Japan-America Society of Tennessee
Japan-America Society of Tennessee
TENNESSEE 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page # Fact Sheet – Japanese Investment in Tennessee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Regional Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 East TN Japanese Companies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Middle TN Japanese Companies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 West TN Japanese Companies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 EAST TENNESSEE 8e[\ijfe 8`j`e8lkf:Xjk`e^#:c`ekfe 9cflek ;\ejfD]^KE#DXipm`cc\ Bf`[\KE#IfZb]fi[ KfpfkXKjlj_f#DXipm`cc\ LJ`#IfZbnff[ 9iX[c\p :fid\k\Z_#:c\m\cXe[ :XdgY\cc DXk`o:fig#:Xipm`cc\ :cX`Yfie\ ;KI#KXq\n\cc :fZb\ E\ngfikGi\Z`j`fe#E\ngfik :ldY\icXe[ D`qbXe8d\i`ZXj#@eZ%#:ifjjm`cc\ >i\\e\ ;KIKE#@eZ%#D`[nXp ?XdYc\e AK<BK#Dfii`jkfne BXnXjXb`#Dfii`jkfne D`qlef8lkfdfk`m\#@eZ%#Dfii`jkfne F_Xj_`LJ8#Dfii`jkfne FK@:J#Dfii`jkfne JXe$\`J\`bf#Dfii`jkfne Kl]]Kfih#Dfii`jkfne ?Xd`ckfe BfdXkjl#:_XkkXeff^X E8@e[ljki`\j#:_XkkXeff^X Jf]`o#:_XkkXeff^X Kl]kfiX8lkf:Xig\k#:_XkkXeff^X N\jk`e^kfe_flj\ElZc\XiJ\im`Z\j#:_XkkXeff^X ?Xnb`ej J\b`jl`K8#If^\ijm`cc\ 8>:=cXk>cXjjEfik_8d\i`ZX#@eZ%#:_liZ_?`cc A\]]\ijfe DXkjlf@e[%#A\]]\ijfe:`kp Befo <o\[p8d\i`ZX#DXjZfk Blif[X<c\Zki`Z:f%Ck[%#Befom`cc\ FfqoLJ8#Befom`cc\ GXeXjfe`Z<c\Zki`Z#Befom`cc\ Gi\Z`j`feKffcjJmZj#Befom`cc\ K\ee\jj\\Jk\\c:\ek\i#@eZ%#DXjZfk#KE PXdXq\e#Befom`cc\ Cfl[fe 8d\i`ZXe?fe[X#Cfl[fe DZD`ee ;\ejfD]^#8k_\ej Dfeif\ :Xic\o>cXjj#Mfefi\ AK<BK#Mfefi\ D@J8#Mfefi\ E>BD\kXcj#Jn\\knXk\i KENXk\iZiX]k#Mfefi\ JZfkk KXbX_XkXGi\Z`j`fe#?\c\enff[ J\m`\i KIN=la`#J\m`\im`cc\ Jlcc`mXe 8=>@e[%%#B`e^jgfik) NXj_`e^kfe Bfpf#K\c]fi[ EXbXk\kjl#K\c]fi[ I_\X =la`]`cd?lek#;Xpkfe IfXe\ Kf_fK\eXo8d\i`ZX#IfZbnff[ ( ) denotes multiple locations in county 4 East Tennessee Region Japanese Company Directory A G C Flat Glass North America, Inc. 600 AFG Road Church Hill, TN 37642 Telephone: 423-357-2400 Parent Company: Asahi Glass Company, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ᣩ⎣ሶ Product: Manufactures flat float glass A G C Flat Glass North America, Inc. 1400 Lincoln St Kingsport, TN 37660-5174 Telephone: 423-229-7200 Parent Company: Asahi Glass Company, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ᣩ⎣ሶ Product: Manufactures flat glass; manufactures safety glass Aisin Automotive Casting Tennessee, Inc. 2211 Frank L Diggs Drive Clinton, TN 37716 Telephone: Parent Company: Aisin Seiki Company, Ltd Parent Company (Japanese): ࠕࠗࠪࡦ♖ᯏ Product: Manufactures aluminum die castings (engine parts) American Honda Motor Company, Inc. 17200 Highway 72 North Loudon, TN 37774 Telephone: 865-458-7601 Parent Company: Honda Motor Company, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ᧄ↰ᛛ⎇Ꮏᬺ Product: Automotive parts distribution Carlex Glass Company 77 Excellence Way Vonore, TN 37885-2123 Telephone: 423-884-1171 Parent Company: Central Glass Company, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ࡦ࠻࡞⎣ሶ Product: Automotive glass products Cormetech, Inc. 3300 Old Passo Road Cleveland, TN 37312 Telephone: 423-473-6900 Parent Company: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ਃ⪉㊀Ꮏᬺ Product: Environmental technologies D T R Tennessee, Inc. 199 Pottertown Road Midway, TN 37809 Telephone: 423-422-4454 Parent Company: Tokai Rubber Industries, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ᧲ᶏࠧࡓᎿᬺ Product: Automotive anti-vibration devices D T R Tennessee, Inc. 150 Hester Lane Tazewell, TN 37879 Telephone: 423-626-8805 Parent Company: Tokai Rubber Industries, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ᧲ᶏࠧࡓᎿᬺ Product: Manufactures rubber medical sundries Denso Manufacturing Tennessee, Inc. 1720 Robert C Jackson Dr Maryville, TN 37801-3797 Telephone: 865-982-7000 Parent Company: Denso Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࠺ࡦ࠰ Product: Manufactures automotive alternators; motor vehicle electrical equipment Denso Manufacturing Tennessee, Inc. 2400 Denso Dr Athens, TN 37303-7835 Telephone: 423-746-0000 Parent Company: Denso Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࠺ࡦ࠰ Product: Manufactures automotive alternators 5 East Tennessee Region Japanese Company Directory Exedy America Corporation 2121 Holston Bend Dr Mascot, TN 37806-1524 Telephone: 865-932-3700 Parent Company: Exedy Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࠛࠢ࠺ࠖ Product: Manufactures motor vehicle transmissions Fuji Hunt Specialty Products 411 Manufacturers Rd Dayton, TN 37321-5937 Telephone: 423-775-2281 Parent Company: Fujifilm Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࡈࠫࡈࠖ࡞ࡓ Product: Manufactures industrial organic chemicals; agricultural chemicals; & chemical products JTEKT Automotive Tennesse - Vonore, Inc. 55 Excellence Way Vonore, TN 37885-2123 Telephone: 