Landslide Hazards - Stillaguamish Tribe
Landslide Hazards - Stillaguamish Tribe
Landslide Hazards in the Stillaguamish basin: A New Set of GIS Tools Prepared For The Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians Natural Resource Department by Daniel J. Miller M2 Environmental Services 3040 NW 57th Street Seattle WA 98107 June 8, 2004 1 A New Set of GIS Tools June 8, 2004 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1 Methods and results.................................................................................................................... 2 Strategy................................................................................................................................... 2 Data Sources........................................................................................................................... 4 Upslope Landslides ................................................................................................................ 7 Landslide Initiation............................................................................................................. 7 Landslide Runout ............................................................................................................. 11 Stream Side Landslides ........................................................................................................ 15 Applications.............................................................................................................................. 17 Landslide Hazards ................................................................................................................ 17 Watershed Processes ............................................................................................................ 18 Debris-Flow-Prone Channels ........................................................................................... 18 Sediment Yield ................................................................................................................. 19 Relationship to Fish Habitat ............................................................................................. 20 Conclusions .............................................................................................................................. 22 References ................................................................................................................................ 23 Landslide Hazards in the Stillaguamish basin: A New Set of GIS Tools INTRODUCTION Landslide hazard maps provide one component of an integrated planning approach to sustainable use of natural resources. Landslides are well-known as agents of destruction, which are ignored at our peril (e.g., Turner and Schuster 1996), but are also recognized as integral components of watershed landscapes and ecosystems (e.g., Swanson et al. 1988, Naiman et al. 1992). Landslides contribute to the construction of riparian terraces and fans, and to the supply of sediment that composes channel beds and floodplains (Benda 1990, Grant and Swanson 1995). Consequently, the frequency, size, location, and history of landsliding affect the types, quality, and heterogeneity of channel and riparian habitats found within a basin (Reeves et al. 1995, Benda et al. 2004). It is also recognized that land management activities can alter the frequency, magnitude, and location of landslide occurrences (Swanson and Dryness 1975, Dragovich et al. 1993, Montgomery et al. 2000). Because current management strategies seek to minimize human alterations of watershed dynamics, management planning includes identification of landslide-prone areas, assessment of their sensitivity to landuse practices, and evaluation of the hazard they pose to watershed resources (Washington_Forest_Practices_Board 1997). Landslide mapping can also aid in assessment efforts and in planning conservation and restoration actions. For these applications, landsliding must be considered both in terms of direct and indirect consequences. For example, when activities within a watershed lead to alterations of valley-floor environments (e.g., cutting of riparian forests or conversion of forests to other land uses), the consequences of landsliding can change even if areas prone to landsliding are fully protected, because the channels that must eventually carry the sediment provided by the landslides are changed. Delineation of landslide processes within a watershed can thus aid a variety of efforts. Hazard identification also relies on recognition of landslide processes and consequences, so these two types of efforts are complementary. Indeed, the consequences of landsliding dictate Landslide Hazards in the Stillaguamish Basin: A New Set of GIS Tools June 8, 2004 the hazards they pose. Hazard assessments typically rely on recognition of relatively local consequences, e.g., the potential for landslide delivery of sediment to a stream channel. The role of position within the basin, of up- and down-stream landslide potential, of the condition of adjacent and downstream riparian forests, and of watershed history (which may have altered landslide frequency), although recognized as important for assessing the cumulative effects of landsliding, are not routinely incorporated explicitly into assessments of landslide hazards. This is due, in large part, to the lack of quantitative measures for describing these factors. The lack of such measures also hinders conservation and restoration planning. Such plans commonly involve detailed assessments of landslide processes, of stand distributions and riparian condition, and of watershed history (e.g., Collins et al. 1994), but there are few quantitative methods to account for interactions between these factors or to quantify the effects of future changes. This report describes and illustrates newly developed, GIS-based tools for quantifying landslide hazards. The availability of extensive digital data sets for basin topography and land cover offers an opportunity to design and test new measures of landslide attributes within the context of watershed processes. These data, in conjunction with mapping from aerial photographs and field surveys, can provide spatially distributed estimates of landslide susceptibility and of routing pathways for landslide debris. Combined with channel and habitat information, this type of information can help to place the consequences of landsliding into a broader, habitat-based perspective. These GIS models serve as an assessment tool that can provide traditional landslide hazard maps, but the information and processing ability they provide can also be used to evaluate landslide processes and potential consequences for other types of applications. METHODS AND RESULTS Strategy The basic strategy is to correlate observed landslide locations to quantified landscape attributes. For this project, I used attributes related to topography, geology, and land cover. All data are recorded in a GIS database, so that model correlations can be updated as new data are collected. Landscape attributes are derived from digital data sets and, for this project, M2 Environmental Services 2 Landslide Hazards in the Stillaguamish Basin: A New Set of GIS Tools June 8, 2004 landslide locations are based on mapping from aerial photographs, with a focus on landslide types that may actively deliver sediment to stream channels. For the Stillaguamish basin, I’ve divided these landslides into two broad categories, upslope and streamside landslides, based on their