D - Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments
D - Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments
Clinton, Connecticut Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 Prepared for Town of Clinton, Connecticut Adopted by the Town of Clinton, Connecticut August 27, 2014 Prepared by Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments 145 Dennison Road Essex, CT 06425 www.rivercog.org Town of Clinton, CT this page intentionally left blank Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 1 Town of Clinton, CT Primary Contact Information Regarding this NHMP The Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan is updated every five years. Input from town residents and business owners is important to ensure that the plan addresses the needs of potentially affected areas, businesses and residents. Questions, comments or suggestions concerning the Plan or future updates may be sent to any of the following staff of the Town or RiverCOG. Town of Clinton Jullie Pudem – Land Use Technician Clinton Town Hall 54 East Main St. Clinton, CT 06413 T: (860) 669-6133 E: [email protected] Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments Jeremy DeCarli – Regional Planner RiverCOG 145 Dennison Rd. Essex, CT 06426 T: (860) 581-8554 E: [email protected] On the Cover: Photo 1: Home Damaged after Tropical Storm Irene, 2011 Source: Town of Clinton, Land Use Office Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 2 Town of Clinton, CT TABLE OF CONTENTS i. Executive Summary 7 I. PLANNING PROCESS 8 A. Authority (ELEMENT C1) 8 B. Purpose & Benefits 9 C. Plan Development (ELEMENTS A & D) 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 10 10 10 11 12 Funding & Technical Assistance Plan Preparation (A.1 & D.2) Agency Comment (A.2) Public Involvement (A.3) Incorporation of Existing Resource Materials (A.4) D. Plan Adoption (ELEMENT E.1 & E.2) 13 E. Plan Implementation (ELEMENT D) 14 1. 2. 3. 14 14 14 F. Priorities (D.3) Responsibilities Resources (C.6) Plan Maintenance (ELEMENT A) 16 1. 2. 16 17 Method (A.5) Schedule (A.6) Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 3 Town of Clinton, CT II. RISK ASSESSMENT & HAZARD IDENTIFICATION 20 A. The Town & the Vulnerability of its Resources (ELEMENT B) 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 20 23 26 27 B. III. Geography and Land Use Patterns Demographics and Critical Facilities Economics and Cultural Resources The Environment and Ecological Resources Natural Hazards (ELEMENTS B & C) 30 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 34 50 55 59 64 69 72 Flood (B.1, B.2, B.3, B.4, C1 and C.2) Dam Failure (B.1, B.2, B.3, B.4, C1 and C.2) High Wind & Tornado (B.1, B.2, B.3, B.4 and C.3) Drought & Wildfire (B.1, B.2, B.3, B.4 and C.3) Winter Storm (B.1, B.2, B.3, B.4 and C.3) Earthquake (B.1, B.2, B.3, B.4 and C.3) Hurricane & Tropical Storm (B.1, B.2, B.3, B.4 and C.3) Extreme Heat (B.1, B.2, B.3, B.4 and C.3) Sea-Level Rise (B.1, B.2, B.3, B.4 and C.3) Tsunami (B.1, B.2, B.3, B.4 and C.3) 81 85 89 MITIGATION (ELEMENTS C & D) 91 A. Evaluation of Prior Plan (ELEMENT D) 91 1. 2. 3. 91 91 92 Changes in Development (D.1) Progress in Local Mitigation Efforts (D.2) Changes in Priorities (C.5) B. Goals to Reduce or Avoid Long-term Vulnerability (C.3) 92 C. Integration into Other Planning Mechanisms (C.6) 92 D. Discussion of Cost Benefit Review (C.5) 93 E. Comprehensive Mitigation Action Items (C.4, C.5. & D.3) 94 APPENDICES I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX Sources of Information (A.4) Acronyms HAZUS MH Flood Event Report HAZUS MH Hurricane Event Report HAZUS MH Earthquake Event Report Screen Shot of Public Announcements (A.3) Minutes from Public Meetings (A.3) Survey Questions and Responses (A.3) Clinton Resolution to Adopt Plan (E.1) Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 104 106 107 115 122 137 143 151 174 4 Town of Clinton, CT FIGURES Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 11 Figure 12 Figure 13 Figure 14 Figure 15 Figure 16 Figure 17 Figure 18 Figure 19 Figure 20 Figure 21 Figure 22 Figure 23 Figure 24 Figure 25 Figure 26 Figure 27 Figure 28 Figure 29 Figure 30 Figure 31 Plan Progress and Update Schedule Disabilities among Clinton Residents Economic Sectors within the Clinton Economy Natural Hazards Effects and Impacts Natural Hazards, Scope, Frequency and Magnitude Natural Hazards Affecting the RiverCOG Region Record Breaking Floods in CT since 1936 Estimated Building Damage from Flood Event High and Significant Hazard Dams Dam Failure Hazard Ranking and Risk Parameters Recorded Tornadoes in RiverCOG Region, 1950-2013 Enhanced Fujita Scale and Potential Impacts Tornado Hazard Ranking and Risk Parameters Palmer Drought Index Wild Fire Hazard Ranking and Risk Parameters. Five Forest Fire Danger Ratings Winter Weather Alerts and Extent Wind Chill Chart Regional Snowfall Index Earthquakes within 50 Miles of Clinton, 1980 – 2013 Magnitude Definition and Potential Impacts Major Hurricanes and Tropical Storms since 1858 Hurricane / Tropical Storm Probability in Connecticut Estimated Building Damage from Hurricane Event Saffir-Simpson Scale and Potential Impacts Projected Increases in Number of Days Above 90º Heat Index and Impacts on People Mean Sea Level Trend at New London New Construction Permits since 2006 Plans and Regulations to Potentially be Changed Comprehensive Mitigation Action Items 19 23 26 30 31 32 35 36 51 52 56 57 57 60 61 63 64 65 66 69 71 72 73 76 76 82 83 85 91 93 95 MAPS Map 1: Map 2: Map 3: Map 4: Map 5: Map 6: Map 7: Map 8: Map 9: Map 10: Map 11: Maps 12-14: Clinton and Surrounding Towns Natural Diversity in Clinton Clinton Infrastructure Hazards FIRM of Downtown Clinton FIRM of Downtown Clinton Open Space Clinton Dam Hazards Hurricane Inundation Hurricane Inundation Near Police Station Downtown Hurricane Inundation Sea Level Trends Seal Level Rise Scenario 21 29 33 37 38 41 54 74 75 78 87 88 Home Damaged from Tropical Storm Irene Clinton Town Hall Downtown Clinton View Across Clinton Harbor at Cedar Island Flooding on Cedar Island Town Dock Flooding after Hurricane Sandy Piled Sand from Hurricane Sandy Building Collapse from February 2013 Blizzard Damage along Coastline after 1938 Hurricane Hurricane Irene Damage Grove Beach Damage after 1938 Hurricane Damaged Properties after Tropical Storm Irene Cover 18 25 28 34 40 49 67 77 79 79 80 PHOTOS Photo 1: Photo 2: Photo 3 Photo 4: Photo 5: Photo 6: Photo 7: Photo 8: Photo 9: Photo 10: Photo 11 & 12: Photo 13 - 15: Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 5 Town of Clinton, CT this page intentionally left blank Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 6 Town of Clinton, CT i. Executive Summary The primary purpose of a Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan is to identify natural hazards and risks, existing capabilities, and activities that can be undertaken by a community to prevent loss of life and reduce property damages associated with identified hazards. The Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 requires local communities to have a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)- approved mitigation plan in order to be eligible to receive Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program grants and Post-Disaster Hazard Mitigation Grant Program funds under the Hazard Mitigation Assistance program. This Plan was prepared by the Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments (RiverCOG) in conjunction with the Town of Clinton. It is an update of an NHMP first developed by the Connecticut River Estuary Regional Planning Agency (CRERPA) in 2006. The town considers critical facilities to be those that serve the town on a day-to-day basis as well as during an emergency situation. The facilities include but are not limited to the Clinton Town Hall and Jared Elliot School (emergency shelters), Police Department, Public Works Garage, Fire Departments (Both Downtown (houses the ambulance) and Glenwood), and other schools. This list can also include facilities that house elderly and disabled people. The critical facilities are necessary to support emergency response before, during, and after natural hazard events. Transportation is essential in any major event. The town of Clinton has a variety of transportation options. The town is served by Interstate 95, a major limited access highway, as well as major arterials such as U.S. Route 1, CT Route 81 and Route 145. Smaller town roads act as collectors to bring people to larger roads. The town is also served by a bus route of the 9 Town Transit District, as well as a train station which offers a stop on the Shore Line East Railroad along the Amtrak owned Northeast Corridor Rail line. This plan details natural hazards present in the town and steps that the town can take to mitigate long lasting effects from each hazard type. The Comprehensive Mitigation Action Item list is provided in Section III: Mitigation, Figure 31. This table includes the item, project status, the party responsible for carrying out the action item, and other pertinent information. The most prominent hazard in any of the towns within the region is flooding, and significant discussion is devoted to how best to mitigate flooding events. Other hazards discussed include high winds and tornadoes, hurricanes and tropical storms, sea level rise, and drought and wildfire. Each hazard type has a list of mitigation action items that the town could implement, some being a higher priority than others. For each of the hazard types presented in the plan, historic events are presented along with the probability of that event occurring again. The town’s specific impacts from each event are also noted. The overall goal of this Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan is: Reduction of elimination of injury to or loss of life and property and natural environments and the associated economic impacts from natural hazards. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 7 Town of Clinton, CT I. PLANNING PROCESS A. Authority (C.1) Federal: The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Public Law 93-288), as amended by the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, provides the legal basis for State, local, and Indian Tribal governments to undertake a risk-based approach to reducing risks from natural hazards through mitigation planning. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) coordinates mitigation planning nationwide and provides funding for State-level natural hazard mitigation planning. State: FEMA requires State, Indian Tribal, and local governments to develop hazard mitigation plans as a condition for receiving certain types of nonemergency disaster assistance, including funding for mitigation projects. The requirements and procedures for State, Tribal and Local Mitigation Plans are found in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) at Title 44, Chapter 1, Part 201 (44 CFR Part 201). The State of Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP) administers the federal funds by providing grants and technical assistance to the regional planning organizations (RPOs) to write the hazard mitigation plans for each regional planning area and the municipalities within each. Region: The Connecticut General Statutes (§8-35a.(d)) require the regional planning organization to assist the municipalities within its region in developing and carrying out any plans of regional importance. The Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments (RiverCOG) intends that this plan stand-alone so that the Town may adopt it as a section or supplement to its local Plan of Conservation & Development (POCD). Municipal: The Connecticut General Assembly delegates certain powers of the state to its municipal subdivisions (city, town, borough, or special district), specifically that a municipality has the authorities in finance, public safety, and health that are necessary to effectuate the goals of this Plan (CGS §7-148). The NHMP Working Group, a subcommittee set up for the purpose of Plan completion, reviewed and edited the draft plan. Committee members included RiverCOG Staff and members of Town Hall Staff, along with members of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Members are listed in Section I.C.2. The Committee approved the final draft version as a recommendation to the Clinton Planning and Zoning Commission for adoption by the Board of Selectmen. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 8 Town of Clinton, CT B. Purpose & Benefits (C.3) The Clinton Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan provides information about the types of natural hazards that may affect the town and its residents and identifies specific mitigation actions. The Town periodically updates the NHMP for two reasons: first, to keep abreast of changes to the physical environment, social fabric, and demographic composition of its people, as well as changes to ongoing efforts to mitigate the effects of natural hazards; second, to remain eligible for Federal funds for ongoing and future mitigation actions. The purpose of the town’s NHMP is to: identify natural hazards that could potentially occur and the geographic areas most likely affected by the occurrence of those natural hazards; assess potential threats from the occurrence of those natural hazards to natural resources, public infrastructure, private property and people; review existing actions and capabilities of the region and its towns to mitigate threats from natural hazards; recommend additional actions to improve or expand actions and capabilities that further prevent loss of life and reduce property damages associated with the occurrence of natural hazards; and update plans to remain eligible at the time a community applies for and when the Federal/State agencies award funds for hazard mitigation actions. The benefits of an up-to-date hazard mitigation plan include: Home and business owners have information to help them make better decisions about protecting their properties. Planners and local officials better understand the risks of natural hazards and may improve local planning actions. Builders and developers have access to more accurate information for making decisions on where and how to build. Emergency management can use this information to better prepare for response made by police, fire, public health, and town officials, as well as organize efforts as a part of the cycle of recovery from occurrences of natural hazards. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 9 Town of Clinton, CT C. Plan Development (ELEMENT A & D) 1. Funding & Technical Assistance FEMA Region 1 provided guidance to the Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments (RiverCOG) in following federal guidelines for natural hazard planning, particularly subsequent to Hurricane Irene and the Halloween Nor’easter in September and October of 2011 respectively, Hurricane Sandy in October 2012, and the February 2913 Blizzard. The Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP) awarded a Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) grant to RiverCOG to assist member towns in updating their Natural Hazard Mitigation Plans. Under this grant, J.H. Torrance Downes, Senior Regional Planner, and Jeremy DeCarli, Regional Planner helped prepare this update to the original 2006 Plan. 2. Preparation (A.1 & D.2) Preparation for the 2014 Update began with RiverCOG staff and staff from the Clinton Land Use office reviewing the 2006 plan for implementation status. Mitigation action items from the 2006 Plan were reviewed and the status of each noted. With the help of Land Use Staff and Clinton officials, RiverCOG staff compiled updated information on hazards and created a rough first draft of the update to present to the Planning and Zoning Commission and other officials. The Clinton Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC), which is responsible for the town’s NHMP, established a Natural Hazard Mitigation Working Group to guide updating the existing NHMP. The Committee included representatives from the Planning and Zoning Commission, including Edward Alberino and James Staunton and community officials including Willie Fritz, First Selectman; Tom Lane, former Zoning Enforcement Official; Donna Sempey, Assessor; Frank Schrempp, Fire Marshall; Anastasios Clados, Emergency Management Director; Justin Rossetti, Building Official; Peter Neff, Director of Public Works; and Jullie Pudem, Land Use Technician. Many public outreach efforts were undertaken and are discussed below in section I.C.4. The Working Group was purposeful in trying to reach as many people as possible through several mediums. HAZUS – MH software was used to aid in the Towns Risk Assessment. At the time of writing, HAZUS software is using 2010 Census data, so may not accurately reflect current conditions. Maps within this Plan are to be used for planning purposes only. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 10 Town of Clinton, CT 3. Agency Comment (A.2, A.3) The Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments has prepared this Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan in synch with federal and state guidelines. It is one of nine stand-alone town plans being updated throughout the former Connecticut River Estuary Planning Region. The Connecticut River Estuary Regional Planning Agency (CRERPA) created the first Natural Hazard Mitigation Plans for the nine towns within the region in 2005, the first such plans in the State. In 2012, CRERPA merged with the Midstate Regional Planning Agency (MRPA) to form the Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments (RiverCOG), a seventeen town region covering all of Middlesex County as well as Lyme and Old Lyme in the southwestern portion of New London County. This update process is currently being carried out for the nine towns of the former estuary region by RiverCOG towns. A review will be made at the next update of how to best serve all seventeen towns of RiverCOG. The purpose of a hazard mitigation plan is for communities to identify the natural hazards that impact them, to identify actions and activities to reduce any losses from those hazards, and to establish a coordinated process to implement the plan, taking advantage of a wide range of resources (44 CFR 201.1(a)). Notwithstanding this broader intent, local governments are required to prepare and adopt a hazard mitigation plan as a condition of receiving project grant funds under FEMA’s hazard mitigation assistance programs such as the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) and Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) program (44 CFR §201.6(a)(1)). FEMA’s approval of a mitigation plan does not mean FEMA has approved funding for projects identified in the plan or approved an application for Federal assistance. An application for Federal assistance must be submitted to FEMA to be considered for funding and must meet the application requirements for the assistance program as described in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (www.cfda.gov). Once a mitigation plan is approved, it is the community’s decision to implement specific mitigation strategies or projects. As plans are updated every five years, the local government is required to document progress in local mitigation efforts; however, lack of resources, changes in priorities, community capacity to implement actions, or other concerns may limit a community’s ability to implement actions. As described at 44 CFR 201.6, “The local mitigation plan is the representation of the jurisdiction's commitment to reduce risks from natural hazards, serving as a guide for decision makers as they commit resources to reducing the effects of natural hazards. Local plans will also serve as the basis for the State to provide technical assistance and to prioritize project funding.” Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 11 Town of Clinton, CT 4. Public Involvement (A.2, A.3) All meetings and discussions of the Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan update preparation were open to the public with notice to the Town Clerk where required, as well as the Town’s website. Minutes to meetings can be found in Appendix VII. Once completed by the NHMP Working Group, the draft plan was posted on the Town website for review on 1/10/2014. Paper copies were made available at the Land Use Office upon request. An online survey was created and made available on “Survey Monkey.” A notice about the survey was sent out to various groups in town, on facebook, and on the town website ( See Appendix VII for documentation). . A message blast was sent to anyone signed up to receive Town News through email containing the same message which was posted on the Clinton website (see Appendix VII). The list of those signed up includes officials at local schools, residents, and others throughout Town and may include people living outside of Clinton. An article was written announcing the planning process and online survey and posted in the Harbor News, both online and in print, which is circulated throughout the shoreline area and in all neighboring towns. The Plan was discussed at several Planning and Zoning meetings which were open to the Public and posted with notices posted both on the Town website and in local newspapers as standard practice. (See Appendix VI for minutes). Very few members of the public attended either of the meetings. Although there were questions and comments from Commission members, no members of the public asked questions or offered input. All Natural Hazard Mitigation Plans have also been discussed at Council of Government meetings, which are also open to the public. Unfortunately, no input was gathered at any of the public meetings. Input gathered from the survey was incorporated into the Plan in the form of new mitigation action items, specifically evaluating roads that are subject to flooding. The survey was available from 1/13/2014 to 3/4/2014, paper copies were made available at Town Hall. Results of the survey can be found in Appendix VIII. In addition, the draft Plan was referred to other towns in the regional planning area with the notice of the online survey. After receiving and incorporating public comments through the survey and the Planning Commission meetings, the Planning Commission submitted the completed Plan to DEEP and FEMA for review and to the Board of Selectmen and a Town Meeting for final adoption. In addition, contact information is included on Page 2 of this Plan and the Public is encouraged to comment at any time on this Plan. a. Public Survey Results A total of 30 responses were collected. Information was used to update the plan, add mitigation action items and better understand Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 12 Town of Clinton, CT problem areas in town. Of the respondents, 90% were Clinton Residents. Others included officials from neighboring towns, officials from Clinton and owners of Clinton based businesses. Overall, responses suggested that the Clinton website is the best place to get hazard mitigation information. With regards to natural hazards, 60% of the respondents have suffered losses in the past due to hurricanes or tropical storms, while 46% are concerned about future sea level rise. With regard to mitigation actions, 46% of respondents said that they would be willing to sell their home for open space along the shoreline in order to minimize losses in the future. Fifteen respondents offered their input on mitigation measures the town could include. A vast majority of responses centered on retro-fitting existing homes along the shoreline and preventing beach erosion. Another focus of respondents was the removal of trees in order to reduce the chance for power outage during storms and burying utilities where feasible. For the full survey and its responses, please see Appendix VIII. Action Items and other information presented by survey respondents not already listed within the Plan were considered by the Town and many were incorporated into this Plan update. 5. Incorporation of Existing Resource Materials (A.4) RiverCOG staff began the Plan update process by reviewing the 2006 Plan to familiarize itself with its implementation status. Additionally, the current data regarding the environment and ecological resources, geography and land uses, demographics and critical facilities, as well as economics and cultural resources was reviewed. From this information, the Committee incorporated Elements of the original 2006 “Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan, Town of Clinton, Individual Town Mitigation,” into the 2012 Plan. A review was conducted of current Zoning Regulations, Subdivision Regulations, Inland Wetland Regulations, and the Plan of Conservation of Development. Information from these documents was also incorporated into the 2012 update of the Clinton Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan Update. See Appendix I – Sources of Information. D. Plan Adoption (ELEMENT E) The Board of Selectmen, as the “governing” body of the town [CFR § 201.6(c)(5)] officially adopted the Plan at a Board of Selectmen meeting on August 27, 2014. See Appendix IX for resolution. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 13 Town of Clinton, CT E. Plan Implementation (ELEMENT D) The Plan prescribes specific actions and assigns priorities, responsibilities, and resources for each. The Plan uses four broad categories of actions: 1) Local Plans and Regulations include: changes to plans and regulations across a variety of town departments and commissions for the purpose of strengthening future documents ; 2) Structure and Infrastructure Projects include: rights-of-way, land, housing, or utilities for public purposes, and road specifications; 3) Natural Systems Protection include: flood zone regulations, fire prevention, and acquisition of hazard prone land; 4) Education and Awareness Programs include: information to residents students in schools, and systems to alert residents of impending hazard events. Some recommendations require regional or inter-town cooperation and are included in Section III MITIGATION (ELEMENT C). 1. Priorities (D.3) Based on the planning process, this Plan suggests assignments of priority for implementation. Those agencies and officials to whom the Plan assigns responsibility will fine-tune these priorities based on availability of resources. 2. Responsibilities (C.5) The Plan specifies those agencies and officials responsible for implementing the prescribed actions. The Town will track progress to ensure consistent and on-going implementation, as well as to update the Plan more readily. 3. Resources (C.1) The Town must allocate sufficient resources to implement the actions prescribed by the Plan, as well as to maintain the Plan through regular updates (every 5 years). Officials/agencies identified as having responsibility for specified actions need to establish and maintain operating or capital budgets with which to fund implementation (and continual maintenance). These budgets are also necessary to leverage opportunities for Federal and State grants, which typically require a “match” in funding commitment (funds and in-kind services). All of the grants described below require an approved Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan at the time of application and must have an approved plan at time of award. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 14 Town of Clinton, CT The following sources of external funding are available to the region and its towns on a limited and often competitive basis: a. Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) The HMGP provides grants to States and local governments to implement long-term hazard mitigation measures after a major disaster declaration. The purpose of the HMGP is to reduce the loss of life and property due to natural disasters and to enable mitigation measures to be implemented during the immediate recovery from a disaster. The HMGP is authorized under Section 404 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act. This grant is administered by the Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection (DESPP), Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (DEMHS). b. Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) The National Flood Insurance Reform Act (NFIRA) of 1994 (42 U.S.C. 4101) created the FMA program with the goal of reducing or eliminating claims under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). FEMA provides FMA funds to assist States and communities implement measures that reduce or eliminate the long-term risk of flood damage to buildings, manufactured homes, and other structures insured under the National Flood Insurance Program. This grant is administered by the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP). Three types of FMA grants are available to states, regions and towns: Planning Grants to prepare Flood Mitigation Plans. Only NFIP-participating communities with approved Flood Mitigation Plans can apply for FMA Project grant Project Grants to implement measures to reduce flood losses, such as elevation, acquisition, or relocation of NFIPinsured structures. States are encouraged to prioritize FMA funds for applications that include repetitive loss properties; these include structures with 2 or more losses each with a claim of at least $1,000 within any ten-year period since 1978. Management Cost Grants for the State to help administer the FMA program and actions. Up to ten percent (10%) Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 15 Town of Clinton, CT of Project grants may be awarded to States for Management Cost Grants. c. Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant (PDM) The PDM program provides funds to states, territories, Indian tribal governments, communities, and universities for hazard mitigation planning and the implementation of mitigation projects prior to a disaster event. Funding these plans and projects reduces overall risks to the population and structures, while also reducing reliance on funding from actual disaster declarations. PDM grants are to be awarded on a competitive basis and without reference to state allocations, quotas, or other formula-based allocation of funds. This grant is administered by the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP). F. Plan Maintenance (ELEMENT A) 1. Method (A.5) The Planning and Zoning Commission will monitor and evaluate progress in addressing action items in this Plan and include those accomplishments in its annual report to the Town. The Town will post its Annual Report on the Town website to inform and update the citizenry as a part of required ongoing citizen participation in implementation. In order to evaluate progress made each year, responsible parties (Planning & Zoning and Public Works) will: Conduct Review of Specific Mitigation Actions: Reviews will occur on an annual basis during the first quarter of each fiscal year (July-September). The purpose of these reviews will be to ensure that these action items remain a priority for the town. Inspections will also determine whether the project remains on schedule, has been completed or has yet to be completed. Annual Meetings Matters to be reviewed on an annual basis will include the goals and objectives of the HMP, hazards or disasters that occurred during the preceding year (for example, the recent damage from Tropical Storm Irene along the shoreline), mitigation activities that have been accomplished to date, a discussion of reasons that implementation may be behind schedule, and recommendations for new projects and revised activities. The annual meeting shall be during the fourth quarter of each fiscal year (April – June), before the annual application cycle for pre-disaster grants Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 16 Town of Clinton, CT under the HMA programs. This will enable a list of possible projects to be circulated for Town departments to review, with sufficient time for developing applications. The Planning and Zoning Commission and the First Selectman (or his designee) shall jointly prepare a report based on the review of recent events and ongoing or recent mitigation activities for review at this annual meeting. Results of the site inspection efforts will be reviewed as well. These meetings will be open to the public and publicized with ample time to allow the public to attend. Continued Public Involvement Continued public involvement will be sought regarding the monitoring, evaluating, and updating of the NHMP. Public input will be solicited through appropriate measures such as meeting notices, information on the town website and other methods deemed appropriate at the time. Direct input from the homeowners from several coastal neighborhoods is anticipated to continue each year. The First Selectman and Planning and Zoning Commission will continue to provide the linkage to other municipal departments throughout the plan monitoring and evaluations each year relative to communication and participation. 2. Maintenance and Update Schedule (A.6) At a minimum, the Town will update the Plan every five years or sooner if conditions warrant. The following table shows a timeline for continuing action of the current plan and the beginning of the next update. The update process will again include public meetings to allow the public to participate and offer input. See Figure 1 below for a more detailed schedule. The Planning and Zoning Commission will be responsible for tracking the status of the Plan, but may designate certain elements to other parties as appropriate. It is RiverCOG’s responsibility to obtain the necessary funding to produce the Plan update and form the Planning Committee. All other update functions will be carried out by the full Planning and Zoning Committee after its formation. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 17 Town of Clinton, CT Photo 2: Clinton Town Hall Source: Historic Buildings of Connecticut Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 18 Clinton, CT Update and Maintenance Schedule FY 2014 - 2015 FY 2016 - 2017 FY 2017 - 2018 FY 2018 - 2019 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Action Item Review Report on Action Items Status to Town Action Progress Meeting Public Budget Action Items Based on Review Plan Update Committee Formation (RiverCOG) Determine Funding Source for Plan Update (RiverCOG) FY 2015 - 2016 X X X X X X X X X X Apply for Funding to Complete Plan Update (RiverCOG) Begin Full Plan Review in Anticipation of Update Public Meetings, Drafts, ReWrites Complete Final Draft to be Submitted Completion of 5 Year Plan Update (Submission to DEEP and FEMA and Adoption by Town) FEMA Approval and Adoption by Town X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Figure 1: Plan Maintenance and Update Schedule Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 19 Clinton, CT II. RISK ASSESSMENT & HAZARD IDENTIFICATION (ELEMENTS B & D) The 2005 Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan (NHMP) identified a number of natural hazards that could potentially impact the town of Clinton, including flooding, wind and tornado, drought and wildfire, winter storm, earthquake, hurricane, sea-level rise, and tsunami. This section acknowledges changes in local development since 2007 and its effects on natural hazard mitigation. A. The Town & the Vulnerability of its Resources (ELEMENT B) Given Clinton’s topography, location and land use patterns, significant areas of the town are most vulnerable to flooding, hurricane, coastal flooding and high winds. The southern section of town, predominantly the area south of Interstate 95 is most susceptible to impacts from a hurricane, tropical storm or other coastal event. 1. Geography & Land Use Patterns Clinton lies within Middlesex County, located in south-central Connecticut, along its shoreline with Long Island Sound. To the west, Clinton is bordered by the town of Madison (New Haven County); to the north, by the town of Killingworth; and to the east, by the town of Westbrook. Although New York’s Long Island serves as a barrier, Clinton is susceptible to high winds and coastal storms due to its geographic location. Clinton’s total area of 16.21 square miles has a relatively low-lying coastal topography. Clinton has an integral relationship to Long Island Sound and its tidal rivers and associated resources. Like the neighboring Town of Westbrook, this connection is also seen in the town’s recreational marine industry centered on Clinton Harbor. It is the close tie of the municipality to the waters of Long Island Sound that also exposes its citizens and their properties to the hazards associated with coastal storms and high winds and flooding that often accompany them. Additionally, the hilly ridge and valley topography of the northern area of town provides an opportunity for stream belt flooding that can be associated with either coastal storms or non-coastal heavy rain events. Either way, flooding tends to be the primary hazard that Clinton must plan for if it is to mitigate natural hazards for its citizens. The geology of Clinton is typified by low-lying coastal plain incised by tidal rivers and streams and their associated tidal wetland areas. Upland areas north of I-95 are typified by rolling hills with ledge outcroppings and a relatively thin veneer of glacial till and soil. The veneer of till is Wisconsinan in age, and results from the most recent glacial advance and retreat which occurred within that last 50,000 years. In some locations, an earlier (older) Illinoian-age till occurs in patches. The glacial till is the Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 20 Clinton, CT ground and pulverized rock debris located directly underneath the glacial mass – known as ice-contact drift - as it advanced southward and retreated back to the north. In that the material is created by the movement and weight of the ice sheet itself, it is undifferentiated and very compact. Soil and till profiles range in thickness from 0 feet to approximately 25 feet in northern areas of town. Glacial tills cover approximately 65% of the town’s 16.21 square miles. Topographic elevations range from sea level along Long Island Sound to a maximum of just over 300 feet in the northeast corner of Clinton to the east of the Kelseytown Reservoir. Map 1: Clinton and Surrounding Towns in the southern part of the RiverCOG Region. Source: CT ECO In the area north of I-95, development density is separated into several zoning districts with minimum lots sizes ranging upward from ½ acre to 2 acres. This contrasts with the relatively high-density seasonal beach areas along Long Island Sound where lots sizes range from ¼ acre up to ½ acre. Although most of the available land south of I-95 has been developed throughout the years, the residential areas north of I-95 still Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 21 Clinton, CT include several larger tracts of land that are still viable subdivision potential. Several recent subdivisions proposals, however, have given rise to public controversy and difficulty with gaining approval for those areas of development proposed to encroach on and within inland wetland areas. One cluster subdivision, which proposed the dedication of half the property as open space, met considerable neighborhood opposition, despite its environmental benefits, this because of traffic density that would occur on the narrow back roads leading to the property. Overall, residentially-zoned property occupies 3,881 acres (37%) of Clinton’s land area. Commercial (388 acres, 4%), industrial (372 acres, 3.5 acres), institutional (330 acres, 3%), and transportation (692 acres, 6.5%) together occupy 1782 acres (17%) of Clinton’s total land area. Open space preservation has long been an important consideration in Clinton. Recently, Clinton’s Conservation Commission analyzed remaining tracts of undeveloped land within Town identifying 42 properties ranging in size from over 5 acres upward to 142 acres. Most recent figures established in 1997 indicate that committed open space occupies approximately 820 acres (8%) of Clinton’s land area while uncommitted open space occupies approximately 4,216 acres (40%). The significance is that the committed open space will remain open while with uncommitted open space there is no guarantee. Multi-family residential dwelling including condominiums, both age-restricted and non-age-restricted, and apartment houses occupy a small percentage of the overall land area. Commercial and industrial uses occupy approximately 20% of the land area. Approximately 5.9% of the land area is dedicated to transportation including the I-95 corridor, the Amtrak corridor, state, town and private roads. Transportation includes an interstate highway, several state roads which serve as collectors, local town roads, the Northeast Corridor Rail Road which carries Amtrak and Shore Line East passenger trains as well as freight trains, and the 9 Town Transit Bus service. Major roads in Clinton include Interstate 95, a limited access highway running in an east-west orientation approximately 2 miles from the shoreline and Route 1, also running in an east west-orientation less than a mile from the shoreline acting as the main business route through town. Other roads include Route 81 running north-south, splitting the town in half and providing access to Interstate 95 and northern areas of the region and Route 145, making a connection to I-95 in Westbrook bringing traffic to the eastern side of Clinton. The Northeast corridor runs in an east west direction paralleling both I-95 and Route 1 and connects Boston to New York. Shore Line East has train station in Clinton. 9 Town Transit provides bus service between Madison and the Old Saybrook Amtrak station via the Shoreline Route with several stops in Clinton along Route1. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 22 Clinton, CT 2. Demographics & Critical Facilities The 2010 Census reported a town population of 13,260 people which represents a 1.2% increase from 2000. This compares to the previous decade when the town population increased 2.6%. This was the largest growth period since the decade from 1960 to 1970, during which Clinton grew by a staggering 146%. Stagnation of population growth allows the Town to focus on factors in natural hazard mitigation’s effects on population, such as its distribution and make-up. According to the 2000 census, 24.7% of the total population has disabilities. The distribution by age of these disabilities is: disability sensory physical mental self-care go outside home limited employment totals age 5-15 47 19 74 13 153 age 16-64 137 386 274 56 273 995 2121 age 65+ 191 351 146 100 210 998 3272 persons Figure 2: Population of Persons with Disabilities1 Source: 2000 Census The U.S. Census Bureau defines disabilities as the following: Sensory Disability Conditions that include blindness, deafness, or a severe vision or hearing impairment. Physical Disability Conditions that substantially limit one or more basic physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs, reaching, lifting, or carrying. Mental Disability Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition lasting 6 months or more, the person has difficulty learning, remembering or concentrating. Self-care Disability Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition lasting 6 months or more, the person has difficulty dressing, bathing, or getting around inside the home. Go-outside-home Disability Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition lasting 6 months or more, the person has difficulty going outside the home alone to shop or visit a doctor's office. Employment Disability Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition lasting 6 months or more, the person has difficulty working at a job or business. 1 The Disability Survey is now carried out by the American Community Survey. More recent data is not yet available. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 23 Clinton, CT 1219 or 9.6% of Clinton’s 2010 population was characterized as nonEnglish speaking. The largest percent, 4.5%, speak Indo-European languages, the languages of Europe and southwest Asia. Next most common was Spanish or Creole spoken by 4.2% of the population. Such a small population with a lack of concentration in one specific language makes it difficult to provide printed educational materials about the potential natural hazards in languages other than English or to be able to anticipate those languages for which the Town might provide translators at public meetings or at evacuation centers during natural disasters. 15.2% of Clinton’s 2010 population was over age 65 which is slightly more than the statewide average of 14% and just under the RiverCOG region average of 15.9%. The block-level data indicates that just over half of the over-65 population lives in areas south of I-95, much of which is floodprone and subject to high winds from hurricanes. Age-related dispositions and disabilities are a specific factor for the Town to take into account in mitigating against natural hazards. The 2010 U.S. Census reported a total of 6,065 residential units. Of these structures, 5,303 are “owner-occupied.” There are 965 structures that are “renter occupied”. A total of 762 units are “unoccupied,” 518 of which are considered seasonal units. Many of these seasonal units exist along the water front and are highly susceptible to damage from coastal storms and flooding. Tenants may be omitted inadvertently from ongoing education about natural hazards or may be difficult to contact through typical Town resources to warn of pending natural events. There are a total of 5,303 households in Clinton, of which the average size is 2.25 persons, while the average family size is 2.87 persons. A total of 38.9% of households in Clinton contain children under the age of 18. A total of 563 households contain just one person living alone, 288 of which are seniors over the age of 65. These homes with seniors living alone are of particular interest. In the event of a major disaster, these people may need assistance to evacuate their homes. If they do not leave their homes, they may be in need of help in the event of an extended power outage. In Clinton, structures or facilities that produce, use, or store highly volatile, flammable, explosive, toxic or water-reactive materials exist primarily in the industrial districts and along the I-95 and Route 1 corridor, running east-west through town. These areas are mostly outside of the 100-year floodplain. The Town’s police station ambulance house, public works vehicle and equipment storage facility, and emergency operations center are located outside the 100-year flood zone. However, the fire house which also houses the ambulance, in downtown Clinton, lies on the banks of the Indian River and is within the 1% Annual Chance (100-year) flood zone, Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 24 Clinton, CT susceptible to major flooding. The Town Hall sits just outside the same flood zone and is susceptible to storm surges associated with Category 24+ hurricanes. In addition, the Police Station would be cut off from much of the town following a Category 3 or 4 hurricane. Clinton uses many of its public buildings for minor natural hazard events, such as cooling centers during heat waves. The Town’s principal shelter is the Andrew Memorial Town Hall, 54 East Main Street (Route 1), which is outside special flood hazard areas; however, it is limited in capacity due to its current size, wind speed capacity, emergency generators, and ability to accommodate pets. The shelter is likely to be inaccessible during an extreme natural disaster due to flooding of surrounding access roads. During larger, events, such as the recent Hurricane Sandy, the town uses Jared Elliot Middle School, 69 Fairy Dell Road, as its main shelter. (The town is currently exploring the construction of a new Morgan School, which could be built to design standards in line with being a large emergency shelter.) Neither of these shelters lies within a flood hazard area. Fire House Town Hall Photo 3: Downtown Clinton showing the Indian River. The Fire House and Town Hall are located on opposing sides of Route 1 to the east of the river. Source: Google Earth Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 25 Clinton, CT Public and private utility facilities, which are vital to maintaining or restoring normal services to areas of town before, during, and after a natural disaster, were not inventoried extensively. All gas stations in Clinton are located along Routes 1 and 81, which is accessible to most of the townspeople and businesses that may lose power and may seek gasoline to power emergency generators. After the 2011 Halloween Nor’easter and Tropical Storm Irene, many residents of communities from adjacent coastal towns and from further north in the state traveled to Clinton since it was one of the few areas where gasoline was available. Public and private utility facilities are subject to the same loss of power, potable water, communications and accessibility as is the community they serve. 3. Economics & Cultural Resources The primary business and industry sectors in Clinton are as follows: % of total 2005 sector establishments employment services 33.0% 21.6% trade 27.3% 36.6% const. and mining 16.2% 7.7% finance, ins. & real 5.9% 4.1% estate manufacturing 6.1% 21.6% government 4.7% 1.8% transportation & utilities 3.5% 4.8% agriculture 3.4% 1.7% 100% 100% Figure 3: Economic Sectors in Clinton source: Connecticut Dept. of Economic and Community Development, 2010 As might be the case with many natural disasters and as was demonstrated during and after Tropical Storm Irene in 2011 and again with Hurricane Sandy in October 2012, the economic core of Clinton is vulnerable to loss of electricity and communication services due to downed utility lines. While Clinton was not as affected as many Connecticut towns, the unexpectedly severe Halloween Nor’easter in October 2011 resulted in many closed businesses and week-long school closings (and subsequent extension of the school year). The potential for services, the largest business sector, to be shut down for an extended period will affect the economic viability of the town and a long lag time for to damage assessment and insurance adjustments can hinder rebuilding activities. After a far-reaching disaster with a prolonged recovery, the Town would be faced with reduced or delayed collection of taxes on land, improvements and personal property, which serves as the Town’s revenue Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 26 Clinton, CT base, yet the Town would expend a maximum output of a fixed annual budget to restore infrastructure: Currently the majority of open space within Clinton is owned by the Clinton Land Conservation Trust (CLCT) and the State of Connecticut, DEEP. Open space is not a significant generator of tax revenue, but may serve as a buffer to reduce storm effects, thus protecting the value of nearby developed land. Therefore, vacant land may have potential to similarly provide protection of developed properties if set aside as open space. 4. Environment and Ecological Resources Clinton is endowed with many ecological and environmental assets. Beaches, dunes, tidal and inland wetlands, Indian and Hammonasset Rivers and surrounding wetlands, and large tracts of uninterrupted forest are examples of some of the Town’s valuable natural resources. The CT DEEP has created a statewide map of “Critical Habitats” that highlight ecologically significant areas and areas of species diversity (see Map 2). A significant portion of these areas are surrounding the Hammonasset River and along the coast; many of which lie south of Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor railroad. The remaining critical habitat sites periodically suffer damage from flooding, high winds and waves associated with coastal storms. Of great concern is the impact from sea level rise. These critical habitat sites initially will have to deal with increased frequency and magnitude of flooding events but eventually may become permanently flooded – assuming that the rate of sea-level rise exceeds naturally occurring rates of accretion. Of greatest concern in Clinton is the potential loss of the extensive intertidal marsh habitats. These marshes provide breeding areas for a wide variety of terrestrial and aquatic organisms and are important visual components that add to the character of the town. Of the two largest intertidal marsh systems, one is located around the Hammonasett River and abuts Clinton Harbor and Long Island Sound and the other is located around Hammock River and is sheltered by the Grove and Stannards Beach and Kelsey Point communities. Smaller marsh systems exist to the west of Cedar Island and along the Indian River south of Route 1 to the point where the river meets Clinton Harbor. These sites are all located within the 100-year floodplain, are well adapted to diurnal tidal flooding, and can tolerate periodic longer term flooding associated with storm events. Those plant ecologies are not capable of surviving permanent flooding and would “drown” from sea level rise or be forced to migrate up-grade. However, in places where there are steep slopes, rocky outcrops, or other barriers along the wetland edges, the tidal wetlands may simply die off. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 27 Clinton, CT Similarly, the extent of the built environment surrounding Clinton’s tidal marshes will prevent them from migrating upland in response to sea level rise. This is unfortunate for the built areas, as well, because the buffering effect tidal wetlands provide from storm surges, wave action and flooding will be lost. Engineered responses to natural hazards, such as sea walls, groins, etc., that “harden” the shoreline can have undesirable effects on natural processes and unintended consequences on storm energy by transferring associated damage to other portions of the shore. Photo 4: View Across Clinton Harbor at Cedar Island Source: WTNH Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 28 Clinton, CT Map 2: Clinton Natural Diversity Source: DEEP Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 29 Clinton, CT B. Natural Hazards (ELEMENT B) Clinton is at risk from a variety of natural hazards, each occurring with different frequency, probability, and intensity of impact. Building Damage (BD) X X X X Downed trees & branches (DT) X X X X Flooding – Coastal (FC) X X X Flooding – Dam Failure (FD) X X X Flooding – Inland (FI) X X X Flooding – Sea Level Rise (FSLR) X X X Flooding – Storm Surge (FSS) X X X Fire (F) High Wind (HW) X X Hail (H) X X X X X X X X X X Tsunami X Drought X Wildfire Winter Storm X Earthquake Summer Storm Coastal Erosion (CE) Effects & Impacts High Wind and Tornado Hurricane and Tropical Storm Natural Hazard Type X X X X X Ice (I) X Lightening (L) X X Power Failure (PF) X X X X X X X Infrastructure Damage (ID) X X X X X X X Snow (S) Water Rationing (WR) X X X Figure 4: Natural Hazard Effects & Impacts The categories of impacts that may be caused by different types of natural hazards. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 30 Clinton, CT geographic scope natural hazard type 1 – localized 2 – large area 3 – townwide frequency 0 – extremely rare 1 – infrequent (< ten years) 2 – occasional (< annual) 3 – often (> annual) damage magnitude 1 – low 2 – medium 3 – high Hurricane and Tropical Storm 3 2 3 Summer Storm 1-3 3 2 Winter Storm 3 3 2 High Wind and Tornado 2 1 2-3 Earthquake 3 0 2-3 Wildfire 1 0-1 1 Drought 3 0-1 1 Tsunami 2 0 3 Flood 2 2 3 Figure 5: Natural Hazard Scope, Frequency & Magnitude Natural hazard events can affect different parts of Clinton, can range in occurrence from rare to often, and can cause varying degrees of damage. Figure 4 summarizes these differences among the types of natural hazards. The potential for each hazard event to occur in Clinton is identified as being either not likely, likely, or very likely in. These labels are based on the Frequency defined in Figure 5 and relate as follows: not likely, 0, 1; likely, 2; and very likely, 3. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 31 Clinton, CT Natural Hazards affecting the Lower Connecticut River Valley Region including Clinton DATE NAME / TYPE March 1936 Flood of 1936 September 1938 Great New England Hurricane (Cat. 1) September 1944 Great Atlantic Hurricane (Cat. 1) August 30, 1954 Hurricane Carol (Cat. 2) September 1960 Hurricane Donna (Cat. 1) March 2-5, 1960 February 2-5, 1961 January 1978 February 1978 June 1982 snowstorm snowstorm winter rainstorm Blizzard of ‘78 September 1985 Hurricane Gloria (Cat. 1) August 1991 Hurricane Bob (Cat. 1) October 1991 Hurricane Grace “The Perfect Storm” December 1992 March 12-14, 1993 January 6-8, 1996 nor’easter snowstorm snowstorm July 1996 remnants of Hurricane Bertha (tropical storm) February 15-18, 2003 snowstorm October 2005 remnants of Hurricane Tammy April 2007 nor’easter Winter Storm Ella “Groundhog Day Blizzard” February 2011 February 7, 2011 rainstorm winter rainstorm August 2011 Tropical Storm Irene October 2011 Halloween Nor’easter October 2012 Hurricane Sandy (Cat.1) February 2013 Blizzard IMPACTS (codes from Fig. 4) FI CE, BD, DT, FC, FI, FS,HW, PF, ID CE, BD, DT, FC, FI, FS,HW, PF, ID CE, BD, DT, FC, FI, FS,HW, PF, ID CE, BD, DT, FC, FI, FS,HW, PF, ID S S FI BD, DT, HW, PF, ID FI CE, BD, DT, FC, FI, FS,HW, PF, ID CE, BD, DT, FC, FI, FS,HW, PF, ID CE, BD, DT, FC, FI, FS,HW, PF, ID S, HW, FC, FSS S S CE, BD, DT, FC, FI, FS,HW, PF, ID S CE, BD, DT, FC, FI, FS,HW, PF, ID HW, FC, FI S, HW HW, FC, FI CE, BD, DT, FC, FI, FS,HW, PF, ID DT, PF, ID, S CE, BD, DT, FC, FI, FS,HW, PF, ID S, HW, PF Figure 6: Natural Hazards Affecting the Lower Connecticut River Valley Region A chronological summary of various types of natural hazards that have caused significant damages in Clinton and the surrounding region. The IMPACTS column summarizes the categories of damages (see Figure 4) from each storm. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 32 Clinton, CT Map 3: Hazard Areas in Clinton Source: RiverCOG Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 33 Clinton, CT Photo 5: Flooding on Cedar Island after Hurricane Sandy Source: Cedar Island Environmental Committee 1. Flooding A flood, as defined by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), is a general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of two or more acres of normally dry land area or of two or more properties from overflow of inland or tidal waters; unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source; or mudflow. A flood can also be a collapse or subsidence of land along the shore of a lake or similar body of water because of erosion or undermining caused by waves or currents of water exceeding anticipated cyclical levels that result in a flood as defined above. a. Geographic Extent (B.1) In Clinton, flooding is the most significant recurring natural hazard. It can be broken into three general categories: 1) inland flooding along streams and low lying areas; 2) coastal flooding of areas along Long Island Sound; and 3) nuisance flooding primarily in coastal areas at low elevation and along the Indian and Hammonasset Rivers. Inland flooding can be caused by any weather event with significant amounts of rain over a short time span. Coastal flooding typically occurs with hurricanes, tropical storms and nor’easters where low pressure and strong winds create storm surges that when coupled with rising tides can push sea water far inland. Nuisance flooding in low lying coastal areas is caused by extreme Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 34 Clinton, CT astronomical high tides, which can flood yards, basements, septic systems, storm water drainage systems and roads. As Clinton developed, many of the existing structures were built within the existing flood zones prior to the existence of flood regulations, or zoning regulations. The coastal boundary within Clinton, of which a major part is the mapped flood plain, constitutes approximately 1,700 acres, or almost 16% of the Town’s total area. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has provided baseline information to demonstrate areas within Clinton that are vulnerable to flooding. This includes Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), Flood Boundary and Floodway Maps, and Flood Insurance Study. These materials were last updated for Clinton in August 2008. All areas adjacent to Long Island Sound, tidal and non-tidal rivers and streams are subject to recurring flooding events. Significant flooding events have occurred in March of 1936, September of 1938, September of 1954, January of 1978, and June of 1982. b. Occurrences (B.2 & B.4) For a list of notable occurrences of this natural hazard, see Figure 6: Natural Hazards affecting the RiverCOG region. Month Year Event Heavy Rain and melting snow caused major flooding throughout the Northeast and Middle Atlantic states March 1936 September 1938 Widespread 10 inch rainfall caused by a hurricane resulted in major flooding throughout the Connecticut River valley August 1955 Hurricanes Connie and Diane came a week apart to batter most of New England with the most significant flooding recorded at many locations March 1968 Heavy rain combined with snowmelt caused small river flooding in southeast New England June 1972 Up to 16 inches of rainfall resulted in major flooding throughout Connecticut June 1982 Heavy rains resulted in major flooding throughout New England. March 1987 Heavy rains combined with snowmelt resulted in major flooding throughout New England January 2010 Heavy rains combined with snowmelt resulted in major flooding throughout New England Figure 7: Record Breaking Floods in CT since 1936. Source: NOAA c. Probability of Occurring Again (B.2) Floods are a very likely hazard in Clinton. High-intensity localized storms can cause flooding of the relatively short coastal and upland watercourses; regional natural hazard rainfall events can cause flooding of the larger watershed of the Indian and Hammonasset Rivers; and tropical storms, hurricanes and nor’easters can cause significant coastal flooding. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 35 Clinton, CT d. Potential Impacts (B.3 & B.4) Of the major natural hazards which impact Clinton, flood and wind damage associated with coastal storms is likely the most critical item for mitigation planning within Town. Hazards resulting from upland flooding of rivers and streams that may or may not be associated with coastal storms are also considered a high mitigation priority. Clinton experiences flooding on the rivers and streams which flow southerly toward the coast. Flooding experienced along Long Island Sound and its tidal rivers and creeks is potentially the most severe (See II.B.7, Hurricanes and Tropical Storms). The impacts from flooding can range from localized nuisance flooding to much more widespread coastal flooding affecting entire neighborhoods or sections of the town. Similar to nearby communities along Long Island Sound, the densest residential development in Clinton is located in the beach communities directly adjacent to the sound. Much of this development occurred in the early 20th century at a time when there were no standards for construction within areas subject to flood hazards. Some of the densest and most flood prone areas are located in the Clinton Beach, Harbor View, Ridgewood, Grove Beach and Cedar Island neighborhoods. Cedar Island is particularly susceptible to major events as it has no sea walls, dunes or other protective measures, as well as no vehicular access. Through a public works project, the island was connected directly to the main land in order to improve flow of the Hammonasset River through Clinton Harbor. The island has no electric or telephone service other than one phone connected directly to the police department in case of emergencies. Water is provided by a water main from the town. 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 Substantially Occupancy Count (%) Count (%) Count (%) Count (%) Count (%) Count (%) Agriculture 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Commercial 1 3.33 21 70 5 16.7 1 3.33 2 6.67 0 0 Education 1 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Government 0 0 1 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Industrial 0 0 1 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 50 Religion 0 0 4 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Residential 1 0.05 41 1.92 488 22.9 601 28.1 871 40.8 134 6.27 Total 3 68 493 602 873 135 Figure 8: Estimated Building Damage due to 100 Year Flood Source: HAZUS-MH HAZUS – MH estimates losses for the town based on several factors. A report was created based on a 100 Year Probabilistic Flood. Below is a table showing estimated building loss due to this type of event. For the Full Report, see Appendix III – HAZUS-MH: Flood Event Report. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 36 Clinton, CT Map 4: Flood Insurance Rate Map of Downtown Clinton showing the flood zones in the downtown area. Source: FEMA Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 37 Clinton, CT Map 5: Flood Insurance Rate Map Showing Town Hall Annex in the .2% Annual Chance Flood Zone (Black Dots) and the Fire House in the 1% Annual Chance Flood Zone (Blue Dots). The Town Hall is just outside of Flood Zones. Source: FEMA e. Authorities, Policies, Programs and Resources (C.1 & C.2) The Town of Clinton participates in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). FEMA develops NFIP FIRMs through an engineering report called the Flood Insurance Study (FIS). FIRMs depict the limits of the floodwaters as special flood hazard areas within which “zones” establish the base flood elevation and, therefore, risk for flooding and flood-related damages. Clinton is committed to continuing NFIP compliance and standards, as has been demonstrated through zoning regulations. Within the Clinton Municipal Coastal Plan, the Zoning and Subdivision Regulations and the Building Code, there are standards and criteria designed to meet NFIP requirements that govern the location and elevation of structures, construction methods, and the placement or removal of fill. For construction within the special flood hazard areas, the Zoning Enforcement Officer, Building Official and Town Engineer review and issue a flood permit and conduct follow-up inspections to confirm compliance with the permit. The Flood Hazard Zone also applies to substantial improvements to existing structures located in SFHAs. Substantial improvements are defined as “any combination of repairs, reconstruction, alteration, or improvements to a structure taking place Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 38 Clinton, CT within a ten-year period, in which the cumulative cost equals or exceeds 50% of the market value of the structure.” Within A Zones in the SFHAs, all new construction and substantial improvements require that structures be elevated above the base flood elevation while in V Zones structures must be elevated above base flood elevations and have foundations that are open to flood water flow or have breakaway walls that will fail under minimal flood conditions. Section 17 of the Clinton Zoning Regulations of defines the Flood Hazard Zone. This section of the regulations lists requirements for anyone building or doing any construction activities within the management area. Failure to adhere to these requirements can result in a Cease and Desist Order on the property. Some of the requirements of the area include: maintaining records of pre- and post-construction flood elevation and flood proofing certificates; standards for manufactured homes and recreational vehicles; increased elevation standards for all new construction of critical facilities in SFHAs; and standards for use restrictions. Since 2008, FEMA has conducted a new Flood Insurance Study for Middlesex County that includes updated factors on still water elevations, wave height analysis, wave breaking data, wave overtopping data, erosion, shoreline protection structures and development. The town adopted the new maps on February 6, 2013. The NFIP collects data on repetitive losses in special flood hazard areas. Repetitive loss properties (RLP) are those with insurance claims for multiple events. As of June 30, 2013, the latest information available, there are fifty-four (54) properties listed as RLPs. All but one of these properties are residential, with the majority being single family occupancy, only two are multi-family dwellings. Fifty of the RLPs are along the Long Island Shoreline while four are along inland streams. As of June 30, 2013, none of the properties had been mitigated. f. Mitigation Specific to this Hazard (C.2) See Section III MITIGATION (ELEMENT C) for the Mitigation Action Item List (Figure 31). The following are representative mitigation activities specific to this hazard: 1. Existing Infrastructure Another significant repercussion of flooding events is the adverse Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 39 Clinton, CT impacts such events have on evacuation and emergency access. Flooding which affects roadways in Clinton are caused primarily by three factors: (1) low-lying elevations prone to coastal flooding, (2) undersized culverts creating restrictions to the flow of flood waters, and (3) reduction of the cross section of stream and river channels by bridge abutment encroachment, thereby causing channel restriction in a manner similar to culverts. Clinton experiences flooding resulting from all three causes. Coastal flooding of low-lying roads occurs at the western end of Hammock Road on Kelsey Point, Shore Road along Clinton Beach leading to Kelsey Point, and the Beach Park Road and Causeway entrances to the Clinton Beach and Kelsey Point areas. Beach Park Road and the Causeway exist at an elevation near 8 feet above sea level and are prone to flooding even during lesser rain events. Flooding of these access roads alone can completely cut off the Kelsey Point area from emergency access, making the area particularly vulnerable. Other areas prone to coastal flooding include the southern ends of Commerce and Grove Streets near the Town Dock, and the western end of Pratt Avenue near the Hammonassett River. This area was significntly flooded during Hurricane Sandy in October 2012. Photo 6: The Town Dock is flooded at the end of Grove and Commerce Streets from Hurricane Sandy. Source: Clinton Patch Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 40 Clinton, CT Map 6: Open Space in Clinton Source: Clinton Land Use Office Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 41 Clinton, CT Clinton also experiences roadway flooding in numerous locations north of Route 1 as a result of both culvert and bridge restrictions. Undersized culverts are located on Nod Road where Boulder Lake drains south toward the Hammonassett River, at two points on Airline Road to the east and west of the King’s Grant Road intersection, and on Cream Pot Road where the proximal Indian River drains southward. Bridge restrictions are more common in the northeastern area of Town. Bridges crossing the Indian River at Hurd Bridge Road, and the Menunketesuck River at Kelseytown Road, Carter Hill Road and Ferry Dell Road create flooding conditions that cause access concerns as well. High tidal levels also cause flooding difficulties where the Indian River flows south underneath Route 1 and where a small drainage pond flows underneath Nod Road near Sunnybrook Lane. See Map 3 which depicts these locations Similar to nearby coastal communities, a map of the areas of flood inundation from hurricane storm surges shows that areas of Clinton will be isolated with a category 1-2 hurricane (See Maps 7&8). The restrictions in the roads and culverts will limit the ability of residents to evacuate from coastal areas. Another critical mitigation effort should be the identification of an accessible dry location for Emergency Operations Center and storage of critical emergency vehicles. Currently the main Fire Station and the Town Hall are located in the surge area for a Category 2-4+ hurricane. A review by the town of areas located on Map 3 to set priorities for repair and renovation is warranted. Other mitigation options for the town with respect to existing infrastructure include: Develop a priority list for road reconstruction and elevation for routes which experience frequent flooding or are integral to evacuation. Sections of road leading to coastal communities noted on Map 3 are a first priority as well as dams near residential housing. Implement strategic enforcement actions to include engineering reports for structural expansion or alterations on properties within the 100 year flood zone. Update regional Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping through increased use of GIS databases in the individual towns, and coordinate for accuracy with FEMA layers and location of flood prone buildings on a regional level. Using HAZUS software supported by ESRI software by RiverCOG, improve town layers to reflect future property damage, access issues, and evacuation for residents from flooding events Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 42 Clinton, CT 2. Improve inoperability for emergency management including existing metadata for GIS within the RiverCOG region in concert with federal guidelines (NIMS) Floodproofing Existing Structures Principal areas of residential housing and, to a lesser extent, commerce are located within the “V” and “A” flood zones. As of twenty-five years ago, upwards of 35% of Clinton’s population lived within close proximity to Long Island Sound with slightly less than half of Clinton’s housing stock being located within that high density area. Although subdivision development in areas north of I-95 within the past twenty-five years has spread the overall population distribution somewhat away from coastal areas, a significant number of residents reside in close proximity to Long Island Sound, especially during summer months. According to the 2010 census, 43% of Clinton resident live south of Interstate 95. 2,773 residents, or 21% live in Census Block Groups directly along the shoreline. The residential structures located in that area have not, for the most part, been substantially flood proofed or elevated, consistent with flood regulations and ordinances. This, of course, means that the area is especially prone to the damaging effect of coastal storms, both hurricanes and nor’easters A second approach to hazard mitigation is the protection of existing properties and structures by a number of techniques including relocation, acquisition, building elevation and flood-proofing. Since the majority of coastal flood areas are already developed, several of these techniques may be warranted in Clinton where others may be infeasible. Also see Appendix III – HAZUS – Hurricane MH Report which outlines the estimated building exposure by type and cost for Clinton. It does not include river or stream flood events. In the flood codes, ordinances and regulations that are currently in place, several recommendations can be made to enhance mitigation efforts: i. Compliance Monies - Most land within flood zones adjacent to Long Island Sound has been developed. Therefore, mitigation efforts for these primarily non-compliant residential structures should be in the form of Federal monies that will promote bringing those structures into compliance with flood standards. This will be done through raising structures to meet Base Flood Elevations. Given the nature of family ownership and history of families in these areas, Government purchase seems unlikely, with the exception of purchase opportunities when a property has been Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 43 Clinton, CT completely destroyed. Even in that event, Government purchase may only occur on a limited scale. ii. Substantial Improvements – FEMA standards allow improvements that are NOT “substantial improvements” to occur without bringing a structure into compliance, primarily by elevation. In that elevation is costly in the short term (although much more cost-effective in the long-term), residents can find their way around being forced to elevate structures by proposing improvements that are NOT substantial (less than 50% of the value of the existing structure). iii. Relocation - Relocation is often used for structures that are particularly significant such as historic structures and landmarks. In Clinton, the history of the Town is such that significant historic structures and landmarks are located in areas away from the immediate coast and, for the most part, out of designated flood areas. Other than relatively few structures associated with marinas, the majority of structures within designated flood areas are residential and are likely not good candidates for relocation for several reasons. First, most of the structures are not of tremendous value when compared to the overall value of the property on which they sit. Second, waterfront or coastal property owners often have such emotional ties to their home and location that they wouldn’t consider relocation under any circumstances. It is more likely that these property owners will consider either elevation of their homes or reconstruction consistent with flood regulations. iv. Acquisition - Although the ideal method of eliminating flood damage risk for structures within flood hazard areas is to remove them entirely, this alternative may be unnecessary in hazard areas of Clinton where protective measures can be used and are likely cheaper than outright purchase. Acquisition is also the least feasible mitigation measure for political reasons. The largest density of structures within flood areas is located within the seasonal beach areas – areas where the lifestyle is emotionally attached to summertime and memories of vacations and ownership is often passed down through the family. For this reason, it is doubtful that residents would willingly sell their properties under most circumstances and for any reasonable price that a government agency (the likely purchaser) could offer. If certain property owners could be enticed to sell, it is likely that the few removed structures would be sporadically Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 44 Clinton, CT spaced throughout the area, few and far between. Such “checkerboarding” would not be desired because of the added maintenance costs that taxpayers would have to bear. v. Building Elevation - In that acquisition is both unlikely and unnecessary for structures within flood areas of Clinton, the more likely measure would be a program of elevation of the structures most prone to flood damage. Many beach front structures in Clinton are not built to current flood requirements, most notably, proper elevations. Most structures are located at grade within several feet of sea level, a situation that obviously leaves the area prone to substantial damage and loss in the event of a significant nor’easter or hurricane. Elevation of these V and A Zone structures will greatly reduce potential losses under most conditions and is likely the most effective flood mitigation proposal that can be made for this and other nearby towns. Although such a proposal would change the appearance of the area, it would go far in achieving the hazard mitigation that the Federal government seeks. Experience has shown that, due to the small size of the average beach property, variances of zoning regulations would likely be necessary for most of the construction associated with structure elevation as most structures are nonconforming in some way. If a government program of subsidizing the elevation of these structures was to be initiated, it would have to be with the understanding that many individual projects would have to be brought in front of the local Zoning Board of Appeals, a potentially timeconsuming preparation for such an endeavor. Another consideration would be proper oversight by local officials to be sure that non-code septic systems are replaced with code-compliant systems, especially if reconstruction and potential expansion of structures is anticipated. vi. Floodproofing - Floodproofing measures are often utilized where flooding conditions are not as severe as other areas, including areas of infrequent low-velocity shallow flooding. In such areas, barriers and dry/wet floodproofing can be effective. Such measures are more often used for commercial and industrial structures than residential structures because of the nature of how they are carried out. In Clinton, areas of such infrequent low-velocity shallow flooding are beach areas slightly landward of the coast – the A-Zone properties which are elevated and inland areas Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 45 Clinton, CT associated with streams further north. In the beach areas, the small size of residential properties (4000 – 6000 square feet) makes the construction of barriers such as levees, floodwalls and berms infeasible for the most part because of the lack of sufficient area on the property. Berming in larger areas would be more feasible but would unlikely be accepted due to the appearance. Floodproofing measures, either dry or wet, are more feasible for a larger commercial or industrial building where everyday coming and going is typical, like with a residential property. Such floodproofing would likely not even be feasible structurally, given the necessity for easy access in and out of a residential structure. Within the larger residential developments further north and along the Menunketesuck and Indian Rivers, larger properties would make barriers more feasible. Flooding in these areas, however, would be that associated with significant rainfall events and include a significant velocity component. Floodproofing of these residential structures is also not likely feasible. Structures in these areas are newer than in beach areas which have been built far enough away from areas prone to flooding so as to avoid all but the largest flood events. vii. Basement Backup Protection - Although Clinton does not have any municipal sewers, the issue of floods influencing insured structures can occur. In beach communities along the Sound where the residential structures are in close proximity to tidal wetlands, flooding can cause a saturation of soils to the point that septic systems will become inoperable and will potentially back up into the structure. Of the devices and methods used to prevent backup of sewer lines, backup preventers can be utilized to insure that waste does not back up into homes during extreme flooding events. Such areas would include low-lying portions of Grove Beach and lowlying properties along Shore Road, Hammock Road and Pratt Street viii. Insurance - Although insurance isn’t a preventative measure used to mitigate flood or hazard damage, it protects the property and the insured from the substantial losses that can accompany floods and other catastrophic events. The two primary types of insurance that can be used include flood insurance acquired through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and basement backup insurance. In order for property owners to have access to subsidized flood insurance, the community must join the NFIP – membership allows local insurance agents to sell a separate flood Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 46 Clinton, CT insurance policy under rules and rates set by FEMA at the federal level. Rates do not change after claims are paid; they are set on a national basis. Basement backup insurance is issued by the NFIP and covers seepage and sewer backup for an added deductible provided the problem was caused by a flooding event in the area. Although several insurance companies offer this type of insurance, the coverage, exclusions, deductibles and arrangements can differ widely. 2. Residential Property Owners The National Flood Insurance Program collects data on repetitive losses in the flood hazard area – insurance claims for more than one event at a given property. There are approximately 800 structures located within the A and XE flood zones in Clinton. Of the structures, fifty-four properties are listed as repetitive-loss locations with forty-seven of those properties being located within the coastal zone along Long Island Sound – either on Long Island Sound or on Clinton Harbor. Seven RLPs are located in upland areas away from the coastal area. Unlike neighboring Westbrook which had no claims associated with the June, 1982 upland flooding event, three of the six Clinton repetitive loss properties claimed damage occurring during the June, 1982 upland flooding event. Four claimed three losses while ten claimed two losses each. The same flood event wiped out homes and bridges in the nearby town of Essex. Most claims were related to flooding from coastal storms, Tropical Storm Irene and Hurricane Sandy in particular. These statistics reinforce the importance for mitigation of coastal flooding for properties on Long Island Sound. Mitigation measures appropriate for both business and home owners include structural alterations and hazard planning. Also note the recommendations under Section II.B.7, Hurricanes and Tropical Storms (Page 73). 3. Business Owners For business proerties, the primary mitigation objective is to minimize revenue loss due to a flood or hazard event. Structural alterations are similar to those recommended for residential structures. In conjunction with the relative large population, Clinton has a significant downtown business district. An examination of the zoning map overlaid with the flood zone mapping shows that while many of the businesses are out of the flood zones, a high percentage of businesses would be affected by flooding. Also, the Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 47 Clinton, CT town business district is located on Route 1 within areas subject to inundation from hurricane surges. See Map 6 which depicts the hurricane inundation areas. Many businesses located outside flood zones would be cut off during flood events. Additional measures for structural alterations include: elevated HVAC units above the 100 year flood elevation, flood proofing where feasible for inventory, and insurance for flood events. Preparedness for the business community is critical to ensure continuation of operations once repairs have been made. An accurate record of all expenses, including hours worked, is important for insurance company reimbursement. Maintenance of a client list enables communication for a business that will be closed for a while due to storm damage. Potential damage and loss estimates, as well as maintenance of a construction/repair vendor list can lend a sense of preparedness when hazard strikes. It is also important to keep a record of the business needs off-site in the event of a flood. It is recommended that the Town in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce provide outreach to businesses through brochures and consulting services to promote preparedness for natural hazard events. These procedures will equip a business with the tools for a quick recovery from a hazard event. In addition, the proximity of marina and boating industries for both Clinton and Westbrook would encourage inter-town cooperation to share costs of mitigation programs for these businesses. 4. Beach Community Specific Recommendations Beach Associations provide an excellent opportunity for residents to gather and disseminate information relating to flooding/coastal storm events, and hazard mitigation. As noted above, each beach community shares similar issues relating to hazard mitigation with respect to coastal storms and flooding, and mitigation measures may differ for each of the various beach communities. The Town of Clinton could efficiently use these organizations in conjunction with marinas as a conduit for hazard mitigation education. Feasible and affordable mitigation measures, explanation of funding for mitigation coupled with graphic diagrams using GIS Hazus mapping and illustrations of storm surge damage may be instrumental in alleviating complacency for residents of these areas. Again, Clinton could work together with Westbrook, Old Saybrook, and Old Lyme to share the cost of providing an educational program for coastal residents. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 48 Clinton, CT Photo 7: Hurricane Sandy caused significant sand to pile up on shore, such as that surrounding this cottage on Cedar Island in Clinton Harbor. Source: Cedar Island Environmental Committee Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 49 Clinton, CT 2. Dam Failure A dam is a barrier that impounds water or underground streams. Dams generally serve the primary purpose of retaining water. Many dams built within Clinton were built to power mills during the early years of industrial revolution. There are several different types of dams including earthen, cement, and stone. a. Geographic Extent (B.1) The DEEP requires registration of all dams over six feet in height. There are six such dams in Clinton. Some have been built within the last 50 years or so, but a number of them were constructed for agricultural and manufacturing purposes during the time shortly after the town was settled, in the early 1700’s and the 1800’s during the industrial revolution. As a result of their ages and private ownership, the dams are in varying conditions of repair. The CT DEEP Dam Safety Division is responsible for overseeing dam safety in the State of all dams over 6 feet. Dams of that size must be registered and are rated based on their potential hazard to properties downstream. DEEP assigns dams to one of five classes according to their hazard potential: Class AA: negligible hazard potential dam which, if it were to fail, would result in no measurable damage to roadways, land and structures, and negligible economic loss. Class A: low hazard potential dam which, if it were to fail, would result in damage to agricultural land, damage to unimproved roadways, or minimal economic loss. Class BB: moderate hazard potential dam which, if it were to fail, would result in damage to normally unoccupied storage structures, damage to low volume roadways, or moderate economic loss. Class B: significant hazard potential dam which, if it were to fail, would result in possible loss of life; minor damage to habitable structures, residences, hospitals, convalescent homes, schools, etc.; damage to or interruption of the use or service of utilities; damage to primary roadways and railroads; or significant economic loss. Class C: high hazard potential dam which, if it were to fail, would result in the probable loss of life; major damage to habitable structures, residences, hospitals, convalescent homes, schools, etc; damage to main highways; or great economic loss. The classification of a dam can change due to changes in downstream Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 50 Clinton, CT development. 