Pillbox Cavity Testing RF Strategy Meeting 11/15 to 11/16/10 Al
Pillbox Cavity Testing RF Strategy Meeting 11/15 to 11/16/10 Al
Pillbox Cavity Testing RF Strategy Meeting 11/15 to 11/16/10 Al Moretti, APC, Fermilab 1 Outline of the Talk History of the Testing Arrangements History of The LBL Pillbox Cavity With Flat Cu and Curve Be Windows First Pillbox “Small” Button Cavity Test Arrangement Testing Arrangements for the Pillbox cavity Dimensional drawings of the Smaller and Larger Buttons Simulation of the LBL Pillbox cavity without buttons and discussion of peak fields Current Status of the LBL Pillbox Cavity Summary 2 History of the Testing Arrangements (Opposing) Red 45 Electric Gradient in MV/m The LBL Pillbox cavity was originally designed with removable 16 cm OD windows to test different materials especially Be because of its very low Muon cross-section. The first testing, proof of principle experiments, was performed with flat Cu windows. The results of this first testing demonstrated a large reduction in achievable gradient at large magnetic fields. The next testing was on flat Be widows and lastly on curved Be windows. The same magnetic field results. It was then decided to modify the cavity for single button testing with buttons of different materials. Because the spark damage observed in the button testing occurred mainly in Cu body of the cavity, it was decided to modify the cavity for 2 button testing. This will concentrate the peak gradient on the button tip away for the body of the cavity. Safe Operating Gradient Limit vs Magnetic Field Level at Window for the three different Coil modes (Single Coil) 4040 37.66 Black Diamond 37 36 35.2 35 34 32.4 31.7 31 30 28.8 28.5 27.327 26.4 25.9 25.7526.74 23.25 22.5 22 21.5 20.9 40 35 30 25 20 16.5 15 (Solenoid) Yellow 15 13.5 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 Peak Magnectic Field in T at the Window 5 Parallel E and B Gradient breakdown limit versus the Magnetic field in T. 3 History of The LBL Pillbox Cavity With Flat Cu and Curve Be Windows serious Spark damage areas The LBL Pillbox cavity after 250 E6 pulses with Flat, Curved and Button testing accumulated a great deal of spark damage as shown here and also on the next slide. Serious spark damage around 12 and 6 O ’clock The serious spark damage observed in the coupling iris was due to the high gradients because of the very small radii. Because of the spark damage shown and the small coupling iris radii. It was decided to refurbish the cavity at JLAB. The refurbishing at JLAB in their cleanroom and a special tool was designed to machine a 3.175 mm radius on the coupling iris. 4 First Pillbox “Small” Button Cavity Test Arrangement Curved Be Window facing Outward Test Arrangement had a curved Be Window At radii from 2.5 to 6 cm radius on the Be side the field is 15 to 30 % higher than at its center. This corresponds to damage shown on the Cu Button Window side. Button: Few sparks and TiN Coating eroded away by RF Cu Button Window • Be side: No (visible) damage • Cu side: Damage on the Button Holder 5 Testing Arrangements for the Pillbox cavity B&E LBL Pillbox cavity With flat windows; the First RF commissioning Test arrangement. LBL Pillbox cavity with smaller single button and curved Be Window Testing arrangement. This was the first button Testing arrangement. LBL Pillbox cavity with 2 larger buttons Testing arrangement. 6 Dimensional drawings of the Smaller and Larger Buttons Dimensions of first smaller test button It had a smaller penetration into the cavity. Its ration of peak gradient on the button to peak gradient on the coupling iris was equal to 0.675. Dimensions of second Palmer test button It had larger penetration into the cavity. Its ration of peak gradient on the button to peak gradient on the coupling iris was equal to 0.396. The above ratio’s are important when we consider the gradient to RF commission the cavity first with flat copper windows. 7 Simulation of the LBL Pillbox cavity without buttons Ratio of the peal electric gradients on the cavity surfaces with Flat windows. 