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smail ucdsb
South Dundas 360 Fall/Winter 2015–2016 South Dundas Recreation SOUTH DUNDAS 34 Ottawa St., Morrisburg, ON 613-543-2673 blaurinphoto: Sport Lending Library Equipment is free to borrow for all residents of South Dundas. If you would like to borrow from the Sport Lending Library, or for more information, please contact: Ben Macpherson Recreation Program Coordinator 613-543-2673 Equipment available: • • • • • • • Cross Country Skis Snowshoes Basketballs Footballs Helmets Skates And much more! Table of Contents/Stay Connected Table of Contents Recreation Information Council and Staff Information�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2 South Dundas Hockey������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3 Curling and Skating Clubs������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4 Public Skating Hours/Community Groups ������������������������������������������������������������������ 5 Ontario Early Years Centre Programs���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6 Dundas Youth Centre/UCDSB Champions for Kids������������������������������������������������������� 7 SD Recreation Special Events���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8 Youth Programs����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9 Youth/Adult Programs����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10 Adult Programs���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12 Registration Information/Walking Trails���������������������������������������������������������������������� 13 Dundas County 50+ Wellness Day������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14 Dundas Drive-In��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15 Youth Engagement Night�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16 South Branch Community Fund/Tobacco-Free Policy��������������������������������������������������� 17 Active Living Information������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18 Out and About Around South Dundas (Gallery)����������������������������������������������������������� 19 Municipal Information Garbage & Recycling�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 20 Composting & Hazardous Waste��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21 Licences/Off-Road Vehicles/Planning������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22 Fire & Emergency Services������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 23 Marriage Municipal Facilities�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24 Building & Bylaw/Winter Information������������������������������������������������������������������������ 25 Municipal Notices������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 26 Community Information SD&G County Library Programs��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 27 Community Calendar������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28 Stay Connected to your South Dundas www Visit • • • • Municipality Community Events News Attractions Municipal Newsletter Sign up online to receive your free electronic newsletter Like us on Facebook southdundas Follow us on Twitter @SouthDundasLIVE 1 Council and Municipal Information Members of Council Council Members Address Contact Information Evonne Delegarde, Mayor 35 Church Ave. P.O. Box 137 Iroquois, ON K0E 1K0 Home: 613-652-1388 Cell: 613-340-5979 [email protected] Jim Locke, Deputy Mayor 5542 Meadowbrook Dr. Iroquois, ON K0E 1K0 Home: 613-652-2233 [email protected] Bill Ewing, Councillor P.O. Box 1228 Iroquois, ON K0E 1C0 Home: 613-652-4313 Cell: 613-802-0729 [email protected] Marc St. Pierre, Councillor 12098 County Rd. 4/ Lakeshore Dr. Morrisburg, ON K0C 1X0 Home: 613-543-3525 [email protected] Archie L. Mellan, Councillor 10952 Hulbert Rd., Brinston, ON K0E 1C0 Home: 613-989-2734 Cell: 613-299-1356 [email protected] Council Meeting Dates Municipal Office Hours General inquiries: [email protected] Office Hours: 8:30am–4:30pm Recreation Phone: 613-543-2673 Toll Free: 1-800-265-0619 Emergency: 613-652-4028 Address: 34 Ottawa St., PO Box 740 Morrisburg, ON K0C 1X0 2 September 15, 2015 Regular Council Meeting October 6, 2015 Regular Council Meeting October 20, 2015 Regular Council Meeting November 3, 2015 Regular Council Meeting November 17, 2015 Regular Council Meeting December 1, 2015 Regular Council Meeting December 15, 2015 Regular Council Meeting January 19, 2016 Regular Council Meeting February 9, 2016 Regular Council Meeting February 23, 2016 Regular Council Meeting South Dundas 360° designed by: Sand Design Sandy Burns, Owner • • • WebDesign LayoutDesign WritingandEditing Box978,Winchester,ON,K0C2K0 [email protected] 613-668-5382 South Dundas Hockey South Dundas Hockey Minor hockey level chart: Age: Level: 5, 6 (Born 2009/'10/'11) Initiation 7, 8 (Born 2007/'08) Novice 9, 10 (Born 2005/'06) Atom 11, 12 (Born 2003/'04) 13, 14 (Born 2001/'02) PeeWee 15, 16, 17 (Born '98/'99/'00) Minor hockey is open to boys and girls 17 years old or younger and is a great way to have fun and exercise. Players are divided into playing levels according to age for competitive and house leagues, and will be engaged in six months of hockey, whether it is games or training. There are still spots available for those wishing to register their child. Anyone interested can contact registrar Cassandra Barry at [email protected]. Visit us online at Morrisburg Junior C Lions 2015–2016 Home Game Schedule Game times: Friday: 8:30 pm Saturday: 7:30 pm Sunday: 2:30 pm Saturday Oct. 3 Embrun Panthers Saturday Oct. 17 Academe Jr. Outaouais Saturday Friday Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday Saturday Saturday Saturday Sunday blaurin photos: Dundas County Girls Hockey For information about the Dundas County Girls Hockey Associaton, please contact president Anita Gilmer at 613-774-4563, email [email protected], or visit us at Midget Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Sunday Oct. 10 Oct. 23 Nov. 7 Nov. 8 Nov. 14 Nov. 22 Nov. 28 Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Dec. 13 Jan. 2 Jan. 9 Jan. 16 Jan. 30 Feb. 14 Vankleek Hill Cougars Rockland Nationals Vankleek Hills Cougars North Dundas Rockets Gatineau Hull Volant Embrun Panthers St. Isidore Eagles Cumberland Bandits St. Isidore Eagles North Dundas Rockets Papineauville Vikings Recreation South Dundas Minor Hockey Bantam North Dundas Rockets Embrun Panthers St. Isidore Eagles Vankleek Hill Cougars 3 Curling and Skating Clubs Curling and Skating Clubs Morrisburg Little Rocks The Morrisburg Little Rocks program will start in October. For more information, please check the Morrisburg Curling Club website or follow us on Facebook. You can also contact Mahlon Locke at 613-543-3104 or [email protected]. The Morrisburg Bantam Program The Morrisburg Bantam Program will start in late October. For further information please contact Ian Wilson/613 861-2131 or [email protected]. Morrisburg Curling Club Come join one or more of our leagues and make your winter an enjoyable season. Curling Seasons will run from October to April. Registration will take place at the Morrisburg Curling Club on Friday, September 11 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. This year we are hoping to conduct a learn to curl program and a beginners league(depending on participants) scheduled for Monday nights. Leagues (Weekly Schedule) Recreation Daytime Men's: Monday, Wednesday, Friday afternoons and Tuesday mornings Daytime Ladies': Tuesday Afternoons Evening Men: Tuesday Nights Evening Ladies: Wednesday Nights Daytime Mixed: Thursday Mornings Competitive: Thursday Nights Mixed Fun Night: Friday Evenings 4 Events throughout the season include: • Swing and Sweep • Two-person bonspiel • Christmas Bonspiel • The Heart and Stroke Bonspiel • United Way Bonspiel • Alzheimers Bonspiel • And more! The Morrisburg Curling Club operates solely on volunteers, and help is always welcome. For more information about how you can join us or what you can do to help, contact Mahlon Locke at home 613-543-3104, cell 613-930-6597, or by email at [email protected]. The Morrisburg Curling Club is located at 22 Ontario St., Morrisburg, and the phone number is 613-543-2931. Morrisburg and District