annual awards - Scottish Terrier Club of America
annual awards - Scottish Terrier Club of America
ANNUAL AWARDS Scottish Terrier Club of America October 4, 2013 National Specialty Montgomery County Awards Banquet Sheraton Bucks County Hotel Langhorne, Pennsylvania Acknowledgments The Scottish Terrier Club of America extends most sincere congratulations to the many Scottish Terrier exhibitors, breeders, fanciers and owners who have achieved award recognition among their peers and friends. The Club also thanks and pays tribute to those members who volunteer hundreds of hours of service, provide financial support and work diligently to ensure the quality and prosperity of the Scottish Terrier. The STCA honors its heritage and applauds achievements from the past. With visionary leadership and a participatory membership, the Club looks toward new horizons blending the accumulated knowledge from the past with the vast resources of the present. Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet Sheraton Bucks County, Langhorne, PA Friday October 4, 2013 6:30 p.m. Greetings lnvocation .. ............... .. ...... .. ..... .. ......Theresa Thomas. Moment of Silence for Deceased Members Banquet 8:00 p.m. Annual Meeting AGENDA Call meeting to order................................................. .............. .. ..... ..... ............Charla Hill Minutes Roll Call Regional Clubs Report of the Treasurer .................................................... ....... ... ...... ...... ........ Rhea Spence Report of the Recording Secretary.......................... ...... ............. ............. ...Theresa Thomas Report of the Show Chairperson .....................,................. .......... ............. ........ .. Jerry Burge New Business 2012 STCA Annual Awards ........... ....................................... ..........................Adrian Sanchez 50 Year Pin Recipient 25 Year Pin Recipients Drawing for Bagpiper Cover Drawing for PAWS for Juniors Adjournment TABLE OF CONTENTS THE SCOTTISH TERRIER Cl Acknowledgments ....................................................................... Inside Cover STCA Objectives .............................................................................................. 2 STCA Officers and Directors ...................................... '. .................................... 3 STCA Standing Committees ........................................................................... 4 National Specialty Show Committee Montgomery Weekend ...................... 5 STCA Trusts ..................................................................................................... 6 STCA 50 and 25 Year Anniversary Members .................................................. 7 STCA Service Awards for 2012 Anstamm Achievement Award ............................................................. 8 Sterling Silver Medallion ....................................................................... 9 STCA Good Sportsmanship Award ....................................................... 12 Antonella Visconti di Modrone Health Advocate Award .................... 13 STCA Annual Awards for 2012 Obedience .............................................................................................14 Agility ....................................................................................................16 Versatility .............................................................................................. 17 Conformation .................................................................................. .....18 OBJECTIVES The objectives of the Scottish Terrier Club of -to encourage and promote the qt Scottish Terriers and to do all possible to perfection; (Amendment approved on September 27, 1991.) - to encourage the organization of indE Specialty Clubs in those localities whet of the breed to meet the requirements - to urge members and breeders to ace as approved by The American Kennel excellence by which Scottish Terriers s~ - to do all in its power to protect and ad breed and to encourage sportsmanlike - to conduct sanctioned matches and s1 of The American Kennel Club. STCA Past Presidents - 1902-2012 .•.•........................................... .... ...... ..... .... 25 -1- -2- E OF CONTENTS THE SCOTTISH TERRIER CLUB OF AMERICA ...................................................... Inside Cover ........................................................................ 2 ........................................................................ 3 ......................................................................... 4 nittee Montgomery Weekend ...................... 5 ........................................................................ 6 3ry Members .................................................. 7 \ward ............................................................. 8 ....................................................................... 9 1ip Award ....................................................... 12 drone Health Advocate Award .................... 13 ...................................................................... 14 .......................................................................16 OBJECTIVES The objectives of the Scottish Terrier Club of America shall be: -to encourage and promote the quality breeding of pure-bred Scottish Terriers and to do all possible to bring their natural qualities to perfection; (Amendment approved by The American Kennel Club on September 27, 1991.) - to encourage the organization of independent local Scottish Terrier Specialty Clubs in those localities where there are sufficient fanciers of the breed to meet the requirements of The American Kennel Club; - to urge members and breeders to accept the standard of the breed as approved by The American Kennel Club as the only standard of excellence by which Scottish Terriers shall be judged; - to do all in its power to protect and advance the interests of the breed and to encourage sportsmanlike conduct at dog shows; - to conduct sanctioned matches and specialty shows under the rules of The American Kennel Club . ....................................................................... 