- Kinkels en Krale
- Kinkels en Krale
Catalogue May 2016 1 Multi-Coloured Bead Nests R130 each (without Heart) R140 each (with Heart) Ordering Code : Without Heart 1804001 (indicate colour scheme) With Heart 1804011 (indicate colour scheme) 2 Multi Colour Nest Combo’s 1804002 Priced from R200 3 Bold Strings—R100 1804013 (indicate your colour) Asymmetrical Beads—R120 1804003 (indicate your colour) 4 Chunky Floral Beads R120 each 1804014 Floral Beads R70 each 250402 Floral Beads Combo R150 250403 Chunky Floral Beads Combo Floral Bead Earrings R210 R50 per pair 300458 3004483 5 Multi-Coloured Beads Without a heart R100 each 2504061 With a Heart R120 each 2504062 (can be ordered in your own colour scheme) 6 String Beads @R200 per set 2504071 Can be ordered in any colour! 7 Multi-Coloured Beads With a Heart 2504062 @ R120 each Multi-Coloured Asymmetrical Beads @ R135 each 2504081 8 Asymmetrical Beads @ R120 each 2504091 Can be ordered in any colour!! Asymmetrical Earrings @ R40 each 2504092 Can be ordered in any colour! 9 Chunky Beads Without a Heart @ R100 Each 2504101 Can be ordered in any colour! Summer Beads With a Heart @ R130 Each 2504102 Can be ordered in any colour! 10 Layered Beads @ R120 each 2504112 Can be ordered in any Colour!! Layered Bead Combo @ R190 each 2504113 Can be ordered in any colour!!! 11 Snoods @ R120 each 2504121 - Protea, 25040122 - Windmill Indicate your colour 12 Snood, Earring & Bead Combo’s @ R250 each 2604171 (Indicate your colour and design) Snood & Earring Combo @ R150 each 2604172 (Indicate your colour & design) 13 Bead & Brooch Combo 2 String @ R130 each 260401 3 String @ R140 each 260402 4 String @ R150 each 260403 Wooden Brooches @ R50 each 260404 14 Asymmetrical Lace Combo @ R 180 260414 15 Bead Bangles @ R30 Each 2604151 Spiral Bangles @ R50 each 2604152 Bangle Trio’s @ R90 Each 2604153 Spaghetti Bangles @ R20 each 2604154 16 Deco Bangles @ R50 each 260416—indicate your choice! 17 Wooden Stud Earrings Heart Loop Earring @ R35 Each @ R55 Each 2604181 2604182 Heart Stud Earrings @ R35 each 2604183 18 Prettiest Little Studs @ R40 each 3004241 (Indicate your colour) 19 Prettiest Little Bracelet & Brooch Combo’s @ R50 each 3004261 Prettiest Little Brooches @ R30 each 3004262 20 Windmill Combo’s @ R300 each Owl Combo’s @ R300 each 21 3004281 3004282 Windpomp Koffietafel Lappies @ R120 elk 100cm x 50cm Grys—3004291 Wit—3004292 Windpomp Tafeldoeke @ R210 elk 150cm x 200cm Grys—3004293 Wit—3004294 22 Deco Heart Earrings @ R65 each 2604201 Indicate Your Selection 23 TYarn Necklaces @ R100 each 26042001 We have a big variety of TYarn Necklaces. When placing an order for a TYarn Necklace please indicate your colour selection. Please keep an eye on our Facebook Page for latest designs 24 Bangle, Ring & Earring Combo R150 2904211 (This combo can be ordered in any bangle style) Bangle & Earring Combo R110 2904212 (This combo can be ordered in any bangle style) 25 I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky... Sailor Bangle Combo @ R80 2904221 26 Summer Yarn Beads @ R120 each 3004241 Floral T-Shirt Yarn @ R80 each 3004242 27 Big Chunkies @ R135 each 2904231 (Indicate your colour) 28 Macrovest Shopping Center Cnr Austin & Williams Str Wilkoppies Klerksdorp 0847117251 / 0828969338 Follow us on: Facebook, Twitter & Instagram Visit our website www.kinkelsenkrale.co.za 29