t a a a V V V v A v a a a A a a d a Ò t pHtilPs + J PHIIIPS EIECTRICAL TTI) HEAD OFFICE AND SHOWROOA4S CENTURY HOUSE, SHAFTESBURY AVE., LONDON, W.C.2 TELEPHONE GERrard 7777 MEMBERS OF E.L.M.A. AND THE LIGHTING SERVICE BU REAU TELEGRA/ì45 .. PHILLAMPS '' PHONE LONDON (45 lincs) BRANCHES AND SATES DEPOTS Phone BELFAST 284, Alfred Street G¡oms, ...20619 Belfast Phillamps Phone Belfæt Hill End BIRMINGHAM 28, Ludgate 108, Dale Showrooms BLACKBURN BRTSTOL l/3, Corporation Street L.. .. ... 86, Redcliff Street Central Central Blackburn ... ... 44921 Bristol ... 20307 Phillamps Blackburn Phillamps Cardiff ... 245s4 Phillamps 3539 Phillamps 4302 Phillamper Glasgow 7201 Phillamps 24s4 Birmingham Eristol CARDIFF I l/13, Penarth Road Cardlff EDINBURGH GLASGOW LEEDS 34, N,W. Thistle Street Off Frederick Street, 26, Bothwell Street I C.2. .. IO 3 LTVERPOOL ... Lane, .,. Caledonian Edinburgh Central 100 Hunslet Lane Leeds 6/10, Leeds Street Central ... 2e00t l2l3 4s84 Phillamps Leeds Phillamps Liverpool LONDON,W.C.2... 24, Great Queen Street Trade Counter MANCHESTER l .. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE 2 34, Parker Street 40, Little Lever Streer ì I Chancery... 2251 Phillamps Phone London Central 7766 Phillamps Manchester Phillamps Newcastle Phillamps l13, Picton Terrace, off New Bridge St, 27, St. Mary's Gate Newcastle.on-Tyne Nottingham 40s8 PORTSMOUTH 27, Landport Terrace, Southsea Portsmouth 73580 Phlllamps Portsmouth SHEFFIELD 21, Waingate Sheffìeld 24980 Phillamps Sheffìeld 2l-23, Hope Street, Hanley Stoke-on-Trent NOTTINGHAM , 21236 I Nottingham 3 STOKE.ON.TRENT 2s32 Phillamps Stoke-on-Trent Central Stores & Tiaffic Dept,:No.2 BUILDING, WADDON FACTORY ESTATE, CROYDON, SURREY. Main Lamp Facrory:- HAMILTON, LANARK. OTHER FACTORIES. BALHAM, BRIXTON, MITCHAM, ETC. ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS CATALOGUE ARE LIST AND DO NOT APPLY IN Ihis Edition concers those prior ro Sepr. lst., 1952. EIRE PHILIPS LIGHTING PUBLICATION A.I72 lst SEpTEMBER, 19S2. PHILIPS LAMPS & LIGHTING EAUIPMENT CONTENTS Poge Accessories & Components : Apparatus ,, Poge .20 53 Miners'Lamps Discharge 39 Motor Car Fluorescent... 34 Neon Crucia Lamps Lamps t3 Architectural :.. Argenta Lamps 7 ,, ,, ,, t6, t7 Lamps lndicator Lamps Night Light Lamps Lamps :.. Bus lnterior Lamps 35 t8 Pearl Lamps Candle Lamps l2 " Photoflux " Circular Fluorescent Lamps 33 Photographic Lamps Blended Clear Lamps 9 Colour Sprayed Lamps ... lt Commercial Lighting Fittings 52 Conditions of Sale 4 Current Polarity lndicator Lamp I4 Cycle Dynamo Lamps t9 Decoration Sets ... t0 Discharge Lamps... 29 Discharge Lamp Apparatus 39 : Fluorescent ... 42,43,44 lnstant-Self-Start 45,46 Fittings ,, ,, ,, Sodium & Mercury 5t Tungsten & Blended .. 47, 48, 52 Flash Bulbs t9 Floodlight Projectors 49,50 Fluorescent Lamps 32 Fluorescent Lamp Apparatus 34 Fluorescent Lamp Starters ... Germicidal Tubes lndicator Lamps ... I lnfra-Red Lamps ... I nstant-Self-Start Lighti ng System Lamp Caps Mercury-Fl uorescent Lam Mercury Lamps ps I, r4, . 15 . t5 . t5 .t4 ,6 .27 .28 .38 Voltage lndicators Printing Flashbulbs Lamps "''i*""l "',,'fl 22,23 ... ,, ,, :: :: tt tt F. F.L. ::: : Colour Temperature Purchase Tax Radio Panel Lamps Rough Service Lamps Sign Lamps Sodium Lamps Spotlight Reflector Lamps 33 Standard Box Quantities 38 Striplite Lamps t5 Switchboard lndicator Lamps 2t Traction Lamps 30,3l Traffìc Signal Lamps 40,4t Trolley Bus Lamps 36 Tubular 36 Ultra-Violet Filteî Mercury Lamps Lamps .24 .24 .24 .25 .26 .25 .26 26 .5 .t9 .8 .il .37 .t2 .34 . t3 .il .8 .8 . t8 . t3 .38 Page Onn CHNTT] RY HOI] SE THE HOME OF PHILIPS à. s f, i The wide range of electrical p¡od ucts developed, man ufactu red and distributed by Philips is listed at the back of this catalogue. Here you see something of the vast organisation behind the products. ?{k"''1r,rr,/,uryt T A network of Branches and Depots throughout the country is supported by extensive modern HAMILTON factories and research laboratories. ô cßil¿,a¿//c The manufacture of lamps ","Qrr, has been a speciality of the Philips Company for more than s¡xty years. The vast knowledge accumulated by this long experience, together with pers¡stent laboratory research, has resulted in a manufacturing technique which ensures that every lamp leaving the Philips factories is of the highest quality, is rigorously tested, and will give long economical service. The comprehensive range of Tungsten, Fluorescent and Dis- a.-(ln/¿ ^U ()6¿,n7,¿o,,, ô ¡tz//an'/u/o' /ì,l"7øoo/ õ qJyr(fl"/rl ocl/'/5r,ßn)g/a,"t,z charge Lamps and Lighting Fittings ftóBh,ztzin¿rl.atn shown provides for all general domestic, commercial and indus- trial lighting requirements, for many purposes where and special lighting equipment is required. ulllffliF c?otl.¿troa¿lõ HARLESDEN a¡l FAcroRrEs ãJ3rorr"/ro¿ a Øgøold t T WADDON lu¡¡N sr IlDDrYl^r'! ¡l .¡l",;;,;; BALHAM fl Ôci fr%'-',¿!' Pøge Two TI ,,1- Some of PHITIPS Factories Philips Mitcha Philips factory ploying severa here that the Television Receiverc are manufactured. Philips Hamilton Works i_n Lanarkshire, Scotland, is a completely new modern factory, and is still in the process of development. The manufacture of Philips Lamps and Lighting Equipment is now largely centred in this factory. Pøge Three CONDITIONS OF SAI,D lst SEPTEMBER, 1952 l. PRICE VARIATIONS. The prices quoted are based on the cost of material, labour, transport and of conforming to statutory obligations ruling at the date of quotation, and if between that date and the dãte on which the goods are despatched variations, eirher by rise or fall, The Company will use its best endeavours to despatch on the date given, but will pr¡ces Should despatch be hindered or delayed by the Customer's ¡nstruct¡ons or lack of instruct¡ons or by any cause whatsoever beyond the Company's reasonable control, a reasonable extens¡on of time shall occur in these costs, then the quoted shall be amended to providê for these var¡ations. 2. GENERAL. All orders accepted âre cont¡ngent upon str¡kes, fìres or other causes beyond our control and are subject tg the following terms and cond¡r¡ons:(o) The Company reserve the r¡ght to alter prices, discounts and condit¡ons of sale w¡tlìour not¡ce. (b) All quotat¡ons ând orders arê subject to our confìrmation and will be executed at the pr¡ce rul¡ng at accept no liability for failure to do so, unless a guarantee shall have been given in writinS under an agreed sum, as liquidated damages, for late despatch, and the custome¡ shall have suffered loss by the delay. be granted. when charged for will be cred¡red in lull ¡f returned in good cond¡r¡on, duly advised and carriage paid, w¡th¡n one month from date of despatch. (A) LAMPS. i) Within " sub¡ect to confìrmat¡on at the time of such acceptance. 4. DISCOUNTS. The goods l¡sted herein will be charged at the prices quoted on the condition rhar rhey are sold rct¿il at Maker's list prices No cash or other d¡scounts whatsoever are allowed upon resale, except as follows : For Lamps-The Electric Lamp Manufacturers' Associat¡on Scale. For Apparatus-The Electric Discharge Lamp Auxiliaries Council Scale. For Lighting Fitt¡ngs-The Elecrr¡c Lighc ELMA " Free Delivery Areas. 3. VALIDITY OF G¡UOTATIONS, Unless previously withdrawn all quotat¡ons are open for acceptance with¡n 30 days only from the date thereof, and are (ii) Packing and delivery of any number of lamps free. Sound delivery guaranteed under conditions given below. Outside " ELMA " Areas. Orders of {l list value or over !o one address, packing and delivery free. Sound del¡very guaranteed under conditions given below. Orders of less than fl list value to one address, pack¡ng free but carriage chargeable ar not less than cost. Sound delivery not guaranteed, lamps being lor- warded at customer's risk. (B) APPARATUS ANÞ LIGHTING TIT- TINGS. For complete delivery of one order to a specifìed dest¡nat¡on F¡ttings Assoc¡at¡on Scale, Acceptance of the goods will consritute an acceptance of these Conditions ol Sale ¡nd creates a b¡nding agreement. sound delivery guaranteed under 5. PAYMENT. All accounts are payable on demand, and must be paid not later than the end of the monrh follow¡ng 'date of despatch, and are subiecr ro 2å% cash d¡scount unless quoted otherw¡se, only ¡f paid within that per¡od. No rece¡pt valid except on the Company's official form. en cases charged and returnable (carriage paid) for credit. Carriage-Paid and charged to cus- 6. DESPATCH. The rime given for despatch is to date from receipr by the Company of a written order to proceed, and of all the necessary informat¡on and draw¡ngs to enable the Company to pur the work iñ hând. Car¡iers and the Company are duly advised within three days of receipt, and the toods returned complete in the original package carriage pa¡d, within seven days of date of despatch, our despatch note number to be quoted. Otherwise no claim will be entertained. We will not accepr respons¡b¡liry for safe custody ofsuch returned goods, No transportat¡on or breakage allowance will be given by us except on deliveries made by us, 7. PACKING ANÞ DELIVERY. Packing cases and/or packing mareria¡ ( thê date of delive¡y. and the customer's prem¡ses, provided the cond¡tions given below. (i) Orders below {10 netr value. Packing Cartons free. Wood- tomer, (ii) Orders of flO nect value and above Packing-Cartons free. Woodcases charged and returnable (carriage paid) for credit. Carr¡age-Paid by us. en 8. IRANSIT DAMAGE. When sound delivery is guaranteed we will credit or replace lamps, appararus or l¡ghtint fitrings broken in transit between our store HO\^/ TO 9. SHORT DELIVERY. Shortage cfaims will be considered only if the Carriers and the Company rece¡ve wr¡tten notifìcat¡on of suspected pilferage or shortage within three days of delivery, but noÈ otherwise. The packing and the contents should be retained for examin¿tion by the Carrier's lnspectors. 10. NON-DELIVERY. ll. RETURNS. Rerurned goods will not be accepted unless accompanied or preceded by an advice nore, g¡v¡ng rhe reason for recurn and the date and number of our invoice. All goods returned must be consigned carriage paid and reasonably packed. I2. DESCRIPTIVE MATTER ANÞ ILLUSTRATIONS. Al¡ desffip- tive and forwarding spec¡fìcat¡ons, drawints and pãrticulãrs of weighrs and d¡mens¡ons ¡ssued by the Company are ap- prox¡mate only, and are intended only to present a general idea of the goods to wh¡ch they refer and none of these shall form part ofa contrac!. a a a a o a a a e a o o o a 13. PATENTS. ln the evenr of any claim being made or action brought against you ¡n respect of infringements of patents by the manufacturer or sale by us of goods supplied to you hereunder, you are to notify us immediately and we shall be at liberty w¡th your ass¡stance if required, but at ou¡ expense, to conduct all negot¡at¡ons for the settlemcnt of the same or any litigat¡on that may arise therefrom: subject to such notifìcation and provided rhat no goods, or any part thereof, shall be used for any purpose other than Èhat for which we supply them, we will indemn¡fy you ¡n respect of any such claims. ORDER Class, Wattage, Type of Cap, Colour or please state make and type of apparatus Fin¡sh. When ordering Projector arÆ to be used. a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Failure to ad- vise us of non-delivery of goods within l0 days from date of despatch will be held to free us from any responsibility. When ordering Philips Fluorescent, TunSsten, Mercury or Sod¡um lamps, apparatus or lighting equ¡pment, please give the A.C. Mains voltage and frequency and the following information:- LAMPS' a a a Lamps, a o for which they APPARATUS. Cat. No. of item and Class and Rating of Lamp for which required. LIGHTING FITTINGS, Cat. No. of ¡tem and Class and Rating of Lamp for which required. o O o o a a a Page Four a o a ) D D D t ) PURCHASE TAX D ) ) ) When lamps are eold to the Trade or Trade uger at discount, Pu¡chase Tax, applicable, is if Group chargeable at the rate ehown below D , t PURCHASE PURCHASE TAX APPLICABLE TO: TYPE OF LAMP a All I lamps up 250w, TAX RATE (% of List Price) to and including except: Projector lamps 24+% Class A I and G, and Neon LamPs. D t t , t , Group 2 All lamps. 22% Group 4 All lamps, 22% Group 5 The Miners' Lamps shown on Page 20 are M.O.F. & P. approved types and are not subject to Purchase Tax, Tax applies only to 2s% Miners' Lamps which are not M.O.F. & P. approved types. Group 6 Group 9 All 2s% lamps. D D I , t I I t Fluorescent Tubular Lamps only up to and including 80w. All Group l0 When taxable lamps are sold ât List Prices, the amount of Tax to be added by the Reseller, by agreement with the Central Price Reg- 24+% 22% lamps. ulation Committee, is as follows:- D I I I I t t ¡ I t t o o a cROUP Where List Price ¡ts over s. d. ll 12 14 tó l9 It0 20 26 29 30 36 42 45 48 does not exceeo s. d. t2 14 ló t9 tt0 20 26 29 30 3ó 42 45 48 s2 I O st Price Li s. d. 3 4 4+ 5 s+ 6 7 I I l0 II 0 I 2 and GROUP 9 LAMPS Where List Price:- . ts over s. d. 52 55 59 ó0 70 80 90 100 I0ó It 0 ft 9 123 t3 t3 0 6 doês nôt exceeo s. d. 55 59 ó0 f0 80 90 00 0ó t0 I9 23 30 3ó 40 Add to List Price s. d, t3 l4 ló l7 tt0 20 23 26 28 2t0 2il 3l 33 34 Where List Price:- . over 15 does not exceed d. s. t4 0 l5 !