proximity to a stream channel. Upslope landslides tend to be much longer than they are wide, and include both short-runout “shallow-rapid” landslides and long-runout debris flows (debris slides, spreads, and flows using Cruden and Varnes’ (1996) Table 3-1). Streamside landslides tend to be more nearly equal in width and length, commonly have arcuate headscarps, and terminate at the valley floor, typically at a stream channel. I’ve characterized landslides into these two categories because streamside landslides can form primarily in response to stream undercutting of adjacent banks (Miller and Sias 1998), whereas upslope landslides are thought to occur primarily in response to porepressure gradients associated with subsurface flow (Iverson 2000). These two types of landslides are treated separately, because the topographic, geologic, and land cover controls on the triggering processes differ between them. Landslide susceptibility is characterized point-by-point, or in this case, pixel-by-pixel over a GIS raster file, in terms of the probability that the pixel is located within (or contains) a landslide scar or deposit. These probabilities are derived from the inventory of mapped landslide locations overlain on topographic, geologic, and land cover attributes. At any pixel, the probability is estimated from the proportion of pixels in the basin with similar attributes that contain mapped landslides. As a simple example, consider pixels classified in terms of slope gradient. If we divided them into slope classes and found that 2% of those with gradients between 70% and 80% contained mapped landslides, we would assign a probability of 0.02 to pixels with slope values in that range, meaning that, on average, of every 100 pixels in that slope class, two would contain a mapped landslide. I use a combination of attributes here to account for factors in addition to slope gradient, but the idea is the same. With this method, the values obtained reflect only the landslides included in the database. In this case, landslides were mapped solely from 2001 aerial photographs, so the probabilities calculated reflect landslides that appeared active at that time. For upslope landslides, probabilities are calculated only for the uppermost point of the landslide scar, which represents the initiation point of the landslide. Pixels are thereby M2 Environmental Services 3 Landslide Hazards in the Stillaguamish Basin: A New Set of GIS Tools June 8, 2004 assigned a probability of containing a landslide-initiation point. I also use the mapped extent of landslide runout to estimate the probability that a landslide continues down slope. For this calculation I use a slightly different strategy. For each mapped landslide, the runout length is characterized in terms of topographic and land-cover attributes along the runout path. The entire sample of landslide runout tracks is then used to estimate the probability that a landslide continues down slope, pixel-by-pixel, in terms of the topographic and land-cover attributes along the entire runout path starting from the initiating pixel. With this method, the probability for delivery to a stream channel can be estimated for a landslide originating from any, and every, pixel in the basin. Given that a digital coverage of the Stillaguamish basin contains about 17 million 10-meter-square pixels, it is clear that such calculations require a computer. These methods provide empirical estimates of landslide susceptibility and of the potential for down slope delivery. When coupled with a stream data set, channel reaches can be characterized in terms of their susceptibility to landslide impacts. These methods can also be used to estimate the probable surface area of active streamside landslides, and the probable runout length for upslope landslides that deliver to stream channels, both of which correlate to landslide volume (May 2002). These models can thereby be used to estimate sediment yields from landsliding. Moreover, because landslide susceptibility and delivery potential are tied to land cover, the change in sediment yield associated with a change in land cover can be estimated (to the extent that the relationship between landslide susceptibility and delivery potential, if any, can be resolved by the available data). This provides a quantitative means of assessing effects of past and planned land-use activities. Data Sources Landslide mapping was done using: • 2001 color aerial photographs, approximate scale 1:15,000 • USGS digital orthophotographs, sampled at 1-meter resolution (, of various vintage (1989-1994) • Digital raster graphics (DRG) of the USGS 7.5-minute topographic maps ( M2 Environmental Services 4 Landslide Hazards in the Stillaguamish Basin: A New Set of GIS Tools June 8, 2004 Landslide locations were digitized directly on screen using the orthophotographs and DRGs as base maps. An example is shown in Figure 1. Digital analyses used the following data sources: • 10-meter USGS DEMs • 1:100,000-scale digital geology for Washington State (; Pt. Townsend and Sauk River quadrangles • Digital land-cover classification, Snohomish County, derived from 2001 Landsat images ( • A roads coverage Geologic units were grouped into two broad categories: deep, unconsolidated glacial sediments (GLACIAL), and all others (BEDROCK). The deep, glacial sediments found in the Stilliguamish valley are subject to certain landslide types that are not found in areas with shallow soils overlying more competent substrates (e.g., bedrock or till). These types include large translational block slides, as seen at the Steelhead Haven (Hazel) landslide along the North Fork of the Stillaguamish (e.g., Miller and Sias 1998), and by headward-eroding landslide complexes, as seen at the DeForest Creek and Gold Basin landslides. Snohomish County derived eleven land-cover types in their classification of the 2001 Landsat imagery (Purser et al. 2003): 1) Mature evergreen forest 2) Medium evergreen forest 3) Deciduous stands 4) Shrubs and small trees 5) Grass 6) Bare Ground 7) Medium-density development 8) High-density development M2 Environmental Services 5 Landslide Hazards in the Stillaguamish Basin: A New Set of GIS Tools June 8, 2004 9) Alpine Rock/Talus Slopes 10) Open water 11) Unknown (shade, cloud) These classes were grouped into two broad categories for this analysis: 1) FORESTED, including classes 1 through 3 above, and 2) OPEN, including all other classes (4 through 11). These groupings divide land-cover between those with differing potential controls on landslide processes. Classes in the FORESTED group may contribute a greater degree of root strength to effective soil cohesion than those in the OPEN group (Schmidt et al. 2001, Roering et al. 2003), which could result in differing susceptibility to shallow soil failures under these cover classes. Evapotranspiration rates are probably higher for the FORESTED group, which can reduce groundwater recharge, so that potential effects on deep-seated landslides also differ between these land-cover groupings (Miller and Sias 1998). Bank erosion and channel widening are associated with loss of riparian forests (Collins et al. 1994, Collins 1997), so there may also be differences in rates of stream-side landsliding between these two cover groups as well. Additional cover classes were also defined for areas within 30 meters of a mapped road. Together, these groupings provided six geology and cover types for which landslide rates were determined, shown in Table 1 and in Figure 2. Table 1. Landscape