Skating Club The Morrisburg & District Skating Club is excited to start the 2015-2016 skating season. CanSkate registration will be held at the Morrisburg Arena on Friday, September 11 from 6:00–8:00pm and Saturday, September 12 from 10:00 am–Noon. StarSkate sessions will begin on Monday, September 14 and CanSkate will begin on Monday, September 21. The season will end with the Year End Ice Show on Friday, March 25, 2016. MDSC welcomes back coaches Allison Scott, Danielle Napier and Ali VanHoof, and joining the CanSkate Team this season is Katherine Lee. For more information on programming, schedule and coaching ,visit our website Public Skating/Community Groups Public Skating Hours for 2015/2016 Class Parents, Tots and Seniors All Public After School Skating Ages Length Days Time October–March Wednesdays & Thursdays 10:30am–11:30am All October–March Saturdays 6:00pm–7:00pm 8–18 years October–March Thursdays 3:30pm–4:30pm Community Groups Golden Gears Car Club If you like classic and special interest vehicles, old or new, come see what we’re about! Members organize and participate in car shows, cruise-ins and related social events. Enthusiasm is all that is required to join! For more information, visit Riverside Snowmobile Club Started in 1973 by a small group of enthusiasts, our club has now grown to over 250 members. You too can contribute to the maintenance of our local trails while also participating in group rides, weekly breakfasts and monthly fun nights. Stay tuned for details on the fall antique snowmobile show! For more information, visit Hear from keynote speakers about issues of local and national interest while enjoying a delicious home cooked meal. Topics include politics, history, arts, literature, media and more. Full fall/winter line up is available now! For more information, please contact Clara Edwardson at 613-774-2407. For a full list of community groups and associations, visit the Community Directory available at Recreation Canadian Club of Morrisburg & District 5 Ontario Early Years Centre Programs Ontario Early Years Centre Programs Visit us online To view and print our calendar of events, or for more information on these and other upcoming programs, please visit Play & Learn Play & Learn is offered from 9:00am–12:00pm Mondays and Thursdays at Iroquois Public School (please use the door with the OEYC sign beside it) and on Mondays and Tuesdays from 9:00am–12:00pm at the South Dundas Municipal Centre in Morrisburg on the 3rd floor. Watch Me Grow Watch Me Grow is offered every Tuesday morning at the South Dundas Municipal Building. Public health nurses from the Eastern Ontario Health Unit are on-hand to weigh and measure your infant/child, provide parental support, and offer immunizations in a friendly supportive environment. Triple P Group A Positive Parenting Program will be held in Winchester at the OEYC on Wednesdays from October 14 to December 16 from 1:00–3:00 pm. Triple P Group offers parenting strategies that can help reduce stress for your family. Meet other parents, share your stories and concerns, and gain suggestions that fit the needs of your family in a supportive group setting led by a Triple P practitioner. This program is open to parents of children aged 0–12. To register, or for more information, visit or call Fiona at 613-360-9934. Apple Picking Come apple picking with us on Wednesday, September 16th, at Smyth’s Apple Orchard at 11:30am. It will be a great time for children to get together and enjoy the outdoors while picking apples. We will meet in the Orchard parking lot. Learn French Thinking about putting your child in French Immersion? "Apprends le français avec moi" hosted by "Partir d’un bon pas," is a fun introduction to French. Recreation This program takes place every Monday from 10:00am– 11:00am at Iroquois Public School (please use the OEYC door). Also, once a month after this program is the "J'aime lire" program. Participating families will receive a free French book. All programs are FREE! 6 Dundas Youth Centre/Champions for Kids Dundas Youth Centre Offering free drop-in programs for youth aged 9–17 in Dundas County. Like us on Facebook: The Dundas Youth Centre offers youth: • a safe place to go; • healthy snacks and meals; • recreational activities, such as sports, cooking nights, minute to win it, science nights, fear factor, outdoor games, crafts, and book club; • healthy living and positive attitudes; and • leadership development. All of our programs are free. For more information, call Kaitlin at 613-774-5487. Monday Morrisburg Tuesday Winchester Wednesday Winchester Thursday Chesterville South Dundas Municipal Centre (34 Ottawa St.) Dundas Youth Centre (530 Fred St.) Dundas Youth Centre (530 Fred St.) St. Mary's Catholic School (34 Main St.) 2:30pm–8:00pm 2:30pm–8:00pm 2:30pm–8:00pm 3:30pm–6:00pm We are committed to offering ongoing support to the youth of our community and guide them in becoming active and responsible citizens. Upper Canada Champions for kids Recreation The Upper Canada District School Board’s Champions for Kids Foundation is a charity formed to help level the playing field for children of struggling families. It gives families a helping hand and allows their kids to participate in sporting events, the arts, and other fun activities. Children can be referred for help by contacting the principal of the closest board school in your area. School contacts and more information can be found at 7 SD Recreation Special Events SD Recreation Special Events Spooky Fun Run Join us for our Spooky themed Fun Run on October 18, 2015, beginning at 9:30 am at the Splashpad. Proceeds will benefit the South Dundas Community Splashpad. Register early and receive a free technical race shirt. Medals will be awarded in youth, teen and adult age groups. Post-race snacks will be provided. Register online at or For more information, email morrisburglionsclub@ or call 613-543-3563. Like us on Facebook for updates. Race Fee 1.6K Run/ Walk $20 5K Run/ Walk $25 10K $30 Family Rate $75 Movie Day Movie Day will be taking place on Friday, October 20 at the South Dundas Municipal Centre. It's FREE to come and there will be a canteen full of snacks. All snacks are $1.00 and proceeds go to the Dundas Youth Centre. Movie will be family friendly and will be announced very soon! Fall Day Trip to McMaze Join South Dundas Recreation for an afternoon of fun at McMaze in St. Andrew’s West! Wagon Rides, Fun Mazes and Farm Friends await you, with a few spooky surprises in between! Recreation Date: Saturday, October 24, 2015 Cost: $15 per person Departure: The bus will depart Morrisburg Arena at 10:30 am Ages: 5-17 years (There must be a parent or guardian for every four children) National Child's Day A minimum of 30 people are required to book the trip. Enjoy skating, face painting, and crafts at the Morrisburg Arena on Saturday, November 21, from 6:00pm–7:00pm. There are a limited number of seats available. Please register by Friday, October 16 at the South Dundas Municipal Centre to secure your spot. Full amount required upon registration. 