423-884-9200 Parent Company: JTEKT Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࠫࠚࠗ࠹ࠢ࠻ Product: Manufactures plastic automotive parts JTEKT Automotive Tennessee - Morristown, Inc. 5932 Commerce Blvd Morristown, TN 37814-1051 Telephone: 423-585-0999 Parent Company: JTEKT Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࠫࠚࠗ࠹ࠢ࠻ Product: Manufactures motor vehicle power steering equipment Kawasaki Tennessee, Inc. 1111 Sakura Drive Morristown, TN 37813 Telephone: 423-586-9987 Parent Company: Kawasaki Industrial Co., Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): Ꮉ㦮Ꮏᬺ Product: Auto engine parts Koide TN, Inc. 214 Dunavant Drive Rockford, TN 37853-3064 Telephone: 865-579-1180 Parent Company: Koide Kokan Company, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ዊ㍑▤ Product: Manufactures steel pipe & tube cutting Komatsu America International Company 409 Signal Mountain Rd Chattanooga, TN 37405-1918 Telephone: 423-757-0387 Parent Company: Komatsu, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ࠦࡑ࠷ Product: Manufactures heavy construction equipment Koyo Corporation of USA 146 Cutting Edge Court Telford, TN 37690 Telephone: 423-913-1006 Parent Company: JTEKT Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࠫࠚࠗ࠹ࠢ࠻ Product: Manufacturers automotive bearings Kuroda Electric Co., Ltd 1111 Northshare Dr Site S585 Knoxville, TN 37919 Telephone: 865-450-9903 Parent Company: Kuroda Electric Co., Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): 㤥↰㔚᳇ Product: Electric Retail Company Matix Corporation 150 Sonny Boshears Lane Pioneer, TN 37847-3917 Telephone: 423-566-7668 Parent Company: Matsukawa Tekkojo Co., Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ᧻Ꮉ㋕Ꮏᚲ Product: Manufactures automotive related machinery 6 East Tennessee Region Japanese Company Directory Matsuo Industries USA, Inc. 408 Municipal Dr Jefferson City, TN 37760-5033 Telephone: 865-475-9085 Parent Company: Matsuo Industries, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ᧻የᚲ Product: Manufacturers automotive electrical equipment; motor vehicle parts & accessories; stamped metal automobile body parts; automobile springs Misa Metals, Inc. 27 Excellence Way Vonore, TN 37885-2123 Telephone: 423-884-2450 Parent Company: Marubeni-Itochu Steel, Inc. Parent Company (Japanese): દ⮮ᔘਣ⚃㋕㍑ Product: Metals service center: steel cutting & slitting services Mizkan Americas, Inc. 526 Interstate Dr Crossville, TN 38555-5467 Telephone: 931-484-0285 Parent Company: Mizkan Group Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࡒ࠷ࠞࡦ Product: Bottles vinegar, mustard and cooking wines Mizuno Iron Works Co., Ltd. 5601 Interstate View Drive Morristown, TN 37813 Telephone: 423-317-9876 Parent Company: Mizuno Iron Works Co., Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ᳓㊁㋕Ꮏᚲ Product: Plastic automotive parts N A Industries, Inc. 2651 Riverport Rd Chattanooga, TN 37406-1723 Telephone: 423-624-6496 Parent Company: Nippon Shokubai Co., Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ᣣᧄ⸅ᇦ Product: Plastics, materials & nonvulcanizable elatomers N G K Metals Corporation 917 Highway 11 S Sweetwater, TN 37874-5730 Telephone: 423-337-5500 Parent Company: NGK Insulators Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ᣣᧄࠟࠗࠪ Product: Manufactures copper strips Nakatetsu, Inc. 234 Precision Boulevard Telford, TN 37610 Telephone: 423-913-1600 Parent Company: Nakatetsu Co., Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ࠽ࠞ࠹࠷ Product: Manufacturers automotive bearings Newport Precision, Inc. 400 Cherry St Newport, TN 37821-8182 Telephone: 423-623-3445 Parent Company: Hitachi Metals, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ᣣ┙㊄ዻ Product: Manufactures high speed steel vanes for power sterring pumps Ohashi Iron Works 5555 Interstate Drive Morristown, TN 37813 Telephone: 423-317-7745 Parent Company: Ohashi Iron Works Co., Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ᄢᯅ㋕Ꮏᚲ Product: Plastic automotive parts Oozx U S A, Inc. 10101 Caneel Dr Knoxville, TN 37931-3117 Telephone: 865-691-4000 Parent Company: Fuji Oozx, Inc. Parent Company (Japanese): ࡈࠫࠝ࠶ࠢࠬ Product: Manufactures engine tappets 7 East Tennessee Region Japanese Company Directory Otics USA, Inc. 5555 Interstate View Morristown, TN 37813 Telephone: 423-581-9933 Parent Company: Otics Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࠝ࠹ࠖ࠶ࠢࠬ Product: Manufactures cam caps, balance shafts, fuel lines Panasonic Electronic Devices Corp. of America 5105 S National Dr Knoxville, TN 37914-6518 Telephone: 865-673-0700 Parent Co.: Panasonic Electronic Devices Co., Ltd. Parent Co. (Japanese): ࡄ࠽࠰࠾࠶ࠢࠛࠢ࠻ࡠ࠾࠶ࠢ࠺ࡃࠗࠬ Product: Manufactures audio electronic systems; electronic capacitors; plating & polishing service Precision Tools Services, Inc. 11149 Outlet Drive Knoxville, TN 379332 Telephone: 865-675-6262 