Groups Geology GLACIAL BEDROCK OPEN 1 2 M2 Environmental Services Land Cover FORESTED 3 4 ROADS 5 6 6 Landslide Hazards in the Stillaguamish Basin: A New Set of GIS Tools June 8, 2004 Upslope Landslides The methods used for characterizing upslope landslide initiation and delivery probabilities are described in the interim report submitted for this project and in Miller and Burnett (in review). I will briefly describe aspects of the model here, with more detailed descriptions for methods that are new or have changed. Landslide Initiation The potential for landslide initiation is evaluated in terms of a landslide density. This density is calibrated as a function of topography separately for each geology + land cover group. Topography is characterized using a topographic index function that incorporates potential topographic controls on landslide susceptibility. In previous work, slope gradient (Hofmeister and Miller 2003) and the SHALSTAB model of Montgomery and Dietrich (1994) have been used as topographic indices (Miller et al. 2003). For the Stillaguamish basin, I found better results using an index that uses both slope gradient and local topographic convergence (Shaw and Johnson 1995), but does not use contributing area (as SHALSTAB does). Although upslope landslides are observed on relatively planar slopes (based on the landslide inventory), most are associated with topographic convergent areas, such as hollows (Reneau et al. 1990) and along gullies and low-order channels (Millard 1999, Millard et al. 2002). Using the infinite slope model as a guide, a factor-of-safety may be estimated as (Iverson 2000) FS = tan ϕ C −ψγ W tan ϕ + tan θ γ S Z sin θ cosθ (1) where φ is the friction angle of the soil, θ is gradient of the ground surface, C is soil cohesion, Z is soil depth measured vertically, ψ is the pressure head of ground water (measured vertically), γW is the unit weight of water, and γS the unit weight of soil. The factor-of-safety varies with soil properties, with the groundwater flow field, and with topographic attributes. A function proportional to FS, with soil properties held constant, can provide an indication of topographic controls on landslide susceptibility and serve as a topographic index for this analysis. The pressure head ψ may also vary with topography. Sub-surface groundwater flow in shallow soils has been characterized using an approximation assuming surface-parallel M2 Environmental Services 7 Landslide Hazards in the Stillaguamish Basin: A New Set of GIS Tools June 8, 2004 flow, from which the pressure head may be estimated as a function of contributing area per unit contour, surface gradient, and rainfall rate (O'Laughlin 1986). This is the approximation used for SHALSTAB, although Iverson (2000) points out that it requires certain assumptions that may be unrealistic. Other authors have looked at partial, rather than total, contributing area as a better representation of transient groundwater flow during rainstorms (e.g., Iida 1999, Lancaster et al. 2001). In this case, local topographic convergence is still important, but dependence on upslope contributing area is reduced. This matches observations for the Stillaguamish basin, for which long, planar hillslopes with large upslope contributing areas do not exhibit landsliding. Following Shaw and Johnson (Shaw and Johnson 1995), I assumed that pressure head is proportional to local topographic convergence, defined as ψ= αPIN B tan θ (2) Here PIN is the number of inflowing adjacent pixels, based on the flow algorithm described by Tarboton (1997), and B is the contour length crossed by flow out of the pixel (also estimated using Tarboton’s algorithm for flow direction). PIN/B thus provides a pixel-based measure of local topographic convergence. Equation 2 assumes that groundwater flow velocity is proportional to slope gradient and that flow depth is measured vertically, thus accounting for the tanθ in the denominator. In Equation 2, α is a constant of proportionality. With Equation 2, Equation 1 may be rewritten as FS ∝ I * = 1 tan θ 1 1 + cos 2 θ γW γS 1 P a b − MIN IN , B tan θ a (3) where a = α/Z and b = C/(αγWtanφ). Equation 3 requires specification of three constants, (γW/γS), a, and b; all other quantities are determined solely from topography. These constants can be set to values consistent with regional soil properties to provide a topographic index, I*, that is a function of slope gradient and local topographic convergence, as illustrated in Figure 3. The precise values of the constants in Equation 3 are not particularly influential, since landslide density is empirically correlated to I*, as described below. M2 Environmental Services 8 Landslide Hazards in the Stillaguamish Basin: A New Set of GIS Tools June 8, 2004 With Equation 3, a topographic index value can be calculated for every pixel in a DEM. Digitized landslide locations are overlain on the resulting grid of index values. For each landslide, the index value for the upper-most pixel containing the landslide track is taken as an indication of topographic conditions at the landslide initiation point. Using the grid of index values and the set of values for the mapped landslide initiation points, both the proportion of basin area and the proportion of landslides can be plotted as functions of increasing I*, as shown in Figure 4. The relationship between landslide numbers and basin area shown in the lower graph of Figure 4 provides a means of defining topographic controls on landslide density. The inverse of the slope of the line can be defined as f ( I *) = dn N dI * = A dn = ρ dn 0 N da da da A dI * (4) where dn is the change in the number of landslides associated with a change dI* of the topographic index, N is the total number of landslides, da is the change in basin area associated with a change dI*, and A is total area. The total number of landslides divided by the total area defines the overall landslide density, ρ0. The numerator in Eqn. 4, (dn/N)/dI*, is just the slope of the landslide curve at a given I* value in the upper graph of Figure 4 and the denominator, (da/A)/dI*, is the slope of the area curve. From Eqn. 4, we have dn = ρ 0 fda , (5) which in terms of gridded values becomes a sum over pixels: ∆n = ∑ ρ 0 fAP = ρ 0 AP ∑ f (6) where AP is the area of a single DEM pixel. The number of landslides, ∆n, found over any portion of the basin can be estimated by summing the value of f associated with each pixel, M2 Environmental Services 9 Landslide Hazards in the Stillaguamish Basin: A New Set of GIS Tools June 8, 2004 multiplied by the mean landslide density. Thus, f acts as a weighting term that accounts for effects of local topography on landslide susceptibility: it separates the influence of topography from other factors that affect landslide density. These other factors include effects of geology and land cover. To account for these, the landslides and area associated with each of the six landscape groups defined earlier (Table 1) can be separated in Eqn. 4: f ( I *) = ρ 0 ∑ ∆n ∑ ∆a (7) Over any increment of I*, the number of associated landslides is the sum of those in each landscape group and the area is the sum of areas in each landslide group. Using Eqn. 6, we can define ∆n independently for each group: ∆n = ρ i wT ∆a , (8) where the subscript i refers to the ith group and wt refers to the topographic weighting term. With Equation 8, a separate landslide density is defined for each landscape group. Rearranging Eqn. 8 to obtain a corrected topographic weighting term gives