April 2016


April 2016
Community Newsletter for Tauwhare
Tauwhare Transmitter
Circulation 370 and growing
April 2016 No. 439
In this issue:
Church Times
Tauwhare KFC
News from our Councillor
Tauwhare School News
Tauwhare Playgroup
Pukeko Preschool
Tauwhare Indoor Bowls
Tauwhare Village Weather
Women of Tauwhare
0800 555 147
Front page sponsored by
Waikato Shed Company
The Transmitter can also be found at the Tauwhare School website: www.tauwhare.school.nz/tauwhare-transmitter.
Page 2
April 2016
Tauwhare Community Notices
Tauwhare Community Hall
Church Services
is available for hire
11 am 24th April 2016
4th Sunday of every month at
St Andrew’s church, Tauwhare.
Main hall for private functions
or include kitchen, stage, and hall extension.
Committee Room (kitchen facilities extra).
Chairs and tables for hire for outside functions at
your home.
Contact Adelle Cooke
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 823 1906
Tauwhare KFC (Kids for Christ)
Tauwhare Jaguar Thai Boxing
Is up and running again. Come and join us on
Wednesday nights from 7.00 pm to 8.30 pm.
Everyone welcome. At the School
Ring Sharon or Shaun on 07 824 0878
Meets The first Sunday of the month
April 3rd (then May 1st)
9.309.30-11 am, At St Andrew’s, Tauwhare.
We have over 50 children from preschoolers to
teenage leaders and adults joining us each
We begin together with songs, and then divide
into 6 age groups for a focused story time based
on a biblical event or principle.
Anyone is welcome to join us.
Any questions, please feel free to contact:
Janine Broekhuizen,
Broekhuizen 824 0199, or
Fiona Sinclair,
Sinclair 824 0788
Playgroup at Matangi School Hall
every Wed. 9-11.30 am
During term time.
Please bring a plate to share for morning tea.
Cost is $10 per term donation.
Enquiries — Matangi School– 07 829 5735
Justice of the Peace
Peter Tancock JP is authorised to:
Certify documents
Witness signatures
Take declarations, affidavits or affirmations.
Please phone to make an appointment:
07 824 0104
Transmitter Contacts and Advertising Rates
Sharon Hodson
65 Scotsman Valley Road, RD7 Hamilton
Ph: 824 0878
Email : [email protected]
Community Notices
Classified Advertisements $2 for a small ad/insert
Business Advertisements $12/month for small adverts
Fiona Rhodes
E-mail [email protected]
Wendy Morris
311A Scotsman Valley Rd, RD1, Morrinsville
Ph: 824 0777
All contributions to Sharon, please, by the 20th of the month.
We would appreciate you popping the money for the classifieds in an
envelope with your ad. Business advertisements will be invoiced.
News from your Waikato District
I am receiving a number of calls around the appearance
of a pest plant Yellow Bristle Grass on our roadsides.
This summer-growing weed is now flowering and is a
significant threat to pasture quality on adjoining farms.
AgResearch’s advice for farmers is - to top it, spray it or
make silage out of it but don’t make hay. On roadsides it
can be topped but ensure the mown grass isn’t spat into
the paddock and be careful to clean your mower so the
seeds don’t spread to other areas. I am notifying staff of
areas of infestation and they are arranging for our
contractors Alliance to spray the affected areas. Thus far
I have been advised of affected areas in Eureka and
Tauwhare – let me know if it is in your road. Yellow
bristle grass is an upright annual-seeding plant growing
25-45cm high.The yellow seed head is a cylindrical 'spike'
2.5-10cm long.
The Eureka / Tamahere Wards Heritage Committee is
still meeting monthly and we plan to meet in different
venues around the Wards to enable more residents to
participate. I will let you know when we are meeting in
Tauwhare (likely to be the June meeting) so you can
bring along items of history (documents, photographs
etc) that you would like scanned and archived.
already have a domain name set up to ‘drop in’ items of
history for each of the districts – Eureka, Matangi,
Tauwhare, Puketaha, Newstead, Gordonton, and
Council is getting closer to finalising a plan to relocate
the Huntly Museum. Eventually this Museum will have a
role in archiving Waikato District history but until this
happens it is important that local documentation is
Work on our network of 2,422km of roads is now
managed by a partnership between Council and
Downers. This Alliance does work ranging from
routine maintenance and assessment, roadside mowing
and weed control etc through to construction of roads
and drainage. So far this partnership has been very
successful. The Alliance will shortly be moving out of
the Council building to the Strada building in
Ngaruawahia with Strada probably moving to Huntly.
