the low rank coal policies in indonesia the low rank coal policies in
the low rank coal policies in indonesia the low rank coal policies in
THE LOW RANK COAL POLICIES IN INDONESIA Clean Coal Day 2013 International Symposium “Change for Clean Coal Business & Sustainable Coal Supply – Japan Coal Energy Center (JCOAL) Tokyo, on September 5 th, 2013 By Gultom Gushka Deputy Directors Of Coal Business Enterprises – Divisions of Productions and d Marketing M k ti Supervisions S i i off Coal C l DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF MINERAL AND COAL MINISTRY OF ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA CO CONTENTS S II. Current Condition II. Coal Policy III. Investment Oportunity IV Conclusion and Remark IV. I. CURRENT CONDITION Strategic Issues 1. Coal production tend to sharply increase each year. Realization of production in 2012 : 386 M Tonnes and will close to 400 M Tonnes in 2013, its about 80% still dominated by export. The role of coal is still to get government revenue ( in 2013 from Mineral & Coal Rp. 145 Trilyun compare from Oil & Gas Rp. 257 Trilyun) . In the future the role of coal as energy source will be crucial factor. In line with this, the control production will be very important. 2. The domestic demand of electricity tend to increase for chasing the growth of economic 6 % annually, and the coal utilisation in national energy mix for replace of oil will be increased to 60 %. In the future the domestic demand on coal also will be increase, we estimate in 2017 the demand of coal from electricity more than 100 Million Tons. The existing demand righ now for electricity (PLN+IPP) in Year 2011: 42 Mtons, in 2012 until Okt 2012 : 41.5 Mtons and in 2013 until June : 25.7 Mtons. The DMO for Year 2014 has stipulated from MEMR No.2901.K/30/MEM/2013, 30 307-2013 : 95.5 Mton (25.90 %) from Total Productions of 369 Mtons. 3. Because Lack of Infrastructure especially for coal hauling and port in Indonesia. Some regulations from local government are prohibit to use this facility. The province of South Sumatera has already stipulated in the letter of Governor, also Jambi Province. The government strongly accomodate with the investors for build this facility including of utilization of low and medium rank coal to liquifactions,up grading, gassifications, mine mouth power plant, and also for building a coal hauling, special port for coal (jetty) and special coal hauling road by train or ttrucking uc g . 4. For Coal below 3000 kkal/kg (GAR) is abundant in South Sumatera is priority for Mine Mouth Power Plant with the coal price is Cost + Margin. Also for coal up to 3000 Kkal/kg if special purpose for Mine Mouth Power Plant a long wayy of 30 y years p project j and g guarantee a supply pp y jjust only y for Mine Mouth Power Plant p purposes p also facilitate for Cost + Margin prices. Righ now the Ministry (MEMR) Degree regarding Mine Mouth Powerplant has already sent to the Law Bureu in Ministry (MEMR) office, the status was on going process. 