salon - Artistic Way


salon - Artistic Way
26 November - 6 December, 2015
Opening on
26 November 2015 • 8:00 - 10:00pm • private reception 6:00 - 8:00pm
1313 Queen St. W., Toronto, ON, M6K 1L8
Gallery Hours: 1 - 6 pm Wednesday to Sunday
Curated by Marina, Natasa and Nebojsa Stojkovic
Aleksandar Janicijevic
Anja Karisik
Anna Klasnja
Anna Novic
Bojan Basaric
Bojan Vidovic
Bole Cirovic
Branko Miokovic
Bridgit Lanni
Budimir Dimitrijevic
Chad Gauthier
Corben Matsell-Savage
Dana Tosic
Dejan Dimitrijevic
Doug Van de Zande
Djuro Lubarda
Dragica Gadjanski - Didi
Goran Vukcevic
Dubravka Matic-Mandic
Gordana Brelih
Gordana Dosen
Grozdana Bukvic
Jan MacIntyre
Jeremy Kantor
Jesse Dobson
Maja Radanovic
Malinda Prud’homme
Marie Finkelstein
Marija Vilotijevic
Marina Stojkovic
Mila Vukosavljevic
Milan Vasic
Milica Popovic
Miroslav Nesic
Neda Laketic Soc
Nana Veljovic
Natasa Stojkovic
Nebojsa Neba Macos
Nebojsa Stojkovic
Ozrenko Mrkic
Paul Gomez
Robin Kachuck
Slobodan Macura
Slobodanka Boba Perkovic
Stanislav Plavcic
Susan Eckenwalder
Tom Norman
Tanja Stankic
Tilya Helfield
Veselin Vukasinovic
Vesna Milovanovic
Viktor V. Palys
Violeta Milovanovic
Vladan Ignjatovic
Vladimir Ostojic
Zorica Bogdanovic
Zvonimir Zupancic
The fall Art-Salon of 2015, organized by the artistic gallery and studio, The Artistic Way in Toronto, is marked by an attempt to
definitely remove regional borders of the origins of the participating artists and to highlight the importance of the artists’ singular
belonging to one region, to one ‘country,’ one ‘land.’ ‘She’ is, and it is – creative action.
In such a light, this exhibition of the Art-Salon will be remembered not only by the impressive number of participants, but also by
the presence of numerous young artists. Many, still active in a process of educating themselves how to express personal emotional
states of their spirit, are here equal to the lifelong experienced artists. With this, the borders based on personal experience have
been removed underlining that only the work of the artist matters here.
It’s a touching detail that, within the exhibition of the Art-Salon, homage has been paid to the work and creations of Miroslav Kica
Nesic, who passed away in between two exhibitions. He was a lifelong participant of The Art-Salon exhibition, participating every
year since its establishment. His work found its place in silent, mute conversations, as well as in those noisy and restless conversations,
through art interpreters, in the form of endless conversations when the work of contemporary world art is in question. The example of decisiveness of the visual charge on the world of this artist will remain memorable.
Radovan Gajic
Radovan is an art historian and a writer.
He is the author of numerous articles and
essays. He has published several books
of prose and poetry. He is a member of
the Writers Association of Serbia. He has
been awarded for his works. He lives and
works in Toronto. He breathes and dreams
in the language of Serbs.
Artists always charge into the world, with their open hearts and their arms spread wide, leaving to that world the expression of their own
judgements about it.They do so with immortal decisiveness - or perhaps with just with a blink - of the lasting impact of their art work.
As such, artists are always ready with vigorous decisiveness in their art executions to face the world regardless of the prejudices that
burden such a world. This is done by the participants of this 2015, fall Art-Salon exhibition.
To what degree the world is ready to accept the judgement of these artists remains to be seen.
We, the art lovers, welcome it.
By Radovan Gajic
(Edited by Ana Gajic)
For the artists the only means of survival, in any shape or form and in any place in the world, are their works of art - which means
they are bound to continue creating.
Some trees have been around for years and years. They’re the ones with deep crevices and circles, seasoned leaves and rough bark,
thick roots and long branches. They have been through the fall and the summer, the winter and the spring, and their impressive
growth has happened with the gradual passing of time.
The plants beside them aren’t as well established— at least comparatively. They’ve been around for maybe a year, possibly only
months, with a few seasons under their belts. Even though they don’t have time engraved in their bark or seasons etched into their
leaves, they do have one thing for sure— potential. Through their bodies they exclude the potential to grow, to live and to survive.
The Art Salon exhibit this year is kind of like a mix of trees in a wonderfully diverse forest.
Irina Vukosavic
Irina Vukosavic is a writer and Master of
Journalism student at Ryerson.
We have, on the one hand, seasoned artists who have years of experience under their belts. Some of their work dates back decades,
some of their exhibits span many countries and most of their achievements have left a mark on a wide variety of galleries.
On the other hand we have emerging artists who are just scratching the surface. They’re at the beginning of their careers, just about
ready to make dents and conquer the art world. Although they haven’t been around as long, they offer up a fresh perspective that’s
new, exciting and liberating.
Art Salon is an exhibit of diversity. Seasoned artists come together with emerging artists to create an environment of freshness—
fresh ideas, fresh paintings, and fresh discussions. It’s like the diverse forest of the art world. You’ve got the large trees and the plants
and when they come together they make for a beautiful, multilayered forest.
