Book of abstract final cu abstracte noi introduse
Book of abstract final cu abstracte noi introduse
IMPRESSUM Published by University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca Editor in chief Prof. dr. Carmen SOCACIU Printed by AcademicPres (EAP), 3-5 Manastur Street, Cluj-Napoca, 400372 Romania Web page 13th International Symposium”Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 1 IMPRESSUM University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca in collaboration with University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, BOKU (Austria) University of Liege (Belgium) EuCheMS – Division of Food Chemistry under the patronage of Romanian Ministry of National Education Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Romanian Academy Organize THE 13th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “PROSPECTS FOR THE 3rd MILLENNIUM AGRICULTURE” 25th – 27th of September 2014 Cluj-Napoca, Romania 13th International Symposium”Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 2 LOCAL ORGANISING COMMITTEE Prof. dr. Doru PAMFIL Prof. dr. Liviu Al. MĂRGHITAS Prof. dr. Carmen SOCACIU Assoc. prof. dr. Andrei MIHALCA Assoc. prof. dr. Ioana POP Prof. dr. Ioan ROTAR Prof. dr. Roxana VIDICAN Assoc. prof. dr. Antonia ODAGIU Prof. dr. Radu SESTRAŞ Prof. dr. Viorel MITRE Assoc. prof. dr. Ionel Mugurel JITEA Prof. dr. Vioara MIREŞAN Prof. dr. Augustin VLAIC Assoc. prof. dr. Mirela CADAR Prof. dr. Cornel CĂTOI Prof. dr. Adela PINTEA Prof. dr. Sevastita MUSTE Assoc. prof. dr. Elena MUDURA Faculty of Agriculture Lect. dr. Tania MIHĂIESCU Assoc. prof. dr. Laura PAULETTE Lect. dr. Florin PĂCURAR Faculty de Horticulture Lect. dr. Diana DUMITRAŞ Lect dr. Cristina POCOL Asist. dr. Radu Cristian SISEA Lect. dr. Adriana SESTRAŞ Lect. dr. Vasile SIMU Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnology Prof. dr. Daniel DEZMIREAN Assoc. prof. dr. Vasile CIGHI Lect. dr. Camelia RĂDUCU Lect. dr. Anamaria VÂTCĂ Asist. dr. Mihai BENŢEA Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Lect. dr. Silvana POPESCU Assoc. Prof. dr. Nicodim FIŢ Lect. dr. Sevastre BOGDAN Assoc. prof. dr. Călin GHERMAN Faculty of Food Science and Technology Lect. dr. Crina MUREȘAN Lect. dr. Adriana PĂUCEAN Lect. dr. Ramona SUHAROSCHI Assoc. Prof. dr. Dorin ŢIBULCĂ Asist.dr. Teodora Emilia COLDEA Conference Secretary Dr. Dorottya DOMOKOS Sorina DÂRJAN 13th International Symposium”Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 3 WELCOME MESSAGE We are pleased to welcome you at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine from Cluj-Napoca, Romania to share our scientific performance and progress during this special scientific event. The University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine from Cluj-Napoca, recently classified in the first category of “advanced research” universities of Romania, place also confirmed by the European University Association (EUA). The University becomes nowadays one of the most prestigious academic institutions from Romania. The 13th International Symposium "Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture”, is a dynamic forum of exchanges for scientific experiences, innovative ideas and concepts, future prospects in agriculture, plant and animal science, food science and technology, biotechnology, veterinary medicine, as well in other interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary areas. The 13th International Symposium "Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” includes invited conferences, presented by known international and national personalities, oral and poster presentations, as well round tables and exhibitions, where recent advanced scientific and technical results can be seen, especially now, in the context of the new European Research Program “Horizon 2020” and of the national Research – Technological Development and Innovation Program, related to Life Sciences. The symposium program will consist of ten main sections: 1. Agriculture 2. Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development 3. Food Science and Technology 4. Horticulture and Forestry 5. Economics and Rural Development 6. Animal Science 7. Biotechnologies 8. Veterinary Medicine - Fundamental and preclinical sciences 9. Veterinary Medicine - Clinical sciences 10. Land Measurement, Natural and Humanistic Sciences The participants registered to our symposium have the opportunity not only to present their results, published as summary in the “Book of Abstracts” but also to publish in extenso their contributions. The oral presentations, after a previous peer review process, can be published in the journal Bulletin of UASVM-CN nr. 71(2)/2014 –Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal ScienceBiotehnologies, Veterinary Medicine and Food Science and Technology. This proceedings’ “Book of Abstracts” contain 791 abstracts submitted by participants from different countries. We wish to thank all participants and organizers for making this meeting possible. We do hope that you will find during the 13th International Symposium an interesting program and a great opportunity to interact with colleagues and friends from Romania. With best wishes, Prof. dr. Doru PAMFIL, Rector Prof. dr. Carmen SOCACIU, Vice-rector for Research 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 4 ANNOTATION The abstracts and contact information are submitted by the main authors. Each author explicitly confirms that the abstract meets the ethical standards for authors and coauthors. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 5 SYMPOSIUM PROGRAM Thursday, 25th of September 2014 Registration of participants 8:00-16:00 (Hall, Aula Magna “Mihai Serban”, USAMV Cluj-Napoca) Rector, Prof. D. Pamfil Opening ceremony Representatives of Ministry, 9:00-9:20 (Aula Magna “Mihai Serban”) Academy and local authorities st 9:20-11:00 1 Plenary Session Who represents plant scientists at European 9:20-9:50 level – how can you have a say? Karin METZLAFF, Belgium Plant breeding: new directions for an old 9:50-10:20 science Clay SNELLER, USA Flavonoids: Antioxidants for human health 10:20-10:50 and plant defence Oscar VICENTE, Spain 11:00-11:30 Coffee break 11:30-13:00 2nd Plenary Session The importance of traditional agriculture 11:30-12:00 for sustainable development Stefano GREGO, Italy Wild and managed honey bees in Africa, Robin M. CREWE, 12:00-12:30 impact on colony health South Africa Bovine papillomavirus type 13 expression 12:30-13:00 in the urothelial bladder tumours of cattle Franco ROPERTO, Italy Lunch (Biodiversity Institute or Agronomia Restaurant) 13:00-14:30 Oral Sessions (sections I-X) 14:30-19:00 Dinner (Agronomia restaurant) 20:00-21:30 th Friday, 26 of September 2014 Oral Sessions (sections I-X) 09:00-11:00 11:00-11:30 Coffee break Oral Sessions (sections I-X) 11:30-13:00 Lunch (Agronomia restaurant) 13.00-15:00 15:00-17:00 Round table - " Contribution of Hall A6 – Faculty of Innovative Fertilization to Agriculture Agriculture Progress " 15:00-17:00 Poster Sessions and presentations (sections I-X) Banquet (Napoca Hotel) 19:00-24:00 Saturday, 27th of September 2014 Post - symposium tours(optional) – 35 Euros or 150 lei 08:00-21:00 1. Saxon Transylvania Tour Route: Cluj-Napoca-Bazna-Mediaș-Biertan-Sibiu-Cluj-Napoca 2. Transylvania Village Tour Route: Cluj-Napoca-Turda-Rimetea-Colțești-Aiud-Alba Iulia-Cluj-Napoca 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 6 LIST OF ABSTRACTS 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 7 ORAL PRESENTATIONS ................................................................................................................. 73 SESSION 1: AGRICULTURE PLANT BREEDING: NEW DIRECTIONS FOR AN OLD SCIENCE Clay SNELLER* .......................................................................................................................... 74 COMPARATIVE STUDY TRANSYLVANIA BETWEEN GRASSLAND IN FLANDERS AND IN Lucien CARLIER², Didier HUYGENS1, Ioan ROTAR3, Roxana VIDICAN3, Anamaria MĂLINAŞ3 .................................................................................................................................. 75 TUTA ABSOLUTA (MEYRICK) (LEPIDOPTERA GELECHIIDAE) ADULT FEEDING ON TOMATO LEAVES Raul BAETAN1, Ion OLTEAN1, Rocco ADDANTE 2, Francesco PORCELLI 2* ...................... 76 AGROCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF SOILS FROM CLUJ COUNTY Ştefan BAKOS1, Marilena MĂRGHITAŞ2* ................................................................................ 77 RESEARCH ON THE REACTION OF SOYBEAN CULTIVARS TO DISEASES ATTACK IN 2013, IN THE COUNTY OF BRĂILA Alexandru Gheorghe BĂLAȘU, Cristinel Relu ZALĂ* and Stelica CRISTEA ......................... 78 INFLUENCE OF CROP ROTATION UPON WEEDY DEGREE IN MAIZE Ileana BOGDAN1, Teodor RUSU2, Adrian POP1, Paula MORARU1, Ştefania GÂDEA1, Tincuta GOCAN1, Bogdan DUDA1, Nicoleta IOICA2 ............................................................................. 79 SUSTAINABLE INTENSIFICATION OF AGRICULTURE IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA Boris BOINCEAN* ...................................................................................................................... 80 EFFECT OF A BIOLOGICAL FERTILIZER ON THE GROWTH AND THE EFFICIENCY ON THE TOMATO (LYCOPERSICUM ESCULENTUM CERASIFORME), CULTIVATED IN GREENHOUSE Maria Stela BRADEA1*, S.A. SNOUSSI1 and K. BEGHLAL2 .................................................. 81 APPLICATIONS OF X-RAY COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY FOR EXAMINING SOIL STRUCTURE: A REVIEW Anca - Elena CALISTRU* and Gerard JITĂREANU ................................................................. 82 EVOLUTION OF MICROBIAL PROCESSED HERBS FLORA DURING STORAGE OF MINIMALLY Giorgiana Mihaela CĂTUNESCU1, Ioan ROTAR2, Roxana VIDICAN2*, Ancuța M. ROTAR3, Florina BUNGHEZ3 ..................................................................................................................... 83 STUDY OF SOME PRODUCTION AND QUALITY INDEX ON SOME WINTER WHEAT VARIETIES AND LINES CREATED AT ARDS TURDA Ovidiu Adrian CECLAN1, Ionut RACZ1,2, Ioan HAS1,2*, Rozalia KADAR1, Vasile MOLDOVAN1 ............................................................................................................................. 84 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 8 WEED CONTROL IN SOYBEAN CULTIVATED IN MINIMUM TILLAGE SYSTEM AND THE PRODUCTION OBTAINED AT ARDS TURDA Cornel CHEŢAN1,2, Teodor RUSU2, Ileana BOGDAN2, Felicia CHEŢAN1,2, Alina ŞIMON1,2 ............................................................................................................................ 85 RESULTS OBTAINED FROM MAIZE PRODUCTION DURING THE PERIOD 2012 - 2013 IN MINIMUM TILLAGE, AT ARDS TURDA Felicia CHEŢAN1,2, Teodor RUSU2, Cornel CHEŢAN1,2, Alina ŞIMON1,2, Mircea IGNEA1 ............................................................................................................................ 86 THE EFFECT OF VARIOUS PLANT GROWTH MEDIA PREPARED WITH FRESH AND AGED SPENT MUSHROOM COMPOST ON THE NUTRIENT CONTENT OF CRYSANTHEMUM (CHRYSANTHEMUM MORIFOLIUM) Nuray ÇİÇEK ATİKMEN1*, Cihat KÜTÜK2 and Gülay KARAHAN3 ...................................... 87 CONSIDERATIONS REGARDING THE RELATION BETWEEN MEADOW AND ANIMAL IN BAISOARA COMMUNE Mirela CIREBEA, Ioan ROTAR* ................................................................................................ 88 RESEARCH ON THE INFLUENCE OF BIODYNAMIC PREPARATIONS FROM TWO VARIETIES OF WHEAT (TRITICUM AESTIVUM SSP. VULGARE, TRITICUM AESTIVUM SSP. SPELTA) Raul CHIUHAN1*, Marcel DUDA1 Gavrilă MORAR1, Cristina MOLDOVAN1 and Liviu TOMOŞ1 ............................................................................................................................. 89 THE EVOLUTION OF AGROCLIMATIC INDICATORS IN TRANSYLVANIAN PLAIN 2009 - 2013 IN THE Camelia-Liliana COSTE*, Teodor RUSU, Ileana BOGDAN, Adrian Ioan POP, Paula Ioana MORARU, Bogdan Matei DUDA ............................................................................................... 90 THE EFFECT OF ORGANO-MINERAL FERTILIZATION TO POTATO DUE TO THE AGROCHEMICAL CHANGES MADE TO DISTRICAMBOSOIL FROM THE MOUNTAINOUS AREAS Ionela DAVID, Marilena MĂRGHITAŞ* ................................................................................... 91 THE INFLUENCE OF PHOSPHORUS AND NITROGEN DOSES UPON SOYBEAN YIELD OBTAINED ON CERNOZIOM SOIL, AT AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH – DEVELOPMENT STATION TURDA Valeria DEAC1, 2, Ioan ROTAR1*, Roxana VIDICAN1, Anamaria MĂLINAȘ1 ......................... 92 RESEARCH REGARDING THE ASSESMENT OF THE COVERAGE DEGREE FOR PHYTOSANITARY TREATMENTS USING DIFFERENT TYPES OF NOZZLES Ioan DROCAȘ*, Ovidiu MARIAN, Sorin STĂNILĂ, Ovidiu RANTA, Adrian MOLNAR ........................................................................................................................ 93 ALEUROCANTHUS SPINIFERUS (QUAINTANCE) (ORANGE SPINY WHITEFLY, OSW) (HEMIPTERA, ALEYRODIDAE) A ALIEN PEST INVADING SOUTHERN ITALY Ahmed EL KENAWY1, Raul BAETAN2, Isabella CORRADO1, Daniele CORNARA1, Ion OLTEAN2, Francesco PORCELLI1* ............................................................................................ 94 TECHNOLOGY OF THE EUROPEAN CORN BORER (OSTRINIA NUBILALIS HBN) MASS REARING, SUCCESSIVE GENERATIONS, IN CONTROLLED CONDITIONS, AT NARDI FUNDULEA Emil GEORGESCU1*, Mariana BURCEA2, Lidia CANA1, Luxita RASNOVEANU3............... 95 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 9 VULPIA MYUROS (L.) C.C.GMEL (RAT’S TAIL FESCUE) – A PROBLEM WEED IN THE RAPE CROPS OF OUR COUNTRY? Mihaela Ioana GEORGESCU1⃰, Vasilica LUCHIAN1, Liviu DINCĂ1, Daniel Constantin POTOR1 and Octavian GROZA2 ................................................................................................. 96 FLORISTIC, ECOLOGIC AND PEDOLOGIC CHARACTERIZATION OF SEMI-NATURAL HAY MEADOWS FROM RODNA MOUNTAINS Adrian GLIGA, Ioan ROTAR*, Mihai BUTA, Florin PĂCURAR, Agnes BALAZSI ............... 97 NEW ENTOMOCOENOTIC PARTICULARITIES AND INTEGRATED PEST CONTROL IN TRANSYLVANIAN WHEAT CROPS UNDER THE IMPACT OF CLIMATE WARMING Dana MALSCHI1,2*, Adina Daniela TĂRĂU2, Rozalia KADAR2,Cornel CHEŢAN2 and Nicolae TRITEAN2 ..................................................................................................................... 98 CONTROL THE AVENA FATUA SPECIES - AN EXPANDING WEED IN BANAT REGION Dan MANEA, Ramona ŞTEF*, Ioan PEŢ, Ioana GROZEA, Alin CĂRĂBEŢ and Anişoara IENCIU ........................................................................................................................................ 99 RESEARCH REGARDING THE EVALUATION OF THE WORKING QUALITATIVE INDICES FOR PHYTOSANITARY TREATMENTS IN ORCHARDS USING GAMBERINI 500 SPRAYING MACHINE Ovidiu MARIAN*, Ioan DROCAȘ, Ovidiu RANTA, Adrian MOLNAR, Sorin STĂNILĂ, Zoltan KIRALY ......................................................................................................................... 100 THE EFFECT WHICH DISTANCE BETWEEN ROWS AND FERTILIZATION HAS ON A COMPLEX FORAGE MIXTURE IN CONDITION SPECIFIC TO TRANSYLVANIA PLAIN Anamaria MĂLINAS, Ioan ROTAR*, Roxana VIDICAN, Florin PĂCURAR, Adrian GLIGA, Agnes BALAZSI........................................................................................................................ 101 STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF GIBBERELLINS ON SOME PHYSIOLOGIC PROCESSES OF CORN PLANTS (ZEA MAYS) Lucia MIHALESCU1*, Oana MARE ROŞCA1, Zorica VOŞGAN1, Monica MARIAN1, Aurel MAXIM², Mirela CORDEA2 ..................................................................................................... 102 INFLUENCE OF SLOPE MORPHOLOGY UPON THE THERMIC REGIME OF SOIL AND MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN TRANSYLVANIAN PLAIN Paula Ioana MORARU1, Teodor RUSU1, Ileana BOGDAN1, Adrian POP1, Camelia COSTE1, Bogdan DUDA1, Tudor SǍLǍGEAN1, Mara ŞOPTEREAN1, Ilarie IVAN2........................... 103 PARTIAL RESULTS ON THE DEGENERATION OF POTATO IN THE MICROZONES FOR SEED POTATO PRODUCTION AT TG. SECUIESC AND APA ROȘIE Robert MOTICA*, Anca BACIU, Zsuzsanna NEMES, Ivan VITOS ....................................... 104 VARIABILITY FOR YOUNG MAIZE PLANTS CHARACTERS POPULATIONS IN A SET OF LOCAL Leon MUNTEAN1*, Cornelia STAN2, Nicolae TRITEAN3, Ioan HAS1,3, Voichita HAS3 ....... 105 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND TERMITICIDAL ACTIVITY OF ESSENTIAL OIL OBTAINED FROM CANARIUM SCHWENFURTHII RESIN FROM SANGO BAY, UGANDA Christine Betty NAGAWA, Stefan BÖHMDORFER* and Thomas ROSENAU ..................... 106 ISOLATION AND BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF RHIZOBIUM TRIFOLII AND SINORHIZOBIUM MELILOTI USING API 20NE AND API 20E Monica NISTE1, Roxana VIDICAN1*, Carmen PUIA1, Ioan ROTAR1, Rodica POP1 ............. 107 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 10 STUDY OF THE FLORISTIC COMPOSITION OF CERTAIN SECONDARY GRASSLANDS IN DIFFERENT SUCCESSIONAL STAGES AS A RESULT OF ABANDONMENT Florin PĂCURAR*, Ioan ROTAR, Anca BOGDAN and Ágnes BALÁZSI ............................ 108 ALPINE AND SUBALPINE MEADOWS FROM RODNA MOUNTAINS NATIONAL PARK SOIL COVER CHARACTERIZATION Ioan PACURAR1*, Stefan BILASCO2, Horea CACOVEAN3, Oana MARE ROSCA4, Lucian Dumitru NITA5 Gheorghe BUNEA6, Cornel NEGRUSIER1 and Horea PACURAR1............. 109 EVOLUTION STUDY OF PESTS IN THE PARKS “JUSTICE” AND „BOTANIC” FROM TIMISOARA IN 2011-2013 PERIOD Doru Ion PETANEC1, Georgina BIZAU1, Lavinia Madalina MICU2*, Claudiu DRAGOMIR1 ............................................................................................................... 110 ABOUT ARNICA MONTANA GRASSLANDS AND THEIR CONTEXT Anca PLEŞA1*, Ioan ROTAR1 Florin PĂCURAR1, Roxana VIDICAN1, Agnes BALASZI1 ...................................................................................................................... 111 SOLUTIONS AND TECHNIQUES FOR CONSERVATIVE AND EFFECTIVE USE OF ARABLE LANDS IN THE SOMEŞAN PLATEAU Adrian Ioan POP, Teodor RUSU*, Ileana BOGDAN, Paula Ioana MORARU, Bogdan Matei DUDA, Camelia Liliana COSTE, Tudor SALAGEAN............................................................. 112 THE CONTRIBUTION OF YIELD COMPONENTS TO THE ACHIEVEMENT OF PRODUCTION IN SOME WINTER WHEAT GENOTYPES Ionuţ RACZ1,2*, Ioan HAŞ1,2, Vasile MOLDOVAN2, Rozalia KADAR2, Adrian CECLAN2 ...................................................................................................................... 113 RESULTS REGARING YIELD ELEMENTS OBTAINED AT DIFFERENT DENSITIES AT CERTAIN SOYBEAN VARIETIES Raluca REZI1 2*, Ioan HAŞ1 2, Eugen MUREŞANU1 ................................................................ 114 ADVANTAGES OF USING G.I.S. TECHNOLOGIES IN EVALUATING OF LAND FAVOURABILITY ASSESSMENT. CASE STUDY THE NIRAJ RIVER BASIN (TRANSYLVANIA DEPRESSION, ROMANIA) Sanda ROȘCA1, Ștefan BILAȘCO1,2, Ioan PĂCURAR3* ......................................................... 115 LOCAL POPULATIONS. GERMPLASM SOURCES IN MAIZE Carmen - Daniela ROTAR1,2*, Ioan HAS1,2, Ana COPÂNDEAN1, Voichita HAS1.................. 116 ECOLOGIC AND AGRONOMIC ASPECTS OF THE AGROSTIS CAPILLARIS L. – TRISETUM FLAVESCENS (L.) P. BEAUV GRASSLAND SUBTYPE Ioan ROTAR*, Florin PĂCURAR, Anca BOGDAN, Roxana VIDICAN and Miklós NAGY ........................................................................................................................... 117 RESEARCHES REGARDING WEED CONTROL IN SOYBEAN CROP Teodor RUSU1, Cornel CHEŢAN2, Ileana BOGDAN1, Felicia CHEŢAN2, Mircea IGNEA2, Bogdan DUDA1, Ilarie IVAN3, Gheorghe BUNEA4 ................................................................. 118 ASSESSMENT OF THE MAIN COMPONENTS OF THE PRODUCTION AND SOME MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS OF SPRING BARLEY COLLECTION FROM ARDS TURDA Florin RUSSU1,2*, Ioan HAŞ1,2, Vasile MOLDOVAN1 and Rozalia KADAR1 ........................ 119 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 11 THE USE OF GIS FOR EVALUATING AREAS FROM SOMEŞ MIC MEADOW AFFECTED BY EXCESS MOISTURE Tudor SĂLĂGEAN1*, Teodor RUSU1, Lucian DRAGOMIR2, Paula Ioana MORARU1, Adrian Ioan POP1 and Bogdan DUDA1 ................................................................................................. 120 BEHAVIOR OF NEW PHYLLOXERA RESITANT ROOTSTOCKS ON DIFFERENT VINEYARD SITES Joachim SCHMID1*, Frank MANTY1 and Ernst H. RUEHL1................................................... 121 INFLUENCE OF MINERAL FERTILIZATION AND ZEOLITE ON SOYBEAN PRODUCTIVITY ELEMENTS IN CLIMATIC CONDITIONS FROM ARDS TURDA Susana SFECHIŞ, Roxana VIDICAN*, Ioan ROTAR, Vlad STOIAN .................................... 122 THE IMPACT OF BIOLOGICAL, ECOLOGICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS ON THE FORAGE YIELD OF COMPLEX MIXTURES OF PERENNIAL GRASSES AND LEGUMES Nicuşor SIMA1, Doru CRISTE1 and Rodica SIMA2* ............................................................... 123 RESEARCHES ON THE GERMINATION BIOLOGY OF SOME COMMON WEED SEEDS IN TURKEY Hüseyin SOLAK1, Murat KARACA2* and Ahmet GÜNCAN2 ................................................ 124 DEVELOPMENT OF AN EQUIPMENT FOR IN FIELD MEASURING OF TRACTION FORCES DURING SOIL TILLAGE Sorin STĂNILĂ ......................................................................................................................... 125 EFFECT OF SALINE IRRIGATION AND SOWING DEPTH ON GERMINATION OF BEAN (PHASEOLUS VULGARIS) IN A POT EXPERIMENT Sinan SUHERI, Duran YAVUZ, Iknur YAYLALI and Nurcan YAVUZ* .............................. 126 LINKAGES BETWEEN SOIL BIODIVERSITY AND AGROECOSYSTEM SERVICES TO PROMOTE SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE Mignon ŞANDOR* and Aurel MAXIM .................................................................................... 127 INTERACTIONS BETWEEN SOIL BIOTA AND ENERGY CROPS IN A PHYTOCOSM EXPERIMENT IN THE GREENHOUSE Valentina ŞANDOR1,2, Roxana VIDICAN1*, Quentin SCHORPP2 , Mignon SANDOR3, Stefan SCHRADER2 .................................................................................................................. 128 INFLUENCE OF FERTILIZATION ON THE PRODUCTION AND QUALITY INDICES OF WHEAT, IN CONSERVATIVE SYSTEM, AT ARDS TURDA Alina ŞIMON1,2*, Felicia CHEŢAN1,2, Teodor RUSU2, Cornel CHEŢAN1,2, Mircea IGNEA1 .......................................................................................................................... 129 MYCORRHIZAL COLONIZATION VARIATION PRODUCED BY MULCHING AND ZINC SULPHATE OVERLAPPED ON DIFFERENTIATED FERTILIZATION Vlad STOIAN, Roxana VIDICAN*, Ioan ROTAR, Florin PĂCURAR .................................... 130 THE INFLUENCE OF FUNGICIDE TREATMENT ON THE PRODUCTION AND QUALITY OF SEVERAL AUTUMN WHEAT VARIETIES Loredana SUCIU1,2, Raluca MICLEA1, Rozalia KADAR2 and Carmen PUIA1* ...................... 131 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 12 ALLELOPATHIC EFFECTS PRODUCED BY JOHNSON GRASS EXTRACTS OVER GERMINATION AND GROWTH OF CROP PLANTS Ramona ŞTEF1*, Alin CĂRĂBEŢ1, Ioana GROZEA1, Isidora RADULOV2 and Adina BERBECEA2 ............................................................................................................................. 132 THE PHENOTYPIC VARIABILITY OF THE MAIZE INBREED LINES FROM ARDS TURDA AND THE IDENTIFICATION OF NEW SOURCES FOR MAIZE HYBRIDS BREEDING Roxana SUT GHERMAN1, Voichita HAS2, Andrei VARGA2, Ana COPÂNDEAN2, Ioan HAS1,2* ....................................................................................................................................... 133 AGROBIOLOGICAL PECULIARITIES AND NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF GALEGA ORIENTALIS LAM. AND ASTRAGALUS GALEGIFORMIS L. SPECIES IN MOLDOVA Alexandru TELEUŢĂ1*, Victor ŢÎŢEI1, Sergiu COŞMAN2 .................................................... 134 INTRODUCTION AND AGROECONOMICAL VALUE OF SIDA HERMAPHRODITA (L.) RUSBY IN REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA Victor ŢÎŢEI* ............................................................................................................................ 135 RESEARCH ON QUANTIFICATION LOSSES DUE TO GERMINATION IN POTATO FOR INDUSTRIAL PROCESSING Florin UGRUȚAN, Gavrila MORAR*, Cristina MOLDOVAN ............................................... 136 THE GENETIC PROGRESS ACCOMPLISHED IN THE CREATION OF THE MAIZE HYBRIDS FROM A.R.D.S. TURDA Andrei VARGA², Voichiţa HA޲, Roxana ŞUT-GHERMAN², Ana COPÂNDEAN², Ioan HAŞ1,2* ............................................................................................................................. 137 RESEARCH ON THE GROWTH OF OFFSPRINGS AND FRUIT, UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF WATER IN IRRIGATED BLUEBERRY CROPS Nineta Simona VARGA1, Emil LUCA1*, Timea GABOR2, Marilena ROZENBERG3 ............ 138 ASSESSING THE EFFECT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS ON MYCORRHIZAL COLONIZATION IN FESTUCA RUBRA AT THE END OF THE VEGETATION PERIOD Roxana VIDICAN, Vlad STOIAN*, Ioan ROTAR, Florin PĂCURAR .................................... 139 RESEARCH ON THE OPTIMUM SHAPE AND SIZE OF POTATO RIDGES – PARTIAL RESULTS FROM TRIAL YEAR 2013 Iván Zoltán VITOS1*, Gavrilă MORAR1, Luiza MIKE2, Cristina MOLDOVAN1 .................. 140 THE EFFECT OF GRAZING ON THE PRODUCTION OF GRASSLANDS IN HILLY AREAS Zorica VOŞGAN1*, Roxana VIDICAN2, Lucia MIHALESCU1, Oana MARE ROŞCA1, Monica MARIAN1 Anca DUMUŢA1 ..................................................................................................... 141 EFFECT OF SODIUM CHLORIDE SALINITY ON SEEDLING EMERGENCE IN CONFECTIONARY PUMPKIN Duran YAVUZ, Iknur YAYLALI, Sinan SUHERI, and Nurcan YAVUZ* ............................. 142 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 13 SESSION 2: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT EFFECTS OF A PRESCRIBED FIRE ON UNDERSTORY VEGETATION IN A CANARIAN PINE FOREST STAND (GRAN CANARIA) José Ramón ARÉVALO1*, Silvia FERNÁNDEZ - LUGO1, Virginia AFONSO1, Federico GRILLO2, Agustín NARANJO3 ................................................................................................ 143 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF THE CHOICE OF BUILDING MATERIALS IN THE CONTEXT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Claudiu ACIU*, Daniela Lucia MANEA ................................................................................... 144 TESTING INNOVATIVE TECHNIQUE, BASED ON MICROWAVE IRRADIATION, FOR STIMULATING COMMON BEAN GERMINATION AND DEVELOPMENT Cladia BALINT1, Ioan OROIAN1*, Emanoil SURDUCAN2 .................................................... 145 COMOROVA FOREST: A DRIVER FOR A UNIQUE COASTAL MICROCLIMATE. BETWEEN THREATS AND OPPORTUNITIES Vladimir Ionuţ BOC1 ................................................................................................................. 146 STUDY UPON ALLIUM SATIVUM L. ACTION AGAINST PHYTOPHTORA INFESTANS MONT. DE BARY ATTACK IN POTATO Daniela BORDEA, Ioan OROIAN*, Antonia ODAGIU, Ioan BRAŞOVEAN, Cristian MĂLINAŞ, Adrian MILĂŞAN ................................................................................................. 147 THE EFFECTS OF CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL FERTILIZERS ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND QUALITY OF PYRUS COMMUNIS ROOTSTOCK Bianca Maria BORDEANU, Ioan OROIAN*, Antonia ODAGIU, Petru BURDUHOS .......... 148 INNOVATIVE PHYTOSANITARY ECOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS IN POTATO CULTURES AND ECO-CONDITIONALYTY EXIGENCIES IN ROMANIA Ioan BRAŞOVEAN, Ioan OROIAN*, Antonia ODAGIU, Cristian MĂLINAŞ ...................... 149 STUDY OF THE DRYING PHENOMENON IN PINE TREES Petru BURDUHOS1, Ioan OROIAN1*, Ilie COVRIG2, Constantin ŞULEA1 ........................... 150 THE HEAVY METAL CONTENT OF VINEYARD SOILS Gilda - Diana BUZATU* ........................................................................................................... 151 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND THE EFFICIENCY OF INSULATION MATERIALS AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT Horia CIUCLARU*, Daniela MANEA, Luminita MOLNAR ................................................... 152 RESEARCH ON ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION OF DEGRADED LANDS IN THE COUNTY OF GALATI Maria CONTOMAN1*, Valentin HAHUIE2 .............................................................................. 153 CONTRIBUTIONS TO STRENGTHENING DURMAST FORESTS PRESERVATION BY USING APPROPRIATE FORESTRY MAINTAINING AND EXPLOITATION PRACTICES Ilie COVRIG1, Ioan OROIAN2*, Petru BURDUHOS2, Constantin ŞULEA2 ........................... 154 EXPLOITATION OF AGRO-INDUSTRIAL BY-PRODUCTS AS SUBSTRATE FOR SOLIDSTATE FERMENTATION Francisc Vasile DULF1,2*, Dan Cristian VODNAR3, and Monica Ioana TOŞA4 ..................... 155 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 14 STUDY ON THE SEA-BUCKTHORN (HIPPOPHAE RHAMNOIDES L.) PREPARATION FORMS IN ORDER TO ITS NUTRITIO-PHARMACEUTICAL USE Carmen Georgeta DUMITRESCU (MANOLE)1 ...................................................................... 156 A RELATIONAL DATABASE STRUCTURE FOR LINKING AIR POLLUTION LEVELS WITH CHILDREN’S RESPIRATORY ILLNESSES Daniel DUNEA1, Stefania IORDACHE1, Mihaela OPREA2, Tom SAVU3, Alin POHOATA1 and Emil LUNGU1 ..................................................................................................................... 157 RESULTS CONCERNING THE INFLUENCE OF THE PLANT DENSITY AND FERTILIZATION ON THE SUNFLOWER HYBRIDS DENSITY (HELIANTHUS ANNUUS) Florentina EREMIA*, Costică CIONTU ................................................................................... 158 RESEARCH ON EVALUATING THE POTENTIAL OF ORGANIC CERTIFICATION GROUP RADAIA VILLAGE, CLUJ COUNTY Avram FITIU* ........................................................................................................................... 159 STUDY CONCERNING THE IMPACT OF THE ORGANISMS OF PHYTOSANITARY QUARANTINE ACTION UPON POTATO AND TOMATO CULTURES IN CLUJ AREA Andrei FLEŞERIU, Ioan OROIAN*, Ioan BRAŞOVEAN, Cristian MĂLINAŞ ..................... 160 STUDY UPON ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF UNCONVENTIONAL TREATMENTS AGAINST LATE BLIGHT IN POTATO CULTURES WITHIN TRANSYLVANIAN CLIMATIC CONDITIONS Cristian IEDERAN, Ioan OROIAN*, Cristian MĂLINAŞ, Sânziana PAULIUC .................... 161 AIR QUALITY CHARACTERIZATION IN PLOIESTI URBAN AREA AFECTED BY INDUSTRIAL AND TRAFFIC POLLUTION Stefania IORDACHE1*, Daniel DUNEA1, Cornel IANACHE2, Laurentiu PREDESCU1 and Dumitru DUMITRU1 ................................................................................................................. 162 PHYTOTOXICITY OF LEAD ON LOLIUM PERENNE L AND LACTUCA SATIVA VAR. CAPITATA L: EFFECTS OF GERMINATION AND GROUTH Stela-Gabriela JELEA*, Marian JELEA.................................................................................... 163 GREEN ROOFS – A TOOL FOR REDUCING THE URBAN HEAT ISLAND PHENOMENON Adriana Lucia KADHIM-ABID1* and Carmina Constanța GHEORGHIȚĂ2 ........................... 164 SALT AND SALT- HYDROGEN PEROXIDE INTERACTIONS ON WHEAT (TRITICUM AESTIVUM L.) SEEDLINGS Özlem KURT, Nuray ERGÜN* ................................................................................................. 165 RESEARCH REGARDING THE DIVERSITY OF THE SAPROBIONTE CATEGORIES IN BEGA RIVER WATERS Anca-Andreea MARIN1, Benoni LIXANDRU1, Milca PETROVICI2, Adrian SINITEAN2, Florica MORARIU1, Dumitru POPESCU1 ................................................................................ 166 STUDIES ON THE FLIGHT OF RHAGOLETIS CERASI L. ADULTS IN TREATED AND UNTREATED PLANTATIONS IN CLUJ-NAPOCA AREA Laura Ioana MACAVEI¹*, Ion OLTEAN¹, Viorel MITRE², Ioan OPREAN³, Aurelia POP³, Iuliana VASIAN³ ....................................................................................................................... 167 THE NATURAL REHABILITATION OF TAILING PONDS FROM CĂPUŞ, CLUJ Aurel MAXIM1, Andrei STOIE1, Mignon SANDOR1, Lucia MIHALESCU2, Viorela PERŢEA1, Stelian MARIS1 .......................................................................................................................... 168 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 15 TESTING UNCONVENTIONAL TREATMENTS AGAINST LATE BLIGHT IN POTATO CULTURE WITHIN TRANSYLVANIAN CLIMATIC CONDITIONS Cristian MĂLINAŞ, Ioan OROIAN*, Antonia ODAGIU, Ioan BRAŞOVEAN ...................... 169 APPRAISAL OF THE EMMERGING RISKS UNDER GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE ON QUERCUS ROBUR SPECIES IN ROMANIA Mihai MOLDOVAN*, Ioan OROIAN and Tania MIHAIESCU .............................................. 170 XENOBIOTICS IN LACTUCA SATIVA L. Nicoleta MUNTEAN1, Edward MUNTEAN2*, Marcel DUDA1 .............................................. 171 RISK ASSESSMENT PRACTICES APPLIED IN HYDRAULIC FRACKING TECHNIQUE Antonia ODAGIU1, Ioan OROIAN2*, Ilie COVRIG2, Laura PAULETTE1 ............................. 172 SOUNDSCAPE IN NORTH-EASTERN PART OF IASI CITY (SARARIE – TICAU DISTRICT) Ana Maria OIŞTE1*, Mihai Florin CONSTANTIN2, Dan Adrian CHELARU2 ........................ 173 RESULTS ON PARASITIC LEVEL OF LARVAE AND PUPAE OF CAMERARIA OHRIDELLA DESCHKA-DIMIĆ Ion OLTEAN1 Crsitina SOPORAN1, Vasile FLORIAN and Teodora FLORIAN1* ................. 174 THE PRESENT STATUS OF TRAFFIC NITROGEN OXIDES POLLUTION IN CLUJ – NAPOCA Ioan OROIAN1, Antonia ODAGIU1*, Ilie COVRIG2, Călin Ovidiu SAFIRESCU3 ................. 175 MONITORING PHYSIOPATHIES DEVELOPMENT IN ORNAMENTAL TREES LOCATED IN HIGH TRAFFIC URBAN AREAS Narcisa PENEGHI1, Ioan OROIAN1*, Antonia ODAGIU1, Ilie COVRIG2 .............................. 176 MONITORING OF THE CROPS PESTS OF FORAGE LEGUMES IN THE AREA RACIU, MURES Petru Mihai PUSTAI, Ion OLTEAN, Teodora FLORIAN, Ilonka BODIS ............................... 177 RESULTS REGARDING CONTROL OF SPECIES MONATHROPALPUS BUXI GEOFF BY CAPTURING ADULTS WITH COLORED TRAPS Cristina SOPORAN, Ion OLTEAN, Vasile FLORIAN and Teodora FLORIAN* .................... 178 AMINO ACIDS IN BREWER’S YEAST INVOLVED IN HEAVY METAL BIOSORPTION FROM WASTE WATER Andreea STĂNILĂ1, Tania MIHĂESCU2* ............................................................................... 179 THE INFLUENCE OF CLIMATIC CHANGES UPON PEST ATTACK DEGREE IN OAK FORESTS Constantin ŞULEA1, Ioan OROIAN1*, Ioan TĂUT2, Ilie COVRIG2, Petru BURDUHOS1 ................................................................................................................... 180 STUDY REGARDING TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN A TRADITIONAL ROOF AND GREEN ROOF Mihaela Simona VARVARĂ1*, Manfred KÖHLER2, Mihai VOEVOD1 and Marcel DÎRJA1 ........................................................................................................................... 181 POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS IN SOIL: EXPOSURE AND HEALTH RISK Ana VIRSTA, Mirela-Alina SANDU* ...................................................................................... 182 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 16 RESEARCH, INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER IN AGRICULTURE Sebastian-Călin VAC1*, Liana Maria VAC1, Vasile Lucian NAS1 ..........................................183 SESSION 3: FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY WHO REPRESENTS PLANT SCIENTISTS AT EUROPEAN LEVEL – HOW CAN YOU HAVE A SAY? Karin METZLAFF ..................................................................................................................... 184 POTENTIAL OF EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES IN FOOD PROCESSING Henry JAEGER .......................................................................................................................... 185 DIFFERENT ASPECTS OF MICROBIOLOGICAL RISKS DURING THE WINEMAKING PROCESS Christian von WALLBRUNN1* ................................................................................................. 186 STUDY OF MEAT FREEZING PROCESS BY INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY AND DIELECTRIC SPECTROSCOPY Pedro José FITO1* and Marta CASTRO-GIRÁLDEZ1 ............................................................. 187 THE DRYING PROCEDURE: A CHALLENGE FOR STARTERS PRODUCTION THIRY C., DELVIGNE F., DESTAIN J., EVRARD P., KARENZI E., THONART P. .......... 188 THE PROTECTIVE EFFECT OF HIPPOPHAE RHAMNOIDES EXTRACT AGAINST LIPID PEROXIDATION IN CRUDE VEGETABLE OILS Sanda ANDREI, Andrea BUNEA, Elena Andreea POP*, Francisc V. DULF and Adela PINTEA ........................................................................................................................... 189 INFLUENCE OF POLLEN, CHIA SEEDS AND CRANBERRIES ADDITION ON THE SENSORY, PHYSICAL AND PROBIOTICS CHARACTERISTICS OF YOGURT Sorin APOSTU, Carmen POP, Romina VLAIC, Anca FĂRCAS, Ancuţa M. ROTAR, Andrei OPREA and Delia GHICĂṢAN .................................................................................... 190 COMPARATIVE ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY OF OREGANO AND ROSEMARY EXTRACTS, RELATED TO THEIR PHENOLIC COMPOZITION Florina BUNGHEZ1, Mihaela-Ancuta ROTAR1, Raluca Maria POP2,3, Florina ROMANCIUC1, Florina CSERNATONI1,2, Florinela FETEA1, Zorita (Sconta) DIACONEASA1, Carmen SOCACIU1,2* ............................................................................................................................. 191 PRELIMINARY DISCRIMINATION SPECTROSCOPY OF CHEESE ADULTERATION BY FT-IR Lucian CUIBUS1*, Ruben MAGGIO2, Vlad MURESAN3, Zorita DIACONEASA1, Florinela FETEA1 and Carmen SOCACIU1 .............................................................................................. 192 STUDY ON PROTEIN AND OIL CONTENT OF SOME ROMANIAN AND FOREIGN SOYBEAN VARIETIES Daniela CENAN (PAŞC) 1*, Simona Elena IFRIM, Sevastiţa MUSTE1, Raluca REZI12, Eugen MUREŞANU1 and Ioan HAŞ12.................................................................................................. 193 TRACEABILITY OF CAFTARIC AND COUTARIC ACIDS IN THREE VARIETIES OF VITIS VINIFERA GRAPES DURING DIFFERENT DEVELOPMENT STAGES Carmen CHIRCU1, Sevastiţa MUSTE2*, Elena MUDURA2 Viorel MITRE3 and Otilia BOBIS4 ............................................................................................................................ 194 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 17 BIOSYNTHESIS OF GOLD NANOPARTICLES BY ALLIUM SATIVUM Cristina COMAN1, Loredana Florina LEOPOLD1, Olivia-Dumitriţa RUGINĂ1, Pompei Florin BOLFĂ2, Nicolae LEOPOLD3, Maria TOFANĂ1, Carmen SOCACIU1 .................................. 195 COMPARATIVE LC-MS AND FTIR FINGERPRINTS OF TWO PROMEN FORMULAS (POWDER AND MICROCAPSULES), AS FOOD SUPPLEMENTS FOR PROSTATE DISEASES PREVENTION Florina CSERNATONI1,2*, Carmen SOCACIU1, Raluca Maria POP2,3, Florina ROMANCIUC1, Florinela FETEA1 and Floricuta RANGA1 ................................................................................ 196 ANALYSIS OF PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS AND THEIR ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY IN VARIOUS FRUITS CULTIVATED IN ROMANIA Zoriţa DIACONEASA1*, Florica RANGA1, Dumitriţa RUGINĂ1, Loredana F. LEOPOLD1 and Carmen SOCACIU1 ................................................................................................................... 197 ANTIRADICAL ACTIVITY EVALUATION OF AQUEOS AND ALCOHOLIC EXTRACTS FROM URTICA DIOICA Anca DICU, Claudiu URSACHI and Simona PERŢA-CRIŞAN .............................................. 198 MEAT SALTING BY VACUUM IMPREGNATION TECHNOLOGY Anca DICU1, Claudia MUREŞAN1 and Claudiu URSACHI1* ............................................... 199 EVALUATION OF BIOFUNCTIONAL COMPOUNDS CONTENT FROM BREWED COFFEE Anca C. FĂRCAŞ1, Sonia A. SOCACI1*, Anamaria POP1, Maria TOFANĂ1 and Sevastiţa MUSTE1 ..................................................................................................................................... 200 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF QUALITATIVE PARAMETERS FOR EGG POWDER Roxana GAVRIL (RAŢU)1 and Marius Giorgi USTUROI ....................................................... 201 CHARACTERIZATION AND CLASSIFICATION OF ROMANIAN WINES BASED ON ELEMENTAL AND ORGANIC FINGERPRINTS COUPLED WITH CHEMOMETRICS Elisabeta-Irina GEANA1,2*, Andreea Maria IORDACHE1, Roxana Elena IONETE1 and Camelia BALA2 ......................................................................................................................... 202 FAMILY FARMS AND THEIR IMPORTANCE FOR FOOD SECURITY Mihaela KRUSZLICIKA1, Vergina CHIRIŢESCU1* and Daniela Ruxandra ANDREI2 .......... 203 SERS AND CELLULAR BIOCOMPATIBILITY ASSESSMENT OF PEG AND BSA COVERED GOLD NANOPARTICLES Loredana Florina LEOPOLD1,2*, Zoriţa Maria DIACONEASA1 ,Cristina COMAN1, Oana Maria BUJA3, Nicolae LEOPOLD3 and Carmen SOCACIU1 ............................................................. 204 QUALITY CONTROL AND SENSORIAL ANALYSIS OF HONEY-BASED FUNCTIONAL PRODUCTS Adela LUCA1 and Laura STAN1* ............................................................................................. 205 THE IMPACT OF CHARACTERISTICS PRE-FERMENT MACERATION TECHNIQUES ON WINE Ancuţa MOLDOVAN, Elena MUDURA* and Teodora Emilia COLDEA ............................... 206 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 18 MOLECULAR COCKTAILS FORTIFIED WITH BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS AND MICROENCAPSULATED PROBIOTIC BACTERIA Mihaela Ancuţa MOLDOVAN, Dan Cristian VODNAR*, Oana Lelia POP and Carmen SOCACIU .................................................................................................................... 207 ASPECTS AND APPLICATIONS OF HIGH PRESSURE PROCESSING IN FOOD INDUSTRY Mircea-Valentin MUNTEAN1*, Ovidiu MARIAN1, Giorgiana CATUNESCU1, Victor BARBIERU1, Ioan DROCAS1 ................................................................................................... 208 TEXTURE AND STABILITY OF SUNFLOWER HALVA PRODUCED FROM DIFFERENT PARTICLE SIZE TAHINI Vlad MURESAN*1, Lucian CUIBUS2, Anna OLARI1, Emil RACOLTA1, Carmen SOCACIU2, Sabine DANTHINE3, Sevastita MUSTE1 and Christophe BLECKER3 .................................... 209 METODS FOR ANALASING ORGANIC ACIDS FROM GRAPES AND WINES Marius NICULAUA1*, Bogdan C-tin NECHITA2, Gheorghe ODĂGERIU2, Florin VĂRARU1, Georgiana-Diana DUMITRIU1 and Valeriu V. COTEA2 .......................................................... 210 KNOWLEDGE OF CHEMICAL INDICATORS OF GATHERED EGGS FROM HENS REARED IN CONVENTIONAL ANDFREE RANGE SYSTEM Lucia Iuliana NISTOR (COTFAS)*, Aida ALBU and Marius Giorgi USTUROI..................... 211 MONITORING THE EVOLUTION OF MAJOR CHEMICAL COMPOUND IN DAIRY PRODUCTS DURING SHELF-LIFE BY FTIR Adriana PĂUCEAN*, Dan VODNAR, Carmen SOCACIU and Simona MAN ....................... 212 RESEARCH ON SOYBEAN AMINO ACIDS CONTENT Anamaria POP* and Sevastita MUSTE...................................................................................... 213 INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT GROWTH CONDITIONS ON THE KEFIR GRAINS PRODUCTION, USED IN THE KEFIRAN SYNTHESIS Carmen POP1, Sorin APOSTU1, Liana SALANŢĂ1, Ancuţa M. ROTAR1, Marianne SINDIC2, Nicolas MABON3 and Carmen SOCACIU1* ............................................................................. 214 STABILITY COMPARATON OF FREE AND ENCAPSULATED CASEIATCC 393 IN YOGHURT FOR LONG TIME STORAGE LACTOBACILUS Oana L. POP1*, Dan C. VODNAR1, Oana CIUZAN2, Andreea NECHITA1, Carmen SOCACIU1 and Doru PAMFIL2 .................................................................................................................... 215 VOLATILE COMPOUNDS AND SENSORY EVALUATION OF SPREADABLE CREAMS BASED ON ROASTED SUNFLOWER KERNELS AND COCOA OR CAROB POWDER Emil RACOLŢA*1, Maria TOFANĂ2, Crina Carmen MUREŞAN2, Sonia SOCACI2 and Vlad MUREŞAN1 ...................................................................................................................... 216 TOTAL CAROTENOIDS CONTENT IN MAIZE LANDRACES AND THEIR POTENTIAL HEALTH APPLICATIONS Stăncuţa SCROB1, Sevastiţa MUSTE1, Ioan HAŞ2, Crina MUREŞAN1*, Sonia SOCACI1 and Anca FĂRCAŞ1 ......................................................................................................................... 217 ROMANIAN FOOD CONSUMPTION PATTERNS REVEAL HIGH DEPENDENCY ON CONSUMER RELATED VARIABLES FOR MICROBIAL FOOD SAFETY RISK ANALYSIS Florin SOPTICA1,3,*, Corina-Aurelia ZUGRAVU2 and Anca-Ioana NICOLAU1 ..................... 218 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 19 RAW MILK HYGIENE AT LOCAL MARKETS AND AUTOMATIC MILK DISPENSER MACHINES Gheorghe ŞTEŢCA1, Arghir ILEA2, Lenuţa ŞUTEU1 and Teodora Emilia COLDEA1* .......... 219 THE INFLUENCE OF THREE TYPE OF BREAD CONSUMPTION ON SATIETY Ramona SUHAROSCHI1* ......................................................................................................... 220 THE INFLUENCE OF RIPENING TIME AND MILK TYPE ON THE OVERALL TEXTURAL QUALITY OF THE TRADITIONAL ROMANIAN BRINE CHEESE Liliana TUDOREANU .............................................................................................................. 221 THE ASSESSEMENT OF THE COMPOSITIONAL AND MICROBIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF SEVERAL MEAT PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED IN A SMALL PROCESSING UNIT Silviu VIDA, Marian MIHAIU, Alexandra TABARAN and Sorin Daniel DAN* ................... 222 PREDICTION OF AIRFLOW AND TEMPERATURE PROFILES INSIDE CONVECTIVE SOLAR DRYER Marian VINTILĂ1, Adrian-Gabriel GHIAUŞ2* and Viorel FĂTU2 ......................................... 223 SESSION 4: HORTICULTURE AN FORESTRY FLAVONOIDS: ANTIOXIDANTS FOR HUMAN HEALTH AND PLANT DEFENCE Oscar VICENTE1* and Monica BOSCAIU2 .............................................................................. 224 BREEDING VEGETABLES WITH IMPROVED BIOACTIVE PROPERTIES Jaime PROHENS1*, Isabel ANDÚJAR1, Pietro GRAMAZIO1, Mariola PLAZAS1, Javier HERRAIZ1, Dolores RAIGÓN2, Salvador SOLER1, Maria FIGÀS1, Adrián RODRÍGUEZBURRUEZO1, Ana FITA 1 and Santiago VILANOVA1 ........................................................... 225 EFFECT OF IRRIGATION ON GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE ROOT SYSTEM OF TWO MEDICINAL PLANTS, HYSSOPUS OFFICINALIS AND PASSIFLORA INCARNATA Dimitrios BILALIS1*, Foteini ANGELOPOULOU1, Panagiota PAPASTYLIANOU1, Anestis KARKANIS1, Ioanna KAKABOUKI1 and Aristidis KONSTANTAS1 .................................... 226 ΕFFECT OF ORGANIC FERTILIZATION ON GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE ROOT SYSTEM OF TWO MEDICINAL PLANTS, ORIGANUM VULGARE AND SILYBUM MARIANUM Foteini ANGELOPOULOU1, Panagiota PAPASTYLIANOU1, Aristidis KONSTANTAS1, Ioanna KAKABOUKI1, Yolanda PAPATHEOHARI1 and Dimitrios J. BILALIS1* ............... 227 BEHAVIOR OF SOME CAULIFLOWER HYBRIDS IN DIRECT SOWING CULTURE Alexandru Silviu APAHIDEAN1, Grigore ARDELEAN2, Alexandru Ioan APAHIDEAN1* and Aniela Brandusa RUSU1 ............................................................................................................ 228 A LITERATURE REVIEW RELATED TO THE MODERN HARVESTING - FORWARDING EQUIPMENT AND THE MAIN TOPICS CONCERN OF THE RESEARCH COMMUNITY Andrei APĂFĂIAN1, Vasile BOGHIAN1 and Constantin Alexandru BRATU1....................... 229 THE EFFECT OF GA3 TREATMENT ON CALA (ZANTEDESCHIA ‘PICASSO’) CULTIVATED IN GREENHOUSE Ioana Cristina ARHIP (ÎNSURĂȚELU)1* and Lucia DRAGHIA1 ........................................... 230 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 20 THE EGGPLANTS CROP TECHNOLOGY OPTIMIZATION BY GRAFTING Marian BOGOESCU1 and Madalina DOLTU1 .......................................................................... 231 INFLUENCE OF ECO-CLIMATIC AND ECO-PEDOLOGICAL CONDITIONS ON QUALITY OF WHITE WINE GRAPE VARIETIES FROM NORTH-WEST OF ROMANIA Florin-Dumitru BORA1, Tiberia-Ioana POP1, Claudiu-Ioan BUNEA1, Delia URCAN1, Anca BABEŞ1, Leonard Mihaly-COZMUTA2, Anca Mihaly-COZMUTA2 and Nastasia POP1* ..... 232 STUDY ON THE INTERACTION BETWEEN THE GENOTYPE AND THE EXOGENOUS FACTORS AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON ROOTING OF GLOXINIA CUTTINGS Erzsebet BUTA1, Maria CANTOR1, Denisa HORŢ1 and Radu SESTRAŞ1* ........................... 233 RESEARCH ON MAIN PESTS OF PLUM FRUIT PLANTATIONS Gianina BUTNARIU1* and Mihai TĂLMACIU1 ...................................................................... 234 THE BEHAVIOR OF SOME PETUNIAS VARIETIES FOR IMPROVEMENT THE ROMANIAN ASSORTMENT Maria CANTOR1*, Erzsebet BUTA1 and Emese KRIZBAI1..................................................... 235 CONTRIBUTIONS REGARDING THE POSSIBILITY TO IMPROVE THE ONION (ALLIUM CEPA L.) CULTURE TECHNOLOGY BY DIRECT SOWING, IN THE SPECIFIC CLIMATIC CONDITIONS FROM GHERLA TOWN Alexandru-Dan CǍPRARIU1, Maria APAHIDEAN1*, Valeria Ioana NEACSU1 and Alexandru Ioan APAHIDEAN1 ................................................................................................................... 236 ARCHITECTURAL INTERVENTION INSTALLATIONS AND THE CITYSCAPE – PLACE, IDEA, Mihaela Agata CEHAN1 and Constanta Carmina GHEORGHITA1* ........................................ 237 LAGURUS OVATUS – ORNAMENTAL GRASS CULTIVATED IN THE PEDO-CLIMATIC CONDITIONS OF N-E ROMANIA Elena Liliana CHELARIU1*, Lucia DRAGHIA1, Maria BRÎNZĂ1 and Mirela COJOCARIU1 ................................................................................................................ 238 RESEARCH ON STUDY OF SOME CULTIVARS OF AUTUMN CABBAGE AT IERNUT SCDL Lidia Ioana (CHIPER) POPA1, Elena ŞTEFĂNESCU1, Minerva HEITZ1, Janina-Claudia CĂPUŞAN1*, Alexander-Kurt HEITZ1 and Elena Liliana DUMITRAŞCU1 ............................ 239 THE EFFECT OF VARIOUS PLANT GROWTH MEDIA PREPARED WITH FRESH AND AGED SPENT MUSHROOM COMPOST ON THE NUTRIENT CONTENT OF CRYSANTHEMUM (CHRYSANTHEMUM MORIFOLIUM) Nuray ÇİÇEK ATİKMEN1*, Cihat KÜTÜK2 and Gülay KARAHAN3 .................................... 240 DROUGHT TOLERANCE IN SEVERAL TAGETES L. CULTIVARS Raluca CICEVAN1*, Mohamad Al HASSAN2, Oscar VICENTE2, Monica BOSCAIU3, Adriana SESTRAŞ1 and Radu SESTRAŞ1 .............................................................................................. 241 THE CONCEPT OF GENIUS LOCI IN RELATION TO LANDSCAPE CHANGES Alexandru CIOBOTA1*, Miroslava SLIACKA2, Vladimir OBRADOVICI1 ........................... 242 INVOLVEMENT OF THE GLYCINE-RICH RNA-BINDING PROTEINS (GRP) IN PLANT ABIOTIC STRESS RESPONSE: A COMPARISON BETWEEN GRP 2 AND GRP 7 Oana CIUZAN1*, Simona-Laura LAZAR1, Mihai-Lucian LUNG1, Oana-Lelia POP1 and Doru PAMFIL1 .......................................................................................................................... 243 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 21 STUDIES OF THE INFLUENCE OF SOME CONDITIONING TREATMENTS ON SOME VOLATILE COMPOUNDS IN TĂMÂIOASĂ ROMÂNEASCĂ WINES Cintia COLIBABA1*, Marius NICULAUA2, Florin VARARU1, Camelia LUCHIAN1, Liliana ROTARU1, Valeriu V. COTEA1 ................................................................................... 244 STUDIES ON IMPROVING THE DEGRADED PASTURE LANDS OF AREA BREBINA ZĂRNEŞTI Alexandru COLIŞAR1*, Vasile CEUCA1, Ancuţa Maria IVAN2, Iancu CRĂCIUN3 and Adela HOBLE1 .......................................................................................................................... 245 RESEARCHES MADE GREENHOUSES ROSES TO DETERMINE THE PEST DAMAGE LEVEL ON Ioana Andreea CONŢIU, Maria CANTOR* and Anca HUSTI ................................................ 246 QUALITATIVE TREE ASSESSMENT - BUCHAREST: PRIDVORULUI CASE STUDY Diana Lavinia CULESCU1* and Claudia FABIAN2 .................................................................. 247 LANDSCAPING PROPOSALS FOR OUTDOOR SPACES BELONGING TO "AL. I. CUZA" UNIVERSITY OF IASI Doina Mira DASCALU ............................................................................................................. 248 TILLAGE PRACTICES IN THE SUSTAINABLE VITICULTURE CONTEXT OF CLIMATE CHANGE AND A Alin DOBREI1*, Alina DOBREI1, Florin SALA2 and Eleonora NISTOR1 .............................. 249 THE LANDSCAPE THROUGHOUT THE ENVIRONMENTAL LEGAL FRAMEWORK: ROMANIAN CASE Claudia FABIAN1* and Diana Lavinia CULESCU2 .................................................................. 250 ECCLESIASTICAL LANDSCAPING IN IASI - ANALYSIS, QUALITY FACTORS AND HIGHLIGHTING DIRECTIONS FOR IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF ECCLESIASTICAL GARDENS Constanta Carmina GHEORGHITA1 and Mircea GRIGOROVSCHI1 ..................................... 251 STUDY REGARDING THE SUITABILITY PERFORATUM L. ON ROCKWOOL MEDIA OF CULTIVATING HYPERICUM Radu Mircea GIURGIU1*, Gavril MORAR1, Adelina DUMITRAŞ1 and Eniko LACZI1 ........ 252 SOME ASPECTS OF OBTAINING NATURAL FRUIT JUICES BASED ON CARROTS Tincuţa Marta GOCAN1*, Ileana ANDREICA1, Vasile LAZĂR1 and Ileana BOGDAN1 ........ 253 A NEW PROBLEM FOR (HEMIPTERA:FLATIDAE) WESTERN ROMANIA: METCALFA PRUINOSA Ioana GROZEA1*, Mihai VLAD1, Alina GOGAN1, Ana Maria VIRTEIU 1, Ramona STEF1, Alin CARABET 1, Snejana DAMIANOV 1and Teodora FLORIAN2 ....................................... 254 THE CURRENT STATE OF CHARACTERIZATION OF ROMANIAN VITIS VINIFERA L. GERMPLASM BY MOLECULAR MARKERS Monica HÂRȚA1* and Doru PAMFIL1 ..................................................................................... 255 RESEARCH ON A PRODUCTION BY VEGETATIVE SEEDLINGS IN THE NURSERY PICEA PUNGENS MIHAI VITEAZU Liviu HOLONEC1*, Maria-Andreea ROMAN1, Alina TRUŢA1, Anna-Maria SZÁSZ-LEN1 and Florin REBREANU1 .................................................................................................................. 256 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 22 EFFECTS OF FUNGICIDE AND ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID TREATMENTS ON QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE PRODUCTION OF TOMATOES Ramona Aurelia HOROTAN1* and Alexandru Silviu APAHIDEAN1 ...................................... 257 RESULTS REGARDING THE PERFORMANCES OF GLADIOLUS HYBRIDS ON THEIR PARENTS Denisa Andreea HORŢ1, Maria CANTOR1*, Erzsebet BUTA1 and Adrian ZAHARIA1 ......... 258 EFFECT OF PENTAKEEP-V ON BEGONIA X TUBERHYBRIDA ‘NONSTOP’LINE Szilvia KISVARGA1, Péter HONFI1 and Andrea TILLY-MÁNDY1 ....................................... 259 STUDY OF SOME HEADED CHINESE CABBAGE VARIETIES AND HYBRIDS GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT IN AUTUMN OPEN FIELD CULTURE IN TRANSYLVANIAN TABLELAND SPECIFIC CONDITIONS Enikő LACZI1*, Alexandru APAHIDEAN1, Emil LUCA1 and Adelina DUMITRAŞ1 ........... 260 THE BEHAVIOUR OF SOME ROSE CULTIVARS OF DIFFERENT ORIGIN AS CUT FLOWERS IN NUTRITIVE SOLUTIONS Vasile LAZĂR1, Rodica SIMA1*, Tincuţa GOCAN1 and Ilona ORBAN1................................ 261 PRELIMINARY RESEARCH REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF VERMICOMPOST ON APHID CONTROL IN FRUIT GROWING Laura Ioana MACAVEI1, Mihai LAZAR2*,Viorel MITRE2, Mircea VARGA1 and Ion OLTEAN1 ............................................................................................................................ 262 ALLERGENIC AND TOXIC COMPOUNDS IN FLOWERING PLANTS Cristina MIRCEA (ARSENE)1* and Lucia DRAGHIA1 ........................................................... 263 STATE OF VEGETATION IN OAK STANDS, DURING THE LAST FIVE YEARS, IN NORTHWESTERN TRANSYLVANIA Mircea MOLDOVAN1*, Aurel RODILĂ1, Valentin LUPȘAN1, Radu CARADAN1 and Marin GHEORGHE1 .................................................................................................................. 264 THE EFFECT OF BIOSTIMULATORS TREATMENT UPON SEED BREEDING OF ASTER NOVI – BELGII Mirela MURARIU (COJOCARIU)1*, Lucia DRAGHIA1 and Elena Liliana CHELARIU1 ........................................................................................................ 265 STUDY OF AGE INFLUENCE OF SEEDLING AND PLANT PERIOD ON THE PRODUCTION OF FENNEL (FOENICULUM VULGARE VAR. AZORICUM) Valeria Ioana NEACŞU1, Alexandru Silviu APAHIDEAN1* and Anca Mariana HUSTI1 ....... 266 ASPECTS OF ORNAMENTAL VALUE OF VINCA MAJOR 'VARIEGATA' AND ARABIS CAUCASICA DEEP ROSE SPECIES IN DIFFERENT SYSTEMS OF CULTURE Roxana NEGREA1*, Lucia DRAGHIA1 and Gheorghii CIOBOTARI1 ................................... 267 PRISTIPHORA ABIETINA CHRIST., DEFOLIATOR IN RESINOUS FOREST STANDS OF LUNCA BRADULUI FORESTRY DEPARTMENT Ion OLTEAN1, Alexandru BEXA1, Teodora FLORIAN1 and Mircea Ioan VARGA1* ............ 268 EFFECT OF FERTILIZATION ON YIELD AND QUALITY OF BIOMASS OF QUINOA AND GREEN AMARANTH Panayiota PAPASTYLIANOU1*, Eleni TSIPLAKOU2, Ioanna KAKABOUKI3, Ilias TRAVLOS1, Dimitrios BILALIS1, Dimitra HELA3 and George ZERVAS2............................. 269 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 23 THE INFLUENCE OF THINNING AGENT ON BASE OF 6-BA AND NAA ON PRODUCTIVITY AND FRUIT QUALITY OF „GALA MUST” VARIETY Ananie PESTEANU* ................................................................................................................. 270 RESEARCHES REGARDING THE AGROTEHNIC BEHAVIOR OF PERSPECTIVE ELITES OBTAINED AT SCDVV BLAJ Daniela POPESCU1*, Mariana LUPEAN1, Maria ILIESCU1, Cristian Claudiu CRISTEA1 and Maria COMŞA1.......................................................................................................................... 271 DEVELOPMENT OF GENOMIC RESOURCES FOR SILVER FIR (ABIES ALBA MILL.) TO UNDERSTAND THE EVOLUTION OF SPECIES IN THE CONTEXT OF CLIMATE CHANGE Dragoş POSTOLACHE1,2*, Bruno FADY3 and Giovanni Giuseppe VENDRAMIN2 .............. 272 STUDIES ON THE ANALYSIS OF MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS FROM A RANGE OF LATE CABBAGE CULTIVARS CULTIVATED IN THE FIELD CONDITIONS AT THE DIDACTIC STATION TIMISOARA (ROMANIA) Gheorghe POȘTA1, Viorel BERAR1 and Marius BALINT1* ................................................... 273 FRACTAL ANALYSIS OF TRUNK BARK IN RELATION TO AGE OF TREES: CASE STUDY IN PLUM Florin SALA1* and Marius BOLDEA2 ...................................................................................... 274 INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT CLONAL MATERIAL OF THE VARIETY RIESLING ON THE MINERAL COMPOSITION OF LEAVES Klaus SCHALLER1* .................................................................................................................. 275 RESEARCH ON TWO DRIVERLESS VEHICLES IN THE VINEYARD Hans-Peter SCHWARZ1 ............................................................................................................ 276 THE INFLUENCE OF TECHNOLOGICAL INPUTS ON YIELD AND QUALITY TRAITS OF GREENHOUSE CABBAGE Rodica SIMA1, Dănut MĂNIUTIU1, Alexandru Silviu APAHIDEAN1, Maria APAHIDEAN1, Vasile LAZĂR1 and Nicuşor SIMA1* ....................................................................................... 277 PILOT METHOD FOR PROPAGATING AN ASORTMENT OF MEDICINAL PLANTS USING WATER RETAINING STARCH POLYMERS Valentin SINGUREANU1*, Gelu MOLDOVAN1, Ioana NEACŞU1 and Anca HUSTI1 ......... 278 ASPECTS REGARDING THE PROPAGATION OF THUJA OCCIDENTALIS ’COLUMNA’ USING DIFFERENT SUBSTRATES Anna-Mária SZÁSZ-LEN1*, Liviu HOLONEC1, Alina TRUTA1, Florin Alexandru REBREANU1 ............................................................................................................................. 279 PRELIMINARY TESTING OF SRAP PRIMERS IN ORDER TO ESTABLISH GENETIC DIVERSITY OF ASTRAGALUS EXSCAPUS L. SSP. TRANSSILVANICUS (BARTH) JAV Katalin SZABO1*, Cristian Radu SISEA1, Rodica POP1, Monica BODEA1, Ioana Virginia PETRICELE1, Alexandru Sabin BĂDĂRĂU2 and Doru PAMFIL1.......................................... 280 THE IMPROVEMENT OF GENERAL USE GREEN SPACES AND LAWNS IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAIA MARE ACCORDING TO EUROPEAN STANDARDS Beatrice Agneta SZILAGYI1*, Monica MARIAN2, Oana MARE- ROŞCA2, Lucia MIHALESCU2 and Zorica VOŞGAN2 ...................................................................................... 281 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 24 PRODUCTION OF ORGANIC SEEDS IN POLAND Magdalena SZPAKOWSKA1*, Roman HOŁUBOWICZ1 ........................................................ 282 EFFECT OF FUNGICIDE TREATMENTS ON ACORNS HEALTH AND GERMINATION PERCENTAGE Vasile ŞIMONCA1*, Ioan TĂUT 1 and Florin-Alexandru REBREAN1 .................................... 283 DEFOLIATORS PRESENT IN HARDWOOD STANDS TRANSYLVANIA AND THEIR FORECAST FOR 2014 OF NORTH-WESTERN Ioan TĂUT1,2, Vasile ŞIMONCA1, Liviu HOLONEC1, Tomescu ROMICA2, Alexandru COLISAR1 and Mircea MOLDOVAN2 ..................................................................................... 284 RESEARCH CONCERNING THE VARIABILITY OF THE MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF LETTUCE FROM V.R.D.S. BUZAU GERMPLASM COLLECTION Eliza TEODORESCU1* ............................................................................................................. 285 STUDIES ON SPIRAEA X VANHOUTEII PHENOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF SUN EXPOSURE Raluca TOMA1 and Dumitru ZAHARIA1* ............................................................................... 286 RESEARCH CONCERNING THE GERMINATION OF FORESTRY SEEDS USING DIFFERENT CHEMICALS Alina TRUŢA1*, Liviu HOLONEC1, Maria HOLDIŞ1, Anna-Mária SZÁSZ-LEN1 and Florin REBREANU1 .................................................................................................................. 287 PROBLEMATISATION, METHOD OF ACHIEVING TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER IN POMICULTURE Liana Maria VAC1, Sebastian-Călin VAC1*, Viorel MITRE1 and Ionel PAPUC1 .................... 288 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPEMNT STRATEGIES FOR LIMITROPHE GREEN AREAS IN THE PROSPECT OF FUTURE URBAN EXPANSIONS Răzvan VASIU1*, Laura LUCA2 and Păuniţa BOANCĂ1 ......................................................... 289 STUDY OF ELEMENTS VARIABILITY OF THE QUERCUS CERRIS Oana VIMAN1*, Liviu HOLONEC1, Alina TRUŢA1 and Daniel SOUCA1 .............................. 290 EFFECT OF SPECIES ON THE MAINTENANCE OF SEEDLINGS ON ERODED LANDS IN FRATA AMELIORATION PERIMETER, CLUJ COUNTY, IN THE FIRST YEAR AFTER PLANTING Horia-Dan VLASIN1* and Liviu HOLONEC1 .......................................................................... 291 A NUCLEAR-STOCK PLUM COLLECTION ESTABLISHED AT FRUIT RESEARCH &DEVELOPMENT STATION BISTRIȚA, ROMANIA Ioan ZAGRAI1* and Luminita ZAGRAI1 .................................................................................. 292 RESULTS OBTAINED IN THE RESEARCHES REGARDING THE ROOTING OF SEMPERVIVUM ROSETTES IN EXTERIOR CONDITIONS Adrian ZAHARIA1*, Denisa Andreea HORŢ1, Maria CANTOR1 and Erzsebet BUTA1 ......... 293 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 25 SESSION 5: ECONOMICS AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT ASSESSING WESTERN INFLUENCE ON EASTERN PRODUCERS THROUGH THE CITIZEN/CONSUMER PARADOX Stef AERTS1,2* ........................................................................................................................... 294 SCENARIOS FOR BRIDGING UP THE PRODUCTIVITY GAPS ALONG THE ROMANIAN VEGETABLE SUPPLY CHAIN Cornelia ALBOIU1* ................................................................................................................... 295 FOOD CONSUMPTION DIVERSITY IN ROMANIA Cecilia ALEXANDRI1* ............................................................................................................. 296 ANALYSIS OF THE EDUCATION SERVICES. CASE STUDY: MASTER FOOD IDENTITY Felix H. ARION1, Iulia C. MURESAN1* and Adriana M. PASCALĂU1 ................................. 297 DEVELOPMENTS OF CITRUS FOREIGN TRADE IN TURKEY Hasan ARISOY1* and Gülcan ERAKTAN2 ............................................................................... 298 STUDY REGARDING THE MARKETING ORIENTATION IN THE AGRO-FOOD INDUSTRY FROM CLUJ COUNTY Gabriela CHICIUDEAN1*, Felix ARION1 and Daniel CHICIUDEAN1 ................................... 299 PURCHASE AND CONSUMPTION BEHAVIOR, DISTRIBUTION AND STRATEGIES FOR BAKERY PRODUCTS(CASE STUDY IN IASI STORES) SALES Aurel CHIRAN1*, Elena GÎNDU1, Andy-Felix JITĂREANU1 and Ştefan VIZITEU1 ............. 300 DEVELOPMENT OR UNDERDEVELOPMENT IN ROMANIAN RURAL AREAS AFTER EUROPEAN UNION INTEGRATION? Vergina CHIRITESCU1*, Mihaela KRUSZLICIKA1 and Daniela Ruxandra ANDREI2.......... 301 MOBILITY IN THE ROMANIAN RURAL SPACE Mihai CUCERZAN1* ................................................................................................................. 302 LIMITING FACTORS OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE REGION OF FRUŠKA GORA Sanja ĐUKIĆ1*, Radovan PEJANOVIĆ1 and Adriana RADOSAVAC1 ................................... 303 ECONOMIC VALUATION LITERATURE REVIEW OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC RECREATION AREAS: A Diana E. DUMITRAS1*, Mugurel I. JITEA1 and Marioara ILEA1 ............................................ 304 VILLAGE IN THE REGION – UNIQUE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS OF JEBUCU Tibor FARKAS1*, Cristina-Bianca POCOL2 and Zsuzsanna KASSAI3 .................................... 305 THE ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN BUSINESS MARKET – A QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS Bogdan FLEACĂ1, Elena FLEACĂ1* and Andreea DUMITRESCU1 ...................................... 306 RESEARCH REGARDING THE REPUTATIONAL RISK OF OIL AND GAS COMPANIES OPERATING IN ROMANIA BUSINESS MARKET Elena FLEACĂ1, Bogdan FLEACĂ1* and Andreea DUMITRESCU1 ...................................... 307 ROMANIAN INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN ANIMAL PRODUCTS Camelia GAVRILESCU1*.......................................................................................................... 308 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 26 THE ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS APPLICATION IN INCREASING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF HIGH VALUE ADDED HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA Artur GOLBAN1* ....................................................................................................................... 309 RESEARCH ON PRECISION AGRICULTURE - A NEW CHALLENGE FOR ROMANIAN AGRICULTURISTS (A CASE STUDY) Ioan GRAD1, Codruţa GAVRILĂ1, Camelia MĂNESCU1, Teodor MATEOC1 and Nicoleta MATEOC-SÎRB1*........................................................................................................ 310 THE ROMANIAN MILK MARKET IN THE CONTEXT OF QUOTA REMOVAL – A POTENTIAL TO BE EXPLORED BY INVESTORS Mariana GRODEA1* .................................................................................................................. 311 THE STATE FACT OF THE RURAL AREA OF THE KURDISTAN REGIONAL GOVERNMENT Rezhen HARUN1*, Iulia C. MURESAN1, Felix H. ARION1 and Diana E. DUMITRAS1 ....... 312 RESOURCES OF THE REGION IN THE FUNCTION OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT OF MONTENEGRO Sreten JELIĆ1*, Mersida JANDRIĆ1, Dragić ŽIVKOVIĆ and Zoran MILOVANČEVIĆ1 ...... 313 THE ROMANIAN LAND MARKET IN THE PRE AND POST ACCESION PERIOD. IS IT PERMISIVE OR PROHIBITIVE FOR THE NEW INVESTMENTS? Ionel-Mugurel JITEA1* and Diana-Elena DUMITRAS1 ............................................................ 314 PERSPECTIVES AND POSSIBILITIES FOR DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL AREAS IN VOJVODINA THROUGH THE SECTOR OF NON-WOOD FOREST PRODUCTS Milica MARČETA¹*, Ljiljana KEČA¹ and Sreten JELIĆ² ........................................................ 315 STUDY ON THE ROLE OF PROTECTION CURTAINS IN THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL COMMUNITIES Camelia MĂNESCU1*, Ioan GRAD1, Teodor MATEOC1 and Nicoleta MATEOC-SÎRB1 ..... 316 SOCIO -ECONOMIC ASPECTS IN SUBSISTENCE HOUSEHOLD FARMS FROM CLUJ COUNTY Valentin MIHAI1*, Mugurel JITEA1, Inge PAULINI2 and Mihaela MIHAI1 ........................... 317 QUALITY ESTIMATION OF THE TOURISM SERVICES. STUDY CASE: PRAID SALT MINE Iulia C. MURESAN1*, Felix H. ARION1, Roxana E. OLTEAN1 .............................................. 318 A CONSIDERATION ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WITHIN BELIS-FANTANELE AREA Vasile Lucian NAS1* and Sebastian-Calin VAC1 ...................................................................... 319 STUDY ON FRUIT MARKET IN ROMANIA Ioana NICULAE1*, Georgiana Melania COSTAICHE1 and Reta CONDEI1 ............................ 320 WHAT CAN GEORGESCU-ROEGEN TELL US TODAY? ON REPRODUCTION PRODUCTION, AND SUSTAINABILITY IN PEASANT ECONOMY MODELLING Ernst-August NUPPENAU1*...................................................................................................... 321 WOMEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN ROMANIA: A REGIONAL EVALUATION Cristina Bianca POCOL1* and Călin MOLDOVAN-TESELIOS2 ............................................. 322 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 27 ORGANIC AGRICULTURE VALUES CHAINS - OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND TRADE Mirela-Adriana RUSALI1* ......................................................................................................... 323 EVOLUTIONS IN E-COMMERCE Marius-Mircea SABAU1*........................................................................................................... 324 TOURIST ROUTES “WINE ROAD” IN THE NORTH AND CENTER OF MOLDOVA Liviu VACARCIUC*, Olga MOGALDEA................................................................................ 325 INFLUENCE OF OPTIMIZATION CRITERIA ON LEVEL OF USE MECHANIZATION AND LABOUR FORCE IN CATTLE PRODUCTION Grujica VICO1*, Zoran RAJIĆ2, Sreten JELIĆ2 and Dragić ŽIVKOVIĆ2................................. 326 ORGANIZATIONAL, TECHNOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC INDICATORS OF BEFF CATTLE PRODUCTION ON FAMILY FARMS Dragić ŽIVKOVIĆ1, Zoran RAJIĆ1, Sreten JELIĆ1, Zoran MILOVANČEVIĆ1 and Bojan DIMITRIJEVIĆ1* ........................................................................................................... 327 SESSION 6-7: ANIMAL SCIENCES AND BIOTECHNOLOGIES THE IMPORTANCE DEVELOPMENT OF TRADITIONAL AGRICULTURE FOR SUSTAINABLE Stefano GREGO* ....................................................................................................................... 328 WILD AND MANAGED HONEY BEES IN AFRICA, IMPACT ON COLONY HEALTH Robin M. CREWE* ................................................................................................................... 329 PERSPECTIVES FOR HIGH NUTRIENT USE EFFICIENCY IN RUMINANT FEEDING Martin GIERUS* ....................................................................................................................... 330 REASONS FOR HONEYBEE COLONY DECLINES: A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Robin F.A. MORITZ* ................................................................................................................ 331 CAFFEIC ACID PHENETHYL ESTER (CAPE) IN ROMANIAN PROPOLIS Liviu Al. MĂRGHITAŞ, Daniel DEZMIREAN, Flaviu DRÂGLĂ and Otilia BOBIŞ* ......... 332 RESEARCHES REGARDING THE FATTY ACIDS CONTENT IN TURKEY MEAT Paul C. BOIŞTEANU, Marius M. CIOBANU and Roxana LAZĂR* ..................................... 333 IMPACT OF NEONICOTINOID INSECTICIDES ON HONEYBEE IMMUNITY Gennaro DI PRISCO*, Emilio CAPRIO and Francesco PENNACCHIO ................................. 334 EFFECTS OF DIETARY SUPPLEMENTATION AT NILE TILAPIA WITH THYMUS VULGARIS, TRIGONELA FOENUM GRAECUM AND AZADIRACHTA INDICA ON WELFARE STATUS Alina ANTACHE*, Victor CRISTEA, Iulia GRECU, Lorena DEDIU, Mirela CREŢU, Elena BOCIOC and Ştefan M. PETREA ............................................................................................. 335 THE BIOCHEMICAL EVALUATION OF AQUACULTURE NILE TILAPIA MUSCLE TISSUE, IN CONDITION OF SOME PHYTOBIOTICS ADMINISTERED IN FEED Alina ANTACHE*, Victor CRISTEA, Lorena DEDIU, Iulia GRECU, Ştefan M. PETREA and Alexandru C. BANDI ................................................................................................................ 336 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 28 REVIEW – WATER TREATMENT CAPACITY OF DIFFERENT HYDROPONIC MODULES INTEGRATED IN RECIRCULATING AQUACULTURE SYSTEMS Alexandru C. BANDI1*, Victor CRISTEA1, Ştefan M. PETREA1, Lucian GEORGESCU2, Lorena DEDIU1 and Dragoş DIACONU1 .................................................................................. 337 DETERMINATION OF MILLING MODULE AND ENERGY CONSUMPTION FOR DIFFERENT CATEGORIES OF CONCENTRATES FEEDS Victor BǍRBIERU*, Mircea MUNTEANU and Adriana DAVID ........................................... 338 HAEMATOLOGICAL PROFILE OF THE JUVENILE CARP (CYPRINUS CARPIO, L. 1758) REARED INTO A RECIRCULATING AQUACULTURE SYSTEM WITH PROBIOTICS SUPPLEMENT Elena BOCIOC1*, Victor CRISTEA1, Neculai PATRICHE2, Iulia GRECU1, Alina ANTACHE1 and Mirela (CREŢU) MOCANU1 ............................................................................................. 339 STUDIES REGARDING THE EFFECT OF ORGANIC FERTILIZERS ON A PERMANENT GRASSLAND IN PETROVA, MARAMUREŞ Adela l. BOTIŞ*, Gheorghe MIHAI, Nicuşor SIMA, Doru CRISTE, Iulia MEDREA and Bogdan FĂGĂDAR ................................................................................................................... 340 REVIEW –A LIFE FOR NOBEL PRIZE: REMEMBER GEORGE EMIL PALADE Mirela E. CADAR* and Mircea GABOREANU....................................................................... 341 THE INFLUENCE OF REFRIGERATION METHOD BROILER MEAT QUALITY AND MATURATION TIME IN Marius M. CIOBANU*, Roxana LAZĂR, Emanuiel C. DIACONU, Nicoleta GĂINĂ (DIACONU) and Paul C. BOISTEANU ................................................................................... 342 COMPARISON OF CRANIOMETRIC FEATURES BETWEEN DOMESTIC PIG (SUS SCROFA FORMA DOMESTICA) AND WILD BOAR (SUS SCROFA) FROM TRANSYLVANIA REGION Radu CONSTANTINESCU, Viorica COŞIER, Daniel COCAN and Vioara MIREŞAN* ...... 343 TEXTURE PROFILE CHARACTERISTICS IN HORSE MEAT Emanuiel C. DIACONU*, Roxana LAZĂR, Nicoleta GĂINĂ (DIACONU), Marius M. CIOBANU and Paul C. BOIŞTEANU ...................................................................................... 344 ESTIMATION OF PHENOTIPICAL SUPERIORITY FOR SLAUGHTER EFFICIENCY IN TWO GENETIC TYPES OF MEAT HYBRIDS FROM ORYCTOLAGUS CUNICULUS Dorel DRONCA1*, Nicolae PACALA1, Ioan BENCSIK1, Teofil OROIAN2, Vasile CIGHI2, Rasvan POPA3, Ada CEAN1, Adela MARCU1 and Alexandru DRONCA4 ............................. 345 OVERVIEW REGARDING THE BIOACTIVITY NEPETA CATARIA SPECIES OF AGASTACHE FOENICULUM AND Simona DUDA, Liviu Al. MĂRGHITAŞ, Dan DEZMIREAN and Otilia BOBIŞ* ................ 346 ASPECTS OF THE WELFARE OF DAIRY COWS IN FARMS WITH TIED BREEDING SYSTEM AND ACTION OF THE UPSTREAM FACTORS. PART I Cristina El MAHDY1*, Silvana POPESCU2, Cristin BORDA2 and Anca BOARU1 ............... 347 CHARACTERIZATION OF COLORIMETRIC PARAMETERS IN CATTLE MEAT Nicoleta GĂINĂ (DIACONU)*, Roxana LAZĂR, Emanuiel C. DIACONU, Marius M. CIOBANU and Paul C. BOIŞTEANU ...................................................................................... 348 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 29 DANUBE SALMON (HUCHO HUCHO) IN CENTRAL AND SOUTH EASTERN EUROPE: A REVIEW FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM FOR THE REHABILITATION AND CONSERVATION OF DANUBE SALMON POPULATIONS Andrada IHUŢ1, Andreas ZITEK2, Steven WEISS3, Clemens RATSCHAN4, Thomas KAUFMANN5, Georg HOLZER6, Daniel COCAN1, Radu CONSTANTINESCU1 and Vioara MIREŞAN1*................................................................................................................... 349 RESEARCH REGARDING THE HABITAT INFLUENCE OVER GLYCOGEN AMOUNT IN FARMED AND WILD RAINBOW TROUT Mădălina I. IORDACHE1*, Eugen UNGUREANU2, Emanuel MĂGDICI1, Cătălin E. NISTOR1 and Benone PĂSĂRIN1 ............................................................................................................. 350 COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN ULTRASOUND IN VIVO AND CARCASS EVALUATION OF SHEEP MEAT PRODUCTION IN ROMANIAN BREED LAMBS Cristina LAZĂR*, Mihail Al. GRAS, Rodica PELMUS and Elena GHIŢĂ ............................ 351 RESEARCH REGARDING THE EVOLUTION OF FRESHNESS STATE OF EUROPEAN CATFISH MEAT STORED IN REFRIGERATED FORM Emanuel MĂGDICI* Cătălin E. NISTOR, Ionuţ B. PAGU, Mădălina I. IORDACHE, Aida ALBU, Gabriel V. HOHA and Benone PĂSĂRIN ................................................................... 352 HISTOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS AT AN INTESTINAL LEVEL IN LAYING QUAILS FED WITH FODDERS SUPPLEMENTED WITH DIFFERENT ADDITIVES (SEL-PLEX, ACTIGEN AND BIO-MOS) Teodor I. MĂLDĂRĂŞANU1*, Aurel ŞARA1, Mihai BENŢEA1 and Cǎlina CREŢA2.......... 353 ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF BEE POLLEN ETHANOLIC AND METHANOLIC EXTRACTS ON STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS BACTERIAL STRAIN Rodica MĂRGĂOAN1, Liviu Al. MĂRGHITAŞ1, Daniel S. DEZMIREAN1*, Bogdan GHERMAN1, Flore CHIRILĂ2 and Otilia BOBIŞ1................................................................... 354 ETHNOZOOTECHNY -A COMPONENT OF GEOECONOMY Marcel MATIUTI1*, Alexandru T. BOGDAN2 and Carmen MATIUTI3 ................................. 355 THE EFFECT OF REPLACEMENT OF SOYBEAN MEAL WITH LUPINE SEED (LUPINUS ALBUS VR. ENERGY) ON GROWTH PERFORMANCE AND CARCASS TRAITS IN TURKEYS Daniel MIERLIŢĂ* ................................................................................................................... 356 RESEARCH ON THE INCIDENCE, ANATOMICAL-CLINICAL, PROPHYLACTIC AND THERAPEUTIC PANEL IN AN OUTBREAK OF CNEMIDOCOPTIC SCABIES OF THE LEGS IN LAYING HENS Octavian NEGREA1, Camelia RĂDUCU1*, Vioara MIREŞAN1, Mirela CADAR1, Octavia NEGREA2 and Aurelia COROIAN1 .......................................................................................... 357 RESEARCH REGARDING MINERAL CONTENT DIFFERENTIALLY FEED OF RAINBOW TROUT MEAT Ionuţ B. PAGU*, Cătălin E. NISTOR, Emanuel MĂGDICI, Alin C. BARBACARIU, Ciprian POLENSCHI and Benone PĂSĂRIN ........................................................................................ 358 THE PRODUCTIVE RESPONSE OF HENS EXPOSED TO HEAT STRESS Monica PÂRVU*, Ioana C. ANDRONIE, Violeta E. SIMION and Adriana AMFIM ............ 359 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 30 COMPARATIVE STUDY OF BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERS OF SILKWORM EGGS Ioan PAŞCA1, Emilia M. FURDUI2*, Liviu Al. MĂRGHITAŞ2, Dan DEZMIREAN2, Dana PUSTA1, Adrian CÎMPEAN1, Mihai BORZAN1 and Adrian MACRI1 .................................... 360 DEGRADATION DEGREE OF POLYPHENOLS TEMPERATURE OF THE GRAPE POMACE DEPENDING ON DRYING Silvia M. PASCARIU1, Ioan M. POP1*, Aida ALBU1 and Rodica PAŞA2 .............................. 361 A STUDY OF NITROGEN DYNAMICS IN AN INTEGRATED STELLATE STURGEON AND SPINACH AQUAPONIC SYSTEM WITH DIFFERENT CROP DENSITIES Ştefan M. PETREA1*, Victor CRISTEA1, Lorena DEDIU1, Feng LIU2, Maria CONTOMAN1, Paul LUPOAE3, Alina ANTACHE1 and Alexandru C. BANDI1 .............................................. 362 THE NITRATE AND NITRITE LEVELS FROM BOTH SPINACH AND STELLATE STURGEON MEAT IN AN AQUAPONIC INTEGRATED SYSTEM Ştefan M. PETREA1*, Victor CRISTEA1, Lorena DEDIU1, Feng LIU2, Paul LUPOAE3, Alina ANTACHE1, Alexandru C. BANDI1 and Marian T. COADĂ1 ................................................. 363 PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF HUMAN-ANIMAL POSITIVE INTERACTION IN DOGS – REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE Denisa POP1*, Alina S. RUSU2, Vlad POP-VANCIA1, Ionel PAPUC3, Radu CONSTANTINESCU1 and Vioara MIREŞAN1* ...................................................................... 364 GENETIC PARAMETERS ESTIMATES FOR MILK YIELD, MOZZARELLA PRODUCTION IN ROMANIAN BUFFALO MILK QUALITY AND Răzvan POPA1*, Dana POPA1, Livia VIDU1, Cristiana DIACONESCU1, Vasile BĂCILĂ1, Adrian BOTA2 and Dorel DRONCA3 ....................................................................................... 365 INFLUENCING FACTORS OF THE EXPORT OF ROMANIAN BEE PRODUCTS Anca A. POPOVICI1*, Liviu Al. MĂRGHITAŞ1, Daniel S. DEZMIREAN1 and Marioara ILEA2 .......................................................................................................................... 366 COMPETITION JUMPING HORSES: EFFECTS OF AGE, SEX AND BREED ON THE FEI/WBFSH WORLD RANKING Anca ROMAN-POPOVICI*, Dan SUMOVSCHI and Ioan GÎLCĂ......................................... 367 PSYCHOSOCIAL CORRELATES OF HUMAN-ANIMAL AND ADAPTATION ON ROMANIAN LANGUAGE OF “ATTITUDES TOWARD ANIMALS” QUESTIONNAIRE (TURNER, 2010) Alina S. RUSU1*, Ciprian OBER2*, Dennis TURNER3, Vlad C. MUREŞAN1, Dragoş ILIESCU4 and Andrei D. MIHALCA2 ........................................................................................................ 368 METHODS TO IMPROVE THE NUTRITION OF BROOK TROUT (SALVELINUS FONTINALIS M.) BY USING FODDER ADDITIVES (BIO-MOS, NUPRO, SEL-PLEX) Aurel ŞARA1*, Mihai BENŢEA1, Alina ANI2 and Marin BREJE1 .......................................... 369 MILK PRODUCTION CHARACTERISTICS OF SAANEN GOATS RAISED UNDER INTENSIVE CONDITIONS IN KONYA/ TURKEY PROVINCE Vahdettin SARIYEL1* and Birol DAĞ2 .................................................................................... 370 GENERAL QUALITY PARAMETERS FOR BEE PRODUCTS USED IN APITHERAPY Ştefan STÂNGACIU1, Liviu Al. MĂRGHITAŞ2, Daniel DEZMIREAN2, Victoriţa BONTA2*, Rodica MĂRGĂOAN2 and Otilia BOBIŞ2 ................................................................................ 371 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 31 SUPPORT FOR ORGANIC BEEKEEPING IN ROMANIA: A VIEW FOR THE NEXT RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMING PERIOD Sorin L. ŞTEFĂNESCU1*, Liviu Al. MĂRGHITAŞ2, Monica DUMITRAŞCU1 and Roxana VIDICAN2 .................................................................................................................... 372 INDIVIDUAL AND COMBINED EFFECTS OF EXOGENOUS ENZYMES ON RHEOLOGICAL AND THERMO-MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF WHEAT-MILLET FLOUR BLENDS Iuliana APRODU, Manuela VASILE and Iuliana BANU* ....................................................... 373 HONEYBEES AS A MODEL FOR THE STUDY OF XENOBIOTICS, A FORAY INTO THE STUDY OF ANTIVIRAL EFFECT OF PROPOLIS Adriana C. AURORI, Daniel S. DEZMIREAN* and Liviu Al. MĂRGHITAŞ ....................... 374 ANTIBIO-RESISTANCE STUDY OF STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS STRAINS ISOLATED IN ALGERIAN HOSPITALS Mohamed BACHIR-PACHA1*, A. BOUYOUCEF1, R.R. TRIKI-YAMANI1, H. KHALED1, F. TEGGAR2 and F. TACHET3 ..................................................................................................... 375 A MOLECULAR APPROACH FOR IDENTIFICATION OF DROUGHT RESISTANCE RAPESEEDS’ GENOTYPES BASED ON SPECIFIC GENE EXPRESSION Oana M. BOLDURA* and Sorina POPESCU ........................................................................... 376 IN SILICO ANALYSIS OF ANTIMICROBIAL PEPTIDES FROM PLANTS Marian BUTU1, Steliana RODINO1,2*, Petruta PETRACHE2 and Alina BUTU1.................... 377 ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY OF HEATHER HONEY (CALLUNA VULGARIS) AGAINST DIFFERENT HUMAN PATHOGENS Daniel DEZMIREAN1, Liviu Al. MĂRGHITAŞ1, Flore CHIRILĂ2, Nicodim FIŢ2, Bogdan GHERMAN1, Rodica MĂRGĂOAN1, Adriana AURORI1 and Otilia BOBIŞ1* ..................... 378 EXTRACTION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYPHENOL OXIDASE FROM PRUNUS DOMESTICA Elena IONIŢĂ*, Nicoleta STĂNCIUC, Gabriela BAHRIM and Gabriela RÂPEANU .......... 379 UNTARGETED LC-QTOF (ESI+) MS ANALYSIS FOR EARLY DETECTION OF PROSTATE CANCER IN HUMAN BLOOD SERUM, AS COMPARED WITH PROSTATE SPECIFIC ANTIGEN Ramona MAXIM1, Raluca M. POP 2,3, Florina ROMANCIUC1 and Carmen SOCACIU1,2* ............................................................................................................... 380 ACCELERATING CLONAL MULTIPLICATION OF ALTHAEA OFFICINALIS THROUGH IN VITRO CULTURE Abdul MUJIB*, Tasiu ISAH, Dipti TONK, Muzamil ALI and Javed AHMAD ...................... 381 LC-QTOF (ESI +) MS APPLIED FOR TARGETED PROFILING AMINO ACIDS OF HUMAN URINE Florina ROMANCIUC1*, Raluca M. POP 2,3 and Carmen SOCACIU1,2 ................................... 382 HONEY STERILIZATION AND MEAD PRODUCTION Andreea C. ŞARBA1*, Liviu Al. MĂRGHITAŞ1 and Adrian TIMAR2 ................................... 383 THE EFFECT OF PRE-SLAUGHTER RESTING TIME ON MEAT QUALITY, IN BOARS AND GILTS Claudiu SIMA1, Ronald KLONT2, Lourens HERES2 and Vioara MIREŞAN1* ....................... 384 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 32 EFFECT OF THERMAL TREATMENT ON PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS FROM PLUMS Mihaela TURTURICĂ*, Gabriela RÂPEANU, Nicoleta STĂNCIUC and Gabriela BAHRIM ..................................................................................................................... 385 AVERAGE VALUES AND PHENOTYPIC CORRELATIONS OF QUALITATIVE MILK PARAMETERS IN CARPATINĂ GOAT, ESTIMATED FUNCTION OF GENOTYPES FROM ΑS1–CASEIN LOCUS Bogdan VLAIC, Valentin A. BĂLTEANU, Viorica COŞIER and Augustin VLAIC* ........... 386 SESSION 8: VETERINARY MEDICINE - FUNDAMENTAL AND PRECLINICAL SCIENCES BOVINE PAPILLOMAVIRUS TYPE 13 EXPRESSION IN THE UROTHELIAL BLADDER TUMOURS OF CATTLE Franco ROPERTO1* .................................................................................................................. 387 CHARACTERISATION OF MANNHEIMIA HAEMOLYTICA STRAINS ISOLATED FROM RESPIRATORY DISEASE COMPLEX OF RUMINANTS László FODOR1* ....................................................................................................................... 388 THE 1;29 ROBERTSONIAN TRANSLOCATION IN TWO ANDALUSIAN INDIGENOUS BREEDS CATTLE Miguel MORENO MILLAN1* and Sebastian DEMYDA PEYRAS1 ....................................... 389 COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SOME WATER-SOLUBLE NUTRIENTS IN EGGS FROM VARIOUS SPECIES Sanda ANDREI1*, Andrea BUNEA1, Cristina ŞTEFANUŢ2 and Camelia TULCAN3 ............ 390 IMMUNOCASTRATION IN PIGS AND ITS EFFECTS ON PRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE Ioana ANDRONIE1, Monica PÂRVU1, Costi NITU1, Viorel ANDRONIE1 ............................ 391 THE COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF THE RENAL CLEARANCE FOR TWO PRODUCTS BASED ON PYRANTEL, ON A GROUP OF CATS USED IN A BIOEQUIVALENCE STUDY Alexandra ARION1, István TÖRÖK2, Ferenc NAGY2, Annamária IMRE2, Francisc Andrei BODA2, Cristina STEFĂNUT1, Iulia BALACI1 and Laurenţ OGNEAN1 ................................ 392 EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT LEVELS OF FODDER VEGETAL OIL ON GROWTH RATE, CARCASS TRAITS AND MEAT COMPOSITION RELATIONSHIP IN RABBIT Rosalie BĂLĂCEANU*1, Iuliana CODREANU2, Nicolae DOJANĂ2, Mara GEORGESCU3 ................................................................................................................. 393 TRIPLE IMMUNOSUPPRESSIVE THERAPY OF IMMUNE-MEDIATED HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA IN A DOG: CASE-REPORT Ildikó BARABÁSI1, Alexandra ARION1 and Laurent OGNEAN1* ......................................... 394 MULTINUCLEATED GIANT CELLS POLYMORPHISM IN EPULIS Adina Bianca BOŞCA1, Aranka ILEA1, Alina Simona SOVREA1, Anne Marie CONSTANTIN1, Flavia RUXANDA2, Vasile RUS2*, Cristian RATIU3 Viorel MICLĂUŞ2 ............................... 395 THE INVESTIGATION SHEDDING OF CRYPTOCOCCUS NEOFORMANS ON DOMESTIC PIGEONS IN THE HATAY REGION Gamze Ozge OZMEN1, Hasan SOLMAZ2, Zafer CANTEKİN1* ............................................. 396 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 33 CLASSIFYING PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA STRAINS OF HUMAN ORIGIN IN MDR, XDR AND PDR BY DETERMINING THE RESISTANCE TO ANTIBIOTICS FROM SEVEN GROUPS Oana – Alexandra CIOCAN (MOȚCO)1*, Mihai CARP – CĂRARE1, Carmen – Valentina PANZARU2 and Elena PETRARU3 .......................................................................................... 397 STUDY ON THE INFLUENCE OF AD DIEE BIOPHYTOMODULATORS ON CARTILAGE REGENERATION IN A LEPORIDAE MODE Cristian Mihăiyă CRECAN1*, Daniela Claudia OROS1, Liviu Ioan OANA1, Bogdan SEVASTRE1 and Ancu DINCĂ2* ............................................................................................. 398 MUSCLE DISTRIBUTION IN TUNICA MEDIA OF SOME ARTERIES IN LAMBS Dalma CSIBI1, Viorel MICLĂUŞ1, Cristian MARTONOŞ1, Cristian DEZDROBITU1, Vasile RUS1*, Flavia RUXANDA1, Aurel DAMIAN1 ......................................................................... 399 THE EFFECT OF BLOOD AND MILK SERUM ZINC CONCENTRATION ON MILK SOMATIC CELL COUNT IN DAIRY COWS Ivana DAVIDOV1*, Mihajlo ERDELJAN1, Miodrag RADINOVIĆ1, Zorana KOVAČEVIĆ1 and Željka JURAKIĆ2 ...................................................................................................................... 400 THE EFFECT OF EXPERIMENTAL VITAMIN D ADMINISTERING ON THE CALCIUM METABOLISM IN ADULT LAYING HENS Nicolae DOJANĂ1*, Caludia PREDA, Rosalie BĂLĂCEANU1, Costin BUDICĂ ................. 401 ASSESSMENT OF THE ANTIMICROBIAL EFFECT OF HONEY, TREATED BY HEAT AND ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION Nicodim Iosif FIŢ1*, Flore CHIRILĂ1, George NADĂŞ1, Octavian NEGREA1, Otilia BOBIŞ1 and Liviu MĂRGHITAŞ1 .......................................................................................................... 402 CASES WITH HYPERPLASIA AND NEOPLASIA IN ENDOCRINE GLANDS IN DOGS Adrian Florin GAL1, Viorel MICLĂUȘ1, Marian TAULESCU1, Flaviu TĂBĂRAN1, Andras NAGY1, Cosmina BOUARI1, Raluca VIDRIGHINESCU1, Roxana CORA1, Cornel CĂTOI1 .......................................................................................................................... 403 THE MORPHOLOGICAL EVALUATION ANTIANGIOGENETIC THERAPY IN RATS OF WALKER 256 TUMORS AFTER Alexandra IRIMIE1*, Attila Tamas SZORA2, Mihai SOCACIU2, Alexandru Flaviu TĂBĂRAN1, Raluca VIDRIGHINESCU1, Cornel CĂTOI1 ..................................................... 404 MOLECULAR DETECTION OF MAJOR ZOONOTIC PATHOGENS IN HYALOMMA AEGYPTIUM TICKS Zsuzsa KALMÁR 1*, Attila D. SÁNDOR1, G. D’AMICO1, D. I. MĂRCUŢAN1, A.D. MIHALCA1, V. COZMA1 ......................................................................................................... 405 DISTRIBUTON OF THE TERMINALS OF THE DESCENDING ABDOMINAL AORTA IN CHINCHILLAS Cristian MARTONOS1*, Cristian DEZDROBITU1, Vasile RUS1, Viorel MICLĂUȘ1, Irina IRIMESCU1, Aurel DAMIAN1.................................................................................................. 406 THE ECONOMICAL IMPACT OF REPRODUCTION PATHOLOGY, IN A DIARY CATTLE FARM FROM TRANSILVANIA Vasile MUNTEAN1*, Liviu BOGDAN1 and Ioan MARCUS1 .................................................. 407 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 34 THE SENSITIVITY TO ANTIBIOTICS OF SOME BACTERIAL STRAINS ISOLATED FROM COW MILK WITH MASTITIS George Cosmin NADǍŞ1*, Nicodim FIŢ1, Flore CHIRILǍ1, Cosmina BOUARI1, Sorin RĂPUNTEAN1, Vasile RUS1 .................................................................................................... 408 ADVANCED GLYCATION END PRODUCTS (AGES), MARKERS IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF DIABETES IN RATS Loredana Elena OLAR1*, Razvan STEFAN2, Cristian BERCE3, Dana CIOBANU4, Ionel PAPUC1 ..................................................................................................................................... 409 X-RAY IMAGING OF FEMORAL BONE DEFECTS IN RATS TREATED WITH AD DIEE BIOPHYTOMODULATORS Daniela OROS1*, Liviu OANA1, Cristian CRECAN1, Ancu DINCĂ2 ...................................... 410 SALIVARY NITRO-OXIDATIVE STRESS AND MATRIX METALLOPROTEINASE-9 IN CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE WITH PERIODONTITIS Ciprian DALAI1, Alina Elena PÂRVU2*, Camelia DALAI1, Sandu Florin ALB3, Camelia ALB4, Alina ORMENIȘAN5, Ciprian SILAGHI6 and Ovidiu PÂRVU7 .............................................. 411 XANTHOPHYLLS’ ESTERS – CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES Adela PINTEA1*, Andrea BUNEA1, Sanda ANDREI1 ............................................................. 412 STATISTICAL INFERENCES REGARDING THE GENETIC DETERMINISM OF THE EMBRYO-FETAL LOSSES IN COWS Dana Liana PUSTA1, Rodica SOBOLU2, Ioana POP2 .............................................................. 413 MORPHOSTRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION OF HASSALL’S CORPUSCLES IN LAMB Vasile RUS 1, Adrian GAL1, Flavia RUXANDA1, Bianca BOSCA2, George NADĂS1, Cristian RATIU3, Viorel MICLĂUS1* .................................................................................................... 414 IMPACT OF ISOFLURANE AND SEVOFLURANE STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION IN RATS ANESTHESIA ON KIDNEY Flavia RUXANDA1, Viorel MICLĂUŞ1*, Vasile RUS1, Adrian GAL1 and Liviu OANA1 ...... 415 DISTRIBUTION OF ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE STAHPYLOCOCCI FROM BOVINE MASTITIS GENES IN ISOLATED Zafer CANTEKIN1, Gamze Ozge OZMEN1, Melek DEMIR1, Zeynep YILMAZ ER1, Kemal Gurturk2, Hasan SOLMAZ3*, İsmaik HAKKI EKIN2, Dilek OZTURK4, Yasar ERGUN5 ....... 416 INFLUENCE OF CLIMATIC FACTORS IN A SUBCARPATHIAN MOUNTAIN RANGE ON FAT AND PROTEIN CONTENT OF RAW MILK FROM INDIGENOUS BREED Rodica SOMESAN1, Laurent OGNEAN2*, Diana POPA1........................................................ 417 ANATOMICAL PARTICULARITIES OF THE CECUM IN RABBITS AND CHINCHILLAS Florin STAN1* ............................................................................................................................ 418 SOME MICROBIOLOGICAL INDEXES OF PIG AND SHEEP CARCASSES Ruslan ANTOCI1, Nicolae STARCIUC1 ................................................................................... 419 MORPHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL PARTICULARITIES OF THE POPULATION OF RUMEN PROTOZOA IN DOMESTIC RUMINANTS Laura Cristina ŞTEFĂNUŢ1, Laurenţ OGNEAN1*, Şerban NICULESCU1, Pompei BOLFĂ2 ........................................................................................................................ 420 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 35 EXPOSURE OF MOUSE PERITONEAL RESIDENT MACROPHAGES TO PRISTINE MWCNT PROMOTE NITRIC OXIDE SYNTHASE PRODUCTION AND ACUTE CYTOKINE RESPONSE Flaviu TABARAN 1*, Teodora MOCAN2, Lucian MOCAN2, Andras NAGY1, Marian TAULESCU1, Adrian Florin Gal1, Cornel CĂTOI1 .................................................................. 421 MORPHOLOGICAL ASPECTS AND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN SEGMENTS OF THE OVIDUCT IN CHICKEN Cătălin TODIREANU1*, Corneliu COTEA1, Carmen SOLCAN1 and Pieter CORNILLIE2 ..... 422 ETIOLOGY AND PATHOGENIC MECHANISMS INVOLVED IN THE UROTHELIAL TUMORS IN CATTLE Raluca VIDRIGHINESCU¹, Marian TAULESCU¹, Simona VISAN², Cornel CATOI¹ ........... 423 CRANIOMORPHOMETRIC FEATURES OF THE SKULL IN RACOON (PROCYON LOTOR) AND RING-TAILED COATI (NASUA NASUA) Radoslav MIHAYLOV1, Rosen DIMITROV2, Kamelia STAMATOVA–YOVCHEVA2 and David YOVCHEV2* .................................................................................................................. 424 RADIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF HEAD PATHOLOGY Glad MORAR1*, Radu LACATUS1, Robert Cristian PURDOIU1, Ionel PAPUC1 ................... 425 INFLUENCE OF VITASIL FOOD ADDITIVE TO CARP FISH NATURAL IMMUNE FACTORS Tsvetoslav KOYNARSKI1*, Alexander ATANASOV1 and Lilyan SOTIROV1 ....................... 426 GASTROINTESTINAL TRICHOCEPHALOSIS ASSOCIATED WITH CANDIDIASIS IN A PIG Flore CHIRILĂ, Nicodim FIȚ, George NADĂŞ, Sorin RĂPUNTEAN , Marian TAULESCU, Cosmina BOUARI, Octavian NEGREA, Zamfir MARCHIŞ ....................................................427 CONTROL PHYSICOCHEMICAL, MICROBIOLOGICAL AND TOXICOLOGICAL NOT NECESSARILY STERILE DRUG, ZANITRA ® 5MG & VALIDATION OF THE METHOD FOR THE DETERMINATION BY UV/VIS SPECTROPHOTOMETRY *TRIKI-YAMANI R.R, **MOHAMED SAID R1.,*BACHIR-PACHA M, **MELBOUCI S., **BESTANI F, **OUAKEDI S. ...............................................................................................428 HISTOLOGICAL PATTERN OF CARBON TETRACHLORIDE LIVER INJURY IN MICE MODEL Ioana BEDECEAN, Bogdan SEVASTRE*, Raluca VIDRIGHINESCU, Orsolya SARPATAKI, Andras NAGY, Ioan MARCUS ............................................................429 SESSION 9: VETERINARY MEDICINE - CLINICAL SCIENCES FIRST DETECTION OF LEISHMANIA RNA VIRUS 1 IN BIOPTIC SAMPLES FROM TWO DOGS WITH MEDITERRANEAN CANINE LEISHMANIASIS Roberta LUCÀ1, Franco ROPERTO2, Sante ROPERTO3* ....................................................... 430 EFFECTS OF ELLAGIC ACID ON RAM SPERM PARAMETERS DURING LIQUID STORAGE Mustafa Numan BUCAK 1*, Kenan ÇOYAN2, Nuri BAŞPINAR3, Şükrü GÜNGÖR1, Şükrü DURSUN4 and Mihai CENARIU5 ............................................................................................. 431 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 36 SEROPREVALANCE OF CANINE BRUCELLOSIS AND TOXOPLASMOSIS IN FEMALE AND MALE DOGS AND REALTIONSHIP TO VARIOUS FACTORS (PARITY, ABORTION, PYOMETRA) Osman ERGENE1*, Ibrahim KUCUKKASLAN2, Bekir CELEBI3, Omer M. ESENDAL4, Selim ASLAN1 ..................................................................................................................................... 432 ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHIC HYDROCEPHALUS ASPECTS IN DOGS WITH CONGENITAL Mihaela ARMASU1, Gabriela Dumitrita STANCIU1, Mihai MUSTEATĂ1, Diana MOCANU1, Gheorghe SOLCAN1 .................................................................................................................. 433 ULTRASONOGRAPHIC FINDINGS OF MASTITIC MAMMARY GLAND IN BITCHES Iulia Maria BALACI1*, SimonaCIUPE1, A. R. Pop1), Laura PARLAPAN1, Alexandra ARION1, I. VASIU1, R. PURDOIU1, I. PAPUC1, Ioan Ştefan1GROZA1 ................................................. 434 CYTOMORPHOLOGIC ASPECTS IN THE CANINE MAMMARY GLAND NEOPLASM Emilia BALINT1*, N. MANOLESCU1, D. LASTOFKA1, A. SUPEANU2 .............................. 435 STUDY REGARDING QUALITY OF SHEEP OOCYTES BEFORE AND AFTER IN VITRO MATURATION Anamaria BLAGA PETREAN1, Liviu BOGDAN2*, Hussam ARYAN2, Sanda ANDREI3, Ioan PAŞCA4, Ileana BOGDAN5, Sidonia BOGDAN6 and Aurel VASIU7 ...................................... 436 BCL-2 AND P53 PROTEINS ARE ABERRANTLY EXPRESSED IN NATURALLY OCCURRING BOVINE CUTANEOUS FIBROPAPILLOMAS Florentina BOCANETI1*, Gennaro ALTAMURA2, Annunziata CORTEGGIO2, Elena VELESCU1, Giuseppe BORZACCHIELLO2 ............................................................................ 437 RESEARCHES REGARDING THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF ROMOXITOCIN PRODUCT IN UTERINE ATONY AND RETAINED PLACENTA IN COWS Liviu BOGDAN1, Anamaria BLAGA PETREAN2*, Iancu MORAR1, Simona CIUPE1, Iulia BALACI1, Ioan PAŞCA3, Aurel VASIU4 and Sidonia BOGDAN5........................................... 438 RESPIRATORY DISEASES OF CALVES ON DAIRY COWS FARM Jovan BOJKOVSKI1, Dubravka MILANOV2, Ana VASIĆ1, Nemanja ZDRAVKOVIĆ1, Dragan ROGOŽARSKI3, Nataša PROKIĆ1 and Sanja KORICA4 ......................................................... 439 SEROPREVALENCE OF CHLAMYDIAL INFECTION IN SMALL RUMINANTS IN THE REGION OF KSAR EL-BOUKHARI (ALGERIA) S. MERDJA1, A. BOUYOUCEF1*, H. KHALED1, A. DAHMANI1, K. RAHAL1 ................... 440 ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE OF SHIGA TOXIN-PRODUCING ESCHERICHIA COLI CAUSING HUMAN ILLNESS Liora COLOBĂȚIU1∗, Alexandra TĂBĂRAN2, Simona MIREL1, Marian MIHAIU2 ............ 441 COMPOSITIONAL STUDIES ON ADDED SUBSTANCES IN MEAT PRODUCTS DESTINED FOR PUBLIC CONSUMPTION Ionut CORDIŞ1, Alexandra TĂBĂRAN1*, Soin Daniel DAN1, Bogdan PIVARIU1, Darius CORDEA1, Oana REGET1, Carmen MURESAN1 and Marian MIHAIU1 ................................ 442 THE EVALUATION OF THE FERTILITY IN STALLIONS USED FOR NATURAL BREEDING Iancu MORAR1, Ioan Ştefan GROZA1, Melania Ioana CRIŞAN2* and Alexandra DREANCĂ1 ............................................................................................................. 443 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 37 OVARIAN DISEASES PREVALENCE STUDY ON COWS WITHIN A FARM IN NORTHEASTERN MOLDOVA Ioana Cristina CRIVEI1, E. RUGINOSU2, D. DRUGOCIU1, P. ROSCA1 ............................... 444 RISK ASSESSEMENT REPRESENTED BY PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS REGARDING THE INCIDENCE OF FOODBOORNE ILNESSES IN CLUJ COUNTY DURING 2013 Sorin D. DAN*1, M. MIHAIU1, Liora MIHAIU 2, D. CORDEA1, I. CORDIŞ1 and Alexandra LĂPUŞAN1 .............................................................................................................. 445 RESEARCH REGARDING PRELEVATION AND PREPARATION OF PORCINE SMALL INTESTINAL SUBMUCOSA FOR CORNEAL RECONSTRUCTION IN DOGS AND CATS Ioana Alina DÎRLEA1*, Aurel MUSTE1, Forin BETEG1, Loredana HODIş1, Teodor STROE1, Reka VARGA1 ........................................................................................................................... 446 HUMAN-ANIMAL RELATIONSHIP ASSESSMENT IN HORSES (EQUUS CABALLUS) WITH DIFFERENT USES Eva-Andrea DIUGAN1*, Marina SPINU1 and Silvana POPESCU2.......................................... 447 MODELLING THE SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF TWO HARD TICK SPECIES (RHIPICEPHALUS ANNULTUS AND HYALOMMA MARGINATUM) IN THE CONTEXT OF A CHANGING CLIMATE Cristian DOMȘA1*, Attila D. SANDOR1 and Andrei MIHALCA1 .......................................... 448 VARIATIONS IN STANDARD BLOOD COUNT AND BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS IN DOGS WITH ATOPIC DERMATITIS Ozana Maria DULMAN1, Alina ANTON1, Gheorghe SOLCAN1 ........................................... 449 IXODID TICKS ATTACKING RED FOXES (VULPES VULPES) FROM ROMANIA: ECOEPIDEMIOLOGY AND CARRIED PATHOGENS Mirabela Oana DUMITRACHE1*, Gianluca D’AMICO1, Ioana Adriana MATEI1, Angela IONICĂ1, Călin Mircea GHERMAN1, Sándor SIKO-BARABASI2, Dan Traian IONESCU 3, Miruna OLTEAN1, Anamaria BALEA1, Ioana Cristina ILEA4, Attila David SÁNDOR1, Andrei Daniel MIHALCA1 .................................................................................................................... 450 COMPARISON OF PCR AND CULTURE METHODS FOR DIAGNOSIS OF SUBCLINICAL MASTITIS IN DAIRY CATTLE Zafer CANTEKIN1, Yasar ERGUN2*, Gokhan DOGRUER2, Mustafa Kemal SARIBAY2, Hasan SOLMAZ3 ....................................................................................................................... 451 RESEARCH REGARDING THE USE OF VASCULAR PROSTHESIS IN PIGS Loredana HODIŞ1* Aurel MUSTE1, Forin BETEG1, Ioana DÎRLEA1, Teodor STROE1, Marius MUSTE1, Reka VARGA1 .......................................................................................................... 452 HUMAN DIROFILARIA REPENS INFECTION IN ROMANIA: HOW MUCH DO WE REALLY KNOW? Angela Monica IONICĂ1*, Andrei Daniel MIHALCA1 ............................................................ 453 PREVALENCE OF BABESIA SPP. IN TICKS COLLECTED ON WILD MIGRATORY BIRDS, IN DANUBE DELTA, ROMANIA Ioan-Daniel MĂRCUŢAN1*, Attila David SÁNDOR1, Zsuzsa KÁLMAR and Vasile COZMA1 ......................................................................................................................... 454 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 38 COMPOSITIONAL STUDIES ON ADDITIVE CONCENTRATIONS FOUND IN MEAT PRODUCTS MARKETED IN A REGIONAL AREA Marian MIHAIU1, Alexandra TǍBǍRAN1, Sorin Daniel DAN1, Romolica MIHAIU2, Oana REGET1, Ionut CORDIs1, Darius CORDEA1 and Carmen MURESAN1 ................................. 455 AUTONOMIC DISTURBANCE POLYRADICULONEURITIS IN ACUTE CANINE IDIOPATHIC Diana MOCANU1, Gabriela-Dumitrita STANCIU1, Mihaela ARMAŞU1, Mihai MUSTEATĂ1 and Gheorghe SOLCAN1 ........................................................................................................... 456 COMPARATIVE STUDY TECHNIQUES IN MARES CONCERNING THE ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION Iancu MORAR1, Ioan Ştefan GROZA1, Melania Ioana CRIŞAN2* and Iulia BUCUR1............ 457 EFFICACY OF TPO IN UNILATERAL COXOFEMORAL DYSPLASIA IN DOG Marius MUSTE1, Aurel TĂNASE2, Ionel PAPUC1, Florin BETEG1, Aurel MUSTE1, Radu LĂCĂTUŞ1, Teodor STROE1.................................................................................................... 458 ANTIMICROBIAL SUSCEPTIBILITY OF E. COLI ISOLATED FROM TRANSYLVANIAN POULTRY FARMS Mihaela NICULAE1*, Marina Spînu1, Anamaria Ioana PAŞTIU1, Iosif VASIU1, Aikaterini DASKALAKI1, Alexandru NAGY1, Constantin Ioan MATEŞ2 and Emoke PALL1 ................ 459 INTRAPERITONEAL ONLAY MESH (DYNAMESH) FIXATION FOR ASSESSMENT OF HISTOLOGICAL AND IMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL CHANGES IN A RABBIT MODEL Ciprian OBER1, Cornel CĂTOI2, Liviu OANĂ1, Cosmin PEŞTEAN1, Lucia BEL1, Răzvan CODEA1 and Marian TAULESCU2 .......................................................................................... 460 SEROPREVALENCE OF TOXOPLASMA GONDII INFECTION EVALUATED BY ELISA, IFAT AND MAT Anamaria Ioana PAŞTIU1, 2*, Adriana GYÖRKE2, Isabelle VILLENA3, Mihaela NICULAE1, Emoke PÁLL4, Marina SPÎNU1 and Vasile COZMA2 .............................................................. 461 CONSTRUCTION AND TITRATION OF A RECOMBINANT CANINE ADENOVIRUS EXPRESSING THE RABIES G PROTEIN Remus G. PLEŞCA1, Bernard KLONJKOWSKI2 and Gheorghe SĂVUŢĂ1* ......................... 462 RESEARCHES CONCERNING THE MOLECULAR TESTING OF BASSET HOUND DOGS FOR DETECTING PMDS Alexandru Raul POP1*, Alexandra TĂBĂRAN2, Ioan GROZA1 ............................................. 463 ROCURONIUM USE IN ANESTHETICS PROTOCOL IN CANINE PATIENT WHIT ORTHOPEDIC DISEASE Cristian Paul POPOVICI1*, Mircea MIRCEAN1, Iuliu SCURTU1, Ciprian OBER2,Cosmin PESTEAN, Bogdan SEVASTRE3, Liviu OANA2 ..................................................................... 464 HEALTH STATUS OF BOARS USED IN REPRODUCTION Dragan ROGOŽARSKI1, Jovan BOJKOVSKI2, Nataša PROKIĆ2, Teodora VASILJEVIĆ3 ............................................................................................................. 465 MICROBIAL RISK ASSESSEMENT OF THE CONTAMINATION LEVEL OF BOVINE AND PORK CARCASSES SLAUGHTERED IN AN ABATTOIR IN MARAMUREŞ COUNTY Raul RAŢ1, Marian MIHAIU1, Alexandra TĂBĂRAN1 and Sorin Daniel DAN1* ................... 466 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 39 HISTOLOGICAL EVIDENCE OF CERAMIC IMPLANT TOLERABILITY IN RABBIT FEMUR Cristian RAŢIU 1, Simona CAVALU1, Adina Bianca BOŞCA2, Flavia RUXANDA3, Vasile RUS3*, Viorel MICLĂUŞ3 ......................................................................................................... 467 EVALUATION OF MEAT PRODUCTS BY IDENTIFYING COUNTERFEITS WITH GENETICALLY MODIFIED SOY DNA, IN A DEFINED AREA Oana-Lucia REGET1*, Alexandra TĂBĂRAN1, Sorin Daniel DAN1, Ionut CORDIS1, Darius CORDEA1, Carmen ȚIBOACĂ1, Marian MIHAIU1 ................................................................. 468 FELINE HYPERSOMATOTROPISM, AN IMPORTANT CAUSE FOR THE FAILURE OF INSULIN THERAPY Madalina ROSCA1*, Mihai MUSTEATA1, Carmen SOLCAN1, Gabriela Dumitrita STANCIU1, Gheorghe SOLCAN1 .................................................................................................................. 469 DOGS’ BRAIN ELECTRIC ACTIVITY IN ETHYLENE GLYCOL POISONING Paula M. SAFTENCU*1, G. D. STANCIU1, M. MUSTEATĂ1, S. I. BEȘCHEA CHIRIAC1, S. A. PAŞCA1, G. SOLCAN1 ........................................................................................................ 470 ASPECTS CONCERNING THE ASSESSMENT OF THE MICROBIOLOGY TESTING OF GROUND MEAT IN A MEAT PROCESSING FACILITY Adrian-Anton SĂLĂGIAN FLOREA1, 2*, Marian MIHAIU1 and Ioan PASCA1* ................... 471 PREVALENCE OF ENZOOTIC BOVINE LEUKOSIS IN BULGARIA Nikolay SANDEV1*, Darinka ILIEVA2, Nikolina RUSENOVA1, Valentina MARASHEVA2......................................................................................................... 472 WEST NILE VIRUS SEROPREVALENCE STUDY-FIRST STEP IN THE INFECTION RISK ASSESSMENT Luanda LUDU (OȘLOBANU)1, Anca PÂSLARU1, Gheorghe SAVUȚA1 .............................. 473 CONGENITAL AORTIC STENOSIS IN A GERMAN SHEPHERD – CASE REPORT Iuliu SCURTU1*, Gavril GIURGIU1, Cristian POPOVICI1, Florin BETEG2, Mircea MIRCEAN1 .................................................................................................................... 474 ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL POLYRADICULONEURITIS ASPECTS IN IDIOPATHIC ACUTE CANINE Gabriela-Dumitrita STANCIU1*, Mihai MUSTEATĂ1, Mihaela ARMASU1, Paula Maria SAFTENCU1, Gheorghe SOLCAN1 .......................................................................................... 475 OBSERVATION REGARDING HOOF BLOCKS USE IN DAIRY COWS Teodor Florian STROE1*, Aurel MUSTE1, Florin BETEG1, Ioana DÎRLEA1, Loredana HODIŞ1 and Reka VARGA1 .................................................................................................................... 476 IDENTIFICATION OF POLYMORPHISM IN GOAT AND SHEEP DGAT1 GENE ASSOCIATED WITH MILK PRODUCTION TRAITS Alexandra TĂBĂRAN1*, Sorin Daniel DAN1, Romolica MIHAIU2, Bogdan PIVARIU1, Ionut CORDIS1, Darius CORDEA1, Oana REGET1, Carmen MURESAN1 and Marian MIHAIU1 ....................................................................................................................... 477 INFLUENCE OF HEPATOPROTECTIONS ON THE PRODUCTION PERFORMANCE IN FATTENING PIGS Teodora VASILJEVIĆˡ, Ištvan ŠOMOĐI1, Nenad STOJANAC2, Radoslav DOŠEN3, Dušan LALOŠEVIĆ4, Zdravko TOMIĆ5, Žarko AVRAMOV1 ........................................................... 478 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 40 PERITONEAL DIALYSIS: KEY THERAPY IN KIDNEY FAILURE DOGS IN SMALL SIZED Bogdan Alexandru VIŢĂLARU1*, Cătălin MICŞA1, Alin BÎRŢOIU1...................................... 479 THE EMERGENCIES IN BOVINE MEDICINE: SITUATION IN THE REGION OF THE CENTRE OF ALGERIA *M. BACHIR PACHA, R.R. TRIKI-YAMANI. ,** R.MOHAMED SAID1 ............................480 SESSION 10: LAND MEASUREMENT, NATURAL AND HUMANISTICS SCIENCES ASSESSMENT OF THE SOURCES OF POLLUTION AND OF SURFACES SUITABLE FOR BIORETENTION SYSTEMS IN DIFFERENT SITES IN TERMS OF LAND USE Păuniţa BOANCĂ1*, Emil LUCA1, Adelina DUMITRAŞ1, Marcel DÎRJA1, Laura LUCA2 and Georgeta BURDUHOS1 ............................................................................................................. 481 AMELIORATION PERIMETER SURVEY, FRATA (CLUJ COUNTY) Cristian Aurelian BUTA, Marcel DIRJA, Adela HOBLE*) ....................................................... 482 IMPLICATIONS OF ROAD STRUCTURE DESIGN USING DIFFERENT APPROACHES Rodica Dorina CADAR1, Mihai ILIESCU1 and Nicolae CIONT1* .......................................... 483 UNIVERSITY BUILDINGS CONSERVATION USING TERRESTRIAL LASER SCANNING TECHNIQUE Mariana CALIN1, Bogdan ERGHELEGIU1 , Raluca MANEA1 , Ana VIRSTA2 and Tudor SALAGEAN3*............................................................................................................................ 484 UZING WHEAT STRAW IN CONSTRUCTION Dana Maria CANTOR(ANDREȘ)1*, Daniela Lucia MANEA2 ................................................ 485 THE EVAPOTRANSPIRATION OF VEGETATION COVER FROM CETATUIA HILL SOTHERN SLOPE (CLUJ-NAPOCA) ALTER BY EROSION PROCESS Marcel DIRJA, Rodica BADESCU, Emil LUCA, Adela HOBLE* .......................................... 486 PHOTOGRAMMETRIC RECONSTRUCTION SYSTEMS AND METHODS OF 3D OBJECTS Lucian DRAGOMIR1 and Tudor SĂLĂGEAN2* ..................................................................... 487 STUDY REGARDING THE WOOD BEAMS RESPONSE TO STATIC AND DYNAMIC LOADING Marius Serban FETEA ............................................................................................................... 488 RESEARCH ON TIME BEHAVIOUR ON SOIL EROSION CONTROL SYSTEMS WITH GEODETIC-SURWEY METHODS ON GIS SUPPORT Tiberiu GOLGOŢIU .................................................................................................................. 489 STUDY OF MICRORELIEF FACTOR OF RAIN EROSION FROM CETATUIA HILL SOTHERN SLOPE (CLUJ-NAPOCA) ALTER BY EROSION PROCESS Adela HOBLE1*, Marcel DIRJA1, Maria-Olivia MOLDOVAN2, Dan AMARIEI2 .................. 490 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 41 ASPECTS CONCERNING THE PROCESSING OF OBSERVATIONS IN SUPPORT NETWORKS RELATED TO HYDROPOWER OBJECTIVES Mircea ORTELECAN1, Ioana POP1, Tudor SĂLĂGEAN1*, Paul SESTRAŞ1 and Nicolae POP1.............................................................................................................................. 491 THE USE OF UAV’S IN TOPO-CADASTRAL MEASUREMENTS Maricel PALAMARIU1*, Elena Ioana PEUNA1 and Alexandra DREGHICI1 ......................... 492 ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE USING SPSS Ioana POP, Aurel DAMIAN, Oana MLEȘNIȚE*, Florica MATEI ........................................... 493 THE INFLUNENCE GERMINATION OF MAGNETIC FIELD ON SILYBUM MARIANUM SEED Marta Florina POP*, Simona Laura INOAN, Anca Ioana DINU, Horia Radu CRIVEANU. ... 494 THE GEOLOCATION ACCURACY OF LIDAR FOOTPRINT Gabriel POPESCU1, Daniela IORDAN2 .................................................................................... 495 THE INFLUENCE OF THE ELECTRIC FIELD THOUGH PROCESS OF SEED GERMINATION PAULOWNIA TOMENTOSA Ancuta RADU(TENTER)*, Horia Radu CRIVEANU, Simona Laura INOAN, Florina Marta POP ..................................................................................................................... 496 ASPECTS REGARDING THE POSSIBILITY OF REHABILITATION OF A REVERSIBLE DRAINAGE-IRRIGATION AUTOMATIC SYSTEM IN JUCU-BONŢIDA AREA, CLUJ COUNTY Tudor SĂLĂGEAN1*, Teodor RUSU2, Lucian DRAGOMIR3, Mircea ORTELECAN1, Ioana POP1, Raluca MANEA4 and Paul SESTRAŞ1 ........................................................................... 497 CONSIDERATIONS ON CROPS IMAGE ANALYSIS BY THE USE OF MULTISPECTRAL REMOTE SENSING Teodor TODERAŞ1, Nicolae POP2 ........................................................................................... 498 THE BEHAVIOR STUDY OF LANDSCAPED SLOPES RELATED WITH IULIUS MALL CLUJ NAPOCA GREEN SPACE Mihai VOEVOD1*, Marcel DÎRJA1, Adela HOBLE1, Mihaela Simona VARVARA1, Ancuta TENDER1 and Istvan Botond SZILAGY1 ................................................................................. 499 TEACHING INNOVATION THROUGH INTERNATIONAL STAFF MOBILITY AT UNIVERSITAT POLITÈCNICA DE VALÈNCIA Claudio BENAVENT, Vicente CASTELL*, Nemesio FERNANDEZ, Penny MACDONALD, Immaculada MARCO, Rosa PUCHADES, Debra WESTALL ................................................. 500 PROMOTING INQUIRY LEARNING IN BIOLOGY LESSONS - A STRATEGY TO INTRODUCE HUMAN REPRODUCTION ISSUES Gabriel GORGHIU1*, Mihaela ANGHEL2 and Laura Monica GORGHIU1 ............................ 501 THE INCARCERATED PARENT’S CHILD PSYCHO-SOCIO-EDUCATIONAL STATUS AND AFFECTIVE ENVIRONMENT Andrea MÜLLER-FABIAN* ..................................................................................................... 502 ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES AND INTERNATIONAL REQUIREMENTS Rodica Silvia STAN1, Elvira OROIAN1, Mihaela MIHAI1, and Livia BRADEA2* ................. 503 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 42 POSTER PRESENTATIONS .......................................................................................................... 504 SESSION 1: AGRICULTURE THE INFLUENCE OF GENOTYPE AND CLIMATIC FACTORS ON THE QUALITY OF SPRING BARLEY GROWN IN NORTH EAST BARAGAN Nicoleta AXINTI* and G.A. CIOROMELE .............................................................................. 505 CONTRIBUTION TO STUDY THE FLAVONOID COMPOSITION OF TWO BRASSICACEA OF ALGERIAN SOUTH FOLEYOLA BILLOTTI AND SINAPIS ARVENSIS Selma BARRIS*, Fatima MOUSSAOUI, Atika SEDKAOUI and Aicha BELKEBIR.............. 506 RESEARCH REGARDING WHEAT (TRITICUM AESTIVUM L.) RESISTANCE TO TILLETIA CARIES (D.C.) TUL. INFECTION Andreea-Mihaela BĂLĂU*, Eugen ULEA ................................................................................ 507 THE FREQUENCY OF XYLOPHAGOUS FUNGI IN A PLUM PLANTATION FROM REGHIN AREA Valentin BEREKMERI, Raluca MICLEA and Carmen PUIA* ................................................ 508 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE PHYTOSANITARY TREATMENTS AND THE WOOD DECAY FUNGI IN THE PLUM PLANTATIONS Valentin BEREKMERI, Raluca MICLEA, Carmen PUIA*...................................................... 509 DYNAMICS OF THE FOLIAR PIGMENTS CONTENT IN SOME TOMATO CULTIVARS FROM EAST ROMANIA UNDER SALT STRESS Mihaela BOLOGA (COVAȘĂ)*, Carmen Doina JITĂREANU, Cristina SLABU, Alina Elena MARTA ................................................................................................................. 510 WEED CONTROL STRATEGIES TESTING IN WHEAT CROP FROM CENTRE OF TRANSYLVANIA Ileana BOGDAN1, Felicia CHEŢAN1,2*, Cornel CHEŢAN1,2, Mircea IGNEA2 ...................... 511 THE MYCORRHIZATION INVOLVEMENT IN THE PRODUCTIVITY OF THREE POTATO VARIETIES IN TERMS OF AN ARTIFICIAL INFECTION WITH FUSARIUM SAMBUCINUM FUCKEL Ioana Daniela BORCA, Carmen Emilia PUIA* ......................................................................... 512 THE ADDITIONAL MYCORRHIZATION EFFECT ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF POTATO PLANTS Ioana Daniela BORCA, Carmen Emilia PUIA* ......................................................................... 513 THE STUDY OF SOIL RESOURCES FROM DUMBRĂVEŞTI AREA, PRAHOVA COUNTY, TO CAPITALIZE THEIR BEST FOR AGRICULTURAL USE Mariana BURCEA, Marian MUSAT*, Daniela CREŢU and Andrei IOVA ............................. 514 RESEARCH ON DEGRADATION PROCESSES BY SOIL EROSION IN THE PLAPCEA CATCHMENT, OLT COUNTY Mariana BURCEA1*, Emil GEORGESCU2, Marian MUSAT1 and Daniela CREŢU1 ............. 515 COMPARED ANALYSIS OF TECHNICAL-ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF WHEAT CROP TECHNOLOGY. A CASE STUDY Daniela CREŢU*, Andrei Radu IOVA and Mariana BURCEA ................................................ 516 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 43 TECHNICAL ECONOMIC OPTIMIZATION OF FIELD CROP TECHNOLOGIES, BY ECONOMETRIC METHODS. CASE STUDY Daniela CREŢU*, Andrei Radu IOVA ...................................................................................... 517 THE INFLUENCE OF PRECURSORY PLANT ON AUTUMN WHEAT PRODUCTIVITY FROM LONG - TERM EXPERIENCES Valeria DEAC1, Ioan ROTAR2*, Anamaria MĂLINAŞ2 .......................................................... 518 RESEARCH ON A MACHINE SPRAY UNIFORMITY OF SPRAYING TARAL 200 PITON TURBO Andreea DIACONU*, Ioan ȚENU, Petru CÂRLESCU and Radu ROȘCA .............................. 519 STUDY OF THE SOIL RESPIRATION AND EVAPORATION OF TEN SOYBEAN VARIETIES IN THE FIELD CONDITIONS FROM SCDA TURDA Zamfira DINCĂ, Roxana VIDICAN* and Mignon ȘANDOR .................................................. 520 RESEARCH ON THE IMPORTANCE OF THE SPECIES PORTULACA OLERACEA IN AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY Aurora DOBRIN1*, Cătălin GALAN2 ........................................................................................ 521 COMPARATIVE STUDY OF FATTY ACIDS AND MACRO-AND MICROELEMENTS FROM SALVIA HISPANICA, PORTULACA OLERACEA, NIGELLA SATIVA AND CARTHAMUS TINCTORIUS Aurora DOBRIN1, Cătălin GALAN2 ......................................................................................... 522 DETERMINATION OF SPECIFIC ENERGY CONSUMPTION AND GRAIN SIZE FOR CORN GRINDING USING THE HAMMER MILL MB 7.5 Ioan DROCAS*, Ovidiu MARIAN, Ranta OVIDIU, Adrian MOLNAR, Mircea MUNTEAN ................................................................................................................... 523 THE INFLUENCE OF HUMIC FERTILIZER ON MORPHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF SOYBEAN CROP, IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE MOLDAVIAN PLATEAU Daniel Costel GALEȘ*, Gerard JITĂREANU........................................................................... 524 THE INFLUENCE OF HUMIC FERTILIZER ON SOYBEAN YIELD AND ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY IN MOLDAVIAN PLATEAU Daniel Costel GALEȘ*, Gerard JITĂREANU........................................................................... 525 FENOLOGICAL ASPECTS RELATED TO SETARIA GLAUCA L. SPECIES Ştefania GÂDEA*, Ileana BOGDAN......................................................................................... 526 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STORAGE CONDITIONS AND THE POSIBILITY TO PRESERVE THE HYGIENICAL QUALITY OF ALIMENTARY FEEDING PRODUCTS – PIG MEAT Mariana GHERMAN, Gheorghe ŞTEŢCA, Adriana MOREA* ................................................ 527 RESEARCH REGARDING ALTERNARIA BRASSICAE BIOLOGY, MORPHOLOGY AND CONTROL FUNGUS ON MUSTARD: Liviu GRUIA, Cristinel Relu ZALĂ* and Stelica CRISTEA .................................................... 528 EVALUATION OF FOLIAR RESISTANCE TO PHYTOPHTHORA INFESTANS IN SOME POTATO VARIETIES AND CLONES IN NIRDPSB BRASOV Manuela HERMEZIU1*, Gavrilă MORAR2, Radu HERMEZIU1, Maria ŞTEFAN1, Sorina NIŢU1 ......................................................................................................................................... 529 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 44 RESEARCH ON THE BEHAVIOR OF SOME MAIZE HYBRIDS (ZEA MAYS) UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF TECHNOLOGICAL LINKSAT FUNDULEA, CĂLĂRAŞI COUNTY Valentina Gabriela LAZIN*, Costica CIONTU ......................................................................... 530 THE PRECISION AND ACCURACY OF THE GPS SYSTEM USED IN AGRICULTURE Ovidiu MARIAN*, Ioan DROCAS, Ovidiu RANTA, Adrian MOLNAR, Mircea MUNTEAN .................................................................................................................. 531 THE BIOLOGY OF BOTRYTIS CINEREA PERS. ISOLATED FROM DIFFERENT GERANIUM VARIETIES Raluca MICLEA, Loredana SUCIU, Carmen PUIA* ................................................................ 532 VEGETATION CHANGES IN A NATURAL MEADOW OF FESTUCA RUBRA AFTER MINERAL FERTILIZATION Adriana MOREA, Ioan ROTAR, Roxana VIDICAN, Vlad STOIAN* ..................................... 533 CLUSTERING VEGETATION IN A NATURAL MEADOW OF FESTUCA RUBRA AFTER ORGANIC FERTILIZATION Adriana MOREA, Ioan ROTAR, Roxana VIDICAN, Vlad STOIAN* ..................................... 534 THE PRESENCE OF ROSA CANINA IN DIFFERENT PLANT COMMUNITIES IN ROMANIA Mariana NICULESCU1, Rodica SOARE2, Marin SOARE3 and Dorina BONEA3* ................. 535 THE EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE STRESS SINORHIZOBIUM MELILOTI STRAINS IN VITRO ON RHIZOBIUM TRIFOLII AND Monica NISTE, Roxana VIDICAN*, Ioan ROTAR and Rodica POP ...................................... 536 ALPINE MEADOWS - RODNA MOUNTAINS NATIONAL PARK Cornel NEGRUŞIER1 Ioan PĂCURAR1, Ştefan BILASCO2, Ilarie IVAN3, Sînziana Ecaterina PAULIUC1, and Horea Mihai PĂCURAR1 ............................................................................... 537 CHANGES IN PHENOLICS AND PROTEIN CONTENT DURING SEED GERMINATION OF CARTHAMUS TINCTORIUS L. Laurentiu Mihai PALADE1,2, Carmen MANOLE2, Andreea DOBRE1,2, Laura MARIN2, Diana GOLEA2, and Catalina TUDORA2 ............................................................................................ 538 THE IN VITRO CONTROL BY HIPOVIRULENCE OF CHESTNUT BLIGHT CAUSED BY CRYPHONECTRIA PARASITICA Carmen PUIA, Loredana SUCIU, Ioana GROZEA, Raluca MICLEA* .................................... 539 THE SPECIFICITY OF REACTION OF SOME WINTER WHEAT GENOTYPES IN ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS OF TRANSILVANIAN PLAIN Ionuţ RACZ1,2*, Ioan HAŞ1,2, Vasile MOLDOVAN2, Rozalia KADAR2, Adrian CECLAN2 ...................................................................................................................... 540 SOIL LOSS ESTIMATION USING THE ROMSEM MODEL. CASE STUDY: THE NIRAJ RIVER BASIN (TRANSYLVANIA DEPRESSION, ROMANIA) Sanda ROSCA1, Stefan BILASCO1,2, Ioan PĂCURAR3*, Dănut PETREA1, Iuliu VESCAN1, Ioan FODOREAN1..................................................................................................................... 541 INFLUENCE OF WEED SPECIES AMARANTHUS RETROFLEXUS L. EXTRACT TO MAIZE CROP Nataša SAMARDŽIĆ*, Branko KONSTANTINOVIĆ and Bojan KONSTANTINOVIĆ ....... 542 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 45 EFFECT OF MINERAL FERTILIZATION ON THE YIELD OF MAIZE IN THE CONDITIONS OF ARDS TURDA Susana SFECHIS1, Roxana VIDICAN1*, Ioan HAS1,2, Mircea IGNEA2, Valeria DEAC12, Ana-Viorica POP3 ...................................................................................................................... 543 ROMANIAN PASTURES – CONCEPT, LEGISLATION AND MANAGEMENT Nicuşor SIMA1, Valentin MIHAI2, Doru CRISTE1 and Rodica SIMA2* ................................. 544 THE BEHAVIOUR OF THE FALL-RAPESEED CROP PLANTED IN BRAILA PLANE IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE AGRICULTURAL YEAR 2013-2014 Aurica SOARE * and Gheorghe VOICU................................................................................... 545 ONION PLANTING BY DIRECT SEEDING INTO THE FIELD Aurica SOARE * and Gheorghe VOICU................................................................................... 546 CHANGES IN THE LEVEL OF MYCORRHIZAL COLONIZATION UNDER CONDITIONS OF DIFFERENTIATED FERTILIZATION AND FUNGICIDE TREATMENT Vlad STOIAN, Roxana VIDICAN*, Ioan ROTAR, Florin PĂCURAR .................................... 547 STUDIES REGARDING THE INFLUENCE OF SOME BIOPRODUCTS UPON THE PRODUCTIVITY OF LOCAL POPULATIONS OF TOMATO Gyöngyi SZABÓ, Raluca MICLEA, Maria APAHIDEAN, Carmen PUIA*............................ 548 THE SAPROPHYTIC AND PATHOGENIC MICROFLORA FROM LOCAL TOMATO CULTIVARS SEEDS Gyöngyi SZABÓ, Maria APAHIDEAN, Raluca MICLEA, Carmen PUIA*............................ 549 THE INFLUENCE OF SOWING DENSITY ON YIELD IN SOME SORTS OF WINTER WHEAT Laszlo SZABO1, Ioan HAŞ1,2, Rozalia KADAR2 ...................................................................... 550 THE INFLUENCE OF FERTILIZATION ON YIELD IN SOME WINTER WHEAT VARIETIES AT ARDS TURDA Laszlo SZABO1, Rozalia KADAR2, Ioan HAŞ1,2 ...................................................................... 551 VOLCANIC TUFFS ZEOLITE AS NEW TYPE OF AMENDMENTS TO AGRICULTURE Gheorghe ŞTEŢCA, Adriana MOREA1* ................................................................................... 552 THE EVALUATION OF BIOMASS YIELD OF NEW ENERGY CROPS AND THEIR TECHNOLOGICAL -ENERGETIC PARAMETERS Victor ŢÎŢEI1*, A. MUNTEAN2, T. IVANOVA3, L. GURDUZA1 .......................................... 553 EFFECT OF WATER STRESS ON GERMINATION AND OSMOLYTE ACCUMULATION IN ACACIA EHRENGERGIANA Mohamed TOUMI*, Merieme BALI, Zineb OULD CHERCHALI, Fatiha AID ..................... 554 SPROUTING IN THE EAR EFFECTS ON THE QUALITY AND ECONOMIC VALUE OF WHEAT Sorin VATCǍ*, Stefania GADEA, Anamaria VATCǍ ............................................................ 555 INSECT COMMUNITY STRUCTURES OF BIRD'S – FOOT TREFOIL (LOTUS CORNICULATUS L.) INFLORESCENCES ALONG THE SEED DISPERSAL Ana – Maria VIRTEIU1, Ioana GROZEA1, Ramona STEF1, Teodora FLORIAN2 and Snejana DAMIANOV1............................................................................................................... 556 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 46 UNUSUAL FEEDING IN ADULT GELECHIIDAE MOTH TUTA ABSOLUTA (MEYRICK, 1917) Raul BAETAN 1, Ion OLTEAN 1, Rocco ADDANTE 2, Francesco PORCELLI 2* ...............557 CORRELATION BETWEEN VOLATILE AROMA COMPOUNDS AND SENSORY ATTRIBUTES OF MINIMALLY PROCESSED HERBS Giorgiana Mihaela CĂTUNESCU1*, Ioan ROTAR2*, Roxana VIDICAN2 and Florina BUNGHEZ3 ...............................................................................................................................558 ALEUROCANTHUS SPINIFERUS (QUAINTANCE) (ORANGE SPINY WHITEFLY, OSW) (HEMIPTERA, ALEYRODIDAE) INVADED SOUTH OF ITALY Ahmed EL KENAWY 1, Raul BAETAN 2, Isabella CORRADO 1, Daniele CORNARA 1, Ion OLTEAN 2, Francesco PORCELLI 1* ......................................................................................559 THE PATHOGENS AND LEPIDOPTERAN PESTS CORN AND SOYBEANS IN THE TRANSYLVANIAN PLAIN Loredana SUCIU 1,2, Felicia MUREŞANU2, Adina IVAŞ2 and Ana Maria PǍCURAR 2 ...560 SESSION 2: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT SPRING PHENOLOGY WITHIN TWO WHITE OAK SEED ORCHARDS IN ROMANIA Ecaterina Nicoleta APOSTOL1,2, Neculae ŞOFLETEA2, Cristiana Georgeta DINU1 Alexandru Lucian CURTU2 ......................................................................................................................... 