83% of dams in Connecticut fall within the negligible to moderate hazardous categories while only 17% fall within the significant and high hazard categories. Map 11 depicts which Hazard Class each dam in Clinton is. There are three Signficant and High Hazard dams in Clinton. See Figure 9 below for a listing of those dams. Dam # Dam Name 2701 2704 2709 Kelseytown Reservoir Lockwood Lake Chapman Pond Dam Downstream Watercourse Menunketesuck River Menunketesuck River Chapman Pond Hazard Class B B C Owner Connecticut Water Company Lockwood Lake Improvement District Private Figure 9: High and Significant Hazard Dams in Clinton (See Page 51 for Definitions) As is noted above, these dams cause a considerable threat to residents and businesses located downstream. b. Occurrences (B.1) There are no records of a dam break in Clinton. However, the most recent dam breaks in Connecticut took place during the June 1982 flooding when 17 dams failed and 31 were damaged causing $70 million in damage. Bushy Hill Pond Dam in nearby Deep River failed at that time causing severe flooding in nearby Essex. c. Probability of Occurring Again (B.2) Although no dams have collapsed in Clinton, the risk is still present. Old dams, some dating to the 1700’s can become over- burdened during flooding events and heavy rain storms. The dams, if not maintained properly could collapse under the stress of more water than normal. Overall, Dam Failure is not likely in Clinton. d. Potential Impacts (B.3) A dam break could cause significant flooding downstream of the dam and potentially cause other dams to break in succession. A dam break would release a significant amount of water at high velocity with significant pressure. This wall of water could cause other dams to break. A dam break could cause flooding outside of normal flood hazard areas, meaning residents and businesses might be especially unprepared for dam breaks. There are no dam breaks in Clinton to derive damage estimates from; however, the 1982 flood caused approximately $70 million in damage statewide, nearly $170 million in 2014 dollars. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 51 Clinton, CT According to the National Performance of Dams Program (NPDP), since 1877 there have been a total of 14 dam failures in Middlesex County resulting in $7,258,996 worth of property damage. A large enough flood could cause similar damage throughout the State. There are no critical Town facilities in the path of the Hazard Class C Dam in Town; however, the Downtown Clinton area is directly downstream of several other dams. Downtown Clinton is home to more dense commercial and residential development as well as the Fire House which lies on the banks of the Indian River. A rough estimate based on assessed property values within the area shows that a severe enough dam failure upstream could cause well over $1,000,000 in damage to surrounding properties. Overall, based on HAZUS-MH Flood Event Report, a 100 year storm could result in as much as $522.11 Million in damages throughout Town. Figure 10 below taken from the Connecticut State NHMP, shows the relative risk of dam failure to be Medium-High for all Middlesex County towns. This risk is based upon population density, population projections to 2025, building permits and other factors. Figure 10: Dam Failure Hazard Ranking and Risk Parameters Source: CT State NHMP 2013 Update Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 52 Clinton, CT e. Authorities, Policies, Programs, and Resources (C.1) The State Department of Environmental Protection requires the registration of all dams over the height of six feet. The Dam Safety Section of the Inland Water Resources Division of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is responsible for administering and enforcing Connecticut’s dam safety laws. The existing statutes require that permits be obtained to construct, repair or alter dams, dikes and similar structures and that existing dams, dikes and similar structures be registered and periodically inspected to assure that their continued operation and use does not constitute a hazard to life, health or property. DEEP keeps track of which dams have emergency plans but not all of them would be up to date and not all dam owners will want those plans shared publically. Only the larger significant and high hazard dams would typically have an emergency plan with inundation areas but not all do as it is not yet mandated by state statute or regulation. f. Mitigation (C.3, C.4) Mitigation includes prioritizing dams using the DEEP classification systems and inspection. The high hazard dams should be repaired by utilizing grant funding, low interest loans to the property owners, or other types of incentives. Lower priority dams should be evaluated for repair as funding is available. The Town should work together with DEEP to ensure that dam owners are properly maintaining their dams and understand the risks of dam failure. The primary concern in mitigating the damage that might be inflicted by dam failure is that each of the dams is privately owned. Private owners are generally reluctant to repair dams on their property due to the high costs. Mitigation includes prioritizing dams using the DEP classification systems and inspection. Ownership of the Chapman Pond Dam is private and coordination with the owner will be critical to maintenance. Lower priority dams should be evaluated for repair as funding is available. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 53 Clinton, CT Map 7: Dam Hazards in Clinton (See Page 51 for Class Definitions) Source: RiverCOG Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 54 Clinton, CT 3. High Wind & Tornado Straight-line winds, responsible for most thunderstorm wind damage, can exceed 100 mph. One type of straight-line wind, the downburst, is a small area of rapidly descending air beneath a thunderstorm. A downburst can cause damage equivalent to a strong tornado and can be extremely dangerous to aviation. A “dry microburst” is a downburst that occurs with little or no rain. A tornado is a violently rotating column of air, pendant from a cumuliform cloud or underneath a cumuliform cloud, and often visible as a funnel cloud. High winds are typically 1-minute average surface winds of 40 mph or greater lasting for 1 hour or longer, or winds gusting to 58 mph or greater regardless of duration that are either expected or observed over land. a. Geographic Extent (B.1) Other than hurricane and storm-associated winds, high winds in Connecticut tend to be localized microbursts. In comparison to the tornados that occur in the Midwest’s “tornado alley”, New England tornados tend to have much shorter and narrower paths due to the hillier terrain. Tornados are unlikely to occur in Middlesex County. Historically there have been tornados and microburst wind events in other parts of the state. Thus, these events should not be dismissed entirely. Severe thunderstorms have been known to occur and spawn small tornados. Damage from sheer downburst winds has been suspected as another source of damage in the state. In 2008, the National Weather Service was asked to determine if a tornado had occurred in Clinton after some residents thought they had seen a funnel cloud; it was inconclusive. Clinton-area historical tornado action is near the Connecticut state average, which is 25% smaller than the overall U.S. average. Overall, residents throughout Clinton are equally susceptible to the chance of a tornado occurrence. However, a strong tornado would likely cause more damage in the more densely developed shoreline areas south of Interstate 95. The area north of 95, which tends to be less developed may not sustain as much property damage based. Figure 12 includes the Enhanced Fujita tornado scale and typical impacts as a result of each class of tornado. b. Occurrences (B.2) As recently as February 27, 2012, high winds plagued Connecticut. “More than 300 United Illuminating customers were without power in Fairfield Saturday afternoon. As of 5 p.m., there were 1,298 CL&P customers without power.” [Connecticut Post newspaper, February 27, 2012] Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 55 Clinton, CT Deadly and destructive tornados do occur in New England, including Connecticut. Of the 7 recorded to have occurred in Middlesex County none touched down in Clinton. However, these storms have been recorded in surrounding towns: on August 7, 1918, there was a possible tornado in Westbrook; on June 30, 1998, F1 tornados in Killingworth and Lyme, and an F0 tornado, Chester. On July 31, 2009, an F1 tornado touched down in Madison, while Old Lyme and Chester experienced many downed trees. Enhanced Fujita Scale EF 2 EF 3 EF 1 EF 1 EF 1 EF 0 EF 1 EF 1 Date Injuries Fatalities Town July 12, 1950 August 21, 1951 July 19, 1963 July 21, 1972 June 27 1974 June 30, 1998 June 30,1998 June 30, 1998 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Portland East Hampton Middletown Middletown Essex Killingworth Chester Old Lyme Figure 11: Recorded Tornadoes in RiverCOG Region, 1950-2013. Source: Tornado History Project While Connecticut, ranked 42 out of 50, is an unlikely area for dangerous tornadoes, there have been instances where tornadoes have developed in conjunction with high wind events and storms. Tornadoes are produced inside powerful thunderstorms, which, in turn, are created near the junction between warm, moist air and cold, dry air. The conditions that produce a "tornadic thunderstorm" exist when warm, moist air gets trapped beneath a stable layer of cold, dry air. A primary future difficulty with tornadoes in Connecticut is the relative density of population and structures to the potential for damage. According to the National Climactic Data Center (NCDC) Middlesex County experiences .014 Annualized Tornado events with $35,955 in annualized damages. c. Probability of Occurring Again (B.2) Tornados are not likely to occur in Clinton. According to Significant Tornadoes 1680–1991 by Thomas Grazulis from 1953 to 1991, Connecticut recorded an average of about 1.3 tornadoes per year, ranked 43rd in the United States. As shown in the chart above, none of those occurred in town. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 56 Clinton, CT d. Potential Impacts (B.1, B.3) EF-Scale Number Intensity Wind Speed (mph) EF-0 Gale Tornado 65-85 EF-1 Moderate Tornado 86-110 EF-2 Significant Tornado 111-135 EF-3 Severe Tornado 136-165 EF-4 Devastating Tornado 166-200 EF-5 Incredible Tornado 201-240 Impact Some damage to chimneys; branches broken off trees; shallow-rooted trees knocked over; damage to sign boards. Peels surface off roofs; mobile homes pushed off foundations or overturned; moving autos pushed off the roads; attached garages may be destroyed. Considerable damage. Roofs torn off frame houses; mobile homes demolished; boxcars pushed over; large trees snapped or uprooted; light object missiles generated. Roof and some walls torn off well-constructed houses; trains overturned; most trees in forest uprooted. Well-constructed houses leveled; structures with weak foundations blown off for some distance; cars thrown and large missiles generated. Strong frame houses lifted off foundations and carried considerable distances to disintegrate; automobile-sized missiles fly through the air in excess of 100 meters; trees debarked; steel-reinforced concrete structures badly damaged. Figure 12: Enhanced Fujita Scale and potential impacts. Figure 13: Tornado Hazard Ranking and Risk Parameters Source: CT NHMP, 2013 Figure 13 above taken from the Connecticut State NHMP, shows the relative risk of tornado to be Medium-Low for all Middlesex County towns. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 57 Clinton, CT This risk is based upon population density, population projections to 2025, building permits and other factors Tornados and high winds destroy vegetation and structures within the storm’s path. For example, “October 3, 1979: The Windsor Locks, Connecticut tornado, an extremely destructive F4 tornado, one of the worst in Connecticut history, killed 3 persons and injured 500 more in northern Hartford County. The tornado struck without warning, tearing through Bradley International Airport destroying more than a dozen airplanes, and narrowly missing a Boeing 727, which was attempting to land. About 100 homes were completely leveled. Most of the $200+ million in damage was done in Windsor Locks and Suffield. Damage estimates are difficult to predict as tornadoes and high wind events can happen anywhere within the Town. A tornado would cause much more property damage south of I-95 where the land is more densely developed and more structures could potentially be damaged. Needless to say, a strong tornado could cause significant damage to any structure in its path. e. Authorities, Policies, Programs, and Resources (C.1) The 2005 Connecticut State Building Code was amended in 2009 and adopted with an effective date of August 1, 2009. The code specifies the design wind speed for construction in all the Connecticut municipalities, with the addition of split zones for some towns. For example, for inland towns such as Haddam and East Haddam, wind speed criteria are different in relation to the distance from the shoreline. Clinton uses the state Building Code as its own. The design wind speed for Clinton is 110 miles per hour. The Town Building Official shall enforce the provisions of this article in accordance with the remedies provided in C.G.S. § 8-27. f. Mitigation (C.3, C.4) See Section III MITIGATION (ELEMENT C) for Mitigation Action Item List (Figure 31). The following are representative mitigation activities specific to this hazard: Voluntary Wind Code Compliance. Consider establishing a policy that all building permit applicants be encouraged to construct their projects to meet 110 mile per hour wind resistance standard, whenever possible. Underground Utilities. Require underground utilities for new development; require retrofitting during redevelopment of existing sites to bury utilities where appropriate to mitigate NHs. Outreach. Promote owner participation in mitigation efforts to protect their property, such as to elevate, flood- and wind-proof structures to meet and exceed requirements through its various and regulations. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 58 Clinton, CT 4. Drought & Wildfire A drought is defined as a period of dry weather: a long period of extremely dry weather when there is not enough rain for the successful growing of crops or the replenishment of water supplies. A wildfire is any uncontrolled fire in combustible vegetation that occurs in the countryside or a wilderness area. A wildfire differs from other fires by its extensive size, the speed at which it can spread out from its original source, its potential to change direction unexpectedly, and its ability to jump gaps such as roads, rivers and fire breaks. Wildfires are characterized in terms of the cause of ignition, their physical properties such as speed of propagation, the combustible material present, and the effect of weather on the fire. a. Geographic Extent (B.1) As with all the towns in the region, Clinton is small enough that a drought would most likely be town-wide. Under extreme drought conditions, areas of concern for wildfire include the deciduous forest located in the northern areas of town or areas of Phragmites in coastal tidal marshes. Drought also can exacerbate potential for small wildfires and hinder the ability of the town to control outbreaks. Large areas of phragmites within the tidal wetlands in Clinton have the potential for wildfires under extreme drought conditions. Large expanses of deciduous forest are located in the northern areas of town and areas of phragmites in coastal areas are prime areas of concern. At times of severe drought, communities face growing wild land-urban interface (WUI) problems. Drought can exacerbate potential for small wildfires and hinder the ability of the town to control outbreaks. The primary issue for Clinton, along with other Connecticut towns that rely on aquifers and local well systems, even public water supplies such as the Connecticut Water Company, is that potential for increase problems during drought conditions can increase with population growth and increased demands for water. Land-use planning techniques can be applied to existing, new, and redeveloping areas alike. The severity of a fire depends on several factors including, fuel type, weather, and topography. There are four types of fuels of concern for wild fires which will affect how a fire behaves: Ground Fuels – organic soils, forest floor duff, stumps, dead roots, and buried fuels; Surface Fuels – litter layer, downed woody materials, dead and live plants to two meters in height; Ladder Fuels – vine and draped foliage fuels; and Canopy Fuels – tree crowns. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 59 Clinton, CT The weather can also play an important role in the spread of fire. Three important weather factors are: Wind – most important factor since it dries out fuel and drives a fire; Relative humidity – affects fuel moisture; and Precipitation. A fire is much more likely to spread and cause significant damage when there is high wind, little humidity and a period of little no rainfall. Different areas throughout town are susceptible to different types of fires. Inland areas where thick forest cover is abundant is more susceptible to fires feeding on ground fuels ladder fuels. Areas closer to the densely developed shoreline where more roads are present are more susceptible to fires feeding on surface fuels. Overall Connecticut does not have a history of fire feeding on the canopy of trees. Most fires remain on the ground. b. Occurrences (B.2) Below is a table of historic data for drought that includes coastal Connecticut. [Northeast Regional Climate Center (NRCC) in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Cornell University] This table shows data between 1895 and 2002. More current data was not readily available. Coastal Climate Division -Drought Periods Duration Lowest PDSI 1/1901 - 2/1901 2 months -3.79 in 2/1901 8/1910 - 7/1911 12 months -4.30 in 7/1911 7/1913 - 9/1913 3 months -3.68 in 8/1913 12/1924 - 6/1925 7 months -3.64 in 6/1925 4/1930 - 3/1931 12 months -4.26 in 9/1930 11/1949 - 1/1950 3 months -3.13 in 12/1949 9/1964 - 1/1965 5 months -4.16 in 11/1964 3/1965 - 2/1967 24 months -5.19 in 12/1965 3/1985 - 4/1985 2 months -3.84 in 4/1985 8/1995 - 9/1995 2 months -3.61 in 8/1995 7/1999 - 8/1999 2 months -3.50 in 7/1999 1/2002 - 4/2002 4 months -3.67 in 2/2002 Figure 14: Palmer Drought Index Based on the monthly Palmer Drought Severity Index as computed by the National Climatic Data Center. Period of record: January 1895 through June 2002 Source: NOAA Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 60 Clinton, CT c. Probability of Occurring Again (B.2) In the spring of 2012 headlines on the local network television stations such as, “March 28, 2012 – Brush fires have been reported in East Haddam, East Windsor and Fairfield,” were common. “The largest of the fires consumed more than 50 acres in Devil's Hopyard State Park in East Haddam and fire officials made the decision to let the fire burn.” [NBC Connecticut website, March 28, 2012]. According to the DEEP, Connecticut traditionally experiences high forest fire danger in the Spring from mid-March through May. Severe drought and wildfire are both not likely to occur in Clinton. While any dry period brings with it the possibility of brush fires, large wildfires have yet to be experienced in Clinton. While summer months tend to be the most likely period when the area could experience drought, autumn months often bring wet weather, ending the drought. d. Potential Impacts (B.1, B.3) Figure 15: Wild Fire Hazard Ranking and Risk Parameters. Source: CT State NHMP 2013 Update Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 61 Clinton, CT Figure 15 as shown in the Connecticut State NHMP 2013 Updated shows that the overall risk of wildfires in Middlesex County is Medium. This is based up population density, population projections to 2025, building permits, forest cover and other factors. Financial damage would depend on various factors including property values and location of fire. Prolonged drought could result in financial losses to crop growers and the many nurseries that exist in town. Because they are not often severe, response to droughts in the region most often have begun with voluntary water conservation. Under severe drought conditions water use restricts may be mandatory. A significant portion of the population in Clinton relies on ground water for domestic water supply. Under extreme and prolonged drought conditions, these water sources could be affected. With an intricate network of wetlands and watercourses in Clinton there are more natural breaks that would contain fire than in other parts of the country. That being said, a brushfire can still threaten houses and other structures. A major concern exists in the marshland areas. These areas, where significant amounts of phragmites grow, can ignite quickly and fire can spread rapidly. A fire in any of these areas would pose a threat to surrounding homes and businesses while fire crews would have difficulty accessing the site and containing the fire. e. Authorities, Policies, Programs and Resources (C.1) The current Subdivision Regulations (Section 5.13) state that the site developer must meet with the Fire Marshall in order to determine the need for more water on site. When deemed necessary, storage tanks, fire ponds, or fire wells, must be capable of holding at least 20,000 gallons of water. The applicant shall be required to demonstrate that such water supply meets or exceeds the minimum requirements as set forth in National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 1141 (Standards for Fire Protection in Planned Building Groups) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 1231 (Water Supplies For Suburban and Rural Firefighting). The DEEP Division of Forestry issues Forest Fire Danger Ratings for Connecticut (See Figure 16). A National Fire Danger Rating system that utilizes two indexes is used in Connecticut. The "spread" of a fire is predicted with the Spread Index, which is a numeric rating that corresponds with how fast a fire travels in 'Chains per Hour' (a chain is 66'). For example, if a prediction is made that the Spread Index will be 19, it means the fire is predicted to spread 1254 feet (19 x 66') in an hour. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 62 Clinton, CT Connecticut also uses a Build Up Index (BUI) that measures drought. The BUI is a relative measure of the cumulative effect of daily drying factors and precipitation on fuels with a ten-day time-lag. Rating or Class Days LOW MODERATE HIGH VERY HIGH EXTREME Spread Index 0-10 15-Nov 16-29 30-39 > 40 Build Up Index 0-22 23-44 45-59 60-74 > 75 Figure 16: Five Forest Fire Danger Ratings Source: CT DEEP The CT DEEP is responsible for issuing these warnings. The Fire Danger Warning is easily accessible on the DEEP web page. These measures are largely successful at reducing the risk from large wildfires. f. Mitigation (C.3, C.4) See Section III MITIGATION (ELEMENT C) for Mitigation Action Item List (Figure 31). The following are representative mitigation activities specific to this hazard: Land-Use Planning. Require storm water retention to recharge groundwater within existing, new, and redeveloping areas. Wildfire Management Plan. Work with the regional EMD group and neighboring towns to develop a wildfire management plan and protocol to ensure that outside fire-fighting resources, such as the National Guard, are available. Dry Hydrants. For new development where water supply for fire fighting is inadequate, dry hydrants should be required. Firefighter Training and Education. Training and education of firefighters should include brush and forest fires, with consideration for large areas of phragmites. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 63 Clinton, CT 5. Winter Storms A winter storm is an event in which the dominant varieties of precipitation are forms that only occur at low temperatures, such as snow or sleet, or a rainstorm where ground temperatures are low enough to allow ice to form (i.e. freezing rain). In temperate continental climates, these storms are not necessarily restricted to the winter season, but may occur in the late autumn and early spring as well. Winter storms also can be accompanied by strong winds (e.g. nor’easters) that can cause coastal flooding and damage. a. Geographic Extent (B.1) Winter storms typically will impact the entire town; however, effects can vary locally depending on weather conditions (e.g. snowfall in upland areas with rain along the shore) or coastal flooding from nor’easters. Figure 17 below identifies various weather advisories that are issued throughout the winter and the extent to which the storms may impact the residents of Clinton. These alerts are typically issued by NOAA in advance of a winter storm in order to allow people to take precautions ahead of the storm and to encourage people to limit travel on roads. Winter Weather Winter Weather Advisory Winter Storm Watch Winter Storm Warning Freezing Rain or Freezing Drizzle Sleet Blizzard Warning Frost/Freeze Warning Wind Chill Extent of Weather Event This alert may be issued for a variety of severe conditions. Weather advisories may be freezing drizzle, freezing rain, or a combination of weather events. Announced for snow, blowing or drifting snow, freezing drizzle, freezing rain, or a combination of weather events. Severe winter weather conditions may affect your area (freezing rain, sleet, or heavy snow may occur separately or in combination). Severe winter weather conditions are imminent. Rain or drizzle is likely to freeze upon impact, resulting in a coating of ice glaze on roads and all other exposed objects. Small particles of ice usually mixed with rain. If enough sleet accumulates on the ground, it makes travel hazardous. Sustained wind speeds of at least 35mph are accompanied by considerable falling or blowing snow. This alert is the most perilous winter storm with visibility dangerously restricted. Below freezing temperatures are expected and may cause significant damage to plants, crops, and fruit trees. A strong wind combined with a temperature slightly below freezing can have the same chilling effect as a temperature nearly 50 degrees lower in a calm atmosphere. The combined cooling power of the wind an temperature on exposed flesh is called the wind-chill factor. Figure 17: Winter Weather Alerts and the Extent of Winter Storms. Source: NOAA Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 64 Clinton, CT b. Occurrences (B.2) There is a history of powerful winter storms that have affected Clinton and the region. See Figure 6 for a summary. Some of the more notable storms are listed below. 1888 – Blizzard 1978 – Blizzard 1993 – “Storm of the Century” 1996 – Blizzard 2011 – October Nor’easter 2013 – February Blizzard According to the NCDC, Middlesex County experiences 4.35 annualized events and $0 in annualized damages. c. Probability of Occurring Again (B.2) Winter storms are very likely to occur in Clinton. They have caused significant damage and are second only to hurricanes in terms of the potential damage they can cause in Clinton. d. Potential Impacts (B.3) Figure 18: Wind Chill Chart This chart displays wind speed and ambient temperature as they relate to frostbite on skin. Source: NOAA, NWS Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 65 Clinton, CT Depending upon the severity and duration of the storm, impacts can be varied. Those of which require attention for hazard mitigation can cripple transportation, communications and threaten provision of basic needs for health, safety and the general welfare. Significant snowfall rates or ice accumulation can exceed the ability of crews to keep roads open for travel and can bring down electric, telephone and cable wires. With the advent of cellular systems, reliance upon landline communications is less; however, severe storms can affect cellular communication towers. Most homes are dependent upon electricity to either provide heat or to ignite other fuel sources. Depending on outside temperatures, a prolonged electrical outage in the winter can result in freezing of pipes and can be life threatening. If travel becomes impossible, the provision of food, medicines and other necessary goods can be delayed or halted and economic losses can occur as people are unable to get to and from work. NOAA's National Climatic Data Center is now producing the Regional Snowfall Index (RSI) for significant snowstorms that impact the eastern two thirds of the U.S. The RSI ranks snowstorm impacts on a scale from 1 to 5, similar to the Fujita scale for tornadoes or the Saffir-Simpson scale for hurricanes. The RSI differs from these other indices because it includes population. RSI is based on the spatial extent of the storm, the amount of snowfall, and the juxtaposition of these elements with population. Including population information ties the index to societal impacts. Currently, the index uses population based on the 2000 Census(Source: NOAA). CATEGORY 1 RSI VALUE 1–3 DESCRIPTION Notable 2 3–6 Significant 3 6–10 Major 4 10–18 Crippling 5 18.0+ Extreme Figure 19: Regional Snowfall Index Source: NOAA Typically property losses only occur during unprecedented storms or during winters when snow events come one after the other creating a deep snow pack, overloading roof structures causing collapse. During the unusually snowy winter of 2010-2011, at least 46 buildings and more than 130 barns collapsed under the intense weight of the snow causing an unknown amount of damage across Connecticut. There is no way to reliably estimate damage figures from snowfall. Damage will depend on the ability to remove snow from roofs in a timely manner, temperature, and other factors. In severe conditions, buildings can come under significant stress with a Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 66 Clinton, CT large snow storm. For example, a former Unilever warehouse collapsed under the weight of the snow from the Blizzard in February, 2013. These collapses threaten those that may work or live in buildings which cannot withstand the added weight of the snow. Winter storms also can cause significant coastal flooding, the impacts of which are discussed in Section 1. Photo 8: Building Collapse after the February 2013 Blizzard. Source: WFSB e. Authorities, Policies, Programs, and Resources (C.1) In anticipation of severe winter storms, the Town has the authority to order parking bans and can order evacuations in extreme situations if there is a significant threat of localized flooding. The Department of Public Works maintains a fleet of trucks and other snow removal equipment and monitors weather forecasts during the winter months to mobilize in advance of storms. The DPW only has difficulties keeping roads clear during extreme events, such as the February 2103 Blizzard. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 67 Clinton, CT f. Mitigation Specific to this Hazard (C.3, C.4) See Section III MITIGATION (ELEMENT C) for the Mitigation Action Item List (Figure 31). The following are representative mitigation activities specific to this hazard: Landscaping. Promote landscaping practices that encourage the planting of species that are less susceptible to damage from ice storms to reduce the probability of damage to structures. Underground Utilities. Consider requiring that all new subdivisions and commercial development bury utilities to prevent power and telecommunications lines from damage from ice, snow and falling tree limbs. Public Information. Provide information on the town’s website about pending storms and links to town, regional, state and federal sites for information on reducing damage from natural hazards. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 68 Clinton, CT 6. Earthquake An earthquake is the sudden, rapid shaking of the earth, caused by the breaking and shifting of subterranean rock as it releases strain that has accumulated over a long time. a. Geographic Extent (B.1) The entire town could be affected by an earthquake in this region; however, impacts could vary locally. See subsection ‘d’ below for more. b. Occurrences (B.2) While there is no record of damages in Clinton from an earthquake, they have occurred in the region and have been felt locally. The following chart shows the nearest earthquakes in recent years. Date Distance (miles) Magnitude Depth (miles) 6/3/2011 32.26 1.7 5 6/17/1982 16.78 3 2 10/21/1981 10.37 3.8 5 10/25/1980 18.34 3 0 10/24/1980 17.18 3.1 0 Figure 20: Earthquakes within 50 Miles of Clinton, 1980 - 2013 Source: USGS The most severe earthquake in Connecticut's history occurred at East Haddam on May 16, 1791. Describing that earthquake an observer said: "It began at 8 o'clock p.m., with two very heavy shocks in quick succession. The first was the most powerful; the earth appeared to undergo very violent convulsions. The stone walls were thrown down, chimneys were un-topped, doors which were latched were thrown open, and a fissure in the ground of several rods in extent was afterwards discovered. Thirty lighter ones followed in a short time, and upwards of one hundred were counted in the course of the night.” In August 1840, an earthquake of similar intensity was centered a few miles southwest of the 1837 tremor. On June 30, 1858, New Haven was shaken by a moderate tremor at 10:45 in the evening. Residents reported rattling of glasses and a noise "like carriages crossing a bridge." The strong tremor hit near Hartford on November 14, 1925. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 69 Clinton, CT An intensity V earthquake in southern Connecticut occurred on November 3, 1968. It cracked plaster at Madison, furniture shifted at Chester, and small items fell and broke. A few damaging shocks centering in neighboring States, and several Canadian tremors, have been noted by Connecticut citizens the past three hundred years. A devastating earthquake near Tros-Rivieres (Three Rivers), Quebec, on February 5, 1663, caused moderate effects in some areas of Connecticut. An earthquake near Massena, New York, in September 1944 was felt over a wide region. Mild effects were noticed by residents of Hartford, Marion, New Haven and Meriden, Connecticut. At its epicenter, the shock destroyed nearly all chimneys, crippled several buildings, and caused $2 million property damage in that region. (Source: USGS website, 2012) As recently as March 23, 2011 the village of Moodus in East Haddam, north of Clinton experienced a 1.3 on the Richter scale tremor. c. Probability of Occurring Again (B.2) An earthquake in Clinton is not likely. The USGS database shows that there is a 1.186% chance of a major earthquake within 50 kilometers of Clinton, Connecticut within the next 50 years. [Source: USGS website, 2012] Clinton-area historical earthquake action is slightly below the Connecticut state average and is 91% lower than the overall U.S. average. (Source: City Data) d. Potential Impacts (B.1, B.3) In Clinton and the surrounding region, recorded impacts have been limited to shaking to the extent that things were knocked off shelves and people were alarmed. Structural damage has been limited to building components such as chimneys and buildings in poor repair; but failing structures have caused property damage in nearby towns. A HAZUS – MH Earthquake Event Report was created using a 100 Year Probabilistic Earthquake scenario. This report generates loss estimates for the town based on this scenario. The report estimates that there would be no losses for the town of Clinton during an earthquake. For the full report, see Appendix V: HAZUS-MH: Earthquake Event Report. Figure 21 below explains the potential impacts resulting from each possible earthquake magnitude. Anything higher than a “minor” earthquake is very unlikely in Clinton; however, the potential does exist. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 70 Clinton, CT Magnitude Description Mercalli Intensity < 2.0 2.0–2.9 I I to II 3.0–3.9 Micro Minor II to IV 4.0–4.9 Light IV to VI 5.0–5.9 Moderate VI to VIII 6.0–6.9 Strong VII to X 7.0–7.9 Major VIII or Greater 8.0–8.9 Great 9.0 > Average Earthquake Impacts Micro-earthquakes, not felt, or felt rarely by sensitive people. Recorded by seismographs. Felt slightly by some people. No damage to buildings. Often felt by people, but very rarely causes damage. Shaking of indoor objects can be noticeable. Noticeable shaking of indoor objects and rattling noises. Felt by most people in the affected area. Slightly felt outside. Generally causes none to minimal damage. Moderate to significant damage very unlikely. Some objects may fall off shelves or be knocked over. Can cause damage of varying severity to poorly constructed buildings. At most, none to slight damage to all other buildings. Felt by everyone. Casualties range from none to a few. Damage to a moderate number of well-built structures in populated areas. Earthquakeresistant structures survive with slight to moderate damage. Poorly-designed structures receive moderate to severe damage. Felt in wider areas; up to hundreds of miles/kilometers from the epicenter. Strong to violent around epicenter. Death toll ranges from none to 25,000. Causes damage to most buildings, some to partially or completely collapse or receive severe damage. Well-designed structures are likely to receive damage. Felt across great distances with major damage mostly limited to 250 km from epicenter. Death toll ranges from none to 250,000. Major damage to buildings, structures likely to be destroyed. Will cause moderate to heavy damage to sturdy or earthquake-resistant buildings. Damaging in large areas. Felt in extremely large regions. Death toll ranges from 1,000 to 1 million. Near or at total destruction - severe damage or collapse to all buildings. Heavy damage and shaking extends to distant locations. Permanent changes in ground topography. Death toll usually over 50,000. Figure 21: Earthquake Magnitude and Potential Impacts. e. Authorities, Policies, Programs, and Resources (C.1) The Town enforces the State Building Code construction standards. f. Mitigation Specific to this Hazard (C.3, C.4) See Section III MITIGATION (ELEMENT C) for the Mitigation Action Item List (Figure 31). The following are representative mitigation activities specific to this hazard: Insurance. Encourage residents to purchase a low cost earthquake rider for homes and businesses. This would protect property owners for damage to chimneys, windows or foundations. Public Information. Provide information on the town’s website about earthquakes and links to town, regional, state and federal sites for information on reducing earthquake property damage. Building Code. Insure that all new residential and commercial construction meets state building codes. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 71 Clinton, CT 7. Hurricane & Tropical Storm A hurricane is an intense tropical cyclone often with torrential rain and strong thunderstorms and with a well-defined surface circulation and maximum sustained winds of 74 MPH (64 knots) or higher. A tropical storm is similar but with winds from 39 to 73 MPH (34-63 knots). a. Geographic Extent (B.1) Hurricanes and tropical storms will affect the entire town; however affects will vary depending on proximity to the shore. Strong winds and rain will affect the entire town while storm surges and coastal flooding will affect coastal areas. See Section 1 for a discussion of coastal flooding and FEMA’s flood insurance rate maps that depict the 100-year flood zone and Section 2 for a discussion of high winds. The Saffir Simpson Scale (Figure 25) defines the category of a hurricane and details potential damage. Properties in the coastal areas of Clinton are most vulnerable to the effects of hurricanes, particularly those areas in flood zones (see maps 8 and 9). Storm surge is of particular concern along the shore, along with high wind speeds potentially pushing water into Long Island Sound, as was the case with Tropical Storm Sandy. Inland areas are less susceptible to storm related flooding; however, falling trees from high winds pose a significant threat. b. Occurrences (B.2) See Figure 6 for a summary of hurricanes that have affected Clinton. Date Name Category (in CT) Landfall September 16, 1858 September 8, 1869 August 24, 1893 October 10, 1894 September 21, 1938 September 15, 1944 August 30, 1954 September 12, 1960 September 27, 1985 August 19, 1991 August 24, 1893 October 29, 2012 Storm # 3 Storm # 6 Storm # 4 Storm # 5 Great New England Hurricane Great Atlantic Hurricane Carol Donna Gloria Bob Irene Sandy 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 TS 1 Groton, CT Westerly, RI Queens, NY Clinton, CT New Haven, CT Matunuck, RI Groton, CT Old Saybrook, CT Milford, CT New Shoreham, RI Brooklyn, NY Brigantine, NJ Wind Speed (mph) 80 115 85 85 115 85 115 100 85 105 65 80 Figure 22: Major Hurricanes and Tropical Storms in New England since 1858. Source: Ryan Hanrahan, WVIT NBC 30 Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 72 Clinton, CT Most recently Clinton was affected by Hurricane Sandy on October 29, 2012 and Tropical Storm Irene on September 2, 2011 both of which caused significant coastal flooding, property damage, damage to homes and downed power lines resulting in week-long power outages in many cases. Tropical Storms Irene and Superstorm Sandy both caused significant flooding conditions throughout Clinton. During T.S. Irene, the Fire Department (which lies in a FEMA 1% Annual Flood Zone) located along Route 1 in Downtown Clinton experienced flooding. The parking lot behind Town Hall was also partially submerged. During Superstorm Sandy, the Fire Department did not flood; however, firefighters were prepared to evacuate at a moment’s notice. Tropical Storm Sandy created a “perfect storm” of events which cause higher flooding than normal for a storm of that size. High winds, along with heavy rain arriving near high tide forced water into Long Island Sound from the east, creating a much higher storm surge than would normally be expected. c. Probability of Occurring Again (B.2) As a coastal community, Clinton is very likely to experience hurricanes and tropical storms. Figure 23: Hurricane/ Tropical Storm Probability in Connecticut Source: WXEdge.com Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 73 Clinton, CT Inundation Legend Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Map 8: Hurricane Surge Inundation Area throughout southern Clinton. Source: CT ECO Coastal Hazards Mapping Tool Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 74 Clinton, CT d. Potential Impacts (B.1, B.3) In the event of a hurricane or tropical storm, the primary risks in Clinton are from high wind, storm surges and coastal flooding and inland flooding on small streams and rivers from heavy rain. See Sections 1 and 2 for a discussion of potential impacts. Because of the frequency of hurricanes and their potential severity, they are the natural disaster likely to cause the greatest damage. During a Category 3 or 4 Storm, many areas of town would be cut off from evacuations routes. Route 81 serves as the bets evacuation route from southern areas of town to the north; however, inundation could flood many roads which lead to Route 81, including Route 1. In addition, the police station would be inundated by a Category 4 Hurricane, and would be cut off from access to other parts of town Hurricane Surge inundation from even a Category 1 Storm (See Map 9). Inundation Legend Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Map 9: Location of Police Station and Hurricane Surge During large storms, the Police Station would be cut off from other areas of town. Source: CT ECO Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 75 Clinton, CT HAUZS-MH estimates the potential losses for the town. A Hurricane Event Report was created using a 100 year Probabilistic Scenario. The table below shows estimated losses. For the full report, see Appendix IV: HAZUS – MH: Hurricane Event Report. None Count 27 257 8 6 109 16 4,587 5,011 Occupancy Agriculture Commercial Education Government Industrial Religion Residential Total (%) 85.54 87.28 87.53 88.57 88.79 86.8 83.99 Minor Count 3 30 1 1 11 2 761 808 (%) 10.69 10.06 10.2 9.56 8.96 11.17 13.93 Moderate Count (%) 1 2.51 7 2.38 0 2.13 0 1.8 2 1.91 0 1.89 102 1.87 113 Severe Count 0 1 0 0 0 0 5 7 (%) 1.16 0.28 0.15 0.08 0.32 0.14 0.1 Destruction Count (%) 0 0.11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.02 0 0 6 0.11 6 Figure 24: Building Damage by Occupancy as a result of a 100 Year Hurricane Source: HAZUS - MH Category Sustained Winds 74-95 mph 1 64-82 kt 119-153 km/h 2 3 (major) 4 (major) 5 (major) 96-110 mph 83-95 kt 154-177 km/h 111-129 mph 96-112 kt 178-208 km/h 130-156 mph 113-136 kt 209-251 km/h 157 mph or higher 137 kt or higher 252 km/h or higher Types of Damage Due to Hurricane Winds Very dangerous winds will produce some damage: Well-constructed frame homes could have damage to roof, shingles, vinyl siding and gutters. Large branches of trees will snap and shallowly rooted trees may be toppled. Extensive damage to power lines and poles likely will result in power outages that could last a few to several days. Extremely dangerous winds will cause extensive damage: Wellconstructed frame homes could sustain major roof and siding damage. Many shallowly rooted trees will be snapped or uprooted and block numerous roads. Near-total power loss is expected with outages that could last from several days to weeks. Devastating damage will occur: Well-built framed homes may incur major damage or removal of roof decking and gable ends. Many trees will be snapped or uprooted, blocking numerous roads. Electricity and water will be unavailable for several days to weeks after the storm passes. Catastrophic damage will occur: Well-built framed homes can sustain severe damage with loss of most of the roof structure and/or some exterior walls. Most trees will be snapped or uprooted and power poles downed. Fallen trees and power poles will isolate residential areas. Power outages will last weeks to possibly months. Most of the area will be uninhabitable for weeks or months. Catastrophic damage will occur: A high percentage of framed homes will be destroyed, with total roof failure and wall collapse. Fallen trees and power poles will isolate residential areas. Power outages will last for weeks to possibly months. Most of the area will be uninhabitable for weeks or months. Figure 25: Saffir-Simpson Scale of Hurricane Winds and Impacts Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 76 Clinton, CT e. Authorities, Policies, Programs, and Resources (C.1) The greatest threats during a hurricane or tropical storm event come in the form of high wind and the potential for flooding. For these threats, Section 1, Flooding discusses policies regarding Flood Zones throughout Clinton. Section 2, High Wind and Tornado discusses Wind Speed Compliance per the state building code. f. Mitigation Specific to this Hazard (C.3, C.4) See Section III MITIGATION (ELEMENT C) for Mitigation Action Item List (Figure 31). The following are representative mitigation activities specific to this hazard: Public Information. Provide information on the town’s website about hurricane preparedness and links to town, regional, state and federal sites for information on reducing hurricane damage. Building Code. Insure that all new residential and commercial construction meets state building codes for high wind zones. Boats. Identify places where people could store their boats during flooding and hurricane events that would reduce the damage to them and that they cause to the waterfront infrastructure when they break from moorings. Require Anchoring of Storage Tanks. Oil tanks, propane tanks etc. in the SFHA should be anchored or contained so as not to break free during a flooding event. Photo 9: 1938 Damage in Clinton to housing near the rail line Source: East Lyme Library – New London Day Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 77 Clinton, CT Inundation Legend Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Map 10: Downtown Hurricane Inundation Areas Source: DEEP Coastal Hazards Mapping Tool Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 78 Clinton, CT Photo 10 Photo 11 Photo 12 Photo 10: High Winds from Tropical Storm Irene dropped this tree on top of the Clinton Motel in Clinton, August 2011. Source: Clinton Patch Photos 11 & 12: Damage at Grove Beach in 1938 was severe due to the storm surge, intensive rain and high winds with gusts exceeding 180 mph – Source: Old Saybrook Historical Society Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 79 Clinton, CT Photo 13 Photo 14 Photo 15 Photo 13: Undermined Sea Wall from Flooding during Tropical Storm Irene, 2011. Photo 14: Destroyed Front Deck from Storm Surge during Tropical Storm Irene, 2011. Photo 15: Debris left behind from Tropical Storm Irene, 2011 Source for Photos 12-14: Clinton Land Use Office Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 80 Clinton, CT 8. Extreme Heat / Heat Waves A heat wave is a prolonged period of excessively hot weather, which may be accompanied by high humidity. While definitions vary, a heat wave is measured relative to the usual weather in the area and relative to normal temperatures for the season. A heat wave in the northeastern United States is defined as a period in which daytime high temperatures reach 90ºF or higher for three days in a row. The term is applied both to routine weather variations and to extraordinary spells of heat which may occur only once a century. Severe heat waves have caused catastrophic crop failures, thousands of deaths from hyperthermia, and widespread power outages due to increased use of air conditioning. a. Geographic Extent (B.1) Clinton falls in the humid continental climate zone, the same as much of interior Connecticut. Summer is hot and humid throughout the state, with average highs in New London of 81 °F (27 °C) and 87 °F (31 °C) in Windsor Locks. July and August tend to be the hottest months of the year with average temperatures in Hartford being 84ºF and 82ºF, respectively. With the elevated summer temperatures comes a risk of extreme heat. With its dense forest coverage and abundant water features, Clinton is slightly more protected from extreme heat than some of its neighbors, but heat waves do occur. A heat wave in Connecticut is defined as any period of time in which daytime high temperatures reach more than 90ºF for three consecutive days or longer. All areas of Clinton are equally susceptible to extreme heat. Depending on wind direction, areas directly along the shoreline may stay slightly cooler as a result of the water temperature in Long Island Sound having a cooling effect on the surrounding air. b. Occurrences (B.2) Heat waves are a regular summer season event in Connecticut, including Clinton. Summer 2012 was a particularly hot period with many days in which temperatures in Hartford reached 100ºF and humidity levels were much higher than average. The entire northeast and much of the US was under the intense heat for much of July. In June alone, 164 all-time high temperature records were broken across the country. In many areas, severe thunderstorms associated with the heat caused lengthy power outages, forcing people to cope with the heat as they lost the ability to use air conditioning. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 81 Clinton, CT c. Probability of Occurring Again (B.2) Extreme heat and heat waves are very likely during the summer months in Clinton. As global temperatures continue to climb, it seems likely that heat waves will occur more frequently in the future. Figure 26: Projected Increases in the Number of Days over 90°F Source: NOAA NCDC / CICS-NC. d. Potential Impacts (B.1, B.3) Elderly and very young populations, especially those living in homes with no air conditioning are most likely to be adversely impacted by extreme Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 82 Clinton, CT heat. Dehydration, heat stroke, and other negative health effects are likely during high event events. Physical infrastructure can also be impacted negatively by extreme heat. Heat always brings with it the potential for strong thunderstorms which could knock out power due to downed trees. Asphalt, especially in places where there is not a substantial base can buckle or crack significantly under heat. Drought conditions can also become exacerbated by extended periods of significantly high temperatures. There is no record of property damage due to extreme heat conditions in Clinton to base an estimated loss upon. However, the greatest threat of damage comes from strong thunderstorms that may be present during high heat events. Details of those threats are discussed in Section II.B.3. Figure 27: Heat Index and impacts on people. Source: NOAA Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 83 Clinton, CT e. Authorities, Policies, Programs and Resources (C.1) The Clinton Director of Emergency Management has the authority to designate cooling centers in public buildings during heat waves. A cooling center can be successful in helping vulnerable populations ride out the worst of the heat, providing them with a cool place to stay along with water. f. Mitigation Specific to this Hazard (C.3, C.4) See Section III Mitigation (Figure 31) for Comprehensive Mitigation Action Items (Element C). The following are representative mitigation activities specific to this hazard: It is difficult to mitigate the effects of extreme heat on the physical infrastructure. That being said, the best mitigation when it comes to the public is information. Public information, especially for senior citizens should be made available so they know when an extreme heat wave is coming. Reminders about drinking water and staying indoors can help. The town should designate a cooling center to be used whenever excessive heat warrants it. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 84 Clinton, CT 9. Sea Level Rise Sea level rise is a mean rise in sea level, which may cause a general shoreline retreat and an increased risk for flooding. a. Geographic Extent (B.1) In A Movable Shore: The Fate of the Connecticut Coast (1992), the Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP) documents sea level rise as occurring along the New England coast. In Clinton low lying coastal areas adjacent to Long Island Sound and the Indian River will be affected. The graph below shows the continued upward trend of the water level at New London beginning in 1940. Figure 28: Mean Sea Level Trend at New London Source: NOAA b. Occurrences (B.2) Unlike the event-driven natural hazards discussed previously, sea level rise is a relatively slow-moving process – a slow-motion natural disaster. The Global sea level has been rising for more than ten thousand years, leading to the establishment and expansion of coastal salt marshes (e.g., Redfield and Rubin, 1962; Redfield, 1967, 1972; Lambeck, 1990). For most of the last 1000 years the rate of relative sea-level rise (RSLR) was between 1.3 and 1.8 [millimeters per year] mm/yr, but over the last 300400 years it increased to 2.9-3.3 mm/yr, and has been faster than the accretion rate, especially in the middle marsh. [Source: A sea-level rise curve Koren R. Nydick, Alison B. from Guilford, Connecticut, USA Bidwell, Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 85 Clinton, CT Ellen Thomas I, Johan C. Varekamp Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT 06459, USA Received 13 April 1994; revision accepted 21 September 1994] c. Probability of Occurring Again (B.2) Sea level rise must be considered a natural hazard that is likely to impact Clinton in the future. It is the rate of rise that is in question. Sea level rise has been recorded in New England, long enough so that it is not in question. d. Potential Impacts (B.3) Regardless of the projections used, sea level rise is becoming an increasingly important issue that towns need to deal with now to be prepared for the eventual impacts to occur within the next fifty (50) to seventy (70) years. The rising sea level will impact hurricane inundation zones and SFHA’s during high tides. Over time, valuable properties along the shoreline could be lost as a result of rising seas, meaning the Town could see a drop in Tax revenue. However, SLR is a slow enough process that the Town should have adequate time to prepare and mitigate such a loss. It should be expected that the HAZUS-MH economic loss estimate of $522.11 Million for a 100 Year Storm event will rise as sea levels rise. e. Authorities, Policies, Programs and Resources (C.1) At the present time the Town does not have a comprehensive understanding of the specific medium- and long-term impact of sea level rise and the tools available to deal with it. (See mitigation action item to establish a Sea Level Rise Study Committee to address these issues.) f. Mitigation Specific to this Hazard (C.3, C.4) See Section III MITIGATION (ELEMENT C) for comprehensive mitigation strategy (Figure 31). The following are representative mitigation activities specific to this hazard: Possible Open Space Criteria. The Conservation Commission should consider making possible inundation by future sea level rises to its considerations for preserving open space. Local Sea Level Rise Study Committee. BOS should establish an adhoc committee to research medium and long-range impacts to coastal areas from SLR, to investigate possible mitigation actions and to assess legal, financial and policy implications. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 86 Clinton, CT Research Sea Level Rise Impacts. Seek grants funds to collaborate with an academic institution to research and study the social, economic, environmental and policy-related impacts from SLR. Map 11: Sea Level Trends In North America Source: NOAA Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 87 Clinton, CT Current Sea Level 2 Foot Sea Level Rise 5 Foot Sea Level Rise Maps 12 - 14. These maps of Kelsey Point show in purple those areas that likely will flood during the average monthly maximum water level under 3 different sea level rise scenarios. The intensity of the purple indicates the flooding depth – the lighter purples indicate shallower flood water depths while the darker purples indicate deeper flood water depths. Source: DEEP Coastal Hazards Mapping Tool. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 88 Clinton, CT 10. Tsunami A tsunami, also known as a seismic sea wave (mistakenly called “tidal wave”), is a series of enormous waves created by an underwater disturbance such as an earthquake, landslide, volcanic eruption, or meteorite. In addition strong storms out at sea can also cause a tsunami. A tsunami can move hundreds of miles per hour in the open ocean and smash into land with waves of 100 feet or more. a. Geographic Extent (B.1) In theory, a tsunami could inundate large areas of coastal Clinton. Depending on the size of the tsunami, much of the Town of Clinton, especially the area south of Interstate 95 could be inundated by water. Low lying areas near the shoreline and low areas near rivers leading to the Sound, such as the Indian River would be most susceptible to a Tsunami. b. Occurrence (B.2) There is no record of a tsunami having occurred in Clinton. However, according to NOAA, a small tsunami did affect the Narragansett Bay in Rhode Island on June 13, 2013. The water level rose and fell over a period of 20 minutes as a result of a straight line of thunderstorms out at sea that caused the pressure over the ocean to suddenly drop. c. Probability of Occurring Again (B.2) A tsunami is not likely to occur in Connecticut. d. Potential Impacts (B.3) Long Island is a barrier to smaller events in the Atlantic. Smaller events in the Sound could impact Clinton but they would most likely resemble a flood event originating from other sources. A tsunami would cause water levels similar to a storm surge for a category 3 or 4 hurricane, which could cause significant damage to shoreline areas (see Map 6). The Town would need to expend considerable resources on recovery while losing much of its tax revenue as valuable properties along the shoreline would be lost. There is no record of Tsunami damage to base a damage estimate on; however, damage would likely be equal to, or greater than that caused by a 100 year storm as suggested in the HAZUS-MH Hurricane Event Report or HAZUS-MH Flood Event Report found in Appendices III and IV. The flood and hurricane event reports estimate a $522.11 Million and $19.5 Million building loss, respectively. Losses from a Tsunami would likely be somewhere between these two figures. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 89 Clinton, CT e. Authorities, Policies, Programs and Resources (C.1) Warning systems would be the most effective mitigation strategy for dealing with tsunamis. f. Mitigation Specific to this Hazard (C.3, C.4) See Section III MITIGATION (ELEMENT C) for Mitigation Action Item List (Figure 31). The following are representative mitigation activities specific to this hazard: An event in the Atlantic Ocean large enough that Long Island Sound is overrun will most likely be beyond the capability of Clinton to plan or respond upon its own. Prevention measures for flood damage in the flood zones adjacent to the Connecticut River are likely to provide the required mitigation for the unlikely possibility of a tsunami reaching the east coast of the United States. A benefit cost analysis would show that the very unlikely probability of its occurrence would not merit extensive mitigation. Incident Notification System – Enlist public participation through public workshops to develop methods for notification of hazard events and emergencies. Recovery & Reconstruction Plan – Develop a post-disaster recovery and reconstruction plan to re-establish infrastructure and public services, etc. damaged or destroyed by any NH event, including establishment of a "rainy day" fund in case Federal assistance is insufficient or delayed. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 90 Clinton, CT III. MITIGATION (ELEMENTS C & D) A. Evaluation of Prior Plan (ELEMENT D) 1. Changes in Development (D.1) During the 2006-2011 timeframe covered by the previous Plan, the Town was considering an application for over 200 homes in the less developed northwest corner of town. Although that development has made progress in obtaining some permits, the town has yet to see any actual construction, and, in fact, there have been a few very small-scale subdivisions of land during this time. This represents a significant slowing in development as measured in “new start” construction”. The following table summarizes by fiscal year the number of building permits issued for new construction of residential single family houses, condominium units and commercial buildings. Visible is the fact that after 2006 building permits for residential construction were cut in half of prior levels. None of the development changes in Clinton have affected the vulnerability of the Town as a whole to natural hazards. New Construction Permits Year Residential Commercial 2006 26 5 2007 15 4 2008 12 1 2009 6 0 2010 15 2 2011 13 0 2012 13 0 Figure 29: New Construction Permits since 2006 2. Progress in Local Mitigation Efforts (D.2) Mitigating for natural hazards is a multidisciplinary affair. Therefore, RiverCOG and its towns use the Plan in order to make consistent efforts to organize the necessary regulatory, structural, organizational, and educational efforts to achieve mitigation for each type of natural hazard. Examples of actions proposed by each Plan include: updates to regulations of local land use (both conservation and development), a list of structural projects for the capital improvement plan, suggestions for outreach materials for its citizenry and businesses to educate and protect themselves. The Town has made progress in implementing the action items prescribed by the Plan. Figure 31, entitled “Comprehensive Mitigation Action Plan”, notes the status of each. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 91 Clinton, CT 3. Changes in Priorities (C.5, D.3) In 2006, the Town set a priority for implementation of each action item in the Plan using the STAPLEE criteria described in FEMA’s “How-to Guide #3: Developing the Mitigation Plan” (FEMA 386-3). The Town reviewed its progress in updating the Plan, and continues to maintain the same priority but with quantitative rating labels (1-7, 1 being the lowest priority, 7 being the highest). The STAPLEE is incorporated as part of Figure 31. The Town assigned the same rating system for new action items, many of which reflect an increased concern for the long-term effects of sea level rise. Overall, priorities have changed very little from the 2006 Plan. Increased efforts to remove dead or dying trees near power lines should be a high priority moving forward. B. Goals to Reduce or Avoid Long-term Vulnerability (C.3) The goal of the Plan can be summarized as: the most efficient use of public funds and resources to reduce the loss of life and property and the associated economic impacts from natural hazards. C. Integration into Other Planning Mechanisms (C.6) Although the 2006 Plan was never fully integrated into any other planning mechanism, several action items from the 2006 plan were implemented. The status of those items (shaded in gray) is noted in Figure 31. The Town may choose to integrate the action items of the Plan into several mechanisms in the future. Being that the State of Connecticut requires an update of the POCD every ten years, when the town next updates the Plan, it may consider adding mitigation items from this NHMP into the POCD, or adding the full NHMP to the POCD as an addendum. As the town follows their procedure to update the POCD, the NHMP should be thoroughly reviewed for items for inclusion. Generally, the Town’s: 5-year Capital Improvement Plan addresses municipal improvements including: rights-of-way, land, housing, or utilities for public purposes. Mitigation actions from this NHMP should be included in the CIP. Larger items such as bridge and culvert replacements and elevation of roads should be included in the next 5-year CIP. The CIP should be reviewed often so that it can include new mitigation action items each time the NHMP is updated. This is a good way for the town to prioritize mitigation items. Plan of Conservation & Development references the Plan as an appendix guiding other boards / commissions in promoting programs including: outreach, stewardship, and services. The POCD update, currently in process, should take into consideration items from this NHMP. The POCD could encourage prioritization of purchasing land in flood hazard zones in order to allow for more open space in these areas, and prioritizing road construction projects in order to Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 92 Clinton, CT lower the risk of flooding by raising roads and replacing inadequate bridges and culverts. Administrative Departments take on the implementation of the need for new or updated standards including: road specifications, zoning regulations, fire/building code, and the local flood ordinance. As these departments update and change their standards, the NHMP should be thoroughly reviewed to insure that the departmental standards are in line with the NHMP mitigation action items. Regulation or Plan Status Relative to Hazard Mitigation Zoning Regulations Subdivision Regulations Inland Wetland Regulations Plan of Conservation and Development Capital Improvement Plan Changes to Potentially Be Made Consider incorporating suggested changes from NHMP into ZR. Incorporate suggested changes from NHMP into SR. Incorporate suggested changes into IWR including prevention of runoff near waterways. Consider adding NHMP as an appendix. Consider new projects listed in Figure 31 of this NHMP. Responsible Party Planning & Zoning Commission Planning & Zoning Commission Inland Wetlands Commission Planning & Zoning Commission BOS, BOF Figure 30: Plans and Regulations to be Potentially Updated D. Discussion of Cost Benefit Review (C.5) Although Clinton may implement recommendations as prioritized by the STAPLEE method, an additional consideration is important for those recommendations that may be funded under the FEMA mitigation grant programs. To receive federal funding, the mitigation action must have a benefitcost ratio (BCR) that exceeds one. Calculation of the BCR is conducted using FEMA's Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA) toolkit. The calculation may be complex, varying with the mitigation action of interest, and is dependent on detailed information such as property value appraisals, design and construction costs for structural projects, and tabulations of previous damages or NFIP claims. Although it is beyond the scope of this plan to develop precise BCRs for each recommendation, a cost estimate and possible funding source for each mitigation action item is included in Figure 31. When pursuing grants for selected projects, this information can be used to help select the projects that have the greatest chance of successfully navigating through the application review process. In many cases, benefit to the community may outweigh financial costs, and therefore priority may be increased. Action Items for which federal funding may be applied are denoted by an “M” in the left-hand most column of Figure 31. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 93 Clinton, CT E. Comprehensive Town-Specific Mitigation Action Items (C.4) Figure 31 below, describes and details the entire Mitigation Action Item List for the Town of Clinton. A schedule is listed for each action item determining when the Town plans to carry out the project. Items that are shaded grey are items carried over from the 2006 Plan; other items are new to this 2013 Plan. Each Mitigation Action Item status is noted. A column has been dedicated to a Benefit Cost Review, which considers the cost to the municipality and the Public. Costs are rated as Minimal, Up to $100,000, and Over $100,000. In addition, each item has a Responsible Party listed. It should be noted that for each item which has more than one Party noted, the first party is the primary responsible party. The columns marked “Status” includes the current status of each Mitigation Action Item. Action items that were included in the 2006 Plan are shaded grey, while all other items are new to this 2014 Plan Update. Items that are new are marked as such, other items that may be partially implemented or are otherwise in process describe their status. A time line for completion or occurrence of each mitigation action item is included and is specified as Daily, Monthly, Annually, 2014-2016, 2017 - 2019. It should be noted that items with a schedule of Daily are those that are items used on a day-to-day basis, such as Best Management Practices. These are items that the Town currently implements, and the status for each of these items reflects that. If resources become available, the schedule for these future projects could change. The individual town review was important for the development of goals and objectives within Clinton. After the supporting tasks were compiled, town personnel evaluated each task using the STAPLEE criteria described in FEMA’s “How-to Guide #3: Developing the Mitigation Plan” (FEMA 386-3. The evaluation yielded priority ratings based on the following: High (if the task met 6-7 of the STAPLEE criteria), Medium (if the task met 4-5 of the STAPLEE criteria, Low (if the task met 2-3 of the STAPLEE criteria), and Very Low (if the task met 1 of the STAPLEE criteria). The STAPLEE method was used for the 2006 Plan as well; however, each item has been reviewed again, and a new STAPLEE total has been given to all items (including those from the 2006 Plan) for this Plan update. With a significant change in the Town budget after the 2008 financial crisis, it was decided that all projects need to be reprioritized to better reflect 2014 conditions. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 94 Clinton, CT Schedule Weighted STAPLEE Criteria A. Daily Costs (0)/ Benefits (1) Cost3 Possible Funding Source**1 Political Legal Economic Environmental STAPLEE Total IWC, PZC Status Administrative X C. Annually Technical Responsible Party *1,2 Social Tsunami Sea Level Rise Hurricane Earthquake B. Monthly Winter Storm Drought and Wildfire High Wind and Tornado Figure 31: Comprehensive Mitigation Action Items Flooding Natural Hazards Complete Complete $ OP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 C BCA is completed for each project using public funds. $ OP 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 4 $ OP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 D. 2014-2016 E. 2017-2019 Local Plans and Regulations Amend Flood Ordinance. Consider adding a “freeboard” – an additional height above the flood level – to add a greater margin of safety. In the case of nonresidential structures, the insurance rates do not go down until a structure is flood proofed at least one (1) foot above the BFE. Benefit-Cost Analysis. Evaluate opportunities for public funding of mitigation projects on private property where public benefits exceed the cost for RL properties or for properties otherwise eligible for buy-out. M X X X X X X X X X X X BOF, BOS Best Management Practices. Continue to use best management practices (BMPs) as described in the Connecticut DEEP Storm water Management Guidelines on a site-by-site basic as advised by a professional engineer. X X X X X X X X BOS, PW, LUO, BO A BMP is currently used and will continue to be used. Business Recovery Plan. Develop business recovery plan cooperatively with other region towns and distribute to town businesses. X X X X X X X X BOS D No Plan exists to date. $$ OP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 X X X X X X X X BOF, BOS, PW C CIP can be used as match for projects applied for through HMGP. $ CIP, OP 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 CC D In initial stages. $$ CIP, OP 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 6 PZC, BOS D New $ CIP, DEMHS, OP 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 4 Capital Improvement Program. Use Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to set aside funds for infrastructure improvements to reduce loss of life and property during natural hazard (NH) events. Conservation Planning. Educate the public about how the Town uses planning, regulation, and ordinances to mitigate NHs via LID, aquifer recharge, riparian buffer, rain gardens, open burning ordinances, house numbering, etc. Cooperative Agreements for Shelters. Develop supporting documentation and encourage the Board of Selectmen to establish agreements for shelters that can provide specialized services, throughout the region. Shelters with the capacity to provide for companion pets and medical equipment needs for individuals with disabilities are two examples M of such specializations. Support changes in the laws that require every town to provide facilities capable of serving the most severe of handicapped individuals such that towns could pool their resources to better serve these individuals and their families by giving them the option to go to a regional shelter better equipped to handle theirs, and their family’s, needs. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 X X X X X X X X X X X X X 95 Clinton, CT Design Standards. Continue to implement State Building/Fire Code and local Flood Code for construction that minimizes loss of life and property damage due to NHs. Develop guidelines for HDC and ARB to retrofit existing structures in a manner that is respectful to significant or contributing structures and to overall neighborhood preservation. X X X X X X X BO Immobile Evacuees. Review annually the program to evacuate persons without means of transport, including registration and house numbering. X X X X X X X Flood Zone Study. Update flood zone study for the town to incorporate M changed conditions upland and within the floodplain, and an expected sea level rise over the next twenty years. X Forest Management Plan. Hire a consulting forester to establish a forest management plan to enable ability of firefighters to access forest fires during periods of drought. Grants. Identify and apply for grants to fund infrastructure improvements and other mitigation tasks identified in this plan. X X X X X X X X X X X D Updated Flood Hazard Zone Regulations in 2013. $ CIP, OP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 EMD C New $ CIP, OP 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 5 LUO, IWC D Updated 2013, new FIRM adopted. $ HMPG,PDM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 PZC, CC D New $$ CIP, OP 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 4 BOF, BOS, LUO C Grants are applied for on as-needed basis. $ OP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 $ OP 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 5 Land Use Regulation. Strengthen as appropriate, subdivision and zoning regulations to make safer new roads and lots within flood zones. X X X X X X X X LUO, PZC A Zoning and Subdivision Regulations incorporated the 2005 State construction and development standards. Landlord Incentives. Research what kind of incentives would motivate land owners to make the additional investment that would reduce potential damages to their properties and loss of life of their tenants. X X X X X X X X BOS, LUO D New $ OP 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 3 X X X X BOS, PZC E New $$ OP 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 5 X X X X X X X X BOS, EMD D New $ OP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 A Low Impact Development Criteria in preliminary stage by Inland Wetlands Commission. $ CIP, OP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 C Owners are encouraged to protect their own property. Information is available online. $ OP 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 Local Sea Level Rise Study Committee. BOS should establish an ad-hoc committee to research medium and long-range impacts to coastal areas M from SLR, to investigate possible mitigation actions and to assess legal, financial and policy implications. Local Social Resources. Identify local resources to assist with those populations (i.e. elderly, disabled, non-English speakers, who may frequent, reside, or work) in Clinton. Seek grants to provide funding for developing more detailed data to assist in the social – demographic analysis of how Clinton will be affected by natural hazards. No New net runoff from development. Require all new development to be built using techniques to eliminate additional run-off. Owner Participation. Promote owner participation in mitigation efforts to protect their own properties. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 X X X X X X X X X X X X X PZC, IWC, LUO LUO, BOS 96 Clinton, CT D New open Space Plan developed in August, 2013. $ HMPG, PDM, CIP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 PZC, BOE D New $$ CIP, OP 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 Assessor, PZC D New $ OP 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 X X X X X X X X LUO D New $ OP 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 Private Property Funds. Evaluate opportunities for public funding for projects on private property where the benefits exceed the costs. X X X X X X X X BOS, BOF, LUO C No projects as of now. $$ HMPG, FMA, RFC,SRL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 Public Transit Funding. Support regional transportation system (RTD) to facilitate movement of people without means of transportation prior to NH events. X X X X X X X X BOF, BOS C 9TT is supported and has a fixed route along Route 1 in Clinton. $$ CIP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 X X X X X X X X LUO, PZC D New $$ CIP, HMPG 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 LUO E New $$ OP, Grants 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 6 Possible Open Space Criteria. The Conservation Commission should consider making possible inundation by future sea level rises to its considerations for preserving open space X Post Disaster School Arrangements. Establish reciprocal arrangements with other school districts for getting students back into classes during extended recovery periods. X X X X X X Potential Financial Impact of Recent Storm. Provide a reference point; ask the Tax Assessor if she can provide a figure for the lost property value resulting from Tropical Storm Irene and the potential lost tax revenue if the structures are not restored before the next taxing period. X X X X X X Potential Financial Impact of Probable Events. Estimate the municipal tax revenue that could potentially be lost in various events to provide the Board of Selectmen and Board of Finance with an idea of how large a “rainy day” fund might be necessary to cover that post disaster period when there would be minimal income and maximum output of public funds at all levels of government. Recovery & Reconstruction Plan. Develop a post-disaster recovery and reconstruction plan to re-establish infrastructure and public services, etc. M damaged or destroyed by any NH event, including establishment of a "rainy day" fund in case Federal assistance is insufficient or delayed. X X X X Sea Level Rise Study. Work with The Nature Conservancy (TNC), DEEP, M educational institutions, and state federal agencies to study impacts of sea level rise on (SLR) coastal flooding in Clinton. PZC, LUO X X X Regulations. Strengthen existing subdivision regulations to either optimally prevent road or house construction within the floodplain, or alternatively raise structures above BFE. X X X X X X X X IWC, PZC, LUO D Complete $ CIP, OP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 Zoning Map Audit. The Town should conduct a comprehensive audit of the zoning map to considering what changes might be advisable so that the free market investing is not misguided back towards areas that are at high risk from natural disasters. X X X X X X X X PZC, LUO C New $$ CIP, OP 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 5 Structure and Infrastructure Projects M Caches. Consider creating stores of emergency supplies in areas of town that will be cut off during major flooding events. X X X X X PW, BOS C New $$ CIP,HMPG 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 5 M Construction Standards. Ensure that flood proof construction standards for roads and structures within the flood plain are strictly enforced. X X X BO, ZEO D Standards are enforced for new construction. $ CIP, OP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 X 97 Clinton, CT Critical Facilities. Upgrade as necessary all facility mechanicals, such as M generators, in municipal and other critical facilities along with small portable generators for use of wells. X X X X X X X X PW, BOS, BOF C New $$$ PDM,HMPG, CIP 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 6 M Data for Plans. Use GIS database to develop better mitigation plans. X X X X X X X X BOF, LUO D New $$ OP 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 5 X X X X X X X X PW, BOS C New $$ PDM,HMPG, CIP 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 LUO, BO, FD, FM, PZC A Water storage tanks are currently required. $$ CIP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 M Drinking Water Cache. Install drinking water tanks with a supply of bleach for private well water purification. (Batteries?) M Dry Hydrants. Continue to require dry hydrants or fire ponds in new developments where water supply is inadequate. X Electronic Records Preservation. Design databases for records keeping. M Create a back-up of existing electronic records, including geographic information system (GIS) data. X X Engineering Reports. Implement strategic enforcement actions to include M engineering reports for structural expansion or alterations on properties within the 1% annual chance flood zone. X X X X BOS, BOF D Files are uploaded as needed. $$ CIP, HMPG 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 X X BO, LUO, ZEO D New $$ OP 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 X X X X X X X X BOS, PW D New $$ OP 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 6 Fire Dept. D New $$$ OP 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 6 X X X X X EMD, BOS E New $$$ HMGP, OP 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 4 X X X X X X X X BOS, BOF, LUO D Need to create a GIS database. $$ OP 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 5 Municipal Buildings Capable of being Shelters. Future investment in municipal structures should include funding for new construction or M renovation that will assure the structure is compliant with the standards for use as a shelter, to the extent possible. X X X X X X BOS, BOF, BO E New $$$ HMPG,PDM, CIP 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 4 Oblique Imagery. Over the next five (5) years obtain oblique imagery in order to allow for assessment of such factors as extent of fire damage, M compliance with building standards, identification of shoreline hardening and shoreline erosion and accretion. X X X X X X X X LUO D New $$ OP 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 5 Off-street parking. Construct public parking lots to deter on-street parking M that hinders emergency access and evacuation in high-density neighborhoods or high-intensity areas. X X X X X X BOF, BOS, PW, PZC E New $$$ OP 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 M M M M Evacuation Routes. Identify and sign evacuation routes throughout town in order to aid public in evacuating. Evacuation routes should follow roads which will not flood during storms. Upgrade current evacuation routes for adequacy. Firefighting Infrastructure Analysis. Evaluate existing firefighting infrastructure to identify needs for improvement to cover gaps in availability. Flood Proofing of Emergency Evacuation Vehicles. All vehicles used for emergencies or evacuations should be retrofitted to be waterproof to a certain depth. Personnel should be trained on that depth to minimize inoperability. GIS Database. Establish a comprehensive GIS database to better identify and assess areas, structures and populations potentially affected by natural disasters. These data will provide the town with information necessary to assess natural hazard risks and develop plans to mitigate risks to people and property. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 X X X X X 98 Clinton, CT Paper Records Preservation. Convert all paper records maintained by the municipality to an electronic format, consistent with any State M recommendations, to ensure their survival. Establish protocols for practices going-forward. X X X X X BOS, BOF D Town is currently digitizing paper documents in stages, approximately 30% complete. $$ OP 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 5 M Pool. Construct a public pool to enhance ability to swim of both emergency responders and residents. X X X X BOF, BOS E New $$$ HMPG, CIP 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 4 M Promote Self Inspection. Develop a list of techniques for homeowner selfinspection especially for those located in coastal areas. X X X X X X X X BOS, LUO, BO A New $ OP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 M Public Works Garage & Transfer Station Generator. Install a generator for back-up power. PW, BOF, BOS Complete Generator has been installed at PW garage. $$$ HMPG, CIP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 E New $$$ OP 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 5 $ HMGP, FMA, RLP, SRL 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 5 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 5 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 5 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 5 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 5 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 5 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 5 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 5 X X X X X Risk Reduction. Develop a strategy and funding program to elevate or M relocate structures of flood-prone properties or acquire RL properties that request a "buy-out". X X X X X X X X LUO RL and SRL Properties. Encourage property owners of repetitive loss and several repetitive loss properties to obtain assistance for hazard mitigation M funding from DEEP/FEMA for elevation of structures and repairs where applicable. X X X X X X X X LUO D Assistance is available for those wanting it. X X X X X X PW E New $$$ Road Reconstruction. Develop a priority list for road reconstruction and M elevation for routes which experience frequent flooding or are integral to evacuation. See Map 7 for some of these locations. X X X X X X PW E Priority list not yet developed. $$$ Upgrade Culvert. Evaluate and reconstruct Route 1 east of Beach Park Road to meet 100 year storm standards. X X X X X PW E New $$$ Upgrade Culvert. Evaluate and reconstruct Route 145 near the railroad M crossing and near the Westbrook Town Line to meet 100 year storm standards. X X X X X PW E New $$$ M M Road Evaluation. Evaluate to develop plans, and improve for emergency access and evacuation. M Elevate Road and Bridge. Evaluate and Elevate the roadway and bridge on Carter Hill Road at the Menunketesuck River. X X X X X PW E New $$$ M Elevate Road. Evaluate and reconstruct Beach Park Road in several spots to be above Base Flood Elevation (BFE). X X X X X PW E New $$$ M Elevate Road. Evaluate and reconstruct Causeway in several spots to be above Base Flood Elevation (BFE). X X X X X PW E New $$$ M Elevate Road. Evaluate and reconstruct Route 1 (Boston Post Road) in several spots to be above Base Flood Elevation (BFE). X X X X X PW E New $$$ Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 CIP,OP, STIP, TIP, RTP HMPG, FMA, CIP, STIP, TIP, RTP HMPG, FMA, CIP, STIP, TIP, RTP HMPG, FMA, CIP, STIP, TIP, RTP HMPG, FMA, CIP, STIP, TIP, RTP HMPG, FMA, CIP, STIP, TIP, RTP HMPG, FMA, CIP, STIP, TIP, RTP HMPG, FMA, CIP, STIP, TIP, RTP 99 Clinton, CT $$$ HMPG, FMA, CIP, STIP, TIP, RTP 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 5 New $$$ PDM, CIP 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 New $ HMPG, PDM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 $$ HMPG, FMA, CIP 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 6 $$ CIP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 $$ OP 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 4 Elevate Road. Evaluate and reconstruct Nod Road in several spots to be M above Base Flood Elevation (BFE). X X X X X PW E New Safer Location of Town Buildings. Future municipal structures should be M located outside of known hazardous locations such as floodplains, to the extent possible. X X X X X BOF, BOS E BOS C M Schools. Visit schools and educate children about the risks of floods, hurricanes, and other natural hazards and how to prepare for them. X X X X X X X X M Storm water Infrastructure Inventory. Implement mapping and monitoring of catch basins, storm water outfalls and related infrastructure. X X X X PW D M Storm water Infrastructure Maintenance. Provide for annual maintenance of storm water infrastructure, including detention basins. X X X X PW C Structural Reports. Continue to require structural engineering reports for expansion or alteration of buildings within the V zone. Evaluate benefits of M requiring structural engineering reports for expansion or alteration of buildings within other zones. Telecommunication Tower Generators (Private). Evaluate whether M generators are needed for back-up power at telecommunications facilities. M Catch basins are mapped, but map need updating to include new catch basins and plunge pools within last 10 years. Catch basins are cleaned on a schedule. The Town uses a contractor for cleaning. ZEO A Required by Zoning Regulations within the Flood Hazard Area. X Private D New $$ OP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 X PW D New $$ CIP, OP 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 6 BOS, BOF, LUO E New subdivisions are required to place utilities underground. $ HMPG,PDM, CIP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 BO A Currently required by State Building Code. $ OP 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 X X X X X X X X BOS, BOF, LUO E New $$ HMGP, OP 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 3 X X X X BOS, LUO, ZEO D Owners are encouraged to do so. $ HMPG, PDM, RFC, SRL 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 6 X X X X PZC, EMD D New $$ OP 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 6 X X X X X X X X X X Tree Management Program. Develop a program to reduce potential for power loss due to downed trees and limbs landing on wires. Underground Utilities. Continue to require underground utilities for new M development; require retrofitting during redevelopment of existing sites to bury utilities where appropriate to mitigate NHs. Wind Code Compliance. Consider establishing a policy that all building M permit applicants be encouraged to construct their projects to meet 110 mile per hour wind resistance standard, whenever possible. X X X X X X Natural Systems Protection Assist Property Owners with Buyouts. Develop strategy and program for flood prone property owners who request a buyout. Below Base Flood Elevation Funding. Encourage property owners whose M homes are below BFE to obtain assistance from DEEP and FEMA to acquire hazard mitigation funds to elevate structures where appropriate. Boats. Identify places where people could store their boats during flooding and hurricane events that would reduce the damage to them and that they M cause to the waterfront infrastructure when they break from moorings. Contact boat marinas to ascertain how many boats might need to be removed from docks and moorings. M Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 100 Clinton, CT Dam Inventory. Update inventory of dams and assess downstream risks M due to catastrophic failure. Include State, Town, and Privately owned dams. M Dune Restoration. Implement dune restoration and marshland protection techniques for flood storage and surge protection. M Drought Study. Conduct town-wide study of ground- and surface water capacity as it relates to planning for droughts. FIRMs. Work with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to M incorporate updated Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) into town’s planning, outreach and mitigation actions. M Flood Enforcement. Enforce through existing zoning, building and flood permitting processes, construction standards to minimize flood risks. Land Acquisition. Advance an assertive land acquisition plan to preserve vacant land subject to NHs. Park Maintainer. Fund a dedicated Park Maintainer to act as steward of public open spaces, including parks, forests, drainage basins, conservation easements, coastal access points, and forests, and to mitigate NHs at Town-owned properties. Risk Assessment. Use GIS to conduct NH risk assessments that identify M potentially affected areas and depicts evacuation routes. Storm water Management. Continue to use best management practices M (BMPs) as described in the Connecticut DEEP Storm water Management Guidelines on a site-by-site basis as advised by a professional engineer. Street Tree Program. Implement a tree hazard management program to M encourage appropriate planting practices to minimize future storm damage to buildings, utilities and streets. M X X X X X X X X LUO, BOS D Dams are not inventoried by Town at present. PW, BOF, BOS E New $$$ FMA,HMPG 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 LUO D New $$ HMPG 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 5 $$ HMPG 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 4 X X X X LUO, PZC D New FIRMS and were adopted in 2013 $ CIP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 X X X X IWC, PZC, LUO A Regulation was revised in 2013 $ OP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 X X X X X X BOS, BOF, CC D New $$$ FMA, RFC, SRL 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 3 X X X X X X X CC, BOF, BOS D New $$ OP 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 6 X X X X X X X LUO D New $$ OP 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 5 X X PW D BMPs are currently used. $ OP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 PW E New $$ OP 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 6 X X X X X X X X BOS, LUO C New $$ OP 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 6 X X X X X X X X BOS, LUO C New $ HMPG, PDM 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 6 BOF, BOS C New $$ HMPG, PDM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 LUO C New $$ HMPG, PDM 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 5 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 5 X X X X X Education and Awareness Programs Assist Beach Associations. Review mitigation goals and objectives with M beach associations at the beginning of each season. Encourage the association's help to educate homeowners. Circulate Existing Literature. Access existing literature prepared by M regional groups and the chamber of commerce and FEMA and display for public distribution in the Town Hall and Library. Drought Education. Coordinate with Connecticut Water Company on M public education and public service announcements during droughts. Educate About Risk Where People Live. Educate residents at high risk M due to demographic or social attributes about the risk(s) relative to the areas that they populate. Evacuation Route Awareness. Develop public awareness programs to M inform public of best evacuation routes throughout town in order to keep them away from flooded roads. M Hotline. Publicize emergency "hotline" phone number or website for public information and volunteer support. Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X LUO, PW D New $$ HMPG, FMA, CIP, STIP, TIP, RTP BOS D New $$ HMPG, PDM 101 Clinton, CT Incident Notification System. Enlist public participation through public M workshops to develop methods for notification of hazard events and emergencies. X X X X X X X BOS D New $$ OP 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 5 Interpretation in Shelters. Request information regarding the need for providing non-English language speakers during natural disasters from the M Clinton School administration; and coordinate a shared service for nonemergency and emergency operations. X X X X X X X EMD D New $$ OP 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 5 M Natural Hazard Training. Continue to train and educate emergency responders about mitigating NHs. X X X X X X X X LUO C Some training takes place every year. $$ HMPG, PDM 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 4 M Outreach. Promote owner participation in mitigation efforts to protect their property. X X X X X X X X LUO C New $ HMPG, PDM 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 6 M Pet Sheltering. Distribute hurricane preparedness information including pet sheltering plans. X X X X X X LUO, PZC C New $ HMPG, PDM 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 5 X Preparedness Webpage. Keep up-to-date Town website with NH M preparedness information, including hazard areas, evacuation routes deemed appropriate per NH event and locations of shelters. X X X X X X X X EMD D New $ OP 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 6 Proactive Pamphlets. Provide pamphlets and refer to web-based information for property owners for hazards listed in this document to show options for obtaining additional insurance, structural alterations to protect M against various hazard damage, and emergency procedures for families during a hazard. Include information for contractors and homeowners on the risks of building in hazard prone areas. X X X X X X X X LUO C New $ HMPG, PDM 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 6 M Recovery Webpage. Post on Town website information about recovery assistance following NH events. X X X X X X X BOS C New $$ HMPG, PDM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 M Refuges of Last Resort. Identify refuges of last resort for those unable to reach designated shelter. X X X X X X X EMD, PZC, BOS D New $$ OP 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 4 X X X X X X X X BOS, LUO D New $$ OP 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 5 Social –Demographic Impacts. Seek grants to provide funding for M developing more detailed data to assist in the social – demographic analysis of how Clinton will be affected by natural hazards. M Tennant Notification. Develop a mechanism for tenants to register for disaster notification. Webpage. Update town webpage with the section on Hazard Preparedness for the public. Include maps of evacuation route, storm surge areas, and M shelters. Include options for mitigation for residential structures and business recovery and provide links to FEMA, NOAA, State OEM and RiverCOG websites for additional information. Information. Publish materials on additional hazards and encourage M additional insurance. Neighborhood Mitigation. Engage neighborhood associations annually to M participate in implementing the NH Mitigation Plan. Public Participation. Enlist public participation through public workshops to develop methods for notification of emergencies. Wildfire Education. Educate the public about potential hazard of wildfire M caused by campfires or open burning. Develop a warning system for when risks are high. M Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 X X X X X X X LUO C New $$ HMPG, PDM 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 5 X X X X X X X BOS C New $$ HMPG, PDM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 X X X X X X X X BOS, LUO C New $$ OP 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 6 X X X X X X X X BOS D New $ OP 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 6 X X X X X X X X PZC C New $ OP 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 6 FD C DEEP is responsible for issuing fire warnings. $ HMPG, PDM 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 6 X 102 Clinton, CT Definitions and Notes from Figure 31 Above: Notes: 1: Definitions of Responsibilities and Funding Sources are as Follows *Responsible Party Code BO BOE BOF BOS EMD LUO P&Z PW ZEO = Building Official = Board of Education = Board of Finance = Board of Selectman = Emergency Management Director = Land Use Office = Planning & Zoning Commission = Public Works = Zoning Enforcement Officer **Funding Source Code CIP = Capital Improvement Plan FMA = Flood Mitigation Assistance HMGP = Hazard Mitigation Program Grant OP = Other Program PDM = Pre-Disaster Mitigation RFC = Repetitive Flood Claim RTP = Regional Transportation Program SRL = Sever Repetitive Loss STIP = State Transportation Improvement Program 2: Many Action Items have more than one Responsible party listed. For those items, the party listed first will be the primary contact. 3: Cost Benefit Review Definitions are as follows: $ = Minimal; Staff time of current employees, printing/copying costs, etc. $$ = Up to $50,000 $$$ = Over $50,000 Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Update, 2014 103 Clinton, CT Appendix I: Sources of Information (A.4) Books and Articles: A New England Tropical Cyclone Climatology 1938-2000, Abstract, Marc, Mailhot, EMA Storm Coordinator Center, Westbrook, ME Best Practices;:Disaster Mitigation Working in Massachusetts; High Marks for Buildings Higher: Hull’s Freeboard Incentive Program; Get ‘em Up: Situate’s Grant Committee Gets Homes in the Air; New Culvert Works: No Flooding at East Street; and New Drainage System Averts Flooding in Melrose; FEMA Region 1 Mitigation Division as part of DR-1985-MA, June and July 2010 Climate of Connecticut, Joseph Brumbach, State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut, 1965 Landslide Tsunami, Steven Ward, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 106, No. 6, Pages 11, 201,-11,125, June 10, 2001 Mitigation…In Massachusetts, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency produced in cooperation with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, circa 2011 Movable Shore, Peter C. Patton, and James M. Kent, Sponsored by the National Audubon Society and the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, 1992 Primer on Natural Hazard Management in Integrated Regional Development Planning, Department of Regional Development and Environment Executive Secretariat for Economic and Social Affairs, Organization of American States, With support from the Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance United States Agency for International Development, Washington, D.C., 1991 Realizing the Risk, L.R. Johnston Associates, Westport, CT, 1983, Natural Resources Center Significant Tornadoes 1680–1991, Thomas Grazulis, Environmental Films. September 1993. Soil Survey of Middlesex County, USDA, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, 1979 Suboceanic Landslides, Steven N. Ward and Simon Day, 2002 Yearbook of Science and Technology, McGraw Hill The Face of Connecticut, People, Geology, and the Land, Bulletin 110, State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut, Michael Bell, 1985, reprint, 1997 Appendix I Sources of Information 104 Clinton, CT The Ocean’s Reach, Digest of a Workshop on Identifying Coastal Flood Hazard Areas and Associate Risk Zones, New England River Basins Commission, February 1976 Tidal Marshes of Long Island Sound, Ecology, History and Restoration, Bulletin No. 34, The Connecticut College Arboretum, New London, CT, edited by Glenn Dreyer and William Niering, 1995 MUNICIPAL DOCUMENTS: Town of Clinton Subdivision Regulations, Amended to 7/1/05 Town of Clinton Zoning Regulations, Revised to 1/1/12 Town of Clinton Plan of Conservation and Development, Effective October 1, 2007 Clinton Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Regulations, Revised to 8/1/2011 FEMA Flood Study, Clinton, CT – August, 2008 FEMA Flood Insurance Study Supplement – Wave Height Analysis, August, 2008 Building Permits, Fiscal Year 2005-2006; 2006-2007; 2007-2008; 2008-2009; 20092010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012 Prepared by the Clinton Building Department, As of December 11, 2013 Maps: Advanced Map Viewer, Connecticut Environmental Conditions Online (CT ECO). Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Found at: http://www.cteco.uconn.edu/advanced_viewer.htm Flood Insurance Rate Maps, Federal Emergency Management Agency. Found at: www.fema.gov Web Based Sources: CT-Clinton town, 2010 Census Interactive Population Search, http://2010.census.gov, November 2011 City Data, for Town of Clinton: http://www.city-data.com/city/Clinton-Connecticut.html Home Facts, for Town of Clinton: http://www.homefacts.com/earthquakes/Connecticut/Middlesex-County/Clinton.html Connecticut Environmental Conditions Online (CT ECO): http://www.cteco.uconn.edu/advanced_viewer.htm TOPO, Interactive Maps, Connecticut, Wildflower Productions, 1999 Flood Insurance Studies, Federal Emergency Management Clinton, 1984, 2013 WXEdge.Com, by United Illuminating and WTNH Channel 8 www.wxedge.com Appendix I Sources of Information 105 Clinton, CT Appendix II: Acronyms For the sake of brevity, this Plan identifies certain terms and entities with particularly long names by their commonly-known acronyms, as follows: BFE: CGS: CLEAR: CL&P: CRERPA: RiverCOG: DEEP: DESPP: DOT: DWP: EOC: EOP: FEMA: FIRM: FIS: FMA: GIS: HMA: HMGP: LID: LiMWA: MPH: MRPA: NFIP: NFIRA: NOAA: NRCC: PDM: POCD: RFC: RLP: SFHA: SLOSH: SLR: SRL: STAPLEE: TNC: USGS: Appendix II Base Flood Elevation Connecticut General Statute Center for Land Use Education and Research, University of Connecticut, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Connecticut Light and Power Connecticut River Estuary Regional Planning Agency Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments Department of Energy & Environmental Protection, Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection Department of Transportation Department of Public Works Emergency Operation Center Emergency Operations Plan Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood Insurance Rate Map Flood Insurance Study Flood Mitigation Assistance Geographical Information System Hazard Mitigation Assistance Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Low Impact Development Limit of Moderate Wave Action Miles per Hour Midstate Regional Planning Agency National Flood Insurance Program National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1994 The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Northeast Regional Climate Center Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan of Conservation and Development Repetitive Flood Claims Repetitive Loss Property Special Flood Hazard Area Sea, Lake, and Overland Surges from Hurricanes Sea Level Rise Sever Repetitive Loss Social, Technical, Administrative, Political, Legal, Economic, and Environmental The Nature Conservancy United States Geological Survey Acronyms 106 Clinton, CT Appendix III: Hazus-MH: Flood Event Report Region Name: Clinton Flood Scenario: Clinton Tuesday, March 12, 2013 Print Date: Disclaimer: Totals only reflect data for those census tracts/blocks included in the user's study region. The estimates of social and economic impacts contained in this report were produced using Hazus loss estimation methodology software which is based on current scientific and engineering knowledge. There are uncertainties inherent in any loss estimation technique. Therefore, there may be significant differences between the modeled results contained in this report and the actual social Appendix III HAZUS MH Flood Event Report 107 Clinton, CT Table of Contents Section Page # General Description of the Region 109 Building Inventory 110 General Building Stock Essential Facility Inventory Flood Scenario Parameters 111 Building Damage 111 General Building Stock Essential Facilities Damage Induced Flood Damage 111 Debris Generation Social Impact 113 Shelter Requirements Economic Loss 113 Building-Related Losses 113 Appendix A: County Listing for the Region 114 Appendix B: Regional Population and Building Value Data 114 Appendix III HAZUS MH Flood Event Report 108 Clinton, CT General Description of the Region Hazus is a regional multi-hazard loss estimation model that was developed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS). The primary purpose of Hazus is to provide a methodology and software application to develop multi-hazard losses at a regional scale. These loss estimates would be used primarily by local, state and regional officials to plan and stimulate efforts to reduce risks from multi-hazards and to prepare for emergency response and recovery. The flood loss estimates provided in this report were based on a region that included 1 county(ies) from the following state(s): - Connecticut Note: Appendix A contains a complete listing of the counties contained in the region. The geographical size of the region is 16 square miles and contains 218 census blocks. The region contains over 5 thousand households and has a total population of 13,094 people (2000 Census Bureau data). The distribution of population by State and County for the study region is provided in Appendix B. There are an estimated 5,945 buildings in the region with a total building replacement value (excluding contents) of 1,215 million dollars (2006 dollars). Approximately 91.86% of the buildings (and 77.36% of the building value) are associated with residential housing. Appendix III HAZUS MH Flood Event Report 109 Clinton, CT Building Inventory General Building Stock Hazus estimates that there are 5,945 buildings in the region which have an aggregate total replacement value of 1,215 million (2006 dollars). Table 1 and Table 2 present the relative distribution of the value with respect to the general occupancies by Study Region and Scenario respectively. Appendix B provides a general distribution of the building value by State and County. Table 1 Building Exposure by Occupancy Type for the Study Region Occupancy Exposure ($1000) Residential Commercial Industrial Agricultural Religion Government Education Total Percent of Total 939,615 176,245 69,055 5,527 11,028 5,050 8,072 77.4% 14.5% 5.7% 0.5% 0.9% 0.4% 0.7% 1,214,592 100.00% Table 2 Building Exposure by Occupancy Type for the Scenario Occupancy Exposure ($1000) Percent of Total Residential Commercial Industrial Agricultural 864,243 169,882 67,635 5,308 76.5% 15.0% 6.0% 0.5% Religion Government Education 11,028 4,877 6,031 1.0% 0.4% 0.5% 1,129,004 100.00% Total Essential Facility Inventory For essential facilities, there are no hospitals in the region with a total bed capacity of no beds. There are 4 schools, 1 fire station, 1 police station and no emergency operation centers. Appendix III HAZUS MH Flood Event Report 110 Clinton, CT Flood Scenario Parameters Hazus used the following set of information to define the flood parameters for the flood loss estimate provided in this report. Study Region Name: Clinton Scenario Name: Clinton Return Period Analyzed: 100 Analysis Options Analyzed: No What-Ifs Building Damage General Building Stock Damage Hazus estimates that about 2,171 buildings will be at least moderately damaged. This is over 77% of the total number of buildings in the scenario. There are an estimated 135 buildings that will be completely destroyed. The definition of the ‘damage states’ is provided in Volume 1: Chapter 5.3 of the Hazus Flood Technical Manual. Table 3 below summarizes the expected damage by general occupancy for the buildings in the region. Table 4 summarizes the expected damage by general building type. Table 3: Expected Building Damage by Occupancy 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 Substantially Occupancy Count (%) Count (%) Count (%) Count (%) Count (%) Count (%) Agriculture 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Commercial 1 3.33 21 70 5 16.7 1 3.33 2 6.67 0 0 Education 1 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Government 0 0 1 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Industrial 0 0 1 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 50 Religion 0 0 4 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Residential 1 0.05 41 1.92 488 22.9 601 28.1 871 40.8 134 6.27 Total 3 68 493 602 873 135 Appendix III HAZUS MH Flood Event Report 111 Clinton, CT Table 4: Expected Building Damage by Building Type Building Type Concrete Manuf Housing Masonry Steel Wood 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 Substantially Count (%) Count (%) Count (%) Count (%) Count (%) Count (%) 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 4.76 1 0.05 2 50 0 0 8 8 13 61.9 44 2.22 0 0 0 0 18 18 3 14.3 469 23.7 0 0 0 0 20 20 1 4.76 580 29.3 2 50 0 0 53 53 2 9.52 811 40.9 0 58 0 1 76 0 100 0 4.76 3.84 Essential Facility Damage Before the flood analyzed in this scenario, the region had 0 hospital beds available for use. On the day of the scenario flood event, the model estimates that 0 hospital beds are available in the region. Table 5: Expected Damage to Essential Facilities At Least Classification Fire Stations Hospitals Police Stations Schools # Facilities At Least Total Moderate Substantial Loss of Use 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 4 1 1 0 0 1 1 If this report displays all zeros or is blank, two possibilities can explain this. (1) None of your facilities were flooded. This can be checked by mapping the inventory data on the depth grid. (2) The analysis was not run. This can be tested by checking the run box on the Analysis Menu and seeing if a message box asks you to replace the existing results. Appendix III HAZUS MH Flood Event Report 112 Clinton, CT Induced Flood Damage Debris Generation Hazus estimates the amount of debris that will be generated by the flood. The model breaks debris into three general categories: 1) Finishes (dry wall, insulation, etc.), 2) Structural (wood, brick, etc.) and 3) Foundations (concrete slab, concrete block, rebar, etc.). This distinction is made because of the different types of material handling equipment required to handle the debris. Analysis has not been performed for this Scenario. Social Impact Shelter Requirements Hazus estimates the number of households that are expected to be displaced from their homes due to the flood and the associated potential evacuation. Hazus also estimates those displaced people that will require accommodations in temporary public shelters. The model estimates 1,955 households will be displaced due to the flood. Displacement includes households evacuated from within or very near to the inundated area. Of these, 5,274 people (out of a total population of 13,094) will seek temporary shelter in public shelters. Economic Loss The total economic loss estimated for the flood is 522.11 million dollars, which represents 46.25 % of the total replacement value of the scenario buildings. Building-Related Losses The building losses are broken into two categories: direct building losses and business interruption losses. The direct building losses are the estimated costs to repair or replace the damage caused to the building and its contents. The business interruption losses are the losses associated with inability to operate a business because of the damage sustained during the flood. Business interruption losses also include the temporary living expenses for those people displaced from their homes because of the flood. The total building-related losses were 519.87 million dollars. 