LAGUNITAS SCHOOL DISTRICT CITIZENS’ OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEASURE A GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS July 12, 2016 3:00 p.m., Room 20 Lagunitas School Campus One Lagunitas School Road, San Geronimo, CA 94963 Members: Dahlia Kamesar (Chairperson), Jennifer Kim, John Gunnarson, Laura Sherman, Robert Ovetz (recording secretary), Tracy Signor, and Amos Klausner 1. Call to Order – Chair, Dahlia Kamesar 2. Roll Call and Establishment of a Quorum 3. Public Comments 4. Approve minutes from April 1, 2016 and April 13, 2016 5. Review of invoices for work done. 6. Review Financials/Expenditures to date. 7. Set next meeting date. 8. Adjourn Minutes Citizen's Bond Advisory Committee Meeting for Measure A General Obligation Bonds Friday April 1, 2016 Lagunitas School Campus ! minutes written by Robert Ovetz, Ph.D. (Secretary) ! In attendance: Dahlia Kamesar (Chairperson), Jennifer Kim, John Gunnarson, Tracy Signor, Laura Sherman, Amos Klausner, and Robert Ovetz ! Members of the public in attendance: Ana Mendez, CBO Lagunitas School District ! ! New committee member Amos Klausner, who replaces Brian Dodd, introduced himself to the committee. ! Ana Mendez provided a one page “Notice of Completion” progress report for the work done by contractor EF Brett for the bond measure work. Robert Ovetz raised concern that the promised progress report still lacks sufficient information requested by the committee. Amos Klausner asked why the committee had not been given the detailed reports, samples of which were shown to the committee by Ann Mendez. Ana expressed her understanding that the committee had not asked for details for each line item in past meetings with which Robert Ovetz expressly disagreed referring to requests made in previous meetings. ! John Gunnarson made a motion that “The committee requests that it be provided with all original invoices for $3,000 or more for the year to date beginning April 1, 2016.” It was passed unanimously. Amos Klausner made a friendly motion to amend which passed unanimously so that the final resolution reads “The committee requests that it be provided with all invoices for the year to date beginning April 1, 2016.” The amendment passed unanimously. ! Members of the committee expressed concern that Superintendent John Carroll’s recent letter to the board effectively told the committee to “shut up.” ! An extended discussion about the use of both a project manager and contractor took place at several times during the meeting. Ann Mendez clarified that Graystone is the project manager, hires the contractor and sometimes subcontractors, and provides oversight of the project and is overseen by Superintendent Carroll. Several members of the committee expressed concern as to whether sufficient District oversight exists. Jennifer Kim asked what “other contractor services” meant and the committee discussed how and why the District hired a separate project manager from the contractor. Ana Mendez explained that they are “always different.” Jennifer Kim asked if Graystone can bypass the middle man and hire contractors directly. Ana Mendez explained that sometimes EF Brett does do the work itself and Graystone does hire subcontractors. Amos Klausner asked why there are no separate project manager fees listed in the Financial Activity Reports. Ana Mendez explained that the District uses a “lease-leaseback” to avoid going out to bid when hiring a contractor. Ana Mendez informed the committee that the Superintendent directly hired the contractor and Graystone before her arrival although she was unsure of the exact dates. ! Ana Mendez explained that there is still $1.9 million available for phase two of the bond project which will begin as soon as school ends in June 2016. ! Ana Mendez indicated that she was working on the [District's] website