June 2013 - Larkman Nurseries
June 2013 - Larkman Nurseries
Available NOW! trader ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Note: We are now able to ship Myrtaceae plants to Sth Australia The WA and Tasmanian restrictions on all Myrtaceae plants are still in place. The relevant plants have the words ‘ Restricted - Tas/WA after the plant name. It is unlikely that WA and Tas will be eased. June 2013 Clive’s Comments June is here and for us in the south this means some cold weather and lots of rain. It’s all relative as those living in northern Europe would say our winter is warmer than their summer. Having spent a year in southern California where it never rains, these cold frosty days and stormy nights are a pleasure. Also, unlike the colder northern climates our gardeners never really stop gardening. Indeed many are actively looking for things to plant. They like the challenge of growing plants that are out of their normal climate. You only need to meet a person who has managed to grow and fruit a banana plant in Melbourne to see the satisfaction this brings. Continued on Page 7 Larkman Nurseries Tel: (03) 9735 3831 PO Box 567 Lilydale VIC 3140 Fax: (03) 9739 6370 Simon: 0438 540 241 www.larkmannurseries.com.au Di: 0400 194 460 [email protected] Larkman Nurseries Pty Ltd June 2013 Plant Name (** incorrect synonym) 2 CommonName Flower Details Color Period $ Cultural Detai (refer legend) Conifers * Cupressocyparis x leylandii 'Haggertson Grey' Haggertson Grey Cypress cones $1.50 E SUH T2 Cupressocyparis x leylandii 'Silver Dust' * Cupressus arizonica glabra 'Limelight' * Cupressus lusitanica benthamii 'Dwarf' * Cupressus lusitanica benthamii 'Dwarf' 75m-large Cupressus sempervirens 'Fullarton' Juniperus chinensis 'Spartan' Juniperus squamata 'Blue Carpet' Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' Leyland Cypress cones $1.25 E Z SUH T2 Limelight Cypress cones $1.50 E O PS H C2 T1 Dwarf Mexican Cypress cones $1.30 E SUH SH3 Dwarf Mexican Cypress cones $3.00 E SUH SH3 Fullarton Pencil Pine cones $1.30 E SUM T2 Chinese Juniper cones $1.65 E Z SUH T2 Nepal Juniper cones $1.40 E Z PS M GC Green Thuja cones $1.50 E V SUM T1 White Clematis white Oct-Dec $1.30 E V PS M C Aug-Nov $1.30 N V PS L C white Jun-Sep $0.90 N V PS L SH2 mauve All Year $1.30 E V PS L C Climbers Clematis montana * Hardenbergia violaceae Hardenbergia violaceae 'Alba' Lantana montevidensis Pandorea 'Bower of Beauty' ** Pandorea jasminoides Pandorea jasminoides 'Deep Pink' Plumbago auriculata 'Alba' Solanum jasminoides Purple Coral Pea,Native Sarsparilla purple SPECIAL White Native Sarsparilla Trailing Lantana refer: Pandorea jasminoides Bower of Beauty pink Jan-May $1.35 N V PS M C Bower of Beauty pink Jan-May $1.35 N Y PS M C white Nov-Jun $0.90 E V SUL SH2 white All Year $1.20 E V PS L C SPECIAL White Cape Plumbago Potato Vine Congratulations to Wes Fleming, Phillip Johnson and the team on their amazing triumph at Chelsea Flower Show... “Best In Show”... Beat that! Correa ‘Dusky Bells’ Fuchsia 'Candy Bells' Erodium variabile 'Bishops Form' Correa glabra 'Barossa Gold' Syzygium 'Tayla Made' Larkman Nurseries Pty Ltd June 2013 Plant Name (** incorrect synonym) 3 CommonName Flower Details Color Period $ Cultural Detai (refer legend) Lavenders Lavandula angustifolia 'Alba' Lavandula angustifolia 'Avice Hill' PBR Nursery Use Lavandula angustifolia 'Bee' * Lavandula angustifolia 'Bridestowe Elizabeth'PBR(Farm Use) * Lavandula angustifolia 'Bridestowe Myra'PBR * Lavandula angustifolia 'Bridestowe Philippa'PBR Lavandula angustifolia 'Egerton Blue' Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote Carlisle' Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote Pink' (L) Lavandula angustifolia 'Miss Muffet' (L) Lavandula angustifolia 'Munstead' Lavandula angustifolia 'Munstead' (seed grown) SPECIAL Lavandula angustifolia 'Pacific Blue' (L) * Lavandula angustifolia 'Riverina Eunice' PBR (Nursery Use) Lavandula angustifolia 'Rosea' Lavandula angustifolia 'Sarah' (L) Lavandula angustifolia ssp angustifolia Lavandula angustifolia 'Swampy' Lavandula angustifolia 'Twickel Purple' (L) Lavandula 'Avonview' Lavandula dentata 'Pure Harmony' (L) Lavandula 'Hazel' (L) Lavandula intermedia x 'Sally * Lavandula 'Major' Lavandula 'Merle' Lavandula 'Pippa White' (L) Lavandula stoechas 'Alba' Lavandula stoechas leucantha 'Snowball' (L) Lavandula stoechas 'Winter Purple' * Lavandula x intermedia 'Blanche' * Lavandula x intermedia 'Dutch' Lavandula x intermedia 'Grosso' Lavandula x intermedia 'Seal' Lavandula x intermedia 'Sussex' White Lavender white Oct-Jan $1.30 E V SUM C2 SH1 Lavender Impressions violet Oct-Jan $1.30 E X SUM C2 SH1 Oil Lavender purple Oct-Dec $1.40 E Bridestowe Cut Flower Lavender lavender Jan-Apr $1.75 E Y SU Bridestowe Perfume Lavender lavender Dec-Mar $1.55 E Y SUM C1 SH2 Bridestowe Culinary