dai wT ( I *) = f ( I *) ρ 0 ∑ dI * (9) da ∑ ρ i dI *i Values for f(I*) and da/dI* area estimated using quadratic fits over a moving centered window. Values for wT(I*) and ρi are obtained by repeatedly solving Eqn. 9, updating the wT and ρi values each time until no differences are found between iterations. The resulting function is shown in Figure 5, plotted as a function of I*, and in Figure 6, shown over the entire basin. These show landslide density increasing with decreasing I* values, indicating more landslides associated with steeper, more convergent slopes, up to a point, beyond which no landslides are observed, indicating perhaps slopes too steep to accumulate sufficient soil for landsliding. With each iteration, a value for ρi is estimated from Eqn. 8: M2 Environmental Services 10 Landslide Hazards in the Stillaguamish Basin: A New Set of GIS Tools ρi = June 8, 2004 n (10) AP ∑ wT By plotting the sum of wT over pixels within a landslide group against the observed number of landslides, ρi is obtained from the slope of the resulting line. Results for each landscape group are shown in Figure 7 and below in Table 2. Table 2. Upslope Landslide Density Landscape Group GLACIAL-OPEN GLACIAL-FORESTED GLACIAL-ROADS BEDROCK-OPEN BEDROCK-FORESTED BEDROCK-ROADS Density (#/k2) Number of Landslides 1.52 0.08 1.73 0.85 0.19 2.08 5 28 2 15 80 22 The topographic weighting function, which is determined independently of geology or land cover, multiplied by the appropriate density above, gives a spatially distributed estimate of landslide density, based on the distribution of landslides mapped from the 2001 aerial photos. This density serves as an estimate of landslide susceptibility that is responsive to land cover. Landslide Runout Runout distances of mapped upslope landslides are characterized in terms of slope gradient, valley width, tributary junction angles, land cover, and cumulative runout length. As a landslide, or debris flow, moves downslope, it can either erode (scour) material from the surface over which it travels, thus adding to its volume, deposit material as it moves, thus reducing its volume, or travel with no net scour or deposition (transitional flow). In the original implementation of this model (Miller and Burnett, in review), the extent of scour, transitional flow, and deposition were mapped on the ground and it was possible to estimate the probability of each type of behavior as a function of slope gradient and the width, or lack of, the confining channel. For this project landslide tracks are mapped from aerial photographs and the precise extent of scour, transitional flow, and deposition are unknown. M2 Environmental Services 11 Landslide Hazards in the Stillaguamish Basin: A New Set of GIS Tools June 8, 2004 To estimate topographic controls on the location of these zones, I use the initiation points as a set of known scour locations, and the ending points as a set of known deposition locations. The transition from scour to deposition along debris flow tracks is observed to vary with slope gradient and channel confinement (Benda and Cundy 1990, Fannin and Rollerson 1993). Miller and Burnett used a “width-weighted slope”, SW, to characterize scour and depositional zones: SW = Sinθ W (11) Values for the initiation and ending points of all observed upslope landslides are plotted in the cumulative curves shown in the upper graph of Figure 8. Over any increment of SW, the probability of scour or deposition can be estimated from the proportion of initiation (scour) and ending (deposition) points. These proportions can be obtained using binned values or from the slope of the cumulative distributions: PS = dn S dSW dn S dn D + dSW dSW and PD = dn D dSW dn S dn D + dSW dSW (12) Here PS is the probability of scour and PD the probability of deposition, nS is the number of scour (initiation) points and nD is the number of deposition (ending) points. The derivatives dnS/dSW and dnD/dSW are estimated from regression of a logistic equation to the curves in Figure 8. The resulting PS and PD values are shown in the lower graph of Figure 8. I plotted points laying in areas of OPEN and FOREST land-cover types separately. These plot as distinctly different curves, with scour and deposition points both offset towards larger SW values (steeper slopes, less confined channels) under the FOREST cover types. Similar results were obtained by Miller and Burnett (in review) using field-mapped landslide and debris-flow tracks from coastal Oregon. It is useful to consider landslide runout in terms of the accumulated and deposited volume (Cannon and Savage 1988, Cannon 1993): landslides continue downslope until all accumulated sediment is deposited. With zones of scour and deposition delineated by Eqn. 12, M2 Environmental Services 12 Landslide Hazards in the Stillaguamish Basin: A New Set of GIS Tools June 8, 2004 we can make estimates of relative volume. Scoured volume correlates with runout length (Benda and Cundy 1990, Fannin and Rollerson 1993, May 2002), so landslide volume should be proportional to cumulative runout: VS = ∑ (PS L ) (13) Here VS, considered proportional to scoured volume, is the sum of scour probability multiplied by pixel length L along the runout track. Similar reasoning is used to define VD, considered proportional to deposited volume: VD = ∑ (aVS1 3 LWPD ) (14) The volume deposited in a pixel is equal to mean deposit depth, estimated as proportional to VS1/3 following arguments of Iverson for lahar deposits (1998), multiplied by the pixel length L and channel width W. This volume is multiplied by the probability of deposition and the total is summed over all pixels traversed by the landslide to provide an estimate of total deposited volume VD. Both VS and VD vary continuously along the runout path. When the volume deposited equals the volume scoured, VS should equal VD, which should signify the end of the runout track. In Figure 9 the distribution of VD/VS values is shown for all upslope landslide end points, excluding those that stopped at tributary junctions. The constant of proportionality a in Eqn. 14 is adjusted to set the modal value to zero. Some landslides continue further than expected; some stop short. We can use this set of observations to estimate the probability that a landslide will stop as a function of the value of VD/VS, as shown in the lower graph of Figure 9. The VD/VS values are plotted against VS, with curves of the form ±LOG(a1 + a2VSa3) defining the envelope all points. Along any potential runout track, if the VD/VS value falls below the lower envelope, it is likely that very little of the landslide debris has deposited and the probability that the landslide continues is considered to be one. If the value of VD/VS falls above the upper envelope, it is likely that most of the debris has deposited and the probability of continuing is considered to be zero. In between, the probability of continuing is considered to vary linearly from one to zero. Debris flow deposits are also commonly found where a small, steep tributary enters a larger river valley at a sharp angle (Benda and Cundy 1990). The probability that a debris flow M2 Environmental Services 13 Landslide Hazards in the Stillaguamish Basin: A New Set of GIS Tools June 8, 2004 continues through a tributary junction is estimated as a function of the junction angle. Conservation of momentum also indicates that the probability of continuing through a tributary junction will vary with the volume of the debris flow and with the gradient and width of