for the purpose of, to use Robert's words, "create a [specific] place, [the project's own] tab where the public can go to look at where our $5,000,000 [Measure A] money is going.” ! A second motion made by John Gunnarson was approved unanimously: “The committee asks the Board of Trustees to work with the committee to schedule an open house to promote the bond measure work project.” ! John Gunnarson offered to attend the next Board of Trustees meeting to address the committee’s prior and current motions to work with the board to hold an open house to show the community the bond work and will report back to the committee at the next meeting. Ana Mendez has also offered to ask the Board of Trustees to arrange an open house. ! The committee discussed if the costs of the bond issuance is paid out of the bond proceeds. ISOM Advisors, which proposed and ran the Measure A campaign, has been paid about $180,000 as services by the county. Another payment of $59,000 will be paid to ISOM. Further information about how ISOM will be paid will be provided by Ana Mendez at the next meeting. ! Ana Mendez provided copies of invoices for the work from 2013 to 2015 and a few members of the committee began reviewing them and raised concerns about lacking the time to do it at the meeting. Ana Mendez offered to scan the invoice and provide them in advance for the next meeting as part of the packet. ! The next meeting to tour the campus and observe the work completed to date is scheduled for Wednesday April 13, 2016 from 8:30-10:30 but Ana Mendez must confirm whether it will be need to be an official meeting subject to the Brown Act. This was confirmed by email on April 7, 2016. ! The committee also scheduled Friday, May 27, 2016 at 11:30 for a meeting as well. ! MARIN SCHOOLS VENDOR SYSTEfVi COMBINED SCHOOIS VENDOR ACCOUNT Issue Date 04 2016 29 Check Number 20125185 District 21 Lagunitas School District 2 Invoice Numper Date 03 2016 OS 2016 O8 03 2016 08 p3 2016 08 03 2016 03l08 160227 160227 160227 160227 160227 REIMBURSEMENTS REIMBl1R5EMENTS PHASEII ARCHTCT SERV MONTSSRI STORM DRAIN WK PHASEII ARCHTCT SERV Reference i PD RESC Y OBJT SO GOAL FUNC LOE ACT GRP PQ 160138 1b0138 PO 160138 FO 160138 PO 160139 PO Amount 29 627 00 4 0 0000 21 025 8500 9500 000 300 0 6 21 4 0 026 850D 9500 00 000 300 0 5 0 0000 21 625 8500 9500 00 OOD 000 807 5 0 0000 21 025 8500 9500 00 D06 003 8D7 29 627 55 3 9 32 900 5 OQ 332 9 55 5 0 0000 21 026 85Q0 9500 00 D00 000 807 i Vendor 3091 Total Pa9e Total pISTRICT 21 Lagunitd5 Ch001 DiStrlCt MARIN SCHOOLS VEIUQOR SYSTEM COMBINED SCHOOLS VENDOR ACCOUNT VOIO 5 MONTNS fPTEfl DATE OF ISSUE 819 525 65 b25 68 819 CSDA DESIGN GROUP TREASURER COUNTY OF MARIN SAN RAfAEL CALIFORNIA CHECK 1210 tL35 NUMBER 20125185 Ga VEPNMENi CO 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01 1529 Invoice No 160327 One Lagu itas School Road San Geronimo CA 94963 Lagunitas SD Modernization Project Phase 2 Professional Services from March 1 2016 to March 31 2016 Billing Percent Contract of Fee Fee Phase Percent Complete Total Previously Current Billed Billed Amount Schematic Design 00 15 00 110 25 00 100 00 110 25 00 110 25 Construction Documents 00 50 00 700 83 00 100 00 700 83 0 330 75 DSA 00 10 00 740 16 50 00 370 8 00 D0 20 00 480 33 Approval Bidding Construction Administration Closeout 00 5 Total 00 100 370 8 00 370 8 00 00 6 370 8 00 167 Od 446 Oi00 1 117 3 0 440 1t1 tl0 740 16 00 800 11 900 5 00 900 5 00 00 800 11 900 5 00 900 5 00 Additionai Services Storm Water Design 00 800 11 00 100 Current Reimbursable Expenses Print Reproductio Amount 54 609 Plotting 12 23 Reimbursable mileage toll parking Tota Reimbursable Expenses 56 632 93 695 Totalthisinvoice 93 335 23 14imes 1 3 j 837 c in s reei 5 475 Svr e S00 Sui Sra c rca CA r i t i 7 1 i n So isc tus o 8GQ 3 S u 41S 