17 ..........•..•......................................................... 18 112 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..•••••.••••••••••••••••••••••..•••• 25 -1- -2- THE SCOTTISH TERRIER CLUB OF AMERICA OFFICERS 2013 President ........................................................................................... Charla Hill Vice-President ................................................................................ Jerry Burge Treasurer ..................................................................................... Rhea Spence Recording Secretary .............................................................. Theresa Thomas Corresponding Secretary .............................................. Marcia Dawson, DVM 3220 N. County Rd 575E Danville, IN 46122-8689 AKC Delegate ................................................................................ Helen Prince DIRECTORS: Class 2013 Kelli Edell .................................................................................................Texas Steve Russell ........................................................................................... lllinois Kathy Vogt ........................................ ............................ Louisiana Jeffrey Waite ......................................................................................Maryland Class of 2014 Charlene (Charlie) Gann .................................................................... Colorado Lori Kelly ....................................................................................... Pennsylvania Adrian Sanchez ................................................................................... California Pam Williams ............................................................................................ Oh io STCACOMMIT Advertising/Information Packet ... ........ ... .... .. Agility ................................... ... ...... ....... .. Annual Awards ..... .......................................... Ad Awards Tally and Title ........................................ .. Ray Knapp, Margaret Kooda, Janet Bartholon Lesley Andrei Bagpiper ............................................................. .. I n Breeder Referral ................................................. . CHIC/Registry ..................................................... .. Earthdog ............................................................. . Finance Committee .................. Rhea Spence, St' Gazette Columnist ............................................. .. Historian ............................................................. .. Judges' Education ............................................ K Junior Showmanship ......................................... .. Legislative Liaison ............................................... . Lise: Membership ....................................................... .. Public Information ................................................ Obedience/Rally ...................................... . Regional Clubs Representatives ........................ .. ROM & Pedigrees ................................................ Standard .............................................................. . Kathi Brown, Kathy Ferris, Sunshine ............................................................... Ways and Means .....Carol-Joyce Shraison, Danit Web Technology .................................................. Michael Krolewski, Glenda Tu1 ERRIER CLUB OF AMERICA OFFICERS 2013 .......................................................... Charla Hill ....................................................... Jerry Burge ..................................................... Rhea Spence .............................................. Theresa Thomas ...................................... Marcia Dawson, DVM 3220 N. County Rd 575E Danville, IN 46122-8689 ..................................................... Helen Prince DIRECTORS: Class 2013 ................................................................Texas ............................................................... Illinois ................ .......................... ..Louisiana .......................................................... Maryland Class of 2014 .... ...................................................... Colorado .................................................... Pennsylvania ........................................................... California ................................................................. Ohio STCA COMMITTEES Advertising/Information Packet .................... . ..... . ................... Debi Russell Agility ................... .......... ... ......... . ......................................... Lisa Dempsey, Barbara Gibson, Mary Helen Rice Annual Awards ............................................... Adrian Sanchez & Margaret O'Brien Awards Tally and Title ................................................................. Michael Krolewski Ray Knapp, Margaret Kooda, Janet Bartholomew, Susan Kenney, Carol Edwards, Lesley Andrews, Mary Helen Rice, Ted Miyamura Bagpiper .................................................................................. Pam Williams, Editor Jeff Waite, Advertising Editor Barbara Zink, Circulation Director Charlene Gann, Marketing Director Breeder Referral ............ ...................................................................... Barbara Zink CHIC/Registry ........................ ................ ...................... ......................... Helen Prince Earthdog ............................................................................................. Kathy Stabler Finance Committee .................. Rhea Spence, Steve Russell, Kelli Edell, Charla Hill Gazette Columnist .... ........................................................................... Kathi Brown Historian ................ ........................ ................................................. Janet Tomlinson Judges ' Education .......................... .................. Kathi Brown, Dr. Thomas Hossfeld Junior Showmanship ........................................................................ Barbara Casey Legislative Liaison ............................................................................ . Charlene Gann Lisa Hills, Elaine Wallace, Liz Lufrano Membership ................................. ............................... .............................. Kelli Edell Public Information ................................................................................... Kathy Vogt Obedience/Rally ... .. ..... ................................................... Mary Helen Rice Regional Clubs Representatives ................................................................ Lori Kelly ROM & Pedigrees ................................................................................ Mary O'Neal Standard ........................... ................................................ .................... Merle Taylor Kathi Brown, Kathy Ferris, Dr. Thomas Hossfeld, Darle Heck Sunshine ............................................................................................ Charlene Gann Ways and Means ..... Carol-Joyce Shraison, Danita Tiller, Marge Rosa, Lori Kelly Web Technology .................................................................................. Robert Gann Michael Krolewski, Glenda Tucker, Michael Bohl, Steve Russell -3-4- 2013 STCA NATIONAL SPECIALTY SHOW COMMITTEE MONTGOMERY WEEKEND National Show Chair ...................................................................... Jerry Burge Banquet Table Decorations- Scottish Terrier Club Michigan: Lisa Ferguson Dinner Reservations .............................................................. Janet Tomlinson HEALTH TRl Dr. John Leith, Cl Lisa Kincheloe, Tre< Helen Prince, Seer· Marcia Dawson [ Gloria Kilby DV1 Michael Krolew: Barbara Zink Earthdog Event ........................................................................... Kathy Stabler Montgomery Weekend Support Team ............ Charlie Cornman, Cliff Schultz Ring Decorations, Dan & April Green Obedience and Rally .............................................................. Mary Helen Rice Regional Club Representative Chair ................................................. Lori Kelly Rescue Parade Coordinator ........................................................... Erica Cerny RESCUE TRl Sweepstakes & Obedience Show Secretary ..........................Theresa Thomas Sweepstakes Stewards .......................................... Christine & Fred Stephens Montgomery Stewards .............. Connie Smith, Marg McQuinn, Helen Prince Trophies ...............................................................Adrian Sanchez, Ellen Avery Vendors .............................................................................................. Lori Kelly Erica Cerny, Ch< Jeanne Lishia, Trea Norma Mitchell, Sec Linda Hill Richard Passi~ Ways and Means.Carol-Joyce Shraison, Danita Tiller, Marge Rosa, Lori Kelly -5- -6- 2013 STCA IALTY SHOW COMMITTEE DMERY WEEKEND ...................................................... Jerry Burge cottish Terrier Club Michigan: Lisa Ferguson .............................................. Janet Tomlinson HEALTH TRUST Dr. John Leith, Chair Lisa Kincheloe, Treasurer Helen Prince, Secretary Marcia Dawson DVM Gloria Kilby DVM Michael Krolewski Barbara Zink ................................................... Kathy Stabler ,rt Team ............ Charlie Cornman, Cliff Schultz Ring Decorations, Dan & April Green .............................................. Mary Helen Rice Chair ................................................. Lori Kelly ....................................................... Erica Cerny RESCUE TRUST Jw Secretary ..........................Theresa Thomas ............................... Christine & Fred Stephens .. Connie Smith, Marg McQuinn, Helen Prince ............................ Adrian Sanchez, Ellen Avery .......................................................... Lori Kelly Erica Cerny, Chair Jeanne Lishia, Treasurer Norma Mitchell, Secretary Linda Hill Richard Passig ihraison, Danita Tiller, Marge Rosa, Lori Kelly -s- -6- FIFTY YEAR MEMBER 2012 STCA SERVICI Neatha L. Robinson The Anstamm Achieve TWENTY-FIVE YEAR MEMBERS Caryl R. Alten Ted Bare Janet Bartholomew Lora Lee Bengston Claudia E. Broome Susan Ruth Callender Michael & Lisa Cerone Sheila A. Coe William & Linda Conway Frank & Susan Finn Robin Harahan & Mark Raisner Sally Mackin Jules Mayne Ann E. Gregg Mozingo Dr. Edward & Linda Reaves Brian & Nancy Schaller Michael & Jeanette (Candi) Serrano This award is offered through the generosi Awarded to a person or perso Cooke. organization for outstanding service to the cl breed, outstanding achievement in bree meritorious accomplishment affecting or rela· Past Anstamm Achievement 2011 STCA Grooming Manual 199: 199· 1991 198 1 198: 198: 1981 198 1 198. 198: 198: 198· 1981 Committee 2010 The Web Committee 2009 Not Awarded 2008 Lucille Berninger 2007 Christine Stephens 2006 Not Awarded 2005 Cindy Cooke 2004 Not Awarded 2003 Not Awarded 2002 Not Awarded 2001 Mary O'Neal 2000 Not Awarded 1999 Not Awarded 1998 Joanne Kinnelly 1997 Not Awarded 1996 Sandra Goose Allen 1995 Barbara DeSaye 1994 C. William Martin 1993 Not Awarded 197~ 197! 