Bennett Branch of the Sinnemahoning Restoration
Bennett Branch of the Sinnemahoning Restoration
The Development of a Mine Drainage Restoration Plan for Bennett Branch Sinnemahoning Creek Clearfield, Elk, and Cameron Counties, Pennsylvania By: Eric E. Cavazza, P.E. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation May 2005 • State College • Pittsburgh • Phila. Location of the Bennett Branch Watershed So why restore the Bennett Branch? I. Restoration of the Bennett Branch and Kettle Creek are a priority of the Governor and an integral part of the PA Wilds Initiative. II. The Bennett Branch is a wild and scenic river that is almost totally dead as a result of the adverse impacts of acid mine drainage. III. The mine drainage problems are localized to three distinct areas of the watershed, and due to the geology, are amenable to conventional mine drainage treatment technology. Bennett Branch Watershed Facts ¾ Watershed size: 387 square miles of which approximately 16 square miles have been deep mined ¾ Watershed is sparsely populated, wooded, mountainous, with deeply cut valleys with steep side slopes ¾ Stream drops ~ 900 feet from headwaters near Sabula to mouth at Driftwood. Total length of main stem is approximately 38 miles, the lower 33 miles are impacted by acid mine drainage. ¾ The average daily flow at the mouth at Driftwood was 454 MGD or 315,000 gpm. (SL-195, 1976) More Watershed Facts ¾Much of the land is State owned ¾State Game Lands ¾Elk and Moshannon State Forests ¾ Tributary to Susquehanna River and the Chesapeake Bay ¾ Much of PA’s growing elk herd is located in watershed ¾ Enormous potential for growth in tourism and other outdoor recreation Elk in the Bennett Branch Watershed Bennett Branch Restoration Project Background ¾ DEP completed an assessment using existing published data in March 2004 ¾ March report presented to the Governor’s PA Wilds Task Force in May 2004 ¾ Due to favorable review by the Task Force, DEP established Bennett Branch Team ¾ DEP working since June 2004 to develop a comprehensive mine drainage abatement plan for the Bennett Branch PENNSYLVANIA Bennett Branch Major Public Lands In Outdoor Recreation Plan Primary Mission of the Bennett Branch Team ¾Develop a detailed mine drainage abatement plan with a goals of: ¾Restoring water quality in the main stem of the Bennett Branch ¾Improving water quality to the extent possible in the mine drainage impacted tributaries ¾Maximize reclamation of abandoned mine lands (AML), particularly AML sites with health and safety problems Primary Team Members ¾ ¾ Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation PA – DEP, Knox and Moshannon District Mining Offices Bennett Branch Watershed Association ¾ Pennsylvania Game Commission ¾ PA – DCNR, Elk and Moshannon District Forest Offices US Department of the Interior, Office of Surface Mining ¾ ¾ Other Project Partners 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Susquehanna River Basin Commission US Army – Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District PA Fish and Boat Commission Western Pennsylvania Conservancy Elk County Conservation District Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Elk County Commissioners P & N Coal Company Original Fuels Coal Company, Inc. Kojancic Family Limited Partnership Energy Resources, Inc. Waroquier Coal Company Rosebud Mining Company Trout Unlimited Initial Project Development Steps 9 The Bennett Branch Team completed a “Watershed Snapshot” in July 2004 9 Sampled and measured the flow of all known mine drainage discharges 9 Sampled and measured the flow of all major tributaries and smaller polluted tributaries 9 Goals of the “Watershed Snapshot” 9 Compare results to previous watershed studies 9 Resolve data gaps or inconsistencies 9 Identify tributaries impacted by mine drainage 9 Complete a contaminant loading analysis of the entire watershed Previous Watershed Studies ¾Operation Scarlift (Hollywood Experimental AMD Treatment Plant) ¾SL 195 – Bennett Branch Watershed, 1973-1976 ¾SL 161 – Dents Run Watershed, 1972-1974 ¾US Army Corps of Engineers – Baltimore ¾Dents Run Ecosystem Restoration Plan, 2001 ¾Includes PA-DEP Dents Run Monitoring Data, 1993 – ¾PA-DEP, Growing Greener Program/BBWA ¾Bennett Branch Watershed Assessment, 2003 ¾PA-DEP, Bennett Branch Team ¾Watershed Assessment and Monitoring, 2004 – ¾Susquehanna River Basin Commission (SRBC) ¾Ongoing TMDL development in the Watershed Mine Drainage Impacted Tributaries Historical Summary of the Percent of Acid Load to Bennett Branch Tributary Dents Run Mill Run Caledonia Run Operation Scarlift, 1972-1976 30.8 3.9 21.6 Fridays Run Tyler Reservoir Run Moose Run Tyler Run Cherry Run 9.3 4.6 22.9 2.8 G-F/ BBWA, 2003 34.4 23.5 16.2 9.6 7.6 10.4 29.0 41.5 30.7 34.0 15.4 8.9 2.3 5.2 1.3 6.1 5.7 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.3 0.8 0.1 0.1 Unnamed trib across from Force Baumertown Run Wasko Run Browns Run PA-DEP, July 2004 PA-DEP, Oct. 2004 (High Flow (Low Flow Conditions) Conditions) 0.2 0.2 1.1 0.9 0.1 0.3 3.2 3.4 1.4 Unnamed trib near Medix Run Overturf Run 0.8 0.1 Direct Discharge1 @ Tyler Direct Discharge2 @ Tyler Kersey Run Totals 2.4 99.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 Geology and Mining History within the Bennett Branch Watershed Early 1900s mine near Penfield Caledonia Syncline Structural Geology within the Bennett Branch Watershed Geologic cross-section along the profile of the main stem of the Bennett Branch Outcrop of LK Coal Seam Mining History ¾ Coal mining began in the middle to late 1800s ¾ By early 1900s, extensive underground mining began – most mines closed down by the late 1960s – Some limited deep mining continues today ¾ Surface or strip mining began in the 1940s and continues, to a limited extent, today ¾ Most mining on the Middle Kittanning (C) Lower Kittanning (B) or Clarion Coal (A) Seams ¾ Most underground mines were developed up-dip to allow for the gravity draining of mine water ¾ Many mines (surface and deep)were abandoned and left unreclaimed Hollywood Area Caledonia Area Dents Run Area Be n ne tt B ran ch Bennett Branch Coal Fields Portal of the Wilmer No. 1 Coal Mine in the Dents Run Watershed Circa 1910 photograph of the No. 1 Mine Tipple in the Dents Run Watershed Scenes from the Village of Tyler in the early 1900 Byrnedale Cardiff Other Bennett Branch Communities (early 1900s) Force Mine Drainage Discharges and AMD Impacted Tributaries in the Bennett Branch Watershed 120 St. Mary’s SR SR Bennett Branch Watershed Boundary SR Dents Run Benezette 120 SR Driftwood 5 25 55 5 Weedville Caledonia Mix Run Hollywood Medix Run SR Sabula SR 5 25 153 To D oi uB s Penfield Bennett Branch Watershed Confluence of Moose Run and Bennett Branch near Penfield Mill Run Borehole (above) and Mill Run at Rt 255 (left) RT 255 Mill Run Borehole Mill Run Aerial view of Mill Run FRI1 Discharge FRI1 Weir FRI2 Discharge Fridays Run discharges near Hollywood TR37 Discharge TYR2 Discharge Discharges along Tyler Reservoir Run and reclaimed refuse disposal area near Hollywood and Tyler ACV Power GFCC Site Bennett Branch at the Village of Tyler K2 Discharge K1 Discharge K1 Discharge K2 Discharge High aluminum discharges located in the Cherry Run tributary near the Village of Force K2 Pond CAL4 Discharge Caledonia Run At RT 555 AMD discharges and impacts in the Caledonia Run tributary near the Village of Caledonia CAL2 Discharge Bennett Branch at Caledonia Bennett Branch at Benezette Bennett Branch at Grant AMD Discharges impacting Dents Run Dents Run upstream of AMD impacts Dents Run at the confluence of the heavily AMD impaired Porcupine Run Confluence of Dents Run and Bennett Branch Bennett Branch at Dents Run Bennett Branch Downstream of Dents Run Other (AML) Problems in the Watershed AML Inventory Map for the Hollywood Area AML Problem Area Field Reviews ¾ BAMR field reviewed 22 AML problem areas with inventoried health and safety problems (Jan. – Apr. ’05) ¾ The inventoried reclamation cost to reclaim all of these hazardous features exceeded $30 million ¾ Included