Lavender blue purple Nov-Feb $1.55 E Y SUM C2 SH1 English Lavender deep purple Oct-Jan $1.30 E SUM C2 SH1 The True Hidcote Lavender deep purple Oct-Jan $1.30 E SUM C2 SH1 Dwarf Pink English Lavender pale pink Oct-Dec $1.30 E X SUM C2 SH2 Dwarf Blue Lavender lilac blue Oct-Jan $1.30 E X SUM C2 SH2 Dwarf English Lavender mauve Oct-Jan $1.30 E V SUM C2 SH2 Dwarf English Lavender mauve Oct-Jan $0.90 E Z SUM C2 SH2 Pacific Lavender violet blue Oct-Jan Culinary Lavender lavender blue Oct-Nov $1.85 E X SUM C2 SH1 Dwarf Pink Lavender pale pink Oct-Jan $1.30 E V SUM C2 SH1 English Lavender lilac Oct-Dec $1.30 E X SUM C2 SH1 True English Lavender lavender Oct-Jan $1.40 E X SUM C2 SH1 Swampy Lavender deep purple Oct-Dec $1.40 E Lavender purple Oct-Jan $1.30 E X SUM C2 SH2 Avonview purple Sep-May $1.20 E V SUM C2 SH2 White French Lavender white All Year $1.40 E X SUL C2 SH2 Hazel's Lavender purple Oct-May $1.30 E X SUM C2 SH2 C1 SH2 $1.40 E X SUM C2 SH2 SUM C2 SH1 Lavender Sally mauve Oct-Dec $1.40 E Lavender purple Dec-Apr $1.30 E Z SUM C2 SH2 Lavender purple Dec-Apr $1.30 E X SUM C2 SH2 Bi-color Lavender purple+white Dec-Apr $1.30 E V SUM C2 SH2 White Italian Lavender white Aug-Apr $1.20 E Z SUM C2 SH1 Snowball white Sep-Dec $1.40 E X SUL C2 SH1 Winter Purple purple Aug-Apr $1.30 E V SUL C2 SH1 White Lavandin white Oct-Jan $1.30 E SUM C2 SH1 Lavandin mauve Nov-Mar $1.30 E SUM C2 SH2 Lavandin deep purple Nov-Feb $1.30 E V SUM C2 SH2 Lavandin purple Nov-Feb $1.30 E X SUM C2 SH2 Lavandin mauve Nov-Feb $1.30 E Lavandula x intermedia 'Sally' Lavandula angustifolia 'Swampy' SUM C2 SH2 SUM C2 SH2 SUL C2 SH2 Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote Carlisle' (L) = Labels are supplied with tubestock at cost. PA PF PS R S SF SH = = = = = = = Part Sun Part to Filtered Sun Part to Full Sun Rockery Plant Frost Sensitive Shade to Filtered Sun Full Shade SH0 SH1 SH2 SH3 SC SU SS = = = = = = = Dwarf Shrub < 0.4m Small Shrub 0.4 - 0.8m Medium Shrub 0.8 -1.5m Large Shrub 1.5 - 3.0m Scrambler Full Sun Full Shade to Full Sun T1 T2 T3 V X Y Z = = = = = = = Small Tree Medium Tree Large Tree Pictorial Label Pictorial Label Pictorial Label Pictorial Label < 5.0m 5.0 - 15.0m > 15.0m - Various Printers - Larkman Nurseries - Macbird Floraprint - Norwood Labels Larkman Nurseries Pty Ltd June 2013 Plant Name (** incorrect synonym) 4 CommonName Flower Details Color Period $ Cultural Detai (refer legend) Natives Acmena smithii Restricted -Tas/WA/SA Lilly Pilly Black Sheoak Allocasuarina littoralis Alyogyne huegelii 'Pink Form' Pink Native Hibiscus * Angophora costata Restricted -Tas/WA/SA Sydney red gum Kurrajong Brachychiton populneus Brachychiton rupestris Bottle Tree * Brachyscome multifida Cut Leaf Daisy Amethyst Cut Leaf Daisy Brachyscome multifida 'Amethyst' * Brachyscome multifida dilitata 'Break O'Day' Cut Leaf Daisy Callistemon citrinus 'Anzac' Restricted -Tas/WA/SA White Bottlebrush * Callistemon 'Little John' Restricted -Tas/WA/SA Dwarf Bottlebrush Callistemon 'Purple Splendour' Restricted -Tas/WA/SA Purple Bottle Brush Callistemon viminalis 'Dawson River' Restricted -Tas/WA/SA Weeping Bottlebrush Callistemon viminalis 'Prolific' Restricted -Tas/WA/SA Weeping Bottlebrush * Callistemon x hybrida 'Mary MacKillopTM' Restricted -Tas/WAMary MacKillop Bottlebrush * Carex brunnea Green carex River Oak Casuarina cunninghamiana Karwarra Everlasting Chrysocephalum apiculatum 'Karwarra Form' White Correa Correa alba Correa decumbens Prostrate Correa Crimson Correa Correa 'Dusky Bells' Golden Rock Correa Correa glabra 'Barossa Gold' Correa glabra 'Red Bells' Red Correa Correa Correa 'Marian's Marvel' Koonung Creek Flax Lily Dianella revoluta 'Koonung' * Dianella tasmanica Tasmanian Flax Lily * Dodonaea viscosa Hop Bush * Grevillea obtusifolia Ground Cover Grevillea * Kennedia prostrata Running Postman * Leptospermum morrisonii 'Burgundy' Restricted -Tas/WA/SA Burgundy Tea Tree Leptospermum obovatum 'Lemon Bun' Restricted -Tas/WA/SA Mounding Tea Tree Leptospermum obovatum 'Starry Night' Restricted -Tas/WA/SA Dark Tea Tree * Leucophyta brownii Silver Cushion Bush Lomandra confertifolia 'Wingarra' Ozbreed Wingarra Lomandra Rainforest mat rush Lomandra hystrix Nyalla Lomandra Lomandra longifolia 'Nyalla' Ozbreed * Lythrum salicaria Purple Loosestrife Fine Leaf Boobialla Myoporum parvifolium 'Fine Leaf White' Round Leaf Native Mintbush Prostanthera rotundifolia * Rhodanthe anthemoides Chamomile Sunray Blue Ribbon Scaevola Scaevola aemula 'Blue Ribbon' Syzygium australe 'Tayla Made' PBR Restricted -Tas/WA/SA Lilly Pilly Waterhousea floribunda (cutting grown) Weeping Lilly Pilly Waterhousea floribunda 'Sweeper' Ozbreed Sweeper Native Rosemary Westringia fruticosa SPECIAL Dwarf Coastal Rosemary Westringia fruticosa 'Jervis Gem' SPECIAL Coastal Rosemary Westringia fruticosa 'Zena' Callistemon vim. 