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ing professional fees antl reimbursement for out n pocket expenses are tlue and payable of fo Isom Ativisors a Divisian of Urba Futures inc This invoice should be paid from bond proceeds deposited to the Distr s Building Fund sct Financiai Ad risory Service Fees ReimbursablE Expenses Cal Muni Sta6sticai Reports 00 000 S5 TOTAL 34 4 559 34 17 S OQ 350 1 VUiring information is as foilows ells Fargo Bank 4h l ABt 121000248 Accouni 3768Q16457 Credit Urban Futures Inc Sincereiy l S y J V Jon Isom Managing Principal Isom Advisors a Division of Urban Futures inc a i7 s ot 7 c e 9 a8a MARIN SCHOOlS VERIDOR SYSTEM COMBINED SCHOOLS VENDOR ACCOUNT Issue Date OA 2016 06 Check Number District 21 La9unitas Schoot District Invoice Nomtier e IJa 17l2016 03 BOND ISSUANCE LEGAL SERV 20122784 ce Refere FD RESC Y OBJT SO 60AL FUNC LOG ACT 160229 PV 5 0 0000 21 000 8500 4500 00 ODO 006 829 Amount GRP 50D 2 00 I I I Pxfle Ventlor 3234 JONES Total DISTRICT 21 LegUtilt85 SCh001 DiStriCt 00 500 52 TREASURER COUNTY OF MARIN SAN RAfAEL CAIIFQ iNIA CHECK MARIPI SCHOOLS VENDOR SYSTEM COMBINED SCNOOLS VENDOR ACCOUNT VOID SIX MONTiS AFTEP 0 TE OF SSUE Toial 560 2 00 HALL 1210 35 11 NUMBER 20122784 GOV EPNMENi C DE 29802 issue Date TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUN RED AND 00J100 DOLLARS 2016 06 04 CheciZJ00 A BANK Of AMERICA NA SAN RAfAEL MAIN OFiICE SAN RAGAEL CAL FORNIA PAY TO THE ORDER OF EXAMINED AND APPPOVED JONES HAIL 475 SANSOME 6Y MAAVJANEeUflKE STREET SUITE 1700 SAN FRANCISCD CA 94111 CDUNTY SUPEftINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS COPY COPY GOPY COPY NOT NOT NOT NOT NEGOTIABLE E NEGOTIAB E NEGOTIAB NEGOTIABLE JONES HAL cn 6 n 2o i IZoy Given Dircctor of Finance County of tarir Lr 3501 Civic Centcr Drive San Rafacl CA 94 43 RF 50 9 1 a 638 98 Lagunitas School Pistrict Vlarin County California C eneral Obli atiun Bonds Electioil of 2013 Series F3 OICL IM For l Services Leg Renclereci tis dand Disclosur Bo e Counsel Q SOQ g c vc c k s cc l Instrtaotions br ire Transfer Comerica Benk n N iz t3 s wo Emberaadero 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correct taxD yar rlantificaYion numbo or i artr vraitlr or a number to tie issued to me and t am nnt gub ect to backup ling nho b w cause a i am empC tram baakup dmg thho pr 6 i liavd not Ueen notifi2d by the Intema Revenue w co IRSj that i am sub Serv oct to Uack p rigas thtrold w a resuli oi a falture ta report ail iNerest or div dends or c the IRS has noii fed rr o th i i am no bnger subaect o beakup ng hhhold a v d 9 I am a U S cittaen or oth U S perso tde inad Derow and 4 lhe FATCA codQ s erztered on this rrn tc f a y inaicating that 1 am exemp from FATGA re orfing ie conect ticatton insCructions Yo must crass out rtem 2 a Cart ove if you have be2n notitietl by the IRS tnat you ara cuncintiy suoject ro backup withflo ding because yea have ta 1 to rflpo rie i all intere5t and 6tv dcnds on yout tax retum For real eslate transdetio sitem 2 doe5 noi appty For mortc age intaresi pa d acqursition or aharrdonmer tot sacurep property lation cance idebt cont bullons tn an duz indiv rWirement arra gament IfL47 and ganeraily payments o her than in aresi end dieidends you are rwi reqWred tc sign the qert fication but yeu rr ust provico your correct TIN See ihe instruciions on page 3 St9 Here atarea 5gr oaie r i us Pr so General instructions mieas nome manc oFo ape m erest o3P Euiuoen ioan meresi i0sfl r Sectian re orancos arx to n Internai i errrr C f e e nIeS3 ofnNru x isenotetl xm 709 F Ctc3a Ca1tiC tlebl Folure deva oPmanis Inferm Aiuo atsom clevdc pmanfs aH j i c arm VY 9 sucn 0 Fcrm 1699A aCqwsit anor ab znt ISecured p ncon oparty 1 a ati Idp slatmn enaGteff flHP we reteasst Is av m i o ir 3 fira x ffL FOlni W li U OM j il YOJ dtC J PtT50 M1 tt1Cl SJ UEYIt dii E5 3IINl1 t0 3 prcw48 