1. The ratio of A/C = 1.47; where C is the gradient on the axis of the cavity and A is the gradient on the coupling iris with r=1/8” 2. The ration of B/C =1.25; A where C is the gradient on the axis of the cavity and B is the gradient on the coupling window iris. B 3. Also note that the peak gradient is shifted about 1 cm toward the coupling aperture instead of being on axis. 4. The ratio’s will change when we add buttons: With the palmer style (larger) button The ratio of A/C becomes equal to 0.396 for the smaller first test button equal to 0.675. C The point of the above is to pick a safe gradient for the first RF commissioning of the cavity with Flat copper windows. There seems to be agreement that cycle stress and strain are the primary cause of breakdown. So we should limit the gradient for the Palmer buttons to (40MV/m) x 0.396 x1.1= 17.4 MV/m, and for the smaller button = (40MV/m) x 0.675 x1.1= 29.7 MV/m 8 Current Status of the LBL Pillbox Cavity JLAB has completed the refurbishment of the Pillbox Cavity under cleanroom conditions. It has been shipped to Fermilab with Flat CU windows attached. It was successfully vacuum leak checked before shipment. It was checked to be vacuum leak tight after it arrived at Fermilab. The waveguide high power RF drive coupler has been attached and has been successfully vacuum leak checked. It has been mounted on its transport dolly and is ready to be installed in the MTA magnet. Cavity on Dolly LBL Pillbox cavity 9 Plans for the Pillbox Cavity Install the Pillbox cavity in the MTA magnet. Connect the cooling water, vacuum and calibrate the pickup signals (2). Connect the cavity to the 12 MW klystron waveguide line. Connect the optical fiber diagnostic, photo-tube and spectrum analyzer. RF commission the Pillbox cavity with the flat Cu windows to 18 MV/m for 3 E6 or until the sparking rate is less than 1/100000. Remove the cavity and have the Lab photographer take pictures of the inside of the cavity especially in the area where there maybe damage. Install the Be buttons into the cavity. Connect the cooling water, vacuum, Fiber optics and calibrate the pickup signals (2). RF commission, in view of chart, and cycle stress and strain causing breakdown to 25 MV/m without magnetic field for 3 E6 or until the sparking rate is less than 1/100000. Should we skit the above and go straight to 3 T running? Do the same as above with Cu buttons. 10 Summary of Pillbox cavity • The history of the Pillbox cavity has been presented. •The serious spark damage observed was presented •The damage noted required refurbishment of the cavity •The refurbishment was done at JLAB in their cleanroom •The cavity has been refurbished and is has been returned to Fermilab. •The cavity is vacuum tight and has been mounted to its transport dolly •The cavity is now ready to be installed in the MTA magnet and begin the 2 Be button testing after first testing with flat Cu windows • The first testing with flat windows should only be RF commissioned to 18 MV/m because of the peak field levels at the coupling iris even with a radius of 3.175 mm. 11 Discussion of the Magnetically Insulated Cavity The orthogonal Box Cavity Palmer and D. Stratakis developed as theory that a large magnetic field at right angle to the RF electric would magnetically insulate a vacuum RF cavity from electric breakdown. It was then decided to construct a build cavity to test this theory. A low cost design was chosen in the shape of a box Two cavities of this type have been built and only one has been tested. We need to decide what to do with the second cavity. It has been suggested that this cavity be coated with TiN and tested in the MTA. There is in storage material to built 2 more cavities. It has been suggested that the material be built for the parallel B and E confirguration. 12 Orthogonal E and H Cavity Coupled to the Waveguide Rectangular Coupling aperture with rounded edges E Sapphire Viewing Port B Original LBL Waveguide RF power Coupler section; ½ height Standard WG section ¼ height Coupling Cell. This is built in two sections with WG; flanges not shown. Pickup Ports HFSS Model RF cavity and WG coupler 13 Calculated Parameters of the cavity and cavity dimensions HFSS normalizes all parameters to 1 W of input power to the waveguide coupler and solves for the frequency, gradient, coupling factor, Qo (in cavity mode) etc. 1W produces a gradient of 25 kV/m by scaling: 25 MV/m would take 1 MW ideal. Aperture Fields about a factor 4 lower than central max. field. 