197; 197E 197~ 197l -7- -8- YEAR MEMBER 2012 STCA SERVICE AWARDS !atha L. Robinson IVE YEAR MEMBERS Caryl R. Alten Ted Bare iet Bartholomew 1ra Lee Bengston audia E. Broome an Ruth Callender hael & Lisa Cerone Sheila A. Coe im & Linda Conway 3nk & Susan Finn xahan & Mark Raisner Sally Mackin Jules Mayne E. Gregg Mozingo ..vard & Linda Reaves n & Nancy Schaller Jeanette (Candi) Serrano The Anstamm Achievement Award This award is offered through the generosity of Miriam Stamm and Cindy Cooke. Awarded to a person or persons, group, club or any other organization for outstanding service to the club, notable advancement of the breed, outstanding achievement in breeding or exhibiting or other meritorious accomplishment affecting or relating to the Scottish Terrier. Past Anstamm Achievement Award Recipients: 2011 STCA Grooming Manual 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 Committee 2010 The Web Committee 2009 Not Awarded 2008 Lucille Berninger 2007 Christine Stephens 2006 Not Awarded 2005 Cindy Cooke 2004 Not Awarded 2003 Not Awarded 2002 Not Awarded 2001 Mary O'Neal 2000 Not Awarded 1999 Not Awarded 1998 Joanne Kinnelly 1997 Not Awarded 1996 Sandra Goose Allen 1995 Barbara DeSaye 1994 C. William Martin 1993 Not Awarded -7- -8- Miriam Stamm Muriel Lee Not Awarded Linda Meredith STC of Michigan Michael Cook John T. Knight Not Awarded Helen Gaither Not Awarded John T. Marvin Louise Ellsworth Betty Penn Bull Kenneth Meyers W. Jean Dodd Betty Malinka Robert C. Graham Blanche Reeg T. Allen Kirk, Jr. The Sterling Silver Medallion This award is presented by the STCA. The award is a replica of the Seal of the STCA, and is presented in memory of Martha Melekov, past STCA President. Awarded to STCA members who have rendered outstanding service to the club. Past Sterling Silver Medallion Recipients 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2007 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2004 2004 Charlie Cornman Liz Heywood Janice Langston Tom Hossfeld Marianne Melucci Jeanne Lishia Louis Mitchell, MD John McNabney Susan Jacobsen Donald Barcan Norma Lattimore Erica Cerny Pan Hendrickson, DVM Marg McQuinn Pat Gruda Joanne Kinnelly David Seifert Fred Brooks Barbara Casey Joyce Gast Michael Herman Ruth Ann Herman Helen Krisko Monica Madore Norma Mitchell Mary O'Neal Polly O'Neal Debbie Smith Bill Berry Susan Clarkson 2004 Mike O'Neal 2004 Alice Ramsauer 2003 Linda St. James 2002 Mary Ann Cole 2002 Mike Cerone 2002 Susan Harned 2002 Jim Orsborn 2002 Linda Orsborn 2002 Bonnie Schneider 2002 Susan Schneider 2002 Joseph Pendon 2002 Connie Smith 2002 Ilene Stewart 2002 Maxine Stickler 2002 Pat Wooster 2002 Elizabeth Wise 2002 Kellie Verrelli 2001 Bonnie Lamphear 2001 Jane Phelan 2001 Muriel Lee 2001 Mary Lou Somma 2001 Fred Stephens 2000 Susan Morris 2000 Theresa Thomas 1998 Daphne Branzell 1998 Marshall Branzell 1998 Eric Burgess 1998 Marlene Burgess Past Sterling Silver Medallion Recipients (co 1998 Marion Needham Krupp 1997 Patty Brooks 1997 Ed Watkins 1996 Barbara Botak 1996 Michael Botak 1996 Shirley Justus 1996 Letty Passig 1996 Dan Stickler 1995 Gail Gaines 1994 Sandra Goose Allen 1994 Karen Hansen 1994-William C. Martin 1993 Nancy Burleson 1993 Visconti Antonella Di Modrone 1993-Betty McArthur 1993-Carole Fry Owen 1992-Helen Prince 1991-Maxine Stickler 1990 Allen T. Kirk 1989 Ray Bigelow 1988 Cindy Cooke • 1988 John Cohen 1988 John DeSaye 1988 Carla LaCoe 1988 Claudia Leffler 1988 Geraldine Poudrier 1988 Norman Prince 1987 Michael Cook 1987 Barbara DeSaye 1986 Sandi Hach 1986 Robert Young 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198 198, 198' 198' 198 1 198 197 1 197 1 1971 1971 1971 197; 197; 197; 197; 197f 1 197~ 197~ -10- -9- ng Silver Medallion =STCA. The award is a replica of the Seal of in memory of Martha Melekov, past STCA . members who have rendered outstanding ilver Medallion Recipients 2004 2004 2003 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2000 2000 1998 1998 1998 1998 Mike O'Neal Alice Ramsauer Linda St. James Mary Ann Cole Mike Cerone Susan Harned Jim Orsborn Linda Orsborn Bonnie Schneider Susan Schneider Joseph Pendon Connie Smith Ilene Stewart Maxine Stickler Pat Wooster Elizabeth Wise Kellie Verrelli Bonnie Lamphear Jane Phelan Muriel Lee Mary Lou Somma Fred Stephens Susan Morris Theresa Thomas Daphne Branzell Marshall Branzell Eric Burgess Marlene Burgess Past Sterling Silver Medallion Recipients (continued): 1998 Marion Needham Krupp 1997 Patty Brooks 1997 Ed Watkins 1996 Barbara Botak 1996 Michael Botak 1996 Shirley Justus 1996 Letty Passig 1996 Dan Stickler 1995 Gail Gaines 1994 Sandra Goose Allen 1994 Karen Hansen 1994-William C. Martin 1993 Nancy Burleson 1993 Visconti Antonella Di Modrone 1993-Betty McArthur 1993-Carole Fry Owen 1992-Helen Prince 1991-Maxine Stickler 1990 Allen T. Kirk 1989 Ray Bigelow 1988 Cindy Cooke • 1988 John Cohen 1988 John DeSaye 1988 Carla LaCoe 1988 Claudia Leffler 1988 Geraldine Poudrier 1988 Norman Prince 1987 Michael Cook 1987 Barbara DeSaye 1986 Sandi Hach 1986 Robert Young 1986 Margaret Young 1985 Jerry Roszman 1984 Merle Taylor 1983 Christine Cook 1983 Alan Riga 1982 Marjorie Cohen 1982 Catherine Ridgley 1982 Danalee Saar 1982 Ruth Tryon 1981 Ronald Giese 1981 Jeannie Passmore 1981 Bart Lapin 1981 John Sheehan 1981 Miriam Stamm 1980 Robert Graham 1980 Faith Harrop 1980 Deborah Mackie 1980 Donn La Vigne 1980 Lorayne Lapin 1979 Edward Ingram 1979 Jemima Rowe 1978 Donald Massaker 1978 Marilyn Meador 1978 Richard Seelback 1977 Louise Ellsworth 1977 Claribel Graham 1977 Robert Marshall 1977 Neatha Robinson 1976 Lorayne Lapin 1975 Robert Charves 1975 Elizabeth Cooper -10- -9- Past Sterling Silver Medallion Recipients (continued): The STCA Good Sportsrr 1975 Mrs. J. Guppy 1975 Richard Hensel 1975 Mary Kelly 1975 Ralph Krueger 1975 Nicholas Levandoski 1975 Patsy Maness 1975 Tom Natalini 1975 Ruth Peffley 1975 Cynthia Wallgren 1975 Eileen Lynn Weaver 1975lrene Robertson 1975 Judy Helton 1974 Jackie Balog 1974 Mrs. H. F. Garber 1974 Joann Glaser 1974 Kennan Glaser 1974 Robert Graham 1974 Harry Johnson 1974 Elizabeth Levandoski 1974 Betty Malinka 1974 Vana Mapplebeck 1974 Jacki Seelbach 1974 Maureen Settle 1974 Blanche Reeg 1974 Barbara Dunham 1974 Cornelia Crissey Awarded by the STCA to one STCA merr contributions to the STCA and to the bree the scenes" workers who have given unse for the STCA. Past STCA Good Sportsmanship 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 -I I- Vicki Frazier Mary Helen Rice Darle Heck Karen Hansen Deborah Brookes Marion Needham Krupp Al Kinnelly Mike O' Neal Not Awarded Michael and Barbara Botak Evelyn Kirk Not Awarded Letty Passig Sue Martin Muriel Lee Jacki Seelbach Not Awarded Bonnie Lamphear 199 199 199 199 198 198 198 198 198 198 198. -12- lecipients (continued): The STCA Good Sportsmanship Award Awarded by the STCA to one STCA member, to honor that member's contributions to the STCA and to