ó t7 I8 s. I5 0 Ió 0 l7 l8 20 22 25 27 30 32 35 6 6 0 0 0 3 6 4 4 6 0 6 35 0 4 25 6 3f d. 6 s. 3 3 0 0 List Price d. 0 0 6 20 22 27 30 32 6 Add to 0 0 ó 0 6 5 5 6 7 9 I 3 l0 3 3 7 l0 9 5 I I GROUP 2, GROUP 4 and GROUP l0 LAMPS a o o o o Add to I s d. s. 5 I I I I 2 2 I 7 d. I II d. t+ 2 d, s. d. 7 s. d. s. 2 2 5 2 2 2 5 3 3 3 4 4 2 II 2 5 0 I I 2 3 7 4 2 2 I 5 5 3 3 3 6 4 il I il 5 I I 9 l0 s.d 45 4il 52 5ó 66 70 s. d. 4il 52 5ó 66 fo 76 d. ¡ 2 3 5 7 I o a I a ) ) a Page Fioe PEART TAMPS GASFI LLED AND VACUUM Philips Pearl lamps are rec- Group I ommended for most general lighting purposes. The inside frosting of the bulb reduces glare without appreciable loss of light output. 1 !? .1 SINGLE COIL Nominal Lumens Approxi mate m.m. Minimum Watts Average th rough Life at 230V. Standard Voltages List Price Each D¡mens¡ons Dia. cap Length 25, 3s, 5s,60, t07 92.5 55 25 20t 60 t00 40 322 60 il0 60 568 65 I t7.s B.C. (82212sx26) 761 70 t25 t26 75 I ts0 80 t60 200 90 t78 75 t00 I 6s, 7s s. t5 50, d, Iil Iil 23 23 40 37'5 E.S. (E27l2s) ç'H,1 ''í¿?" t0, t00, I 200, 2t0, r20, t30 220,230, 240,250, 260 d, t5 s. I5 t5 l5 It0 Iil 28 49 s. d. t5 l5 t3 l3 l8 l9 26 43 COILED COIL 40 378 60 il0 60 647 65 I t7.5 7S 859 70 t25 23s 7S I B.C. 00 I (82212sx26\ 37'5 Mode in Greot Britoin Page Síx l7 l7 lt0 20 VACUUM LAMPS Th€ 15 watt lamps, for voltages from 60v, to 260v., and the 25 watt lamps, in voltages from 200v. to 260v,, are vacuum typo. PURCHASE TAX The lamps listed on this page ARE SUBJECT IO PURCHASE TAXsee Page 5. ANGENTA GAS F TAMPS I LLED Group I Philips Argenta Lamps are available in a new and more efficient form. The new opalescent internal coating has remarkably low absorption and provides soft, evenly distributed light for general lighting purposes. COILED COIL Approximate Standard Voltages Lisr Price Each Dimensions mm. Wattt cap Diameter 200,zto,220, 230,240,250, Length 260 40 60 t00 s. 60 il0 65 I t7'5 I B.c. 7S I 37.5 J (822/2s x 26) d. lt0 tlG 23 SINGLE COIL t50 80 200 90 160 t78 B.C. (B22l2s x E.S. (E27l2s) 26) 30 49 PURCHASE TAX The lamps listed above ARE SUBJECT TO PURCHASE TAX-see Page 5. Mode in Grcoa Btitoin Page Sæen a a a ROT]GH SERVICE TAMPS VACUUM Group I Approxi mate D Standard Voltages. List Price Each imens ions m.m. Watts cap t00, I t0, t20, t30,200,2t0, 220, 230,240,250,260 Length 40 60 il0 80 B.C. (B22l25 60 65 I t7.5 85 E.S. (E27lzs) L.C,L. x 26) or s. d. 20 20 Clear or Pearl TRAFFIC SIGNAT TAMPS Approximate Watts caP is h L.C.L, B.c. (B22l2s or 62 t7'5 t0, t20, 2t0, 220, 230,240,250 65 I Fin r Length t08 60 VACUUM Standard Voltages. List Price Each imens ions m.m. Dia. a a Finish Dia, D a a a a e x s. 26\ d, 20 Clear E.S. (E27l2s) 85 Group I SERIES BI]RNING TRACTION TAMPS GASFTLLED Group I Approximate D imens ions mm Nominal Ra¡ed cap Amps Dia, Length Finish L.C.L. Standard Voltate6 List Price Each r00, I t0, t20, t30 a a a a a a e a e a a a a a o a o a o o o a a o o o o C 0.35 40 0.52 60 60 65 B.C. (822125 ilo I or 80 17.5 85 x 26) s. Ctear Pearl x 26) or E.S. (E27l25) Ctear B.C. (822125 t9 or E.S. (E27l2s) d. t9 or Pearl GASFILLED, WITH FUSIBLE CUT.OUT c"p Finish Standard Voltages. List Price Each 40, 50 40 or 60 PURCHASE Page Eíght E.S. (E.27l2s) TAX-All the Clear or Pearl lamps listed on this page ARE SUBJECT TO pURCHASE Mode in Gteot Br¡toin s. d. 2s TAX-see page 5. o e a a o o e o a o e O a e a a 4 TAMPS CTEAR GASFILLED AND VACUUM Group I SINGLE COIL Nominal Approximate D ime ns Lu me ns cap Watts y¡¡¡¡u¡ Average through L Standard Voltages List Price Each. ions m.m. Dia. Length 25,35, 50,55, 60, 65, 200, 2 I 0, t00, I t0, 220,230, t20, t30 240,250, 260 75 ife at 230V. t5 25 40 60 75 t00 t50 200 t07 20t t22 56E 761 |26 I9t6 500 750 12022 I 000 I 500 t6800 26n5 t00 60 il0 65 I 17.5 70 t25 t37.5 t60 80 26s2 4176 748s 300 60 75 90 il B.C. 233 30 267 300 t70 335 (B22lzsx26l E.S. (E27l2s) 178 0 t50 t50 I s. d I lt ¡ t¡ 92.5 55 G.E.S. 23 23 40 ó0 90 t20 ló0 (E40l4s) 300 s. d. s. d. 15 15 ts 15 15 13 15 13 lto t 8 I 1I I 9 28 26 43 3 9 80 76 I0ó 100 ló0 tó0 176 176 250250 ',1' I --. -/ COILED COIL 40 60 75 t00 378 647 859 235 60 il0 65 I t7.5 70 t25 75 I a7 t7 B.C t10 (82212sx26) 20 37.5 Mode in Great Britoin VACUUM LAMPS The l5 watt lamps, for voltages from 60v. co 260v,, and che 25 watt lamps, in voltages from 200v. to 260v., are vacuum type. PURCHASE TAX All the lamps listed on this pate uÞ to ond including 200W. ARE TO PURCHASE TAX-see Page 5. SUBJECT Pagø Nine DECORATION SETS For Christmas tree decoration and other festive occasions throughout the year. Each Philips Decoration Set consists of åTT twelve lamps, sprayed in various attractive colours, r€ ready wired in series for operation on 2001260 volt supplies. A spare lamp is included in each set. DECORATION TyÞe Standard Set List Price Vohs Numb¡¡ No. I ¡. SETS Purchase Tax 2001260 Totâl extra Each s. d, l8 2 s, c q, s. d. 229 d. 47 Note.' As the lamps are series wired, should one lamp lail the set w¡ll not l¡ght. To trace the faulty lamp, test each one separately on an ordinary 4.5 volt battery. DECORATTON LAMPS (GROUP Volts 20 c"p Watts 3 M.E.S. Dia. Shape m.m (El0/13) 18 Conicat 6) Fin ish Clear or Colour Sprayed L¡st Price s. d. IO P. Tax extra s d, 3 Mode in Greot Britoin Page Ten ,.-a COTOT] R SPRAYED TAMPS GASFILLED AND VACUUM Group I Philips Colour Sprayed Lamps are ideal for commercial display and decorative domestic lighting. PURCHASE TAX The lamps listed on this pare, uÞ to ond íncludinj TO PURCHASE TAX-see Page 5, VACUUM Approx¡male m.m. caÞ D¡a. Length 55 25 60 92.5 t00 40 60 65 il7.5 60 75 70 t00 75 t25 t37.5 ts0 80 160 200 90 t78 300 s00 t0 233 267 30 100, I ¡20, lt0 B.C. (s22125 x26) E.S. (E27l2s) ) LAMPS typG. Standard Voltages. L¡st Price Each Dimensions, t5 SUBJECT Thê l5 watt lamps, in all voltages, and rho 25 w¡tt lamps, in voltages lrom 2(þv. to 2ó0v., ¡ra vacuum OUTSIDE SPRAYED-SINGLE CO¡L Watts 2æ W., ARE G.E.S. (E40/4s) 10, r30 Standard Colours 200,2t0, 220,230, 240,2s0, 260 s.d s. l7 l7 t0 l8 2t 23 35 59 99 t29 l7 lf tó tó Iil 2t 33 53 93 23 d. Wholly only: Red, Blue, Green, Flame, Orange, Yellow, Pink and Amber. Wholly or partially: White. Wholly or partially: Wh¡te. SIGN TAMPS vtcuun Groupt STANDARD COLOURS FOR OUTSIDE SPRAYED Approximate Dimensions, m.m. cap Dia. l5 B.C. (822/2r ) E.S. (E27l2s) 62 s.B.c. Outside colour (Bls/24 x l8) sprayed (Wholly only) 90 Clear (s22l2s x76) or (827125\ Not 2 5 s. d, I t0 s. I t0 27 2 20 0 I nternally Coloured: d. White or Orange B.C. (s22l2t) 2l Yellow, Blue, Clear 56 s. d. Red, Green, SWITCHBOARD INDICATOR LAMPS 28 I 10,200,210, 220,230,240, 2so,260 s.E.s. E.S. specifìed 50,60, t00, 65,75 t30 25, (El4127x l8) B.C. 14 is h 56 58 61 t5 Fin Length 28 Red, Bluc, Grecn, Flame, Orrn¡c, -LÂltlPS: Yellow, Pink, Amber ¡nd White. Standard Voltages L¡st Pr¡ce Each Spr¡yed I 00/ I 30 or 200/260 s. d. z6 28 Mode in Greot B¡ìtoín Page Eleuen I SPOTTIGHT REFTECTOR TAMPS G AS F' LLED Group I Specially designed for s The internal silvering provides a built-in par ished throughout the life of the lam window lighting. Reflector Lamps remains untarnThe crown of the tion of light lamp. and Use is required ; the Standard Approximate Voltages, D ime ns io ns List Price m, m. Each cap Filame nt t0,2t0, r Dia. lso 23O,240, Length 2s0 126 t76 E.S. (E27l54 x 38) s. d. t8ó Grid Ring 15 6 TAX: This lamp PURCHASE is SUBJECT TO PURCHASE TAX-see Page 5. VACUUM & G ASFI LLED CANDLE TAMPS Standard Vo tages and L st Pr ce Each Apþroxi mate Dimensions m. m. PLAIN caP Dia. 25 Fi n ish 50 L€ngth 220,230,240 2s0,260 s.d 49 s. d. 39 s.d 43 4il 3il 4 5 Clear 43 5 0 fOutside colour sprayed 46 5 3 Clear 49 5 6 B.C. 40 45 t28 x26) sprayed or s.E.s. ó0 4s tOutside colour s.B.c. (B l5/26 x 22) (Et4l27 x t8) t28 I Noter These t00, il0, t20 r30,200,2t0 220,230,240. 250,260 Clear or t00, il0, r20, t30,200,2¡0, 60, 65, 75 38 lt4 (822125 TWISTED lamps are supplied wholly sprayed Orange, Yellow, Pink, Amber and White. only. STANDARD colouRs r Red, Blue, Green, PURCHASETAX: All thelampslistedonthispageAREsuBJEcrropuRcHAsETAX-seepage5, , Pøge Twelxc Mode ¡n Gteot Bt¡toin Flame, Group I TI]BT]tAR tAilIPS Group VACUUM I TUBULAR-S!NGLE CAP Approximate Standard Voltages List Price Each Dimensions m.m. cap 60 65 Length 86 92 e4 25 40 60 ll0, t20, 200, 710, 220, 230, 240, 250, 260 50 Dia. 25 Finish B.C. (822/2 ) B.C (822125x26\ E.S. (827l2s) or s.d s.d 4 I Clear S.B.c. (Bl5/24x t8) s.E.s. (El4l27x tB) 302 302 38 38 t 75 39 8ó 8ó Opal or Opalised STRIPLITE-DOUBLE CAP Approximate D ime ns 30 30 60 25 25 25 Finish CaPs Lêngth Dra. m.m Srandard Voltages. List Price Each ions I m.m. tns- 22t 8å 284 284 r+ Centre Contact l_iL t0, t20, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 260 s.d 59 59 ó0 Clear (s I ss) ARC H ITECTU RAL_STRAIG HT Approximate Standard Voltages. Llst Pr¡ce Each Dimensions Watts Dia. m.m 35 75 il0 t50 30 30 30 30 CaPs Length m.m, tns, Finish t00, t20, 305 t2 6t0 9t5 24 Side Caps White 36 48 (P"e) oPu t220 ARCHITECTURAL-CURVED (å, 60 30 500 20 f or I Caps White (P"g) Opal Side t0, t30 I s. d, 226 13ó 200, 2t0, 220, 230, 240,250,260 s. d. ó 226 300 350 13 circle) 300 300 Mode in Greo¿ Britoìn COLOUR SPRAYING Extra for spraying Architectural lamps in standard colours ... l0l. Standard Colours: Red, Blue, Green, Flame, Orange, Yellow, Pink and Amber. PURCHASE TAX All the lamps listed on this TO PURCHASE TAX-see page ARE SUBJECT Page 5. Page Thirteen NEON YOTTAËE INDICATORS a a e e C ,l C ,| C { 1l I I Philip6 Neon fndicators are Voltage a a necessary for all who need to make sure whether the mains or circuits are live or not. philips Pencil Type Voltage Indicator (Cat. No. Q.5000) is for use on A.C. or D.C. mains between 110V. and 500V. This indicator is a black " Philite " holder frtted with a metal probe, and provided with a pocket clip and metal cap. The probe is connected, via a resistance, to one electrode of a small neon Cat. No. Q.5005 Neon Voltage and Polarity lndlcrtor indicator, the other electrode of which is connected to the metal cap and clip. Both the resistance and the neon indicator are well insul. ated, To test whether the mains are live, t contact with wiree or socket entries, ld firmly in the hand. Ät voltages over give a red glow, if the tested point is live. rvill Philips Neon Voltage anil Polarity Inilicator. (Cat. No. Q5005) is suit- Cat, No. Q.5000 Pencil Type Voltage able for A.C. mains 80V. to 750V., and D.C. mains 100Y. to 750V. has two moulded " Philite " insulated casings connected by a39" length of tough rubber coveled cable, each with a metallic probe at one end; collars prevent accidental hand contact with the probes. It lndlcator The larger casing houses a Philips Neon Indicator Lamp, Type 401?, which has a reeietance in the cap, and a positive sign stamped in the circular electrode. Apart from testing for potential, the indicator can be used for indicating polarity on D.C, mains. On D,C., if the casing holding the neon indicator lamp is brought into contact with the positive lead, the plus sign on the electrorle glows red. When the casing holding the neon lamp is connected with a negative lead, the positive sign remains black, and the second electrode glows red. Q.s000 Q.s00s Llst Price E¡ch Dercription Cat. No. Neon Voltage and Polarity lndicaror CURRENT POLARITY INDICATOR LAMP, TYPE Dimensions m'm' APProx¡mâte Watts 0.5 D¡a. Length 20 79 Cap 4OI7 ' L¡st Price Each I l0/750v. Two Caps Special PURCHASE TAX does not apply to the items listed on thls page, Page Fourteen d. {. .Pencil Type Voltage lndicator s. I d. 9 Madc 5 0 l0 0 l¡ Hollond a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a e a a a a a a a a a o o o a a a a a a a (¡ a tì t t ) TAMPS NEON )' )ì Group ) I )' NIGHT LIGHT Approximate Standard Voltages. List Price Each D¡mensio ns m.m. Watts cap 2001260 Length Dia. s. d. B.c. (822/31 x 30) 5 6l (max,) 46 or 125 (max.) E.S. (E27l2s) INDICATOR Approx¡mate Standard Voltagcs. List Price Each Dimensions m.m. Watts 0'2 cap Di¡. Lengch 100/2ó0 s. t2 2s s.E.s. (Et4lt6.s) 28 56 B.C. (822/2 28 58 E.S. (E27l2s) t8 54 s.B.c. (Bls/24x l8) t8 56 S.E.S. r r00/r30, 200/260 d. d 49 ) 40 0.5 Notc; Excêpt when ordered otherw se these (El4/27x l8) amps are supp ed w ¡h bu lt- n res stances CRUCIA Standard Voltages, List Price Each Approximate Current Dime ns io ns m (mA) Dia caP 200/260 Length s.d On D.C. 4-6 28 B.C. (822) 98 or 8ó On A.C 6-8 28 E.S. (E27) 100 ORDERING PURCHASE TAX When ordering Neon Lamps, p eæe state whether required for A.C. or D C. mains. does not apply to any of the lamps listed on this page. pHtt Mode ¡n Greoa Brito¡n Page Tifteen MOTOR CAR TAMPS GASFILLED Group 2 HEADLAMPS-SI NGLE FILAMENT Approximare D¡mens¡ons m.m. 6 6 24 tz )-4 t2 36 48 60 36 t7 t2 24 Cap ilame n r List Price Each Dia. Length 3g 38 56 38 38 38 50 56 56 56 d. s.c.c. (BrstrT) Axial Axial or"V" 56 Axial Axial Axial Axial S.C.C. (Bl5s/17) 63 38 36 F 56 s.c.c. (BlstrT) Axial Axial or 24 48 38 56 s.B.c. 24 60 50 63 B.C. (822/2r) (B r sd/ r or 7) or"V" or"V" 2 2 6 9 2ó 26 40 só 30 46 ó0 Axial SpECtAL CAPS-S.B.C. (Bl5d/17), A.S.C.C. (Bl5s/21) orÂ.S.8.c',(Bl5d/?l)-çaps-can be supplied at an extra charge (unless shown às stândard) of ld. each; Bosch Caps (BA20s or BA20d) 3d. sach, a :. HEADLAMPS-DOUBLE FILAMENT t Approximate Dime ns L¡st io ns cap m.m. Volts Filament Price Each Dra Lengt h 38 38 38 38 38 38 56 56 56 56 s. t8 & 24 & 30 & 36 & 36 & 36 & 6 6 6 6 t2 24 SPECIAL CAPS l8 24 30 36 36 36 d. 46 3ó 3ó 3ó 3ó 59 s.B.c. (Brsd/ r7) or A.S.B.C. (Brsd/2r) 56 56 '' PHt)'." '/'oa. L-î ' See note above. PREFOCUS HEADLAMPS_SINGLE FILAMENT Approximate Contact D ime ns io ns Dia Length single (P22si 2l ) Double (P22dl21 36 36 28 28 62 62 2 2 (a) 2 36 3S 4S 28 28 28 62 62 62 Single or Double Single or Double 44 28 62 Double Si S S i Price Each ) S.C. Axial ngle ngle 6 6 24 Lisc F¡lãmênt m.m. Volts S.C. Transve¡se or C.C. Axial S,C. 5,C. Transverse ing le or C.C. Axial S.C. Transverse C.C. Axial or C.C. T¡ansverse s, d. 39 40 39 39 49 5ó PREFOCUS HEADLAMPS_DOUBLE FILAMENT Approxi mate Dimensions m.m. Watts Volts t8 24 6 6 30 36 42 44 48 38 44 6 6 t7 12 (a) l2 24 24 (al t8 24 24 Dia. Length 28 28 28 62 62 67 62 62 62 62 62 62 36 36 38 2A 48 38 28 38 78 28 28 28 L¡st Contacts Filaments Each S.C. Transverse Double (P22d/21 ) s.c. fransverse s.c. Transverse s.c. Transverse S.C, Transverse s.c. Transverse s.c, or C.C. Trans. c.c. Transverse C.C. Transverse Note: (a) For commercial vehicles only. PURCHASE TAX-All the Page Síxteen Prr ce lamps listed on this page ARE SUBJECT TO PURCHASE Møde in Greøt Brizoín TAX-see page 5 s. d. 53 49 56 46 50 ó3 69 69 76 .