561 THE EFFECT OF ORGANIC FERTILIZER FROM FARM ANIMALS ON THE PROCESS OF BIOREMEDIATION OF SOIL POLLUTED WITH PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Andreea (COSTE) BÎNĂ*, Valer MICLE.................................................................................. 562 STUDY ON SOIL DECONTAMINATION BY PHYTOREMEDIATION IN THE CASE OF FORMER INDUSTRIAL SITES Melania-Nicoleta BOROŞ*, Valer MICLE ............................................................................... 563 GRAFTING OF CONIFERS IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA V. BUCATSEL .......................................................................................................................... 564 ACCUMULATION OF HEAVY METALS IN THE CANES OF GRAPEVINE Gilda –Diana BUZATU* ............................................................................................................ 565 APPLICATION OF LOW-COST ADSORBENTS FOR PESTICIDE REMOVAL Irina Gabriela COROI*, Mihai Sorin CARA, Gerard JITĂREANU ......................................... 566 NUCLEAR DNA ANALYSIS OF BEECH IN APUSENI MOUNTAINS Elena CIOCÎRLAN, Alexandru Lucian CURTU and Neculae ȘOFLETEA* ........................... 567 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND THE EFFICIENCY OF INSULATION MATERIALS AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT Horia CIUCLARU*, Daniela MANEA, Luminita MOLNAR .................................................. 568 SCREENING OF SOIL BACTERIA FOR PHYTASE ACTIVITY Andreea DOBRE1,2,*, Iulian GROSU1, Nicoleta ANDREI2, Alina BUȚU2, Călina Petruța CORNEA1 .......................................................................................................... 569 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 47 DETECTION OF ANTAGONISTIC ACTIVITY OF PHYTOPHTHORA INFESTANS AND PYTHIUM DEBARYANUM BACTERIA AGAINST Andreea DOBRE1, 2*, Laura MARIN2, Carmen MANOLE2, Diana GOLEA2, Laurențiu Mihai PALADE1,2, Cătălina TUDORA2, Călina Petruța CORNEA1 ................................................... 570 THE ROLE OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE IN THE SUSTENABILITY OF DIDACTIC FARMS: MOARA DOMNEASCA – A CASE STUDY Vera DOBRESCU*, Anca STANESCU and Ioana STREZA .................................................... 571 THE STUDY OF THE URBAN DELTA ECOSYSTEM – THE AREA OF THE VACARESTI LAKE Elisabeta DOBRESCU1* and Andrada-Sonia TONE2 ............................................................... 572 RESEARCH ON THE SEA-BUCKTHORN (HIPPOPHAE RHAMNOIDES L.) ECORESTORATION VALUE IN AVOIDING EROSION AND SUPPORTING SOIL FIXATION Carmen Georgeta DUMITRESCU (MANOLE)* ....................................................................... 573 RESEARCH ON THE INFLUENCE OF DENSITY AND FERTILIZATION CONCERNING THE SUNFLOWER (HELIANTHUS ANNUUS) HIBRIDS QUALITY ON THE CAMBIC CHERNOZEM FROM FUNDULEA Florentina EREMIA1, Costică CIONTU2 .................................................................................. 574 RESEARCH ON EVALUATING THE POTENTIAL OF CERTIFICATION MARISEL MOUNTAIN COMMUNE, CLUJ COUNTY Avram FIŢIU* ............................................................................................................................ 575 THE FUNGISTATIC EFFECT OF PLANT EXTRACTS AGAINST MONILINIA FRUCTIGENA (ADERHOLD ET RUHL) HONEY EX WHETZEL AS CAUSAL AGENT OF BROWN ROT Radu Alexandru GROZA, Carmen Emilia PUIA* ..................................................................... 576 THE INFLUENCE OF THE PHYTOSANITARY TREATMENTS APPLIED DURING VEGETATION PERIOD, ON THE DECAY OF THE STORED APPLES Radu Alexandru GROZA, Carmen Emilia PUIA* ..................................................................... 577 WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF A WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT IN ALGIERS (ALGERIA) Mohand Said HAMAIDI1*, Fella HAMAIDI-CHERGUI 1, Mohamed BRAHIM ERRAHMANI2, Asma LAMROUSSI 1 and Hanane BENMIRA1 ....................................................................... 578 OCCURRENCE AND REMOVAL OF PROTOZOAN CYSTS AND HELMINTH EGGS IN THE MEDEA SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT (SOUTH-EAST OF ALGIERS) Fella HAMAIDI-CHERGUI1, Mohand Said HAMAIDI1* and Mohamed BRAHIM ERRAHMANI2 .......................................................................................................................... 579 OBSERVATIONS ON GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION WITH COMPOUNDS: A CASE STUDY FROM MEDIAS CITY, SIBIU COUNTY NITROGEN Alexandra HOAGHIA1, 2*, Cecilia ROMAN1, D. RISTOIU1 .................................................... 580 MONITORING NOISE POLLUTION IN URBAN AREA THROUGH SUNET SYSTEM Mihai ILIESCU, Rodica CADAR and Mirela BECA*.............................................................. 581 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 48 SALINITY STRESS EFFECTS ON THE (LYCOPERSICON ESCULENTUM MILL.) GROWING RATES OF TOMATO Mihaela BOLOGA (COVAȘĂ)1, Carmen Doina JITĂREANU1, Cristina SLABU1, Alina Elena MARTA1 ....................................................................................................................................582 ANALYZE OF DIFFERENT METHODS OF SCARIFICATION AND BIOCHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF ACACIA TORTILIS SUBSP RADDIANA SEEDS Selma KEBBAS1,2,3*, Z.W.S. LEKEHAL1,2,, F. AID3 ............................................................... 583 VALIDATION OF PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS DETERMINATION IN SOIL BY FOURIER TRANSFORM INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY Erika LEVEI*, Marin SENILA, Oana CADAR, Marius ROMAN and Claudiu TANASELIA................................................................................................................ 584 DETERMINATION OF ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES IN SOIL USING PHWE-SPESPME/GC-ECD METHOD Mirela MICLEAN*, Lăcrimioara ȘENILĂ, Oana CADAR, Erika LEVEI and Cerasel VĂRĂTICEANU ....................................................................................................................... 585 HEAVY METALS’ CONTAMINATION OF SOME COMMON CROP PLANTS Nicoleta MUNTEAN1, Edward MUNTEAN2*, Marcel DUDA1 .............................................. 586 DEGREE OF WATER EUTHROPICATION IN THE TERMINAL BASIN OF THE DANUBE. CASE STUDY. Cecilia NEAGU1 ........................................................................................................................ 587 AIR QUALITY INDEX IN IASI CITY Ana Maria OISTE1*, DanAdrian CHELARU2 and Mihai Florin CONSTANTIN2 .................. 588 ATTACK ASSESSMENT PRODUCED BY THE MAJOR PESTS OF ROSES FROM GREEN AREAS OF CLUJ-NAPOCA Ion OLTEAN , Crsitina SOPORAN, and Teodora FLORIAN* ............................................... 589 THE INFLUENCE LED ILLUMINATION ON THE PROTEIN CONTENTS IN LEAVES AND FRUITS Elena PANTER1, Maria PELE1, Elena Maria DRAGHICI2 ...................................................... 590 INFLUENCE OF USING PERLITE AND ECO FERTILIZERS FOR HYDROPONIC TOMATOES CULTURE Sorin PETRE1, Maria PELE1, Elena Maria DRAGHICI2 .......................................................... 591 INFLUENCE OF PROCESS PARAMETERS ON THE THERMAL DESORPTION AT LOW TEMPERATURE CRUDE OIL-CONTAMINATED SOILS Dorina POP1*, Valer MICLE1, Claudiu TANASELIA2 ............................................................. 592 THE QUALITY OF THE WATER FROM THE AQUATIC ECOSYSTEM, CARJA 1, THROUGH THE BIOLOGICAL INDEXES Adina POPESCU*, Daniela IBANESCU ................................................................................... 593 WILD FAUNA EPIGEE COLLECTED WITH TRAPS BARBER OF PERENIAL CROPS OF LEGUMES Petru Mihai PUSTAI*, Ion OLTEAN, Teodora FLORIAN, Ilonka BODIS.............................. 594 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 49 CHARACTERIZATION AND INSECTICIDAL EFFECT OF RUTA MONTANA ESSENTIAL OILS AGAINST LARVAL STAGES OF TETA ABSOLUTA (LEPIDOPTERA, GELECHIIDAE) INVASIVE PEST OF TOMATO Abdelhak ROUIBI*, Chahrazed MAKHLOUF1, Mustapha KHALI2 ....................................... 595 CAUSE - EFFECT INTERRELATIONSHIPS OF SELF ENVIRONMENT SCALE MICRO DIRECT WITH APPLICATIONS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MONITORING PROGRAMS Mihaela RUSU1*, Alexandru BOGDAN2 and Cornel VASILE2 ............................................... 596 IMPACT OF MAJOR ECONOMIC ANTHROPIC ACTIVITIES CAPABLE OF AFFECTING THE ECOSYSTEMS Mihaela RUSU1*, Alexandru BOGDAN2 and Cornel VASILE3 ............................................... 597 A STUDY ON THE QUALITY OF DRINKING WATER DISINFECTION IN SMALL SETTLEMENTS FROM STARA ZAGORA REGION, BULGARIA Gergana SANDEVA1, Nikolay SANDEV2*, Rositsa DELIRADEVA1, Pavlina GIDIKOVA1, Magdalena PLATIKANOVA1 ................................................................................................... 598 STUDY UPON LIFE CYCLE OF MONARTHROPALPUS BUXI GEOFF. ON CLUJ CLIMATIC CONDITIONS Crsitina SOPORAN, Ion OLTEAN, and Teodora FLORIAN* ................................................. 599 RESPONSE OF THE GROWTH AND YIELD OF SUNFLOWER HYBRIDS TO ORGANIC AND INORGANIC FERTILIZATION Ilias TRAVLOS, Dimitrios BILALIS*, Panayiota PAPASTYLIANOU and Yolanda PAPATHEOHARI ..................................................................................................................... 600 VALIDATION OF PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS WASTEWATERS BY FTIR SPECTROSCOPY DETERMINATION IN Claudiu TANASELIA*, Erika LEVEI, Marin SENILA, Oana CADAR................................... 601 THE DISTRIBUTION OF AQUATIC MACROPHYTES ON DANUBE RIVER BEETWEN CALARASI AND BRAILA IonVASILEAN1, Ina VASILEAN2, Daniela Cristina IBĂNESCU1 .......................................... 602 SESSION 3: FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGIES DETECTION OF LIPID CARBONYLS IN OXIDISED CANOLA OIL Damanik MARINI and Michael MURKOVIC .......................................................................... 603 IMPROVING THE CHEMICAL AND SENSORY CHARACTERISTICS OF GOAT CHEESE BY THE ADDITION OF CRANBERRY Sorin APOSTU, Carmen POP, Ancuţa M. ROTAR, Liana SALANŢĂ, Anamaria POP and Iuliana GĂVRUṢ ....................................................................................................................... 604 DETERMINATION OF TOTAL PHENOLICS, FLAVONOIDS AND ANTIOXIDANT CAPACITY OF METHANOLIC EXTRACTS OF SOME BRASSICA SEEDS Maria Doinița BORȘ*, Sonia SOCACI, Maria TOFANĂ, Vlad MUREȘAN, Ana Viorica POP, Melinda NAGY and Romina VLAIC ........................................................................................ 605 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 50 STUDY ON THE IMPORTANCE OF COMPLYING THE LABELLING REQUIREMENTS FOR PROCESSED MEAT PRODUCTS Cristina BOTINEȘTEAN1* and Emeka Francis CHUKWURAH2 ........................................... 606 ANALYSIS OF MINOR AND TRACE ELEMENTS IN COW, GOAT AND SHEEP MILK IN THE NW PART OF ROMANIA Oana CADAR*, Claudiu TĂNASELIA, Mirela MICLEAN, Erika LEVEI, Marin ȘENILĂ, Lăcrimioara ȘENILĂ ................................................................................................................. 607 THE BREWING PROCESS: OPTIMIZING THE FERMENTATION Teodora Emilia COLDEA, Elena MUDURA*, Călin ŞIBOTEAN and Emil COMŞA ............ 608 RESEARCH ON THE POTENTIAL OF ORGANIC CERTIFICATION AND ATTESTATION TRADITIONAL BUFFALO CHEESE OF MARIN, SALAJ COUNTY Avram FITIU* ............................................................................................................................ 609 RESEARCH ON TYPICALITY PLUM BRANDY MARIN TO CERTIFY THAT LOCALLY PRODUCED AND ENVIRONMENTALLY Avram FITIU* ............................................................................................................................ 610 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF COW MILK QUALITY DESTINED FOR PROCESSING AT S.C. AGRIMAT S.A Roxana GAVRIL (RAŢU)1*, Marius Giorgi USTUROI1 and Bogdan-Vlad AVARVAREI1 .................................................................................................... 611 QUALITY CONTROL AND SENSORIAL ANALYSIS OF HONEY-BASED FUNCTIONAL PRODUCTS Adela LUCA1 and Laura STAN1* ............................................................................................. 612 STUDIES ON THE PREPARATION OF AGLUTENIC FOAM TYPE OF PASTRY PRODUCT USING DIFFERENT FLOUR COMBINATIONS Simona MAN1, Adriana PĂUCEAN1*, Sevastiţa MUSTE1 and Anamaria POP ...................... 613 LIGNAN AND POLYPHENOLIC COMPOSITION AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF SCHISANDRA CHINENSIS(TURCZ.) BAILL Andrei MOCAN1, Laurian VLASE2, Ana-Maria GHELDIU2, Radu OPREAN3 and Gianina CRIȘAN1* ..................................................................................................................... 614 POLYPHENOLIC PROFILE AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF LYCIUM BARBARUM L. AND LYCIUM CHINENSE MILL. LEAVES Andrei MOCAN1, Laurian VLASE2, Ana-Maria GHELDIU2, Cristina BISCHIN3, Radu OPREAN4, Gianina CRIȘAN1*.................................................................................................. 615 PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENTOF THE NUTRITIONAL QUALITY OF TWO TYPES LENTIL (LENS CULINARIS ) IN ORDER TO BE USED IN BREAD FORTIFICATION Ovidiu MOLDOVAN1*, Adriana PĂUCEAN1, Sevastita MUSTE1, Romina VLAIC1 , Melinda NAGY1 and Ana Viorica POP1 .................................................................................................. 616 VOLATILE COMPOUNDS PROFILE DURING STORAGE STARKRIMSON AND GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLE VARIETIES OF IONATHAN, Elena Andruţa MUREŞAN1, Sevastiţa MUSTE1*, Sonia Ancuta SOCACI2, Romina Alina VLAIC1, Emil RACOLȚA1 and Vlad MUREŞAN1 .................................................................. 617 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 51 TOTAL PHENOLIC, FLAVONOIDS AND ANTIOXIDANT CAPACITY OF SOME MEDICINAL AND AROMATIC PLANTS Melinda NAGY, Maria TOFANĂ, Sonia A. SOCACI, Ana Viorica POP, Maria Doinița BORS, Anca FARCAS and Ovidiu MOLDOVAN................................................................................ 618 COMPARATIVE STUDY OF PHENOLIC CONTENT IN SOME ROMANIAN MERLOT AND CABERNET SAUVIGNON WINES Violeta NICULESCU1, Irina GEANA1*, Roxana Ionete1, Nadia PAUN1, Constantin BADUCA2, Sorin URSU2 and Raluca DUMITRU2 ...................................................................................... 619 STUDIES ON VALORIFICATION OF HOT PEPPER POWDER IN THE TECHNOLOGY OF JELLY CANDY PRODUCTS Anamaria POP, Sevastita MUSTE, Vlad MUREȘAN, Liana SALANTA and Cosmin ROȘA............................................................................................................................ 620 IMPROVEMENT OF TAGLIATELLE QUALITY BY ADDITION OF RED QUINOA FLOUR Anamaria POP, Sevastita MUSTE, Simona MAN and Crina MUREȘAN ............................... 621 FT-IR STUDIES OF CERIUM OXIDE NANOPARTICLES AND NATURAL ZEOLITE MATERIALS Oana L. POP1*, Zoriţa DIACONEASA1), Amalia MESAROŞ2), Răzvan ŞTEFAN3), Dan Cristian VODNAR1), Lucian BARBU-TUDORAN4), Lelia CIONTEA2), Doru PAMFIL5), Carmen SOCACIU1) ................................................................................................................................ 622 PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND SENSORY CHARACTERISTICS OF MEAT SPECIALTIES PREPARED WITH MIXTURES OF SPICES Liana-Claudia SALANŢĂ, Maria TOFANĂ*, Sonia SOCACI, Anca TIMIŞ, Anca FĂRCAŞ, Dana FEIER and Carmen POP .................................................................................................. 623 CHARACTERIZATION OF THREE LAMIACEAE PLANTS FROM LOCAL MARKET Ana-Viorica POP, Maria TOFANĂ, Sonia A. SOCACI, Anca FĂRCAŞ, Melinda NAGY, Maria-Doiniţa BORŞ and Ovidiu MOLDOVAN ...................................................................... 624 QUALITY AND SENSORIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CHOCOLATE BAR WITH NATURAL DYES Liana-Claudia SALANŢĂ, Maria TOFANĂ*, Sonia SOCACI, Oana ŢĂRAN, Luminiţa VÂRVA, Carmen Pop and Anamaria Pop ................................................................................. 625 BIOCHEMICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF ROSA CANINA L. FRUIT FROM SPONTANEOUS FLORA OF OLTENIA, ROMANIA Rodica SOARE, Dorina BONEA, Paula IANCU and Mariana NICULESCU.......................... 626 RESEARCH REGARDING THE PRODUCTION OF PLANTING MATERIAL FOR THE DECORATIVE SPECIES PAULOWNIA TOMENTOSA THUMB Rodica SOARE, Ovidiu PĂNIȚĂ, Elena BONCIU and Marin SOARE................................... 627 USING SELECTED DOMESTIC AND COMMERCIAL YEASTS FOR POTENTIATION OF FLAVOURS IN WINE Diana STEGĂRUS1, Violeta NICULESCU1, Ovidiu TIȚA2, Mihaela TIȚA2, Ecaterina LENGYEL2, Dan MUTU2 ......................................................................................................... 628 MONITORING MILK SOMATIC CELL COUNTS Gheorghe ŞTEŢCA1, Nicolae MOCUŢA2, Vasile CHINDRIŞ3 and Teodora Emilia COLDEA*1 ....................................................................................................... 629 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 52 COMPARISON OF THE PROTEIN PROFILES IN THE COMMERCIALLY COW AND GOAT MILK INTENDED TO CONSUME Ramona SUHAROSCHI* and Cristina SEMENIUC ................................................................. 630 FOOD WITH ROLE IN INCREASING SEROTONIN LEVELS Lucia Andrada TOMA, Dan Cristian VODNAR*, Oana Lelia POP and Carmen SOCACIU .................................................................................................................... 631 REFERENCE RANGES OF MINERALS, THYROID HORMONES AND TSH IN CANINE BLOOD SERUM Liliana TUDOREANU1, Gabriel VIŞOIU2 and Victor CRIVINEANU3 .................................. 632 TECHNICAL ASPECTS REGARDING THE PRESERVATION OF DRY ONION IN DIFFERENT STORAGE CONDITIONS Marian VINTILA, Florin-Adrian NICULESCU and Mihai ROMAS ....................................... 633 DETERMINATION OF PHYSIC-CHEMICAL CHANGES DURING THE PERIOD OF GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT IN THREE PLUM VARIETIES Romina Alina VLAIC1, Andruța Elena MUREȘAN1, Vlad MUREȘAN1, Stăncuța Alexandrina SCROB1, Ovidiu Petru MOLDOVAN1, Viorel MITRE2 and Sevastița MUSTE1*................... 634 THE MAIN PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SMOKED SAUSAGE Corina Iuliana COSTESCU, Adrian RIVIȘ, Ariana Bianca VELCIOV, Georgeta Sofia POPESCU, Levente ȘIPOȘ ....................................................................................................... 635 ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY AND PHENOLICS CONTENT OF SWEET CHERRIES (PRUNUS AVIUM L.) FROM WEST AND SOUTH-WEST OF ROMANIA Sofia POPESCU1, Ariana-Bianca VELCIOV1, Adrian RIVIS1, Corina COSTESCU1, Cerasela PETOLESCU2 ............................................................................................................................ 636 PHYSICO-CHEMICAL ASSESSMENT OF HONEY WITH ADDITION OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF SEEDS Ariana – Bianca VELCIOV, Adrian RIVIŞ, Corina – Iuliana COSTESCU, Georgeta-Sofia PINTILIE, Anca – Maria JIDIC................................................................................................. 637 ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF SOME“ACETO BALSAMICO DI MODENA” PRODUCTS MARKETED IN ROMANIA Nicoleta Gabriela HĂDĂRUGĂ1, Corina Iuliana COSTESCU1, Mădălina-Liliana BADEA1, Evelyn-Carmen MATEICAN1, Adrian RIVIŞ1, Daniel Ioan HĂDĂRUGĂ2*, Mariana Atena POIANA, Teodor TRAȘCĂ ...................................................................................................... 638 VARIATION OF THE ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF POMEGRANATE (PUNICA GRANATUM) FRUIT PARTS Corina Iuliana COSTESCU1, Nicoleta Gabriela HĂDĂRUGĂ1, Ariana-Bianca VELCIOV1, Daniela RUS1, Raymond SZAKAL1, Daniel Ioan HĂDĂRUGĂ2*........................................... 639 SESSION 4: HORTICULTURE AN FORESTRY EFFECT OF DIFFERENT CONCENTRATIONS OF GROWTH REGULATORS ON THE SIZE AND WEIGHT OF ROSEMARY PLANT CALLUS Mohammed Mehdi Muhsen AL MASOODY1,2 and Florin STĂNICĂ1 ................................... 640 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 53 THE INFLUENCE OF CLIMATIC CONDITIONS ON VEGETATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF VINE VARIETIES GRAPES GROWN IN THE WINE-GROWING CENTER - COPOU IAȘI Lulu Cătălin ALEXANDRU1, Liliana ROTARU1*, Doina DAMIAN2 and Ancuţa NECHITA2 .................................................................................................................... 641 INFLUENCE OF CULTURE METHODS ON CAULIFLOWER YIELD AND ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY Alexandru Silviu APAHIDEAN1, Grigore ARDELEAN2, Alexandru Ioan APAHIDEAN1* and Aniela Brandusa RUSU1 ............................................................................................................ 642 POSSIBILITIES OF PROPAGATION THROUGH CUTTINGS ON SOME FICUS SPECIES Maria BĂLA1, Codruţ ANCHEŞ1, Cristina Elena TOŢA1, Cristian BERAR1, Marius SILIVĂŞAN1 and Ioan SĂRAC1 ............................................................................................... 643 POSSIBILITIES OF PROPAGATION THROUGH CUTTINGS ON SOME HIBISCUS ROSA SINENSIS VARIETIES Maria BĂLA1*, Cristina Elena TOŢA1, Cristian BERAR1, Marius SILIVĂŞAN1 and Ioan SĂRAC1 ..................................................................................................................................... 644 PHYSICO-MECHANICAL ANALYSIS AND UVOLOGICAL INDICES AT THREE VARIETIES OF GRAPES FOR SUPERIOR WHITE WINES GROWN IN NORTH-WEST ROMANIA Florin-Dumitru BORA1, Tiberia-Ioana POP1, Claudiu-Ioan BUNEA1, Anca PETER2, Camelia NICULA2, Delia URCAN1, Anca BABEŞ1 and Nastasia POP1* ............................................... 645 EFFICIENT SOLUTIONS OF LANDSCAPE PLANNING FOR THE MAIN CONNECTION NODES OF TRANSILVANIA HIGHWAY USING CERTAIN DESIGN PRINCIPLES Sonia BORS-OPRIŞA1*, Ioana TĂNĂSESCU1 and Lavinia-Elena MUNTEAN1 .................... 646 EFFICACY OF THE PRODUCT LASER 240 SC USED IN THE CONTROL OF LEAF MINER MOTH (TUTA ABSOLUTA) Elena BRATU1, Alexandra Maria PETCUCI2 and Gabriela SOVAREL1* ............................... 647 GRAFTING OF CONIFERS IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA Vasile BUCATSEL1* ................................................................................................................. 648 RESEARCH ON CLIMATE – GRAPEVINE YIELD RELATIONSHIP AND THE IMPACT OF GLOBAL WARMING Mihaela BUCUR1* and Liviu DEJEU1 ...................................................................................... 649 YIELD AND QUALITY OF THE FETEASCĂ ALBĂ CULTIVAR IN LECHINȚA VINEYARD Claudiu-Ioan BUNEA1* ............................................................................................................. 650 THE BEHAVIOUR OF SOME WINE GRAPE VARIETIES IN R.D.S.V.E. BLAJ VINEYARD CONDITIONS Claudiu-Ioan BUNEA1 , Nastasia POP1, Florin BORA1, Daniela POPESCU2* and Andrea BUNEA1..................................................................................................................................... 651 NATURAL FERTILIZER USE EFFECT ON THE LEVEL AND PRODUCT QUALITY HYBRIDS OF CUCUMBER Floarea BURNICHI1*, Constantin VLAD1 and Carmen-Gabriela STRUGARIU1 ................... 652 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 54 INFLUENCE OF FERTILIZATION ON THE LEVEL AND QUALITY PRODUCTION OF CUCUMBER TRIUMPH F1 HYBRID Floarea BURNICHI1*, Constantin VLAD1 and Carmen-Gabriela STRUGARIU1 ................... 653 STUDY ON THE VEGETATIVE PROPAGATION THROUGH CUTTINGS OF MENTHA X PIPERITA HYBRID USING VARIOUS ROOTING SUBSTRATES Erzsebet BUTA1, Maria CANTOR1*, Denisa HORŢ and Mihai BUTA2 ................................. 654 RESEARCH REGARDING THE INFLUENCE OF PHOSPHORUS FERTILIZATION UPON SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL AND QUALITY INDICES OF TOMATO Dorin CAMEN1*, Radu SUMALAN1 and Daniela Sabina POSTA1 ......................................... 655 RESEARCHES REGARDING CYMBIDIUM VARIETIES THE BIOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY OF SOME Maria CANTOR1 and Raluca MICLEA2* ................................................................................. 656 INFLUENCE OF VARIETY, OF SOWING ERA AND PLANT DENSITY ON GROWTH OF ONION PLANTS Alexandru-Dan CǍPRARIU1, Maria APAHIDEAN1* and Alexandru Silviu APAHIDEAN1 657 THE STUDY OF SOME EGGPLANT (SOLANUM MELONGENA L.) GENOTYPES UNDER THE THERMAL AND HYDRIC STRESS Elena CHIRA1*, Mihai TUDOR1, Gicuța SBÎRCIOG1 and Maria DUMITRU1 ....................... 658 DETERMINATION OF SUITABLE AREAS FOR APPLE CULTIVATION IN NIĞDE-BOR WITH LAND USE PLANNING Nuray ÇİÇEK ATİKMEN1*, Nevin TOPRAK2, Emine ARSLAN3, Türkan Naz ÜNSAL2 and Nihal ERDEM2 .......................................................................................................................... 659 NUCLEAR DNA ANALYSIS OF BEECH IN APUSENI MOUNTAINS Elena CIOCÎRLAN1, Alexandru Lucian CURTU1 and Neculae ȘOFLETEA1* ....................... 660 RESEARCHES REGARDING THE EUTYPA LATA MANIFESTATION IN VINEYARDS FROM SCDVV BLAJ LIGNICOLE FUNGUS Maria COMSA1* and Liliana TOMOIAGA1 ............................................................................. 661 HISTOLOGICAL CHANGES ASSOCIATED WITH CRYOPRESERVATION OF TOMATO SHOOT APICES Ana COSTE1*, Constantin CRĂCIUN2, Septimiu TRIPON2 and Adela HALMAGYI1 ........... 662 PRESENTATION OF BEHAVIOR OF PERSPECTIVE HYBRID ELITE OBTAINED AT S.C.D.V.V. BLAJ Cristian Claudiu CRISTEA1*, Maria COMŞA1, Daniela POPESCU1 and Anton COMŞA1 ......................................................................................................................... 663 PRELIMINARY RESULTS CONCERNING FUNGAL DIVERSITY OF TWO ROMANIAN VINEYARDS: VALEACĂLUGĂREASCĂ AND PIETROASELE Camelia DIGUȚĂ1*, Larisa URSU1, Matilda CIUCĂ2, Florentina MATEI1 and Călina Petruța CORNEA 1 ......................................................................................................... 664 RESULTS CONCERNING THE FUSION CAPACITY OF SOME CUCURBITS GRAFTED BY DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES Mădălina DOLTU1*, Marian BOGOESCU1 and Dorin SORA1 ................................................ 665 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 55 PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL PARAMETERS AND PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS FROM WINES FETEASCĂ NEAGRĂ AGED IN DIFFERENT TOASTED BARRELS Georgiana-Diana DUMITRIIU1, Rafael Amores PEINADO2, Nieves LOPEZ DE LERMA2, Cătălin ZAMFIR1, Marius NICULAUA1, Bogdan NECHITA1, Cintia COLIBABA1, Ioan MORARU1, Maria CODREANU1 and Valeriu V. COTEA1* ................................................... 666 MINERAL NUTRITION OF SESSILE OAK AND BEECH, LOCATED IN THE BEECH AND SESSILE OAK FOREST SITES FROM CRISTIAN PIEDMONT Raluca-Elena ENESCU1 and Gheorghe SPÂRCHEZ1 .............................................................. 667 PROPAGATION BY GREEN CUTTING OF THE PLUM ROOTSTOCK MIROBOLAN BN 4 KR Angela FESTILA1*, Ioan ZAGRAI1 and Craisor MAZILU2 ..................................................... 668 BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF ADULT POPULATION OF PHYLLOXERA GALLICOLA WITH ENTHOMOPATHOGENIC FUNGUS Lidia FICIU1* and Elena BRINDUSE1 ..................................................................................... 669 PHYLOXERA GALLICOLA MANAGEMENT IN VINEYARDS BY BEAUVERIA BASSIANA BIOCONTROL Lidia FICIU1* and Elena BRINDUSE1 ..................................................................................... 670 CHARACTERIZATION OF SOME VITIS VINIFERA L. INDIGENOUS VARIETIES BY ANALYSIS OF LEAF PHOTOSYNTHETIC PIGMENTS Răzvan V. FILIMON1*, Roxana FILIMON1, Liliana ROTARU1.............................................. 671 THE QUANTIFICATION OF POLYPHENOLIC POTENTIAL OF THE BLACK GRAPES FOR WINEMAKING Laura FOTESCU1*, Aurelia TUDORACHE1, Elena BRINDUSE1 and Liliana PIRCALABU1 ............................................................................................................... 672 FOOD SAFETY COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS ON THE FLOW OF BLACK GRAPES WINEMAKING Laura FOTESCU1*, Elena BRINDUSE1, Aurelia TUDORACHE1, M. ION1 and Lidia FICIU1 .............................................................................................................................. 673 STUDY REGARDING THE SUITABILITY OF SOME MEDICINAL PLANTS (LAVANDULA ANGUSTIFOLIA MILL. AND THYMUS VULGARIS L.) IN HYDROPONICS ON ROCKWOOL MEDIA Radu Mircea GIURGIU1*, Gavril MORAR1 and Adelina DUMITRAŞ1 ................................. 674 IS DIABROTICA VIRGIFERA VIRGIFERA STILL CONSIDERED A DANGEROUS PEST FROM CROPS OF ROMANIA? Ioana GROZEA1, Raluca TRUSCA1, Ramona STEF1, Levente MOLNAR1, Mihaela FERICEAN1, Silvia PRUNAR1, Valentin MAZARE1 and Ionela DOBRIN2 ........................... 675 XYLEM ANATOMICAL STUDY IN DIVERSE IMPLICATIONS TO DROUGHT TOLERANCE CAPSICUM SP ACCESSIONS, Carla GUIJARRO-REAL1, Rosa V. MOLINA2, Teresa PÉREZ-DOMINGO1, Ana M. RIBESMOYA1, Adrián RODRÍGUEZ-BURRUEZO1 and Ana M. FITA1*......................................... 676 INTERCROPPING – A SUCCESSFUL SYSTEM FOR RUNNER BEAN CROP Silvia Brîndusa HAMBURDĂ1*, Neculai MUNTEANU 1 and Gabriel Ciprian TELIBAN 1 .. 677 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 56 EU TIMBER REGULATION AND FOREST CERTIFICATION Aureliu-Florin HĂLĂLIȘAN1* and Mihai MARINCHESCU1 ................................................. 678 ANTIOXIDANTS RESPONS TO TWO VARIETIES OF TOMATOES AFTER FUNGICIDES AND ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID TREATMENTS Ramona Aurelia HOROTAN1*, Simona OANCEA2 and Alexandru Silviu APAHIDEAN1 ..... 679 PSYCHOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTS BENEFITS OF ORNAMENTAL PLANTS USED IN OFFICE Anca HUSTI1, Ioana CONTIU1, Malina RADU1, Ioana NEACSU1 and Maria CANTOR1* ... 680 PEOPLE - PLANT CONNECTION IN DANISH WORK SETTINGS Anca HUSTI1, Jane THOMSEN2, Renate MULLER3 and Maria CANTOR1* ......................... 681 THE IMPACT OF CLIMATIC FACTORS ON THE ROOTSTOCK QUALITY, IN THE BLAJ VINEYARD CENTER Maria ILIESCU1*, Daniela POPESCU1 and Maria COMSA1 ................................................... 682 EFFICACY OF POST-EMERGENCE HERBICIDES APPLIED AT REDUCED DOSES ON WEEDS IN DURUM WHEAT (TRITICUM DURUM L.) IN CENTRAL GREECE Anestis KARKANIS1*, Dimitrios BILALIS2, Aspasia EFTHIMIADOU3, Agapi GAVALAKI2 and Nikolaos KOUSTAS2 .......................................................................................................... 683 LATE SPRING CULTURE OF HEADED CHINESE CABBAGE (BRASSICA CAMPESTRIS VAR. PEKINENSIS) Enikő LACZI1*, Alexandru APAHIDEAN1, Emil LUCA1 and Georgeta BURDUHOS1 ........ 684 THE INFLUENCE OF INOVATIVE TREATMENTS ON THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF FRÂNCUȘĂ WINES Camelia Elena LUCHIAN1*, Valeriu V. COTEA1, Cintia COLIBABA1, Antoanela PATRAȘ1, Cristian BUBURUZANU1 ......................................................................................................... 685 A REVIEW OF ROMANIAN FORESTRY SECTOR Mihai MARINCHESCU¹ and Aureliu Florin HĂLĂLIȘAN² ................................................... 686 FLOR YEAST MAIN BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES IN A BIOFILM FORMING AND IN A NON-BIOFILM FORMING CONDITON Jaime MORENO-GARCÍA1, Florin VARARU*2, Juan MORENO3, M. Carmen MILLÁN1, Juan Carlos MAURICIO1 and Teresa GARCÍA-MARTÍNEZ1 ......................................................... 687 FLOR YEAST PROTEOMIC RESPONSE TO THE LACK OF FERMENTABLE CARBON SOURCE Jaime MORENO-GARCÍA1, Georgiana-Diana DUMITRIU2, Juan MORENO3, Carmen MILLÁN1, Juan Carlos MAURICIO1* and Teresa García-MARTÍNEZ1................................. 688 STUDY OF FENNEL SEED GERMINATION (FOENICULUM VULGARE VAR. AZORICUM) Valeria Ioana NEACŞU1, Alexandru Silviu APAHIDEAN1* and Anca Mariana HUSTI1 ....... 689 MONITORING THE SPECIE MELOLONTHA MELOLONTHA L. IN THE NURSERY OF LUNCA BRADULUI FORESTRY DEPARTMENT Ion OLTEAN1, Alexandru BEXA1, Teodora FLORIAN1 and Mircea Ioan VARGA1* ............ 690 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 57 POLLEN VIABILITY AND GERMINATION CAPACITY OF SOME NEW SWEET CHERRY CULTIVARS Monica PAL1*, Viorel MITRE1, Andreea TRIPON1, Laura MACAVEI1 and Mihai LAZAR1 .......................................................................................................................... 691 THE IMPACT OF "TERROIR" ON VEGETATIVE EQUILIBRIUM OF VINES, IN RELATION WITH THE QUALITY POTENTIAL OF THE GRAPE HARVEST Liliana PIRCALABU1* and Aurelia TUDORACHE1................................................................ 692 THE QUANTITATIVELY AND QUALITATIVELY POTENTIAL OF THE WINE GRAPE HARVEST IN RELATION WITH THE WINE CLIMATE MILESSIMA Liliana PIRCALABU1*, Aurelia TUDORACHE1 and Adrian SERDINESCU1 ........................ 693 MORPHOLOGICAL DIVERSITY IN GBOMA EGGPLANT (SOLANUM MACROCARPON) AS ASSESSED WITH CONVENTIONAL AND TOMATO ANALYZER DESCRIPTORS Mariola PLAZAS1, Jaime PROHENS1*, Santiago VILANOVA1, Pietro GRAMAZIO1, Javier HERRAIZ1 and Isabel ANDÚJAR1 ........................................................................................... 694 THE BEHAVIOR OF A NUMBER OF ONION GENOTYPES SUITABLE FOR THE TECHNOLOGY WITH CROP ESTABLISHED IN AUTUMN Niculai POPANDRON1*, Elena CHIRA1 and Gicuta SBIRCIOG1 ........................................... 695 RESEARCH REGARADING TECHNOLOGICAL PARTICULARITIES FOR OBTAINING CARROT ECOLOGIC SEEDS IN COMPARISON TO THE CONVENTIONAL TECHNOLOGY Niculai POPANDRON1*, Gicuta SBIRCIOG1 and Elena CHIRA1 ........................................... 696 QUALITY EVALUATION OF SO4 CLONES USED TO PRODUCE GRAPEVINE PLANTING MATERIAL, DEPENDING ON THE APPLIED AGROTECHNICS Daniela POPESCU1*, Maria ILIESCU1, Maria COMSA1 and D. Gh. CORBEAN2 ................. 697 ASSESSMENT OF POLLEN VIABILITY AND GERMINATION RATE OF SOME PEAR (PYRUS SSP. L.) CULTIVARS GROWN IN SUPER-INTENSIVE CULTURE SYSTEM IN ROMANIA Melinda PUSKÁS1*, Radu SESTRAŞ1 and Henryk FLACHOWSKY2 .................................... 698 PESTS CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT IN FOREST NURSERIS EXPRESSED WITH BIODEVERSITY INDICES Florin-Alexandru REBREAN1*, Vasile ŞIMONCA1, Anna-Mária SZÁSZ-LEN1, Alina TRUȚA1 and Liviu HOLONEC1 ............................................................................................................... 699 MINERAL CONTENT IN CAPSICUM PEPPER LANDRACES: EFFECT OF THE GENOTYPE AND THE RIPENING STAGE Ana M. RIBES-MOYA1, Carla GUIJARRO-REAL1, Vanessa A. RODRIGUEZ-PONTE1, M. Dolores RAIGÓN1, Ana M. FITA1 and Adrián RODRÍGUEZ-BURRUEZO1 ......................... 700 AN ANALYSIS CONCERNING PRODUCTIVITY OF SOME AUBERGINE CULTIVARS TESTED IN THE COMPARATIVE PLOTS FOR EVALUATION Gicuta SBÎRCIOG1* ................................................................................................................... 701 BEHAVIOUR OF SOME ROUND PEPPER LINES TESTED IN THE PLOTS FOR EVALUATION COMPARATIVE Gicuta SBÎRCIOG1* ................................................................................................................... 702 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 58 PHYSIOLOGICAL CHANGES AND OSMOREGULATION IN SEVERAL ROMANIAN SPRUCE POPULATIONS EXPOSED TO SALT AND DROUGHT STRESS Traian-Sorin ŞCHIOP1, Mohamad AL HASSAN2, Monica BOSCAIU3, Oscar VICENTE2*, Adriana SESTRAS1, Radu SESTRAS1 ...................................................................................... 703 THE INFLUENCE OF THE SHAPE OF THE CROWN ON THE TRUNK DIAMETER AND VIGOR INDEX OF DIFFERENT SPECIES OF PEAR Marius SILIVĂSAN¹*, Cristian BERAR1, Maria BĂLA1 and Cristina TOȚA1 ........................ 704 INFLUENCE OF TYPE OF CROWN ON THE GROWTH IN VOLUME FOLIAR SURFACE TO VARIOUS SPECIES OF PEAR Marius SILIVĂSAN¹*, Cristian BERAR1, Maria BĂLA1, Cristina Toța1 and Petru MERGHEȘ1 ...................................................................................................................... 705 DNA EXTRACTION FROM KRASCHENINNIKOVIA CERATOIDES (CHENOPODIACEAE) FOR ANALYSIS OF GENETIC DIVERSITY USING SRAP MOLECULAR MARKERS Cristian Radu SISEA1*, Ionuţ ŞIPEŢEAN1, Alexandru-Sabin BĂDĂRĂU 2 and Doru PAMFIL1 .......................................................................................................................... 706 QUALITATIVE TESTING OF MON 810 TRANSFORMATION EVENT IN DIFFERENT FOOD MATRICES Cristian Radu SISEA1*, Lavinia Manuela HUSAR2 and Doru PAMFIL1 ................................. 707 BEHAVIOR OF SOME TOMATO HYBRIDS, GROWING IN GREENHOUSES, AT PATHOGENS ATTACK Gabriela SOVAREL1* ................................................................................................................ 708 THE CONTENT OF ORGANIC ACIDS IN RHUBARB (RHEUM RHABARBARUM L.) Vasile STOLERU1*, Monica BUTNARIU2, Neculai MUNTEANU1, Costel IPĂTIOAIE1, Teodor STAN1 ........................................................................................................................... 709 OPTIMIZATION OF DNA ISOLATION AND PCR PROTOCOL FOR THE STUDY OF ENDEMIC ASTRAGALUS EXSCAPUS L. SSP. TRANSSILVANICUS (BARTH) JAV Katalin SZABO1*, Cristian Radu SISEA1, Rodica POP1, Monica BODEA1, Ioana Virginia PETRICELE1, Alexandru Sabin BĂDĂRĂU2 and Doru PAMFIL1.......................................... 710 EFFECT OF CUTTING SIZE ON THE ROOTING OF THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 'COLUMNA' Anna-Mária SZÁSZ-LEN1*, Liviu HOLONEC1, Alina TRUȚA1, Florin Alexandru REBREANU1 ............................................................................................................................. 711 GREEN SPACES, FACTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Beatrice Agneta SZILAGYI1, Oana MARE-ROŞCA2*, Lucia MIHALESCU 2, Zorica VOŞGAN2 and Monica MARIAN2 ........................................................................................... 712 BBCH CODE THE FUTURE KEY FOR DESCRIBING WOODY ORNAMENTAL VEGETATION PHENOLOGICAL STAGES Raluca TOMA1 and Dumitru ZAHARIA1* ............................................................................... 713 THE IMPACT OF PESTICIDES ON TARNAVE VINEYARD BIODIVERSITY ECOSYSTEM Liliana TOMOIAGĂ1* .............................................................................................................. 714 PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS (PCA) THAT DETERMINES THE FOOD VALUE OF TOMATO FRUITS GROWN IN THE GREENHOUSE OF U.A.S.V.M. TIMISOARA 1* 1 2 Cristina Elena TOŢA , Maria BĂLA , Nicoleta Gabriela HĂDĂRUGĂ Marius SILIVĂŞAN1, Cristian BERAR1, Ioan SĂRAC1 ............................................................................................... 715 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 59 THE GROWING OF HYACINTHUS OFF-SEASONT 1* 1 Cristina Elena TOŢA , Maria BĂLA , Raluca Roxana MARIAN Marius SILIVĂŞAN1, Cristian BERAR1, Ioan SĂRAC1 ............................................................................................................ 716 RESULTS CONCERNING THE INFLUENCE OF FRUIT LOAD UPON FRUIT QUALITY Flavia Andreea TRIPON1*, Viorel MITRE1, Ioana MITRE1, Dorin BADIU1, Monica PAL1 and Mihai LAZAR1 .......................................................................................................................... 717 RESULTS REGARDING THE INFLUENCE OF PLUM (PRUNUS DOMESTICA) FRUIT THINNING OVER PRODUCTION Flavia Andreea TRIPON, 1* Viorel MITRE1 and Monica PAL1................................................ 718 THE TIPICITY OF WINES VERY RICH IN ANTIOXIDANTS IN RELATION WITH THE VARIETY AND THE MATURATION-FERMENTATION TECHNIQUE Aurelia TUDOACHE1, Elena BRINDUSE1 .............................................................................. 719 MINOR VOLATILE COMPOUND PROFILES OF ALIGOTE WINES FERMENTED WITH DIFFERENT YEAST STRAINS Florin VARARU1*, Jaime MORENO-GARCIA2, Juan MORENO2, Marius NICULAUA1, Bogdan NECHITA1, Catalin ZAMFIR1, Cintia COLIBABA1, Georgiana-Diana DUMITRIU1 and Valeriu V. COTEA1 ............................................................................................................ 720 YIELD AND QUALITY POTENTIAL OF ANISIA BEAN (PHASEOLUS VULGARIS) VARIETY OBTAINED AT V.R.D.S. BUZAU Costel VINATORU1*, Bianca ZAMFIR1, Camelia BRATU1 , Viorica LAGUNOVSCHI2 and Luminita CÂRSTEA3................................................................................................................. 721 STUDIES AND RESEARCH REGARDING BEHAVIOR IN THERMO-HYDRIC STRESS SEVERAL TOMATO ACCSESSIONS Costel VINATORU1*, Elena CHIRA2, Bianca ZAMFIR1 and Camelia BRATU1 .................... 722 INFLUENCE OF WATER AND SALT STRESS ON SEED GERMINATION IN RETAMA RAETAM FROM TUNISIA Dhikra ZAYOUD1,2,3, Ricardo GIL3, Monica BOSCAIU3, Zeineb OUERGHI2, Mohamed NEFFATI1 and Oscar VICENTE3*............................................................................................ 723 SESSION 5: ECONOMICS AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT PREDICTIONS OF LABOR FORCE MOBILITY FROM ROMANIAN RURAL AREA IN “ORIZONT 2020” Robert-Adrian CANDOI-SAVU1* ............................................................................................. 724 THE STIMULATION OF NEW JOBS EMERGENCE THROUGH SELF-EMPLOYMENT IN ROMANIAN RURAL AREA Robert-Adrian CANDOI-SAVU1* ............................................................................................. 725 ANALYSIS OF THE COUNTRY OF ORIGIN EFFECT FOR THE ROMANIAN CONSUMER OF FOOD PRODUCTS Daniel CHICIUDEAN1*, Iulia MUREȘAN1, Mărioara ILEA1 and Gabriela CHICIUDEAN1 ........................................................................................................... 726 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 60 STUDY REGARDING THE ROMANIAN CONSUMER ETHNOCENTRISM Daniel CHICIUDEAN1*, Sabina FUNAR1, Felix ARION1 and Gabriela CHICIUDEAN1 ...... 727 ANALYSIS OF MARKETING AUDIT BENEFITS FOR THE AGRO-FOOD COMPANIES FROM CLUJ COUNTY Gabriela CHICIUDEAN1, Marioara ILEA1, Iulia MUREȘAN1 and Daniel CHICIUDEAN1 .............................................................................................................. 728 ROMANIA’S POST-ACCESSION INTRA-EU TRADE IN MEAT Camelia GAVRILESCU1*.......................................................................................................... 729 PARTICULARITIES OF THE FARMS IN THE KURDISTAN REGIONAL GOVERNMENT Rezhen HARUN1*, Iulia C. MUREȘAN1, Felix H. ARION1 and Diana E. DUMITRAȘ1 ....... 730 RATIONAL AND EMOTIONAL ADVERTISING FOR FOOD PRODUCTS ON THE ROMANIAN MARKET Andy Felix JITĂREANU1*, Elena GÎNDU1, Aurel CHIRAN1 and Benedicta DROBOTĂ1 .............................................................................................................. 731 RURAL TOURISM - BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT FOR FUTURE ENTREPRENEURS Iulia C. MUREȘAN1*, Valentin C. MIHAI1 and Teodora M. GIURCA1 .................................. 732 THE ACCESS OF ROMANIAN RURAL POPULATION TO THE INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Cristina Bianca POCOL1* and Ioana Delia POP1 ...................................................................... 733 SESSION 6-7: ANIMAL SCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGIES SOME ASPECTS OF THE HISTOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF THE LIVER IN RAINBOW TROUT (ONCORHYNCHUS MYKISS) UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF GROWTH SYSTEMS Vioara MIREŞAN1, Daniel COCAN1*, Viorel MICLĂUŞ2, Radu CONSTANTINESCU1, Camelia RĂDUCU1 and Octavian NEGREA1........................................................................... 734 VARIATION IN BLOOD PARAMETERS OF RAINBOW TROUT (ONCORHYNCHUS MYKISS) UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF SEASONS AND GROWTH SYSTEMS Vioara MIREŞAN, Daniel COCAN*, Radu CONSTANTINESCU, Camelia RĂDUCU and Octavian NEGREA .................................................................................................................... 735 ESTIMATION OF GENETIC PARAMETERS SPECIFIC TO TIGAIE BREED REARED IN NORTHEAST PART OF ROMANIA Constantin PASCAL* ................................................................................................................ 736 USING HONEY BEE AS BIOINDICATOR OF CHEMICALS: OCCURRENCE IN TWO AGRICULTURAL AREAS OF CAMPANIA (SOUTH ITALY) Gennaro DI PRISCO1*, Claudio PORRINI2, Donato TESORIERO3 and Emilio CAPRIO1 ........................................................................................................................ 737 THE EFFECTS OF PREBIOTIC PRODUCTS IN FISH NUTRITION Mihai BENŢEA1*, Aurel ŞARA1, Alina ANI2 and Marin BREJE1 ......................................... 738 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 61 THE ASSESSMENT OF CERTAIN MINERALS CONTENT IN MIXED FEEDS IN RELATION TO THE LAYING HENS’ EXPLOITATION SYSTEM (ORGANIC VS. CONVENTIONAL) Maria BOLOGA*, I.M. POP, Aida ALBU and Lucia I. NISTOR (COTFAS) ......................... 739 THE EFFECT OF MANURE APPLICATION ON THE FLORISTIC COMPOSITION ON A PERMANENT GRASSLAND IN PETROVA, MARAMUREŞ Adela l. BOTIŞ*, gheorghe MIHAI, Nicuşor SIMA, Doru CRISTE, Iulia MEDREA and Bogdan FĂGĂDAR ................................................................................................................... 740 MEMORY TESTING USING NOVEL OBJECT RECOGNITION ON WISTAR RAT MODELS EXPOSED TO ANAKINETIC AND NATIVE HEMOGLOBIN OXIDATIVE STRESS COUNTERED BY ADMINISTRATION OF LAMIUM ALBUM ALCOHOLIC EXTRACT Carolina BURA1, Vlad Al. TOMA2,3,4, Anca D. FARCAS2,3,4, Ioana ROMAN2 and Radu SILAGHI-DUMITRESCU4* ..................................................................................................... 741 CYTO-MORPHOLOGICAL PARTICULARITIES OF HAIR CUTICLE IN DOMESTIC AND WILD SUIDAE Mirela E. CADAR*, Vioara MIREŞAN, Camelia RĂDUCU, Ilie CORNOIU and Ionel TOADER ................................................................................................................................... 742 EVALUATION OF CAMELINA MEAL IN THE DIET OF DETERMINATION OF PLASMA POLYPHENOLS DAIRY COWS - Veronica S. CHEDEA1*, Rodica Ş. PELMUŞ1, Smaranda TOMA1,2, Ionelia ŢĂRANU1 and Cătălin DRAGOMIR1 ................................................................................................................ 743 COMPARISON BETWEEN TILLEY-TERRY AND PEPSIN-CELLULASE METHODS, USED TO PREDICT DIGESTIBILITY OF SOME MINOR BY-PRODUCTS IN RUMINANTS Ana CIŞMILEANU1*, Cătălin DRAGOMIR1, Smaranda TOMA1,2 and Eugenia MIRCEA1 .. 744 GROWTH DYNAMICS OF THREE TROUT SPECIES (ONCORHYNCHUS MYKISS, SALVELINUS FONTINALIS AND SALVELINUS ALPINUS), IN ACCORDANCE WITH ENVIRONMENTAL PARAMETERS Daniel COCAN, Vioara MIREŞAN*, Alexandru SAVA, Camelia RĂDUCU, Radu CONSTANTINESCU, Andrada IHUŢ, Aurelia COROIAN and Luisa ANDRONIE ............. 745 ALLOMETRIC ASSESSMENT OF SOME MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS OF RAINBOW TROUT (ONCORHYNCHUS MYKISS) REARED IN DIFFERENT FARMING SYSTEMS FROM TRANSYLVANIA, ROMANIA Daniel COCAN, Vioara MIREŞAN*, Radu CONSTANTINESCU, Camelia RĂDUCU, Octavian NEGREA, Luisa ANDRONIE and Andrada IHUŢ ................................................... 746 EFFECTS OF MANGANESE AND IRON ORGANIC SOURCES IN LAYER DIETS ON NUTRITIONAL QUALITY OF EGGS Gabriela M. CORNESCU1*, Horia GROSU1, Arabela E. UNTEA2, Tatiana D. PANAITE2 and Anca BERCARU2 ...................................................................................................................... 747 NITRITES AND NITRATES LEVELS IN SOME ROMANIAN MEAT PRODUCTS Aurelia COROIAN, Vioara MIREŞAN, Camelia RĂDUCU*, Cristian COROIAN, Daniel COCAN, Luisa ANDRONIE and Octavian NEGREA.............................................................. 748 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 62 RESEARCHES REGARDING THE EXISTENCE OF PHENOTYPIC CORRELATIONS BETWEEN DIFFERENT BODY MEASUREMENTS AT FEMALES FROM ROMANIAN MIORITIC SHEPHERD DOG Dorel DRONCA1*, Nicolae PACALA1, Ioan BENCSIK1, Teofil OROIAN2, Vasile CIGHI2, Rasvan POPA3, Ada CEAN1, Adela MARCU1 and Alexandru DRONCA4 ............................. 749 RESEARCH ON THE EFFECT OF FLORESCENT AND LED LIGHT SOURCE USE WITH LAYING HENS ON EGG PRODUCTION Adem DURSUN1, Davut BAYRAM2* and Kaan Muhsin ISCAN2 .......................................... 750 ANIMAL WELFARE IN TERMS OF ASSESSING STUDIED. PART II HOUSING CONDITIONS FARMS Cristina El MAHDY1*, Silvana POPESCU2, Cristin BORDA2 and Anca BOARU1 ................ 751 THE ACTION OF LAMIUM ALBUM ALCOHOLIC EXTRACT IN DECREASING OXIDATIVE STRESS, APPLIED ON KIDNEY, THYMUS AND BLOOD IN WISTAR RATS EXPOSED TO ANAKINETIC AND NATIVE HEMOGLOBIN STRESS Anca D. FARCAŞ1,2,3, Vlad Al. TOMA1,2,3, Ioana ROMAN1, Carolina BURA4 and Radu SILAGHI-DUMITRESCU2* ..................................................................................................... 752 EFFECTS OF P-COUMARIC ACID ON RUMINAL FERMENTATION PARAMETERS IN IN VITRO RUMINAL CULTURES Mihaela GIUBURUNCĂ*, Adriana CRISTE and Vioara MIREŞAN ...................................... 753 RESEARCHES REGARDING THE CHARACTERIZATION OF PROFILE OF WILD BOAR (SUS SCROFA FERUS) THE NUTRITIONAL Mircea LAZĂR*, Roxana LAZĂR, Nicoleta (GĂINĂ) DIACONU and Paul C. BOIŞTEANU ............................................................................................................... 754 HEMATOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION AMMODYTES) OF HORNED VIPER (AMMODYTES Roxana LAZĂR* and Paul C. BOIŞTEANU ............................................................................ 755 EFFECT OF OCHRATOXIN A AND ARISTOLOCHIC ACID ON A EPITHELIAL INTESTINAL CELL LINE Daniela MARIN*, Monica MOTIU and Ionelia ŢĂRANU ...................................................... 756 THE APPLICATION OF AN ECO-INNOVATIVE CONCEPT FOR CREATING AN INTEGRATIVE GENE BANK IN ANIMAL SCIENCE AND PRODUCTION Marcel MATIUTI1*, Alexandru T. BOGDAN2 and Carmen MATIUTI3 ................................. 757 CONSIDERATIONS UPON THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF VARIOUS CONSTRUCTIVE SYSTEMS FOR CALF HOUSING Lavinia E. MUNTEAN1*, Ioana TĂNĂSESCU1 and Sonia BORS-OPRISA2 ......................... 758 USE OF MORPHO-PATHOLOGIC EXAMINATION TECHNIQUES IN DIAGNOSIS OF SOME ENDOPARASITOSIS IN CATTLE Octavian NEGREA, Vioara MIREŞAN*, Camelia RĂDUCU, Grigore ONACIU, Zamfir MARCHIŞ, Daniel COCAN and Mircea IGNAT ..................................................................... 759 ASPECTS REGARDING THE ORNAMENTAL JAPANESE CARP REARING INTO RECIRCULATING SYSTEMS CONDITIONS Aurelia NICA* and Lorena DEDIU .......................................................................................... 760 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 63 ADVANTAGES OF THE PRODUCT DIVERSIFICATION STRATEGY IN BEEKEEPING FARMS Anca A. POPOVICI1*, Liviu Al. MĂRGHITAŞ1, Daniel S. DEZMIREAN1 and Marioara ILEA2 .......................................................................................................................... 761 RESEARCHES REGARDING THE QUALITY OF SOME MEAT PRODUCTS OBTAINED AT SC “MARELE ALB” SRL TURDA, CLUJ COUNTY Camelia RĂDUCU, Vioara MIREŞAN*, Octavian NEGREA, Mirela CADAR, Daniel COCAN, Aurelia COROIAN, Radu CONSTANTINESCU and Luisa ANDRONIE .............. 762 NEW INSIGHTS INTO THE INTEGRATE SYSTEM OF THE FORESTRY HERITAGE PROTECTION Ioana E. TĂNĂSESCU1*, Lavinia E. MUNTEAN1 Sonia BORS-OPRISA2 and Liviu HOLONEC3 ...................................................................................................................... 763 COMPARATIVE STUDY OF CLIMATE CONDITIONS IN CATTLE HOUSES FROM TRANSYLVANIA Ioana E. TĂNĂSESCU*, Lavinia E. MUNTEAN and Daniela LADOSI................................. 764 EFFECT OF FUSARIUM MYCOTOXIN ZEARALENONE ON GUT EPITHELIUM Ionelia ŢĂRANU1*, Aurora ARGHIR2, Gina PISTOL1, Daniela MARIN1 and Ana-Maria NICULESCU3 ......................................................................................................... 765 RESEARCHES REGARDING THE ENERGETIC PROFILE OF BLOOD COLLECTED FROM RABBITS (BELGIAN GIANT BREED) AND HARES (LEPUS EUROPAEUS PALLAS) Gabriela TĂRNĂUCEANU (FRUNZĂ)* ................................................................................. 766 CHARACTERIZATION OF ENZYMATIC PROFILE OF BLOOD COLLECTED FROM RABBITS (BELGIAN GIANT BREED) AND HARES (LEPUS EUROPAEUS PALLAS) Gabriela TĂRNĂUCEANU (FRUNZĂ)*, Cecilia POP and Paul C. BOIŞTEANU ............... 767 NEUROENDOCRINE FUNCTION IMPROVED BY LAMIUM ALBUM ALCOHOLIC EXTRACT IN WISTAR MODELS EXPOSED TO ANAKINETIC AND NATIVE HEMOGLOBIN OXIDATIVE STRESS Vlad Al. TOMA1,2,3, Anca D. FARCAŞ1,2,3, Ioana ROMAN1, Carolina BURA4 and Radu SILAGHI-DUMITRESCU2* ..................................................................................................... 768 IN VITRO INDUCTION OF THE ACROSOME REACTION SPERMATOZOA FROM DIFFERENT CATTLE BREEDS IN FROZEN THAW Sabina VĂLEANU (NECULAI-VĂLEANU)*, Dan DRUGOCIU and Petru ROŞCA............ 769 THE DYNAMIC OF THE NUCLEAR DNA LONGEVITY IN CRYOPRESERVED BULL SPERMATOZOA ASSESSED USING THE SPERM-BOS-HALOMAX Sabina VĂLEANU (NECULAI-VĂLEANU)*, Dan DRUGOCIU and Petru ROŞCA............ 770 EFFECT OF OILSEED SUPPLEMENTATION LAYING HEN DIETS ON AMINO ACID DIGESTIBILITY IN Iulia VĂRZARU1*, Tatiana PANAITE2, Arabela UNTEA2, Gabriela CORNESCU1 and Ilie VAN1 ................................................................................................................................... 771 DETERMINATION OF THE POST-PARTUM DURATION NORTHERN ALGERIA OF LOCAL GOAT IN Achour YAHIA1*, Rachid KAIDI1 and Khadidja HAMRAT2 .................................................. 772 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 64 ADSORPTION OF OROTIC ACID ON AG COLLOIDAL NANOPARTICLES Luisa ANDRONIE1, Vioara MIREŞAN1*, Ioana POP2, Camelia RĂDUCU1, Anca ROTARU1, Aurelia COROIAN1 and Cristian COROIAN1 .......................................................................... 773 STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL INVESTIGATIONS OF COLLAGEN-GRAPHENE COMPLEX BY MOLECULAR MODELING APPROACH Iuliana BANU and Iuliana APRODU* ...................................................................................... 774 THE ANTIBIOTYPE OF SOME LACTIC ACID BACTERIA PROBIOTIC STRAINS FROM THE MIUG COLLECTION Vasilica BARBU* and Ana-Maria NEDELCU ......................................................................... 775 PCR BASED SCREENING OF FUSARIUM SP. IN SOME ECO-PRODUCTS Oana M. BOLDURA*, Petrica BOZAC and Sorina POPESCU ............................................... 776 TESTING THE GENETIC ASSIGNMENT OF SIMULATED HYBRID OFFSPRING Iacob CRĂCIUNESC*, Alexandru L. CURTU and Neculae SOFLETEA ............................... 777 GENETIC DIVERSITY OF PUCCINIA TRITICINA POPULATIONS FROM ROMANIA, ANALYZED BY RAPD TECHNIQUE Laura D. DINU1, Camelia DIGUTA1, Matila CIUCA2, Gabriela POPA1 and Călina P. CORNEA1* ................................................................................................................ 778 SCREENING OF SOME COST EFFECTIVE MEDIA FOR SUBMERSE CULTIVATION OF MACROMYCETES MYCELIUM Georgeta FIDLER1,2*, Steliana RODINO1,2, Alina BUTU2 and Petruţa C. CORNEA1 ........... 779 ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY, BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS AND ANTIMICROBIAL EFFECT OF MUSHROOMS EXTRACTS Georgeta FIDLER1,2, Alina BUTU2*, Steliana RODINO1,2, Marian BUTU2 and Petruţa C. CORNEA1 ................................................................................................................. 780 STUDY OF PRELIMINARY BIOTECHNOLOGICAL CONDITIONS OF PLEUROTUS OSTREATUS CULTIVATION ON SUBMERGED SYSTEM Vicenţiu B. HORINCAR1*, Tiberius BALAES2, Georgiana PARFENE1, Cătălin TANASE3 and Gabriela BAHRIM1 .................................................................................................................... 781 INFLUENCE OF VOLATILE OILS ON IN VITRO GROWTH INFESTANS OF PHYTOPHTHORA Mihai L. PALADE1,2, Laura MARIN1, Carmen MANOLE1* and Alina BUTU1 .................... 782 ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF FATTY ACIDS OBTAINED BY SOLID STATE ENZYMATIC HYDROLYSIS OF GOAT MILK FAT WITH CANDIDA LIPOLYTICA WHOLE CELLS Georgiana PARFENE*, Liliana BUTE, Vicenţiu B. HORINCAR and Gabriela BAHRIM ..................................................................................................................... 783 FT-IR STUDIES OF CERIUM OXIDE NANOPARTICLES MATERIALS AND NATURAL ZEOLITE Oana L. POP1*, Zoriţa DIACONEASA1), Amalia MESAROŞ2), Răzvan ŞTEFAN3), Dan Cristian VODNAR1), Lucian BARBU-TUDORAN4), Lelia CIONTEA2), Doru PAMFIL5), Carmen SOCACIU1) ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 65 RESEARCH REGARDING THE ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF PLANT EXTRACTS Steliana RODINO1,2, Marian BUTU2*, Georgeta FIDLER1,2, Alina BUTU2, Constanta NEGOESCU3 and Călina P. CORNEA1 .................................................................................... 785 PRELIMINARY RESULTS REGARDING BIOCONTROL BACILLUS SP. STRAINS MOLECULAR DIFFERENTIATION IN Oana A. SICUIA1,2*, Călina P. CORNEA1 and Florica CONSTANTINESCU2 ...................... 786 PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS OF MICROBIAL COMMUNITIES PROFILES FROM SOIL ...... Ana-Maria TĂNASE1,2*, Iulia CHICIUDEAN1, Robertina IONESCU1, Ligia MILEA3, Călina P. CORNEA2, Tatiana VASSU1 and Ileana STOICA1 .............................................................. 787 ASPERGILLUS AND FUSARIUM FUNGAL ELICITATION IMPROVES CALLUS BIOMASS AND IN VITRO EMBRYOGENY IN CATHARANTHUS ROSEUS (L.) G. DON Dipti TONK, Abdul MUJIB*, Tasiu ISAH and Muzamil ALI ................................................. 788 SESSION 8: VETERINARY MEDICINE - FUNDAMENTAL AND PRECLINICAL SCIENCES THE COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF THE TIME TO PEAK CONCENTRATION AND THE TERMINAL HALF-LIFE OF TWO PRODUCTS BASED ON PRAZIQUANTEL, IN A BIOEQUIVALENCE STUDY Alexandra ARION1, István TÖRÖK2, Ferenc NAGY2, Annamária IMRE2, Francisc Andrei BODA2, Cristina STEFĂNUS1, Ildiko BARABASI1 and Laurenţ OGNEAN1 ......................... 789 CORONARY ARTERIES IN PIGS (SUS SCROFA DOM.) COLLATERALS OF CORONARY ARTERIES - DEEP MYOCARDIAL Alexandra BLENDEA1, Ioana CHIRILEAN1, Aurel DAMIAN1 .............................................. 790 METHODS OF UNDERWATER RESEARCH BY SCUBA DIVING Cristin BORDA1*, Silvana POPESCU, Cristina I. EL MAHDY1 ............................................. 791 COMPARISON OF STRAY DOG POPULATION MANAGEMENT BETWEEN TEL AVIV (ISRAEL) AND CLUJ-NAPOCA (ROMANIA) Cristin BORDA1*, Silvana POPESCU1, Cristina I. EL MAHDY1, L. WALLENSTEIN1 ....... 792 AN EXPERIMENTAL MODEL FOR INDUCING PERIODONTAL PATHOLOGY IN RAT: HISTOPATHOLOGICAL AND ENZYMATIC ASPECTS Adina Bianca BOŞCA1, Aranka ILEA1, Alina Simona ȘOVREA1, Anne Marie CONSTANTIN1, Flavia RUXANDA2, Vasile RUS2*, Cristian RAȚIU3, Viorel MICLĂUŞ2 .............................. 793 EVALUATION OF IN VITRO ACTIVITY OF CONVENTIONAL ANTIFUNGAL DRUGS AGAINST CLINICAL ISOLATES OF PROTOTHECA SPP. Cosmina BOUARI1*, Nicodim FIŢ2, Sorin RĂPUNTEAN2, George NADĂŞ2, Flore CHIRILĂ2, Adrian GAL1, Pompei BOLFĂ1, Flaviu TĂBĂRAN1, Marian TAULESCU1, Andraş NAGY1 and Cornel CĂTOI1.................................................................................................................... 794 COMPARATION OF CYTOBRUSH (CYTOSPIN), BIOPSY AND CULTURE METHODS OF THE ENDOMETRIUM IN MARES Latife ÇAKIR1, Kutlay GURBULAK2, Kadir Semih GUMUSSOY3 and Osman KUTSAL4 ...................................................................................................................... 795 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 66 HEMANGIOPERICYTOMA IN THE ABDOMINAL CAVITY OF A DOG Mehmet Onder KARAYIGIT1, Hanefi EROL2, Gültekin ATALAN2, Latife ÇAKIR1 Muhammed Kaan YONEZ2, Ali Cesur ONMAZ3 and Kemal VAROL3................................... 796 DEVELOPMENT OF PMP GENE-SPECIFIC PCR ASSAY WITH A HOST SPECIFIC INTERNAL CONTROL FOR CHLAMYDOPHILA FELIS Zafer CANTEKIN1*, Hasan SOLMAZ2, Nuri ALTUG3, Gamze Ozge OZMEN1 .................... 797 COMPARATIVE ANATOMICAL STUDY OF THE PELVIC LIMB SKELETON IN THE CHINCHILLA (C. LANIGERA) AND IN THE DOMESTIC RABBIT (C. CUNICULUS) Adriana CHENDE1, Irina IRIMESCU1*, Florin GHIURCO1 and Aurel DAMIAN1................. 798 PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION OF TUNICAE IN LARGE ARTERIES IN RABBIT Dalma CSIBI1, Viorel MICLĂUŞ1, Cristian MARTONOŞ1, Cristian DEZDROBITU1, Vasile RUS1*, Flavia RUXANDA1, Aurel DAMIAN1 ......................................................................... 799 THE EFFECT OF EXPERIMENTAL 17-BETA ESTRADIOL ADMINISTERING ON CALCIUM METABOLISM REGULATION IN YOUNG LAYING HENS Nicolae DOJANĂ1*, Iuliana CODREANU1, Rosalie BĂLĂCEANU2 ..................................... 800 THE USE OF AN IMPROVED TECHNIQUE IN THE MUMMIFICATION OF THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT OF THE RABBIT Ioana DUMITRU1, Cristian DEZDROBITU1, Bianca MATOSZ1, Cristian MARTONOS1, Florin SILAGHI1 and Aurel DAMIAN1 ............................................................................................... 801 ANTIMICROBIAL ASSORTMENTS EFFECT OF DIFFERENT COMMERCIAL MANUKA HONEY Mara GEORGESCU1*, Mimi DOBREA2, Anca Alexandra DOBREA (POPESCU) 2, Dragoş GEORGESCU3 .......................................................................................................................... 802 MICROBIOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF IMPORTED LOCALLY HARVESTED BLACK SEA MUSSELS FROZEN MUSSELS AND Mara GEORGESCU1*, Mimi DOBREA2, Iuliana NEAGU2 , Anca Alexandra DOBREA (POPESCU) 2, Rosalie DOJANĂ2 ............................................................................................. 803 ALTERATIONS OF GLUTAMATE, GLUTAMINE AND GLYCINE AMINO ACIDS IN CYFLUTHRIN EXPOSED RAT BRAIN Dilek GUVENC1*, Abdurrahman AKSOY1, Enes ATMACA1 ................................................. 804 SOME TOXICOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF DICHLORVOS ON RAT TESTES Dilek GUVENC1, Abdurrahman AKSOY1, Yonca Betil KABAK2, Enes ATMACA1,Yavuz Kursad DAS1, Tolga GUVENC2* .............................................................................................. 805 OVERVIEW OF COCCIDIOSIS SHEEP IN (EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SITUATION) (ALGERIA) THE REGION OF DJELFA K. HAMRAT1*, A.YAHIA2, V. COZMA3 ................................................................................ 806 COMPARATIVE ANATOMICAL STUDY OF THE THORACIC LIMB SKELETON IN THE CHINCHILLA (C. LANIGERA) AND IN THE DOMESTIC RABBIT (C. CUNICULUS) Irina IRIMESCU1*, Bob Delia1, Calin POP1, Aurel DAMIAN1 ............................................... 807 DEFENSIVE AGGRESSION IN SHELTER DOGS Timea Andrea KOCIS1, Ioan ŢIBRU1 ....................................................................................... 808 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 67 REPRESENTATION BY PERCENTAGE OF THE TUNICAE OF THE LARGE ARTERIES IN CHINCHILLAS Cristian MARTONOS1*, Cristian DEZDROBITU1, Vasile RUS1, Viorel MICLĂUȘ1, Irina IRIMESCU1, Aurel DAMIAN1.................................................................................................. 809 MORPHOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF METASTATIC CHOLANGIOCARCINOMA IN A DOG Andras-Laszlo NAGY1*, Alexandru-Flaviu TABARAN1, Marian MIHAIU1, Cornel CĂTOI1, Cosmina BOUARI1, Adrian OROS1 .......................................................................................... 810 CHARACTERISTIC MORPHO-PHISIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF FAT SPHERULES AND CELLULAR CONGLOMERATES OF GOAT AND SHEEP MILK Alina NĂSALEĂN1, Laurenţiu OGNEAN1*, Cristina ŞTEFANUŢ1, Sanda ANDREI2, Rodica SOMEŞAN1 ............................................................................................................................... 811 TAXIDERMIC ASPECTS OF THE AUTOPODIUM IN THE DOG (CANIS LUPUS FAMILIARIS) Călin Csaba POP1*, Irina IRIMESCU1, Bianca Alexandra MATOSZ1, Florin STAN1 and Aurel DAMIAN1 .................................................................................................................................. 812 THE EFFECT OF LAMIUM ALBUM AND LAMIUM PURPUREUM EXTRACTS ON SOME BLOOD PARAMETERS UNDER ANAKINETIC STRESS CONDITIONS IN WISTAR RATS Ioana ROMAN1*, Constantin PUICĂ1, Vlad TOMA1 .............................................................. 813 CORRELATION BETWEEN PERCENTAGE OF THE TESTICULAR ENDOCRINE COMPONENT AND PREPUBER MALE TEMPER Vasile RUS1*, Flavia RUXANDA1, Bianca BOSCA2, Cristian RATIU3, Adrian GAL1, George NADĂS1, Viorel MICLĂUS1 .................................................................................................... 814 OXIDATIVE STRESS EVALUATION IN RATS ANESTHETIZED WITH ISOFLURANE OR SEVOFLURANE Flavia RUXANDA1, Viorel MICLĂUŞ1*, Vasile RUS1, Adrian GAL1 and Liviu OANA1 ...... 815 BLOOD TRANSFUSION WITH CANINE BLOOD IN TWO CATS WITH HYPOVOLEMIC ANEMIA Orsolya SÁRPATAKI1, Ioana BEDECEAN1, Răzvan CODEA2, Lucia BEL2, Raul CĂTANĂ3, Ioan MARCUS1, Bogdan SEVASTRE1..................................................................................... 816 PCR ASSAY WITH HOST SPECIFIC INTERNAL CONTROL FOR STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS FROM BOVINE MILK SAMPLES Zafer CANTEKIN1, Yasar ERGUN2, Hasan SOLMAZ3*, Gamze OZGE OZMEN1, Melek DEMIR1, Radhwane SAIDI4 ...................................................................................................... 817 MORPHOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION OF LUNGS IN RABBITS AND GUINEA PIGS Florin STAN1 ............................................................................................................................. 818 HISTOCHEMICAL STUDY OF THE PROVENTRICULUS AND GIZZARD OF POSTHATCH BRONZE TURKEY (MELEAGRIS GALLOPAVO GALLOPAVO) David YOVCHEV1*, Kamelia STAMATOVA-YOVCHEVA1, Rosen DIMITROV1, Radoslav MIHAYLOV2............................................................................................................................. 819 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 68 SESSION 9: VETERINARY MEDICINE - CLINICAL SCIENCES ESTERIFIED GLUCOMANNAN IMPROVES AFLATOXIN-INDUCED DAMAGE OF SPERM PARAMETERS DURING LIQUID STORAGE OF RAM SEMEN AT 5 °C Mehmet Bozkurt ATAMAN1*, Mustafa Numan BUCAK 1, Kenan ÇOYAN2 ......................... 820 EFFECT OF CLOVE OIL AND ELECTRIC STUNNING ON BIOCHEMICAL BLOOD PARAMETERS IN CARP Alexander ATANASOFF1, Dimitrinka ZAPRYANOVA2, Rumen ROYDEV3*, Nadia BOZAKOVA1, Veselin IVANOV2 ............................................................................................ 821 ULTRASONOGRAPHIG ASPECTS OF MAMMARY TUMOURS IN BITCHES Iulia Maria BALACI1*, Simona CIUPE 1, A. R. POP1, Laura PARLAPAN1, Alexandra ARION1, Raluca VIDRIGHINESCU1, I. S. GROZA1 .............................................................................. 822 METHODS FOR DIAGNOSING SOME MALIGNANT NEOPLASMS OF THE CANINE NAZAL MUCOSA Emilia BALINT1*, Florin DUMITRESCU1, Iuliana MIHAI2, Nicolae MANOLESCU1 .......... 823 EGG BINDING IN A FEMALE PIGEON – A CASE REPORT Lucia BEL, Răzvan CODEA, Cosmin PEŞTEAN, Ciprian OBER, Liviu OANA .................... 824 SURGICAL MANAGEMET OF DYSTOCIA IN SNAKES AND LIZARDS Lucia BEL, A. MIHALCA, C. PEŞTEAN, C. OBER, L. OANA ............................................. 825 FOOD QUALITY – A MANDATORY APPROACH FOR FOOD SAFETY Mădălina BELOUS1 ................................................................................................................... 826 INTEREST OF INDUCING ACCESSORY CORPUS LUTEUM IN THE DAIRY COW Mohamed BESBACI1, Rachid KAIDI2 and Mounir MIBARKI1 .............................................. 827 EVALUATION OF THE FERTILITY RATE OF THE MOUFLON SEMEN THROUGH ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION IN SYNCHRONIZED SHEEP Mihai Marian BORZAN1*, Iancu Adrian MORAR2, Emoke PALL2, Alexandru Raul POP2, Ioan PAŞCA1, Adrian CÎMPEAN, Ioan Stefan GROZA2 ................................................................. 828 RAPID IDENTIFICATION OF MYCOBACTERIUM AVIUM SUBSP. AVIUM FROM MB/BACT BOTTLES USING PCR Andra-Cristina BOSTĂNARU1*, Mihai MARES1, Aurelian Sorin PASCA1, Gheorghe SAVUTA1 .................................................................................................................................. 829 MPT64 ANTIGEN SIMPLE AND RAPID TEST FOR IDENTIFICATION AND DISCRIMINATION OF MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS COMPLEX FROM NONTUBERCULOUS MYCOBACTERIA Andra-Cristina BOSTĂNARU1*, Daniela DICULENCU2, Mihai MARES1, Gheorghe SAVUTA1 .................................................................................................................................. 830 THE HELMINTH FAUNA OF THE APODEMUS SYLVATICUS IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA Oleg CHIHAI1*, D. ERHAN1, B. ROMASHOV3, N. ROMASHOVA3, N. TALAMBUTA2, S. RUSU1, V. NISTREANU1, A. LARION1 .................................................................................. 831 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 69 RESISTANCE AND ADAPTIVE CAPACITIES OF THE CALVES BEING AFFECTED BY COMBINED STRESSFUL FACTORS DURING THEIR EARLY POSTNATAL ONTHOGENESIS P. PAVALIUC1, D. ERHAN2, Ş. RUSU2, O. CHIHAI2*, M. ZAMORNEA2, E. GHERASIM2 ......................................................................................................................... 832 THE ROLE OF FEEDING TYPE IN SALMONELLA SPP. TRANSMISSION Zoriţa Maria COCORA1*, Ioan ŢIBRU1 .................................................................................... 833 CLINICAL AND PARACLINICAL MODIFICATIONS INDUCED BY CONTROLED HYPOTHERMIA IN HEALTHY DOGS Răzvan CODEA1, Cosmin PEŞTEAN1, Constantin BODOLEA 4, Mircea MIRCEAN 2 Orsolya SÁRPATAKI3, Ciprian OBER1, Lucia BEL1, Liviu OANA1 .................................................... 834 MANAGEMENT OF HYDROTHERAPY THE ORTHOPEDIC CANINE PATIENT THROUGH Laura HOMESCU1, Andrei Razvan CODEA1*, Liviu OANA1 ................................................. 835 GAIT ANALYSIS USIND ACCELEROMETRY IN HORSE Cristian Mihăită CRECAN1*, Daniela Claudia OROS1, Liviu Ioan OANA1, Mihai Oltean, Călin Cosmin Repciuc1 and Simon IZING2*....................................................................................... 836 OVARIAN DISEASES PREVALENCE STUDY ON COWS WITHIN A FARM IN NORTHEASTERN MOLDOVA Ioana Cristina CRIVEI 1, E. RUGINOSU 2, D. DRUGOCIU 1, P. ROSCA1 ............................ 837 DIAGNOSIS OF AGENTS AND ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE FROM GOAT MILK WITH SUBCLINICAL MASTITIS IN HATAY REGION Zafer CANTEKIN1, Gamze Özge ÖZMEN1, Melek DEMIR1, Zeynep YILMAZ ER1, Hasan SOLMAZ2, Yaşar ERGUN3* ..................................................................................................... 838 THE FIRST PRESENTMENT OF THE TREMATOFAUNA OF THE RANA RIDIBUNDA AND RANA LESSONAE (AMPHIBIA: RANIDAE) SPECIES IN THE CENTRAL ZONE OF MOLDOVA D. ERHAN*, E. GHERASIM .................................................................................................... 839 ASSIGNMENTS OF THE EUROPEAN FOOD SAFETY EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SURVEILLANCE OF FOOD SAFETY AUTORITY (EFSA) IN Magdalena GONCIAROV1 ........................................................................................................ 840 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS REGULATORY IN SAFETY FOOD FIELD Magdalena GONCIAROV1 ........................................................................................................ 841 DOMINANT OCCURRENCE OF RHIPICEPHALUS SANGUINEUS ON DOGS FROM TWO WESTERN COUNTIES OF ROMANIA (ARAD AND TIMIŞ) Mirela IMRE1*, Marius S. ILIE1 Kàlmàn IMRE2, and Gheorghe DĂRĂBUȘ1 ........................ 842 EFFECTIVENESS OF HIGH-FLUX HEMODIALYSIS FOR THE REDUCTION OF SERUM UREA AND CREATININE LEVELS IN LIFE THREATENING ETHYLENE GLYCOL POISONING IN DOGS - CASE REPORT Mircea MIRCEAN1, Cristian POPOVICI1, Răzvan CODEA2*, Cosmin PEŞTEAN2, Orsolya SARPATAKI3, Lucia BEL2, Liviu OANA2, Aurel BIZO4 ........................................................ 843 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 70 THE RELEVANCE OF ULTRASONOGRAPHY IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF INTESTINAL ILEUS IN HORSES Mircea MIRCEAN*1, Iuliu SCURTU1, Liviu OANA1, Cosmin PESTEAN1, Cristian POPOVICI1, Gavril GIURGIU1 ................................................................................................. 844 E. COLI AND CLOSTRIDIUM PERFRINGENS ASSOCIATED MORTALITY IN OSTRICH (STRUTHIO CAMELUS) – A CASE REPORT Mihaela NICULAE1*, Marina SPÎNU and Emoke PALL ......................................................... 845 TREATMENT OF LONG BONE FRACTURES IN 2 FOALS Daniela Claudia OROS1 *, Cristian Mihăită CRECAN1 Liviu Ioan OANA1, Călin Cosmin REPCIUC1 and Simon IZING2* ................................................................................................ 846 EXPRESSION PROFILES OF CIRCULATING CYTOKINES IN PIGS IMMUNIZED WITH TWO DIFFERENT RABIES VACCINES R.G. PLESCA1, Bernard KLONJKOWSKI2 and Gheorghe SAVUTA1* ................................. 847 THE IMPORTANCE OF ACID-BASE ANALYSIS IN DOGS WHIT ORTHOPEDIC PROCEDURES UNDER GENERAL ANAESTHESIA (P) Cristian Paul POPOVICI1, Cosmin PESTEAN2,Razvan CODEA2, Gavril GIURGIU1, Constantin Bodolea3, Liviu OANA2............................................................................................................. 848 SMALL BONE DEFECTS AUGMENTATION Cristian RAŢIU1, Simona CAVALU1, Adina Bianca BOŞCA2, Flavia RUXANDA3, Vasile RUS3*, Viorel MICLĂUŞ3 ......................................................................................................... 849 THE CORRELATION BETWEEN THE THERMAL PROCESSING PRODUCTS AND LISTERIA MONOCYTOGENES OF SOME MEAT Adrian-Anton SĂLĂGIAN FLOREA1,2, Marian MIHAIU1 and Ioan PASCA1* ...................... 850 DETECTION OF PARAINFLUENZA TYPE 3 VIRUS ANTIGENS IN GOATS Adriana ANIȚĂ1, Dragoș ANIȚĂ1, Cristian RĂILEANU1, Gheorghe SAVUȚA1* ................. 851 Q FEVER IS ALSO A PETS’ ZOONOSIS! Sabrina SELLALI1, Hamza KHALED1 and Abdallah BOUYOUCEF1* .................................. 852 CYTOLOGIC EVALUATION OF EARLY MAMMARY INFECTIONS IN BITCH Iosif VASIU1, Marina SPÎNU, Mihaela NICULAE1, Flaviu TĂBĂRAN and Florinel Gheorghe BRUDAŞCĂ1 .............................................................................................. 853 SPLENIC AND OTHER INTRA-ABDOMINAL FORMATIONS OF A LYMPHOID AND VASCULAR NATURE IN DOGS, DIAGNOSED THROUGH IMAGING AND PATHOLOGIC ANATOMY Cristina-Alice VULPE¹, Sorin Aurelian PASCA², Vasile VULPE, Leonardo MEOMARTINO³, Ionel PAPUC¹ ............................................................................................................................ 854 GLOMERULAR AND TUBULAR MARKERS IN DOGS WITH CHRONIC KIDNEY FAILURE AND HEALTHY CONTROL DOGS Anton RUSENOV1*, Dimitrinka ZAPRYANOVA2, Nikolina RUSENOVA3, Alexander ATANASOFF4 and Veselin IVANOV5 ..................................................................................... 855 THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF ULTRASOUNDS ON SPASTIC MUSCLE IN DOGS WITH THORACO-LUMBAR SPINAL DISEASE ASSESED BY ELECTROMYOGRAPHY Adina ZBÂNGU1*, Gabriela-Dumitrita STANCIU1 , Gh. SOLCAN1 ...................................... 856 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 71 SESSION 10: LAND MEASUREMENT, NATURAL AND HUMANISTICS SCIENCES BIORETENTION SYSTEMS OR SUSTAINABLE DRAINAGE SYSTEMS FOR RURAL AND AGRICULTURAL AREAS Păuniţa BOANCĂ*1, Emil LUCA1, Adelina DUMITRAŞ1, Laura LUCA2, Giurgiu, R.1 ........ 857 THE MONITORIZATION OF LAND SLIDES WITH THE AID OF TOPO-GEODESYC METHODS 1 1 2 Istvan BOTOND SZILAGYI , Marcel DÎRJA , Mihai VOEVOD .......................................... 858 ECOTOPOLOGY DESCRIPTION OF FRATA AMELIORATION PERIMETER (CLUJ COUNTY) Cristian Aurelian BUTA, Marcel DIRJA, Adela HOBLE*........................................................ 859 THE MORPHOMETRIC CRITERIA OF CETATUIA HILL - SOTHERN SLOPE (CLUJNAPOCA) ALTER BY EROSION PROCESS Marcel DIRJA1, Adela HOBLE1*, Alexandru COLISAR1, Adrian SCHIPOR2 ........................ 860 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF WOODEN STRUCTURES BY USING FEM Marius Serban FETEA ............................................................................................................... 861 SPECIES INVENTORY OF VEGETATION COVER FROM CETATUIA HILL - SOTHERN SLOPE (CLUJ-NAPOCA) ALTER BY EROSION PROCESS Adela HOBLE*, Marcel DIRJA, Mihai VOEVOD, Vasile CEUCA ......................................... 862 USING GIS SYSTEM IN ASSESSING REAL ESTATE PROPERTY Voichiţa ROIB1*and Ilinca ROIB2 ............................................................................................. 863 ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION HABITS OF TUBERCULOSIS PATIENTS Andrea MÜLLER-FABIAN* ..................................................................................................... 864 ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES TESTING Rodica Silvia STAN1, Elvira OROIAN1, Mihaela MIHAI1, and Livia BRADEA2* ................. 865 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 72 ORAL PRESENTATIONS 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 73 Section 1: Agriculture PLANT BREEDING: NEW DIRECTIONS FOR AN OLD SCIENCE Clay SNELLER* Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, The Ohio State University, USA. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: demands, genomic selection, marker assisted selection Introduction. Plant breeding is a vital component to meeting the pressing food and fiber demands of the future. Yet fundamental plant breeding paradigm remains little changed since its inception. Statistics have made this process more accurate, machines have allowed the use of larger populations, and molecular tools such as marker-assisted selection have improved efficiency for some large effect genes. Plant breeding is effective but is also slow and inefficient. Recently, next-generation sequencing has made it possible to genotype an individual with 1,000s of markers for very little cost. This could have far reaching implications plant breeding, though like all technologies there are pitfalls as well as potential. I will discuss our application of large marker data sets to applied plant breeding of wheat with a focus on traits with complex inheritance such as yield and resistance to one disease. One application is association analysis to identify QTLs, though this approach has not been particularly fruitful in our program. The second application is Genomic Selection (GS). Our preliminary results with GS appear quite promising. Our cross validation results suggest the relative efficiency of GS compared to phenotypic selection is about 0.5. Through two cycles of GS we have seen an improvement of predicted breeding values resulting from GS. Aims. I will present some ideas on extending and integrating GS into an on-going plant breeding program. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 74 Section 1: Agriculture COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN GRASSLAND IN FLANDERS AND IN TRANSYLVANIA Lucien CARLIER², Didier HUYGENS1, Ioan ROTAR3, Roxana VIDICAN3, Anamaria MĂLINAŞ3 1 University College KaHo Sint-Lieven, Agro- and Biotechnology, Sint-Niklaas, Belgium 2 Eurappel vzw, Leuven, Belgium. 3 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca Romania. Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: grassland, differences, biodiversity, productivity, Flanders, Transylvania Introduction. Since World War II, plant breeding, land improvement and the use of fertilisers and pesticides have been applied as means of increasing primary production. In countries where pasture production is highly seasonal, countries with either cold winters or hot dry summers, feeding systems using cereals (especially maize cultivation) and protein-rich supplements (soybean meal), as well as crop by-products (sugar beet pulp, swill, …) have been developed to meet the nutritional needs of herbivores when there is insufficient grass to graze to meet the animals needs for maintenance, pregnancy and meat and milk production. In countries with plenty of cheap available cereals, pulses and crop by-products, feedlot systems have been developed in which cattle never feel a need to utilise pastoral resources at all (Huygens et al., 2013). Aims. This study aims to make a comprehensive analysis of low-input grassland system characteristic to Flandra, Belgium and Transylvania, Romania. Materials and Methods. In order to fulfill the objective proposed a brief and comprehensive analysis of both regions taken to be studied was made. For each region a specific area was chosen, namely Flandra for Belgium and Apuseni Mountain for Transylvania, Romania. Results. The study pointed out lot of differences between the two areas taken into study. While Flanders grassland stand up thru their high productivity, grasslands from Transylvania are remarkable due to their abundance and richness of meadow species. These differences appeared as a result of many factors from which the different soil type, height and climatic condition are mandatory. No less important is the management applied felt especially on grassland biodiversity. These regions have a common point thru their importance throughout the country and for locals, particularly. Conclusion. The differences in soil type, height and climate as well as the management applied drafted lot of differences between the two areas taken into study. References 1. Huygens D., Vidican R., Rotar I., Mălinaş A. (2013). Exploitation and management of low input grassland systems, KaHo Sint-Lieven, Agro- and Biotechnology, Sint-Niklaas Belgium: 5. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 75 Section 1: Agriculture TUTA ABSOLUTA (MEYRICK) (LEPIDOPTERA GELECHIIDAE) ADULT FEEDING ON TOMATO LEAVES Raul BAETAN1, Ion OLTEAN1, Rocco ADDANTE 2, Francesco PORCELLI 2* 1 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca Romania. 2 DiSSPA Entomology and Zoology, UNIBA Aldo Moro, Bari, Italy. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: adult feeding, solanaceous crops, Tuta absoluta Introduction. The Tomato Leaf Miner, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera Gelechiidae), is actually a most dangerous pest of solanaceous crops. Aims. While demonstrating the Tomato Leaf Miner adults, both male and female, ability to feed on tomato leaves we report an unexpected behaviour for this microlepidoptera. This paper details also morphological adaptation of the proboscis involved in feeding and evidences of the action on the leaves. Materials and Methods. Observation were given by digital camera-equipped stereoscope and Cryo-SEM. Results. We discuss the mean of adult feeding in respect to moth mating and egg laying. A possible use of adult feeding in Tomato Leaf Miner IPM is also discussed. Conclusions. The adult Tomato Leaf Miner is capable to feed by wounding tomato leaf by its proboscis. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 76 Section 1: Agriculture AGROCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF SOILS FROM CLUJ COUNTY Ştefan BAKOS1, Marilena MĂRGHITAŞ2* 1 2 Soil and Agrochemical Studies Office Cluj, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: agro-chemistry, resources, limitative, productive. Introduction. Taking into account a wide variety of pedologyc-climatic conditions, soils differ greatly through morphological, physical and chemical characteristics, as well as in terms of fertility and productive potential (Bakoș and Miclăuș, 2001). The often use of wrong or inadequate technologies for cultures don’t only affects quantities and quality of agricultural production, but also put in danger the reserve of soil (Bakoș, 2001, Rusu et al., 2005, Mărghitas et al., 2011). Aims. The aim of this work was grouping soils depending on the main agrochemical and pedologycal features, as well as the prognosis of the evolution of the pedologycal fund in the context of technologization and agricultural chemicalization in Cluj. Materials and Methods. The research was conducted within the territory from Cluj County on an area of 426,177 ha, representing the area of agricultural lands from the total of 667,400 ha. Description of specific pedologyc-climatic conditions of the studied area, the delineation and definition of soil units and lands as well as analysis of the main chemical characteristics of the soil was done using Soil Assessment Study Methodology (Vol. I, II, III), developed by ICPA Bucharest. Results. From the synthetic situation presented above results that primarily in Cluj County dominate moderately acidic and acid soils on over 50% of the area mapped. Nor in terms of content of main nutrients is a positive evolution. And here we refer primarily to the content of phosphorus. Results it appears a fairly large proportion of soils have a deficient in phosphorus (70%), lower than the limit of 30-35 ppm P (AL), considered as the threshold for satisfying crops with phosphorus Conclusion. In terms of soils reaction dominates low and moderately acidic soils (50%) because of the climatic conditions and the application of fertilizers without an agrochemical basis.Regarding the content of the main nutrients is observed primarily a deficiency of phosphorus (70% of the mapped surface), a deficiency induced by inappropriate agrotechnical works and wrong application of chemical and organic fertilizers. References 1. Bakos St. (2001). Soils on the sunny slopes from the Transylvanian Plain, PhD Thesis, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca. 2. Marghitas M., Mihai M., Toader C., Moldovan L., Roman G. (2011). Handbook of agricultural plant fertilization technology. Academic Press Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca. 3. Rusu M., Marghitas M., Mihailescu T., Oroian I., Dumitras A. (2005). Treaty of agrochemical studies, Ceres Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 77 Section 1: Agriculture RESEARCH ON THE REACTION OF SOYBEAN CULTIVARS TO DISEASES ATTACK IN 2013, IN THE COUNTY OF BRĂILA Alexandru Gheorghe BĂLAȘU, Cristinel Relu ZALĂ* and Stelica CRISTEA Department of Plant Science. University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: attack, bacterial burning, cultivars, soybean,soybean mosaic potyvirus Introduction. Soybeans were introduced and expanded in culture in Romania in 1911 (Dencescu and Popa, 1973). Bacterial burning is a widespread disease in soybeans, which occurs most frequently under cold and wet climate. Widely cultivated soybean is susceptible to diseases, the most common being the bacterial ones (Jagtap and Dey, 2012). Soybean mosaic potyvirus is spread everywhere in the world wide as the most damaging viral phytopathogens soybeans. Soybean mosaic causes stunting of plants and crinkled and mottling of leaves. Fusarium species can infect plants at any stage of soybean development but infection is particularly favored when plants are weakened. The study was developed during the proces of doctoral studies, conducted within the project POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765, project co-financed by ESF through POSDRU 2007-2013. Materials and Methods. Three cultivars were tested: PR92M22, PR92B63, PR91M10. Visual observation is the fastest method to identify a disease based on signs and symptoms shown by infected soybean plants. Scouting for pathogens attack has a particular importance in soybean to establishing the need for chemical treatments during the vegetation season. The attack value is represented by frequency (F%), intensity (I%) and attack degree (AD%). Intensity indicates the degree to which the soybean plant is attacked under examination. Intensity was noted directly in percentage. The attack degree present severity of pathogens in the crop and was calculated using the frequency (disease incidence) and intensity (severity). Results. Infected plants with Soybean mosaic potyvirus and Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. glycinea manifested only lesions on the leaves. The data presented show the results on the behaviour of some soybeans cultivars to the diseases attack under natural contamination. Conclusion: Soybean mosaic potyvirus and bacterial burning in soybeans was limited to leaves. Symptoms of bacterial burning occurred on the upper floor leaves. References 1. Dencescu S., Popa, Gh., (1973). Soiuri de soia cultivate şi tehnologia producerii de seminţe. Probleme agricole, 4: 5-12. 2. Jagtap G., Dey U., (2012). Bacterial Blight of Soybean: Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 78 Section 1: Agriculture INFLUENCE OF CROP ROTATION UPON WEEDY DEGREE IN MAIZE Ileana BOGDAN1, Teodor RUSU2, Adrian POP1, Paula MORARU1, Ştefania GÂDEA1, Tincuta GOCAN1, Bogdan DUDA1, Nicoleta IOICA2 1 Faculty of Agriculture. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj - Napoca, Romania. 2 Technological College „Stefan Manciulea” Blaj, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: maize, crop rotation, weedy degree, interactions. Introduction. Weed control is vital for high yields of good quality crops and to prevent the spread of pests and diseases. Many factors determine weed incidence and effective weed management in arable crops requires integration of them all: crop choice and rotation, managing the weed seedbank, cultivations, drilling date, crop competition, herbicide choice, application and timing, recent weed control strategies, weather, agronomist/farmer perceptions (Davis et all, 2010). Modern weed control in maize involves an integrated program that involves the old methods (plowing, hoeing, rotation) and herbicides. By integrated control, all the measures are framed into one system. While framed into a system, each method becomes more eficient and more economical (Berca, 2004). Aims. Through the research that was done to develop this work, we aimed to elucidate some aspects considering the weeding distinctiveness of this crop in Alba county and its variability in different rotations that involve maize crop and the aspects related to the between crop rotations, climatically conditions, and weedy degree in maize, for reducing the impact of weeds upon maize and for decreasing the chemical weed control in this crop. Materials and Methods. The research were performed over a period of 4 years 2009- in Alba county, Blaj area, on a relatively flat field, with a slight tilt (till 7o ) located on the Tarnava Mare high meadow, on an typical Fluvisol with clay-loam texture in the upper horizon and moderate humus content (2 - 4%) and nutritive substances. There was applied an monofactorial experiment with crop rotation as factor and 3 graduation of it: a1 = monoculture, a2= 3 year rotation: peas - winter wheat – maize, a3 = 4 year rotation: maize potato or sugar beet - maize - winter wheat. The annual experience surface on each rotation in part STexp/A.= 2520 m2, the total surface of the experiment, on those 3 rotations is 7 560 m2. Results. Maize monoculture encourages the very significant development of maize weeding, regardless the climatic conditions in spring. If there aren’t applied effective methods of maize weeding control in monoculture, as the duration increases, the weeding potential also increases, due to the development of the maize crop characteristic species. In the fourth year of monoculture, the early weeding increased with an average of 127 plants/ m2, which represents as huge risk for the maize crop. The three year rotation, with the whole system of works and the corresponding inputs, which attends it, decreases starting with the second year significantly distinct maize average weed, and from the third year of the rotation, the decreasing is very significant. The four year rotation arises very signifiant from a statistical point of view in reducing the early weed of maize, from the second year of the rotation. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 79 Section 1: Agriculture SUSTAINABLE INTENSIFICATION OF AGRICULTURE IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA Boris BOINCEAN* Selection Research Institute of Field Crops, Alecu Russo State University, Bălţi, Republic of Moldova. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: agricultural intensification, sustainable farming system. Introduction. Industrial model of agricultural intensification in Moldova didn't allow to achieve a sustainable development of agriculture in Moldova, because of high dependence from nonrenewable sources of energy and their derivates (fuel, mineral fertilizers, especially, nitrogen, pesticides etc). Prices for such resources are very high at the moment, but they will increase in the future. Besides the economic reason, the negative ecological and social consequences of their application are well documented. Farmers are looking for alternatives to existing conventional farming systems with less dependency from nonrenewable sources of energy and their derivates. Aims. The alternative approach to farm intensification is based not on increased industrial inputs, but on more intensive recycling of nutrients and renewable energy at the local level in each farm. Materials and Methods. It can be done only by implementing the system approach to farm intensification instead of simplistic (reductionistic) one. Our modern farming systems need more ecological (system) modernization than technological modernization. If to put in the other way, modern technologies can be efficient only in the frame of rational crop rotations, which in their turn are well harmonized with the whole farming system. Among the agro ecological principles to be respected in order to achieve a more sustainable farming system we should mention: land organization according the landscape particularities with differentiation of land use; respecting crop rotations with a higher diversity of the main, successive and cover crops; integration of animal and crop husbandries with a more uniform distribution of animals in the farm in order to restore soil fertility; integration of agro forestry in the farm management for an optimal ecological infrastructure etc. Results. Data obtained in the long-term field experiments at Selectia Research Institute of Field Crops (Balti, Republic of Moldova) are proving the tendency of yield decrease, especially during the last 20-25 years, although new varieties and hybrids have been implemented. It should be mentioned that equality with the diminishing level of soil fertility the frequency of droughts have increased. It is evident that farming systems should be better adapted to climate changes in the conditions of global warming. Experimental data allow finding ways how to reduce inputs of mineral fertilizers, pesticides, fuel for soil tillage, irrigational water etc, by respecting crop rotations. Conclusion. The role of mixture of perennial leguminous crops and grasses in crop rotations is crucial for increasing soil quality with many positive economic, ecological and social consequences. It was proved that only a friendly for the environment farming system can be profitable from economic point of view. In order to make a real transition to a more sustainable farming system we should take in consideration the ecosystem services provided by agriculture for the environment and society. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 80 Section 1: Agriculture EFFECT OF A BIOLOGICAL FERTILIZER ON THE GROWTH AND THE EFFICIENCY ON THE TOMATO (LYCOPERSICUM ESCULENTUM CERASIFORME), CULTIVATED IN GREENHOUSE Maria Stela BRADEA1*, S.A. SNOUSSI1 and K. BEGHLAL2 1 Laboratory of Vegetal Biology, University of Blida1, Algeria. 2 Department of Agronomy, University of Blida1, Algeria. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: culture, foliar fertilizer , tomato, treatment. Introduction. In Algeria, more than one thousand hectares are annually dedicated to the culture of tomato under greenhouse. It is one of the most important leguminous cultures cultivated in height fields and under greenhouse with a very variable efficiency every year. To improve the efficiency and the quality of this vegetable, we use modern techniques of biological fertilization. The use of fertilizer by the foliar way became a practice known in the developed countries because it comes to fill the deficiency in nourishing elements in a fast and effective way but its excessive use entails dangerous effects for vegetables and grounds. Materials and Methods. The used plant material is the cherry tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum cerasiforme), variety Red Cherry, strong variety with indefinite growth, with a calibre of fruits which varies between 15 and 35 cm and a middleweight of 10 in 35g, sweetened well. The experimental device includes three random blocks, in two treatments (T1 and T2), with two different doses of biological fertilizer, Fertilader (D1 and D2), and control (T0) with traditional mineral fertilizer NPK (15-15-15) applied in quantity of 30g. Results. The analysis of the variance shows no significant effect between treatments. We can say that the dose of 5mL/l of Fertilader gives better results that the dose of 10mL/l (T2) who shows himself lower than T0 or we used mineral fertilizers NPK. The statistical analysis for the middleweight of fruits shows not significant differences between treatments. According to NAUGHTY BOY (1989), the middleweight of fruits is bound to the variety, to the water supply and to the density of plantation. For the average efficiency on fruits by plant, the analysis of the variance does not raise significant difference between treatments and the test of Newman and Keuls lists, the results describe a single homogeneous group. According to the obtained results we can assert that a dose of 5mlLl of Fertilader gives good yields (T1 = 1381.98g). Conclusion. The agriculture in our day is a modern and biological agriculture which uses improved varieties capable of absorbing big quantities of fertilizer to give bigger and bigger efficiencies. With the aim of improving the speed of growth, the efficiency and the quality of fruits to the tomato cultivated under greenhouse, we used a foliar biological fertilizer, Fertilader. This product was administered in two doses: 5mL/l of water (T1) and 10mL/l of water (T2), twice a week during the cycle of vegetation of the cherry tomato, the variety Red Cherry resulting (coming) from Spain. To interpret well the obtained results, we used a witness (T0) who we administered a classic mineral fertilizer NPK (15-15-15) in quantity of 30g. The treatmentT1 presents the best values what leads to the conclusion that the organic product Fertilader used under foliar shape in dose of 5mL/l administered twice a week can be successfully used for the culture of the cherry tomato under greenhouse. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 81 Section 1: Agriculture APPLICATIONS OF X-RAY COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY FOR EXAMINING SOIL STRUCTURE: A REVIEW Anca - Elena CALISTRU* and Gerard JITĂREANU 1 Department of Pedotechnics, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Iaşi, Iaşi, Romania. *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: physical properties, soil structure, X-ray CT. Introduction. The quantification of internal soil structure is the key in understanding the processes that lead to its development. Aims. In this paper we present a review of the application of X-ray computed tomography in soil science, a modern technique for structural analysis. Materials and Methods. The current analytical and traditional methods for exploring soil structure no dot fully cover the needs of the researchers, in order to characterize the soil system and its properties. Results. In the last decades, X-ray computed tomography has provided a non-destructive means in order to observe and quantify soils in 3D. It has been used in researches regarding the spatial distribution of soil pores, bulk density, macropore network structure, layer detection, permeability, calculated fractal properties, solute breakthrough, root system development etc. Conclusion. Compared to other analysis methods, the short time requiered for a CT scan (within the order of minutes) and the accuracy of the data provided, recommend this technique for the characterization of soil systems. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 82 Section 1: Agriculture EVOLUTION OF MICROBIAL FLORA DURING STORAGE OF MINIMALLY PROCESSED HERBS Giorgiana Mihaela CĂTUNESCU1, Ioan ROTAR2, Roxana VIDICAN2*, Ancuța M. ROTAR3, Florina BUNGHEZ3 1 Faculty of Agriculture. UASMV Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Faculty of Agriculture. UASMV Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 3 Faculty of Food Science and Technology. UASMV Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] 2 Keywords: dill, lovage, parsley, total plate count, total yeast and mould count. Introduction. Post-harvest operation, handling and storage of fresh herbs may lead to a decrease of bioactive compounds content and an increase in microbial contaminants. Minimal processing seems to be an efficient method that guarantee an extended shelf life and microbiological safety. Aims. The aim of the present study was to test the efficiency of minimally processing of parsley, dill and lovage by monitoring microbial flora during cold storage. Materials and Methods. Parsley (Petroselinum crispum), dill (Anethum graveolens) and lovage (Levisticum officinale) were minimally processed and preserved at 4°C for 12 days. During 12 days of storage total plate count was determined using ISO 4833 : 2003 procedure and total yeast and mould count was determined using ISO 21527 - 1 : 2008 procedure. Microbial load was correlated with sensory and biochemical parameters. Statistical analyses were performed using ANOVA (p < 0.05), Fisher (LSD, α = 5%), Pearson correlation coefficient. Results. Parsley had the highest microbial load and lovage had the lowest total yeast and mould count throughout the study. A lack of legislative regulations for microbiological parameters of minimally processed products was noted. During the 12-day storage period, total plate count and total yeast and mould count increased statistically significantly. Total yeast and mould count were positively correlated with storage. Negative correlations were observed between total plate count, total yeast and mould count, on one hand, and texture, content of total chlorophylls, vitamin C and total polyphenols, on the other. However, divergent conclusions could be drawn by correlating microbial flora with the content of volatile aroma compounds. Conclusion. The minimally processed herbs had a high initial microbial contamination level. Contamination flora increased with storage, regardless of the processing and preservation temperature. This reinforces the need for specific legislation on microbiological criteria of minimal processed products. In the absence of thermal processing, only legislative limitation of total plate count and total yeast and mould count can guarantee shelf life and food security. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 83 Section 1: Agriculture STUDY OF SOME PRODUCTION AND QUALITY INDEX ON SOME WINTER WHEAT VARIETIES AND LINES CREATED AT ARDS TURDA Ovidiu Adrian CECLAN1, Ionut RACZ1,2, Ioan HAS1,2*, Rozalia KADAR1, Vasile MOLDOVAN1 1 2 Agricultural Research and Development Station Turda, Turda, Romania. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: breadmaking quality, yeld, winter wheat. Introduction. Wheat occupies an important place in world agriculture. Worldwide breeding programs registered considerable progress in terms of getting the varieties with high yield and quality traits to fully satisfied manufacturing industry and consumer demands. Choosing varieties depending on the climatic conditions that are associated with technology inflicted a decisive factor in the successful cultivation of wheat both in terms of production and quality. Aims. The purpose of this paper is to study the full potential of varieties and lines of winter wheat created at ARDS Turda in terms of production and quality following the application of different doses of fertilizer, basic fertilizer and additional fertilizing using N,P, type of fertilizer. This allows examination of the response of each genotype to apply nutrients but also to establish minimum and maximum limit of fertilizers Materials and Methods. The experimental model is balanced square grid method in 6 repetitions (3 +3) with two levels of fertilization. The first three repetitions were fertilized in the fall complex fertilizers NPK 20:20:0 and the last three repetitions were additionally fertilized in the spring preceding the pea plant. Results. From the analysis of the results it is found that all tested varieties react favorably to fertilization with increases of production and there are differences between varieties reaction to fertilization. Besides the influence of fertilizers in increasing wheat production, which contributes to increases of protein content, and in particular nitrogen fertilizers improves the quality of the harvest. Conclusion. Low yields and poor quality of crops is often the result of poor technology as well as insufficient or lack of fertilization, crop rotation failure and not least the improper use of genotypes for the area that are grown. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 84 Section 1: Agriculture WEED CONTROL IN SOYBEAN CULTIVATED IN MINIMUM TILLAGE SYSTEM AND THE PRODUCTION OBTAINED AT ARDS TURDA Cornel CHEŢAN1,2, Teodor RUSU2, Ileana BOGDAN2, Felicia CHEŢAN1,2, Alina ŞIMON1,2 1 2 Agricultural Research and Development Station Turda, Turda, Romania. Faculty of Agriculture,University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: minimum tillage, weeds control, production, climate conditions. Introduction. Soybeans is most value oleoproteaginos plants and is cultivated in, many countries of the world, being using all of biomass especialy, but seeds it is rich in protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals salts (Munteanu et al., 1995; Scurtu, 2001; Gus et al., 2004). To obtain high-quality productions, an especially important role singing against all other technological links and biological material used, is the weed (Ionescu, 2000). Soy is a sensitive plant to weeding in the first 25 days of the period of the growing season when plants are growing more slowly, weeds having a negative effect on production because soy plants remain poorly developed. Aims. The aims of research conducted and presented in the paper is researching the influence and effectiveness of herbicides used for weed control in soybean crop in relation to tillage system, their influence on the degree of weed and yields obtained. Materials and Methods. The experiment realized at ARDS Turda in 2012-2013, is an bifactorial experiment with two factors: 1. The system of soil tillage (A), 2 graduation: A1 conventional method (plowghing-preparation of the soil-seeding + fertilizing); A2 - minimum tillage: soil tillage with chisel-seeding + fertilizing. 2. Treatements (B), 12 graduation: B1untreated control, B2-B12, doses, combinations and different times of application. Results. Soybeans grown under strong high weeds Transylvania Plain unless preventive measures are taken by the proper differentiated agricultural technology and curative measures by applying specific complementary action of herbicides in weed control. Climatic conditions influence the utmost weeding soybean crop. Conclusion. The average yield obtained in soybean crop in the system with minimum tillage (chisel version) is 1460 kg/ha, very close to the yields obtained in the conventional system (with plow) which was 1474 kg/ha, an insignificant difference of - 14 kg/ha. In these circumstances, we find that the tillage system has no statistically significant influence on the yields obtained in the soybean crop. Best results are obtained weed B6 variant (Sencor 70 WG dose 0.4 kg/ha applied ppi, Basagran Forte + Agil dose 2.5 l/ha + 1.0 l/ha post-emergence application I and variant B7 (Guardian/Acetogan + Sencor 2.2 l/ha + 0.4 kg/ha Preem with soil incorporation, Pulsar + Fusilade 1.2 l/ha + 1.5 l/ha applied post I). Aknowledgements. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 85 Section 1: Agriculture RESULTS OBTAINED FROM MAIZE PRODUCTION DURING THE PERIOD 2012 - 2013 IN MINIMUM TILLAGE, AT ARDS TURDA Felicia CHEŢAN1,2, Teodor RUSU2, Cornel CHEŢAN1,2, Alina ŞIMON1,2, Mircea IGNEA1 1 2 Agricultural Research and Development Station Turda, Turda, Romania. Faculty of Agriculture,University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: maize, agriculture conservative system, clime condition, production. Introduction. World demand and grain growing, being subject to overload earth it will exhaust resources, accelerating the process of erosion with serious long-term consequences (Brown, 1988). Maintaining a certain ballances in agroecosystem is the foundation of sustainable agriculture through agrotechnics measures and the works required, ensure the adjustment its components, without irreversible ecological consequences (Rusu et al., 2005). Aims. Purpose of the research is the development of conservative agriculture exploding conventional and conservative system in relation to fertilization and combinations of treatments with chemical fertilizers, fungicides and insecticides. Materials and Methods. The experiment realised at ARDS Turda in 2012-2013, situated in Transilvania Plain, on a preluvosol with texture sandy loam-clay type, pH-neutral, supply good and very good with mobile phosphorus and potassium, soil in humus content is medium. The experiment realised is an threefactorial experiment with three factors: 1. The system of soil work (A), 2 graduation: A1- conventional method with ploughing - preparation of the soil - seeding + fertilizing; A2 – minimum tillage: soil tillage with cisel. 2. Fertilization (B), 2 graduation: B1 - fertilizing with N40P40 at the same with seeding; B2 - fertilizing with N40P40 at the same with seeding + fertilizing with N40 in 4 - 6 leaf of maize. 3. Treatement in vegetation (C): 4 graduation in differents phenophases at maize. Results. Production of maize obtained in the cultivation of conventional system with plowghing compared to the minimum work with chisel (in the period 2012-2013), have demonstrated once again that year (weather conditions) determine the harvest. Higher production values are obtained in the years richer in precipitation that provide fertilizer applied in solubilizing the early stages of vegetation, therefore production increases were relatively small in both 2012 and 2013, the differences being between 45-80 kg/ha. Conclusion. Corn production in 2012 is greater in the classic work of the soil with 352 kg/ha in the variant with a single fertilization (simultaneously with the sowing) and 570 kg/ha in two variant derived from the output in the system with the minimum of ground works (the chisel plough). The influence of the years are very strong, for the production of corn, has led to the overcoming of the classical minimum system with differences being recorded productions of 689 kg/ha (variant with a fertilization) and 414 kg/ha (two derived). Aknowledgements. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 86 Section 1: Agriculture THE EFFECT OF VARIOUS PLANT GROWTH MEDIA PREPARED WITH FRESH AND AGED SPENT MUSHROOM COMPOST ON THE NUTRIENT CONTENT OF CRYSANTHEMUM (Chrysanthemum morifolium) Nuray ÇİÇEK ATİKMEN1*, Cihat KÜTÜK2 and Gülay KARAHAN3 1 2 Faculty of Forestry, Çankırı Karatekin University, Cankırı, Turkey. Faculty of Agriculture, Ankara University, Agricultural Ankara, Turkey. 1 Faculty of Forestry, Çankırı Karatekin University, Cankırı, Turkey. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Crysanthemum, growth parameters, growth media, spent mushroom compost, Introduction. Crysanthemum is one of the most preferred ornamental plants among perennial plants. The mainly reasons of this are blossoming in autumn, remaining bloomy for a long time, existence of its different alternatives. Furthermore, it has facility of using inside, because small bloomy forms of chrysanthemum can be grown in pots. Aims. In this greenhouse study, nutrients contents of Crysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium ‘Vista’) in the media containing fresh (unweathered) and ripe (weathered 2 years) spent mushroom compost that will lessen organic soil input and meet its need of nutrients for cultivation. Materials and Methods. In this context, 13 different mixtures including spent mushroom compost, organic soil and perlite were prepared. Each mixture was tested five times in completely randomized designed and the effects of mentioned 13 mixtures on nutrients determined in the end of the trial were compared. Results. Besides some physical and chemical characteristics of the materials used in the trial, nitrogen, phosphor, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, zinc, manganese and copper were determined as a sign of visual parameters of nutrition of chrysanthemum. Conclusion. At the end of this study, some advices were given about spent mushroom compost where chrysanthemum can be grown most appropriately. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 87 Section 1: Agriculture CONSIDERATIONS REGARDING THE RELATION BETWEEN MEADOW AND ANIMAL IN BAISOARA COMMUNE Mirela CIREBEA, Ioan ROTAR* Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca Romania. Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: mountain area, vegetation cover, grassland systems management, number of animals. Introduction. The mountains formed of the oldest times an environment inhabited by the humans. All over the European mountains, mountain people have ensured that feed in the first place by agriculture focused on the animal husbandry especially ruminants. Increasing cattle, sheep and goats has been widespread concern in Europe with accents and northern temperate climate zones. Pastures have a very important role in mountain agriculture and are characterized mainly by small structures and low input systems. After 1990 the management of grassland systems in Romania has undergone of many important changes. This situation is mainly caused by the decreasing number of animals and by the diminished interest of people responsible on its management. In this tendency we can include the natural landscape of Apuseni Mountains, on which we focused all our attention and which, in fact represents the object of our study. Aims. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of mountain grassland reported of grazing capacity (grassland belongs to Baisoara commune, Apuseni Mountains) under the influence of the management applied, the level of anthropogenic and tradition influence. Materials and Methods. For these purposes, studies aimed to determine the floristic structure, the evolution of livestock and demographic tendency have been conducted. Vegetation study was made using Braun- Blanquét method. Results. With the results obtained, vegetation coverage degree and grazing capacity were determinate and the direction in evolution of vegetation cover was established. For these we used data regarding the number of animals, as well as data about agricultural surfaces and demographic evolution. These were taken from the Agricultural Registers of Băisoara commune (data related to the number of animal and agricultural surfaces) and from The National Institute of Statistics (data about demographic evolution). Conclusion. The obtained results showed a close relationship between grassland status and the number of animals, which led us to the conclusion that the level of intensification of the crop system determines the direction of evolution. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 88 Section 1: Agriculture RESEARCH ON THE INFLUENCE OF BIODYNAMIC PREPARATIONS FROM TWO VARIETIES OF WHEAT (Triticum aestivum ssp. vulgare, Triticum aestivum ssp. spelta) Raul CHIUHAN1*, Marcel DUDA1 Gavrilă MORAR1, Cristina MOLDOVAN1 and Liviu TOMOŞ1 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: biodynamic agriculture, preparation, wheat. Introduction. In recent decades agricultural production and its yield increased proportionally with fertilizers and pesticides worldwide who has lead to environmental problems and finally to climate change. Biodynamic agriculture is an organic agriculture which brings in addition specific fermented herbal preparations as compost additives and field sprays. Biodynamic agriculture appeared in 1924 after eight lectures held by Rudolf Steiner in Koberwitz (now Kobierzyce, Poland). Aims. The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of some biodynamic preparations on the productivity elements from two subspecies of wheat studied in climatic conditions of Jucu, Cluj County. Materials and Methods. The research is founded in one of the experimental field of UASVM Cluj-Napoca in the town of Jucu, Cluj County during the years: 2011 – 2012 – 2013. Wheat varieties studied are Arieşan (Triticum aestivum ssp. vulgare) and Oberkulem rotkorn (Triticum aestivum ssp. spelta). The biodynamic preparation used was horn manure (500) and horn silica (501). We had three variants of fertilization compared with unfertilized: V1 – unfertilized; V2 – 1 kg/ha horn manure + 2 g/ha horn silica; V3 – 2 kg/ha horn manure + 4 g/ha horn silica; V4 – 3 kg/ha horn manure + 6 g/ha horn silica. Half of the horn manure was applied in the same time with sowing and the rest of horn manure plus horn silica postemergence. We took 2 rows of plants from 1 m in ich variety and after that we lead ear length, number of grains per ear and mass of a thousand grains. Results. The longest ears were obtained in 2012, 12.76 cm, at the variety Oberkuklem rotkorn in the variant: 3 kg/ha horn manure + 6 g/ha horn silica. At the Arieşan variety we obtained greatest ear length in 2012: 8.58 cm with the variant: 3 kg/ha horn manure + 6 g/ha horn silica. Conclusion. In the present research work we recorded that in the climatic conditions of Jucu, Cluj County both variety: Arieşan and Oberkulem rotkorn respond with significant differences of production in the application of biodynamic preparation. In all three years we found that biodynamic preparations influence the size ear, number of grains per ear and mass of thousand grains resulting that biodynamic preparation bring significant influence to the production of wheat. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 89 Section 1: Agriculture THE EVOLUTION OF AGROCLIMATIC INDICATORS IN 2009 - 2013 IN THE TRANSYLVANIAN PLAIN Camelia-Liliana COSTE*, Teodor RUSU, Ileana BOGDAN, Adrian Ioan POP, Paula Ioana MORARU, Bogdan Matei DUDA Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: agroclimatic indicators, climate change, Transylvanian Plain Introduction. Climate warming is a phenomenon already revealed by the analysis of observational data for long periods of time. Effects of climate change in agriculture is reflected in changing areas of crop suitability and the phenology and plant vegetation period. (EEA, 2012) Aims. Analysis of data obtained in relation to the principles of soil conservation and adaptation to climate phenomena observed in monitoring agro-climatic factors. Materials and Methods. In the study we used data of temperature and humidity electronically recorded by 10 microstations (HOBO-MAN-H21-002 type) located in Transylvanian Plain, which allows storage of electronic data and viewing them through the HOBOware Pro Software Version 2.3.0., data were then statistically analyzed and interpreted. Results. Results highlight the dynamic evolution of soil moisture and air temperature in Transylvanian Plain due to agro-climatic analysis of the indicators calculated for the period 2009-2013. In this period, the annual average temperature at 10 cm depth in the soil were between 10.58 ºC (at Triteni station) and 13.23 ºC (at Filpisu Mare station). For Taga and Dipsa stations, values were 10.73 ºC, respectively 11.49 ºC. Conclusion. Based on the results obtained from the statistical analysis and interpretation of agroclimatic indicators can develop specific measures to adapt to the effects of climate change observed. References 1. Busuioc A., Dumitrescu Al., Soare E. and Orzan A. (2007). Summer anomalies in 2007 in the context of extremely hot and dry summers in Romania. Romanian Journal of Meteorology, Vol. 9, No. 1-2, ISSN 1223-1118 2. *** Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe (2012). An indicator – based report, Summary, European Environment Agency, ISBN 978-92-9213-346-7, ISSN 17259177, doi:10.2800/66071 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 90 Section 1: Agriculture THE EFFECT OF ORGANO-MINERAL FERTILIZATION TO POTATO DUE TO THE AGROCHEMICAL CHANGES MADE TO DISTRICAMBOSOIL FROM THE MOUNTAINOUS AREAS Ionela DAVID, Marilena MĂRGHITAŞ* Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: potato, fertilization, soil, nutrients. Introduction. Agriculture has a major contribution to the sustainable rural development and to the development of the economy of a country, thanks to the implementation of some agricultural technological systems which helps: to rise the organic matter content in soil, to reduce the negative impact of soil degradation processes and especially to increase and maintain the fertility of the soil. Aims. The project puts forward the agrochemical changes brought to the districambosoil, by organ-mineral fertilization to the potato crop, located in Avram Iancu village in 2012 – 2013 agricultural year. Materials and Methods. The experimental design was realized under conditions similar to those used for obtaining the best potato crop specific in a mountainous region, Avram Iancu village being located at an altitude between 800 -1100 m. In 2012-2013, the experiment was bi-factorial started, with Ostara variety, cultivated by the subdivided parcels method. Soil samples were physico-chemical analyzed considering the ICPA methodology of agrochemical laboratories (ICPA, 1980, 1981). Results. The analysis of the main agrochemical factors of districambosoil cultivated with potatoes in Avram Iancu village, highlights the acid and the strong acid character (pHH2O 4.75-5.86), with a moderat humus content. The organo-mineral fertilization causes significant modifications to the agrochemical factors, favorizing a substatial growth of the mobile forms of the phosphorus and potasium. Bioavailability of the nutrients is assured by this type of fertilization creating good conditions for the soi land also preventing the posibble negatice changes due to the acidity and the nutrient losses encountered during the fertilization process. Conclusions. The assesed results,can give proper recommendation regarding these applied agricultural techniques in mountain area, by implementing and promoting organo-mineral fertilisation systems. This type of fertilization is considered efficient and protective for soil and also for potatoe crop. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 91 Section 1: Agriculture THE INFLUENCE OF PHOSPHORUS AND NITROGEN DOSES UPON SOYBEAN YIELD OBTAINED ON CERNOZIOM SOIL, AT AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH – DEVELOPMENT STATION TURDA Valeria DEAC1, 2, Ioan ROTAR1*, Roxana VIDICAN1, Anamaria MĂLINAȘ1 1 2 Agricultural Research and Development Station Turda, Turda, Romania. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: soybean, fertilization, year, doses, P, N. Introduction. Long-term experiences with mineral fertilizers, have the role to evaluate and to study what happens to the soil from different areas of one country. Soybean long term experiences have the purpose to create an optimal system of fertilization and amendation by establishing optimal economic dosage of fertilizers and energy, taking into account all crop and soil-climatic conditions (Munteanu et al., 2008). Along with genetic factors, technological factors mainly mineral fertilization and climatic conditions have a great influence on soybean production (Hera, 2005). Aims. The present study aims to evaluate the influence of phosphorus and nitrogen doses upon soybean yield obtained on cernoziom soil, in condition specific to Turda city, Romania. Materials and Methods. The long-term experiences were installed on Agricultural ResearchDevelopment Station Turda after the randomized blocks method, with 25 variants in 6 repetitions. The experimental factors and their graduations are: A: doses of phosphorous with 5 graduations: A1: P0, A2: P40, A3: P80, A4:P120, A5: P160; B: doses of nitrogen with 5 graduations: B1: N0, B2: N25, B3: N50, B4: N75, B5: B100; C: experimental years with 5 graduations: C1:2009, C2: 2010, C3: 2011, C4:2012, C5:2013, from these, 2 years are dry (2009 and 2011), 2 years are normally (2012 and 2013) , and 1 year very wet. Results. We observed that P80, P120, P160 dosages have significant, distinct significance and very significant influence on soybean production; the yields registered are higher having values between 100 and 350 kg\/ha. In which concerns the influence of nitrogen doses we observed that on N75 and N100, yields are distinct and very significant, ranging between 100 and 250 kg/ha. Conclusion. Studying the interaction between the doses of nitrogen and those of phosphorus, we can observe that for the conditions specific to the experimental years taken in study the doses on which we obtained the greatest production are N100 P120, N100P80 and N75P80. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 92 Section 1: Agriculture RESEARCH REGARDING THE ASSESMENT OF THE COVERAGE DEGREE FOR PHYTOSANITARY TREATMENTS USING DIFFERENT TYPES OF NOZZLES Ioan DROCAȘ*, Ovidiu MARIAN, Sorin STĂNILĂ, Ovidiu RANTA, Adrian MOLNAR Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: coverage, spraying machine, types of nozzles. Introduction. Improving coverage with drops to conduct phytosanitary treatments especially when using contact substances may increase the effectiveness of treatments. The nozzles from which the droplets are conventional moving parallel to the stem of the plant results in a poor coverage of the leaves. Therefore double jet nozzles were made both symmetric and asymmetric for high speeds which provides a better coverage of all plant parts Aims. Experimental tests conducted with two types of nozzles aimed the coverage assessment of horizontal and vertical parts of the plant using conventional and double jet nozzles. The main objectives of this paper was to determine the coverage of plants with drops of solution using different types of nozzles Materials and Methods. In order to determine the coverage EEP 600 spraying machine was used with the tractor U 683. For the evaluation of coverage water sensitive paper was used placed on supports horizontal and vertical. This paper has a special property which allows it to change colour in contact with water. The paper was placed in three planes: anteriour, posterior and horizontal with respect to the direction of movement of the EEP 600 ME spraying machine. After passing the machine the coverage was evaluated using a program called MATHCAD to determine the covered area of a defined paper. Results. Experimental tests have demonstrated that the use of double jet nozzle determine the best coverage of the vertical sections of the plant both in the front and rear as the direction of movement of the machine. Conventional nozzles are found to have a lower coverage at the rear of the plant due to particle direction that is influenced by the speed of the machine. Conclusion. From experimental research is found that the use of double jet nozzles result in a more uniform coverage of all plant parts with droplets and therefore increase the efficacy especially with contact substances. References 1. Ros V., Gheres M. I. (2008). Method and program for evaluation of spray deposit, Bulletin USAMV, Agriculture, Vol. 65, Nr. 1: 229-234. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 93 Section 1: Agriculture ALEUROCANTHUS SPINIFERUS (QUAINTANCE) (ORANGE SPINY WHITEFLY, OSW) (HEMIPTERA, ALEYRODIDAE) A ALIEN PEST INVADING SOUTHERN ITALY Ahmed EL KENAWY1, Raul BAETAN2, Isabella CORRADO1, Daniele CORNARA1, Ion OLTEAN2, Francesco PORCELLI1* 1 2 DiSSPA Entomology and Zoology, UNIBA Aldo Moro, Bari, Italy. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Aleurocanthus spiniferus ,OSW, Puglia, whitefly Introduction. The presence of Aleurocanthus spiniferus is reported in Apulia from April 2008. This polyphagous whitefly is now spreading northward and invading new territories. Aims. This paper refers about recently occupied areas detailing local and urban outbreaks and population density per host plant species. Materials and Methods. We use digital camera-equipped stereoscope and Cryo-SEM on the laboratory and direct observation on the field. Results. We note the presence of A. Spiniferus in Puglia region and we depict the invasion of agricultural and urban areas. Conclusions. The overall behaviour and ecological preferences of the alien pest are discussed in view of its available means of control. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 94 Section 1: Agriculture TECHNOLOGY OF THE EUROPEAN CORN BORER (OSTRINIA NUBILALIS HBN) MASS REARING, SUCCESSIVE GENERATIONS, IN CONTROLLED CONDITIONS, AT NARDI FUNDULEA Emil GEORGESCU1*, Mariana BURCEA2, Lidia CANA1, Luxita RASNOVEANU3 1 2 Plant Protection Laboratory. NARDI Fundulea, Romania. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, Romania. 3 ARDS Braila, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: maize, rearing, insects, diet, laboratory. Introduction. European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn) is the main pest for maize crop, both in western and central part of the Romania, also in hilly and meadow areas (Barbulescu et al., 2001). After Popov et Rosca (2007), yield losses because of the O. nubilalis attack ranged between 1,3 and 17,7 %, but in some cases can arrive at 60 % or even more. In last years it has ascertained increasing of the attack in west and central part of the Romania, especially because of the favourable climatic conditions from beginning of the summer. The best method for control Ostrinia nubilalis is to use tolerant maize hybrids at this insect. At NARDI Fundulea, from 1975 it has started rearing of the European corn borer in laboratory conditions, in continuous flux, on same artificial diet. Aims. Obtain insects egg batches in laboratory conditions, used for artificial infestation of the maize plants, to establish maize lines and hybrids tolerance to pest attack. Because in nature, the attack of Ostrinia nubilalis are not at same level, every year, because of the climatic conditions, especially at egg batch deposition and larva emergence, artificial infestation of the maize plants is one of the best method to evaluate maize lines and hybrids reaction at this pest. Materials and Methods. European Corn Borer is reared at Plant Protection Laboratory, from NARDI Fundulea, Calarasi County, Romania, after a technology described by Barbulescu (1980). Field experiments were made at experimental fields of both, Plant Protection and Maize Breeding laboratories. Results. In 2011 it has obtained 136043 egg batches, in 2012 it has obtained 121945 egg batches and in 2013 it has obtained 133550 egg batches. At the end of the year 2013, the insect colony created in 1979 arrived at 442nd consecutive generation, the insect colony created in 2008 arrived at 77th consecutive generation, the insect colony created in 2010 arrived at 51st consecutive generation and insect colony created in 2011 arrived at 38th consecutive generation. Even if insects are reared more then 400 generations in laboratory conditions, they don’t lose capacity of attacking maize plants. Conclusion: In the present research work, we demonstrated that rearing of the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn) in laboratory conditions, in continuous flux, on same artificial diet, is one of the best methods for mass production of the egg-batches necessary for the field researches concerning maize hybrids and lines tolerance at the attack produced by this pest. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 95 Section 1: Agriculture VULPIA MYUROS (L.) C.C.GMEL (RAT’S TAIL FESCUE) – A PROBLEM WEED IN THE RAPE CROPS OF OUR COUNTRY? Mihaela Ioana GEORGESCU1⃰, Vasilica LUCHIAN1, Liviu DINCĂ1, Daniel Constantin POTOR1 and Octavian GROZA2 1 University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, Romania. 2 SC Agricover SRL. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: rape crops, Vulpia myuros, weed problem. Introduction. Vulpia myuros known in our country as a species of dry, rocky places, oligotrophic, xero-mesophyulous, subtermophyllous, moderately-strongly acidophilic (Sîrbu et al., 2013), was reported as grass weed problem in winter crops in Australia, USA, the Netherlands and Denmark (Mathiassen et al., 2010). As shown by Ball et al (2007), it’s spread is favoured by morphological plant characteristics (shallow rooted) that are not affected by the minimum tillage system applied to crop establishments. Aims. So far, in the literature of our country, Vulpia myuros was not mentioned as a problem weed in winter crops. The fact that in a number of locations in Giurgiu, Dâmboviţa and Arges County this spring rape crop was severely affected by the presence of the species, has led us to take the survey and analyze the premise that favoured the species installation and development. Materials and Methods. Observations were conducted in winter rape crops in rural Mihăileşti (Giurgiu County), Mircea Voda (Dâmboviţa County) and Mioși (Arges County) where V.myuros infestation caused significant crop losses. The Mihăileşti town soil samples were taken to determine its characteristics (pH, humus content, P, K, etc.), and specimens of the V. myuros plants to establish their morphological characters (plant size, inflorescence length, number of flowers / spikelet etc.). Results. Rape culture was established by direct seeding in all 3 areas. Mihailesti field area soil analyzes have shown that it is moderately acidic (pH is in the range of 5.356 to 5.422 in depth from 0-20 cm). Average plant size (V.myuros) was 130 cm, exceeding the data recorded in the literature. Conclusion. Our study reveals a new situation, unprecedented in the literature of our country, about the behavior of V.myuros as weed species in winter rape culture. This leads us to expand our research in the future; issues that will be pursued are: area and cultures in our country where the species is present; existence allelopathic effects on plants rape; control options of V.myuros species populations through various methods etc... References 1. Ball D.A., Frost M. S., Bennett L.H., Thill D.C., Rauch T., Jemett E., Mallory-Smith C., Cole C., Yenish J.P., Rood R. (2007). Control of Rattail Fescue (Vulpia myuros) in winter wheat. Weed Technology 21: 583-590. 2. Mathiassen S.K., Kudusk P., Heroriksen K.E. (2010). Control of Vulpia myuros in red fescue. IHSC2010oralproceedings. 3. Sîrbu I., Stefan N., Oprea A. (2013). Plante vasculare din România. Ed. VictorBVictor, Bucuresti 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 96 Section 1: Agriculture FLORISTIC, ECOLOGIC AND PEDOLOGIC CHARACTERIZATION OF SEMI-NATURAL HAY MEADOWS FROM RODNA MOUNTAINS Adrian GLIGA, Ioan ROTAR*, Mihai BUTA, Florin PĂCURAR, Agnes BALAZSI Faculty of Agriculture,University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: ecological characterization, floristic composition, pedologic characterization, Rodna mountains, semi-natural hay meadow. Introduction. Semi-natural grasslands, defined as unfertilized grassland formed by land use but populated mainly by wild species, are among the most biodiversity-rich ecosystems in Europe (Veen et al. 2009). Compared to other community types they have a rich flora and may develop a small-scale very high species density (Pärtel et al., 1996). Aims. Due to lack of information on the floristic composition and soil types present in our research stations, we started their determination to estimate the supported number of animals and to determine the pedological conditions. Materials and Methods. To determine the floristic composition we used the Braun-Blanquet method applied to the surface of 25 m2 per plot, using the species form established specifically for this study (Gliga et al., 2013). For the evaluation on the ecological requirements of plants we used the Ellenberg vegetation indices (H. Ellenberg, 1988). Soil types were assessed based on dug profiles and followed by a complex characterization. Results. The study took place near the village of Valea Mare, Bistrita county where we investigated three locations, with altitudes between 749 and 1295.5 m. From these studies we have determined the grassland types, plant requirements on ecological factors and existing soil types. Conclusion. After processing the data, differences were found both in floristic composition, and the type of soil, due to the elevation gradient. Aknowledgements. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765. References 1. Kull K. and Zobel M. (1991) High species richness in an Estonian wooded meadow. Journal of Vegetation Science, 2, 715–718. 2. Pärtel M., Zobel M., Zobel K., and van der Maarel E. (1996) The species pool and its relation to species richness: evidence from Estonian plant communities. Oikos, 75, 111– 117. 3. Veen, P., Jefferson, R., deSmidt, J. & vanderStraaten, J., eds (2009) Grasslands in Europe of High Nature Value. Den Haag, The Netherlands: KKNV publishing. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 97 Section 1: Agriculture NEW ENTOMOCOENOTIC PARTICULARITIES AND INTEGRATED PEST CONTROL IN TRANSYLVANIAN WHEAT CROPS UNDER THE IMPACT OF CLIMATE WARMING Dana MALSCHI1,2*, Adina Daniela TĂRĂU2, Rozalia KADAR2,Cornel CHEŢAN2 and Nicolae TRITEAN2 1 Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering. Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 2 Agricultural Research and Development Station Turda, Turda, România. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: agro-forestry belts, entomophagous arthropod, no tillage technology, wheat pests control Introduction. Based on the entomological research at the ARDS Turda (Malschi, 2009), the paper presents new research on pest abundance in wheat crops in relation to the climate warming and the adequate integrated pest control methods under different cultural soil technologies: classical (ploughing) and conservative (no tillage), in open field (Malschi et al., 2013) and in agroforestry belts agroecosystems (Malschi et al., 2010). Materials and Methods. During 2007-2013, the species determination has been achieved based on the samples performed every 10 days, by 100 double sweep-net catches. Results. Were pointed out major outbreaks of abundance of Haplothrips tritici, as eudominant species; wheat flies (Chloropidae, Anthomyiidae); stem flea beetles (Chaetocnema); leafhoppers (Psammotettix etc.) and aphids (Sitobion etc.), as dominant groups; Eurygaster, Aelia; Agriotes, Zabrus etc. The critical attack moments have been recorded 3-4 weeks earlier and overlapped. Conclusion. IPM recommends the preventing measures: optimal sowing time, agrotechnical methods, seed treatment with systemic insecticide and complex treatments. The results proved the importance of insecticide applications: at the end of tillering phase (13-33 DC stage) and at the flag-leaf appearance and ear emergence in 45-59 DC stage, with shock (pyrethroids) or systemic insecticides (neonicotinoid etc.). At the second treatment, the ear pests are controlled simultaneously using shock insecticides with reduced effects on the entomophagous. The IPM is a major section of soil no tillage technologies, comprising a special pest control strategy, with seed treatment and in 2-3 successive treatments in vegetation. In the farming system with protective agro-forestry belts–favourable for increasing of entomophagous, the research pointed out the efficiency of biological control, only using the entomophagous natural resources. References 1. Malschi D. (2009). Integrated pest management in relation to environmental sustainability. Ecological management of wheat pests. Babeş-Bolyai University ClujNapoca. Ed. Bioflux, 2. Malschi D., Tritean N., Şerbănescu R. (2010). Protective agroforestry belts and their environmental importance for sustainable agriculture development in Transylvania. Romanian Agricultural Research 27:103-114. 3. Malschi D., Ivaş A., Ignea M., Cheţan F., Cheţan C. (2013). Adequate integrated control of wheat pests in no-tillage conservative system. Proenvironment 6: 332-341. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 98 Section 1: Agriculture CONTROL THE AVENA FATUA SPECIES - AN EXPANDING WEED IN BANAT REGION Dan MANEA, Ramona ŞTEF*, Ioan PEŢ, Ioana GROZEA, Alin CĂRĂBEŢ and Anişoara IENCIU University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine "King Michael I of Romania", Timisoara, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: common wild oat, wheat herbicide, control, weed mapping Introduction. Wheat is considered the largest agricultural crop acreage worldwide. More than 50% of human caloric needs is ensured by grain products. Presence of different species of weeds in grain crops cause yield loses between 15 - 20% and even 60 - 80% of the crop in the absence of control measures. Main care work in wheat crop is the weed control (Şarpe, 1976). All weeds competing crops, but insofar as they harm agricultural production varies greatly from one species to another (Berca, 2004). The most dangerous monocotyledonous species present in the crop are Apera spica venti (wind grass), Avena fatua and Bromus sp. they produce great damage to varieties for consumption and seed lots. Aims. This study aims to provide new data on chemical control of Avena fatua in agroecosystems species of wheat. Materials and Methods. Research on chemical control of Avena fatua species were conducted at the Teaching and Research Station, belonging to the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine "King Michael I of Romania" from Timisoara. Experience has included 12 variants, in three repetitions, placed after the randomized blocks method. Variants are different (11 + 1 variation untreated control) by herbicide applied: Tolurex 50 SC (clorotoluron 500 g/l), Stomp Aqua (pendimetalin - 455 g/l), Axial 050 EC (pinoxaden 50 gr/litre + cloquintocet - mexil 12,5 gr/litre), Axial ONE EC (pinoxaden 45 g/l + florasulam 5g/l + cloquintocet-mexil 11,25 g/l), Attribut 70 SG (propoxicarbazon-sodiu 700 g/kg), Foxtrot 69 EW (fenoxaprop-P-etil (enantiomer D) 69 g/l cloquintocet-mexil (safener) 34,5g/l), Hussar 400 OD (iodosulfuron-metil-Na 100 g/l mefenpir dietill (safener) 300 g/l), Legato Plus EC (diflufenican 100 g/l + isoproturon 500 g/l), Pallas 75 WG (piroxsulam 7,5 g/l + cloquintocet-metil (adjuvant) 7,5 g/l), Sekator Pogress SC (amidosulfuron 100 g/l+iodosulfuron-metil-Na 25 g/l+mefenpyr dietil 250 g/l (safener)), Pelican Delta 606 WG (diflufenican 60 % + metsulfuron metil 6%). Herbicides used in this study were applied postemergent exception was registered in the variant treated with Stomp Aqua that was applied preemergent. Doses of herbicides applied in experimental variants were those recommended by producers. Before and after the treatment mapping were conducted. Results. The mapping performed in the control variant (untreated) showed the presence of the following species: Capsella bursa-pastoris, Viola arvensis, Galium aparine, Matricaria inodora, Papever rhoeas, Fumaria officinalis which represented more than 20%. The number of Avena fatua plants recorded in the control variant was 80 plants/m2. Efficacy of herbicides in combating species Avena fatua had range from 60 - 85% Conclusion. The best herbicide use of the study in combating the species Avena fatua was Axial ONE EC (control rate of 85%). The lowest eradication rate of the species Avena fatua was recorded in the variants treated with herbicide Sekator Pogress SC. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 99 Section 1: Agriculture RESEARCH REGARDING THE EVALUATION OF THE WORKING QUALITATIVE INDICES FOR PHYTOSANITARY TREATMENTS IN ORCHARDS USING GAMBERINI 500 SPRAYING MACHINE Ovidiu MARIAN*, Ioan DROCAȘ, Ovidiu RANTA, Adrian MOLNAR, Sorin STĂNILĂ, Zoltan KIRALY Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Coverage, spraying machine, pneumatic distribution Introduction. The use of electronic equipment in plant protection treatments in vineyards and orchards is of great importance both economically and environmentally. In this sense, this paper aims to highlight the importance of spraying equipment in vineyards and orchards, to compare different constructive types and bring new information about spray technology using electronic equipment to detect goals in order to reach a high performance agriculturally and economically. Equipping sprayers with electronic equipment (transmitters and sensors) aims at the improvement of the functional parameters of the machine. Aims. The main goal of this paper was to determine and to evaluate the coverage degree for the Gamberini 500 orchard spraying machine. Materials and Methods. For the purpose of this paper, the machine Gamberini 500 was used in laboratory conditions to determine and evaluate the coverage degree. This spraying machine is a pneumatic one, with a special boom. In order to evaluate the degree of coverage, a special paper was used, which was placed at different heights (1; 1,5; 2; 2,5; 3m). The paper was scanned, transformed in black and with and with the Mathcad software the degree of coverage was evaluated using the READBMP function. Results. The results obtained showed that the degree of coverage differs with respect to the height. The biggest degree of coverage was obtained al lower heights, due to the small distance to the target. Conclusion. In the present research work, we have evaluate the degree of coverage for the Gamberini 500 orchard spraying machine. This degree of coverage is mostly influenced by the orientation of the boom, the quantity of water sprayed and the droplets size. In order to achieve a higher degree of coverage it is important to use a fan which has a tower blower, because the distance from boom to target surface is relative equal. References 1. Király Zoltán (2014). Cercetări privind utilizarea maşinii de tratamente fitosanitare atom 1000 dotată cu echipament electronic pentru detectarea golurilor, Lucrare de diploma,. 2. Ros V., M. I. Gheres (2008). Method and program for evaluation of spray deposit, Bulletin USAMV, Agriculture,Vol. 65, Nr. 1/2008, p. 229-234, ISSN 1454-2382 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 100 Section 1: Agriculture THE EFFECT WHICH DISTANCE BETWEEN ROWS AND FERTILIZATION HAS ON A COMPLEX FORAGE MIXTURE IN CONDITION SPECIFIC TO TRANSYLVANIA PLAIN Anamaria MĂLINAS, Ioan ROTAR*, Roxana VIDICAN, Florin PĂCURAR, Adrian GLIGA, Agnes BALAZSI Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca Romania. *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: forage mixture, distance between rows, production, floristic composition. Introduction. A higher increasingly importance is given to complex forage mixtures. In Transylvania Plain studies meant to highlight the most suitable mixtures for the existent soil climatic condition are still required. There achievement commes to help the farmers, help needed especially due to the higher increasingly importance given to animal husbandry lately. Aims. The present study aims to follow the behavior of a complex forage mixture formed by Trifolium pratense (15%), Lolium perenne (20%), Festulolium (25%), Festuca arundinacea (25%) and Phleum pratense (15%) under the influence of different technologycal inputs. Materials and Methods. The forage mixture was sown on 2 different distances between rows and was fertilized with mineral fertilizer in 4 different doses, as follows: V1-control variant, unfertilized, V2 – fertilized with N50P60K80, V3 – fertilized with N75P60K80 si V4 – fertilized with N100P60K80. Results. In order to acomplish the proposed objectives data registered in 2013, regarding green mass and dry matter production as well as data regarding floristic composition are given. Conclusion. The results helped us to highlight the most productive mixture. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 101 Section 1: Agriculture STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF GIBBERELLINS ON SOME PHYSIOLOGIC PROCESSES OF CORN PLANTS (ZEA MAYS) Lucia MIHALESCU1*, Oana MARE ROŞCA1, Zorica VOŞGAN1, Monica MARIAN1, Aurel MAXIM², Mirela CORDEA2 1 Department of Biology. Technical University of Cluj Napoca, North University Center of Baia Mare, Baia Mare, Romania 2 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: root, stem, gibberellins Introduction. Gibberellins are important as they regulate growth and development of plants, being increasingly used in agriculture and horticulture (Gadea, 2003). Phytohormones are biosynthesized in cytoplasm of young cells, they accumulate in the growing areas of root, stem, buds, etc. (Bandici, 2007). Aims. The aim of this study was to survey the effect of gibberellic acid on germination, growth intensity of roots and stems, perspiration and respiration of corn plants. Materials and Methods. Solutions of different concentrations of gibberellic acid were prepared, and the variants analyzed are: V1- control, V2-0.1mg/l, V3-1mg/l, V4-2mg/l, V55mg/l. The caryopses belonged to the Dobrogean variation. The energy and germinative faculty were calculated; using linear measuring for 16 days the growth of roots and stems was surveyed and the dynamics of their growth was calculated. The perspiration was estimated using the method of ascertaining the water vapors eliminated in the confined atmosphere, and the respiration was estimated using the Boysen-Jensen method. Results. We noted that germination was influenced by the presence of gibberellic acid, as it was 95% at V5, with approximately 15% higher than that of the control. The most significant growth of the roots appeared at V3-1mg/l during the period of the days 6 to 8. The growth values of stems were higher as in the case of roots, and the growth was more intensive in the period of the days 10 to 12. The intensity of perspiration uniformly increases from V1- control to V5-5mg/l, being 3.66 times higher. The respiration of the plants grown on a medium of 5 mg/l gibberellic acid is maximum, this being explained by the intensifying of the physiologic processes. Conclusion. In plants cultivation, the action of phytohormones is a stimulating action, and this is more obvious as the concentration is higher and the plant is in its advanced growth status. References 1. Gadea S. (2003). Fiziologia vegetala, Ed. A. Press, Cluj-Napoca, 63-55. 2. Bandici Gh. (2006). Fiziologia plantelor, Ed. Universitatii din Oradea, 97-102. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 102 Section 1: Agriculture INFLUENCE OF SLOPE MORPHOLOGY UPON THE THERMIC REGIME OF SOIL AND MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN TRANSYLVANIAN PLAIN Paula Ioana MORARU1, Teodor RUSU1, Ileana BOGDAN1, Adrian POP1, Camelia COSTE1, Bogdan DUDA1, Tudor SǍLǍGEAN1, Mara ŞOPTEREAN1, Ilarie IVAN2 1 Faculty of Agriculture,University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 2 Technical University of Cluj, Cluj-Napoca, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: slope morphology, crop structure, soil temperature. Introduction. Climatic, biotic and edaphic factors that are essential for plant growth, for the size and quality of crop, are quite differently displayed within various agricultural areas. The relief, the climatic specific of agricultural areas and soil require parcelling of agricultural crops, varieties and hybrids, followed by adapting elements of technology to minimize the limiting actions of zonal factors (deficient or excessive moisture, low humus content and nutrients, etc.). Aims. The aim of this paper is to establish the influence of the relief elements of versants in Transylvania Plain and of climatic factors on the thermal regime of these soils and on the agricultural management measures. Through its components, precipitation, wind, temperature, the climate represents the most active external dynamic agent, causing the emergence and development of the land degradation process in this area. Materials and Methods. In order to determine the influence of climatic factor on the agrotechnical characterization of land according to slope morphology, 11 HOBO Micro Stations (H21-002, On-set Computer Corp., Bourne, MA, USA) have been implemented from April to October 2011 in the locality Căianu, with various altitude at exposure coverage. Results. The lowest temperature recorded was of 16.58°C at the station with south-eastern exposure, followed by the average temperature of 16.61°C recorded at the station with northern exhibition. At the station having a north-eastern exhibition, a temperature of 16.91°C was recorded where as an average temperature of 16.98°C was registered at the station with southern exposure. Rainfall recorded from April to October ranged between 262.2-306 mm, the lowest value being recorded at the station with southern exposure and highest temperature at the station with north-eastern exposure. Intermediate values of 297.6 and 300.8 mm were recorded at stations with northern exposure, respectively south-eastern exposure. Conclusion. By analyzing the data recorded during April-October 2011, we obtain a similar situation of the southern slopes as compared with the south-eastern and eastern versants - 43.8 mm less rainfall, higher temperatures by 0.37°C in the air and by 1.91°C at 10 cm, by 2.22°C at 20 cm, by 2.43°C at 30 cm soil depth compared to northern, north-western slopes. These issues, supplemented by those connected to slope, require special agro-technical measures generated by the Transylvanian Plain topography. Acknowledgements. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 103 Section 1: Agriculture PARTIAL RESULTS ON THE DEGENERATION OF POTATO IN THE MICROZONES FOR SEED POTATO PRODUCTION AT TG. SECUIESC AND APA ROȘIE Robert MOTICA*, Anca BACIU, Zsuzsanna NEMES, Ivan VITOS Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: virotic degeneration, potato, disease, variety. Introduction. The potato virotic degeneration is now widely accepted throughout the world, and the knowledge of this phenomenon constitutes the basis of the seed potato production and multiplication systems. On the Romanian market are currently over 400 potato varieties, of which over 80 % are varieties imported from Europe. Most of these imported potato varieties are not adapted to the climatic conditions in our country, which leads to a higher virotic degeneration compared to the varieties produced by local researchers. At SCDC Tg. Secuiesc the Plant Protection Section keeps under observation the imported varieties regarding the virotic degeneration since 2011, using the Gared variety as experimental subject, which was created at SCDC Tg. Secuiesc. Materials and Methods. In early 2011 were studied 12 potato varieties, 6 native and 6 foreign varieties. The experiments were carried out in two places, in the experimental field of Tg. Secuiesc and in the field of clonal selection on over 1000 m Apa Roșie. The experiments were repeated for three years. Varieties studied: native potato varieties: Gared, Nemere, Tentant, Cristian, Astral, Magic; foreign varieties: Kondor, Arnova, Agata, Riviera, Impala, Bellarosa. Results. The results obtained in 2011 and 2012 in the fields of research at Tg. Secuiesc and Apa Rosie showed that the import varieties have a higher degree of virotic degeneration than native varieties. Conclusions. The native potato varieties in the experimental years showed better resistance to virotic degeneration in both microzones for potato production at Tg. Secuiesc and Apa Roșie. In the experimental years the most sensitive variety to virotic degeneration was the Impala variety in both microzones for seed potato production. The most resistant variety to virotic degeneration was the native variety Gared in both microzones for seed potato production. References 1. Cojocaru N. (1995). Principalele virusuri ale cartofului, pagube şi simptome. Cartoful în România, vol. 5, nr. 2-3, apr.-sept. 29-31. 2. Donescu D. (1995). Principalele specii de afide în cultura de cartof (descriere, biologie, plante gazde) – Analele I.C.P.C. Braşov, vol. XXII. 3. Draica C. (2004). Modernizarea tehnologiei de producere a cartofului pentru sămânţă. Editura Phoenix, 1-7. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 104 Section 1: Agriculture VARIABILITY FOR YOUNG MAIZE PLANTS CHARACTERS IN A SET OF LOCAL POPULATIONS Leon MUNTEAN1*, Cornelia STAN2, Nicolae TRITEAN3, Ioan HAS1,3, Voichita HAS3 1 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 2 Territorial Inspectorate for Seeds and Planting material Quality Cluj, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 3 Agricultural Research Development Station Turda, Turda, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: coleoptile, local populations, maize, mesocotyl, roots, variability Introduction. The maize roots are originated from the scutelar node located in the seed embryo and are composed of the primary and seminal roots. The amount of corn root depends on how they perform genotypes on production capacity, resistance to drought, but also root lodging (Căbulea,1983; Gruia,1986). The coleoptile and mesocotyl length of maize plantlets are important for the depth at which specific genotypes are sowing. These elements, combined with starch endosperm reserve and response to oscillating temperatures are responsible for uniformity and further development of plants (Nielsen, 2010). Aims. Taking into account the importance of root and coleoptile and mesocotyl length of maize young plants was considered appropriate to analyze the variability of these traits in a set of maize local populations. The best populations will be used as genitors for obtaining inbreed lines. Materials and Methods. Root system development, the mesocotyl and coleoptile was studied in a number of 41 local populations at Maize Breeding Department of ARDS Turda. For each local population were analysed 10 plantlets for traits mentioned previously. Results. The highest length for embryonic root was recorded for Ardusat Caltina (30.52 cm) followed by Ciocaneşti (30.22 cm). The average of this trait was 28.42 cm. Longest mesocotyl were noticed in the Tulca (1.90 cm) and Ciocăneşti (1.78 cm) local populations; and the longest coleoptile in Tulca (4,16 cm), Lăpuşneac (4,11 cm) and Păuceşti (4,11 cm) local populations. The variability was low for embryonic root and coleoptile length and medium for mesocotyl length. Conclusion. There is insufficient phenotypic and genetic variability for studied traits in maize local populations such that this can be exploited in breeding programmes. Local population with high embrionary and primary root length can be used for achieving some form of maize resistant to root lodging and to drought in the early growing season. References 1. Căbulea, I. (1983). Unele aspecte statistice ale analizei genetice şi a capacităii de producţie. Probleme legate de genetică teoretică şi aplicată. vol XV. 31-50. 2. Gruia, F. (1986). Cultura porumbului. Centrul de material didactic şi propagandă agricolă. Bucureşti. 8-40. 3. Nielsen, R. L. (2010a). Root development in young corn. Purdue Univ. dept. of Agronomy Corny News Network. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 105 Section 1: Agriculture CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND TERMITICIDAL ACTIVITY OF ESSENTIAL OIL OBTAINED FROM CANARIUM SCHWENFURTHII RESIN FROM SANGO BAY, UGANDA Christine Betty NAGAWA, Stefan BÖHMDORFER* and Thomas ROSENAU Department of Chemistry, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna BOKU, Austria *Corresponding author, email: [email protected] Keywords: Canarium schwenfurthii, essential oils, Macrotermes bellicosus, antitermitic activity. Introduction. Timber usually has to be protected from attack by insects and other microorganisms using wood preservatives. These commonly contain heavy metals and their use has been discouraged, it is therefore recommendable to find alternatives of natural plant origin which are more environmentally friendly. Aims. To determine the termiticidal activity of Canarium essential oil and its chemical composition; to establish whether the oil is similar in characteristics to that obtained from plants in other parts of Africa. Materials and Methods. The resin of Canarium schwenfurthii was harvested from a mature tree and steam distilled to obtain the essential oil. Analysis of the essential oil was done by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectroscopy (GC-MS). The no-choice bioassay method was used to determine the effect of the essential oil on the termites. Probit analysis was done to determine the LC50 and LC90 values. Results. The oil showed termiticidal activity suitable for a wood protective agent. The LC50 and LC90 after 24 hours were 2.082 and 2.428 mg/ml, respectively. The major components of the essential oil were mono and sesquiterpenoids, and these have been shown to have antibacterial and antioxidant activity as well. The major components of the oil were α-thujene (13.10%), γ-terpinene (19.60%), α-phellandrene (4.8%), m-cymene (8.11%) and βphellandrene. The composition of the oil was different from that obtained from Central African Republic. Conclusion. Canarium schwenfurthii oil has a strong potential as a wood preservation agent against termite infestation. Isolation will be done to determine which particular component is responsible for the observed activity or whether the interplay of constituents is responsible for the effectiveness. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 106 Section 1: Agriculture ISOLATION AND BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF RHIZOBIUM TRIFOLII AND SINORHIZOBIUM MELILOTI USING API 20NE AND API 20E Monica NISTE1, Roxana VIDICAN1*, Carmen PUIA1, Ioan ROTAR1, Rodica POP1 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: bacterial characterization, biochemical tests, rhizobia strains Introduction. Members of the genus Rhizobium are symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria which are able to invade and form nodules on the roots of leguminous plants (Sadowsky et. al., 1983). Most bacteria have a specific host, but there are several different bacterial species that are also isolated from a single legume species, and these bacteria are characterized into two groups on the basis of growth rate (Deshwal and Chaubey, 2014). Aims. The present study was carried out to isolate and to investigate biochemical characteristics of rhizobateria strains from red clover (Rhizobium trifolii) and alfalfa (Sinorhizobium meliloti). Materials and Methods. Four rhizobial isolate, (RtS1 and RtR2 isolated from red clover and SmM1, SmM2 isolated from alfalfa) were used in this study. Cultural and biochemical characteristics were analyzed on Yeast Extract Mannitol Agar with Congo red (YEMA) medium. API 20 NE and API 20E tests were used to evaluate biochemical characteristics of rhizobial isolates. Results. The result of the study showed a low diversity in morphological, physiological and symbiotic properties among the rhizobial strains. Phenotypically all isolated strains had the same colony morphology conical with a smooth margin, the color and texture was watery to translucent. The isolates were fast-growing and failed to absorb Congo red. API 20NE and API 20E showed a negative reaction for the reduction of nitrate in RtS1, RtR2, and positive for SmM1, SmM2. The reaction was positive for β-galactosidase, β- glucosidase and negative for urease, arginine dihydrolase, for all rhizobial isolates. Carbon sources: glucose, arabinose, mannose, mannitol, maltose, were also positive for all strains. Conclusion. Rhizobial strains utilized a wider range of carbohydrates and this may be a helpful tool to characterize the isolates. Acknowledgements. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765. References 1. Deshwal V. K., and Chaubey A. (2014). Isolation and characterization of Rhizobium leguminosarum from root nodule of Pisum sativum L. Journal of Academia and Industrial Research (JAIR). 2(8): 464-467. 2. Sadowsky M. J., Keyser H. H., and Bohlool B. B. (1983). Biochemical Characterization of fast- and slow-growing rhizobia that nodulate soybeans. International Journal of Systematic bacteriology. 33(4): 716-722. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 107 Section 1: Agriculture STUDY OF THE FLORISTIC COMPOSITION OF CERTAIN SECONDARY GRASSLANDS IN DIFFERENT SUCCESSIONAL STAGES AS A RESULT OF ABANDONMENT Florin PĂCURAR*, Ioan ROTAR, Anca BOGDAN and Ágnes BALÁZSI Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: abandonment, phytodiversity, semi-natural grasslands. Introduction. Important areas of semi-natural grasslands are affected by abandonment in Apuseni Mountains, situation which leads to a series of specific negative aspects. Seminatural grasslands pass through certain successional stages, materialized by different types of grasslands. Aims. The aim of our study was to follow the successional stages of Agrostis capillaris L. – Festuca rubra L. grassland type, as a result of abandonment. Materials and Methods. The floristical studies were carried out in Ocoale village, Garda de Sus Commune, Alba County, in 2011-2013. The study included 27 grasslands with similar site conditions. The floristic composition of the grasslands in different successional stages was determined by Braun-Blanquet method and the statistical interpretation of results was performed with the program PC-ORD. There were three different categories of abandoned grasslands: abandoned less than 5 years, abandoned between 5 and 10 years, abandoned more than 10 years. Results. The statistical interpretation of the results highlighted that Agrostis capillaris L. – Festuca rubra L. grassland type suffered changes after 5 years of abandonment and turned in Festuca rubra L. grassland type while after another 5 years turned into Nardus stricta L. grassland type. Conclusion. The categories of abandonment caused changes at the level of phytocoenosis, registering a degradation of the vegetation from both, agronomic and ecologic point of view, especially in the case of abandonment more than 10 years. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 108 Section 1: Agriculture ALPINE AND SUBALPINE MEADOWS FROM RODNA MOUNTAINS NATIONAL PARK - SOIL COVER CHARACTERIZATION Ioan PACURAR1*, Stefan BILASCO2, Horea CACOVEAN3, Oana MARE ROSCA4, Lucian Dumitru NITA5 Gheorghe BUNEA6, Cornel NEGRUSIER1 and Horea PACURAR1 1 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 2 Faculty of Geography, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania. 3 OSPA Cluj, Cluj – Napoca, Romania. 4 Tehnical University- North University Center Baia Mare, Baia Mare, Romania. 5 University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania. 6 Bogdan Voda University,Cluj – Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected]. Keywords: criptopodzol, alpine phytocenosis, humosiosol, conservative value. Introduction. Rodna mountains due to high altitude amplitude, records a variety of different plant associations: wood, shrubs, bushes, grasses, bellow are found different types of soils regional and zonal soils (Bunescu et. al., 1998). Habitats persuaded with herbs are built in grasslands partially exploited as alpine and subalpine meadows, occupying an area of over 5,200 hectares, the most common have high conservation value and middle meadows, followed low value meadows and endemic species Aims. The purpose of the paper is to identify the main soil units at the type and subtype of alpine and subalpine meadows in Rodna Mountains National Park and characterization of physico-chemical properties of these soils. Materials and Methods. Soil sampling and physico- chemical laboratory analyzes were made by methodology and guidelines developed by the ICPA Bucharest and for the identification of soils was used Romanian system of soil taxonomy 2003. Results. In alpine land covered with shorter shrubs (Rhododendron, Vaccinium) and primary grasslands covered by Carex curvula, Juncus and Festuca trifidus airoides, meet haplic podzols and skeletic – humic umbrisols associated with entic podzols formed on sericitechlorite schists with loamy texture, strongly acidic (pH = 3.8), rich in organic matter, low saturated bases. In subalpine land under juniper phytocoenosis meet enti-humic podzols and lithosols poorly evolved, which developed in crystalline rocks with loamy texture strong, acid reaction and a high percentage of organic matter. Rendzins occupie small surfaces in subalpine limestone areas and lower alpine massif (Piatra Rea, Piatra Albă, Mihăiasa, Puzdra, Muntele Cailor, Corongiş) and have evolved in the meadows phytocoenosis in alliance with Festuco saxatilis - Seslerion bielzii, being shallow soils, neutral reactionl or slightly alkaline, high carbon, high percentage of humus. On crests and slopes of limestone peaks (Puzdra, Negoiasa, Turnu Rosu), rich in small detritus and active erosion, are found in Thlaspeion rotundifolii phytocoenosis alliance folic leptosols. Conclusion. The studied area of 5228.34 hectares have been identified 26 soil units most common being entic podzols (28.48%), skeleti-humic umbrisols (21.37%), and skeletichumic Leptosols (11.43%). 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 109 Section 1: Agriculture EVOLUTION STUDY OF PESTS IN THE PARKS “JUSTICE” AND „BOTANIC” FROM TIMISOARA IN 2011-2013 PERIOD Doru Ion PETANEC1, Georgina BIZAU1, Lavinia Madalina MICU2*, Claudiu DRAGOMIR1 1 Department of Plant Protection. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Banat Timisoara, Romania 2 Department of Agricultural technologies. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Banat Timisoara, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: parks, pest species, monitoring, Timisoara Introduction. Green spaces in a city have a very important role in maintaining physical and psychological balance of the inhabitants of these urban agglomerations. In Timisoara, in terms of distribution in the area, there is concentration of these spaces in the downtown area, Bega Canal being an ax. Timisoara has 510 hectares of green space, without taking into account the private gardens. This paper presents the evolution of species in parks Dunat "Justice", and "Botanic" in the period 2011-2013. Sampling was done regularly mentioned the parks, from February to October, using the frapaj harvesting methods, manual or standard net. Pest of ornamental trees to shrubs and (American maple, lilac, hornbeam, forsythia) were dominant species as Aphis trees, Eriosoma lanigerum and Metcalfa pruinosa. Families of insects prevalent in this parks were Aphididade and Faltidae. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 110 Section 1: Agriculture ABOUT ARNICA MONTANA GRASSLANDS AND THEIR CONTEXT Anca PLEŞA1*, Ioan ROTAR1 Florin PĂCURAR1, Roxana VIDICAN1, Agnes BALASZI1 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Arnica montana, biodiversity, environment, productivity. Introduction. In industrialized Europe, grassland covers about 30% of the agricultural area and forms the basis of a strong ruminant livestock sector. How meadows offering is more widely affected by processes that are usually summarized as "global change" (TAUBE et all., 2010). Intensification of grassland farm management and production of goods and services to their environment are strongly affected by global markets, international developments resulting global information sharing but equally by climate change. These factors are a serious challenge to the functioning of grassland and there is great uncertainty about how it will be maintained in the future. Aims. The goal is to maintain grassland biodiversity and increasing their production in Apuseni Mountains and find a new management for Arnica montana’s oligotrophic grasslands. Materials and Methods. Are use programs for vegetation data, have used metric and multidimensional scaling which is a method well adapted at coordination data which are not normal or arbitrary stairs, and also statistical variance analises. Results. Mowing or grazing and are the most important environmental factors that lead structure and composition of plant communities (Rotar et all., 2011). Thus, assumptions about us that this approach could be a link between management practices and vegetation structure between productivity and quality. Conclusion. Categories of abandonment caused changes in the phytocoenoses recorded a herbaceous carpet degradation both in terms of agronomic and ecological point of view. Acknowledgements. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765. References 1. Taube F., Schnyder H., I sselstein J. (2010). Foreword of Grassland in a changing world, Kiel, Grassland Science in Europe, Germany 2. Rotar I., Păcurar F., Bogdan A. (2011). The Influence of Technological Inputs on Arnica montana habitat. Bulletin USAMV Agriculture 68 (1), 2011, 434-435. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 111 Section 1: Agriculture SOLUTIONS AND TECHNIQUES FOR CONSERVATIVE AND EFFECTIVE USE OF ARABLE LANDS IN THE SOMEŞAN PLATEAU Adrian Ioan POP, Teodor RUSU*, Ileana BOGDAN, Paula Ioana MORARU, Bogdan Matei DUDA, Camelia Liliana COSTE, Tudor SALAGEAN Faculty of Agriculture,University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: arable land, conservative systems, crop rotation, economic efficiency, production Introduction. Somesan Plateau fits from a geographical point of view in the northwest part of the country. Somesan Plateau’s landscape is much more energetic and active with intense slope processes triggered in time. From a climatic point of view the annual average temperature is 7.8°C. Atmospheric precipitation presented in the analyzed period of time, showed an annual average value of about 700 mm. The natural conditions are favorable for the cultivation of a large number of plants, especially cereals such as winter wheat, maize, barley, rye and oats. Aims. The purpose of this paper is to apply techniques for conservative use of arable land, given a number of issues on land suitability, structure of type of land use, efficient technologies and of soil tillage cultivation by expanding the areas in which one can use these systems, sometimes being limited by soil characteristics, lanscape, rainfall and crop structure of the region. Materials and Methods. The results presented in this paper were obtained in the experimental fields of agrotechnics discipline from the Jucu region in Cluj, on an argicstagnic Phaoezem soil, with a humus content of 3.8% and a pH of 6.5. The experimental field consisted in a bifactorial experience AxB-R type: 4x3-3, placed by the subdivided parcels method, for wheat, soybeans and maize crops. Experimental factors: Factor A - Soil tillage: a1-worked with reversible plow; a2 - worked with chisel; a3 - worked with paraplow; a4 direct sowing; Factor B - Crop rotation: b1 - soybean; b2 - wheat; b3 - maize. Results. Research conducted on conservative soils give solutions and techniques and effective use of arable land, finding a positive influence of their application by the effects of soil properties and production conservation insured. Conclusion. In order to apply conservative solutions and techniques capable of halting the degradation and restoring of soil must be taken into account a number of issues on land suitability, structure of land use type, efficient technologies of cultivation and tillage to the implementation of pedologycal - ameliorative measures. An element which conditions the rational use of lands in the hilly areas and imposes technological restrictions is the slope of arable lands that is subjected to erosion. Acknowledgements. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 112 Section 1: Agriculture THE CONTRIBUTION OF YIELD COMPONENTS TO THE ACHIEVEMENT OF PRODUCTION IN SOME WINTER WHEAT GENOTYPES Ionuţ RACZ1,2*, Ioan HAŞ1,2, Vasile MOLDOVAN2, Rozalia KADAR2, Adrian CECLAN2 1 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 2 Agricultural Research Development Station Turda, Turda, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: environment, genotypes, yield, wheat. Introduction. Considering the fact that the yield is the results of many factors, it is very important to know all the mechanism that determine grain yield of wheat. Every wheat genotypes exploit different the existing environmental conditions or agronomic inputs, therefore, to maximize the production is timely to know some aspects regarding the influential factors affecting the yield components (Adhikary et al., 2009) and finally under grain yield. The relationship between yield and yield components will be presented. Aims. The aim of this study was to establish the contribution of every main yield components implied in wheat production. Materials and Methods. The experiments were conducted over four years, from 2011 to 2014 at Agricultural Research and Development Station Turda. The climatic conditions are characterized with a high rainfall and temperatures favourable for winter wheat crop. The biologic material used in this study is quite varied, consisting of 25 winter wheat varieties of local and foreign origin. As we know the main yield components which determine the yield are number of grain per spike, weight of grain per spike and thousand kernel weight. The environmental conditions can have a high influence on the expressiveness of these characters. Results. the results of our study showed that there are large differences regarding the influence of environmental conditions on yield components, depending on the specificity of each genotype. Conclusion. following our research we observed that the most important character which determine the grain yield are number of grain per spike alongside by weight of grain per spike. Acknowledgements. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765. References 1. Adhikary S.K., Alam M.Z., Paul N.K. (2009). Variation of grain growth of wheat cultivars, Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 34 (3): 351-359. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 113 Section 1: Agriculture RESULTS REGARING YIELD ELEMENTS OBTAINED AT DIFFERENT DENSITIES AT CERTAIN SOYBEAN VARIETIES Raluca REZI1 2*, Ioan HAŞ1 2, Eugen MUREŞANU1 1 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 2 Agricultural Research Development Station Turda, Turda, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: density, grain yield, morphological characteristics, soybean varieties. Introduction. In general, aside from the soybean variety and adequate fertility, different row spacing and density are a major agronomic factors that significantly influence yield potential. Soybean plants are influenced by the changes in plant population such as different densities namely the competition. Previous research reached these issues from various aspects, however, there is a lack of information regarding how interplant competition affects the yield components or how Romanian varieties of soybean respond to different plant density environments. Aims. The objective of this study was to determine the density effects on soybean yield and yield components. Materials and Methods. In the study were included nine early and very early soybean varieties created at Agricultural Research and Development Station Turda and four foreign soybean varieties. This research was carried out as factorial experiment based on randomized blocks design with two replications during growing season of 2012-2013 at Agricultural Research and Development Station Turda. At the end of growth season, 10 plants were selected from each plot randomly and measured yield and morphological characteristics. Results. The different densities have influenced the response of seed yield and yield components at both the Romanian and foreign soybean varieties. Soybean yield elements obtained at different plant density were determined by the plant height, height of the first basal pod, number of branches per plant, number of pod per plant, number of grain per plant, grains weight per plant, thousand grain weight. Results indicated that the soybean varieties have similar behavior in respect to different densities and row spacing. Conclusion. These results improve the understanding of correlations between different densities and soybean yield and yield components, also the response of the genotype to different interplant competition. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 114 Section 1: Agriculture ADVANTAGES OF USING G.I.S. TECHNOLOGIES IN EVALUATING OF LAND FAVOURABILITY ASSESSMENT. CASE STUDY THE NIRAJ RIVER BASIN (TRANSYLVANIA DEPRESSION, ROMANIA) Sanda ROȘCA1, Ștefan BILAȘCO1,2, Ioan PĂCURAR3* 1 Faculty of Geography, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 3 Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca Subsidiary Geography Section, Cluj - Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected]. 2 Keywords: GIS modeling, land favourability, database, Niraj river. Introduction. Lately, the role of computerization has increased thus to the existence of software and its use has become indispensable as a result of its applicability to all Earth sciences. Because of its complex landforms, the anthropic pressure and the irrational use of land on large surfaces, the river basin of the Niraj is the object of a reorganising process in the production activities by emphasising the agricultural land use as a resource for sustainable development which has been too long underexploited. The technique of capability classification, in collaboration with the GIS techniques of spatial analysis, represents one of the most facile and concrete ways of identifying and creating an inventory of lands which fulfil the best conditions for the creation of orchards, through the use of specific indicators: climatic, morphometric, morphologic, pedologic. Aims. Purpose of presented paper is to identify the advantages of using G.I.S. technologies in order to identify the favourability of the areas which are suitable fruit tree cultivation, agricultural and forest using based on the applied model by integrating the specific indicators into databases and GIS spatial analysis equations. Materials and Methods. The spatial modelling of land suitability to various agricultural cultures requires the use of several techniques and methods of spatial analysis which rely on specialised software and the manipulation of thematic layers. In the case of the studies which focus on land suitability to various measures of pedologic improvements, it was necessary to create a database to include the characteristics of the soil (soil type, texture, gleying processes, edaphic volume, etc.), the geormorphologic characteristics of the territory under analysis (slope angle, aspect, elevation), landslides, as well as climatic and hydric data (air temperature, precipitation amount, flood zones, etc.). Results. The spatial distribution of the land capability values and the localisation of the favourable areas for the analysed cultures required the generation of a spatial analysis equations which includes raster databases and relies on mathematical identifiers which allow us to illustrate the result of the spatial analysis. The maps of agricultural land use favourability, materialised into spatially distributed databases, illustrate the land capability values for various measurable, significant indicators which were mapped at local and regional scale. Conclusion. The final results can be statistically analysed in relation to their spatial distribution inside the natural (in this case, the Niraj river basin) and the administrative territorial units (by analysing at the commune level the most suitable land uses that were identified by the model), in order to reach the most appropriate decisions for the integrated management of the agricultural land. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 115 Section 1: Agriculture LOCAL POPULATIONS. GERMPLASM SOURCES IN MAIZE Carmen - Daniela ROTAR1,2*, Ioan HAS1,2, Ana COPÂNDEAN1, Voichita HAS1 1 2 Agricultural Research Development Station Turda, Turda, Romania Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: local populations, germplasm, genetic variability, sources of genes. Introduction. The spread limitation of local populations forced to organize a national program for the collection, study and preservation of indigenous germplasm due to outstanding value starting material of populations and varieties that are the result of long natural selection. Aims. Collection of local populations of maize, maintaining the existing genetic resources collections resource assessment through qualitative descriptions of phenotypic expression, also quantitative descriptors assessing whether variability in populations collected from ARDS Turda. Materials and Methods. The study carried out with a number of 284 local indigenous populations of maize maintained at ARDS Turda. Populations were evaluated for assessing the qualitative descriptors of phenotypic expression, quantitative descriptors and also the variability. Results. At the studied populations were analyzed a number of 18 characters for improving and create synthetic populations, inbred lines and hybrids derived from local populations. Highest variability occurs at the number of panicle branches, followed by the weight of the ear, number of kernels per row, and for the lowest coefficient of variation was encountered in the size of the plant. Conclusion. Local maize germplasm can be used as the initial genetic material transmission of characters (early fecundity, resistance to low temperature and drought, dropping root). Acknowledgements. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765. References 1. Has V., Has I., Pamfil D., Copândean A., Câmpean S. (2009). Evaluatin of ”Turda” maize germoplasm for phenotypic variability in grain chemical compozition”. Maydica 54: 313-320. 2. Căbulea I., Roman L., Tătaru V., Grecu C. (1975). Transylvania maize local germplasm and there use in the work of improvement. In "Problems of Theoretical and Applied Genetics," vol VII (1): 57-90. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 116 Section 1: Agriculture ECOLOGIC AND AGRONOMIC ASPECTS OF THE AGROSTIS CAPILLARIS L. – TRISETUM FLAVESCENS (L.) P. BEAUV GRASSLAND SUBTYPE Ioan ROTAR*, Florin PĂCURAR, Anca BOGDAN, Roxana VIDICAN and Miklós NAGY Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: ecological factors, grasslands, phytodiversity. Introduction. Grasslands in Apuseni Mountains are used in a traditional system, which involves mostly the use of human and animal force. Traditional grassland management in the region have created favorable conditions for the maintenance of species-rich grassland. Aims. The aim of the study was the characterization of A. capillaris L. – T. flavescens (L.) P. Beauv. grassland subtype from both, ecological and agronomic point of view. Materials and Methods. The research was unfolded within Gârda de Sus commune, on the Gheţari – Poiana Călineasa Plateau. For the floristic composition’s study we used the BraunBlanquét method. The plants’ demands for the ecological factors have been characterized by species’ indicator values after Ellenberg and Kovács. The plants’ resistance against mechanical disturbances were embodied after Dierschke and Briemle and also land-use manner’s interpretation and framing into intensification classes was performed. As phytosociological indexes, the mean abundance-dominance, the Shannon-Wiener index and the constancy have been calculated. Results. The phytocenosis A. capillaris L. – T. flavescens (L.) P. Beauv. has been identified in 37 sites. The Poaceae species are present in average by 48,4 % with a minimum of 23,5 % and a maximum of 81 %. The Cyperaceae and Juncaceae families have a reduced partake, in average 1,01 %, being absent in most of the cases. The species of Fabaceae family appear in the canopy with an average 10,8 %, with a minimum 0 % and a maximum of 28 %. The plants of other botanical families appear averagely by 45,15 % partake, with a minimum of 16 % and a maximum of 75 %. Regarding the grassland’s agronomic value, it frames within the 6th class, the grassland category is medium and it endures an animal load of 0,81 – 1,00 LSU/ha. Conclusion. The A. capillaris L. – T. flavescens (L.) P. Beauv. subtype can be characterized as heliophytes, microtherm, mesophytes, moderate acidophilous, medium nitrophilous, medium resistant to mowing, medium resistant to stepping and medium resistant to grazing. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 117 Section 1: Agriculture RESEARCHES REGARDING WEED CONTROL IN SOYBEAN CROP Teodor RUSU1, Cornel CHEŢAN2, Ileana BOGDAN1, Felicia CHEŢAN2, Mircea IGNEA2, Bogdan DUDA1, Ilarie IVAN3, Gheorghe BUNEA4 1 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 2 Agricultural Research Development Station Turda, Turda, Romania 3 Tehnical University of Cluj, Cluj - Napoca, Romania. 6 Bogdan Voda University,Cluj – Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: weed control, chemical strategies, soybean. Introduction. Soybean shows special sensitivity to weeding while in the early growth stages until the land is covered, but also in the mature stages after the leaves begin to fall. Once invaded by weeds, especially in the first phase of growth, the culture is no longer recovering even if later, weeds are controlled. Soy being a plant with small-middle size is part of a group of agricultural plants easily competed by weeds, thus resulting in large production losses (3080%), sometimes compromising the whole culture (Berca, 2004, Rusu et al., 2012). Aims. starting from: (1) requirements of the soybean crop towards environmental and technological factors so that it can effectively compete with weeds; (2) reporting the weed control strategy to new climatic conditions through specific measures of adaptation; (3) strategies research of chemical complementary herbicides regarding their combat range and time of application. Materials and Methods. Research was conducted at Agricultural Research and Development Station Turda, located in the physical-geographical area of Transylvanian Plain on a vertic Faeoziom soil type. As mono-factorial experience, is organized within the demonstrative Donau Soja Platform, following the placed end to end blocks method (storied). As biological material was used Felix soybean variety. Experimental variants are: V1 - Frontier Forte (dimetenamid-P 720 g/l) 1.4 l/ha + Surdone (metribuzin 700 g/l) 0.4 kg/ha (+ Trend 250 ml/ha) preem + Pulsar 40 (imazamox 40 g/l) 1 l/ha postem early + Stratos Ultra (cicloxidim 100 g/l) 3 l/ha postem; V2 - Stomp 330 EC (pendimetalin 330 g/l) 5 l/ha + Surdone (metribuzin 700 g/l) 0.4 kg/ha (+ Trend 250 ml/ha) preem + Basagran Forte (bentazon 480 g/l + wettol 150 g/l) 2 l/ha + Agil 100 EC (propaquizafop 100 g/l) 0.8 l/ha postem (tank-mix); V3 - Surdone (metribuzin 700 g/l) 0.5 kg/ha (+ Trend 250 ml/ha) preem + Harmony 50 SG (tifensulfuron-metil 50%) 12 g/l + Leopard 5 EC (quizalofop-P-etil 50 g/l) 0.7 l/ha postem (tank-mix); V4 - Dual Gold 960 EC (S-metolaclor 960 g/l) 1 l/ha + Pledge 50 WP (flumioxazin 50%) 90 g/ha preem + Basagran Forte (bentazon 480 g/l + wettol 150 g/l) 2 l/ha + Leopard 5 EC (quizalofop-P-etil 50 g/l) 0.7 l/ha postem (tank-mix). Results. In order to maintain soybean cultures clean of weeds, it is necessary, in general, to apply two chemical treatments, the first ppi/pre-emergent spraying for some annual dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous weeds and the 2nd post-emergence treatment for dicotyledonous weeds. If on vegetation exists infestations both with annual or perennial monocotyledonous weeds, good results are obtained by associating two complementary herbicides, which combat both monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weeds. Conclusion. Weed control in soybean crop ensures and enhances the return on investment for the used technology elements: fertilization, genetic potential of varieties, irrigation, exploitation of environmental resources. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 118 Section 1: Agriculture ASSESSMENT OF THE MAIN COMPONENTS OF THE PRODUCTION AND SOME MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS OF SPRING BARLEY COLLECTION FROM ARDS TURDA Florin RUSSU1,2*, Ioan HAŞ1,2, Vasile MOLDOVAN1 and Rozalia KADAR1 1 2 Agricultural Research Station Turda, Turda, Romania. Faculty of Agriculture. University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Romania * Corresponding author, email: [email protected] Keywors: flag leaf, height of plants, spring barley, thousand kernel weight, weight of grains/ main spike. Introduction. In our country the areas seeded with barley and spring barley fluctuated from year to year but in recent year are maintaing around values 400 – 500 thousand ha. Regarding the medium yield, it has varied but in recent years is maintaing at about 3t/ha. For the identification of valuable genotypes of spring barley collection from ARDS Turda which can be used during hybridization and future estimates of variability in the levels of collection, was carried out a study on this collection. Aims. Assessment of genetic variability for some morphological characters and main components of production of spring barley collection from ARDS Turda and identify valuable genetic sources for improvement. Materials and Methods. Spring barley collection from ARDS Turda is organized as a link in the process of breeding program of spring barley. The spring barley collection from ARDS Turda, include of 550 genotypes representing foreign and local varieties and also lines obtained in the breeding program.This study was carried out for a total of 477 spring barley genotypes. Characters that have been analyzed are: plant height, flag leaf length, thousand kernel weight (TKW), grain weight per spike and biological yield. To estimate the stability under the influence of climatic conditions we used a repeatability analysis and calculated the correlations between characters and the conditions of experimental years 2012 and 2013. This provides indirect information for the heritability index. Results. In the collection we identify stable genotypes for plant height that can be used in future breeding program to reduce plant height and avoid the phenomenon of fall. As well we identified varieties with high TKW values and grain weight/spike and high heritability index that will be used in hybridization programs. Conclusion. The collection of spring barley varieties from ARDS Turda shows enough variability that can be used in breeding programs. Renewal of the collection with new sources of genes and differentiated geographically genotypes will lead through the hybridization processes to valuable recombination. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 119 Section 1: Agriculture THE USE OF GIS FOR EVALUATING AREAS FROM SOMEŞ MIC MEADOW AFFECTED BY EXCESS MOISTURE Tudor SĂLĂGEAN1*, Teodor RUSU1, Lucian DRAGOMIR2, Paula Ioana MORARU1, Adrian Ioan POP1 and Bogdan DUDA1 1 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 2 Faculty of Agriculture, Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timişoara, Timişoara, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: excess moisture, floodplain, GIS, soil, thematic maps Introduction. Soils degraded by excessive moisture are characterized by the content on surface and in the mass of water which prevents normal function of plants and bring soil in poor condition of tillage and cultivation (Dîrja and Budiu, 2006). Aims. The purpose of this paper is to create a geographical informational system with which we can create different thematic maps necessary for developing management strategies and management of land improvement works for an efficiently use of water resources. Materials and Methods. The main purpose of a GIS is, besides entrying, storaging and editing of data (geographic, climatic, demographic, environmental etc.), studying and analyzing this information in a relational context, thus being able to develop some complex decisions (Dimitriu, 2007). Geographic Information Systems are built around four basic elements or functions (Borşan and Voicu, 2009): designing the database; introducing the data; data interrogation; displaying the results. Results. The process of aligning and data transforming involves identifying the set of control points whose coordinates are known and which must be determined with high accuracy, being dotted the pixel which locates point. The x and y coordinates of all other points on the map are calculated automatically based on algorithms from the program. Once there are determined the checkpoints of the map is very important to check if they are within tolerances. After georeferencing each trapezoid will obtain the map of the studied area, but since the projection system specific to Romania is the 1970 Stereographic Projection, it is necessary the transcalculus from the Gauss Kruger system. An important factor influencing the excess moisture from the soil surface and from the soil, is the air temperature. So based on the data collected from the meteorological station in Cluj-Napoca, was performed an analysis of the average, minimum and maximum monthly temperature values during the period 20112012. Conclusion. This thematic interdisciplinary paper aims to highlight the issues of combating and preventing degradation processes of floodplain agricultural ecosystems from Someş Mic meadow, between Cluj-Napoca and Dej, caused by excess water from the soil. Using Geographic Information System facilitates a better and a more efficient decision making of field operations, having the possibility of permanently updating field data. Acknowledgements. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 120 Section 1: Agriculture BEHAVIOR OF NEW PHYLLOXERA RESITANT ROOTSTOCKS ON DIFFERENT VINEYARD SITES Joachim SCHMID1*, Frank MANTY1 and Ernst H. RUEHL1 Institute for Grapevine Breeding, Geisenheim University, Geisenheim, Germany. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: adaptation, phylloxera, rootstock. Introduction. Phylloxera risk makes viticulture virtually impossible without grafted vines. Most rootstock varieties are sufficiently phylloxera tolerant but not resistant, allowing the formation of leaf galls and root nodosities. Genetic diversity of rootstocks is small worldwide. Rootstocks of the Vitis cinerea genotype are highly resistant to phylloxera (e.g. Börner, Rici, Cina). The Introduction of completely phylloxera resistant rootstocks is the chief goal of our breeding program at Geisenheim. New candidate varieties are evaluated for rooting and grafting capability comparing their performance in vineyard trials to commonly used rootstocks. Aims. The aim of this study is to gain information on some alternative rootstocks and new completely phylloxera resistant candidate varieties, which could help to enlarge the range of commercially used rootstocks. Materials and Methods. Plants were bench-grafted with virus tested rootstock and Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris, Trollinger (Black Hamburg) and White Riesling as scion material, callused in a glasshouse and rooted in a field nursery. Rootstock trials were located in the different wine growing regions in Germany representing a range of different soil typs. Results. Rootstocks have a huge impact on the scion partner, its physiology and performance. Different yield levels are corresponding to the relative water holding capacities of the trial sites. While most rootstocks show variable results, SO4 is the most stable high level performer at all sites. A number of new Geisenheim crosses show comparably performance characteristics on a medium to high level according to site specific soil conditions. Vigour, yield, berry size, concentration of minerals within berry juice, content of organic acids, pH and sugar concentration are affected by rootstocks considerably. Conclusion. The introduction of new completely phylloxera resistant rootstocks will contribute to a larger biodiversity, which is a good protection measure against phylloxera and possible new root diseases. A number of new Geisenheim rootstock crosses show a good potential for commercial cultivation. Despite these encouraging results, more trials are needed. In any case, an increase in rootstock biodiversity is crucial for the future development of viticulture. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 121 Section 1: Agriculture INFLUENCE OF MINERAL FERTILIZATION AND ZEOLITE ON SOYBEAN PRODUCTIVITY ELEMENTS IN CLIMATIC CONDITIONS FROM ARDS TURDA Susana SFECHIŞ, Roxana VIDICAN*, Ioan ROTAR, Vlad STOIAN Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: faeoziom argic, nodules, soybean, statistical analysis, zeolite. Introduction. Total or partial replacement of chemical fertilizers with zeolite is a viable alternative because of the advantages it provides plants through improved soil physical and chemical properties due to cation exchange capacity; increase soil nitrification, which results in bacterial population growth of pathogenic fungi that attack crops and increase productivity. Aims. The study aims to analyze the influence of the zeolite mineral fertilization on productivity elements and microbiological soil characteristics on the number of nodules on soybean crop in climatic conditions from SCDA Turda. Material and Methods. Experiments were located at SCDA Turda, a ground faeoziom argic after Latin method rectangle in 4 repetitions with 8 different variants of fertilization, the biological material was represented by variety Felix created at SCDA Turda variety. Regarding microbiological activity in soil were made to determine the number of nodules/variant flowering phenophase. Results. Among the variants fertilized with mineral and with zeolite, productivity elements did not reveal significant differences. With regard to the number of nodules that significant variations depending on the dose of fertilizer, respectively zeolite dose applied. Conclusions. In the first experimental year (2013) in climatic conditions from SCDA Turda, no significant differences as regards its production increases. With the application of different doses of mineral fertilizers and zeolite significant differences apear on the number of nodules/plant. Acknowledgements. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Found, Human Resources Development Operational Programe 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765. References 1. Muntean et al., (2003). Phytotechny, Publishing USAMV „Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iasi, 160-189, 256-276, 303-333; 2. Vidican R. (2007). Microbiology, Risoprint Publishing, Cluj-Napoca; 3. Vidican R. (2013). User manual application of fertilizers, Risoprint Publishing, ClujNapoca. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 122 Section 1: Agriculture THE IMPACT OF BIOLOGICAL, ECOLOGICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS ON THE FORAGE YIELD OF COMPLEX MIXTURES OF PERENNIAL GRASSES AND LEGUMES Nicuşor SIMA1, Doru CRISTE1 and Rodica SIMA2* 1 Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 2 Faculty of Horticulture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: climate change, temporary pastures, cutting Introduction. The negative impact of climatic changes is obviously in the forage production. In these conditions the knowledge of biological characteristics, requirements and reactions at environmental conditions of different species which compose complex mixtures becomes very important. Temporary pastures with complex mixtures of perennial grasses and legumes can provide high fodder yields in less favourable for plant growth and development conditions (Motcă et al., 1994, Vîntu et al., 2004). Aims. The choice of mixtures of perennial grasses and legumes, unlike pure crops of perennial grasses and legumes for the establishment of temporary pastures, provides the preequisites of sustainable forage production (Mathieu, 2003; Rotar and Carlier, 2005). Materials and Methods. The experiment was organized by subdivided plots method with 9 crops (8 complex mixtures composed of perennial fodder grasses and legumes M2 – M8, respectively a control variant represented by pure alfalfa crop M1), 3 levels of fertilization (N0P0, N60P70 and N120P70 kg·ha-1) and 3 replications. The obtained data were statistical analyzed using ANOVA test. Results. Environmental conditions during vegetative period in 2010 determined distinct significant yield increases while droughty conditions of 2011 determined distinct significant yield decreases. The fertilizations with N60P70 and N120P70 kg·ha-1 determined significant and very significant yield increases. The mixture type provided statistical significant yield increases in 6 of those 8 mixtures compared to the pure alfalfa crop. Conclusion. The analisys of the three experimental factors (mixture, fertilization and year) interaction reveals the importance of biological characteristics of species in mixtures. The best results were obtained for M7, M8 and M5 mixtures. All these mixtures provided high yields both in the favourable climatic conditions of 2010 and in the droughty conditions of 2011. References 1. Motcă Gh., Oancea I., Geamănu L.I. (1994). Pasture of Romania. Typology and technology, Handbook, Ed. Tehn. Agricolă. Bucureşti, Romania, 97-150. 2. Mathieu M. (2003). Luzerne–culture, recolte, conservation, utilisation. Editions France Agricole. Chp. 3, 87-88. 3. Rotar I. and Carlier L. (2005). Pastures culture. Ed. Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca. p. 9-27. 4. Vîntu V., Moisuc A., Motcă Ghe. and Rotar I. (2004). Fodder plants and pastures culture. Ed. Ion Ionescu de la Brad, Iaşi. 17 -57. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 123 Section 1: Agriculture RESEARCHES ON THE GERMINATION BIOLOGY OF SOME COMMON WEED SEEDS IN TURKEY Hüseyin SOLAK1, Murat KARACA2* and Ahmet GÜNCAN2 1 2 Ziraat Bank, Konya, Turkey. Department of Plant Protection. University of Selcuk, Turkey. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: weed seed, germination, biology. Introduction. Weeds in agricultural production is one of the most important factors affecting yield. They causes yield lose ranging from 25% to 35% by competing with cultivated plants especially for nutrient, water, light and place (Ozer, 1993). This data show the significance of weeds in agricultural areas. It is necessary to control the weeds to remove their harm. Principally the meaning of control is to know their biology. Aims. With this research the germination biology conditions (minimum, optimum and maximum germination temperature, germination period and germination rate) of some common weeds that are widespread in the agriculture in Turkey have been examined. Summarize It is aimed to determine some of the characteristics that can help in weed management. Materials and Methods. Seven weed species seeds have been used in the experiments. In order to determine the germination conditions, the petri dishes were observed at 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 o C for 28 days by putting them into incubators operating at a stable temperature. All experiments were conducted with four repetitions. From the beginning of the experiments counting was done on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th days (Uygur 1985). Results. Minimum, optimum and maximum germination temperatures were 7-10, 30-40 and 43-45 °C for Amaranthus retroflexus L., respectively. These parameters for Chenopodium album L. were 0–2, 15–25 and 40 °C; for Alhagi camelorum Fisch. they were 7–10, 25–40 and 40–43 °C; for Galium aparine L. they were 0–2, 5–25 and 25–30 °C; for Taraxacum officinale Weber. they were 0–2, 10–30 and 40 °C; for Heliotropium europaeum L. they were 20–35, 40 and 40–43 °C; for Peganum harmala L. they were 7–10, 20–30 and 43–45 °C. Conclusion. It is necessary to weeds identify, biology and to determine of life forms and much more radical solutions for weed management in the agricultural fields. Investigation of these characteristics in order to form the basis of integrated pest management program has great importance. Acknowledgements. This study was extracted from MSc thesis of Hüseyin References 1. Uygur, F. N. 1985. Untersuchungen zu Art und Bedeutung der Verunkrautung in der Cukurova unter besonderer Berücksictigung von Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. Und Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. PLITS 1985/3 (5) Stuttgart. 2. Ozer, Z. (1993). Niçin Yabancı Ot Bilimi (Herboloji)?. Türkiye I. Herboloji Kongresi. 35 Şubat 1993, Adana. s.1-7. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 124 Section 1: Agriculture DEVELOPMENT OF AN EQUIPMENT FOR IN FIELD MEASURING OF TRACTION FORCES DURING SOIL TILLAGE Sorin STĂNILĂ Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: force transducers, data acquisition, traction forces, soil tillage. Introduction. The traction forces can be determined theoretically with different relations, or they can be measured in field with different implements. The collective of Technical Sciences and Soil Sciences, from the Faculty of Agriculture has developed a system for measuring traction forces of agricultural machines in field operation. This system will be able to measure the traction forces for different agricultural machines in different soil conditions up to 50 kN. Aims. This paper presents how the system is made and methods for sensor calibration for forces measurement. The system will be capable of determining the value of longitudinal forces (Fx), vertical forces (Fz) and transversal forces (Fy). Materials and Methods. For measuring the traction forces, the system has two steel frames which are mounted between the tractor and the agricultural machine. Those two frames are linked together by six HBM S2/S9 force transducers: three for longitudinal forces, two for vertical forces and one for transversal forces (rotation moment is created between two frames). All six force transducers are connected to a data acquisition device SPIDER8 which is an electronic measuring system for PCs for electronic measurement of mechanical variables. Results. The measuring system with two frames was developed at Technical Sciences, from the Faculty of Agriculture, regarding shape, size and materials. The execution of frames will be made in collaboration with SC Tehnofavorit Bonţida SRL. The size of frames was established to fit a wide range of tractors and agricultural machines with 3 different point hitch sizes. For calibrating the force transducers we used a hydraulic stand. Each force transducer was mounted on a stand, tensioned and compressed to measure the forces range. After this calibration, it resulted that all six forces transducers respect the manufacturer prescriptions (0-50 kN) and can be used to measure in field operations. Conclusion. Equipment for in field measuring of traction forces during soil tillage was developed to measure and evaluate tractor and tillage tools' parameters. The measuring system has two steel frames and six force transducers which were calibrated for in field operations. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 125 Section 1: Agriculture EFFECT OF SALINE IRRIGATION AND SOWING DEPTH ON GERMINATION OF BEAN (Phaseolus vulgaris) IN A POT EXPERIMENT Sinan SUHERI, Duran YAVUZ, Iknur YAYLALI and Nurcan YAVUZ* Department of Farm Structure and Irrigation. University of Selcuk, Turkey. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Phaseolus vulgaris, germination, saline water. Introduction. Bean is an important leguminous crop in Turkey. Konya ranks first in Turkey in terms of the bean cultivation areas with a total area of 14.869 (Anonymous, 2008). The Konya basin where the experiment conducted has a semi arid climate. In this areas salinity remains a major problem facing agriculture rainfall is insufficient to leach salts from the root zone and evaporation tends to exceed rainfall. The common bean is an example of salt sensitive species (Maas and Hoffman, 1977) Salinity impairs seed germination, reduces nodule formation, retards plant development and reduces crop yield (Greenway and Munns, 1980). Aims. This study was conducted to investigate seedling emergence in two bean cultivars in response to a range of sowing depths and salinity treatments. Materials and Methods. Experiments were conducted in May 2013 in a greenhouse at Selcuk University Agricultural Faculty in Konya, Turkey with two bean varieties. Several plastic pots were filled with clay loam soil taken from a field which previously carried a wheat crop. 50 bean seeds were sown in each pot to a depth 2, 4 and 6 cm. The experimental design was a split-split plot with salinity treatments as main plots, seedling depths as subplots and cultivars subsubplots replicated four times. Pots were irrigated with tap water (0.3 dSm-1) or (2.0, 3.0 or 6.0 dSm-1). Crop germination was recorded daily till all the seeds were germinated and emerged from the soil surface. Results. Crop germinatin was significantly affected by irrigation water salinity. Generally, germination was severely limited at the highest salinity treatments. Depths of sowing had a significant impact on seedling emergence. The highest germination rate was obtained from lower sowing rates. Seedling emergence was significantly influenced by salinity, sowing depth and interactions. It has been found that salinity effects germination time. Early germination has occurred on the lower salinity treatments. Conclusion. Saline irrigation water, containing appreciable amounts of soluble salts, is conducive to increased agricultural production. The results of this study indicate that crop germination were affected significantly with irrigation water salinity. References 1. Hussain G., Al-Jaloud A.A., Al-Shammary, S.A., Karimulla, S. And Al-Aswad S.O. (1997). Effect of saline irrigation on germination on growth parameters of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in pot experiment. Agriculture Water Management 34: 125-135 2. Esechie H.A., Al-Saidi, A and Al-Khanjari S. (2002) Effect of Sodium Chloride Salinity on Seedling Emergence in Chickpea. Journal of Argronomy & Crop science 188, 155160 3. Greenway H and Munns R (1980). Mechanism of salt tolerance in nonhalophytes.Ann. Rev. Plant. Physiol., 31:149-190. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 126 Section 1: Agriculture LINKAGES BETWEEN SOIL BIODIVERSITY AND AGROECOSYSTEM SERVICES TO PROMOTE SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE Mignon ŞANDOR* and Aurel MAXIM Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author: [email protected] Keywords: agroecosystem, biodiversity, ecosystem services, soil. Introduction. Soils are of central importance for delivering ecosystem services such as food and fiber production, soil and water quality, climate mitigation, pest regulation, nutrient cycling. Soil biodiversity is a part of global biodiversity and is more often defined as the diversity of living organisms that live into the soil. Agroecosystems are both providers and consumers of ecosystems services (Power, 2010). Soil biodiversity provide supporting services to agroecosystems but the mechanism of how this is done is not yet understood. During the last period many studies about these mechanism was done but the relationship is still not well understood. Aims. The objective of this review is to give an overview on which role soil biodiversity plays in assurance of ecosystem services in agroecosystems. Material and Methods. Available data related to soil biodiversity - agroecosystem services relationship were analyzed. Results. Agroecosystems produce a variety of ecosystem services such as regulation of soil and water quality, carbon sequestration, support for biodiversity and cultural services. These services are provided as a result of complex relationships between biota – environment – human management. Soil biodiversity is considered as key component of agroecosystem and proceses as nutrient cycle, soil formation and pest control are directly dependent on them. Through microbial and faunal component of soil biodiversity supporting services of agroecosystems are provided and can be managed in order to assure sustainable agricultural production. Conclusions. Agroecosystems provide many ecosystem services that are essential to human wellbeing. Through the management practices that improve soil biodiversity in agricultural system the beneficial effects could be increased while negative impact of agricultural production on environment can be reduced. References 1. Power A.G. (2010). Ecosystem services and agriculture: tradeoffs and synergies, Phil. Trans. R. Soc B, 365:2959-2971 2. Wallace K. J. (2007). Classification of ecosystem services: problems and solutions, Biological Conservation, 139:235-246 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 127 Section 1: Agriculture INTERACTIONS BETWEEN SOIL BIOTA AND ENERGY CROPS IN A PHYTOCOSM EXPERIMENT IN THE GREENHOUSE Valentina ŞANDOR1,2, Roxana VIDICAN1*, Quentin SCHORPP2 , Mignon SANDOR3, Stefan SCHRADER2 1 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 2 Institute of Biodiversity, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institute,Braunschweig, Germany. * Corresponding author, e-mail: Roxana.vidican” Keywords: earthworms, collembolans, Silphium perfoliatum, Zea mays Introduction. The relationships between biodiversity and agroecosystem functioning are complex and require clarification for each of the services biodiversity can provide. Their positive effects depend principally on interactions between biotic components or between biotic and abiotic components of the agroecosystem (Pulleman et al., 2012). Aims. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of earthworms and collembolans in the rhizosphere of conventional and alternative bioenergy crops (Z. mays and S. perfoliatum) taking into account two soil textures, sandy (65.4%) and loamy (67.2%). Materials and Methods. For this purpose, a soil-plant-animal system was installed under greenhouse conditions for 42 days and followed a randomized block design. In total, 80 phytocosms were prepared, considering five replicates for each treatment: one treatment inoculated earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris), one treatment inoculated with collembolans (Folsomia candida), a mixed treatment and one treatment without animals which served as control. All phytocosms were closed at the bottom with nylon-mesh (20 µm) to avoid earthworms and collembolans to escape. Furthermore, the top of the phytocosms were covered with similar mesh prevent collembolans from escape and to reduce evaporation. Results. The results show a positive influence of earthworms on plant growth and differences between the two energy crops. The cup-plant S. perfoliatum benefits more from soil biota interaction in sandy than loamy soil. Root and shoot biomass had a stronger growth in the treatments with earthworms than collembolans. Conclusion. Cup plant rhizosphere is more beneficial for soil biota than maize rhizosphere. Acknowledgements. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765. References 1. Pulleman M., Creamer R., Hamer U., Helder J., Pelosi C., Pérès .G, Rutgers M. (2012). Soil biodiversity, biological indicators and soil ecosystem services-an overview of European approaches. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 4: 529–538. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 128 Section 1: Agriculture INFLUENCE OF FERTILIZATION ON THE PRODUCTION AND QUALITY INDICES OF WHEAT, IN CONSERVATIVE SYSTEM, AT ARDS TURDA Alina ŞIMON1,2*, Felicia CHEŢAN1,2, Teodor RUSU2, Cornel CHEŢAN1,2, Mircea IGNEA1 1 2 Agricultural Research Development Station Turda, Turda, Romania Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: fertilization, conservative system, wheat variety, yield, quality. Introduction. Execution the works soil must be made in terms of limiting to the strict minimum necessary and the moisture to content corresponding (Gus et al., 2003). In the conservative agricultural system fertilization is done sequentially: basic fertilization carried out concurrently the sowing and additional fertilization in the resumption of vegetation in the case of cereal grain (Nagy et al., 2008). Aims. The purpose of this paper is researching the influence of the fertilization with different doses, in the climatic conditions during the period 2011-2013, at Arieşan and Apullum wheat variety, in terms of production and quality indices. Materials and Methods. Is a bifactorial experience, type AxB-R: 5x2-3. Factor AFertilization graduation: A1= unfertilized; A2= N40P40; A3= N80P80; A4= N80P80+ N50 applied to vegetation; A5= N80P80+ N50 applied to vegetation+ foliar fertilizer with Agrofeed 4 kg/ha. Factor B-Variety graduation: B1= Arieşan wheat variety; B2= Apullum wheat variety. Results. In the case of Arieşan, in data analysis at doses of fertilizer exceeding N80P80, good results are obtained for both the production and at the main indices of quality of wheat. In the case of the Apullum variety in all of fertilization variants have obtained higher yields compared to unfertilized witness. The dose of fertilizer applied has influence and on the protein, the most important differences being performed at N80P80+N50 on vegetation. Conclusion. The use of varieties adapted to the changing environmental conditions is especially helpful for obtaining high yields even in the years of abnormal climatic. the yield obtained from the Arieşan variety were very high compared with unfertilized witness and Apullum variety made more uniform production than Arieşan variety. References 1. Guş P., Rusu T., Bogdan I. (2003). Conventional and unconventional systems of soil tillage. Ed. Risoprint Cluj-Napoca, 124. 2. Nagy E., Nagy K., Haş I. (2008). Influence of fungicide treatments on yield and quality of wheat in farming system with conservative soil tillage. Minimum tillage systems Alternatives for environmental protection. Ed. Risoprint Cluj-Napoca, 80-85. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 129 Section 1: Agriculture MYCORRHIZAL COLONIZATION VARIATION PRODUCED BY MULCHING AND ZINC SULPHATE OVERLAPPED ON DIFFERENTIATED FERTILIZATION Vlad STOIAN, Roxana VIDICAN*, Ioan ROTAR, Florin PĂCURAR Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: mulching, zinc sulphate, mycorrhizal colonization, differentiated fertilization. Introduction. The necessity to produce increasingly high quantities of forages, in the current social and economic conditions, requires more accentuated intensification of the surfaces occupied by grasslands. Administration of large amounts of fertilizers leads to a depreciation of the canopy, being advantaged the dominant species adapted to a higher consumption of nutrients. The danger of destabilization of grassland ecosystems is much higher in the mountains, where the high biodiversity of vegetation is directly correlated with the level of mycorrhizal colonization. Simultaneous evolution of mycorrhizal fungi as symbionts in roots of higher plants makes them play an important role in nutrient balance of ecosystems as a result of the interconnection of plants roots that they colonize through hyphal networks. Aims. This paper aims to analyze the impact of mulching on a mountain grassland versus mowing and application of zinc sulphate treatment to stabilize the level of mycorrhizal colonization, at the end of vegetate period, after a differentiated fertilization. Materials and Methods. Perturbation level of fertilization and treatment over colonization parameters was analysed in roots of Festuca rubra, in an experiment with 6 graduations of mineral and organic fertilization located in Garda de Sus village, at the end of vegetation period in 2010 and 2011. Results. Variants of fertilization based on chemical nitrogen combined with mulching and treatment with zinc sulphate provided a balanced colonization frequency during both experimental years, compared to the strong disrupt produced by organic fertilization from one year to another. The intensity of the colonization of root system of Festuca rubra plants is much less sensitive to the application of the zinc sulphate above fertilization, the differences between the values at the both years being very low. Mulching, in the same fertilization conditions, creates a much stronger variation of the intensity of colonization, with strong variations from one year to the other one. Conclusion. The application of mulching can create much higher disturbances for the level of mycorrhizal colonization compared to treatment with zinc sulphate under same conditions of differentiated fertilization, resulting in a destabilization of the balance in the rhizosphere of Festuca rubra plants. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 130 Section 1: Agriculture THE INFLUENCE OF FUNGICIDE TREATMENT ON THE PRODUCTION AND QUALITY OF SEVERAL AUTUMN WHEAT VARIETIES Loredana SUCIU1,2, Raluca MICLEA1, Rozalia KADAR2 and Carmen PUIA1* 1 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 2 Agricultural Research Development Station Turda, Turda, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: fungicide, quality, yield, wheat Introduction. The wheat production range from one year to another and is influenced by the climatic conditions, the cultivated variety and by the presence of the pathogens which cause foliar and ear diseases (Elena Nagy and Nagy, 2008). Also the quality of production (protein and gluten) is influenced by the pedological and climatic condition and diseases (Suciu et al., 2013). Aims. The objective of this paper is to highlight once again the importance of fungicide treatments on the vegetation, in order to obtain higher production in terms of quantity and quality. Materials and Methods. The effect of vegetation treatments fungicide on the production and quality was studied in 2012-2013 at ARDS Turda, in the Phytopathology laboratory field. The study was conducted with five wheat varieties: Ariesan, Apullum Turda 2000, Dumbrava and Andrada and the test variants were: no treatment (T0), one treatment, (T1) and two treatments (T2). The vegetation treatments have been carried out with the products Nativo (1l/ha) at the flag leaf appearance and Prosaro (1l/ha) at the end of flowering. Because the fusarium head blight, produced by different species of the genus Fusarium, is the most important disease in wheat crops and has a high impact on the quality and quantity of production, the percentage of diseased kernels was determined. The production was evaluated in kg/ha and the qualitative parameters were determined using the INSTALAB 600 analyzer. Results. Following the observations made and the statistical interpretation of data, we can say that applying vegetation treatments the percentage of diseased grains decreases, with significant, distinct significantly and very significant negative differences compared to the control. The yield increases with 235-933 kg/ha when was applied a treatment and with 3161375 kg/ha, when were applied two treatments. The gluten and the protein content recorded a slight decrease or increase, depending on the test variant and the ash content decreased when the treatments were applied on the vegetation. Conclusion. The application of fungicide treatments on the vegetation is an important link in the wheat cultivation technology, ensuring the achievement quantitative and qualitative higher production. References 1. Nagy E., Nagy D.C. (2008). Influenţa tratamentelor cu fungicide asupra producţiei şi calităţii la câteva soiuri de grâu. AN. I.N.C.D.A. Fundulea. Vol. LXXVI. 2. Suciu L., Şopterean L., Kadar R. (2013), Influenţa tratamentelor foliare asupra producţiei la câteva soiuri de grâu de toamnă la SCDA Turda. Agricultura Transilvană, Buletin Informativ, nr. 19. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 131 Section 1: Agriculture ALLELOPATHIC EFFECTS PRODUCED BY JOHNSON GRASS EXTRACTS OVER GERMINATION AND GROWTH OF CROP PLANTS Ramona ŞTEF1*, Alin CĂRĂBEŢ1, Ioana GROZEA1, Isidora RADULOV2 and Adina BERBECEA2 1 Department of Biology and Plant Protection, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “Regele Mihai I al României”, Timişoara, Romania 2 Department of Soil Sciences, Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “Regele Mihai I al României”, Timişoara, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: allelopathic extract, maize, soy, Johnson grass, germination. Introduction. Jhonson grass (Sorghum halepense) is a very competitive weed and invasive, it is the most damaging weed in Romania in hoeing crops. Ad competitive ability of Jhonson grass to add the production of allelopathic substances that adversely affect germination of other plant species. Alelopathic effect of this species is determined by the cyanogenic, glycogenic and phenolic compound contributing to the suppression of growth of crop plants. "Biochemical inhibition" theory of de Candolle (1832) was confirmed in 1937 by Molisch, who introduced the term scientific of„allelopaty”, referring to the "biochemical dialogue" between organisms (Cristea et al., 2004). Allelopaty refers to the inhibition of a chemical species to another. "Inhibitory" substances are released into the environment where it affects the development and growth of surrounding plants (Ferguson et al, 2013). This antagonistic phenomenon is a form of competition between weeds and plants. This biochemical interaction consists of the removal of root exudates, foliar and stem. Active secretions are produced by live organs of the plant, and the passive, come from the dead organs in the course of decomposition (Grodzinski, 1966 cited by Chirilă, 2001). Aims. The proposed study intends to provide data on the influence of Jhonson grass extracts over germination and growth of maize and soy plants. Materials and Methods. Preparing extracts from dried rhizomes were doing so: the roots were washed, dried (for 14 days at a constant temperature of 26.6 °C) and chopped. For the fresh rhizome, leaves and seed extracts was made harvesting and shredding. Each extract was composed of 4 g of dried or fresh material that added water and ethyl alcohol concentration 98%. Corn and soybean seeds were put on a layer of filter paper to a Petri dish (10 seeds/ Petri dish) and covered with sandy sterilized, each variant has been wetted with 200 ml of extract. The dishes were made in the laboratory to 12 hours light and 27± 2°C for 12 days. In the first three days the vessels were placed in bags. Results. As a result of the performed study it was observed that the species Sorghum halepense has strong potential to compete against the growing plant, having the ability to influence the initial growth and production of culture, all the extracts of Johnson grass used in experience showed inhibitory effect (allelopathic). The results showed that the length of the shoots, germination and dry matter of plants of soybeans and corn have been significantly affected by the type of extract and its concentration. Conclusion. The largest quantity of allelopathic substances is found in the rhizome, because they determined the lowest percentage germination of seed of soybean and corn and getting a very significant dry weight compared to the control variant. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 132 Section 1: Agriculture THE PHENOTYPIC VARIABILITY OF THE MAIZE INBREED LINES FROM ARDS TURDA AND THE IDENTIFICATION OF NEW SOURCES FOR MAIZE HYBRIDS BREEDING Roxana SUT GHERMAN1, Voichita HAS2, Andrei VARGA2, Ana COPÂNDEAN2, Ioan HAS1,2* 1 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 2 Agricultural Research Development Station Turda, Turda, Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: inbreed lines, kernels, ear, variability. Introduction. The inbreed lines collection from the Agriculture Reseach and Development Station Turda include inbreed lines created on the station, but also lines with a different origin. Aims. The aim of this paper is the study of the phenotypic variability between the inbreed lines regarding the plant height, the ear height, the number of leaves/plant, the number of branches/tassel, reaction to cms, ear lenght, number of rows, number of kernels/row, kernels type, kernels color, cob color and the chemical composition of the grains. Using the phenotypic characterisation there are identified new sources for some favorable characters that can be used for the breeding of competitive hybrids. Materials and Methods. On this study there were analyzed over 500 dent and flint inbreed lines from ARDS Turda, but also the saccharata inbreed lines. The inbreed lines were studied on the field regarding the plant height, the ear height, number of leaves/plant and the number of branches/tassel. On the laboratory there were studied the characters regarding the ear and kernels. Using all the data obtained there are choosen some inbreed lines that are used for the maize hybrids breeding programs. Results. Most inbreed lines belong to the dent variety and most lines have a short or medium long ear. It was also noticed a high proportion of lines with 14-18 kernel rows. There is a high variability between the lines regarding the plant height, ear hight and the number of kernels/row, and a very high variability for the number of branches/tassel. Conclusion. The inbreed lines from ARDS Turda can be used as parents for the commercial hybrids. The variability between the lines makes them more valuable, due to the fact that there are a lot of sources for creating hybrids. References 1. Has V., Căbulea I., Has I, Grecu C., Copândean A. (1999). Progresul genetic realizat în crearea liniilor consangvinizate de porumb la S.C.A. Turda. Contrib. cercet. științ. dezv. agr., VI: 99-114. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 133 Section 1: Agriculture AGROBIOLOGICAL PECULIARITIES AND NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF GALEGA ORIENTALIS LAM. AND ASTRAGALUS GALEGIFORMIS L. SPECIES IN MOLDOVA Alexandru TELEUŢĂ1*, Victor ŢÎŢEI1, Sergiu COŞMAN2 1 Botanical Garden (Institute) of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Republic of Moldova 2 SP Institute of Biotechnologies in Animal husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, Republic of Moldova *Corresponding autor, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Galega orientalis, Astragalus galegiformis,biological peculiarities, productivity, chemical composition, nutritional value. Introduction. Galega orientalis Lam. and Astragalus galegiformis L. is a perennial herbaceous plant native of Caucasus forested slopes and river valleys belonging to the family of Fabaceae. Aims. The objective of this research was to evaluate agro biological peculiarities and nutritional value of G. orientalis and A. galegiformis species in Moldova’ conditions. Materials and Methods. The species Galega orientalis, cv. Speranţa and Astragalus galegiformis which were cultivated in the collection of non-traditional forage plants of the Botanical Garden (Institute) of the ASM, served as object of study. Traditional leguminous fodder crop Medicago sativa L. served as a control variant. Investigations on growth and development, productivity and the nutritional value of fodder plants according to known methods were performed. Results. As a result of the performed researches, it has been established that, in order to germinate abundantly, the seeds of the studied species need to be scarified. In the first year of vegetation, these species, in comparison with M. sativa, have a slow growth and development, reaching only the step of forming of the stem with leaves, reaches the flowering stage. In the following years, the studied species has a more rapid growth and development, flowering stage begins 12- 31 days earlier, in comparison with M. sativa, the plants reach a height of 149.5- 191.4 cm versus 83.2 cm at control. G. orientalis and A. galegiformis have a higher seed productivity (0.6 t/ha), rate of accumulation of the aerial phytomass, yield of natural fodder - 60-64 t/ha or 16-20 t/ha dry matter. The biochemical composition of the dry matter G. orientalis: protein 17.80%, fats 3.55%, cellulose 30.50 %, non-nitrogenous extractive substances 39.47% and mineral substances 8.69%; A. galegiformis: protein 17.64%, fats 3.69%, cellulose 23.21 %, non-nitrogenous extractive substances 48.47% and mineral substances 7.00%. Conclusion. Due to productivity, ability to grow for a long time (15-20 yrs) in the same place and fast re-growth in spring and high resistance to the pests the species G. orientalis and A. galegiformis are very promising fodder crops in Moldova and in other countries with similar geoclimatic conditions. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 134 Section 1: Agriculture INTRODUCTION AND AGROECONOMICAL VALUE OF SIDA HERMAPHRODITA (L.) RUSBY IN REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA Victor ŢÎŢEI* Botanical Garden (Institute) of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Republic of Moldova *Corresponding autor, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Sida hermaphrodita, variety Energo, productivity, nutritional value, calorific value. Introduction. Sida hermaphrodita (L.) Rusby fam. Malvaceae (Virginia mallow, Pennsylvanian malva) is a polycarpic perennial herb native in North America, has the form of a dense roots bush with a few dozen of stems with the length of 400cm and diameter of 5 to 35 mm. The plant is reproduced by means of root cuttings, stem cuttings or seeds. Aims. The objective of this research was to evaluate productivity, fodder and calorific value of new species Sida hermaphrodita in Moldova’ s conditions. Materials and Methods. The species Sida hermaphrodita (L.) Rusby, variety Energo, registered in the Catalogue of plant varieties of the Republic of Moldova, which were cultivated in the Botanical Garden (Institute) of the ASM, served as object of study. Investigations on growth and development, productivity and the nutritional value of fodder plants according to known methods were performed. The calorific value was determined according to European Standards by atomic bomb calorimeter LAGET MS – 10A. Results. As a result of mobilization, research and ameliorative activities, in the Botanical Garden (I) of the ASM, was created the Energo variety, in its first year of vegetation has a slow growth and development, it reaches a height of 160 cm (flowering stage), but the second year has a more rapid growth and development, it grows to 2.5 – 3.2 meters, grows lots of shoots which take away the growing space from the weed. In the following years, the species grows 18 - 30 stems from one stool which stems will die back during winter, has a very high rate of accumulation of the biomass. The fresh mass, first cut, reach 45.8-58.4 t/ha in June, the leaves constituting 31.9 - 37.9 %; the dry matter - 22.0 - 27.9%; the protein -16.0 - 18.1% abs. dry matter. The annual productivity of fresh mass constitutes 85.4 - 96.1 t/ha. The fresh mass is used for the preparation of silage and vitaminous flour; for production of renewable energy – biogas. Dry stems can be harvested in winter with technical means of collection feed and used to produce briquettes and pellets, gross calorific value of about 18.7 MJ/kg of absolutely dry mass or about 335 - 400GJ/ha. Conclusion. The species Sida hermaphrodita (L.) Rusby, variety Energo, represents a valuable crop in Moldova’s conditions. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 135 Section 1: Agriculture RESEARCH ON QUANTIFICATION LOSSES DUE TO GERMINATION IN POTATO FOR INDUSTRIAL PROCESSING Florin UGRUȚAN, Gavrila MORAR*, Cristina MOLDOVAN Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: potato, exploitation, storage, seed, European integration Introduction. In the context of European integration, exploitation agricultural products is part of the priority activities. Processing of potato industrialization in the form of the finished product is a superior form of use that provides economic and financial advantages. Aims. The aim of this study is to identify the main factors affecting the looses during storage, recorded in potatoes destined to industrial processing. Materials and Methods. In the experiments that were conducted, study the biological material was represented by 5 varieties of potato, respectively: Ostara, Sante Roclas, Desire and Romano. During the months December-May have a caused losses in the mass of the potato varieties taken in study 5 through germination using successive weighing, every two weeks, eliminating losses through breathing, sweating. The researches were carried out on tubes of the same size and biological category during 2010-2011. Results. The calculations were performed by the method of analysis of variance and T-test using interpretations and multiple comparisons test (test Duncan). Part of the loss in weight of potato during storage is due to sprouting. In the period December -More such losses are variable depending on storage temperature, relative air humidity and time period. Conclusion. There were differences between the varieties considered in this study, three ranges of determination and during storage. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 136 Section 1: Agriculture THE GENETIC PROGRESS ACCOMPLISHED IN THE CREATION OF THE MAIZE HYBRIDS FROM A.R.D.S. TURDA Andrei VARGA², Voichiţa HA޲, Roxana ŞUT-GHERMAN², Ana COPÂNDEAN², Ioan HAŞ1,2* 1 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 2 Agricultural Research Development Station Turda, Turda, Romania *Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: maize hybrid, genetic progress, production Introduction. The maize (Zea mays) is one of the most amazing, natural devices for storing the energy. From one seed that weighs roughly 0.3 grams in two months can rise and grow a 2-3 meters high plant, which then will produce a number of 600-1000 seeds similar to the sown one (Cristea, 2004). The maize is considered increasingly to be used as an energy source mainly on two ways: metabolic energy for animal feed and source for ethanol as the fuel of the future. The use of ethanol has begun to be studied and applied for the first time in 1970. Aims. The main aim of the paper is the study of some maize hybrids from ARDS Turda, created from 1985 to 2012, regarding the genetic progress accomplished by cultivating on large areas the hybrids that were improved for production and other important agronomic traits. The check of the efficacy of hybridization formulas on the basis of simple hybrids performance is a method that contributed to the achievement of double and trilinear hybrids remarked for the production potential and stability. Achieving the maximum yield potential for the simple, the possibility of achieving maximum levels of heterosis between the ”flint” and ”dent” type or between local and foreign germoplasm, all for creating very valuable maize hybrids. Materials and Methods. There have been studied 12 hybrids registered at A.R.D.S. Turda, from three groups of vegetation period: very early, early and mid early hybrids. The hybrids were studied to A.R.D.S. Turda in three experiments: PG 1, PG 2, PG 3 in the years 2011 and 2012. Results. The average production achieved for the eight hybrids compared to Turda 200 has significantly exceeded the one realized by the check. The largest production increase on same period has been realized by Turda Favorit (+ 1332 kg/ha) and Turda Star (+ 1255 kg/ha). Conclusion. The climatic conditions of the West Transylvanian Plain (Turda - Câmpia Turzii) are favourable for early and mid early maize hybrids crops. References 1. Cristea M. (2004). Importanţa economică, răspândirea geografică, producţia şi comerţul cu porumb. în Porumbul – Studiu Monografic vol. I. Editura Academiei Române. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 137 Section 1: Agriculture RESEARCH ON THE GROWTH OF OFFSPRINGS AND FRUIT, UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF WATER IN IRRIGATED BLUEBERRY CROPS Nineta Simona VARGA1, Emil LUCA1*, Timea GABOR2, Marilena ROZENBERG3 1 Faculty of Horticulture University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Key words: Vaccinium corymbosum, irrigation, fertilization. Introduction. The cranberry with high bush (Vaccinium corymbosum) is part of the Ericacee family, genus vaccinium, and comes from North America. High bush cranberry cultivation in Europe began in 1925 in the Netherlands and Germany, then spread to many other countries across the continent, including in our country. The first crop of blueberries in Romania, was established in 1968 at Bîlcesti, Campulung-Muscel, where research has been done for 30 years, so it proved that high bush blueberries can be grown successfully in the climatic conditions of our country. Aims. The purpose of the research is to improve some aspects of crops technology and water consumption for the blueberry field crop, to pursue the economic efficiency under irrigation conditions, differentiated and comparatively, on the affine varieties studied. Materials and Methods. The research was conducted in the experimental field located at the Morariu farm in the locality of Ulmeni, Maramures county, a farm founded in 2011, on a soil with a moderate acid reaction, with pH of 5.5; with a high percentage of clay and only a few organic matter, a poorly productive soil, so that at the establishment of the culture amendment was made with river gravel, in order to correct the texture and with acidic peat (5l/plant) for the intake of organic matter. The experimental field consists of 8 randomized blocks into 3 repetitions, each of the 24 plots having 10 shrubs, planted on ridges at a distance of 1m and 3m between rows. The irrigation is done with a drip irrigation system and the dosing of the watersoluble fertilizer is performed using a Dozatron dispenser type. Observations were determined regarding the growth of 1 year old offsprings, two or three year old blueberry bushes and also the increases in the size and weight of the planted blueberries. The increases of the offsprings were measured by linear fabric meter, for 12 shrubs of every kind, the size of the berries were measured with calipers and the weight measurement was performed individually on 80 fruit/repetition, using the ’’Precisa’’XT 220 A, ISO 9001 analytical balance. Results. From the measurements done it is observed that there is an average increase of Hannah’s type offsprings during the vegetation season between 0.33cm – 1 cm for 3 year old offsprings, of 0.56 – 1 cm for 2 year old offsprings and of 1.3 - 2.16 cm for 1 year old offsprings. For the Eliot variety, the average growth of 3 year old offsprings is between 0.25 cm – 1.16 cm, the 2 year old offspring from 0.56 – 1 cm, and one year old ones between 0.83 cm - 1.96 cm. Hannah's berries have an average diameter between 10.73 cm – 12.76 cm. an average thickness between 8.88 cm – 10.53cm and average weight between 0.728 g-1, 089g. Conclusion. Observations show that there is a faster increase in the offsprings of the Hannah's variety in comparison with the Eliot variety and in both cases there is a larger increase of the 1 year old offsprings than in two and three year old ones, and also the size and weight of the berries from the Hannah's variety varies depending on the gradation of factors involved in the experiment. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 138 Section 1: Agriculture ASSESSING THE EFFECT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS ON MYCORRHIZAL COLONIZATION IN FESTUCA RUBRA AT THE END OF THE VEGETATION PERIOD Roxana VIDICAN, Vlad STOIAN*, Ioan ROTAR, Florin PĂCURAR Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Mycorrhiza, fertilization, fungicide, zinc sulphate, climate Introduction. Mycorrhizal fungi constitutes a critical component of effective agricultural ecosystems, and through involvement in the absorption and transfer, they have the ability to adjust the permanent and cyclical movement of nutrients in the entire ecosystem. Mycorrhizas have the ability to decrease inputs introduced into ecosystems, while increasing obtained yields, but allocation of ecosystem nutrient resources only symbiotic plants may cause, in time, the destabilization of plant communities. Aims. Objectives of the study were to create a hierarchy of climatic factors (temperature and rainfall) and technological (fertilization + treatment) depending on the power to influence the mycorrhizal development. Materials and Methods. Analysis of colonization parameters variation is conducted using data collected from a field experiment, during the years 2010 and 2011, over which were applied mineral and organic fertilizers under treatment with fungicides and zinc sulphate. To assess the level of colonization were collected and observed roots of Festuca rubra, the dominant species in the canopy at the end of vegetation period. Results. Exploration of experimental data using cluster analysis revealed a good segmentation of variants fertilized and treated, based on the values of frequency and intensity of colonization in the root system of Festuca rubra plants. Cluster A brings together experimental variants with the highest colonization frequency value, while all experimental variants with frequencies below 70% are located in cluster B. Overlapping fluctuation of root colonization intensity over strong separation of experimental variants in the two clusters imposed a new division of the dendrogram, resulting a series of clusters having a much higher degree of homogeneity. Temperature and rainfall had a significant influence within the study period on the level of root colonization. Treatment with fungicide and zinc sulphate acted individually with a less pronounced effect, but more restrictive, the separation between clusters being made on the axis of treatments. Conclusion. Ecological factors determine the division of experimental variants in clusters defined by the ranges of colonization parameters, and by overlapping balanced fertilization completed with treatments over climate, the percentage of colonization frequency rises to maximum, individual expression of technological factors being optimal. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 139 Section 1: Agriculture RESEARCH ON THE OPTIMUM SHAPE AND SIZE OF POTATO RIDGES – PARTIAL RESULTS FROM TRIAL YEAR 2013 Iván Zoltán VITOS1*, Gavrilă MORAR1, Luiza MIKE2, Cristina MOLDOVAN1 1 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 2 Potato Research and Development Station Tg. Secuiesc, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: density, potato, ridge, size, shape. Introduction. Growing potatoes in ridges has emerged in order to increase production, to ensure drainage of excess water in wet periods and a better control over root-weeds, to prevent greening from exposure to the sun, to reduce potato bruising caused by machinery and to optimize soil disturbance during harvesting. In-row spacing and planting depth are largely influenced by the shape and the height of ridges. The yield is directly proportional to the number of tubers developed in planting beds, which in turn is determined by the number of main stems grown out of the mother seed tuber and the number of stolons and tubers formed on a main stem. The varieties that are grown in our country require seedbeds of different sizes therefore it is necessary to investigate the interrelation between the shape and size of the ridge and of the seedbed taking into account the characteristics of different varieties. Aims. For studying the suitable ridge shapes and sizes we proposed the following objectives: the study of shape: - the optimal shape (triangular, trapezoidal, double-trapezoidal) which ensures thorough coverage of seedbeds and highest yield; the study of size: - the optimal ridge height achieved by the usage of different machinery to ensure the highest yield; correlation between the dimensions of the seedbed and the shape and size of the ridge (fewer and larger tubers and many smaller ones); the study of planting density depending on the shape and size of the ridges, within the range of 40.000, 60.000 to 80.000 plants / ha. Materials and Methods. The experiments were located on fields belonging to the Potato Research and Development Station Tg. Secuiesc, Covasna County. The different shaped and sized ridges were executed by rotary ridgers and cultivators. Planting and harvesting were done manually on 20.04.2013 and 16.09.2013, using Gared and Bellarosa varieties. Results. There are presented the influences of ridge shape, size and planting density on two varieties of potatoes planted in ridges in a single row and a double row on potato tuber yield, on the number of tubers under the hill, and on the average weight of a tuber. Conclusion. The trial year was not affected by unfavorable weather conditions, although differences between the trials can be relevant. Results are different from the first year (2012), when the experiments were significant affected by low level of precipitation. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 140 Section 1: Agriculture THE EFFECT OF GRAZING ON THE PRODUCTION OF GRASSLANDS IN HILLY AREAS Zorica VOŞGAN1*, Roxana VIDICAN2, Lucia MIHALESCU1, Oana MARE ROŞCA1, Monica MARIAN1 Anca DUMUŢA1 1 Department of Biology, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Center of Baia Mare, Baia Mare Romania 2 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: grazing, pastoral value, meadow production Introduction. The fodder production and the exploitation of pastures by grazing is an important activity in the livestock economy of the hilly regions of the Maramures County. Thus, the surfaces of the areas of the Surdesti village are alternatively used both by grazing and mowing, depending on the feed requirements of the sheep and goat farms. Aims. The production monitoring, following this mixed use by mowing and grazing, is performed in order to observe the efficiency of this type of grazing. Sustainable use of grasslands will be possible by practicing an organized grazing. Materials and Methods. Using the repeated mowing method, the production of the pasture, as well as the elements required for organizing the grazing, was determined (Rotar et al., 2009), when using inexpensive, traditional methods (târlitul) to improve production. Results. In the hilly areas near the settlements, grasslands are grazed during spring and autumn, as during summertime; when the transhumance of livestock towards the mountain areas takes place the pastures are mowed for obtaining the feeding hay required in the winter. The global production is 13.10 (t/ha) on the surveyed pasture, resulting the coefficient of utilization of grass K = 87.6%. The pastoral mean value of the meadow is 1.9, and it is sustaining a load of 0.81 to 1.00 LU/ha, equivalent to 5.7 to 7.1 sheep/ha. Conclusion. The analyzed lawn is of medium category, which requires proper maintenance to increase its economic value. Thus, the irrational use of grasslands, their overloading, lack of basic maintenance works will lead to long-term unfavourable effects. References 1. Rotar, I., Vidican Roxana, Sima N. (2009). Cultura pajiştilor şi a plantelor furajere, Lucrări practice, Editura Risoprint, Cluj Napoca. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 141 Section 1: Agriculture EFFECT OF SODIUM CHLORIDE SALINITY ON SEEDLING EMERGENCE IN CONFECTIONARY PUMPKIN Duran YAVUZ, Iknur YAYLALI, Sinan SUHERI, and Nurcan YAVUZ* Department of Farm Structure and Irrigation. University of Selcuk, Turkey. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Cucurbita pepo, germination, saline water. Introduction. Confectionary pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) seeds are one of the important snacks preferred by consumers in Turkey due to higher nutrient contents. Konya where the experiment conducted located in one of the main production area Middle Anatolia. The Konya basin where the experiment conducted has a semi arid climate. Although some crops are moderately tolerant of saline conditions many crops are adversely affected by even levels of salt (Greenway and Munns, 1980). Seedlings are the most vulnerable stage in the life cycle of plants and germination determines when and where seedling growth begins (Lianes A. Et all, 2005). Aims. This study was conducted to investigate seedling emergence in confectionary pumpkin in response to a range of irrigation water amount and salinity treatments. Materials and Methods. Experiments were conducted in April 2013 in a greenhouse at Selcuk University Agricultural Faculty in Konya, Turkey with confectionary pumpkin variety. Several plastic pots were filled with clay loam soil taken from a field which previously carried a wheat crop. 50 confectionary pumpkin seeds were sown in each pot. Pots were irrigated with tap water (0.3 dSm-1) or (3.0, 6.0, 9.0 or 12.0 dSm-1). Full irrigation was applied to control treatment. Except control treatments, irrigation water was applied at the rates of 75% and 50% of full irrigation treatment depending on treatment. Crop germination was recorded daily till all the seeds were germinated and emerged from the soil surface. Results. Crop germination was significantly affected by irrigation water salinity. Highest germination rates was obtained from the treatments that has applied higher irrigation water and lower salinity. The amount of irrigation water had a significant impact on seedling emergence.. Seedling emergence was significantly influenced by salinity, irrigation water amount and interactions. It has been found that salinity effects germination time. Early germination has occurred on the lower salinity treatments. Conclusion. Saline irrigation water, containing appreciable amounts of soluble salts, is conducive to increased agricultural production. The results of this study indicate that crop germination were affected significantly with irrigation water salinity. References 1. Hussain G., Al-Jaloud A.A., Al-Shammary, S.A., Karimulla, S. And Al-Aswad S.O. (1997). Effect of saline irrigation on germination on growth parameters of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in pot experiment. Agriculture Water Management 34: 125-135 2. Esechie, H.A., Al-Saidi, A and Al-Khanjari S. (2002) Effect of Sodium Chloride Salinity on Seedling Emergence in Chickpea. Journal of Argronomy & Crop science 188, 155-160 Lianes, A., Reinoso, H., Luna, V., 2005, Germination and Early Growth of Prosopis strombulifera Seedlings in Different Saline Solutions. World J. Agric Sci., 1(2): 120-128. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 142 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development EFFECTS OF A PRESCRIBED FIRE ON UNDERSTORY VEGETATION IN A CANARIAN PINE FOREST STAND (GRAN CANARIA) José Ramón ARÉVALO1*, Silvia FERNÁNDEZ - LUGO1, Virginia AFONSO1, Federico GRILLO2, Agustín NARANJO3 1 2 Department of Ecology, University of la Laguna, Laguna, Spain. Unit of Teleformación, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. 3 Department of Geography, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected]. Keywords: fuel - load management, fire, pine forest, reforestation, vegetation dynamics. Introduction. Historically, fire has played a dominant role in shaping many forest plant communities. Mediterranean-type vegetation is one of the world’s major fire-prone biomes, with conifer forests among the most flammable ecosystems in the Mediterranean region. Prescribed fires are a powerful tool for reducing fire hazards by decreasing amounts of fuel. Aims. The main objective of this work is to analyse the effects of prescribed burning on the understory vegetation composition and species richness in a reforested stand of Pinus canariensis. Materials and Methods. Eight 900 m2 plots were settled in areas were prescribed burning had been applied in the last 5 years; their respective control plots were established in nearby unburnt areas of similar environmental conditions. In each plot, we systematically selected 10 points in which sampling the presence of species in 1m2 quadrats and analysed for species richness and species composition. Results. No significant changes in the number of species richness were found medium term after prescribed burning. Also, when we analysed species composition, no discrimination among the control and burnt plots was detected. From an ecological point of view, prescribed fire is a good practice to reduce biomass accumulation in P. canariensis reforested stands, resulting in low effects in species composition and richness. Conclusion. However, it would be necessary long-term studies to evaluate the effects of fire intensity, season and frequency in which the prescribed burning is applied, as well as a positive effect on the naturalization of these artificial stands. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 143 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF THE CHOICE OF BUILDING MATERIALS IN THE CONTEXT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Claudiu ACIU*, Daniela Lucia MANEA 1 Department of Civil Engineering and Management, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: sustainable development, environment, building materials, pollution. Introduction. Designers and builders become increasingly aware of the wide range of problems that affect the environment, but they are confronted with a confusing number of possible actions and solutions in the choice of the optimal material, given the impact of materials during their life cycle. The production of building materials and components, the construction, exploitation and demolition of buildings contribute to the generation of environmental effects such as: water, air and soil pollution, environmental degradation, etc. In this context, an important stage in the study of ecological materials is impact analysis. Aims. The aim of the study is to define and synthesize environmental impact categories, as well as the factors that cause the appearance of impacts, and to quantify them for the choice of optimal building materials. Materials and Methods. The materials used in the study are bibliographic materials regarding the environmental impact of building materials, published over the past years. The methods used consist of the search and discovery of bibliographic sources, of the analysis and synthesis of information, as well as its assessment in order to develop a practical method for the choice of the optimal building material. Results. The study performed allowed to synthesize the following impact categories taking into consideration the impact factors that occur during the life cycle of materials: natural resources, human health and risk, pollution due to emissions and waste, comfort and others. The impact factors were analyzed from the point of view of the impact level (geographical extension) and the possible magnitude of their value. An important problem is finding impact indices that describe the factors affecting the environment, whose value might be quantified. For this, the study was extended to the methods for the evaluation and analysis of the environmental effects of impact factors. Conclusion. In this study, we performed a synthesis of the impact categories of building materials during their life cycle, the determination of impact indices and the quantification of their value in order to carry out a multicriteria analysis for the choice of the optimal material from a group of materials for the same use. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 144 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development TESTING INNOVATIVE TECHNIQUE, BASED ON MICROWAVE IRRADIATION, FOR STIMULATING COMMON BEAN GERMINATION AND DEVELOPMENT Cladia BALINT1, Ioan OROIAN1*, Emanoil SURDUCAN2 1 Faculty of Agriculture. University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj – Napoca, România 2 National Institute of Research and Development for Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Cluj – Napoca, România Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: biometric approach, dry matter, parameter, Phaseolus vulgaris L. Introduction. In the last decades a new goal for agriculture is to develop environmentally friendly innovative technologies. One of the interest solutions, in perspective, is the treatment of plants with low power microwave irradiation in order to obtain a higher and healthier production. This approach could also contribute to mitigation of harmful effects produced by excessive use of chemical products in treatment of seeds and also field culture phytoprotection. Aims. Investigating effects of microwave irradiation, on the germination of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Ardeleana) seeds, and on the growth and development of bean plantules, in specific experimental conditions. Materials and Methods. The trial was developed within Laboratories of the Advanced Research Centre for Environmental Protection and Assessment of Life Quality from USAMV Cluj-Napoca. Three growing experiments of 10 days each (with 50 individuals each) took place till the seeds have grown up to 15 cm height, in conditions of microwave irradiated and no irradiated conditions. The studied parameters were: number of germinated seeds, germination capacity, length of stems and roots, seedling vigour index, plantules dry matter. Data were statistically processed with STATISTICA v 6.0 Office. Results. All studied parameters by biometric approach (number of germinated seeds, length of stems and roots), and also study of germination capacity seedling vigour index, and dry matter content exhibit much higher performances in conditions of using microwave irradiation. Conclusion. The use of low power microwave irradiation in germination of common bean in laboratory conditions may be taken into consideration for large scale cultivation. Further research is needed in order to establish appropriate practices for the success of this innovative technique. Acknowledgements. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 145 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development COMOROVA FOREST: A DRIVER FOR A UNIQUE COASTAL MICROCLIMATE. BETWEEN THREATS AND OPPORTUNITIES Vladimir Ionuţ BOC1 Department of Landscape Architecture, Biodiversity and Ornamental Horticulture, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Black Sea, Comorova Forest, environmental planning, landscape assessment, microclimate Introduction. The paper presents an analysis and planning project is focused on the complex ecological and social role of Comorova Forest for the adjacent touristic resorts: Jupiter, Neptun and Olimp. These are the only Romanian seaside resorts which benefits from a unique microclimate, being located between the forest and two paramarine lakes. Aims. Identifying the current threats and opportunities within the relationship between urban development tendencies and green infrastructure issues in order to elaborate a green infrastructure strategy based on a sustainable development. Materials and Methods. The research is based on a landscape assessment of Comorova Forest and the neighboring resorts, based on several criteria: green areas types and structure, biodiversity, ecosystems and microclimate, vegetation, land use. The synthesis phase aimed to elaborate two different scenarios regarding the future evolution of the area. Based on these scenarios, an integrated development strategy has been proposed. Results. A high risk for degradation of natural areas generated by urban regulations failure has been revealed. The main diagnosis also concludes that recent uncontrolled building developments generated a continuous disintegration process disturbing the ecological, functional and aesthetic balance that once characterized the green-blue resorts. Beside these, the forest is neglected both by tourists and by local authorities. The proposed strategy is focused on the enhancement and reintegration of Comorova Forest within the chain of resorts. The vision proposes a sustainable tourism development, an ecofriendly built infrastructure and an increase of social attractiveness in the forest area. It comprises policies and programs focused mostly on environmental issues and on urban development problems. Conclusion. The study contributes to the improvement of knowledge in the field of landscape analysis and planning regarding ecosystem services and benefits provided by coastal forests. The research emphasizes the importance of ecological awareness, highlighting the role of landscape planning in conservation and development of green infrastructures. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 146 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development STUDY UPON ALLIUM SATIVUM L. ACTION AGAINST PHYTOPHTORA INFESTANS MONT. DE BARY ATTACK IN POTATO Daniela BORDEA, Ioan OROIAN*, Antonia ODAGIU, Ioan BRAŞOVEAN, Cristian MĂLINAŞ, Adrian MILĂŞAN Faculty of Agriculture. University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj – Napoca, România Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: attack degree, garlic, late blight Introduction. The use of unconventional treatments consisting of plant aqueous and/or alcoholic extracts against vegetable pathogens is a traditional practice in specific area. One of the most important anti-bactericide and anti-fungicide plants used in such aims is garlic (Allium sativum L.). Because in our country, this approach is not enough studied, testing garlic and selenium enriched garlic efficacy against fungal disease in potato we consider of importance. Aims. Testing the efficacy of different garlic (Allium sativum L.) aqueous concentrations, enriched in selenium and not selenium supplemented, in fight against one of the most important potato cultures pathogens, Phytophtora infestans Mont. de Bary, respectively. Materials and Methods. The experimental design with five experimental variants (V1 – V5 with V1 – untreated control) was implemented in Transylvanian Plain. The trial was developed during May – September 2013. The experimental variants consisted in administration of garlic and selenium enriched garlic in two Roclas potato variety. The Phytophtora infestans Mont. de Bary attack degree (AD%) was recorded for all 5 experimental variants, and data were processed using STATISTICA v. 7.0 programme. Results. Analysing the results obtained as consequence of the development of the above mentioned trial, allow us to emphasize a hierarchy of the treatments efficacy, function of the value of Phytophtora infestans Mont. de Bary attack degree. The biggest efficacy was obtained at administration of 11% selenium enriched garlic aqueous solution, with the smallest Phytophtora infestans Mont. de Bary attack degree, respectively, and the lowest efficacy for administration of 22% % selenium enriched garlic aqueous solution, with the biggest pathogen attack degree. Conclusion. The experiments implemented in potato culture demonstrates the efficacy of unconventional treatments based on selenium enriched garlic, which represents an important step forward for implementation in practice, in our country, at large scale this kind of ecological solutions to fighting against pathogens of economic important cultures, as potato. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 147 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development THE EFFECTS OF CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL FERTILIZERS ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND QUALITY OF PYRUS COMMUNIS ROOTSTOCK Bianca Maria BORDEANU, Ioan OROIAN*, Antonia ODAGIU, Petru BURDUHOS Faculty of Agriculture. University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj – Napoca, România Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: fly ash, input, magnetic fertilizer, pear tree Introduction. Pear is one of the most widespread fruit trees in the agricultural farms of our country and its fruit are very preferred in the domestic markets. Unfortunately pear rootstock do not have very favourable pedological and climatic conditions for a suitable development although Pyrus communis rootstock species provide some advantages in environmental stress situations (cold winter, drought, calcareous coil, tolerance to flooding or high water inputs). Aims. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of three different types of fertilizers (NPK, magnetic fertilizer and fly ash on the development of pear seedlings). Materials and Methods. The study was conducted in an experimental field, placed Vâlcele, Cluj - Napoca, on a surface of 764 m2. A randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 3 replications and 9 variants with a plot size of 20 m2 for variant in each replication was used. 10 saplings randomly chosen, from each fertilized variant, were analysed. For each pear seedling the height, diameter, number of leafs, number of branches were measured, and the general quality aspect was scored by observational technique. Biometric data were statistically processed with STATISTICA v. 7.0 Office. Results. The results of our experiment, expressed in quantifying the developmental traits of pear seedling rootstock (height, diameter, and number of branches, and leafs) function of fertilization demonstrates the importance of fertilization and also the strong multiple correlation between developmental traits in condition of fertilization in both fertilized and unfertilized plots. Conclusion: The comparative approach of unconventional and conventional maintaining inputs in Pyrus communis seedlings resulted in demonstrating the importance of using new fertilizing sources for supplying the appropriate development in this specie. Acknowledgements. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 148 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development INNOVATIVE PHYTOSANITARY ECOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS IN POTATO CULTURES AND ECO-CONDITIONALYTY EXIGENCIES IN ROMANIA Ioan BRAŞOVEAN, Ioan OROIAN*, Antonia ODAGIU, Cristian MĂLINAŞ Faculty of Agriculture. University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj – Napoca, România Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: attack degree, garlic, late blight Introduction. The use of unconventional treatments consisting of plant aqueous and/or alcoholic extracts against vegetable pathogens is a traditional practice in specific area. One of the most important anti-bactericide and anti-fungicide plants used in such aims is garlic (Allium sativum L.). Because in our country, this approach is not enough studied, testing garlic and selenium enriched garlic efficacy against fungal disease in potato we consider of importance. Aims. Testing the efficacy of different garlic (Allium sativum L.) aqueous concentrations, enriched in selenium and not selenium supplemented, in fight against one of the most important potato cultures pathogens, Phytophtora infestans Mont. de Bary, respectively. Materials and Methods. The experimental design with five experimental variants (V1 – V5 with V1 – untreated control) was implemented in Transylvanian Plain. The trial was developed during May – September 2013. The experimental variants consisted in administration of garlic and selenium enriched garlic in two Roclas potato variety. The Phytophtora infestans Mont. de Bary attack degree (AD%) was recorded for all 5 experimental variants, and data were processed using STATISTICA v. 7.0 programme. Results. Analysing the results obtained as consequence of the development of the above mentioned trial, allow us to emphasize a hierarchy of the treatments efficacy, function of the value of Phytophtora infestans Mont. de Bary attack degree. The biggest efficacy was obtained at administration of 11% selenium enriched garlic aqueous solution, with the smallest Phytophtora infestans Mont. de Bary attack degree, respectively, and the lowest efficacy for administration of 22% % selenium enriched garlic aqueous solution, with the biggest pathogen attack degree. Conclusion. The experiments implemented in potato culture demonstrates the efficacy of unconventional treatments based on selenium enriched garlic, which represents an important step forward for implementation in practice, in our country, at large scale this kind of ecological solutions to fighting against pathogens of economic important cultures, as potato. Acknowledgements. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 149 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development STUDY OF THE DRYING PHENOMENON IN PINE TREES Petru BURDUHOS1, Ioan OROIAN1*, Ilie COVRIG2, Constantin ŞULEA1 1 Faculty of Agriculture. University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj – Napoca, România 2 Faculty of Horticulture. University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj – Napoca, România Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: best practices, climatic changes, research Introduction. The history of the pine forests in our country has not only a decorative action, but also important consequences on soil stability and air quality n large areas. As all other forest tree species pine is sensitive to climatic changes, of which appearance is more and more claimed all over the world. One of the most harmful effects of this reality may be represented, as direct consequence, by pine trees drying. Aims. Nominating the main causes responsible for degradation of pine forests as direct consequence of drying phenomena, and identification of possible implications of temperature increase in concerned area, as consequence of climatic changes. Materials and Methods. A two years trial was implemented in Mureş County, during 2012 – 2013, in a pine forest. Data concerning pine drying phenomena frequency and intensity were weekly collected. Meteorological conditions were obtained from regional stations. Averages and dispersion parameters of pine loses due to drying phenomena were calculated. The raw data were processed with STATISTICA v. 7.0 Office. Results. The study developed during 2012 and 2013 allowed us to identify the main drying causes in pine trees. About 40% are the consequence of pest and pathogens intensified attack degrees, that are strongly correlated with temperature increase as correlations between these agents and climatic conditions emphasize (they are stronger in 2012, a dry and warm year), compared to 2013 that was a less warm and dry year. We also identified particularities in manifesting resistance against the complex phenomenon determining drying advantaging conditions function of soil and light regimen in concerned area. Conclusion. The importance of identification of complex factors affecting the drying in pine forests is reflected by the extension of this phenomenon. Further research is needed in order to identify the best practices for diminishes the harmful consequences of drying rhythm in pine tree forests. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 150 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development THE HEAVY METAL CONTENT OF VINEYARD SOILS Gilda - Diana BUZATU* 1 Department of Biology and Environmental Engineering. University of Craiova, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: heavy metals, pollution, soils, vineyard. Introduction. Heavy metals are microelements needed by plants; however, those microelements can become toxic when they exist above certain limits (Alloway, 1990). Depending on the type of facilities, industrial wastes may contain Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, B, Pb, Cd, Ni, Cr, and Co, which may cause contamination when accumulated in the soil. Fertilizers, pesticides, and hormones used in agricultural applications are the other sources of contaminants for soils (Forstner et al., 1991; Jaraush-Wehrheim et al., 2001; Elmaci et al., 2002). Thus, a complex movement of elements in the environment needs to be monitored continuously. Also, the uptake of heavy metals by plants depends on factors such as plant variety, species, plant part, age of organ or plant, growth period, stability to heavy metals, and transfer factor of heavy metals (Fergusson, 1990; Secer et al., 2002). Aims. The objective of the present research is to evaluate the heavy metal content of vineyard soils (Mn, Zn, Cr and Cu) in two private vineyards locate near Craiova, namely Breasta and Şimnic. Materials and Methods. There were collected three soil samples in 15 repetitions on two depths (0-20 cm and 20-40 cm) in April and May 2014. For samples analyses was used the following equipment: mass spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma, flame atomic absorption spectrometer-Avanta, Milestone microwave digestion system. Results. Copper concentrations are significantly higher in all soil samples from Şimnic vineyard. Copper concentration is higher at the depth of 0-20 cm in Şimnic vineyard, the highest copper concentrations were determined on the second depth of 20-40 cm at Breasta. While in Breasta vineyard, the maximum Zn concentration was 56.2 mg/kg; in Şimnic vineyard higher values were determined for all the samples, the maximum concentration of Zn being 181.62 mg/kg for sample S3, in April. Mn content from Şimnic vineyard’ soils are between 565.8 to 898.2 mg/kg. For Breasta vineyard, Mn levels are close to the medium Mn content in soil, 600 mg/kg. Cr content in the soil of Şimnic vineyard presents values slightly higher than those determined for Breasta vineyard, but in this case, the values measured are below alert threshold of 100 mg/kg. Conclusion. Analyzed vineyard soils can be classified as unpolluted or slightly polluted soils, as most of the heavy metal concentrations are below the limits imposed by law, except the contents of Cu in soils is higher than the threshold of alert and intervention threshold according to Order 756/1997. The differences between vineyard soils may reflect differences in the application of the soil treatment and the physical and chemical characteristics of the soils. Acknowledgment. „This work was supported by the strategic grant POSDRU/159/1.5/S/133255, Project ID 133255 (2014), co-financed by the European Social Fund within the Sectorial Operational Program Human Resources Development 2007 – 2013. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 151 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND THE EFFICiENCY OF INSULATION MATERIALS AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT Horia CIUCLARU*, Daniela MANEA, Luminita MOLNAR Department of Civil Engineering and Management. Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: plastering mortar, thermal insulation, and volcanic tuff. Introduction. Natural resources crisis and the emergence of various environmental issues and in particular those related to energy saving led to concerns about sustainable development. Aims. Insulating materials should be carefully analyzed according to the impact they have on the environment throughout the life cycle of the building. Our goal is to find a prescription for masonry mortar which replaces the aggregate in some proportion with volcanic tuff. Materials and Methods. In the preparation of plaster mortars we used these materials and components: Portland cement type I 42.5, the aggregate units having sizes of 0-5 mm, hydrated lime, additives and volcanic tuff from Baita, Bihor (Romania). The investigations were realised in the laboratory for building materials at the Faculty of Civil Engineering from Cluj-Napoca and the investigation methods were: determination of physical and mechanical properties of mortars, bulk density determination, consistency determination plaster mortar mass scattering, compressive strength, and a thermal determination using a system made in the Faculty of Civil Engineering from Cluj-Napoca. Results. In the paper "Sustainable development and the efficiency of insulating materials and their impact on the environment" we will present the insulating materials in terms of sustainable development and we will examine the new mortar achieved with the use of volcanic tuff in terms of reducing energy consumption and will also specify the thermal advantage. After studies the following results were obtained: mortars made with volcanic tuff have better thermal conductivity than ordinary plaster mortar, which makes them more suitable for obtaining energy efficient buildings. In terms of strength it was observed that they are within acceptable limits. Conclusion. This paper proposes new recipes of good thermal insulating plaster mortars and shows that there are opportunities to achieve new plastering mortars. Achieving these mortars was made in the context of sustainable development by using the volcanic tuff to reduce the consumption of raw materials and energy. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 152 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development RESEARCH ON ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION OF DEGRADED LANDS IN THE COUNTY OF GALATI Maria CONTOMAN1*, Valentin HAHUIE2 1 Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Romania 2 Forestry Department of Galati, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: afforestation, degraded lands, ecological restoration, Introduction. The main economic, social and environmental effects achieved from soil degradation processes are: decreased agricultural and forestry production, removing the lands from agricultural and forestry circuit, land abandonment by their owners, populating rural areas, water pollution, pronounced warping of lakes, communication channels and settlements destruction and the emphasizing of desertification. All this leads to environmental degradation, the destruction of ecological balance and the decrease of standard of living. The process of afforestation of degraded lands and those unfit for agriculture, associated with the installation of windbreaks, is one of the most effective environmental protection measures for climate change prevention and mitigation through the vital functions performed by forest crops, while providing renewable material resources. The degraded lands are subjected to the provisions of this law, regardless of ownership, which can be improved by afforestation works in order to protect the soil, water balance restoring and improving the environmental conditions. The degraded land, which is the subject of this study, is located in the Schela village, Galati County, being placed in the transition zone of the Tecuci Plain to Siret Lower Meadow. The study aimed to prepare a project for ecological restoration through afforestation of those lands. Qualitative assessment of the land in question was based on a cadastral study and a cadastral bonitare which determined the suitability classes of factors and the environmental determinants for the main forest species used for afforestation. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 153 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development CONTRIBUTIONS TO STRENGTHENING DURMAST FORESTS PRESERVATION BY USING APPROPRIATE FORESTRY MAINTAINING AND EXPLOITATION PRACTICES Ilie COVRIG1, Ioan OROIAN2*, Petru BURDUHOS2, Constantin ŞULEA2 1 Faculty of Horticulture. University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj – Napoca, România 2 Faculty of Agriculture. University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj – Napoca, România Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: anthropic factor, biometric measurements, extreme phenomena Introduction. Durmast is one of the most important forest specie in Romania. Due to different conditions (both environmental and anthropic), it exhibits great vulnerability. If the solution of managing environmental factors (climatic conditions, pest and pathogens attack) is limited, the anthropic action, mainly expressed in forestry exploitation practices can be seriously improved if preoccupation is focused on this direction. Aims. Identifying and proposing solutions for strengthening the durmast forest health status and preservation based on field research concerning the possible contributions of forestry exploitation techniques. Materials and Methods. The trial was developed during 2013 in a forestry facility from Mureş County, where tree exploitation is in development. A 60 years and older durmast tree forest was studied. Biometric investigation, and observation upon climatic factors affecting trees, pest and pathogens action were also performed. A critic inventory of the forestry exploitation practices was developed during experimental period. Data were processed with IBP SPSS 20 Office. Results. The present study shows that the most important factors affecting the wellbeing of the durmast forest in Mureş County conditions are: temperature, precipitation regimen, wind intensity and extreme phenomena as climatic conditions, and wood exploitation techniques. It also results that intervention of human factor in constant observation of durmast forest status can strengthen its health, by taking appropriate measures in order to fix any problem that could appear due to extreme phenomena (fire, damages produced by wind, pathogens attack, etc.), or inappropriate exploitation techniques. Conclusion. The inventory of the factors affecting the durmast forest status in conditions of exploitation demonstrates the importance of implementing maintaining practices based on field studies that take into account the particular feeding and curative needs of the concerned durmast populated forest, together with rational exploitation approaches. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 154 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development EXPLOITATION OF AGRO-INDUSTRIAL BY-PRODUCTS AS SUBSTRATE FOR SOLID-STATE FERMENTATION Francisc Vasile DULF1,2*, Dan Cristian VODNAR3, and Monica Ioana TOŞA4 1 Department of Environmental and Plant Protection. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 2 SC Proplanta SRL, Romania. 3 Faculty of Food Science and Technology. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 4 Department of Biochemistry and Biochemical Engineering. University Babeş-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: solid-state fermentation. Introduction. The agro-food wastes could be appropriate for use as immobilization carrier in the production of different metabolites with added commercial value by solid-state fermentation (SSF). Aims. The objective of this work was the evaluation of the potential of different stone fruit and berry wastes from Romanian food and beverages industry for use as immobilization carrier in SSF. The physical–chemical properties (moisture and water absorption index (WAI), and the ability of Rhizopus oligosporus and Aspergillus niger to colonize such solid substrates were used as parameters to select the best by-products that could be used successfully in SSF. Materials and Methods. The agro-food wastes used in this study were derived from Transylvanian local regions and from our laboratory, including kernels and pulp/peels of stone-fruits (plum, apricot) and berry press residues (sea buckthorn, Sambucus nigra (SN) and Sambucus ebulus).The fungal strains were procured from LGC Standards,Germany. Results. Among the 8 evaluated substrates, only 5 presented higher moisture content than 50%, including apricot peel (AP), residues from plum brandy production (RPBP) (pulp and peel) and berry press residues. The AP and SN berry press residue were the materials with higher WAI values (6.72 and 6.10 g water/g dried material (dm), respectively), whereas the kernels of apricot (2.44 g water/g dm) and those from RPBP (2.60 g water/g dm) gave the lowest WAI values. The microbiological test showed that the microorganisms (R. oligosporus and A. niger) had good growth rates when cultivated in berry press residues and stone-fruits pulp/peels. Conclusion. It could be concluded that the stone-fruit agro-industrial by-products (pulp/peel) and berry press residues have great potential to be successfully used as substrate in SSF. Acknowledgment. This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian Ministry of Education, CNCS-UEFISCDI, project nr. PNII-RU-PD-2012-3-0245. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 155 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development STUDY ON THE SEA-BUCKTHORN (HIPPOPHAE RHAMNOIDES L.) PREPARATION FORMS IN ORDER TO ITS NUTRITIOPHARMACEUTICAL USE Carmen Georgeta DUMITRESCU (MANOLE)1 University of Agronomic Science and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Hippophae rhamnoides L., recipes, therapeutical effects, ways of preparing Introduction. Sea-buckthorn fruits, also named natural polyvitamins, are an extraordinary general tonic, which may be used fresh or preserved by freezing or drying. According to Brad I. et al. (2002) these are also astringent and vermifuges, with results in the treatment of many and varied disorders (1). Sea-buckthorn is industrially or domestic processed in food purposes, as well as in medicinal ones (2). Aims. Starting from a few recipes collected from various sources and using the results of other renowned researchers in the field, the paper aims to establish the accurate nutritional and therapeutical value of sea-buckthorn fruits, leaves, shoots and of the whole plant. In the same time, the ways of their use in multiples forms have been pursued – for food, medical purposes, but also in environmental protection, especially relating to the soil restoration. Materials and Methods. In the experiments performed for this work were used a few classic preparations (syrup, juice, sea-buckthorn oil, honey with sea-buckthorn), which have been tested on consumers who agreed to follow a long-term treatment. The survey was carried out on a total of 50 people with various diseases, who were contacted every 3 months in order to evaluate their evolution due to applied therapy. Results. Recipes based on sea-buckthorn have led to concrete results in terms of the health of individuals who agreed to participate in the study. All the preparations being known and widely used by the population, there was no risk of introducting them into the diet. At the beginning of the research all 50 people made a set of tests. Thus, it was observed that, without making any other change in their way of life, by simply using more sea-buckthorn, the subjects obtained positive results on their health. The analyzes made regularly showed that some affections have been ameliorated, while the quantity of vitamins and nutrients from the organism gradually increased. Conclusion. A concrete result is that the sea-buckthorn recipes and preparations have a beneficial effect on the human body. From the total of 50 people monitored, 48 felt better after the introduction of sea-buckthorn in their diet. References 1. Brad I. et al. (2002). Catina alba, o farmacie intr-o planta, Tehnical Publishing, Bucharest 2. Proorocu A. (2006). Cercetari privind importanta catinei albe (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) pentru protectia mediului si ca resursa in economia sanatatii umane, UASMV Bucharest, PhD Thesis 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 156 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development A RELATIONAL DATABASE STRUCTURE FOR LINKING AIR POLLUTION LEVELS WITH CHILDREN’S RESPIRATORY ILLNESSES Daniel DUNEA1, Stefania IORDACHE1, Mihaela OPREA2, Tom SAVU3, Alin POHOATA1 and Emil LUNGU1 1 Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania. Petroleum-Gas University Ploiesti, Romania. 3 University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] 2 Keywords: air pollution, computer-based tools, population exposure, relational database. Introduction. Environmental monitoring systems and early warning systems have been improving the quality of life and health in many places. The spatial variation in the pollution concentration and the differences between the areas covered by the monitoring and the areas where the population is located create problems in using the air quality data generated by routine monitoring networks. In addition, the method used to report air quality monitoring data restricts the availability of the collected information for assessing exposure to air pollution and, subsequently, its health effects. Aims. Pollutants' data, meteorological data and medical data feeds the relational database with information from vulnerable urban areas (i.e., Targoviste and Ploiesti), which will help the running of algorithms between air quality, meteorology and health effects and later use forecasted outputs to forecast health effects. Materials and Methods. Several computer-based tools were developed to facilitate the population of the database with specific data from various sources. One of these tools allows the automatic capturing of pollutants’ concentrations from web-based official sources. Results. The relational database structure integrates the fields for the required variables in the attributed data tables (PM2.5 and carried compounds/metals sub-database, meteorological subdatabase and medical sub-database). The main criteria in selecting the respiratory illnesses that are linked to atmospheric pollution for the small children (age of one month to six years) is the wheezing. The medical database contains as main fields the diurnal symptoms/week, the nocturnal symptoms/week, the response to inhalation medication, eosinophil count, serum level of E immunoglobins (lgE), physical activity evaluation, and residential address and school/kindergarten address of the children. Conclusion. The presented database structure and adjacent tools are expected to improve the current monitoring methodology of air pollutants, mainly particulate matters and their content in various compounds in correlation with children’s health. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 157 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development RESULTS CONCERNING THE INFLUENCE OF THE PLANT DENSITY AND FERTILIZATION ON THE SUNFLOWER HYBRIDS DENSITY (HELIANTHUS ANNUUS) Florentina EREMIA*, Costică CIONTU University of Agronomic Science and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, Romania, * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: density, fertilization, Helianthus annuus, yield. Introduction. Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is one of the most valuable cultivated plant due to very high productivity and multiple uses of its products in human alimentation, livestock breeding and industry. In the last decade, due to the application of more efficient technologies and obtaining of new hybrids, the sunflower yield considerably increased in some countries, even spectacular. The average yield per hectare at national level depends very much on the evolution of the climatic conditions and soil natural fertility (1). Efficient use of natural resources for sunflower yield, in order to be cost-efficient, requires rigorous zoning hybrids, depending on climatic resources and their biological requirements (2). Aims. The approached issues covered research objectives aimed at optimizing the culture technology in order to achieve maximum and constant sunflower yield, in the soil and climate conditions of southern Romania, also pursuing the economic efficiency and environment protection. Materials and Methods. The experimental diagram is three factorial type of form 3 x 3 x 2, managed according to the subdivided parcels method, in three repetitions. In order to organize the experiment it was used biological material consisting of three sunflower hybrids. Crop management was performed in optimal conditions of technology specific to the culture area, the studied genotypes consisting of: Performer (test check), Barolo RO, and PR64A89. Results. The use of the hybrid Barolo RO a leaded to a yield of 2,056 kg/ha, compared to the control Performer where it was yielded 1,850 kg/ha, the difference wasn’t significant. Replacing organic fertilization with 20 t/ha manure with the fertilization with N100P50 or not fertilized, cased the yield of productions 363-487 kg/ha poorer at the hybrid Performer, 465741 kg/ha at Barolo RO, and 752-805 kg/ha at the hybrid PR64A89. In all the fertilization variants, using of the hybrid PR64A89 increased the production very significant. Conclusion. Analyzing the interaction of all studied factors, we can notice a decrease of production at all three used hybrids (Performer, Barolo RO, and PR64A89) in the unfertilized variant, with statistical values as significant or very significant, ranging between 200 – 1600 kg/ha. References 1. Bîlteanu Gh. (2003). Phytotechnics. Ceres Publishing House, Bucharest. 2. Hera C., Sin Gh., Toncea I. (1989). Sunflower crop. Ceres Publishing House, Bucharest. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 158 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development RESEARCH ON EVALUATING THE POTENTIAL OF ORGANIC CERTIFICATION GROUP RADAIA VILLAGE, CLUJ COUNTY Avram FITIU* Faculty of Agriculture. University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj – Napoca, România * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: organic certification group, I.D.E.R.I.C.A. Introduction. Radaia agricultural potential of the area can be expressed in financial terms in different ways to increase the value added of products specific to the area, which in this paper we chose study on the potential of organic certification Aims. The objective of this paper is to assess socio territorial and ecological agricultural potential of the town of Cluj Radaia in order to increase the value-added food products specific to the area after a possible organic certification group locality. Material and Methods. The method used to analyze the ecological potential of the product and the area is method I.D.E.R.I.C.A. method, which quantify the ecological, socio-territorial agricultural activities limited geographic area at a locality level. Territorial social indicators for the diagnosis studied are: the existence of a quality approach (AE, PDO, PGI, TSG;) direct sale; transformation of farm products; agritourism; equipment used in common by several farmers; employer groups; farm sustainability. Biological indicators for the diagnosis of the area studied are green legume crops; Trap crops for nitrate; microirigare; origin of irrigation water; type system of protected culture; farm renewables. Results. In view of the town green certification Oradea used a rating scale that took into account the socio-territorial indicators and ecologicio afferent I.D.E.R.I.C.A. diagnostic method, which is between the minimum and maximum measurement scale. Conclusions. Potential of the area and the product allows its group certification required after nstalling a system of internal control at the level of the farmers in the village. References 1. Ambroise R. (1997). Le diagnostic agri-environnemental d'exploitation dans les plans de développement durable, Actes du colloque interactions entre l'agriculture et environnem ent – quels outils de diagnostic ?, Paris, avril 1997 2. Bockstaller C., Girardin P. (2003). How to validate environmental indicators, Agricultural Systems, vol. nb.76 (2): 639-653. 3. Bourdais J.L. (1999). Utilisation d'indicateurs pour évaluer l'impact sur l'environnement de l'agriculture - application à l'agriculture biologique en Aquitaine, Ingénieries EAT, n°20 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 159 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development STUDY CONCERNING THE IMPACT OF THE ORGANISMS OF PHYTOSANITARY QUARANTINE ACTION UPON POTATO AND TOMATO CULTURES IN CLUJ AREA Andrei FLEŞERIU, Ioan OROIAN*, Ioan BRAŞOVEAN, Cristian MĂLINAŞ Faculty of Agriculture. University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj – Napoca, România Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: monitoring, National Phytosanitary Authority, plant diseases Introduction. The organisms of phytosanitary quarantine play an important role within national monitoring programmes of vegetable cultures. Whatever, pathogens, weed, etc. they are nominated and taken under strict survey by national authorities. In Romania, they are nominated, monitored and managed by the National Phytosanitary Authority. Aims. Emphasizing the phytosanitary quarantine organisms that act against potato and tomato cultures practiced in Cluj area, and quantifying their attack degree. Identification of presence of other pathogens that represent a threat for above mentioned cultures. Materials and Methods. Experiments were developed during March and middle of July 2014 in the experimental field located in Jucu village, belonging to the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, on potato and tomato cultures. The presence of the specific weeds and pathogens was monitored, and their attack degree was recorded. The presence of other pathogens was also monitored, and their attack degrees recorded. Data were statistically processed with IBM SPSS 20 programme. Results. The results of our experiment emphasized that only small part of the organisms under phytosanitary quarantine were present, weeds mainly, but diseases produced by other pathogens (late blight and powdery mildew) were recorded, and they produced important damages in monitored cultures. Conclusion. Our study demonstrates that not all phytosanitary quarantine organises nominated by the Romanian National Phytosanitary Authority were recorded in tomat0o and potato cultures managed in conventional system in Cluj area, but the most important damages were produced by other pathogens, late blight and powdery mildew, respectively. Acknowledgement. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 160 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development STUDY UPON ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF UNCONVENTIONAL TREATMENTS AGAINST LATE BLIGHT IN POTATO CULTURES WITHIN TRANSYLVANIAN CLIMATIC CONDITIONS Cristian IEDERAN, Ioan OROIAN*, Cristian MĂLINAŞ, Sânziana PAULIUC Faculty of Agriculture. University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj – Napoca, România Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: benefit, late blight, powdery mildew Introduction. The economic efficiency of agricultural entrepreneurship, within legal condition of environmental protection, is one of the most important challenges of ourdays Romanian economy. In this context, an interesting approach is represented by the economic efficiency of unconventional treatments represented by ecological protection of potato cultures practiced in Transylvanian climatic conditions. Aims. Emphasizing the economic efficiency of unconventional treatments consisting of different organic compounds or combinations of organic compounds compared to economic efficiency of conventional treatments applied to potato cultures cultivated in Transylvanian climatic conditions. Materials and Methods. The economic efficiency was calculated for Roclas potato variety production resulted from cultures treated to both conventional and unconventional products (one conventional and two unconventional), and also a control group untreated, within a trial implemented in Transylvanian Plain during April – September 2013. Data were statistically processed using STATISTICA V 7.0. programme. Results. Taking into account the results obtained from our trial, concerning the health status of culture, specific expenses (with potato culture maintenance, fertilizers and treatments against diseases – late blight and alternariosis -) and production, results that unconventional treatments led to best ratio production/expenses, and accordingly, highest efficiency. Conclusion. The expression of the economic efficiency resulted from the economical analyse of potato culture managed in conditions of unconventional treatments against main diseases, late blight and powdery mildew, respectively, emphasizes the advantages of using these products from both benefit and ecological points of views. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 161 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development AIR QUALITY CHARACTERIZATION IN PLOIESTI URBAN AREA AFECTED BY INDUSTRIAL AND TRAFFIC POLLUTION Stefania IORDACHE1*, Daniel DUNEA1, Cornel IANACHE2, Laurentiu PREDESCU1 and Dumitru DUMITRU1 1 Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Food Science, Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania 2 Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: air quality, monitoring, statistical analysis Introduction. Emissions of air pollutants derive from almost all economic and societal activities. In Europe, emissions of many air pollutants have decreased. Due to the concentration of crude oil processing activities around Ploiesti city, this area was carefully monitored regarding air pollutants. Aims. Identification of pollutants emission characteristics in the city of Ploiesti, an urban agglomeration of Romania, affected by industrial and traffic pollution by evaluating the potential risk of air contamination, analysis of emissions from continuous monitoring and identification optimal methods of statistical analysis to be used to establish trends in urban air pollution. Materials and Methods. Ploiesti city was selected because its residential areas are under the emissions’ impact of petrochemical industry and heavy traffic. We used the data acquired by six automatic monitoring stations of the National air quality monitoring network, respectively meteorological parameters, gaseous pollutants, and particulate matters. Data have been collected from November 2011 till March 2012, at one hour sampling rate. Results. The present work has focused mainly on assessing the relationships between air pollution and important weather parameters. The tests allowed identification of statistically significant differences between the regime curves associated to SO2 recorded at the 6 stations between various pairs of data : 12 statistically significant differences (p <0.01) and 3 statistically significant differences (p <0.05 ). Statistical significance was observed for the association of SO2 with temperature and relative humidity respectively in urban, suburban and one industrial station and at the second industrial station for rainfall and relative humidity. Pearson correlation coefficient analysis indicates that relative humidity has statistically significant influence to NO2 concentration at industrial station PH6, temperature influences the concentration of NO2 at urban station and at industrial station PH4 are registered statistical significance to all three meteorological parameters. In the differential analysis between pairs of data, 7 statistically significant differences (p <0.01) were observed. Similar results were observed for the other pollutants. Conclusion. In Ploiesti, air quality has been improved, but there are certain vulnerable areas under the direct impact of road traffic or industrial areas that need to be supplemented with forecasting tasks in order to improve people protection to air pollution exposure. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 162 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development PHYTOTOXICITY OF LEAD ON LOLIUM PERENNE L AND LACTUCA SATIVA VAR. CAPITATA L: EFFECTS OF GERMINATION AND GROUTH Stela-Gabriela JELEA*, Marian JELEA Department of Chemistry and Biology, Tehnical University of Cluj - Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: lead nitrate, Lolium perenne L., Lactuca sativa var. capitata L. Introduction. Lead is not an essential element for plants. When plants find it in the environment, especially in polluted areas, lead is absorbed by plants. Two species were used to investigate the effects of lead on the growth and germination of plants. Lolium perenne L and Lactuca sativa var. capitata L are species used for toxicity tests. Lead can cause a broad range of oscillation and biochemical dysfunctions on seed germination, plant growth, and water status (Sharma and Dubey, 2005; Sengar and al., 2008). Aims. This work presents the effects of different concentrations of lead nitrate, over seed germination and plantlets development of Lolium perenne and Lactuca sativa. Materials and Methods. Experiments were carried out on Lolium perenne L and Lactuca sativa var. capitata L. Phytotoxicity test aimed the quantitative effects produced by various lead nitrate concentrations (0.05 g/L; 0.1 g/L; 0.5 g/L; 1 g/L). Dry mass was determined after the 3 days at 60° C. Results. The metal from the solution determined the decrease percentage of germinated seeds. The stress produced by lead created a strong root growth inhibition (Seregin and Ivanon, 2001). Low growth of roots also affects the plant height. Vegetative organ damage has resulted in the decrease of plant biomass. As the concentration of the metal in solution is higher, physiological effects are more intense. Conclusion. Stress produced by the metal in solution has resulted in decreasing the germination capacity and germinating faculty of both species. The effects are even more pronounced as the concentration of the metal in solution is higher. Effects on the vegetative organs are more pronounced 14 days after starting the treatment. Affecting the length of the stem and root caused the decrease of plant biomass. References 1. Sengar R.S., Gautam M., Sengar R.S., Garg S.K., Sengar K., Chaudhary R.(2008). Lead stress effects on physiobiochemical activities of higher plants. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 196: 73–93. 2. Seregin I.V. and Ivanov V.B., (2001). Physiological aspects of cadmium and lead toxic effects on higher plants. Russian J. Plant Physiol. 48: 523-544. 3. Sharma P. and Dubey R.S., (2005). Lead toxicity in plant. Braz. J. Plant Physiol. 17(1): 35-52. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 163 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development GREEN ROOFS – A TOOL FOR REDUCING THE URBAN HEAT ISLAND PHENOMENON Adriana Lucia KADHIM-ABID1* and Carmina Constanța GHEORGHIȚĂ2 1 Faculty of Civil Engineering. The”Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iassy, Romania. 2 Faculty of Architecture. The”Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iassy, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Climate change, Green roofs, Mitigation strategies, Urban Heat Island Introduction. The Urban Heat Island (UHI) phenomenon influenced by increased levels of urbanisation registered in the last decades worldwide presents negative effects at both urban level and building level manifested through inadequate air and life quality within cities, discomfort and increased energy demands for heating and cooling the buildings. In order to reduce these negative effects, solutions are proposed aiming to increase permeability to storm water and amount of solar radiation reflected by the urban fabric. The interventions consider integrating green surfaces within the building envelope, at terrace or facade level. Aims. The study sets aim to demonstrate that rehabilitation solutions including green surfaces such as green roofs aid mitigation and adaptation strategies towards sustainable cities by decreasing the negative effects of the UHI phenomenon and improve indoor climate, thus lowering energy demands for heating/cooling of buildings. Materials and Methods. This study analyses green roof strategies and their impact on buildings as literature review from implemented projects in several countries around the world. In the present research work, the authors point out the importance of the vegetative layer pertaining to green surface solutions regarding UHI phenomenon mitigation strategies. The study makes use of field data, acquired in the city of Iassy for 2013, used to perform a series of numerical simulations targeting to support the validity of these solutions towards sustainable cities and decreased energy demands. Results. Based on in-situ measurements regarding indoor and outdoor climatic parameters, the authors present solutions for rehabilitation strategies using green roof surfaces at terrace level for a building in Iassy. The strategy, which implies design steps regarding plant types entailing the vegetative layer, demonstrates by means of numerical simulations the benefits of green roof retrofitting strategies. Conclusion. Green roofs represent a mitigation and adaptation solution aiming to diminish the negative effects of the Urban Heat Island phenomenon at urban scale. At building level, this type of solutions can improve the indoor microclimate of buildings by reducing the inward heat flux during hot seasons, thus decreasing the energy demand for cooling during summer. Moreover, such resources represent a viable solution for retrofitting and climate adaptation strategies regarding the building sector, responsible for pollution and inadequate air and life quality levels noticeable in the urban environments. References 1. Gartland L. (2010). Heat Islands. Understanding and mitigating heat in urban areas, ISBN 9781849712989, London, UK. 2. Xu T., Sathaye J., Akbari H., Garg V. and Tetail S. (2011). Quantifying the direct benefits of cool roofs in an urban setting: reducing cooling energy use and lower greenhouse gas emissions, Lawrence Berkely National Laboratory, USA. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 164 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development SALT AND SALT- HYDROGEN PEROXIDE INTERACTIONS ON WHEAT (TRITICUM AESTIVUM L.) SEEDLINGS Özlem KURT, Nuray ERGÜN* Biology Department, Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey *Corresponding author: [email protected] Keywords: Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), salt stress, hydrogenperoxside, chylorophyl Introduction. Abiotic stress factors such as, drought, salinity, heavy metal, and oxidative stress severely threaten agriculture throughout the world (Wang et al. 2003). Aims. In the present study, salt, salt-hydrogen peroxide and their interactions were investigated on wheat seedlings (Triticum aestivum cv.Kızıltan, Mirzabey andTosunbey). Root, shoot length, shoot, dry weight, chlorphyll a and b, total chlorophyll (a + b) amount, were investigated. Materials and Methods. Wheat seeds were germinated and then they were kept in climate cabinet conditions. They growth in full strength Hoagland solution (Arnon and Hoagland 1950). The 15-day-old seedlings, which received salt and salt-hydrogen peroxide, were harvested and the lengths of the root and shoot were measured. Conclusion. Salt negatively affected shoot and root develeopment on wheat cultivars Kızıltan, Mirzabey and Tosunbey used in this study. In addition, amount of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll also decreased with salt appilications. Amount of pigment was relatively higher on seedlings applied with salt and salt-hydrogenperoxside. References 1. Arnon D.I. (1949). Copper enzymes in isolated chloroplasts Polyphanoloxidase in Beta vulgaris. Plant Physiol. 24: 1-15. 2. Wang W.X., Vinocur B. and Altman A. (2003). Plant responses to drought, salinity and extreme temperatures: towards genetic engineering for stress tolerance. Planta 218: 1-14. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 165 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development RESEARCH REGARDING THE DIVERSITY OF THE SAPROBIONTE CATEGORIES IN BEGA RIVER WATERS Anca-Andreea MARIN1, Benoni LIXANDRU1, Milca PETROVICI2, Adrian SINITEAN2, Florica MORARIU1, Dumitru POPESCU1 1 Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael I of Romania” from Timisoara, Romania 2 Faculty of Chemistry Biology and Geography, West University of Timişoara, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: aquatic biodiversity, Bega river, saprobionte organism, water quality. Introduction. The one of the most important biological parameters for the quality of surface waters are the benthic macroinvertebrates. They have the following characteristics: they live in constant contact with the sediments where pollutants are accumulated, have a fairly longlasting lifecycle, are present in all types of aquatic ecosystems, are easily collected and quite easy to identify (Ogbeibu & Oribhabor 2002; Braukmann & Biss, 2004; Badea et al., 2010; Kubosova et al., 2010) Aims. The aims of present study is to identify the saprobinte categories of water from different segments of the Bega river. and bring new contributions with regard to the influence of polluting factors upon the saprobiont organism inhabiting the river course through the Timisoara city. Materials and Methods. In April 2014, 71 quantitative benthic and planktonic samples were collected from Timisoara river. There have been calculated the density, the abundance and the frequency (Stan 1995; Sîrbu & Benedek 2004). Results. After processing the samples in the laboratory, it was identified eight groups of benthic macroinvertebrates: Nematoda, Oligochaeta subclass, Diptera order, Gastropoda class, Lamelibranchiata class, Odonata order, Isopoda order, and Hirudin class and there have been calculated the density, the abundance and the frequency. At station 1 and station 2 are not conditions of impurification. Analysing benthic samples from station 3 we can say that the density of individuals of Oligochaeta subclass reaches the highest values compared to other stations. This groups have the high tolerance in order of pollution by organic or inorganic matter. Also in this station individuals of Odonata order disappear. At station 4 were recorded lower densities of all macroinvertebrates identified. Conclusion. Highest density, abundance and the frequency was recorded in station 3 for 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 166 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development STUDIES ON THE FLIGHT OF RHAGOLETIS CERASI L. ADULTS IN TREATED AND UNTREATED PLANTATIONS IN CLUJ-NAPOCA AREA Laura Ioana MACAVEI¹*, Ion OLTEAN¹, Viorel MITRE², Ioan OPREAN³, Aurelia POP³, Iuliana VASIAN³ 1 Department of Environment and Plant Protection, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 2 Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 3 Institute for Research in Chemistry “Raluca Ripan”,” Babes-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: European cherry fruit fly, dynamics population, Rhageletis cerasi L. Introduction. The main pest of cherry plantations is Rhagoletis cerasi species (L.) (Diptera: Tephritidae) whose attack affects primarily the commercial aspect of fruits. Aims. The aim of this paper is to study the population dynamics of European cherry fruit fly in Cluj-Napoca area and also the influence of phytosanitary actions over it, between 20132014. Materials and Methods. In the two experimental years the observations were made in two cherry orchard: one in which chemical treatments were applied and one untreated. Adults flight was monitored using a total number of 155 traps procured from Institute of Chemistry 'Raluca Ripan' Cluj-Napoca. Data registration took place twice a week during the entire flight period of the species Rhagoletis cerasi. Results. In 2013, the flight of European cherry fruit fly began on 29 May for both orchards and ended on 1 July in untreated orchard respective on July 18 in chemically treated orchard. Maximum number of captures was recorded in the third week in the untreated orchard and in chemically treated platation the highest number of catches was recorded in the fifth week from the start of the flight. In 2014, the beginning of the flight took place on 21 May in both orchards and the highest population was recorded in the fifth week in chemically treated orchard respectively in the third week in the untreated one. Conclusions. The differences regarding the maximum flight curve and the end of the flight from the two observed orchards is due to the fact that the populations of Rhagoletis cerasi are different. The experiment is still ongoing because the flight of this pest did not end and conclusions were not completed. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 167 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development THE NATURAL REHABILITATION OF TAILING PONDS FROM CĂPUŞ, CLUJ Aurel MAXIM1, Andrei STOIE1, Mignon SANDOR1, Lucia MIHALESCU2, Viorela PERŢEA1, Stelian MARIS1 1 Department of Environmental and Plant Protection, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca 2 Department of Chemistry-Biology, The North University Baia-Mare Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Natural rehabilitation, phytocenosis, tailing ponds, planimetric method Introduction. Mining industry is one of the most polluting, in particular through the mine tailings and tailing ponds. In Romania, most of these were rehabilitated natural, as is the case at Căpus. Aims. Our studies and research were conducted in 2013 and had two main objectives: to establish natural recovery capacity of the four tailings ponds from the exploitation and processing of iron from from Căpusu Mare (1962-1985), after 28 years from closure, achieving phytocenologic investigations to study the evolution of ecological succession on a lifeless biotope. Materials and Methods. Genuine identification species installed on the tailings ponds was made by using the dichotomy keys. Quantitative study of characteristics was made by the following indices: coverage using abundance-dominance scale (Braun-Blanquet), calculating the frequency and classification in class presence. For this ecological study of vegetation we used stationary research, with the planimetric method using metric frame 1 square (1 x 1 m). Results. The coverage of vegetation varies from 87% (tailing pond I) to 69% (tailing pond IV). The wood species occupying from 56% (tailing pond I) of the surface of the tailing pond, to 14% (tailing pond IV). Floristic inventory conducted shows that the floristic diversity is at the tailing pond III where were identified, 8 species of trees, 3 species of shrubs and 30 herbaceous species. The lower diversity at the tailings pond I can be explained by the high percentage of land cover by wooden species at the expense of herbaceous. Phytocenologic results of our investigations show that the tailings ponds from Căpuşu Mare are naturally rehabilitated after 28 years, which is the age of the latest pond. Unfortunately there is no description of the dynamics of these phytocenosis. Although species don't have a great economic value, spontaneous vegetation installed here has the advantage of a positive visual impact, setting ponds, preventing air pollution by drifting the tailings by wind and its transport by rain. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 168 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development TESTING UNCONVENTIONAL TREATMENTS AGAINST LATE BLIGHT IN POTATO CULTURE WITHIN TRANSYLVANIAN CLIMATIC CONDITIONS Cristian MĂLINAŞ, Ioan OROIAN*, Antonia ODAGIU, Ioan BRAŞOVEAN Faculty of Agriculture. University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj – Napoca, România Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: attack degree, correlations, disease management, Phytophtora infestans Introduction. In last decades, the environmental safety became a priority, even for farmers. The preoccupation for fighting against cultures pathogens with ecological products, without affecting economic benefits, has been a permanent challenge. The potato culture, an important one in Transylvania region of Romania must receive special attention from the point of view of diseases management, because of specific climatic conditions in this area, which advantages the most frequent pathogen of this culture, producing late blight. Aims. Emphasizing the efficacy of unconventional treatments applied to potato cultures, in Transylvanian climatic conditions, using metamodels with predictors. Materials and Methods. The trial was implemented in Pădureni village located in representative climatic area of Transylvanian Plain during April – September 2013. The trial included a control variant conventionally treated (with Infinito 687.5 SC) – V1, and two experimental variants, which received unconventionally treatment, Mimoten + Zytron mixture – V2, and Bordeaux mixture – V3. All variants, control, and experimental, respectively were fertilized with N50P60K80. The Phytophtora infestans Mont. de Bary attack degree (AD%) and climatic conditions in the area. Data were processed using STATISTICA V 7.0. programme. Results. The best results, lower attack degrees, respectively, were obtained when unconventional treatment with Bordeaux mixture was applied, followed by Mimoten + Zytron mixture, and control conventionally treated. The solutions identified in implementation of metamodels with predictors emphasized strong and statistically significant correlations between Phytophtora infestans Mont. de Bary attack degree (AD%) and climatic conditions (temperature, dew point, pressure, wind direction and velocity, precipitations) in studied area. Conclusion. Our trial demonstrates the possibility of successfully using of unconventional treatment of potato culture against late blight, in Transylvanian Plain climatic conditions on mathematical basis using metamodels with predictors. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 169 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development APPRAISAL OF THE EMMERGING RISKS UNDER GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE ON QUERCUS ROBUR SPECIES IN ROMANIA Mihai MOLDOVAN*, Ioan OROIAN and Tania MIHAIESCU Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: climate change, forest’s fragility, fungal pathogens, Quercus robur, soil analysis. Introduction. The Quercus robur is an important and predominant species in Romania representing around 17.7% of the total forest surface (Giurgiu, 2004). In some areas phenomens of forest fragility can develop. Among the factors that can adversely influence the forest development can be mentioned soil acidification, fungal pathogens and insects increased attacks and concurrence with other valuable forest tree species (Badea, 2002). Aims. The present research aims to study the influence of the climate changes on the development of several fungal pathogens and in particular the research of the powdery mildew on the oak species in different climate conditions. Materials and Methods. The influence of various climatic conditions on the development of pathogens at the Quercus species, was studied using data collected over a period of 10 years (the average temperature values, the thermal regime of extreme values, the monthly precipitation regime and the ecometrical parameters values of the thermal and hydric regime). Specific soil conditions were also analysed. The soil sampling was made considering the Order of the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry (MAFF) no. 223/2002. Soil samples were collected from O.S Dej tree nursery at the depth of 0-5 cm, 5-20 cm, 20-55 cm. 0.5 to 1 kg of soil was collected for each sample. Standard laboratory procedures were used for soil sample analysis: soil reaction (pH) (potentiometric method, in water suspension, 1:2.5), humus content (wet oxidation, method Walkley-Black modified by Gogoasa), total nitrogen (Kjeldahl method), the soil percentage base saturation, the content of exchangeable bases (Kappen method), total cation exchange capacity and particle size analysis. Analyses were made in triplicate and the mean values were reported. All reagents were of analytical-reagent grade type. Results. In topsoil, soil reaction varies from 4.59 to 5.65 pH units and total humus content varies from very low (0,882%) to good (4.246%). Total nitrogen content in the studied plot range from 0.05% to 0.22%, the average being in the low class (0.14%). Conclusion. The disease is favoured by climatic factors and infections occur when the average daily temperature is above 15oC and air humidity is about 80% during summer, followed by short rainy periods, the powdery mildew appears predominantly on the upper leafs under the appearance of white spots which grow gradually. Acknowledgement. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765. References 1. Badea O. (2006). Starea de sănătate a pădurilor din România în perioada anilor 19902005, evaluată prin sistemul de monitoring forestier. Revista Pădurilor 1:8-13, Bucureşti. 2. Giurgiu V. (2004). Gestionarea durabilă a pădurilor României. Silvologie III B. Ed. Academiei Române, Bucureşti. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 170 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development XENOBIOTICS IN LACTUCA SATIVA L. Nicoleta MUNTEAN1, Edward MUNTEAN2*, Marcel DUDA1 1 Department of Plant Culture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Cluj Napoca, Romania 2 Department of Food Engineering. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Cluj Napoca, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: contamination, heavy metals, Lactuca Sativa L., polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, xenobiotics Introduction. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is an important leafy vegetable crop, used mainly as a fresh vegetable in salads, but also cooked (Lebeda et al., 2007). Exposing a relatively high surface area of leaves, this plant can be easily contaminated with chemicals from environment, which enter the food chain and can influence the consumer’s health (Lee and Shim, 2007). Aims. The major aim of this research is to establish the degree of contamination with heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) for lettuce plants cultivated on three different sites: one with historical pollution (in Copsa Mica area), another one located urban area (Cluj Napoca), the third one being a non-polluted site (Jucu). Materials and Methods. Four heavy metals were determined (lead, cadmium, copper and zinc) using atomic absorption spectrophotometry, measurements being performed using a Shimadzu AA-6300 double beam atomic absorption spectrophotometer with both flame and graphite furnace, after microwave-assisted digestion. 15 from the 16 Environmental Protection Agency priority PAHs were assessed (naphthalene, acenaphtene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benz(a)anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, benzo(g,h,i)perylene and indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene), using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). HPLC analyses were achieved using an Agilent 1100 system equipped with an Envirosep PP column, with acetonitrile:water as mobile phase (45:55 v/v). Results. The recorded concentrations for heavy metals showed maximum values for the studied elements for samples originating the historical pollution site (1.41 g/ kg Pb, 0.09 g/ kg Cd, 2.96 mg/ kg Cu and 5.09 mg/ kg Zn), while the PAH’s concentrations were highest in samples from urban area, where pollution is caused mainly by automobiles (8 g/ kg total PAH’s), the average PAHs’ content ranging from 0.08 g/ kg for benzo(g,h,i)perylene to 3.27 g/ kg for naphtalene. Conclusion. The obtained results revealed a moderate contamination of the studied food products with the studied xenobiotics, the main contributors being soil pollution and traffic. References 1. Lebeda A., Ryder E.J., Grube R., Doležalová I., Křístková E. (2007). Lettuce (Asteraceae; Lactuca spp.). In: SINGH R.J. (ed.), Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering and Crop Improvement, Vol. 3, Vegetable Crops. Boca Raton, CRC Press, Tailor and Francis Group, 377–472. 2. Lee B.M. and Shim G.A. (2007). Dietary exposure estimation of benzo[a]pyrene and cancer risk assessment. J.Toxicol.Environ.Health A, 70: 1391-1394. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 171 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development RISK ASSESSMENT PRACTICES APPLIED IN HYDRAULIC FRACKING TECHNIQUE Antonia ODAGIU1, Ioan OROIAN2*, Ilie COVRIG2, Laura PAULETTE1 1 Faculty of Agriculture. University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj – Napoca, România 2 Faculty of Horticulture. University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj – Napoca, România Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: procedures, shale gas, fuel, unconventional techniques Introduction. The hydraulic fracking is one of the most controversed issues in what concerns the XXth century new identified technologies ment to enhance the planet fuel reserves, worldwide, and in Romania, particularly. Aims. Emphasizing the ways of supplying correct risk management techniques in order to minimize the risks produced as consequence of hydraulic fracking technique implementation for delivering natural gas using unconventional techniques. Materials and Methods. Inventory of a large database concerning the approached issue and implementation of methodology ment to supply syncretic results presented as original contribution for shale gas production. Results. A series of practices ment to deliver a logic risk assessment system of hydraulic fracking operation integrating the principles of safety culture, is presented in this paper, according to most important literature sources. There is approached the current state of art concerning possible risk of the fracking operations for air, water resources and even possibility of earthquake producing. The procedures usually implementated in such operations are also mentioned and briefly described. Conclusion. The present study resulted in interesting conclusions concerning the risk assessment applied in hydraulic fracking technology, by supplying systematized portfolio of risk management practices appropriate to analysed isssue. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 172 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development SOUNDSCAPE IN NORTH-EASTERN PART OF IASI CITY (SARARIE – TICAU DISTRICT) Ana Maria OIŞTE1*, Mihai Florin CONSTANTIN2, Dan Adrian CHELARU2 1 Department of Hydrotechnics, Geodesy and Environmental Engineering. University of Iasi, Romania. 2 Faculty of Geography and Geology University "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" - (University) Iasi Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: noise, admissible levels, seasonal variation, residential area, Iasi city. Introduction. This paper presents a complex study of noise levels from road traffic source and the variation during the seasons in an old residential area located in the north-eastern part of Iasi city, an important educational and cultural centre of the country. Aims. The study reveal the correlation between noise levels and social activities developed in the area: low number of inhabitants because of the holidays time in August and the resumption of the educational activity in autumn, including school start in September and of the university activity in October. Materials and Methods. After direct observations, the measurements were made with digital sound –level meter Quest Technologies, 1400 model in five hour intervals 7:00 - 8:00; 10:00 11:00; 13:30 - 14:30; 18:00 - 19:00; 19:00 - 20:00. The monitoring of Equivalent Continuous Noise Level (Leq) were made in 30 points located along the different type of roads in the second part of August – October 2009, with different admissible levels, showing the exceeding of the limit in 5 points in September and 8 points in October. Results. It can be observed an important difference during the week in the monitoring period, between Monday to Friday and the week-end with lower values 59.64 - 6.5 dB (A) in August, 61.98 - 5.14 dB (A) in September, 63.9 - 5.3 dB (A) in October and among the four street categories with major differences between first category: 66.89 dB (A) and fourth category 47.69 dB (A), so that urban noise can be stratified according to a prior classification of a town’s streets due to their use and functional characteristics. Conclusion. Sound levels monitoring and statistical data processing (Pearson correlation coefficient, Tukey range test) sustain the fact that road traffic is main source of noise in the area, differentiated in correlation with street category, a decrease in noise with increasing street category, with insignificant differences between first and second street category thank to the best management and traffic control. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 173 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development RESULTS ON PARASITIC LEVEL OF LARVAE AND PUPAE OF CAMERARIA OHRIDELLA DESCHKA-DIMIĆ Ion OLTEAN1 Crsitina SOPORAN1, Vasile FLORIAN and Teodora FLORIAN1* Faculty of Agriculture.University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj – Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Cameraria ohridella Deschka-Dimić, parasitic larvae, pupae parasitic. Introduction. Mining moth has become a dangerous pest and creates major problems for the protection of ornamental chestnut (Aesculus spp) for almost all European countries. The numerical density of population regulation involve a series of natural parasites, which were identified both abroad and in our country (Ferracini and Alma, 2007; Freise et al., 2002; Stojanovic and Markovic, 2004.). Aims. Studying the parasitic level of larvae and pupae of Cameraria ohridella DeschkaDimić in Cluj, during 2012-2013. Materials and Methods. From the parks where are plant chestnut trees, at different time limits (according to the stages of development of this pest) were collected attacked leaf and were made samples of 50 leaves. Attacked leaves were analyzed in the lab, noting the total number of larvae and pupae in the leaf, then we determinate the percent of their parasitic action. Results. On the chestnut trees in Central park, the parasitic level (%) of larvae in 2012 was on average 7.9%, and in 2013 was on average 9.8%. The parasitic level (%) of pupae in 2012 was 8.8%, while in 2013 was 10.4%. On the chestnut trees located on the Paris Street, the parasitic level (%) of larvae in 2012 was on average 5.7%, and in 2013 was on average 6.3%. The parasitic level (%) of pupae in 2012 was 6.1%, while in 2013 was 6.9%. The parasitic level (%) of larvae and pupae of parasitic specie Cameraria ohridella Deschka-Dimić is different from one location to another. In the two years parasitoid activity is more intense on the pupal stage in both locations. The highest levels of parasitic larvae are reported to the second generation of larvae followed by the last generation. Conclusion. Following the studies it was found that larvae and pupae of chestnut mining moth may be affected somewhat by zoophagous entomofauna, especially by parasitoid hymenoptera. References 1. Ferracini, C., Alma, A. (2007), Evaluation of the community of native eulophid parasitoids on Cameraria ohridella Deschka and Dimic in urban areas, Environmental Entomology Vol. 36 No. 5: 1147-1153. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 174 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development THE PRESENT STATUS OF TRAFFIC NITROGEN OXIDES POLLUTION IN CLUJ – NAPOCA Ioan OROIAN1, Antonia ODAGIU1*, Ilie COVRIG2, Călin Ovidiu SAFIRESCU3 1 Faculty of Agriculture. University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj – Napoca, România. 1 Faculty of Horticulture. University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj – Napoca, România. 1 Doctoral School. Technical University,Cluj – Napoca, România Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: air quality, traffic, urban areas. Introduction. Assessing air quality in high urbanized areas and finding solution for most important pollutants (NOx, CO, SO2, VOC, PM, O3 emissions) remains a challenge for authorities and public in aimed areas. The harmful effects upon humans and environmental health is the reason of all concerns. Lots of studies have been developed, in this area, worldwide. Majority of these state that traffic is the most important source of air pollution in crowded cities. Aims. Establishing the status quo of NOx pollution status in Cluj – Napoca. Materials and Methods. NOx air pollution was quantified during four months period (March – June 2014), in four locations correspondent to high traffic and position of automatic air quality monitoring stations placed by The Agency of Environmental Protection Cluj. Parameters were monitored using a mobile equipment. Results. The average values of the analysed parameters are different function of monitoring point. We noticed statistically significant differences between monitoring points, but in all cases the average concentrations are over the maximum admitted annual limit, 32 ppb, respectively. Conclusion. Further research and more intense concerns are needed from both public and authorities, in order to diminish the nitrogen oxides quantity in environmental air. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 175 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development MONITORING PHYSIOPATHIES DEVELOPMENT IN ORNAMENTAL TREES LOCATED IN HIGH TRAFFIC URBAN AREAS Narcisa PENEGHI1, Ioan OROIAN1*, Antonia ODAGIU1, Ilie COVRIG2 1 Faculty of Agriculture. University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj – Napoca, România 2 Faculty of Horticulture, University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj – Napoca, România Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: air pollution, correlations, nitrogen oxides Introduction. In last decades, the use of ornamental trees as pollution monitoring agents became a usual practice in urban areas, because of their sensitivity against different air components in excess (e.g. ozone, sulphur, nitrogen, particulate matters, heavy metals, etc.) expressed as development of physiopaties. In our country, few studies have been developed in this area, and large scale practice of using urban ornamental trees as air quality biomonitors has even fewer applications. Aims. Study of the behaviour of several tree species usually used in ornamental aim within towns against air pollution, and identifying developed physiopaties and their correlations with air pollution sources. Materials and Methods. The study was developed during a three months period (April – June 2014) on linden, pine, thuja, and chestnut trees located in different high populated places of Cluj – Napoca second town as population in Romania. Nitrogen oxides, and sulphur action on trees foliar tissue was studied. Air quality data were collected with mobile monitoring device, and foliar tissues were collected weekly. The observational monitoring was combined with chemical monitoring. Data were statistically processed using IBM SPSS 20 Office. Results. The observational monitoring emphasize the presence of physiopaties specific symptoms on foliar tissue in majority of studied ornamental trees species. The laboratory analyse confirm the presence of high nitrogen content in sampled foliar tissue from tree species, especially in last part of the monitoring time interval. Strong correlations were identified between nitrogen foliar content and air temperature in studied locations. Conclusion. The development of physiopaties of the ornamental trees are strongly influenced by environmental condition, air pollution mainly. This is also demonstrated by our study, which confirms the sensitivity of linden, pine, thuja, and chestnut trees against nitrogen oxides pollutant action. Acknowledgement. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 176 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development MONITORING OF THE CROPS PESTS OF FORAGE LEGUMES IN THE AREA RACIU, MURES Petru Mihai PUSTAI, Ion OLTEAN, Teodora FLORIAN, Ilonka BODIS Faculty f Agriculture. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywors: pests, forage legumes, Medicago sativa. Introduction. Special feature feature organic alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and perennial legumes is intensive farming and the activity fotosintetica high, which promotes natural enemies appearance represented by diseases and pests (M.A. S. T. , 2013). Aims. To identify pests of crops of perennial forage legumes. Materials and Methods. For monitoring I have used colored traps, traps Barber type dry and wet, these being placed in alfalfa and sparceta. Color palette of traps sticky consists of: white, yellow, red, purple, blue, and green. Traps were changed at an interval of 2 weeks. Results. investigations are under way, on the billboards of white color predominates insects belonging to order Diptera and Hymenoptera and the colored insects predominate family Heteroptera and Lepidoptera. Traps Barber price indicated in dominant species has been Phosphuga Atrata. Conclusion. In the case of traps, colored colored have the highest degree of efficiency, and in particular those of white and yellow have had the largest effect on the capture populations of pests of the order Diptera. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 177 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development RESULTS REGARDING CONTROL OF SPECIES MONATHROPALPUS BUXI GEOFF BY CAPTURING ADULTS WITH COLORED TRAPS Cristina SOPORAN, Ion OLTEAN, Vasile FLORIAN and Teodora FLORIAN* Faculty of Agriculture. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj – Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: captures, Monarthropalpus buxi Geoff., traps. Introduction. Monarthorpalpus buxi Rubs. is a monophagus species. The larvae feed exclusively on the leaves of: Buxus sempervirens L., Buxus roduntifolia, Buxus bullata, Buxus nana, Buxus balearica (Brewer et al., 1984; Hrubik et al., 1998; Vamvakas et al., 2006). Aims. Using colored traps in fight against Monarthropalpus buxi. Materials and Methods. During the experimental period was check the preference of species studied for colors: white, yellow, blue and green. For this purpose, during the flight of adults were placed colored glued traps over Buxus senpenvirens bushes at a distance of 0.55 cm between them at three different heights: 0 cm (at the plant); 0.50 cm; 1 m Results. By capturing of the Monarthropalpus buxi adults with colored panels attack frequency decreased at a rate of about 88% in 2012 (frequency of attacked leaf was 8.61% compared to 70.78% in control) and 90% in 2013 (frequency of attacked leaf was 7.67% compared to 77.36% in control). It is noted that each year, in capturing adult version, along with a considerable reduction in the frequency of the attack took place also a decrease of the intensity of the attack (number of mines per leaf attack was much less). Over three years of research, use of colored traps have captured 57 917 adults (17 917 in 2011, in 2012 we captured 21573 and 2013 we captured 18030). On the color types catches percentage situation is as follows: 36.0% were on green panels; 33.6% were on yellow panels; 23.8% were on white panels; 6.6% were on blue panels. Conclusion. To fight against Monarthropalpus buxi species can use adhesive green or yellow traps. References 1. Brewer J.W., Skuhravý V., Skuhravý M. (1984). Biology, distribution and control of Monarthropalpus buxi (Laboulbène) (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae), Journal Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie, Vol. 97 No. 2: 167-175. 2. Hrubik P., Skuhravy V., Brewer J.W. (1998). Susceptibility of 10 taxa of boxwood (Buxus ssp.) to attacks of the gall midge Monarthropalpus flavus Schrank, (M. buxi Lab.) (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) in 8-year experiments, Journal Acta Horticulturae et Regiotecturae, Vol. 1 No. 2: 33-35. 3. Vamvakas M., Kontodimas D.C., Milonas P.G. (2006). First record of Monarthropalpus buxi in Greece and some data of its phenology, Entomologia Helenica, No.16: 22-26. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 178 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development AMINO ACIDS IN BREWER’S YEAST INVOLVED IN HEAVY METAL BIOSORPTION FROM WASTE WATER Andreea STĂNILĂ1, Tania MIHĂESCU2* 1 Faculty of Food Science and Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2 Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania *Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: amino acids, biosorption, heavy metals Introduction. Yeasts of genera Saccharomyces are efficient biosorbents for heavy metal ions. The aim of this study was to identify if amino acids present in brewer yeast are involved in metal biosorption due to their capacity to coordinate metal ions. Materials and Methods. As biosorbent was used non-living brewer’s yeast type Saccharomices cerevisae at 0,5% yeast dose. Copper, lead and zinc solution of 1 mg/L concentrations were prepared using their salts. The experiments were conducted at three pH level (3.5; 5; 6). The amino acids were identified by HPLC chromatography and FT-IR spectroscopy. The experiments were conducted by mixing metals solution with yeast and shaken at a constant speed of 120 RPM at 20°C for 120 minute. The samples were centrifugated at 2500 rpm for 15 minute and the pellet were analysed for amino acids identification. The amino acids extraction from pellets were performed using two solvent types: HCl 0,05M/ethanol and HCl 0,05M/water. The HPLC analysis was performed using a C-18 column and a mixture of K2HPO4 50mM/acetonitrile solution as mobile phase in gradient conditions. The FT-IR spectra of samples extracts were recorded with Shimadzu IRPrestige spectrophotometer. Results and discussions. The amino acids identified by HPLC method were Glu, Arg, Ala, Gly, Lys, Hys, Met, Threo and their profile differs according with extraction solvent used and the pH of the pellets. Best results were obtained with HCl/water system and the appropriate pH for metal biosorption was 6. In the FT-IR spectra information about metal coordination were obtained by comparing the IR amino acids frequencies from control extract with the samples. The presence of shifted absorption band demonstrated the involvement of amino acids by their NH2 and COOH groups in metals coordination. Conclusion. In the present study we demonstrated that amino acids are involved in metal ions biosorption. The pH of the samples and the solvent used for extraction are important for amino acids identification and quantification. Acknowledgement. This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian Ministry of Education, CNCSIS – UEFISCDI, PN-II-RU-PD-2012-3 - 0055”, nr. 47/30.04.2013 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 179 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development THE INFLUENCE OF CLIMATIC CHANGES UPON PEST ATTACK DEGREE IN OAK FORESTS Constantin ŞULEA1, Ioan OROIAN1*, Ioan TĂUT2, Ilie COVRIG2, Petru BURDUHOS1 1 Faculty of Agriculture. University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine,Cluj – Napoca, România 2 Faculty of Horticulture, University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine,Cluj – Napoca, România Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: attack degree, precipitation regimen, temperature, Tortrix viridana. Introduction. Supplying forest health is an important issue worldwide. This is due to both important reasons. One is represented by the socio-cultural role of the forest and also by the importance in assuring planet well-being. The second due to important threats against forest existence and development, as uncontrolled deforestations and unappropriated strategies of fighting against specific pests and pathogens in present conditions of climatic changes. Aims. Identifying main threats produced by pathogens against oak forests in Transylvanian climatic conditions, and identification of possible correlations between pests attack degree evolutions, temperature and precipitation regimen. Materials and Methods. Our research was located in an oak forest belonging to ICAS Bistriţa (Lechinţa), with tree individuals aged more than 50 years. The experiment was developed during a two years period, 2012 and 2013, respectively. In order to identify the pest attack the observational monitoring was practiced. Climatic data were collected from regional meteorological station. Data were weekly collected, and statistically processed using STATISTICA v. 7.0 Office. Results. Results obtained as consequence of our study emphasize that the most common, and as direct consequence, important pest action in oak trees from studied region, was Tortrix viridana. Strong correlations were identified between this pest and climatic conditions. It is revealed by the results obtained concerning the attack degrees in dry and hot climate of 2012 compared with a less dry and more rich in precipitation weather during 2013. The averages of the attack degrees were bigger in 2012 compared to 2013, and statistically significant. Conclusion. The study of oak trees behaviour from mature forests against pathogens attack degrees in a complex manner including climatic changes influence, represent an important choice in finding appropriate solutions to long time healthy developmental strategies in conditions of our country. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 180 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development STUDY REGARDING TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN A TRADITIONAL ROOF AND GREEN ROOF Mihaela Simona VARVARĂ1*, Manfred KÖHLER2, Mihai VOEVOD1 and Marcel DÎRJA1 1 University of Agricultural Sinces and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2 University of Applied Sciences, Neubrandenburg, Germany * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: environment, humidity, green roof, temperature. Introduction. A roof garden’s primary purpose is to provide a place to be among or to view plants (Osmundson, 1999). Moving from sustainability in general to “green construction” in specific requires careful thought. Many “simple things to do to save the planet” require only substituting “bad” products for “good” ones (Thompson, 2008). Aims. This study aims is to prove that the air quality inside buildings can be improved by installing green roofs. In this study the differences in temperature and humidity between a green roof and a traditional roof were determined. Materials and Methods. The experiment was conducted on the Faculty of Applied Sciences Neubrandenburg and lasted for 2 weeks (14.06.2014-27.06.2014). Eight, Data Logger LOG32, devices were used to determine the temperature, humidity and dew point. The collected data were statistically interpreted using SPSS. Maximum and minimum temperature, humidity and dew point, were analyzed having as a reference point the temperature recorded over a traditional roof. Results. It was found that the temperature difference between the traditional roof and the green roof is about 3 degrees. The maximal/minimal temperature and humidity were found for both roofs on the 06/26/2014. These values were recorded at the reference point. A temperature and humidity difference was also found by comparing the results from the LOG 32 placed on the floors of the building and on the green roof. The results show that in the summer time, the temperature is cooler during the day and warmer at night. Conclusion. The current paper demonstrates the following advantages of green roofs over traditional flat roofs: a positive influence on the temperature and humidity inside a building with green roofs, a positive influence over the environment by naturally cooling and/or heating the interior of a building depending on the climatic conditions. References 1. Osmundson T. (1999). Roof Gardens - history, design and construction, Edit: Norton & Company, New York. 2. Thompson J. W. and Sorvig K. (2008). Sustainable Landscape Construction, Edit: Island Press, Washington. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 181 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS IN SOIL: EXPOSURE AND HEALTH RISK Ana VIRSTA, Mirela-Alina SANDU* Faculty of Land Reclamation and Environmental Engineering, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: human health risk assessment, polychlorinated biphenyls, SADA software. Introduction. Despite bans on PCB use since 1975 (open systems) and 1987 (closed systems), these compounds have been found widespread in many environmental compartments including soils, sediments and air (Zhou J.L. et al, 2001; Zhang Z. et al, 2008). However, so far, existing PCBs were still used in many types of equipment as lubricant, which may be potential sources of PCBs in environment. Soils are an important reservoir for many contaminants. Pollutant levels in soils should be given more attentions due to their potential risks to public health through inhalation, diet and skin exposure. Aims. The purpose of this study was the evaluation of the potential risks that PCBs pose to human health applying the SADA software. The risk models follows the EPA's Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund (RAGS) and can be customized to fit site specific exposure conditions. Materials and Methods. The study area, sample collection, and pretreatment, PCBs extraction and analysis have been described in previous paper (Sandu M.A. et al, 2013). Human Health Risk Assessment was performed using a risk model developed by the U.S. EPA, called SADA software. SADA calculates the risk or hazard resulting from potential exposure to chemicals via the pathways and routes of exposure appropriate determined for a site. Results. For the analysed area from the Municipality of Ploiesti the scenarios for residential, recreate and industrial use of lands are relevant and the exposure pathways for soil include accidental ingestion, inhalation and skin contact. Considering the development of the program we can observe that there is no risk for human health for any of the exposure pathways in the case of residential and recreate uses. A total risk of 1.3E-6 (warning) has been registered in the case of industrial use for Total PCB compounds. Conclusion. No inadmissible risks for the performed evaluations have been registered for any of the analysed exposure pathways and land uses. It can be observed that, at high concentrations of the determined persistent contaminants, the risk calculated by SADA is a warning risk, for the industrial area, here the determined concentrations being at the alert threshold. References 1. Sandu M.A., Bica I., Virsta A., Preda M., Stan V.S. (2013). Persistent Organic Contaminants in the urban and peri-urban area of Ploiesti city. AgroLife Scientific Journal, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Volume 1, No.1: 143-150. 2. Zhang Z., Liu L.Y., Li Y.F., Wang D.G., Jia H.L., Harner .T, Sverko E., Wan X.N., Xu D.D., Ren N.Q., Ma J.M., Pozo K. (2008). Analysis of polychlorinated biphenyls in 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 182 Section 2: Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development RESEARCH, INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER IN AGRICULTURE Sebastian-Călin VAC1*, Liana Maria VAC1, Vasile Lucian NAS1 1 University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine from Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Horticulture, Romania *[email protected] Keywords: research, sustainable development, innovation, Romania, technology transfer Introduction: In the period 2007-2013, the budget sector research, development, innovation and technology transfer (RDITT) in Romania was about 4 billion euro, ie an average of about 0.47% of Romania's GDP in the seven years ([2], [3]). By comparison, in the German State of Baden-Wuerttemberg (BW) is invested annually in RDITT about 5.1% of state GDP ([1]), the industrial sector contributes nearly 80% of investments. A decisive role in the development of the RDITT in BW it has RDITT catalyst institutions such as Max-Planck, Fraunhoffer, Steinbeis. Aims: This research aims to reveal the huge potential and benefits it can bring research, innovation and technology transfer in sustainable development of agriculture in Romania. Materials and methods: The material used in the analysis consists of material, human and scientific resources. The proposed method to stimulate RDITT is the use of Steinbeis system in addressing projects in partnership between academic and economic environment. Results: Steinbeis system can be successfully applied in addressing RDITT projects funded by Horizon2020, the RDITT European Union program with a budget of 80 billion euro. UASVM Cluj-Napoca can and must develop using all the pillars of the program, especially on scientific excellence (for reputed or young researchers), biotechnologies, societal challenges (health, agriculture and bio-economy, energy and climate policies). Also, the system can and should be used in accessing projects financed from structural instruments, from national research plan, but also from external or internal private sources of financing. Conclusion: Steinbeis system is first of all a fundamental change of approach to partnerships established between academia and economic, optimizing RDITT processes, thereby contributing to significant economic growth in Romania. References [1] CORDIS, R&D in Baden-Wuerttemberg ( [2] Ministry of Education, National Authority for Scientific Research ( [3] Ministry of Education, Intermediary Body for Competitiveness ( 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 183 Section 3: Food Science and Technology WHO REPRESENTS PLANT SCIENTISTS AT EUROPEAN LEVEL – HOW CAN YOU HAVE A SAY? Karin METZLAFF European Plant Science Organisation, EPSO, [email protected] Keywords: EPSO Working Group on Basic Plant Sciences Introduction. EPSO, the European Plant Science Organisation, ensures a future for plant research in Europe. Evidence will be presented on the achievements of EPSO in the European Framework Programmes 6 and 7 – you know the actions – do you know who invented them? How can you get more involved? EPSO activities in the coming years most relevant for Austrian scientists include examples such as: ● Foster inclusion of basic research in the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge programmes / projects ● Start and develop the EPSO Working Group on Basic Plant Sciences to support this at European as well as national level ● Double the number of supporting scientists to increase interaction among EPSO members ● Start the EPSO Early Career Plant Scientists Network (limited to EPSO Institutional members) ● ERC – could we extend the model to collaborative basic research across Europe for FP9 ? 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 184 Section 3: Food Science and Technology POTENTIAL OF EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES IN FOOD PROCESSING Henry JAEGER University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna Muthgasse 18, 1180 Vienna, Austria Email: [email protected] Keywords: high hydrostatic pressure, pulsed electric fields, ultrasound, cold plasma Introduction. The development of emerging technologies in food processing addresses specific consumer needs towards safe, healthy, and minimally processed foods. These innovative processes also lead to environmentally friendly and sustainable food manufacturing techniques with low energy requirements and reduced water use that overcome some limitations given by current food processing practices. Aims. The presentation aims to describe the basic principles of these non-thermal technologies as well as the state of the art concerning their impact on biological cells, enzymes, and food constituents. Current and potential applications will be discussed, focusing on process-structure-function relationships, as well as recent advances in the process development. Materials and Methods. High hydrostatic pressure (HHP), pulsed electric fields (PEFs), ultrasound (US), and cold plasma (CP) are used to exemplify scalable and flexible food manufacturing techniques. Results. In this presentation, the state of the art regarding the research and application of these emerging technologies will be discussed and the potential of establishing new routes of process and product development by interfacing food science and food manufacturing will be demonstrated. Conclusion. Understanding the impact and potential of such technologies on food systems at the cellular level will enable the design of tailor-made foods and to establish processstructure-function relationships. Based on this knowledge, completely new process design and the incorporation of HHP, PEFs, US, and CP in traditional processes, as well as the generation of improved equipment design, will be possible. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 185 Section 3: Food Science and Technology DIFFERENT ASPECTS OF MICROBIOLOGICAL RISKS DURING THE WINEMAKING PROCESS Christian von WALLBRUNN1* 1 Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Hochschule Geisenheim University, Germany * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: bottling, fermentation control, microbial contaminations, quality control Introduction. The winemaking process from grapes to the bottled product wine holds at different points specific hygienic risks based on the presence of microorganisms. Aims. The aim is to give an overview about the specific risks, the consequences and approaches to prevent these risks at the different stages of production. Materials and Methods. Grape production, grape processing, alcoholic fermentation, wine ageing and bottling were checked using different microbiological, molecular and analytical methods to get information about the stage specific risks and how to handle. Results. Looking at the vineyard higher temperatures and high humidity during the end of ripening and harvest lead to higher infection rates especially by fungi like Botrytis cinerea and bacteria like acidic acid bacteria. In many cases gnaw marks from insects like wasps are the reasons for these infections. Also the spontaneous yeast flora on the grapes, on the cellar equipment and later on in the processed grape juice is important for the resulting wine quality, not only in spontaneous fermentations. This could be demonstrated by different yeast population studies combined with experimental wines and chemical and sensorial analyses. Microscopes could be a smart opportunity to control alcoholic fermentations and to get more information as the decreasing sugar concentrations. An important tool to control microbiological activities in wine is the use of SO2. But the effectiveness depends on the pH and could be a problem. During the ageing and storage of wines especially in barriques different microorganisms could be a problem because they produce off-flavours, for example yeasts of the genus Brettanomyces. And at the end during bottling there are different risks of contaminations by microorganisms. Many contaminations are caused by false handling and could avoid by well trained staff. Conclusion. For the wine industry it is import to know that at different production steps of the winemaking process there are high risks of unwanted microbiological contaminations which lead to non-marketable products. The knowledge of these risks, the potential consequences and how to prevent these risks could help to avoid high financial losses. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 186 Section 3: Food Science and Technology STUDY OF MEAT FREEZING PROCESS BY INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY AND DIELECTRIC SPECTROSCOPY Pedro José FITO1* and Marta CASTRO-GIRÁLDEZ1 1 Instituto Universitario de Ingeniería de Alimentos para el Desarrollo, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Camino de Vera s/n, 46022 Valencia, Spain * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: dielectric spectroscopy, freezing, infrared thermography Introduction. Frozen process is an important preservation method widely implemented in meat industry. The correct performance of this operation is essential for the maintenance of quality of meat products intended for retail sale. The preservation of optimal quality attributes is intrinsically related to the water transport phenomena occurred during freezing, particularly to changes in the structural integrity of muscle tissue. Currently, meat industry emphasizes the importance on ensuring an adequate control of temperature and cooling rate to certify the quality and safety through processing. However, this control system is unreliable and useless to know if the meat has undergone undesirable alterations during the freezing stage. To solve these drawbacks, there is a growing tendency to implement non-destructive control methods that allow us a better understanding of the food systems and the processes involved. Among these new emerging non-contact techniques, the infrared thermography and the dielectric spectroscopy have become popular due to its easy handling and its ability to provide useful information at real time. Aims. The aim of this research was to implement and validate the use of the infrared technique and dielectric spectroscopy as a non-destructive control tools to monitor the physicochemical phenomena that occurred during the freezing stage. Materials and Methods. A thermal imager camera, with a spectral infrared range of wavelength λ from 7.5 to 13µm, impedance analyser (40 Hz to 3 MHz) and a Net analyser (500 MHz to 20 GHz) were used for controlling on line the freezing stage in pork. Meat samples were frozen from room temperature to -20°C at a cooling rate of 1°C/min. Results. During the meat freezing process, the liquid phase is concentrating and reduces the melting temperature, this phenomenon causes a water chemical potential gradient producing a water transport from middle to lateral side of meat, while the formation of ice (nucleation) with high surface tension produces a water chemical potential, attracting water molecules, producing a diffusion of water through the tissue (dehydration), forming large masses of ice and increasing this term of water chemical potential. These phenomena change the , and dispersion in the dielectric spectra. This effect can be used to follow the freezing level and to control the state of the structure of the meat. Conclusion:. The results obtained have demonstrated the existence of a chemical potential gradient which caused an internal flux of water. In turn, as a result of nucleation phenomena and the influence of the surface tension existent, a new water chemical potential gradient appeared, leading to the displacement of water molecules towards the ice agglomerates. It was demonstrated that the infrared technique and dielectric spectroscopy are a non-destructive control tools to monitor the microstructural changes that occurred during the freezing process. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 187 Section 3: Food Science and Technology THE DRYING PROCEDURE: A CHALLENGE FOR STARTERS PRODUCTION THIRY C., DELVIGNE F., DESTAIN J., EVRARD P., KARENZI E., THONART P. Université de Liège - Gembloux Agro-BioTech Passage des Déportés, 2B-5030 Gembloux, Belgique Keywords: starters production, casein peptone, spray drying, freeze-dried powders Introduction. The different steps for starters production are the selection of the strains, the production in fermenters, the centrifugation and the drying procedure. In previous studies researchers have investigated the production of freeze-dried powders of lactic starters. However, there are many disadvantages associated with this approach; freezedrying is time-consuming and expensive, there are high transport and storage costs associated with frozen concentrated cultures, and the freeze-thaw process is associated with a loss of culture viability. In comparison, spray drying, one of the predominant processing tools used in the dairy industry, can be used to produce large amounts of dairy ingredients relatively inexpensively; it has been estimated that the cost of spray drying is six times lower per kilogram of water removed than the cost of freeze-drying. The spray dried powders can be transported at a low cost. Parameters affecting the survival of lactic acid bacteria during spray-drying include process airflow, configuration (cocurrent and countercurrent), outlet temperature of spray-dryer, strain, carrier medium applied and its solids content and preadaptation of culture. Aims. The aims of this study were (i) to examine the effect of different protectants on the viability of the strain during spray drying and powder storage; (ii) to compare the results with freeze-dried powders, (iii) to identify the mechanism of cells mortality. Materials and Methods. The spray drying efficiencies are strongly variable according to the protectant used. The casein peptone poses a technological problem, the powder is strong sticking and agglomerate at the spray dryer walls, moreover this protectant is relatively expensive. Thus if we need a powder having a cellular concentration higher than 1.1011cfu g-1, the use of skimmed milk (RSM) is necessary. It is noted however that the RSM is a protective frequently used and that it offers a certain effectiveness. Results. Skimmed milk stabilizes the components of the cellular membranes and forms protective coating around membrane proteins. During spray drying, cells undergo several types of stress (thermal, osmotic, exposure to oxygen, dehydration), which lead to an increase in the membrane permeability and thus to the intracellular release of the components in the environment. The cytoplasmic membrane as well as the cell wall, the DNA and the RNA are also affected. Conclusion. The RSM makes it possible to obtain spray drying efficiencies higher than 50% and to offer a percentage of survival during storage sufficient for a later industrial use. The complete replacement of the RSM by a carbohydrate source (maltodextrin or gum arabic) and a protein source generally damage the spray drying efficiencies and viability during storage. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 188 Section 3: Food Science and Technology THE PROTECTIVE EFFECT OF HIPPOPHAE RHAMNOIDES EXTRACT AGAINST LIPID PEROXIDATION IN CRUDE VEGETABLE OILS Sanda ANDREI, Andrea BUNEA, Elena Andreea POP*, Francisc V. DULF and Adela PINTEA University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Department of Biochemistry, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: antioxidants, oil, peroxidation Introduction. Vegetable oils are important constituents of human diet due to their high content of essential nutritional factors. Lipid oxidation products which are toxic to the body can be generated during the manufacturing processes or due to the inadequate storage conditions. Aims. In this paper we aimed to test the way that the carotenoid-rich extracts, obtained from fruits of Hippophae rhamnoides, may protect crude oils (sunflower, pumpkin seeds, olive) against oxidative processes. Materials and Methods. In order to evaluate the effect of antioxidant carotenoids were followed three stages: induction of lipid peroxidation processes in the presence of AAPH (2,2 '-azobis-amidinopropane dihydro-clorhidrat); determination of the level of lipid peroxidation by quantifying the concentration of conjugated diene and malonyl dialdehyde (MDA); evaluation of the profile of the fatty acids and the ratio between the saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (UFA / SFA), using an GC-MS method. Results. The main carotenoids present in the extract of sea buckthorn fruits are β-carotene and zeaxanthin and β-cryptoxanthin esters. In the case of sunflower oil was observed that sea buckthorn fruit extract significantly decreased MDA concentration but does not significantly reduce the concentration of conjugated dienes. The protective effect of carotenoids is more evident in the case of oil from pumpkin seeds. In the olive oil, unlike the first two types of oils, the carotenoids extract inhibit to a lesser extent, statistically insignificant, both the MDA and the conjugated dienes formation. Overall, the ratio UFA/SFA decreases in crude oxidized oils. In the oils in which carotenoids were added was observed an increase in the UFA/SFA ratio. Conclusion. Carotenoid extract rich in xanthophyll esters extracted from sea buckthorn fruits possess a good antioxidant capacity, protecting vegetable oils against peroxidation processes induced in the presence of AAPH. Acknowledgements. This work was supported by the grants of the Romanian national Authority for Scientific Research CNCS-UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-30721 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 189 Section 3: Food Science and Technology INFLUENCE OF POLLEN, CHIA SEEDS AND CRANBERRIES ADDITION ON THE SENSORY, PHYSICAL AND PROBIOTICS CHARACTERISTICS OF YOGURT Sorin APOSTU, Carmen POP, Romina VLAIC, Anca FĂRCAS, Ancuţa M. ROTAR, Andrei OPREA and Delia GHICĂṢAN Faculty of Food Science and Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Address - 400372 - Cluj-Napoca, Mănăştur Street, number 3-5, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: yogurt, lactic acid bacteria, chia seeds, bee pollen, cranberries Introduction. The yoghurt, to be considered as a probiotic product, the Streptococcus thermophilus and L. delbrueckii ssp. Bulgaricus, as starter cultures, must be at a daily dose of 109 cfu/g and several authors have indicated that a minimal concentration of 106 cfu/g of a product is required for a probiotic effect (Irkin and Eren, 2008). Bee pollen and chia seeds are not only selected as a supplement for its technological and sensory properties, but also for its nutritional benefits. Indeed, a noteworthy trend in recent times is the addition of prebiotics for the improvement of the nutritional properties of yogurt and fermented dairy products (Zare et al., 2011). Aims. In this study, we investigate the effect of yogurt supplementation with 1% been pollen, 1,4 % chia seeds and 5,6% cranberries on growth of lactic acid bacteria and sensory properties of the final product immediately and during storage for 21 days. Materials and methods. The number of lactobacilli was determined on the MRS agar and the number of streptococci was determined on M17 agar medium after 48 h, respectively 72h of incubation. Sensory analyses of the samples as well as control sample were evaluated by 20 untrained panelists using a 9-point hedonic scale. Results. During storage the average viable cell counts of L. bulgaricus decreased from 2.36x107 cfu/g on day 0 to 1.22x107 cfu/g on day 21, whereas, S. thermophilus decreased from 33.96x107 cfu/g on day 0 to 16.06x107 cfu/g on day 21. Results showed that the yogurt supplementation significantly improves the stability of the streptococci and lactobacilli, due to the antioxidants and carbohydrates found in high quantity in supplements used. Conclusion. Overall, on the basis of the microbial, physico-chemical and sensory properties investigations, the results suggest that additions rich in polyphenolic compounds could be potentially considered as a source of ingredients for yogurt supplementation. References 1. Irkin R. and Eren U.V., (2008). A Research about Viable Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus Numbers in the Market Yoghurts. World Journal of Dairy & Food Sciences 3 (1): 25-28. 2. Zare F., Boye J.I., Orsat V., Champagne C., Simpson B.K., (2011). Microbial, physical and sensory properties of yogurt supplemented with lentil flour. Food Research International 44, 2482–2488. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 190 Section 3: Food Science and Technology COMPARATIVE ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY OF OREGANO AND ROSEMARY EXTRACTS, RELATED TO THEIR PHENOLIC COMPOZITION Florina BUNGHEZ1, Mihaela-Ancuta ROTAR1, Raluca Maria POP2,3, Florina ROMANCIUC1, Florina CSERNATONI1,2, Florinela FETEA1, Zorita (Sconta) DIACONEASA1, Carmen SOCACIU1,2* 1 University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Department of Food Science, Faculty of Food and Science Technology, 3-5 Mănăştur str., Cluj-Napoca., 2 Center for Applied Biotechnology CCD-BIODIATEC, Proplanta Cluj-Napoca., 3 University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj-Napoca,Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: rosemary, oregano, antibacterial activity, phenolic profile, LC-QTOF-MS/HPLCDAD Introduction. The development of natural antimicrobials that can be used for food preservation received great attention in the past years, due to consumer’s awareness regarding the natural diet and food additives with antimicrobial activity, more efficient than conventional preservatives. Aims. The present study aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial activity (AMA) related to the phenolic profile and content of rosemary and oregano in hydrophilic extracts. Materials and methods. Dried oregano and rosemary, originating from Romanian flora, were extracted using 15% plant in hot water (RE, OE). Both extracts were analyzed using UV-Vis spectroscopy, FTIR, HPLC-DAD and LC–ESI(+)QTOF-MS. The total phenolic content (TPC) was determined by Folin-Ciocalteu method. The AMA was determined by screening the extracts against 5 strains of pathogens (Bacillus cereus, Staphilococcus aureus, Lysteria monocytogenes, Salmonella typhimurium, Escherichia coli), using Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion method. Results. The TPC for RE was 43.4 mg GAE/g DW and for OE 54.2 mg GAE/g DW. The FTIR and UV-Vis spectra of OE and RE were similar. The UV-Vis spectra recorded intense absorbtions in 220-280 nm, 330-420 nm regions, corresponding to phenolic acids, their derivatives (flavones, flavonols). RE was characterized by higher amounts of flavonoids than phenolic acids. The FTIR fingerprint spectral regions for both extracts were established in the range 1400-1760 cm -1. By HPLC-DAD and LC–ESI(+)QTOF-MS, the major compound identified in rosemary is kaempferol 3-O-glucoside with 9.1%. p-Coumaric acid ethyl ester, a phenolic acid derivate was found in 3.28%. Oregano had 6,8-dihydroxykaempferol in large percentage (4.53%), while a derivate of ellagic acid represented 2.12%. The AMA of oregano and rosemary extracts was observed in case of Bacillus cereus G(+), OE was more active than RE. Conclusion. Hot water as solvent favorized flavonoid extraction. Kaempferol 3-O-glucoside is the common compound identified in rosemary and oregano.Based on the phenolic profile assessed, Bacillus cereus showed greater sensitivity for phenolic acids (m,o,p coumaric acid), not for flavonoids. Also the high extraction temperature affected negatively the phenolics’ extraction from both plants. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 191 Section 3: Food Science and Technology PRELIMINARY DISCRIMINATION OF CHEESE ADULTERATION BY FT-IR SPECTROSCOPY Lucian CUIBUS1*, Ruben MAGGIO2, Vlad MURESAN3, Zorita DIACONEASA1, Florinela FETEA1 and Carmen SOCACIU1 1 Department ofFood Science, Faculty of Food Science and Technology, University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 2 Department of Organic Chemistry, School of Pharmaceutical and Biochemical Sciences, National University of Rosario and Institute of Chemistry of Rosario Argentina. 3 Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Food Science and Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: ATR FT-IR spectroscopy, cheese adulteration, cheese quality, food authenticity, PLS Introduction. A major concern for researchers, food industry and consumers is the authenticity of cheese products. The progress in dairy technology and chemistry provided opportunities for manipulation that are difficult to detect. According of the European regulations, replacing, partially or totally, milk fat or protein with another origin is not allowed. Aims. The aim of this study was to describe a preliminary study to compare some traditional Romanian cheeses and adulterated cheeses using Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR). Materials and Methods. For PLS model calibration (n=8)and validation (=6) sets were prepared from commercial Dalia Cheese from different manufacturers by spiking with palm oil at concentrations ranging 2-50 % and 5-40 %, respectively. Fifteen Dalia Cheese were evaluated as external set.The spectra of each sample, after homogenization, were acquired in triplicate using a FTIR Shimatsu Prestige 21 Spectrophotometer, with a horizontal diamond ATR accessory with 1 reflection (PIKE Technologies) in the MIR region 4000-600 cm-1. Statistical methods as PLS were applied using MVC1 routines written for Matlab R2010a (Matlab, Mathworks Inc., Natwick, USA). Results. As first step the optimal condition for PLS model were obtained using crossvalidation on the Calibration set. Spectral region in 3873-652 cm-1, mean centering of the spectra, and 3 PLS-factors were stated as the best conditions and showed an R2value of 0.9338 and a relative error in the calibration of 17.2%.Then validation set was evaluated, obtaining good recovery rates (108%) and acceptable dispersion of the data (20%). The curve of actual vs. predicted values shows slope near to 1 and origin close to 0, with an R2 of 0.9695.When the external sample set was evaluated, samplesF19, F21, F22 and F24, showed detectable levels of palm fats. Samples adulterated presented values ranging 3-20% demonstrating the method could be used in real cases, with low adulterant content. Conclusion. In this communication we report the development of a FTIR-PLS strategy to reveal the adulteration of dairy products such as cheese Dalia. The results proved that FTIRPLS is a reliable non-destructive technique for a rapid quantification the level of adulteration in cheese. The spectroscopic methods could assist the quality control authority, traders and the producers to discriminate the adulterated cheeses with palm oil. Acknowledgements. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 192 Section 3: Food Science and Technology STUDY ON PROTEIN AND OIL CONTENT OF SOME ROMANIAN AND FOREIGN SOYBEAN VARIETIES Daniela CENAN (PAŞC) 1*, Simona Elena IFRIM, Sevastiţa MUSTE1, Raluca REZI12, Eugen MUREŞANU1 and Ioan HAŞ12 1 University of Agriculture Scienes and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj Napoca, Romania 2 Agricultural Research & Development Station, Turda, Romania * Corresponding author: e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: oil, protein, soybean, quality features, yield Introduction. Worldwide, soybean is one of the most important sources of vegetable protein and oil supplying plant. Soybean proteins are important both for human food and animal feed industry concentrated. In the last twenty years soybeans have become an irreplaceable product for the food industry. Aims. This paper presents the results of the yield capacity, protein and oil content of some Romanian and foreign soybean varieties Materials and Methods. 25 early and very early Romanian and foreign origin soybean varieties. During tests carried out through the soybean breeding program, the results were valued with appropriate statistical methods, according with the characters followed. The quality analysis, protein and oil content were valued with NIR analyzer, mark DICKEY JONES, type INSTALLAB 600. Results. Protein content was between 39 per cent and 43.9 per cent and for oil percentage values were between 18.9 per cent and 21.8 per cent. Conclusion. Romanian genotypes quality results are similar to those obtained for foreign genotypes. These genotypes are adapted for climatic conditions in Transylvania area and meet all the characteristics needed to obtain high yield and high quality features. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 193 Section 3: Food Science and Technology TRACEABILITY OF CAFTARIC AND COUTARIC ACIDS IN THREE VARIETIES OF VITIS VINIFERA GRAPES DURING DIFFERENT DEVELOPMENT STAGES Carmen CHIRCU1, Sevastiţa MUSTE2*, Elena MUDURA2 Viorel MITRE3 and Otilia BOBIS4 1 S.C.Jidvei S.A. Blaj, Romania Department of Food Products Engineering, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania 3 Department of Horticulture and Landscape, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania 4 Department of Apiculture and Sericulture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] 2 Keywords: development stages, phenolic acids, Vitis vinifera grapes Introduction. Grapes are the most economically important fruit worldwide. Polyphenolic compounds play an important role in the quality of grapes. From the non-flavonoid group, an important part is represented by the hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives caftaric and coutaric acids (Singleton et al., 1985). These compounds are important in fermentation process as they are transformed in tartaric acid and caffeic or p-coumaric acid. Aims. The polypohenolic profile for three varieties of Vitis vinifera grapes was determined by HPLC; coutaric and caftaric acid determination being an important goal for this determination. Materials and Methods. Three different grape varieties cultivated in Blaj Region, Romania were investigated for their polyphenolic profile during five development stages. Chardonnay, Royal Maiden and Pinot Noir varieties were followed from the beginning of berry formation until full maturity. All samples were analyzed on a Shimadzu equipment, using a reversedphase column, and acetonitrile and water as mobile phases. Caftaric and coutaric acids were identified and quantified using standard compounds and the results were expressed as ppm. Results. The HPLC-DAD analysis of different development stages of grape berries, reveal two major phenolic acid derivatives: caftaric acid (10.3 min retention time) and coutaric acid (14.1 min retention time). For Royal Mayden variety, the amount of these acids ranged between 60.68-610.95ppm for caftaric acid and between 59.74-599.70ppm for coutaric acid. Differences were observed between the three grape varieties also. Conclusion. Caftaric and coutaric acids are the most important hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives in Romanian grapes, no matter of the development stage, but depending of grape variety. References 1. Singleton V.L., Zaya J. and Trousdale E.K. (1985). Caftsric and coutaric acids in fruit of Vitis. Phytochemistry. 25(9):2127-2133 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 194 Section 3: Food Science and Technology BIOSYNTHESIS OF GOLD NANOPARTICLES BY ALLIUM SATIVUM Cristina COMAN1, Loredana Florina LEOPOLD1, Olivia-Dumitriţa RUGINĂ1, Pompei Florin BOLFĂ2, Nicolae LEOPOLD3, Maria TOFANĂ1, Carmen SOCACIU1 1 Faculty of Food Science and Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Mănăştur 3-5, 400372 Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Mănăştur 3-5, 400372 Cluj-Napoca, Romania 3 Faculty of Physics, Babeş-Bolyai University, Kogălniceanu 1, 400084 Cluj-Napoca, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: gold nanoparticles, Allium sativum, HFL-1 cells, biosynthesis Introduction. Gold nanoparticles are particularly attractive for their unique electronic and optical properties. There is a continuous need for developing more and more refined protocols for the synthesis of nanoparticles and recently biosynthesis of nanoparticles using different plants, plant extracts, and microorganisms is gaining increased attention. Aims. The aim of the study was to obtain gold nanoparticles by a green synthesis method using garlic (Allium sativum) extract as reducing agent, to characterize the obtained nanoparticles, and to perform some preliminary experiments regarding their citotoxicity and cellular uptake. Materials and Methods. The gold nanoparticles were characterized by UV-VIS spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The HFL-1 human lung embrionic cell line was obtained from American Type Culture Collection (Rockville, MD, USA), the hydrogen tetrachloroaurate salt (HAuCl4) was purchased from Merck, and the Allium sativum was obtained from a home grown source. The internalization of the cells inside the HFL-1 cells was assessed by confocal microscopy. The concentration of HAuCl4 was 0.2 mM. Results. Colloidal AuNPs were obtained by dropwise addition of Allium sativum aqueous extract to HAuCl4. Different amounts of extract were used for the synthesis, namely 250, 500, and 1000 µl. The obtained nanoparticles are spherically shaped with 15 nm mean diameters and absorb light in the visible range at 543-544 nm. As shown by FTIR, the nanoparticles are capped by protein molecules from the extract, which implies that the extract acts both as reducing and capping agent. In vitro tests on human fetal lung fibroblast HFL-1 cells show that the gold nanoparticles are internalised in the cell cytoplasm. Moreover, the MTT assay shows that the cellular viability of the HFL-1 cells does not significantly decrease after 24 hours of treatment with the nanoparticles. Conclusion. In the present work we report the biosynthesis of spherically shaped gold nanoparticles with 15 nm diameters by reducing the tetrachloroauric acid by an Allium sativum aqueous extract. The nanoparticles show no toxicity towards HFL-1 cells in the concentration range obtained in our study and confocal microscopy shows that the gold nanoparticles are internalized in the cell cytoplasm. Acknowledgements. This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNCS – UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-RU-TE-2011-3-0154. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 195 Section 3: Food Science and Technology COMPARATIVE LC-MS AND FTIR FINGERPRINTS OF TWO PROMEN FORMULAS (POWDER AND MICROCAPSULES), AS FOOD SUPPLEMENTS FOR PROSTATE DISEASES PREVENTION Florina CSERNATONI1,2*, Carmen SOCACIU1, Raluca Maria POP2,3, Florina ROMANCIUC1, Florinela FETEA1 and Floricuta RANGA1 1 University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, 3-5 Manastur Street, ClujNapoca. 2Center for Applied Biotechnology CCD-BIODIATECH, Proplanta Cluj-Napoca. 3 University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj-Napoca, Victor Babes, 8, Cluj-Napoca, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Promen, prostate food supplements, UV-VIS, FTIR, LC-MS Introduction. In last years the prevalence of prostate diseases in America and Europe increased, influenced by a wrong lifestyle and nutrition. Consequently, more concerns and care for healthy solutions towards prostate metabolic alterations are noticed. Plant-derived food supplements containing bioactive phytochemicals with targeted function in preventing and treating prostate diseases (including cancer) are considered as ways to improve life quality. Aims. To characterize and identify the bioactive compounds in 2 new formulas (PROMEN - as plant powder mix and as microencapsuled product) using advanced techniques like UV-Vis spectroscopy, FT-IR spectroscopy, and LC-(ESI +)QTOF-MS spectrometry. Materials and Methods. Seven plants, e.g. nettle (Urtica dioica), green tea (Camellia sinensis), fluff with small flowers (Epilobium parviplorum), pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) sunflower (Helianthus annus) and lyophilized beer yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), sea buckthorn fruits (Hippophae rhamnoides), tomato (Solanum licopersicum) were used to obtain two PROMEN formulas (powdered and encapsulated gel). The PROMEN powder was obtained by mixing plant ingredients in different ratios, while microcapsules were obtained using the same plants as aqueous extract, encapsulated by gelling into a Ca-alginate matrix. PP and PM formulas were characterized comparatively by UV-VIS and FTIR spectrometry and chromatography LC-QTOF-MS. Results. Both formulas are rich in phenolic acid derivatives and flavonoid glucosides, as well unsaturated fatty acids and sterols. The PM had the highest polyphenol content (188,2 mg GAE/ 100 ml) being aproximatively 2.5 times higher than PP. Based on FT-IR spectometry were identifed 8 area for isoprenoids, carbohydrates, amide and phenyl groups, aromatic domain and N-H bending vibrations, bending vibrations N-H (amino acids), C=O stretching (aldehydes and cetones, esters) as well to free fatty acids and glycerides, C-H stretching vibrations specific to CH3 and CH2 from lipids and stretching vibrations of OH groups (from water, alcohols, phenols, carbohydrates, peroxides) for PM while for PP only 3 area. By LC-QTOF (ESI+) MS analysis, 20-25 phenolic compounds were identified and quantified using their specific ratios, expressed as peak intensity. Comparing the two sample were identified more compounds in PM than PP. The most important compounds identified in PM are: ferulic acid, (+)-Catechin 3-O-glucose, Isorhamnetin 3-O-glucoside 7-O-rhamnoside, Kaempferol 3-O-rutinoside, oleic acid amide, heptadecanoic acid. Conclusion. Comparing the two samples by spectometry and cromatography analysis, were identified more rich in phenolic derivatives, polyphenols (flavonoid glucosides), fatty acids and sterols the sample PM than PP. Combined UV-Vis spectroscopy, FT-IR spectroscopy and LC-MS can be recommended as accurate, sensible and reliable tools to investigate food supplements fingerprints. Acknowledgements. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2004-2020, project no. POSDRU//159/1.5/S/132765 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 196 Section 3: Food Science and Technology ANALYSIS OF PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS AND THEIR ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY IN VARIOUS FRUITS CULTIVATED IN ROMANIA Zoriţa DIACONEASA1*, Florica RANGA1, Dumitriţa RUGINĂ1, Loredana F. LEOPOLD1 and Carmen SOCACIU1 1 Faculty of Food Science and Technology, University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Calea Mănăştur 3-5, 400372, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 2 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Calea Mănăştur 3-5, 400372, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: berries, polyphenols, ORAC, Vaccinum Introduction. Berry fruits are a rich source of phenolic compounds that exhibit health benefits. Phenolic compounds occur in berries mainly as a variety of conjugated forms, mostly with sugars. Aims. The aim of this work was to evaluate and compare the phenolic content and antioxidant potential in most common fruits consumed in Romania: blueberry, blackberries, raspberry and cranberries. Materials and Methods. Folin-Ciocalteu method has been used in order to evaluate total phenolic content of analyzed berries. Antioxidant activity was determinate using ORAC assay which measures the decrease of AAPH-radical level by the scavenging action of the antioxidant substance. In addition, the vitamin C content and total tannins of the berries extracts were determined using spetophomotmetric methods. Results. The phenolic contents and antioxidant potential of analyzed berries did not varied considerably. The highest amounts of TP and the strongest antioxidant activities were found in blueberry and blackberries (678 GAE mg/100 g FW, 442 mg/100g FW respectively). Vitamin C content was found in higher concentration in blackberries 12.1 mg/100 g FW while the lower concentration was found in blueberry. Conclusion. In the present research work, we evaluate the antioxidant potential of phenolic compounds of four most common fruit consumed in Romania. All berries contain higher levels of bioactive compounds such as polyphenol or tannins which are responsible for their antioxidant potential. In conclusion, these fruits being highly recommended for daily consumption. Acknowledgements. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765. References 1. Kohri S, Fujii H, Oowada S, Endoh N, Sueishi Y, Kusakabe M, Shimmei M, Kotake Y (2009). An oxygen radical absorbance capacity-like assay that directly quantifies the antioxidant's scavenging capacity against AAPH-derived free radicals. Anal. Biochem. 386 (2): 167–71 2. Zafra-Stone S., Yasmin T., Bagchi M., Chatterjee A., Vinson J. A., Bagchi D. (2007). Berry anthocyanins as novel antioxidants in human health and disease prevention. Mol Nutr Food Res, 51, 675-683. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 197 Section 3: Food Science and Technology ANTIRADICAL ACTIVITY EVALUATION OF AQUEOS AND ALCOHOLIC EXTRACTS FROM URTICA DIOICA Anca DICU, Claudiu URSACHI and Simona PERŢA-CRIŞAN Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad, Faculty of Food Engineering, Tourism and Environment Protection, 2 Elena Drăgoi street, 310330, Arad, Romania, *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: aqueos and ethanol plant extracts, antiradical activity, free radical DPPH, nettle leaves Introduction. The oxidative stress is involved in a great variety of degenerative processes, syndrome and diseases (diabetes, cancer, ateriosclerosis, Parkinson disease), nowadays are known over 1000 affections and diseases due to this. Now it exists an increased interest towards to consume of some aliments or drinks based on plants containing flavonoids, catehins, flavones, whose biological active action has been proved in preventing the accumulation of free radicals. [Mshelia, 2004; Bayraktutan, 2002] The effectiveness of antioxidants present in plants is their action synergism, each operating according to similar or different mechanisms at various levels and the development of free radicals in the body. To study the antioxidant activity of different preparations and antiradical were developed numerous methods, results are measured in various ways. Aims. In this paper are presented the antiradical properties of aqueos and alcoholic extracts of Urtica dioica, plant which is harvested in Banat area, Romania. This plant has in its composition different percentages of compounds with antioxidant properties (flavonoid, phenolic compounds and vitamins E, C). The presence of the above mentioned compounds makes the alcoholic extracts to have astringent anf hypoglicemiant properties. Due to the properties of the nettle leaves, these are extensively used in the composition of various types of herbal tea, especially those intended for the treatment of diabetes. Material and method. The material studied was obtained aqueous and alcoholic extracts of different concentrations of ethanol (50, 70, 96%). Working conditions for both types of extracts were identical, the procedure applied being the classic: solid-liquid extraction with boiling at low tide 2 minutes.The antiradical activity was measured using DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging assays and relate to activity of ascorbic acid. The spectrophotometric experiments were performed at a wavelength of 571 nm. Antiradical activity of vegetal extracts, expressed as inhibition (%), was related to the activity of ascorbic acid antiradical (Asc). Results. Results demonstrates that the extract has compounds with antioxidant properties and antiradical depends on the ratio of polar/non-polar phases and correlation of this report with the chemical nature of the antioxidant compounds. Based on the obtained results it could be concludedthat all extracts are showing radical scavenging activity, comparative with activity of ascorbic acid, which is an enshrined antioxidant. Conclusion. In the present research work, we demonstrated that the extracts of nettle leaves have small antiradical activity, but comparable to that of ascorbic acid. Reporting to other extracts, extract is highlighted in 96% alcohol with highest antiradical activity, but less than the reference. References 1. Bayraktutan, U., 2002, Free radicals, diabetes and endothelial dysfunction, Diabetes Obes. Metab., 4; 224-38 2. Miliauskas, G., and colab., 2004, Screeining of radical scavenging activity of some medicinal and aromatic plant extracts; Food Chemistry, vol. 85 (2); 3. Mshelia, D.S., 2004, Annals of African Medicine, vol. 3, no. 2; 55-62 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 198 Section 3: Food Science and Technology MEAT SALTING BY VACUUM IMPREGNATION TECHNOLOGY Anca DICU1, Claudia MUREŞAN1 and Claudiu URSACHI1* 1 Department of Natural Sciences and Technology. University ,,Aurel Vlaicu” Arad, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: meat, salting, vacuum impregnation Introduction. Salting meat is one of the oldest treatments in food preservation and also e preliminary operation to different meat products. Vacuum impregnation of porous materials is a process that allows the air from intercellular spaces of plant tissues to be rapidly replaced with the solution for impregnation. (Salvatori and all 1999). Aims. The aim of this work was to study if wet salting of meat by vacuum impregnation is an alternative method in meat processing with the benefits of a faster process. Also ware studied the factors that can influence the process, in order to achieve their optimization. Materials and Methods. Fresh refrigerated pork muscle pieces from different anatomical regions were used. The influence of vacuum period, vacuum pressure, sample thickness, and brine concentration on weight changes and natrium chloride content was studied. The vacuum impregnation equipment consisted in a vacuum pump and a vacuummeter, connected to a vacuum desiccator. Results. Weight decreases: at the end of the process at all the samples. In the case of the brine vacuum impregnation the changes were lower than for dry salting. The use of vacuum impregnation method implies a faster salting process. Vacuum period duration: the total amount of brine gained by the sample is strongly dependent on the period of time that they are submitted to vacuum pressure. This period is important because is necessary to eliminate the gas faze from the sample. Conclusion. Three different salting methods (dry salting, wet salting by brine immersion and brine vacuum impregnation) were compared. Process variables assayed were sample thickness, type of meat, vacuum pressure, vacuum period duration and brine concentration. These variables showed an important influence on meat weight changes and in salt content of meat samples. Meat salting using the vacuum impregnation technology implies a reduction in salting time compared with the other two. References 1. Chiralt A., Fito P.,. Barat J., Andrés A. (2001). Use of vacuum impregnation in food salting process, Journal of Food Engineering, 49, (2-3): 141-151. 2. Salvatori, D., Andres, D., Chiral,t A., Fito, P., (1999). The response of some proprieties of fruits to vacuum impregnation. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 21, 59-73. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 199 Section 3: Food Science and Technology EVALUATION OF BIOFUNCTIONAL COMPOUNDS CONTENT FROM BREWED COFFEE Anca C. FĂRCAŞ1, Sonia A. SOCACI1*, Anamaria POP1, Maria TOFANĂ1 and Sevastiţa MUSTE1 1 Faculty of Food Science and Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: antioxidant, coffee, caffeine, flavonoids, phenolics Introduction. Coffee, one of the most popular beverages worldwide, is an infusion of ground, roasted coffee beans. The popularity of coffee consumption is due to its characteristic taste and aroma, but also to its content in biological active compounds: alkaloids (caffeine), phenolics, vitamins, lipids, carbohydrates, minerals, nitrogenous compounds (Higdon and Frei, 2006). Recent studies have associated a moderate coffee consumption with potential health benefits by lowering the risk of several chronic diseases (Maranhao et al., 2003). Aims. Evaluating the content in total phenolic compounds, flavonoids, caffeine as well as the antioxidant activity of coffee samples from local market. Materials and Methods. Coffee samples from Arabica, Robusta and blended coffee were purchased from the same manufacturer. The quantification of total phenolic compounds was achieved by Folin-Ciocalteu method, while the flavonoids content was determined using a chromogenic system of NaNO2–Al(NO3)3–NaOH based spectrophotometric method. The caffeine was extracted from brewed coffee samples with chloroform and then was directly analyzed by measuring the absorbance of the solvent solution at 260 nm. The antioxidant capacity of each coffee sample was assessed by evaluating their radical scavenging activity on DPPH radical. Results. Even though Arabica coffee variety is appreciated for its fine aroma profile, Robusta variety has proved to be richer in phenolic compounds, flavonoids and caffeine. The larger amount of compounds with antioxidant properties found in Robusta brewed coffee was also confirmed by the obtained antioxidant capacity values. Thus, the radical scavenging activity, in the case of Robusta variety, was of 43.63% compared with 36.18% for Arabica variety. Conclusion. The content in biofunctional compounds as well as the antioxidant capacity of different brewed coffee samples was assessed. According to the obtained results, beside the caffeine intake, coffee is a valuable source of antioxidants. References 1. Higdon J.V. and Frei B. (2006). Coffee and Health: A review of recent human research. Crit Rev Food Sci. 46:101-123 2. Maranhao, M., Lima D.R., Ramires J.F. (2003). Coffee heart study. Proceedings of the International Seminar on Coffee and Health 55-61 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 200 Section 3: Food Science and Technology CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF QUALITATIVE PARAMETERS FOR EGG POWDER Roxana GAVRIL (RAŢU)1 and Marius Giorgi USTUROI 1 Department of Management of Animal productions, University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine ,,Ion Ionescu de la Brad” from Iaşi, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: quality, storage, packing Introduction. The current paper is focused on the quality indexes of integral egg powder stored in different microclimate conditions. Aims. Failure of temperature and air moisture content leads to depreciation of egg powder quality in a more accelerated way than at eggs. From those reasons we aimed to study the evolution of qualitative parameters during storage in different environmental conditions. Materials and Methods. Were constituted 3 batches (Lc-egg powder packed in polyethylene bags stored at +4˚C şi M.C. = 80%; Lexp-1 egg powder packed in polyethylene bags stored at +22÷32˚C, M.C. = 50÷70% and batch Lexp-2 egg powder packed in paper bags stored in the same conditions as batch Lexp-1). Were tracked the sensorial characteristics of the product, solubility and pH value. In addition with those determinations were effectuated a series of chemical analysis, tracking water content which was determined bydrying stove, dry matter (%)and content in mineral substances (mg/100g) which was determined through atomic absorption spectrometric method (AAS) with a GBC-AVANTA spectrophotometer type. Results. The first observed modifications, after sensorial control, were mentioned in the 90th day at batch Lexp-2 which presented modifications of aspect and consistency (instable agglomerations). Regarding pH value this one suffer modifications during those 180 days of storage, the recorded values at final being higher with 1.84% at batch Lc, 8.91% at batch Lexp-1 and with 10.38% at batch Lexp-2. Solubility at the end of those 180 days of storage recorded values lower with 1.10% at batch Lc, with12.27% at batch Lexp-1 and with 26.87% atbatch Lexp-2 in comparison with the specific values of fresh product. Regarding the chemical content of analysed product, experimental factors influenced only water content respectively the dry matter content, determinations being made on mineral substances (Fe, Zn, Ca, Mg). Conclusion. In conclusion we can say that the failure of pack type and of microclimate factors assured during storage leads to depreciation of the product in a quite short time. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 201 Section 3: Food Science and Technology CHARACTERIZATION AND CLASSIFICATION OF ROMANIAN WINES BASED ON ELEMENTAL AND ORGANIC FINGERPRINTS COUPLED WITH CHEMOMETRICS Elisabeta-Irina GEANA1,2*, Andreea Maria IORDACHE1, Roxana Elena IONETE1 and Camelia BALA2 1 National R&D Institute for Cryogenics and Isotopic Technologies, ICIT Rm. Valcea, Romania. 2 Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Bucharest, Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: chemometrics, classification, fingerprint, wine Introduction. In recent years, consumers have been increasingly interested in information on the characteristics and the quality of foods they consume especially with regard to composition, nutritional properties and origin (Versari et al., 2014). In the case of wines, meticulous controls are required to assess factors (e.g., geographical origins, grape varieties, vintages and oenological practices) as a way for guarantee of the product in terms of naturalness and authenticity. Aim. Wines originating from different geographic areas of Romania were characterized in terms of their elemental composition and some organic compounds, to highlight potential origin and variety markers. Materials and Methods. Elemental determinations were done by ICP-MS and F-AAS techniques after microwave acid digestion of the wine samples. Chromatographic analyses were performed by HPLC without any particular treatment of the samples, except filtration through membrane filters. Results. By multivariate analysis based on the concentration of chemical parameters, it was possible to discriminate wines from the major wine-producing regions in Romania. The best results for the identification of the sample origin were achieved with the following parameters: Ba, Be, Cr, Li, Mg, Na, Mn, Ag, Co and Sr as inorganic variables and (+)catechin, (−) epicatechin, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid and resveratrol as organic variables (Geana et al., 2013, Geana et al., 2014). Conclusion: Our results show that wine geographical origin and variety may be distinguished based on elemental analysis coupled with polyphenol content. This methodology can be applied for classification of unknown wine according to geographical origin. References 1. Geana I., Iordache A., Ionete R., Marinescu A., Ranca A. and Culea M. (2013). Food Chem.138: 1125–1134. 2. Geana E.I., Marinescu A., Iordache A.M., Sandru C., Ionete R.E. and Bala C. (2014). Food Anal. Methods, DOI 10.1007/s12161-014-9846-2 3. Versari A., Laurie V.F., Ricci A., Laghi L. and Parpinello G.P. (2014). Food Res. Int. 60: 2–18. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 202 Section 3: Food Science and Technology FAMILY FARMS AND THEIR IMPORTANCE FOR FOOD SECURITY Mihaela KRUSZLICIKA1, Vergina CHIRIŢESCU1* and Daniela Ruxandra ANDREI2 1 Romanian Academy. Institute of Agricultural Economics, Romania 2 Romanian - American University, Bucharest, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: agriculture, family farm, food security Introduction. Food security involves primarily: production of food products, sufficient volume, structure and quality to meet the food needs of the population throughout the year, thus ensuring to obtain high quality products; accessibility of the necessary food for the entire population, including the disadvantaged, combining the criteria of equity, with economic efficiency in the production and distribution of food, tending to continuously raise efficiency; obtaining food products as complex nutritional quality clean and aligned to international standards. Currently, worldwide there are over 500 million family farms, which are the predominant model in agriculture and the leading provider of food both in developed countries and the developing ones. Family farms can play an important role in the safety and food security by increasing food availability in poor countries, preservation of traditional products, ensuring the transition to a more healthful diet, etc. Aims. This paper aims to bring more knowledge regarding the concept of food security and to identify the role of family farms in this process. United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimated that food production will be increased in 2050 by 60%. Under present conditions, much of this growth should come from the family farms in developing countries. Materials and Methods. Data to be retrieved and processed in this work will come from the international literature and the official websites of international institutions empowered (FAO, EUROSTAT, etc.). As research methods will be used bibliographic synthesis (basic research), statistical methods for quantitative analysis and qualitative methods for evaluation indicators. Results. According to the FAO, 80% of agricultural land are owned by small farmers (each working up to 10 hectares). While 75% of the food we consume is generated by 12 plants and five animal species, family farms preserves species resistant to climate change. Food needs satisfaction of the population depends not only on the existence of food availability, but also the solvent demand of the population, and therefore the size of the raw product supply cost level. Currently food costs exceed 50% of the income of the population. Such a situation constitutes a brake on the development of the internal market and a main barrier to economic growth. Global food security is measured by two fundamental indicators, namely: production of wheat and corn stocks. Wheat is the most effective parameter because for half of the energy needs of a man and is less perishable like fruits and vegetables can be stored long term. Conclusion. Multidimensional nature of food security, just as the fight against poverty, requires a good correlation between the various sectors - agriculture, trade, infrastructure, health - and the variety of intervention levels - local, national and international levels. References 1. Chiriţescu Vergina, Kruzslicica Mihaela, Gavrilă Viorica, Sandu Mariana, Tănase Lavinia Lăcrămioara. (2011). Concepts of safety and food security in the context of sustainable development. Scientific Paper Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development, Vol. 11 / 2011: 35-41. 2. Stan Alina. (2014). Securitatea alimentară depinde de fermele de familie. Câţi bani alocă România (Food security depends on family farms. How much money allocated to Romania), February 27, 2014. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 203 Section 3: Food Science and Technology SERS AND CELLULAR BIOCOMPATIBILITY ASSESSMENT OF PEG AND BSA COVERED GOLD NANOPARTICLES Loredana Florina LEOPOLD1,2*, Zoriţa Maria DIACONEASA1 ,Cristina COMAN1, Oana Maria BUJA3, Nicolae LEOPOLD3 and Carmen SOCACIU1 1 Faculty of Food Science and Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Mănăştur 3-5, 400372 Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2 Center of Research and Technology Development, S.C. PROPLANTA S.r.l. , Str. Trifoiului nr. 12G, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 3 Faculty of Physics, Babeş-Bolyai University, Kogălniceanu 1, 400084 Cluj-Napoca, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: cell cultures, gold nanoparticles, SERS Introduction. The cellular biocompatibility of gold nanoparticles (GNPs) depends on the physical dimension and shape, the surface-bound stabilizing ligands, and left-over chemicals from the synthesis in the colloidal solution. Recently, we reported a one-step synthesis method for GNPs using polyethylene glycol (PEG) as reducing and capping agent [1]. Depending on the mixing order of the reagents GNPs with different size, between 10-50 nm, and geometry were obtained. PEG is a nontoxic and hydrophilic polymer that is commonly used to improve drug biocompatibility and systemic circulation, being thus a favored biopolymer for modifying the GNPs surface. Aims. In this study, we evaluate the cellular biocompatibility of GNPs of PEG 200 covered nanoparticles. Moreover, we use bovine serum albumin (BSA) to modify the surface of the metal nanoparticles, in order to obtain a higher stability in the cellular medium. Materials and Methods. Viability and internalization experiments were conducted on HeLa (human cervical tumor) and A549 (adenocarcinomic human alveolar basal epithelial cells) cell line. The cellular viability was assessed by using the MTT assay. For evaluation of the cellular internalization, fluorophores with protein affinity were used. Results. The surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) activity of the newly synthesized GNPs was assessed using different test analytes, and a comparable SERS activity to conventional GNPs was found. A concentration dependent cytotoxic effect of GNPs on the cells was found. Confocal microscopy of HeLa cells treated for 24 h with R6G conjugated GNPs revealed the internalization of GNPs in the whole cell. Conclusion. PEG covered colloidal GNPs show a high SERS enhancement activity. The IC50 value was reached at a concentration of 9x10-7 M of the GNPs. The internalisation experiments showed a dispersion of GNPs in the whole cell. Acknowledgements. Support from UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-RU-PD-2012-3-0283 is highly acknowledged by L.F.Leopold. Z.M. Diaconeasa thanks for support from European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765. References 1. N. Leopold, et al, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 436, 133 (2013). 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 204 Section 3: Food Science and Technology QUALITY CONTROL AND SENSORIAL ANALYSIS OF HONEYBASED FUNCTIONAL PRODUCTS Adela LUCA1 and Laura STAN1* 1 Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: honey, functional foods Introduction. Honey is consumed mainly during cold season, due to its well known therapeutical value. Hence, there are people who dislike it due to its sweet taste. Special honey-based products with different aromatic plants were created to obtain functional products with specific taste and aroma and healthy beneficial effects. Material and Methods. The main objective of this paper was quality control of three honeybased functional foods: honey with coffee (Cf), honey with cinnamon (Sc), honey with caraway (Ch). Honey sample (H) used as base for preparation of the products was also analysed. Physico-chemical analysis performed for these products were: moisture, pH and free acidity, hydroxymethylfurfural according to the methods of the International Honey Commission, 2002. Total polyphenols were determined by Folin Ciocalteu method and radical scavenging activitywas evaluated by DPPH method. Consumer’s preference was evaluated by hedonic test on a 9 point scale. Results. Results have shown that the moisture, pH and free acidity, hydroxymethylfurfural of honeysample were according to European Directive 2001/110/EC. Total polyphenols increased from 43mg gallic acid/100g honey in sample H to an average of 250 mg gallic acid/100 g product in the functional honey-based products. Antioxidant activity of commercially products was higher 3-7 times compared to honey. Hedonic test proved high appreciation of the products with scores above 7. Conclusion. In conclusion, addition of various plants or extracts to honey might increase the consumption of honey during other seasons even to non-consumers. The products have real functional properties duet o increased polyphenolic content and enhancedantioxidant effect. References 1. Bogdanov S.(2002). Harmonised methods of the Interntional Honey Commission, Swiss Bee Research Centre Commission 2. EC 110/2001, Jurnalul Oficial al Comunității Europene: Directiva 2001/110/CE a Consiliului din 20 Decembrie 2001 privind mierea, vol.33, 107-112. 3. Meda A., Lamien C.E., Romito M., Millogo J., Nacoulma O.G.(2005).Determination of the total phenolic, flavonoid and proline contents in Burkina Fasan honey, as well as their radical scavenging activity, Food Chemistry, 91, 571-577; 4. Singleton V. L., Orthofer R., Lamuela-Raventos Rosa (1999).Analysis of Total Phenols and Other Oxidation Substrates and Antioxidants by Means of Folin Ciocalteu Reagent, 14, 152-178 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 205 Section 3: Food Science and Technology THE IMPACT OF PRE-FERMENT MACERATION TECHNIQUES ON WINE CHARACTERISTICS Ancuţa MOLDOVAN, Elena MUDURA* and Teodora Emilia COLDEA Faculty of Food Science and Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Mănăştur Str., No. 3-5, 400372, Cluj-Napoca, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: pre-fermentation maceration, Merlot cultivar, yeast cells, colour Introduction. Due to their complex composition, red grapes are subjected to macerationfermentation in the obtaining process of wine as an important stage for the natural pigments and aroma compounds extraction. Aims. The purpose of this paper was experimenting the three pre-fermentation maceration techniques in order to obtain a wine with improved characteristics. Materials and Methods. For the experiment there were used red Merlot grapes. The grapes were removed from its cluster and then crushed and undergone through the fermentation maceration process by using three different procedures. The first sample was macerated using microwaves at 650 W for 15 minutes. The second sample was macerated by heating the grape grains at 70 ⁰C for 20 minutes. The third sample was subjected to classical macerationfermentation technique for 7 days at 20 ⁰C. During the process of maceration and fermentation all the samples were monitored considering the yeast cell number and alcoholic concentration. The wines obtained were evaluated in terms of colour, by spectrophotometric method. Results. The evaluation of technological index, as the evolution of the yeast cells and of the fermentation parameters from the three samples indicates that the most advantageous fermentation procedure from both points of view is classical maceration-fermentation. Wine obtained by classical maceration-fermentation technique showed a net red shade. Conclusion. The spontaneous yeast viability was highlighted by applying the pomace fermentation maceration. The activity of inoculated yeast was favored by high temperature applied in thermo-maceration process. Best alcohol potential was obtained by applying thermo-maceration but with an input of selected yeasts. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 206 Section 3: Food Science and Technology MOLECULAR COCKTAILS FORTIFIED WITH BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS AND MICROENCAPSULATED PROBIOTIC BACTERIA Mihaela Ancuţa MOLDOVAN, Dan Cristian VODNAR*, Oana Lelia POP and Carmen SOCACIU Food Engineering Department, Faculty of Food Science and Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: molecular cocktails, bioactive compounds, probiotic bacteria, microencapsulation Introduction. Cocktails are mixed beverages, obtained throughout the combination of a diversified mix of alcoholic or non-alcoholic ingredients, known since ancient times for offering a state of wellbeing and euphoria in the company of friends and to honor the events of our everyday life. Aims. The aim of this work was to characterize natural bioactive compounds used in molecular cocktails formulation and to realize a kit, used in the purpose of obtaining molecular cocktails Materials and methods. To fingerprint the bioactive compounds UV-Vis spectroscopy was used followed by HPLC characterization of extracts. The targeted compounds were phenolic acids and antocians. As antioxidant method we used DPPH method for the proposed extracts. L.casei- probiotic strain was microencapsulated in alginate matrix. Results. It was developed a molecular kit model, composed of Sodium alginate, Calcium lactate, agar agar, xanthan gum, methylcellulose, glow mix and color mix, which represent the polymers responsible for obtaining the unexpected shapes of the beverages. In the same time were accomplished a series of tests for highlighting the bioactive compounds from the vegetable matrix most frequently used at obtaining cocktails. Also were studied the protein coating microencapsulation of the probiotic bacteria, keeping them active also in the alcoholic beverages. All these research aim as a final result the enrichment and diversity of the classical cocktail features. Conclusion. With the help of this kit, the molecules of the combined liquids are decomposed and recombined in other forms than the ones known until now. In other words, the bevereges are not just simply mixed, but it is aimed to obtain combinations of cocktails in the form of food, but which do not lose their beverege features. Acknowledgements. This paper was published under the frame of project no. PN-II-PTPCCA-2013-4-0743. References 1. Abou-Ganim Tony, 2010, The Modern Mixologist: Contemporary Classic Cocktail, Surrey Books, p.15-80. 2. This Herve, 2013, Molecular Gastronomy. Exploring the Science of Flavor, Columbia University Press, p.15-40, p.115-140. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 207 Section 3: Food Science and Technology ASPECTS AND APPLICATIONS OF HIGH PRESSURE PROCESSING IN FOOD INDUSTRY Mircea-Valentin MUNTEAN1*, Ovidiu MARIAN1, Giorgiana CATUNESCU1, Victor BARBIERU1, Ioan DROCAS1 1 Department of Technical Sciences and Soil Sciences, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: High pressure, food quality, food processing, non-thermal preservation Introduction. High-pressure processing (HPP) is a non thermal technique for food preservation that inactivates harmful pathogens and vegetative spoilage microorganisms by using pressure rather than heat to effect pasteurization. HPP utilizes intense pressure (about 400–600 MPa) at chilled or mild process temperatures (<45°C), allowing most foods to be preserved with minimal effects on taste, texture, appearance, or nutritional value. Pressure treatment can be used to process both liquid and high-moisture-content solid foods. Although lethal to microorganisms, pressure treatment does not break covalent bonds and has a minimal effect on food chemistry. On the other side, HPP provides a means for retaining food quality while avoiding the need for excessive thermal treatments or chemical preservatives. High-pressure processing is also referred to as high-hydrostatic pressure processing (HHP) or ultra-high-pressure processing (UHP) in the literature. Aims. High pressure has small effect on low-molecular-weight compounds such as flavor compounds, vitamins, and pigments compared to thermal processes. Therefore, the quality of HPP pasteurized food is very similar to that of fresh food products. The quality throughout shelf life is influenced more by subsequent distribution and storage temperatures and the properties of the packaging rather than by the pressure treatment. This article provides an overview on current technology status. Materials and Methods. The high-pressure processing use in commercial production of foods product is on the rise. It provides food processors an opportunity to preserve foods and it is the process of choice for applications where heat pasteurization would adversely affect product quality. Le Chatelier’s principle say that any phenomenon (phase transition, change in molecular configuration, chemical reaction) accompanied by a decrease in volume is enhanced by pressure. Therefore, due to pressure differences that occur from the difference between the compressibility of air and water, unless the food is perfectly elastic, the food will not return to its original size and shape. Although microbial inactivation HPP principles have been known since the late 1800s (Hite, 1899), it could evolve only in the last 20 years only after relatively recent innovations in mechanical engineering, which allowed construction at a price of reasonable cost of high pressure vessels with sufficient durability to withstand thousands of pressure cycles without damage. Results. The temperature increase of food materials under pressure is dependent on factors such as final pressure, product composition, and initial temperature. The temperature of water increases about 3°C for every 100 MPa pressure increase at room temperature (25°C). On the other hand, fats and oils have a heat of compression value of 8–9°C/100 MPa, and proteins and carbohydrates have intermediate heat of compression values. Conclusion. More research is needed to characterize the combined pressure-thermal resistance of pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms as a function of the food matrix, pH, and water activity. Standardized reporting of process conditions, equipment, and microbial techniques utilized are needed in developing a comprehensive database of inactivation kinetics. Additionally, molecular level mechanistic studies are essential for improving our understanding of combined pressure-thermal treatment effects on microorganisms. The extent and mechanisms of bacterial injury during highpressure pasteurization and sterilization merit further investigation. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 208 Section 3: Food Science and Technology TEXTURE AND STABILITY OF SUNFLOWER HALVA PRODUCED FROM DIFFERENT PARTICLE SIZE TAHINI Vlad MURESAN*1, Lucian CUIBUS2, Anna OLARI1, Emil RACOLTA1, Carmen SOCACIU2, Sabine DANTHINE3, Sevastita MUSTE1 and Christophe BLECKER3 1 Food Engineering Department, Faculty of Food Science and Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 2 Food Science Department, Faculty of Food Science and Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 3 Food Science and Formulation Department, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, University of Liege, Belgium * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: halva, tahini, stability, texture, sunflower Introduction. Sunflower halva is an appreciated product, but shows currently a quality below the expectations of the new generation of consumers, having a hard texture and oil exuded on the surface (low stability). Aims. The aim of this work was to assess the influence of tahini particle size on sunflower halva texture and stability. Materials and methods. Eight, different particle size sunflower tahini samples were produced at pilot plant scale, the higher the number of passes through the colloidal mill, the smaller the particle size (P1- coarsest → P8 - finest). Tahini samples particle size were assessed by laser diffraction. Halva prototypes (25g / piece), including also an industrial sample (H0), were obtained at laboratory scale by mixing the nougat with tahini. The texture was evaluated on a Stable micro systems TA. HD Plus texture analyzer equipped either with a cylinder probe (P/0.5, Φ½", Derlin) or a blade set. All samples were stored for 60 days at 4°C, room temperature (25+3°C) or 40°C. During storage the colloidal stability of all samples was assessed by a gravimetric technique. Results. Tahini samples P6 → P8 were not suitable for halva production while due to the low viscosities, the product was impossible to be shaped. Among obtained sunflower halva prototypes (H1 → H5) it was shown that decreasing tahini particle size decreased sunflower halva hardness and stability. For each sample, the increase of storage temperature, decreased sunflower halva stability. Conclusion. Sunflower halva H3 was the most efficient, while was more stable and showed smaller hardness values than H0. Acknowledgements. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 209 Section 3: Food Science and Technology METODS FOR ANALASING ORGANIC ACIDS FROM GRAPES AND WINES Marius NICULAUA1*, Bogdan C-tin NECHITA2, Gheorghe ODĂGERIU2, Florin VĂRARU1, Georgiana-Diana DUMITRIU1 and Valeriu V. COTEA2 1 2 Department ofHorticulture – Oenology. USAMV Iasi, România. Research Centre for Oenology. Romanian Academy – Iasi branch, România. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: grape, liquid chromatography, organic acids, wine Introduction. For the analysis of wines acids in the early 90s several methods has been realised, but it is not yet known an exhaustive study on various issues relating to the organic acids in wines or grapes and how they are influenced by various treatments as well (Niculauaet al., 2010). Aims. The development of efficient separation methods that can be used both for the analysis of organic acids in the wine and grapes. Materials and Methods. The grapes and wines varieties are: Zghihară, Fetească regală, Fetească albă, Grasă de Cotnari, Tămâioasă românească, Busuioacă de Bohotin, Băbească neagră, Fetească neagră, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon were analysed. We have used as a platform in developed of method the methodologies presented in the OIV compendium (*** OIV, 2014). For the analysis of acids, samples were processed on a Shimadzu HPLC consisting of: two pump with degasser, auto injector, column oven, diode array detector, PC controller. The extraction of acids was made on activated charcoal, C18 and SDVB materials. Results. The wines analyses for acid separation is done in two ways, for the 10 compound of interest: one is using two columns with C18 stationary phase and the second one is with an ion exchange stationary phase as a preseparation column. In the case of grapes analysis the methods are limited by the level of solid material used in extraction that cane ranged results from 85 to 105% recovery. Conclusion. In the present research work, we demonstrated that this methods can be useful for analysing 10 organic acids with little to no sample preparation. The time stability of the method is useful for non-experts and can be implemented in any liquid chromatograph. References 1. *** (2014). Recueil des méthodes internationales d'analyse des vins et de moûts. Office International de la Vigne et du Vin, Paris. 2. Niculaua M., Nechita B., Colibaba C., Odageriu Gh., Muraru I., Cotea V. V., Study of organic acids in stabilization treatments applied to romanian wines, XXXIIIth World Congress of Vine and Wine, Tbilisi, 20–27 June 2010. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 210 Section 3: Food Science and Technology KNOWLEDGE OF CHEMICAL INDICATORS OF GATHERED EGGS FROM HENS REARED IN CONVENTIONAL ANDFREE RANGE SYSTEM Lucia Iuliana NISTOR (COTFAS)*, Aida ALBU and Marius Giorgi USTUROI University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine „Ion Ionescu de la Brad”, Iasi, Romania * Correspondent author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: chemical indicators, eggs, quality, welfare Introduction. Many consumers prefers nowadays eggs from alternative production systems because of their concerns about its own food safety and welfare of laying hens (1). According to the regulations, a free range egg is obtained in poultry farms were laying hens have access to outdoor paddock, where they can show all the instincts of physiological and ethological (3). Aims. The aim of this research was a comparative study of chemical characteristics of eggs obtain from different production systems (conventional and free range). Materials and Methods. Chemical indicators’ determination was made through specific methods, in according with actual standards and consists in establishing of water, proteins, fats, ash and non-nitrogenous extractive substances contents. The biological material was represented by 90 eggs produced by Lohmann Brown laying hens aged 33 weeks: 45 gathered from birds exploited in free range system and 45 from birds reared in cages agreed by EU. Results. Eggs obtained from free range system have a slightly higher content of protein (10.35±0.12% vs 9.97±0.03%) compared with conventional system, from albumen and also from yolk (17.46±0.00% vs 17.19±0.01%), this fact happened due to aport of green grass from the outside paddock (2). Comparative with conventional system, eggs from free range system have a higher content of lipids of yolk with 2,23%. Chemical analysis of melange from studied eggs showed a higher rate of dry matter at free range eggs (23.374% vs. 22.969%), but also for proteins (12.952% vs. 12.520%) and lipids (7.676% vs. 7.398%). Conclusion. Rearing in freedom of laying hens (free range) caused a qualitative improvement of dry components in both egg components (yolk and albumen) but also the quantitative one, eggs obtained having a high nutritional value. References 1. Anderson. K. E, 2009 - Overview of natural and organic production: Looking back to the future. J. Appl. Poultry Research. 18:348–354. 2. Morris T R, 2004 - Environmental control for layers, World Poultry Science Journal Volume 60 / Issue 02 / June 2004, pp 163-175. 3. Usturoi M. G, 2004 - Producereaouălor de consum. Editura „Ion Ionescu de la Brad”,Iaşi. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 211 Section 3: Food Science and Technology MONITORING THE EVOLUTION OF MAJOR CHEMICAL COMPOUND IN DAIRY PRODUCTS DURING SHELF-LIFE BY FTIR Adriana PĂUCEAN*, Dan VODNAR, Carmen SOCACIU and Simona MAN University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Food Science and Technology, 3-5 Mănăştur street, 400372, Cluj-Napoca, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: dairy products, FTIR analysis, shelf-life Introduction. Infrared (IR) spectroscopy is a rapid, inexpensive, and sensitive technology used for the high-throughput analysis of food components without requiring special skills from the users. Advances in Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) instrumentation and pattern recognition techniques have made it possible to extract information related to composition and conformation of food components from the spectra (Udelhoven et al., 2000). Aims. The FTIR spectra of skimmed cow milk before and after inoculation with lactic starter culture (12h, 24h) and of the dairy product during shelf-life (7-21 days, at 4-6°C ) in order to identify the variation for lactose, lactic acid, fatty acids, esters and flavors. Materials and Methods. Skimmed cow milk (1.5% w/w) was inoculated with mesophilic bacterial culture FD-DVS CHN-22 (Chr. Hansen). The volumetric ratio (mL): milk/mesophilic lactic culture/kefir yeast was 1000:1:2. The FTIR spectra using Attenuated Transmission (HATR) and an internal reflection accessory made of Composite Zinc Selenide (ZnSe) and Diamond crystals were obtained with Schimatzu IR Prestige- 21 equipment. Each spectrum was registered from 4000 to 500 cm-1. Results. Specific fingerprints for dairy product during milk fermentation and shelf-life at refrigerated storage were obtained. The spectrum shows typical bands arising from carbohydrates ( 900-1200 cm-1) including characteristic lactose peak at 1159 cm-1 and glucose peak at 1035 cm-1. The region between 1700 and 1500 cm-1 is dominated by protein bands while the range 1450 to 1200 cm-1 denote carboxylic groups of proteins. Inside the region between 1500- 1600 cm-1, we found a stretching vibration characteristic for lactic acid with a representative peak at 1574 cm-1. The peak at 1414 cm-1 was attributed to esters functional group, while the band 2800-2950 cm-1 was found chracteristics for fatty acids. Conclusion. The present study examined the potential of FTIR spectroscopy for rapid monitoring the evolution of the lactic fermentation in dairy products, as well as the changes of the major chemical compounds during the refrigerated storage of the product. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 212 Section 3: Food Science and Technology RESEARCH ON SOYBEAN AMINO ACIDS CONTENT Anamaria POP* and Sevastita MUSTE 1 Faculty of Food Science and Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: amino acids, protein, soy Introduction. It is generally recognized that soy is the most important source of vegetable protein, because it is very high in protein content. Following the increasing global food demands it was tried and obtained soy commercial products. Aims. Following the technological process of extruded soy products, there is an increase in protein from soybean feedstock to finished products. The aim of our research was to determine the qualitative and quantitative changes of the main compounds, soy proteins (amino acids) after processing it. Materials and Methods. The sample studied was obtained from a Romanian private company, a company which is dedicated to soybean production. Samples taken were soybeans, partially defatted soy flour, textured soy protein and soy cubes. The sample contained 3 lots of different soy products. Analyses were conducted by ICIA Cluj-Napoca. Also to determine the correlation between protein and amino acids it was calculated Pearson's coefficient. Results. We observed an increase of the protein content for the whole manufacturing process. After oil extraction process we noticed that for all three sample group studied there were an increase of soy protein. We investigated 21 amino and it was determined quantities of Lalanine, L-tyrosine, L-histidine, glutamic acid, L-phenylalanine, aspartic acid and glycine. Conclusion. There is a growing amino acid content in the course of the technological process, in particular as a result of the operation of oil extraction, in order to obtain partially defatted flour, the raw material for obtaining soy textured and soy cubes. With the increase of protein content of the samples we can see a proportional grow of amino acids content, except glutamic acid, for which we are able to observe a reverse correlation. If the extraction of oil would be used at high temperature, glutamic acid value may be lower, so it is recommended to the processors to maintain as high a level of glutamic acid using the cold extraction of oil. Because of the dependence of the amino acids and soybean protein, to obtain finished products of high quality, in terms of amino acid content, it is recommended to use a raw material with a protein content as high as possible. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 213 Section 3: Food Science and Technology INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT GROWTH CONDITIONS ON THE KEFIR GRAINS PRODUCTION, USED IN THE KEFIRAN SYNTHESIS Carmen POP1, Sorin APOSTU1, Liana SALANŢĂ1, Ancuţa M. ROTAR1, Marianne SINDIC2, Nicolas MABON3 and Carmen SOCACIU1* 1 Faculty of Food Science and Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Address - 400372 - Cluj-Napoca, Mănăştur Street, number 3-5, Romania 2 University of Liège, Agro-Bio Tech Gembloux, Passage des Déportés 2,5030 Gembloux, Belgium 3 Centre wallon de Recherches Agronomiques, Bâtiment Carson, Rue du Bordia 11, 5030 Gembloux, Belgium * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: kefir grains, growth rate, biomass production Introduction. Kefir grains comprised besides lactococci, lactobacilli, yeasts and a specific polysaccharide matrix, which is called kefiran (Gao et al., 2012). This polysaccharide has an important potential as a food gum in food industry, in innovative packaging material productions, or as a fortification agent in foods because of its well-known health benefits (Piermaria et al., 2009). Aims. The kefir grains growth curve is principal for optimisation, control and monitoring purposes and for the effect of process parameters on kefir grain growth rate has been studied. Materials and Methods. The samples of kefir grains (KG) were obtained from the collection of the Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W, Gembloux, Belgium). The applied gravimetric procedure was taken from literature but with a slight adjustment. The kefir grains were cultured in different conditions (temperature, time, shaker rotating speed, culture media supplemented) to evaluate their effects. Results. After evaluation of the experimental data, we can establish that after T = 24 h the batch fermentation under selected bioprocess conditions was completed, providing 69.89% increase in biomass. Throughout the fermentations process, temperature and shaker rotating speed are the factors with important influence on the kefir grains biomass increase. According to results, agitation rate of 125 rpm and temperature at 28 °C gave a growth rate of 75.99% more than the initial. In addition, the medium supplemented with nutrients was proved not to be a significant factor on biomass production. Conclusion. Parametric analysis was used to define the important kinetic parameters of the process and to establish the most adequate growth model. Kefir grains propagation is limited by environmental parameters (T°, agitation) and nutritive substrates availability. Acknowledgements. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765. References 1. Gao J., Gu. F, Ruan H., Chen Q., He J., He G. (2012). Culture Conditions Optimization of Tibetan Kefir Grains by Response Surface Methodology. Procedia Engineering 37, 132 – 136. 2. Piermaria, J., Pinotti, A., García, M. A. and Abraham, A. G., 2009, Films based on kefiran, an exopolysaccharide obtained from kefir grain: development and characterization. Food Hydrocolloids, 23, 684-690. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 214 Section 3: Food Science and Technology STABILITY COMPARATON OF FREE AND ENCAPSULATED LACTOBACILUS CASEIATCC 393 IN YOGHURT FOR LONG TIME STORAGE Oana L. POP1*, Dan C. VODNAR1, Oana CIUZAN2, Andreea NECHITA1, Carmen SOCACIU1 and Doru PAMFIL2 1 Food Science Department, Faculty of Food Science and Technology, University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2 Horticulture Department, Faculty of Horticulture, University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania CaleaMănăştur 3-5, 400372, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: microencapsulation, probiotic, yoghurt Introduction. Probiotics are defined as live microorganisms which pass the gastrointestinal tract, inducing so benefits to the consumer health. The most important factors that affect the efficiency of added probiotics are their amount at the consumption moment and the resistance in terms of viability during storage life and gastrointestinal passage. Many yogurts have a low content of these cells number. An increasingly widely used method for protection of probiotic cells form acidity (e.g. yogurt, stomach media) is microencapsulation. Aims. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of encapsulation on the survival of L. casei ATCC 393 in yoghurt during long time storage, free or encapsulated in alginate and alginate pectin microspheres, and influence over yoghurt properties, particularly acidification. Materials and Methods. Alginate and alginate pectin microspheres where obtained using a Multinozzle Biotech Encapsulator (EncapBioSistems Inc.). The microspheres were crosslinked in calcium chloride. The entrapped probiotic cells were released from the capsules using phosphate buffer. The enumeration of viable probiotic cells was conducted on each sample in triplicate from day 0 to day 35 from 5 to 5 days. Results. The resulted product of the encapsulation process used in this study was microspheres with a size range from 1.3 to 1.7 mm. Regarding the viability of the probiotic cells, there was a decrease of about 1 log10 as compared to the original number of probiotic cells present in the first day, over 35 days period, in both encapsulated forms. Conclusion. An innovative method of L. caseiATCC 393 encapsulation has been reported in the present study using pectin combined with alginate. Pectin acts as prebiotic during encapsulation of L. caseiATCC 393 since it does enhance the survival of the probiotic cells. Acknowledgements. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 215 Section 3: Food Science and Technology VOLATILE COMPOUNDS AND SENSORY EVALUATION OF SPREADABLE CREAMS BASED ON ROASTED SUNFLOWER KERNELS AND COCOA OR CAROB POWDER Emil RACOLŢA*1, Maria TOFANĂ2, Crina Carmen MUREŞAN2, Sonia SOCACI2 and Vlad MUREŞAN1 1 Food Engineering Department, Faculty of Food Science and Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 2 Food Science Department, Faculty of Food Science and Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: carob, cocoa, volatile compounds Introduction. The known confectionery spreadable cream product category includes well known cocoa - hazelnut pastes as well as peanut butter, products which became very popular in the last decades due to their pleasant taste and ease of eating. However, health constraints appeared, being well known that both hazelnut and peanut are food allergens, while cocoa excites CNS and on everyday consumption causes dependence. Aims. The aim of this work was to solve the abovementioned problems by developing and characterizing an innovative product which belongs to the same confectionery spreadable cream product category. Materials and Methods. Six spreadable cream prototypes were produced by using sugar, roasted sunflower kernel, carob or cocoa powder, palm or coconut fat and, lecithin. The obtained samples were firstly analyzed by using the nine point hedonic scale test. The volatile compounds profile analysis (“In Tube Extraction”-GCMS) was performed on the best samples (in terms of sensory) containing cocoa or carob powder, as well as a control. Results. The analyzed spreadable creams samples showed similar volatile compounds. The main volatile compound of all three samples was pinene (42-51%) which is a characteristic flavor of turpentine, wood. Acetophenone instead (20-25%) gives flavors of almond, floral, sweetish. Benzaldehyde (8.11-9.73%) is characteristic for almond flavor with hints of caramel. Conclusion. Carob and cocoa powder showed different volatile compounds profiles, even if the major compound for both was Propanoic acid, 2-methyl. However, the three analyzed spreadable creams, have similar volatile compounds profiles. Thus, with similar taste to cocoa sample, carob-sunflower spreadable cream is an alternative which does not include ingredients with allergic potential or central nervous system stimulants. Acknowledgements. This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNDI – UEFISCDI, project number PN – II – IN – CI – 2012 – 1 – 0047 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 216 Section 3: Food Science and Technology TOTAL CAROTENOIDS CONTENT IN MAIZE LANDRACES AND THEIR POTENTIAL HEALTH APPLICATIONS Stăncuţa SCROB1, Sevastiţa MUSTE1, Ioan HAŞ2, Crina MUREŞAN1*, Sonia SOCACI1 and Anca FĂRCAŞ1 1 Faculty of Food Scince and Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj – Napoca, Romania. 2 Agricultural Research and Development Station (ARDS) Turda, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: carotenoid, grians, health, spectrophotometer UV-Vis Introduction. Corn is one of the most widely cultivated cereals in the world. There are several types of genotypes, with colours such as orange, yellow, violet, red, black, and blue. Pigmented corn has received increased attention from a nutraceutical perspective because it contains several bioactive phytochemicals such as carotenoids, tocopherols, phytic acid and phenolic compounds (Bacchetti et al., 2013). Vitamin A deficiency is a serious global health problem that can be alleviated by improved nutrition. Development of cereal crops with increased provitamin A carotenoids can provide a sustainable solution to eliminating vitamin A deficiency worldwide (Eleanore T.Wurtzel et al., 2012). Aims. The research was designed to quantify the carotenoid compounds from the experimental variability of the corn genotypes. Materials and Methods. The experimental material for the present investigation consisted of 19 maize genotypes. Total carotenoids were quantified according to previously repors by using spectrophotometer system with ultraviolet visible detector. Total carotenoids content was estimated following the method of Delia B. Rodriguez – Amaya and was expressed in µg/g DW. The chemical analysis were performed in three replicates and the results were statistically analysed. Mean kernel carotenoid content for each genotype was estimated. The analysis of variance of carotenoid content for each genotype was carried out in a complete randomized design using ANOVA (two-way). Results. Total carotenoids content was found in the range of 6.63 µg/g DW (Turda 248) – 22.35 µg/g DW (HS 105) for 2011 crop year. For 2012 year crop, the carotenoids content varied between 11.28 µg/g DW and 44.08 µg/g DW. The present experiment also showed that Turda Mold 188 (24.13 µg/g DW), Turda SU 181 (25.18 µg/g DW) and HS 105 (33.28 µg/g DW) were recorded very significantly positive values compared to the control sample (Turda 200). Conclusion. The study showed that four extraction steps were necessary for complete removal of carotenoids into cold acetone. The color of the maize grain influences the concentration of carotenoids in the kernels. References 1. Bacchetti T., Masciangelo S., Micheletti A. and Ferretti G. (2013). Carotenoids, Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Capacity of Five Local Italian Corn (Zea Mays L.) Kernels. J Nutr Food Sci 3: 237. 2. Eleanore T.Wurtzel, Cuttrissand A. and Vallabhaneni R. (2012). Maize provitamin A carotenoids, current resources, and future metabolic engineering challenges. Frontiers 3: 29. Plant Sci 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 217 Section 3: Food Science and Technology ROMANIAN FOOD CONSUMPTION PATTERNS REVEAL HIGH DEPENDENCY ON CONSUMER RELATED VARIABLES FOR MICROBIAL FOOD SAFETY RISK ANALYSIS Florin SOPTICA1,3,*, Corina-Aurelia ZUGRAVU2 and Anca-Ioana NICOLAU1 1 “Dunarea de Jos” University, Galati, Romania “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy,Bucharest, Romania 3 National R&D Institute for Food Bioresources (IBA), Bucharest, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] 2 Keywords: consumer food handling, dietary survey, domestic food consumption, exposure assessment, risk communication Introduction. Effective risk analysis cannot be apprehended without the scrupulous consideration of consumer aspects. Within risk characterization, exposure assessment includes as a final step the modelling of food consumption. Two types of data are used in addressing exposure to microbial hazards: data on consumer behaviour and data on food consumption. Aims. Food consumption data setswereemployed to devise scenarios and model the impact that consumer storage times, extent of cross-contamination and cooking times and temperatures could have on the microbial safety of certain food categories. Materials and Methods. Food handling scenarios were constructed for high risk food categories based on EFSA’s FoodEx2 food classification system and on generic food preparation and handling methods. Food consumption data sets were collected and analysed so as to clearly describe how the data were used in the models, including any assumptions used in arriving at specific estimates. Employed models were chosen in accordance with recommendations by WHO/FAO on exposure assessment of microbiological hazards in food. Results. Analysis of food consumption data resulting from prospective seven-day dietary surveysrevealed – with little variation due to geographical region, education and gender, and with significant variation due to habitat and age – that anextensive part of the Romanian diet is comprised of domestically prepared foods. Furthermore, risk estimates based on food handling scenarios revealed a high reliance of exposure levels to microbial hazards on food handling variables. Conclusion. Consumer related data have a significant impact on risk estimates and therefore accurate comprehensive microbial risk assessments cannot be performed in Romania without valid information on food handling practices. Segmentation analyses – accounting for region, habitat, ethnicity, age, gender and education – are required to address the inherent variation within the country and produce consistent data. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 218 Section 3: Food Science and Technology RAW MILK HYGIENE AT LOCAL MARKETS AND AUTOMATIC MILK DISPENSER MACHINES Gheorghe ŞTEŢCA1, Arghir ILEA2, Lenuţa ŞUTEU1 and Teodora Emilia COLDEA1* 1 Faculty of Food Science and Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Str. Mănăştur, No. 3-5, 400372, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2 Foundation for Milk Quality Control, Str. Avram Iancu, 407280, Floreşti, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: raw milk, biochemical parameters, milk microbiology, antibiotics Introduction. In Romania, direct sales of raw milk to the final consumer is developed based on the local regulations. These are in accordance to European Regulation that must meet some quality requirements for the total number of germs, somatic cells, without antibiotics, coming from healthy animals who did not suffer from diseases that can be transmitted to humans through milk. Raw milk is sold in Romania in local markets and by automatic milk dispenser machines. Aims. Based on these regulations, a study regarding the quality and security to human health of raw milk was conducted on the commercialized milk in local markets and automatic milk dispensers. Materials and Methods. During May-June 2014 samples of raw milk were collected from Cluj-Napoca local markets and automatic milk dispensers. All samples were kept to refrigeration conditions until the moment of analyze which took place at the sampling day. The following parameters were taken into account: fat content, protein, casein, lactose, nonfat dry matter, pH, milk freezing point, added water, antibiotics residues, milk urea, number of germ cells and somatic cells. Results. All obtained results were verified by the validated methods applied. Conclusion. Our research can be forward conducted in order to verify the hygiene and composition of milk from the whole dairy chain. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 219 Section 3: Food Science and Technology THE INFLUENCE OF THREE TYPE OF BREAD CONSUMPTION ON SATIETY Ramona SUHAROSCHI1* 1 Department of Food Science. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: bread, satiety, hunger, and questionnaire Introduction. Whole cereals known for their high content of fibbers and low energetic density are an important source of bioactive components, both could enhance satiety. However several studies related with whole-wheat and oat products diet shown an increased satiety, the effect on energy consumed was inconsistent with no effect on energy intake (Solah et al., 2007), while other studies shown a decrease food energy intake (Melanson et al., 1999). Moreover, a study regarding whole cereals (oat and wheat) doesn’t find any correlation between food energy intake and satiety (Berti, 2005). Concerning the contradictory observations related to the effect of diet based on whole cereals intake and energy intake and satiety, further studies are justified. Aims. The main aim of this study is to analyze consumer preferences on different types of bread, and based on that to investigate the influence of the consumption of bread on the plentitude sensation. Materials and Methods. The study compared the satiety induced by three different types of bread (white, wholemeal and multigrain with). Six subjects were used for 3 days, with a menu based on the same type of food. Hunger, fullness, desire to eat, the amount of food eaten, and thirst were assessed using a modified Visual Analog Scale (VAS) before and after breakfast, lunch and dinner. Results. There were no major differences in the results of the questionnaire VAS area changed for the three products. However, subjects reported significantly less hungry sensation before lunch compared to their hunger before breakfast when not eaten bread. Top scores on satiety have been found in the case of bread multigrain. Conclusion. In conclusion, the intake of a whole grain-rich products made from fibers such as oat fiber and wheat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner can improve desire to eat and increase the feeling of plentitude, while the effects of refined flour bread shows lower scores. References 1. Solah, V. A., Fenton, H., Kerr, D., Crosbie, G. B., & Siryani, S. (2007). Measurement of satiety of wheat-based bulgur by intervention and sensory evaluation. Cereal Foods World, 52, 15. 2. Melanson, K. J., Westerterp-Plantenga, M. S., Saris, W. H. M., Smith, F. J., & Campfield, L.A. (1999). Blood glucose patterns and appetite in time-blinded humans: carbohydrate versus fat. The American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative, and Comparative Physiology, 277, 337–345. 3. Berti, C., Riso, P., Brusamolino, A., & Porrini, M. (2005). Effect on appetite control of minor cereal and pseudocereal products. The British Journal of Nutrition, 94, 850–858. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 220 Section 3: Food Science and Technology THE INFLUENCE OF RIPENING TIME AND MILK TYPE ON THE OVERALL TEXTURAL QUALITY OF THE TRADITIONAL ROMANIAN BRINE CHEESE Liliana TUDOREANU Interdisciplinary Laboratory HEVMETFOOD Department of Mathematics, Physics and Land Measurement, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: brine cheese, maturation, texture Introduction. Cheese maturation and milk type strongly influences the cheeses varieties’textural properties, attributes and flavor, and thus consumers’ acceptance. Aims. The aim of the study was to identify the modification of traditional Romanian brine cheese’s textural parameters (instrumental) and attributes (sensorial)due to maturation time and milk type. Materials and Methods. Commercially available traditional brine cheese brands (bovine, sheep, goat, and mixed milk) were bought from local markets and the samples were coded. Sensorial and instrumental texture profile analyses were used tomeasure hardness, chewiness, fracture and adhesiveness for samples after 15, 20, 30 and 40 days of maturation.Principal component analysis was used to identify the main textural attributes influencing consumer’s acceptance. Results. The technology of cheese making (cheese brands), significantly influence (p<0.001) harness, cohesiveness, chewiness and fracture force. There was no significant difference of hardness between sheep and bovine milk for the H brand, (Tukey-Cramer HSD), however sheep milk cheese’s hardness was significantly influenced by the ripening time. For the D brand cheeses,type of milk and ripening time din not significantly influenced hardness. The fracture force for goat and sheep cheeses ripened for 40 dayswere not significantly different. After 30 days of maturation, the textural parameters chewiness, cohesiveness, and hardness were significantly higher than after 20 or 40 days. Conclusion. Principal component analyses (PCA) revealed that for the traditional Romanian brine cheeses, 30 days maturation time is generating an overall texture which is better appreciated by consumers. Goat milk addition - up to 50% - to bovine milk, decreased brine cheese’s chewiness by two fold. The technology of cheese making is influencing the textural parametersand attributes. Textural parameters and attributes such as hardness and cohesiveness are correlated (r2= 0.72) thus instrumental measurements may be used to make inferences on consumer’s perception of the traditional Romanian brine cheese. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 221 Section 3: Food Science and Technology THE ASSESSEMENT OF THE COMPOSITIONAL AND MICROBIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF SEVERAL MEAT PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED IN A SMALL PROCESSING UNIT Silviu VIDA, Marian MIHAIU, Alexandra TABARAN and Sorin Daniel DAN* 1 Department of Animal Production and Food Safety, Univesity of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 3-5 Mănăştur Street, 400372, Cluj Napoca, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: compositional parameters, hygienic quality, meat products, microbiological risk Introduction. The hygienic quality of meat products can be substantially improved by strictly respecting the rules of Good Hygienic Practice (GHP) and the rules of Good Making Practice (GMP) along the entire food chain (1). Aim. the aim of this study was to evaluate the compositional and hygienic parameters of meat and meat products manufactured in a small scale processing unit, and to assess the microbial risk represented by the total plate count, E. coli and Salmonella spp. Materials and Methods. The research materials were collected from a small scale meat processing unit located in Maramures County, 15 samples from each of the following types of products during January-Mai 2014: fresh pork meat, smoked salami, cold smoked sausages, raw dry smoked specialities. In order to assess the wuality of meat products, all the samples were processed through standardized. alos, the results were statistically analysed using ANOVA monofactorial analysis. Results. Some compositional parameters are in accord with the imposed standards (salt, nitrates and total ammonia content). For the previously mentioned category of products the following compositional parameters were not in accord with the maximum and minimum limits of the imposed standards: proteins, fatness and humidity. The microbial load ranged between 3.56± 0.32 and 5.85 ± 0.22 log cfu/cm2, 20% of samples presented elevated values according with EU standards. Conclusion. The main nonconformities identified regarding compositional parameters in case of smoked salami were lower values for protein content and higher values in case of fat. Regarding fresh sausages nonconformities were represented mainly by increased moisture and fat content. In case of raw meat products, identified nonconformities were represented by the low protein and high fat and moisture content. June. Microbiological risk parameters represented by total bacterial load, E. coli and Salmonella is low in all meat products except fresh raw meat, because total bacterial load exceeds the maximum limits. References 1. Banu C. (2009). Tratat de industrie alimentară – Tehnologii alimentare, Volumul 2, Editura ASAB Bucureşti. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 222 Section 3: Food Science and Technology PREDICTION OF AIRFLOW AND TEMPERATURE PROFILES INSIDE CONVECTIVE SOLAR DRYER Marian VINTILĂ1, Adrian-Gabriel GHIAUŞ2* and Viorel FĂTU2 1 Research and Development Institute for Processing and Marketing of the Horticultural Products Bucharest, Romania 2 Department of Thermal Engineering, Technical University of Civil Engineering - Bucharest, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Solar drying, Product quality, Natural convection, Temperature distribution Introduction. Solar tray drying is an effective alternative for post-harvest processing of fruits and vegetables especially in small rural communities. The non-uniformity of the air-drying process is a common problem associated with batch type dryers. Product quality and uniformity of the desired final moisture content are affected by the uneven air flow and temperature distribution inside the drying chamber. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling techniques are extensively used to overcome these deficiencies by predicting and analyzing the temperature, velocity and pressure profiles for different configurations and finally leading to the optimization and improved design solutions of the tray dryers. Aims. The purpose of this study is to numerically evaluate the operation parameters of a new indirect solar dryer having an appropriate design based on thermal uniformity inside the drying chamber, low construction costs and easy accessibility to resources needed for manufacture. The research was focused on both the investigation of different operation conditions and analysis of the influence of the damper position, which is incorporated into the chimney, on the internal cabinet temperature and air flow distribution. Materials and Methods. Drying chamber has a volume of 216 liters which can host 5 product trays of 0.24 square meters each. The air is heated in a plane solar collector of 1.6 square meters. Numerical simulation was carried out with Comsol Multiphysics CFD commercial code using a reduced 2D domain model by neglecting any end effects from the side walls. Free convection was added to the momentum balance with the Boussinesq approximation, which ignores variations in density with temperature, except that the variations give rise to the buoyancy force lifting the fluid. Results. The analysis of the coupled thermal-fluid model provided the velocity field, pressure distribution and temperature distribution in the solar collector and in the drying chamber when the damper was totally closed, half open and fully open and for different operation conditions. The predicted results were compared with measurements taken in-situ. Conclusion. High level of accuracy during the modeling process must be maintained to uphold confidence in CFD predictions. Concurrent experimentation is needed to validate predictions, particularly where simplifying assumptions are incorporated into the model. With progressing computing power, it is conceivable that CFD will continue to provide explanations for more fluid flow, heat and mass transfer phenomena, leading to better equipment design and process control for the food industry. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 223 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry FLAVONOIDS: ANTIOXIDANTS FOR HUMAN HEALTH AND PLANT DEFENCE Oscar VICENTE1* and Monica BOSCAIU2 1 2 Institute of Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Instituto Agroforestal Mediterráneo, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: antioxidants, phenolic compounds, ROS, abiotic stress responses Flavonoids are a large group of > 9000 different plant phenolic compounds, with a common C6–C3–C6 structure including a three carbon chain linking two aromatic rings, that can be divided into several subfamilies – anthocyanins, flavones, flavonols, flavanones, chalcones, isoflavonoids, condensed tannins, etc. Research on these compounds has increased in recent years, for its alleged beneficial effects on human health. Flavonoids, and also some other phenolics, have been reported to have a wide range of pharmacological activities, including antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antilipidemic, antidiabetic, neuroprotective, hepatoprotective and cardioprotective properties. Anthocyanins, in particular, appear to be highly effective anti-cancer agents, as shown in human tumour cell lines and in a mouse model. These properties have been related to the strong antioxidant character of many phenolic compounds – demonstrated at least in vitro – and their capacity to scavenge 'reactive oxygen species' (ROS) which, if in excess, cause oxidative cellular damage. But phenolic compounds did not evolve in plants for human benefit. Plant phenolics fulfil a wide array of biological functions, as structural components of cell walls, participating in developmental processes through the regulation of auxin transport or, specifically flavonols, as plant hormones stimulating pollen maturation and pollen tube growth. Yet phenolic compounds, and particularly flavonoids, are mostly involved in the interaction of plants with their environment, acting as signalling molecules in plant-microorganisms interactions, as animal attractants for pollination and fruit and seed dispersal, or participating in defence mechanisms against herbivores and pathogens. These secondary metabolites are involved as well in the responses of plants to practically all types of abiotic stress, including UV radiation, extreme temperatures, ozone exposure, drought or salinity. These latter functions appear to be related to their antioxidant character, as abiotic stresses cause an increase in cellular ROS levels. An overview of phenolics' disparate biological functions and practical applications will be provided in this communication. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 224 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry BREEDING VEGETABLES WITH IMPROVED BIOACTIVE PROPERTIES Jaime PROHENS1*, Isabel ANDÚJAR1, Pietro GRAMAZIO1, Mariola PLAZAS1, Javier HERRAIZ1, Dolores RAIGÓN2, Salvador SOLER1, Maria FIGÀS1, Adrián RODRÍGUEZ-BURRUEZO1, Ana FITA 1 and Santiago VILANOVA1 1 Institut de Conservació i Millora de l’Agrodiversitat Valenciana. Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain. 2 Departament de Química. Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: bioactive compounds, breeding methods, cultivars, diversity, vegetable crops Introduction. Vegetable crops are an important source of bioactive compounds that improve health and protect against degenerative diseases. Consumers are increasingly demanding vegetables with an enhanced content in bioactive compounds (carotenoids, phenolics, vitamins, etc.). This is stimulating the development of breeding programmes aimed at developing new vegetable cultivars with improved bioactive properties. Diversity and sources of variation. Generally breeding programmes are aimed at the most relevant compounds present in each vegetable. The success of a breeding programme requires genetic diversity and sources of variation with high levels for the target compounds or properties. Local varieties and wild species represent, in many instances, an interesting source of variation. Breeding strategies. Depending on the genetic control of the trait of interest for improving the bioactive properties and the reproductive biology of the target crop, different strategies are used. These include conventional breeding based on phenotypic selection, marker assisted selection and genetic transformation. Also, it has to be taken into account that dramatic improvements in the levels of bioactive compounds may affect other properties of the vegetable produce, including positive (e.g., increased shelf-life in cultivars with high antioxidant contents) or negative (e.g., in browning in cultivars with high phenolics content) effects. Conclusion. Plant breeding can successfully contribute to develop new cultivars with dramatically improved bioactive properties. This new cultivars presumably will have a high added value for consumers. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 225 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry EFFECT OF IRRIGATION ON GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE ROOT SYSTEM OF TWO MEDICINAL PLANTS, HYSSOPUS OFFICINALIS AND PASSIFLORA INCARNATA Dimitrios BILALIS1*, Foteini ANGELOPOULOU1, Panagiota PAPASTYLIANOU1, Anestis KARKANIS1, Ioanna KAKABOUKI1 and Aristidis KONSTANTAS1 1 Department of Agronomy, Agricultural University of Athens, Greece. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Hyssopus officinalis, irrigation, medicinal plants, Passiflora incarnata. Introduction. Medicinal and aromatic plants are known to be used by 80% of global population for their medicinal therapeutic effects as estimated (Pryia and Elakkiya, 2012). Water is the most important factor that has a main influence on development and effective materials of medical plants. Water deficiency during the plant production can include main damages to development and also on effective materials of medical plants (Aradooei et al, 2013). Aims. The objective of our study was to evaluate the effect of two levels of irrigation in the development and characteristics of the root system of medicinal plants Hyssopus officinalis and Passiflora incarnata. Materials and methods. The experiment fields were settled in western Greece in the region of city Agrinio. The parameters that were determined were: root density, root diameter, root surface and root volume. The experiment followed the split plot design. Results. The results indicated that for both medicinal plants (Hyssopus officinalis and Passiflora incarnata) the use of organic fertilization had a positive effect on both, density and volume of the root system, and the characteristics of the root correlated with the growth of and the pant biomass yield. Conclusion. In the present research work, we demonstrate that irrigation can positively affects the growth and development of the root system of medicinal. References 1. Priya S and Elakkiya R. (2012). Effect Of Organic And Biofertilizers On Growth And Yield Of Eclipta alba(L.) Int.J.PharmTech 4(4):1703-5. 2. Aradooei S, Zakerin A R and Aboutalebi A. (2013). Effect of different levels of irrigation period and foliar application of methanol on essence of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) Annals of Biological Research 4(6):220-223. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 226 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry ΕFFECT OF ORGANIC FERTILIZATION ON GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE ROOT SYSTEM OF TWO MEDICINAL PLANTS, ORIGANUM VULGARE AND SILYBUM MARIANUM. Foteini ANGELOPOULOU1, Panagiota PAPASTYLIANOU1, Aristidis KONSTANTAS1, Ioanna KAKABOUKI1, Yolanda PAPATHEOHARI1 and Dimitrios J. BILALIS1* Department of Agronomy, Agricultural University of Athens, Greece. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: medicinal plants, Origanum vulgare, organic fertilization, Silybum marianum Introduction. Medicinal plants are used to cure many ailments that are either non-curable or seldom cured through modern systems of medicine. Approximately 80% of the World population depends on medicinal plants for their health and healing (Aliyu, 2003). Organic fertilizers is a very important method of providing plant with their nutritional requirements without having the best undesirable impact on the environment. Organic manure and biofertilizers are important for medicinal and aromatic plants to product best product in both quantity and quality and it is also safe for human, animal and the environment (Priya and Elakkiya, 2012). Aims. The objective of our study was to evaluate the effect of two levels of organic fertilization in the development and characteristics of the root system of medicinal plants Origanum vulgare and Silybum marianum. Materials and methods. The experiment fields were settled in western Greece in the region of city Agrinio. The parameters that were determined were: root density, root diameter, root surface and root volume. The experiment followed the split plot design. Results. The results indicated that for both medicinal plants (Origanum vulgare and Silybum marianum) the use of organic fertilization had a positive effect on both, density and volume of the root system, and the characteristics of the root correlated with the growth of and the pant biomass yield. Conclusion. In the present research work, we demonstrate that organic fertilization can positively affects the growth and development of the root system of medicinal. References 1. Aliyu L. (2003). Effect of manure type and rate on growth, yield and yield components of pepper. J. Sustain. Agric. Environ. 5:92–98. 2. Priya S. and Elakkiya R. (2012). Effect Of Organic And Biofertilizers On Growth And Yield Of Eclipta alba(L.) Int.J.PharmTech 4(4):1703-5. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 227 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry BEHAVIOR OF SOME CAULIFLOWER HYBRIDS IN DIRECT SOWING CULTURE Alexandru Silviu APAHIDEAN1, Grigore ARDELEAN2, Alexandru Ioan APAHIDEAN1* and Aniela Brandusa RUSU1 1 Department of Horticulture. UASVM Cluj-Napoca, Romania . 2 APIA, Reghin, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: cauliflower, hybrids, direct sowing Introduction. Cauliflower is grown for hypertrophied inflorescences are used to prepare different dishes and pickles. The energy value of cauliflower inflorescences is low (118.5 kJ/100 g) due to the low energy substances. Cauliflower inflorescences contain small amounts of soluble carbohydrates, 1.16% glucose and 1.05% fructose content of 1.12% cellulose, starch 0.25% and organic acids that are mainly represented by oxalic acid having a concentration of 4.3 mg/100 g in fresh produce (Souci et al., 1981 quoted by Burzo et al., 2000). Aims. The aim of the trial was to state which of the studied hybrids perform better when cultivated by direct seeding. The objectives were to determine plant growth (plant height, rosette diameter, inflorescence size) and obtained production. Materials and methods. In the experience, hybrids January, Master, Idol, Napolitano Mazartico and Igloo, were used and grown by direct seeding in the field. Planting dates were May (05.05.2012), June (09/05/2012) and July (13.07.2012). During the growing season the specific technology for cauliflower field crops was apllied and observations set in the experimental protocol were made. Results. Cauliflower different plant growth in the three planting dates have influenced the production of the five hybrids. The average production of cauliflower was between 25.39 t/ha, at planting date III and 49.41 t/ha at planting date II. Production at planting date II was 18.4% higher than that achieved in the first period, the difference in production being highly significant. Generally cauliflower hybrids studied have achieved lower production when sowing was done in sowing date III (July). Maximum yields were obtained when sowing was done in date II. Conclusion. The average production of cauliflower was between 25.39 t / ha, in sowing date III and 49.41 t / ha in sowing date II. Cauliflower hybrids studied have achieved lower yields when sowing was done in era III (July). Maximum yields were obtained in sowing date II. References 1. Burzo I., Toma S., Voican V., Amăriuţei Al., Şelaru E., Popescu V. and Crăciun C. (2000). Fiziologia plantelor de cultură. Vol. 4, ÎEP Ştiinţa, Chişinău, R.Moldova. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 228 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry A LITERATURE REVIEW RELATED TO THE MODERN HARVESTING - FORWARDING EQUIPMENT AND THE MAIN TOPICS CONCERN OF THE RESEARCH COMMUNITY Andrei APĂFĂIAN1, Vasile BOGHIAN1 and Constantin Alexandru BRATU1 1 Department of Forest Engineering, Forest Management Planning and Terrestrial Measurements. Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania. Keywords: forestry machinery, international literature, open access, synthesis Introduction. The forests from Romania have been harvested mostly by traditional technologies like the specialized skidders and farm tractors. Lately modern forestry machinery like harvester and forwarder started to be introduced in Romania. However little is known about harvester and forwarder equipment in our country and one way to assess the benefits and bottom neck of a given new technology is to do an extensive literature review. Aims. This paper aimed to describe a concise view on harvesting and forwarding equipment carried out in the past 23 years (1990-2012), by analyzing the main topics addressed by the forest scientists. Furthermore it tries to identify the gaps in knowledge and synthetize the new scientific approaches in order to improve our view on research methods when dealing with such equipment. Material and methods. All the inquired data bases belongs to the open access category in order to see what articles can be obtain without having to have an active subscription. Each of the papers mentioned above were queried using the following keywords: harvester and forwarder, harvester, forwarder, cut-to-length harvester, hauling distances, soil damage forwarder, productivity, delays. All the main concerns regarding harvesting and forwarding were covered, some of them more than the others. Worldwide literature from scientific journals, publications in the forestry field and conference proceedings was extracted, a total of 105 references were put together for this study. Each article was analyzed by descriptors like: mean tree diameter, tree height, slope, type of cut (final cut, thinning), type of machine, productivity, costs and then all the data was introduced in Excel program for further analysis. Results. Results following the research of studied papers emphasizes the current trends in scientific research. Due to this fact, we can predict what will be the future interests on research topics conducted and if those trends can be applied also in our country. Conclusion. All the gaps to be filled in by using scientific approaches after reviewing the studied papers has to include in the future research the steepness of the terrain, the presence of large stem diameters characterizing clear cuts, the type of cut related to the soil bearing capacity, the undeveloped road network , experience and training of the machine operators. Acknowledgment. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, Project POSDRU/159/1.5/S/134378 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 229 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry THE EFFECT OF GA3 TREATMENT ON CALA (ZANTEDESCHIA ‘PICASSO’) CULTIVATED IN GREENHOUSE Ioana Cristina ARHIP (ÎNSURĂȚELU)1* and Lucia DRAGHIA1 1 Faculty of Horticulture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Iasi, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Aestivae, cv. ’Picasso’, gibberellic acid Introduction. Zantedeschia genus includes two main sections, Zantedeschia and Aestivae (Brown et al, 2005), differentiated by the type of underground organ, resting and flowering period and the color of the spathe. Callas with colored spathes are a part of Aestivae section. Literature mentions numerous studies on the effect of applying the treatments with plant growth regulators on Zantedeschia (Mortazavi et al, 2011). Aims. The paper aims to analyze the influence of growth regulators (gibberellic acid) treatment on growth and development of callas grown in a greenhouse. Materials and methods. Evaluation of gibberellins on calla plants (cv. 'Picasso') was carried out in 2012-2014 in an experimental culture established in the greenhouse soil. Tubers were treated prior to planting with GA3 solution (250 ppm). There have been made determinations and observations regarding the mass tubers and their multiplication ability, the sbegining of the vegetation period and the emergence of floriferous stems, plant height and length of flower stems, number of leaves / plant, number of flowers / plant and the flowering period. The results obtained in the treated variant were compared with the control, untreated. Results. Weight and size of the tubers and the begining of the vegetation period of the plant were not significantly affected by GA3 treatment. Instead, the treatment favored the formation of leaves and flower stems, and determined early emergence of flowers and flowering stems with 10-20 days. Conclusion. It has been shown that tthe reatment with gibberellins on Zantedeschia 'Picasso' tubers caused earlier flowering and the formation of a greater number of flowers and leaves. References 1. Brown F.S., Snijder R.C. and van Tuyl J.M. (2005). Biparental Plastid Inheritance in Zantedeschia albomaculata (Araceae). Acta Hort. 673:463-468 2. Mortazavi N., Naderi R. A., Majidian N., Naderi B. and Yavar Sharafi Y. (2011) The effect of GA3 and BA on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of calla lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica cv. Childsiana). African Journal of Microbiology Research 5(24):4190-4196. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 230 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry THE EGGPLANTS CROP TECHNOLOGY OPTIMIZATION BY GRAFTING Marian BOGOESCU1 and Madalina DOLTU1 1 The Institute of Research and Development for Industrialization and Marketing of Horticultural Products Keywords: Fusarium oxysporum, marketable yield, Verticillium dahlia Introduction. The practice of grafting productive high quality cultivars onto rootstocks that are resistant to soil-borne diseases has been done for many years and recent improvements in the methodologies have spread quickly. Aims. The objective of this research project was to evaluate the performance of grafted eggplants grown in greenhouse conditions. The incidence and severity of soil-borne disease and marketable yield were evaluated. Grafting has led to the significant reduction of the incidence Verticillium dahliae and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melongenae and to the increased marketable yield and quality. Materials and Methods. The eggplant hybrid ‘Aragon F1’which is widely cultivated in the south of the country, was grafted onto the resistant rootstocks ‘Torvum vigor’and ‘Emperador F1’. For each pathogen agent,percent disease incidence (I%) and percent disease severity (S%) was estimated. The resulted values were used to calculate the attack degree (as an expression of extending attack seriousness) on the following formula: AD% =(S% x I %) /100, where AD% represents attack degree. It was determined the influence of grafting eggplants on the marketable yield (kg) and fruit quality. Results. The frequency of damage to the plants of eggplants was significantly reduced by grafting eggplant scions onto resistant rootstocks when growing in soil which was naturally infected by soil borne pathogens. The marketable yield varied significantly between grafted and non-grafted eggplants. The proportion of Class I fruit was significantly higher from the grafted plants than from the ungrafted control plants, although there was no difference between the two rootstocks in the proportion of Class I fruit. Conclusion. Grafting eggplants onto ‘Torvum vigor’ or ‘Emperador F1’ rootstocks reduced the frequency and severity of infection with the soil borne pathogens Verticillium dahliae and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melongenae , increased marketable yield and the proportion of high quality Class I fruit. References 1. Bletsos, F., Thanassoulopoulos, C. and Roupakias, D. (2003). Effect of grafting on growth, yield and Verticillium wilt of eggplant. HortScience 38:183-186. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 231 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry INFLUENCE OF ECO-CLIMATIC AND ECO-PEDOLOGICAL CONDITIONS ON QUALITY OF WHITE WINE GRAPE VARIETIES FROM NORTH-WEST OF ROMANIA Florin-Dumitru BORA1, Tiberia-Ioana POP1, Claudiu-Ioan BUNEA1, Delia URCAN1, Anca BABEŞ1, Leonard Mihaly-COZMUTA2, Anca Mihaly-COZMUTA2 and Nastasia POP1* 1 2 Faculty of Horticulture, USAMV Cluj-Napoca Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Baia Mare University Centre * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: ecological conditions, grapes varieties of white wine, quality (sugar, acidity, pH) Introduction. Most of the authors argue that obtaining a quality wine depends on the chemical composition of the must. Sugar content, acidity, pH are the most important characteristics of the must. Aims. The purpose of this paper was to follow the influence of eco-climatic and ecopedological conditions in 2013 on the quality of three grapes varieties for superior quality wine, in three different areas: Baia Mare, Şimleul Silvaniei and Turulung Vii. Material and Methods. The biological material used was represented by three grape varieties: Fetească albă, Fetească regală and Italian Riesling. The following determinations were made: the sugar content and total acidity of must, the pH of must, the weight of 100 grapes-berries. The determination of sugar from must was made with the Zi du Bompas F49120 refractometer, the total acidity of the must was determinated by titration and for the pH determined the pH/m InoLab 720-WTW was used. Results. The soil type from Baia Mare is Aluvisol, from Şimleul Silvaniei is Luvosol and from Turulung Vii is Preluvosol. The annual average temperature in 2013 in Baia Mare was 9.40C; in Şimleul Silvaniei 11.00C and in Turulung 11.20C. Regarding the sugar content from must, the results indicate that Fetească albă (203 g/l) and Italian Riesling (201 g/l) accumulated the highest amount of sugar in Şimleul Silvaniei. Fetească regală had the lowest amount of sugar (166 g/l) in Baia Mare. The highest acidity was obtained in Fetească regală in all areas of culture, and the lowest in Italian Riesling. Concerning the mass of 100 grapes, Feteasca regală was remarked and recorded the best results (190 g, 189 g and 182 g) in all three areas of culture, followed by Fetească albă and Italian Riesling. Conclusion. The research results indicate a good pretability of the three grape varieties tested for their cultivation under the conditions of North-West of Romania, in order to obtain wine of superior quality. An exception in the area of Baia Mare, where in some years there can only be produced table wines. Acknowledgements. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 232 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry STUDY ON THE INTERACTION BETWEEN THE GENOTYPE AND THE EXOGENOUS FACTORS AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON ROOTING OF GLOXINIA CUTTINGS Erzsebet BUTA1, Maria CANTOR1, Denisa HORŢ1 and Radu SESTRAŞ1* 1 Department of Horticulture and Landscaping. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Sinningia, multiplication, peat, perlite, sand Introduction. Obtaining valuable genotypes in terms of ornamental purposes and the improvement of the decorative plants genetic fund are an ongoing concern to breeders across all regions of the world. Genotypes with particular features and trait characteristics for breeding which can lend themselves to efficient and rapid propagation methods are of great interest. The experiments conducted in this paper allowed us to draw conclusions on identifying the best rooting substrate and the best type of cuttings. The Gesneriaceae family comprises about 250 genera and about 3 200 species worldwide of which the most common are: Achimenes, Aeschynanthus, Alsobia, Chirita, Columnea, Episcia, Gesneria, Gloxinella, Kohleria, Nematanthus, Petrocosmea, Saintpaulia, Gloxinia, Smithiantha, Streptocarpus (Cantor, 2008). The first Gloxinia plants were introduced to cultivation by the famous plant collector William Lobb. The correct scientific name of the species is Sinningia named after Wilhelm Sinning (1794-1874), the German horticulturist who was the Garden Supervisor of Bonn University’s botanical garden. The most used botanical name by cultivators is Gloxinia given by Peter Gloxin, a German physician and botanical writer from Colmar (Germany) in 1785. The genus includes 12 species originating from tropical America. Sinningia speciosa native to Brazil is the basic species from which derive the hybrids traded today (Cervantes, 2010). The species is grown as an indoor plant, but can also be used as an outdoor plant during summer. Aims. The purpose of this study was to select valuable Gloxinia genotypes and to improve the genetic fund of ornamental plants in our country. In order to achieve the proposed goal, the following objectives were established: examining intraspecific variability in Gloxinia plant, the study of vegetative propagation through leaves cuttings based on the cutting type; the study of the degree of rooting cuttings; the influence of the substrate on rooting cuttings; the analysis on the interaction between the genotype and the growth factors. Materials and Methods. The experiments on monitoring the valuable Gloxinia genotypes and on the improvement of the genetic fund of ornamental plants in our country were conducted in the period 2013-2014 within the greenhouse of the Floriculture Department of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Three Gloxinia genotypes were tested (A, B, C) and four rooting substrates: peat, perlite, peat + perlite, peat + perlite + manure (ratio 1:1:1). The combined analyzed factors resulted in 12 experimental variants arranged in randomized blocks in three replications. There were made 20 cuttings for each experimental variant. Results. The Specialty Literature reports that the Gloxinia leaves cuttings root in 3-4 weeks at a temperature of 18 ° C (Toogood, 1999). The research carried out showed that the rooting period of Gloxinia leaves cuttings varied depending on the substrate used between 29 and 38 days. The studies in the genus were differently influenced by the rooting environment, but also by the cutting type that was made. Conclusion. The best results in terms of rooting expressed by the length, leaf width and the length of the root system were obtained in the B genotype in the substrate made of peat + perlite + manure. Acknowledgements. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 233 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry RESEARCH ON MAIN PESTS OF PLUM FRUIT PLANTATIONS Gianina BUTNARIU1* and Mihai TĂLMACIU1 1 Department of Horticultural technologies. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iasi, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: constancy, dominance, orchard Introduction. Plum fruit plantations are significant and presents economic importance in Romania so that it is imperative to study its pests, in order to determine effective ways to combat them (Nela Tălmaciu, 2009). Aims. The present study aimes in determining the taxonomic classification of the main pests of plum fruit plantations. Its purpose is to find an effective way to prevent and to combat them. Materials and Methods. Research regarding the fruit plum pests is held in Vasile Adamachi horticulture farm, Iaşi and in Pietrărie village, Iaşi. Plum orchards as well as surface summarise five acres and the varieties present are Stanley and Rivers early on. Collection of the pest is achieved by different methods: Barber traps (the introduction of formalin containers into the soil), pheromone traps, by shaking the plum tree, by using entomological drug grids. Collection period falls within May 2013 and July 2014. Basic research methods used are observation and natural experiment, by applying chemical treatments in different doses and laboratory experiment, by growing pests (seeds plum wasp - Eurytoma schreineri Schr.). Results. The data are analysed (chemical, biological, ecological), interpreted in Entomology and plant protection laboratory of the Horticultural Research Centre, Faculty of Horticulture, as well as in the laboratories of the Institute of Biological Research, Iasi, laboratories with high level facilities. After collection and determination, will be establish damage threshold of each species, the abundance, the dominance and the constancy in order to apply chemical treatments required. Conclusion. This paper acts as an update regarding damaging entomofauna. Determining the plum fruit pests (their ecology, biology) leads to effective ways to combat them. Acknowledgments. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765. References 1. Tălmaciu N. (2009). Plum pests plantations. Publishing House Performantica. Iaşi. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 234 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry THE BEHAVIOR OF SOME PETUNIAS VARIETIES FOR IMPROVEMENT THE ROMANIAN ASSORTMENT Maria CANTOR1*, Erzsebet BUTA1 and Emese KRIZBAI1 1 Department of Landscaping and Horticulture. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj Napoca, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: biological and morph- decorative characteristics, annual plant Introduction. Petunias are one of the most plants grown in pots or ladscape for summer design. The petunia is an annual flowering plant, in a variety of colors ranging from soft pastels to rich jewels. The varieties of petunia plants and its flowers have exploded exponentially as breeders have sought unusual colors and improved growth habits ( Petunia varieties are described as multiflora or grandiflora. Many new cultivars are bred with a mix of varieties or species to create more hybrid petunias (Toma, 2009). Aims. The main goal of the present study was to introduce new Petunia varieties imported from Hungary for can improve the Romanian floral assortment. Lately many private flower growers looking to improve range of new varieties of petunias in order to obtain additional income, justifying objectives studied. The objectives were to evaluate the main biological and morfo-decorative characteristics of some new petunias varieties (flower color, length flower stems, number of flowers per branch, plant circumference and diameter, and the diameter of the corolla). Materials and Methods. The biological material consisted of seven petunias varieties: „White”, „Hot Pink”, „Patio Red”, „Famous Blue”, „Lila White”, „Purple”, and ,,Hot Red”. The trial conducted at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine ClujNapoca during 2012-2013. The measurements and observations were made on 10 plants/variants in three replicates/each varieties. It was studied the biology and morphology of the vegetative parts of the plants and of floral organs. The data were processed using the classical statistical calculation. For a more accurate calculation varieties were characterized by analysis of variance, LSD test. Results. The seven varieties of Petunia hybrida under study present a wide range of colors: 'White' - white, 'Hot Pink '- dark pink, 'Patio Red’ - bright-red, 'Famous Blue' - indigo blue, 'Lila 'White' - lilac, 'Purple' - purple to pink cyclamen and 'Hot Red' – salmon. The varieties 'Hot red', 'White 'and 'Purple' had a large number of flowers and long branches. They have a permanent and abundant flowering, having whole plant of great interest to plant lovers. Conclusion. In the present research work, was analysed the main biological and morphodecorative characteristics of seven new petunias varieties and the best will be promoted in our country. References 1. Toma F. (2009). Floriculture and Floral Art. Ed. INVELMultimedia Bucharest. 2. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 235 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry CONTRIBUTIONS REGARDING THE POSSIBILITY TO IMPROVE THE ONION (ALLIUM CEPA L.) CULTURE TECHNOLOGY BY DIRECT SOWING, IN THE SPECIFIC CLIMATIC CONDITIONS FROM GHERLA TOWN Alexandru-Dan CǍPRARIU1, Maria APAHIDEAN1*, Valeria Ioana NEACSU1 and Alexandru Ioan APAHIDEAN1 1 University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, 3-5 Manaștur Street, Cluj-Napoca, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: density, onion, yield, variety Introduction. The share of vegetable consumption in human nutrition is growing and healthy eating have to include vegetables and fruits. We see in recent years that the standard of living is measured in the amount of vegetables that you consume. (Bayer CropScience, 2014). Onion is a profitable crop in terms of achieving a normal production. Aims. The main reason for the research is to obtain as high yields in onion bulbs for fresh consumption, contributing to the improvement of the culture technology of onion by direct sowing in the Gherla area of two varieties of onions. In the experiences were used as biological material two varieties of onion Density 4 variety and Ramata rossa di Milano variety. Materials and Methods. To achieve its purpose and objectives of the research were organized comparative experiences in the field, which were polifactorial. The focus was on three factors: variety, sowing period and plant density, each with two graduations. Results. Average yield for Density 4 variety is higher for a density of 1000 pl/ha, compared with density of 2000 pl/ha, the production 10.45 t/ha, the average yield for Ramata rossa di Milano variety is higher for a densities of with 2000 pl/ha, compared to the density of 1000 pl/ha, production incresed with 2.07 t/ha. Conclusion. As the average weight of bulbs, we can conclude that in both varieties of onion, the yield is lower for the 2000 pl/ha density. Acknowledgements. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765. References 1. Bayer CropScience. (2014). Success in horticultural crops today and tomorrow. Ed. S.C. Bayer SRL. Bucharest. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 236 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry ARCHITECTURAL INSTALLATIONS AND THE CITYSCAPE – PLACE, IDEA, INTERVENTION Mihaela Agata CEHAN1 and Constanta Carmina GHEORGHITA1* 1 Faculty of Architecture. Technical University of Iasi,Romania. Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] * Keywords: idea, intervention, architectural installation, place Introduction. The urban landscape, also known as cityscape, is born with the city, and represents the main place for architecture’s development. The public space, a very dynamic space, is always evolving, weaving a multitude of objects of various shapes, colours and sizes, thus determining a living landscape. Aims. The main objective of this work is understanding a creative approach inspired by a particular place. Identifying the relationship place - idea - intervention and illustrating these links result was the purpose of this exercise. The awareness of the process itself, in all its stages is as important as the final result. In this context it is not relevant solely for to what extent an intervention meets certain functional requirements, but also how it manages to attract, even for a limited period of time, human interest and support urban dynamics. Feedback from the passer becomes key landmarks, generating emotions and feelings becomes a purpose in itself. The study focuses on analysing context, highlighting the main features and generating coherent ideas, which is justified by the specificity of the site. This project develops a spatial thinking, based on a generating concept. Materials and Methods. Every place, site, generates, in terms of architectural solutions, a particular answer. As there are no two identical locations, there should not be two identical architectural objects. The idea is generated by observing reality; it is the component that gives clarity and unity to an architectural project. The method of action proposed by this project will be materialized in the form of architectural installations. Results. What is an architectural installation? The connection between architecture and the other art forms has long been a topic of discussion among architects, in an attempt to prove that they coexist. Installations are the art that surrounds and interacts with the viewer, art that can be inhabited. Conclusion. We understand through architectural installation that part of the architecture that, often conceptual, is always happening and whose purpose is to mark a point or to deliver a message/concept. Architectural installation isn’t creating an object (or one with a fleeting presence), but an event. References 1. The Art of Architecture: 10 Incredible Installation Projects, Digital Magazine on Urban Architecture, Art, Design, Travel, & Technology on accessed on 1st June 2014 2. Țurlea C. (2008). Arhitectura și spațiile publice. Editura Cadmos, Bucureşti. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 237 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry LAGURUS OVATUS – ORNAMENTAL GRASS CULTIVATED IN THE PEDO-CLIMATIC CONDITIONS OF N-E ROMANIA Elena Liliana CHELARIU1*, Lucia DRAGHIA1, Maria BRÎNZĂ1 and Mirela COJOCARIU1 1 Faculty of Horticulture. University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine from Iaşi, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Lagurus ovatus, ornamental grass, capitalization Introduction. Lagurus ovatus belongs to Poaceae botanic family and is cultivated in rusticity areas 8-10 (11). It’s annual specie with a bush aspect, height of 30-50 cm and leaves with a light green colour. Flowers are grouped in small compact spikes, with a green white yellow colour. Fruits blossoming and maturation took place phased from summer till autumn. Aims. The aim of the current paper is to analyse the aspects regarding multiplication and behaviour of Lagurus ovatus specie in cropping conditions from Iaşi County, Romania. Materials and Methods. Research material was represented by Lagurus ovatus. Were established five experimental variants represented by different substrate types utilised for sowing: V1 garden soil, V2 garden soil + leaves soil (1:1), V3 garden soil + leaves soil + peat (1:1:1), V4 leaves soil + peat (1:1) and V5 jiffy pots. Observations and determinations were carried out in the didactic collection of Floriculture Discipline from UASVM Iaşi, Romania, during 2013-2014 and had in view the aspects regarding seedlings obtaining and also the behaviour of plants. Results. At the end of the current research we observed that for seedlings production the best results were obtained at variant V3, followed by V2 and V4; and in cropping conditions at variants V3, V2 and V4 the results were quite close as values. Conclusion. In conclusion we can affirm that Lagurus ovatus is an ornamental grass which could be easy multiplied through seeds and for establishing of crops is recommended the utilisation of seedlings. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 238 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry RESEARCH ON STUDY OF SOME CULTIVARS OF AUTUMN CABBAGE AT IERNUT SCDL Lidia Ioana (CHIPER) POPA1, Elena ŞTEFĂNESCU1, Minerva HEITZ1, JaninaClaudia CĂPUŞAN1*, Alexander-Kurt HEITZ1 and Elena Liliana DUMITRAŞCU1 1 The Iernut’resort of research and development of vegetable production, Iernut, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: cultivars, main features, variability, production potential Introduction. The diversity of the assortment of vegetables in general and the diversity of cultivars within each species presents a great importance in ensuring the consumers’ preferences and orientation towards satisfying consumer manufacturers from which to draw a profit as possible. This principle was based on the ameliorative selection process of the four lines of autumn cabbage. Materials and methods. The five cultivars (the varieties: Mocira, L-Poenita, L-Covasna, LNiraj, L-Mures) used as biological material, although they have some phenotypic’ similarities, also have features which clearly distinguish between them. Have different vegetation periods, thus the three years of study registered an average of 120 days to L-Niraj, 132 days to LMureş, 140 days-to L-Covasna, 145 days to L-Poienita and 153 days to Mocira variety. The experimental researches were carried out in the research field of SCDL Iernut, during 20092012, in the comparative crops. The parent plants variants had a density of 35 thousands plants/ha, and seed plants had a density of 40 thousands plants/ha. In seed-tree phase the five cultivars were isolated by protective curtains. During the period of vegetation (both from the parent plant and in seed-tree phase) have been carried out: phenotypic observations, biometric measurements and phenological records. The technological and physiological maturity were carried out observations (regarding the color, shape, degree of compaction’ cabbage head, resistance to disease) and biometric measurements (size and weight, the quantity of seed (g/plant and kg/ha) etc.). Results. Using data on observations and biometrical measurements were performed for statistical calculations (average 3 years) on the variability of features and plant productivity of technological and physiological maturity. Biggest cabbage head production was done at the Mocira variety (120 t/ha), and is distinguished from the average of the five cultivars significantly positive. The L-Covasna variety it was significantly positively differentiated from the cultivars average. The lowest production of cabbage head was recorded at L-Mures variety. Conclusion. The four lines of autumn cabbage has importance to expanding biodiversity within the species Brassica oleracea L., through their respective characteristics. To technological maturity, Mocira variety registered the highest production potential (120 t/ha), and to physiological maturity, L-Poienita it has recorded the highest production potential (1161 kg/ha). References 1. Ceapoiu N.(1968). Metode statistice aplicate în experienţele agricole, Ed. Agro-Silvică,. 2. Ciofu R., Stan N., Popescu V., Chilom P., Apahidean S., Horgoş A., Berar V., Lauer K. F. and Atanasiu N. (2003). Tratat de Legumicultura. Ed.Ceres, Bucureşti. 3. Indrea D., Apahidean Al.S., Apahidean M., Măniuţiu D., Sima R. (2013) Cultura legumelor, Ediţia a III-a. Ed.Ceres, Bucureşti. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 239 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry THE EFFECT OF VARIOUS PLANT GROWTH MEDIA PREPARED WITH FRESH AND AGED SPENT MUSHROOM COMPOST ON THE NUTRIENT CONTENT OF CRYSANTHEMUM (Chrysanthemum morifolium) Nuray ÇİÇEK ATİKMEN1*, Cihat KÜTÜK2 and Gülay KARAHAN3 1 Department of Landscape Architecture, Division of Plant Material and Cultivation, Çankırı Karatekin University, Turkey. 2 Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Ankara University, Turkey 1 Department of Soil Science and Ecology, Çankırı Karatekin University, Turkey. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Crysanthemum, growth parameters, growth media, spent mushroom compost Introduction. Crysanthemum is one of the most preferred ornamental plants among perennial plants. The mainly reasons of this are blossoming in autumn, remaining bloomy for a long time, existence of its different alternatives. Furthermore, it has facility of using inside, because small bloomy forms of chrysanthemum can be grown in pots. Aims. In this greenhouse study, nutrients contents of Crysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium ‘Vista’) in the media containing fresh (unweathered) and ripe (weathered 2 years) spent mushroom compost that will lessen organic soil input and meet its need of nutrients for cultivation. Materials. In this context, 13 different mixtures including spent mushroom compost, organic soil and perlite were prepared. Each mixture was tested five times in completely randomized designed and the effects of mentioned 13 mixtures on nutrients determined in the end of the trial were compared. Besides some physical and chemical characteristics of the materials used in the trial, nitrogen, phosphor, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, zinc, manganese and copper were determined as a sign of visual parameters of nutrition of chrysanthemum. Conclusion. At the end of this study, some advices were given about spent mushroom compost where chrysanthemum can be grown most appropriately. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 240 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry DROUGHT TOLERANCE IN SEVERAL TAGETES L. CULTIVARS Raluca CICEVAN1*, Mohamad Al HASSAN2, Oscar VICENTE2, Monica BOSCAIU3, Adriana SESTRAŞ1 and Radu SESTRAŞ1 1 Department of Horticulture and Landscape, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca 2 Institute of Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology, Polytechnic University of Valencia 3 Instituto Agroforestal Mediterráneo, Polytechnic University of Valencia * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: antioxidants, growth parameters, osmolytes, oxidative stress, water stress Introduction: The species of the Tagetes genus are among the most well-known ornamentals, but are also valuable medicinal plants, and used as well in the food and cosmetics industries (Sehrish et al. 2013). On the background of global warming, with increasing scarcity of water resources, studies on the responses to drought of cultivated plants, including ornamentals, are becoming extremely important. Objectives: The main objectives of the work were to analyse the biochemical responses to drought of the two Tagetes species under study, and to identify the most tolerant cultivars. Materials and Methods: Seeds of five Tagetes patula L. and of five T. tenuifolia Cav. commercial cultivars were sown in pots on a mixture of peat and vermiculite and watered with Hoogland´s nutritive solution for three weeks; then watering was completely stopped for the plants subjected to the drought treatment and continued for control plants. Growth parameters were measured twice a week: stem length, number of leaves, and the length of the longest leaf; some plants were weekly harvest to measure fresh weight and dry weight of their aerial parts. After three weeks of water-stress treatment, plants were sampled and chorophyll, carotenoid, osmolytes, oxidative stress markers and antioxidants levels were determined in leaf material. Results: Differences in drought tolerance were detected between the two species investigated and among cultivars within the same species. In T. patula, cv. ‘Bolero’ was more tolerant than the other four studied cultivars, showing less dehydration and a lower degree of oxidative stress. In T. tenuifolia, cv. ‘Luna Lemon’ and cv. ‘Luna Orange’ were found to be the most sensitive to water stress, with the strongest inhibition of vegetative growth, and the highest water losses and oxidative stress levels. Conclusion: All cultivars were affected by water stress, but with widely variable levels of tolerance, even within the same species. Their tolerance to stress may be correlated with the relative contribution of different osmolytes to osmotic adjustment in different cultivars. References 1. Sehrish S., Khalid S., Qureshi R. and Ali Ahsan B. (2013). Tagetes minuta L., a useful underutilized plant of family Asteraceae. Pak J Weed Sci Res 19(2):179-189. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 241 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry THE CONCEPT OF GENIUS LOCI IN RELATION TO LANDSCAPE CHANGES Alexandru CIOBOTA1*, Miroslava SLIACKA2, Vladimir OBRADOVICI1 1 2 Department of Architecture. “Polytechnic” University of Timisoara, Romania. Department of Landscape Planning. Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: community, Genius loci, landscape, Introduction. “I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster, some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent. I miss them, but it wasn’t a disaster” (Bishop, 1994).The author’s poem about change is strongly connected to the relation between human and landscape, since we are part of the landscape and landscape is part of us. Having this connection, people accept landscape changes just as they accept generation changes. These changes are reflected in livelihoods and community cohesion, or, one can argue, in Genius loci. Aims. This paper is about how two villages can be similar in what regards the origins of the people populating them and their period of colonization, but still differ in terms of landscape and habits. Both villages, Garnik and Ravensca, are situated in the Caras-Severin County, the Romanian Banat, and were settled by Czech people. Even if, historically, the villages were forest exploitation oriented, with certain impact on the landscape, nowadays the activities of those communities are more diverse, ranging from forestry and agriculture to tourism, and they determine various changes in the landscape. The research focuses on two debate levels related to the concept of Genius loci: the material and the immaterial. Materials and Methods. bibliography, landscape analyse, field interview. Results. In what regards the material level, our research focused on topography, natural conditions, land use and architecture. The immaterial dimension refers to traditions, crafts and the relation between the community and the landscape. Using Vaclav Cilek’s sentence, “Genius loci is why we keep coming back to a place“, as a starting point for our debate, we complete his idea with: „Genius loci is why people keep staying in a place.” We prefer an outwards approach focused on the relation between the community and the landscape, rather than Cilek‘s inwards point of view which refers more to people who come to a community in a certain landscape. Conclusion. What could be the reason for those people to stay/to remain in raw geographic and climate conditions, in isolation from other communities? „We were born here, so we have to live here” (grandmother Veverková, field int., June 2014). 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 242 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry INVOLVEMENT OF THE GLYCINE-RICH RNA-BINDING PROTEINS (GRP) IN PLANT ABIOTIC STRESS RESPONSE: A COMPARISON BETWEEN GRP 2 AND GRP 7 Oana CIUZAN1*, Simona-Laura LAZAR1, Mihai-Lucian LUNG1, Oana-Lelia POP1 and Doru PAMFIL1 1 Department of Horticulture. University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: abiotic stress, Arabidopsis thaliana, drought, glycine-rich proteins (GRP) Introduction. The plant glycine-rich RNA-binding proteins (GRP) are a major class of proteins known to be implicated in plant response to abiotic and biotic stress. Recent studies regarding this type of proteins focused mostly on two of these, namely GRP2 and GRP7, which are mainly involved in osmotic and oxidative plant adaptation mechanisms. Aims. The main purpose of this research was to assess the involvement of two glycine-rich RNA binding proteins (GRP2 and GRP7) in seed germination capacity under drought stress conditions using the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Materials and Methods. The plant material was composed out of seed batches obtained from the T-DNA insertion Arabidopsis thaliana mutant lines labelled grp2 (knock-out mutant for the glycine-rich RNA-binding protein 2), grp7-1 (knock-out mutant for the glycine-rich RNAbinding protein 7), and the Col0 ecotype, which was used as control. For the germination assay, the control medium was supplemented with three different concentrations (100mM, 200mM and 300mM) of mannitol. The control medium used was ½ MS (Murashige&Skoog) vitamin medium without sugar. Fifty seeds were placed on each Petri dish containing medium with different concentrations of mannitol and the germination was assessed each day during one week. After this period, the germination rate was estimated. Three independent replicates were used and the statistical analysis, namely the ANOVA test, was made using the GraphPad Prism software (trial version). Results. We observed a difference between the 2 mutants: grp2 seeds germinated similarly on the control medium as well as on the medium supplemented with various mannitol concentrations, while grp7-1 seeds showed a poor germination rate on all three mannitol culture mediums. The germination rate of the grp2 seeds was also increased, on all the culture mediums used, in comparison to the control Col0 seeds. Conclusion. In the present research work, we demonstrated that even though the two proteins GRP2 and GRP7 belong to the same family, their implication in the seed germination capacity under drought stress is opposite, one enhancing the germination, while the other suppressing it. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 243 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry STUDIES OF THE INFLUENCE OF SOME CONDITIONING TREATMENTS ON SOME VOLATILE COMPOUNDS IN TĂMÂIOASĂ ROMÂNEASCĂ WINES Cintia COLIBABA1*, Marius NICULAUA2, Florin VARARU1, Camelia LUCHIAN1, Liliana ROTARU1, Valeriu V. COTEA1 1 Faculty of Horticulture, University of Agricultural Studies and Veterinary Medicine Iasi, Romania. 2 Oenological Research Center – Romanian Academy – Iasi Branch * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: conditioning treatments,Tămâioasă românească, volatiles Introduction: Wine aroma is one of the most important factors that influence wine quality and consumer acceptance (Bakker and Clarke, 2011) The presence, absence or different proportions of volatile compounds can be greatly influenced by both viticultural and enological (fermentation conditions, postfermentation treatments) factors (Jackson, 2008). Aims: The present study aims at studying the influence of some fining treatments on the physical-chemical composition as well as on the volatile compounds of Tămâioasă românească wines from Cotnari vineyard. Materials and Methods: Five experimental samples were obtained: TR M - control sample (no fining treatment), TR V1 (potassium sorbate treatment), TR V2 (filtration), TR V3 (gum Arabic treatment), TR V4 (cellulose gum treatment). The physical-chemical analyses were done according to the Compendium of International Methods of Analysis of Wine and Musts. A GC-MS quantitative analysis was also performed. Results: The obtained samples are dry wines, with over 11,8% vol. The non-reductive extract has high values (approx. 21 g/L). From the point of view of the quantified volatile compounds, the highest values are registered in the case of butanedioic acid diethyl ester, with a slightly fruity, apple and ylang aroma, as follows: TR M - 974,4772 µg/L, TR V1 2380,997 µg/L, TR V2 - 1002,884 µg/L, TR V3 - 961,0346 µg/L și TR V4 - 1043,183 µg/L. The quantified terpenic compounds of Tămâioasă românească wines were trans-geraniol and beta-ionone, linalool being under the detection limit of the GC-MS. Conclusion: The fining treatments have a high influence on the volatile composition of the experimental samples, big differences appearing in the case of the gum Arabic and cellulose gum treatments. Acknowledgements: The publishing of this study was made possible with the help of the USAMV internal research grant 5526/25.04.2013. References 1. Bakker, J. and Clarke, R. (2011). Wine: Flavour chemistry (2nd ed.). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 2. Jackson, R. S. (2008). Wine science: Principles and applications. Boston: Elsevier. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 244 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry STUDIES ON IMPROVING THE DEGRADED PASTURE LANDS OF AREA BREBINA - ZĂRNEŞTI Alexandru COLIŞAR1*, Vasile CEUCA1, Ancuţa Maria IVAN2, Iancu CRĂCIUN3 and Adela HOBLE1 1 Faculty of Horticulture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania; 2 INCDO-INOE2000, ICIA subsidiary Cluj-Napoca, Romania 3 Forestry administration of Town Hall Zarnesti, 1, Mitropolit Ioan Meţianu St., Brasov, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: environmental protection, erosion, land improvement, pastures Introduction. Agricultural land degradation (Muresan et al., 1992) is defined as the quantitative and qualitative decline caused by man’s mismanagement. The use and management of natural resources by man, among which one can also mention the natural resources of soil, had and still has a number of expected favourable consequences, but this comes also together with unexpected adverse consequences, or, at least, unintended (Budiu and Muresan, 1996). Aims. At the moment, in our country the problem of the degraded lands improvement not only it re-came to everyone’s attention, but it will experience an upward course, up to the normal settlement, as it is supposed to be. It was necessary to apply a set of measures which consisted in conducting the deforestation works, leveling the erosion formations, leveling and surface modelling and/ or collecting and removal of stones brought to the surface. Materials and Methods. The works applied in order to combat soil erosion on slopes were properly conducted according to the existing situation in the field, thus, it was necessary to apply a set of measures which consisted in conducting the deforestation works, leveling the erosion formations, leveling and surface modelling and collecting and removal of stones brought to the surface. The works performing created the premises for applying the agrophito-technical measures that stabilize the ground and prevent triggering further erosion. In the studied area, Brebina, one proposed: combat of soil erosion, removal of moisture excess, marginal channels and falls, removal of worthless shrub vegetation, refitted and strengthened roads. Results. The land can be degraded due to landslides, erosion and moisture excess. In this context, one analyzed the ways of rendering aside the less productive land, affected by different types of degradation in the Brebina area. The experiences were placed on three types of soil, which were taken into study: aluviosol, vertic luvosol and stagnic luvosol, using a mixture of perennial grasses and legumes for pastures. The mono-factorial experience had eight variants, placed in three repetitions. Conclusion. One efficient way to exploit the land recently subject to improvement works is the cultivation of fodder crops, respectively temporary pastures of complex associations, such as grasses and perennial pulse in pastures; The floristic composition in terms of grass/ pulse is influenced by the level of nitrogen fertilization, soil type and climatic conditions. References 1. Budiu V. and Mureşan D. (1996). Desecări şi combaterea eroziunii solului. Ed. Genesis, Cluj, 2. Mureşan D., Pleşa I., Onu N., Savu P., Nagy Z., Jinga I., Teodoroiu Al., Păltineanu I., Toma I. and Vasilescu I. (1992). Irigaţii, desecări şi combaterea eroziunii solului. Ed. didactică şi pedagogic, Bucureşti. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 245 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry RESEARCHES MADE TO DETERMINE THE PEST DAMAGE LEVEL ON GREENHOUSES ROSES Ioana Andreea CONŢIU, Maria CANTOR* and Anca HUSTI Department of Horticulture and Landscape, University of Agronomical Science and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: diseases, damage level, chemical treatment, cultivars Introduction. The rose is a living organism that risks at any time, as any other plant, to be affected by diseases and pests. For pest and disease control chemical treatments are used, but it should be carefully considered to what phenophase the rose is, when applying certain substances, as applied in inappropriate phenophase can be dangerous for the plant. Each species of pests has certain specific constants, which are determined by tracking for a long period of time in the nature and the development laboratory, according to certain climatic conditions, namely: minimum, optimum and maximum temperature, relative humidity, the amount required for the effective temperature completion of each stage (Hatman et al, 1989). Aims. The goal of the work was to determine the damage level of the diseases and pests for roses cultivars cultivated in greenhouses on soilles. During the researches were determinate: the degree of infection to the rose powdery mildew - Podosphaera pannosa; the degree of infection to the grey mould - Botrytis cinerea and the degree of infection to the commune red spider Tetranychus urticae. Materials and methods. The biological material used in experiences was from ‘Iris Roses Greenhouse’ from Cluj-Napoca and were represented by ten roses cultivars: ‘Avalanche’, ‘Revue’, ‘Marina’, ‘Demetra’, ‘Good Times’, ‘Testarossa’, ‘Bordeaux’, ‘Samba’, ‘Chic’ and Merci. The degree of infection and parasitic diseases effect is determined by the frequency and intensity of the attack. The damage or the loss is expressed by the term 'degree of pest' (GD). To determine the frequency, intensity and degree of attack is of high importance in assessing damages, in estimates of production during vegetation, in establishing the pace of implementation of treatment, and in determining the effectiveness of different methods and crop protection against phytopathogens (Rădulescu and Rafailă, 1972). The measurements were done and the data will be interpreted statistically by using the calculus formula of the degree of infection of the diseases that is established by the frequency and intensity of the damage. Results. ‘Avalanche’ and ‘Merci’ varieties had the best resistance to powdery mildew attack. Regarding the degree of attack to grey mould ‘Bordeaux’ and ‘Marina’ varieties had the best resistance, with values of 11.4% and 17.2% from ‘Good Times’ and ‘Revue’ varieties which recorded values 53.4% and 43.8%. It notes a stronger degree of red spider attack to varieties ‘Testa Rossa’ (49.1%), ‘Bordeaux’ (44%) and ‘Good Times’ (38.9%), in contrast to varieties ‘Revue’ and ‘Marina’, with values 12.4% and 15.6%. Conclusion. In a commercial culture, in greenhouses, both preventing and controlling diseases and pests is the starting point for obtaining profitable crops. Based on the obtained results, recommendation will be made for the crop widespread for the studied cultivars in greenhouses. References 1. Hatman M, Bobeş I, Lazăr Al., Gheorghieş C., Glodeanu C., Severin V., Tuşa C., Popescu I. and Vonica I. (1989). Fitopatologie. Ed. Didactică şi Pedagogică Bucureşti. 2. Rădulescu E. and Rafailă C. (1972). Tratat de Fitopatologie Agricolă. Ed. Academiei RSR. Bucureşti. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 246 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry QUALITATIVE TREE ASSESSMENT - BUCHAREST: PRIDVORULUI CASE STUDY Diana Lavinia CULESCU1* and Claudia FABIAN2 1 I.M.R.V.A. Doctoral School, University of Agronomic Science and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, Romania 2 Dep. of Landscape, Biodiversity and Ornamental Horticulture, Faculty of Horticulture, University of Agronomic Science and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: qualitative survey, tree assessment, vegetation maintenance Introduction. Romanian legal frame states the importance and the expected outcomes for the assessment of urban green space and the vegetation cover - both at a quantitative and qualitative level - but the implementation of the demarche is delayed by the lack of proper tools. The Green Space Register developed by municipalities is limited to enumerating the green spaces and the vegetation without regard for quality. Aims. The paper is presenting the implementation of a quality tree assessment method, prior developed by the authors to address this problem, on Pridvorului site - part of Vacaresti Park (Bucharest). Materials and Methods. Field measurements and observations have been carried out. Data were gathered based on afore established principles of notation and analysis criteria that refer to: estimated age, physical features, state and value of the trees. Descriptive plans and sheets were generated depicting the current state and the conclusions. Results. The assessment revealed important facts on Pridvorului site. The majority of the specimens are young trees, but most of them suffered debilitations as a result of inadequate care, inter-species competition, etc. The percentage of long term viable vegetation is very low and the number of spontaneous elements is high, putting pressure on local resources and, thus, further threatening the integrity the other trees. The aesthetic and historic values of the vegetation are rather low and its poor condition needs to be addressed rapidly. Conclusion. The results of the study stress once again the importance of this tools for a proper vegetation quality assessment based on which further suitable recommendation for landscape / vegetation maintenance can be made. Acknowledgment. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013 References 1. Law 24/2007 (Regulation and management of green spaces in urban) 2. Littlewood M. (1988) - Tree Detailing, Anchor-Brendon Ltd., Essex 3. Order no. 1549/2008 (Technical Norms for the development of local Green Space Register) 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 247 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry LANDSCAPING PROPOSALS FOR OUTDOOR SPACES BELONGING TO "AL. I. CUZA" UNIVERSITY OF IASI Doina Mira DASCALU Faculty of Horticulture, U.S.A.M.V. Iasi, Romania. Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: landscaping design, outdoor spaces, recovery, revitalization, university Introduction. The economic crisis affects higher education institutions in Romania mainly by the lack of funds for rehabilitation and modernization. Outdoor spaces belonging to these institutions are mostly degraded in terms of landscape. Abroad, many exterior spaces of universities are designed to provide students conditions propitious to study and relaxation. Yet, there are still few theoretical landscape studies of specialists regarding the conception and analysis of designing specific outdoor spaces for universities. Aims. After the restoration of “building A”, for “building B” of the University of Iasi AIC are not enough funds for rehabilitation, nor for indoor spaces, nor for exterior spaces. In the back area of the “building B” there are three courtyards unequipped and almost deserted. These spaces are in an advanced stage of decay. This paper presents two proposals of landscaping design for the three courts, in order to provide some judicious recovery and revitalization solutions of these areas. Materials and Methods. On the basis of proposals stayed the documentary study, the investigation of the existing situation, of dysfunction and needs, and finally the comparative analysis leading to the completion of problem-solving solutions. Results. Starting from identifying issues and needs raised by the loss, through degradation and disuse, of many outdoor spaces of Romanian universities, the proposals create two versions of courtyard planning, with various areas, designed as multifunctional spaces. These spaces are conceived to provide rest, relaxation, self-study and outdoor courses, workshops and colloquia cultural and other extracurricular activities. Conclusion.Proposals for recovery and revitalization of these areas provides solutions applicable in many cases of degradation of universities exterior spaces. Their creation will enhance the quality of education and academic life. References 1. Jurov C. (2006). Arhitectura ambianţelor-elemente de teorie cognitivă şi psihologie ambientală în arhitectură, Editura Capitel, Bucureşti. 2. Reid W. G. (2007). From concept to form in Landscape Design, J. Wiley & Sons, Canada. 3. Weilacher U. (1999). Between landscape architecture & landart, Ed. Birkhause, Basel. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 248 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry TILLAGE PRACTICES IN THE CONTEXT OF CLIMATE CHANGE AND A SUSTAINABLE VITICULTURE Alin DOBREI1*, Alina DOBREI1, Florin SALA2 and Eleonora NISTOR1 1 Faculty of Horticulture and Forestry, UASMV “Regele Mihai I al Romaniei” from Timisoara, Romania 2 Faculty of Agriculture, UASMV “Regele Mihai I al Romaniei” from Timisoara, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: climate change, tillage, viticulture Introduction.Tillage in the vineyard is carried out to preserve the soil loosening, for maintaining the humus and nutrients in soil, for activation of chemical and biological processes and for weeds control (Murisier and Sbeuret, 1986).Choosing the most suitable system of vineyards floor management (middle rows, undervine, around vineyard) is a major problem on which depends preserving or enhancing soil fertility, improvement or worsening of soil physical, chemical and biological characteristics, securing water from soil and weed control (Tesic et al., 2007). Aims.The aim of this study was to identify the most appropriate options for maintenance of soil in vineyards located on flat land or mild slopes, and soils with a medium or high fertility. Materials and Methods. The experimental variants consist of different practices of soil tillage, as follows: V1 row middles herbs and grasses strip, bare soil by tillage undervine; V2 bare soil by tillage floor between vines+herbicides treatment undervine; V3 row middles bare soil by tillage+bare soil by tillage undervine; V4 row middles soil ripping+bare soil by tillage undervine; V5 raw middles herbs and grasses strip+manual hoeing undervine; V6 bare soil by tillage row middles+rotary hoe undervine; V7 raw middles herbs and grasses strip+herbicides treatment undervine. According to each variant, were performed on grape varieties observations regarding: buds viability, quantitative production, yield quality, etc. Results. The best yield per hectare was achieved in variant in which soil was maintain bare soil by tillage row middles and with rotary hoe undervine (V6). Conclusion. On soils with slightly moisture deficiency, and a higher content of clay, vineyards floor management is recommended to be maintained by rotary hoe, both undervines with the adjustable rotary tiller and on raw middles. References 1. Murisier F. and Sbeuret E.(1986). L’enherbement des sols viticoles. Revue suisse Vitic.Arboric. Hortic.18:291-294. 2. Tesic D., Keller M. and Hutton R.J. (2007). Influence of vineyard floor management practices on grapevine vegetative growth, yield, and fruit composition. Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 58(1):1-11. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 249 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry THE LANDSCAPE THROUGHOUT THE ENVIRONMENTAL LEGAL FRAMEWORK: ROMANIAN CASE Claudia FABIAN1* and Diana Lavinia CULESCU2 1 Dep. of Landscape, Biodiversity and Ornamental Horticulture, Faculty of Horticulture, University of Agronomic Science and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, Romania 2 I.M.R.V.A. Doctoral School, University of Agronomic Science and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: environment, landscape, legal framework Introduction. The current Romanian environmental legislation is a wide field, with numerous regulations concerning the environmental protection that provide information about the condition and the quality of natural elements. The landscape seen throughout the environmental legal frame is not defining globally the interaction between natural and anthropic components and is not emphasising this relation as stated in the European Landscape Convention. Aims. The study is analysing various definitions and perspectives through which the landscape is approached. This synthesis aims to outline the role of landscape within Romanian environmental normative acts. Materials and Methods. The paper draws on the actual law enforcement that interprets the landscape as a separate “item” adjoined to other natural features. The analysis criteria traced the landscape definitions’ relevancy and the accounting of related terms within the acts that consider the landscape as a part of biodiversity, preservation, protection and the interaction of natural and anthropic environments. Results. The analysis determined the importance held by the landscape within the Romanian environmental framework. It also outlined the factors that are characterizing the landscape through this perspective. In this context, the landscape is defined on distinct levels and is often mentioned together with notions specific only for natural environments. The definitions are frequently vague and the landscape approach is inconsistent with the corresponding European framework that is tackling the issue as an interaction between natural and anthropic factors. Conclusion. The definitions mosaic within Romanian legal frame capture only punctually the attributes of landscape. A suitable normative act that is regulating all its defining features is definitely missing. Acknowledgment. Finantat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operational Sectorial Dezvoltarea resurselor Umane Proiect POSDRU. References 1. European Landscape Convention. (2000). Florence. 2. Law 345/2006 (Protected natural area, natural habitats, wild flora and fauna). 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 250 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry ECCLESIASTICAL LANDSCAPING IN IASI - ANALYSIS, QUALITY FACTORS AND HIGHLIGHTING DIRECTIONS FOR IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF ECCLESIASTICAL GARDENS Constanta Carmina GHEORGHITA1 and Mircea GRIGOROVSCHI1 1 Faculty of Architecture. Technical University of Iasi, Romania. Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] * Keywords: landscaping the orthodox space, architectural syntax of landscape Introduction. The landscape is constituted as landscaping units, as different areas perceived with a significantly different character from the next picture. Thus there is a human-landscape interaction in the meaning of subjective perception of the existing objective, but also it reifies through intervention and modelling of landscape performed subjectively by human or social groups. The landscape is not restricted to the physical world around us; visually, it is also a socio-cultural product and may be visible, cultural or symbolic. It can be perceived, interpreted and communicated. Aims. This study looks first at elements that define the value of the ecclesiastical assembly. The research is mainly based on the result of the analysis of univocal relations established between all elements of the architecture - art – landscape ensemble, which will generate directions for improving the quality of the urban space. Materials and Methods. Landscaping generates a communication processes through a varied repertoire of signs and meanings which are communicated through an appropriate and specific language and assembled by specific codes determined by the culture that produced them. It should be noted that all these elements have a temporal and progressive dimensions, as emerging and transforming the landscaping system. The temporal evolution of the landscape is one theme of the study on landscaping ecclesiastical precincts. For studying and observing were chosen several landscaping ecclesiastical sites within the city of Iasi for the following reasons: they are more stable in time; they have in general a coherent structure established in harmony and interconnected with the architectural object (objects); they contain various vegetable and mineral elements and are furnished with works of monumental art, sculpture, etc. The study has been divided into two phases: first, analysing and evaluating, and second, drafting solutions to revitalize and redevelop the studied areas. Results. In general, the proposals for improving the urban image of the area and the overall visual impact have sought to create new compositions of the space. Conclusion. In conclusion, the study demonstrates that the value of architectural ensembles is based on a system of quality factors of the landscaping, dosed so as to generate a coherent landscaped system, adapted so as to emphasize the value of the ecclesiastical space. References 1. Crăciun C. (2009). Arta în spațiul peisagistic – element de coeziune al vieții comunitare. Editura Universitară ”Ion Mincu”, Bucureşti. 2. Gheorghită and Grigorovschi (2013). The Importance Of Mineral-Vegetal Ratio in Structuring The Landscaped Space of Some Iasi Churches. European Journal of Science and Theology 9(4):285-295. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 251 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry STUDY REGARDING THE SUITABILITY OF CULTIVATING HYPERICUM PERFORATUM L. ON ROCKWOOL MEDIA Radu Mircea GIURGIU1*, Gavril MORAR1, Adelina DUMITRAŞ1 and Eniko LACZI1 Agriculture Faculty, University of Agriculture Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Hypericum perforatum, hydroponics, rockwool Introduction. Cultivation systems in controlled environments have advances a lot in the last 20 years. Hydroponics represents one of the most effective methods of growing plants that are valued from the food or medicinal aspects. Objectives. Hypericum perforatum L. is a widely known medicinal plant that is widespread cultivated or harvested from spontaneous flora. The unpredictability of the market demand, leads to barriers regarding introduction in commercial culture of the medicinal plants. The main objective is studying the technological aspects of growing Hypericum perforatum L. in rockwool in a way of having total control and demonstrating that it can be cultivated on large scale with significant results. Materials and Methods. The plant that have been studied is Hypericum perforatum L. and it was planted in 2.5x2.5 cm rockwool cube and kept under constant humidity of 60% with regular watering. After the seedling sprouted the cubes were moved in bigger cubes (7.5x7.5 cm) and nutrient solution was added to the regular watering. The plants media and solution was constant monitored and optimized while measurements regarding the dynamic of the developing of the vegetative organs were conducted. Being a static solution often changes of the solution were demanded. Careful monitoring of the humidity of the growing media was imposed due to the rapid decade of the plants in the possibility of dehydration. The parameters of the solution were constantly measured and optimised (EC, pH, temperature). Results. Growing Hypericum perforatum L., hydroponically, has led to a sharp growth of the plants, in shorter time then those cultivated traditionally, in soil, and their development was healthy and vigorous. The plants have reached the peak of the vegetation stage in a significantly less time, while showing healthy vegetative organs. The plants will be studied furthermore in future research program, from the flowering and bioactive compounds, point of view. Conclusion. Hypericum perforatum L. grown in rockwool media showed a rapid and constant growth with vigorous vegetative organs, demonstrating the easiness of cultivating in hydroponics while resulting in higher production compared with crops cultivated in soil. References 1. Canter P.H., Thomas H. and Ernst E. (2005). Bringing medicinal plants into cultivation: opportunities and challenges for biotechnology, Trends in biotechnology 23:180-185 2. Muntean L. S., Tămaş M., Muntean S., Muntean L., Duda M. M., Vârban D. I. and Florian S. (2007). Tratat de plante medicinale cultivate şi spontane, Ed.Risoprint, ClujNapoca. 3. Pardossi A., Carmassi G., Diara C., Incrocci L., Maginni R. and Massa D. (2011). Fertirigation and substrate management in closed soiless culture, Project KBBE-2007-1-204, Efficient use of inputs in protected Horticulture. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 252 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry SOME ASPECTS OF OBTAINING NATURAL FRUIT JUICES BASED ON CARROTS Tincuţa Marta GOCAN1*, Ileana ANDREICA1, Vasile LAZĂR1 and Ileana BOGDAN1 1 University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Horticulture, Cluj-Napoca, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: vitamin C, juice, orange Introduction. Most consumers want a high quality juice that is cheap, has a nutritional value, flavor, and color corresponding to fresh fruit without chemical preservatives. Juices may be a nutritive medium for microorganisms because they contain sugar, organic acids, and traces of amounts of organic nitrogen, minerals and acid pH (2.5-4) (Dan, 2001). The destruction of the microorganisms is a time dependent process. Heat treatment is a very effective but not only affects products, but also the chemical aspect. This protection is through the use of rather short time and high temperature pasteurization, but by treating them with chemical preservatives low temperature periods longer (Ros-Chumillas et al, 2007) The deterioration of the juice is caused mainly by the presence of oxygen. The adverse effects of its presence are, in addition to the oxidation of ascorbic acid, browning and development of aerobic bacteria. Aims. Due to the beneficial effects of juice, intensely supported by the nutritional circles has caused a great expansion of their use as remedies in various diseases. Their content in potassium, bioflavone, vitamins and milliequivalents alkaline fruit juices and vegetables give good results in the prevention and even treatment of cardiovascular diseases. This paper aims to highlight the contribution of vitamin C and fruit acid after processing and getting juices. Materials and Methods. The experiment was held in 2012 in the laboratory of Horticultural Products Technology, Faculty of Horticulture, using as raw material products purchased from authorized manufacturers in the following amounts for each type: 2:1 carrot juice with apple juice; 2:1 carrot juice with orange juice; 1:1:1 juice carrots, apples and oranges. Results and Discussion. Degree of fineness, is influenced mainly by structo-textural products, abundant precipitation redundant by cocktails presented the predominant feedstock carrot juice (carrot + apple + orange, carrots); the highest refractive extracts are present in the blending of carrots + apples + oranges 1:1: 1, containing mainly due to apples and oranges; high acidity and the content of vitamin C of oranges, oranges predominating cocktails prints them a sweet - sour yellow - orange and aroma. Conclusion. The main physicochemical parameter to be monitored over time to estimate the content validity is vitamin C. Vitamin A (retinol) in the body resulting in enzymatic cleavage of provitamin A, has a role in the formation of photosensitive pigments involved in vision, maintaining immunity body's respiratory and digestive. References 1. Dan, V. (2001). Microbiologia alimentelor. Editura Alma, Galaţi, 457. 2. Maria Ros-Chumillas, Yulissa Belissario, Asunción Iguaz and Antonio López, (2007), Quality and shelf life of orange juice aseptically packaged in PET bottles, Elsevier, in press, p.1-9. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 253 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry A NEW PROBLEM FOR WESTERN ROMANIA: METCALFA PRUINOSA (HEMIPTERA:FLATIDAE) Ioana GROZEA1*, Mihai VLAD1, Alina GOGAN1, Ana Maria VIRTEIU 1, Ramona STEF1, Alin CARABET 1, Snejana DAMIANOV 1and Teodora FLORIAN2 1 Agricultural Entomology Discipline, Department of Biology and Plant Protection, Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “Regele Mihai I al României” from Timisoara 2 Department of Environment and Plant Protection, University of Agricultural Science and Medicine Veterinary * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Metcalfa pruinosa (Say), cicada, invasive, polyphagous, larval colonies, damage Introduction. The cicada considered for this study is Metcalfa pruinosa (Say), called flatid plant hopper, a species that has recently caught the attention of experts in Romania. In year 2010, it was seen for the first time in the western part of country and it was identified by some routine observations. Is considered a non-native species knowing that originated in America. Aims. Objectives focused primarily exploration the territory in the western part, in order to report the first larval colonies and secondly identification of host plants. Materials and methods. Observations were made during three years, 2011 to 2013 and included several points located near the western border. For monitoring of the immature stages (larvae, nymphs) direct observations were made in green spaces, parks, vineyards and orchards. Results. Having in mind that larva is the most important stage, if we refer to damage plants, all our attention was directed to this. Somewhat, the results certify the polyphagism of this species, indicating numerous species of infested plants. Among, frequently infested with larval colonies, in green spaces, were Acer negundo, Acer pseudoplatanus, Acer campestre, Acer platanoides, Tilia cordata, Catalpa bignonioides, Juglans regia, Ligustrum vulgare, Hibiscus syriacus, etc. On the other hand, in the vineyards and orchards, plants affected were Malus domestica, Persica vulgaris, Prunus persica, Prunus armeniaca, Prunus domestica and Vitis vinifera. View as a whole, each observation point showed different levels of infestation, from weak to pronounced; there were un-infested areas, too. The cicada causes direct and indirect damages. There are various hypotheses connected to the effects it produces, some negative, and other positive. As consequence of extracting the sap, and especially in the case of some strong infestations, the entire evolution of a plant can be affected. Conclusion. Currently, in the western part of Romania, over 50 host plants were identified, tree species (shrubs, trees, fruit -trees), culture plants (sunflower, soy) and a lot of herbaceous species. As regards the spread, cicada is present in 7 counties from west of country and continue to expand on the direction of north, south and east. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 254 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry THE CURRENT STATE OF CHARACTERIZATION OF ROMANIAN VITIS VINIFERA L. GERMPLASM BY MOLECULAR MARKERS Monica HÂRȚA1* and Doru PAMFIL1 1 Department of Biotechnology in Horticulture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: germplasm, molecular markers, PCR, Vitis vinifera Introduction. In Romania, in recent years, the concerns of some research teams have focused on developing a national strategy for the characterization of germplasm fund at important horticultural species, as response to the European Union initiative for inventory and conservation of genetic resources. In this context, the European Union has developed international research projects having as main aim collecting the data and improving knowledge regarding conservation and sustainable use of Vitis genetic resources in Europe (Pop et al., 2003; Motoc et al., 2010; Gheţea et al., 2012). Romania have a multimillenary tradition in grapevine cultivation and wine production and considering this, it is necessary to use efficient and reliable methods for the accurate identification of autochthonous and newly created grapevine cultivars included in national germplasm fund. Aims. In this paper, the advantages of using molecular markers in identification and characterisation of the Romanian grape genotypes are discussed with the aim of grouping the studies (conducted with DNA markers) related to genetic diversity characterisation and potential for genetic improvement of this important species. Conclusion. In the field of viticulture, some molecular markers (ex. SSRs – simple sequence repeats) have been proven to be useful for the characterization of grape cultivars. The high level of genetic variation among some Romanian grapevine varieties could be attributable of the differences between geographical areas, significant variability of some local populations and not least the Romanian viticulture tradition. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 255 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry RESEARCH ON A PRODUCTION BY VEGETATIVE SEEDLINGS IN THE NURSERY PICEA PUNGENS MIHAI VITEAZU Liviu HOLONEC1*, Maria-Andreea ROMAN1, Alina TRUŢA1, Anna-Maria SZÁSZLEN1 and Florin REBREANU1 1 Department of Forestry. University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, RO * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: scion, rootstock, vegetative propagation, silver spruce, nursery Introduction. In the forest are used in the production of seedlings by vegetative reproduction in order to faithfully transmit characters from the parent plant to offspring if genetic loose forms and varieties or to obtain faster and easier planting material in for some species, and to hasten flowering and fructification (Dumitraş, 2008). Grafting is a method of vegetative propagation, which in recent years has become widely used in forest nurseries by developing many techniques that allowed running very successful adaptation of this method (Negruţiu, 1980). Aims. This paper aims to study production by vegetative, by grafting, the seedlings of Picea pungens var. Argent motoda grafting using the feint side, two categories of rootstock, 2 years and 3 years and three diameters of 4 mm, 6 mm and 8 mm. Materials and Methods. Experiments were placed in nursery "Mihai Viteazu" from Turda, in spring 2013. Graft is a piece of branch that will be merged in a stock of 1, 2 or 3 years. Results. It is noted that the percentage of success values are variable, depending on the diameter of rootstocks (from 68.33% to rootstocks of two years from 45% to rootstock of 3 years). Conclusions. Otherwise, it is found that a smaller diameter of rootstocks (which does not fall below 4 mm) ensures a better success of grafting. References 1. Dumitraş A. (2008). General principles for design and planning of green spaces. Ed. Academicpres. 2. Negruţiu F. (1980). Green spaces. Ed. Didactică și Pedagogică, București. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 256 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry EFFECTS OF FUNGICIDE AND ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID TREATMENTS ON QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE PRODUCTION OF TOMATOES Ramona Aurelia HOROTAN1* and Alexandru Silviu APAHIDEAN1 1 Departament of Horticulture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, ClujNapoca *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: acetylsalicylic acid, fungicides, Lycopersicon esculentum Introduction. Solanum lycopersicum L. (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is a herbaceous plant, vegetable, which naturally has a high food and therapeutic value. Using pesticides in tomato crops diminishes this natural quality, affecting physiological and biochemical functions. Fungicides, regardless of their origin (manufacturer), concentration or use, are toxic to both environment and human health, causing lots of discussion and global controversy. The salicylic acid act like a vegetal hormone that generate a positive impact on plant growth, especially on its defense system. (Horotan and Oancea, 2013) Aims. By stimulating the plant defense system using acetylsalicylic acid, there were pursued various physiological parameters and productivity of tomato crop in the field, compared to a tomato crop treated with systemic fungicides and a sustainable culture treated with CuSO4 (Bordeaux) mixture. Materials and Methods. Experimental crop was made up of two tomato varieties, the Sibiu local population and Buzău 50, both with undetermined growth and the used treatments were produced from: Acrobat MZ 90/600 WP, CuSO4 (Bordeaux) mixture and acetylsalicylic acid. Thereby, it resulted six experimental variants located in three repetitions. Regular observations were made in the field, on the growth and development of vegetative organs, of inflorescence and fruit, quality and quantity production of tomatoes, depending on the variety and the used treatment. Results. There were found significant differences in experimental physiology tomato crops. Buzău 50 variety crop, treated with aspirin significant increases number of leaves, flowers and fruits. Both variety tomato crop productivity, treated with aspirin was significant incresed. Conclusions. The groups treated with aspirin had significantly higher production compared to groups treated with fungicide. Aspirin generate a normal growth and resistance to the fungal pathogens for tomatoes. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 257 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry RESULTS REGARDING THE PERFORMANCES OF GLADIOLUS HYBRIDS ON THEIR PARENTS Denisa Andreea HORŢ1, Maria CANTOR1*, Erzsebet BUTA1 and Adrian ZAHARIA1 1 Deparment of Ornamental plants. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: differences, genitor, F1 generation, significance, statistical interpretation. Introduction. Testing the performances of hybrids on their parents is an important operation justfied by the purpose of the breeding work. The identification of performances of hybrids on their parents is useful for plants that are vegetatively propagated, without the need to obtain and to test the inbred lines (Muntean, 2012). Aims. were used to calculate the heterosis on characters of interest to estimate the extent to which the production of commercial hybrids of Gladiolus hybridus can be a real solution to achieve specific breeding objectives. Materials and Methods. The experiments were conducted in 2013 in the experimental field from Agrobotanical Garden at UASVM Cluj-Napoca. Data collected from the field were processed mathematically and statistically applying the LSD test. In this paper work are presented seven hybrids of Gladiolus compared with their genitors in the metter of height, stem lenght, inflorescence lenght, the numer of leafs, number of flowers and the diameter of flowers. Results. The results show that two hybrids are reaching bigger heights then their parents, significant negative differences were registered on inflorescence lenght and the no. of flowers. The diameter of flowers varies between 10,1 cm (H9/10) şi 16,3 cm (H18/1) registerig very significant negative differences comparig to their genitors. Conclusion. Regarding the performances of selected hybrids it can be concluded that better results than their parents were obtained on flower diameter (H3/1, H9/10 and H12/10); hybrid H19/2 registered a floral longer stem thanany of his genitors. References 1. Muntean, L. (2012). Ameliorarea plantelor – partea generală. Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca 119-125. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 258 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry EFFECT OF PENTAKEEP-V ON BEGONIA X TUBERHYBRIDA ‘NONSTOP’LINE Szilvia KISVARGA1, Péter HONFI1 and Andrea TILLY-MÁNDY1 1 Corvinus University Budapest Hungary Villányi street 29.-43. Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords:, annual, Begonia, biostimulator, Pentakeep, retardant Introduction. Increasing needs of the market of ornamental plants require growers on the increasing number of quality. One of the possibilities of quality improvement is to use biostimulants. Aims. Previous research has shown that the Japanese Pentakeep -V, which is the first aminolevulinic acid -containing fertilizer in the world, has good index numbers. Based on its effect the chlorophyll concentration increases with increasing photosynthesis activity. Materials and Methods. The experiment was conducted in 2012. The testplant was Begonia x tuberhybrida 'Nonstop' series. The concentrations used in the experiment: 0,3 ml/l 0,5 ml/l and 0,7 ml/l. Two different spray application methods were compared: irrigating and foliar spray. Half of the population after the pricking received no supplemental light and the other half received it. Results. In terms of plant height stated that supplemental light for maximum height (17,82 cm) was achieved with 0.05% solution spraying compared to the control group (19,2 cm). Also in the case without supplemental light dispensed spraying of 0.05% concentration was a better result (18,15 cm). We conclude that no significant changes were found between the groups at each measurement by flowering. Similar results were obtained without supplemental light grown begonias, where Pentakeep-V in 0,07 % concentration was used with irrigation. Comparing to the control group, in both cases, considerably increased the amount of chlorophyll in plants. Conclusions. The Pentakeep-V positive impact on the tyberhibrida Begonia 'Nonstop' series References 1. Awad, M. A. (2008). Promotive effects of a 5-aminolevulinic acid-based fertilizer on growth of tissue culture-derived date palm plants (Phoenix dactylifera L.) during acclimatization. Scientia Horticulturae.118 (1):48-52. 2. Ostrowska et al. (2008). Effectiveness of natural products in protection of cucumber grown under cover against powdery mildew. Biostimulators in modern agriculture. Vegetable crops. ISBN 83-89503-57-3. Warsaw.Poland. 54. 3. Watanabe K., Tanaka T., Hotta Y., Kuramochi H. and Takeuchi Y. (2000). Improving salt tolerance of cotton seedlings with 5-aminolevulinic acid. Plant Growth Regulation, 32:99103. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 259 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry STUDY OF SOME HEADED CHINESE CABBAGE VARIETIES AND HYBRIDS GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT IN AUTUMN OPEN FIELD CULTURE IN TRANSYLVANIAN TABLELAND SPECIFIC CONDITIONS Enikő LACZI1*, Alexandru APAHIDEAN1, Emil LUCA1 and Adelina DUMITRAŞ1 1 University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: autumn culture, Chinese cabbage, leafy vegetable, high yield. Introduction. Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris var. pekinensis) is a popular vegetable with many benefits for growers and in the same time for the consumers to: for growers is the short cultivation period, while for the consumers its high nutritional quality (Pokluda, 2008). The yields of headed Chinese cabbage varies between 30 to 50 t/ha (Toxopeus and Baas 2004) or even between 40 to 100 t/ha (Choux and Foury 1994) according to the used hybrid and time and place of the culture. Aims. The main purpose of this experiment was to study the behaviour of some Chinese cabbage varieties in the Transylvanian Tableland specific conditions in an autumn open field culture. Materials and methods. The research took place in the experimental field which belongs to the Vegetable Growing Department from the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj - Napoca, in the autumn of 2011. To achieve the objectives of this experiment a collection of varieties and hybrids was organized. During growing season observations were made regarding plants growth and development, at harvest on the yield quality and quantity, a high importance being given to the number of bolted plants. Results. Plants head weight varied between 0.77 kg and 0.99 kg, while the cabbage heads had weights between 0.57 kg and 0.86kg. At harvest only one hybrid presented a minimum bolting percentage, while at an other one the percentage passed 40%. The yields obtained within this experiment varied between 45.33 t/ha and 67.21%. Conclusions. Even if Chinese cabbage is not a traditionally vegetable in Transylvanian tableland studies have shown that it can be cultivated with great results. The present research has demonstrated that yield up to 67 t/ha can be obtain even in autumn conditions. The success of the Chinese cabbage crop is in direct relationship with the choosing of a good hybrid, which is bolting resistant and can give a high yield. References. 1. Chaux C. and Foury C. (1994). Production légumières. TEC-DOC, Paris 45-56. 2. Toxopeus H. and Baas J. (2004). Ressources végétales de l’Afrique tropicale 2. Fundation Prota / Backhuys Publishers / CTA. Wageningen 162-169. 3. Pokluda R. (2008). Nutritional quality of Chinese cabbage from integrated culture, Hort. Sci. 35:145-150. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 260 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry THE BEHAVIOUR OF SOME ROSE CULTIVARS OF DIFFERENT ORIGIN AS CUT FLOWERS IN NUTRITIVE SOLUTIONS Vasile LAZĂR1, Rodica SIMA1*, Tincuţa GOCAN1 and Ilona ORBAN1 1 University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: cultivar, rose, preservation term, preservative solution, characteristics Introduction. Roses occupy an important place among ornamental plants cultivated in field and protected spaces (Wagner, 2010) thanks to their morphological and ornamental characteristics (elegance of flowers, richness of colors and, sometimes, even the perfume). Regardless of cultivation place, roses provide substantial incomes both for farmers and for traders because they are appreciated and required by consumers to carnations detriment, which were the only ones sold out of season, shortly ago. An important quality of some rose cultivars is their decorative period in vase, which riches, as average, at two weeks (Lazăr et al., 2010). Aims. The experiment followed the influence of preservative solutions on the decorative period in vase of four indigenous and four non-indigenous (Dutch origin) rose cultivars. Materials and Methods. From the two experimental factors combination (preservative solution with 5 graduations and cultivar with 8 graduations), 40 experimental variants resulted. The experimental variants were placed in similar conditions of light and temperature with flats. During storage period the cut of the bottom of stem was daily refreshed and the level of preservative solution was filled up to 500 ml with sink water. The observations were done at each 48 hours during storage period and followed many characteristics out of which three main characteristics regarding the decorative value are presented in this paper: diameter of floral bud (mm), the aspect of floral bud and the aspect of leaves. For all these characteristics were accorded scores from 1 to 3, as follows: 1 – very good aspect; 2 – good aspect; 3 – satisfactory aspect. The obtained results were statistically analyzed by the ANOVA test. Results. The unilateral influence of preservative solutions on the three morphological and ornamental studied characteristics was relatively poor, the only affected characteristic being the aspect of leaves of Romanian cultivars. The studied cultivars differently react upon preservation in nutritive solutions, Avalance cultivar being remarked with positive difference of all studied characteristics in comparison with control (Merci cultivar preserved in sink water). The interaction of the two experimental factors pointed out the Avalance and Samba Romanian cultivars which in Chrysal preservative solution recorded very significant differences in comparison with control, for all the three studied characteristics. Conclusion. For all those consumers who have the possibility to purchase Romanian roses, Avalance and Samba cultivars can be recommended because in Chrysal preservative solution their decorative period in vase was 19.5 days. References 1. Lazăr V., Cantor Maria, Sima Rodica, Gocan Tincuța and Rad G. (2010). Researches concerning the beaviour of some rose cultivars as cut flowers in nutritive solutions. Bul. USAMV Cluj-Napoca, 67(1):368-374. 2. Wagner St. (2010). Trandafirul cu parfum. Ed. Napoca Stat, Cluj-Napoca. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 261 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry PRELIMINARY RESEARCH REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF VERMICOMPOST ON APHID CONTROL IN FRUIT GROWING Laura Ioana MACAVEI1, Mihai LAZAR2*,Viorel MITRE2, Mircea VARGA1 and Ion OLTEAN1 1 Department of Environment and Plant Protection, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 2 Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: black cherry aphid, Myzus cerasi F., organic orchard, worm tea Introduction. Black cherries aphid is a pest which has as primary host plant sweet and sour cherry tree. It’s attack affects most the meristems area. In case of a strong attack the power of growing and fructification of trees decreases. Aims. Because there is a concern of the consumer for healthy the tendency of manufacturers is moving towards sustainable agriculture. Vermicompost is a product that answer to this demand. Due to the complex chemical composition it can be used both as a fertilizer, and pesticide. Application of liquid extract of vermicompost on a population of Myzus cerasi F. may influence the aphid development. The aim of this work is to study the influence of vermicompost as insecticide. Materials and Methods. The experiment was conducted in laboratory conditions. On infested branches with black cherries aphids, three different concentrations of liquid vermicompost were applied. The variants were separated by an insulator made from solid framework covered with gauze and each of them consisted in three replicates. The data was registered at 24h, 48h, 72h when the number of dead individuals was rated and at seven days when both alive and dead individuals were counted. Results. The highest number of dead specimens was recorded at seven days after treatment application for each variant. Regarding the effect of liquid vermicompost concentration, the highest mortality was obtained in variant 2 (1:5) with a percentage of 82.72%. Variant 3 follows with the most concentrated solution of vermicompost, but a lower percentage73,84%.In variant 1 the mortality was 67.31% which represents the lowest value registered. Conclusion. According to the results we concluded that vermicompost extract may reduce the density of aphid population found in organic orchard but also in the conventional ones. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 262 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry ALLERGENIC AND TOXIC COMPOUNDS IN FLOWERING PLANTS Cristina MIRCEA (ARSENE)1* and Lucia DRAGHIA1 1 Department of Floriculture. Faculty of Horticulture. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Ion Ionescu de la Brad Iasi. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: allergenicity, biosecurity, flowering plants, pathogenicity, toxicity Introduction. Various biosynthesised compounds from flowering plants can be harmful to man, throughout a plant’s entire life cycle or only during certain moments, present in all of its organs or restricted only to some. Interdisciplinary research regarding plant toxins and allergens are being conducted worldwide, aiming to prevent the production of diseases. Aims. The research aimed to phytochemically classify vegetal compounds with toxic and allergenic characteristics found in flowering plants, to identify the main pathogenic pathways through which these compounds act and to come up with recommendations regarding cultivation techniques and valorification of flowering plants. Materials and Methods. The study focuses on ornamental plants in both spontaneous and cultivated flora, in protected or unprotected spaces. The main research methods employed were bibliographical study, data analysis and synthesis, the collection and processing of statistical data. The main information sources were: national and international scientific literature, FDA and WHO data and international databases. Results. The current research includes vegetal allergens in the toxic vegetal substances group, from the perspective of modern definitions of toxicity. Based on phytochemical criteria, a classification of toxic vegetal compounds (including allergens) was achieved, also emphasising the main pathogenic effects. Correlated to the commercial practices in Romania, the risks for ambient health were identified, both at the work place, at home and in the public space. Conclusion. Flowering plants can be dangerous to man’s health. The majority of toxic and allergenic substances (excluding pollens) are secondary metabolism compounds. Given these risk factors to health, it is necessary to impose health and safety regulations at work, to inform the general population regarding potential negative effects and to commercialize plants with detailed labels which should contain warnings about the risk of diseases or the aggravation of existing ones. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 263 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry STATE OF VEGETATION IN OAK STANDS, DURING THE LAST FIVE YEARS, IN NORTHWESTERN TRANSYLVANIA Mircea MOLDOVAN1*, Aurel RODILĂ1, Valentin LUPȘAN1, Radu CARADAN1 and Marin GHEORGHE1 1 Forest Research and Management Institute Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] * Keywords: NFI, oak stands, state of vegetation Introduction. Present paper presents the results of inventories obtained, according to the NFI (National Forest Inventory) methodology, in polls located in the North-Western Transylvania, on the trees health, during 2008 and 2012. Aims. These inventories provide data on forest vegetation across the area under study, including data about trees health in sample surfaces covered with measurements. Materials and Methods. State of vegetation was observed in sample areas covered by NFI teams in the North West of Transylvania, covering all existing landforms in the area: plains, hills and mountains. Results. In the study area were inventoried a number of 330526 trees. In the plain area, 0.78% dead trees, 18,88 healthy trees, 071% low affected trees, 0.35% medium affected trees, 0.15% strongly affected trees and 0.10, very strong affected trees. In hilly percentages are as follows: 1.17% dead trees, 25.59% healthy trees, 1.09% low affected trees, 0.58% medium affected trees, 0.27% strongly affected trees and 0.15% very strong affected trees; in mountain area percentages are 3.15% dead trees, 43.86% healthy trees, 1.76% low affected trees, 0.88% medium affected trees, 0.35% strongly affected trees and 0.16% very strong affected trees. Conclusion. All data presented was collected by four teams from Cluj, Bistrita (two teams) and Oradea during 2008 and 2012 when the first cycle of inventory took place. At this time is in full swing inventories in the second cycle, the data obtained will be presented later. References 1. Marin G. (2013-2018). Instrucţiuni pentru lucrările de teren IFN 2. 2. Victor G., Ilie D. and Dorin D. (2004). Metode şi tabele dendrometrice. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 264 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry THE EFFECT OF BIOSTIMULATORS TREATMENT UPON SEED BREEDING OF ASTER NOVI – BELGII Mirela MURARIU (COJOCARIU)1*, Lucia DRAGHIA1 and Elena Liliana CHELARIU1 1 Faculty of Horticulture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Iasi, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Aster novi-belgii, BlackJak, Sprintene, breeding, bio stimulators Introduction. Species native to the east coast of North America, Aster novi - belgii has been introduced and naturalized in almost whole Europe, including Romania. Considered the "the king of Aster", A. novi-belgii is one of the species commonly found in the gardens of the Romanian villages. Sturdiness, hardiness and flowering abundance make this species spread among the assortment of ornamental plants used in gardens. It is very suitable for placement in groups and other floral arrangements. Aims. This paper aims to analyze the influence of different treatments on seed germination of Aster novi-belgii and plant behavior in crops. Materials and methods. The biological material used was the Aster novi-belgii seeds collected from the Floriculture discipline collection plants, Faculty of Horticulture. Mother plants were from Marginea village, Suceava County. The experimental scheme includes four variants; one was the control with untreated seeds and three others that have used various seed treatments (12 hours in distilled water, 1,5 hours in BlackJak solution 5 mL/1 L, 4 hours in Sprintene solution 1 mL/1 L). During researches there have been made observations and determinations on seed germination, plant growth and development. Results. The germination period was shorter in seeds subjected to various treatments compared to the control, where it was 12 days. The soaked seeds have sprung in 7 days, those treated with BlackJak in 6 days, and in the version where Sprintene was applied in 9 days. Best germination percentage was obtained in the variant where the seeds were treated with BlackJak. Average plant height and number of leaves per plant showed higher values in the Sprintene seeds treatment. Conclusion. Bio stimulating substances treatment of Aster novi-belgii seeds contributed to an increase in the germination percentage and in obtained plant sturdiness. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 265 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry STUDY OF AGE INFLUENCE OF SEEDLING AND PLANT PERIOD ON THE PRODUCTION OF FENNEL (FOENICULUM VULGARE VAR. AZORICUM) Valeria Ioana NEACŞU1, Alexandru Silviu APAHIDEAN1* and Anca Mariana HUSTI1 1 University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, 3-5 Manastur Street, Cluj-Napoca, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: fennel, planting period, seedling age Introduction. Foeniculum vulgare is an annual edible herb in the Apiaceae family, which in Romania, only grows cultivated, being found mainly in Dobrogea Plain, Oltenia Plain, Cris, Timis, Baragan, Moldova (Indreea et al., 2013). Fennel has a pivoting root, cylindrical stem, leaves pinnate-section and small yellow flowers. Flattened conical shaped bulb is 40-45% plant weight. To ensure a greater production of leaves and seeds, sprouts can be shortened after a while, thus causing their ramification. (Small and Deutsch, 2001). Aims. Determination of necessary conditions for establishing the fennel culture in the north area of the Transylvanian Plateau and the influence of seedling age and planting period on fennel production. Materials and methods. Seedlings were produced in nutritive cubes of fennel varieties Foeniculum variety azoricum, in three seeding periods at a distance of 10 days at a depth of 23 cm. Have been conducted observations and measurements in field, obtaining phenological data, dynamics of plant growth, quantitative and qualitative data. Results:. Fennel plant height had a mean value above / below standard production quality of fennel in Romania. Harvests are satisfactory, given the ecological character of culture, and the fact that there are not used chemical fertilizers or different substances for the prevention or treatment of disease or pest. Conclusion. From real analysis of the evolution of climatic factors, it follows that within the Transylvanian Plateau offers good conditions for growing Florence fennel in solar. Acknowledgements. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765. References 1. Indrea D, Apahidean S., Apahidean M., Măniuţiu D. and Sima R. (2013). Vegetable culture, Ceres Press, Bucharest. 2. Small.E and Deutsch G. (2001). Culinary herbs for short season gardeners, National Research Council of Canada Reprographic Services, Canada. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 266 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry ASPECTS OF ORNAMENTAL VALUE OF VINCA MAJOR 'VARIEGATA' AND ARABIS CAUCASICA DEEP ROSE SPECIES IN DIFFERENT SYSTEMS OF CULTURE Roxana NEGREA1*, Lucia DRAGHIA1 and Gheorghii CIOBOTARI1 1 Department of Horticulture. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, IAȘI. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywors: Vinca major ‘Variegata’, Arabis caucasica ‘Deep rose’, substrate, green roofs Introduction. The green roofs represent a way of landscape architecture, which combines aesthetics with the ecological functions of these types of arrangements. Aesthetics and especially the functionality of such an area are primary aspects, anchored in determining the selection of the most suitable systems of culture.To achieve this goal, has been performed a comparative analysis on the behavior of the Vinca major 'Variegata' and Arabis caucasica 'Deep Rose' plant grown in conainers in three types of substrates placed on the roof and at ground level. Aims. This paper aims to analyze the influence of some culture systems on growth and development for specimens of Vinca major ‘Variegata’ and Arabis caucasica ‘Deep Rose’. Materials and methods. The biological material used was composed of mature individuals of Vinca major 'Variegata' and Arabis caucasica 'Deep Rose', purchased from nurseries profile. The experimental scheme consists of three version, each with three repetitions in which different types of culture substrates were used: forest soil (control version); novobalt 43%, coconut 30%, 23% composted bark, alginate 4%; 40% blond peat, peat brown 30%, 10% sand and 20% forest soil. The experiment was identical fitted to both ground and roof, where the plants benefited of rooting and growth stimulator fertilization. Results. The results revealed that the culture systems and substrate composition had a decisive effect on the plant growth and development, compared to the control version. The best growth rate was obtained from version composed by novobalt 43% coconut 30%, 23% composted bark, alginate 4%. In addition to these considerations plant layout was performed in an aesthetic manner in order to achieve harmonious compositions not only in flowering periods but for shapes and colors. Conclusion. The planting of Vinca major 'Variegata' and Arabis caucasica 'Deep Rose' in different cultivation systems and on different types of substrates led to a differentiated growth and development, with better results when using the substrate consisting of novobalt 43% coconut 30% , composted bark 23%, 4% alginate. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 267 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry PRISTIPHORA ABIETINA CHRIST., DEFOLIATOR IN RESINOUS FOREST STANDS OF LUNCA BRADULUI FORESTRY DEPARTMENT Ion OLTEAN1, Alexandru BEXA1, Teodora FLORIAN1 and Mircea Ioan VARGA1* 1 Department of Environment and Plant Protection. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: monitoring, Pristiphora abietina Christ., soil survey Introduction. Small Spruce Sawfly Pristiphora abietina Crist. is a dangerous pest and creates major problems in resinous stands in all European countries (Holuša and Drápela, 2006; Holuša and Lubojacký, 2007). In our country in the last years it has spread with great rapidity and raises issues regarding the protection of spruce located outside natural vegetation area (Tăut et al, 2011). Aims. Monitoring Pristiphora abietina Christ. Species în six Production Units from Lunca Bradului Forestry Department and its population density evaluation during 2012-2013. Materials and Methods. For assessing the areas of resinous stands damaged by Pristiphora abietina Christ. during May and June were detected all surfaces where the presence of attack was reported. On the infested surfaces we have evaluated the population density, by making soil surveys under the projection of the crown, where they were counted the larvae sheltered for diapause. For this action, in the last decade of August or the first days of September, in each infested plot were randomly chosen three trees, evenly spaced in the parcel at which have been made three soil surveys, on the depth of 10 cm. Results. Forests belonging to Lunca Bradului Forestry District are located in the north-east of Mureş County the upper course of Mureş River having a surface of 24591.32 ha. forest fund contains six production units (P.U.). At the level of forest district, the species Pristiphora abietina Christ. was reported in 139 parcels, located in all production units. Infested area is 621.3 ha, representing 2.55% of the total forest. At the level of production unit proportion of infested the areas is between 1.1% în Production Unit I and 4.9% in Production Unit IV. In assessing the population density, the average number of larvae per square meter reported in surveys under the projection of a tree ranged from 1.2 larvae / m² and 34.2 larvae / m². Conclusion. Following the studies it was found that Pristiphora abietina Christ. is present in all sites of Lunca Bradului forestry district but infested areas are reduced. Is necessary to monitor the species all over the resinous forest stands, pure or mixed, to assess population density and taking the necessary measures to control this insect pest. References 1. Holuša, J. and Drápela K. (2006). Yellow sticky boards: a possible way of monitoring little spruce sawfly (Pristiphora abietina) (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae). Journal of Forest Science. 52(1):13-21. 2. Holuša, J.and J. Lubojacký (2007). Correlation between flight activity of sawflies Pristiphora abietina, P. saxesenii, P. gerula and P. leucopodia (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) and spruce (Picea abies) bud breaking in Eastern Czech Republic. Journal of Forest Science. 53:69-73. 3. Tăut I., V. Simonca and L. Holonec (2011). Detection and prognosis defoliators Tortrix viridana and Pristiphora abietina in the northwestern Transylvania forests. Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Horticulture 68(1):469-473. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 268 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry EFFECT OF FERTILIZATION ON YIELD AND QUALITY OF BIOMASS OF QUINOA AND GREEN AMARANTH Panayiota PAPASTYLIANOU1*, Eleni TSIPLAKOU2, Ioanna KAKABOUKI3, Ilias TRAVLOS1, Dimitrios BILALIS1, Dimitra HELA3 and George ZERVAS2 1 Department of Crop Science. Agricultural University of Athens, Greece. Department of Animal Science and Aquaculture. Agricultural University of Athens,Greece. 3 Department of Business Administration of Food and Agricultural Enterprises, University of West Greece. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] 2 Keywords: Amaranthus retroflexus, biomass quality, Chenopodium quinoa, fertilization, yield Introduction. Quinoa and amaranth are highly nutritious plants traditionally grown in the Andean highlands. Their seeds have a high protein content with abundance of essential amino acids and a wide range of vitamins and minerals (Gonzalez et al., 2012). Bhargava et al. (2010) reported that the foliage of many species of Chenopodium, including Chenopodium album and Chenopodium quinoa, is a rich source of minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium and iron. Moreover, limited data is available regarding the fodder quality of the crops (Kakabouki et al., 2014). Aims. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of organic and inorganic fertilization on yield and fodder quality of quinoa and green amaranth crop, under Mediterranean semiarid conditions. Materials and Methods. The experiment was laid out in a split-plot design with two replicates, two main plots [quinoa and green amaranth] and four sub-plots (fertilization treatments: control, inorganic fertilization, compost and cow manure). For the computation of dry weight and height, 10 plants were randomly selected in each plot. The biomass samples were analyzed for contents of dry matter, crude protein, ash, crude fat and acid detergent fibre. Results. The results indicated a clear superiority of quinoa over amaranth in height and dry matter, while there were no differences in the nutritional value of biomass between the two species. In general, fertilization had a positive impact on growth and yield of both species. Fertilization with compost showed higher values in most quality traits of biomass in the quinoa crop, while inorganic fertilization had better results in amaranth. Conclusion. The results of this study suggest that quinoa and green amaranth crops could be used as an alternative feed over spring legumes in dry-warm Mediterranean areas. References 1. Gonzalez J. A., Konishi Y., Bruno M., Valoy M. and Pradoc F. E. ( 2012). Interrelationships among seed yield, total protein and amino acid composition of ten quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) cultivars from two different agroecological regions. J. Sci. Food. Agric. 92:1222–1229. 2. Bhargava A., Shukla S. and Ohri D. (2010). Mineral composition in foliage of some cultivated and wild species of Chenopodium. Span. J. Agric. Res. 8(2):371-376. 3. Kakabouki I., Bilalis D., Karkanis A., Zervas G., Tsiplakou E. and Hela D. (2014). Effects of fertilization and tillage system on growth and crude protein content of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.): An alternative forage crop. Emir. J. Food Agric. 26(1):1824. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 269 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry THE INFLUENCE OF THINNING AGENT ON BASE OF 6-BA AND NAA ON PRODUCTIVITY AND FRUIT QUALITY OF „GALA MUST” VARIETY Ananie PESTEANU* Faculty of Horticulture. State Agrarian University of Moldova, Republic of Moldova. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Apple, 6-BA and NAA, size classes, thinning, yield Introduction. Chemical thinning of pome fruits is important measure for the profitable agricultural production of fruits. Chemical thinning provides a good yield potential for the following vegetation (Šebek, 2014).Thinning the apple crop during the post bloom period is absolutely essential to ensure large fruit size, superior fruit quality, and reliable annual cropping (Bregoli et al. 2006, Greene, 2002). Aims. To evaluate the influence of thinning agent on base of 6-benzyladenine (6-BA) and naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) in reducing fruit set and quality in Gala Must apple trees. Materials and methods. The experimental plot was founded in 2006 with trees of „knip boom” canopy type. The study subject of the experience was Gala Must apple variety grafted on M 9 weak vigor rootstock. The trees were trained as slender spindles. The distance of plantation is 3.5 x 1.2 m. The tested agent was combination of 6-BA and NAA, (preparation Dira Max LG). The preparation was sprayed on the trees either one time, when the king fruit diameter was 10-15 mm. Results. The research was conducted during the period of 2011 year. During the research, it was studied the number of blossom clusters before thinning degree, fruit at harvest time, yield, mean fruit weight, average fruit diameter, size classes based on their diameter and the number of pygmy fruits. It was established that, the good effect of thinning was noticed after spray with preparation Dira Max LG in dose of 2.5 l/ha. Conclusion. The treatment in dose of 2.5 l/ha of Dira Max LG has a significant effect on yield, mean fruit weight and positively influenced fruit size, the distribution of apples in size classes. References 1. Bregoli A.M., Fabbroni C., Vancini R., Galliano A., Costa G. (2006). Results obtained on the efficacy of 6-BA alone, and in combination with other thinning agents from different apple producing areas of Northern Italy. Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research. 14:23-38. 2. Greene D.W. (2002). Chemicals, timing and environmental factors involved in thinner efficacy on apple. HortScience. 37:477-481. 3. Šebek G. (2014). Application of NAA and BA in Chemical Fruit Thinning of Autochthonous Cultivars of Apple. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. 4: 21-28. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 270 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry RESEARCHES REGARDING THE AGROTEHNIC BEHAVIOR OF PERSPECTIVE ELITES OBTAINED AT SCDVV BLAJ Daniela POPESCU1*, Mariana LUPEAN1, Maria ILIESCU1, Cristian Claudiu CRISTEA1 and Maria COMŞA1 1 Reasearch Station for Viticulture and Enology, Blaj, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: agrotehnic behaviour, clonale elites, hybrid elites Introduction. SCDVV Blaj has a long tradition on research of improving wine grape varieties, an activity that continues as the assortment for wine and table grapes must be enhanced with grape varieties with superior qualities and resistance to disease and frost, requested more intensive by those who establishes vineyards. Aims. Were performed both sexed intraspecific hybridization and clonale selection in order to obtain new varieties and clones with superior qualities of provenance varieties. Materials and Methods. In the competition culture of SCDVV Blaj was tested hybrid elites: 5-25 (Traminer roz x Iordană) and 11-26 (Fetească regală x Muscat Ottonel) and from the test field were selected clonale elites: 18-11 Pinot gris and 17-49 Fetească regală. These elites have been studied during 2012-2013 period and reported on a reference system consisting of control varieties. Results. Hybrid elites studied had good behavior with good value sugar/acidity/production ratio. Of clonale elites was remark 18-11 from qualitative point of view since has accumulated the greatest amount of sugars, with a good sugar / acidity ratio. In terms of productivity, it is noted 17-49 clonale elite who obtained the highest yield. Conclusion. The clonale elite 18-11 Pinot gris and 5-26 hybrid elite will be proposed for homologation. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 271 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry DEVELOPMENT OF GENOMIC RESOURCES FOR SILVER FIR (ABIES ALBA MILL.) TO UNDERSTAND THE EVOLUTION OF SPECIES IN THE CONTEXT OF CLIMATE CHANGE Dragoş POSTOLACHE1,2*, Bruno FADY3 and Giovanni Giuseppe VENDRAMIN2 1 2 Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy Institute of Biosciences and BioResources, National Research Council (CNR), Firenze, Italy 3 INRA, UR629 Ecologie des Forêts Méditerranéennes (URFM), Avignon, France * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: NGS, Transcriptome, EST-SSRs, SNPs, Silver fir Introduction. Silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) is a widespread European conifer. It is a keystone species of many mountain forest ecosystems with high ecological and economic value. Peripheral Abies alba populations, in particular at the southern edge of the distribution, are expected to be the most affected by climate change due to their small population size, fragmented distribution and bio-geographical position. These observations raise several issues regarding the short-term dynamics of Abies alba in response to climate change and the potential of local populations for cooping with changing climate. Aims. Recently the availability of next-generation sequencing (NGS) and more specifically the transcriptome sequencing creates new opportunities for identifying genomic regions involved in local adaptation. As Abies alba is not a model species, there is a lack of genomic resources available for studying molecular basis of adaptation and demography with high resolution. The main goal was to develop genomic resources for Abies alba to support research activities in Silver fir and potentially in other fir species. Material and Methods. 454 Transcriptome, Illumina Transcriptomes, transcriptome derived EST-SSRs. Results. Genomic resources have been developed based on a 454 transcriptome and 12 Illumina transcriptomes. We detected 3838 putative transcriptome derived EST-SSRs. The observed frequency of EST-SSRs in Abies alba is 0.49%, with an overall distribution density of 309.24 SSRs per Mb. Two 8-plexes of 16 transcriptome derived EST-SSRs were assembled and their characteristics are reported (Postolache et al 2014). The cross-transferability among 17 fir species of the newly developed EST-SSRs was high and reflected the degree of relatedness among taxa. Conclusion. Newly developed genomic resources allowed to design EST-SSRs that will permit to quantify and understand neutral genetic diversity. SNP discovery across genes related to drought stress will permit to infer local adaptation in Silver fir populations located in the southern peripheral species distribution range. References 1. Postolache D., Leonarduzzi C., Piotti A., Spanu I., Roig A., Fady B., Anna Roschanski, Sascha Liepelt and Vendramin G. G. (2014). Transcriptome versus genomic microsatellite markers: highly informative multiplexes for genotyping Abies alba Mill. and congeneric species. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 32(3):750-760. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 272 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry STUDIES ON THE ANALYSIS OF MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS FROM A RANGE OF LATE CABBAGE CULTIVARS CULTIVATED IN THE FIELD CONDITIONS AT THE DIDACTIC STATION TIMISOARA (ROMANIA) Gheorghe POȘTA1, Viorel BERAR1 and Marius BALINT1* 1 Department of Horticulture. Faculty of Horticulture and Forestry. Banat's University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine "King Mihai I of Romania" from Timisoara, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: late cabbage, hybrids, morphological characteristics, field conditions Introduction. White cabbage is cultivated for the heads, which are consumed as fresh salads, in different culinary dishes and also preserved (pickled, dehydrated or frozen). It is intensely requested by the consumers due to its fine taste and rich chemical composition [1]. Cabbage nutritive value as fresh or preserved product derives from the high level of carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins which are almost entirely used in the human metabolism. Aims. Economically speaking, growing cabbage proves to be efficient and lucrative due to high yields at the surface unit. Cabbage represents one of the species that can be grown both as first or successive crop. Materials and Methods. The biological material used in our experiment was represented by 8 late cabbage cultivars. These are: Delight Ball F1, Bourbon F1 (Nickerson-Zwaan – Holland), 1414 F1, 1415 F1, NIZ 14-1434 F1, CRX 13019 F1 (Cora-Seeds S.R.L. – Italy), Iprodione Meponil and Aca 09 K. These were included in single factor comparative culture with variants arranged according to random block method. The cultivars were studied in terms of their characters and traits: plant weight and head weight, respectively, head height, head diameter, shape index, efficiency, head density and head volume [2,3]. Results. The production potential or yield capacity represents the maximum level of useful vegetal mass from economic view, and that can be produced by a genotype in optimal conditions of growth and development [2,3]. Conclusion. On the ground of the experimental results regarding the yield performances of all late cabbage cultivars cultivated in field conditions at Didactic Station Timisoara, in year 2014, we may draw the following conclusions: mean weight for cabbage heads ranged between 1,393 kg (CRX 13019 F1) and 1,911 kg in Delight Ball hybrid; the cabbage head efficiency was high (over 70%) to cultivars 1414 F1, Aca 09 K and Delight Ball F1; for Delight Ball F1, Iprodione Meponil and Aca 09 K, it could be observed a simple correlation and high significance between head weight and head volume. References 1. Indrea D. et al. (2007). Cultura legumelor. Editura CERES. Bucureşti. 2. Poșta Gh. and Berar V. (2008). Studies on the analysis of morphological characters from range of late cabbage hybrids cultivated in the field conditions. Bulettin UASVM, Horticulture 65(1):153-156. 3. Poșta Gh., Berar V. and Balint M. (2013). Research concerning the behaviour of some late cabbage hybrids in field conditions at the Didactic and Research Station in Timisoara (Romania). Journal of Horticulture, Forestry and Biotechnology 17(2):197-200. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 273 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry FRACTAL ANALYSIS OF TRUNK BARK IN RELATION TO AGE OF TREES: CASE STUDY IN PLUM Florin SALA1* and Marius BOLDEA2 1 Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine "Regele Mihai I al României" from Timisoara, Romania 2 Mathematics and Statistics, Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “Regele Mihai I al României” from Timisoara, Timișoara, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: bark, fractal geometry, BFTA model, plum, trunk Introduction. Biological structures have fractal properties and can be considered as approximate fractals (Mandelbrot, 1983). A number of studies have used fractal analysis to study the different textures and shapes (Backes and Bruno 2010; Culbert et al., 2012; Zhao et al., 2013). Fractal analysis was also used for characterization of plant species based on measurable fractal properties as fractal dimensions (D) (Bruno et al., 2008; Cope et al., 2012; Du et al., 2012). Aims. Starting from general considerations on fractal properties of the biological world, the present research aimed fractal geometry analysis of trunk bark of plum trees in various stages of age. Materials and Methods. The investigation methods used fractal analysis based on boxcounting method to obtain the fractal properties of trunk bark of plum trees in different age groups. Results. Fractal analysis allowed for properties of fractal geometry of trunk plum trees in 6 age groups, between 10 and 50 years. Fractal dimensions (D) had a variation between 1.852 ± 0.036 and 1.949 ± 0.064 in relation to age of trees. The relationship between the fractal dimension (D) and trees age have been described by a polynomial equation of degree 2, with high statistical certainty (p <0.001, R2 = - 0.856). Based on the results, Bark Fractal Tree Age (BFTA) model was proposed to assess age of trees based on trunk bark fractal properties. Conclusion: Fractal analysis facilitated evaluation of plum bark geometry and extracting their fractal properties. A mathematical model described the relationship between fractal dimension (D) and age of trees. Fractal analysis can be a tool for development of non-destructive methods to analyze the temporal and spatial variation of plant properties. References 1. Backes A.R. and Bruno O.M. (2010). Shape classification using complex network and Multi-scale Fractal Dimension, Pattern Recognition Letters 31:44–51. 2. Zhao Y., Jia W., Hu R-X. and Min H. (2013). Completed robust local binary pattern for texture classification, Neurocomputing 106:68–76. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 274 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT CLONAL MATERIAL OF THE VARIETY RIESLING ON THE MINERAL COMPOSITION OF LEAVES Klaus SCHALLER1* 1 Institute of Applied Biology. University of Geisenheim, Germany.. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: clonal material, components of variance, leaf analysis, mineral nutrients, Riesling Introduction. Leaf analysis (LA) is widely used since years as a diagnostic tool in fruit cultures with special regard in viticulture. It is used evaluating nutritional status and fertilisation needs. LA is a conventional procedure, i.e. all factors influencing nutritional composition of leaves (training system, leaf position, sampling date, variety, bud load, spacing a.s.o.) have to be taken into account if there exists a significant impact (1). Only scarce information is available about the variability of leaf composition dependant on factors others than nutritional effects. Aims. Taking into account former experiments on leaf analysis with which different viticultural factors (bud load, variety etc.) were tested it is of great importance to look for the influence of clones on leaf composition, because use of clonal material is nowadays common practice. Inasmuch clones may have micro-mutations it is necessary to confirm that nutrient composition of leaves is not affected. Materials and Methods. Field trial on a sandy loam with 5 Riesling clones. Design: 7x7 experimental grid with 6 replications. Leaf sampling was done at full bloom, veraison and full ripeness. Leaf analysis followed common laboratory methods analysing N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn. Statistical analysis with help of a one and two way ANOVA and Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA). Results. During every sampling array existed no significant differences in all tested nutrients between clones. Nutrient composition differed significantly between all three sampling dates. Date as a source of variance is highly significant. Yield, must density and must acidity are significantly different between clones, nutrients are unaffected. It could be shown that the soil nutrient contents in 20-40 cm depth have significant effects on leaf nutrient contents (2). There are significant relationships between leaf nutrient and must quality. Conclusion. In the present research, we could show that the influence of clones on leaf composition is negligible and can be ignored for the interpretation of leaf analysis results. LA is getting considerably facilitated and safer. References 1. Bertoni G. and Morard P. (1982). Blade or Petiole Analysis as a Guide for Grape Nutrition. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 13 (8):593-605 2. Havlin J.L., Hardy, D.H., Gehl R.J. and Spayd S.E. (2012). Survey of Nutrient Status in Vitis vinifera Grapes in North Carolina. Comm. in Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 43:299-314 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 275 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry RESEARCH ON TWO DRIVERLESS VEHICLES IN THE VINEYARD Hans-Peter SCHWARZ1 1 Department of viticultural engineering. Geisenheim University, Germany. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: robotics, steep slope, vineyard Introduction. To ensure the continuation of the cultivation of world cultural heritage steep slope vineyards and to help to decrease serious accidents happening every year in these vineyards, the project “Development of a Self Propelled Accessory Equipment Carrier Vehicle to Support Work Processes in Steep Slope Vineyards” was carried out at the Technical Department of the Research Center Geisenheim. The second project is the construction of a carrier robot for a phenotyping platform for in field application to be used within the breeding program to save labour input. Aims. First a driverless vehicle working in steep slope vineyards should be created. In the second the project aims at implementing a robot for a phenotyping platform for in field application to be used within the breeding program. This platform will be used e.g. to estimate yield and to monitor resistance against mildew fungi. The autonomous robot to be developed should move through experimental and production vineyards, taking pictures. Tests will be made in viticultural practice for yield estimations. Materials and Methods. The construction of the vehicles was done by the “finite elements method”. Several software programs to control and guide the robots are subject of our own development. In the breeding program the pictures will be extracted for parameters describing yield and the phytosanitary status of the grapevine. The automated vehicle guidance system is based on a navigation system using global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), in this particular case in terms of real time kinematic NAVSTAR GPS. For using the GNSS, a precise field mapping is required which is provided by a GIS system. Results. A) As a result several experimental vehicles, called “Geisi”, were built up and successfully tested in various steep slopes. To achieve the necessary traction, “Geisi” is equipped with plastic spiked roller wheels. Automatic or remote controlled steering allows the user to keep distance from the machine in risky conditions. B) By implementing automated triggered image acquisition on the field robot and subsequent automated analysis, the cost and labour effective monitoring of vineyards concerning mildew fungi and yield should become possible, resulting in an improved objectivity of the results. Conclusion. Additional accessory equipment modules for transport, mowing and plant protection turn “Geisi” into a multi-functional robot supporting steep slope winegrowers in the rationalization of their hard and challenging daily work. The final version of the phenotyping platform is helping vine breeders and vine growers to get more information about the plants in terms of yield and mildew fungi helping them to take better decisions on breed selections. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 276 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry THE INFLUENCE OF TECHNOLOGICAL INPUTS ON YIELD AND QUALITY TRAITS OF GREENHOUSE CABBAGE Rodica SIMA1, Dănut MĂNIUTIU1, Alexandru Silviu APAHIDEAN1, Maria APAHIDEAN1, Vasile LAZĂR1 and Nicuşor SIMA1* University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: head cabbage, fertilization, planting density Introduction. Head cabbage is an important source of carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and volatile substances with antibacterial properties. Cabbage belongs to the group of vegetables high in vitamin C (Gould et al., 2006) and antioxidant potential (Nilsson et al., 2006). Greenhouse crops provide market with fresh cabbage in the cold season. The head cabbage is a crop with high nutrient requirements to the nitrogen as well as potassium and phosphorus because it accumulates large vegetative biomass in a relatively short period (Atanasova et al., 2007). A balanced mineral nutrition and planting density are important factors which influence the yield and quality of head cabbage. Aims. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of technological inputs (mineral fertilization, planting density) on the yield and quality traits of head cabbage cultivated in greenhouse. Materials and Methods. The experiment was organized by randomized block design with three replications. Experimental factors were represented by planting density (62,500 pl ha-1 and 81,250 pl ha-1) and mineral fertilization doses (300 kg ha-1 Complex III 15-15-15 NPK, 400 kg ha-1 Complex III, 500 kg ha-1 Complex III and 300 kg ha-1 Complex III + Ferticare II 24-8-16 NPK). Results. Increase of planting density determined very significant cabbage yield increases. The highest yield was obtained with 500 kg ha-1 Complex III fertilization. The yield of cabbage was higher with increase of mineral fertilization doses but foliar fertilization did not determine yield increases when compared with control (300 kg ha-1 Complex III). The soluble solids were higher in the low planting density while total dry matter was higher in the high planting density. The vitamin C content of cabbage presented negative correlation with planting density. The highest head weight was obtained at low planting density. Conclusion. Greenhouse cabbage crop was evaluated as yield potential and head quality as influenced by planting density and fertilization. The highest yield was obtained both for the high planting density and high dose of mineral fertilization. References 1. Atanasova E., Mitova, I., Dimitrov I. and Stancheva I. (2007). Effects of different fertilizer sources on the quality of head cabbage. Journal of Applied Horticulture 9(1):7476. 2. Gould S., Tkesslee D.K. and King C.G., (2006). Vitamin C content of vegetables, V. Cabbage. J. Food Sci. 1(5):427–434. 3. Nilsson J., Olsson K., Engqvist G., Ekvall J., Olsson M., Nyman M. and Akesson, B. (2006). Variation in the content of glucosinolates, hydroxycinnamic acids, carotenoids, total antioxidant capacity and low-molecular-weight carbohydrates in Brassica vegetables. J. Sci. Food Agr. 86:528–538. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 277 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry PILOT METHOD FOR PROPAGATING AN ASORTMENT OF MEDICINAL PLANTS USING WATER RETAINING STARCH POLYMERS Valentin SINGUREANU1*, Gelu MOLDOVAN1, Ioana NEACŞU1 and Anca HUSTI1 1 Department of Horticulture and Landscape Design. Faculty of Horticulture. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Salvia officinalis, Mentha × piperita, Rosmarinus officinalis, starch, cutting Introduction. Salvia officinalis, Mentha × piperita and Rosmarinus officinalis are one of the most important cultivated medicinal plants used in different pharmacological extracts considered valuable trades on international medicinal plant market. The specified market is continually increasing, with high demands for quantity and especially quality of cultivated plants (Lange, 1998). In order to produce high quality medicinal plants we most consider an optimum plant propagating protocol. Aims. Taking into account the dynamic trade of medicinal plants and their consisting demand worldwide the present paper discus the possibility of producing medicinal plants cutting in a new type of reusable organic substrate (starch polymer). Materials and Methods. Stem cuttings where obtained from mother plants produced in the greenhouse of the Ornamental Plants and Floriculture Department, USAMV Cluj-Napoca. The experimental plot was emplaced in the same greenhouse during 12.12.2013 - 06.02.2014. The experimental factors consisted in: biological material - Salvia officinalis, Mentha × piperita and Rosmarinus officinalis, substrate - perlite and starch polymer, shading material un-shade experimental variants and shaded experimental ones. All the combining experimental factors (12) where emplaced in 2 repetitions. During the experimental period the following microclimate observation where made on decades: RH (%), environmental temperature, substrate temperature (ºC), environmental light intensity above and under the shading material (lux). At the end of the experiment all cuttings where photographed and biometrical measured using C.A.D. techniques. Results. Salvia officinalis and Rosmarinus officinalis cuttings obtained higher rooting percents on perlite rather the starch polymer that cumulated water without slow releasing to young roots. Microclimate conditions showed a direct correlation environmental temperature and substrate temperature, observing that the starch polymer substrate cumulated higher temperatures due to its intense transparency and local greenhouse effect. Mentha × piperita cuttings didn’t performed as expected in any kind of experimental variant. Conclusion. Starch polymer substrate didn’t performed as expected in any kind of experimental combinations considering its usage in further experiments as an element in a substrate mixture for its grate water holding capacity. References 1. Lange D. (1998). Europe's medicinal and aromatic plants: their use, trade and conservation. TRAFFIC International, Cambridge. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 278 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry ASPECTS REGARDING THE PROPAGATION OF THUJA OCCIDENTALIS ’COLUMNA’ USING DIFFERENT SUBSTRATES Anna-Mária SZÁSZ-LEN1*, Liviu HOLONEC1, Alina TRUTA1, Florin Alexandru REBREANU1 1 Department of Forestry. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine ClujNapoca, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: cuttings, Thuja occidenatalis ’Columna’, peat, sand, perlite Introduction. Plantations of ornamental trees inside the urban places: in gardens or in parks, around the buildings play an important role in ecology of human habitats. One of the most frecvently used ornamental tree species in Romania is Thuja occidenatalis ’Columna’, because it can be used in a wide variety of urban landscapes (Stelian, 1984). Aims. This paper adresses the study of propagation of Thuja occidenatalis ’Columna’ using differente categories of edaphic substrate. Materials and Methods. Choosing the ideal proportion and composition of edaphic substrate (Vlad et al., 2008) is crucial in the propagation of Thuja occidenatalis ’Columna’. Experiments were placed in the „Mihai Viteazu” Nursery Garden from Turda, in spring 2013. Types and mixtures of substrate used in the experiment are: V1: 100% peat; V2: 100% sand; V3: 50% peat + 50% perlite; V4: 50% peat +50% sand; V5: 50% sand + 50% perlite. Peat is used to improve the substrate structure and to increase water retention. The sand drains quickly and retains minerals efficiently. Horticultural perlite due to its porous structure has the ability to absorb water and then releasing it over a long time. Results. In order to obtain more meaningful results we planted 90 cuttings in each substrate type. Statistical analysis of the influence of rooting substrate on the number of roots formed on cuttings shows significantly positive differences in substrate V5. Conclusions. Final results indicate that V5 substrate is the best in production by cuttings of Thuja occidenatalis ’Columna’. Compared to control the best substrate, sand 50% + perlite 50% (V5) provides 100% rooting and 10.7 average numbers of roots per cuttings, with an average length 5.7 cm per cuttings after 83 days. References 1. Stelian R. (1984). Plantaţii de arbori şi arbuşti în oraşe şi sate, Editura CERES, Bucureşti. 2. Vlad M., Vlad I. and Mesterd G. (2008).The influence of the substrate on striking roots at the cuttings of Thuja occidentalis Danica. Bulletin UASVM-CN, Horticulture 65(1):494. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 279 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry PRELIMINARY TESTING OF SRAP PRIMERS IN ORDER TO ESTABLISH GENETIC DIVERSITY OF ASTRAGALUS EXSCAPUS L. SSP. TRANSSILVANICUS (BARTH) JAV. Katalin SZABO1*, Cristian Radu SISEA1, Rodica POP1, Monica BODEA1, Ioana Virginia PETRICELE1, Alexandru Sabin BĂDĂRĂU2 and Doru PAMFIL1 1 University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 2 Department of Geography, “Babeș-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Astragalus exscapus, genetic diversity, SRAP Introduction. Carpathian List of Endangered Species contains eight Astragalus species mentioned to be vulnerable or endangered. The endemic Astragalus exscapus L. ssp. transsilvanicus (Barth) Jav. is a rare perennial plant with 24 populations mapped in the Transylvanian basin. Aims. Analysis of the genetic diversity and structure of this threatened subspecies is an important prerequisite for conservation as it reflects the status and survival potential of populations (Lande, 1988), this is the main reason why our study is focused on eight different populations investigation. Materials and Methods. Sequence Related Amplified Polymorphism is a relatively new PCR based molecular marker (Li and Quiros, 2001) more reliable than Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD), being suitable for population structure analysis. Results. This study reports the testing of 64 SRAP primer combinations with the intent of selecting the most reliable ones for further analysis of Astragalus exscapus L. ssp. transsilvanicus (Barth) Jav. The PCR amplification products were tested on 2% agarose gel. A total number of 1480 DNA fragments were visualized by EtBr staining. Conclusion. Fourteen combinations were selected for further research. The most efficient primer combination was me8em3 which generated 42 visible bands. References 1. Lande R. (1988). Genetics and demography in biological conservation. Science 241:14551460. 2. Li G. and Quiros C. F. (2001). Sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP), A new marker system based on a simple PCR reaction: its application to mapping and gene tagging in Brassica. Theor. Appl. Genet. 103:455–461. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 280 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry THE IMPROVEMENT OF GENERAL USE GREEN SPACES AND LAWNS IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAIA MARE ACCORDING TO EUROPEAN STANDARDS Beatrice Agneta SZILAGYI1*, Monica MARIAN2, Oana MARE- ROŞCA2, Lucia MIHALESCU2 and Zorica VOŞGAN2 1 University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Horticulture, Cluj Napoca 2 Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca, Centrul Universitar Nord Baia Mare * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: landscape planning, population, urban green spaces, population Introduction. A major problem facing contemporary civilization is environmental degradation and hence the quality of life. Urban green spaces may be a solution for improving environmental conditions. They are an essential and utilitarian category in the functionality of localities, being represented by a complex system of architectural elements (the part that is built) and landscaping (design of green spaces through the use of vegetation). Urban green spaces as a result of the smaller spread of peri-urban ones require certain landscaping techniques. Urban green spaces are defined by the ability to improve the microclimate, noise reduction, their degree of utility, decoration of rest areas, recreation, leisure, sport, and their overall global aesthetic value (Ciupa, 2010).Normativele europene maximale au în vedere extinderea spaţiilor verzi din municipiul Baia Mare la 40m2/locuitor, reprezentând 598 ha până în anul 2015 (Bolea and Chira, 2009). Aims. The proposed study focuses on the analysis of current green spaces in Baia Mare in a European context. Materials and Methods. Taking as reference point the European regulations aimed at growth and development of urban green areas in Baia Mare, according to results obtained, observations made and data collected repeatedly (2009-2010), landscape planning of green spaces were conceived within each park that was analyzed for urban and environmental improvement. Results. Following the analysis undertaken in Queen Mary Park (3) Romanian Soldiers Monument Park (2) and Mara Park (1) landscaping bonds, valences, have materialized on the current function and destination of these three parks.The field observations were summarized, analyzed and interpreted in accordance with local climatic conditions and daily needs of the population. Based on these analyzes, proposals have risen for improving the life of the people living in the city of Baia Mare, by soliciting certain landscaping techniques. Conclusion. Through the application of landscape planning proposals, the everyday needs of the population of Baia Mare are being met; the aestheticization of the three parks Queen Mary Park (3), Romanian Soldiers Monument (2) and Mara Park (1) shall be accomplished, the quality of life is going to be improved and last but not least European norms are respected for the municipality of Baia Mare. References 1. Ciupa V. and all (2010). Cadrul natural şi peisagistic al municipiului Timişoara, Vol II. 2. Bolea V. and Chira D. (2009). Monitorizarea poluării prin bioindicatori-Programul de vecinătate România-Ucraina 2004-2006. Editura Cybela, Baia Mare. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 281 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry PRODUCTION OF ORGANIC SEEDS IN POLAND Magdalena SZPAKOWSKA1*, Roman HOŁUBOWICZ1 Poznań University of Life Sciences, Department of Plant Pathology, Seed Science and Technology, Seed Science and Technology Division, Poland *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: agricultural organic seeds, ecological seeds, horticultural organic seeds, organic seeds trade Introduction. Organic seeds are the ones which are produced without any fertilizers and pesticides, except those based on copper or sulphur. Since many years, one has been observing in Poland an increase in the number of farms producing organic food. Their owners can apply for direct payment from a special EU programme. Although in the EU, for organic food production one uses only 3-5% of the production fields, still the prognosis for the nearest years sais it will double. Since 2006, in the UE, there have been rules that all organic food must be produced from organic seeds. This rule, however, could be omitted if there is no cultivar on the market with genetic resistance to diseases or pests. Aims. By collecting data from 10 most important agricultural and horticultural Polish seeds companies, the picture was created about domestic offer of organic seeds in the years 20082014. Materials and methods. Five agricultural and 5 horticultural most important Polish seeds companies were selected to get information about their organic seeds production and trade offer. It was done through personal contacts with the people responsible for seeds company marketing. Results. In the years 2008-2010, 4 Polish seed companies offered organic seeds of vegetables and one of agricultural crops. In the years 2008-2014, 3 of them gave up production of the seeds. Only 2 Polish seeds companies, in 2014, offered organic seeds to organic farmers. These were “PlantiCo Zielonki” (20 species of vegetables, offer covers all important vegetables grown in Poland) and “Rolnas” (cereals and legumes). This was due to smaller and smaller demand from the market. Most of organic food producers in Poland no longer ask about organic seeds and use conventional cultivars. Conclusion. The present EU law regulations concerning organic food and seeds are not creating a market demand for organic seed production. This is because there is a shortage of cultivars for agriculture and horticulture with resistance or tolerance to diseases and pest. After change of the law, all responding seed companies claimed they would come back to the production of the seeds. References 1. Hołubowicz R. and Wojtasik J. (2009). Cost of organic and conventional production of common bean seeds (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Poland. Acta hort reg. 12:183-185. 2. Lampkin N.H. and Padel S. (1994). Organic farming: sustainable agriculture in practice. In: “The Economics of Organic Farming” (Editors: N.H. Lampkin and S. Padel) CAB: Wallingford, UK 3-8. 3. Liu Q. and Hołubowicz R. (2012). Use of Organic Seeds in Selected Farms in the Area of Lublin (Eastern Poland). Bull. UASVM Hort. 69:213-218. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 282 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry EFFECT OF FUNGICIDE TREATMENTS ON ACORNS HEALTH AND GERMINATION PERCENTAGE Vasile ŞIMONCA1*, Ioan TĂUT 1 and Florin-Alexandru REBREAN1 1 Departament of Foresty, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: fungicides, acorns, oak, nursery, germination Introduction. To study plant disease need to know that it symptomatic manifests, morphology and biology of the pathogen that causes mutual relations between the host plant and the pathogen, and the influence exerted by environmental conditions. In the fight against plant diseases are mainly preventive measures. Aims. Although currently on the market there are a variety of pesticides that meet these conditions, forestry is disfavoured regarding testing and approval and use of new products due to the small amounts of fungicides used, which makes the producers are not very interested in this field, the time necessary biological experiments and legislative restrictions encountered. Thus sought to determine the degree of impairment in nature pests of the acorn crop emergence percentage and seedling development in the first year of vegetation under the influence of prophylactic or curative treatments applied at sowing, using some new fungicides field. Materials and Methods. To control these pathogens were tested fungicides series of new generations. Tests made in several forest nurseries using acorn several origins and several species of the genus Quercus. Was treated before sowing acorns and watched the effect of these treatments] n health and seedling emergence percentage obtained. Results. Among the treatment options observed differences statistically provided. Some fungicides provide a significant increase compared with control variant. Conclusion. There is a significant increase in the percentage emergence treatments are applied curatively of 7 fungicides tested the effect it's differential treatment depending on the species, the health of the acorn, and the time of treatment. Improper storage of more than 10 days of moisture results in a loss of there is a significant increase in the percentage of germination. References 1. Bolea V., Crisan A. and Pătrăcoiu N. (1991). Vătămări cauzate de agentii criptogamici primordiilor florale şi ghindelor cu embrionul în formare la Quercus robur L., Q.petraea (Matt.) Liebl. şi Q.frainetto Ten. Revista Pădurilor, .4. 