8 All are welcome to come out and celebrate National Child’s Day with South Dundas Recreation and the Ontario Early Years Centre. Youth Programs Youth Programs The Girls Club has been in operation for 15 years, offering girls in South Dundas a chance to come together to play games, do crafts, read stories and meet new friends throughout the school year. For more information, contact Sarah Markell at 613652-2606. Ages: Kindergarten through Grade 6 Dates: Mondays throughout the school year Time: 6:30pm–8:00pm Cost: $3 per visit Location: Matilda Hall South Dundas Sparks, Brownies and Guides Age: Sparks: 5–6 Brownies: 7–8 Guides: 9–11 Date: September 8 through May 25 Time: Mondays from 6:30pm–7:45pm Cost: $150 Location: St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Williamsburg Contact: Melissa Ringler at 613-535-1434 or [email protected] or visit Pre-Teen Nights Age: 8–12 years Duration: Weekly throughout the year Time: Wednesdays, 7:00pm–8:30pm Cost: $2 per visit Location: Dixon’s Corner Community Centre Contact: Josh Biemond at 613-652-4118. Youth Nights Age: 13 years and up Duration: Weekly throughout the year Time: Tuesdays 7:30pm–9:00pm Cost: $2 per visit Location: Dixon’s Corner Community Centre Contact: Josh Biemond at 613-652-4118 Youth Handwriting Course NEW! This program will provide children, Grades 3 and up, a chance to learn or improve their handwriting. Participants will learn how to write lowercase letters and how to do a signature. Age: Grade 3 and up Date: Thursdays, September 17–November 5 Duration: 8 weeks Time: 6:00pm–7:00pm Cost: $20.00 Location: South Dundas Municipal Centre, 3rd floor Kids in the Kitchen Kids are the best food critics. They know what tastes good, and they’re not afraid to ask for it. Participants will learn how to cook some of the tastiest dishes themselves in this interactive class led by Holistic Nutrition & Wellness Specialist Laura Barclay. Maximum 12 participants. Dates: Monday, September 28 through Monday, November 2 (No class on Thanksgiving) Duration: 5 weeks Cost: $20 per person Location: Community Living Dundas County, 55 Allison Avenue, Morrisburg Themes: Meals to Go, Fall Harvest, Having your pizza and eating it too, Meatless Monday, Cook Off. Kids' Classes Ages: 8–12 years Time: 6:00pm–7:00pm Youth Classes! NEW! Ages: 13–16 Time: 7:30pm–8:30pm Home Alone Course Child should be 10 years old to attend. Participants will receive a home alone guide and a first aid pocket guide. This course teaches safety tips and what to do in an emergency, as well as basic CPR and First Aid. Please bring a lunch and a pen. Instructor: Fiona Carr Age: 10 years or older Date: Sunday, November 14 Time: 1:00pm–3:30pm Cost: $20/person (tax incl.) Location: South Dundas Municipal Centre To register, contact Fiona Carr by email [email protected] or call or text 613-360-9934. Babysitting Course Participants will learn how to entertain children, how to keep them safe, and what to do in an emergency. Participants will also learn basic First Aid and CPR, and will receive a St John’s Ambulance Babysitting handbook. Please bring a lunch and a pen. Age: 11 years or older Date: Saturday, November 21 Time: 10:00am – 4:00pm Cost: $50/person (tax incl.) Location: South Dundas Municipal Centre Recreation The Girls Club of South Dundas To register contact Fiona Carr by email [email protected] or call or text 613-360-9934. 9 Youth/Adult Programs Youth and Adult Programs Sandy’s Dance Studio NEW! Professionally trained instructor Sandy Ruest has 30 years of experience and offers children 4 years and older the chance to learn Hip-Hop and Jazz. For more information, please contact Sandy at 613-574-1401. Taekwon-Do NEW! This traditional Korean martial art promotes confidence and self-esteem in participants of all ages. All classes include warmup and stretching exercises, elements of basic kicking and punching, patterns and self-defence techniques in a positive and safe environment. Classes are led by Master R. Marin, Black Belt VII Degree, Chan Hun International Taekwon-Do Federation. Date: Tuesday, September 22–December 9 Duration: 12 weeks Time: 6:00pm–7:00pm: 7 to 12 years old (Junior Achievers) 7:00pm–8:00pm: Teens and Adults (13 years and older) Cost: $90 for ages 7 to 16 years $110 for ages 17 and up Location: Iroquois Civic Centre Love Yoga! NEW! Love Yoga! is a beautiful blend of fun, games, and restful moments all in the form of dynamic yoga poses. Using music and movement, relaxation, visualization and meditation techniques from various trainings Love Yoga! is an experience for all ages. Children and teens will learn to increase awareness of themselves, others, and the world. Love Yoga! is an incredible way to stay (or become) confident, strong, balanced, and healthy as they grow into adulthood. With over 500 total hours of music and movement, early childhood, and yoga education training courses, Instructor Paula McDermid has created a unique blend of bliss that can only be called Love Yoga! Recreation Fall Sessions: Friday, September 25—6:00pm–7:00pm Saturday, September 26—10:00am–Noon Saturday, October 3—10:00am–Noon Friday, October 16—6:00pm–7:00pm Cost: FREE! Ages: All ages Location: South Dundas Municipal Centre 3rd Floor Please call ahead to book your spot! 613-543-2673. 10 Recreational/Competitive Volleyball All are welcome. A one-time fee of $10 is required. Age: 14 and up Duration: Tuesdays throughout the school year Time: 7:00pm–9:00pm Cost: $10 for the season, can be paid to Jamie Thompson upon attendance. Donations accepted for the Seaway District High School Volleyball program. Location: Seaway District High School, Iroquois Free Triple P Seminars NEW! Are you interested in finding out about helpful strategies for raising and fostering a healthy teen? Triple P Seminars are informal presentations that discuss the building blocks for raising confident and healthy teens, aged 12–17. For more information and to register for one or all of these sessions, call 1-844-3628593, or visit Seminars will be held at the South Dundas Municipal Centre. Raising Responsible Teenagers This informal presentation provides an introduction to the formula for promoting healthy family relationships. When: Tuesday, September 8, 2:00–3:30pm Raising Competent Teenagers This informal presentation helps your teenager make the most of their time at school. When: Tuesday, September 22, 2:00–3:30pm Getting Teenagers Connected This informal presentation provides an introduction to helping you encourage your teenager to become involved in social and recreational activities. When: Tuesday, October 6, 2:00–3:30pm Learning Technology for Older Age Adults Have you recently joined the technology race and bought a smartphone or tablet and you're not sure how to get started? Want to keep friends up to date on your life? Janeen Wagemans is here to help! Each class will cover a different aspect on how to use your new gadget and will be sure to leave you feeling tech savvy. Instructor: Janeen Wagemans Age: 50 years and up Dates: September 18–November 13 Duration: 8 Weeks Time: 10:00am–11:30am Wednesdays—Apple users Fridays—Android users Cost: $20.00 +HST Location: South Dundas Municipal Centre, 3rd floor Youth/Adult Programs Stretching and strength exercises, along with relaxation techniques, help to maintain and improve flexibility and physical health. Yoga helps to calm the nervous system, improve mental focus, and provide an overall sense of well-being. Instructor: Danielle Whiteway Age: 18 years and up Date: September 15–November 24 Duration: 12 weeks Time: Tuesdays: 7:00pm–8:00pm Fridays: 9:15am–10:15am Cost: $110 (tax included) Location: South Dundas Municipal Centre Flow Yoga Looking for more of a challenge in your yoga practice? This class combines sun salutations and vinyasa flows with strength building postures, while focusing on the breath to build strength, stability, stamina and flexibility. Instructor: Danielle Whiteway Age: 14 years and up Date: September 15 – November 24 Duration: 12 weeks Time: Tuesdays, 6:00pm–7:00pm Cost: $110 (tax included) Location: South Dundas Municipal Centre Seniors Yoga Enjoy the benefits of yoga in an environment that will allow you to exercise on your own comfort level. Participants can perform yoga from a chair or mat. Instructor: Danielle Whiteway Age: 50 years and up Date: September 19 & 20–November 26 & 27 Duration: 12 weeks Time: Tuesday: 11:30am–12:30pm Thursday: 9:15am–10:15am & 10:30am–11:30am Friday: 10:30am–11:30am Cost: 1 day/week: $50 (tax included) 2 days/week: $85 (tax included) Location: South Dundas Municipal Centre For more information, contact Danielle Whiteway, R.M.T and Certified Yoga Instructor, at 613-791-7944 or visit Senior Rate NEW! If you are 65 years or older, you qualify for the new senior rate. This allows you to register for any of our programs for $65.00 + HST. Curves New classes are available at Curves several times a week, including Body Balance, Body Basics, Strength and Stretch, and Jillian Michaels. We're open six days a week. For more information, visit us in person at 147 Main St., Unit 1-A, or call 613-543-9009. High Intensity Interval Training Join one of our newest exercise classes to experience a fat burning workout involving high intensity exercises using only your body weight and free weights. This class will help improve endurance and get maximum results while challenging you to be your best. Instructor: Sherry-Lynn Harbers Age: 16 and