As I mentioned in last month’s Transmitter the turning of
the first sod of the Hamilton Section of the
Expressway was held on 11 March and was attended
by the Prime Minister and Minister of Transport. This
21.8km section will cost $973m and is due to be
completed by 2020. It includes 17 bridges, five
interchanges and cycling and walking paths, will use
28,450 cubic metres of concrete, 212km of road
markings and 126km of fencing and it is estimated the
project will require up to 4 million cubic metres of
earthworks and 1.3m tonnes of aggregate. This project
will have quite an effect in some areas in the Eureka
Ward. There will be extensive “greenfield” work and a
bridge is to be built across Puketaha Road, an
April 2016
Page 3
interchange at the Ruakura Road/SH26 intersection and an
interchange at Greenhill Road. Ruakura Road will be
stopped just beyond Ruakura Motors and redirected to feed
into the Ruakura Interchange.
This month I attended the quarterly meeting of the
Hauraki Gulf Forum, at which I represent Waikato
I find the information we are given at these
meetings is very extensive and informative. The work
being done to preserve the environment in the Gulf is a
credit to those involved. At the March meeting we
received a report from IFAW (International Fund for Animal
Welfare) and it was interesting to learn that between June
2014 and Dec 2015 as the average mean speed of all
vessels in the Gulf fell from 12kts to 10.8kts the risk of
whale fatality trend also fell. We also heard that
monitoring at Goat Island Marine Reserve shows that,
although during the 1990’s the numbers of crayfish
increased four-fold and snapper were noticeably bigger and
more common, numbers of crayfish and snapper are lower
now than when the reserve was established in 1975. This
monitoring suggests fishing pressure on the offshore
boundary of the reserve for crayfish is so intense that
animals that stray outside it are being caught faster than
they are able to recruit back into the reserve. This shows
the need for greater integration between fisheries
management and marine protection and Government’s
proposed reform of marine protected areas legislation, its
review of the fisheries management system and the current
investment in the Sea Change Tai Timu Tai Pari marine
spatial planning process creates an opportunity to do this.
Hundreds of residents signed up to the Smart Water
website during the summer to receive information on
water alert levels and water saving tips. The Regional
Smart Water Coordinator is very pleased with the reception
of the initiative. Did you know that every minute less in
the shower saves around 14 litres of heated water that
would save around $90 per year on your power bill?
Planning for further sections of the Te Awa River Ride is
progressing with the designs for the bridge on the
Ngaruawahia to Horotiu section underway. Plans are also
progressing for the Hamilton to Cambridge section. The
Perry Bike Park will be opening soon with direct access
from Te Awa’s Horotiu section. Te Awa River Ride have
teamed up with Hamilton Gardens and Novotel Hamilton
Tainui to offer a range of new bikes for hire – full day and
half day hire is available which includes helmets and bike
locks and the bikes are available from both locations. For
more information contact the Te Awa River Ride Team or
read their newsletter on www.te-awa.org.nz
Contact me any time:
Rob McGuire - Councillor Eureka Ward
Ph. 824 3696 / fax 824 3645 / Mob 0274 970 966
Email [email protected] or
[email protected]
Waikato District Council free phone 0800 492 452.
Page 4
April 2016
The school pool will be closed after Easter. Please return swipe keys as soon as possible ☺
Huge congratulations go to our 23 swimmers that attended the city/country cluster swimming sports at Hillcrest
last Friday. They all swam brilliantly and were excellent representatives for the school. We were represented in
16 finals – the highest number of children in the finals ever.
A special thank you must go to Gary Brown for making the starting block for Tauwhare children to practice on.
This definitely had a positive effect on their confidence. A special thanks also to our teachers who have all been
up skilling and honing their teaching of swimming skills.
Blake Evans
Maddy Kay
Hannah Gordon
Jesimae Strawbridge
Danny Sinclair
Hannah Gordon
Maddy Kay
Emerson Bell
Mitchell Robinson
Danny Sinclair
Liam Wells
Hannah Gordon
Maddy Kay
Mitchell Robinson
Danny Sinclai
Bridget Hill
Matthew Sinclair
Hannah Gordon
Danny Sinclair
The whole school and pre-school
spent a day at the Waimakariri
Marae, and what a fabulous day it
was. We heard stories of the
history of Tauwhare and of
Waimakariri Marae from our Maori
elders. We enjoyed activities such
as harakeke weaving, waiata and rakau. We
all had such a wonderful time.