the receiving valley floor. These relationships are confirmed with this data set, as shown in Figure 10. Debris flows tend to continue through low-angle junctions into steep, narrow channels and tend to stop at high-angle junctions into low-gradient, wide valley floors. Likewise, the larger the debris flow, based on the difference between VS and VD, the more likely it is to continue through the junction. These observations are used to estimate the probability of continuing through a junction, based on the proportion of “stopping” and “continuing” points (Figure 10) within binned ranges of each of these three variables (VS – VD, junction angle, and probability of deposition PD in the receiving channel). The observations described above characterize landslide and debris flow tracks in terms of measurable terrain attributes. The probability of scour or deposition along the track is a function of surface gradient, channel confinement, and land cover. The probable length is a function of the cumulative length of scour and deposition from the initiation point. The probability of stopping at tributary junctions varies with junction angle, cumulative upslope scour and deposition length, and the gradient and width of the receiving channel. All of these attributes can be estimated from the DEM and land-cover data, and all functional relationships were calibrated to these data. This allows us to estimate the probability of landslide delivery from any point in the DEM to any other point in the DEM. This probability varies continuously along any potential runout track in response to topography and land cover. A change in land cover results in a change in predicted runout length, with OPEN cover groups favoring longer runout distances. Because delivery probability depends on the specific travel path from the initiating pixel, the value differs for delivery to different portions of the channel network. Figure 11 shows calculated probabilities for delivery to any channel reach with no downstream gradients greater than 10%. Compared to the results shown in Figure 12, the probability for delivery to channel reaches with no downstream gradient exceeding 2%, we find that in many places the probability is greatly reduced. Many of the debris flows that would likely reach a channel of 10% stop prior to reaching a channel of 2%. M2 Environmental Services 14 Landslide Hazards in the Stillaguamish Basin: A New Set of GIS Tools June 8, 2004 This concludes description of methods and results for upslope landslides, although applications of these models and results will be addressed in the discussion section of the report. Stream Side Landslides Stream-side landslides entail about half of the mapped landslides, both in number and in surface area. They differ from upslope landslides in two primary respects: 1) they may be triggered by stream erosion, and 2) they have a 100% probability of delivery to a stream channel, which are typically located in the lower-gradient, fish-bearing portion of the channel network. For these reasons they are analyzed separately. Below I define a different topographic index for characterizing topographic controls on stream-side landsliding, and present results for landslide density. Consideration of the factors influencing stability of stream-adjacent slopes (Miller 1995) suggests that an index to resolve topographic controls on stream-side landslides should be sensitive to slope steepness, to cutting of the slope toe by stream-bank erosion, and to distance from a stream channel. A simple measure of slope steepness is given by SV = YV/XV, where YV is the vertical distance from a point on the hillslope to the valley floor, and XV is the horizontal distance. To assess sensitivity to cutting of the slope toe, consider that bank erosion reduces XV by an amount dx. The corresponding change in SV is: ∆SV = dx YV Y YV dx − V = = SV X v − dx X V X V ( X V − dx ) X V − dx (15) Equation 15 provides an index, ∆SV, with all the desired quantities. It requires, however, specification of the magnitude of bank erosion, dx. Following a long tradition in fluvial geomorphology, I make dx a power function of drainage area A: dx = 5.0*A0.3 (16) with the constants set to give what I think are reasonable amounts of potential bank undercutting, which can be substantial, considering the extent of channel migration observed at the Steelhead Haven landslide (Miller and Sias 1998, Drury 2001). M2 Environmental Services 15 Landslide Hazards in the Stillaguamish Basin: A New Set of GIS Tools June 8, 2004 To determine values for YV and XV, valley-floor pixels are delineated based on height above the channel and surface gradient (Miller 2003). Both YV and XV are determined in reference to distance from the valley floor. Using Equations 15 and 16, a value for ∆SV is calculated for every pixel that is not on the valley floor. Digitized stream-side landslide locations are overlain on the resulting grid, from which landslide density can be determined as a function of the topographic index using the same methods described previously (Eqn.s 4 through 10). An important difference here, however, is that density is given in terms of landslide surface area per unit basin area (excluding valley floors), rather than in numbers of landslides per unit basin area. Again, analyses were done for each group of geology and landcover types, excluding roads, because there were essentially no roads that crossed streamside landslides. In this case, substantial differences were resolved in the topographic weighting function between different geology classes (Figure 13). Higher landslide densities occur at low ∆SV values in deep glacial sediments. For both geologic groups, topographic weighting first increases with increasing ∆SV, indicating greater landslide density associated with steeper slopes, and then decreases, indicating that very steep slopes tend to have few observable active landslides. The resulting topographic weighting values are shown for the basin in Figure 14. Note, however, that these results may not accurately reflect stream-side landslide potential along portions of the valley wall protected by revetments or other means of bank-protection, since these areas are precluded to some extent from toe-slope erosion. The DeForest Creek landslide was not included in this analysis. Because of the extensive erosion associated with this landslide complex, the topography controlling currently active portions of the landslide are no longer represented by the contours in the USGS 7.5-minute quadrangle from which the DEM was derived. Although I am reluctant to exclude such a major landslide, it’s inclusion in the analysis substantially biases the topographic weighting function to lower ∆SV values, which is not representative of results for the rest of the basin, where the current topography is more accurately represented. Resulting landslide densities are reported in Table 3 below and in Figure 15. Differences between geology and cover classes parallel those found for upslope landslides, with lower observed densities in the FORESTED land-cover group. Likewise, deep glacial sediments M2 Environmental Services 16 Landslide Hazards in the Stillaguamish Basin: A New Set of GIS Tools June 8, 2004 exhibit a much higher density in both FORESTED and OPEN land cover than found for other areas. Table 3. Stream-Side Landslide Densities Density Total Area (m2/km2) (m2) 1,357 256,000 Glacial-Forested 380 111,400 Bedrock-Open 312 103,600 Bedrock-Forested 172 141,600 Cover Glacial-Open APPLICATIONS