up Date: Wednesdays, October 7–December 9 Duration: 10 weeks Time: 7:00pm–8:00pm Cost: $110 Location: Iroquois Civic Centre Qigong and Bellyfit Learn how to reduce stress, increase vitality and improve your health. Women can participate in the new Bellyfit classes and enjoy a workout balanced with revitalizing the mind. For more information, contact Kim Hutt at 613-802-1736 or by email at [email protected]. New programs include POUNDfit, a drumming workshop this fall as well as a Wellness Nutrition & Bellyfit Combo class. Fall Prevention Program This free program by the Seaway Valley Community Health Centre offers 12 weeks of exercise classes designed to help limit or reduce the risk of falling. For more information or to register, call Ben Macpherson, Recreation Program Coordinator for South Dundas, at 613-543-2673, ext. 4762. Age: 50 and up (clinical and self-referrals accepted) Date: Tuesday, October 27–January 28 Duration: 12 weeks Time: 1:30pm–2:30pm Location: South Dundas Municipal Centre Riverside Recreation Euchre and Bingo Take part in some fun and games at the George Jowett Memorial Hall. Euchre takes place every Monday afternoon, beginning at 1:00pm, and Bingo is every Monday night, starting at 7:30pm. For more information, call Linda Robinson at 613-543-3338. Recreation Hatha Yoga Youth and Adult Programs 11 Adult Programs Kickboxing Adult Programs Kickboxing is fun, fast-paced and exciting. Students will hone their punching and kicking techniques on punching pads, learn aerobic-type kickboxing, and focus on strength and core training. All levels welcome. Instructor: Elaine Smith Age: 14 years and up Date: September 14 – December 3 Duration: 12 weeks Time: Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:00pm–7:00pm Cost: $135.60 (tax included) Location: South Dundas Municipal Centre Bootcamp Bootcamp is a co-ed class that offers strength, cardio, flexibility, core and agility training. This class is geared to all levels of fitness. Each class is formatted differently so you will never have the same class twice. Instructor: Elaine Smith Age: 14 years and up Date: September 14–December 3 Duration: 12 weeks Time: Mondays and Wednesdays from 7pm–8pm Thursdays from 6pm–7pm Cost: $192.10 (tax included) Location: South Dundas Municipal Centre Combo Class Pass! Register for both the Kickboxing and Boot Camp classes for a discounted price of $226 (tax included). Low-Impact Group Fitness Recreation Are you concerned about physical restrictions, including sore joints, back pain, recovering from an injury, or pregnancy? The Low-Impact Group Fitness class is for you! This class will help to improve muscular strength, endurance, flexibility and balance by focusing on functional exercises to help you continue your daily activities, maintain an independent lifestyle, and avoid injury. Everyone is welcome, regardless of fitness or mobility level. Any exercise can be modified to meet your needs. Come out and enjoy a fun, low impact environment, where you can practice at you own pace. Age: 18 and up Date: September 28–December 18 Duration: 12 weeks Time: Mondays & Fridays, 5:00pm–6:00pm Cost: $110 for 1 day a week, or $95 for both days Location: South Dundas Municipal Centre 12 Healthy Cooking Classes LEARN—About foods to improve your health COOK—Foods that taste good and are easy to prepare GLUTEN & DAIRY-FREE—Fresh, whole foods, plant base workshops Join at any time; take a single workshop or a series. Culinary workshops presented by Wellness Coach/ Chef Dwight Saunders, who draws on his experience preparing fresh food and holistic nutrition to show you just how simple and easy it is to make delicious, healthy food. Learn to make changes for better health; in our workshops, you will experience how to create healthy cuisine. The information, tips, and tricks we provide will do wonders helping you to prepare for a healthy lifestyle. Whatever previous knowledge of food preparation you have, you will learn to strengthen and develop the skills that are needed to create tasty, healthy food. Learn some simple, yet priceless techniques for healthy eating development for any diet. Date: Tuesday mornings Time: 9:30am–12:30pm Location: Aura Culinary Arts, 35 Iroquois Plaza Pre-registration is required. Call 613-652-4444, in-person at Aura Salon in the Iroquois Plaza, or visit for other workshops and information. Relaxation Art & Craft Workshops New workshops for felting, painting on silk, fabric art sculptures, stained glass, mosaic and more. Art is a form of therapy that encourages creativity and self-expression as vehicles to reduce stress, improve self-esteem, increase awareness and help remedy trauma. You do not have to be an artist to enjoy the benefits of art therapy. In fact, most of the exercises rely not on the final product you create but the creative process. For workshops and dates, see our website at To register, call: 613-652-4444. Classes are held at Aura Salon in the Iroquois Plaza. South Dundas Shuffleboard & Carpet Bowling Contact Cecil McDermott at 613-652-4130. Ages: 16 years and up Dates: Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays Starting: Monday, October 12 Time: 1:00pm–4:00pm Cost: $5 Location: Matilda Hall Registration/Walking Trails Join a Class—Or Teach One! Free Trial Class Not sure about a class and if you want to commit? Did you know that you can try any class once, free of charge, to see if it's for you? No registration is required. Ages 14 and up. Registration Information Ready to register for a program offered through the municipality? Visit the South Dundas Municipal Centre at 34 Ottawa St., Morrisburg, or contact Ben Macpherson, Recreation Program Coordinator, at 613-543-2673, or email [email protected]. Registration must be done at the Municipal Centre. Payment is required at time of registration. Once a class has reached capacity, no more registrations will be accepted. Registration forms are available at the Municipal Centre, or can be found at Becoming an Instructor with South Dundas Recreation If you want to share your talent or passion with others in the community, South Dundas Recreation can help. South Dundas Recreation Instructors are paid competitive wages and only have to worry about teaching their respective class. South Dundas Recreation will take care of all of the details including registrations, locations, advertising, and more. Contact Ben Macpherson, Recreation Program Coordinator, at 613-543-2673. Walking Trails Two Creeks Conservation Area Robert Graham Conservation Area Park features Park features This is the newest addition to South Nation Conservation's network of natural spaces. Path features coastal ecosystems, grassland flood plains, and lowland forests. Area: 457 acres Trail: 4.5km Activities: Hiking, cross-country skiing, etc. Amenities: Picnic tables, benches, parking Location: County Rd. 2 between Iroquois and Morrisburg The mature sugar maples and conifer plants along this trail provide habitat for deer, rabbits, woodpeckers, and wild turkeys. Area: 140 acres Trail: 6.5km Activities: Hiking, picnicking Amenities: Picnic tables, privies, parking Location: County Rd. 18, west of Glen Stewart Recreation South Nation Conservation boasts two majestic walking trails in South Dundas: The Two Creeks Conservation Area in Iroquois, and the Robert Graham Conservation Area in Glen Stewart. Both are open year-round and offer a tranquil way to reconnect with nature while getting some exercise. Enjoy the fall colours, or borrow some snowshoes from the South Dundas Sport Lending Library and enjoy the beauty of nature year-round. 