ผลิตภัณฑ นาโนในเชิงพาณิชย
ผลิตภัณฑ นาโนในเชิงพาณิชย
ผลิตภัณฑนาโนในเชิงพาณิชย คาดการณกันวาตลาดผลิตภัณฑนาโนเทคโนโลยีทั่วโลกจะมีมูลคาสูงถึง 20.4 ลานเหรียญ สหรัฐฯภายในป ค.ศ. 2010 (พ.ศ. 2553) โดยเฉพาะอยางยิ่งสําหรับผลิตภัณฑในสาขาวิทยาศาสตร สุขภาพ (life science) คาดวาจะเพิ่มขึ้นเปนสัดสวนมากที่สุด ในสหรัฐฯเมื่อป พ.ศ. 2548 มีการจัดตั้งโครงการของภาคเอกชนชื่อ Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies โดย the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars และ the Pew Charitable Trusts เพื่อติดตามการพัฒนาในเทคโนโลยีนี้ โดยมีการจัดทําขอมูล Consumer Products Inventory เผยแพรในเว็บไซด http://www.nanotechproject.org/consumerproducts และยังมีเว็บไซด เอกชนคือ Nanoshop.com ซึ่งแสดงผลิตภัณฑตางๆของเทคโนโลยีนาโนที่มีจําหนายในทองตลาด สินคานาโนรุนแรกๆเปนผลิตภัณฑทถี่ ูกฉาบเคลือบพืน้ ผิวเพื่อใหมคี ุณสมบัติพิเศษหรือทําหนาที่ เปนเกราะปองกันบางๆเคลือบทับตัวสินคาหรือชิ้นสวน เชน กระจกหรือเลนสที่สามารถปองกันรังสีอุลตรา ไวโอเลต หรือผลิตภัณฑทเี่ คลือบปองกันรอยขีดขวน รอยยับ หรือสิ่งสกปรกและฝุน ผงทําใหไมมีสิ่งสกปรก มาเกาะติดไดและยังยับยั้งการขยายพันธุของแบคทีเรียบางชนิด ทําใหไมเกิดการผุพังหรือเชื้อราโดย เฉพาะในหองน้ําหรือหองครัว ผลิตภัณฑเสื้อผาที่สามารถกันหยดน้ําหรือของเหลวไมใหซึมเขาใยผาได 90 โดยอาศัยลักษณะความไมชอบน้ํา (hydrophobicity) ของสารที่เคลือบใยผากับหลักความตึงผิวของหยดน้ํา หรือของเหลว สินคานาโนเทคโนโลยีในเชิงพาณิชยในปจจุบันที่เปนทีร่ ูจักกันดีไดแก สกีแวกซของ Nanogate ที่ชวยใหสกีและเลื่อนลื่นไหลบนน้ําแข็งไดดีและมีความแข็งแรง, แจกเก็ตสกีชนิดพิเศษทีผ่ ลิตดวยเสนใย นาโนของ Franz Ziener GmbH & Co. ที่มีคุณสมบัติกันลม กันน้ํา และกันคราบสิ่งสกปรกตางๆ, เสื้อผาไรรอยยับ (wrinkle free) และปองกันรอยเปอนคราบสิ่งสกปรก, กลองดิจิตอลจอภาพแบบ OLED (Organic light-emitting diodes) ของบริษัท Kodak ซึ่งแสดงภาพไดสวางและคมชัดกวาจอภาพ LCD (Liquid Crystals), แวนกันแดดของบริษัท Nanofilm ที่ใชโพลิเมอรชนิดบางพิเศษเคลือบลดการสะทอน แสง ปองกันรอยขีดขวนและคราบสกปรกตางๆ, แร็กเก็ตของบริษัท Baborat ที่ทาํ จากทอนาโนคารบอน ผสมกับกราไฟตทําใหมีคณ ุ สมบัติแข็งกวาเหล็ก 100 เทาแตมีน้ําหนักเพียง 1 ใน 6 สงผลดีตอพลังการตี ลูกและชวยลดการเกร็งของกลามเนื้อ, ลูกเทนนิสไฮเทคของบริษัท InMat ที่ใชเทคนิคการผลิตแบบ Air D-Fense สามารถใชงานไดถึง 4 สัปดาห, อนุภาคนาโนของไททาเนียมไดออกไซดใชเปนสวนประกอบ หลักของครีมกันแดดและน้ํายาลางเคลือบกระจก และอนุภาคนาโนของซิลิกาซึ่งเปนสารอุดฟน เปนตน ในเว็บไซด http://www.nanotechproject.org/consumerproducts จะเผยแพรขอมูลของ ผลิตภัณฑนาโนทั้งชื่อผูผลิต แหลงผลิต ประเทศผูผ ลิต การใชงานโดยจัดเปนกลุมใหญและกลุมยอย ตางๆ รวมถึงลิงค (link) เชื่อมตอไปยังเว็บไซดของผูผลิตหรือผูจําหนายสําหรับผูส นใจ โดยกลุมสินคาที่ มีวางขายในตลาดมากที่สุดคือกลุมเพื่อสุขภาพและการออกกําลังกาย (health and fitness) ซึ่งปลายปที่ แลวมีจํานวน 226 ผลิตภัณฑจากยอดผลิตภัณฑรวม 356 ชนิด รูปกราฟ 2 รูปแรกแสดงจํานวน 91 ผลิตภัณฑแยกตามกลุมสาขาใหญและสาขายอยที่มีสว นแบงทางการตลาดที่สําคัญเมื่อปลายป 2549 รูปกราฟดานลางแสดงประเทศผูผลิตสินคานาโนซึ่งพบวาสหรัฐฯครองอันดับหนึ่ง รองลงมาดวย เอเชีย ยุโรปและกลุมประเทศอื่นๆ (ขอมูลจากคลังผลิตภัณฑ ณ สิ้นเดือนพฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2549) 92 พ.ศ. สวนวัสดุนาโนประเภทที่มกี ารนํามาใชกับสินคานาโนมากที่สุดคือคารบอนและซิลเวอร รองลงมาคือ ซิลิกา ไททาเนียมไดออกไซด ซิงคออกไซด และซีเรียมออกไซด ตัวอยางของสินคานาโนที่ประกอบขึ้นจากโลหะเงิน (silver) • Acticoat wound dressings • Shenzhen Become air sanitizer • Sharper Image antibacterial silver athletic and lounging socks • Contour-Foam silver back-support pillow • Daewoo refrigerator • Daewoo vacuum cleaner • FresherLonger Miracle Food Storage • Logear Germ Free Wireless Laser Mouse • LG antibacterial mobile phone • Tex Silver Nano antibacterial polo shirt • LG washing machine • Digimax Nano & UV artificial-teeth cleaner • Goodweave Nano Silver antibacterial and deodorant Insole • Nanover wet wipes 93 • Samsung air conditioner ( Source: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars) ในระยะเวลาเพียงไมกี่ปนี้บริษัทเล็กและกลางผูประกอบการคาดวยผลิตภัณฑนาโนเทคโนโลยีมี จํานวนเพิ่มขึน้ อยางรวดเร็ว โดยเปนผลสืบเนื่องมาจากงานวิจัยของสถาบันการศึกษาตางๆมีการนํามา ประยุกตใชในเชิงพาณิชย เชน มหาวิทยาลัย Northwestern รวมมือกับมหาวิทยาลัย Illinois, UrbanaChampaign ในงานวิจัย dip-pen nanolithography และอุปกรณวินิจฉัยทางการแพทยซึ่งไดมีการจําหนาย ในเชิงพาณิชยโดยบริษัท NanoInk และ Nanosphere ซึ่งเพิ่งจัดตั้งขึ้นไมนาน มีผูรวบรวมจัดทําสารบัญ (directory) ของบริษัทดานนาโนเทคโนโลยีไวดังนี้ รายชื่อบริษัทดานนาโนเทคโนโลยีจากทั่วโลก Company Web site nABACUS Nanalyze Nano Interface Technology Inc. Nano Science and Technology Institute Nano Tech Coatings GmbH Nano Tech Environmental Nano Tech Supply Nano-C Nano-Or Technologies Nano-Tex LLC Nano-X GmbH nanoAnalytics NanoApex Corp. Nanobac Pharmaceuticals Inc. NanoBio Corp. NanoBioMagnetics Inc. NanoBiotech News Nanobiotix NanoBusiness Alliance NanoCarbLab NanoCarrier Co. Ltd. Nanochip Inc. NanoCluster Devices Ltd. Nanoco Technologies Ltd. Nanocor Inc. Nanocrystal Imaging Corp. Nanocs Inc. NanoCure¬ô Corp. Nanocyl SA NanoDimension AG NanoDynamics Inc. Nanofactory Instruments AB NanoFeel www.nabacus.com www.nanalyze.com www.nanointerfacetech.com www.nsti.org www.ntcgmbh.com www.nanotechsupply.com www.nano-c.com www.nano-or.com www.nano-tex.com www.nano-x.de www.nanoanalytics.com www.nanoapex.com www.nanobacLabs.com www.nanobio.com www.nanobmi.com www.nanobiotechnews.com www.nanobiotix.com www.nanobusiness.org www.nanocarblab.com www.nanocarrier.co.jp www.nanochip.com www.nanoclusterdevices.com www.nanoco.biz www.nanocor.com www.nanocrystals.com www.nanocs.com www.nanocure.com www.nanocyl.com www.nanodimension.com www.nanodynamics.biz www.nanofactory.com www.nanofeel.com 94 Nanofilm Ltd. Nanofilm Technologie GmbH Nanofluidics NanoFocus AG Nanogate Technologies GmbH Nanogen Inc. NanoGram Devices Corp. Nanographite Materials NanoHorizons Inc. NanoInk Inc. NanoLab Inc. Nanolayers Ltd. NanoLayers Optical Coatings GmbH Nanoledge NanoMagnetics Instruments Ltd. NanoMagnetics Ltd. Nanomat Inc. Nanomateria Inc. NanoMaterials Co. LLC NanoMaterials Inc. Nanomaterials Research LLC NanoMaterials Technology Pte. Ltd. NanoMatrix Inc. Nanomechanics LLC NanoMed Pharmaceuticals Inc. Nanomedica Inc. NanoMEMS Edmonton Nanometrics Inc. Nanometrix Inc. Nanometrology LLC Nanomix Inc. NanoMuscle Inc. Nanomys Inc. Nanonics Imaging Ltd. NanoNordic.com NanoOptic Networks Div. NanoOpto Corp. Nanopaq Technology LLC Nanoparc GmbH NanoParticle Metrology Consultant NanoPass Technologies Ltd. NanoPharm AG Nanophase Technologies Corp. NanoPhotonics AG Nanoplex Technologies Inc. Nanoplus Consulting NanoPore Inc. NanoPowders Industries Nanopower Technologies Inc. Nanoprobes Inc. NanoProducts Corp. NanoQuebec Nanoquest NanoScale Materials Inc. Nanoscience Instruments Inc. NanoSciences Corp. www.nanofilm.cc www.nanofilm.de www.nanofluidics.com www.nanofocus-ag.com www.nanogate.de www.nanogen.com www.nanogramdevices.com www.apsci.com/ngm-about.html www.nanohorizons.com www.nanoink.net www.nano-lab.com www.nanolayers.com www.nanolayers.de www.nanoledge.com www.nanomagnetics-inst.com www.nanomagnetics.com www.nanomat.com www.nanomateria.com www.nanomaterialscompany.com www.nanomaterials.biz www.nrcorp.com www.nanomt.com www.nanomatrix.com www.nanomedpharm.com www.nanomedica.com www.nanomems.org www.nanometrics.com www.nanometrixinc.com www.nano.com www.nanomuscle.com www.nanomys.com www.nanonics.co.il www.NanoNordic.com www.nanooptic.com www.NanoOpto.com www.nanoparc.de www.nanometrologist.com www.micronjet.com www.nanopharm.de www.nanophase.com www.nanophotonics.de www.nanoplextech.com www.nanopore.com www.nanopowders.com www.nanopower.com www.nanoprobes.com www.nanoproducts.com www.nanoquebec.ca www.nanoquest.com www.nanoactive.com www.nanoscience.com www.nanosciences.com 95 NanoSciences Inc. Nanosensors Nanoset LLC Nanoshells Inc. NanoSig Nanosolutions GmbH NanoSonic Inc. Nanospectra Biosciences Inc. Nanosphere Inc. NanoSpire Inc. nanoStrata Inc. Nanostream Inc. Nanostructured & Amorphous Materials Inc. Nanostructures Inc. Nanosurf AG Nanosyn Inc. Nanosys Inc. Nanotec Electronica SL NanoTech America Nanotech Assoc. Nanotech Capital LLC NanoTech Financing Solutions