Portrait of the city
Mixed Media
100 x 70 cm
psychogeography, exploring urban language,
morphology and social integration is my
obsession. it is quite visible in all my work?
art rediscovered, renewed and reused, interventions that are extending heritage art
experiences. art that goes beyond one
discipline, art that will spread between cultures and political systems. that’s what
my goal. how far I am on that road, time
will tell…
in Perspective
pastel on board
16” x 17”
Anja Karisik
Anja was born in Sarajevo, Bosnia &
Hercegovina, in 1987. She graduated from
the University of Toronto in 2009 with an
Honours degree in Fine Art History. She
cultivated her artistic spirit alongside her
father, a respected high-realist painter,
who accepted her into his studio as an
apprentice. Anja selects ideas and motifs
from old masters while recognizing the
necessity of direct observation. When not
sharing her father’s working space, Anja is a
full-time employee of Loch Gallery, Toronto.
Work day
drawing on acrylic
40” x 90”
Anna Klasnja
Ana Rajkovic Klasnja enjoys nomadic
approach to the Arts. She finds significance
in rapid change of themes and media she
explores on her own, as well as in directing
collaborative projects for various museum
exhibitions at the intersection of science,
art and design.
Yin Yang
Acrylic on Canvas
36” x 48”
Anna Novic
Anna Novic started writing short stories at
a very early age of six while already reading
poetry and children’s literature for a local
radio station. With the time her passion
for writing and reading become stronger
and she decided to study world literature
before leaving her birthplace Sarajevo.
The next few years she spent traveling
and living in different European countries
before deciding to try to settle in big village
of Canada. Since then Anna mostly spends
her time in Toronto where she writes,
paints and plans her travelling.
While in Canada, she earned a second University degree, and a College Diploma, and
is always active in studying new subjects
and broadening her horizons.
Anna’s inspiration and energy are relentlessly stirred by her life experiences - travelling, living in other countries/continents,
some of them being India, Japan, Australia,
and Canada and all over Europe.
Anna is an avid student of worldwide
religions and loves visiting Buddhist and
Shinto temples, Churches, Mosques, Synagogues, as well as cemeteries of various
ages and different religions.
Bojan Basaric
My work is situated between traditional
landscape photography and abstract qualia,
imprinted by layered tints of the arid backcountry. Very little is revealed to me at the
start of the process. While I scout, walk, hike
and climb, images develop slowly on their
own accord moving towards completeness,
unity and closure. I often recall these words:
“Reality is not always probable, or likely. But
if you’re describing it, you have to make it
as plausible as you can, because if not, the
observer’s imagination will reject it.” - Jorge
Luis Borges
Lives and works in Toronto, Canada, where
his fascination with urban life provides the
inspiration for much of his photography. His
work illustrates a different side of city living,
with colorful storefronts and graffiti-covered
walls becoming the subject of vibrant, pop
art compositions. Outside of the city, he also
explores, the abstract, using natural formations to create intriguning photographs that
are rich in shape and tone.
Southwest 06
100 x 70 cm
Born in Belgrade, Boyan’s career spans over
20 years and his work is now part of the
permanent collection at the Museum of Photography in his native city.
Acrilyc on board
50cm x 70cm
Bojan Vidovic
Bojan Vidovic was born in the city of
Gorazde , Bosnia and Herzegovina. He
finished the Academy of Fine Arts in
Belgrade in 2012 in the class of Professor Snezana Nena Skoko and Dragan
Zdravkovic . He currently resides and
works as a freelance artist in Foca, Bosnia and Herzegovina. He had over twenty
group exhibitions , participated in many
art festivals in the country and the region
, as well as numerous competitions.
Bole Cirovic
“Life after Death”
hand tinted infrared photograph
Doug Van de Zande
“Are you ready.. for the Rapture?”
gelatin silver print
Tom Norman
sepia toned silver print
GROUP- “Ghosts”
Tom Norman
Doug Van de Zande
Bole Cirovic
ARTSPACE Group was formed in the late
80’s in Raleigh, North Carolina, by the trio of
“lively” photographers: Tom Norman, Doug
Van de Zande and Bole Cirovic. For several
years the group was active on the American
art scene, and their exhibition “Are you ready
…for the Rapture?” was heralded as “more
interesting than annual exhibition of American
photographers... for their use of people in their
photographs” by one of the art critics. The trio
was joined later by the National Geography
photographer Seny Norasingh. Their exhibition “Reviviscence” was chosen and honored as
an opening act for the revived Black Mountain
College in Ashville, North Carolina, an institution of American art which hosted in the 50’s
artists such as Robert Rauschenberg, John
Cale, Merce and Martha Cunningham, along
with many others.
The group was praised for their use and exploration of different artistic photo techniques.
Their individual art work was acknowledged
by many art critics in the USA, including those
from Art Journal, Washington Post, etc.
In the mid 90’s the group had dissolved, and
all the artists went their own ways in their art
work and their lives. The creative and manual
photo techniques used by the members of the
group are largely extinct today, being replaced
with photoshopped digital images. Fortunately,
no selfies of the group are available.
Hop in nitted wool
nitted wool
300cm x 68cm
Bozica Radjenovic
MFA Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of
Arts in Belgrade, 1991
Sculpture, drawing.
Radjenovic’s sculptures often reference the
human body, using material as a symbolic
language. Her previous bodies of work were
created mainly from wood, plaster, and,
sometimes, found objects such as shoes. As an
émigré artist to Canada, frequently travelling
to and exhibiting in her country of birth,
Serbia, she turned to soft sculpture that can
be carried in a suitcase. The wool speaks
ambiguously of a connection, a way back to
the point of origin, to childhood, and of the
instability of memory.