Parent Company: Toyo Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ᧲㓁 Product: Wholesales precision tools San-Ei Seiko America, Inc. 5978 Commerce Blvd Morristown, TN 37814-1051 Telephone: 423-585-4373 Parent Company: San-Ei Seiko Co., Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ਃᩕ♖Ꮏ Product: Manufactures motor vehicle power steering equipment Sekisui TA Industries, Inc. 75 Industrial Park Dr Rogersville, TN 37857-2100 Telephone: 423-272-5898 Parent Company: Sekisui Chemical Company, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): Ⓧ᳓ൻቇᎿᬺ Product: Manufactures adhesive, packaging, electrical tape Sofix Corporation 2800 Riverport Rd Chattanooga, TN 37406-1745 Telephone: 423-624-3500 Parent Company: Yamada Chemical Co., Ltd Parent Company (Japanese): ጊ↰ൻቇ Product: Chemical preparations (colorformer) Takahata Precision American, Inc. 370 Marcum Parkway Helenwood, TN 37755-0700 Telephone: 423-286-8100 Parent Company: Takahatga Seiko Company, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): 㜞⇌♖Ꮏ Product: Manufactures finished injection molded plastic products Tennessee Steel Center Inc. 9545 Commission Drive Mascot, TN 37806 Telephone: 865-932-2025 Parent Company: Sumikin Bussan Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ㊄‛↥ Product: Manufactures slit steel Tennessee Watercraft, Inc. 2000 Cobia Dr Vonore, TN 37885-2351 Telephone: 423-884-6881 Parent Company: Yamaha Motor Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࡗࡑࡂ⊒േᯏ Product: Builds inboard motorboats Toho Tenax America, Inc. 121 Cardiff Valley Rd Rockwood, TN 37854-4134 Telephone: 865-354-4120 Parent Company: Toho Tenax Co., Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ᧲㇌࠹࠽࠶ࠢࠬ Product: Manufactures acrylic fibers; carbon & graphite products 8 East Tennessee Region Japanese Company Directory Toyota Tsusho America, Inc. 1640 Robert C. Jackson Drive Maryville, TN 37801-3775 Telephone: 865-984-6364 Parent Company: Toyota Tsusho Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ⼾↰ㅢ Product: Trading Company TRW Fuji Valve, Inc. 128 River Bend Dr Sevierville, TN 37876-1942 Telephone: 865-453-0199 Parent Company: Fuji Oozx, Inc. Parent Company (Japanese): ࡈࠫࠝ࠶ࠢࠬ Product: Manufactures engine valves Tuff Torq Corp 5943 Commerce Blvd Morristown, TN 37814-1051 Telephone: 423-585-2000 Parent Company: Kanzaki Kokyukoki Mfg. Co., Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ፒ㜞⚖Ꮏᯏ Product: Manufactures mowers & accessories Tuftora Automotive Carpet, Inc. 351 Labeling Way Chattanooga, TN 37419-2395 Telephone: 423-643-4100 Parent Company: Toyota Tsusho Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ⼾↰ㅢ Product: Manufactures automotive carpeting USi, Inc. 2460 Stock Creek Blvd Rockford, TN 37853-3045 Telephone: 865-573-0122 Parent Company: ikuyo Co., Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ࡛ࠗࠢ Product: Manufactures injection molded plastic products Westinghouse Nuclear Services 401 River Terminal Road Chattanooga, TN 37401 Telephone: Parent Company: Toshiba Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ᧲⦼ Product: Provides engineering services to the nuclear power industry Yamazen, Inc. 10301 Cogdill Road, Ste 301 Knoxville, TN 37932 Telephone: 800-882-8558 Parent Company: Yamazen Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ጊༀ Product: Sales office for CNC equipment 9 9\[]fi[ :Xcjfe`ZBXej\`E8#J_\cYpm`cc\ AXZbjfe 8ej\`8d\i`ZX#>X`e\jYfif J\hlXkZ_`\ J\pdfliKlY`e^#;lecXg :f]]\\ AJG#KlccX_fdX) D$K\b#DXeZ_\jk\i M@8D#DXeZ_\jk\i CXni\eZ\ D@J8#CXni\eZ\Yli^ Jd`k_ J_`ifb`$>K#CC:#>fi[fejm`cc\ KX`_fDXel]XZkli`e^#>fi[fejm`cc\ ;Xm`[jfe 8[mXeZ\[:fdgfj`k\j#EXj_m`cc\ 9i`[^\jkfe\#EXj_m`cc\) :cXi`fe:fig#EXj_m`cc\ ?fi`Gif#EXj_m`cc\ BX^`pXKiX[`e^#EXj_m`cc\ DXilY\e`$@kfZ_l#EXj_m`cc\) D`kjl`#EXj_m`cc\ G\Xic:fig#EXj_m`cc\ I`Zf_:fig#EXj_m`cc\ JXkf8d\i`ZXD\kXc#EXj_m`cc\ Jfep8KM#EXj_m`cc\ JfepDlj`Z#EXj_m`cc\ Jle:_\d`ZXc#EXj_m`cc\ ;\BXcY J_`ifb`Efik_8d\i`ZX#Jd`k_m`cc\ ;`Zbjfe 9i`[^\jkfe\#;`Zbjfe Jld`[\eN`i\#;`Zbjfe Jle:_\d`ZXc#;`Zbjfe =iXebc`e E`jjXe#;\Z_\i[ K<GIF#N`eZ_\jk\i >ile[p KfpfJ\Xk#G\c_Xd ?ldg_i\pj DXk_\jfe$Ki`>Xj#E\nAf_ejfem`cc\ DXij_Xcc :BE8#C\n`jYli^ E`Z_`i`e#C\n`jYli^ DXlip :_Xjj`jJlggcp#:fcldY`X @dX^\Gfcpd\ij#Dk%Gc\XjXek J\b`jl`GcXjk`Zj#Dk%Gc\XjXek Jlde\i ;X`[f#GfikcXe[ D@J8#GfikcXe[ GBLJ8#>XccXk`e Le`gi\j#GfikcXe[ L%J%KjlYXb`#GfikcXe[ Dfek^fd\ip 9i`[^\jkfe\D\cXcg_X#:cXibjm`cc\ NXii\e 9i`[^\jkfe\#Dfii`jfe Pfifql8lkf#Dfii`jfe Fm\ikfe <Xkfe@efXZ#C`m`e^jkfe N_`k\ I_pk_dED#JgXikX Ilk_\i]fi[ 8lkiXej:fig#JdpieX 9i`[^\jkfe\&=`i\jkfe\#CXM\i^e\ ?fccXe[>iflg#Dli]i\\jYfif Af_ejfe:fekifcj#Dl]i\\jYfif BJN`i`e^#CXM\i^e\ D\kXcFe\#JdpieX D`$K\Z_#Dli]i\\jYfif D`kjlZ_`:figf]8d\i`ZX#CXM\i^e\ DBB#Dli]i\\jYfif E<::fig#Dli]i\\jYfif E`]Xjk#JdpieX E`]Zf#CXM\i^e\ E`jjXe#JdpieX E`jjXeKiX[`e^#CXM\i^e\ F$=c\o#Dli]i\\jYfif F_Xj_`K\Z_e`ZXLJ8#Dli]i\\jYfif Jk\\cJldd`k#CXM\i^e\ K%8%8d\i`ZX#CXM\i^e\ PXqXb`E8#CXM\i^e\ N`cc`Xdjfe 8=CK\c\Zfddle`ZXk`fej#=iXebc`e =la`bliX@ek\ieXk`feXc#CK;#9i\eknff[ JfdgfAXgXe@ejliXeZ\:f#=iXebc`e Kfb`fDXi`e\#=iXebc`e LJ8QXdX#=iXebc`e E`jjXe?