5 In term of optimalizations of Government Revenue from royalty Tax Revenue)) there have a some actions p y y (Non ( which could be done such as : Evaluations of formula base on rank of coal, reconciliations of IUP, productions controls, budget & plan of productions annually for IUP/PKP2B, mechanism to collect a royalties before shipment or selling coal, the previous regulated 1 (one) mounth after selling time etc. THE DISTRIBUTION OF INDONESIAN COALS Res. 47 % Res. 53 % P d % Prod 90 % Prod 10 % TOTAL RESOURCES 159 Billion Ton (119.4 B T Open Pit & 40.3 B T U/G Very High ( > 7100 cal/gr ) High ( 6100 – 7100 cal/gr ) Source: Geological Agency, 2012 TOTAL RESERVES 32 Billion Ton Medium ( 5100 – 6100 cal/gr ) Low ( < 5100 cal/gr ) PERCENTAGE OF LOW TO MEDIUM RANK COAL IN INDONESIA 90% % 93% COAL EXPORT VS DOMESTIC LOW GROWTH OF DOMSTIE C SUPPLY‐ DEMAND “THERMAL COAL” in The World 8 REALIZATION OF COAL PRODUCTION, DOMESTIC, AND EXPORT ( 2008 – 2013 ) Produksi Production Ekspor Export Domestik Domestic Million tones M 400 300 200 100 DMODMO Batubara 353 240 80 67 64.9 64 9 56 53 306 208 198 187 304 273 275 254 391 386 66,3 82 67.3 67 3 85 74.3 74 3 0 2008 Production Export Domestic DMO coal 2009 2010 2008 2009 240 (100%) 254 (100%) 187 (77.9%) 198(78%) 53 (22.1%) 56(22%) 0 (0%) Catatan : *) realization year 2012 **) plan year 2013 0(0%) 2011 2012* 2013** 2010 275(100%) 208(75.6%) 67(24.4%) 2011 353(100%) 273(77.3%) 80(22.7) 2012* 386(100%) 304(78.8%) 82(21.2%) 2013** 391(100%) 306(78.3%) 85(21.7%) 64,9(23.6%) 66,3(18.8%) 67,3(17.4%) 74,3(19.0%) ***) DMO coal into force in 2010 REALIZATION OF COAL PRODUCTION BASE ON CALORIFIC VALUE (ADB) ( 2011 – 2013 ) Low Rank : ≤ 5100 kkal/kg ADB 100 – 6100 kkal/kg / ADB Medium Rank : > 5100 High Rank > 6100 kkal/kg ADB 2011 TOP TEN INDONESIAN COAL EXPORTS *) THAILAND ; 7,391,177.05 PHILIPPINES ; 6,828,441.66 SPAIN ; 4,076,829.00 OTHERS; 8,087,641.64 HONG KONG ; 10,659,584.37 CHINA ; 50,402,878.28 MALAYSIA ; 12,407,211.05 TAIWAN; 16,517,091.50 INDIA ; 30,976,142.98 KOREA, REPUBLIC OF ; 18,899,506.69 , , JAPAN ; 26,073,352.88 *) Data PKP2B + PT BA 2012 TOP TEN INDONESIAN COAL EXPORTS*)) PHILIPPINES ; 7,129,801.11 SPAIN ; 6,207,861.48 THAILAND ; 5,379,347.35 OTHERS; 3,642,319.68 HONG KONG ; 10,668,729.23 CHINA ; 64,152,011.24 MALAYSIA ; 13,459,354.57 KOREA, REPUBLIC OF ; 15 949 929 51 15,949,929.51 INDIA ; 29,113,888.27 JAPAN ; 25,738,309.90 TAIWAN; 16,390,645.18 *) Data PKP2B + PT BA KEMENTERIAN ESDM 180.00 160.00 Harga (US$/ton) 140.00 120.00 COAL PRICE REFERENCES Jan ‘13 USD 87.55/ton Feb’13 USD 88.35/ton Mar’13 USD 90.09/ton Apr’13 USD 88.56/ton Mei’13 USD 85.33/ton Jun’13 USD 84.87/ton Jul’13 USD 81 81.69/ton 69/ton Agt’13 USD 76.70/ton HBA 100.00 80.00 ICI‐1 ICI 1 NEX GC 60.00 PLATTS‐1 40.00 20.00 0.00 Note: calculated in 6322 kkal/kg GAR Note: ICPR is decided by following mechanism: 1 averaging 4 indexes ( NEX and GCNC as a references for international coal price; ICI‐1 dan Platts‐1 as 1. as a references for international coal price; ICI 1 dan Platts 1 as references for Indonesian coal price) to obtain a CPR 2. On the basis of CPR Calculate coal price marker by certain formula 3. Results of 2 is to calculate other coal base on Calorie,Moisture,Ash & Sulfur content REALIZATION IN YEARS 2008-2013 OF NON TAX FROM OIL & GAS AND MINERAL & COAL 70,5% 63,7% 71,7% 76,5% , 81,5% 77,6% 27,7% 18,5% Oil & Gas Mineral & Coal Note: *) plan 2013 22% 23,1% 28,9% 35,8% III. Coal Policy y KEMENTERIAN ESDM POLICY DIRECTION p p y Implement priority fulfillment of coal for domestic needs Provide certainty and transparency (Mining Law regulation supporting sanction violations of the provisions etc ) supporting, sanction violations of the provisions, etc.) POLICY DIRECTION Improving supervision on good mining practice Increasing investment and state revenues from mining Encourage the development of value‐added products (i.e. processing, local content, local