'Prolific' Callistemon citrinus 'Anzac' green yellow Oct-Dec $ 1.40 N V PS L C2 T2 red orange Apr-May $ 1.15 N PS M C2 T1 pink Oct-Mar $ 1.40 N PS M white Sep-Nov $ 1.30 N V PS M red+cream Jan-Mar $ 1.35 N Y SUM C2 T2 yellow Nov-Dec $ 1.35 N Z SUM C2 T2 mauve All Year $ 1.20 N V SUL R mauve blue All Year $ 1.30 N Z SUL R mauve All Year $ 1.20 N V SUL R white Oct-Dec $ 1.50 N V SUL SH2 deep red Sep-Mar $ 1.40 N V SUL C2 SH2 = = = CL CR D = = = Bulb - Decidious/Evergreen Climbing Shrub Frontline Coastal / Secondline Coastal Clumping Shrub Creeper Decidious, Non Australian E F FF G GC H IP = = = = = = = Exotic, Non Australian Filtered Sun Filtered to Full Sun Grass Ground Cover Heavy Frost Tolerant Indoor Plant T3 purple+mauv Sep-Dec $ 1.30 N Z SUL C2 SH3 crimson Sep-Dec $ 1.30 N V SUL C2 bright red Sep-Dec $ 1.30 N V SUL C2 T1 cardinal red Sep-Mar $ 1.30 N V FL M C2 SH3 ivory Nov-Jan $ 1.25 N green Dec-Jan $ 1.15 N Z FF H T2 yellow Sep-Jan $ 1.30 N GC white Aug-May $ 1.30 N V PF L C2 SH2 red+green Nov-Feb $ 1.30 N V PS L SH1 carmine Apr-Nov $ 1.30 N V PF M SH1 yellow green Feb-Oct $ 1.30 N X PF M SH2 red May-Aug $ 1.25 N pink+green Feb-Oct $ 1.30 N X PF M blue Oct-Jan $ 1.40 N dark blue Oct-Jan $ 1.40 N V SUH C2 G PS M SUM G PF L C2 SH2 SH2 SUH C2 G light brown Aug-Nov $ 1.20 N Z PS M C2 SH2 red May-Oct $ 1.30 N V PS M GC red Sep-Jan $ 1.30 N V PS M C burgundy Dec-Jan $ 1.40 N Z PS M C2 SH3 lime cream Oct-Jan $ 1.40 N Z PS M C2 SH3 white Oct-Jan $ 1.40 N Z PS M C2 SH3 yellow Sep-Feb $ 1.30 N V PS L C1 SH1 cream Sep-Jan $ 1.85 N O SS M white Sep-Jan $ 1.20 N V PF M C2 CL cream Sep-Nov $ 1.85 N purple Nov-Jan $ 1.30 N Z SUM white Sep-Mar $ 1.20 N V PS M C2 GC mauve Sep-Nov $ 1.30 N V PS L C2 T1 white May-Feb $ 1.30 N V PF L C2 SS M CL CL SH3 mauve blue Sep-May $ 1.35 N Y SUL white Oct-Dec $ 1.40 N O SUL T2 white Nov-Jan $ 1.65 N Y FF M T1 white Nov-Jan $ 2.10 N Z FF M T1 white All Year $ 1.25 N V SUM C2 SH2 soft mauve Aug-May white palema All Year GC $ 0.70 N Z SUM C2 SH2 $ 0.90 N Z PS M C2 SH2 Callistemon viminalis 'Dawson River' (L) = Labels are supplied with tubestock at cost. BD/BE C C1/C2 SH3 SH L M N O ¶ * = = = = = = = Indoor Shrub Light Frost Tolerant Moderate Frost Tolerant Native Plant Pictorial Label - Other Printer Must purchase label Less than 250 plants in stock Larkman Nurseries Pty Ltd June 2013 Plant Name (** incorrect synonym) 5 CommonName Flower Details Color Period $ Cultural Detai (refer legend) Succulents Mesembryanthemum crystallinum 'Golden Sun' Mesembryanthemum crystallinum 'Mauve' Mesembryanthemum crystallinum 'White Sun' Sedum 'Ruby Glow' * Sedum spathulifolium 'Cape Blanco' * Sedum spurium 'Voodoo' Sedum telephium 'Raspberry' Not for WA Golden Pigface golden yellowOct-Feb $1.25 E Mauve Pig Face mauve $1.25 E O PS M C1 GC Oct-Feb White Sun white Oct-Feb $1.25 E V PS M C1 GC Ruby Sedum ruby Jan-Feb $1.35 D V PS H GC Capa Blanca Sedum pale yellow Oct-Dec $1.30 E V FF H R Red Sedum blood red Dec-Feb $1.30 E PS H GC Raspberry Stonecrop deep red Jan-Apr $1.35 E PS H GC Artemisia vulgaris 'Oriental Limelight' Buddleja davidii 'Royal Red' Mesembryanthemum 'White Sun' PS M C1 GC Exotic Abelia x grandiflora Abutilon x hybridum 'Lightning' (L) * Abutilon x hybridum 'Tango' (L) Abutilon x hybridum 'Waltz' (L) Agapanthus 'Blue Pixie' Agapanthus praecox 'Dwarf Blue' Agapanthus praecox minimus 'Peter Pan' Agapanthus praecox orientalis 'Blue Baby' * Agapanthus 'Purple Cloud' T/C (L) Agastache 'Sweet Lili' * Ajuga reptans 'Pink Elf' Ajuga reptans 'Silver Carpet' * Angelonia angustifolia 'Serena Lavender Pink' * Anthemis 'Susanna Mitchell' Antirrhinum hispanicum hispanicum 'Trailing Pink' Aquilegia x cultorum 'McKana Giants' Ardisia japonica Argyranthemum frutescens 'White Small Double' Artemisia arborescens Artemisia vulgaris 'Oriental Limelight' Arthropodium cirratum Aster alpinus * Aster novi-belgii 'Professor Anton Kippenberg' Brugmansia x candida 'Burnt Orange' 75m Brugmansia x candida 'Double White' 75m Brugmansia x candida 'Frilly Pink' 75m Brugmansia x candida 'Grand Marnier' 75m Buddleja davidii 'Black Knight' Buddleja davidii 'Royal Red' Buddleja fallowiana 'Lochinch' Glossy Abelia white Sep-Feb $1.20 E V PS H SH3 Yellow Chinese Lantern yellow All Year $1.30 E X PS M SH3 Orange Tango Lantern flame orange All Year $1.30 E X PS M SH3 Yellow Waltz Lantern yellow All Year $1.30 E X PS M SH3 Dwarf Blue Agapanthus blue Dec-Mar $1.50 E Dwarf African Lily blue Dec-Mar $1.30 E Z PS M C2 CL Dwarf African Lily blue Dec-Mar $1.65 E V PS M C2 SH1 Dwarf Blue Aggie blue Dec-Mar $1.40 E V PS M C2 CL Giant African Lily purple Dec-Mar $1.95 E V PS M C2 CL Sweet Lili Hummingbird Mint deep pink Dec-May $1.30 E Pink Carpet Bugle Flower pink Oct-Dec $1.30 E V PS M GC Silver Carpet Bugle Flower blue Oct-Dec $1.30 E X PS M GC pink Jan-Apr $1.30 E Y PS L SH2 $1.35 E SH2 Susanna's Hardy Daisy white/yellow