Landslide Hazards These data sets and analysis tools provide the opportunity to examine landslide hazards from a variety of different contexts. I’ll present an example here, but ultimately the hazard must be defined in the context of what is at risk. Traditionally, landslide hazards are considered in terms of the potential for a landslide to strike the point of interest, which in this case are stream channels. This potential (based on the 2001 photo set) can be calculated as the product of the initiation and delivery probability. Because delivery probability depends on the location of the receiving point, hazards defined this way vary depending on what portion of the channel system is examined. A combined probability for upslope and stream-side landslides can be defined as follows: PLS = 1 – (1-PIPD)*(1-PSS) (17) Here PLS is the probability that a landslide from a hillslope pixel has occurred and has delivered to a stream channel. PLS is defined for every pixel of the DEM. PI is the initiation probability for the pixel; PD is the probability of delivery from the pixel, and PSS is the probability that a stream-side landslide occupies the pixel, with an inferred delivery M2 Environmental Services 17 Landslide Hazards in the Stillaguamish Basin: A New Set of GIS Tools June 8, 2004 probability of one. As seen from Figures 11 and 12, the delivery probability PD varies depending on what portion of the channel network we are concerned about. Using the 10% gradient or less portion of the channel network for upslope landslides and all channels for streamside landslides, Eqn. 17 gives a map of probabilities as shown in Figure 16. Details of this map will change depending on which channels probabilities are defined for. In many cases, the hazard of interest is that posed by a proposed land use. For Washington State, the State Environmental Protection Act (SEPA) requires determination of the “likelihood” that a proposed forest practice will cause movement on potentially unstable slopes or landforms and the “likelihood” of delivery of sediment to public resources. These tools allow quantification of that likelihood to the extent that it is resolved by the available topographic data. The landslide probability defined by Equation 17 depends explicitly on land cover at both the initiation site and down slope. The change in probability of landslide occurrence, as inferred from the 2001 data, and the change in delivery probability associated with timber harvest or road building can be quantitatively estimated. Watershed Processes These methods can be used to quantify and visualize a variety of landslide-related watershed processes. I’ll present several examples to illustrate the types of applications these analyses may be used for. Debris-Flow-Prone Channels With estimates of the probability for initiation and delivery, it is feasible to classify channels in terms of the potential for debris flow impacts. This is one of the applications of the model used by the Coastal Landscape Analysis and Modeling project, a collaborative effort of the Forest Service and Oregon State University (CLAMS, In the Oregon Coast Range, and elsewhere, debris flows are an important habitat-forming process (Everest and Meehan 1981, Benda 1990, Reeves et al. 1995, Benda et al. 2003), so delineating the extent of the channel network that is debris-flow prone is an important step in defining ecosystem dynamics for these landscapes. Figure 17 shows the estimated probability for debris-flow delivery (scour and/or deposition) for third and higher-order channels in the Stillaguamish basin. Results indicate that debris-flow-prone channels are relatively rare in the M2 Environmental Services 18 Landslide Hazards in the Stillaguamish Basin: A New Set of GIS Tools June 8, 2004 basin, and restricted to narrow valley floors or headwater channels. Even so, we can identify areas where upslope landslides may be have local effects (Brummer and Montgomery 2003), as indicated by the blowup shown in Figure 17. Sediment Yield The landslides identified on the 2001 aerial photographs provide an indication of landsliderelated sediment fluxes over a period spanning several years. We can use the derived probabilities for landslide initiation and delivery to estimate spatially distributed rates of landslide-delivered sediment to the channel system. Again, because the probability for delivery varies with channel extent, this rate depends on the portion of the channel network included. Landslide delivery to first and second-order channels may be very large, but most of this sediment never reaches larger, low-gradient channels, at least not as landslide debris. Most is deposited in fans and terraces through the low-order portion of the channel network. Some portion is eventually transported downstream by fluvial processes, or carried downstream after incorporation into a long-runout debris flow. We can estimate upslope landslide sediment yield based on the probable cumulative length of landslide and debris flow scour. For every hillslope pixel, the probability PT that it is traversed by a landslide or debris flow from upslope is given by PT = 1 – Π(1-PIPD) (18) where the product is made over all upslope landslide source pixels and delivery probability PD refers to a channel segment of interest. The sum ΣPSPTL over all pixels draining to a channel reach, where L is flow length across each pixel and PS is the scour probability (Eqn. 12), provides an estimate of cumulative landslide and debris-flow scour length delivered to the channel. Field surveys from western Oregon suggest that the sediment volume available for debris-flow erosion from low-order channels is on the order of 10m3/m (Benda and Cundy 1990, May 2002). So, the cumulative length of debris flow scour translates roughly to a sediment volume. Summed over channel length and divided by drainage area, it provides topography, geology, and land-cover estimate of upslope landslide sediment yield, which as described above, varies depending on what portion of the channel network is examined. M2 Environmental Services 19 Landslide Hazards in the Stillaguamish Basin: A New Set of GIS Tools June 8, 2004 Figure 18 shows results based on the 2001 aerial photographs for landslide and debris-flow delivery to channels of gradient 10% or less. We can perform the same exercise for stream-side landslides, although for these we simply sum the probability that a pixel is within a landslide scar, assuming that all stream-side landslides deliver sediment to stream channels. This sum gives the cumulative probable surface area of stream side landslides, which when divided by drainage area gives sediment yield. Results are shown in Figure 19. Assuming a mean depth of one meter for stream-side landslides, I estimate sediment yields two orders of magnitude greater than those from upslope landslides. The one-meter depth estimate may be a bit large, since many of the mapped landslides represent persistent scars, whose contribution consists of ravel from the exposed surface, rather than full-fledged failure of a soil column. Nevertheless, it appears that stream-side landslides play a much larger overall role in sediment supply than upslope landslides, although upslope landslides can still be of major importance locally (Figure 17). The lower image in Figure 19 shows estimated sediment yield from mapped landslides, assuming a mean depth of delivery of one meter. When averaged over the basin, the yield is the same as that in the upper image, but the distribution of sediment