\X[hlXik\ij#=iXebc`e N`cjfe 9i`[^\jkfe\#C\YXefe =Xcb\eK`i\#Dk%Alc`\k KXZc\J\Xk`e^#Dk%Alc`\k Kfj_`YX#C\YXefe Middle Tennessee Region Japanese Company Directory Advanced Composites, Inc. 3066 Sidco Dr Nashville, TN 37204-4506 Telephone: 615-244-8994 Parent Company: Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. Parent Company (Japanese): ਃൻቇ Product: Manufactures custom compound purchased resins AFL Telecommunications, Llc. 830 Crescent Centre Drive #600 Franklin, TN 37067-7245 Telephone: 615-778-5705 Parent Company: Fujikura, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ࡈࠫࠢ Product: Power pole accessories & fiber optic cable Ansei America, Inc. 1659 Grundy Quarles Highway Gainesboro, TN 38562-6012 Telephone: 931-268-6080 Parent Company: Ansei Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࠕࡦࠗ Product: Assembles automotive door latches Autrans Corporation 611 Enon Springs Road Smyrna, TN 37167-4411 Telephone: 615-459-0770 Parent Company: Sojitz Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ᣣ Product: Wholesales automotive supplies & parts Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc. 725 Bridgestone Dr Morrison, TN 37357-7525 Telephone: 931-668-5500 Parent Company: Bridgestone Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࡉ࠵ࠬ࠻ࡦ Product: Tire dealer Bridgestone/Firestone North American Tire 535 Marriott Drive Nashville, TN 37214-3672 Telephone: 615-937-5000 Parent Company: Bridgestone Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࡉ࠵ࠬ࠻ࡦ Product: Radial heavy-duty truck & passenger tires Bridgestone APM 140 Reliance Road Dickson, TN 37055 Telephone: 615-441-4300 Parent Company: Bridgestone Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࡉ࠵ࠬ࠻ࡦ Product: Manufactures foam automotive seat cushions & absorbing pads Bridgestone Metalpha U S A 570 International Boulevard Clarksville, TN 37040-5342 Telephone: 931-552-2112 Parent Company: Bridgestone Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࡉ࠵ࠬ࠻ࡦ Product: Manufactures steel tire cord Bridgestone/Firestone 201 Bridgestone Parkway Lebanon, TN 37090 Telephone: 615-695-5888 Parent Company: Bridgestone Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࡉ࠵ࠬ࠻ࡦ Product: Automobile Tire Distribution Center Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc. 50 Century Blvd Nashville, TN 37214-3672 Telephone: 615-872-5000 Parent Company: Bridgestone Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࡉ࠵ࠬ࠻ࡦ Product: Manufactures tires & inner tubes; retails auto & home supplies 11 Middle Tennessee Region Japanese Company Directory Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc. 1201 Bridgestone Pkwy LaVergne, TN 37086-3560 Telephone: 615-793-7581 Parent Company: Bridgestone Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࡉ࠵ࠬ࠻ࡦ Product: Manufactures automotive tires CalsonicKansei 201 Garrett Parkway Lewisburg, TN 37091-3557 Telephone: 931-359-4001 Parent Company: CalsonicKansei Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࠞ࡞࠰࠾࠶ࠢࠞࡦࠗ Product: Plastic injection molding for automotive industries CalsonicKansei North America 1 Calsonic Way Shelbyville, TN 37160-2031 Telephone: 931-684-4490 Parent Company: CalsonicKansei Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࠞ࡞࠰࠾࠶ࠢࠞࡦࠗ Product: Manufactures motor vehicle air conditioning; manufactures motor vehicle parts & accessories Chasis Supply Partners, Division of Bridgestone 2207 Oakland Parkway Columbia, TN 38401-6534 Telephone: 931-490-4494 Parent Company: Bridgestone Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࡉ࠵ࠬ࠻ࡦ Product: Provides automotive tire wheel assembling services Clarion Corporation of America 53 Century Blvd., Suite 130 Nashville, TN 37214 Telephone: 615-874-8701 Parent Company: Clarion Company, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ࠢࠝࡦ Product: Temporary Help Service Daido Corporation 1031 Fred White Boulevard Portland, TN 37148-8369 Telephone: 615-323-4020 Parent Company: Daido Kogyo, Ltd Parent Company (Japanese): ᄢหᎿᬺ Product: Manufactures bicycle or motorcycle drive chains Eaton Inoac Company 132 Industrial Park Cir Livingston, TN 38570-6040 Telephone: 931-823-7381 Parent Company: Inoac Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࠗࡁࠕ࠶ࠢࠦࡐ࡚ࠪࡦ Product: Manufactures processed plastics; motor vehicle parts & accessories Fujikura International, Ltd. 830 Crescent Centre Drive #600 Franklin, TN 37067 Telephone: 615-771-4360 Parent Company: Fujikura, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ࡈࠫࠢ Product: Holding company Falken Tire Corporation, Nashville Distribution Center 8051 Eastgate