yOUr GOttOCi TIN Purpose of Fprm An iodivrobal or entitY orm W 9 rdque c w s raGU n r c 6 an miom aiion rofum wrtr ihu IRS must obtan your CO t rpa uupayr onn t c mb8r T N 7c7i may eyour 5qciet s wr ooc cunty rr enUe tgSRj ndtvwua a qsay u czn 1 c7an2 nambe 11TiN1 etloPt nfaYpaYdr iCenG ann cal imCe t ti o rmPklYer idoninueqpo EIN to repun on dvi aiarrnatmrr rofam Nre naunt P to you G othBt aenouni ntaonapW on an udoane cn rWVrrr xurnpWS Ui intnrmatwn rWUrn5 inCWde 6ut re noi fimiiod to Ne tei owhn FOrrn 03 IR T 5rtare5t earnetl or p d s rrrlU Q V A O l vidbnAS nctUtlmg lrOm OS 59ock5 0 mJta t r 1urY15 Ponn 094 MISC w8dcus ryP oi ncorna pnzes w OS ar flrass p OCUed9 t7 Fbrm i Q9R 8 r ck ormutu0l or c1 Fitlec nr 1 rartti oihei R rynSticiion5 by brok9t3 pPptm 659 5tpmteWS rom rerd ectste tann il ynu tlo ttoi reWrn Porm Vd B ttl tny lHGubsi9r wilh a TIN yOU mient b6 subjfx 7 oU ewP trthhoitl ing 5se t Nh sD ekuP ngOn hnoic Pa9e 2 n By s gning tho tlilstl out lorm u Y I Cert3ty thai the TIN 9ou ara givm s cC rect oe you a v annx or e namtler o an 2 v@ y Chdt ypU 3r9 71 OI 6tt v0 f0 YKUG wilntfCiQiM Ot 5 3 C4 maramPiion irom P icKi C h nnn7 r yn ara a U Si r x n payse tt sppacabie yao are aW cenify rvhat as a U a perscm ycur aua abW sharo a any partncKehip Incomo Irom a t1S trRda or bc ainess is nnt subjac la ihe oiaing taz on areign Da with ssnaro o rvsiy o laccenrrecta0 incame arq o k Cenity Ihat FATCA cafe verne edan i re 7orm if any intlkating ih9j yoo aru axarnpt H m sne PATCA roponing scorr ct 5en What is FATCA r crArting on ptigu 2 tor vrth rIniormat on p F9 m fpgg K merchant cerc an hrra pr ny 5twor ynsaci ons Cai No t0e3iX f r m WtRgv 2U14 12 MARIN SCHOOLS VENDOR SYSTEM COMBINED SCHOOLS VENDOR ACCOUNT Issue Date 04 O6l2016 Check Number 20122785 District 21 Lagunitas Schooi District InvoiceNUmtier Pate ERWRITER CNSL 2016 BOND ISSUANCE UN 04 Reference FD RESC Y OBJT SO GOAL FUNC LOG ACT fRP 160231 PV 5839 D 0000 21 000 OOQ 00O 8500 9560 00 Amount D00 5 00 I j I I Pago Venaor 3232 KUTAK ROCK LLP DISTRICT 21 ld9UnitdS Cho01 DiStrlCt MARIN SCHOOIS VENDOR SYSTEM COMBINED SGHOOLS VENDOR ACCOUNT VOIO 51X MONTHS NPTER OATE OF ISSUE Total Toiai 00 000 E5 OD 0OO 55 TREASURER COUNTY OF MARIN SAN ftAFAEL CALIFORNIA CHECK NUMBER asnzio ii 20122785 GOVEPYMENT CODE 29802 Issue ate 04lD612016 FIVE THOUSAND AND 00 lOD DOLLARS Amount Checf5 0 BANK OF AMERICA NA SAN PAFAEL MAIN OFFICE SAN PAFAEI CAUFOflNIA PAY TO THE ORDER OF EXAMINED ANO APPROVED 6Y KUTAK ROCK LLP PO BOX 30Q57 OMAHA NE 66103 1157 MApY JANE BUPI E COUNTY SUPEPINTENDENT OF SCHOOIS COPY COPY COPY COPY NOT NOT NOT NOT NEGOTIABLE NEGOTIABLE NEGOTIABLE NEGOTIABLE n xac z 2cuz L t cn ui ro ak Rock lZt Ku VGR COIAltADO DGA PO Bus 300 7 Pelcphonc 3C1a1 297 2400 Facsimila 303 292 779 Omahe NE 6R t G3 t l57 Wire Trat cr sf Remfi 7 0 Fcdersl I D 47 0l5 i u ABA F I Oh000016 Pirst l Natiunr I3ank ofOn pha March 17 2p16 k RocA L Kuti LP A C 470 2469 Refcre 6ivaic Nn I i90 ce 7 ClicmMatterNo 7195Q2 156 Mr F3ruce TCcrns as SGfel Nicol Company Inc One R IonYgomery eet Sh 37th Ploor Sai Francisco CA 94101 Invoice No 27 59077 156 719502 S 63 998 50 1 Lagimi4as School District Mari iGotn7ty California General Obligation Bonds Election of2013 Series 13 t or sc f rvices rendered as Underwriter s t rc F E o f sel w in connection with the captioncd financiz7gs AL CURR T01 NTAMUUNT DU s Q 40 f 1 1 OPb ANO CONAIUENTIAI PItNILF O I A7 CLI COMMUNlCA710N iN7 7WkiY WIUqR IA ORK PI20DUC P 051GA775 I 4R2 1 MARIN SCHOOLS VENDOR SYSTEM issue Date 04 06I2016 COMBINED SCHOOLS VENDOR ACCOl1NT Check Number 20122787 istrict 21 Lagunitas School District voice Numtier Date 04l2016 04 COST OF BON ISSUANCE Reference FD RESC IY OBJT SO 60AL fUNC LOG ACT 160232 PV 5837 0 OD00 21 000 8500 9500 00 4mount GRP 500 9 00 I I I i eTotai Po Vendor 3233 STANDARD DISTRICT Z1 Lagunitas Schbol