Radjenovic lives and works in Ottawa. She
was born and educated in Belgrade, Serbia
and moved to Canada in 1993, during the
civil war in former Yugoslavia. Radjenovic has
exhibited in many solo and group exhibitions,
most recently at The Ottawa School of Art
Gallery in Ottawa, Harbourfront Centre in
Toronto and Karsh Mason Gallery in Ottawa
and Cultural Centre in Belgrade, Serbia. Her
work can be seen in Museum of Modern Art
in Belgrade, City of Ottawa Fine Art Collection and various private collections in Canada
and Europe.
Branko Miokovic
I was born in country that does not exist. My
first piece of “art” is watercolour that dates
back to 1952 and still hangs in my home
today. Since then pencil and paper were always close at hand. After finishing my formal
education, I graduated from School of Architecture at the University of Belgrade, former
- Yugoslavia. Shortly after, on April 16, 1975 I
immigrated to Canada. I have had seven solo
exhibitions in Canada and participated in
over 60 group shows internationally.
Chirch Vodice in
oil on board
House in Mandjelos
oil on board,
Growth 1
Encaustic and Acrylic
on wooden panel.
Bridgit Lanni
Moving beyond rationalism, Bridgit Lannis’ work reflects subconscious beauties
though experimentation of materials and
process. A graduate of OCADU with a
major in Drawing and Painting, Bridgit
uses primarily encaustic and acrylic
mediums in her work. Various motifs are
explored through the use of automatism,
allowing the paint to cascade and move
freely on the surface. Splashes, drips,
strokes, and pours push the work closer
to the completion. Through her process,
limitations are overlooked and abstractions are formed. Beginning with frustration and confusion, her process first
drives as a form of release, unplanned
and uninhibited. Pursued by a sense of
clarity and expression of the creative
Garden of Eden,
print mixed media,
Budimir Dimitrijevic was born 1971. in
Belgrade, Serbia, where he graduated at
Faculty of Applied Arts and Design and
two years later he became Magistar of
Art, Department engraving with Profesor
mrs. Milica Vuckovic. Besides engravings
his occupation are also oil paintings and
graphic design. He was awarded several
prizes and acknowlegements for his work
and took part in 10and cca 80 collective
exibitions in Serbia and abroad. His work
can be found in museums and numerous
private collections all over the world.
He lives and works in Belgrade.
Oil on Linen,
stretched over a
wood panel
12” x 8”
Chad Gauthier
This body of work focuses on a series of
moments which are often not realized
until they are already over. These moments of vulnerability are fleeting, and
this series is an introspected attempt
to hold onto and immortalized them.
With the use of thin paint, high contrast
and haunting silhouettes, I attempt to
depict how fragile these moments can
be, to bring a focus to the figure and it’s
ambiguous surroundings. These nuances
are replacing the familiar with a more
comfortable disconnect from reality.
Oil on Linen,
stretched over a
wood panel
12” x 8”
Beauty and ugliness were concepts
that became very blurred in my work
throughout my time at OCADU. Painting
and drawing the figure in a manner that
was visually pleasing or believable was
not something that interested me, and
rather I sought to seek so called “beauty”
within imagery that appears overtly grotesque or slightly inaccessible. By doing
so I try to push my own perception of
beauty and hopefully others.
Self Portrait or
Something Like That
Oil on Panel
16”x 20”
A Stich in Time...
18” x 18”
Dana Tosic
Artist and art educator, Dana works across
print media, installation and digital media.
She holds a BFA from Queen’s University
and an MFA from the University of Calgary,
where she was selected to participate in the
Tim Mara Graduate Student Exchange in the
Printmaking Department at the Royal College
of Art, London, U.K. Her research interests
include embodied perception and memory, as
well as the application of digital technology
to traditional practices in printmaking, and
were presented at the Printopolis International Symposium in Printmaking in Toronto
(2010). Dana presently serves on the Board
of Directors at Open Studio in Toronto and
has been an active part of the Open Studio
printmaking community since first joining
in 2003. She has taught courses in printmaking and drawing at the University of British
Columbia Okanagan and the University of
Calgary. As an artist, she has participated
in exhibitions and artist residencies across
Canada and internationally. Her artwork is
available through Open Studio’s Print Sales
Programme, the Art Rental and Sales Gallery
at the Art Gallery of Ontario, and has been
most recently published in Printmaking Off
the Beaten Track by Richard Noyce (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2013).
photo-print on canvas
120 x 80 x 50cm
Born in 1968 in Pancevo. He graduated
from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade
in 1996, is actively involved in the art scene
since 1995, the vast cooperation with the
Contemporary Art Gallery Pancevo, Gallery
SKC Belgrade, Gallery of Golden Eye Novi
Sad and Workshops 301 Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade. Also close cooperation
with Misa Mladenovic in the nineties that
produced a pair of joint works. Winning
many awards and recognition. From 1999
moved to Montreal and 2000 in Toronto,
where I now live.
Acrylic on canvas
56 x 46 cm
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 50 cm”
Djuro Lubarda
Djuro Lubarda, was born 1942 in Beograd and
his lived in Grazede of Bosnia and Herzegovina
until the break out of the war in the former
Yugoslavia and in Herceg Novi in Montenegro.