Nov-Apr Antirrhinum Trailing Pink pink PS L PS M SH3 $1.30 E O PS L GC mixed pastelsSep-Dec $0.90 E PS M R Japanese Coral Berry white Oct-Dec $1.40 E PAM GC White Daisy white All Year $1.30 E V PS M SH1 Slug,flea,mosquitoes repellant yellow Nov-Feb $1.35 E O PS M SH2 Variegated Mugwort yellow grey Dec-Feb $1.35 E X PS M SH3 Reinga Lily white $1.40 E V SS M C1 CL Mauve Blue Aster mauve blue Nov-Feb $1.20 E PS M R Blue Michaelmas Daisy blue Jan-Apr $1.30 E V PS M R Burnt Orange Angel's Trumpet orange Nov-Feb $3.00 E O PS S T1 Double White Angel's Trumpet white Nov-Feb $3.00 E O PS S T1 Frilly Pink Angel's Trumpet pink Nov-Feb $3.00 E O PS S T1 Peach Angel's Trumpet peach Nov-Feb $3.00 E O PS S T1 Black Butterfly Bush deep purple Nov-Jan SPECIAL Columbine Red Butterfly Bush SPECIAL Butterfly Bush Sep-Nov PS M C2 SH1 Oct-Dec $1.30 E Z PS M C2 SH3 red Nov-Jan $1.30 E V PS M C2 SH3 violet blue Nov-Jan $0.70 E PS L C2 SH3 (L) = Labels are supplied with tubestock at cost. PA PF PS R S SF SH = = = = = = = Part Sun Part to Filtered Sun Part to Full Sun Rockery Plant Frost Sensitive Shade to Filtered Sun Full Shade SH0 SH1 SH2 SH3 SC SU SS = = = = = = = Dwarf Shrub < 0.4m Small Shrub 0.4 - 0.8m Medium Shrub 0.8 -1.5m Large Shrub 1.5 - 3.0m Scrambler Full Sun Full Shade to Full Sun T1 T2 T3 V X Y Z = = = = = = = Small Tree Medium Tree Large Tree Pictorial Label Pictorial Label Pictorial Label Pictorial Label < 5.0m 5.0 - 15.0m > 15.0m - Various Printers - Larkman Nurseries - Macbird Floraprint - Norwood Labels Larkman Nurseries Pty Ltd June 2013 Plant Name (** incorrect synonym) 6 CommonName Flower Details Color Period $ Cultural Detai (refer legend) Exotic * Buddleja macrostachya 'Fansipan' 75m (L) Fragrant Butterfly Bush deep pink PS M SH3 Buxus microphylla 'Koreana' Buxus sempervirens Buxus sempervirens 'Suffruticosa' Canna x generalis 'Tropical Bronze Scarlet' * Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Lisaura' Cistus creticus 'Violetti' (L) Cistus ladanifer * Cistus x laxus 'Snow White' (L) Cistus x purpureus 'Alan Fradd' (L) Coprosma 'Evening Glow' Coprosma 'Pink Splendour' Coreopsis grandiflora 'Early Sunrise' Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam' Crassula perfoliata minor Cuphea ignea Cuphea x purpurea 'Firecracker' Datura 'Burnt Orange' ** Datura candida 'Frilly Pink' ** Datura Double White ** Datura versicolor 'Grand Marinier' ** Delphinium grandiflorum 'Guardian Lavender' Delphinium grandiflorum 'Guardian White' Dianthus 'Lionheart' (L) Dianthus 'Mars' Dianthus plumarius 'Rosea' Diascia cordata 'Whisper Cranberry Red' * Diascia cordata 'Whisper Pumpkin' Dietes iridioides * Doronicum orientale 'Magnificum' Duranta erecta Dymondia margaretae Echeveria affinis 'Chocolate' Echinacea purpurea Elaeagnus pungens 'Maculata' Elaeagnus x ebbingei 'Limelight' Epilobium canum 'Ed Carman' Erodium variabile 'Bishops Form' (L) Euonymus japonica 'Gold Thumb' Euonymus japonica 'Pierrolino' (L) Euryops chrysanthemoides Euryops pectinatus Fuchsia 'Candy Bells' Fuchsia 'Florabelle' Fuchsia regia NEW LINE Korean Box pale yellow Sep-Nov $1.35 E V PS H SH2 English Box pale yellow Sep-Nov $1.25 E V PS H SH3 Dutch Box pale yellow Sep-Nov $1.30 E V PS H SH1 Scarlet Bronze Canna scarlet Jan-Apr $2.25 E Y PS CL Hint of Gold deep blue Feb-May $1.30 E X PS M SH2 Violet Rock Rose violet Oct-Jan $1.30 E V SUM C2 SH2 $1.30 E V SUM C2 SH2 $2.00 E Gum Cistus white Oct-Jan Snow White Rock Rose white Oct-Jan $1.30 E X PS M C2 SH3 Cistus 'White Brilliancy' white Oct-Jan $1.30 E X SUM C2 SH2 SPECIAL Bronze Coprosma SPECIAL Colored Coprosma SPECIAL Golden Tickseed insignificant Aug-Oct $0.90 E Z PS M C2 SH3 insignificant Aug-Oct $0.90 E V PS M C1 SH3 SUM SH1 Tickseed pale yellow Oct-Mar yellow $1.30 E V SUM SH1 Propeller Plant red Dec-Mar $1.40 E Z SUL SH1 red All Year $0.70 E V PS M R scarlet All Year $1.30 E Y PS M R SPECIAL Small Cigar Plant Firecracker Cuphea refer: Sep-Nov $0.70 E Brugmansia x candida 'Burnt Orange' refer: Brugmansia x candida 'Frilly Pink' refer: Brugmansia x candida 'Double White' refer: Brugmansia x candida 'Grand Marnier' SPECIAL Lavender Larkspur SPECIAL White Larkspur lavender Nov-Feb $0.90 E PS M SH2 white Nov-Feb $0.90 E PS M SH2 Scented Pink pink+white Nov-Apr $1.40 E X SUL R Rock Pink crimson Nov-Feb $1.30 E V SUL R Pink Dianthus pink Nov-Feb $1.30 E Z SUL R Cranberry Red Diascia red Apr-Sep $1.30 E Y PS M GC Orange Diascia orange Sep-Dec $1.30 E Y PS M GC Wild Iris white Sep-Apr $1.20 E V SUM CL Leopard's Bane yellow May-Jun $1.30 E Z F M R Sky-Flower, Pigeon Berry blue All Year $1.30 E V SUM SH3 Silver Carpet yellow Sep-Nov $1.40 E Z PS L C2 GC Chocolate Echeveria orange Dec-Feb $1.95 E V SUM R Purple Echinacea purple Jan-Mar $1.30 E Z PS H SH2 SPECIAL Variegated Silverberry insignificant Mar-May $0.70 E PS M C2 SH3 Oleaster white Mar-May $1.35 E PS M