Our Topic - CONNECTED TO PEOPLE, CONNECTED TO PLACE is well underway with learning about
ourselves, our families, our heritage. Most children have completed their mihi and have drawn their visual mihi.
PROJECT ENERGISE have started our Healthy Eating sessions raising the children's awareness of the
nutritional value of a variety of food.
Teachers are involved in a wide variety of learning this year , including SOLO Taxonomy which teaches high level
thinking skills, Accelerated Literacy Learning and Incredible Years Programme for Teachers. All staff have trained
as CogMed Coaches this term. CogMed is a computer based programme which focuses on improving working
memory- which helps with things such as spelling, basic facts, memory recall and focussing ability. It is a very
exciting new programme which is backed by solid research from around the world.
See the school website for more news and a downloadable copy of the Tauwhare Transmitter
Tauwhare Playgroup
It has been a fun term so far, with lots of time for
outside play in the late summer weather. We had a
great time playing with the water play equipment,
filling watering cans and floating boats.
April 2016
Page 5
Pukeko Preschool
We would like to thank everyone who has been helping us
with our orchard as it is such a delight to eat apples from
our own trees.
Our focus at the moment is “Hope for the Future” and
with these amazing children Tauwhare is looking very
bright. We’ve been celebrating friendships and
developing our skills for looking after the planet and
growing food.
Building Update:
Painting is always a favourite activity for children (and
adults!). We often get the painting supplies out after
morning tea, for everyone to get creative. And we
have found that letting the children experiment with
colours and textures is more important than trying to
create something perfect to go on the fridge!
It is all on, plans have been drawn up, fire reports have
been done, the school wants their building back so this
means we need to get the building built. Everyone in the
Tauwhare Community owns the preschool and it is
important that we build a preschool that meets the needs
of future generations. Please feel free to pop in to the
preschool and meet the teachers, come along to trust
board meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of each month or help
out with the up and coming garage sale.
Our community preschool is in a good place and
we are looking for a chair person to lead us in the
coming years.This is great way to give back to the
community and if you have children attending the
preschool we offer a discounted rate for all trust
board members. If you would like to know more
about this position or joining as a trust board
member please see Clare or talk to Keren directly to
find out more about what the job entails.
We have spaces available most days – call in and see us,
ph 824 0860, or email us on [email protected].
We offer the 20 hours ECE and you may also be eligible
for the childcare subsidy. Contact us for more
About Tauwhare Playgroup:
Tauwhare playgroup is friendly and fun group, where
parents, grandparents, caregivers, children and babies
meet together in a relaxed environment.
We meet at the Multipurpose Room at Tauwhare
School between 9 am-12 noon every Thursday during
school term time. We are happy if people want to
come for just a short while, you don’t have to stay all
Please bring along a small plate of food for the
children’s shared morning tea, and we provide hot
drinks for parents and caregivers.
For more information, contact:
Pippa on 07 824 0846.
Like us on Facebook and keep up-to-date with what is
Call in and see us on the grounds of Tauwhare School,
contact us by phone 8240860, or email
[email protected]. And don’t forget to check
out our website, www.pukekopreschool.org.nz,.and like
us on Facebook: “Pukeko Preschool in Tauwhare”.
April 2016
Tauwhare Indoor Bowling Club
Opening night was enjoyed by all, and was a good
time for a catch up and play bowls yet again. Welcome
to Helen and George who are our newer bowlers and
very keen.
We extend an invitation to any person (s) who would
like to join us on Thursday evenings at the Tauwhare
Hall at 7.20 pm. Come and give bowls a try- it is a
game for Gents and Ladies and junior boys and girls
(aged from about 10 years) for further information
contact Robin - 07 824 1819, or go to the NZ bowls
website www.nzindoorbowls.co.nz
Bowls is a very affordable sport for the whole family
and an excellent way of meeting people residing in our
Good to see Ernie Morris return and welcome to Emily
who is also very keen. I have just perused the
contents of two large envelopes of bits and pieces
which arrived in the mail this morning. One from NZ
bowls and the other from Waikato Bowls. I will display
what I can on the notice board and the remainder will
be put with the 'please read ' folder on the stage.
Please take time to have a look at what is going on in
the bowls realm.
3rd March
Opening night
B. Meads G. Singers-Ritz.
10th March
Club Night
R Coxon N Stolwyk R Arnold.
17th March
Club night
R Arnold H Bargh
Runners up I Spencer E Morris.
Upcoming events
April 7th
Triples Championship
Open Tournament (plate please)
Erin Rosebowl (triples) at Matangi
Club Night (Family Night)
Rinks Championship
May 5th
Club night
Family Night - 21st April 7.20 pm (school holidays).