inputs is much more heterogeneous, with channels across the basin carrying a very large range of sediment fluxes (Figure 20). This illustrates an important aspect of mass-wasting processes: sediment supply is punctuated in space and time (Reeves et al. 1995, Benda and Dunne 1997). Single landslides can play a dominant role, as demonstrated by the DeForest Creek, Steelhead Haven, and Gold Basin landslides in the Stillaguamish basin (Collins et al. 1994, Collins 1997). Their effects are transient, and their occurrence unpredictable (stochastic), leading to shifts in the location of suitable habitat within the basin (Reeves et al. 1995). Relationship to Fish Habitat Variable sediment production from landsliding initiates a variety of downstream effects (Nakamura et al. 2000, Gomi et al. 2002), many of which can be detrimental to fish populations. In the Stillaguamish basin, these include widening of the active channel, loss of pools, and fining of channel-bed texture, all of which are exacerbated where other factors have removed large trees from riparian forests (Collins et al. 1994, Collins 1997). The data and analyses tools developed for this project may aid in assessing landslide impacts on fish M2 Environmental Services 20 Landslide Hazards in the Stillaguamish Basin: A New Set of GIS Tools June 8, 2004 habitat. The topography and channel-network structure of the basin provide an intrinsic spatial template that allows for a suite of different habitat types. Within any specific reach, the type of habitat available is set by factors such as channel size, gradient, and valley constraint. The quality of that habitat (e.g., the number and depth of pools) can vary over time in response to changing sediment fluxes and woody debris loading. For a channel type, habitat quality and potential fish productivity can be estimated to a certain degree in terms of sediment and woody-debris loading (e.g., Nickelson and Lawson 1998). By juxtaposing channel types with sources of sediment supply and riparian condition, it should be feasible to estimate potential fish productivity throughout the basin. We could then, for example, identify those channels with a high potential for increased production and those at high risk for decreased production. To illustrate the idea, I use a simple index of intrinsic habitat potential (Burnett et al. 2003) to delineate potential habitat types. This index is based on three channel attributes: gradient, mean annual flow, and valley confinement. Its value varies from zero, representing no available habitat, to one, representing potentially high-quality habitat (oriented particularly towards rearing habitat). The index has been calibrated to the distribution of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in coastal Oregon streams. By multiplying available habitat area, based on estimated channel and flood-plain widths, maximum observed smolt densities, and index values reach-by-reach and integrating over all channels, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife have estimated maximum coho productivity, based on cannery records, remarkably accurately for Oregon Coast Range basins (T. Nickelson, personal communication). I use this only as an example for delineating habitat types, since other, more basin-specific measures of potential habitat quality may be available for the Stillaguamish basin. Intrinsic potential index values were calculated using a regression of historical channel width to drainage area from Pess et al. (1999), as reported by Pelletier and Bilhimer (2003), a regression to mean-annual flow estimates from Sinclair and Pitz (1999), with drainage area and valley width estimated from the DEM (Miller 2003). Index values are shown for thirdand higher-order channels in Figure 21. These illustrate use of simple terrain attributes (drainage area, gradient, valley width) to delineate potential habitat types specific to different species. Potentially high-quality coho habitat tends to be located in unconstrained, low- M2 Environmental Services 21 Landslide Hazards in the Stillaguamish Basin: A New Set of GIS Tools June 8, 2004 gradient streams, whereas potentially high-quality steelhead habitat tends to be located in more constrained, higher-gradient streams. By overlaying this measure of potential habitat quality with the estimated sediment yield from stream-side landslides, we can highlight channels where high sediment fluxes may be hindering fish production. Multiplying the intrinsic potential index value by the sediment yield gives the results shown in Figure 22. Alternatively, we could also highlight those channels with both a high intrinsic potential and low sediment yields. CONCLUSIONS Newly available data and analysis methods offer capabilities for assessing landslide hazards that can supplement and enhance traditional methods, which focus primarily on identification of potentially unstable slopes and landforms. Digital data sets and computer-aided analyses can be used to quantify terrain and land-cover controls on landslide susceptibility. Flow paths over digital elevation models show how landslide debris is routed through the landscape, with which runout lengths can be estimated and depositional sites identified. These capabilities greatly expand the domain of landslide-related issues that can be examined and quantified. I have described analysis methods and model calibration for the Stillaguamish basin. Demonstration of the utility of this approach awaits application of the models to specific questions. For example, because landslide probabilities are tied to land cover, proposed activities (Forest Practice Applications) can be evaluated in terms of the relative change in the probability for landslide occurrence and delivery to a stream channel. The accuracy of such estimates depends on how well local topography is represented by available data sources, and awaits verification, but this capability provides a quantitative method for screening and evaluating proposed activities. The ability to delineate landslide process domains (Figure 17) and to quantify landslide-derived sediment fluxes (Figure18 and 19) can provide information useful to other types of planning efforts. These analyses, when considered in the context of other information such as the distribution of fish habitat, may aid restoration and conservation planning. 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Streamside landslides are shown in green and upslope landslides in yellow. 500 Kilometers 0 5 10 GLACIAL-OPEN GLACIAL-FORESTED GLACIAL-ROADS BEDROCK-OPEN BEDROCK-FORESTED BEDROCK-ROADS Figure 2. Stillaguamish basin geology and land-cover groups. PIN/B tanq = 1 PIN/B tanq = 2 PIN/B tanq = 3 Figure 3 Topographic index I* shown as a function of slope gradient for different PIN/Btanq values. Lower I* values correspond to lower slope stability. Landslide initiation points Area Figure 4. The proportion of basin area (including only areas with slope gradients greater than 25%) and mapped upslope landslide initiation points as functions of the topographic index I* defined in Eqn. 3. The lower graph shows the proportion of area plotted as a function of the proportion of area with increasing I*, using values shown in the upper graph. Results for other potential index functions are also shown. The index defined by Eqn. 3 requires the least area to include the greatest number of landslides. Topographic Weighting w T 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Topographic Index I* Figure 5. Topographic weighting value, wT, as a function of the topographic index, I*, for upslope landslide initiation points. Kilometers 0 5 10 Topographic Weighting 0-1 1-3 3-5 5-7 7-9 >9 Meters 0 Figure 6. Topographic weighting of upslope landslide density. 