C1 SH3 Red Hummingbird Flower red orange Dec-Feb $1.40 E PS M Large Pink Storksbill pink Nov-Mar $1.40 E X PS M C2 R Gold Thumb Box cream Nov-Jan $1.40 E X SUM SH1 Variegated Euonymus cream Nov-Jan $1.40 E X PS M SH2 Golden Daisy Bush yellow Sep-Feb $1.30 E V PS M SH2 Grey Euryops yellow Sep-Nov $1.30 E V SUM SH2 Miniature Fuchsia crimson All Year $1.30 E Z PF L SH3 Fucshia crimson All Year $1.30 E X PF L SH1 Climbing Fuchsia crimson Dec-Mar $1.50 E SC Coprosma 'Evening Glow' Fucshia florabelle Jul-Oct PF L Dianthus 'Lionheart' (L) = Labels are supplied with tubestock at cost. BD/BE C C1/C2 = = = CL CR D = = = Bulb - Decidious/Evergreen Climbing Shrub Frontline Coastal / Secondline Coastal Clumping Shrub Creeper Decidious, Non Australian E F FF G GC H IP = = = = = = = Exotic, Non Australian Filtered Sun Filtered to Full Sun Grass Ground Cover Heavy Frost Tolerant Indoor Plant SH L M N O ¶ * = = = = = = = Indoor Shrub Light Frost Tolerant Moderate Frost Tolerant Native Plant Pictorial Label - Other Printer Must purchase label Less than 250 plants in stock SH1 Larkman Nurseries Pty Ltd June 2013 7 Clive’s comments continued... Then there is the continually changing array of colours, form and scents as different plants come into flower, change foliage type or change colour before leaf drop. So yes, the constantly warm tropics do have some appeal when we are outside working in the cold but I would never trade it for the kaleidoscope of colours and scents that the four seasons bring. We all read and heard about the changes to Ford over the next four years, and our thoughts go out to those whose small businesses are in the supply chain. The media and the politicians are asking why, anyone who runs a small business can tell them. It is too damn expensive in this country. With penalty rates that mean a person doing the most basic of unskilled jobs is on a pro rata, annual salary of $70,000 plus super, plus work care. With power and water going up several times quicker than inflation and all other charges set by governments also rising at similar rates it is no wonder Ford is going off shore. I suspect many of us would too, if we could. This country must come into the real world and stop this continual upward spiral of wages, penalty rates and on costs. I doubt there would be many small businesses whose real profits have gone up at the same rate. The hospitality industry is petitioning for a review of penalty rates. We should be doing the same. At least they can close their doors on public holidays. Unfortunately our plants don’t see any difference between Tuesday and Sunday. Perhaps if they grew twice as fast on a public holiday it wouldn’t be so bad. We must tell our industry leaders and our politicians that we are also hurting from our current wage structure. June is here, shortest day is a couple of weeks away and then we are on our way to spring. Like all nursery operators, every year, we are expecting a bumper spring. Clive Larkman Forward Order Taking orders now for late Spring $1.30 Pittosporum tenuifolium 'James Stirling' Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Silver Sheen' Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Silver Song (F) = In Flower (B) = In Bud 70c Specials 90c Specials 90c Specials Westringia fruticosa 'Jervis Gem' Buddleja fallowiana 'Lochinch' Coreopsis grandiflora 'Early Sunrise' Cuphea ignea Elaeagnus pungens 'Maculata' Hardenbergia violaceae 'Alba' Plumbago auriculata 'Alba' Lavandula 'Munstead' (seed grown) Westringia fruticosa 'Zena' Aquilegia x cult. 'McKana Giants' Coprosma 'Evening Glow' Coprosma 'Pink Splendour' Delphinium 'Guardian Lavender' Delphinium 'Guardian White' Pelargonium graveolens 'Mint Rose' Pelargonium 'Rober's Lemon Rose' Verbena 'Aztec Plum Magic' Verbena 'Aztec White Magic' Verbena x hybrida 'Don. Pink Heart' Verbena 'Don. Twinkle Crimson' Verbena 'Donalena Twinkle Red' Larkman Nurseries Specials valid for delivery in June 2013 Note: Minimum specials order is one tray per variety. PA PF PS R S SF SH = = = = = = = Part Sun Part to Filtered Sun Part to Full Sun Rockery Plant Frost Sensitive Shade to Filtered Sun Full Shade SH0 SH1 SH2 SH3 SC SU SS = = = = = = = Dwarf Shrub < 0.4m Small Shrub 0.4 - 0.8m Medium Shrub 0.8 -1.5m Large Shrub 1.5 - 3.0m Scrambler Full Sun Full Shade to Full Sun T1 T2 T3 V X Y Z = = = = = = = Small Tree Medium Tree Large Tree Pictorial Label Pictorial Label Pictorial Label Pictorial Label < 5.0m 5.0 - 15.0m > 15.0m - Various Printers - Larkman Nurseries - Macbird Floraprint - Norwood Labels Larkman Nurseries Pty Ltd June 2013 Plant Name (** incorrect synonym) 8 CommonName Flower Details Color Period $ Cultural Detai (refer legend) Exotic * Gaura lindheimeri White Butterfly, The Bride Gaura lindheimeri 'Blaze' (L) Blaze Geranium 'Tanya Rendal' T/C (L) Deep Pink Cranesbill Geum chiloense 'Lady