Zocchi Slides
Zocchi Slides
Single molecule sensors for DNA and proteins Giovanni Zocchi Dept. of Physics & Astronomy UCLA Nano-technology with soft molecules Signaling pathway in the cell Proteins are nanodevices Example: conformational change of the enzyme hexokinase: Turning the table: molecular deformation as a probe for binding Example: a DNA-binding protein (IHF) bending ds DNA Micro-mechanical method to monitor conformation: - make a single molecular contact flow - conformational motion of the contact is monitored through the displacement of the bead relative to the slide - force can be applied on the contact e.g. through a flow In practice … objective bead flow cell prism slide laser beam DNA hybridization detected from the conformational change of a single probe oligomer [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100, 7605 (2003)] bead ss DNA slide Hybridization of single 30 base-pairs oligonucleotide. Bead tethered by single probe. non-complementary complementary pump ON 18 17 length of tether (nm) pump OFF 16 15 14 13 12 0 5 10 15 time (min) 20 25 Mechanical detection of proteinDNA binding protein DNA IHF protein of E.coli involved in the integration of the viral DNA into the Bacterial DNA Single IHF molecule binding and falling off Two off - rates → two modes of binding Fig.2 32 28 h (nm) 10 24 off N 20 on 16 1 ∆ 12 75 76 77 t (min) 78 79 0 50 100 t (s) 150 200 Lifetime of bound state vs. DNA tension Lifetime (s) 1000 100 10 1 0 2 4 6 Tension (pN) 8 10 12 Sensors for single molecule studies or single biomolecules as sensors ? nano-device performs: • hybridization assay • protein-DNA binding assay New paradigm of molecular detection: exploits conformational change of the probe → single molecule sensitivity with unlabelled targets Giovanni Zocchi (“The Boss”) Jeungphill Hanne Graduate student Mukta Singh-Zocchi Assistant Research Physicist Awrasa Montrichok Undergraduate student Vassili Ivanov Graduate student Brian Choi picture ??? Yan Zeng Graduate student Sanhita Dixit Postdoctoral Fellow
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