&^ ,4 +, .î.?._ MOTOR CAR TAMPS VACUUM Group 2 AND GASFILLED stDE, DASHBOARD AND TA|L LAMPS (GASFILLED) Ap proximate Dimens¡ons m.m. Watts Volts Dia. I 6 6 6 3 l2 6 6 t2 6 24 { Cao Lensrh Filament L ist Price Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow s d. t4 tó lf t4 l7 Each s.c.c. (BrstrT) t8 t5 t8 t8 l5 32.5 27,5 32.5 32.s 27.5 S.C.c. l8 t8 32.5 S.C.C. (B l5s/ 22 37 M.C.c. S.c.c. (B9s/14) (B I ss/ (B l5s/ l7) l7) M.C.C. (B9tr4) 325 s.B.c. -l l7) (Brsd/r7) B.C. (822/2r ) t8 | ) SPECIAL CAPS-S.B.C. (Bl5d/17) caps can be supplied at an extra charge (unless shown as standard) of ld. each, sToP AND TAIL LAMPS (GASFTLLED) Approximat Dimensions m. m. Volt¡ Dia. t8 & t8 & ts 18 & 18 & 2 L cap Filament ngth 3 3 25 25 46 46 6 6 25 25 25 46 46 46 Lisc Pr¡ce Each "V"&Coil s.B.c. (Brsdi t7) Trans. & Coil S.B.C. Offset-Pins (Brsd/re) S.C.C. (B lss/ l7) T rans. "V"&Coil s.B.c. (Brsd/r7) S.B.C. Ofset-Pins (Brsd/r9) Trans. & Coil s. d. 3ó 39 36 3ó 39 INDTCATOR LAMPS (VACUUM) Approximate Dimensions L¡st m,m. Volts c¿p Dia. s. 6 6 30 30 23 2 2Z 23 27'5 27'5 l6 I 22 30 2 6 24 Pri ce Each Length 27'5 27'5 27'5 M.E.S. (Er0/r3) d, l3 t3 21 l3 l3 23 20 SPECIAL CAPS-M.C.C. (B9s/14) caps can be supplied at an extra charge of 3d. each TUBULAR FESTOON LAMPS (VACUUM) Approximate Dimensions m.m. Volts Dia. 6 3 t2 3 6 6 6 6 6 l2 24 24 PURCHASE TAX-All the 75 75 35.5 35.5 I 38 38 38 I 44 I I List Price caP Length Each Fescoon S.7/8 Fesroon S.8 5/8 lamps lisced on this page ARE SUBJECT TO PURCHASE Mode in Grcot Br¡to¡n s. TAX-see d. 2t 23 27 27 26 30 Page 5. Page Seaenleen TROIIEY BI] S TAMPS Group I Scandard Voltage. I A yp. List Price pproxi nrate cap Dia. m. m. Each Finish 35V. lnstrument 6 22 s.B.c. (Brsd/t7) Side 6 38 B.c. (B22l2t) t5 lnter ior 20 38 B.c. (822 2r) Head lam p 36 38 s.B.c. (Brsd/r7) BI] S B.c. (822/2 50 r or ) d 26 26 29 30 40 Clear lnterior 38 o s, Clear Pearl Clear Mtoê .PH INTHRI()R TAMPS Group 2 PEAR¡Approxi mate Dimensions m.m. Volcs cap F ament List Pri ce Eac h Dia Length oi,ì t2 l2 24 l2 24 20 PURCHASE TAX-All the B.c. (B22l2t xzí) s.B.c. 3B 55 or or or or (B rsd/ r7) 50 68 Bow lamps lisrcd on this page ARE SUBJECT TO PURCHASE N.odc in Greot Britoin Page Lighteen TAX-see Page 5. s. d. 2 4 29 29 DYNAMO CYCTH TAMPS Group 4 HEADLAMPS_CLEAR FINISH, ROUND BULB Amps Volcs c"P Dia. m.m M.E,S. M.E.S. t5 L¡st Pri ce Each s. 6 6 6 6 6 6 (u) 0 0 0 0 0 (u) (u) (u) 2 3 3 45 5 s.c.c. t5 t8 M.E.S. M.E.S. t5 t5 s.c.c. 0 5 d. 09 09 l4 09 09 t4 t8 TAIL LAMPS-CLEAR FINISH, ROUND BULB 3 5 0.t5 6 6 0.04 cc or or M M E s. M E S. 0.1 cAPS-S.C.C. (Bt5tt7), M.E.S. (Et0/t3). Note; (a) These headlamps are also available with " stippled " or 09 09 09 15 15 15 bulbs at the same prices. RADI() PANET TAMPS Group l0 ROUND BULBS-CLEAR Approximate D¡mensions Volts m m' cap Am ps List Price Each 0 04 6 6 M.E.S M.E.S M.E.S M,E.S M.E.S 0 06 0 3 0 0 3 6'2 il 6.3 6.5 Di¡. Length (max.) s. lt d. 24 24 I 29 0 0 0 0 0 7+ 7+ il t5 il il I 24 24 r+ TUBULAR BULBS-CLEAR 6.2 0.3 6.3 0.t5 6'5 0'3 SPEC AL CAPS-M C C (B9s/ 4) 30 30 30 0 0 0 M.E,S. M.E.S. M.E.S. caps can be supp ed ac an extra charge (un ess shown as standard) FTASH o7+ 07+ 0t+ of d each BT] tBS CLEAR FINISH Volcs Am ps List Price Dia. m.m. cap Each Round Bulb I'5 0.r 1 0.6 0.2 0.3 2'5 2.5 3.5 3.5 I 0.t5 4.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 5 0.t5 4 M.E.S. M.E.S. M.E.S. M.E.S, M.E.S. M.E.S. M.E.S. M.E,S, M.E.S. s. d. 8 I 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 så s+ s+ 5 5 I I 0 0 0 I l5 l5 Lens End 2.2 PURCHASE 0'25 TAX-All the lamps Iisted on th¡s page ARE SUBIECT TO PURCHASE TAX-see s+ s+ s* I 0t0 9'5 (max.) M. E.S I Page 5, Mode in Greot Britoin Page IYineteen MINERS ) TAMPS This marh on Philips Miners' that they have been tested and approved by the Ministry Lamps indicates of Fuel and Power. Group 5 KRYPTON Approxi mate D ime ns io ns Amps cuP Fin Clear Clear c"P Pearl Pearl Hand Hand Clear cuP Pearl Hand IA IA Clear Cup IB 29 1.5 Et4l23 t'75 953 l8 l8 2,5 (a) Et4l23 3'6 1.75 1.0 3.7s t.0+ r.0 BrSd/t7 t8 t8 t8 0.75 0.75 0.8 Et4l23 l8 4s.5 Peg IB 47 Et0 l8 t.0 Et4l23 t8 3t 45.5 (a) List Price 30 30 30 30 30 3ó 30 30 33 30 2's (a) a'0 M.O.F. & P Category Hand Hand Hand Hand t8 4.0 tn:- Pearl Pearl Pearl Pearl 953 a0(a) For use 43.5 45.5 43.5 45.5 3t 40 t.5 4.0 (a) h Length m.m. 2.s (a) 2.s (a) El0 is Dia. m,m, cuP IB IB IA IA IA IA IB IB Each s. d. ARGON 4.0 Brsd/2r 2s 49 Noter (a) Supplied with fuse in the cap. PURCHASE TAX All the lamps on this page are M.O.F. & P. approved types, and therefore are not subject Mode ¡n Greot Btito¡n Pøge Twenty to Purchase Tax INFRA RED TAMPS Group I Philips InfraRed Lamps are used extensively for pig and poultry rearing, for which they offer many advantages. They have many other applications for industrial heating and drying processes. such as for paint and lacquer finishing, for drying textiles, seeds Clear Bulb lnternal Reflector Bulb and vegetables. Full information about the uses of these lamps is available on request. INTERNAT REF[ECTOR BT] tB Approx¡m¡te Dimen¡ions m.m. Watts Volts caP Lis¡ Price Each Overall Diameter Le 250 I 10/120 20012t0 t26 220i230 240l2s0 + t.5 L.C.L. ngth t85 + s Special agricultural pig farrowing and poultry rearing units are I l0 + 5 E.s. s. d 15 6 When ordering pleæe stetc whcther required for poultry or pig rearing, or for indusri¡l purPoses. available. Please ask for deta¡ls. CTEAR BI] tB Approximate Dimensions m.m. Watcs c"P Volts List Pri ce Eac h Diameter Overall Leng 2s0 t00/r30 90 + r L.C. L. th t78+s 133+s s. E.S. d. Clear 79 83 Pearl PURCHASE TAX All the lrmps listed on this page ARE SUBjECT TO PURCHASE TAX-see Mode in Grcot Bt¡lo¡n Page 5. Page Twenty-one PBOJECTOB TAMPS Group I 4.1. Lamps are for use in Cinematograph Projectors? Home Cinemas, Film Strip and Slide Projectors, etc. Class CLASS A.l. obi. Dimensions m.m. Vo cap lts Ove rall Dia. t0 t0 20 Et4 20 t5 40 25 50 50 50 00 00 50 Pat he B l5s B l5s B l5s B t5d 00 00, I t0, I 00, I t0, I 00, r t0, 30 I 5 5 5 Et4 P28 P28 t2, 100, il0, I ts, 200, zto, 220, 230, 240, 250 t2, t00, I t0, I ts, 200, 2to, 220, È27 230, 240, 250 l2 t00 t00 t00 t00 t00 t00 I Pathe 00, I 10, Bl5s l5s t5d l2 B B 00, I 10, I 00, ll0, 80 I Et4 Pathe Bl5d t00 t00 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Bl 5s 00,t0 00,t0 l5s Pt5d P Et4 100 50 il0 50 ll0 E27 E27 E¿7 P28 P28 P28 Pache 200 l5 Pathe 200 200 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 00,rs 00,t5 |0 50 50 B B 50 t00, I t0, | 15,200,2t0,220,230, 240, 250 50 50 50 t00, I t0, I t5, 200, 2t0, 220, 230, 240, 250 50 l5s t5d E27 E27 E27 P28 P28 P28 BH38 Length ls+ ls 59 Ì 57 57 57 l6+ l6+ 2s+ 2s+ 2s+ 2s+ 25.1 76 76 78 + + + + + + + + 33 33 -l I | 32+2 32+2 32+) 32+2 32+2 32+2 32+2 32!2 32+l 32+l 32+2 32+2 32+2 32+2 32+2 32+7 87 76 76 76 80 93.5 a7 87 a7 a7 90 t28 t28 t28 133 t33 t33 t33 t28 87 87 28 28 2g 25 29 29 34.5 34.5 7 7 55.5 55.5 33 +3 +5 +5 +5 +5 + 3 + \ +5 :t + :t 5 :l 7 :t 7 + 7 +7 +7 +7 +7 +7 + 5 +5 + + + + + 38 ap p. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 t2a-L7 2s+l 25 :l: 25+l 25+l 25+l 23+ 25+l 25+l 25+l 25+l 25+l L.C. L. 7 7 7 7 7 33 33 :]: 7 2A 7 + 43 + 0.5 + + 2 2 2 + 1 + + 3 + 05 + 05 75+5 30 34.5 34.5 34.5 45 35 34.5 34.5 3t.5 3t.s 43 75 75 75 55.5 55.5 5s.5 58 75 34.5 34.5 75 75 75 55.5 55.5 55.5 59 + 05 +2 +2 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + :l: + + 5 0.5 2 2 0.5 0.5 3 5 5 5 05 0.5 0.5 0.5 05 05 05 ( 5 5 0.5 05 0.5 0.5 (â) Denotes tip sprayed black. Bulb Shape-Tubular. Operating Pos¡c¡on-Verr¡cal, cap down unless ocherwise staced. Caps illustrated on Pages 40 & 41. lrå" E Special Features L.M. Phili ps List Type Nos. Price Ref. (Hou rs) Ar/r30 Atl72 At 173 Ar/r 00 00 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 (u) Offse t Filam ent (a) (") (") 6t56M 7223C 6067C 123 7238X Ar/2r 7238N Atl22 Atl79 6t58M Ar/2s At126 A Central Filament (a) Central Filament (a) Offset Filement Central Filament (a) Central Filament (a) Offset Filament (a) Offset F¡lament \ \lnverted Burning./ Central Filament (a) (a) Offset Filament (a) Offset Filamenc (a) Central Filament (a) Central Filament (a) (a) 60678 Ar/ t56 Atltzl (a) (a) (a) .lfOffser Filament At l4 Atl2t Offset Filament (") 7077N 6ts6N 6t56W Ar/20 Ar/3 At (u) (n) (a) (a) 6t79N Ar/r9 At12 (") (") 390M 390C 127 A lt27 A 128 A ltz A ltz A /il2 t ltt A lt3 A /il3 A lgt A /ros A A 6ts8w 6t30c 6t66W 6t66N 6t66X 6t66C 6t66M 72t6E 6t60E 7 224E 72t6C 6t60c 7224C 6t32C 720tc 182 /83 A lt4 A lt4 A lt6 A /rs A/s A/s A 6tssN /8s 7217Ê 6070E 7230Ê 7230C 72t7C 6070c 72t7X PURCHASE TAX does NOT apply to Class A.l. Each s. d. 46 49 40 49 73 73 73 12 9 t29 il9 iló t29 t3 I t29 t29 il9 t8ó r8 ó 19 ó 19 ó 18 ó 230 18 ó 230 240 t96 240 t96 266 ¡8 ó 18 6 230 220 230 240 240 230 240 lamps, Mode in llollond I At 13 7223C t00w At 17 6ts2c 500w Ar/2 6rs6N 50w Page Twenty-ttoo ,,,4 PROJECTOR Group TAMPS I A.I. Lamps are for use in Cinematograph Projectors? Home Cinemas, Film Strip and Slide Projectors, etc. Class CLASS A,l.-Contd. Dimensions m.m. cap Volcs Overall Þia. t00, il0, 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 I il0, I t00, il0, 3t I P28 P28 25 25 32 32 + + + Pathe 32 38 + + B B 2 0,230,240 250 t00, 3/ + 827 5 t00, I l5 t00, I t5 5 s l5s t5d B&H46 t00, ilo, il5 500 t00, I t0, I t5, E40 s00 t00, I t0, P40 64+2 64+2 64+2 500 t00, P28 64 500 500 750 750 750 750 750 750 900 900 I 000 I 000 000 il0, ti0, B&H38 B&H46 32 32 32 E27 Debrie P28 11s, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240,250 200, 2t0, 220, 230, 240,250 I t5, 200, 2t0, 220, 230, 240,250 il5, 200, 2t0, 220, 230, 240,250 t00, I 0 877 822 3-pin B&H38 B&H46 il0 il0 ilo, I5 ilo, Is lt0, I 5 P28 E27 32 38 38 lI0, il5 000 ti0 B&H46 P28 B&H46 ilo, l 15 P40 BULB SHAPE-Tubular. OPERATING POSITION-Verr¡ccl, cap down otherwise stated. CAPS illusrrated on Pages 40 & 41. u nless 38 38 38 l40 I l3e tl87 6 6 6 r/ rs9 6 t 148 6 52E r/rs3 6169C t17 t 142 6ts2c 375G s0+05 50 A t 144 375X + 50 A ti8 ¡33f7 142 max. 28 I t28 2_ 230 235 t33 2 235 l0 50 50 25 50 50 25 50 l0 20+5 50 78 55.5+05 59*05 25 25 25 84+05 25 +7 2 2 t75 2 2 r33+7 2 235 -t- t0 tzs 25 95 84+05 120+5 59+05 120+s 84+05 55.5+05 84+05 +10 +10 +7 +10 +10 + 230 + 0.5 8t i:8 )- 55.5 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 =87 45 8t +7 55.5+05 Èiplane Biplane Biplane Biplane Biplane 25 25 s9+05 59+05 75+5 +7 +7 +7 s4 r00 7204C t t0 E40 240,250 r/ r08 A t 143 2 2 6r3tc 6l3lc l3l42H /86 50 5, 200, 210, 220,230, il0 2 r 7212W 90+5 5, 200, 2t0, 220,230, + + + + + + + + + tl6 75+s + t40 + t3s 2A 33 + + /33 r/rs4 l0 7:7 t28 230 46 I lnverted Burningì ì Offset Filament f r 25 50 64 38 64 64 64 64 &H 25 25 Biplane (b) 137 55.5+05 E40 P40 P28 P40 E40 B 75j05 (b) t +7 235 30 30 s9+0s (u) (u) 6t3tE 72t2N ri3s t33 28 max. +2 (b) (b) (b) (o) (u) (u) Philips Type Nos. +:7 2 2 7 + + 345 55.5+05 55.5+05 25 25 50 25 25 50 Ref. +8 :l: 2 + 25 E.L.M.A. t28 t45 64L2 Pi0 l5 t5 100, I 0 000 I 000 I 000 I +2 75+5 +2 +7 t28 + + (Hours) 34.5 Special Features Life i.7 +7 +7 128 +7 r33 :l Av'ge L.C, L. 75+5 55.5+05 59+05 59+05 75+5 t28 38 max. 38 Debrie + + 38 max. 240,250 I t7 28 500 500 32 +7 +7 33 33 2A f 00t0t5 00t0t5 l0 l0 t0ts l5 E27 P2A ):7 :L5 +5 28 00 00 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 I Lengrh