0% of the estimated losses were related to the business interruption of the region. The residential occupancies made up 55.10% of the total loss. Table 6 below provides a summary of the losses associated with the building damage. Appendix III HAZUS MH Flood Event Report 113 Clinton, CT Table 6: Building-Related Economic Loss Estimates (Millions of dollars) Category Area Residential Commercial Industrial Others Total Building Loss Building Content Inventory Subtotal Business Interruption Income Relocation Rental Income Wage Subtotal Total ALL 176.14 111.18 0 287.32 36.51 96.49 2.19 135.19 18.32 47.31 7.46 73.09 4.38 19.47 0.42 24.27 235.35 274.45 10.07 519.87 0 0.27 0.45 0.11 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.49 0.4 0.08 0.01 0.37 287.69 0.07 0.52 1.14 136.33 0 0.01 0.02 73.11 0 0.67 0.72 24.99 0.15 1.21 2.25 522.11 Appendix A: County Listing for the Region Connecticut - Middlesex Appendix B: Regional Population and Building Value Data Building Value (thousands of dollars) Population Residential Non-Residential Total Connecticut Middlesex 13,094 939,615 274,977 1,214,592 Total 13,094 939,615 274,977 1,214,592 Total Study Region 13,094 939,615 274,977 1,214,592 Appendix III HAZUS MH Flood Event Report 114 Clinton, CT Appendix IV: Hazus-MH: Hurricane Event Report Clinton Region Name: Probabilistic 100-year Return Period Hurricane Scenario: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 Print Date: Disclaimer: Totals only reflect data for those census tracts/blocks included in the user's study region. The estimates of social and economic impacts contained in this report were produced using Hazus loss estimation methodology software which is based on current scientific and engineering knowledge. There are uncertainties inherent in any loss estimation technique. Therefore, there may be significant differences between the modeled results contained in this report and the actual social and economic losses following a specific Hurricane. These results can be improved by using enhanced inventory data. Appendix IV HAZUS MH Hurricane Event Report 115 Clinton, CT Table of Contents Section Page # General Description of the Region 117 Building Inventory 117 General Building Stock Essential Facility Inventory Hurricane Scenario Parameters 118 Building Damage 118 General Building Stock Essential Facilities Damage Induced Hurricane Damage 120 Debris Generation Social Impact 120 Shelter Requirements Economic Loss 120 Building Losses Appendix A: County Listing for the Region 121 Appendix B: Regional Population and Building Value Data 121 Appendix IV HAZUS MH Hurricane Event Report 116 Clinton, CT General Description of the Region Hazus is a regional multi-hazard loss estimation model that was developed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the National Institute of Building Sciences. The primary purpose of Hazus is to provide a methodology and software application to develop multi-hazard losses at a regional scale. These loss estimates would be used primarily by local, state and regional officials to plan and stimulate efforts to reduce risks from multi-hazards and to prepare for emergency response and recovery. The hurricane loss estimates provided in this report are based on a region that includes 1 county(ies) from the following state(s): - Connecticut Note: Appendix A contains a complete listing of the counties contained in the region. The geographical size of the region is 16.57 square miles and contains 4 census tracts. There are over 5 thousand households in the region and has a total population of 13,094 people (2000 Census Bureau data). The distribution of population by State and County is provided in Appendix B. There are an estimated 5 thousand buildings in the region with a total building replacement value (excluding contents) of 1,215 million dollars (2006 dollars). Approximately 92% of the buildings (and 77% of the building value) are associated with residential housing. Building Inventory General Building Stock Hazus estimates that there are 5,945 buildings in the region which have an aggregate total replacement value of 1,215 million (2006 dollars). Table 1 presents the relative distribution of the value with respect to the general occupancies. Appendix B provides a general distribution of the building value by State and County. Table 1: Building Exposure by Occupancy Type Occupancy Residential Commercial Industrial Agricultural Religious Government Education Total Exposure ($1000) Percent of Total 939,615 176,245 69,055 5,527 11,028 5,050 8,072 1,214,592 77.40% 14.50% 5.70% 0.50% 0.90% 0.40% 0.70% 100.00% Essential Facility Inventory Appendix IV HAZUS MH Hurricane Event Report 117 Clinton, CT For essential facilities, there are no hospitals in the region with a total bed capacity of no beds. There are 4 schools, 1 fire stations, 1 police stations and no emergency operation facilities. Hurricane Scenario Hazus used the following set of information to define the hurricane parameters for the hurricane loss estimate provided in this report. Scenario Name: Probabilistic Type: Probabilistic Building Damage General Building Stock Damage Hazus estimates that about 126 buildings will be at least moderately damaged. This is over 2% of the total number of buildings in the region. There are an estimated 6 buildings that will be completely destroyed. The definition of the ‘damage states’ is provided in Volume 1: Chapter 6 of the Hazus Hurricane technical manual. Table 2 below summarizes the expected damage by general occupancy for the buildings in the region. Table 3 summarizes the expected damage by general building type. Table 2: Expected Building Damage by Occupancy : 100 - year Event Occupancy Agriculture Commercial Education Government Industrial Religion Residential None Count 27 257 8 6 109 16 4,587 Total 5,011 Appendix IV (%) 85.54 87.28 87.53 88.57 88.79 86.8 83.99 Minor Count 3 30 1 1 11 2 761 808 (%) 10.69 10.06 10.2 9.56 8.96 11.17 13.93 Moderate Count (%) 1 2.51 7 2.38 0 2.13 0 1.8 2 1.91 0 1.89 102 1.87 113 HAZUS MH Hurricane Event Report Severe Count 0 1 0 0 0 0 5 7 (%) 1.16 0.28 0.15 0.08 0.32 0.14 0.1 Destruction Count (%) 0 0.11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.02 0 0 6 0.11 6 118 Clinton, CT Table 3: Expected Building Damage by Building Type Building Type Concrete Masonry MH Steel Wood None Count 23 292 170 182 4,114 (%) Minor Count 87.5 83.14 98.91 88.68 83.85 3 43 1 18 703 (%) 10.13 12.23 0.79 8.72 14.33 : 100 - year Event Moderate Count (%) 1 15 0 5 80 Severe Count (%) 2.27 4.22 0.24 2.26 1.62 0 1 0 1 5 Destruction Count (%) 0.11 0.35 0 0.33 0.1 0 0 0 0 5 0 0.05 0.05 0 0.11 Essential Facility Damage Before the hurricane, the region had no hospital beds available for use. On the day of the hurricane, the model estimates that 0 hospital beds (0%) are available for use. After one week, none of the beds will be in service. By 30 days, none will be operational. Table 4: Expected Damage to Essential Facilities # Facilities Classification Fire Stations Police Stations Schools Total 1 1 4.00 Probability of at Least Moderate Damage > 50% 0 0 0 Probability of Complete Damage > 50% 0 0 0 Expected Loss of Use < 1 day 1 1 3 Induced Hurricane Damage Appendix IV HAZUS MH Hurricane Event Report 119 Clinton, CT Debris Generation Hazus estimates the amount of debris that will be generated by the hurricane. The model breaks the debris into four general categories: a) Brick/Wood, b) Reinforced Concrete/Steel, c) Eligible Tree Debris, and d) Other Tree Debris. This distinction is made because of the different types of material handling equipment required to handle the debris. The model estimates that a total of 9,859 tons of debris will be generated. Of the total amount, 4,504 tons (46%) is Other Tree Debris. Of the remaining 5,355 tons, Brick/Wood comprises 39% of the total, Reinforced Concrete/Steel comprises of 0% of the total, with the remainder being Eligible Tree Debris. If the building debris tonnage is converted to an estimated number of truckloads, it will require 84 truckloads (@25 tons/truck) to remove the building debris generated by the hurricane. The number of Eligible Tree Debris truckloads will depend on how the 3,257 tons of Eligible Tree Debris are collected and processed. The volume of tree debris generally ranges from about 4 cubic yards per ton for chipped or compacted tree debris to about 10 cubic yards per ton for bulkier, uncompacted debris. Social Impact Shelter Requirement Hazus estimates the number of households that are expected to be displaced from their homes due to the hurricane and the number of displaced people that will require accommodations in temporary public shelters. The model estimates 1 household to be displaced due to the hurricane. Of these, 0 people (out of a total population of 13,094) will seek temporary shelter in public shelters. Economic Loss The total economic loss estimated for the hurricane is 19.5 million dollars, which represents 1.61 % of the total replacement value of the region’s buildings. Building-Related Losses The building related losses are broken into two categories: direct property damage losses and business interruption losses. The direct property damage losses are the estimated costs to repair or replace the damage caused to the building and its contents. The business interruption losses are the losses associated with inability to operate a business because of the damage sustained during the hurricane. Business interruption losses also include the temporary living expenses for those people displaced from their homes because of the hurricane. The total property damage losses were 20 million dollars. 2% of the estimated losses were related to the business interruption of the region. By far, the largest loss was sustained by the residential occupancies which made up over 89% of the total loss. Table 4 below provides a summary of the losses associated with the building damage. Appendix IV HAZUS MH Hurricane Event Report 120 Clinton, CT Table 5: Building-Related Economic Loss Estimates (Thousands of dollars) Category Area Residential Commercial Industrial Others Total Property Damage Building Content Inventory Subtotal 13,060.19 3,294 0 16,354.15 741.82 178.03 4.64 924.49 268.58 122.97 20.15 411.71 137.5 39.93 2.56 180 14,208.09 3,634.90 27.36 17,870.35 0 700.26 353.63 0 1,053.89 108.86 141.51 82.04 117.07 449.48 3.94 19.91 3.01 6.46 33.32 12.56 23.71 1.95 79.13 117.36 125.36 885.4 440.64 202.65 1,654.05 17,408.04 1,373.98 445.03 297.35 19,524.40 Business Interruption Loss Income Relocation Rental Wage Subtotal Total Total Appendix A: County Listing for the Region Connecticut - Middlesex Appendix B: Regional Population and Building Value Data Building Value (thousands of dollars) Connecticut Middlesex Total Study Region Total Appendix IV Population Residential Non-Residential Total 13,094 13,094.00 939,615 939,615 274,977 274,977 1,214,592 1,214,592 13,094 939,615 274,977 1,214,592 HAZUS MH Hurricane Event Report 121 Clinton, CT Appendix V: Hazus-MH: Earthquake Event Report Clinton Region Name: Earthquake Scenario: Clinton 100 Year Earthquake Print Date: March 12, 2013 Disclaimer: Totals only reflect data for those census tracts/blocks included in the user’s study region. The estimates of social and economic impacts contained in this report were produced using Hazus loss estimation methodology software which is based on current scientific and engineering knowledge. There are uncertainties inherent in any loss estimation technique. Therefore, there may be significant differences between the modeled results contained in this report and the actual social and economic losses following a specific earthquake. These results can be improved by using enhanced inventory, geotechnical, and observed ground motion data. Appendix V HAZUS – MH Earthquake Event Report 122 Clinton, CT Table of Contents Section Page # General Description of the Region 124 Building and Lifeline Inventory 124 Building Inventory Critical Facility Inventory Transportation and Utility Lifeline Inventory Earthquake Scenario Parameters 125 Direct Earthquake Damage 127 Buildings Damage Critical Facilities Damage Transportation and Utility Lifeline Damage Induced Earthquake Damage 131 Fire Following Earthquake Debris Generation Social Impact 131 Shelter Requirements Casualties Economic Loss 133 Building Losses Transportation and Utility Lifeline Losses Long-term Indirect Economic Impacts Appendix A: County Listing for the Region 136 Appendix B: Regional Population and Building Value Data 136 Appendix V HAZUS – MH Earthquake Event Report 123 Clinton, CT General Description of the Region Hazus is a regional earthquake loss estimation model that was developed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the National Institute of Building Sciences. The primary purpose of Hazus is to provide a methodology and software application to develop earthquake losses at a regional scale. These loss estimates would be used primarily by local, state and regional officials to plan and stimulate efforts to reduce risks from earthquakes and to prepare for emergency response and recovery. The earthquake loss estimates provided in this report was based on a region that includes 1 county(ies) from the following state(s): Connecticut Note: Appendix A contains a complete listing of the counties contained in the region. The geographical size of the region is 16.56 square miles and contains 4 census tracts. There are over 5 thousand households in the region which has a total population of 13,094 people (2002 Census Bureau data). The distribution of population by State and County is provided in Appendix B. There are an estimated 5 thousand buildings in the region with a total building replacement value (excluding contents) of 1,214 (millions of dollars). Approximately 92.00 % of the buildings (and 77.00% of the building value) are associated with residential housing. The replacement value of the transportation and utility lifeline systems is estimated to be 264 and 0 dollars) , respectively. (millions of Building and Lifeline Inventory Building Inventory Hazus estimates that there are 5 thousand buildings in the region which have an aggregate total replacement value of 1,214 (millions of dollars) . Appendix B provides a general distribution of the building value by State and County. In terms of building construction types found in the region, wood frame construction makes up 83% of the building inventory. The remaining percentage is distributed between the other general building types. Critical Facility Inventory Hazus breaks critical facilities into two (2) groups: essential facilities and high potential loss facilities (HPL). Essential facilities include hospitals, medical clinics, schools, fire stations, police stations and emergency operations facilities. High potential loss facilities include dams, levees, military installations, nuclear power plants and hazardous material sites. For essential facilities, there are 0 hospitals in the region with a total bed capacity of 0 beds. There are 4 schools, 1 fire stations, 1 police stations and 0 emergency operation facilities. With respect to high potential loss facilities (HPL), there are 5 dams identified within the region. Of these, 1 of the dams are classified as ‘high hazard’. The inventory also includes 3 hazardous material sites, 0 military installations and 0 nuclear power plants. Transportation and Utility Lifeline Inventory Within Hazus, the lifeline inventory is divided between transportation and utility lifeline systems. There are seven (7) transportation systems that include highways, railways, light rail, bus, ports, ferry and airports. There are six (6) utility systems that include potable water, wastewater, natural gas, crude & refined oil, electric power and communications. The lifeline inventory data are provided in Tables 1 and 2. The total value of the lifeline inventory is over 264.00 (millions of dollars). This inventory includes over 28 kilometers of highways, 19 bridges, 345 kilometers of pipes. Appendix V HAZUS – MH Earthquake Event Report 124 Clinton, CT Table 1: Transportation System Lifeline Inventory System Highway Component # Locations/ # Segments Replacement value 19 116.80 10 128.10 Bridges Segments (millions of dollars) Tunnels 0 Railways Bridges Facilities 0.00 244.90 Subtotal 1 0.10 0 0.00 1 5.90 Segments Tunnels 0 Light Rail Bridges Facilities 0.00 6.00 Subtotal 0 0.00 1 2.70 2 9.30 0 0.00 Segments Tunnels 11.90 Subtotal Bus Facilities 1 Ferry Facilities 0 Facilities 0 Facilities Runways 0 0 Subtotal Total Appendix V 0.00 0.00 Subtotal Airport 0.00 0.00 Subtotal Port 1.30 1.30 Subtotal HAZUS – MH Earthquake Event Report 0.00 0.00 0.00 264.00 125 Clinton, CT Table 2: Utility System Lifeline Inventory # Locations /Replacement value System Component (millions of dollars) Segments Potable Water Distribution Lines Facilities NA 0 3.50 0.00 Pipelines 0 0.00 3.50 Subtotal Waste Water Distribution Lines Facilities NA 0 2.10 0.00 Pipelines 0 0.00 2.10 Subtotal Natural Gas Distribution Lines Facilities NA 0 1.40 0.00 Pipelines 0 0.00 1.40 Subtotal Oil Systems Facilities Pipelines 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Subtotal Electrical Power Facilities Communication Facilities 0 0.00 0.00 Subtotal 0 Subtotal Total 0.00 0.00 6.90 Earthquake Scenario Hazus uses the following set of information to define the earthquake parameters used for the earthquake loss estimate provided in this report. Scenario Name Clinton 100 Year Earthquake Type of Earthquake Probabilistic Fault Name Historical Epicenter ID # NA NA Probabilistic Return Period 100.00 Longitude of Epicenter NA Latitude of Epicenter NA Earthquake Magnitude 5.00 Depth (Km) NA Rupture Length (Km) NA Rupture Orientation (degrees) NA Attenuation Function NA Appendix V HAZUS – MH Earthquake Event Report 126 Clinton, CT Building Damage Building Damage Hazus estimates that about 0 buildings will be at least moderately damaged. This is over 0.00 % of the buildings in the region. There are an estimated 0 buildings that will be damaged beyond repair. The definition of the ‘damage states’ is provided in Volume 1: Chapter 5 of the Hazus technical manual. Table 3 below summarizes the expected damage by general occupancy for the buildings in the region. Table 4 below summarizes the expected damage by general building type. Table 3: Expected Building Damage by Occupancy None Count (%) Agriculture Commercial Education Government Industrial Other Residential Religion Single Family Total 32 295 9 7 123 840 18 4,621 5,945 0.54 4.96 0.15 0.12 2.07 14.13 0.3 77.73 Slight Count (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Moderate Count (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Extensive Count (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Complete Count (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 4: Expected Building Damage by Building Type (All Design Levels) None Count Wood Steel Concrete Precast RM 4,918 238 53 14 94 URM MH 415 214 5,945 Total *Note: RM URM MH Appendix V (%) 82.72 4 0.9 0.24 1.57 6.97 3.6 Slight Count (%) Moderate Count (%) Extensive Count (%) Complete Count (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reinforced Masonry Unreinforced Masonry Manufactured Housing HAZUS – MH Earthquake Event Report 127 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Clinton, CT Essential Facility Damage Before the earthquake, the region had 0 hospital beds available for use. On the day of the earthquake, the model estimates that only 0 hospital beds (0.00%) are available for use by patients already in the hospital and those injured by the earthquake. After one week, 0.00% of the beds will be back in service. By 30 days, 0.00% will be operational. Table 5: Expected Damage to Essential Facilities # Facilities Classification Appendix V Total At Least Moderate Damage > 50% Complete With Functionality Damage > 50% > 50% on day 1 Hospitals 0 0 0 0 Schools 4 0 0 4 EOCs 0 0 0 0 PoliceStations 1 0 0 1 FireStations 1 0 0 1 HAZUS – MH Earthquake Event Report 128 Clinton, CT Transportation and Utility Lifeline Damage Table 6 provides damage estimates for the transportation system. Table 6: Expected Damage to the Transportation Systems Number of Locations System Component Locations/ With at Least With Complete Segments Mod. Damage Damage With Functionality > 50 % After Day 1 After Day 7 Segments 10 0 0 10 10 Bridges 19 0 0 19 19 Tunnels 0 0 0 0 0 Segments 1 0 0 1 1 Bridges 1 0 0 1 1 Tunnels 0 0 0 0 0 Facilities 0 0 0 0 0 Segments 2 0 0 2 2 Bridges 0 0 0 0 0 Tunnels 0 0 0 0 0 Facilities 1 0 0 1 1 Bus Facilities 1 0 0 1 1 Ferry Facilities 0 0 0 0 0 Port Facilities 0 0 0 0 0 Airport Facilities 0 0 0 0 0 Runways 0 0 0 0 0 Highway Railways Light Rail Note: Roadway segments, railroad tracks and light rail tracks are assumed to be damaged by ground failure only. If ground failure maps are not provided, damage estimates to these components will not be computed. Tables 7-9 provide information on the damage to the utility lifeline systems. Table 7 provides damage to the utility system facilities. Table 8 provides estimates on the number of leaks and breaks by the pipelines of the utility systems. For electric power and potable water, Hazus performs a simplified system performance analysis. Table 9 provides a summary of the system performance information. Appendix V HAZUS – MH Earthquake Event Report 129 Clinton, CT Table 7 : Expected Utility System Facility Damage System Total # Potable Water Waste Water Natural Gas Oil Systems Electrical Power Communication # of Locations With Complete with Functionality > 50 % Damage After Day 1 After Day 7 With at Least Moderate Damage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 8 : Expected Utility System Pipeline Damage (Site Specific) Total Pipelines Length (kms) Number of Leaks Number of Breaks Potable Water 173 0 0 Waste Water 104 0 0 69 0 0 0 0 0 System Natural Gas Oil Table 9: Expected Potable Water and Electric Power System Performance Total # of Households Potable Water Number of Households without Service At Day 1 At Day 3 At Day 7 At Day 30 At Day 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,134 Electric Power Appendix V HAZUS – MH Earthquake Event Report 130 Clinton, CT Induced Earthquake Damage Fire Following Earthquake Fires often occur after an earthquake. Because of the number of fires and the lack of water to fight the fires, they can often burn out of control. Hazus uses a Monte Carlo simulation model to estimate the number of ignitions and the amount of burnt area. For this scenario, the model estimates that there will be 0 ignitions that will burn about 0.00 sq. mi 0.00 % of the region’s total area.) The model also estimates that the fires will displace about 0 people and burn about 0 (millions of dollars) of building value. Debris Generation Hazus estimates the amount of debris that will be generated by the earthquake. The model breaks the debris into two general categories: a) Brick/Wood and b) Reinforced Concrete/Steel. This distinction is made because of the different types of material handling equipment required to handle the debris. The model estimates that a total of 0.00 million tons of debris will be generated. Of the total amount, Brick/Wood comprises 0.00% of the total, with the remainder being Reinforced Concrete/Steel. If the debris tonnage is converted to an estimated number of truckloads, it will require 0 truckloads (@25 tons/truck) to remove the debris generated by the earthquake. Social Impact Shelter Requirement Hazus estimates the number of households that are expected to be displaced from their homes due to the earthquake and the number of displaced people that will require accommodations in temporary public shelters. The model estimates 0 households to be displaced due to the earthquake. Of these, 0 people (out of a total population of 13,094) will seek temporary shelter in public shelters. Casualties Hazus estimates the number of people that will be injured and killed by the earthquake. The casualties are broken down into four (4) severity levels that describe the extent of the injuries. The levels are described as follows; · Severity Level 1: · Severity Level 2: · Severity Level 3: · Severity Level 4: Injuries will require medical attention but hospitalization is not needed. Injuries will require hospitalization but are not considered life-threatening Injuries will require hospitalization and can become life threatening if not promptly treated. Victims are killed by the earthquake. The casualty estimates are provided for three (3) times of day: 2:00 AM, 2:00 PM and 5:00 PM. These times represent the periods of the day that different sectors of the community are at their peak occupancy loads. The 2:00 AM estimate considers that the residential occupancy load is maximum, the 2:00 PM estimate considers that the educational, commercial and industrial sector loads are maximum and 5:00 PM represents peak commute time. Table 10 provides a summary of the casualties estimated for this earthquake Appendix V HAZUS – MH Earthquake Event Report 131 Clinton, CT Table 10: Casualty Estimates Level 1 2 AM 2 PM 5 PM Appendix V Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Commercial 0 0 0 0 Commuting 0 0 0 0 Educational 0 0 0 0 Hotels 0 0 0 0 Industrial 0 0 0 0 Other-Residential 0 0 0 0 Single Family 0 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 0 Commercial 0 0 0 0 Commuting 0 0 0 0 Educational 0 0 0 0 Hotels 0 0 0 0 Industrial 0 0 0 0 Other-Residential 0 0 0 0 Single Family 0 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 0 Commercial 0 0 0 0 Commuting 0 0 0 0 Educational 0 0 0 0 Hotels 0 0 0 0 Industrial 0 0 0 0 Other-Residential 0 0 0 0 Single Family 0 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 0 HAZUS – MH Earthquake Event Report 132 Clinton, CT Economic Loss The total economic loss estimated for the earthquake is 0.00 (millions of dollars), which includes building and lifeline related losses based on the region's available inventory. The following three sections provide more detailed information about these losses. Building-Related Losses The building losses are broken into two categories: direct building losses and business interruption losses. The direct building losses are the estimated costs to repair or replace the damage caused to the building and its contents. The business interruption losses are the losses associated with inability to operate a business because of the damage sustained during the earthquake. Business interruption losses also include the temporary living expenses for those people displaced from their homes because of the earthquake. The total building-related losses were 0.00 (millions of dollars); 0 % of the estimated losses were related to the business interruption of the region. By far, the largest loss was sustained by the residential occupancies which made up over 0 % of the total loss. Table 11 below provides a summary of the losses associated with the building damage. Table 11: Building-Related Economic Loss Estimates (Millions of dollars) Category Area Single Other Family Residential Commercial Industrial Others Total Income Losses Wage Capital-Related Rental Relocation Subtotal Capital Stock Losses Structural Non_Structural Content Inventory Subtotal Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Transportation and Utility Lifeline Losses For the transportation and utility lifeline systems, Hazus computes the direct repair cost for each component only. There are no losses computed by Hazus for business interruption due to lifeline outages. Tables 12 & 13 provide a detailed breakdown in the expected lifeline losses. Hazus estimates the long-term economic impacts to the region for 15 years after the earthquake. The model quantifies this information in terms of income and employment changes within the region. Table 14 presents the results of the region for the given earthquake. Table 12: Transportation System Economic Losses Appendix V HAZUS – MH Earthquake Event Report 133 Clinton, CT (Millions of dollars) Economic Loss Loss Ratio (%) 128.09 116.79 0.00 244.90 $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 Segments Bridges Tunnels Facilities Subtotal 5.90 0.06 0.00 0 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Light Rail Segments Bridges Tunnels Facilities Subtotal 9.27 0 0 2.66 11.9 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0 0 0 0 0.01 Bus Facilities Subtotal 1.25 1.3 $0.00 0 0.01 Ferry Facilities Subtotal 0 0 $0.00 0 0 Port Facilities Subtotal 0 0 $0.00 0 0 Airport Facilities Runways 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 0 0 Subtotal Total 0 264 0 0 System Component Highway Segments Bridges Tunnels Subtotal Railways Inventory Value Table 13: Utility System Economic Losses (Millions of dollars) Appendix V HAZUS – MH Earthquake Event Report 134 Clinton, CT System Component Potable Water Pipelines Facilities Distribution Lines Subtotal Inventory Value Economic Loss Loss Ratio (%) 0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 3.50 3.45 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 2.10 2.07 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 Pipelines Facilities Distribution Lines Subtotal 0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 1.40 1.38 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 Pipelines Facilities Subtotal 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 0.00 Facilities Subtotal 0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 Communication Facilities Subtotal 0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 6.91 $0.00 Waste Water Natural Gas Oil Systems Electrical Power Pipelines Facilities Distribution Lines Subtotal Total Table 14. Indirect Economic Impact with outside aid (Employment as # of people and Income in millions of $) LOSS Appendix V Total HAZUS – MH Earthquake Event Report % 135 Clinton, CT Appendix A: County Listing for the Region Middlesex,CT Appendix B: Regional Population and Building Value Data Building Value (millions of dollars) State County Name Population Residential Non-Residential Total 13,094 939 274 1,214 Total State 13,094 939 274 1,214 Total Region 13,094 939 274 1,21 Connecticut Middlesex Appendix V HAZUS – MH Earthquake Event Report 136 Clinton, CT Appendix VII – Screen Shots from Announcements of NHMP Figure A: Announcement on Clinton Website. This meesage was also emailed to everyone signed up to receive Town News. Appendix VI Screen Shots 137 Clinton, CT Appendix VI Screen Shots 138 Clinton, CT Figure B: Press Release in Harbor News online. Appendix VI Screen Shots 139 Clinton, CT Figure C: Link to Clinton Survey on RiverCOG website. Link to Plan exists further down on the page. Appendix VI Screen Shots 140 Clinton, CT Figure D: RiverCOG webpage with links to all draft NHMPs currently in the Region. Appendix VI Screen Shots 141 Clinton, CT Figure E: Posting on the RiverCOG facebook page.The post included a link to the RiverCOG website which would then direct viewers to both the Plan and the survey. Appendix VI Screen Shots 142 Clinton, CT Appendix VI – Meeting Minutes Appendix VII Public Meeting Minutes 143 Clinton, CT Appendix VII Public Meeting Minutes 144 Clinton, CT Appendix VII Public Meeting Minutes 145 Clinton, CT Appendix VII Public Meeting Minutes 146 Clinton, CT Appendix VII Public Meeting Minutes 147 Clinton, CT Appendix VII Public Meeting Minutes 148 Clinton, CT Appendix VII Public Meeting Minutes 149 Clinton, CT Appendix VII Public Meeting Minutes 150 Clinton, CT Appendix VIII – Survey Questions and Results Appendix VIII Survey Questions and Responses 151 Clinton, CT Appendix VIII Survey Questions and Responses 152 Clinton, CT Appendix VIII Survey Questions and Responses 153 Clinton, CT Appendix VIII Survey Questions and Responses 154 Clinton, CT Appendix VIII Survey Questions and Responses 155 Clinton, CT Appendix VIII Survey Questions and Responses 156 Clinton, CT Appendix VIII Survey Questions and Responses 157 Clinton, CT Appendix VIII Survey Questions and Responses 158 Clinton, CT Appendix VIII Survey Questions and Responses 159 Clinton, CT Appendix VIII Survey Questions and Responses 160 Clinton, CT Appendix VIII Survey Questions and Responses 161 Clinton, CT Appendix VIII Survey Questions and Responses 162 Clinton, CT Appendix VIII Survey Questions and Responses 163 Clinton, CT Appendix VIII Survey Questions and Responses 164 Clinton, CT Appendix VIII Survey Questions and Responses 165 Clinton, CT Appendix VIII Survey Questions and Responses 166 Clinton, CT Appendix VIII Survey Questions and Responses 167 Clinton, CT Appendix VIII Survey Questions and Responses 168 Clinton, CT Appendix VIII Survey Questions and Responses 169 Clinton, CT Appendix VIII Survey Questions and Responses 170 Clinton, CT Appendix VIII Survey Questions and Responses 171 Clinton, CT Appendix VIII Survey Questions and Responses 172 Clinton, CT Appendix VIII Survey Questions and Responses 173 Clinton, CT Appendix VI: Resolution to Adopt Appendix IX Resolution to Adopt 174