expenditure, upgrading brown coal, labor and CSR) Maintain environmental sustainability through management and monitoring, including the reclamation and post‐mining) environmental KEMENTERIAN NATIONAL ENERGY MIX PLANNING ESDM 2010 Oil Gas (%) 2025 Coal New Energy Gas G 20 Gas 20,1 Coal 24,5 Oil 49 7 49,7 Oil 25 Coal 30 New Energy 25 EBT 5,7 2030 2050 Gas 18,8 Oil 9,4 19,4 Oil 20 Coal 31 New Energy 30,9 Note: New Energy: ((water, geothermal, , g , biomass,, waste, biofuel, solar, wind, nuclear) Gas 15 New Energy 40 Coal 25 ELECTRICITY DEMAND AND ELECRIFICATION RATIO Coal Demand for Power Plant Source PLN Priority for Domestic (DMO And Price Coal Policy) • Coal DMO as an obligatory for all coal mining companies (IUP and PKP2B). • Minister set up policyy on coal DMO and price ((Indonesia Coal Price Reference/ICPR)) coordinate with the governor/regent/mayor Domestic Coal Needs 2011-2013 DMO 2011 (revision) No Consumen/End User A Volume (million ton) DMO 2012 % GCV (kcal/kg) PLTU PLN IPP PT Freeport Indonesia PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara PT Pusaka Jaya Palu Power METALURGI 37,00 8 8,97 0,83 0,47 0,19 61,51 14,91 1,38 0,78 0,32 4000‐5200 4000‐5200 5650‐6150 5200 5000 1. 2. PT Inco PT Aneka Tambang Semen Tesktil dan Produk Tekstil Pupuk Pulp Grand Total 0,14 0,20 8,86 1,97 0,92 0,60 60 15 60,15 0,23 0,33 14,73 3,28 1,53 1,00 100 5900 ≥ 6000 4100‐6300 5000‐6500 4000‐5000 4500‐5500 C D E F Consumen/End User A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B No A PT PLN & PLTGB‐PLTGBB IPP PT Freeport Indonesia PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara PT Pusaka Jaya Palu Power METALURGI 57,20 10,76 6 0,83 0,54 0,19 69,70 13,11 1,01 0,66 0,23 4000‐5200 4000‐5200 5800 5000 5000 1. 2. PT Inco PT Aneka Tambang Semen Tesktil dan Produk Tekstil Pupuk Pulp Grand Total 0,13 0,19 8,40 1,93 1,30 0,60 82 07 82,07 0,16 0,23 10,24 2,35 1,58 0,73 100 5900 59 6600 4100‐6300 5000‐6500 4000‐5400 4500‐5500 B Volume (million ton) % GCV (kcal/kg) B PT PLN IPP PT Freeport Indonesia PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara 49,29 9,82 0,83 0,55 66,32 13,21 1,12 0,74 0,20 0,19 0,35 9,80 1,93 0,76 0,60 74,32 0,27 0,26 0,47 13,19 2,59 1,02 0,81 100 4000‐5200 4000‐5200 5800 5000 C D E F DMO 2012 (revisi) No Consumen/End User A METALURGI 1. 2. 3. PT Inco PT Aneka Tambang PT Krakatau Steel Semen T ktil d d kT k til Tesktil dan P Produk Tekstil Pupuk Pulp Grand Total • • 5900 6600 4100‐6300 6 5000‐6500 4200 4500‐5500 DMO is only 20 – 25 % of Total National Production Quality for domestic market : 4.000 – 6.500 Kkal/Kg GAR GCV (kcal/kg) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PLTU 1. 2. 3. 4. C D E F Consumen/End User % PLTU DMO 2013 No Volume (million ton) % GCV (kcal/kg) PLTU 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PLN IPP PT Freeport Indonesia PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara PT Pusaka Jaya Palu Power METALURGI 37,18 15,95 0,83 0,54 0,19 55,29 23,72 1,23 0,80 0,28 4000‐5200 4000‐5200 5800 5000 5000 1. 