LLC Nanotech Fuel Corp. Nanotechnologies Inc. Nanotechnology and Biomaterials Centre Nanotechnology Development Corp. Nanotechnology Foundation of Texas Inc. nanoTechnology Gateway Ltd Co. NanoTek Inc. NanoTex Corp. Nanotherapeutics Inc. nanoTITAN Inc. NanoTools GmbH Nanova LLC NanoVance Inc. Nanoventions NanoVeritas Group NanoWave Inc. Nanox Nantero Inc. NASA Ames Center for Nanotechnology NASA Illinois Commercialization Center NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory NaSemi National Cheng Kung University - Mechanical Engineering National Electronics and Computer Technology Center National Institute for Nanotechnology National Institute of Standards and Technology MEMS Project National Jet Company Inc. National Nanotechnology Coordination Office National Nanotechnology Initiative National Renewable Energy Laboratory National Research Council of Canada - Institute for 96 www.nanosciences.us www.nanosensors.com www.nanosig.org www.nano-solutions.de www.nanosonic.com www.Nanospectra.com www.nanosphere.us www.nanostrata.com www.nanostream.com www.nanoamor.com www.nanostructures.com www.nanosurf.com www.nanosyn.com www.nanosysinc.com www.nanotec.es www.nt-america.com www.nanotechassociates.com www.nanotechcap.com www.nanotechfinancingsolutions.com www.nanotechfuelcorp.com www.nanoscale.com www.chemistry.uq.edu.au/nbc www.nanotechfoundation.org www.nanotechgateway.com www.nanotek2000.com www.flash.net/~buckyusa www.nanotherapeutics.com www.nanotitan.com www.nano-tools.com www.nanomat.com www.nanovance.com www.nanoventions.com www.nanoveritas.com www.nanowave.com www.nanox.qc.ca www.nantero.com www.ipt.arc.nasa.gov www.nasa-illinois.org www.jpl.nasa.gov www.nectec.or.th www.nint.ca mems.nist.gov www.najet.com www.nano.gov/nnco.htm www.nano.gov www.nrel.gov www.ibd.nrc.ca Biodiagnostics National Science Foundation National Semiconductor Corp. National Space & Technology Association National Technology Transfer Center National Venture Capital Association Natural Resources Canada Navigator Technology Ventures Navitra NaWoTec Ltd. Nayna Networks Inc. Neah Power Systems Inc. Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg NEC Corp. NEC Fiber Optech Inc. Needle & Rosenberg PC NEI Corp. NeoPhotonics Corp. Netbatsu Consultant NetBotz Inc. Neteffects1 Design NetroMedia Solutions Inc. Network Biosystems New Jersey Institute of Technology New Jersey Microsystems Inc. New Jersey Nanotechnology Consortium New Mexico Manufacturing Extension Partnership New Scale Technologies Inc. New York State Office of Science, Technology & Academic Research Newberry Technologies Inc. NewScienceParadigms.com Nexia Biotechnologies Inc. Next Generation Economy Inc. NexTech Materials Ltd. Nexus NGen Partners LLC NiCoForm Inc. Nikon Instruments Inc. NimbleGen Systems Inc. NineSigma Inc. Nion Nirvano Technologies Nitrate Elimination Company Inc. NjeX Medical Systems Inc. NKK Steel Engineering Inc. nLake Technology Partners LLC Noble Innovations Noble Technologies Group Nochebuena R&D Nokia - Mobile Phones Nokia - Research Center Nonwoven Technologies Inc. Norcada Inc. Nordic Nanotech Norinco Special Products 97 www.nsf.gov www.national.com www.techinfoport.org www.nttc.edu www.nvca.org www.nrcan.gc.ca www.ntven.com www.nawotec.com www.nayna.com www.neahpower.com www.ngelaw.com www.nec.com www.nec.com www.needlerosenberg.com www.neicorporation.com www.neophotonics.com www.netbotz.com www.neteffects1.net streaming.netro.ca www.networkbiosystems.com www.njit.edu/old/MRC www.jerseymicro.com www.njnano.org www.newmexicomep.org www.newscaletech.com www.nystar.state.ny.us www.newscienceparadigms.com www.nexiabiotech.com www.nextgenclusters.net www.nextechmaterials.com www.nexus-mems.com www.NGENpartners.com www.nicoform.com www.nikonusa.com www.nimblegen.com www.ninesigma.com www.nion.com www.nitrate.com www.njex.com www.nkkse.com www.nlake.com www.nokia.com www.nokia.com www.nonwoventech.com www.norcada.com www.nanotech.dk www.norinco.co.in Norris Communications Ltd. Norsam Technologies Inc. North Carolina State University - Biomedical Microsensors Laboratory North Coast Technology Investors LP North Texas Technology Council Northeastern University - Microfabrication Laboratory Northern California Nanotechnology Initiative Northrop Grumman Corp. Northwestern University - Atomic and Nanoscale Characterization Experimental Center Northwestern University - Institute for Nanotechnology Novavax Inc. Noyes Publications/William Andrew Publishing nPoint Inc. NSERC Nano Innovation Platform NSF Center for Advanced Manufacturing and Packaging of Microwave, Optical and Digital Electronics NTera Ltd. NUCRYST Pharmaceuticals Inc. NuGEN Technologies Inc. NutraLease Ltd. NVE Corp. Nyacol Nano Technologies Inc. Nymox Pharmaceutical Corp. www.norriscommunications.com www.norsam.com www.bme.ncsu.edu/bmmsl www.northcoastvc.com www.nttc.ws www.ece.neu.edu/groups/mfl www.ncnano.org www.northropgrumman.com www.nuance.northwestern.edu www.nanotechnology.northwestern.edu www.novavax.com www.williamandrew.com www.npoint.com www.nserc.ca/programs/nanoip_e.htm mems.colorado.edu www.ntera.com www.nucryst.com www.nugeninc.com www.matimop.org.il/newrdinf/company/c42... www.nve.com www.nyacol.com www.nymox.com คลังขอมูลผลิตภัณฑจากนาโนเทคโนโลยี ผลิตภัณฑจากนาโนเทคโนโลยีไดถูกรวบรวมไวเปนสวนหนึ่งในเว็บไซดของโครงการ Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies (http://www.nanotechproject.org/44/consumer-nanotechnology) ซึ่งรวบรวมผลิตภัณฑตางๆที่วางขายอยูในปจจุบันโดยอางอิงถึงคุณสมบัติที่เกีย่ วพันกับนาโนเทคโนโลยี ทั้งในตลาดสหรัฐฯและประเทศตางๆรวม 18 ประเทศไดแก เกาหลี ญี่ปุน อังกฤษ เยอรมัน ฝรั่งเศส สวีเดน จีน ไตหวัน ออสเตรเลีย อิสราเอล ฟนแลนด เม็กซิโก สวิสเซอรแลนด มาเลเซีย สิงคโปรและ ไทย เปนตน ซึ่งผลิตภัณฑสวนใหญอยูทตี่ ลาดสหรัฐฯเปนหลัก ตามมาดวยตลาดแถบภาคพื้นเอเชียและ ยุโรปตามลําดับ เนื่องจากผลิตภัณฑจํานวนมากมีรูปแบบที่ซ้ําซอนกันทั้งจากแหลงผลิตเดียวกันหรือมี ผูผลิตลอกเลียนแบบภายหลัง ทางผูจัดรวบรวมจึงไดเลือกนําเสนอผลิตภัณฑในกลุมทีค่ ลายคลึงกัน เพียงไมกี่ชนิดเพื่อลดการซ้ําซอนของขอมูลและเพื่อใหสอดคลองกับวัตถุประสงคเพื่อการนําเสนอขอมูล ในการชวยใหผูบริโภคมีความรูความเขาใจในผลิตภัณฑนาโนเทคโนโลยีในชีวิตประจําวันมากขึ้น ในปจจุบันมีสินคามากมายที่แอบอางชื่อ “นาโน” โดยมิไดมีคุณสมบัติแทจริงใดๆที่เกี่ยวของกับ นาโนเทคโนโลยีซึ่งจะถูกพิจารณาคัดเลือกออกจากรายการผลิตภัณฑที่นําเสนอในที่นี้ อยางไรก็ตามการ 98 นําเสนอคลังขอมูลผลิตภัณฑนาโนจากเว็บไซดดังกลาวขางตนจะมีการปรับปรุงและเปลี่ยนแปลงอยาง ตอเนื่องเพื่อใหตามทันกับกระแสสินคานาโนรุนใหมๆ ผูรวบรวมขอมูลผลิตภัณฑนาโนนี้ใชวิธีการหา ขอมูลทางอินเทอรเน็ตเปนหลัก ดังนั้นหากสินคานาโนเทคโนโลยีใดๆที่มิไดเคยนําเสนอในรูปแบบ อิเล็กทรอนิกสหรือมีขอมูลอยูในอินเทอรเน็ตก็อาจจะไมปรากฏในรายนามผลิตภัณฑที่รวบรวมไว ณ ที่นี้ นอกจากนี้ยังมีเว็บไซดอ่นื ๆที่ไดรวบรวมขอมูลสินคาทางนาโนเทคโนโลยีไวเชนกันแตพบวารวบรวม รายละเอียดไวนอยกวาและไมมีการจัดรูปแบบที่ดีจึงมิไดนํามาอางอิง แตหากสนใจสามารถสืบคน เพิ่มเติมไดจากเว็บไซด http://www.nanoshop.com/ เปนตน การจัดหมวดหมูสินคานาโนในตารางขางลางแบงเปนสินคากลุมใหญ )categories) และกลุมยอย (subcategoreis) ไดดังนี้ • อุปกรณเครื่องใชหรือ Appliances ไดแก สินคาประเภท Heating, cooling and air, large kitchen appliances, laundry และ clothing care เปนตน • อุปกรณสําหรับรถยนต( Automotive) ไดแก Exterior ,maintenance และ accessories • สินคาสําหรับเด็ก เชน ของเลน เกมส สินคาอิเล็กทรอนิกสและคอมพิวเตอร ไดแก Audio , cameras and film, computer hardware ,display, mobile devices and communications, television และ video • อาหารและเครื่องดื่ม ไดแก Cooking, food, storage และ supplements • สินคาสุขภาพและการออกกําลังกาย (Health and Fitness) ไดแก Clothing, cosmetics, filtration, personal care, sporting goods, sunscreen เปนตน • สินคาสําหรับใชในบานและตกแตง ไดแกสินคากลุม Cleaning, construction materials, home furnishings, luxury และสีทาบาน เปนตน • ผลิตภัณฑอื่นๆ เชน ผลิตภัณฑเพื่อการเคลือบ (Coatings) เปนตน สินคาหรือผลิตภัณฑนาโนเทคโนโลยีไดถกู จัดเรียงไวตามลําดับชื่อเริม่ จากตัวอักษร A – Z โดย มีลิงค (link) เปนสัญลักษณรูปบาน ซึ่งจะเชื่อมตอไปยังเว็บไซดของผูผลิตหรือผูจําหนายสินคานั้นๆ โดยตรง