District MARIW SCHOOLS VENDOR SYSTEM 00 500 59 TflEASURER COUNTY OF MARIN SAN RAPAEL CALIFOflN A COMBINED SCHOOLS VENDOR ACCOUfiIT VO 51 MONTHS AFiEP DaTE OP i55VE Total 00 500 b9 S POOR CHECK NUMBER asnzio ii Z 227 7 GOVEPNtnErvT COUE 29802 Issue Daxe NINE THOIISAND FIVE HUNDRED AND 00 100 DOLLARS 2016 06 04 Check Amount BANK OF AMERICA NA SAN RAFAEL MAIN OFPICE SAN RAPAEI CALIFOPNIA 00 89500 PAY TO THE ORDER OF AND APPROVED BY EXAMINE STANDARD S POOR RATINGS SERVICES MC GRAW HILL FINANCIAL 2542 COILECTION CENTER DR CHICAGO IL 60693 MqqY JANE BUflKE COUNTV SUPEFINTENDENT OF SCHOOIS COPY COPY CQPY COPY NOT NOT NOT NOT NEGOTIABLE NEGOTIABLE NEGOTIABLE NEGOTIABLE 11 4 wr Standerd R i y s Einanual Services LLC Poor ri Hed 2ao3as InvoiCe No 11303037 Customer No 1006099340 Znvoice Tax ate Exempt Page Print 16 02J29 No No Date 1 16 18 03 0201 MR JOHN CARROLL LAGUNITAS ONE YO SCHOOL LAGUNITAS BOX SAN DISTRICT SCHOOL ROAD E75 308 GERONZMO CA 94963 G G J Amount Qescription of Services 00 500 10 YTICAL SII2VICES RF ANAI IDGRED IN COI PIECTION WITH 101011 tn r ODO 0 2 US OO Lagunitas School District California General Obligation Bonds Election of 2413 Series E dated Date of Delivery due August 01 2045 000 1 00 16 17 03 iNiQYS AUTSIS A4 FOR IIQQUIRIES PLEFSSE 6 NPACP RAJ KUMAR M C IONSUSRATING5@STANLIARDANDPOORS COLLECI PHOP 767 g06 EXT 5 1 1895 Fas 2 t G v afl 1 fp aia i s si ss v For inquiries contact the ciient services representative Iisted on this invoice Do not retum it or direct any inquiries about the invoice to credii ratings analysts S P maintains a separation of commerciai and anaiytical activities Please note that our credit ratings anatysts are noi permitted to communicate negotiate arrange or coilect credit rating tees Please reference invoice or statement number on ali checks and wire iransfers This Invoice Due 00 UsD SU0 39 INVOICE ToTAL 29176 and Payabie As 6t 02 1akc C httk P yabic I o STANDARO S PDOR RAFIPIGS SERVICES invoice mo Invoice Uate Wire To Transfer 30303 r custo aQ i000099s4o t Zb ao3as i Feder MCGRAW HILL PINANG AL Billed LC sFinznoixl Sarvices L Poor Stanclard Remit To 16 l9 q2 To 0201 MR JOHN CARROLL LAGUNITAS ONE PO SAN SCHOOL DISTRICT LAGUNITAS HOX SCHOOL ROAD Standard Account 308 GERONZMO Please include invoice Bank of America San Francisco CA 94963 AHA s Poor CA STANDARD AND POOR S 2542 COLLECTZON CENTER CHICAGO IL 50693 0250Q 12334 0959 0260 3 Or E mail cashapps@mhfi com TOTAL AMOUNT DUE SOO USD 9 UO 10000993401 11303037 Q0950000 1 700 10 07 0216 0 AMOUNT ENCLOSED DRIVE 7l2016 lagunitas School District Adail F W Signed COI RequisiGon To Be Pafd from Buildi 4l gFund L agunitas School Dis Elec6on of 2013 General Obiigation C d 1 i1r r SY 4 i fr C Ut3it ii zV fk FUV Signed COI i2equisi ion To Be Paic from uitding Fund Lagunifas choal Dist lectior of 2013 General C7blig tican onds 5eries s janice@isomadvisors com To amendez@lagunitas org amendez@lagunitas org Janice Peters Mon Mar 21 2016 at 01 10 AM Cc Janice Peters janice@isomadvisors comVincent Truong vtruong@joneshalLcom Hi Ana Attached piease find a copy of the signed Written Request of the District to the County Regarding Payment ofof Costs Issuance together with ali invoices which shouid be paid hp niStri t frnm tha Building Fund if you could process the invoices for payment that would be greatiy appreciated Please let me know if you have any questions Thanks so much Janice a d Janice Peters Principal Isom Advisors A Division of Urban Futures c 1470 Maria Lane Suite 315 Walnut Creek CA 94596 vt ee f8 5 9 P 7450 T 7697 5 478 lF 9 2 attachments C06 Dist COI County Req pdf 857K Lagunitas SD P Invoice 5 pdf 30K 112 1539a2058167d6c08sim1 I 153 u W u comhnail google Jmail i 2 b q pt view 6564a75974 sim 1539a2058167d6c0 ih query search true ond k i https qs 41412016 laguoitas Schooi District Maii FW Signed COI