This was a great night in 2015 - make it happen again!
Family and individuals are all welcome.
Good Bowling Everyone
Robin Bargh 07 824 1819
Page 6
Tauwhare Village Weather 
For February 2016
 Total rainfall for February was 59.9 mm compared
with an average of 31.8 mm for the past 11 years.
Total rainfall for the year to date was 119.1 mm
compared with an average of 105.7 mm for the
past 11 years.
Maximum temperature was 31.9°C on February
12th, compared with an average of 28.5°C for the
past 11 years.
Minimum temperature was 9.9°C on February
25th, compared with an average of 6.7°C for the
past 11 years.
Highest wind gust was 53 km/h on February 18th.
Data provided by Marc Dresser, from the website:
Page 7
April 2016
Women of Tauwhare
We enjoyed a trip and lunch at Hamilton Gardens
arranged by Win and Pat. Not too hot for the walk
Cormett Hedgecutting
Next month, Monday April 11th, Delia and Maree are
organising our meeting, they will let us know later.
If any lady would like to join our group please ring Delia
8240812 or Alison 8240805.
Ride for Rhino – 24 hour Cycle Challenge
My name is Marc Herrmann. I
have lived in Tauwhare since I
was 5 years old but am now a
3rd year Veterinary Science
student at Massey University. In
July I will be attending a 2 week
voluntary wildlife veterinary
course in South Africa along with
14 of my class mates. To raise
money for this trip, as well as for
the organisation Save the
Rhino, I am attempting to cycle
407 km from Palmerston North to
Hamilton in under 24 hours.
I have set up a Facebook page called Ride for
Rhino – 24 Hour Cycle Challenge
rideforrhino24hourcyclechallenge/) Please give this page
a “Like” to keep up to date with the build-up and progress
of the ride.
I have also set up two online donation pages. The first
page is money purely for Save the Rhino: https://www.
justgiving.com/Marc-Herrmann The second page is to
support me getting to the wildlife veterinary course in
South Africa: https://givealittle.co.nz/cause/
marcherrmann# You can visit Save the Rhino’s website to
find out more about what they do to fight the growing
problem of Rhino horn poaching all over the world and
stopping Rhino’s becoming extinct: https://www.
Any support towards the Rhinos and/or my wildlife course
would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
We cut the Waikato!
2012 New Holland 6070 series
McConnel 5000 Mulcher Flail
353 Scotsman
Valley Rd
For a top cut and service please
RD 1
call Shane and Maree, the owner/
operator, no job too small
07 824 4824
“Canvas, Jute, or
satin lined for Calf Club”
I also manufacture
horse covers,
trailer covers
or any other kind of cover
you may want.
Good quality, P.V.C. horse
gear bags—can also be
used for dive bags.
Good quality at
reasonable prices.
Phone Narelle Pollock
824 0736
April 2016
Page 8
Page 9
April 2016
Beauty Clinic
Gorgeous Gift & Homewares
A fantastic treatment to improve skin texture
& tone, reduce pigmentation, improve
blocked pores & acne and soften fine
wrinkles and scars.
229 Morrinsville Road, RD6, Hamilton
Ph 07 8566890
(under new ownership)
Your Hosts Charlie & Jenny Evans
Lash&Brow Tint plus Brow Shape
Gift Shop Open Most Evenings until 9pm
(Please Phone/Text to confirm)
Doggie daycare/ Puppy socializing
Individual kennels with large runs
Spacious family units
Individual catteries
Medication and special diets catered for
Open 7 days 7.30-11.00am 3.30-6.00pm
Weekends open 8.00am
Tauwhare Village,
Village, 1092b Tauwhare Road
Ph: Jacqueline 8240950 or 0274 853985
Email: [email protected]
Book on line @ www.newsteadlodge.com
Concrete breaking
Brian Richards
m 0274 756 282
Harley Rake
(drives, lawns, races)
h 823 6425
Hole Drilling
Soak holes
Stump Grinding
Gun and boom sprayers
Small enough to gun spray your borders, path edges
and weeds around your home & big enough to spray
your paddocks for all types of weeds
6 Metre Boom for all pastural spraying.
Did you know, that we also spray Moss , Mould &
Lichen, using our very own Eco Friendly,
MUX-OFF Moss & Mould Killer.
Roofs, tiles, concrete paths, driveways,
post and rail fences...ETC...ETC...ETC.