สวนลิงคที่ผนวกอยูกับชื่อผลิตภัณฑและที่รูปภาพผลิตภัณฑนั้นๆจะเชื่อมตอไปยังที่เดียวกันคือ หนารายละเอียดโดยสรุปของผลิตภัณฑ การจัดรูปแบบเชื่อมโยงขอมูลเชนนี้ก็เพื่อความสะดวกในการ นําเสนอขอมูลผลิตภัณฑหลายรูปแบบในพื้นที่จํากัด ตัวอยางขอมูลสินคา 99 ชื่อสินคา: IOGEAR® Laser Travel Mouse with Nano Coating Technology ผลิตโดย IOGEAR®, Inc. การจัดกลุม: Electronics and Computers > Computer Hardware ตารางขอมูลและรายชื่อผลิตภัณฑหรือสินคานาโนเทคโนโลยี (สินคา 502 รายการโดยปรับปรุงขอมูลลาสุดเมื่อวันที่ 31 กรกฎาคม 2550) ชื่อสินคา, ผูผลิต และประเภทสินคา (กลุมใหญและกลุมยอย) พรอมทั้งลิงค (links) IOGEAR® Laser Travel Mouse with Nano Coating Technology by IOGEAR®, Inc. Electronics and Computers > Computer Hardware IOGEAR® Wireless Keyboard/Optical Mouse combo w/ Nano Technology by IOGEAR®, Inc. Electronics and Computers > Computer Hardware 100% Cotton Sheet Set by AgActive Home and Garden > Home Furnishings 16Gb NAND Flash Memory by Samsung® Electronics and Computers > Computer Hardware 350TC Nano-Tex® Sheet Set by Studio by JCPenney® Company, Inc. Home and Garden > Home Furnishings AccuFlex® Evolution Golf Shaft by Accuflex® Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods 100 รูปภาพผลิตภัณฑ Acticoat® Wound Dressings by Smith & Nephew Health and Fitness > Personal Care Advanced Nano-Coatings™ Epoxy Coating by Advanced NanoCoatings, Inc.™ Cross-Cutting > Coatings Advanced Protection SPF 30 Oil w/ Clear Z COTE Zinc by Skin Rx Solutions Health and Fitness > Sunscreen Air Oasis! Air Purifier by BreatheBetterAir.com.com Health and Fitness > Filtration Air Sanitizer by Shenzhen Become Industry & Trade Co., Ltd. Home and Garden > Cleaning Air Sanitizer, Nano Silver Photocatalyst by Shenzhen Become Industry & Trade Co., Ltd. Health and Fitness > Filtration Alusion™ Alumina Powders by Advanced Nanotechnology Limited Health and Fitness > Cosmetics AMD® Athlon™ 64 FX Processor by AMD® Electronics and Computers > Computer Hardware AMD® Athlon™ 64 X2 Dual-Core Processor by AMD® Electronics and Computers > Computer Hardware Amsoil® Ea Air Filters by Amsoil® Automotive > Maintenance & Accessories 101 Antibacterial Kitchenware by Nano Care Technology, Ltd. Food and Beverage Cross-Cutting > Cooking Coatings Antibacterial Lock by Nano Care Technology, Ltd. Home and Garden Cross-Cutting > Home Furnishings Coatings Antibacterial Make-up Instrument by Nano Care Technology, Ltd. Health and Fitness Cross-Cutting > Personal Care Coatings Antibacterial Pet Products by Nano Care Technology, Ltd. Cross-Cutting Home and Garden > Coatings Pets Antibacterial Silver Athletic and Lounging Socks by Sharper Image® Health and Fitness > Clothing Antibacterial Table Ware by Nano Care Technology, Ltd. Food and Beverage Cross-Cutting > Cooking Coatings Antibacterial Watch Chain by Nano Care Technology, Ltd. Cross-Cutting Home and Garden > Coatings Luxury Antibacterial Water Tap by Nano Care Technology, Ltd. Home and Garden Cross-Cutting > Home Furnishings Coatings Apagard® Oral Care Toothpaste by Sangi Co., Ltd. Health and Fitness > Personal Care Applied Therapeutics™ Sunscreens by Applied Therapeutics™ Health and Fitness > Sunscreen 102 Aquanova® Novasol® by Aquanova® GmbH Food and Beverage > Supplements Arbonne NutriMinC® RE9 Products by Arbonne International Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Arouge Deep NanoMoisture™ Care Set by Zenyaku Kogyo Co., Ltd. Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Atomic Snow® Izor Skis by Atomic Snow® Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods Babolat® NS™ Drive Tennis Racket by Babolat® Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods Babolat® NS™ Tour Tennis Racket by Babolat® Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods Bain de Terre® Recovery Complex® by Zotos International, Inc. Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Bath and Sports Towels by AgActive Home and Garden Health and Fitness > Home Furnishings Sporting Goods Beautiful Face Series--Nano-in Deep Cleaning for make-up removal and exfoliation and Cleaning Gel by Nano-Infinity Nanotech Co., Ltd. Health and Fitness > Cosmetics 103 Bebe/Enfant High Protection SPF 50 by Mustela® Health and Fitness Goods for Children > Sunscreen Basics Behr® PREMIUM PLUS® Exterior Paint by Behr® Process Corporation Home and Garden > Paint Behr® PREMIUM PLUS® Kitchen & Bath Paint by Behr® Process Corporation Home and Garden > Paint BEIJING ZJ-GOFLONG NANOMETER TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD™ Nano Shoe Pads by BEIJING ZJ-GOFLONG NANOMETER TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD Health and Fitness > Clothing Bike ‘n Hike Pants - Men’s and Women’s by Jack Wolfskin® Health and Fitness > Clothing BIONOVA Cosmetics by Barneys New York® Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Blue Lizard® BABY by Crown Laboratories, Inc. Health and Fitness Goods for Children > Sunscreen Basics Blue Lizard® Regular by Crown Laboratories, Inc. Health and Fitness > Sunscreen Blue Lizard® Sensitive by Crown Laboratories, Inc. Health and Fitness > Sunscreen BlueMoonGoods™ Fresh Box Silver Nanoparticle Food Storage Containers by BlueMoonGoods, LLC Food and Beverage > Storage 104 Business Black Sock by AgActive Health and Fitness > Clothing C.L.E.A.N. Products by SportMedix, Inc. Food and Beverage > Supplements Calming Emulsion by Chanel® Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Canola Active Oil by Shemen Industries Food and Beverage > Food Capistrano Light Luggage Line by Ricardo Beverly Hills® Home and Garden > Luggage Carrier® Pure Dew Filtration by Carrier® Health and Fitness > Filtration Chemical-Free Sunscreen SPF 15 by Burt’s Bees® Inc. Health and Fitness > Sunscreen Clarity Defender™ Automotive Windshield Treatment by NanoFilm® Ltd. Home and Garden Cross-Cutting > Coatings Cleaning Clarity Fog Eliminator™ by NanoFilm® Ltd. Cross-Cutting Health and Fitness > Coatings Sporting Goods 105 Clarity® Lens, Display and Optics Cleaners and Refreshers by NanoFilm® Ltd. Cross-Cutting Home and Garden > Coatings Cleaning Coco Mademoiselle Fresh Moisture Mist by Chanel® Health and Fitness > Cosmetics CollagenFusion™ Botanical Skincare System by AmerElite Solutions® Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Colloidal Silver Cream by Skybright Natural Health Food and Beverage > Supplements Colloidal Silver Liquid by Skybright Natural Health Food and Beverage > Supplements Contour-Foam™ Silver Back-Support Pillow by Sharper Image® Home and Garden > Home Furnishings Contour-Foam™ Silver Crescent Travel and Nap Pillow by Sharper Image® Home and Garden > Home Furnishings Contour-Foam™ Silver Neck-Support Pillow by Sharper Image® Home and Garden > Home Furnishings Contour-Foam™ Silver Slippers by Sharper Image® Health and Fitness > Clothing 106 Contourwear AnyWear Pant - Women's by Contourwear Health and Fitness > Clothing Corsa Nanotech Ice Axe by C.A.M.P.™ Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods Cotz SPF 58 by Fallene Health and Fitness > Sunscreen Crystal Radiance by JamieO Skincare Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Personal Care Cultured Diamonds by Apollo Diamond®, Inc. Home and Garden > Luxury Daewoo® Refrigerator by Daewoo® (Germany) Appliances Food and Beverage > Large Kitchen Appliances Storage Daewoo® Vacuum Cleaner by Daewoo® (UK) Home and Garden > Cleaning Daewoo® Washing Machine by Daewoo® (Germany) Appliances > Laundry & Clothing Care Daily Sun Defense SPF 20 by SkinCeuticals® Health and Fitness > Sunscreen Dainty Footings™ Heal Cushions by Dainty Footings™ Health and Fitness > Clothing 107 Deletum 5000 Anti-graffiti paint by Victor Castaño Home and Garden Cross-Cutting > Paint Coatings Demron™ Full Body Suit by Radiation Shield Technologies Health and Fitness Cross-Cutting > Clothing Coatings Dermatone® SPF 20 Natural Formula by Dermatone® Laboratories Health and Fitness > Sunscreen Destiny nFusion™ Hearing Aid by Starkey, Inc. Electronics and Computers Health and Fitness > Audio Personal Care DeWalt Cordless Power-tool Set by Black & Decker® Home and Garden Appliances > Construction Materials Batteries D-Fense™ Antioxidant Moisturizer with SPF 17 by MOXIE for men Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Dimemsions with Nanocide™ Antimicrobial Upholstery Coating by CMI Enterprises Cross-Cutting Home and Garden > Coatings Home Furnishings DiorSnow Pure UV Base SPF 50 by Dior® Health and Fitness > Cosmetics DNA Skin Optimizer, SPF 20, Cream by JUVENA (International) AG Health and Fitness > Cosmetics DNA Skin Optimizer, SPF 20, Fluid by JUVENA (International) AG Health and Fitness > Cosmetics 108 Dockers® Go Khaki® by Dockers® Health and Fitness > Apparel Clothing Doctor Gunderson's Rãahj Nano Copper Facial Spray by Freedom Plus Corporation Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Doctor Gunderson's Rãahj Synergized DHEA Facial Spray by Freedom Plus Corporation Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Double L® Chinos by L.L. Bean® Health and Fitness > Apparel Clothing Dual Finished Pressed Compacts by ColorScience® Health and Fitness > Cosmetics E47 SmartSilver™ Fibers and Fabrics by ARC Technologies® Health and Fitness > Clothing Eagle One Nano-Polish™ by Eagle One Automotive > Exterior Eagle One Nanoprotectant™ by Eagle One Automotive > Exterior Eagle One Nanowax® by Eagle One Automotive > Exterior 109 Eagle One Nanowax® Spray by Eagle One Automotive > Exterior Easton® Sports Aeroforce Clip-on Bars by Easton® Sports, Inc., Bicycle Products Group Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods Easton® Sports EC70 Wing Roadbar by Easton® Sports, Inc., Bicycle Products Group Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods Easton® Sports EC90 SLX Road Fork by Easton® Sports, Inc., Bicycle Products Group Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods Easton® Sports EC90 Zero Seat Fork by Easton® Sports, Inc., Bicycle Products Group Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods Easton® Sports Monkeylite SL Handlebars by Easton® Sports, Inc., Bicycle Products Group Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods EcoTru® Professional by EnviroSystems®, Inc. Home and Garden > Cleaning Eddie Bauer® Water Shorts by Eddie Bauer® Health and Fitness > Clothing EGF Complex Cocktail by BellaPelle™ Health and Fitness > Cosmetics 110 Elements Nano-Tex® Jacket by Jack Wolfskin® Health and Fitness > Apparel Clothing Emergency Filtration Products NanoMask® by Emergency Filtration Products Health and Fitness > Filtration Personal Care Envirox™ Fuel Borne Catalyst by Oxonica® Ltd. Automotive > Maintenance & Accessories Epic Golf Shaft by Grafalloy®, Inc. Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods Eternalis™ Day Treatment by Beyond Skin Science, LLC™ Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Eternalis™ Hydrating Face Mist by Beyond Skin Science, LLC™ Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Eternalis™ Night Cream by Beyond Skin Science, LLC™ Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Eternalis™ Skin Purifying Cleanser by Beyond Skin Science, LLC™ Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Fabric Softener IRIN by Aeykung Goods for Children Home and Garden > Basics Cleaning 111 Face Brushes--After Glow Brush and Brush Colores by ColorScience® Health and Fitness > Cosmetics FAST-ACT® Hazard Containment System by NanoScale Materials®, Inc. Health and Fitness > Filtration FIBRIL nanotubes by Hyperion Catalysis International Automotive > Home Furnishings Exterior Finetex Mats™ by Finetex Technology Health and Fitness Cross-Cutting > Filtration Coatings First Response® Home Pregnancy Test by Carter-Wallace® Health and Fitness > Personal Care Flash Memory (90 nm technology) by Multiple Manufacturers Electronics and Computers > Computer Hardware Flex-Power® Joint & Muscle Pain Relief Cream by Flex-Power®, Inc. Health and Fitness > Personal Care Food container (NS) by A-DO Global Food and Beverage > Storage FresherLonger™ Miracle Food Storage by Sharper Image® Food and Beverage > Storage FresherLonger™ Plastic Storage Bags by Sharper Image® Food and Beverage > Storage 112 FX Diamond® Razor by Wilkinson Sword® Ltd. Health and Fitness > Personal Care Galaxia Nano Technology Limited™ Antibacterial Nano Chopsticks by Galaxia Nano Technology Limited™ Home and Garden > Home Furnishings Galaxia Nano Technology Limited™ Nano Cup Group Aerobics Living Supply Box by Galaxia Nano Technology Limited™ Food and Beverage Home and Garden > Home Furnishings Storage Galaxia Nano Technology Limited™ Nano Oxygen Supply Living East Cup by Galaxia Nano Technology Limited™ Home and Garden Food and Beverage > Home Furnishings Supplements Galaxia Nano Technology Limited™ Nano Oxygen Supply Wateractivater by Galaxia Nano Technology Limited™ Food and Beverage > Supplements Galaxia Nano Technology Limited™ Nano Refrigerators Oriental Health Card by Galaxia Nano Technology Limited™ Home and Garden Food and Beverage > Home Furnishings Storage General Motors® Automotive Exterior by General Motors® Inc. Automotive > Exterior Germ Guardian™ Digital and Manual Ultrasonic Humidifiers by Germ Guardian™ Appliances Health and Fitness > Heating, Cooling and Air Filtration GreenYarn Elbow Guard by Greenyarn LLC. Health and Fitness > Clothing GreenYarn Fleece Slumber Gear by Greenyarn LLC. Home and Garden > Clothing Home Furnishings 113 GreenYarn G-moist soft cloth mask by Greenyarn LLC. Health and Fitness > Personal Care Cosmetics GreenYarn Insole by Greenyarn LLC. Health and Fitness > Clothing GreenYarn Knee Guard by Greenyarn LLC. Health and Fitness > Clothing GreenYarn Short Socks by Greenyarn LLC. Health and Fitness > Clothing Guitar Strings with Nanoweb™ Coating by Elixir® Electronics and Computers > Audio Haier Refrigerator by Haier YuHang™ Appliances Food and Beverage > Large Kitchen Appliances Storage Haier™ Nano Antibacterial Air Conditioner KFR-35GW/U(DBPZXF) by Haier YuHang™ Appliances > Heating, Cooling and Air Hair Iron by SE International Health and Fitness Cross-Cutting > Personal Care Coatings Hard Disk Drive (High Capacity - GMR head) by Multiple Manufacturers Electronics and Computers > Computer Hardware Head® Airflow Tennis Racquets by Head®/PowerMetal Technologies, Inc. Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods 114 Head® Metallix Tennis Racquet by Head®/PowerMetal Technologies, Inc. Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods Head® Nano.Titanium Tennis Racquets by Head® Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods HealthSmart™ Bed by Simmons® Bedding Co. Home and Garden > Home Furnishings Hearing Instrument by Siemens® Hearing Instruments Electronics and Computers Health and Fitness > Audio Personal Care HGT Nano Silver Photocatalyst Aerosol Spray by Daido Corporation Home and Garden > Cleaning Hoggar Nano-Tex® Pants - Men’s and Women’s by Jack Wolfskin® Health and Fitness > Apparel Clothing Hot Ice Thermal Patch™ by LifeWave, LLC Health and Fitness > Personal Care HYDRA FLASH® BRONZER Daily Face Moisturizer by Lancome® Health and Fitness > Cosmetics HYDRA ZEN® CREAM by Lancome® Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Hypersonic battery pack systems by A123Racing Appliances > Batteries 115 IBM® PowerPC® 970FX/970MP Processors by IBM® Electronics and Computers > Computer Hardware iMac® with Intel® Core 2 Duo by Apple®, Inc. Electronics and Computers > Computer Hardware Display INNERMOST Cosmetics by Enprani® Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Intel® Celeron® 4 Processor by Intel® Electronics and Computers > Computer Hardware Intel® Core™ Duo Processor by Intel® Electronics and Computers > Computer Hardware Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor by Intel® Electronics and Computers > Computer Hardware Intel® Pentium® D Processor by Intel® Electronics and Computers > Computer Hardware Intel® StratFlash® Cellular Memory by Intel® Electronics and Computers > Computer Hardware Mobile Devices and Communications Invisicon® Carbon Nanotube Technology by