Requisition To Be Paid Gom Building Fund Lagimitas School Dist Election of 2013 Generai Obiigation Ana Mendez org amendez@lagunitas Fri Apr 1 2016 at 5 00 AM To Janice Peters janice@isomadvisors com Cc Vincent Truong vtruong@joneshall com Hi Janice These are being processed Thank you Thank you Ana Mendez Chief Business Official Lagunitas Schooi District Phone Fax 4 8 i3 95 5 H 9o1 4of3 R15 Janice Peters janice@isomadvisors com Fri Apr 1 2016 at 11 37 AM To Ana Mendez amendez@lagunitas org Cc Vincent Truong vtruong@joneshall com Thanks Ana lanice Peters Principai Isom Advisors A Division of Urban Futures 1470 Maria ane Suite 315 Walnut Creek CA 94596 P 925 4 7450 3 7 F1 925 4 7697 3 i From Ana Mendez maiito org arnendez@lagunitas Sent Friday April 01 2016 S p1 AM To Janice Peters janiCe@isomadvisors COm Cc Vincent Truong com jorreshall r uang vtr Subject Re FW Signed COI Requisition To Be Paid fram Buiiding Fund agunitas School Dist Election of 2013 General Obligation Bonds Series B Z2 qs i 2 ui comlmailJW0 google Hmail https b q pt view 6564a7597A 153 1539a2058767d6c0 sim1 1539a2Q58167d6c0 th query search irue ond k COSTS OF ISSUAhlCE DISBURSEMEfVTS Costs of Issuance 34 467 59 Financial Advisor Isom Advisors Bond Counsel Jones Hail APLC 500 2 00 s Undenroriter Counsel Kutak Rock LP 00 55 RaYing Agency P S 500 9 00 Royce Printing 500 2 00 Disclosure Caunsel Printing of OfFicial Statement Contingency 89 059 a6 23 027 85 Not to exceed amount to be paid upon receipt of an invoice 03 A2209 VKT WJK JH 1 3 16 0 e x i s C s a s a s I e E w rt a i A The undersigned hereby states and certifies that i i am the duly appointed qualified and acti g Ghief Business O cer of the Lagunitas Schoal District Marin County Caiifomia the District and as such i am familiar with the facts herein certified and am authorized end quaiified to certify the same ii on fhe date hereof the District has issued its bonds designated agunitas Schooi District Marin County California General Ob igation Sonds Election of 2013 Series B in the aggrsgafe principa amount of 638 998 the onds pursuar 1 Sfl t to a resolufion at the Board of Trustees of the District adopted on February 25 2015 the Bond Resoiution iii the District has directed SYifei Nicolaus Company Incorporated as underwriter the Underwriter to wire the net proceeds of the Bonds in the amount of 468 939 to the 2 36 Director of Finance af 1Jlarin County the County of which 18t 63 will be deposited in 802 the Cebt Service Fund for the Bonds and fhe remaining 665 958 shail be deposited in the 1 73 Buiiding Fund established for the District pursuant to the Bond Resoiution and v the District requests that the County pay from the Buiiding Fund on the date hereof or as soon thereafter as is reasonably practicable the Costs of issuance in the amounf and to the payee set f rth on Exhibit A hereto and for which invoice is attached hereto Signature on J foliowing page Capitalized terms used herein end nat atherwise defined shall have the meanings set farth in the Bonci Resoiution Qatad March 17 2Q16 GUh91 SCHOOL DlSTRICT I TAS Y f z 1 5 1 endez i An efBusin Ch ss Officer i MARIN SCHOOLS VENDOR SYSTEM COMBINED SCHOOIS VEN OR ACCOUNT Issue Date 04 2016 0b Check Number District 21 Lagunitas School District invoice Numtier Date 2016 BON 09 03 ISSUANCE PREP E ISTRIB 20122786 Amount Reterenoe ED RESC Y OBJT 50 GOAL FUNC ACT LOC GRP 166230 PV 5723 0 0000 21 000 8500 9500 00 50Q 2 00 i i VenJOr 3235 Page DISTRICT 21 Lagunitas School Disirict MARIN SCHOOLS VEIUD4R SYSTEM 00 5D0 S2 TREASURER COUNTY OF MARIN 5AN RAFAEI CAUFOPNIA COMBINED SCHOOLS VEIdDOR ACCOUNT VOID SIX MOMHS AFTFfl ATE OF ISSUE Totai Total 00 500 52 SUSAN CAROL ROYCE CHECK 1135 1210 NUMBER 20122786 GO VEfwMENT CO E29802 Issue Date TWO THOl15AND FIVE HUNDRED AND 00 100 DOLLARS 2016 06 04 Amount ChecY25 Q BANK OP AMEflICA NA SAN