Stratheden' Yellow Chilean Aven Hebe buxifolia Hebe/Veronica Hebe/Veronica Hebe diosmifolia * Hebe 'Icing Sugar' Pale Hebe Hebe 'Lemon and Lime' Lemon & Lime Hebe Hebe macrocarpa (L) Summer Snow Hebe/Veronica Hebe 'Marie Antoinette' Hebe 'Red Edge' (L) Red Edged Hebe Hebe 'Wiri Cloud' Wiri Hebe * Hedera canariensis Canary Island Ivy Liquorice Plant Helichrysum petiolare 'Limelight' Helichrysum thianshanicum 'Icicles' Helichrysum Icicles * Heliotropium arborescens 'Royal Marine' Heliotrope, Cherry Pie * Helleborus x hybridus 'Pink Baron' (L) Pink Lenten Rose * Helleborus x hybridus 'Spotted Prince' (L) Spotted Lenten Rose * Helleborus x hybridus 'Spotted Princess' (L) Spotted Pink Lenten Rose Hydrangea chinensis 'Formosa' (L) Taiwanese Hydrangea Hydrangea lobbii Large Leaf Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla Hydrangea macrophylla 'Ayesha' Ayesha Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Blue Prince' Blue Prince Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bridal Bouquet' Bridal Hydrangea Pink Mauve Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Freudenstein' Hydrangea macrophylla 'Heinrich Seidel' Heinrich Seidel Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla 'Lacecap Blue' Blue Lacecap Hydrangea Hydrangea serrata 'Crug Cobalt' Dwarf Hydrangea Orris Root Iris 'Florentina' Lamium maculatum 'Pink Nancy' Pink Dead Nettle Ligustrum 'Tuscanny' ** refer: Ligustrum vulgare 'Buxifolium' Not for WA Ligustrum Tuscanny * Liriope hyacinthiflora ** refer: Lonicera nitida Box Leaf Honeysuckle Lophomyrtus x ralphii 'Red Dragon' Restricted -Tas/WA/SA Red Myrtle * Luculia gratissima 'Early Dawn' refer: Luma apiculata ** Marguerite single yellow ** refer: Marguerite 'White Small Double' ** refer: * Metrosideros excelsa (cutting grown) Restricted -Tas/WA/SA New Zealand Christmas Tree Metrosideros excelsa 'Moon Maiden' Restricted (L)-Tas/WA/SACream Christmas Bush Metrosideros vilosa 'Tahiti' (L)Restricted Tas/WA/SA Tahitian Christmas Bush Myrtus luma Restricted -Tas/WA/SA Myrtle Nandina domestica 'Nana' Dwarf Sacred Bamboo Hydrangea macrophylla 'Ayesha' BD/BE C C1/C2 = = = CL CR D = = = Bulb - Decidious/Evergreen Climbing Shrub Frontline Coastal / Secondline Coastal Clumping Shrub Creeper Decidious, Non Australian white Feb-May $1.25 E V PS M SH1 pink Feb-May $1.50 E SH2 pink+white Oct-Apr $2.25 E X PS M SC yellow Sep-Dec $1.30 E Z SUL SH1 white Aug-Jan $1.30 E V SUM C2 SH2 white Sep-Jan $1.30 E V SUM C2 SH2 pink+white Sep-Dec $1.30 E V SUM C2 SH2 pale mauve Sep-Dec $1.30 E Z PS L C2 SH1 white Sep-Mar $1.30 E X SUM C2 SH3 white+pink Sep-May $1.30 E V SUM C2 SH1 lilac Dec-Feb $1.30 E X PS M C2 SH1 pink Dec-Feb $1.30 E Z SUM C2 SH0 green grey Feb-Apr $1.30 E Z SS M cream Jan-Apr $1.30 E X SUM C2 SH2 yellow Nov-Jan $1.30 E PS M C2 SH1 purple Sep-Feb $1.30 E SUS SH1 pink Jul-Oct $1.95 E X PS H SH0 white/spotted Jul-Oct $1.95 E X PS H SH0 pink/spotted Jul-Oct $1.95 E X PS H SH0 white $1.65 E X PAM C2 SH2 = = = = = = = Exotic, Non Australian Filtered Sun Filtered to Full Sun Grass Ground Cover Heavy Frost Tolerant Indoor Plant Oct-Dec C yellow+whiteFeb-Mar $1.65 E pink Nov-Jan $1.35 D Y PF M C1 SH2 PAL C2 SH2 $1.50 D Y PF M C1 SH2 pink blue Nov-Jan blue Nov-Jan $1.50 D white Nov-Jan $1.50 D PF M C1 SH2 mauve pink Dec-Mar $1.85 D PF M C1 SH3 blue purple Dec-Mar $1.85 D Y PF M C1 SH3 blue Nov-Jan $1.50 D Z PF M C1 SH2 blue Dec-Mar $1.85 D SS M C1 SH2 white Sep-Nov $1.40 E PS M CL rosy pink Sep-Jan $1.30 E Z PF M GC PF M C1 SH2 Ligustrum vulgare 'Buxifolium' white Oct-Dec $1.30 E PS M SH2 Reineckia carnea cream Sep-Oct cream Dec-Feb $1.40 E X PS M SH3 pink Apr-Jun $1.85 E O F L $1.20 E V PS M C2 SH1 SH3 Myrtus luma Euryops chrysanthemoides Argyranthemum frutescens 'White Small Double' red Nov-Jan cream Nov-Dec $1.85 E V PS M C1 T2 red Oct-Mar $1.65 E X PS L C2 SH3 white Jan-Mar $1.20 E Z PS M C2 T1 insignificant All Year Hydrangea chinensis Hydrangea serrata 'Formosa' 'Crug Cobalt' (L) = Labels are supplied with tubestock at cost. E F FF G GC H IP PS M SH L M N O ¶ * $1.40 E V SUL C1 T3 $1.30 E V SS H Hydrangea lobbii = = = = = = = Indoor Shrub Light Frost Tolerant Moderate Frost Tolerant Native Plant Pictorial Label - Other Printer Must purchase label Less than 250 plants in stock SH2 Larkman Nurseries Pty Ltd June 2013 Plant Name (** incorrect synonym) 9 CommonName Flower Details Color Period $ Cultural Detai (refer legend) Exotic * Nemesia 'Aromatica Rose Pink' * Nepeta racemosa 'Walker's Low' Aromatica Rose Nemesia pink Walkers Low Catmint lavender blue Sep-Dec $1.30 E Z PS L GC Nepeta x faassenii 'Snowflake' Nepeta x faassenii 'Walker's Blue' * Nepeta x faassenii 'Walker's Low' ** Odontospermum maritinum ** Pallenis maritima (L) Parahebe catarractae 'Baby Blue' Pelargonium graveolens 'Mint Rose' Pelargonium 'Rober's Lemon Rose' * Penstemon 'Alice