250 mm 276.50 mm E The Impedance across the center of the cavity is B Imp =9.5 MΩ. This is the resistance across the center of the cavity given by Imp = (gap Voltage)²/1 W. 123.82 mm This uses the peak voltage and is in agreement with SuperFish and most published accelerator designs. Qo = 27,400. 14 Orthogonal Cavity Electric Field Simulation Measurement Results Note 1: Ratio Eps/ Epa= 3.5 for orthogonal case. Note 2: Ratio Eps/ Epa= 2 for parallel case. This should be considered when determining the pre RF commissioning of the cavities (LBL or Box cavity) with flat windows without buttons and without the presence of the magnetic field. Peak Surface field on-axis Eps Network analyzer measurements: Fo = 805.33 MHz test lab; Simulation Fo=806.2 MHz Qo= 27,400; Simulation Qo= 27,400 β= 0.96 coupling factor; Simulation β= 1.06. These values are preliminary and may change when attached to the LBL stepped WG coupler and mounted in the magnet. Even with a coupling factor of β= 0.96, 99.95 % of the transmitted RF power go into the cavity. Peak Surface Field on Aperture Epa 15 Box Cavity in A0 Test Lab Pickup ports Compound Tin Seal Location Sapphire Viewing port location Water cooling tubes End ¼ height Waveguide Coupling Piece 16 Box Cavity in the MTA Magnet on its Rail Support Water cooling tubes Pick-up and Sapphire ports Y. Torun 17 Calibration Setup befor connection to 12 MW Supply WG WG Flex Section for Angle Changing Ceramic window for Vacuum Calibration Adapter WG to type N Y. Torun Vacuum Pump 18 Spark Gradient vs. number of pulses at 0 deg and 3 T 45 40 Gradient in MV/m 35 30 25 20 Large YOYO Effect starts here 15 10 5 0 0.00E+005.00E+051.00E+061.50E+062.00E+062.50E+063.00E+063.50E+064.00E+06 Number of RF pulses 19 Spark Gradient vs. Angle between E and B at 3 T 45 40 35 Gradient in MV/m 30 Series1 = 90 deg Series2 = 89 deg 20 Series3 =87 deg 15 Series4 =91 deg Series5 =86 deg 25 10 5 0 0.00E+00 5.00E+05 1.00E+06 1.50E+06 2.00E+06 2.50E+06 3.00E+06 3.50E+06 4.00E+06 Number of Pulses 20 40 35 30 Gradient in MV/m The cavity was also tested at magnetic field levels from 0.5 to 3.5 T at 0 Deg. There was very little drop off observed in the break down levels. There was no X-Ray’s observed with the Magnetic field on There may have been single surface multpactiring observed in the early phase of the RF commissioning with the magnetic field The vacuum burst were 10 to 100 times larger during a spark than without the magnetic field. Box Cavity Gradient vs Angle Between E &B at 3 T 25 Gradient Line for Very Low Sparking Rate. 20 15 10 5 0 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 RF field to DC Magnetic Field Angle 21 Pictures of Damaged Area in the Box Cavity Blistered Areas The inside of the cavity was very clean with not many spark pits visible if any. There were blistered areas in appearance in the top and bottom corners along the axis of the cavity both the upstream and downstream ends. These are pictures of the cavity at about ½ the running time. At the end of the experiment, the areas appeared darker and spread out further and this was also after the 50 MV/m RF commissioning at 0 T. 22 The SPDT RF Switch has been installed in the MTA This gives us 2 RF test location in the MTA Hall. 23 Parallel E and H field Design: Optical View port E Field pick-ups E&B Original LBL Waveguide RF power Coupler section; ½ height Standard WG section ¼ height Coupling Cell. This is built in two sections with WG flanges not shown. 24 Summary Of the Box cavity • • • • • We have completed the Box cavity Study ( magnetic field insulation effect) at 91,90, 89, 87 and 86 Degrees at 3. Tesla. Before each run we commissioned the cavity upto 33 MV/m at 0. T except for the first 0 Degree run commissioned to 23 MV/m. In later runs, we commissioned the cavity to 50 MV/m at 0 T. The results have been shown The plans are then to install the LBL Pill box cavity and begin the study with new Be button shape. It is smaller in diameter and more peaked to give a enhancement factor of 3. We need to decide if the second orthogonal box cavity should be tested with a TiN coating. We also need to decide if we need to build a parallel Box for testing in the MTA. 25