2. PT Inco PT Aneka Tambang Semen Tesktil dan Produk Tekstil Pupuk Pulp Grand Total 0,14 0,19 8,40 11,93 93 1,30 0,60 67,25 0,21 0,28 12,49 22,87 87 1,93 0,89 100 5900 6600 4100‐6300 5000 5000‐6500 6500 4000‐5000 4500‐5500 B C D E F Volume (million ton) DMO PERFORMANCE 2011 Apr 60 Milion ton Jun Ags Okt Des Kepmen ESDM 1991.K/30/MEM/2011 DMO batubara tahun 2012: 82 07 juta ton 82,07 Permen ESDM No. 34/2009: DMO mineral dan batubara Kepmen ESDM 2360.K/30/MEM/2010 DMO batubara tahun 2011: 78,9 juta ton 67 Milion ton 2012 Jan Mar Mei Jul Sept Nov Des Kepmen ESDM 2934.K/30/MEM/2012 DMO batubara tahun 2013: 74 3 juta ton 74,3 Kepmen ESDM 1334.K/30/MEM/2011 Revisi DMO batubara tahun 2011: 60,15 juta ton 42 PKP2B, 1 BUMN, 10 IUP Kepmen ESDM 909.K/30/MEM/2012 Revisi DMO batubara tahun 2012: 67,25 juta ton 40 PKP2B, 1 BUMN, 22 IUP Realization Solution Enhanced blending facility Increasing demand domestic: Mine Mouth Power Plant, gassificationi,coal liquifaction Coordinating with Mining Office, IUP Obligation for DMO 2013 74,3 Juta Ton: 45 PKP2B, 1 BUMN BUMN, 28 IUP 2014 (No.2901.K/30/MEM/201 3) Juta Ton: 95 Juta 48 PKP2B, 1 BUMN, 34 IUP IV. Investment Opportunity pp y INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY a) Infrastructure development (especially in Sumatra and Kalimantan) b) Increase the value of coal : gasification, liquefaction, coal blending and upgrading, especially for low low-rank rank coal c) Mine mouth coal development cooperation d) Development of underground coal mines cooperation Currentlyy coal development p p projects j included in the activities of MP3EI THE WAY FORWARD AND OPPORTUNITY EXISTING AND FUTURE PROJECTS OF MINE-MOUTH PP IN SUMATRA READY FOR TENDER = 2 2,600 600 MW No Project Name Capacity Status COD 1 B kit A Bukit Asam 4 65 MW 4 x 65 MW PLN E i ti PLN, Existing 1987 2 Ombilin 2 x 100 MW PLN, Existing 1996 3 Simpang Belimbing 2 x 113.5 MW IPP, Existing 2011‐2012 4 Sumsel 5 2 x 150 MW IPP, PPA 2015‐2016 5 Sumsel 6 2 x 300 MW Canceled 2016‐2017 6 Sumsel 7 2 x 150 MW IPP, PPA 2015‐2016 7 Sumsel 8 2 x 600 MW IPP, PPA 2016‐2017 8 Riau 2 x 300 MW 2 x 300 MW IPP, Negotiation IPP, Negotiation 2016‐2017 2016 2017 9 Banjarsari 2 x 110 MW IPP, Construction 2014 10 Keban Agung 2 x 120 MW IPP, PPA 2015 11 Jambi 2 x 400 MW PPP, Pre‐FS 2018‐2019 12 Sumsel 9 2 x 600 MW PPP, Auction 2017 13 Sumsel 10 1 x 600 MW 1 x 600 MW PPP, Auction PPP, Auction 2018 Total 6,747 MW POLICY STRATEGY OF COAL COAL RESOURCES SOU C S HIGH RANK (BIT, SUB.BIT) EXPORT MEDIUM RANK ((SUB.BIT)) DOMESTIC USE UPGRADING LOW RANK ((LIGNITE)) MMPP – Mine Mouth Power Plant MMPP GASIFICATION LIQUEFACTION POWER PLANT INDUSTRY The Regulations for Added Value of Coal Article 102 UU No.4 2009 IUP and IUPK shall increase the added value of mineral resources and / or coal in the implementation of mining process, processing and refining, and utilization of minerals and coal. Article 103 (1) IUP and IUPK OP required to process and refine the results of mining products in the domestic Article 104 (1) IUP and IUPK OP as intended by article 103 may extend cooperation with entities, cooperatives or sole proprietorship already obtain a Mining Permit or Special Permit Government Regulation g No.23/2010 Article 36 Where IUP OP do not perform activities of hauling and/or processing, this activities may be perform by other parties that hold : IUP OP Special for trading or IUP OP OP Special for processing or IUP OP. Article 93 (1) PP No.23/2010 The Mining Licence IUP OP of Mineral & Coal shall undertake processing & refining/smelting to increase added value either directly or cooperation with other companies, IUP OP or IUP OP Special for Processing Processing Coal including Of : Coal Crushing, Processing. Crushing Washing, Washing Blending, Up Grading, Briquetting, Coal Liquifaction, Coal Gasification and Coal Water Mixture (CWM). Article 94 PP No.23/2010 (1) IUP OP or IUP OPK shall undertake