obi. (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) J(b) Biplane \ I lnverted BurningJ Biplane (a) (b) 375C t 6t69F t 6152H I A t l90 Biplane (a) (b) Biplane 7C 7H 7X 375E Biplane -ì. A 146 lnverted Burning f Biplane (a) (b) A 147 Biplane (a) (b) A r/t60 Biplane (a) (b) A tl9 Biplane (a) (b) A ls4 l(b) Biplane l- n I ls2 \ lnverted burning .lf '\1'(b) 7E 6t53E 6t70c 382c A t 189 A ris3 A r/r A r/ l0 A r /s8 A r/il 6t52X 6t53C r 6153H 75G 75C 6t85C 293C A t ls7 297G Biplane (a) (b) Biplane (a) (b) Biplane (a) (b) I192 I !59 6t86H tl9t 7242C 7242H Biplane t 160 7225C Lisr Price Each s. d. 276 276 776 28ô 28ó 350 50ó 340 350 3s0 350 3ó0 380 370 766 266 290 276 370 370 370 426 41 6 43ó 4t 0 38ó 426 38ó 41 0 496 35ó 330 496 496 496 520 (a) lndicates tip sprayed black. (b) lndicates rhac forced cooling is necessary for rhese lamps so thac no part of the wall of the bulb exceeds a temperature of 5000 C. Mode in Hollond PURCHASE apply ro At 142 37sE 500w TAX does not C lass A.l. lamps. At19 6rs3c 750W Page Tueruy-tlrec PROJECTOB TAMPS Group I A3/r si3 l07E t00w r3r76P 500w 4.3. Lamps are used in horizontal burning wide angle floodlights in Photograpic and Film Studios and for Stage lighting. Class cLASS A.3. m'm' Þimr lnsrons Cap Volts 250 E27 E27 I t0, 200, 2t0, 220, t00 Ì 230, 240, 2s0 Diameter ?J"ïil,' +7 90 + 2 70 + t0 t60 + t0 I ts L.c.L. +5 t20 + 5 9s obi..Av. E-L.M.A. -'î ;' " Life (Hours) ner' 300 300 A3/t A3l2 Pìilips I yÞe Ñds' List Price Each s. l07E 432Ê il9 21 d, 0 BULB SHAPE-Spherical with neck. OPERATING POSITION-Horizontal or within l50 thereof. CAPS illustrated on Page 40. PURCHASE TAX-The lamps listed above ARE SUBJECT TO PURCHASE TAX-see Page 5. Class 8.1. Lamps are used for theatre and film studio spot and floodlighting, where long life and reliability are required. CLASS B.t. t5,200,2t0,220, 230, 240, 250 t5,200,2t0,220, 230, 240, 250 t5,200,2t0,220, 230, 240, 250 t5,200,2t0,220, 100 2s0 s00 I 000 E27 827 80+2 95+2 E40 t30 + 5 E40 t30 + 5 230, 240, 250 ils+to + + t8o + t2s t0 t80 l0 l0 75 + 7s+s l15 + s 800 Bt lt I 800 st 12 t23E 800 B r/3 800 Bt l4 I 20E 25G 504G s. d. t00 t9 3 253 330 BULB SHAPE-Spherical. OPERATING POS|TION-Any, except within 45" of verrical cap-up posicion. CAPS illustrated on Page 40, PURCHASE TAX-ClassBl/l l00wartandBl/2250wattlam¡TsARESUBJECTTOPURCHASETAX-seePage5 Purchase Tax does noc apply to the Class Bl/3 500 walt and Bl/4 1,000 watr lamps lisced above. Class E Lamps are principally for use in Epidiascopes and for Theatre and Photographic spot lighting. CLASS E. 500 500 Ì I t0, 200, 2t0, 220, E27 230, 240,250 P28 t00+5 95+5 + t30 + t35 t0 t0 85+5 55'5 + 0.s s. t00 E/3 437E 30 3 ¡00 El4 437C 3t 3 BULB SHAPES-Spherical. OPERATING POSITION-Vertical, cap down, +,15o. CAPS illustrated on PURCHASE TAX does not apply ro the Class E lamps listed above. Mode in Hollond Pøge Twenty-four Pages 40 & 4l PROJECTOR Group TAMPS I El3 tl7 G/9 60s8N 4 Amp. 437É. 500w 6019ì"1 48W Class F Lamps are for use in micro-projection and microsuope illuminatron, and have a very wide range of application, including Home CineÞrojectors. CLASS Watts Volts Dimensions m,m. 96 65 6 2 l5s E¡4 P Et4 Et4 6 6 6 6 827 E27 Et4 Et4 s 2 6 2 6 6 Obi. Av. Cop 827 827 E27 P28 E27 t8+05 38+2 38+2 35+2 35+2 35+2 35*2 40+3 50+2 32+ I 60+2 32+z 32 !2 L¡fe Overall Le ng th Diameter 24 24 30 30 30 30 48 48 72 00 08 08 F. + 0.2 s0Ís s0:ts 47 +s 53+5 s3+s 47+s 4l +3 38+s 7sf3 ss+s ss.s * 0.s 7s+s 71 al 3t.s 60+5 60+5 57a5 63+5 63+s 65+s 60+s 70f5 28 (Hours) L.C. L. +7 85+5 33+7 28+7 Special Features Hor L.M.A Plilips I YPe Þôa Nos. Fl2t r00 t00 t00 E z Coi F/ F/ r0 r0 6t00M 6t63M 6t64M 6t64E 25 25 200 200 Fll t00 t00 t00 t00 t17 6019M tl27 7076E F/so 603tE 6002c F/s 6002E 50 50 Fl25 Fl23 t126 Axial Coil Horiz, Coil Ribbon Ribbon Filament tl t3 tl t4 r 397E 6t06M 6t438 !i:, rrlce Each s. d. t29 40 40 66 66 66 66 83 60 il9 13 3 340 330 BULB SHAPES-Various, OPERATING POSITION-According to PURCHASE Class G Lamps are TAX: type. CAPS illustrated on Page 40, The lamps l¡sted above ARE SUBJECT TO PURCHASE TAX-see Page 5. for use with Film Sound Reproduction and recording Units. CLASS G. Dimensions m.m. Amps Volts cap Diameter 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 4 4 4 4 B 5s B 5s 1.0 6 P l0 1.0 4'O 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 7'5 5s 5s 6 27 I t0 l0 l0 l0 l0 l0 5 l5s B l5s B l5s B l5s Bl5s Pl5s B l5s B l5s 25 l8 25 25 25 25 25 25 l5s 25 l5s P l5s 25 B B + + + 25 t l6 + l6 l5 25 + + + *+ + + + Ì+ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Overall Length 48:t3 57:|3 48+3 4A+3 57+3 40 +2 75+3 75 75 !3 j.3 75L3 75+3 75+3 75+3 75+3 Obi. Av. Life (Hou rs) L.C.L. 28.5 28.5 31.75 32 28.5 2t.5 + + f 0.s 0.s 0.75 + + 50 50 50 50 0.s 0.5 t00 t00 t00 t00 t00 t00 t00 t00 + l.s +l tr +l + 0.5 4t +l 44 +l 44 +l 4t +l 37'3 + 0.5 4l 44 44 37.3 Special Features Transverse Filament E' L.M.A. Ref. Gil Gl29 Glt9 Axial Filament Gl2 G/s Gl4 Transverse Filament 100 t00 t00 BULB SHAPE-Tubula¡. OPERATING POSITION-Vertical, cap down. CAPS illustrated on Page 40 PURCHASE TAX does not apply to the Class G lamps listed above. Gll6 Ph¡lips Type Nos. 7250X 7253C 72s3 N 7250N 72t0c 6r42N 6t39N Gle 6055N 6058N G/ r0 6057C G/8 G/il Glt2 6057N 6t38N Gi rs clt4 6056N G/ r3 6056C List Price Each s, d, 70 70 60 ó0 ó0 ó0 90 ó0 ó0 90 80 80 80 80 90 Mode in Hollond Poge Twenty-fioe TAMPS PBOJECTOR Group I Br/4 504G Class FL Lamps are floodlighting. for use in FL/r 60r3G s00w 1000w stage lighting, shop window lighting, and CLASS FL. Dimensions m vy'atti 500 1000 Vora cap 220, E40 220, E40 I 15,200,210, 230, 240, 250 I t5, 200, 2t0, 230, 240, 250 m D¡amerer overall LenSEn + 90 2 obi L,c.L. Av'ge E.L.M.A. L ist Price Philips Type Nos. Rel. (Hours) d. 60¡3G 38 6 49 355 + t0 t000 rLl 390 + r0 1000 FLl2 60t4G t3t76P t Each s. BULB SHAPE-Tub,rlar. OPERATING POSITION-Any. CAPS ¡llustrated on Page 40. PURCHASE TAX does not apply to the Class FL lamps listed above. Class S Lamps are for use in Fhotographic and Film Studios. CLASS 500 I 000 2000 2000 5000 ai22 I I 5, 230, 240 r ts,2r0, 230, 240,250 I I 5, 230, 240, 250 95 Med. Bi-post Bi38 Bi-post B¡38 Bi-posr E40 152.s t52.s ts0 Bi38 Bi-post 203 +2 +2 +2 ra +2 t38:L S. 3.5 232!6 232+6 220 :t l0 33s+6 63'5 127 127 + 2 00 s/3 +2 +2 0c s/4 00 00 00 s/l t3t77P s/s s/2 t3t85P t34+5 t65ì2 BULB SHAPES-Spherical, except 5,00C w., which has e straight-s¡ded bulb. ,',iFåâli!",äl'JîÌ;Hiü"J;:"¿%"'î.?''Tili, on Pages 40 & s. d. óó0 1t 6 9t6 936 6045P 6046G 300 0 4r' ':â:'"'¿:ï::*o These Lamps are specially designed at a colour temperature of 3350'I( and are suitable for colour photography lighting, especially with the Technicolor process. COLOUR TEMPERATURE, Dimensions m,m. Watts Volts Ph c"P Diameter 2000 5 Bi 38 5000 5 B¡ 38 Overall Length ilips Type No. Bulb Shape L st Price Each L.C. L. 232+6 d. 127 +2 s, 2 t3t87P Spherical 93 6 203+2 335t6 t65 + t3t86P Stra¡ght S¡ded 300 0 152.5 + 2 OPERATING POSITION-Cap down 145o Bl-POST BASES are illuslrared on Page 40. PURCHASE TAX does noc apply to these lamps. Mode in Hollond Page Twenty-síx OOPHOTOF[[J X" FTA SHB " Photoflux " Flashlulbs a¡e made in various types and eizee to T] TB S cover practically all photographic requirements. Type PF.S has been clesigned for the "X"typeofcontactandcanbeusedatl/l00th of a eecond. Ty¡res PF.I4, PF,25, PF.3B,, and PF.60 are primarily intended for use ï¡ith between-lene ehutters; owing to thei¡ accurate tine/light cha¡acteristic they are equally suitable for use by the open-flaeh method or with cameras having built-in flaeh contacts or auxiliary synchronisers. Type PF.l00 ie a bulb of very high light output and is ideal for covering large areae. It nay be used either by the open-flash method or may be synchronised with between-lens shutters, in which case it is recomended that ehutter speeds up to l/25th of a second be used. Type PF.24 and PF.45 are lorg-duration flashbulbs, especially designed for uge with focal-plane ehùtters on cameras up to 5" x 4" aize. The PF.ó0 can also be used with most 35 mm, precision niniatue cam€ras having focal plane shutters. Bulbs having blue and yellow coatings, for use with colour filns of the daylight and tutrgsten t;pes respectively, are also available in t¡'¡res PF.25, PF.óO, PFl00, PF.24 and PF.45. Every " Photoflux " Flashbulb has a etrong coating of lacguer Loth inside and out and, in addition, å patented blue safety spot on the top of the o"lou"ît"JTo-îîå"î"ïäTolü."0å""ti'";"i'Ë:o'",ft"J1r3;ï:5:"Hå PF,6o TI ME pink should not bc ueed. & LIGHT Speeifieations FOR BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOGNAPHY For between the lens shutters For focal-plane shutters TYPE PF.S Colour of Bulb Pt.l4 Clear ioi"l-i¡git *iput ¡n visual lumen sàconis' Max. luminous flux in millions of y¡sual lumens... Effective flash durat¡on in milliseconds ... Time to full peak in milliseconds ... FIash duracion above half peak in milliseconds ... Time to half peak in milliseconds Colour temperature in oKelvin Voltage range for operation caP Bulb diameter. m.m. Overall length. m.m, C lear PF.25 PF.38 PF.6O PF. Clear Clear Clear Clear I Pt.24 PF.45 Clear Clear 5,000 45,000 00 5,000 0,000 8,000 62,000 0.7 l'2 30,000 0.8 1.6 2.6 24 20 30 20 35 5 22 20 7 t0 l4 t7 20 t3 l7 l6 3,800 3,800 3,900 3,800 95,000 3.5 40 30 26 20 3,800 3-30 3-30 3-250 ES ES 60 lls 70 75 50 96 t22 36 75 t14 t17 t18 216 t16 3,300 3-30 ASCC 36 75 tl3 LIST PRICE I 3-t2 3-t2 ASCC ASCC 30 60 36 tll 20 t6 I ï 1.0 :: I5 50 20 3,800 20 3,800 3- t2 3- t2 ASCC ES 60 il5 2l- FOR COLOUR PHOIOGRAPHY For foca -p ane shulters For between the lens shutters TYPE pF.2sl97 Pt.25198 PF.60197 PF.60/9S PF.l00/97 PF.l00l98 PF.24197 PF.24198 PF.4sl97 PF.4sl98 Colour of Bulb ... Total light output in visual lumen seconds ... Max. luminous flux in millions of visual lumens Effective flash duration in milliseconds Time to full peak in milliseconds Flash duration above half pcal< in milliseconds T¡me to half peak in milliseconds ... Colour temperature in'Kelvin Voltage range for operation .,. cap Bulb dìameter. m.m. Overall length LIST PRICE Bl ue 9,000 Yellow 24 70 24 20 t7 l7 6,000 3,400 06 l4 3- t2 ASCC 36 7S tl6 6,000 t.l l4 3-12 ASCC 36 75 tl6 Blue Yellow 30,000 56,000 24 1.3 35 35 20 20 17 t7 t6 16 6,000 3,400 3-30 3-30 ES ES 60 60 I t5 I 15 Blue 45,000 I.8 40 30 26 20 6,000 3-¿50 ES 70 t22 r/ro r/r0 zle Yellow 88,000 3.2 40 B lue 7,000 Yellow 25 ,5 20 20 6,000 3,400 o'2 I 3,000 t_' 30 26 20 3,400 3-250 3-t2 3-t2 ES ASCC ASCC 70 36 t22 75 zle t/8 36 75 tl8 Blue 22,000 Yellow 40,000 =T 50 20 50 20 212 212 6,000 3,400 3-r2 3-12 ES ES 60 60 lls ils Mode in Hollond Pugc Twenly-seaen Pt.38 PFS PF.I4 PHOTOGRAPHIC tAilIPS Group I Philips Photographic lamps are well hnown to all photographers, both professional and amateur, who use them extensively for still and cine interior and exterior photography, for which they offer many advantages. o'PH0T0IITA" 0llotoflooüs llo¡. l&l) Pearl Approx. Dimensions List m.m_ c"P Standard Voltages Price Obi, Av, Each D Life (Hours) Overall iameter I 275 ro0/ r r0, 2001210, 2201230, r7.s B.c. 65 r 80 t60 240l2so s. 500 r 00/ r r 0, 200/2 r 0, 2201230, E.S. d. 213 26 618 66 No. 2 '' 500w. Length No. ..ARGAPHOTO 24012s0 lnstructions for use ¿re included with each lam p. PURCHASE TAX does nor apply co the " P hotoli ta ..ARGAPH0T0" " Mode ìn Great Brìtoín lamps listed above, (Ptlotopearl) Approx. Dimensions m.m. Cap Standard Volcages Diameter 500 I 10, 2r0, 230, 250 Life (Hours) Overall Length t00 List Price Obj. Av. 175 E.s. t00 Each s, d, 22 0 a PURCHASE TAX does not apply ro rhe .'ARGHNTA" " Argaphoto " lamp listed above. Mode in Hollond (tor Inlorser$) Approx. Dimensions L st m.m Standard Voltages 40 60 00 50 200, 2 I 0, 220, 230, 240, 2s0, 260 caP Þiameter Overall 60 65 75 80 il0 P rice Eac h Lengch s. I t7.5 B.C. t37.5 8.22125x26 t60 When ordering, please state " For phorographic use." Mode ¡n Grcot Bt¡to¡n The lamps listed above ARE SUBJECT TO PURCHASE TAX-see Page 5. Page Twenty-eíght d. tt0 It0 23 30 ,.ARGENTA t00w. " ( ( ( I { æ (' qs ( 7 (" (' ( (' a I I lPs .- I tA)ûPS a aì ì'-t (. (.