2. Prochazkova Z., Sikorova A and Peskova V. (2005). Preliminary observations on the occurrence of Ciboria batschiana (Zopf) Buchwald in the Czech Republic. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 283 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry DEFOLIATORS PRESENT IN HARDWOOD STANDS OF NORTHWESTERN TRANSYLVANIA AND THEIR FORECAST FOR 2014 Ioan TĂUT1,2, Vasile ŞIMONCA1, Liviu HOLONEC1, Tomescu ROMICA2, Alexandru COLISAR1 and Mircea MOLDOVAN2 1 University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca 2 Forest Research and Management Institute Keywords: stands, defoliators, prognosis Introduction. Hardwood stands of north-western Transylvania and beyond, are constantly subjected to stress factors such as biotic and abiotic nature. In the first category an important role have defoliating insects that produce periodic gradations, leading to partial or complete defoliation. Aims. Avoiding the destruction of stands from analyzed area, requires human intervention to maintain a balance, this being possible by monitoring defoliators biology and on the other hand, monitoring of the limiting factors of these pests. Materials and Methods. In order to determine the mode of action of defoliators, every year the procedure is to prepare the forecast for each stand, which involves gathering samples from control surfaces with reference to quality and quantity data about pests. Quantitative data refers to population density, the ratio between the number of insects per unit of measure that appropriate may be a tree, a branch, a bud or a surface (1). Qualitative data are represented by fecundity, depending on which stage sets gradation and sexual index (I), the ratio between the number of females (F) and total number of insects (F + M); I = F / F + M. Results. Forecast for spring 2014 was prepared for the stands from Forestry Department Cluj, Forestry Department Satu Mare, Forestry Department Oradea and Forestry Department Maramures and targeted defoliators Lymantria dispar and Tortrix viridana (2). After harvesting samples in the field, laboratory analysis and preparation of analysis reports, resulted that the Forestry Department where they will be conducted to combat is Oradea and the main pest is Lymantria dispar. Conclusion. Areas that will be conducted to combat zone, will be treated aerial, using selective insecticides that are inhibiting chitin and are accepted by both the European Union and the Forest Stewardship Council. Although the main defoliator is in the fourth phase of gradation by high population density (number per tree ponte high) resulted in a coefficient of infestation that led to inclusion of about 600 hectares in the combat zone. References 1. Simionescu A. and Mihalache Gh. (Coord). (2000). Protecţia pădurilor. RNP. Ed. Muşatinii. Suceava. 2. Ordinul nr. 454 din14 iulie 2003 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 284 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry RESEARCH CONCERNING THE VARIABILITY OF THE MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF LETTUCE FROM V.R.D.S. BUZAU GERMPLASM COLLECTION Eliza TEODORESCU1* 1 Vegetable Research and Development Station, Buzău, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: germplasm collection, Lactuca sativa L., lettuce Introduction. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is the most important crop in the group of leafy vegetables. Lately, the nutritionists recommend more often lettuce consumption because of its high content in vitamins, mineral salts, nutrient substances and low content in carbohydrates. Aims. Since 2011, at V.R.D.S. Buzau there were started preservation and valorization programs concerning the vegetable patrimony with phenotypic useful expression and high ecological plasticity. In this sense, the lettuce collection from VRDS contains over 30 accessions. This work presents the main characteristics of 10 accessions, wich are the most representative in this collection. Materials and Methods. The experiment took pace at V.R.D.S. Buzau during 2012-2013. From the lettuce germplasm collection, there were selected most representative 10 accessions. The culture was started by seedlings, that were sowed during the second decade of March and planting took place during the first decade of April (2014) and third decade of April (2013). The harvest was made at the beginning of June. The experiment was organized in open field according to the randomized blocks method with 3 repetitions. In order to analyze the results, there were used variance analysis, multiple comparison method (Duncan`s test) and data analysis from several years of experiments made on the same location (2013 and 2014). Results. The seedlings of V9 variant presented a delicate anthocyanin coloration since the first development period. The plat of this variant did not have head and also presented high anthocyanin coloration at consumption maturity. At V6 leafs were dark green with fimbriations on margins. In 2013 maximum leaf length at this variant surpassed 26cm, and maximum width was 32cm. At V7 there was observed a high anthocyanin coloration on the entire leaf surface during first development period. Subsequently, leaf base was green and the anthocyanin coloration could have been seen only on the superior half of the leaf and the exterior closed head. Plants weight varied between 504.33g at V6 in 2013 and 162.45g at V1 in 2014. Conclusion. During the two years of culture (2013 and 2014), years different from the meteorological point of view, there were registered significant differences between the studied variants in what it concerns the quantitative and qualitative characteristics. Acknowledgements. This work was co financed from A.D.E.R. 2020 Program, project A.D.E.R. 1.1.11. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 285 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry STUDIES ON SPIRAEA X VANHOUTEII PHENOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF SUN EXPOSURE Raluca TOMA1 and Dumitru ZAHARIA1* 1 Faculty of Horticulture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Spiraea x vanhouteii, phenological stages, urban environment Introduction. Today, phenology is considered to be the discipline that studies and observes the phases of plant and animal development or activity which have a periodic character and at the same time coincide with annual solar phases. There are some aspects that characterize phenology: observations are made directly on visible aspects of biological development; phases are cyclic, closely linked to the solar year; environmental factors affect timing and length of the phases; every species have its own growing phases determined by his genetic characteristics. Aims. Monitoring in situ woody plants development can offer the possibility to understand in which way environmental factors affect plant growth. Materials and methods. Research was conducted on the Spiraea x vanhouteii cultivar during the entire growing season for four years. Observations were made around Donath Street in Cluj-Napoca. Data about timing and length of phenological stages of shrubs with different sun exposure were collected. Results. Sun exposure affects growing stages, plants that were exposed more to direct sunlight begin their bud development earlier than those which hav been exposed to direct sunlight. The length of phenological stages doesn’t seem to be affected by the sun exposure. These have the same duration whether the shrub was or wasn’t in direct sunlight. Conclusion. The dataset recorded in this study allowed the analysis of phenological response to sun exposure. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 286 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry RESEARCH CONCERNING THE GERMINATION OF FORESTRY SEEDS USING DIFFERENT CHEMICALS Alina TRUŢA1*, Liviu HOLONEC1, Maria HOLDIŞ1, Anna-Mária SZÁSZ-LEN1 and Florin REBREANU1 1 Department of Horticulture. University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, RO * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: chemicals, container, germination, seed, seedlings Introduction. The nurseries are different technologies used to produce seedlings growing thru generative way (Kang, 1991; Li, 1992). Any technology is incorporated into the adopted seed seedbed, which should be favourable conditions for germination, emergence process (Sorg, 2010). Aims. This paper aims to stimulate seed germination study of Spruce (Picea abies) and Glade (Gleditsia triacanthos) using two types of edaphic substrate (peat and peat + sand) and various chemicals. Materials and Methods. As materials were used containers with one block of the sockets 60. The containers were placed in the greenhouse nursery Mihai Viteazu, from Turda Forest. Germination rates of seeds of Spruce and Glade were investigated by applying chemical treatments in several ways: (V1) - concentration of 20 grams per 0.5 liters of the calcium hydroxide, treated for 18 hours; (V2) - stimulating the growth paranitrofenolat concentrated aqueous solution (0.3%) treated for 8 hours; (V3) - aqueous solution containing the auxins (ANA, alpha-naphthylacetic acid) 9% ,treated for 8 hours; (V4) - concentration of 1 g in water 0.5 l of copper sulphate (Cu SO4) treated for 24 hours; (V5) - concentration of 1.25 g in 0.5 l water potassium permanganate (KMnO4), treated for 24 hours; (V6) - concentrated sulfuric acid (H2 SO4) for 30 minutes of treatment. Results:. The highest rate of germination was obtained in versions V2, V3, V4 and V6, and the lowest in versions V1 and V5. Research will be continued to determine any increases in diameter and height. Conclusions. Choice of chemical substances influence on germination processes and their application will increase the percentage of seedlings emergence retainer and species studied. References 1. Kang H. (1991). Recurrent selection, mating design, and effective population size. In: Proceedings 21st Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference June 1991, Knoxville, Tennessee. 129-143 2. Li B., Williams C. G., Carlson W. C., Harrington C. A. and Lambeth C. (1992). Gain efficiency in short-term testing: experimental results. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 22:290-297. 3. Sorg A., Bugmann H., Bollschweiler M., Stoffel M. (2010). Debris-flow activity along a torrent in the Swiss Alps: Minimum frequency of events and implications for forest dynamics. Dendrochronologia 28(4):215-223. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 287 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry PROBLEMATISATION, METHOD OF ACHIEVING TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER IN POMICULTURE Liana Maria VAC1, Sebastian-Călin VAC1*, Viorel MITRE1 and Ionel PAPUC1 1 University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine from Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Horticulture, Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: method, pomiculture, problematisation, Romania, technology transfer Introduction. Based on the problems facing our contemporary society, it is necessary to identify methods and modern techniques of teaching and learning, adapted to economic and social environment. This will facilitate both assimilation by students more easily of information, practical skills required to integrate more easily into the labor market, but will bring significant benefits to economic and social environment, providing graduates able to respond to actual challenges, which will lead to shorter periods of adjustment and integration in the workplace (Vac). Also, in this way will be facilitated technology transfer between academia and the social and economic environment, one of the basic approaches of contemporary society (Manolea, 2012). Aims. This research aims to highlight the role of problematisation in achieving technology transfer between academia and economic environment. Materials and methods. Materials used in the analysis consist of human resources (ie the students of Pomiculture discipline, the experts of anti-hail installations) and problem situations, ie concrete problems they face. The methods used will be the method of analysis and synthesis, and theoretical generalization method. Results. UASVM Cluj-Napoca, being a university with a strong practical and applied, with its own didactic experimental orchard where problem situations could be easily identified and were within a natural environment, they could be addressed and solved practical rather more easily, while developing students' practical skills for solving that will be useful in their future work. In this regard, the need to install the anti-hail installation represented the most actual and complex problem situation that has faced the students, being constantly guided by the expert in the field of anti-hail. Conclusion. Relying on concrete problem situations, problematisation is one of the most important methods of identifying and achieving technology transfer in pomiculture and not only. References 1. Vac, L.M. Problematisation, modern teaching method applied in pomiculture, PhD thesis in developing. 2. Manolea, Gh. (2012). Valorisation the creative potential of universities by innovation and technology transfer, AGIR Bulletin, University of Craiova. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 288 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPEMNT STRATEGIES FOR LIMITROPHE GREEN AREAS IN THE PROSPECT OF FUTURE URBAN EXPANSIONS Răzvan VASIU1*, Laura LUCA2 and Păuniţa BOANCĂ1 1 University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania; 2 Research Institute for Analytical Instrumentation Cluj-Napoca, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: landscape, master plan, sustainable urbanism Introduction. The urban growth following the economic "boom" of the years 2005-2009 has left cities throughout Romania in a chaotic and confused state. The lack of integrated and interconnected urban developments, the lack of urban functions, public or green spaces have all led to inequality and poor life quality for everyone. While some harm is already done, it is now possible to formulate sustainable development strategies for dysfunctional areas of cities. Aims. Taking a specific limitrophe green and drafting a master plan that includes strategies for integrating an otherwise discarded piece of land, while meeting the present needs of the neighbouring residents and at the same time providing the means of a future urban development interconnected with, and around this site. Materials and Methods. The method used consists in simultaneously interpreting 4 specific layers, relevant for the studied site, namely the former RADP plant nursery in the Gheorgheni area of Cluj-Napoca- studying future development plans for the area surrounding the site (PUG); a sequential space analysis on site; analysis of development projects in similar contexts both in terms of size and opportunities; organizing questionnaires and interviews with the local residents in order to determine an objective SWOT analysis; Results. The research carried on for the analyzed site will be concluded in a Master Plan that provides valuable development directions for the entire area by providing proper access points and paths for pedestrians and vehicles and by introducing new urban functions that will dramatically increase the attractiveness of the area and will thus provide social and economic sustainability. Conclusion. The set of sustainable development strategies presented in this research provide the context in which a specific site is given relevant purpose. Furthermore all future commercial and residential areas that will be emerging in the area are expected to be influenced by the presence of a well organized, lively and easy to access public green area that will undoubtedly have significant ecological, social and economic benefits on existing and future inhabitants thus greatly improving their quality of life. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 289 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry STUDY OF ELEMENTS VARIABILITY OF THE QUERCUS CERRIS Oana VIMAN1*, Liviu HOLONEC1, Alina TRUŢA1 and Daniel SOUCA1 1 Department of Horticulture. University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, RO * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: environmental factors, Quercus cerris, variability Introduction. Knowledge of genetic variation is a prerequisite for long-term maintenance of forest ecosystem stability and output stability, the size and model because it determines the ability of tree species to adapt to long-term variation in time and space environmental conditions (Sofletea, 2005). Aims. In this study we tried to highlight how certain environmental factors (altitude, exhibition etc.) act on the variability of the Quercus cerris. Materials and Methods. To study these influences four landscaping units have been chosen in which the oak has similar ages (in this respect the condition chosen was the specific age class) and identical soil conditions. The sites are located in Jibou Forestry on the surface of a single production unit. For each site, 30 trees were chosen at a distance of 50 meters, after which the elements of interest were studied. Results. In terms of the heights of the stands (ua 78C, 178C) showed that the exhibitions NE and E trees showed greater heights than to exhibit S from other sites that have registered ua lower heights (ua 79B, 118B ). With regard to diameter, the amplitude of variation was within the range of 24.60 cm (ua 79B - showing a small force growth) and 29.87 cm (ua 178C showing a large force growth), the average experience being 26.63m and crown diameter superior results were noted at sites 79B and 118B ua. Conclusions. After a vast research, it was observed that in each of the four landscaping units, specific environmental factors influenced in a different way the tree characteristics studied. This fact led us to the conclusion that environmental factors have a significant impact on the variability, also helped us in choosing the place where the Turkey oak species has the best conditions to develop. References 1. Şofletea N. (2005). Genetics and tree improvement, Ed. „For life”, Braşov. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 290 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry EFFECT OF SPECIES ON THE MAINTENANCE OF SEEDLINGS ON ERODED LANDS IN FRATA AMELIORATION PERIMETER, CLUJ COUNTY, IN THE FIRST YEAR AFTER PLANTING Horia-Dan VLASIN1* and Liviu HOLONEC1 1 University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Horticulture, Cluj-Napoca, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: afforestation, anti-erosional land preparation, Fraxinus ornus, Robinia pseudacacia, seedlings Introducţion. In order to establish the influence of species on the maintenance of seedlings planted on degraded lands by superficial erosion in the Transylvanian Plain we used black locust (Robinia pseudacacia) and manna ash (Fraxinus ornus). Pits and terraces making were the land preparation modes. We established the saplings maintenance degree in the first year after planting. Aims. We tested the way the species influences the maintenance degree of black locust and manna ash saplings, in the first year after planting. Material and methods. To establish the influence of species on the maintenance of seedlings planted and which stroke roots, we placed two experiments in degraded lands amelioration perimeter Frata. The experiments were monofactorial. The anti-erosional land preparation was done in terraces and pits in 2012. The seedlings used were two years old and they were planting in the spring of 2013. The observations on the maintenance degree were done in September 2013. The experiments were placed so as the data could be statistically processed; showing the variabilities and their causes was done by analyzing the monofactorial variances. The significance of the differences between the tested variants was shown using Duncan (Tuckey) test of multiple comparisons, considerable difference DS5%. Results. Analyzing the data we came to the conclusion that the black locust ensured the highest degree of maintenance, no matter the way the anti-erosional land preparation was done (pits or terraces). In the first year after planting (2013), both methods of anti-erosional land preparation ensured a similar maintenance degree of the two forestry species. References 1. Vlasin H., Budiu V. and Stan R. (2013). The efect of species and antierozional land preparation of eroded lands on the maintenance of forestry seedlings (%) in the first years after planting. Bulletin UASVM Horticulture, 70(1):230-236. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 291 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry A NUCLEAR-STOCK PLUM COLLECTION ESTABLISHED AT FRUIT RESEARCH &DEVELOPMENT STATION BISTRIȚA, ROMANIA Ioan ZAGRAI1* and Luminita ZAGRAI1 1 Fruit Research & Development Station Bistrița, Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: EPPO standards, plum, prebasic material, virus free Introduction. The plum is the dominant fruit specie in Romania (FAOSTAT, 2012), and hence is of great economic importance. On the other hand, some viral pathogens cause serious yield losses in Romanian plum orchards, mainly because the control measures are often poor implemented. The using of certified virus free planting material is one of the main prophylactic measures to reduce the economic losses caused by the viral pathogens. To secure a virus free status on plum propagation material, it should be produced according to certification scheme and the requirements stated in EPPO standards. Production of nuclear stock represent the top of storey pyramid of the certification scheme and, therefore, it is the basis for successful of production propagation stock and, subsequently, certified fruit trees. Materials and Methods. The work for obtaining nuclear-stock plum material was performed in two steps, during 2008-2013. The first step of work was focused on 15 plum cultivars (Iulia, Matilda, Geta, Zamfira, Ivan, Dani, Doina, Romaner, Elena, Jubileu 50, Flora, Renclod Althan, Stanley, Anna Spath and Carpatin) and extended, in the second step, to other six plum cultivars (Agent, Gras ameliorat, Centenar, Minerva, Andreea and Delia). After a preliminary monitoring in the field, the selected cultivars were grafted onto virus-free Myrobolan 29C into insect-proof house to produce candidate nuclear stock. Biological, serological and molecular tests were then performed to confirm / infirm the virus free status. Results. All candidate nuclear stock plants derived from 21 selected clones confirmed virus free status in biological, serological and/or molecular tests. The work done was consistent with EPPO certification standards and the rules of national regulatory. Consequently, plants belonging to 21 plum cultivars were certified as ‘Prebasic’category by Territorial Inspection for Quality Seeds and Planting Material. Conclusion. A nuclear stock plum collection was recently established at Fruit Research & Development Station Bistrița. Currently, the ‘Prebasic’ plants are used for production a larger number of plants of ‘Basic’ category. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 292 Section 4: Horticulture and Forestry RESULTS OBTAINED IN THE RESEARCHES REGARDING THE ROOTING OF SEMPERVIVUM ROSETTES IN EXTERIOR CONDITIONS Adrian ZAHARIA1*, Denisa Andreea HORŢ1, Maria CANTOR1 and Erzsebet BUTA1 1 Deparment of Ornamental plants. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: control, factors, propagation, rooting, substrate Introduction. In this research were used two species of Sempervivum: S. Tectorum and S. Montanum, verry appreciated by landscape architects and used in the design of hanging gardens, rock gardens or green roofs. This appreciation is due to the ecological conditions appropriate for the development of sempervivum plants. They prefer well-drained soils, sunny areas and relatively low in nutrients (Abrams, 1994; Carlstrom, 1985). Aims. The research was developped to establish which characteristics of the substrate have the larger influence on the rooting and also the favorable climatic conditions that are influencing the most the rootedness of Sempervivum. Materials and Methods. The experiences were conducted in the didactical greenhouse and the didactical field of Floriculture and Ornamental Tree disciplines of UASVM Cluj-Napoca. For the success of this method of propagation, we used young rosettes formed on stolons, also considering the timing and the technique of establishing the experience. Experiments were organized having two factors and each variant had three repetitions. The research was conducted in 2006. Experiences organized outside benefited the environmental conditions specific to the area where is located the university. Results. The statistical calculation performed to establish the significance of differences between variants and control show that between variant 2 and control the negative difference is distinct significant and the difference between variant 5 and control variant is very significantly negative. Conclusion. In conclusion, we can say that rooting rosettes of Sempervivum is under strong influence of the substrate. References 1. Abrams L. (1994). Crassulaceae, in Illustrated Flora of Pacific States. California Stanford University Press, 342 – 346. 2. Carlstrom A.L. (1985). Two new species of Sedum, Willdenowia, 108 – 113. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 293 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development ASSESSING WESTERN INFLUENCE ON EASTERN PRODUCERS THROUGH THE CITIZEN/CONSUMER PARADOX Stef AERTS1,2* 1 Odisee University College. Belgium. Ethics@Arenberg, KU Leuven. Belgium. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] 2 Keywords: consumer, ethics, retail Introduction. The leading paradigm in economics states the consumer is the leading force in the market place. Consumer demands and preferences are transferred through the retail and production chain and influence which (and how) products are made. At the same time there is a political influence on production, driven by the demands and preferences of citizens (voters). Although these consumers and citizens are the same people, their demands are not the same, this is called the citizen/consumer paradox. Aims. In this paper we elaborate further on the citizen/consumer paradox to investigate if and how Eastern European producers are influenced by Western European citizens and consumers. Results. Earlier (Aerts, 2014) we argued that the citizen/consumer paradox is a flawed concept. The most important objection is that it severely underestimates the influence of the different actors along the production chain. Considering the hourglas shape of the food chain in Western Europe (many farmers, few retailers, many consumers; see Grievink (2003)) it is clear where the leverage is highest: with the retail and associated firms. It seems that, increasingly, also the Eastern European retail industry becomes more concentrated, and dominated by the leading international retail firms. There are two possible consequences to this evolution. Either local producers will be forced to apply similar production techniques as the Western European suppliers to these firms. A second possibility is that the increasing dependence of these firms on Eastern European producers and markets will make them more reluctant to apply ‘higher’ demands, even in their old home markets. Conclusion.. Applying the citizen/consumer paradox to the evolving Eastern European retail market shows the great influence of retail industries on what is produced and consumed. Whether pressure on local producers will rise remains to be seen. References 1. Aerts S. (2014). The consumer does not exist: overcoming the citizen/consumer paradox by shifting focus. In: The ethics of consumption - The citizen, the market, and the law, (Röcklinsberg, H., Sandin, P. (Eds.)). Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers. 172-176. 2. Grievink, J.W. (2003). The changing face of the global food industry. Presentation at the OECD Conference 6 February 2003. The Hague. The Netherlands. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 294 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development SCENARIOS FOR BRIDGING UP THE PRODUCTIVITY GAPS ALONG THE ROMANIAN VEGETABLE SUPPLY CHAIN Cornelia ALBOIU1* 1 Department of Agricultural Markets. Institute of Agricultural Economics. Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: vegetable productivity indicators, scenarios Introduction. In recent years, the productivity of agri-food sector has become again a subject of interest due global challenges caused by increasing food demand in new emerging countries, nonfood uses of agricultural production, and the impact of technology and innovation on productivity in agriculture, including the fast development of large retail chains, which can lead to growth and poverty alleviation in both rural and urban areas. Interest in this topic is marked mainly by higher prices of food products due to lower agricultural productivity, quoted as one of the causes of the crisis in the long term (Fugle, 2008), and the need to increase productivity considered to be one of long-term solutions to crisis (Diao et al.,2010). Aims. The aim of this paper is the analysis of vegetable productivity in primary production and processing sector, through specific indicators and to present a scenario to bridge up production gaps so that the demand can be fully covered by the domestic production. Materials and Methods. The research undertaken for this paper used a mixture of statistical data analysis, field research, productivity indicators and prognosis. Based on productivity indicators, a scenario is constructed, taking into account as a baseline the year 2012, and several hypotheses are considered based on the analysis of several indicators namely: cultivated area, average yield, human consumption and raw material consumption for processing. The scenario is developed for tomatoes, as this product has the highest share among the vegetables production and also the highest volatility. Results. Following a complete analysis and several forecasts the results show that, in case of a realistic scenario based on the growth rates of the area cultivated with vegetables under greenhouses and plastic tunnels by over 50 % in the period 2007-2012, the aim of bridging up the gap with regards to the domestic consumption need is possible. Conclusion. The productivity on the vegetables chain is very low, mainly in the primary sector. At the same time, the areas cultivated with vegetables under greenhouses and plastic tunnels increased by about 50% since 2007. This trend could be also noticed in the case of yields. The proposed scenario shows that starting from a baseline scenario taking into account the year 2012, it is practically possible to bridge up the productivity gaps in about 7 years, on the basis of the increase of areas under greenhouses and plastic tunnels as well as of the increase of yields/hectare. References 1. Diao X., Fan S., Kanyarukiga S. and Yu B. (2010). Agricultural growth and investment options for poverty reduction in Rwanda. International Food Policy Research Institute. 2. Dell’Aquila C., Petriccione G. and Perito M. (2011). The EU vegetable and fruit sector: overview and post 2013 CAP perspective study. Directorate General for internal policies. Policy Department B: Structural and Cohesion Policies, Agriculture and Rural Development. 3. Dries L., Reardon T. and Swinnen J.F.M. (2004). The rapid rise of supermarkets in Central and Eastern Europe: Implications for the agrifood sector and rural development. Development Policy Review 22 (5): 525-556. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 295 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development FOOD CONSUMPTION DIVERSITY IN ROMANIA Cecilia ALEXANDRI1* 1 Department Agricultural Markets. Institute of Agricultural Economic Bucuresti. Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: food and nutritional security, food diversity, household behaviour, Romania Introduction. Many empirical studies investigate the relation between the amounts of consumed food from different products and the different socio-economic characteristics of households. However, there are few concerns with regard to other aspects related to the consumption behaviour, such as such as the number of individual food items consumed over a certain period, in other words dietary variety or diversity. Diversity is an important qualitative element in the human diet, representing an indicator of population’s food and nutritional security. At the same time, the investigation of food consumption diversity in certain geographical areas is important for the marketing strategies of firms and trade (Thiele and Weiss, 2003). Aims. Identification of economic and socio-demographic factors influencing food consumption diversity on the Romanian households. Among the investigated factors, we had in view the incomes in the first place, then the household residence area, the educational level as well as other demographic factors. Materials and Methods. Count measure and Berry index are employed to measure food diversity. The data used are those from the Household Budget Survey for the years 2011 and 2004, the 1st quarter. The micro-data contains the information referring to the demographic indicators, incomes, household expenditures and consumption, including about 7800 households for each year. Results. An increase of food consumption in quantitative and qualitative terms was noticed between 2004-2011, mainly in the products considered important from the nutritional point of view, such as meat, fish, dairy products and fruit. The calculated Berry index reveals a positive correlation between diversity and household incomes. At the same time, food diversity is higher in the case of urban households compared to the rural households. Among the significant demographic factors, we mention the household head’s educational level and the household members’ age. Conclusion. We found that the food diversity increased between the years 2004-2007. At the same time the food diversity in Romania is strongly influenced by high share of selfconsumption (subsistence) especially in rural areas. References 1. Thiele S. and Weiss C. (2003). Consumer demand for food diversity: evidence for Germany. Food Policy. 28:99-115. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 296 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development ANALYSIS OF THE EDUCATION SERVICES. CASE STUDY: MASTER FOOD IDENTITY Felix H. ARION1, Iulia C. MURESAN1* and Adriana M. PASCALĂU1 1 Department of Economic Sciences. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine ClujNapoca. Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: expectations, perceptions, SERVQUAL, university Introduction. Service quality and customer satisfaction are very important concepts that universities must understand to remain competitive. During the last period more and more research were conducted in order to find the quality of services offered by the universities. Aims. The main purpose of this study is to estimate the quality of educational services offered by USAMV Cluj-Napoca and to present the expectations and the perceptions of the students, and at the same time the level of their satisfaction. Materials and Methods. Research was designed as a case study in the program Master Food Identity, the quality estimate is done using the questionnaire developed on the basis of adapted research method SERVQUAL. The SERVQUAL method is based on 22 afirmation that need to be evaluated from the expectation and the perception point of view. A negative score indicates that the service do not meet the expectation of the students, while a positive score indicates that the service exceeds the expectations of the students. The total number of applied questionnaire was 24. Results. From the analysis carried out it was found out, that perceptions of international students meet their expectations, even exceed their expectations in four of the five dimensions analyzed. Trust dimension is the only one that recorded a negative score, service quality perceptions form this point of view is below the level expected by students. For the international student the more important aspect is the knowledge and behavior of teachers and the least important aspect is represented by physical facilities, teachers outfit and associated teaching materials Conclusion. This study contributes to the already existing studies examining educational service quality, strengthening the statements that SERVQUAL is a good tool for measuring the quality of educational services from higher education system. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 297 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development DEVELOPMENTS OF CITRUS FOREIGN TRADE IN TURKEY Hasan ARISOY1* and Gülcan ERAKTAN2 1 2 Department of Agricultural Economics. Faculty of Agriculture, Selcuk University. Konya. Turkey. Department of Agricultural Economics. Faculty of Agriculture, Ankara University. Ankara. Turkey. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: citrus, export, intensification (regionalization) coefficient, Turkey Introduction. Although citrus comprises one of the most important chapters of Turkish export, the rate of that crop group in total export decreases in the course of time. World citrus export is increasing correspondingly in the last years. While the total World trade is increasing over the last decade, attempts of export countries, foremost Spain, Netherlands, Italian, USA, Chile, Chine, for getting more shares from the World markets make a procompetition effect. Therefore, it is more significant to determent, whether Turkey maintains its share in the import of destination countries than the increase of Turkish export in citrus in the course of time. So, the size and direction of the intensity of Turkey in import of destination countries is critically important. Aims. The aim of that study is to scrutinize the change of value and direction of trade flow between Turkey and citrus importing countries as per time. Consequently, the Turkey’s share in the markets in which Turkish export products addressed and the changes in these markets in the course of time will be determined. Materials and Methods. Main material of the study is the data provided from UN Trade Statistics Database (UN comtrade). Trade Intensity Analysis which indicates the progress of bilateral trade relations has been used in the study. Results. The intensification coefficients of the export of Turkish citrus which have mostly comparative advantage indicate that Turkey is losing its market share even in respect of the leading destination countries. Conclusion. The market losses come out of many reasons. There are a lot of problems to be tackled in that area. Firstly, production of these crops does not match the conformity with market demand concerning the quantity and some peculiarities. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 298 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development STUDY REGARDING THE MARKETING ORIENTATION IN THE AGRO-FOOD INDUSTRY FROM CLUJ COUNTY Gabriela CHICIUDEAN1*, Felix ARION1 and Daniel CHICIUDEAN1 1 Department of Economic Sciences. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine ClujNapoca. Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: marketing-oriented, sales-oriented, marketing audit Introduction. Successful companies begin their annual activity only after conducting an internal marketing audit (McDonald, 2007). Moreover, in the agro-food sector is a strong necessity to perform such an audit because the consumer is directly involved (Crawford, 2006). Avlonitis and Gounaris (1997) identified that companies can be classified as: marketing-oriented and sales-oriented. Aims. The aim of this study is to determine which type of orientation exists within the agrofood industry from Cluj County. Materials and Methods. In order to achieve the objective, a study was conducted among the agro-food companies from Cluj-County in 2012 on a sample of 51 companies. The instrument used was the questionnaire comprising a set of seven affirmations regarding marketing orientation using a seven-point scale. In order to determine the company classification were used statistical analysis such as: Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Test, Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis. Results. After performing the Factorial Analysis, two factors were obtained: marketing oriented and sales-oriented. K-Means Cluster analysis allowed observing that the agro-food companies from Cluj County have to strong orientation: 32 companies of the total sample of 51 are sales-oriented, while 19 food-companies are marketing-oriented. The sales-oriented group is interested in market studies, promotion actions and marketing mix strategies. The marketing-oriented group is interested in obtaining customer satisfaction, designing products according to customer demand and preference, customer fidelity and satisfied employees. Conclusion. It can be concluded that the agro-food companies from Cluj-County are more interested in sales and increasing sales volume, than obtaining the customer satisfaction and fidelity. References 1. Avlonitis G. and Gounaris S. (1997). Marketing orientation and company performance: A comparative study of industrial vs. consumer goods companies. Industrial Marketing Management. 2(5):1-18. 2. Crawford I.M. (2006). Agricultural and food marketing management. FAO Agriculture dept. 3. McDonald M. (2007). The Marketing planning process. Marketing plans, how to prepare them how to use them. 6th edition. Elsevier. London. 27-77. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 299 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development PURCHASE AND CONSUMPTION BEHAVIOR, DISTRIBUTION AND SALES STRATEGIES FOR BAKERY PRODUCTS(CASE STUDY IN IASI STORES) Aurel CHIRAN1*, Elena GÎNDU1, Andy-Felix JITĂREANU1 and Ştefan VIZITEU1 1 Department of agro-economics, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iaşi * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: distribution, bread, strategies Introduction. The demand for bakery products in general and bread in particular is inelastic, therefore manufacturing firms should focus on diversifying and quality growth, while focusing on the potential benefits to consumers’health (Chiran et al., 2004). New sustainabilityguidelines and the conditions imposed by the European Union in order to ensure consumer protection are required to be integrated into the producing establishments’ policy for a better positioning, compared with the existing national or local competitive environment (Saseanu, 2005). In order to study the bakery market in Iasi (highlighting the major suppliers and major brands in stores, specific product range, purchase and consumption behavior in terms of marketing units) a survey was conducted on 34 grocery stores in Iasi that sellbread and bakery products. Aims. This paper aims to ensure an evaluation of the bakery chain, emphasizing the particularities of marketing and consumption. Materials and methods. We used the statistical method based on a written questionnaire survey, using a panel of 34 grocery stores in Iasi. The questionnaire included 21 questions (of which 4 for identification) with 65 variables. The types of questions were: closed dichotomous, closed-option response and scale closed. The main objectives of the study were: identifying the main manufacturers / distributors of bakery products to grocery stores in the city; presenting the distribution characteristics in terms of people that perform reception and subsequent orders; specifying the motivations of purchase and consumption pattern determinants of bread from the perspective of shop representatives; determining the main types of frequently purchasedbread and purchaseconditions in grocery stores. Results. The study showed that, for the main suppliers of bakery products to the analyzed units, utmost importance is given to quality of the products, 82.4% indicating this feature, followed by timeliness of deliveries (35.3%) and the reputation of the company / brand (23.5%). The main aspects required to be improved within the distribution process, highlighted by the sampled grocery stores’ representatives, aimed at ensuring product quality (22 cases), management and resolution of complaints (11 cases) and support for ensuring optimal orders (9 cases). Most of the representatives of economic units (52.94%) mentioned, based on observations and own experience, that the information on the label is unimportant or less important to buyers. Only 23.53% of the respondents rated the label information importance as being very high. Conclusion. In the Iasi county, supermarkets are increasingly developing their own brands, offering fresh products and a wide range of assortments, which areusuallyarranged in a specially designed large bakery selling area, with an attractive visual layout, while maintaining and enriching local or regional manufacturers’ brands. According to the survey, which aimed stores’ representatives,the major suppliers of bakery products to stores included in the study are also the most important producers in Iasi: S.C. PANIFCOM LLC Iasi, S.C. VEL PITAR S.A. and S.C. COMPAN S.A. Iaşi. References 1. Chiran A., Gîndu Elena et al. (2004). Piaţa produselor agricole şi agroalimentare - abordare teoretică si practică. Ed. Ceres. Bucureşti. 2. Săseanu A. (2005). Preocupări şi tendinţe în cadrul pieţei produselor de panificaţie în Uniunea Europeană, cu implicaţii pe piaţa românească de produse de panificaţie. Revista Amfiteatru Economic. 17. 3. Vişan I.R. (2006). Investigarea comportamentului de cumpărare şi consum. Ed. Junimea, Iaşi. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 300 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development DEVELOPMENT OR UNDERDEVELOPMENT IN ROMANIAN RURAL AREAS AFTER EUROPEAN UNION INTEGRATION? Vergina CHIRITESCU1*, Mihaela KRUSZLICIKA1 and Daniela Ruxandra ANDREI2 1 Romanian Academy. Institute of Agricultural Economics. Romania. 2 Romanian - American University, Bucharest. Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: rural development, rural areas, Romania, underdevelopment, EU integration Introduction. Romania became a member state of the European Union on January 1, 2007, and this has involved compliance with EU and national priorities including the need to negotiate subscribes to national needs, given the significant deficit of economic development to the countries of Western and central Europe. Romanian rural residents, perhaps even more than those in urban areas, have put much hope in European integration, especially after chapter "Agriculture and Rural Development" was intensely debated in pre-accession. However, after seven years, the Romanian rural areas seem as developed or underdeveloped. National agricultural policies were often inconsistent, European funds has been poor, and rural development is seen only here and there in the large farms or small and timid initiatives. Aims. This research aims to expose the results of a diagnosis of rural, conducted between 2007 - 2013, given a series of economic and social indicators, that reflect the level of development of the Romanian countryside. Materials and Methods. The main source of information is the National Institute of Statistics of Romania for the data to be processed, ie national and international literature for the fundamental research. As research methods will be used bibliographic synthesis, statistical and mathematical processing and evaluating quantitative and qualitative phenomena. Results. The development / underdevelopment of Romanian rural area after joining the European Union will be presented in the 2007-2013 timeframe, taking into account indicators such as: rural area and its distribution by use of agricultural and non-agricultural; rural population in terms of structure, employment, level of education, life expectancy and so on; revenue and expenditure of the rural population; GDP / capita. Conclusion. Romanian rural development should be reconsidered in view of the three basic pillars for modern civilization economic, social (including education and culture) and the environment. You will have to accept the fact that agriculture can’t be considered competitive and development can’t be sustainable unless all factors into account technical, economic, environmental and social. Including environmental component with the same power with the economic and social pillars, it should be the engine of economic growth and not an obstacle to achieving a standard of living comparable to the developed countries of Western Europe. References 1. Chiriţescu V. (2013). Dezvoltarea economică integrată a comunităţilor rurale româneşti. Studiu de caz pe Macroregiunea 2 (Integrated economic development in romanian rural communities. Case study on Macroregion 2). PhD Thesis. National Institute of Economic Research "Costin C. Kiriţescu". Bucharest. 2. Gavrilescu D. and Florian V. (2007). Economia rurală din România (The rural economy of Romania). Terra Nostra Publishing. Iaşi. 3. Otiman P.I. (2011). Alternativele economiei rurale a României: Dezvoltarea agriculturii sau Insecuritate alimentară şi deşertificare rurală severă (Alternatives Romanian rural economy: The development of agriculture and rural food insecurity and severe desertification). Romanian Academy Publishing House. Bucharest. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 301 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development MOBILITY IN THE ROMANIAN RURAL SPACE Mihai CUCERZAN1* 1 Department of Economic Sciences. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine ClujNapoca. Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: migration, social mobility, rural space, rural-urban relationships, transnational mobilities Introduction. In time, the social structure of Romanian rural space experienced significant changes. Among these are the aspects that target demographic changes. Aims. In this paper we propose to realize an analysis of Romanian rural social structure, highlighting the realities of this main demographic process present in the last decades, their causes and their future prospects. One of the issues on which we will focus is the analysis of specific territorial mobility of Romanian rural space. Also, it will be analyse the current reality and the fundaments of the present situation. Materials and Methods. My work is mainly informed by document analysis. The analysis of statistical data present in the censuses realised in the last century and of the major changes regarding the social structure of Romanian rural society. Also, it was used the ethnographic method and the method of interview with some subjects of the migration phenomenon. Results. The political measures and the rural-urban but also rural-rural interrelations on international and national scales are generating the rural change. Some characteristics of social mobility in recent decades affecting the situation of the Romanian rural situation are: “ex-ruralization” of important samples of the rural population while almost 50% of the population lives in rural areas; widespread practice of commuting; in the last decade the departures of the rural labour force in western E.U. countries (that reveal positive changes of the quality of life of the migrants, but also, family problems). Also, the phenomenon of recovery of the townspeople (especially those who have left the village formerly) and their implication in agricultural activities. Conclusion. In the present research work, we demonstrated that Romanian rural spaces are dynamic and interconnected by mobilities or flows. Also, the increase social mobility which involves all kinds of rural population. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 302 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development LIMITING FACTORS OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE REGION OF FRUŠKA GORA Sanja ĐUKIĆ1*, Radovan PEJANOVIĆ1 and Adriana RADOSAVAC1 1 University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture. Novi Sad. Serbia. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Fruška gora, rural development, Serbia Introduction. Region of Fruška gora is a unique geographical area within Republic of Serbia and covers an area of about 139,000 hectares. Within this region are included nine municipalities and two cities of which, according to the OECD methodology, only two are urban settlements, while other settlements of rural type (Njegovan and Pejanović, 2009). Aims. The authors assume that it is necessary to determine the limiting factors of rural development in order to create a successful rural development policy for this region. Materials and Methods. The sources of data were taken from the Project "Master plan održivog razvoja Fruške gore 2012-2022.", and it was used an empirical method to identify the key elements of rural development of this region. Results. The most important economic activity in Fruška gora is agriculture (University of Novi Sad, 2011). In addition, the rural development of this area determined by the following factors: depopulation and demographic aging, insufficiently developed rural infrastructure and service sector. These limitations are primarily a consequence the unfavorable economic position, as well as the lack of development strategy for the area (Pejanović et al., 2011). Conclusion. Effective rural development of Fruška gora should be based on four key criteria: use of multifunctional agriculture, diversification of activities, investment in infrastructure, as well as adequate population policy. In designing the appropriate measures necessary to implement bottom-up approach as the most appropriate model that takes into account the needs and specificities of this region. In such a constellation of the proposed solutions it is possible to strengthen the region's position of Fruška gora within the national framework. References 1. Pejanović R., Đukić S. and Glavaš–Trbić D. (2011). Ruralni i lokalni ekonomski razvoj u regionu Fruške gore – studija slučaja. Ekonomika poljoprivrede, specijalni broj. Knjiga I. LVIII:172-179. 2. Univerzitet u Novom Sadu (2011). Master plan održivog razvoja Fruške gore 2012-2022. naučno stručna studija. (koordinatori: Pejanović, R., Orlović, S., Lazić, L., Panjković, B.). Novi Sad. 3. Njegovan Z. and Pejanović R. (2009). Ruralna regionalizacija AP Vojvodine. Poljoprivredni fakultet. Novi Sad. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 303 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development ECONOMIC VALUATION OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC RECREATION AREAS: A LITERATURE REVIEW Diana E. DUMITRAS1*, Mugurel I. JITEA1 and Marioara ILEA1 1 Department of Economic Sciences. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine ClujNapoca. Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: economic valuation, recreation, non-market valuation methods Introduction. Assessing the economic value of recreation areas, such as protected areas, is recommended to be a priority to protected areas managers (Eagles et al., 2002). One way to increase the awareness of the role of protected areas in supporting sustainable development remains through the economic valuation process (Emerton et al., 2006). In Europe, the economic valuation of the environment has drawn the attention of policy makers only at the beginning of ‘90s, when the economic values of natural resources are recognized as necessary information in the decision processes. Aims. This paper presents a review of the current state of art for the non-market valuation studies conducted on public outdoor recreation areas from Europe. The purpose is to investigate whether the researches provide useful information to decision makers and how this type of information is used in management decisions. Materials and Methods. Researches on valuing public outdoor recreation areas from Europe were analyzed by emphasizing the non-market valuation method used, revealing the valuation estimates, by evaluating their limitations and applicability. Results. Over the years, there was a continuous improvement of the methodologies used as concerned to the data collection and data analysis. Several studies have shown that the economic valuation process provides welfare measures that can be further used in decisionmaking processes as regard to the recreation activity in public areas. Conclusion. Valuation studies can provide useful information about the economic benefits individuals obtain while recreating in public outdoor areas for further use in management decisions. Even if the number of studies has increased at the level of Europe, it still remains a great challenge to obtain accurate valuation estimates on which policy makers may rely on. References 1. Eagles P.F.J., McCool S.F. and Haynes C.D. (2002). Sustainable tourism in protected areas: Guidelines for planning and management. IUCN Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge. 2. Emerton L., Bishop J. and Thomas L. (2006). Sustainable financing of protected areas: A global review of challenges and options. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 304 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development VILLAGE IN THE REGION – UNIQUE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS OF JEBUCU Tibor FARKAS1*, Cristina-Bianca POCOL2 and Zsuzsanna KASSAI3 1 Institute for Regional Economics and Rural Development. Szent Itsván University. Hungary. Department of Economics. University of of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary. Romania. 3 Institute for Regional Economics and Rural Development. Szent Itsván University. Hungary. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] 2 Keywords: local community, local development, regional development Introduction. The local development possibilities of a settlement is connected to the general situation of the region, however local endogen resources could forcefully influence the local capacities. We examine in the study the regional and local possibilities of Jebucu, too. Aims. The aim of the study is to compare regional and local influences and resources in case of a small settlement in the Northwest region. Materials and Methods. We analysed the regional aspects of the Northwest Region of Romania with help of statistical data of the National Statistical Office of Romania. Local data was gathered with help of the research camp in Jebucu (Zsobok) in 2014 summer. Beside questionnaire interview there were also used interviews and documents for the analysis. Results. Due to its location, the region has relatively favourable opportunities within Romania. Although the population and the employment have declined recently, the average life expectancy has increased. Dynamic agglomeration process has been going on around the larger cities of the region, the impact of emigration from cities can be observed in the countryside as well. Zsobok is in a very favourable situation regarding economic possibilities. Although the importance of agriculture has been weakened in the village since the 1930s, the current activities, which can be called social economy, can exploit the possibilities provided by agriculture again. Our research highlighted that the social capital of the society is very large. Conclusion. The development series which have occurred in Zsobok and can be regarded pivotal. It has been concluded that more factors must have coexisted to achieve this. On the one hand, there were local heroes who took the lead in the community and started on developments. The actors who initiated the progress have had strong external system of relations and strong initiative skills. On the other hand, the external supporters and resources were available. In addition, the local community also could rely on their own resources. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 305 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development THE ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN BUSINESS MARKET – A QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS Bogdan FLEACĂ1, Elena FLEACĂ1* and Andreea DUMITRESCU1 1 Management Department. Faculty of Entrepreneurship. Business Engineering and Management. University Politehnica of Bucharest. Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: entrepreneurship thinking, social responsibility awareness, sustainable business growth Introduction. The European strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth has defined the entrepreneurship and innovation as flagship concepts for stimulating the smart development of the society, at large. The entrepreneurship embraces complex cognitive and attitudinal mechanisms that enable people to turn idea into action in order to achieve a wide range of objectives. Hence, the awareness of ethical behaviour of people and the good organizational governance became crucial concepts that need to be properly understood and analysed, since they are impacting business market. Undoubtedly, the business world has become increasingly aware of the need for and benefits of social responsibility behaviour that contribute to the sustainable development of the economic, environmental and social dimension of the people life. Aims. The paper aims to explore the entrepreneurship concept and to gain deeper understanding of the social responsibility insights with respect to their implications into the business market. Materials and Methods. The methodological approaches comprised a qualitative analysis of the concepts aimed to structure and understand knowledge about the key factors encapsulated in the entrepreneurial thinking. Secondly, it has been analysed the seven core principles of social responsibility that allowed authors to ascertain the main similarities and differences between the two concepts. It has been proposed an integrative model that enables the conceptualization of the relationship arisen from responsibility of the businesses to act and behave in a way that contribute to a sustainable development of the society. Results. The model depicts the entrepreneurial thinking as being firmly embedded in the social responsibility concept that carefully incorporates, in a coherently whole, the responsibilities of the organization to society and the environment, by summing up and addressing different people goals. In the pursuit of their objectives, people appeal to entrepreneurial thinking and the social responsibility creates the framework that guides their actions, becoming aware of the impacts of their decisions and activities on the business market, the society and the environment. Conclusion. The authors emphasized the interdependence between entrepreneurship and social responsibility within the business market. Addressing social, economic and environmental aspects in an integrated manner are expected to be achieved with the aid of entrepreneurial thinking (sense of initiative) of decision makers and key actors towards creating the eco-innovation system on the long run. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 306 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development RESEARCH REGARDING THE REPUTATIONAL RISK OF OIL AND GAS COMPANIES OPERATING IN ROMANIA BUSINESS MARKET Elena FLEACĂ1, Bogdan FLEACĂ1* and Andreea DUMITRESCU1 1 Management Department. Faculty of Entrepreneurship. Business Engineering and Management. University Politehnica of Bucharest. Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: reputation, risk management, sustainable development Introduction. Romania’s business environment has been through a series of changes, both politically and economically and therefore, the companies operating in this particular industry have been obliged to rapidly adapt to these new conditions in order to sustainably develop. In order to achieve compliance with these regulations, oil and gas companies have been required to spend copious amounts of resources, as the nature of their activity is very prone to environmental impact, which is, moreover, exacerbated by the relatively old age of their infrastructure. Aims. The paper aims to emphasize the importance of a correct assessment of reputational risk as it enables the enhancement of the organisation by strengthening the stakeholders ‘trust and securing business continuity in rather difficult circumstances in terms of social, economic, legal and environmental concerns. Materials and Methods. The methodology involves secondary research tools and a qualitative assessment of the reputational risk of oil and gas companies operating in Romania business market before the accession to the European Union. Results. The main findings of the present paper consists of identifying the reputational risk factors in the fields of health and safety, community and environment as well as the organisation mitigation strategies aiming to reduce both the impact of their operations on the environment and consolidate a positive public opinion. The transition from reputational risk to reputational advantage is oftentimes costly and frequently involves process adjustment and procedure revision in order to comply with the requirements. Conclusion. Environmental pressure on oil and gas companies has significant effect on the manner in which these entities operate and failing to comply with these ever stricter environmental policies may very well result in irreparable damage to the image of the company. As the business sector itself is not subject to a very sympathetic overall perception, an organisation operating within this particular industry sector must undertake a higher effort to detract public suspicion and to maintain a favourable relation with the community. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 307 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development ROMANIAN INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN ANIMAL PRODUCTS Camelia GAVRILESCU1* 1 Institute of Agricultural Economics, Romanian Academy. Bucharest. Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: trade, animal products, Romania Introduction. The restructuring and privatisation processes that took place in the animal products sector after 1990 broke the supply chains in meat, milk and dairy products. Consequently, the domestic supply of animal products became unable to satisfy the increasing demand. As a result, imports were needed; after 1997, when Romania joined CEFTA, due to reduced import duties, imports of pork, poultry meat and dairy products increased significantly. Romania’s accession to the EU allowed a sharp increase in the animal products trade volume. Aims. The paper is giving a comparative analysis of the Romanian trade in animal products (live animals, meat, milk and dairy products) in the post-accession versus the pre-accession period. Materials and methods. The source of data used for the calculations is the Eurostat Comext database, CN8 classification, at 2 and 4 digit levels. Romanian exports, imports, dispatches and arrivals were examined in quantitative terms (values). Results. The start of the animal husbandry sector recovery came from the pre- and postaccession investment programs and from foreign direct investments, in production and processing units, authorized for export to the EU. Romania’s accession to the EU resulted in a sharp increase of imports in the first years; then, the economic crisis induced a decrease in imports. Exports increased continuously in the post-accession years, resulting in a diminishing trade deficit. Animal products have been grouped by the trend of their trade balance: continuously positive (live animals, sheep and goat meat); continuously negative (pork, milk, yoghurt, butter), and shifting trade balance (from negative to positive - bovine and poultry meat). The product groups have been separated as well by their degree of processing: most of exports are basic agricultural products (live animals), and most imports are products of primary processing (chilled or frozen meat) and products of secondary processing (yoghurt, butter). Conclusion. After the EU accession, one can see a significant positive evolution in the Romanian exports together with a gradual reduction of the trade deficit for animal products. Further improvements in the competitiveness of Romanian animal products will require a shift from exports of basic agricultural products to primary and secondary processed products. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 308 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development THE ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS APPLICATION IN INCREASING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF HIGH VALUE ADDED HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA Artur GOLBAN1* 1 Faculty of Economy. Moldavian State Agrarian University. Republic of Moldova. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: credits, FDI, subsidies, high value added horticultural production Introduction. The development of high value added horticultural production has a high importance in the economic growth of the Republic of Moldova. To increase the competitiveness of high value added horticultural products is necessary to allocate financial resources like: credits, subsidies, to attract FDI which will be used at the modernization of the horticultural sector, by applying new technologies and scientific know-how. In this scientific work is analyzed the role of financial instruments in order to increase the competitiveness of high value added horticultural production, the problems faced by the agricultural producers when they try to access financial support etc., and at the same time are proposed solutions to enhance the access of farmers to financial support. Aims. The basic aim of this scientific research is to analyse the problems the farmers are facing during the process of accessing financial resources necessary to develop high value added competitive horticultural production. Materials and Methods. In this scientific research was used the following research methods: analysis and synthesis, induction, deduction etc. Results. In the scientific paper is analyzed the role of financial instruments in increasing the competitiveness of high value added horticultural production through increasing FDI flows in the agriculture of the Republic of Moldova, the subsidies allocation in agriculture and enhancing the process of accessing credits from banks by local farmers. Conclusion. In the Republic of Moldova the major problems of increasing the competitiveness of high value added horticultural production is connected to lack of financial support and also to the lack of transparency in finance allocation. The process of accessing credits, subsidies and benefits from FDI to increase the competitiveness of high value added horticultural production is very complex and depends on many factors. To remove the breakpoints on financial instruments application in order to increase the competitiveness of high value added horticultural products, is necessary to perfection the legislative framework, to maintain a stable environment within the country in order to attract FDI, and also to increase the degree of collaboration between financial institutions and local farmers. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 309 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development RESEARCH ON PRECISION AGRICULTURE - A NEW CHALLENGE FOR ROMANIAN AGRICULTURISTS (A CASE STUDY) Ioan GRAD1, Codruţa GAVRILĂ1, Camelia MĂNESCU1, Teodor MATEOC1 and Nicoleta MATEOC-SÎRB1* 1 University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Calea Aradului 119, Timisoara, Romania, Phone 0040277430 * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: agriculture, system, precision, sustainable Introduction. Romanian agriculture has been challenged by major issues that have affected rural economy seriously. The conventional agricultural system practiced so far is no longer profitable because it involves high production expenses determining a diminution of the incomes of the agriculturists, an increase of the poverty rate and very serious ecological issues. Thus, there is a trend towards replacing it with a more performing one – precision agriculture. Aims. This research aims at establishing the technical and economic impact of precision agriculture in Romania taking into account that it relies on the increase of production per area unit, on the diminution of the costs per product unit and, in general, on the increase of productivity in agriculture. Materials and Methods. The research methodology concerns a bibliographical study and field experiments. The bibliographic study was done through scientific documenting, and field experiments allowed the comparison of technologies in maize in both traditional and strip-till systems. Results. Precision agriculture aims at modulated management of the inputs through the adaptation of soil works, sowing, and fertilising to the plot heterogeneity features so that we can improve consumption through production maximising. Conclusions. Research shows that reducing and redistributing the consumption of inputs through strip-till leads to an increase of the production and, implicitly, of the farm profit. Moreover, better management of the production factors allow bettering protecting the environment, reducing to a minimum soil, water, and air pollution with chemical substances. References 1. Alecu I.N. and Alecu E. (2013). Situaţia agriculturii şi a exploataţiilor agricole în ţările membre ale UE. Ed. Ceres. Bucuresti. 2. Brezuleanu S. (2008). Sisteme de producţie în agricultură. Ed. Alfa. Iaşi. 3. Otiman. P.I., Mateoc-Sîrb N. et al. (2011). Alternativele economiei rurale a României. Ed. Academiei Române. Bucureşti. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 310 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development THE ROMANIAN MILK MARKET IN THE CONTEXT OF QUOTA REMOVAL – A POTENTIAL to be EXPLORED BY INVESTORS Mariana GRODEA1* 1 Institute of Agricultural Economics. Romanian Academy. Bucharest. Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: investments, milk, productivity Introduction. A main challenge for the players on the world dairy market is to efficiently respond to the changes of the local markets characteristics, in the context of an increasingly fierce competition for the raw milk obtained on the farms. Aims. The new Common Agricultural Policy (2014-2020) that will have as main component the removal of milk quotas after 2014 is both a challenge and a threat for the Romanian farmers. The associative organization forms can be considered competitive structures that encourage sector modernization and can improve the commercialization of dairy products. Materials and Methods. The utilized method was the comparative analysis, in the period 2000-2012, of a set of indicators specific to the milk sector. The main aspects regarding the milk market in Romania were revealed having as information source the national data supplied by the National Institute of Statistics, through the official publication Romania’s Statistical Yearbook as well as the Tempo-online database. Results. From the analysis, it results that the performance of the Romanian milk sector is seriously affected by the excessive fragmentation of supply, which reveals the subsistence and semi-subsistence phenomenon that persists in the milk sector, as the main factor that constrains competitiveness growth. In reference to the volume of investments in the dairy processing sector, it results that this had a slow growth rate in the investigated period, the share in total investments in the food sector ranging from 7.8% (2000) to 16.9% (2011). The investments in agriculture in total investments accounted for 4.9% in the year 2012. Conclusion. In order to adapt to the competition on the European Single Market, the Romanian sector has to receive support through investments, in the conditions in which there is a favourable global conjuncture for the consumption of dairy products, in which their prices are expected to raise on the basis of the increasing demand of the development regions. References 1. Romania’s Statistical Yearbooks. 2001-2012. 2. Tempo-online - National Institute of Statistics. 2001-2012. 3. Competition evolution in the key-sectors. Competition Council. 2013 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 311 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development THE STATE FACT OF THE RURAL AREA OF THE KURDISTAN REGIONAL GOVERNMENT Rezhen HARUN1*, Iulia C. MURESAN1, Felix H. ARION1 and Diana E. DUMITRAS1 1 Department of Economic Sciences, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine ClujNapoca. Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: rural area, sociodemographic, education, farmer Introduction. The rural area of Kurdistan region has specific characteristics and faces many challenges. The results of the research revealed that rural space of Kurdistan is affected by poverty, and the farmers are dealing with many problems and they hardly survive. Aims. The socio-demographic collected data were analyzed from three different points of view to obtain general information about the gender, age, education level’s distribution, family in a rural area of the Kurdistan region. Materials and methods. The Kurdistan Region is located SW of Asia and NE of Iraq and is composed of three governorates: Erbil (Hawler), Suleimani, and Duhok, located within the northern part of the Federal Republic of Iraq (Iraqi Constitution, Article 62). The region shares its borders with Syria in the west, Turkey in the north and Iran in the east (Mizori, 2012). The area of the region is 42,812 km2 (MoP, 2012) without the disputed area like Kirkuk, Shangar and Khanaqin, the total area is around 73,618 km2 (Talib, 2005), and represents 17% of the total area of Iraq. Results. The results of the field research show that the rural population of Kurdistan has an average age less than 26 years old. And at the same time is highly suffering from a lack of education which is higher in the case of older people. More than a quarter (28.45%) is uneducated (illiterate), while almost 30% (27.66%) graduated only the primary school meaning that they have the basic knowledge of reading and writing. The number of people not educated in zone B is one quarter higher than in zone A. Conclusion. A study on the field revealed the necessity of improving the specific conditions (economic, social, basic need life) in rural areas to convince migrated farmers to return to their abandoned villages in order to conduct agriculture activities. A possible solution is to support new technology such as machines and cultural practice facilities, offering financial support, know-how, consultation and education. References 1. Mizori A.S. (2012). The geopolitical weight of waters of Kurdistan river's (زن%&*)( ا+*&%,%*-&ا ه/*0& ر/234( ا5 ن/+6رد%8 ). Apirez Press & Publisher. Kurdistan-Duhok. 394. 2. Ministry of Planning (MoP) (2012). Regional development strategy for Kurdistan region KRG. 3. Talib J.T. (2005). Geopolitical foundations of national security in the Kurdistan region (ت/:%;0&*)*< ا+&%,%*-&= ا:>& (:%;&( ا5 ?*@Aن ا/+6دB8). Kurdistan center for strategic researches. Sulaimani. 580. 6/32/5. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 312 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development RESOURCES OF THE REGION IN THE FUNCTION OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT OF MONTENEGRO Sreten JELIĆ1*, Mersida JANDRIĆ1, Dragić ŽIVKOVIĆ1 and Zoran MILOVANČEVIĆ1 1 Faculty of Agriculture. University of Belgrade, Serbia. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: agriculture, Montenegro, region, resources, rural development. Introduction. In very short time big changes occurred in the agrarian structure (Kalezić, 1997), the structure of the population, territorial and socio-economical deployment (Šarović, 2012). According to that, there is an obvious discontinuity in the development of rural areas (Jelic, 2008). Aims. Pointing out the resources of the region during transformation and rapid development of agriculture, rural development and development of rural regions. The largest part of the development potential based on resource utilization is precisely located in the northern region of Montenegro. Materials and Methods. The basic method used in this paper is descriptive statistics applied to the collection of relevant data resources of the region, document analysis, comparison and synthesis (Monstat, 2011). Results. The significant changes in socio-demographics appeared, an increasing part of the elders and the decreasing of the youth, and decreasing the part of the agricultural population. The main leading factors of the development of agriculture and rural development are the family farms in the region, which is about 26.000 and the resources of land, livestock, and labor. Conclusion. The specificity of the region is reflected in the changing structure of the agricultural population, socio-economic, demographic, territorial distribution of the population, and migration. The significant differences in the development of agriculture and rural development in the region are also present. Resources are not fully utilized in order to reduce the differences in the development of the region and to accelerate the development of less developed areas. Also, the regional development of the areas is needed for measures and program of balanced development of local self-government. References 1. Kalezić Ž. (1997). Changes in the Montenegrin agriculture. Vlasinski susreti. Balkan village in the changes and the regional rural development: 47-49. 2. Jelić S. (2008). Changes in agriculture and rural development in the process of transition. Thematics proceedings. First book: 69-76. 3. Šarović R. (2012). Farmers migration in Montenegro. Sociology and Space. 50 (2012)194 (3): 379-393. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 313 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development THE ROMANIAN LAND MARKET IN THE PRE AND POST ACCESION PERIOD. IS IT PERMISIVE OR PROHIBITIVE FOR THE NEW INVESTMENTS? Ionel-Mugurel JITEA1* and Diana-Elena DUMITRAS1 1 Department of Economic Sciences. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine ClujNapoca. Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: land market, economic value, legislative framework, Common Agricultural Policy. Introduction. The access to resources is one of the first well-recognised governmental agricultural policies (McCalla and Josling, 1985). Thus, the access to land and water can induce the agribusiness development. After the last three extensions (2005, 2007 and 2013) the utilised agricultural European Union (EU) resources increased with more than 42% (Eurostat, 2014). The land market was very poorly developed and less regulated in some New Member States (Romania, Bulgaria etc) and more developed in the other (Hungary, Poland, etc) (Ciaian et al., 2010). From this point of view the Romanian land market has known several regulation shifts in the last 20 years. They followed the EU statutory regulation framework and the Common Agricultural Policy demands. Aims. The paper aims to assess the development of land market in Romania in comparison with the other New Member states. The land area transactions can portrait the accessibility to land resources to a potential investor. The rent volume and prices were also investigated as an alternative to farm development. Materials and Methods. In order to investigate the land market regulatory framework a documentary analysis was performed in comparison between Romania and other New Member States. The Romanian land market was analysed from different official statistic data like Eurostat, The Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), the national statistics etc. The missing data of the last years from the official statistics were obtained after caring out a five year press realise and independent land market studies survey. Results. The Romanian land market was one of the most dynamic from the Eastern and Central Europe. Immediately after 1989, the land prices (40 times smaller than the NMS averages) and the volume of transaction were very small. Agriculture was perceived as being a very risky activity. But after finishing the land restitution process, agricultural land became available and the market developed a lot. Even the regulations prohibited land acquisition for foreigners, this type of capital entered in Romania through legal companies. After the EU accession the land prices greatly increases (4500 eur/ha). It became an economic burden for the local investors that do not have access to special land credit grants. Moreover after the CAP implementation in Romania there was an increasing pressure on the small local producers to quit farming through the land price. References 1. McCalla A.F. and Josling T.E. (1985). Agricultural policies and world markets. Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, USA. 2. Ciaian P., D’Artis K. and Swinnen J.F.M. (2010). EU land markets and the Common Agricultural Policy. Centre for European Policy Studies. Brussels. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 314 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development PERSPECTIVES AND POSSIBILITIES FOR DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL AREAS IN VOJVODINA THROUGH THE SECTOR OF NONWOOD FOREST PRODUCTS Milica MARČETA¹*, Ljiljana KEČA¹ and Sreten JELIĆ² ¹Faculty of Forestry. University of Belgrade. Serbia. ² Faculty of Agriculture. University of Belgrade, Serbia. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Vojvodina, rural areas, non-wood forest products, enterprises, trend Introduction. Community living in the forest areas in and around them, often relies on nonwood forest products (NWFPs) for the purpose of personal existence. Although NWFPs are not fully involved in the economic development programs in most states, however, they provide significant cost benefits for rural entrepreneurs across the country. This is confirmed by the growing domestic and international demand for NWFPs is growing and forestry sector gets a new awareness of their importance. Aims. Examine the possibilities of developing the sector of non-timber forest products in Vojvodina, through the analysis of small and medium enterprises engaged in purchasing, processing and marketing of NWFPs. Materials and Methods. The method applied in this research was the modeling method, trend analysis, regression and correlation analysis. For testing the correlation coefficient and the parameter used is the F test and t-test, with significance level α = 0.05. From research techniques applied to the survey in questionnaire with the interview. Results: On the area of Vojvodina in NWFPs sector dominate small family businesses, primarily focused on honey production and processing and marketing of medicinal plants. Based on the trend analysis it is shown a positive trends in the purchase and sale of processed products, which indicates the existence of potential and real possibilities for starting small and medium enterprises in this part of Serbia. Conclusion. In recent years, domestic and international demand for NWFPs is growing and forestry sector gets a new awareness of their importance. In addition to providing a variety of economic, social, cultural and environmental benefits for society in general, NWFPs also play an important role in the life of local communities that rely on wood as their main source of income. Also, raw material availability and diversity that characterizes the region of Vojvodina, encourages especially the rural population to focus on the collection of NWFPs in nature offer them on the market. This opens up the possibility of launching rural entrepreneurship based on NWFPs and indirectly to poverty reduction in rural areas. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 315 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development STUDY ON THE ROLE OF PROTECTION CURTAINS IN THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL COMMUNITIES Camelia MĂNESCU1*, Ioan GRAD1, Teodor MATEOC1 and Nicoleta MATEOC-SÎRB1 1 University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara. Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: development, sustainable, protection curtains, rural communities Introduction. A series of extreme natural phenomena have affected not only agriculture, but the population of the country as well. The continuous deterioration of the environmental conditions has produced irreversible effects on people’s lives and activities. Protection curtains are a solution for such phenomena. Aims. In this paper, the authors focus on the main phenomena challenging the environment and advance a few solutions that could diminish the negative effects of such phenomena on the environment and people. Materials and Methods. The research methodology consists in a bibliographical study based on scientific documenting following the steps below: information, data collection, source study, and source grouping. Results. Research shows that Romania’s population, in general, and Romania’s rural population, in particular, as well as the national economy, has been challenged these two decades by extreme meteorological phenomena of particular amplitude: heat and severe drought, abundant rainfall, land glides and catastrophic floods, and abundant stormy snow falls. Conclusions. Analyses show that forest protection curtains play a very important role in the sustainable development of rural communities, contributing to the improvement of microclimate conditions, to the diminution of the wind speed, to the improvement of the growth and development conditions of the crops, to the diminution of land erosion, etc. This is why the authors suggest the planting of protection curtains in high extreme natural phenomena risk areas. References 1. Otiman P.I., Mateoc-Sîrb N. et al. (2011). Alternativele economiei rurale a României. Ed. Academiei Române. Bucureşti. 2. Stanciu M., Chiriac D. and Huma C. (2010). Impactul schimbărilor climatice recente asupra calității vieții. Calitatea vieţii. XXI(3-4):238-250. 3. Strategia naţională şi programul de acţiune privind combaterea deşertificării, degradării terenurilor şi secetei 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 316 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development SOCIO -ECONOMIC ASPECTS IN SUBSISTENCE HOUSEHOLD FARMS FROM CLUJ COUNTY Valentin MIHAI1*, Mugurel JITEA1, Inge PAULINI2 and Mihaela MIHAI1 1 University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj Napoca. Romania. 2 University of Bonn Geobotanik. INRES. Bonn. Germany. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: rural development, household farms, socio-economic Introduction. The households and the commercial farms represent the main users of the land from the Nord Vest Development Region of Romania. Their production techniques greatly influence the biodiversity and the rural landscape. In the same time, it is important to identify if they are sustainable from the economical point of view. Aims. The socio-economic research, aims to: fulfil the objective of assessing the economic situation of the households farms from two commune of Cluj County; to identify if they are sustainable from the economical point of view and if not, the socio-economical research tries to point out the conditions in which they can become economically viable. Materials and methods. The research area is represented by the territory of two communes Dăbâca and Borşa from the Cluj county. It consists of 8 villages of which Borşa, Borşa-Cătun, Borşa-Crestaia, Ciumăfaia, Giula form Borşa commune and Dăbâca, Luna de Jos and Pâglişa form Dăbâca commune. The region is situated in the Romanian North-Western Developing Region (NUTS 2). In order to assess the economic situation of the commune’s households/commercial farms, it is necessary to collect individual micro-economic data. But collecting data directly from all 3450 people is unfeasible both from the time and the cost point of view. That is why the sampling was chosen as research methodology in the study. The questionnaire represented the instrument used for data collecting in this socio-economic research. Results. In the overall sample, there were 43 farms from Borșa and 40 from Dăbâca communes. Socially, the population of both communes exhibits a high demographic aging degree, low education, depicted from a series of conclusive results: more than half of the family members under survey in the two communes are aged 50 and over; additionally, more than a third are 60 years of age; 43.2% of Borșa and Dăbâca inhabitants have graduated solely from primary school or have pursued no form of education. As a consequence of the demographic aging degree the main income source in the household is represented by pensions received by almost 43% from the total family members. Conclusion. The problems that confront rural economy for the two communes and their impact on future evolution are enhanced by the low share of employees (30%), a share of family members employed in their own households (7,7%) and the high share of no-income individuals (6,4%). As a consequence of the demographic aging degree the main income source in the household is represented by pensions received by almost 43% from the total family members. Acknowledgements. This project was possible through the support of DBU (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt) and EFNCP (funding through European Commission Life+ NGO Support grant scheme). 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 317 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development QUALITY ESTIMATION OF THE TOURISM SERVICES. STUDY CASE: PRAID SALT MINE Iulia C. MURESAN1*, Felix H. ARION1, Roxana E. OLTEAN1 1 Department of Economic Sciences, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine ClujNapoca. Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: survey, tourism services quality, wellness tourism Introduction. Tourism represents an industry with a rapid development around the world. According to the UNWTO World Tourism Barometer in 2013 the international tourist arrivals worldwide by 5% reaching 1,087 million tourists, Europe remaining the most visited region in the world. In Romania the total number of tourists increased by the 3.5% in 2014 and the domestic tourism represented 78%. Aims. In the current situation of the tourism evolution was considerate opportune an investigation regarding the tourists’ perception about the quality of the services from Praid Salt Mine. Materials and Methods. The tourists’ perception regarding the quality of the services offered by Praid Salt Mine was investigated using the survey based on the questionnaire. The data were analysed using the descriptive statistics. As secondary data for this research were used the data about the tourist activity from SPA resorts but also the internal data of the Praid Salt Mine about the number and type of tourists. Results. It was noted the fact that most tourists are loyal to this touristic destination, especially for subterranean treatment activities, they wish the enrichment of tourism services offer from the mine, in order to have as much as possible activity, and increase the quality of some of the existing ones. Conclusion. It was noticed that tourism services are very important for tourists when they are choosing a touristic destination, for this reason investments should be made to meet the needs of all categories of tourists, starting at those who come for treatment because they spend the most time in the resort, up to day visitors which should not be neglected because they bring profit to the mine. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 318 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development A CONSIDERATION ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WITHIN BELIS-FANTANELE AREA Vasile Lucian NAS1* and Sebastian-Calin VAC1 1 Department of Economic Sciences. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: tourism, rural development, Belis-Fantanele, development strategies Introduction. Belis-Fantanele is a mountainous area included in the Apuseni Natural Park, has a high tourism potential because it includes as a central point Fântânele lake. The area enjoys growing interest from local and regional authorities because of its potential, and the fact that the area was depopulated by the movement of the young people from this area, caused by lack of expectations, the area's population decreasing from 2002 to 2011 by 12%. Aims. The paper aims to analyze sustainable development strategies that were made for this area through projects developed by/for local and regional authorities. The analysis will track inventory the problems identified by the authorities, and the strategies and solutions proposed. Also we will evaluate the results obtained by the developed projects. Materials and methods. Were analyzed as follows: "Cluj County Development Strategy for 2014-2020"-recipient Cluj County Council, "Socio-economic Development Strategy 20092015 the village Belis" - Belis primary beneficiary, and still other 6 strategies proposed. In analyzing the proposed strategies we focused on their purpose, the proposed solutions and results. Given that there were many development strategies, their synthesis was performed after 4 meetings with representatives of Cluj County Council, the authority which has responsibility for developing the area, in partnership with local authorities. Results. After analyzing these development strategies we concluded that the solutions identified include the development of tourism and agro-tourism, leisure tourism, infrastructure development, human resource development, economic sector development. In all the proposed plans to identify and correct problems identified clearly enough, but the solutions they are exposed rather vague, general way, without applying concrete and practical solutions. Conclusion. In the present research work, we propose concrete solutions for sustainable development of the studied area by concentrating on solving the major problems of the area's, exploitating untapped development opportunities, and perhaps the most importantly, financing opportunities and solutions for a sustainable strategy. References 1. Cluj County Development Strategy for 2014-2020. Beneficiary: Cluj County Council. 2. Socio-economic Development Strategy 2009 – 2015 of the Belis community. Cluj County. 3. Toader V. and Sofica A. (2012). Best practices in Cluj County rural tourism. Ed. Risoprint. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 319 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development STUDY ON FRUIT MARKET IN ROMANIA Ioana NICULAE1*, Georgiana Melania COSTAICHE1 and Reta CONDEI1 1 University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest. Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: correlation method, fruit, Romania, GDP Introduction. The trade is the form which has carried throughout history, the most powerful and lasting ties between the countries of the world. Trade is the exchange of goods and knowledge. It is well know that economic growth strongly stimulates imports of fruit, whereas inflation reduces them (Goldstein and Khan, 1985). Aims. The purpose of this paper is evidence that fruit trade is important in Romania, which is its share in Europe and the world, and to highlight the contribution of trade is fruit Romanian GDP. Materials and Methods. As methods we used statistical methods to analyze the activity of trade (import coverage of export, import, export share in GDP, correlation method). Correlation method is important to adjust the data on foreign trade, establish future trends or extrapolating these activities in the future. Has been analyzed the existence of correlations between fruit production and imports value, export value or between fruit production and GDP in agriculture. Results. For the purpose of this study, we group fruits two categories: pome and stone fruits. Between 2002-2011 global fruit imports has averaged 10763945 thousand USD and 10068217 exporting thousand USD. Coverage of global import export was 93.5%. Imports of fruit in the EU averaged was 5746 480 thousand, and the export of 5231451 thousand USD. Coverage of export from import at EU level was 91%. EU Imports of fruit from the fruit of world imports was 53.3% and exports 51.9%. The European Union is the world’s largest market and supplier of fruit. In Romania fruit imports accounted for an average of 32,806,700$ and export 99,913,100$. Export of fruit in Romania was the Romanian total trade fruit 23.2%. Coverage of fruit import export fruit in Romania was 30.2%. The share of imports in GDP fruit in Romania in the analyzed period was 0.28% and the export was 0.0008%. Share of imports of fruit from agriculture GDP was 0.36% and export is 0.011%. Conclusion. Romania's trade fruit is low. Romania is based on imports of fruit, although it has all the makings to become exporter. But Romania is a net importer of fruit, given that exports has a share of 0.0008% of GDP in Romania. References 1. Anghelache C. (1999). Comertul exterior, finnașare și analiza finnaciar bancara. Ed. Economica. 2. Rusu C. (2002). Comerț intern și international. Ed. Dacia. Cluj Napoca. 3. Ene D., Drăghici M. and Alecu I. (2003). Statistică aplicat în agricultură. Ed. Ceres. București. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 320 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development WHAT CAN GEORGESCU-ROEGEN TELL US TODAY? ON REPRODUCTION PRODUCTION, AND SUSTAINABILITY IN PEASANT ECONOMY MODELLING Ernst-August NUPPENAU1* 1 Department of Agricultural Economics. University of Giessen. Germany. Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] * Keywords: production, reproduction, system analysis, farm modelling Introduction. There is a challenging debate on sustainability in food production. In this debate it might be worth to look back into history to a discussion of peasant behavior as initiated by Georgescu-Roegen in ecological economics. The debate should remind us on different modes of farming, alternatives for farming system outlay, and institutions as regards to sustainability. A critical aspect is the modelling of interactions between nature, reproduction, production, and consumption of biologically bound systems. Aims:. In this paper a novel approach is presented in which we use shadow price analysis to inform farmers on needs to recognize natural processes, sustain their reproduction, and to bring production and consumption into balance with and nature. This counts for all types of farming and we show how to apply programming techniques to derive behavioral equations. The aim is to show how behavioral equations of peasants are adjusting. Materials and methods. A critical aspect is the modelling of interactions between nature, reproduction, production, and consumption of biologically bound systems. The suggestion is: by finding integrated valuation methods, corresponding needs of nature and reproduction as well as production and consumptions become closer linked. Then small-scale, peasant farming will be put into a position to more appropriately prove certain advantages against largescale, mechanized farms. Results. As a result we receive an optimal population density for reproduction which fits inside the slogan “living within limits”, i.e. of carrying capacities being challenges for diversity of farming. To characterize our approach we call it a peasant economy. We see a peasant economy as a contrasting concept to industrial farming because peasants survived over centuries, while modern farming has an emphasis on profit making or, in case of farmhousehold interaction, on utility and neglects nature. Nevertheless utility and income are still an integral part of our peasant economy model. Conclusion. The modelling of peasants can be done in quasi market modes by offering a shadow price equivalent. Hereby the ad-hoc assumption in agricultural economics of profit maximizing farms can be put into a broader perspective of reproduction and production, aiming at contributing to more sustainable farming and food systems. References 1. Chayanov A.V. (1966). The theory of peasant economy. Illinois. 2. Bonaiuti M. (2011). From bioeconomics to degrowth. Georgescu-Roegens “New Economics” in eight essays. Milton Park. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 321 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development WOMEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN ROMANIA: A REGIONAL EVALUATION Cristina Bianca POCOL1* and Călin MOLDOVAN-TESELIOS2 1 University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj Napoca. Romania. 2 Metro Media Transilvania. Cluj Napoca. Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: entrepreneurship, necessity, opportunity, satisfaction, women Introduction. Female entrepreneurship is considered by researchers as one of the most creative and innovative areas (On, 2011). Studying the motivations behind a business start-up primarily reveal pecuniary aspects. In Venezuela, the desire to be your own boss and to increase incomes are the main factors behind female entrepreneurship (Zimmerman and Chu, 2013). In Northern Ireland, entrepreneurship among women is motivated by the desire to equilibrate earnings and work responsibilities with family commitments (McGowan et al, 2012). Aims. The study aims to evaluate the general satisfaction regarding the idea of becoming an entrepreneur among women in Romania. Materials and Methods. The research was made in Developing Regions, NE, NW and W, on a sample of 602 women entrepreneurs. The research method was the sociological survey and all data were collected in October, 2013. Results. Almost 3 quarters of the respondents declare to be satisfied by the fact that they have started a business. The degree of satisfaction with this decision is associated with age, education and household income. The main motivations identified are: accumulation of capital, independence, lack of employment and the emergence of an opportunity. Almost half of the women entrepreneurs have started a business alone, partnering exclusively with women being more pronounced in the W Region. Work program is on average nine hours and a half/day, a third of the women questioned using very often the weekend to work. 20% of the respondents intend to close the business in the following 2 years. Conclusion. Most commonly, business women feel respect due to their status, this fact diminishing among those with average incomes, family incomes fewer than 3000 lei and without employees. Also, business women non-involved in family relationships feel to a lesser extent guilt for spending less time with their dear ones. Acknowledgements. This work was a part of the Grant entitled “An integrated intervention in order to strengthen social entrepreneurship among vulnerable women”, Contract POSDRU/84/ 6.1/S/53513. References 1. On A. (2011). Women entrepreneurship in Romania. Romanian Journal of Economics. 33.2 (42):138-145. 2. Zimmerman M.A. and Chu H.M. (2013). Motivation, success, and problems of entrepreneurs in Venezuela. Journal of Management. 14.2: 77. 3. McGowan P., Redeker C.L., Cooper S.Y. and Greenan K. (2012). Female entrepreneurship and the management of business and domestic roles: Motivations, expectations and realities. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 322 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development ORGANIC AGRICULTURE VALUES CHAINS - OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT and trade Mirela-Adriana RUSALI1* 1 Institute of Agricultural Economics. The Romanian Academy. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: organic agriculture, rural development, value chains Introduction. The concerns about health and environment protection leaded along the last decades as well developed as developing world choice for organic products, and consumers demand for organic foods expects to continue growing rapidly in the major markets of EU as well as in US and the competition for these markets is likely to increase considerably. Former experiences proved organic agriculture is suited to small-scale farming and can increase the yields and incomes of subsistence farmers in less developed zones, contributing to poverty reduction and sustainable rural development. Aims. The research aimed at investigated main legal instruments and market constraints to the development of the organic agriculture values chains. Materials and Methods. Analysis and synthesis of information provided by official reports, published documents and scientific studies in the field and statistics availability, drawing to formulation of recommendations of which Romanian stakeholders could benefit. Results. Present paper have been identified several challenges to development of organic sector: data lacking is a major constraint; ensure a steady growth of supply and demand, while maintaining consumers' trust; support the growth of the sector, together with the forthcoming changes to the legislative framework in particular by exploring new medium and long term avenues for solutions to the challenges of supply and demand; there is also a need to raise awareness among policymakers and in the private sector about the economic, environmental and social development opportunities offered by organic agriculture. From this perspective, a certain opportunity is the EU legal proposal for a new organic food and farming legislation and new organic action plan. Conclusion. More resources are needed for research and capacity building to develop, demonstrate and disseminate solutions that respond to concerns about the cost of conversion to organic production, certification costs, and tariff and non-tariff barriers to profitable international markets. It is nevertheless essential to facilitating development of organic value chains; subsidize small enterprises, support the development of organic business and guarantee the credibility of the support scheme and the added value in a long term perspective; strength trade partnerships to help open new markets for organic products. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 323 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development EVOLUTIONS iN E-COMMERCE Marius-Mircea SABAU1* 1 Department of Economical Sciences University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinarz Medicine. Cluj-Napoca. Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: e-commerce, business Introduction. In the business world the paradigm changes are, sometime, extremely rapid. Could a traditional communication company even imagine at the end of the XX century that in few years new technologies will endanger the business existence? The digital revolution has changed our life in almost all aspects and they are no sign of fatigues. The Internet, mobile phones and portable devices have changed dramatically the way we think and communicate, thus the stimulus of our perception. In this new environment the companies should react rapidly in redefining the Marketing techniques. Aims. The aim of this work is to assess the evolution of new selling technology of ecommerce both in Romanian and International environment. The definitory characteristics of the market and the custommer’s acceptancy of the new techniques were evaluated using public data. The final aim is to evaluate the future of this procedure for the next possible investments. Materials and Methods. Different, statistical data sources were used, especially Internet sources. Statistical data were presented Results. In USA which is the leading technology market the volume of selling increased 10 times in the last 15 years. The manly transacted merchandises are electronics, footwear and clothing and movies. This structure is going to diversify grocery product having an increasing rate more important than the medium increasing rate. The continents like Africa, Middle East and Latin America with traditionally low-income consummers, registered also a strong development rate. The technology is rapid, efficient and costless, following the evolution of Internet accesibility. Conclusion. The E-commerce way of selling is an emerging process, having a strong increasing tendency in the last years. The products’ portofolio is difersifying, and the total amount spending for electronic purchases is increasing. We can thus assess that the sector will develop itself in an steady manner. References 1. 2. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 324 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development TOURIST ROUTES “WINE ROAD” IN THE NORTH AND CENTER OF MOLDOVA Liviu VACARCIUC*, Olga MOGALDEA Department of Horticulture. University of State Agrarian of Moldova, str.Mircesti,48, Chisinau, MD2049, * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Key words: biological grapes, the new factory climatic, the natural wines, the rural touristic Introduction. Vines on Moldovan places known history of millennia, confirmed that near Naslaucea the village were discovered footprints of vine leaves - Vitis. About quality of Carpathian wines, bought by the Venetians and Genoa, is mentioned in ancient writings of Xenophon's and by the Government decision there was adopted the National Travel Program “The Wine Road” and development of technology instruction, with 23 brands currently produced: VDO (11 -dry white, 8 dry red, 2 dessert) and 2 –VDOC. Aims. In time of viticulture Moldova and the land features formed private vineyards specific characteristics of local varieties: horns, Zghiharda, Plavae, Rara-Black, Gordana, Cramposia, Busuioaca, Braghina, flies, Feteasca, Moldova, Victoria. In the 4 typical areas: North, South, Centre and the Dnestr, if you travel far and wide. The number of wines of original names increasing, the exceptional quality of the varieties in the specific area according to Regulation ( and 551/2005) the delineation of the plantations, compliance agrotechnic and cultivation procedures. Materials and Methods. arguments for Wine Road and the development of rural tourism in contact with vine and wine appeared in perspective of development program which provides complex measures: - renovation plantations for biological value and SM206 and SM207 national standards; - assessment of vine in the revitalization of clones tested in the register 69 of vine varieties, the 27 varieties of table grapes, - the modern wine industry in the area is a key route as attractive, especially as we are preparing various types of wine; - curative effect on consumption of exotic products - raisins, various beverages - high therapeutic products, enriched with biologically active compounds. Results. Traveling on the Chisinau-Balti tourist route, there could be seen the natural protected areas, churches, museums and monuments from that region, could be visited the factories from Î.M. ”Vismos” S.A., “Aroma”S.A., ”Barza Alba” S.A. The Chisinau-Orhei route gives a possibility to the true amateurs of wine to taste the sample DOC Aligote de Stauceni, Sauvignon, Pinot Blanc(Cricova and Branesti), Buchetul Moldovei(Dubasari), etc. The wine country- Moldova is very beautiful, so we are waiting for you to say you Welcome to Moldova! Conclusion. North Ponticus authentic tradition, ethnographic specifics Moldovan, rich wine heritage tourism, wine production variety encourages us to develop rural tourism with broad integration into the international network and the circuit Carpathian tourist Routes "Orheiul Vechi", "Chisinau - Balti" in northern republic and "Codri of Moldova". To implement this complex program is necessary to conduct various strategic actions, corporate management to establish a modern tourism marketing, renovation of access roads to areas, facilitating a system facilitated foreign investment in every industry. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 325 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development INFLUENCE OF OPTIMIZATION CRITERIA ON LEVEL OF USE MECHANIZATION AND LABOUR FORCE IN CATTLE PRODUCTION Grujica VICO1*, Zoran RAJIĆ2, Sreten JELIĆ2 and Dragić ŽIVKOVIĆ2 1 Faculty of Agriculture. University of East Sarajevo. Bosnia and Herzegovina. 2 Faculty of Agriculture. University of Belgrade. Republic of Serbia. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: criteria, labour force, linear programming, mechanization, model Introduction. Many factors affect the economic performance in cattle production. Good managing with all available resources is essential for reaching best economic result. Manager must keep in mind a large numerous resources, and in other hand, there are several criteria that should maximize or minimize in agricultural (cattle) production. Several authors had to focus research optimizing agricultural production with the use of mathematical programming (Stygar and Makulska, 2010, Costa and Rehman, 2005, Crosson et al., 2006). Aims. The main aim of this paper was to investigate influence of optimisation criteria on level of use mechanization and labour force in cattle production. Materials and Methods. Linear programming used to determine the impact of optimality criteria in the studied parameters. We used five criteria - maximization of gross margin (M1), maximization of own fodder production (M2), maximization of legume production (M3), maximization of use labour force (M4), minimization of use labour force (M5). For additional analysis we used standard statistical methods. Results. Variation in the level of use of machinery and labor was determined based on the analysis of the various solution. We determined that the use of mechaization had bigger variation (Average Coefficient of variation was 126%) than labour force (Average Coefficient of variation was 15.74%). This fact has negative consequences for economic performance in cattle production, primarily through the high fixed costs. The highest level of use of machinery and labor was in M4 and M5 in the least. Conclusion. The influence of optimisation criteria on level of use mechanization and labour force was determined. Managers have better inputs for good decision making when they use more optimization criteria. References 1. Crosson P., O’Kiely P., O’Mara F.P. and Wallace M. (2006). The development of a mathematical model to investigate Irish beef production systems. Agr. Syst. 89: 349–370. 2. Stygar, A. and Makulska, J. (2010). Application of mathematical modelling in beef herd management – a review. Ann. Anim. Sci. 10(4):333–348. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 326 Section 5: Economics and Rural Development ORGANIzATIONAL, TECHNOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC INDICATORS OF BEFF CATTLE PRODUCTION ON FAMILY FARMS Dragić ŽIVKOVIĆ1, Zoran RAJIĆ1, Sreten JELIĆ1, Zoran MILOVANČEVIĆ1 and Bojan DIMITRIJEVIĆ1* 1 Department of Agricultural Economics. University of Belgrade, Serbia. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: cattle production technology, economic principles, family farm Introduction. The paper discusses the organizational, technological and economic aspects of the most important indicators of beef cattle production on family farms. Emphasis is placed on explaining the connections and relationships between organizational, economic, technical and technological business segments of family farm. Aims. The ultimate goal of this paper is to assess the strengths of the business, as well as the ways to eliminate or reduce the impact of those factors whose influence adversely affects the business. Materials and Methods. The data for this paper were collected from family farm business reports, in direct communication with employees, from relevant literature and from the internet. Several methods were used including: a method of content analysis, calculative and balancing methods, method of comparative analysis, as well as spreadsheets and principles of business economics. Results. Key success indicators of beef cattle production on the family farm suggests that, considering both observed years, the business achieved satisfactory results. Although there was a decline in productivity, total efficiency measured by the ratio of total income and total expenditure is on an uptrend. Investment turnover ratio shows that 100 dinars invested in the production achieves 63 dinars of final product value in 2011, or 55 dinars in 2012. In both years, the current assets cover the current liabilities. The family farm was not solvent in any of the observed years, except that in 2012 the solvency increased by 42% compared to the previous year 2011. Total debt increased by 45%, while total operating assets increased by 106%. Conclusion. Based on the obtained results it can be concluded that the observed family farm provides a good example of how organized and proper process technologies can improve the business results. References 1. Munćan P. and Živković D. (2004). Menadžment rada i proizvodnje u poljoprivredi. Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd. 2. Rodić J. and Vukelić G. (2003). Teorija i analiza bilansa. Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd. 3. Romčević Lj., Trifunović G. and Lazarević Lj. (2007). Govedarstvo Srbije. Monografija. Poljoprivredni fakultet Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 327 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies THE IMPORTANCE OF TRADITIONAL AGRICULTURE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Stefano GREGO* University of Tuscia, Italy *Corresponding author, email: [email protected] Keywords: traditional agriculture, ecological guidance, germplasm conservation Introduction. Over the past 50 years, humans have changed ecosystems more rapidly and extensively than in any comparable period of time in human history, largely to meet rapidly growing demands for food, fresh water, timber, fiber and fuel. The changes that have been made to ecosystems have contributed to substantial net gains in human well-being and economic development, but these gains have been achieved at growing costs in the form of the degradation of many ecosystem services, increased risks of nonlinear changes, and the exacerbation of poverty for some groups of people. The degradation of ecosystem services could grow significantly worse during the first half of this century and the challenge of reversing the degradation of ecosystems while meeting increasing demands for their services could be achieved but these involve significant changes in policies, institutions and practices, that are not currently under way. Due to the lack of ecological guidance, modern agriculture promotes monoculture, new varieties and agrochemicals use, all of which are considered critical to increasing yields, labor efficiency and farm incomes. Strong pressures promote the conversion of subsistence agriculture to a cash agricultural economy determining the loss of biodiversity, a reduction of soil fertility and the abandon of traditional and technical indigenous knowledge. The majority of farmers in the developing world tend small plots in marginal environments, using indigenous agricultural methods. These diversified agro-ecosystems have emerged over centuries of biological evolution and represent the experience of farmers interacting with their environment without access to external inputs, capital or scientific knowledge. While climate negotiators have focused on intensifying production through modern agriculture, new research shows that traditional knowledge and crop varieties may prove even more important for adaptation. In fact, modern agriculture has made many rural communities more vulnerable to climate change, by increasing their reliance on external resources. Traditional crops are hardier and more resilient to impacts such as drought and new pests, because their genetic make-up is more varied and better suited to local conditions. But traditional crops and knowledge are disappearing fast. Government policies, research and subsidies largely promote modern commercial agriculture, often at the expense of traditional farming. Incentives are urgently needed to encourage germplasm conservation by governments, public breeding institutes and farmers. Policy and institutional reforms are needed to support both modern and traditional agriculture. The capacity of the world’s poorest and most affected communities to adapt depends on the inter-linked traditional knowledge, culture and ecosystems – or bio-cultural systems – from which new innovations can develop and spread. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 328 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies WILD AND MANAGED HONEY BEES IN AFRICA, IMPACT ON COLONY HEALTH Robin M. CREWE* Social Insects Research Group, Department of Zoology and Entomology University of Pretoria, South Africa * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: honeybees, Africa, diseases and parasites Introduction. Africa is home to the largest wild population of honeybees and these bee colonies are used in a variety of ways to support human livelihoods. The degree to which honey bee diseases and parasites affect these populations is largely unknown. Recently there have been a number of surveys conducted in eastern and southern Africa of diseases and parasites in colonies of honeybees that are managed in order to produce apicultural products and services. The question that has been raised is whether the supposed decline in managed honeybee populations is also reflected in managed African populations. The results of the surveys will be discussed in the context of what is known from other parts of the world. In addition, the uniquely African traits of absconding by colonies, dealing with parasitic worker honeybees and resistance to Varroa will be discussed. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 329 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies PERSPECTIVES FOR HIGH NUTRIENT USE EFFICIENCY IN RUMINANT FEEDING Martin GIERUS* Institute of Animal Nutrition, Products, and Nutrition Physiology Department of Agrobiotechnology – IFA-Tulln University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria *Corresponding author, email: [email protected] Keywords: ruminant, high nutrient use efficiency Introduction. The breeding of animals has considerably contributed to improve animal performance in the last decades, and the requirement for high quality feed and nutrient characterization in forages increased accordingly. Nowadays-high efficiency of nutrient and energy utilization is required to be in line with international commitments on greenhouse gas emissions. The main focus in many regions in Europe is the N surplus, which originates from inefficient resource utilization, contributing largely to environmental pollution. In addition, large amounts protein rich concentrates are imported in EU countries, with land use changes in the producing regions worldwide like South America and South Asia. Therefore, increasing the production of homegrown proteins in Europe and quantifying their protein use efficiency is needed. In addition, alternative protein sources originating from homegrown proteins in Europe should focus on factors determining the nutritive value of feedstuffs (concentrates, byproducts and forages) for ruminants and its causes of variation. For grains and pulses, processing should obtain bypass protein increment by at least 15%points, increase in whole-tract starch digestibility by 10%-points and increase of metabolized energy content of 5%. Such improvement allows less concentrate to be fed to high yielding dairy cows to maintain similar milk yields. Another possibility is the use of byproducts. Nowadays-industrial production system like the feed and food processing sector results in large quantities of residuals requiring acceptable environmental management. Most residues may have substantial protein content (e.g. corn or wheat gluten feed, DDGS, brewer’s grain), pectin content (pulps or peels from fruit processing) or fiber content as well (hulls, husks, skins). In addition byproducts are becoming valuable sources of active compounds, like polyphenols, which action strength are not yet well known and changes due to further processing of those byproducts not well understood. Therefore, it is of major importance to identify byproducts with active compounds and its contribution to protein utilization by the animal. Finally, forages are the main ingredients of high yielding dairy cow, sheep and beef cattle diets. Forage quality and sward management have become more important than ever. Managing for high quality forage with proper harvesting and fertilization is one way of mitigating rising costs of doing business on intensively managed dairy cow and sheep farms in Europe diverse farming areas. The need to find and adapt good agricultural practices is emerging. In fact, crop rotations including arable grassland are alternatives to maize monoculture and should be supported further. As the main task is to increase the N use efficiency, a forage production system towards cultivation of temporary grassland combines the increasing genetic potential for high yielding animals (dairy cows, dairy sheep, beef cattle) with the utilization of locally adapted cultivars of forage species or the utilization of those with high nutritive value, especially with high-energy content. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 330 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies REASONS FOR HONEYBEE COLONY DECLINES: A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Robin F.A. MORITZ* Institut für Biologie, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: honeybee colonies, socio-economic changes, global perspective Introduction. The past decade has seen a multitude of dramatic reports in the public media on honeybee (Apis mellifera) declines that raised great public and societal concern. Primarily pathogens, pesticides, and their interactions have been attributed to have substantially contributed to the losses of honeybee colonies. However, lost colonies are typically replaced by beekeepers and as a consequence, the number of managed colonies did not decline but rather increased globally over the past five decades according to the FAO database. At the same time, there are huge regional differences with some countries suffering dramatic declines but others reporting massive increases in the number of managed colonies. Based on the FAO data set it becomes very clear that pests and pathogens may not be major drivers for regional colony declines and that socio-economic changes have a much stronger impact on national colony declines. In particular massive societal changes in response to revolutions, civil wars and fundamental transformations of the national economic systems cause dramatic and abrupt colony declines, which are only very slowly recovered if at all. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 331 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies CAFfEIC ACID PHENETHYL ESTER (CAPE) IN ROMANIAN PROPOLIS Liviu Al. MĂRGHITAŞ, Daniel DEZMIREAN, Flaviu DRÂGLĂ and Otilia BOBIŞ* Department of Apiculture and Sericulture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: CAPE, flavonoids, HPLC, propolis, polyphenols Introduction. Propolis is an important bee product, rich in biologically active compounds (Mărghitaş et al., 2013). It is collected by the bees from buds and exudates of different trees and plants and it has been used since ancient times as a natural remedy or in embalming process. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) is one of the main medicinal components of propolis, possessing important biological activities, such as anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant antiinflammatory and the most important anti-cancer properties (Son and Lewis, 2002). Aims. Taking into account that CAPE is an excellent compound in cancer, hepatitis and other oxidative stress diseases treatment; we consider that knowing the amount of this compound in Romanian propolis is a very challenging proposal. Materials and Methods. Different propolis samples were harvested in Transylvania, Romania, freeze immediately after harvest, finely ground, extracted with 70% ethylic alcohol and analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography. The measurements were done on a Shimadzu equipment, using acetonitril : water as mobile phase. To calculate the amount of CAPE in the samples, a calibration curve of different concentrations of standard compound was constructed. Results were expressed as mg/g propolis. Results. The analyzed propolis samples show that beside different phenolic acids and flavonoids, Romanian propolis is also rich in CAPE. Concentrations ranging from 0.86 to 3.87mgCAPE/g was measured and correlated with high amounts of chrysin. High concentrations of caffeic acid (1.4 mg/ml) and pinocembrin (2.85 mg/g) were also determined in the analyzed samples. Conclusion. HPLC analysis of propolis samples from different locations in Romania has highlighted the fact that they contain large amounts of CAPE. This propolis may be used successfully in the treatment of various diseases, including cancer. References 1. Mărghitaş L., Dezmirean D. and Bobiş O. (2013). Important developments in Romanian propolis research, Evid. Based Complement. Alternat. Med., 2013:159392. 2. Son S. And Lewis B.A. (2002). Free radical scavenging and antioxidative activity of caffeic acid amide and ester analogues: structure-activity relationship. J. Agric. Food Chem. 50:468-472. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 332 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies RESEARCHES REGARDING THE FATTY ACIDS CONTENT IN TURKEY MEAT Paul C. BOIŞTEANU, Marius M. CIOBANU and Roxana LAZĂR* Department of Fundamental Sciences in Animal Husbandry, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine from Iaşi, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Keywords: extraction, fatty acids, turkey meat Introduction. The lipid content of the poultry meat reveals both in domestic and wild birds a greater quantities of unsaturated fatty acids (UFA), [oleic acids (C18:1) are dominating in all tissues] comparing to the saturated fatty acids (SFA). The dark meat and the derma of the domestic birds contain as well or a greater quantity of oleic acids that the total of saturated fatty acids. The palmitic (C16:0), the oleic and the linoleic (C18:2) n-6) fatty acids summarize at least 68% of the total fatty acids constituents in bird tissues. Aims. Previous studies have shown that during the development of fat deposits there is observed an increasing of SFA and UMFA comparing to UPFA, with an impact on the decline of UPFA content and consequently of the UPFA/ SFA; similar results were highlighted also in our study. Materials and Methods. The extraction of meat lipid fraction was performed according to the protocol described by Folch. The working method used in this case was specific for the lipid separation in meat samples with a weight of ~2.5 g. Detection of methyl esters was performed using a gas-chromatograph GC Carlo Erba 5300 mega series, connected to a flame ionization detector and to a splitted injector. For 1 µL sample analysis, a capillary column Omegawax 320 (Supelcco inc., Bellafonte, PA.) with highly polar stationary phase, type SP2380-60 m length and 0.25 mm thickness was used. Results. The obtained results have characterized the quantitative perspective of saturated lipids of each anatomical cutted region; the upper thigh muscles had the lowest SFA content, while an ascending value of inferior leg and pectoral muscles was recorded. With respect to the SFA turkey meat content, the analysis revealed an irregular hierarchy between the experimental groups of upper thigh and pectoral muscle and uniform in the case of inferior leg. Conclusion. The quantitative and qualitative description of fatty acids profile of turkey meat lipids revealed a wide range of variation, the mean of main lipid fractions have shown a predominantly content in C16:0, C18:0 for SFA, C18:1 ω-9 and C16:1 for UMFA, while for UPFA a content of C18:2ω-6 cis, C18:3ω-3 and C20:4ω-6 was recorded. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 333 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies IMPACT OF NEONICOTINOID INSECTICIDES ON HONEYBEE IMMUNITY Gennaro DI PRISCO*, Emilio CAPRIO and Francesco PENNACCHIO Dipartimento di Agraria. Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Portici, Italy *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Apis mellifera, DWV, neuroimmunity, NLR (CLR), toxicology Introduction. Large-scale losses of honeybee colonies seem to have a multifactorial origin with both biotic and abiotic stress factors being apparently involved in the induction of this phenomenon, which is often associated with high loads of parasites and pathogens. Neonicotinoid insecticides can favor the proliferation of these latter, but the mechanism involved still remains elusive. Aims. Here, we demonstrate that the neonicotinoid insecticide clothianidin negatively modulates NF-κB immune signaling in insects and adversely affects honeybee antiviral defenses controlled by this transcription factor. Materials and Methods. Newly emerged bees used in all of the experiments were obtained from brood frames taken from the experimental hives and kept in an incubator at 34°C, 80% relative humidity (RH), for 12 h. Drosophila melanogaster stocks were raised on standard cornmeal/yeast/agar medium at 21°C. The Canton-S stock was used for the assessment of clothianidin and chlorpyriphos toxicity. All samples were kept at -80°C before the molecular analysis. Results. Exposure to clothianidin, by enhancing the transcription of the gene encoding the inhibitor of NF-kB, reduces immune defenses and promotes the replication of the deformed wing virus in honeybees bearing covert infections. This honeybee immunosuppression is similarly induced by a different neonicotinoid, imidacloprid, but not by the organophosphate chlorpyriphos, which does not affect NF-κB signaling. The occurrence at sublethal doses of this insecticide-induced viral proliferation suggests that the studied neonicotinoids might have a negative effect at the field level. Conclusion. Our experiments uncover a further level of regulation of the immune response in insects and set the stage for studies on neural modulation of immunity in animals. Furthermore, this study has implications for the conservation of bees, as it will contribute to the definition of more appropriate guidelines for testing chronic or sublethal effects of pesticides used in agriculture. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 334 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies EFFECTS OF DIETARY SUPPLEMENTATION AT NILE TILAPIA WITH THYMUS VULGARIS, TRIGONELA FOENUM GRAECUM AND AZADIRACHTA INDICA ON WELFARE STATUS Alina ANTACHE*, Victor CRISTEA, Iulia GRECU, Lorena DEDIU, Mirela CREŢU, Elena BOCIOC and Ştefan M. PETREA Department of Aquaculture, Environmental Science and Cadastre, “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galaţi, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: hematological profile, lysozyme, Nile tilapia, recirculating aquaculture system, phytobiotics, Introduction. At fish, the evaluation of hematological profile is an important step in monitoring the welfare status. This can be influenced by growth conditions, sex, age, biochemical composition of feed, etc. (Patriche et al., 2011). Aims. The aim of this research was to determine the influence of dietary supplementation with some phytobiotics on hematological profile, some biochemical indices of blood and on the immune response at Oreochromis niloticus reared in a recirculating aquaculture system. Materials and Methods. The experimental variants were organized as follows: V1–control, V2–1% thyme, V3–1% fenugreek and V4–1% neem. Blood analysis, glucose and total protein were carried out by methods commonly used in fish hematology. Lysozyme activity was measured by a turbiometric assay and cortisol was determined by an immune enzymatic assay. Results. At the end of the experiment was observed that the phytobiotics administration has led to significant changes (p<0.05) in case of erythrocytes number (p=0.002) and relative number of monocytes (%) (p=0.045). Comparing final results with the value obtained at the beginning of the experiment were noted significant differences (p<0.05) in case of erythrocytes number (p=0.037), PVC (p=0.001), MCHC (p=0.000), glucose (p=0.035), monocytes (%) (p=0.042). The best values were registered in V2 and V3 variant. The concentration of cortisol was lower in variants in which the dietary was supplemented with phytobiotics compared to the control variant. The neem (V4) administration led to intensifying the lysozyme activity than other experimental variants. Conclusion. In this research, we demonstrated that the dietary supplementation especially with thyme and fenugreek, but also with neem has improved the physiological status at Oreochromis niloticus species. References 1. Patriche Tanti, Patriche N., Bocioc E., Coada M.T. (2011). Serum biochemical parameters of farmed carp (Cyprinus carpio), Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation and Legislation– International Journal of the Bioflux Society 4, 137–140. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 335 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies THE BIOCHEMICAL EVALUATION OF AQUACULTURE NILE TILAPIA MUSCLE TISSUE, IN CONDITION OF SOME PHYTOBIOTICS ADMINISTERED IN FEED Alina ANTACHE*, Victor CRISTEA, Lorena DEDIU, Iulia GRECU, Ştefan M. PETREA and Alexandru C. BANDI Department of Aquaculture, Environmental Science and Cadastre, University “Dunărea de Jos” Galaţi, Romania. * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: biochemical composition of muscle tissue, Oreochromis niloticus, phytobiotics, recirculating aquaculture system Introduction. Biochemical composition of fish meat is influenced by numerous of endogenous and exogenous factors, but depends mostly by the biochemical composition of feed administered (Alemu et al., 2013) Aims. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of some phytobiotics on biochemical composition of Nile tilapia muscle tissue reared in a recirculating aquaculture system. Materials and Methods. The experiment was conducted for fourteen weeks, from August 17 to November 27, 2012. The experimental variants were: V1–control, V2–1% Rosmarinus officinalis/kg feed; V3–1% Hippophae rhamnoides/kg feed and V4–1% Zingiber officinale/kg feed. During the experiment, the sampling for biochemical analysis of muscle tissue was performed at the beginning of the experiment (17.08.2012), on intermediary moment (28.09.2012) and at the end of the experiment (27.11.2012), from fresh meat. Results. The results showed significant differences (p<0.05) both between initial (Vi) and intermediary (Vint–28.09.2012) moment and between experimental variants (Vint) in terms of protein, fat, moisture and dry matter percentage. At the end of the experiment were registered significant differences (p<0.05) with respect to protein and moisture percentage. Also, in this paper was presented the dynamics of nutrient retention efficiency (PER-g/g, PUE-%, RPg/fish and RL-g/fish) at Nile tilapia, in the muscle tissue. At the intermediary moment, in V3 was registered the lowest value of fat content (1.22%), and in V4 the highest value of protein content (13.11%). Conclusion. In conclusion, rosemary, sea buckthorn and ginger in concentration of 1%/kg feed influenced significantly the biochemical composition of muscle tissue at Oreochromis niloticus species. References 1. Alemu L.A., Melese A.Y. and Gulelat D.H. (2013). Effect Of Endogenous Factors On Proximate Composition Of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus L.) Fillet From Lake Zeway, American Journal of Research Communication, Vol. 1(11): 405-410. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 336 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies REVIEW – WATER TREATMENT CAPACITY OF DIFFERENT HYDROPONIC MODULES INTEGRATED IN RECIRCULATING AQUACULTURE SYSTEMS Alexandru C. BANDI1*, Victor CRISTEA1, Ştefan M. PETREA1, Lucian GEORGESCU2, Lorena DEDIU1 and Dragoş DIACONU1 1 Department of Aquaculture, Environmental Science and Cadastre, Faculty of Food Science and Engineering, University “Dunărea de Jos”Galaţi, Romania 2 Department of Chemistry, Physics and Environment, Faculty of Sciences and Environment, University “Dunărea de Jos” Galaţi, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: hydroponic modules, nitrogen compounds, RAS, water treatment Introduction. Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) have proved to be the ideal solution for the future of aquaculture because of the high fish stocking densities that are possible to be applied, and therefore because of the high feeding ratios that are practiced. Thus, the economic efficiency and sustainability of these systems is tightly linked to the degree of optimal water quality assurance by using lesser financial resources. Aims. Taking into consideration the above-mentioned aspects, the present review aims to find the technical and technological circumstances under which the water quality in a recirculating system can be optimized using aquaponic water treatment techniques. Results. Thus, it was observed that higher nitrate removal rate was recorded in deep-water culture (DWC) hydroponic modules (DWC>MFG>NFT), and higher phosphate (PO4) removal rate was also recorded in media filled grow beds (MFG) hydroponic modules (MFG>NFT>DWC). Other aspects that influence the water treatment process are: hydraulic flow regime (continuous flow>reciprocating flow), hydraulic loading rate, flow rate (high flow rate>low flow rate –in the case of TAN, but LFR>HFR –in the case of nitrate and TP), and fish to plants ratio. Conclusion. The present work demonstrates that the hydroponic modules are successful in maintaining the water quality at an optimal level. Several technical and technological factors (optimal vegetal-animal biomass ratio, growth area, bearing capacity of the system, type of plant-fish species) are optimized by using a certain hydroponic module system (nutrient film technique (NFT), deep water culture (floating rafts), and media filled grow beds corresponding with specific RAS characteristics (bearing capacity, rearing units and water treatment units (mechanical filter, biological filter, etc.) dimensioning and design. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 337 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies DETERMINATION OF MILLING MODULE AND ENERGY CONSUMPTION FOR DIFFERENT CATEGORIES OF CONCENTRATES FEEDS Victor BǍRBIERU*, Mircea MUNTEANU and Adriana DAVID 1 University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: concentrate feeds; granular indexes Introduction. Intensive animal breeding in relative restricted spaces is conditioned by wellbalanced feeds in all nutrients, which provide a good productive capacity and health maintenance. Using cereals and other vegetal feeds is carried out after processing operations to ensure their consumption and the possibility of mixing with other components to achieve the combined feeds. Aims. The aim for determination of milling module for analyzed feeds is framing on different animal species for samples obtained by the mill used sieves. Determination of energy consumption per unit product according to the moisture content of the raw material is also an indicator of the approach towards waiting for him ahead. Materials and Methods. Raw Materials used were the grain such as corn, wheat, and oat as well as sunflower seed meals. The equipment used was a feeds processing outfit “Bontida” type, which content a hammer mill (7.5 KW) and horizontal mixer type “Himmel”. For determination of milling granular we used a machine with 4 different sieves and the results were used for calculation of average granular indexes. Results. During cereals milling process have been using 3 different-sized holes in the sieve, 2 types of hammer mill rotor on two different humidity levels, recording also the energy consumption per unit of product. After the milling process were taken from each product samples from 500 gram for the determination of granular indexes with sieves machine AS300. It has been calculated the milling module and have many differences according to the mill sieves used, the hammer mill type, and humidity of row materials. Conclusion. Calculation of milling module (granular indexes) for analyzed cereals allow framing for various animal species, depending on the mill used sieves, aspects can be taken into account in the practice of farmers. References 1. Stǎnilǎ S. (2013). Utilaje în industria alimentarǎ, editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca. 2. Sara A. (2006). Nutreturile si utilizarea lor in hrana animalelor, Editura Risoprint Cluj Napoca. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 338 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies HAEMATOLOGICAL PROFILE OF THE JUVENILE CARP (Cyprinus carpio, L. 1758) REARED INTO A RECIRCULATING AQUACULTURE SYSTEM WITH PROBIOTICS SUPPLEMENT Elena BOCIOC1*, Victor CRISTEA1, Neculai PATRICHE2, Iulia GRECU1, Alina ANTACHE1 and Mirela (CREŢU) MOCANU1 1 Department of Aquaculture, Environmental Science and Cadastre, University “Dunarea de Jos” Galaţi, Romania 2 Institute for Research and Development in Aquatic Ecology, Fishing and Aquaculture, Galati * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: carp, hematological parameters, probiotics, RAS Introduction. The use of probiotics in aquaculture is gained increasing scientific and commercial interest for promoting as growth supplements, mostly, but as prophylactic or therapeutic agents, too. The intensive fish rearing often are characterized by stressful conditions (overcrowd, altered water quality etc.) so the probiotics could help by enhancing the resistance to stress. In teleostean fish, hematological indices are used as indicators of the physiological stress response to internal or external factors disturbances. Currently, there is limited information on the efficacy of the probiotics and its impact on fish blood physiology. Aims. The general aim of this paper was to assess the effect of a probiotic supplements (BioPlus® 2B) on hematological status in common carp (Cyprinus carpio, L. 1758), cultured in a recirculating aquaculture system and fed with a commercial diet with 30% raw protein. Materials and Methods. The experiment was performed for 60 days, fish biomass being equally distributed into the 4 growth units (V1-control and 3 different concentrations of probiotics: V2-2.24×109 CFU/kg food, V3-3.84×109 CFU/kg food, V4-7.04×109 CFU/kg food). Blood samples were drawn both at the beginning and the end of the trial period. Results. The researches revealed a great range of variability for the hematological parameter as follows: (Hb) hemoglobin 3.40÷11.00 g/dl; (Ht) hematocrit 23.00÷41.00%; (RBC) red blood cell count 0.72÷2.10 x 106/µl, (MCV) mean corpuscular volume 127÷346.37 (µm3), (MCH) mean corpuscular hemoglobin 18.62÷59.66 (pg) and (MCHC) mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 12.65÷30.69 (g/dl). Conclusion. In the present research, these variations in the blood parameters underlined the role of the hematology in assessing the homeostatic response of fish to different technological conditions. References 1. Burr G., Gatlin D., Ricke S. (2005). Microbial Ecology of the Gastrointestinal Tract of Fish and the Potential Application of Prebiotics and Probiotics in Finfish Aquaculture, J World Aquacul Soc 36(4): 425-436. 2. Ghodratizadeh S., Ghodratizadeh Z., Farhoudi M. and Habibian M. (2011). Effects of Addition of Saccharomyces cerevisae and Bacillus subtilis in Diet on Aelected Hematological and Biochemical Parameters in Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio), World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences 3(1): 96-99, 2011, IDOSI Publications, ISSN: 207845-89. 3. Enache I., Cristea V., Docan A. and Popescu A. (2011). Hematological profile in juvenile carp reared under a recirculating system condition, AACL Bioflux, Volume 4(5): 644650. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 339 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies STUDIES REGARDING THE EFFECT OF ORGANIC FERTILIZERS ON A PERMANENT GRASSLAND IN PETROVA, MARAMUREŞ Adela l. BOTIŞ*, Gheorghe MIHAI, Nicuşor SIMA, Doru CRISTE, Iulia MEDREA and Bogdan FĂGĂDAR 1 Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnologies, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: fertilizers, grassland, Maramureş, organic Introduction. Technological development, mechanization, agrichemical substances and more recently the genetic findings have permitted a constant growth of grassland productions and lead to structural changes in agriculture (Bogdan, 2012). A form of maintaining the balance between the haleness of the environment and the human needs of food products and fodder is by using natural resources and give back what nature provides to humans. Aims. Since the topic of organic agriculture and healthy food concerns a greater number of people, this type of life became a trend, especially in Western Europe and more in our days in Romania, leading to a necessity of organic products on the market. Starting from these concerns and applying them to permanent grasslands, this would be the start point for obtaining organic fodder for animals that provide other products for human alimentation. One of the main problems that the experiment in Petrova, Maramureş tries to solve is the quantity of forage that can be obtained from an organic fertilized permanent grassland. Materials and Methods. There were many studies carried out in Maramureş, especially in the 18th and 19th century, most of them either on the vegetation of the area or on the production of permanent grasslands implying mineral fertilizers. The experiment conducted in Petrova, Maramureş, is exclusively organic, trying to solve the problem of the necessary of fodder for animals. The experiment is established on a permanent grassland in the climate conditions of Petrova since October 2012. Results. Studies conducted in the area reveal important quantities of fodder obtained from permanent grassland. Also experiments carried out in other parts of Romania and in Europe, using manure as fertilizers, show good productions of grass, these studies being used as comparing results and developing methods to perfect the one established in Maramureş. Concrete results were obtained from the field in the summer of 2013, with two cuts, and one cut in June 2014, the experiment being ongoing for at least another year. The quantity of grass obtained is quantified in green matter and dry matter, the result being compared with others in the literature and between them to emphasize the best quantity of manure or manure mix per hectare to obtain the necessary quantity of fodder. Conclusion. The necessity of keeping the environment safe and preserve the haleness of the animals and people ask for new technologies to be used in agriculture and imply a more natural method to increase production. One of the ways to do this is by using organic fertilizers that will keep safe not only humans but also the animals and will preserve the biodiversity of the environment. References 1. Bogdan Anca (2012). Cercetări privind folosirea şi menţinerea pajiştilor montane cu lowput, PhD Thesis at The University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, ClujNapoca. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 340 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies REVIEW –A LIFE FOR NOBEL PRIZE: REMEMBER GEORGE EMIL PALADE Mirela E. CADAR* and Mircea GABOREANU 1 Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnologies, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania *Corresponding author, email: [email protected] Keywords: cellular biology, molecular biology, Nobel Prize, GE Palade Introduction. In 2012 were accomplished 100 years from birth of George Emil Palade. He was born in Iaşi, Romania, in November 19, 1912, and after high school, in 1929 he was admitted in “Carol Davila” Medicine Faculty from Bucharest. During university years, he was especially interested in anatomy and biochemistry. After university, he made and sustained the PhD thesis, which had the subject: “Urinary tube in cetacean Delphynus delphy” and he obtained the title of Doctor in medicine and surgery in 1940. After six years, as assistant and then associate professor in Anatomy Department, G.E. Palade emigrated in USA to continue his post-doctorate studies. He will became USA citizen in 1952. In a first period of 26 years (1947-1973), G.E. Palade made his researches in Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, having as main preoccupations the cells’ fractioning method and researches of animal and vegetal tissues in electronic microscope. He improved these methods conceiving the Palade fixing solution, ultracentrifugation in sucrose density gradient, the “pulse-chase” process in experiments with radioactive isotopes and the autoradiography in electronic microscopy. For the first time, in cellular ultrastructure and physiology, he described the mitochondria, nervous fibers of C type, interneuronal and neuromuscular synapses, the ribosomes (Palade granules), the role of rough endoplasmic reticullum in protein synthesis, the atrial specific granules, the messangial cells from renal corpuscles, the different types of intercellular junctions, the plasmalemal vesicles from endothelial cells and the transcytosis phenomenon, the Weibel-Palade corpuscles from endothelia, the peripheral vesicles of Golgi complex and intracellular vectorial transport of secretion proteins, the nature of zymogene granules, membranes’ biogenesis etc. In 1973, G.E. Palade accepted the proposal of Yale University School of Medicine to establish the Yale Center Molecular Medicine. Here, he continues the research of secretion process in pancreas exocrine cells. In 1974, the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology was assigned to three researchers from Cellular Biology domain –Albert Claude, Christian De Duve and George Emil Palade. The Nobel Committee motivation was: “for discoveries concerning the functional organization of the cell that were seminal events in the development of modern cell biology”. In 1990, G.E. Palade go to University of California, in San Diego School of Medicine La Jolla, where he continues the study of intracellular vectorial transport of proteins using the immune-isolation procedure for subcellular components’ isolation. In biologic research domain, G.E. Palade was the partisan of multidisciplinary approach and has collaborators from specialization as biochemistry, physics, medicine, zoology, botany etc. He always considered that researches from cellular and molecular biomedicine would be useful to elucidate numerous diseases from cellular pathology domain. George Emil Palade died in October 7, 2008. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 341 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies THE INFLUENCE OF REFRIGERATION METHOD AND MATURATION TIME IN BROILER MEAT QUALITY Marius M. CIOBANU*, Roxana LAZĂR, Emanuiel C. DIACONU, Nicoleta GĂINĂ (DIACONU) and Paul C. BOISTEANU Department of Fundamental Sciences in Animal Husbandry, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine from Iaşi, Romania * Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: chicken, maturation, refrigeration Introduction. Consumer acceptability of broiler meat depends on its tenderness and appearance, main cause of incidence hardness broiler meat cutting and boning the carcass before the completion of rigor mortis. Aims. Thus, to prevent apparition of rough meat literature describes a number of studies that focused on finding the optimum aging time. Prior to cutting and boning, to obtain juicy meat is needed to apply an early maturation period ranging between 4 and 6 h. Materials and Methods. Meat color was expressed by tristim spectral coordinates L*, a*, b* color space in CIEL* a* b* (AMSA), measured by specular component included (SCI), the whole principle of operation of the spectrophotometer applying the specifications given in "CIE colorimeter Second Edition, Publication 15.2" (1986). To determine the force to Warner Bratzler used texture-meter single bladed TA Instruments Lioyd plus 1 KN, equipped with specific blade ( ⊄ =60°) it is speed of 100 mm/min under conditions of cutting force of 1,000 N. Results. Descriptive analysis of meat quality parameters showed lower values for carcass chilling in drafts submitted for pH, L*, a*, b* and WBSF significant differences (P≤0.05) were recorded for pH, brightness and cooking losses. The curing time significantly influenced (P≤0.05) analyzed parameters. Acidity of meat, coordinate complementary colors red-green (a*) and yellow-blue (b*) and meat tenderness was assessed by a inverse relationship with increasing aging time. By analyzing the interaction between qualitative parameters determined, the type of cooling and ripening period has shown significant effect (P≤0.05) moderately negative (r=-0.320) pH on brightness and cooking losses (r=-0.307), where a*, b* and tenderness (BSF) pH with a significant (P≤0.05) positive. Conclusion. The results described a negative correlation of losses by cooking refrigeration and maturation, of acidity and coordinate complementary colors yellow-blue and Warner Bratzler shear force. The main negative effects of meat maturation were open colored pectoral muscle and increase losses by boiling. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 342 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies COMPARISON OF CRANIOMETRIC FEATURES BETWEEN DOMESTIC PIG (Sus scrofa forma domestica) AND WILD BOAR (Sus scrofa) FROM TRANSYLVANIA REGION Radu CONSTANTINESCU, Viorica COŞIER, Daniel COCAN and Vioara MIREŞAN* Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnologies, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: craniometric features, domestic pig, wild boars Introduction. Pigs were among the first domesticated animal species after dog, sheep and goats, this important step for mankind dating from late Paleolithic and early Neolithic. Thus, current forms of domestic pigs have as origin wild pigs, the most representative of them are Asian wild boar and European wild boar. Data on craniometric features in representatives of Suidae can be found in the monograph of wild boar, reported by Kozlo (1975), while Oberez (1996) analyzed some craniometric features in miniature pigs. Aims. Based on these arguments take shape the purpose of this scientific papers, to make a comparison between the skull bones of the wild boar and domestic pig, as a result of different environmental conditions in which they formed, they lived and were consolidated during phylogenetic evolution in Transylvania region. Materials and Methods. The skulls of 20 male, 10 domestic local breeds pig and 10 wild boars hunting trophies from Brasov and Cluj Counties, all in completed growth-fully grown third molar (M3) were used as biological material for the present study. Craniometric measurements were taken following the methodology of von den Driesch (1976). Measurements were made using the following tools: electronic caliper, zootechnical dividers and calibrated meter. Statistical data processing was performed using bio-informatics program Graphpad Prism v.6.04. Results. The variability of craniometry indices in wild boar is between a minimum of 0.68% if the length of the side of the premaxilla and a maximum of 23.81% for occipital base length. Domestic pig craniometry index variability ranges between a minimum of 0.40% in length of jaw and a maximum of 35.42% in parietal bone length. Regarding the significance of differences for mean values from all 52 indicators considered in this study there were a total of 19 values of means statistically insignificant. Also in the case of 14 craniometry indices were recorded differences highly statistically significant. Regarding the differences statistically significant they were recorded in 8 of the 52 indicators included in this study. Conclusion. In the present research work, we conclude based on craniometrical measurements corroborated with statistical data processing the common ancestral origin of the two species, the differences being assigned due to general and special environmental conditions, resulting from the process of domestication. Acknowledgements. This paper was published under European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Program 2007-2013, POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765. References 1. Oberez A. (1996). Mandibular molar teeth and the development of mastication in the Miniature Pig (Sus scrofa), Acta. Anat. 156: 99-111. 2. Von den Driesch, A. (1976). A Guide to the Measurement of the Animal Bones from Archaeological Sites, Peabody Museum Bulletin1, Harvard Univ., Massachusetts, 137. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 343 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies TEXTURE PROFILE CHARACTERISTICS IN HORSE MEAT Emanuiel C. DIACONU*, Roxana LAZĂR, Nicoleta GĂINĂ (DIACONU), Marius M. CIOBANU and Paul C. BOIŞTEANU Department of Fundamental Sciences in Animal Husbandry, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Iaşi, Romania *Correspondent author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: horse, palatability, texture profile Introduction. Meat had and has an essential role in human nutrition and human development, but the consumption of horse meat depends mainly on the eating habits of everyone (Gill, 2005). Due to perceptions of heart disease caused by eating red meat, consumers seeking alternatives to achieve the necessary protein, also looking the piece of meat that owns most of the organoleptic properties: tenderness, juiciness, etc. A significant influence on meat texture has the physiological function of the muscle in relation to its anatomical position, age at slaughter, the type of nutrition offered to horses. Aims. The aim of this paper is to analyze different tissues muscle from horses slaughtered in our country, in terms of textural characteristics involved: hardness, cohesiveness, adhesiveness, gumminess, elasticity, chewiness. Materials and Methods. Researches were performed on four types of muscle tissue derived from horses that are slaughtered in Botosani County: M. Longissimus dorsi, M. Gracilis, M. Infraspinatus, M. Rectus Abdominis. Textural profile (TPA) of these samples was performed using dynamometer Llyod Plus LPF and expression of results were made possible by embedded software NEXYGEN Ondio. Results. Most parameters that describe the texture of horse meat showed insignificant differences between the 4 groups of muscles, M. Longissimus dorsi recorded their highest values. Significant differences were obtained in the case of cohesivity, M. Gracilis recorded the highest values (0.49±0.01), and lower limit being found in M. rectus abdominis with an average of 0.42±0.02. Conclusions. The results obtained for all the parameters that describe textural profile help us to appreciate the horse meat quality, assessment that may lead to interpreting palatability of this kind of meat. Also, by determination of these physical parameters we assess the conditions that the meat is subjected to when the mastication take place. Acknowledgments. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/ 159/1.5/S/132765. References 1. Gill C.O. (2005). Safety and storage stability of horse meat for human consumption. Meat Sci. 71, 506–513. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 344 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies ESTIMATION OF PHENOTIPICAL SUPERIORITY FOR SLAUGHTER EFFICIENCY IN TWO GENETIC TYPES OF MEAT HYBRIDS FROM ORYCTOLAGUS CUNICULUS Dorel DRONCA1*, Nicolae PACALA1, Ioan BENCSIK1, Teofil OROIAN2, Vasile CIGHI2, Rasvan POPA3, Ada CEAN1, Adela MARCU1 and Alexandru DRONCA4 1 Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine "King Michael I of Romania" from Timisoara, Romania 2 Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnologies Cluj-Napoca, Romania 3 Faculty of Animal Sciences Bucureşti, Romania 4 West University of Timişoara, Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: crossing, efficiency at slaughter, hybrids, heterosis effect, Oryctolagus cuniculus Introduction. The crossing constitutes the main way to determine the manifestation of hybrid vigor, depending on interactions between the nonaditive genetic and the genetic diversity pronounced by the populations that are crossed (Dronca, 2007). Aims. The aim of the present paper was to appreciate the special combinative capacity for slaughter efficiency, of a crossing scheme, with three rabbit breeds commonly used by the breeders in Timis County: New Zealand White (NZW), Large Chinchilla (CHL), Californian (CAL) and their hybrids. Materials and Methods. The used biologic materials were New Zealand White (NZW), Large Chinchilla (CHL) and Californian (CAL) breeds, purchased from different breeders. The animals were representative for the three pure breeds. The crossing scheme was: the first generation of hybrids F1 (NZWxCHL) resulted from the crossing of the New Zealand White (NZW) as mother breed and Large Chinchilla as paternal breed, the second generation F2 (F1xCAL) had resulted from F1 hybrid as maternal component and Californian breed (CAL) as paternal breed. The measurements for characters taken into consideration were performed on 200 individuals, 40 (randomly selected) from each of the 5 experimental lots. All animals were 80 days old at the slaughtering and the breeding conditions were assured so the entire genetic potential can be phenotypically expressed, and the special environmental factors to be reduced as minimal possible. Results. The heterosis effect for the slaughter efficiency of the rabbits from simple hybrids F1 (NZWxCHL) was 0.6%, and for three breeds’ double hybrids F2 (F1xCAL) was 4.9%. The obtained results demonstrate that although the considered trait had a powerful heritability (Bura and Bencsik, 2000), the hybrid vigor is manifesting. We mention that, to the best of our knowledge, in the specialty literature there are no reports on the performances of animals breed on this crossing scheme. Conclusion. The three rabbit breeds used in our study, New Zealand White, Large Chinchilla and Californian have a good special combinative capacity for slaughter efficiency, and can be efficiently used in production, for producing individuals for slaughterhouses. References 1. Bura M. and Bencsik I. (2000). Ameliorarea genetica a iepurilor de casa. Ed. Mirton, 8128. 2. Dronca D. (2007). Genetic amelioration of animal population. Ed. Mirton, 404-406. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 345 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies OVERVIEW REGARDING THE BIOACTIVITY OF AGASTACHE FOENICULUM AND NEPETA CATARIA SPECIES Simona DUDA, Liviu Al. MĂRGHITAŞ, Dan DEZMIREAN and Otilia BOBIŞ* Department of Technological Sciences-Animal Science, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Agastache foeniculum, anti-microbial, bio-insecticides, Nepeta cataria Introduction. In this paper, we summarize the recent advances on chemical composition and bioactivity of giant hyssop (Agastache foeniculum (Pursh) Kuntze) and catnip (Nepeta cataria L.). Extracts from giant hyssop and catnip have a significant bioactivity, antibacterial and antioxidant activity (Zielińska and Matkowski, 2014; Mihaylova et al., 2013). Aims. This literature review want to emphasize the value of these two plants and the opportunity of using them to obtain bioactive extracts with applicability in beekeeping, for different pest control. Materials and Methods. Different parts of the mentioned plants were used for the determination of active principles from macerates and essential oils. Spectrophotometric methods as well as high performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography is generally used for the determination of bioactive principles from the classes of polyphenols, flavonoids, carotenoids and aromatic acids. Results. Remarkable results have been obtained in use of the essential oil from Agastache foeniculum as an insecticide for the control of pests like the Red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum Herbst), Lesser grain borer (Rhyzopertha dominica F.), Mediterranean flour moth (Ephestia kuehniella) and t h e Indian meal moth (Plodia interpunctella) from the grain and food warehouses (Ebadollahi, 2011). The anti-microbial activity of catnip (Nepeta cataria) was proven over five bacterial strains: Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtillis (Bandh et al., 2011). Conclusion. Considering the results obtained and reported in the literature in the control of various pests and diseases, we consider appropriate to extend the research also in the field of beekeeping, for natural treatment of different bacterial diseases and pests. References 1. Ebadollahi A. (2011). Chemical constituents and toxicity of Agastache foeniculum (Pursh) Kuntze essential oil against two stored - product insect pests. Chilean J. Agric. Res. 71 (2): 212-217. 2. Mihaylova D., Georgieva L and Pavlov A. (2013). In vitro antioxidant activity and phenolic composition of Nepeta cataria L. extracts. Int. J.Agric.Sci.Technol. 1(4): 74-79. 3. Zielińska S. and Matkowski A. (2014). Phytochemistry and bioactivity of aromatic and medicinal plants from the genus Agastache (Lamiaceae). Phyt. Rev. 13:3 91-416. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 346 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies ASPECTS OF THE WELFARE OF DAIRY COWS IN FARMS WITH TIED BREEDING SYSTEM AND ACTION OF THE UPSTREAM FACTORS. PART I Cristina El MAHDY1*, Silvana POPESCU2, Cristin BORDA2 and Anca BOARU1 1 Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnologies, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: cow, comfort index, housing, welfare Introduction. The performances, productive longevity and the health of dairy cows is dependent on factors from: upstream; on the product, downstream of the product (Man, 2002). Farm management must take into account all aspects related to the sheltering, environmental conditions, feeding, health of dairy cows, which represents major desideratum in the profit of a farm (Blokhuis, 2009). Aims. Because there is no reference price of milk awarded producers the interest for improving the housing conditions of dairy cows is not a priority The case study was performed in five farms with a capacity of 20 head cows/farm having as growing technology tied system in winter and grazing in spring-summer season, deficiencies related to the conditions in which animals and action on udder health and especially Materials and Methods. Farms were monitored by point of view of microclimate parameters using the thermometer, hygrometer and determining the heat stress (THI, dew point) speed of airflow catathermometer (Hill's formula), Oldham analyzer was used for determination of noxious gases: CO2 and NH3. Volumes of air, surfaces accommodation, illumination index were calculated after linear measurements of the shelters, windows, chimney stacks (length, width, height), and calculations after well established formulas. Welfare indicators: Hygiene cow comfort, Hygiene score, lameness, cow comfort index (CCI), stall standing index (SSI), locomotion score were determined by examination of animals based on existing protocols in literature. The udder health was performed through rapid determination of mastitis performed with Whiteside modified test and Mastitest, and somatic cell count with milk analyzer NucleoCounter SCC-100. Results. Animal shelters are the undersized in terms of requirements towards the necessary of fresh air, and the introduction of clean air can be achieved only through unorganized ventilation leading to the creation of large currents of air in the winter. Hygiene score, CCI, SSI indicates a rethinking of the shelters by increasing the area of accommodation and greater attention the cleanliness and udder health. The size of the stands, especially hygiene and udder hygiene score, the transition from manual to mechanical milking management applied in the farm affects the health of the mammary gland in different proportions. Conclusion. Inadequate sheltering involves deficiencies on animal welfare and their health References 1. Blokhuis Harry J. (2009). Welfare Quality assessment protocol for cattle, ASG Veehouderij BV Nederlanden: 1-142. 2. Man C. (2002). Ecologia exploatării taurinelor, Ed. AcademicPres, Cluj-Napoca. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 347 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies CHARACTERIZATION OF COLORIMETRIC PARAMETERS IN CATTLE MEAT Nicoleta GĂINĂ (DIACONU)*, Roxana LAZĂR, Emanuiel C. DIACONU, Marius M. CIOBANU and Paul C. BOIŞTEANU Department of Fundamental Sciences in Animal Husbandry, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Iaşi, Romania *Correspondent author, e-mail: [email protected] Keyword: cattle, color, freshness Introduction. Color is one of the most important sensory parameters of meat, because for the consumers is the first indicator of its freshness. There are a number of factors that influence meat color: glycolysis rate, intramuscular fat, its oxidative status (Van Oeckel, 1999). Color allows detection of anomalies or the presence of defects in the meat (Abdullah et al., 2004). Therefore, it was found that the equipment and methodology for measuring color is available from the economic point of view and allow the improvement of food products. Aims. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the color of muscle tissue from cattle slaughtered in our country, by using colorimetric scale CIE L*a*b*. Materials and Methods. Color values were measured using the Minolta spectrophotometer CM 2600 d, and the samples under study are represented by three types of muscle tissues from five randomly selected cattle from the slaughter technological flow (Longissimus dorsi thoracis, Longissimus dorsi lumborum, Psoas Minor and Major). Results. The results obtained from measurements performed on the three muscle areas showed that physical activity performed by live animal have influence over anatomical region of origin of the muscle, and therefore on its color. Thus M. Psoas has the lowest averages of the three characteristics –L* (30.39±0.86), a* (10.73±0.51) and b* (11.29±0.91). Conclusion. These results are relevant for determining the quality and safety of meat, bringing support to consumer in choosing a particular type of meat. Also helps to improve pre slaughtering and post slaughtering practices, operations that interact on the biochemical processes taking place in the animal body, and provides sensorial, physical and chemical characteristics, superior qualitatively. Acknowledgements. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/ 159/1.5/S/132765. References 1. Van Oeckel, M.J., Warnants N. and Boucque Ch.V. (1999). Measurement and pediction of pork colour, Meat Science, 52, 347–354. 2. Abdullah M.Z., Guan L.C., Lim K.C. and Karim A.A. (2004). The applications of computer vision and tomographic radar imaging for assessing physical properties of food, Journal of Food Engineering, 61, 125–135. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 348 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies DANUBE SALMON (Hucho hucho) IN CENTRAL AND SOUTH EASTERN EUROPE: A REVIEW FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM FOR THE REHABILITATION AND CONSERVATION OF DANUBE SALMON POPULATIONS Andrada IHUŢ1, Andreas ZITEK2, Steven WEISS3, Clemens RATSCHAN4, Thomas KAUFMANN5, Georg HOLZER6, Daniel COCAN1, Radu CONSTANTINESCU1 and Vioara MIREŞAN1* 1 Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnologies, UASVM Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2 Department of Chemistry, VIRIS Laboratory of Analytical Ecogeochemistry, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Austria 3 Institute of Zoology, Karl-Franzens University Graz, Austria 4 ezb//TB Zauner GmbH, Technical Office for Applied Aquatic Ecology, Fisheries, Environmental Engineering, Austria 5 Freiwasser, Association for Ecology, Environmental Engineering, Austria 6 Engineering office for landscape planning and landscape management, Austria *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: Danube salmon, biology, habitat, reproduction, genetics, conservation Introduction. Danube salmon Hucho hucho (L.) known of the world’s largest salmonids, is among the most endangered fish species inhabiting the Danube basin of Central Europe. According to IUCN criteria it is classified as endangered (EN) because its abundance is very low and continually decreasing. In the past the natural distribution range of the Danube salmon including drainages in Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, north-western Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany (Bavaria), Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and western Ukraine (Witkowski et al., 2013). Currently, the Danube salmon populations are fragmented within the Danube drainage and many are dependent on artificial reproduction and stocking programs. It is not yet possible to report that this species is safe from extinction in the wild (Holčik 1995). Aims. As a basis to develop a sustainable conservation approach for the Huchen in its whole distribution range in Central and South Eastern Europe, the current status of biological knowledge existing in the different countries is reviewed. Materials and Methods. The review is based on a collaborative collection and review of existing literature with the participation of renowned experts with regard to Danube salmon biology, genetics and conservation. Results. The most successful biological conservation and rehabilitation strategies should be identified. Recommendations for future research needs will be given. Conclusion. To re-establish and protect the species successfully, networking and collaboration between the above mentioned countries sharing the Danube salmon distribution area is needed. The new CASEE network of Life Science Universities within the Danube catchment offers such a platform for coordinated cross-border collaboration, and will be explored as a potential means to achieve cross-border networking and collaboration. References 1. Holčík J. (1995). Threatened fishes of the world: Hucho hucho (Linnaeus 1758) (Salmonidae), Env. Biol. Fish. 43:105-106. 2. Witkowski A. et al. (2013). Past and present of and perspectives for the Danube huchen, Hucho hucho (L.,), in the Danube basin, Arch. Pol. Fish. 21: 129-142. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 349 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies RESEARCH REGARDING THE HABITAT INFLUENCE OVER GLYCOGEN AMOUNT IN FARMED AND WILD RAINBOW TROUT Mădălina I. IORDACHE1*, Eugen UNGUREANU2, Emanuel MĂGDICI1, Cătălin E. NISTOR1 and Benone PĂSĂRIN1 1 Faculty of Animal Science, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine "Ion Ionescu de la Brad", Iaşi, Romania 2 Faculty of Biology, University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza », Iaşi, Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: hepatic glycogen, muscular glycogen, Oncorhynchus mykiss Introduction. Glycogen represents the main energy reserve for satisfaction of metabolic demands on short term in the tissues of animal organisms. Glycogen content could reflect some biochemical adaptation of any stress forms given by the environment. From those ones pH, oxygen level, salinity and prolonged physical activity directly affect the glycogen reserves (Păsărin, 2007). Liver and muscular tissues are the two major tissues for glycogen depositing (Storey, 2004). Aims. Starting from this premises the current paper aimed to study the influence of growth medium (farmed and wild) of quantity liver glycogen and muscle of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum, 1792). We analyzed 40 samples, 20 samples of farmed trout (Cheiţa trout farm from Neamţ County) and 20 samples of the wild one (river Bistriţa). Materials and Methods. For a quantitative determination of glycogen research was carried out on biological material represented by white musculature and hepatic tissue of some trout from Oncorhynchus mykiss breed (rainbow trout). Results. The obtained data resulted at the end of effected analysis on hepatic glycogen record mean values of 2.325±0.892 g/100g for wild rainbow trout and of 3.832±0.450 g/100g for farm rainbow trout. In the case of muscular glycogen were recorded mean values of 0.098±0.016 g/100g for wild rainbow trout and 0.130±0.044 g/100g for farm rainbow trout. Conclusion. Non-uniformity of biological material as regarding the corporal development and implicit of the tracked carbohydrates parameters has a great influence on the results, increasing in a considerable way their variability degree. In comparison with trout reared in farms, where hepatic and muscular glycogen is present in high quantities at native trout from fresh mountain waters glycogen reserves are lower. References 1. Păsărin B. (2007). Salmoniculture, Ed. “Ion Ionescu de la Brad”, Iaşi. 2. Storey K.B. (2004). Functional Metabolism. Regulation and Adaptation, Ed. John Wiley& Sons, Inc., Hobocken, New Jersey, USA, 243-250. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 350 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN ULTRASOUND IN VIVO AND CARCASS EVALUATION OF SHEEP MEAT PRODUCTION IN ROMANIAN BREED LAMBS Cristina LAZĂR*, Mihail Al. GRAS, Rodica PELMUS and Elena GHIŢĂ Laboratory of Animal Biology, INCDBNA, National Research-Development Institute for Animal Biology and Nutrition, Balotesti, Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: ultrasound, Longissimus dorsi, carcass quality Introduction. The ultrasound method has the advantage of being non-invasive in aggreement with EU regulations on animal welfare and comfort. Ultrasound was used to improve meat evaluation by accurate measurements in most species (Greiner, 2010; Teixeira, 2006). The use of ultrasound, besides body weight and carcass parameters, improved muscle weight expression on meat evaluation. Aims. The aims of this study were improving carcass evaluation using noninvasive ultrasound in order to select the best animals for reproduction. Materials and Methods. The research was conducted on 12 lambs of Teleorman Black Head (TBH) breed, reared on farm from Teleorman County. Body weight was measured at birth and on 2.5 months, in order to determine the average daily gains. Evaluation of lamb was done by ultrasound recording fat thicknees, muscle depth, eye muscle area, and eye muscle perimeter on Longissimus dorsi in two measurement places. Results. In this study we compared ultrasound with carcass measurments in order to evaluate lamb meat quality. Lambs body weight on birth was 3.36 kg and 22.84 kg on 2.5 month. Average daily gain was 0.268 kg. By ultrasound method, we determined fat thickness of 2.21 and 2.03 mm, the muscle depth of 20.8 and 19.54 mm and the eye muscle area of 8.93 and 8.71cm2. Lambs were slaughtered and carcass parameters were determined: commercial yield and slaughter yield with 51.66% and 45.32%. Meat to bone ratio was 2.068:1. Meat commercial cuts were determined and leg, loin, rack represented 33.3%, 7.63% and 13.43% from the carcass. Conclusion. Strong correlations exist between ultrasound and carcass measurements. Ultrasound obtained results indicated a great potential for meat reflected in carcass parameters and this might be an option for meat evaluation. References 1. Greiner S.P., Rouse G.H., Wilson D.E., Cundiff L.V. and Wheeler T.L. (2010). The relationship between ultrasound measurements and carcass fat thickness and Longissimus muscle area in beef cattle. J. An. Sci. 88: 1341-1348. 2. Teixeira A., Matos S., Rodrigues S., Delfa R., Cadavez V. (2006). In vivo estimation of lamb carcass composition by real-time ultrasonography. Meat Sci. 74: 289–295. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 351 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies RESEARCH REGARDING THE EVOLUTION OF FRESHNESS STATE OF EUROPEAN CATFISH MEAT STORED IN REFRIGERATED FORM Emanuel MĂGDICI* Cătălin E. NISTOR, Ionuţ B. PAGU, Mădălina I. IORDACHE, Aida ALBU, Gabriel V. HOHA and Benone PĂSĂRIN University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Iaşi, Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: European catfish, refrigeration, freshness state, storage Introduction. Fish meat has remarkable sensorial qualities and a very good nutritive value, the main problem being its lower preservation (Usturoi et al., 2009). Refrigeration in chilled air current is one of the most frequent methods for preservation utilized in fish industry (Ionescu et al., 2006). Optimal interval for storage of preserved fish meat through this method could vary function of many parameters, the most important being the technological and biological ones (Iurca, 2008). Aims. The current research aims to establish the optimal storage time under refrigerated form of European catfish meat (Silurus glanis), processed as skinless filets. Materials and Methods. The studied breed is represented by European catfish (Silurus glanis) with a mean corporal mass around the value of 2000g. Freshness state of filets was evaluated during 16 days, through sensorial, physical and chemical analysis. Results. Sensorial analysis shows the fact the refrigerated European catfish filets are suitable from freshness state till day 12. The obtained values for pH and NH3 place the analyzed samples as being fresh in the same interval, almost fresh in day 14 and altered at the end of storage period, day 16. Conclusion. The current study highlight that European catfish filets gathered from individuals with a corporal mass around 2000 g, keep their qualitative features which allow commercialization and consumption for a period of around 12-13 days from the start of refrigeration in air flow. References 1. Usturoi M.G., Păsărin B., Boişteanu P.C., Fotea Lenuţa (2009). Industrializarea peştelui, Ed. Ion Ionescu de la Brad, Iaşi. 2. Ionescu Aurelia (2006). Procesarea industrială a peştelui, Ed. Fundaţiei Universitare Dunărea de Jos, Galaţi. 3. Iurca I.M. (2008). Tehnologia cărnii şi subproduse din peşte, Ed. ICPIAF, Cluj-Napoca. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 352 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies HISTOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS AT AN INTESTINAL LEVEL IN LAYING QUAILS FED WITH FODDERS SUPPLEMENTED WITH DIFFERENT ADDITIVES (SEL-PLEX, ACTIGEN AND BIO-MOS) Teodor I. MĂLDĂRĂŞANU1*, Aurel ŞARA1, Mihai BENŢEA1 and Cǎlina CREŢA2 1 Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnologies, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj Napoca, Romania 2 National Institute of Public Health, Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: măldărăş[email protected] Keywords: intestinal villi, microvilli, laying quails, organic Selenium, Sel-Plex, Bio-Mos, Actigen Introduction. Research carried out globally regarding the find of safer and healthier alternatives to antibiotic based growth promoters in intensive rearing systems resulted in the obtaining of some organic additives, here belonging prebiotics (Bio-Mos and Actigen) and also the organic mineral salts like the organic Selenium (Sel-Plex). Aims. The aim of this paper was to observe and highlight the possible influence of prebiotics (BioMos and Actigen) and organic Selenium (Sel-Plex), administered in the feeds of laying quails, on the intestinal mucosa and the impact it has on the production and consumption performances of the laying quails. Materials and Methods. The research has been carried out on 132 laying quails, assigned to 4 groups, each group consisting of 33 birds; a control group fed with combined fodder without any additives and 3 experimental groups fed with additives supplemented fodders Actigen (0.08%) in experimental group 1, Bio-Mos (0.12%) in experimental group 2 and organic Selenium (Sel-Plex –0.04%) in experimental group 3. The experimental period was 26 weeks (from the age of 6 weeks until the age of 32 weeks). The lying quails were individually weighted at the beginning, at the middle and at the end of the experimental period. The main histological investigations were carried out at the end of the experimental period and consisted of the determination of the villi height, microvilli height and the intestinal absorption surface; also the body mass evolution, laying intensity and feed conversion were monitored. The birds in all the groups were kept in the same rearing conditions, throughout the entire experimental period. Results. The dietary supplementation of feeds for lying quails using prebiotics (Bio-Mos and Actigen) and organic Selenium (Sel-Plex) led to a higher final body weight and the improvement of the laying intensity and feed conversion. By using these tree additives, an increase in height was recorded both for the villi and the microvilli thus increasing the nutrient absorption surface leading to superior production indices in all the experimental groups, compared to the control group. Conclusion. The recorded results confirm the positive influence of the used prebiotics (BioMos and Actigen) and organic Selenium (Sel-Plex) on the intestinal mucosa by increasing the nutrient absorption surface thus explaining the improvement of the production performances and feed conversion in all the experimental groups. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 353 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF BEE POLLEN ETHANOLIC AND METHANOLIC EXTRACTS ON STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS BACTERIAL STRAIN Rodica MĂRGĂOAN1, Liviu Al. MĂRGHITAŞ1, Daniel S. DEZMIREAN1*, Bogdan GHERMAN1, Flore CHIRILĂ2 and Otilia BOBIŞ1 1 Department of Apiculture and Sericulture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2 Department of Microbiology (Veterinary Medicine), University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: antimicrobial activity, bee pollen, ethanolic extract, methanol extract Introduction. Bee pollen is consumed for api-therapeutical, nutritional and medicinal properties (Abouda et al., 2011). The therapeutically action of this product of the hive has been attributed to several compounds like phenolics, carotenoids, fatty acids and vitamins, having also antioxidant activity (Carpes et al., 2007). Aims. The aim of this study was the in vitro testing of different extraction solvents (methanol, ethanol) for bee pollen, against Staphylococcus aureus bacterial strain. Materials and Methods. Bee pollen was freshly harvested and immediately placed at –18oC. Two different extraction solvents were used: ethanol and methanol, in three different dilutions (60, 70, 80%). 5%, 10% and 15% pollen concentration in each solvent solution were carried out to determine the most efficient variant, possessing the highest antibacterial activity. For antibacterial activity determination, the disc diffusion method was used in this study. Stock culture of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria was grown in Nutrient Broth at 37ºC for 24h in a shaker. Results. The inhibition zones were different, according to the extraction solvent used and also the pollen concentration. Methanolic extract (70%) of 15% pollen have the biggest inhibition diameter. Negative controls (methanol and ethanol) did not show an inhibitory effect on the tested bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, while positive control (Streptomycin) has the highest antimicrobial activity. Conclusion. In the present research work, we concluded that the methanolic extract 70% with 15% bee pollen concentration present the higher inhibition zone. References 1. Abouda Z., Zerdani I., Kalalou I., Faid M. and Ahami M.T. (2011). The antibacterial activity of Maroccan beebread and bee-pollen (fresh and dried) against pathogenic bacteria. Research Journal of Microbiology 6(4): 376-384. 2. Carpes S.T., Begnini R., de Alencar S.M. and Masson M.L. (2007). Study of preparation of bee pollen extracts, antioxidant and antibacterial activity. Cienc.Agrotec. 31(6): 18181825. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 354 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies ETHNOZOOTECHNY -A COMPONENT OF GEOECONOMY Marcel MATIUTI1*, Alexandru T. BOGDAN2 and Carmen MATIUTI3 1 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania 2 Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania 3 Technical College Azur Timisoara, Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: eco-bioeconomy, economic intelligence, ethozootechny, geoeconomy, territorial capital Introduction. The multicultural Banat Euroregion is a well defined space in terms of its geography, climate, economy, culture and also animal raising. Little Europe, as it used to be called, can easily become, through its position and relief, one of he most competitive Danubian regions in agriculture. Aims. The geoeconomy concept is relatively new and it belongs to an American economist and historian, E. Luttwak. It represents a branch of international relations, being positioned at the intersection between economic sciences and geopolitics and thus being an pluridisciplinary subject (Lorot, 2013). Studying the relation between man-animalenvironment, ethnozootechny offers information regarding the breeds, which are raised in Banat, the lifestyle of various rural communities, supporting the geoeconomic strategy in the Euroregion. Geoeconomy aims at raising the economic competitiveness in Banat. Materials and Methods. This paper is based on the results obtained over the course of many years of scientific research conducted by the authors. These are added to the information gathered from de Transylvanian Rare Breeds Association database. Results. In order to develop eco-bioeconomically during the 2014-2030 period, the Banat region must be interested in forming a rural web network so that it has its own soft power. For this, the ethnozootechy studies are very important because they facilitate a conjunction between farmers and the main actors interfering in their lives, the state institutions and the agrifood industry. The first thing that needs to be done is to get to know the territorial capital of Banat. We have to identity the pillars that can influence the „creative zootechny” orientated towards environment-friendly technologies. Economic intelligence promotes the solutions for maintaining domestic biodiversity, offering the necessary tools for obtaining the information, which allows anticipating and defending the economic interests of the farmers (1). This is where the role of the rural web comes into place, because its information can be used in economic development projects. The regeneration of the Banat zootechny can be done by the work of complementary factors: farmers, public actors, entrepreneurs and the academia. Conclusion. One of the solutions to success of the geoeconomic strategy in Banat is a rural web network. In this way it appears the territorial economic intelligence, in the context of globally Type for capital territorial. References 1. Ferradou A. (2014). Comment promouvoir l’inteligence economique de l’ANAJ_INEDIN www. Portail de l’IE. 2. Lorot P. (2013). La Geoeconomie, nouvelle grammaire des rivalites internationals, www. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 355 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies THE EFFECT OF REPLACEMENT OF SOYBEAN MEAL WITH LUPINE SEED (Lupinus albus vr. ENERGY) ON GROWTH PERFORMANCE AND CARCASS TRAITS IN TURKEYS Daniel MIERLIŢĂ* Department of Animal Science, University of Oradea, Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: alkaloid-free lupine, protein, turkey Introduction. In context of both the ban of animal origin flours in poultry feed and the high price of soy products and sub-products, lupine beans may represent a promising alternative for providing from domestic production the plant protein in poultry feeding in our country. Climatic conditions of our country provide the prerequisites for obtaining a lupine seeds production, which would be adequate from both quality and quantitative points of view (Mierlita, 2013). Aims. Our research aimed at verifying to what extent soybean grits in turkey broilers can be replaced partially by alkaloids-free lupine beans, while monitoring the effect of the alternative sources of protein on production performance, carcass quality and economic efficiency. Materials and Methods. The experiment was conducted as a completely randomized experimental field which consisted of four treatments, involving a control diet consisting of corn-soy grits (CL) and three experimental diet meals (E1, E2 and E3) to which the proteins from the soybean grits were replaced with alkaloids-free lupine flour: i.e. 20% (in the case of lot E1), 30% (in the case of lot E2), and 40% (in the case of lot E3), respectively; thus the lupine seeds substituted up to 77% (during the 0-3 weeks step), 81% (during the 3-9 weeks step), 97% (during the 9-12 weeks step) and 100% (after 12 weeks until slaughter), of the protein provided by soy grits. Results. Substituting protein from soy grits in turkey broilers meals by including alkaloidsfree white lupine seeds in the combined fodder structure by up to 30% has no negative effect on: weight gain, degree of food use, slaughter and carcass quality indices. Including lupine in turkey broilers food and reducing the soy grits had both a positive influence on key economic indicators. Thus, when compared with the control lot (CL), in the case of the experimental lots, the price of one kg of combined fodder fell by 14.02%, and the expenses with fodder implied by gaining in weight by one kg had dropped by 10.78%. Conclusion. Our findings underpin the necessity and the opportunity to cultivate and use alkaloids-free lupine seeds in turkey broiler meals in the proportion of 30% in fodder structure. Acknowledgements. This work was supported by UEFISCDI. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 356 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies RESEARCH ON THE INCIDENCE, ANATOMICAL-CLINICAL, PROPHYLACTIC AND THERAPEUTIC PANEL IN AN OUTBREAK OF CNEMIDOCOPTIC SCABIES OF THE LEGS IN LAYING HENS Octavian NEGREA1, Camelia RĂDUCU1*, Vioara MIREŞAN1, Mirela CADAR1, Octavia NEGREA2 and Aurelia COROIAN1 1 Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnologies, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: scabies, itching, crusting, hyperkeratosis Introduction. Cnemidocoptic scab, as serious part of arachnids, affects many species of birds, domestic and wild. The presence of disease in flocks, particularly laying hens, appears on the body or the legs and cause serious clinical anatomical disturbances in the form of itchy-crusted dermatitis, hyperkeratosis deplumation or with splayed legs. Birds have restlessness with decreased feeding time producing great economic damage by reducing the production of eggs and carcasses depreciation. Aims. We proposed an epizootic study, anatomical-clinical and prophylactic-therapeutic in an outbreak of cnemidocoptic scabies legs laying hens in traditional rural household. Materials and Methods. Research on the incidence of cnemidocoptic scabies, anatomical and clinical picture and therapeutic applied protocol were conducted during May-June 2014, on 31 poultry (27 laying hens and 4 roosters), in a rural household. Number under study consists of laying hens, common race, 1-2 years age, grown and maintained inside the household and based on concentrated feed (corn, wheat) and full access to grass. Anatomical examination was performed clinically by inspection to detect diseases (congestive lesions, itching, scratching, scabs). The birds suspected of feet scabies (7 cases) were taken individually by scraping with a scalpel the pathological material in sterile test tubes, which were then processed for the diagnosis as microscopic preparations. Results. Anatomic and clinical examination conducted on birds captured at different stages of disease progression, from early forms, less expressive (3 cases, 43.0%) to severe forms with dermatoses extremely itchy deforming productive in the tarso-metatarsal–phalange (4 cases, 570%). It revealed an incidence of parasites with different values depending on the category of production, 14.8% in laying hens and 75.5% in roosters. Histological sections made from pathological material taken from hen with serious injuries cnemidocoptic scabies, highlights at the epidermis level lesions of acanthosis, hyperkeratosis and lesions with sponginess and spinous layer cells around the parasite appears limiting thick layer of keratin. Conclusion. Following therapeutic applied protocol (Ivermectin, subcutaneous inoculation of 0.5 mln axillary region) an improvement was present, progressive anatomical and clinical picture, visible from day 7 post-treatment. References 1. Bala A.Y., Anca S.A., Waziri A., Shehu H. (2011). Preliminary survey of Ectoparasites infesting chikens in four areas of Sokoto Metropolis, Depart of Biol Sc Usmanu Danfodiyo Univ, Sokoto, 173-177. 2. Cozma V., Negrea O., Gherman C. (2007). Diagnosticul bolilor parazitare la animale. Edit. Genesis, Cluj-Napoca. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 357 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies RESEARCH REGARDING MINERAL CONTENT OF RAINBOW TROUT MEAT DIFFERENTIALLY FEED Ionuţ B. PAGU*, Cătălin E. NISTOR, Emanuel MĂGDICI, Alin C. BARBACARIU, Ciprian POLENSCHI and Benone PĂSĂRIN University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Iaşi, Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: meat, musculature, minerals, rainbow trout Introduction. In fish rearing and development and important role is reserved to environment because in aquatic environment could be found different substances necessary for growing and development of organism (Jara et al., 1999). Rainbow meat contains important quantities of minerals, which are essential for human health (Przybyl et al., 1997). Rainbow trout meat content in minerals is influenced by a series of factors such as: breed, season, age and alimentation (Luczynska et al., 2006). Aims. The current paper aimed to highlight the way in which the administrated feed influence the rainbow trout meat in minerals. Material and Methods. Biological material was represented by a number of 30 individuals of rainbow trout of different ages. Qualitative determinations for calcium, zinc, sodium and magnesium were realized using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer Shimadzu AA-6300, and determination of phosphorous in rainbow trout meat was realized by spectrophotometer. Results. In according with the obtained data, from those five analyzed minerals, the highest mean values were founded for phosphorous (P), which were between 110.46 and 225.40 mg/kg-1, and on the last rank was situated zinc (Zn) with mean values which varied between 0.74 and0.99 mg/kg-1. Conclusion. Mean content in mineral substances in rainbow trout meat was of 1.1-1.2%, trout meat being considered an important source for phosphorous and calcium. References 1. Jara Z., Chodyniecki A. (1999). Ichtopatologia [Ichthyopathology]. Wyd. Akademii Rolniczej we Wroclawiu, 478. 2. Luczynska J., Markiewicz K., Jaworski J. (2006). Inter-specific differences in the contents of macro- and microelements in the muscles of six fish species from lakes of the Olsztyn Lake District (North-East Poland) - Pol. J. Food Nutr. Sci. 15/56(1): 29-35. 3. Przybyl A., Koligot A. (1997). The role of mineral components in the animal nutrition. I. Macroelements - Prz. Ryb. 2: 48-52 (in Polish). 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 358 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies THE PRODUCTIVE RESPONSE OF HENS EXPOSED TO HEAT STRESS Monica PÂRVU*, Ioana C. ANDRONIE, Violeta E. SIMION and Adriana AMFIM Department of Veterinary Medicine, Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: heat stress, hens, parent stock Introduction. The environmental stress has been implicated in adverse marked effects on egg production and eggshell quality of hens. Reports have indicated that poor performances of layers reared in heat stress could be determined by a complex interplay of low feed intake, malfunctioning of the endocrine system and poor physiological functioning of organs and mechanisms connected with the entire egg production process (Oguntunji and Alabi, 2010). The action of environmental factors is different varying with the species, breeds or hybrids (Yahav, 1998). Aims. Starting from these considerations, our investigation monitored the influence of heat on the productive capacity of three hen breeds widely used in Romania to obtain the commercial hybrids used for egg and meat production. Materials and Methods. The experiments were conducted on three groups (White Leghorn, Rhode Island and White Plymouth Rock). Each group has 4210 hens aged 31 weeks (peak egg production). The experimental period was 4 weeks. The hens were breeding on the floor. Starting at age 32 weeks, the environmental temperature was 34.4–36.4°C, into the hall. There were monitored the following productive parameters: feed intake, laying rate, egg weight, and shell thickness. The performance data were processed statistically by ANOVA. Results. The laying rate decreased with 10.4% at White Leghorn, 6.1% at Rhode Island Red, and 5.8% at White Plymouth Rock (p≤0.05). The egg weight decreased with 3-3.2 g to all groups. The shell thickness was lower with 0.07 mm at White Leghorn, 0.04 mm at Rhode Island and 0.03 mm at White Plymouth Rock. The lower egg quality established a decrease of eggs for incubation. Conclusion. White Leghorn breed was more affected by the heat exposure, because the productive parameters production had a drastic decline. In this breed, mortality was determined by cannibalism and internal hemorrhages. References 1. Oguntunji A.O. and Alabi O.M. (2010). Influence of high environmental temperature on egg production and shell quality: a review, World's Poultry Science Journal, Vol. 66, Issue 04, December 2010, 739-750. 2. Yahav S. (1998). Physiological responses of chickens and turkey to hot climate, 10th European Poultry Conference Jerusalem Israel June 21-26, 1998. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 359 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies COMPARATIVE STUDY OF BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERS OF SILKWORM EGGS Ioan PAŞCA1, Emilia M. FURDUI2*, Liviu Al. MĂRGHITAŞ2, Dan DEZMIREAN2, Dana PUSTA1, Adrian CÎMPEAN1, Mihai BORZAN1 and Adrian MACRI1 1 Department Department II-Animal production and Food safety, University of Agriculture Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2 Department II-Department of Technological Sciences, Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnologies, UASVM Cluj-Napoca, Romania *Corresponding author, email: [email protected] Keywords: biological character, Bombyx mori, breeds, monovoltine, silkworm Introduction. The silkworm Bombyx mori L. is a domesticated insect considered as a reference in several domains (Mauchamp et al., 2008). The theoretical and practical importance of the silkworms is shown in many studies (Nagaraju et al., 1996; Kipriotis et al., 1999; Sudhakara et al., 2003; Vassileva et al., 2004; Petkov et al., 1998; Matei et al., 2002; 2005). Aims. This study was conducted to compare four monovoltine breeds of Romanian silkworm, bred in specific Transylvania conditions, in different years (2001 and 2008), to see if there is a major difference between the biological characters of eggs belonging to those breeds in time. Materials and Methods. For both 2001 and 2008 years, four breeds: AC29, AC, B1 and AB of Bombyx mori (eggs) were obtained from SC SERICAROM (Bucharest, Romania), were assuring the same microclimate conditions. In total per data set of each year were 16 variants because each of the breed were growth in four variants, for more complete results of analyzed samples. Results. The evaluation was made on the base of indices used for classified biological characters of silkworm eggs, comparative data shows that, between the same breeds growth in different years there is no significant difference. According to biological characteristics, the study allowed us to make a classification of the analyzed breeds. Conclusion. In the present research, we demonstrated that biological characters of silkworm eggs were well preserved and there are no significant variations between both set of data taken in study. References 1. Mauchamp B., Royer C., Chavancy G. (2008). The silkworm Bombyx mori an insect in continuous metamorphosis- Seristech- Proceeding of the first international conference “sericiculture-from tradition to modern biotechnology”, AcademicPres Cluj-Napoca, 15. 2. Nagaraju J., Raje Urs, Datta R.K. (1996). Cross breeding and heterosis in the silkworm, Bombyx mori, A review. Sericologia 36, 1-20. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 360 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies DEGRADATION DEGREE OF POLYPHENOLS DEPENDING ON DRYING TEMPERATURE OF THE GRAPE POMACE Silvia M. PASCARIU1, Ioan M. POP1*, Aida ALBU1 and Rodica PAŞA2 1 Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iaşi, Romania 2 Research and Development Station for Viticulture and Wine Science, Iaşi, Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: anthocyanins, grape pomace, totals polyphenols, tannins Introduction. Grape pomace provides a rich source of polyphenols, which have the capacity to act as powerful antioxidants. Grape pomace has been used mainly in ruminant feed as a source of fiber and for broiler chickens as a source of antioxidants. Because of the water content of the grape pomace a drying process is necessary to store this raw material and allow a further use in animal feeding. It has been proved that the polyphenols from grape pomace are discomposed during the drying process. Previous studies suggest that the content of polyphenols did not decrease too much until 60oC, but are decreasing greatly at 100oC (Larrauri, 1997). Aims. Taking into consideration the incertitude of polyphenols thermal degradation, the aim of this study was to identify the polyphenols degree of degradation during the drying step at different temperatures. At the same time, the study wanted to determine the degradation trend line for the investigated polyphenols fractions. Materials and Methods. Red grape pomace (Black Maiden) from the same source was dried at room temperature (20°C), at 38°C and 50°C, in oven for five days. The total content of polyphenols (TP), tannins (Ta) and anthocyanins (An) was determined by different colorimetric methods. Results. Our data reveal a significant degradation of the TP and An for all the three thermal variants, meaning that the increasing temperature is direct proportional with the degree of degradation. The Ta and non-casein precipitation polyphenols show a high degree of correlation, but with significant differences just between 20 and 38°C. Probably the lack of significant differences after 38°C, is determined by the thermal fragmentation of the polymer chain (Ta), that make this fragments unable to precipitate with casein, an important proportion of Ta being affected by the first shock of heat. The correlation within Ta and non-casein precipitation polyphenols is the result of passage of the truncated Ta chains in non-casein precipitation polyphenols fraction. Conclusion. The drying and storing process is an important step for grape pomace usage as a feed additive because we demonstrated that the Ta presents a high level of degradation especially between 20 and 38°C. References 1. Larrauri J.A., Ruperez P. and Saura Calixto F. (1997). Effect of drying temperature on the stability of polyphenols and antioxidants activity of red grape pomace peels. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 45 (4), 1390-1393 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 361 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies A STUDY OF NITROGEN DYNAMICS IN AN INTEGRATED STELLATE STURGEON AND SPINACH AQUAPONIC SYSTEM WITH DIFFERENT CROP DENSITIES Ştefan M. PETREA1*, Victor CRISTEA1, Lorena DEDIU1, Feng LIU2, Maria CONTOMAN1, Paul LUPOAE3, Alina ANTACHE1 and Alexandru C. BANDI1 1 Environmental Science and Cadastre Department, University”Dunărea de Jos” Galati, Romania 2 PR China Xiaoshuan ZHANG - China Agricultural University, PR China 3 Natural Sciences Museum Complex Galaţi, Botanical Garden, Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Keywords: integrated aquaponics, nitrogen, removal rates, spinach, stellate sturgeon. Introduction. Obtaining and maintaining a healthy, productive aquaponic system requires intensive scientific research, monitoring and also adjustments, when necessary. Aims. To quantify the nitrogen budget for a stellate sturgeon – spinach integrated LECA grow bed aquaponic system, where three plants densities were used. Materials and Methods. The experiment was made in triplicate using a 12 aquaponic units LECA grow bed aquaponic system. Three crops densities were used (V1–59 crops/m2, V2–48 crops/m2 and V3–39 crops/m2 and V4–no crops, only with LECA grow bed). Fish were fed with 41% brute protein feed, at an average feeding ratio of 1.75% of total biomass. Water samples were taken and analyzed by using photometric methods (Merck kits). The stellate sturgeon meat, spinach and also feces nitrogen content was determined by Kjeldahl method. Results. Differences between the removal rates for each of the three variants of tested crops densities were significant higher (p<0.05) at V1 compared to V3 and also higher at all three variants comparing them to the control variant. The amount of ammonium removal rates from biofilter and LECA grow bed was significant (p<0.05). Also, differences between spinach nitrogen compositions from V3 compared to V1 were found significant higher (p<0.05). The nitrogen content from fish meat and fish feces was found to be within normal limits, appear also in the literature. Conclusion. Considering the nitrite and nitrate concentrations, only spinach grown in aquaponic conditions, as presented above, at densities of 59 crops/m2, is marketable. Also, it can be concluded that spinach growth in LECA grow bed aquaponic systems have a higher nitrogen content, comparing with the one growth using floating rafts technique. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 362 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies THE NITRATE AND NITRITE LEVELS FROM BOTH SPINACH AND STELLATE STURGEON MEAT IN AN AQUAPONIC INTEGRATED SYSTEM Ştefan M. PETREA1*, Victor CRISTEA1, Lorena DEDIU1, Feng LIU2, Paul LUPOAE3, Alina ANTACHE1, Alexandru C. BANDI1 and Marian T. COADĂ1 1 Environmental Science and Cadastre Department, University “Dunărea de Jos” Galati, Romania 2 PR China Xiaoshuan ZHANG - China Agricultural University, PR China 3 Natural Sciences Museum Complex Galaţi, Botanical Garden, Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Keywords: aquaponics, nitrate, nitrite, spinach, stellate sturgeon. Introduction. Integrated aquaponic systems represent a viable solution for the continuing upward trend of humanity demands, as long as the balance between productivity and final products quality and biosecurity is found. Aims. To identify the quality, in terms of nitrite and nitrate concentrations, of both spinach and stellate sturgeon meat, obtained under different culture densities (spinach) and feeding regimes (stellate sturgeon), in an integrated aquaponic system. Materials and Methods. The experiment on spinach was made in triplicate, by using 3 stocking densities: (V1–59 crops/m2, V2–48 crops/m2 and V3–39 crops/m2). A 9 media grow bed hydroponic modules (LECA) and a 4 fish rearing units RAS were integrated, forming the integrated aquaponic experimental system. Fish were divided in 4 groups and were fed with 41% brute protein feed, at the following rations: F1-2.21%; F2-1.85%; F3-1.64% and F41.28% of total biomass. Chemical analyses concerning nitrite and nitrate levels were made on 5 samples, by using Griess method - STAS 9065: 2002. Results. A statistical significant difference (p<0.05) was recorded between V1 and V3, in terms of both nitrates and nitrites concentrations. Also, higher nitrite and nitrate concentrations were observed on spinach grown under aquaponic conditions, comparing with spinach derived from field culture. Differences between F1 and F3, F4 nitrite and nitrate concentrations we observed to be significant (p<0.05). Conclusion. Considering the nitrite and nitrate concentrations, spinach grown in aquaponic conditions, as presented above, at densities of 59 crops/m2 and 4 crops/m2, is marketable. Also, the level of fish meat nitrites and nitrates, from all 4 experimental variants, did not exceed the safety limits for human consumption. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 363 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF HUMAN-ANIMAL POSITIVE INTERACTION IN DOGS – REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE Denisa POP1*, Alina S. RUSU2, Vlad POP-VANCIA1, Ionel PAPUC3, Radu CONSTANTINESCU1 and Vioara MIREŞAN1* 1 Department of Animal Science, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2 Department of Special Education, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 3 Departament of Veterinary Medicine, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania *Corresponding authors, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Keywords: blood pressure, hormones, human-animal interaction Introduction. Positive human-animal interactions (HAI) are known to increase the quality of life of both humans and dogs. Beetz et al. (2012) reviewed the benefits of positive HAI on humans, such as: reduction of stress-related parameters, improvement of mental and physical health, improvements in behavior and mood etc. Positive interaction is seen as a ”...behavior that is mutually beneficial” (Odendaal, 2000) so, during the last 15 years, several studies have indicated that, in many aspects, especially at behavioral level, the welfare of dogs is also improving. Aims. Although there are several reviews on the benefits of HAI on physiological effects and mechanisms in humans, there are no reviews on the physiological effects of positive HAI on dogs. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to provide a review of the articles indicating those physiological changes in dogs during and after the positive interactions with humans. Materials and Methods. The scientific papers measuring the physiological changes in dogs during and after positive HAI were reviewed (period of publication: 2000-2014). HAI took place either in the laboratory context or in natural settings, such as Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) locations or dog shelters. The dogs interacted either with their owners, with a familiar person or with an unfamiliar person. The measured physiological variables were the level of blood pressure and the levels of several hormones. Results. The studies indicated that positive HAI was usually associated with a significant decrease in blood pressure and in the levels of cortisol, as well as with a significant increase in the levels of b-endorphin, oxytocin, prolactin, phenylacetic acid and dopamine. Conclusion. The present review indicates that positive HAI is associated with physiological changes associated with an increased well-being in dogs. References 1. Beetz A., Uvnäs-Moberg K., Julius H., Kotrschal K. (2012). Psychosocial and psychophysiological effects of human-animal interactions: the possible role of oxytocin. Front Psychol., 3, 1-15. 2. Odendaal J.S.J. (2000). Animal-assisted therapy –magic or medicine? Journal of Psychosom. Res., 48, 275–80. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 364 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies GENETIC PARAMETERS ESTIMATES FOR MILK YIELD, MILK QUALITY AND MOZZARELLA PRODUCTION IN ROMANIAN BUFFALO Răzvan POPA1*, Dana POPA1, Livia VIDU1, Cristiana DIACONESCU1, Vasile BĂCILĂ1, Adrian BOTA2 and Dorel DRONCA3 1 Faculty of Animal Science, University of Agronomic Science and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania. 2 The Research and Development Station for Buffalos Breeding Sercaia, Brasov County, Romania 3 Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnologies, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Timisoara, Romania. *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: buffalo, genetic parameters, milk yield, milk quality, mozzarella production Introduction. In Romania, the buffalo entered with the invasion of the Huns and Avars in the Carpatho-Danubian area. He found the good pedo-climatic conditions and so, in our country, has developed a buffalo population, which had its own evolutionary path as a result of reproductive isolation (Vidu et al., 2008). The Romanian Buffalo is one of the most important genetic resources for milk and meat production. In this respect, it is very important to develop efficient breeding programs to improve population for characters associated with these productions. Aims. The first step in developing breeding programs is to establish the population status. The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for milk yield, fat and protein milk content and "mozzarella" index. Materials and Methods. A total 609 milk yield and associated characters records, belonging to 87 females, which coming from 11 sire families, for 7 lactations were analyzed. The studied traits were: milk yield per lactation, milk fat and protein content, and ''mozzarella" index. The method used for genetic parameters estimates was REML. Results. There was a large variability in all analyzed traits. Estimated heritability was small to medium for all examined traits. The milk yield is negatively correlated with fat and protein content, and weak positive with "mozzarella" index. Fat and protein milk content are high positive correlated with mozzarella production. These results are partly similar to those reported by Rosati and Van Vlek (2002), Sarubbi et al. (2012), etc. Conclusion. In the log term, the female selection for milk yield will be to the detriment of quality. Genetic improvement of the quantity of mozzarella will be made only on account of milk constituents that impart its quality. According to heritability values, in the process of female genetic evaluation appears advisable to use additional information sources in order to increase the accuracy of selection. References 1. Rosati A., Van Vleck, L.D. (2002). Estimation of genetic parameters for milk, fat, protein and Mozzarella cheese production for the Italian River buffalo Bubalis bubalis population. Livest Prod. Sci. 74: 185-190. 2. Sarrubi F. et al. (2012). Milk Yield and Quality to Estimate Genetic Parameters in Buffalo Cows. Journal of Buffalo Sci., 1, 102-106. 3. Vidu Livia, Popa R., Gras M. (2008). Stadiul, directiile si obiectivele ameliorării bubalinelor în România. Ed. ALPHA MDN. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 365 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies INFLUENCING FACTORS OF THE EXPORT OF ROMANIAN BEE PRODUCTS Anca A. POPOVICI1*, Liviu Al. MĂRGHITAŞ1, Daniel S. DEZMIREAN1 and Marioara ILEA2 1 Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnologies, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2 Faculty of Horticulture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: bee products, distribution channels, diversification, entrepreneurship, export Introduction. Honey, pollen, propolis and beeswax are simultaneously food and medicine with high biological value for human consumption (Mărghitaş, 2005). If beekeepers intend to export products directly, they must choose their target markets and the most effective distribution channels. Aims. The present study fills a gap in the literature by identifying the factors that influence the export of Romanian bee products. Materials and Methods. The data within the present study were collected through a survey on a sample of 420 beekeepers from the North-West Region of Romania. The present study identifies what mainly triggers the decision to export bee products by testing the association between several variables and the export of bee products using Pearson χ2 (Chi square) test. Results. The results of the present study emphasize the fact that there is a significant connection between the export of bee products and the following factors: intention to set up a beekeeping firm, modernization of the farm, product diversification, collaboration, belonging to producer groups, type of beekeeping farm and farm size. Conclusion. The findings of the current study are consistent with those that state that there is a positive association between entrepreneurship and export performance (Okpara, 2009). Beekeepers who intend to enter new markets and export their products should undertake an entrepreneurial behavior and diversify their offer of products, findings which complement the scientific literature which states that product adaptation strategy is positively associated with export performance (Calantone, 2006). Acknowledgements. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project POSDRU/159/ 1.5/S/132765. References 1. Couto J.P.A., Tiago M.T.B, Vieira J.C. and Fortuna, M.A. (2006). Contextual and operational determinants of export performance of companies in Europe. The Business Review. 5(1): 145-154. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 366 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies COMPETITION JUMPING HORSES: EFFECTS OF AGE, SEX AND BREED ON THE FEI/WBFSH WORLD RANKING Anca ROMAN-POPOVICI*, Dan SUMOVSCHI and Ioan GÎLCĂ Faculty of Animal Science, University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine „Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iaşi, Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: breed, jumping, ranking, sport horses, warm blood Introduction. The breed, age and sex of the horses are all important factors in determining the future rank in international high level show jumping competition and this is the reason why we choose to analyze these factors. Aims. The objective of this study was to analyze the differences between the top jumping horses in the world regarding breed, sex and age, and to investigate the impact of these factors on the average number of FEI points gained in the last year. Materials and Methods. For this research we examine the first 103 jumping horses from FEI&WBFSH World Ranking List for Jumping Horses April 2014, divided in 6 groups for breed variable and 3 groups for sex and age variables. Results. The results show that 82.5% of the horses have between 10 and 14 years, 10.7% have less than 10 years and only 6.8% have more than 15 years. For breed variable the results show that 36.9% of the horses belong to warm blood breeds from Germany (31.6% HOLST, 18.4% OLDBG, 18.4% WESTF, 15.8% HANN, 7.9% ZANG, 5.3% BRAND and 2.6% Thuringer), 23.3% belong to warm blood breeds from Belgium (79.2% BWP and 20.8% SBS), 18.4% belong to warm blood breeds from The Nederland (94.7% KWPN and 5.3% NRPS), 9.7% belong to warm blood breeds from Great Britain (70% AES, 20% ISH and 10% SSH), 8.7% belong to warm blood breeds from France (100% SF) and 2.9% belong to warm blood breeds from Sweden (100% SWB). The average number of FEI points gain in the last year was evaluated as not being significantly different (p>0.05) for any of the variable considered for this study. Conclusion. In the present research work, we demonstrated that for performance in show jumping competition at the highest levels it is necessary a horse from a sport breed with a strict selection and not one from a traditional breed, and that between the principal warm blood breeds grown in Europe there are no significant differences. Acknowledgements. This paper was published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project no. POSDRU/ 159/1.5/S/132765. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 367 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies PSYCHOSOCIAL CORRELATES OF HUMAN-ANIMAL AND ADAPTATION ON ROMANIAN LANGUAGE OF “ATTITUDES TOWARD ANIMALS” QUESTIONNAIRE (TURNER, 2010) Alina S. RUSU1*, Ciprian OBER2*, Dennis TURNER3, Vlad C. MUREŞAN1, Dragoş ILIESCU4 and Andrei D. MIHALCA2 1 Faculty of Psychology and Sciences of Education, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania 3 Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, University of Zurich, Switzerland 4 Faculty of Communication and Public Relationship, SNSPA University, Romania *Corresponding authors, e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Keywords: assessment of attitudes to animals human-animal bond, psychological correlates Introduction. Attitudes to animals play an important role in the process of optimally managing the human-animal interactions (Turner, 2010). Also, they are known to mediate the successful implementation of stray and companion animal management programs, as well as of humane educational programs that aim to increase the awareness toward well being of animals. Aims. In this study, we aim to adapt for Romanian language usage the Attitudes toward Animals Questionnaire (AAQ; Turner, 2010) that has been already used on several cultures (Fehlbaum et al., 2010). Several psychosocial correlates of these attitudes will be investigated, such as: level of emotional intelligence, preferences toward a species, ownership status and professional experience with animals (i.e. veterinarians versus non-veterinarians). Materials and Methods. The original version of AAQ was provided by the author and translated and back translated by a team of five experts. AAQ consists on 29 items on nature conservation, wild, farm and companion animals, meat eating, and animal feelings and cognition. AAQ was administered online, together with the Romanian versions of Pet Attitude Scale-Modified (PASM; Munsell et al., 2004) and of the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-I; Bar-On, 1997). Results. Data were collected from 294 Romanian respondents. Statistical analyses (correlational analysis, path analysis and GLM analysis) will be performed on all the targeted variables (AAQ, PAS-M, EQ-i scores, as well as on other socio-emotional variables and demographic data). Conclusion. Our study will provide a valid instrument to assess the basal level of attitudes toward animals (AAQ; Turner, 2010) and it will allow to compare our data with similar ones that were already collected in different cultures (i.e., Brazil, China, Great Britain, Germany, France, India, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Singapore, Switzerland). References 1. Fehlbaum B., Waiblinger E., Turner D.C. (2010). A comparison of attitudes towards animals between the German- and French-speaking part of Switzerland. Schweiz Arch. Tierheilkd., 152: 285-293. 2. Turner D.C. (2010). Attitudes toward animals: A cross-cultural, international comparison, in: Manimalis, Stockholm (Hrsg.): Abstract Book, Plenary presentations, 12th International Conference on Human-Animal Interactions, People & Animals: For Life, 1-4 July 2010. Stockholm, S. 21. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 368 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies METHODS TO IMPROVE THE NUTRITION OF BROOK TROUT (Salvelinus fontinalis M.) BY USING FODDER ADDITIVES (BIO-MOS, NUPRO, SEL-PLEX) Aurel ŞARA1*, Mihai BENŢEA1, Alina ANI2 and Marin BREJE1 1 Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnologies, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania 3 Alltech Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: fodder additives, brook trout, growth and consumption indices, meat quality, survival rate Introduction. Prebiotics and organic minerals are of a great importance in the field of fish nutrition. The positive effects of Bio-Moss use in salmonid were highlighted by the research carried out by Staykov et al. (2005). The NuPro protein extract has positive effects on the production and reproduction performances and health status (Gonzales-Vecino, 2002). Organic Selenium used in the nutrition of fishes positively influences the growth rate, feed conversion, meat quality and the health status by decreasing mortalities (Yambo et al., 2006). Aims. The research aimed to determine the effects of some fodder additives (Bio-Mos, Nupro and Sel-plex) on growth and consumption indices, meat quality and survival rate in brook trout. Materials and Methods. The research has been carried out on a number of 1000 fishes, randomly distributed in 4 groups (250 fish/group): a control group, group 1E (Bio-Mos 0.2%), group 2E (NuPro 2%) and group 3E (Sel-plex 0.03%); the experimental period was 250 days. During the experiment the following parameters were recorded and analyzed: body mass evolution, weight gain, specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio (FCR), meat quality and survival rate. Results. The best results were recorded in 1E group (Bio-Mos 0.2%), with a body weight of 248.45 g, a weight gain of 228.45 g and a FCR of 1.18 kg fodder/kg weight gain. The high values of meat Selenium content show the cumulative effect of organic Selenium in the fish meat; as a result, this meat can be considered a functional food. The highest survival rate was recorded in 3E group (95.60%), receiving dietary Selenium supplementation. Conclusion. Considering the recorded results, we can recommend the use of the Bio-Moss prebiotic (0.2%), organic Selenium SelPlex (0.03%) a protein extract NuPro (2%) in the nutrition of salmonid fishes, separately, by considering each productive index. References 1. Gonzales-Vecino J.L (2002). Breakthrough in broodstock nutrition. Seafish Aquaculture: Marine Finfish News. No. 1, Summer, 4. 2. Staykov Y., Denev S., Spring P. (2005). The effects of mannan oligosaccharide (Bio-Mos) on the growth rate and immune function of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri irideus G.) grown in raceways. Lessons from the past to optimise the future, Ed. By Howell and R. Flos. European Aquaculture Society, Special Publication n.35, June, 429-430. 3. Yambo W., Jianzhong H, Weifen L, Zirong X. (2006). Effect of different selenium source on groeth performances, glutathione peroxidase activites, muscules composition and selenium conception of alloghynogenetic crucian carp (Carassus auratus gibelio), Feed Science Institute of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 369 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies MILK PRODUCTION CHARACTERISTICS OF SAANEN GOATS RAISED UNDER INTENSIVE CONDITIONS IN KONYA/ TURKEY PROVINCE Vahdettin SARIYEL1* and Birol DAĞ2 1 2 Selcuk University Karapınar Aydoğanlar VHS, Karapınar/KONYA, Turkey Selcuk University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Zootechnics, Turkey *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] This article has been developed from the doctoral thesis of the first author Keywords: Fleischman, ICAR, milk yield, repeatability, Saanen Introduction. Goat breeding milk, meat and leather production in the world in terms of its importance continues to increase even numerically. Occurring in different parts of world hunger danger all agricultural products to the least affected as in the protection and the number of animals per animal must produce more. Aims. In this research, it is aimed to determine the effects of several environmental factors on milk yield parameters of Saanen goats raised under intensive conditions in a private farm in Konya/Turkey province. Lactation milk yield, lactation period, average daily milk yield and maximum daily milk yield were investigated as milk yield parameters and the repeatability was estimated for lactation milk yield. Materials and Methods. For control day milk yield as calculating method was preferred ICAR, then for each goat lactations milk yield was used Fleischman method in the calculation. Results. Lactation milk yields were 268.65±13.14 and 461.55±12.58 kg for 2011 and 2012 years respectively. The effect of birth type and season on lactation milk yield was significant (P<0.05). Lactation period was 263.37±2.54 and 255.91±1.50 days for 2011 and 2012 years respectively. The effect of season on lactation milk yield was significant (P<0.01). Repeatability of lactation milk yield, lactation period, average daily milk yield and average daily maximum milk yield were determined as 0.43±0.08, 0.42±0.10, 0.44±0.08, 0.32±0.97 respectively. Conclusion. Research results have revealed how could rise milk yield, better care and feeding of goats. Efficiency of animals in the herd, when we look at the first three years in the fourth and fifth lactations with good maintenance, supply 500 kg of milk, can give more than can be said. References 1. Harvey W.R. (1987). User’s Guide for LSMLM-WPS-1 Version Mixed Model Least Squares and Maximum Likelihood Computer Program. Ohio State Univ. Columbus, Mimeo. 2. ICAR (2009). International Agreement of Recording Practices. Guidelines Approved by the General Assembly Held in Niagara Falls, USA. 18 June 2008. 3. Rupp R., Clement V., Piacere A., Robert-Granie C. and Manfredi E. (2011). Genetic Parameters for Milk Somatic Cell Score and Relationship with Production and Udder Type Traits in Dairy Alpine. Journal of Animal Science, 94(7): 3629-3634. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 370 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies GENERAL QUALITY PARAMETERS FOR BEE PRODUCTS USED IN APITHERAPY Ştefan STÂNGACIU1, Liviu Al. MĂRGHITAŞ2, Daniel DEZMIREAN2, Victoriţa BONTA2*, Rodica MĂRGĂOAN2 and Otilia BOBIŞ2 1 Apitherapy Consulting & Trading International Ltd. 2 Department of Apiculture and Sericulture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: apitherapy, bee products, ingredient, quality Introduction. The most important bee products are honey, bee-pollen, beebread, royal jelly, propolis, bee-venom and wax. These products have different role in bee family and in human nutrition. Man uses honey, bee-pollen, beebread and royal jelly as food supplements and propolis and bee-venom as treatment in different diseases, due to their high biological activity (Bogdanov, 2008; Bobiş et al., 2010). Apitherapy represent the utilization of bee products for curing a series of illnesses or to promote a healthy life style through these products. Aims. Due to the fact that apitherapy is a part of medicine science, bee products used for this purpose must have a certain quality, must possess a series of biologically active compounds that will help in the healing process. This study wants to show the “quality standards” for beeproducts used in apitherapy. Materials and Methods. Different samples of honey, propolis, bee-pollen and royal jelly were analyzed for their physic-chemical parameters as well as for their active compounds, specific for each matrix. Standard methods were used, together with spectrophotometric and chromatographic determinations. Results. All analyzed honey samples were free of antibiotics. Physical-chemical analysis of honey, bee-pollen, propolis and royal jelly were in accordance with standard limits. High amounts of flavonoids and phenolic acids were quantified in propolis tincture, and other antioxidant substances like carotenoids and hidrosoluble vitamins were identified and quantified in bee-pollen samples. Royal jelly samples were proved to be authentic and have a high amount of 10-hydroxydecenoid acid, a compound with high antioxidant and antibacterial activity. Conclusion. Honey must be free of antibiotics and other contaminants. High amounts of polyphenolic substances and enzymes must be in their composition. Royal jelly’s authenticity parameter (10-HDA) must be determined via HPLC-DAD. Propolis and bee-pollen must contain high amounts of polyphenols and other bioactive ingredients. References 1. Bogdanov S., Jurendic T., Sieber R. and Gallman P. (2008). Honey for nutrition and health: a review. Am. J. Coll. Nutr. 27:677-689. 2. Bobiş O., Mărghitaş L.A., Dezmirean D., Bonta V. and Mihai C.M. (2010). Beehive products: source of nutrients and natural biologically active compounds. J. Agroalim. Proc. Tehnol. 16:104-109. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 371 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies SUPPORT FOR ORGANIC BEEKEEPING IN ROMANIA: A VIEW FOR THE NEXT RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMING PERIOD Sorin L. ŞTEFĂNESCU1*, Liviu Al. MĂRGHITAŞ2, Monica DUMITRAŞCU1 and Roxana VIDICAN2 1 National Research and Development Institute for Soil Science, Agro-Chemistry and Environment-ICPA Bucharest, Romania 2 University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: apiculture, organic farming, rural development, public goods Introduction. Organic farming is a continuously growing sector in EU. Recognizing its important contribution to various rural development objectives and priorities, the new Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development established a distinct and specific voluntary Organic farming measure for the period 2014-2020. Aims. In Romania, most usually, during the vegetation period the apiaries are transferred from plain to hilly areas to reach different stages of flowering of diverse crops and spontaneous vegetation such as the various mixes of forestry species, hedges and natural pastures on flat land or slopes, with diverse sizes and sometimes discontinuous shapes. For this reason support to beekeeping should be granted per bees’ family (beehive) rather than per undefined hectares. Materials and Methods. To assess the additional costs incurred by organic beekeeping and consequently the minimum level of the payments to support the organic beekeeping, the input prices were taken from the best recent offers available, which are displayed by the input provider sites in Romania. Whereas missing (no sources available) information occurred, the beekeeping research expertise of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Cluj provided the necessary input. Results. Since 2006, the organic land area in Romania has increased constantly. Based on the expectations that the new organic farming measure (currently under the design process in Romania), will continue improving the previous approach of the existing national Rural Development Program, the present paper aims to provide a view on including beekeeping under the eligible types of support and to assess the related applicable amounts and support rates for the organic farming measure. The calculated rate for support results from the additional costs incurred by undertaking organic beekeeping. As regard to income foregone, the differences overall between organic and conventional practices are almost insignificant. The minimum proposed rate applies to both conversion to and maintenance of organic practices. Conclusion. Looking to the last years linear trend of organic farming in Romania, the operational objective of the organic farming measure should be doubling the existing organic certified land to over 4% of the total UAA by 2020 and to improve significantly the domestic market’ absorption of organic products. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 372 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies INDIVIDUAL AND COMBINED EFFECTS OF EXOGENOUS ENZYMES ON RHEOLOGICAL AND THERMO-MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF WHEAT-MILLET FLOUR BLENDS Iuliana APRODU, Manuela VASILE and Iuliana BANU* Department of Food Science and Engineering, University “Dunarea de Jos”Galati, Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: enzymes, thermo-mechanical properties, wheat-millet flour blends Introduction. Millet flour is known for good nutritional value and is therefore recommended to being used in bread-making formulations. Millet flour addition to wheat flour highly influences the dough rheology and bread quality, as well as the extraction rate of the wheat flour (Aprodu and Banu, 2014). Aims. The objective of the present study was to investigate the individual and combined effect of glucose oxidase (GO), pentosanase (PP), fungal amylase (FA) and transglutaminase (TG) on the fundamental rheological and thermo mechanical properties of wheat-millet flour blends. Materials and Methods. The wheat flour (extraction rate of 75%) and proso millet flours were mixed to get 70:30 blends. The wheat-millet flour blends were supplemented with 12 mg GO/100g, 18 mg PP/100g, 40 mg FA/100g and 200 mg TG/100g. The shear rheological tests were carried out by means of a controlled-stress rheometer, while thermo-mechanical properties of the flour blends were investigated using the Mixolab device. Results. Since the bread making properties of the wheat flour are affected by the addition of millet flour, the addition of exogenous enzyme appears mandatory. The addition of exogenous enzymes, especially TG, causes important changes in rheological properties of the flour blends. The thixotropic behavior was observed for all samples, and the viscosities decreased with the shear rate increase. Concerning the thermo-mechanical properties, our results indicated that millet flour addition to wheat flour affects mainly the parameters related to starch gelatinization and retrogradation. Individual addition of FA and PP slightly improved dough behavior, whereas the GO-PP-FA brought the values of C3, C4 and C5 parameters close to wheat flour samples (1.70 Nm, 1.44 Nm and 2.02 Nm, respectively). Conclusion. Addition of exogenous enzyme can improve properties of doughs based on wheat-millet flour blends. The best results were obtained in case of using the GO-PP-TG, GO-PP-FA, and FA-PP-TG cocktails. References 1. Aprodu I. and Banu I. (2014). Rheological, thermo-mechanical, and baking properties of wheat-millet flour blends, Food Sci. Technol. Int., Doi: 10.1177/1082013214536175. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 373 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies HONEYBEES AS A MODEL FOR THE STUDY OF XENOBIOTICS, A FORAY INTO THE STUDY OF ANTIVIRAL EFFECT OF PROPOLIS Adriana C. AURORI, Daniel S. DEZMIREAN* and Liviu Al. MĂRGHITAŞ Faculty of Animal Science and Biotechnologies, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: antiviral, BQCV, honeybee, in vivo Introduction. In the process of developing new drugs or for understanding the impact of a broad range of compounds on living organisms is necessary to find models for in vivo studies. Considering the ethical reasons the insects are suitable candidates for this kind of research. Due to the similarities between taxa regarding the most metabolic pathways and the conserved role of the signaling molecules, the insects have become fundamental models for a broad range of studies implying, among many others, the responses to pharmacological agents. Among them, honeybee represents a special case not only due to their complex social life and ageing particularities but also because of their great ecological and economic importance. Therefore, the findings of such studies can be either of general interest or can aim directly the improvement of honeybee life. Aims. The goal of this study was to establish an in vivo model for assessing the antiviral role of different compounds, and in this particular case, of propolis. Materials and Methods. For testing the antiviral effect of propolis natural contaminated bees with Black Queen Cell Virus (BQCV) were used. The nurse bees were individual treated, in two consecutive days, with 10, 100 or 1000 µg of propolis (European propolis type). The impact of propolis on BQCV and the host was assessed by RT-qPCR. For a better understanding of propolis effect the role of some propolis constituents was tested as well. Results. Although the reduction of the virus titer was obtained for the 10 and 100 µg of propolis the results were not statistically significant due to high variability of the virus titer. Similar results were obtained for pinocembrin, caffeic acid and chrisine treatment. Conclusion. Although the results weren’t statistically valid, the antiviral potential of propolis in general cannot be ruled out. We suggest a possible adaptation of the BQCV, developed in time, to the particular propolis sample we used. In this study bees that produce this type of propolis were involved. Using propolis samples of different biogeographical origin, that the treated bees/ BQCV were not previously exposed to, can lead to a different result. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 374 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies ANTIBIO-RESISTANCE STUDY OF STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS STRAINS ISOLATED IN ALGERIAN HOSPITALS Mohamed BACHIR-PACHA1*, A. BOUYOUCEF1, R.R. TRIKI-YAMANI1, H. KHALED1, F. TEGGAR2 and F. TACHET3 1 Institute of Veterinary Sciences, University Blida 1, Algeria 2 Département of Biology, University Blida 1, Algeria 3 EPH Blida, Algeria *Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Keywords: MRSA, MSSA, multi-resistant, Staphylococcus aureus Introduction. When an antibiotic has lost its capacity to control bacterial growth, the bacteria are resistant and continue to multiply in the presence of therapeutic levels of an antibiotic. Aims. The starting point of this work is to achieve a phenotypic analysis of S. aureus strains samples isolated from various pathological products for 6 months, in the microbiology laboratory of the CHU Mustapha Bacha (Algiers). Materials and Methods. During 06 months (January to June, 2013), 4270 samples from outpatients and hospitalized in different services at CHU Mustapha Bacha (Algiers) were analyzed. Results. On 4270 samples analyzed, 1093 (25%) allowed bacterial growth (positive). After E. coli (34.9%), Staphylococcus sp. are among the most germs isolated (18.9%). Among 109 strains of S. aureus isolated, 53 (48.62%) are resistant to Oxacillin (MRSA) and 56 (51.38%) are sensitive (MSSA). All strains are resistant to at least one antibiotic. Conclusion. Staphylococcus sp. are among the most frequently isolated microorganisms, phenotypic analysis of the samples showed strains of S. aureus Methicillin-sensitive (MSSA) and Methicillin-resistant strains (MRSA). Antibiotic resistance seems still not overcome and the therapeutic arsenal is shrinking. References 1. Ahoyo A.T., Baba-Moussa L., Makoutode M. (2006). Incidence of méthicilline resistant Staphylococcus aureus in neonatal care unit of departmental hospital center of Zou Collins in Benin. Arch Pediatr, 13: 1391–6. 2. Akoua-Koffi C., Guessennd N., Gbonon V., Faye-Ketté H., Dosso M. (2004). Methicillinresistance of Staphylococcus aureus in Abidjan (1998–2001): a new hospital problem. Med Mal, 34:132–6. 3. Albanes J., Bourgouin A., Martin C. (2002). Associations d’antibiotiques dans les infections à Staphylocoque doré, les arguments contre, Annales Françaises d’Anesthésie et de réanimation volume 21, Issue 5, 399-405. 13th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” 375 Section 6-7: Animal Science and Biotechnologies A MOLECULAR APPROACH FOR IDENTIFICATION OF DROUGHT RESISTANCE RAPESEEDS’ GENOTYPES BASED ON SPECIFIC GENE EXPRESSION Oana M. BOLDURA* and Sorina POPESCU Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “Regele Mihai I al Romaniei” Timi