Call Dan on 0211332580 or 0220203088
April 2016
Page 10
Phoenix Electrical Ltd
Residential Commercial Rural
Ph : 07 824 0824
Mob : 0273 490603
Email : [email protected]
Specialists in Two Way Radio Communications
Phone: 957 8191
Email: [email protected]
April 2016
Page 11
Justin Scanlan & Brendon Jones
87 Shakespeare St, Leamington
Floats and Stables: 215 Peake Rd, Cambridge
Phone Peter or Carolyn Blick: 07 823 4912 or 027 766 4181
Mobile: 0274 834267
Email: [email protected]
Wood Fire Supply & Installations
(Indoors & Outdoors)
Wood Fire Repairs & Maintenance
Chimney Sweeping/Repairs/Parts
Heat Transfer Kit Supply & Install
Producer Statements
(HCC & WDC Approved)
Fully Qualified Registered Installers
Workmanship Guaranteed
Servicing the Waikato
25+ Years in the Industry
Tauwhare Lawn Services
John Deere Z Trac 60 inch Mower
Loves big lawns, industrial, commercial and
lifestyle blocks,
Sub divisions, sections, road verges, parks,
reserves, school playing fields,
And will do paddock topping.
For free quotes, quick and efficient service
Owner/operator Jim Mantell
Phone 027 280 3457 or 8240 868
Page 12
April 2016
PHONE: 07 889 5980 / 027 414 0811
*Country garage providing great country
*All vehicle WOF, servicing, maintenance and repairs
* Air conditioning
*Pick up and delivery service on request. Loan vehicle
also available on request.
*Located just past Scotsman’s Valley
Farmers & Lifestyle Block Owners
Too Many Jobs? Not Enough Time?
We can help. These are just some of our services:
House security and property care
Shifting and looking after your stock
Emergency Farm Relief Relief Farm Work
Weed and pasture control General farm maintenance
Chain sawing and firewood collection
Day to day management
Seasonal advice Stock management
Pasture management Animal health
30 yrs practical farming experience
For Professional Honest & Practical Service.
Phone John now on 027 326 3118
Lifestylers Solutions & Services
Ph: 07 824 6070
Em: [email protected]
Local builder
Tauwhare Road resident
Registered Tradesman
Concrete work
New homes
Farm Buildings
30 years Building Experience
Craig Griffin Builders Limited
Phone mobile: 027 2792682
Phone/Fax After Hours: 824 1607
Email: [email protected]
Providing new installation and maintenance services to
the domestic, rural and commercial sectors.
We are approved installers of SmartVent home ventilation
Free no obligation quotes
Available 24/7 – after hours call outs
Phone: 07 8240192 Mob: 021990839
Email: [email protected] Website: www.gseltd.co.nz
April 2016
Page 13
GV and BR Membery
Building Contractor
Firewood for sale
Oak $110 per cubic metre (hardwood)
Macracapa $90 per cubic metre (softwood)
50/50 mix of oak and mac $100 per cubic metre
Light commercial,
residential or
concrete work
Light commercial, resident
Quality workmanship at
Delivery $10
All dry and ready to use. We recommend a mixture
of hard and soft woods. Hardwoods burn hotter and
last longer and softwoods burn more easily and
therefore faster.
Ring Jo or Christopher Brennan on 824 0121 or Jo
0274168986 & Chris 0272223677
An introductory course for beginners into piano.
Currently learning piano, passed grade 4 practical
with merit and grade 2 theory with distinction.
Quality workmanship at
reasonable rates
Graham Membery
829 5624 or 021 938 192
Mature 16 years old and very passionate about
This 10 week course will include both theory and
practical piano
$15 per half hour
All ages welcome
Contact details :mob- 022 095 1226
Email: [email protected]
Please don't hesitate to contact me for any queries
you may have or any extra information.
Free pest clearance
Rabbits again… If you a have a problem with rabbits
give Shaun a ring on 07 824 0878
Thanks to all those residents who regularly call on
Shaun to help control the unwanted guests on their
Shelley Tweedy
Work Wanted
Sophia has just turned 16 so she is looking to earn
some money.
Do you have any odd jobs or cleaning needing
Or baby sitting or child minding over the school
holiday period?
Please contact Sophia on 07 824 0878
P O Box 1141, Cambridge 3450
Phone: 07 827 6102
Fax: 07 827 4430
Email: [email protected]
At Shelley Tweedy & Associates Limited you will find a
passionate team who are committed to providing our
clients with an exceptional experience. We enjoy working
with clients to ensure that they receive an excellent service
that will meet all their needs.
Page 14
April 2016

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