Colon Capsule Endoscopy Brochure


Colon Capsule Endoscopy Brochure
Safety, convenience,
and accuracy—
all in one small capsule.
Ask if PillCam COLON is right for you
If you want to reduce risks, fear, and
anxiety in your next colon exam, or you
want a minimally invasive test that offers
comfort and convenience, talk with your
doctor about PillCam COLON.
Do you need
a colon exam?
Visit to learn more:
Take the self-assessment quiz
When your doctor says you need a
colon exam, consider PillCam COLON.
It offers an optimal balance of comfort
and reliability. Using a minimally
Compare tests based on your priorities
Hear what others are saying
Topics to discuss with my doctor
invasive procedure, it avoids potential
risks associated with sedation,
radiation, and bleeding—while
reducing anxiety and fear.
PillCam COLON is a form of capsule
endoscopy—and more than 1.6 million
patients worldwide have used capsule
endoscopy over the past 10 years.
It could be the alternative that you and
your doctor have been searching for.
Hear why others have chosen PillCam COLON
Risk Statement
Be sure to discuss the potential risks,
contraindications, complications, and benefits of
PillCam COLON with your doctor. Only your doctor
can determine whether you are a suitable candidate
for this procedure. You can also ask a healthcare
practitioner about PillCam COLON on our website.
The risks of PillCam capsule endoscopy include
capsule retention, aspiration, or skin irritation.
PillCam COLON capsule endoscopy presents
additional risks, including risks associated with the
drug products used to prepare the patient for the
procedure, which are currently used for colonoscopy,
including allergies or other known contraindications
to any preparation agents or medications used for
the PillCam COLON regimen, according to laxative
medication labeling and per physician discretion.
Medical, endoscopic, or surgical intervention may
be necessary to address any of these complications,
should they occur.
Copyright © 2012 Given Imaging Ltd. GIVEN, GIVEN & Design, PILLCAM, and
PILLCAM & Logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Given Imaging
Ltd., its subsidiaries, and/or affiliates in the United States and/or other countries. All
rights not expressly granted are reserved.
PillCam® COLON:
A safe and simple choice.
Minimally invasive
Reliable results
No sedation or radiation
The images are transmitted
to a data recorder that you
wear on a belt, allowing
the doctor to remotely
view the images and make
a diagnosis.
During the procedure, you
are fully awake with no need
for sedation and can leave
the doctor’s office to go
about your normal day.
A safer alternative
For some patients, an invasive colon
exam can be risky due to blood-thinning
medicine or sedation concerns, or other
factors. PillCam COLON is complementary
to colonoscopy and may offer a safer
alternative for those with severe
pulmonary or cardiac disease, COPD,
IBD, a prior incomplete colonoscopy, or
other conditions.
Answers to your questions
PillCam COLON enables your doctor to
detect colorectal cancer, polyps, and
other diseases or conditions of the
colon with the highest accuracy 1 of any
minimally invasive test. Plus, it offers the
safety and convenience you might not
have known existed.
How long does the procedure take?
What’s most important to you?
How big is the capsule?
After your bowel has been
cleaned, a tiny, wireless
camera—contained in
an easy-to-swallow and
disposable capsule—
captures images as it travels
naturally through your colon.
Compare your options
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How it works
No Sedation
Bowel Prep
Not Required
No Radiation
No Risk of
Ability to
Remove Polyps
*More than 50% likely to detect large polyps
1. Lieberman, D. Screening for Colorectal Cancer. New England Journal of Medicine.
2009:361;12. Spada C et al, Second Generation PillCam COLON Capsule Compared
with Colonoscopy. Gastrointest Endosc. 2011;74(3):581-589. Eliakim R et al, Prospective
Multicenter Performance Evaluation of the Second Generation Capsule Compared with
Colonoscopy. Endoscopy 2009; 41:1026-1031.
It can take up to 10 hours from the time
you swallow the capsule until all of the
necessary images are captured and
transmitted. During this time, you are
fully awake and can leave the doctor’s
office to go about your normal day.
It is the size of a vitamin pill and designed
to be easy to swallow.
How long is the recovery?
Recovery is immediate because PillCam
COLON requires no sedation. While the
capsule transmits images, you will be able
to follow a normal routine and perform
daily tasks such as driving to and from
the doctor’s office.
Will I feel any pain or discomfort
from the capsule?
No. The video capsule has a smooth
texture similar to over-the-counter
capsules for pain relief. You should
not feel any pain or discomfort when
swallowing it, while it moves through
your colon, or as it is naturally eliminated
during a bowel movement.
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