He graduated from the P. Academy at Sarajevo
majoring in Fine Arts, and he studied the History
of Arts in Belgrade. Presently, he lives and works
in Hamilton, Ontario. He has exhibited both
independently and collectively in the former
Yugoslavia, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, the
United States, Israel, Austria, France, Russia and
Bulgaria in more than 130 exhibitions. Moreover, he has participated at several INSIEA
(International Society for Education through
Art - UNESCO congresses and his paintings
are presently in numerous galleries and private
collections throughout Eurcpe, North America
and Israel.
Acryil on canvas
42” x 48”
Gadjanski - Didi
Dragica (Didi) Gadjanski, honours graduate
of the Ontario College of Art and Design is an
active participant in the Toronto art scene for
the past 30 years with the Serbian Heritage
Acadamy, Toronto Watercolour Society, the
Don Valley Art Club and the Arts and Letters
Club and in private art galleries.
She is in great demand as a leader of workshops for various arts organizations and
corporations, with emphasis on experimentation and creativity.
Having traveled and experienced the people,
places and music of many distant cultures,
Didi is a keen observer as well as interpreter
of these influences in her art. Evoking these
experiences, her artistic expression has
grown into a distinct language woven on to
a surface of textural effects and harmonious
colour palette. D.D. Gadjanski paintings are
in corporate and private collections across
Canada and worldwide. She participated
in over one hundred group and solo exhibitions. She lives and works in Richmond Hill,
Ontario, Canada.
Moonlit 1
mixed media,
9”x 12”,
Moonlit 2
kombinovana tehnika,
9”x 12”,
Dubravka Mandic
Dubravka Matich-Mandich graduated and
received her M.A. from Sarajevo Academy
of Fine Arts, Department of Sculpture.
Since 1985, she has been exhibiting in
numerous solo and group exhibitions. Her
work is part of private collections as well as
of various art museum permanent collections, such as National Art Gallery of Bosnia
and Hercegovina in Sarajevo, Museum of
Contemporary Art in Sarajevo, Gallery of
Murska Sobota, Slovenia and National Art
Museum at Cetinje, Montenegro.
Moonlit 3
kombinovana tehnika,
9”x 12”,
On the picnic
Majolica glaze is wast cobalt
35cm x 20cm
Goran Vukcevic
was born on August 30, 1953 in Niksic,
Montenegro. He graduated from the
Faculty of Applied Arts, department
of ceramics, in the class of Proffessor
Mirjana Isakovic in Belgrade, Serbia. In
1979, Goran had students exhibition Gallery Cvijeta Zuzoric in Belgrade. In
1982 Goran came to Toronto, Canada. In
1985 he had a very successful exhibition
in Kamimura Gallery in Yorkville. Goran
settled back to Montenegro, Herceg Novi
in 1989. In 1990 he had one man show
at Spinaker Gallery. In 1991, Goran took
part in the International Ceramics Festival, “Marble and Sounds”, held in the
Museum Gallery in Arandjelovac, Serbia.
1993 Individual exhibition in Aleksandar
Prijic Gallery during the Mimosa Festival
in Herceg Novi. 1995 Individual exhibition in “Sue Rider Gallery in Herceg
Novi. 1997 Individual exhibition in
Kolarac Gallery, Belgrade, Serbia. From
2000 - 2015, regularly exhibits at State
Gallery in Herceg Novi. Presently he has
been invited as a visiting Proffessor of
ceramics Sicily, Italy.
Gordana Brelih
Gordana Brelih studied at the Academy of
Applied Art and Design in Belgrade. Following
a successful carrier in fashion design, Gordana
discovered quilting in 2001. After receiving
strong grounding in traditional quilting she began experimenting with different techniques. As
a result she received multiple prestigious awards.
--Gordana Brelih je zavrsila Akademiju Primenjenih Umetnosti i Dizajn u Beogradu. Po
zavrsetku uspesne karijere modnog kreatora
Gordana je otkrila pacvork in 2001. Posle
usavrsavanja u tradicionalnom pacvorku ona je
pocela da eksperimentise u razlicitim tehnikama.
Gordana je primila nekoliko prestiznih nagrada
My Mother
Free motion stitching, hand stitching, painted,
stitched and burned Tyvek, eco dyed silk...
H38” W27”
Gordana Dosen
An artist at heart, the rest is illusion!
Raised and schooled in Belgrade. Graduated at
The University of Technology, Textile engineering
I was always very much into art, trying to express
myself through different media. My first works
were from the High school years but I was never
really brave enough to fully submit myself to art.
Still enjoying very much the process and never
really satisfied with final results.
Red Window
print on plexiglass
12” x 16”
Red Clay
Red Clay
Red Clay
Grozdana Bukvic
Graduated in University of Fine Art - department of Sculpture in Sarayevo. She
has participated in the most important
selected exhibitions of former Yugoslavia as
Panchevo, Biennial of Yugoslav Sculpture,
Yugoslav Documents, The Yugoslav Portrait
Arts, Yugoslav Biennial of Small Plastic,
and Colour and Form Society, Etobicoke,
(Best Sculpture Award,2006) Ontario Artists
Exibition , Toronto, Birmingham Galery,
etc. Her high fired terra cottae sculptures
incorporate simple forms, plentiful textures
and a touch of colours.
Jan MacIntyre
I am a painter who lives and works in Toronto and Georgian Bay. I have exhibited
in Toronto and Lafontaine.
Landscape painting allows me to explore
the use of light and colour connected
with the different seasons. After working with watercolours for six years, I
switched to oil which has loosened my
approach to painting. I am inspired by
the Group of Seven.
Photographing and capturing landscape
on canvas is a passion. The photograph
takes a moment , while the painting allows me to experience that moment over
time. This process is reflected in the
finished painting.
Proceeds from any sale of my work will
go to the Moosonee Puppy Rescue, based
out of Bracebridge.
Waterscape 1
Oil on Canvas
12” X 9”
Waterscape 2
Oil on Canvas
12” X 9”
Oil on panel
16” x 20”
Jeremy Kantor
Having studied the many variants of the
visual language through education and
self-directed studies, Jeremy Tremayne
Kantor now specializes in the practices of
the old masters dating from the Renaissance up to the academic structure of
19th century French ateliers. Along
with his creation and own development,
Jeremy instructs private lessons as well as
figurative drawing and the studio curriculum at The Academy of Realist Art
Toronto. With a main focus in figurative
work, still life, and portraiture Jeremy
strives to continue to master his craft
and technical ability for the precision of
expression and longevity of his works of
art. In a world of conceptual work, he
plans to make a statement in the aid of
the resurgence of classical art.
Bound 2
Charcoal and Acrylic
on Wood Board
20” x 16”
Jesse Dobson
Jesse Dobson is a recently graduated
emerging artist whose work focuses
on the contemporary figure. Jesse attended OCAD University, and received
a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Art with a
specialization in Drawing and Painting.
Her work explores the malleable nature
of flesh, the tension that exists between
traditional notions of physical beauty and
ugliness, and the anxiety that transpires
when the two collide.
36” x 25”
Maja Radanovic
I use art to turn reality into narratives, social
issues into fairy land, wishes into naive possibilities. Intrigued by different social values,
historical heritage or stereotypes I like
researching and reacting on different local
or global issues.
Malinda Prud’homme is a Toronto based
Mixed Media & Portrait Artist working
from her cozy studio on the cusp of Parkdale and the Art & Design District. Her
greatest passion is expressing that ALL
women are beautiful regardless of age,
size, ethnicity, or personal style. With this
message in mind she depicts accurate
portraits of a variety of Canadian women
in an attempt to not only celebrate their
facial features but their spirit as well.
True Beauty - ‘Tia Brada’
Acrylic and Oil Paint on Canvas
16” x 16”
Shower Man 8
Oil on canvas,
36” x 48”
Shower Man 8
Oil on canvas
36 x 48 in.
Marie Finkelstein
I am a Toronto painter who works primarily
in oil on canvas. I have exhibited in solo
and group shows in Toronto and Ottawa,
and was a finalist in the 2005 Kingston Portrait prize Competition. In 2009, I appeared
as one of the selected artists on the Bravo!
television series, Star Portraits. I completed
a major commission of four paintings for the
permanent collection on display at Osgoode
Hall Law School, York University, Toronto,
in 2011. I studied art in Montreal where I
was born and raised, and in Banff, Boston
and Toronto.
plastics and
colored sand
59cm x 66cm
Maria Vilotijevic
Maria Vilotijevic was born and educated in
Belgrade, Serbia.
She graduated the Academy of Fine Arts in
Belgrade in 1996.
After graduation she settled in Toronto,
Canada. Currently, she works as an art
instructor and freelance artist in Toronto.
Old subject matter,
my new light
Oil on Canvas
48” x 36”
Marina Stojkovic
BFA in drawing and painting, OCADU,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Born in Serbia and raised in Toronto my
upbringing was always in between the
roots of where ones home really resides.
Finding solace in my passion for the creative
became apart of my life at a very young
age. Art was the sole driving force for my
expression, the way I saw human connection and the broadening of ones’ eyes to
the world. My main objective as an artist
is to create work that speaks. Language is
beyond the words and alphabet, beyond
where you are from. Art speaks, if I touch
even one person with my creations I know
I have done something right.
oil on canvas
4’ x 5’
Mila Vukosavljevic
Mila Vukosavljevic is an art student and
painter in Toronto. She is currently in her
final year of Painting and Drawing studies
at OCAD U.
Her most recent paintings discuss a state of
vacancy, presenting an isolated subject
in a theatrical realm. Her work primarily
expresses the mood of the subject in a
psychologically and emotionally tense
space. Mila had her first experience in curation when she worked for the Norman Felix
Gallery in Toronto in 2013. She also organized “Artists for Boston”, a charitable art
auction with all proceeds going towards the
victims of the Boston bombings and, as the
leading artist in the“Building Hope” charity
for Balkan flood relief, she was responsible
for contacting Toronto artists and collecting
art work donations. Mila has most recently
had work exhibited in OCAD U’s Anniversary Gallery as well as Art Toronto 2015.
Milan Vasic
B.A. in Applies Arts and Design,
Major in Product Design. Live and
work in Toronto.
In his free time he enjoys roasting
Van Gogh
kombinovna tehnika
18” x 24”
Moma Lisa
kombinovna tehnika
18” x 24”
Cas Anatomije
kombinovna tehnika –
18” x 24”
Boy in a Sweater
Charcoal and
Pencil on Paper
50 x 35 cm
Milica Popovic
Milica Popovic born in Kraljevo,
Serbia November 6, 1995. She is currently
student at the University of Fine Art in
Belgrade, Serbia. Her artistic style stems
from the inspiration she draws from her
surroundings. She previously showcased
her work in Belgrade.
The Dimensions
(Private Colection)
Acrylic on canvas
20” x 28”
(private collection)
Miroslav Nesic
In memoriam: Miroslav Nesic, 1945.-2015.
Spanning over 45 years with more than 100
national and international exhibitions, the
work of Miroslav Nesic is constantly
transforming. Recognized in the early years
in Europe as a surrealist of the Yugoslav
school, he established himself in Canada as
an expressionistic figurative painter of great
dynamism and power. The relationship
between man and his environment, his
place in society and communication with
others are constant themes of his work.
The tension between the mathematical,
technological world and the organic world
of nature is the artist’s way to warn, alert
and make us think.
Neda Laketic Soc
Born in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, graduated
from the Academy for Fine Art, University of Sarajevo in the Prof. Alija Kucukalic and Prof. Kosta Angelo Radovani
class, holds Master Degree in Sculpture.
She exhibited her art in Paris-France,
Toronto, Belgrade and other major cities
in Yugoslavia.
Artist statement
My art is mirror of my thoughts, recorded
diary of the world I live in. Earth is our
home. We should take care of Nature and
Respect Life. We cannot eat money.
My art is celebration of life, pure presentation of soul and mind.
With my irrational artistic brain I think
we are part of alien life, in this majestic
universe, ruled by forces of nature.
Fantastic Animals With
a Imaginary Twist
Ink drawing print
Nana Veljovic
I received European education and
classical training in drawing and painting at School of Art and Technology
(college level), ``Djordje Krstic`` in Nis
(prof.Momcilo Mitic), Serbia, B.A,M.A in
Painting and Costume Design (83/1988)
from University of Fine Art& Design in
Belgrade, Serbia, as well Bachelor of Arts
Honor studio Program (1995/1997) from
Bishop’s University (prof.David Sorensen
and prof. Harlan Johnson), Lennoxville,
Quebec, Canada
My exploring on the ground of visual arts
continues through the parallel work as
painter and costume designer until Octobar 1993. when I moved to Canada. From
that time onward, my artistic expression
become essentially focus on painting.
An artist`s journey
Oil on canvas
My work has been featured in many
groups as well as one-artist shows at museums and galleries, including the Musée
de Beaux-Art in Sherbrook, Quebec;
Musée du Seminaire in Sherbrooke QC;
Horace gallery, Sherbrooke QC; Creatio
Artist center , Magog QC etc.
Journey Out There
Acrylic on canvas
32” x 32”
Nebojsa Neba Macos
Nebojsa Neba Macos, born in Serbia, Kikinda
1963. Participated in more then 200 group
and 6 solo egzibitions. Nebojsa was one of
the of “Zis” art colony founders in Kikinda,
Serbia. Throughout his career, he was the
recepient of many awards, and in 2007 the
winner of the Toronto Artist Inspiration ( 1st
place). He was a member of VAO and Canvas
Gallery for many years. Presently, Nebojsa
lives and works in Toronto.
Stairway to Heaven
Mixed Media Sculpture
12” x 24”
Natasa Stojkovic
I hold a B.F.A. from the Academy of Applied
Arts and Design in Belgrade, Serbia.
To take a journey in Art is to follow a path
that will last you a lifetime. By using clay
as my main medium I find myself borrowing the life force of the Earth and using it
to make my work immortal. Clay is the soil
beneath our feet that hold things together
and brings things to life. In that very way
I use clay to bring my artwork to life. My
sculptural concepts are based on a very
personal narrative, always revealing a story
behind the object. Earth tones are crucial
to uniting aspects of my work, utilizing
additional media such as wood, leather, and
coiled metals to express and enhance the
forms. My ideas stem from the innate qualities of the materials that I use to express my
sculptures. The tentative work, the details,
the fate of how the work will emerge after
the firing process, creates the journey I go
on with every new concept.
Sculpture Drawing on
30cm x 20cm x 20cm
Sculpture Drawing on Ceramic
30cm x 20cm x 20cm
Nebojsa Stojkovic
My academic education includes a B.F.A.
and an M.F.A. from the Academy of Applied
Arts and Design in Belgrade, Serbia.
From an early age I have had a great passion
to create and express myself. I have always
found visual art and music as my favorite
form to communicate with the world.
As an artist, on one hand I strip reality to its
core, and on the other I create its superstructure by supplementing the already
observed with my own emotions and
sentiments. I feel a strong need to penetrate
deeper and explore my own intimacy, my
own worlds, which I describe in the
language of symbols and characters.
Material and media that I use for my
expression are carefully chosen. I find very
important to use different media to express
myself, traditional and new digital. I use
clay, glass, silver clay and digital media like
i-phone or i-pad brushes for my paintings,
drawings, and sculptures. I like to express
myself creating music, animated moves.
I attempt to inspire growth in my students
by giving them tools to take into other art
disciplines and into other domains of
their life. Among these tools are a sense
of curiosity, non-judgmental attitude, and a
thirst for knowledge. This is integral part
of my artistic practice.
Ozrenko Mrkic
As an artist, I act a messenger who releases what
is submerged and overlooked onto the canvas.
My work is personal; each piece represents an
individual thought and experience I have drawn
from my own sense of spirituality and culture. It
is a subconscious journey between my body, my
soul and surrounding energy. FOR DREAMS
B.A. of Fine Arts 1980-1985 Academy of Fine Arts,
University of Sarajevo . Until now, I organized more
than 20 “one-man” art shows and participated in
numerous group art shows. My artwork can be
seen in numerous private collections throughout
Europe, United States, Australia and Canada.
And Then There Were None
Oil on canvas,
36” X 24”, 2015
Together we can take away the time and the space
Oil on canvas,
36” x 24”, 2015,
Oil on canvase
20” x 30”
Paul Gomez
Paul Guzman (b.1985, Winnipeg,
Manitoba) is an emerging artist, working
predominantly in oil
painting. He received a BSc degree from
le Collège universitaire de Saint-Boniface
in Winnipeg (2008) as
well as a BFA degree from the Ontario
College of Art & Design University in
Toronto (2014). He has
exhibited at galleries throughout Toronto
including Walnut Contemporary, Gallery
1313, Project Gallery,
the Gladstone and Propeller. Paul currently lives and works in Toronto.
Oil on canvas
24” x 30”
Robin Kachuck
Robin has been doing art most of her
life. She acquired her academic training studying Fine Arts part time at the
University of Toronto, painting at the
University of Syracuse in Florence ,
printmaking at Bezallel Art School in
Israel and drawing and sculpture at the
Banff School of Fine Arts.
She has a MA in Communications Design from the Pratt Institute in NY and
has recently formed BrandBear Strategy
+ Design, a graphic design agency that
specializes in marketing communications
and package design.
Her most recent oil paintings focus
on telling stories . She paints everyday
scenes with a touch of surprise - allowing
the viewer to interpret her paintings as
they wish. She represents the contrasts
of life in her painting technique and
subject matter
combining realism with abstraction, clarity with ambiguity.
oil on canvas
40” x 60”
Slobodan Macura
There is something in “here” and “out
there” that connects one thing with
everything else in the universe. There is
no inside or outside, there is only vibration of the same energy in the process of
Artwork is a need to go one-step beyond
our own self. That means we are not hiding from life, but accepting all the challenges, and by shaping the soul of the
universe we are creating the world as we
create our own selves. Slobodan Macura
Sailing away
Oil on a wooden tile
56 x 19 cm
Boba Perkovic
Slobodanka Boba Perković was born
in 1967. in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She graduated from School of
Applied Art, and then from the Academy
of Fine Arts in Sarajevo. She spent seven
years in Rome working as decorative
painter and providing fine art restoration,
repair & conservation services as well.
She lives and works in Novi Sad, Serbia.
She also participated in multiple group
exhibitions in Serbia and surrounding
Solo exhibitions:
2011. “Small format exhibition”, Mali
likovni salon, Novi Sad
2012. “Colors”, Institut français Novi Sad
2014. “See of love”, Centar za vizuelnu
kulturu, Novi Sad
Inner Delta
Acrylic on wood panel
4’ x 5”
Stanislav Plavcic
Stanislav Plavcic was born in Zenica,
Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1973. Plavcic,
working in multiple disciplines, is best
known for his acrylic on board and
digital works. He studied at both the
Technical High School in Busovaca,
Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Faculty
of Journalism at the University of Zagreb,
Croatia. Arriving in Canada in 1998,
he took graphic design studies at the
Toronto Film School and fine art studies at
the Faculty of Visual Arts at the University of Western Ontario. A prolific painter,
his work is currently in many private
collections throughout Ontario. Plavcic
currently resides and works in Toronto,
Susan Eckenwalder
After many years in the visual arts working three dimensionally with clay and
bronze, Susan Eckenwalder turned to
painting fairly recently. Her teaching at
Sheridan College and elsewhere ironically prepared her for the life of a student at
Neilson Park Creative Centre. There she
immersed herself in classes and independent studies, often working in the studio
longer hours than she did earning her
MFA degree.
She approaches painting whether in
gouache, watercolour, or acrylic as an
explorer, testing limits, risking failure,
and sometimes breaking what for her at
least is new personal ground. The scientist in her delights in the materials and
methods. Her inner editor knows that art
is inherently a percentages game. You win
a few, you paint a lot.
20” x 28”
Studija 1 & 2
Mixed media
10” X 10”
Tanja Stankic
One never knows what the torrent of life
might teach them. I have learned that the
real purpose of life is... Having uncovered
this principle I am ever grateful.
David Mitchell
Oil on Canvase
(15” x 30”)
Tilya Gallay Helfield
Tilya Gallay Helfield was born and raised in
Ottawa and lived for many years in Montreal,
where she wrote a weekly humorous column
for The Sunday Express and The Suburban.
She now resides in Toronto. Her short stories
and essays have appeared in TV Guide, The
Fiddlehead, Viewpoints, Monday Morning,
Winners’ Circle Seven 2000, and Living
Legacies III, as well as online ( 2008). Her story “Stars,”
published online (http://www.carte-blanche.
org November 2009), was re-printed by Nelson Education Ltd. in Canadian Content, 7e
and Maple Collection 2011. “Blink,” published
in OASIS Journal 2010, won Best Non-fiction
award; “Judgment” appeared in OASIS
Journal 2011, “Digging” in OASIS Journal
2012; “The Bicycle” won First Runner-up in
the Best Non-fiction Contest, OASIS Journal
2013. She read her story “Sweet Adeline” on
The Sunday Edition, CBC Radio One, Feb 26,
2012. Her collection of short stories, Metaphors for Love, will be published by Imago
Press this year . She is also a multi-media artist who has participated in 16 solo and more
than 130 juried group exhibitions in Canada,
the U.S., Spain, Brazil, Japan and Korea, and
has won several awards. Her work can be
found in 27 public collections, and in private
collections in Canada, the U.S. and Europe.
Door II
Mixed Media
34 x 43 cm
Veselin Vukašinović
Approach to the architecture, as a single
motive in his art, is as a metaphor for
civilization. Past is experienced as a
aesthetic phenomenon, and city as a twodimensional canvas of the street facade.
Successive printing [principe – digital,
intaglio deep printing, digital) he is developing vivid visual structure of monochrome and full colour details. Printing
on a collage of various papers is adding
to the tactile richness of the artwork.
He participated in more than 150 group
shows in Serbia and abroad. Winner of
many awards
Black and Orange
Wool Scarf - Nuno felting
Vesna Milovanovic
Born and raised in Belgrade, now living
in Toronto, I’ve been sewing, crafting, and
making jewelry for as long as I can remember. Daughter of two creative individuals, I
guess it was my destiny... I’m easily inspired
and am constantly toying with new design
ideas and craft techniques - just wish there
were more hours in the day! Alongside my
jewelry, I’ve been felting and experimenting
with mixed media over the last three years.
The Farewell II
Oil on canvas
30” x 36”
Viktor V. Palys
Graduate of Kaunas University of
Technology, Master of Architecture.
Graduate of Vilnius Art Academy,
Master of Fine Art.
Numerous solo and group exhibitions in
Europe and both Americas.
Designed over 30 public buildings in
Being an artist is an exciting and often
overwhelming life-long battle with life’s
little mundanities.
It’s a blissful curse for the privileged few; a
much needed recovery from the overload.
This can most effectively be achieved by
removing oneself from an overcrowded
mental space, away from daily distractions,
in a tranquil environment of mystery that
allows the imagination to wander.
Making time to let your mind wander is time
well invested!
“Take a pinch of keyhole
And fold yourself up
You cut along a dotted line
Meh Eh
Mixed Media
Sunny Side Up
Mixed Media
We Are All Mad Here
Mixed Media
You think inside out
And you’re invisible”
Vladan Ignjatovic
Born in Nis, Serbia in 1955, Vladan Ignatovic
studied Arts Summer Academies (Fine Art at
University workshops) in Belgrade.
Arriving in Toronto in 1993, he has continuously participated in a number of art shows
with his own figurative paintings, abstracts
and cityscapes.
Port Credit Marina I
Water Colour
25” x 13”
Lucid Dreaming
Mixed Media
36” x 48”
Vladimir Ostojic
was born in Sarajevo in 1958. He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts at
the University of Sarajevo in 1981. He
first taught the history of the antique
and modern art, as well as drawing and
painting and then started working as a
freelance artist and graphic designer.
Since 1995 he lives and works in Quebec
City, Canada. For Vladimir it is important
to continually experiment with different
materials and mediums in order to keep
learning and pushing his art further. Not
all of his works are abstract, but they are
always an abstraction of what he experiences. With each piece he makes Vladimir tries to push his limits and allow for
new possibilities in unexplored places of
his mind. Uncovering these hidden possibilities is probably the main stimulus
for his work.
Zorica Bogdanovic
The Art for Zoka is a key to understanding
of her own being.Various creative techniques take part in her visual art expression.
She is born in Belgrade 1960 where she
lived until 1989 when she moved to Toronto .
The artist participate in numerous collective
exibitions. She is a member of Don Vally Art
Club -Toronto
Ari Sunny Day
Acrylic on Canvas
48”x 36”
Lands End
Forillon 2015
Fine art archival
Giclee K3 print
30” X 40”
Zvonimir Zupancic
Zvonimir Zupancic has been a professional photographer and visual artist for
more than twenty five years.He participated in numerous solo and group art
shows in fifteen countries.Although, very
skilled and experienced in various types
of traditional photography, he chooses
unconventional , experimental approach
and exploratory methods in the process
of creating his art work
--Zvonimir Zupancic je profesionalni
fotograf vise od dvadeset pet godina. Clan
UPIDIV-a od 1990. godine.Ucestvovao na
mnogobrojnim solo i grupnim izlozbama
u petnaest zemalja.U YU je ostvario status
samostalnog umetnika fotografije, Osvojio kup Jugoslovenske fotografije.
In memoriam: Nikola Ajdacic, 1946.-2013.
Nikola Ajdacic &
Nebojsa Stojkovic
At the opening of the first renewed
Art-salon exhibition
The origins of the Art-salon
“In the late 80s, in Toronto, The Association of Graduate Students of the University of Belgrade – “Singidunum” was established. In the early 90s, two of its members, young
at the time, Duska and Rade Stojisin, accompanied by a few of their friends, came to me with the idea that “Singidunum” should organize the exhibition of our artists
who live in Toronto. So the Art-salon was born with its spontaneous name. From the beginning, participation at the exhibition was not conditioned by the membership in
the Singidunum nor by the artists’ belonging to the Serbian community. We had participants from Canada as well as from all parts of ex-Yugoslavia and even from Kurdistan.
Before mentioning the organizers I must underline that without the artists there would never have been an Art-salon. Also, let me underline that organizing the Art-salon was
a collective endeavour of many and I feel obligated to mention their names with a possibility to forget someone, for which I humbly apologize in advance. Besides the already
mentioned, the organizers of Art-salon were: the late Đorđe Đorđević, Bisa Šćekić, Zorica Žeravčić, Emil Grahovac, Radovan Gajić, Milan Šćekić, Danica Dimitrijević, Anka i
Branko Mioković, Aleksandar Petričić, Sandra Gajić, Mira Ninković.”
Words by Nikola Ajdacic, the first president of Singidunum, at the opening of the first renewed Art-salon exhibition,
at the General Consulate of the Republic of Serbia in Toronto, from NOVINE, issue 1349, Toronto, February 15, 2014,
Special thanks to all artists and sponzors
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