- ( '¡a t I o a ATT DDCORATION fi; aa ì l PIIRPOSTS a aa a I( r ¿' {: { rl ( ( .a a ARCHITECTURAL c a a SIGN { DECORATION Ç a ) t ) t , Þ SODIUM COLOUR FLUORESCENT PROJECTOR SPRAYED MERCURY FtT] ORESCENT TAMPS Philips Fluorescent Lamps are excellent for most general lighting purposes, both for new installations or for replace.ment lamps. Their principal features are :- * EFFICIENCY Up to four times rhat of ordinary lamps * BRIGHTNESS Low. obviating glare. * DIFFUSION Soft and well-diffused light COOLNESS Heat ¡adiation about one quarter that of ordinary lamps. * * COLOUR Choice of five pleasing colours. * LIFE Long average life. The latest Philips development is the Philips Instant-Self-Srarr Fluorescent Lamp, MCFB/U 40W., 4 ft., for operation in series rvith a Philips Tungsten Ballast Lamp, which also is an efficient source of light. No auxiliaries are required. Further information is given on pages 30 & 31. DISCHARGE TAMPS The outstanding features of Philips Discharge Lamps are the special qualities of their light, their luminous efficiencies of about three to five times those of ordinary lamps, and their long useful lives. These lamps permit better and cheaper lighting, and more economic use of electricity, Evolved from many years of research and developrnent, the Philips range includes :- * BLENDED * LÁrVrPS MERCURY L,A,MPS * MERCURY-FLUORESCENT LAMPS * soD[]M * LA.MPS T]LTRÄ.VIOLET FILTER MERCURY LAMPS * I]LTRA.VIOLET GERMICIDAL MERCURY TUBES together with the apparatus necessary for these lamps, and many types of lighting frttings, The Philips Lighting Service is at your disposal to give free advice and recommendations. NOTE r Use Philips Fluorescent and I)ischarge Lamps only with apparatw manufactued or approveil by Philips Electrica Ltil. This iloes not refer to (i) the Philips In¡tant-Self-Start Fluorescent Lamps MCFB/U 40w, 4 ft., which require no apparatus in circuit anil should be comected in series with Philips BalJast Lamps, on Ä.C. mains of the co¡rect voltage, (ii) Philips Blended Lamps MBT/U 160w. anil 250w., Page 35, which require no apparûru in circuit, anrl should be connecteil direct to À.C. naim of the correcl voltage, Page Twenty-nine INSTANT SETF.START FTI]ORESCHNT Groups I&I A ¡ema¡kable Philips developmeut, this Philips Fluorescent Lanp operates in se¡ies with a Philips Tungsten Ballast Lamp controlling the current, and producing additional light with high efficiency. Philips lnstant-Self-Start Fluorescent Lamp MCFB/U. 40W. 4 ft. Lhe principal fc¿rturcs of this PhiÌips * Systcrn nre: SIMPLICITY. Orre erch of these Fluorescent and Ballast Lamps connected in scries, form a complete circuit for use on A.C, 220-250V. mains. Chokes, capacitors and starters âre eliminated, togethcr rvith their materials, rveight, wiring, housings, and cost. * HIGH EFI'ICIENCY. The overall lurninous cflìciency is about 22 Ìumens/watt initial (" Natural " fluoresceut), or double that of ordinary tungsten lamps, The substantial total light output reduces thc numbcr of lighting fittings requircd for a given illumination lcvel. * PLEÀSING COLOUR, A plcasing blend of soft fluorcscclt in " Natural " " Daylight " r¡r " Nlellorv " colour, rvith crisp tungsten light fron the ballast lamp. " Colour Mãtching " also available. * INSTAN-I-SELF-STARTING. Thc lamps are instant-self-starting. Normal droirs in * HIGII PO\\/ER FÀCTOR. The operating circuit ahout 0,97. Capaeitors are unnecessary. * LONG LIFE LAMPS. The lamps havc long average livcs. * CHOICE OF TWO BALLAST LAMP TYPES. There are trvo Philìps r¡,pes, one rvith an internal rcflector borvl, for uprvard light, thc other having a pcarl ìnlb. Roth have the renol'ned Philips Coiled-Coil filamcnts for high efficicricy. and for four different Philips Tungsten Ballast Lamp Bowl. with lnternal Reflector thc supply voltage do not extinguish the lamps, once alight. has thc inherent high porvcr factor of .t voltagcs. * LIGIITING FITTINGS. There is a complete range of Philips Instanr-Scìf-Start Fluoresceut Lighting Fittings, for various applicatiõns. These-pleasing and easily iustalled units provide full utilisation and distribution of thc light lrom the fluoresccnt and ballast lamps. A.C. MAINS PHILIPS INSTANT-SEI.F-START MCF 40w 4f r r-AM P PHITIPS ïuilcsfEN The complete Philips lnstant-Self-Start circuit Made ìn Creot B¡ìtøin Page Thirty BÂI.tAST LAM P Phlllps Tungst€n Ballasr w¡th Pcarl Bulb TIGHTING Grouþ 9 SYSTEilT (Fl Group I uorescent) (Tungsten Ballast) t D I D , D I ) ) t Cat. No.4.6246 "Alva" D¡ffus€r Flfting. "Cr¡no¡hene" Side Panels. Plasric Louvre. Cap of Philips MCFB/U. .10w. 4 fr. Car. No. R.8309 Three-slot Bayonet Lampholder Ballast Lamp Voltages (lor Series Volts Efficien Average Th rough Amp Combination uoresceñ MCFB/U. 40W. 4 ft. Fl 40w 220-250 'cM" ( lnternal Reflector Bowl Pea , , ) 'I I I I D rl Tungsten Ballasc Pearl â 220-230 or 240 or t40 t50 0.5 05 70w. 75W. 560 4a I s60 42 I 320 I t60 32 ( r0o hou rs 692 il ll 48 100 796 854 743 ll 70w. 847 735 l2 75W. 908 790 la 80w. 968 840 l2 05 80w. 220-230 t40 0.5 240 t50 0.5 t60 0.5 OT 250 Series Combinatron (dlta for 220-230 2476 2252 22 ¡¡N" or "D" Colour and 240 2534 2303 22 Bal- 250 as90 2350 Reflector or or 20w ns, Caps L¡sht Cencre Length Lis¡ r+ ns. Fl uort Single Con cact escen S35s/2 t320 790 t60 or t 9t0 250 Dia. Lengrh I hours) Tungsten Ballast Ove r- ) "N" t680 "D" I680 "M" 1520 Finish tY No.. Life lnsrant-Self-Start Price Each Nominal lnirial Approx I n itial Mains CIass and Rat¡ng Approximace Dimensions Nominal Lumens Operation 50 Cycle I P.T. Ext ra s. d. s. t4936 14936 14 9 3 tó 3 4 d. ó 3 ) Cat, No.4.7202 I t03 m, I l7'5 75 m. m. 65 m.m. m.m 85 nte rna Lampholder, lvory white I Reflector Bowl Pea rl Pearl 3-pin B.C. 822125x26 3-pin B.C. 822125x26 m.m last Lamp) 43 29 t0 I ra€. l\o. A./2O4 Base for 4.7202 Lam pholdcr PHILIPS INSTANT-SELF-START FLUORESCENT LAMPS MCFB/U. 40W. 4 FT. These Lamps are for use one in series with one Philips Tungsten Ballast Lamp. They musc nor be used wich choke or transformer ballasts. Starters are unnecessary. COLOURS. "D" - Daylight. "N" : Natural. "M" : Mellow. "C.M" : Colour Matching. PHILIPS TUNGSTEN BALLAST LAMPS. These Lamps are for use one in series with one Ph;l¡ps lnstant-Self-Start Fluorescent Lamp MCFB/U. 40W. 4 ft. They musc nor be used with fluorescent lamps of classes other than MCFBi U. 40W. 4 ft. Nor connected direct to the mains. MAINS VOLTAGES. For A.C. 220-250V. mains. Nor for D.C. Please order the Ballasc Lamps lor 22O-230Y,, or 24CV., or 250V., according to the A.C. mains voltage. For 4.C.200-210V. Cat. No. H.1723 transformer giving 240V. is available, lor mount¡ng on the Phil¡ps Cat. No, A.6240 or A,6246 Fittings, or for fìxing separately wich other fìctings. CONSUMPTION, The total consumpt¡on of one Philips lnstant-Self-Start Fluorescent Lamp MCFB/U. 40W. 4 fc. and one Philips Ballast Lamp, is from ll0W. to 120W. according to mains voltage. See Table, Double this for fìttings with two Fluorescent and two Ballast Lamps. LAMP INSERTION. The Philips lnstanr-Self-Srarr Fluorescent Lamp 14CFBi U. 40W. 4 ír. should be inserted into the special holders, and turned 90o, leaving the stripe out of view. When using chese Lamps in multiples, ins!âll so that the lamp brandings are at opposite ends. LIGHTING FITTINGS. These Philips Lamps can be used in any makes of lighting fìtrings specially designed for them. Or lor " buil¡-in " lighcing, as in display windows, cornicês, luminous ceilings, etc. They may be operated in any position. The lamps listed above ARE SUBJECT TO PURCHASE TAX AS SHOWN. LAMPHOLDER prices are given on Page 53. Page Tlùrty-one a a a a a a FtI] ()RDSCENT TAMPS Group 9 PHrlrPs McF^ rsw 18" l_ pHflrPs MCF/u zù||; errtres ucr/u {w. ¿fl|i ÞarltÞs Mcr/u 3ow tFff px¡rrps uc¡,/u 4ow 4tl,t,í ÞHrrrP5 vcr/u 8ow IÍrh Philips Fluorescent Lamps are suitable for most lighting purposes. They are from three to four times as efficient as ordinary lamps, are cool in operation, and have long useful lives. The light is soft, in colours as shown in the table. Use only in circuit with Ballast and Starter Switch supplied or approved by Philips Electrical Ltd. Lamps grouped for the A.C. 50 Cycle Voltages shown in table. Colours A.C, 50 Cycte Voltage Class and Rating Range Approx. Tot. lnit. with A p par. on 230V MCF/U t5w. MCF/U 20w. MCF/U 30w. tMcfu 40w. tMcF/u 40w. tMcF/u 80w. tMcF/u tMcF/u 40w 80w l8' x l" 2ft, x lt" 3ft. x l" 2Ít, x l+" 4Ít, x l+" sfr. x lå" x l+" 5lr. x l+" 41t. I 00-l 30v 40w.+ r 00-t 30v 52W.* 200-250v I C0-l 30v 40w. 100w.+ Nominal Lumens ' Daylight " " White " Natural " Colour " Matching " Mellow Nom. lnrt lnit. Aver. at 100 through " Hours Life " ww-N-M 165 ww-N-M 680 ww-N-M t,260 ww-N-M t,200 Approxi mate Dimensions Price tns. Effìc en cY Nom. at t00 Hours Ove rall Leng rh Each Caps Dia. Extr¡ I GI 3123 21 r* G I 3/35 12 36 I G I 3/23 s. d. 99 t0 ó il0 t,000 30 24 t+ G I 3/35 ¡r Two Med. 380 3t t8 560 34 t, t00 B i. pin 0 s. 2 3 2 7 200-250v 50w. o-ww-N-M 2,080 t,800 52 18 ti G I 3/35 il9 200-250v 96W. D-WW-N-M ,t,000 3,200 50 60 rå Two B.C. (822125x26\ 13 0 3 3 G r 3/3s 13 3 3 3 Two B.C. (B22l25x26) t4 ó 3 6 200-250V sow. CM |,600 |,200 ,l{t 200-250V 96W. CM 2,960 2,200 37 18 r* t+ Two Med. Bi-pin Lm/W.-Lumens per wat!. The Average Through Life Values are those for the fìrst 5,000 hours life, and are intended to provide practical guidance for lighting design purPoses. Luminous efficiencies: For MCF/U 80W.5 ft. and 40W.,1 ft. are quoted above in " Daylight," " Warm White " and " Colour Matching." For MCF/U l5W, 18",20W.2 ít., 30W. 3 ít,, and 40W. 2 ft., are quoted above in " Nalural ": effìciencies in " Mellow " and " Colour Matching " are a little lower. The overall lengths of the bi-pin capped lamps include the pins of boch caps. When in the lampholders, the nominal overall lengths are as shown. With special apparatus in circuit these lamps may be used on similar Þ.C. voltages. Details on ¡equest. These lamps may be operated in any position. * For rwo lamps in series on one ballast with two starters on A,C. 50 cycles 230 volts. ratings and colours for use with approved ¡nstant-starr apparatus are also available. Additional price f Lamps of rhese each ls. 0d. plus P.T. 3d. PURCHASE TAX-The lamps listed above ARE SUBJECT TO PURCHASE TAX AS SHOWN. Mode in Great Britoin Page Thirty-two P. Tax Lst Lm/W 2 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a C a a CIRCT]TAR FTUORESCENT TATIPS PHILIPS no\ü add to the existing range of'fluorescent lamps a Circular Lamp type MCF/U 40W. 16 in. diameter having ¿r more compact form; A specially designed 4-pin cap completely closes the circle by filling the gap between the ends of the lamp tube. Suitable for decorative and domestic lighting. Nom App rox. Class and Rating A,C. Tot. ln¡r. it iJ#: with I 200-250V. 50 W. Price et 100 Hou rs Mellow 34 6" circular Each Approxi mate Dimensions ency Appar on 230V Ran ge MCF/U 40W nt Effìci- Colour c"p P. L¡st Outside s, d ia. 403 :[: 8 m.m. s 4-p¡n pec iel lnside dia. 339:l:4 Tax extra d. 350 s. d 05 m. m. Tube dia, 327:2 m.m. This new lamp can be used w¡lh Standard Ph¡lips MCF/U 40W, Ballasts and PF Capacicors and K3O8O Starrers The cap pins are movable through an angle ol i from che set position of 45" to plane of lemp, FtTI ORESCENT STARTERS starters are ofthe autorìàLic glorv switclr trpe, operating rvith a prcdcter rnined dela¡, ofa rnoncrr or tu-o aftcr srvitching on thc supply, to errsrrre thc optiururt stärting colditiots for the larnp. Each starter, rvith a srnaìl capacitor anrl a series rcsistancc, is housed rrithin a scaled canistcr with four contact pius rvhich lock into the special starte¡hoklcrs. Onc startcr rnust bc usccl in circuit rrith each lamp. Philips Fluoresccnt Starters arc interchalgcable l'ith othcr rnakes of startcrs of sirnilar types and ratings. lufbrrnatiorr about othcr t¡.¡tes of,Startcrs olr request, 'J.'hese Cat. No. and MCFi K.3080 Class Rating For Lamp U 30W. MCF/U 40W. MCF/U 80W. 3', 4', Mains Voltage List Price Each Ovcrall Lcngth D¡ameter 200-250v s', t+' p t{ E0w 40w tItroRE IAÀI P fctow TY CAf:il":K.3080 Approximate Dimensions 4.C.50 Cycle ryE s. d. 64 r Philips Fluorescent Starter Cat. No. K3080 FURCHASE TAX does not apply ro rhc Sr¡rter listed above. Mdde in Greot Btito¡n Fage I'lirty-three 5" a FTU()RESCENT LAMP APPARATI] S FOR A.C. MAINS 50 CYCLES not apply to this apparatus' CIRCuITS. On A.C. supþlies, each fluorescent lamp requires a low power factor ballast, a capacitor and PURCHASE TÀX does a starter. " twin-lanp " circuit, reducing atroboscopic To form a high power factor effects, for the MCF/U ft., and 40w. 4 ft. lamps, two single lamp low power factor ballasts may be used y¡ith a 440v. capacitor. Please ask for details of connections and state for which mains voltage required. 80w. 5 series HOUSING. This apparatus usually is housed within the lighting frttings. When this is not possible, the apparâtus should preferably be inetalled in a ventilatecl metal box. See page 53. BALLASTS FOR 40w. 4 FT' Cat. No. 200-2 I 0v. 220-23Ov. H,t74t H,t742 E Dime ns gaT',x2ñ" x longated Weight io ns lb, 5 FT. 86t 862 2: Quantity Ís. tt2 ttz tt2 2l¡, d. 4 4 4 2 (11" dia.) lamps in series. LAMPS Elongared l3+ì" x 2î8" x lÈ' 200-2 I 0v. 22O-230v. a4OJSOv. 860 Std. Pkge. Each 3 t2 3 t2 3t2 t&" 24O-25Ov- FOR 80w. List Price oz. Under suitable circumstances these ballasts may be used for twin MCF/U zow. Further details and circuit on requesc, Note I : Note TyPe Vol tages H.1740 H H H LAMPS For A.C. Thêse ballasts may be used for twin MCF/U 4Ow,2lt. 61 64 64 (l|" dia.) lamps in 250 250 250 series. Further details and circuit on req uesr. CAPACITORS 275v. For parallel connection in ballast circuits, for power factor improvement. 