Boulevard Mount Juliet, TN 37122-3150 Telephone: 615-443-6109 Parent Company: Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ࠧࡓᎿᬺ Product: Tires - distribution/warehouse Holland Group of Tennessee 237 W. Northfield Blvd., Suite 200 Murfreesboro, TN 37129-0531 Telephone: 615-890-9895 Parent Company: Goodwill Group Parent Co. (Japanese):ࠣ࠶࠼࠙ࠖ࡞ࠣ࡞ࡊ Product: Temporary Help Service 12 Middle Tennessee Region Japanese Company Directory HoriPro Entertainment Group, Inc. 818 18th Avenue S Nashville, TN 37203 Telephone: 615-255-9837 Parent Company: Horipro, Inc. Parent Company (Japanese): ࡎࡊࡠ Product: Miscellaneous publishing Johnson Controls 1501 Molloy Ln Murfreesboro, TN 37129-3344 Telephone: 615-890-5559 Parent Co. Johnson Controls/Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): Image Polymers Company 7910 Mount Joy Road Mount Pleasant, TN 38474 Telephone: 615-379-1387 Parent Company: Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. Parent Company (Japanese): ਃൻቇ Product: Manufactures prepared photographic toners, not made in chemical plants Product: Manufactures automobile seats JSP International 207 Industrial Boulevard Tullahoma, TN 37388-4076 Telephone: 931-393-0099 Parent Company: JSP Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): JSP Product: Manufactures rubber bumper impace absorber assemblies for automobiles JSP International #2 102 Parham Boulevard Tullahoma, TN 37388-5553 Telephone: 931-461-4400 Parent Company: JSP Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): JSP Product: Engineers plastics foam K & S Wiring Systems, Inc. 323 Mason Road, Ste A LaVergne, TN 38086 Telephone: 615-793-7516 Parent Company: Sumitomo Electric Industries Parent Company (Japanese): 㔚᳇Ꮏᬺ Product: Distributes automotive wiring harnesses Kagiya Trading Company of America 4407 Alabama Avenue Nashville, TN 37209 Telephone: 615-298-1220 Parent Company: Kagiya Yoko Company Parent Company (Japanese): ࠞࠡࡗᵗⴕ Product: Import/Export Representative Marubeni - Itochu Steel America, Inc. 535 Marriott Drive, Ste 600 Nashville, TN 37214 Telephone: 615-886-9723 Parent Company: Marubeni-Itochu Steel, Inc. Parent Company (Japanese): દ⮮ᔘਣ⚃㋕㍑ Product: Sales and Trading Office Marubeni - Itochu Steel America, Inc. 2 International Plaza, #200 Nashville, TN 37217-2017 Telephone: 615-360-9077 Parent Company: Marubeni-Itochu Steel, Inc. Parent Company (Japanese): દ⮮ᔘਣ⚃㋕㍑ Product: Metals service center Matheson Tri - Gas, Inc. 200 Matheson Gas Lane New Johsonville, TN 37134 Telephone: 931-296-3357 Parent Company: Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corporaiton Parent Company (Japanese): ᄥ㓁ᣣ㉄ Product: Manufactures industrial gases; wholesales welding equipment & supplies ࡚ࠫࡦ࠰ࡦࠦࡦ࠻ࡠ࡞/ᣣ↥⥄േゞ 13 Middle Tennessee Region Japanese Company Directory Metal One America, Inc. 605B Enon Springs Road Smyrna, TN 37167-4411 Telephone: 615-459-2300 Parent Company: Metal One Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࡔ࠲࡞ࡢࡦ Product: Metals service center MISA Metal Processing of Tennessee, Inc. 104 Western Dr Portland, TN 37148-2017 Telephone: 615-325-5454 Parent Company: Marubeni-Itochu Steel, Inc. Parent Company (Japanese): દ⮮ᔘਣ⚃㋕㍑ Product: Metal service center MISA Metals, Inc. 201 Helton Dr Lawrenceburg, TN 38464-2200 Telephone: 931-762-7611 Parent Company: Marubeni-Itochu Steel, Inc. Parent Company (Japanese): દ⮮ᔘਣ⚃㋕㍑ Product: Wholesales steel Mi-Tech Steel, Inc. 212 S Rutherford Blvd Murfreesboro, TN 37130-5557 Telephone: 615-896-7401 Parent Company: Mitsui & Company, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ਃ‛↥ Product: Steel service center Mitsuchi Corporation of America 190 Parthenon Blvd. La Vergne, TN 37086 Telephone: 615-793-2552 Parent Company: Mitsuchi Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ਃ࠶⍮ Product: Automotive parts and distrbution Mitsui and Company (U S A), Inc. 25 Century Boulevard, Ste 310 Nashville, TN 37214 Telephone: 615-885-5318 Parent Company: Mitsui & Company, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ਃ‛↥ Product: General international trade MKK Technologies, Inc. 1800 South Rutherford Boulevard, Ste 201 Murfreesboro, TN 37130 Telephone: 615-217-0334 Parent Company: Maeda Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ೨↰ᑪ⸳ Product: Construction company sales office M-Tek, Inc. 1020 Volunteer Pkwy Manchester, TN 37355-6461 Telephone: 931-728-4122 Parent Company: Kasai Kogyo Company, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ᴡᎿᬺ Product: Manufactures automobile interior door panels NEC 102 Cusick Court Murfreesboro, TN 37128 Telephone: 615-232-6174 Parent Company: NEC Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): NEC Product: Sales Office Nichirin Tennessee, Inc. 1620 Old Belfast Road Lewisburg, TN 37091-7141 Telephone: 931-359-5709 Parent Company: Nichirin Co., Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ࠾࠴ࡦ Product: Manufactures automotive rubber hose 14 Middle Tennessee Region Japanese Company Directory Nifast Corporation 605 Enon Springs Road East, Ste A Smyrna, TN 37167-4411 Telephone: 615-355-4800 Parent Company: Metal One Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࡔ࠲࡞ࡢࡦ Product: Fasteners (distribution) Nissan North America, Inc. 983 Nissan Dr Smyrna, TN 37167-4400 Telephone: 615-459-1400 Parent Company: Nissan Motor Company, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ᣣ↥⥄േゞ Product: Manufactures automobiles Nifco America Corporation 130 Wheeler St LaVergne, TN 37086-3108 Telephone: 877-218-7507 Parent Company: Nifco, Inc. Parent Company (Japanese): ࠾ࡈࠦ Product: Manufactures automotive plastic parts Nissan North America, Inc. P. O. Box 68500 Franklin, TN 37068 Telephone: 615-725-2377 Parent Company: Nissan Motor Company, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ᣣ↥⥄േゞ Product: Personal automobiles & furniture financing Nissan Powertrain Assembly 520 Warren Chapel Rd Decherd, TN 37324-3937 Telephone: 931-962-5000 Parent Company: Nissan Motor Company, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ᣣ↥⥄േゞ Product: Manufactures automobile transaxles Nissan Trading Corporation 325 Mason Road LaVergne, TN 37086 Telephone: 615-793-4555 Parent Company: Nissan Motor Company, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ᣣ↥⥄േゞ Product: Auto parts trading company O-Flex Group 1531 Sara Court Murfreesboro, TN 37179-5512 Telephone: 615-898-1910 Parent Company: Ohtsuka Company, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ࠝ࠷ࠞ Product: Manufactures rubber & plastic hoses & beltings Ohashi Technica USA, TN 970 Esther Lane Murfreesboro, TN 37129 Telephone: 615-217-0801 Parent Company: Ohashi Technica, Inc. Parent Company (Japanese): ᄢᯅ࠹ࠢ࠾ࠞ Product: Fastener Distribution Center P K USA, Inc. 175 Commerce Way Gallatin, TN 37066-4636 Telephone: 615-575-2800 Parent Company: Press Kogyo Co., Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ࡊࠬᎿᬺ Product: Manufactures automotive door hinges Pearl Corporation 549 Metroplex Drive Nashville, TN 37211-3140 Telephone: 615-833-4477 Parent Company: Pearl Musical Instr. Co., Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ࡄ࡞ᭉེㅧ Product: Wholesales musical instruments parts & accessories; mfg musical drums, parts & accessories 15 Middle Tennessee Region Japanese Company Directory Ricoh Corporation 3444 Briley Parkway Boulevard N Nashville, TN 37207-2300 Telephone: 615-228-1664 Parent Company: Ricoh Company, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ࠦ Product: Distributes copier and other office equipment repair parts Rythym North America Corporation 549 Vista Drive Sparta, TN 38583 Telephone: 931-738-2250 Parent Company: Rhythm Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࠭ࡓ Product: Manufacture ball joints, linkages & stabilizers Sato American Metal, Inc. 1435 Donelson Pike Nashville, TN 37217 Telephone: 615-367-9900 Parent Company: Sato Metal Trading Co., Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ⮮㊄ዻ Product: Wholesales automotive die cast metal parts Seymour Tubing Company 260 Resource Road Dunlap, TN 37327 Telephone: 423-949-8823 Parent Company: Sumitomo Pipe & Tube, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ㍑▤ Product: Manufactures steel tubes used in power steering, shock absorbers, exhaust systems, air bags & other automotive components Sekisui Plastics USA, Inc. 110 Clifton Way Drive Mount Pleasant, TN 38474 Telephone: 931-379-0300 Parent Company: Sekisui Plastics Company, Ltd Parent Company (Japanese): Ⓧ᳓ൻᚑຠᎿᬺ Product: Modable resin Shiroki North America, Inc. 165 Spicer Drive Gordonsville, TN 38563 Telephone: 615-597-8870 Parent Company: Shiroki Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࠪࡠࠠᎿᬺ Product: Manufactures window regulators, seat adjusters Shiroki North America, Inc. 1111 West Broad Street Smithville, TN 37166-2504 Telephone: 615-597-3358 Parent Company: Shiroki Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࠪࡠࠠᎿᬺ Product: Manufactures window regulators, seat adjusters Sompo Japan Insurance Company of America 725 Cool Springs Boulevard, Ste 110 Franklin, TN 37067 Telephone: 615-771-0746 Parent Company: Sompo Japan Insurance, Inc. Parent Company (Japanese): ៊㒾ࠫࡖࡄࡦ Product: Property & casuality insurance carrier Sony ATV Music Publishing 8 Music Square West Nashville, TN 37203-3204 Telephone: 615-726-8300 Parent Company: Sony Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࠰࠾ Product: Music book & sheet music publishing Sony BMG Music Entertainment 1400 18th Avenue S Nashville, TN 37212 Telephone: 615-858-1300 Parent Company: Sony Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࠰࠾ Product: Record label 16 