500 Upslope Landslide Density (#/sq km) 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 GlacialOpen GlacialForest GlacialRoads Figure 7. Upslope landslide densities. BedrockOpen BedrockForest BedrockRoads 100% 90% 80% Proportion 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% Scour - OPEN Deposition - OPEN Scour - FORESTED Deposition - FORESTED 20% 10% 0% 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Sw 100% 90% 80% Probability 70% PD 60% OPEN FORESTED 50% 40% 30% PS 20% 10% 0% 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Sw Figure 12. Scour and depositional zones along upslope landslide runout tracks, based on the channel-width-weighted slope gradient, SW (Eqn. 11). The upper graph shows the cumulative distribution of initiation (scour) and ending (deposition) points for each mapped landslide track, divided by land-cover type. Dark curves show logistic regression to these points. The lower graph shows resulting probabilities for scour (PS) and deposition (PD). 100% Upslope Landslide End Points 90% Proportion 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 Log(VD/VS) 0 0.5 1 2 Log(Vd/Vs) 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Vs Figure 9. Observations used to estimate probable landslide and debris flow runout length as a function of conditions along the cumulative upslope runout track. The upper graph shows the cumulative distribution of VD/VS, the ratio of estimated deposited volume VD to scoured volume VS, for all landslide-track end points, excluding those that stopped at tributary junctions. The lower graph shows the same values plotted against scour volume. The curves envelope all points and provide bounds between which the probability that a landslide continues varies from one at and below the lower curve to zero at and above the upper curve. 90 Junction Anglea 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 Continued Stopped 10 0 -600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 VS - V D 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 PD 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 Continued Stopped 0.1 0 0 20 40 60 Tributary Junction Angle (deg) 80 Figure 10. Observations used to estimate the probability that a debris flow continues through a tributary junction. The upper graph shows the value of the relative debris flow volume, based on the difference between VS and VD, and the junction angle for all tributary junctions intersected by debris flow (or landslide) tracks in the data set. These are identified as to whether they continued through the junction, or stopped at the junction. The distribution of points indicates that both relative volume and junction angle influence the propensity for stopping, with a higher proportion of stopping points at lower relative volumes and higher junction angles. The lower graph plots these points in terms of the tributary junction angle and the depositional probability PD (Eqn. 12), which is a function of receiving channel gradient and valley floor width. Here a very strong relationship with PD is found. Most stopping points are at high PD values (low-gradient, wide valley floors), whereas continuing points are equally distributed throughout. Kilometers 0 5 10 Delivery Probability 0 - 25% 25 - 50% 50 - 75% 75 - 100% Meters 0 500 Figure 11. Probability of delivery from hillslope pixels to stream channels of gradient 10% or less. Kilometers 0 5 10 Delivery Probability 0 - 25% 25 - 50% 50 - 75% 75 - 100% Meters 0 500 Figure 12. Probability of delivery from hillslope pixels to stream channels of gradient 5% or less. Landslide Area 100% 90% GLACIAL - OPEN 80% GLACIAL - FORESTED 70% GLACIAL - OPEN, no DeForest Cr. 60% BEDROCK - OPEN 50% BEDROCK - FORESTED 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Basin Area Area 100% GLACIAL Wt 10 Area 100% 9 90% 90 8 80% 80 7 70% 70 6 60% 60 50% 5 50% 50 40% 4 40% 40 30% 3 30% 30 20% 2 20% 20 10% 1 10% 10 0% 0 90% 80% Basin Area Landslide Area Topographic Weighting 70% 60% 0 0.5 1 I* (SV) 1.5 2 BEDROCK Wt 100 0% 0 0 0.5 1 I* (SV) 1.5 Figure 13. Cumulative distributions of landslide and basin area, with increasing topographic index (DSV) for geology and land-cover groups. The upper graph shows substantial difference between the distributions for GLACIAL and BEDROCK geologic groupings, but no significant difference between cover types. Topographic weighting was therefore determined separately for the two geologic groups, as shown in the bottom figures. 2 Kilometers 0 5 10 Topographic Weighting 1-3 3-5 5-7 7-9 >9 Figure 14. Topographic weighting for stream-side landslides. The valley floor is shown by the blue shade. Delineation of valley-floor pixels was extended to all channels, including first order. Streamside Landslide Density (m 2/km2) 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Glacial-Open Glacial-Forested Bedrock-Open BedrockForested Fikgure 15. Stream-side landslide density for the geology and land-cover groups. Kilometers 0 5 10 Landslide Probability >0 - .002 .004 .006 .008 >.008 Figure 16. Landslide probability based on a combination of initiation and delivery probabilities (Eqn. 17). For upslope landslides, the probability for delivery to 10% or less channels was used. Meters 0 500 Kilometers 0 5 10 Debris Flow Probability 0 > 0 - 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 > 0.010 Figure 17. Probability for debris flow channel impacts, either scour or deposition. The reported value is the probability of finding a landslide track in similar channels in the 2001 data set. Meters 0 500 Kilometers 0 5 10 Upslope Landslide 3 2 Sediment Yield (m /km ) 0 >0 - 2 4 6 8 10 >10 Figure 18. Sediment yield from upslope landslides and debris flows that deliver to channels of gradient 10% or less, based on recent landslides observed on 2001 aerial photographs. Predicted Kilometers 0 5 10 Stream-Side Landslide 3 2 Sediment Yield (m /km ) 0 > 0 - 200 400 600 800 1000 >1000 Actual Figure 19. Stream-side landslide sediment yield, based on landslides observed in the 2001 aerial photos. Upper graph shows calibrated model reults, lower graph shows estimate based on mapped landslides Approximate Sediment Yield from Stream-Side Landslides (2001) Cumulative Channel Length (km) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 2 Metric tons/km Figure 20. Cumulative distribution of estimated mean annual sediment yields from stream-side landsliding over third and higher-order channels. Sediment yield is calculated from the surface area of active landslides mapped from the 2001 aerial photographs, assuming a 1-meter deep failure surface and that landslides observed on the photos represent 10 years of landslide activity. Sediment volume was converted to metric tons using an assumed bulk density of 1800 kg/m3. Steelhead 0 Km 10 Intrinsic Potential Coho Figure 21. Intrinsic habitat potential, from poor (zero) to high (one) for steelhead trout and coho salmon, based on estimated mean annual flow, channel gradient, and channel constraint. Steelhead Kilometers 0 5 10 Low sediment, or little habitat High sediment and good habitat Coho Figure 22. Juxtaposition of potentially highquality habitat and high sediment fluxes from stream-side landsliding. Red color indicates channels with potentially high habitat quality subject to high sediment fluxes.