d t h a t t h e BLANEY b r o ­
On 2/26/68,
- - B I L L and GERALD, w h o a r e b o t h SDG m e m b ers- - c a l l e d o n E . D . MORACE,
a s k e d h im t o c o n t a c t R A L E IG H JACKSON GLOVER a n d M i s s i s s i p p i SDG member
TOMMIE LEE JONES a n d c a l l a m e e t i n g s o t h a t som e a c t i o n c o u l d b e t a k e n
a g a i n s t DRANE an d h i s m en.
Serial 164.
th e rs
S e ria l
advised R. J . GLOVER and
1 9 6 8 , and discussed the Klan and the S ilv e r
D o lla r Group. GLOVER talked of TOMMIE LEE JONES again and went over the
whole sto ry o f the p o s s i b i l i t y o f JONES b e in g an FBI inform ant, GLOVER
said he has made up h is mind that JONES i s not an inform ant, GLOVER stated
JONES " has been th ere w ith me", in d ic a t in g JONES and GLOVER were togeth er
on a s e rio u s crim e, and th a t i f JONES had ta lk e d he would hare a lre a d y
put the f i n g e r on GLOVER.
E . D . MORACE m e t on A p r il 1 5 ,
Serial 168.
On 7/2/68 , advised subject and
met on June 28, 1968, at the Mc Clelland Chain Saw Company, Natchez, Mis
sissippi, and had a long talk about the future of the Silver Dollar Group.
JONES said he had done a lot of thinking about where the FBI had been
obtaining information about crimes committed by the SDG. He said that
the "Feds" had interviewed him about a crime at Horseshoe Lake, Monterey,
La., and told him right down the line what happened. JONES said either
they ware guessing correctly or JAMES LEE or LEE's wife were talking.
Serial 170.
On 11/5/68,
any Klan or hate type organization.
advised subject not active in
Serial 171.
On 11/26/68,
advised on the night of 11/21/6
68, there was a meeting of Minutemen Squad Leaders at the Shamrock Motel
Lounge, Vidalia, La. While the meeting was going on SDG member T O M M I E
LEE JONES came into the lounge with another man. GLOVER went over to see
who the man with JONES was and while he was gone MORACE remarked he
not trust JONES. WILKENSON and JONES was without work for two years and
during the time had money and bought a house.
WILKENSON said he would
like to know where JONES got his money.
Serial 172*
On 12/11/68,
advised E. D. MORACE and
TOMMIE JONES met at the Moose Lodge at Natchez, Miss., on the night of
November 30, 1968. JONES said he did not trust JAMES LEE as LEE or his
wife had told the FBI a lot about JONES. MORACE said he trusted L EE, but
knew why LEE did not trust JONES as he had reason. JONES denied there was
reason for LEE to not trust him. MORACE said that he observed JONES riding
i a car with the FBI Agent in Natchez, Mi s s ., and that JACK SEALE saw
JONES in the Eola Hotel in Natchez, with an FBI Agent to show him some
cars at the JONES place and that he was passing through tie Eola Hotel
when an FBI Agent asked him to join him at his table to ask: him some
Inasmuch as subject no longer meets criteria for
investigation as set forth in Section 122A, Manual of
Instructions, no further investigation is being conducted
at this time. In the event that he becomes active again,
case will be reopened.
Source stated that someone either lying about him
in connection with this plot or someone has had an honest
mistake in placing him on the plot.
Source stated he is concerned about this allegation
and he will undergo a polygraph examination in order to
resolve the question.