processing to increase added value to coal they produce, either directly or in cooperation with other companies, IUP OP or IUP OP Special for Processing (2) Companies as intended by section (1) shall have obtained IUP OP S Special i l for f Processing P i (3) IUP OP Special for Processing as intended by section (1) & (2) shall be granted by g y Ministry, y Governors, Regents/Mayors g y in line of the authority. y Ministry Decree No.34/2009 regarding DMO Ministry Decree No. 17/2010 regarding Price Regulation The Progress Of Development Low Rank Coal Technology in Indonesia Coal Centre in Palimanan with facilities : Bio Briquette, Pilot Plant : Actived Carbon, UBC, Foundry Coke, Gasification, CWM, Cyclone, Gassifikasi (1 MW) The Demonstration Plant JCF/JGC Coal Fuel with capacity 1000 t/year, coal liquifaction technology with feeding 2500 – 3000 k cal/kg to produce 4000 – 4500 k cal/kg slurry. For comparison 1 kl MFO equal with 2 kl JCF. MFO Price Rp.3.5 Million/kl and JCF Rp.1.5 Million/kl. If The demand for MFO in Indonesia let say 2.5 Million kl. The cost will be Rp.8.75 T, If It is substitute with JCF 5 Million kl/year the cost only Rp.7.5 T. The Effisiensi will be Rp.1.25 T/year. Binderless Coal Briquetting Technology (White Energy, Australia) for Comercial Plant capacity 5 million tons/year, and 4 other plant soon be built. The location of project in Tabang – East Kalimantan Coal Upgrading Briquette Technology PT Bhakti Energi Persada Coal Upgrading Briquette Project PT Pesona Katulistiwa Nusantara Coal Upgrading Plant PT Pendopo Energi Batubara Coal Upgrading & Coal Gasification Plant PT Delma Mining CorporationNusantara Sumatera SNG Project,DH Energy developed a Low Rank Coal to Gas, capacity 150MMSCFd (Feed Coal 5 million ton/yearly, ton/yearly FS since 2011 and off taker PLN Coal to Etanol Project in Kalimantan with Celanese (USA) Partner and Sanggaran Mega Makmur (SMM), This project to produce 400.000 t/tahun which is needs 2 million ton coal as a feeding, project status MOU with Pertamina. Arrtu Mega Energi (AME), will built refining and processing DME (Dimethyl Ether) from Coal in Cilegon Methanol M h l – Olefin Ol fi project, j to built b il naturall gas/coal / l – methanol h l and d Natural gas/ Coal – Methanol – Olefin integrated plant in Indonesia, MEX Energy under Yanchang Group. Feed Stock about 12 million tons @ 5000 cal/kg. Coal Blending Facility Coal Drying by IHI – Tigar Etc.. CLOSING REMARKS There are some strategic g issues that need to be covered in the develop p of coal utilisation for domestic , for instance: priority to increase domestic needs, added value of coal especially low and medium rank coal in Indonesia Government at present execute a number of efforts to solve these issues for instant guarantee of DMO for coal and Price Regulation of Coal (HBA/HPB). Government still process of revision of Directorat General Regulation 515.K/32/DJB/2011 regarding Indonesian Price Reference Coal (IPRC/HBA),Surveyor, Coal Price for reject coal and also Ministry Regulation regarding Mine Mouth Power Plant The foreign investment is one of the crucial factors for developing mining industry. There is a need to increase international cooperation to develop the technology h l off utilitation ili i off L Low R Rank kC Coall ffor D Domestic i N Needs d untilil comersial i l stages for the benefit of coal as a energy source for replacement of oil & gas energy.
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