13 Dundas County 50+ Wellness Day Free of charge! Free lunch for the first 200 people! All new Different presentations presentations this year! from last year! See what is available in your community! Dundas County 50+ NOVEMBER 12TH Wellness Day50+ DUNDAS COUNTY Let us keep you healthy and support you to stay in your home! November 12th Matilda Hall, 4421 Brinston Rd., Corners, ON Corners, ON Matilda Hall, Dixon's 4421 Brinston Rd. Dixon’s 10:00 10:00 am–3:00 am – 3:00 pm pm WELLNESS DAY This event is a great opportunity to come out and see what This event is a great opportunity to meet the organizations in programs and services are available for those over 50 in your your community, who provide a variety of programs and community. We hope to see you there! J.W. MACINTOSH SENIORS SUPPORT CENTRE services for those over 50. We hope to see you there! Recreation SPONSORED BY: For more information, please contact: CAREFOR/NOR-‐DUN SENIORS’ SUPPORT CENTRE MUNICIPALITY OF SOUTH DUNDAS Email: or [email protected] 613-535-2924 MP GUY LAUZON or call: 613-‐535-‐2924 MPP JIM MCDONELL For more [email protected] information please contact: 14 Dundas Drive-In Inside Out Dundas Drive-In Rated PG, 94 min Boasting a 46’ X 36’ screen, this event will feature a concession stand and lots of fun for all ages. No advanced ticket sales will be available. All admission fees will be collected at the gates upon entry, and parking spaces will be assigned. Please note this is a cash-only event. There is no ATM on site. When: Saturday, September 12 (Rain date is September 13) Where: The South Mountain Fair Grounds, located at 2967 Lough Rd., South Mountain Time: Gates open at 6:30pm; movie starts at 7:30 (dusk) Cost: $5 per person For more information, contact: Ben Macpherson 613-543-2673 Recreation Gina Welch 613-774-2105 15 Youth Engagement Night We are looking for you(th) to attend the South Dundas Youth Engagement Night das? n u d h n Sout L? i e v i l Do you IN HIGHSCHOO U aRE YO uth! ur o o y y r n i o tive oice f v a e Get Ac b y and t i n u m com Info Night: Monday, September 28, 2015 7:00 pm South Dundas Municipal Centre (3rd Floor) Recreation Learn more at 16 South Branch Community Fund/Tobacco-Free Policy South Branch Community Fund The South Branch Community Fund Committee (SBCFC) is ready to begin intake for the first round of funding under the South Branch Community Fund. The Fund, which was created by EDP Renewables, was announced in 2013 and aims to provide funding to projects located in proximity to the South Branch Wind Farms. Under the terms of reference, the fund will provide up to $30,000 yearly for 20 years to promote and benefit public recreational facilities and programs; community gathering facilities, events and related municipal usage fees; and educational and job training related to sustainability or renewable energy. Applications are being accepted until Friday, November 27. Applications can be picked up and dropped off at the South Dundas Municipal Centre. For more information, contact Ben Macpherson at 613-543-2673 or [email protected]. Email: [email protected] Phone: 613-989-3830 Tobacco-Free Policy Enforcing the Policy Smoking, or the use of tobacco products, will be prohibited within 15 metres of public playing fields, playgrounds and facilities. These facilities include, but are not limited to: • Earl Baker Park (playground area) • Iroquois and Morrisburg beaches • Haldane Park • Morrisburg Arena • Winchester Springs Park • J.C. Whitteker Park • Iroquois Civic Centre It is everyone’s responsibility to enforce the policy and encourage others to follow it. It is anticipated that most people will follow the policy when they are made aware of it and understand why it was put in place. Over time, visual reminders will be placed at all parks, buildings and playing fields to clearly indicate that they are tobacco-free areas. Recreation The Tobacco-Free Policy was adopted by the Municipality of South Dundas on Tuesday, June 26, 2012. The policy has been implemented to protect children, youth and adults against the dangers of second-hand smoke and the negative influence of tobacco usage on children, while at play or participating in recreational and sporting activities. Children and youth model their behaviour after the people they look up to: coaches, leaders, family and peers. A tobacco-free policy acknowledges the harmfulness of all tobacco products. South Dundas Recreation, along with the Eastern Ontario Health Unit, see this policy as an opportunity to further strengthen the impact that sport and recreation plays in the health and wellness of all residents of the municipality. Other benefits of tobacco-free sport and recreation spaces include: • Protecting the environment • Providing everyone a chance to perform at their best • Creating a tobacco-free culture • Helping smokers quit 17 Active Living Information Vision Charter for Active Living The Municipality of South Dundas is an active and healthy community, where families and individuals integrate active living into their everyday lives as they learn, work, and play. Goal The Municipality of South Dundas will improve the physical and mental well-being of its residents by encouraging families and individuals to integrate active living into their everyday lives, as they learn, work, and play, through continued education and promotion of healthy living and accessible programming. Why a Charter for Active Living? SOUTH DUNDAS Having a Charter for Active Living in South Dundas encourages a community health approach by promoting a supportive and barrier-free environment where South Dundas residents can choose to adopt healthier behaviours and be physically active. The Charter endorses the municipality's commitment to ensure that active living and physical activity opportunities are created, and that the community is made aware of the services and programs available. Canadian Tire Jumpstart What is Jumpstart? Canadian Tire Jumpstart is a national charitable program that helps financially disadvantaged kids participate in organized sport and recreation. We help cover registration, equipment and/or transportation costs. What kind of sports and activities are included? Children select their own activities reflecting their individual interests and physical needs. We have supported involvement in more than 60 sports and extra-curricular activities such as: hockey, swimming, soccer, basketball, dance, yoga, climbing and martial arts. How can I apply? Applications for the Jumpstart Program can be picked up at any Canadian Tire location. Recreation Visit or call 1-800-267-7120 and ask for Health Line. 18 Out and About... Out and About Around South Dundas (Gallery) Jeff Moore ...Around South Dundas blaurinphoto: blaurinphoto: Recreation blaurinphoto: blaurinphoto: 19 Garbage & Recycling Garbage & Recycling Garbage & Recycling Pick-up South Dundas has weekly curb side, residential garbage pick-up. Businesses are permitted to take advantage of this pick-up, but must comply with the municipality’s garbage bylaw. Blue box collection and green box collection are collected on alternate weeks, on the same day as garbage collection. One week, the green box material will be collected; the following week the blue box material will be collected. Remember: All residents and businesses are permitted to set out two garbage bags at curb side. Any additional garbage must be in an authorized garbage bag purchased from various locations in the Municipality: • South Dundas Municipal Centre (Morrisburg) • Mustard’s Variety (Iroquois) • Brinston General Store (Brinston) The price of additional garbage bags is $1.25 per bag. Visit for the full list of Garbage Regulations. Why should I recycle? Recycling… • Conserves Resources • Saves Energy • Helps protect the environment • Reduces landfill • Saves you money Accepted Recyclable Materials Green Box: Newspapers, Flyers, Fine Paper, Box Board, Paper Egg Cartons, Toilet Paper & Toilet Paper Rolls Pizza Boxes (residue free), Telephone Directories, Corrugated Cardboard, Paper Shredding, Magazines, Catalogues Blue Box: Metal Food and Beverage Cans, Glass Bottles and Jars used for Food or Drink, Plastics Bottles & Containers (with recycling symbol on bottom & numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 only) Aluminum Pie Plates, Foil, Rigid Foil Containers & Trays Non-Accepted Recyclable Materials Green Box: Hard Covered Books, Waxed or Coated Boxes, Styrofoam, Plastic Handles, Plastic Bags Blue Box: Light Bulbs, Ceramics, Mirrors, Window Glass, Pyrex, Herbicide or Pesticide Containers Aerosol or Paint Cans, Car Fluid Bottles, Foil with Paper or Lamination Recycle your Electronics Recycle your electronics free of charge at both landfill sites. All proceeds from the collection will be donated to the House of Lazarus. Municipal Information Fall Clean-Up Day The Fall Clean-Up Day will take place Saturday, October 17, 2015. Visit for more information. Landfill Sites The Municipality of South Dundas has two landfill sites that are open year round. Please note that the Landfill Sites will be closed on December 25, December 26 and January 1 for the holidays. Holiday Garbage Schedule Garbage and Recycling will be postponed one day on Christmas Day and one day on New Year’s Day. It will remain unaffected on all other holidays. 