Middle Tennessee Region Japanese Company Directory Steel Summit Holdings, Inc. 1718 J P Hennessey Dr LaVergne, TN 37086-3552 Telephone: 615-641-3300 Parent Company: Sumitomo Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): Product: Wholesales steel Sumiden Wire Products Corporation 710 Marshall Stuart Dr Dickson, TN 37055-3004 Telephone: 615-446-3199 Parent Company: Sumitomo Electric Ind., Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): 㔚᳇Ꮏᬺ Product: Manufactures insulated or armored steel wire; concrete products; manufactures wire & wire products Sun Chemical Corporation 404 Harding Industrial Drive Nashville, TN 37211 Telephone: 615-834-3202 Parent Company: DIC Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): DIC Product: Manufactures printing ink Sun Chemical Corporation 1667 Old Columbia Highway Dickson, TN 37055-2787 Telephone: 615-446-8220 Parent Company: DIC Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): DIC Product: Manufactures printing ink T.A. America Corp 300 Techpark Drive LaVergne, TN 37086-3618 Telephone: 615-793-2660 Parent Company: Techno Associe Company, Ltd Parent Company (Japanese): ࠹ࠢࡁࠕ࠰ࠪࠛ Product: Wholesales industrial fasteners including nuts, bolts, screws, etc; wholesales hardware Tacle Seating USA, Inc. 380 Aldi Boulevard Mount Juliet, TN 37122-7131 Telephone: 615-453-7100 Parent Company: Tachi-S Company, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ࠲࠴ࠛࠬ Product: Manufactures automotive seats Taiho Manufacturing of Tennessee, Llc. 167 Bentley Harris Drive Gordonsville, TN 38563 Telephone: 615-683-8000 Parent Company: Taiho Kogyo Company, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ᄢ⼾Ꮏᬺ Product: Manufactures cylinder head & exhaust manifold gaskets for the automotive industry TEPRO, Inc. 590 Baxter Ln Winchester, TN 37398-1244 Telephone: 931-967-5189 Parent Company: Kinugawa Rubber Ind. Co., Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): 㝩ᔶᎹࠧࡓᎿᬺ Product: Manufactures mechanical automotive rubber products 17 Middle Tennessee Region Japanese Company Directory Tokio Marine Management, Inc. 725 Cool Springs Boulevard, Ste 140 Franklin, TN 37067 Telephone: 615-472-2680 Parent Company: Tokyo Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ᧲੩ᶏᣣേἫἴ㒾 Product: Liability insurance carrier Toshiba America Consumer Products 1420 Toshiba Dr Lebanon, TN 37087-2537 Telephone: 615-444-8501 Parent Company: Toshiba Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ᧲⦼ Product: Manufactures household audio & video equipment Toyo Seat USA 2903 S.R. 50 Pelham, TN 37366 Telephone: 931-467-4016 Parent Company: Toyo Seat Company, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ᧲ᵗࠪ࠻ Product: Manufactures institutional furniture U.S. Tsubaki, Inc. 138 Davis St Portland, TN 37148-2000 Telephone: 615-325-9221 Parent Company: Tsubakimoto Chain Company Parent Company (Japanese): ᬞᧄ࠴ࠛࠗࡦ Product: Conveyor systems for auto industry U.S.A. Zama, Inc. 114 Seaboard Lane Franklin, TN 37067 Telephone: 615-371-9493 Parent Company: Zama Japan Parent Company (Japanese): ࠩࡑࠫࡖࡄࡦ Product: Sales office Unipres USA, Inc. 201 Kirby Dr Portland, TN 37148-2006 Telephone: 615-325-7311 Parent Company: Unipres Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࡙࠾ࡊࠬ Product: Manufactures stamped metal automobile body parts V I A M Tennessee, Lp. 157 Park Tower Drive Manchester, TN 37355 Telephone: 931-461-2300 Parent Company: Japan Vilene Co., Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ᣣᧄࡃࠗࡦ Product: Manufactures aircraft & automobile floor coverings Yazaki North America 285 Tech Park Drive # 100 LaVergne, TN 37086 Telephone: 615-793-9660 Parent Company: Yazaki Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ⍫ፒ✚ᬺ Product: Wholesales automotive supplies & parts, industrial supplies; retails auto & truck equipment & parts; manufactures electrical equipment for engines Yorozu Automotive Tennessee 395 Mt View Industrial Dr Morrison, TN 37357-5917 Telephone: 931-668-7700 Parent Company: Yorozu Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࡛ࡠ࠭ Product: Automotive stampings 18 18 West Tennessee Region Japanese Company Directory Arvin Sango, Inc. Henderson, TN Telephone: Parent Company: Sango Company, Ltd Parent Company (Japanese): ਃ Product: Manufactures automotive exhaust systems ARJ Manufacturing, Inc. 3300 Ridgecrest Road Extension Jackson, TN 38305 Telephone: 731-927-8000 Parent Company: Toyota Boshoku Corp. Parent Company (Japanese): ࠻࡛࠲⚜❱ Product: Manufacturing automobile seats Bodine Aluminum, Inc. 301 James Lawrence Road Jackson, TN 38301 Telephone: 731-265-5500 Parent Company: Toyota Motor Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࠻࡛࠲⥄േゞ Product: Manufactures aluminum die castings Brother International Corporation 7777 North Brother Memphis, TN 38133-2738 Telephone: 