Eikos® Inc. Electronics and Computers > Display IOGEAR® Germ Free Wireless Laser Mouse by IOGEAR®, Inc. Electronics and Computers > Computer Hardware 116 IOGEAR® Long Range Wireless Keyboard/Mouse with Nano Technology by IOGEAR®, Inc. Electronics and Computers > Computer Hardware IOGEAR® Personal Security Mouse with Nano Technology by IOGEAR®, Inc. Electronics and Computers > Computer Hardware iPod Nano® by Apple®, Inc. Electronics and Computers > Audio Computer Hardware IS Clinical SPF 20 Moisturizing Treatment Sunscreen by Innovative® Skincare Health and Fitness > Sunscreen I-Tex “Silver Nano” Anti Bacterial Polo-Shirt by United Textile Mills Co., Ltd. Health and Fitness > Clothing K & W™ NanoTechnology Permanent Head Gasket and Block Repair by K & W™ Automotive > Maintenance & Accessories Kids Tear Free SPF 30 by Banana Boat® Health and Fitness Goods for Children > Sunscreen Basics Kids Windy Pass Nano-Tex by Jack Wolfskin® Health and Fitness > Clothing Komenuka Bijin NSK A-10 Cream by UNICO Enterprises Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Komenuka Bijin NSK C-10 Essence by UNICO Enterprises Health and Fitness > Cosmetics 117 L.L. Bean® Timberledge Pants by L.L. Bean® Health and Fitness > Apparel Clothing Lancome® Rénergie® Flash Lifting by Lancome® Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Lancome® Rénergie® Microlift by Lancome® Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Lancome® Rénergie® Microlift Eye by Lancome® Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Laser in a Bottle™ Products by Dr Brandt Health and Fitness > Cosmetics LaundryPure™ Cleaning Process by EcoQuest Appliances Home and Garden > Laundry & Clothing Care Cleaning LEOREX® Cosmetics by GlobalMed® Technologies Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Lexon Nano-Silver Sock by Lexon Nanotech Inc.. Health and Fitness > Clothing LG® Air Conditioner by LG® Electronics Appliances > Heating, Cooling and Air LG® Antibacterial Mobile Phone by LG® Electronics Electronics and Computers > Mobile Devices and Communications 118 LG® Refrigerator by LG® Electronics Appliances Food and Beverage > Large Kitchen Appliances Storage LG® Vacuum Cleaner by LG® Electronics Home and Garden > Cleaning LG® Washing Machine by LG® Electronics Appliances > Laundry & Clothing Care LifePak® Nano by Pharmanex® Food and Beverage > Supplements LifeWave NanoTechnology Skin Care System by LifeWave, LLC Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Lion® Ban Powder Spray by Lion® Corporation Health and Fitness > Personal Care Lion® Look Kirei no Mist for Bathrooms by Lion® Corporation Home and Garden > Cleaning Lion® Look Kirei no Mist for Kitchens by Lion® Corporation Home and Garden > Cleaning Lion® Look Kirei no Mist for Toilets by Lion® Corporation Home and Garden > Cleaning Lipoduction™ Body Perfecting Complex by Osmotics® Cosmeceuticals Health and Fitness > Cosmetics 119 Lips ‘n Face Protection Creme and Sunblock Creme by Dermatone® Laboratories Health and Fitness > Sunscreen Liquid N Paper Coating by Ecology Coatings Cross-Cutting > Coatings Lithium-Ion Battery by Toshiba Corporation Appliances > Batteries LUBEnSPEED+glide by HOLMENKOL Sport-Technologies GmbH & Co. KG Cross-Cutting Health and Fitness > Coatings Sporting Goods Lyphazome® and Celazome® Cosmetics and Sunscreens by Dermazone Solutions Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Sunscreen MaatShop™ Bio-Sim by MaatShop™ Food and Beverage > Supplements MaatShop™ Crystal Clear Nano Silver by MaatShop™ Food and Beverage > Supplements MaatShop™ Nano Skin Rejuvenator by MaatShop™ Food and Beverage > Supplements MaatShop™ Nano-2+ by MaatShop™ Food and Beverage > Supplements Maha Corp™ Klenz Nano Cleaning Tool by Maha Corp™ Home and Garden > Cleaning 120 Maruman® Golf Clubs by Maruman® & Co., Ltd. Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods MAX NANO badminton racquets by PROTECH SPORTS Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods Men’s Full Stretch Pants by Jack Wolfskin® Health and Fitness > Clothing Men’s Nano-Dry Shirts by Jack Wolfskin® Health and Fitness > Clothing Men's Pleat Front Carefree Chino Pants by Lands’ End® Inc. Health and Fitness > Clothing Men's Regular Pleat Front Carefree Chino Shorts by Lands’ End® Inc. Health and Fitness > Clothing Mercedes-Benz® paint finish by DaimlerChrysler® Home and Garden Automotive > Exterior Paint MesoCopper® by Purest Colloids, Inc. Food and Beverage > Supplements Mesogold® by Colloids for Life LLC Food and Beverage > Supplements MesoGold® by Purest Colloids, Inc. Food and Beverage > Supplements 121 Meso-Iridium™ by Purest Colloids, Inc. Food and Beverage > Supplements MesoPalladium™ by Purest Colloids, Inc. Food and Beverage > Supplements MesoPlatinum® by Purest Colloids, Inc. Food and Beverage > Supplements MesoSilver® by Purest Colloids, Inc. Food and Beverage > Supplements Mesosilver® by Colloids for Life LLC Food and Beverage > Supplements MesoTitanium™ by Purest Colloids, Inc. Food and Beverage > Supplements MesoZinc™ by Purest Colloids, Inc. Food and Beverage > Supplements Metal Nano Dot (MND) memory by Asahi® Glass Co., Ltd. Electronics and Computers > Computer Hardware Mipan® Magic Silver Nano by Mipan® Health and Fitness > Clothing Miyuki Keorki Co. Clothing Fabric by Miyuki Keori Co. Health and Fitness > Apparel Clothing 122 Morphotex® Fiber by Teijin® Fiber Corporation Health and Fitness > Apparel Clothing Mosquito Repellent Spray by J International CityM Korea Co., Ltd. Health and Fitness > Personal Care Motorola® Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) by Motorola® Electronics and Computers > Mobile Devices and Communications Display Video Nanbabies® Element 47 Moisturizing Spray by Nanbabies® Health and Fitness > Personal Care Nanbabies® Face Masks by Nanbabies® Health and Fitness > Personal Care Nanbabies® Foot/Shoe Care by Nanbabies® Health and Fitness > Personal Care Nanbabies® Outerwear by Nanbabies® Health and Fitness > Clothing Nanbabies® Personal Wear by Nanbabies® Health and Fitness > Clothing Nanbabies® Sleeves and Braces by Nanbabies® Health and Fitness > Personal Care Nano & UV Artificial Teeth Cleaner by Digimax Innovative Products Ltd Health and Fitness > Personal Care 123 Nano Air-filter by SongSing Nano Technology Co., Ltd. Health and Fitness > Filtration Nano Anti Aging Cream by Soxton Enterprise Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Nano Anti-Beschlag by Kleinmann GmbH Cross-Cutting Home and Garden > Coatings Cleaning Nano Antibiotic and Deodorizing Shirting Fabric by Tianjin Rongze Textile Co., Ltd. Health and Fitness > Clothing NANO B-12 Vitamin Spray by Nutrition By Nanotech, LLC Food and Beverage > Supplements Nano Bag by RX Network Co. Ltd. Home and Garden > Luggage Nano Breast Cream by St. Herb Cosmetics International® Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Nano Calcium/Magnesium by Mag-I-Cal.com Food and Beverage > Supplements Nano Cold Catalyst Air Purifier by Transit Electronics Co., Ltd. Health and Fitness > Filtration 124 Nano Cosmetics by SongSing Nano Technology Co., Ltd. Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Nano Engine Oil by SongSing Nano Technology Co., Ltd. Automotive > Maintenance & Accessories Nano Facial Ionic Steamer by Panasonic® Hong Kong Health and Fitness > Personal Care Nano Felge-Versiegelung by Kleinmann GmbH Automotive Cross-Cutting > Maintenance & Accessories Coatings Exterior Nano Filter by Shenzhen Become Industry & Trade Co., Ltd. Health and Fitness > Filtration Nano Magic White Body by Soxton Enterprise Health and Fitness > Personal Care Nano Pacifier by SongSing Nano Technology Co., Ltd. Goods for Children > Basics Nano Plastic Wrap by SongSing Nano Technology Co., Ltd. Food and Beverage > Storage Nano Plush Toys by U-Right® International Holdings Limited Goods for Children > Toys and Games Nano Silver Antibacterial and Deodorant Insole by Goodweave textiles Co. Ltd. Health and Fitness > Clothing 125 Nano Silver Antibacterial and Deodorant Socks by Goodweave textiles Co. Ltd. Health and Fitness > Clothing Personal Care Nano Silver Anti-Bacterial Baby Bottle Brush by Sang Shin Industrial Co., Ltd. Health and Fitness Goods for Children > Personal Care Basics Nano Silver Antibacterial Deodorant Fiber Cloth by Goodweave textiles Co. Ltd. Health and Fitness > Clothing Personal Care Nano Silver Baby Mug Cup by Baby Dream® Co., Ltd. Goods for Children Food and Beverage > Basics Storage Nano Silver Cutting Board by A-DO Global Food and Beverage > Cooking Nano Silver Socks and Shoe Pads by SongSing Nano Technology Co., Ltd. Health and Fitness > Clothing Nano Silver Spray by SongSing Nano Technology Co., Ltd. Home and Garden Food and Beverage > Cleaning Cooking Nano Silver Teapot by SongSing Nano Technology Co., Ltd. Food and Beverage > Cooking NANO TECHNOLOGY LTD.