20 Disposal Waste Site Hours Williamsburg Site 4021 County Rd. 8 Tuesday 8:00am–1:00pm Thursday 8:00am–1:00pm Saturday 9:00am–noon Matilda Site 10815 Seibert Rd. Wednesday 8:00am–1:00pm Friday 8:00am–1:00pm Saturday 1:00pm–4:00pm See your Garbage & Recycling Calendar on back cover! Composting & Hazardous Waste Composting & Hazardous Waste Go Green by Composting! South Dundas has two community compost sites located in Morrisburg and Iroquois. Volunteers operate both sites during the late spring, summer and early autumn seasons only. The Dirt on Composting: • Composting returns important nutrients to soil • Composting keeps valuable resources out of landfills • Composting is chemical-free • Composting is environmentally friendly • Composting is one way to reduce greenhouse gases produced by landfills. Composting Sites The Municipality of South Dundas has two community composting sites. Morrisburg Composting Site The Morrisburg composting site is open year round 24/7. It is located at: 70 Prospect Road Morrisburg, Ontario K0C 1X0 Iroquois Composting Site Volunteers operate the Iroquois site during the late spring, summer and early autumn seasons only. It is open from 10:00am–Noon on Saturdays from April 4 to November 28. Municipal Information It is located at: 10 Bouck Street Iroquois, Ontario K0E 1K0 Household Hazardous Waste South Dundas participates with the Township of North Dundas in its household hazardous waste program. Any resident from South Dundas may take his/her household hazardous waste to the depot located at 12620 Boyne Road (east of Winchester) on specified days. To view dates and times, please visit our website, 21 Licences/Off-Road Vehicles/Planning Lottery Licences and Accessibility Lottery Licences To be eligible for lottery fundraising, an organization must demonstrate that one of its primary purposes meets the guidelines for one of the classifications of charitable purposes. These guidelines are: • • • • Relief of Poverty Advancement of Education Advancement of Religion Any Purpose Beneficial to the Community Please note that any lottery scheme without a license is considered illegal gambling. Accessibility The Municipality of South Dundas is committed to providing accessible information, programs and resources, as outlined in the Accessibility Plan, which can be found on the municipal website. If you experience a barrier to participation or have a suggestion on how we can improve accessibility, call 613-543-2673. Off-Road Vehicles What you need to to know The Municipality permits Off-Road Vehicle (ORV) use of the following Municipal roads: • All municipal roads on the north side of King’s Highway 401 • Flagg Road (from County Road 18 to County Road 2) • Muttonville Road • Nudell Bush Road north of 401 to boundary. Stay safe while using Off-Road Vehicles: 1. Always wear an approved helmet and make sure it is securely fastened. 2. Never operate an ORV when consuming alcohol 3. One-person ORVs are not designed for passengers; it is dangerous to operate a oneperson ORV with a passenger. 4. Ensure your ORV is registered, plated, and insured. Planning, Building, and Bylaw Enforcement Planning Department Municipal Information The Planning Department can assist you with: • Official Plans • Zoning Bylaws • Plans of Subdivision • Consents to Sever Land • Minor Variances • Site Plan Control • Committee of Adjustment • Signs • Other land-use planning-related matters Building Department The Building Department is responsible for the administration and enforcement of various Provincial Regulations and Policies such as the Ontario Building Code Act (OBC), as they apply to buildings, structures and their occupancy. This is accomplished through the issuance of building, demolition and other related permits and by conducting inspections. Bylaw Enforcement The Bylaw Department enforces bylaws that govern the municipality. These bylaws often regulate lands, the use of lands, health and safety, environmental protection, property standards and animal control. Drainage Department The Drainage Department is responsible for the maintenance of all municipal drains and the processing of tile drainage loan applications, as well as any nuisance beaver activity. For detailed information on Planning, Building, Bylaw Enforcement and Drainage matters, please visit the municipal website at 22 Fire and Emergency Services Fire & Emergency Services Smoke Alarms Save Lives Working smoke alarms detect and alert people to fire in its early stages, providing the warning needed to escape safely. Take a minute to inspect and test your smoke alarm. Smoke alarms older than 10 years old no longer offer a reliable level of safety. Check the date of manufacturing on the back of your alarm—if they are 10 years or older, replace them immediately. For more information, please contact South Dundas Fire & Emergency Services at 613-543-2673. Join Us! Experience the thrill and pride of being a volunteer firefighter. We are looking for dedicated members to join our team. Applications are available online at Fire Stations Iroquois Fire Station 1-4 1 Dundas Street, Iroquois Morrisburg Fire Station 1-6 6 Fifth Street West, Morrisburg Open Air Burning Any type of open air burning is not permitted within the villages of Iroquois, Morrisburg, and Williamsburg. This includes burning in fire bowls, chimneas and other such devices. If you live outside of the village, these are permitted, with restrictions. Bylaw No. 20000-0000 requires you to obtain a burn permit before you burn yard waste or other like material, and you must follow specific guidelines. For information, including maps of restricted areas and how to obtain a permit, please visit the South Dundas Municipal Centre or website. Carbon Monoxide Carbon Monoxide is a colourless, odourless, tasteless, toxic gas that enters the body through the lungs during the normal breathing process. It replaces oxygen in the blood and prevents the flow of oxygen to the heart, brain and other vital organs. Carbon Monoxide kills and injures. Where does Carbon Monoxide come from? • Wood • Propane • Natural Gas • Heating Oil • Coal • Kerosene • Charcoal • Gasoline What are the sources of Carbon Monoxide in my home? • Wood Burning/Gas Stove • Gas Refrigerator • Gasoline Engines • Kerosene Heater Municipal Information Willliamsburg Fire Station 1-8 4334 Villa Drive, Williamsburg Carbon monoxide detectors are mandatory in dwellings with an attached garage or fuel burning appliance. 23 Marriage and Municipal Facilities Getting Married? Here's what you need to know Who can perform a marriage ceremony? A religious marriage can be performed by a member of a recognized religious organization authorized to perform marriages in Ontario under the Marriage Act. A civil marriage ceremony may be performed by a Marriage Commissioner, such as the Municipal Clerk who has been appointed by the municipality. Do I need a Marriage Licence? In most cases, if you are being married in a religious or civil ceremony, you must obtain a Marriage Licence through the Municipality. Are you looking for an experienced Wedding Officiant to make your wedding ceremony exceptional? The Municipality of South Dundas offers civil marriage ceremonies officiated by Brenda Brunt, Clerk and Marriage Commissioner. Ceremonies can be conducted in Council Chambers at the South Dundas Municipal Centre, or in your choice of location. In order to provide the right service to the couple and prepare a personalized wedding, a pre-ceremony meeting will be scheduled with both parties. To avoid disappointment, couples are encouraged to reserve their wedding date with an officiant in advance. South Dundas provides a variety of multi-use facilities which are cost efficient to meet the needs of your event or activity. Staff are available to assist you with your rental and answer any questions you may have. Our Municipal facilities include: How do I get a Marriage Licence or Marriage Certificate? You may download a copy of the Marriage Licence Application from the Service Ontario website, or you can obtain a copy from the municipality. Civil Wedding Ceremonies Wedding, Stag or Special Event? George Jowett Memorial Hall Municipal Information 13137 Riverside Drive, Morrisburg Capacity: 70 People Upstairs, 100 People Downstairs To Book: Please contact Keith or Linda Robinson at 613-543-3338 George Jowett Memorial Hall is used by various community groups and rented for private parties, special occasions and regular weekly bingos. George Jowett Memorial Hall is available for parties, special events and more. Iroquois Civic Centre 1 Dundas Street, Iroquois Capacity: 167 People To Book: 613-543-2673 Iroquois Civic Centre features a large auditorium, with full kitchen to cater events. The Iroquois Civic Centre is available for parties, special events and more. 24 Matilda Hall 4421 County Road 16/ Brinston Rd., Dixon’s Corners Capacity: 383 People To Book: 613-543-2673 Matilda Hall features a spacious hall with stage and full kitchen. With a capacity over 300, Matilda Hall is available for parties, special events and more. Dunbar Recreation Hall 3244 Marcellus Rd, Williamsburg Capacity: 160 People To Book: Please contact Glendon or Bev Moore at 613448-2966 Dunbar Recreation Building is used by various community groups and rented for private parties, special occasions. The Dunbar Recreation Building is available for parties, special events and more. Building & Bylaw/Winter Information Building & Bylaw It’s time to renew your Dog Tag! South Dundas requires residents to register and obtain a dog tag(s). There is a maximum of three dogs allowed per location. Please contact the Municipality of South Dundas for more information. Dogs must be under control at all times. Should you walk your dog, please carry a bag or device to collect any waste from your dog (stop and scoop please) and keep your dog on a leash. Wild Animals The Municipality of South Dundas does not remove wildlife from private properties. Property owners should contact a licensed pest control or licensed trapper to assist with the removal of wildlife such as racoons and skunks. If you or a domestic animal has come into contact with a wild animal suspected of having rabies, please seek medical attention and contact the Ministry of Natural Resources at 1-800-667-1940. The Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program provides financial assistance to producers whose live- stock, poultry and honey bees have been damaged by wildlife. The Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program is part of Growing Forward, a federal, provincial and territorial initiative. For full program guidelines and eligibility, please visit Snowsuit Fund Ice and Snow Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program Get Ready for Winter Items can be dropped off at the South Dundas Municipal Office during regular office hours. Items will be distributed at the Christmas Exchange. Please contact 613-543-2673 if you would like to receive a donation. Winter Road Maintenance Did you know that South Dundas Public Works maintains 363 km of roads, sidewalks, 31 bridges, four level railway crossings, and two overpasses? During the winter season, Public Works staff monitor weather conditions through road patrols, local forecasts and RWIS station updates to strategically dispatch crew to clear roads. Dangerous accumulations of ice and snow are to be removed from a roof where they overhang public roadways, sidewalks or public access areas to buildings. How can you keep safe this winter? • Carry an emergency road kit • Clear all snow and ice completely off windows, side and rear view mirrors, headlights, taillights and licence plates • Remember to park your vehicle in a manner that does not interfere with snow clearing and removal operations • Remove dangerous accumulation of ice and snow from roof tops that overhang on public roadways, sidewalks or public access to area buildings Municipal Information South Dundas is collecting new or gently used snowsuits and outerwear for the Christmas Exchange Fund. However, factors such as the accumulation of snow, timing and/or duration of the storm, wind direction and speed, freezing rain or a combination of these factors often reduce road crews’ ability to keep roads free of snow and ice during the event. 25 Municipal Notices Municipal Notices Pre-Authorized Tax Payment Discover the convenience of our Pre-Authorized Payment option. This voluntary plan offers a free and easy way to have tax payments automatically deducted from your bank account monthly or on the due date. Contact the Treasury Department for more information. Local Art Display Program The South Dundas Art Hanging Program is gearing up for the January-June 2016 display period. This program provides space in the South Dundas Municipal Centre to display your visual or digital art and highlight the talents of local artists. Please contact the Municipal office at 613-543-2673 for more information. Road Names & Mailing Addresses The Municipality of South Dundas has been working in conjunction with Canada Post, 911 Emergency Services and the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) to make sure that mailing addresses are as current and as up-to-date as possible. Please make sure that you use the correct mailing address, and call the Municipal Office at 613-543-2673 with any updates. For example: Municipal Information 26 Mailing Address with a Postal Box: Jane Doe 1099 Any Street P.O. Box 99 Morrisburg, ON K0C 1X0 Mailing Address- Rural (RR's are not required anymore) Jane Doe 1099 Any Road Iroquois, ON K0E 1K0 We would also like to remind residents that live on certain roads that the proper road name for mailing, Municipal, and 911 purposes are the following: • County Road 4/Lakeshore Drive • County Road 31/Bank Street • County Road 40/Stampville Road • County Road 16/Brinston Road • County Road 1/Carman Road • County Road 18/Cook Road (from County Road 16/Brinston Road West to County Road 1/Carman Road) • County Road 18/Glen Stewart Road (from County Road 1/Carman Road West to the West border of South Dundas) • County Road 18 (from the East border of South Dundas to County Road 16/Brinston Road) Library Programs and Information SD&G County Library Programs Morrisburg Branch 34 Ottawa Street, Morrisburg Phone: 613-543-3384 Email: [email protected] Hours: Monday: 3:00 pm–8:00 pm Tuesday: 10:00 am–8:00 pm Wednesday: 9:00 am–1:00 pm Thursday: 10:00 am–8:00 pm Friday: 1:00 pm–4:00 pm Saturday: 10:00 am–1:00 pm Iroquois Branch 1 Dundas St., Iroquois Phone: 613-652-4377 Email: [email protected] Hours: Tuesday: 3:00 pm–8:00 pm Wednesday: 10:00 am–2:00 pm Thursday: 3:00 pm–8:00 pm Friday: 1:00 pm–4:00 pm Saturday: 10:00 am–1:00 pm Williamsburg Branch 12319 County Rd. 18, Williamsburg Phone: 613-535-2185 Email: [email protected] Hours: Tuesday: 4:00 pm–8:00 pm Wednesday: 4:00 pm –8:00 pm Thursday: 4:00 pm–8:00 pm Saturday: 10:00 am–1:00 pm Public Library Week Open House—Tuesday, Oct. 20, 4:00–8:00 pm Canada’s libraries make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals and in our communities. Come out and learn about the services the library offers. Visit www. Iroquois Branch Lego Club— Saturdays from 10:00 am-12:00 pm Running from September to November, LEGO Club is a great time to play, build, and meet your neighbours. All ages enjoy building with bricks—making this the perfect family activity. Scarecrow Storytime—Wednesday, Sept. 16 at 10:30 am Join us for stories and fun as with scarecrows and sunflowers. Storytime—Wednesday, October 14 at 10:30 am Calling all Preschoolers! Come join the library with stories, songs and activities. PA Day Fun—Friday, Oct. 30 and Nov. 27 at 1:00 pm Drop by the library for fun, games, and activities on your day off from school! Christmas Decorations & Storytime—Wednesday, Dec. 9 at 10:30 am Help decorate the library and listen to holidays stories and songs. Morrisburg Branch Seaway Yarn Crafters—Tuesdays from 2:00–4:00 pm & the fourth Tuesday of the month from 6:00–8:00 pm Join the group as they foster yarn crafts in the community and offer a place where fellow crafters can meet each other. All