PAFAEI MAIN OFFICE SAN FAfAEI CAIIFOflNIA PAY TO THE ORDER OF EXAMINED ANO APPflOVED BY SUSAN CAROL ROYCE ROYCE PRINTING 1207 W CALIFORNIA AVE MILL VALLEY CA 94941 MARYJANEBUPKE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS COPY COPY COPY COPY NOT NOT NOT NOT NEGOTIABLE E NEGOTIAB NEGOTIABLE NEGQTIABLE 17 I N 1207 W Catifornia Avenue iYlitl Valley CA 944d7 Tel 1R 7262 7 3 Cel I 51012 7744 0 comcastnet ir roviceprinting cmn raviceprintin vwtv oice to In Date 16 3l9 Lagur School District itas o c Mr Vincent Truong Closing CoordinaYc s Invoice 7 32 Jones H ll 475 Sansome Street Suite 1700 S San I r2ncisco CA 941 I 1 ce Y c E Janice Peters Ms Isom Advisors fs38 3 5t 5E1 ASSCiiOf LAGUNiT CDI5TRIC7 Marin Coimf Calit nia m Genera Oblig tion 6onds Eleetion of 2013 Series B Bank Qualiticd ion 1nd distribution oFclectronie version of the Prelimivar and F Prepare inat Ot3icial Statcinent to mails provided e Printing of the Prelimit ary Ofticial State nent 3 cupies rv 208 ages including p four age cover Cover prii ted color on fioi t blad on iuside 1 ext printed black throughout Dooks erfect bound Prii of the Final Official Statcanent 1 copies i220 pagr ting s including a four page cover Cover printcd color on front bl e oi inside Text peinted black throughout Books perfect ci bow U t I Cost of Procitiction Sales Tax Delivery CAI TO 250 2 00 25 1 75 58 00 2 00 r G l t e ro s tz t a o Give Form to the q e s or Taxpay r Form tiev Dacerr r tl 2U14 nt ot ihe lreasury Departnu requestor Do ot n urrsber r ati if tdes tior ifie s er send to Uie IRS tntenwi Rave WeServke Y Name shov on your i a omo tax rctum Name isrequiretl on this line tlo not leavc this san Carol S 2 Huclnass NQc0itv 3 Check name t3ppropnate boX fOr federal P nelor merti6er lLC single v c ole IndiviAuaV ap o teix knniy one of Ihe tWiowing lacher r siGCatioq or C Cn o2tion u S Go seven 4 Exeinptions cotles app y only to certain entiUes nnt intlividuals see troxes Partnershi aGan irusVestate nstructions on pa9 3 Exempt payee r otle if any oU Cimitetl liability company Lnter ihe t uc classiticalion C corporatioq 5 S corpomtion ip partrvers P Noto Po a sin9lc memher LLC ll at is dlsregarded do not check LLC check the appropdate box in the 11ne atrove for tne tae N ciassificatWn of the vnption from FATCA reporting Ez sin9lemmer memhe cetle Qi any dC V l m a rya o w t h 2 trrvn a u ut N MUS JC U o 12D7 W Caiifornia Avenue Nwm s Giry stato antl z Mill Vallev CA Enter your TIN in the must mafcYr the name yiven on line 1 4o avoid appropriate box The TW provid d backup vithholding Far indivitluais this is generz3lty yoor social security number SSN Hotvever for a resident alien sole proprie tor or disrcgarcied entity see the Part i insiructions pn paye 3 For other entities it is your employcr identification number EIN If you do not have a number sec HowYO yet a T1N oti page 3 Sociai secariry number 5 6 9 8 8 S t1 9 2 6 o Note If the account is in more than one name see the instructions for line 1 and the chart on pxge 4 for Empiayer tde mification number guidelines on tdhose number to enter Certification Untler penalties of perjury I certify that The number sho vn on this form is my corrcct taxpayer identificadon number or I am vaiting for a number to be issued to me and 2 1 arn not subje tto backup wittiholding because a I am exempt from 6ackup withholding or b 1 have not been notitied by the I tema Revenue Service IRS that 1 am subject to backup withholding as a result of a faiWre to report all interest or dividentls or c the IRS has notificd me that I am no longer subiect to backup withholding and 3 i am a U S citizen or otner U S person defineci bciowand 4 Ihe PATCA code senteretl on this form fany indicating that I am exempt from F ATCA reporting is correct Certification instruc5ons You must cross out item 2 above if you have been