the breed. Recipients are the "behind the scenes" workers who have given unselfishly of their time and talents for the STCA. Past STCA Good Sportsmanship Award Recipients: 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 I I- Vicki Frazier Mary Helen Rice Darle Heck Karen Hansen Deborah Brookes Marion Needham Krupp Al Kinnelly Mike O'Neal Not Awarded Michael and Barbara Botak Evelyn Kirk Not Awarded Letty Passig Sue Martin Muriel Lee Jacki Seelbach Not Awarded Bonnie Lamphear 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 -12- Not Awarded Lorayne Lapin Deborah Mackie Donn Lavigne Bill Martin John DeSaye Faith Harrop Kenneth McArthur Richard Seelbach Marjorie M. Cohen Ruth Tryon The Antonella Visconti di Modrone Health Advocate Award Awarded to an STCA member or non-member, single individual or a group (i.e. club, research team) who has demonstrated, by word and/or deed, outstanding dedication to and achievement in the area of Scottish Terrier health. This award is fully funded by and voted on by the Health Trustees. Current Health Trustees are not eligible. 2012 STCA ANNUJ OBEDIEN \ Harrop Award for Highest Sec Past Antonella Visconti di Modrone Health Advocate Award Recipients: 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 Not Awarded Not Awarded Not Awarded Not Awarded Gail Gaines Not Awarded Not Awarded Not Awarded Not Awarded Susan Morris Awarded through the generosity of Fait~ dog or bitch earning the highest average Companion Dog obedience title during the Chess at a Gamble CD RI' Owner: Sandra Ar Budzak Award for Highest Sec Excellen1 Awarded through the generosity of Lynn dog or bitch earning the highest average Companion Dog Excellent obedience title c NotAwarde Rice Award for Highest Sc Awarded through the generosity of Mary ~ dog or bitch earning the highest average Utility Dog obedience title during the awar NotAwarde -14 Ii Modrone Health Advocate Award 2012 STCA ANNUAL AWARDS or non-member, single individual or a group J has demonstrated, by word and/or deed, I achievement in the area of Scottish Terrier :led by and voted on by the Health Trustees. it eligible. OBEDIENCE Harrop Award for Highest Scoring Companion Dog >drone Health Advocate Award Recipients: ) 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Not Awarded Not Awarded Not Awarded Not Awarded Gail Gaines Not Awarded Not Awarded Not Awarded Not Awarded Susan Morris Awarded through the generosity of Faith Harrop to the Scottish Terrier dog or bitch earning the highest average score in qualifying for an AKC Companion Dog obedience title during the award year. Chess at a Gamble CD RN (191.5 points) Owner: Sandra Anderson Budzak Award for Highest Scoring Companion Dog Excellent Awarded through the generosity of Lynn Budzak to the Scottish Terrier dog or bitch earning the highest average score in qualifying for an AKC Companion Dog Excellent obedience title during the award year. Not Awarded Rice Award for Highest Scoring Utility Dog Awarded through the generosity of Mary Helen Rice to the Scottish Terrier dog or bitch earning the highest average score in qualifying for an AKC Utility Dog obedience title during the award year. Not Awarded -13- -14 Marvel Award for Highest Scoring Utility Dog Excellent Awarded through the generosity of Elizabeth Marvel to the Scottish Terrier earning the highest average score in qualifying for a Utility Dog Excellent obedience title. The award year shall be the year that the dog earns its tenth leg toward the Utility Dog Excellent title. Not Awarded Berninger Award for Highest Scoring Dog in Advanced Obedience Awarded through the generosity of Walther and Lucy Berninger to the Scottish Terrier earning the highest average score based on scores earned in the Open B and Utility classes during the award year. Not Awarded Letty Passig Memorial Award for Highest Scoring Champion CH OTCH Balgair Humvee Let Memorial Av This award is offered by the STCA to a me1 achieved this prestigious OTCH obedience annually. Not Awarde AGILIT't The AgilScot Agili Awarded through the generosity of Kellie ; to the owners of the Scottish Terrier earn trophy points during the award year. MACH3 Specialscots Legally Black, MXC, Doreen Piche Awarded through the generosity of Friends of Letty Passig to the Scottish Terrier champion of record earning the highest average score in qualifying for an AKC CD, CDX or UD obedience title during the award year. Not Awarded •2' • •••• -15- •• • •••• •••• •••• -16- test Scoring Utility Dog Excellent )Sity of Elizabeth Marvel to the Scottish ·erage score in qualifying for a Utility Dog award year shall be the year that the dog Jtility Dog Excellent title. Not Awarded Hghest Scoring Dog in Advanced Obedience sity of Walther and Lucy Berninger to the ;hest average score based on scores earned s during the award year. Not Awarded fal Award for Highest Scoring Champion CH OTCH Balgair Humvee Let's Roll,RE,UDX2,0M1 Memorial Award This award is offered by the STCA to a member who's Scottish Terrier has achieved this prestigious OTCH obedience level. This award will be given annually. Not Awarded AGILITY The AgilScot Agility Award Awarded through the generosity of Kellie and Tim Verrelli and Pam Wilson to the owners of the Scottish Terrier earning the highest total number of trophy points during the award year. MACH3 Specialscots Legally Black, MXC, MJB2, CA (Total points 1713) Doreen Pichette ty of Friends of Letty Passig to the Scottish ning the highest average score in qualifying lience title during the award year. \lot Awarded . '3' ,. •:' ._ •• -15- • •••• -16- VERSATILITY STCA Performance Award Offered through the generosity of the Scottish Terrier Club of America to recognize those Scotties that excel in the full range of AKC events: Conformation, Agility, Earthdog, Obedience, Rally and Tracking, Performance, Outstanding Performance and Superior Performance. Scottish Terrier award levels are tallied by the number of AKC venues and points accumulated by titles earned. Performance Scottish Terrier Not Awarded Outstanding Performance Scottish Terrier CH Campbell's Black Jack, CD, RAE, NA,AXJ (Total points 29) Elizabeth Marvel Gallica's Victory at Bannockburn, RN, MX, MXJ (Total points 30) Kathy E. Stabler San Francisco Bay Scottish TerriE A medallion is offered through the genera~ annually to any STCA member whose dog/ the seven recognized AKC titles: Confo Earthdog, Agility, Rally or Therapy Dog. NotAwarde CONFORMA R-Starr Memorial Swee1 Awarded through the generosity of Pa Adrian & Linda Sanchez, Michael & Jeane Ascolillo Buckles to the owner(s) of the : Sweepstakes at the fall annual STCA Natic Firehearts Over The Susan & Michael S; Marianne & John I Superior Performance Scottish Terrier Not Awarded -18- -17- :RSATILITY !rformance Award y of the Scottish Terrier Club of America to t excel in the full range of AKC events: idog, Obedience, Rally and Tracking, >erformance and Superior Performance. re tallied by the number of AKC venues and 1rned. ince Scottish Terrier Not Awarded ·formance Scottish Terrier :k, CD, RAE, NA,AXJ (Total points 29) izabeth Marvel ckburn, RN, MX, MXJ (Total points 30) athy E. Stabler San Francisco Bay Scottish Terrier Club Versatility Award A medallion is offered through the generosity of the San Francisco Bay STC annually to any STCA member whose dog/bitch has been awarded four of the seven recognized AKC titles: Conformation, Obedience, Tracking, Earthdog, Agility, Rally or Therapy Dog. Not Awarded CONFORMATION R-Starr Memorial Sweepstakes Trophy Awarded through the generosity of Patricia Bartlett, Corinne Falicia, Adrian & Linda Sanchez, Michael & Jeanette (Candi) Serrano, and Grace Ascolillo Buckles to the owner(s) of the Scottish Terrier winning Best in Sweepstakes at the fall annual STCA National Specialty Show. Firehearts Over The Rainbow Susan & Michael Sacchetti Marianne & John Melucci >rmance Scottish Terrier Not Awarded -18- -17- CONFORMATION The CH Charthill Worthy of Colwic Chyscott Memorial Junior Showmanship Award Awarded through the generosity of Chari< dog siring the highest number of offsp championship during the award year. Awarded through the generosity of LaRae & Whitney Shafer and Kristen Shafer-Simmons to the Junior who wins the most points in junior showmanship competition for showing a Scottish Terrier. CH Anstamm Prime Mini! Anstamm Kennels Amy Judge (54 points) The Kriscot/Pryscott Bro The Scottish Terrier Club of California Gold Medallion Breeder's Award Awarded through the generosity of The Scottish Terrier Club of California to the breeder of the Best of Breed at Montgomery County and the Best of Breed at the Rotating Specialty. All breeders must be STCA Members. Montgomery County Offered through the generosity of Helen brood bitch producing the highest numb their AKC championship title during the aw CH Charthill Woburn Too Steve and Debi Russe The Duff-De Pac-Man Pu1 Not Awarded Rotating Specialty GCH CH McVan's Be Bop Baby Breeders: Vandra Huber & Michael Krolewski Offered through the generosity of Willia1 awarded to the owner(s) of the Scottish l number of award points from the Puppy De Phyllis Harp, Michel De Gyves, John Alie Destiny's Secret V\ The CH Deblin's Back Talk Memorial Specialty Award Awarded through the generosity of Deborah A. Brookes and Joel Goldberg in memory of the dog whose name it bears to the owner(s) of the Scottish Terrier winning the most Specialty Best of Breed wins during the award year. The Scottish Terrier must be handled by an owner. Charla and Kari Hill (1) Ed, Marilyn, and Kim Lindsay (1) The Bar-None Puppy I Offered through the generosity of Christir the owner(s) of the Scottish Terrier earni1 award points from the Puppy Bitch class d u Pat Wooster and Tracy Woe Cumbria's Which Witc -19-20- IFORMATION The CH Charthill Worthy of Colwick Stud Dog Award I Junior Showmanship Award Awarded through the generosity of Charla, Tom and Kari Hill to the stud dog siring the highest number of offspring that complete their AKC championship during the award year. ;ity of LaRae & Whitney Shafer and Kristen or who wins the most points in junior showing a Scottish Terrier. Judge (54 points) CH Anstamm Prime Minister.......... (5) Anstamm Kennels - Owner The Kriscot/Pryscott Brood Bitch Award rerrier Club of California Ilion Breeder's Award ity of The Scottish Terrier Club of California reed at Montgomery County and the Best 1lty. All breeders must be STCA Members. 1tgomery County Offered through the generosity of Helen Krisko and Diana Price to the brood bitch producing the highest number of offspring who complete their AKC championship title during the award year. CH Charthill Woburn Too Intense .... (4) Steve and Debi Russell - Owners The Duff-De Pac-Man Puppy Dog Trophy Not Awarded tating Specialty McVan's Be Bop Baby ra Huber & Michael Krolewski Talk Memorial Specialty Award ty of Deborah A. Brookes and Joel Goldberg ame it bears to the owner(s) of the Scottish :ialty Best of Breed wins during the award be handled by an owner. fa and Kari Hill (1) rn, and Kim Lindsay (1) Offered through the generosity of William and Kathy deVilleneuve and awarded to the owner(s) of the Scottish Terrier earning the highest total number of award points from the Puppy Dog class during the award year. Phyllis Harp, Michel De Gyves, John Allen and Susan Finn (32 points) Destiny's Secret Weapon The Bar-None Puppy Bitch Trophy Offered through the generosity of Christine Cook-Gerety and awarded to the owner(s) of the Scottish Terrier earning the highest total number of award points from the Puppy Bitch class during the award year. Pat Wooster and Tracy Wooster (43 points) Cumbria's Which Witch Is Which -19-20- The Destiny American-Bred Trophy Offered through the generosity of Frank and Susan Finn and awarded to the owner(s) earning the highest total number of award points from the American-Bred class during the award year. Vandra Huber and Michael Krolewski (18 points) McVan's High Hopes The Alchemy Bred By Exhibitor Trophy Offered through the generosity of Russ and Mary Lou Somma and awarded to the owner(s) earning the highest total number of award points from the Bred By Exhibitor (BBE) class during the award year. Steve and Debi Russell (55 