Hindley' Penstemon 'Evelyn' Penstemon 'Flamingo' Penstemon 'Garnet' * Penstemon heterophyllus 'Catherine de la Mare' Penstemon hirsutus 'Snowbells' Penstemon 'Midnight' Penstemon 'Peace' Penstemon 'Pennington Gem' Penstemon 'Pink Cloud' Penstemon 'Port Wine' Penstemon rubicundus Petrorhagia illrycia haynaldiana 'Pink Starlets' (L) Photinia x fraseri 'Camilvy' (L) Photinia x fraseri 'Red Robin' Phygelius aequalis 'Yellow Trumpet' Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Gold Star' Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Little Squirt' Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Tandara Gold' Platycladus orientalis 'Aurea Nana' * Platycodon 'Fuji White' Plectranthus hybrid 'Purple Angel' Pogonatherum paniceum (L) Prunus laurocerasus Prunus lusitanica * Reineckia carnea Rosmarinus officinalis 'Herb Cottage' Rosmarinus officinalis 'Huntingdon Carpet' Rosmarinus officinalis 'Majorca Pink' Rosmarinus officinalis 'Portugese Pink' Rosmarinus officinalis 'Roman Beauty' Rosmarinus officinalis 'Santa Barbara' Rosmarinus officinalis 'Wendy's White' Rudbeckia purpurea ** * Salvia 'African Sky' White Catmint white Sep-Dec $1.30 E PS L GC Blue Catmint blue Sep-Dec $1.30 E Z PS L GC refer: = = = = = = = Part Sun Part to Filtered Sun Part to Full Sun Rockery Plant Frost Sensitive Shade to Filtered Sun Full Shade SH0 SH1 SH2 SH3 SC SU SS refer: PS L R Pallenis maritima Gold Coin yellow Sep-Feb $1.30 E V PS M PSH Veronica blue Dec-Feb $1.30 E Z PS M SH1 SPECIAL Mint Rose Geranium SPECIAL Lemon Rose Geranium pink Sep-Dec $0.90 E O PS M SH3 lavender Oct-May $0.90 E O PS M SH2 Penstemon mauve Dec-Feb $1.30 E Z PS L SH2 Penstemon pink Oct-Feb $1.30 E Z PS M SH1 Deep Pink Penstemon deep pink Dec-Feb $1.30 E X PS L SH1 Red Penstemon red Dec-Feb $1.30 E V PS M SH2 Poets Penstemon blue purple Jan-Apr $1.30 E SH1 Snowbells purple+white Nov-Dec $1.30 E X PS L R Penstemon blue purple Dec-Feb $1.30 E Z PS L SH2 Penstemon white Dec-Feb $1.30 E PS L SH1 Penstemon clear pink Dec-Feb $1.30 E V PS M SH2 Penstemon pink Dec-Feb $1.30 E V PS M SH2 Port Wine Pesntemon purple Dec-Feb $1.30 E X PS L SH2 Penstemon Firestem red+white Dec-Feb $1.30 E X PS M SH2 Pink Starlets pink Oct-Feb $1.30 E X SUM SH1 Camilvy white Oct-Nov $1.50 E X SUM C2 T1 SUL Red Photinia white Oct-Nov $1.35 E V SUM C2 T1 Yellow Phygelius yellow Nov-Feb $1.25 E Z PS M Gold Star green yellow Sep-Dec SH2 $1.30 E V PS M C2 SH3 Dwarf Pitto black Oct-Dec $1.35 E X SUM SH2 'Tandara Gold' Pittosporum black Oct-Dec $1.30 E Z SUM T1 Book-leaf, Golden Biota cones $1.40 E V PS M SH2 Balloon Flower white Jan-Mar $1.30 E PS M SH1 Purple Cape Angel purple Mar-Sep $1.30 E Z PF M SH2 Bamboo Grass insignificant Cherry Laurel cream Portugese Laurel Hyacynth Grass $1.50 E X PF L G Sep-Oct $1.65 E V PS H T1 cream Sep-Oct $1.65 E Z PS H T1 pink Nov-Jan $1.50 E X PS M CL Oil Rosemary blue Jul-Sep $1.30 E X PS M C2 SH2 Carpet Rosemary light blue Jul-Sep $1.30 E X PS M C2 GC Pink Rosemary pink Aug-Oct $1.30 E X PS M C2 SH3 Portugese Pink Rosemary pink Aug-Oct $1.30 E X PF M C2 SH3 Compact Rosemary mauve blue Aug-Oct $1.30 E X PS M C2 PSH Carpeting Rosemary pale blue Jul-Sep $1.30 E X PS M C2 GC Upright White Rosemary white Aug-Oct $1.30 E X PS M C2 SH3 refer: Echinacea purpurea African Sky Sage = = = = = = = $1.30 E Nepeta racemosa 'Walker's Low' blue Dwarf Shrub < 0.4m Small Shrub 0.4 - 0.8m Medium Shrub 0.8 -1.5m Large Shrub 1.5 - 3.0m Scrambler Full Sun Full Shade to Full Sun T1 T2 T3 V X Y Z Sep-Apr $1.30 E Z SUM C1 SH2 Penstemon 'Midnight' Penstemon rubicundus Penstemon 'Port Wine' (L) = Labels are supplied with tubestock at cost. PA PF PS R S SF SH Aug-Jun = = = = = = = Small Tree Medium Tree Large Tree Pictorial Label Pictorial Label Pictorial Label Pictorial Label < 5.0m 5.0 - 15.0m > 15.0m - Various Printers - Larkman Nurseries - Macbird Floraprint - Norwood Labels Larkman Nurseries Pty Ltd June 2013 Plant Name (** incorrect synonym) 10 CommonName Flower Details Color Period $ Cultural Detai (refer legend) Exotic Salvia 'Anthony Parker' Anthony Parker Sage blue purple Mar-Jun $1.30 E X PS L SH3 * Salvia 'Black Knight' Black Sage deep purple Jan-May $1.30 E X PS M SH3 Salvia 'Blue Abyss' Salvia buchananii Salvia chiapensis Salvia discolor (L) Salvia greggii 'Crimson & Black' Salvia greggii 'Keegan' Salvia greggii 'Navajo Bright Red' Salvia greggii 'Navajo Pink' Salvia greggii 'Sierra Red' Salvia guaranitica 'Black and Blue' Salvia guaranitica 'Tequila Blue' Salvia 'Indigo Spires' Salvia involucrata 'Mulberry Jam' Salvia 'Josh' Salvia leucantha 'Velour Pink' Salvia leucantha 'Velour White' Salvia 'Magenta Magic' Salvia 'Meigan's Magic' TM Salvia mexicana 'Little Limelight' Salvia microphylla 'Baby Sage' Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips' Salvia microphylla 'Huntington' Salvia microphylla 'Sensation' * Salvia microphylla 