nofified by the IRS that you are currentiy subject to backup wiihhoiding because you have failetl to report ali interes and tlividends on your tax retum For reai estate transactions ifem 2 does not apply ror mortgage intrrest paid acquisition or abandonment of secured property cancellation of tlebt contributions to an individual retirement anangement IRAJ and geoeraily payments other th n interest and dividends you are not requiretl to sign the certitication but you musi pmvidc your covect TIN See the instructions on Page 3 J Signatureof Here 3pereon U 2 1 t a1 oateo f April 4 2016 Fomi 1058 home mortyege Intere K tG98 E student toan interF t i09 y n t o General 6nstructions 5ection mlerences t3ru m the imemai Revonue CotlU unlesotherwiu notetl Form t099 C canceletl 0 6t Futuro developmonts infomiation atraut deveiopmcnts attecting Forrt W J such s Iegisiatlon eoactetl after we release it is ai fiv3 gov lrs www Fomi 7099 Aacquisition or abaMlonme nt of securcd property Use Pomi W 9oniy if you area U S person incl inya rF xitlont alien to provitle your cam ci TIN Purpose of Farm An indiviAUai or entiry POnn W 9 re uester who ic reyuircYf to ille an infortnetion retum vith thc IRS muct nb ain your wirect duntificatbn payer number 17N t t whic may Oe yoursoci0l securfry nomber SSI intlrvlduai tacpayer itlentfticatlon numbor Ii1Nj atloprion taxpayer identi9r ation numbcv A71N7 aemployer itltntitication number FIN to rCpor on an information relum the amount paid io you x other mount mporta6le on an iniortnation return Ex niples of fntqmiation roNrns inr lude but ar not limi etl to tho folio viny 2Certify that you are not cubject to tw3ckup wi4hhoitling or any pannership income Gom a U S trade or business is nol subjec to the Porm 1099 MISC varlous types of incrome pnzes awanls or grass prviceetis Fortn 70995 proceetls from real estate ir uisactions 1 Certify that the TIN yvu ar gWiny is correct or you are waitiny or a numher to tx i suecq appiicable you are aiso certifying U ut a a U Sp rson your alloc2bto chare of Porm 1099 DIV ividentls including those 6om stocks or muLial funtls brokers Sy signing he filied nin ioim y u 3 Claim exemp ion Irom R fckuUwithhotAing ii you arc a U S exempt payee Ii Form 709J IN 7 interest carncd or paitl Porm t OHJ Bstock or rtntual tuntl sales antl certaio other transactions by 1 you do nol remm Foon W 9to the tvqu ssfer ivitt a TIN you mfgDt be suDject to backup withhohiing See Wha rs hackup wifhhnitlln l on page 2 wilhhoWtng taX on loreign partners share oi eflectively connectetl iitcome antl 4 Cettity ihai FATCA cotle sentered on this fortn Qi any indicatinq that you arc exempt from ihu fATCA reportirg is cortect Sec Wix ils fFlTCFl reportlny7 on page 2 for turtbef infortnatian Pomi 7099 Kmerchant card antl thirtl party nehmrk transac ions Cat No 10237X Fortn Rev 12 J W 2014 i DESlGh 3 E LISTE GiLlA3G C 4 T GREi TE i G R O U P April 11 2016 Lagunitas School District Attn Ms Nancy Gilboy Project No 01 1529 Invoice No 160327 One Lagu itas School Road San Geronimo CA 94963 Lagunitas SD Modernization Project Phase 2 Professional Services from March 1 2016 to March 31 2016 Billing Percent Contract of Fee Fee Phase Percent Complete Total Previously Current Billed Billed Amount Schematic Design 00 15 00 110 25 00 100 00 110 25 00 110 25 Construction Documents 00 50 00 700 83 00 100 00 700 83 0 330 75 DSA 00 10 00 740 16 50 00 370 8 00 D0 20 00 480 33 Approval Bidding Construction Administration Closeout 00 5 Total 00 100 370 8 00 370 8 00 00 6 370 8 00 167 Od 446 Oi00 1 117 3 0 440 1t1 tl0 740 16 00 800 11 900 5 00 900 5 00 00 800 11 900 5 00 900 5 00 Additionai Services Storm Water Design 00 800 11 00 100 Current Reimbursable Expenses Print Reproductio Amount 54 609 Plotting 12 23 Reimbursable mileage toll parking 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