points) Woburn Pride Of The Empire Woburn Boardwalk Empire Woburn Too Hot To Handle Woburn Victorian Empire Woburn Let's Rock The Glenby Best of Opposite Sex Award Offered through the generosity of Fred and Christine Stephens and awarded to the Scottish Terrier dog or bitch of the opposite sex with the highest number of points to the Lloyd award winner. GCH CH Friendship Hill Stars and Stripes (147 points) Patricia M. Gallatin and Margaret Browne The Casi Scottish Terrier C This trophy is awarded through the gem awarded to the owner(s) of the Best of Op1 at the STCA Fall National Specialty. Perman awarded to the first owner(s) to accumul with the same dog or in consecutive shows. three legs, regardless of co-owners, thi challenge trophy is retired the annual wi certificate acknowledging the win. Owners the STCA. GCH CH Friendship Hill Sta Owners: Patricia M. Gallatin anc The Blueberry Hil Offered through the generosity of Kathi awarded to the dog or bitch defeating the and Specialty competition. GCH CH Lomondview Clementi John and Daphne I The Wychwood Bree1 Offered through the generosity of Kathie breeder(s) of the Francis G. Lloyd Memor breeder does not need to be a member oft Breeder: Carol A -21 -22- American-Bred Trophy ty of Frank and Susan Finn and awarded to 1est total number of award points from the ! award year. 1d Michael Krolewski (18 points) Van's High Hopes 3red By Exhibitor Trophy sity of Russ and Mary Lou Somma and ming the highest total number of award tor (BBE) class during the award year. Debi Russell (55 points) rn Pride Of The Empire irn Boardwalk Empire 1rn Too Hot To Handle ,urn Victorian Empire loburn Let's Rock ;t of Opposite Sex Award sity of Fred and Christine Stephens and ~r dog or bitch of the opposite sex with the e Lloyd award winner. Hill Stars and Stripes (147 points) latin and Margaret Browne The Casi Scottish Terrier Challenge Trophy This trophy is awarded through the generosity of Barbara Casey. It is awarded to the owner(s) of the Best of Opposite Sex to the Best of Breed at the STCA Fall National Specialty. Permanent possession of this trophy is awarded to the first owner(s) to accumulate three legs not necessarily with the same dog or in consecutive shows. If one owner is the same on all three legs, regardless of co-owners, this criterion applies. Until the challenge trophy is retired the annual winner each year will receive a certificate acknowledging the win. Owners may or may not be members of the STCA. GCH CH Friendship Hill Stars and Stripes Owners: Patricia M. Gallatin and Margaret Browne The Blueberry Hill Award Offered through the generosity of Kathi Brown & Susan Getgood and awarded to the dog or bitch defeating the most dogs in All-breed, Group and Specialty competition. GCH CH Lomondview Clementina (22,808 points) John and Daphne Eggert The Wychwood Breeder's Award Offered through the generosity of Kathleen Ferris and awarded to the breeder(s) of the Francis G. Lloyd Memorial Trophy award winner. The breeder does not need to be a member of the STCA. Breeder: Carol Annan -21 -22- The Francis G. Lloyd Memori The Francis G. Lloyd Memorial Trophy Award Awarded by the STCA to the Scottish Terrier dog or bitch earning the highest total number of award points for Best of Breed wins at All-breed, Group and Specialty shows. GCH CH Lomondview Clementina (182 points) John and Daphne Eggert GCH CH Friendship Hill Stars and Stripes (147 points) Patricia M. Gallatin and Margaret Browne GCH CH McVan's Be Bop Baby (140 points) Vandra Huber and Rebecca Cross GCH CH Woburn Camelot Unbridled Spirit (84 points) Debi and Steve Russell GCH CH Kelwyn's History in the Making (68 points) David and Kelli Edell GCH CH Charthill Top Billing (54 points) Charla Hill and Kari Hill GCH CH Cumbria's Ready Jet Go (54 points) Pat Wooster and Tracy Wooster Barbary Why Why Delilla (47 Points) Ron and Maurine McConnell CH Rock Castle's Jovial Patriot (32 points) Amanda Thomas and Barbara Medina CH Chyscott's Making an Entrance (16 points) Larae Shafer, Whitney Shafer and Kristen Shafer-Simmons -23- -24- The Francis G. Lloyd Memorial Trophy Award 1yd Memorial Trophy Award ~ j Scottish Terrier dog or bitch earning the points for Best of Breed wins at All-breed, lview Clementina (182 points) ind Daphne Eggert Hill Stars and Stripes (147 points) llatin and Margaret Browne 1's Be Bop Baby (140 points) Jber and Rebecca Cross nelot Unbridled Spirit (84 points) and Steve Russell listory in the Making (68 points) lid and Kelli Edell thill Top Billing (54 points) la Hill and Kari Hill ia's Ready Jet Go (54 points) ;ter and Tracy Wooster 1yWhy Delilla (47 Points) j Maurine McConnell e's Jovial Patriot (32 points) >mas and Barbara Medina 1aking an Entrance (16 points) Shafer and Kristen Shafer-Simmons -23- -24- The Scottish Terrier Club of America Past Presidents 1902 ............................................................................ Mrs. Jack Brazier 1903-1914 ·················································································Unknown 1915-1916 ......................................................................... Francis G. Lloyd 1917 .............................................................. Clarence C. Little 1918-1920 ........................................................................ Francis G. Lloyd 1921 .................................................................................. Henry D. Bixby 1922 ........ ..... ... ...................... ..... . .. . ........... Charles E. Jeffrey, Jr. 1923-1931 ................................................................................. Unknown 1932-1933 ...................................................................... William MacBain 1934-1935 ........................................................................ George W. Cole 1936-1938 .................................................................. Morgan Steinmetz 1939-1940 ................................................................ H. Alvin McAleenan 1941-1942 ....................................................................... Maurice Pollack 1943-1944 .................................................................... Charles G. Stalter 1945 ............................................................ Mrs. Jean Flagler Matthews 1946 ........................................................ Mrs. James Duncan McGregor 1947-1948 ............................................................. Charles H. Werber, Jr. 1949 ............................................................................ S. Edwin Megaree 1950-1951 ................................................................ Mrs. John G. Winant 1952-1953 .............................................................. Robert J. Mcloughlin 1954-1955 ................................................................. Mrs. Beatrice G. Vail 1956-1957 ...................................................................... Jane C. Moloney 1958-1959 .............................................................. Mrs. Blanche E .Reeg 1960-1961 ........................................................................ Robert Graham 1962-1963 ............................................................... Col. Richard Weaver 1964-1965 ............................................................................. Ralph Sloan 1966-1968 ................................................................. Dr. T. Allen Kirk, Jr. 1969-1970 .............................................................. Sen. Anthony Stamm 1971-1973 ...................................................................... Martha Melekov 1974-1975 ................................................................ Nicholas Levandoski 1976-1977 .....................................: ............................ J. Richard Seelbach -25- Past Presidents (continued) 1978-1979 ······················································ 1980-1981 ....................................................... 1982-1984 ..................................................... . 1985-1986 ..................................................... . 1987-1988 ······················································ 1989-1990 ...................................................... 1991-1993 ······················································· 1994-1996 ······················································ 1997-1998 ······················································ 1999-2001 ·············· ········································ 2002-2003 .................................................... . 2004-2005 ····················································· 2006-2007 ····················································· 2008 ............................................................. . 2009-2011 ······················································· Note: The complete award criteria including 2007 STCA Handbook and is published an nu -26- Terrier Club of America 1st Presidents .................................... Mrs. Jack Brazier ,............................................... Unknown ....................................... Francis G. Lloyd ............................ Clarence C. Little ...................................... Francis G. Lloyd ....................................... Henry D. Bixby ....................... Charles E. Jeffrey, Jr. ............................................... Unknown .................................... William MacBain ...................................... George W. Cole .................. ............... Morgan Steinmetz ........•...................... H. Alvin McAleenan ..................................... Maurice Pollack ................................... Charles G. Stalter .................. Mrs. Jean Flagler Matthews .............. Mrs. James Duncan McGregor ............................ Charles H. Werber, Jr. .................................. S. Edwin Megaree .............................. Mrs. John G. Winant ............................ Robert J. Mcloughlin ............................... Mrs. Beatrice G. Vail .................................... Jane C. Moloney ............................. Mrs. Blanche E .Reeg ...................................... Robert Graham .............................. Col. Richard Weaver ............................................ Ralph Sloan ................•....•.......... Dr. T. Allen Kirk, Jr. ............................. Sen. Anthony Stamm .................................... Martha Melekov .............................. Nicholas Levandoski ... : ............................ J. Richard Seelbach -25- Past Presidents (continued) 1978-1979 ......................................................................... John Sheehan 1980-1981 ............................................................................. Cass Ridgley 1982-1984 ....................................................................J. Edward Ingram 1985-1986 ........................................................................... John DeSaye 1987-1988 ............................................................................ Kathi Brown 1989-1990 ........... ........................................................ Betty J. McArthur 1991-1993 ..........................................................................Jacki Seelbach 1994-1996 .......................................................................... Shirley Justus 1997-1998 ............................................................................ Fred Brooks 1999-2001 ....................................................................... Maxine Stickler 2002-2003 ........................................................................... Polly O'Neal 2004-2005 ......................................................................Joanne Kinnelly 2006-2007 ........................................................................ Karen Hansen 2008 ................................................................................ Mary Ann Cole 2009-2011 ............................................................................Connie Smith Note: The complete award criteria including tally rules may be found in the 2007 STCA Handbook and is published annually in The Bagpiper . -26-