an evaluation of re-mining potential at each site to accomplish reclamation at no cost to BAMR ¾ Evaluation also included an analysis of water quality improvements that could be achieved through reclamation or re-mining including: ¾ Restoration of surface water courses ¾ Elimination of infiltration into underground mines ¾ Elimination of AMD seeps or discharges Abandoned Surface Mine with dangerous highwall in Dents Run Watershed Bennett Branch Restoration Plan Development Watershed can be divided into three distinct areas in need of AMD abatement ¾Hollywood/Tyler Area ¾On average, contributes ~ 29% of the acid load to the Bennett Branch ¾Caledonia Area ¾Contributes ~ 24% of the acid load ¾Dents Run Area ¾Contributes ~ 34% of the acid load ¾Being addressed by Corps of Engineers / BBWA / DEP-BAMR Project Implementation Goals ¾ Restoration of the main stem of the Bennett Branch ¾ A viable sport fishery will be re-established ¾ Increased recreation opportunities ¾ Restoration of 33 miles of AMD impaired stream ¾ Local economic benefits ¾ Increased tourism ¾ Resource recovery from the treatment facility sludge ¾ Potential for industrial re-use of the treated water ¾ Foundational effort in the restoration of the West Branch Susquehanna River DEP’s March 2004 report recommended construction of two active mine drainage treatment facilities ¾Due to extremely poor quality of the AMD in the watershed, active chemical treatment of the discharges is the most reliable and long-term method of treatment ¾First plant to be sited near the Villages of Hollywood and Tyler ¾Second treatment facility to be sited near the Village of Caledonia ¾Possible treatment for Dents Run if COE Project not completely successful Hollywood Caledonia Discharges under consideration for treatment at the proposed Hollywood/Tyler and the Caledonia AMD treatment facilities Potential site of the Hollywood/Tyler Mine Drainage Treatment Facility Summary of preliminary design data for the Hollywood/Tyler Treatment Facility Preliminary Design Values ============================= •Flow…………………………….5,000 gpm (7.2 MGD) •Acidity………………………… 171.1 mg/l •Fe……………………………….. 33.6 mg/l •Mn……………………………….. 2.8 mg/l •Al………………………………… 4.5 mg/l Hollywood/Tyler Area Treatment Facility Next Steps ¾Solicit proposals from consultants for a two-phase design for the Hollywood/Tyler treatment facility ¾Phase 1 - Alternatives Analysis ¾to evaluate different treatment processes and to evaluate the feasibility and need to convey each of the various discharges to the plant. Potential discharge relocations or consolidations would also be considered. ¾Phase 2 - Detailed Treatment Facility Design ¾including engineering, project drawings and technical specifications, permitting, right-of-way acquisition, an operation and maintenance plan and manual, and preparation of contracting documents. ¾Re-use of the treated mine water and resource recovery from the sludge(s) will also be considered. Other Activities being pursued in support of the restoration of the Bennett Branch ¾ October 2004 - Low flow stream survey ¾ November 2004 - Weirs installed at all discharges ¾ December 2004 - Additional stream samples - to determine sources of degradation other than AMD ¾ Monthly Sampling Completed (Oct 2004 - Apr 2005) ¾ All known mining records reviewed. Mine maps converted to electronic format for use in site planning. ¾ A GIS is being developed using AutoCAD map software to compile topographic information, mine maps, property ownership data, stream and discharge monitoring data, and AML site information. Proctor No. 2 Mine Workings Scanned deep mine maps Village of Hollywood 2 State Route 55 Colored Aerial Photography Completed through a cooperative agreement between DEP and PennDOT Caledonia Penfield Caledonia Area Air Photo Refuse Pile Village of Caledonia Highwalls Re-mining in the Bennett Branch Watershed P&N Coal Company mining operation in the Dents Run Subwatershed (04/04) Re-mining in the Bennett Branch Watershed ¾ Meetings have been held with Coal Companies