901-379-1120 Parent Company: Brother Industries, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ࡉࠩᎿᬺ Product: Wholesales industrial machinery & equipment; wholesales office equipment Firestone Industrial Products Company 1901 Sylvan Rd Dyersburg, TN 38024-1703 Telephone: 901-286-5054 Parent Company: Bridgestone Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࡉ࠵ࠬ࠻ࡦ Product: Tire dealer; manufactures metal stampings Fujitsu PC Corporation 5170 East Raines Road Memphis, TN 38118 Telephone: 800-838-5487 Parent Company: Fujitsu, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ን჻ㅢ Product: Call Center Goh America Corporation 1355 Lynnfield Road, Ste 295 Memphis, TN 38119 Telephone: 901-682-9923 Parent Company: Goh Shoji Co., Inc. Parent Company (Japanese): ㇹ Product: Wholesales household appliance parts Green Metals, Inc. 1759 F.E. Wright Drive Jackson, TN 38301 Telephone: 731-501-0219 Parent Company: Toyota Tsusho Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ⼾↰ㅢ Product: Recycles scrap metals Helena Chemical Company 225 Schilling Boulevard, Ste 300 Collierville, TN 38107 Telephone: 901-761-0050 Parent Company: Marubeni Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ਣ⚃ Product: Manufactures pesticides and agricultural chemicals I B C Manufacturing Company 416 E Brooks Rd Memphis, TN 38109-2931 Telephone: 901-344-5300 Parent Company: Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ⍹ේ↥ᬺ Product: Manufactures wood preservatives 19 West Tennessee Region Japanese Company Directory I D I, Inc. 4105 Hickory Hill Road Memphis, TN 38115 Telephone: 901-385-7000 Parent Company: Kajima Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): 㣮ፉᑪ⸳ Product: General Warehouse And Storage ISK Biocides, Inc. 416 East Brooks Road Memphis, TN 38109-2931 Telephone: 901-344-5350 Parent Company: Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ⍹ේ↥ᬺ Product: Developes & markets chemical wood preservatives Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha (parent company of "K" Line America, Inc.) White Station Tower, 5050 Poplar Ave. Suite 535 Memphis, TN 38157 Telephone: 901-762-6361 Parent Company: Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): Ꮉፒᴁ⦁ Product: Steam Company Komatsu America International Company 108 North Industrial Park Ripley, TN 38063 Telephone: 901-635-6601 Parent Company: Komatsu, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ࠦࡑ࠷ Product: Wholesales heavy construction machinery parts Kyocera Mita America, Inc. 5510 Getwell Road, Ste 101 Memphis, TN 38118 Telephone: 901-367-0261 Parent Company: Kyocera Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ੩ Product: Wholesales copiers N K C Of America, Inc. 1584 E Brooks Rd Memphis, TN 38116-1988 Telephone: 901-396-5353 Parent Company: Nakanishi Metal Works Co., Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ਛ㊄ዻᎿᬺ Product: Conveyors and material handling systems N S K Steering Systems, Inc. 2962 Fort Hudson Road Dyersburg, TN 38024-1755 Telephone: 731-285-3000 Parent Company: NSK LTD Parent Company (Japanese): ᣣᧄ♖Ꮏ Product: Manufacturers automotive steering columns Nissan North America 5605 Holmes Crest Lane Memphis, TN 38118 Telephone: 901-725-7448 Parent Company: Nissan Motor Company, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ᣣ↥⥄േゞ Product: Wholesaler for automotive repair parts P M L, Inc. 75 County Home Road Paris, TN 38242 Telephone: 731-642-7398 Parent Company: Marugo Rubber Industries, Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ਣࠧࡓᎿᬺ Product: Manufactures rubber automotive products; manufactures rubber products for mechanical use Sharp Manufacturing Company Of America Sharp Plaza Blvd Memphis, TN 38193-0001 Telephone: 901-795-6510 Parent Company: Sharp Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࠪࡖࡊ Product: Manufactures kitchen appliances, toner cartridges & copiers 20 West Tennessee Region Japanese Company Directory Sun Chemical Corporation 4224 Premier Avenue Memphis, TN 38118-6103 Telephone: 901-365-0730 Parent Company: DIC Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): DIC Product: Manufactures printing ink TBDN Tennessee Company 1410 US Highway 70 Byp Jackson, TN 38301-5078 Telephone: 731-421-4800 Parent Company: Toyota Boshoku Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ࠻࡛࠲⚜❱ Product: Manufactures air induction systems & air filters Toshiba America Business Solutions, Inc. 5400 Distroplex Farms Memphis, TN 38141 Telephone: 901-369-0000 Parent Company: Toshiba Corporation Parent Company (Japanese): ᧲⦼ Product: Wholesales copy equipment UGN 48 Venture Parkway Jackson, TN 38305 Telephone: 731-927-8800 Parent Company: Nihon Tokushu Toryo Co., Ltd. Parent Company (Japanese): ᣣᧄ․ᱶႣᢱ Product: Sound Deadening Components 21
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