440v. For series connection in " twin-lamp " circuits, for the MCF/U 80w, 5 ft. or CAI'ACITOR TYPES. for details when ordering, Please ask FOR 40w. 4 ft. lamps, 40w. 4 FT. LAMPS A.C. Cat. No. Max.V. Cap. mFd. H.1709 275v. H.l7l0 44Ov- 3'25 3'5 FOR 80w. Ci rcui t Dimensions Type Weight 5 FT. Elongated Eac h oz b " Single-Lamp' " Twin-Lamp " List Price {. il 0 s. 2 0 3 I Std. Pkge. Quan ti ry d I la 0 LAMPS H.l8l2 275v. L.4599 275v. H. l8l 3 44Ov - " 7'5 80 Single-Lamp Elongated 8*" " Cubic Elongated " Twinllamp " 7'O X 2\T" 4' x 2i." 151" X x ¡ X X õ ã l8 4 l8 4 I 0 6 2 6 STANDARD BOX AUANTITIES GENERAL LIGHTING SERVICE LAMPS ÞISCHARGE LAMPS BOX QUANTITIES Wattages Gasfìlled, Clear BOX QUANTITIES Gasfìlled, Pearl l5 ¡00 ,g 25 40 60 75 t00 t00 ot 75 50 50 75 t00 ts0 00 50 I 24 t2 200 300 500 9 6 6 750 000 I 500 ¡ 4 BOX QUANT T Side Lamps 288 Head Lamps t44 Stri pli tes 8i" & 50 r r*" ES Noon Candle s0 25 Made ¡n Crcot Br¡to¡n Page Tltirty-four Lamp Type Vacuu m MCF/U 80w. MCF/U 40w. MCFB/U 40w. MCF/U 40w. MCF/U 30w. MCF/U 20w. MCF/U I 5w. MBT/U I 60w. MBT/U 250w. MB/V 00w. MB/V I 25w. MA/V 250w. 400w. 80w. MBFi V I 25w. MBF/V MAF/V 400w. so/H 45w. Qty. 5Ír. X t+" 4Ít. x t+' 4Ít. x t+" 2Ít. X t+" 3ír. x 2Ír. X t+' la" x t2 t2. t2 t2 t1 t2 l2 l2 Lam p s3*. Lamp 4öw. Lamp l2!iw. I Lamp 60w. I 3 l2 sciiH Mdw/v 3 t2 t2 sciiu scjir¡ 3 3 3 3 3 t7 t2 t2 l2 6 t2 a BI,ENDED TATIPS Group I MBT/U r60W. Bulb removed to show Philips Blended Lamps are suitable for commercial and industrial lighting, public lighting, and floodlighting. They resemble 200V. and 300U/. tungsten lamps in size, shape, caps and light output. The light is of a crisp near-white colour, approaching average daylight quality. inner const ru ction. The higher efficiencies of Philips Blended Lamps can be utilised either to economise in electricity by about 20 per cent., or to obtain higher illumination levels without increasing consumPtion. Each of these lamps contains a qluartz mercury discharge tube, with a filament in series as a resistance ballast and to give light. There is a short restarting delay. No external apparatus is required, the lamps being for direct connection to A.C. mains They have long useful lives. Not suitable for MBT/U t60W. D.C. mains. Lamps grouped for A.C. 50 cycles (200-210V.), (220-230V.), or (240-250V.) Nominal Lumens Class and Rating Average lnitial through L MBT/U t60W MBT/U 250W 3,000 5, 100 Nominal lnit¡al Efficiency 4,250 m.m. Overall Length ife 2,400 Approx. Þimensions t8'7 20.4 Dia. 178 233 90 ll0 L¡s cap Fini¡h Each L.C.L. D:128 F: Pearl 133 D:173 F: t Price x26\ or E.s. (E27l2s) B.C. (B22l2s G.E.S. s. ¡18 (E40/4s) s6 d. 0 0 178 L.C.L.-Light Centre Length, Lm,/W.-Lumens per watt. " D "-Discharge. " F"-Filament These lamps may be operated in any position. PURCHASE TAX does not apply to the Blended lamps listed above. Mode in Greot Br¡to¡n Page Thirty-f,ue MNRCURY TAMPS ANI) MERCI]RY.FtT]ORESCENT TAMPS Group I Philips tr{ercury and Mercury-Fluoresceut Larnps are usetl extensively for public and industrial lighting, and for floodlighting. They give up to th¡ee times more light than ordinary lamps of similar consumption, and havc lives. long useful When Philips Mercury Larnps are used alone, their bluish-vhitc light gives increased visual acuity while in combination with tungsten lamps, the resultant o'blended light " is of crisp white quality, with good overall cfficiency. Philips Mercury-Fluorescent Lamps have fluorescent phosphor internal coatings to the bulbs rvhich rnodify the light to one nearer white than that of the rnercury light alone. Use only on A.C. rnains in circuit with apparatus supplied or approved by Philips Electrical Ltd. l ffi Lamps grouped for A.C. 50 cycles (200-210V.), (Zl0-230V.), (240-250V.) Nominal Lumens . 191-.:*' ,lY-:ii Class and Rating üil:ä. ,",,,", lnl-ï,Tf L Mcrcury Lamps MB/V 80w. 90w. MB/V 125w. 135w. MA/V 250w. 270w. MA/V 400w. 425w. Nominal lnirial Effì- 3,000 5,300 8,750 16,800 ife Approx. Dimensrons m.m. 80w. 90w. 125w. 135w. 400w. 425w. * With Apparatus on I 3,000 5,300 s,200 il3 2,500 4,100 8,000 42 35 t60 t78 290 14,400 42 330 2 500 37 42 38 t78 233 |0 t30 t67 2 800 33s ¡65 200 37 4 t00 80 90 48 48 t28 t70 t90 t23 Each Pearl 3-pin B.C. (822/31 cl!". c.Ë.s, ib¡o/ié) Fluor, 3-pin B.C. (822/31 G.E.S. (E40/4s) ,, positions without serious loss of performance. RAIN : When used for exterior lighting, these lamps should be adequacely prorected lrom rain, BALLASTS FOR MERCURY AND MERCURY-FLUORESCENT LAMPS last Price Bal A.C. For 80w. lamps (MB/V L,3924 1.3925 90-230v. 2 I 5-255v. I For 125w. lamps (M L.3964 I 90-230v. 1.3965 2 I 5-255v. 1.3966 I 90-250v. For or Ca r MBF/V) t s, d. 3 3 Use Ca paci to I I I 8 1.4600 1.4600 (8 mfds.) (8 mfds.) B/v, MBF/V, MBW/V) 4 4 4 19 0 19 0 9 I 1.4604 (13 mfds.) 1.4604 (13 mfds.) 1.4604 (13 mfds.) pacito Price L s, 8 I d. 1 1 198 ¡ 98 t 98 :' lamps (M A/v) 250w. 1.38 I 5 I 1.38 I 6 2 90-230v. I x x 30) 30) 45 d 6 0 5,1 0 59 0 18 59 6 0 8t 6 39 230v. L.C.L.-Light Centre Length. Lm/W,-Lumens per watc, NORMAL OPERATING POSITION for MA/V lamps is vertical cap úp or down. Thesc lamps also in lanterns fìtted with magneric arc deflectors. NORMAL OPERATING POSITION for MB/V and MBF/V lamps is vertical cap up. These lamps Cat. No. List Price C"p i';îiü ?J"ï:l Dia. L.c.L. Mercu ry-Fluorescent Lamps MBF/V MBF/V MAF/V Finish 5-255v. 5 4 5 ll 4 Below 230v.: 1.4610 (20 mfds.) 230v. up: 1.4606 (15 mfds.) For 400w. lamps (M A/V, MAF/V) 1.3776 I 90-230v. ó80 1.4610 (20 nfds.) L.3777 2 I 5-255v. ó80 1.4610 (20 mfds.) 201 I 13 4 20,1 201 PURCHASE TAX does not apply to ¡he irems listed on this page. Mode ¡n Gtcot Btitoin Page Thirty-six may be used horizontally may be operâted in other SODIT] M TAMPS Group I Philips Sodirrm so/H t40w. Lamps arc well knt¡rvrr .. and extensively used I'r-rr public lighting, floodlighting and sorne types of industrial lighting, where colour discrimination is not requircd. They give u¡r to fivc tinres rnorc light than ordinary larnps ol' sirnilar consurnption and have Ìong useful livcs. lìxcellent visibility is obtained u¡rder ntouochrornatic ycllorv socliun thc light, drrc to thc irr- crcased visual acuity, enhanced colltrasts, and frecdoll from glare, Use only on Ä.C. rnains in circuit u'ith apparatus supplicd or approved by Philips Electrical Ltd Ap p rox. Total lnir. Nomin¡l Lumens Class and Rating w¡th Average Apparrtus on ln¡t¡el through 230V. so/H 45W. 65W. 2,7OO so/H 60w. 8ow. 4,200 so/H 85W. tosw. 6,460 so/H t40w. t6sw. t0,640 (Lamps in Jackets) m.m, Effìciency Overall Life List Price E¡ch Approx, Þimenrions Nominal lni¡ial Length Dia. Finish cap (Ccramic) Lamp only L.C,L. 2,200 60 238 50 3,400 70 300 50 t70 s,400 76 4t5 50 230 9,000 76' st8 65 280 t.{0 Clear B.C. (822/5) B.C. (822/M) V.J. only s. d. s. d. 1267t9 51, ó 2,1 ó 630 293 f16 330 BALLASTS and CAPACITORS Cat. No. Ballast ¡s a ¿OW. C1?'lo. A.c. piå Èecn ^ U,e #i.: LaÞacttor - u.e LâDâC|LOr ' 1.3ót2 2t0-230V. 4 1.36t3 230-250V. 1 For 140W. Lamps (SO/H) 1.363 I t90-210V. 5 1.3ó32 2t0-230V. 5 1.3633 230-2s0V. 5 PURCHASE TAX does not Eecn 1.46 t0 1.46 t0 1.,t606 f s, 20 20 t3 L46 L46 L46 201 201 201 Is.d. 60W 85W. Lamps (SO/H) 1.36t I t90-2t0v. 1 For 45W., 85W. 0 0 0 d. 4 L 4606 L.4606 4 1.4606 4 ippy to rìe tems stcd ot tts Cap'tor L¡st Price Each ts.d. I 13 ,l I 13 ,l Ill 1 L.C.L.-Licht Centre Length. Lm/W-Lumens per watt. Normal operating position for all these lamps is horizontal. The SO/H ,15W. and 60W. may be operated from the vertical to the horizontal cop up. The SO/H 85W. and 140W. may be operated from the ho¡izontal down to 20" below, coÞ uÞ. Caps must never be lower than the lamp tubes. The detachable vacuum jackets may be used with replacement lamps. several page iVodc ir¡ Greot 8¡itoin Page 'I'hirty-seuut' GDR]TTIOIDAI TI]BES Mode in Hallønd Most ofthe energy radiated by Philips TUV tubes has a waveJength of 2537 Angstrom Units (short-wave, ultra-violet). 2537,EU radiarion attacks the cell srructure.of micro-organisms and is thus h¡ghly effect¡ve aga¡nst the germs, mould and tungus spores, w¡ld yeasts and bacÈeriawhich cause human infections, spo¡l food and beverages, and contaminate pharmaceutical products, Such ha¡mful and costly ¡nfect¡on can be prevented by Phiiips Germicidal TUV tubes when used for :(i) Direct radiation for surface srerilization, (¡i) lnd¡rect upper-ai¡ irradiatjon, (iii) Air-condition¡ng sysrems and air ducts. Deta¡ls apparatus, reflectors, recommended radiation schemes, and prices, available on aÞpl¡cation. The special glass used in Philips TUV tubes does not perm¡t ultra-violet rays of wavelengchs below 2000 ÂU ro pass through, so thar ¡nitial formation of ozone is. only slight,. and negl¡g¡ble afrei 100 hours-' burning. These tubes should nor be viewed directly for lengthiy periods unless glasses or protect¡ve goggles are worn, Effective doses of germicidal radiation depend on the typê of germ, intensity and duration of the radiation, area irradiäted and disraàèe from the tube, I Tube Class and Tube Current Rati ng Amps. TUV I5W TUV 3OW Energy ntensity 25374 Approx,Dimensions Output" w UV2537A Overall length wurt. List caP Price each s.d uta' 0.33 l5 30 2.9 t8" l+" o.37 30 7S 1a 36" t\" a Med. Bi-pin 70 I o G I 3/3s do. lo8 o a a I MBRCURY PRINTING TAMPS Made ìn Hollond Phillps Repro Lamp Type MBRi U 125 W. is a high desiined for the printing induitry. No add¡t¡onal parcLularly suitabie for photo-copying, plate making to the v¡sible l¡ght in¡¡tìeà ¡n che blu [n "¿¿¡t¡"Á¡n the near ultra--violet region, this b radiatlon iñcally mp ¡s erable c ation of int and and granular .llj'*I""x', Ballasts a :i^TffiiTil Cat 1.3966' Lamp grouped for A.C. 50 cycles (200-210v'), (220-230v.)' or (240-250v.) Approx. To¡al Class p roxi mate Dimensions m.m, Ap L¡st Fin is h ln¡tial and Rating Watcs+ 6u"."¡¡ cap Pri ce Each ute. Le ngc n s. MBR/U t35 t25W. ternal Reflector I 232 108 n E.S. 16 C d. 6 I]LTRA.YIOIHT FITTER MERCT]RY TAMPS lt Mode in Greot Britoin Philips Ultra-Violer Mercury Filter Lamps emit practically no visible light and are intended only orescent maler¡als with 36504 U.V. specialisc manufacturers (names on f such fluorescence ¡s most ettractive. or analys¡s of various substances, as he exam¡nat¡on of sta¡ns. diation where required. The lamPs h apparatus suPPlied or approved by Philips Electrical Ltd. Lairp grouped for 4.C.50 Class and Rat¡ng Approx. Total ln¡t. Rad iation l3sw PHILIP5 U,V Ff ITTR I'48 RCU RY overall Dia. Lengtn L¡st Fin ish cap Each s. 2l Ar 3130 A less than 6l 178 90 r.1ßw/v t25w Price L.c.L, 3023 A less than tzsw. fr Approx. Dimen. m.m. ltra-V¡olet At MBW/V ,, cycles (200-210v.), (220 230v.)' or (240-250v') Near U 128 Bl¡ck 3-pin B.C. (822/31 x30) ó3 d. 0 At 3650 A not less than 40% * with apparatus on 230v. L.C.L,-L¡ght Centre Length. Normal operating position ¡s vertical cap positions without ser¡ous loss of performance. PURCHASE TAX does not ¡pply to the lamps listed on this pag Page Thirty-ei7ht Ia up, but these lamps may be operaled ¡n other a a C e e a C a C a t c c t t t t I t ¡ ¡ t a e DISCHABGE TAMP APPARATUS . FOR A.C. MAINS 50 CYCLES PURCHÂSE TÁ,X does not apply to this apparatus. BÄLLÅflT TYPES. All are tapped, low power factor, " singleJanp " type. CÄPÄCITOR TYPES. These are ¡ecommended for use in parallel connection, 2?5v., A.C. max., for power factor inprovement. HOUSING. This apparatus usually is housed in boxes and instslled close to the lighting frttings. For details of suitable boxes, see Page 53. BALLASTS FOR MERCURY AND MERCURY-FLUORESCENT LAMPS FOR 80w. LAMPS (MBIV cat. No. L.3924 L.3925 or A.c. IABFIV) fflit 190-230v. 215-255v. Descr¡pr¡on 5v. FOR 90-230v. I 5-255v. 90-250v. or Solid Fìlled Each 82 90 74 L 4604 90-230v. 5v Solid Filled 215-255v. 5v I List Price f s 318 318 d. MBRIU) Protected Terminals I 1.4600 b, oz, 74 74 Solid Filled 5v. 5v. 0v. I 2 We¡ght 5v. FOR 125w. LAMPS (ÌvlBlV, MBFlv, MBWIV L 3964 L 3965 L 3966 Use Capacitor Cat. No. 4 4 4 250w. LAMPS (MAIV) 1.38 I s 1,38 I 6 Notel: I 9t2 t0 0 L.4606 or 1.4610 (See L.4606 (See Note l) or 1.4610 Note l) UsetheL,46l0capacitoronvolragesbelow230v.,theL.4606on230v,andabove. 5il 5il 4 4 FoR 400w. LAMPS (MAIV') L.3776 L.3777 190-230v. 215-255v. 5v. Solid Filled L.4610 5v. 5 4 4 2 600 ó00 BALLASTS FOR SODIUM LAMPS FOR 45w., 60w., or 85w. TAMPS (SO/H) Cat. No. 136 136 2 136 3 Note l: Ballast A.C. 90-2 I 0v. l0-230v. 230-250v. 0v 0v 0v I 2 Use Capac¡tor Description Tapped Cat. No. (See Protected Terminals L¡st We¡ght Each Note l) b. oz, t2 0 t0 ts t0 For the SO/H 85w. use 1.4606 capacitor. above 230v. use L.4606 capacitor. For the SO/H 45w. and 60w. on Price t5 És.d. 417 0 417 0 4t7 0 190-230v. use 1.4610 capacitor; FOR 140w. tAlVPS (SO/H) 1.363 I 1.3632 1.3633 I 90-2 I 0v, 2 I 0-230v. 230-250v. 0v 0v L46 Protected Terminals 0 0v 4A 42 42 0 0 0 CAPACITORS FOR DISCHARGE LAMP CIRCUITS (275 A.C. MAX.) List Approx. Cat. No. Capacitance Connectìon We¡ght Price Each mFd. I lb. T.R.S. Leads 1.4600 1.4602 t0 L.4604 L.4606 t3 t5 L.46t4 1.46 t 5 20 30 30 L.46t6 coåauir Ënt.y 40 T.R.S. Leads L.4620 40 60 T.R.S. Le¿ds L.4621 60 Conduit Entry L.4624 80 80 00 T.R.S. Leads L.4629 L.4630 1.463 r 00 20 20 L.46 t0 t.46t7 L.4624 L.4625 Conduit Entry Condu¡t Entry T.R.S. Leads Conduit Entry T.R.S. Leads Conduit Entry oz. lt2 tt4 20 24 2t2 3S 3t2 54 58 8 t2 90 t0 t2 il0 t2 12 13 0 t3 12 t40 I 5. l8 d. 4 I I I I 5 I I t3 .4 2 0 2 l9 4 4 3 3 3 5 5 f 7 I I 0 0 2 tó t9 9 t2 2 I 0 4 0 4 0 5 0 l5 0 I il 0 4 l8 4 Made ¡n Greqt Btitain Page Thirty-nine PBINCIPAT TYPES OF TAMP B.S.S. Cap Designations. CAPS Millimetre Dimensions EDISON SCREW T I 45 T l l._-40=-+ 25 +4O- ts-27 ---4 2t @ F-27-1 lls+ f-t5l E.40l4s E.27l2s E.l4123x l5 Goliath (G.E.S.) Standard (E.S.) Small (S.E:S.) E.r0/r3 Miniature (M.E.S.) BAYONET l T z5 tt t_ f-2? @ lrs--i 7l I ,_-22----t 2ó ____r 8.2212.5x26 B.22l2t (8.c.) (8.c.) \ l'- ro"- k_ lr 8.22131 30 _-l FESTOON LAMP -T trs--1 i-rs 171 --1 l*-rç -.] S.l5s s. t5 s. t9 Centre Contact Clip Contact Clip Poge Forry' (s.c.c.) x 30 (3-Pin) DOUBLE-ENDED s-l B.l5s/17 ï r-22-ì ñ_, lrs--l irs-i s I I o r-l B.r5d/r7 (s.B.c.) t35" l-l5 l7 f-re- Con tact 'êr o ir'i s.7/8 i8'5'i s.8.s/8 PRINCIPAT TYPES OF IAMP CAPS ( Continueil) Designations Millimetre B.S.S. Cap SINGLE Dimensions 2.PIN BAYONET & MEDIUM BI.PIN CONTACT V.J. RING CERAMIC I I r 24 | --- I F-35 3 { 37 6 @ G r 3/23 i t- t0 lo @ I t T 64 L !- G r 3/3s -55----------l 35s/2 I PRE.FOCUS B22IM 822/S BI-POST P28 P40 8i.22 o E27 3-FtN (Dc5ric) B&H46 B&H38 8i,33 Page Forty-one INDUSTNIil FTUORESOENT IIÊHTING FITTINGS FOR SINGLE OR TWIN BOW. 5 FT. LAMPS All fìttings include H.P.F. Apparatus and Starters. Finish: White Stove Enamel unless stated otherwise. LIST PRICE (excluding lamps and GENERAL DESCRIPTION s /s.d. Closed-end Trough, grey exterior Single 8ow' s ft' tomP For (4.7300 Chain or uspe nsions) A'7271 Tube Suspensions extra) A.óooo ..ANDovER,, 980 Fixing Centre¡: 4.6000 30" (1" conduit) Open-end Angle fìtting For Single 8oVV' s ft. (A'7300 Chain or A,7271 Tube Suspensions extra) IomP A.ó010 ..ARDEN,, Fixing Centres: 4.6010 36" 9t3 I (f" conduit) Ceiling Channel For Single 80W. s ft. For Twin 80W. s tomp 7 0I A.ó001 "AYLESBURY" ilt7B ft. lomps A.ó031 "ABBOTSBURY" Fixing Centres: 4.6001 36" (å" conduit) 4.6031 51" (f" conduir) Ceiling Vee For Single 80W. 5 ft. lomp For Twin 80W. 5 ft. 8tó A.óOO2 "ALDERSHOT" t3t5 I lomps A.ó032 "ANTRIM" Fixing Centres: A.600236" 0 (f" conduit) A.60325y'(1" conduit) Open-end detachable Trough (4.7300 Chain or A,7271 Tube Suspens¡ons exrra) Single ,,AXMINSTER" A.ó003 ,,AXBRIDGE" Twin A.ó033 908 1428 With yitreous enomel reflector only "AXMINSTER" ..AXBRIDGE" A. ilt7 I 1004 A.ó034 t8t0 With " Perspex" Refector ..ABERDARE'' Fixing Centres 4.6003/4/5 36" (f" conduit) Lighting Fittings for Trunking Systems are available; details on request. Fluorescent Lamps are listed on page 32 and details of apparatus, mains voltages and suspension sets are on page 44, A.óOO5 A.603314 511 (1" conduit) Upward Light Cat. Nos. 4.6003, 4.6004, 4.6033, and 4.6034 can be supplied with slotted reflectors if ordered specially. No extra charge. Mode in Greot Britoin Pøge lÌorty-tuo 1384 INDUSTRIAT FLT]ORESCINT TIGIITING FITTINGS FOR SINGLE OR TWIN 4OU/. 4 FT. LAITPS All fìttings include H.P.F. Apparatus and Starters, f¡nish: Wh¡te Stove Enamel unless stated otherwise. LIST PRICE (excluding lamps and GENERAL DESCRIPTION sus pe nsio ns) f Ceiling Channel For Síngle 40W. I I ¡ I I ¡ I t ) , , 4ft. A.ó150 "ASHFORD" lomp s. d. 6 0 917 0 710 4 For Twin 4oW. 4ft. tomÞs A.ó185 "ALTON" F¡xing Centres: 30" (å" condt,) Open-end detachable Trough (Cat. Nos. 4.7270 Chain or 4,7271 Tube Suspensions extra) For Single 4ow.4ft. tomp A.ó155 "ASHBURTON" For Twin 4oW. 4ft. tomÞs A.ó190 "ALNESS" F¡xing Centres: 30" ilil 0 l0t7 4 ({" condt,) Open-end detachable " Perspex " Trough (Cat. Nos. 4,7270 Chain or 4.7271 Tube Suspensions extra) D I For Sìngle 4ow.4ft. t lomp A.óló0 "ASHTON" t5 64 For Twin , 4ow,4ft. tomps A.ó195 "ALBANY" a Fix¡ng Centres: 30" (å" condt.) I t Open-end Angle fitting (Cat. Nos.4.7270 Chain or 4.7271 Tube Suspensions extra) D t t For Single o a o e e o 4oW. 4ow. 4ft. tomþ A.ó145 "ASHCROFT" Fo¡ Twin 4ft. lomps A.ó192 ..ABERFORD'' Fixing Centres: 30" (f" condt.) 7t6 4 il17 4 (Closed end) Ceiling Vee For Singfe 40W. D 4ft. lomP A.6162 .,ASHLEY" For Twîn ¡ 4ow. ! F¡xinE 4ft. tomÞs A.ó197 "APPLEBY" 770 il 50 Centres: 30" (f" condt.) .o I I ¡ t Mode ¡n Crcot Br¡toin Fluorescent Lamps are listed on page 32 and details of apparatus, mains voltages and suspension sets are on page 44. ? ã t ) ) c Page Forty-th,reø a Ie C(}MMERCIAI FIT]ORESCENT TIGHTING FITTINGS I a a FOR SINGLE OR TU/IN BOW. 5 FT. & 4OW. 4 FT. LAMPS. GENERAL DESCRIPTION a LIST PRICE (excluding lamps and s us Fitting with reeded "Perspex" panels and metal louvre ç.,"3;l::;ålt"n""lfll,".o.ttt' Single lomþ 80w. s ft. A.ó0ó0 "APSLEY" P.T. pensions) És. d tót9 4 37 4 23 3I A.ó0ó4 "ABINGDON" 80W. 5 ft. P.T. 426 27 Fixing Ccntres: As 4.6001 ¿nd 4.6301 6 2 P.T. (f" condt.) " Perspex " Single lomþ 4ow. 4 Diffuser Fitting A.ó¡100 "ANGLESEY" P.T. Twìn lomÞs 40W. 4 ft. A.ó¡lO5 "ARUNDEL" P.T F¡xiñg Centre¡: 1288 294 t4rB 0 (Cat' Nos' A'7270 Ch¡in o¡ A,7271 Tube Suspensionr cxtrr) ft. 3d'(f" condt,) € € e e c c c c c A.ól,O "ABBEY" F¡xing Cenrre!: 30" € € e " Perspex " Cornice Fitting ' Single lomp 40W. 4 ft. e c 20 ó I Twin lomps c c l2 t8 278 149 4 1780 328 20t0 I e e c c c c c c a a a a a a SUSPENSION SETS Cat. Nos. of suitable Chain or Tube Suspension Sets are shown in brackets under description of fìttings on pages 42-44. Please order additionally by Cat. No. Cat. Nos. 4.727Q and 4.7300 Chain Sets 9s. 8d. per set Cat. No.4.7271 Tube l3s.0d. per set Set ... APPARATUS All these Philips Fittings supplied complete with Philips H.P.F. Apparatus and Starters wlred ready for use. Lamps not included should be ordered additionally. MAINS VOLTAGE These Philips Fittings are available for one ofthree A.C, 50 cycle voltage groups (200-210V.), (220-230V.) or (240-250V.). Please specify A.C. mains voltage. Fittings for other A,C, voltages or for D.C. on request, Tapped 80w. ballasts are available in certain fìttings. CLEANING " PERSPEX " We recommend " Perspex " Polish No. 3 for cleaning " Perspex 2s' 6d" and 8 oz" 4s' 0d' net' Made¡ncrcot'tito¡n Page lrorty-four " fìttings. Jars: 4 oz., I ¡ I t ¡ t ¡ I I t t I I t ¡ I I I INSTANT SEtF STANT r COMMERCIAI, FTUORESCENT TIOIITING FITTINGS GENERAL DESCRIPTION The important feature of the Philips lnstant-Self-Start Fluorescent L¡ghting Fittings illustrated on th¡s page and the next is that they require NO APPARATUS, with consequent saving in cãpital outlay. The Philips Fluorescent Lamp (Class MCFB/U) op_erates in series with a Philips Tungsten Ballast Lamp conirolling thê current and producing additional light wirh high effìciency. The fìttings are lightweight, simple to ¡nstall, instant-self-starting and have a power factor of 0.97 approx. The overall luminous eftìciency is about 22 lumens/watt initial or double thatóf ordinary tuhgsten lamps. Radio interference suppressors are íncorporated in each fìtting. Lamp details are given on pages 30 and 31. LIST PRICE (excluding lamp and GENERAL DESCRIPTION sus pensions) fs.d. Al l-metal semi-¡ nd ¡ rect fìtti ng in ivory stove enamel (Cac. No. 4.7280 Tube Suspension Set extra) A.6240 "AMESBURY'' Fixing Centres: " l7+å" Weight: l4l P.T lbs. approx. (incl. lamps) Diffuser fitting with " Crinothene side panels and plast¡c louvre 800 200 t000 " (Cat. No. 4.7280 Tube Suspension Set extra) A,6246 "ALVA" P.T. F¡xint Centrc!: SUSPENSION l7+1" Weight ll! lbs. approx. (incl. lamps) 8tó 0 240 ¡t 0 SETS desi enamel required ( I e, Cat. No. Set. List p pecially ove , comPrising Alternative ths .maY be each. MAINS VOLTAGES For A.C, 220-250V . mains. Not for D.C. Please order the Ballast Lam Ps for 220-230V., 240V. or 250V. as required. For A.C. 200-210V. mains, Cat. No, H,1723 transformer ts available (List price 52s. ód.) for mounting adjacent to these fittings. Mode in Hollond Poge Forty-fiae 0 INSTANT START SEtF INDUSTRIAT FTUORESCENT TIGHTING FITTINGS LIST PRICE (excluding lamp and sus pe ns ions) GENERAL DESCRIPTION Single lamp batten fìtting for ceiling mounting, in ivory stove enamel A.6270 "ARGYLL'' Weight: 4|b.6 És. d 2t0 6 3,4 0 74 0 74 0 212 6 ozs. (inc. lamps) Twin lamp batten fìtting for ceiling mounting, in ivory stove enamel A.ó275 "ARRAN'' Mode ¡n Creot Bt¡toin Weieht: 6lb. (inc. lamps) All-metal trough fìtting, stove enamel, white inside, grey outside (Cat. Nos. 4.7280 Tube, 4.7270 Chain extra) or A.7271 Tube Suspension Sets A.ó252 "ARDINGLEY'' Mode in Hollond Can be fitted with Cat. No. 4.6260 Metal Louvre. F¡xing Centres: 4lt" or 17Ì" (f" condt,) Weight: l6* lb. (incl. lamps) All-metal trough fitting with slotted reflector. Stove enamel, wh¡te inside, grey outside. (Suspension Sets and Fixing Centres as for A.6252 " Ardingley ") A.ó25ó "ARBROATH'' Mode ìn Hollond Can be fìtted with Cat. No. 4.6260 Metal Louvre. We¡ght: l7* lb. (inc. lamps) All-metal Louvre A.ó2ó0 frE=! ModeìnHotond For single ottochment to Cat. No. A.ó252 "ARDINGLEY" and A.ó25ó "ARBROATH" a XP.T P.T, not oÞÞl¡coble when louvre is ordered ot the some time os " Ardíngley " ond " Arbrooth" f¡tt¡ngs' SUSPENSION SETS Cat. No.4.7280-See page 45 for details and price. 4.6275 " Arran." Cat. No. 4.7270-Chain Set ... Cat. No. 4.7271-Tube Set ... Lamp details are given on pages 30 and 3 l. Page Forty-six Unsuitable for use with Cat. No. 4.6270 " Argyll .. List " and Price 9s. 8d. ,, I3s. 0d. t32 D D D D I.NDT] ST.RIAt TI'GIITING FITTTNGS t) t FOR TUNGSTEN OR BLENDED LA,MPS )ì tl t\ t LIST PRICE GENERAL DESCRIPTION )ì (excluding lamps) ll t\ )) Standard Dis pers¡ye Reflector. l$" hole type. Lampholder not included. Spacing-Height Ratio lj: l. t\ w.850ó. For 40W. lamp. 10" dia. 5" ht. I )) w.8s07. For 12" di¿, w.8508. w.853ó. w.8509. For 100W. lamp. 14" dia. 7{' ht, For 150W. lamp. 14" di¿, 7f," ht. For 200W. or MBT/U 160W. lamp. 16" dia. 9'! )) fr lamp. 6" ht. ht, 3+ lb. Deep Dispersive Fitting. Detachable weatherpi'oof canopy top, tapped f," conduit. Complete with porcelain lampholder. )r l, Spacing-Height Ratio ), w.8502. w.8537. ¡j fr ¡, w.8503. w.8s04. hldr. 14" di¿. 9" ht. 3{ lb. app. wt. hldr. 14' dia. 9" ht. 3{ lb. app. wt. 160W. lamp. E.S. hldr. 16" dia. l0{" ht. For 100W. lamp. B.C. For 150W. Iamp. B.C. For 200W. or MBT/U For 300-500W. 13" ht. I54 : l{ : l. 4 lb. app. wt. )' I 124 150 lf4 188 lb. app. wt. lf lb. app. wt. 2f lb. app. wt. 2f lb. app. wt: wt. aPP. t\ fì 60W. f s.d or MBT/U 250W. lamp. G.E.S. 5 lb. app. wt. hldr. 18" dia. 112 lt34 200 354 4 ¡) ¡ ¡ ¡ Dispersive "Overlamp" Fitting. Weatherproof top, tapped f;" conduit. Complete with porcelain lampholder. SpacingHeight Ratio l{ : l. w.8527. For 150W. lamp. B.C. hldr. 14" dia. l0{" ht. 4 lb. app. wt, w.8528. For 200W. or MBT/U 160W. lamp. E.S. hldr. 16" dia. ll+" ht. t, l) fr fr fr fr lr fr w.8529. w.8530. 5 lb. app. wt. For 300W. or MBT/U 250W. lamp. G.E.S. hldr. 18" dia. 14" ht. 6| lb. app. wt. For 500W. lamp. G.E.S. hldr. 18" dia. l4y'ht. 6{ lb. app. wt. q l184 258 398 398 Elliptical Angle Fitting. Detachable weatherproof canopy top, tapped f;" conduit. Co mplete with porcelain lampholder. Spacing deta¡ls on request. I f; w.8510. l, For 100-150W, aPP. w.851l. ¡ ¡ I lamp. B.C. wt. hldr. 13" x 9f;" dia. For 200W. or MBT/U 160W. lamp. E.S. hldr. 15" ht. 4 lb. app. wt. I lå" hr. l6t' x 2+ lb. 12" dia. ttó I 216 4 l, t ¡ I ¡, enamelled white interior' ixcept where stated otherwise. All fìtt¡ngs vitreous exterior, green Made ¡n Grcot Bt¡ta¡n I a ¡ ) ) o Pøge Forty-seuen INDUSTNIAT TIGHTINÊ FITTINGS FOR TUNGSTEN OR BLENDED LAMPS LIST PRICE GENERAL DESCRIPTION (excluding lamps) Concentrating "OverlamP" Fitting. Weatherproof toP, tapped f;" conduit. Complete with porcelain lampholder. Soacins-Heisht Ratio I : l.¡zi For-2oow. or MBT/U lóoW. lamp. E.S. hldr. 14" dia. l0|" ht. 5t lb. app. wt. W.8533. For 300-500W. or MBT/U. 250W. lamp. G.E.S. hldr. lU' di¿. ht. l3{" 6f lb. apP. wt. Standard Concentrating W.8515.* For 100-150W. lamp. B.C. hldr. wt. APP. w.85¡ó. For 200W. or MBT/U 160W. lamp. W.8517. 4 lb. apP. wt. For 300-500W. ht. ll+" or ll" E.S. dia. 71" hldr. 14' MBT/U 250W. lamp. G.E.S. 5{ lb. app. wt. ht. 2å lb. dia. l0å" ht. hldr. 16" dia. fs.d. 208 30,1 t 20 lló 0 2ts I toP' lder. I W.S573. For 500W. lamp. G.E.S. hldr. 2 2 2 16" dia. I t 0 f 8 0 t9 I ail 0 Diffuser Fitting. For interior use, with with opal glass ampholder. Finish-all white. Spacing- pped å" conduit. Complete ll|" ht. 7{ W.B52l. W.8522. lb. lamp, B.C. hldr. 18" dia. app. wt. Fbr 200W. or MBT/U 160W. lamp. E.S. hldr. 18" dia. llå" ht' 7{ lb. app. wt. Fõr 300-500W. or MBT/U 250W. lamp. G'E.S. hldr' 20" dit. 14" ht. l2 lb. apP. wt. ,l13 I 5ta Local Lighting Unit w¡th 3" backplate (2" fìxing centres). Finish-Alu minium. W.8545. "Wevmouth" For 150W. lamp or 150W. spotlight reflector lamp, E.S. hldr. 6" dia. 12å" ht. l] lb. aPP. wt. Local Lighting Unit with 6" baseplate to stand. Complete with louvre. Finish-Aluminium. W.854ó. "Weymouth" For 150W. lamp or 150W. spotlight reflector lamp. E.S. hldr' (Patent No.658236.) 