to discuss future plans, to obtain available drill hole information, and to jointly evaluate re-mining potential at several AML sites are ongoing. ¾ P&N Coal Company ¾ Rosebud Mining Company ¾ Energy Resources, Inc. (ERI) ¾ Waroquier Coal Company (Tamburlin Bros. Coal Co.) ¾ Kojancic Family Limited Partnership (Underhill Coal Co.) ¾ BAMR is actively working with the DCNR – Bureau of Forestry to evaluate re-mining and reclamation of several high-priority AML sites within the Moshannon State Forest. Re-mining in the Bennett Branch Watershed Energy Resources, Inc. (ERI) Mining Operation in the Mill Run Subwatershed (11/04) Abandoned surface mine with dangerous highwall in Moshannon State Forest Abandoned Coal Refuse Pile Survey ¾ Grab sampled over 30 refuse piles located throughout the watershed ¾ Samples were dried and crushed to minus 60 mesh and analyzed for percent sulfur, BTUs, percent ash, maximum potential acidity and neutralizing potential ¾ Results shared with mine operators, cogeneration facility operators, and property owners Coal Refuse Pile along Mill Run Coal Refuse Pile along Tyler Reservoir Run Example Coal Refuse Pile Sample Results Refuse Refuse Pile County Pile Number 29 R3895 Elk Municipality GEO Max % Ash DEP % % Pot. Neutralizing Deficiency/ Pile Sulfur Sulfur Acidity Potential Excess Volume No. BTU 1 6,824.92 49.05 0.972 0.99 30.94 -24.75 -55.69 2 7,955.80 42.85 1.024 1.02 31.88 -15.49 -47.37 Benezette Twp. 3,000 CY 3 9,536.48 33.30 1.075 1.11 34.69 -7.25 -41.94 4 1,865.98 78.25 0.923 0.97 30.31 -4.95 -35.26 Exploratory Drilling Exploratory Drilling ¾Determine extent of underground mine pools ¾Determine hydraulic head on mine openings, mine seals or coal seam outcrop areas ¾Determine whether individual deep mines are inter-connected ¾Evaluate options for combining discharges and routing discharges to the treatment facility Property/Real Estate Issues ¾Property investigations for the proposed treatment facility locations (Hollywood and Caledonia) and for the inventoried high-priority AML sites have been completed. ¾ Preliminary contact with the landowners in the vicinity of the proposed Hollywood/Tyler treatment facility has been completed. ¾Work is underway to establish spending authorization from PA’s Coal Lands Improvement Fund to acquire land necessary to construct the Hollywood/Tyler treatment facility in Huston Township, Clearfield County. ¾Property appraisals for the private properties that may be acquired for construction of the Hollywood/Tyler treatment facility were completed by an independent appraiser in March. Estimated Capital and Annual Costs Preliminary costs for Hollywood/Tyler and Caledonia determined using AMDTreat v3.1 software Hollywood/Tyler Treatment Facility Capital Costs Hydrated Lime Plant and Sludge Settling Facilities $ 1,030,000.00 Conveying all Discharges to the Plant $ 1,000,000.00 Estimated Property Acquisition Costs $ Total Capital Cost $ 2,130,000.00 100,000.00 Annual Costs (Chemicals, Sampling, O & M, & Sludge Removal) $ 370,000.00 Estimated Capital and Annual Costs Preliminary costs for Hollywood/Tyler and Caledonia determined using AMDTreat v3.1 software Caledonia Treatment Facility Capital Costs Hydrated Lime Plant and Sludge Settling Facilities $ 950,000.00 Conveying all Discharges to the Plant $ 95,000.00 Estimated Property Acquisition Costs $ 50,000.00 Total Capital Cost $ 1,140,000.00 Annual Costs (Chemicals, Sampling, O & M, & Sludge Removal) $ 191,000.00 Proposed Design and Implementation Schedule Hollywood/Tyler Treatment Facility Start Complete Discharge Sampling and Monitoring 09/04 09/06 Property Acquisition 09/04 12/05 Obtain Easements/ ROW’s for Pipelines 07/05 03/06 Finalize Plant Design 08/05 03/06 Project Permitting 08/05 06/06 Award Contract & Begin Construction 08/06 04/07 Full-Scale Operation Mid to late 2007 Proposed Design and Implementation Schedule Caledonia Treatment Facility Start Complete Discharge Sampling and Monitoring 09/04 09/06 Property Acquisition 09/04 12/06 (A delay in developing final