'Snow White' Salvia muirii Salvia 'Phyllis' Fancy' Salvia 'Romantic Rose' Salvia 'Silke's Dream' Salvia uliginosa Salvia 'Waverley' Salvia x guaranitica 'Plum' Salvia x jamensis 'Desert Blaze' Salvia x jamensis 'La Luna' Salvia x jamensis 'Yellow' Saxifraga fortunei * Scabiosa atropurpurea 'Chile Black' Solidaster luteus * Sutera cordata 'Abunda Pink' Sutera cordata 'Calypso White' Sutera cordata 'Colossal Blue' * Sutera cordata 'Starlight' Symphyotrichum lateriflorum 'Prince' Blue Abyss Sage dark blue Oct-Jun $1.30 E Y PS M C2 SH3 Velvet Slipper cerise Oct-Mar $1.30 E X PS M Chiappan Sage cerise Sep-Apr $1.30 E V PS L SH1 Andean Black Sage black Jan-Apr $1.40 E X PS M SH2 Crimson and Black Sage crimson + blaDec-Feb $1.30 E X PS L SH1 Keegan's Sage salmon pink Nov-Feb $1.30 E PS L SH1 Bright Red Sage bright red Jan-May $1.50 E V PS M SH3 Navajo Pink Sage pink Nov-Apr $1.50 E V PS M SH1 Sierra Red Sage red Dec-Feb $1.30 E Black 'n' Blue Sage black + blue Jan-May PS L SH1 $1.30 E X PS M SH3 Tequila Sage blue purple Jan-May $1.30 E X PS M SH3 Indigo Sage indigo Sep-Nov $1.35 E V PS M SH2 Mulberry Sage bright pink Jan-Jun $1.30 E X PS M SH3 Josh's Sage red Jan-May $1.30 E PS M SH3 Pink Velvet Sage pink Feb-May $1.40 E O PS L SH3 White Velvet Sage white Feb-May $1.40 E O PS L SH3 Magenta Magic Sage magenta Feb-Oct $1.30 E SH2 Meigan's Sage Navy+white Nov-Jun $1.35 E X PS M C2 SH3 Sage Little Limelight green blue Nov-Jun $1.30 E PS M SH3 Dwarf Sage crimson Jan-May $1.30 E V PS M SH0 Bicolor Sage red+white Jan-May $1.30 E V PS M SH2 Red Mexican Sage red Jan-May $1.30 E Z PS M SH3 Pale Pink Sage soft pink Nov-Jan $1.30 E X PS M SH1 Snow White Sage white Jan-Apr $1.30 E SH2 Cape Sage blue+white Oct-May $1.30 E X SUL SH1 Phyllis' Fancy Sage Winter Lipstick Sage lavender blue Nov-Jun pink Jun-Sep $1.30 E X PS M $1.40 E PS L SH3 SH3 PS M SUL Silke's Sage coral Dec-Apr $1.30 E X PS M SH1 Bog Sage blue Mar-May $1.25 E Z PS M SH3 Waverley Sage pink+white Feb-Oct $1.30 E X PS M SH2 Purple Sage purple -marooJan-May $1.30 E PS M SH3 Variegated Red Sage red Nov-Jan $1.30 E X PS L SH2 Moon Sage pale yellow Nov-Jan $1.30 E X PS L SH1 Yellow James Sage lemon yellow Nov-Jan $1.35 E PS L SH1 Saxifrage white Sep-Dec $1.95 E PS M R Black Pincushion black-purple Dec-Feb $1.30 E PS M R Yellow Aster white $1.20 E PS M SH1 Bacopa Abunda Pink pale lavender All Year $1.40 E Y PS M GC Bacopa Calypso White white All Year $1.40 E Z PS M GC Bacopa Colossal Blue mauve blue All Year $1.40 E Y PS M GC white All Year $1.40 E GC cream Jan-Apr $1.30 E X PS M Prince Aster Nov-Feb PS M Sutera cordata 'Colossal Blue' Symphyotrichum lateriflorum 'Prince' (L) = Labels are supplied with tubestock at cost. BD/BE C C1/C2 = = = CL CR D = = = Bulb - Decidious/Evergreen Climbing Shrub Frontline Coastal / Secondline Coastal Clumping Shrub Creeper Decidious, Non Australian E F FF G GC H IP = = = = = = = SH2 Exotic, Non Australian Filtered Sun Filtered to Full Sun Grass Ground Cover Heavy Frost Tolerant Indoor Plant SH L M N O ¶ * = = = = = = = Indoor Shrub Light Frost Tolerant Moderate Frost Tolerant Native Plant Pictorial Label - Other Printer Must purchase label Less than 250 plants in stock R Larkman Nurseries Pty Ltd Plant Name (** incorrect synonym) June 2013 11 CommonName Flower Details Color Period $ Cultural Detai (refer legend) Exotic Symphyotrichum lateriflorum 'White' Tagetes lemmonii Tagetes lucida Teucrium fruticans Tricyrtis formosana 'Small Wonder' Tricyrtis lasiocarpa (L) Tricyrtis 'Lightning Strike' Tricyrtis 'Taipei Silk' (L) Verbena 'Aztec Plum Magic' Verbena 'Aztec White Magic' Verbena 'La France' Verbena x hybrida 'Donalena Pink Heart' Verbena x hybrida 'Donalena Twinkle Crimson' Verbena x hybrida 'Donalena Twinkle Red' Veronica 'Oxford Blue' ** Veronica umbrosa 'Georgia Blue' Viburnum x globosum 'Jermyn's Globe' (L) Small White Aster white Jan-Apr $1.30 E Mountain Marigold yellow Mar-Jul $1.30 E X SUM SH3 Spanish Tarragon yellow Apr-Jun $1.30 E O SUM SH3 Shrubby Germander mauve Sep-Feb $1.30 E Z SUL SH3 Spotted Mauve Toad Lily purple+white Mar-May $1.65 E PF H SH1 R Blue Toad Lily blue purple $1.65 E V PF H SH1 Streaked Toad Lily white+pink Mar-Apr $1.65 E PF H SH1 Arctic Toad Lily blue+white Mar-May $1.65 E Y PF H SH1 mauve Nov-Apr $0.90 E Y SUM GC mauve Nov-Apr $0.90 E Y SUM GC violet blue Dec-Mar $1.30 E V FF L SH1 pink Nov-Feb $0.90 E Y PS L SH1 crimson+pinkNov-Feb $0.90 E Y PS L SH1 red pink $0.90 E Y PS L SH1 SPECIAL Aztec Plum Verbena SPECIAL Aztec White Verbena Mauve Verbena SPECIAL Donalena Pink Verbena SPECIAL Twinkle Crimson Verbena SPECIAL Twinkle Red Verbena refer: Blue Veronica SPECIAL Jermyn's Viburnum Mar-Apr PS M Nov-Feb Veronica umbrosa 'Georgia Blue' blue Jul-Jan $1.30 E V PS L GC white May-Oct $0.90 E X PS M SH2 Available NOW! June 2013 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo