FINITE STATE MACHINES (FSM) DESCRIPTION IN VHDL Cristian Sisterna UNSJ FSM Review 2 A sequential circuit that is implemented in a fixed number of possible states is called a Finite State Machine (FSM). Finite state machines are critical for realizing the control and decision-making logic in a digital system. Finite state machines have become an integral part of the system design. VHDL has no formal format for modeling finite state machines. FSM - DSDA To model a finite state machine in VHDL certain guidelines must be followed. Cristian Sisterna FSM Example 3 Realizar la descripción en VHDL de un receptor y transmisor serie tipo RS-232. El dato recibido y el dato a transmitir debe tener el siguiente formato: 1 bit de start 8 bits de datos Paridad programable: paridad/no paridad, par/impar 1 bit de stop Frecuencia de transmisión por defecto es de 9600 Bauds, pero el código debe permitir también otras frecuencias como: 4800, 38400, 115200 Bauds. FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna FSM Example 4 RS-232 Tx format FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna State Machine State Diagram 5 FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna FSM General Schemes FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna State Machine General Scheme 1 7 Inputs Next State Next State Logic Logic Next State Current Current State State Logic Logic Current State Output Output Logic Logic Outputs Clk Rst FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna State Machine General Scheme 2 8 Inputs Next Next State State Logic Logic Next State Current Current State State Logic Logic Current State Output Output Logic Logic Synchr. Sync Output Output FFs Logic Outputs Clk Rst FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna State Machine General Scheme 3 9 Synchr. and Output Logic Inputs Next Next State State Logic Logic Next State Current Current State State Logic Logic Current State Output A ... ... Synchr. and Output Logic Output Z Clk Rst FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna State Machine - Special Case 1 10 Synchr. Sync Output Output FFs Logic Inputs Next Next State State Logic Logic Next State Current Current State State Logic Logic Outputs Current State Clk Rst FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna FSM – VHDL Considerations FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna FSM VHDL General Design Flow 12 Specifications Understand the Problem Traditional Steps Draw the ASM or State Diagram Define an FSM Enumerated Type Define FSM Signals + VHDL Steps Select an Encoding Technique (optional) Write the VHDL Code FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna FSM Enumerated Type Declaration FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna FSM Enumerated Type Declaration 14 Declare an enumerated data type with values (names) the states of the state machine -- declare the states of the state-machine -- as enumerated type Symbolic State Names type FSM_States is(IDLE,START,STOP_1BIT,PARITY,SHIFT); Declare the signals for the next state and current state of the state machine as signal of the enumerated data type already defined for the state machine -- declare signals of FSM_States type signal current_state, next_state: FSM_States; The only values that current_state and next_state can hold are: IDLE,START,STOP_1BIT,PARITY,SHIFT FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna FSM – Encoding Techniques FSM Encoding Techniques 16 type FSM_States is(IDLE, START, STOP_1BIT, PARITY, SHIFT); signal current_state, next_state: FSM_States; State Assignment During synthesis each symbolic state name has to be mapped to a unique binary representation A good state assignment can reduce the circuit size and increase the clock rate (by reducing propagation delays) The hardware needed for the implementation of the next state logic and the output logic is directly related to the state assignment selected FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna FSM Encoding Schemes 17 An FSM with n symbolic states requires at least [log2 n ] bits to encode all the possible symbolic values Commonly used state assignment schemes: Binary: assign states according to a binary sequence Gray: use the Gray code sequence for assigning states One-hot: assigns one ‘hot’ bit for each state Almost one-hot: similar to one-hot but add the all zeros code (initial state) FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna FSM Encoding Schemes 18 Binary Gray One-Hot Almost One-hot idle 000 000 00001 0000 start 001 001 00010 0001 stop_1bit 010 011 00100 0010 parity 011 010 01000 0100 shift 100 110 10000 1000 FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Encoding Schemes in VHDL 19 During synthesis each symbolic state name has to be mapped to a unique binary representation How is the map process done ? user attribute (synthesis attribute) explicit user-defined assignment FSM - DSDA enum_encoding (VHDL standard default encoding Cristian Sisterna syn_encoding – Quartus & Synplify 20 • syn_encoding is the synthesis user-attribute of Quartus (Synplify) that specifies encoding for the states modeled by an enumeration type • To use the syn_encoding attribute, it must first be declared as string type. Then, assign a value to it, referencing the current state signal. -- declare the (state-machine) enumerated type type my_fms_states is (IDLE,START,STOP_1BIT,PARITY,SHIFT); -- declare signals as my_fsm_states type signal nxt_state, current_state: my_fsm_states; -- set the style encoding attribute syn_encoding: string; attribute syn_encoding of my_fms_states : type is “one-hot”; FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna syn_encoding - Quartus & Synplify 21 Possible values: default: assign an encoding style based on the number of states: Sequential encoding for 0 - 4 enumerated types One-hot encoding for 5 – 50 enumerated types Gray encoding for > 50 enumerated types sequential: 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 one-hot: 0000001 00000010 00000100 . . . gray: 000 001 011 010 110 111 101 100 johnson : 0000 0001 0011 0111 1111 1110 1100 1000 safe: default encoding + reset logic to a known state attribute syn_encoding: string; attribute syn_encoding of my_fms_states: type is “one-hot, safe”; user-defined: assign an encoding style defined by the user attribute syn_encoding: string; attribute syn_encoding of my_fms_states: type is “10 11 01 00”; FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Examples of Synthesis Reports (Quartus) 22 FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Results for Different Encoding Schemes 23 Simple, 5 states, state machine One-hot safe One-hot Gray Gray-Safe Binary Johnson Total combinatio nal functions 76 66 66 68 66 68 Dedicated logic registers 45 45 43 43 43 43 Max. frq. 352.24 340.95 331.02 335.01 338.34 311.72 FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Results for Different Encoding Schemes 24 19 states, state machine One-hot safe One-hot Gray Gray-Safe Binary Johnson Total combinati onal functions 556 523 569 566 561 573 Dedicated logic registers 215 215 201 201 201 206 Max. frq. 187.3 175.22 186.39 180.6 197.63 186.22 FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Xilinx XST State Encoding Techniques 25 XST (the synthesis tool for ISE) supports the following state encoding techniques: Auto-State Encoding One-Hot Encoding Gray State Encoding Compact State Encoding Johnson State Encoding Sequential State Encoding Speed1 State Encoding User State Encoding FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna XST State Encoding Techniques 26 Declare the attribute as follows: attribute fsm_encoding: string; Specify as follows: attribute fsm_encoding of {entity_name|signal_name }: {entity |signal} is "{auto | one-hot | compact| sequential| gray| Johnson | speed1|user}"; The default is auto FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Precision State Encoding Techniques 27 Possible values: • Binary Declare the attribute as follows: attribute type_encoding_stype string; • Onehot • Twohot • Gray • Random -- Declare the (state-machine) enumerated type type my_state_type is (SEND, RECEIVE, IGNORE, HOLD, IDLE); -- Set the type_encoding_style of the state type attribute type_encoding_style of my_state_type:type is ONEHOT; Note: precision is a synthesis tool available in some FPGA vendor’s software FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Precision State Encoding Techniques 28 type_encoding_style allows to fully control the state encoding hard code the state code in the source code -- Declare the (state-machine) enumerated type type my_state_type is (SEND, RECEIVE, IGNORE, HOLD, IDLE); -- Set the type_encoding attribute attribute type_encoding_style of my_state_type:type is ("0001","01--","0000","11--","0010"); State Table Note: Precision allows to use ‘-’. It can be used to reduce the size of the circuit FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna State Machine Coding: Residual States 29 If one-hot state coding is not used, the maximum number of states is equal to 2**N, where N is the vector length of the state vector In state machines where not all the states are used, there are three options: Let chance decide what is to happen if the machine goes to an undefined state Define what is to happen if the state machine goes to an undefined state by ending the case statement with when others Define all the possible states in the VHDL code FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna State Machine Coding: Synplify Report 30 FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna State Machine Coding: XST Report 31 ============================================== * Advanced HDL Synthesis * ============================================== Analyzing FSM <FSM_0> for best encoding. Optimizing FSM <rs232_tx/tx_current_state/FSM> on signal <tx_current_state[1:3]> with sequential encoding. ----------------------------State | Encoding ----------------------------idle | 000 start | 001 shift | 010 parity | 011 stop_1bit | 100 ----------------------------- FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna State Machine Coding: Quartus Report 32 FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna State Machine Coding: Simulation 33 FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna FSM Style Description Example State Machine VHDL Coding Styles 35 Inputs Next Next State State Logic Logic Current Current State State Logic Logic Next State Current State Output Output Logic Logic Outputs CLK RST Coding Style Current State Next State Logic Output Logic Style E Seq. Logic Comb. Logic Seq. Logic Style A Seq. Logic Comb. Logic Comb. Logic Style C Style D Style B FSM - DSDA Seq. Logic Comb. Logic Seq. Logic Comb. Logic Seq. Logic Cristian Sisterna FSM: Clocked Process for Current State 36 The current_state clocked process decides when the state machine should change state This process is activated by the state machine’s clock signal Depending on the current state and the value of the input signals, the state machine can change state at every active clock edge Current state gets the value of the next state on the active edge of the clock The next state value is generated in the next state process (combinational process), depending on the values of current state and the inputs Cristian Sisterna FSM - DSDA FSM: Combinational Process 37 Next State and Output Logic Assigns the output signals their value depending on the current state Assigns the next state value depending on the current state and the input’s value(s) Next state logic and output logic is best modeled using case statements are better for this process All the rules of combinatorial process have to be followed to avoid generating unwanted latches For Mealy Machines if-then-else statement is used to create the dependency between the current state, the input signals and output signals FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna State Machine: Reset behavior 38 Asynchronous reset: ensure that the state machine is always initialized to a known valid state, before the first active clock transition and normal operation commences No reset : there is no way to predict the initial value of the state register flip-flops. It could power up and become permanently stuck in an uncoded state. FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna FSM Style Descriptions - Example 39 Moore FSM X=0 X=0 S1 Z=1 S0 Z=0 X=1 X=1 Mealy FSM X=0 Z=1 X=0 Z=0 S1 S0 X=1 Z=1 X=1 Z=0 FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Style E - Moore State Machine 40 Comb. Next State Logic X process (state, X) begin case state is when S0 => if(X=‘0’) then next_state <= S0; else(X=‘1’) then next_state <= S1; end if; when S1 => if …. next_state <= .. ; …. when others => …. end case; end process; process (state, X) begin case state is when S0 => Present State Logic Seq. if(X=‘0’) then next_state <= rst) S0; process (clk, else(X=‘1’) then begin next_state <= S1; if(rst = ‘1’) then end if; state <= S0; when S1 => elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then if …. state <= next_state; next_state <= .. ; end if; …. end process; when others => …. end case; end process; Seq. Output Logic state Current State Logic Clk Rst FSM - DSDA process (clk, rst) begin if(rst = ‘1’) then Z <= ‘0’; elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then case state is when S0 => Z <= ‘0’; when S1 => Z <= ‘1’; when others => Z <= ‘1’; end case; end process; Output Logic Cristian Sisterna Z Style E - Moore State Machine 41 Comb. Next State Logic Seq. Output Logic X process (state, X) begin case state is when S0 => if(X=‘0’) then next_state <= S0; else(X=‘1’) then next_state <= S1; end if; when S1 => if …. next_state <= .. ; …. when others => …. end case; end process; Seq. Present State Logic process (clk, rst) begin if(rst = ‘1’) then state <= S0; elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then state <= next_state; end if; end process; state process (clk, rst) begin if(rst = ‘1’) then Z <= ‘0’; elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then case state is when S0 => Z <= ‘0’; when S1 => Z <= ‘1’; when others => Z <= ‘1’; end case; end process; Clk Rst FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Z Style E - Moore State Machine 42 -- VHDL code example for an FSM library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity my_fsm is port( x: in std_logic; clk: in std_logic; rst: in std_logic; z: out std_logic ); end entity my fsm; architecture beh of my_fsm is -- fsm enumerated type declaration type fsm_states is (S0, S1); -- fsm signal declarations signal next_state, state: fsm_states; begin -- current state logic cst_pr: process (clk, rst) begin if(rst = ‘1’) then state <= S0; elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then state <= next_state; end if; end process cst_pr; FSM - DSDA -- next state logic nxt_pr:process (state, X) begin case state is when S0 => if(X=‘0’) then next_state <= S0; else(X=‘1’) then next_state <= S1; end if; when S1 => if …. next_state <= .. ; …. when others => …. end case; end process nxt_pr; - - output logic out_pr:process (clk, rst) begin if(rst = ‘1’) then Z <= ‘0’; elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then case state is when S0 => Z <= ‘0’; when S1 => Z <= ‘1’; when others => Z<= ‘1’; end case; end process out_pr; end architecture beh; Cristian Sisterna Style E - Mealy State Machine 43 Comb.Next State Logic X process (state, X) begin case state is when S0 => if(X=‘0’) then next_state <= S0; else(X=‘1’) then next_state <= S1; end if; when S1 => if …. next_state <= .. ; …. when others => …. end case; end process; Clk Rst Seq. Output Logic Seq.Present State Logic process (clk, rst) begin if(rst = ‘1’) then state <= S0; elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then state <= next_state; end if; end process; state process (clk, rst) begin if(rst = ‘1’) then Z <= ‘0’; elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then case state is when S0 => if (X = ‘0’) then Z <=…; else Z <=... ; end if; when S1 => if (X = ‘1’) then .... ; else .... ; end if; when others => Z<=‘0’; end case; end if; end process; Warning on Mealy Outputs ! FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Z Style A - Moore State Machine 44 Comb. Next State Logic process (state, X) begin case state is when S0 => if(X=‘0’) then next_state <= S0; else(X=‘1’) then next_state <= S1; end if; when S1 => if …. next_state <= .. ; …. when others => …. end case; end process; X Comb.Output Logic Seq. Present State Logic process (clk, rst) begin if(rst = ‘1’) then state <= S0; elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then state <= next_state; end if; end process; state process (state) begin Z <= ‘0’; -- default value case state is when S0 => Z <= ‘0’; when S1 => Z <= ‘1’; when others => Z <= ‘0’; end case; end process; Clock Reset FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Z Style A – Moore Synthesis 45 FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Style A - Mealy State Machine 46 Comb. Next State Logic X process (state, X) begin case state is when S0 => if(X=‘0’) then next_state <= S0; else(X=‘1’) then next_state <= S1; end if; when S1 => if …. next_state <= .. ; …. when others => …. end case; end process; Comb. Output Logic Seq. Present State Logic process (clk, rst) begin if(rst = ‘1’) then state <= S0; elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then state <= next_state; end if; end process; process (state, X) begin case state is when S0 => if (X = ‘0’) then Z <=…; else Z <=... ; end if; when S1 => if (X = ‘1’) then .... ; else .... ; end if; when others => Z<=‘0’; end case; end process; Clock Reset FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Z Style A – Mealy Synthesis 47 Mealy FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Style A – Moore & Mealy State Machine 48 Comb.Output Logic Moore Comb. Next State Logic X process (state, X) begin case state is when S0 => if(X=‘0’) then next_state <= S0; else(X=‘1’) then next_state <= S1; end if; when S1 => if …. next_state <= .. ; …. when others => …. end case; end process; Clock Reset Hypothetical case FSM - DSDA Seq. Present State Logic process (clk, rst) begin if(rst = ‘1’) then state <= S0; elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then state <= next_state; end if; end process; process (state) begin case state is when S0 => Y <= ‘1’; when S1 => Y <= ‘0’; when others => Y <= ‘0’; end case; end process; Y Comb. Output Logic - Mealy process (state, X) begin case state is when S0 => if (X = ‘0’) then Z <=…; ... end if; when S1 => if (X = ‘1’) then .... ; end if; when others => Z<=‘0’; end case; end process; Cristian Sisterna Z Style B - Moore State Machine Seq. State, Next State and Output Logic 49 X process(clk, rst) begin if(rst = ‘1’) then state <= S0; Z <= ‘0’; elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then case state is when S0 => if (X=’0’) then state <= S0; elsif (X=’1’) then state <= S1; end if; Z <=‘0’; when S1 => if (X = ‘0’) then ... end if; Z <= ‘1’ ; end case; end if; end process; Z Clk Rst FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Style B - Mealy State Machine 50 Seq. State, Next State and Output Logic X process(clk, rst) begin if(rst = ‘1’) then state <= S0; Z <= ‘0’; elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then case state is when S0 => if (X=’0’) then state <= .... ; Z <= ... ; elsif (X=’1’) then state <= .... ; Z <= ... ; end if; when S1 => if (X = ‘0’) then ... end if; end case; end if; end process; Z Reset Clock FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Style B – Moore Synthesis 51 FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Style B – Mealy Synthesis 52 FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Style C - Moore State Machine 53 Seq. Present State and Next State Logic process (clk, rst) begin if(rst = ‘1’) then State <= S0; elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then case state is when S0 => if(X =’1’) then state <=S1; end if; when S1 => if( X = ‘1’) then state <=S0; end if; end case; end if; end process; X Comb. Output Logic process (state) begin case state is when S0 => Z <=‘0’; when S1 => Z <=‘1’; when others Z <=‘0’ end case; end process; Clk Rst FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Z Style C - Mealy State Machine 54 Seq. Present State and Next State Logic Comb. Output Logic process (clk, rst) begin if(rst = ‘1’) then State <= S0; elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then case state is when S0 => if(X =’1’) then state <=S1; end if; when S1 => if( X = ‘1’) then state <=S0; end if; end case; end if; end process; X process (state, X) begin case state is when S0 => if(X=’1’) then Z <= ... ; else Z <= ... ; end if; when S1 => if(X=’1’) then Z <= ... ; else Z <= ... ; end if; end case; end process; Clk Rst FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Z Style C – Moore State Machine 55 FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Style C - Mealy State Machine 56 FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Style D - Moore State Machine 57 Comb. Next State and Output Logic process (state, X) begin next_state <= state; case state is when S0 => if(X =’1’) then next_state <=S1; end if; Z <=‘0’; when S1 => if( X = ‘1’) then next_state <=S0; end if; Z <=‘1’; end case; end process; X Z Seq. Present State Logic process (clk, rst) begin if(rst = ‘1’) then state <= S0; elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then state <= next_state; end if; end process; Clk Rst FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Style D - Mealy State Machine 58 Comb. Next State and Output Logic Z process (state, X) begin next_state <= state; Z <= ... ; case state is when S0 => if(X =’1’) then next_state <= ... ; Z <= ... ; end if; when S1 => if( X = ‘1’) then next_state <= ... ; Z <= ... ; end if; end case; end process; X Seq. Present State Logic process (clk, rst) begin if(rst = ‘1’) then state <= S0; elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then state <= next_state; end if; end process; Clk Rst FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Style D – Moore State Machine 59 FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Style D - Mealy State Machine 60 FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna FSM Example FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Another Example: Memory Controller FSM 62 Let’s try to obtain an state diagram of a hypothetical memory controller FSM that has the following specifications: The controller is between a processor and a memory chip, interpreting commands from the processor and then generating a control sequence accordingly. The commands, mem, rw and burst, from the processor constitute the input signals of the FSM. The mem signal is asserted to high when a memory access is required. The rdwr signal indicates the type of memory access, and its value can be either ’1’ or ’0’, for memory read and memory write respectively. The burst signal is for a special mode of a memory read operation. If it is asserted, four consecutive read operations will be performed. The memory chip has two control signals, oe (for output enable) and we (for write enable), which need to be asserted during the memory read and memory write respectively. The two output signals of the FSM, oe and we, are connected to the memory chip’s control signals. For comparison purpose, let also add an artificial Mealy output signal, we_mealy , to the state diagram. Initially, the FSM is in the idle state, waiting for the mem command from the processor. Once mem is asserted, the FSM examines the value of rdwr and moves to either the read1 or the write state. The input conditions can be formalized to logic expressions, as shown below: mem’ : represents that no memory operation is required (mem=‘0’) mem.rdwr: represents that a memory read operation is required (mem=rdwr=‘1’). mem.rdwr’: represents that a memory write operation is required (mem=‘1’; rdwr=‘0’) Based on an example from the “RTL Hardware Design Using VHDL” book, By Pong Chu FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Memory Controller FSM 63 Address Bus Data Bus Processor Memory IC mem burst oe rdwr Memory Controller FSM we we_mealy FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Memory Controller FSM 64 mem’ idle burst’ mem.rdwr’ mem.rdwr we_mealy read1 oe burst write we read2 oe read3 oe read4 oe FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Memory Controller FSM 65 idle mem rdwr read1 oe burst we_mealy write we read2 oe read3 oe read4 oe FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Memory Controller FSM – VHDL Code 66 Entity-Architecture Declarations FSM enumeration type declaration, FSM signal declarations library ieee ; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity mem_ctrl is port ( clk, reset : in std_logic; mem, rdwr, burst: in std_logic; oe, we, we_mealy: out std_logic ); end mem_ctrl ; architecture mult_seg_arch of mem_ctrl is type fsm_states_type is (idle, read1, read2, read3, read4, write); signal crrnt_state, next_state: fsm_states_type; begin FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Memory Controller FSM – VHDL Code 67 Current state process −− current state procesee cs_pr: process (clk, reset) begin if(reset = ’1’) then crrnt_state <= idle ; elsif(rising_edge(clk))then crrnt_state <= next_state; end if; end process cs_pr; FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Memory Controller FSM – VHDL Code 68 Next state process (1) −− next−state logic nxp:process(crrnt_state,mem,rdwr,burst) begin case crrnt_state is when idle => if mem = ’1 ’ then if rw = ’1’ then next_state <= read1; else next_state <= write; end if; else next_state <= idle; end if; when write => next_state <= idle; FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Memory Controller FSM – VHDL Code 69 Next state process (2) when read1 => if (burst = ’1’) then next_state <= read2; else next_state <= idle; end if; when read2 => next_state <= read3; when read3 => next_state <= read4; when read4 => next_state <= idle; when others => next_state <= idle; end case; end process nxp; FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Memory Controller FSM – VHDL Code 70 Moore outputs process FSM - DSDA −− Moore output logic moore_pr: process (crrnt_state) begin we <= ’0’; −− default value oe <= ’0’; −− default value case crrt_state is when idle => null; when write => we <= ’1’; when read1 => oe <= ’1’; when read2 => oe <= ’1’; when read3 => oe <= ’1’; when read4 => oe <= ’1’; when others => null; end case ; end process moore_pr; Cristian Sisterna Memory Controller FSM – VHDL Code 71 Mealy output process −− Mealy output logic mly_pr: process(crrt_state,mem,rdwr) begin we_me <= ’0’; −− default value case state_reg is when idle => if (mem=’1’)and(rdwr =’0’)then we_me <= ’1’; end if; when write => null; when read1 => null; when read2 => null; when read3 => null; when read4 => null; end case; end process mly_pr; FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Memory Controller FSM – VHDL Code 72 Mealy output statement −− Mealy output logic we_me <= ’1’ when ((crrnt_state=idle) and (mem=’1’) and(rdwr=’0’)) else ’0’; FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Another Example FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna FSM Example – RS232 74 Realizar la descripción en VHDL de un receptor y transmisor serie tipo RS-232. El dato recibido y el dato a transmitir debe tener el siguiente formato: 1 bit de start 8 bits de datos Paridad programable: paridad/no paridad, par/impar 1 bit de stop Frecuencia de transmisión por defecto es de 9600 Bauds, pero el código debe permitir también otras frecuencias como: 4800, 38400, 115200 Bauds. FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna FSM Example – RS232 75 RS-232 Tx format FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna FSM Example – RS232 76 SysClock Div. Frec. Parity En SysReset Dato(7:0) DatoSent StartTx FSM - DSDA FSM RS232 Tx Controller DatoSerie ?? Cristian Sisterna FSM Example – RTL Synthesis View 77 FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna FSM Example – Quartus State diagram 78 FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna FSM Example: Solution 2 - RTL Viewer 79 RTL Viewer Double click FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna FSM Example: Solution 2- RTL Viewer 80 Double click FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna FSM Example: Solution 2 – FSM Viewer 81 FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Synpsys FSM Viewer 82 In this case a clock enable is used. FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna FSM Example – RS232 Other Approach 83 Div. Frec. SysClock Parity 00 En SysReset DatoSerie 01 Dato(7:0) E1 E0 DatoSent StartTx ?? FSM RS232 Tx Controller Reg Desplaz amiento 10 Done StartStopBit Sel1, Sel0 FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Interacting State Machines Interacting FSM 85 Controller FSM Transmitter FSM Ld_Tx’ CS1 TS1 Tx_busy’ TS4 Tx_busy CS2 Ld_Tx TS2 Tx_busy CS3 Tx_busy Tx_busy’ TS3 Tx_busy Ld_Tx’ FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Interacting FSM 86 Controller FSM Processes Inputs Next State Process Next State Current State Process Output Process Outputs Current State Tx_busy Clk Rst Ld_Tx Inputs Next State Process Next State Current State Process Current State Output Process ctrl_tx.vhd Outputs Transmitter FSM Processes FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna Interacting FSM 87 cntrl_fsm.vhd Inputs Next State Process Next State Current State Process Output Process Current State Outputs Ld_Tx Clk Rst Tx_busy Inputs Next State Process Next State Current State Process Current State Output Process Outputs tx_fsm.vhd FSM - DSDA Cristian Sisterna