plans beyond this point will allow for an assessment of the impact of the Hollywood/Tyler treatment facility.) Obtain Easements/ ROW’s for Pipelines 04/08 12/08 Finalize Plant Design 03/08 12/08 Project Permitting 04/08 03/09 Award Contract & Begin Construction 05/09 04/10 Full-Scale Operation Mid to late 2010 Dents Run Project Background ¾ Elk County Conservation District submitted a request to BAMR to restore the water quality in the Dents Run Watershed in 1993. ¾ BAMR began monitoring discharges and stream quality. ¾ BAMR began working with various partners to develop a comprehensive watershed restoration plan. ¾ Cost estimates to restore the watershed were too high for DEP alone to fund. ¾ Due to the high cost, BAMR made a request to the Corps of Engineers to evaluate the proposed project for funding. ¾ In 2001, the COE received approval to fund a portion of the work under the Section 206 Program. Dents Run Project Summary ¾ Restore and sustain the aquatic, riparian, and terrestrial resources of the Dents Run Watershed ¾ Reclamation of ~160 acres of abandoned mine land with alkaline addition and other Best Management Practices ¾ Reconnection of 24 stream miles ¾ Restoration of 5 stream miles of aquatic organism and brook trout habitat 38 98 3888 38 93 38 96 General Project Area 3895B 3895A 1934 97 8 3 - Active Mining and Reclamation Site - Site Under Construction - Site to be Reclaimed in the Future Dents Run Project Groundbreaking October 2002 Wilmer No. 1 Mine Discharge Dents Run Site 3888 Treatment System Corps of Engineers Completed Nov. 2004 Partnership with the Active Mining Industry at Dents Run ¾ P&N Coal Company ¾ Mining Upper and Middle Kittanning Coal ¾ Mining 500,000 tons of limestone for alkaline addition and passive treatment ¾ Will reclaim several AML features ¾ Provided a low cost source of alkaline material bringing the overall project cost in line with available funding sources. Dents Run Project Cost Summary ¾US Army Corps of Engineers ¾PA-DEP/Growing Greener $ 5,000,000 $ 1,300,000 ¾PA-DEP-BAMR $ 2,700,000 ¾Local $ Sponsor (BBWA) 62,150* ¾In-kind Match $ 189,000** ¾Mining Offset $ 2,951,496 Total $12,202,646 * - (Cash Contribution required by the USA-COE) ** - (Includes Exploratory Drilling Work, Project Mapping, and Water Sampling provided by PA-DEP-BAMR) Source: COE Dents Run Project Management Plan (10/01) Current Dents Run Project Status ¾DEP and BBWA coordinating with the Baltimore Corps of Engineers, efforts focusing on: ¾Reducing Corps project costs ¾Improving quality of Corps project designs ¾Maximizing water quality improvements ¾Speeding the Corps up – trying to get several projects to construction in 2005 construction season ¾DEP funding construction of an alkaline for the single biggest source of mine drainage contamination in the watershed. Construction of the trench began in midFebruary. DEP also evaluating additional projects. Bennett Branch Restoration Cost Summary Phase I – Hollywood/Tyler Area Treatment Facility Total Capital Cost $ 2,130,000 Annual Cost $ 370,000 Phase II– Caledonia Area Treatment Facility Total Capital Cost $ 1,140,000 Annual Cost $ 191,000 Dents Run – USA-COE Restoration Project Total Capital Cost Annual Cost $12,202,646 $ 62,400* •- Assumed to be 4% of the capital cost of the passive treatment systems Total Capital Cost $15,472,646* * Does not include costs to reclaim AML sites with Health and Safety Problems Total Annual Cost $ 623,400 Bennett Branch Project Summary ¾DEP is investing significant resources for ongoing project planning, development, design, and capital construction. ¾ A dedicated source of funding for the continued O&M of the two active treatment facilities needs to be identified and committed. ¾DEP does not have the resources to commit to fund the recurring annual operating costs Expected Return on Investment BEFORE AFTER The End! Any Questions? For more information on the Bennett Branch Restoration Project: Subjects: Abandoned Mine Reclamation
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