6" dla. l3+" ht. 2f lb. app. wt. All fìttings vitreous enamelled white interior, Sreen exterior. * Note: Suitable also for 250W, lnfra-Red Lamp. Please specify E.S. lampholder. List price Møde ín Greot Brîtoin Pøge Forty-eíght fl 4s.8d; 3tt t{E 8 >' ¡ t D D D PROJECTORS FTOODTIGHT D FOR TUNGSTEN LAMPS D ) t THE " WESTGATE '' D 'D DESCRIPTION D installed general purpose wide beam floodlight projector. Beam angle D l40o approx. D D D ) ) D D Philips Cat. No. W.8800 " WESTGATE " is a robust and gr Complete with porcelaiñ G. exterior and white wire safety mesh' stable steel st¡rruP Body of heavy gauge steel, interior. Hêai rãsisting, cl and baseplate with four {" simply ho LAMPS Tungsten 500W., 750W. or 1,000W. G.L.S. Mercury MA/V 250W. or 400W. operated within l0o of the vertical, cap up or down. D D D I THE " \ilINCHESTER '' D c DESCRIPTION I I Philips Cat. No. W.8810 for narrow and medium follows:- c " WINCHESTER " beam is a heavy duty projector floodlighting. Beam angle is approx. as I Facet Lamp o c c s00w. G.L.s. 500W. or 1,000W. B.l Proj Mirror Smooth Mirror Beam C.P. at 0o Smooth Mirror 400 200 t20,000 300 150 320,000 (t,000w.) o c ? t o c c c c ? c a o e' e a c ) ) a' a LAMPS Tungsten 500W. G.L.S. Tungsten 500W. or 1,000W. Class B.l Projector in operat¡ng position excepting within 45o of vertical , cap up. Cat. No. w,0800 w.0810 For Description "Westgate" "Winchester" Phili ps Lamp Lampholde i r ncl, D Ext. imens ions We¡ght Finish tb. Depth Width G.E.S. V.E. grey Iy t8+" See above G.E.S. Galv. 20à" 20" n List Price (Fitting only) Heigh t { s.d. See above Mode any 23 23" 30 990 25¡0 0 Hollond Pøge Forty-níne FIO()DTIÊHT PROJNCTORS FOR TUNGSTEN AND SODIUM LAMPS THE " \TVHITBY " (Patênt Appl¡cat¡on 30700/50) DESCRIPTION W.8820 beam beam angle of 350-600. An " Alumilite " reflector. Philips Cat. No. w.8820 ..\A/HITBY " com- Floodlight plete with stippled front. List Price É7 15 0 each projector for medium and wide using gives a irror polished holder, cable entry Srommet and cadmium plated adjustable steel bracket and' baseplate, w¡th four f' holes at 4" centres.' LAMPS Tungsten 200W. G.L.S. Clear, Pearl or Argenta. Blended MBT/U 160W. Mercury MB/V 125W. or " Black Lamp MBWiV 125W. " f FRONT Frameless moulded "Perspex" front held by four screws. Available in these fìnishes and colouri:;Sti ppled. w.8823C. w.8824C. w.8825C. w.8826C. w.8827C. w.8828C. Reeded. Clear. b (use Pearl or A Uncoloured. Diffuse ,, Red Yellow Green Blue ied as standard), Rectangu n t) ,, ), List Price each 50s. 0d. p). )t tt Note: The W.8823C stiþple!,.is supp,ied with the floodlight, unless the order stotes otherwise, ond is included in the Þdce shown below for the comÞlete frtt¡ng. t SÞecif,, 3-slot lompholder, if required, for ltl8,lV 125W. or MBWIV 175W. THE " REIGATE '' DESCRIPTION " RElGATE " is a heavf duty sodium floodlight projector, for wide rectangular beam general purpose floodlighting. Beam angle 40o x 20o approx. Body held in wrought iron frame with welded sheet steel and plates, fìnished green. Reflector of mirror polished anodised aluminium and armour plate glass front in sliding Philips Cat. No. R.7670 frame, Complete with porcelain B.C. holder, cable entry glands and adjustable brackets for clamping to cast iron apparatus box, with wooden block and fuses. Sodium lamp apparatus is not included and must be ordered additionally. Please state voltage. Pole clamps can be supplied if required. Please state pole diameter. LAMPS Sodium SO/H 140W. cat. No, w.8820 R.7ó70 For Philips Lamp DescriPtion " Whitby " Reigate " " Lamp- holder incl. Dimensions Ext Weight Finish tb. Dcpth See above E.S. so/H t40w B.C, W¡dth Height AL. l5' ta" Green 29il 2tI Mode ¡n Greot Bdtø¡n Page ltifty 4! 60 List Price (F¡tt¡ng only) € s,d. 7t5 2tt9 0 4 INDT] STRIAI TIGHTING FITTINGS FOR SODIUM A}[D MERCURY LAMPS FOR SODIUM LAMPS LIST PRICE (excluding lamps) DESCRIPTION Sodium Industrial Fitting. Weatherproof top, tapped f" conduit. Complete with porcelain lampholder. Exteriorfìnish-Grey. Spacing-Height Rat¡o at right angles to lamp 2 : l. Parallel to lamp lj : l. R.7500, "Redhill." For SO/H 45/60W. lamp. B.C. hldr. l7i" x 8+" d¡4. s" h!. s+ Ib. wt. aPP. R.7550.* "Redhill." For So/H 85W. lamp. B.c. hldr. R.7590. Fo; so/H t40W. lamp. B.c. hldr. 27" " l0* lb. "Redhill." Perspex " clear l5 lb. 22" x aPP. wt. x 13î" di¿. 16+" 6" dia. 7" f s.d, 404 4t2 I 516 4 hc. ht. aPP. wc. front covers to convert Cat. Nos. R.7500, R.7550, R.7590 into upward light reflectors for exterior use. With 4 cad. plated screws. (Licensed under Brit. Pat. App. No.30700/50.) R,7501c. For SOiH 45/60W. lamp. B.C. hldr. l8i" x 8Í" dia. lj lb. app. wt. R.7551c. For SO/H 85W. lamp. B.C. hldr. 239" x l3å" dia. li lb. app. wt. R,7591c. For SO/H 140W. lamp. B.C. hldr, 271" x l6i" dìa, 3t lb. app, wt, 2t0 0 3t0 0 4t5 0 Perspex " " fronts only FOR MERCURY LAMPS Dispersive "Overlamp" Fitting. For interior use only. Tapped f;" conduit. Complete with porcelain lampholder. Spacing-Height Ratio l{ : L R.7703. "Rochester," R.7704. "Rochester." R.7707. "Rutland." R.7709. "Rutland." For MB/V80W,lamp. 3-pin B.C.hldr. 14" dia. Il" ht. 3! lb. app.wc. For MBF/V 125W. Iamp. 3-pin B.C. hldr. 16" dia. lli" ht. 4å lb. aPP. wt, For MBF/V 80W. lamp. 3-pin B.C. hldr. l8" dia. l4å" ht. 7lb app. wt. For MBF/V 125W. lamp. G.E.S. hldr. la" dia. l4E" hc. 7lb. app. wc. 240 2 58 3 ó0 398 Dispersive "Overlamp" Fitting. only. Special cool-wiring top tapped å'l conduit. Complete with For interior use porcelain lampholder. Spacing-Height Ratio R.7700, "Richmond." R.7701. "Richmond.t' R,7702. "Richmond.t' FOR TUNGSTEN/MERCURY LAMps l{ : L For MA/V 250W. Iamp. G.E.S. hldr, 16" dia 18" ht. 9 lb. app. wt. ForMA/V400W. lamp. G.E.S.hldr. 18"di¿. l9+"ht, l2f FoTMAF/V400W.lamp. G.E.S.hldr. 18" di^. l9+"ht. l3lb. app. wt. 3 4 4 24 78 78 (Two LAMPS) Dispersive "Oyerlamp" Blended Light Fitting. interior use only. Special cool-wir¡ng top tapped å" conduit. Complete with two porcela¡n lampholders. Spacing-Height Ratio l| : l. For R.8000. "Radley. " For 200W. and MB/V 80W. lamps. E.S,, 3-pin B.C. hldrs. l7t' dit. l9r" h., 8f lb. app. wt. R.8001. ttRadley." For 300W. and MB/V 125W, lamps. G.E.S., 3-pin B.C. htdrs. 17" dia. stó R.8002. t'Radley.t' For 500W. and MA/V 250W, lamps. Two ó00 l9+" ht.9 lb. app. wt. 21" All Fittings Vitreous Enamelled White lnterior and Green Exterior, except where otherwise stated. ht. l0* lb. app. wt. G.E.S, hldrs. 18" dia. 0 5 18 I * Note : fhis fitting con be modilied to toke ¿ 400W, Mercwy Lomp for hortìculturol oÞÞli.otions in greenhouses, etc. Detoils on reques¿. Mode in Greot B¡ì¡oìn Page FiJiy-one COilIMEBCIAI I,IGHTING FITTINGS FOR TUNGSTEN OR BLENDED LAMPS LIST PRICE (excluding lamps) DESCRIPTION Junior Diffuser Reflector. For interior use. l$" hole type. Complete with opal glass shade. Lampholder not included. Finish- All White. Spacing- Height Ratio W.8523. For 40-60W. Ì|l.8524. For 75-100W. lamp. 10" l{ : l. 5" ht. lå lb. aef. w¡.r. dia. 140 60 IO lamp. 12" dia. 5å" ht. 2lb.aen. w;,, I 0 I I 7 2 I15IO W.8525. For 150W. lamp. 14" di¿. 6+" ht. 2* lb. app. wt. ., at6 4 9l 2 5 5 "Westbury" Semi-lndirect Pendant Fitting. Finish-Cream Stove Enamel bowl and suspension tube. Other exterior metal parts fìnished in polished aluminium W.8548. For 300W. Pearl or MBT/U 250W. lamp. G.E.S. holder. 21" dia. 14" hr. 4f lb. app. wt. P.T. " C¡inothene" ond " Perspex " ore Registered T¡ode Morks of lmÞeûol Chemicol lndustríes Ltd. Modc ín Greot B¡ìtoìn Page Fifty-two 8t0 0 226 t0t2 ó D D tr D ¡ ' IIGHTING FITTINGS ACCESSORIES PURCEÂSE TÄX does not apply to the¡c surpeneions ¡nd accee¡oricg. APPARATUS BOXES Each apparatus box accommodates one ballast and one capacitor of..the types listed on equipþdd w¡th a wooden baseboard end a pair of fuses. Entries å" conduit' Dimc n¡ion¡ R.84 t 0 Sheet Steel Box for lnterior il Sheet Steel Box for Exterior R.84 Use... Use... L¡st Pricc ln:idc De:cri ption Car. No, E¡ch page 39, and ls Std. Pkr€. Quantity L. W. D. f s.d. 14f;"x6t"x6f," 2 2 4 16" xSI"x7*" 4 I 0 SUSPENSIONS AND ACCESSORIES FOR FLUORESCENT LIGHT¡NG FITTINGS SUSPENSION SETS Cat. No. A.7270 CHAIN 4.727 TUBE sET t A.6t45, A,6t55, 4,6157, A.6t60, A.6t90, A.6192, A.6t95, A.6,100, A.6,105 SET CHAIN A.7300 ffi 'óL:rff tor titt¡nt Type As for 4.7270 and 4.7300 4.6000, A.6003, 4.6004, 4.600s, A.60t0, 4,6033, 4.6034, A.6060, 4.6064 SET ¡, d, 98 t¡ 1 0 t0 ACCESSORIES Cat. No. List Price Tvpe s. Hanging Loop¡ A.630 r C iiip". A.720s A,72lO A.7350C 4.7355C A.7360C A,7370C 4,7372C A,7402C A,7202 A,7204 R.8309 Srrspensiorr Sets Philips Instant-Self-Starl Fluorescent Fittíngs, plllie iee Page 45. for LIGHTING FITTINGS ACCESSORIES FOR TUNGSTEN DUSTPROOF COVERS WIRE GUARDS I List Price For F¡tt¡ngs Cat. No. Di¡meter Each w.s702 w.8703 w.8704 w.8705 C¡t. No. w.8550 w.855 t w.8552 w.8553 w.8554 w.8555 For Fitting Cat. No. w.8s20 w.8521 w.8522 w.8s23 w.8s24 w.8525 f + Cat. No. I w.87il For Fittingr D iamete r uhich S<d. Pkgc. Each Quanticy d. 80 84 94 il4 t20 Pleasc s,ate tlæ Cat. No. the List Price !, w.87t2 w.87t3 W.87l.l w.87t5 Please state the Cot, No. of the Fiuing for dustproof couer is requireil. oPAL GLASS BOWLS Std. Pkgc, Q u ant¡ ty Ís.d. 174 t 98 tts 4 220 2t4 4 w.870t d. 93 per dozen 20 each 40 33 70 24 per dozen 30 each 5ó per dozen 54 each 330 per dozen 3ó each tó 3ó ui"it tz'p"" 1".pI Four Contact Starterholder llook Backplate Jack Chain,36" length " S " Hooks Ball-socket Backplate f" Hcxagonal Locknuts å" Tube, cadmium plated, 29" length f" Male Conduit Hooks Single Contact Lampholder for MCFB/U Lrmp ... Base for 4.7202 3-Slot Batten-holder for Tungsten Ballast Lamp A,737 tC * r"r,io-äã"", låäphoiáu., of the Fitting for which thc wire guaril ís requireil. (SPARES) Price Each (Add P.T.) fs.d. t 40 t 08 t160 81 g4 t30 Pu rchase Tax Extr¡ s. d. ó0 72 90 2t zl 33 Total Price Std. Pkge. Each Quantity s. MISCELLANEOUS Description Cat. No. d. 00 5t0 50 05 05 63 I W,9300C tW,9316 L ist Pricc ts.d' I ¡0 per doz. å" M¡lc Conduit Hooks E.S. Porcelain Skirted Lampholder, with swivel loop... €¡ch ó0 Lampholders for Philips 250W. lnfra-Red lamps. Lampholderr for " l.S,S " illustrated on page 31, Mgde ¡n Grcot gritain Page Fifty-three PHITIPS TIGHTING a l. \. Sodium Llghtlng Ir"i [t ^ ., Berks, ,_11 with a Ph¡l¡ps SO/H 140W. in EL Ray " Refractor Lanterns, Mercury Lightiilg at Eastern Avenue, Wanstead, Essex, with Philips MA/V 400W. lf ercury Lamps operating horizontally in ELECO Lanterns. " Lancaster " Refractoi Pøge Fifiy-four I NSTAt LATI ONS Odsal lights Leagu lit by Philips flood. lamps for the Rugby dford Northern and the tour¡ng New Zealand side, 3lst October, 1951. The outer per¡meter is lit by the existing speedway installation. Vitreous Enamel Stoving Shop lighting with Philips Fluorescent Lamps MCF/U 80W. " Andover " Reflector Flttings. 5 ft, in 4,6000 Steel tube shop lighting with Phil¡ps Sodium Lamps SO/H and R.7590 " Redhill " fìttings. I I -;- S 'ù" I'-r!ìì'. -.",'l' 6 -r,;¡fi6: Engineering Lofting Room w¡th Ph¡lips Blended Light lnstallation: Philips Mercury Lamps MAiV 250W. and 500W. Tungsten Lamps in R.8002 " Radley " Dispersive Fittings. Also Philips Fluorescent Lighting on the galleries, - ì= -*.* \-, Ò, \i. Pøge Fifty-f,oe l. Æh. \, a ,r"4 t4'.1 Philips Electrical Ltd. maintain experienced Illuminating Engineers throughout the country? to advise upon all lighting problems. This Philips Lighting Service is at your disposal, without obligation. PHILIPS LIGHTING PUBLICATIONS Copìes will be sent free on request. A.ló1. Sodium Lighting. Floodlight and lndustrial Fittings. A.ló2. Fluorescent Lighting. Industrial Fittings for 80W. 5 ft. lamps. A.ló3. Fluorescent Lighting. lndustrial Fittings for 40 A.lóó. Mercury Lighting. " Overlamp A.ló7. FluorescentLighting. W. 4 ft. lamps. " Industrial Fittings. FittingsBroadsheet. A.ló8. Blended Lamps. A.ló9. lnstant-Self-Start Fluorescent Lighting. A.170. Tungsten and Discharge A.l7l. Special Lamps Catalogue. A.172. Lamps and Lighting Equipment. (This publicotion.) 4.173. General Lamp Broadsheet. A.174. Floodlight Projectors. 4. 175. Motor Lighting. Fittings Broadsheet. Car Lamps Broadsheet. Also other Publications describing Philips Infra-Red " Photoflux " Flashbulbs, etc. Page Fifty-six Lamps, TUNGSTEN, FLUORESCENT, BLENDED & DISCHARGE LAMPS & LIGHTING EAUIPMENT RADTO & TELEVISION RECEIVERS ..PHOTOFLUX '' FLASH BULBS PROJECTOR . & PHOTOGRAPHIC LAMPS " PHILISHAVE '' ELECTRIC DRY SHAVERS HIGH FREAUENCY HEATING GENERATORS . X.RAY EAUIPMENT FOR ALL PURPOSES . ELECTRO.MEDICAL APPARATUS WELD¡NG PLANT & ELECTRODES . ARC & RESISTANCE ELECTRONIC MEASURING INSTRUMENTS MAGNETIC FILTERS BATTERY CHARGERS & RECTIFIERS SOUND AMPLTFYING INSTALLATIONS CINEMA PROJECTORS . RECORDING APPARATUS pHtUPS THE pHtLrpS EMBLEM NITY. THE CIRCLE - THE STARS - LIGHT. THE WAVES - U - SYMBOL OF QUAL|TY The strength of the Philips organísation. The world-wide use of Philips lamps and llghting equipment. RADIO and TELEVISION. Millions of people are entertained daily by Philips sets. Twelve thousond Þeoþle ore emÞloyed by the Philips Group in Grcot Btito¡n, PL 33t6 P¡inted în Englond by C. & Co',L¿d' V V V V ¡31 v V fi (a (a v (a c (¡ PS ^ c (a a (a a A w q (a (a C a q I a ( PH ILIPS C + -., Ia ¿ SEPTEM R t952 I a