levels of skill welcome. Lego Club—Saturdays from 10:00 am–12:00 pm LEGO Club, running from September to December, is a great time to play, build, and meet your neighbours. All ages enjoy building with bricks—making this the perfect family activity. Scrabble Club—Saturdays from 10:30 am–12:00 pm Come and enjoy a game of scrabble with family and friends. Circle Time—Thursday, Sept. 10–Oct. 29 at 10:30 am Circle time is a relaxed, loosely structured program designed for pre-school aged children with parent/caregiver. At this program, parents/caregivers share with their children stories, songs, and other activities. Family Movie Night – Thursday, Sept. 24 & Oct. 22 at 6:00 pm Come to the library and enjoy a movie with family and friends. Popcorn and drinks are on us! PA Day Maker Program—Friday, Oct. 30 & Nov. 27 at 1:00 pm Be creative and innovative! Spend the afternoon with us making and doing cool stuff. Williamsburg Branch Knitty Gritty Crafters—Every Wednesday from 6:00–8:00 pm Join the group for an evening of companionable knitting, crocheting and sewing. All levels of skill welcome. Lego & Family Games Night—Every Thurs. from 6:00–7:30 pm Drop by the library and let your imagination build a Lego Empire or enjoy a board game with your friends and family. Coffee Club & Book Talk—Saturday Sept. 19, Oct. 17, Nov. 21, and Dec. 19 at 10:30 am Join us for coffee and a chat about books you’ve read or want to read. Topics of conversation may also include local history, recipes, services offered by the library, basic computer questions and much more. Halloween Fun - Tuesday Oct. 27 from 6:00–7:30 pm Drop by the library and choose a book from the Halloween display and make a decoration or mask to take home. Recipe Exchange—Saturday Nov. 14 at 10:30 am Drop in the library and bring a copy of your favorite recipe to share with everyone. Cooking tips are always appreciated. Refreshments will be served. Family Movie Night - Thursday, Oct. 29 & Nov. 26 at 6:00 pm Join us at the library for a family movie. Popcorn and juice will be provided. Tech Tutorial—Wednesday Nov. 4 from 5:30–7:30 pm Register for a one-on-one 30 minute training session tailored to where you need help. Community Information All Branches 27 Community Calendar Community Calendar September Harvestfest Date: September 18–19 Location: J.C. Whitteker Park, Williamsburg International Plowing Match (IPM) Date: September 22–26 Location: Finch October Pumpkinferno Date: Thursday, October 1, to Sunday, November 1 (Select Nights) Location: Upper Canada Village Season of Pumpkin People Kick-Off Date: Saturday, October 3 Location: Morrisburg Village Plaza Nature & Wildlife Day Date: October 4 Location: Upper Canada Bird Sanctuary December Alight at Night Date: Friday, December 4 to Saturday, January 2 (Select Nights) Location: Upper Canada Village Santa Claus Parade Date: Saturday, December 5 Location: Morrisburg Community Information For full details about these and other events in South Dundas, view our Community Calendar online at Now Available on our Website: 'Submit Your Own Event' Every month, more than 700 people visit our online Community Calendar. It’s easy to promote your community event there too. Just visit the Community Calendar section of www. and click “Add an Event.” Fill out the online form with the name, date, time, location and a short description of your event. Not comfortable adding an event yourself? Contact Katherine at [email protected] or 613-543-2673 to have the event posted for you. 28 TOWNSHIP OF EDWARDSBURGH/CARDINAL Wallace Rd 18 Stewart Rd GLEN STEWART B ro k en Second English Haddo Rd Chess Rd Levere Rd lle Irvine svi ne Rd Ha Rd Glen Sandy Rd ek Cre Branch Rd Rd BRINSTON HULBERT 16 on d e rs Hen Snowbird Coons Rd Rd Rd h ut So Galop Ln Rd Æ IRENA Rusty Rd Rd e Rd Parkedale Calium Rd Dr Bayview Ct Zeron Rd DUNDELA dg Ri Rowena Rd Waddell 18 Smail Willow Rd Rd IROQUOIS Station St da Bv le Dr Miller Gris Dr Stevens Dr USA Dr shore Lake F R I D A Y Bath Rd Jackson Rd 40 16 Barnhardt Rd Irena Rd RdL STAMPVILLE 1 Exit 738 Bouck St Rd Seibert Cook Rd DIXONS CORNERS Gilmour Rd H Breezewood Av Sweetwater Cr Birch Ln Ogdenview Ln 4 Saving St 2 31 Garlough 7 Rd ELMA Rd Young Rd MacKenzie Rd Whittaker Tollgate Rd tburn 8 Pigeon Stevens Rd 18 Ferguson Rd Wells Rd Wellington Rd Rd 18 8 WEDNESDAY MORRISBURG St L RIVERSIDE HEIGHTS 41 nce River awre Crowder Rd Rd d Rd Rd Exit 758 Nudell Bush Rd Rd Colquhoun T U E S D A Y 28 Froa WILLIAMSBURG Pages Corners Rd L Æ Beckstea Rd Grantley Rd Weegar Froats Rd DUNBAR McBride Rd M O N D A Y Barkley Winchester Springs Rd Exit 750 Robertson GLEN BECKER Strader Rd Rd 31 Shannette Rd Lightning St Forest Rd Thunder Rd Hutt Rd 401 d Norgaard Rd Orvill Rd Sullivan Rd Strader Hill Rd ye To R ill WINCHESTER SPRINGS TOWNSHIP OF NORTH DUNDAS 5 John Markell Rd T H U R S D A Y HANESVILLE 1 Rd Kirker Hulbert Rd Valley Carman Rd an t ch an Br Pl e as Rd Taylor Rd Mile Nine McCaslin Rd Bank St Irish Headline Rd Bylsma Rd Byker Rd Webb Rd Safford Rd Marine Station Rd Rd New Ross Rd Rd Fulton Rd Bongers Rd Rd Heritage Flagg Rd Caughnawaga Rd Lightning St Gary Rd Boucks Hill Rd Carman Rd Kelly Rd Rd Dr Do Cr r a n ee kD r Cassie Devries Rd Payne Rd Seeley Rd Bell Rd Saver Rd Arlie Rd Binion Rd McIntosh Rd Shaver Rd Markell Rd McInnis Rd Parlow Rd Smiths Rd Heritage Rd Flagg Flagg Rd Rd Rd Saddlemire Rd Rd Richmire Rd Dejong Rd Coughler Rd Marcellus Rd Brooks Rd Rd Toonders Rd Grace Rd Salmon Rd Hummel Prunner Rd Carr Rd Rd Beckstead Archer Rd 18 2 Mels Ln d ea yst Ha Rd Whipperwill Ln Dons Rd Roy Rd Archer Rd Billy Ln Shannette Deeks Muttonville Rd Hanes Rd Coyle Dr Island Upper Canada Rd Brinston Meadowbrook Dr AULT ISLAND TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH STORMONT Township of South Dundas Garbage & Recycling Pickup Days 0 0.5 2 3 4 Km Produced by The United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Planning Department with Data supplied under Licence by Members of the Ontario Geospatial Data Exchange © July 23, 2012. 1 5 Township Boundary Settlement Area Future Development Under Construction Road Allowance / Seasonal Road Private/Other Road Township Road County Road Highway Landfill Site 1:100,000 Scale: 9 417 L Æ Friday Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Pick-up Day Legend SOUTH DUNDAS 4 11 18 25 3 10 17 24 W 13 20 21 14 27 T 5 28 10 9 16 23 30 8 15 22 29 12 18 25 26 19 T 1 F 2 27 20 13 F 6 29 22 15 8 F 1 M 5 12 19 26 S 4 11 18 25 W 14 21 22 28 29 Blue Box 27 8 15 Green Box 20 Blue Box 13 7 Green Box Blue Box 6 T 30 23 16 9 September 2016 Blue Box 31 Green Box 24 Blue Box 17 Green Box 11 Blue Box T W 3 4 May 2016 Blue Box 26 Green Box 19 Blue Box 12 7 T Green Box 6 Blue Box 5 T S M 1 2 31 M S January 2016 24 17 10 S 3 28 21 14 S 7 30 23 16 9 S 2 31 24 23 30 17 10 9 16 3 M T 4 10 17 18 11 24 25 W 1 15 22 23 16 12 19 20 13 26 27 Green Box Blue Box 25 6 T Green Box 18 Blue Box 11 5 W 30 Green Box 4 T 29 Blue Box 28 Green Box 21 Blue Box 14 9 T 2 Green Box 8 Blue Box 7 T June 2016 Green Box Blue Box 23 Green Box 16 Blue Box 9 Green Box T W 2 3 F 24 17 10 F 3 26 19 12 F 5 28 21 14 7 October 2016 27 20 13 6 M 29 22 15 8 M 1 2 S 26 19 12 5 S 28 21 14 7 S February 2016 29 22 15 8 S 1 25 18 11 S 4 27 20 13 S 6 27 20 13 6 S T 3 9 16 17 10 23 30 31 24 W 13 20 21 14 27 T 3 28 28 21 14 7 9 16 17 10 23 30 24 Green Box 29 Blue Box 22 Green Box 15 Blue Box 8 Green Box T W 1 2 Blue Box 26 Green Box 19 Blue Box 12 7 T Green Box 6 Blue Box 5 T July 2016 Green Box 29 Blue Box 22 Green Box 15 Blue Box 8 Green Box T W 1 2 F 4 29 22 15 8 F 1 25 18 11 F 4 25 18 11 November 2016 M 25 24 31 18 11 4 M 28 21 14 7 M 17 10 3 S 27 20 13 6 S March 2016 26 19 12 S 5 30 23 16 9 S 2 26 19 12 S 5 3 S 25 18 11 4 S 28 21 14 7 S 24 17 10 2016 Garbage and Recycling Calendar 13 14 20 27 28 21 26 19 12 5 M T 4 10 17 18 11 24 31 25 7 14 15 21 28 29 22 Green Box 27 Blue Box 20 8 T 1 Green Box 13 Blue Box 6 W Green Box T Green Box 30 Blue Box 23 Green Box 16 Blue Box 9 Green Box T W 2 3 Green Box 26 Blue Box 19 Green Box 12 7 T F 2 26 19 12 F 5 29 22 15 8 F 1 30 23 16 9 December 2016 29 22 15 8 M 1 6 Blue Box 5 W Green Box T August 2016 25 18 11 4 M April 2016 31 24 17 10 S 3 27 20 13 S 6 30 23 16 9 S 2
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