® Nano FuelSaver by NANO TECHNOLOGY LTD.® Automotive > Maintenance & Accessories Nano Textil-/ Leder-Versiegelung by Kleinmann GmbH Cross-Cutting Health and Fitness > Clothing Coatings 126 Nano TiO2 Air Purifiers by Kind Home Ind. Co. Ltd. Appliances Health and Fitness > Heating, Cooling and Air Filtration Nano Toothbrush by SongSing Nano Technology Co., Ltd. Health and Fitness > Personal Care Nano Toothbrush by Gabiamall Health and Fitness > Personal Care Nano Trousers by Pro-Idee GmbH & Co. KG Health and Fitness > Clothing Nano Windschutzscheiben-Versiegelung Profi-Spray-Set by Kleinmann GmbH Cross-Cutting Automotive > Coatings Exterior Nano Windschutzscheiben-Versiegelung Spray-Set by Kleinmann GmbH Cross-Cutting Automotive > Coatings Exterior NanoBreeze™ Car Air Purifier by NanoTwin Technologies, Inc. Automotive Health and Fitness Appliances > Maintenance & Accessories Filtration Heating, Cooling and Air NanoBreeze™ Room Air Purifier by NanoTwin Technologies, Inc. Health and Fitness Appliances > Filtration Heating, Cooling and Air Nano-C® powder Cosmetics by Cell Rx® Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Nano-Care® Stressfree Khakis by Gap® Inc. Health and Fitness > Apparel Clothing 127 Nanoce Moisture Liquid Foundation by Ishizawa Labs Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Nanoceuticals™ Artichoke Nanoclusters by RBC Life Sciences®, Inc. Food and Beverage > Supplements Nanoceuticals™ Citrus Mint Shampoo by RBC Life Sciences®, Inc. Health and Fitness > Supplements Personal Care Nanoceuticals™ Hydracel by RBC Life Sciences®, Inc. Food and Beverage > Supplements Nanoceuticals™ Microbright Tooth Powder by RBC Life Sciences®, Inc. Food and Beverage > Supplements Nanoceuticals™ Microhydrin® Products by RBC Life Sciences®, Inc. Food and Beverage > Supplements Nanoceuticals™ Silver 22 by RBC Life Sciences®, Inc. Food and Beverage > Supplements Nanoceuticals™ Slim Shake Chocolate by RBC Life Sciences®, Inc. Food and Beverage > Food Nanoceuticals™ Spirulina Nanoclusters by RBC Life Sciences®, Inc. Food and Beverage > Supplements Nanodesu X Bowling Ball by The American Bowling Service Company Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods 128 Nanofilms for displays and photonics by NanoFilm® Ltd. Electronics and Computers > Display Audio NanoFilterCX Cigarette Filter by US Global Nanospace, Inc. Health and Fitness > Filtration NanoFilter™ Pathogen Air Filter Purification System by US Global Nanospace, Inc. Health and Fitness > Filtration Nanofiltration Membrane Systems by Shenzhen Become Industry & Trade Co., Ltd. Health and Fitness > Filtration Nanogate® Functional Coatings by Nanogate® Technologies GmbH Cross-Cutting > Coatings Nanogen® Nanofibers by Nanogen® Products Health and Fitness > Personal Care Nanogen® Nanogaine by Nanogen® Products Health and Fitness > Personal Care Nanogen® Nanoguard by Nanogen® Products Health and Fitness > Personal Care Nanogen® Nanothick by Nanogen® Products Health and Fitness > Personal Care NanoHorizons® Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) by NanoHorizons® Electronics and Computers > Display 129 NanoHorizons® SmartSilver™ by NanoHorizons® Health and Fitness > Clothing NanOil by Nano Chemical Systems Holdings, Inc. Automotive > Maintenance & Accessories NanOil Lubricant by Nano Chemical Systems Holdings, Inc. Cross-Cutting Automotive > Coatings Maintenance & Accessories Nano-in Anti-Fade Environmental Detergent by Nano-Infinity Nanotech Co., Ltd. Home and Garden > Cleaning Nano-in Body Freshness Control by Nano-Infinity Nanotech Co., Ltd. Health and Fitness > Personal Care Nano-in Foot Deodorant Powder/Spray by Nano-Infinity Nanotech Co., Ltd. Health and Fitness > Personal Care Nano-in Hand and Nail Moisturizing Serum and Foot Moisturizing Serum by Nano-Infinity Nanotech Co., Ltd. Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Nano-In Nano Antibacterial & Deodorant energy Socks by NanoInfinity Nanotech Co., Ltd. Health and Fitness > Clothing Nano-In Nano Antibacterial & Deodorant Shoe Insole by NanoInfinity Nanotech Co., Ltd. Health and Fitness > Clothing Nano-in Natural Environmental Cleaning Agent by Nano-Infinity Nanotech Co., Ltd. Food and Beverage Home and Garden > Cooking Cleaning 130 NanoLub™ by ApNano Materials Inc. Cross-Cutting > Maintenance & Accessories Coatings Nanometer and Teflon Fabric by Tianjin Rongze Textile Co., Ltd. Health and Fitness > Clothing Nanometer-Silver Foam Condom by Blue Cross Bio-Medical (Beijing) Co.,Ltd. Health and Fitness > Personal Care NanoNuno® Umbrella by Pro-Idee GmbH & Co. KG Home and Garden > Home Furnishings Nano-Pel™ Mattress by Burlington House Mattress Fabrics Home and Garden > Apparel Home Furnishings Nanoprotect CS by Nanotec Pty Ltd Cross-Cutting Home and Garden > Coatings Home Furnishings Nanoprotect Glass and Automotive Glass by Nanotec Pty Ltd Cross-Cutting Automotive > Coatings Maintenance & Accessories Nano-Protex by Nanotec Pty Ltd Cross-Cutting Health and Fitness > Coatings Clothing Nanorama - Gold Toothpaste by Lexon Nanotech Inc.. Health and Fitness > Personal Care Nanorama - Nano Beauty Soap by Lexon Nanotech Inc.. Health and Fitness > Personal Care 131 Nanorama - Nano Gold Essence & Additive by Lexon Nanotech Inc.. Health and Fitness > Clothing Nanorama - Nano Gold Mask Pack by Lexon Nanotech Inc.. Health and Fitness > Cosmetics NanoSafe ™ nano-titanate battery by Altair Nanotechnologies Inc. Appliances > Batteries Nanoseal G.N.C. by NanoPlasma Center Company, Ltd. Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Nanoseal G.S.E. by NanoPlasma Center Company, Ltd. Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Nanoseal Toothpaste by NanoPlasma Center Company, Ltd. Health and Fitness > Personal Care Nanoseal Wood by Nanotec Pty Ltd Cross-Cutting Home and Garden > Coatings Construction Materials Nanoseal-Hairna essence by NanoPlasma Center Company, Ltd. Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Nanosiliceo Kapseln by Neosino Food and Beverage > Supplements NanoSil™-10 by Greenwood Consumer Products Food and Beverage > Supplements 132 Nano-Sized Self-assembled Liquid Structures (NSSL) Supplements by NutraLease Ltd. Food and Beverage > Supplements Nanotea by Shenzhen Become Industry & Trade Co., Ltd. Food and Beverage > Food Nano-Tex® Textiles by Nano-Tex®, Inc., LLC Health and Fitness > Clothing Nano-Tex™ Khakis by Eddie Bauer® Health and Fitness > Apparel Clothing Nano-Tex™ Shirt by Eddie Bauer® Health and Fitness > Apparel Clothing Nano-TiO2 Photocatalyst Coating by MCH Nano Solutions Cross-Cutting > Coatings Nanotwill Pant by ExOfficio LLC Health and Fitness > Clothing Nanovations® Nanotechnology Paints by Nanovations® Cross-Cutting Home and Garden > Coatings Paint NANOVER™ Wet Wipes by GNS Nanogist Health and Fitness Goods for Children > Personal Care Basics NANOVER™ Cleansing Soap by GNS Nanogist Health and Fitness > Personal Care 133 NANOVER™ Detergent by GNS Nanogist Home and Garden > Cleaning NANOVER™ Disinfectant Spray by GNS Nanogist Home and Garden > Cleaning NANOVER™ Hair Care by GNS Nanogist Health and Fitness > Personal Care NANOVER™ Mask Pack by GNS Nanogist Health and Fitness > Personal Care NANOVER™ Toothpaste by GNS Nanogist Health and Fitness > Personal Care Nanowax® by Cerax® Health and Fitness Cross-Cutting > Coatings Sporting Goods Nansulate™ Insulation by Industrial Nanotech Inc. Home and Garden > Apparel Construction Materials NDMX™ Golf Balls by NanoDynamics® Inc. Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods neosino Sport Nano-Liquid by Neosino Health and Fitness > Personal Care Sporting Goods New Balance® Women’s Skye Crop by New Balance® Health and Fitness > Clothing 134 Nitro Darkhorse Snowboard by nitro Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods Nitro Hockey Sticks by Montreal Sports Oy Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods NoFog+clean by HOLMENKOL Sport-Technologies GmbH & Co. KG Health and Fitness Cross-Cutting > Coatings Personal Care Non-stick self-assembling nanofilms for glass bakeware by NanoFilm® Ltd. Food and Beverage > Cooking Northpants Nano-Tex® Pants - Men’s and Women’s by Jack Wolfskin® Health and Fitness > Apparel Clothing Nourish by BellaPelle™ Health and Fitness > Cosmetics NRAM™ (Non-volatile Random Access Memory) by Nantero®, Inc Electronics and Computers > Computer Hardware NutraFirm™ Body Wash and Lotion by RBC Life Sciences®, Inc. Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Nutri-Nano™ CoQ-10 3.1x Softgels by Solgar Food and Beverage > Supplements NUVUE AM55OL Organic Light Emitting Diode by Eastman Kodak® Company Electronics and Computers > Mobile Devices and Communications Display 135 Odor Removal Sticker by J International CityM Korea Co., Ltd. Goods for Children Home and Garden > Toys and Games Home Furnishings OilFresh™ 1000 by OilFresh® Corporation Food and Beverage > Cooking Olight® Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) by DuPont® Electronics and Computers > Video Display Orca PFLEX™ Fullsleeve Wetsuit by Orca Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods Overseas Nano-Tex® Jacket - Men’s and Women’s by Jack Wolfskin® Health and Fitness > Apparel Clothing Panasonic® Arc with Vortex Cleaning System Wet Dry Shavers by Panasonic® Inc. Health and Fitness > Personal Care Percenta Europe, Ltd.® Nanotechnology Multi Foam by Percenta Europe, Ltd. ® Home and Garden Cross-Cutting > Cleaning Coatings Percenta Europe, Ltd.® Nanotechnology Window Sealant by Percenta Europe, Ltd. ® Cross-Cutting > Coatings Physical UV Defense SPF 30 by SkinCeuticals® Health and Fitness > Sunscreen Pilkington Activ™ Self Cleaning Glass by Pilkington plc Home and Garden > Construction Materials 136 Pioneer® Organic Electroluminescent (OEL) Display by Pioneer® Company Electronics and Computers Automotive > Audio Display Maintenance & Accessories Planet82™ SMPD Image Sensor by Planet82™ Electronics and Computers > Cameras and Film Plaston™ Ionic Silver Stick by Plaston™ Health and Fitness > Filtration Platinum Silver Nanocolloid Cream by DHC Skincare Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Platinum Silver Nanocolloid Milky Essence by DHC Skincare Health and Fitness > Cosmetics POUTlandish Hyper Moisturizing Lip Paint® by DERMAdoctor® Health and Fitness > Cosmetics PowerImpregnation+care by HOLMENKOL Sport-Technologies GmbH & Co. KG Home and Garden Cross-Cutting > Home Furnishings Coatings Primordiale Nanolotion by Lancome® Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Pro Machine SLC01 by BMC Cycling Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods Professional Hair Brush by Sang Shin Industrial Co., Ltd. Health and Fitness > Personal Care 137 Prototype Comp NT® Golf Club by Grafalloy®, Inc. Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods Pureology® COLOURMAX by Pureology® Health and Fitness > Personal Care Pureology® HoldFast by Pureology® Health and Fitness > Personal Care Pureology® Nanoworks Conditioner by Pureology® Health and Fitness > Personal Care Pureology® Nanoworks Shampoo by Pureology® Health and Fitness > Personal Care Q10 Skin Care Nano Lipobelle Coenzyme Q10 by Tina Concept Co., Ltd. Health and Fitness Food and Beverage > Cosmetics Q-SunShade™ SPF 30+ Tinted Zinc Oxide Sunscreen with ZCOTE® by International Cosmeceuticals, Inc. Health and Fitness > Sunscreen Quan Zhou Hu Zheng Nano Technology Co., Ltd.® AC filter liquid antibacterial and deodorant spray by Quan Zhou Hu zheng Nano Technology Co., Ltd.® Appliances > Heating, Cooling and Air Quan Zhou Hu Zheng Nano Technology Co., Ltd.® Gold Nanoparticle soaps by Quan Zhou Hu zheng Nano Technology Co., Ltd.® Health and Fitness > Personal Care Quan Zhou Hu Zheng Nano Technology Co., Ltd.® Nano-gold Mask by Quan Zhou Hu Zheng Nano Technology Co., Ltd.® Health and Fitness > Cosmetics 138 Quan Zhou Hu Zheng Nano Technology Co., Ltd.® Nano-silver Storage Box (Baoxianhe) by Quan Zhou Hu zheng Nano Technology Co., Ltd.® Food and Beverage > Storage Quan Zhou Hu Zheng Nano Technology Co., Ltd.® Nano-silver Toothpaste by Quan Zhou Hu zheng Nano Technology Co., Ltd.® Health and Fitness > Personal Care Radical Sponge® (Fullerene) by Vitamin C60 BioResearch Corporation Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Redington® Fly Fishing Rod Nano Titanium Quartz - 4-Piece by Redington® Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods Relaxed Double Pleat Pant - Nanocare® by Lee® Jeans Health and Fitness > Apparel Clothing Relaxed Plain Front Pant - Nanocare® by Lee® Jeans Health and Fitness > Apparel Clothing RestQuiet Patch by LifeWave, LLC Health and Fitness > Personal Care RevitaLift® Double Lifting by L’Oreal® Health and Fitness > Personal Care Cosmetics RevitaLift® Intense Lift Treament Mask by L’Oreal® Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Rewind Time by JamieO Skincare Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Personal Care 139 RF Shielding Paint by NaturalNano®, Inc. Home and Garden > Paint RiT Display Corporation Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) by RiT Display Corporation Electronics and Computers > Mobile Devices and Communications Display Rosacea Care Sunscreen “30” by Rosacea Care Health and Fitness > Sunscreen Rutína nano-force moisturizer by KOSÉ® Corporation Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Rutína nano-white by KOSÉ® Corporation Health and Fitness > Cosmetics S.drive Tire by Yokohama Tire Corporation Automotive > Exterior Safari Jacket by Pro-Idee GmbH & Co. KG Health and Fitness > Clothing Safety GLOW Flare in a Can by Nano Chemical Systems Holdings, Inc. Automotive > Maintenance & Accessories Samsung® Air Conditioner by Samsung® Appliances > Heating, Cooling and Air Samsung® Notebooks--Q40 and R20 by Samsung® Electronics and Computers Cross-Cutting > Sporting Goods Computer Hardware Coatings 140 Samsung® Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) by Samsung® Electronics and Computers > Display Video Samsung® Refrigerator by Samsung® Food and Beverage Appliances > Large Kitchen Appliances Storage Samsung® Washing Machine by Samsung® Appliances > Laundry & Clothing Care Sandvik Nanoflex® Alloy by Sandvik Materials Technology Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods Sanyo® Organic Electroluminscent (OEL) Displays by Sanyo ® Electronics and Computers > Mobile Devices and Communications Display Video Schoeller® Textiles NanoSphere® by Schoeller® Textiles Health and Fitness > Apparel Clothing SealsAll™ Sealant by Seal America, Inc. Home and Garden > Home Furnishings Cleaning Self Cleaning Coating by Shenzhen Become Industry & Trade Co., Ltd. Cross-Cutting > Coatings Sensatex™ SmartShirt System by Sensatex™ Health and Fitness > Clothing Serge Lutens Blusher by Barneys New York® Health and Fitness > Cosmetics 141 SHENZHEN MEIKANG CLOTHING AUXILIARY MATERIALS CO., LTD.™ Nano Waterproof and Oilproof Necktie by SHENZHEN MEIKANG CLOTHING AUXILIARY MATERIALS CO., LTD. Health and Fitness > Clothing Shield-System Garments by Franz Ziener® GmbH & Co. Health and Fitness > Apparel Clothing Sporting Goods Shield-System Gloves by Franz Ziener® GmbH & Co. Health and Fitness > Apparel Clothing Sporting Goods Silver Nano Baby Milk Bottle by Baby Dream® Co., Ltd. Goods for Children Food and Beverage > Basics Storage Silver Nano Odor Free Rubber Gloves by Misian Co., Ltd. Home and Garden > Cleaning Sircuit® White Out by Sircuit® Cosmeceuticals Inc. Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Sircuit® O.M.G.™ SERUM by Sircuit® Cosmeceuticals Inc. Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Sircuit® Sircuit Addict™ by Sircuit® Cosmeceuticals Inc. Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Skin Caviar Ampoules by Bergdorf Goodman® Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Smartcare™ and NANO-PEL™ Clothing by Nordstrom® Inc. Health and Fitness > Clothing 142 Solar Defense Creme and Organic Moisturizer by Image Skin Care Health and Fitness > Sunscreen Solar Rx SPF 30+ Nano-Zinc Oxide Sunblock by Keys Soap Health and Fitness > Sunscreen SoleFresh™ Socks by JR Nanotech PLC Health and Fitness > Personal Care Clothing Soltan® Facial Sun Defence Cream - Optisol® by Boots® and Oxonica® Ltd. Health and Fitness > Sunscreen Sony® Corporation Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) by Sony® Corporation Electronics and Computers > Video Display Soothing Moisturizing Lotion Nanoemulsion 10-9 by G.M. Collin Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Sovereign Silver™ by Natural-Immunogenics Corp. Food and Beverage > Supplements Spectra3 SPF 50 by Coppertone® Health and Fitness > Sunscreen SPF 20 Sunscreen Powder by Innovative® Skincare Health and Fitness > Sunscreen Sport Anklet Sock by AgActive Health and Fitness > Clothing 143 Sport Half Length Sock by AgActive Health and Fitness > Clothing Sport UV Defense SPF 45 by SkinCeuticals® Health and Fitness > Sunscreen SportProof+Care by HOLMENKOL Sport-Technologies GmbH & Co. KG Health and Fitness Cross-Cutting > Sporting Goods Coatings Sports Long Sock by AgActive Health and Fitness > Clothing Spray for Life® Vitamin Supplements by Health Plus International®, Inc. Food and Beverage > Supplements Stain Resistant Tie by Brooks Brothers® Health and Fitness > Clothing Stealth CNT® Baseball Bat by Easton® Sports, Inc. Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods Steel Pants by Beyond Health and Fitness > Clothing Steel Soft Shell Shorts by Beyond Health and Fitness > Clothing StriVectin™-NE NanoExfoliant For The Hands™ by StriVectin™ Health and Fitness > Cosmetics 144 Sunscreen Plus Clear Zinc SPF30+ by Cancer Council Australia Health and Fitness > Sunscreen SunSense™ SPF 30+ Sunscreen by NuCelle® Inc. Health and Fitness > Sunscreen SUPER AQUA Cosmetics by Enprani® Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Super Stain-Resistant Gripper™ Cushions by Improvements® Home and Garden > Home Furnishings Surface-conduction Electron-emitter Display (SED) by Canon® Electronics and Computers > Video Display T-2® Photocatalyst Environment Cleaner by T-2® Home and Garden > Cleaning Taifun Nano-Tex Vest by Jack Wolfskin® Health and Fitness > Clothing Taifun Nano-Tex® Jacket - Men’s and Women’s by Jack Wolfskin® Health and Fitness > Apparel Clothing Tankguard™ Algae Inhibitor by Tankguard™ Home and Garden > Pets Teak Guard® Marine by Teak Guard® Cross-Cutting > Coatings 145 Television Display Coating by Ecology Coatings Electronics and Computers Cross-Cutting > Coatings Television Display Texcote textile processing by U-Right® International Holdings Limited Health and Fitness Cross-Cutting > Toys and Games Clothing Coatings TextileProof+active by HOLMENKOL Sport-Technologies GmbH & Co. KG Health and Fitness Cross-Cutting > Clothing Sporting Goods Coatings Theramed S.O.S. Sensitive toothpaste with Nanit®active by Henkel KGaA Health and Fitness > Personal Care ThermaCheck® Cap by Lands’ End® Inc. Health and Fitness > Clothing ThermaCheck® Earband by Lands’ End® Inc. Health and Fitness > Clothing ThermaCheck® Earmuffs by Lands’ End® Inc. Health and Fitness > Clothing ThermaCheck® Gloves by Lands’ End® Inc. Health and Fitness > Clothing ThermaCheck® Half-zip Pullover by Lands’ End® Inc. Health and Fitness > Clothing ThermaCheck® Open Bottom Pants by Lands’ End® Inc. Health and Fitness > Clothing 146 ThermaCheck® Parka by Lands’ End® Inc. Health and Fitness > Clothing ThermaCheck® Roll Brim Hat by Lands’ End® Inc. Health and Fitness > Clothing ThermaCheck® Scarf by Lands’ End® Inc. Health and Fitness > Clothing ThermaCheck® Vest by Lands’ End® Inc. Health and Fitness > Clothing TIME RESPONSE® Eye Renewal Creme by AmorePacific® Health and Fitness > Cosmetics TIME RESPONSE® Intensive Skin Renewal Ampoule by AmorePacific® Health and Fitness > Cosmetics TIME RESPONSE® Skin Renewal Creme by AmorePacific® Health and Fitness > Cosmetics TiO2 Automotive Sunscreen by Nano Chemical Systems Holdings, Inc. Automotive > Exterior Maintenance & Accessories Toasty Feet by Polarwrap® Health and Fitness > Personal Care Tourbach™ Luggage by Victorinox® Swiss Army Home and Garden > Luggage 147 Turn The Tides Blemish Serum by ColorScience® Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Turtle Wax® F21™ Car Polish by Turtle Wax®, Inc. Automotive > Exterior Maintenance & Accessories Turtle Wax® F21™ Car Wash by Turtle Wax®, Inc. Automotive > Exterior Maintenance & Accessories Turtle Wax® F21™ Spray On Wheel Cleaner by Turtle Wax®, Inc. Automotive > Exterior Maintenance & Accessories Turtle Wax® F21™ Super Protectant Wax by Turtle Wax®, Inc. Automotive > Exterior Maintenance & Accessories Turtle Wax® F21™ Tire Foam & Shine by Turtle Wax®, Inc. Automotive > Exterior Maintenance & Accessories TX Express Laptop Computer by LG® Electronics Electronics and Computers > Computer Hardware Ultima® Photo Paper by Eastman Kodak® Company Electronics and Computers > Cameras and Film Ultimate UV Defense SPF 30 by SkinCeuticals® Health and Fitness > Sunscreen Universal Display Corporation® Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) by Universal Display Corporation® Electronics and Computers > Mobile Devices and Communications Display Video 148 Utopia Silver Supplements® Advanced Colloidal Silver by Utopia Silver Supplements® Food and Beverage > Supplements UV Pearls by Sol-Gel Technologies Health and Fitness > Cosmetics Vector Nanotech Crampon by C.A.M.P.™ Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods Waterstick® Filtration System by Seldon Laboratories, Inc. Health and Fitness > Filtration Wilson® [K]Factor® Tennis Rackets by Wilson® Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods Wilson® nCode® Badminton Rackets by Wilson® Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods Wilson® nCode® Raquetball Rackets by Wilson® Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods Wilson® nCode® Squash Rackets by Wilson® Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods Wilson® nCode® Tennis Rackets by Wilson® Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods Wilson® Performance Ball - Px3 by Wilson® Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods 149 Wilson® Performance Driver - Pd5 by Wilson® Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods Wilson® Tour Davis Cup Official Tennis Ball by Wilson® Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods Winix PlasmaWave™ Air Cleaner 9000 by Winix Inc. Health and Fitness Home and Garden > Filtration Cleaning Worth® Asylum™ Baseball Bat by Worth® Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods XANO Anti Virus Respirators KAVF-8000 by Nanux Co., Ltd Health and Fitness > Filtration XBOX 360® by Microsoft® Electronics and Computers Goods for Children > Computer Hardware Video Toys and Games XLC Nanotech Crampon by C.A.M.P.™ Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods Yonex® Nanospeed® 8000 Badminton Racquet by Yonex® Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods Yonex® NanoSpeed® RQ Tennis Racquets by Yonex® Health and Fitness > Sporting Goods Zelens® Fullerene C-60 Day Cream by Zelens® Health and Fitness > Cosmetics 150
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